#I understand the concern since it’s a triggering topic for me too
persephoneflouwers · 1 year
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fatkish · 2 months
Heyy, i wanted to request a Eresermic im which Aizawa has a biological daughter, but she is being bullied and they noticed when she was already thinking in ending it all.
I understand if this is too dark, i just lived something similar and my parents blamed me, so some confort would be apreciared hahaha
Thankss, i love your writing 🩷
(Oh my gosh, this hits so close to home because this happened to me. My parents grew up in the era where if boys were mean to you it was because they like you. So when I begged them to do something about my bullies, they did nothing. Needless to say, my childlike innocence was the only reason why I’m alive. Although I may be doing better than I was back then, nothing can erase the trauma from the unintentional neglect from my parents. I hope you don’t mind, but I’ll be basing this somewhat off of my own experience and I’ll be putting it in the Pro Heroes x Inner Child Series)
Erasermic x Aizawa’s Bullied Daughter Reader
(TRIGGER WARNING: This story has mentions of bullying, harassment, allusions to suicide and suicidal thoughts, depression and other potentially triggering topics. Please be advised)
Since you basically have two dads, you refer to Hizashi as papa and Shouta as dad
Your quirk was called restraint. Basically if you called someone by their real, full name, you could temporarily restrain them as long as you focused on them
But just like your dad, you also had to be able to see your target
But unlike your classmates, you were a late bloomer. You developed your quirk at age 8, which led to you being bullied by your peers
You knew that your dad’s worked really hard and that their jobs were really stressful at times. So the last thing you wanted was to be another source of stress for them. Which is why you didn’t tell them about the bullying
You were 11 when you just couldn’t take it anymore. You tried to deal with the situation on your own, you tried to fight your bullies who even started making fun of your dad’s being a couple
You tried not to let anyone’s words affect you but after so many years, you started to believe them too. And you began to bully yourself
You would tell yourself that your dad’s already had enough stress on their plates and that you were just a burden on them. You had started to mentally and physically beat yourself up
The bullies had started to use their quirks on you, resulting in bruises which you would hide with makeup that your Aunt Nemuri had gotten you since you started to develop acne
Since your dads would get home late, you had plenty of time to get home and cover up any wounds
One day, you just had enough
You decided that you were better off dead. You decided that you would take your own life after you got home and would leave a note before leaving the house so your dads wouldn’t have to deal with the body
Unknown to you, Aizawa had gotten a call from one of your teachers who was concerned about you. She had seen you fighting and decided to give Aizawa a call since your grades and overall performance had declined significantly
Aizawa had informed Hizashi of the call and they decided to go home early and wait for you. They believed that you were going through puberty and the hormonal changes were effecting your performance and were the cause
Imagine their surprise when you get home, covered in bruises, a busted lip that was still bleeding and a completely dead look in your eyes
Seeing their precious baby in such a state they immediately started to worry and begged you to talk to them
They had prepared your favorite food for dinner and even got you your favorite dessert as a treat. Seeing how sweet they were, you broke down and confessed your pain and your plan
Hizashi was balling his eyes out and wrapped you in his arms while Aizawa had clenched fists with tears in his eyes.
Aizawa made the call to your school demanding a talk with the principal and the parents of your bullies. While Aizawa was setting that up, Hizashi had you sit on the couch while he tended to your wounds, disinfecting them, cleaning them and bandaging them
He told you that he loves you even though you’re not his biological kid, you’re HIS little listener, his favorite kid in the whole world. He then picked you up and smothered you in hugs and kisses
Aizawa came back into the room and brought the food
That night, you guys are on the couch as you snuggled together under a blanket and watch your favorite movie
The next day, Aizawa and Hizashi dropped you off at UA with Nemuri, while they had a talk with your teachers and bullies. They decided that homeschooling would be the best for you right now since they want to make sure you heal mentally, physically and emotionally from this before you go back
They had told Nedzu what happened and he agreed that for the meantime, until you were mentally stable again, the safest bet would be to have you do your homeschooling at UA where you’ll be surrounded by people who can help you and prevent you from doing anything detrimental to yourself
Needless to say, they love you and you are their whole world and you’re the reason why they fight to come home. You’re their motivation and the reason they fight to protect
(I hoped this helps you and that you guys enjoy this)
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y-vna · 5 months
Just so it's clear, one of my big dni crits is this:
TW: My rant includes HEAVY topics of ed (eating disorders) and intentionally starving yourself/unhealthy weight loss 🙁.
This post is also ULTRA long, will definitely contain grammar and spelling mistakes, and I'm not going to say 100% everything here is accurate information, as I'm a human and I make mistakes too.
Let me get this clear, I dont mean anyone harm with this post. My intention isn't to hate or attack/hurt anyone to make them feel upset. I know that having an ed is a serious matter. I have friends and family who actively have/had these kinds of eds, so im not uneducated on this subject and I do understand it to a very in-depth degree. This is not to say I know everything about this topic, however.
It is definitely not easy to recover from, and lots of people struggle from it every day. I am NOT saying people with this disorder are any less human than anyone else. I'm saying it's toxic for those who do have it since it actually harms your body a lot, and pushing it on others (not the fact you have it in the first place) is something I don't support.
So respectfully, if you do support/promote eds as a positive thing, or are/follow/interact with blogs who do, BLOCK ME AND DNI. thank you.
I love everyone for who they are inside, regardless of what their body looks like. And I'm telling you right now, as someone who tried so hard to have a perfect body and stop eating bc im super insecure, it's not worth it, and it makes you feel so shitty. I love you, whoever is reading this, no matter what. So please don't change who you are just to make others happy :( <3
So I was looking thru tumblr, and this one post kept getting shown to me where people were talking about basically the idea of: "its worth it to keep losing that undesired weight, you'll see results soon" as like a motivational thing. The tags (straight up tells you it's supposed to be inspo to becoming skinny and supports the idea having an ed is the only way to get a dream bod), and their whole blog had ed encouragement/motivation. To keep...starving, i guess.?? Despite their user being about being strong and healthy, nothing about this is healthy or keeps your body strong.
I didn't decide to write a whole rant about just that part of the post because I didn't start getting super concerned until i read the notes/comments (since i had seen a lot of these 'tw : ed' blogs before already). What I saw was that tons of users were promoting starving yourself as a goal and a good thing, and basically glorifying having an ed. And also using kpop idols with skinny and perfect figures like wonyoung to tell others that (almost a literal direct quote from this user-) 'us ed people don't want to be helped and we won't stop starving ourselves until we reach the weight we want.'
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"You see it as negativity cause you're not disordered." KEEP IN MIND THE PERSON THEY'RE TALKING TO USED TO ACTUALLY HAVE AN ED (the screenshot below is the person they were talking to). I understand you can't push people to get help if they don't want it, but you have to draw a line when you start saying that every person with ed doesn't want help, which just isnt true. I looked at their blog, and it was all just calculating how many calories they ate and burned every day. Most of the posts they basically only totaled 300 calories a day. THAT IS SUPER SICK ☹️. An average human needs like 2000+ calories a day. It actively influences people to copy them by posting and blogging this SUPER unhealthy weight loss. It IS NOT positive on any level. It does nothing good for you. You won't feel any happier when you look in the mirror if all you can feel is pure hunger because you won't give your body what it needs. This is so sad to me because all the comments had people trying to ask how to start starving themselves, and every blog I clicked on all had ed triggers on their posts and bios. Some of those blogs were saying NOT to become like them because they can't see themselves recovering now that they're in too deep.
As said by people online who actually had and got through having an ed, they have explained it is very unhealthy and they were glad to recover. So even though I do not have an ed, and you might think I shouldn't be "judging" people who have them, there are plenty of formerly ed diagnosed people who know the bad effect it has on others/had on them because they can accurately relate. You can still educate people on a subject even if you yourself do not have to suffer from it/have it, as long as you're doing it properly with proven facts (literally all credible research you do anywhere backed by science and experts will prove eds aren't healthy). People educate themselves to teach others about other illnesses, ongoing or past wars in history, etc, they don't have firsthand experience with/from. And they can still be just as valid sometimes.
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My whole point here is that on tumblr and so many other social media platforms, I keep seeing people (posts like this and whole blogs centered around this stuff,) encouraging (mainly young) girls to stop eating altogether to have a body that society and other people are more satisfied with. That's why, for a while, I also tried to do the same because of the people saying it was a positive thing to gain a bad relationship with food and start counting your calories to be perfect. I'm also someone who struggles with body image and being shamed for gaining weight. But at some point hou need to realize hurting your body and mental state is SO WRONG. NOBODY is perfect. So don't push you or anyone else to be. I learned this, and I get its super hard to ignore the judgment forced onto you by society and your surroundings, but there will be people who appreciate you just how you are now. Like me.
So with all that said, the moral here is:
Don't starve urself (on purpose. Bc some people genuinely have trouble eating and starve themselves non intentionally. I have friends who do this 😭)
You're perfect how u are now without being as slim as your idols (and even K-pop idols don't tell others usually to be like them because they know that their companies forcing them to strictly control their weight isn't something they want fans to look up to).
Don't force (potential) ed on others
Don't encourage unhealthy relationship with your body and food
I do support people with eds, as long as they aren't trying to make it something others should look up to, and aspire to have.
If you are someone who wants to normalize having an ed as healthy or positive, please do not interact with this blog and feel free to block me :(
Thank you for reading, have a good day and ily for whoever is reading this. 💗💖💓💕
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promptthebear · 1 year
Hi, I would love if you could just tell me anything you think about Edmund Pevensie 🧺 literally could be anything I just want to hear your thoughts ❤️
💗Edmund Pevensie Fluff Alphabet💗
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A/N: Okay so I know I’ve been doing like all the alphabet templates lately but honestly they’re a lot of fun for me and people seem to enjoy them so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
CW: I don't think there is anything for this? It's fluff, so not much in terms of triggering content. The reader is female and referred to as Edmund's wife and queen.
A = Admiration (what do they absolutely adore about you?)
For Edmund, I think he’d admire someone who’s smart, has a strong moral compass but isn’t so rigid that they can’t see the grey areas, and a good sense of humour is a must.
Ultimately, I don’t think he’d set out intentionally looking for a partner to rule Narnia with him but he’d end up choosing someone with those qualities subconsciously. His sense of duty to Narnia is just too strong to avoid that.
It would start off in small ways, he’d tell you about some messy political issue he’s working out and want to know your hypothetical opinion on the matter. He’d also bring up lots of philosophical subjects casually, and maybe even ask if you’ve engaged with any Narnian legal texts.
You don’t have to have a highly educated background to impress Ed or keep his affections, but he would appreciate if you listened and tried to contribute. At the very least you can act as a sounding board for his ideas, even if you wouldn’t be comfortable ruling in your own right. Someone who’s going to brush his concerns aside and accuse him of bringing down the mood or interrupt the conversation to focus on more frivolous topics isn’t going to be a good fit. You need to do at least a little bit of thinking to keep up with Edmund, he’s going to want a stimulating conversation now and again.
However you also can’t be so stuffy that Ed can’t joke around with you. Our boy may not be the little shit he once was, but he needs a partner who can see the funny side to things especially when he’s dealing with anything heavy. Humour is his primary coping mechanism, and if you don’t understand that then it’s not going to work out.
B = Body (what is their favorite part of your body?)
Edmund’s not really a superficial kind of guy. I think he’s more concerned about what you’re like as a person that what you’re like physically. However, I can also see him being a sucker for someone who smiles a lot and has pretty eyes. We already know, he’s a jokester and if you look extra nice every time he makes your face light up, well that’s just an added bonus.
C = Cuddling (how do they like to cuddle?)
I can see him liking having his partner’s head on his chest while he’s got an arm around their waist or shoulder. He also likes being the big spoon, I have a personal head canon that he grew up lanky as fuck so it’s easier that way regardless.
Generally Edmund likes feeling as though he can protect and guard his partner, that’s what happens when you’ve been king since age 10. But, sometimes he’s tried and in those rare moments of vulnerability he’s going to want to put his head in your lap for awhile. When he gets like this I’d also advise rubbing his back or stroking his hair, he’ll melt in seconds.
D = Dates (what does their ideal date with you look like?)
To me, Edmund’s always been a bit more of an introvert and what he likes to do for dates reflects that. He’s not the type to throw a massive party or feast just so he can be your escort to it. He’s much more likely to arrange a private picnic somewhere on the grounds, or take you out for a ride with Phillip on a trail with nice scenery or to a play put on by a local performing troupe.
It’s not that he won’t take you to tournaments and things like that. He loves having you on his arm and showing you off to the public, but it’s exhausting being King Edmund all the time. If you want to really get to know him, take him up on those quiet, simple dates. He’ll be much more relaxed and you’ll have a lot more fun too.
E = Emotions (how do they express emotion around you?)
Oh goodness, I think this really depends on when and how Edmund meets you. If you’ve known him since childhood, you’re going to get the full range without a lot of filters. Ed would know that you know him too well to try and hide anything, and he’s always been the type to speak his mind even if he’s gotten more pragmatic about it.
If the two of you meet for the first time when you’re both grown and he’s been ruling for awhile, you’re going to get a lot of King Edmund at first. That includes all the performative bull crap that comes with the title.
He’s going to be all smiles and up for a friendly chat, but still somehow very aloof and every answer he gives is couched in pragmatism so you don’t really know what he’s thinking about certain topics. To the rest Narnia, he’s their grinning, boyish King. But if you’re close enough you can see, the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes, they’re flat and empty or even a little sad sometimes.
If this is the scenario, Ed probably won’t really let you in until the two of you are married or officially courting. It’s just too much of a risk, he’s got his people to think of and they need to know they’re in the hands of a strong leader. There’s no place for insecurity or vulnerability on the throne.
F = Family (do they want one? If they do, when?)
Honestly, the answer to this is yes and as soon as possible. When the two of you are married, Edmund would want to start trying for a baby right away. Or, if a biological child isn’t possible, then looking into some options to foster or adopt.
Unfortunately for Edmund, being a dad is kind of a deal breaker. If you don’t want kids yourself I can’t really see him wanting to commit to you long term. And there’s a couple reasons for this.
The first is, personally, that he really wants to be a father. He’s wanted this ever since their first visit to Narnia after his own family got him back from Jadis. In that moment he understood the blessing of the love he’s been given and as he got a bit older, he wanted to share that love with a family of his own.
The second reason is the Prophecy from the first book. There was never an addendum about what would happen if there were no longer human rulers in Narnia, but I can see Edmund doing a lot of research about it anyway. In the end, he’d probably decide it was better safe than sorry for him and Peter to have a few children each to act as heirs.
Somewhere in Edmund’s heart, he’s always been a bit paranoid about Jadis coming back. Not because he’s worried about himself or being tempted by her again, but more so because of what she promised to do to Narnia and the people he cares about if she ever got the chance. Making sure there’s always going to be Pevensies on the throne is just added security against that.
G = Gifts (how do they feel about gift giving? What are their habits when it comes to this?)
So with Edmund, I feel like he’s the type to prefer a little, meaningful gift over a big, expensive sort of gesture and his own habits around gifts reflect that.
Yes, he’ll go out of his way for major occasions like birthdays, anniversaries and Christmas. But the rest of the year, you can expect little surprises from Edmund. The next book in the series you were reading just because, maybe a sachet of your favourite tea the next time he goes to market. He’s also not very artistic, but I can see him writing you love notes and giving those to you as gifts. He’d put lots of effort into those, with fancy paper and flourishing letters and coloured inks.
When it comes to getting presents from you, Edmund would just absolutely die from happiness if you made him something. It doesn’t have to be big or fancy or even well made. He’d accept a woven bookmark you cobbled together from scraps of ribbon or thread and treat it like it’s his most precious treasure. Just the idea that you cared enough to try and also made something that’s specially for him that nobody else has, it would make his heart soar. Also you can bet he’s going to be showing off whatever it is you made to anyone within earshot for ages afterwards.
H = Holding Hands (when/how do they like to hold hands?)
All the time lol.
With Edmund being King, the two of you don’t have a lot of privacy and PDA is generally frowned upon. Holding hands is the most acceptable way Edmund can show his love for you in front of everyone.
If the two of you are watching a tournament, he’ll reach for your hand and bring it over to rest on his leg with his own hand on top. If the two of you are rubbing elbows with courtiers at a ball or feast, he’s going to be holding your hand the entire time. If you’re sitting next to each other in the throne room and listening to appeals or the like, Edmund’s going to be holding your hand.
In part, it’s because he wants to show the two of you as a united front to the rest of the world. It’s also because he finds your touch soothing and it can ground him when things get out of control. If you find he’s getting a bit overwhelmed, maybe his shoulders start tensing or his jaw clenches, just give his hand a squeeze. You’ll see the anxiety leave him in seconds, and he’ll squeeze your hand back to let you know he understands what you’re trying to say. You’re here, you love him, and it’s going to be okay.
I = Injury (how would they act if you got hurt?)
Burn the whole world to the gr-
I’m kidding I promise. But if you get hurt, oh boy, everyone watch out.
With you, Edmund is going to be the gentlest, most anxious man. He’s going to want to take a look at the wound himself even with the best doctors available. He’ll be reading up on treatments both magical and mundane, herbal remedies, all of it. Anything he thinks may help or ease your pain.
Be prepared for lots of fussing, tea and massages if you’re sore. There’s also probably going to be times where you glance up and see Ed watching you with this puppy dog kind of look, and you know he’s worrying about you AGAIN even if you’re on the mend. Try to be patient and reassuring, he just loves you and doesn’t want to lose you.
When it comes to the person who hurt you, however? All bets are off. Edmund is THE definition of “looks like a cinnamon roll, could actually kill you”. Whoever hurt you better PRAY that you or Ed’s siblings are there to pull him off or they’re in for the beat down of their life. He’s been Peter’s second in fights for years and while he doesn’t usually start them, he knows plenty well how to finish them.
Expect at some point for Edmund to leave your sickbed, saying he has “something that needs his attention” only to come back to you with a split lip and bruised knuckles. If you press him for an explanation, he’ll play coy and act like he’s got no clue what you’re talking about. Whoever hurt you, IF they survive or aren’t run out of the kingdom on a rail, won’t so much as look in your direction ever again. You’re Edmund’s queen, and so long as you walk in Narnia you’ll be protected as such.
J = Jokes (do they like to joke around with or prank you? how?)
Oh my god have you MET this man???
Edmund is mischievous to a fault, he never quite grew out of that smart aleck streak of his and now it’s your problem.
You can expect everything from foolishness like swapping the salt and sugar for your tea to more elaborate schemes that he’ll drag his siblings into. There was probably more than one incident involving some minor spells that backfired and caused more chaos than they were worth. Ie. Edmund finds someone to cast a glamour that makes him have a crow’s head or something so he can jump out and scare you. It works a treat, but then he discovers that he still SOUNDS like a crow hours after the physical glamour wore off and he’s got to give an official speech to the council like WHOOPS.
He is also the KING of snark, sarcasm and inside jokes. The two of you are going to have a whole litany of nonsense that will send you into giggle fits but just confuse everyone else. Edmund also loves to make you laugh at moments that are maybe less than appropriate.
Peter has stopped letting the two of you sit together at any kind of serious event because you cannot behave. It’s not your fault though, Edmund keeps pulling faces and saying “Egg tart” which makes you think about that one time on that picnic with the centaurs and…okay Peter doesn’t get it but if he’d been there he’d understand why you’re giggling.
K = Kisses (how do they like to kiss you?)
So obviously Edmund likes giving you kisses on the mouth. He could do that for hours and never get bored. However, I can also see him enjoying giving you “courtly” kisses on the back of your hand or your knuckles. If the two of you met when you were grown ups, this is probably the first kind of kiss he ever gave you and even if it was just a social expectation, it’s still a memory Edmund cherishes. Nose kisses are also a big thing with him, but only because they make you giggle, which he loves.
L = Love (how do they show you they love you?)
I mean first and foremost, Edmund is going to tell you he loves you about a million times a day. He’d probably be a lot like Wesley in the Princess Bride novel, where he’d be having the most mundane conversation with you like “Yes it’s supposed to rain a lot over the next fortnight so Peter wants to gather some workers and help sandbag the farmlands to avoid flooding and also I love you.” He says it pretty much any time it pops into his head.
He’d also try to show you in lots of other ways. Spending quality time is a big one since he’s busy and has so many people needing his attention. He relishes the quiet moments the two of you have together, evenings spent reading or playing chess, peaceful mornings snuggled up in bed. These don’t happen as often as he’d like, so if you suggest wanting to “stay in” on the rare occasion he does have some time off, he’ll eat the opportunity right up.
Acts of service would be another one, he wants to try and help with whatever you need. If you write poetry and need someone as a test audience? He’s your guy. If you knit and need someone to hold your yarn while you spool it? Ed’s there. Any hobbies you have, he’s going to want to want to be an active participant and barring that, he’ll be as helpful as he can.
M = Memory (favorite memory together?)
Honestly this is so cheesy but probably your first kiss.
If the two of you met and had an organic relationship, that memory to Edmund reflects the moment you started to belong to each other. Before that, the two of you were just friends. Close friends, but Ed always secretly hoped for more. And then with that one little action, everything changed. The two of you went from friendship to all the possibilities a new romance brings in a matter of seconds.
He thinks about it all the time, the way his heart was in his throat, the warmth in his gut when your lips met his, the pretty flush on your cheeks afterwards. He’d replay every moment leading up to the kiss too, trying to sort out exactly when you may have decided to kiss him or let him kiss you. Sometimes he gets himself all flustered and silly just thinking about it, and then he has to go and find you just so he can recreate the experience all over again.
If the two of you were in a arranged marriage though and your first kiss happened at your wedding, Edmund still treasures that memory. You were little more than strangers, but he still felt his heart skip a beat when he lifted your veil and saw you looking back up at him with bright, sincere eyes. And when he felt you kiss him back, chaste and quick as the kiss was? It was in that moment Edmund started to fall for you. Neither of you had asked to be put in this situation, yet here you were giving him your trust and kindness anyway. How could he not love someone like that???
N = Nightmare (what is their worst fear?)
I’ve talked about this a little before, but honestly for Edmund it would and always will be Jadis coming back.
He knows in his heart that he’s safe, at least. He trusts Aslan enough to know that no matter what happens, Jadis isn’t ever getting hold of him ever again. But when it comes to his family, his romantic partner and any future children he may have? Well, that’s when things get a little dicey.
As he and his family got older, they’d see Aslan less and less. And while Edmund still has a lot of faith in him, he’s also only human. When you care about people, you worry about them, and worry can lead to doubt.
He’d try to ease his anxiety by gathering any and all knowledge available on Jadis and her history with Narnia. Obviously a lot of what’s available in print has either been suppressed or destroyed, so he’s relying mainly on oral resources or archival materials related to Jadis as a secondary topic ie. anything about the Deep Magic.
This wouldn’t be an easy way to get the information he’s looking for, a lot of it is contradictory or parts of it written in languages that are no longer used. Still, Edmund would do the best he could to try and glean SOMETHING from what’s available to him. As far as he’s concerned, when it comes to your safety and the safety of his family, he will go to the ends of Narnia itself to ensure it.
On Cloud Nine - What are they like when they are in love? Is it obvious for others? How do they express their feelings?
When Ed’s in love he’s…well, distracted. If he’s sparring with Peter, his brother may score a couple of easy hits Ed would normally block. Lucy might have to say his name a few times before he notices she’s trying to ask him something. Susan would find lots of abandoned teacups around the library, their contents half drunk and gone cold.
Of course, they all immediately know what’s going on and will tease him relentlessly. Or rather Peter and Lucy will do it openly, while Susan insists she wouldn’t stoop to such lows but really she’s just more subtle about it.
I imagine the conversation going a little something like this. Lucy would say Edmund’s name several times in succession but he’s staring out the window or into the fireplace at the fire, clearly off in his own world. Peter would go “Never mind, Lu, I’ll take care of it” followed by “Oh HELLO Y/N”
Edmund would immediately snap to attention, turning to face the doorway with bright and eager eyes. Peter and Lucy of course dissolve into giggles, which makes Edmund huff and cross his arms. Susan would try and scold them for picking on Edmund, but she’s smiling too so it doesn’t really have the desired effect.
This all comes from a place of love, of course, but Ed also knows he is NEVER going to live it down.
When it comes to you and realizing Ed has a crush on you depends on how well you can read people in general. If you’re perceptive enough, you might pick up on it. If not, he’s going to be the same Edmund as always. I can’t see him really being the type to flirt or try to seduce you, at most you’ll see him more often.
Like he’s suddenly just around a lot more and while you can’t place your finger on why, that doesn’t mean you aren’t happy to see him either. Despite you knowing how busy he is, he magically has all the time in the world where you’re concerned.
Planning to go to the market later? He’ll tag along. Want to take a trail ride? He’s there. Need something off a high shelf? Oh look here comes Ed just in time. He’s 100% blowing off royal duties and the like to be with you, but don’t worry too much about it. If Peter catches you two, Edmund’s the one who’s going to be in trouble anyway.
P = Pet Names (what do they like to call you?)
Probably just the typical stuff. Darling, sweetheart, dear, dearest, love. The only one I can kind of see being different for him is beloved if the two of you have been married for awhile, and probably only if you’re either very upset and need comfort or if the two of you have been…doing what married couples do lol.
Quirk - Some random ability they have that’s beneficial in a relationship
With Edmund, I feel like the most beneficial “quirk” he has is his ability to negotiate and work through arguments.
Is this more of a slowly acquired skill than a quirk? Yes, but you can’t deny it isn’t both incredibly helpful and also sometimes incredibly annoying.
If you’re the type who wants to argue to blow off steam, Ed is going to drive you up the wall. When you come at him, sassing off and ready to GO, he’s not going to match your energy. Instead, he’s going to be calm and reasonable which will probably just piss you off more but he’s going to keep being so rational which will in turn just amp you up but again he refuses to give you the reaction you want which just makes you angrier and...well, you get the idea.
You're probably going to want to take up some kind of athletic hobby if this is you, like sword fighting or something along those lines. Trust me, it'll be much easier to take out your frustrations on a training dummy then it would be to goad Ed into getting angry with you. Better yet, go rattle Peter's cage a bit. He's always down for a good ol' fashioned argument or snark off, plus there's the added entertainment value for Edmund.
If you aren't the confrontational sort though? Well, the two of you are going to be perfect together. Edmund is an excellent communicator, he won't ever raise his voice to you and is generally pretty good at keeping emotion out of the equation so he can consider every aspect of the problem. Whether this is an issue that involves the two of you directly, or a problem you're having with someone else, Edmund will help walk you through it.
Please go to him when you're all worked up, he loves nothing more than to help you and has mastered telling someone to go fuck themselves in a way that still sounds polite. With him on your side, you'll never lose an argument ever again...except maybe sometimes to him lol. But again, he states his point so well and so sensibly that you don't find yourself minding too much either.
R = Rhythm (what song reminds you of them?)
I almost wasn't going to do this one because CS Lewis never actually published any music that exists within the Narnia universe, unlike say GRR Martin or Tolkien. HOWEVER, I am also extremely stubborn, a former English major and a choir kid at heart. This means I have a weirdly expansive knowledge of English and Celtic folk songs, and I finally settled on this one.
Now, obviously this is a modern recording (from 1996) BUT this is an old af song, and it sounds like to me that it would be sung around Narnia as a folk ballad because why not?
I figure your connection to Edmund through this song is because the both of you have heard the other one humming it on some occasion. Then, one day, maybe before the two of you get together, Edmund drops a yellow apple into your lap.
You didn't ask him for it, and he didn't say anything about giving it to you. Suddenly, there it was sitting on the open pages of your book or atop your embroidery or something. And you look up at him, and he gives you that wry smile that makes him look like a boy again, and you just know. This is his overture, his way of telling you he loves you without actually saying outright lest you break his heart. And you take a bite of that yellow apple, and it's so sweet and crisp and perfect, and from then on, that's who Edmund was to you. Fresh apples, chaste kisses and ballads hummed softly on warm, sunny afternoons.
S = Secrets (how open are they with you?)
Give it time, and there won't be a lot Edmund hides from you. Lying and keeping secrets has gotten him in trouble before, and he's sworn he's never going back. He realizes now, that honesty is the best policy and needing help doesn't make him weak. Plus, if you've been together for long enough you'll be able to read him so well he won't have much luck hiding things from you anyway.
T = Time (how long did it take you to get together?)
I think it depends on the situation, really.
If the two of you grew up together, well, years in that case. The two of you were always very affectionate, but it didn't turn romantic until the two of you were in your late teens. In that particular situation, falling in love was just the natural next step. It's familiar, cozy, and nobody is surprised when Edmund announces he intends to court you officially. That courting period is also really just a formality, your family always knew you were going to end up with Edmund from the first time he came to visit.
If the two of you have an arranged marriage however? Well, that's going to change things. Did you want to get married? Do you actually like Edmund at first or did you get a poor first impression? Do you have an old love you're still holding a torch for? These are all going to influence how your relationship with Ed goes past the wedding. Depending on any of these factors, you could be looking at anything from six months to a few years.
Proximity would really be key in deciding how that relationship plays out. Edmund probably knows the chances of romantic love happening instantly in a romantic relationship are slim to none. But he hopes to be friends at least, you're stuck with each other so why not make the best of it? He isn't looking for anything else, but he's also such a charming, sweet man that in the end you probably couldn't help yourself.
After being around him for so much time, you'd eventually ease into loving him properly. From then on, the charade you have for the court as a married couple stops being a charade and becomes a little glimpse for everyone into what the relationship actually is behind closed doors. All it takes is the right spark for this to eventually blossom into a full blown romance.
If the two of you meet when you're grown and form a relationship without the pressure of impending matrimony, then that's what's going to have the shortest amount of time between when you first meet and when you become a couple. Edmund would make his intentions clear within a couple of months of knowing you, and from there a typical courting period would follow.
U = Upset (how do they act when you’re upset?)
Hugs. So many hugs. Anyone remember that scene in Zootopia where Judy walks over to Nick and bumps her head against his chest while she's crying? That's Edmund. You can work out the details later. At first, his main priority is going to be to hold you close and put himself between you and whatever's got you so worked up. He won't mind in the least if you want to cry on him either. If anything, that just makes him squeeze tighter with maybe a few "It's alright, love" or "I'm heres" murmured into your hair.
Once you've calmed down a bit, then he's ready to listen. Just pour your heart out to him, he won't miss a single detail and he'll be sure to help you work through any problem no matter how convoluted or insignificant it seems. He will also probably get someone to bring you some tea or make a cup himself while you're filling him in. What can I say? The English are like us Maritimers in that aspect, nothing can't be fixed with a good, warm cuppa.
V = Vaunt (what are they proud of? Do they like to show you off?)
Edmund's proud of a few things, even if he's a little more subtle about them. His family, for one. He loves his siblings so much and every accomplishment of theirs is worth celebrating no matter how small.
He's also very proud of his kingdom. Narnia is his home, his salvation and his joy. He wouldn't be who he is without it, and he wants you to try and understand that the best you can. Expect to go on lots of trips to little out of the way wonders you didn't even know about, and lots of scenic locations on dates. Admire each and every inch with Edmund, from local folk festivals to sunsets to fields of wildflowers. There's nothing about this country he doesn't love, and the only thing better than experiencing it on his own is with you.
Edmund would also love showing you off. Whether you dress up or are just going casual for the day, he wants everyone to see you. To admire your beauty the way he does. The only thing he loves more than Narnia is you, and damned if he's going to rest until the world realizes it. Expect him to take you to lots of council meetings, political events and the like.
They may not involve you in the slightest, in fact you may sit there the whole time knitting or writing or sketching and not paying much attention, but that's okay. Edmund just wants you there for moral support and also again, so everyone can have a look at you. Each subtle touch to his arm, each whisper in his ear or kiss on his cheek. He relishes those little moments because it shows everyone he belongs to the most amazing woman in the world.
Warrior (how do they feel about you fighting? Would they fight for you, beside you, etc?)
Edmund really, really doesn't want you fighting. He's seen the mess war makes, and wants you as far from that as possible. However, if you can hold your own in battle, then he'll at least concede once he witnesses it for himself. From then on, he's happy to fight alongside you, maybe even listing you as his second in tournaments, not that anyone can ever beat him lol.
If you're not the fighting type, however, then Edmund makes it his personal mission to be your knight in shining armour. Expect him to ask for your favour when he goes to fight or joust in tourneys or before going to battle. He may not want you anywhere near the bloodshed, but having those little reminders of what he's fighting for means he's all the more likely to come back to you in one piece.
X = X-Ray (how well are they able to read you?)
So very well. Good luck keeping secrets, because this man will be able to read you with a glance. This comes from Edmund's own pragmatic nature, as well as the fact that he needs to be able to read a room moments after entering. If you're even the least bit on edge, Ed will be pulling you aside for a quiet moment and won't rest until he gets to the bottom of things.
He'd also know you're pregnant the second you're sure of it yourself. All it would take is the slightest shift in your expression or the way you carry yourself, and boom, that's it. He'd be asking you about your health and baby names and won't leave well alone until you tell him. Like I said, good luck keeping secrets. He's clever and stubborn, not a winning combination for someone you're trying to hide things from.
Y = Yes (how would they propose to you?)
So with Edmund, I feel like there are two different proposals.
The first is going to be your private proposal. It may involve a ring, it may not. Case in point, Edmund is going to try and have quiet moment with you to ask before all the chaos that comes with a royal wedding beings.
He may take you to the spot where you had your first date, or arrange a special dinner or even just do it in the comfort of your own chambers. He'll probably either light some candles or get jars of fireflies or make use of some naturally bio-luminescent plants that grow around for mood lighting.
He'd probably also wrap a blindfold around your eyes or have you cover them before guiding you in. He's surprised you with things before, but you'd really have no idea what he's planning until you open your eyes or take the blindfold off and see him kneeling in front of you.
He wouldn't even be able to get the whole question out before you're down there with him, exclaiming "Yes, yes! Of course I will!" I between the many, many kisses you're giving him. If he gets a ring, it'll probably be a very simple silver band he had one of his dwarven friends make for you. You'll get a fancier, bejewelled ring later on when things are officially announced, but again Edmund still wants you to have something that's just for the two of you to share before the whole kingdom gets involved.
The formal proposal would come later, which would be a big ceremony with all the fanfare and everyone invited, royal, noble or otherwise. You'd be standing next to Edmund in front of the four thrones when he makes the announcement. A raucous cacophony of cheers would follow, the sound so loud you can feel it reverberating in the hollows of your collarbones.
This would be the one and only time anxiety would set in, because you'd realize that this means you aren't just going to be Edmund's wife, but a Queen of Narnia. However, before you can start to spiral Edmund would give your hand a squeeze, and your mind quiets. In spite of your doubts, he believes in you and your ability to rule alongside him. That and his love is more than enough to keep you going.
Z = Zen (what makes them feel calm?)
Spending time with you, his family, any children you may have together. Going for trail rides with you, or practising his swordplay.
It isn't often Edmund actually panics or gets stressed. He and Susan are the most clear headed of all their siblings. They're more likely to think or talk things through then they are to submit to blind emotion.
However, Edmund is only human, and sometimes the weight of the world literally gets to be too much. In those rare moments, he wants nothing more than to seek out the things that ground him and make him feel like a normal man.
If he suddenly gets very sooky and cuddly with you out of nowhere, or pulls you and the children away from what you're doing to go on a sudden day trip or you find him hacking away at a training dummy at odd hours? Check in with him. Odds are there's something bothering him, and he's trying to seek out support from you without worrying you directly.
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v3nusxsky · 1 year
First your writing is incredibly amazing and I love them so much and I do have a request, so I was thinking like Larissa Weems X half deaf young reader which I want to be mother X daughter relationship and I was think that Larissa is trying to teach young Reader ASL and now Reader signing "I Love you" or "I love you to the moon and back" or "Your the best momma ever" the rest are up to you😅
I'm sorry if it is too much😅
I just never read a fan fic with a deaf or half deaf (which is hard of hearing) reader😅
The first time| fluff
*Authors note~ A fluffy little Drabble for our darling Larissa weems also this is an important topic so I hope my research is correct and please let me know if I get anything wrong*
Trigger warnings~ hard of hearing reader adopted r past trauma
Prompt~see ask^^^^^
You'd been hard of hearing all your life, in fact it's why your biological parents gave you up. You'd bounced around foster homes all your life, being used and abused because you were different. No one even bothered to teach you ASL, so you'd always found it difficult to communicate. In fact you had became selectively mute by the age of five years old to protect yourself from the laughter and cruel actions of others.
At the age of thirteen your Florakinesis began to thrive and become more obvious to the Normies, that's why it made since to let the Principal of Nevermore adopt you. Due to your past you we're hesitant which was understandable and especially living in a school with other children opened you up to a variety of abuse. Little did you know that decision would be the best thing to ever happen to you in your life.
Larissa was nothing like your previous Forster parents. She was kind caring and patient with you. You could tell she had oodles of motherly love to give to anyone who was in need of it. Larissa loved her job and cared for all her students, that much was clear by how she spoke. You were still cautious and skittish for a while, wondering what would happen if you let your guard down with her. What if that was all a facade to lure you into a false sense of security.
It had been six months of living with Larissa now, you seemed to fit into Nevermore life perfectly and were smashing your classes so you and Larissa had some private ASL lessons after school hours.  You'd picked up the basics, and got some special books from the library in order to surprise your now adoptive mother. You'd been working hard on learning some new words. Knowing how well your adoptive mother treated you and loves you made you emotional to think about.  You were so grateful for Larissa Weems and you desperately hoped she knew how much love and care you held for her.
After school hours you made your way to your adoptive mothers office, following your usual routine of dropping your bag and kicking off your shoes. Normally you'd go lay down on the sofa but today you had plans. You brought yourself to stand next to your mother. Slowly and gently you brought your shaking hand to her cheek, your signal to her that you needed her to look at you. Larissa did so with concern filling her eyes, "darling are you okay?"
You signed the word stop which Larissa did instantly, her curious eyes trained on your hands as the shook. You slowly and carefully signed "you're the best momma and I'm lucky to be your chosen daughter. I love you momma" by the time you finished tears sprang in your eyes as you saw Larissa sob. She signed back "I love you baby, thank you for this precious gift" which caused you to blush and immediately come to settle in her lap. It wasn't something you thought you'd ever do but allowing your momma to love you despite your hearing issues was one of the best choices you made.
Word count~ 689
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dokidoki-muffin · 3 months
Hello! Not long ago I found your blog, you draw very cool! 😳❤️
I want to ask one slightly strange question. If he seems uncomfortable to you, please ignore my message! Your comfort is more important ☺️🙏
So, the question itself. More precisely, the situation. I've been dating a man for over two years now, our genders don't matter (no, really). They know that I am ticklish and have easily attacked me several times. But it never lasted more than a few seconds. How can I hint them to attack me? I can't say this directly, I'll die of shame (also why I use anonymity). Haha... 🙃
As far as I was able to find out, they are quite good at tickling, but they don’t experience it themselves (UNFAIR 😭)
I really need some help from people who understand this. I understand absolutely nothing about this topic... 😓
Anyway, whether you answer or not, have a nice day! Your art always lifts my spirits for a long time! ☺️❤️💐
Hey 😊 Aw thank you so much!! 💖💖 First of all, thanks for your concern, I appreciate it! 🙏✨ Ayeeee.. I feel you 😅🙈 Revealing this topic to your partner can be such a difficult and embarrassing thing 😬😅 I've been there as well 😅💀🔥 Just figuring yourself out can be so confusing on its own already 😅 I'm not sure, if I can give you really helpful "advice" or anything.. But if it happened before that they tickled you.. how did it happen? Did you provoke them into doing it? (playfully ofc 🙃) Or was it an accident? Maybe you could try if you can somewhat "recreate" these situations, if that makes sense 🙂 As in.. if there is something that might trigger a tickle attack, like stretching on purpose when they are in reach, then you can always try to invite it that way 🤭💖 Something that worked for me in the past was just being a brat in the right situations 🤣🔥 (ofc it always depends a bit on how your partner reacts to certain things 🙃😆) Also I think it's good that your partner isn't immediately going all out 🙂 Exploring things at a good pace that feels comfortable is so important 💖 Especially since they are not ticklish themselves it might be difficult for them estimate what is too much or overwhelming for you. So I think it's better like this than the other way round. (And I absolutely agree 😅🙈 That is unfair af 💀🔥🤣 But who knows.. maybe there is still some secret spot that will reveal itself 🙃🤭) But maybe, if you're too shy to say anything yet, just try your best to still let them know that you're enjoying it somehow 💖 Idk how to describe.. but maybe you can hint them with your body language.. like be affectionate when/after it happens 🙂 Or depending on the situation, if you provoked them into it, provoke them some more when they stop 🙃😆😛 And maybe with a little time they will connect the dots 🤭 Other than that I think just try to enjoy your interactions as much as possible 💖 Even if the development might be slow. I'm sure you will get there 🥰 Yah.. I'm afraid that's all I can say for your situation 😅🙈 Idk if it was helpful in any way 😆😬 And thanks! I also wish you a nice day!! 💖💖💖🥰 And I'm glad to hear that my art brightens up your day! 🙏✨
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lgcxhaeun · 6 months
i'm *mariah carey high note* BAAAACK
i decided to pick up haeun again mostly because i miss writing with all of you and the plots we would make. i miss making time to write in general! i missed the sense of community and lowkey feel the fomo whenever you guys tweet on ac days lmao!!
you can reach me through tumblr dms or through my twitter @/hiraihomos (that still hasn't changed) or you can catch me on discord! (but pls dm to ask for that <3)
i would love to retain any and all rls haeun had prior to dropping. just feel free to hmu and we can get to plotting once more! that goes for people that i was plotting with but never got to get anything up too!!! anyways read below to understand what haeun has been up to in the couple of months since i dropped her!
haeun feel into a deep depression the last few months. we're talking bad. wasn't taking care of herself, wasn't motivated, the works
she was declining to participate in any and all lgc events that weren't mandatory as she literally couldn't bring herself to do anything.
anything that was mandatory, she wasn't putting a lot of effort in because she couldn't. she's gotten a few talkings because of it
everyone in lgc (meaning instructors, staffers, everyone) could see that her light was essentially going out. she really concerned everyone for a hot minute
she's currently on the mend! very introverted and anxious now but she's not trying to push herself to be overly bubbly as she used to. she's focusing on being okay for the most part
she's still dating hyunhee that's the light of her life
haeun currently doesn't know if she wants to be an idol anymore but she doesn't feel adequate enough to be an actress and not pretty enough to be a model. she feels lost (she needs guidance!!)
i personally would love some threads on muse's reactions to haeun slowly crawling out of the depression (if you can stomach it, i know it's a tough topic for a lot of us <3)
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lavender-town-radio · 19 days
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[...] Alice Ha, more widely known by xir stage name Laplace, runs the recently launched Battle Coloseum at the Johto Frontier. The new Frontier Brain's moniker will be recognized by those who follow the Challenge Circuit - two-time Champion (Kanjoh, Hoenn) & boasting three regions worth of Badges, Laplace has been on the radar of battle fans since her Champion debut (Kanjoh). Details on the facility should [...]
[...] trained in Zhonghua in the use of Aura. Zhonghua, known as the Cradle of Aura, has many trainers who seek entrance into the region in the hopes of training with the mystical power. Originally in Zhonghua for medical treatment, [...]
[...] known as the Genguard Foundation. A non-profit focused on helping those who are impacted by the actions of teams, rampaging legendaries, and supporting cursed and/or transformed individuals. Goldenrod has appreciated the efforts of the foundation in the wake of what some locals are calling the "eeby-deeby inhabitation", [...]
[...] those educated on the occult certainly recognize the name "Laplace" for different reasons than battle fans - apparently he's quite a renowned Exorcist, even boasting the title as their former trainer class [...]
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Name: Alice Ha, known professionally Laplace Trainer Class: Colosseum Master (formerly Exorcist) Pronouns: any/all (including neos+xenos) Residence: Mahogany Town, Johto Birthplace: Ha Island, Hoenn S/o: @biolumin-escent Partner Pokemon: Feraligatr (Water/Dragon), Gorebyss (Water/Dragon), Umbreon Assist Pokemon: Blacephalon, Shiftry, Gengar, Froslass, Ninetales, SUICUNE (Glitch)
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For the Genguard Foundation, click here. For exorcist consultation rates, click here.
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Pelliper Mail: Open Musharna Mail: Open Roto Leak: On Data Leak: On Magic Anons: Off Pelliper Malice: Disabled Pelliper Un-Mail: Disabled
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IC Anon Hate: Not accepted & sending it will result in a block.
Allowed Interactions: Sapient pokemon, eebydeebies, Fallers, crossover blogs (if you're concerned just send me an ask!)
Disallowed Interactions: branded irl blogs
branded irl explanation: with all kindness and an understanding that I support people's right to rp whatever, the branded irl rp is a little too close to some tropes/topics that are highly triggering to me. I've already filtered the associated tag and if necessary will also filter blog names. I would very kindly ask that branded irl blogs do not interact with me, and know I will be curating my own experience to the best of my ability. Have fun, k? 🫶
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dividers by @bunhype/@lavender-town-radio
100Poke = 1USD
Zhonghua = China
Hellas = Greece
links for Genguard Foundation & exorcism rates lead to the blog's askbox
antis dni we have irreconcilable differences on the topic of harassment. don't make this about fandom shit and leave me alone.
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bandzboy · 4 months
no but like people are insane sometimes. like you said it's all about setting boundaries, and i feel like people need to understand that everyone has problems and most of us have our own trauma too. i've had situations where people wanted to vent about something heavy but they asked me if i could handle it first bc they didn't wanna trigger me. and sometimes i was okay enough to hear about their trauma, other times i had to ask them if we could leave that conversation for another moment bc i was too overwhelmed by my own problems/trauma/depression. they ALWAYS respected it, and we came back to that topic at a better time. not everyone is gonna be ready to have that kind of conversation at ANY time, and it's not bc they don't care. if it's someone who's literally NEVER there for you at all then yeah maybe they're not really your friend. but if it's someone who just needs their own space to heal sometimes, or they can't handle a certain topic bc it's too triggering for them, then they shouldn't be treated like garbage. everyone should prioritize their own mental health, but you can't ask other people to put your mental health above their own 💀
no literally i agree! everyone has their shit to deal with and honestly i like to feel that my friends support me and if i need them to talk about stuff they will be there for me! there are times where i even have to process my own feelings before even talking about them since there are things that i don't even understand that is connected to something that happened in my past and there was a time when i was going through things when i was in my preteens and i did not have friends to talk with and genuinely kept it all in and obviously it wasn't good! talking with somebody about certain things also helps you understand the situation better and what to do next and i will say that having someone to talk to about anything and everything is such a luxury i always thought this! but yeah i feel like it all comes down to respecting and understanding the other person and creating boundaries i feel like this is the genuine basis of what a friendship/relationship honestly is because if you don't have this foundation you aren't exactly friends at all i would say like apparently people don't know that and it's quite concerning... it honestly makes me not even wanna trust more people because they might pull some shit like these people online are probably doing to their friends 😭
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scratchandplaster · 2 months
Shepard, what would you do if Ben got injured or died?
Ben, what would you do if Shepherd got injured or died?
[Masterlist] | Ask game
Shepard's hesitation spoke volumes.  
"I have to say, Sam, this is getting very dark for an article about rural life," he finally said and let his brows furrow in concern.
"Well, my readers want to see just that from your perspective; and since you and plenty of your - What shall I call them? Tentmates? - decide to bring their children up in this environment, people will be curious," they explained, still trying to settle down comfortably on the cot, "If I remember correctly, safety is a big part of your project's appeal."
Always staying in control, Shepard crossed his legs, earning a lone second to reflect. Whatever the young reporter was trying to get to needed to be swept aside before any rifts in his carefully veiled cover formed.
"Injury simply is a risk of physical labor, a part of life," he sighed, visibly irritated like this was a topic often debated, "Enough of us are equipped for first aid care and if that doesn't suffice, our good connections to a rural physician do."
"Would you consider hospital care?"
"What about blood transfusions?" Sam wasn't even giving him the favor of acting discreetly anymore, a fact that clearly wore Shepard out.
"Does any of your research indicate that life-sustaining measures have no place in alternative lifestyles?"
"Not at all, but-"
"Then you understand that I'd do anything to guarantee the health and safety of everyone on my property," he stated clearly, "To never endanger a soul."
Nowadays, Shepard should have added in all fairness, but chose to swallow it down. He didn't owe them a single drop of insight.
"No parent wants to think about their child leaving the world early, so forgive me if I won't. I don't enjoy drowning myself in these scenarios. I hope I'm lucky enough to go first."
"Died? W-w-what do you mean died? What kind of question is that?!"
Just a minute ago, Ben and the triplets had peacefully sculpted little shapes and animals on a picknick blanket, but now his shocked face blankly stared at Sam. They, in response, awkwardly raised their voice again:
"I mean accidents constantly happen and he's not getting younger anytime soon, so I am interested in what kind of process the deceased-"
"What would you do if-if-if your grandma got hit by a car, huh?" he yelled at their sour face in a sad attempt to act quick-witted, "Yeah, thought so!"
"Slow down, it was meant theoretically."
"You can theoretically go and fuck yourself!" A hissed insult couldn't hide the tears in his eyes.
Oh man. Sam knew exactly the kind of domino effect this would trigger as they noticed the kids' soft gasps.
"Mama, Ben said a bad word!" the first one yelled towards the flock of people near the campfire site.
"Shh, be quiet!" another sibling tried, as if to hide a terrible secret.
"You have to say a nice word now, to make it even!" the third insisted and plucked at Ben's sweater.
Ben didn't even waste a thought on that, instead turning his back to the source of his sorrow and quietly disfiguring his dough pyramid beyond recognition.
Birdie casually walked over from her station, honey-blonde braids pinned up firmly, and wordlessly hinted at Sam to follow her.
Caught with my hands in the cookie jar. Though a transgression also bore new possibilities for them: How does Mama Bear resolve conflicts and which punishments are utilized? Sam tried to ignore the tightness in their throat.
"I was just asking in general terms," they spoke first, trying to cut the tension between them.
"It's alright."
"If I expected him to react like that-"
"Hey, it’s alright," Birdie assured softly, "I think we both know that our Ben is a sensitive one."
Oh. It was a nice surprise that at least one of them didn't walk on eggshells around the golden boy. Sam huffed: "You can say that again."
"It's a good lesson in compassion for my three little monsters too," Birdie looked back over to the blanket where the kids comforted a sniffling Ben; tiny sticky hands rubbed down his back and showed him a salt dough octopus with too many arms. "It's okay to cry, we are here for you," one whispered, just as Ben had taught them many times before.
A sight that made Sam cringe: "This is really embarrassing for me, sorry."
She led them to one of the tables near the campfire, wooden slabs on thick legs, resistant to every weather condition. Flour was sprinkled all over it: dinner was only in a few hours still many were already busy preparing it. On most days, Sam was lucky to have the energy to throw spaghetti into a pot.
Maybe they could find themself a Birdie back home...
"Don't worry," she waved, "we would take care of him."
"Huh?" Sam was ripped from their thoughts.
"If something happened to Shepard. That's what you asked about, right?" she stated, to which they only nodded, "and should nothing hold him here anymore, we'd buy the land and help him settle down in a new support system. Maybe with his brother."
"Speaking of which-"
Birdie shook her head, wearing a sad smile and throwing a ball of dough from one hand to the other: "You are quite nosy, as you're hopefully aware of."
"How can I not be?"
"There sure are topics you don't like to share with strangers."
Sam had to surrender, but only for today: "That's fair."
A blob of fresh bread dough was emphatically pushed towards them.
"You can apologize later, and please try to keep the kids out of it," Birdie offered caringly, "I don't want to know what other words he learned during his sabbatical."
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tsukuyomii45 · 1 year
Hi again 👋
So the thing i want to talked about is the sharingan..
I bet Rin would talked to Obito about their children sharingan since they have it from their father.
Rin worried about how they would awakened their mengekyo sharingan by losing someone they cared/loved. She know how to awakened the mengekyo, and that with losing someone they loved/cared. She didn't want her children to felt that kinda of pain. And Obito understand about it. But he knew that one day their children would feel that kind of pain, sooner or later.
It's the same way Sakura concern about Sarada's sharingan. She didn't want her to feel that kind of pain, since she already seen it herself by her husband, Sasuke. But after seeing the latest Boruto chapter, Sarada did awakened her mangekyo, but that was because her fear of losing Boruto.
But at least Sarada didn't go like Obito, Madara, Sasuke or Itachi in the canon. And what Rin concern is they would be like their father (in the canon, after seeing Rin died)
What do you think about this??
Here's the thing;
I don't particularly like making parallels between Rin and Sakura (because I am so sick of the Team 7 bullshit parallel), but I can see why Rin would be concerned about the topic.
However, they would STILL talk about it.
In Sasuke's case, he can't tell Sarada that he had to "kill" his brother (Itachi succumbed to his disease so I can't really say Sasuke killed him directly lmao) and find out the truth about the clan - it's already a very complicated relationship in SasuSaku.
But in ObiRin's case, it's not that complicated. Why?
Because their kids obtained their Sharingan by going through something traumatic already. They are NOT protected from the traumatic life of a shinobi, because they ARE shinobi, and that's what they chose to be.
I mentioned that his son was going through a conflicting phase after unlocking his Sharingan, and let me tell you why:
Because his son unlocked his Sharingan when his little sister was in danger. They have a close bond, and seeing her in danger was enough to trigger his optical chakra and voila; Sharingan unlocked.
After realizing the trauma a ninja had to witness, and the emotional turmoil that an Uchiha needs to go through in order to obtain their dojutsu, his son started questioning if he should quit being a shinobi.
Obito helped him realize what he wanted in the end (as mentioned in the fanart).
Obito's daughter too, unlocked her Sharingan out of deep anger; definitely during a mission where something triggered a certain rage that it made her activate her Sharingan for the first time. Her personality is a fiery type; which ties in to her being a potent Fire jutsu user.
Obito brought up the talk about the Mangekyou Sharingan some time after his kids unlocked it, so that they can have an understanding about how the Sharingan really works. Rin allowed the topic to be discussed, because her children, who have dominant Uchiha blood running in their veins, needed to know so that they can perhaps understand their emotions and maybe learn how to control it so that they don't face any type of darkness that their father Obito faced long, long ago. :)
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yoomiii123 · 2 years
Do you think Alice already knew she and Jasper were leaving when she grabbed him and ran out of the house in BD2? Or did they argue about it/make that decision together after they got out of range of Edward's gift?
This is a great topic on which I have a very specific head canon on. Thank you for asking and giving me a reason to share it!
So, here's how I imagine it went: Leaving was actually not Alice's decision but Jasper's.
The second Alice revealed that the Volturi were coming for them, his mind started racing. He knew that if they came, they would not leave without his wife. And he needed to do everything he could to prevent that. That's the reason why he immediately asks for the specifics ("When?", "Look for the trigger", "Can we stop her?").
His first approach was to stop the event from happening altogether, but when Alice reveals that this is impossible since Irina is almost in Volterra, he changes his plan. There is no way he can save them all, but he can take Alice and run. And that's exactly what he decides to do. (In the books, I pinpoint his decision to occur a split-second before he growls "We can't win.")
Half participating in the ongoing conversation, half planning where they could run to, he follows the conversation regarding the witnesses. His question about Peter and Charlotte was not only due to concern for his brother, but also a practical: Seeking out Peter and Charlotte was the natural first move, since there was strength in numbers. They couldn't take the entire Volturi guard, but the four of them might stand a chance against a small group sent after Alice.
But where would they run to? Europe is too dangerous since it's the Volturi's homebase. North America is out of question as well. He's considering Asia when Carlisle mentions the Amazons and piques his interest. Remote, sparsely populated, enough animals to sustain them, and he knows first hand how difficult it is to locate a group of vampires in the dense forests from back when the family visited the Amazons for the last time. It's perfect, so he decides run with South with Alice as soon as he could (they would swim past the war-zone, of course).
This decision is absolute for him, which is why Alice's vision immediately changes. She's been looking for Kachiri, Zafrina, and Senna, but suddenly sees her and Jasper in the jungle. And that new string of visions is the only one that doesn't end with her family dead (This is from Edward's part in the books: “What was that?” Edward asked, his whisper a demand. “That part in the jungle. Are we going to look for them?").
She's been with Jasper long enough to know that he would be plotting and that the shift in her visions is most likely due to some decision he just made. So, she quickly dismisses the vision and returns to reality (which is why we get Edward complaining "That was too fast—I didn’t understand. What was—?"). She blows him off and drags Jasper out of the house as quickly as possible, to get him out of earshot and ask him what his plan is.
So to sum up, here's my headcanon: Them leaving was Jasper's decision. Alice recognised that his plan is the only one that doesn't end up killing them all, so she wastes no time putting it into action. There was no discussion, no argument (until Alice decided she needed to go back with Nahuel and Huilen, something that Jasper didn't appreciate at all. If he had it his way, Kachiri could have led them to Forks and they could have remained on the run).
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francenemolove · 1 year
Series: My Kitty Minie (Chapter 3)
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"It was you all along? I don't understand; why didn't you just tell me?" Jimin stammered. eyes teary, looking at her. 
 "I just wanted to fulfill a promise I made." Y/N said coldly. 
 "So if there isn't anything important you want to tell me, then go back to work," she dismissed. 
 Jimin just nodded and bowed his head as he stepped out of her office. 
He assumed she'd be relieved to see him again; everything they'd been through had been insignificant to her. He didn't know that experiencing this could be the most painful thing in his life.
~ This story is purely fiction.
~ This means that the characters whose names are used in the story, aren't like this and don't do things like this.
~ This story contains triggering topics like abuse, sex, angst and fluff.
The story is made in an Alternate Universe. It's an A,B,O world where Alphas can be females with a cock and Omegas can be males with a pussy.DO NOT READ IF YOU ARE BELOW 18.
 They've been inseparable since their first meeting. Boram wasn't happy about it.
"I don't understand why you have to go there all the time instead of studying!"
"But mom, my Jiminie's there." He's quite shy, and I'm the only friend he's made so far, so I have to be there all the time to keep him company. If you just come and meet him, you will also:
"Stop it, Y/N, I don't want to hear any of this!"
Sun-Young entered her daughter's house, and this is what she witnessed. It's nothing new; Y/N and Boram do this all the time, ever since Y/N was young.
"Now, now. "Stop it, you too." "It's early in the morning," said Sun-Young.
"Ah, of course, someone's here to save and spoil you." muttered by Boram.
"Good morning to you, too, sweetie," said Sun-Young, and she came to hug Boram, but she just dodged it.
Releasing a deep sigh, Sun-Young turned to her granddaughter, smiled, and opened her arms for her to jump in.
"Whoa!" You're getting heavier, my angel." Sun-Young exclaimed
A loud hiss was heard in the living room, and they both looked at where the sound came from. They were met with an annoyed face from Boram. Y/N descended from her grandmother.
"I'm sorry, Mommy, I was just excited to see Grandma," said Y/N without meeting her eyes.
"Do you realize you're getting old and Grandma can't lift you like she used to?" Boram chastised.
Sun-Young gave a soft smile when she heard her daughter's concern. You see, ever since Y/N was a toddler, the closeness that Boram and Sun-Young once shared has slowly drifted apart. Boram will avoid any skinship with her mother, but she can see Boram's concern for her every now and then. At least she can still catch a glimpse of her daughter's sweet side.
"It's alright; Grandma loves it whenever you give me your biggest and warmest hugs." "Maybe your mom's just jealous," she whispered to her granddaughter, and both of them snickered.
"I heard that!" "Come on, you have to get ready for school; I'm going to be late in the office too."
And with that, they prepared for their morning.
Back in the sanctuary
Jimin's been staying in the sanctuary for a couple of months now. At first, he didn't like the idea of being in a confined space. It made him feel like he didn't have freedom, but as time went on, he realized that being in the sanctuary was much better than being a stray in the streets. It's dangerous, and you have to be competitive in order to be left alone by other dominant strays. He was still a young boy, and he was very frail. He couldn't survive that long in the streets, so he stayed in the forest. There was a small cave that he stayed in. It was quite damp inside, so on his scheduled run in the streets, he made sure to look for any pieces of fabric that could keep his body warm on the cold floor of the cave. Things were going well for him, but one night when he decided to go back to the streets to look for food, things went south. He reasoned that looking for food at dusk would keep him away from any humans who might endanger him, but that night was not kind to him.
Rummaging the trash cans in an alley, Jimin felt nervous and happy at the same time. He saw a half-bitten sandwich and a knitted shawl.
"TThis will definitely keep me warm." There are more boxes that I can search for, but it's really late.
As Jimin is on his way to this familiar track that he walks on that leads him to his shelter, a voice is heard behind him.
" Is that you, my kitty?"
Chills ran all over Jimin's body—it can't be him! He thought to himself, "I ran away from him; this is a different place."
"Come on, kitty; it took me so much time and effort to look for you; the least you could do is to be a good pet and come here so that we can finally go home." The voice was calm, yet the person spoke with authority.
Jimin wanted badly to run away and never look back, but his fear made him freeze.
"Tsk, you really are a naughty kitten. Come here, Jimin." I'm tired of this bullshit that you've put me through. "COME HERE!"
The shout brought Jimin back to his senses; he was about to run away, but the man had already yanked his tail and dragged him. There were tears streaming down Jimin's pale cheeks, and pleas of "NO" and "LET ME GO" were the only things coming out of his mouth. The more Jimin struggled to free himself, the more the man yanked and squeezed his neck and arms that were flailing around. Despite the struggle, Jimin swung his hands and clawed at his captor's eyes with all of his remaining strength, because of the pain, he let go of Jimin.
" Ahhh! You bitch! I'm going to fucking kill you!
Jimin held his tail and ran as fast as he could. He went in a different direction. He was afraid that if he went back to his shelter, the man could easily see where he was. He has to take a detour to at least confuse the man.
It was dawn when Jimin stopped running and thought of hiding so that he could rest. He saw an abandoned building and went behind it to hide near the dumpsters. When he felt that no potential harm could come his way, he told himself, "I just need to." He passed out because of exhaustion.
He was awoken by someone who had a radio in his hand.
"Affirmative, the boy is breathing." "Has quite a few bruises..." "Yes, upon his waking, we're going to take him."
"Good day, buddy."
Jimin flinched—another human. "They're going to take me; they're going to hurt me again; I can't... "I don't want to anymore... " he reflected.
"Please... no more," Jimin whimpered, tears welling up in his eyes.
He's so tired. He just wants to make all the pain go away. And with that, he closed his eyes and just accepted his fate.
" Jiminie ? "
He was startled from his thoughts when Y/N placed her soft hands on his cheeks.
"You're crying, Minie; is everything okay?" asked Y/N.
He leaned on her palms; he was safe and happy in her hold. He let out a broken purr.
"M'kay. I was thinking about something." He looked at her with his big brown eyes.
Y/N lunged at him and wrapped her arms around him so tightly that Jimin couldn't breathe.But Jimin didn't seem to mind; he simply squeezed her as tightly as she does.
"I'm here now, Minie; I'm always going to be here for you. I'm your best friend. Please, don't cry anymore.
Jimin untangled himself from her embrace and held her hands instead, asking, "Promise?""
Y/N took her hand in his, showed her her pinky finger, and said."I pinky swear, Minie."Forever "
"Forever," Jimin replied, locking his pinky to hers.
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cxlxrx · 2 years
Pinky Swear
Warnung: canon typical violence, PTSD
WC: 2.275
A/N: thanks again to my beta @whoopsitswhump <3 I guess we're at the turning point of the story now >⁠.⁠<
(still tagging @ginwicche ^^)
Chapter 7
Hughie had never watched this much Scooby Doo in his entire life. Even as a kid he hadn't watched so many episodes. He and Ben had started a Scooby Doo marathon, they watched Scooby Doo 24/7. Even when Ben was asleep Scooby Doo flickered over the TV. Hughie didn't wanna see the electricity bill, but Ben's learning sucsess had doubled in a week. Hughie was extremely proud, he had told Butcher, Annie, Kimiko, Frenchie and even sent a quick SMS to MM (he didn't get a reply). Ben only communicated with words, not sentences, but still. If Hughie asked Ben something Ben would answer him with a word or a sign (mostly a sign).
Ever since Ben started communicating, Butcher had gotten more impatient. He wanted to make Ben ready for the fight. Hughie wasn't fully convinced of the plan, especially because Ben had been doing so well the last two weeks, and Annie was still against Butcher's plan. Actually Hughie and Annie were both against the plan, but for different reasons.
Annie thought Ben was too dangerous in a fight, she was concerned many people would die and thought that Ben was still an uncontrollable force. Hughie on the other hand was concerned that their entire progress they made in (nearly) two months would disappear in a blink of an eye. Butcher still didn't understand Hughie's attachment to Ben.
"Hughie, why the fuck do ya care about him so much? He's a fuckin' Supe and one of the worst, ya know that", Butcher said while sitting with Hughie on their couch in the living room. Ben sat in his corner and watched them (his mistrust against Butcher had lowered over the past weeks, but still he didn't sleep if Butcher was around).
"I know, but he changed,” Hughie answered. He didn't like the topic. Everybody around him was convinced that Ben was a bad person. He was before he got captured, but now he was completely different. Hughie asked himself more often now if Ben could remember anything about his past life. His life before the russians. His time as a real superhero. Probably not. "And he's with me constantly for 24 hours 7 days a week for 2 months now, of course I got attached to him. He's actually really nice if you avoid his triggers."
Butcher made an amused noice, "Yeah about this..., Starlight is right, yar pet -"
"He's not my pet!", Hughie interrupted angrily. Butcher didn’t seems bothered at all and just continued. "Is fuckin' dangerous, and a bit uncontrollable for our operation, so I thought about something to lower his PTSD trigger."
"What?", Hughie asked confused, "What do you mean?" Butcher pulled a pack of weed out of his jacket. "You're kidding right?" Hughie asked in disbelief. Butcher threw the pack at the table.
"No actually not."
"No", Hughie hissed, "you don’t give this to him. How much would he even have to smoke to feel the effects?"
"Much,” Butcher said. “I brought a lot for him. It'll take the edge off of his PTSD, and we fuckin' need this."
Hughie shook his head, "We won't fucking to that!”
"Ehm, did I say we?", Butcher said, and tilted his head, "I meant I."
Hughie was lost in his thoughts when he went into the bathroom with Ben to shower him. Ben had even asked him if he was okay. Hughie assumed Ben didn't even understood the topic of their conversation, or maybe he was still brainwashed to overhear conversations about him. It didn’t matter if Ben couldn't decide for himself, Hughie could decide for him. He couldn't let Butcher handle it, especially when he wanted to force Ben to smoke so much weed his emotions went numb. They had made progress, so much progress over the two months, and Hughie didn’t want to risk losing it. He no longer carried the Geiger counter around with him. Mostly he simply forgot it, but fortunately he didn't really need it anymore.
When Ben finished showering Hughie gave him a towel, some clothes, and rubbed Ben's hair dry. Ben could do more on his own then before, but this didn't mean everything. Ben was extremely bad at taking care of his hygiene. He didn't know when he had to shower, when his hair was greasy, or when he started to reek (this had never happend, Hughie took his job very seriously). He also couldn't choose clothes for himself, but he could get dressed alone. This was something. Baby steps. Ben was free from the Russians for only two months and for those two months he had made progress! Hughie was definitely proud, he tried to say this to Ben as often as he could. As Hughie was finished with rubbing Ben's hair, it stood up in every direction. It always looked kinda funny.
Ben moved his hands, Scooby Doo. Watch. He pointed at himself. Hughie smiled. “Sure you can watch Scooby Doo." Ben shook his right fist, but his facial expression didn’t chance. Ben had never laughed or even smiled once or showed any emotions on his face, and if he did they were strangely distorted and difficult to read. Hughie and Ben stepped out of the bath directly into the living room, and froze.
A woman was standing in the middle of the room, she was in her 50’s and had fire red hair.
"I knew it was you,” she said. Hughie recognized her from somewhere, but couldn't put a finger on where. Ben looked at her. His face didn't show any emotions. Slowly he tilted his head. "Do you wanna bullshit me?" The woman asked upset. “I thought you were dead. I thought we-" she interrupted herself, started at Ben, and then her gaze flickered to Hughie. “Who the fuck are you?"
"I-I'm Hughie", Hughie stuttered. Ben moved himself a bit more in front of Hughie. They were standing so close to each other Hughie could feel Ben's body temperature. The shining in his chest was back, and the Geiger counter was in his bedroom. Shit.
"What?" The woman asked in a cutting tone. "You were dead for 40 years, and now you shack up with a twink like that!?"
Ben stared at her, his wet hair was falling over his forehead, tickling his eyes. Hughie had to cut it again.
Don't think about stuff like that!
Hughie slapped himself mentally, everytime he was nervous as fuck he started to think about such stupid things. Stupid brain. "Uhgie", Ben choked out, his voice was rusty, "He", the word rolled heavy over Ben's tongue, "Uhgie."
The woman stared at Ben in shock. "What's... what's wrong with you?" Ben narrowed his eyes, he didn't understand what she meant.
"Who are you?" Hughie asked behind Ben, carefully putting a hand on Ben's right shoulder. The skin under his shirt was literally burning, and his muscles were extremely tense. He was considering this woman as something very dangerous. Ben's gaze quickly flickered to Hughie, then back to the woman, who grinned.
"I'm Crimson Countess,” she said loudly and formed an 'O' shape with her hands. Oh. OH. Right, Crimson Countess was once a hero back in the 80s, she had been Soldier Boy’s girlfriend, and disappeared from the public view when Soldier Boy ‘died.’ It suddenly hit Hughie like a train: he had already saw the woman in the city, she was the one who had bumped into Ben.
“You recognize me right?" Crimson Countess asked as she lowered her arms again. Ben stared at her in concentration. Then he moved his arms across his upper body and made a cross motion then opening his arms up. Crimson Countess stared at Ben. Her gaze was disbelieving, "What... What are you doing?"
"He said he doesn't know", Hughie translated, absolutely glad Ben used sign language.
"You... he can't speak...?" She asked in a confused tone.
“He can speak", Hughie said, "but it's very hard for him to find and articulate words. Signing is easier."
Ben made a fist with his right hand and shook it up and down. "Why... What...?", Crimson Countess took a step back to the balcony, "Why are you like this?"
Ben's brow's twitched, he looked at Hughie. "Did you do this?", she asked, her gaze glued at Hughie, looking furies.
"Do you mean if I taught him sign language...?", Hughie knew the situation was tense. Ben was extremely nervous and on high alert, he could go off figuratively at any second, and probably even literally if Crimson Countess made a threatening move against him or Hughie.
"No, you fucking dumbass,” she said, speaking more loudly now. "He's completely fucking different. Like fucking totally. Only his face is the same. What did you fucking do to him? Did you brainwash him? Did you cut something in his brain?”
"No", Hughie snapped back, and felt Ben flinch a bit under his fingers. “I fucking didn't do anything to him."
"Sure you didn't,” she spit and made a move in his direction. Ben growled in response.
Hughie's heart stuttered. Ben had never done this before, this was bad. Hughie looked at Ben. The glow from his chest slowly crept up his neck, his face started to twitch, and his eyes lost their focus. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck. Ben was convinced that Crimson Countess was a big threat. Suddenly Hughie got it. Ben probably subconsciously knew who Crimson Countess was, and associated bad memories with her. He didn't know what for sure, but he knew she was a threat. He wanted to protect himself, and at this point his capability for rational thought was gone.
"You fucking did this to him,” Crimson Countess screamed. She made the 'O' motion with her hands again, and a crackling charge of energy shot towards Hughie. Ben roughly grabbed Hughie's arm and threw Hughie behind himself, protecting Hughie with his body. The glow in his chest got bigger, and he growled louder. Fuck.
"BEN!” Hughie shouted, "Please don't." The growling suddenly stopped, and Ben turned his head around. The same light from his chest was now in his eyes. Hughie coughed, "Ben, please don't. Everything will be fine again", Hughie raised his hand with outstretched pinky. "Pinky Swear."
Suddenly Crimson Countess was standing next to Ben, looking up to him and carefully touching his cheek. Fuck. They were fucked.
Ben turned abruptly and grabbed Crimson Countess's arm in an iron grip. She immediately screamed and felt on her knees. Hughie could hear her and break. She screamed and punched Ben's forearm, but might as well have been punching a stone. "Ben,” Hughie shouted, “don't-"
He was thrown against the wall with such force that it cracked, and the air was knocked out of Hughie’s lungs. Suddenly everything got bright, and then incredibly hot. It felt like his skin was burning off. The last thing Hughie heard was Crimson Countess’ painful and hysterical screaming, then everything went dark.
Hughie should have known that it would all go to Hell. He never had any luck. Ever. He should have remembered this after some time with Ben, but he didn't. He thought Ben was doing well, was actually getting better. Hughie forgot over the time they had spent together how dangerous Ben actually was. He should have known better.
His head hurt like hell, and his face felt extremely warm. Slowly, and with more effort than usual, Hughie opened his eyes. He was in a bed, in a too bright room. Hughie groaned and blinked a few times against the light.
"Petit Hughie!” Someone touched his forehead with cool hands, "You're awake!"
Ben. Where was he? Hughie turned his head and looked at Frenchie. He felt dizzy. and everything was blurry. "W...hat?", Hughie asked, his words slurred. and tried to sit up. His arms felt like pudding.
"Don't move so much", Frenchie said hurriedly, and pressed a hand on Hughie's shoulder, "Two of your ribs are broken and you have a concussion!"
"W...hat?", Hughie's thoughts were slow and there was only one thing he could think about, "Ben..?"
Frenchie looked confused for a brief moment, but then understood. "He's with Butcher."
It felt like someone had punched Hughie in the gut, the fog in Hughie's brain vanished immediately, and a cold feeling crept up his spine. He was suddenly fully conscious. "What?", he asked breathlessly. "Where is he?"
Frenchie turned his head and made movements with his hand, probably to communicate with Kimiko. Hughie couldn't see the sign. Frenchie turned back to him. "He's okay, he'll be safe with Butcher." Hughie grabbed Frenchie's sleeve and pulled him down so they were face to face.
"Where the fuck is Ben?"
Frenchie licked his lower lip, "Hughie-"
"Where the fuck is Ben? I swear if anything happens to him-", Hughie felt sick. This was the first time he was seperated from Ben since he had found him. He felt so incredibly sick.
Frenchie sighed and muttered, "Butcher va me tuer,” then continued. “He's with Butcher and MM, they're training him to kill Homelander."
"And where the fuck are they?"
Frenchie lowered his eyelids and shook his head, "They didn't tell me the location, they knew I would tell you."
Hughie released Frenchie of the iron grip on his shirt and tried to stand up as he spoke. "I'll have to find him." Suddenly, a sharp pain shot through his rib cage, and every time he breathed in he saw little stars. Shit. He wasn't able to stand up, he couldn't help Ben. Shit, shit, shit. Ben needed his help, now more than ever. Hughie laid back and put his forearm over his eyes.
"Hughie...", Frenchie started.
“Don't,” Hughie interrupted him, suddenly extremely tired. “Just don't."
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Hello! Is there any way you can do headcanons on AD characters helping a female friend who just got out of a toxic/abusive relationship? I recently just got out of one myself, but I totally, completely understand if you can't do it because of how triggering the topic is.
I’m so sorry this took me so long and thank you for trusting me with this. ❤
As someone who, up until very recently, used to work day in day out with people in/getting out of abusive relationships I want you to know this is a safe space.
Since I don’t know anything about you, nor do I need too, I have kept these as vague as possible whilst also trying to change up the story a little bit where I could. I hope at least one resonates with you. I went with small blurbs that vary in word-count to change it up in tone.
And if there is a character missing that you wanted or I'm completely off the mark please just let me know and I can add on, I just wrote the characters who are my usual Adam characters.
Sending you all the love and healing vibes 💕 Trigger Warning : Discussions of abusive relationships
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You’d asked Adam if it was ok for you to do something basic. You wanted some food in a place that you had once spent pretty much every waking moment, with one of your closest friends, that was until your ex-partner had come into your life.
It wasn’t the first time you’d done it and it probably wouldn’t be the last. It was a slip of the tongue; it had been a long time since you’d actually needed permission to simply exist. But the wounds still laid beneath the surface.
“You basically live here, what the fuck are you talking about? Go eat! You always do this and I tell you every time,” he blurted out, his tone tinged on amusement but you could tell he was put out by your question.
“Just habit I guess.”
The way he looked at you was a mixture of concern and confusion.
It just spilled out. The intense look he gave you, the silence of the room whilst he almost waited for further explanation. But it just… fell out. The years of control, the years of never being able to step foot without someone else calling the shots. You had never known how to dress, eat, who to talk too, where to go after work, without someone saying so.
All of it had made you a shell of a person, someone who had to rebuild themselves long after they should have learned to operate on their own. Someone who had to rebuild relationships, including your friendship with Sackler, whilst no one was any the wiser. The autonomy of being alive was suddenly new to you again.
He sighed, a few sounds stuttering out of his mouth before, “Fuuuuuck kid that’s…. daaaamn,”
You didn’t know how to interpret his tone; he was a hard one to read at times. Even when he was being serious his voice erred on the edge of sarcasm. Was he making fun of you or just shocked?
The first reaction that came to you was to shrug, you’d been passing it off for so long it felt like no big deal. Whenever anyone had asked you had lied, told them nothing was wrong and that your relationship was the best thing to ever happen to you.
You never turned up with bruises, that was what had convinced them you were ok. Cause how could you be being abused if there were no bruises, no evidence, nothing to show for your pain.
His hand rested on your arm, probably the most affectionate gesture you’d had out of him in a while. His thumb rubbed circles tentatively into your skin and you nodded, understanding his unspoken words.
“You’ll tell me if that happens again?” he asked quietly after a while.
You shook your head instantly, “It won’t ever, I’m not going back to that.”
“…If it does, I will” you conceded, half-smiling to break the tension you felt. He smiled back, a curt nod was his response.
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Charlie’s face hardened to stone. You’d finally told him the truth about your ex-partner, finally explained all the lies he’d tried to call you out on so many times. He’d been nothing but a good friend to you in all the years you’d worked at the theatre and you didn’t want to keep it a secret anymore.
Your instinct told you he was angry, feeling like you’d seen that face too many times before. And too many times it had led to something you never want to experience again, for a split second your skin burned hot. You felt it creep up the back of your neck and flush your cheeks, your eyes remained wide as you silently begged him to say something.
“I’m sorry sweetheart,” he finally said, his voice cracking. Your eyebrows raised just a little, this was the first time you’d seen empathy on a mans face in a long time.
“Can I do anything?” he added hastily. You smiled, everyone had asked you that and you never felt like you had the right answer. So instead, you shook your head, reaching out to put a hand on his forearm, “A hug will do.”
You needed to feel safe in a man’s arms again, Charlie loomed over you in the most intimidating body you’d ever seen – hilariously and ironically far more intimidating than your Ex had ever physically been. Yet gentleness poured out of him, in complete opposite contrast to the vicious thorniness of your Ex.
For now, safety was all you needed. That was something your dear friend could provide.
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As you spoke, recounting the attack, you paced. Fiddling with your fingers as you stumbled, you’re your words, trying to get it all out as fast as you could. Kylo had asked about the bruises on your neck and face, knowing that you hadn’t been training in a while. You had dodged it but he was insistent, he knew. He just wanted to hear it from you.
Your pacing led you right to his feet but the intensity of his stare felt too familiar so you turned your back and walked the same path again.
You heard the rush of his saber igniting and you turned, his eyes flickered red in the light.
You shook your head, “It doesn’t matter.”
Through gritted teeth he repeated himself, “Who?”
You uttered a name, so quietly you hoped he hadn’t heard it. You heard the squeak of his boots as he turned towards the door behind him. The rush of it opening made you spin in place.
Your feet carried you after him, rushing along behind him trying not to get caught in the swirl of his cloak. You thought about begging him not too, that no one else needed to get hurt.
But then something clicked in your head, something sickening that struck you with delighted fear. You’d be free, you’d be safe. Months of pain would disappear and the person who dealt them out would get what they deserved.
Without consciously realizing it your feet stopped, letting Kylo get further and further away. ‘Let him go,’ a little voice in the back of your head said with a satisfied smile, ‘Let him handle it.’
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You’d sat him down, afraid one day it would all just come spilling out. It had been years and it was time, Paterson had been the only friend you’d had, one that was kept a secret from your partner. Friends wasn’t something you were allowed to have easily. Seeing as you only ever saw him when he came into the small-town bar you worked in it was easy to keep Paterson away from all that. He had been your solace when it all got too much.
One day he asked you why you never talked about your life, the bar was quiet with just you two and one old guy fast asleep in the back booth. So, you let the words come out, the whole story only really took you ten minutes to tell but it felt like an eternity.
Your eyes fixated on a small puddle of beer on the bar, you watched the light above you ripple in it as you talked.
When you looked up the brim of his eyes were lined with tears. You instantly felt like you needed to fix it, starting to mumble something about “… oh don’t worry about me” But then he took your hands in his, bringing them up to his face palms against his cheeks. He pressed soft but purposeful kisses against each, “Never again.”
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You were playing a drunken game one night after The Duck Tape had cleared out. A question came up about the worst thing that had ever happened to you.
Clyde regaled harsh and gruesome stories of war, but yours was much closer to home.
He didn’t say a word in response, dread surged through your stomach. He took two steps towards you before wrapping both arms around you. Your face smushed against the warmth of his chest made a surge relief dampen the fire of shame that boiled within you.
“I… don’t know how to respond t’ that,” You heard him mumble.
You laughed. You actually laughed, for the first time in months pure amusement filled your body. The sound felt a little alien, like a memory you had but didn’t know why.
You pulled back from him and he stared down at you, his face was often expressionless so that didn’t put you off. But you knew him well enough to know the slight extension of his pout was one of deep sympathy.
“Thank you, Clyde,” you said, stifling your giggles.
“’Fer what?”
“Just…. Thank you.”
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derek1234asdf · 11 days
Since I may not see you again, while I'm in the mood, I'm going to dump the important thoughts so I don't regret not having said anything.
You're a very difficult person to understand, and I went through multiple iterations of interpreting events. The biggest clue came on the last day of my beginning stint here, I saw something I'd never seen before.  When I was saying how glad I was you'd worked here, your tone & words, reacted divergent from your facial expression.  It's not just holding one thought while showing another, it's expressing two sets of mental reactions at the same time.  Another really interesting event was when I told you I thought the painting was about your dual personality (did this happen the same day?), and you gave me a shocked expression, and nodded your head, and then transitioned into an angry tone and told me I was wrong.  This led to the incredible idea you're 'split'.  I only came to this idea after I'd left, and after a gargantuan amount of mental energy because nothing you did made sense.  I realize what happened the second time, she said yes, and then you backtracked to no.
I was hoping by now you would be a "whole", so I could see what you turn into, maybe that was too optimistic; however, after you're tumblr response revision I realize that's not the case, I'm not sure why you thought revising it would be better, I even read it in that tone and it immediately triggered me.  Had I not read the first one, I definitely wouldn't have responded, maybe if I wasn't so triggered by the second one I wouldn't have responded either - I don't know.  "Why"?  Maybe you should have asked yourself "why not" a long time ago.  Err.  I actually didn't expect any response or plan for one.  But, by now though, I think you must 'see' and 'feel' what she does with sharper clarity.
What this is all about - time.  Seems to me your plan was to "bury" her.  Given that you don't like to share much, and lie about everything, seemed very slim anything external or internal would change that plan.  (It's interesting how much your tumblr is an endless loop of the same thing - though I've never reached the start because it seems to scroll forever.)  Actually 'she' is also the only reason I care, you simply aggravate me - which actually has a dramatic effect of accordingly splitting my opinion of you into extreme ends. But back to Time - left to your own devices it seems like you'd miss your biological clock window.  Hence, my interdiction to 'patch' you.  It's not my concern or job to make you happy and if you live an unhappy life, so be it, but you should at least have a chance.  I remember distinctly visualizing a stray cat in the middle of a desert when thinking what to do about you.
Actually, I'm not sure why you 'still' exist, it seems to me she has all your talents, like socials skills and empathy, while your main talent seems to be a high skill at lying.  My guess is only half the things you told me were true, I suppose this comes from a long time of pretending to be human.  I'm pretty sure you think she's the problem, maybe, but you are too if you think you don't need her.  The whole is greater than the sum of the parts.  I wonder if you even understand her, how can you empathize without empathy, shrug.  However, I sometimes wonder if it's an accomplishment you even function at all, let alone come off as normal.  On the other hands, it is probably mentally impossible for you to derive why I asked you out at the start the second time without a complete logical, empathetic mind - I'm sure you'll get there one day.
I'm going to guess you didn't read about the topic I recommended, but you should and really think about it, it's too boring for me to want to get into.
The tattoo comment, maybe insensitive, but tattoos only close doors and open none, unless you plan to live there your entire life.  A reasonable hill to die on with what little that's left.
I think we're similar people, and it is shocking and almost aggravating how sensitive I've become to you and how deeply you dug your claws into me.  Why?  But there is a side that wants so badly to be free of you, and the time you squander is unbelievable - time I don't have.  It feels like a vampiric relationship, feeding you my life; but I reached the end of that last month for reasons I stated there.
Oh yeah, I did understand the reference the first time, (kind of hard don't you think).  I mentioned it and you gave me a flat response, I sometimes wonder if you 'buried' it to hide it from yourself.  I thought it was one of the most adorable gestures I'd seen.  But at this point, a drop in the bucket relative to everything else.
Ok, feels good, I think I said mostly everything important.  Keeping a clean conscience and minimizing regrets is important for good sleep.
Oh yeah 2x, learn to apologize.
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