#I’m making this a new meme
barclaysangel · 4 months
Andy just trying to isolate himself in his cabin, get high and be left alone before Chucky invaded his life once again
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(Photo credit goes to @fairchilds-glasses , I just made the black and grey filter and rain effect)
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accursedvoid · 13 days
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What is even going on
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minniiaa · 4 months
Thank fucking god one piece tumblr is mostly a safe space because holy shit twitter is hell. These people bitching and moaning about Luffy laughing and being happy in G5 (AGAIN) saying it “ruins the story”
Luffy it at his freest in G5. He is overflowing with happiness as he uses his abilities to save and protect people. Why wouldn’t he be happy? We already had many arcs where Luffy was serious and even distraught when he couldn’t protect those he cared about. Those days are over and he now has the strength he always wanted. Let him be fucking happy. If you want to be miserable go read pre-TS and cry.
Now let’s be real. If you had all the powers in the world wouldn’t you do some wacky shit? I would be causing chaos and fucking around with anyone I could because it’s FUN. The Kaido fight had me smiling at my tv like a stupid idiot. I felt like I was a kid again watching Looney Tunes again (which I grew up on and loved dearly) Maybe these zoomer fucks have just never watched a cartoon in their life because their heads are too buried in their ipads or playing fortnite . Or flip side these people are just sad, lonely millennials and genx who are so dead inside they forgot what it’s like to be silly and joyful.
Also, the final island is called LAUGHtale. Rodger, King of the Pirates LAUGHED when he found the one piece. This whole beautiful decades spanning tale is ground in LAUGHTER. Don’t try to sully that just because you haven’t laughed in years and you hate your family and dead end job. Let others be happy. Try and be happy yourself. Go ahead, just laugh until you cry. You will be amazed at how good it makes you feel.
Yes I am mean, no I do not care. I am in my high tower of happiness and laughter enjoying life and my favorite series. If you want to be miserable and serious go watch/read jjk and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out. We don’t need you and Oda doesn’t either ✌🏼
me laughing at the haters:
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lovereadandwrite · 1 month
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he’s literally just a silly little bbg guy !!!✨…
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kierancaz · 5 months
I’m watching Kung Fu Panda so obviously I’m getting emotional.
Tai Lung is such a wonderfully crafted villain thats so sympathetic be even so you can’t excuse everything that he’s done.
The animation is beautiful and so subtle and detailed especially in the scene when Shifu says that he’s sorry, that whole fight scene between Tai Lung and Shifu is amazing actually.
When I was younger I never really noticed it but Tigress gives us an explanation for almost her ENTIRE CHARACTER in one sentence when she’s telling Po about the history of Tai Lung, “Shifu loved Tai Lung like he’d never loved anyone before… or since.” And it never felt that heavy to me because little 6 year old me was always just like “haha panda make silly sound and face!!” right after.
Po’s self doubt and imposter syndrome is also something that’s more obvious to me now that I’m older and also so much more relatable. There’s something about him asking Shifu “how? How?” Over and over only being met with Shifu’s silence until finally he admits he doesn’t know how to turn him into the dragon warrior.
And then moments later Tigress flinging herself off the Jade Palace is just plain awesome.
Also, I’m a huge sucker for fight choreography and all three of the Kung Fu Panda movies have such awesome fight scenes. Also each character has a distinct way of fighting based on their size and species which is just such cool attention to detail.
I know everyone and their mother had talked about or at least knows how great these movies are but I need to put my two cents into everything so here it is.
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rightflank · 2 years
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Good morning to Heidi Klum and to Heidi Klum only
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1taliart · 11 months
Nestor after returning to his homeland after the Trojan war
Hello, yes. After a year without uploading and in, what I feel, one of the weirdest ‘fandom’ twists, I’ve gone from obsessing over 80s musicals about anthropomorphic cats and trains to being obsessed with ancient books and plays. What can I say, the duality of man. (not that the cats and trains are fully gone, they never will).
Anyways, this low effort meme I made way to late at night is my application form to my fellow mythology and epic cycle girlies.
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ssruis · 12 days
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This is how they’re gonna surpass rad weekend
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damsxlette · 3 months
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they’re back <3
Diva and Eddie belong to @xoxoalette
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theswedishpajas · 10 months
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Good morning 🦴🦴🦴
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god what’s it like to be new to the kotlc tumblr fandom freshly joined peacefully enjoying a couple months of calm and then boom antenna elves a/b/o elves ketchup periods hatsune miku vackers qualden haiku bot elysian big naturals sprite elves one after the other like. we really lured you in with a brief fit of normalcy and then gave you no break huh
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fake-destiel-news · 11 months
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im-okay-mj · 8 months
So are we thinking that Astarion gave Cazador the biggest attitude for 200 years straight or what
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Me realizing that Taylor is going to do everything literally at midnight this era and that I will sleep through it all.
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I have no explanation for this
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