#I'm also graduating a year later than planned so I think there's a lot of things she'd be surprised about
asexualhiccup2 · 2 years
Shout out to 10yo me who wanted to earn a doctorate to have a gender-neutral form of adress. Thank the heavens she learned about Mx (and others), I can't even imagine how stressed she'd be rn <3.
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berrystiles · 1 year
Right Where You Left Me
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Pairing: Steve Harrington x Fem!reader
Word Count: 10.1k
Content Warnings: Angst, Lovers to strangers kinda deal ya know, some cursing.
Summary: It's the summer before you head off to college, and there's a fear about that decision that keeps creeping in. You try not to let it drown you, spending time making summer plans for your friends and with your boyfriend Steve. It feels like you can do this, and you're happy to be staring into the summer ready to make memories that will carry you into college. However, unbeknownst to you something else is brewing and Steve has plans of his own. One unexpected breakup later and your summer now looks a lot more like trying to overcome heartbreak.
Author Note: I'm the only one to read over this, so me and Grammarly are all I have regarding editing. Also, I guess this is just what I write now! Inspired by my favorite sad girl songs, if you know them I'm sure you'll see them. I have ideas for a part 2 of this if anyone would be interested? All of this was supposed to be a one-shot type of thing, but it started getting long. Part two would be a resolution as we fade into a happy ending, and get some much needed answers.
Ao3 Link - In case you want to read it there
Steve Harrington is soft smiles passed your way over the tops of all the children he babysits heads. He is weekend movie nights spent curled up next to one another on his couch, so close that you sometimes think you could become one person if you tried hard enough. He’s not your first relationship, but sometimes when you can’t sleep at night there’s a reoccurring thought that he is going to be your last. Steve has been orbiting around your life since elementary school, close but never within reach. That was the way, only knowing him through rumors passed around the halls of Hawkins High, two passing ships in the hallway between classes. This last year though has brought him into your world, no longer is he a passing comet that you stop to stare at. Now he’s yours and your mom will chide and say it’s just high school love, but you can’t imagine a world where his hand doesn’t stay attached to yours. Call it whatever you want, but something about this just feels too real. The kind of love you hear about in novels, the kind people wax poetic structures about. You’re not sure what you did in a past life, or what karma you collected over time, but you’re thankful for the universe putting the two of you together.
The only bleak part of your future with Steve comes after summer ends. You’ve just graduated, and school is expected of you in a way that you know you can’t turn down. Steve has been more than understanding, it’s a pressure he recognizes from his parents. You have no clue what you want to do but your dad swears that you’ll figure it out when you get there. You manage to get into a good school but it’s 5 hours away from Hawkins. Your parents are ecstatic, they can’t stop talking about all the ways you’re going to grow in this next phase of your life. Your parents are the people who met in college, and even though they won’t say it there’s something about you needing to attend that feels a little like them trying to relive their glory days. You love them but you’re not sure if they know you or if they really listen when you talk.
You find that if you put on a smile and nod along to what they say though it gets you through conversations faster. It’s a small price to pay so you can escape the house and rush to Steve. Steve who you hate to leave behind, sweet Steve who has been there to hold your hand and be your rock through it all. You’re not sure if you’d be able to put up with your parents’ expectations if he wasn’t there with you holding you up. You worry you put too much on him like you weigh him down the same way your parents tend to do. Sometimes you tell him your concerns, and he’s always quick to quiet the fear.
The thing with Steve is he is so soft sometimes, and yet you can’t help but feel protected in his arms. Still though, even as he brushes your hair to the side, as his lips touch yours and he peppers you with affection and reassurance, you make a vow to yourself to try and reduce how much you complain. You can’t stop the anxiety that sometimes spikes up despite his kindness that maybe this all hurts a little too much for him. After all, his family held similar expectations for him. You know that his dad is a different kind of mean and demanding than yours. Your family feels like a small-time problem when put into the perspective of Steve’s parents.
You have a mantra you follow, reminding yourself that school, as daunting as it is, is still months away. You have a whole summer to forget about it all. A whole summer of nothing but your friends and Steve. You know you’ll be right next door at the arcade, your shifts and Steve’s always lining up because of a favor Keith owed you. There are plans in place that will carry you through. There’s the drive-in and their Friday night movie deals, sunny days that will be spent at Lover’s Lake, the regular Sunday brunch at your favorite diner, and so much more. You make sure to focus on those things, knowing that all of it will be enough to get you through that first semester of school once you finally go.
However, like with most things that seem to happen in Hawkins, your good luck runs out. You hate to say it, but you didn’t see it coming. Delusional bliss is apparently where you’ve been living and the rose-colored glasses you didn’t know you were wearing are snatched off your face without a moment of hesitation. Looking back the signs will be there in glaring neon colors, and you will hate yourself for missing them. For missing them to the point that you couldn’t even backtrack to fix where your so-called perfect relationship went off the tracks.
It's a week into summer and things are not at all going to plan. Your parents are pressuring you to cut your summer short and go to school three weeks early so you can settle in for classes. And honestly, it’s not the worst idea and if you were anyone else maybe it would be appealing. However, you’re on a fixed time frame and you don’t plan to give up one ounce of time with Steve and your friends before you absolutely must. Despite schedules syncing up, there’s a distance growing between you and Steve. At the time you understand, there are kids to be driven around and then his parents unexpectedly show up back home. You don’t blame him for the distance, you take it in stride and offer your support just like he’s been doing for you. The future version of yourself, will look back and call you an idiot for not digging deeper. But why would you? In all the time, though maybe it hasn’t been that long, Steve has never once been the cause of your anxiety. Never once has he ever done anything to make you question your relationship, or whether you can trust him or not.
After a week of only seeing Steve in passing and on lunch breaks, you finally get the chance to have uninterrupted time with Steve. He catches you on a break at work and asks if you want to get dinner once your shifts end. He doesn’t carry that same glowing smile he always does when he drops these moments on you, but you brush the thought aside assuming this is the residual damage from his parents. You’re just happy at the prospect of being with Steve so you’re quick to agree, and even quicker to pull him in for a kiss to seal the deal. In your excitement, you don’t notice how this kiss doesn’t feel like a welcomed hello, and later you’ll tell yourself that it was the first sign of goodbye. But in the moment Steve is pulling away, and he’s looking at you like he's tracing and memorizing everything about you. “I’ll see you after work,” is the parting sentence before he’s jogging back to Family Video.
Steve and you meet in the middle of your two jobs, and he holds out his hand just like he always does. He leads you to his car, asking you about your day. You tell him about the party coming in, and about all the different characters of teens who came in. You prattle on and on, all the way to your favorite diner. You ask him about his day and try to get him to talk more. A quiet Steve, with eyes not shining, is a version you hate to see. You want nothing more than to pick him up, hopefully, wash off all the grime that his parents so obviously threw on him in the short week they were home. It’s always hard doing this walk and dance, the scars his parents leave him with always cut deeper than you have an awareness of. But it’s never this impossible, by the time you’re leaving the diner you’re more worried about what happened during this visit home than you ever have been. You’ve learned with Steve that when it comes to his parents you can’t poke too much otherwise, he gets spooked. Normally, he finds a way to talk about it usually when you’re both back at his place and the light is off for the night. When it’s so dark in his room that you can’t see the way his face is lined with grief, and pain that he shouldn’t have to experience. You’re so used to the pattern that you don’t mind the car ride after dinner being just the sound of the radio. It’s not unwelcomed, it’s just a part of the pieces that happen, which is why you’re surprised when Steve parks in front of your house.
“Oh, are we not going to yours?” Your brow is furrowed as you turn in your seat to face Steve. Even when you don’t stay at his place, he still is always looking at you when you turn to leave. This time though Steve’s hands are still holding on to the steering wheel, and he can’t turn to face you when he finally gathers the ability to reply. “I don’t think we should see each other anymore.”
The radio is still on, and your ears pick up Whitney Houston singing a new song that’s been playing everywhere. “What do you mean,” your stomach feels like it’s falling right out of you and your brain is giving radio silence as you try to gain some understanding of what the hell is going on. You watch as Steve takes a deep breath like he’s centering himself before turning to face you. Every time Steve has ever looked at you it’s been with nothing but softness, an unquestioning gaze that always tells you what he’s thinking. The Steve before you though, these are eyes that aren’t that sweet look he normally gives you. Instead, this one is cold, one that you can barely recall. You have to pull at memories from his reign as King Steve to find some type of look that’s like the one you receive now.
“I just don’t think this is working,” he shrugs like this isn’t the biggest thing to ever happen before. Like he’s telling you something that should be common knowledge.
“I don’t understand, Steve.” There’s a burning feeling in the corners of your eyes. The sensation is a warning that if you don’t pull it together, you’re going to start crying. You don’t know how to pull it together because what little Steve is telling you sounds an awful like a breakup.
Steve sighs, something heavy like he’s just so tired of having to explain himself. It’s an odd sound and it rubs you raw because he hasn’t explained anything. How can he already be tired of a conversation that makes no sense?
“Look, I don’t want this to be harder than it is,” you cut him off before he can continue. “So don’t make it hard, just tell me what’s going on and why you’re saying all of this.” You don’t recognize your voice. The pleading tone sounds watery and not at all like what you know yourself to be. You don’t think you’ve ever begged someone in this way before.
“I just don’t feel the same way for you,” it’s so blunt and to the point that it leaves no room for argument.
“I don’t understand,” you’re repeating yourself and you hate that. You’re not stupid, you can usually piece things together faster than this. The phrase, ‘having the rug pulled out from under you’ rattles around in a way that suddenly makes total sense.
“I don’t know how to explain it any better. I don’t want to date you anymore. I don’t want to see you.” You didn’t realize before that the cold tone he was using still allowed for kindness. In this final statement, his words are ice, and you feel like you just took a plunge into Lover’s Lake in the middle of winter.
You have more you want to say, questions that you feel need to be asked. If you stay though you feel like you’re not going to get them, and honestly, it’s taking more energy to keep yourself together than it would be to stay. You’re not sure if you say anything else if there’s some kind of acknowledgement on your part. All you know is that your body is screaming at you to run. Staying in that car doesn’t feel like a place you belong, so you’re quick to get out. You don’t even make it to the door before Steve is peeling off and driving himself home. The action feels like the last break in any resolve you had. Your Steve would always wait until you were inside before leaving. Always telling you he'd rather know with certainty that you were safe before he ever left. It was one of those things that told you how caring he was, that showed how he loved you.
In what will later be referred to as The Aftermath, you have the next day off. Your mom hovers at your door, knocking and knocking. The sound makes your head hurt and forces you to pull your covers over your head like it’ll drown out everything else. If you had anyone else as a mother, you might be able to convince yourself that she’s doing it from a place of concern. The truth is that this is the same woman who when you came in last night, uncontrollably sobbing and barely getting out the words ‘Steve’ and ‘broke up’, your mom was asking if this meant you’d go to school earlier like she and your father want.
The tears had stopped sometime around when you finally found yourself falling asleep. They haven’t picked back up and everything you ever learned in biology screams out you’re dehydrated. There are things you should be doing, things that you have done for yourself when other relationships ended that made it so the person you were dating was nothing more than a faded memory. Maybe if you go through the ritual of it all, the gathering of reminders, and the disposal of memories it’ll make you feel better. There should be phone calls to girlfriends, and movie nights set up to help push you through these feelings.
Instead, you continue to stay in bed. Your limbs feel like lead, weighed down and stuck, too heavy for you to move. Your curtains are drawn so tight that not even the hot Indiana sun comes through to ruffle you into motion. Your wall has your attention, and you find yourself using the texture of the paint to trace all the lines in your relationship with Steve. Maybe if you follow them to the end like a map, they’ll tell you where you are and where you go from here.
In the midst of The Aftermath, in the bed of your grief, you manage to make one phone call. Well… that’s a lie. You make two phone calls. In no surprise to the imaginary audience watching you grieve; the first call is to Steve. The phone rings and rings and rings. Steve never answers and it should be a sign. You get the standard Harrington voicemail. Steve’s mom’s voice becomes the soundtrack to your day. She tells you to leave a message, and that the family will get back to you when they can. You open your mouth, no plan on what to say but surely there’s something there in your head that will tumble out. The answering machine beep is met with your silence though, just your breath coming through, you wonder if Steve will know it’s you even if you don’t leave your name. Does he still have you memorized in all the ways that you still know him? Did he forget about you in just the span of a day? Worst thought of all, did he even really take the time to trace you down in his memory the same way you did him?
You hang up after that last thought, still no name and still carrying the hope that it could be enough. Your second call is made two hours later when there’s still no call back from Steve, even though he should be off today too. Even though, there’s a piece of your mind screaming over and over that he should have heard the silence in the message and been able to read through it. Maybe that’s unfair of you to place that on Steve, but it also feels unfair that he had the power and took action to bring you where you lay now. The second call is to Keith at the arcade, where you know he’s working since you’re off today. The favor you cashed in on is wasted because your request is for him to take back your schedule.
“I can’t work the day shift anymore,” your voice is hoarse and throat sore as the words stumble out.
“That sounds like a you problem,” you grimace as you hear Keith chewing what you know are those stupid cheese snacks he always carries around.
You hold back a groan and tell yourself your next move, while incredibly bratty, is the only way that you return to work. Your parents hate you working at the place anyway, but you like the independence, you like having your own money and you don’t want to give up another thing this summer.
“It’s going to be your problem because I’m not working any shift that overlaps with Harrington. I’ll quit.” You hate how Steve has transformed into Harrington. Hate how removed it sounds, not at all reflective of how close you had been. If you say his first name though, you know you’re going to cry.
Keith whistles, the tone way too low and drags out in a way that makes you feel a wave of creeping anger you’re not used to.
“So, you and Harrington are over then. Knew he was stupid but didn’t think he was that stupid.”
“He’s not stupid,” your defense is soft, it feels telling of where you are. It isn’t harsh in the way that it should be. It’s not your job to defend Steve anymore, he let you go from that position last night after all.
“I’ll change the schedules,” is the response you get back and it’s the nicest thing that you think Keith has ever said to you. However, you know Keith, and this feels a little too easy.
“Is there a catch?”
“Nah, just can’t afford to lose you so consider it your lucky day.” It doesn’t feel like your lucky day, but you don’t say that. Just mumble out a thank you after he tells you that your shift tomorrow will be the closing shift and Harrington will be gone by then.
True to his word, when you pull into the shared parking lot of Family Video there is no sign of Steve’s car. There’s an awareness that it won’t always be this easy, that Hawkins is too small to go all summer without seeing him. And despite Keith’s previous comments on how he couldn’t afford to lose you, there’s also a silent understanding that he’s still going to be an absolute shit about all of this for the rest of the summer. Keith doesn’t know any other way to be, and it’s a moderate price to pay for your ability to at least show up to work without breaking down.
Dustin is the first one you see in The Aftermath, and you can tell by the way he keeps glancing at you in the arcade that he already knows what’s transpired between you and Steve. You’re not sure if it’s the telltale sign of the obvious breakup look you’re sporting, or if it’s Steve’s own admittance to the teen. Could be a combination of the two though. You looked in the mirror before leaving today. You’re fully aware that you look and feel like shit, and there’s no way to sugarcoat that.
Normally, Dustin would come to chat with you. Whether he’s with the rest of the party or by himself, he always says hello. He would do it before Steve, and you hoped that he’d do it after too. Dustin doesn’t say hello though, he avoids your gaze when you catch him looking your way, and even though you know at one point, he should come to you to complain about a machine he just leaves instead. The act makes you sad, it’s the first divide between the friendships you created and thought you would get to hold on to. Dustin might be in high school now, but he’s still a kid. Rationally, a piece of you should be able to string together how his silence speaks more about how he doesn’t know what to say and less about a side he’s choosing. Reality rarely ever plays out as it rationally should, so instead Dustin just becomes the first domino that falls, and you feel like you should have known everyone else would go along with him.
The next three weeks find you oscillating like a fan. Days spent hiding in your room, working up the courage to move and take care of yourself. Then nights of work or spent rummaging through polaroids that catalog your relationship. You always told yourself you put them in a scrapbook, something to hold the years together so in old age you’d have something to shuffle through. It sounds silly now, but the pictures sit in a shoebox of movie stubs from the Hawk, the receipt from your first date together, and the paper menu from the diner that you talked a waitress into giving you. There are notes scribbled on lined paper that were slipped into your jacket pockets when Steve would kiss you goodbye as he dropped you off at school, dried flowers from prom, and so much more. After a week of crying over the pieces, ink smudging thanks to fresh tears your body can create again now that you’re hydrated, you manage to shove the shoe box in the back corner under your bed. You had to slide it back there with the broom, but you know it’s not within reach now and that feels like progress.
You still dodge calls from your friends that you collected outside of your relationship. When they manage to catch you on the phone they whisper sweet condolences, but underneath it’s an unspoken blame of how you should have known. “He was the King of the school, he only knows how to break hearts,” your friend Val tells you over the phone one night. Val pops her gum on the other end of the line, and it sets off a chain reaction of emotions. You feel like you’re going through the five stages of grief in that moment. Val tries to invite you out and reminds you that Hawkins has more boys than just Steve Harrington. She promises you a good time, a night to help you forget all about Steve. You make an excuse and promise to go out next time, but both of you know it’s a promise you won’t keep.
Your parents seem to have set up some game plan amongst themselves. They’ve learned that they can’t tell you that your heartbreak is juvenile. Instead, they preach about how open you’ll be to new opportunities when you head to school. Your dad has the course list, where he got it from you don’t dare to ask. He tries to plan out your future over dinner, but you don’t even know what life you want for yourself. Before this you just saw Steve in the future, you had naïvely assumed you’d have time to sort out the rest. But Steve’s in the rearview now, and your parents want to know what life you plan to have in your passenger seat.
It's three weeks of juggling it all, but you still haven’t seen Steve. It should feel like the universe is still on your side, but really, it’s more of a cosmic joke. It should be finally time for some peace, instead, the world feels the need to implode again. Your parents are out of town, an annual get-together with their old college friends, and you’re home alone. It’s late, you’ve only been off work for 20 minutes when you get to the grocery store. The pantry at home is bare bones and you’ve been putting off the need to go shopping for the last three days. You’ve been supplementing meals through various fast-food restaurants on the outskirts of town. But you’re tired of driving so far away, plus the taste of grease has become less and less appealing as the days have dragged on.
The evening finds you shrugging off your name tag from the arcade and running into Bradley’s to do some shopping before they close for the night. The air conditioning hits you right as the doors open, it cools your skin in a way that summer nights never will. You close your eyes and pause for a moment, maybe you look crazy, but it’s late and you don’t anticipate anyone else is going to be poking around the store. You grab a cart and you’re on your way, trying to be mindful to be quick because you know how it feels to work a closing shift. You wander up and down the aisles of the store, with no real list in mind just grabbing what sounds good. Your diet is still in a post-break-up mode which means you’re either only consuming junk food or pushing food around on your plate still too sad to eat. Which means, it’s time to be gentle with yourself and just grab the food that calls to you. Now is not a time for healthy eating and hitting every food group on that pyramid they went over in health class.
Because of this though you aren’t paying attention to what’s in front of you. You move through the aisles of the store with your eyes on the shelves, still having confidence in the fact that it’s just you and the store clerk in here. But remember, Hawkins likes to implode both literally and emotionally. You swing your cart into the next aisle, already excited to be browsing the cereal options. You only make it a handful of steps forward, eyes already searching for the cinnamon toast crunch which you’re rarely allowed to bring into the house otherwise your mom will complain. Your cart jolts and pushes you back, and you look up to find that you’ve hit another person’s cart.
You feel silly, and your cheeks are warm in an embarrassed flush. “I’m so sorry,” the words tumble out as you drag your gaze up to see what suburban mom you’ve managed to piss off tonight. When you see who it is though you find yourself wishing it was a mom about to yell at you, instead it’s Steve, you find yourself in front of. He says your name, a hint of surprise, and what you might have previously labeled as nervous energy. You must look stupid, both of you really, just standing in silence as the hum of the grocery store lights buzz on and the radio station the store is set to plays out louder than it should. Steve’s cart is full of popcorn, and snacks that you can trace to each teen you know he babysits, there’s even Robin’s favorite chips and the beer that Eddie likes to drink. All of it slides together and reminds you that it’s Saturday, which means movie night at Steve’s.
You don’t know what to say, and you feel like a deer caught in headlights. Frozen so that you can’t even run to escape the impending collision that is about to take place. It’s Robin rounding around the corner, her voice loud and unapologetic in a way you have always admired. “Hey, dingus, should we grab some ice cream for Erica, or do you think…” her voice trails off as she catches sight of you. “Oh,” and you look to Robin, she raises a hand to give a small wave at you and smile. It’s enough to also jump Steve into movement again, saying your name and you don’t wait to see if there’s more.
You don’t say anything as you turn to leave, though maybe you should have, at least to Robin. But she’s the headlights turning off and giving you the freedom to run. You can eat another fast-food burger tonight, and you hate that you’re just leaving your cart in the middle of the cereal aisle. But you can’t, you won’t just sit there and let yourself wonder that store when it’s obviously not a safe place.
The air conditioning hits you again as you run out the doors. No time to pause this time, and you actually seek comfort in the sticky heat that greets you outside of Bradley’s. The crickets sing to you as you rush to fumble with your keys and drive away before your past tries to catch you outside. You got three weeks of no Steve, and you had been lulled into this fantasy of maybe being okay someday soon. This though, this small interaction, where you didn’t even really talk to him, has shown that you’re not close to that. When you finally manage to pull into your driveway, your hand bangs down on the steering wheel. You mumble to yourself, “that was so stupid, you just ran?”
You’ll eventually make your way into the house about 15 minutes later, after you had completely gone over the entire interaction about three times. You know it will continue to replay all night long. It’ll be inside that you realize you never even stopped to get food, too focused on seeking the safety that you can apparently only find in your room these days. Time drags on and you keep opening and closing the fridge and the cabinets hoping that food will magically appear the next time you start looking. It’s late, Bradley’s will have to be a tomorrow you type of goal. You know Steve and the group will be up late tonight which means the morning will be safe.
You’ve resigned that tonight’s dinner will be a pack of saltines you find buried in the back of the pantry when there’s a knock on your door. Your friends know not to show up unannounced, and if your parents managed to come home early, they wouldn’t be knocking. It’s Hawkins, you remind yourself as you creep to the door, but then the additional it’s Hawkins kicks in and there could be anything waiting for you. You grab your mom’s tennis racket from the closet by the front door and peek out the peephole, but your porch light isn’t on, and you can’t see anything. When you open the door, tennis racket at the ready, there’s no one there. Instead, sitting on the mat right in front of your door is three bags of groceries from Bradley’s.
The bags contain all the items you remember dumping into your cart, including the added addition of one box of cinnamon toast crunch. You can’t prove it, there’s no note, but you don’t really need it do you? There are only two people who would have had access to the cart you left behind, and only one of those two would have added in your favorite cereal. An internal debate rages inside of you, one side of you wanting to leave the food on your porch. Hoping that maybe later Steve will drive by and see it still sitting there. Maybe it will be an ounce of the hurt he's inflicted on you. The other part of you though, the part whose stomach is literally just growling at the prospect of food, wins out. You drag the bags inside and spend the night cycling between the incident in the store and what the bags of food on your porch mean.
The next day feels like a relapse, and you find yourself pacing by your phone, the internal debate to call Steve rages on in your mind. The number of times you pick up that phone and start to punch in his number is too many to count. There’s only one time when you get through the whole number, you only let it ring once before you’re slamming the phone back down and rushing off to your room. You throw yourself onto your bed, face first into your pillow, and you scream. It feels like every emotion that’s been building up since that night in Steve’s car just forces its way out of you. You spend the rest of your day in bed, Don’t Dream It’s Over plays on repeat as you stare at your ceiling and only recognize time passing by the light that streams in from your window.
When your parents come back a week later you say that you want to leave Hawkins earlier after all. They don’t even ask why you changed your mind. They don’t press the issue, which you figured they wouldn’t, but it still stings. instead, they celebrate. Your mom pulls you into her arms and excitedly tells you that it’s the second-best decision you’ve ever made. Your dad chimes in about how the first was applying to college in the first place, his hand feels heavy on your shoulder. The smile you wear feels like it was pasted on, like some macaroni art piece a kindergartener does. Your parents don’t notice though, they never do, they move on already making plans about your departure. The choice doesn’t feel right, but then again, you’re not really sure what the right choice is any more or how it should feel.
You spend the rest of your summer forcing yourself into spaces you don’t want to be in, but it feels like you have to. You got to parties with Val, you spend summer days at the pool with your friends as you planned. It may not be all the friends that you had anticipated being with but it’s something. You feel like with each activity you do you’re adding another band-aid to your heart hoping that this time maybe it’ll stay together. There are times, like at the community pool, when you sit with your friends, and you don’t really feel there. It feels like you’re playing a part and you’ve never been a good actress, so you’re still surprised when everyone just believes it.
Time and life keep moving forward and you wish it felt like you were too, but you still feel stuck. Your parents think that time won’t start moving until you’re away at college, and your friends believe that you need to start dating someone new to feel like you’ve moved on. You don’t think any of them are right but again you’re still stuck wondering what the right move is and how it’s supposed to feel.
What you do manage is to only catch glimpses of Steve for the rest of the summer. You see him at the movies dropping the party off, and you catch him one day leaving Family Video when he’s stayed too late. There’s another day at the grocery store, where you find yourself hiding behind a display stand to avoid the awkward run-in. You see him but you don’t think he ever sees you. You’re not sure if that’s exactly what you want, but if it is then why does it still also ache? A week before you leave you seek Steve out. You spend the morning giving yourself a pep talk, you take the time to perfect your outfit and ensure that you look better than you feel. This encounter is in your control, and you want to make sure it all goes off without a hitch.
You march into Family Video. You’ve been waiting for Robin to leave for her break and for a lull in customers to happen. When all the stars align you take a deep breath, shake out the nerves and move forward with purpose. You have a week left in Hawkins and all your teen magazines have told you that if you want to start college off right you need closure.
The bell above the door rings out in a way that feels louder than you remember. You don’t let it stop you though, you move forward and watch with some satisfaction as Steve’s head pops up and surprise washes over his face. Good, you think to yourself, finally, he knows what it’s like to be ambushed. You’ve planned out what you want to say so once you’re at the counter you speak before Steve can completely derail you.
“Harrington,” the last name comes out a lot calmer than you thought it would, you feel confident. “I leave for school next week…”
“Next week?” Steve interrupts, he looks like he has more to say but you send a glare his way which is enough to have him holding back words. If you paused long enough to just stare at him, you might wonder if he's disappointed, but you don't let the silence linger long enough to notice.
“As I was saying, I leave next week for school, and you owe me some type of closure or explanation for what happened. I’ll be at the diner tomorrow night, 7 pm and I expect you to show up.” You’re proud of yourself, your voice has an edge to it that leaves no room for disagreement.
Steve just says your name and he says it in the same soft way he did when you first started dating. You feel ruffled and some of that confidence feels like it’s being washed down a drain somewhere. “No,” you interrupt him. You can feel the tension in your forehead, you know your brows are furrowed and the frown on your face is reflecting your real emotions instead of some mask you’ve been wearing.
“You just dumped me, out of the blue and you gave me no explanation. I’m leaving next week, and you owe me this. You don’t get to dump me, say that you don’t care for me, and then leave groceries on my doorstep, Steve.” Something in your words must hit a soft spot that you know Steve still has inside of him. Even if his feelings for you are long gone, Steve has always been gooey and soft like caramel on the inside.
“Yeah, okay. I’ll be there.” You stare at him a moment longer, trying to figure out if you’re getting an honest response. Once you’re sure you are you nod and turn to leave. When you were dating you never liked saying goodbye to Steve, it was always a see you soon. Now when you leave there’s no goodbye, but it’s more because you don’t want to waste another word on him. Not when you need to prepare for tomorrow.
The next night finds you showing up at the diner first. The waitress recognizes you and tells you it’s been a while since she’s seen you. You don’t have the heart to tell her the reason why, you just smile and walk to the booth that used to belong to Steve and you.
You don’t feel as prepared for your conversation tonight as you would like, but you do feel less fragile. Somewhere between yesterday and today, you’ve managed to slide into the anger stage of your grief. There are times when you’re not sure if you’re going to just hit Steve as soon as you hit him, or worse. Worse is that small intrusive thought that you have about kissing him one last time. It’s weird because you’re so angry, the angriest you think you’ve ever been before. You feel like a pot that was left on a burner too long, just boiling over the edge and sizzling when you hit the stove eye.
And yet, behind all that anger there’s still the part of you that loves Steve. That piece of you can’t even remember the last time you kissed. You have fuzzy memories of when it might have happened. Maybe a goodbye kiss as he dropped you off at home, something that happened underneath his comforter as you both tried to hide away from the world a little longer. Either of those or something more is possible. It’s just... how were you supposed to know you needed to remember it? You think that maybe this time if you knew it was the last, you’d feel more prepared this time. Maybe it’ll help you feel better.
You slide the salt shaker between your hands, watching as it glides over the table as smooth as butter. Another glance at the clock tells you that Steve is late, Steve who was never late to anything that had to do with you before. The heat starts to turn up, and you feel more and more like that roaring boil of the pot. Twenty minutes after the hour he was supposed to be there the bell chimes above the door.
You don’t give in to the urge to look, you watch the salt continue to glide over the table. You know already it’s Steve because that same waitress is telling him that his girlfriend is at the regular booth. Steve doesn’t even correct her, at least not that you can hear. Steve slides into his seat as easily as the salt continued to glide on the table. All the anger you felt feels like it whooshes out of you. You go from feeling like a boiling pot to a balloon that was blown up and then let go before the air could be sealed inside.
As you sit across from him, the silence stretching on like the miles on an interstate you find yourself spiraling. People, mostly your friends and parents, have implied that it was childish of you to assume that your relationship with Steve would be anything long-term. And maybe you were, maybe somewhere in it all you got swept up in teenage fantasies. Sitting across from him though reminds you how it happened. For all the pain he’s caused, Steve Harrington is still the prettiest sight you’ve ever seen.
The people of Hawkins can gather and label you as simple-minded for all you care. Slap a label on you and shelve you in the town library with all the other romance novels, you don’t care. Because for all that they say you saw yourself creating a future with this man in front of you. Sure, maybe you romanticized it all, but God… you would have married Steve if he had given you a chance.
It’s that thought that spurs you back into the anger portion of The Aftermath. Because you didn’t build your relationship up by yourself. Steve was there too, he’s the one that layered the cement for your foundation. Steve with his endless flirting, his soft compliments, his whispered promises of forever. And even at the end, Steve left you with no explanation for this exit he took. And you can’t start your journey until he finally tells you why.
“You never really gave me a why for what happened at the end. I hate that it’s been months and I can’t let go of you, and maybe I’m just oversharing here, maybe I cared more, but I have to know. Steve, what the hell happened to us?” You’re surprised how quickly the words come out, but you’re pleased that they sound so tough. If Steve is surprised that you had to break the silence, he doesn’t show it.
“We’re young, this wasn’t going to be forever.” Steve’s voice isn’t loud, but it feels like it echoes in the diner. You want to sink into the vinyl of the booth, but you know you can’t.
“See, you say that but,” you take a breath to collect yourself to figure out how you say this all. “We talked about plans, Steve.” You look up, it’s easier to stare into the fluorescents than into Steve’s eyes. Your nerves make themselves known as you feel your fingers picking at the dry skin around your nails.
“Maybe somewhere along the way, I was looking farther into the future than you were. And if I was then I guess that’s on me.  But I didn’t even know forever was an option until you gave me the words to use.” You shake your head like it’ll knock away your disbelief. Your gaze drifts from the lights to your hands gathered on the top of the table now.
“There was that time,” You lay your hands flat on the table hoping the action will stop the nerves from expanding. “We had only been together for like 4 months, and it was that really rainy day?” It’s a question, a quick uptake that doesn’t need an answer. You finally look to Steve again, waiting for some recognition to spark in his mind before you bulldoze on.
“We stayed in your bed for hours, wrapped up in one another. It was the laziest and softest day we had since we started dating. And there was that moment, and you told me that you wanted pause time.” A grimace of a smile forms, and it’s a bitter laugh that accompanies it. “You wanted to stay in that moment forever, do you remember that?”
Steve, who has been so emotionless through your every moment since you broke up, seems to finally crack. You watch emotions slide out of him as you wait for a response.
“I remember.” It’s a whisper, a barely audible acknowledgment of your past. If words could hold weight though, if they could carry more than a sound, you think those two would weigh a ton. They sound heavy at least, and for once you’re happy you don’t have to offer to carry them for Steve.
“So, when did that change?” You press on, encouraged by his response.
“I wish I could tell you. I wish there was a day or a time if that would help you. It was slow, and then it was just there and so I ended it.” Steve’s response is a rush of words, and his gaze isn’t even on you. It all collides together like a car crash. And just like a car crash once the collision hits, you can’t look away from it. It feels like a tragedy, and you know you shouldn’t stare, but human nature is human nature, and you can’t change that. Maybe there’s more to say after his confession but instead, Steve leaves without saying goodbye. His departure is quick and you calling his name is the only thing that follows him.
You stay stuck in that booth for a while, Steve’s words rolling around in your head like a tumbleweed. This was supposed to be closure, but it doesn’t feel like anything has been closed. You feel like you’re trying to piece a puzzle together but some of the pieces are still missing. Steve is the only one that has them but he’s refusing to let you see them, so you don’t even know what you’re trying to put together.
A small nagging part of you feels like there’s still more to this. Like something bigger is at play. But if Steve isn’t willing to share with the class despite all your opportunities for him to do so you’re at a loss. You have to, at a certain point, accept the fact that this is an unknown portion that you’ll never get answered. You hate that, hate how bitter it tastes, but you have no other choice than to find a way to work towards it. Because if nothing else, this night has shown that you can’t keep this candle burning when someone is actively blowing it out. It’s time to snuff the flame out yourself. You want to hope that maybe it’ll be easier once there’s some distance between Steve and yourself. Maybe if you’re no longer hiding from him at the grocery store that door that feels like it’s still wide open will start to close and you can move on.
The day before you leave feels like a round of goodbyes. You hadn’t told anyone besides Steve that you’d be leaving early. Your friends are surprised, and you smile and tell them you’re just excited. Steve had always been your secret keeper, the only one that knew the fear you had around going to college. So, you know your lie will go over smoothly with your friends, and just like you’ve been doing for the remainder of the summer your mask of ‘I’m fine’ will help sell the story more.
It's the kids and Robin that you feel the most torn on, the ones that you struggle with when it comes to a goodbye. The breakup fractured a lot of things in your life, and it feels like maybe you lost them all somewhere this summer. They were never really yours though, so how you could have lost them you’re not sure. In the end, you solidify your resolve and even if it means nothing to them it does mean something to you. You’ve already worked your last shift, and yet you sit in the shared parking lot of your former work and the only place you’re guaranteed to find everyone you need all at once. Since the mall is long gone, this is the best place to be on a hot summer day. Unless you want to share the pool water with the rest of the Hawkins. You wait, you let Steve leave for his lunch, and you take that as your moment.
There’s no speech planned, nothing too major in your goodbye. Robin’s surprised face is what greets you when she looks towards the bell ringing. A soft exclamation of surprise escapes her and she looks confused. “I don’t want to waste your time,” you find yourself telling her. This is the quietest you’ve ever seen Robin.
“I just wanted to say goodbye. I know you’re his friend, and we haven’t really talked since… Well, you know when, but sometimes you felt like my friend too and so I just wanted to say goodbye before I left and that I’m sorry I didn’t say anything to you before this.”
All your words sound so unsure, and you feel like you should be phrasing questions instead of just statements.
Silence hangs over the store, and you feel like if you don’t leave it’s just going to grow more awkward. “Okay, well then.” You mumble to yourself, and you force a smile and a wave before you turn to go. You make it to the door, it’s open and you are half in the heat and half in the air conditioning when Robin finally speaks.
“I’m sorry,” it’s not what you expect, and you throw a glance over your shoulder. Her face reflects the apology she’s given you. “We were friends, it’s just-” You shake your head and interrupt.
“It’s okay, Robin. He was your friend first, I’m glad that he had you and the kids.” You smile, and it feels real this time. “Maybe when I get back for winter break, we could be friends again?”
 “I’d like that.” Robin matches your smile, and her nod is enthusiastic. You wave one last time and head fully out into the heat, you’ve got one more stop right next door and then your goodbye tour of Hawkins will be over.
The kids are right where you expect them. Tangled together around one of the games, with Max behind the controls. You wait until the losing screen comes on before addressing them. Your goodbye with the kids is just as short as your one with Robin. “You know I’m kind of gonna miss watching you all hold these games hostage,” Your tone is cheerful, not at all scared like you feel inside. The kids are quick to turn around and it’s Will that matches your tone when he calls your name. Will has always been the kindest of the bunch, and he’s quick to hug your side while everyone else smiles and says hello.
Max is the one to break the greetings, always the most impulsive of the group. “What are you doing here, do you work today?”
“Uh no, actually I came here looking for you guys.” You feel like you stumble over your words, especially as Mike gives you the most suspicious look you’ve ever seen him throw your way. He’s always hard to please, but you feel like maybe you shouldn’t have added him to the goodbye tour after all.
“I just wanted to say goodbye, I know we haven’t talked this summer but still.” You find yourself shrugging as you finish talking.
“You’re leaving already?” It’s Dustin this time, and you find yourself surprised. He hasn’t talked to you since the breakup, and you assumed that would carry over to this conversation. His tone sounds disappointed, and you find yourself feeling guilty for a reason you can’t name.
“I leave tomorrow,” there’s a chorus of groans and refusals that leave the kids. Something like regret swells up because sure these were Steve’s kids first, but they were kinda yours too. You knew them before Steve and had a whole weird dynamic with them before you even knew Steve worked next door. A part of you feels like you messed up this summer by not making more of an effort with them.
“I’m sorry about this summer,” the expressions they turn your way feel like they know too much for kids who are too young to be wrapped up in your love life drama. “We’re sorry too,” Lucas tells you. “You have nothing to apologize for okay,” you look at each one of them, the look on your face leaves no room for argument. It’s always worked with the group.
“Maybe when I get home for winter break, we could all do something together?” You offer them the same olive branch that was extended to Robin. Everyone, Mike included you’re happy to note, nods their head. You find yourself ruffling Will’s hair, he’s still the closest to you. “It’s a plan,” you tell them. “I’ll let you get back to the game, make sure you keep that top spot!” Max tells you not to worry about it, a smirk already forming on her face. You give them all one last smile and make your way out of the building.
You think you’re done, and you feel as at peace as you think you can manage under the circumstances of it all. You unlock the door of your car, plans already in mind for what is left to pack up for the trip tomorrow when someone is calling out your name. You look up and find Dustin running towards you. You meet him part of the way, and he’s throwing his arms around your waist and squeezing you tight. There’s a huff of surprise that forces its way out upon the impact, but you don’t hesitate as you return the hug.
His voice is muffled, and you rub soothing circles on his back. “Dustin, I can’t understand you.” You keep your voice soft like you’re talking to a startled animal. It’s just a moment before he pulls back, and you’re met with a teary face. “I’m sorry I didn’t talk to you this summer,” Dustin’s words are rushed and come out as almost one sound. You find yourself shushing him and pulling him in for another hug. “You’re all good, it’s okay.”
You give him a minute to just feel his big feelings before you push him back. Your hands rest on his shoulders and you find you don’t have to bend down too far to meet his gaze. You wonder when he started getting so tall and remind yourself it was probably sometime this summer.
“Dustin, I’m not mad or upset or anything okay?” You wait for him to nod along to what you’re saying. “I’m sorry you got caught up in all this,” there’s enough stress on sorry that you think it could take off like a jet with the force you’re pushing it out. “Steve and I were the adults, you shouldn’t have been caught up in the middle, okay?”
Dustin looks like he’s going to argue, “No arguments! This was between us, and we should have made that clear.” Dustin stares at you for what feels like a minute before he nods.
“I’m gonna miss you,” is what Dustin tells you next. “Keith is never gonna be as cool as you. Whose going kick all the older kids off the games for me?” You laugh, happy to see him joking with you now.
“I’m going to miss you too, kid.” You give his shoulders a squeeze, “I’m going to give you a secret, use it responsibly, okay?” Dustin gives you an excited look and nods his head quickly, “I promise,” he says.
“If Keith gives you any trouble, just tell him that you know about Lucy.” Dustin has questions you can tell. “Keith won’t ask you to tell him, he’ll be too embarrassed. If he asks how you know, then you just tell him I told you. He’ll do whatever you want.”
There’s a part of you that feels like maybe you’ve given him too much power, but Dustin’s always been a smart kid and Keith has always been a dick to him, so you don’t feel too much remorse. Someone should be benefiting from the information anyway, and Dustin feels like the right one out of the party to hold on to the information.
“With great power comes great responsibility,” You quote to him, it’s a quip he used to tell Steve all the time before you started dating. Something from a comic book if you remember correctly.
Dustin’s smile is blinding, “You were always too cool for him you know, it’s his loss.” You smile and hope it doesn’t come off as sad as it feels. “Thanks, Dustin.”
You ruffle his hair, just like you had done to Will. Dustin bats at your hands and you push him toward the arcade, “Go spend time with your friends. I’ll see you in December.”
Dustin starts to go but turns back just as quickly. “You promise?” The happiness that had been there before has been replaced with worry again. “I pinky promise,” you hold out your pinky to show him you’re serious. Dustin comes back just to seal the promise and then waves goodbye again returning to the arcade.
The next morning, when every spare inch of space in your car is covered in your belongings, you finally feel like you could actually leave this place feeling okay. Things are not at all the way you thought they would be when the summer first started. You also still feel a weird sort of dread about attending college, but it feels like you could conquer it. If you could do this, this weird limbo break-up, then you think college can’t be that bad.
Your parents aren’t going with you. Despite their excitement and all the ways they’ve pushed you into this decision, they have both told you they feel you have to do this alone. Everything is set up for you, your dad has given you a paper with your new address on it and a credit card for emergencies. You know in both their eyes they’ve done their job as your parents. They’ve paved the way for success and now it’s your responsibility to make them proud.
It feels fitting that you leave Hawkins the same way you started the summer, all alone. You tell yourself that this is what you need. You tell yourself a lot of things as you make your way to the town line. You try not to look in the rearview mirror, too afraid that you’ll see everything you’re leaving behind and change your mind. You remind yourself it’s a few months, and that you can do this. You just hope that you aren’t lying to yourself. You may not feel happy, but you also don’t feel completely numb either. Maybe that’s the right type of progress though.
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ineffablesuffering · 10 months
Read to Me (Aziraphale X Reader)
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So I'm back with a self indulgent fic. I love War of the World's and as I was reading it I thought this up. I hope you enjoy!
Pairing: Aziraphale x platonic!reader
Warnings: none!
Word Count: 1281
It had been a long day. Everything that could have went wrong, went wrong. It started when you missed the bus and had to get a taxi to work, then your interactive whiteboard wouldn't turn on, the children wouldn't listen and then to cheer yourself up, you bought a coffee and proceeded to drop it within 5 minutes of buying it. It had been a long day. The knowledge that it was Friday and you had the weekend to recover was your only comfort.
You walked along the streets of Soho, the sky's darkening as you clutched your bag close to you, focusing on trying to get to your destination before the rain came down, but it was no use. The heavens had opened and rain beat down from the sky above. You would have laughed if you weren't already having a bad day, because to top it off, you had left your hooded jacket at home. Angrily, you swipe at the tears falling from your eyes as they mingled with the raindrops that glided down your skin. You could see the old bookshop on the corner, you prayed that Aziraphale was at home.
You had met the angel of a man in the cafe across the road from his shop one Sunday afternoon. The cafe was brimming with people and seats had been scarce. You had left your planning to the last minute again and all you wanted was a seat and a small space to plan your lessons. You looked around and  spotted a man sitting alone at a larger table with a cup of tea and a book. You made your way to him.
"I'm so sorry to bother you, but is it okay if I sit here? I promise I won't disturb you it's just that there's no more seats," you had said clutching your laptop to your chest.
"Of course," he had said "It's not a problem."
"You're an angel, thank you so much!" you said taking a seat at the table, making sure to give him enough space. You opened your laptop and began to type away.
"Are you a university student?" the man enquired.
"Uh no," you started finishing off the sentence you were typing. "I'm a teacher actually, this is my first year so I'm still getting the hang of things, I've not long graduated."
"A teacher you say? Very amicable. Although you seem rather young to be a teacher?"
"I get that a lot," you chuckle, "I'm 23 so I guess in some ways I am. My kids, my pupils, are only 11 years younger than me which is nothing in the grand scheme of things."
He smiled, "It really isn't."
"I'm Y/N by the way," you smile holding out your hand.
"Aziraphale." He replied shaking your hand.
After that day, you seemed to find yourself in that cafe more often and more often than not, Aziraphale would also be there too. You often sat together and he would sometimes help you plan your week. It was miraculously easy to plan when he was around, you could find everything you needed to on the first attempt. He had become a fast friend and soon you were invited over to his bookshop where he would often let you work if you needed a space to.
So that's where you were headed now, desperately seeking the comfort of a friend and there's no one you felt more comfortable around than Aziraphale. Sometimes, it was nice just to rant about teaching to someone who would quite happily sit and listen to you, rather than tell you how to fix your problems. You got to the door and saw the closed sign but battered on the door anyway. A few moments later a slightly annoyed looking Aziraphale was at the door unlocking it and pulling it open but the minute he saw your drenched figure his face softened.
"My dear! Come in," he said, stepping aside to let you in.
You brush past him quickly, trying to clear your face quickly so he doesn't see you crying. He's quick to your side suddenly with a towel in his hand but you were too upset to even think about where he got it from. He handed you the towel with a sympathetic smile on his face. You mumble a small thank you before taking it off of him using the warm towel to take some of the moisture out of your hair.
"My dear, whatever is the matter?" He asks guiding you towards a chair, but his kind words make you stop and a sob wrecks through your body. "Oh dear," he says bringing you into a tight embrace, stroking the back of your head gently, "Shhh," he hushes trying to calm you down "it's going to be okay." You clutch on to him and let the tears that had been building fall freely down your face. The pair of you stand like that for awhile, you holding on to Aziraphale like your life depended on it while he stroked your head and back whispering soothing words into your ear.
You rear back after awhile, but stay close. The emotions of the day clear on your face. "I'm sorry," you whisper hoarsely.
"Whatever for?"
"I got you all wet"
"Don't worry about it, you're being silly." he smiled softly at you. "Come sit with me and tell me what has gotten you so upset" he took the towel out of your hand and placed it on a table, walking you over to the sofa tucked up the back of the shop and sat down beside you holding your hand.
You told him about your day, everything from missing your bus to dropping your coffee and everything in between. He sat and listened patiently, never interrupting just nodding softly when required. You let out all your emotions and stress of the day, hell the week, and he listened.
"Well," he said when you had finished your rant. "You clearly haven't had a great day."
"You can say that again," you mumbled looking at the floor. "I'm sorry for barging in like this, I just didn't know where else to go."
"You never have to apologise my dear, I'm happy you can seek comfort in me." he said softly brushing a stray tear from your face as you raised your head to look at him. "Now what do we say to a nice hot chocolate and a book." He said reaching for the tartan blanket that hung on the back of the sofa wrapping it around you.
"Yes please," you reply, nodding meekly, "but only if you read to me."
"Of course." He said, standing "I'll be back in just a jiffy."
Before you knew it, he was back holding a steaming mug in one hand and a book in the other. You took the mug off of him whispering your thanks as he sat down beside you again. You took a slow sip feeling the chocolatey deliciousness warm you from the inside out. You rested your head against his shoulder so you could see while he read to you. He glanced down at you, a soft smile gracing his lips once more before opening the book.
"No one would have believed in the last years of the nineteenth century that this world was being watched keenly and closely by intelligences greater than man’s..." he read, his voice silky smooth and deep, and just loud enough for you to be able to hear. You closed your eyes as he read to you allowing your friend to soothe you with his words and take the emotions of the day away.
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peachsukii · 5 days
The leaks for this week's chapter gave me a few little ideas that takes place after this (between 424/425)!
aka i'm just in my feels about bakugo and thought of more sickly sweet things
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☆ Over the next two weeks, you visit Bakugo every day to keep him company for a few hours. You bring him a book to read, your tablet with his favorite movies or shows to watch, and any snacks he desires. The hospital doesn't like outside foods, but you sneak them in to him anyways.
☆ You help Mitsuki and Masaru bring Bakugo home when he's released from the hospital, a few days before returning to UA. To give his parents a break, you volunteer to take care of whatever he needs while he's home, allowing them to go to work without disruption. It's not much, but he's thankful for you taking charge - anything to give him a break from his helicopter parents.
☆ The few days you spend together at his house unravel a side of him that you didn't see much of. He didn't fight you much when it came to caring for his injuries, letting you get his meds for him on time and changing his bandages when needed. He'd never admit it, but Bakugo kind of liked having you take care of him. It was something to adjust to, but because it's you and not any of his guy friends, he feels comfortable being vulnerable around you.
☆ UA announces it's plans to proceed with graduation of the senior class, meaning the two of you only had a few days left in the academy. It's a little unsettling now that you're forced to think about the end of it all and what that means for everyone's hero careers.
☆ When the time comes to return to UA, no one expects Bakugo to be in class due to his condition, but are shocked when he shows up anyways. You stroll in beside him, his bag on your shoulder and hand in his. No one says a damn word when you walk with him to his desk, set his bag down and give him a kiss on the cheek before casually walking to your own class. Kaminari is about to say something stupid before Kirishima smacks him, whispering, "Nah man, let him have this."
☆ Graduation day comes and it's a bittersweet feeling knowing that all of your friends in the support course will be going their separate ways, along with all the others you've gotten to know over the years. The cheers are louder than ever for the hero course, knowing how much they went through and their bravery to keep moving forward. Once all the celebratory nonsense is over, Bakugo finds you and pulls you to the side, his lips crashing onto yours before you get the chance to speak. When you part, he's smiling like an idiot, tears in his eyes that only you were allowed to see.
☆ After the graduation dinner, you're hanging out on the balcony of the restaurant with Bakugo and a few others, taking in the sights and sounds of the city. He puts his good arm around you, pulling you close to watch the sunset over the horizon. You two are talking about post-UA life, thankful you have a lot of opportunities lined up to kickstart your careers, but also know it means seeing less of each other. Unexpectedly, he casually says, "So move in with me. S'not like we haven't practically lived together for 3 years in the dorms. I snuck ya into my room more times than I can count, what's the difference?"
☆ A few days later, you decide why the hell not? Both of you plan to do some apartment searching after you settle with your internships and wait for Bakugo's cast to come off. Until then, you're both preparing for the rest of your lives, and you're damn sure it'll always be side by side.
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foxufortunes · 19 days
So like, I was gonna add this onto my post about the Raven's win percentage and how that compared to lacrosse with NCAA Exy and NCAA Lacrosse being about the same age, but I figured I'd put it here so everyone can see, because this is what I mean about the exy timeline being complicated and why zero losses makes sense over 30 years.
And yes, I know AFTG is not aiming for hyper realism grounded in reality, but I like figuring out a cohesive timeline for things like fics it's TRC all over again. Also I just like to think way too deep about this things, and if I'm descending into madness over these things you're coming with me.
That said, the timeline of exy and Evermore as much as I can make sense of it:
So, the exy/Evermore timeline in kind of a mess and a great example of how adding more makes something make less sense. What we're going to do is take the books at their most concrete fact and say that Tetsuji and Kayleigh invented exy 30 years pre-canon, and for ease of timeline we'll call it exactly 30years. So, here we go:
So our base line in 1976 (for the record NCAA Lacrosse was formed 1971, this is what I mean when I say they're roughly the same age). Tetsuji and Kayleigh were in university and in Japan, but it's not clear at what point in their studies they were and how long they had left to go at university.
Nora's EC says that Tetsuji was reaching out to the NCAA before he graduated. During his last semester he was reaching out promising funding and himself as a coach. So this is, at most a few years after exy was created unless Tetsuji had the slowest university career ever.
The next fall semester NCAA Exy officially starts with Ravens vs Trojans at Castle Evermore. So, as I've said before, the Big 3 were in on the ground floor. This is why they're so dominant, but that they started with the Ravens means they should be more competitive. The Raven's won the first match 13-12 and if it's that close at the start, the idea that the Raven's undefeated 20year+ streak is because they've been around longer loses all ground.
Evermore was the first stadium completed, followed by the Golden Court for the Trojans and Pride Court for Penn State Lions (which is such a cute name, I want a book on them please Nora). Pride Court was delayed but Penn State kept up training, while USC and EAU had their courts built at impossible speed. For reference, building a sports stadium, from first plans to completion is at speed roughly an 18month endeavour, if everything goes right, but depending on how you read the point above this could be just a few months. Either way, it's very fast. Other universities had pop up stadiums or played at the bigger stadiums of the Big 3 or local stadiums until theirs were complete. Ironically, given his apparent treatment of his female players, a lot of Tetsuji's funding came from getting women on board, promoting how co-ed the sport was.
The first pro teams were formed around the first graduates from the NCAA league. So 5 years after Evermore and we get a professional league.
And the US Court 2 years after. So 7 years from the start of the NCAA competition and we get a national team.
Then exy is in the Olympics the next year. So 8 years from the first NCAA game for exy to be Olympic recognised (a generous estimate makes that 1988, 1992 at a push, 14-18 years pre-canon and roughly a decade pre-foundation of the Foxes).
The problem with all this, of course, being that the book in only chapter 2 of TFC says that Kevin (born in 1986) and Riko were around with Tetsuji when Evemore was still in the blueprint stage.
Now, there's a couple of way I can think to maybe square this all. Firstly, obviously the 30years is a rough but that should mean closer to 30 than anything else, but to be generous either way, we're looking at between '71 (35years pre-canon) and '81 (25years pre-canon) and the later timeline can square a little better. It's also possible our Castle Evermore is a new stadium and the first Castle Evermore is an old one they've knocked down and replaced at the new one is the one Kevin and Riko were around for. It's also possible to be more generous with Tetsuji's university career: say he was in his first year in 1976, did a longer/postgrad course and stayed for say 7 years giving us 1983 for his graduation, then be generous and say "next fall semester" actually means '84 (which is still fast for a stadium) for Evermore's completion and the NCAA starting, which gives us the '92 Olympics.
So, let's work backwards instead. For Evermore to be being built while Kevin and Riko "already had custom racquets" we'll be generous and lowball age 2? So, we'll work with Evermore opening around '88. Even working with the most generous estimate of when exy was invented (1981, 25years rather than 30) that means, assuming Tetsuji spent his freshman year in Japan, he was in university for 6 or 7 years (depending on how you read next fall). Putting us at the 1996 Olympics in Atlanta and making NCAA exy 20ish years old.
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kisscara · 1 year
O7. manager faruzan [fanboy!scaramouche x drummer!reader] ⎯⎯ heartbeat rhythm series
a/n: each paragraph with the members are a separate intreview. this is a filler chapter fixating on what faruzan is like and what 5O5 thinks about her.
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"madam faruzan?"
yun jin, feeling her curiosity peak, repeats back what the person behind the camera said to her. the camera man nods, "yes, what do you think about your manager?" yun jin awkwardly giggles before sighing.
you exclaim at the cameraman, "madam faruzan!? oh, i like her a lot! besides the fact that she's on the eccentric side and tends to follow wherever we go and somehow finds out our private accounts on social media, she's cool! we've known her since high school, so it makes everything much more fun."
yun jin rubs her chin, "she can be privacy invading." the cameraman chuckles, "how so?" yun jin puts a leg over the other and hums. "let me see, how would i explain this..."
yoimiya laughs, "madam faruzan's okay. she's uptight but she always has the best band activities planned out for us! although, she does startle me a lot. this one time i was walking to a cafe and-"
"i literally see her with binoculars, hiding behind a pole!" hu tao frantically gestures, "that girl is on something! not to mention, she's like a super spy. she always knows what we're doing at any given time."
ayaka kindly says, "whenever i'm spending time alone outside, madam always happens to be there. she's looking out for all of us and i appreciate her service."
as you can figure out from what the members have commented about their most lovely manager, faruzan does seem to be a little too interested in the band members' private lives and activites, thus explaining how faruzan found out that you gave scaramouche a private performance. (see chapter five for clear up)
faruzan is strict with the way she works and is frequently seen barking orders at 5O5. across the web and within articles, she wears pencil skirts pairing with a white button up, and her pale teal hair is bunched up into a bun. faruzan is also close friends with the rest of her classmate prodigies that graduated high school early just like her.
those prodigies being alhaitham, tighnari and albedo. they may or may not be featured in this story in the near future...
but faruzan's mean demeanor is a mere exterior for the inner fangirl that proudly lives inside her mind. that's correct, madam manager faruzan is obsessed with the very band she manages.
it started when she was still in high school and her brilliant brain boosted her to her last year as a thirteen-year-old. she stumbled upon your band's practice in the music room when you five weren't doing live performances just yet.
yun jin had asked for her opinion on their performance and faruzan was more than happy to give them her perspective, but she wasn't one to sugarcoat things. during that time, she instantly pointed out all of their flaws and the things they should change to play even better.
yun jin was overjoyed about it; she loves some good constructive criticism. when faruzan graduated that year, she vowed an oath to become their manager and she did, just a year later after applying for a job at Inazuma's TEYVATMUSiC live house.
even though faruzan is the youngest by a year, she leads these six, including yanfei, to a great future in their music career... but she should work more on giving them space rather than following them around 24/7.
tags: @mariusvonhangme @scaramoo @mikismusings @rizakari @akagism2 @sakiimeo @ohmyfinggod @aethersluvrr @scarafrisbee @kaoyamamegami @liliumaraneae @dreamsofminnie @starfart19 @kunisbeloved @luhvashh @makiswrld @kyouzki @mimissubway @loucaroarz @theblueblub @angelunatic @shinjuuz @thenightsflower @coquettemaiden @thefandomcrow @cotton-eee @lovely028 @hrtswinter @duckyyyx @kissingkzuha @dazaisboner @adeptusx @tomotofu @yukiipc @loverhole @star583 @soobasaur @dr8amy @scaraapologist @raideneiari @rvoulte @aaeng121 @pyrrhicgaze @tjjjrsj @enviouspeanut @d4y-dr3am3r @aromaticism @undecidingfate @idontwantoeatspicy
taglist is now closed as i've reached the max tags in a single post. (50/50 tags occupied + officially removed users whose names aren't linked)
what happens when you, a talented and well-known drummer across the web, grow an intense crush for the student council president, who's also your number one fan? from annoying sisters to nosy bandmates, the next event that happens is always more chaotic than the last!
© kisscara
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frazzledsoul · 1 year
So there was a lot of talk the past two days on my feed over Rory being right to turn down Logan's marriage proposal in S7....which is completely the rational take as both of them were under 25, they'd never discussed it before, Logan is going to crash and burn by trying to rush right into marriage, home ownership, and financial independence at the same time at the ripe old age of 24 (slow down, my man, there's a recession coming in two years), Logan said he'd factor her plans into his and then does the exact opposite and she didn't want to break up with him over the issue....and oh yeah, she didn't want to and it's not like the disaster of her parents failed reconciliation a few months prior to that event could cause her to be wary of the institution in general. Sure, her career devolves on its own years later and Logan becomes unavailable as a legitimate prospect to her years later because he decides to become a character in an eighteenth century novel with the whole "I have to marry this heiress to please my dad even though my heart is stuck on another, whatever shall I do? Oh, nothing, apparently, the narrative says I'm doomed no matter what"...but hey, maybe all of those things would have happened anyway, and it's still not a reason to force yourself to get married when you don't want to.
However, can we talk about how weird this episode is? Why is Rory leaning on her mother for advice at this point, who has gone through a failed engagement and a divorce (to two different men!) in less than a year and Rory was upfront with thinking the marriage was a bad idea? Why is Christopher whining about Logan not asking him first, given it seems that he hasn't contacted Rory on her own since the divorce because he STILL is unwilling to do much of anything parental unless Lorelai is involved? Why is there no discussion of Luke attending this graduation, even as a suggestion that's dismissed? What is even up with Logan's "my way or the highway" attitude? That isn't how he's acted all season and he and Rory have had disagreements and been able to deal rationally with them. And finally, what is up with Luke and Lorelai taking so many steps backwards? Lorelai is frustrated that Luke isn't making a move when she's going around telling everyone that serenading him isn't a big deal, what did she think was going to happen? Luke very logically tells her that Rory marrying her college boyfriend seems like something she should carefully consider (gee, it's not like he and Lorelai both have ill-fated spontaneous marriages in their recent past or anything that could inform his thoughts on this matter) and Lorelai decides to make that entire conversation a metaphorical moratorium on their relationship and conclude that Luke isn't willing to consider marriage again? (Uh, maybe this issue isn't going to be resolved in one conversation, hon). And finally, Lorelai tells Rory that if she doesn't immediately want to marry someone the first time the issue comes up, she should just accept that she's never meant to marry that person and the discussion is forever closed! I'm sorry, Lorelai, that is TERRIBLE ADVICE and maybe ease up on the projecting here.
This episode was written by Jennie Snyder Urman, who would later go on to run Jane the Virgin. She also wrote the Luke/Lorelai car shopping episode, Lorelai and Christopher's breakup episode, and the episode where Lorelai tells Rory she's gotten married and Rory and Logan fight over the magazine article she writes. I think she has good takes on both couples in the past, so it's bizarre to keep why they're so off kilter here. I get it that they wanted Rory to be single by the end of the season and not get Luke and Lorelai back together quite yet but it's just...a really sour way of making the narrative orient around rom com miscommunication and kind of taints the back half of the last season, which was otherwise pretty stellar.
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uzuma-take · 2 months
This probably won't get many views here or Twitter, but I'm genuinely thinking of writing my own version of Naruto.?? The relationships won't change. So Hintata will still get together with Naruto .
I have ideas based on interviews with kishimoto. Like Team Gai and Team Kurenai being sand Ninja (yes, that means the Hyuga , Inuzuka, and Aburame clan won't be leaf ninja) . Had the idead since I read Gai in particular wasn't originally planned to be a leaf ninja. That he and Lee where made on the fly for the exams.
One thing to mention is that all teams have four students. This is to include the filler students like Sora , Yakumo, and Yagura (yes, gai had a student named Yagura)
Team Gaara also has new people from the chunin filler being Shira , Sen, and Yami.
But what happened to Kankuro and Termari? Well, dear reader, that will come in due time..
Here's the major changes I have in my head so far, starting with Team 7.
He's still an orphane born of the 4th homage minato. He's maybe a year older than Sakura and sasuke . Due to flunking the graduate exams . He was adopted by the third Hokage. In this version He's younger and much more naive than the original. (More on hiruzen later)
She was a girl who witnessed her parents constantly fight . They both struck at each over multiple times, and eventually, she was but in foster care. Not really being taught violence wasn't the way she'd often lash out at people, including her teachers. When being put into team 7, she was scared of kakashi after some of the stories she'd read about him. She actually sometimes tries to hit Sasuke , Naruto and Sai
He's still the same, only real difference being that he looks more like Fugaku . He's still broady and crabby even more so with Sai.
Joined Team 7 much earlier on and is one of the reasons Sasuke left the village. Being a spy for Danzo, he worked with orochimaru closely and slowly wormed his way into Sasukes mind convincing him to accept the sound fours offer.
Born of a Samurai clan, that later fled to the leaf and a Inuzuka / Hyuga (haven't decided) mother from the sand . He's much the same man from the series except he's got a secret pacht with the sand due to his mum being from there.
Team Asuma
Ino, Shikamaru, and Choji are pretty much the same. I really don't see any change Nessasary .
The brother of the third hokage it inst until after the sand attacks the leaf he fall head over hills with kurenai yuhi of the sand . At first, he has no idea she's a sand Ninja. When he initially finds out her secret he's of course, horrified . Kurenai was from the village that tried to destroy his home and ultimately took his brother from him. During the time skip they do make up and eventually start dating in secret..
Same as filler exept hes the new five tails after it recarnated, he just joins the team early on . He's constantly worried because he doesn't fit in with Ino-Shika-Cho formation. Asuma tries to help him .
Team Kurenai
This is where the divations really begin .. as Said before Major clans now live in the sand village. Hyuga , inuzuka, and Aburame. Inspired by two things . The concept of gaara owing a dog and the interview stating Gai was from another village.
Hinata .
Apart from location a lot hasn't changed. She first met Naruto in the Exams and really liked his energy and will never give in. The thing that made her mind up was the fight with Neji. The Cousin she was going to be forced to Marry eventually. Naruto does the same shouting. But this time, her motivation is based on 'why does this stranger I've maybe met one or twice cheer me on?' She actually goes on the journey with Jiriya, Naruto , Sorra, Neji, and Gaara. (Three jinjurki and three people to sort out if anything goes wrong)
He has a strong rivalry with his Twin Gaara and says he's going to beat him at being kazakage. Gaara doesn't really care but later on indulges him and challenges him to see who gets stronger during the time skip.
Same as canon just more dessert like bugs
Uses paintings much like Sai, but instead of physical . They trap people in genjutsu, which are much like in her filler episodes.
Team Gai
It's pretty much the same, except Lee now has two brothers. Yagura and Shira . Both whom he likes to to one up. Gai was 16 when he had a one night stand, resulting in Lee and his brothers. He never really knew their mum. He's regretted ever since. He has a major Crush on a certain Spikey haired leaf shinobi. Whose to say that man doesn't share the same feelings .
Team Gaara
The filler characters are the same
Baki is the sensei.
Gaara is the twin of Kiba, and he's pretty much the same as canon . The biggest difference is his dog. Don't hurt, or else shukaku will come out. After the Konoha Crush, he softens quite a bit and looks very different from how Naruto met him.
Temari and Kankuro are Sand Anbu like shinobi that are the older siblings of Kiba and Gaara. They resent Hana at first for caring about their brother, whose only seen as a weapon. It's not until rasa dues do the realise that Gaara, if taught correctly, can harness his powers, so they set up a meeting with the leaf village . As long as Gaara is safe and cared for, then could he train under Jyriya. Tsunde reluctantly agrees... that's all I have so far...
part 2
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kaeyachi · 10 months
Hello, Big Bro Ahaitham AU question here.
With Kaeya in his life, I assume that he's a lot more softer when it comes to emotions. Idk if Kaeya went to Haravatat at the same time Alhaitham did or if he joined the akademiya later (because he was processing their granny's death and Alhaitham couldn't because he was the older there and whoops look at that, angst potential) so I was mostly wondering if Alhaitham studies for longer than Kaeya or not.
Then I wanted to know how did the fight between Kaveh and Alhaitham go here. And what does Kaeya think of it.
What does Alhaitham think of the general mahamatra after the issues he accidentally caused Kaeya?
And lastly, do you have an idea of how Kaeya gets his vision?
Q1: Technically, Kaeya does start later than Alhaitham purely due to age! Kaeya is around 22-23 (based on Diluc's age), while Alhaitham is in his late 20s (Kaveh is around late 20s to early 30s), and for this AU, Kaeya is only 13 when Alhaitham started in Haravatat (some math was involved based on context clues in canon hehe)
I'm saying technically because Alhaitham lets Kaeya read thru his books, so lets just say that Kaeya has a bit of a headstart due to him having seen the same reading material prior to entering the Akademiya.
He is not necessarily softer, but! He is younger when a loved one died, so coming to terms with it was harder. He still had support from Alhaitham (with no bad blood), so while he mourns, it's also not too bad.
Alhaitham does mourn, but not in front of his younger brother. He needed to put up a brave front for him. He does, however, come across the son of his father's friend. They have started a wary friendship...
They only get to spend a year in the Akademiya at the same time before Alhaitham graduated and started working.
Q2: hehehe no spoilers, im currently writing it out as a fanfiction right now, you you will simply have to see huh?
Q3: also spoilers! But yes I already have that plot prepared as well!
Good questions by the way! I wish I had more time to write and proofread my work, but I'm kinda undergoing work hell right now! (too many architectural plans please help me).
I'm hoping I can slowly update regularly once January arrives because I'm going on a study leave from work by then hehe
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donttouchmyempire · 1 year
Yeah, apparently I can't control myself so here are some headcanons I've made from H2O just add water (it is a fanfiction I'm still planning to write)
So, after Lewis got his scholarship to the USA, he's afraid that his relationship with Cleo won't be the same
Cleo is also afraid but also optimistic and happy for him
They try to keep in touched everyday, even though Lewis is very busy.
They don't need to spend hours in the cellphone; he smiles for a whole day when Cleo texts him in the morning "you'll do great today in your exams, love you". And Cleo would read his brief and sweet messages before going to sleep so she could forget a bit about her problems
She was worried after her graduation because she still didn't really know what to study in college.
And Lewis would try to help her as always
They would never tell each other but sometimes wondered if the other would find someone better during this period
Cleo was not so insecure anymore but she couldn't help having this thoughts where a Charlotte 2.0 appears and gets too close
Lewis, on the other hand, would be very secure about his relationship with Cleo because he trusts her. But sometimes he remembers how incredibly beautiful she is and he couldn't blame anyone who would fancy her
But in general, a long distance relationship was better than they thought
So one day, around one year later, Lewis' friends in the US think that he needs to try to be with someone else because his australian gf was cheating on him by that time for sure.
And they try to take him to a party because "you need to live a bit outside of this lab" (and some of them would try to mock him for being a "virgin" but Lewis honestly couldn't care less)
Thing is, he really is not interested, even if he was single, because that research was the most important thing that moment
Their friends at some point give up, but not after making him go at least to one party with them.
They thought that he would finally bang someone, but he is there only to make them stop inviting him to these parties bc he def had some more important things to do
And yeah, there were lots of pretty girls there
But none of them had the same kind, green eyes, and that wide smile, and calm thoughtful voice.
Lewis didn't usually think too much about how he missed Cleo, but that night he wished he was in the moon pool cave just looking at her
And he faced the sky and saw the moon. He couldn't help but think about all the full moon nights he spent awake to help the girls
And for the first time in months he allowed himself to cry - not only because he missed Cleo, but also missed those days that would never return.
So he picked his phone, knowing that Cleo would be probably working at that time and left her a message
"Hey, Cleo. I was just... Looking at the moon. And yeah, I'm on this party here, people thought I needed to have some fun and leve the lab a bit but... I just want to say that I miss you. A lot. Nothing has changed. And nothing is funny without you. But I look at the moon and at the ocean and I.. I like to think that we're not so far away".
When Cleo hears it, some tears roll down her face because she never heard Lewis sound so heartbroken. And yeah, sometimes she also missed him that it would almost literally hurt
She could tell that he wasn't okay and her only thought was "He is lonely"
And she decides that it was time to visit him and she would go. Swimming.
Of course she had to tell her dad she would go by plane using some savings she had.
Rikki didn't really like the idea of Cleo swimming a whole ocean alone
Bella thought it would be amazing
But Cleo convinces them that it won't be so difficult because she can control the water
And in fact, it wasn't. Most of the time she didn't need to swim so hard bc the water was carrying her. And she somehow knew where to go
It took her one day and she was amazed with the possibilities
Of course she hadn't told Lewis she would be there, so she just headed to his address
And when he opened the door, after a day of studying hard with a bottle of energy drink he thought his mind was playing him tricks
But it was her. In front of him, smiling.
They looked at each other in silence for a moment, all the words they wanted to say shared through their stares
And when she hugged him, suddenly he felt home. And when they kissed, she felt everything was alright again
Part of his brain wanted to ask how the hell she arrived there swimming
But all he could think was about her lips that tasted like salt water
And they were just there, in his tiny living room, the last rays of sun going through the window, heating even more the moment, the scene and their bodies
He didn't even asked if that was her first time - he knew it was their first time, they knew each other since they were five and it was surprisingly how their bodies communicate so perfectly with each other when they struggled with words
And she could tell he was nervous and kinda wished it was full moon so she would be more confident
It was gentle, caring and loving, with lots of kissing and giggling
And when it was over, they felt the same way: relieved and delighted
After a moment, Cleo says "so, apparently it was worth it to swim across the ocean"
And he just smiled and said "you didn't have to do this, you know."
"I know. But you needed me. It was your full moon and I couldn't leave you alone in a full moon. I thought it was our main rule in the mermaid club."
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sleepywinchesters · 2 hours
"Go for Kinard."
"What exactly are you doing with my daughter?" Maddie's voice was a low growl.
Tommy slapped his hand over the microphone, as if Maddie could hear his sharp inhale over the static. He turned to glare at the young woman in the co-pilot seat.
"You didn't tell your mother we were going up today?"
"Dad said it was fine."
"Chim said it was- oh my god."
If Tommy didn't need both his hands to keep them steady, he'd pinch the bridge of his nose. Someday one of the Buckleys were going to kill him and he was starting to suspect it might be Maddie.
"You know what I said-"
"That both of them had to agree."
"Tommy," Maddie's voice crackled through the headset again. "Is Jee flying a helicopter right now?"
"Technically, no."
"He won't let me touch anything yet, Mom."
"And he's not going to."
"Dad said it was fine!"
"And I'll be talking to him later too. Get back safe."
"We will." Tommy ended the communication.
He'd learned a long time ago to wait it out and he would get an explanation. It probably wouldn't be a good explanation, but it would be one. Jee remained uncharacteristically quiet as they flew over LA, Tommy narrating the controls and what a standard flight plan should look like.
"I'm sorry I lied about telling my mom."
Tommy waited, knowing more was coming.
"Just after the fires last year. I could have helped, there would have been fewer casualties. Dad's fire thing- being able to control it. I'm more powerful than he is, Tommy."
"Because it feeds you."
It shouldn't have been unexpected. Haechis were known for their ability to prevent fire, and hybrids weren't rare. When combined with Maddie's vampirism, the way she fueled herself in a way that also helped people, Jee-Yun was always going to be something special. Ever since Jee had figured out she could control fire, could gain her energy from it, there was only ever going to be one path for her. They had all known it, and Tommy hadn't thought twice when she had approached him for flying lessons.
"I mean, yeah. But I could have saved people. That whole neighborhood-"
"I know."
"I'm 18 in 3 months. Once I graduate in May I can head right into the academy. If I already have a provisional pilot's license by the time I graduate-"
"I get it. I do. But-" Tommy cut himself off with a sigh. "It's not just the technical skills. They're important. But, Jee, you also have to learn where the limits are. When you have to turn back, no matter how many people you think you can save."
"Then what's the point of knowing all this, of having this, if I can't save everyone."
"Because you can't. You can't save everyone every time. You can try like hell, but losing people is part of the job. You need to know that now and really think about if you can live with that."
"Ok." Jee was subdued, chastised in a way Tommy hadn't been intending.
"You call it when there's no chance left. You always try. But you have to come home, not just so you can try again on the next call. Because there's people who love you, who understand the risks you take, and still need you to come home."
"This is what I want. But, if I tell you something, can you not tell Uncle Buck?"
"Go for it."
"It's a lot of pressure. I mean how many times has Mom won dispatcher of the year? And Dad's done almost everything there is to do in the department- and every probie from the last 5 years is ready to marry him. Uncle Buck is-" Jee hesitated. "I don't know if I could even imagine half the stuff he's supposed to have done."
"He did it all right," Tommy said. "And half the time he shouldn't have."
Jee laughed a little. That was the common refrain that followed any story about her favorite uncle.
"How can I live up to that though?"
"You don't. Even when we're on the ground, it's different for us up here. We're involved, but we see the bigger picture." Tommy angled the helicopter, knowing they were almost to the burn scar from the previous year. "Look at it. You know what it looked like then, how the ground crews were managing the fire lines. But up here, we can see the whole neighborhood. What would you have done, if you had enough to drop one more round of supressant before having to go back?"
"Well, they-"
"I know what was done. What would you do?"
"The main street. The ground crews were so focused on the fire line they didn't notice it had jumped until there were already structures on fire while evacuations were still ongoing. No one could get out from how fast it was moving. I'd try to push the fire back over the line and do my last drop on the main street instead of the main fire."
"Good. You have the instincts for it. The benefit of hindsight sure, but yeah. You can do this, you can move the fire where you want it to go. You get the other part of it too. You gotta give yourself time, kid."
Jee smiled. "I just don't want to disappoint anyone."
"Well, you definitely disappointed your mom today. But I don't think you're going to disappoint any of them when you do this job."
"So you'll take me up again and tell Mom that it's ok."
Tommy pointed at her. "I didn't say that. You're gonna face her and take whatever punishment she doles out as an adult."
"I'll talk to her though. Because you need a bird's eyes view to be great. If, and only if, she agrees, then I'll teach you for real."
"Thanks. Let's head back. Better not give her time to stew."
"Good call."
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polyamorouspunk · 1 month
Happy Friday!!
I have so many projects going on man I'm going crazy lol. I think some of the projects need put on hold until I save up for a decent sewing machine though.
But I've got my garden going again, and my coworkers gave me a deadline to write a childrens book based on doodles, and Im working on my zine that for some reason I can only open in chrome(???), and I wanna do a little research with my punk 101 posts, and also I need to do research that Im not really in the mood for so I can make that music map.
Oh and also I'm going to see Radium Girls (a play) tomorrow with a friend, and I'm debating if I'm going back to my college sunday for my friends graduation, but I dont really want to cause its gonna be raining. And also also, Some (different) co-workers wanna play dnd with me, but I dont think I'd like playing with them just from knowing them for a few months but I dont know how to be like 'no', but also Im on a HUGE dnd kick (I got new converse I need to show off btw) but have no one to play with and that makes me sad, but I dont want to play with people who will make it not fun for me :(
But how are you? How was your week? Any fun plans??? (side note: do you like dnd, just out of curiousity?)
I ain’t making people scroll though this
My week has been… better. Better than last week. Monday I took a day trip to Virginia Beach by myself to kind of clear my head and my soul, purge some of that pain and negative energy. Last night when you sent this though it kind of just… came back… which is why I didn’t answer this then.
Tomorrow I’m going out with my family to some botanical garden that only opens like 4 times a year or something to the public. We’re bringing lunch with us so I guess we’ll be eating together somewhere, maybe at the gardens.
I’m counting down the days until I fly back to CT to go see Electric Callboy with my friends, and then hopefully go to the aquarium with my gf + friends. Other than that I don’t have any plans for that trip. I still have to tell my brother + my other friend when I’ll be up, I just feel like any spare moment I have I use to recover some psychological HP.
I’m going from working 30+ hours a week to only 3 days a week soon because we’re getting self checkout on Monday. Hopefully I can use that time to work on some things for @prideful-things-shop, mainly the snowglobe tumblers (don’t worry, you’re getting one of the Eeveelution ones).
I’m still waiting to hear back if we can go to that concert and trying to book my tattoo appointment for that Friday.
I LOVE Radium Girls, I read the book, it’s one of my favorite books. I know they turned it into a play and a movie, but I haven’t seen either of them. I actually grew up near one of the locations in the book. They put a mall right next to it, so that’s where I used to go to the mall. I’ve never been to the clock factory, but it’s a museum now. Maybe I can add that to the list of things to do when I go back home. It’s also right across the highway from one of those defunct Jesus theme parks. I’ve wanted to visit that too.
I’ve never played DnD, but my friends made a game that’s similar and I was part of the pilot test group for that, and apparently they’re still playing all these years later. It’s been almost a decade.
My mom wants to make raised beds but we haven’t gotten that far yet. She wants a saw, just hasn’t been able to spare the money for it yet. I’ve offered to get it for her but she declined. We were looking at them while I was looking for the drill I bought for the tumblers. She has a lot of potted plants though lining the porch, including some herbs, and I think she’s planning on some carrots and cherry tomatoes.
I’ve been studying the sub-genres of metal music for a while, basically so that I can ID a song/band by it’s genre and guide people towards recommendations based on what they already listen to (country, pop, rap, etc.). The idea of making a music map sounds really exciting, I would love to do some research for something like that (like I said, I’m already using spare time to do that on my own anyway).
I’m really hoping once I have more free time I can also go back to working on my patch pants. My grandma bought us a sewing machine from the thrift store she works at, and she taught my mom how to use it, and my mom has used it to make pillow cases for outside pillows, but she didn’t buy outdoor fabric and they faded quickly. This year I paid for some outdoor fabric we picked out together along with some more fabric for my patches, so I’m turning our front porch into a fruit-themed area, which my mom isn’t really thrilled about but I’m the one paying for everything, so…
The other day there was a big snake on the front porch and my mom had to kill it. It was a pretty rough experience for both of us. We have a cat that lives on our front porch which is who found it, and then our neighbor has a cat who lives on her front porch, and we’ve had snakes get in the house before, and now we have indoor cats, so it’s just a risk we can’t take. It made me reflect a lot about city vs country life and a lot of things tied to that (poverty, race, queerness, etc.).
Here’s to hoping we can both have a relaxing but productive summer, and I’ll see you soon xoxo
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mjsparkour · 2 years
rina fic recs
Okay so I've made a few recommendations for rina fics in the past and so much has been written for them not just post the finale but over the summer that I have to make a new one!
Here's a list of some of the previous recommendations I've made before:
For this list I'm gonna start off with some authors and the fics they've written for them recently (with their respective summaries). Then I'm gonna list out some other fics I don't think I've mentioned before. I would highly recommend checking out their other stories not just for rina but other fandoms as well because they're so talented!
Starting off this list with the author of the rina bible, the story of us, herself. Here are some of my favorites she'd written for season 3:
scary/not so scary: scary: realizing he's falling in love with gina porter, not scary: also, realizing he's falling in love with gina porter.
(or, ricky battles a monster of a read-through rehearsal with good friends, lists, and gina porter)
the rule of threes: gina porter gets three surprises when she arrives at camp shallow lake: a celebrity guest, the fact that she's at camp at all and enjoying it so far, and ricky bowen or, ricky and gina find their way back to each other during one perfect summer.
ways around the word love: a comprehensive guide by ricky bowen, as told by gina porter
(a love languages 5 + 1).
say yes: Ricky didn’t see Gina coming. Not when he stumbled into that HSM audition, not in the skatepark. Not in his car on the way home from homecoming and not when he showed up to Shallow Lake, guitar in hand. Definitely didn’t tonight, not now, walking out of the barn during camp prom.
(ricky tries his hardest to complete his bucket list before his birthday, with varying degrees of success -- a camp prom and opening night fic)
RED STRING OF FATE: “i guess what i would say about rina is, i think the reason people go to their high school reunions, even 50 years later, is because you never really graduate from high school.” —Tim Federle
Ten years after the East High gang graduated, Miss Jenn decides to host a high school reunion for her favorite theater club class.
When two people with a long history finally see each other again, will old feelings resurface? “You never really graduate from high school.”
Or will they keep running away and leave everything left unsaid? “I’m safer when I’m on the run.”
The story of Ricky and Gina during High School and how they finally rekindled years after, because where there was fire ashes remain.
“i do think there’s a lot between those two characters that is very much still on the table, even if they’re not quite ready to see what that actually means.” —Tim Federle
SUMMERTIME SADNESS: EJ Caswell has been dating Gina Porter since opening night, but something's different now.
Ricky Bowen seems to be a usual topic of conversation and he can't believe this is happening to him again.
The story of how EJ Caswell witnessed his girlfriend fall for the high school skate rat.
Or maybe, she had already fallen for him and EJ was just now devastatingly finding out.
"She promised me the world, but promised him the galaxy."
BEGIN AGAIN: “—but there is something in this summer wind a moment to begin again.”
A summer spent at camp wasn’t in Ricky’s plans and neither was pining over Gina Porter all summer—though he can’t really say he truly minded the latter, he was too in love with her to care.
I've been blossoming alone over you: It’d been easy to look away from him in Ashlyn’s living room. But now, hours later, with no one around them, nothing but the piles of snow by their feet, and the handful of visible stars strewn above them - Gina can’t look away.
His mouth twitches into a moonlit smile and suddenly, she doesn’t have to try so hard to smile back. Her fake one slips easily into a real one without her noticing.
(Post 2x01. A late-night talk on Ashlyn’s lawn.)
happier than ever: “Gina,” it comes out strangled from Ricky’s throat but it feels like an exhale, like his first real one all day, all month, all fucking year. He strides towards her and remembers to stop just two feet from her. “I just wanted to make sure you were … okay.”
(or: Instead of Nini, Ricky’s the one who finds Gina crying after opening night for Beauty and The Beast.)
Now here are some fics I would recommend reading overall. I'd highly recommend checking out some of these authors' other rina fics! These are some of my favorites from post s2 and 3:
The Parent Trap by rinasawake: “You don’t quit on anything, but you can quit on me, huh?”
Divorced parents, Gina and Ricky, are living on opposite ends of the U.S. - dealing with an impending wedding, their high school reunion, and recurring flashbacks that make them wonder why they've ever broken up in the first place. But, after meeting at theater camp, long-lost twins Ellie Porter and Alex Bowen also engineer an identity swap, giving each other the opportunity to meet their missing parent - and bring the complete family back together.
What could go wrong?
2. the way that she loved you by iknowpIaces: [would you love her, the way that she loved you?]
Ricky looks over at her. She’s with EJ, which isn’t a rare sight these days. Those two are almost always together. It’s weird.
They’re whispering about who knows what, paying no mind to whatever Ms. Jenn is talking about. Neither is Ricky, to be fair, but hey, it’s not his fault they’re distracting him with their not-so-subtle whispers and giggles.
Seriously, how does Ms. Jenn not hear them?
3. wish we could be honest by steambend: When Princess Gina was betrothed to her neighboring country's Prince EJ, she had to uproot her life and move to the Caswell family palace, where Gina progressively felt more and more out of her depth. The only thing that kept her afloat was her assigned guard, Ricky, who Gina couldn't help but feel inexplicably drawn to.
Of course, her relationship with Ricky was only one of friendly companionship, and not at all romantic in any way. Right?
(this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic that is currently updating regularly)
4. collateral damage by Madkin: “What happened to not being a quitter? To not giving up on us?”
”You gave up on us!” She sees him open his mouth to protest so she lets the words keep spilling out. “When’s the last time you asked me how I was? How I felt being away from my mom? Living in a house that isn’t mine with a family I barely know? Getting another supporting role I don’t want?” Gina pauses as she tries to regain her composure. She meets his stunned eyes. “When was the last time we talked about anything except Nini?”
5. Everybody Talks by CanaryWidow: “We should get our cover story together and establish some rules,” Gina stated. “Like they did in To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before.”
Ricky furrowed his brow. “To All the What?”
Gina rolled her eyes. “Ok, we definitely need to do a movie marathon date, because you literally have no taste.”
Or, the one where Gina and Ricky fake date as everyone from their school watches their every move through an anonymous Instagram account known as Gossip Girl. (this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic that is currently updating regularly)
6. homesick (for you) by spider_eli: This fic starts in the summer following Beauty and the Beast and things between Gina and Ricky have never been weirder. Ever since Gina stood her ground at Carlos' Quinceañero, the pair haven't really been acting like friends. Gina's founds new friends in the other theatre kids (and more), while Ricky has spent his time figuring himself out. But they can't ignore that things feel unfinished between them...
title inspired by the avett brother's lyrics, "i have been homesick for you since we met."
(this is an incomplete multichapter fic)
7. A Little More of You by spider_eli: Gina Porter and Ricky Bowen have been at each other's throats their entire lives. The only thing they have in common is their best friend, Howie Lawson. But something changes when they start spending more time together.
Because I've been tearing through Dawson's Creek during the HSMTMTS hiatus and Joey and Pacey really set the bar. This'll just be little Jacey scenes but with Rina instead !! It's very dialogue heavy because if you've ever seen Dawson's Creek.... yeah.
EDIT 9/2021: while i’m no longer updating this fic, follow me on twt @spkderwylan
8. pluto projector by adhdsoras: "What… what is Gina to you, Ricky?" Red's voice was barely above a whisper, his hesitation clear as he stopped in his tracks, chewing on his nails, his eyes finding interest on his shoes. Ricky swallowed thickly, his heart pounding in his chest, confused and distraught by the question more than anything else. Silence grew between them as he struggled to find the right words, the air hanging cold and thick around them. He opened his mouth but no words came out, his foot tapping more intensely against the concrete wall.
"I have a girlfriend," He managed to croak out the words, finally, after minutes of struggle, "I love my girlfriend."
An exploration of Gina & Ricky's relationship, from (mostly) Ricky's perspective.
Starts during the events of season 2 episode 4, and diverges from there. (this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic)
9. please don't say you love me by adhdsoras: EJ rejected Gina's invitation to be her date to camp prom, much to Ricky's surprise. So, when Gina comes up with a plan to get back at her boyfriend, who's Ricky to say no to her?
He would do anything for her, even if it meant breaking his own heart.
10. waiting room by mariiposie: 'The first time it happened, she said, ‘I couldn’t sleep,’ and Ricky said, ‘Neither could I,’ and she sat down at the end of the boardwalk next to him, letting her feet make ripples on the sleeping surface of the midnight lake, and said nothing more. This wasn’t allowed to happen; so they said nothing at all, until the sun came up, and two of a kind, they found their way back to their respective cabins. And they did not say another word of it until the next night, when Ricky found his way along the gravel paths to Gina’s cabin, and she’d been standing there, and he’d said, ‘We could do it again, if you’d like.’'
11. Answer Garden by busyheadinthedark: A note in a locker. A message from a known stranger. A teared up book page with smudged handwriting. A sticky note found by accident— or was it? Different ways in which they were contacted by the same person but they all ended up the same way.
That’s how the story begins. (this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic)
12. Decline to answer by fandomwolfx: Gina must have walked around the whole of camp Shallow Lake at least three times now.
The tube of blue paint in her hand is starting to dry out from the relentless July heat and her boyfriend who insisted he wanted to wear some so that they could match is nowhere to be found.
Not that she should be surprised, EJ has been MIA for most of the camp so far too busy spending time with the other counselors which is… whatever.
Or, how did Ricky end up with that blue facepaint during 'It's On'?
13. plus one by bunnoon: after their individual breakups and years of on and off friendship, ricky and gina decide to team up and take on wedding season together by making a pact to be each other’s plus one to every wedding of the year. however, what they didn’t plan for was the feelings that arise along the way.
♡ based off the 2019 romcom by the same name
14. Of the Utmost Importance by goldenthread: Lord Richard Bowen is at odds with himself. After being confronted with an unpleasant truth (his mother’s adulterous behavior within the very walls of the estate) and his fiance since the age of five reminds him of their impending nuptials, he coasts. He finds himself on a writing retreat of his own design skipping out on duties as Lord and husband to Duchess Nini Salazar Roberts. He comes home to his entire world changing. Baroness Genevive Porter arrives in town and the world shifts on its axis again.
rina regency era fic no one asked for (bridgerton and pride and prejudice inspired).
(this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic that is currently updating regularly)
15. come home to my heart by goldenthread: Ricky and Gina spend the majority of the summer apart, choosing to take second chances on other people. The tangled web of miscommunication somehow worsens, and the two wind up hating each other all while starring in East High's latest production of 'Into The Woods'. Ricky thinks his senior year is off to a great start.
(this fic is an incomplete multichapter fic that is currently updating regularly)
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richmondsims · 2 months
Just when everything seemed settled at the Bluewater store, Andrew had suddenly announced that he was resigning, and they were now searching for a full time employees for both shops. Of course, all this had to happen a few months before Georgia also left for college.
Fortunately they had found someone to work in the Richmond store soon after Georgia left. Kyle's nephew Jamie had graduated from college and wanted to become a writer. He'd heard a lot about the shop from Kyle, and decided he wanted to work there for a while. 
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Kyle was only too happy to offer him a job, but Jamie had been unable to find an affordable house in Richmond for his young family.
With the twins off to college Kyle and Willow had plenty of space in their house. Some people might enjoy the calm after years of children and teenagers, but they just found it too quiet. Jamie, Meadow and their son Harrison moved in a few weeks later.
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They had wanted a busier, noisier house, and they had got it. Harrison was an active, curious child who never quite seemed to grasp that the whole world wasn't a toy he could play with.
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He'd even gotten into trouble in the church at a friend's wedding recently.
On top of that, Meadow was expecting their second baby.
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There was a very good chance that Kyle and Willow would be among the first to know that when the baby was coming, and this seemed to bother Jamie's father, Kyle's brother James, a great deal. They were all under strict orders to let James and his wife Marla know the very minute anything happened, and Kyle took this seriously.
"I think he already thinks I'm trying to steal his grandkids," he told Jamie. "As if I don't have enough of my own!"
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"How many grandkids do you have?" Jamie asked.
Kyle did a quick mental count, "Fifteen."
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"Sixteen," Willow corrected. "If you count Cory's daughter as Rose's stepdaughter."
"Sixteeen," said Kyle. "And... I guess that means one great-grandchild."
"Dad only has ten," said Jamie. "But you can tell him not to worry - we'll catch him up."
Baby Logan arrived on schedule, with the correct notifications made and the grandparents there to meet him soon after he was born. 
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Kyle saw a lot more of his brother and sister-in-law, now that they had a baby grandson to visit. It was easier for them to come to Richmond than it was to take the children into the city.
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Harrison was delighted to be a big brother
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From Kyle - Part 2
Meadow has the Surrounded by Family LTW - she wants to raise five children, hence the plan to 'catch up' James with grandchildren numbers. I don't always allow this LTW to fulfill for population control reasons, but I also like playing big families and I'll allow one or two each generation. Jamie also has the Family Orientated want so he's not opposed to more babies, either.
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mary-is-writing · 2 months
Patreon, moving and trying stuff for the heck of it
The tl;dr is that my writing and tag games are moving to Patreon, for free. I'm still using this blog as my main and a writeblr. You'll likely won't see more writing here but you'll probably see lots of links to patreon posts. Since I'm new to Patreon, I'm open to advice about how to use it, if I should use it at all, and anything else. More details under the cut owo)/
You probably know that they've started approaching AI in here, which is a big turn off for creators. It's me, I'm creators.
While my main blog here works both as a personal and a writeblr, I've been thinking if, how and where will I migrate my writing to, specifically excerpts and small stuff like writing related tag games. After thinking for a while and getting reassurance from some writer friends, I've decided to migrate it to Patreon.
What does that mean? I hear you ask. It means that all the excerpts, character designs and art related stuff of my wips that would've been shared directly to Tumblr will now be shared directly there. Other stuff like updates on the state of the writing progress I'm making, that's not my writing itself, will most likely continue to be posted on Tumblr since that's kinda the only social platform I use.
So it'll be behind a paywall? You may wonder. No, it will not: all of those things I mentioned earlier (excerpts, lines, character designs and more) will be free to read and see for everyone. After all, they'd be free if they were in Tumblr, so I want to keep it like that.
You won't post them in Tumblr anymore, then? Like I said, no; not directly at least. I plan to try and see how it goes with me linking the patreon post to my Tumblr every time I upload there. It may be redundant to do all this just to post it here anyway, but it's a way to avoid the Tumblr AI that makes me feel more at peace than just an opt-out button.
What about writeblr tag games? A valid question, in a lot of those you have to share your writing. For now my plan is to do them in bulk so I can have one big post with all of them there, every other month or so, instead of a lot of tiny ones, and then link it over here. I think that'll work better, and it'll also give me time to stock on them. In other words, wether we're mutuals or not here, please tag me in things!! It'll take a while, but I promise I'll get to it. Eventually.
Why Patreon though? Well, I don't need to tell you that we live in capitalist times, and as a recent college graduate without a job that wants to be an indie writer, Patreon is a good option for me to make some sort of revenue. However, I don't work fast enough to show stuff on Patreon as rewards on a regular basis, that is, if you don't count stuff like small excerpts and tag games (which are sometimes one and the same), nor do I have a massive following that'd be willling to wait more between rewards. This is the second reason why I decided to migrate things there; first, to avoid the AI; second, to have something to show for my writing and do a little nudge to say Hey, if you like what you read, there's a way right here to support me so I can continue it. I could use other platforms like Ko-Fi, but if I'm gonna put time into something that allows me to earn some spare cash, I prefer it to be the one that'd let me have those earnings on a more regular basis.
Unless Ko-Fi has changed how it works, in which case I'll be checking it out later.
I don't have a set goal nor does my income currently depend on this, so I think it's a good time to start posting things to a Patreon without stressing myself that "it has to work". In the end, this is all just me trying things around to figure out what works and what not. If it doesn't work and people don't want to do an extra click to read my stuff, like I said, it's not like there's a lot of pressure on me right now. I've had a few years living with a Just Do It mentality and this is a extension of that, so for now I'll try this out, see where it goes, and how it develops.
I have a few things to tweak and prepare for the Patreon page to be ready for launching, so if you have any suggestions about how to use Patreon or if my approach is wrong and you know a better platform for this, please do tell me! Like I said, this is all just trial and error, so I'll learn as I do.
Thanks for reading!!
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megabuild · 1 year
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been thinking 💭 about their time spent as worlds most annoying students
lore dump LOOK OUT
- i will make a proper explanation for the worldbuilding i have for empires one day but basically all thats necessary is that its set in a high fantasy world separate from any other smp, i consider most smps being set on the same "planet" i guess? (special thanks to rendog for making me have to clarify that.) but at different times so empires s1 takes place fairly early, a time similar to the renaissance period for us.
- pix and fwhip knew each other before the series though because as said above They went to school together! About ten years before season 1 is set. Specifically a very prestigious academy in the city they both grew up in, it's more like a university than a school, they're both young adults when they enroll.
- fwhip is studying alchemy not just out of the love of it but also to follow in his father's footsteps (his relationship there is. not great but that's another ballpark) while pix is studying astronomy which in this world is a very important and magical study! the people of this region believe the stars and planets can help predict future events and disasters, so talented astronomers are basically like prophets. he doesn't actually have any prophetic visions or anything though.
- pix has a whole thing i'll get into some other time that basically means his ability to harness and use experience/magic is limited. most humans aren't as naturally predisposed as some other species but pix is especially Not good at this. but he's very studious and wants to learn all he can about magic even if he can't use it, so he's a model student
- fwhip on the other hand has natural disposition for magic due to having elvish genes, and is a bit of a slacker tbh, not because he doesn't care but because of bad past experience with educational environments.
- the two of them meet because they have a handful of classes that overlap. Don't really get along at first (quite badly actually though I'm considering changing that LMAO) but they end up becoming friends and eventually falling into dating yayyyy great awesome who clapped.
- fwhip has bigger dreams though. he wants to become Thee royal alchemist and it's sort of in his game plan that pix will become the royal astronomer even though pix... Isn't really that certain about astronomy as a career path at all. He has a family business that he might need to go back to but more importantly for him he just sort of wants to slow down and focus on rn!! Their relationship ends up falling apart for a lot of reasons but this is one of them.
- I say falls apart but it never actually has a defined end lol fwhip just. Leaves one day before he even graduates because he gets offered a very lucrative position that he can't really say no to. He leaves a letter but he never says bye and pix will hold a grudge to this for over a decade.💙
- their time at the academy is probably the happiest years of their relationship (unless i decide to say fuck it and give them a semi happy ending) and almost definitely the happiest years of fwhip's life. they are the most annoying bitchy gay couple u know. they pull so many pranks (pix has always been a lover of those and fwhip only enabled him in taking them to extreme levels) and generally are quite sweet at times even if its not always clear like. how committed fwhip actually is (he loves pix! he's just allergic to commitment and showing feelings without backtracking to make a joke after)
- on their designs there's not much to say, fwhip cuts his hair shorter including his little horn tufts and generally doesn't let it get long enough for the green to show cause he's trying to be more cool and professional. (Later on he actually starts dying it to make sure no green shows which is fake as hell of him but anyway) Pix bears a striking resemblance to recap!pix which doesn't really mean shit other than he is his great x10 peepaw uncle twice removed and ithought it was cute. Fwhip bought those earrings for him which I think I've posted about before somewhere. Their outfits are sort of lame cause I made them up in five seconds just so I could draw something orz I don't think the academy had any strict uniform though pix probably did wear gloves due to working with magic and fwhip definitely never wore suitable gear for working with highly dangerous chemicals
- tldr blows them up in my mind
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