#I refuse to call him vinsmoke
akimao · 5 months
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"You have this very warm coat, let's make good use of it!"
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ask-chef-sanji · 3 months
Happy Birthday Sanji i hope you have wonderful birthday with the straw hats family who do you think will bake you a cake?
A) Luffy
B) Zoro
C) Nami
D) Usopp
F) Chopper
G) Robin
H) Franky
I) Brook
J) Jinbe
Thank you for the birthday message, I suspect that my dear Nami-swan would make me a cake and if that damned moss head made me one id feed it to Luffy, thanks again for the birthday message my dear
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weirdgirlnicorobin · 2 months
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i'm post time skip
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the-teapot-collection · 4 months
do you think zoro and sanji have brain damage from the amount of time they spend smashing their foreheads together. i feel like that would explain a lot.
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sirenthestone · 4 months
He may not use a weapon, but there was no way I was leaving Sanji out of the weapons set!
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The Diable Jambe made for a great addition, even if it's more a move than a weapon, lol. And it wouldn't have been right not to include him, would it?
Link to buy it below!
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mik0kat · 7 months
i might never get why in the year 2023 i still see people calling sanji a vinsmoke when you have much cooler name to call him (im talking about blackleg)
i get hating on the bastard but calling him a name he so clearly rejected is kinda cruel if you ask me.
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tinukis · 5 months
what if i drew the vinsmoke siblings (including sanji) inspired by the song "afton family" what then?
an animatic could work too however i dont have the energy for that 😔
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random-anime-simp · 1 year
I want to squish Sanjis cute little face between my thighs and I cannot get this out of my head so im making it everyones problem
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portagas-chan · 16 days
Yours Forever and Ever : Part 4
Yandere Katakuri x Isekai Reader
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Everyone was staring at her and Katakuri. After all, who wouldn't? The strongest sweet commander of the Big Mom Pirates, Charlotte Katakuri was known for his stoic and cold demeanor. That same Katakuri came to the wedding with [Y/n] from the Strawhat Crew holding her hand.
"I wonder if they are going to announce another wedding soon! This is big news!" Big News Morgan laughed as he snapped pictures.
Katakuri walked towards where Big Mom sat and pulled a chair for [Y/n] to sit. After he saw that [Y/n] was seated, he sat beside her with Vinsmoke Judge between him and Big Mom.
"Mamama! I'm happy to see the two of you together!" Big Mom laughed and I forced a smile.
"[Y/n], I want to see that ring on your finger," Big Mom leaned down and waited.
She showed her the ring and smiled, "Is this what you wanted to see?"
"Yes! It's so pretty, Mamama! So this means you quit the Strawhats and joined our crew, right?" Big Mom gave her a menacing look.
[Y/n] furrowed her eyebrows at her words. She looked down at her thigh when she felt Katakuri placed his hand on it and squeezed it.
'Don't do anything stupid.'
She wanted to refuse her so bad but knew that if she did she would just ruin the plan and it would be her fault. She didn't want that. It was okay. She didn't mean what she said after all.
"Yes," [Y/n] forced the word out of her mouth. Big Mom happily laughed, "Good, good! Then I will announce your engagement with Katakuri to everyone."
Big Mom stood up from her chair and cleared her throat. Her actions caught the attention of all the guests present as they turned to look at her.
"I have an announcement to make. As you all may be confused when you saw my favorite son Katakuri walking in holding hands with [Y/n] here, I will explain what's happening. My son Katakuri is engaged with [Y/n] from the Strawhats. However, as of today, she is no longer apart of the Strawhat crew. Their wedding will be held three days after Pudding's wedding! I hope everyone look forward to it! Mamama!"
The guests erupted into cheers and congrats.
"Congratulations Katakuri-sama!"
"I can't wait to attend your wedding, Katakuri-sama!"
"You are a lucky woman, [Y/n]-sama!"
Although [Y/n] kept a smile on her face, she was very annoyed inside. Everything was done without her say. It was like her opinion and feelings were not important. It didn't matter to them at all. She couldn't believe Katakuri would force her into marrying her. She thought he would at least be considerate but that wasn't the case.
Katakuri leaned down and whispered to her, "Are you enjoying the wedding?"
[Y/n] frowned glancing at him from the corner of her eye, "No!" She said as she angrily munched away the cake on the table.
Katakuri smiled under his scarf, 'She's cute even when pouting.'
[Y/n] noticed that Sanji was going to make his entrance when the sky suddenly went dark and fireworks exploded.
'Sanji is a good actor,' She thought when she his expression.
Chaos everywhere. Everyone was distracted. Big Mom finally started screaming and I put on my earplugs. I quickly ran to where Luffy and the others were.
Bege and his crewmembers launched the KX launcher but just when it was about to hit Big Mom, her scream got stronger and it exploded.
Katakuri made earplugs from mochi for his siblings.
Bege looked at his allies, 'Everyone, retreat to the mirror.'
We all nodded and just as I expected, the mirror shattered into pieces.
We looked back at the Charlottes with Katakuri at the front marching towards us with an intent to kill.
'This is honestly more terrifying in real life.'
Bege built a huge castle with his devil fruit ability to which he call it 'Big Father'. I was running together with Nami and Chopper to get to the entrance.
"[Y/n]! Nami! Hurry up!" Luffy shouted.
[Y/n] ran as fast as her legs could take to get to the entrance. Luffy extended his hand towards her to which she quickly grabbed.
However, when Luffy was about to pull her back, he couldn't. [Y/n] wouldn't budge.
She looked down to see mochi? It was Katakuri.
[Y/n] looked at Luffy in shock. She was this close to being together with her captain again and now she was going to be separated by him again.
"Luffy!" she shouted.
Luffy tried to pull her but right now, Katakuri was stronger. Katakuri retracted his hand and she was met with Katakuri who looked down at her.
"Katakuri, let go of me," [Y/n] glared at him.
Katakuri ignored her and wrapped her with mochi so she wouldn't be able to move.
"[Y/n]!" She heard Luffy shout from a far.
"Luffy! Don't worry about me! He won't hurt me! I will meet with you later!" [Y/n] shouted back as she tried to reassure her worried captain.
"You better promise me then!" Luffy said.
"Yes! I promise!" She shouted, a small smile curling up her lips.
Katakuri noticed this and glared at Luffy in jealousy. Why is he making you smile? What's so good about him?
It took quite some time for them to finally come out as Bege shrinks with Germa 66 protecting the Strawhats. Katakuri had no choice but to let me out of his sight as he stopped Ceaser from leaving the castle. But before he could leave, [Y/n] stopped him.
"Katakuri! Get rid of your mochi, please!" She pleaded but he shook his head.
"If I did that then you would run away from me. That can't happen," Katakuri said before walking away.
Sanji took this opportunity to splash water on the mochi melting it.
"Thank you, Sanji-kun!" She smiled at him to which he returned. "No problem, [Y/n]-chan!"
They were interrupted by Big Mom who got in the way. Luffy being Luffy, he didn't back down and decided to fight her.
"[Y/n]-chan, you should go ahead," Sanji said telling her to run away while the Charlottes were not paying attention to her. [Y/n] nodded and did as he said.
Suddenly, there was an explosion which made the Whole Cake Chateau collapse. [Y/n] widened her eyes when she felt herself slowly getting dragged to the edge close to falling.
She held on tight to whatever she could grab on but they weren't strong enough as she fell off the Chateau.
[Y/n] lost hope. There was no way Sanji or Luffy could help her. Or did they even know that she was falling? Maybe not. They probably thought she caught up with Bege and was safe again.
She was going to die.
Instead of falling to her doom, she felt herself freeze mid-air. She snapped her eyes open to be met with a pair of familiar crimson eyes. "Katakuri?!"
Katakuri had one of his hands stretched holding onto the Whole Cake Chateau while his free hand caught [Y/n] so she wouldn't fall. His eyebrows were knitted together as he looked at [Y/n] in his arm.
"[Y/n], I will never let you die. Never! And you know why?"
[Y/n] looked at him surprised but stayed silent as she waited for him to continue.
"It's because I love you. And I will never let you leave me even if I have to use force."
[Y/n] was shocked because she never thought he would say those words to her. She knew he was feeling that way towards her but he never openly confessed to her.
He continued, "[Y/n], even if you may not have such feelings for me, I will make it happen. I will make you fall for me so please don't leave me. I don't think I can live without you."
"Katakuri..." She didn't know what to say. She didn't know what to say except for his name. She didn't know what to do. Why was she hesitating now? She was sure she made her decision to leave him and stay with the strawhats so why?
Why was she hesitating?
What was it about Katakuri that made her hesitate?
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akimao · 5 months
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Five zosan kisses, one for each sunday of this month.
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ask-chef-sanji · 4 months
Hi Sanji. How are you? As the cook of the Strawhats, you must have a ton of recipes. What’s your go to recipe that everyone on the crew loves? Thanks 💙🤍
thank you i am doing well ^_^
and now to brass tax, Yes i do have a variety of different recipes and some that are altered to cater to everyone's pallets as it would simply break my heart if i served my dear Nami-swan and robin-chan had a bad reaction to my cooking, as for Luffy he seems to not mind as long as there is meat in the dish however sometimes its hard to please everyone and when it comes down days like that i make everyone Soba with what ever they want added to their bowl.
i certainly hope this answer is to your liking my dear
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melonteee · 6 months
About Sanji being feral with men/older men, I remember reading once in a fanfic how an OC or SI (I can't remember which ^^; ) suggested that the reason why Sanji is nice to women and rude to men is because of his family. That at a young age he formed the mindset that women tended to be good people while men tend to be bad people because when he was young only women (his mom and to an extent his sister) were the only ones to treat him with kindness while the men in his life (his brothers and father) treated him like shit.
That kind of makes sense and I can no longer unsee it.
I'm so sorry this got so long because I have so much to say about Sanji and his perception of gender so read under the cut LMAO
Anon the SECOND his WCI story was revealed, that was the literal first thing I noticed. As always, Oda has an incredible show don't tell ability - and while it is implied (and maybe Oda didn't have the intention), there's certainly an idea that Sanji puts women on a pedestal due to how men abused him.
But considering Reiju helped Sanji, and how there were maids around Sanji who were also kind to him, along with his own mother, I'd say it's extremely intentional. Reiju also isn't exactly the nicest person either, like she's presented as a total grey area. It's not that Reiju was kind to Sanji just because she was a 'nurturing' big sister, but because she was the only one who didn't have her emotions literally programmed out of her. Reiju still gave Sanji a tough time, and still didn't help him unless it was behind Judge's back, but she still showed him more kindness than Sanji's father or brothers EVER did.
While there's an obvious misogyny in Sanji, and it IS undeniable, it certainly slides much further up on the misandry scale. When he was first brought into the world, the only people nice to him were women. His first memories and first acts of care and love came from women. He was allowed to cry around his mother, he was allowed to let his guard down around Reiju, and he was allowed to be his 'emotional' self with the women that surrounded him. It is undeniable Sanji has elevated women up to a being higher than men, and much higher than his OWN existence. This has all mixed and formed inside him due to his time with the Vinsmokes AND his time with Zeff.
After all, combine Sanji's first and only real acts of affection coming from JUST women, with Zeff's ideology that women are NOT to be harmed, of course you're going to create a boy who idolises women as this holy deity.
Not to go a bit off track, but it's why this idea that Sanji HATES himself, and why he has ZERO self worth, is ALSO something people tie to his gender. Does Sanji take pride in being a 'manly man', or does he think that's what he needs to be for women? Does Sanji compensate his hate for his own self by being this extremely overdone, heteronormative gentleman? By projecting his love onto beings he believes he can never be nor measure up to?
When of course, these 'beings' are just women. Just people, like himself.
The discussions surrounding Sanji and gender, combined with his abusive male environment and this clear confusion/hatred for men, is WHY there are many who have picked up this idea Sanji perhaps does not want to BE a man. It can be called a stretch, or wishful thinking, but it's something people within the queer community have seen nonetheless.
After all, we have SEEN Sanji's happiness upon being perceived as a woman - TWICE.
Sanji quite literally has a deadname he refuses to be referred to as.
And now, with his current mutation happening, he is becoming afraid of - and displaced IN - his own body.
Sanji is such a weird and complicated character to fathom, honestly. It could VERY well be these were all things Oda just accidentally tripped and banged head first into, but WCI as a whole had a pretty big focus on not JUST familial roles, but expectations and roles of GENDER as well.
Katakuri's need to be stern and emotionless as an older brother, Pudding's abuse due to the fact she wasn't 'pretty' enough, Big Mum's daughters being married off unless they proved they can serve some OTHER purpose, Sanji's brothers forcefully cold and emotionless, Reiju needing to bottle her own emotions with fear of being bullied, SANJI'S bullying due to being an emotional boy, Judge HIMSELF being made fun of for his crying.
Combined all with Reiju telling Sanji "You're a boy, don't cry!"
WCI was fucking RIDDLED with gender discussion and gender expectation that comes with blood family, but this idea is pushed to the side due to the themes of familial abuse being the most prominent. Yet a BASE of familial abuse IS expectations of gender roles that comes WITH a nuclear family.
As much as people don't want to see it or CAN'T see it, Sanji's character and arc includes areas of toxic gender norms JUST as much as it covers blood family abuse. It's just something that's taken to an extreme in this hyper fiction setting, and thus, it can become invisible beneath the surface. But I see it! And obviously, you see it too anon!
Sorry for the rant I am just VERY passionate about Sanji's complicated relationship with gender LMAO
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yayakoishii · 7 months
Good evening, how are you? I hope you are well. I really loved your fics with chubby reader (I laughed so hard with Sanji "whoever you're talking about, I agree with Nami. no one is worthy of you") and I wanted to know if your asks are still open? I don't know if you're comfortable writing comedy, but I think it would be funny if Reader was a fighter and Sanji saw her applying the move from this link on some random enemy (https://youtu.be/JgnUVcFx_Tg?si=KY3nrRhF86C91fOV), and asked her to apply it to him (kind of nfsw-ish but no big deal)
Move | Sanji x Reader
Fandom: One Piece
Pairing: Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Word Count: 500~
Genre: Fluff?? Silly?? Drabble
A/n: Hey there anon! I'm doing great, thank you for asking <3 First of all, I'm so happy to hear you enjoyed my fics and I'm sorry for being so late ;-; Do I like comedy? Very much. Am I good at it? ...no. So the best I could manage was this small quick thing which isn't much or even all that funny tbh, but I hope it atleast is enough to bring a smile on your face. That's enough for me ♡
also available on ao3!
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"You messed with the wrong bitch!!" You shouted as you swung your leg right into the side of the man. He doubled over and you swung it once more to go right over his head, effectively knocking him out. Behind him, you could see another one of his comrades running towards you.
Using the first guy as a springboard, you jumped on the man, your thighs coming to close around his head. The force and weight forced him to topple backwards and you took the moment to quickly snap his neck and clambered off him. When you turned around, you found that the others were down already thanks to Sanji, who was fighting alongside you.
But right now, the chef was staring at you with an open mouth. You self-consciously patted at your hair and clothes, wondering if something got askew because of the fighting.
"Uh, Sanji?" Your careful murmur of his name jolted the said man out of his thoughts. Sanji immediately leaned in close, just enough to not get into your personal bubble and picked up your hands.
With hearts in his eyes, he requested, "Do it to me."
Huh? You were confused, looking at him in concern.
"Do what?" You asked.
"The move you just did on that guy!"
That was an odd request. Sanji never wanted to fight or even spar with you, despite your insistence so for him to suddenly ask this...
"Are you sure?" You tried to confirm he was serious and if the way he was about to snap his neck with how hard he was nodding was not a confirmation, then you didn't know what was. Still, you didn't want to actually hurt him. "Alright, but I'm not going to hurt you. Let me know if something goes wrong, because you know I'm shit at patching up wounds and I will have to go get Chopper."
"Of course, my sweet," he swooned, swaying on his spot. Still confused, but not wanting to refuse without a valid reason, you backed up a bit to jump on him, smoothly bracketing Sanji's head between your thighs such that his face pressed against your stomach– and oh.
You suddenly realised why he wanted you to pull that move on him.
The blonde chef toppled backwards from the force too and now you were pretty much sitting on his face, both of you blushing heavily. Before you could say anything or move away though, blood spurt out of Sanji's nose and he fainted. You paused and stared at his blissed out face with a mixture of annoyance and embarrassment for a few seconds.
"Just for that, I'm not going to call Chopper. Stay conked out, hmph!"
You looked away, cheeks growing redder. He really had the nerve to ask that– shameless! But really, the worst part was that you didn't really mind it. It just felt like Sanji has unknowingly taken advantage of your huge crush on him. The only solace you had was that atleast no one was around to see this. Thinking so, you made to get off when Nami's voice made you freeze.
"Get a room, please, and don't forget to pay me for the bleach my eyes need."
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just-wrting · 7 months
Fell For You
Title: Fell For You
Pairing: LA!Vinsmoke Sanji x Reader
Summary: You know that a certain charming cook gets feelings easily, but when he asks for your help, you can't refuse.
Word Count: 1629
Master List
A/N: I promise I've been working on this stuff, life just isn't cooperating with me. If it's not feeling physically like shit, it's having a rough time mentally or just working at a weird time. I'll make my way through this list eventually just maybe when I do a challenge it'll be after seeing my neurologist.
It’s been a week since you noticed the change. When you first met, you didn't think he had been flirting with you, but now you have the feeling he is. It’s a bit of a surprise really, considering not many men have ever been into you.
It started with small gestures, your favorite foods more often, and frequent snacks. Then it escalated to a pet name and gentle hands on your shoulders during fights. You aren’t opposed to any of these things, it just confuses you.
“Man, it must be nice to get an extra portion,” Luffy whines. “Sanji, can I have more meat?”
“Since there’s more than enough, yes. Just stop asking (Y/N) for their portions.”
You watch Sanji as he piles Luffy’s plate with more food. It’s impressive how much he’s able to put away without getting sick. You wouldn’t mind giving him some of your food, Sanji has just gotten a bit protective.
It’s not completely unwarranted, you’ve never been good at fighting. In fact, you’re so terrible at it that you’re wondering how you ended up as a pirate. Maybe fate had interesting ways of making you miserable. Being with the Strawhats made it easier to deal with.
“I prefer smaller meals anyway, so I don’t mind sharing,” you reassure Luffy. “I’ve gotta save room for the best part of the meal, dessert.”
Sanji hovers around you. You’d rather have him sit down, but he’s stubborn and has yet to actually sit next to you. Whenever you offer, he gets this odd look on his face and mumbles some sort of excuse.
“It’s your lucky day then, mon chou, I’ve made some eclairs.”
He sets the tray in front of you, giving you a soft smile. You’re unsure of what a mon chou is, but you let him call you that. He seems quite happy when you respond to it, so you’ll play along a little longer.
The eclair is firm, with a sweet cream filling. The chocolate is semi-sweet, having a bit of a bitter taste which is nice and makes the pastry not overpoweringly sweet. Not that you would care, dessert is dessert, and Sanji has made some amazing treats. You could get used to this sort of treatment.
Almost everyone else is asleep, but you can’t help yourself. Most of the eclairs were eaten while you savored yours, so you’re craving another. Sanji promised you he’d bring you more later, but he hasn't come yet.
You know he’s awake, when you see the table covered in various desserts. There’s brownies cut neatly into squares and hearts, cookies of all different types, and even mini cakes halfway decorated. It’s an impressive layout, and you can’t wait to dig in.
“I don’t think he’ll mind,” you whisper, trying to convince yourself that your crime will be okay. “He won’t even notice if a few of these are missing.”
“Actually, I keep track of all the food we have on the Merry,” Sanji says from behind you. “Though if it’s you, I don’t mind if some go missing.”
You pull a chair closer to the table and wave him over. “Since you’re the chef, where do I start?”
Sanji is slow to take a seat, and he makes sure to sit a ways away. “As long as you like them all, it doesn’t matter. Do tell me how they taste, as a favor.”
You give him a cheeky grin. “Oh, you’re asking me for favors now? You’ll owe me a favor then.”
He looks away from you, so you dig in. The first dessert is the colorful array of macaroons. They melt on your tongue and the tartness of fresh raspberries pairs well with the sweetness of the cream, and you close your eyes to savor the taste. It’s such a delicate sort of cookie that you can’t help but enjoy.
Sanji’s gaze makes you feel a bit warm, wondering if you got it all over your face somehow. It doesn’t stop you from savoring the treat.
“Give me another one,” you demand, eyes still closed. “I want it to be a surprise.”
There’s a pause. After a moment, you hear a fork against a plate. You feel like maybe you’re teasing him, but you don’t want to open your eyes. You’d like to try to guess what he’s feeding you.
“Open up.” His voice is barely a whisper.
You comply, feeling the rich cake settle on your tongue. As soon as you feel the fork drop it, you close your mouth to savor the cake. This one was certainly made with your favor of sweets in mind, with a sweet chocolate taste almost overwhelming your senses. It’s paired with a cherry filling, and you’re shocked by how perfectly it compliments the chocolate.
“This is amazing,” you mumble out, covering your mouth. “I could get used to this.”
After opening your eyes, you’re glad to see Sanji has moved his chair closer to you. The moon light makes his light blonde hair look pale, and you’re tempted to study how handsome he really is. Once he notices you staring however, he looks away from you.
“Can I ask you for another favor?”
You nod. “As long as I can keep trying these.”
You don’t think he hears you, due to the fact that he’s nervously playing with a towel. It doesn���t bother you. It’s clearly something that he isn’t too sure about, so you’ll wait until he’s ready.
“I’ve been having a hard time figuring out how I feel about someone. I don’t think I’ve ever felt like this before,” he explains softly. “Can you help me figure out what it is?”
You toss the last bite of a second macaroon in your mouth. After finishing, you start talking. “Sure. How about you start by closing your eyes.”
After Sanji complies, you scoot closer to him. Waving your hand in front of his face, you’re satisfied that he’s got his eyes tightly closed.
“Think about this person. Just about them during the day to day life. Now tell me what happens. What does your body do?”
Sanji’s face starts to turn red. “Is my face turning red? I get the feeling it is. That and my chest feels tight, my heart is racing, and my stomach feels weird. Not nauseous, but like I can’t eat.”
“I bet your hands are also sweaty, aren’t they?” you ask, and he nods. “Now, can you imagine holding hands with this person? What about kissing them? How about holding them tightly during the night as you sleep?”
Somehow, his face gets more red. “I-” he pauses and swallows hard. “I can.”
“That settles it. I think you have genuine feelings for this person. Perhaps even love them,” you tease.
Suddenly, his eyes shoot open. “I’m sure I left something in the oven.”
As Sanji makes his way to the oven, you pout. While it’s convenient for him to have forgotten something in the oven, you wanted to know who this person is.
Determined to get an answer, you follow him and sit on the counter. You kick your legs back and forth waiting for him to pay attention to you. Thankfully, he sets the next set of cookies on the counter next to you.
“Don’t touch them, they’re hot.”
You ponder his order, still pouting. “Only if you tell me who this person is. Consider it my payment for the favors.”
He sets his hands next to your thighs and leans his head against your shoulder. You can smell his soap due to how close he is and you can feel your heart start to race. Desperate to ignore the feeling, you keep teasing him.
“Is it…” you drawl, “Zoro? Is it because he can wield three swords? That is impressive.”
Sanji lets out a groan. “That green haired oaf? Impossible.”
“Well then, who is it? Come on, Sanji.”
He doesn’t respond and instead continues to rest his head on you. It’s quite cute to see him like this, and you really want to fluster him even more. You’ve got a feeling about who this mystery crush could be, but you want to hear him say it.
“Please. I’ll keep it a secret,” you say in a singsong voice.
Still, the silence drags on. This time, he turns his head to place his nose in the crook of your neck. You have to stifle a giggle since his breath tickles.
“Mon chou, why do you want to know?”
“Maybe I just wanna know about you. Maybe I like the drama. But that doesn’t matter,” you say. “Can I cash in my favor? Right now?”
Sanji nods and mumbles in agreement.
“Then, can you kiss me?”
“Don’t ask such a thing of me, mon chou.”
He pulls his head out of your neck and faces you. You don’t think you’ve ever seen anyone look this flustered, and you know you’ve confirmed it. However, there is a sinking feeling in your stomach.
“Why can’t I? If you do, then I know who you like. If you don’t, then I’ll keep guessing.”
Sanji hums in thought, his face close to yours. All words die in your throat. Despite how nervous you know he is, his hands are steady as he holds your cheek.
“Because I’m not sure if I can stop myself.”
His lips are soft as he kisses you. It’s more tender than you expected, and you wrap your arms around his neck. He tastes sweet, and you find yourself wanting more.
Despite his claims, Sanji keeps his hands on the counter. That doesn’t stop him from kissing you senselessly. You aren’t sure how long you stay like that, though when he finally stops kissing you, the cookies have cooled.
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beanghostprincess · 3 months
I love Law but I am sure he cannot keep his mouth shut when talking about Germa and Sanji being a Vinsmoke. And he does not do it out of malice or anything because he truly, genuinely is excited about it in his own way (<- denial being the way) but Sanji hates every second of it whenever their crews meet.
Seeing this situation when Sanuso is established... Makes me think about Usopp seeing Sanji trying desperately to make Law shut up about it but giving up after a while because he just cannot keep having the same conversation over and over again. He just deals with it the same way he has always done. He is not about to tell all of his trauma to this man, thank you very much.
Usopp does not like it. Not even a bit. He spends all the time watching this happen without doing anything and just getting in between their conversation subtly to change the topic and save Sanji from dealing with this, but there is only so much somebody can do about a geek's obsession with his childhood comics.
So maybe this is too self-indulgent, but I really like angry Usopp. I really do want him to protect Sanji when he sees the cook refuses to fight back anymore. And I really want Usopp to drag Law somewhere private and go: "If he says he isn't a Vinsmoke, then he isn't a Vinsmoke. I am a fan of superheroes as much as the next one too, dude, but I swear if you call him by that name again I will not hesitate to fight you and you don't want to have a taste of what I actually can do. If you can't hold yourself back you just don't go near him. If I see his smile drop even once tonight again because of you, you are not setting foot near him ever again. Understood?"
Law is a bit caught off guard because the most unexpected one of the Strawhats is the one threatening him. And he is not scared. He could easily fight him. But it hits him right in his pride and Law just accepts it reluctantly and frustratedly and walks away.
He does not speak to Sanji for the rest of the night. Happy Sanji, happy Usopp, not so very happy Law but he is still learning not to be weird around Sanji so it's okay.
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blacklegsanjiii · 3 months
GoldenASL where Ace dies, but is resuscitated and pieced back together by law and left with Marco. Ace losing his fruit because he died and everyone thinks he's dead. Mihawk coming back from the war having failed two of his children and not knowing where the third is to Zoro and Perona. He hides his grief well but Zoro keeps asking why he betrayed the government and Mihawk always hits hits him harder after that.
Law not telling Luffy what he's done and leaving him with Rayleigh so that Ace's recovery is easier to handle. Luffy screaming and crying and not being able to get a hold of his family so he's alone. Even with Rayleigh he's alone and he wasn't able to save anyone.
Sanji sobbing and heaving bile to the point the Okama is concerned and stop chasing him. Sanji refusing to eat from his grief and his failure to make it to his family he doesn't know what to do. Sanji also unable to call his family and has to live with this grief of losing his second family.
Ace waking up to Marco sleeping next to him with his fire healing Ace. His body is full of pins and needles and he no longer has his fruit. He doesn't have his fire and vows to find it and teach and screams as he recovers. Marco explains why everyone thinks he's dead and hAce understands it but his brothers and dad, their pain that he's the cause of breaks him.
Ace, Sabo, and Luffy converge in Dressrosa. Luffy doesn't know it's Ace who's matching him so well in the colosseum and Luffy finds Sabo is alive. Ace has a back up, he has White Beard's fruit if he doesn't get his back but fuck that, that fruit is his and it's calling to him. Sabo loses and screams in pain as Ace eats it immediately and sets himself on fire and burns his disguise off to shock the world and Sabo who is screaming louder. Ace grabs him and flies out and grabs his bag along the way while laughing that the world now has to deal with Fire Fist being alive and back. He gives Sabo the tremor-tremor fruit and smiles and apologizes for everything, mostly hiding him living and getting his fruit back.
They find Luffy sans half his crew after the battle. Everyone is shocked and Law is like "good to see you're back to normal" and Ace bows to thank him. Ace then explains he's there to join the Strawhat crew and see them all and it's weird that half the crew is gone and Law tells him what happened and Ace is like 'i should probably tell Dad I'm alive' and everyone is like 'both your dads are dead? And have been?' like even Law is confused and then the bounties come out.
Mihawk on Kuraigana reeling because okay Luffy's bounty makes sense, why does Sanji's say only alive?, ACE?????? The man is reeling and looking for the denden number for the Sunny he got from Zoro and Perona is watching him show emotion for seemingly the first time as no one answers the Sunny's snail. Mihawk is trying to figure out what to do and then the next set of bounties come out and there's no Ace but Sanji's surname is Vinsmoke? As in the warmongering kingdom obsessed with genetic modification? It explains a lot but fucking hell. Also why is no one answering the damn snail?!
Whenever they all meet up again on Karai Bari, Sabo, the Strawhats, Croc, and Buggy watch Mihawk rip Ace, Luffy and Sanji to him and demand WHAT THE FUCK is going on. Ace especially because he died, in front of them! Ace is explaining what Law told Marco who told him and he got his fruit back in Dressrosa. Mihawk looks to Sanji for his explanation and Sanji is like 'this has to explain so much' and Mihawk agrees it does but what the fuck. Luffy, feeling left out, is like 'Hey Dad watch this!' and does his gear 5 form and Mihawk groans and pinches the bridge of his nose. Ace tells him that it's his fault for adopting them.
Sabo and the Strawhats lose it. Even Robin is caught off guard by them naming Mihawk as their father and everyone is trying to wrap their minds around that. Luffy is excitedly tell Mihawk about how he crashed Sanji's wedding to Big Mom's daughter and how is heart stopped fighting Kaido and he is climbing Mihawk who is doing his best to support his youngest child as he tells him everything and Ace is also pitching in about how it was good to go back to Wano. Mihawk thinks he's going to have a heart attack because Sabo is also alive and Zoro is talking about Sanji asking him to kill him and fire legs and flying.
"Okay, maybe we should stop before he has a heart attack?" Sanji suggests.
"Okay, but he had us three on an island alone with him for years because we all thought Sabo died." Ace points out.
"But I'm not!" Sabo yells. "You went to Kuraigana over me?!"
"Yeah, it was really fun! I became the leader of the humandrills!" Luffy proclaims proudly. "Dad, your heart is really fast are you okay?"
"Why did none of you call me? I'm dealing with two people I thought were dead suddenly not being dead, Sabo is the Chief of Staff for the revolutionary army, Sanji was a Vinsmoke, and you are a god." Mihawk says with exasperation. "I'm not okay, to answer the question."
"We were really busy, sorry." Sanji answers.
"Clearly." Mihawk sighs as Luffy laughs and wraps around Mihawk and lets his dad hold him.
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