#I think they did more than drive in it if you catch my drift
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stylesparker · 8 months
together again
PAIRING: Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
WARNINGS: ex-bestfriend!steve, bullying, panic attack, anxiety, mentioned parent death, angst, hurt/comfort, "i've got you"
A/N: sorry this request took so long, but I hope you enjoy anon! Thank you for checking with me first, and I hope this can offer you a little more comfort! <33
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"Are you even listening to me?"
"Huh?" You knock yourself out of your stupor and look at Steve, his eyes gazing gravely at you. His arms are crossed, his hair is all styled up to perfection like always, and you think to yourself- how is it that you've been paired up with Steve Harrington, again, for another stupid project? Why you, of all people?
You definitely have to be cursed.
"You heard me, right?" He confirms. "My house after school?"
You nod, almost rolling your eyes a bit. "Yeah, totally." You huff before you ask, "since when have you been one to get a head start on school work?"
He chuckles, but it sounds more sarcastic than genuine, "Since I needed a good grade in this class to graduate, L/N. I'll see you later." He pushes off the wall, sauntering away in those stupid ass jeans that actually kind of make his ass look good. You shake your head, looking away from the boy and turn to face your locker once more.
As soon as you close it with your backpack over your shoulder, you hear familiar whistles coming towards you down the hallway.
You start walking, hoping within an inch of your life these shitheads aren't coming to you, but you know better. A hand clamps over your shoulder, squeezing a little too hard for you to know exactly who it is.
Justin Andrews, the biggest dick in Hawkins.
"Heya, sweetheart, you miss me?" He laughs right into your ear.
"Not exactly."
"Oh, I know you did. Where ya' been? Haven't seen you around all week, was sorta starting to miss this pretty ass." His friends laugh beside him as his hand drifts down your shoulder and smacks your ass, catching you off guard and making you flinch farther from his hold.
"Been sick." That's all you answer, thinking maybe putting him off with short responses will get him to find somebody else, but again, you know better than to think this will be different than any other time before.
"Damn, that's a shame. I'm sure those kids of yours got a nice break from ya' then huh?" You glare at him as he offers a wide-grinned smile, winking at you before leaving you with another smack to the ass as a parting gift. As Justin and his pack of friends depart, you hurry away as fast as you can down the hall and out the doors before they can even think of coming back.
Once you finally get to your car and get inside, you throw your stuff to the passenger seat and take a deep breath to try and calm yourself down. There was no way you were going to last period after that, and besides, your youngest little brother needed to be picked up from daycare today anyway. Luckily your other four siblings are a bit older and take the bus now, otherwise you probably would have dropped out at this point. You take another deep breath and drive off in hopes of getting your brother quickly, and home on time so you don't show up late to Steve's.
You do not want to deal with an angry Steve.
As the universe would have it, everything was against you today.
First, you almost got hit by some drunk pulling out of the bar halfway to the daycare. Once you got to the daycare, you had to wait half an hour since your brother had a tantrum and didn't want to leave in the middle of snack time. By the time you got him out of there, and into your car in his blue booster seat, it had been another 20 minutes. Usually it's about a 15 minute drive home from the daycare, but it ended up being a half hour due to traffic. After you finally made it home, you got a call from your boss asking you to come in again later tonight to take another extra shift since your shitty co-worker hasn't been showing up for two weeks.
At that point, you were about to lose it. You'd just gotten home and now you had to miss another family dinner tonight, much to your brother's disappointment. You wish you had just a moment to breathe, but everything has been so... chaotic lately, it's like you've been running a marathon for a month straight.
You opened the cabinet to see what food was in there, but it was only half a bag of stale potato chips, and a couple boxes of your sisters' favorite cereal. You sighed, holding your empty stomach. Leftovers tonight would have to suffice.
You took a quick glance at the clock at the wall, but did the world's fastest double take when you saw the time 4:30.
SHIT. You think. Steve is going to murder me.
Thankfully, you hear your mom pull in the driveway so at least you're not leaving your brother home alone. You grab your backpack and bolt out the door with your keys in your hand. You scream a quick goodbye to your mom while she watches you pull out of the driveway like a madman, and take off in a rush.
Fifteen minutes later, you're pulling into Steve's huge driveway, slamming the door behind you, and running up to the door with big huffs to try and catch your breath. You knock on the door three times, and pull your hand back down when you see the door already opening in front of you. When the door is opened, you're confronted by the boy you were dreading to see.
"I'm sorry-" you begin to apologize, but Steve immediately cuts you off.
"Are you serious? I asked you if after school worked and you told me it was fine, and now you're an hour and a half late!"
"Steve-" you try again, but he continues. You stand there, taking in his anger and frustration, and all you can do is blankly stare and nod, not even knowing what you're agreeing with. You shut your eyes and look at the ground, willing the tears to stay back while you twist your fingers in your hands. You don't even know when his voice lost its edge or when it even stopped at all, or when you'd been pulled inside and asked if you were alright. Your eyes are still closed, but your head feels like it's going to explode and you can't hear what he's saying. The tears are streaming down your face before you can help it, and your hands start shaking from how hard you're trying to hold back.
Steve's so taken aback, he can't even speak. He hasn't seen you like this in a long time, not since your dad died and you practically became a parent to your siblings. His heart breaks a little bit at the sight of you, and he feels a part of his old self coming back, wanting to comfort you and protect you just like he did growing up. Just like he's done his whole life, apart from the entirety of this year. He doesn't even care he's supposed to hate you and you're supposed to hate him in this moment, all he knows is that he's the only person that can help you right now, and he's going to do just that.
Steve's face loses its concern and he jumps into protective mode, bringing his hands up to hold either side of your face to get you to look at him.
"Sweetheart, I need you to calm down for me, yeah? What's going on, talk to me."
You stubbornly shake your head and refuse to look up at him. Your chest is still heaving rapidly, and he can tell you can't catch your breath.
"Don't be stubborn right now, I can't help you if you don't let me and you need to let me help you. I can't have you passing out on my floor now can I?" He tries to joke, but you don't get distracted, you keep your eyes down even though they've opened. He sighs, dropping one of his hands to grab yours and place them over his chest. "Slow down, take a deep breath, love."
"I-I can't-" you sputter out to the best of your ability, letting your hand ball his shirt up into a fist.
"Yes, you can. Take a good deep breath," you listen to him momentarily, following what he's doing, and when you do he nods and gives you a nice, soft smile, "there ya go, love, you got it. Do it again."
Seeing him be like this for you again brings you back to all those times you've needed him before, the memories almost came flooding back when you heard his loud voice turn soothing in an instant, just for you. His touch had always been grounding, always took off the pressure and allowed you to come back down, and you hadn't expected it to be the same after so much time apart, but now, it's like nothing changed. He's still Steve- he's still your Steve.
That thought alone comforts you more than anything else.
"Steve-" you whisper softly, "I'm so- sorry. I'm so sorry."
"Sweetheart, don't-"
"No, I have to. I've been horrible to you, and now you're helping me- I just-" you drop your head on his chest, and finally tell him everything. "I feel like I've just been going and going non-stop, and today was it, it was my absolute breaking point. After you, and Justin-"
"Justin? Are you- Are you serious? Is he still giving you shit?"
You gulp, "yeah," but you shake your head quickly, "but he's not even the worst thing, I just... ugh," you stop yourself before you start crying again but Steve feels like he knows.
"When's the last time you got some sleep?"
"I don't know.. a couple days ago?"
"Oh my god," he drops his head back and groans, which actually makes you laugh a bit. He immediately looks down at you, realizing the talking stopped you from panicking, or at least distracted you from it. "Hey," he nudged you a bit, getting you to look up at him, "I'm sorry too. I shouldn't of yelled at you, and I definitely shouldn't have left you that night-"
"That's not your fault, Steve. I pushed you away."
"Yeah, and I shouldn't have let you."
You look at each other for a moment, like, really look at each other. It's been so long since you've been able to hold each other like this, it almost doesn't feel real.
"C'mon, let's get you something to eat."
"It's fine-" you start, before he cuts you off again.
"No, shut up. If you haven't been sleeping, you definitely haven't been eating either, so let's go." He left no room for debate, so you just took his hand and followed him, letting him lead you through his house.
He gives you a couple of your favorite snacks, since he didn't have any sort of meals yet, but you seemed very content, so he thought it was better than nothing. He let you take your time, rubbed your back while you told him about the rest of your shitty day, and grabbed your hand again when he started up the stairs to his room.
"What about the project?" You asked.
"That can wait. You need some sleep first."
He shook his head, "Nope. Not happening."
At last, you gave up and followed his lead again, which, as much as you'd hate to admit it, it felt nice letting someone else lead you around for a change instead of the other way around. For so long, it's been you taking charge and always bossing your siblings around, but it feels relieving to have Steve with you again to remind you it didn't always have to be that way.
You pulled back the covers in his bed and laid down, not even having to ask for Steve to join you, him already doing the same on the other side. Almost as if no time had passed, you curled up against one another, resting your head on his chest, and his arms wrapping around you to pull you close.
"Go to sleep. I've got you."
His hands rub gentle circles on your back, soothing you and releasing the tension from your body as you slowly relax enough to fall asleep. You fight to keep your eyes open as long as you can, savoring this moment with him, almost as if he won't be here when you wake up.
"Don't worry, I'll be here."
Those words pull at your heartstrings, making you hold him tighter and bury yourself into him deeper, if you even can. Knowing that you're together again has you finally closing your eyes, and falling into a peaceful sleep.
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ddejavvu · 1 year
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Pizza Box Puzzle Pieces - Jake 'Hangman' Seresin x Reader
Summary: Jake is a responsible drinker, he swears. But when you're stuck being responsible for the night, a very drunk Jake gives you all but one piece to a puzzle you don't complete until the morning after.
Contents/Warnings: drinking, fem!reader, typical hangman behavior, enemies to lovers (really more like rivals to lovers)
Requested: A thousand times congratulations on such an amazing milestone! Could I please have an espresso w. enemies to lovers with Jake ‘hangman’ Seresin? ☀️ - @saintlike78 THIS HAS BEEN IN MY DRAFTS SINCE SEPTEMBER I AM SO SORRY MY LOVE i hope you still like hangman &lt;3
WC: 5.3K / navi
feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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Jake Seresin is a responsible drinker. He keeps a rideshare app on his phone, he tells Bob (the permanent sober babysitter) that he needs to be cut off after 10:00 PM, and he gives Penny his keys before he even orders his first drink.
Tonight, though, she'd left them unattended. There they were, shiny and appealing, sitting on the bar. She had left to get a clean dishrag, he could just take them! Driving sounded fun now, less of a chore and more of an adventure now that his brain was blurry.
You watch Jake's eyes widen as he catches sight of his keys, and your hand darts out to snag them before he can. His reflexes are slow, and when he reaches for them, his hand hits empty counter space.
He looks around, bewildered. They'd just disappeared.
"Here, Bagman." You jingle the keys in your hand, and he catches the sound from the few seats down where he's sitting. His eyes drift aimlessly over to your hand, and brighten at the sight of his keys.
"Thanks," He drawls, his southern lilt far more noticeable now that he's running on autopilot, "I'm gonna-" he hiccups hard, his chest bouncing, "Head home."
He stands, wobbly on his feet, and treads forwards to take the keys from you. You raise them above your head, but he doesn't follow, instead slumping forwards as his hand grasps at thin air. His head hits your chest and Coyote catches your eye from over Jake's shoulder. You widen your eyes, flaunting the keys you'd managed to snatch from him.
All the pilot does is laugh, and then his attention is shifted back to the dartboard. Typical.
"Jesus," You grunt, pushing at Jake's chest. He straightens up again, eyes blinking open from where they'd been shut, "What did you drink?"
"I don't remember," He admits, and that's all the explanation you need.
"Come on," You reach for his pocket, his phone sticking out, "Let's call you a ride."
"Nooo," He darts away, almost too late to evade you, "That's my phone."
"Yes Hangman," You smirk, "I think you're smarter drunk than you are sober."
"But that's-" He fumbles with his cell, "You can't touch my phone."
"I want to get you home," You urge, once more reaching for the device in his hands, "Don't you want to go to sleep?"
"You can't have it," He insists, yanking the waistband of his khakis off of his stomach and slipping his phone dangerously close to his crotch, "Unless you-" Another hiccup that flutters his eyelashes, "-wanna take it."
The smirk he shoots you after shoving his phone down his pants contains lethal cockiness. You're surprised the sheer size of his ego doesn't knock you down, you're not sure how you're standing so close to him without running into it.
You glance down at his phone. It's protruding just enough from his waistband for it to be quick and easy to grab. But your hand has never been that close to Jake's dick before, and you're hoping it never will be.
"Fuck," You deflate, shoulders slumping as your fingers curl tighter around his keys, "Come on, I'm driving you."
"Take my car," He insists, as if he's forgotten you have his keys, "It's.. It's really cool."
"Can't wait," You  gripe, slinging his arm around your shoulders, "Come on, one foot in front of the other, Seresin."
The cold night air hits you like a tsunami. It floods your thin shirt and seeps into your bones, sending an involuntary shiver down your spine. You've never known it to get this cold here, and the skin-to-skin that Jake's shoulder provides against your own is your only warmth.
You prop him up against his car while you fumble with the keys, but before you can click the 'unlock' button, he's snatching them from you.
"I wanna- I wanna do it," He insists, gripping the pointed end and bumping it up against the panel on the outside of the keyhole, "It's my car, I wanna.. do it."
You give him a minute to figure out the key. After it passes you yank it from where he's been pathetically butting it up against the hole, still confused about how to slot it inside.
"Gimme," You grumble, sliding the key into the hole with barely a second's delay, "You're too drunk for this."
"I'm not drunk." He scoffs. He says it with so much sincerity, with so much raw belief, that you're surprised that it doesn't come into existence. You're surprised the alcohol doesn't drain from his system completely, and leave him his usual coordinated, upright self. But he's still leaning against his car, half-coherent and dizzy.
"Right." You chuckle, throwing open the driver's side door and unlocking the rest of the car, "Get in, Hangman."
He starts for your seat and you shove him away, "No, not the driver's seat," You groan, "Other side."
He starts for the backseat.
"For fuck's sake," You exclaim, grabbing his bicep to lead him around the car, "The passenger's side!"
You get him wrestled into his seat with no further drunken antics, and you relish the fact that you've gotten him calm for the night. He's anything but when you finally glance up at his face, though, great big tears threatening to spill from his eyes.
"You're mean." He whispers, his voice shaky. You've never seen such a pitiful sight, his big green eyes brimming with anguish that seeps down his cheeks in rivers of tears. "You grabbed me, and-" He waves his bicep at you, "And you manhandled me," He gushes, angst-stricken, "You're mean!"
"I'm sorry," You sigh, playing into his inebriated sorrow, "Are you okay, Hangman?"
He doesn't note the sarcasm in your voice, sniffling pathetically, "No. It hurts."
You offer a quick pat to the affected area, but he shakes his head.
"Kiss." He offers in explanation, 'Kiss it better."
"I am not going to-" You begin, rage evident in your voice. Then you glance back up at his eyes, filled with new tears.
It's a staring contest for a moment, but you break first. You hunch, bracing yourself for the most humiliating thing you've ever had to do when you pucker your lips and press them into his bicep.
It's firm. Fuck, you wish it wasn't, it holds up under your lips and warms them. It's intoxicating, your lips on his skin, so close to his chest. It's exhilarating. You have to get away.
"There." You grouse, practically glaring at him despite the blush at your cheeks as you straighten, "Better?"
"Yes," He whimpers, and it's small, broken, pathetic, "Thank you."
You shut the door without another word, letting him wipe his own tears.
His car is surprisingly nice. Where you'd expect fast food wrappers and condoms, you find an air freshener.
He grabs it excitedly, shoving it into your face as you start down the road, "Darlin' you gotta- gotta smell! It smells like ocean breeze."
It slips over your eyes and you strain to get away from it, "Okay, Hangman, okay! It smells very nice," You gush, giving him the attention he's seeking. He preens proudly as he hooks it around his mirror once more, but he doesn't settle into his seat.
"Those are cool jeans," He prods a finger at your thigh, and even though you know it's drunken rather than lustful, his touch makes you shiver.
"They were five dollars," You humor him, feeling him fiddle carefully with the ripped strands of fraying string showcasing your skin.
"Cheap." He murmurs, concentration far too heavy on rearranging the strings. Half of them have ripped beyond repair from where they were stretched over your thigh, but he seems to be playing with them like they're yarn to a housecat. You have the sudden urge to run a hand through his hair and see if he purrs.
"My house is that way," Jake points blearily through the windshield down a one-way street, "It's the big blue one."
"You live in an apartment," You turn the wheel in the opposite direction, "And it's not blue, and it's not that way."
"Oh so you-" He hiccups, "-know where I live?"
"I do," You nod, keeping your eyes on the road even when his fingers keep pawing at your jeans, "I've been there before. Remember? We had a movie night."
"Oh yeah," He nods, brow furrowed, "Payback spilled his water on my carpet."
"Not water," You snort, remembering the cheap liquor spilled over the shag, "But yeah, he did."
There's a bout of silence that follows your words, shadows ripping through the car as you pass beneath trees. The road is paved unevenly in a few spots, and Jake's car bounces on its tires.
"Woah," He grumbles, head bumping your shoulder after a particularly raucous pothole, "Look! Look they're in a- a heart."
You slow to a stop in front of his apartment and glance down to where his finger is digging into your thigh. The loose strings on your jeans have all been twisted and tied into a heart that overlays the rip, puffy and frayed where it rests against your leg.
"Oh," You let the sincerity of the gesture steal the breath from your lungs, even if it does come out of a drunk man, "That's pretty, Hangman. Thanks."
You unlatch your seatbelt, breaking his trance. The heart, tied at the bottom and woven through other strands at its apexes, stays tightly knotted into your jeans, and you wonder if you'll ever be able to get it out. It's the last of your concerns, though, as Jake fumbles with his own seatbelt.
He finally jabs just right at the button, though it's after a string of mumbled frustrations. You swear you hear something along the lines of "You're pretty." thrown into the mix, but you choose to ignore it so that your hands don't get sweaty. You probably misheard.
It's a wonder that he's able to get himself out of the car. He lands with a crunch of gravel onto the driveway of his apartment, feet planted firmly beneath him. You suppose he might have sobered slightly during the long, quiet drive, and you're just glad you don't have to press him to yourself anymore to keep him upright.
Thankfully, he knows which door is his, but he forgets that you have his keys. You keep a hand stuffed into your pocket, curled around them, while he fumbles in his pocket for them.
“Damn,” He hisses, patting his pockets and coming up empty, “My- my keys are gone. I think someone took them, we have to-”
“I have your keys,” You’re far too smug as you hold them up, the ring hooked over your middle finger, “Remember? That’s why I drove?”
“Oh.” His brows furrow, and the word adorable flashes through your head before you can stop it. As soon as you acknowledge it, though, it’s gone in a puff of smoke.
“I’ll do it.” You carefully shoo his hands away from the door, slipping the key in and turning it. His apartment is neat, you’ll give him that, but you suppose it’s because he doesn’t have time to mess it up. You toe off your shoes in the doorway, leaving them in a heap which he contributes to. His boots are going to muck up your white wedges, but you can’t care about that right now. What’s more important is making sure Hangman doesn’t head straight for his own liquor stash, which of course, he does.
“No,” You rush for the bottle he’s about to grab, “You’re cut off for the night. Remember?”
“No,” His brow furrows, and he stares at your fingers wrapped around his own against the neck of the bottle, “I don’t.”
At least you know he’s being honest. You pry his hand off of the bottle, setting it back on the counter and letting go of his fingers. You expect them to drop but they don’t, they curl around your own and slot your palms together.
You stiffen but he doesn’t seem to notice, his hand still enveloping yours in a gesture that sends heat rushing up from your fingertips and straight to your heart. You glance down first, then up at him, finding a gooey, lovesick smile on his face paired with empty eyes.
“Hi, darlin’.” He gushes, and squeezes your hand.
“Okay, bedtime.” You decide, trying to pry your hand out of his grip. He won’t let you, though, the more you pull the closer he gets. Until he’s pressed to you, his right thigh to your left, chest-to-chest, smiling contently at you. 
If you can’t make him let go, you suppose you can move. So you do, you lead him through the short hallway, and flick the light on in his bedroom. His room is.. less neat. There’s clothes on the floor, and what looks dangerously like an old pizza box sticking out from under the bed. You decide to ignore it for time’s sake, your main goal is to get Jake into bed before he tips over.
He looks close to it now, stumbling towards his nightstand to snatch a necklace off of it. It’s a delicate silver chain, and there’s a pretty heart pendant on it.
“Look,” He shows it off, “‘S my mom’s. She gave it to me before I came down here.”
“That’s very sweet,” You croon, and all of a sudden you want to know more about Mama Seresin, “I think I’d like to see you wear that someday, Hangman.”
“That’d look silly.” He muses, eyes shiny as they rove over the charm, finally putting it down to look back at you, “But if you’d really like it I’ll do it.”
You suppose that if anything comes out of his drunken stupor, it’ll be a hell of a lot of blackmail material. Apparently he’s blabby when drunk, and you’ll definitely ask why he’s not wearing his mom’s necklace tomorrow when you meet for breakfast.
“Okay, Jake, let’s get you changed.” You hum, glancing around his room and peering apprehensively at his dresser. You turn back, intent on asking him which drawers you should avoid opening, and are met with-
“Jake! Put- put your pants back on!”
Your hands fly to your eyes to shield yourself from the sight of Jake Seresin’s Uncovered Crotch, but you forget that he’s still clinging tight to you, and he stumbles along with you. All you can do is let out a strangled cry as his outer thigh presses against yours, praying nothing else will.
“Put your boxers back on,” You beg, “And- and get into pajamas! Oh my god.”
“Yeah,” Jake giggles, far too inebriated to read the room, “That’s what they all say.”
“I hate you,” You groan, and finally, he lets go of your hand.
There’s absolute silence for too long, but just before you can urge him to hurry up and get dressed, he speaks.
“You do?”
HIs voice is unlike you’ve ever heard it. Jake has a particular talent for boasting, and his voice often bleeds confidence, loud and strong and clear. Now it’s small, unsure and weak.
“Get dressed,” You huff, “With pants, please.”
You’re not eager to admit it, but you don’t hate him. Not at all. Sure, he annoys you, but he annoys everyone. He shoves confetti through the slats in your locker so that opening it triggers a snowstorm, he steals food from your plate when his own is nearly full, and he always, always knocks his knuckles against your helmet. But he’s never mean, he’s never insulted you or pushed you or demeaned you. So you can’t find it in yourself to hate him, even if you don’t always like him.
Or maybe you do. Maybe you bite back a smile when you find confetti on the ground, and maybe you bend over with your back to him just in case he likes what he sees. Maybe you steal his food right back, and maybe the best part of your day is when you make it a competition, and he practically crawls over Fanboy to try to nab a piece of your orange chicken. Maybe the rapping of his knuckles on your helmet makes you want to respond by bumping it against his chest, an urge you’ve never dared to act on.
Feigning hatred is much easier, you’ve found, than admitting love.
His voice cuts through your thoughts, still devoid of its usual enthusiasm, “I’m dressed.”
You let your hands fall to your sides with a relieved sigh, and though your vision is somewhat bleary from being covered for so long, you work with it, blinking until you can see his form, already under the covers on his bed and facing away from you.
“Okay,” You hum awkwardly, glancing around the room, “You’re gonna need medicine in the morning. And water, so-”
“Pills are in the bathroom cabinet, there’s a cup on the counter.” He drawls, voice muffled by his pillow.
You bustle off to gather those, and when you reenter his bedroom you find him staring at the wall. It’s a sad expression, an empty one, but you suppose that’s what binge drinking does to a man.
“I’m gonna head out,” You speak to his back, setting the pills and glass down on his nightstand, “Are you.. gonna be okay?”
“Yeah,” He hums, “Thanks.”
“Don’t mention it,” You mumble, more than ready to flee the awkward scene, “Bye, Jake.”
“Do you really hate me?”
You freeze in the doorway, heart thudding in your chest. You turn slow, your eyes meeting Jake’s before your body faces him, giving you enough time to figure out a response.
“No,” You speak carefully, “I- I was just teasing, Jake. I don’t hate you.”
“You’re sure?” He peers up anxiously at you, looking more like a scared child than a naval aviator, “You really don’t?”
“I’m sure,” You nod, gracing him with a soft smile to soothe his nerves, “I don’t hate you, Jake.” “Okay,” He breathes, his frown flattening out into a neutral expression as his eyes drink you in, “Thanks, Y/N. For taking care of me.”
“Anytime,” You promise, and you mean it more than you’ll let on, “Get some rest, Jake, we’re meeting for breakfast at nine tomorrow.”
He nods, and that’s your cue to leave. Your shoes are still by the door, and you slip them on, fiddling with the straps. When you straighten up from where you’d hunched over you spot Jake’s keys where you’d left them on his entryway table, and realize he won’t know where they are in the morning. You don’t want him to panic, so you scoop them up, knowing that his door auto-locks behind him as a part of the apartment’s security features. You’ll be able to leave without the keys, and he won’t be at risk overnight.
You pad quietly back into his room, intent on setting the keys by the glass of water and leaving. But you realize that he’s already asleep, the magic of booze eliciting soft, even breaths from him that ricochet off of the pillow he’s smushed against and blow his hair back. You stifle a giggle at the sight, and pride yourself for how much self control it takes not to record it.
You set the keys down, and your heel catches on the pizza box beneath his bed. Your nose wrinkles, and you decide there’s no good reason for Jake to be keeping old food under his bed, of all places.
You pick it up and it feels nearly empty, prompting confusion on your part. Pizza is not weightless. 
Maybe you should, maybe you shouldn’t, but you decide to flip the lid open. You brace the box on his nightstand and pop the top, your eyes landing on a collection of memorabilia inside, not cheese and bread.
You recognize a chubby baby as Jake himself, a slightly aged photo that looks delicate. You bite back a soft smile, but decide that his baby pictures are none of your business, fingers ghosting over the lid to shut it once more now that you know he’s not hoarding Papa John’s beneath his mattress.
Just before the lid closes, your heart stops. Your eyes catch a picture of just about the last face you’d ever expect to see in a pizza box under Jake Seresin’s bed: your own. It’s a picture of you talking to Payback, eyes shut and crinkled at the corners, mouth open in a laugh you’re sure was less-than-graceful at whatever the other aviator had said. You pick the photo up, pushing away a jewelry box that’s lying on top of its corner, and finding dozens more of your squadron beneath it. There’s one flipped on its front, and Jake’s scrawled sharpie over it, ‘Rooster being dumb. 6-07-2022.’
Upon inspection, the photo is of Bradley making a fool of himself. He’s halfway to the ground, foot caught in the sand as he topples over. You remember that day, you’d all laughed when he’d emerged with a mustache-full of sand.
You flip the photo of yourself, brows furrowing when the description is less-than-understandable.
‘Third time. 5-03-2021.’
Third time.. Third time you’d… laughed at Payback’s jokes? Definitely not, he’s quick on his toes and surprisingly witty.
Thumbing through each photo of you and your friends, the descriptions are all simple. ‘Natasha losing a bet’ showcases her rare defeated look, and of course Jake would have that documented. ‘Fanboy exhaling lemonade’ is self-explanatory, the substance shooting out of his nose in response to the Bradley-Sand-Mustache incident. The only ones you can’t figure out are your own, ‘First time. 4-25-2020’, ‘Second time. 10-10-2020’, and even, ‘Relapse. 9-14-2022;.
For the life of you, you can’t figure them out. You realize that you’ve been sifting through Hangman’s personal possessions far longer than you should have been, stuffing them all back inside the pizza box and sliding it beneath his bed. Something strange and confusing clouds your brain as you make your way to the front door, and you barely remember to listen for the click of the automatic lock when you leave.
Your apartment isn’t far from Jake’s, it’s only a few streets down, and you’d hitched a ride with Omaha to the Hard Deck anyways. You won’t make him pick you up to drive you three blocks.
There’s something infuriating about knowing that Jake writes about you in code. It’s like a mental game, and you’re losing. You ponder it all the way back to your apartment, and you dig your own keys out of your pocket to get yourself inside.
Your determination to figure Jake’s code out only transforms into insomnia, and you fall asleep at nearly three in the morning, alarms set for five hours ahead, wondering if you’ll ever find out what they mean.
Surprisingly, for how you’d left him last night, Jake is the first one to show up to Team Breakfast. Your typical spot at the local cafe is inhabited by none other than Hangman, checking his watch to see how late everyone was running so far.
“You’re here early,” You marvel, and his head shoots up to meet your gaze. He grins sheepishly, nodding, “I had too much of a headache to go back to sleep.”
“Oooh,” You laugh, “Tough luck.”
“Yeah. Reckon’ I drank a lot last night?” He asks, already grimacing in expectation of your response. 
You take a particular pleasure in nodding, “You tried kissing Bradley.”
He hadn’t, at least, not on this particular occasion. Rooster has gotten his fair share of Drunk Hangman Love, as have you all, but this time he’d stayed away from anything too intimate.
“Shit,” Hangman grimaces, screwing his eyes up and plunking his chin to his chest, “I thought you said Bob was gonna start watching out for that?”
“He did,” You snort, “He saw it about to happen, and left before you could do it to him. He watched out for himself.”
Jake mumbles something, probably along the lines of ‘typical’, but it’s as he raises his head again, and the glint of something silver at his neck catches your eye. You squint, hard, glimpsing a familiar heart-shaped pendant pressed to his chest and outlined beneath his shirt.
“Oh my god,” You laugh, “The necklace! You’re really wearing it.”
He bites back a smirk and fits his lips to the rim of his water glass instead, “I told you I’d wear it. I’m no chicken.”
“Send a picture to your mom,” You suggest, “Tell her you’ve got her heart with you.”
His smile dims, something apprehensive in his eyes.
“You went through the box under my bed last night, didn’t you?”
You still at the question, your eyes wide, “What?”
“I heard you,” He admits, “I’m- I’m not mad, or anything. I just.. I know you did.”
“I’m sorry,” Even if he’s not upset, you feel awkward, like a kid caught elbow-deep in the cookie jar, “It was none of my business, I shouldn’t have-”
“No,” He shakes his head, reaching back for the clasp on the necklace, “It was your business. Is, if..” He hesitates, face screwed up in concentration.
“Y/N,” He finally continues, necklace now pinched between his fingers, “This isn’t my mom’s.”
“Oh?” You pry cautiously, “Who’s is it, then?”
“Yours.” He admits, and your brows furrow.
“It’s not mine, I’ve never had one like that. I- I guess someone must have left it at your apartment or something, maybe Phoenix?”
“No,” He sighs, eyes screwed shut, “I mean- I mean I bought it for you.”
“You,, you bought that necklace.. for me?”
“Yeah,” He nods, “Did you see the box in there?”
You nod, recalling the teal case.
“I bought it for you for your birthday last year. Chickened out before I could give it to you, though. That’s why I had to give you half a bottle of whiskey.”
His lackluster birthday present made a lot more sense now.
“I know you saw the pictures I’ve got of you,” He continues, keeping his eyes on the pendant of the necklace that he’s pressing against his thumb, “I just thought.. I’d get everything off my chest.”
“First time..” You recall, and he raises his eyes to you questioningly.
“The pictures of me,” You prompt him, “On the back, you had little.. notes? Captions? Whatever, they said first time, second time, third time, relapse. What did those mean?”
He stares at you, the prolonged eye contact making you squirm.
“You sure you don’t hate me?” He asks, just as timid as he had the night before.
“Jake- of course I don’t hate you!” You promise, “Just- tell me, please?”
“They’re every time I fell in love with you.” He murmurs, and your entire world stops spinning. You’ve built it carefully on a foundation of Jake-directed sarcasm and a healthy distance away from your fellow aviator, and when the word ‘love’ slips from his lips the foundation crumbles. You feel everything collapse, every witty comeback, every dramatic eye-roll, every logical pushback. Nothing remains, except love. The word, the feeling, the sound of it coming from his mouth. 
Apparently the demolition of your entire world takes too much time. Jake cringes, tucking the necklace into his fist and going to pocket it, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have- fuck, I should have just shut my mouth. I won’t bring it up again, we can just forget this, and-”
“Stop,” You reach for his hand, covering his closed fist with your open palm, “Give me the necklace.”
He unfurls his hand, slowly, unsurely. His eyes linger on you, and he watches as you carefully scoop the jewelry from his palm, your fingers delicately brushing over the heart.
“You really love me?” You verify, keeping your eyes on the silver charm so that if this is some sick joke, you won’t see him break the facade. You won’t see the adoration in his eyes turn to mockery, the love to hatred.
“I really do,” He promises, “And I know that I’m not the best at communicating that…”
“What with the constant teasing and badgering?” You glance up at him for the first time since his confession, your view of his face obscured by your lashes.
“Yeah,” He grimaces, “That.”
“Can I be honest with you, Jake?” You bite the inside of your cheek, regretting admitting what you’re about to say before you’ve even said it.
“Yeah,” He breathes, and you think he expects the worst.
“I kind of like it,” You admit, and his frown breaks. 
“I knew it,” He gloats, his grin wide and bright, “I knew there was a reason you never say anywhere I couldn’t steal your food.”
“Yeah, yeah,” You groan, closing your fist around the necklace, “I haven’t responded to your confession yet, have I, Seresin? Don’t get too cocky.”
As much as you’re teasing him, he takes it seriously. His grin dims, and his eyes soften, worry pooling in his irises.
“I..” You start, eyes on the heart that still lies in the rips of your jeans instead of his own gaze, “I love you, too.”
“You do?” You think you’re starting to like his voice when it’s not brash and cocky, instead sincere and a little timid.
“I do,” You nod, glancing back up at him, “And.. I don’t really know what to do about that. I tried to ignore it, because we work together, and because I wasn’t sure you liked me back, but.. I do love you, Jake.”
“That,” He smiles, real and genuine, “Is something I’ve wanted to hear you say for years, darlin;.”
“Well. you should thank your inebriated self last night,” You laugh, letting him take the necklace from your fist and unclasp it, “You’re very touchy when you’re drunk, and I may or may not have seen your penis.”
“That’s.. not something I remember.” Jake grimaces, pausing with the necklace open in his hands, “Was it.. I mean- did you.. like it?”
“Quit while you’re ahead,” You advise Jake, leaning forwards so that he can wrap his arms around your neck, “I’m not talking about your dick at brunch with our friends.”
“They’re not here yet,” He murmurs, and when you lock eyes, you take in the fact that he’s only inches from your face.
There’s a soft click as he clasps the necklace against the base of your hairline, then he drops it to your neck. The chain is cold, but Jake’s hands are warm where they smooth over your cheeks. You let your lashes flutter shut, lips already slightly puckered, waiting for the press of his own over them. You can’t be but a hair’s breadth away from kissing Jake when a shrill scream comes from the parking lot, and your eyes snap open with a start.
You turn, but he doesn’t release your face, instead pressing his cheek to yours as you both look for the culprit. It’s not Natasha you find with her hands clamped over her mouth, but Rooster, though the former is smirking.
“We carpooled,” She informs you, elbowing Bradley in the side, “We were only five minutes late, and you guys have already sucked face?”
“I gave her the necklace,” Hangman reaches over to show off the charm around your neck, “I, uh- asked for Phoenix’s help buying it. I didn’t know what you’d like.”
“Thanks,” You laugh sheepishly, though you’re not sure who you’re talking to. Maybe both of them, “Uh, is that Fanboy’s car?”
It is, tires crunching against spare bits of asphalt as he turns into the parking lot.
“Coyote’s in there, too,” Hangman groans, pulling back from where you’d been smushed together, “Let’s hope they didn’t see.”
“Oh, we’ll tell them,” Natasha promises, and her laugh can only be described as maniacal, “They each owe me $20, they thought she’d say no.”
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feedback is greatly appreciated! comment, reblog, talk in the tags, send me a message, tell me what you think!
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nervousgardenerkid · 2 years
Say it
a/n: i planned to upload this earlier but i really wanted to enjoy my off day😭 i hope you guys enjoy this! credit to the gif owner <3
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Eddie never had a problem with saying what was on his mind. If he was happy, he wouldn't be afraid to let everyone know. When he was sad he'd sulk all day until it was time to play d&d, and if he was pissed he had no problem shouting it from the rooftops. Eddie wore his heart on his sleeve and that's something he'd never change, and it's something you wouldn't want him to change.
"How come you haven't said it yet?” you asked.
His face scrunched into confusion. “What are you talking about?”
“We’ve been dating for six months, Eddie.”
Eddie smiles, not looking up from his d&d journal.
“And it's been the best six months ever.”
“Why haven't you said you love me yet?”
Eddie feels his whole body tense and he sneaks a glance at you, his heart breaking when he sees you on the other side of the couch.
“I say it…”
“No, you don't. I say it first and it's always followed with a kiss or you just mumble out me too.”
Eddie shifted in his seat. He does love you, he loves you more than anything on this earth, but for some reason, he can never say the words. You let out a sigh and brought your knees close to you.
“I know you have your way of showing me that you love me, but sometimes I need to hear it.”
Eddie kept his eyes on the papers in front of him, too scared to look at you. “Okay,” he muttered while writing something down.
You swallowed the lump that was in your throat and nodded your head. “I’m gonna go home now.”
His head finally shot up, eyes finally landing on you while he felt around his pockets for his keys. “Let me find my keys real quick-”
“I'll just walk. Bye Eds,” you said quickly while walking out of the door. Eddie’s shoulders slump. You always give him a kiss goodbye, and he always takes you home. He shakes his head trying not to think about it too much and goes back to whatever he was working on. He's sure you guys are fine, you always are, but there's a little voice in his head that's screaming at him to go after you. He's just choosing to ignore it.
the next couple of days are filled with you being less affectionate towards Eddie. he doesn't drive you to school or take you home anymore, you catch rides with Steve and Robin. You no longer stay after school to sit and watch him play d&d, and you stop by his trailer for a quick minute before going to hang out with Max. Eddie is sitting at lunch munching on his pretzels, his eyes are focused on you as he watches you laugh at something Robin said while you throw a grape at her.
“So Eddie, what time are we meeting up tonight?”
Eddie’s eyes left your laughing figure and focused on Mike. “What?”
“dude, d&d. What time are we meeting?”
“Oh. Uh,” his eyes drifted towards you once more and he shrugged his shoulders. “Usual time I guess.”
“Are you okay?” Dustin asked him. Eddie saw you waving goodbye to Robin and shot up from his seat ignoring Dustin’s question. He tried catching up to bumping into students here and there. When the hell did you walk so fast?! He grabs onto your hand with a sigh of relief.
“Woah there speedy, where you going to?” he asked in a teasing tone. You give him a sad smile.
“Just wanna get to class before the halls get packed.”
Eddie looked all around him seeing that the hallway was already packed. “Babe, it's high school, halls are always gonna be packed.”
You let out a chuckle and he tilted his head before dragging you into an empty classroom.
“Hey, what's up with you?”
You shook your head refusing to say.
Eddie frowned and placed his hand under your chin making you look at him.
“Talk to me, sweetheart.”
Tears began to form, curse your fragile heart. “Do you love me, Eddie?”
“Of course I do-”
”Then why won't you say it?”
Eddie froze and realized he was put on the spot. His hands began to feel clammy and he rubbed them on the rough material of his jeans.
“Do we have to do this now?” he asked in a hushed tone, looking around the room as if dozens of eyes were in him.
“If not now, then when Eddie? The next six months of our relationship? I can't wait that long.”
His eyes met yours. “What are you saying?”
“I need you to say it, Eddie, please I just need to hear it.” you whimpered out.
The words were on the tip of Eddie's tongue. He wanted to say it, he wanted to scream it even, but he just couldn't bring himself to say it.
You let out a chuckle. “This was stupid.”
“Wait, y/n, please.”
You shook your head, wiping away the years that were streaking down your face. “I gotta head to class. I'm gonna be late, bye Eds.”
A week passed and you avoided Eddie like he had the plague. You'd hear his van coming down the street and sneak out of the window of your bedroom. You took different routes to your classes just so you wouldn't have to run into him, and you started going to robin’s to save Steve some gas money for taking you to school.
You walked into family video with your head hung low, hands running along the spines of the VHS cases.
“Jesus, are you okay?” you heard Steve ask. You look up at him in surprise.
“I thought Robin worked today?”
Steve pushed himself off the wall and leaned against the counter. “Nah, I'm covering for her since she saved my ass from Keith last week.”
You let out a soft oh before you hopped onto the counter to have a seat.
“So, what's wrong?” Steve asked.
“Boy problems,” you mumbled while swinging your feet back and forth.
Steve raised his eyebrows and rested his chin in the palm of his hand.
“Munson? Did he do something? Cause if he did I can-”
“Steve, you know I love you, but you don't have the best track record in fighting.”
He rolls his eyes and stands up straight, resting his hands on his hips.
“I'm trying to be a good friend here.”
You giggle at him and mumble out an apology.
“Lay it on me,” he says, resting his back on the counter and looking at you.
“I don't think Eddie loves me.”
Steve let out a snort. “You're joking, right?”
You stay quiet.
“Holy shit, you aren't. What makes you think that?”
You shrugged your shoulders.
“No, no. None of that, talk it out.”
You groan and throw your head back. “We've been dating for six months and he hasn't said it.”
“Do you say it?”
You nodded your head and put your hands on your lap twiddling your fingers.
“I say it all the time! He'll either just smile or say me too.”
Steve nodded his head listening to what you were saying.
“I just, I don't think he loves me.”
Steve cleared his throat, thinking of what to say next. Be sweet Steve. He thought to himself. Your friend is going through something serious.
“You're so stupid.” oops.
You let out a gasp and smack him in the chest. He lets out a laugh and puts his hands in the air surrendering.
“I'm sorry! It's true though.”
“How do you know?”
“I've never seen anybody look at someone the way Eddie Munson looks at you.”
You tilt your head in confusion.
“You really didn't know? Y/n, that man looks at you like you created life itself. I swear if you asked him to give you the sun he'd magically find some way to give it to you.”
You let out a giggle. “Why won't he say it then?”
“Y/n, you gotta remember he's been bullied like, forever. He can probably show regular emotions with no problem but being vulnerable is way different.”
You let the words Steve says sink in as you put your face in your hands. “I'm an idiot.”
Steve chuckles and removes your hands from your face.
“Yes but you're a pretty one, now go get ‘em, tiger.”
You hop off the counter but not before hugging Steve and telling him thank you. Steve waves goodbye as you run out the door and in the direction of Eddie's trailer.
“Hey, can you drive me?”
You thank Steve once again before running out of the car towards the trailer. You smack on the door with both hands frantically. You hear a muffled Jesus okay! Give me a fucking second! Before the door swings open and you're greeted with Eddie's irritated face. Irritation leaves him once he realizes it's you. He stands straight and clears his throat.
“Can I come in?”
He steps to the side letting you in the trailer. He gently shuts the door and means against it, his hands behind his back, his fingers gently tapping on the door.
“I'm sorry.” you rushed out. He widened his eyes a bit and watched as you began to pace the room.
“I know you love me, you're the best boyfriend I've ever had and you treat me like a fucking princess. I didn't even think of how hard it could be for you to be vulnerable. That was so selfish of me because you show me you love me by wanting to spend every day with me, and by sneaking into my room when you know that my parents could kill you.”
Eddie opens his mouth trying to say something but you're too busy lost in your own world.
“I'm so sorry for avoiding you Eddie, I was just lost in my own head and I thought things would be easier if I just avoided you.” tears were streaming down your face, and your pacing stopped. “I had to get help from Steve, but he was surprisingly helpful. Don't tell him I said that I don't need him getting cocky-”
“I love you.”
Silence fell over the both of you as you tried to register what he said.
“I'm sorry, what?”
Time seemed to slow down for both of you. Eddie was taking steps toward you, both of your hearts were beating out of your chest. He grabs your face and his thumbs rub your cheeks gently.
“I love you.”
You stood in silence from shock, but also guilt. Does he really mean this or have you manipulated him into saying it because he thinks you're breaking up? You don't want him to feel forced to say it, you wanted him to say it on his own, but you also begged him to hear the words. Now here you are, hearing the words but you're frozen with tears in your eyes.
“Say something, sweetheart I'm kinda putting my heart on the line here,” Eddie says with a nervous chuckle.
“Do you mean it? You're not just saying it cause you think we're breaking up?”
“We are never breaking up,” he says in a serious tone causing you to giggle. “and of course I mean it.”
“You don't feel forced?”
Eddie shakes his head and wraps you in his arms for a hug. Tears are streaming down your face and you're not even trying to hide them anymore, if Eddie can be vulnerable then so can you.
“I don't want you to feel forced Eddie, I want you to say it when you're ready, I'm so sorry for rushing you-”
Eddie cuts you off by kissing you. His lips are soft against yours and the way he's holding you lets you know that you're never allowed to avoid him like that again.
“You talk too much,” Eddie mumbles against your lips. You gently smack his chest causing him to let out a soft chuckle. “You didn't force me into saying it or rush me for that matter.”
He pulls away slightly to look at you, eyes soft and full of love.
“I know that you know that I love you, like you said I show you that everyday.” he took a deep breath and gave you a sad smile. “but this whole week I felt so miserable not hearing you say those three words.”
You sniffled. “It could've been because I was avoiding you.”
Eddie shook his head. “I was giving you your space, trust me sweetheart you're never going to get rid of me.”
You let out a sad giggle as he gently wipes your tears away. The nerves found their way back to your body as you looked at Eddie.
“Do you really mean it?”
“What, you want me to shout it from the rooftops? Cause I will find a way to climb to the top of this trailer right now. Hell, I'll climb onto the roof of the town hall and scream it.”
You wrap your arms around him, bringing him for a tight hug. You don't know how you let your brain convince you that Eddie didn't love you. Your heart swelled at the words he was telling you, and you think back to what Steve was telling you.
“What if I wanted the sun?”
Eddie pulls away, placing a kiss on your forehead, then both of your cheeks.
“Then the sun you shall have.”
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saleeba · 1 year
silk sheets, silver tongue ; jude bellingham 🍓
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summary ♡ jude can never resist you when you’re looking so pretty in a sundress.
pairing ♡ jude bellingham x fem!reader
content ♡ 18+ (minors dni), smut, established relationship, p in v, praise, dirty talk, cunnilingus, orgasm denial, missionary, protected sex, no specific power play but maybeee a bit of dom!jude, porn with a poor attempt at plot, getting fucked in a sundress yessirrrr
a/n ♡ aaaaa this is my very first piece of writing on here!! >.< and trust it to be a smut lmaoo i might be speaking into the abyss here but i hope u guys enjoy tho pls lmk if u have any feedback <33
when jude proposes a holiday to málaga during the mere two weeks he has off from training, there is no way you’re going to say no to him.
so right now, the two of you are side by side at the hotel’s pool, lounging under the warm spanish sun, grateful to finally spend time together after such a busy season. a blush pink sundress is wrapped around your body, letting the slight breeze blow around the hem as a shirtless jude lays to your left, skin glistening from his time in the pool.
“i’m so glad we could do this, you know,” jude declares, turning his body to face you before his hand comes in to rub at your thigh. the sting of cool golden rings bites at your sun-drenched skin. “i can’t tell you how long i’ve waited to have you all to myself.”
you bite your lip, struggling to hold in a bemused giggle as you turn your own self to face him. “yeah? well, you have me now,” jude’s hand shifts higher under your sundress at your words, fingers innocently massaging your upper thigh, the pads occasionally dipping into the inner skin. this leaves you more flustered than you would like to have admitted.
“all of me.” you breath out, moving into the warmth of his toned body and feeling like you’re falling into him.
he catches you with his lips on yours, the softness of which contrasts heavily with his strong grip on your body, arms now wrapped around your waist, pressing you to him. the feeling of both factors drives you dizzy, your selfish needs now taking over.
you press your mouth hungrily against jude’s, not caring about who sees the two of you as you hoist yourself up with both hands on his shoulders, legs parted on either side of his thighs, lips still greedy for his. with jude focused on cradling you in his arms, pushing you onto his torso with one hand at your waist and the other behind your neck, you begin to slowly rock your core against his pelvic bone.
jude lets a groan leave his mouth and flow into yours, the vibrations getting caught in your throat before seemingly traveling down to your core. your underwear grows wetter by the second at the sounds coming out of your boyfriend.
“oh god, babe…” jude tilts his head back, your mouths finally drifting apart and making room for his breathing to get shallower. you immediately see the opportunity to peck and bite at his exposed throat, teeth sinking ever so slightly into the damp skin.
“b-babe, babe,” jude hurriedly says, gently pulling you off him by the shoulders. you immediately feel the reality of your environment settle in. oh my god, you think, how many parents, kids and families did you force to witness all that?
“i’m sorry…” you remove yourself entirely from jude’s embrace, embarrassment heating up your cheeks. “got a bit carried away.” you fiddle with your fingers, mentally scolding yourself for being so promiscuous in public.
jude shoots up from the sun lounger that the pair of you were previously situated on, taking your hand in one of his and squeezing your waist with other before he sincerely says, “hey, i just didn’t want them to see all this, they would’ve been too jealous over what’s about to go down.”
he pauses for a second, eyebrows knitted playfully. “or maybe i would’ve been too jealous of them seeing you like that.” he gives you a purposeful wink to which you return with an equally playful roll of your eyes and an amused smirk on your face.
“come on, baby,” jude pulls you along with him, the two of you exiting the communal pool and heading towards the hotel’s back entrance. “you’ve gotten me way too hard for us to not do something about it.”
the journey back up to your plush hotel suite is an agonisingly slothful one - although you guys have opted for the lift, it is on the 19th floor after all. jude’s quiet c’mon c’mons and constant pressing of your floor number has you laughing, not wanting to bring up the fact that the ache between your legs was growing in case it caused him to nearly break the damn button.
once the relieving ping of the lift sounds, signalling that you’d reached your destination, jude is quick to grab you by the hand and lead you to your room. no words are spoken between there and the door to your suite but the both of you know what to expect.
once the door is swung open (then shut) and before you can even utter a syllable, jude near throws you onto the bed. the coolness of the beige silky sheets catches you this time, mattress bouncing with the force that you’d been placed on the bed with. jude hastily presses his lips to yours in a desperate attempt to feel any inch of you on him, before parting your legs at the knees and pushing them back slightly, causing you to wrap them around his waist.
you both continue to kiss each other, mouths moving to a self-appointed rhythm, each of you letting out whines and groans that only spurs the other on.
jude pulls away from the sweet sensation of your lips, albeit reluctantly, but finds a compromise in boring his eyes into yours, face still barely an inch away from yours. his gaze is drawn to how swollen and kissed-out your lips look.
“let me make you feel good tonight, baby, okay?” he somewhat asks, somewhat demands, progressively running his hand up your thigh to your underwear and letting his fingers linger on the fabric. he steadies himself by touching his forehead to yours, eyes still staring into yours.
you gulp and give him a quick yet honest nod to which he replies with a deep kiss, thumb suddenly pressing onto your clit. his mouth is muffling all the mewls that are leaving your throat, your legs still wrapped around his bare waist and threatening to wrap tighter.
jude buries his face in the crook of your neck, nipping at it with his teeth and soothing it over with his tongue and lips. it’s your head that’s tilted back now, left to his mercy only.
“gonna make you feel so good, darling,” jude whispers on the skin of your throat, pressing light kisses to the area as his thumb continues to keep rubbing against the fabric on your throbbing bud. “gonna give my girl what she deserves.”
your breathing starts to get heavier, anticipation now bubbling in the bottom of your abdomen and spreading to your core, the aches from earlier still resonating.
“p-please, jude,” he reaches the top of your cleavage when you pant this out, your pink sundress still covering all the parts of you that he desires most at this moment.
“be patient for me, baby,” he gently commands, fingers now hooking into the waistband of your panties before they’re pulled off in one swipe and tossed to some corner of the room. “fuck, you’re gonna be the death of me, i swear down,” he groans upon briefly catching a glimpse of your wet pussy before it’s covered by your legs closing as he steps away from the bed for a second, eyes just drinking in your beautiful figure on the king-sized bed.
without a word, he takes you by the waist and pulls you closer to the end of the bed, your legs dangling off the edge and palms flat behind you to sit you up steadily. jude pushes the bottom of your sundress up and bunches it around your waist, now fully putting your lower abdomen and wet pussy on display for him.
he gets on his knees right in front of the bed, face level with your sopping hole. “there you are, darling, hmm?” he hums, the tiny distance between his lips and your cunt making the sound waves travel straight through you. “all wet and ready for me.”
your breathing gets more rapid, chest heaving at this point and you’re desperate, so desperate to feel his lips, his tongue, his fingers, his anything on your needy cunt.
“jude, please!”
your whining makes him lift his head from where your pussy is to where he can see the near torment painted on your gorgeous face. eyebrows furrowed, lips pouting. you looked like a dream and there was no way he could deny you now.
he suddenly yanks you towards him, hands hooking around your soft thighs until your bottom half is hanging off the bed, legs draped over his shoulders and onto his back. the action makes his mouth latch onto the tense bud that is your clit as a high pitched gasp slips past your lips.
jude gets to work on your pussy, mouth ardently lapping up every drop of wetness his touch and his words have created. the feeling of his lips wrapped around your clit has your back arching off the bed, core pressing right up against the prickly scruff on his chin. the added friction has your toes curling in bliss.
you moan his name, one, two, three times and it does nothing but egg him on some more, tongue now slipping between your soaked folds and poking at your hole. the heightened sensitivity has your hand grabbing at his curls, the sensation in turn making him groan against you, the tremors of which have you moaning louder for him.
the room is filled with the gruff noises jude is emitting as he devours your sopping cunt - nose deep in the fleshy contours - and the breathy cries of jude, oh god, jude and ah ah ah coming from your parted lips.
the sounds you make are becoming more frequent and desperate and your eyes are squeezed shut, unable to comprehend how good jude is making you feel with his mouth, all this indicating that the bubbling arousal in the bottom of your stomach is about to tip over. jude, all of a sudden, stops.
“wh-what…?” you blink your eyes open, almost on the verge of tears over your climax being so cruelly snatched away like that.
jude says nothing, only getting up off the floor before pulling his white shorts down and stepping out of the fabric pool they leave around his ankles. he has no underwear on so you see firsthand how raging hard his cock is.
“‘m sorry, baby, you taste so good but-” he taps his seeping red tip on your pussy, still slick from his spit and your juices, the fluids combining on his cock and pulling off in a connective string as he brings his fist over it, jerking himself off for a second or two.
to you, it feels like multiple minutes. minutes where jude is indulging himself after denying you such a satisfying orgasm. you would’ve scoffed at the way he grunts out your name as he touches himself if it wasn’t for how absurdly hot he looked and sounded.
“just didn’t want you to cum so soon, y-yeah? w-wanted you to, ah, cum around my cock.”
he grits his teeth, hissing when he makes contact with the red hot feel of your cunt on his cock, taking his time to ever so slightly dip into the soaked slit.
“fuck, jude, hurry up,” you whine as he does anything but give you what you want. he’s now toying with the dress still gathered around your waist.
“have i told you how fucking stunning you look in this dress?” he pointedly ignores what you have to say, eyes heavy with lust and fingers still playing with the soft cotton material. a stray finger or two strokes the sides of your waist and you feel like screaming in frustration.
“i’m not sure how much i appreciate that compliment when you’re about to rip it off me.” you assume jude was going to pull off and throw your dress in some far nook of the room just like he did with your underwear. your tone is snarky too, a bitterness you think jude deserves after acting like such a dick.
“nah ‘m gonna keep it on, wanna see how good you look while i fuck you in it,” he smirks, watching how you visually gulp and avoid eye contact with him. your cheeks are burning with a mixture of fluster and excitement. you watch him as he retrieves a condom packet from the bedside table, taking his sweet, sweet time to walk back to the bed’s edge where you were suffering, legs still wide apart for him.
“now, you gonna let me give that sweet pussy what it deserves, hm? gonna let me stretch it out and fill it up with my cock?” he says all this without taking an eye off you, rolling the condom on without even looking at it.
his lewd words have such a heavy effect on you, your cunt automatically getting wetter and clenching around empty space. you can’t think of wanting anything other than jude’s thick length stuffing your tight pussy, anything other than his lips on yours, his fingers rubbing at your swollen clit right now.
“yes, yes, please give it to me, jude,” you beg him now, all forms of shame leaving your body along with these words. “i need your cock filling my pussy up, please, it’s yours.” you rake your nails up and down his biceps in an attempt to soothe your neediness and to also hurry him up.
jude lets a moan out at what you’re saying to him, the way you’re desperately babbling making him even more unbelievably hard. giving up on the teasing and deciding to fulfil both your wishes, he pushes his cock past your spit and precum-drenched folds with a strangled groan.
the sound that comes out of you is nothing short of pornographic. and it drives jude crazy.
he immediately sets a deep and fast pace, big cock pummelling into dripping wet pussy, the obscene sounds of skin slapping against skin and the two lovers’ moans and groans mixing into the evening air.
“oh fuuuuck, y/n,” he can’t believe how good and tight and wet you feel around his hard length, your pussy only getting more soaked at his words. “it’s like you were made for this dick, baby. m-made for me, weren’t you?”
you plan to wrap your shaking legs around jude’s waist to bring him closer into you, needing every inch of his skin on yours, every inch of his cock inside you. but your boyfriend has other ideas. taking both legs onto his shoulders, he’s able to reach even deeper in your pussy as he strokes in and out of you, an unfathomable amount of dick now filling you up. you almost scream from the pleasure, nails now scratching at his thighs.
“s-so so good for me, baby, you’re doing so good, ah!” he struggles to get his words out, the tightness of your cunt on his cock having the same effect on his throat. he’s always been loud in the bedroom but tonight is showing a different side to him — his voice is more confident, unabashedly telling you how good he feels and how good you make him feel, and it makes you want to burn it onto a CD and play it on loop.
jude allows your legs to relax now, positioning them around his waist himself with you giving him a thankful stroke across his abs. the pace at which he fucks you gets faster, the straps of your sundress falling down your shoulder with the speed and exposing the top of your tits.
you’re scratching up jude’s back with the same ferocity he’s pounding your pussy, the pleasurable pain making the both of you nearly drool with how delicious it feels. the tight knot in your stomach threatens to come undone and you warn jude with an increase in the pitch of your moans.
“i’m so close, baby,” you mewl, gasping out for your boyfriend who captures your lips in a sweet kiss that differs so beautifully from the way he’s abusing your poor pussy. “please don’t stop, oh, jude, please cum with me.” you’re craving for release now but you only want to ride it out with him, any former feelings of selfishness being replaced with the desire you feel for your lover.
“i’m right there with you, angel, let go for me,” jude’s face is hovering over yours, warm breath fanning what feels like flames on your cheeks, the reward of a white hot orgasm so so close. his thumb regains contact with your now bare clit, stimulating it quickly. “cum around me, baby, cum all over my cock.”
you cum around jude not a moment after he says that, with a scream that can surely be heard 4 rooms down the hallway. the walls of your cunt spasm around his dick, which triggers jude’s release, his slightly higher than usual pitched moans muffled into your neck. his white seed spills into the condom and you can feel the weight and warmth of it in you despite the barrier, and the last stroke of his cock makes you shudder.
you collapse into the bed and let the sheets engulf you, bringing jude down with you too. the two of you don’t say anything, you just let each other pant out the remaining energy with shallow breaths.
jude breaks the so-called silence first. “that was fucking incredible,” he laughs breathily, kissing your cheek repeatedly. “mhmm, thank you, thank you, i love you.” he nuzzles his face into the junction between your neck and shoulder, leaving small kisses along the skin.
“jude!” you chuckle at his post-nut clinginess, trying to remind him of the fact that he was literally still inside you and that you both needed to clean up.
“noooooo!” he whines upon hearing your demands but still slips out of you and disposes of the condom before face planting onto the bed, right next to your tired self.
you let out a small gasp at the feeling of emptiness and close your legs tightly, rubbing your thighs together as they burn from the different positions jude had held them in.
“ugh, jude, i swear we’re not doing rough sex for at least 3 months now, my thighs can’t take it,” you complain, attempting to massage them but giving up in sheer exhaustion.
jude sniggers, pulling himself up to rest the side of his head on your left thigh, leaving a loud mmwah on the sweaty skin with his lips. “okay but how long really until we go at it again?” suggesting that neither of you can resist the other.
“i’m serious, jude!” you swat at him, playfully.
“yeah, yeah, round 2 in the shower?”
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Hello bestie I am ur local simp, and i am on my knees begging for HCs of the greasers dancing with you in the kitchen, my preferences are Darry and Steve i am begging
A/N: Hey there! Thanks for requesting, I hope you don’t mind the wait. They’re a little short, but I hope you enjoy them!!
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You wanna dance? In the kitchen? With Darry?
Oh honey, that’s nothing new, my boy loves to dance with you, especially during those quiet moments in the kitchen <3
Whether it’s in the morning where one of you’s fixing breakfast, or in the evenings when dinner’s been tucked into the oven and you have nothing else to do, Darry will definitely dance with you
He likes any of the slow songs that mean he can hold you close, tucking you into his body as you sway back and forth together and looking into your eyes, those little conversations filled with sweet nothings   
 Yes! I cannot stress this enough, Sodapop loves to dance and would give anything to dance with you
Your dancing is not limited to the kitchen! He’ll dance with you wherever, spinning you around at the drive-in or teaching you a few moves at a diner somewhere while the jukebox plays
He’ll slow dance? But he’d rather more upbeat dances, just cause he’s so energetic
But he’ll take the excuse to hold you close, kiss you gently and smile that smile that totally knocks you off your feet     
I love Ponyoby with all my heart, but you can’t look at the boy and convince me that he doesn’t have two left feet
Like, I just know that both of his brothers and his mom did everything they could to try and fix that problem but it’s entirely unsuccessful
Plus? He gives wallflower vibes, so I don’t think dancing would exactly be his cup of tea especially not out on some diner floor or school dance, I can totally see him standing by the walls with a cup of that terrible punch and one of Soda’s ties around his neck
Having said that, I think he’d make an effort if dancing was important to you, like he’d offer to take you dancing and spin you around every once in a while 
The kitchen? Maybe not, Dallas really doesn’t have access to a kitchen that isn’t Buck’s little half-kitchen or the Curtis’ so maybe not the kitchen specifically 
But dancing with you at Buck’s is definitely doable, especially if Dal has a few in his system or it’s not too crowded
Also a firm believer that Dallas has two left feet but it’s not as bad as Ponyboy and he can definitely do a little two-step and shuffle with you
He likes dancing with you because he likes having his hands on your waist, letting them drift as low as he can get away with to then bring you closer for a kiss at the end of the song
I see dancing with Johnny as like a soft and intimate thing?
So like, just the two of you, spinning and goofing around together when you go out or something, dancing to the Curtis’ radio in their kitchen and stuff
That’s not to say that he won’t dance with you to whatever song is playing over the speakers at the drive-in or to what the jukebox in the corner of the diner is playing, it’s just a lot less likely
But, if you beg and plead and kiss him just enough, I’ll guarantee that Johnny will dance with you, 1000%
Anywhere and anytime baby, Two-Bit is always going to be more than willing to dance with you
I’m not even joking, literally just say the word and Two will be tripping over his own feet to dance with you, he’s so excited <3
He has absolutely no shame when it comes to humiliating himself in public and I think a part of that factors into his dancing, he doesn’t care who catches you dancing and where you dance 
So yes to the drive-in, yes to the diner, yes to whatever bar you may find yourself in on a date night, and a definite yes to dancing with you in the kitchen
I don’t know why, but I just feel like Steve would definitely dance with you, no questions whatsoever
I can just see him pulling you in for a quick little two-step whenever you stop by to see him at the DX, claiming that the song that started on the radio just has to be danced to as he pulls you in
Slow songs, fast songs, I just think he’d have a lot of fun dancing with you, no matter what!
And if you don’t think you’re a good enough dancer, don’t even worry about it, Steve’s not going to care and he’ll make you laugh so hard while you’re together that you won’t have time to stress about it   
Soooooo I have a lot of thoughts when it comes to this greaser and one of the biggest one is how much fun he’d be to dance with-
He’s good at everything, even though he doesn’t look the type to be spinning around on some dance floor, he’s just got some sort of natural talent that makes him look astounding on the floor
Lines dances to slow dances and everything in between, Tim will have no problem dancing with you, especially after he’s had a few drinks and is feeling more laid-back
His hands might drift a little lower than your hips at times, but what else do you expect? He’s a hood! Besides, when you go to chastise him or move his hands, he’ll just give you this little smirk and how could you possibly be mad at that face?
Unless he’s in a space where he feels comfortable, I don’t see Curly as someone who would frequent the dancefloor, it’s just not his space
He can do the dances? Would be down to goof off with you when it’s just the two of you? But he’s not big into the dance floor
Kitchen dancing though, that’s really his element and he’ll spin you around so gently, murmuring the lyrics to whatever song is playing while pressing kisses to where is closest to his mouth
10/10 experience, would highly recommend dancing with Curly as you’d feel so adored and appreciated!
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abiiors · 8 months
long drive 🧁 // matty healy x reader
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promptober '23 - day 4
a/n: seriously, there's less cheese in a quattro formaggi pizza. if you're an og, there's an easter egg in there for you 🤭 cw: none, just fluff wc: 1k
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five hours. that’s how long it’s been since matty has seen her smile. five hours that she’s gone without laughing at his jokes or giggling at memes on her phone or even smiling when someone complimented her on her dress. 
he doesn’t know what went wrong. she was fine when they woke up, happy and smiling when she got dressed for the day, excited to spend time with him in the studio. all they did was stop at their usual cafe for some coffee and donuts. and she has been moody ever since. 
and yes he’s worried. especially when he sees her stroking her rounded stomach and frowning. 
“darling,” matty approaches her cautiously. “something wrong? you look a bit upset.” he waits for a response. something, anything. but all he gets is a moody shrug. 
“do you feel sick? just moody? i–i know being pregnant isn’t easy but—”
“it’s nothing, matty,” she sighs deeply and goes back to her laptop doing whatever she was doing before. the frown doesn’t budge and so matty isn’t satisfied. 
“it’s not nothing,” he smooths a hand down her stomach, feeling tiny flutters of the baby’s movements. “you were fine this morning. you were fine till we stopped for coffee… i–have i said something? done something wrong?” 
he’s sure his frown matches hers now. the guilt creeps in at the thought of having said something that might have upset her. to his horror, her bottom lip starts wobbling. 
“no… no you haven’t,” she reassures quickly, voice thick with tears. “it’s stupid. it’s fine, i’ll get over it.”
“it’s not stupid.” matty moves closer, wiping some of the fallen tears away with his thumb. “come on. tell me what’s wrong.”
she sniffles again and shuts her laptop, setting it aside. matty watches her closely for any signs of discomfort or pain. for anything that might give him a clue.
“you know leah?” she asks unsurely.
“our barista?”
“mm-hmm,” she nods quickly. “well, she makes these amazing pumpkin cakes when autumn starts, and well… i have really been craving one all morning. since last night really…” 
she pauses to take a shaky breath, hiccuping slightly. matty is even more confused than before. 
“i was going to get a slice when we stopped for coffee. we haven’t been there in so long, i thought i’d say hi too…” 
matty nods patiently, letting her work through the story and get to the root of the problem. 
“leah’s moved away,” she sniffles. “they don’t make those pumpkin cakes anymore.”
for a moment he’s speechless, simply trying to process it and her eyes widen. 
“you think it’s stupid!” she wails, “it’s hormones, i can’t control them—”
“hey, hey, hey, no!” he scrambles to get closer to her, to wipe away more tears that threaten to spill. his mind works faster than it ever has trying to come with some solution to this problem, even if it’s stupid. 
“did they tell you where she went?”
she nods again, lip trembling once more and matty’s stomach sinks. please don’t let it be out of the country, he chants mentally over and over again, desperate for an answer. 
“i looked it up,” she sniffles, pointing to the laptop, “it’s an hour and a half away.”
to her, that’s an outrageous distance to travel for one slice of cake, to him it’s a fucking blessing. 
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“i am the pregnant one,” she laughs through the tears just as they’re setting off fifteen minutes later. “i should be the one with insane ideas, not you!”
matty tuts in the driver’s seat, more focused on reversing the car safely (and yeah, okay, also doing the arm behind the seat thing that she loves so much). it’s only when he sees her smile that his heart stops hammering in his chest. once they’re safely on the road, his hand drifts to her stomach, rubbing lightly. 
“it’s my baby too,” he chastises playfully, “i get to spoil her however i want.”
next to him she shrugs. the movement makes the sun catch in her hair, reflecting the gorgeous hues. his heart thuds in his chest for an entirely different reason now—because he can’t stop stealing glances at her even when he’s busy driving. can’t stop looking at the way the reds and oranges outside compliment her outfit so well or how the october sun makes her eyes shine. 
as soon as they reach the new cafe, she’s out the door and running towards the entrance before he’s even found a parking spot. matty laughs to himself, shaking his head fondly. it takes him another minute but he follows her inside just in time to watch leah cooing over his wife’s belly. matty walks up to them, placing a hand on the small of her back and greets the barista with a nod. 
“we,” he gestures towards the wife and the bump, “missed your pumpkin cakes tremendously.” then he moves away giggling when she tries to smack him. “seriously,” he stage whispers, “it was dire, leah, there were tears.”
leah laughs shaking her head. “the fact that you drove almost two hours…”
she moves behind the counter again, finally taking out a slice and setting it on a plate. matty swears he can hear her gasp next to him. 
he looks at her again when he feels a tug on his jacket, about to panic when he sees her lip wobble slightly but she gives him a watery smile. 
“you’re the best,” she stands on her toes, pressing a kiss on the corner of his mouth. “thank you.”
he melts into her then, letting her give him a proper kiss that tastes just as sweet as the pumpkin cakes they’re about to have. and she indulges him, all the way until leah appears in front of them, two plates in hand. and matty is promptly forgotten in favour of the cake. 
he doesn’t mind though, he knows the two hours are nothing. for her, he’d probably go to the ends of the earth.
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lemme know what you think <33
taglist: @scooby-doodoo, @partoftheairforce, @justgoatsbreakinghearts0855@beachesgetpeaches, @you-muppet, @mcabister, @alexmarie29, @at-her-very-foreign, @hfkait, @squishysoupy@sierraeslaprincesa@harrie-fic-center @alien-girl-violet@thereisaplaceintheheart @kennedy-brooke @lolidontknowanymore @theoriginalwhatsername@celestcies@sugarkane1001 @ari-turner @thewaywewereinsaigon @daphnesutton @beliefandsayingsomething @ros3chu
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drabbles-mc · 2 years
Rinsing Off
Jax Teller x F!Reader
Inspired by Day 31 of the August Prompts: water park
Warnings: 18+, smut, language
Word Count: 2.6k
A/N: I don’t usually get like this about Jax but here we are. Ending the August Prompts marathon with a bang! I like to think that this is a good balance of steamy and sweet. Hope y’all enjoy, and thank you for joining me on the ride of getting a fic out every day! The fact that I only missed one day and ended up catching up almost immediately had me impressed with myself lmao
SOA Taglist: @garbinge​ @masterlistforimagines​ @espieviolet99​ @mijop​ @chibsytelford​ @thanossexual​ @bruxasolta​ @i-just-read-stuff​ @be-my-dear​ @bport76​ @withmyteeth​ @unicornucopia-fuckers​ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ @shadow-of-wonder​ @punkgoddess-98​ @paintballkid711​ @black-repunzel99​ @lexondeck​ @jitterbugs927​ @fanfic-n-tabulous​ @mijagif​ @frattsparty​ @winchestershiresauce​ @bellisperennis0​ @crowfootwrites​ @redpoodlern​ @beardburnsupersoldiers​ @mveggieburger​ @xeniarocks​ @choochoo284​ @littlekittymeow​ @beardsanddetectives​ @i-love-scott-mccall​​ @toni9​​ @passionatewrites​​ (If you want to be added to any of my taglists, please let me know!)
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The car ride home had been almost completely silent. Jax had the radio on, but made sure to keep the volume extremely low so as to not wake the two boys who were passed out in their car seats in the back. Truth be told, you were on the brink of falling asleep yourself. If it had been a little later, the sky a little darker, Jax would’ve been the only one in the car who was awake after the busy day the four of you had had.
You were on the brink of letting your eyes drift shut when you felt Jax’s hand land on your thigh. You hummed in contentment at the feeling of his finger tracing back and forth along the exposed skin of your leg. Jax chuckled, eyes still fixed on the road as he shook his head at you.
“What’re you laughin’ about over there?” you turned and looked at him, still leaned against the headrest behind you.
“Nothin’, babe,” he still had a hint of laughter in his voice.
“That’s not convincing,” you chuckled as you reached and rested your hand on his shoulder.
He looked over at you for a moment, smiling before returning his attention to the road, “It’s just funny, y’know?”
“What is?”
The smile on his face grew, “You used to be up all night partying and still go to work the next day. Now? One day out with the boys and you’re about to be asleep before nine.”
You chuckled, giving his shoulder a squeeze, “Yea, but partying wasn’t nearly as tiring as chasing those two around all day.”
“Water park was your idea, remember.”
You laughed, shaking your head, “Yea, I know. Must’ve forgotten how old I am now. Old lady is more than just a title these days.”
He shook his head at you, rolling his eyes, “Stop, don’t do that.”
You laughed softly before the two of you fell silent again, letting the static-riddled radio station filter classic rock through the speakers. You were a little more awake now, but not much. You shifted around, propping your feet up on the dash and purposely ignoring Jax’s scoff at the action. No matter how many times you did it, and reminded him that even if he was driving it was still your car and you could put your feet up on the dash if you pleased.
Before you knew it, Jax was rolling into the driveway at the house. Undoing your seatbelt, you looked over your shoulder at the boys again, their heads lolled off to the side as they slept. You smiled before diverting your gaze to Jax, who was already looking at you.
“Wanna carry me in after you carry them in?” you asked with a laugh.
“C’mon,” he pushed the door open with the ball of his foot, “let’s get all three of you party animals inside.”
Jax got Abel out of his car seat while you carried Thomas inside. It took no real effort at all to get the two of them to bed. Thomas stayed asleep the entire time you changed him into his pajamas, and Abel woke up for a minute or so to shimmy into his dinosaur pj’s but then he was out like a light again as soon as his head hit the pillow. Jax was pulling the blanket back up over him and the little boy’s eyes were already shut.
Jax kissed the top of his head, ruffling his hair lightly before stepping back and heading for the door, smiling when he saw you lingering in the doorway waiting for him. The light from the hallway almost turned you into a silhouette, but he could still see the smile on your face.
“Thomas all set?” he draped his arm around you as he pulled the door shut with his other hand.
You nodded, leaning into him, “Yea, didn’t even wake up at all. I think he’s gonna sleep right through till morning.”
“He’s not the only one,” you could hear the smile in his voice as he kissed your temple, “You ready for bed?”
As much as you wanted to say yes, you shook your head, “I gotta shower, Jax. I can’t sleep smelling like chlorine.”
He nodded, “I get it.”
The two of you continued down the hall. When you got to the doorway of your bedroom, you thought that Jax was going to veer off and head right to bed, but he stayed right with you. You laughed quietly as he pulled you so that you were walking in front of him, his chest pressed up against your back as he snaked his arms around your waist. You fought the urge to raise your shoulders as he peppered the side of your neck with kisses, his facial hair tickling the sensitive skin there. You could feel the vibration of his laughter against you, and you wished that you could just completely melt back into him.
You shut the bathroom door almost all the way before walking over and turning the water on. Steam instantly started to fog up the glass panels encasing the shower, and even though you weren’t even under the showerhead yet, you already felt better.
Turning around, you saw Jax was already stripped down to his boxers, sliding the rings off his fingers to discard on the sink counter, all of them except one. You smiled as you instinctively traced your thumb along the inside of your wedding band. Shaking your head at yourself, you started peeling over your clothes as well, starting with your shirt.
You reached back to undo the tie on the neck of your bikini, but before you could, Jax was already working to undo the knot. You smiled, allowing him to undo both that knot, and the one at the center of your back, causing the top to fall to the ground.
He stepped in closer to you, reaching around to undo the button and zipper of your shorts, and you couldn’t help but to laugh, “I can do this part myself, you know.”
“You’re the one who said you were tired,” you could hear the smirk in his voice as he kissed your bare shoulder, “I’m just tryin’ to help.”
You laughed and rolled your eyes even though he couldn’t see it, “Such a gentleman.”
Both your sets of clothes were in a pile on the floor as you finally stepped underneath the stream of water coming from the showerhead. You shut your eyes, letting it wash over you, your muscles instantly relaxing at the end of a good, but still long and tiring, day. You ran your hands over your face and back over your head, fingers raking lightly along your scalp.
A few seconds later, you felt Jax’s hands rest on your shoulders, and you immediately let out a hum of approval as you leaned back against him. His thumbs massaged little circles into your muscles and you were almost convinced that you were going to turn to jello and wash down the drain with the hot water.
Sliding his hands down so that they were resting on your hips, he kissed your shoulder, “I love you.”
You turned around to face him, water running down your back and his chest before pulling yourself up against him. You kissed him on the lips, “I love you too.”
Unable to fight the urge, you reached up and ran your fingers through his now-dripping hair, slicking it back out of his face. You repeated the motion a few times, smiling at the way his eyes shut as he soaked up the tender gesture. You couldn’t stop yourself from kissing him again, hands sliding down so that you were cupping his face.
He smiled against your lips, wrapping his arms tighter around you as his lips worked against yours. His hands slid down from your hips onto your ass, squeezing you as he carefully moved you so that you were pinned between him and the cool glass panel of the shower. The hot water continued to trickle down each of your bodies, the original reason for the shower becoming an afterthought as he hiked your legs up around his waist, wasting no time as he easily slid into you.
You moaned quietly into his mouth at the sensation, gripping onto his shoulders, nails leaving crescent-shaped indents in his skin. His tongue slipped into your mouth, gliding over and under yours as he set a slow, almost gentle pace. If he hadn’t kept you pinned so snug between him and the glass, you knew that you would’ve crumpled right to the floor from the pleasure of it all.
He pulled his lips away from yours, latching them onto your neck right in the space where it met your shoulder, sucking just hard enough to leave a mark. One of your hands stayed braced against his shoulder, the other finding its way to the back of his head, not wanting to give up on all the sensations he was pulling from you.
The soft grunts that fell from his lips were like music to your ears. His grip on you was tight, strong, but not brutal the way that it sometimes got. No matter what, you could always feel how much he loved you, but moments like that, when he was almost loving you softly, it always felt like the two of you were on an entirely different level.
Wrapping your arms around his neck, you buried yourself against him as you gasped, each long, slow stroke bringing you closer to the edge. Jax could feel it, too. He huffed out something reminiscent of a laugh as he kissed your shoulder, prompting you to pull your face from the crook of his neck so you could look at him. Water was dripping off the ends of his eyelashes and onto his face, and that was the visual that was burned into your brain as he leaned in, pressing a searing kiss against your lips as his pace picked up.
You moaned softly, his name falling from your lips as he sent you over the edge. You did your best to cling to him through your high, your nails clawing at his back. Even with his lips pressed against yours, you felt him suck in a gasp as his hips stuttered. The quiet curses that he mumbled against your skin as he came inside you got your lips to curl into a smile. Then it was his turn to fight to catch his breath and keep his balance.
He leaned against you, not only keeping you braced between him and the shower wall, but also giving him something to lean into to keep his balance. You knew it, too, and you couldn’t help but to laugh as you kissed him softly on the lips.
You traced your fingers down the side of his face, “I love you.”
He smiled, resting his forehead against yours, “I love you too.”
He slid his hands so that they were braced against the backs of your thighs. He carefully pulled back sliding out of you before letting your feet drop back to the floor. He kept a tight hold on your waist, making sure that your legs weren’t going to give out on you. Even though your forehead was resting against his shoulder, you could still sense the smirk that was on his face.
“Yea, babe?” he kissed the side of your head.
“I still need to wash all the chlorine off,” you chuckled.
He laughed, pulling away from you so that he could grab the bottle of body wash, “C’mon, then, we’ll do what you came here for.”
“Now that we did what you came here for?” you joked.
He shot you a wink as he handed the bottle over to you, “Exactly.”
You playfully rolled your eyes at him but you did set about scrubbing yourself down and washing the pool water and chemicals out of your hair. You knew it was an exaggeration, but you could’ve sworn that you felt it all glide down off your body with the soap suds. Jax did the same, each of you taking turns rinsing off underneath the stream of water. Neither of you said much, just sharing little looks and laughs and light touches as you maneuvered around each other with the ease and comfort of two people who had done this song and dance countless times before.
Every now and then his hands would stray a little too low, and you knew that if you hadn’t been so tired from the day, he might’ve gotten a little more out of you. He knew it, too, which was why he laughed when you playfully swatted his hands away.
When you were both done, you reached and shut the water off. Jax pushed the shower door open, steam immediately spilling out of the small enclosed space into the expanse of the bathroom. Reaching out, you grabbed towels for each of you before stepping out to give yourself some room to dry off without accidentally smacking him in the face with the towel.
You were just finishing tying the towel around you like the world’s shortest dress when Jax lifted you up off the ground. You yelped, trying to tone it back down into quiet laughter so you wouldn’t wake the boys who were asleep just down the hall. Jax laughed, kissing you on the lips as he pushed the bathroom door all the way open and started making his way towards your bedroom, towel wrapped low on his hips.
“What?” he smirked at you, “You’re the one who was asking if I could carry you.”
You rolled your eyes, smiling, “That’s true.”
Walking into the room, he gently set you down on the edge of the bed. Leaning down, he kissed you slowly, softly on the lips, one hand cupping the side of your face. You leaned into him, bringing one hand to rest over his while the other drifted down to his waist. Before he could try and stop you, you tugged the towel, making it pool into a pile of fabric at his feet. Pulling out of the kiss both of you broke into quiet laughter.
“You’re somethin’ else,” he shook his head as he went and grabbed a pair of boxers from his dresser.
“But you love me,” you said grabbing the shirt you’d slept in the night before from the foot of the bed.
“Yea,” he conceded with a grin as he walked back over, grabbing your towel so he could hang them both on the hooks on the back of the door, “I do.”
You watched him as you crawled over to your side of the bed, shimmying down underneath the covers. He turned back around to you, a soft smile on his face as he turned the lights off and made his way towards the bed, crawling in beside you.
You got as close as you could to him, letting your legs entwine with his as he rested his hand on your waist, slipping it underneath the oversized shirt that you always slept in. Your heads each rested on your own pillows, but barely, your noses brushing against each other’s. Even though it was dark, you could still make out the smile on his face.
“You know,” your voice was a whisper, “being in bed before ten really isn’t that bad.”
He chuckled, “No?”
“No,” you trailed your fingers through his short beard, “Might not be able to party like I used to,” you gave him a soft peck on the lips, “but I think I like this a whole lot more.”
“Yea,” he kissed you again, “me too.”
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duchess7878 · 6 months
Soft!Johnny x Reader Part 2
A part 2 has been requested for my soft! Johnny fic and I will happily oblige :) I hope you like it!
@spearbsm here you go :D 🎁🎁
Part 2/2
Warnings: Mentions of murder
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With Nancy catching on, Johnny didn’t have much of a choice. The sky was dark, blanketing your property in a bluish-black hue and forcing Johnny to adjust his eyes if he wanted to get around your house without bumping into something, waking you. He had decided he was going to kill you himself and before he could think twice and change his mind he had left Nancy’s to drive back to your house.
He had waited until the last light went off in windows and then sat a bit more before deciding to make his entrance. He wanted to make sure you were sound asleep because he needs this to be quick, he never wanted to hurt you, but that’s what it’s come to. He snuck his way around to your bedroom window and lightly opened it, the breeze immediately drifting in and gently lifting your curtains. He had scolded you before to lock your windows along with your door, but it looks like you forgot or chose not to listen.
He put his leg through, followed by the other and quietly stepped into your room. As he approached your bedside, he couldn’t help but admire the way the moonlight suddenly came into your room and lit up your face. Your beauty was breathtaking and he wanted to cherish it forever. Before he could understand what he was feeling, heavy tears fell from his eyes and caused them to burn. Nothing had ever made Johnny feel this way, but the thought of you being gone did.
Another step and the floor creaked heavily, causing you to shift and moan in your sleep. His breathe hitched when he heard your soft sounds, wanting to hear his name coming from your lips like that. The floors creaking did not let up as he tried to move and it was his undoing.
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I heard a creaking sound and it woke me from my sleep, at first I wasn’t going to bother with it, thinking it was simply the old house groaning and creaking. But then another creak followed it right next to my bed. I immediately opened my eyes and turned my head to the side, seeing none other than Johnny.
“Johnny? What are you doing here? Is everything okay?” I asked, worried about his sudden intrusion. Johnny is a traditional boyfriend and this is heavily out of character for him. I saw a small glint in his hand before he quickly hid it behind his back and became as still as stone.
A thick silence fell over the two of us and it became unnerving quickly. I glanced behind him and noticed the window was open, had he broken in my home?
“Johnny, what are you doing here.” I demanded more than asked.
Without a word, he took a step closer and I scooted back on my bed, pulling my legs closer to me and away from him. I couldn’t see his face because of the moonlight behind his back and it made him look so big and beastly. Has he always been this scary? The silence was suddenly cut with a small sob. At first I thought I was hearing things until another one came from him, this one much heavier and louder.
All of a sudden he tackled me against the mattress, heavy sobs racking his body and shaking the bed along with us. I was taken aback by the sudden show of emotion. He was always telling me to not butt in and just let him be a good boyfriend, but now he needed me. I wrapped my arms around him and placed one hand on the back of his head, pressing it to my chest as the other rubbed up and down his back.
“What’s wrong Johnny?” I asked softly, petting his soft hair and kissing his forehead. He sobbed violently once I spoke, not able to get any words out. We sat for a moment as I rubbed his back and gave him as much kisses as I could muster. As he slowly regained his breathe his was able to tell me what was wrong.
“I don’t want to lose you. I love you too much.” He said quietly, reaching up to hug me tightly.
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He decided at that moment that he wasn’t going to lose you, no matter what. Once he knew you were back asleep, he left the same way he came in and quickly trudged across your yard and to his truck. He climbed in a tore out of the driveway, speeding home to Nancy’s.
Upon arrival, he wasted no time in parking, pulling up into the driveway and not caring if she knew he left or not. He slammed the front door open and he immediately heard Nancy from the living room to his right.
“Don’t slam doors, Johnny. I raised you better than that.” She had said. Without skipping a beat, he sat across from her on the couch and leaned forward, staring at her intently.
“Somethin’ on your mind hon?” She asked, not looking up from the newspaper in her lap.
“I’m gonna marry that girl.” He spoke.
“Is that so?” She asked, flicking the newspaper to straighten it up.
“Yes ma, I’ll die before I let anything happen to her and I know you don’t want that.” He said, his gaze not leaving her once despite her not returning it.
“I have my ways Johnny. You do whatcha want, but the moment she slips up, I will kill her and you won’t get to her in time.” She said putting the newspaper on the table.
“No you won’t, because I’ll kill you.” Johnny could barely believe what he was saying, but what he felt for you was priceless and he’ll never get it again, so he’ll hold onto it with every fiber of his being; even if that means going against everything he ever was.
Nancy’s eyes widened at his words and tears flowed from her eyes.
“Oh Johnny, I wish you could see what she’s doing to you. To us. You’ll see soon enough, my darling angel, and it will hurt you more than anything in this world.” She cried.
“You’re wrong. I love her and I always will.” He got up from his seat and headed out the front door, walking around the house and down the dirt driveway to the back. He finished the walk to his shack and slammed the door, walking to the fridge and grabbing a beer.
He stood against his counter thinking of you, eager to see you again.
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I love writing these requests so much, I hope you like them!
This is part one to the story! 👆
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laurensxdeath · 1 year
Emily Prentiss x reader
Emily is your soulmate, but you're convinced you aren't hers. (soulmate/soulmark au)
Thanks @ghost-rattan for helping me with this :)
When you turn 15, your soulmate's name appears on your wrist. Emily Prentiss.
You find her when you join the FBI. You're wearing long sleeves that day, so she doesn't notice her name tattooed on your wrist as you shake hands. You decide it's probably best to keep it this way for now, and you continue wearing long sleeved shirts to work everyday.
You like Emily, more than you probably should for knowing someone such a short amount of time.
It starts soon after you join the team. She welcomes you, as do the rest of the team. But with her it's different. She makes you feel like you really belong, you haven't had that before. Maybe that's why it started.
It's about after a month you've joined the team, You, Emily, JJ And Penelope are all having a girl's night. After being questioned relentlessly by Penelope about her soulmate, Emily tells everyone.
"Yes, I've met her. We've been dating for a while and just moved in together" she says, rolling her eyes. Your heart shatters. Emily was in love with someone else. To caught up in the conversation, you excuse yourself to get another drink and no one notices as you slip out of the apartment.
You just drive around in your car aimlessly for a while, thinking. You eventually end up back at your apartment. You park your car and check your phone. It had been blown up with notifications from the girls' asking where you went. You sigh before typing out a response.
Y/n/n where did you go? Call me back please, we're worried about you.
- 10:47PM
Hey JJ, sorry I wasn't feeling
well and needed to clear my head. Im alright, didn't mean to make you stress. -11:07PM
You unlock your door, tears leaking from your eyes. Frustratedly you wipe them away and go to bed. You find it difficult to sleep, just laying in bed thinking. You eventually drift off.
You wake up to your alarm buzzing. You hadn't slept much. You eat and shower, you search your closet for what to wear. As you reach for a shirt your wrist catches your eye. Emily's name. You take a deep breath, and try to forget about it. It didn't matter anyway.
You'd do what you'd always done when you caught feelings for someone, you'd distance yourself until you got over them.
At least there wasn't a case today, not that paperwork was much fun. You just didn't feel like you could think about anything else properly today.
You walk out of the elevator and Emily's the first to greet you. "Hey Y/n! You feeling alright today? JJ mentioned that's why you left early last night" you grit your teeth, not wanting to talk about it.
"Yeah, much better" she frowns as if she doesn't believe you. "You know you can talk to me?" She reaches for your hand and you don't meet her eyes. "Yeah, I know" you say as you walk away. You glance back over her shoulder and see her frowning at you. Maybe it's best you weren't near her right now.
You make your way over to Garcia's room and she greets you enthusiastically. You give her a small half smile and she questions if you're still feeling off.
"Yeah, a little" you tell her. She frowns at you. "What's the matter?" You sigh. "I'm sorry, I really don't want to talk about it right now" you tell her. She nods. "Okay but I'm here when you're ready!" You smile at her. "Thanks Pen"
You make an instant coffee, and walk back to your desk to get started. You place your earphones in to block out the world around you and manage to work undisturbed until lunch.
You feel a tap on your shoulder. You take an earphone out and turn around to see Emily. "Hey, it's lunch. Have you eaten yet?" You shake your head. "No, I've been working I'll have something later" she frowns. "work can wait a few minutes, let's go get something to eat" you want to, but remind yourself that you're trying to get over her. and the best way to do that is by avoiding her. "I'll have something later, Emily. I want to finish this" she looks sad. Can't she just ask JJ or someone? She walks away and you put your earphone back in.
She walks back in a few minutes later, puts a sandwich on your desk and goes back to her own work. You're starting to hate the butterflies she gives you.
At the end of the day you rush out to your car, hoping she won't try to talk to you again. You drive back to your apartment and immediately get changed into cooler clothes, you could finally wear short sleeves now that you're back.
You turn on the tv and watch that for a few hours. It's good to focus on something other than Emily.
You're about to get up to order takeaway, but you hear a knock at your door. You pause the tv and go to answer it. You open the door and find Emily there.
"Emily?" She smiles. "Hey Y/n/n. Can I come in?" You give a small nod and move out of the way. She gestures for you to follow her and you both sit down on the couch. You fold your arms, unconsciously keeping your tattooed wrist hidden.
"I can tell something's going on with you, you're upset about something and pushing me away. Why?" You don't answer right away, you just sit there with your arms folded while you stare at the ground. "Nothing is wrong Emily. I don't know what you hope to achieve by coming here" you tell her, but she still isn't convinced.
She reaches for your hand and her fingers gently trace against your wrist, you don't even register that it's not covered. "Y/n/n? What's this?" She's says. You freeze.
Fuck. You weren't wearing long sleeves. She'd seen her name on your wrist. You yank your hand back from her gentle grip, as you stand up and wrap your arms around yourself.
You can feel tears pooling in your eyes and you force yourself to breathe normally even though you're panicking.
"I think you should go, Emily" you don't look at her. "Y/n, look at me. Please" you feel sick. She wasn't supposed to find out. She's already met her soulmate.
Tears start to spill from your eyes and you wipe them away quickly. Emily stands in front of you and takes your hand again, but you still refuse to look at her. "Y/n/n, Look at my wrist" you meet her eyes, before looking down at her wrist.
She's removed her watch, that once covered a tattoo of her soulmark. Of your name.
Emily interlaces her fingers with yours. "You're my soulmate too, y/n" you're to confused to speak yet, didn't she have a soulmate already?
"Is this why you've been acting off lately? Why you left Garcia's that night without telling anyone? I remember you only left after we started talking about my partner" You pull your hand back and lean against the wall behind you, crossing your arms in front of you.
"I know you already have a partner Em, this doesn't have to mean anything" you tell her. You wouldn't make her choose. You shut your eyes and try to stop crying as your head rests on the wall behind you.
You only open your eyes again as you feel Emily's hand rest gently on your cheek, wiping away your tears. "Y/n/n, I'm not dating anyone. I only said that to Garcia so she'd leave the topic alone. I love you, you're my soulmate" she says, resting her forehead against yours.
You smile up at her as you lightly thread your fingers through her hair and kiss her gently.
"I love you too, Emily"
I'm still fairly new to writing, feedback is appreciated :)
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Kitty (part 6)
Parts 1-5 are available via my masterlist.
Pairings: Rei x (afab) reader Fluffy fluff, some medical jargon but nothing too descriptive! --
“Oh, back already?” Kazuki calls as you step through the front door. You can hear the sounds of daytime television drifting through. He likes to watch it when he folds the laundry.
“Yeah. Why?” Rei asks, slipping his shoes off. You haven’t spoken about the hand-holding. What is there to say, really? You mutually dropped hands as the elevator door opened, like you were afraid of getting caught. You’re trying to balance taking your own trainers off when he grabs your hand – anchoring you once more.
You smile a thanks and, again, let go as you go to greet Kazuki.
“Nothing, just curious. How was Kyu?” Rei withdraws one of the envelopes and hands it over to the blonde, who nods in appreciation.
“Fine. Nosey.”
“Asking Kitty questions.” Rei drops down on the armchair with a yawn – the late night catching up on him – and removes his phone from his pocket. “Sounded suspicious.”
“Dude, that’s his whole job.”
Kazuki turns to you as you sit down next to him, realizing he’s not going to get far with Rei who’s back to his game from earlier.
“Did you like the café?”
“Uh-huh,” you nod. “I re-remem-remembered I like c-coffee!” It’s strange rediscovering these little things about yourself. It feels momentous, like at any moment that will be the floodgate that triggers all your memories, but, really, it’s a small piece of the jigsaw puzzle. There was coffee at the house, of course there was, you served it to him every morning but you’d never taken a sip for yourself. There was enough danger in sneaking food. Water you could take from the bathrooms, greedily guzzling from the taps.
“Did you have one of Kyu’s? They’re good, right?” You nod. “I can never get Rei to try. I don’t think he has the palate.”
“Too bitter,” he grumbles.
“Well, we can enjoy the grown-up drinks and Rei can share with Miri.” The blonde teases back. Rei slouches back further in the armchair, ignoring him.
The TV blares out an upcoming promo – something about a doctor giving advice about how to live a longer, happier life. “That reminds me. Kitty, I think you should see a doctor.”
“A d-doctor?”
“Yeah. I mean, you were in that place a while and not treated well – we probably should get you checked over. There’s a clinic we use when we can’t handle something on our own – it’s no questions asked, cash in hand, under the table type stuff, but they’re legitimate doctors. I think they’d be good to give you a once over. Only if you feel okay with that, though.”
“N-no, makes s-s-sense.”
“Great! The only thing is, it’s an after-hours sort of deal so it’ll need to be an evening trip. Rei, you’ll be okay to stay here with Miri after dinner, right?”
“I can go with her.” Rei’s bolt upright now.
“You hate the doctor. Remember when you went with me so I could get a tetanus shot?”
“You screamed. I thought you were under attack.” He replies, deadpan.
“It was a big needle! I’m not sure they’ll even allow you back in after the damage you caused.” Kazuki turns to you “Plus, you’re okay to go with me, right?”
You nod - hoping you’re not hurting Rei’s feelings. It might be better to have Kazuki there too, you reason, trying to put the pieces together of their last visit.
In the afternoon, Kazuki goes to pick up Miri and Rei’s coerced you into another go of Morio Kart. You’d say you were getting better but that’d be a lie - Miri can and will beat you in a race more often than not, so you’re not sure it’s much of a challenge for Rei. The speed boosts and the drifting is the worst, you can never time it right and end up lagging behind, sometimes by over a lap. On the left-hand side of the screen you can see Rei’s character is already over the finish line and driving automatically around the course now, whilst you’re been flying off the same bit of the track for an embarrassingly long time on lap two.
“May-maybe you sh-should j-just skip. I’m h-ho-hopeless.”
“No, you’re not.” You can see him smiling to the side of you. “Here.” He scoots closer to you, looping an arm around your waist and placing his hands around yours and guiding your fingers. “Just need practice.”
You watch what he’s doing, but the angle of which his arm is seems almost unnatural. “I-is that co-com-comfortable?"
"Mm. Not really." He pauses the game a moment. “Can you scoot forward a bit?”
You shuffle forward, nearly on the edge of the sofa and he clambers behind you within a blink of an eye. His thighs are either side of your legs, his chest pressed up firm against your back. His head is above yours but he leans slightly to the side and his breath tickles your ear.
“Is this okay?”
“Y-yeah.” You’re glad he can’t see your face – you’re sure it’s now as red as Kazuki’s beloved sweatshirt.
He unpauses the game and he talks you through what he’s doing but you’re not retaining one word, his fingers are still on top of yours and operating the games controller. You can feel the bass of his voice vibrate comfortingly through your back and you let out a breath, relaxing into him.
“Kitty, are you even listening?” He asks in a teasing lilt.
“N-no.” You laugh as you say it. Saying no was still a new addition to your vocabulary, but being so close to Rei in that moment made you feel so… buoyant. He finally gets your character over the finish line.
He chuckles, lightly. “That’s okay, we’ll go again.”
He sets up a race for a solo player, and takes you through another race. You try your best to listen to him this time, to take it in, but it’s hard to concentrate when he’s so close to you…
“I think I’ve lost you again in your thoughts, hmm?” He rests his head on your shoulder as he speaks.
“S-sorry.” You speak before you can think. “No, I’m n-not sorry.”
You can feel him smile into you. “It feels nice.” He mumbles.
“It does…”
The front door opens with a bang and you jump, sliding off the sofa entirely and slipping through Rei’s arms.
“Papa Rei, Kitty, I’m home!” Miri yells.
“Good luck,” Rei wishes the two of you as you leave, then frowns. Is that the right thing to say before a doctor’s visit? But you give him a bright smile and a thanks, which seems to reassure him. You can tell he still feels a little excluded, but someone has to stay with Miri and he has reluctantly conceded that Kazuki is less likely to be refused entry and is probably the best to handle any medical instructions given.
The drive is quiet, which is odd for Kazuki. It’s only when you get near that he speaks up.
“It’s nice to see you and Rei hang out, you know?” He keeps his eyes on the road. “I mean, Miri’s changed him a lot, but since you've been around… He seems a bit lighter.”
“I’m g-glad.”
The clinic is on the outskirts of town and the car park’s empty when you pull up. The lights are all off, but Kazuki seems confident as he leads you to a service door around the back. He knocks on it three times and it’s answered by a burly man, who appears to recognize him. He holds his hand out and Kazuki stuffs some bills into it, before he nods and opens the door wide enough for the two of you to enter. You stick close to Kazuki and come out in what appeared to be a make-shift waiting room. There’s no-one in there at the moment, but there’s dried blood smeared across the floor under one of the chairs.
Kazuki chuckles at it, directing you to a chair facing away. “Yeah, you might see some of that…”
It isn’t long before a door opens and a tall brunette woman in a white doctor’s coat stands there, looking around. She meets Kazuki’s gaze and nods, beckoning him forward. He gets to his feet and you follow the two through down the hallway into a consultation room. She gestures for the both of you to take a seat, before shutting the door behind her. She’s no name tag on, but you think that must be deliberate. “Kazuki, it’s been a while.”
“And is that not a good thing, doctor?” He winks.
“Bad for my pockets. Who’s this?” She nods her head over to you, as she takes a seat.
“Ah, well…” He begins to relay the story for you, thankfully, as the doctor nods thoughtfully. Kazuki runs through the basics.
“And you don’t remember anything?”
“L-little bits a-a-are coming b-back.” You keep your eyes focused on your lap, hoping if you don’t meet her gaze your stutter won’t increase exponentially. “N-nothing h-h-helpful.”
“Hmm. Do you often get headaches?”
“Memory loss can be a symptom of post-concussion syndrome. Any recollection of black-outs after, er, injury?”
You nod. Kazuki shifts in his seat.
“It’s hard to tell what the recovery period for that can be, unfortunately. These things might just never come back.” She twirls her pen between her fingers. “But your short-term memory’s okay?”
“Y-y-yeah. I re-member m-most th-things a-about the h-house.”
“And this stutter, have you always had that?”
“Does it hurt to talk – your jaw, or anything?”
You shake your head. “S-sometimes, I-I feel s-sick.”
“And you,” she turns to Kazuki. “have you noticed any improvements in her speech?”
“Oh, for sure. I think you’re still nervous around new people, eh, Kitty?” You nod. “But when it’s just us, it’s getting better all the time.”
“Psychological, then. To be expected.” You like her, she’s straight to the point. You don’t want sympathy - it brings too much attention. “Any chance you could be, er, pregnant?”
You shake your head firmly.
She checks your blood pressure next – noting it’s a little low – before she checks your oxygen levels and seems happy enough.
“Can I listen to your chest?” She’s already digging a stethoscope out of a drawer and directing you. “I’ll listen via your back. Just unclip your dress and lift your top up for me.” You turn to face the wall and as you do, you see Kazuki avert his eyes to the ceiling respectfully. You unclip the dungaree straps behind you, and pull up the top. The stethoscope is cold – a cliché – as she orders you to inhale and exhale out a number of times.
“All sounds okay there. You can get dressed.”
As soon as you’re resituated, she sits down and faces you both. “So, I think we should do some bloodwork. You look on the malnourished side, so I’m sure we’re going to see some pretty severe vitamin deficiencies. I can have the tests completed in under an hour if you’re okay to wait.” Kazuki nods. “I can give you something for anxiety too, it might just take the edge off any panic you feel, help you to relax a bit. It might help the speech, might not.” She taps the pen against the desk, before she leans back in her chair. “It’s up to you whether you take them, but if you do, fair warning they’ll make you feel more anxious at first but then it’ll settle.”
You nod. You’re really hoping not to have another attack like last night. She stares at you for another minute, seeming to think something over.
“I could run x-rays to check for old injuries but, to be honest, you walked in fine and, if we found anything, there’s nothing we can do here. As you’ll know,” she looks at Kazuki, “this is usually just emergency trauma, but I understand the need for discretion in this case.” She wheels over a cart, and snaps a new pair of medical gloves on. “You good with needles?”
“I… I t-think so.”
“Mm. Look at him, not at me. I’ve no time for fainters.” She states, and you follow her instructions.
An hour later you leave the clinic, a bag of vitamins and prescription drugs in your hands and instructions for Kazuki to get more meat on your bones. The car is warm on the drive home and Kazuki’s voice is comforting – he’s running through all the meals he’s gonna make, all the nutritional benefits, but it’s getting harder to keep your eyes open and the long day is catching up on you. It’ll be fine if you just close your eyes for a second…
At some unconscious level you’re aware you’re being carried but you’re somewhere in the middle between awake and asleep and you’re so, so tired. Your eyelids feel weighed down and, try as you might, you just can’t open them and all you seem to do is snuggle further into whoever’s arms to a light chuckle. You hear a door open and there’s a voice you recognize, laced with panic.
“What happened?!” Rei.
“Easy, she’s fine. Fell dead asleep on the ride home and she looked too peaceful to wake up.” Kazuki’s voice rumbles through your cheek. “Can you take her whilst I get my shoes off?”
“Mm.” You’re passed from one warm chest to another. You should really open your eyes, stop being a burden. You do try, but it’s so hard… “What did they say?”
“She’s vitamin deficient in practically all of them and needs to put some weight on, but that’s probably to be expected. Talked about the memory loss – could be something called post-concussion syndrome? Might be temporary, might be permanent. Doctor seemed to think she’s come out relatively lucky.” Kazuki yawns. “You okay with taking her up to her bed?”
“I’ve got her.” He shifts you gently, getting a better hold. You sigh, burying your head deeper into his chest. He smells nice, comforting.
“You like her, don’t you?”
“Of course I do.” Rei bristles.
“No, Rei. I mean, you like her.”
A pause. “Yes. Is… is that wrong?”
“Of course not, you idiot. It’s sweet.”
“I care for Miri but this feels… different.”
“Not a lot of dating growing up, huh?” Kazuki chuckles.
“None.” Rei grunts. “Not my style of hit.”
“I don’t mean for a mission, I mean for… for feelings.”
“Oh.” Another pause. “None.”
“Well, you’re in luck because I have a great history with the ladies.” Kazuki winks. “I think she likes you too, though, for what it’s worth.” He yawns again. “Go on, get her to bed. You can’t stand there holding her the entire night – that’s my first bit of advice.”
The next thing you know, you’re being laid upon the soft sheets of the bed and you nuzzle your head into the pillow, missing the warmth. A blanket is tucked in over you and you exhale contentedly, somewhere between the world of awake and dreaming. There’s hot breath for a second at your forehead and chapped lips press against it far too briefly.
“Goodnight, Kitty.”
-- Part 7.
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thithesandofferings · 2 months
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Title: Be-comings of Ardor- pt. 3
Synopsis: Raian is tired of waiting.
Tags: 18+ MDNI. Choking. Raian being nasty as per usual. Masturbation. PnV Fem! Reader, whos absolutely obsessed with Raian.
Authors Note: Tumblr made me repost this twice and im so heated. Thank you @hoe4rairai for the gif because they wouldnt let me do anything else... This was supposed to just be practice but- yknow some things dont always pan out that way
"C'mon- take my cock Master" He sneers. Its mocking and it only makes you clench tighter. "Cant-fuck- thought you could take me" Raian grins maniacally when he fucks roughly into you at the same pace as your hiccuping cries. Its about time he got you to shut up. All those desperate looks and stupid fucking questions just to have you exactly where you belong. Underneath him. Worshiping him with your tight wet cunt.
"All that big bad hero talk and now you're whining in my pillow"
"Hips up, I want to dig deeper into whats fucking mine. C'mon" He's laughing gleefully as he fucks into you, hips bruising from the force of his cocking driving into you. "You said 'please' so take what i fucking give you".
You dont know how much you can take, he's already come inside you more times than you care to count. Heated and slick and gushing out of you in embarrassing squelches, but you still hold your hips higher for more. No matter how badly they're shaking.
"I know" Raian mockingly coos "Is it starting to hurt? Hm? My Master having a hard time taking her demons cock? You want a break?" You cant even consciously nod before he's yanking you up against his chest and pounding you harder. He's holding you by your throat, keeping you upright. You're useless to try and do anything else. Warmth pulsing around him at his words. Doesn't help that he's right. And that you want him to keep going.
"Asking all those stupid-shit you're tight" fucking questions" He's growling as he moves your bodily so easily the way he wants, pressing you back down into the bed and holding your neck firm as he grounds into your g-spot. Laughing over your sobbing
"It's what you get for blue balling me all this time. You know what you did- so you'll be punished for it. Be grateful that your cunt even gets my cock"
Maybe you shouldn't have teased him for so long.
It starts small. Things of this nature usually do. Pieces of puzzles clicking and echoing in victory when they are launched into each other. It makes sense. Those pieces. For you and your demon are one in the same now. Hearts synced to beat together no matter location or time. It slows when you drift off to a dreamless slumber, and very nearly beats out of your bones when it trips over itself to catch needed blood flow. All you can think of is him. Every waking moment catches the scent of his ash. Makes the words clog through your throat when he walks pass. Tongue heavy with an itch that needs to feel- to taste.
You think at some points he very well may be able to read your mind. But it wouldn't be surprising when your souls are encapsulated to one another. The heated looks begin, and for days you feel scorched and burned. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't return them in tenfold. You are unashamed at your desperate perusal over his body whenever you get the chance. Though you don't say much and you're strong enough to not need protection, when you do ask him things- it gets his blood bowling. His cock throbs when you look up at him and ask if he can open a fucking jar.
You? A human that has murdered countless of your kind just to greedily get your hands on him. You ask, pretty and pouting when you look up at him, if he can open a jar of pickles for you. Knowing that if you squeeze lightly, you could break the whole jar. It nearly makes him want to bend you over the counter, fuck that cute expression of faux helplessness into sobbing cries of his name. He doesn't care if there are onlookers. Let them see the demon claim his prize.
But he wont do it just yet, he wants to see what his quiet little master will do. Wants to see if you'll beg for it.
You didn't know why you were teasing Raian. He was in fact, a literal demon. But you couldn't seem to get passed the power trip of you having a practical shadow by your side. After the match you two were pretty inseparable. He was just a hair breath a way at all times. Except when you slept. Raian practically let no one touch you on the battlefield. Or anywhere really. The growling would begin and the heat would start to permeate through his hands. And you were not pressed to stop him. The Kure clan hardly gave you looks anymore and they practically ran to get out your way. And you're perfectly fine with that. Even getting closer to him just so you can have your piece and quiet.
It becomes a problem. Him. Raian. He becomes a problem. An insufferable tease. Passing by you so closely, just so you can feel him drag his weighted length against your back. Doesn't even say excuse me. You find that you don't want him to. He's a dick to you, but that really is just part of his nature, not something you can help when you're one of the most powerful demons on Earth. He makes you feel dirty for just staring at him. Especially because you know that he knows how much you want him.
You find that at night its keeping you awake. Heart racing, but you know its not your doing. Its his. You can hear him through your shared wall. One forced upon you once you got the demon. You hear the heated hiss and growl. Hitting his head on the wall when you know he's grabbed his cock tight. Slick sounds permeating both your rooms. He's vicious, talking to you through the wall. Knowing you're listening. "cant wait till i get my hands on that little cunt of yours" "Been practically begging me with those stupid eyes" "I'm going to fuck you into the ground, but i wanna hear you beg before you do it"
You don't really help your case, especially when you whine against his groans. Clenching your thighs when he talks like that. No one has ever spoken to you so disgusting before. So ashamedly. You've never had someone want you to this degree. You shouldn't be so excited about this prospect, but you were never the most sane to begin with.
When you finally get up the courage to go to the demon, he's talking to some of his clan members. You stand there, staring at the purpling veins clinging to muscle under his skin. Blonde hair damp from one of the fights he'd been in. Perusing and devouring his figure so greedily, you don't care if anyone notices. He's mid sentence, giving instructions that make your tummy quake, when you utter the word please.
The archaic demon freezes at your soft utter, you cant tell if the followers even heard you. He shoves them out of the way just to come as close as possible, chests touching and it almost scares you. How much his smile is so wide its cracking his face, his eyes turning red in the need to devour.
He quick to grab your face, you dont even try to stop it. You're tired of waiting.
"Knew it'd be a matter of time before you fucking begged for it."
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poledancingdinos · 5 months
Hostile Territory - Chapter 19
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Pairing: Captain Syverson x OFC (Leah Coleman)
Word count: 2.9K
Warnings: past injuries
Catch up: Series Masterlist
Taglist: @amberangel112 @utterlyhopeful-fics @marantha @kebabgirl67 @littleone65 @omgkatinka @luclittlepond @persephonepraxidikechthonios @enchantedbytomandhenry @narnianaos @geralts-yenn @peaches1958 @avengersfan25 @sillyrabbit81 @summersong69 @identity2212 @liecastillo @lena-banena @mrsevans90 @confessionbrain-writings @eclecticfashionbookszipper @happydistraction @hannah9921 @valacircareads @toooldforobsessions
Day 203
It was the smell of coffee drifting up from the kitchen that pulled Sy from his light dozing. He jerked upright thinking he’d missed his alarm and overslept but it was not yet five in the morning.
“What the hell?” he muttered, running a hand down his beard. Should he shave it off completely before going to see Leah? She’d never made any comments about it, unlike a few of the older soldiers who had earned the right to bust his balls.
He threw the blanket off, rising from the bed. A shower would be in order but first he needed to investigate who else was up.
Shirtless and wearing only loose shorts, he stumbled down the stairs in search of the black gold he’d missed while he was away. The distinctive sound of bacon hitting a hot pan was followed by the blessed greasy, salty scent and Sy definitely did not groan aloud as he stepped into the kitchen.
“I figured after your mother came to bed announcin’ you would be leavin’ this morning that it would be my only opportunity to cook ya a proper breakfast.”
“I’m sorry I’m not stayin’. I’m sure Ma explained why.”
“Yes, she did. She couldn’t get back to sleep with her excitement.” His father added eggs to another skillet before turning to face him. “Had to tire her out,” he added with a smirk.
Sy rolled his eyes with a smile but didn’t comment. Had he been ten years younger, he might have made a disgusted sound but he’d come to admire the way his parents so clearly loved each other even after all their years together.
“You should head back up and shower then I’ll drive ya to the airport when you’re ready.”
Sy had long since mastered the art of two minute showers so he was back down the stairs within ten minutes with his bag packed and ready to ship out. As he sat at the table, his father delivered two steaming hot plates of food and equally hot coffees. They ate in silence for the first few minutes until Sy worked up the nerve to speak.
“Any advice?” His words were almost a whisper, but his father heard him all the same.
“Whatever ya have to say, make sure ya don’t leave any room for doubt. Sometimes us men ain’t so good at sayin’ what we really mean. Oh! And don’t let them flowery movies your mama likes so much fool ya. Showin’ up at a girls doorstep without an invitation ain’t all it’s cracked up to be—especially not when that girl knows her way around a gun. Make sure you’re not too disappointed if things don’t go as planned.”
Though unconventional, that particular piece of advice was completely justified. Leah more than knew her way around a gun. She knew her way around several types of guns.
“Fair enough.”
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It was almost eleven by the time Sy made it to the small two story house in a quiet suburb. His attention immediately went to the crotch rocket sitting in the driveway. He’d always loved taking the old dirt bikes out as a teen and couldn’t help but wonder if it was Leah’s or her brother’s.
His question was answered when Leah walked out of the house holding a full-face helmet and wearing a protective jacket. She froze with the door half closed, staring at Sy. Her mouth opened as if to speak but she seemed to have changed her mind when she shut it again.
“Bad time?” He felt stupid asking but he didn’t know what else to say.
“How did you know where to find me?”
Sy walked up the old concrete path to where Leah still stood. He put his hands in his pockets looking a little sheepish. “I called BJ.”
Leah hummed in understanding. She’d given BJ a few of her sketches before they left and had put them in an envelope from a letter Caleb had sent her.
She wasn’t angry with BJ. He would never breach her privacy without good reason and giving her address to Sy was not a breach as far as she was concerned. However, she sort of wanted to see Sy squirm.
 “What did that intel cost you?”
Stepping closer, Sy trailed his knuckles over her cheek before cupping her cheek.
“It cost me nothing but it was worth everything.”
Leah could have sworn she felt literal butterflies fluttering in her stomach but the moment was interrupted by an alarm going off on her phone. She cursed under her breath and pulled it from her pocket as Sy stepped back.
“I need to be somewhere in twenty minutes and I’ll be gone all afternoon.” She pursed her lips, chewing on her cheek. “You umm… You’re welcome to follow me.”
Sy didn’t hesitate to accept. “Lead the way.”
Leah nodded once, locking the door and heading down the walkway towards her bike.
“Did you drive here?” she asked, looking around for Sy’s truck as she zipped up her jacket.
“Not quite. I caught a flight then rented that sardine box over there.” He gestured towards the tiny hatchback that looked like a clown car next to Sy.
Leah straddled the bike, watching as Sy crossed the rest of the distance to his rental. Realizing she’d been so stunned to see him that she hadn’t even said “hi”, she called out to him.
“Sy wait!”
Leah climbed back off the bike, leaving her helmet on the seat before running over to Sy who’d frozen at the sound of his name. He turned just in time for Leah to pull him down into an eager kiss. His surprise only lasted for a second before he pulled her flush against his chest, holding her there with a hand on the small of her back.
Leah was first to break the kiss, sporting a deep flush on her cheeks as she took a few steps backwards. “Think the sardine box can keep up?” she smirked.
“It’ll manage,” he called back, feeling relief and excitement in equal measure. 
When she’d straddled her bike once more and strapped her helmet into place, Leah waited just long enough for Sy to get in the car then led them through the empty streets and onto the main boulevard. Despite her jokes, she drove safely, following speed limits and constantly checking for surrounding traffic.
Sy guessed their destination as soon as the sign became visible in the distance and his suspicions were confirmed when her blinker turned on. They pulled into the lot in front of the tattoo shop. Leah squeezed into a spot next to a custom Harley and Sy was glad it wasn’t his truck he was forced to back into the last spot at the end of the lot.
For a moment, Sy was a little disappointed that he wouldn’t get to be alone with Leah but that sentiment was outweighed by the curiosity of finally seeing her relaxed and in her element. A bell chimed as he pulled the door open and held it for Leah to walk in ahead of him.
“Look what the fucking cat dragged in!”
A man looking to be a few years older than Sy jumped the counter, not seeming to realize there was a perfectly good opening a few feet away. He pulled Leah into a tight bear hug, keeping her against him long enough for Sy to start getting envious before finally releasing her.
Rationally, he was aware that Leah had known this man a lot longer than she had known Sy and that she was allowed to hug him if that was what she wanted but the alpha-hole part of his brain hated that the guy had his hands on his woman.
“You should have told me you were the one who booked my afternoon, I’d have dressed up or something.” He looked down at his all black outfit consisting of baggy jeans, an old band tee that showed off his fully tattooed arms and running shoes. “It’s not every day we get to welcome home our favorite pain in the ass.”
“Hey,” Leah punched him in the arm, “I gave my name to your receptionist when I called. It’s not my fault you don’t know how to read.”
“I was off yesterday, I didn’t know my other client had canceled until you walked in.” The man finally tore his focus away from Leah long enough to acknowledge Sy’s presence. “I’m Ash by the way.”
Ash motioned for them to follow him to the back of the shop where metal music was playing through the overhead speakers. Sy had never been in a tattoo shop before but if he’d had to make a guess at what one would look like, it would be exactly like the room in which he was standing.
There were six workstations, three on each side of the room. Each had a different set up of chairs and metal tool boxes. The walls were covered with framed art work and pictures of finished tattoos. On some stations there were racks with hundreds of bottles of ink in different shades whereas others had mostly black ink. A woman with pink hair and a half dozen facial piercings greeted them on her way to the receptionist’s desk.
“Leah doesn’t normally bring anyone to these sessions. She’s more of a ‘suffer-in-private’ kind of person.”
“Yeah, I’ve noticed.”
Sy realized how cryptic that response had sounded when Ash raised a questioning brow as he dropped onto a rolling stool. It seemed that Sy had lost his ability to communicate like a proper human being after so long away. Thankfully, Leah filled in the blanks.
“Sy and I are deployed together. He’s my CO.”
“No shit? Thank you for your service.”
Sy tipped his chin in acknowledgement, never knowing what to say when he heard those words. Luckily, Leah and Ash immediately got down to business, saving him from having to come up with an answer.
“Iʼm so stoked we are finally getting this piece done. Iʼve had it ready and waiting for months.”
Ash rolled across his work station to the desk. After a bit of shuffling around, he held up a piece of what looked like trace paper cut into some strange shape. In purplish ink was an outline of a fantasy style dragon.
Sy couldn’t quite tell what the final piece was supposed to look like but Leah seemed excited to see the image. They immediately launched into a discussion about some technical term or another which Sy did not understand. He simply watched Leah’s face light up as she and Ash compared the purple outline to an image on Ash’s tablet.
“Okay, strip.” At those words, Sy’s head snapped towards Ash. “I need to see if this still fits or if I need to resize the stencil.”
“What, are you saying I got fat since I last saw you?”
Ash wisely knew better than to answer that sort of rhetorical question but Sy couldn’t contain his scoff, drawing both Leah and Ash’s gazes.
“If anythin’, ya lost weight since your first day on base but your curves are still killer as ever.”
Had he not been watching Leah so closely, he would have missed that cute blush creeping up her cheeks before she looked away. Ash’s brows drew together in suspicion as he looked Sy up and down but he didn’t comment.
When Leah began to remove her pants it was Sy’s turn to blush. Looking back at the stencil, Sy realized the weird shape was meant to fit her hip and thigh.
Before he knew it, Leah was left in nothing but a shirt and a string bikini bottom. Obviously this wasn’t her first rodeo. She used a hair band from her wrist to tie the hem of her shirt then she did some twisty hand movement to make it look almost decorative. Ash busied himself with pulling on black latex gloves and handed Leah a roll of medical tape.
“Use that to hold the fabric so that I can undo the ties when I work on the upper half.”
Leah proceeded to cut strips off to tape the waist of her bikini to her stomach but when she got to her back, she couldn’t get it to line up properly. Seeing Ash was busy setting out little plastic cups of ink, Sy stepped forward instead.
Wordlessly, he took the roll from her hand, cutting a fresh piece. He made a conscious effort not to let his hands linger as he traced the small of her back, securing the fabric in place. He thought he heard Leahʼs breath hitch but the moment was interrupted as Ash began prepping Leah’s skin.
Once everything was ready, Leah curled up on her side as Ash instructed and the pixi-haired receptionist showed up as if out of nowhere with a second chair for Sy. He expected to be ignored for the rest of the afternoon but Ash seemed more than happy to include him in the conversation as he worked.
Once the outline was done, Ash suggested that it was time for a break. Not wanting Leah to have to wrap up the half-finished piece, Sy offered to run to the store across the street to get them both some snacks.
Ash had said to get something that was easy to eat and would keep her blood sugar up so Sy picked up two containers of pre-cut fruit and a few different sports drinks that had spouts so Leah could easily drink while lying down.
After Ash changed his needles for the second time, it seemed the pain was finally getting to Leah. She closed her eyes and didn’t speak except when asked a direct question. Throughout it all, she remained  impossibly still.
“Now I see why ya barely flinched when ya got your head stitched up.” Ash had been running the machine over the same patch of skin for what felt like forever.
A small smile pulled at Leah’s lips but her eyes stayed closed. “What’s a few stitches when you sit through hours of getting stabbed repeatedly by multiple needles?”
That was a very valid point, indeed. 
“How did you get injured?”
“I wanted to experience what it was like to be a victim in a slasher movie.”
Ash looked up from his work, cleaning away the excess ink and blood. “What are you talking about?”
“That’s her way of sayin’ she almost got killed by an ax wieldin’ lunatic.” Ash went pale, his face losing all its humor. He’d no doubt never realized just how risky their job really was.
“But you’re okay, right?”
“Yeah, Sy saved my ass. I walked—well, limped—away with a busted knee and a couple stitches.”
All things considered, that was far from the worst of what their team had seen out there but those were the things no one ever wanted to speak of. It did no good to make close friends or family more worried than they already were when there was nothing they could do about it.
After the sixth hour, Ash put down his machine and declared Leah officially done. She blinked a few times as her eyes adjusted to the bright lights. Rolling off the table, Leah made her way to the mirror.
Using the excuse of the new tattoo, Sy allowed himself to fully study her legs. On her hip was now a black and gray dragon that followed the curve of her body to her mid thigh. On the same leg was the leshen she had mentioned all those months ago. The other hip had flowers leading down to a wolf’s head which was also in black and gray but not quite the same style. It almost looked like a contrast of nature’s good versus evil.
“I finally got to mark you with one of my own designs,” Ash commented as he pulled out a roll of cling film. “Even Niki came in with one of your drawings.”
“Niki?” Leah turned, allowing Ash to wrap her leg. “What do you mean Niki came in with my design? When did he get a tattoo?”
“Guess you didn’t have Insta out there.” He snapped his gloves off and reached for his tablet, pulling up a picture of a familiar cerberus tattoo.
Leah’s hand covered her mouth as she looked over the pictures.
“He said he got it because he liked the idea of something watchin’ over him.”
Tear brimmed eyes locked onto Sy’s. “You knew?” she asked, sounding almost betrayed. Ash seemed to think it was best if he left the two of them alone.
“I saw it in the gym and knew it was yours.”
Leah looked back at the screen, running her fingers over it. When she felt Sy at her back, she leaned against him, relishing his quiet strength. His hand found her hip, holding her as he kissed her temple.
“I’d say it had the desired effect.”
Seeming to realize she still had no pants on, Leah cleared her throat, putting down the tablet in favor of pulling on her jeans.
“Where umm… Where were you staying tonight?”
“Hopefully wherever you are.”
That put a smile on Leah’s face.
“So there’s that southern charm people keep telling me about.”
“Is it workin’?”
“We’ll see.”
Chapter 20
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How to Write a Gojo x Reader?
My sister one day just woke up and chose violence: "hey how would you write a Gojo x Reader?"
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So let me get something straight: I take Gege's words pretty seriously when they say: Gojo wouldn't be loyal. So she's (my lil sis) just here to mess with my head.
That being said: I did come out of it with something. I'll share my process at the end. MasterList here !! SPOILERS For anyone who hasn't seen JJK0 or Season 2: Hidden Inventory!!
You work in a second-hand bookstore - cafe. The cafe owner got married to the bookstore owner and they just made it into a combo thing. It's in an area they walk by often enough? Like post missions and school and stuff they just walk by normally.
It's most likely Nanami, Geto, or Ieri that drives the party into the bookstore. Though in Nanami's case I think it's more Haibara noticed he seemed interested in the place and suggested it to everyone.
You're younger than they are by at least a year. Gojo definitely calls you a kid. "What the heck are they doing employing a kid?"
When Gojo buys something from the store, "this kid's going to be taking your money now."
"Cheeky brat."
"Takes one to know one," you make a face at him.
"Where's the manager?" Gojo makes a show of leaning down from his human-skyscraper height. "I want to complain about the horrible customer service."
"Now now Satoru, don't bully the store clerk," yeah you definitely like the guy with the bangs more.
You'd like to say you don't see much of them after that, but Nanami and Geto, and therefor Gojo by extension, show up a few more times to the bookstore and cafe. You get along well with Geto and Nanami, and argue a lot with Gojo.
You do deal with a lot of second hand books though, so some books that come in have curses on them. Coincidentally, it's when the Jujutsu Tech students are all busy that these cursed books come in and the different curses start festering and growing. They become enough of a problem that "accidents" start happening. You still go to work daily though, because you've miraculously managed to not be a victim of any of it.
Though you did have mysterious scratches and bruises and you don't know how you got them.
No fatalities, but some really close calls. Like a bookshelf almost crushing a few people.
When Gojo and Geto hear about these incidents when they get back from a mission, they're like: hold up we know that place. They choose to go personally and are almost alarmed by how bad it was. Sensing the presence of sorcerers the curse gets violent and that's when you develop the ability to see curses too.
Gojo doesn't have the time to teach some kid about these curses, so Geto is the one to comfort you after experiencing what you did. He starts checking up on you regularly (with Gojo in tow) after that experience with how shaken you were. He's very sweet, and you're young, so you develop a bit of a crush on the dark-haired boy.
Let it be known Gojo picks up on it immediately and starts tagging along just to antagonize and tease you.
Things change drastically after they fail their mission with Riko.
While they're both shaken up, Geto is still Geto, so he feels duty bound to check in with you. You asking both him and Gojo for curse self-defense advice, helps him a bit. That being said, when he's lost and drifting about, you do feel it on a subconscious level. Your conscious brain doesn't catch up fast enough unfortunately. You are, as Gojo, put it a kid.
Given Gojo's Six-Eyes, he's actually the one who first figures out what you can do. Geto's the one who does most of the instructing because Gojo's not the best at it.
You're a weird kind of normalcy. You're not a sorcerer, and they don't advise you to be one, but you can understand what they do to a certain extent. As a result the three of you kinda bond over all sorts of things.
After Geto snaps and Gojo is looking for him, he comes by the bookstore, concerned about you, though you were almost a sorcerer at this point. He honestly feels relieved to see you.
"Is everything alright?" You can feel it in your gut that something is terribly wrong. "Sugu-kun came by the other day and you weren't with him."
"Suguru came by?"
"Yeah, he came by to say goodbye, because his mission was going to send him away for a very long time."
Gojo's shock is visible on his face, "did he do anything to you?"
"No?" You frown at him. "Sugu-kun would never."
Gojo looks so torn by those words and you're so confused by what's happening, but Gojo just leaves without saying a thing.
After his falling out with his best friend, he avoids the bookstore for a bit...until his feet take him there one day.
"Satoru!" You look at him with so much concern. "You're still alive!"
"Hah?" He sneers. "Of course I'm still alive! I'm the strongest!"
"Yeah, yeah," you roll your eyes, "so um, have you heard anything from Sugu-kun, is he okay?"
"Is there anything new on the cafe menu?" You're taken aback by how he doesn't even answer your question.
Again on a subconscious level you know something's wrong, but you're struggling to put it together. So you just tell him about the new sweet that you really like that's been added. Then reiterate your question for him to respond to. He ignores you again and goes and buys one for him and one for you.
You've barely taken a bite into the treat when he speaks up, "Suguru's a curse user now."
You look so surprised.
"That's the mission, he was talking about," Gojo takes a bite of his own sweet, but his expression is sour.
Gojo continues to frequent that bookshop you work at, probably chasing the memories of the time when it was the three of you. You opened up to him more after what happened with Suguru. That being said, your tongue only got sharper with time, and so did your sass.
By the time you were in your last year of high school, you had each other's numbers and talked regularly.
"Well would you look at that squirt?" He'd tease. "You're going to join the adult world soon, but you're still as tiny as a kid."
"Everyone's tiny in comparison to you Mr. Tokyo Tower," you roll your eyes, "how is the weather up where you're at? I get the feeling the difference in altitude is affecting your ability to think."
As you both grow into adulthood, Gojo, given he makes much more money than you, starts insisting you meet up in expensive places he knows you can't afford to flaunt his wealth in your face. He is inviting you to treat you though.
The first time he pulled this on you, he went about gaslighting convincing you that the fancy decor didn't mean anything, and that the place was perfectly within the budget on a university student...until the bill showed up and you panic. He laughed so hard, it disturbed the other patrons, and even brought tears to his eyes, heck his abdominal muscles were sore. He paid for the whole thing afterwards, don't worry.
He couldn't get you to meet him at any place he picked for a while after that.
"My job pays really well, what's the problem with me treating a friend?"
"Well this friend can't repay this kindness so easily and feels bad about letting you have something against her."
"Eh?" He looks kinda pouty. "You really think I'd really be that petty?"
"You are."
"I'm here being generous and treating you to fancy foods you can only dream of tasting and you're being so mean."
"You've just proven my point, Satoru," you sigh, "I don't want to be a friend that only takes without giving back."
He's more amused that affronted by all that. He wasn't exactly trying to put you in his debt.
"Would you consider becoming a jujutsu sorcerer then?" He hums aloud. "You could repay me that way."
"Weren't you the one wailing about how I'm pretty mediocre and weak?" You questioned. "Wouldn't I just die on the job?"
"Ah good point," he teases.
You throw him a dirty look.
"Then," he looks at you intensely, "when I ask you for a favor, don't deny me."
"Depends on the favor Satoru," you're careful with your answer.
"Then at least, make sure I'm very high on your priority list," he says flippantly, "after all you're super lucky that I even give you any of my attention."
"Oh yeah," you sarcastically reply, but you're smiling, "thank you so much for gracing my insignificant self with your great presence."
You both laugh at that.
You do try to give back in some way. You accompany him, you give him teaching advice where you can. You celebrate his birthdays. You let him talk about Suguru. You didn't judge him after he told you he'd killed Suguru. You mourned him together. You said the things you thought he was thinking aloud for him. You didn't attack him when he feigned indifference. You did push him a bit. You tried not to flinch when he blew up in your face though. You stood there like an anchor, but he could see the tremors you held back, and you couldn't keep your tears contained.
You were terrified of him in that moment. You stayed because you wanted to be a good friend. He walked away without a word when he was done.
You accepted his invite a week later, he treated you to a fancy sweets place again. He was back to his usual self then, joking and poking and everything. This was his way of apologizing without apologizing really.
You knew better than to feel special to Satoru though.
You were only ever friends. After all, the one you'd had a crush on was Suguru. You wouldn't deny that Satoru was a beautiful specimen though.
But as a beautiful specimen, he was more interested in people who came close to his beauty. Which was why you were often his "women-expert". You did a shit job of it according to him.
"Satoru," you said it in such an exasperated tone, "each person is different."
"But there are some things that are shared over all!"
"Yeah, we want to feel loved and appreciated," you responded, digging into the parfait he'd gotten you, "but that's common to men too."
He clicked his tongue at you.
"If you want to properly pursue a lady, you need to closely listen to what she's saying."
He'll show you the texts they'd exchanged with absolutely no regard to your sanity. It's absurd what you're seeing. It's also hilarious how bad he is at this. Gross as what you were seeing was.
"It feels like neither one of you is serious," you leaned back, kinda disturbed by you'd seen.
"I'm not looking for anything serious."
"Then why are you asking me for advice?"
"It felt like fun."
"Why do I put up with you?"
"Because I feed you."
"So I'm a stray?"
"Hehe pretty much."
You laugh for a moment, "if you really believe that I only hang around you because you treat me, I'll punch you."
"Go ahead, I won't feel a thing."
"Fair point," you thought about it for a moment, "I'll have to figure out a different way to show you how upset I am with you thinking I don't value you as a friend."
You're not Suguru...but you're still his friend.
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I'm tired so I'm stopping here. If you want to see more please let me know. I did have some ideas for the Shibuya arc.
So for the thought process: I felt like with Gojo it's either a one and done or it's just angst. You don't get a happy ending this guy. It'd get messy...Gojo is lonely. Look at how he's frantically and desperately trying to collect and train more strong sorcerers. I think he could have feelings for a person, but he'd be the one to be guarded and stuff them down. He's the strongest after all.
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venerex · 2 years
contains: f!reader, touching
a/n: this is over 500 words, so beware.
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“i hope you know that you’ve been humping my leg for like, the past fifteen minutes”
your eyes widen as you pause your moments to look down at your figure and realize that joshua is right – somehow unknowingly, you have been grinding against his thigh for a few minutes now. 
while you and your boyfriend have met every day for the past week, not much happened in those days – both of you had been tired with work, only finding each other in late night sleepy-eyed catch-ups and early morning pleas of five-more-minutes. you suppose you should’ve known that your body would react this way to having joshua nearby for a few hours, when you know both of you have the energy to engage in other activities.
joshua had a few work things (calls, emails, schedules, scripts - y’know, work things) to take care of, and he was more than happy to let you snuggle in and read a book on your phone while he did. at some point, your mind had drifted off of the enigmatic ms. marple and moved to how your boyfriend’s body pressed against yours, and how much you’d like to divest him of his clothes. 
“shit, i didn’t know”, you respond, “why didn’t you tell me earlier?”
“you seemed busy”, he grins, putting his phone away, “didn’t  want to interrupt you”.
“no, don’t put the phone away”, guilt bubbles up in your voice, “you can keep working, i’ll behave”.
“i was almost done, anyway. i can finish tomorrow”, he responds, pulling you closer to murmur against your lips, “and i like it when you don’t behave”.
his lips meet yours in a searing kiss before you can respond, one of his hands slipping down your body while the other cups your cheek. his fingers push against your clothed cunt and you moan into the kiss, your hands fisting on his chest. 
“you’re soaking through your clothes, sweetheart”, his chuckle only eggs on your desperation, “what were you thinking about, mm?”
“you”, you breathe. 
“oh yeah?”, the smile he gives you is inappropriately sweet, considering how his fingers have begun to inch their way down your underwear, “and what was i doing?”
“you were”, he trails kisses down to your jaw, “making love to me”.
he hums against your cheek, and you barely silence your moan as his finger makes contact with your clit. 
“have i been ignoring you, baby?”
if you didn’t know joshua for as long as you’ve known him, you wouldn’t recognize the uncertainty behind his question. the need to reassure him kicks in – which is impressive, considering how you can barely think as he continues his fleeting touches. 
“no”, you gasp, “work is important, joshie. for both of us”.
his finger stills and he looks up at you for a moment, the uncertainty in his eyes clearing up and making way for something concrete, something sure. love. 
you barely have a moment to catch his smile before he kisses you, one hand insistently holding your jaw while the other resumes its task of driving you crazy. 
“and”, you pull back and whisper, “you can always make up to me”.
joshua's lips stretch into a grin against your lips, and he gives you one last feverish kiss before making his way down your body.
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cloudlessly-light · 2 months
From boys to men (Chapter 2/3)
A/N: This is a continuation of my fic From boys to men that was supposed to be a one-shot, but since I’m me and I love age-gap Hotchniss more than I should, this will now be a three-parter. Chapter one can be read here! Title: From boys to men (Chapter 2/3) Summary: From the moment Emily meets Aaron she knows that she has to have him, she doesn’t care that he’s older than her, doesn’t care that he’s Dave’s best friend. She wants him. Word count: 3,9k Rating: Explicit   Warnings: Smut, oral sex, dirty talk, teasing, praise kink, jealousy, feelings, age difference, (Emily is 22, Aaron is 40-ish)
They had been doing this, whatever they were calling it, for almost three months now. It was fun, sneaking around, having a secret nobody else knew about. Ever since that first afternoon with him, Emily had realized just how better an older man did… well everything. It wasn’t just the sex, but the conversation, the small gestures, the way he could make her feel like the only woman in the world. He always made time for her, something she knew was something he didn’t have much off. And she appreciated every second of it.
It wasn’t dating, she knew that, had to remind herself that a man so much older than her only saw her as something fun, as a way to blow off steam. He used her and she used him too, a twisted game that she found herself loving every second off. It was exciting, the allure in him drawing her in just as easily now as it had the first time they met. But that didn’t stop her from thinking about him more than she should. And she knew that it was dangerous.
Her eyes drift to the clock on her wall as she flips the page of the book she’s paying absolutely no attention to. He was coming over, had texted her before getting on the plane after closing a case and as time dragged on, she felt her excitement only increase. They hadn’t seen each other in almost two weeks, but when her phone had dinged with the incoming message she didn’t even pretend to hesitate before agreeing.
When he knocks on her door she quickly gets up from the couch and looks over her appearance quickly, a smile on her face at her own reflection. She opens the door and is immediately greeted by dark eyes and furrowed brows as he takes in her lack of clothes.
Aaron’s eyes sweep over her form, mouth going dry by the sight of her in dark red underwear and garters, black stockings on her legs. She was a beautiful woman. He found her just as stunning in sweats as he did in lingerie, but the fact that she had taken the time to dress in something she knew he would love, made something in his chest warm while the dull ache of arousal settled low in his stomach. He grips the doorframe tighter, has to force himself to keep his composure but knows that she catches the way his jaw clenches at the sight of her. He had missed her, a feeling he knew he shouldn’t feel.
“Hi.” She breathes as she shivers from the intensity of his gaze. When he walks inside she backs up, barely even noticing the way the door slams behind him as he pushes her up against a wall and her hands grip the lapels of his suit jacket.
“This new?” He hooks a finger under the strap of her bra, voice already dropped low in that way she loves. His eyes follow his finger as he slowly trails it lower, over the cup of her bra and further down until he’s toying with the hem of her thong. When she nods he smiles, his breath mixing with hers as he stands pressed against her, forcing her to feel the power of him.
“Yeah.” She manages, already falling under his spell, she always did. She tries to kiss him but he keeps her trapped against the wall, his lips only grazing hers when he speaks and it’s driving her insane.
“Pretty.” He dips his fingers further down her underwear and is unsurprised to find her wet already. “Too bad you won’t be wearing it for long.”
At that she smirks, dark eyes gleaming up at him.
“That was always the point.”
“Is that so?” He hums, the sound vibrating against her chest as he slowly circles her clit and when she sucks in a breath he chuckles. “I see someone’s already excited.”
“You’ve been making me wait hours.” The slight irritation in her voice does not go unnoticed by him, but before he can say anything he feels her hand cupping him through his slacks. “Besides, I’m not the only one.” She squeezes his hard cock and when he swallows harshly she feels like that’s a win in itself.
He always wanted to be in control, and she relished the few occasions when she caught him off guard. For a moment she thinks she’s winning whatever battle of wills they’re playing but then it’s like he shakes himself out of whatever trance she was still under and he claims her lips in a bruising kiss.
His tongue sweeps over her bottom lip as he swallows down her surprised moan, his fingers dipping inside of her quickly and gathering her wetness on them before breaking the kiss and pushing his fingers between her lips.
“Don’t play games with me, sweet thing.” He mumbled and watched as she sucked her slick of his fingers, a low groan sounding in his throat at the feel of her tongue against the pads of his fingers. “Now, be the good girl I know you are and bend over the couch for me.”
Her mind is still reeling when he steps away from her, body buzzing with arousal. She feels his eyes on her the entire time as she walks the short distance to the couch and slowly bends over it until she’s leaning on her forearms on the seat and her hips are perched high over the back of it. The warmth of his body against her causes her to suck in a breath, his large hands caressing the outside of her thighs and up her hips slowly.
“Fuck I missed this.” He muses as he takes in pale skin and soft curves. “Been too long.” Slowly he kneels behind her, his tongue licking over one of her ass cheeks as he does.
“Then maybe you should do something about it.” She challenges, but her words pack little punch when her voice comes out breathy and bordering on shaking. Still, he snickers behind her, and she feels the soft puffs of air against her clothed center.
“I really should.” He agrees as he pulls her thong to the side to expose her fully to him. “Stay like this.” His words are mumbled, and he isn’t sure she even hears him, but he doesn’t care and instead licks through her slowly.
The moan that erupts from her is needy and she can feel his smug smirk against her folds as his arms wrap around her thighs to keep her open and still for him. She feels his tongue dip inside of her, feels the groan vibrate against her as he tastes her and she arches higher, giving herself fully to him. He had spent many nights taking her apart like this, had memorized exactly what got her off quickly and what would keep her right at the edge.
Tonight he wanted her to come fast and hard.
His lips wrapped around her clit, his tongue flicking it and Emily whimpered his name. With her eyes squeezed shut and hands gripping the fabric of her couch she stayed still as he pushed his tongue inside of her. His fingers were gripping so hard she knew she’d have bruises on her thighs, marks that she’d press on in the morning with nothing but fondness. There was something about having his marks on her body, something about the depravity of it all, that made her crave him again.
“Fuck!” She hissed through clenched teeth when he sucked her clit again, this time not stopping even when her thighs started to tremble and she was biting down on her bottom lip to keep from screaming.
Aaron felt his cock jerk at the breathy sounds coming from her, had been feeling the dark pull of want ever since he got on the plane. He knew how wrong it was, having Emily this way, but he also knew that it was part of the attraction, part of why it seemed impossible to stay away from her. She was like a drug, ever since that first time meeting her months ago, he had been falling victim to her. He should stop, but even when he’s tried he can’t seem to stop thinking about her, and not only the sex. She was funny, incredibly intelligent and strong-willed, having spent evenings arguing with him about the smallest things, and he found himself enjoying their time outside of the bedroom just as much as time spent in it. He wanted more, had wanted more for a long time but he hadn’t dared to voice it because all the reasons why they shouldn’t work kept ringing in his ears.
But he forces those thoughts away, because right now he had her like this, and for now that would have to be enough. Her moans are getting louder, and the sound brings him back to now. He kept his hold on her, kept sucking on her clit and when her legs started to tremble and her hips moved back against his face he knew she was close.
When she comes it’s hard and intense and her knees buckle from the pleasure. She knows he’ll catch her, his hold not lessening even as she shakes and buckles as she muffles her cries into the couch. He doesn’t stop even when she jerks away, in fact his grip only tightens as he sucks her clit harshly.
“T-too much.” She whimpers and she feels him shake his head behind her.
“You can take it.” He tells her simply before licking her clit again, his tongue flicking it quickly and she sucks in a breath.
It doesn’t surprise her that he makes her come again in less than a few minutes. Her body had responded to him from the moment she met him, and he had taken his time learning just how much she could take. She knew he enjoyed taking her apart, that he loved the power of it.
She’s panting, body sweaty and still trembling when he finally stands up. The sound of his zipper is loud as she pants in the otherwise quiet room and when he slaps the tip of his cock against her folds she blushes from the obscene sound of her slick.
“Do you want it?” His hand is soft as he caresses her back, fingers warm as they trail random patterns along her skin.
“Yes.” She gasps, back already arching and pushing back against him, desperately needing to feel him inside of her.
“What do we say?” His fingers grip her hair and tugs warningly. The pain in her hairline shoots straight to her clit.
“Yes, please.” She wants to hate how quickly she gives in to him, but she finds that she can’t. Especially not when he pushes inside of her, giving her what she wants.
“Mm, that’s my good girl.” He hums, satisfaction dripping from his words. He lets go of her hair only to hold her waist, his touch softer now as he enjoys the way her tight walls flutter around his shaft.
She starts to move back against him, and he gasps behind her. She throws him a smile over her shoulder, for all his boasting, he’s just as affected by her. He lets her move back and forth, creating friction for them as he watches the way her body takes him, feels her clenching and listens to her breathless moans. He gives her a few minutes of control, but he takes it back just as easily.
“Aaron!” She whines when he suddenly pushes her back against the backrest of the couch, his hands tight and his hips moving with fast, rough strokes. He’s strong, she’s always impressed by how strong he is, how easily he flips her or carries her, and tonight was no different.
The sound of skin against skin and breathless panting and low groans fill the apartment and Emily knows that her neighbors must be able to hear them. It wouldn’t be the first time.
“You want to come again?” He gets out through gritted teeth. The spasming around his shaft is getting him close but he refused to give in until he felt Emily coming around him.
“Yes, yes, yes.” She hisses at way he forced pleasure from her, hand between her legs and rubbing her clit and cock hitting deep inside of her. She’s moving back against him the best she can, fucking him back just as eagerly as he’s fucking her and when he pinches her clit he sends her crashing into another orgasm. She comes with a strangled cry, her vision blurring from the power of it and somewhere through the blood rushing through her ears she can hear him behind her, swearing, calling her name like a prayer.
He comes with a grunt, low and breathy as he holds her tight against him as he lets himself enjoy his release. They’re still panting, barely down from their respective highs when he pulls out only to gently tug her up and turns her to face him.
She smiles up at him, happy and sated and when he presses a kiss to her lips she hums.
“I missed you.” He tells her and she knows that the flutter in her belly is something she should ignore.
“I missed you too.” She sees him smiling before kissing her again and she takes his hand and leads him towards the bedroom. “Can you stay a while?” She asks as they lay down.
“Yes. I’ll stay all night.”
When she meets his eye there’s something more there, something different.
It’s a week later and ever since that night Emily had found herself thinking about him even more. She caught herself smiling at her phone when he texted her and every time it rang she hoped that it was him. It was ridiculous, up until their last night together she had been fine, but that night he had stayed and when he left early the next morning it felt like something had changed. They had talked, loosely, about what they were, about the unspoken rule between them that they shouldn’t get in too deep. And yet, there they were stuck somewhere between admitting that they both wanted more and knowing that they shouldn’t.
She was going to see him today, she knew. Because it was Dave’s birthday and he had invited her over for dinner. So she picked a dress she knew made her breast look good and hugged her body. They weren’t together, but she knew what she wanted and she wasn’t going to make it easy for him to not think about her if he had decided to stop seeing her.
Somewhere in the back of her mind all the reasons why she shouldn’t do this kept ringing. He’s Dave’s best friend, he’s almost twice her age, they’re in completely different phases of life. But she ignored all of them, because those had still been the reasons why not to go there when they started this thing, nothing had really changed. Except, apparently, the way she felt.
“Happy birthday Dave!” She smiles at the older man and lets him pull her into a tight hug. He smelled safe, the same cologne he had worn her whole life enveloping her like an old friend.
“Thank you, Bella.” He kisses her cheek and when she hands him the bottle of scotch he raises an eyebrow. He knew exactly how expensive that bottle was.
“What? You’re more of a parent to me than either of my parents, and it’s your birthday!” She pushes the bottle into his hands and walks inside, quickly heading towards the kitchen. “Do you need help with anything?”
“No, go get yourself a drink. Everybody’s already here so we’ll eat in a little bit.” He ushers her out of the kitchen, intent to keep Emily away from the oven at all costs.
“I’m sorry my parents couldn’t come.” She says and she means it, they usually always spent Dave’s birthday with him. But the older man only shrugs, he knew her parents probably better than anyone, he knew that their work was the most important thing to them.
“They’re still in Paris.” He gives her a flute of champagne and winks. “Besides, my favorite Prentiss is here.”
She laughs, but the sound catches in her throat when she notices Aaron coming towards them along with a woman that’s laughing at something he says. The jealousy was instant, made no better by the fact that the woman was beautiful and kind of similar to herself. They stop right in front of her and she’s never been happier for the political training she received as a child as she schools her features.
“Ah, Aaron perfect.” Dave says as he hands both of them glasses of champagne as well. “You remember Emily?”
“Yes, of course. It’s nice to see you again.” He nods curtly and her eyebrow arches just slightly.
“You too. Thanks for helping me with my AC.” She catches the way he tenses a little and that feels like a win. “And you are?” She turns to the dark-haired woman who’s smiling kindly at her.
“I’m Beth.” She extends her hand and Emily shakes it. “I’m Dave’s publicist.”
“I’m the happy matchmaker and I have to say a good one too.” Dave laughs at the slightly embarrassed chuckle that leaves Beth while Aaron just shakes his head at his best friend. And Emily wants to kill him.
“Nice to meet you.” She forces a smile and then takes a step back. “Excuse me, I have to use the restroom before dinner, we all know how pedantic Dave can be when it comes to his cooking.” She barely hears the laughs before she turns and hurries through the house, she feels her cheeks flush and the jealousy burn like iron in her stomach. It’s jealousy she shouldn’t feel, but it’s too late. She wets some paper with cold water and presses it to her neck.
“Get it together Emily.” She tells her reflection.
By the time she comes back it’s already time for dinner and she thanks whatever lucky star she has that she’s seated between Dave and another old friend of his, Jason Gideon. It gives her more time to calm, to come up with a plan that didn’t end with her being a mess.
In the end it’s simple, if he’s going to make her jealous, she wasn’t going to make it easy for him to ignore her. 
So she spent the night making sure that she got his attention, pushed close against him when walking past or bending over as she helped clear glasses from the table. It was working, his dark eyes on her, his jaw clenching and she couldn’t help the smug smile on her face.
As the night carries on, she finds herself being one of the last people to leave. Only Aaron, Beth and Dave’s girlfriend Erin still left. She had barely spoken to Aaron, but she knew she had his attention, his dark gaze rarely leaving her.
Aaron walks into the kitchen in search of another bottle of red when he sees her. She’s leaning over the counter, her cleavage showing as she licks chocolate sauce from a spoon. Her eyes find him and she smirks at the way his eyes zero in on her when she licks her bottom lip.
“Having a good time?” She asks casually and he feels the urge to touch her, had wanted to grab on to her and not let go all night.
“It’s a dinner, much like many else I’ve been to.” He takes a couple of steps closer to her and looks around to make sure they’re alone. “Stop that.”
“Stop what?” She feigns dumb and licks more chocolate sauce from her spoon. He follows her pink tongue with his eyes, he knew exactly what she could do with that tongue and it was driving him insane.
Ever since their last night together he had wanted to be with her again. Something was different, or maybe it was just the fact that he had stopped trying to ignore that his feelings towards her were more than primal. But he wanted her, and then she showed up looking like a goddess and he could feel his brain malfunction.
“You know exactly what.” He wraps his hand around her wrist to keep her from dipping the spoon into the bowl for a third time.
“What’s your problem?” She twists out of his hold and turns to him.
“My problem is that when you do that all I can think about is how badly I want to kiss you.” He tells her lowly and she chuckles, the sound bordering on sarcastic.
“Is that right? Is that why you brought a date?” She says the words without thinking but the second she does she can see the way his mind is reeling. He’s a profiler, of course he would have caught on.
“Is that why you’ve been behaving like this? You’re jealous?” He laughs and the sound makes her furious. Her eyes narrow but she doesn’t say anything, she didn’t want to cause a scene in Dave’s home, so instead she walks away. “Emily, wait!”
“We’re done here.” She mutters as she hurries towards the patio where she knew she’d be alone. He follows her, his steps long and determined but she doesn’t stop until she’s outside breathing some fresh air. She continues further away from the house, to where they couldn’t be seen from inside with Aaron still following her closely.
“Leave me alone.” She tells him, her voice surprisingly steady even as anger flows through her veins.
“It’s not like that.” He tries to take her hand but she pulls away.
“It’s not what?” She huffs, her arms crossing over her chest. “This isn’t you using me for whatever ego boost you’re getting until someone like her comes along?”
“What? No!” His eyebrows furrow, feeling sad that she’d think he’d ever think of her that way. “I didn’t know that she would be here. Dave set me up.”
At that she faulters.
“What?” Suddenly she feels mortified, cheeks flushing in embarrassment and she looks down at the ground.
“I have no interest in her.” He gently grabs her chin and makes her look back at him. “I don’t want her, Emily.” He takes a step closer to her and smiles when she relaxes enough to uncross her arms.
“Then what do you want?” She can feel herself holding her breath as she waits for his reply. Suddenly everything felt real in a way it never had before.
“I want you.” He takes her hand and when she doesn’t pull away this time he squeezes it.
“Really?” She takes a step closer to him, breathes in his familiar scent and enjoys the heat of him as he wraps his arms around her.
“Yeah. I’m not saying it’ll be easy. We have some… obstacles.”
“Like the fact that you’re old?” She laughs when he narrows his eyes at her and he pinches her side.
“Brat.” He mutters and she smiles at him before they turn serious again. “Do you want to do this? With me?” He asks quietly.
“I do. I want you.” She pulls him into a kiss, and even though they had kissed probably 100 times before, this one felt different. It felt like a promise.
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