#I wanna see how many people think poly people are valid
iceeericeee · 6 months
Reblog if you think polyamorous people are valid
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6point5crows · 6 months
Poly Relationships Aren’t A Plot Device!!!
Bit if a warning: Angry rant with sloppy points and writing but Idc here you go
The thing about poly relationships, is we get no goddamn healthy rep whatsoever, and the rest of the LGBTQI+ community treat us like a weird dog-rat hybrid. Yes I know this is a bit extreme but at least hear me out before jumping in to be like, “That’s not true!!” especially if you’re not poly so therefor have no idea what our viewpoint is like.
To begin, the only rep we ever have in movies or TV or books is boiled down to a plot device, a trope, a love triangle, or simply just sexual. The only time I’ve seen poly relationships in movies and TV is literally just sexual— sexual and cheating. It’s always “I caught my husband with two other girls at once!” Or “Oh I’m cheating on you but let’s force this to work…” Or just overall shit communication and unrealistic issues.
Wanna know what that has done to poly relationships irl?
Everyone assumes it’s some kink thing, or that we are all cheaters, or that it’s all unfaithful and full of lies and jealousy. The amount of people who will hear of an actual poly relationship and go, “Oh you do it for the sex” is WILD.
But wanna know where we’ve heard this sorta assumption before?
For gay and lesbian relationships before better rep was given to it. Do y’all remember when being gay was reduced to just sex stuff by that majority? Poly relationships are STILL THERE. Yeah there’s people who will actually realize that it’s not all sexual, but so many people hear about poly relationships and assume it’s a kink.
Hell, anytime I look up definitions for poly relationships, it always seems to mention “but there’s usually a sexual aspect to that!” ???? NO?? Me and my partners are literally asexual ??
And I’m not shitting on people who are poly for the sex but that’s the same exact thing as like… ANYONE being any sexuality due to… the sex of it. It’s not exclusive to just poly relationships. But for some reason, we are looked at as different than the rest of the LGBTQIA+ community.
Another note is the common phrases and questions asked to poly people in response to saying we are poly. Such as:
- “Oh do you have a favorite?” Obviously harmful?? That’s fucked up??
- “Don’t you get jealous?” ???? Just don’t ask this??
- “Who is the third wheel?” Again just fucked up so stfu
- “Oh it could never work for me, you do you though.” While it seems respectful, if you think deeper about it, there’s no reason to say it in this way. No shit it wouldn’t work for you because you’re not poly. Do you see me going around saying, ‘Oh I could NEVER be a lesbian… you do you though.’ Obviously not because I’m not a lesbian like? I wouldn’t just start listing labels I’m not and ending it with that. “You do you” okay be fr and just say you’re polyphobic lmao
- Or just overall bringing up every single failed poly relationship to compair it to ours. Stop. Nobody cares.
Idk just I’m gonna post this because some of y’all piss me off, always sexualizing a valid label or calling it a trope and kink. Fight me in the comments and let’s see how many people are just polyphobic and small minded lmao.
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menalez · 2 years
I feel like poli/lez is kinda the same as womb envy. It treats lesbians as those "enlightened unicorns" who managed to escape patriarchal conditioning and socialization ergo the feminism ideal that doesn't care about men. Look at them having fun while we had to wait until we could read dworkin! So they start to build thought bridges how they also can "get in" on that. By redefining what lesbian means, who invented the word and whose parameter we use for measurement. It always sounds so "highbrow" because personal and political and theory from whenever and dreamy sighs of inventing new words and meanings. But all in all they - poli/lez - imo just experience a high amount of envy and probably a little hate towards lesbians. I am bi and I don't wanna come across mean but lesbians were always just people to me, you know? Maybe I met too many who were much more "feminine" than me or other bi/het fems. But i never thought it to be something special that would "get me" out of patriarchy and into enlightened separatism mindset. Cause i dont think every lesbian automatically got out of patriarchy/the importance of male validation etc. Yeah, it's shitty to be attracted to men even though they are scum. But that's not the lesbians fault. And you don't have to act on it. Why redefine it and question it? Just say separatist if bisexual is so repulsive and restrictive. But the circular narrative "I am a lesbian but also no one knows what the hell it actually is but I know I am one" is so tiring and reminds me of tras and defining woman. If I had to name actual biphobia I would say poli/lez.
damn i never thought about it that way,,, and yeah a lot of polilez beliefs is basically rooted in lesbians somehow being more enlightened about patriarchy and misogyny and that’s somehow how we’re lesbians? idk if that’s in their theory of it all but that’s how i see them talk about it. but i do think it’s ultimately rooted in lesbophobia
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flat-as-a-board · 2 years
hi okay so u seem to be pretty confidant in being a lesbian and i am Not
so i’m like 99.999999999999999% sure i’m a lesbian, BUT there are some guys that i’m just like :DDDD 🥰🥰 u know?? like i wanna settle down w them and get married n stuff and live out the rest of our lives together… so those r decidedly Not Lesbian Thoughts
tho like ANY guy isn’t attractive to me, it’s just Some guys, and i talked to my sibling (who is a lesbian) and she was all “well, that’s probably comphet or just a desire for deep friendship” but w these guys (who are FAR AND FEW BETWEEN) it’s not friendly at all, it’s romantic! anyways that’s just my issue and please, please don’t feel any pressure to answer this ask if you don’t feel like it, i just wanted to tell someone and maybe get advice <3
aww , first off im so honored ur asking me lol thats so sweet <3 also i kinda wrote u an Entire Trilogy so . i put it under the cut tee hee
but Full Disclosure i am not a Lesbian Oracle & i can't tell you whether or not you're a lesbian, that's just something you have to figure out in your own time. but just so you know, there's absolutely no rush to finding your label. there's nothing wrong with trying different ones out until you find one you're comfortable with, & if you don't feel like it, you don't even have to use a label at all!
it really depends on the men you like & in what way you like them. for me personally, i went through pretty much Every Single Label before i figured out i was a lesbian. there were Sometimes men i thought i was attracted to, but turns out it was either comphet or me having No Idea What Romantic Attraction Actually Was. & that may or may not be the case for you!
i'm sure you already know this from your Lesbian Sibling, but if your crushes are exclusively for celebrities/fictional characters/otherwise Unattainable, Unrealistic Men, its very possible it's just comphet! i don't experience comphet super super often, but many many many lesbians do. if you're getting those Romantic Warm Fuzzies about real, Attainable men you Actually Know, then it might be different!
most of the reason why i thought i wasnt a lesbian is because of the "crushes" i had on some boys at my school. the first one i stopped liking Instantly when my friend said he liked me. the second one was the same situation. the third one i stopped liking because he asked me out & even though i said yes & we were dating for all of two weeks, i felt repulsed and incredibly uncomfortable the second it turned Actually Romantic, which is what i thought i wanted.
the way i started figuring out that it wasn't really romantic attraction was by imagining the boys i thought i had a crush on in an objectively very romantic situation. for example, me & Boy Classmate #18 at a candle lit dinner kissing & making out & all that. just writing that made me uncomfortable, which tells me i'm not romantically attracted to Boy Classmate #18.
however! not every lesbian feels the same way about men! some are Repulsed like me, & some are just indifferent. plenty of people find out they're lesbians well into adulthood & after being in relationships with men. i'd recommend talking to Lesbian Sibling about how she feels towards the people she's attracted to, and seeing whether that's how you feel toward these men! might not be foolproof, i'm not an expert of course, i'm just thinking about what could've helped me when i was figuring it out.
i don't know the specifics of your situation or who you are as a person or what your attraction feels like so i'm mostly just sharing my Lesbian Experience in hopes that it'll help you realize whether or not you could be a lesbian. you could be lesbian, you could be omni, you could be poly, you could be bi ... all of which are equally Valid And Gnarly identities!
i have no idea if any of this was useful or even made sense, but i hope my Autobiography could help you in some way. but again, there's absolutely no pressure to figure out exactly who you are. that's something you do on your time, in your own way, & only if you want to.
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HOLY HELLO Sketchy friends, followers, and fans! It's that time again, time for...
The heck is happening here? Here's an FAQ~ Wanna support the event? Here's my Ko-fi!
That's right, it's FINALLY the last Saturday of the month... and I've decided it's high time our Quotable prompt evolved into a Dialog prompt! This is gonna work a lot like previous Quote prompts, but with an extra twist, so please make sure you read the guidelines for a valid request before sending in!
To make a VALID Shippy Saturday request, please send me the following in an ASK to my ASKBOX:
The COUPLE you'd like me to sketch up ---- OC? Heck yes! Canon? Hell yeah! All characters welcome, so long as they're from Fallout ---- OC x OC? Cool! Canon x Canon? SWEET! OC x Canon? DAMN RIGHT.
The NUMBER of the dialog snippet you'd like me to art them saying ---- Got more than one favorite? You may list up to THREE in your ask, in order of preference, to help the artist avoid repeats <3 ---- Still can't pick? Send in 'Dealer's Choice!' and the artist will pick one for you.... oooor possibly make up some fresh dialog on the spot ;3
What KIND OF RELATIONSHIP your couple has with each other ---- Romantic? Platonic? Professional? Familial? Rivals? Neighbors? Despite it's name, Shippy Saturday is about all kinds of human connections, not just the romantic ones! ---- Is your couple part of a larger OT3 or poly group? Tell me who else is part of the relationship; they probably won't get arted, but they might add their two cents to the scene from off-frame XD
IF YOU'RE SENDING IN AN OC!! ---- Send your request ask FIRST, without reference information ---- THEN send your OC's reference information to me via my Tumblr IM ---- Don't have any reference pictures, but you can type of a written description? Great! I love working from written descriptions! :D [ No, really, I do. Give them to me :D ]
After that, you can leave all the rest to me! :D [ I.e Please do not request poses or specific actions ]
Hokay? HOKAY! With all of that out of the way, let's get onto the dialog snippets! These are taken from various things I enjoy, as well as some of my own work. These quotes have been modified to gender neutral pronouns, to remove most proper nouns, and for brevity.
[ Some of these quotes have multiple speakers! That will be shown like this! "Speaker A" -- "Speaker B" ]
"Yeah, well, I'm a victim of circumstance" -- "... I thought you called it your pecker."
"Here, you look cold."
"You are so lucky I love you." -- "Damn right."
"You know the routine." -- "Yeah! WE do all the work, YOU get all the credit!"
"I want you with me, but... I'm scared." -- "Trust me. Trust me to take care of myself." -- "I trust you, it's the rest of the world I'm terrified of!"
"No breakfast?" -- "I did it yesterday-- bologna and beans, it's your turn." -- "No... It was eggs. I did eggs... over easy." -- "The hell you did! Bologna and beans, it's your turn!"
"I like the kind of person who can handle themselves... think on their feet."
"So you were ahead of me." -- "I don't know about ahead, but I've been behind you ever since you fried those mannequins."
"Don't make me say it out loud..." -- "... I can say it first, if that'll help."
"Nooooooope... five more minutes." -- "We were together all night." -- "Didn't count... I was sleepin'."
"Well, this is very serious" -- "IT IS!" -- "You, you destroyed a door." -- "Colonel, we're talking about a test on an armored vehicle, that will carry people into combat." -- "Right, but this door is property of--" -- "The shell barely penetrated the door." -- "okay, but now it's all bent out of shape. How are you gonna get it back on its hinges?" -- "I'LL BUY THE ARMY A NEW GODDAMN DOOR!"
"Sorry, I thought... I thought you were trying to buy something I'm not selling."
"I'm busy." -- "Too busy to look up?"
"You can't kill people just because you don't agree with them." -- "You see, that was the ONE point me and the doctors could never agree upon."
"Would you ever consider having a drink with an enlisted solider?" -- "Depends... does the enlisted soldier think I need one?" -- "What are they gonna do? Kick you out?"
"Thanks" -- "No problem, anytime."
"Yeah, yeah, laugh it up-- one day it's gonna happen to you. Someday someone is gonna ask you, who is it? And a face is gonna jump to the front of your mind, and it's gonna completely sandbag you... I can't wait to watch!"
[to a peacefully sleeping person ] -- "Good moring, Mx. ___, this is your wake-up call. Please move your ass."
"I say we run for it" -- "Running isn't a plan, runnin's what you do when a plan fails!"
"... Normal Illinois, is that on the map?" -- "Yes, Sergeant, it is." -- "... is it normal in Normal?" -- "... Uneventful, I think, is the word."
"Now-- how many brahmin does it take to make a stampede? Is it like... three or more? Is there a minimum speed?" -- "Wish a stampede up your ass."
"I don't mind being a secret of yours."
[Right after THE BIG FUCKING KISS] ".... let's not make it a year before the next one, okay?"
"If we were serious about money, we'd quit being hired hands--" -- "Handymen! We are han-dee-men." -- "Oh whatever! We'd quit this and go find some real money."
"Please... don't go where I can't follow."
"Alone is fine! I can do alone, it's worrying after them that's got me all wound up!" -- "Have you considered that's because alone is NOT FINE and you don't wanna do it anymore?" -- "---!!"
"This is not the first time you've been here." -- "We've been down this road before, that is correct." -- "Several times, in fact." -- "I hadn't been keeping count."
"And you must be ___, I've heard all about you." -- "I deny everything."
"First time I saw you? I thought to myself, that's the kind of person BRICK WALLS jump outta the way of." -- "Figured you'd be safer behind me rather than in front of me?" -- "Damn right."
"Just keep looking at that beautiful sky; that's the sky that'll be over our roof when we're done." -- "What if we don't finish the roof? Then we can look at the sky all the time."
"Yeah, well... maybe a friend is what I need right now."
"Next thing you know the Feds will be at our door; Sorry, time to move out, Eminent Domain." -- "Down honey, down."
"Even a heat-seeking missile can miss a target." -- "... you taped so many hot-plates to the test target you could fry an egg at 20 feet, and it STILL missed by a mile."
"My dear, my darling, love of my life...." -- "What do you want?"
"What I mean to say is... you make here a better place to be. For me. Easier. Does that make sense?"
"Calm down, you make it sound like a war." -- "What do you people have against being prepared?!"
"This is not just a report, it's a deadly weapon." -- "Sir, an M-16 is a deadly weapon. A report is just a pile of paper, unless you plan to inflict a lot of extremely vicious paper cuts."
"Stupid son of a bitch, knocked himself out cold..." -- "Cold my ass, he's dead."
"Y'know, in baseball, a guy who hits .400 is consider pretty damn great." -- "In baseball the losing team isn't killed by their opponents."
"Hey... I love you. Did I tell you that today?"
This post is going online at 8 PM, June 24th, 2021, US Pacific time. The askbox will open for requests until 6 PM, June 25th, 2021, US Pacific Time. Get yours in now!
Arting will begin at 9 AM tomorrow morning, see you then! :D
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nullset2 · 3 years
Mother 3 - An In-depth Critique and Review
Ah, Mother 3, how I love you so!
The game which with which I forwent all possible aspirations to healthily integate into normal High School society: imagine walking into a party, people are drinking and being cool, and you ask them if they have ever played a very underground, very deep RPG only released in Japan called "Mother".
Yeah! I know! It's like you're asking to be bullied, and I realized it too late.
But anyway!
Mother 3 is one of the most important games you could ever play --alas, if only it wasn't near impossible to obtain it.
Yet, perhaps this adds to its allure and to the power of its narrative --a narrative which, by the way, I'm convinced is the very actual reason why it will never release formally in the United States.
As time has passed, I've actually become more and more impressed about how relevant the game is to the socioeconomic reality that we are in nowadays. I'm impressed that Shigesato Itoi had all of this in his mind's eye as early as 1996, and that the story was already written down in 1999!
Right now it's been 14 years since it's release on the GBA, but I think that the game is a timeless classic and warrants a playthrough now more than ever. Wanna know why?
Wanna find out?
Part 1. "A Japanese Copywriter's Americana"
The year is 1989 and a Japanese Copywriter --somebody who writes "Catch Copies", which are a sort of a long-form slogan that is very common in Japanese pop culture to advertise)-- by the name of Shigesato Itoi became a fan of the Dragon Quest series of RPGs, which are massively popular in Japan, even to this day. He also loved video games: he's asthmatic, so he recalls only being able to sleep sitting up as a child, and having to occupy his lonely time through asthma attacks playing video games, since he had to sit up and had nothing else to do at night.
His love of RPGs would linger in his mind until 1989 when he had an opportunity to meet with Hiroshi Yamauchi and Shigeru Miyamoto and was offered the opportunity to develop a video game with Nintendo. Harkening back to the endless hours he poured into Dragon Quest, his concept eventually took form by deriving from it. He called the story "MOTHER", as a reference to John Lennon's "Mother", since he is a very hardcore fan of The Beatles. The games have tons of obvious influence by old American films and comics, like ET and Peanuts, which he also loved very much.
For MOTHER, he wanted to explicitly go against the grain, by designing an RPG without "Swords and Magic", which stereotypically most RPGs follow, even from things as minor as to design a protagonist who was weak and vulnerable, asthmatic and without a Father Figure, yet, still heroic through much toil --which reflects Ninten from the original MOTHER for the famicom.
Miyamoto, in his usual taskmaster persona, arranged a team to work with Itoi for the creation of the RPG, by bringing in people from HAL laboratory and APE Inc, and thus MOTHER was born to great Japanese Acclaim. A game which took many risks in its genre, such as eschewing the idea of a separate overworld from navigation in the towns, the subject matter, the movement system and many other things which made it quite Unique. It was so popular that soon after the first project was released, MOTHER 2 started development, involving people from what's currently known as Game Freak and HAL Labs.
MOTHER 2 is a very unique game because it was the very first time that the series attempted to make an incursion in the Americas. Releasing in a big flamboyant flashy box, with a strategy guide and a bunch of goodies included, MOTHER 2 released as Earthbound in the states, a bigger and better version of the vision of the first game. Better graphics, Beatles references, sampled audio, pop culture cornucopia, it's all here and then some!
Famous for its role in technically driving the game, Satoru Iwata, ex-CEO and software developer for Nintendo,7 of Wii acclaim, helped the game meet its 1996 release date. It is known that the original version of the game ran into deep technical issues which the original dev team was not able to overcome. Once Satoru Iwata got involved, the game was reworked to a viable version and released to much critical acclaim. In his own words, he proposed to rewrite the tech that powered the main game. It was a matter of either continuing with the current code and be done in two years, or redoing everything and being done in six months under his vision, he said.
No matter its strong promotion from Nintendo, the marketing got botched, and the game paled compared to the flashy and bombastic magical RPGs of its era, like Final Fantasy VI, Super Mario RPG and Chrono Trigger of all things. So, Earthbound faced a very bad destiny in the states, by releasing to low acclaim, bad review scores and terrible sales numbers --even though it eventually reached Cult Classic status, due to its pure hearted nature, its hallucinogenic themes and characters, and its fantastic spirit over all.
And this game is worthy of discussion by itself a whole bunch because of the ripple effects it had in video game culture in the Western world. Enter starmen dot net. To this date, the epicenter of discussion for everything related to the MOTHER series. There you had me as early as 2002, browsing a half-rendered version of starmen dot net in a dingy computer in some dingy internet cafe in some shitty neighborhood in Mexico, trying to be a part of the discussion and the hype.
To this date, I consider starmen dot net as the non-plus-ultra case for how passionate Internet fan cultures can become.
Flat out, no other fandom has ever came close to the level of dedication, attention to detail and passion to tribute the original creation around which its fans congregate. A massive amount of fan paraphernalia has come out of starmen dot net --yes, even Undertale, 2015 indie darling RPG thing, originally got started on the Starmen dot net forums. People married and even started large, commercially viable enterprises, such as Fangamer.net, the firm which publishes Undertale, from starmen dot net.
...and then... silence...
After Earthbound's 1995 release, we enter a ten year hiatus for the series.
Even though both MOTHER games were incredibly popular in Japan, HAL Laboratory and APE Inc. weren't able to successfully make a jump onto the third dimension for the series come the Nintendo 64 era. They had a demo come the infamous Spaceworld 96, where a bunch of pre-release games for the then called "Ultra 64", which was the codename for the Nintendo 64, were showcased. And lo and behold, we have a sequel to Mother coming out, called Mother 3, the ROM for which has never been found by the way.
I'd love to get a look at the materials in that ROM.
The scarce footage we have available from it exhibits some of the elements we ended up seeing in the final released version of the game, like some of the original music like the Mozart ghost theme, and the DCMC section, albeit in a more primitive low poly way. It is known that both studios weren't very proficient at 3d Game development yet, which was still nascent. This together with other factors, such as the fact that at some point development was moved onto the unreleased-in-America, unpopular 64DD addon, undisclosed factors dropped the game into development hell, which ultimately led to its cancellation in the year 2000.
Plenty of mystery surrounded the now defunct project, to the dismay of a bunch of passionate fans in Starmen.net and elsewhere online. However, it turned out that the valiant effort of the fans, who made a huge amount of effort to campaign for the revival of the series, even mailing fanmail, fanart and other materials to the Itoi Shinbun offices in Japan (a titanical task in the world of the early 2000s).
Fast forward to 2003, and the Game Boy Advance, the little portable console that could, was in its Apex. Due to Satoru Iwata's campaining, it was announced that development on MOTHER 3 would be restarted, this time in 2D, for the gameboy advance. Much anticipation in Starmen.net followed this announcement, since it finally validated its efforts...
Come 2006, once the console was well into its end-of-life, with small nudges to play the game on a Gameboy player if possible, perhaps to try to follow suit with its predecessors, the sequel finally released to much acclaim. But what did Shigesato Itoi have in store for everyone all along? What kind of beast had just been unleashed onto the World?
Part 2. "Of Monkeys and Men"
Mother 3 follows the story of a young boy, Lucas, in a multi-chapter structure, which is novel for the series but not unheard of in the RPG genre. Besides this, the RPG plays very similar to your usual JRPG fare, and basically uses the Ultimately polished version of the MOTHER series' mechanics, groovy backgrounds and all.
The first three chapters of the game follow the perspective of different characters residing in Tazmilly Village as the plot of the game unfolds. The plot is centered around the residents of a peaceful town in an Island in an unspecified location, Nowhere Islands, which in my opinion is an allegory both of Japan and America, moreover with the fact that the game of the logo very clearly has a rising sun covered in metal, in a logo that's an amalgam of two different things which don't match, a subtle reference to the game's undertones to come.
From these residents we come to know the daily lives of a particular family: Flint, a farmer; Hinawa, his wife (a name in reference to Sunflowers, Himawari, her favorite flower), and their twin children, Lucas and Claus.
The game begins in the midst of their idyllic life in the mountains visiting Lucas' grandfather Alec, and playing around with meek dinosaurs which inhabit Nowhere Islands. See, in the world of Mother 3, no violence truly exists, and people have come to live peacefully with each other and nature. There's no such thing as the concept of money, Instead relying on an economy that's mostly based around bartering and hospitality.
However, everyone's lives veer into turmoil once strange alien beings invade, the Pigmask army, an army of big, fat and slovenly creatures dressed in pig-like attire, who seem to have a vast amount of technology and resources at their disposal yet aim for Nowhere Islands for colonization.
The Pigmasks have an as-of-yet unnamed leader, who is demanding them to make everything in the World "bigger, cooler, stronger and faster", and thus they seize Nowhere Islands by force of bombings and a forest fire to use its flora and fauna. And thus, while escaping from the forest fires returning from Alec's home, Hinawa tragically gets killed by a Drago which has been modified to be aggressive against its nature through robotics implanted in it by the Pigmask army.
There's an unused cutscene in the game's ROM data where Hinawa, instead, dies by bomb explosion...
...yeah, I'm just... gonna let you process that one by yourself ;)
The Drago left a fang in the middle of her heart, which is recovered by one of the Tazmillians and provided back to Flint along with a fragment of her crimson dress. Besmirched and angry, Claus, the festier one of the twin children, sets out to try to hunt the drago and achieve revenge, but he goes missing... Flint embarks in search of Claus and to kill the drago, and thus the first chapter of the game concludes, with the implication that Claus has gone missing...
With Lucas' family torn to shreds and The Pigmasks invading Tazmilly, it seems that we're in a situation ripe for disaster.
Chapter 2 follows Duster's adventure, which runs in parallel (as every other chapter will) to other chapters' stories. Duster is the last heir in a bloodline of Cat Burglars whose abilities are not in use anymore given that Tazmilly has no more commerce or crime. However it turns out that the Pigmask invasion puts his skills back in demand to infiltrate Oshoe Castle and retrieve an artifact which the Pigmasks are after and which Duster's family is the guardian of. The nature of the artifact in Oshoe Castle is as of yet unknown, however it is implied that it is important to the fabric of Tazmilly village.
At Castle Oshoe, Duster meets a mysterious princess, Kuma-tora (which translates literally to "beartiger", in allusion to the dichotomy of her existence, since she is very... masculine in attitude and refers to herself with, yes, male pronouns, perhaps anticipating identity politics by 14 years at least), who is also after the artifact in the Castle, the Hummingbird egg. The chapter ends with the Hummingbird Egg going missing, and a mysterious peddler of goods arriving into town, while Kumatora and Duster's father realize he has gone missing...
Chapter 3 follows the adventure of a little Monkey, Salsa, which gets flown into Nowhere Islands to perform a job. This is a novelty in a town where the concept of a job doesn't exist as of yet, however, the peddler of goods is going to need a lot of hands if he wants to fullfill his vision. The peddler, Fassad (which is a tongue in cheek way to say "facade", right?) promises to all residents in Nowhere Island eternal happiness if they buy his newest product, the "Happy Box", a television-like contraption which glows with a warm light and which people are attracted to and engrossed by. For this, he introduces the concept of money and swindles people his way, convincing them that this is the way to go and promising them excitement and benefit if they listen to him.
Salsa delivers Happy boxes throughout the whole chapter, and gets shocked, even in the middle of the night, if something goes wrong with his job or tries to escape due to a shock collar implanted by Fassad. However, he runs into Kumatora and Wess, Duster's father, and they ploy together to free up Salsa and mess up Fassad's forceful takeover of Oshoe Castle, when Lucas shows up with several dragos in tow and fights against the Tank invasion of Oshoe Castle.
(A foreign animal being introduced into a new society with the express intent of exploiting it to propel forward a commercial enterprise by toil... geez, I dunno, where have I heard that one?)
From Chapter 4 Onwards the game adopts a more conventional JRPG scheme, through a timeskip which happens literally two years in the future. In this future version of Tazmilly, money (Dragon Points) and ATMs are now existent, similar to other Mother games. The game follows Lucas' adventure through a now-modernized and industrialized technologically advanced Tazmilly, trying to retrieve the "seven needles" from the island, which are soon enough shown to be a source of great power that the pigmask army is also after and to which Lucas must try to get to first due to a calling by mysterious beings which inhabit Nowhere Islands, the Magypsies. With a lot of emotional moments, such as Lucas having visions of his Mother in the middle of a field of Sunflowers, we follow the adventures of the party as they infiltrate the pigmask ranks and gather information about its nature and intentions.
It is then discovered that the pigmasks are commanded by a Masked leader, who dominates the power of thunder through a tower which was built in the middle of the town and which strikes anybody down with thunder if they overstep the Law and Order that the pigmasks have implemented. The party fights this masked leader in bouts while exploring the world and reuniting with a now missing Kumatora and Duster, who are found to have settled as employees in a Nightclub called "Club Titiboo".
Eventually, through his travels, Lucas gains an artifact from Mr. Saturn, the inhabitants of a special region in Nowhere called Saturn Valley and which has been passed down through all three Mother games, called the "Franklin Badge". When equipped, this item allows the bearer to become immune to lighting attacks and reflecting them back.
The party soon discovers that the world is inhabited by an special elder race, existant from before the creation of Tazmilly village and who know more about everything going on with the invasion, called the "Magypsies", a race of transexual, magical creatures who help Lucas discover the fact that he has Psychic abilities, also known as "PSI" within the MOTHER canon. He uses these to proceed further in his adventure to pull the seven Golden Needles, the first of which Fassad was attempting to get to, in the Courtyard of Oshoe Castle.
Lucas moves into a city called "New Pork City" in the conclusion of the game, which is a town built by the pigmasks completely in the honor of Porky, full of all sorts of Pigmask paraphernalia and amusement. It is found that the seventh and final needle is inside humongous tower in the middle of the city, the Porky tower.
Moreover, it is also revealed that the Pigmask army is led by Porky, known as "Pokey" in the American localization of Mother 2, Earthbound. Pokey is shown to have developed into a tyrant as an adult, with unlimited lust for blood and power, who used Doctor Andonuts' Phase Distorter after the events of Earthbound to mess around with the unlimited realities and dimensions it gave him access too, as a petulant child does with a video game. Once he got kicked out of every other possible reality due to the chaos he created, he found the Nowhere islands and decided to mess with it.
The climax of the game comes around Chapter 7, when the now fully-developed party runs into Leder, one of the original Tazmillian villagers, a lanky and really tall person who never spoke, not a single word, in the game until now. Leder is revealed to be the only person who knows what is the true nature of it all: tazmilly village is the remanider of civilization once the world of Mother 2 collapsed by cataclysm. A flood wiped away everything and the very last remainder of people who survived fled to nowhere islands in a big white ship and settled there, willingly forfeiting all technological advances and knowledge of the world into the Hummingbird egg, the artifact that Duster's family protected in Oshoe, a device which wiped everyone's memories, with the intent of undoing civilization and living back in a peaceful village-like state again.
It is revealed that when all seven needles are pulled, a supernatural power on which the island is built will be awakened. This supernatural power is revealed to be a Dragon by Leder, who had to be subdued by the ancestors of the Magypsies so people could live in Nowhere islands as their last resort. Whoever pulls out the needles which keep it in slumber will pass the intentions and nature of their heart onto the dragon. Thus, Lucas must be the one who pulls out the last needle instead of Porky or the masked man, in hopes that a second cataclysm like the first doesn't happen again.
After making their way through all the pigmask defenses, Lucas and Co. face off with Porky, who is now a bedridden, pathetic man. Doctor Andonuts from Mother 2, appears here, and is revealed to have developed a solution to contain Porky, the Absolutely Safe Capsule, which is a capsule which once it's sealed, it can never be opened again, trapping whoever is inside forever in a parallel universe where only them exist. The party is successful in locking Porky in the absolutely safe capsule, so, porky is not hurt by the end of mother 3, instead, he just has been locked away forever in a place far away from everyone else --perhaps, providing the ultimate form of comfort that a personality like his would seek after.
At the end of the game, Lucas and Co. face against the masked man, who is revealed to have been Claus all along, who, brainwashed with Pigmask ideologies, is hellbent on drawing out the final needle to awaken the dragon. Lucas and Claus face off in an emotive fight, where they suddenly remember each other and how friendly they used to be with each other... and moreover, their Mother. Claus strikes Lucas with thunder in a final murderous attempt before snapping out of the Pigmask brainwashing. But since he had the Franklin badge on, the attack is reflected and mortally strikes Claus, who, in his final moments, finally remembers Lucas...
The ending of the game is open ended, without showing much of what happened once the seventh dragon needle was released, so the ending of the game is subject to interpretation. However, it is heavily implied that, since Lucas was the one who released the needle, the dragon, once awakened, did not destroy Nowhere islands and instead led to a regeneration of existence.
Part 3. "A Musical-Adventure"
One of the pre-release materials for the game called it a "Musical" adventure, and I think this is completely warranted: the musical beautifulness of Hip Tanaka, famed Nintendo composer and long-time MOTHER music autheur, is joined by the expertise of Shogo Sakai, who gave the soundtrack a more mature, sample-based vibe, compared to the early two more "chiptuney" soundtracks in the series. The songs are all-time favorites of mine, and I still the soundtrack every so often given all of its mystique, its eclectiness and curiosness.
But the musical aspect to the game doesn't stop here: as an addition to the mother series, the battle system has now been changed to become rhythm-game based instead of simply turn based. If the player attacks an enemy during a battle, it is possible to strike additional damage as long as the player continues to press the attack button in rhythm to the background music in upwards of 16 hits. A full combo is incredibly effective and plays a nice fanfare if executed correctly.
As an enthusiast of rhythm games, this premise captivated me from the get-go and it works wonders, functioning as a breath of fresh air to the way overplayed mechanic of turn-based combat, which has existed since the 80s. It also provides a certain nice feeling to combat, given how every character has their personal musical instrument, with lucas being a guitar, Kumatora being an electric guitar, Duster being a bass, and Boney, Lucas' pet, being... barks.
Besides this the mechanics from Mother 2 are translated almost completely: every character has a rolling HP and PP counter, which rolls down over time as an airport display instead of immediately as in other RPGs. This may seem minor, but it adds an amazing element of strategy to the game, since it is possible to recover an ally from mortal damage if a healing PSI is executed against the clock before the counter hits 0.
Besides this you got almost completely conventional standard JRPG fare, with the character being able to move in eight directions in the overworld, with the addition of a run button, preemptive attacks and overpowered kills. Once you start facing enemies in the overworld, the first one to attack can be decided depending on the angle that the enemy was approached with: sneak up on an enemy from behind and a green swirl will display, which means that you get to attack first; if an enemy sneaks behind you, you'll see a red swirl and they will attack first instead. Otherwise, a gray swirl will display, which follows conventional order according to your stats.
...Mother 3 will never be released in America.
This may be too dramatic of an opinion to have but I see no other alternative. For the most of fourteen years, Nintendo of America's head honcho Reggie Fils-Aime was requested to release and distribute the game in the americas, and for twenty years the request fell on deaf ears, citing commercial inviability, potential copyright infringment and many other reasons.
But I think the main reason that the game will never be localized is because Mother 3 was a passion project, pushed for by people with personal involvement in the series and very special sensitivities about it. Shigesato Itoi and Iwata were personal friends. The game appeals to japanese tastes and touches on issues and subjects that the American population is very politically sensitive to.
For example, in chapter 6 Lucas and the party experience a bad trip because they eat hallucinogenic mushrooms in a swamp. This leads to Lucas having visions of his family in a very bad light, with implications of violence and abuse, to try to get at the players' deepest sensitivities. Even the name of the real player is used here.
I think that it's impossible that nintendo will release a game which openly involves Hallucinogenics no matter its innocent exterior. This is the kind of subject in media that Japanese audiences usually handle better than American audiences.
Besides this, the game has very clear allusions to accelerated capitalism, anti-capitalism, colonization, slavery, transexuality and the changes and chaos they have brought onto the world, which is a tough subject to tackle in the Americas, which is still part of an ongoing, vicious culture war.
Particularly, I adore how the game even tries to convey its points through the Sound Test, of all places. Mother 3 has a collection of music pieces, which are available on demand within the game itself. Of those, there's a music piece which is a remix of Pollyanna, the Mother 1 theme, which is present throughout the series, in an nod to the previous games in the series. The hallway where this plays is full with mother references and it expects the player to sit down and watch passively all the references in order.
But this is meta, amazingly enough. The hallway is located in the final section of the game, before facing Porky, who is presented as the effigy of vicious capitalism in the game. As if he left them in his palace just as collectibles, things to be purchased or acquired.
The name of the song which plays during this sequence? "His Majesty's Memories". Subtle.
Nintendo is a company which tries to keep its image clean and sterile, so it can be used broadly for a variety of projects, usually with family friendly intent behind --and even more so in the US.
However, Nintendo has a history of risky bets with Mature content, which has become even more glaring lately: you got Eternal Darkness, Astral Chain, Bayonetta, No More Heroes, the disappointing Metroid Other M... this together with the fact that most of their target audience is of age now, could, at least remotely, mean that, perhaps, Mother 3 releasing in some manner in the future, localized in English, could happen: however, this is not happening at least the way I see it.
Once the game was released, there were several different campaigns online to try to gather Nintendo's attention: a 10k signature strong petition was completed among several other things, and if this hasn't lead to results... I don't know what will.
Part 5. "No Crying Until the End"
Mother 3 is a beautiful, engrossing and captivating game which is hidden away under a cutesy exterior. Its complex themes and characters are evoking of deep human truths which call out to us and ask us to reflect on things and the way we're living. Of strong pedigree in its series and with a superb musical production behind it and a mastermind of writing, MOTHER 3 excels at what it sets out to do.
When the game released, the game had a "Catch Copy" written for it by itoi himself, which called the game "Strange, Funny and Heartrending", and I think this is a beautiful way to bring everything full circle. Itoi wrote on the Advertisement that if you wanted to cry because of Mother 3, you should save it until the end. And those three words are a fantastic way to close off this review: if you want a game that will provide you with bizarre and laugh out loud moments one second and tear-jerkers the next, Mother 3 is the game for you.
And the game is just so poignant... to this date not only do I think it's one of the most expressive and well done pixel-art based game, I still find myself impresse at how much I can connect with the characters through small, cutesy sprites and pastel color pallettes, lack of Unreal engine and RTX graphics card be damned. Themes of grief, missing a loved one who's gone, the feeling of loss of identity due to accelerating social and economical change, how tyrannical political figures establish themselves and change communities, sexual and identity politics and how the modern world was to have shaky and voraginous sexual identities become commonplace... it's all there, and masterfully, tastefully expressed, without that icky feeling of "agenda"ism that you can get sometimes from Hollywood productions when they try to hamfist tropes and "messages" down people's throats. You know that feeling? I hate it when it happens in movies or shows I'm watching just to have a good time, and then I get some succint propaganda.
But MOTHER 3 is a kind beast, trying to reach to your heart and directly speak to the mind of the player. It tries to show us what it thinks of modernity and to make us seriously ponder what the frick is up with all of this shit, and thinking it has kept me for the last 14 years, and I anticipate another 20 ahead of me. And you can join me in reflecting about this...
Or maybe you can just go back to your happy box. Whichever way you choose.
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arentwelost · 4 years
reactions to the bnha: heroes rising film
spoilers alert !
(i risked coronavirus to go to the cinema for this but no regrets because we all want to die anyway oof-)
the film was very 1a centred & that���s gr8 and all especially since we got to witness the bond they had between them & just. how incredibly amazing their teamwork is
but i really ,,, miss,,, aizawa (my fave, my tru love)
he had a total of 3 (?) scenes, each of them lasting like less than 10 secs - even toshinori had more scenes than that : (
but you know who even had less screen time (aka none),,, our boy,,, the valid purple son,,,, shinsou hitoshi : (
the person who had the most screen time was this new villain called nine and i really wanna yell begone thot at him because he was like “i want to create a utopia where the powerful rules” and i was like thinking,, yo that shit sounds like capitalism & neoliberalism
his character design was really pretty, but it didn’t make up for his ideology that came outta nowhere with no backstory - so it was really hard to empathise/sympathise
what makes a villain good is 1) sufficient backstory 2) being so damn predictable and familiar that you actually prefer them over every other new villain because better the devil you know than the devil you don’t know
anyway, what really slaps is kacchan’s fuckin character development !!
lil gremlin is still gremlin but ,, he’s working with other kids,, he’s minimising damage done to the area while fighting villains,, there was a scene of him all calm and shit while eavesdropping on izuku and katsuma (which once again proves that most of his anger is just a front he puts up in front of other people rather than a perpetual state, and ya know what, i love that introvertedness that he has),,, him being protective over the bakusquad and not blasting kaminari for teasing him,,, he and izuku fighting together like a hero duo ,,,, eye-
this movie really said bakugo character development hUH
anyway in the beginning when endeavour showed up and dabi and endeavour had this whole showdown with their fire quirks and we got this close up of endeavour’s thicc thighs and i was like :           ) we don’t stan for this here but at the same time i was like @ hawks damn ur daddy really be like that, huH
which reminds me of my whole spiel about dabi/hawks and endeavour/hawks : ‘ ) 
but yea. dabi was unfairly attractive and i just want death to consume me
okay so the plot was like,, the hero commission (aka the dodgy ass institution): how about sending the 1a kids to an island where there are no active heroes ??
so the 1a kids get yeeted off to an island,, and they are having fun helping the locals out !! (this is the wholesome content we all deserve)
jirou and yaomomo asdgjhskgjahkj
kacchan who stays at home the entire day because he’s on ~villain duty~ and there weren’t any villains so he just sits at home and read manga asdfghjkl that’s a hard Mood
kirishima looking like the cutie he is eye-
the bakusquad teasing kacchan by calling him “kacchan of bakugo”
how is maharo & katsuma so damn cute *angery fists*
but izuku really be adopting children left and right hUh
dadmight and dadzawa whomst i only know dadku
ochako & tsuyu are so cute wtf eye-
these villains are overpowered af wtf
wow i love 1a having each other’s backs their teamwork,, was ,,, so good,,, so smooth ,,, (*whispers* poly 1-a anyone ??)
everyone be losing until kacchan comes blasTing in, saving kirishima & kaminari with sheer determination and stubbornness and manages to defeat one (1) villain
not going to lie though i feel like mummy got done dirty like that
but i like the little nod to the provisional exam arc
the inflated izuku mahoro projected was the Cutest
anyway what really clapped was you know,, both izuku and kacchan being the smort cookies they are: “DIDN’T I TELL YOU THAT ONCE I’VE SEEN YOU USE IT, I HAVE A WAY OF COUNTERING IT?!" 
like oof
also i love how izuku is established as the image of hope (the saviour) and kacchan is established as the image of victory (the victor) - this whole “win to save” and “save to win” really got laid down really heavily
but we’re all hoes for that i guess
touga in her winter gear !!! eye-
yaomomo delivering the Goods (i.e. the cannons) 
a o y a m a : (
the moment i realised that tokoyami was in the cave, i knew the villain there was Done For 
i haven’t forgotten our resident eldritch abomination, dark shadow, y’all
i just ?? love ?? mina ???? so much ??????
ngl i didn’t know chimera was literally a chimera until this part i just thought he one big furry
that flashback to endeavour’s advice when shouto was fighting chimera ?? the symBoLisM wow
shouto being able to rationally separate endeavour the hero and endeavour the shitty dad & using the advice endeavour gave him to empower himself -
- wipes tears
sero and ochako getting blasted away really badly by nine,,, and izuocha happens but we’ve all seen that before
it is kacchan,, ,, being protective of sero when he got yeeted,,,,, that is the Point 
s h o u j i : ( protecting mahoro and katsuma with his body : ( big cuddle boy doesn’t deserve this pain !!!
don’t think i didn’t notice the film using the same bgm as the kamino rescue
it draws such a powerful parallel ??  back then it was kacchan who needed to be ‘saved'  but now it’s kacchan doing the saving & the winning - once again, such character development asdfghjkl
this film,, making me appreciate kaminari 10x more
also fellas is it gay to stare at your rival and being able to communicate non-verbally
bkdk detroit smashing the storm together & making a damn fucking hole in the stratosphere like all might,, dispelling the damn storm and letting sunlight filter in ?? that was some really obvious symbolism but regardless,,,, wow
this is the part where the whole twin stars motif really came right in kicking our houses down
kacchan breaking both of his arms because of one for all & all i can think of is ,, izuku,, stop sharing your bone breaking juice with people
i’m just thinking about how people @ izuku: wtf how do you deal with this bone breaking bs all the time
and izuku, pure bean: oh yea haha i thought it was normal ?? like everyone has to get used to their quirks like this ??
a concept: quirkless izuku not understanding how quirks are supposed to feel
anyway, dadmight cradling izuku in his arms only to leave kacchan a metre away ?? favouritism that we’re all here for
izuku : ( apologising : ( for : ( being : ( a : ( bad : ( successor : (
i just want to shake izuku’s shoulders & tell him that he did super well and that he shouldn’t be ashamed of himself and that he deserves everything good in this world
also imagine being so gremlin that all the one for all predecessors were like "nope we’re not dealing with this gremlin child, we prefer the pure broccoli” 
disappointed that hawks didn’t get enough screentime
but we got some hawks & tokoyami and ryuukyuu & ochako time
kacchan ~conveniently~ forgetting what happened ?? i smell something fishy
our local crusty boy shows up & ahh yes, there it is - the close up shot that like to remind us that he needs to Moisturise
everytime i see red shoes on shigs i just think about the parallels between shigs and izuku and my heart breaks all over again
the scene where shouto got hugged super uncomfortably by endeavour ?? oof. the entire cinema just simultaneously laughed and heard the shouuuuutooooo
katsuma being like like “i’m going to become a hero like deku & bakugo !” and kacchan’s acting all cool and shit, telling him “you better” while izuku is like “katsuma, you can become a hero !! we’ll wait for you at ua !!” because he saw himself in katsuma and wanted to be the person he wanted someone to be for him when he was young
breaking my own heart like this
imagine the first years in ten years though
they’re just going to be a bunch of teenagers izuku or 1-a saved or adopted
and they’re going to give aizawa so many more grey hairs than the current 1-a
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itsfuckingcanon · 3 years
We owe so much to bisexuality and I don’t think many truly understand that.
Bisexuality is and will always be a safe haven for anyone who is not strictly hetero or homo. It is both an identity and an umbrella term for pan, omni, poly, ect.
It was there to welcome us when we were made to feel as if we weren’t straight enough, or not gay enough. We didn’t have to be anything ‘enough’ because bi didn’t want anything more from us.
And yet, so little know these things. So few people (including me less than an hour ago) even know that bi is an umbrella term.
A cute comparison is that bisexuality is like a rectangle, and all of bisexualties microlabels are represented by a square. That microlabel square is always going to be considered a rectangle (bisexual), but the rectangle of bisexuality is not always a square (you’d have to know more about the rectangle to know whether or not it could be a classified as a square/microlabel)
So, on that note. Saying pansexuality is just bisexuality and that identifying as Pansexual is bi-erasure is like saying a chihuahua is just a dog and that calling yourself a chihuahua instead of a dog is dog-erasure... you see the issue here? (Chihuahua’s are a type of dog, as Pansexual are a type of bisexual) Pansexuality can’t be bi-erasure if it is literally bisexuality (but a specific category).
And I think the argument that pansexuality is just bisexuality can be somewhat valid? Because you are right, pansexuality is bisexuality. But it’s as I’ve previously stated. While pansexuality fits into the category of bisexual. Not all bisexuals fit into the category of Pansexual. So, no, Pansexual does NOT equal bisexuality. Sure, pansexuals are bisexuals. But they are not the same.
Now, I do get the bitterness of many bisexuals to an extent. I do think there needs to be more talk about the broadness of bisexuality. Because there just isn’t enough. As someone who’s identified as Pan multiple times? It’s a bit embarrassing that I didn’t even know I was a part of the bisexual community by being pan.
But to say that being pan, omni, poly, ect. Is bi-erasure? (I mean, trust me buddy, I feel your pain, I don’t love microlabels either) but what makes you think you are better than them? That they don’t get to specify there bisexuality? Are you not only tearing down your own community? (Not to mention if it’s micro-labels you don’t like then you might wanna take a second and think about how regular old umbrella terms aren’t much better).
But I’m just gonna stop there. Maybe I’ll talk about this another time. Who knows!
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akkivee · 4 years
Tumblr media
First impressions: his voice is kinda annoying lol why does he sound like a such a square
Current impressions: what would mtc be without juto’s sound without his flavor......... juto really is out here carrying mtc’s music....... go head mr bunny cop go head.......
to think i didn’t appreciate juto in the beginning!!!!!!! i’m so sorry juto, you’re not the square i’m the square!!!!! bayside smoking blues saved mtc from being the meme team!!!!! you made them play catch up with your quality of music!!!!! we absolutely stan!!!! (tho lbr, mtc is still a meme team like we got mr. yokohama bad boy, HYOH and rio always asking what his name is lmao)
Favorite thing:
he’s so two faced it’s hilarious. he presents himself as all prim and proper and you know he wants to be seen that way! but he’s a hot tempered diva of a bastard through and through like he wouldn’t get into as many fights with samatoki as he does if his temper wasn’t on par with his lol.
Least favorite:
nothing really! however!!! i would like to know!!! why did he name himself 45rabbit when he gets annoyed when people call him bunny cop!!!! it’s your brand juto you literally call yourself a lonely only rabbit in your first solo what is your problem lmao
What i want to see from this character:
set aside your fear juto. you are stronger than that. remember what it felt like before, when your curiousity was strong and your heart still open. try rio’s cooking again ❤️
Favorite moment:
samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss samatoki/juto cigarette kiss
okay so my all time favorite juto moment is his entire part in the drama tracks, somebody gotta do it and don’t play no game that i can’t win, from the first full album. we learn about juto’s prerogative in life in the first track and it was the first heavy emotional content threw at us. and then we see how his past has affected him in the second one. boy is utterly unhinged when it comes to drugs man. his completely feral laugh when he was fighting gentaro in that track haunts me to this day!!!! juto is not okay!!!! there is a lot of anger in that man!!!!!!
and because i am apparently incapable of shutting up about the stage plays, please understand stage juto’s actor has a very sweet voice and he is unfairly attractive and this may be clouding my perception of his scenes but there’s this part where rio called samatoki and juto over to his camp but he didn’t provide a reason why. so of course, samatoki thinks it’s because rio wants to feed them something so he immediately tries to leave but juto stops him from doing so. so.
samatoki uses flattery!!! samatoki compliments juto’s appearance!!!!
it’s super effective!!!
juto is flusterred, giggly and pleased and is unable to move!!!
lol juto does snap out of it in time to stop samatoki from leaving but he was so cute guys you don’t understand 🥺
i always thought juto was that guy who likes wining and dining and hypmic validated tf outta me ✌️ i also headcanon animals just really hate him and the reason he hates birds is because they regularly crap on his car only at the precinct like it’s a personal vendetta against him
lol idk if you could tell, but i have a thing, juuuust a tiny little thing for samajuto (2 of 3 fav moments were samajuto) they’re the epitome of the old married couple trope. like that time in hypquest event in arb!!!! when they got into a spat, instead of fighting with their mics like they usually do, they challenged each other to the game in an unnecessarily outlandish game of cops and robbers and dragged poor rio into their shenanigans. they are both actually 4 years old 😂
mtc poly is fantastic and i think juto/doppo is really cute!!! i really wanna see how juto, hitoya and hifumi would act in the same room tho. three high maintenance men in a room!!! whatever shall they do?????
links to: ichiro | jiro | saburo | samatoki | rio | ramuda | gentaro | dice | jakurai | hifumi | doppo | kuukou | jyushi | hitoya | sasara | rosho | rei
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benene-the-banana · 4 years
Is it just me or
Am i the only one who highly dislikes the reasoning for poly couples is because “they have this many hands”. Hear me out on this please. I have nothing against poly couples its just I don’t think thats just a valid reason for the poly couple or ship to exist or be a thing. Because for one it just implies or could imply that you can only have -this amount- of partners for how many hands you have. Which yeah i understand often when people use that reason thats not what they mean but still.Two it doesnt really give a proper reason because it doesnt mention as long as its healthy or consenting.  3 it just sounds silly and kinda hard to take seriously though that reasoning is just me personally. Here are some examples that could better justify and validate poly couples: -  Its healthy and everyone is happy - Everyone is consenting  - Boundaries and rules that are set are followed so nobody is cheating - Open relationships/Poly relationships mean people have more love to give so if they wanna be happy with multiple partners we shouldn't be one to get in the way of that You know stuff like that. Poly couples aren't a bad thing. And the hand reason just seems like a random thing came up to excuse it. It may just be me but who knows. Im sorry if I offended anyone with this post that was not the point of this post. So i apologize. I just wanted to say my opinion and try to give some better reasons to use for polyamory being okay..  I think thats all i have to say for this i just really felt like making this post. I just felt like this needed to be said cause i see it everywhere with poly couples and ive seen nobody give valid reasoning for it when i do.
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teddy-feathers · 5 years
look my problem with the au megamind where Roxanne is the alien and megamind is the reporter is i cant stop thinking about what i want out of that and how its probably not what other people want out of that which should mean 'oh shit i gotta write it' but really means 'in the next couple of months im going to rewatch megamind and be extremely frustrated because idk how to write these people as is let alone in an au'
but here are some thoughts
Itd have to take place on megaminds home world so like. have to develop that culture and frame it as the usual and other things as oddities
metroman still shows up at the same time the baby human does
roxan richie and metromans rivalry is less of a game and more of a metroman one up'd her ome to many times so now shes gotta take him out
its fine not because shes incompetent- in fact her death rays and pointy sticks are ingenious and have 0% public property or civilian causalities - but because metroman is not only impossible to kill, he adapts to anything that gets close (anything that doesnt kill him makes him stronger literally)
i guess this means theres a good chunk of the story that is centered around human adaptability vs perfect hero dudes adaptability
Roxanne Ritchie is actually a noted scientist or something at the local research facility - i figure blue people planet is really advanced and everyones at least a little technosmart but while it doesnt come as easily or naturally to Roxanne her way of thinking is really unique n shiz and shes an asset to every team....
but if you see her in a mask with some project from the lab macguivered into a gun trying to kill metroman well, no ones getting hurt and humans need hobbies and everyone respects the mask desptie the fact shes the ONLY human on the planet so its not like its hard to figure out who she is
she does spend a lot of nights having to rebuild projects and apologizing and such but basically everyone plays the plausible deniability card and asks her questions abiut what went wrong and okay so the masked menace failed after you let them steal our project but lets pretend for a moment the goal was to fix crops how would you say this did? and grumply shed revamp the guns weird side effect into an alien pollinating crop duster or whatever
got carried away when REALLY all I WANTED to say was
Whille Roxanne Ritchie is adaptable ingenuity and gets away at the last minute NOT because no ones trying to catch her but shes just that CLEVER and thinks ahead and shiz....
Megamind is the guy trying to interview her in the middle of a fight like he thinks he's cute - i mean he is but shes chasing after metroman and skids to a stop because this jerk stepped in for a comment. or shes lining up the perfect shot but theres a close up of megaminds reporter bag in the way
the thing is that maybe... blue people arent violent. a natural disaster hit recently and theyre coming back from it and if the two adopted alien kids want to play extreme tag well no ones getting hurt and Roxanne Ritchie will grow out of her competitiveness no doubt caused by just how superior EVERYONE on the planet is by finding her own niche and metroman will grow up and stop bating her because maybe he IS still better than everyone else and thats met with "oh very nice we're proud" but it doesnt really validate him or make him feel special because its just treated as a special thing he can do by everyong but Roxanne Ritchie and once he's found something that makes him feel good regardless of the attention or lack of it he'll stop playing too
but megamind? megamind has an imagination that loves drama and blowing things out of proportion and thats part of why his reports are so popular? like yeah everyones treating this super hero showdown with indulgence but megamind is good at framing theatrics so that this news story is actually a compelling narrative? and also everyone can see the tension is going to have one of these three "kids" confessing live someday
and maybe he gets carried away. one of those 'aw well next time you could do x or y' or has some technological creation that accidentally actually makes Metroman flinch during an interview
and Roxanne Ritchie starts paying attentionto him for the first time.
and minion warns him but he doesnt listen. minion is lower class and is afraid of being replaced like a pet like some people do but Roxanne Ritchie Ritchie doesnt have a minion and even if she did theyre Best Friends not like those other blue people minion uperclass people.
and he carelessly says something unforgivable and Roxanne Richie uses his ideas and actually succeeds in killing metroman
so she goes to prison - a place they had to build just for her because this hasnt happened since stars knows when
and somebody else is doing the camera because minion left just is gone and megamind looks defeated but testifies against her and is quiet and subdued and stpps being a reporter for a bit
and.... idk. i feel like we'll have to resolve the whole class system so minon goes underground and finds other minons who are unhappy with the way of things and if theyre ALREADY rebuilding society after that huge natural disaster that DIDNT blow up their planet thanks TO a minion well ehy cant they fix this too?
so theres a rebellion going on and theyve got a secret weapon to make blue people listen and idk but i feel like it's Metroman
and... how do stories like this go ive forgotten
minion wouldnt tell megamind or he would
metroman would break Roxanne Ritchie out of prison during the first riot of the minion revolt?
they talk and compare why they hated eachother and slowly work together and are actually a great team?
and then they need a reporter to make themselves heard as something other than minions going crazy
and so of course they go to megamind for help getting the story out
something something megamind is minions sidekick for this adventure
"Roxanne Ritchie was raised by the planet and turned against it and instigated civil unrest and killed a person who was also the good child etc etc instead of just growing up to face your problems"
"actually im alive and i finally found my place? helping out the real heros?"
"i mean i did try to kill him, but he forgave me and we're kinda working together because planet of moms and dads that raised us? yall actually are the ones who need to grow up and let go of the traditions that dont serve etc etc"
and megamind does a huge public apology to minion
and... uhhhhhhhhh fuck i really dont know how these storyies go
the blue people start making amends
metroman basically becomes a social worker for minion childern because finding their original families is a bit hard and most of these kids are just going to end up being raised by super dad but at least the rebellion minion families are actually geting to be their own family units and in a couple gens thatll be normal
Roxanne Ritchie goes back to being the token human in the lab and hangs up her super suit and is generally dissatisfied with this
until one night a hero breaks into her apartment to make her answer for her crimes and so for a legit hot second theyre fighting and megamind says something and Roxanne apologizes and then fighting stops being an argument and goes into banter flirting
the worss "where theres evil good will rise up to fight it" peob comes up a lot in this fic in different iterations
anyways megamind isnjust basically like hey wanna do this like. for the rest of our lives dramatic battle showdowns like its entertainment but like no theyre doing this for real?
the answer is hell yeah
and its a polyship and sometimes Roxanne is helping with the kids and then Megamind bursts in to "save" the family from her evil clutches and 90% of the time everything is improve
megamind kidnaps Roxanne to make metromind save her and a good half of the conversation is that hes an idiot for coming shes tried to kill him three times this week and hes bitching because do you know how hard it is to find a sitter for 30 odd minion kids this short notice and they better make it up to him
Roxanne is not superdad but the 30 odd minion kids adore when she comes over because they mob the villain so hard until finally mega comes to save her because hes actually very good with the kids
of course this poly ship isnt complete without minion and at some point minion and mega realize theyve actually been married for years and Roxanne and metro tease them shamelessly for it
minion and his race need a real name obviously
when Roxanne was a... graduate her senior project theses thingy was essentially "im going to go back to planet earth itll be great ive figured out were im from and how to go there in a reasonable amout of time" and everyone had to sit her down and explain that unlike metroman they knew where she was from the planet was just destroyed.
they never figured out where metroman was from because his direction sharply changed to follow baby Roxannes course and mirrored her coding despite very obviously how he had originated from elsewhere
this is important because his race is basically coming to conquer the blue people planet soon - the group finds out - and will download all the survival upgrades metroman has gotten to become unkillable and then just come down to the surface and be unstoppable taking the place over and whiping out the planet like theyve done many many times
a good chunk of the time trying to figure out how to stop them when this planet is REALLY against murder war and violence for good reason and even if they WOULD do that its impossible over looks some alone time that leads to megamind and metroman figuring out how to like kill him so when the bad guys show up theyll go "whelp better not fuck with them" and leave but between roxanne and minion they manage to not only stabilize metroman (Roxanne blood transfusions maybe???) but they manage to scare the aliens so bad they tuck tail and leave speading rumors that these are the scariest mfs in space (go minion)
metroman never lets Roxanne live down saving his life
eventually space humans show up to check the place out
megamind loves everything human despite most of the planet thinking theyre primitive and showing it
roxanne is reluctant to meet them at first but then really relates to them?
for a good long while it REALLY seems like megamind and Roxanne are just going to go on space adventures with the humans leaving metroman and minion - who really doesnt like them and also they kinda rub him the wrong way because he's non bipedal and they kinda make fun of him in a 'we totally dont mean anything by it lighten up' sort of way.
they don't go of course but they may have stolen a lot of atar charts n shit and who hasnt wanted to take a road trip through space with 30 odd childern who will need names and personalities and may be chopped down to a slightly more reasonable number by this point?
metroman loves space karaoke and his natural abilites mean he learns languages fast but no he still cant carry a tune
megamind and Roxanne still duke it out on various alien cityscapes
minion usually breaks them out of jail if theyre not to be let out the next day because nothing was actually damaged that didnt belong to them.
one memorable occasion it was metoman in a fight with megamind and they wont say what its about but both look very put out and minion looks smug
it doesn't matter in the end because Roxanne teams up with the childern to propose to them first
apparantly i had a lot more ideas about this then i meant to? i mean its not well thoughout out and despite the drama a good half the fic is just going to be cute relationship building stuff between the four of them
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negasonicimagines · 5 years
My One and Lonely
whew! this was intense! I’m really sorry if this doesn’t correctly fulfill these requests, folks! i tried! 
1: “okay what about poly yukisonic x reader where the yukio, ellie, and the reader have started a new relationship, but the reader is unsure of it?? and Ellie and yukio just reassure thems?? basically I just want poly yukisonic x reader angst with a happy ending. : ')” 2: “Could you do a negasonic imagine where reader is her girlfriend and has telekinesis? And Wade takes any opportunity to tease the couple so reader constantly uses her powers to slam the door in Wades face?” [yeah i defo didn’t really fill this one but the reader has telekinesis and DOES slam the door in Wade’s face and I have so many requests bro... but I’d be willing to redo this if you’re not satisfied] TRIGGER WARNING for mentions and discussion of past abuse. the reader also almost has a panic attack. let me know if i missed anything
“You know, you could just talk to them about it,” Wade tells you, and your fork and book fall to the ground.
“Uh, no? I literally can’t, dude. Now my fork’s dirty.”
“Uh, yeah. You literally can, dude. And that’ll teach you to be lazy, using your powers for easy stuff like turning pages and eating. I bet the fork’s not that bad.”
“Like you wouldn’t do the same thing,” you scoff, and he shrugs, nodding.
“Come on. It’s totally normal for you to be feeling the way you are. They were friends and dating before you came into the picture. Insecurity’s normal. Especially considering-”
“Call me insecure one more time and I’ll use the dirty fork to show you just how insecure your eye’s placement in your skull is,” you threaten, feeling your face heat up. You didn’t like that your weakness was so obvious. Or that he reminded you of her.
“Christ, maybe I really am a bad influence...Nah, we’re just birds of a feather,” Wade says with a cheeky grin you don’t know how you can see through the mask. Maybe his tone of voice makes the subtle expression more perceivable. “Sorry,” he quickly adds. “But, seriously. They’re the last people who are gonna judge you.”
“Who’s the last people that are gonna judge Y/N?” You hear from behind you. Ellie. Shit. She made you far more nervous than Yukio did. Yukio was the gentle, sensitive moon, and Ellie… Ellie was the sun. Nuturing, yes, but scorching, too.
“No one. Not important. Right, Wade?” you plaster on a smile, fiddling with the fork in your hand before letting it float in the air. “Want the rest of my ramen? I’m not very hungry.”
“Uh, yeah, sure.”
“Catch,” you say, flinging the fork at him telepathically. He gasps sharply, but his reflexes are quick enough to grab it.
You get up, and notice Ellie looks a bit… gloomier than usual.
“Everything okay?” you ask, and she nods, her lips twitching into a small smile for you before quickly concealing the expression.
“Yeah, I’m alright. ‘Kio and I missed you at lunch, that’s all.”
“Well, I was, uh… Hanging out with Wade. Like you saw,” you explain.
“You didn’t seem very happy. He didn’t say anything to bother you, did he?”
“Oh, uh, no. I was just a bit stressed. Exams coming up and all that.”
“Exams are a couple months away,” Ellie reminds you. “But you were stressed, weren’t you? Look, if you’re having regrets, whatever, fine. I wouldn’t be happy about it and neither would Yukio, but you have a right to your feelings. Just don’t fucking lie to me, okay?”
“I- I promise it’s not about that. Really, I’m… Happy to be with you guys.”
“Then what is it? Seriously?”
You stiffen, you can tell she’s getting angry. Your heart feels like a stone in your chest, cracked and heavy.
“It’s nothing,” you say, not meeting her eyes.
“Alright. Keep your secrets, then,” Ellie sighs, walking away. You head to your room, locking the door behind you. Most students with telepathic abilities get their own rooms in an effort to avoid accidental harm of their fellow students. This was the case for you, and you used to like it.
But then, you met Ellie and Yukio. The two of them were already dating when you were officially introduced, and you became fast friends with them. It quickly evolved into more, and the three of you became what many refer to as a “throuple.”
The facet of the insecurity Wade so rudely talked of earlier was, of course, the fact that they were roommates, and you were alone every night. They got to cuddle and kiss and you got to watch ASMR.
It was depressingly lonely. Sure, every once in awhile you could get away with sleeping over on weekends. But, most of the time, the teachers monitored the rooms, making sure everyone was where they were supposed to be, in case of emergency.
But, wait, there’s more!
As mentioned previously, Ellie is the sun. Yukio is the moon. What are you in that?
And it didn’t help that you were still struggling to cope with the aftermath of her, a little over a year later.
Before you began your schooling at Xavier’s, you were friends with a small group of fellow mutants that were slowly drawn together by fate. One of these mutants was a girl. You can’t even bear to think her name.
Back then, you were only telepathically gifted. You hadn’t even dreamed you would be capable of telekinesis one day.
But she, she had super-strength, and she liked to use it on you. Even when you didn’t want her to.
You were defenseless.
You shake, pulling your knees to your chest.
“Hey, why’s the door locked? I thought we were all gonna work together on our art projects.” Yukio’s bright voice is muffled by the door.
“Uh, um, yeah, yeah, I’ll be there in a, um, sec,” you say, your breathing growing heavier and more fast-paced. “Actually, uh, you- you and Ellie sh...sh-should just go and, uh, go work on your projects t-together. I’ll- Yeah, I’ll, uh, figure mine out eventually.” Shit, I’m doing a terrible job at covering this up.
“You okay in there, bunny?” It was a cute nickname that Yukio liked to call both you and Ellie.
“Mmhmm, yeah. Just a bit, uh, very tired. Gonna take a nap soon.”
“Okay…” she says, and you know she doubts you. Failure.
“On second thought, uh, I’ll just go to bed early tonight. Let’s get to work,” you decide, unlocking and opening the door.
Upon opening the door, you notice Wade behind them.
“Didn’t realize you took Art, Wade.”
“You also didn’t realize that we planned for you to come to our room. You were supposed to show up twenty minutes ago, actually. So, we went to talk to Wade. Since you tell him everything these days,” Ellie says, pure bitterness in the mention of Wade. It wasn’t that she hated him. She hated that you told him and not her. Not even Yukio, who she’d admit was far more approachable than her.
“Sorry, kid,” he says. “They had a right to know.”
“You- You didn’t tell them about- About…” You feel your eyes widen, alarm racing through you slowly and quickly at the same time.
“No, not that. Not her. Just the other stuff.”
“Her?” Ellie asks. “Cheating on us, seriously?”
“No,” you say, and it comes out as a whimper due to her angry tone. “I- I- This was a bad idea, Wade. You guys should just go, all three of you, I don’t feel well, I’m tired, I-”
“I’m gonna leave you kids to sort this out,” Wade tells you three. “Good luck.” He slowly backs away.
“Can you close the door?” Yukio asks, and you jolt, door slamming in Wade’s face.
“Yeah,” you say afterwards. This was becoming less stressful thinking and more panic attack by the moment.
“You’ve been avoiding us lately,” Yukio points out. “Wade already told us why, but… I want to hear it from you, ‘kay?”
“It’s nothing, I-” You take a careful, ragged breath, sitting on your bed. Yukio sits on the stool at your desk, and Ellie leans her back against the door. “I just don’t fit. I’ve never fit in anywhere, and I never will. All I’ve done trying is bother others. Especially Ellie and you.”
“You don’t fit?” Ellie asks. “What the fuck do you mean?”
“I- You’re the sun...Yukio’s the moon… And I’m just… I’m Pluto.” The last bit comes out as a shaky whisper. A large, hot tear rolls down your cheek swiftly.
“What?! No! No, bunny, you’re- You’re…” Yukio kneels in front of you, swiping your tear away with her thumb and keeping your sad face in her hand. “I can’t think of anything, but you’re not Pluto, baby.”
“The eclipse. You’re the eclipse, Y/N. Everything aligning perfectly so that we can be together,” Ellie says thoughtfully. “Is that all? You feel like you don’t have a place here, with us? You do. You’re what makes this whole thing work, okay? Now please, please tell me you didn’t cheat on us for validation.”
“The her comment, right…” you say, the temporary relief you felt by Ellie’s original statement subsiding. “No. I didn’t cheat, I swear. I’d never do that to you guys, to anyone. I… The last relationship I had before you guys was, um… Not the greatest. It was around a year ago, a little more. Before Xavier’s. Before I honed my abilities. There was a girl, a mutant like me. Like us. But she, uh… She had super-strength. And I wasn’t very physically strong, I was pretty weak, actually. So… You can probably see where I’m going with this, or I hope you do, because I don’t like talking about it, not at-” You finally dissolve into tears. “Not at all…”
Ellie rushes towards you to embrace you, and you flinch reflexively.
“I’m sorry. I was really thoughtless. Just now and for most of our interactions today,” Ellie admits. “I’m just… Things between me and ‘Kio weren’t the greatest, but we were trying because we knew we were meant to be together. And then you came along, and everything made sense. Everything finally fit together, perfectly. And- And I don’t wanna lose that. Ever.”
“Same here,” Yukio agrees. “You’re so great, Y/N. Wade said that you feel really lonely all by yourself in here. Maybe we should try to get you transferred to our room. Sometimes they let people room in groups of three, and they probably could use the extra room.”
“Yeah, but… It’d be kind of annoying to have me tagging along all the time,” you remind her.
Ellie’s eye twitches. “Tagging...Along?”
“That’s the phrase, isn’t it?” you ask.
She takes a deep, calming breath, and you watch her fingers move as she counts to ten on them silently. They’re both sitting with you on the bed, now.
“Ah-” Ellie clenches her teeth, hissing for a moment, as if she’s in pain. “Y/N, you’re just as much a part of this relationship as Yukio and I. What part of that is so hard for you to understand?”
“I- I don’t know. It’s just hard to believe. I’m waiting for the other shoe to drop.”
“What shoes? There are no shoes here,” Yukio tells you. “I really only wear them because it’s frowned upon not to, and because if I didn’t then I’d pick up all sorts of nasty germs.”
Ellie nods in agreement. “Same.”
You sigh, knowing there’s no way to convince them of how worthless you are to the relationship. Maybe because to them, you aren’t?
“Hey, did you see that? I saw that. I think it’s clicking, ‘Kio.”
“I did see it,” Yukio agrees, and you smile a little at their antics, shaking your head. “Let me go to the office and get the room transfer forms. I’d love to stay, but I think you two cuties need to talk a bit… In private.”
Yukio exits.
“I’m...Sorry. For talking to Wade and not you guys. I shouldn’t have-”
“You’re allowed to confide in your friend. I shouldn’t have taken it as personally as I did. I just know there was a time, before we all got together romantically, where you would’ve talked to me or Yukio about something if it stressed you out that much. But I guess not… We didn’t know about her.”
“It’s just hard to even think about. I feel so ashamed all the time, I’m really sorry that I didn’t-”
“Seriously. You don’t have to tell me anything you don’t want to, and I feel seriously shitty that I was such an asshole about it. You have a right to privacy, as long as you’re not putting anyone or anything in danger. But, the anyone and anything includes you. Okay?”
“Okay,” you respond, and Ellie kisses your forehead, her dark brown eyes looking to yours before she places the softest kiss on your lips, carefully holding your face as if you were priceless and she didn’t want to risk breaking you. You lean into her, forehead on her shoulder.
“Let’s lay down. I owe you some cuddling. I hear I’m an excellent big spoon,” she tells you.
“From a biased source. Let’s try the sweetheart’s cradle,” you offer.
“What the fuck is the sweetheart’s cradle?”
“Honestly, I did far too much research into the perfect cuddle position, for the time it might actually happen.”
“We don’t really cuddle, do we? Yukio hasn’t really given you any cuddles either, has she? Wow, you’re really missing out- ...Oh. I’m so sorry,” Ellie apologizes, looking more heartbroken than determined with this one. She hadn’t realized the extent to which you were being neglected by them. “I’m sorry, doll. Really sorry.”
“Doll? That’s new,” you comment.
“I figured you deserved a petname of your own,” Ellie informs you. “Now, explain this ‘sweetheart’s cradle’ to me.”
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dis-easedfairy · 6 years
Impulsive Decision Pt.5
Male Path | Female Path
Chapter 5: Should’ve Walked Away
Genre: Poly!au, angst, fluff, eventual smut, yandere!au
Pairings: BTS x Male Reader/ Kim Taehyung x Male Reader / Kim Seokjin x Male Reader / Jung Hoseok x Male Reader / OC x Male Reader
Word Count: 4,157
Summary: M/n is the owner of a very wealthy and successful company, Barnanby Inc. M/n attends a BTS show, since they happen to be a fan. They make a very impulsive decision to show a loophole in BTS’s security and end up kidnapping BTS and 2 girls. In a fit of panic M/n stashes BTS and the girls in a very luxurious bunker for the time being, but M/n’s world slowly starts to crumble the longer the boys are out of the public’s eye,
A/N: I may or may not have added one of my fav childhood memories in here.
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    I woke up on my back with someone pressed against my chest. Their arms wrapped around my waist, face in my chest. It felt nice, yes, but they had their legs intertwined with mine, locking me down. The zip-up hoodie I was wearing last night was opened for some reason.
I looked down at the mess of dark hair and knew who it was almost instantly. I looked around the room and we were the only ones there.
“Uh, Tae? Can I go pee?” I chucked.
Tae shook his head sleepily. Since I seemed to have no choice I began to run my hands through his hair. I swear I thought Tae was too pure for this world sometimes.
The double door opened, revealing Hobi, he saw me and smiled.
“Jin wanted me to wake you two up.” He explained.
I pointed to Tae, “I’m awake at least.” I giggled.
Hobi walked over to the bed.
“Hold onto the headboard.” I did as told.
Hobi grabbed onto Tae’s feet and pulled. Tae groaned and held onto me tighter.
“Taehyung, it’s time to let the poor boy go!” Hobi grunted as he pulled more.
“Come back later!” Tae complained, not letting his grip on me loosen.
“It’s 8AM you woke up with us at 6! It is later!”
“5 more minutes!”
“We gave you two hours to hog Y/n, now you can’t be selfish!”
“He was asleep it doesn’t count!”
“You cuddled him all night!”
I started laughing at their ridiculous argument. All the noise made Jin and RM come into the room.
“YAH! You’re going to rip M/n in half!” Jin tried yelling at them but was drowned out by their continuous arguing.
I was starting to laugh so hard I was almost crying. Hobi and Tae were not stopping the harmless bickering, Jin was trying to yell at them, RM was facepalming at the door and I could see the others approaching. What a start to the day.
“Jesus, you guys.” Jungkook was fighting a smile.
Jin got onto the bed and tried to pry Tae off of me as Hobi continued to pull, the yelling never stopping.
I was so close to peeing myself. I let go of the headboard because I was laughing too hard, making Tae and I get dragged off the bed by Hobi. My back was against the cold concrete, Tae was still holding on for dear life.
“I ALMOST PEED!” I cried in laughter covering my face.
I sat up so my back was pressed against the bed. My eyes blinded with tears. Tae sat beside me and pulled me into his lap as everyone kept arguing.
“Why is this an argument?” I heard Jimin.
“I just wanted to use the restroom!” I managed.
“No! You’re staying with me!” Tae commanded, tightening his hold on me.
“I’ll pee on your lap!” I threatened.
Tae immediately let go and I ran to the bathroom.
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I typed up a proposal on the office computer. I stood and began to pace the room, reciting the speech, editing as I saw fit.
“I believe Barnaby Inc. is ready for this….Amazing? No that’s too predictable. Wonderful? Nah that will just make them think of our melon drink. Spectacular? Why am I overthinking this?” I plopped into my office chair.
I heard a knock at the door.
“Come in!” I hollered, moving to edit my speech.
“Lunch time!” I sighed as Jin came in with a tray.
It had two glasses of lemonade, two bottles of water, two bags of chips, two sandwiches and two small bowls of mixed berries.
“Jin, I really need to-”
“Nope! Lunch, then work. How much water have you drank today?”
“Uh, a bottle this morning and a bottle when I came in here.” I began typing.
“Aish, you need to take better care of yourself, M/n.” Jin sat down at the front of my desk.
“I know, it’s just when I get into the flow of things, I don’t stop until I’m satisfied. ” I defended myself, getting a berry.
“You’ve been working a lot lately. The drawing, the games, visiting the company almost every day now. Are you usually this busy?”
I nodded, “Especially now with the partnership. I’ve been trying to get this for months. My father tried for years. After gaming, we move to snacks and beverages and from there we find something else if we’re not content. ”
“You said you had siblings, a family? Who’s in it?” Jin asked as I bit into my sandwich.
“My older brother and sister are twins, they’re 26 or so. My older sister has two boys, one is 4 the other is a few months now. My older brother has no children, but a wife. I have a younger sister who is 16, When she turns 18, we should have expanded to snacks then and she’ll run that side of the business. My mother is a retired animator, but she still goes into the company every once and a while to help out our current animators, they love her so we let her. I think that’s everyone.”
“No aunts, uncles?”
“I do, but I rarely talk to them. My mom calls my aunt from my father’s side every once in a while but they usually stay away because they think we let money, fame and work control us. They think we’re snobby assholes to be precise.”
“Why would they think that?”
“My father was doubted by everyone, so he told them once he made his empire, no one got rights to it but him. his wife and his children. They didn’t listen until my father hit big and they wanted cuts. When my father denied them, they started talkin’ shit.” I munched on a chip.
“Your father was very…”
“Spiteful? Proud?”
“Smart.” I smirked.
“I guess so. He was a workaholic like me. ”
“Is that why he gave you the company and not your older siblings?”
“My brother is really great. He’s smart, he’s a smooth talker, He can change your opinion on something if you’re left alone with him for longer than 4 minutes. He’s well educated when he argues with someone, he makes sure he knows what he’s talking about. I felt like my brother earned it, but my father said he saw more of himself in me.”
“Because you're caring?”
“Because I take risks no one should. Hence the little problem I’m in now. Because I throw myself into whatever I can to just forget the world around me. I used to be bold. Charming, but now I’m an interesting as a smudge on your cell phone.” I popped a berry in my mouth.
“That’s not true! How many people can say they kidnapped idols!?”
“Jin, that’s not something to be proud of.”
“I bet you are twice as interesting as all of us.”
“I’m really not, but I’m not going to ruin your hopes and dreams. Just have low expectations of me is all  I ask.”
“So when I exceed those expectations, you’ll be happier.”I added quickly.
Jin smiled, seeming satisfied as he bit into his sandwich. I opened his chips for him and got my bottle of water.
“Do I gwet a purush?” Usually, I’d be a little annoyed at someone talking to me with their mouths full, but Jin made it seem so adorable.
I smiled, “Wanna run that by me again, Jinnie?”
I saw his cheeks turn a little red. He swallowed.
“D-do I get a plush?” He repeated.
“Oh! I totally forgot! Sure you can! They should be in the entrance room, in the big storage closet.” I picked up the glass of lemonade.
“Thank you for making me lunch, Jin. I really appreciate it. I just wished the other boys saw me the way you, Tae and Hobi do.”
“Just be yourself. I’m sure they’ll come around.”
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I slid into the bathroom, grabbed a towel and climbed on top of the couch. I tied the towel around my neck as a cape.
“I AM ON MY WAY!” I sang obnoxiously as I jumped onto the chair.
“I DON’T CARE HOW FA-OH FUCK!” The chair fell to the side, a higher power deciding I was unworthy of balance and gravity.
I hit the floor with a thud. Just staring up at the ceiling. Basking in my shame. I heard giggling and I looked over to see Jimin standing by the dining room table, as red as apple he was holding. Like he was trying not to laugh.
“Annnnd reputation ruined.” I sighed, looking up at the ceiling, I tried to sit up but a sharp pain shot up my tailbone.
I whined and did the first thing I can think of.
“JIN! I THINK I BROKE MY ASS! I REQUEST DEMI-GOD ASSISTANCE!” I cried out, causing Jimin to finally break.
I’ve only seen him laugh that hard in videos, but to see it in real life was drastically different, it lit up the whole room and I didn’t want it to stop.
“WHAT DID YOU DO?” Jin yelled back, from the gaming room I assumed.
“I FAILED TO GO THE DISTANCE! I HAVE A CAPE, YOU CAN’T DENY ME! HOBI I’M DYING!” I heard footsteps come down the hall and Jin stopped in the doorway when he saw Jimin.
Jimin was borderline crying, doubled over, clutching his stomach.
“WHY IS MY BOYFRIEND DYING FROM A BROKEN ASS??” I heard Tae shout from the bedrooms.
Jimin fell to the floor.
Tae and Hobi walked in and saw Jimin on the floor.
“This is all your fault!” I pointed at Jin.
“You just had to pull me away from my work!” I joked.
“How was I supposed to know a sandwich would make you break your ass!?” He countered.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, when did you make him a sandwich!?” Tae demanded.
“For lunch, he was in his office all morning, he wouldn’t have eaten otherwise.”
“Who said you can give our boyfriend sandwiches!?” Hobi called Jin out.
“OUR boyfriend!? Since when am I sharing!?” Tae turned on Hobi.
“No one’s sharing anything if my ass is destroyed.” I grumbled.
“Jimin, are you alive?” Jin laughed.
Jimin shook his head, still laughing/crying.
“Hobi, can you help me up?” I looked down at my lap to hide my embarrassment.
“Sure thing N/n.” Hobi chuckled, picking me up and I hissed in pain.
“Want me to rub your ass later?” Tae laughed.
“Oh hell yes.” I joked, trying to stand straight.
Hobi kneeled down suddenly and threw me over his shoulder causing me to let out a small squeak, making V and Jin laugh.
“HOBI! What the fuck!? Warning next time!”
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  I sat lounged the couch, typing on my laptop. My feet were on Hobi’s lap, Jin was in the chair beside me and Tae was sitting in front of the couch. Seongmi, RM, and Jimin were on the couch by Jin, their backs facing the kitchen and Suga, Jungkook and Linza were on the couch with their backs facing the dining room.
The coffee table was full of cards from a very long round of Uno that never seemed to end. Every time someone would get close, the person beside the would get a +4 wildcard and you’d hear screams of heartbreak and anguish. Hobi began to rub my leg, I assumed he didn’t realize he was going it, so I tried to focus on my speech, hoping I’d zone out. An alarm went off on my laptop, it read ‘Call Seth’. I sighed, closing the laptop.
“I have to make a call, I’ll be right back.” I smiled and left to make a call in between the dial door and vault door.
Once Seth didn’t pick up I’d figure I’d call later. I went back through the dial door and was on my way to the living room when I saw something out of my peripheral vision.
Linza was sitting on the large bed, just waiting. I just stuck my phone in my hoodie and kept walking, I didn’t need the drama.
“Hey, M/n.” She called as I opened the door.
Luckily Jin heard her, stopping the game to look at the door. I sighed.
“Yes, Linza?”
She smiled. She lied back propped on her elbows.
“Are you really into girls or is that just speculation?”
“Seriously, I’d rather be working on my speech than talking about my sexual orientation, no offense.” I began to leave but was stopped by her voice again.
“Come here, I want to tell you a secret.”
“No thanks. I’m sure that if I get near you, you’ll try something.”
“You don’t trust me?”
“Why the fuck would I?”
She frowned like she was trying to be cute.
“Aww c’mon, N/n, we can be friends ya know.” She got up from the bed, grabbed my wrist and started to pull me to the bed.
“Don’t call me N/n. I don’t want your friendship.” I tried to pull away.
“If you do me this small thing I’ll get you in Jimin’s good graces.”
“No. I don’t care if I’m liked or not. Stop touching me and stop whatever you’re planning.” She ignored me, sitting on the bed.
I used my other hand to try to pry away her grip on my wrist, she thought ahead and grabbed my other hand and yanked me on the bed.
“What the fuck are you do-!?” She pinned me down a smirked.
My eyes widened as she began to lean more towards my face.
“Hey! What the fuck?” I moved my face.
“Aw, M/n don’t be like that, it’s only a kiss.”
“Get the fuck off me, Ducktape Girl!” I growled.
She went to grab for the zipper on my hoodie. I smacked her hand away and tried moving more towards the headboard. Where the fuck was Jin!? She grabbed a fist full of my hair and I raised my hands to pull hers away by instinct. This gave her an opening to attack my mouth. I pressed my lips together as fast as I could. When she pulled away slightly I snapped.
“Get the fuck off me!” I almost shouted, shoving her away, making her land on the floor.
She yelped as I wiped my mouth, disgusted that it was wet with spit. The boys came rushing in. Seongmi immediately climbed on the bed to check on me.
“What happened?” RM asked.
“Ducktape Girl just tried to makeout with me.” I was still disgusted to my core.
“Yeah, right.” Jungkook scoffed.
“Jungkook, look at him! His lips are swollen, his hair is a mess. He’s on the bed. We heard him tell her to not touch him! We thought she’d stop! Why are you defending her!?” Seongmi snapped, surprising me.
Jimin let out a loud sigh, running his hand through his hair.
“No! He kissed me! I was just trying to talk to him!” Linza cried.
“Tae, Jin, Hobi, Seongmi?…Can we just go to sleep or to the studio?” I asked in a small voice.
“No! We can’t let this slide, M/n! She get’s away with too much because she just bats her eyes and pretends to cry! She’s not nice! She’s hardly a victim! I get M/n made a very bad decision, but he gives us anything we want, he helps feed us, he provides entertainment, we use almost every room in this bunker! All he asks is for personal space! Ducktape her!” Seongmi ranted.
“Seon-” She cut me off.
“You don’t deserve the doubt! You’ve been nothing but kind and understanding! It’s always her that spreads the seeds of doubt!” I could tell Seongmi wasn’t calming down anytime soon.
“Seongmi, calm down.” I soothed her.
“She’s just going to get away with this, M/n! Don’t let yourself take all these hits because you feel guilty for driving away in the limo and hiding us here!” Seongmi pleaded with tears in her eyes.
I wrapped my arms around her, pulling her close. She buried her face in my chest.
“Shh, it’s okay, none of these ‘hits’ affect me.” I lied, petting her hair.
“She’s just afraid and angry at me. I would be too if I was kidnapped the way you all were.” She shook her head rapidly.
I looked over at Tae. He only nodded and got on the bed, hugging Seongmi too. I tried to pull away but she held on tighter.
“Seongmi, I still have to talk to everyone else about this.” I smiled sadly.
“There’s nothing to talk about. They’ll just believe her no matter what you say. ” She whimpered.
She was right, but it would be wrong to not explain my side at all. I bent down slowly and gave her a faint kiss on the top of her head.
“That’s okay, because I know the truth, and my friends believe me.”
“Ducktape pillar!” Jin suddenly shouted, making us all jump.
Slowly began to pull away from Seongmi and got off the bed. I let out a deep breath,
“I didn’t kiss her, she tried to kiss me after she got me close enough to the bed to pin me down. After her attempted kiss I shoved her off. I’m sorry, I should’ve just kept walking.” I walked past them all and went to the fridge.
There was no booze. I let out a deep sigh.
“I’m going on a beer run.”
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  I walked from the 7-Eleven, beers in the bags. I should’ve just gone home. I should’ve just…kept walking. I saw a guy sitting in the alleyway alone. I was pretty close to a popular club in Seoul, so I assumed he must have stumbled out. I couldn’t leave him alone, right?
I put the bag down and crouched down beside him, he was barely awake. I pulled out my phone and dialed the police. If I took him, I’d be kidnapping…again. I wanted him to be safe, not alone and vulnerable. Music was muffled and poured out the club as the phone rang.
“Yes, this isn’t much of an emergency, but a guy is alone and passed out in an alley, I don’t want to just leave him here…Should I take him to the station, or?” I was told to take him to the main street and a patrol car would be there shortly.
“Hello, I’m M/n L/n. I’m going to get you to the police okay? It’s dangerous for you to be out here alone.” I smiled softly.
He returned a smile.
“You’re cute.” He slurred, making my face heat up.
I cleared my throat.
“Let’s get you to the road, okay? Hongdae in full swing, it really isn’t safe.” I put his arm around my shoulders and lifted him up.
Hongdae was a district and Seoul that I shouldn't even have gone to. I was just clearing my head, driving. I ended up downtown and I should’ve stayed at the top of Seoul.
I got him on the main road, I was surprised he even got that far. He leaned on me as we waited. He almost puked a few times. He was giggly and kept calling me ‘cutie’, but I wrote it off as him being drunk. He talked about the ‘pretty lights’ and I kept asking him to describe them to keep him busy. Once the patrol car was close they flashed the lights. I helped him in the back seat and sent him on his way.
I’d figure I’d go to that club for a drink since I forgot my beers when I picked up that guy. I should’ve walked away. I should’ve gone back to the bunker that night.
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I pulled up Jason’s number in my phone as my back was pressed against the cold tile wall. Luckily, the bathroom was empty, but you could hear the loud music muffled.  I groaned loudly once ‘Blood, Sweat & Tears’ began to play.  The phone began to ring,
“M/n? Why are you calling me so late? It’s nearly 2am. Shouldn’t you be with, your, uh, guests?”
“I just wanted ONE drink, but some guys offered me shots, and their friends who are girls even bought me drinks, Everyone was so nice. I think I found us a friend group!”
“Are you drunk, M/n? You stick in the mud! Why didn’t you invite me!?” He laughed.
I smiled, “I didn’t plan any of th-” The bathroom door opened and a guy from earlier came in, handing me a glass.
“What’s that?” I ask him.
“Just drink it, you’ll like it!” He promised, sounding oddly sober.
“Okay, I get I’m a foreigner, but like, you still need to explain what you give me.”
“This doesn’t have a different name anywhere else though!” He whined, making me sigh and hold out my hand.
He beamed, handing the glass to me, his smile getting bigger once I slammed it down in one go. It tasted like whiskey, which made me a bit disappointed.
“Thank you! I’ll be out in a bit.” I sang.
“Who are you talking to?” He frowned.
“My best friend, he’s sad that I didn’t invite him.”
“Just don’t take too long, okay?”
“Will do!” He left the bathroom.
“Where are you?” Jason asked, sudden seriousness in his voice.
“Are you joining us!?” I asked excitedly.
“Just tell me where you are, M/n, now.” I heard a glass door, he was coming from the office.
I didn’t like his tone. I began to pull myself up, using the sink and praying I didn't snap the sink off the wall. I gave him the name of the nightclub. I thought maybe something happened to him and he needed me. I walked across the bathroom and opened the door, music flooding in.
“Stay in the area, M/n. I’ll be there as soon as I can!” I heard his car door close before he hung up.
I frowned and made my way through the crowd. The people buying me drinks spotted me. 2 guys, 3 girls.
“Hey! Where are you going?” Guy #1 asked.
“My friend needs me tonight, sorry! Give me your names and I’ll take care of your tabs.” Guy #2 shook his head.
“Stay with us! You’ll have fun we promise!” Girl #3 yelled over the music.
I shook my head, “My best friend comes first! I’ve known him since I was 8. He needs me!”
“He’ll understand if you stay in the club though, right? If you go out there alone, it will be dangerous!” Girl #1 warned.
“Yeah! Just stay here, stick with us!” Girl #2 smiled.
Why were they so hell bent on me staying with them? They didn’t even know me. I shook my head.
“I’ll catch you all later.” I said began to walk away.
Guy #2 grabbed my wrist.
“Just stay, please!” He called over the music.
Now I was a little put-off. I should’ve walked away from them regardless.
“Listen, it was fun. I’ll pay for your tabs and everything, but I just need to leave!”
“We’ll come with you! We shouldn’t leave you alone.” I agreed to the terms Guy #1 set up.
I just needed to leave. Each step I took seemed lighter and lighter. Guy #2 held onto my arm as we walked out. Once the cold air from outside hit me, I felt dizzy and my vision blurred slightly. Guy #2 kept walking, somehow holding up my weight.
“I’m not accepting hard liquor from you guys anymore. That last drink was too strong.” I complained, moving away from Guy #2.
Even though I was starting to get nauseated, a little dizzy, and my vision was seeming to blur at random, I was still in an amazing mood, giggling and laughing as Girl #3 would attempt to joke. After a while, I was willingly walking around with them. I even took out my phone to take pictures because the store signs and lights seemed so much more bright and colorful.
After that was a blur. I don’t remember anything, but I recorded several things on my phone. Somethings that were now evidence. Somethings that I didn’t even record.
If I had to choose between ‘Remember Everything’ or ‘Remember Nothing’ I would rather not know.
I should’ve walked away. Three times that night.
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peakblr · 5 years
rad asks: 3, 10, 16
ah hey!!!!!! thanks for asking 💕💐 sorry this took so long
3. Are there any parts of radical feminism, or beliefs commonly hold by radical feminists that you strongly disagree with?
im actually having a hard time answering this ahshskshdlska i wrote a really long rambly response but i ended up justifying what i was describing as disagreeing with LOL so like. idk no widely held radfem beliefs are coming to mind, sorry im just as disappointed as you are shdkshdlsjds i hope this doesnt sound sheepish or anything. So i’ll say what i do agree with, which won’t come as a surprise to anyone probably.
i’m anti porn, i think porn should be illegal, should not exist and all of it should be destroyed, pornstars should be given justice and compensated somehow for the govt allowing this shit, and all pornographers should be considered lower than dirt and killed publicly LOL. and i don’t feel bad about that, they don’t feel bad about filming rape and selling it, having the pornstars they abuse lie about how they love it when asked. i feel the same way abt prostitutes and their pimps, that paid consent is not consent and pimps can all drop dead.
i’m all for separatism, no it would not stop men from being men, but it would save women and girls a lot of grief, hurt and scarring.
i think gender isn’t real, is used to oppress women and helps no one, and that id rather it be abolished than exist to validate some people who like gender roles, ackshully.
ive been agnostic for a long time; my mom and my brother are atheists, my dad is a deist. but i will sooner believe that the creator of everything is female, having given birth to the universe than a male. A man’s involvement in creation is his ejaculation. No more, no less. life does not begin in the testicles, or you wouldnt see all this anti abortion stuff, you would see more anti male masturbation stuff–if it weren’t mostly about using women as incubators, lol. that being said i’m pro choice clearly.
i am anti surrogacy, for similar reasons. same sex couples should absolutely be allowed to adopt, but no one has the right to have a baby except the woman who can use her own uterus for her own baby. even with infertile women, there is no justification for paying another women to rent out her uterus.
i currently am not vegan but i admire the ideas behind it, and i see the similarities between how animals and women are treated. i do know however that those who are farming this produce are not necessarily treated well either. disclaimer i know literally jack shit about it so i can’t really speak much for it either way at this moment.
i know there are trans identified, detransitioned or reidentified females who don’t like words like “mutilation” to describe the surgeries they have had to remove their breasts or to alter their privates to mimic penises, and while i don’t insist on mutilation being the word used, i don’t see how it is inaccurate and i find it hard to talk about it in a positive light, less i be endorsing that women get these surgeries to ease their discomfort with their bodies. that being said i don’t want tifs or detransitioned/reidentified women to beat themselves up and constantly regret it. it is not their fault that they were made to be so disconnected from their bodies. they did not want that, and with the trans movement there were not a lot of people telling them that there are other ways besides transitioning to deal with these feelings. i don’t see how this can be hard to believe seeing as we call it the trans cult all the time, which is an accurate name by the way.
i like the alternative spellings of woman and women. womyn, wombyn, wimmin, womxn, a mon, wom or whatever it is. i don’t currently use them myself but i love them and i don’t care how “stupid” you think it is. you know whats stupid??? the words “trans woman,” “trans man,” and “nonbinary.” “Cis woman.” yeah ill take wombyn any day rather than agree that i “identify” as a woman for not subscribing to the transgender religion.
political lesbianism is shitty, i understand some straight women don’t wanna be celibate, but dating lesbians to stick it to the men and not because you love that lesbian is selfish i think. if youre bisexual then you are also not a lesbian but by all means be a febfem or just a bisexual who does not fuck with men.
prostitution will never be empowering. make up, nails, impractical clothes, revealing clothes is not empowering, having men think you are sexy or fuckable is not empowering. you are not “doing it for yourself.” “Poly” relationships are not empowering or woke, making yourself more accessable sexually to men is not empowering in the same way that it empowers men to have sex with multiple women.
idk ive been writing this for a million years but thats some things off the top of my head that i know i Do agree with, i know that wasnt the question but i still wanted to say something lol. i realize now this answered multiple questions from that ask post so im sorry if anyone else thought of asking those things that i answered LOL
10. What’s your relationship with the term “terf”?
ah! i do jokingly call myself that occasionally, you can see it right there on my about page. but in all seriousness it’s horseshit and goes to show how narcissistic the trans movement is. I see people, newly self described radfems who haven’t figured out what the point of it all is, who try to say “there’s a difference between terfs and radfems! You can be radfem and trans inclusive!” or whatever. To which I say, 
these are not two separate groups. Actual radfems are called trans exclusionary because they don’t think men who identify as women can be oppressed by women, and that having been born as a woman is not a privilege, regardless of how that woman identifies. 
radfems aren’t even trans exclusive, really. While there are many detransitioned, reidentified women, there are also many who have transitioned and intend to stay that way, or who are even transitioning currently for their own reasons and comfort, while still confronting their womanhood and how they have been affected or are effected by being a woman in our society as well as how transitioning is dangerous. it’s male exclusive more than anything, and rightfully so. any problems men have are created by other men, and as one user on here put it, feminism should not be “all lives matter.” 
i forgot to say this initially but being “trans inclusive” is interpreted by some to mean “trans endorsing,” that being trans is an innate thing just like homosexuality, that brain sex is real, and that there is nothing wrong with trans identified females getting surgeries they don’t need on perfectly healthy genitals, or getting hormones they otherwise wouldn’t naturally have that have life altering side effects. otherwise i would be called trans exclusive. LOL. so it really does not mean anything, ultimately.
16. How do you feel about the terms TIF/TIM?
i think they’re great. it says exactly what it means. it is much more appropriate than trans man or trans woman, and it makes it easier to talk about them with a little less word salad. the term trans man others tifs from females, and the term trans woman others tims from males. this is problematic. there is nothing differing tifs from females and tims from males outside of the fact that they are trans identified. the only differences they may have are if they have surgically and or hormonally transitioned, but it is not enough difference to make them the opposite sex, nor does it erase male or female socialization, and the benefits or consequences of being a man or a women, respectively. i worded this a lot better when i saved this draft last but tumblr seemingly ate it LOL so thats a drag. but yeah. tif/tim is great. i don’t think it should be offensive, there is nothing insulting or cruel about it. at best it is “invalidating.”
thank you for sending me these!!!! i’m sorry if my answers were unsatisfactory or hard to understand lmao i edited a lot of fluffy blabbering out of my responses believe it or not. i hope you’ve had a great day and that you’re having a lovely night 💌🌻😊
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fungisteri · 2 years
I wanna develop a bit more from my previous post
My journey with gender & sexuality was mostly online because, even if I'm lucky that I don't live in a ragingly homophobic place, it was still a pretty fucking taboo topic ngl. And being online and coming from teachings based on gender roles and the gender binary, and I grew up in Instagram, which has absolutely godawful discourse presented in pretty images and infographics.
I fell head first into exclusionism because it was easier to understand. It felt reasonable: these are the normal sexualities, and these are the weird ones. These are the normal genders, non-binary is technically valid, but if you have specific non-binary labels you're just a fucking weirdo. The right way to be trans is to do so in a way in which cishet people can understand, which is by being as gender conforming as possible. However, being gay makes you inherently smarter than cishets because we know so many things they don't. But if you act in a way that's not palatable to cishets, you're making the entire community look bad and stealing resources. Aspecs are their own separate thing from the standard acronym (LGBT) so they're a constant topic of debate. Actually, every popular label that's not on the acronym is a popular topic of debate. These were pretty common talking points: us vs them. And, looking back, it feels painfully obvious how many exclusionists were very likely cisgender, or gender-conforming binary trans people.
I think that the main selling point of exclusionism is that it's easy. It's that you make universal rules about what's "valid" and what isn't.
I was lucky that my lgbt elders (who honestly were and still are open minded 20 year olds, lgbt adults are unheard of in my offline environment, and every informative talk on the lgbt community is given by cishets that inevitably spread misinformation) insisted on how silly exclusionism is, at the end of the day. Like, alright, they're an exclusionist. They're a gatekeeper. People still are who they say they are though. You genuinely cannot stop them with hateful speech, if anything, you just make them feel unsafe and keep quiet. But at the end of the day, they're still the same person, regardless of whether you understand them or not, regardless of whether you think their personal labels are valid or not. It took me years to understand this. But, thanks to their help, I was able to figure out I'm not only non-binary, but that being a non-binary lesbian is a thing, and that nobody can take it away from me. Which was a HUGE relief because exclusionists made me hate nb lesbians and nb folk in general, which unknowingly made me continue to repress my already extremely repressed transness. Not only that, being able to be open minded about my own identity made it so that I could be open minded about other people's identities as well. I went on to understand my aspec peers, my genderfluid peers, my genderless peers, my bisexual peers, my transmasc and transfem peers, my gay peers, my poly peers, and probably more.
Make no mistake, there's still types of identities I don't understand and actually refuse to approach, but at least I've learned that the way to interact with those people is to just stay away, and not to go up to their face to tell them they're existing wrong.
Speaking of which, there's another concept I came to understand that I think goes pretty unspoken of in online communities: personal definitions. Inevitably, everyone has personal definitions. I see this is mostly observed with the bisexual label, making it a topic of debate, and honestly... I feel like we'd save each other a lot of grief if we just agreed to disagree. After all, it's a mistake to debate on labels in a vacuum: identity labels have a lot of emotional load, and it's just... Unfair to act like there's none and treat it as a debate. This happens with every label, too.
It's rough. Labels are actually really personal most of the time, even if they're not yours- it's all a matter of personal perspective, which is based on personal experiences. And these label debates very often fall into using these personal experiences as arguments, as proof, when they're just that: personal experiences. All these debates, regardless of being presented as founded in logic and reasoning, are all emotionally loaded. And for what- to define who belongs and who doesn't in a community of people so large that it's practically impossible to truly agree in anything? What's the point?
So, not only do I stray from exclusionism, I no longer bother with lgbt discourse. I obviously respect those who do, because I will always do my best to show respect to other people, but if I were to give them advice... Don't bother, man. It is what it is. There's better things to do than proving someone online wrong. As soon as you stop talking to them, they may very well stop talking to you too, and who knows- maybe you'll live better off that way.
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idreamofdrea · 3 years
Ok but like all the things you actually did for me! How many times did I have to explain why I wanted it? Why I needed it? How many times did I have to beg for it or argue for it.
Oh and I NEVER turned down family dinner with Nikole. You told me about it and I said thanks I appreciates it and you said one day you’ll invite me and I said I’d love that but I don’t want to intrude because you were telling me at the same time with chloe I was impressing on your autonomy.
Oh and let’s get the chloe situation out there. It was the beginning of quarantine when the experts couldn’t even figure out how covid was spreading. You told me you didn’t want to be her friend because she led you on for a year. And then you said you were meeting up with her to clear the air but EVEN AFTER that conversation to my face you were saying you were going to “let that friendship go” but then your birthday rolls around and after you go you tell me the next day, when you had planned to see me, that the night before you let chloe throw you a “birthday party” your words again. You didn’t tell me how many people or who, you just went and so I said since you went to the party I don’t want to see you in person for 2 weeks. We met up at the park around the 2 week mark. I told you my feelings and that if she was going to be apart of your life I didn’t think I should be. You got mad at me because “it was your birthday” “what was I supposed to do” “your just saying that because you don’t want me to be around her” “your just trying to control me. But let be very clear. When we first started hanging out I asked for your quarantine crew list. You told me she was not apart of it and then did not update me that she and anyone else at the “party” which yes I NOW know only consisted of 3 or 4 people but even still that’s an additional out of you your closest friends and family and work people. I’ve literally been taking covid seriously since day 1 because I live with an imuncompomised person who I fucking love. Who you said you loved. So I asked for transparency from day 1. You didn’t give that to me. And even still like in the pervious post I fawned for you. You convinced me that it wasn’t a lot of people, it wasn’t that big a deal so I said bet, then I can come too. Right? Wrong. That’s just trying to make all your friends my friends. We even argued on the way back from the beach. When I straight up told you “I was moving my boundaries for you” and then my birthday comes along and I find out her birthday is around mine but I found out my dad had cancer so I was asked to come along to her party but I didn’t want to see anyone so you went anyway and this is debatable wether or not it’s valid or not but it really hurt. I was going through it and you left my house to go to another party that I was already skeptical about. And another person in my circle was I’m I compromised. Remember how I asked you not to smoke or drink after anyone and to be safe? So by this time I was already more than peeved. But remember the day we got into because I snapped at you but walked away because you yelled at me (in the car getting ready to drop you off at you house, I know you don’t believe me because I told you then and you didn’t believe me but I was about to apologize before you yell at me) because you were demanding an apology. And then Kelliegh had to pick you up because I couldn’t stop crying begging you to hear me out and my mom was even was willing to drop you off because she saw/heard most of our fight (it was literally so dumb but I wanted to explain why I snapped before my apology and that wasn’t ok with you because I’ve asked you not to explain your apologies but you would do it anyway so I thought I could too and nope you’re more stubborn than I am.) Well when we got the the park to try to work things out and you legit didn’t fucking believe my apology but whatever you said “and you don’t have to be worried about chloe, she has a boyfriend now” well like I’ve told you a million times it wasn’t chloe that was my issue.
It’s all the quarantine stuff plus the before time where you literally got me to come back in your life after I broke up with you by saying you were going to take me to karaoke and then spent 4 month not doing that, just ghosting me every Thursday night and telling me you shouldn’t have to “bring me to karaoke” or you didn’t have to tell me where you were or like and me begging you to let me meet and hang out with your friends because once again I came back because you said you’d do that. Also can we talk about how you used me to take care of Dobby so you could go out???? You gaslit me about how you not inviting me to karaoke or meeting your friends was not being a big deal and then as soon as I was about to leave again you did it. And I liked chloe because she invited me to karaoke. And honestly Idk if I would have liked her as much as I did if you had just brought me to karaoke in the first place but like that we’ll never know. Anyways and then when I said I liked chloe you told me I couldn’t be friends with her at the same time you told me the reason we couldn’t be together was you crush on this mystery person who I automatically knew but I let you have that.
Oh and I never 100 knew this was you hanging out with chloe but when you asked me to come over to your house and hang but then went out with friends but asked me to stay at yours so I’d be there when you got back but like never crossed you lips to just invite me
Anyway so it’s the ghosting, the gas lighting, the hiding my toothbrush when she came over. The real bs was when I saw that nude painting you did and all I asked was “did someone pose for that” and because of your reaction to tell me it’s not a big deal, why was I going though your shit, (it was just out btw) and more argument yelling about how you don’t have to tell me every little thing you did so then I asked “is there a reason you didn’t tell me” and you punched the painting. I didn’t even know you were going to chloes for art night was a thing until SHE told me. AND THE REAL FUCKED BIT you asking her to take care of my cat while we’re out of town and then not mentioning it to me and then gaslighting me because you apparently “didn’t have time” to tell me even though we were together all day and once again “it wasn’t that big a deal” getting mad at me for “going through your phone” when I was just trying to reach my sister for my moms keys and grabbed the fist phone I saw and it was the last text open and was a fixture from chloe of my cat but like you were the one who forced me to talk I just wanted to go out to the fire pit and “pretend like everything was fine” you know FOR MY SISTERS WEDDING but like no you needed to know why I was upset with you and then didn’t take ownership of it then told me you were going to catch a ride even though it was like a $2000 Uber or call your friend to come get you because you could not just say sorry.that it’s kinda fucked up you had someone you wouldn’t allow me to be friends with watch my cat and not tell me. So then I tried to grab your phone and we fought. So no it was never chloe it was you because how desperately you wanted to keep her you little secret, how you acted only fuels my NEED for transparency. And once again you couldn’t do that. For whatever reason you deemed applicable.
Oh I lied the real end to you fucking me over for chloe was Christmas. When I asked you to come bake cookies with me like we did for 6years straight and I asked you 2 weeks in advance and you said yes and then asked if i didn’t mind am doing it with Kelleigh and Danny at their house and I said the more the merrier but the literal day comes and I ask when we’re making cookies and you say oh Kelleigh and Danny are doing their own thing but so I said it’s ok we can do it at my house and you said oh “I made other plans” you forgot to cancel on me even though it’s something we did together every year you didn’t consider a tradition or important enough to attempt reschedule or to even let me know. And what were your plans? Going to a comedy show with chloe. When literally earlier that week we saw a poster for a comedy show and I’d said I’d never been to one but I’d always wanted to and you said same we should go one together but for some reason even though you had made plans with me and didn’t tell me you were no longer going to do it, I also couldn’t be invited to a comedy show also wasn’t it the dnd one? Like you knew I’d love it after you saw it you said I’d love it but to make up for canceling last minuet I wasn’t thought of to come along. Because why? I already hear you voice making excuses up about tickets but you didn’t even ask so don’t try it. You didn’t care that you flaked on something I love, to do something I wanted to do, with someone you would not allow me to see. Also you didn’t even apologize. Also when I told you how much it hurt my feelings you told me it wasn’t a big deal. And then we broke up and then que quarantine and read the beginning.
Literally the only time I can respect you was when you told me you kissed her.
But then you go and ruin by telling your friends I freak out every time you do something poly. It’s not polyamory is not chloe it’s not Chet. it’s the lack of communication, the gaslighting, the minimizing the lack of empathy. It was the fact that I let you put your hands on me so many times and still said I wanna work this out. Which yes I know is on me but it’s the promises that we’re never followed through on, some of which you’re saying never happened. It’s the seeing me as anything but logical or reasonable. It’s the discrediting me. It’s the making me think I’m crazy but not owning up to it because you didn’t say the word crazy.
0 notes