stopiteatpopcorn · 1 year
So, imagine it's late at night but you're still very energetic, much to Franci's annoyance (not really tho). So in order to get you to calm down he decides to roll you up in blanket jail, a burrito prison of your own. No matter how much you wiggle or squirm you're stuck in the comfy jail. That of course leaves your face exposed for lots and lots of tickly kisses!~ From the tips to your ears to the sides of your neck, with the occassional nibble mixed in~.
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the sandra lynn / fig conversation is driving me Insane. fig saying that sometimes she doesn’t wanna exist as herself at all…not wanting to ask her friends how they see her (because she’s afraid to hear their response) saying that to someone she is a monster and she Cannot stop thinking about it. sandra lynn starting the conversation saying she needs to step up but is also simultaneously taken aback about what fig expresses and doesn’t know how to responds to it and suggests getting ice cream. sandra lynn saying “convincing people they deserve good things is really tough” talking about herself but how it also reflects fig. insane!!
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gay-little-axolotl · 6 months
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guys look this dude’s got blue hair and pronouns
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Idk why the image quality is so bad but here I made this
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shima-draws · 10 months
Actually curious as to what people’s general opinion of Ozbert is in this year of 2023. Does shipping them equate to getting hashtag cancelled? Are they still The OTP of the series?? Or are they strictly Platonic Besties For Life. I do not know
It’s weird tho bc obviously if you’ve read the manga you KNOW their situation is very Complicated™️. When they were both the same age it was fine but then Oz got yeeted into the Abyss and time jumped 10 years forward while he was in there for like 3 days and suddenly Gil’s like. 9 years older than him. But then Uncle Oscar still classifies Oz as being 25 even tho he’s physically 15. And then we find out that Oz’s body isn’t even HIS it belongs to Jack so that’s messed up. AND we find out Gil’s actually not just 24 he’s OVER 100 years old bc Baskerville shit. And THEN we find out Oz is actually the true B Rabbit so that makes it so he’s probably even older than Gil is. When we get to the end of the series they’re both canonically confirmed to be hundred(s) of years old so I’m sitting here like. Well,
ALSO looking at these manga panels and official artworks and stuff from the anime I’m like
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Well, there’s definitely SOMETHING going on there, that’s for sure,
#And don’t even get me STARTED on the omakes. Holy shit#Shima speaks#Anyway either way they are a wonderful duo.#Gil’s always been SO ride or die for Oz and I respect that#I just see them together and I’m like 🥰 There they are. My boys#Pandora Hearts spoilers#Pandora Hearts#Ozbert#Oz Vessalius#Gilbert Nightray#They’re not straight. I know THAT for a fact. LOL#And see there’s the appealing thing. The absolute ANGST involved#Gil who grew up harboring feelings for Oz but knowing it was wrong and that he could never ever act upon them#And by the time he’s an adult he still has some sort of feelings for Oz. It’s very complex#And then out pops Oz from the Abyss!! And he doesn’t look ANY different from the last time Gil saw him#Meanwhile Oz who was still figuring things out but who was almost sure he liked Gil That Way#And then it hits HARD when he’s in the Abyss not even knowing if Gil is alive#And when he finds out Gil’s all grown up.#I mean YEAH I’d develop a massive crush too are you KIDDING#It’d be frustrating tho bc Oz is still technically a teenager.#But then he figures out oh hey I’m actually? A being that’s existed for a LONG long time. And one that isn’t even human#So I can totally see him whole heartedly chasing after Gil once he realizes that#Anyway. Rant over sorry LOL#Either way. Again. They’re so so close in canon there is SOMETHING going on between them#(Not to mention the fact the anime really loved that and tried hinting at it super obviously)
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sodamnbored · 1 year
Jason: *bodily dumping Nico into a seat at the table*
Jason, sternly: Now eat.
Nico: *sullenly picking up his fork*
Percy, amused: I see you’re still taking care of Nico then.
Jason: Yep. Kicking his ass back to health and happiness.
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gracebethartacc · 8 months
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Some close ups bc I know tumblr will probably butcher the image quality,,
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simcardiac-arrested · 12 days
no actually I’d like to hear your thoughts on the isat ending
Like i said it felt really tropey and by that i meant that it’s just Everything Good Happens forever and…..that’s it ? like idk we were building up to this huge catharsis sort of thing and then we got to it and it was so sudden and not a good payoff and just kind of nothingburger of an ending . the fact that everyone just forgives siffrin bothers me, or at least the fact that they don’t confront them about the shit they’ve said and done. call me a mental illness villainizer but i think if you’re a fucking asshole and doing the most insensitive things to the people you care about then hey, i think those ppl have a right to fucking tell you off for it. likeeee idk being at your lowest point …… not an excuse …. not feeling it chief ……. like sure the message is to move past your mistakes or whatever but ? that doesn’t mean just getting away with it ??? and i just really don’t understand Why everyone forgives him. honestly at the end of the day the ending is just one problem, the root of which are the characters. everyone feels like trope cardboard cutouts. oh, this is the smart one. this is the smol bean. this is the himbo. and they all care for each other btw. Did u hear that? they all care for each other. we’re not really going to explain to you why these people are so close or what they went through together but just trust me man they’re sooo found famy. like …. okay. i’ve played 30 hours of this game and not once did i buy that any of the characters really cared about each other. like??? why???? You’re telling me everyone super cares about siffrin even though they barely know them?? you’re telling me siffrin cares about everyone sooo much even though he never even bothered to find out their problems before ? Wat ? and this just breaks the ending more because literally whyyy do these people care about him so bad. and then it’s just whyyy does siffrin Have to tell them anything he doesn’t even seem to know them that well. everyone feels like colleagues and Just Friends at best. and so the ending just seems really forced. like it was written by that type of tumblr user who’s always talking about aww why does the found family have to break up after the end of the journey :( which is like fiiiiine. i guess. but u guys know that u have to build up to it right?? you can’t just tell me they’re Family Members(tm) 102829 times and that they super care about each other source: trust. you can’t just do that and then expect me to believe it ….. It feels unearned. the ending feels unearned and i don’ttttt understand what i’m supposed to take away from it . that it’s ok to fuck people up because you’re traumatized and insecure?? that you have to talk about your deepest problems with people you barely know??? i just dont know. Like i said if im being honest the problems with this game’s writing are more than just the ending, it just stands out so much because there’s a lot of build up and then just …… That
#honest to god if you want a Good Example of a story like this just look at dungeon meshi#we start the story from the end of the characters’ journey. they all don’t know each other very well and they’re just working together#hell they don’t even like each other that much. And then as the story develops and they go through their journey we get to see them bond and#get closer and fight and make up and admit they care about each other and still be mad at each other#nobody even gives a fuck about laios at the beginning of the story but by the end of it they’re all willing to die for him. THAT feels#earned. when marcille super fucks up and everyone tells her off for it but still wants to just make sure she’s ok That feels earned#like honest to god i’d take marcille’s arc any day than whatever’s siffrin going on#i just feel like this game suffers from a chronic Tell Dont Show syndrome. we get old over and over again that these characters are close#told*#and that they care about each other. And that’s just ….. not a way to write a story ………#when all the characters exist just to comfort the Whump Main it’s like how am i supposed to get invested. in any of this#u know when the dev replied to someone who was asking them how to write a story and they just said ‘glue your fav tropes together until it#becomes a story’? Well i think that is isat’s main problem. it’s not really a story. it doesn’t really have characters#it’s just a bunch of tropes in a trench coat. And let me tell u that is notttt how you make a story. at all. at all#anyways this was supposed to be about the ending but this story just has so many inherent problems i could critique it forever🤷‍♂️ my badddd#it’s fun as a game and it’s Fine as a story but at the end of the day it just reads like fix-it fanfiction to me#which is not Bad on its own but i wish people would at least recognize how the story is kind of built on sticks#cramswering
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coconut530 · 2 months
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laniidae-passerine · 2 years
Jean Jacket’s method of consumption is terrifying when you’re the meal. It’s prolonged and painful. I sat there and thought to myself how horrifying being trapped and eventually digested by Jean Jacket is, how much that truly is one of my worst nightmares and how almost nothing in this world would compel me to suffer through something like that. And then OJ put himself right in Jean Jacket’s line of sight to save Emerald and I thought, “oh. I’d do it for my little brother. always.”
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alangdorf · 4 months
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Finally, my (min qty: 1) requisite Funky Yabusame Drawing. Like with the Tsubakura pic, you don’t gotta read too hard into the symbolism; I was mostly just doing whatever looked cool lol
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jackobbit · 5 months
Fellas we’ve officially hit that point /lh
I called my mama because I was upset over something, after talking it out she encouraged me to ‘go do something fun’ because the situation really couldn’t be helped so I might as well move on and cheer myself up.
Her suggestion? “Go play with Sun and Moon.”
She was referring to my plushies but the fact that she SAID THAT??
I’m officially at a point in the fixation where my MOTHER, who knows nothing about video games or fandom or anything like that, is able to recognize that shoving these two celestial themed robo twinks in my face is going to make me happy. And that’s insane to me.
“Here kiddo, go play with your jester animatronics you’ll feel better.” And she’s RIGHT. GOD.
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mazzy-rockstar · 4 months
Everytime i post about Palestine I lose followers.
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woundjob · 5 months
“i’d rather kill myself than be poly” type posts are always by the most single people imaginable. why are you worried about how you’d react to a threesome when you can’t even secure the twosome. be so fucking for real
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seen a lot of people saying that episode 13 is a spider episode, but am i the only one who sees it as a desolation episode? idk it’s just the cycle of the finance bro clawing his way up to ultimate fortune by losing everything else, and at the end of it all he doesn’t even get to keep his riches. he literally has nothing by the end of it, he’s burned every bridge, alienated himself from his friends and parents and completely fucked up his health. all that suffering just for one terrible loss, he got a taste of the top and it was stolen from him right at the finish line. life metaphorically going up into flames.
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monsterbananatv · 1 year
I’m not responsible for the person I become when I see the hollow boy adapted on scene…
The introduction of Holly
The fetch
“Come off it, you know I’d die for you”
In the show there’s so many scenes where Lockwood is begging Lucy to stay, scared she is going to leave him, and finally she does
Yes I know it’s to keep him safe, but it still hurts my heart every time, and to see it on scene…
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