#I'm alone this year
Happy Valentine's Day, darlings 💖
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knifearo · 5 months
"asexual discourse" is so funny cause dude that's not discourse and it's never been discourse. it's not an argument and it's not a conversation bitches are just yelling at us unprompted and then making up people to get mad at 😭
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feykrorovaan · 5 months
Every time I see an oversexualized/air brush shiny Serana mod:
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alaynestone · 8 days
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rare sightings of dean's pretty armpits over 15 seasons of spn aka what you follow this blog for!
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notbecauseofvictories · 5 months
A number of years ago, I was sitting at the kitchen table with my parents. (I think it was lunch? lunch-ish? but I can't really remember.) Anyway, my father kept insisting that if you have hobbies, you should hustle and turn it into a blog, a podcast---something that would use that expertise, and share it with others. But my mother pushed back; she insisted that doing something is an end in itself. You can just read a book. You can think about what you read, turning it over in your head. Maybe talk about it with your local book club! But you don't need to start a LIT CHICKS podcast and read books every month and offer Blue Apron discount codes during commercial breaks, etc. etc.
You can just read the book.
I find myself thinking about that exchange a lot. I can just take a butterfly pinning class, or a foraging class, or a historical walking tour, and that's enough. The world is for doing things in, learning and meeting and seeing---you do not have to turn that into shareable content or a life's passion to give it worth.
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sl-9 · 1 month
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there are just so many ways to say "i love you"
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ripe-beetle · 2 months
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A bunch of Destiny NPC's I've been drawing to help practice my portrait skills :] This is the first of a group of 5 (why did I do this to myself)
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mewkwota · 1 month
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I Know What You Are... You Are Mega Man!
The differences between each Mega is something I love and appreciate, plus it's also fun to compare them side-by-side for it.
I think it's really amusing how they start with robots that slowly reach near-human traits, and then there's a straight-up human. Albeit, he is merged with a non-human being.
And then there's Volnutt. I know he could probably be narrowed down to an "artificial human", but I like the idea of tying him to his celestial origins as Trigger that are still half a mystery.
Such is my running-joke with him. He is just... Volnutt (currently).
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emin-folly · 1 year
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This is basically how it happened in the movie, right
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kerryweaverlesbian · 3 months
Dean Winchester of Supernatural fame is NOT reading parenting books he is putting on Cheaper By The Dozen, Daddy Daycare and Honey I Shrunk The Kids taking notes.
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aesfocus · 2 days
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Fable 2025
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grassbreads · 10 months
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On a scale of Chang Geng to Luo Binghe, how well does your teenage protagonist cope with the realization that he has a massive thing for the guy that's basically raising him?
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copperbadge · 5 months
For some reason or other, I occasionally appear nonexistent to certain entities -- either because of a slightly unorthodox address, a weird aspect of my name, or an uncertainty surrounding my phone number. Or for no reason I can fathom!
The list currently:
US Post Office: Actually we're cool now. It did not believe I existed until 2022, but saw the light and was converted, and accepts me into its life.
Chicago Public Library: Persistently skeptical I exist, but suspiciously accepts my claim if I can show my voter registration card (they literally would not take my PASSPORT but took my voter registration card as proof of my existence). Due to this suspicion, requires me to make any payments in exact change.
Illinois State Lottery: Has not believed in me for years, but still sends me email ads, like a girlfriend who broke up with me but drunk texts for a hookup without remembering we live in different time zones.
Tinder: refused to even consider my existence and banned me while I was trying to register. Whatever Illinois State Lottery told you about me was a lie, I swear!
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skrunksthatwunk · 5 months
thinking about how eiji's a pole vaulter and how ash talks about eiji "flying" and how eiji's associated with bird imagery and how eiji's free (unlike ash) and how eiji comes in on a plane and leaves on a plane and how ash cannot fly, ash cannot be free, how nyc is ash's prison, and how ash is the leopard who dies climbing the mountain, unable to live at such elevation, how he was trying to reach the sky and be free but was always stuck to the earth, how he chose to die instead of climbing back down, how he chose to die where he could see the sky and hope and freedom almost like a bird with eiji's letter right in front of him rather than letting everything go wrong and ruin it once again, how eiji's a failed pole vaulter anyway, how a bad fall ruined his career and grounded him (physically and emotionally), how it took flying to america and meeting ash and needing to save him and skip for him to try flying again, how he landed hard and harsh and still the thought of that escape compelled ash to protect eiji at all costs because if he could fly that means something to him, even if he doesn't think he can fly, how eiji is the manifestation of his hope and how when he breaks and asks eiji to stay with him a while he folds himself over his legs and weighs him down and traps him and grounds him, how ash fights like hell to keep eiji alive not because he thinks he can be like him (hopeful, flying, innocent), but because he makes him forget the gravity of his situation, and so he can see eiji fly again. how he wants to see him escape. how eiji is a bird and ash is a wildcat and how ash never once saw eiji as prey. how eiji never saw ash as a predator. how it is eiji's naivete that first endears ash to him, how it is his freedom and flight and removal from darkness and his ability to leave that darkness that really roots eiji in ash's blood as something essential to him keeping on living in this hell of nyc. how it is that distance from the violence and that hope for the future that ash chooses to surround himself in as he dies. how ash dies in a dream because he feels more than anything that he can't fly like eiji, that he can never leave. how his violence is a part of him and will be forever, how it weighs him down. how he wants to enjoy the view from the mountainside rather than looking up from the ground below. as if they can both fly. as if he is with him up there and not grounded. eye-to-eye with what he can't have, seeing eiji's homeland: the sky. how he dies trying to reach the top because he couldn't take retreating and trying again. how ash, tired and tired and tired and convinced it will go on forever if he crawls back down the mountain, chooses to close his life deluged in eiji, in eiji's insistence that they can fly together, in eiji's hope for him and for them, in eiji's beautiful dream. how ash dies without trying to realize that dream. how ash, in dying, destroys it.
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tatck · 11 months
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testing ink
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ratqu33n · 5 months
oh my god so many thoughts about the new episode
The contrast between Fabian and Riz really fucking kills me. Like Riz's mom is working herself to the bone trying to find a way to help him pay for college and has to have this hard conversation with Riz before school starts because it's just that important that he starts thinking about scholarships and jobs and stuff. In stark contrast with Fabian's mom who not only got married while he was away (presumably without telling him), but also left immediately all whilst giving him exponentially more things to deal with in her absence. Like I know it's funny that Fabian apparently doesn't even know where glasses are in his own home but it's kind of really sad to me. This guy is eighteen years old and doesn't know how to do anything for himself. He has to start applying for colleges soon and has to learn how to feed himself and be a person and all these basic things all at the same time. The whole theme of the season seems to be just exhaustion so far but Fabian's whole family life just makes me really tired for him.
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