#I think I’m getting better at it as I’m progressing
khaleesiofalicante · 24 hours
Lunch hours are for gossip and chit-chat for other employees. But lunch hours with Asmodeus are always about brainstorming. The ideas keep getting worse every time. 
“What if I pay someone to do it?” The man asks him this time. 
“That’s prostitution, sir,” Alec notes. “It’s illegal.”
Asmodeus scoffs at that, the same way he does with all of Alec’s feedback. “Alright. What if I tell him that I have cancer and that this is my dying wish?”
“Illegal,” Alec says again, not even bothering to look up from his Kung Pao Chicken. 
“Okay, what about this? I think this idea has real merit. It might actually work out,” Asmodeus tells him, a little giddily. “What if I make one of those dating profiles, you know the ones kids use these days, and I pretend to be Magnus and then strike up a conversation with someone and-”
“Identity theft and impersonation,” Alec interrupts before the man can proceed any further. “Also illegal.”
“Ugh, everything is illegal in this bloody country!” Asmodeus throws up his hands in frustration. 
Alec chuckles at that and shakes his head. “Why is it so important that Magnus gets married?”
“Because he needs someone!” Asmodeus says seriously. “He is very good at being alone, that boy of mine. I don’t want him to get used to it.”
“Some people are better off alone,” Alec shrugs, mostly thinking of himself. 
“This is honestly all my fault,” Asmodeus sighs now. “I never should’ve let him be an only child.”
Alec points his fork at the older man, swallowing his food down. “Here’s an idea for you. Why don’t you build a time machine, go back in time, and have more children?”
Asmodeus hums that. “Considering the process that leads to children, I have no objections to making love to my dear-”
“I am begging you to not finish that sentence,” Alec groans into his chicken.
Asmodeus sighs again. “Do you know what’s sad? I might have more success in building a time machine than convincing Magnus to get married.”
“Maybe if you have a time machine, you’ll find a new hobby other than trying to convince your son to get married,” Alec says dryly. 
“I don't have a choice, Alec!” Asmodeus huffs seriously. “I’m old! I don’t have a lot of time!”
“You’re not even sixty,” Alec rolls his eyes at the theatrics. 
“I’m 57,” Asmodeus informs gravely. “Do you know what that is in tortoise years? 228! That’s a lot of years.”
“Why would you compare yourself to a tortoise?” Alec asks incredulously. 
“Because that’s my emotional support animal,” Asmodeus informs sagely. “Magnus made me do a BuzzFeed quiz.”
Alec puts his face in his hands. “Oh God.”
“So,” Asmodeus says pointedly. “What do you think?”
“I think I need to start having lunch in the cafeteria,” Alec replies, wondering if he should take up Maia’s offer to join their table. 
“So, that’s a no to identity theft then?” Asmodeus frowns.
Work in Progress Wednesdays: Only Fools Rush In
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icycoldninja · 1 day
Can you write a reader with the DMC boys who’s mostly very chill but she actually have repressed anger issues built up due to past traumas of not being able to express her emotions properly without being “lectured” and overall, she’s been neglected almost her entire life without her actually realizing it. She thought that her parents giving her money to spend is enough love but throughout the process of loving the boys, she found out that love can be more than that and her parents may not have properly loved her the way she thought. It’s only when she’s in a relationship with them does she realize how neglected she was,
as early in the relationship, she’s pretty withdrawal from affection, flinching when they gave her physical affection, finding herself hard to set boundaries and voice out her thoughts and refusing to let them do things for her as she believes that if she let them do it, they’ll find her bothersome. On top of that, she kinda has a mindset of not being too attached to them as she thinks that if they ever cheat on her or broke her heart, she wouldn’t be too heartbroken abt it. Now with the relationship progressing, she’s starting to become better but it’s still there somehow
They found out when they saw the reader, who was very fearful of demons (think of her fearfulness similar to that of Kobeni in Chainsaw man) but can get extremely violent moments later when the demon she was avoiding suddenly got beaten into a bloody pulp with her baseball bat
Basically going from “I’m sorry mother, I have failed you as your daughter and you have failed me as my mother. I hope you’ll never forgive me” to “Fucking die! You shitheads, no one shall ever leave this room alive!!”
P/S: Her parents are not abusive, it’s just that her father was barely available throughout her childhood and her mother do not know how to love her properly and is not aware that the reason her daughter barely wants to keep contact with her is due to her past trauma
OK, got it! Here ya go and enioy!
Sparda boys + V x Reader with repressed anger issues headcannons
¤ Dante ¤
-Dante found you to be a pleasant challenge. You were uptight, physically and emotionally distant, cold, mean, and extremely reluctant to open your heart to anyone.
-He didn't mind though; Dante was certain that with time, he'd manage to worm his way into your heart and get you to accept your relationship for what it was: true love.
-Upon learning of how you were forced to bottle up your emotions, Dante was outraged. Not at you, at your parents. Why would they deny your the right to express yourself fully? No wonder you were like this. From that point on, Dante made sure to encourage you to say what was on your mind, regardless of whether it was positive or not.
-Dante is always showering you with attention and kind words, making sure you're doing alright every other hour. It really made you think about how you were raised, and how your childhood seemed so deprived of love compared to now.
-You started opening up more to Dante, as a result, sharing your true thoughts and allowing yourself to feel more emotions.
-When Dante took you with him on a mission for the first time, he was shocked to see how you reacted to seeing a real life demon. At first you were crying, laughing, mumbling to yourself like an insane person, the next, you'd pulled out a baseball bat and bashed the thing into a bloody pulp.
-Dante's respect for you rocketed into the stars after that incident, but he makes sure to keep you away from demons unless it's absolutely necessary.
■ Vergil ■
-Vergil didn't mind your physical and emotional distance, as well as your stubbornness to remain independent. He reasoned all this stemmed from trauma, and as someone with these exact same issues, he understood.
-He would never pressure you into revealing things about yourself; all would come in due time. He would simply sit there and read quietly. If you wanted to talk, he would listen. If not, then he would mind his own business.
-He was still very protective of you when you were in public, as prying eyes and gawking strangers never did sit right with him.
-At some point you chose to tell him about how you'd always been told to disguise your emotions and keep them bottled up inside. Vergil found it odd that your own parents would tell you to do this, but since he himself did the very same thing, he didn't say much about it.
-He does want you to know you can express yourself however you feel around him--within reason, of course.
-He was understandably surprised when he witnessed the way you freaked out over demons. First you're cowering, crying and muttering gibberish to yourself, the next, you're screaming and terrifyingly violent as you bash the demon's skull in.
-Vergil realized that if you could actively control this reaction, you'd do very well in battle. Still, he should keep you away from any and all hellish threats from now on.
□ Nero □
-Nero found you rather difficult to get along with since you rejected any and all help from him and was always cold and mean.
-Still, he loved you and tried his best to keep you happy. Since you preferred to do everything yourself, he'd let you do everything yourself.
-He attempted to initiate conversation with you at every chance he got, even if you rudely brushed him off. As long as he kept trying, he was sure you'd let him in eventually.
-Your reluctance to get attached to him was more than obvious; it made Nero sad to think you believed he'd so much as consider abandoning you. He made sure to tell you that he loves you and that he'll stay with you forever, every single day.
-Thanks to his constant reminders, you've let yourself relax around him, and even though you're still somewhat tense, you don't flinch when he hugs you and don't reject him when he tries to kiss you.
-Watching you freak out over demons was no pleasant experience either. He'd never seen someone have such a complete mood switch in such a short amount of time. One moment you look like you're on the verge of a breakdown and the next, you're violent enough to become a demon yourself.
-Your anger issues are scary, but not nearly as bad as Nero's, so the plus side is you two can lash out at the world together.
● V ●
-V (being part of Vergil) understands that trauma makes one extremely distant, both physically and emotionally, so he tries to not let that get to him.
-He wants you to understand that he will never leave you, cheat on you, or hurt you in anyway. He loves you and only you, and it's gonna be that way forever.
-Even though you're audibly against it, V will come up and hold you whenever he feels like it, burying his face into your shoulder, pressing kisses to your neck, wrapping his lanky arms around your waist, the lot.
-You might groan and complain, but eventually you get used to it, and then you just kinda melt into his touch. This is good. It means his plan to coax you out of your shell is working.
-He does let you do what you want on your own, but makes sure to remind you that you are not a burden, especially when he can barely walk around on his own two feet.
-When you guys went on a mission together and he got to see you having what looked like a full on breakdown because of one demon, V grew very worried. Had a hidden phobia just been triggered?
-Then he saw you whack the sorry creature with a baseball bat you apparently conjured into existence and was reassured that all this was just a productive of your supressed anger issues--which was fine. He could work with that.
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dkakapizzaboy · 2 years
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The Duality of Seventeen (Part 4/13 hopefully): The8 (Minghao) Edition
Please reblog if you like it! :)
Please don’t repost.
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seveneyesoup · 6 months
ngl i’m still worried. like i Do have complete faith in ncuti gatwa but what i Don’t have is much faith at all in rtd’s writing about race
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whitmore · 9 months
really actually kind of enjoy how the big lore moments are sort of quiet on a singular stream (or a small group!) instead of the events solely being the lore; i think there would be this hesitation to develop anything solo if the server reinforced this idea that Big Lore could only happen during scheduled events and days. instead the more narrative-progressing moments (take the baghera hybrid experiments revelation or the philza birdnapping for recent example) are very low-key and almost unhyped up— there’s no expectation for that kind of lore necessarily at the time which makes it more rewarding to experience as a viewer. big fan of how they do the events as player bonding time rather than serious narrative progression because it allows all the players (especially the ones who don’t engage in the rp side that much) to participate and get to know each another more; it’s very neat it’s really smart it’s nicely executed
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hanzajesthanza · 1 year
it kind of bothers me that witcher fans don’t really unite under sapkowski’s name like other fans of fantasy authors do (e.g. “tolkien fans”).
in practically any other fandom of fantasy books, save for the particularly rancid authors known for their disappointing and shameful behavior or views (e.g. jk r*wling), it’s just regular business to say the author’s name. but sapkowski’s name is treated like a dirty word in the witcher fandom, for really no good reason…
it must be asked — what is stopping us from doing so?! why don’t we call ourselves sapkowski fans. it would be much easier than saying “i’m a fan of the witcher, but only the books, i don’t consider the various adaptations canon, etc. etc.” … “half a hundred words, when three are enough!!”
#i was just thinking about this today. can we call ourselves andrzej sapkowski fans beginning now or what#note that i said GOOD reason#meaning that it’s not like sapkowski is a conservative#the witcher books#txt#like sapkowski has done and said stuff that i dont approve of or like#the alcoholism at cons for instance hem hem (though ive also heard that type of behavior was standard)#he’s said a few cringey things about women and lesbians but nothing worse than your typical old guy would#specifically i’m referring to the ‘i dont hate women i - he he he - positively love them!’ which is actually just everybodys granddad lmao#and the ‘i dont know about why my characters are lesbians - though i can be sure im not one’#that kind of stuff just makes me shake my head and laugh#but its not like he has done heinous shit like some of these authors running around loose out here#i mean i think it’s mitigated in part that he’s a private person with no twitter account#i also disgaree with his points from there is no gold in gray mountains but i also dont know enough abt what hes talking about to understand#understand FULLY at least. i understand some but not all. i think i understand just enough to disagree#but he has expressed a lot of progressive points which also come through in his series#what i mean is: hes not a terrible person. so why do people act like he is#ALSO i think if we united under his name then there would be more inter-series fans#ive always wondered where the fans of the hussite trilogy are (online). is there an online fanbase?#and if we do that then we can get more and better translations hopefully#like theres still no official translations for a ton of his short stories
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ryderdire · 4 months
One of These days I will claw my way out of my depression hole, but let me rest on the way up please.
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daylighteclipsed · 7 months
ngl the more I hear about Wish, the more excited I get about it
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deityofhearts · 4 months
it’s just really bleak and tiring knowing that life will never actually feel worth living during my lifetime
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arolesbianism · 17 days
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Some swap au Olivia and Jackie concepts for the main 3 universes 👍
#keese draws#oni posting#first two are from the main rat universe#long story short a while after founding gravitas olivia was like ok so I think me being your boss in our company that we spend most of our#days at has left our relationship in a place that I’m uncomfortable with so we’re getting a divorce now sorry#and jackie proceeded to throw a fit abt that for several years until she got fired over it#in another petty act she tried to break back in to steal some of the work she had done there but got caught#and unfortunately for her during the past several years olivia has been slowly having mere morals broken down piece by piece by the allure#of progress and by the time she did her breaking and entering scheme olivia was far past the point of being ok with kidnapping#the second two are the rabbit universe girlies and they’re less openly hostile with eachother but they still are bad for eachother#they’ve known eachother since childhood and jackie has basically been using olivia as a therapist since they were teens#this lead to them developing an increasingly unhealthy codependent relationship where olivia ends up acting incredibly irresponsibly as#director of gravitas due to her being so stressed and paranoid about jackie all the time#and the third two are the raccoon au which is basically just jackie being too scared of rejection to put her work under her name so she#asks olivia to take credit for it which she does and she ends up getting all the credit and praise for a lot of the early work at gravitas#this combined with jackie’s constant worshipping of her slowly began to lead to it kinda getting into her head#and jackie was also letting it get to her head and eventually her ambition got the better of her and she ended up attacking olivia#now these are all just the basic concepts I currently have these aus are all still in the concept stages#for example I’m still figuring out how I wanna involve the other scientists and if I switch their roles around too#but yeah I’ve been thinking abt these guys lately so they get drawn 👍#oh also fun fact these aus are inspired by the scrapped content back when olivia was jodi#which is why I characterize these two a bit differently then I might if I was leaning more towards my normal stuff#theyre characterized more closely to old jackie and jodie including origin story wise
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bugmistake · 23 days
ive gotta. get it together a little bit i think. holy shit i really did not mean for the tags to get THAT long
#i have a colin provolone in ny head rn. i just need you to lock it in a liittle bit.#it’s just the worst possible time.#i do actually have to do the hard scary stuff.#and i am fully capable of doing them and i am a competent adult even if i’m realizing need a little more support than i’d like to admit#and actually i feel much much better after those things are done#and ACTUALLY i’ve also made a lot of progress!! i think 14 year old me would be like. shocked to see the person i am now#but either way. gotta lock it in a liiiittle bit.#tomorrow will be. a lot of texting and emailing back.#a lot of ‘hi sorry it’s taken me so long to get back to you!’s tomorrow#AND ONE PHONE CALL. im way better at those now! pretty cool!#also getting my car inspected this week. miiiiight need to bring a friend for that one#sometimes i get scared at the mechanic because there’s always a 90% chance that one of the mechanics will be the most drop dead gorgeous ga#**gay person#person ive ever seen in my life and then i have to be like uhhhhh. ahahaha. heres my shit ass car with the elvira and snoopy#bumper stickers on it. thanks so much!#OKAY. alright. hello. hyping myself up for the rest of the week#ive been a little bit off kilter bc i didnt have a whole lot of structure last week or this one since my classes ended#but im feelin a little more optimistic#i am a competent adult who is good at his job and has many good qualities and frankly he is getting hotter and more confident also as well.#<- affirmations btw.
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starlooove · 1 month
“There is no fanfic on Stephs treatment I have checked” that’s like the whole point.
#I’m not saying ur wrong bc it’s not canon#I’m saying ur wrong bc ur perpetuating the misogyny that got u there in the first place#and yeah imma take it there it IS that deep to me sorry#like this isn’t like a diff in opinion on an arc or smth#this is quite literally the bigotry that fandoms supposed to be an escape from manifesting itself again with a rainbow flag over it it’s so#like first of all not that serious but concerning to me is getting into smth without knowing the source material#u don’t need to know the exact timeline of events and which specific Batmobile Bruce had in every era duh#that’d be hypocritical to say I read character to character screw the timeline lmao#but it’s like. ur telling me u adore Dick Grayson and have never picked up NTT?#u wanna analyze the queer coding in Tim’s character but you’ve never read his og robin run?#u wanna talk about Damian’s character growth but you’ve only read Batman and Robin 2020s?#u ADORRRRE steph and cass and you haven’t even read batgirls#and that’s like nonissues#my issues are u wanna discuss how Barbara is actually so cold and cruel to dick for how she handled Catalina and you’ve never read birds of#prey and actually dick never cheated so (this isn’t me being hypocritical if you’ve seen that post I just lowk changed my mind)#or if he did it was justified or whatever#you wanna talk about how Jason and Roy are soulmates and you can’t tell me a single thing besides he’s an archer a father and an addict#it’s like ur putting shit out there about these characters and their relationships and you don’t know them#and more people who don’t know them see ur shit and do the same thing#and that’s mid level issue#the BIG issue is that y’all have not unpacked ur racism misogyny or classism enough to do this and then turn around and say ur fixing dc or#whatever. u have not done enough work to speak on Jason or Damian and say they deserve better whilst u water down their anger into smth#palatable and sweet on ur white faves. u don’t get to complain about how there’s not enough about steph and all u do is spread more made up#shit to infantilize tim. and I’m not saying I’ll never read a tim centric fic that’s ooc and stupid and have fun#I do that and I don’t talk about it bc that shit should not be the main writing you find when you look for BATMAN lmao#and even then they HIGHEST problem is that even when people make more content centering the woc poc and yes even WW it still doesn’t get any#traction bc y’all haven’t unpacked as much of ur racism and misogyny as u think u have#making hcs about tim being a Barbie and Jason being a feminist and dick painting his nails is not progressive when Steph and cass are#cardboard cutouts or the vehicles through which the white men discover feminity is ok actually and nothing else#and then Duke and Damian are the token straights or allies. like y’all are so sick lmao
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ramudamemura · 4 months
i’ve actually been a lot more confident w my writing lately and a lot of my stuff isn’t anonymous anymore!! i do still get anxious but like it’s gotten a lot better soooo i’m gonna start linking stuff here
so!!!! you should totally read the first thing i wrote for ramuda week 🫶 but if anyone says anything mean i’ll never post anything again 😁😁😁😁
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weedplantar · 2 years
Maybe it’s just the evil nighttime emotions, but I started thinking about how my cane is going to be here tomorrow and now I’m overthinking about how much I do NOT want to deal with people staring and asking random questions and making assumptions/judgments about my disability. I remember how bad it was the last time I used a cane and I just don’t want to go through it again, even though ik it’ll help tons :/. How do y’all deal with ableism surrounding mobility aids?
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togamey · 4 months
thinking about my good friend alois tracy on this day
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Okay so I’m frustrated.
Nothing serious, just more Arcane discourse lol.
I’ve said before in my “anti caitvi” post that i made awhile ago that I find it very frustrating when people look at Caitlyn Kiramman and immediately go “I don’t like her” without a second thought.
It’s frustrating that Caitlyn can not at all be nuanced because some people just simply don’t want her to be.
It’s unfair and discrediting.
Don’t get me wrong, Caitlyn has messed up, said and done the wrong things (ex. The “bodies in the basement” comment, defending Piltover while arguing with Ekko), but the thing about Caitlyn is that she doesn’t do those things out of malice, but simply out of ignorance.
I get being frustrated with someone’s lack of awareness and wishing they just “got” it, but that’s just unrealistic.
The arc her starting to get it. What else could cou possibly want?
And the other thing???? She’s actively trying to change!
That’s her whole motive.
That’s all she wants.
She WANTS to make a difference and change Piltover for the better.
Some people will look at Caitlyn and go “I hate her cuz she’s a cop 👎🏽” then ignore her breaking the law for (arguably) the greater good.
Maybe that wasn’t her motive in the beginning (i.e. Just wanting to figure out who’s behind the crimes that no one seems to be investigating [though that still seems to be the greater good to me]). Maybe at that point, she didn’t know what she was doing was the right thing.
But once things started clicking, she tried her best to catch up.
Caitlyn wanted to fight. Caitlyn wanted to progress. Caitlyn wanted to make things better.
But too often she’s reduced to “Piltie cop.”
Don’t get me wrong, I totally understand disliking cops. But this seems to be so much more than that.
Caitlyn isn’t a cop to show people that “some cops are good,” she’s a cop to show people that “some cops are stupid and naive before they can fully embrace their privilege and worst traits.”
Caitlyn could have fallen and let herself be trapped under Marcus thumb, get herself on the payroll, start embracing the easy life (i.e. her getting fired and Jayce offering her a job where she could live behind a desk), but she didn’t do any of that.
She disobeyed everyone she was supposed to blindly follow and began to do what she thought was right.
What so many before her failed to do.
Caitlyn became a cop under false and unrealistic expectations, but once the issues and corruption started to look her right in the eye and she couldn’t ignore it, she didn’t.
Even if it went against everything she knew, everything she was taught, she still let herself be educated. Let herself learn.
Yes, cops are bad. Yes, Caitlyn’s naivety and privilege can be frustrating at times.
But these things aren’t all of what she is.
She’s someone who so desperately wants her own agency. To finally mess with Piltover’s stagnancy.
Even when the council completely shut her and Vi down, she was ready to go back and keep fighting (i.e. the Oil and Water scene).
Caitlyn isn’t just her privilege, Caitlyn is the little girl who so badly wants to break out of her mold and make a difference. Show people (Piltover) that she can be better, that she can be more, and that they can too.
She’s the young woman who goes out of her way to investigate, even when heavily advised not to, because that’s what she believes is the right thing to do.
She’s the woman who refuses to turn a blind eye and be complacent.
She’s the woman who’s (arguably) going to be at the head of Piltover’s reform.
Not because she’s a selfish, rotten cop, or because she’ll eventually become a corrupt Sheriff, but because she’s her own person with fears and dreams and questions.
All of Caitlyn’s development is her trying to claw her way out of the right grip Piltover, her parents, Jayce and Marcus all have on her.
Certain people are upset about who Caitlyn is now constantly trying not to be and I just find that frustrating because it, once again, strips her of her agency. Of her choice to be better.
Caitlyn’s naivety doesn’t make her evil, it makes her due for a change.
And changing is all she’s been doing so far.
So why do some of us still try to put her back in the Piltie category when that’s where we all collectively don’t want her to be?
We want her to be better, right? So let’s let the progress happen. It won’t be linear, but it also won’t be nothing.
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