#I’m literally so mad about this lmao
thebaffledcaptain · 10 months
your tags made me look up bridgerton george iii and-- oh my god. what have they done. no offence to that actor, he's a good looking fellow but What The Fuck
right? right??? where are the WIGS? where is the ROUGE? try as I might I cannot in any universe envision that man as our good george iii. he looks like he’s from once upon a time. he looks like the human equivalent of the default lego figure face. any respectable gentleman would not be caught dead in 18th century high society looking like that. god save the king but for christ’s sake not that one.
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smilekid · 11 months
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I’m studying for my core content teacher certification exam and a section of it is about fine arts. I was asked this question and got the incorrect answer but like.
It’s fucking art? Yellow seems sad to me. It’s an old forgotten photograph or something that got stained and cracked and ripped and nobody cared. You’re going to tell me that color is not indicative of emotion here?
i am so mad about this lol, you can’t fucking tell someone they’re wrong about how a fucking piece of art speaks to them fuck all the way off.
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blahblahbih · 17 days
Oscar’s penalty leaving him next to Carlos on the grid feels like when a teacher thinks two students have a crush on each other and “randomly assigns seats”
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shima-draws · 9 months
Seething at one of the tags on that poll saying FMA is a military + genocide apologist anime have you even WATCHED it
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angelnumber27 · 30 days
*he spilled my cup of paint water all over everything idk why I said he spilled watercolors I just woke up girls
I literally walked away for two minutes tops to make coffee and came back to his ass sitting on this water color palette and my painting open after spilling my watercolor water all over it
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Look at that face. He knows he did something wrong hahahha
#I really wish I had a pic of him just sitting on the watercolors bc it was hilarious#like he looked so innocent and cute and I just knew his was was covered in various colors hashahwhwha#but i was more concerned with the toxicity so my immediate reaction was to try to clean his paws the best I could#and research#it won’t cause any skin or gastrointestinal issues so we’re good thankfully#he will be fine don’t worry lmao it’s water based watercolors#gonna watch him close just in case#grabbed him asap and a wash cloth and took him to the sink#but yes to reiterate it’s NOT TOXIC AND HE IS FINE I PROMISE#also thank goodness I grabbed him immediately before he started prancing around on the white carpet bc I would be yelled at for weeks#u have four bloody scratches on my face but there are not rainbow foot prints all over the house and he is safe so I am fine with that#i**#they’re ^#the way cats attack you and think they’re being punished when you’re literally potentially trying to just save their life#or help them#like unhooking their claw from somethin their stuck too#and like I give a fuck about clothes as much as my cat but there’s paint all over my favorite robe too now hahah#legit thiught the red streaks on my face were watercolor hahahaha so I was like oh shit that blood#I’m not mad#after I found out it wasn’t toxic and that he didn’t step all over the wet carpets and that he was okay i laughed for like 15 minutes#I’m still laughing like… y’all ☠️#please excuse my voice I’m a little sick and I sound like a southerner ew#like why do i sound like someone’s Christian Baptist mother offering someone cookies#Queso#my cats#lmao
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m4ndysk4nkovich · 7 months
no fucking way did it take this guy ive been talking to go from “you’re the prettiest girl i’ve ever seen” to “you’re a stupid white trash hoe” in like four days
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argcicle · 11 months
I can’t get the idea of c!dream’s mask out of my head. what if it wasn’t always a part of him? in the beginning, dream is an evil man. he’s obsessed with holding power and has a vendetta for tommy. but even though his eyes are cold, he’s a man. his eyebrows furrow when he’s caught off guard and his lip quivers with anger most of the time.
and then tommy gets exiled. alone. nothing to his name but he tries so hard to give himself meaning. and dream accepts the role of boogeyman. he never tries to pretend he’s anyone else, but tommy sees the white mask and he ends up frozen in fear. tommy knows it means that his work will be torn down while he’s forced to watch the taunting unmoving smile. dream’s eyes light up when he notices how tommy relaxes upon seeing his face; the next day, he comes without his mask and does his worst.
tommy never sees his face again after that moment. ranboo asked him once because they’d forgotten ever seeing it, and tommy wasn’t even sure if that man was ever dream. but he still tenses whenever anyone mentions it, and he still prays every night. he grips his own hands with white knuckles, unsure if it’s to forget his face or see it again.
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eugeniedanglars · 1 year
some of you need to learn to be less personally offended by writers saying “canon is just the things that explicitly happen in the show/book/movie”
#can’t believe i’m defending n*il g*iman i don’t even like the guy’s books and i have a tumblr vendetta against him#i genuinely don’t know much about him as a person except that he married am*nda p*lmer and therefore has extremely questionable judgment#so despite how much this website loves to throw the term parasocial around i have no parasocial attachment to him i just care about facts#but i just read two blog posts of his (including a pre-tumblr one)#that people linked as ‘proof’ of him being homophobic to aziraphale/crowley shippers before the tv show came out#and they were literally just. completely reasonable posts saying ‘the text of the book does not say that they’re in a relationship#and things i say online or in interviews should not be taken as canon and neither should popular fan interpretations’#i think people were mad because he phrased it as ‘making things up’? but in context it clearly wasn’t meant as an insult#it was just a way to differentiate ‘things that are explicitly in the text’ and ‘things that you have to use your imagination for’#at no point did he say anything bad about shippers he just said that it wasn’t textual canon in the book. which is objectively true lol#and even then the more recent post was like ‘it’s not book canon but tv canon is different’ like he literally was supporting it lmao#idk maybe i’m not offended bc i’m not a shipper#but i really think you’ve gotta read those posts in the absolute worst faith possible to interpret them as homophobic/anti-shipper
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asexualjedi · 7 months
Reminded of my Ted lasso playlist that has one song bc I was busy and then the uh finale kinda killed my enthusiasm.
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catzgam3rz · 1 year
*head in hands* The urge to make a video essay becomes stronger every passing month which would probably be a great idea for anyone who didn’t fail college TWICE for AN ESSAY WRITING COURSE
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pussy-ache · 10 months
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#bpd#i have a lot of feelings about this. unsurprisingly lmao.#there’s a mixture of shame and embarrassment#i cannot be mad at my teenage self. she did not know what she was doing. she tripped right into this without any idea.#but i am a little ashamed. yea.#it’s also a little heartbreaking and i cried so much reading this study it took me a couple hours to finish it#what’s ironic is that its actually my greatest fear to hurt the people around me with this. i’m literally terrified of this#and i have every right to be#since apparently it’s been clinically proven that anyone close to me :) will experience :) psychological distress :)#and being in a relationship with me:has a possibility of HURTING someone#the pedestal wasn’t imagined.#except it has a clinical name. not pedestal but ‘’splitting’’#his gut was right and i’m glad he trusted it.#i’ve known about the concept of the ‘’FP’’ for years now but i was always too ashamed to admit to it because it’s … so obvious#and so fucking embarrassing#that to admit to this being a thing for me was to admit that i had the disorder itself and i wasn’t ready for it at the time#and it also makes me afraid for what this means for the friendship itself and i wasn’t ever ready to tackle that either#to know that the roots of our friendship rests on THIS is just …. so heartbreaking to me…#to love someone that much and to find out that it’s all like. this manifestation of my mental illness is kinda horrifying tbh?#like 15 years of solid ground turning to quicksand under my feet within fucking seconds#and now i’m left with this immense love that feels so …. unhealthy. a symptom of mental illness.#it was all a symptom of my fucking mental illness.#what do i DO with that? where do i PUT that?
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polyamoryprincess · 11 months
I absolutely hate comparative gender arguments, because frankly they’re usually unnecessarily distracting from the issue, instead of just being like “that’s a horrible thing to do to a person and this is why.” But I’m gonna anyway because nearly every “men have it worse” argument I’ve heard was usually made with the arguer missing a key Something™️ in what they know about reproductive organs and/or sociology and it’s frustrating :)
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halfricanloveyou · 1 year
white right wing men be stupid as fuck online. “why won’t you debate me? why did you leave our discussion?”
babe, i’m making fun of you. your opinions are so stupid they’re funny and i’m laughing at you. your only rebuttal is to insult me based on things you made up about me. it’s like you’re a little toddler on the playground. you get so mad so easy and that’s funny to me. i’m not trying to listen to what you have to say i’m here to laugh at it.
the fact that they don’t understand that is so funny to me. and then when you leave they’re just like “where’d you go??” lmao i’m playing peek a boo with you. you buffoon.
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peapod20001 · 1 year
I wish I had a clear idea about how I get when I’m mad cus I would like ppl to know before hand so I’m not suddenly like!! This cold ass person out of nowhere!!
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dontmindme2600 · 1 year
Bro all this discourse about the casting in the new Lilo and Stitch remake is. Something. Listen I know people all have different stages of media literacy and subtext doesn’t come easy to a lot of people, but I literally understood more about how Nani’s identity as a native Hawaiian impacts the plot as a 7 year old than some people do AS GROWN ASS ADULTS
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chemicaljacketslut · 2 years
just saw someone post like “hate when people say canonically gay characters are bi 🙄” and tag it w richie tozier. have they read the book
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