#I’ve had a lot of dreams about these boys but for some reason Dino’s are always the most heart-stopping
vcrnons · 11 months
you have me intrigued about the dino dream
(i remember this entirely too vividly and that’s because sometimes i randomly think about it and it sends my entire day into a spiral, so im rly sorry for how long this is lmao) (writing this out has made me feel so incredibly delusional) (under the cut for length & also to prevent anyone who doesn’t want to be subjected to my dumb dream bs)
chan & i worked together and we were at some kind of a training day? type? thing? and i guess we must’ve been like passively flirty colleagues or something because when he came into the big training room (which we were all sat ON THE FLOOR IN??? where were the TABLES AND CHAIRS what even is my subconscious) he came and sat RIGHT next to me and we had this cute little small-talk moment before the actual training stuff started
so we’re sat on the ground and we’re being lectured about information governance and data protection and shit, and lmty i am NOT listening because i can’t stop staring at him??? fr my guy looked HEAVENLY you can’t blame me for this. N E way i’m sat like. knees bent & pulled up to my chest, he’s got one leg bent up, both his fuckin. strong ass arms wrapped around it. and one leg out flat because he’s insane and wanted me to suffer, probably. and i’m just trailing a finger up and down his arm the entire time, feeling his muscles, giggling to myself quietly and he keeps looking back at me and smiling and I WAS LIKE HELP. because. it was BLINDING and his eyes were so soft and i’m getting palpitations remembering it wait—
so we break for lunch, it’s a dumb little buffet style thing of just sandwiches and chips and that’s literally it. and we eat and everyone’s like “well this is shit” but it’s free food so we’re still going for it yk. good to know dream j takes food as seriously as awake j does. moving on!
a few minutes into this lunch he pulls me to one side and asks if we can talk so we went out into a corridor and apparently ig we’re in this big high-rise building with floor-to-ceiling windows, staring out over a city??? bro the view is INSANE. so. he gives me one of his AirPods, puts on a song, we’re just looking out over this city together and listening to the music. he turns the volume down and we start talking just quietly about fuck-knows-what, obviously it starts getting a little Juicy. we’re super close, basically in each others faces, noses TOUCHING. (what in the wattpad was i inhaling this day—) and HE TILTS HIS HEAD TO THE SIDE SO HES LIKE AN I N C H AWAY FROM KISSING ME AND HE SAYS “you know, if you wanted something more, all you had to do was ask”
and then we had to go back into the training room so i went in and sat down where i was before but he SAT ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE ROOM LOOKING ALL UPSET. and im trying to make eyes at him like babe come back im sorry let me explain BUT HE WOULDNT LOOK AT ME. and then fuckin. seungkwan comes over, crouches down, and is like
“hey, please don’t mess around with chan. he really, really likes you. never shuts up about you. if you don’t like him like that, it’s okay, but please just be gentle with him”
but HE DIDNT. so at the end of the thing I just went over and dragged that man by his shirt out of the room and threw myself at him and explained everything and THEN WE FINALLY GOT THE SMOOCH. AND IT WAS JUST REALLY FUCKIN. IT WAS A LOT. IT WAS VERY A LOT. AND IM STILL NOT OKAY OVER IT. IF YOU WONDERED 🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠🫠
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krreader · 4 years
BTS reacting to another idol flirting with you when you come and visit them.
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pairing: bts x reader fandom: bts ; monsta x ; exo ; nct ; kard ; seventeen ; super junior ; got7 warnings: language genre: fluff ; crack  word count: 1.7k+
a/n: I’m always scared with these kind of requests that they’re repetitive because I’ve done requests like these before. But I do hope that it’s still fun to read and that you like it ♥
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kim seokjin
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Jin and you had your anniversary today. However, an idol can't exactly postpone a performance because of a reason such as this one, especially when no fan even knew he was in a relationship in the first place.
You understood, though. You had known what you'd get yourself into the moment you two agreed to turn this into something serious and so you weren't angry at him for doing his job. You had simply agreed that you'd pick him up from the show and then you'd either go and have dinner or drive over to his apartment to cook together, depending on how tired he was.
You must have come a little early though, because when Jin walked out of their dressing room, all ready to go, he found you standing in the hallway talking to Jooheon.
“No, don't be ridiculous. Get your things, I'm driving you there.”
“You're the best and I love you,” Jooheon kissed your cheek, then ran into his dressing room to get his things.
And well, Jin had seen this and stared at you with an open mouth, not quite believing what he had just witnessed, especially the nonchalant look that you had on your face threw him off.
“What? He wants to call someone to pick him up, the address is on our way, we'll just drop him off.”
“And he couldn't say that to you like any other normal human being? He had to say I love you and... kiss your cheek?”
“He’s like family. Jooheon loves you like an older brother. Do you really think he'd ever do something to risk that relationship?”
Probably not.
And when Jooheon walked back out and you three walked to your car, Jin asked: “It's not your apartment. Where are you going?”
“Ah.. it’s.. my girlfriend, hyung.”
No reason to be jealous. None. 
min yoongi
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“You're finally awake,” Hoseok laughed when Yoongi opened his eyes and slowly sat up, brushing his hands over his face, “(Y/N) stopped by. But since you were asleep, she wandered off.”
“Where to?” he asked with a yawn.
“Don't know. She said something about needing to see Baekhyun.”
Oh boy, despite the lack of sleep due to him having worked his ass off all night long, he sprinted out of the make-up room in search of you, until he found you talking in an empty hallway with Baekhyun.
“I'm not messing around,” he chuckled, “I'm telling the truth.”
“You're an idiot,” you shook your head, but there was a smile on your face.
“Am I interrupting?” Yoongi stood between you two and since you hadn't exactly been far away from each other, he now suddenly stood very close to Baekhyun.
“Ah, Yoongi,” Baekhyun chuckled a little uncomfortably and took a step back, “We were just.. I mean, we just..-” he cleared his throat, turning around to nothing but emptiness, “Ah, those are my guys. I better get back. Nice talking to you, (Y/N).”
Despite Yoongi being younger, Baekhyun knew when to step back. This must have looked like something it really wasn’t, but from someone that had just walked in, he understood why Yoongi didn’t like what he saw.
“He keeps doing that. They keep doing that. Why do they keep doing that,” Yoongi muttered mostly to himself, then grabbed your hand and interlinked your fingers with his, “You’re mine.”
You giggled a little at how possessive he suddenly became. 
jung hoseok
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Hoseok had only left for like five minutes, but when he came back, he found you in deep conversation with Yuta, talking about, what sounded to him like, Yuta asking you to come to Japan with him, because he could easily show you around.
Who did that?
Who asked someone who was in a relationship to go on vacation with him? That wasn’t cool. 
“She's good,” Hoseok interrupted, before Yuta could speak more on it, “We've already planned our next vacations. Japan isn't on the list unfortunately. But thank you for the offer.”
He didn't give him another chance to speak, only waited until Yuta was gone to turn around.
“You just made a fool out of yourself, Hoseok.”
“Because I don't want some guy to take my girlfriend to his home country?”
“Because I asked him if he could make me a list of things that we could do. Japan might not be on our list, but I wanted to add it as a surprise for you,” you shrugged, “Now you ruined it and I doubt he's ever going to talk to me again, because everyone in this industry has too much respect for you. So good job, buddy. Your jealousy once again clouded your judgment.”
He felt like the biggest fucking idiot on the planet.
kim namjoon
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This is exactly why Namjoon didn't like taking you to award shows with him.
In a world where everyone was so special, the one that wasn't an idol, but also wasn't a staff member, was the most interesting person in the room. So naturally, everyone was drawn to you. What were you doing here? Who were you with? Where were you from? 
And then there were those who didn't know that you were in a relationship with Namjoon and they just outright asked questions like: Are you still single? Do you want to go out with me?
And unfortunately, tonight was no different.
“I just think it's nice to see someone else who speaks English like me,” Matthew from KARD grinned at you with a little more than simple curiosity in his eyes.
Namjoon saw that little spark and he crossed the room in an instant.
“I don't think it's that special. There are many people here who speak English well, like..-”
“Like her boyfriend,” Namjoon smiled, even though that smile didn't reach his eye. And he didn't want to start trouble here, he actually really liked Matthew and he knew he was older so he wanted to be respectful. So he ended up excusing you two and pulled you away from him, since that seemed to be the best and easiest option to get out of the conversation.
“Jealous, are we?”
“Of him?” Namjoon snorted, squeezing your butt once he was sure that nobody was looking, “I know I don't have to be jealous of anyone, sweetheart.”
His actions told a different story though.
park jimin
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Jimin had been so excited about today.
He had practiced so hard for this performance, was ready to show it to his fans and everyone else that was here at this show and to top it all off, you had managed to get a day off and could watch him perform live for the first time in a very long time.
So Jimin walked up on that stage and showed everyone that he was indeed one of the world's most talented singers and dancers, only to walk off stage to find you not beaming at him like he had hoped, but instead, talking with a few guys from Seventeen.
“You're so sweet,” was the first thing Jimin heard you say to the youngest of the group, Dino blushing from ear to ear.
No, this was definitely not what he had hoped, nor wanted.
He was jealous, also a little bit disappointed, but mostly jealous. That is why he wrapped an arm around your shoulder, despite all the sweat.
All of the Seventeen members immediately bowed, almost all scurrying off as soon as he appeared, except for Dino, who lingered a little longer.
“Thank you, (Y/N),” he smiled happily at you, then he ran after his members.
You looked up, grinning when you found your boyfriend glaring so hard that if he had laser beam powers, he would glare holes into Dino's back.
“You don't have to be jealous. He told me that he was a fan of my writing style and how I'm the only author he reads articles from nowadays,” Jimin relaxed instantly, but there was still the matter of you not..- “And also, you were fantastic up on that stage. I'm so proud of you, baby.”
Oh, well, in that case.
kim taehyung
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Taehyung often felt like you going to award shows with him was kind of pointless, since he was either out watching others perform, or performing himself. He didn't have a lot of time to spend backstage.
But today, they had a really special performance and a rather long one that he wanted you to witness live, especially because he had hyped it up so much beforehand.
Performance in itself was good, but when he walked out and into the green room, he found you at a table with Super Junior members.
“I just think it's really interesting, why you chose him, I mean.”
Taehyung's jealousy flared up to the ceiling and he was about to waltz in there and tell them to leave you alone, despite them being so much older and more experienced, but he was glad that he stopped in his tracks before he did.
“He was there for me when I needed him most, despite him being so busy. We were friends before we became partners and I don't think anyone knows me as good as he does. I'm dating my soulmate, it's as easy as that.”
You shut them up the right way and Taehyung just watched with a soft smile, once again realizing how lucky he was.
jeon jeongguk
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The moment that Jeongguk saw you talking to BamBam and Yugyeom, he made his way over and put his hands on your shoulders, beginning to massage them.
“Can you not flirt with my girlfriend please?”
“We just asked her why she didn't pick one of us, but you. We're more handsome than you ever could be,” BamBam teased.
“They actually just asked what cologne you were using today, because you smelled fantastic.”
“Wow, you're such a traitor,” Yugyeom got up, sticking out his tongue before leaving you and Jeongguk on your own.
Jeongguk grinned and leaned down to kiss your cheek, whispering a soft: “I love you,” into your ear.
Dream team.
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Dino Watches Anime (Nov 15)
BOI, I HAVE A MIDTERM ON TUESDAY AND TEST ON WEDNESDAY. SCREW THAT. I’M GOING TO TALK ABOUT THE ANIME I’VE BEEN WATCHING IN BETWEEN STUDY SESSIONS! Yeah, the studying is like 2% while the anime and games are like 98%... I’m working on that, okay? Anyway, I’m going to cover mostly seasonal stuff with some other stuff.
Let’s go over the seasonal stuff first. Summer had so few anime coming out whereas Autumn/Fall came in like, “OPEN THE FLOODGATES! LET’S GO!!!” I haven’t even gotten around to all the anime airing this season that I want to like Yuukoku no Moriarty, Majo no Tabitabi, and Adachi to Shimamura. I missed some last season too like Deca-Dance which I just didn’t want to commit to if it was only for the good animation.
Taisou Samurai (DROPPED) 
I dropped it after two episodes. MAPPA has two major series this season, but they clearly gave more time and attention to the one that was actually going to make money here (which I’ll talk about later). This one seems like a passion project without the passion in it anymore. It’s like opening a bag of chips and finding out they went stale long before you even reached into the bag.
Taisou Samurai, at its core, has a premise that I found really promising. I happen to like watching gymnastics sometimes, and the idea of an athlete who doesn’t want to retire is interesting. They went wrong with the execution. I don’t know what they were trying to pull here, but with unlikeable characters and a terrible run at it, it’s like they weren’t playing with a full deck of cards here.
Also, if you don’t know what a gyaru is, one of the supporting characters will look like a racist caricature. Also, this bird has no other point than to try to make up for this show’s lack of usable humour by using Kappei Yamaguchi’s range and going, “Please, save this show. I beg you.” 
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I didn’t even bother giving this show three episodes to drag me in because I just couldn’t see myself wasting another 20 minutes here. Maybe I’ll have a change of heart, but for now, I should be having better things to do.
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I know everyone has made this joke already, but this is really just My Hero Academia x Among Us. I feel like if there was some more... budget put into this anime, they could’ve made it a lot better. The manga had a lot more detail, so a lot of the gruesome scenes with zombies or killings, etc. were muted and toned down beyond belief. Not to mention, I guess watching it after I read the manga just made me feel stupid. This is such a junkie show that pulls tricks that everyone knows is coming. Nonetheless, I can’t find some big reason to say “do not watch this” because it’s still a very mediocre show. It has its good points, but its presentation devalues it, the voice acting is meh (especially since Yuuichi Nakamura is playing THREE overpowered main cast characters this season), and the jig is up after the first episode, so the twists are just to make you sympathize more with the imposter. I haven’t seen a show like this for a while though, so I guess you can watch it if you want something refreshing like that. I don’t think you’re supposed to like this cast of characters, so I won’t say anything against not liking this cast. 
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Jun Maeda... the man who manages to incorporate baseball into every anime he does... seriously, every anime I’ve watched by him has it from Angel Beats to Charlotte to that unfinished Little Busters I just left on hold. Anyway, Kamisama is no exception. Jun Maeda has a reputation for building touching stories that start off strong then really lose their footing once he realizes that he’s not going to get 24 episodes and needs to squeeze all of those 16 episodes of story left into 4 episodes or so. It also doesn’t help that sometimes he goes off on useless storylines that pay no use to the story. 
Hina is really funny sometimes (but can be annoying). Narukami is funny. Really, everyone has some valid point about them that makes the show better compared to the previous entries. 
Seriously, some little kid comes up to you and goes, “The world is ending, I am God, and I’m going to stick by you.” Meanwhile, you’re just a simp that’s trying to get your childhood friend to fall for you.
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Honestly, I’m still having a blast watching this. As much as Maeda’s writing can really suffer from tonal shifts (mostly in the end), I still wanted to watch this anime simply because I always like his storytelling in the beginning, and the laughs it brings can sometimes still muddle out the bitter taste that’s left in your mouth when the series finishes. I can already feel this train going down a slide and off a cliff. I already paid for my ticket though, so I’m obligated to stay on this shootshow until the end.
Seriously, I do not like where some of these relationships are heading. 
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This anime is relatable. It can get stale fast for a lot of people, but every time I think I’m going to get sick of it, it pulls one of the same gags that makes me go, “This. This is why I’m sticking with this.” I’m not sure how much more there is to say. It’s just an abducted princess who couldn’t care less that she’s a hostage and instead, takes this newfound time to take some good ZZZs. What a life.
Oh yeah, this princess is also willing to commit murder, mutilation, theft, and assault to get the sleep she wants. 
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I’m not dropping this show... even if it makes no sense. The premise is astoundingly stupid, but it pulled a Zombieland Saga on me. It sounded so stupid, but once I gave it one episode, I found myself being entertained and almost rooting for the characters and their relationships. 
Imagine this: You are about to get into the high school of your dreams when you see the girl of your dreams cross your path. You want to ask her out so you jump over the barricade and get hit by a truck. You’re on the brink of death when you realize you can’t die there without confessing your love. You chase her down with blood coming out of your head and confess. She says that she’ll only go out with you if you marry her. You then... somehow survive, drop out of school, then get a job to search for her. I kid you not. This is the setup. It’s as stupid as it sounds, and the anime knows this. It doesn’t try to fool you into thinking that this series is supposed to be anything but some highway fast-track way to convince you into watching a married couple. I think what irked me the most is that the character designs didn’t change from when they were in middle school to when they were adults. It wasn’t the being hit by a truck and not being sent to another world, it wasn’t this girl who stopped the truck without ruining her hair, it wasn’t anything else but their character designs staying the same. 
Anyway, this anime is cute as long as you can jump some hurdles. It’s basically puppy-love marriage with anime stupidity through and through. I don’t know what about this series people, including myself, find charming. 
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It’s Shonen Jump. “Will it be the next Kimetsu no Yaiba? The next big Shonen Jump series? One of the next big three? Five?” No, I don’t think so. I’m not enjoying this nearly as much as I did binging KNY. The cast isn’t nearly as likeable, but I’m still having a good time. It’s not all that fair to make that comparison anyway. The cast for Jujutsu Kaisen is passable. I like some of the main cast, but I feel like they lack the same kind of depth with its main heroine. I know she gets more stuff done in the future chapters, but her backstory so far is, “I had a friend once... No, she’s not dead. She just left our small town.”
The fight scenes are actually so much fun to watch. MAPPA gave this series a lot more time and budget than say that first anime I mentioned. It’s fluid, the camerawork is amazing, the choreography is on-point. 
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The voice acting for this anime is spectacular among the main cast... when character dialogue allows it.
I feel a bit of imbalance, but Yuuji does offer a good protagonist template. Junya Enoki makes his lines so funny and gives this nonchalant approach that is the polar opposite of his performance in Tonikawa. This is definitely his season.
Junichi Suwabe voicing the main demon thing is amazing too. It fits so well, and he sounds so cool and evil. It’s great.
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Gojou is also one badass mentor played by Yuuichi Nakamura. Overpowered, part of the main cast, etc. Insert your reverse Kakashi joke here. Just give him more Sharingan genjutsu, I dare you. 
Yuuma Uchida is back playing another tragic character that’s serious and uptight. I can’t say much more about him.
The opening and ending are both worth listening to even if you don’t want to watch the anime. Lost in Paradise by ALI has been on repeat for me.
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Besides that, I’m going to go over some other anime that I’ve been watching.
Slowly. Slowly but surely. 11/148.
I know this is going to be amazing... I just want to be in the right mood to full savour it. I don’t want to be consumed by stress and not pay attention. The reason why I like a lot of those seasonal anime is because I don’t pay the same kind of attention. 
If you told me these characters’ ages, I probably would’ve believed everyone... except Leorio. The guy looks like a middle-aged money-hungry gangster.
What I would give to have the energy and serotonin of a Shonen Jump protagonist. 
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Haikyuu (YEAH, IT’S GOOD)
I’m watching this one with my mom and sister as they go “OMG OMG OMG” as we watch while I’m sitting there like -_-
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good show, but sports anime are made like shounen battle anime (because they are in a way) with different stakes. I’ve felt more “nervous” about some of the Haikyuu matches than I did with some of the Hunter Exam. Worst case scenario in Haikyuu, you lose the match. Worst case scenario in Hunter x Hunter? You die. 
I knew what I was going to get into when I was watching Haikyuu, and it’s given me what I remembered (since I did watch 10 episodes of it a few years ago) and expected.
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Unfollow me. Unfollow me right now. This is what I’m going to be talking about for the next month. I can feel it. I’ve had this show for like 3 days and watched around 33 episodes along with some of these other titles. I have a problem. I know that, but I don’t feel like fixing it. This show is just too good.
I get why people call this a poor man’s Gintama, but it’s not quite that. I can get the similarities, but it’s like eating an empanada and saying that it’s just like that dumpling you tasted last week. It looks alike on the surface... if you’re not that great at... telling the difference between things... but once you get to the meat of it (PUN HAHA), you realize that they are completely different, and you were a fool for thinking otherwise. 
That’s our main heroine! Go go go!
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Dude, episode 25 hit me out of nowhere, AND I READ THE SPOILERS! I won’t say any more than that.
The cast is one of the best that I’ve seen in a while. Their chemistry is basically the entire show. Without one of the main three, you wouldn’t have the show anymore. It handles its female characters better than some of its fellow competitors at the time, and it may have what some may call a “token fat character”, but the character never makes fun of her for being fat. They make fun of her for saying “Yabasu” every single sentence. It hurts that the manga ended with some loose ends, and this anime isn’t getting a season 2.
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But at its weird and mushy core, this show is about three people with heavy and complex pasts who simply want to help people work out their issues in their own... unique ways. 
I don’t want to say much else, but I wish more people would watch/read it and create/post most content for it even if it’s a bit old because it deserves it. I’m almost a decade late, and this anime still holds up.
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I gave Mairimashita Iruma-kun its own post.
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aforrestofstuff · 4 years
I'd like to know if you have any cooking skills headcanons!! Like, from who's able to make a absolute meal to who burns microwaved instant noodles.
I’ve done a few individual headcanons about cooking before, but I think it’s time for a refresher. You could call this... the main course.
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Okay, enough of that bullshit. Here’s the hcs. Thanks for your ask, anon! ❤️❤️💞
Disclaimer: this shit is crack as fuck because I have very strong feelings about cooking lmfao. FOH don’t interact.
Tornado of Terror: She’d find a way to burn ice cream, honestly. She tries so hard (by god she tries) but her meals always come out as a convoluted mess with ingredients that have no reason being together. She eats her steaks well done and boils hamburgers. It’s a nightmare. She doesn’t really spend too much time in the kitchen, however, because she knows she sucks at cooking and because of this, makes 90% of her diet consist of takeout. But if she did spend more of her day cooking, she’d probably discover the recipe to meth accidentally. It’s that bad.
Silverfang: Stubborn old grandpa way of cooking. He’s got a handful of recipes that have been passed down for generations and he’s gonna carry those fuckers to his grave. When Garou was living at the dojo, the little bastard would try to make some changes to these recipes and Bang had to will every molecule in his arthritis-riddled body to not RKO this kid (not really, Bang wouldn’t hurt a fly). But I digress. He’s a decent cook, knows all the fundamentals and all of that shit.
Atomic Samurai: Can’t cook or bake for shit although he, of course, talks himself up like he can. The extent of his cooking knowledge is only within the realm of “shit you can roast over a campfire when your cheap ass can’t scrape together enough coin to pay the electricity bill”. But now that he’s got that S-Class paycheck and three other disciples to freeload off of, they pretty much cater to his every food-related need. He’s useless in the kitchen. Utterly fucking useless.
Child Emperor: Doesn’t know how to cook (little bastard ain’t even tall enough to reach the stove imo) but luckily he’s got that PHAT BRAIN so he can easily just build a Gordon Ramsey bot 3000 to replace his incompetence in the kitchen. His diet consists of Dino nuggets and microwaveable noodles so it’s not like he’s doing the world a great disservice by not learning how to cook properly.
Metal Knight: Same as Child Emperor except he’s a rich bastard and programs his bots to make that fancy shit with only the finest ingredients. He’s got enough cash from doing black market tech trades and building up his robo-army that this motherfucker could snort caviar for fun. He’s a real pompous asshole about it.
King: His mom taught him to cook a few things, nothing serious. He’s one of those dudes that doesn’t really know how to make much, but the few dishes that he does know how to cook are fucking BOMB. He’s got a cast iron skillet for making pancakes and everything, bitch is already halfway to being a chef himself. Other than that, however, he’s a ramen monster. His blood is practically pre-packaged bone broth.
Zombieman: I’ve said this in a previous hc but he’s a damn good cook. One problem though: he only knows how to make single servings of everything because he eats alone almost all the time. He specializes in meats. Bitch is a carnivore. He bought himself a set of those 500-dollar butcher knives so he can carve up cuts like a monster. He hemorrhages cash into fancy wood chips so he can get that smoky flavor juuuuust right. He’s got an Outdoor Chef setup on his patio. My mans is living the DREAM.
Drive Knight: He can eat but does he really need to? His cooking expertise is popping a new battery in. There you go.
Pig God: Oh my god if this man’s kitchen isn’t Michelin-Star quality. He eats a lot and he cooks a lot, it’s only natural. He’s got an indoor grill and pot chandelier and buys industrial-sized buckets of pickles and roast beef by the cow and— okay he just has a lot of food, alright? And he’s got that PHAT S-Class paycheck so my boy probably has a whole walk-in fridge just to put all the fucking food he eats. Bonus points if he hires a dishboy to work and a contractor to implement a three-sink dish station with “Clean-Rinse-Sanitize” stickers slapped on the steel, lol. But yeah, he cooks for 500 people at a time because he eats enough for 500 people at a time. Gotta maintain that figure, you know what I’m saying?
Superalloy Darkshine: He has. Oh my god— he has a full shelf dedicated to just. DOZENS OF JARS of whey protein. He has two blenders: one for fruit smoothies and one for protein shakes. His kitchen? Spotless. He knows how to cook and he eats like a bodybuilder (because he is one, duh) so he’s got that fridge STOCKED at all times. He cleans like he’s getting paid for it because nothing feels better than wiping down a gas stove until that bitch is spotless. However, his taste is garbage. He can throw down in the kitchen but does it taste good? No. Sometimes the ultra-healthy alternative to something isn’t always the greatest. He’s grown accustomed to putting zucchini in his cakes and almost damn well likes the texture of it, but don’t invite this guy to the potluck because he WILL show up with a vegetable nightmare that’s sure to make even vegans gag. Sorry bud, but nobody likes soy bacon.
Watchdog Man: furry ass.
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Flashy Flash: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he’s pescatarian. He grew up on a coastal town before being sold of to the ninja village like a goddamned carpet and now fish is the only meat he eats. His cooking ability is about as good as one would expect from a homesless ninja. Like Atomic Samurai, he can throw it down over the campfire and still find a way to make a decent dish (in both presentation and taste) despite having limited knowledge and resources to work with. Bitch can whip up a five-star meal with some branches, a fish, and half a carrot like it was second nature. That’s about it though. He’s useless in an actual kitchen.
Genos: It’s canon. He’s a housewife. He only knows how to make the select few dishes that play an integral part in Saitama’s diet, though (because Genos can eat but he doesn’t really need to, so he only does it when he and Saitama are sharing a meal). Those dishes include things like: actual garbage. He cooks shit food. It’s not his fault. Saitama just eats like a fucking twat. There’s rats that live in the dumpster outside the restaurant I work in that have a better diet than him. Genos just works with what the poor bastard’s got and has gained a pretty mediocre grasp on cooking because of it. If he wanted to, though, he could easily be the best chef in all the land. Too bad he’s more focused on being an ultra-powerful speed demon.
Metal Bat: Tries his absolute best to cook healthy meals for him and Zenko when he almost always resorts to just popping a frozen pizza in the oven and calling it a day. I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but he eats his shit BURNT. Bitch like his steak well done, his yolks grey, and his chicken vaporized. The only exception to this is sushi because there really is no other way to enjoy it other than having it raw. Trust me, though. If there was a way to burn the fuck out of sashimi while still having it be sashimi, he’d find a way to do it and like it. But yeah, as I said: he sucks ass at cooking. He’s tried the tutorials, he’s bought the skillets, he’s sharpened the knives, but he just can’t fucking do it.
Tanktop Master: Same as Superalloy. They bond over gross-ass ultra-healthy recipes that only they enjoy. The Tanktop Gang loves him but they always kindly refuse to eat over at his house because they know he’s gonna try to make them ingest a broccoli loaf or some shit. He’s not too strict about his diet, though. He’ll chill out and have a pizza every once and a while, but only when he’s hanging out with the homies.
Puri-Puri Prisoner: He has a job in prison where he helps out in the kitchen for seventy-five cents an hour, but that’s about the extent of it. He’s got the bare basics down and could put together a decent meal for date night if he really tried (and had a damn kitchen to work with). On top of that, he can throw down some tasty prison food recipes, hand-crafted from the brick box itself. Ramen pad Thai, anyone?
Amai Mask: he’s rich as fuck, why does he need to cook? Bitch hired a chef and now all he does it drink skim milk and eat food from the top shelf. He couldn’t fry an egg if his life depended on it. Poor bastard doesn’t even know what a whisk is. And don’t even get me started on how much of a slob he is. The ten-minute process of making a single plate of spaghetti will have his kitchen in such a disgusting state that it’ll take him and a trusty Mister Clean Magic Eraser five hours just to clean it up. That is, if he even has the basic human decency to pick up after himself. He’ll probably just hire someone to do for him and then tip them a crisp 100-dollar bill for their troubles, only to make an even worse mess tomorrow.
Iaian: I’ve said this before in a previous hc, but yes: he can cook. It’s nothing special. He’s got a suburban dad sense of cooking where he, like King, can only make a select few dishes but makes those dishes taste magical. He’s got 0 utensils and shit kitchen to work with (because Kami’s place is probably like, centuries old on account of him still being a Samurai), but boy can Iaian whip up a feast like no other despite all that. It’s all protein-packed flavor bombs that look simple in comparison to, say, Zombieman or Metal Knight’s food, but it still tastes good all the same. Kama eats off of his plate all the time and it used to annoy him but they’ve grown so close that they might as well share forks at this point.
Okamaitachi: Can’t really cook, but they are a baking god. I don’t know much about baking but I know they’ve got a cupboard dedicated to their plethora of sourdough starters. They buy yeast by the pound and make enough bread to feed entire armies some days. Whatever the gang doesn’t eat, they donate it to the local homeless shelter and make it a habit to go out of their way performing good deeds that don’t always involve sword fighting (something Kami insists he instilled into them via his teachings— which is bullshit. Kama is just naturally good-hearted and sweet).
Bushidrill: Can’t cook or bake for shit but like Atomic Samurai and Flash, can throw it down on the campfire. Don’t let this man near any turkeys or pigs because he will spitroast the fuck out of them.
Fubuki: Okay, not only is she a great cook but she’s as dogmatic as a coked-out head chef. She and the Blizzard Group sometimes cook together in her massive kitchen (she poured all of her measly paycheck into it because by god, if her apartment doesn’t have a kitchen fit for a chef then it’s not worth living in), and she’ll be barking orders like a damn crow. She’s got the two-grand knife set, cast-iron everything, bronze accents on the sink, and the ability to deglaze a pan without starting a fire. She’s a natural. If she cooks for you, then that’s how you know she likes you. All in all, her food tastes and looks great. She’s a bit low on funds on account of being only Class-B, so she sometimes takes little shortcuts when plating her dishes, like using celery leaves in place of parsley and all that jazz.
Saitama: I’ve already said that his diet is absolute shit and part of that is due to being poor, but I will show mercy and say that he’s a decent cook. He only makes what he knows he’s gonna like and doesn’t leave any room for experimentation unless his budget allows it (which isn’t often). His kitchen only has the bare essentials. Genos has offered to buy him more equipment and even renovate the damn thing for him but Saitama refuses each time because then he’d have a bigass kitchen just for making a poor man’s omurice, and that would be a waste. His talent, though? Making a perfect omelet. He can fold the egg like a sheet with no tears and no brown spots. It tastes heavenly.
Mumen Rider: Ultra-safe in the kitchen. He doesn’t even own a knife sharpener because he’s clumsy enough to know he’ll cut himself the moment he even tries to use it. His pot handles all have coverings and he’s watched all of the food safety and fire safety videos out there. He could give a goddamned seminar on it. Food-wise, he’s a decent home cook. Nothing special. He does, however, share Superalloy and Tanktop’s nasty habit of over healthy-ing everything to oblivion and making it a tasteless, vegetative mess. It doesn’t matter if you invite him to the potluck or not because he’ll bring a cauliflower pizza anyway and y’all better fucking enjoy it or he’ll start crying.
Sonic: The same as Flashy Flash, minus the pescatarianism. He’d butcher a pig without blinking an eye, and often uses his katana in cooking (even though it poses like, 87 different safety hazards and is most definitely health violation). He can forage quite well and has taken a liking to wild mushrooms and berries over the years. It’s gotten so natural to him that he now knows by heart the specific time of year in which the wild berries are ripest, and which species of salmon inhabit certain streams on any given day.
Garou: Would burn water. End of story. His cooking is so bad and dangerous that everyone thinks he’s an arsonist when he really just starts fires on accident. Don’t let this fucker near a stove, for the love of god.
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alanna-artroid · 4 years
Cookies I Have From Cookie Run So Far! (And My Thoughts On Them)
Alright, I’ve gotten pretty far in Cookie Run: Oven Break, and I felt the need to share my thoughts on all the adorable cookies I’ve unlocked so far. So far, I have 50/100, so I’d say I’m making good progress. On to the list!
GingerBrave: The bravest boy. If this was a show, he’d clearly be the main character. I recently got him a little suit, so now he’s a gentleman! 
GingerBright: Sweet little lady. She looks like she’d be nice to get a coffee with or help you with homework. I definitely ship her with Brave, no doubt about it.
Strawberry Cookie: Precious baby! She’s super shy and I am compelled to protect her at all costs. Her pet is also a Tamagotchi, so she must be a gamer! Sweet!
Zombie Cookie: This is one of the fastest zombies I’ve ever seen. They seem like a nice guy overall though.
Princess Cookie: Heck yes, a mischievous princess! Those are the best! I love her dress and hair bows. I bet she just pretends to get kidnapped for the lols.
Pilot Cookie: Is it just me, or is this little old man smaller than most of the other cookies? Whatever, he’s got a cute mustache and he’s adorable. Go and fly!
Vampire Cookie: As a vampire nerd, I immediately adored this guy. I will gladly give him grape juice and chill with him under the light of the moon. 
Gumball Cookie: Is this was Splatoon is like? This boi has a lot of chaotic energy and I like him.
Pistachio Cookie: I love this warrior woman so dang much. Look at that minty green hair! Her power is also SUPER helpful. She a speedy knight!
Peppermint Cookie: Sweet baby. Good baby. My mom would probably adore this baby. (She loves mint and she’s not even a big sweets person.)
Muscle Cookie: As a lesbian, I’m not into big abs and muscles, but he’d probably be a good gym partner. Don’t mess with him is all I can say.
Cherry Cookie: Little Red Riding Hood got some bombs! I hope she and Gumball can go cause chaos on the weekends.
Hero Cookie: Precious nerdy boi with science! I saw his Island of Memories intro and his bond with Jellyco Cube is just the sweetest thing! Follow your superhero dreams, my baby!
Fairy Cookie: I didn’t know Tinkerbell was in this game! Also, I got her a bee costume and that looks super cute on her. Love her hair bun.
Werewolf Cookie: ULTIMATE FLOOF! Doggo here has a lot of angst and I worry for him. Maybe Vampire Cookie can teach him to chill? That’d be nice.
Rockstar Cookie: Oh, the songs I could sing right here. High tier rocker boy. Loving that flowing white hair. Rock on, buddy!
Soda Cookie: Go-to starter for my Breakout runs. I love him very much, he’s super cute! Let me go to the beach with this righteous dude! 
Dark Enchantress Cookie: Oooooh, she is GORGEOUS!!! I love her design~! I’ll be sure to invite her to any fancy balls I might have, as to avoid any Maleficent scenarios with this savage woman.
Moon Rabbit Cookie: My spirit animal! I love how she constantly munches while she runs. This girl is such a mood for me. Cute little bunny ears~!
Space Doughnut: Awww, look at this alien dork! Their design is very cute, and I love how their expression of >:3.
Macaron Cookie: Such a sweetie pie! Why must they all be so adorable?! She’s a little drummer girl! That is too precious! Look at her dress and hat!!!
Pink Choco Cookie: She reminds me of a show I watched when I was younger. It was about a space girl, does anyone remember it? This girl will save the day, I can tell! 
Avocado Cookie: Strong girl on the loose! My pun-loving friends would adore this cookie. And she’s a blacksmith, which is always cool.
Whipped Cream Cookie: Elegant ballerino!! He’s definitely one of my favorites! Such a beautiful boi~! I love his design so much, and he’s very useful. <3 <3 <3
Blackberry Cookie: Yeeees! Gothic girl for the win! She is SO dang pretty! I am WEAK for gothic lolitas, and she even has ghost buddies! I bet she’ll love spooky games like Luigi’s Mansion and Hollow Knight.
Lemon Cookie: Edgy boi is trying way too hard to be Shadow the Hedgehog. I mean, can you SMILE for once dude? It’ll take me a while to bond with this guy.
Salt Cookie: He strikes me as a wise old man you’d find meditating at the top of a mountain, or in his case on a boat in the ocean. I bet he has lots of knowledge to share.
Squid Ink Cookie: AWWWWW, SWEET BABY SQUID!!! Guys, I think they might be my favorite! They’re so squishy and mighty, and they need all my love and huggles!!! Don’t be sad baby, I’ll be your friend! <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Lime Cookie: Beach girl! She’s like Lemon Cookie, but slightly nicer! I really like her hair and beach ball. Very cool girl.
Ninja Cookie: FINALLY! SOMEONE WITH MORE THAN TWO JUMPS!!! I went kind of crazy with his jumping powers at first. He’s super cool. Not sure why his pet is a ghost though.
Pomegranate Cookie: Oooh, I love Asian fashion~! Look how fancy and elegant she is! Her story concerns me, and I’m worried about her.
Angel Cookie: Good cookie, sweet cookie. Wouldn’t hurt a fly. It looks like they trust the devil boy, which is beyond kind of them. I love it when angels get along with demons. Defy angle roles!!!
Devil Cookie: Speaking of, they’re a cute little bean too! I love the naughty demon trope, and this cutie is so mischievous! Call Angel your “rival” all you want, I’m still shipping you dorks.
Roll Cake Cookie: Imagine, if you will, the world’s biggest game of Whack-A-Mole! With that hammer, this boy would win without question.
Popcorn Cookie: I’d be happy to go with this girl to the movie theater! Also, I love how she had popcorn for hair buns. She seems like she’d be up for a fun time!
Carrot Cookie: Oh my lordy, her ponytails are carrots. The artists for this game are so clever. Strong but tiny farmer, I approve.
Ion Cookie Robot: Yes! A robot! I love robots, and this cookie is no exception! Definitely one of my favorites, up there with Whipped Cream Cookie. They’re super powerful too, and REALLY useful in Breakout and Trophy runs.
Dino-Sour Cookie: Gee Dino-Sour, how come Devsisters let you have two pets? Very cool punk boy. I can see him going to Rockstar Cookie’s concert.
Plum Cookie: Aren’t plums purple though? This boy is one tough cookie! Look at his karate moves! Honestly, I thought he was a girl at first. Why must these boys be so pretty?!
Alchemist Cookie: Look, it’s Twilight Sparkle! Apparently, Vampire boy is her brother? I really like her hair braids(?), I just wish she’d loosen up a bit. She seems like a nice girl.
Roguefort Cookie: Aaaah yeah, elegant thief! This cookie is the coolest! I love this aesthetic so much~! Blue cheese has never been so fancy. Just look at this charmer, stealing hearts!
Pitaya Dragon Cookie: OOOOOhohoho! THIS is what I’m TALKING about! Look at this beast, they’re GLORIOUS! They’ve probably killed a bunch of people, but They’re crazy powerful and I adore them.
Knight Cookie: This guy is SO much fun to play as! He just won’t stop, he’s too fast!!! I couldn’t stop laughing once I found out just how fast this knight could go! Somehow he controls better than Pistachio? I don’t know, I love him!
Birthday Cake Cookie: TOO PRECIOUS FOR WORDS! SHE’S SO DANG CUTE!!! Also, her “Bonus Time” changes to “Happy B Day” and I... I just can’t! She’s the sweetest thing!!! <3 <3 <3
Cocoa Cookie: Awww, look at this sweet baby! I wanna snuggle her! Her design looks so warm and comfy. I have plenty of hot chocolate to give her. <3
Raspberry Mousse Cookie: Ah yes, the pretty boy that got me into this game in the first place. Along with Squid Ink, he’s probably my favorite. There’s a reason he has the highest affection so far with me. I just adore his design, and he’s very powerful! I will ALWAYS have him ready for Breakout and Trophy Runs. Well worth all the hype. <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Rose Cookie: Finally, we have this lovely lady. Everyone is shipping her with Raspberry, and rightfully so. She is a high-quality woman that makes gay men straight and straight girls lesbian. Look at that outfit! And those dance moves!
Aaaand that’s everybody for now! I’ll update this once I get more Cookies. So far, I like most of them a lot. Anybody got some favorites they’d like to share? I’m still new to this game, but I’m happy to hear what others have to say!
I went back and fixed all the gender mistakes I made. (I’m so sorry! D:) Also, I got a few more cookies! So here we go!
Walnut Cookie: Precious detective baby! The newest update is only making her cuter! Probably the shortest of the bunch, and I adore her design~! <3
Cinnamon Cookie: Super useful power so far, and they have a really cool cape! Those cards are very handy! (I promise I’ll pay attention to the genders of these cookies from now on! I don’t want to misgender anyone again!)
Sparkling Cookie: Oooh, a sparkling cider cookie! That’s honestly the only boozy thing I enjoy drinking. He is super classy and seems like the life of the party. He strikes me as a Great Gatsby kind of host.
Moonlight Cookie: OOOOOOOH~! LOOK at this GODDESS! I love the nighttime/dreamy aesthetic. This girl has Luna’s hair and a wizard’s outfit, high tier cookie!
White Choco Cookie: This game sure likes it’s knights, huh? This girl is a fine lady and apparently, she attracts all the lesbians. Can’t say I blame those girls, I do love that hairstyle. 
Spinach Cookie: Aaand the newest cookie to hit the scene, this girl! I have never met someone so dedicated to vegetables, so I have to applaud that. She’s a super sweet girl, and I hope we find who stole her precious vegetables!!!
More Cookies! It’s been a while since I’ve updated this, so I have quite a bit to share. On to the new ones!
Mustard Cookie: Look at this punk girl! Street artist on the loose in the streets! I always admire people and characters in this style, so I’m supporting this rebel all the way!
Herb Cookie: Now THIS guy is everywhere! It seems the fandom really likes him, and I can see why. He seems like a very nice boy, with a sweet plant baby. I like the leaf hair, very cool.
Sea Fairy Cookie: I love how everything on her flows. Her hair, her dress, she’s so beautiful~! I will say though, Legendaries are SO DANG HARD to level up and get affection with! WHY?!
Cream Puff Cookie: Awwww, look at this precious baby girl~! Look at her soft hair and little dress! I almost feel bad running with the super cute ones, I don’t want them to get hurt! 
Matcha Cookie: Oooooh, all these ancient-looking cookies have the coolest designs! She’s probably insane, darkness will do that to ya, but she seems harmless so I like her!
Ice Candy Cookie: This chick could crush me like a grape and I don’t know how to feel about that. Hopefully, she’s only savage on the ice rink. I do NOT want to mess with this girl.
Cherry Blossom Cookie: Awww, look how pretty she is~! Cherry blossoms are always so lovely, and this girl embodies that. She has a PARASOL for crying out loud, I CAN’T EVEN!!
Grapefruit Cookie: This game sure likes sports, huh? She seems really cool, I love her colors! Do you think she’d play Skate 3? Hopefully, she’d get a laugh out of that game.
Pirate Cookie: This guy has been a long time coming. I’ve been curious about him since the Breakout episode. He’s pretty neat, I appreciate how he naturally comes with an extra revive.
Kumiho Cookie: Cool! A Kitsune! I love the spin on the concept of cookies. Let this marshmallow fox live out her reverse-furry dream! I’m loving her design too, look at that hair! 
Marshmallow Cookie: Oh cute! Another marching band cookie! According to her story, she and Macaron had a falling out. I hope they can reconcile and be friends again. :(
Dark Choco Cookie: WE’VE REACHED MAXIMUM EDGE! WITH OREO SHOULDER PADS!!! Interesting how he’s still trying to be a hero, which is a nice spin on the “I have evil powers so now I’m evil” trope. Here’s hoping he stays strong.
Fire Spirit Cookie: Ah yes, the classic lord of fire. A staple for any fantasy story that includes the elements. Again, it’s impossible to get the affection for these guys.
Mala Sauce Cookie: Yay! I got Pitaya’s girlfriend! I always love it when there’s a tribe/society of warriors and the WOMAN is the strongest one there. Heck yes! This warrior lady is a badass!
Firecracker Cookie: I didn’t know I was invited to a rave party! Love the neon colors on this cookie, that’s something this game really excels at.
I’ve reached 90 cookies! I’m on the homestretch!!!
Cheesecake Cookie: OH MY LORDY LOOK HOW FANCY SHE IS! I adore her already! Fancy ladies are the best ladies!
Kiwi Cookie: This game REALLY likes sports. He looks cool, can’t complain.
Yoga Cookie: Awww, a pretzel is trying to be loose! I’ve done yoga a few times, and it is very good for your body. Nice colors, simple design, nice.
Dr. Wasabi Cookie: I’d reference some mad scientist, but I know a lot of them so we’d be here for a while. Her combi generator has been very helpful.
Chili Pepper Cookie: Uh oh, this one’s a troublemaker! I really like her hair, it’s very bright. Secure your pockets around this chick, that’s for sure.
Millennial Tree Cookie: These cookies are too pretty, I keep thinking they’re girls! This guy is so beautiful~ truly a being of nature!
DJ Cookie: Ooooh, I love her design~. Rainbow colors will win me over every time. And look! She’s wearing a Bi Pride shirt! This girl is awesome! I like how her special power is basically tiny Guitar Hero.
Snow Sugar Cookie: Soft baby, sweet baby. Looks very cuddly. Their level was very helpful during Sandwich Cookie’s event in getting frozen jellies. Those blue bears aren’t easy to come by!
Fig Cookie: CENTAUR! I wasn’t expecting one of those here! She’s such a sweetie pie~. Since everything and anything is allowed in this game, can we get mermaids or harpies next?
Cotton Candy Cookie: PRECIOUS BABY! She’s so gosh darn cute, I can’t take it! I personally can relate to falling in love with things so easily. And there are official plushies of her now! ONE DAY I WILL BRING HER HOME!
Purple Yam Cookie: Bro needs a chill pill. Not ONCE have I seen this guy smile yet. And I thought Lemon needed to lighten up. Milk seems to care about him though, so I guess he can’t be that bad.
Milk Cookie: The softest of warriors! Look how cute he is~! I adore him! Plus he really shines in the stories. I can only assume Yam is his boyfriend or something. Am I wrong about that?
Cyborg Cookie: Hey! I saw the storybook for this one! I’m surprised I haven’t unlocked this “Aloe Cookie” yet. Are they still in this game? I can’t find them on the chart. Anyway, Cyborg is cool. Very nice design.
Mango Cookie: Newest baby! I love him, and would love to learn all about the islands from him! I’m gonna say it, I already ship him with Ananas Cookie, no questions asked.
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invisibletinkerer · 5 years
Fic: The Secret Journal of 'Stanford' Pines
Size: ~3000 words AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20864183
Stan Pines keeps a journal of brief daily notes during the summer of 2012.
Note: We all know that the Gravity Falls timeline makes no sense whatsoever. Therefore this is based on a headcanon timeline I made a year or so ago, trying to incorporate as many of the canon dates (in show and published J3) as possible, but ignoring the ones that were contradictory or made no sense. This still means some episodes did not happen in a strictly chronological order.
June 1
Kids are here. I have no idea what to do. Why did I agree to this.
Boy is a grump and girl made macaroni art in the kitchen. Did I even have macaroni?
 June 2 Sunday
I think boy got spooked in the forest. He seems fine, though. Good taste in gold chains.
Girl is now dating some punk kid.
 June 3
Kids looked like they’d been run over by the golf cart when they got back tonight. Not good.
Gave them some free gifts from the shop to cheer em up. Yes I know
Boy got a new hat. Should get him to wear a Mystery Shack shirt next. Girl found a grappling hook that was not in my inventory. Bold choice.
What would they say if they knew about me?
June 4
Fishing Season Opening Day – took the kids fishing.
Of course, they got excited about monster hunting instead. They’re listening to reason about as well as I and Fo did as a kid.
But. They came back to me in the end. We had fun.
I love those kids.
 June 5
Soos found those cursed old wax statues I sealed up some ten years ago. Don’t seem all that cursed now. One had melted.
Mabel’s gonna make a new one for the wax museum. Meaning I’ll have to figure out how to make suckers pay to look at wax statues again.
 June 6
Mabel’s wax creation nearly gave me a heart attack. It looks just like my twin me.
She’s crazy talented.
 June 7
I’d say the wax museum reopening went well. Assuming “well” means “profit”.
Did anyone actually think I’d hand out free pizza?
 June 8
Hanging out with my wax twin Stan, and the moment I turned my back he was murdered.
 June 9 Sunday
Tried to hold a funeral for Wax Stan. Failed to keep it tounge-in-cheek.
Face it, Ford is long gone
 June 10
Guess the wax people were still as cursed as I remembered. Kids killed them with fire – I should have done that long ago.
Dipper crawled in the vents all day looking for a wax head that got away.
If I keep telling him he’s delusional, he’s got to stop looking for trouble eventually, right?
 June 11
Mabel decided I should date Lazy Susan. Couldn’t stop her. Now Susan and her cats keep calling me.
This was a bad idea. (I will never tell Mabel that.)
 June 12
Went on a date with Lazy Susan to shut her up. That ended just as well as expected.
Need to figure out some more specific excuses.
 June 13
The worst thing is, the Portal should work now. It’s functional. I just can’t get it to start.
Maybe I’ve been doing it wrong all along
I did fix that old copier. Don’t know if it still makes copies of people, but at least it makes copies of paper again.
Caught Dipper making oogly eyes at Wendy. I smell drama.
 June 14
Did not expect “The Duchess Approves” to be that good.
 June 15
The traditional Mystery Shack party that has nothing to do with any birthdays.
Mabel is a great singer, and that Northwest brat cheated.
Happy birthday, Sixer.
 June 16 Sunday
Gideon Gleeful’s running TV ads again.
Of course my family goes to his show just to spite me.
 June 17
Mabel played with Gideon today. Did not see that one coming.
As long as she’s happy, I guess.
 June 18
I hate Pioneer Day.
Stupid people acting even stupider than normal, nothing works, then someone (me) ends up in the stocks.
 June 19
Gideon and Mabel are dating!?
Seemed like a horrible idea, but Bud Gleeful has a point on the moneymaking opportunities if we play it right.
 June 20
So if Mabel marries Gideon, his business will be incorporated into mine. I sure like the sound of that.
Bud is already making t-shirts.
 June 21
 June 22
OK, no. No deals with the Gleefuls. Not now or ever.
Mabel broke up with the little pest. Good riddance.
Got me a nice painting from Bud’s house, though.
 June 23 Sunday
The Mystery Fair! It may look cheap, but it brings in the money.
Though someone broke all safety protocols and brought a futuristic laser gun to Dunkle the Grunkle. That’s unfair.
Mabel has a pig now.
 June 24
Got roped into the gaming arcade with the kids.
Maybe get one of those games for the Shack?
 June 25
Mabel decided to fix my fear of heights.
I can say this – being on top of a water tower about to fall over was unpleasant. Compared to that, a high but stable ground isn’t so bad.
Dipper got into a fistfight with Wendy’s boyfriend over teenage drama, but good on him for standing up for himself.
 June 26
For some reason Gideon has gotten it into himself that he wants the Mystery Shack now.
Good luck, kid. I’m a better conman than you’ll ever be.
 June 27
Mabel is slightly taller than Dipper. This is funny.
Gideon Gleeful trying to be threatening while throwing a hysterical fit after breaking my new mirror maze – mostly confusing. Wish I knew what went on in that kid’s head.
 June 28
Kids made me wear the golden teeth. Guess they think I’m a dishonest man.
Fortunately, I’m good at bullshitting even when telling the truth. Think I scandalized the poor things. Hilarious.
Could have been disaster, though. Could have easily made them hate me.
 June 29
Spent half the day falling down the Bottomless Pit.
 June 30 Sunday
Summerween, now that’s a respectable local holiday.
Scaring children for fun and profit. Celebrating true evil together with family.
 July 1
Hottest day of the year. Wax Stan was permanently murdered by the weather.
Closed the Shack and went to the municipal pool with the kids.
Gideon stole my perfect pool chair. It’s on.
 July 2
Broke into the pool area at night to get the chair to myself. Which was a good plan, until I wanted to get up later in the day. The pest had coated it with glue.
The kids broke into the pool at night, too. Didn’t ask.
 July 3
Opened the Shack again.
Can’t be too lazy. Tourists to fleece and all that.
 July 4
 July 5
Mabel bet she could run the Shack better than I can. Well. I’m nothing if not a gambler.
So, three days of vacation, in which I will make more money than she will make running the Shack. Winner takes the Shack, loser sings a silly song.
Best case scenario, she learns something about business and stops complaining. Worst case, she actually makes money and then runs the Shack for me the rest of the summer. Not bad.
 July 6
Made it past the line to be a contestant on Cash Wheel, using my Old Man powers and lack of common decency.
Why is it so hard to sleep
 July 7 Sunday
Well. I lost at Cash Wheel.
Guess that means I lost the bet with Mabel, too. Unless I go rob a bank or something in the time I have left. Hm.
 July 8
Turns out Mabel barely broke even when running the Shack. She did win the bet, but she didn’t want my job, no surprise there.
I’m proud of her for learning something.
She still made me sing that song. On video tape. It’s kinda catchy.
 July 9
Mabel’s friends came for a sleepover. They make a lot of noice.
 July 10
Soos managed to uncover the door to Ford’s that old study I sealed thirty years ago the very moment the kids demanded separate bedrooms.
I never wanted to see that room again. His glasses were still there
Guess they didn’t want the room in the end, but now it’s open. Can’t re-seal it.
I think they messed around with the freaky carpet. Took it away at the end of the day just in case.
 July 11
I fucked up, but I fixed it.
I got Mabel’s pig back, even when I had to punch a pterodactyl in the face for it.
She doesn’t hate me.
I love that kid so much.
 July 12
That weird egg I pocketed from the dino-cave hatched. Dipper says it’s a compo-whatnot.
I call him Compy. He’s now my Mystery Pet.
 July 13
Soos’ birthday. The kids tried to throw a party, which is. Bad idea.
Think he appreciated laser tag, though. And the magic pizza they got him. Never seen him so happy on a birthday.
 July 14 Sunday
Turns out Compy is a very tiny dragon. Hoards stuff, mostly cash. In places I can’t reach.
It’s no good. Gonna hand the chicken-lizard over to farmer Sprott first thing in the morning before he bankrupts me.
 July 15
Mabel and her friends went to some boy band concert. Got back late with a large pack of spoils. Probably robbed someone.
Wendy’s boyfriend is charming her with homemade music. Dipper suspects magic. Can’t rule that out.
 July 16
There was a hypnotic message in the music, but telling Wendy about it only made the teenage drama worse.
Went bowling with Dipper afterwards to cheer him up. Should have a chat with Wendy, too.
 July 17
Gideon   I’m   How could
Didn’t know Gideon was that serious.
As if half-lucid dreams about that yellow triangle wasn’t bad enough. (The kids know something. Not asking. I want them to stay away from that stuff.)
We’re staying with Soos as I panic figure out how to fix this.
 July 18
I can’t fix this.
Gideon’s got the whole town eating out of his hand and I’m just a grouchy old man.
Doing the responsible thing. Got bus tickets to send the kids home tomorrow.
Whatever I do next, don’t want them to watch.
 July 19
Figured out his trick, proved it in public and now he’s in jail.
Got the Shack back. Got the kids back.
And. Get this. Gideon had one of Ford’s missing journals. I have it now.
 July 20
I can’t believe it. Dipper. Had the third journal all summer.
All three of the dumb books are right here in front of me.
I activated the Portal. Simple as anything.
It’s scanning for Ford right now.
I’m actually bringing him back.
 July 21 Sunday
Grand reopening of the Mystery Shack turned into a zombie-fest.
Kids could’ve died because I was too busy with the Portal to pay attention. That won’t happen again.
Should have talked to them about weirdness sooner. Hope they believed me when I said I have no more secrets.
A little worried that government might have picked up signals from the Portal.
 July 22
Repairing the Shack. Too much undead slime to attract tourists like this.
 July 23
Re-reopened the Shack.
Dipper got himself an old laptop computer from somewhere. Probably stolen. He tried to hide it.
 July 24
Went minigolfing with the kids.
Mabel challenged Pacifica Northwest to a duel at midnight. I’m so proud of her.
Letting kids into minigolf courts at night to take a rich snob down a few pegs – finally putting my skills to good use.
 July 25
I still can’t believe the Portal works.
It keeps scanning.
 July 26
Tried to bring old Goldie back to the gift shop but apparently he’s unhip and scary. Had to throw him away before the parents sued me.
What I do need is a singing animatronic robot badger. That’s what kids like these days.
 July 27
Soos missed work for the first time ever. Seems to be girl trouble, but the kids are handling it.
Would’ve stolen myself a robot badger if it hadn’t tried to kill me. Saved by old Goldie. No way I’m not keeping him now.
 July 28 Sunday
Went for a Vegas vacation because I deserve it.
Not because I’m nervous.
Brought Goldie, might have gotten slightly drunk. And slightly married.
 July 29
Mabel found herself a new obsession with hand puppets.
She’ll throw a big show on Friday. Made me rent Gravity Falls theatre for her. (Can’t believe I did that.)
 July 30
The Shack is full of sock puppets and kids and Mabel keeps singing.
Guess this is my life now.
 July 31
 August 1
Soos went to his cousin’s wedding with his new girlfriend. Good on him.
Mabel’s still obsessing about puppets.
Dipper looks like he hasn’t slept in days. Can’t blame him with all this ruckus.
 August 2
Play was good! Think it paid for the costs, too. Mabel’s got showmanship.
Don’t get the ending, though.
I mean. Children fighting always makes for good footage, but was it necessary to beat Dipper up that bad? I swear Mabel don’t know how strong she is.
A little worried about Dipper. He seemed high as a kite all day. Probably sleep deprivation. At least he’s sleeping now.
 August 3
 August 4 Sunday
Gravity’s going more crazy around the Portal the longer it’s on, but I don’t care.
It hasn’t found Ford yet.
It won’t find him if he’s dead
 August 5
The Portal ate my notebook.
Got a nasty cut on the back of my hand from some debris, too. Could have been worse.
 August 6
Tried to advertise the Mystery Shack for the kids at the Woodstick Festival. Hilarious disaster.
Being feared is worth more than being loved anyway.
 August 7
 August 8
He’s alive. There’s a lock on his position.
Fuck I don’t  I have to
I know how it works. It needs to calibrate for a while. It needs to be fueled for the big moment.
I’ll go rob a government facility right now.
(So glad the kids are off at the Northwest party tonight.)
27 hours and then I’ll see him again.
 August 9
Ford is back.
I had to run from the feds and the kids found out everything the wrong way but it worked and he’s back.
But he doesn’t  He still hates me.  
Why would I expect anything else.
Don’t know what I’d do with myself if the kids weren’t here.
It’s fine. I fucked up everything, but. Mabel trusts me. Dipper forgives me. I’m fine.
not crying
 August 10 Sunday
The Shack needs repairs again.
Spent most of the day making Duck-tective finale preparations with Mabel. We had fun.
Told the kids to stay away from Ford.
 August 11
Dipper has predictably decided to be nerd friends with my brother.
Can’t stop him. He looks happy. Both of them do.
Still can’t figure out why Ford would have reality altering dice lying around in his sci-fi pouch.
Anyway. I knew Duck-tective had an evil twin.
 August 12
I hate everything.
Ford will take my his place here soon enough, does he have to undercut me while I’m still here?
I’m running for mayor now.
 August 13
Kids are helping me with a political campaign. Apparently I know nothing about politics and have unpalatable opinions. Bah.
 August 14
The Stump Speech went great! I relax, words happen, people cheer.
Dipper got a lucky tie for me. Think it really works.
 August 15
Should’ve tried being a politician before. Almost feels like people like me.
 August 16
Nope. Politics is not for me. Too much mind control.
Should’ve known it wasn’t me making those speeches.
(The kids shouldn’t get into politics either. Can’t always be there to save them from murder.)
Turns out I’m not mayor material, but I’m a HERO.
Take that, Ford.
 August 17
Rented an RV and took Soos and the kids and Mabel’s friends on a road trip.
Pranking the tourist traps. Good old Mystery Shack tradition for the last time.
Dipper’s practising flirting like a pro.
 August 18 Sunday
Almost got eaten by a spider-woman. That could have gone better.
Have to admit, the kids are heroes too.
Don’t think Ford noticed we were gone.
 August 19
Opened the Mystery Shack for the final stretch.
Two more weeks, then I’m gone for good.
 August 20
Made a good deal on illegal pugs. Still got it.
Ford and Dipper put some magic mojo on the Shack. Not gonna ask.
Might have something to do with how badly Ford is sleeping.
 August 21
Ten days left until the kids’s birthday and the end of summer.
Guess I’m doing a countdown now.
 August 22
Nine days left.
 August 23
Eight days left.
I’m gonna order a ponytail kit.
 August 24
It’s the literal end of the world and the kids are missing.
Suddenly orange skies, goats turning into monsters, the whole shebang. I thought I had enough troubles.
That magic on the Shack seems to be protecting it, but. THE KIDS ARE MISSING. So is Ford.
 ??? 1
Day and night are replaced by eternal glowing orange and every single clock is busted, so no more dates.
Went out looking for the kids, but all I find is other people. Also demons. No sign of Soos or Wendy, either.
Been taking people to the Shack. Safest place on Earth for all I know. I have enough brown meat and elected myself Chief.
The kids are fine. Probably with Ford. That’s the ticket.
 ??? 2
Went out looking again. Found the Northwest girl dressed in nothing but a potato sack. She was crying and I don’t want to know, but she didn’t deserve it.
Been told the head honcho is the yellow triangle. He calls this Weirdmageddon.
Old McGucket showed up more coherent than usual, herding a whole flock of forest creatures into the Shack. Starting to get crowded here.
The kids are fine. Of course they are.
 ??? 3
There’s still people alive out there. I heard cars over at Gleeful’s place.
Didn’t see anyone else.
I’ve lost  I couldn’t even
Mabel and Dipper are definitely still alive. So is Soos and Wendy. And Ford better be.
 ??? 4
They’re alive!
All four of my kids, bursting through the door like cops doing a raid but they’re alive!
Now all I want is for them to stay here and be safe. Why can’t they see that?
I’m done saving my brother’s skin and getting nothing but scorn for it.
Ford made his own bed with that demon. Forget it.
 ??? 5
Did I mention, the plan concocted by five kids, Soos, and a known madman is utterly insane?
They’re rebuilding the Shack. I just had it repaired, too.
It’s my house, but no one’s listening to me.
 ??? 6
I keep having this bad feeling about Ford.
It’s dumb. My brother has made it perfectly clear how he feels about being saved.
 ??? 7
Well then.
Not letting the kids lead an apocalypse rebellion against a demonic triangle without me.
 August 25 Sunday
 August 26
 August 27
 August 28
Huh. I can’t remember writing this, but it does ring a few bells.
It’s like I
I need to talk to Ford.
 August 29
So. The apocalypse is over, and we’re all fine.
We killed the demon by burning my mind out when he was inside, pretty much.
My mind’s still there, but it’s kinda. Well. In need of repair.
Spent a few days reliving good memories.
Turns out there’s more than a few bad ones, too. But.
Everyone is so good to me
I don’t deserve this
 August 30
I remember how Ford looked at me after I brought him back.
Now he acts like  he likes to   he thinks I’m
Now it’s like he’s my brother again.
He said. “Thank you.”
 August 31
The kids have left. I’ll miss them, but I’ll see them again.
Until then, my brother and I are going sailing.
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trashcanofhappiness · 5 years
247 aka Lilili Yabbay pt 2/dark vers.
Welcome to another choreography appreciation post that’s going to be long AF - full of gifs and this time including song analysis because it’s just as important as their choreography choices. I would read the lyrics to this song before reading this post because I’ll be referencing them quite a bit in this appreciation/analysis post.
First things first - can we applaud the performance team for putting this piece of performance art together while/between prepping for their concert, comeback AND showcase?
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Secondly - the true beauty this song/choreography is its impact in the story arc that is the performance units songs. For those who don’t know, Dance of Month 13/Lilili Yabbay, Moonwalker, Shhh and 247 all exist in the same story arc and I believe 247 to be the culmination of said story arc. 
Lilili Yabbay introduces their lover - someone who “lives in their dreams” and from whom they “dance in the moonlight”. This is a lover they are separated from, a lover they have yet to meet but are constantly searching for. There is hope and faith that they will meet in month 13 and a belief that their lover won’t disappear. No matter what, they will still be there, searching and waiting.
We move to Moonwalker where deep in the night, while everyone else sleeps, their love grows to new heights. They continue to dance in the moonlight, calling out to their lover with the excitement and joy of a first love that makes them feel like moonwalkers. Despite whatever keeps them apart, this moonwalking love will enable them to cross over any rift and let them get to their lover.
Shhh is where the story starts to turn. This song is almost a plea to their lover to shut out the whispers that they were not meant to be. They try to quiet the lies that they’re just an illusion, that their feelings are merely an illusion.
And this leaves us at 247 - what I consider to be the end of the story. The main reasoning for this is how much it references LIlili Yabbay in its lyrics and choreography with a sprinkling of choreo from Moonwalker and Shhh as well. In a way, it’s the other bookend of the story. From the get go, the vibe of the song is very nostalgic with its melodic guitar and relaxed percussion. It evokes an introspective atmosphere that’s portrayed as they spend the first two verses wandering the stage, reflecting their circling thoughts. Lyrically we start the song in a very similar setting to Lilili Yabbay as well: in dreams filled with their lover. This time however, instead of the feelings of longing and anticipation being associated with these dreams, the boys are singing from a place of caution and apprehension. The lyrics parallel searching from Jan - Dec to only seeing lost footprints on top of the road on which they searched from Mon - Fri. The continuation of dancing for their lover in the moonlight, sung in the same falsetto as in Lilili Yabbay, but saying that maybe it was all in vain. The parallel themes of time but with 247, the ticking of the clock-like percussion makes you feel like the time is now limited, almost at its end. What they’ve been experiencing since the Dance of Month 13 are just a memory that’s being remembered twenty-four/seven - memories that won’t end until the end of the universe and their lives.
Now that we understand the story, let’s appreciate the choreo. As stated before, there are moves that are sampled from Moonwalker...
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and Shhh...
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(I can’t find a good reference video to gif but just look for fancams - the above choreo references the choreo during the Shhh lyrics “위험에서 가릴 수 있게허락된 dedication/숨 쉬듯 자연스러워영원한 dedication” (So I can cover you from danger, a consented dedication/It’s as natural as breathing, an everlasting dedication)
but the majority of the choreography references in this piece is pulled from Lilili Yabbay. 
There’s the very obvious call to Lilili Yabbay with the signature clock choreo except in 247 the clock/time suddenly stops, reflecting the end of this relationship/story arc...
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the 247 take on Dino manipulating the gears of a clock...
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and the consuming hands thing (I have no idea what to call this move)...
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The choreography of this song is actually pretty simple when compared to previous performance unit songs. Granted, part of it probably has to do with the short amount of time they had to prepare but, by being simple, the story of the songs is actually reflected a lot more clearly than if it was complicated (and to be honest, I’m a sucker for choreo that reflects the story of the performance). This doesn’t mean the moves aren’t intricate (I mean, just look at the above gifs) or thoughtful - In fact, the moves are specifically choreographed to reflect the lyrics and story of the song.
Like I mentioned earlier, the song reflects a person’s wandering thoughts as they sing about their fears as to where this relationship is going. It starts as a slow, wandering train of thought:
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that slowly becoming more chaotic and confused:
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only to come back to where they first started:
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Below is a celebration of a few moments of choreography reflecting the lyrics in order of appearance:
“247 I look for you, wandering and wandering until I arrived here” - I am personally amazed at how many different ways they can portray clocks and time
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“If I open my arms and hold you” - pretty self explanatory tbh...
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“I don’t even get anything” - trying to catch something only to be left empty handed *tears*
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“No matter how much I say I miss you, my heart that longs for you can’t be filled” - THIS MOVE IS SO SIMPLE YET IT HIT ME SO HARD THE FIRST TIME I WATCHED THIS
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“The road that I look for you on every day, there’s only lost footprints on top of it.” - each member is an impression left behind as Chan keeps walking down the ‘road’
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And for the final gif of this post that has nothing to do with choreo but because they are called the PERFORMANCE unit and not dance unit for a reason...
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I know this post becomes a mess at the end (I’ve been working on this after work for the last 4 days when I should be sleeping so lol what is consistent coloring) but I love this song so much because it truly showcases the performance unit’s talents so well and I feel so proud of them and please oh please let them perform this during the world tour. 
Honestly this was originally going to be a short post to compare the choreo from previous songs to their references in this song but then I read the lyrics from Lilili Yabbay through 247 because of what Hoshi said during the showcase and I just had to make a post about it. This is why we celebrate Seventeen as self-producing idols - not for some gimmick or selling point but because they create their own songs, choreos, etc. they are able to tell a story throughout their discography. As they grow as people, performers, choreographers, etc. their performances grow and change along with them.
I have no idea how to end this post that’s already too long but yeah. I hope those who read this post gain a little more appreciation for the beauty of this performance.
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redevenir · 4 years
Hi! @lxveille I wanted to send it to you via message but it is way too long, and since we don’t each other I thought it might be weird?
I’m not sure how to put it, but I’ve been reading your blog quite a lot for the past few months, and, well, while I was on my phone and couldn’t log in, I still left a few feedback here and there, but apparently they never reached you because I can’t find them on your blog, which sucks because everyone likes them and I feel like you should definitely know that here I am, appreciating your efforts past and present, and I figured, rather than sending you tiny messages, I’ll give you a very general review of the pieces I’ve read – it will be short, but please, do not hesitate if you want me to explain something, I know you’re not in my head and I might get confusing, I don’t know!! (Also, if you’ve spent a lot of time on a piece, it’s only natural to want to know more precisely what one liked in it, so feel free, I have zero thing to do and quarantine for another 3 weeks at least – probably until september so, cheers to that) And you can see I still have a lot to read !!! I’m saving them up !! It’s so hard!! Hopefully this isn’t overwhelming, since I had the time I thought «just do it» and well here we are. Have a nice day and take care of yourself!
(also sorry for the numerous typos you’ll find in this – or, to be precise, the missing words. This is my cross to bear I guess)
if a tree fell in the woods, like i fell for you: *see beat [it] or [around the bush]
as in ‘crush’ → ‘crush’ follow-up : the realness of the struggle is real, oh dear. Not only is IPA hard to grasp but I had a very shitty teacher and, well!! I’m amazed. Also love the awkwardness in this, sometimes I had to stop because of second hand embarrassment – by the way, this is something I often feel in the way you write Joshua, there’s something slightly awkward but not unpleasant, if you know what I mean? Awkward in a good way?
100 ways N°68 : I loved it!! bartender but make it space-y! Like in the Seungkwan space au, I really appreciate the grounding aspect that comes with a «normal» job set in an exotic(??) au. Your world-building (and I mean it everytime) is spot on!
revel : Well, you just Maupassant-ed all over the place, that’s it, I’m in high school again wondering what the fuck really happened.
alibi : why is the mc so rude to him??? Be tolerant !!!
drunk : see!! the awkwardness!! It’s here again, in a gentle, caring way but!!
paradigm shift : What happened to them? Where are they now? Are they ok? Did they ever meet the radio people? Part of me wants to know, part of me wants to keep it unsure so I can imagine what happened after. Also love a little heat in those panicky times.
Spill : I know the feeling. I know.
when the music’s right : honestly, still not sure about it, but I’m glad it exists in its own weird way.
trust fall → acquiescence → sanctuary → insolation : I saw your answer to an anon saying  the last part had «kinda flopped» so let me tell you: it was a nice end for an amazing au, it had everything and I for one cherish it for
100 ways N° 7 + 38 → apricot → of fawn and fences : the world building!! I want to take classes and learn this world’s History! I love that Soonyoung is portrayed as learning about his civilization, I think it draws a nice parallel between him and us readers, as we are both discovering/ surprised as much as he is, whereas mc seems more educated – in their own way.
100 ways N° 40 : you said it yourself « sweetheart soonyoung » well yes this is what I’m here for (among other things)
100 ways N° 42 + 50 : Every time I read one of your university au I love it. Every single time. The balance between the softness of your characters and the hardships of uni (to put it in a gentle way) makes them raw yet comforting.
beat [it] or [around the bush] : since january I’ve read this thrice, it’s never far in my head. I don’t really know how to express it but really thank you for writing it. In a way, I feel like you morning afters speak to me on a very deep level, I can connect with every single one of those I’ve read, and they all moved me like a groundswell (you can say that in french, hopefully it makes sense in english too) In conclusion they felt very personal and maybe I’m taking this too much at heart but I’m genuinely grateful you wrote them.
implications : shed a few tears, loved it, loved it, loved it, in a 1984 kind of way – if you’ve seen the movie, this is the aesthetic I pictured. Really witty take on soulmates au. Super moving.
crepuscule : love it love it love it. Don’t know what to say, I just enjoy every single word of it. It’s a treat, a candy.
happenstance : this is one of my favorite trope (is it even one though?) slice of life/shy shy shyness/university au  but in the end it’s not left unsaid so it’s super satisfying. Also a treat.
100 ways N° 12 : soft boyish bub.
100 ways N° 8 : my heart, just take it.
Sequestered : cried real tears, thank god I was alone the day I finished it.
caveat → impulse : I felt wrong to feel it was very wrong omg. Left it feeling living with a zombie might be manageable after all – who knew!
in a moment → now you, too : !!! yes!!! I !!! have no words!! that’s it!! that’s the dream!!!
charmed, unsure : heavy vibes of Only lovers left alive, which I love
asking daisies and the art of faking : *see beat [it] or [around the bush]
caught : as I’ve said before : What happened to them? Where is mc now? Are they ok? Also I remember whispering « noo » at the very end. The timing is very efficient, and all the details you’ve put here and there only left me wanting more: what happened before? What happens after?
100 ways N° 38 : for the love of god just fall in love already
100 ways N° 57 : yes ! YES ! Space kid Seungkwan for the win !!
100 ways N° 83 : « Except there absolutely is a reason, if only either one of you would work of the nerve to name it. » That’s my jam, that’s it. I’m a bit tired now so I know I could do these fœtus reviews way better! But it doesn’t mean I love them any less !!
easy as… (pt.1) :  I.. just, petition for making this into a tv show ? Please ? It is enthralling.
100 ways N° 37 : cute, Chan is cute. This is cute!
100 ways N° 14 : slice of life but make it apocalyptic. I’ve rand out of things to say but this? I’ve mentioned before there are some of your pieces I consider the reading equivalent of sweets. This is one of them. 15/10 would personally love a long Dino-centered apocalypse au. (among many other things but who knows! Maybe I’ll be the one to write it) (also consider: space Dino) (space college boy dino)(i’ll shut it now)
lee chan would like to buy a vowel : I remember sending you a message expressing my love for this one, but, since it never reached you !! a master piece!!! the way you write dino is so relatable?? *see also beat [it] or [around the bush]
That’s it for me.
PS : it doesn't have to remain on tumblr dot com, ask and I'll delete it right away !
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megamanxfanfics · 5 years
The End of Season V
Happy Independence Day!!!!  Season V is finally Finished!!!!!
As we close out this last arc, I wanted to make some final thoughts, before I say goodbye to X5 forever!
----------------------------------Ep. 13--------------------------------------------
I said just about everything I want to say about this one already. [See previous entry] The only thing I’ll say is that it was really hard to keep any of the original narrative without making X & Zero’s relationship irreparable.
----------------------------------Ep. 14------------------------------------------
This was interesting!  Having a true Aftermath episode, after years of wondering what I might write next.
X needed to recover, and the world needed.. rediscovering on our part.  We know that the World was heavily damaged from X5 and the X6 intro, but we never get to explore just how much, from the games.
I had some fun exploring this through some final Dynamo continuity and of course, I took advantage of this with some final Gate continuity.  In Dynamo’s case, he won!  This is it!!  He got everything he wanted.  But now he’s left with this empty feeling inside.  ‘Now what...’
As for Gate, he’s just happy he’s alive and surprised at Isoc for keeping that mysterious barrier tech from Serges.  [The irony of this statement is not lost on me.]  There is a lot more that Isoc knows, that he isn’t letting on.  Gate remembers that Isoc liked to dumpster dive for parts after a fortress would be destroyed in the past.  We saw this in Xtreme 2.  That is why he suspects nothing of Isoc having X-Hunter tech.  Moreover, now they can continue to rebuild his reploids and take over the Research Community.  By force!
I love how at this point, everyone wants to reshape the World.  Not so much, Dynamo.  He just wants to enjoy it.  But Gate & Isoc have the Elite Reploid vision. We find out Zero’s motivations later.  And X, we know wants a World where reploids and humans co-exist in peace; this would later be called Elysium.
Back at Hunter Base, while X is asleep and recovering, I had a.. tough time dealing with Alia and the Rescued Reploids.  A little bit of Pre-X6 spilled in here, but the dialogue was all over the place.  I had Reploids reacting very aggressively, or Alia being too bossy and I recall having to edit it down a lot.  I attempted to keep the reactions as real as possible, because absolute strangers wouldn’t just automatically volunteer to be Maverick Hunters.  No matter how grateful they are for being rescued, they don’t owe you anything.
When we cut back to Zero, I had a blast writing him fly through the Zero Space 1 level.  There is no threat, and as far as Sigma is concerned, he is Home.  So of course there would be no lasers, firing at him.  But then I saw an opportunity at the boss lair that I couldn’t pass up.  This gave me a new writing motif for Ep. 15.
Back to X, he’s back up!  And sooner than expected!!  This was the first time I had to write an item-grab episode.  And honestly, it was kinda fun!  This part of it woke the episode up a little bit.  It was fun to write nostalgic settings like, Adler’s Lab and Dr. Glow’s Fortress.  It was also neat to explore X’s new Gaea Armor in a more peaceful way.  As we slowly warm up to the idea that X can traverse through spikes and bash through unbreakable blocks, like a Mech.
I had to give us some kind of stakes at the end of X’s item grab mission, in Dino-Rex’s well.  X reverts to his base armor and tests out the Speedster chip, as he needs it to grab a heart-tank before lava can hit him.
That was fun.  But then, when X got home it got complicated.  The job well done was short-lived, before he was introduced to the new recruits BY NAME.  [Yes, I spent some time looking up usable names from the X6 Rescued Reploid list.]  That conversation itself, reminded X of Zero which makes him cry...  Then, it got weird.  Emotions were a little all over the place, so I edited it as needed, but Signas was the saving grace here.  He introduced the idea that X might not need to kill Zero, but just save him.  The same way he did in X2.
Either way, X is nervous, but he goes in after Zero to finish what he's started.
---------------------------------Ep. 15----------------------------------------------
This was an awesome episode, that covered more ground than I thought it would.  X explores all of Zero Space Stage 1, with all the bells and whistles.  Lasers and mechaniloids are flying after him left and right.  X needs to use the Dark Hold and go in his base form, because the Gaea Armor is too slow.  [This caused enough of problem IRL when I was doing my research playthroughs.]
But once X got to the first boss, I had fun.  I took us back to 2 hours ago, while X was sleeping.  This is where Zero tore up the Shadow Devil like he was nothing.  And due to his clear knowledge of crammed Megaman History, he knows exactly who the Shadow Devil is, and it’s legacy to Wily Creatures.
When X learns that Zero destroyed this creature, he is instantly optimistic that he can bring Zero back, but Alia warns him not to feel that way.
Then we stay in the past with Zero for Z-Space Stage 2.  [At this point all the Mavericks were spawned by Sigma and Zero cleared them all, so for X these stages were a breeze, barring the first one, where Zero wasn’t a threat to Sigma yet.]  Despite Zero having to deal with Mavericks, this was not your average stage direction play through.  Zero had all these game breaking powers that I could use to my advantage and keep things interesting, and I did!
I really wanted X to fight the Rangda Bangda though.  So I came up with something for Zero to get through the room.  Sigma just introduces himself in that room and taunts him, letting him through.  “Welcome home, boy! I'm gonna enjoy working with you...”
Meanwhile, X deals with SIgma’s death trap.  Only, the Gaea Armor easily lets him get through it without too much trouble at all.
From Zero’s perspective, we find out a lot of his motivations and realize that he gets more and more tired every time he uses his God-Virus powers.  With a final flight to the gate, he is exhausted and all of the fighting he's done with X, the Shadow Devil and the mechaniloids up until now has finally taken it’s toll on him.  As he enters an empty room, Zero is confused, but also takes this moment to rest.
Meanwhile, X catches up to him, about 2 hours later.  Zero has now gotten a nap in, and the two are locked in the room together.
-----------------------------------Ep. 16-------------------------------------------------
The fated duel was upon us again!
The whole point of Battle of 2 Fates in the first place, was to skip this part.  But years later, my narrative has changed, and here we were.
I decided to turn it on it’s head though.  By this point, my version of Awakened Zero was really starting to come into his own.  He has revealed that this is His life and he is going to do what he wants.  The Old Man doesn’t control him, and neither do the Maverick Hunters.  And Sigma is still his target.
2 out of 3 ain’t bad.  X just has to work on that last part and maybe they can salvage this friendship.  Minus the whole controlling thing.
So Zero tells X this.  He has his own dreams.  Zero wants to live in a World where he rules over the survivors and guides them into a new era where the word Maverick doesn’t exist.
While, not terrible, this is too impure for X.  There’s still something evil lurking in there, and now his data is untraceable like Sigma.  It doesn't help that Zero wants to make the Fallen Colony his home and is willing to align with whomever survives, Maverick or not.
It is not only for this reason that X decides to take him on.  He does want to save Zero.  Like I said, 2 out of the 3 things are there.  If he can just do what he did in Season II, maybe it’ll all work out.
Well... that move never gets to happen.
I had a lot of fun making new fight choreography for this.  I pulled out all the stops, this time.  I even kept old fight choreography from the remainder of Battle of 2 Fates, but in all honesty, it wasn’t much.  And what was kept was already shaved down into something completely different.
So with that said, I really went for it.  Charged X4 & X5 weapons alike, using that Ultimate Buster chip like Alia & Douglas suggested in episode 14.  It was all happening, now.  And then... it was over!
11 pages too soon, too!
But fuck it.  I didn't need to pad this.  And I wasn’t going to cram and rush 2 Sigma fights in this chapter either.
I really enjoyed having Sigma enter the room after the battle was done. This happens in the game, but what also happens canonically is that he inexplicably LEAVES THEM when he HAS THEM.  He could’ve killed them right there, while they’re both comatose on the ground.  Or taken them in for re-programming.  And that is what I opted for.
Since Xtreme 2, I’ve really been thinking, what would Sigma do if he actually won.  And I’ve been honestly thinking that he’d keep X & Zero around, but in his own image.  Maverick Minions to do his bidding.  An Awakened Zero and a Maverick iX.  That would be his dream team.
----------------------------------Episode 17--------------------------------------------
And here in Episode 17, I finally got to explore this!
I didn’t want to cheapen the stuff that comes later, but I really needed to show us that this plan wasn’t going to work.  Despite the fact that he HAD them!!!
Sigma uses his virus specters to enter into their pores.  It works with Zero, even giving him some final breaths of life, but it does not work with X.  In fact, he has some mysterious barrier, protecting him from any infection.
This frustrates Sigma, who reveals that he just wants to make him iX.
From there, X wakes up and I’m not gonna write the whole episode again. lol
We get our much deserved fight, but keep in mind X has not recovered yet from his insane battle with Zero.  And he’s already used one Sub-tank.
So now X is going in, half-drained and with 1 Sub-tank!?  Yeah, that’s a death wish.
Still. I worked with it.  It took away the Ultimate Buster Chip advantage, explaining that Sigma removed any chip enhancers he already had.  Armors are internal, however.  Sigma wasn’t able to get in there [clearly].
I’m really proud of the Gaea Armor fight.  Specifically the “Predict this!” bit with the Giga Attack.
Using the 2nd Sub-tank during Sigma 1 was risky, but necessary.  X was now fully recovered, while Sigma was down, and he easily transformed into his Force Armor to discover Sigma’s weakness - the Tri-Thunder.
Once that was in play, this fight was practically in the bag.  Still, I needed a dramatic finish with the charged Tri-Thunder.  A Force Armor Nova Strike was in there, too, which only makes the stakes more desperate, because those moves really kill X’s stamina.
Now in Sigma Fight 2, it was hard to keep this interesting.  Dialogue, aside, X’s fight with him is a lot of back and forth, pattern memorizing, shoot the giant head nonsense.
I kept this up, however and even had fun with Sigma climbing over his shoulder, and shooting him at close range with the Spike Ball.  I also enjoyed how he used the radar one last time to find out his weaknesses.
But when I had enough, and narratively, when X was angry enough, he was able to transform into his Ultimate Armor with a hard Nova Strike to the face.  This does not kill him, but it definitely dwindled his energy way down for like, 5 more hits.  [I didn’t count.]
And theeeeen, I finally got to add in a line I created for Zero, basically at the beginning planning stages.  Zero makes a surprise Z-Buster shot, indicating that he is indeed alive, and still on X’s side, or at least.. his friend.  To the very end.
“Some things... go beyond our programing...”
I’ve had that line forever and now I finally got to use it!
X needed a final cool thing, besides just a Nova Strike, so I shoe-horned in this new attack, which is basically an Uppercutting Nova Strike.
The idea was that the hadouken evolved into the shuryuken, which evolved into the Hyper Aura, which evolved into the Nova Strike.  But now this was like a combination attack.  A blue flamed uppercutting Nova Strike type thing.  There is no name for it, because I made it up.  I probably won't use it again, either.  [But never say never...]
And there it is.  Sigma died, and we got our endings.
I owe TheGreatClement, from YouTube a huge thank you for already putting this together in his LP years ago.  I would’ve done the same thing, but his compilation made it so much easier to throw this together.
Then came inserting the bad ending.
1 Week Later, X forgets stuff.  And he HATES Zero!
I had to change that.  This was a challenge.  I didn’t want X to get mind-wiped at all by Dr. Light.  But now... I have room for gray area in X6...  So I compromised with the non-canon.  If X6 must indeed be a combined scenario of Good and Bad ending.  And in X6 he does indeed remember Zero fondly...  Then, I needed Dr. Light to mind-wipe something else.  “...all the Painful Memories.”  The painful memories of fighting Zero, himself.  [Whether that includes Season II or not, is up in the air.]
But as Alia explains, there’s a ‘Protection’ on X’s memory data now.  He can’t remember anything related to the Colony.  I went a step further to say that he remembers Zero destroying it, and then fighting Sigma together with him.  That’s it.  And even that memory is hazy, because Zero’s legs were missing during that fight.
So now, we have a firm compromise.  X can remember all the best parts of their history.  He can remember palling around at the base, and their proudest feelings together on good missions.  He still has his Best Friend in his heart.
The 2nd part of the bad ending doesn’t deal with this as much.  It introduces the idea of Elysium, which is just the name of the idea he has already had since X1.  But now he wants a Paradise.  His idea is fully formed, rather than.. a hopeful philosophy, I suppose.  If X gets his way, he will Do this!  They have a broken world they have to rebuild, but first they need to rebuild their base.
Also, before I leave this part, I need to mention something irritating.  I chose... X6 Reploid names, specifically to replace “Hunter A” and “Hunter B” in the ending.  Specifically, Araki & Batsu.  Those were the names.  I placed them both in this scene, and it felt great.  (At first.)
Then when I got to the good ending, I gave names for those 3 cooler ones that he talks to. Iso, Cody and Tekk.
I could’ve left it at that, but from here, I decided to look at the X6 sprites of Rescued Reploids, including Hunter 1 and 2 from the intro stage, and assigned more names.  When I looked at what these guys actually looked like, and compared it with those I have chosen, Hanse & Hal just stuck out like a sore thumb.
The fact that there were only 2 reploids rescued from Dr. Glow’s fortress cemented this decision.  They were gonna be the only true Yellow Reploids that are rescued from X5.  And therefore...  Araki & Batsu, the true Hunter A and Hunter B had to be replaced with Hanse & Hal, due to just being cooler and getting better designs.
It’s not the biggest thing in the World, but it’s just weird how planning works out sometimes.  It’s my own hangup, I know, and it might not make sense, but there it is.
Then the good ending kicks in, 2 weeks later.
[I really wanted to put 3 weeks later, but that 1st week with the bad stuff had to happen.]
X stands with Iso, Cody and Tekk as Alia lets them know that there is a new Mechaniloid in HORIE block, or whatever.
This scene will be expanded on in X6, and this isn’t the place for it, but you can only imagine what HORIE Block is.  - That’s right.  The intro stage to X6.
I already alluded to 2 other Hunters being in trouble - Data and Batsu, so there ya go.  [Yay, Hunter B is in there after all.]
But more to the point, we get our Good X5 Ending.  With X gripping the familiar saber in hand, and feeling stronger than ever, knowing that Zero is still with him.
My final thoughts on X5.  I really hate that game, man.  X4 was so solid, and honestly... if the text-based cut scenes were anime cut scenes, that would already do a World of Difference for me.  But gameplay mechanics wise, the introduction to the wire hook was interesting and the duck was necessary.  But otherwise... I dunno.  Some enemies were too strong, I hated the boss level up system, and the timed mission - while different, set a whole different tone for the game.  Gone was the chill exploring, even though you could go wherever you wanted to.  Alia would reprimand you if you were in an area that you didn’t belong in yet.
Still, the things that I like are that you are not really fighting Mavericks here, but instead visiting Reploids who could be infected, or in one way or another have a grudge with you.
And it’s those things, plus the prior Zero motivations that carried me through this Season.  Zero hating on the Repliforce turned into an evil ugly monster that threatened to ruin his friendship with X.
Also, Dynamo was a class act.  Not quite, Deadpool 4th wall breaking, but fun enough to really add life in places that were already tense and nerve-wracking.
Gate & Isoc’s sub-plot was pretty neat.  It turns out I had a little more for Gate to do than just brood in his own trailer.  I didn’t think Isoc would interact with him as much as he did, at first.
Showing a vulnerable Sigma whose dreams are falling apart before his final battle with X was risky, but one worth taking in my opinion.  Despite all these games, I feel like I don’t show him enough, so it was nice to delve into his thoughts a little bit.
And lastly, of course - the 3rd Arc roll call.
Ep. 13 - An Epic Battle written in 2011, revised into something even better in 2019.
Ep. 14 - An awesome aftermath episode that explores the damage to the world and it’s effect on Dynamo, Gate, Isoc, Sigma, Zero and X, who must recover items before he takes on Zero again.
Ep. 15 - Zero Space was crazy!  Zero fought way more than X, although, X did go through Stage 1 the hard way and they both fought the same amount of bosses.
Ep. 16 - An Epic Rematch!  Probably even better than Ep. 13.  That’d be a fun debate.
Ep. 17 - The Climactic Ending.  It’s all come down to X vs. Sigma, again, but the battle brings surprises to all of them.  When it’s all said and done, the Maverick Hunters are ready to move forward and rebuild.
And that’s all he wrote, folks.
There will be a Season Vi. Yes, I will be taking a break. But yes, you will be getting updates.
Until then, I hope you enjoyed Season V. Despite hating that game, I enjoyed writing more of this Season than you’d think.  There’s a lot more in there that I didn’t touch upon, I’m sure.  But anyway, you get the gist.
Later folks and as always.  Thank you for Reading.
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dimensionslip · 6 years
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Tales of the Stage - Those Who Inherit The Power of Lorelei - EMOTIONAL ACT (August 23, 2018)
What a long day it was!
In a nutshell, today's stage play was a lot more serious as promised (in contrast to how crazy the Yokohama stage play was). It definitely felt more like Asch's story this time around, and anyone who adores him is very much in for a treat. There were also a lot more scenes with the Six God-Generals and Noir, with the Abyss party members taking more of a backseat this time around. I think this might be the closest we'll ever get to an Asch side for Tales of the Abyss. Aschtalia shippers will also love it a lot.
After the stage play, there was a talk show with Chihiro Suzuki (Luke's voice actor), Kazuki Yao (Dist's voice actor), Yuya Arai (Asch's stage actor), Orito Kasahara (Dist's stage actor), and Shunichi Takahashi (Jade's stage actor). Which, you can probably guess, is the reason why I picked this day to go, besides my already planned Saturday and Sunday viewings.
Anyway, without further ado, here's my personal experience for today, as well as a plot and talk show summary I've drawn up to the best of my abilities and memory!
Before the Stage Play
After hearing that Jade sold out pretty quickly yesterday, I took no chances for the merch line and arrived two hours early before they started selling stuff. It was a long wait under the sun as they had us line up outside the venue before letting us in 30 minutes before 4pm (the start of sales).
As I was the second in line, I managed to get everything I wanted! I lined up again a little later because I was curious about the items that sold out. The Dist bromide (Yokohama Arena version) and acrylic was the first to run out in about 20 minutes. Legretta's bromide (Yokohama Arena version) also sold out at around the same time. Not too long after, Jade's acrylic keychain also sold out. I'm so glad I came in early to get them, but man, they didn't really seem to stock too much of everything except Boy Asch, Luke, and Asch.
The wait for the theater opening itself (6pm) was made bearable by the fact that I managed to make a friend (aka the person who was as early as I was in lining up). Both of us are Jade and Dist fans (with matching Jade dolls too and what not), and it seems we both took the bait regarding the varied talk shows per day (today was Jade and Dist's turn).
Once the theater gates opened, we got the postcard (today was Jade and Dist) that changes for each showing. There were also a good bit of flowers. Jade, Dist, Tear, and Asch have the most.
Stage Play Summary
Note: Apparently some of these scenes were different from Day 1's show. As I have not gone to the said show, I do not know which is different or the same, so I'll be updating this on Saturday again to report on which scenes were unique to Day 2.
Before the stage play, Noir and her lackey Dino (if I'm getting the name right) fooled around a bit onstage. Noir's bromide sold out and Dino was talking excitedly about it. He also opened a blind box can badge in front of Noir, hoping he'd get Noir. He got Ion instead, which Noir pinned to her uhh... chest wrap, or whatever it is you call her clothes. Dino started taking a lot of pictures of her and kind of got skeevy a little later and got bonked by Noir as a result.
Kazuki Yao (as Dist) narrated the story introduction, complete with Dist's trademark laugh. He made it a point to emphasize that Jade was his rival.
The story opens with boy Asch escaping, and Dist running after him. Dist got a clunked on the head for his trouble, Van reassured him that it's not a problem that Asch escaped. Asch got stopped at the gates and was laughed at, and everything more or less proceeds as the Abyss plot did.
The boy Asch actor didn't join in the Karma dance, but he did appear in several of Asch's dream/nightmare sequences/flashbacks. It was sprinkled throughout the play and was a nice touch, and definitely added to the overall Asch-feel of the stage play.
As with the Yokohama stageplay, the Karma dance was montage-y at some parts for the God-Generals. Also since I pay extra attention to Jade, he somersaults into the stage, sights Dist, then walks away when the latter tries to chase him.
They had some pre-game scenes here that were never in the game or anime, aka an opportunity to showcase how stuff in Daath went. Like, Anise being busy with Ion. Dist presenting Tokunaga to her was also included here, as well as a bit of showcasing of how their awkward friendship works. I love it so much. There was also Arietta having some trouble with paperwork and trying to get Sync to help her. Legretta eventually ends up aiding her instead, and she kinda felt motherly here. Van also had a fatherly moment when the God-Generals met up with him and Arietta presented her paperwork to him proudly, but it did come off as a little creepy given what we know of Van.
But yeah, during that meeting, Van also poked fun at Asch's dislike of octopus as a joke. Basically it all felt like they were the dysfunctional family that the anime or game semi-implied but did not quite emphasize.
Luke and Tear end up in what I suspect to be Cheagle Woods, but the area wasn't named. The main party also had their entrances at around this point (including Guy and Natalia, who aren't slated to join until way later, game-wise). Guy's introduction ("Enter the amazing Guy") kept on getting interrupted by Natalia, which was hilarious.
Later on, we get to see a similar scene as the Yokohama Arena showing, where Asch visits Nam Cobanda Isle to make a deal with Noir. Noir's backstory also comes out here. A random kid gives Asch his most treasured possession, which is a doll.
I think this was around this time that Asch had another one of his dreams about the past again. As I've mentioned earlier, this is a recurring thing throughout the stage play. They also got the Natalia actor (I think) to dress up as child Natalia for these flashbacks.
There was a huge skip to what I assume to be Deo Pass (prior to Akzeriuth), where the party battles it out with the Six God-Generals. Natalia sees Asch's face and they end up having a long moment staring at each other, and she seems to realize something, but does not have much time to dwell on it. Guy and Sync get some curse slot action going here as well.
Akzeriuth more or less proceeds as it does, including the Abyss classic "ore wa warukunee". However, at Ortion Cavern, there was an added scene where Jade talks about his past with Dist, and there's an enacted flashback for it. For this adaptation, younger Jade and Dist (in lab coats) were in Hod when it was collapsing, and that's how Jade came to know about Van's real name. Note that in the game, Jade had never actually stepped a foot inside Hod. Even if this wasn't canon compliant, it was still interesting to see because, yay, more Jade and Dist scenes. Action scenes, that is. Though Dist (Saphir then), wasn't really any good with them battles and just kept on trying to dodge things.
It was around this time (or a little earlier), that Mohs was talking to Largo about something interesting that he heard (aka the circumstances of Natalia's birth), and was heavily hinting that he knew something about Largo too. Largo just brushes it off.
Speaking of Largo, earlier he also had a moment with Asch, something like acknowledging that they have the same feelings regarding a certain issue. I think it was Natalia-related, but my memory is a little fuzzy at this point in time.
There was a part where Asch was more apparently in pain, and Dist, like in the Yokohama Arena showing, ends up mocking-slash-word-vomiting at Asch regarding his state (the Big Bang). While Dist was going on his spiel, Noir and Dino were nearby, poorly hiding as they overheard everything. Once Asch chases off Dist, Noir voices some concern over his well-being, but also ends up reporting that Natalia is in trouble (Mohs was going up with his reveal regarding Meryl and Natalia being a "fake" princess). Asch ignores his extreme pain and runs off.
As with the Yokohama Arena show, we got to do the Natalia chant with the penlights along with Noir and the Dark Wings.
Asch and Van also have their battle here, which Asch has the upper hand in until he gets a seizure, which Van takes advantage of by stabbing his arm and literally twisting a knife (err, sword) into it. Same as the Yokohama Arena show, and just as "oww" to watch.
Absorption Gate was also another opportunity to showcase some of the party's talents. I was only expecting somersaults and stunts from Jade (who delivered!), but Tear also had her own cartwheels and it was pretty impressive. Van still had his dance numbers but they were very much shortened. Also Jade featured quite prominently in the Absorption Gate battles, I feel. And there even was a part where he seemed to be dancing it off with Van.
Sync was in the Absorption Gate battle and once his mask broke and he got on this diatribe, he committed suicide with a sword. Later on, he gets revived along with Van.
Luke and Asch receive their parts of the Key of Lorelei. Asch has a scene with Noir at around this time too, where he asks Noir to return the doll he received from the child earlier on in the stage play. But something happened to the doll's face, I think? Dino said something but I wasn't able to catch all of it.
Then there's a huge skip to Eldrant, where the party have their final showdown with the Six God-Generals. Natalia and Asch have a moment too over here. So we have the following:
 Anise vs Arietta: Poor Arietta, she had that scene where she hallucinates her mother and Ion before she dies.
Jade vs Dist: Jade makes quick work of Dist's robots after going "Sayonara, Saphir". Which did not feel as heartfelt as the game or anime, but I'm glad they included that. The battle ends when Jade steals Dist's flowery wheels and Dist chases after him.
Tear vs Legretta: Legretta has more or less the same death scene lines, with Tear being equally devastated.
Natalia vs Largo: Quite similar to the game as well, with Largo being proud of his daughter before dying, and Natalia calling him father
Guy (and later on Anise) vs Sync: Similar to the anime, and Sync has a moment where he impersonates Ion in the heat of battle, which throws off Anise
Luke vs Asch: Similar to how it goes in the game, with a few twists. Luke sees Asch getting turned into a pincushion and was definitely very hesitant to leave him like that.
All of the God-Generals except Dist dies. There is a scene after Asch dies where the Natalia in his dream finally finds him (prior to that, it was always him just chasing after Dream!Natalia), and gets the flower crown, plus a realization of the place he belongs in. We also get to see (briefly) the God-Generals that have died in the said sequence. A good number of people were in tears at this point.
In the final battle against Van, Asch from the beyond gives Luke a pep talk. After which, Luke uses Lost Fon Drive to defeat Van. And I guess it's time for a small random note--everyone in the party (plus Asch) got to use their Mystic Artes throughout the stage play, except for Jade. But that aside, the post-Eldrant scene was cut a little short, with only Tear saying her piece about wanting Luke to come back. But Luke and Jade do share a nod before it cuts to Luke fulfilling his promise to Lorelei.
They tried to recreate the whole Luke-falling-to-the-core scene as faithfully as they can. I think that they could not have the Luke stage actor carry Asch the whole time, so they substituted for a projection. Still was nice.
"The Look of that Day" starts playing, and we get the epilogue scene, which proceeds more or less as it did in the game and the previous stage plays (with the Luke stage actor in the Mr. Ending costume), BUT. Besides using a more Lorelei-ish voice for him (it's the Mr. Ending voice, overlapped with some other voice), we get a silhouette of Asch too (in a similar costume, iirc) after Mr. Ending exits the stage.
When I looked around and the lights went on, it seemed that more people were in tears by the time the after talk show was to start.
After Talk Show Summary
Kazuki Yao was dressed up in a flowery print Hawaiian shirt and shorts combo, with a t-shirt that had a glittery skull on it. It was a highly unexpected turn of events and earned many laughs.
Chi-chan made sure to emphasize we're getting Double Dist today. And kept calling Jade's corkscrew a dragon screw.
Some of the questions and answers I can remember (paraphrased):
(1) What thing did you have to be careful about when portraying your character? Yao: Apparently he thought Dist was an "okama" (roughly "drag queen"), but in the middle of recording, he was told that Dist is not an okama and it was difficult to adjust. Kasahara: He did a lot of research, and tried his best to imitate Yao's voice for Dist. (he's playing through Abyss and I think got Shiro no Ashita and Tsuioku no Jade manga) Takahashi: Jade's spectacularly long hair. (which I imagine got in the way in a lot of stunts... he needed to keep flipping it away lol)
I can't remember what Arai said for Asch, unfortunately.
(2) Since we have Double Dist today, name something good about Dist. Suzuki: Very forward-looking and positive. Arai: He has a beautiful color. (said after facing Dist and looking at him for a long time) Takahashi: Let me just describe what happened when it was the Jade stage actor's turn. > Dist and Jade face each other and are sitting way close. > Jade: (after a long stare) Nothing. > Dist: (looking affronted) Ehh??! There must be something!!
If I recall correctly, Jade reaffirms the no, but definitely, shortly after this, Dist starts playfully grabbing Jade's knees and goes all "JEIDOOOO". Kasahara-san and Takahashi-san were so cute together...
Anyway, the winners for the picture-taking lottery were announced at the end of the talk show. Didn't win, but I did have a lot of nice memories to take home, which I feel was very much precious in itself.
Personal Thoughts
As with the previous stage plays, I feel it's best to watch this while being well aware of TOA's story. They skip around a lot and omit a lot of things, and I feel it's easier to appreciate the additions with that said background in hand.
I really loved the stage play as an Asch side type of deal. It's a refreshing way of looking at the story, and as I've mentioned, they really made good in making this feel like it's Asch's story. The party members taking the sidelines (including Luke) was a consequence of this, but it all felt natural. I liked seeing more of the Six God-Generals too.
Accounting for my Jade bias, I'm satisfied with regard to his level of presence in an Asch-centric story. I think he had even more stunts here than the last one he was in, but that could be my wishful imagination at work. I also feel his character was a lot more interesting with Dist around, rather than a standalone.
Asch was definitely the star of the show, but I still love Kasahara's Dist. He's such a great Dist and I'm glad they got him on board. His research certainly looks like it paid off--he looks the part and acts the part. I think a lot of people are charmed by his performance too, which also may factor in to Dist running out today (besides today being Jade and Dist talk show day), and during the last TalesFes. I also noticed that people in the trade search on Twitter have been searching for his karaoke trading card too (Jade, of course, is still the crowning king of rare).
I still feel that Reo Kawamura's Guy is a bit lacking, but he had a lot more to do this stage play, so it wasn't as bad as the previous stage play in Yokohama Arena. As far as successors to Kou Hosokawa's Guy was, I think he's fine--it's just that Hosokawa's performance feels difficult to top, in my opinion.
I cannot tell which among the stage play scenes were different or added for the day, so I guess I'll discover on Saturday what may have changed. I definitely look forward to that and the talk show, in any case. Will post again on Saturday and Sunday with the said differences, but until then, I hope you enjoyed this report! If you have any questions that I have not addressed, please feel free to drop by my ask box!
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allegra0 · 6 years
Franz Ferdinand 8-8-18
one of the best concerts i’ve ever been to and basically one of the greatest nights of my life.
sorry this is so long i just love them so much!!!!
I got to the venue around 5:30 when doors weren’t even going to open until 7. Even as I sat outside with only six people ahead of me in line, I was SO anxious about getting front row and I was really afraid that I wouldn't make it. I know this sounds weird, but when they let us into the theater and I bolted for the barrier and actually got it, I felt like I could finally relax for the first time in months.
I loved chatting with the people around me on the barrier! I don’t know any Franz fans in real life so it was nice to be able to talk to people about them.
I really enjoyed POW! They were fun. The keyboard player was cute as hell and her outfit was adorable. I was dying laughing at all the people in the audience who kept randomly yelling POW!!! between songs.
It was surreal when the lights finally went down and they came out. Bob and Paul first, then Julian and Dino...and then Alex, casually strolling onstage with his guitar in one hand and a mug of tea in the other. This video says it all. ♥
I was so happy they opened with Always Ascending! It's one of my absolute favorites of theirs and I feel like it's a great opener with the way it builds up. My memory of this song is a fucking blur because I was mostly just standing there attempting to process the fact that holy shit, this is happening, they're real!!!!! They're fucking real!!!!
They played Come On Home next (which I wasn’t expecting at all!!!) and they dedicated it to a woman in the front row, Reese, for her birthday. :’) Such a lovely song and the fact that they played it for her is amazing.
Alex had to stop during the second verse of Walk Away because he was having some sort of sound issues...they finished the song, but afterwards he had to walk over to the sound guy to get something fixed and he told the other guys to jam and told Bob to start lmao. So they all started awkwardly jamming and laughing and it was cute af.
When Alex came back they played The Dark of the Matinee which was AMAZINGGGG. The intro with Julian and Dino and Alex all on guitar??? So fucking cool. This was the song that sort of lowkey got me interested in them last summer (shoutout to @flakybandit ♥) which made it even better.
Come and dance with me...come and dance with me...now cOME ALL OVER ME MICHAEL
Lazy Boy is so much fucking fun!!! Alex played that shaker thing during the intro (idk what it's called) and then just fucking...flung it onto the floor behind Bob and it landed with a soft chhhk and I was dying. It was also cool to watch him counting out the 10/4 time signature in the middle of the song!
Alex held my hand during the second verse of Glimpse of Love!!!!!!!! aaaa 
It took me a second to recognize Lucid Dreams when they started playing, because I'm more familiar with the version on Tonight, but when I figured it out I fuckin lost my shit. I LOVE THIS SONG SO MUCH.
I was still reeling from hearing Lucid Dreams and then they fucking started playing EVIL EYE. SAJDJSDJ OH MY GODDDD. This song makes me so fucking happy. Screaming “IT'S RED YA BASTARD!!!” is definitely a life highlight.
I know I said that DotM is the song that got me interested in them last summer, but Do You Want To is the song that finally got me hooked on them this spring. I lost my mind a little bit haha. So much fun. They really drew out the “lucky lucky” part, which I loved. Alex was so into it dsjfjsf. Like yeah, Alex, you know what? I am so lucky. ❤️
Ulysses though ;o; I’ve loved that song from the moment I first heard it. I was a junior in college when it came out and I distinctly remember listening to it while walking around campus, rewinding the “you’re never going home” part over and over because I just loved it so much...yeah. Finally getting to hear it live was incredible.
The first song of the encore was Finally!!! This song means a lot to me for various reasons and I'm so happy I got to see it live. The whole band stopped playing during the little breakdown part in the middle of the song and Alex encouraged the audience to sing along. It was quiet because most people didn't know the song haha but he tried. (God, how it feels good to be with people like me.)
Feel The Love Go. Oh my god. I know I say this about a lot of Franz songs but I honestly think this is my favorite song of theirs. Back in May, when I was first getting into FF, I had a really horrible day at work. I felt like such a failure and I honestly wanted to give up and quit teaching forever. I remember listening to this song that night and the next day, and that was the first time I really paid attention to the lyrics. “For the things that you do are not who you are.” “Think of a friend and wish them love. Think of an enemy and wish them more.” It sounds ridiculous, but it spoke to me at a time when I really needed to hear it – and it kind of put some things in perspective for me. I love it so much. It gives me such a good feeling every time I listen to it. And it's so good live!!! Alex's dancing is impeccable, and I absolutely love when he gives his fucking sermons on feeling the energy and the love in the room tonIGHT!!! Fucking magical. ♥
One of my favorite things about concerts is how the energy in the room changes when a band starts playing their most popular song. The Killers with Mr. Brightside, Duran Duran with Hungry Like The Wolf, The Mighty Mighty Bosstones with The Impression That I Get...everyone just seems to come alive. That's how it felt to hear them play Take Me Out. I love it sosososo much. It takes me back to being 15, in a good way haha. Alex and Julian and Dino jumping at the beginning is cute as hell. I love those bouncy boys.
I'm pretty sure Julian noticed me at one point during Take Me Out, since he was in Dino's spot... I smiled at him and did a heart with my hands and he smiled :D
This Fire was insaneee. if you haven't seen FF play it live go check it out here (not my show but it sounded pretty much exactly the same). I loved the extended guitar jam in the middle! When Lexi and I were outside later talking to Alex, she told him how much she loved this version of the song, and Alex said he thought it was great, too! He said it's not always so drawn out, it all depends on whether he and Dino hit the right groove or not, and tonight they did. :D
Getting down on the floor and watching them through the barrier and then jumping up and dancing my ass off is another experience that I'll never forget. Part of me regrets not taking any videos of this, because it was fucking amazing, but I knew I had to just experience it. (Oh, how I burn for you. <3) Some more random observations from during/after the show:
Alex came back out for the encore with a second mug of tea
When he introduced Dino he referred to him as “the man that is loved by every cat in the world” :')
Julian has the longest legs known to man
Also Julian kept randomly giggling throughout the show jdsfjds so cute
Paul and Bob were so far away :( but it was cute to see them looking so focused and intense!
Alex has a nice butt. Thanks for coming to my TED talk
When Dino and I took our picture he leaned his head into mine (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
When I went to take my selfie with Paul we did that awkward thing where we both put our arms up so he was like “Here, I'll go up” sdjfsfj :’)
I wanted to talk more to Bob but I didn't know what to say! At least I got to tell him that the show was amazing and he thanked me :) What a cutie.
This is going to sound weird I think but like...Alex looked really nice in the dim glow of the streetlights in the alley? It really brought out his eyes or something haha. He's just so stunningly beautiful, and it's even more pronounced in person. <3
I almost didn't tell Alex how much their music has helped me this year. Lexi and I had taken our pictures and she was talking to him and he looked like he was about to head over to someone else and I knew it was kind of a now or never thing so I just...fucking did it. He smiled and put his hand on my shoulder and told me how much he likes hearing things like that and he hopes that next year will be better for me. :)
I was SO nervous to talk to them, especially Alex, but they all instantly made me feel at ease. They're just as lovely as everyone said they would be. If any of you ever have the opportunity to meet them after a gig, do it. They’re so kind and genuine and you can tell they enjoy getting to talk to their fans. 
It’s been a week since I saw them now and I’m not gonna lie, I’m sad and I miss them so much. Weirdly, though, I’m comforted by the fact that even though I don’t know where or when, I’m going to get to see them again (and maybe even meet them again!) and that’s enough to keep me going. ♥
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moonraccoon-exe · 6 years
Hey Coonie, how're you doing? I had a strange dream last night, I was at this comic con with my friends and... you were there! :O Like, as a person! (maybe because I was reading your reply to my comment before bed, idk) Which is funny because I have no idea what you actually look like, but you had a face and all and I remember I saw you and thought "Ah yes, that's them". And when I woke up I was like "What" 乁(・v・)ㄏ So yeah, I thought it would be fun to tell you, ahah. Have a nice day!
Buddy, hewwo! I’m so happy to see you around, aah! ( ´ ▽ ` )
I’m doing good, thanks! ヽ(・ω・)ノ
I WAS THERE!?!?!?!?
AH ASHDHA HOLY MOOGLES THAT IS SO AWESOME!!!  (ノ´ヮ`)ノ My buddy Purrrkwood had a con invasion in their dreams! I’M EVERYWHERE. 
Holy moogles, that I appeared in there in your dream is AMAZING on its own and you saw me as a HOOMAN?!?!? I had a face and all!?!? HOLY WOAH HOW DID YOU DO THAT AH AHAHAH OH MY GOD THIS IS SO COOOOOL
What did I look like!? Was I a boy? Was I a girl? Was I pretty? (o´▽`o)  What did I look like? Huh? HUH? HUH!? I’M CURIOUS! Or maybe you don’t remember, that’s sometimes how dreams work, isn’t it? That you remember you saw certain thing or person but like...you didn’t..see them? Well, it’s happened to me before so maybe it’s that situation and you don’t remember!
I hope I was a pretty person in your dream, because I’m FABULOUS(o´▽`o)
Ajkdladjgfdklgjdf sdjdfsdd, ahahahah, AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAW MAAAAAAAAAAAAN, THIS IS SO AWESOME! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
Thank you so much for sharing this with me, holy moogles, this was and still is SO MUCH FUN to read and to know, I was like askldjsdjfsdkl *flailing like the kermit gif* because for some reason this was so fun to read and such? It was awesome to know that I made a cameo in your dream, it made me feel all excited and it was also a bit hilarious in some way!
UNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNNGH, what I’d give to go to a comic con. :’’( 
WHAT WAS I DOING? DO U REMEMBER? Was I in cosplay? I’ve AAAAAAALWAYS wanted to cosplay Link cause my high school buddies all said I should do that and because it’s LINK, but I’d also love to do any other cosplay, I’ve ALWAYS WANTED TO DO THAT but have never have the resources or skill or money for it :’’’(
So I hope that the raccoonie you saw was pretty and in cosplay or at least doing some fun thing! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH, it’s like I’m a character and someone wrote that dream and now you’re sharing it with me and now I’m all excited because it’s like “omg that is AWESOME what else did I do what did I look like what was I doing askdlsjgd” ahahaha
It’s okay if you don’t remember anything else, though, so no pressures! It’s just the excitement, this is so cool and I’m so excited about it!!  ( ´ ▽ ` )
Thank you lots, lots, lots for sharing this with me, buddy, seriously! You made my entire day!!! :D
And thank you for dropping by, it’s been a while since I saw your icon in my ask and it made me super happy. And you’ve changed it from last time I saw you around here! Now you’ve got a good Dino boy. I GODDAMN ADORE DINO BOY AJSDJDSKJF KLSJ GKLFJG KFDLJG FD
So yeh! Thank you SO MUCH for dropping by, and for sharing this AWESOME story with me, buddy!! 
Imma re read this before bed so my head tries to dream of the Purrrkwood too! B| Just for the fun of it lmao c:
Aaaaah, anyway!! Thank you lots, and do receive lots of raccoonie hugs!
I hope you’re having a MOST FANTASTIC day or night full of raccoonies, buddy!! (ノ´ヮ`)ノ
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svtskneecaps · 6 years
Dead Mall Notes
it’s gonna get kinda lengthy so i’m gonna slap a keep reading on it
First Part 1 Teaser
Final Part 1 Teaser
Part 1
Part 2 (no teaser for part 2 that I could find?)
Part 3 Teaser
Part 3
Part 4 Teaser
Part 4
Special Video
Part 5 Teaser
Part 5
Part 6 Teaser (binary reads “this is his game / this is our fate”)
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8 Teaser
Kakao Group Chat Name: Dead Mall Cafe, Password: Mimi
i get the feeling that the Alone teasers will be important, so to be safe i've compiled a list
United Kpop Teaser Breakdown - Doesn’t have all the info, but has the teasers embedded in the page
A Little Glass Cafe - lists off the Prime Number and member who makes a cameo in the video
(for those who don’t know or don’t remember, Prime Number was a number hidden in each teaser video which could be used on the website to unlock a teaser photo for that member)
KEY: teaser release order, Member (with a link to their teaser), video quote, prime number, cameo, extra notes
if you need clarification, just ask~
1. Vernon - "one less than a full revolution" - 359 (woozi) (compass)
2. Jeonghan - "somebody said it means imperfection and danger" - 11 (hoshi) (camera)
3. Mingyu - "Another chapter of my life began since i met you" - 2 (wonwoo) (duplicates/mirrors?)
4. DK - "in the place thirteen pieces can be completed" - 3733 (seungkwan) (stopwatch)
5. Woozi - "all of the questions in the world can be answered in one definite answer" - 4643 (scoups)
6. Jun - "as the door opened i was faced with a new destiny" - 1013 (the8)
7. Dino - "do not be blinded by the illusion in front of you but follow the truth inside of it) - 7 (joshua)
8. Wonwoo - "us in the different system, another form of seventeen" - 10001 (Vernon)
9. Hoshi - "the line for reaching to the beloved ones" - 2232111 (Jun)
10. Seungkwan - "a pioneer who cast himself into his destiny" - 5 (Dino) (laundromat)
11. The8 - "do you remember how long did we share for each other" - 103 (DK)
12. Joshua - "an everlasting being whichever way it goes" - 131 (Mingyu)
13. S.coups - "I was afraid and anxious since I was all alone /nevertheless we met on thirteen different paths and eventually / a complete bond has formed leading us to our brightest moment" - 17 (jeonghan)
Mimi said there’s important info hidden in the teasers (source)
we know that none of them can text in the side stores (source, source)
also, coups’ phone is almost dead (source) and is now confirmed dead (source)
seungkwan was the teaser image for part 3 of the au, in which Woozi finds the paper with “a pioneer who cast himself into his destiny” on it (in a laundromat, might i add). it’s helpful to note that the teaser image is a screencap from his Alone teaser video, which also includes the quote and the number from the paper
in the first teaser for the au, there’s this sequence of numbers: “ 13, 12, 11, 9, 8, 5, 4, 2… 13?” seungkwan went missing and took their number down to 12. chan made it 11, jun and wonwoo made it 9 maybe other people will slowly go missing until there’s two, and depending on our choices all thirteen will escape or not, since there’s a question mark on the last number?
the doors are locked with passcodes (source). possibly this is where the numbers on the paper come in?
seungkwan talking in the group chat in part three is a typo (source)
after a surface google, the words on the part three teaser and the final part one teaser don’t seem to have any significance with seventeen, i’ll keep an eye on ‘em tho
the part 4 teaser is a screencap from dino’s teaser trailer so keep an eye on our boy chan there
the caption of the part 4 teaser seems to be a translation of “don’t wanna cry” (the same song the Alone teasers relate to, this era’s hella important)
the caption is also coups part (don’t trust S hmm??) (cr. nicole in the gc for knowing that)
teaser five is a screencap from wonwoo’s teaser video, the screencap is showing the set for vernon’s teaser video
the binary wonwoo sends in part 5 reads “when I close my eyes and count one and two” “before i know it i am asleep and” “i look for you in my dream unknowingly” (Joshua’s verse in Habit, cr. Steph in the gc)
the paper they found in part 5 relates to Dino’s teaser, Dino being the member which went missing in the previous part (source)
there’s one scene in the special video that specifically foreshadows something (mimi said in the gc)
mingyu and minghao have some strong gay energy going on there dunno if it’s confirmed or subtext (source)
THE SEUNGKWAN THEORY: (cr. nicole in the gc)
seungkwan fakes his own disappearance so he’s free to work, and places suspicion on wonwoo, who he knows Seungcheol has beef with (source). that done, he snatches chan, who he knows seungcheol is close with (and we know this bc they were in the same group together and it’s reasonable to assume that they grouped with people they don’t hate) (source). he texted vernon with ‘don’t trust S’ (source) to sow more confusion and distrust. that done, the theory goes that if in part 5 wonwoo goes missing, seungcheol will be top suspect as he checks off a lot of the points (motivation to knock wonwoo off, chan vanished while alone with him, name starts with an S). (extended cr. Molly in the gc): if Jun and wonwoo had seen him it’s possible they were like “look it’s our missing friend! he looks like he’s in trouble. let’s go help him,” thus allowing him to knock off two at once.
Other theories:
whoever is behind it isn’t working alone, they have an accomplice among the group
This probably doesn’t relate to the au, but it’s cool: A reverse image search of the image from the first teaser pulls up this site which talks about a bunch of dead malls, and has some nice terminology (neither of the others have anything of real significance, although we might keep an eye on ‘boys be’ in the case of future cryptic notes, as it’s the photoshoot the second teaser comes from)
Welcome to a segment I like to call ‘How Sketch Are They’, where I list off the reasons they could or couldn’t be the one behind it
S.coups / Seungcheol (SC)
seungkwan said ‘don’t trust S’ (source)
was alone w chan when he disappeared (source, source)
had the motivation to knock wonwoo off (source)
Jeonghan (JH)
Joshua (JS)
suggested they split up (source)
semi sketchily says “you look so tired”, inviting someone to let their guard down and sleep (source)
Jun (JN)
reportedly was close to wonwoo (according to Josh, who’s seeming kinda sketch) (source)
was awake and alone with wonwoo when two people went missing at once (you’d think it would be hard to nab two people at once) (source)
had an emotional breakdown (although, the boy is an actor) (source)
Hoshi / Soonyoung (SY)
organized the trip (source)
the only one who’s been to the mall before (source)
'don’t trust S’ (sourced above)
Wonwoo (WW)
was alone w seungkwan when he disappeared (source)
went missing in part 5
reportedly close to Jun (according to Josh, who’s seeming kinda sketch)
was awake and alone with Jun when two people went missing at once (you’d think it would be too hard to nab two people at once)
Woozi / Jihoon (WZ)
went off alone and found the note (source) (we know this because he was in a group with Vernon and Vernon was one of the ones asking him what he found)
Dokyeom / Seokmin (SM)
seconded josh’s suggestion to split up (source)
‘don’t trust S’ (sourced above)
Mingyu (MG)
The8 / Minghao (MH)
Seungkwan (SK)
potentially could’ve faked his own disappearance and sent vernon the text to sow even more conflict among the group, but i don’t know a motive
Vernon / Hansol (VN)
was in Woozi’s group but didn’t freak when Woozi went off alone (source) although in later parts it’s clear that they told him they were going off (in the first place) and that’s why he was chill with it 
freaked when Seungkwan texted him and seemed confused (if he was the sole culprit he wouldn’t have bothered act, either he’s innocent or isn’t the only one) (source)
Dino / Chan (DN)
Who can’t be working together, if it’s a group job:
Soonyoung and Vernon (vernon pointed fingers at soonyoung) (source)
Seungkwan and Vernon (the texts sent after seungkwan’s disappearance) (source)
Seungcheol and Wonwoo (they’ve got some mad beef, and wonwoo wouldn’t go missing because after all their **very obvious** fighting they know that would incriminate cheol) (source)
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mellovesmusic · 6 years
Ideal Cut in Japan - 9/8
I’m not going to do a play by play account of the concert like I tried to do with the arena tour.  I realized halfway through trying to write it that I didn’t remember of half of everything and I was just trying to fill up dead space.  It wasn’t a very fun review to write and I’d guess it wouldn’t be that fun to read.   I will try to get it up eventually, hopefully, but I want to write about Ideal Cut while its still fresh.
I’ve seen Seventeen many times now, but each time I go I’m always impressed with what new things they bring to the stage.  Nothing will probably be as intense as seeing them for the first time in Kobe (or standing five feet away from them in Nagoya), but Ideal Cut was it’s own sort of lovely.   Overall, it was just so damn fun.  During so many stages the joy that Seventeen brought was simply infectious, and I had to apologize to the people next to me for accidentally whacking them with my carat bong.
The concert was structured largely around performances of the B-sides from Director’s Cut that weren’t included in the first round of performances, interspersed with remixes of old concert favorites (usually the more intense dance songs).  The overall mood was a bit dark and intense towards the beginning before mellowing a little and then turning towards high energy and cute.  In general, the performances sequenced amazingly well--whoever was in charge of the concert set list knew what they were doing.  (I wish we could get someone like that on Seventeen’s album track lists, because they often don’t have that same kind of flow.)
The chief standout from the first half had to be the performance of Shoot Me Before Your Go followed by Flower.   Both of these songs already have a dark and sexy reputation, but boy did the performances play it up.   Every head tilt that Woozi and Hoshi did was absolutely oozing charisma and sex appeal.   I am a little disappointed that I zoned out for half a second and missed Woozi’s ad lib line that caused the stands around me to fill with screams.   Jeonghan opened Flower by dramatically exposing his throat because apparently we were still too alive after the previous performance, and that set the tone for a performance that echoed Dance of the 13th Month but added a darker and more sensual element.
The thing I like about these performances is sure, they were hot, but the hotness was intertwined with Seventeen’s energy as performers.  There were no generic shirt lifts and no obvious standout homoerotic fanservice (this tended to happen during the talk sessions instead).   Instead, the sensuality of their movements was tied to the music and helped elevate it.   This isn’t to say Seventeen Aren’t Like Those Other Sluts--because honestly these performances are kind of slutty and that’s part of what makes them good.   Just that the thought put into these performances puts them on a another level.
Hip Hop team stood out in the unit section probably because they displayed the most growth.  I don’t really like Un Haeng Il Chi (I’m not sure why Mr. Dollar Sign Coups is off dissing nugu groups who haven’t really dissed Seventeen--and there’s not a lot of dynamics in the rapping), but the song was framed much better than last year and everyone has improved as a rapper.   The unreleased song they followed with has all the things that were good about their previous work but they’ve added a really really infectious beat and great dynamics..  I really hope they release this on Soundcloud because there’s no way it’s getting to be on a CD with all the cussing.
Vocal Team in general was a bit more low key.  I love both 20 and Pinwheel, but while Hip Hop and Performance Team have taken steps in new directions I feel they’ve remained mostly static.  We’ve gone from an uplifting radio ballad filled with longing to a sad radio ballad filled with longing.   We’ll have to see how things change once they incorporate Come to Me into their concert repertoire.  However, I think they would really benefit from a rock (or pseudo-rock) single because Woozi, DK, and Seungkwan were getting their entire lives during Run to You.
Performance team did pretty much the same thing they did during the arena tour which was perform popular favorites.   However, I did think their performance of Swimming Fool was particularly good.   It seems that recently Dino has sort of embraced his baby image now that he has realized cuteness can be a weapon and it has increased his power tenfold.   He did a coy little act at the beginning of his part that really set the stage.
Rocket was another performance highlight--the song is just the epitome of fun and it was the perfect choice as the concert was nearing it’s close.  Joshua and Vernon brought the high and slightly silly energy and combined with the choreography it felt like one big party.
The talk segments were 50% Hoshi being dramatic, 25% Seungkwan being dramatic, 10% Vernon being embarrassed, and the rest the translator trying to keep up.    The introductory talk was mostly taken up by Hoshi, as is customary, getting the entire stadium chanting “prince,” running over to the center stage, posing dramatically on the floor, and introducing himself after the classic call and response -- “What time is it?”  “Ten-ten!!!!”  Vernon kind of felt like he had a tough act to follow after this, so they suggested he also run out to the center stage--after which he introduced himself normally.  He’s so cute. T.T
The second talk was mostly devoted to changing the carat bong colors through ~magic~, first to blue by Minghao doing a samba (I think this was a Korean pun that I didn’t get?), and then pink by Dino through Billy Jean.  This was apparently “Lee Chan Pink” which prompted Seungkwan to yell “LEE CHAN PINK IN YOUR AREA,” and then Dino danced Dddu Ddu Ddu which “accidentally” changed the color of the lights again.  
Then someone (I think it was either Jun or Mingyu; I’m really sorry I don’t remember exactly what happened) decided to make the lights flash rainbow by doing a ~wave dance~ with another member.  But that wasn’t all of it, oh no, in order for the “magic” to work all the carats had to do the dance too.  I can’t really capture in words how funny it was to hear the interpreter ask Carats to please try to do their best sexy dance while Dino and Mingyu did the wave all the way to the floor.  We definitely failed the first time--it was a fun mess in general.  At one point Seungkwan thanked the interpreter for putting up with them for two years.
The VCRs followed the general flow of the concert.  The first one was generic and serious (with S.coups listening to tapes in a kitchen for some reason?)  I was expecting something similar for the other VCRs -- but then all of a sudden there was Perf Team communing with space whales, Vocal Team calling down the stars, and Hip Hop team entering video tapes (I think?).  
We got an adorable little fairy tale where Seventeen transformed in miniature versions of themselves, dressed as their respective BongBongs.   Through a series of antics they eventually moved across a room and eventually obtained a SHINee lightstick ring pop.  The last VCR was pretty similar in aesthetics to the first but it was just so heartwarming and wholesome.  It ended with Seventeen running through a field with smiles on their faces and it was just so so nice.
Speaking of nice (you might even say Very Nice), I really like how the end of the concert framed the relationship between Seventeen and Carats.  Concert brochures often have a message that everyone is supposed to show to the artist near the end of a programs.  The message that Carats showed to Seventeen during Love Letter roughly translates to “Carats are by Seventeen’s side” or “Carats are Seventeen’s allies.”  
Dino echoed the sentiment later during their goodbye talk by saying something similar, reversing the roles of Seventeen and Carats.  This was based on a line in Love Letter that translates “with the wind by my side.”  What I really like in this scenario is that Seventeen aren’t the writers of the love letter--they’re the wind--connecting us in human relationships through their music and performance and helping us feel secure.  That, for me, captures the ideal relationship between fans and idols--not a romantic one but one of mutual support.
Seungkwan also gave a really heartfelt speech about how far they’ve come and how much it means to their families to see them receive this much love.   I really wish I had remembered and understood more of it, because it left me with a mushy feeling of goodness inside.  Many of the other members told us to sleep well -- Jeonghan in particular said we should meet him in our dreams and not Joshua or DK lol.   They finished with the Japanese version of Healing (in which Woozi was literally smothered with love) and Very Nice, which they refused to finish multiple times.
And that was Ideal Cut!  Feel free to ask me questions if you stumble upon this review; I did leave some things out for the sake of brevity.
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minghaofilm · 3 years
i got into nct dream a while ago. hmmmm i don’t remember when but i believe I got into them when we boom came out. chenle and jisung captured my heart immediately <3 also promised neverland 👀 all my irls talk about the anime so much that I’m also thinking of watching it/reading the manga.
for day three prompts, i don’t really believe astrology signs toooo much but i do find it really interesting c: my signs are libra sun, cancer moon, and scorpio rising. uhhhhh my mbti is infj-t if that means anything GDHHFJ- I’m not too involved in this stuff unfortunately 😔
for day four, uhh i actually do love sweet foods a lot !! although I’ll pick savory over sweet, the foods still have a place in my heart. I think that’s due to the many memories with desserts of sorts in my childhood ;D i also love to bake, but I can never find the time to actually do it. for some reason, I can never bake cookies right but I can bake other things perfectly and I never understood why 😭 my favorite sweet foods include tiramisu, macaroons, and salted caramel chocolates !! what about you??
- 🍁 anon
ANON HI I’M SO SORRY IT’S BEEN TOO LONG 🥺🥺 i was planning on replying to this sooner, whenever i had the energy and willpower to, but lately i’ve been feeling so tired </3
i haven’t been up to date with everything nct’s been doing🧍🏻‍♀️but anyways, i might just read the manga for promised neverland at this point. from what i know, they skipped a huge section in the anime ><
i feel the same way actually :0 i mean i’ve always said i believed it because i could never really explain the feeling (curse me and my two braincells 🕳🏃🏻‍♀️) but i just love personality stuff. i’m a libra sun, capricorn rising and virgo moon. i can’t read charts or anything so i just go off of what websites say about me 👀 i’m not huge on mbti types either, but i’m an infp-t. tbh i was surprised when i got introvert because i always thought i was an extrovert— but now, i fully understand how i’m an introvert🧍🏻‍♀️
umm i guess i like chocolate chip cookies and muffins BWHAHSH i mean i haven’t had either in a while but those were the first ones i thought of. baking is fun :DD i only do cookies and muffins though, & pls i just try to make sure i’m not eating raw dough ✋
for the day 5 prompt, i actually used to have a fish but uh ... yk. i think it’s been a year and a half? all i remember is waking up one morning and going to feed it before leaving for school but then,,🧍🏻‍♀️anyways, i’ve always wanted a dog or cat— what about you? 🧚🏼‍♀️🧚🏼‍♀️
also just to sneak in the prompt from day 6, i’d recommend listening to cloud 9 by beach bunny & dance, baby! by boy pablo :DD tbh i’ve listened to those songs a crazy amount of times because they remind me of dino🌜
i hope you’ve been doing well <33
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ohoshi · 3 years
yess the part where johnny bumped into taeyong was cool!! ty looks so cool while performing gosh 😌 i think ive watched that nct u class performance so many times by now, im still not over it for some reason hahaha
OMG I KNOW XIAOJUN BEING RELEVANT!! YES!! honestly im so glad that during nct 2020 a lot of the wayv members got to show their skills and how theyve improved (like xiaojun, hendery, yangyang) and i hope this keeps going (i feel like winwin esp couldve been showcased more? maybe it's hard with soo many members and i dont wanna be *that* fan...but he was the leader of the 90s love unit and had like 2 lines lol)
omg yes shotaro!! you never couldve known he debuted just 2 MONTHS AGO but i agree even in maw u can tell that the boy got moves! i feel so proud of him and hes so cute 😊 i agree, sign me up too for the idols who have such duality!! they were all so good (as expected)!!
WAIT LMAO SO SORRY i just fact checked myself and haikyuu actually has 4 seasons 😂 😅 there was like a 4 year gap between s3 and s4 so i think i felt like it was 2 seasons lmaoo. lately i have been more okay watching ongoing shows bc it gives me something to look forward to every week! but i usually do binge shows, which is why im a little sad that the uncanny counter is ongoing so i am forced to wait 😭 i must say though my binging skills are amazing...my one talent in life 🤣
her private life is another fake relationship kdrama (the main girl character is a fangirl and she runs a blog for her bias ahaha relatable??), and i think crash landing on you has some fake relationship things?? obviously it's not the main focus of the drama but crash landing is iconic u gotta watch, be prepared to cry tho if you get emotional watching these things like me 😭 because this is my first life was also good (i've heard some ppl get frustrated by the main guy character's lack of emotion though but i liked the writing and it's worth giving it a shot if you want!) i love the fake relationship and the enemies to lovers tropes, so if you come across any that are good pls let me know hehe
SVT yes that part in home where they choreographed like a house imagery with their hands was so cool!! the choreo is just so detailed (like i think there was a part that looked like they were opening a door bc it's "home"), i had heard svt is self produced and thats so amazing! theyre so talented and their performances are so good (the ones i've seen so far). i watched their mafia dance video for left and right and it was so FUNNY HAHAHAA they seem so chaotic i love it (also i love the mafia dances in general lol like nct dream did it for we go up). i'm going to try to learn svt's names (which i usually do by just watching crack videos about the group on youtube lmao) so stay tuned 👀 coming from nct, 13 members doesnt even seem like a lot to me anymore hahaha and i think im usually good with names so we'll see! i am also curious to see if i end up stanning dino :)) who are your svt biases??
haha yes i can understand xj/hn/lc without subtitles!! it's interesting because i think all 3 of them are from different places so their canto actually sounds a bit different from each other! but when i hear wayv speaking canto it feels so familiar bc i really only speak cantonese with my family, and it's such a weird but also good feeling and it makes me feel warm :) wayv is the unit that feels like ur close friends (whereas dreamies have best chemistry and i think i like 127’s music most? (but ofc i do actually like all the units songs hahah))
🥺yeah me too! i’m glad wayv members became more relevant thanks to nct 2020! honestly they are soooo good and they deserve all the attention! and winwin 💔 honestly i’m so happy he is in wayv now where he is being appreciated more! where he gets the lines and screentime! he deserves it 😤 of course you’re gonna be *that* fan! we’re all *that* fan 😤 the leader of the unit got 2 lines 😤 smh 😤
omg 4 year gap???? that’s a lot 😳 what for?? i guess the 4 year gap is the reason the show is still airing after all these years lmao when i saw gifs on my dash my reaction was wtf when did haikyuu become one piece what have i missed and then i googled and saw that the anime has 80+ episodes????? ABOUT VOLLEYBALL???? 😳 WILD
ohhh i see you have something to look forward to hmm that makes sense? maybe i should try it, especially since it’s most likely not as consuming as binge watching!! but yeah same, binge watching tv shows is one of my talents 😏
her private life is about a girl who runs a blog about her bias? there’s a whole kdrama about me? are you kidding me rn? never knew someone would be inspired by me or us for that matter? since we’re both just two little human beings running a blog about their biases<3 OMGGGG when am i gonna get the time to watch all of these drama 😭 hopefully really soon, but knowing how busy my college life can be (and esp rn) probs not 🤕 if i ever come across any drama that you haven’t watched already i will most likely recommend it to you!!!!
AHDGAGHFSDGH i love when idols play mafia game of any kind and i think that svt’s left and right is my favorite mafia dance ajfdshgadfshga they’re so chaotic and funny and omg vernon was so good tho?????? 😳 i was impressed bc i could never lie so well ahgdfags yeah it’s not that hard to remember all 13 of them especially because all of them are so different (i mean all of the members in all of the groups are always so different but ajdsgakja for whatever reason svt to me seemed the most uhhh versatile from the others?? like for example woozi is so smol it’s easy to remember him, and then seungkwan is the loud one, and then mingyu and jeonghan are pretty ones, joshua the charming one, sweet one, my biases are the best<3 etc but i mean THIS COULD BE JUST ME AJDGAJSH maybe i’m just too biased bc i love them so much sigh) anyways,,,,,, there’s a lot of ICONIC SVT CONTENT SO  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ welcome we have cookies, relax and enjoy yourself, the ride to being 500% whipped for svt begins right here, i recommend to you their pot and hammer game bc i love to watch when idols play it and svt? CHAOTIC AS ALWAYS! 
OK MY SVT BIASES 🥺 ok first of all here’s a digression: usually when i get into a kpop group i have like 3 different positions, 1) love at first sight - which is the person who i’m attracted to right from the second?? like the first person i see and i’m like oh //they// kinda like the way you’re attracted to dino’s dancing and stuff; 2) first bias - which is the person i just pick for whatever reason //ok they’re gonna be my bias//; 3) the actual bias - after watching a lot of content and listening to the music and getting to know the group in general i then choose //THE BIAS// or rather the bias chooses me bc it’s out of my control i just love them whoever they are! and with svt 🥺 all of the 3 were one guy (the only other time this happened to me is w nct dream lmao) 🥺 and i love him so much! one and only: xu minghao! (aka the8) 🥰 he’s one of the lead dancers and 1/2 china line in svt and he can sing! he can rap! and boy can he dance 😭 i just 🥺 love him 🥺 my other svt bias (whom, tbh, i don’t love nearly as much as i love minghao but i still love him very much<3) is wen junhui! (aka jun) 🥰 he is the other lead dancer and 2/2 china line in svt (this is random: but i really love china line in kpop??? like idek why? i mean of course i don’t care about their nationality or whatever but i’ve just noticed that for whatever reason the ones i tend to love and bias are more often than not chinese) and i know i know you asked ‘hey cora who are your svt biases??’ and everything i was supposed to say was ‘hey santa it’s the8 and jun!’ but no i had to be EXTRA bc guess what? well I AM EXTRA!!! bc i got excited i really love them 😭 (esp minghao<3 lately he’s been my ultimate bias so  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
OMG I AM SO JEALOUS OF YOU RN? you can understand them without titles? lucky!!!!!! but the fact that it feels familiar and it makes you feel warm<3 is so precious<3 so cute!! so wayv feels like home? 🥺 bc you only speak cantonese with your family? this is so 🥺 i’m not crying you’re crying 🥺 teach me something in cantonese?? like?? actually, first tell me is it too different from mandarin??? and then teach me something? how do i say i love you? or hi and bye lmao and thank you? yk the basics! and i mean of course that we all love all units songs i mean!! we’re here for all the mess those 23 boys give us but!! i think i’d be biased and pick nct dream’s music<3 but i love wayv and 127 so much as well 😭
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