#I will write soon I swear.
batfleshh · 5 months
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forestshadow-wolf · 5 months
Both ghost and soap are the kinds of people to be silent when they have actual problems, but they complain nonstop when it a minor inconvenience. They are absolutely insufferable when they're sick, but it's okay, they love eachother... (unfortunately)
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dysfunctional-doodle · 4 months
Raph finds Mikey annoying but if you hurt Mikey he will kill ya lol
Exactly. Mikey is annoying but he couldn’t live without him.
Something I really like about 2003 was the subtle hints throughout the show illustrating how much Mikey means to Raph. It is never said out loud, but watching the series again made me see details that I had missed, some more obvious than others.
First off, that moment in attack of the mousers where Raph, cornered by mousers, is oddly sincere when Mikey makes a joke to try and ease the tension of them potentially getting killed:
“This is it, it’s been fun guys!”
“Even me, Raph?”
“Even you Mikey - especially you.”
Mikey’s tone is light, half joking but Raph responds in complete sincerity (at least that’s how I interpreted it lol). The show had already begun showing that Raph has a fondness for Mikey different from his other brothers. I was pondering as to why, and I think I have a reason.
Mikey, I think, is his best friend (at least before Casey). At the very least, he’s someone that he can always goof around with, always willing to do whatever reckless shit he’s doing. Mikey is annoying, but Raph teases him for it, which I turn releases any pent up stress he has. Mikey is just as reckless and rough as he is, and Raph knows this. He knows how much Mikey means to him, even if Mikey doesn’t.
Another major example I can think of is in Back to the Sewers, when all the brothers get mind controlled by a virus and believe they are a part of The Foot Clan. To break the control, a strong memory of emotion/love (it wasn’t too clear, just a fond/treasured memory for them) needed to be remembered. Whilst the other brothers remembered their childhood with Splinter as the final memory, Raph was much harder to fix.
When he did remember, however, it wasn’t a memory of Solinyer that broke the control - it was a memory of Mikey. It seems really small. Just a memory of Raph dunking Mikey’s head into his cake on his birthday, but this kinda solidifies the theory for me.
Raph loves Mikey because of that annoying, playful streak he has in him that fits his own personality so well. His best memory seemed insignificant, but I think it’s actually the opposite. Him being able to be much more irresponsible and youthful only happens with Mikey around because Mikey brings that out of him. Honestly, with what Mikey said about their roles in the family in season 4, it wouldn’t surprise me if Mikey was fully aware of this fact and is why he doesn’t mind being teased by him.
TLDR: Mikey is annoying but in the best way for Raph. You mess with Mikey, you deal with Raph
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beanghostprincess · 4 months
Oh, wow, Usopp! How come Oda lets you have two blonde girlfriends?
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palskippah · 6 months
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Some Mareach thoughts regarding their pining for the other because that's my favorite headcanon ever for them, especially if it's painfully obvious that they like the other.
It's all rambling sjdksj Sorry if it's confusing to read! It's just all my thoughts on the matter, and they're loosely based on the drawings I did jsjds
Also, this all may not be very coherent? In the sense of time and stuff, I wrote it on the spot, honestly sjsj
Now, Peach has been in love with Mario for a long time. Before he saved her for the first time, and maybe even before he became the helpful hero of the Mushroom Kingdom.
He was nice to her, respectful and liked to have fun- never mind that she was a princess. With her subjects Peach couldn't exactly run and jump and just play any time outside of the official games (unless it was little children, they loved it, but once they got bigger, they realized she was The Princess, and must be treated with excessive respect and distance, apparently), but with Mario she could get her nice, pink dress dirty with mud or with stains of green grass, get leaves in her hair, or overall be a mess, regardless of the situation. He'd just laugh with his equally dirty overalls, instead of fretting over her nice clothes being ruined.
They'd have simple competitions, who gets faster to that one tree about ten meters away? They'd push and shove to get there quicker, both using their abilities for it. Peach would levitate a rock for it to get in Mario's way, and Mario would jump very high to go past it easily. And whoever won earned a kiss from the loser (alright, Peach shamelessly set that rule, whatever for her to place her lips on Mario's round nose or to get his mustache to tickle her cheek when his lips placed a loud kiss on it).
It was fun and simple, and Peach felt truly relaxed and appreciated when she was with Mario, in a way that with her cousin Daisy or her father Toadsworth she just didn't. Her heart would beat faster, and she'd look forward to seeing Mario's blue eyes and his silly nose and his handsome mustache. And to hear his accented sweet voice, or to see him communicate with gestures, where Peach would do her absolute best to interpret it the best she could.
To simply be by Mario's side could made Peach's whole day.
After she was rescued though, she saw him in a new light- a heroic (and very handsome-) light. He fought against a koopa many times his size and simply flung him out by the tail! Then Mario effortlessly lifted her in his arms and ran her to safety. Mario kind of literally swept her off her feet, and Peach felt that she fell a little more in love with him, in a way that she knew she never would be able to forget or be able to get over it.
But something Peach is very glad of, it's that there's no need to forget or get over it, because Mario likes her too. A lot it seems. The first time he saved her, and once they were back at the castle, Mario seemed to reach for his hat to do a playful bow as he usually did for the princess, but Peach was excited and loved him so much and felt so cared for, that she impulsively leaned in and kissed him on the nose, halting Mario's movements. She muttered in a sweet, loving voice: "Thank you, Mario."
And by the stars, the way Mario's cheeks went pink and his eyes bright, as if something wonderful just happened to him, made Peach's heart sing in happiness. Could this mean that he could love her too?
So, Peach started to be clear in her intentions. She'd be sweeter, she'd get him gifts, and treat him like a king that deserved everything in the world. Because to her, Mario did deserve everything and more. Peach invited him exclusively to eat cake with her, they woudl go to picnics on their own ,to enjoy each other's company. And Peach would very tentatively reach his hand when she could or kiss his face if the situation allowed it, even staright up hugging him, with no excuse or reason to (simply because she wanted!)
To any outsider, it was clear the princess was courting Mario, but to Mario, it was just his good friend being more friendly, which was great! He was very glad to be a closer friend to Peach. So, Mario started returning the efforts, he'd give her silly things he found that reminded him of her or make the time to spend his afternoons with her. He'd be more affectionate in the way Peach was, saying outright what he liked of her or cheering for her in enthusiasm at their games (Mario saying, "I love you, I love you so much!" while clapping).
But it didn't go past that.
Peach wasn't sure if Mario was being oblivious or she wasn't being clear enough- But he'd blush and do silly dances when she said something particularly sweet to him, and his eyes would soften when looking up at her. So, Peach was very confused. Why, even when she said, "I love you, Mario", he answered with an enthusiastically, "I love you too, principessa!" and... that was it. As if Mario just didn't notice that Peach was trying to go somewhere with all their courting (Thinking about the "we look like a couple :3" "A couple of besties! :D").
I'm thinking that ever since they became friends, Mario has had at least a little crush on Peach, and how could he not? She's so beautiful, and nice, and funny. Mario doesn't think she'd be interested in him in a romantic sense though, because he knows very well she cares about him! But romantically? Princess Peach could have anyone she wanted, and there must be other royals more worthy of her love. So, why choose Mario? What could he possibly give her that another guy or woman in a much higher position couldn't?
Mario is very sure of himself in some ambits, and then in others not so much. When time goes on, he truly believes he's worthy of being Peach's hero, because he's strong, agile, he can jump very high, he's smart too! If Peach is in trouble, he will find a solution or a way to rescue her and make sure she's okay. He trusts his physical abilities very much, that's why he trains and does his best to be as strong as he can! What else can Mario give Peach if he can't be useful for her safety-
But he doesn't think he's good enough to be anything else besides that. Because Mario isn't worthy to hold her hand simply because he wants to, unless he's pulling her and running away from danger. And Mario couldn't just hold Peach in his arms in the way a bride is held by the groom, because he only does that if he needs to get Peach away from a castle or danger, again. Or to kiss her cheek just because he wanted to show her his fondness, without having to purposely lose their races.
Mario just wasn't good enough for that, and it always made him realize that no matter what he did, he'd never feel worthy, because he'll always just be Mario, Mushroom Kingdom's and Peach's hero. And Mario was okay with that, really. And what difference does it make, anyway, if Peach doesn't feel the same way. She was so sweet and considerate, always looking out for people she cared about. Mario was just very glad that he was in that group of people that Peach deeply cared for. And he knew he was there, because she did so many nice things for him! Bake him a cake, even when he didn't help her in any significant way prior to it, or hug him out of nowhere or look at him sweetly- it was as if they were dating! And it made Mario immensely happy, because if he tried hard enough, it was as if Peach only had eyes for him, and only did nice, sweet things for him. And looked at him with her beautiful sky-blue eyes, full of love for Mario, as if they were boyfriend and girlfriend.
When he saved her for the first and she kissed him and looked at him as if he was something precious and loving, he felt that maybe Peach could see him as a romantic partner, worthy of very nice things and very nice people such as Peach. But then she said, "You are my hero!" and that hope shattered, because right- hero, Mario was a hero. He was good in helping and saving the day and that's why people liked him! That's why Peach appreciated him too. So, Mario smiled brightly anyways and jumped in joy, because he's happy to be Peach's hero!
In the privacy of his own room, Mario would allow himself to feel sad about the matter, about feeling too little like a person and too much like a hero sometimes. Hoping it could be the other way, or maybe both ways. Anything so Peach could think of Mario and be pleased with the person he was, rather in all the things he could do. (Does that even make sense? it's me, Kym, asking ASJKJS)
And you can bet that Luigi was witnessing all of this, especially Peach's fruitless courting, and Mario's lovesick pining. He'd see the princess acting in the same way a loving partner would, and Mario relishing in the attention, very clearly in love. And then Mario would say something that sounded way to close to friend-zoning, and Peach would look briefly caught off-ward, most likely confused.
And Luigi couldn't blame her, when Mario himself didn't think she was courting him! The idiot (both affectionate and derogatory) didn't have enough confidence to think a princess could like (and love) him. Alright, well, if Luigi had a royal person hopelessly in love with him, he wouldn't believe it either- because he's just little ol' Luigi! Nothing special. But Mario? He was the specialest guy around! But he was so insecure too and wouldn't just see that Peach was almost desperately trying to get him to see that she loved him and wanted to be much more than just friends.
For God's sake, she said 'I love you' to Mario, directly to his face, and not even that seemed to change his thoughts of not being good enough or her not wanting anything besides friendship. Worst part, Luigi had to see his bro pining in their house, sighing, thinking of the princess, and out loud wondering what she was doing. He'd always be thinking of her, Peach this and Peach that- And it's not that it bothered Luigi or angered him, it's just that it was frustrating! The woman was right there! Peach could be with a huge MARIO, WANNA BE MY BOYFRIEND? <3 sign right outside their house and Mario would ask Luigi for which brother it was.
It frustrated him and made him feel sorry for his bro. Mario had something so good right in front of him, and due to his insecurity, he couldn't allow himself to see it.
After months and months of implying a relationship and Mario just, not noticing, Peach started to realize that... maybe Mario just didn't feel the same way. And maybe he just didn't know how to let her know it. Maybe Mario was being nice and returning her efforts just to not hurt her feelings, when all he wanted was to just remain friends. It made Peach feel so sad and so ashamed, had she just been forcing her feelings on Mario? A worse thought crossed her mind, has she been making him uncomfortable with her actions? And all these months...., Peach wouldn't forgive herself if that was the case. Maybe all those blushes and soft eyes and shy smiles were just the things she wanted to see.
Stars, she had to fix it. So, Peach stopped inviting Mario on his own to her castle and baking a cake with his favourite flavors in mind, and started inviting both brothers and also friends. She stopped leaning to hug him or kiss him, and when they'd win or lose races, Peach changed the rule into a high-five, meeting Mario's kissy lips with her palm the first time it happened. She truly hoped her efforts of a romantic relationship could just be forgotten, and not affect their friendship.
Mario was devastated with the change in Peach's behavior. She no longer invited him to the castle, and he didn't receive any more letters with 'Come to the castle, I've baked you a cake! <3', and the worst part- when he ran especially slow to get to kiss Peach in the cheek, and he was right about to do it, Peach's hand received him instead of her face. She smiled cheerfully and said, "Let's do high-fives from now on, yes?'
It was as if Mario's heart shattered- it was the last piece in the puzzle that indicated that he was no longer as loved as he used to be by the princess. Mario was treated like, like Luigi was! Which, honestly, was still very good, but! Mario used to be special! Peach used to treat him like he was someone noteworthy and worthy of the nicest gifts and her nicest smiles, and now it was no longer... If there was a little sliver of hope in Mario that they could be something, it was entirely gone. Now he couldn't even pretend that she loved him romantically, and it made him so, so sad.
Was it something he did? Mario should just ask, shouldn't he? God, but he just couldn't, he was a coward. What if Peach told him she no longer liked him at all, and was trying to slowly distance herself, and she actually hated Mario now?! Obviously, Mario was being dramatic, but he just wanted to explain why Peach no longer treated him in a special way...
That's all I've got 🧍
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local-ground-apple · 1 year
white lies
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in which you don't like his snake & has a suspicious rash (and equally suspicious job)
You were quite cute.
You would be absolutely adorable if you actually remembered the name of Baizhu’s snake.
Due to unknown for Baizhu reasons, every time he saw you, you would mispronounce or mistype snake’s name. He was aware that you were a foreigner that came from Fontaine and decided to settle in Liyue for a little while. He also knew that you were still learning diligently a langue, yet he couldn’t help but wonder that perhaps it was a little bit intentional.
After all, you didn’t have a problem naming intricate regions or reading his prescriptions filled with professional terms. You were quite adept in them, which was impressive and admirable. Baizhu suspected that you may have been a part of Akademiya’s Haravat given your linguistic abilities. Or perhaps you were a fast learner who happened to enjoy learning several foreign languages. Maybe one day you would reveal your secret.
For now, he would continue to silently observe your visible and personal beef with his beloved snake.
,,Doctor Baizhu !”
Speaking of the devil.
Your cheerful voice resonated through his pharmacy as you waltzed in. Recently, you had become a frequent customer, stopping every now and then, purchasing few herbs or medicines. Much to Baizhu’s growing concern you also stopped by needing some medical consultation. He was truly curious what exactly have you been doing that was causing you to need his assistance.
Not that he minded it. Not at all.
He was more than happy to help you with whatever small your injuries or issues were. Baizhu just liked you and your presence a bit too much to bear watching you return with various bruises or scratches. Perhaps it was high time he asked you about them.
,,I need something…”
Your voice trailed on, as if you were looking in your mind for a specific word. For a brief moment you seemed engrossed in your thoughts, as you bit your lip. Your fingers were tapping impatiently on the counter as you leaned on it.
,,Perhapsss an ointment ?”
Before Baizhu even opened his mouth to help you out, Changsheng popped up from his coat and asked you a question. His eyes were focused on you, so he easily spotted the way your eyes slightly widened at the sound of snake’s voice and how slightly displeased you were with her presence.
Perhaps you weren’t fond of snakes, Baizhu mentally noted.
,,Maybe, I’m not sure, Changsheg”
You stated calmly, as you rolled up your sleeve and stretched your arm, fully exposing a patch of reddish dots adorning your skin. Baizhu leaned slightly down, carefully examining it. He raised one eyebrow, exchanging brief glance with his snake, before he sighed heavily.
Which you took as a bad sign.
A really bad one.
You furrowed your eyebrows, mentally cursing yourself and your job for putting you through such adventures. Baizhu didn’t miss the way you once again mispronounce the name of Changsheng who only hissed in response. He was sure that if she could, she would roll her eyes. Yet, Changsheng didn’t seem too annoyed, oh no, perhaps she didn’t even mind your attitude at all.
You responded quickly, mentally repeating it few times, hoping that maybe this time you will remember. Or maybe not, who knew.  You butchered the pronunciation so many times that you almost lost hope. You supposed that some sounds simply defeated you in this uneven battle.
Baizhu’s calm yet slightly concerned voice brought your attention back to him again.
,,How did you even catch such ferocious rash, hmm ?”
Baizhu gently run a finger over your skin, which send a shiver down your spine. You slightly jumped in surprise, not expecting your doctor to actually cut the distance between you two and touch you. Well, that was slightly embarrassing for you. You avoided looking straight into his golden eyes that were fixated on you.
Your voice trailed once again, as you almost relived war flashbacks in your head from today. Your face was graced with a grimace, as you sighed heavily. Baizhu raised an eyebrow looking at you curiously, clearly waiting for you to elaborate on the topic. You could also feel Changsheng’s pinkish eyes fixated on your form also demanding a reason for your unexpected and bizarre rash.
,,It seems like it will take us a while. I’m finishing in an hour; would you mind waiting ? I will take care of your rash properly”
Baizhu offered with a soft smile gracing his lips as he looked at you anticipating a “yes” in response. Yet, you hesitated briefly. You looked around, scratching your head, clearly not expecting him to take your condition so seriously. In your eyes it was just a small rash, nothing too serious. And definitely not something worthy of bothering him and taking up his precious time.
,,Unless it stings, then we will proceed right away”
,,No, no, it’s nothing really. Thank you for your concern, but I will be fine just with some ointment or herbs”
You were quick to partially deny his generous proposition, waving your hands dismissingly, clearly not wanting to be a burden. Baizhu chuckled slightly, figuring out why you were so persistent in your refusal. He was aware of the way your eyes slightly slithered in the direction of his fellow companion.
,,I insist. It’s actually quite a serious rash that could easily develop into something way graver than you may anticipate”
Your eyes widened, as you let out a small and suppressed yelp. Frankly, you didn’t expect it. Your job was bound to get you killed one day. Baizhu could see that you were conflicted and that you were quickly assessing your possible options. All you needed was a last one encouragement that he was willing to provide.
,,Will that kill me ?”
You asked apprehensively. Baizhu could sense a little bit of genuine fear over your life in your tone of voice.
,,I wouldn’t say it could go this far, however we shouldn’t underestimate it”
He gently shook his head, which earned him a relieved sigh from you. Baizhu opened his mouth once again to present his final argument that he was sure would manage to convince you to accept his proposition.
,,If it makes you more comfortable, Changsheng won’t be here when I will be taking care of your rash”
Baizhu offered, ignoring Changsheng’s surprised snakey sound. She seemed a little bit shocked when she heard his statement, yet one look at your now relieved face explained everything.
Baizhu’s intuition was correct.
You were simply afraid of snakes. They always managed to make you uncomfortable, which was also one of the reasons, you were quick to leave Bubu Pharmacy whenever Baizhu would attempt to get your attention and ask you few more questions. He never really got the chance to invite you for a cup of tea, as you were always running away as fast as you could once you got the necessary medicine.
Yet this time Baizhu was confident he would have a chance to talk with you a little longer.
,,Well, I suppose that yes…I could… Thank you, doctor Baizhu”
You stumbled upon your words, which Baizhu found quite adorable, as you smiled softly at him.
For the whole next hour Baizhu seemed a bit distracted. Maybe if he listened to your promise that you would return precisely after 60 minutes, he wouldn’t be in this situation. No, instead he told you that it was okay if you stayed inside, sitting in the corner and minding your own business.
You actually did absolutely nothing that could distract him.
You pulled out your notebook filled with scripts and drawings of runes that piqued Baizhu’s interest. It seemed that he was right. Your domain clearly was connected with linguistics given that you were deciphering some ancient writing. You were completely engrossed in your task, not bothering to inspect your surroundings.
You weren’t aware of discreet and subtle glances Baizhu was giving you whenever he had a chance. You were too focused on your work, biting your lip as you didn’t even peel your eyes off the papers for a brief second. You were passionately writing your observations regarding the script, every once in a while glancing at your, what Baizhu assumed was, provisory dictionary.
The sight of you was truly endearing.
,,Y/N, I can inspect your rash now. If you please…”
Baizhu’s calm and collected voice slightly startled you, pulling your out of your thoughts abruptly. As usual, he was smiling softly, his one hand showing you the way to more private part of his pharmacy inviting you in. You quickly muttered how grateful and thankful you were for his medical attention as you hurried to put your belongings back to your bag.
Your eyes briefly stopped at Changsheng wrapped around Baizhu’s neck, concern clearly visible on your face. Given how perceptive your doctor was, he followed your gaze and nodded to himself. Right. He did promise to inspect you without his beloved snake.
,,Take your time and feel free to step inside this room”
Baizhu started pointing in the direction of a small room hidden behind the counter.
,,I will put Changsheng away and join you in a moment”
He added, as you nodded in response, glad that he kept his promise. Immediately, you felt a wave of relief washing over your form, as you let out a breath you weren’t aware that you holding.
Oh shit.
That means you would be alone with your quite attractive doctor in closed and small place.
You mentally facepalmed yourself for putting yourself in such situation. Now you were sure you’d be too embarrassed to actually start a small conversation with him. Well, perhaps if you were lucky, your rash is nothing serious and you will be able to leave soon.
That’s what you told yourself as you stepped into the small room Baizhu showed you. The shelves were full of various books about different medical herbs or conditions. You could make out some scattered papers all over his desk in chaos. Some of them were littered with droplets of ink, while the other were color-coded.
,,Please, sit down here”
A soft voice pulled you out of your thoughts. You turned around on your heel facing snake-less Baizhu. You smiled at the sight of him, sitting on the chair he was pointing too. Once again, you rolled up your sleeves exposing the reddish spots, as you waited for Baizhu to sit right before you.
,,Quite a nasty rash you caught. May I inquire how exactly did this happen ?”
Baizhu asked, motioning his head in the direction of your exposed skin, raising one eyebrow.
,,I haven’t seen anyone catch it in many, many years”
He remarqued reaching to his bag and pulling out various vials filled with herbs, colorful powder and some unidentified things. You let out a nervous chuckle hearing his question, which only spiked his curiosity even more.
,,Well…I was conducting my research and then, ehh, I may have accidentally touched some weird plant in the cave”
You started, earning a raised eyebrow from Baizhu in response. He didn’t seem as if he was fully believing your story. Not that it seemed that believable. You pondered for a little while, wondering what exactly could you tell him.
,,Weird plant in the cave ? You have to enlighten me, my dear”
My dear.
Oh. You were aware of what tricks he was playing with you right now. You briefly glanced at him, staring at his hands that were focused on preparing an ointment for you. He was quickly adding various ingredients and mixing them together.
Meanwhile you decided.
You couldn’t truly reveal the main goal of your research. It certainly wasn’t concerning only the ancient script he had already seen. No, you were way too careful. If you didn’t want him seeing it, you would occupy yourself differently during that hour.
So, you opted for a safer option.
,,Okay, fine, I will tell you. But it’s quite embarrassing”
You muttered, averting your eyes and glancing at the floor, trying your best to appear a tad bit embarrassed. Your actions seemed to convince him. Baizhu nodded in understanding manner, as he carefully asserted the ointment in the vial. It appeared to be already finished.
,,I literally tripped and fell into some bushes and then when I tried washing my hands, I must have accidentally get stung by some insect”
Now, that was more believable.
It seemed that Baizhu bought your explanation this time.
,,It seems like it’s caused by one insect…”
You totally didn’t catch the weird name he had just pronounced. You furrowed your eyebrows in confusion opting to conveniently forget about it. It was probably some native Liyue bug that stung you. At least, that was the scenario Baizhu believed in.
You mentally cursed yourself for being so weak and agreeing to his generous offer. If it wasn’t for your slow bullshitting skills, you would probably get yourself in troubles. You didn’t really pay much attention to Baizhu explaining you the possible after effects your rash could have on your body, as he was gently applying the ointment to your skin, his fingertips barely pressing down ensuring you wouldn’t feel any type of discomfort.
,,Are you perhaps a linguist ?”
Baizhu’s question snapped you out of your thoughts. A soft smile immediately appeared on your lips at the mere mention of the domain you were so interested in. If only the circumstances were different, you would probably react with more enthusiasm.
,,I suppose you could say that. I’m currently investigating some ancient language. Actually it’s quite fun to decipher it, if you’d like, I could…”
You started rambling on, yet Baizhu didn’t stop you at all. Quite the contrary, he appeared quite interested in your job, as he asked you few questions. You were eager to respond to them, feeling proud of yourself.
You managed to distract him and draw his attention away from the real cause of your rash.
As you were leaving his Pharmacy few hours later given how you both got invested in the conversation, you didn’t notice the way Baizhu’s eyes seemed to be piercing through your silhouette.
,,It wasn’t some Liyue insect”
Changsheng remarqued, while Baizhu nodded in response, wondering what exactly happened to you and why you were so hell bent on hiding the truth.
Meanwhile you were cursing Dottore for supplying you with a potion that contained an ingredient you were allergic to.
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me: i will write a fic if baizhu comes home *confident that he won't* baizhu: *coming home in first 10-pull* me: oh. OH.
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fumifooms · 2 months
Fifth entry of my “Dunmeshi rarepairs I will birth with my own hands if I have to” series. This one’s straight up embarrassing, like of course the shadow version of Chilchuck and Marcille would get me.
It suddenly grabbed me out of nowhere. What got me thinking about it is this exchange, first comic third panel, because like… Woah. He knows she has a thing for Kabru? Or something. And he has NO FEAR. Like it’s so forward and has 0 pretenses lmao. And then I thought… And oh no. Oh no.
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"I can fix him" x "I can make her worse"
Very uptight and strict and rules-following and too self-aggrandizing tbh x will not hesitate to insult you to your face and sleazy and free spirit…. Kuro is involved in an ot3 of sorts in my head and basically they drag her into Situations of various moral standing aka scams or idk going to a club god forbid. I think she needs to relax and get taken down 1 peg maybe, and I think he needs like…….. Someone to teach him what is unhealthy lmao, also remind him to get work benefits, and if they can like get to feel safe and comfy with one another (and god just the road there would be a beautiful trainwreck to watch) they would be gossip besties worsties.
Kabru needs to be the epitome of morals but like, if it’s Mickbell she can lower the bar… Just for him… <3 She can fix him just a little and she’ll be like "wow! Ok I can settle for this amount of upstanding behavior from you Mickbell you get a gold star"
I never expected it ok I read this extra expecting nothing and god knows why I saw him be like "hey u like Kabru right. You’re his babysitter right. Which poor sap is being Kabru’s maid" with 0 fear and her being so casually pissed back at him and idk, how they’re so comfy being not polite with one another but they’re still coworkers-friends despite it… Crazy for how prickly they both are that they manage that much. They bicker and see each other as annoying at best but weirdly dependable and friends despite it all and……….. I am going to grow them in a lab and observe how I can make it work
MICKBELL IS A REBOUND MORE AT 9??? Maybe Rin and Mickbell have a one night stand and then the aftermath dynamic is this….. She probably regrets it. And then it gets more complex and grows into something odd as she becomes hyperaware of him and they have this little complicity thing going on….
I think cuddling with Kuro (who would be more like a platonic protective & soothing presence in his and Rin’s relationship rather than romo) would destress her actually I think she needs and deserves it. Go to a dog cafe bbygirl it’ll fix you. So what I’m saying is the three of them watch a movie and Rin and Mickbell are sitting on Kuro’s laps and everyone is so comfy. Kuro’s legs die halfway through but he’s self-sacrificing it’s fine….. Actually Mick is on his laps Rin’s just nuzzled into his side. There, fixed. I am so weirdly invested in them… They’re funky to think about. Rin seeing Mickbell and Kuro like "you guys are aware that what you two have is fucked up right" and then joining them in the messy dynamic 🤝  Put them in situations. That will be all.
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The sheer amount of sass on their own, let alone together…
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Make them get drunk together it’ll be glorious
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birbsoffeathers · 2 years
... I knew it was inevitable but i hoped it wouldnt have been so soon. I was holding out hope... This is the second time an mcyt that i really like has passed away
Rest in peace TFC you were the greatest minecraft grandpa that i have ever watched. Your hearty laughs made my day and when you uploaded it always felt like a present. I hope that you passed away without pain and that whereever you currently are, you are happy.
May you live on on the mortal plane as a beloved content creator to the fans who love you.
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virenkinnie · 9 days
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hi tumblr :3 (please don’t fail me please please please please i need likes to boost my ego.) i have some au rayllum for you!
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The Twin Boys; One in Black, One in White
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grndz3r000 · 18 days
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'We keep this love in a photograph.'
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""We keep this love in this photograph""
"Lets take a pic! You knoooww so we can keep it in our pockets and bring it everywhere!" Satoru happily took out a camera to take a picture of you two on your date. It was perfect. He was perfect.
"We can match!" You replied with a gentle smile. Satoru's eyes lit up even brighter, like how a child's eyes light up at the sight of candy. Oh, he loved you so much.
""We made these memories for ourselves""
Ever since then, Satoru had taken a pic of the both of you on every date. Marking each time you two go out. Marking his favorite memories. He won't ever forget any of your dates now.
And you will never forget him.
"Where our eyes are never closing"
It isn't fair, isn't it? He's the strongest. You knew that. But even the strongest people have weaknesses, dont they? It's just not fair. You were finally happy. Happy and in love. With Satoru. God worked in weird ways. There must be a reason why He took Satoru away from you. You just didn't understand why. And you never will.
""Hearts were never broken""
You sobbed, looking back at those pictures. You're glad he took those pictures. Now you have something to look back on. Something to remind you of the best five years of your life.
""And time's forever frozen, still""
Tagged: @vm2859
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hyhkai · 2 months
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been thinking about yeonjun/taehyun sleeping in da hello kitty bed after blowing hyper feminine girlfriend's back out
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gooperts-gunk · 3 months
im so crazy over the tragedy of everything q!bbh does being under a demon pretense even though he's a fallen angel.
do u think he just accepts the demon label because it's easier. do u think he believes it too, and catches himself in his thoughts with "oh, right. im not exactly that". and maybe he believes that he did this to himself? do u think what he did was to protect himself or someone? no matter the fall, he still has so much kindness to give and his brain just isn't wired the way a natural-born demon would be, he can't hold back instincts when time demands it, maybe that's why he fell in the first place.
and when he's finally bad, not good, it's treated like the end of the world, without empathy on why he would act out. do you think this keeps happening? the same scenario, multiple times, every timeline? he has to be used to it. so he has to take it in stride. he's good until he lashes out under extreme pressure, and suddenly he's called demon. and once again he's what heaven made him out to be. what he made himself to be, his brain would ruthlessly provide...
i don't think he wants to be that, though he hides secrets behind secrets of which neither identity is a home... but i don't think he wants to have to change, either. and i don't think that's wrong of him.
...you collapse atlantis ONE TIME and all of a sudden YOU'RE the bad guy and SURE it was FUN but REALLY now,--
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i23kazu · 8 months
now that fall is coming... imagine playing in the leaves with diluc. he laughs and watches as you jump in the piles that adelinde had swept, and lets go of any inhibitions and jumps in after you – after watching that grin light up on your face.
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campbyler · 9 months
hiii everyone! just wanted to preemptively update you all that chapter 5 will probably be a couple of days late 😔✌️ i’m moving out of my current place next weekend so packing + the woes of a 40 hour work week and commute + a shorter than usual turnaround period between chapters 4 and 5 have made it a bit slower going than i would’ve liked and i would hate for you guys to wait all day tomorrow just for it to not be posted at all :( i’m currently aiming for it to be out sometime this weekend but i’m hesitant to give an exact day because 1. i hateeee rushing my writing and would always rather take a little extra time to make sure i post something i’m happy with and proud of and 2. life happens so on and so forth etc etc etc and you never really know! it will be out Soon though. i Promise. thank you for your patience! you all were rockstars with the ch4 wait and i hope i can deliver when ch5 does come out 🤸🫡
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python333 · 9 months
task force 141 reacting to [reader] having excessively watery eyes — python333
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synopsis just as the title says once again! tf141 and their reactions to [reader] having excessively watery eyes. if you want to get a bit more medical, the term for it would just be 'high tear drainage capacity'! it's basically just something some people have where they naturally just produce more tears and as a result their eyes water excessively at (as far as i know) random times!
relationships platonic!taskforce 141 & reader.
characters cap. john price, soap, ghost, gaz.
warnings 2nd person pov [you/yours/yourself], usage of c/n [code name/call sign], might be ooc. :{
note i was watching super 8 when i got this idea, because my eyes got watery all of a sudden while watching it and i was like 'omg i should post this on tumblr' because i'm a writing whore so here i am again. my fingers hurt from typing all the things in html to make the text small and shit but we still up!!
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➥ he thinks you’re crying at first.
➥ it’s not his fault! he had no idea your eyes just water up randomly.
➥ when he sees your eyes well up with tears, depending on how close y’all are, his fatherly instincts—which he, obviously, developed after meeting gaz—kick in immediately.
➥ “Are you okay, [c/n]?” “Why are you crying?” “Did something happen? What happened?” “... What do you mean?” “This is normal?”
➥ he’s kind of embarrassed for worrying so much after you reassure him that you were okay and that your eyes just excessively water, to be honest.
➥ he’s glad that you’re okay though, obviously.
➥ he never really gets used to seeing you tear up randomly? even though you told him it was normal?
➥ like he knows that 99% of the time you tear up it’s just because you do that, but he still likes to be sure that you’re okay, so he always makes sure to ask if you’re okay.
➥ he’s such!! a father!! i’m crying!! and it's not just my excessive eye watering!!
You both had just been hanging out in the recreation center, Price on the couch and you sitting on a chair right by that couch. You were scrolling through your phone, while Price was reading the newspaper—usual old man activities. While scrolling through your social media feed, you didn’t even notice the way tears started to well up in your eyes until your vision got blurry and you felt a small, wet trail of a single tear roll down your cheek.
You’d sighed and pulled a pocket-sized tissue pack out out your pocket, pulling out a tissue and dabbing at your eyes, ridding them of the tears. Of course, the tears didn’t just stop there, they kept coming, so you kept wiping and dabbing at your eyes, hoping that they would go away soon. This was a fairly regular occurrence— for you.
Price caught sight of this and immediately looked worried. He stared at you for a moment as you wiped your eyes, wondering if he should speak up, and eventually had tentatively asked, “Are you okay, [c/n]?”
You looked over at him and pulled the tissue away from your face for a moment, “Yeah, why?” Your voice didn’t sound strained or hoarse like Price had expected, seeing as you were practically crying.
“You’re crying,” Price had pointed out, pointing to your eyes as if you couldn’t notice it, “Did something happen?”
You sat there, a bit dumbfounded, and Price took your silence as hesitation to tell him what was going on. “You can tell me what’s going on, [c/n]. I won’t judge you,” He’d reassured you softly, setting down his book and putting all of his attention on you.
Oh God. “Nothing happened,” You’d quickly assured him, “This is normal, don’t worry about it.”
“... What do you mean, ‘this is normal’?” Price asked, now confused as well as concerned, “You cry often, mate?”
“I mean, kind of?” You had replied, before sighing and clarifying, “My eyes just water up a lot. It’s not really crying.”
“Oh,” Price said dumbly, before nodding and giving you one last concerned look, “Right, then. Uh… sorry about that.”
“It’s okay,” You smiled at him, going back to dabbing at your eyes with a tissue, while he reluctantly went back to his book.
➥ can’t mind his own business for the life of him.
➥ similar to price, he thinks you’re crying at first.
➥ but he doesn’t hesitate at all, the moment he sees you tearing up he’s like ‘woah what the fuck are you okay??’
➥ you have to firmly tell him that yes, you’re okay, you just have very watery eyes.
➥ he still offers to get you tissues and some water, worried by the amount of tears you’re producing, thinking you’re gonna get really dehydrated.
➥ makes sure you’re completely okay and that you’re not just making this all up to hide the fact that you’re actually crying.
➥ after that whole interaction, he doesn’t get as worried when your eyes randomly water up, and instead teases you about it.
➥ learns to know when you’re actually crying, just so that he can offer comfort when it’s appropriate, and tease you when it’s appropriate.
The two of you were hanging out in Ghost’s room, since his was cleaner than the both of your’s combined, and he was away on a mission. Soap laid down on Ghost’s bed while you were sitting on the edge of the same bed, the sheets and blankets wrinkled from you both moving around on the bed. Soap was scrolling through his phone while you sat opposite of him and read a book Price had recommended to you—in his usual old man pseudo-father fashion, he’d told you to spend less time on your phone and ‘read a damn book’—so you were doing just that.
It was when you’d just reached chapter six when your vision got blurry and you sighed, knowing what was happening already. It was just annoying, honestly, having to pull out your tissues every ten minutes because your stupid tear ducts couldn’t function properly. When you went to pull out the mini tissue pack you always carried with you—or so you thought—you were surprised to find that the familiar plastic rectangle of tissues were nowhere to be found in your pockets. You checked your back pockets, front pockets, and yet they weren’t in either.
You let out a small, frustrated sigh through your nose and got up from the bed, the movement making Soap look up and over at you.
“Hey, where are ye—blimey, are ye cryin’?” Soap questioned, his questioning tone quickly becoming concerned, “Are ye alright? It wasnae the book that made ye cry, aye?”
You looked back at Soap, sighing, wiping at your eyes with the sleeve of your shirt, “Yeah, I’m fine. Don’t even worry about it, it’s normal, I just need to go get some tissues.”
“What dae ye mean this is normal?” Soap asked, sitting up. I just want to grab tissues, man, You think, miserably before short explanation that yes, you’re okay, no, you’re not crying, your eyes are just watery—basically the same answer you give every who eventually asks about your little ‘quirk’.
“Ye sure ye’re alright?” Soap asked, just making sure you’re actually okay, “Ye’re definitely no’ crying?”
“Definitely not crying,” You confirmed, “Just watery eyes.”
“Alright, then,” Soap breathed out, relieved that you were okay, before getting up and asking, “Dae ye need some tissues, water, anythin’?”
“Just tissues,” You answered, walking towards the door, “I can get them—”
“Nah, nah, ye stay richt there!” Soap quickly said, somehow getting to the door before you despite him having been right in front of the bed moments earlier, “I’ll get it!”
You watched him run out the door at a speed comparable to the usain bolt and stayed there for a moment, just staring at the now opened door, before huffing out a small laugh and heading back to the bed and sitting down.
➥ he doesn’t notice until you’re wiping at your eyes and huffing in frustration when tears keep coming.
➥ the first time it happened, he didn’t ask if you were alright verbally, but did shoulder nudge you and gave you a look that asks ‘are you okay?’
➥ when you nodded and continued wiping at your eyes, ghost gave you one last look before trusting that you were okay and continuing on with his day.
➥ he pretended he didn’t care but thought about it for a bit afterwards, especially if you guys are really close.
➥ he asked price if you tearing up is just a normal thing or if you were actually crying, and let himself relax when he was told that yes, your eyes just water up randomly.
➥ he’s naturally a very observant person and will be able to tell when you’re actually crying fairly quickly.
➥ he’ll still look you over to make sure you’re okay, of course, just to double check, but once he’s confirmed that your eyes are just getting watery again he’ll let himself relax.
➥ depending on how close you both are, he’ll carry around a pack of tissues for you.
You and Ghost were in a helicopter, another mission successful. It wasn’t the worst one you’d had—but it was far from easy to accomplish. You were reasonably tired after this mission, all the leftover adrenaline wearing off, making you slump a bit in your seat.
You were just about to close your eyes to rest them, when suddenly you realized how blurry your vision had gotten. You were confused for a moment before realizing—oh, right, that happens.
You sighed, knowing you didn’t bring your usual pack of tissues with you, thinking it would just take up useless space in the pockets of your tactical gear. You wiped your eyes with the gloves you’d been wearing, albeit they weren’t the best option but the sleeves of your shirt were far too short for you to use, the hem of your shirt was dirty, and while your gloves were dirty as well, the back of them weren’t nearly as filthy as the hem of your shirt.
As you wiped away with the back of your glove, Ghost noticed your watery eyes and nudged your shoulder with his own. You paused and pulled your hand away from your eye, giving him a questioning look. He didn’t say anything, but instead gave you a questioning look back, a look you assumed to be one that asked, ‘are you okay?’, judging by the way his eyes darted to your own very watery ones. You nodded, mouthing the words ‘I’m okay’, and he nodded back, going back to staring ahead of him.
Hours after you had gotten off the helicopter, you were walking by Price’s office, and couldn’t help but hear Ghost’s voice. Being the nosy person you are, you cautiously pressed your ear to the door.
“—don’t worry, it’s normal,” You heard Price reassuring Ghost, “I doubt they’d cry after a mission like that, anyway.”
“And they’ve told you it’s normal?” Ghost asked, just to confirm, “You know this for a fact?”
You didn’t stay long enough to hear the rest of the conversation, instead walking away and suppressing a smile at Ghost’s mildly worried tone.
➥ he notices pretty quickly.
➥ no matter how many times he’s caught you tearing up, he’ll still ask you if you’re okay.
➥ he makes sure to bring a clean handkerchief with him, just incase you forget your tissues.
➥ he’ll even bring it with him on missions, knowing you don’t want to bring your small pack of tissues with you.
➥ the first time he catches your eyes watering up, he gets pretty worried.
➥ he makes sure not to make a big deal out of it though, trying to be as considerate as possible, and instead quietly asks you if you’re okay.
➥ when you reassure him that you are and tell him your eyes are just naturally watery, he’s pretty relieved, and lets it go.
➥ he trusts that you told him the truth, and doesn’t question you again after that.
➥ around the fifth time it’d happened, he’d grown pretty used to it, so when you started tearing up walking back to the rendezvous point with him after a mission, he had a handkerchief ready for you.
You panted while you walked, trying to get your breathing under control. You’d done a lot of running today—while you were pretty fit, and could run perfectly fine, you didn’t particularly like running as fast as you can away from enemy soldiers while your teammates shot them down, leaving you praying that the bullets that tailed your feet didn’t hit you.
Eventually, you got your breath under control, but immediately afterwards, your eyes had started to water.
You sighed and were about to wipe at your eyes with your hands, before your hand was stopped mid air. You looked over at Gaz, who had caught your hand by the wrist and offered you a handkerchief with his free hand.
The handkerchief was fairly clean, and you grabbed it, muttering a small ‘thank you’ as you did. Gaz smiled at you and gave you a simple pat on the shoulder.
Once the two of you reached the rendezvous point, you handed him back the handkerchief, hoping that your grateful smile was enough to express your full gratitude.
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