#I will be making specific posts detailing each location
helenadurazzo · 1 year
The Map
For almost ten years (September 1903 - April 1913), Phineas and Marie traveled the continents of Africa, Europe, and Asia, together before settling down following their marriage. Exploring many magical landmarks and locations across the world and investigating their connections to ancient magic.
The travel they use depends on where they are and the local methods of transportation. However, they also use Apparation, Floo Powder, and Port Keys to get around to each country.
Please note that this map has modern borders that are NOT accurate to the borders existing during the time Phineas and Marie would have traveled. This also goes for the following list as it will be corresponding to the map. However, historically accurate names will be used if necessary in more specific posts detailing each location.
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Frodsham, England
Scottish Highlands
Calais, France
Eisenach, Germany
Helsingør, Denmark
Borgholm, Sweden
Vilnius, Lithuania
Krakow, Poland
Prague, Czechia
Dubrovnik, Croatia
Rome, Italy
Setif, Algeria
Granada Spain
Lisbon, Portugal
Meknes, Morocco
Ouadane, Mauritania
Djenne, Mali
Kumasi, Ghana
Osogbo, Nigeria
Abéché, Chad
Axum, Ethiopia
Jeddah, Saudi Arabia
Cairo, Egypt
Petra, Jordan
Byblos, Lebanon
Athens, Greece
Plovdiv, Bulgaria
Istanbul, Türkiye
Mosul, Iraq
Vanadzor, Armenia
Shiraz, Iran
Khiva, Uzbekistan
Turkistan, Kazakhstan
Lahore, Pakistan
Aurangabad, India
Punakha, Bhutan
Bagan, Myanmar
Bangkok, Thailand
Siem Reap, Cambodia
Huê, Vietnam
Xian, China
Beijing, China
Seoul, South Korea
Himeji, Japan
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somehow-a-human · 2 months
Whose POV is it anyway?
An Introduction
Cracking down on the storytelling of Good Omens season 2 through the lens of a changing narrator.
If you haven't read this interview with Good Omens cinematographer Gavin Finney, and you're interested in the fantastic dedication and detail that went into this TV show, definitely give it a read. Not only is it lovely, but Neil also posted the article with a caption mentioning that it's got so many secrets in it. Obviously that made me take a closer look.
I have already gone into a fair bit of detail about the different Lens Filters that Finney mentions in the article in a separate post and I will be referring to them quite a bit so if you aren't familiar with them I would suggest reading that first!
This first post is going to cover the basics of changing narrator/POV's and I'll be writing additional posts for separate episodes/minisodes/scenes since there's obviously way too much to cover in a single go. So shall we take our first look?
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It's no secret that something's a *bit weird* with season two, and there are SO many theories about it. I love to read speculation, metas, theories, and opinions, it's definitely fun but my personal ideas align more with the idea that we're simply being shown the events of season 2 through the memories of multiple narrators, different POV's, and it slightly skews the story, sometimes within one continuous scene.
I am also a sucker for a good multiple timeline theory but that isn't this post.
Lens Filters
As I stated above, I wrote a post about each of these individual filters earlier. What I didn't go into in that post was speculation about the filters. While I think they're pretty straightforward, especially the filter for hell (Black Pro-Mist ((BPM)), I think the other two have a bit more room for speculation.
Bronze Glimmer Glass
BGG was described by Finney as being used for 'bookshop scenes', but after S2 back numerous times and paying as much attention as I could to the lighting and colouring of the scenes, I think this is generally true but not always true. There are times when bookshop scenes seem to use a different filter, and other locations also seem to be shot with the BGG filter as well. I think BGG aligns with Aziraphale's POV. Or if Not Aziraphale, an outside-of-Crowley narrator? Based on the scenes (which we'll specifically get into in other posts) which BGG seems to be used, context clues, character behavior, etc, I think BGG clues us in that we're seeing, if you will, through Aziraphale's eyes.
Black Diffusion FX
BDFX was described as being used for 'Crowley's present day storyline' and fuck me, that's not ominous or weirdly phrased at all Mr. Finney! This filter definitely aligns with Crowley. Most of the time he's separate from Aziraphale it seems that this is the filter being used, and certain scenes switch filters mid-scene when he begins to go off on snarky Crowley-centric commentary.
Catch-22 & Herzog
The books on Gabriels bookshelf, great books obviously, but I think books that are also meant to give us context about the story. Pride and Prejudice is a love story about making snap judgements on someone's character, and coming to recognize somebody might be good despite their title or appearance. The Crow Road is a story about life, death, love, morality, mystery, and God. 1984 details the tragedy of Julia and Winston's attempt at falling in love while living under in a police state. You see my point?
That's why I wanted to touch a bit more on Catch-22 and Herzog specifically when talking about the possibility of changing narrators/POV's in Good Omens 2.
Catch-22 frequently switches narrator and the events described are often not necessarily sequential. This way you're getting information about previous scenes as the story continues, so while you're reading the book you're forming a more complete image of the events as the story continues from different characters POV's and iterations of the story. Sound relevant?
Herzog is the other book I wanted to talk about. To be fair I haven't read Herzog in full like I have Catch-22 but I pulled out my copy to reference and flip through a bit to remind myself. Herzog unlike Catch-22 doesn't switch narrators but the narration by the main character, Herzog himself, switches between first and third person throughout. When he is narrating through his letters, you get a deeper look at his thought processes and emotions. It also relies on flashbacks to bring context to the life of Herzog.
While these books touch on other elements that are relevant to the Good Omens story, namely Yossarian's relationship and views of God in Catch-22, the way these stories are told intrigued me for this context.
Crowley's Hair
Yeah I'm gonna mention the hair, because I think the hair is linked. Crowley's shorter sideburns, trimmed mutton chops in the 1827 flashback, and shorter Job wig seem to be clearly aligned with the BDFX filter/Crowley's POV as far as I can tell. I don't know if this means it's just another way to denote POV, but it seems way too consistent not to mention it. The longer sideburns, fuller mutton chops, and longer Job wig all match up with Aziraphale's POV or the BGG filter. My thoughts here are that his hair is another hint of who may be relaying the information to us, AKA is it internal or external. I am making my best guesses though and there are still some situations that I feel less sure about. For example, when Aziraphale takes the Bentley to Edinburgh and Crowley is in the Bookshop with Jim his sideburns are long, is it because he's remembering these scenes unreliably? Is Aziraphale imagining the events? Is it because Jim is present? A brief fluttering thought I toy with from time to time is the fact that in the before-the-beginning scene they are long, and what that means in context of the rest of the season.
S2 Promo Posters
Finally this set of season 2 promo posters showing the characters thoughtfully considering scenes in their heads just gives me a lot of these POV vibes.
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I'm planning on doing individual posts for specific scenes, episodes, and minisodes that require detailed breakdowns. I'll update this list with links as the posts are finished!
POV "Your 'Something's Wrong' Voice"
POV a Trip to Hell and a 25 Lazarii Miracle
POV a Companion to Owls
POV The Dirty Donkey & I think I Found a *Clue*!
POV Bodysnatchers & Cosplaying a bookseller
POV 1941
POV The Ball
POV The End?
Whose POV is it Anyway - a Conclusion
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akajustmerry · 1 year
"The cycle of violence in The Last of Us Part II appears to be largely modelled after the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. I suspect that some players, if they consciously clock the parallels at all, will think The Last of Us Part II is taking a balanced and fair perspective on that conflict, humanizing and exposing flaws in both sides of its in-game analogues. But as someone who grew up in Israel, I recognized a familiar, firmly Israeli way of seeing and explaining the conflict which tries to appear evenhanded and even enlightened, but in practice marginalizes the Palestinian experience in a manner that perpetuates a horrific status quo.
The game's co-director and co-writer Neil Druckmann, an Israeli who was born and raised in the West Bank before his family moved to the U.S., told the Washington Post that the game's themes of revenge can be traced back to the 2000 killing of two Israeli soldiers by a mob in Ramallah. Some of the gruesome details of the incident were captured on video, which Druckmann viewed. In his interview, he recounted the anger and desire for vengeance he felt when he saw the video—and how he later reconsidered and regretted those impulses, saying they made him feel “gross and guilty.” But it gave him the kernel of a story.
“I landed on this emotional idea of, can we, over the course of the game, make you feel this intense hate that is universal in the same way that unconditional love is universal?” Druckmann told the Post. “This hate that people feel has the same kind of universality. You hate someone so much that you want them to suffer in the way they’ve made someone you love suffer.”
"That's what this story is about, do the ends justify the means, and it's so much about perspective. If it was to save a strange kid maybe Joel would have made a very different decision, but when it was his tribe, his daughter, there was no question about what he was going to do," Druckmann said.
In the game, most of the Wolves regime's restrictions are directed at a post-apocalyptic religious sect called the Seraphites (the Wolves call them "Scars" after the ritualistic scarring of their faces). These Scars vexed FEDRA as well when it was in control. The dynamic in the city when the game begins is one of conflict, escalation, and a broken truce. The Wolves, like FEDRA, leverage more resources and raw power, while the Scars rely on surprise strikes against Wolf patrols, and a zealous willingness to die for the cause.
To run through just a few key ways in which the Scars uncomfortably reflect some Israeli stereotypes about Palestinians: Later in the game, Ellie finds a location called "Martyr Gate," where the Scars' spiritual leader apparently died, indicating a religious significance of a specific and disputed location, and emphasizing the notion of martyrdom as central to their culture. The Scars are able to get around Wolf patrols and various barriers around the city via an elaborate, secret system of bridges between skyscrapers. These function as a kind of flipped version of the underground tunnels Palestinians use to bypass Israeli blockades and other means of limiting free movement in order to get supplies and carry out attacks on Israel.
In The Last of Us Part II's Seattle, Scars and Wolves hurt each other terribly, and the same can be said about Israel and Palestine. The difference is that when flashes of violence abate and the smoke clears, one side continues to live freely and prosper, while the other goes back to a life of occupation and humiliation. One side continues to expand while the other continues to lose the land it needs to live. Imagining this process as some kind of symmetric cycle benefits one side more than the other, and allows it to continue.
Ellie's journey of revenge seems especially cruel, even idiotic, because we are never given a good reason for why she keeps recommitting to it. Acts of cruelty along the way, like Ellie's torturing another character to get information, are presented as inevitable. This seems to be The Last of Us Part II's thesis: humans experience a kind of "intense hate that is universal," as Druckmann told The Post, which keep us trapped in these cycles. This is not a universal feeling as much as it's a learned way of seeing the world. 
The Last of Us Part II is an incredible journey that provides not only one of the most mesmerizing spectacles that we've seen from big budget video games, but one that manages to ask difficult questions along the way. It's clearly coming from an emotionally authentic and self-examining place. The trouble with it, and the reason that Ellie's journey ultimately feels nonsensical, is that it begins from a place that accepts "intense hate that is universal" as a fact of life, rather than examining where and why this behaviour is learned."
The Not So Hidden Israeli Politics of 'The Last of Us Part II' by Emanuel Maiberg
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windvexer · 2 months
disappointment anon, i didnt actually know you could create spirit doors i thought i just had to hope that the spirits heard me after i called them to me because i dont have clairsenses or good divination.. LOL but thank you for that post that was extremely helpful :)
Hi! In Traditional Witchcraft and other related practices, I think I especially want to say Fairy Faith, the idea that the practitioner has the ability to find, capitalize on, or simply create portals, gateways, and roads into the spirit world is a dominant theme.
The only time I ever see this referenced in 101 stuff is casting a circle! The concept in Traditional Witchcraft is more or less the same as a Wiccan circle, but we call it a compass. If a lot of your education is coming from online sources, you may be unaware that a primary function of a magic circle is to "join the worlds" and, as Kelden puts it,
On a deeper level, though, and most central to Traditional Witchcraft, the compass is a liminal place, a doorway through which we can enter into the Otherworld.
On one hand, the word compass is synonymous with the word circle, but it also denotes the well-known navigational tool used in travel. This second meaning makes a lot of sense in the context that Traditional Witches use the compass round to navigate and traverse the different realms.
Kelden, The Crooked Path, 2020 (emphasis my own)
For a spirit-working witch, the skill of learning where to find spirits and how to reliably call them is a skill which I believe is separate from brokering deals. I also believe that working with these gateways is probably a fundamental skill of witchcraft.
The witch has many tools at their disposal for creating gateways into the spirit world and walking back and forth between this world and the next, with new knowledge, allies, and powers.
Some of these gateways are physical locations, each of which may lead to a different place in the otherworld, or make it easier or more difficult to access certain powers.
A small, secluded cave half-filled with water at the bottom of a steep riverbank may be the ideal location to enter the Underworld, or commune with chthonic powers.
A tiny thicket formed by the arch of a rosemary bush where it tangles with the branches of a thorny rose may be an excellent location to leave tiny gifts for the Greenwood and commune with the green folk.
Much more accessible for many of us is indeed just the concept of crossroads, either a 4-way X or a 3-way T. These locations are long famed for being the meeting places of spirits, or ideal locations to leave offerings or broker spirit deals. The Devil Himself is often said to be haunting just such remote crossroads.
But these gateways don't just have to be found. The witch has the power to create them.
Exhibit A - casting a circle (or more accurately to say, laying a compass).
Also, I believe the creation of a spellcasting altar, if properly magicked and tended to, begins to become liminal in and of itself - it literally becomes a doorway to the otherworlds.
Certain human-made locations, like gas stations and grocery stores, are often considered to be gateways and have been used by some practitioners to fulfill spellwork.
Various charms and talismans can assist with creating doorways navigating the liminal, most famously the Holey or Hag stone.
Robin Artisson details several methods of understanding, discovering, creating, and working with such doorways, I believe in Witching Way of Hollow Hill, but especially in An Carow Gwyn, in the section called The Breaching Charms: The Gateways into Sorcerous Experience.
Daniel Schulke, at least in Viridarium Umbris, provides several sigils and charms for obtaining entrance into the otherworld.
Roger J Horne, in A Broom at Midnight, details thirteen "gateways" to spirit flight. While these are specifically methods of entering astral travel, any student of the concept of gateways and doors within witchcraft I think would benefit from studying the rituals within.
Speaking of astral travel, many common methods espoused include imagining that a person is climbing down the roots of a tree, or inside of the trunk of a tree and floating down like an elevator; or going down a well. All of these things are analogous to (or, the same thing as) mentally seeking out a gateway to the otherworld, searching in mental constructs of places in nature where gateways are commonly found or believed to be found.
Indeed, the concept of roads, gates, thresholds, and doors, is (I think) a vital contemplation to the understanding of Witchcraft itself, and it is upon these bedrocks that a great deal of witchcraft has been built.
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Hi, Miss Raven! What're your thoughts on the new characters' designs and the new cards we're getting?
[You can see the designs for the Halloween 2023 cards and other related TWST news here!]
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I'll post my general thoughts below! I unfortunately don't know enough about Pinocchio myself to point out all the little easter eggs in their outfits, so I'll leave that to those who are more knowledgeable than me.
***Spoilers below the cut!!***
Regarding the NRC boys' looks overall, I think it's a very fun theme and very fitting for the location of the event. I like that they all still wear masks, just in a different context than in Glorious Masquerade. One thing I did notice is that the masks seem... same-y? Like they all resemble thick tree roots or something like that. So maybe they aren't masks at all, but they're associated with whatever the conflict in the story is. (I previously suggested mind control or the loss of consciousness, so maybe the "roots" play into that???) You can see the marionette theme Yana was going for, as well as some design elements from Black Butler's circus arc, very clearly. The poses for each of the boys, even the R cards, are extremely dynamic and imply a strong sense of movement. The ribbons are such a simple detail that contributes a lot to this sense of whimsy and flow.
Some comments I have on specific designs and poses:
I like it when Trey makes these kind of slightly sus but plausibly deniable faces... He should make more of them...
I can't see the front of Jack's outfit that well, so I don't know if I can fully comment on it??? But I can see his. Like. Physique... coming through... That chest to waist ratio/j
Seeing Jack's tail like that kinda weirds me out. I think that's the first time we've gotten a "full" view of how the tails look coming out of the pants??? So maybe I'll get more used to it with time...
J WORD MY BELOVED dghgqwktvwukdviu1vdutw1513FR7vuofOTVUofvfaafvfyivs.,bk;mobsdb;ibuafetvuqoffSEythTOTqebivfguovqnafCUtuiUIEtt please ignore my bias 🤡 The way his top hat is angled and how there's a dark blue ribbon around him... It vaguely looks like he's trying to pass as Crowley, LOL
I like how his undershirt is frilled and how he has that sash at his waist it reminds me of the genderbent design for my TWST OC! The fact that both he and Floyd have the eel emblem that resembles a heart is also really cute~
Lilis is my favorite design of the R cards!! There's a very good distribution of ruffles throughout the look, and his knotted skirts fit well with his personal flair.
I'm not a huge fan of the style of hat Cater's wearing (sorry to all the Cay-kun stans out there), but I can appreciate his look. His dress appears more militant than Trey's, and his posing is certainly more aggressive--it's nice to see him in this new light.
Love L*ona-san’s new hairstyle here!! 👀
The way Floyd is posed reminds me of those people that walk around on stilts. I think I much prefer the coloration on Floyd's outfit than on Jade's, but I prefer Floyd's jacket to Jade's. I think Floyd's the best of the SR designs!
Shockingly, Vil's look doesn't stand out to me that much??? I enjoy his sash, but I don't immediately pick up on anything in his illustration that catches my eye.
His pose resembles that of a ballerina, which just makes me think about the time he assigned Epel and Deuce extra (ballet) dance lessons in book 5 ajdbhasivldsadued
Of the SSRs, Ace is definitely my favorite one. He just looks so dramatic soaking up that spotlight and trying to look cool while doing it... Bro's 100% thinking, "heheheheh, I'm SO awesome :))" in his head.
Ace's design also reminds me a lot of Jack Hearts (from Disney Villain Recruiters). Not sure if it was intentional or not, but I'm definitely super into it!
I was pretty much expecting a SSR Ace (because he's a trickster with a brother that works in an amusement park) and Ortho (literally a robot that became a real boy), but Kalim took me by surprise. In hindsight, I guess it makes sense though...? Kalim has a similar immature vibe as the other two (plus I do remember there being this one scene in Aladdin where the Sultan was dressed like a jester that was being maneuvered on puppet strings).
It's great that Kalim gets to be a little out of his usual element and make darker, more mysterious expressions like what we see in his new illustration. I'm not sure if I entirely agree with how he's dressed (the yellow jacket is WAY too bright), but I love his his coattails (???) trail behind him in waves.
OR-KUN MY SON 😭😭😭 As is the case with all of his gears, I adore how the devs creatively adapted clothing into metal parts for Ortho! The half-caplet is easily the best part of the whole look for me (the pattern on it reminds me of stars falling down)--and because Ortho has a smaller stature, the type of hat he's wearing isn't as offputting; it actually looks very cute on him.
... Is that the fucking cricket on Ortho’s cape... and the goldfish on Kalim’s scarf… AND THE CAT ON ACE’S WAIST… What does this meeeean 🤡
And now for my thoughts on the two new boys!! Honestly?? I don't actually have much to comment on in this regard because I try to reserve my judgment of characters until I've actually seen them in action. I haven't seen Pinocchio either, so I don't have a strong basis for what their personalities would be like based on their original Disney counterpart. I only vaguely understand that Honest John and Gideon trick children into visiting Pleasure Island... That's it, that's the full extent of my knowledge on that pair. I don't have any other expectations going in other than "yeah, these two are going to swindle me".
Gidel looks like a mix of Cheka and Ruggie to me (because of the hair and the eye shape). He seems like he’ll be the other guy’s goon, similar to how Jade and Floyd/Ruggie follow Azul/Leona. Nothing else for me to add, Gidel seems alright… Just a silly lil’ guy!
I have more… mixed thoughts on Ferro. One one hand, he looks like the exact kind of shady bitch I’d love. (You know, the ones that smile and lie and manipulate and drive a knife into your back and—LOOK, HE’S VERY J WORD CORE) On the other hand, I’m beating back the “you like cat/dog boys” allegations from my friends, so 💀 I can’t give in so easily/j
Looks-wise, Ferro’s iteration of the rat tail hair is not as ugly to me as Malleus’s is. (I think it’s because it looks more windswept!) I also really like how he dresses—very dapper 😌 and he can pull off green eyeshadow well!
I’m wondering how they’ll make Ferro different than the other con artists we’ve seen so far *eyes Octavinelle* but I’m keeping my hopes up since the devs did a good job remixing the “I have a dead brother and I feel immense guilt about it” backstory for Rollo (when Idia had a similar one). Looking forward to that~
I’m sure my thoughts will chance once I actually get to see them in the event! ^^ I’ll keep you posted. For now, I’ll keep cautious. (Actually, this fan art basically summarizes my current feelings on the two! I’m Rollo/j)
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serialunaliver · 1 month
Wrote some information about my world; i'll add it to my carrd eventually so don't worry about losing this post. Under readmore because it's long and also not everyone may care
My world, AKA DLF ("Dazx Leotre Flaurdea") is an alternate universe consisting of two planets inhabited by humans: Earth and DLF. The two planets were theorized to be connected, and the most common non-religious theory for the formation of this universe is a 'big bang' event just like on Earth. People on DLF and people on Earth exist independently of each other today but share similar DNA. DLF and Earth are not in the same galaxy and both orbit a separate star ("sun"). I spectate this universe while semi-present in what you call objective reality. Sometimes people in my world will walk around, talk, and interact with the area I'm currently in, and other times they will be in a separate location. DLF contacted Earth gradually over a decade to avoid provoking fear and conflict. Technology is highly advanced on DLF and this alternate universe in general. Inter-planetary travel is maintained by and was revolutionized by a company in the Flaurdean Republic (country on DLF) known as "WL".
While I primarily talk about Flaurdea on my blog, this is only because it's the country I spectate most often. Flaurdea is a country, not a planet or galaxy. And just like on Earth, every country is unique.
People on DLF age gradually but inconsistently. I start seeing a person from my world a different way when they've aged. That's how I identify the aging, not birthdays. They tend to age when I do as well.
I primarily spectate the family of Flash Wendel, founder of WL and arguably de-facto president of Flaurdea. Most often I spectate his daughter Jiji as she is most talkative and active. If she's in a group of people, she'll make sure the focus remains on her. She is most commonly hanging out in whatever area I'm in whenever a person in this world isn't there. For example, when I'm at work, she's often leaning against something acting annoyed and uncomfortable. Understandable--she is the daughter of a trillionaire...why does she keep hanging out in a grocery store? And when I'm outside at work she's most commonly with a group of friends at a table in the grass some people eat at...most commonly Jiji and crew, though. The actions of people in my world also depend on my physical state. They are more idle when I am and almost non-moving when I lay in bed at night. No, I do not have dreams about my world, but since it's an alternate universe that isn't surprising.
I don't know how I came to spectate this universe, but Flash has been a part of my life for a long time, as well as a boy he was close with, Silo, who unfortunately died while working on a project for WL. I really spent that day curled up on the floor crying. Sometimes I'm scared Flash will die, but luckily this hasn't happened. He's gotten injured, though! One time he was shot and one of my friends in this world pointed out the injury was not life-threatening. She follows me on here...thank you for everything.
This is still a very oversimplified writeup of my world but it's overwhelming to talk about because there's just so much to discuss. If you go in the tag 'my world' on my blog you can find occasional updates and information though. I post about it quite often and will answer asks about it as long as they're asked in good faith or don't require me to share details of the lives of people in my world that are too personal to share to thousands of people on tumblr.
Asks about my world I will just delete:
- Mocking my world or people in it
- Armchair diagnosing me
- Asking questions that are way too vague (for example, "what political system is your world"--DLF is an entire planet made up of different countries! be specific!)
- Making ANY mental health related assumptions about my world or asking questions related to that
- Calling me delusional or saying "take your meds" (i've been on so many antipsychotics I now have neurological damage, so yes, I no longer fucking take them. I live at home and i'm safe. My mom and stepdad talk about my world with me regularly. Die mad about it)
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elite-amarys · 4 months
Event Announcement: Canyon Biome Bonfire
Greetings. After some discussion with fellow students, it has come to my attention that there is a desire to connect with each other outside of our respective clubs. For this reason, I will be hosting a Bonfire night within the Canyon Biome. There will be multiple fires set up and an abundance of items which can be roasted for consumption, including but not limited to: marshmallows (with assorted s'mores ingredients), veggie dogs, hot dogs, corn, apples (with toppings available), and kabobs. Specific details are as follow:
Location: Nature Preserve Plateau, Canyon Biome
Date: This coming Saturday, January 13th
Time: 18:00 onward
Open to: All current Blueberry Academy student, staff, alumni, and visitors.
I look forward to seeing you all there.
//OOC event details
Hi all! Hosting my first ever event on this blog, heehee. This will be a #no-stakes or #drama-stakes at most, meaning the intention is to keep it lighthearted and fun. It is open to anyone who wishes to join, but if your character isn't at all connected to BB Academy or in Unova you will have to come up with a reason as to why they are there (at a school event no less).
I couldn't in good faith have Amarys NOT put a time on this (it's like. Her whole thing), but the event will run basically all day Saturday, and if you start a thread and don't wrap it up then obviously you can wrap on your own time. I'm in EST and will likely start posting around mid-afternoon, but feel free to make posts and ask questions anytime!
That's pretty much it. Have fun, muah!
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shinobi-bacon · 7 months
How I Make Gifs!
I've gotten multiple asks in my inbox about the method I use to make these animal crossing gifs:
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So I figured it was about I time I answer these asks in the form of a separate post using gifs and screenshots to help explain things! I will warn that this will be an EXTREMELY LONG explanation, but I want to give as much details as I can under the cut. I'm going to use Queenie as my example!
The first thing I do is go to Photopia on Harv's island, a place where you can take photos using any of the villagers in the game and all the items you've collected. I use the Custom Designs app on the nook phone to download different colored wallpapers and floors. The colors that I use depends heavily on the villagers. I've used different backgrounds to make these gifs: green, blue, magenta, and (very rarely) black. For Queenie's colors, it was best to use green! I usually place the villagers towards the back of the wall while I stand in the center of the room. From there, I take out the phone's camera and start recording different reactions.
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To record these I use my capture card, the Elgato HD60 S, and the capture software that you can download from Elgato's website. Any capture card and recording application will work.
I use three adobe apps to make these gifs: Premiere Pro, After Effects, and Photoshop. I know not everyone has access to these, but I was able to obtain these with the help of some friends. I won't go into details, but I will leave you with this image as a friendly reminder:
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Premiere Pro - Here is where I drag all of my videos down onto the timeline and begin the editing process!
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I try to find the best looping points for each reaction. I mark those points using the "Mark In" and "Mark Out" buttons located at the bottom of the preview window. The "Mark In" sets the starting position for the villager reaction and the "Mark Out" sets the ending point, creating a bracket for that specific reaction.
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After marking these points, I use the "Play Video In and Out" button and then I make sure to click on the "Loop Playback."
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This will not only play the parts of the timeline that I've marked, but it'll loop that exact bracket.
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From there, I go to File > Export > Media (or ctrl+m on keyboard). This will bring up the export settings window. I turn the "Source Range" tab to "Sequence In/Out," so it only exports the spots I've marked with the "Mark In" and "Mark Out" buttons.
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I then go to the source tab at the top and select the cropping tool.
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I make sure to click the box under the "Match Source" button to remove the check mark, and then click the chain icon next to height and width settings to put a slash through the symbol. This allows me to freely crop the video and adjust the height and width of the output, so I can make a perfect green screen box around the villager
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I then export this video and move on to the next reaction. I have folders for each gif set that I make. They usually look like this for all the villagers I've completed sets for:
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After Effects - Here's where I open all of the reaction files. I go to the effects panel and open the keying tab.
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This is where the magic happens! There are three keying effects that I use: Color Range, Key Cleaner, and Inner/Outer Key.
First Effect : Color Range - Starting the keying process, I use dropper tool on any part of the green that's behind the villager. This will only remove some of the background elements because how unevenly colored the green is, due to the lighting of the game.
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I then use the dropper with a "+" icon on the rest of the background. What helps me is clicking the "Show Channel and Color Management Settings" button at the bottom of the preview window and switching to the "Alpha" view. The alpha channel deals with the transparency of an object and switching to this view allows me to see every bit of the wallpaper and floor that remains. This is where I can apply that dropper+ tool to get rid of them. It doesn't have to be perfect, because the other keying effects that'll be used will help get rid of the loose pixels of green that may still be present.
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From here, the only adjustment that I sometimes use under this effect is the "Fuzziness" tool. Some villagers will have various color patterns that'll get keyed along with the background. Bringing down the fuzziness helps bring some of those colors back. This does run the risk of bringing some the background pixels back into the video, but that can easily be erased. I usually don't need to adjust the fuzziness. Again, it all largely depends on the colors of the villagers. After all of this is done, I now have a transparent background, but now there's a green outline around the villager:
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Luckily, the next effect will help with that!
Second Effect: Key Cleaner - This plugin helps clean up the alpha channel around the edges of the villager. The only thing I do here is select the box labeled "Reduce Chatter" and turn the "Alpha Contrast" all the way to 100%.
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This helps erase most of the outline and makes the edges a little sharper, but there's still a tiny bit of green that surrounds the villager.
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Third Plugin: Inner/Outer Key - I will admit that I don't utilize the entirety of this effect's capabilities. I only adjust the "Edge Thin" and "Edge Threshold" sliders, which should shave off the rest of the green outline.
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Using these tools, I've now completed the keying process and I have a nice, crisp villager reaction with a completely transparent background!
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Next I go to File > Export > Add to Render Queue (or ctrl+m on keyboard). I bring up the output settings by clicking on the "Output Module." I then change the format to QuickTime, which will render the reaction as a ".mov" file. I then change the channel to "RGB + Alpha" to render the object (which is the villager) and the transparent background.
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Once this is done, I hit the render button and the reaction has been exported! After doing all of this with the first video file, I highlight all of the effects that I've applied from the effects panel by clicking on the names:
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I then hit ctrl+c on my keyboard, open the next reaction into the timeline, and then hit ctrl+v. This copies all the effects applied to the first reaction and pastes them to the next video. I repeat this process for each file so I don't have to redo the entire keying process for all of the reactions. After they're all rendered, I can move onto the final adobe step.
Photoshop - This is where I open all of the QuickTime files that I've exported from After Effects.
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From here, I can apply any adjustments to the villager, whether it be adjusting the brightness, messing around with the hues and saturation, increasing the speed, etc. The main thing I do here is decrease the size. These files are usually huge so I have to adjust the size so I don't risk putting groups of extremely large gifs on peoples' dash. I go to Image > Image Size (or Alt+Ctrl+I on keyboard) and change the width and height to five inches. Of course, any size you choose will work. Five is just perfect for me because it's not too small to ruin the quality of the gif.
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After this is done, I got to File > Export > Save for Web (or Alt+Shift+Ctrl+S on keyboard). This is where I can preview the gif.
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I go to looping options on the bottom right and change it to "Forever," otherwise the gif won't loop. I then turn the matte to "None" so the gif doesn't export with an outline around it. I also make sure that the transparency box is checked. This is what my window looks like before I hit the save button:
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Once I hit save, that's it! Queenie has been exported as a gif. You can see that gif at the top of this post.
If you've made it this far, thank you for reading all of that! I know some parts of this could've been just a simple summary, but I really wanted to show all the details of how I use every application in this gif making process. I will say that I'm no expert at adobe. This is just a method that I pieced together after experimenting with different combinations of keying effects and I managed to make it all work. I apologize if this process seems messy to advanced users out there and I welcome any tips if they help make things easier!
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dragonskulls · 2 years
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i posted a wip of this like 3 months ago on my main and i just abandoned it until recently 💀 but anyways MASSIVE thank you to @lavenderandhightides and @theevilicecreamsoda for helping me sort some of this stuff out (i still have yet to decide on specific names for individuals of each quiver grrr)
under the cut are some written things going in detail of *waves around* this, though i am missing some other aspects that will be revealed eventually and to make this not as painful to read (plus a normal/no warning stripes version of the swamp ashwing)
✧Swamp ashwing: the inhabitants of the Quiet Swamp have evolved dark colored scales to blend in with their gloomy environment, this camouflage help them avoid the many dangers that lurk there, and to effectively stalk their prey. Masters of stealth, they can easily hide amongst thick foliage or in murky waters found in their territory. Paired with their camouflaged scales, nocturnal lifestyle, and acute senses, they’re very rare to see. A third eyelid with dull patterning can hide their vibrant eyes when necessary. Their most distinctive trait is their noxious venom. Effects and potency of this venom varies between individuals. Venom potency and its effects can be identified by the hue of the colorful highlights found on their body, eyes, spines, and frills. These highlights are usually kept hidden, but when facing a threat, they can suddenly come to life. These set markings can rapidly change to a bright color, making a threatening flashy display to scare away predators, pumping blood to their frills (located either in the mouth, throat or behind the ears) adds more spectacle. These color changing scales are found in “predetermined patterns” covering their wings and bodies (shaped as stripes, dots, or fake eyespots on the wing membrane). These scales can only change to their overall highlight color, but clever ashwings can rapidly flicker their scales to make it seem as if the colors are moving. If these highlights are warmer in color, the venom isn’t as deadly but the individual has more poison resistance. Rarer, cooler tones such as blue or purple, are much more deadly, but are weaker against other poisons. Their venom can be secreted from their mouth as well as from long, brightly colored venom-tipped spines located on their neck and tails. This venom then can be used to coat their scales, claws and spines for more destructive attacks. Inside their mouth, they have backwards curved teeth as well as infectious salvia as they use to seize prey. This gives the saliva and venom enough time to seep into prey. As well as toxic saliva, they have a set of four long semi-retractable fangs, where a second type of venom is produced in small quantities, but is much more fatal. The types and effects vary, from paralysis, hallucinogenic, necrotic, acidic, neurotoxic, and more, though these effects differ in rarity. Usually, this venom is only used in life or death situations. Aside from their venom, they have heat pit organs in their snouts which help them locate friend or foe in the dense jungles of their marshy home. They can also eat foods that would be dangerous to other ashwings, as they have an efficient metabolism that can neutralize or repurpose these toxins.
✧Highland mountain ashwing: living up in the highest peaks of the mountains, highland ashwings are the best at flight. Having sharp eyes, massive feathered wings and strong muscles, they can fly for hours, and depending on their wing shape, can be specialized for agility, speed or endurance. Their feathers are laced with chemicals that make them fairly resistant to fire and the elements, but not completely fire proof. A pair of ailerons on their lower hips help provide more control in turns and direction. Feathers that aren't for flight —which grow along their underbellies— are useful for thermal insulation in the chilly winter skies, and can be used to build warmer nests for hatchlings. They lack incisive or canine teeth, but make up for it with strong, hooked beaks, that can be sharpened to a deadly edge, as well as an extremely strong grip in their sharp talons. Their fire is also hotter than any other quiver or Pyrrhian tribe, being concentrated in a blindingly bright, white jet of searing flames. They're the only variety with noticeable sexual dimorphism: males have slightly bigger and very colorful crests, while females' crests are smaller but sharper, and always dull in color. These crests are semi hollow, and while being mostly useless for combat —unlike their lowland counterparts— they can be used for singing. Bigger and more ornamental feathers also add to this, but these aren't exclusive to males, simply much more common.
✧Coast ashwing: a community of proud warriors, coast ashwings are known for their many tricks in claw to claw combat. Their detachable spines are flat and sharp like razor blades, being able to cut deeper into the flesh, especially if thrown with a lot of force, and they posses a claw on their index digits, longer and sharper than the rest —sometimes even having small barbs or hooks. Their two rows of constantly replacing teeth can deliver rather nasty bites, made worse by a second speared tongue, which is usually kept hidden (as shown here), but can be rapidly stretched to twice their head length in the blink of an eye and skewer prey or the eyes of an opponent. Gills and rudder shaped tails give them a huge advantage in aquatic environments. Their bodies are slender with quite a lot of tightly packed in muscle, and their wings are long and narrow, similar to many sea birds. To deal with excess salt, they can expel it via sneezing or tears from their eyes. All ashwings have a third eyelid, and here they serve the function to protect their eyes from thrashing prey; the dark sclera gene is rather uncommon, and is only present in the Roaring Coast quiver and in the Silent Swamp. Another ability is that of sonar, useful in waters with low visibility, as well as long —but simple— long distance communication. To camouflage, most coastal ashwings have countershading: darker colors on the back and lighter ones on the ventral side, paired up with grayish colors, though warmer ones similar to the stones found in the shore are not rare either. The "smoother" parts of their skin have dermal denticles, which aid in reducing drag while underwater.
✧Moor ashwing: the smallest of the quivers, these dragons are best at speed. Facultative bipedals, they can outrun almost anything in the continent. Sickle claws on their back talons help in taking down larger prey by latching with them, and extra dewclaws/spurs and "blades" in wing digits, wrists or forearms are common here. Their wings are usually round and small, good for quick takeoffs and agility, but not so much for long flights. They're also the only ones who have detachable spines on not just their tails, but backs and necks too, working in a similar fashion to porcupines, offering more protection from attackers. Light and tan scales are perfect for hiding among the grass, and dark eye markings lessen the glare of the sun. With very good sense of smell and hearing, they are prolific hunters, this heightened by the fact that using wyverns in something similar to falconry is a very important part of their culture, as well as being surprisingly strong for their size. A known feature of moor ashwings is their extremely wide vocal range, making them able to mimic many sounds. Some individuals even have the ability to make deafening shrieks, which in close range can kill smaller prey and severely damage the hearing of dragons in close range, and in a slightly farther distance can disorient and confuse foes, as well as cause temporary hearing problems. To prevent their sensitive ears to be damaged while doing this, a small special muscle can cover the ear canal at will, acting as built-in ear plugs to protect their more delicate hearing organs. Their front talons have smaller claws and are more nimble, making them very talented crafters.
✧Lowland mountain ashwing: an almost complete oposite of highlanders, they are big, heavily armored, and very strong. Osteoderms all along their bodies offer a lot of protection against fire and claws, but their underbellies are still a more vulnerable part. Lowlanders have crests vaguely similar to their peak-dwelling quivermates, except these are made for fighting. A large plaque or bone shields their head and eyes, and give more stability to their crest. These appendages can be in the form of crests or horns, and are very varied between individuals in a similar way to their head horns. A well placed blow with one of these can be fatal. Bony plates at the tip of the snout make up beaks not too different to highlander ones, but they still have a stronger bite force —the strongest in the continent— able to crush rocks and shatter bone with their near constant replacing teeth. Large tusks are common, and when two dragons get "married", it's tradition to pull one out and carve patterns into it to give to their spouse as an engagement gift, since it can grow back, albeit taking longer. This monstrous bite force is used in another ability: while their fire is weaker than lowlanders, by crushing rocks and swallowing them, they can be stored in a sort of vesicle near their main fire organ, heating them up to become lava which can be spluttered out as a shorter ranged but more destructive form of fire breathing. Their talons and spines —including the detachable one— are sturdy but lack much edge, being better used as blunt force weapons, a few can even have spines similar to clubs in their tails. Biggest dragons in the continent, their wings are huge to support their massive weight, although even with that wingspan, they're slow and sluggish flyers. Females usually are bigger, with more muscle and more impressive crests, but the dimorphism isn't as notable and exceptions are more common. Lowlanders and highlanders diverged at some point in time —the ancient enchantment all ashwings have making their differences quickly contrast starkly— but they still live under the same quiver peacefully.
✧Forest ashwing: said to be the ones that resemble their precursors and common ancestors most, the Frostwings, out of all the quivers. Living in the forest, food and shelter is readily available, so the need to evolve wasn't as significant or urgent. Frost breath is still present, but commonly in the "must be cold enough to breathe out ice" way, with few individuals being able to spit it out whenever. Physiology and ability-wise they've stayed pretty much the same throughout the years, with the most noticeable changes being their deer-like antlers —though simpler straight horns aren't completely gone— used for less extreme fighting and foraging for food such as tree bark, as well as their fur. This fur helps a lot to stay warm in the cold winter months, as well as giving more protection to their vulnerable undersides. During spring and summer, this fur falls off, leaving only a short and velvety layer of pelage.
✧The ashwings are a very varied species, and even within quivers some uncommon abilities or traits may appear out of nowhere in a few dragons, and traits aren't completely homogeneous due to the nature of the enchantment bestowed upon them by permafrost (individuals may differ in physical traits shown, lacking or having more than the average)
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thecluehunt · 4 months
welcome to the clue hunt!
how does this thing work?
to join the search for the 39 clues you will need to concoct a serum that will make you(r branch) all-powerful and set for world domination. follow this blog and/or like this post to register:)
this is an online clue hunt based on tumblr inspired by the 39 clues series. you do not have to have read the series to participate, although it might be more fun if you have!
a list of 39 elements, each with an associated number to account for its quantity in the final serum, has been determined and will soon be circulated across the threads of the interwebs. the goal of this clue hunt will be to collect all of these clues for your branch!
there will be four branches the participants will be loosely divided into based on their interests (will elaborate on this in a bit). the lucians (red, the cunning branch, think codes and logic and conniving), the ekaterinas (yellow, the stem branch), the tomas (blue, the athletic branch, which in the context of this clue hunt translates to gamers/shit that requires good motor skills) and the janus (green, the artistic branch)
each participant will be given a few clues at the start of the game. you will randomly be alloted into branches UNLESS you send an ask to this blog with a preferred branch. to make sure each branch has more or less equal numbers, asking for a specific branch will mean you will be given less clues than other participants at the start of the game (i.e. there is an advantage to random branch assignment).
you will be told your final branch privately and will not be revealed the branches of any other participants.
you will be required to hide the few clues given to you across the interwebs (there won't be many clues don't worry) in internet trails, using codes, links, metaphors, required tasks you need to complete to attain the clue, etc etc. this will largely be up to you and you will be allowed to use your creative license - but you will have to send your trail to this blog to make sure it is workable and not too vague lol. i will edit/fine tune everything and if you can't think of anything i will make a trail for you
if you pick your own branch, you will be required to incorporate the core values of your branch into your trails. so for the janus this means hiding clues in art, for lucians this means codes and cryptography related things maybe, etc etc.
write your tumblr url somewhere near where you leave the clue so people know you left it there!
a map will be provided with the location of each clue around the world, colour coded. so for example, myrrh, a clue from the original series, is an ekaterina clue native to north africa. so, a yellow dot representing myrrh will be marked in this region. this can be used to find out what branches other members are in. for example, if you find out a fellow participant hid the clue myrrh, you can deduce they are from the ekaterina branch because there is a yellow dot in the region it's from. if you are also an ekat, this means you can trust them with your clues because you're on the same team:)
a certain number of clues will not be given to any participants and will be withheld as madrigal clues. these will be hidden by me:)
you can recruit members who haven't registered to help you with your hunt well into the game! however, you need to have registered at the beginning (i.e. be following this blog and like this post) to receive your own clues
any/all forms of cheating and backstabbing will be allowed (for everyone except me/the madrigals that is):D
to help with organizing if you don't want to participate, you can join the madrigals! we are a neutral team who cannot by definition win and are just having fun organizing all this lol
more details including duration, prizes, etc will be shared/updated later!
happy hunting!
tagging people who interacted with my post about this: @the39cluesian @iankabra @yakalll @angelkat-x @icamebackfromnarnia @39addict101 @manicpixiess @bilhert @mediodedios @toiletpotato @39starrygurl @gaslighting69 @nimonaaaa @dinatela @amianislovely @fandom-oracle @sarasanddollar @carpe-astrae @ghost-in-a-cup @cosmo-babe @kadalakari
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leafofkudzu · 1 year
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It’s that time of month again! You are hereby invited to [VS] Verdant Shield’s fourth monthly community art party, happening on both EU and NA servers!
Since the party has been moving West-to-East across the map the next theoretical spot would have been Lion’s Arch, but due to various concerns it was put to a vote last week instead. Well, the results are in, and we will be skipping LA and moving to the next location instead - Hoelbrak!
For those who aren’t familiar with what an art party is, they’re an idea carried over from Final Fantasy XIV, and are essentially get-togethers for artists/creatives of all kinds to hang out, chat, and create together! Dress your best, find another character that inspires you, and create! Afterwards, you can share your creations using the party-specific tag (ours is #VSArtParty) so others can see and spread the love via reblogs! And as I always always stress - the ‘goal’ of an art party is not to be drawn, but to draw others, and share with the community!
Check under the cut for more details about location and /squadjoin information (I’ll keep it short this time I promise)!
Location Details:
The Hunter’s Hearth is a pretty self-explanatory location, but just in case you’re unfamiliar: it’s the norn home instance, located one level above the main floor of the Great Lodge. Though it is possible to get up there via weird base game shenanigans, the easiest way would be either via a vertical-friendly mount like a springer/skyscale, or via teleport-to-friend. Technically the entire area up there is open, but I personally feel like the little area in the southwest corner with the paintings is the cutest and nicest lit, shown here:
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Time & Squad Details:
As with previous months, we’ll be having 2 parties - one for EU and one for NA - with an hour break in between. I think EU daylight savings time will have already sorted itself out by the day, but just in case let it be known that I’m over in NA on Eastern time and you guys are a few weeks behind us with your time changes, so if I’m a bit confused about how it translates I apologize. x.x
The first party will be on EU servers and begin at 9pm Central European Summer Time (aka 3pm Eastern Daylight Time or 5 hours before in-game reset). I’ll be hosting on my EU alt account, so to join please either /squadjoin or whisper Runa Gravemourn for an invite.
The second party will be on NA servers and begin at 7pm Eastern Daylight Time (aka 1am Central European Summer Time or 1 hour before in-game reset). I’ll be on my main account for this one, so to join either /squadjoin or whisper Freja Owlsong for an invite. This one tends to be significantly more populated, so I ask that if you join and the squad is at or above 40 people to please consider dropping squad after you taxi in to make sure there’s enough space for others, thanks!
Closing Words:
We’re rapidly approaching the fifth and last racial home city, which means that soon I’ll start putting locations to a vote 2 weeks before each party! If you have ideas for no-combat areas that are preferably F2P/low-level friendly, feel free to shoot me an ask and I’ll scope them out for consideration when the time comes!
Aaaaand that’s all I have to say for now! I wanted to get this post made yesterday but was afflicted with the tired sleepy, so y’know. Thanks to everyone who comes out to these and helps make them such memorable experiences, I’m so excited to see everyone again on Saturday! ♥
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holly-poly · 7 months
Signups Open
The nominations are now all processed (final count: 675 fandoms and 4368 ships in the tagset) and signups are now open. They will remain so until 11:00am UTC on 11 November. Please click here to see when the deadline is for your timezone.
The sign-up form is here. If you have any difficulties, let us know by commenting on this post or sending an e-mail to [email protected].
As a reminder:
- You can request/offer 3-10 fandoms - You can request/offer 1-20 relationships per fandom - If you would like to request/offer any nominated relationship, tick the "Any" box - Make certain to choose which medium or mediums you are willing to create for each fandom
Please make sure to familiarise yourself with the updated rules and the minimums for each type of fanwork over here since we have several new fanwork types this year.
Please remember that Any really does mean any. Do not request or offer Any unless you mean it. Any does not mean "any relationships except for these certain ones" or "any relationships involving this character" or "this relationship that I really like but forgot to nominate." It means any relationship whatsoever that was nominated under that fandom and is currently listed in the tag set.
It is fine to include prompts asking that a fourth/fifth/sixth/etc. character be added to the relationship you've requested. (For example, if you requested Harry/Hermione/Ron, you can include a prompt along the lines of: "... and if you want to have Neville join in, that's fine with me!") As with everything included in the Optional Details box or Dear Creator letter, though, please note that any such request is optional. Your creator is only required to create a fanwork for the specific relationship that you matched on.
Under the Requests section of the sign-up, there is a field to put a link to a Dear Creator letter if you have written one. There is also a box for Optional Details where you can put Do Not Wants, prompts, and various other details. While the optional details section of signups is optional, it is strongly suggested that participants include DNWs. Any DNWs or triggers included in the signup itself will be enforced by the mods as long as they are reasonable (ie, something that the mods can easily look for and that isn't extremely subjective).
Any DNWs listed in letters but not the signup itself, as well as any general likes/dislikes/prompts/etc. listed in the signup or in letters, are optional for the creator.
Anyone requesting vids or other visual media is encouraged to list any accessibility requirements they have in their sign-up alongside other DNWs, such as no flashing lights, no fast-moving cuts, no high contrast, no songs by [insert artist here], etc. Please try to at least provide details about general music that you like/dislike as well if you request either vids or fanmixes. Providing aesthetic preferences for visual fanworks (including face claims if applicable for the fandom) is encouraged too, to give the person creating for you an idea of what you like.
For anyone requesting podfics, please indicate whether or not you'd like your own fanworks podficced and gifted to you. If possible, try to provide more information about your likes/dislikes as well so that the person creating a podfic for you can try to make sure the fic they're recording is one that you will enjoy.
When you submit your sign-up, there is also an Optional Details box located under the Offers section. If there is any specific topic, or rating, that is a strong DNW or trigger for you and you don't want to receive an assignment that mentions said topic even as an optional prompt, please provide details in that box. We will do our best to accommodate such requests when doing matching but cannot make any promises. You are also welcome to send an e-mail to the above address, if you prefer.
Participants will be matched on fandom, relationship, and medium (fanart, fanfic, fanvid, podfic). Please note that you only need to create a fanwork for one of the relationships requested; if you match on more than one, it is your decision which one (or ones) to choose.
Collection: https://ao3.org/collections/holly_poly_2023 Tag Set: https://archiveofourown.org/tag_sets/17485 Tumblr: https://holly-poly.tumblr.com/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/holly_poly_ex Google Groups - Holly Poly Updates: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-updates Google Groups - Holly Poly Pinchhits: https://groups.google.com/g/holly-poly-pinchhits
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fobdescribed · 8 months
2ourdust Venue Accessibility Guide
Just under the presale wire, here is an overview of the different accommodations available at the venues for the @falloutboy 2ourdust tour:
Fall Out Boy tourdust accessibility 
It’s not comprehensive or official, but hopefully this overview can help you find the info you need to make informed decisions about your concert experience!
It does include the following info where available: 
links to each venue’s accessibility info on their own site
ADA seating locations (and number of companion seats allowed) 
advance time requested for arranging ASL interpreters 
locations of accessible and single-occupancy restrooms
links to each venue’s KultureCity Social Story + other sensory tools
A few notes on using this document: 
I am not a representative of Fall Out Boy, any of these venues, or literally any company involved, so take this info with a grain of salt.
Please feel free to make your own copy and use as you see fit! 
This info is largely copy-pasted from the venue websites, so I cannot guarantee it is up-to-date or complete. 
For assistive listening devices, venues that explicitly list that they will ask for collateral (usually in the form of an ID or credit card) are noted, however that doesn’t mean other venues don’t require collateral. In all cases where collateral is required, you’ll usually leave your ID or credit card with the Guest Services desk and then receive it back when you return the ALD at the end of the night. You should not be charged for using the device. 
Accessible or ADA seating may refer to seating areas for wheelchair users or guests with other mobility impairments, OR it may refer to seating areas for guests who have requested an ASL interpreter. Contact to the venue to confirm your choice. 
More resources: 
Here is an article from Ticketmaster about purchasing accessible seats on their site
And here are some more nitty-gritty details on your rights as a concert-goer in a public space under the ADA
I am also trying to finish a rough sensory guide based on previous tourdust shows before the second leg! This will include notes on lighting and strobe, pyro, sound effects, and other parts of the show that may be helpful to know about ahead of time for other people with sensory sensitivities, PTSD, etc.. I have no specific date for when this will be completed because I have 4 jobs and severe ADHD, but I’ll reblog this post and share whenever that’s completed.
If you have any question or concerns about this info, or even want help contacting venues to arrange accommodations, please feel free to shoot me a message. It is your right to enjoy your concert experience just as much as anyone else there! 
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prof-peach · 10 months
Having real fun reading through the backlog of the blog.
I keep wondering if this is the kind of place my trainer would randomly book a tour to. She requires her chair for regular locomotion but has been working on getting a more versatile model. She can be carried by most of her team but would much rather roll herself.
I can't imagine a lot of the island has easy paths for wheelchairs though. That said, she did manage the Hoenn region, though Sinnoh and its unreasonable amount of mountain defeated her. Do you think anyone knowing her physical limitation would try and talk her out of coming?
I can also picture her seeing Peach wrestling a 'mon and pointing it out to her Machoke, going "I told you I wasn't the only one!"
She is also pleased by the don't-send-10'yo's-on-their-own stance. She went through an academy that taught much the same skills (when her parents couldn't talk her out of wanting to do her trainers' journey) and left at 16 with two pokemon, a treeco who picked her, and a Machoke from the school who wanted to make sure such a student was ok.
The Island prides itself on being accessible, theres ramps everywhere, elevators in any buildings allowing public access to higher floors, the hotel is its own buisness but accomodates for this too, rentable mons who can help folks around, and almost everywhere is wheelchair acessible, including any doors being power assisted.
Not only do we at Dotaku deal with A LOT of footfall, we handle a lot of older clientel above and beyond the youngsters, and to top it off, pokemon with disabilities move around the different locations too. The island caters to that, you can even get up to the top of the mountain for the view if you wish, it's been carefully carved out and planned so anyone can visit and have relative ease getting about, though we do advise anyone going up that hill with mobility issues at the vesy least take a pokemon with them to aid should they become tired. We have plenty that are happy to help if visitors dont have a pokemon strong enough too.
You can book a tour with any facility individually if you like, or do a day tour. We have staff leading them regularly, giving visitors informed details about various pokemon and locations. Or, if you prefer to venture alone, its all acessibe and open to the public. There are some buildings of limits but those are clesrly sign posted and overseen by staff and pokemon to make sure no one wanders in and gets hurt, ot ends up in a secure area they shouldnt be.
Dotaku is just one big island park, catering to all. Phone the head office for further details, we have great members of staff always ready to help clear up any questions you may have, and you can even book any specific events ahead of time.
During the summer we have cook outs, independant vendors with hand made trinkets, the kite flying festival which is quite something to watch if not partake in, the migration of the swellow that'll come by, theres lapras sightings this time of year cose to the shores, and at the end of summer the Jumpluff move off the island to go inland for more tame weather, quite a beautiful sight to see so many catching the wind to go home, usually I'll fly with them to the mainland so its a good time to see a handful of dragon types on guard duty. Theres a fair where you can buy local produce, partake in friendly battles to earn some neat reward items, three contests, one for beginners, one is a costume one anyone can enter, and the other is more professional for those who want a challenge, each judged by telented guests who come in from all over. If you need a break our daycare can offer your pokemon respite, theres a groomers on site so a new hairdo might be on the cards too, or just a massage to ease tension. Water based sport is avaiable, with small canoes, boats and gear available to rent if that appeals. Theres the odd talk on pokemon care from our experts, and opportunities to ask questions and dig deeper into some of the pokemon the island handles. Dont forget the dock side fair, if you just want to eat junk food and play some arcade games with your pokemon, more than reasonable to take time for that, grab lunch at the cafe, or just chill out and watch the waves while listening to the Dewgong laid out on the rocks.
On wednesday you can challenge the professors, staff and rangers, we try to give an evening to guests who want to battle us for the fun of it, but none of us use our core teams for saftey reasons, and will pick pokemon based on whoever is close at hand and willing, could be anything. If you win you can get a ribbon bangle, which some enjoy collecting much like badges, though they hold no weight in the league.
Other staff are more than free to fight with their true teams, so predicting their strategy may be easier, but I never will, and will refuse a proper battle with my core group should someone request it, I say this now to save any dissapointment.
I'm sure you'd see me from time to time, but summer is the busy month, plenty to do, so don't mind me if im run off my feet, I do try to show face whenever possible but work comes first. Best bet is to keep your eyes on the skies, youll see the flash of orange and yellow of my dear charizard Boa ferrying me around, and probably get a sense of where I may end up in the day. If you spot Val wandering around, I suggest NOT trying to pet her, many have made this mistake, many have been bitten. Every localised sign has stickers on them reminding people of specific pokemon not to approach or pet. She's on every sign.
Any visitor is given a saftey breifing, and all areas have signs for people to see the rules, as some locations dont allow flash photography, loud noises, or touching of the pokemon.
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uselessheretic · 10 months
maybe a silly question, but what does the term “izzy canyon” mean? it conjures up a mental image of “the metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into” but I dunno if it’s a hashtag or a group chat or a state of mind or why it’s a canyon specifically (I guess con sounds like can?) the mastodon con makes it seem pretty organized!
not a dumb question at all!
"metaphorical place where izzy hands enjoyers hang out/got kicked into" might actually be the most succinct and on the nose description i've heard of it lmao
it is really mostly just a way to refer to izzy hands fans who tend to interact in the same corner of fandom.
the idea started sometime last year when an izzy fan got doxxed after receiving hate mail for a few months. a burner account posted the person's city and possible locations for the chain they worked at, along with a list of other users they said they would target next (seemed to just loosely be people in the same circle as them? weirdly enough my handle was on there too despite not knowing each other)
nothing further developed from that situation and the person was okay, but understandably it kicked off a wave of izzy fans blocking anyone who had a habit of harassing izzy fans, along with running blockchains on the most vocal ones who'd start dogpiles. around the same time, someone made an "izzy haters" twitter and izzy haters group chat which just intensified "okay just block all of them because that is a huge red flag for incoming networked harassment"
tldr izzy fans grew a reputation for being very heavy blockers. it became an in joke within the community that izzy fans didn't ever know what was going on when the general fandom had new memes, or more likely, new discourse because of the huge block wall between the groups.
almost as if they were at the bottom of a canyon, doing their own thing, and not paying attention to whatever was going on outside. hence the izzy canyon. i think it's also at least 30% a joke about izzy's genitals as well.
so yeah, just generally people who like the same character and hang out in the same social circles. i think because it's the part of fandom most vocally anti harassment, it also has a funny habit of absorbing in fans who don't necessarily like izzy, but had been targeted as part of a harassment campaign or in general just tired from fandom in general.
it pretty much functions like its own mini fandom within fandom? and as a group is very enthusiastic and also freakishly well organized so they end up more likely to do things like make regular fanweeks, set up a blog for doing fandom research and polls, organize a boat tour for a convention, or laying out detail instructions for test running mastodon for week to see how viable it is as a platform.
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thelostbaystudio · 4 months
The Lost Bay comes to life!!!
Hey folks, in the next few weeks I'll be launching the crowdfunding campaign for The Lost Bay, a dark fantasy tabletop RPG set in 199X.
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I've been working on it for years, and thanks to the feedback and support of the numerous folks who played the early access version, the game is now ripe to go to print.
But what is it exactly?
The Lost Bay is a dark fantasy tabletop RPG. It’s set in alternate 199X. The Lost Bay is also the name of the game setting, a small coastal suburb, both familiar and uncanny, where the mundane and the magical mix inextricably. Living Saints, rituals, blood curses are part of the characters’ daily life alongside console games, VHS tapes, and phone booths.
The Lost Bay is a set of three booklets. It contains everything you need to play: character creation, core rules, advanced tips and toolkits, detailed setting and bestiary.
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The cool thing is that you get to play powerful characters, roaming in a weird and at times dark world.
The system in a nutshell
Three attributes, and a d6 dice pool for all your Action Rolls or Saves.
One resource to fuel your Powers.
Powers always succeed but can get you a Scar.
Scars can hurt you, make you more powerful, or change you. They are specific to each Vibe.
If you get all the Scars and you manage to survive them, you become a Living Saint, an immortal roaming the Bay. YOU become the Lore of the Bay.
What’s in the books?
User Guide: character creation and core rules, ten playable classes, three post-death special classes, custom character growth, Scar tables.
GM Guide: tips and toolkits, advanced rules, adventure building frameworks, examples and designer commentary.
Travel guide: extensive ready to use setting, exploration procedures, pre-gen point-crawls, six full-fledged districts featuring: locations, NPCs, Bosses, complications, rumors, treasures, adventure seeds.
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If this sounds cool to you stay tuned for more updates about the game, or follow the Kickstarter page to be notified on launch
If you have any questions about the game feel free to fire them, I'd be happy to answer. And if you want to try it come and say hi on The Lost Bay server, we play the game regularly, and I even do 60minutes intro to it for folks who just want to give it a quick try https://discord.com/invite/37XBQVr7eP
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