#I think mermaids have belly buttons
welcometomybraincomics · 11 months
Reverse mermaid doing her (?) dance XDXDXD
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For Chance: Do you think mermaids have live babies or lay eggs?
Sorry it took me so long to answer this ask 😅 I put the explanation part of this under a cut just in case the medical terminology bothers some people. There's also some suggestive language below the cut as well. Nothing crazy. I hope this brightens your day 💚
*Chance sits on the stool and waits for you to ask him a question*
*Drip leans back and whispers to Tungst*
Drip: Why do you think they're asking just Chance?
*Tungst shrugs*
Tungst: I don't know.
Rift: Shhhhh, I'm trying to listen.
*Drip and Tungst look at each other and both shrug*
*You ask Chance the question*
*Brett snickers and leans over to whisper to Tungst*
Brett: He doesn't even know where real babies come from.
*Tungst drops his head in his hands*
*Chance thinks about the question and shifts on the stool. He presses his fingers together and touches the tip to his lips*
Chance: You're not going to kick me out of the interview if I use medical terms to describe anatomy are you? I don't want to make anyone uncomfortable.
*You shake your head no*
*Brett and Tungst trade quizzical glances*
Chance: To answer your question properly, I need to lay a little groundwork first. Considering that a mermaid's tail moves vertically, like a whale or a dolphin, and not horizontally, like a fish, and also the fact that mermaids are depicted with mammary glands, I would classify a mer-species as mammalian. Dolphin and whale species reproduce sexually using internal fertilization, similarly to humans, so if we follow that train of thought, then mermaids would also reproduce in a similar fashion. Dolphins have the same reproductive organs that humans have, so a mer-person, male and female, would have them as well. The only differences being that the reproductive organs are internal on the male counterpart instead of external and there is no pubic hair on either. On dolphins, the reproductive organs are hidden by a genital slit, and behind that slit is the vagina, cervix, uterus, and ovaries of the female, and the penis and testes of the male. This is why you never see modern depictions of mer-people with their reproductive organs on display. They're protected behind this genital slit. So, with all that being said, the rest of the reproductive process remains same. The mermaid ovulates, the merman fertilizes the egg, and the mermaid becomes pregnant. This reproductive process is also backed up by the fact that mer-people are depicted with belly buttons, denoting the presence of an umbilical cord at birth. The gestation period of a mermaid is still unknown, but we can also assume it's mostly similar to a human female, so around 280 rotations. After the appropriate gestational period, the baby is then birthed through the vaginal canal. Henceforth, to answer your question, yes, mermaids would have live births.
*Chance folds his hands into his lap and smiles*
*You sit in stunned silence*
*Tungst, Brett, Drip, and Rift sit in stunned silence*
*Tungst leans over to Brett and whispers*
Tungst: I thought you said he didn't know where real babies came from?
*Brett blinks a few times, opens his mouth, closes his mouth, and shakes his head*
Brett: I guess he does...
*Rift leans over to Drip and whispers*
Rift: Psssssssst.
Drip: What?
Rift: Was he talking about sex? I couldn't understand all the big words.
Drip: Yes, he was talking about sex.
Rift: Oh...
Rift: What do dolphins have to do with sex?
*Drip sighs*
Drip: I'll tell you later.
Rift: Okay.
*Tungst leans back to check on Gloss, who's been quietly scribbling away the whole time*
Tungst: Watcha' drawing?
Gloss: Mermaids.
Tungst: Can I see?
*Gloss flips his sketchbook around*
*Tungst's draw drops*
Tungst: Why would you draw that?!
Gloss: Because I wanted to.
*Brett leans back to look at the drawing that has Tungst going red*
Brett: Do you have no shame?
Gloss: What? It's natural. Nothing to be ashamed of.
Brett: There's this thing called "appropriate" and "inappropriate" and I don't think you ever learned the difference.
*Gloss shrugs*
Tungst: Please put that away before someone else sees it.
*Gloss flips his notebook around and rolls his eyes*
Gloss: None of you understand artistic expression.
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miyamiyano · 11 months
Are those mermaids? Or sirens? Or both?
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For Femstars Week Day 3, Fantasy/Royalty AU 👑
On Twitter
I'm opening commissions currently, please contact me if you're interested~~
Close ups and A LOT of rambles bellow about my take on this AU~~
Finished this fast but the pain is augh. Took me 5 hours to artline and another 8 to colour and finish. 2 days and it finished~~
I'm quite proud of it even though I could see some imperfections. I'm proud of myself because I don't care there's some tiny miniscule imperfections!! (I can't draw hands consistently ffs)
I did a lot of post edit colour correction and shit so if their colour looks off to you, it's because IT IS OFF AND MY MISTAKE CAUSE I DIDN'T LOOK AT REFERENCE AA In the raw files Ibara looked like Ariel instead of Ibb with how red her hair was... It still kinda is
Anw I did the gold border to make it looked like an illustration out of a story book. I have love hate feelings about it. I like how it looked but without it looks so good as well...
Horne ness took over my body and soul when I draw Ibara. She's topless, yes. I did the usual anime censoring lol. AND SHE HAS BELLY BUTTON PIERCING AUGH ARGH AAAAAAAAAAAA. When I saw femstars week day 5 with tattoos and piercings my mind literally blanked and imagined Ibara with body piercings. Like you know what I mean. Just imagine.
This is my first time drawing Hiyori I hope I did her justice 🙇‍♀️ I referenced her outfit from her global exclusive card, yno which I'm referring too. Hopefully that card won't come to EN soon... Since Ibara doesn't have a mermaid outfit, she doesn't get any clothes /hj
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In my mind this is Mermaid!Hiyori/Siren!Ibara. At first I want to do night time, since I think sirens come at night or smthng but then I couldn't care enough.
The story I have in mind are polyeden of course.
Nagi and Jun lived in that castle. Hiyo always wanted to go outside but Ibara advice her not to but she did anyway and met Jun and bla bla bla fell in love. Ibara was like "why" and try to go outside as well. There she met Nagi and at first their relationship was the usual "using eachother" but then fell in love ofc. Idk how to make it polyeden but it's polyeden idc. The story could be m/m f/m f/f or others, it doesn't matter tbh.
I could try write it but in my mind it'll be at least 30k long and it'll take me 4 years to do that.
In global exclusive cards, Adam are those creatures with wings, tails and tight outfits. While Eve are mermaids. At first I wanna do that, but then horne.
Adam's outfits could very much be incubus outfits... Especially with the tail...
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i think mermaids having belly buttons is dependent on how they’re born, so like if they’re hatched from eggs then they wouldn’t need an umbilical cord therefore no bellybutton, but if it’s live birth like a whale then yes bellybutton, but then u have to get into is a mermaid a fish or a mammal. and that’s. whole other can of sardines
YEAH EXACTLY i think i'm leaning towards no bellybuttons just because 1. it's cooler if they come from eggs imo and 2. i don't think it makes that much anatomical sense for them to be mammals. but then you can talk about how if they're not mammals then why do they look like humans on the top half which brings up questions about mermaid evolution and stuff
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bamababygirl7 · 1 year
I was tagged by the super adorable @paisleysbutter
Your name? Obviously not my real name but most people on here just call me Bama.
Your star sign? Scorpio
Last thing you listened to?
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What are you wearing? purple Victoria’s Secret sleep shorts and a light mint green tweety bird shirt that says One of a Kind on it. I definitely do not match lol
How tall are you? 5’6”
Piercings? My ears, my eyebrow (I took it out), my nose, my tongue, my nipples, and my belly button.
Tattoos? I have a tramp stamp on my lower back that I’ve had forever lol (the Chinese symbol for friendship and my best friend Kel also has it tattooed on her shoulder)
Glasses? Yes. I can’t see anything unless it’s a few inches in front of me without them lol.
Last drink? Sweet tea
Last thing you ate? A burger with just pepper jack cheese and waffle fries
Pets? The sweetest Doggo ever Luna
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Do you have a crush on anyone? Duh. Have you seen my mutuals? I have the hottest mutuals but also they are scariest sweetest, most amazing, kind, and caring people.
Fave fictional characters? Princess Jasmine, Belle, Harley Quinn, and Tinkerbell 🥰
A movie you think everyone should watch?
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A book you think everyone should read?
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No pressure tags… @mister-s0013 @dominant-dominion @imapopularmonster @p0ppab3ard @attanoempire @missathesiren @sobbingsub @thebeardiswriting @drinkyourmilf @mermaids-down-in-heaven-3 @bratty-little-bat @yourdaddyfigure @ilovedogsokay
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gatespride · 8 months
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A VERY DESCRIPTIVE PROFILE OF YOUR MUSE. Repost with the information of your muse, including headcanons, etc. if you fail to achieve some of the facts, add some other of your own!
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NAME: wyll ravengard NICKNAME: none TITLE(S): blade of frontiers, pride of the gate, folk hero AGE: twenty-four SPECIES: human / devil SEX: male NATIONALITY: tethyrian FAMILY: ulder ravengard, grand duke of baldur's gate PATRON: mizora, cambion and loyal follower of archdevil zariel INTEREST: poetry, literature, music, dance, mermaids PROFESSION: monster hunter / warlock BODY TYPE: nimble, graceful, leanly muscular EYES: originally had brown eyes. he's lost one of them during a fight against dragon cultist, resulting in mizora giving him an eye made of stone through which she can watch his every step. later, when she turned him into a devil, his remaining brown eye turned pitch black with a flaming red pupil. HAIR: black, coily hair, usually braided into seven sections SKIN: dark skin SCARS: seven scars on the left and on the right side of his neck, as well as three more going from his left eye, over his neck and all the way to the back of his head. three scars on his right cheek, one of them going from his chin to his ear. two scars on his cheek bones, which came from him being turned into a devil. several smaller scars on his back. one scar on his left upper arm. four scars on his left chest as well as another on his right. one large scar going from his belly button across his belly and chest to his side. all of these scars seem to be scratches of the monsters he fought or remains of cutting blades. lastly one punctual scar on his right chest, coming from either a blade or a claw digging into his flesh. PARTICULARITIES: due to him being changed into a devil, he grew two horns, making him look like a tiefling to some people. some parts of his body changed as well, adding some "bumps and prongs in unmentionable places" and "spikes in places there really shouldn't be" HEIGHT: 5‘10 (179 cm) VOICE: deeper, caring, friendly, nostalgic, passionate, sympathetic and trustworthy SIGNIFICANT OTHER: none STRENGTH: wyll's strength does not just lay in his talent for combat. the greater power comes from within. even though he's been through many, many unpleasant strokes of fate in his life, he remains a good, empathetic and gentle soul, what some may see as foolish. but he is proud and determined and would not lose his way, no matter what else life may throw at him. he is understanding, righteous and forgiving, but not naive, as some people might think. WEAKNESS: he can be a bit short tempered from time to time, resulting in a quick outburst of swearing. and yes, he may be a bit too forgiving as well. he puts everyone's need over his own and tends to forget about himself. sometimes he feels like he lost touch with himself - especially due to his many downfalls. there is not much left of the boy who grew up in baldur's gate, which does result in him being uncertain when it comes to decisions concerning himself. COMBAT STYLE: melee combat with a rapier and ranged combat using the powers he gained as a warlock, such as eldritch blast, circle of death, hellish rebuke, scorching ray, cloud of daggers, hunger of hadar, necromancy and several other spells and curses
i have left a few things out since my answers got a bit longer than usual.
TAGGED BY: @derblauegeist TAGGING: everyone who still hasn't done this. i'm rather late to the party.
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lonespektr · 8 months
The Lure (2015)
I missed this one at a film festival when it first came out and that was apparently quite a while ago
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And were in. Siren song.
Help us on shore, we won't eat you. Totes swear
Does not work on women.
Another song, synth pop is this euro synth pop?
Is this European healthcare???
Your boss says to your face go home if you have a cold, don't spread it around???
Is this how normal people live???
Send the minors home?
Strip the minors
They are Barbie doll smooth with no booty cracks
Hypersexualizing the juveniles without sex organs
Oh no wait they have found them and are molesting them great👍
The boys on the beach are band members for this strip??? Bar?? It's like drag club
Now the girls are suffocating on the floor after being molested
Tossed into the pool, which I'm guessing is not salt water
Golden & silver
But the pool helped
The casual misogyny is....high
SA'd tossed like a rag doll
Ok full dance number in the mall with their advance
And the song is like a sitcom , narrating the story
Close up cuts remain on their very black
Pupil-less very predatory eyes throughout
There are telepathically communicating and it sounds like dolphins and whales which is a nice touch
They are using sex (obvs they are sirens) to sell themselves but they i believe have already told people they are siblings so there's incesty vibes they are throwing out
One of the girls has already taken a shine to a boy fingers crossed he dies a grisly death
Ritual hump, kneeing in the buttocks for luck???
Equally opportunity dry humping of all employees
Don't touch me 🤣 the older sister
They are singing obviously in the night club???
Seriously it's a bar, there's a full restaurant, it's a strip club, it's got a house band, it looks like a drag joint
What would these be called in Poland?
Okay the girls jumped in the giant fish bowl for the grand finale
Not only is kissing a band member on stage bad for business
Aren't you going to eat him later??
I think silver is the young red and gold is the older brunette
The young women course are slender in the model drug addict prepubescent aesthetic
Um is this a forth wall explanation song or do they literally have hypnosis powers
Finally some teeth
She's lementing her desires presumably to eat humans
This can be read as victim blamey young girls know what they are doing thing tbd on that once we finish the film
Gold did straight up hypnotise some guy
Missed w what silver saw through the peep hole
Somebody giving silver a cigarette and offering a vagina???
Obviously fish aren't smokers nor are singers
Direct reference to the little mermaid???
Who's this guy they keep flashing to?
Removed the belly button too but kept the boobs? I mean male gaze but the mammalian parts?? Like boobs are
Um do mermaid scales grant wishes in polish lore??
Good guy won't fuck but will accept head??
The duo name is officially the lure
Peak stardom
They are making out for the crowd i will take this time to remind you they are sisters
Crowds officially enthralled
Another eye shot but ... They didn't look inhuman?
Head of talent is equal opportunity kissing the band
Finally the guy in person
Two hooks to the head
Look now the fishman is also being creepy
Was that lost in translation? Why would he marry someone tonight?
This underwater patriarchy thing is ridiculous mermaids are matriarchal
The poleesuh
Are onto her
And hopscotch dance number cops and robbers
Charlies angels
I will restate for the record i do not understand camp...like AT ALL
Now she's sleeping with the cop
Very camp lesbian mermaid scene
Former top singer is fantasizing about mermaid girls who already slept with the guy she is sleeping with and also the band kid???
In case it was unclear this is a full musical there are more songs than dialogue and several dance numbers
The "sexualization" of them men suck as it is is done in a comedic manner
Silver is asking about being a real girl, doing fun human stuff and the older band/club people said no you should continue to do slave labor we will take your money and no roller skating for you
Mermaid fight, turned into collaboration dance song?
Two punches
Casual violence against women but also that a human could ko a mermaid is nuts
Rolled up into carpets
Tossed back into the ocean
Law and order SVU
And not the young one fights the old one because his lil fish not really girlfriend is in the sea
The older woman breaks it up and is ALSO punched in the face and also ko'd
Very casual violence against women yet none of them can fight
Even if the mermaids eat every single man in the tri-city area it won't compensate for all the casual/ norminilization of misogyny & violence against women
They ate somebody
She's IVing the young man, he got beat that bad?
And the old guy has diabetes
So they are all modern dancing? Their pains??
But fine for the next show
She came back and bit off the finger of the guy who punched them
He hit them square in the face without emotion as a tactical decision and they were out then in rugs we didn't get any emotional response
The main whines and golden looks on with an evil grin
Mens violence against women is casual regular and normal , unemotional logical
Women's violence against men is unexpected unnecessarily cruel and vindictive
Then to drive that home thru go join the rival mermaid band???
It's especially evil because now they are in a playboy bunny photoshoot??
Triton is the bad merman name
Silver is going to cut her tail off to get a pussy 😮‍💨
She will of course lose her voice
Pussy transplant
Who's that's dismembered girl next to her??
Who cares??
Also shes doing it without anesthesia
Oh this human girl is alive and getting a mermaid tale?
Is it a girl power trade 🥺🥺 these women being dismembered by men without anesthesia?
Didn't even really see if the girl got her tail she was also naked too no surgical gown
Wheel chair
Boy is very excited about her new vagina
Didn't like the fishy one
Oh she looks like shes having fun with the zero foreplay and the pained expression
A whole entire slasher level of blood because
What am i to make of this ? Band boy has inhuman sized cock?
Vagina donor has never had sex and vagina will spurt blood during what eas otherwise seen as tame pg13 level thrusts?
Sex is inherently violent to women as shes bad for wanting to get laid and nows shes bleeding and if you want sex you will die of blood loss
Literally what's the takeaway here for this scene???
She has lost her voice
Gold is standing by her sister
Band boy has already moved on after what would be a gratuitous amount of blood for a brutal r@pe scene let alone a virginity loss
He immediately tossed her scale away
At least he's not a cheater?
Yea they're marrying
White suit and white dress
After a make out session
Hours after that bloody show and less than 24hrs out from her leg/pussy surgery
She's not seafoam
Okay she has to eat him before sunrise
I've neglected to mention everyone is drunk or high this entire film
Inviting her to the wedding is wild, i think this is literally the same day
Now they are dancing
Peak male ego
Dance with the girl you just forced to have surgery with violated and dumped
Ah men
And shes going to turn into seafoam for him
Because women love abuse
Embracing the abuse
Sis sees the whole thing and is of course overly emotional and murders him
Because women who accept/ embrace abuse are sweet and content to die at the hands of men and women who are not are shrieking violent hags with no emotional regulatory skills
She jumps in the water
Well I definitely should have watched this earlier now I need a pallet cleanser for this buffet of misogyny
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fryingpan1234567 · 1 year
Can we talk about Quidditch cheerleaders
Like imagine with me
Each Hogwarts house, school, and team has a cheer team, just like Muggle sports
Enchanted megaphones to spell out the cheers so the crowd can follow along (and amplify their voices to the whole stadium)
The outfits would be sick and you know it
Anyways creatures of any species can be a cheerleader, but veelas, fairies, siren/ mermaid hybrids, and any human (Muggle or not) are particularly sought after
I know technically veelas are already sort of cheerleaders but for the sake of the hc bear with me
I wanna get more into outfits I’m sorry I’m a cheerleader and it’s important to me XD
All of them are in their house colors (duh), with the name across the chest and symbol on the back
All the guys have pretty basic male uniforms lol
NB students can submit their own uniform designs to be approved by their head of house and made as long as it fits the theme
Slytherins have fitted short-cropped long sleeves with thumb holes and fitted skirts with two splits. Lots of fine glitter. Color streaks in their hair. They have temporary tattoos of snakes winding down a leg on game days, and their shoes are white but shimmer green in direct light. French/ Dutch braids into half-up pigtails w/ smaller bows
Gryffindors have a Grecian neckline top that’s cropped right above the belly button and a single-split skirt. It’s mostly gold with a little bit of red and white lol. Gold ribbons in the hair. Enchantment lion tails on game days. Shoes are white w/ red stripes. Poofy half ups and massive red sparkly bows
Hufflepuffs have like the Cheerleader™️ outfit lol. One piece, v neck, pleated skirt with yellow and black stripes at the bottom. Mostly white with yellow and black. White shoes with paw print soles. Tightly curled hair with half up space buns covered with glitter
Ravenclaw has a fitted one piece with a fade from blue to white to black. There are wing patterns on the backs. White and navy blue shoes. Straight hair half ups, giant blue bow
Quidditch player/ cheerleader relationships are just as popular in the Wizarding world as in the Muggle one
Fred and George had crushes on another set of twins on the Gryff cheer squad for a short period of time
The Slytherin cheerleaders’ friend group is like a PACK. They go everywhere together
(Also their eyeliner is sharp enough to cut you)
Cho would’ve been on the Ravenclaw team fight me
Ginny would never want anything to do with the actual cheering, Quidditch was much better, but she did think all of them were hot
Anyways. Magic cheerleaders
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blackresin75 · 3 years
The Heart of My Sea
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TW: Choking, virgin reader, rough sex, loving sex, bondage, nipple play, oral (fem receiving), and overstimulation.
A/N: Hey so this is my first fic like this so please tell me what you think. My roommate did help me out a LOT @violinwizard thank you so much. This is for the Mythology and Folklore collab so please check out the others here. I have the masterlist reposted.
Dad always tried to control where you went. He wanted you to stay in his sight when you weren’t with the others luring sailors to their deaths. You’ve never wanted to kill but it was your only saving grace from your fathers grasp, but maybe that was what makes the Captain of the Midnight Rose so alluring.
The main crew looked to be about the same age as you and your friends, they also looked more content in their place on deck. Your feelings of jealousy grew more and more as each ship passed by and sank. Maybe that’s how you ended up in this position, stuck in a net blinded by jealousy and rage.
You feel the coarse net grind against your skin as you struggle to get free. The thrashing around causes the net to scrape up your arms and your tail. No matter how much you squirm, The coarse fibers don’t budge. You feel the water sink below you as you rise up. Panic starts to set in your chest as the light from the surface grows brighter.
“Shit, shit! No no no no fuck!” The ropes cut deep into your skin as your thrashing grows desperate, you feel the salt water flow around your body. You break the surface gasping frantically, thinking of all the stories of sirens before, kidnapped and left for dead. You've seen the aftermath, but you never dreamed it would happen to you.
Your breathing soothes but the panicky feeling in your chest doesn’t leave. You can hear gruff voices, but you can’t hear anything outside of the beating of your heart and the surge of the waves. The panic becomes so immense that by the time you’re set down on the mahogany deck you are already too far gone
When you wake up, all you can see is the shadow of a man on the far side of the deck. At first, his eyes are all you notice, deep and black as the ocean on a new moon night. There’s a scar running under the left one, giving him a dangerous and rugged appearance. He is dressed as many of the sailors you’ve taken to the deep, loose shirt with a deep cut, betraying a strip of an almost well defined chest. His tight pants leave nothing to the imagination, while his long coat makes you wish there was more to see. A scarf hangs around his neck, the end just dipping into the V of his shirt. “I wonder what he would look like in the ocean, all wet and mine for the taking.” The thought comes unbidden and you quickly scold yourself, a blush forming on your cheeks . Someone clears their throat, taking you out of your daydream and you look around at the rest of the crew. Their glares make you look away, and you quickly turn your eyes to the man in front of you. He walks towards you, taking off his trenchcoat and drapes it over your naked figure.
“I’m bringing her into my quarters, if you need anything.” .He stares daggers at the crew, while his hair flies up and eyes turn red, “Don’t.”
With that the roguishly handsome man picks you up and takes you to a cabin below deck. He lays you back on the mattress in the corner of the exquisite cabin, then he leans up against the desk in front of the neat bed. “So, you got a name?”
“Y/n,” you hesitate, “are you going to hurt me, sir?” His eyes go wide, his body stiffens a little, and he bites his lip. Bringing a strong callous hand up, he gently takes a piece of hair and tucks it behind your ear.
“You think I’m going to hurt you?” His whisper carries straight to your heart, the amount of care in his words sends a shiver through your spine. “Well, y/n, I’m Shota Aizawa, I own the Midnight Rose. I know you’re not human, so what the fuck are you exactly? We caught you in the sea, maybe a Kraken, or mermaid, or perhaps a siren.”
His voice gets lower and his face gets closer, you’ve sung songs to sailors that promise their dreams. A lot of sex, but there were a few of just pasta; those songs are your favorite. You can now see the allure of sex and love just by looking into this man’s tired eyes. Instead of answering him, you opt to stay quiet. “Not talking? That’s okay, kitten. I have ways to make you talk.”
Your face darkens even more at his words, why is calling you kitten? What are his ways to make you talk? The panic returns in full force, he sees the fear and panic on your face and he walks over to the bed and puts a loving arm around you. You freeze, and he decides to rub your back, “shhh, kitty, it's okay. I’ll protect you now. I want to know what you’ve been through.”
His gentle reassurance surprises you, it's not everyday that you see someone so handsome and gentle. Someone who doesn’t want to treat you like a toy, but maybe that’s what made you want him to treat you like a toy. Just to see if he still would want you after or throw you back to the sea violated.
“You didn't answer my question, are you going to hurt me, sir?” You lean in closer to Shota. The tension starts to thicken, with just five words.
“Do you want me too?” Shota looks at you differently, he wasn’t malicious or terrifying. He pulls you closer, looking into your eyes, his breath taking up your air. The different songs flew through your head but only one thing felt right.
“I want you.” You lean forward and kiss him with your entire soul. You’ve never felt this way before, and from what Aizawa was reciprocating, he feels it too. The kiss deepens and a heat starts to form in your pussy and gut. He groans into your mouth and he pulls you on top of him. Feeling his hard cock against your pussy sends a shock that jolts through your bones. He grabbed your arms and started kissing where the net cut into your skin.
“I’m sorry y/n, I did this to you. I’m so sorry.” He kisses you everywhere he can touch, soft, loving kisses. When he reaches your neck, it sends shivers down your back, and a moan bubbles up in return. The shivers soon travel to your stomach, where his hands are caressing in full circles, slowly heading upwards. You can feel the rough texture of the coat on your nipples driving the sensitivity to new heights. Suddenly he slips the coat from your shoulders, and you hear it hit the ground at the same time his hand finally hits the swell of your breast.
His lips leave your neck, a whimper escaping your throat at the loss, which is immediately followed by his moan as his mouth closes on the peak of your breast. You feel his tongue circle your nipple, caressing it slowly, and you are awash with heat, striking to a forbidden place in your core. His tongue is soft, and wet, giving you a pleasure never felt before. He grabs your backside possessively, pulling you impossibly closer, you moan, grasping his shoulders in an attempt to keep yourself afloat in the rushing tide that is him.
In your state, you barely manage to gasp out a “Don’t stop”, and you clutch harder as he slowly starts to suck on the breast he is tethered to, his tongue still making tortuous movement. One hand lightly caressing your other breast, his other starts to slowly head downwards, mapping your skin, which has started to gather sweat. He gently nudges your thighs apart and begins to descend further into uncharted territory. Before he can reach his destination, he pulls back and meets your eyes.
“Is this ok?” He asks. Frustration hits you at the loss of his ministrations, and you grab him by the scarf, pulling him back to you, “Please, keep going”. You feel his smirk before he begins, this time on the other breast. His hand continues in your depths, to circle around a single point that opens a floodgate. You grasp him tighter, your hand going into his hair in pure joy, as his fingers continue at the same pace, tracing a whole new alphabet on your center.
You want more pressure, you begin to move with him, trying to encourage him to go faster. “Kitten” he admonishes, his voice low, “Do you need more?” You can only moan in response. His hand is suddenly grasping the back of your neck, pulling you away from him, the breath leaves your throat, and you feel as if you're floating, pleasure filling the space of total awareness.
He laughs, “Cat got your tongue?” You want him, want more, you reach out blindly, catching his shirt in the process. You want it gone, you tug, and it floats down beside you. You see his smirk turn sinister.
“You shouldn’t have done that. Do you know what happens when the Kitten gets the cream before she’s meant to?” He slowly takes the scarf off his neck, and before you can comprehend that you can see the sweat coating his neck, he has lowered you to the bed, the scarf wrapping around your wrists, tying you to the bedpost. Panic rises inside you, before it bubbles over, he slowly kisses you, passionately bringing the softer feelings from earlier back into the game. It calms you, enough to notice both his hands have pressed your thighs back to their open stance, and he is moving down your body, his chest heaving. You feel his breath on your lower stomach, his tongue taking just enough time to dip into your belly button before working further down.
The heat is back, flooding your senses as you feel his breath on your thighs where his hand is, you feel his tongue, followed by his teeth, lightly nipping, moving towards the place you want him most. You want to tug him close, but you are restrained from above, you consider thrusting closer, before he is there. You feel his breath on the most intimate part of your body, sending shivers to your very soul, and ripping the part of you wanting to escape away. He sits there making you wait, before you finally feel his tongue on that same spot from earlier.
It is somehow both cold and hot at the same time, and impossibly wet, adding to the sensual feelings bubbling up from inside. The soft tongue is a stark contrast to the nails on both your thighs. With each swipe of his tongue you are brought to new heights. Just left to moan and writhe on the bed, with no hard body to soothe the shivers. Finally his lips close over the nerves, and your soul is drawn from you and into him, you can’t stop moaning, arching off the bed, your feet finding solace along his muscular back. Your thighs crushing the head between them. He groans out, possessively grasping your thighs to pull you closer to the torture that is his mouth. You feel something else on your folds, one of his fingers, gently prying the opening to your depths, which you have just realized is dripping liquid.
His finger sinks deep just as his tongue passes over the top of the nub, and you almost scream, your breath rising, your vision gaining spots. His finger is joined by another as they twist and scoop, scraping against a part of you that sends pure heat to your heart, and your heart to the heavens above. He keeps striking the place inside as his lips pull your very being into him. Once you take a breath, twice, you rise from the bed. Thrice, you are screaming. And then you are falling grasping at the headboard above. You have spots dancing in your eyes and a fire in your belly. As a tsunami of pleasure ripples through you, starting and ending with the man who is still milking you into him.
“Shota, p-p-please” You moan, as you ride out your intense first orgasm. The pleasure comes in waves as Shota cleans you the mess you made with his insatiable tongue. As you come down from your high, he comes up by you and he kisses you with hunger. He slowly pulls away from you, bringing both hands up to cup your beautiful face. One hand gently caresses your cheek and soothes your heated face. He let his thumb wander to your plump lips and let it drag down slowly to see your bottom teeth. With your mouth wide open, he brings his hand, still wet with your juices, to your open mouth.
“Clean, Kitten.” You stick your tongue out a little and lick a small amount of your essence off of him. Shota groans as you lick his fingers coated in your slick. You love the feeling of falling off the edge for him, the world melts as he takes his fingers away and kisses you with full force. He puts the fingers back into your sweet, sticky spot, pumping in and out, until you could feel the heat return. You let out a small whine, “‘s too much, sir.”
He takes his fingers out and you whine again, not wanting his fingers to leave your heat. He lets out a small chuckle, “Do you want me or not? I thought you wanted me, we’re not even close to being finished.”
You let out another whine as he places his fingers back in your pussy. This time he starts with two fingers and quickly slips in a third, stretching you out. He kept pumping you full, hitting the spongy part in you multiple times. He takes out his fingers, hitting your swollen clit on the way out. You feel so close to the edge again. Not wanting the pleasure to stop, you try to bring your hand down to give some much needed friction to your neglected area. The headboard clicks against the wall of the cabin, reminding you of the scarf that ties you up. You glance down and see Aizawa pumping his full, slightly curved, cock, dripping with precum. The engorged tip is a flushed pink, you watch as he mixes your essence with his pre. Satisfied with the prep work, he comes up and grabs your hips, coaxing your legs to wrap around him. He lines up his length with your pussy, and looks at your panicked face.
“Kitten? Are you okay with this? Have you done this before?” His questioning is endearing, you’ve haven’t had sex before, but you know a lot about it. With all of his ministrations on your body, you don’t want it to stop.
“No, but I don’t want you to stop.” You share a breath with Shota, both of you not wanting to break the silence. He looks at you lovingly and whispers a kiss over your mouth.
“Okay, I’ll try to be gentle, Kitten.” His kissing gives you reassurance. He lines his swollen cock to your folds and slowly lets himself into you. The pressure is painful at first and the pain slowly changes to pleasure. You look down to where you are joined and see that only his tip is in. How is that possible? Is he even going to fit? You feel so full already but there is still more? “Shhh, it’s okay Kitten,” he wipes away a stray tear from the pain, “You’re so beautiful.”
He slowly puts more of his large cock in you, pain makes you cry out and squeeze your eyes shut. He caresses your hair, petting you and giving you praise as you take his entire length. As he bottoms out in you, you let out a wail that would put the banshees to shame. You both wait for your tight cunt to adjust to his size. Your chest heaving as you tap on Shota’s shoulder signaling him to start moving.
“I need actual words, Kitten.” You gather your breath and whisper a small yes in his ear. With that small yes, Aizawa kisses you temple and starts to move in your heat. You feel his cock move at an antagonizing pace, and you need more.
“More, sir-” Aizawa growls in your ear, it is already so difficult for him not to lose control and he doesn’t want to hurt you. When you keep calling him sir, the difficulty increases. He picks up speed slowly, moans coming freely from your throat and tears from your eyes. Every now and then he kisses the tears from your eyes and sings your praises.
“My good kitten, doing exactly what I need.” He starts to go faster and harder. Words and moans mixing in your mouth bubbling up to the surface, coming out as much of a mess as your cunt. You feel a coil of heat rise in your stomach as the tip of his cock pounds relentlessly into your cervix. Something was different about this edge, no longer was it the tsunami of pleasure like you knew it. It’s like being sucked into a whirlpool that doesn’t end, the feeling growing larger and larger until you let go.
You hear Shota shouting, “Fuck, I’m cumming, Kitten,” He kisses your lips, as you fall back into the whirlpool of pleasure. You feel thick ropes of cum coat your fluttering walls, you let the whirlpool take you completely. A clear liquid coats both you and Shota as you let out another wail. He looks down at the mess and back to your face. You both let out a little laugh, and he pulls down the covers of his bed. He grabs a blanket from one of the wardrobes and drapes it over you. He clambers into the bed and pulls you close.
“You’re so beautiful. I think I’m falling for you.” He kisses you. You’ve never been the one to believe in love at first sight, but with him, how else could you explain it? You have totally fallen for him since you landed on his deck.
“Shota, I think I love you.” You whisper.
“I think I love you, too.” He kisses your nose lovingly.
“Even if I’m a siren?” He looks at you and brings you into a hug.
“You’re the Heart of my Sea, I will always love you, y/n.”
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shizukateal · 3 years
The Holy Quintet: The BEST DRESSED Magical Girl Team EVER. Part 2: Characters made of symbols and shapes.
Part 1 here.
Mami Tomoe
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Mami Tomoe’s outfit is a work of genius that really humbles me as an aspiring character designer. Watching the perfection in its simplicity only boggles my mind trying to reverse engineer the thought process behind it. Even if they already had decided on the huntress theme before they finished her, how did Ume Aoki came up with cutting the sleeves like that? Or with the perfect skirt shape that allows the corset to show all of her curves while puffing at just the right height to not make the hipline transition awkward and giving the shape of a flower? How long did it take her to find this particular color scheme? Did she immediately know where to put the purple to balance the outfit without feeling artificial? How did she realize that the stripes on the socks would add the ideal touch to the whole setup? Or the perfect way to turn the soulgem into a hair accessory? I would have gone the easy way and put it in the chest ribbon like the amateur I am! Did she have doubts about it while she was figuring out the exact design of the boots?!
This outfit does everything. It’s sexy without being unnecessarily tasteless, it’s girly and fancy but battle-ready, it even passes the silhouette test, it’s nuanced, almost realistic. Even Mami’s hairstyle, which in a lesser design would look too childish, is perfect for her. Mami’s whole theme is that she’s a little girl desperately trying to convince herself that she’s an adult. Her low drill-tails are doll-like, which is to say a little girl’s idea of what a fancy adult woman looks like. The side-swept bangs also give a youthful roundness to her face while being elegant, and the way the hat and hairpin complements the whole thing is just * cheff’s kiss *.
Kyouko Sakura
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Kyouko is a fire gal, and as such her shape is a triangle, so her outfit is a halter top coat that widens into the frilled overskirt. Her ponytail also feeds into this theme, with hair bits sticking wildly on the top like the fire sparks of a candle, and the ribbon is just scrappy but cute enough to compliment her personality. Haha, ponytail, get it? Like a horse? Or in her case a de-horned unicorn, ergo her spear. Her look also gives us the impression of an outlaw with her pirate/rider boots, long coat and gloves, fitting her lifestyle, and her soulgem is on her chest, indicating her more emotional nature. I think the boldest decision was to leave her hands ungloved, or at least I know I wouldn’t have done that, but that’s why I’m glad I wasn’t in Ume Aoki’s position when Madoka was in production. The white details on her undershirt and boots also put an elegant touch of complexity that completes the whole thing. What I’m trying to say here is that Kyoko has the ““easiest”” design of the other puellas, but it’s still top notch.
Sayaka Miki
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Sayaka’s outfit is a balancing act, trying to keep it’s knight aesthetic clear without relying on heavy armor to do so and thus allowing Sayaka’s more romantic, femenine side to show, not to mention her water + music/mermaid theme. Her whole getup is very ingenious. Her short hair allows the cape to flow without seeming excessive and heavy or an inconvenience, her hairpin prevents the cut from being bland, but still keeping a somewhat tomboyish look, and her skirt has a distinct asymmetrical cut that, with its white outline, gives the idea of a wave. Her boots are short, comfy, practical, and their shade is just different enough that they avoid the look from feeling kinda boring within its color pallet, without straying away from it. I’m honestly amazed at how well they pulled of her belly-button soulgem as well, especially without taking away from the knight theme, hell they even used that in their favor! That is ingenuity. It was also a genius idea to hold the cape on a choker to make it all fit better with a sweetheart neckline.
Homura Akemi
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As I mentioned before when I talked about Senjougahara, Homura is a rhombus, not just in her soul gem but in the rest of her body: she is pointy, slim, and long. She is the tallest and lankiest amongst the Holy Quintet, her outfit primarily highlighting her legs and her hair ending in jagged points. What impresses me the most about it is that the shirt is very weirdly cut for a concept as straightforward as “school uniform”, but it works. I can imagine a much easier version of it without the undersleeves or the collar. Speaking of which, the shape of them draws attention to her soul gem on her hand, which is placed there to symbolize how she’s the most “hands on” magical girl. Her time motif is present in her back ribbon, which looks like clock hands, same with Moemura’s braids, and in her shield, which is small and attached to her wrist and also is actually a sand clock. That shield is a really neat, concise, and smart way to tie up the entirety of her wish, huh? Speaking of Moemura, it’s really interesting to see the conflict between the two versions of this character in their differences. First we have the hair, of course, then the red glasses. I sense that there’s more to those than what I’m interpreting here, but the best I can do is conclude that aside that Homura tosses them out because they represent her weakness the fact that they’re red means they also represent her emotionality, which Madoka returns to her when she gives her her red ribbons (which also represent the string of fate, of course, and also confidence in oneself). But the part that interests me the most is her heels. Moemura doesn’t fit them, she trips on them constantly, but for Homura they are a symbol of her maturity and composure. Naturally, the first time we see Homura break down after narrowly killing Kyubey before they could do a contract with Madoka, she trips on them.
@leafbladie also pointed out to me that the reason it looks like a school uniform might be because school is the only place where she could make genuine human connections. 
Madoka Kaname
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Kyouko is a triangle, Homura is a rhombus, and Madoka is, fittingly, a Star, aka. a cluster of points shooting out from a center, which also blends well as a flower motif. Or to put it even more eloquently, she’s the flower from the ground that will eventually become the star in the sky. It’s in her skirt, gloves, socks and ponytails. And the rest of her? Is a deception in its simplicity. After all, this is what you expect from the leader of a magical girl team, right? Pink! Ribbons! Frills! Come on, you’ve seen this outfit before, it’s practically the same as Cure Peach’s! But Madoka is aiming for something more specific: she is both a fairy AND a witch, the two faces of the Magical Girl, creatures of fairytales often related to either nature or to the stars, and it works precisely because she uses that shape. Madoka is a balance of roundness and pointiness, it’s just that those points are softened by the pastel coloring. Her balance in ribbons and frills is excellent as well. I should probably write a separate post on how those 2 elements work in general, but suffice to say that we all know way too many magical girls that just put those things everywhere. Two on her ponytails to highlight them, one behind her neck, two on her hips to smooth the hipline transition, two behind her shoes. Huh, speaking of those, Madoka has surprisingly tall heels, right? Taller than Mami’s and only matched by Homura’s. Really tells you who the 2 most emotionally resilient members are in the team.
The last piece I’d like to highlight is her weapon, which I’m jealous of because I did that concept for an OC of mine and now if I do it everyone is going to think that I got it from her. But in any case, yeah combining a druidic staff into an also druidic bow whose arrows are also shooting star analogues is the perfect choice for this particular character, the Goddess of Magical Girls.
And this, everyone, has been my reasoning and analysis of the genius of the Holy Quintet’s character designs. Follow me if you want more magical girl outfit analysis.
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Prompt: Requested, by the beautiful @romanreignsgirl20 Thanks for your request, sweetheart. I made some slight plot adjustments (I hope you don’t mind❤️) and I hope you’ll like it how it turned out😉.
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Word Count: Long-ish
Pairings: Roman Reigns x Curvy/Thick Reader
Warnings: +18, smut, praise kink, body worship, bondage (shibari), oral sex (female receiving), food play, dom x sub dynamic, rough sex, delicate subjects regarding self image.
Editor: @rheacanbreakme
Tag: @ziasaph , @marlananicole , @akiko-tanaka , @wickedsunfire , @sassymox , @nicolewoo , @saccreigns , @mindofasagittaruis , @reigns-5sos , @auawdo , @lustyromantic , @babydee17 , @yungbludjazz360
Notes: This request has a special place in my heart now, people 🥺 Ok, so, why the title Sirius? You may ask, and I’ll tell you why: Sirius is the brightest star in Earth's night sky. The name means "glowing" in Greek — a fitting description, as only a few planets, the full moon and the International Space Station outshine this star. Later in the fic, you’ll realize why this little piece of information is valid for you 😉. Y’all know the drill, loves: You can check out my previous stories on my Masterlist if you’d like (it would make me your girl here very happy 🤗). Now, let’s get to the fun part, shall we? Hope you’ll enjoy...
Standing in front of the mirror, I stared at my newest acquisition: a light blue, mermaid style dress. Subconsciously, I couldn’t help but notice how it clung to every part of my body that I hated, and I instantly regretted purchasing it in the first place. I felt completely insecure about everything.
I heard the front door open, and Roman calling for me. Almost on instinct, I took the dress off with the intention of hiding it, but Roman was faster than I anticipated in making his way to our room, opening the door and catching me off guard, giving me no option but to try and hide the dress behind my back.
“Hey baby, what- Are you ok?” Roman asked, when he saw the frightened look on my face
“Sure” I lied
“What are you hiding back there?” He asked, curiously
“Nothing...” I trailed off
“Let me see it” He teased
“It’s nothing, really” I tried to dismiss him
Roman smirked and quickly ran towards me, yanking the piece of fabric out of my hands. He lifted the dress up in the air, almost as if to examine it closer
“Wow, this is really pretty” He complimented
“Put it on for me” He said, smiling
“I-It didn’t fit” I lied once more
Roman raised an eyebrow in suspicion, asking
“Marissa, I could smell your perfume on the fabric, so I know you’ve tried on! What’s going on, babe? Why are you lying?”
“I...I don’t think it looks good on me” I murmured
“Can I know why?” He asked
“Because” I sighed “It shows everything I want to hide”
“Can you try it on for me, so I can give you my opinion?” Roman asked, softly
“Yeah, I guess so” I replied, taking the dress out of his hands, I made my way to the closet, so I could put it on without him watching.
Once I got the dress on, I went back to the bedroom, and Roman’s eyes instantly swam all over my body.
“Baby, fuck!” He gasped
“I know... I told you it looks weird-“
“Weird? Oh no no no, sugarplum, you look stunning!” Roman said in awe
“No, it’s we-“
“Mari, baby girl” Roman walked towards me, and placed one hand on my cheek “You look fucking gorgeous, baby! Why do you think it doesn’t look good on you?”
Trying my best to hide my insecurities, I shook my head and try to change the subject
“So, how was lunch with Jey?”
“Oh no, baby. We’re not going down that path, not until you tell me the truth” Roman softly pulled me towards the full length mirror, placed us in front of it, and asked
“Mari, what do you see when you look in the mirror?”
“Myself, in a dress that doesn’t look good at all” I tried to joke, but Roman didn’t seem to like it
“I disagree with you. I see the complete opposite! I see a beautiful woman, who has no idea of how stunning she is and how gorgeous her body-“
“Is not and how this stupid dress puts on display everything I want to hide” I mumbled
“Mari, look at me” He lifted my chin up with two of his fingers, and locked our gaze together in the mirror
“Baby, you’re the most stunning woman I’ve ever seen! The dress looks ravishing on you, it compliments your body beautifully. The fact that you have so many curves is a plus to me! It always has been. Yes, I love you, but why do you think I invited you out for dinner in the first place?”
“Because you had nothing better to do?” I cackled, but Roman continued in a serious tone
“No. It was because I was attracted to you. Physically attracted, sexually attracted! If I’m being honest with you, I pictured us fucking from the first moment I laid eyes on you!” He said, and I looked at him in disbelief
“Oh, you don’t believe me?” He asked
“Ask Jey then! Or Jimmy, even Seth. They all caught me jerking off and moaning your name”
My eyes went wide, and my face went crimson red at the comments he made.
“What?” He chuckled “I’m only being honest!” Roman’s arms circled around my waist, as he asked
“You still don’t believe, do you?”
I sighed heavily “I’m sorry Ro, but I can’t-“
“Well, then you give me no option but show to you”
Roman slowly pulled the zipper down on the back of the dress, and let it slide down my body, becoming nothing but a pool of fabric around my ankles. Offering me his hand, he led us to our playroom in the basement. When we got there, he positioned me in the center of the room, and pressed a button on the wall that would make the hooks on the ceiling lower down. Roman went to hooks on the wall that held our collection of bondage ropes, and took the lavender jute rope in his hand.
He began to create an intricate pattern upon my skin with the lavender rope, twisting, turning and knotting the rope into a beautiful design. Roman passed the rope on the top and bottom of my breasts, followed by my upper arms, where he securely tied them together on my back and looped the rope around the ceiling hooks. He pressed the button on the wall once more, making the hooks rise, lifting me off of the floor. He lifted my legs up and bent them back, then passed the rope several times around each thigh and tied my ankles next to my thighs, leaving me spread open for him.
He stepped back to admire his work.
“Damn baby, you look so tempting” Roman bit his lips, came closer to me, and gave me an intense kiss “I’ll be right back” He whispered
A few minutes later, Roman returned with a heart shaped lollipop and the chocolate syrup we kept in the fridge. Positioning the large mirror with wheels in front of me, he said
“Today is going to be a special day for you, cupcake” Roman said, while standing behind me, looking at me through the mirror “You’re going to finally see yourself through my eyes. You’ll see everything that I see when I’m pleasuring you. You’ll see how beautiful you are, how perfect your body is, how much you turn me on” He leaned closer to my ear “And most importantly, you’ll see that there’s absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about! You should feel only pride to have such a beautiful face, body and soul” He kissed my hair “My perfect girl”
Roman leaned back, and grabbed the lollipop.
Taking off the wrapper, he placed the candy in front of my lips and said “Suck it”
I did as he said and began to suck on the lollipop, and while I did, our gaze locked in the mirror and I could see his eyes slowly turning darker and darker.
“That’s enough” Roman said, stopping me. And then, without breaking our gaze, he started to roam the candy all around my body: on my breasts and nipples, my soft belly, my hips, my thighs and finally my mound, where he began to circle my clit with the lollipop.
“Ever since we met, I always thought about how sweet you are. The way you’re so kind and loving to everybody, how you always have a word or touch to bring comfort to those who need it and how lucky I am to have the sweetest woman in the world” Roman turned around, until he was in front of me “And as time went by, I noticed how physically sweet you are too. Your skin tastes like apricots, your kisses are as inebriating as the finest liqueur and your juices” Roman knelt down in front of me “Taste as sweet as the purest honey” He leaned forward until he was mere inches away from my core “I want you to keep your eyes on the mirror, Mari. Don’t close your eyes, don’t turn your head to the other side, don’t look down! I want you to see yourself, how stunning you are and how beautiful you get when you cum. Do you understand me?” Roman asked, placing both hands on my hips
“Yes, sir” I answered, looking down at him
“Good, baby” He smiled “Now, look at the mirror” Roman whispered and began to work his magic on me. It was excruciatingly hard for me to stare at myself, but the more Roman licked and hummed in pleasure the more I could see how my facial expression changed. I became more wild, more raw, more passionate, more like a vixen. The woman I always wished to be was now in front of me, she had always been there, I just was never able to see her. But Roman showed me her, the woman I wanted to be, the woman he always knew I was.
“Do you see her, baby?” He asked softly, inserting two finger in me
“Yes, sir” I whispered, trying to hold back my tears
“This is who you are, this is what I see whenever I look at you! I don’t care what other people say or think, the only thing that matters to me is what I see and especially what you can see” Moving his fingers in and out, Roman began to kiss my soft belly and stretch marks “I want you to see how beautiful you are, how much I love your body. All of it!” He curled his fingers inside of me, making me moan loudly. And when his lips closed around my clit, I came all over him and Roman more than eargerly licked me clean. “I love every curve, every love handle, every inch of your beautiful body” He said, making his way up, licking every sticky trace left by the lollipop. Roman kissed my breasts, played with my nipples with his tongue, left love marks on my neck and then he finally reached my lips and kissed me like it was the last time we would be together.
Leaning back, he took the chocolate syrup in his hand and said “Don’t look down yet”.
He began to write something on my belly and chest, but I had no idea what it was until he stepped aside, revealing the mirror once more so I could read what he wrote.
“Read it out loud for me, Mari” Roman said
“Beautiful and perfect. Sir” I shyly read
“Louder” He requested
“Beautiful and perfect. Sir”
“Again, louder” He asked and so I did
“What are you, baby?” Roman questioned
“Beautiful and perfect, sir”
“And what should you never forget that you are?” He asked
“Beautiful and perfect, sir” I responded with my voice strangled by tears
Roman knelt down again, and started to lick the chocolate syrup off. His tongue traced every letter, as to remind me of it. He didn’t licked everything off though, he left some remnants, so I could continue to see it and read it in the mirror.
“That’s my girl” Roman smiled softly, with his eyes full of love, and I couldn’t help but let the tears roll down my cheeks “It’s alright, sugarplum” He cood, kissing me sweetly. Once I stopped crying he turned around, so he could stand behind me again.
He grabbed the chocolate syrup once more, and wrote something on my ass cheeks, I payed attention to each letter. When he was done, he asked
“Mari, can you guess what I have written?” With a wicked grin on his face
“I think so, sir”
“What is it, baby?”
“Is it ‘mine’, sir?”
Roman chuckled and knelt down, tracing the letters as he did previously, but only this time he bit my ass cheek forcefully before standing up
“That’s right, cupcake. ‘Mine’ “
I looked in the mirror and saw he had pushed his jeans down, to his upper thighs. Right afterwards, I felt his tip against my entrance
“Remember to keep your eyes on the mirror, sugarplum” He winked, sliding in, slowly. The position that my body was in allowed me to feel him deeper, stretching my walls in a bitter sweet pain.
“Oh my-” I moaned
“Fuck, baby. You feel so good. So fucking good” He groaned, thrusting in me vigorously
We moaned in sync, looking at each other in the mirror, drowning in our grunts and gasps of pleasure.
My walls began to tighten around his length “You’re gonna cum, baby?” Roman bit my ear
“Yes, sir” I gasped, already feeling my orgasm rising
“Then cum, baby. Cum around my cock” Roman said, as he pounded even harder
I squealed, squeezing his length and triggering his own orgasm. Roman slid out of me, and admired his seed dripping out of my core.
“I love you” He said, looking in the mirror
“My beautiful Sirius” Roman smiled widely...
Please if you’re comfortable with it, let me know your thoughts on this? Feedbacks are always appreciated 🥰😘
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toweroftickles · 3 years
DIGIMON FRONTIER: Enhanced Interrogation Techniques
(Reimagined Tickling #2)
This was a fic requested a while back by @bb-nesquik, who wanted me to make the infamous Digimon Frontier tickle scene "better" (i.e., longer, more torture lol) The story begins in the midst of the episode and diverges from the traditional path.
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Zoe Orimoto and Tommy Himi wailed helplessly, their backs scraping against harsh blue rock.
Ranamon, that dastardly squid, had been tickling their belly buttons with feathers for the past 10 minutes, and they were becoming exhausted from laughing. Their friend JP hung between them, his emotions yanking him back and forth - while he was glad that his jumpsuit protected him from similar torments, it certainly didn't ease his guilt.
And there stood their vicious mermaid foe, all disappointment and scowls, flanked by her general Mercurymon. Never once did she blink; she was all business, unwavering. Any schadenfreude she may have experienced at the start of the tickle-torture had eroded into irritation. Her impatient foot made a slapping sound against the dirt.
"M-my friends are tougher than you'll ever be!" JP insisted.
Both of his partners' hysterical giggling begged to differ.
Two of Ranamon's mechanical hands were busy whittling away at the younger one's underarms, poking and wiggling incessantly.
"Hmmm....you look like you're havin' a little too much fun, Tommy boy."
"HUHUH-Haha! N-ho...noho I'm noooot!"
"Perhaps if you were to cease dividing your capabilities and focus on extracting information from one..." mused the big mirror-coated soldier.
"An excellent idea, Mercury. Ah'm gettin' a little tired of this, and this obnoxious blonde brat here has had it comin' for a while!"
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Ranamon snapped her fingers, and suddenly, the two hands that were working on Tommy stopped. They hung in the air for a minute, as if confused. Tommy fought to catch his breath, too exhausted to even notice the activity around him. Before he could wonder if it was truly over, and before JP could interject, the two free hands slowly drifted toward Zoe instead.
“What?! Ahee-HN! Oh no, no; please, nooooo!” Zoe begged. Heat was rising in the back of her neck.
The one hand pointed its feather at Zoe and viciously wagged the instrument in the air, like the disapproving finger of a crotchety nun. Zoe could almost feel its stiff plumes touching her already. She had been panicked before, but now she was truly reeling.
"No! Please don't!!!"
The two feather-equipped hands joined at the wrists, forming sort of a triangle with their weapons which dangled in front of Zoe’s tummy, while the unarmed two grabbed her underarms with their thumbs. The pressure was unbearable. Her palms ached from the sting of her burrowing fingernails.
“Luckily,” the tension broke fast and the hands began to tickle. The feathers twirled like a drill in her belly button. Robotic fingers scurried in her armpits.
“GYAAHH!! Hihih-HEH! *wheeze* Stahahop, cut it out!! AH!!”
"You seem to have matters well in hand, my lady," announced Mercurymon. It was unclear if he was attempting a pun, or just putting weird emphasis on the wrong syllable. "But this activity no longer amuses me. If it please you I have other duties that crave my attention."
Gaining the nod of approval he sought, the heavy knight lumbered away into the darkness.
“Ah think we need to mix it up a bit; you might be getting too used to this,” Ranamon huffed with another snap of her fingers.
The tickling hands momentarily ceased operations with a loud electronic hum and shuffled themselves around in midair. Stiff as a board, the two that held feathers lowered themselves down through the air in perfect unison, until they were positioned just to the sides of Zoe’s legs.
“Ahuh-Heh! W-wait! Wait wait wait, what are you doing?!” the poor girl whined, still trembling and coughing on her laughter.
She gasped. As soon as the bristly feathers brushed against the backs of her knees, Zoe screamed and jumped with a start. While the feathers did their work, Ranamon’s other puppet fingers probed into her sensitive tummy. They drew slow, torturous corkscrews all around the navel and took extra care to wiggle above her waist. In an instant Zoe had two feathers on her knees and 20 fingers on her belly.
“Ah-AHHH Haha-Haha Haha! H-HEH-Hn! *squeal* Come O-HA-HONNN! Hihihihih! I t-hold you not the belly buttonnnnnn; Ha! AHHHH, Haha-Haha Haha! Anyw-here by thehere!”
“Please, let Zoe go!” begged JP.
“We’ll do anything you say!” Tommy had his breath back and was in hysterics.
“Nuh-uh, patience, darlins,” the kraken lady cooed. “This girl’s gotta get out on her own!”
“Haha-Hee! Heehee, Ah Ha-Ha Ha-Ha! Sta-HOP ihit!!! Oh my G-HA-Ha-Ha-Ha-Hawd!!” The feathers were now working their torturous dances across Zoe’s armpits, while the fingers pinched her sides. She twisted all around, but her thrashing couldn't help her escape the tickle torture. She was utterly trapped, agonizing over every anxious pause for breath between the attacks.
This went on for several more minutes, but no matter how much Zoe begged for it to stop, she was too proud to surrender. Not that she had any actual information to spill, but even faking it would give Ranamon too much satisfaction.
“It’s a shame, really; Ah didn’t want it to come to this,” the wicked Digimon mused. Humming a Sousa tune, she knelt down, grabbed Zoe’s ankles, and lifted the girl’s legs up. The Tamer flailed desperately to wrench herself free, but she was too incapacitated by the tickling.
As one could have guessed by her shoe size, Zoe had big feet…not freakishly so, but unusual enough that others took notice. She was very self-conscious about this, and really hated when people looked at or touched them...especially tickling. Nothing was worse than that. But what could she do? And Ranamon's stare...that intense stare...those glassy red eyes burned a hole in the pit of Zoe's stomach as she felt her socks slowly sliding off.
“Ah-Hee-Hee! Ah-Haha! *gasp* N-ho, quit it!” Zoe begged.
And with that, JP's will broke. Words came tumbling out of him like candy from a pinata.
“No, no, no, please leave her alone! Please Ranamon don’t tickle her feet! See I read her diary once, and I tried really hard not to but I was cleaning up a coffee stain and it was just sorta open on the table and I couldn’t help it and she was talking about how one of her classmates tickled her foot and she accidentally kicked the guy so hard he almost went through a wall and she had to change classes and her feet are like her most ticklish spot ever and....
…..oops,” JP blurted out stupidly.
“Oh is that so?” Ranamon giggled.
“Uuuugh...JP, you’re such a moron,” moaned Tommy.
“Y-YOU READ MY DIARY?!? YAHH Haha-Haha Haha!”
“I just looked at like two pages!” JP blubbered.
Two of the floating hands kept squeezing Zoe’s ribs, occasionally walking their fingers up toward her underarms. The other two alternated between sawing their feathers across her belly or the back of her knees. But for this, the final step, Ranamon herself was personally getting involved. She held Zoe’s bare feet out in front of her and wickedly wiggled her fingers.
“Last chance, honey! Come on now, be a good girl and talk!”
“I…I don’t KNOOOO-hooo!”
No sale. The vicious Digimon immediately began poking and scratching Zoe’s arches, and the girl’s feet flailed in desperation.
“AHHH! *gasp* AHH-HAHA HAHA!! Haha Ha-Ha Ha!”
“You know you wanna talk, don’t you?” Ranamon giggled, tickling the ball of Zoe’s foot with her index finger and cradling her squirming ankles.
“NAH-Huh…Huh…AHHH! Haha; oh my go-HAHA-Huhuh Haha Haha-Ha! *gasp* Notmyt-hoes! Ohh…oh…ok, sta-ha-hop! *gasp* Huhhh-Heh! I’ll tell, I’ll tell! I'll tell you anything!” wailed the Digimon Tamer.
Instantly the floating hands vanished, and Ranamon released the girl’s ankles. Zoe slumped over against the column, gasping for breath, tears clinging to her eyelashes.
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“Now, there, was that so hard?” Ranamon taunted. “Any time you’re ready, Blondie.”
“Are you ok?! GUH you’re so strong-and-beautiful-please-justtellheranythiiiiing,” JP sobbed.
She really didn’t know where Takuya and the others were, but Zoe would’ve said that they were all having a tea party with Ash Ketchum on Jupiter if it made Ranamon stop the tickling. Her tummy was so sore from laughing; if the chains weren’t dangling her by her wrists she would have collapsed in a weakened heap.
Ranamon’s eyebrow raised. Her patience had run thin.
“Well?! Don’t hold out on me, girl…” …she gestured with one of the feathers… “…or ah’ll just have to keep makin' you laugh yourself to death."
“Nooooo!” A cry rang out in the distance.
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A stone flew through the air.
Bullseye! It crashed against one of Ranamon’s floating hands, and the device started spewing sparks and twitching in the air.
"What?!" Ranamon yelped. "Go look around you little one-eyed Dr. Mario pills!"
The force field around her trio of Datamon dissipated, and the robots shuffled over to a large boulder from whence the sound came. But no sooner had they reached the rock's origin than a boy in blue suddenly vaulted over their domes, sliding over top of them and grabbing the D-Tectors they had stolen.
"Koji!!" Tommy and JP cried. Zoe was too exhausted to do anything but gasp.
Ranamon barely had time to look up, so distracted was she by feeble attempts to fix her torture arms, before Koji clocked her right in the face and she fell to the ground with a hilarious whooping noise.
But something had gone wrong. The puppet hands were still jittering uncontrollably, often beginning to rush forward and then retreating just as quickly. They were confused, chaotic. And in that unweildliness they suddenly latched to the nearest four things they could find: Ranamon's limbs.
“Hey! What are you DOIN?! Let me go this instant!” Ranamon roared. The hands ignored her pleas and spread her across the ground in a star shape, pinning her wrists and ankles in the dirt. The digital villain struggled and pulled, but she had programmed her own tools far too skillfully - the iron grips would never let up.
"Oh, Koji thank goodness you're here!" Tommy wailed.
"I'm so glad you're safe! Hang on just a sec! There's gotta be a ladder here somewhere!"
The bonds that held the three children were not particularly sturdy; with external force they were quite easy to pull apart. No ladder, unfortunately, but the back of the rock slab had enough uneven grooves for Koji to climb up and over it. JP dropped down from the ledge as soon as his wrists were free.
"Thank you thank you thank you! Come on, come on, before she gets back up!" he cried.
"Hey, you wanna get out faster get up here and help me undo these latches!" Koji snapped.
“Stop it! Ah’m tellin you, stop it!” Her screams dripped with venom, but try as Ranamon might, there was no disguising the panic that seeped into her voice.
Suddenly, from high above the sparking implements, a glowing ball of light shone from nowhere until a brand new fifth hand emerged...a backup, of sorts. And it was holding a feather of its own.
Ranamon’s eyes widened.
“…No….not that…” she stammered.
Koji undid the last of the shackles with a loud clack, and Tommy dropped to the ground. Zoe was struggling in her efforts to both pull on her sock and hop away at the same time.
“Come on, let’s get outta here!” JP whined.
“No! W-wait! Help me!” cried Ranamon.
As the group looked back at their deposed captor and saw her there, restrained and helpless on the ground, their feet rooted in place. Much as a thirst for vengeance burned inside them, the kids felt strangely conflicted. Could they really leave anyone, even their enemy, to such an unbearable torture? Unable to resist a pull in either direction, they could only watch as the new hand slowly lowered like Poe's pendulum and its feather kissed Ranamon’s abdomen.
“Ah-Ha-Ha Ha!! Ha! HA-Ha Ha-Ha Ha!! Aha-Ha!! No! No, please! HA-HA HA-HA Ha-Ha!” the villain begged and begged as she finally began to laugh. The plume danced back and forth, its tip tangoing in the crevices of her aquamarine belly button, causing wild bucking and flailing against the ground. Ranamon wasn’t as ticklish as Zoe…how could she have been?…but she was in hysterics almost as quickly.
“N-HO!! Not there! Not there!!!”
“…should…should we help her?” posed Tommy with an unmistakable meekness in his voice, while their arch-foe continued belly-laughing uncontrollably.
As if in response, Zoe instinctively snapped her legs in and covered her tummy, a blue mix of panic, terror, and rage streaking across her face. Her whole body shuddered.
“Ggrr…no WAY; that disgusting old flounder can laugh until she turns purple after what she did to me!!”
“Well, yeah, but…this is pretty awful…” Koji observed, clearly a little embarrassed by the whole ordeal. He was playing with his hat for no particular purpose.
“Ohoho! *gasp* Ah-AHHHH; HO-Ho Ho-Ho!! Oohoo-Hooo Haha Ha-Ha! Ah-ah’ll…Ah’ll kill you little bra-hats!!” The hand, it seemed, had floated down past other parts of its owner’s body and was now busying itself with her left foot. The feather scratched with its stem, as a quill would write a letter…up, down, up, down…with insidious rhythmic precision. A sixth hand had appeared and joined in the “fun,” prodding Ranamon’s tummy with its index finger.
Koji looked around at his fellow Digi-Destined, one to the next. Tommy...he nodded. Zoe merely scowled. JP had an expression of sympathy at first, but it instantly changed as soon as he locked eyes with his crush.
“….ah, dang it,” Koji sighed.
Wandering over to Ranamon’s writhing body, he stomped his foot onto one of the tickle toys, smashing it with a firm CRUNCH! As the hand released its mistress’ ankle, it whine and flailed until eventually sputtering to a stop. The other five, in their time, went silent, and Ranamon was left heaving for breath on the floor.
It took a while, but she found the energy to wipe tears from her eyes and speak.
“…Haaaa….Huh…..a-alright. You kids can go….hah…Ah owe y’all that much...now we’re even.”
The villain seemed utterly bitter and humiliated. It was one thing for these puny kids to crack under tickle pressure, but her…that was different. The group had never seen her like this.
Zoe’s hand slowly extended toward the shivering Digimon. There was almost pity in her voice...she couldn't believe it herself.
“Uh…Ranamon…" she tried to offer. "...you think maybe…”
If it were possible for a person’s legs to move so fast that they became a spinning wheel, just like the silly cartoons they watched, then Zoe, Tommy, JP, and Kouji’s legs would have done so, for as soon as the words left their nemesis’ lips, they rocketed away in sheer bloody panic.
They ran through the forest, not caring if they tripped or scratched themselves on spindly branches.
“Gahhh…I never wanna run into her again for as long as I live!” Tommy sputtered.
JP looked awkwardly at Zoe, struggling to keep up. What exactly was he supposed to say?
“Um…Z-Zoe, are you ok? Look, what I said before…”
“JustzipitmisterI’mnottalkingtoyou!” the girl hissed. She never made eye contact.
That shut JP up pretty quickly.
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ikeromantic · 3 years
Summertime Swim
Written for @cinnamon-hoe as part of my 500 follower celebration
Arthur, Riches, Something Borrowed, and Surprise Me!
Approx. 1900 words - spicy NSFW!
It was a hot afternoon in Paris. The pavement shimmered in the heat and the air felt thick against the skin, too heavy to breathe. Arthur had shed his gentleman’s coat hours ago, and his vest soon after. His shirt was undone, and his tie hung loose at his collar.
Sweat beaded over his chest, the drops swelling until they ran down his slick belly. He couldn’t remember a day in which he wanted to be naked more than this one. Clothes, any clothes, felt unbearably heavy.
Arthur glanced at the woman beside him. She was pink-cheeked from the heat and fanning herself with her hand. He could see how damp her collar was, and imagined she was even more uncomfortable than he in all those layers of clothing.
They were on their way back to the mansion with a wrapped set of books Arthur had borrowed from one of le Comte’s friends in town, and a few items for Sebastian. The errand seemed like a good idea but now that they were halfway through, he was regretting the choice.
“I suppose we might have been cooler at the mansion. Sorry luv.” He squeezed her free hand lightly. “I didn’t realize it would get quite so hot.”
“It’s alright. It will just make us appreciate the cooler air outside the city more.” She smiled over at him.
Arthur shook his head. “Always so cheerful, aren’t you? Even when you look like you’re about to melt.” He leaned close and kissed the tip of her ear. “If you melted, I would have to eat you up.”
“Only if I melt?” She raised an eyebrow.
“I never said only!” Arthur leaned close and flicked his tongue across the skin just below her ear. He smiled at the way she shivered. “I’d eat you any time.”
She poked him. “When you say it like that, I can’t even think straight.”
“And that is half the point. The other half is seeing how much you want me.” He nipped her earlobe.
“Hey! It’s entirely too hot for you to be doing that. You’re just making it worse.” She smacked his arm and pretended to pout.
Arthur took a step back. She was right, of course, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to touch her, kiss her, taste her . . . even when it was so hot they were both dripping. What he needed was a way to cool down so he could heat things up in a more pleasant way. And being his smug self, he knew exactly how to do it.
They were better than half way home, with the sweltering Paris streets behind them. In the countryside, the breeze was sweeter and a little cooler, though the fields still shimmered under the bright, afternoon sun. In the haze, just past a field of waist-high wheat, Arthur spotted his only hope. A blue ripple in the golden brown afternoon. It was a small lake, rimmed on the far side by trees.
He tugged his lover’s hand. “Come on, let’s take a little break before we walk the rest of the way.”
“What? But why? Don’t you want to -” her eyes found the lagoon and she stopped mid-sentence. “Oh! Yes, I think a little break would be great. We can splash our feet in the water and enjoy the shade.”
Arthur grinned. “Spot on. You read my mind.”
The lagoon was a perfect spot for a picnic, a rowboat trip, or an afternoon swim. And since it was outside the city, few people ever came this way to enjoy it. The two lovers walked around the water to the far side where the trees were tall and the shade was deep.
Arthur set down the bundle of books and began shrugging off his coat, vest, and shirt.
“Ah, A-arthur? You . . . I think you’ve lost your shirt?” She covered her mouth with her hand and he couldn’t tell if she was serious or just teasing.
“I’m about to lose a lot more than that,” he grinned. And undid his belt.
“Wait! But . . . I thought we’d . . . just put our feet in.” She was blushing now, and Arthur knew this sudden shyness was genuine.
He let his belt drop to the ground and slid his pants off. He was gloriously bare underneath and gods but the air felt good on the bits and pieces. Arthur nearly sighed with the sheer pleasure of the breeze. “Oh, come now, my pretty little skirt. You didn’t really think I was going to sneak you off to a secluded pond just to splash our feet in the shallows, hm?”
“But someone will see!”
“Oh yes, there are crowds hiding in the wheat,” he chuckled. Then he took a step toward her. “Don’t you want to take a swim, luv? Aren’t you achingly hot?” He ran his hand up her arm, tracing the droplets of sweat with his fingertips.
“I . . . I can get cool enough . . .”
Arthur tugged at her skirt with his other hand, pulling it up and up until the fabric rested at her hip. “Doesn’t the air feel good on your skin? Now imagine the water . . . look at it. It’s cool and blue and perfect.” He smiled as her eyelids closed and she took a long, slow breath.
“I’ll take that as a yes,” he grinned. His skillful fingers found the buttons of her gown and he popped them open one after another. With each little bit of exposed skin, he found himself more and more excited. He’d seen her nude so many times before that he expected the novelty to wear off, but with her . . . it never did. Just seeing the curve of her breast, the lines of her bare shoulder - it was hard to go slow. To be patient.
“W-what if there are snakes or - or -”
Arthur laughed. “Luv, the only snake here is the trouser variety.”
“You’re so wicked,” she giggled, and peeked at him from one half-opened eye. “I can’t believe you just stripped down like that!”
“I don’t know how you can even tell, with your eyes shut. Why don’t you open them and see if you enjoy the view?”
She blushed a deep crimson, but her eyes fluttered open. They traveled from his damp brow and messy hair to his eyes, and his lip. Past his shoulders to his bare chest. A pearl of sweat trickled past his nipple to the dimple of his bellybutton. She licked her lips.
“Ah, Arthur, oh . . . you . . .” she coughed. “You -”
“Now you see what you’ve done to me, hm? Naughty girl.” He popped another button open, revealing even more of the inner curve of her breast.
“You can’t blame that on me,” she said breathily.
“I can. I do.” The last few buttons came loose. He pushed her top open. “Come on luv. Come swim with me.”
The last bit of resistance in her broke as the cool breeze sighed across her breasts. She slid her clothes to the ground.
“Mmmm, that’s the way.” He lifted her up, sweat slicked-skin to skin, and carried her into the water. The pond’s bottom was soft and he stirred the silt with each step as he walked them deep enough to be covered to the shoulder. Then he let her down.
“I hate it when you’re right,” she sighed.
Arthur laughed. “Is that so?”
“It is!” She splashed him. The water drops fell in a splatter over his face and shoulders.
He sent a little wave of water at her in revenge. In seconds they were shouting and laughing, turning the lagoon into a warzone of water weapons. It was all fun and games until Arthur went under. He swam out past her and then turned. She was watching for him to surface, but that wasn’t the plan.
Instead, he moved slowly until he was close enough to touch. And pinched her. Just a light one, enough to startle.
She let out a shriek and leapt up, half out of the water like a startled mermaid.
Arthur surfaced, laughing so hard he was almost in tears.
“That isn’t funny!”
“It is,” he grinned.
She crossed her arms. “I thought for a second that something bit me!” Her lips were set in a frown, half annoyed and half amused.
Arthur sidled close. “But luv, something did bite you . . .” He lowered his head to her neck and kissed her. His teeth grazed her skin lightly, enough to pull a sigh of longing from her lips.
Her legs wrapped around his hips, and her arms went around his shoulders. “You’re an awful tease.”
“Pot, kettle,” he muttered. With her snug against him like this, his need became a physical ache. No more play. No games. He just wanted her.
She smiled. “I never said I wasn’t . . .” She leaned down and bit his neck where at the join with his shoulder. Her little teeth were sharp for a human, but what made him gasp was the way she suckled at the bite, and licked the skin.
“Wicked,” he gasped. His wit was nowhere to be found. Gone along with all sense. He could hear the pulse of her blood. It matched his own heartbeat. Fast. Desperate.
Her smooth fingers circled his shaft under the water. Playful fingertips danced along that so-sensitive skin from root to tip and he felt - he felt as if he might burst just from that light caress. “Mmm, I guess I am . . .”
Arthur felt helpless in her grip. The water and the way she’d entwined him . . . “Is this payback,” he asked hoarsely.
“For all the times you teased me? Absolutely.” Her laugh was crystal chimes and silver bells. Sweet and saucy. “But especially for that pinch!”
She laid bare his need with her soft hands, taunted him with her lips. She used him, rubbing the head of his cock against her hard little pearl until she climaxed. And worse, slid just the tip - the tip - inside to let him feel her heat, and the shuddering pleasure he brought her.
Arthur was almost begging to be released. Every brush of her skin on his was torture, bliss, a fire in his heart and his groin. “L-luv . . . I’m . . . please . . .” He gasped as she let his shaft slide against her clit again.
She drew back and for a moment, he thought she would only tease him again but this time she sank onto him. A slow descent. The cool water replaced by her searing, tight heat.
He might have tried to draw it out, but he was savage with need. Arthur grabbed her hips and plunged deep into her, again and again. It was heaven. The silken slide of their flesh, the gasps and sighs and shivered cries, the way her nails dug into the skin on his back.
Arthur felt himself almost peak. He lowered his head to her neck and bit. The sound she made pushed him over the edge, and he knew he’d brought her there too - again. He came hard, with the sweet-copper taste of her on his lips. He would give all the riches in the world to stretch this moment into forever. Their breath mingled, joined at heart and hip, and the pure ecstasy of making love.
They got back to the mansion near dark. Hair dripping wet, both smelling of pond-water and sex. Sebastian didn’t ask any questions. Just pointed them to the baths. Arthur set his borrowed books down along with Sebastian’s bag of sundries. There would be time for reading later. Right now, he was ready for some payback of his own in the shower.
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thatshithurted8 · 4 years
Summary: In which a traumatic accident causes Rafe to change for the better.
Word Count: 4.3k
Trigger Warnings: Mention and depiction of drug use/addiction, overdose, depression and a little bit of violence.
Genre: Angst, fluff and a tiny bit of smut
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The first time Rafe Cameron laid eyes on you was at the first party of the summer at Kelce’s. You were taking shots off of a random Kooks belly button before snorting a line of coke.
The crowd around the kitchen island continued to cheer as you repeat the actions you just did mere seconds ago. Rafe gulps looking you up and down, admiring how your shirt hugged your breasts perfectly and how sexy your legs looked underneath your short skirt.
Despite being surrounded by a group of people starring at you, you could feel a certain pair of eyes on you, basically burning into the back of your head. You look around the crowded room and your eyes meet Rafe’s blue ones in the living room.
You smirk at him, but due to Rafe’s drug induced state he was suddenly panicked that you caught him starring. The blue eyed boy quickly turns around in his seat and focuses on the pile of cocaine in front of him that he was dealing.
As Rafe cuts up a line for his next customer the empty seat beside him on couch dips, signifying that someone had sat down. Rafe glances over then back to the coke then back to you who were now sitting beside him.
Anxiety washes over him and he didn’t know why. “Can I?” You ask looking between him and the white line on the table in front of you two.
“Yea.” He says, his voice betraying him and cracking a bit.
You simply giggle and pick up the rolled up one dollar bill before bringing it to your nostril and snorting the white substance. You let out a few sniffs and put the money back onto the glass table. Rafe watches as you open up your purse, but for some reason he didn’t want you to pay, even though he would get in shit with Barry. Maybe it was because he was too high or maybe it was because you were the most intoxicating girl he has ever seen, despite just seeing you for the first time.
However, you don’t pull out money for the line you just snorted. Instead you pull out two little baggies each containing a different colour of ecstasy in it. “Pick your poison.” You say smirking at the boy in front of you.
Rafe gulps the part of him that had any bit of common sense left didn’t want him to take it. The last time he had ecstasy he tripped so bad that he almost drowned in Toppers pool, claiming he saw a mermaid in it.
Even though there was still a small sensible part of Rafe still in him, he couldn’t stop himself from pointing at the blue one which was shaped as a smiley face.
“Good choice.” You say putting the other one back into your purse and opening the small baggie. Rafe watches as the blue pill falls into the palm of your hand before you bring it up to your mouth where you place it on the tip of your tongue.
Rafe furrows his eyebrows at your actions, but his confusion goes away once you pull him close to you by the collar of his shirt and kiss him. You exchange the pill from your mouth to his before pulling away and biting his bottom lip softly.
Without saying another word you grab your purse and stand up, walking away. Leaving a very turned on Rafe.
Every time Rafe was at Barry’s he was slightly intimidated and nervous since he was out of his element, but his giddiness of getting his desired drug almost always over powered the negative feelings. Almost was the key word. Rafe was having a shitty day and he just wanted his fix when he ran into you for the second time, causing his heart beat to accelerate.
As Rafe walked into Barry’s chateau his eyes darted all around, trying his best to avoid the judgmental gazes from the Pogues inside. The hate filled gazes coming from the Pogues scattered throughout the shack continued as the Kook Prince walked down the hall towards Barry’s room.
“Yo Barry!” Rafe calls out once he was standing outside of the drug dealers room, he could hear voices coming from the other side.
Shock falls over Rafe’s face when the door opens revealing you and Barry. You wink at him before turning away from the door and back to Barry to continue your conversation.
The brunette watches from his spot in the door way as you pull out a small stack of cash from your purse. You count it and hand it over to Barry who quickly counts it himself. Once he calculated that all of the money was there he turns and opens his dresser drawer, pulling out a small ziplock bag containing 4 of the pills you gave Rafe the first time you met him and another bag of weed.
“Thank you.” You say taking it from him and putting in your purse. “But what happened to the free ounce of coke you usually give me for being a loyal customer?” You ask with a smug smile. Rafe furrows his eyebrows, he’s never gotten a free ounce of coke for being a loyal customer.
Barry chuckles and smirks at you. “You were a loyal customer, but your parents shipped you off to rehab after your last incident and this is the second time I’ve seen you since then.”
You roll your eyes and nudge him playfully at him bringing up your last overdose, causing Barry to laugh. Rafe has never seen Barry so care free as you two openly flirted.
“Well don’t be upset when I find a different dealer.” You say winking at him before turning on your heel and walking out of the room, passing by Rafe who was patiently waiting his turn. As you walk by the Cameron boy takes a quick glance at your ass.
“You wouldn’t dare, you already know I’m the best in the game!” Barry calls out with a smile on his face as Rafe walks into the room, the smell of your perfume lingered.
“Who was that?” Rafe asks after hearing the screen door shut signaling you left.
“That Rafe was Y/N Y/L/N. She’s trouble.” Barry whistles with a smirk on his face, while closing the drawer to his dresser and turning towards to the brunette.
After that it seemed as if you and Rafe ran into each other everywhere. You two would acknowledge each other, but every time Rafe built up the courage to talk to you it was like you disappeared. However, the start of your friendship was surprisingly at Midsummers.
Almost instantly Rafe found you in the crowd of Kooks when him and his family walked out of the country club and into the patio area. It was actually quite hard to miss you though.
You were wearing a long black tulle dress with poufy sleeves made out of the same light fabric. It had a square neckline that reached your bellybutton and on top of your head you adorned a crown with black roses which had long sticks similar to Rafe’s step moms, coming out of them. You were the only girl there wearing something so dark, but yet still classy.
Ever since Rafe met you he has always admired how you dressed. Everyone on OBX were beach kids. Meaning their style was laid back, and then there was you. You were challenging the norms on the island just from your fashion sense.
The whole night Rafe spent admiring you from afar, pretending to listen to Topper and his problems with his annoying sister. You on the other hand didn’t even notice he was there, after all you were on your phone texting one of your friends you met in rehab when the Cameron family walked in.
It wasn’t until later in the night you finally noticed the boy in the baby blue suit who was walking into the country club towards the bar. When your eyes laid on Rafe’s figure you had to admit he looked good, hell he always did, but you weren’t interested. Your life was already fucked up and at least you had the decency to not drag anyone down with you by creating meaningful relationships.
“Can I get an old fashioned.” Rafe asks leaning up against the bar. The bartender simply nods his head before turning around to make the drink. As he waits Rafe looks around at the basically deserted bar and sees you sitting a few stools down, nursing your lemonade. It was basically the end of the night and a lot of people had already left. His heart beat quickens, but he decides to finally talk to you, seeing there was no other distractions.
“Hey.” He says softly sitting down on the stool beside you.
You look over and perk up when you see Rafe, trying your best to ignore the butterflies in your stomach. “Hey.” You simply say, allowing an awkward silence to fall over you two.
After a few moments Rafe speaks up, his hands becoming clammy. “I’m Rafe. You’re Y/N right?”
“I know who you are.” You say making direct eye contact. A blush creeps it’s way across the boys face at your words and actions. Seeing your eyes he realized that you were high. “And I think you know who I am as well.” You say with a wink before taking a sip of your lemonade, ultimately finishing it.
Just as you finish your drink the bartender comes over and places Rafe’s drink down on top of a napkin. You request another drink, but ice tea this time as your eyes fall to the alcoholic drink in front of you.
“Why didn’t you get something else?” Rafe asks with a chuckle, acknowledging your interest in his drink.
“Cause that prick over there didn’t buy my fake id.” You say nodding over to the bartender that was busy getting your drink. Rafe smiles down at you. Of course you had a fake id.
“Well lets see if it’s obviously fake or not.” The brunette suggests. In high school Rafe and some Kooks including Topper and Kelce used to make fake id’s so he knew all too well how to spot a fake one.
You sigh opening up your clutch and hand over the small card to the boy beside you once you fish it out. As your hands briefly touch during the exchange a rush of heat washes over both of you, but you try your best to ignore it.
You watched intently while Rafe analyzed your id in his large hand. For some reason it made you nervous how close he was to you.
“Well for starters you can’t smile in the picture.” He says looking back up and handing the card back over. “And Annie Position? Really?” He says with a playful smile at the fake name. When he said it out loud it sounded like he was saying ‘any position.’
“Shut up. My parents found my old one and I haven’t had enough time to get a new one that’s good.” You say with a laugh as you sheepishly put your fake id back into your clutch.
Rafe looks up at the bartender to see if he was listening, but he was distracted by Topper’s mom ordering a drink. “Well, just between you and me.” He says leaning closer to you so only you could hear him. “I used to make those, but 100 times better. I can reopen shop for you if you’d like.”
“I do anything to make my parents mad so I’m in.” You say with a smirk. Rafe smirks back at you his eyes glancing down to your lips then back up to your dilated pupils. Rafe was planning on getting high tonight, but he never got the chance due to the fact he was busy admiring you from afar.
Without realizing your breath hitches and you lean in slightly, but you are pulled away when the bartender comes back and places your ice tea on the bar. Rafe internally curses to himself, now it was going to be awkward.
But to his surprise you grab your glass off of the counter and clink it with his for a cheers before bringing it to your mouth. The fact that you seemingly didn’t let the now awkward and sexual tension between you two made Rafe even more attracted to you.
You place your glass back onto the bar beside Rafe’s, the ice cubes clinking against each other. Rafe looks down the bar to see the bartender tending to Topper’s mom once again.
Seeing as it was the perfect opportunity the brunette slowly switches his glass with yours, glancing over his shoulder every now and then. You watch with a smirk on your face as he does this. Once his drink was now in front of you he nods towards it signaling you to drink it.
“You sure?” You ask with a raised eyebrow.
“Our drinks are the same colour how’s he supposed to know? And besides I saw you basically drooling at the sight of it when I got it.”
You nudge Rafe with your elbow as a smirk crosses your face. It was a sweet gesture done by the boy who was known for not being sweet. You bring the glass to your lips and the boy is surprised, but tries to contain his laugh when you down the liquid in one go.
With a sigh and lick across your lips you place the drink down on the bar before standing up and grabbing Rafe’s hand. He instantly obliges and allows you to take him where ever you wanted.
That night you two got faded with each other on your parents huge boat. After Midsummers you two started to hang out frequently. Thus creating your strong friendship that Rafe prioritized over anything, even drugs. It wasn’t until Halloween that you guys went from friends to friends with benefits and that was when Rafe realized his true feelings for you.
Being a Kook meant you had the ability to go all out for every holiday and Halloween was no exception. So that’s what Rafe did. Seeing that his dad and Rose were on a business trip and Wheezie was at a friends house it was the perfect opportunity to throw a party.
With time you were able to convince Rafe to dress up as shark boy since you were dressing up as lava girl. Little did you know Rafe had full intentions of being shark boy to your lava girl the moment you asked him, he just liked seeing you beg.
Both you and Rafe craved control desperately as Ward controlled him while your parents did the same. So when you two stumbled into his room after snorting lines and grinding on each other for the pass hour, both of you fought for dominance of the situation.
Rafe lightly pushed you onto his bed and started to rid his body of his costume, but you instantly lean up on your knees and pull him down onto the bed before straddling him. Before he had the chance to react you crash your lips against his in a needy and lustful kiss.
As your make out session deepened you two continued to fight over who was being on top, but Rafe ultimately gives in, being too turned on to keep your guys’ little game going.
A red tint covered Rafe’s face while you rode him, your fuchsia wig still on your head and surprising perfectly in tact. Your make up was smudged, but Rafe couldn’t care less.
The way you felt around his cock was intoxicating. He places his hands on your hips to help guide you while his back rested against his headboard, but Rafe forgot that you were the one in control.
Almost instantly you move his hands up to your exposed chest and he squeezes your breasts in return, causing a moan to fall from your mouth. Even though he wasn’t in control, hearing you moan still gave him satisfaction that he was helping you get off.
You keep your hands on top of his as you continue to bounce up and down, the headboard was hitting against the wall mercilessly, but neither of you two seemed to care. You lift up off of Rafe’s cock, leaving you empty before slamming back down and bouncing again. This causes you to throw your head back, a pornographic moan leaving your mouth while your one hand found it’s way around Rafe’s neck.
Squeezing slightly around Rafe’s neck you grind your hips back and forth. The combination of your pink wig, pink garters, your dominance and you choking him sent Rafe into over drive. He starts to thrust his hips up into you, meeting yours half way, causing your skin to slap together.
Both of you could feel the coils in your stomachs begin to snap and as they did Rafe seemingly had an epiphany while he watched you come undone on top of him.
He was in love with you.
Over the past few months Rafe became a frequent faucet at your house and you at his. With that being said it wasn’t a surprise when your older sister opened the front door to find Rafe on the other side.
“You know where she is.” Your sister says with an annoyed huff before returning to her kids that were painting in the dining room. Rafe knew what she meant and walked through the house to the door leading to the backyard.
Even though Rafe has only met your parents and older siblings a few times he wasn’t a fan of them. Not only did they remind him of his parents and sister they treated you like shit. You were the black sheep of the family compared to them. Although you have tried to clean up your act to appease them similar to the way Rafe has done before, nothing you did would make them happy. You were a failure in their eyes. But how could you compete when your siblings are so successful they could buy half of figure 8? Rafe knew the feeling of being the disappointment of the family all too well. That’s one of the reasons why you two clicked so well, you guys related to each other.
As he walked outside into the backyard he heard your sister talking to her husband about how you need to go to university or college. Rafe scoffs at this knowing that even if you did go to post-secondary school they would still find a way to ridicule you. It also didn’t help that you were home schooled most of your life.
Rafe mumbles to himself about how shitty your family is as he walks down to the pier and past your brother and dad talking about a business deal to where your family’s yacht was docked. You had the tendency of staying there when you’ve gotten into a fight with your parents or when you simply wanted to get high without being caught.
The brunette wipes his clammy hands on his pants as he steps on board. Every time he was with you, you had the same effect on him. He makes his way inside and instantly freezes once he walks inside.
On the ground in front of him you laid unconscious a package of coke scattered on the floor beside you. Immediately he rushes to your side and shakes you.
“Y/N wake up!” He yells, but you remain unconscious with your eyes closed and the dust of the white powder sticking to the skin around your nose.
Rafe continues to shake your seemingly lifeless body, but when he continues to get no response he runs onto the outside part of the boat to get help. “Help someone help!” He yells causing the vein in his neck to stick out.
The brunette quickly gets your dads and brothers attention and they’re making their way over when he runs back inside to you. Seconds later your dad and brother rush inside causing Rafe to turn to look at them.
“Someone call 911!” He yells as tears threatened to spill. Listening to Rafe’s commands your brother fishes his phone out of his pocket to call the emergency number while your dad joined Rafe on the floor.
Your father calmly moves your hair out of the way and places two fingers against your neck to find your pulse. Rafe watches intensely as he does this, it felt like an eternity later when your dad finally had a reaction to finding your pulse or not.
However, the expression that fell over your fathers face was not what he wanted. He slowly moves his hand away from your body with a deep sigh before bringing his hand up to cup his mouth. By now your mom, sister and brother in law had joined to see what all the commotion was about.
“What Mark?” Your mom screams and Rafe watches as your dad simply shakes his head no.
“She’s gone.” He says sadly, causing your mom to shriek while your sister began to be consoled by her husband.
“No no no!” Rafe yells turning back to you, caressing your cheek. “Come on Y/N wake up! You’re okay! Please wake up you’re all I have!” The Cameron boy cries as your mom and sister began to sob into each others arms.
As the paramedics came aboard the boat they escorted Rafe and your family out, but Rafe felt as if he was experiencing an out of body experience. This couldn’t be real, it had to be a fucked up dream he was having. Suddenly his breathing becomes laboured as he takes in the surroundings of your backyard. Your family huddled together as the paramedics prepared your lifeless body for the stretcher.
Seeing you be rolled out on a stretcher in a body bag sent Rafe over the edge. It was the last straw to cause his world to come tumbling down. Without thinking about the consequences of his actions Rafe storms over to your trembling father who seemed genuinely upset before punching him square in the face. The force of the punch caused Rafe’s hand to crack so he knew he did damage, but yet he still felt nothing.
Your family screams at him as your father, Mark stumbles back and clutches his now bleeding and probably broken nose.
“This is your fault! All of you! If you weren’t so hard on her she wouldn’t have turned to drugs. You guys killed her!” He yells his voice going hoarse as more tears streamed down his red face.
“What the fuck is wrong with you man?” Your brother in law asks standing up to Rafe, but the brunette doesn’t take this threat well and punches him in the eye causing him to stumble back much like your father mere seconds ago.
Tired of Rafe’s bullshit your brother leaves your dads aide and walks over to the young adult and punches him square in the nose, his knuckles grazing his eye. Rafe stumbles back and trips over a rock causing him to fall to the ground.
Rafe didn’t bother to get up, instead he remained laying on the ground with his tears and blood rushing down his face. He was familiar with feeling numb, but the numbness your death brought on could never amount to the emptiness he has felt before. This was a whole new ball park of feeling hopeless and empty.
A sigh escapes Rafe’s mouth as he sits in his parked suv. He looked at the building in front of him and debated on whether he should go in or not. The past few days have been extremely hard.
Your funeral was yesterday, but Rafe wasn’t invited after the stunt he pulled by punching your dad and brother law in the face. Because of that he stood from a far as your body was lowered into the ground. He wasn’t able to give you a proper goodbye, but the Pogues who barely know you and Barry the person who fed you the drugs were invited. And now you were laid to rest six feet under after your heart stopped working.
It wasn’t fair. Your parents and siblings are the reason why you turned to drugs. They always found a way to degrade you. Hell they were the reason for your first overdose. In fact the first time your plan was to not wake up. Rafe was seemingly the only person that understood you for who you were and still loved you unconditionally. And you did the same for him. The Cameron boy hasn’t felt that type of love from someone since his mom died when he was 10.
Rafe looks down at his hands in his lap, his wrist was adorned with one of the bracelets you made him. It was red and black, both of you guys’ favourite colours and you added beads that said ‘fuck buddies.’
With a sigh Rafe grabs his phone and keys before getting out of the car and walking into the building he has sat in front of for the last hour. He opens the large door, his hands becoming clammy and he wanted to turn back and leave, but he knew you would want him to do this.
The brunette is greeted by a kind and warm looking lady sitting behind a receptionist desk. “Hi, how may I help you?” She asks with a bright and welcoming smile. Her smile in a way reminded him of yours.
“Hi, uh this is a rehab facility for drug users right?”
“Yes it is. Do you or anyone one you know want to be admitted?”
Rafe stuffs his hands in his pants pockets and starts to rock back and forth on his feet. “I would like to please.”
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youarejesting · 3 years
Wash out.5 (special)
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Banner: this banner is made by me. the rest are mde by the lovely @purpleskies1999​ ​ Pairings: Dolphintrainer!Taehyung x SharkDiver!Jin,  Mer!Jimin x Reader, Scientist!Namjoon x MerKing!Jungkook, Mer!Yoongi x Mer!Hoseok. Words: 1.1k Genre: Mystery, Romance, Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, little bit of Action, Slice of life, Enemies2Lovers, Friends2lovers, Social media au, Fake Texts, Fake Subs.
Summary: Taehyung and his best friend Y/N are Dolphin trainers at Wash Out; Marine Wildlife and Theme Park. When the nerdy marine biologist and resident veterinarian Doctor Kim Namjoon goes missing; the two friends form a ragtag team with Taehyung’s rival Seokjin and a…. Fish?
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Shaking listening to the water patter onto the tiles, you gently grasped your tender throat. He was scared. He didn’t mean it. You shivered and tried to breathe slowly as your throat was bruised. Drying yourself and dressing in a new swimsuit and some jean shorts you hesitantly from the locker room. Seokjin was still quiet listening to Taehyung explain he was going to take him home. 
You didn’t have time to worry about being left alone when the CEO who you had recently found out was named Robert Schmidt stepped over his shiny bald head hidden behind a bad toupee. He spoke in that authoritative tone, “You made the Mermaid listen to you just then, so I want you to establish a better relationship with him, if everything works out, he will be making me money in no time.”
Dolly was swimming slowly around her tank splashing the older male and you nodded. Sitting with your back to the merman’s tank, trying not to look back in fear he would be there. Watching a video on dolphin birth and you were trying to understand it you opened the tank divider between Dolly’s tank and the shallow tank that would come up to your belly button. This made it easier to help her, and get in with her if there was a problem. The only issue being it was directly against the other tank with him. The two tanks were connected by the shallow tank.
You watched over Dolly feeding her and trying to hold her stomach and she enjoyed it when you were supporting her tummy, it took the weight off for her. During the night you were almost asleep when you heard a knock and looked up to see the merman looking at Dolly. She looked tired. You gave her more food and saw the Merman watching. You offered him some fish but he blanched as if he didn’t like the fish in particular. Thinking perhaps you could find out what he ate you ran off to get a chart of all the available fish. It wasn’t the best method but pointing at the pictures and watching his face was all you could think of.
His eyes grew wide and a slight smile appeared when you pointed at the tuna. Bingo! Going to the food supply tanks you collected three large tuna and you took the bucket up to the catwalk. Your head was spinning as you placed the bucket down, involuntarily touching your throat. Dropping to your knees you took a fish in your hands the fish wiggled and you dipped your hands into the water and that’s when it happened. You were bitten on the wrist flailing back you kicked the bucket of fish and scrambled off the catwalk the blood was flowing as you ran down the stairs.
Cradling your arm against your chest the blood running down your elbow, you went to the small first aid kit in the corner and began wrapping the wound and wiping your tears. You laid back down on the makeshift bed by Dolly’s tank before falling asleep. 
The next morning you cleaned up showered and changed clothes and bandage, hoping that if you were clean and looked okay Taehyung wouldn’t notice. You fed Dolly and waited patiently for someone to arrive. There was a knock on the tank and you tried to ignore it when he knocked again, you went off to collect his fish you decided to get five not knowing how much he needed to eat. You came back with the bucket in hand and his eyes were on it.
Robert stopped you and from going up to the catwalk and took the bucket away dragging you by your injured wrist “Is it eating?” He asked excitedly.
“He is eating yes,” You nodded wincing before he finally let go.
“He is, good, good,” You eyed the tank to see an annoyed Merman, looking back you saw the look on Robert’s face, it didn’t look nice at all. “He doesn’t eat until he cooperates”
“Sir, I don’t know how he will respond, he doesn’t understand,” You reached for the bucket and he gripped your wrist until you cried out falling to your knees. “I understand, sir.”
“Excellent,” He walked off with the bucket and you looked at the bandage bleeding through and you sat by dolly’s tank and cleaned your wound and rebandaged it. Tap. Tap. Tap. Looking up you saw the Merman looking at you through the glass.
He tapped again and you hung your head and you tapped three times back and he watched you confused and you pointed to Robert who was telling everyone to sit down. When he asked for volunteers to work with the Merman, you raised your hand, Robert already wanted you to be in charge of him but you wanted to make sure he didn’t kick you out. 
“It is settled then,” Robert smiled, you texted Taehyung asking him to distract Mister Schmidt somewhere outside the warehouse for as long as he could. Taehyung was quick to make up something about a dangerous step that could cause the park to be liable if a visitor were to trip or slip on it. You tapped twice on the glass and ran. 
You moved the camera in the corner to face the wall and raced to the supply tanks grabbing a Tuna in your hands and running back, up the catwalk and dropping it in.
You ran back down not wanting to be caught and watched him devour the fish quickly, you were thankful he was so hungry. He tapped again but you looked at the doors prompting him to look as well and the CEO in all his suited glory stepped back in. “Just get some tape and put a sign, if they slip it in our rules that any falls are at the park goers own risk”
Another three taps from the merman made you tap back one singular and definite no. You wanted him to understand one meant no and two meant yes. Robert stepped over and looked at you, and up at the merman behind you.
“He seems to really like you,” He grinned, “Can’t say I blame him, if you can get him to cooperate, I can give you a promotion. I know it can be scary the big powerful CEO, but I want you to think of me as just Mister Schmidt”
He placed his arm around your shoulder and you felt sick and nodded, stepping aside, “I should start working with him.” You smiled and slipped from his presence and headed up the catwalk rather facing an angry man-fish than a creepy boss.
Stopping over the water, a head emerged. Concealed from the nose down so that his gold eyes could bore into yours. It was kind of cool to see him like this the way his eyes blinked twice, a clear membrane that slid across his eyes one way, and then his primary eyelid which functioned just like yours.
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Tags: @backinblack1967​  @miriamxsworld​​ ​ @moccahobi​
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thelastspeecher · 3 years
Egg Stan Origins
In my notes earlier today, I saw that someone had liked one of my Egg Stan ficlets, and I decided to reread said ficlet.  And then before I knew it, I was writing stuff for the Egg Stan AU, because I can’t control myself.  So here, have...whatever this is.
              Ford slowly drifted back to wakefulness.  As he opened his eyes, a fish darted across his field of vision.
              Shit!  I’m underwater!  Panicking, Ford began to swim for the surface, before realizing that he wasn’t drowning.  He let himself sink back to the ocean floor.  Why can I breathe underwater?  He held out his hands to inspect them.  His mouth went dry.  Thin, red webbing stretched between his twelve fingers.  He looked down at his legs.  Or rather, where his legs used to be.  In their place was a large, extravagant tail with golden scales and red fins.
              “Fuck,” he whispered.  He ran a hand through his hair.
              I’m- I’m a merman?  How did that happen?  He racked his brain, desperate for answers.  The creature!  The last thing he remembered was being on the ship, with a massive sea serpent bearing down upon them.  When the serpent opened its mouth to spray venom at him, Stan had jumped in front of him to act as a shield.  Stanley!
              “Oh no, oh no, oh no,” Ford muttered, frantically looking around for his twin.  There weren’t any other mermen in the vicinity.
              Maybe he avoided this fate?  Doubtful.  Ford’s eyes landed on what looked like a large fish egg, partially buried in the sand. He swam over, rendered clumsy by his new tail, and gently lifted the egg from the sand.  The egg was red but transparent, allowing him to see the very young mer curled up within.  Is this- is this Stan?
              “No.  That’s not possible.”  Ford spoke aloud in an attempt to convince himself.  The mer in the egg suddenly twisted around, revealing its face.  Ford’s heart plummeted.  The mer had a face he recognized well.  No one outside their family had that large, ruddy nose.  “Stanley…”  Ford held the egg close to his chest, panic rising.
              Stan’s been turned into a mer child still in utero. I’m fully grown, but a merman. What am I supposed to do? Suddenly, his ears picked up the sound of voices in the distance.  He swallowed nervously.  I’m not one to typically ask for help, but I don’t really have a choice, do I? Ford swam towards the voices.  As he got closer, he saw the source – a young merman and mermaid, probably related, judging by their similar features.
              “Excuse me,” Ford called.  The merman and mermaid changed course, swimming over to him.  “I- I need some help.”
              “Why aren’t ya speakin’ Mermish?” the merman asked in thickly accented English.  His tail was a burnt orange, contrasting with his dark hair.
              “I wasn’t aware that merfolk had their own language,” Ford said.  The merman and mermaid looked doubtfully at each other.  “I- I’m human, you see, and-”
              “Uh, if you were a former human, you’d have a belly button,” said the merman, sounding suspicious.  Ford looked down.  His jaw dropped.
              “What the-”  He stared at the completely smooth skin where his belly button had previously been located.  “I don’t- I don’t know how that happened.”
              “Who’s this lil feller?” the mermaid cooed, peering at the egg Stan was in.  Her accent was just as thick as the merman’s.  She and the merman had the same large nose, but her hair was caramel-colored, matching her pale yellow tail.
              “My twin brother.  What happened to make me like this, it- somehow it affected him more severely and-”
              “What’s a twin?” the merman asked.
              “A sibling born at the same time as you.”
              “Yer claimin’ this cutie is from the same clutch you hatched from?” the mermaid asked.
              “Yes?  No? Look, I don’t understand your mer terminology, I’m human!” Ford burst out.  The merman and mermaid exchanged a concerned look.
              “It’s okay,” the mermaid said soothingly.  She held out her hands.  “I can take yer brother so’s ya can swim better.”
              “No!”  Ford held Stan’s egg even tighter.  Stan swirled around in the egg.  Alarm flashed in the mermaid’s eyes.
              “Okay, okay,” she said.  “I won’t take ‘im.  But I think that it might be best if ya come with us to our house, at least fer the night. It’ll get dark soon.  The guppy eels come out when the light fades.”
              “G-guppy eels?” Ford stammered.
              “They eat eggs ‘n guppies,” the merman said. Ford’s heart leapt into his throat. “Are ya goin’ to come with us, stranger?”  Ford swallowed.
              “I don’t really have any other choice,” he mumbled.  The merman patted him on the back.
              “That’s the spirit.  Don’t worry, we’ve got plenty of room fer the both of ya.”
              By the time Ford and the merfolk arrived at their destination, a large underwater cliff face, he was exhausted.  Not just physically, though the swim had been more taxing than he expected.  He was also mentally weary from the immense amount of information he’d learned from the merfolk.  Apparently, humans did turn into mers on rare occasions, but when they did, they kept their belly buttons.  In addition, mer eggs were laid in massive clutches and kept in something called a “guppy basket”.  His hosts had assured him that they had a guppy basket where Stan could go.
              But he’s not leaving my sight.  The merman, whose name was Lute, looked at Ford with some amusement.
              “Yer a bit out of shape, ain’t ya?” he asked. The mermaid, who was named Angie, punched him.
              “Be nice,” she chided.  Ford’s initial assessment of the two being related was correct; they were siblings.
              Not just siblings.  Clutch-mates.  From what Lute and Angie had told him, clutch-mate seemed to be the closest mer analog to a twin.  Clutch-mates were siblings that hatched from the same clutch of eggs, though they sometimes hatched days apart.  
              “I’ll go alert the folks we’ve got a guest,” Lute said.  He opened a door into the cliff that Ford hadn’t seen and ducked inside.  Ford looked askance at Angie.
              “It’s an optical illusion thing,” she said with a shrug.  “Unless ya know where the entrance is, ya can’t find it.”  Of the two siblings, she seemed the kinder and gentler, taking what Ford said at face value.  Unlike her brother.
              Though she could just be humoring me.  I’m fairly certain they think I’m having some sort of nervous breakdown.  Angie smiled at Ford, then opened the door.  I’ll take humoring me over mocking me.
              “C’mon on in,” she said.  Ford reluctantly swam inside.  He was in a pleasantly homey living room that, if it weren’t underwater, could be mistaken for belonging to a human family.  Potted plants lazily swayed from small currents.  A middle-aged merman and mermaid sat on a couch, speaking with Lute.
              Presumably, these are Angie and Lute’s parents. One of the many things he’d been told during the swim was that merfolk lived with their parents until they had a mate, after which they would find their own place to live.  As unmated merfolk, Angie and Lute had yet to move out. Lute was a carbon copy of his father, with the exception of his tail color; his father’s tail was blue.  Angie looked exactly like her mother, down to her tail color, but had her father’s large nose.
              “This must be the poor young man you found,” said their mother, catching sight of Ford.  She got up from the couch and swam over to him.  “Hmm…”  She looked him up and down.  “What’s your name, son?”
              “S-Stanford Pines.”
              “That’s not a mer surname,” the mother commented idly, still looking at Ford with a thoughtful gaze.  “But it is a human one.”  She smiled. “Let me introduce myself.  My name is Sally MerGucket, but if ya like, ya can call me Mrs. MerGucket.”
              “Mrs. MerGucket,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket nodded.
              “My mate Mearl is on the couch.”  Mr. MerGucket smiled warmly at Ford.  “It looks like you could use a guppy basket fer that egg.”
              “No, he’s going to stay with me,” Ford said firmly.
              “Of course he will,” Mrs. MerGucket said, sounding surprised.  “The basket will go in the same room ya sleep in.”
              “Come with me, dear.  I’ll show you to yer room fer the night.”  Mrs. MerGucket took Ford’s hand and led him out of the living room, down a hall, and into what was clearly a guest bedroom of sorts.  Under normal circumstances, Ford would ask a million questions about the furniture in the room, particularly the bed, with a frame made of what appeared to be living coral.
              I don’t feel much like asking questions right now, though.  Ford looked down at Stan’s egg.  Through the membrane, he could see Stan sucking his thumb.  Mom always hated when he did that.
              “Stanford.”  Ford looked up.  Mrs. MerGucket sat on the edge of the bed.  She patted the bed.  “Sit with me.”  Reluctantly, Ford swam over and sat next to her.  “May I?”  Mrs. MerGucket held out her hands.  Ford shook his head, keeping Stan close.  “That’s quite all right.”
              “You don’t believe me, do you?” Ford asked quietly. “That I used to be human.  Your children certainly don’t.”
              “Yes, they’re convinced that ya hit yer head,” Mrs. MerGucket said.  “They were worried fer yer health, as well as the health of the egg, since a confused guardian ain’t a safe one.”
              “You’re dodging the question.”
              “I didn’t mean to.”  Mrs. MerGucket sighed.  “Stanford, I believe ya.”  Ford’s head whipped up.  He stared at her.  “I suspect my children would, too, if they weren’t used to human behaviors.”  Ford frowned.
              “What do you mean?” he asked.  Mrs. MerGucket gestured to her torso.  Ford’s eyes widened.  Unlike her mate and children, Mrs. MerGucket had a belly button.  “You’re…”
              “Yes.  I used to be human.  Since I helped to raise my children, they don’t realize yer behaviors ‘n tendencies ‘re human through ‘n through.  But I’ve spent enough time among merfolk to tell ya used to be human, too.”  Mrs. MerGucket looked at Ford thoughtfully.  “Well.  Either that, or ya were raised by humans.  But I suspect you’d be a tad more traumatized, were that the case.”
              “I’m feeling fairly traumatized at the moment,” Ford mumbled.  Mrs. MerGucket put her hand on his shoulder.
              “Son, you can stay here as long as ya like, okay?”
              “I just want things to be the way they were yesterday,” Ford whispered.
              “I understand.  Unfortunately, I ain’t sure whether there’s a way to do that.  But we’ll do our best to help.  Once we hear yer story from ya, rather than from Lute, we’ll have a better idea of what happened to ya.  But that can wait until you’ve had some rest.  You ‘n that lil egg have been through a lot today.”
              “Yes,” Ford said, his voice breaking.  “We have.”
              “I’ll bring ya the guppy basket to put the egg in, okay?  And once that’s done, ya can get some sleep.”  Ford nodded woodenly.  Mrs. MerGucket left the room.
              “Stanley,” Ford whispered helplessly to the egg that had been his brother.  “What- what are we going to do?”  Stan offered no answers, merely curling up tightly within his egg.
              Stan’s egg rocked back and forth within the guppy basket.
              “Be patient,” Ford chided as he combed his hair. He’d learned the hard way that if he didn’t comb regularly, small crustaceans would take up residence in his thick curls.  After spending a few months with the MerGuckets, he felt more or less settled as a merman.
              At the very least, I feel less like a fish out of water.  Ford managed a small smile at the almost pun.  Every day, he learned more about merfolk and mer society from the MerGuckets.  They had yet to determine what sea creature had transformed him and Stan, however, and as a result, were no closer to reversing the process.  I suspect Mrs. MerGucket was right.  What happened to us can’t be remedied.  His good mood evaporated.  Stanley and I are stuck.  Said stuck egg abruptly rolled in the basket.
              “I told you to calm down,” Ford said, swimming over.  He wasn’t sure how much Stan was aware of in the egg, nor how much he would recall when hatched, but couldn’t shake the habit of talking to the egg like nothing had changed.  Like Stan was still his stubborn, adult self.  “I’ll put you in the sling in a moment.”  The egg rolled again.  “Fine!” Ford grabbed the egg sling off his dresser and put it on.  While it was impossible to carry an entire clutch in an egg sling, merfolk used them to keep close eggs they were concerned about.
              Luckily, I only have one egg, so transporting the full clutch isn’t an issue.  Ford froze. No.  Did I just- did I just think of Stan as being my child?
              “Everything all right in here?” a voice asked.  Ford looked over his shoulder.  Fiddleford treaded water in the doorway, smiling at him. A few days after Ford came to the MerGucket home, Fiddleford, Angie and Lute’s older brother, had returned home from an internship.  Very quickly, Fiddleford had become Ford’s favorite of the MerGucket children. Angie was kind and quite brilliant, but rambunctious in a way that reminded Ford of Stan and was thus painful to be around for long.  Lute was abrasive and curt, and still didn’t seem convinced Ford was telling the truth.
              Fiddleford, however, was gentle and warm, with an intellect to rival Ford’s.  The fact that Fiddleford was obsessed with human culture, and thus fascinated by Ford’s stories, only served to deepen their connection.
              “Yes, everything’s quite all right,” Ford said. He carefully placed Stan’s egg in the sling.  “Stan’s just being difficult this morning.”  Fiddleford swam over, frowning.
              “He’s just an egg.  How could he be difficult?”
              “Oh, he’s been moving around a lot.”
              “He…”  Fiddleford’s eyes widened.  “How long has this been goin’ on?”
              “A couple of days.  Why?”
              “Stanford, eggs start movin’ when they’re gettin’ ready to hatch,” Fiddleford said gently.  Ford’s mouth dropped open.  “I reckon ya might want to put the egg back in the basket.”  Numb, Ford did as he was told, removing Stan’s egg from the sling and gently setting it inside the guppy basket.  The egg began to rock and roll in earnest.  Finally, a tiny hand punched through the egg’s membrane.
              “He’s…” Ford whispered.  His voice failed him as he watched a newborn mer crawl through the hole.  “He’s…”
              “Quite the looker,” Fiddleford said quietly. The newborn mer, with fins and scales a drab green color, scrunched up his face and began to cry.
              “What- what do I-” Ford asked desperately. Fiddleford scooped up the newborn mer and gently placed him in the egg sling Ford still wore.
              “Newborn guppies like to be held,” Fiddleford said.
              Right.  Mer children are referred to as guppies.  And they don’t get their mature scale and fin colors until adolescence.  Ford stared down at the guppy curled up in the sling.  He was the spitting image of old family pictures of Stan.  Which makes sense, given that he is Stan.  Ford hesitantly stroked the guppy’s cheek. The guppy leaned into the movement with a soft crooning sound.  …Is he?
              “Is somethin’ wrong?” Fiddleford asked hesitantly.
              “I…”  Ford swam over to his bed and sat down.  Fiddleford followed, sitting next to him.  “I think that some part of me expected the Stan I knew to hatch from the egg. That he would be himself, with all his memories and quirks, but…a child.”  His voice began to quiver.  “That obviously isn’t the case.  He’s my brother, but not- not really.  Despite my best attempts, I’ve lost him.”
              “Don’t think of it that way,” Fiddleford said. He placed his hand on Ford’s shoulder. “Think of it as him gettin’ a fresh start.  Ya told me how yer pa wasn’t kind.”
              “No, he wasn’t.”
              “Well then, this is a chance fer him to get the kind of father he didn’t get the first time,” Fiddleford said gently. Ford swallowed.
              “…Yes.  I- I suppose you’re right.”  He removed the guppy from the sling to nestle in his arms.  The guppy looked up at him with curious brown eyes.  Ford carefully removed stray bits of egg from the guppy’s thick, brown curls.  “Hello.” The guppy cocked his head, interested. Ford held him close.  “It’s good-” he started.  His voice gave out.  He took a deep breath and tried again.  “It’s good to see you again, Stanley.”
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