#I’m tryin to get better but it hard 😭😭😭
bobabirdd · 2 years
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I like coloring his hair okay 👉👈 wip of a silly idea I’m slowly working on in between my irl job 😔
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khazadspoon · 4 months
WMM here, seeing as ur taking prompts again uhhhh How about Gil/Jesus, maybe something to do with loyalty we've talked about this before but umm... After that episode of Jesus willing to die for a mistake that wasn't even his fault, Gil maybe takes that into a account Jesus' loyalty.... ummm idk *sweats*
This isn’t exactly what I was imagining but it wasn’t coming out so have this 😭 but thank you as always for the prompt my friend 🙏
The name was called from across the camp, a voice that inspired a myriad of emotions in almost everyone who heard it. Apprehension, joy, concern, fondness and uncertainty alike. It was a voice that had quickly become a part of daily life for Jesús, and he swung between emotions each time he heard it.
He put the saddle he was examining down carefully and dusted his jeans with sweaty palms. There was trepidation in his gut as he walked over to the owner of that voice.
“Yes, Señor Favor?” His voice was calm, thankfully, not betraying the sudden fear he was about to lose his job.
“C’mere, take a seat.”
Gil Favor was sat on a fallen tree, there was a small notebook on one knee, a pencil in one hand and an unlit cigarette in the other. He stared down at the open notebook, occasionally tapping the pencil on it.
Jesús sat. He kept a foot of space between them.
“Have I… done something wrong?” He asked. Silently he sent a prayer to the Blessed Mother for strength.
Señor Favor flicked his eyes up, the action only visible because his hat was by his feet, and frowned. “Wrong? No! No, not at all. I’m not tryin’ to tell you off, boy, far from it.”
“…oh.” Jesús swallowed and took his hat off. His heart started to beat wildly in his chest.
“Listen. I know I ain’t the most complimentary of men. I’m a bad tempered fool and I know it. But I like to think I’m fair.” He paused, turned his head and smiled at Jesús. His lips, though thin, curved pleasantly in the wide and generous smile. It was a handsome smile, one Jesús had often admired from afar. “Wanted to tell you you’re the best damn wrangler I’ve ever worked with.”
Jesús found himself grinning as well. “I am?”
The trail boss nodded and tucked his notebook back in his breast pocket. “You are. I know it’s been a hard drive, and I don’t want you thinkin’ you’re not appreciated. Or that you need to go kicking yourself for something that ain’t your fault.”
A hand, warm and large and firm, clasped his shoulder. The thumb rubbed across the tendon joining his shoulder to his neck, and Jesús nearly shivered.
“You’ve got a place here, for as long as you want it.” The taller man squeezed his shoulder again. “If you want it, that is.”
Jesús nodded. “I do want it,” he breathed, “to- to stay, I mean, Señor Favor.”
He saw the man’s eyes flick down and heat bloomed cautiously in his chest. Gil blinked and licked his lips. Jesús watched the movement. He saw the softening of his boss’ eyes, the way his jaw tightened as he swallowed. The hand on his shoulder loosened its grip and shifted. It drifted up, the thumb grazing the skin of Jesús neck. The breath caught in his chest and Jesús held himself still even as anticipation coiled around him, tight and warm and exciting.
Señor Favor blinked and drew away. He cleared his throat and dropped his hand, the warmth lingering on Jesús’ shoulder.
“Well. That- that’s all I wanted to say, really. Just… don’t go trying to throw your life away over a mistake that weren’t yours next time, got it?” He looked up as he spoke, his voice firm and just a little stern.
Jesús looked down at his hat and nodded. “Of course, Señor Favor.”
“Good,” he slapped his thigh and stood up, stretched his back with an audible pop. “I better get back to the herd, see how Quince is handling things.”
“I’ll saddle your horse-”
“No, no, its alright,” Gil held out a hand to stop him. “I got it. Get yourself something to eat, could be a long night. I think there’s some bad weather coming our way.”
Jesús watched him go, kept his eyes up instead of watching the sway of his hips, and let out a long sigh. On one hand, he was appreciated and valued by the one man it mattered most from. On the other, he knew that the attraction he felt went both ways. A dangerous situation to be in, indeed.
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breakfromtoront0 · 1 year
Put you to work (Shuri x OC)
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Straight up, not straight at all smut, oral, and dirty talk.
I continue singing, using one of her tools as a fake mic and swinging my legs over her desk I’m sitting on.
“Cause baby it’s the everything, no tryin, you be shining my silver linin” I say rubbing her chin.
“She leans into my touch but then sits straight, “Camren, I’m working on Okoye’s suit, I can let you serenade me later” she says reaching for the tool in my hand to use it.
I frown and huff, “fine” I say getting up and walking towards the window.
“Oo a person, wow a tree” I say each with equal fake enthusiasm.
“Wow the sky is still blue” I look back to see her rolling her eyes.
Oh fuck it, if she thinks her reserve is so good I’ll have to bring out the big guns.
I think to myself now leaning against the window watching her tinker with technology furrowing her eyebrows slightly, I see her spare me a quick nervous glance, probably at my silence.
I slowly approach her sitting on the desk across from her.
“It’s hot in here baby” I say fake fanning myself.
She looks up slightly concerned then quickly instructs Griot, “Griot turn on the ac”, I shake my head.
“Don’t worry Griot, I’ll just take this off” I say taking off my hoodie to reveal just my bra, her eyes travel up, connecting with my chest for what seems like a minute before she looks down quickly trying to continue her focus.
“You know, if you weren’t so busy” I say dragging my sentence along as I crawl over to her from the desk and move her work out of the way, sitting in-front of her.
“I’d be making you cum right now” I say, holding both sides of her face with my hands and maintaining eye contact, noticing her slightly heavy breathing and wider sitting stance.
“And-“ I’m cut off.
“Camren, this is your final warning, if you don’t shut that pretty little mouth of yours, I’m going to put it to work” she says raising an eyebrow.
Disobeying Shuri? Bad Idea.
Not disobeying her?, boring Idea.
“Put me to work baby” I say, hopping off the table turning her chair to face the other way and kneeling in-front of her.
“Griot lock the door” she says before undoing the top of her shirt.
“You have five minutes to make me cum” she says and I nod sliding her pants and panties down her legs.
“5 minute timer Griot” she orders the AI
I immediately get to work, appreciating her breasts and taking one into my mouth, kneading her other breast.
Before I can even move my head it’s being pushed down.
“Your business is down there” she says.
I oblige, spitting on her cunt, licking a stripe up and finding her clit sucking like my life depended on it, all the while her hands tangled in my hair, “more” she utters breathlessly chest heaving.
I stick my tongue in her opening while sucking hard on her clit, I’m surprised when her hands start guiding me faster and harder into her, basically fucking my face.
I hear the timer go off but I know better than to stop, I keep going and use two fingers to pummel into her g-spot while sucking her clit and kneading her breast with the other one, this sends her over the edge, her thighs caging me in and her hands pulling my hair tighter as her legs shake and she mutters incoherent words in xhosa.
I feel her cum fill my mouth and swallow grinning against her.
“I don’t know why you’re so giddy, you spent overtime” she says matter of factly, her voice still slightly wavering.
“You’re still on duty, tend to your job” she says pushing my head back down.
I’m in for a long night.
Look, Idk, it came to me😭
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meowzfordayz · 2 years
well,, i mean who wouldn't have thoughts like that.. big big guy muscles soft squish squishy— i–youu!! stop shhh im tryin to keep such thoughts at bay pls HAHA i try 👀
nyway,, i'm good!! okay-ish? am actually werking on a paper rn but i easily get distracted so 👍🥴 i don't even care anymore am just mad tireeed. do you also get this burst of energy to start something but along the way that energy dies down and after finishing that ur kinda just dead beat for awhile like ayt that's 1 min see u next week. •́ ‿ ,•̀
how about you? anything you're looking forward to this week? or next week? i hope you're handling acads better than i am HAHA // stay warm and fuzzy bby! ily2 😚✨🧦
Soft squish squishy hrr hard muscle flex. 🫠😵‍💫🤗😂
Oof, not a paper! 😖😭🤓 I feel that hah — writing academically, it’s like I’ve a timer, and if I don’t finish it by the end of the timer, my motivation goes buh bye. 💀 I believe in you tho !! 😤😍 Is it due tn, or could you catch some zzz’s and finish it in the AM? 🥺❣️
I’m looking forward to apple picking this weekend + a ton of home cooking !! 🍎🍏😋 I’ve verrry ambitious plans to make: applesauce, mulled wine, tomato sauce, AND oatmeal pumpkin spice cookies… which means I’ll likely get to 1-2 of those goals. 😆
My first round of exams went well 🥳, but I’m feeling somewhat lost learning stereochemistry + constitutional isomers… I understand the various definitions/theory, but am struggling to then apply them to actual hw q’s. 🤷🏻‍♀️
Sending you actually-on-time-for-class and ceiling fans vibes !! 💝
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jasonsthunderthighs · 2 years
Sorry about your finger! I hope your recovery goes smoothly and your pain lessens soon! Sending love and like here 😘👈 I’m kissing it better
It has been! My boss also has been pretty chill and checkin up on me on those past four days I was gone, cause I did tell him that I was still in pain at the time and couldn't do much even after two days.
Doctors sometimes don't know shit for shat, cause I sure as fuck needed more time for my finger to heal up than the two days I was given.
Also, thank fuck I actually got paid for havin those days off to recover, cause I'm also tryin so hard to save up money to get a new place with my twin and other housemates.
Thank you for the internet kiss! I needed it! 😭
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You’ve been warned. Sorry this is so long, but the book was 700 pages so 🤷‍♀️
Starting from Kaila’s pov. Really? After that ending? Here we go.
Poor Slade :(
Okay so Slade and Ryatt’s dad is a dick. Going back for one last group of Oreans when they don’t even like them and then choosing an Orean to be his wife. I feel like he used her for breeding but I’m also confused as to why if they look down on Oreans so much. He started in Annwyn and was born after the bridge was destroyed so how did he and his brother get to Orea?
Why does Slade age 8 keep scratching at his arms??? Is his power starting to emerge??
The answer is yes. His power was starting to emerge. Safe to say Slade has a protective nature. His poor mama 😭😭😭
Slade: “Wake up and argue with me, Goldfinch” Awww ❤️❤️❤️ My heart. This reminds me of a line from the book/movie The Choice. I love it!
Awww Judd brought Hojat. 😊😊
LOL, Os and Rissa. This is going to be so good. I wonder how long before they’re making out.
Yay, she’s awake!!! 🥳🥳🥳
God, every time he calls her baby it hits my heart hard, and for some reason makes me think of the movie The Choice
I want them to talk so bad, but she should be able to live in avoid it land for a little while, before she goes digging through all that pain again.
LOL she can’t cook. 🤣🤣🤣
Awww Digby. Of course he’d be the one she couldn’t lie to about being fine.
Oh my god, I hope bringing Poppy with her was worth it, because she’s kind of being a bitch to Rissa. I’m loving Rissa and Os though. He put their tents next to each other 🥰❤️🥰❤️🥰❤️
Awww Digby stayed just for her! This book is putting my heart through the ringer.
Slade: “Absolutely fucking not” 😍😍😍
So she’s been able to choose solid gold or flowy gold. I’m starting to wonder if not being able to use it at night is a subconscious choice that she’s unaware of. - I was half right. She can’t gild new things, but she can manipulate what she’s already gilded. Can she remove it at night though? 🤔🤔🤔
Why is Malina so special? I’m still so unclear on her story, but I’m also very curious to figure it out. Why her? She already had a kingdom, but no magic so how can she be the one destined to save Seventh Kingdom? - After finishing the book, now I know. I don’t want to call her a dumbs because I feel a little sorry for her but maybe naive is a better description.
Did Slade somehow tear open a new bridge between worlds? Is that why they call him Rip? Is that how they got there? How he finally got his mother and brother away from their father? Why does Ryatt not want him there? - Okay so confirmed he ripped open a doorway and that’s how they got there, but no one has come through since and no has gone back. 🤔🤔🤔
Damn. The second Elore said 11 years I was like Ryatt isn’t Stanton’s son, he’s Jaks’ and I was right.
Digby: “Don’t speak about my lady in that tone.” Oh damn! Look at Digby channeling Azriel. This line makes me so giddy 😊😊😊💕💕💕
Yay!!! She can control the gold!!!
Okay, I’m on Chapter 44 from Queen Malina’s POV and she’s describing the castle and how she never sees anyone else, but there’s always food, water for a bath, and her bed is always made. This is giving me major she was lured there so she could be sacrificed vibes. I’m hoping that’s not the case, but that’s what I’m feeling. Lets go find out.
Okay, I don’t know exactly how the magic of this world works. What the twins are saying seems possible, but anytime there’s a blood sacrifice and someone says ‘Don’t worry, it’s only a few drops of blood.’ I go on high alert and get super suspicious. Like it feels too much like a coincidence that to restore Seventh Kingdom they need a few drops of blood from a pure Orean royal. Let’s find out if I’m right.
Now the assassin who is supposed to kill her is warning her that things in the castle aren’t right. I’m curious why he doesn’t just kill her. I mean that’s what he’s there for. Why not get it over with? And what are the twins and Pruinn really trying to do? Are they trying to return Seventh Kingdom to glory? Are they trying to reopen the bridge to Annwyn?
They keep saying she’s smart, but every time she’s on the path to getting what she wants it’s like she’s got blinders on to anything that will take that away. I want to feel bad for her, but she’s so focused on getting “what she deserves” that she believes what she’s being told without question.
Oh my goodness. All this talk of tight pants has me thinking about Firefly when Kaylee calls Mal Cap’n Tight Pants 🤣🤣🤣 If you know, you know. 😉
He pinched her ass!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I feel like Queen Kaila and Manu are using the Conflux as an excuse to get Auren and either imprison her or kill her so she can’t “steal” anyone else’s power. I also feel like it’s an excuse to try and get rid of Slade too.
Lol Argo likes cookies, and he let her pet him! 😊❤️
NOOOOO!!!! RISSAAAAAAAA!!!! How are she and Os supposed to get together if she’s DEAD?! 😭😭😭😭😭😭
Manu you fucking asshole. I liked you so much to begin with, but now you have to go on the shit list. You also just made the biggest mistake of your life.
Damn! Os took off so fast. Poor Os 😭
Okay, so Rissa is only mostly dead. Way to bury the lead Hojat.
The guard killed her and then slit his throat. That’s the lamest theory. If that was his plan why was he so far away from her?
I really hope Rissa makes it.
Oh, he’s pissed. They’re in so much trouble.
This Second Kingdom Queen is a bit cray cray in my opinion. 😳😳
Poor Slade 😭😭
NOOOOO!!! ARGOOOOOOO!!!! I hope Slade doesn’t rot him or leave him there 😭😭😭
Ummm excuse me? Queen bitch can do what now? She can change what people said with her power? That’s bullshit.
That was a roller coaster there at the end. I really thought she was going to die. Then I thought Slade was going to get her out. Then he couldn’t get through the shield and I thought he was going to have to watch her die. Then he ripped open the world again and they had to say goodbye for now. Then Slade and Ryatt went to Deadwell only to find out that the people and rip are gone. HOLY FUCK 😳😳😳🤯🤯🤯😵😵😵💀💀💀
Then we’ve got Malina so rapped up in herself that she helps these guys restore the bridge between realms which is good and bad. Bad because it sounds like the Fae want to conquer Orea. Why? Weren’t they the ones who destroyed the bridge in the first place? Good because it means Auren could find her way back or Slade could find his way to her in Annwyn.
You know what we DON’T know though? IF RISSA MADE IT THROUGH SURGERY!! 😡😡😡😭😭😭
I thought this was the last book, but APPARENTLY NOT. I guess there’s supposed to be one or two more books. I don’t know if my heart and feels can take two more books. This one was a lot.
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bisluthq · 26 days
Do you think we’ll EVER get a rock album from Taylor?
I just KNOW it would be fire if she actually took a huge risk and leap of faith like she did with folklore/evermore but Ifear she may be too deep in her comfort zone with Jack. Dessner tracks are always interesting and seem like a product of evolution but I think she needs to branch out and find more producers to actually PRODUCE a cohesive body of work with her instead of the odd producer cropping up on a song or two (also always makes me laugh when it’s a female producer and she tries to turn it to some feminist moment lol, but that’s besides the point)
Both midnights and TTPD kinda seem misplaced? I think half baked is better, for midnights anyway. TTPD feels like looking at a massive tapestry and tryin in to connect the dots and solve the puzzle/storyline except you’ll only succeed if you have an art degree in Swift Academia. Fun and entertaining and astonishing, but only if you’re adequately equipped. Otherwise I feel like it’s hard to digest, and this is purely going off of non Swifties in my life (so it might just be me problem)
I really do wonder what her future holds musically because we know she’s capable of transcending genres in addition to being a capitalist queen. The question is will she want to branch out, knowing that some genres and switches are inherently not gonna be capitalist friendly or appeal to the masses? I’m so glad Folklore exists because it’s a beautiful album but it shows her artistry in full force with a brand new palette. She absolutely can make something groundbreaking if she decided too but with midnights and TTPD, I feel like she regressed under the guise of artistic development. Though idk if I can expect too much from someone who referred to rep as punk rock💀💀💀
Anyways rock album when 😭
It’d be SO good but yeah I think she’s into this kinda indie pop sound atm. I agree that TTPD requires too much Swiftie lore for the average person and it’s also just… too long lol.
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domnq88 · 1 year
Update? Update! 😊
I danced even though I messed up my online class update. So angry. Couldn’t do it live. Hopefully I get off early next Monday and REGISTER EARLY.
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Still did 1 of my teacher’s online things and the choreo is so cute! 🥺 ( lol this move from that gif is in it lol it’s so cute though!!!)
The teach is Leilah Isaac. Forgot to mention. She’s on YouTube and has a bunch of stuff. Live classes are through Pineapple Studios but bruh register EARLY and have ALL your correct info and on their parent site, mind body if you do. I think their site is confusing but she’s AWESOME so….I like her, she’s nice.
I don’t have a dance mirror so I sometimes feel like I’m just a flailing fish sometimes. 🐠
I do do (hee hee 💩) belly dance but this one had heavy contemporary/ballet vibes so I was LIVIN but FLOOPIN lol
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Here’s another preview of my cover song of “Wreck of the day!
I’m excited because I’m scared honestly. I like the cover I did and mixed this together. The instrumental was separate. I’d like to play my guitar/ keyboard but I got the instrumental legally and tuned it down a bit. It was too high for me.
I added vocals and then mixed them together. I’m tweaking this some more after this and will have this up on SoundCloud and a BTS vid on YouTube soon after…
My new year resolution was to work on music and art stuff. I’ve been having roller coaster good and bad days, so I was so happy I stuck to this and finished!
It may take me a while, but I FINISH WHAT I START NOW.
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I DIDNT do that before, and I wanna be better. I’m glad I’m changing for the better.
I hate my normal job. I’ve been putting my foot down and I’m pretty sure some people think I’m over reacting about stuff or being a b*t h but I want out.
I want to go to school for at least 1 semester in Korea.
I’m so excited.
Student loans are making a comeback. 🫤 I’m not gettin in a convo about that but the government SUCKS ASS.
I’ve paid down almost $10,000 in personal debt. Everything I’ve been doin…hopefully won’t get washed away. I’m tryin. 😭 but also….
I’m gonna get a PS5 for ME. Saving, of course but I haven’t gotten something JUST FOR ME in a while. I’ve always had to have an excuse for something else attached to it. Not just cause I want it. I want it, so I’m gonna get it this time. I thought hard about this, since I’m paying down debt. So…yeah. It’s Gonna be pink! 💕
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Anyway…sorry about the rant! 😊🙈😊
Hope everyone is having a wonderful day/night/ wherever whenever…*insert Shakira hip shakes*
Here’s some pics of my fave people…c’mon duh it’s BTS. Hope they’re ok too. 🥺💜🥺
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ariondevereux · 2 years
nikkaaaaa, hello!
Ask incoming heh, what song would you assign your oc with? Like their theme song! 👀✨
i wanted to do as many ocs as i could but this was so much harder than i thought 😭
maya: be kind - halsey
i don't know why you hide from the one / and close your eyes to the one / mess up and lie to the one that you love / when you know you can cry to the one / always confide in the one / you can be kind to the one that you love
so we all know about maya’s emotional baggage 😔 this song is pretty much what jordan and the team especially phoenix want to get through maya’s head. they just want her to let them be there for her
lira: people i don’t like - upsahl
everybody in this party's fucking fake / i really wish that I could say it to your face / but i won't, so / hello, it's so good to see you / we met before, but nice to meet you / yeah, i don't really wanna be here
lira isn’t snobby but she barely goes out of her way to socialize because as the mayor’s daughter, she’s seen enough fakery and has had enough people butter her up for connections and she doesn’t want any part of it
abby: that way - tate mcrae ft. jeremy zucker
every time we talk, it just hurts so bad / 'cause i don't even know what we are / i don't even know where to start / but i can play the part / we say we're friends, but i’m catching you across the room / it makes no sense 'cause we're fighting over what we do / and there's no way that i’ll end up being with you / but friends don't look at friends that way
still can't tell / if we both mean well / keep me guessing / if this is life or hell / think i might've said too much, bit the dust / now i’m kinda dizzy / overthinking us until i’m drunk and sick of this whole city / don’t know where to start / don’t know how to hold my heart / and if we're really what we say we are / then why is this so hard?
the duet version screams shiloh and abby. i have like a better explanation in my head but i can’t put it into words 😭😭 but it’s about them exchanging mixed signals because there’s shiloh whose flirting can be straightforward but sometimes he’s careful because he doesn’t want abby to feel like he’s stringing her along. like i imagine that’s also him lowkey trying to make his feelings known but there’s abby who always takes it the wrong way and thinks he’s just a natural flirt and that at the end of the day she’s still just his best friend and that’s all she’s ever gonna be because sometimes he’s too flirty and sometimes he’s not flirty enough and as much as she swears she can sense there’s something going on between them, she’s scared it’s one-sided and like if her heart is gonna get broken by someone, she really doesn’t want it to be shiloh. ugh the pining is so good but also frustrating because for two people who claim to know each other better than anyone else, they have too many mixed signals
piper: dear no one - tori kelly
so if you're out there, i swear to be good to you / but i’m done lookin' for my future someone / ‘cause when the time is right, you'll be here but for now / dear no one, this is your love song
the rest of the song is so piper actually, especially the verses about her enjoying her own company but i’m not gonna copy and paste the whole song djsjsks anyways like implied in the lyrics, piper is a romantic but she’s not desperate and rushing. she definitely wasn’t looking for anything when she met nikolas. it just sorta happened but it felt right from the get go sooo <3
cece: take off all your cool - sabrina carpenter
you don't always gotta leave me guessing / i know you wanna leave a good impression / but you did it, you did without tryin'
idk how the romance route is gonna happen in canon but in my head, reese and cece catch feelings for each other at around the same time. not just the “she’s hot/he’s hot” kinda crush. it’s more like reese genuinely feels comfortable to show cece this side of him that’s less smooth and more goofy, like more him. in my head, he starts to smile a lot more than he smirks and yeah. cece likes it 🫣 lololol but yeah cece didn’t really mean to like Like him but she sees him in a new light and she badly wishes she’d see that reese more often
emory: love again - new hope club
tell me, have i lost my mind again? / i get the feeling you might feel the same / tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again / and even though we're in this crowded room / i’m feeling like there's no one else but you / tell me you can feel that love, feel that love again
i think it’s self-explanatory 😭 but yeah she never really got over qiu and this is exactly how i imagine her thot process when she meets him again
bianca: fucked up summer - rosie darling
it’s gonna be a fucked up summer without you / ‘cause i can't stop thinkin' about you / kissing your tattoos, smokin' in your room / i let my guard down, i never meant to
ignore the fact that this is a song about an ex or smth as well as the “summer” part lmao anyway bianca didn’t mean to find love shortly after a breakup but she met shay and the heart wants it wants </3 idk how it’s gonna happen in the game but if shay’s down, bianca would definitely want to try and make the long distance work because there’s no way shay would ask her to stay in sg when she has her studies in nyc. either way, the lyrics are what i imagine bianca thinks about when she leaves sg—just her reminiscing the short time she spent with him. there’s also a line that goes “my bracelet, shoelaces i stole from your combat boots” and that is something bianca would definitely do
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