#I think I should celebrate this magnificent week watching Young Royals again
anonfromtheflight · 7 months
It's been a whole week since I hopped on a plane to come home and stumbled upon a Netflix series from Sweden that altered the chemistry of my brain!!!!
One week since I sent an anonymous message to @young-royals-confessions while waiting for my suitcase because I had ALL these feelings and thoughts inside myself and I needed to let them out somehow because the alternative was screaming at everybody in the airport about how GOOD AND SWEET AND AWESOME AND SAD BUT LOVELY AND REAAAAL THIS SHOW WAS?? also THE CHEMISTRY BETWEEN THE TWO LEADS??? That made feel SO MANY things?? Even with a look?? Because I could FEEL their silent communication. AND THE LONGING!!!! HOW? How was I supposed to be normal about this show when it's just beautiful and with beautiful people, it had me in disbelief Omar Rudberg was a real person lmao Definitely most beautiful man I've seen though!
To think I picked Young Royals because it was roughly 6 hours long and I didn't want to sleep on the plane to not mess with my sleeping schedule. Which I did anyway since I watched the second season immediately after I got home lmao Who needs sleep when I was dying to know if a fictional Swedish prince was going to get back together with his gorgeous Latino boyfriend with the amazing voice who happened to be the love of his life??? They gave me so much energy that I only felt the lack of sleep on Friday lmao
Now, I'm basically this:
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Thank you again to @young-royals-confessions (@simonsapelsin ) for letting me freak out and for everyone who was so nice to me it gave me the confidence to release all my thoughts and feelings about season 2 too!!
And thank you to everyone who has been extremely welcoming since I made this blog, you guys are awesome and I already love you all!! 💜💜
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chaozsilhouette · 3 years
Moonlit Musings
The night is such a perfect time to face one’s darkest truths. Shrouded in the moon’s light what can one do but admit to their flaws. It can be a time of rejuvenation and rebirth, only if you let it.
It was a quiet night.
The full moon hung high in the heavens accompanied by millions of stars. Not a cloud to be seen, an ideal night for passions to run wild. Normally people would be taking out their telescopes or arranging romantic picnics.
Sadly, nights like these only filled Sun Wukong with dread. It was a night like this when he was finally able to return after the Journey. That was the night he learned he had lost a precious treasure.
When he returned, he expected to be greeted by his subjects until Macaque showed himself. He expected to be strangled as the pale furred monkie admonished him for his recklessness. He expected to watch as fury transformed into tearful joy as they embraced one another for the first time in over five hundred years.
But that wasn’t what happened.
The moment he set foot back onto Flower Fruit Mountain, he sensed something was very wrong. Like his previous return trips, his subjects greeted him with loud celebrations. The new mothers showed off their infants. The young ones wasted no time climbing all over him, taking in the scent of their king.
The immortal elders, however, looked concerned.
That was when he realized Macaque’s scent on the mountain was far too faint. Even the magical signature of his clones no longer felt fresh.
Macaque was nowhere to be found. The monkeys reported Macaque had returned a few years after he stopped by the mountain earlier in the Journey but not as his usual self. He didn’t respond to any of their questions. He didn’t even take time to check in on the infants. He didn’t say a word.
He just entered the mansion, but no one saw him leave.
Entering the mansion, Wukong dashed to their room desperate for answers. Opening the doors, he saw the room was horribly empty, sure all of his belonging were exactly as he remembered them, but all of Macaque’s stuff was gone. Macaque’s closet was empty and all his books had vanished. Despite his desperate hopes, there wasn’t any signs of a struggle or hidden messages to be found.
Macaque left of his own free will, but why?
He couldn’t bring himself to sleep in the bed they shared so many nights together. Every time he dared, he awoke expect to be greeted with the comforting warmth of familiar presence, instead he opened his eyes to a cold emptiness.
The lack of answers broke his heart, but he didn’t have time to start tearing the landscape apart trying to find him. Now that he was back for good, he had so many responsibilities to catch up on. He was determined to be a good king for his subjects and that meant ughthinking things through. Plus, he wanted to spend as much time with his master and brothers as possible.
Then there was the concerning fact all his previous allies had severed their alliance with him.
Apparently after all the fuss with the Demon Bull King, word had spread that Wukong broke their alliance by disrespecting protocol and attacking the royal family. Plus, his new position as a defender of humanity annoyed more than a few respectable demons. Combined with the sheer number of powerful demons he killed on the Journey cemented the idea that having an alliance with him would only end poorly.
He was banned from court meetings and the other kings in the surrounding areas wanted nothing to do with him. The chaotic nature of his past had finally caught up to him and in the worst possible way.
He was still recognized as the Monkey King of the Sun Court but was effectively blacklisted. No one wanted to mess with him, but they also didn’t want to interact with him. Not good for his mental health to say the least.
Simians are naturally social creatures. Wukong was used to constantly being around other people and learning new things. His time imprisoned was not kind. His first year of freedom had him constantly climbing over his brothers and master just to reassure himself that this was real.
And now that he couldn’t reconnect with old faces unless it was through a battle to the death…It forced him to delve into old memories. Memories that while sweet only made the emptiness more pronounced.
Sun Wukong smiled as he watched Macaque’s reaction.
The six-eared monkie was furiously pinching the bridge between his eyebrows after he shattered a boulder with a careless headbutt as though it would make his life mercifully easier. “You’ll have to explain it to me again. What did you mean by ‘no longer under Yama’s jurisdiction’?”
“Exactly what I said. I was napping. Having some time to myself, when out of nowhere some idiots tried to take my soul to the afterlife.” Wukong explained as though having entities of death rip out your soul to drag it to the underworld was no big deal.
“Bet you weren’t happy.” Macaque couldn’t help but smirk at the flippant tone. He just made it so difficult to stay mad.
“Not in the slightest. I barged my way to the top brass, bunch of cowards called the Ten Kings (totally undeserved titles by the way) and demanded what the fuck was going on.” He was still ticked off even if the payoff was sweet. Seriously! Did immortality mean nothing to these cowards? They couldn’t even play it off as him dying in battle. He was in the peak of his youth! “Can you believe they tried to play it off as a misunderstanding? Should have smacked the loudmouth when I was there.”
“So, through a series of ridiculous events, you erased your name from the records of the dead.” Macaque could easily piece together the rest from there. No matter how ridiculous the odds. He learned never to bet against his friend when a problem could be handled with brute strength or intimidation. If it didn’t look like such an answer was possible, clearly, they hadn’t experienced the force of a determined Wukong. Something about facing a ticked off monkie of practically infinite strength and invulnerability left harden conquerors pissing themselves.
It was hilarious.
“Not just mine. In my infinite wisdom, I erased the names of several of the monkey inhabitants of esteemed Flower Fruit Mountain, including yours.” Wukong playfully booped Macaque’s nose.
Turning away to hide a light blush, Macaque scoffed to cover his embarrassing response. “Typical. I can’t leave you alone for five minutes without you doing something insane.”
“I know. I’m just that awesome.”
“So what? Are we now double immortal?” That was the question wasn’t it. Due to their master’s instructions, they were immortal and ageless, so what exactly would this give them? He didn’t feel any different. He couldn’t sense any new powers or changes in his instincts.
His counterpart, however, had other things on his mind. “Who cares. All I know is that those idiots have no control over our souls anymore.” And with that the King took his rightful place across Macaque’s lap as the other returned to his scrolls.
Wukong instead took the time to examine his friend, who finally gained enough confidence to fully drop his glamour and embrace his true appearance.
He still couldn’t believe Macaque actually had six ears. The weird part was how natural they looked, almost as if seeing him with only two was bizarre. The coolest part was how each pair softly glowed a different color. Blue. Purple. Red. Sometimes Wukong would just stare at them, imagining that he could see glittering stars emanating from that glow.
Suddenly those magnificent ears twitched. Macaque didn’t bother looking up from the bamboo scroll. “A trespasser...multiple, boar and vulture demon. Another hunting party”.
“Again. Ugh. Don’t these idiots ever give up!” Don’t get him wrong, Wukong loved a good fight. What better way to prove how superior you are to others than to steal what’s most precious to them? But even he was starting to grow bored with the sheer number of hunters that thought kidnapping his subjects was a quick cash grab.
After the fifth army he returned in pieces to the surrounding upstart lords, you’d think they’d take a hint.
Thankfully he wasn’t the only powerhouse on the mountain. “I haven’t tasted blood in a while. Why don’t I defend the kingdom while your highness enjoys a show?” Macaque set aside his reading material, eyes glittering with bloodlust.
Wukong returned the smirk with one of his own. “I’m always up for a good thrashing. One request: make it glorious.”
“Don’t I always.” Macaque joked as he retrieved his spear from his own shadow.
Wukong summoned his cloud and claimed a good vantage point. Once again, he marveled at his friend’s hearing. Judging by the distance it would have been at least three hours before he would have detected their presence.
Kicking back, he transformed some hair into a fruit platter and waited for the screams.
To this day, Wukong knew Macaque was alive. Thanks to his efforts combined with the intense training, the monkie was double immortal. Besides, that monkkie was way too stubborn to die. He would survive purely on spite if he had to.
Macaque left, but why?
While he may have effectively isolated himself, that didn’t mean he didn’t hear about the other courts. A few centuries ago, he heard rumors about the formation of a new court by someone under the title of the Macaque King. Supposedly they were a powerful monkie who knew way more than he had the right to. For a brief moment, Wukong dared to hope it was his old friend, but it didn’t last. The few recounts he caught described him with black fur. Besides, he knew how much Macaque hated the title of King. Even when Wukong offered him the position as co-ruler of his kingdom, the pale monkie adamantly refused.
Still, he was curious.
For a few weeks he could have sworn he detected a familiar scent hiding underneath Mk’s. And he wasn’t the only one who noticed. A few of the immortal monkeys questioned him on the mango infused scent and what his plans were. It was almost too much to take in.
To think he returned to teach his student instead of showing his face. It hurt just to think about it. He chose to ignore the beckoning scent until it became impossible to ignore MK’s leap in progress. Then it just vanished like it hadn’t been testing his patience. Like it hadn’t brought him to the brink of shaking the kid upside down until he confessed where his old friend was hiding. The kid probably grew wise, or someone told him to change his bathing habits, and by the next training session it was all but gone.
Dragging his hand down his face, Wukong tried to reevaluate his thoughts.
Getting mad at the kid wasn’t going to solve anything. He knew he hadn’t been the most attentive master. Hell, the whole hammer exercise at its core was a desperate attempt to remove a painful reminder of better times. His master would be disappointed in how he was running away from his problems, but would encourage him to take the steps to be better. Zhu Bajie would be a sarcastic little shit, trying to get him riled up so the monkie would prove him wrong. Sha Wujing would sit him down and wouldn’t let him leave until they talked everything through.
He had to make things right with the kid. He deserved a better master. And this New Years he was gonna get one.
He spoke, praying the winds would carry his voice to his Warrior.
“Macaque. I know it’s been a while, but…I-I want to talk. I know you’re out there, somewhere I can’t reach. I miss sparring with you. I miss lazy days napping in the shade by your side. I miss defending the mountain as we held contests to see who could take out the most trespassers before their common sense kicked in. I miss you. Please come home.”
The moon was high in the sky. Stars danced in the heavens as the faintest hints of vibrations pulsed through the concrete from the late-night dance clubs. MK lay awake, his mind struggling to make sense of it all.
Ever since Macaque disappeared in order to remain undetected, he kept thinking about his relationship with the Monkey King. Sure, he was being trained and he was definitely making progress. The monkie was still on his case for supposedly cheating on him with another mentor. Nothing MK said or did could make the monkie think otherwise. Thankfully, he was no longer shooting him suspicious glares, but the underlying tension remained.
The sad truth is they just weren’t that close.
He would have expected to learn more about the Monkey King on a personal and emotional level, but he just couldn’t get past that wall. Their training sessions felt more like just the Monkey King arranged just to get it over with. There was no passion at all.
Okay, perhaps that last bit was an exaggeration.
When you peered past the arrogance and pride, you found one socially awkward monkie. It was similar to Red Son the more he thought about it, both seemed to find it difficult to talk to or relate to others in a friendly setting. Sure, Monkey King projected a friendly demeanor and called him “bud”, but if he didn’t know any better he could have sworn the monkie was afraid to take that final step.
The last few sessions had taken a bit of a turn in a positive direction as Sandy would say. Maybe Monkey King decided it was time to make a change? Maybe this was all a trick so MK would lower his guard and reveal Macaque’s identity? Maybe he was just tired and should have conked out an hour ago?
Reality was so different from the legends. When Tang first introduced him to the Monkey stories, he was hooked. He loved listening to the tales of the infamous trickster that flipped off every major religious figure with unbridled confidence. Meeting the Great Sage in the flesh was like a dream come true until he was exposed to the King’s less pleasant tendencies.
Mk couldn’t help but wonder just how much confidence the Monkey King had in his training skills. Did he ever train someone before? Could MK talk to someone about this without appearing even more ungrateful than he already looked? Why didn’t he stop Red Son from unsealing his father when he was there? Why didn’t he simply seal the entire family when they were reunited? Why did the five times immortal sage decide that now he needed to train a disciple? Was Monkey King not telling him something important?
He had so many questions and not even the foggiest idea of where to start looking. Or perhaps he did?
The truth was he missed Macaque. The dark-furred monkie may have only taught him for a month, but the progress he made and the level of care he was exposed to made him feel as though he had finally unlocked the ability to fly.
He missed the regular grooming. He missed learning about the demon community. He missed learning new ways to mess with Red Son through appropriate court manners.
Watching the fire user freeze up at the term “honorable prince of the Iron Bull Court” just made him laugh, when his hair combusted it really matched his face. Now that he thought about it, were those horns starting to peek out of his forehead? And maybe the slightest hint of a tufted tail swiping the bottom of his coat? Seeing the demon frantically compose himself was a treat he didn’t know he needed. He still had the video saved as one of his favorites, didn’t hurt that Mei caught it at the perfect angle.
Oh yeah, he missed that.
With any luck, New Years would be the start of something better.
On an island that remained surrounded by unquenchable storms, a single black-furred monkie sat cross-legged in a secluded part attached to the palace. All around him fruit trees and bushes bore a hefty bounty releasing an intoxicating scent of life.
Ears twitched.
Macaque opened his eyes, aroused from his meditation. It was odd. He had the faintest sensation that someone had been talking about him. Now that wasn’t exactly unusual, he made plenty of allies and enemies across the centuries. What was odd was that the voice sounded like someone he once cherished.
But that couldn’t be right.
The deceptive silence of his personal orchard gave him no answers. Not that he really expected it to.
For some reason he refused to identify, Macaque turned to the single peach tree in the grove. A tribute from his past and a reminder of his mistakes. But it was also a valuable resource once he learned the truth about the peach’s properties. He used its powers to protect many happy relationships, if only it could have helped him so long ago.
No matter.
He still had many projects to work on, including one successor just rife with insecurities. He honestly felt bad ducking out as he did. If things were different, he would have offered him a new life. His Stars were always happy to welcome a new member into their budding community.
As a bonus, his presence would have interrupted their constant attempts to set him up with new dates. He adored their efforts but being paired with partners who only wanted power or he would view only as friends was not something he enjoyed. Although watching them mentally destroy those they didn’t find suitable for him was quite entertaining.
Either way, New Years was coming up fast and he still needed to approve a few changes. His Stars were determined to make sure this event topped last years in every way possible, but they had to make sure they didn’t set the orchard on fire again. Or worse, they could launch the fireworks into the storm barrier. He wasn’t sure why or how, but the tornadoes and clouds turned different colors as explosions rang throughout the night.
It was beautiful but lost its charm after the third day.
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nastybuckybarnes · 3 years
A Broken Fairytale  -  Eleven
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Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Reader AU 
Summary: Sold by your mother, you work as a servant for the King and Queen of Acadia. The Prince, much to his initial dismay, takes a liking to you. When a wicked woman intervenes, your life is nothing more than a prison sentence. With a war on the horizon and a betrothal to a missing Princess that he can’t escape, Bucky is forced to be the Prince -and King- that his father wants. A pawn in a bigger game than the two of you realize. 
Warnings: Language (Maybe), Fluff, 
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Have another part of this series! I hope you guys enjoy! I haven’t updated in a fat minute but we’re getting to intense places with this series pretty fucking soon. Enjoy this cute lil fluffy part
“Will you be joining me tonight?” You ask, fingers brushing against the back of his hand as the two of you walk through the palace garden. “Tonight?” He questions, looking over at you in confusion.
“Yes. The celebration. I plan on joining in the festivities. Mother and I agree that it’s a good way to familiarize myself with my kingdom and my people. And I think you should join me. After all, this is to be your kingdom, and these will be your people too.” He purses his lips as the two of you enter the Palace, Steve waiting with a smile on his face.  
“I had planned to spend the evening indoors, preparing for the wedding and the union of the two kingdoms.” You turn to him with your eyebrows raised.
“Is that not what you’ve spent the last few weeks doing? Come now, James. It’s but one night. One night of fun. Of music and games. It’s a celebration of my safe return and of the joining of the two kingdoms. Are you not going to join a celebration dedicated to your future wife?” His eyebrows raise and he looks at Steve for help. The blond raises his hands and shakes his head with a chuckle. “I’m not about to get into this conversation.”
You nod, grinning at him. “Wise choice, Steve. Now James, will you join me in becoming familiar with the people of what will soon be our country? Or will you stay indoors, as you have for the past month, brooding and allowing work to consume you?”
He scoffs, feigning offence. “I have not been brooding! I’m simply preparing. Doing kingly duties.” You shake your head and tug on his hand, forcing him to look at you.  
“You’re not king yet. And I am not yet queen. You and I should enjoy what little time we have left before we’re thrown into our duties. Let’s enjoy it. When will we have another opportunity to bond with our people… with each other? Please join me.” He sighs and Steve chuckles, knowing you’ve got his friend wrapped around your finger.
“Alright. I’ll join you. We’ll attend the festival together and we’ll have one night where we don’t need to worry about anything. Does that satisfy you?” You nod, grinning from ear to ear, then peck his cheek.
It’s the first kiss the two of you have shared since you were in Acadia. It’s a quick, chaste thing, but it has heat rushing to his cheeks, turning them a pretty pink.
“Alright, it’s settled,” He says with a goofy grin. You nod, beyond happy that he’s going with you.
Throughout the morning you find it hard to stay focused on your lessons, and your tutors make sure they point it out. But today you couldn’t care less. You’re finally making your first true appearance as Princess of Corona. You’ll be meeting the people in your country, not as a peasant, but as a Princess.
“You haven’t stopped smiling since you returned from your walk with James,” your mother muses, combing your hair gently.
“What’s happened that has you in such high spirits?” She asks. You sigh and glance at her in the mirror. “James agreed to accompany me to the celebration tonight. We’ll be meeting our people together, for the first time. I’ll be able to learn firsthand what my kingdom is like. I’m more than excited.” She smiles and kisses the top of your head.
“You deserve everything in the world, my dear. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. Do not let any thoughts distract you from what your heart desires tonight.” You nod, turning around as she gets up and walks to your closet.
“Now... this one...” She pulls out a cream coloured dress, far simpler than the extravagant gowns you’ve been wearing. It’s trim is all navy blue, and the fabric itself resembles velvet. It has strings that criss-cross across your torso, but it doesn’t look too tight at all. In fact, it looks rather comfortable.
She helps you into it then ties you up in the back, smiling brightly when you turn to look at her.
“You look gorgeous, darling. Now, one last thing...” she scurries over to your dresser and opens a large wooden box. Your jaw drops as you see all the tiaras sitting inside.
“Your father and I didn’t want to overwhelm you with them. We wanted you to become comfortable in your new home, get used to being royalty before having to bear the weight of the crown. But now... I think you’re ready for it, if only for one night.” You nod, bowing your head as she places a dainty silver tiara over your hair.
You stand up straight and roll your shoulders back, eyes on your reflection.
“You, my daughter, are going to make a magnificent Queen,” she whispers, kissing your cheek then hugging you tightly. You hug her back, letting out a shuddering breath as you try to reign in your emotions.
A knock on the door startles you and you pull away from your mother, taking a deep breath before allowing the person to enter.
James walks in, looking handsome as ever in a dark blue shirt with the crest of Acadia hanging from his neck. His pants are dark and tucked into his shiny boots, and he’s got a thick black cloak hanging from his shoulders. Atop his head sits a pretty golden crown that’s only slightly larger than yours.
“Are you ready to go, my darling?” You smile and nod, taking his outstretched arm with ease.
“As I was telling my daughter, you have fun, James. Allow yourself to have tonight to be free.” He nods at your mother’s words, bows his head, then looks at you with hopeful blue eyes.
“Shall we?” He asks softly. You nod, eyes eager and excited. “Yes, we shall.” He leads you out of your room and then out of the Palace. Outside, three horses are waiting. You recognize your mare immediately and a smile lights up your face.
“Steve had suggested that we ride to the festival. It may give us more time to admire the kingdom and all of its beauty. As James says the words, his eyes don’t leave your face.
“I think that’s a marvellous idea.”
Steve sits atop his horse with a grin on his lips as you and James walk over. The brunet helps you mount your horse, though you insist you’re fine, then quickly mounts his, looking at his cousin and waiting for the blond to lead the way.
He does, setting a moderate pace, and you and James follow behind him, riding side-by-side.
It’s beautiful.
The last time you rode through the kingdom you didn’t get to fully admire the scenery. There are flowering trees everywhere, and all the plants are lush and green. The sky is turning a lovely purple colour with the setting sun, and the wind smells of flowers and citrus.  
It’s amazing.
“Do you like it?” James suddenly asks, watching the way your eyes swim with unshed tears.
“I love it,” you whisper, sniffling slightly. “I can’t believe this is the place I’m lucky enough to call home.” He nods, smiling softly at you.
“Once we are married, our lands will only thrive. There is nothing that can destroy this beauty. However, the beauty here is nothing in comparison to that of your heart.” You look down bashfully and shake your head.
“Don’t try to deny it. In the weeks we’ve spent together, you’ve only further proved how your kindness knows no bounds, your compassion is endless.” You look up at him and his eyes are so genuine that you can’t help but smile.
“Alright your highnesses, we dismount here and walk the rest of the way. It isn’t far.” Steve hops off of his horse and James does the same, the latter hurrying to you and gripping your waist to help you down from your horse.
When you’re standing steady on two feet you lift your hands to his shoulders, eyes meeting his shyly.
“Enough of that, you two,” Steve chastises playfully, pulling you out of your trance. You hurry after the blond prince, glancing over at James with a longing look in your eyes. He hurries after you, linking his arm with yours again.
You open your mouth to speak but no sound comes out as you get distracted by music in the distance.
“Ah yes, there are no celebrations quite like the Corona ones,” Steve muses, a lightness to his step as he leads you to the main square of the town. As soon as you turn the final corner, you’re overwhelmed in the best way possible.
A small group of people have gathered with instruments, women singing in a mixture of English and the native language. Young children dance around, wearing flower crowns and holding onto biscuits that seem to be covered in syrup.  
“It’s marvellous,” you whisper, a smile on your face. A little girl glances over at you then does a double-take, her jaw dropping. She tugs on her mother’s dress and points to you. Her mother looks to where she’s pointing and smiles brightly.
She curtsies low, her daughter attempting to follow. The people around her quickly catch sight of you and follow her lead, bowing down low. This continues until the square is silent and everyone is bowing to you.
“Please, rise,” you request softly, smiling when they all stand back up.
“Welcome, your highnesses. We’re so very pleased that you’ve graced us with your presences,” a short balding man says, cheeks rosy as he smiles.
“It’s our pleasure to be here. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you tonight. And I hope that we all can enjoy ourselves without the pressures of my royal titles. I would like to know my people, my culture. Not as Princess or future Queen, but as a woman who’s eager to learn about her past.” The people all nod and in an instant the music starts up again.
“They love you already,” James whispers. You look up at him hopefully, wanting to make a good first impression on your people. A small tug on your dress makes you look down and you grin at the little girl. The same one who spotted you first.
“Hello sweetheart,” You whisper, bending down and scooping her up in your arms. “That’s a beautiful crown you have,” You say. She grins and grabs at her flower crown.
“You’re a princess, just like me.” Her eyes widen and you giggle. “Yes, you are. Did you make that crown all by yourself?” She shakes her head and points over to where a slightly older girl is hiding behind her mother’s legs.
“Is that your sister?” The little girl nods and you hum in agreement, walking through the crowd to the woman and her other daughter.
“Hello, your highness,” the woman says. You smile at her. “Please, we don’t need to formalities tonight.” She nods, one hand smoothing the hair of the older girl.
“Your sister told me that you made her flower crown,” You begin, crouching down so you’re at eye level. She nods nervously and you smile. “Would you teach me how? I’ve always wanted to make flower crowns. And you make them so beautifully.” Her eyes widen and she looks up at her mother, who nods with a smile. The little girl in your arms squirms until you put her down, then takes your hand and her sister’s hand and pulls the two of you to a small stand with baskets full of different flowers.
“You’ve gotta make sure you have enough... and that they’ve got long stems,” the older girl explains softly, grabbing a couple of handfuls of flowers. You copy her, then sit down on the ground, ignoring the dirt that smudges on your dress.
The little girl shows you how to make the crown, giving you pointers whenever you need them.
“What’s your name?” You ask gently. She bites her lip before responding. “I’m Amelia. And this is my younger sister Anastasia.” You repeat their names and the little girl grins, tying off the end of her crown and holding it up to show you. You do the same and her younger sister falls onto her back laughing.
Your crown is less than impressive.
You frown at it and she giggles. “It takes practice. Momma taught me how a long time ago. Now I sell them at the market on Sundays.” You nod thoughtfully.
“Well, may I borrow yours? You can wear mine.” Her jaw drops. “Y-yes...” She carefully takes her flower crown off and leans to you, placing it on your head after you’ve removed your tiara.
“Thank you, Amelia. Now, here’s yours.” You carefully place your tiara on her head and her cheeks flame.
“You look beautiful,” you tell her. She thanks you then hurries to her feet to go show her mother. With a giggle, you stand back up, dusting off your dress, then walking through the square, mingling with different people for hours.
When you finally find your way back to James, you have a honey-dipped biscuit in your hand and three more flower crowns on your head. The Prince seems to be in a bit more of a predicament. He’s being swarmed with little girls, all trying to get his attention.
You watch for a while, a smile on your face as he interacts with the children. He catches your eye then grins.
“Excuse me? Mr. Prince, sir?” He looks down as a young girl, no older than five, tugs on his pant leg.
“The music is nice... and I wanna dance.... but nobody will dance with me.... so my mommy told me to ask you...” His face softens and he stoops down to her level.
“I would love to dance with you. What’s your name?” She smiles. “I’m Aethelfled, your highness.” He nods and stands up, taking her hands.
“Well, Aethelfled, will you honour me with this dance?” She nods eagerly and he lifts her to stand on his shoes, then leads her in a basic dance to the music. She’s laughing and giggling, and soon Steve joins him, dancing with another lucky young lady.
You’re soon being dragged into a dance as well, two young girls each holding one of your hands as they dance around, giggling wildly. You dance in a circle with them, the three of you slowing as the music changes to a more upbeat and lively tune.
Guitar’s strum and someone plays a gemshorn, the music making you feel light and airy inside. Another person starts banging on some makeshift drums and the girls grin, starting to jump and dance around with you again.
You laugh from a good place within, grinning from ear to ear as more and more people start dancing with you all.
A man starts singing, the words flowing beautifully in the language native to the land, and you find yourself absolutely entranced as you pick out a few phrases and words that you understand.
Soon enough, nearly everyone is dancing or clapping along to the music. Your eyes catch those of Prince James and you feel your stomach flutter.
You make to dance over to him when you’re intercepted by an older man, a great big smile on his face as he expresses to you how happy he is that the princess has returned safely.
You nod along, thanking him thoroughly.
The music dies down then slowly fades. There’s a beat of silence before applause breaks out across the crowd, your hands coming together repeatedly and hard enough to have your palms stinging.
“Come, Princess! We now celebrate your safe return with offerings to the Gods, and we shall release lights to the sky, to thank them for bringing you home to us, for answering our prayer,” the short man says, offering you his arm. You take it with a smile and allow him to escort you through the town and towards a large clearing.
Dozens of people are already here, with hundreds of lanterns just waiting to be lit and sent up to the sky.
People gather around a boulder in the ground, bowing their heads then placing small objects in front of it.
“This is where we come together as a kingdom to make offerings. And for the past twenty years, we’ve asked for nothing other than your safe return. And the Gods have given that to us. So we must thank them now, and we will continue to thank them.” You nod, intrigued by the display.
A little boy places a flower crown on the ground, whispers something, then bounds back to his mother with a huge smile on his face.
“What is it that they are all saying?” You ask, desperate to absorb as much of your culture as you can.
“Most just whisper a small thank you, but it is generally said as such ‘Tha sinn a ’toirt taing dhut, airson do fhreagairt air ar n-ùrnaighean.’ It roughly translates to ‘we thank you, for your answer to our prayers’.” You nod thoughtfully then lift your own flower crown off of your head.
You eye it for a while before looking at the balding man.
“Can you help me translate something? I’d like to give thanks as well.” The man nods eagerly and walks with you over to the boulder. There’s an inscription upon it and it takes everything in you not to run your fingers along it.
You get down onto your knees, much to the surprise of the people around you, and bow your head.
The man whispers the words you’d requested into your ear, and you repeat them slightly louder.
“’Tha mi a ’toirt taing dhut, airson mo thoirt air ais gu mo theaghlach, mo dhaoine, agus airson dòchas a thoirt dhomh.’” You place the crown onto the ground then repeat the words in English.
“I thank you, for bringing me back to my family, my people, and for giving me hope.” You hear someone kneel beside you and glance over, smiling at James and Steve. They each nod to you then bow their own heads, whispering words of thanks themselves.
Slowly, everyone in the vicinity kneels down and whispers thanks and prayers, most directed at their princess, but some directed at the Prince as well.
You raise your head after a moment longer and take a deep breath.
“Your highness,” you turn to the woman and smile gently at her.
“Would you like to do the honours of releasing the first light in the sky? To announce your safe return to your people?” You nod and take the lantern from her with a smile. She carefully lights the candle inside it and you watch it for a moment before lifting your hand up and over your head, the lantern hovering for a moment before taking off up into the sky.
Slowly, dozens of lanterns start floating, yours leading the way to the sky.
An arm is around your waist and you look up, slightly startled until you realize who it is.
“I’m glad you brought me out here tonight,” he whispers playfully, thumb rubbing circles on your waist. You smile up at him. “I’m glad you joined me.” He leans his cheek against the top of your head and the two of you watch as the lanterns flood the sky, signalling to everyone that the Princess has finally returned.
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giorno-plays-piano · 4 years
Warlock's Apprentice
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Pairing: warlock!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: yandere, obsession, allusion to non-con, breeding, non-graphic depiction of violence, manhandling.
Words: 2373.
Summary: You walked side by side with the Devil.
You still had hard time believing you were walking down the Great Hall, stepping on the white marbled floors and doing your best not to shake while the members of the court stared down at you as if you were some fairytale creature. You saw giant mirrors hanging on blazing white walls and golden curtains, huge heavy chandeliers with thousands of candles, the statues of gold double eagles - everything here was so different compared to the gloomy tower of the Warlock where it was dark even during the brightest days.
Knowing he watched you out of the corner of his eye, you clenched your teeth, keeping your composure. You had to make a good impression, not gape at the walls like a country girl. Maybe you weren't an aristocrat like most of the people here, but you were the Shadow Enchanter, the Soldat's Apprentice, second only to him, and you had a power to reckon with.
"Keep your head up, girl." You heard Bucky's voice in your head and stiffened involuntary. "We are above them all."
Would you be charged with treason if anyone was to discover what your master was telling you? You bet you would.
You stepped on the blue carpet and finally saw a raised throne of gold at the end of the room, beautiful people in ostentatious clothes milling over it - all you saw were not faces but gowns of silk and brocade, fancy parade uniforms, ribbons, medals, and bawdricks. This extravagance was slowly making your stomach sick, but you thought of your completely black soldier's dress and felt a bit better abour yourself. Your master and you must have looked like two crows among the peacocks.
"The Warlock and Shadow Enchanter." Somebody's loud voice thundered, and you saw the King sitting on the golden throne, the Queen to his right, and two young men standing by their sides.
God, it was happening, truly.
The King looked like a man who carried the weight of the world on his thin shoulders, his face unhealthy pale - you could see the dark circles around his eyes regardless of how court magicians tried to cover them with their glamour charms. It was true then, all the rumors you heard of King's withering health. He was only in his forties, but, apparently, he would hardly last long.
The Queen, on the contrary, looked nothing like her plain husband, her body unmistakably strong, her forms magnificent and face looking fresh with ruddy, healthy glow in her cheeks. Her older son was much like her with the same grace in his features - Steven was his name, and he was the very same Prince Charming all the girls in the Academy were talking about when you were still studying there.
You wanted to stare shamelessly at his immensely handsome face, his eyes blue like southern sky in the summer, but you bit your tongue instead. You were no longer a girl dreaming of marrying princes and living in a high castle.
Then you glanced quickly at the other son, Peter, the one who was about your age. While Steven, undoubtedly, took after his mother, Peter reminded you of the King, although much younger and - you admitted with shame - much prettier. He had dark hair and dark eyes, yet there was light to his face. Maybe he lacked the same intimidating air the other royals had around them, but you saw his dignity, his kind and clever eyes shining with interest as the Warlock and you moved closer to the end of the room.
You liked the younger son, you thought and then cringed as you failed to keep your eyes off the princes once again.
"Please don't collapse if one of them decides to talk to you."
You clenched your teeth tighter, hating this awful manner with which your master intruded in your thoughts all the time.
You needed to keep calm. You were to give your vows to protect the royal family and your kingdom. And later... later you were most certainly to be invited to the royal ball organized in Warlock's honor to celebrate his return. Maybe you would get a glimpse of the princes there.
"Do you think I brought you here to give you to the prince?" His mocking tone turned dark, poisonous. "You think I've been teaching you magic all these years so you could marry one of those pathetic royals and keep giving them babies with Enchanter's blood running through their veins?"
You tried to move away from the Warlock, but he grabbed you by the arm and brought you closer, watching you wincing in pain.
"My task is to keep away the Great Shadow." You whispered, horrified with your teacher's sudden shift of mood and wishing to run to the door the moment he'd let you go. "It doesn't mean I should be celibate."
"And your husband has to be the prince, of course." Bucky grimaced and cupped your chin, staring at you with his scary light eyes from above. "Women. You're all the same. It is never enough for you, is it? I gave you the power to wreck the world, and all you want is to lay beneath a weakling wearing the crown."
You pushed him, chanting a little spell - you caught him by surprised and quickly stepped back, shiver running down your spine. You had seen the Warlock being furious many times, but never as mad as now, pacing back and forth your chamber like a caged beast, his hands clenched in fists. God, you knew he'd take it badly.
"I've done no wrong." You claimed in a shaky voice, thinking of whether you had to chant a barrier around yourself. "I didn't betray you. His Highness said nothing about marrying me or anything of this kind! We've only danced and talked about science and magic."
Bucky let out a laugh, and you felt your stomach twisting.
"Of course, my dear. No one will say anything to you until one day they'll come to your chambers and announce your wedding with prince without asking for your approval. By the way, sweetheart, which prince do you want?" The knot in your throat prevented you from defending yourself in front of your furious master. "I guess you like the young one more, but you caught the attention of the crown prince. You want to be the Queen, don't you? This is the only thing that matters for a little minx like you."
Biting down on your lip, you felt your eyes watering at his words. Why was he saying that? You had never been power-hungry. You cared little for royals and luxury surrounding them, and your master knew it better than anyone else. Why was he saying that? Why did he need to humiliate you for something you had never wished for even in your dreams?
"But I've got to tell you the truth." The man looked at you bitterly. "You'll never be their equal. They'll treat you like nothing but the tool to strengthen their bloodline, and that's all you got to be for them. You'll become one more of their Assets like I've been before."
"Am I not the Asset to you?" You blinked away the tears and stared at him with revulsion, feeling betrayed. "Weren't you going to use me for your own purpose? Don't tell me you wanted to set me free. What's the difference between you and the royal family?"
"Ungrateful little brat." He hissed and moved before you could create the shield.
The man gripped your hair in his fist and yanked you towards your bed, hovering above you and pushing your face in the mattress with all his force. Your cry was muffled by the blanket as you tried to fight him, but was easily outpowered, ropes binding your arms by your master's command. Your first thought was that Bucky wanted to strangle you in rage - you could hardly breathe beneath his large hand. Knowing his unyielding temperament, you did what you could to wriggle free, chanting more and more spells, yet he was able to undo your clumsy charms with ease.
"Stop struggling." He snarled, pushing your face into the bed. "Or I'll show what you get for talking to your master like that."
His angry voice sounded threatening - the last time you disregard it he whipped you that bad you couldn't sit properly for a week, but today everything might end up much worse that that, you thought. You always got to obey him no matter what.
Why did you had to now, though? You were no longer his little girl, hiding in his shadow. Today you were deemed worthy serving your King, and, in fact, the Warlock had no power over you anymore. Unfortunately, he was never bothered by formalities.
"I have fed you, clothed you, given you the roof above you head and shared my knowledge with you." You heard him growling in your ear as he let you breathe again, moving his palm from your head to the back of your neck. "And this is how you thank me for everything I've done for you?"
"I've served you all these years like a dog." You hissed. "I've cooked and cleaned, I've made so many potions I could make a fortune from it alone, I've protected the Tower when Wakandan magus came searching for you. I took all your beatings without saying a word!"
"I didn't beat you, I've trained you."
"You can call it whatever you like, master." You grinned wickedly at him, watching him with your peripheral vision.
His gaze darkened, and you realized you were only making it worse for yourself. Nevertheless, you refused to be intimidated by him, the man who had ruled over you, took advantage of you, forced you to obey his every whim and keep your mouth shut. You wouldn't let him treat you like that. Not anymore.
You felt his ragged breath on the top of your head, his huge body pressing yours into the mattress. He was the Winter Soldier, the Soldat, the Warlock, but you could bring the Great Shadow to the chamber with a snap of your fingers, and he could do nothing to fight it. The only issue with it was that the King would claim you a traitor instead of savior and send all his soldiers to hunt you till the end of your days.
Suddenly, you sensed Bucky's grip weakening, and then he withdrew his hand, letting you move away from him that very second, ropes falling on the bed sheets. His eyes were as cold as a winter night when he stared at you, crawling away from him on the bed.
"Do you want the crown, Y/N?" The man asked sharply, and you narrowed your eyes at him.
"I want someone to love me." You said angrily. "I want to be treated kindly. I want to feel appreciated. I want all the things you would never give me, master."
For a moment you thought Bucky looked hurt before he was on you again, his hands clenching yours and blocking your charms. As you stared at his face, his expression enraged, you growled just like him.
"Rot in Hell." You barked, almost ready to call the Shadow.
"I've been rotting long before you were born, little girl."
He lowered himself until his forehead touched yours, and he closed his eyes, taking a deep breath. You saw his anger disappearing, but you didn't feel a delicious sense of relief, anxiety washing over you even more.
"They've taken away all I had. They stripped me of any family and friends, my comrades, anything I treasured, and they want to snatch you away from me all the same." He whispered lowly, watching you frown. "Stay with me, and I'll make you a saint in the eyes of people. You're the Shadow Enchanter, you're above all the royals hiding in this wretched place."
"But you want me beneath you." You said, deeply hurt at his words and his desire to control you even when you thought he deemed you worthy of his trust. "Above them all, but beneath you. Don't you see I want to be neither queen nor saint? All I ever wanted was to be treated fairly, and you denied me this. You're keep doing it even now."
Suddenly, you realized tears were streaming down your face and making the pillow beneath you wet.
"What have I done to you? I loved you with all my heart, and you mocked me for it. You've made me force these feelings down my throat. I wanted you to be proud of me, value me, tell me I'm good enough, but you didn't. Now you get mad because someone else dared to do it?"
His eyes went wide at your confession.
"Did you love me? Did you ever love me?"
"I did. I even dreamt of marrying you." You bit back a cry, angry at yourself for telling him the truth when all you wanted was to spit in his face. "Imagine, master, I hoped to bear your children. But if you don't want it, maybe one day someone else would."
"I do. I want it."
You winced from humiliation and a deep sense of shame, your face flushed.
Of course, now he'd say whatever you wanted to hear from him to make you comply again. He'd play with your feelings as he had always done, and in the end you won't ever become the true Shadow Enchanter, you'd always be the Warlock's faithful Apprentice and nothing else.
"Do you think I can believe you now?" You let out a quiet laugh, staring at him with resentment and hate.
"I don't need you to believe me." He said and pressed his dry chapped lips to your forehead. "I'll show you. I'll show you that you're wrong."
Bucky moved slightly, and you felt the bulge in his pants against your thigh. Oh Gods.
"No, no, master, please-"
"I'll make you a saint. I'll put a crown on your pretty head." His whisper burnt your ear when his nose brushed against your temple. "I'll give you all the things you deserve, and no prince will take you away from me."
Tags: @finleyjayne @alexakeyloveloki  ​@helenaeisenhower @villanellevi @hurricanerin ​@void-hoechlin @abyssaint
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simsadventures · 4 years
Duties: Chapter 3: Princess or Not
Summary: You go about your day as usual in the castle, when a stranger’s scent hits your nose and encompasses all your senses. However, you have always been taught not to give in too easily. And that’s what you’re about to do. Probably.
Warnings: fluff, a/b/o dynamics, scenting, royal AU, medieval AU, my bad English
Word Count: 2425
A/N: More reader in this one. Hope you’ll enjoy this development in the series. What do we all think? And who do we think the reader is? xx
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Series Masterlist __ Masterlist
< Previous Chapter
Your steps were light and cheery. Today was the day of a feast for the King’s friend, a prince from Asgard, of whom you heard plenty. You were the help in the kitchen for quite some time now, and you couldn’t be happier with your newly assigned job. In your previous life, you didn’t have any freedom of choice, everything was lined up, and not in a good way.
But now, you were free and definitely joyous about it. You might not have had the luxury in your life anymore, but that didn’t matter to you none. You were simply happy for the second chance in life you have been given, and you were going to use it as much as you liked.
In the kitchens, everything had its place, and while usually life down there would be pretty calm and simple, today was narrating a different story. Everyone was running around, bumping into each other and having the bowls full of food fall to the ground, shattering in the process. The apprentices had to then run and try to clean it up before another person fell down because of the mess on the ground.
You navigated your way through the people, trying to stay clear of their paths while still maintaining a high tempo. You had to, after all, help bake all the bread and rolls for the entire festivities, and, that was a whole lot of baked goods if you said so yourself.
You began your work, kneading the pastry, working it till it was smooth and pliable in your hands so you could make different sized rolls out of it. You liked doing the regular, plain bread because it was simple and quick.
However, what you liked doing the most were the cookies, and different kinds of sweet pastry, in which you could actually show your baking genius. You would add things bakers before you wouldn’t even think of, such as dried fruits, or different home-made jams, and syrups, so that when you bit into the pasty, it would flow out of it like the most delicious sap from a tree. Princess Morgan especially liked your little doughnuts, filled with molten chocolate and powder sugar on top.
It took you and several other bakers a good few hours to bake everything that was supposed to appear on the feast, but when it was done, it was beautiful. Pastry, bread, rolls, and other baked goods laid everywhere you looked, and it was a look to behold. You even managed to bake a little more than was said, because you knew that whatever didn’t get eaten at the feast, king Anthony would send the food to the village below. You just wanted to make sure there was enough even for them.
It was simply in your nature. You always made sure that people around were happy before you made yourself happy. You used to do it from a young age, and your father always thought it was the most remarkable trait of yours.
You smiled sadly and shook your head to shake away the dark thoughts spreading through your mind. You didn’t need that today. Today was a celebration, and you were about to enjoy it, even if you were to just look after the food at the party.
The dress you picked for the festivities were simple, just like your every other dress in your wardrobe. They were plain blue, and the colour reminded you of the colour of the sky in spring when everything blooms and the novelty of life can be felt around you. On top of it, a simple embroidery was sawn, and it was that of a cherry tree, your favourite. There were only a few branches on the dress, but you loved it nevertheless.
You checked yourself in the small mirror in your room, and even though you could only see your neckline (that’s how small the mirror actually was), you smiled at yourself. Your skin was paler than it used to, because now you spent most your time in the kitchen, whereas a long time ago, you could actually run around the gardens.
But it didn’t take the radiance of it. Your cheeks were slightly blushed, and you pinched them some more just to keep that effect. You smiled at yourself one last time before heading towards the main hall, where the party had already started a few hours ago.
The hall was magnificent again. It was really true what most kingdoms said. King Anthony really did throw the best parties, and you were glad you could experience them, even if only as a help in the kitchen.
You walked between the tables full of food, between the people joyously chatting, and smiled at everyone politely, but not really making any eye contact with anyone. It was a habit you kept for quite some time now, just a precaution.
You checked on the tables with your bread, even took one of the rolls in your hand to check if it was still fresh enough, or if you should go back to the kitchen and bake some more. But everything was perfect, and you let yourself get lost in the rhythm of the music playing from the dance floor, where all the dukes and essential people from the country danced.
You liked watching them. You, of course, knew all the dance steps they did, but as only the help you couldn’t even come close to the dance floor. Not to the point of dancing, at the very least. You didn’t mind though, you just enjoyed the play of colours in front of you, and you let yourself smile at all those people enjoying their time there.
There was a nagging feeling in your stomach the whole day, but you couldn’t really decide what it tried to tell you. Your heat shouldn’t come for another few weeks, so it shouldn’t be that. Your stomach shouldn’t be upset because you only ate in your kitchen, and everything there was perfect. You tried to ignore the growing unsettled feeling as long as you could, but as you were watching the people dance, your head felt light, suddenly.
You turned around, telling yourself that it was from watching all that movement that you were suddenly dizzy, and your senses completely ignored the strong masculine smell invading your being.
It was until you came back to your bread, and looked up, that you caught the eye of the most beautiful man you’ve ever seen. He was tall and muscular, his hair was cut short, his stormy blue eyes standing out this way.
Then his scent hit you. You could swear your heart took a leap from the adrenaline coursing your veins. He smelled like leather, summer sea, and something spicy, which you couldn’t really put your finger on.
Your body called for him, and that’s when you realised what you were doing. Staring at a complete stranger, ready to be at his mercy.
You quickly looked back at the ground, and even though it pained you to scurry away from him, you didn’t see any other option for yourself. You almost leapt out of there, heading towards the corridor for help, praying that he wouldn’t follow you where he obviously didn’t belong.
But when you were halfway through the corridor, and you heard heavy footsteps behind you, you knew the handsome stranger didn’t care one bit for any rules at the moment. He was hunting you down, and although it did send sparks flying to your core, your inner Omega almost yipping with excitement after all those lonely years, you couldn’t afford this Alpha to just take you like that.
You were running now, feeling like you had to escape to save your own life. He might have been a good guy, a good Alpha, for all you knew, but he also could be some brute who would tie you to a bedpost and use you 1000 different ways till your body couldn’t take anymore.
You’ve heard the stories. And you were keen on not being one of them. Eager to save your life, no matter what.
You hurriedly took a right turn in the corridor, running towards your own room, finding the idea of your own space pleasing and calming enough not to break down in the middle of your run. You could still hear him somewhere behind you, and you just hoped his muscles were all for show because you couldn’t even imagine what would happen if he broke into your room. Just you and him.
You breezed in your room, shutting the door close behind you, and letting your body weight lean on the door, breathing heavily, feeling your heart beating like crazy. And you weren’t sure if it was beating so because you had to run all the way to your room, or because of this Alpha chasing you, which was both nerve-wracking, and exciting at the same time.
“Omega! I know you’re in there. Open up!” His voice boomed across the corridor in which he was standing and right into your core. The sparks were now a small fire, and you hated the nature for making you an Omega. You felt helpless, and as if you could never really win.
If he left, you knew you would be whining for him and for the overwhelming scent he was emitting, but if he came closer, you would hate yourself for letting him there.
What you thought was his fist hit the door, and it shook with the power of his punch. You whimpered, and closed your eyes, trying to find what was the right thing to do in your own heart. You tried to imagine your poor father, and what he’d think of you if he knew you let this strange Alpha in your room, just like that.
“Please, don’t hurt me, I beg you, sir,” you whispered, still leaning on the door.
“Hurt you? I would never hurt you, Omega. Please, just open the door so we can talk. I don’t want you to be afraid of me. I swear, if I do something that makes you feel uncomfortable, I will walk away, just like that. But please, talk to me,” the last words were hushed, and you knew his head was on the door, and you could only imagine the pained expression on his face. The same pain you felt from his strained voice.
You took a deep breath, and nodded at yourself, before unlocking the door, and the letting the tall Alpha in your little chamber.
You could see the relief on his face, and you had to smile at him. His scent wrapped around you like a blanket again, and you revelled at the feeling of it all. You have never felt like this in the company of a man, and you never even knew you could feel like this. Your mother always told you you would have to marry somebody for the good of it all, and that maybe you would learn to love that person, tolerate his scent.
But despite not knowing the Alpha in front of you, his scent calmed all your senses, and your brain was already playing the images of your wedding, as unlikely as it was.
He smiled sweetly at you, and when you closed the door behind him once again, he sat on the only chair in your chambers, leaving you to sit on your neatly made bed.
You played with your hands, your eyes glued to your lap, unable to look up and face the Alpha sitting across the room.
“What is your name, beautiful Omega?” He asked, his gruff voice making your skin tingle.
“Y/N”, you whispered immediately, still not looking up.
“Y/N,” he repeated, and for a brief moment, you never wanted anyone to say your name again unless it was him. It sounded so different, leaving his perfect pink lips.
“My name is Thor, and it would be my greatest pleasure if I could get to know you, Y/N,” he said, and this time, you actually looked at him.
“THOR?! You’re prince Thor of Asgard? The one for whom these whole festivities were organised? The one who is on a journey to find his mate and to bring her back home? THOR?!” Your voice was slightly raised with the panic settling deep inside your bones. This couldn’t be happening.
“What is the matter? I might be a prince, but that does not change a thing. I do not know if you feel the things that I feel, but there is a connection, certain chemistry between us if you wish, and I could not care less for your title. Princess or a maid that does not matter to me. You are the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, in my entire life, and if you let me, I would like to get to know you enough to ask you to be my mate,” he finished his speech, and your mouth was hanging open.
Not very lady-like, you were aware of that, but you couldn’t help it.
“This is not a good idea, your majesty, I should not-“
“Thor, call me Thor, please. Just give me a chance to show you the real me. I bet you have heard a lot of rumours here and there, and you think you know who I am, but if you just gave me one day to make you see the real Thor.”
You knew it was foolish. You should have told him to just leave you alone, go back to Asgard and to forget all about you.
But the nagging feeling you had since morning, now transferred into a nagging voice in your head, which wouldn’t let you tell him off. The little voice was telling you to just give him a chance. Give yourself a chance on the long lost happiness. Just for a day, and then you could ask him to leave Midgard and never to come back looking for you.
Or you could leave again. You were sure you could go to some other kingdom, and, in the very least, be in some small village bakery. You would work it out just like you always have. You just needed to spend one day imagining what it would feel like if your life took a different turn.
“Alright, you have one day,” you said with a firm nod, and Thor gave you the most breathtaking smile you have ever seen.
You were in some serious trouble.
/ Next Chapter >
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