#I promise I’m still into welcome home lmao
jstertv · 5 months
redraw of a piece from 2021! hope you don’t mind a little fnaf fanart 🏃💨
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progress plus a speedpaint with some music for ya
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ovaryacted · 6 days
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PAIRING: Jackson! Joel Miller x afab! reader
SYNOPSIS: After a long day of patrol, Joel comes home later than he said he would be back. You are just happy to welcome him back into your arms.
CONTENT/WARNINGS: FLUFF. Suggestive content - 18+. Established relationship. Soft & affectionate Joel Miller. Ambiguous age gap (Joel is in his late 50s, reader is 25+). Mentions of early pregnancy. Cute stuff. Banter and teasing. No use of y/n.
WC: 1.8k
A/N: Hey there, been a while. In case y'all forgot, yes I do still write LMAO. This is a little something that I wrote miraculously on my free time, and it is my first Joel Miller piece. I'm also slowly getting back into writing so pls be nice! I did originally write this with the new Pedro Pascal picture as Joel in mind, but I'm a gamer Joel type of girl at heart so that's what I went with. Hopefully, it is enjoyable for those who choose to read it. Any likes, comments, and reblogs are greatly appreciated! Dividers by @saradika-graphics.
➣ TLOU was created by a zionist and is based off of the Israeli occupation of Palestine. Please refer to this link to learn how you can help the Palestinian people.
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Night fell over Jackson, soothing and quiet as it usually was. You’d think after some time, you’d get used to the stillness that often consoled others in a world full of unsettling clicks and gunfire, but you found yourself troubled with the calmness that followed once the sun went down. The change of the seasons propelled a temperature shift outside; bitter winter exchanged for the rebirth of spring, which hopefully meant the sun would stay in the sky just a little bit longer.
Your face nuzzled into the pillow beneath you, the material not yours to claim, but it wasn’t unfamiliar. Digging your nose further into the bedding, you subconsciously chased the faint scent of pinewood and gunpowder, one of the few things that eased your anxiety. It was a smell you got used to recognizing over the past few years, not that you’ve been keeping count.
Despite the warmth the sheets provided you as you rested on the left side of the bed, your body felt cold, missing a familiar set of strong arms and a welcoming chest pressing up against you. He had told you before he left for patrol that he’d be back before sundown, that was the plan anyway. But you knew better than anyone that stepping outside the protective gates of Jackson always left room for the unpredictable.
In the haze of your dreams, you faintly heard the click of the front door opening and closing, the floorboards of the stairs creaking with the ghost of muted footsteps. You stirred in bed, ears trained to pinpoint the noise, yet too stubborn to wake up entirely. A breeze entered the bedroom before you sensed something else sharing the space.
That’s when you felt the phantom touch of plush lips skimming along your hairline. If you weren’t awake then, you certainly were now.
“Joel?” A call of his name equivalent to a whimper at the sudden contact you craved. You caught the slight intake of breath and the exhale that followed.
“It’s me darlin’. Didn’t mean to wake you,” Joel spoke quietly, the peaceful baritone of his voice awakening you fully. As you sighed, you met his tired gaze with your own, bruised knuckles raising to brush your cheekbone affectionately.
“Things went okay on the patrol?” You questioned him, pleased that he was here with you in one piece rather than focusing on the fact that he came later than you’d like.
“Yeah, had to check something out with Tommy to be sure before coming back. I’m sorry honey, didn't want to make you stay up for me.”
Even if it was unintended, Joel felt guilty whenever he didn’t stick to his word. He was not much of a virtuous man, lived a large part of the past two-plus decades giving less of a shit about honesty and ethics. But when it came to you, it killed him when he couldn’t follow through on his promises, even if things weren’t within his control. The last thing Joel wanted was to upset you or make you worry, but no matter how many times he reassured you of his return, you still tried your hardest to wait for him to come back home, back to you.
“It’s okay, I’m just happy you’re here,” you blinked slowly as his voice filtered through the lagged mess of your head. Leaning your face towards his hand, you kissed the inside of his palm. “Go freshen up and come to bed; I’m cold.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he chuckled with a smile at your forgiveness, parting from you for a second and heading to the bathroom, not planning to make you wait any longer.
You watched his silhouette from where you lay on the bed, fluttering your eyes closed at the sound of running water. When the door opened again, Joel’s broad figure returned wearing a worn-down flannel and some fleece pants he had snagged long ago.
“Scoot,” he jutted his chin to gesture to the right side of the mattress, your side, suggesting to reclaim his on the left. Shifting to the right, you let him slip into the bed feet first, hauling the sheets to cover the both of you. A bulky arm wrapped around your waist and tugged you close to him, your body molding to his like a missing puzzle piece.
“Not too far now,” Joel grinned as you nestled right into his warm chest, seeking his attention and attempting to siphon more of his warmth. It takes you off guard how your nerves instantly settled once you had Joel near you again. In his arms, that was where you belonged—protected, loved, safe.
“I missed you,” you mumbled, eyes shutting to breathe in his typical musk. One of his hands cradled your lower back, thumb running circles into your skin.
“I missed you too, darlin’. Too damn much.” Joel kissed your forehead, drawing lines up and down your back with his fingertips.
His hand moved again from behind you to the front of your body, palming your stomach protectively. A smile crept up on his face as he felt your tummy under the material of the flannel you stole from him, the only thing you preferred for pajamas. The gentle curve of your belly was not yet prominent enough to be overly detectable, but he knew what you carried. Precious cargo. That’s what he called it after you both adjusted to the shock of adding to Jackson’s current population count.
“Still feelin’ sick?” Joel asked you in the room’s darkness, his eyes shifting to watch over your facial features. The moonlight illuminated the edge of your jaw and the roundness of your cheeks, and his chest ached at the thought of witnessing other growing changes over the next couple of months.
“Sometimes. It bothers me, but nothing I can’t handle.” You reassured him the best way you knew how, having to rely on Maria’s advice for all things related to childcare and Ellie being your new overly protective guard and nurse when Joel wasn’t around.
If someone had told you that you’d find yourself alive after the apocalypse in a safe community and pregnant at that, you’d consider them crazy. Yet here you were, carrying a man’s child when you least expected it, a man years older than you with memories of a reality you couldn’t experience or remember. But you didn’t mind; the end of the world didn’t leave much room for strict morals anyway.
Make the most of it. You don’t know when you’ll miss something once it’s gone.
Joel had told you that after the first few patrols you had with him once you adjusted to Jackson, growing comfortable with the stoic and quiet man who grabbed your attention everywhere he went. He shared stories of a time before the world fell apart, discussing things like watching the sunset, listening to music from artists you’ve never heard of, and sweet treats he missed tasting. Things changed after the seventh patrol together, where you saw him smile for the first time after successfully hunting some game for the town.
That night, one thing led to another. It started after some drinks, a hungry and messy kiss on your doorstep that led to clothes on the bedroom floor, and hands pawing at one another. You woke up the next morning with an arm wrapped around your waist and his nose rubbing the back of your neck.
Simply put, you haven’t left since.
“Oh, I know. Can handle a whole lot, strong woman you are.” Joel taunted you a bit, his memory fleeting momentarily and recalling the spitfire you always were with him in particular. He could never seem to tame your spunk and attitude, but he grew to love it like the rest of you.
“Mhmm, real strong, if you ask me.” You held his gaze with a gleam of mischief, bringing your body closer to his wide chest and tilting your chin upwards, silently asking for more than a cuddle.
“You tryin’ to tell me something I don’t already know?”
“I don’t know. Am I?” You were a tease, always have been, jerking Joel’s chain more than he cared to admit. 
“Those hormones are messing with your head, darlin’. Got you acting feisty,” he smirked, shifting nearer to your face.
Curious hands reached up to curl through his thick, graying curls. The contrasting streaks along his temple became more noticeable as time passed, matching the graying beard you’ve come to love and adore. He hesitated to let his hair grow out initially, thinking he’d look too much like his younger brother. Much convincing later, paired with hiding the shears, you got the desired result, and now you were lucky enough to enjoy the fruits of your labor.
The kiss was velvety as it was intimate, your tongue lining his bottom lip before he groaned, granting you entrance into his mouth. You swallowed the rumble he released, drawing a path of your touch from his neck down to his lower abdomen. Antsy fingers itched to skim the waistband of the fleece that concealed him, reaching close to the hardness you felt before he seized your hand away.
“Aht aht, no. As much as I want you there, it’s bedtime.” Joel didn’t necessarily want you to stop. Hell, if it were up to him, he’d let you go to town on him however you wanted. But his energy levels were dwindling, and all he wanted to do after a long day was get some proper rest with you in his arms.
“Sweetheart, if you let this old man sleep, I’ll wake you up to a real nice surprise in the mornin’.” It was an effortless proposition, easy to keep you at bay until the next day and enough to curb your insatiable appetite.
“Promise?” You beat your lashes at him, knowing the last thing Joel would do was deliberately not provide for your needs, even if that meant having to keep up with you physically.
“Pinkie swear.” Joel gave you another peck before letting you get comfy against his chest once more, cuddling into him as much as your growing belly would allow without being squished. You started to drift off as sleep called to you, listening to the gentle rhythm of soft beating in your ear.
“Breakfast too, Miller.” You murmured to him, peeping how he laughed in the dark with his eyes closed. The pleasant and lively sound made you smile and your heart pound. 
“Oh, I’ll feed you. Don’t worry your pretty little head about that.”
The peace in your bedroom matched the serenity that fell over Jackson. Now that you had Joel wrapped around you, you didn’t mind how quiet it was. So long as you have him, you can handle anything that comes your way.
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©️ ovaryacted 2024. Please don’t repost, copy, translate, or feed into any AI. Support your fellow creators by reblogging, commenting, and liking!
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ode2rin · 11 months
and i do, promise
pairing. itoshi sae x gn!reader
genre. fluff | a bit of comfort | established relationship | soft!sae (._.) 
content/warnings. 1.5k+ wc | characters are aged up ! | maybe slightly ooc | talks of marriage | heavy in narration! | minimal proofread | from this ask lmao
in which: you and sae had a talk about your non-negotiables in your future married life.
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“and i think we need a dog or a cat, a big fluffy one who will follow me everywhere because it has separation anxiety,” you exclaimed, turning to your lover from where he was sitting.
you and your boyfriend of five years were having one of your conversations about settling down. it wasn't a new topic between the two of you, and you appreciated that he was the one who often brought it up. after you welcomed him home, he would ask you questions about your vision for the future. 
tonight, he asked you what your non-negotiables were. 
given who he is, it always makes you happy that your lover, itoshi sae, was always the one who started these conversations. he respected your wishes of not being a fan of surprises or grand proposals. you remembered how he had brought it up on the night of your fifth anniversary, seemingly out of the blue, which was so unlike him.
“you woke me up just to ask if i want to marry you?”
“yeah, but i’m not saying it has to be now. only when you’re ready —”
“the answer is yes. now shut up and let me sleep, sae.”
the morning after, he asks you one more time, while handing you your coffee he made. just to be sure he heard you right, he says. and once again, you gave him the same answer you did when you were still drowsy.
and that's how you found yourself babbling to him about the pet of your dreams, while sae listened attentively, finding your excitement infectious. he thought it was oddly specific, but for now, he simply replied, “sure…” because he loved the way your eyes sparkled, knowing how thrilled you were to spend your life with him.
you are this excited to start a life with him, while sae would not even think for a moment that there's someone on this earth who can tolerate him for more than an hour (his manager made that very apparent). 
yet here you were, wanting him for life. to itoshi sae, that's as bizarre as the idea of cars flying around. 
so who was he to deny any of your requests? anything you had in mind, he'll get it done. pronto, if he could.
“how about our taxes, love? i don't think i can do that,” you shyly admitted, approaching him. sae instinctively tapped his lap, silently inviting you to sit.
besides, with his net worth, you're not even sure if it could be managed by one person. let alone by you. 
“i'll take care of that,” he said while tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. you beam at his reply.
what was the point of having all that money if you had to stress over the mundane? if it were up to sae, he would tell you to simply focus on loving him, in which he would never since he thinks that it’s such a loser thing to say.
“and i want a house by the beach,” you continued, “it doesn't have to be big, but i want it to have big windows and a balcony where you can spend your days off looking at the sea.”
“why?” sae asked curiously, a smile tugging at the corner of his lips.
you looked at him, a mixture of surprise and conviction on your face. “because you love the sea, and i happen to love you, so it's non-negotiable, sae.”
sae doesn't need a mirror to know his own eyes softened at what you said. Ever since you broke your way into his life, you've done nothing but melt his cold heart with your warm smiles.
he thinks you got him down so bad, yet what's even funnier, he doesn't even see himself getting back right up.
“but how about you?” you whispered softly, your gaze shifting to his hands intertwined with yours, “what's on your mind?”
he’s thinking of how five years with you made him believe that a lifetime wouldn't be enough time to love you.
just you and him, looking at the sea from the balcony of your soon to be shared home. the image of waking up beside you every morning, making your coffee before you wake up, doing laundry and taxes with you — just the mere thought of sharing a life with you, all of it were consuming his thoughts.
sae would not be able to explain to his younger self how someone like him could be loved like this. younger itoshi sae would think he's such a lukewarm loser if he had known how the older sae couldn't even take a nap without you by his side, gently scratching his nape. how older sae struggles in overseas games now because he misses the weight of your head on his arm and the feeling of your breath on his neck when he cuddles you to sleep. 
and most of all, the younger itoshi sae would have never, ever imagined asking someone to marry him.
yet here he is, making a mental note of your requests. from the oddly specific fluffy pet down to your shared home, he had it memorized.
but as much as sae would dare to give you the world, to provide you with the best life imaginable, he knew that there would always be moments of challenge. 
because sae knows, he knows for sure – that the rain is always gonna come if you're standing with him.
the constant presence of the press, the strains of long-distance, and the voices of people who didn't truly know him beyond his performances on the field would always be there, trying to interfere with your relationship. 
and above all, sae's own flaws and bad habits would always unintentionally make their presence known.
your itoshi sae, who can give you the world, yet can only give you this much.
would that be fine? would that be enough? do you really want that to be your reality all these years to come? sae needs to know.
and so with a gulp, sae turned his head away from you and mustered the courage to ask the question that weighed heavily on his heart.
“are you fine with me giving you a life of fixing bad habits through arguments?”
as the words left his lips, sae felt your hand pause its gentle caress of his knuckles. it felt as if time stood still, and his heart skipped a beat, fearful of your response.
suddenly, sae found himself entranced by the weight of his necklace, the sleek chain pulling at his consciousness. its significance weighed heavily upon him, for nestled within it was a ring he had bought two years ago that he recently put in his necklace before coming home to you. 
one might say that it was an impulsive purchase. but to sae, he knew it all along that he belongs to you. the ring was just a mere material of his love.
as the tension mounted, sae's shoulders grew even more tense, his every nerve on edge. he felt your sudden shift on his lap, and his heart skipped a beat. moments later, your hands gently cupped his jaw, guiding his gaze to meet yours.
“will you choose us in every single argument?”
you and him. 
it’s enough and more.
in that moment, a part of you knew that you didn't even need his verbal confirmation, for it was written in the depths of his captivating teal eyes. you both would choose each other, time and time again.
“only if you promise me that it's you and me against the problem, and it's never you against me,” you implored, the raw emotion in your voice resonating with his heart. “forget the pet, the house, and the taxes. this, sae. this is my non-negotiable.”
sae stared at you, his gaze unwavering, for what felt like an eternity. eventually, he reached for your left hand, which rested on his cheek. with utmost tenderness, he lifted it, bringing it eye level with both of your faces. closing his eyes, he pressed his lips against your knuckles, lingering a little longer on your ring finger.
“i promised to meet all of your terms, didn’t i? i promise you everything, anything,” he vowed, “you have my word for it, y/n.”
the sincerity of his words made your face flush with warmth. after all these years, he never failed to make you swoon. you wrapped both of your arms around his neck, pulling him closer into an embrace. nuzzling against his neck, you whispered, “do you promise?”
“with my damn life.”
a smile graced your lips as you nestled against him. “good. now, what are your terms for me, mr. itoshi?”
feeling his lips press against your temple, you relished in the tenderness of his touch. sae reached into his shirt, retrieving something from his necklace. your eyes followed his movements, and you gasped as you felt a cold band sliding onto your ring finger. looking up, you saw sae smiling lovingly at you.
“wear this all the time, and the one after this,” as sae's words lingered in the air, he leaned in, his lips meeting yours in a delicate and tender kiss.
with a soft sigh, sae pulled away ever so slightly, his eyes locked with yours, their depths shimmering with adoration. the ghost of a smile played upon his lips as he savored the moment, his thumb brushing gently against your cheek, tracing the contours of your face.
“that's my only non-negotiable.”
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note. shit writing because i hate him. i swear i’ll fight him i swear swear swear. in case, i haven’t said it enough, i hate him. bye.
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katsutora · 1 year
ft. isagi yoichi ; itoshi rin ; nagi seishiro ; bachira meguru ; chigiri hyōma ; itoshi sae
summary: them picking you up after a trip
note: i’d like to be everyone’s weekly teeth rotting fluff provider but then i remembered i dont have it in me to serve content every week LMFAO i lack prompts besties
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ㅤㅤhas a relatively normal reaction as he sees you approaching him, but is actually trying his best not to freak out. he smiles at you softly as if he didn’t almost explode from all the excitement. once you’re in the car, he doesn’t let go of your hand the entire trip home. can’t stop staring at you too (a huge simp, good for you) because it’s been a while since he last saw you in person and it’s still kind of surreal to him. hmm, what was that? hands on the wheels, eyes on the road? yoichi, seriously, pay attention oh my god. you better promise you’ve tried everything and that this really is the last resort. “kaiser is in the middle of the street.” oh? oh. oh shit. “i'll run him over.” i mean... you gotta do what you gotta do to snap him out of it, right? (no)
ㅤㅤhe’s definitely in a sour mood. seething. most likely scared every single person who passed by him. the fact that he’s rapidly gaining fame doesn’t help at all (prayer circle for that one poor kid who only wanted to ask him for his autograph). he’s leaning against the wall, looking super annoyed. the root of the problem? not the fact that he has to be there of course, more like why the hell haven't you arrived at the gate yet (calm down rin it’s only been like ten minutes lmao). misses you as hell but won’t tell? that rhymes. immediately wraps you in his coat as an excuse to hug you tightly. “t’s not that cold, rin.” refuses to let you go. he’s clinging onto you for dear life as if he’s finally found you after a lifetime. “i know. just a little longer.” his grip only tightens when he notices people looking at you two. gee, they’re just trying to get to the exit gate, stop blocking it smh.
ㅤㅤit’s almost comical how he suddenly turned into a lighthouse as soon as he spotted you. people are putting on their sunglasses indoors, someone help. mandatory bear hug (but there’s a 50% chance that you’ll both fall to the ground because he can be clumsy like that). “that was so cringe.” “you love it, though.” “i love you.” ugh sappy. if somehow you survived that acrobatic act, he’ll bend his 190cm ass after putting you down so you can kiss the top of his head! if you don’t, well, he's not gonna stand up any time soon because it’s “comfy” and definitely not because getting up is a hassle. gets super chatty all the way home. “did you know shidou decked rin again today?” “barou planted his face on the ground yesterday, king who?” “i told choki to watch the food in the oven btw.” says it in the most casual manner; you can’t tell if he’s joking or not. “mhm. wait WHAT?”
ㅤㅤa pinball. will not hesitate to break through a crowd, bumping into everyone and everything. should be classified as a hazard to society. no jk. but he did almost tackle a kid when he was running towards you. has his arms wide open and ready to tackle you too embrace you. “you’re back! welcome home!” “i’m home!” “welcome home!” “i’m home!” don’t you have anything else to say besides that lmfao (it really went on for a solid five minutes). falls asleep on your lap in the car since he already spent all his energy on that whole “embodying a golden retriever” thing back there. looks so peaceful and angelic like that. also sleep-talks. “y’re hmm”. you didn’t expect him to remain this quiet but it’s the best nap he’s had in a while so uhh “karaoke night?” karaoke night he said. good luck to your poor neighbors tonight.
ㅤㅤladies and gentlemen, him. a runway model. is he picking someone up or is he going somewhere? with looks like that, no one will ever know. forget the elegant saunter; the moment he saw you, he full on sprinted. the type that brings you flowers and your favorite snacks. seems like someone who knows what he’s doing right? but when you pat his head in response to his warm welcome, he short-circuited because you just stole his line. “i’ve missed you.” immediately softens and melts in your embrace. you think it’s all calm and that until his sister arrives out of nowhere, calling out both of your names and the next thing you know, she’s taking pictures of you as if this is your graduation day. “lookie over here, you two!” you’ve never seen someone speedrunning five stages of grief in record time.
ㅤㅤmans turning the airport into a red carpet premiere smh; cameras flashing everywhere, people eager to ask him questions, etc. he’s learning that looking down on his phone isn’t a good enough disguise, and that his bored face isn’t scary enough to fend off his fans. oh finally, he thought as he spotted you amidst the crowd. “over here, sae!” “oh my, it’s itoshi sae!” but he has his gaze fixated on you and only you. don’t worry, of course he’ll notice if you grow uncomfortable with all the attention and will immediately wrap his arm around your figure. !! breaking news: itoshi sae quits the world of football and is now becoming a personal bodyguard. navigates through the crowd while mumbling “fall under my spell.” boy what they’re not shidou (narrator: they did, in fact, fell under his spell). “give me your number!” uhh? “move in with me!” wow it’s not your sae, huh? it’s everyone’s sae.
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© 2022 katsutora ; do not repost and/or translate and/or claim my works
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semperama · 3 months
Soak + dosh please
This is way too long for tumblr and I'm sorry, but it totally ran away with me. Also there is going to be a Part 2, I promise. Also I'll put it on AO3 later when I can think of a title lmao. Please forgive me because I have no idea how to write Josh yet, but this was fun!!
It’s probably crazy for Daniel to be in the back half of his 30s and still feel like a fucking imposter all the time.
He opens the door to Josh tossing a football back and forth from hand to hand, mouth curved into a grin, and has to bite down on the inside of his cheek just until it hurts, just to make sure this is real. He heard a story once—maybe an urban legend—about a man who was in a coma and thought he lived a whole entire life, great job and wife and kids and the whole nine. Sometimes he thinks that could be him. F1 driver, friends with fucking—movie stars and NFL players. It’s all a little much when just a minute ago he was a kid with goofy hair and crooked teeth and a sense of humor no one got.
“Hey,” Josh says, with his stupid handsome face. “Good to see you, man.”
Daniel steps back to let Josh in and wills the blood vessels in his face to fucking cool it. “Welcome to my humble abode,” he jokes. Another thing to be self-conscious about, this stupid-huge house that’s always empty. It’d be great for parties, but Daniel’s never thrown one.
They should have made other plans, Daniel thinks. A concert. A movie. A bar. Hanging out at home—who does that? Teenagers?
“Humble indeed,” Josh says with a chuckle, elbowing Daniel in the ribs as he walks by. “They don’t pay you anything to drive those cars, huh?”
“Yeah, I’m barely scraping by.” Daniel settles into the banter, grateful for it. “Can I get you anything? I have water, stale bread, maybe some mouse droppings…”
Josh throws his head back at that one, his laugh sending electric tingles down Daniel’s spine. “No beer hidden anywhere?” he asks, and Daniel grins at him, indulgent.
“I think I can rustle one up for you, maybe.”
He waves Josh out to the patio and then heads into the kitchen to grab two bottles out of the fridge. It’s the middle of the season, just a couple weeks until he has to be in Austin, so he probably should be sticking to clear liquor if anything, but who’s here to judge him?
“Did you bring that for me?” Daniel asks when he emerges into the sunshine, nodding at the football Josh cradles in one palm as the takes the beer bottle from Daniel with the other.
The corner of Josh’s mouth tilts upward. “You just about creamed yourself last time we tossed the ball around,” he says. “I figured I’d make your day.”
“My year, more like.” Daniel can’t deny it; Josh has his number on this one. “I don’t want you to be bored, though. You do this for a living.”
“You ever get tired of racing?” Josh asks.
Daniel chuckles, shaking his head. “Touche.”
There’s no grassy field behind Daniel’s house to play in, but they make do with the long strip of pool deck, all the chairs pushed to the side. At first, they just toss the ball back and forth lazily. That’s honestly enough for Daniel, just watching the satisfying spiral of the ball and feeling the slap of leather against his palms. It’s warm and breezy and Josh keeps grinning at him—he could do it all fucking day.
But eventually he gets antsy, wants to make sure Josh is still having fun, so he starts trying to make things difficult, prancing back and forth, sometimes running to the other side of the pool. It feels better when Josh is laughing at him. It feels like he’s pulling his weight.
“Come on, really throw one,” he says, holding his hands up in preparation. Josh chuckles at him, pulls his arm back, hesitates, and then lets it fly. This time, when it hits Daniel’s hands, the sound is loud, echoing. It fucking stings.
Daniel wants it again.
“Is that, like, your maximum?” he asks as he lobs it back.
Josh grins and shakes his head. “Nah, man. I don’t want to hurt you. You gotta be able to hold a steering wheel in a few days.”
“Oh, come on,” Daniel says, hopping from foot to foot and shaking out his arms. “You won’t hurt me. I can take it.”
Josh quirks and eyebrow at him. “You sure do talk a big talk, Ricciardo.”
All the blood rushes to Daniel’s face. He can only hope he’s already red enough from exertion and the sun that Josh won’t notice. Josh seems so fucking implacable, but Daniel’s been soaked in sweat and breathing hard for a while now, his t-shirt clinging to his chest. He pinches the fabric and unsticks it, letting some of the breeze in, but doesn’t help much.
“Just once,” Daniel says, unable to help the pleading note in his voice. “I want to know what it’s like.”
Josh walks over to the table near the house where their sweating beer bottles sit and takes a long swig. Daniel watches the bob of his throat, watches him lick the moisture from his bottom lip when he sets the bottle back down. When he turns back toward Daniel, he starts tossing the ball from hand to hand again, putting a spin on it, the silence stretching until it makes Daniel’s skin prickle with discomfort.
“Alright,” Josh says at last, “but I don’t want to hear your crying if it hurts.” He beckons Daniel with two fingers. “Come here. I need to show you how to catch it first.”
“I know how to catch it,” Daniel says, but he jogs over anyway.
“You know how to catch a ball thrown by a buddy,” Josh says. When Daniel stops a couple feet away, Josh lunges for his wrist and drags him in closer. “You don’t know how to catch a pass thrown by one of the most powerful arms in the NFL.”
“Fuck,” Daniel says, embarrassingly, out loud. He jerks his wrist out of Josh’s hand and wipes his palms on his shorts. “Fine, fine. Show me, then.”
Josh tucks the ball into his armpit, then cups his hands together, a foot or so out from his chest. “This is the way you have been catching it,” he says. “Which is good if you’re a professional receiver. But this time—” He brings his hands to his chest and turns his palms upward— “let it hit your chest first and kinda fall into your hands.”
He motions for Daniel to show him, and Daniel mimics his hand placement as best he can, hands cupped near his stomach. Josh rolls his eyes and puts his hands under Daniel’s, nudging them upward and squeezing, molding them into the shape he wants. His fingers are softer than Daniel thought they’d be, maybe a little callused but still gentle. Daniel can feel his heart thundering against his ribs, and he can only hope Josh can’t feel it too, close as he is.
“And, uh,” Daniel says, voice cracking, “what’ll happen if I don’t to it right?”
“Oh, nothin’ much.” Josh grins, winks at him. “Just a broken finger or two, maybe. But I hear you already have some experience with that anyway.”
Daniel lets out a nervous, high-pitched giggle. “Christ.”
“I’m just messing with you,” Josh says. “I’ve never broken anyone’s fingers.” He pushes on Daniel’s shoulder, like he’s trying to wrestle some of the tension out of him, then points past Daniel’s ear to the far side of the pool. “Go to that corner over there. Then put your hands like I showed you. I’ll put the ball where it needs to be, and you’ll be fine.”
If Josh keeps talking like that, Daniel’s pretty sure he’s going to embarrass the hell out of himself. His shorts are too loose, too thin, and he’s already half hard in them. He wonders, sometimes, if players get like this during games, if it’s normal to be turned on by the perfect tight spiral or the smack of leather against your skin. He’s not sure if it’s the game, the thrill of it, or if it’s Josh, all that power right up close, all of it focused on Daniel.
He turns and jogs back over to the far side of the pool, getting as close to the edge of the deck as he dares. Sweat is dripping into his eyes, and swiping a forearm across his head doesn’t help much. After this, a cold shower. He fucking needs it.
“Alright,” Josh calls to him, “you ready?”
Daniel puts his hands in position and looks to Josh for approval. “Like this?”
“That’s fine,” Josh says. “A little higher, maybe.” Daniel brings his hands up another inch, and Josh nods at him. “That’s good. Now…don’t move.”
The windup feels like it takes forever. Daniel watches Josh’s arm, the bulge of his bicep, the way the muscles of his forearm shift as he brings the football up past his ear. His feet jig a little, his body arcs back. The expression on his face—it’s like he’s already so fucking pleased with himself, and he ball hasn’t even left his hand yet. Daniel wants to reach down and adjust himself, but he can’t move. He isn’t allowed to move. Josh told him not to.
Then, suddenly, the ball is shooting through the air, so fast Daniel can’t even track it like he should. Good thing Josh is a pro and didn’t need Daniel to track it. It hits his chest right where it was supposed to, so hard it nearly knocks the wind out of him, and his fingers curl around it instinctively, hugging it into his body.
“Holy fuck, mate,” Daniel says in disbelief. His palms are still stinging from the last throw, and now his chest aches, and—he feels like he’s losing his mind, but he wants more. It’s still not enough. He wants to catch ten more passes like this. Twenty. He wants his whole chest to hurt, his whole body to be one big bruise.
“You okay?” Josh says, and suddenly he’s right there in front of Daniel again, prying the football out of his hands. “All good?”
“Yeah, I—” Unthinkingly, Daniel reaches down and lifts up the hem of his shirt, looks down at his chest. He expected—maybe was hoping—to see a mark there already, but the skin is just a little red, a faint starburst in the center of his breastbone.
“You’ll have a hell of a bruise there tomorrow,” Josh says. He pokes the spot with two fingers, and the throb of pain makes Daniel’s dick throb in sympathy. If Josh looks down, Daniel’s fucked.
Of course, Josh does look down.
“Hmm.” The sound comes from somewhere deep in Josh’s chest, and this time Daniel’s whole body throbs. “Is that for me? Or the ball?”
That nervous laugh bubbles out of Daniel’s mouth again. He feels so fucking unsexy right now, like he’s in one of those nightmares where’s he’s shown up to school in his underwear. “I dunno, dude,” he says. “You get a personal demonstration of the talent of someone you admire and see how you react.”
“Mhm,” Josh hums again, thoughtfully this time. “No, I know.”
He touches Daniel again, pressing his thumb against the spot on Daniel’s chest and rubbing gently. Anymore of this, and Daniel’s going to have to climb out of his own skin. He takes a deep, shaky breath and pastes on a smile, then steps backward so Josh’s hand is hovering in midair, nothing left to touch.
“Anyway.” Daniel steps out of his shoes. He tugs his shirt off the rest of the way, refusing to notice whether Josh is still looking or not. “I gotta get out of this heat. You coming?”
He’s a coward, but he doesn’t wait for Josh’s answer, only steps around him and takes a flying leap into the pool. The cool water closes over his head like relief. He floats there, weightless, until his lungs burn.
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jhuzen · 1 year
*pops open another beer 🍺*
helloooooo can u pls give me some sugar baby dottore hcs??? i am currently bent on him i need u to quench this thirst
the love in hatred [m.reader]
hope i’m not too late in quenching your thirst beer anon hsjsjdsj. i was busy with some uni things and only got to it now. hope you don’t mind me adding in a little spice in the dynamic ;D and i’m sure you like it nsfw so there are some little sprinkles of it lmao.
𖦹 modern au (but it’s not heavily implied), suggestive themes (of course), a little bit of dark themes, possessive dottore but he hates you at first lol, nsfw terms, reader is rich rich.
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Sugar Baby Dottore who absolutely despises you and every fiber of your very being. You were the antithesis of his existence, absolute respite encompassed you while he was the unyielding scholar. He pursued knowledge until the very edge of Teyvat, while you sat back and relaxed, stopping because you ‘know your limits’. You’re a coward in his eyes, that’s what. But you’re a coward that can make a lot of money. And a coward that he can coerce into giving him financial aid in his experiments because he doesn’t want to lower his pride to ask Pantalone instead.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was welcomed by the not-so-cowardly you when he came to strike up a deal with you. No longer were you that chipper easygoing lad that he despised, but an incredibly emotionally constipated man that can barely work your facial muscles into a fake smile. It almost felt like getting bit back in the ass by the way you threw him off the loop. He no longer knew you the same way you no longer knew him. It’s a clean slate. But he still hates you.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was genuinely surprised that you didn’t need a lot of convincing. That you were willing to give him everything as long as he abides by certain rules and requests of yours. He hates it (and again, you), but he’d rather cut his throat than ask Pantalone for even a tiny pouch of mora. And while he’s relentless in his pursuit of knowledge, the man knows even the mora in his pockets have limits.
Sugar Baby Dottore who was relatively glad that you never once placed him under a tight budget. You were generous with him and maybe he sort of liked that all he had to do was spread his legs and tempt you into a good time. No attachment. As soon as the fun (for you at least) ends, Dottore wakes up with an allowance that any Northland Bank branch could only gawk at. It was ridiculously heavy.
Sugar Baby Dottore who only ever resorted to seducing you when he needs something at this very instant and his little impatient mind couldn’t bare you entertaining your big shot clients first. You promised you’d give him everything if he fucked you dry, right? Often times, when his impatience strikes, he’s already grabbing at the lapels of your pristine suit, tugging you away from your now confused clients while you and him screw in the empty room right next to your study. After milking you dry, he already has his greedy little palm out, expecting you to just drop your entire leather wallet on him (he’s hoarded so much of your wallets already).
Sugar Baby Dottore who at first finds your date nights annoying but necessary (to butter you up into buying him new laboratory apparatuses) — you’re so difficult to talk to! Unlike your days in youth when you would engage him with a small smile, you and your annoying stone face only prompted him to want to watch bacteria cultures grow in a petri dish. But the moment you start opening about your work the more he feels relatively intrigued.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly starting to cherish the little knickknacks you give him. He never really batted an eye to the souvenirs you’d bring home to him from your international trips. In fact, he used to cherish the times you were away. He still receives cash and he doesn’t have to fuck you. Anyway, he used to just ignore them and opted to only take interest in the money you give him for his lab equipment, but it’s recently that he’s staring more and more at the taxidermies of certain native species you gave him. And maybe some of those magnet things from each nation… if one looked behind his wheeled whiteboard, they could see some of the ones you brought home.
Sugar Baby Dottore who starts to get more conscious of how he looks around you and starts taking effort in looking good for you. Don’t get him wrong, he knows he looks good, it’s partly why you agreed immediately in financially supporting him. For his looks and his body. But there was something refreshing in making a conscious effort of looking even more alluring — absolutely loving the way your usually stern eyes just digging into his form.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly becoming addicted to your scent. Your imported colognes that he used to gag at, he’s now spraying into his suit before he heads to the laboratory, absolutely loving the way when your eyes twinkle in recognition at his new scent whenever he passes by you to get his daily allowance of a hundred thousand mora (how are you not broke yet, no one knows).
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s slowly feeling the grips of insanity when he realizes that his hatred for you is dissipating into nothingness. When he’s slowly looking forward to your cock shoved up inside him more and more. He hates that within the few months that you and him made that deal, he’s becoming more and more enamored to the mornings where he can still see you beside him, your big sturdy back facing him with all the scratch marks and love bites he made on you the night prior.
Sugar Baby Dottore who becomes far more possessive. Suddenly, the tables have turned. He thought he’d always have the upper hand, he could charm you with his body and there’s mora in his pocket in an instant. But somehow it’s him that gets hungrier and hungrier for you — he went on an all time high the one time you dropped by his laboratory to talk to him about something he doesn’t remember anymore. He likes the attention you’re giving him and archons, he wants you to have him as your sole object of affection. This man will go feral if you made external arrangements in your business trips.
Sugar Baby Dottore who’s becoming clingy to you. He can’t leave you alone for a second. His addiction of you festering within him. Suddenly, it’s not just about the mora that you’re giving him anymore. It’s suddenly turning into a matter of your loyalty to him, that one day you’ll make him your pretty wife, financially secured with his own laboratory in your mansion, leaving you no room for bargains while he stuffs himself with a mouthful of your delicious cock.
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
May you kiss your bachelor days goodbye now, because he’s never letting go of you.
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
Oh no! It seems like your pretty little doctor has moved onto the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
Oh no! Seems like your pretty little doctor has moved on the next step, already planning your future with him and only him! Best of luck to you~
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zikariogirl · 1 year
‘ 𝐝𝐞𝐟𝐞𝐜𝐭𝐨𝐫 ’ — 𝐣𝐚𝐧𝐠 𝐡𝐚𝐧-𝐬𝐞𝐨𝐤
PART ONE, part two
summary ┆ as vincenzo’s sister, you were asked to help him out with a certain situation he was handling in korea — spying on a evil-corrupted CEO, who has no care for others. you were strategic, smart, and the best of the best. . .but who knew you would end up falling in love with a psychopath?
a/n ┆ this originally was gonna be a loooong one shot, but i think it’s too long that it’ll need a part two LMAO. also, there will be a lot of “switching languages” here because i feel like people who are bilingual/trilingual tend to switch from one language to other while they speak (i’m bilingual and do this myself lol), if that makes sense. kind of like han-seok, who goes from korean to english when he speaks!
warnings┆ slight mentions of gore and disturbing themes
normal = english
italics = italian
bold = korean
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“Would you like some water, ma’am?”
You shot the flight attendant a quick smile as you nodded your head and raised your empty glass cup, thanking her while she filled it up. Per your brother’s request, you were currently on your way to South Korea to provide some assistance on an unknown situation. Vincenzo was pretty vague over the phone and promised that he will explain everything when you get there, which was good enough for you. At least him teaching you Korean as the two of you grew up is definitely coming in handy now. There’s a few small words and phrases you still need to work on but you had a good understanding of it, and spending some time in Korea is definitely going to make you learn fast.
You missed him — a lot frankly. The two of you weren’t biologically related since you were both adopted. Don Fabio adopted you into the family when you were only six years old after your poor excuse of a father attempted to sell you off. He neglected you for years and constantly blamed you for being the reason why your mother passed away when you were born.
You took your revenge on him though. You made sure his death was slow and painful.
Vincenzo on the other hand was adopted into the family later down the line. The two of you grew extremely close and worked well together, unlike your relationship with Paolo. You were both ruthless with your work; making you guys earn the nickname I Diavoli Malvagi — The Wicked Devils. Although you were a part of the Cassano family first, Vincenzo somehow climbed up the ranks quickly and surpassed you to become Don Fabio’s right-hand man. You loved your brother, but sometimes you couldn’t help but feel a bit of resentment towards him, especially when the rest of the family sometimes disregarded you unless if you had Vincenzo around.
However, you quickly pushed those thoughts away as you began to land. Regardless on how you feel, he’s your brother who you cherish a lot — and probably the only person who genuinely cares about you. You called for a taxi and made your way to the location he sent you, Geumga Plaza.
Upon your arrival, you were greeted by the tenants of the building as they excitedly welcomed you into their home. They were suffocating — to say the least — but you were successful in pushing past them and storming inside the office where Vincenzo was located at.
The moment you slammed the door shut, three pairs of eyes landed on your heavily breathing form.
“Those people are like fucking leeches!” You cursed in Italian as you dropped your suitcase and bag.
Vincenzo moved swiftly as he shot up from his seat and made his way towards you, causing you to straight up face-plant into his chest as he pulled you in for a tight hug.
“You don’t know how much I’ve missed– ow!”
You didn’t let him finish since you proceeded to flick him on his ear, hard.
“I cannot breathe,” your voice was muffled against his chest so you tried your best to face the right, attempting to free the corner of your mouth, “and if you don’t let me go within the next three seconds, I will show everyone in this building that video I took of you passionately singing to ‘Umbrella’ by Rihanna.”
That man has never let you go so fast in your life.
You fixed your clothes and hair, then proceeded to pull him into a proper hug where neither of you were dying to catch some oxygen.
“I’ve missed you too asshole,” you smiled when you felt him chuckle before pulling away. “Now introduce me to your colleagues so we can get down to business.”
Vincenzo knew you didn’t like to waste time, so he swiftly introduced you to Miss Hong and Mr. Nam before the four of you sat down on a table to discuss the situation. Vincenzo started from the beginning. From the death of Miss Hong’s father, to Babel’s corrupt cases and evil acts, to him finding out that Miss Hong’s former intern is actually Jang Han-seok — the CEO and mastermind behind Babel. It was a lot of intel, and a bit confusing since you didn’t really see a point in fighting this fight. If anything, the whole thing sounds almost identical to how the mafia works back in Italy. Things are hardly personal, and it’s mostly just business unless if you cross somebody wrong. It sounds like this Han-seok guy is trying everything he can to be at the top, and eliminating anyone who gets in his way.
Yeah, sounds fairly similar.
You could honestly care less about corrupt politicians. Korea isn’t your home, neither is it Vincenzo’s, so you’re finding it really hard to understand why he’s doing this.
You didn’t mean to do it, but you interrupted Miss Hong in mid conversation as you held up a hand and looked at Vincenzo. “Tell her I apologize for interrupting, but I need to speak to you alone.”
He knew something was up, so he translated your apology to Miss Hong who was kindly understanding. Both her and Mr. Nam excused themselves as they exited the office, leaving you and your brother alone at last.
You drummed your fingers against the table, giving him a side look with a raised eyebrow. “How much are they paying you?”
He blinked. “What?”
“How. Much. Are. They. Paying. You? This whole ‘saving the people’ thing isn’t you. This is a job cut out for the good people, for heroes, not for monsters like us. We’re no better than Babel, Wusang, and that Han-seok guy.”
“I never said I was a hero,” he let out a sigh as he leant back against his chair.
“It’s not your fight Vincenzo. So what if Babel wants to demolish this plaza? Let them! The tenants can always find another building to infest. You can put this behind you and come back with me to Italy because Paolo is such a–”
“There’s gold stashed away in this building.”
You stared at him, completely dumbfounded. “Huh?”
“Almost 886 million euros to be exact.”
Hold up. Rewind. Pause.
“E-Eight hundred…”
“Babel wants to demolish the plaza, which will then reveal the secret room where the gold is located. Miss Hong and I made an agreement. I help her destroy Babel, and in return, she will help me regain ownership of the plaza. You’re an incredible spy, so I want you to infiltrate them and get as much intel as you can. Once I gain access to the room, I’ll give you ten bars of gold. Each bar is worth about 58 thousand euros.”
That’s half a million euros.
You shot Vincenzo a wide smile while leaning forward on the table, resting your chin on the palm of your hands. “Where do we start?”
The plan was finally in motion. After finding the right people to tip off Ms. Choi, you received a phone call from her almost immediately. Due to the language barrier you both struggled to communicate properly — not really but you just needed her to take you to him. When she notified you that Han-seok wanted to see you, you couldn’t erase the devious smirk off your face as you agreed to meet him.
This man either trusts too easily or is heavily armed and prepared to kill you in case anything goes south. You were approaching his house while having two of his armed bodyguards escort you inside. The sound of your heels echoed off the walls, letting the four people inside know about your presence. The moment you stepped foot into the room, all eyes were on you, but there was one specific pair that matched the same iciness as your own.
“Miss Marino,” he greeted with a smile. “Please join us and sit.”
You sat down next to Ms. Choi, leaving your eyes trained on him. “I’m pretty familiar with the language,” you didn’t miss the way Ms. Choi looked at you, “I just sometimes prefer not to speak it.”
Han-seok cocked an eyebrow. “I see, well, first thing’s first, tell me about yourself,” he snapped his fingers towards one of the gentlemen, indicating him to fill up your empty wine glass.
While the middle aged man with glasses scurried to obey orders, you leant back on the couch while crossing your left leg over your right. “I’ll spare you all the depressing details about my past, but I’m a mercenary. Been one for five years. I work for nobody but myself. If you pay me fucking good, then I could care less about whatever task it is you give me. Only thing, I don’t harm children, so don’t expect to do any of that.”
He remained quiet but kept his gaze on you.
“Ms. Choi called me rather quick when I arrived to Seoul, so tell me, what does the CEO of a company want with a person like me? You plan on getting your hands dirty?”
“I always get my hands dirty when needed. I just need to know if you’re the right fit for this kind of job.”
“You think I’m not?”
“I don’t know,” he shrugged. “I find it hard to believe someone of your appearance is one of Italy’s top mercenaries.”
“How about you put your money where your mouth is?”
You were not liking his sexist attitude towards you. So what if you’re not some strong buff man? You’re perfectly capable of taking down anyone who dares to cross you. You don’t know how to explain it, but something in his features changed at your remark, and before you could even register what was about to happen, a pair of arms grabbed you from behind and slammed you into the floor.
This fucking prick! So he’s planning to test you? The air was knocked out of your lungs but you quickly regained your composure and rolled yourself back onto your feet. The man in front of you went in for a punch but you stopped his fist, twisted his arm, and proceeded to flip yourself in a hand stand position, your legs wrapping themselves around his neck as you tossed him down onto the floor. Everyone stood in shock as you pinned down your attacker’s arm and basically had him on a choke hold with your legs.
The sound of clapping behind you made your attacker tap out, and you quickly released him before standing up. You turned to face Han-seok, who looked fascinated as he loudly applauded you.
“WOOH!” His sudden burst caused everyone — but you — to flinch. “Oh my GOD!”
You picked up one of your shoes that was laying on the floor. “You owe me new heels,” you sighed in disappointment when you noticed the broken heel.
He made his way towards you, grabbing the heel from your hand and tossing it behind him. “You will get anything you want, plus more, if you join my team. You’re just PERFECT! A-MAZING! WOW!”
Does he usually have outbursts like these? He almost sounds possessed. Nonetheless, you smiled up at him, letting him know you were in all the way.
“When do I start?”
Then plan was working just as you and Vincenzo hoped it would. You’ve been getting a lot of intel on Babel — which has served a great help to him and Cha-young. Speaking of them, you’ve noticed a bit of chemistry going on between the two of them. You haven’t said anything but you’re not stupid nor blind to know that they both have some sort of feelings for each other.
It was almost adorable to you.
Another major update was Han-seok finally revealing himself as the actual chairman to the public. It was definitely a bit of a shock since he was so keen on keeping it a secret so Han-seo could take the fall for all of his problems regarding Babel. He surprisingly hasn’t ordered you to kill Vincenzo, if anything, he wants you to tease him in a way — to make him suffer and gain revenge as well. He basically wants you to grow even so Vincenzo is aware that they too have the power to take him down if they want to. Kind of a cocky move for him in whatever little game he’s playing with your brother.
Since you can’t make Babel or Wusang grow suspicious, both you and Vincenzo had to plan out certain situations to make it look like you almost beat him, or in smaller cases, you did. The two of you even went as far as to fake a fist fight. Both of you came out bruised and scratched up but were laughing like maniacs about the ��fight” over tea.
But this encounter was also when you noticed some strange behavior coming from Han-seok. You had to report back to him like always, and the moment you stepped inside Mr. Han’s office, everyone froze at the sight of you.
“Wha…What happened?” Han-seo questioned as he ran to you. The young chairman took a hold of your hand and began to lead you to one of the couches.
You let him guide you while Mr. Han rushed to get you a glass of water. You stretched out your arms and leaned your head back, closing your eyes for a brief second before opening them again. “That bastard caught me by surprise. It’s like he knew I was going to be there. That figlio di puttana snuck up behind me but I was able to fight him off and get away.”
Everyone turned to look at Han-seok as they waited for him to translate the last part of your statement. Okay yeah, you can practically consider yourself fluent in Korean, but sometimes it’s fun watching them struggle to understand you. The silence that fell in the room told you that Han-seok remained quiet. He kept his hard gaze on you and didn’t even bother looking at his team as he spoke — wait no demanded — something to them.
“Get out.” His voice was rough and low, but you kept your eyes closed and could clearly hear everyone shuffling out the doorway, indicating that it was just you and the boss.
You heard him get up, and a few seconds passed before you heard the sound of a box clicking open. “If you’re thinking about torturing me, don’t even bother. I’m practically immune to that sh–”
You were instantly silenced when you felt his rough fingers grab your chin. Out of instinct, your right hand shot out and gripped his wrist, your nails digging into his skin but he showed no reaction to your move. Your eyes connected for just a brief second before he diverted his attention on your cut lip and bruised cheek. The feel of a wet cloth touching your skin was not foreign to you — but having someone else do it is. You remained quiet, not wanting to interrupt his focus, but you were also left speechless feeling his rough fingers hold your chin. You don’t know why, but being this close to him was making your heartbeat run wild, and that was definitely bad. You don’t know if it’s his beautiful brown eyes, the way his brows are furrowed to focus on your injuries, or the way he’s actually gentle and being careful in cleaning your wounds.
Why is he even doing this? He doesn’t gain anything from it.
You almost punched yourself in the face when you felt a wave of disappointment hit you when his hands were no longer touching you.
“Your lip was starting to bleed again and you were getting blood everywhere. Next time, don’t fail me. I would hate to get rid of you.”
And just like that, he stood up and turned his back on you. You felt stupid. What did you expect? Why would he clean you up and show any form of emotion towards you? What even made you think that?
You were definitely touch starved. Yes, that’s why. You haven’t had sex in a while, and you were probably really hormonal, which is why your body reacted the way it did. You swallowed the lump that was stuck in your throat and you quickly stood up, trying to think about what club to hit after this.
“Sorry, sir. It won’t happen again.”
And with that you were off.
Your mind has been on a haywire ever since your weird feelings during that one specific encounter with Han-seok arose. You thought that the answer to all your problems would be sex, but the sad truth is, it definitely was not. It was a mere disappointment. At first you believed that maybe it was just the person, so you found somebody else the next day and slept with them as well. Same reaction, same feeling — it was terrible that you felt absolutely nothing. Maybe it was you? You’re not even sure what to think.
But you definitely don’t know what to think now because for some reason, Han-seok invited you out for a stroll around the park.
You were both currently eating ice cream — his treat — while talking about the plan and the progress that you’ve made. You basically bullshitted all your intel, but once Han-seok opened his mouth to ask you something, the two of you were approached by a guy around your age.
He kind of looks like..
“You’ve been ignoring my texts and calls.”
Oh shit. It’s your one night stand.
To be frank, you forgot his name, and you could care less to find out what it is. He looked like a mess and by the look on his face, he was clearly not happy when his eyes landed on Han-seok. “Who’s this?”
Before he could answer the guy, you cut Han-seok off. “How is that any of your business?” You retorted back to Mr. No Name.
“Because we’re seeing each other?”
You drily laughed. “I beg your pardon?”
His features fell at the tone of your voice. “Was I just a joke to you then? You… you approached me! You wanted me. We danced all night, had drinks, we had sex, and then you had an emergency so that’s why you gave me your number. I asked if we could see each other again and you said yes.”
He was putting you on the spot and you hated it. Who does this fucker think he is?
“Look buddy, there’s this thing called a one night stand. I don’t do any of that talking bullshit. I don’t do any dating. I fuck with no strings attached. To be fair with you, I was drunk and probably had no clue as to what I was saying to you that night. Lose my number though, will you?”
You paid no mind to him as you grabbed Han-seok’s hand and began to walk off.
“Your dick game is very disappointing by the way. I had to fake my orgasm.”
He caught you by surprise when you felt him yank your hair.
“You stupid bitch!”
You were about to grab him and make him beg for his life but Han-seok was faster. His eyes were dangerous as he tightly clutched onto the guy’s hand, who began to wince in pain while falling down to his knees.
“L-Let me go you fucker!”
“Shut up or I’ll snap your wrist right here, right now,” his voice was dripping with malice.
You had to stop him. You were in a public place where anyone could see what was going on. You stood up on your toes and placed your hand on his right shoulder. “Not here,” you whispered. “People will see.”
He immediately smiled at your words, already piecing together what you meant. “We can take him back to my place.”
You returned the same smile before bending down to be at eye level with the guy. You cupped his cheeks and slightly leaned in. “You’re gonna die.”
And die he did. His bloodied body was left in the bathroom as both you and Han-seok stood in the living room, wiping the blood off your hands. You got a little too carried away with Mr. No Name. The way he disrespected you by putting his hands on you without reason made your blood boil, and you lashed out in anger the moment the three of you made it behind closed doors. Who the fuck lays a hand on a person after being rejected? God was he an idiot.
You were too lost in your thoughts and too focused on wiping the blood off your neck to even notice Han-seok staring at you. You didn’t notice the way he kept clenching and unclenching his fists. The way his adams apple kept moving every time he swallowed as he gazed at your gorgeous face caked in blood. You were ethereal in his eyes right now. He used to think Cha-young was the perfect woman, but that all changed the moment he met you.
You peaked his interest that first night he met you. When you slammed one of his body guards down onto the floor with no issue. The way you’ve been slowly causing Vincenzo and Cha-young trouble. The way you briskly complete some side jobs he has for you in getting rid of certain people. You don’t question him and get the job done — just as you promised.
He really wants to kiss you right now.
He gave you zero time to react as he marched over to you and grabbed the back of your neck, slamming your lips together in a rough kiss. You felt your teeth clash with his and it fucking hurt. You pushed against his chest but he didn’t budge, so you decided to bite down hard on his lower lip.
He immediately stepped back, but his crazed eyes remained on you as he licked the blood off his lips. You on the other hand did not know what to say or do.
“What the fuck was that?!” You yelled.
He shrugged. “Just wanted…a taste.”
What’s even worse is you genuinely liked feeling his lips against yours.
Han-seok took a step closer to you and when he noticed you taking a step back, he proceeded to get closer. It’s like you were frozen, and all you could do was step away from him instead of walking out the door. He eventually caged you in, with his arms trapping you as you leaned back against the table.
“So,” he tilted his head and reached forward to trace the skin on your neck. “I have an offer.”
“What?” You were short with your answer, mostly because you wanted to get this conversation over with.
“Have sex with me.”
“Just this once.” He leaned forward and buried his face in the crook of your neck, inhaling deeply. “Seeing you go crazy. Staining yourself with blood. Fuck, that was so hot.”
His hot breathe tickled your skin and you immediately got goosebumps. You hated this, but a part of you liked being this close to him. To have his lips be so close to you. The heat of his body engulfing you. You wanted to push him down against the couch and ride him like there’s no tomorrow. You wanted to feel his hands all over your body, to have his mouth touch your most sensitive area, to have him fill you completely.
Wait, no. What the fuck was wrong with you? Alarms were going off in your head and you needed to leave now.
“I don’t know what kind of shit you’re trying to pull here, but I’m not having sex with you.”
You kept your tone cool and collective. You didn’t want him knowing what kind of reaction he was giving your body.
“Why not?” He pulled his head back to look down at you with a pout.
“Because I don’t fuck who I’m working for.”
“Hm, but you didn’t have a problem whoring around–”
That definitely caught him by surprise as he stepped back and held his burning left cheek. His eyes were wide with shock but he made no move to grab or hurt you.
You were livid, and all you could do was point at him. “Do not ever disrespect me like that. I don’t care who you are, but I will not stand for that type of bullshit talk. Unless I’m going to directly do a task for you or it’s something related to the case, don’t ever fucking talk or touch me again. Figlio di puttana.”
You turned around and stormed out of his place in a hurry, not wanting to be around him any longer. When you got back to the plaza and told Vincenzo, Cha-young, and Mr. Nam about what happened, it was an understatement that your brother wanted to march towards Babel and just kill Han-seok himself. You made sure to leave out the part of him asking you to have sex, but either way, Vincenzo was loudly cursing in Italian as he paced the office.
“Wait, this is a great idea!” You narrowed your eyes at Cha-young, who seemed eager to tell your brother something. She whispered something in his ear causing his eyes to widen, and you were sure you heard him whisper a ‘no’ to her.
“What did she say?” You were desperate to know.
Vincenzo gripped the edge of the table as his eyes met yours. You could tell he was tense, and you did not like it one bit.
“Cha-young wants you to seduce Han-seok, or at least make him fall for you. That way you’ll have a deeper connection and be able to manipulate him.”
“Fuck. No.”
He turned to look at Cha-young. “I told you she’ll say no.”
“Convince her. Please. This will definitely give us the upper hand, plus, wouldn’t it be fun seeing him grow desperate over her only to be betrayed in the end?”
“I am not having my little sister get close to that psychopath.”
“She has a point,” you turned to look at Mr. Nam since he began to speak. “Plus, she can take care of herself. I know for a fact she can kick his ass if she wants to.”
Cha-young turned to face you and unexpectedly threw her arms around your shoulders, causing you to scream. “Please!” She begged in English. “Pleaseeee.”
“Yes! Please!” Mr. Nam proceeded to hug you as well. They were so close to you and you shot Vincenzo a glare. He looked semi-apologetic but also very amused, but you were going to rain hell on your brother since he pulled out his phone and took a picture of your current situation — several actually.
If anything, they practically forced your hand, because they would not let you go unless if you agreed to their stupid, evil plan. Now, you angrily stomped out of the building and began to formulate a plan to get close to Han-seok, even though you told him to never talk to you unless if it’s about business.
You didn’t want to admit it, but the main reason why you refused to take part in this plan was because you were afraid of your own feelings towards Han-seok. After the kiss and having sexual fantasies — while he basically smelled your neck too — you’ve been a hot Han-seok mess. You were guilty of having wet dreams of him. You were also guilty of feeling your heart beat increase anytime he walked into the room. Surprisingly, he kept his distance. Maybe the slap you gave him knocked some sense into his brain and made him realize how much of a perverted idiot he was being. You should feel thankful he was respecting your wishes, but, all you felt was disappointment.
The more time you spent with him, the more dangerous it became for you. Task after task, meeting after meeting, you were essentially digging your own grave at this point. Its been months and you’re at a deep end, and it sucks that you don’t know who to go to for this. You can’t tell Vincenzo in fear of disappointing him, and you also didn’t want him to be disgusted by you. Even though you spend a lot of time with Cha-young and Mr. Nam, you don’t feel comfortable letting them know either. You obviously cannot spill any of this to Ms. Choi or Mr. Han, so that only leaves the one person you know is the worst choice.
Jang Han-seon.
Why him of all people? Maybe it’s because he fears Han-seok and you know he won’t say a word. Maybe it’s because he’s the kindest out of the group, so you automatically assume he can be easy to talk to.
Or you could bottle your feelings and thoughts instead of saying anything. But the more you bottled these emotions, the worse it gets. Maybe you should back down on the deal completely and move back to Italy.
But it’s half a million euros. Half a million. Never mind, you can do this! You just have to control your feelings and stop acting like a stupid rookie. You’re a fucking spy for the mafia, you’ve been doing this since you were sixteen! Why start to lack now? There’s nothing special about Han-seok. He’s a psychopath.
But he’s also a really handsome and fun guy.
No, you need to stop. You’ll rant to Han-seo and that’ll be the end of it. You paced around Babel in search of the younger Jang brother and was relieved to see him getting coffee by himself — no Han-seok in sight.
He had a worried and confused look when he heard his name, but when his eyes landed on you, he smiled.
“Hey,” he greeted as he pointed towards the coffee machine. “Coffee?”
You shook your head and leaned back against the counter. “I need to tell you something but you cannot tell anyone, understand?”
His demeanor changed at your words on the secrecy of what you’re about to tell him but he quickly regained it as he nodded his head. “I understand. What is it?”
“I think I like Han-seok.”
And there goes his morning coffee. Han-seo practically spit out everything and he became a coughing mess, placing the mug down as he fanned himself.
“Oh my god, are you okay?!” You cried out as you began to repeatedly pat his back.
“I…,” he coughed. “Napkin.” Cue another deadly cough.
You were quick to pass him a napkin and you took it upon yourself to clean and wipe down his tie. This poor man would not stop coughing, and it was even drawing the attention of certain employees who would walk by, but you paid no mind to them. You guided Han-seo to the nearest chair while still patting his back.
“Han-seo, are you okay?”
Cough. “I think.” Cough. “Damn.” Cough. “No.”
You placed your hands on both sides of his face to keep his attention on you. “Do you need CPR because I’m actually trained on it.”
He blushed at your words, and started to wave his hands frantically while still coughing out like a forty-year old man who smokes cigarettes every day. “N-No!” Cough. “I’m…okay.”
“What’s going on here?”
Now that was a voice that could make the two of you freeze. At the same time, you both slowly turned your heads, your eyes landing on Han-seok. He looked…different. And not in the wardrobe-look different, but his aura…and his face. Something was off about him.
Han-seo was the first to scurry out of his chair. He removed your hands from his face and quickly bowed, but not before letting out another ugly cough.
“S-Sorry sir!” Cough. “It’s,” cough, “nothing! I was actually,” cough, “about to leave.”
You rolled your eyes and stood up. “Stop talking. You’ll make it worse.” You patted his chest and shot him a smile.
What you didn’t know was how terrified Han-seo was right now because nobody knows his brother better than him, and right now? He could tell his brother wants to kill him. He notices the way his jaw keeps clenching every time you touch him. He was surprised he didn’t storm up to him when he caught your hands on his face. You confessed your feelings for Han-seok to him, but judging by his brother’s character, does he reciprocate the same feelings?
He definitely does not want to stay and find out.
Han-seo excused himself and said goodbye to you before walking off. You rolled your eyes when you heard him cough again, but now that you’re alone with Han-seok, you want to leave too.
“Well bye!”
“I didn’t say you could leave.”
He stopped you from walking off. You pursed your lips and turned around to face him once again, keeping your eyes focused on the nearest wall. “Yes boss?”
“What were you doing with Han-seo?”
“What do you think I was doing?”
The muscle in his jaw twitched. “Shut up and answer my question.”
You raised an eyebrow at his ugly tone. “If you’re worried that I was going to kiss your brother at work, you’re wrong. He almost choked on coffee so I was helping him regain his composure. Plus, I wouldn’t kiss him here. It’s too open and people are nosy.”
You didn’t bother to stay and listen to his reply, instead you waved him off as you walked away, not bothering to turn back. Sure you work for him, but that doesn’t give him the right to act like an asshole to you. If he tries anything, both you and Vincenzo will be on his ass for it. However, one thing you didn’t know was that you were going to be the reason why Han-seo will wake up with a black eye tomorrow.
It was another normal day and — much to your surprise — Han-seok announced that he will be hosting a small party at his house, full of important people of course. You were required to attend and the moment Cha-young found out about it, she made it her number one job to dress you up and buy you the best of the best.
“I want you to outshine all of those corrupted assholes.”
You smiled at her words and felt thankful on her kindness towards you. She didn’t have to go and buy you a new dress — but she did. It was a beautiful silk beige dress with a sweetheart neckline, thin shoulder straps, and a straight line hem with a side slit. Your confidence boosted through the roof on how you looked. While you were applying the last of your make up, Vincenzo walked into your room and paused as he took in your appearance. You could see the gears shifting in his brain before his eyes widened and he pointed at you.
“No what? I can’t look hot?”
“Why are you dressed like that? Don’t tell me you’re going on a date with that psychopath.”
“For the record, you agreed that I should get close to him,” you ‘popped’ your lips as you finished applying your lipgloss. “And no, I’m not. That psychopath is throwing a party.”
“Doesn’t she look gorgeous,” Cha-young grabbed your shoulders and made you face Vincenzo. The two of you innocently smiled at him, which made him mock a smile back before walking away. Cha-young smacked her lips and frowned in disapproval before rolling her eyes. “How rude.”
“He’s always like that,” you scoffed and grabbed your purse, making sure to leave your actual cell phone behind and taking your undercover one instead.
Before you could walk out, Vincenzo grabbed your wrist and raised a finger. “If he touches you again, I will kill him. I can always make a few jumps ahead in our little game.”
You rolled your eyes at his words. “Oh whatever, I’ll be fine. Just make sure to leave my apartment thirty minutes after I leave, just to be safe.” You planted a quick kiss on his cheek. “But I’ll be back! Maybe I’ll even get laid.”
You shot him one last wink and ran off right as he started to yell. You absolutely love pushing his buttons.
You walked out of the building and stood outside waiting for your car to get here. The party barely began five minutes ago but you weren’t in a rush to get there — it’s not like you’re the guest of honor. The car arrived just in time, so you opened the door and took a seat in the back. Just as you were about to put on your seatbelt, the driver quickly turned around and shoved a rag onto your face. Fuck, chloroform. You grabbed his wrist and twisted it, causing him to drop the rag on the floor as you attempted to open the doors. Of course this fucker would have child lock on. You began to kick the door and mentally cursed when you started to feel woozy and tired.
No, don’t fucking black out.
You rapidly blinked your eyes as you tried to stay awake, but the chloroform was definitely kicking your ass right now.
“You…fucking,” your body was giving up and you grew sluggish. “Piece of shit.”
Then your whole vision went black.
You don’t know how much time has passed since you’ve been taken, but when you slowly started to regain consciousness you noticed that you were handcuffed to a bed frame in a worn out bedroom. You laid on the dirty floor and noticed that the knife you had strapped to your thigh was gone.
“Wow I scored big tonight.”
You frowned at the creepy guy in front of you. He was definitely not hired for a job, he just looks like a simple homeless man. He seemed to be a few years older than you and wore worn out clothes that don’t appear to have been changed in months.
“Who are you?” You practically demanded.
All he did in response was raise an eyebrow at your question and stand up, completely turning his back on you.
“Hey! I’m talking to you, you fucker!”
You knew he wasn’t going to listen to you, but you had to let out your frustrated words somehow. You have no fucking clue what he was doing as he stood in front of a table but the moment he turned around, you wanted to kill him. His eyes were focused on you as they trailed your body, and he licked his lips before proceeding to rub himself through his pants.
What the actual fuck is wrong with him?
The sound of a phone — actually, your cell phone — going off made him stop. He let out an irritated groan before mumbling something underneath his breath as he walked out of the bedroom. Once he was gone you quickly bent your head and pulled out a bobby pin from your hair.
“Fucking pervert is dying tonight,” you mumbled as you picked the lock on the handcuffs. You were successful in getting them off and you rubbed your wrists while you began to search for a weapon, but stopped almost immediately when you took notice of an album sitting on the table. Upon further inspection when you opened it, you were horrified. Mangled bodies of young women were all posed in different and weird poses, and they were all naked too. So he kidnaps women, sexually tortures them, and then kills them for pleasure.
And you were his next victim.
“Fucking prick just signed his own death wish,” you spoke to yourself in disgust.
You grabbed a pair of scissors from the desk and began to make your way towards your new prey.
Meanwhile, back at the party, Han-seok took notice of your absence and began to ask around in case anyone saw you. He found it odd that you were still not here, since you clearly stated in your text that you would attend the party. He knows women take longer to get ready, but it’s been over an hour since the party began and he definitely is not liking the fact that you possibly bailed on him. What are you doing that’s much more important than his party? Are you out clubbing and meeting other guys? Oh hell no.
He marched over to Ms. Choi since she was in charge of sending a car to you. “Ms. Choi, did you so happen and get any word on the car you sent to pick up Miss Marino?”
“Yes sir. Last I heard, they’ve been waiting outside her building for thirty minutes.”
He frowned at her words. “Did they get in contact with her?”
She shook her head. “No. They’ve tried to call her several times but received no answer.”
Why the fuck didn’t she say a word? He clenched his jaw, his voice dropping low with annoyance. “Why didn’t you tell me this sooner?”
Ms. Choi fixed her glasses. “You seemed busy, sir. I didn’t want to interrupt.”
“I don’t fucking care what your excuse is. You notify me about shit like this immediately.” And with that he walked away and called your phone. It rang three times before it was automatically sent to voicemail. He called again. And again. And every time it would ring, it would last differently, almost as if his call was going through but someone was declining it. He was not going to have any of that.
Using your number, he had some of his men track it down, and he rushed towards your destination in no time. The moment he pulled up to a rundown house, he grew confused. What the fuck are you doing here? He got out his truck and walked towards the front door, which turned out to be unlocked, but the moment he stepped inside and his nostrils were filled with the familiar iron smell, he panicked.
Yes, panicked. For the first time in his life, he felt a sense of a slight fear. He didn’t miss all of the weird photos hanging on the walls. Each one was of a different woman, but the frames next to them were of the same girls, but dead, mutilated, and barely recognizable.
Han-seok genuinely felt his heart drop, and he began to call out your name, not caring if he alerted the owner of the house. In fact, he wants them to show themselves, so he can torture the fuck out of them and force them to tell him on your whereabouts.
What he didn’t expect to see was a male mutilated corpse laying on the floor of the living room, with you on the other side of the room, drenched in blood. His eyes roamed your body and took in your appearance really well. The beautiful silk dress you wore was now covered in blood, your hair was a bit unorganized but still looked perfect. Both of your hands were painted red in blood while your face, neck, and arms had a few splatters here and there. He didn’t miss your exposed left leg as well, something that really made him want to touch you.
You looked like a fucking goddess to him right now.
You were too busy sipping on whatever drink you prepared yourself since you didn’t bat an eye towards his direction, but the moment he stepped forward, the familiar click of a gun sounded off. He raised his hands in surrender, his lips curling into a smirk as he shot you a wink.
“It’s me!” He said in a cheerful tone.
But for some reason, you didn’t put down the gun.
You kept your aim on him as you completely debated whether or not to end this shit, right here, right now. You were fed up with these stupid feelings that have been overcoming you for the past few weeks. Getting attached and growing feelings for the enemy? Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you? Even though the Cassano family didn’t have you as a main priority in their ranks anymore, there’s a reason why you were their main spy. You always stuck to the task to get it done, even in the times when you were sent to spy on the most gorgeous men in Italy, you always came through by ending your mission with their blood in your hands. You never second guessed your mission.
Until now.
You don’t know what’s so special about Han-seok. If anything, he’s the most psychotic guy you’ve been tasked to spy on. Sure you’ve dealt with a load of crazy men, but not ‘Han-seok level crazy’. Maybe it’s the way he walks with power and is strategic with his plans but is also a complete dork. Maybe it’s the way he doesn’t take shit from anyone, no matter who they are to him. Maybe it’s the way how he treats you differently, and you’ve picked up on it too. He doesn’t take Ms. Choi, Mr. Han, or even Han-seo out for ice cream, or invites them to accompany him on regular every day tasks. Not once has he yelled at you or even came close to “punishing” you for your failures. Because you have “failed” him, when you couldn’t “beat” Vincenzo in certain situations. It was all a mess.
A mess you could end right now. You could get rid of this stupid fantasy your mind has been playing and flee from Korea. You could move to the States and start a new life there. Just forget about everything.
Han-seok raised an eyebrow and shot you a quick wave when he noticed you still aiming the gun at him. “What are you doing?”
You didn’t answer him. You remained frozen as your eyes began to brim with tears instead.
Why am I fucking crying?
Han-seok was more confused than ever at your reaction, and he began to wonder what was going on in your pretty little head. Did the man actually hurt you to the point where you were left traumatized? The thought itself made him feel an undeniable amount of rage, which is why he didn’t care as he stepped on the man’s hand when he began to walk towards you.
He called out your name, but you still had no reaction as you were lost in your thoughts.
“Give me the gun,” he ordered.
Shoot him! Just shoot him!
You were absolutely losing your mind. Your hand began to shake and your vision was clouded with tears at this point.
Why can’t I fucking shoot him?!
The moment you felt him grip the gun, you knew it was too late. He took it from your hold, put the safety on, and tossed it aside. Neither of you said anything for a while. You leaned back against the table as you began to space out, feeling out of touch with reality.
“I’m sorry I..” you stopped yourself from saying anything else. You were showing weakness to him, something you despised.
“Shh,” he remained calm, which was a surprise to you. His fingers brushed the side of your cheek and you felt yourself completely melt at the touch.
You involuntarily leaned into him, and he moved his hand to cup your cheek instead, his thumb rubbing the skin underneath your eye.
“All my life, I’ve been good at what I do.” You don’t know why you’re saying this but you couldn’t stop yourself from telling him. “My mother died giving birth to me, and for six years, my own father neglected me. He would beat me for any little thing I did wrong in his eyes and he constantly made me feel the burden of being the cause of my mother’s death. He was a thief and beggar, and would use me to do his dirty deeds in stealing. That’s the only reason why he kept me for a while, but little six year old me thought we were bonding. One night I made him something and I thought he would love it, but he went berserk and beat me so bad that he left me for dead. I remember him spitting on my small little body and saying that I’ll never be his daughter. He was surprised to find me still breathing the next day so he tried to sell me off and sex traffic me, but that didn’t work on his end. I grew up, was trained by the best, and spent years trying to find his sorry ass. When I did, I made sure to make him feel every bit of pain he made me go through.
“I got a shot in having a second family and I felt so happy, until they started to turn their backs on me as well. Deep down, I felt tossed away. It started to feel like they only kept me because of how good I was in completing missions for them. It didn’t feel like I was important to them, and I fucking hated it. Just like my father, they pushed me away, and only saw use of me whenever it benefited them.”
Much to your surprise, Han-seok was listening to your words. The way his beautiful brown eyes looked at you oddly made you feel safe, so you continued to spill everything to him.
“But working for you is different. Even though you send me on tasks to do some of your dirty work, you acknowledge me. You don’t order me to leave you alone. You treat me like I’m somebody. Even when I fail against Vincenzo at times, you don’t punish me for it. I’ve been losing my mind lately and,” you paused for a second as you swallowed. “I think I need to stop working for you and leave Korea.”
You felt his fingers on your skin twitch. “Why?”
God, is he really asking you why?
“I just have to.”
His face hardened. “That’s not a reason. Tell me why.”
“If you’re worried I’m going to tell anyone about what Babel and Wusang are up to, I’m not. I just want to leave this country and go far away as possible.”
He let out a dry laugh. “You’re not leaving.”
“You can’t make me stay.”
“Watch me.”
“What are you going to do? Threaten me? Keep me hostage? Kill me? What exactly are you going to do to make me stay, huh? There’s nothing in this world that I care for.”
Except for Vincenzo, but he doesn’t need to know that, and your brother will understand you needing to abandon the mission for personal reasons.
Han-seok brought his other hand up to cup your opposite cheek, his eyes connecting with yours. “If you give me a good enough reason, then maybe I’ll reconsider letting you leave. Sooo, talk.”
Oh god, are you really going to tell him? This will either end really bad or give you the opportunity to leave. You took in a deep breath and mentally prepared yourself for what you’re about to say.
“I fucked up big time. My task is to work by your side and get my hands dirty for you. This is strictly just business. But I,” you paused before continuing, “I literally fell for you. My stupid ass really fell for you.”
His hands dropped from your face and he took a step back. Your confession has completely stunned him and he has no idea what to do or say.
“It’s so unprofessional of me and so embarrassing. I don’t know how or when it happened. I think it was from that time you cleaned my wounds after my big fight with Vincenzo, I don’t know. I’m just disappointed in myself for stooping so low to this.” You grabbed the nearest rag and began to wipe away the leftover blood on your skin. “I’m going to raid this asshole’s closet, change, and take my leave. I enjoyed working for you Han-seok, and you have my word that I won’t spill any of your dirty business to the world.”
You began to walk away from him, thankful that he wasn’t making a scene or trying to get more embarrassing information out of you. The feel of his rough hand clasping around your wrist made you whirl your head, and you looked up at him with confusion.
“What are you–”
“Oh shut up and kiss me beautiful.”
And he immediately pressed his lips against yours. Unlike last time, you didn’t hesitate in kissing him back and you gripped his tie before pulling him down closer to you. His hand cupped the back of your neck while he placed his other one on your hip, pulling your body closer as the kiss grew feverishly. You didn’t even realize you both were walking backwards, and when your butt bumped into the edge of a table, he quickly hoisted you up and sat you down on it.
He stood in between your legs and his hand started to touch your exposed leg, sliding itself underneath your dress as he began to rub circles on your inner thigh. Your arousal grew and you bit back a moan. Jesus, he’s not even touching you there yet and you’re already wet for him. Your hook ups weren’t even able to bring this reaction out of you — not even when they were deep inside you too.
You were just about to reach down to unbuckle his belt when his phone began to ring. Han-seok slammed his hand on the table and pulled away, irritation clear on his features.
“What?” He answered with annoyance, but the moment he felt you kissing up his neck, he relaxed.
You could hear a female voice on the other line, pinpointing it to be Ms. Choi.
“Yes I found her. Next time, make sure to do a background check on the drivers you send.” You heard more talking before he scoffed. “You’ll apologize to Miss Marino, not me. I’ll head over there now.”
He quickly hung up and set his phone down, tilting your chin up so yours eyes could meet his. “Sorry baby. The party is boring without me so they need me back.”
Your heart fluttered at the nickname. “I guess,” you sighed before pointing at the dress. “Although I do need a wardrobe change. My dress is ruined.”
He looked down at the blood stains and his nostrils flared for a bit. “Did he touch you? If so,” he reached over to the table and grabbed the bloodied scissors, “I can always rearrange his face more. Snip snip.”
You laughed at his last words before grabbing the scissors out of his hand. “There’s no need for that, I already took care of it. Stupid asshole wished he could touch me, but seriously, I need to buy a new dress.”
“Hm, tell me where you bought that one because you look amazing in it. After that, we’ll head to the party since it’s not fun without me.”
Somehow, a very naughty thought popped up in your head.
“Or,” you grabbed his tie and pulled him down towards you. “We could have a little bit of fun ourselves.”
You saw him swallow and his eyes widened just a little bit. If there’s any way to describe him right now, he looked so innocent, as if his secret little persona as Joon-woo emerged and completely replaced Han-seok. But that surprised look completely went away when his hand found its way to your neck, and he gave it a light squeeze, enough to turn you on again.
“Oh baby, I’m going to ruin you.”
And right there is the moment you knew that there was no going back. This wasn’t just an undercover mission anymore. Jang Han-seok, the CEO of Babel, has you completely wrapped around his finger, and you could care less. Any sense of morality that you had left has gone out the window at this point. This man can tell you to torture or kill anyone for him, and you’ll do it in a heartbeat.
You were at his mercy, and you fucking love it.
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babeydollx · 2 months
Just A Dream | Pope Heyward
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୨୧ Warnings: mentions of smut, mentions of virginity, fluff, a tad angsty.
୨୧ Pairings: Pope Heyward x Female Pogue Reader
୨୧ Summary: In which, Y/N has the perfect night with Pope but, it turns out that none of it is real.
୨୧ Word Count: 730 words
୨୧ Author's Note: Sorry that I haven't been posting for a hot minute lmao.
© Babeydollx 2024, please do not steal, copy, modify, repost, or translate my work.
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You smiled snuggling into Pope’s side as you two watched the sunset on the beach. “This has been the perfect night.” You smiled. “It really has been..” Pope smiled and kissed your head. “I love you y/n” He said softly. “I love you too Pope.” You smiled and looked up at him. Pope stood up and put his hand out. “Come with me, let’s walk along the beach.” He smiled.
“Okay..” You smiled and took his hand then got up following him. The two of you walked along the beach hand in hand. It was nice to finally have some alone time with him, not that you didn’t love the other Pouges also being there, they were like your family, but being with Pope made you feel different. You were truly in love. “You made tonight so perfect..” You said smiling. “No I didn’t.. I mean I tried but.. you being here is what made it perfect.” Pope said.
You giggled and blushed a little. Pope was always throwing cute little compliments your way and you loved it. He knew you had self-esteem issues and issues with the way you looked and he made sure you knew how beautiful you were and how much he loved you. “Well it’s true y/n.. you’re so beautiful.. I don’t know what I would do without you, I don’t know how I survived without you before I met you.” Pope said.
“Honestly.. I don’t know how I made it through without you either..” You smiled and gave his hand a gentle squeeze. Pope smiled and stopped then kissed your forehead. You looked up at him with a soft smile and giggled. “You’re so cute..” Pope chuckled and leaned down and kissed you. You smiled. “Well.. it’s getting dark now.. we should head back. Do you want me to drop you off at your place?” He asked.
“Actually..” You thought for a minute. “What is it baby?” Pope asked. “Could I.. stay with you tonight? I mean as long as you’re parent’s wouldn’t mind.” You said looking up at him. “They wouldn’t mind.” He chuckled. “They love having you over there, they think you’re great, and so do I.” He said. “Well thank you.” You smiled with a small chuckle. Pope held your hand and led you to his car then the two of you drove off to his place.
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Pope walked in with you. “Mom! Dad! I’m home! I brought y/n with me.” He said. “Welcome back Pope.” His dad walked out of the kitchen. “and Hello y/n.” His dad smiled. “Hey Mr. Heyward.” You smiled. “It’s nice to see you again sweetie.” His mom said. “Nice to see yo both again too.” You smiled. “We’re just going to head upstairs if you need us.” Pope said as he went upstairs, you followed.
You both went into his room and sat down on his bed. “So.. what now?” You asked looking at him. “Well.. maybe we could..” Pope leaned in and kissed you. Giggling you kissed back and you both fell back onto the bed, tangled into each other’s arm kissing. “I- wait..” You said as you stopped him. “What is it baby?” Pope asked. “I- uhm.. I’m still a virgin.” You mumbled. Pope sat there for a moment and you went flushed.
“That’s ok baby, it’s ok to be a virgin.. we don’t have to do this if you don’t want to.” Pope said softly taking your hand in his. “No it’s ok.. I want you..” You gave him a reassuring smile. “Okay.. well at anytime if you want me to stop.. I will.. and I promise to be gentle.” He said and kissed your forehead. “Okay..” You nodded and the two of you began to kiss again.
Then you woke up. You sat up in your bed, in you’re room, Pope was not to be seen. You frowned. “I guess it was all just a dream..” As soon as you said that.. Pope knocked on your window with a smile on his face.
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୨୧ Author's Note: Thank you for reading!
32 notes · View notes
nickfowlerrr · 2 years
taking care
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pairing: soft!dark nick fowler x curvy!reader
warnings: innocent/naïve reader. violence. mentions of blood. mean!nick. mentions of injury. minor character death. smut. choking. gun violence. pet names. hair pulling. spanking. i think i’m missing stuff so please let me know if you think anything else should be tagged!
words: 7.4k
notes: this fic has been sitting in my drafts for a couple weeks and i haven’t reread it in a while so apologies for any errors. genuinely idk where this story went and i know i didn’t bother trying to make it make much sense - it was really just an excuse to write nick fowler smut and then this all just kinda came along with it lmao. also - can i just say that i am big anti baths but honestly, i’d get in a tub with this man any day of the week 😙
i feel like, by now, we should all know not to expect well written endings from me and this fic is no exception. idk man lol
as always feedback and comments are always welcome. thank you for reading and reblogging 💜
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“I really wanted to trust you, sweetheart,” he said, sounding disappointed as he stared down at you. “I was so sure I could trust you.”
“What?” you said, taken aback by his words as you stared up at him from where you were made to kneel in between his legs. “You..you can. You know you can,” you continued, trying to hide your hurt though you were sure it was written clear as day on your face.
His hand was caressing your cheek softly as his eyes continued to gaze stoically into yours - giving nothing away.
When you had gotten home, after putting away the groceries in the kitchen, you found him in the den. He was just sitting in his chair near the fireplace- the glow of the flames illuminating him and accentuating the sharpness of his facial structure. He sat there, almost unmoving - looking like a work of art.
You were going to call to him, but were instead momentarily stunned by the sight of him before his clear, blazing blue eyes suddenly shot to yours as he heard you enter. His gaze froze you to your spot with the chill it sent through you. He stared at you a moment before speaking.
“Come here, princess,” he called to you.
You blinked at him before making your way over. You had heard that pet name many times before, but something about the way he said it was different now. It sounded wrong, cold. So unlike the wickedly sweet way it normally sounded coming from his lips.
When you were stood right before him, he grabbed your hands in his and pulled you down, urging you to lower yourself onto your knees before him.
To say you were confused at his words would be an understatement. You had been with Nick for the past two years and had started living together just around the first. He had moved you into his home with him a few months shy of your one year anniversary, promising you it would be perfect. And the place itself was perfect. It was in a newer, quite expensive, neighborhood with few neighbors living in the houses near his.
And his house was amazing. High tech and as luxury as you had ever seen in person. You had no qualms about the place you’d be moving to, you were just a little trepidatious, worried things were moving too fast. But of course, Nick convinced you it wasn’t too soon, that when you loved like you loved one another, these things could never be rushed. Not when it was always meant to be. You’d get to spend more time together, you’d save money on rent, and he’d be able to keep an eye on you - to keep you even safer.
You knew Nick’s line of work was dangerous, but you never felt worried about something bad happening to you. You knew he’d never let that happen. You were always his top priority, and had been since the day he first laid eyes on you. Rather, your concerns were in regards to his safety. When he would come home after long weeks away, you finally felt like you’d be able to breathe again. He’d always call or message when he could, but of course you’d still worry. Especially on occasions when he’d get home bloody and bruised. Sometimes you thought it hurt you more than him. But you were always there waiting for him. Always there to patch him up and take care of him when he needed you. And you always would be. You’d promised him as much.
You were closer to Nick than you had ever been with anyone and you’d never felt such an intense connection the way you did with him. You never knew how deep love could be before you met him. You would trust him with your life. You did trust him with your life. And after all this time, you thought he felt the same.
But apparently not.
You weren’t sure what had come over him or what exactly brought this on, but his current behavior was unsettling to say the least. You felt like he was keenly watching every little movement you made and taking note of each reaction you had as he stared at you. Looking for some sort of tell, something that would betray your innocence. But what did he think you were guilty of?
Whatever it was, he wouldn’t find anything. You hadn’t done anything to cause him to question his trust in you, you were sure of it.
“You don’t have to lie, sweetheart. There’s no point now, anyway,” he said as his fingers ghosted along your cheek.
“Nick, I swear,” you said, shaking your head in confusion. “I don’t know what you’re talking about.
What are you trying to accuse me of?”, your hurt even more evident now, “I haven’t done anything wrong,” you insisted earnestly.
It was only when he brushed his knuckles along your cheek that you dared to move. You gingerly grabbed his hand in yours and as you pulled it down to hold it, you then saw the blood and bruising. You looked up at him, eyes wide as you finally took his appearance in more closely. You noticed what appeared to be dried blood stains on his crisp white shirt, but as you scanned his face to see if he was hurt, you found no sign of injury. So the blood wasn’t his.. The only give away he was injured at all was his hand. No, hands, you realized as you pulled away only slightly to run your eyes over him again, needing to be sure he wasn’t hurt, before you noticed the bloody knuckles on his left hand, matching his right.
You weren’t new to seeing Nick like this, but you were normally more prepared. If he was due home from a mission, you knew what to expect. You had time to prepare and steel yourself against the sight of him possibly walking through the door wounded and bloody. He wasn’t normally a hands on kind of guy. He preferred to avoid hand to hand combat when he could, “less messy,” he’d say. But from the looks of him, it seemed he had been in some kind of altercation. You just couldn’t think of how that would have happened in the few hours you had been out. It’s not like he had been gone on an assignment, he hadn’t had any work since he came back last week. So when did this happen? Why did this happen? Why was he sitting here looking the way he was? Treating you like you were in on some conspiracy against him.
“Princess,” he tutted as his eyes burned into yours and his expression grew harsher. Your hand in his, being squeezed tighter. “You’re gonna need to stop lying to me, before I get even more upset.”
“I’m not lying,” you stressed again. “Please - please, just tell me what’s wrong. What happened?”
“You really thought I wouldn’t notice the little hushed conversations you’d have with him every time you’d go out?” He dropped your hand from his and you moved further back from him as he leaned closer to your face, scrutinizing every emotion that passed your eyes. His question served only to confuse you further because you really, truly had no idea what he was talking about or to whom he was referring.
“Don’t play stupid, baby. It’s not gonna work this time,”
This time? What was that supposed to mean? You wanted to ask, but knew better than to let it slip from your lips. He was obviously upset and lashing out, and you knew you needed to figure out what he was going on about before he was too angry to deal with. Nick would never hurt you, you knew that, but he had a way of taking his anger and frustrations out on you that would leave you feeling him for days. Normally you didn’t mind, but seeing as his ire was now directed, in part, at you, you felt a little more… nervous. He had never spoken to you like this before and you certainly were not a fan of it. He was making you feel uneasy.
“Nick, I honestly have no clue what you’re talking about or even who you’re talking about,”
“I saw you on your way out earlier, princess. What did you tell him, hm? What did he say to you to get you to smile so pretty for him?”
You sat there, mouth agape and brows furrowed as he spoke so condescending towards you. You thought back to when you were leaving today, who had you seen on your way out? Who had you talked to? The only person you could think of was Johnathan.
Yeah, it was Johnathan. He stopped you on your way to your car, asking about when would be a good time for a double date night with you and Nick and him and his wife. He’d been trying to set something up for a while, since they had moved in a few months back. Nick was evasive the couple of times Johnathan had caught him outside - always asking when you two were free. It was odd, certainly, but you had never thought anything of it. Only that he seemed to be a friendly neighbor, maybe overly so, but nothing more.
And certainly Nick knew better than to assume anything more than friendly, courteous conversation was happening between the two of you anytime you may have spoken. You were just being polite.
“This is about Jonathan?” you asked, almost disbelieving. “Seriously, Nick? He said hello and asked about you, like he always does before I told him I had to get going. That was it. That can’t be why you’re so upset. Will you please, just tell me what happened?” you tried asking again as you reached for one of his hands to examine more closely.
“Let me get you cleaned up and-,” you soothed before you found yourself being shoved down onto your back. The movement was sudden and unexpected. As you found yourself pinned down onto the hardwood floor, Nick on top of you, his hand wrapped firmly around your neck as his ice blue eyes raged with betrayal, you didn’t have time to scream and only managed to squeak out in protest before he spoke. He was mere inches from your face as your hands instinctively grabbed onto his forearm while he held you tighter.
“I told you to stop lying,” he spit out as you stared up at him in complete shock. You tried to speak but the hold he had on you, the way he was choking you made it nearly impossible. He stared into your frightened eyes for a moment before he loosened his hand from your throat and you coughed out, desperately trying to regain your breath as your head lolled to the side. He immediately grabbed your face and brought you back to looking directly up at him while you heaved.
“I’m not lying, Nick! What the hell is wrong with you?” you cried beneath him, trying to push him off but getting nowhere. He ignored your words, clearly not satisfied with your answer and seemingly unphased by your fighting against him as he continued staring into your eyes. When you stopped thrashing, he let out a heavy breath, letting his head fall slightly, his forehead against yours.
“I’ve already forgiven you, princess. I promise. I just need you to tell me the truth now so we can move past this,” he bargained as his thumb brushed away the tears that had fallen down your cheeks.
You stared perplexed yet again as your brows returned to their furrowed position.
“The truth? The truth is I haven’t done anything. I still have no idea what you’re talking about or what happened while I was gone- I-”
You were interrupted by Nick scoffing and huffing as he hauled you roughly up from the floor. He had a tight grip on your arm as he pulled you to him. You crashed into him with the force of his pull before he spun you so you were in front of him, your back now to his chest, as he urged you to walk in front of him while he led from behind.
“I really didn’t want to do this the hard way, sweetheart, but you’re leaving me with no choice.” he said as he moved you both to the garage. “You’re gonna tell me the truth, in your own words, one way or another.” he promised.
As he shoved the door open from behind you and urged you in, you were stunned by the sight you were met with. You gasped in shock as you stared at your unconscious, bloodied and beaten neighbor tied to a chair. The walls of the normally empty garage and the floor beneath him were covered in plastic. You were genuinely lost and felt like you were on a delay as you just continued to stare, begging your mind to catch up.
What had Nick done in the few hours you had been gone and why?
“Let��s start off easy,” he began as he spoke into your ear. “How long?”
“How long, what?” you stuttered out in a whisper.
“How long have you been planning this? How long have you been working with him?”
“Working wi- what? Working with him? What are you talking about, Nick? What the hell is happening?”
“He said you’ve been in on it since before we met.. But I know that’s not true. Can’t be. Because I’m the one who found you, not the other way around. I don’t believe you’re that conniving and I know you’re not that smart. So, tell me. When did he get into contact with you and when did you decide to work with him, huh?”
“He said what?” you asked shrilly. “I swear to God, Nick, I met him when you did. I’d never seen him before in my life. And I wasn’t working with him on anything? What does- what does that even mean? Look, I don’t know what happened, I don’t know what he told you, but he’s lying. Whatever he told you, he was lying! And how could you believe him,” you finished, your voice on the verge of breaking.
He stayed quiet for a minute, then his grip left your arms. You stayed still in your spot while he was still close behind you, close enough that you felt it when he was reaching for something. You weren’t sure what he was doing until he moved his arms to wrap around your waist lightly as his hands crossed in front of you. As you slowly looked down at his hands, you saw his pistol being held in his right hand. He leaned down to rest his head on your shoulder as you continued to stay as still as you could.
“Nick,” you nearly whimpered. He sighed, nodded his head and placed a gentle kiss on your neck before he spoke.
“I believe you,” he said, standing up straight.
It happened so fast. You had instinctively turned around into Nick the second you saw him raise his gun. With his left hand, he pushed you out of the way as he stepped in front of you and aimed his pistol at Jonathan - firing a single shot into him without a second of hesitation. You jumped at the sound of the shot as you were looking away from the scene while your eyes watered and your hands covered your mouth as you silently gasped in shock.
Nick put his gun down on the workstation next to him and turned to you, walking to where you were standing. He didn’t say anything as he pulled you into his chest as he wrapped his arms around you before moving a hand to hold your head against him as he tried to comfort you.
“Sorry, angel. You’re so gullible, so easily persuaded into things, I just had to be sure,” he began as he moved to walk you back into the house. His calm was a stark contrast to your terror filled debilitation.
“He got inside after you left and tried to sneak up on me. Honestly, he’s probably the worst trained agent I’ve ever come across. I heard him coming from a mile away.”
You were back in the house, he guided you to the den and sat you down on the chair he had been previously occupying in front of the fire. You were clearly in shock as he continued speaking.
“Got him tied up in the garage, I told him to talk but he didn’t want to. Took a little work, but eventually he broke and told me all about his secret assignment. And then,” he paused, taking a deep breath before letting out a light scoff, “he brought up you,” he said as he caressed your face gently.
“And each time your name left his mouth, I couldn’t stop myself from punching the living fuck out of him. He passed out and I came inside and waited for you to get back. You know, he was shitty at every other part of his job, but he sure knew how to get under my skin.. The rational part of my brain kept telling me he was full of shit, I knew he was, I just- I hated even having to think about the possibility it was true.
“But sweetheart,” he said as he grabbed your face, making sure you were looking him in the eye before he continued. “I want you to know that even if you had been working for him, with him, whatever, that I would have forgiven you.
“I know you weren’t, I know you didn’t, but if you had, we would’ve moved past it. Because no matter what, we belong together. You’re mine. And I know how much you love me. I know you’d do anything for me. And I’m sorry I had any doubt.”
He was squatting down in front of you as you were finally starting to process everything. Your breathing became quicker and quicker and your mind was racing.
“His wife, Nick. What about his wife? She’s gonna- she’s gonna be looking for him. What are we gonna do? What do we do? He’s- he’s, he’s dead, Nick. He’s dead. In our garage. What do we do?” you rambled as you began to cry again, leaning forward into him desperately.
He pulled you to stand up and held you once again.
“There’s nothing to worry about, sweetheart. I already sent some people over to his house. There was no one living there but him. He’d been staking us out since he moved in. Working for some rebel agency after he was dismissed in the academy. Never even made it into the bureau. But don’t worry, it’s all taken care of, I promise. No one’s missing him except whoever sent him, and we already have plans on how we’re gonna deal with that,” he assured you.
You stayed in his embrace, the only source of comfort you had. You were still upset and you wanted him to know it, but you didn’t want to lose his touch or push him anymore than he had been pushed today by getting angry and blowing up at him after everything.
“I wasn’t working with or for him. I have never told him anything about you,” you said quietly into his chest as your lip wobbled. “How could you accuse me of doing something like that?” you asked as you pulled back to look at him, his eyes much softer now and full of sorries. “You’re my everything, you know that. I love you, I would never go behind your back. I would never want to get you hurt in any way.
“I would never do that to you. I could never do that to you.”
He leaned down and placed a gentle kiss to your lips, pressing his forehead to yours as he nodded.
“I know, princess. I know. I’m sorry,” he said solemnly. You just hugged him tighter as he held you.
“Your hands,” you suddenly remembered. “Let’s go upstairs,” you said.
“Hey, angel,” he stopped you from pulling him further, “I think you’re still in shock. I just shot a man in front of you, you don’t need to be taking care of me right now. I’m taking care of you.” You stared at him a moment in silence, gently biting your lip trying to keep yourself together.
“You killed him,” you said bleakly.
“I killed him, yeah. I shouldn’t have done that in front of you, I’m sorry.”
“He was trying to kill you first, though,”
“Yeah, he was.”
“And he was trying to make you believe I was in on it,” you added.
You just nodded against his chest as you leaned into him again.
“He had it coming, but that has nothing to do with me doing it right in front of you. Don’t try to rationalize the trauma,” he lightly chuckled. He was pretty accustomed to death. He had seen his fair share of it and his hands obviously weren’t clean of anyone’s blood, either. Though that certainly wasn’t something he ever wanted for you.
“It’s normally pretty difficult for people the first time they see someone die,” he said softly.
“The first time?” you said, sounding stressed. “The only time. First and last,” you said seriously.
“First and last,” he promised.
You later found yourself wrapped in your bath towel, sitting on the edge of your bed while Nick dried himself off with his own. You had cleaned his hands yourself before he ran a bath for the both of you. Sitting in the bubbles, you just laid with him in the warm water while his hands trailed up and down your body. You didn’t talk, just enjoyed his presence. That was until the realization that you could have actually lost him today hit you.
You looked up at him and tugged him closer to you as your eyes threatened to spill over with tears. Nick hushed you softly as he kissed your head.
“I can’t lose you,” you whispered.
“You aren’t going to, princess,” he assured you. You soaked a little while longer before you moved to the shower together. You were now clean and a lot more relaxed after being comforted by him all night long.
Nick moved over to you, standing before you as you sat on the bed. You looked up to him with a small pout and puppy eyes and just raised your arms up to him. He laughed a little before he bent down to your level, allowing you to wrap your arms around the back of his neck, hands finding his hair as you pulled him into a soft kiss. He gently pulled away from you and tugged your towel off of your body before he pulled his own off of his waist and tossed both of them to the wayside as he immediately went back to your soft, waiting lips, his hands framing your face while he deepened the kiss.
You broke away for a breath, staying nose to nose with him. Quiet and softly, you spoke with your eyes closed as your foreheads touched, “You’re my first and last.” The sweet reminder of the fact that Nick indeed was your ‘first’, in a lot more than just sex, and that he would absolutely be your ‘last’ as well, seemed to only frenzy him as he returned his lips to yours hotly.
“Your one and only,” he snarled as you nodded against him.
“My one and only,” you repeated obediently.
Before you knew it, he had you on your back and moved you up the mattress, allowing him more room to kneel above you, only breaking the kiss to breathe. His hands were on your face and yours were in his hair as you continued to sensually make out. Soon, his hands began wandering your naked body and as he lowered himself and closed the space between you, you could feel his heavy cock, hard and hot against you. You spread your legs around him as he moved his lips down to your chest. You moaned at the feeling of him playing with your breasts. He was toying with your nipple in one hand as he took the other into his hot mouth. Suckling and nibbling, getting you more and more wet for him as he moved to deliver the same attention to your other breast. Leaving kisses and love bites all over your ample chest before moving back up and attacking your neck with the same need.
You knew he was trying to be gentle, working very hard to not go feral over you. You could feel it in his tense muscles, he was too stiff and you knew he was holding back for you. Trying to, at least. But when you felt him bite your shoulder a little too harshly as he grabbed your ass roughly, you knew what he really wanted, needed. Today was a bad day to say the least and you knew he needed to let it out. Normally he had no qualms about taking his frustrations out on you in bed but today was different. You were involved in this and he had already hurt you earlier, you were still fragile. He didn’t want to push you so he was trying to keep his aggressions at bay. But you didn’t want that. You wanted to feel him. Completely, with no inhibitions. You needed it.
Pulling his hair back just enough to get him to look up to you, you urged him closer as you kissed him hard before speaking.
“Nick, baby, I want you. Use me. Please. Don’t want you to hold back,”
“Princess,” he tried to caution, voice hard.
“Please,” you begged. “It’s okay, I’m okay. I want you to feel better. I want you, I just want you, please.”
He didn’t need much more persuasion as he crashed his lips into yours again. Your hands were on his back, holding him close to you, chest to chest, before he pulled away from your lips and pulled back. Your hands fell from his back and moved to his built chest, then up along his muscular shoulders as he stared down at you with dark, hungry eyes.
He pulled you up with him suddenly as he got off the bed completely. You stared at him confused for just a second before you realized what he wanted. Without him saying a word, you got up and bent over the side of the mattress, your ass sticking out as you stood there in anticipation of what was to come..
“Color?” he asked huskily.
“Green.” was your prompt response.
The first strike of his hand across your bottom stung in the most pleasant, familiar way. You moaned at the second one as he admired the jiggle of your ass, squeezing your flesh before he landed the next strike. He spanked you repeatedly as your skin grew hot, your eyes grew teary, and your pussy grew needier with each hit. You were a mess for him already.
As he grabbed at your ass and soothed your hot flesh, he couldn’t help but taunt you as he admired your slick pussy drooling for his attention.
“All this for me, princess?” he asked as his thick fingers swiped through your wet folds while you whimpered. He rubbed your wetness around as he continued playing with you before plunging one finger inside of you, curling against your tight walls.
“Yes, yes, Nick, all for you,” you moaned.
You could practically hear him smirking as he moved closer behind you. He pulled his finger out after pumping in and out of you teasingly. He pushed you further up the bed as he grabbed your ass again and spread your cheeks so much so that you opened up even more for him, you could feel your pussy spreading for him as he squeezed you and continued his playing. He slapped your ass once more and without warning thrust two of his fingers inside your wet and wanting cunt. You mewled in delight as he scissoed them inside you, preparing you for his cock. He loved playing with you, teasing you with pleasure and watching you writhe with desire for him to push you off of the edge. And he would, eventually, but he liked seeing just how far he could push and taunt you before you were crying for him. So he continued fingering and stimulating you just enough to keep you on the edge, but not enough to get you there. Not yet.
“Please,” you whimpered out with a breathy moan. He slid his fingers out of you at your pathetic plea and then leaned over your back, shoving his fingers past your lips into your mouth as he spoke in your ear.
“Suck,” he commanded, voice low and heady. You did as he said, sucking his fingers clean as he panted over you, and you could feel him grinding his cock against your ass. He pulled his fingers past your lips before he placed a sloppy kiss on your shoulder as he stood back up.
“Good girl,” he praised.
He grabbed his thick cock in his hand and decided to tease you a little more as he ran his tip up and down your slit. You were mewling at the sensation and wanted more.
“Your needy little pussy’s just crying for my cock, isn’t she?” he taunted, voice thick with desire.
“Mhm yes, Nick, please. Please fuck me. I need it, need you, need your cock inside me, please,” you whined desperately.
“Careful what you ask for, princess,” he said darkly before he positioned his cock up to your dripping hole. He thrust into you and began moving hard and fast as he fucked you without restraint. You were groaning and moaning as he hit deep inside of you, your legs dangling over the edge of the bed now with how far he pushed you up with his thrusts. His hand went to your hair and he pulled your head back harshly, loving the way your body reacted to him while he grunted in pleasure as you continued whimpering and babbling pure nonsense.
Letting go of your hair, his hands then gripped your soft, fleshy hips as he pulled you back onto his cock repeatedly, slamming in and out of you. The clap of his pelvis meeting the flesh of your ass while he continued pounding into you was salacious and lewd and served only to turn you on more.
“Fuck, you look so fucking pretty when you’re being spread open on my cock, angel. Feels so fucking good, fuck,” he grunted huskily, moaning at the feeling of you.
Your fingers were buried in the sheets as he fucked you further into the mattress and you were on the very brink of your orgasm. Nick was hitting so deep inside of you and you had never felt so full. Each slide of his cock against your walls brought you closer as he stimulated your g-spot with every thrust.
His right hand left your hip and slithered under you to where his index finger found your clit. He began rubbing the swollen nub in small circles, causing you to clench hard around him as he swiftly brought you to your orgasm with the added stimulation. You were moaning and crying breathlessly as you came, eyes squeezed shut as he rode you through your high and talked you through your orgasm.
“Ah, fuck, princess,” he moaned out. “You’re squeezing me so goddamn tight. Coming on my cock like a good girl, huh. You like that, yeah. Love when I split you open like this, don’t you. Love when I fuck your pretty little pussy, stuff you full of my cock while I play with your clit,” he spoke into your ear as he leaned over you again.
“Mmhm, I love it, ‘so good, it’s so good. Fuck,” you cried as you mewled into the sheet beneath you while he continued pounding in and out of your overworked cunt.
He took your hands in his, intertwining your fingers as he pulled your arms down and around your back, his hips snapping more erratically into you as he chased his high. He was leaning all of his weight onto you as he leaned over your body, pushing you further into the bed as he groaned. You knew he was close as he lost any of the restraint he may have had left, your name leaving his lips along with a string of curses.
“No one else could ever make you come undone like this. No one else will ever get to fuck you, feel your tight cunt wrapped around them. Fuck, this is goddamn heaven. And it’s all mine,” he said, moaning and grunting.
“You’re mine,” he growled into your ear. “And you’re gonna come again for me. Need to feel you come again, princess. Need to feel you grip my cock like that again.”
As if the never ending stimulation from his thick cock rocking into you from behind along with the thrilling sounds and praises you were pulling out of him weren’t enough to make you come again, those words absolutely were. Your toes were curling and the feeling of him on top of you - his pants and moans right in your ear as he leaned into you even more, all of it, every word, sound, and sensation were cascading at once into you and sent you headfirst into another orgasm, your hands squeezing his as he pushed into you further, your walls tightening around him again while he bit into your shoulder and you whimpered pathetically.
“I’m gonna come inside you, angel. Fill you up full of me, and you’re gonna take every last bit of my come, you hear me,” he panted through grit teeth in your ear. “You’re gonna be feeling me for days after tonight, princess. But that’s exactly what you wanted, isn’t it. Just can’t fucking get enough,” he growled before he pulled out of you. He flipped you onto your back so quickly you barely even registered it happened until he slammed right back into you, his hands keeping your thick thighs spread for him as he pulled you as close to him as he could, your ass on the very edge of the bed as he kept your legs open around his hips. He thrust a couple times more, long and hard, before he seated himself as far inside of you as he possibly could with the most beautiful moan you’d ever heard, his shuddering breaths falling on you as he started to let himself go inside of you, your pussy gripping him like a vice all the while. His hands were back on your hips as his body fell forward, his head nuzzling to the crook of your neck as he sucked air in through his teeth before letting out a deep, guttural groan, nearly shivering as he came harder inside of you. His thick ropes of come filling you. You held him close to you, petting his head as he leisurely pumped his cock inside of you a few more times, riding out his orgasm as you panted and mewled beneath him every time he stimulated your ever sensitive clit. When he was finished, you were sure you had never been so full. You could practically feel him leaking out of you.
You were both panting, regaining your breath, as he smiled against your skin, coming down from his high and nuzzling more into your neck as he readjusted the both of you to be more comfortable on the bed.
“You’re perfect, you know that? Every last thing about you,” he said as his arms went around the dip of your back, hands settling on your hips once again as he kissed your neck, up to your cheek, peppering kisses along your skin.
You smiled at his words and the feeling of his soft lips trailing along your tender flesh as tingles ran through you, wrapping your arms around him. Briefly you heard his earlier words float through your head. You’d never known him to be so…mean. To you, at least. Though you wanted to forget it, it continued nagging at you while he laid in your arms.
As he slowly pulled out of you and got off the bed, you pondered talking to him about it. You didn’t want to upset him, but this was gonna bug you if you didn’t voice it.
He was back in front of you with a damp rag and the most loving look in his eyes. Gently, he cleaned his spend from between your legs and after discarding the rag, crawled on top of you, engulfing you in his arms, pulling you into his side as you were cuddling with him.
“Nick,” you muttered softly. He hummed in response, waiting for you to continue.
“I just wanted to ask, to know..Earlier, you… do you, you really think that? That I’m stupid?” you asked quietly, your embarrassment and hurt evident as you tried to hide your face against him.
“Oh, sweetheart,” he gently pulled you back to look at him, his eyes full of sympathy, a stark contrast to the cold fire that raged there previously. “No, I don’t think you’re stupid.”
“Really?” you pressed.
“Really,” he nodded. “You’re not stupid, you’re naive,” he stated matter of factly.
You looked down, wincing slightly as you pulled away from him. Tried to, at least. Nick was quick to pull you back to him, tilting your chin up as he forced you to make eye contact.
“Hey,” he breathed, “that’s not necessarily a bad thing. You may be naive but no one's gonna take advantage of that or use it against you, I’ll always be right here looking out for you. Protecting you.” He placed a soft kiss on your lips as you allowed yourself to settle next to him again.
“And I love that about you,” he smiled. “It’s just natural for you to be sweet.. and trusting.. and kind,” he punctuated each word with a gentle kiss to your temple, cheek, and finally your soft lips once again after nuzzling your nose. “I’m so lucky I found you before the world could change any of that.” Those words, sickly sweet and full of love and admiration of you, that was your Nick. The way he behaved earlier was intense and unlike anything you’d received from him before. You were just glad he was back now, and eager to forget the hurt he caused you. Certain he wouldn’t do anything like it again to you.
You half smiled before sucking your lip, your mind returning to the current conversation you were having with him, “Certainly tried to.”
You thought back to just a couple years ago, before you met Nick, before everything changed. You were making minimum wage, working two jobs in the city, living in a shitty apartment with a roommate you barely knew. Life had never been easy on you. But the moment Nick came into yours, it was like he just made everything better. He took care of you like no one ever had. Showed you love like you’d never known. You felt like you owed him everything. You really would do anything for him, he was your whole world now. That’s why it hurt so badly when he insisted you were lying to him earlier. You thought you had made it clear that that was something you would never do to him. You loved him so much. You figurned you just needed to show it more. To do anything and everything you could to reinforce the simple fact that you were his and his alone. Forever. It was the least you could do, right? He gave you everything, and made sure you were aware of the fact that he’d do anything for you, he’d protect you and love you with all he had. You needed to ensure he knew, without a single doubt in his mind, that you’d do the same. Because you really would, you did. He never made you question for even a second his devotion to you. He always said how lucky he was to have found you, but you felt even luckier for it. Truly, where would you be without him? You didn’t want to even think about it. It was all too much to put into words at the moment. For now though, exhausted and worn from the tumultuous events of the day, laying next to him, his protective hold on you as you were cuddling into his warmth and feeling surrounded by the love you shared, it was enough.
“I’m so grateful for you,” you sighed.
He caressed your cheek as he smiled at you, admiring your delicacy. He knew you were perfect for him the moment he had first laid eyes on you. He knew you were meant to be his, and so he made sure that you were and you always would be.
“I love you,” he kissed you once more as your eyes threatened to shut, lashes fluttering.
“I love you, more,” you whispered as you nuzzled further into him.
“You look exhausted,” he chuckled softly. “Go to sleep, angel.”
He was right, you were completely drained, but still, you wanted to fight your sleep a little longer. You worried your dreams would be flooded with nightmares of dangerous men breaking into your home, trying to hurt you, trying to hurt Nick, and god, the sound of the pistol firing ringing in the back of your mind. You shook your head, hoping to shake the sound as well. A man died today. And that could have been Nick. That thought wrecked you. You didn’t want to be without him for even a moment, not even in your sleep.
“I will,” you mumbled, holding onto him.
“I’m right here. I’m not going anywhere,” he said as if he could read your mind, rubbing your arm soothingly. You needed to come back to yourself. You were only working yourself up to dwell on things you couldn’t change or control. And with Nick around, you didn’t need to worry about anything, he’d take care of it all. He’d keep you both safe..he’d always keep you safe. Finally allowing yourself to really settle while Nick held you, you were soon sleeping, and though you woke up every now and again with a start, Nick was always still right beside you. His touch calming as he’d lull you back to sleep. He was here and you were safe, he’d remind you, mumbling words of comfort against your temple until you fell asleep again. He stayed up all night just making sure you were okay. He said he’d take care of you and he meant it. He’d be damned if you ever had to go through anything like tonight again, but right now he just needed to be sure you were okay and slept through the night. He already had his guys tracking down their headquarters and first thing tomorrow, he'd be sure the people who were responsible for tonight would be deeply regretting getting anywhere near you and ensuring they’d never have the chance again. And after that, he’d finally tell you the big news. You two were going off the grid, somewhere remote where it could be just the two of you, like it should be. Somewhere safe, where no one could find you. He’d had the plans set for a while now, and it was the perfect time to do it. You were more dependent on him, he was sure you’d say yes without him having to convince or force you to. The ring was perfect and he couldn’t wait to slip it on your finger. He wasn’t sure you’d be ready for another big move, but the honeymoon would be the perfect cover to get you there without you worrying. You’d say ‘I do’ and it would all work out. He’d be your first, your last, your only, just like he was meant to be. Always and forever. Just you and him.
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here2bbtstrash · 2 years
look down on me like that - 5 (explicit)
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genre: slow burn enemies to lovers hatefucking coworkers au, smut (w some eventual angst)
pairing: yoongi x reader
summary: your asshole coworker min yoongi has made it his personal mission to ruin your life.
word count: 11.4k (you're welcome 😌)
contains: ~explicit sexual content~ !! *deep breath in* YES THERE IS ACTUAL FUCKING HAPPENING - EVERYONE REMAIN CALM. also i promise this is the most unhinged reader gets lmao. alright let's go: one night stand/stranger sex, semi-public sex (bathroom of a bar), fingering, spanking, a truly gratuitous blowjob, orgasm denial, a smidge of dirty talk/namecalling, finger sucking?, protected sex, semi-awkward sex lmao, the hatefucking is HERE 🙌🏻 plenty of alcohol mentions as always,, so much alcohol. this chapter also features a couple fun cameos - kihyun of monsta x and wonho 💜
A/N: hope y'all enjoy this absolute CHAOS!! i have so many lovely friends who cheered me on while i was writing this, far too many to name, but i fucking adore you all 🥺🥺 and i do want to specifically shoutout @kiestrokes because the ~spicy twist~ in this chapter would not be HALF as good if it wasn't for her and her big beautiful brain. srsly she took a half-baked idea i had and made it insane. god i love that woman. ALRIGHT ENOUGH BABBLING - ENJOY!!!!!
read on AO3!
chapter four | masterlist | chapter six
“Try this.” Jimin yanks an emerald green dress off the hanger and chucks it over his shoulder, nearly hitting you.
“Ugh, I hate this one,” you groan as you hold the offending item up for inspection, pinched between index finger and thumb. “The fabric is so itchy.” 
Your best friend whips around, hands on hips, when you question his taste. “I’m sorry, did I just hear you going back on our agreement? Is that what this is?”
You groan, flopping over onto your bedspread, doing your best not to mess up your hair. Jimin had, understandably, been pissed when you’d called him immediately upon leaving the office last night, hands still shaking as you cradled the phone against your cheek. You think you have permanent hearing damage from the anguished wails your best friend made as you finally admitted everything you hadn’t told him. And you certainly could have done without the appreciative noises he made after he forced you to describe Suga’s dick in explicit detail. 
It’s not like you aren’t constantly thinking about it, anyway.
Especially now that Yoongi has specifically told you everything, everything he wants to do to you. The words swim back to you in pieces whenever you aren’t actively trying to suppress the memory. Finger that tight little pussy. Spank you until you bruise. Fuck you like the slut you so clearly are.
God. You’ve been horny for 24 hours straight. This can’t be good for your health.
Jimin had nearly disowned you for letting secrecy infiltrate your friendship for the first time in over a decade, but then he’d realized how truly distraught you were as you just kept babbling into the phone about Suga, too far gone to make any sense.
“Jesus fucking christ, it’s not the end of the world!” He’d finally interrupted with a frustrated groan. “You really think Suga is the only man in the world who can fuck you senseless? He was probably overselling it anyway. Having a pretty dick doesn’t guarantee he knows what to do with it.”
At this point you’d stumbled onto the bus home, and you remember smacking your forehead against the cold glass of the window with a whine at the words pretty dick, your mind already departing on another Yoongi spiral.
Jimin’s peal of laughter rang in your ears. “I’ve never heard you down this bad in my life, good god girl! We just need to get you laid so your fucking brain can work right again.”
“Please,” you’d grunted.
“Alright, I’m coming over tomorrow, and we’re going out.” He’d paused then, and you knew there was more even before he continued. It was like you could hear his evil smile. “And I get to pick your outfit.”
You’re snapped out of the memory as a second dress is tossed your way, this one hitting you square in the face.
“Either the green or this one. You’re still in the doghouse, ma’am,” Jimin reminds you.
You pull the second option up to examine it, already grateful for the softer feel of the material. Jimin loves to put you in shit that you’d never wear— usually dresses that he bought for you, or bullied you into buying. You think you already dress pretty racy when you go out, but Jimin likes to take it to another level, always encouraging you to show more skin, more tits, more ass. He’s definitely responsible for this number even being in your closet: dark burgundy in color, it’s tight, short, and the cutouts leave very little to the imagination.
You whine softly despite yourself. “Do I have to? I’m going to freeze to death.”
Jimin has already moved to sit at your desk, examining his hair in the mirror you use to do your makeup. He’s in one of his favorite going-out shirts, one he claims “makes even the straight boys look twice”, a blue and white striped button down with the sleeves rolled up to his elbows. He doesn’t even bother making eye contact with you as he peers at his reflection, fiddling with the silver hoops in his ears. “I dunno. Depends on whether or not you value my friendship.”
You roll your eyes at his dramatics. “I can’t stand you.”
“Will you shut up and put your damn freakum dress on already?” He rummages through your makeup bag without asking until he finds what he’s looking for, a tube of Fenty gloss that he dabs in the center of his bottom lip.
“That is not what freakum dress means,” you say with a laugh as you stand to strip out of your sweats, but he’s already reaching for his phone that’s connected to your Bluetooth speaker, another requirement for the evening in order to keep your friendship intact. Beyoncé starts to blast as you pull your shirt over your head and suck in for dear life.
“So, what exactly is the plan?” You ask as soon as you swallow down another shot, nearly shouting to be heard over the noise of the bar. Jimin made you do a couple in your kitchen before you left, and though you haven’t even been out for an hour, you’re already straddling the line between tipsy and drunk.
He shoots you a look. “Don’t act so innocent, like I haven’t personally seen you go home with random dudes.”
Your gaze flits over the mass of bodies out on the dance floor. “I mean, yeah, but…” You shrug, grimacing slightly. “I don’t know, it’s been a while. And we’re not in college anymore.”
“What about him?” You look back at Jimin and he nods his head behind you. You do your best to be subtle as you glance over your shoulder to see two guys a couple of tables away.
“Which one?”
Jimin makes a face like it’s obvious. “Are you kidding me? The absolutely built daddy with the red hair?”
You examine them more closely, scrunching your nose up a little. He’s cute, big as hell, and you certainly notice his bubble butt in those tight pants. But it just doesn’t feel right. “I don’t know that he’s my type.” When your gaze lands on his friend, dressed in all black, dark hair skimming over his eyes as he leans in to say something, your heart flips in your chest. Now that could work.
Turning back to Jimin to say as much, you realize that he’s already brushing past you. “Well I’m not stupid,” he scoffs, and you scramble to follow after him as he stalks confidently across the room.
He’s already talking to them when you catch up. “Hi boys. Care for some company?”
They glance at each other, and you can tell Jimin’s presence is clearly unexpected but not unwelcome. He wasn’t wrong: nobody can resist him in that damn shirt.
“Sure,” red-haired daddy says with a shy giggle, and you have to bite back a smile. You were not expecting a guy that built to react so softly, and you already know your best friend is going feral on the inside. There is nothing Jimin loves more than a man he can fluster. Especially one who can make him pay for it.
His friend flags down a server and orders a round of shots for the table, then gives you a small wave as Jimin takes the liberty of giving his name and yours. “I’m Kihyun.”
“Hoseok,” Jimin's target is clearly squirming under his intense gaze. “But my friends call me Wonho.”
“Can I be your friend?” Jimin purrs. You’re nearly laughing at how quickly he lost the plot of trying to get you laid, but he’s also such an intense flirt that it nearly works as a wingman maneuver, in its own weird way.
You scoot a little closer to Kihyun as Jimin and Wonho disappear into their own conversation. Up close you can really admire how attractive he is, full lips and a wickedly sharp jawline.
“Hi,” you say with a smile, surprised to find yourself slightly nervous despite the alcohol coursing through your system.
“Hi,” he says back, and he looks like he’s about to say more when the server reappears with a tray of four shots.
“Thanks again for these,” you say as you reach for one, and he waves it off. You glance over at Jimin and Wonho, assuming they might want to toast as a group, but Jimin is already hooking his elbow around Wonho’s ridiculous bicep and making a not-at-all-subtle comment about how big he is, intertwining their arms before they each throw the shot back.
You look at Kihyun again, who is biting his lip nervously, and you can feel your face heat up. You’re no Jimin, so you settle for gently tapping your shot glass against his. “Cheers.”
He echoes the sentiment and you down your drinks simultaneously. You shiver a little as you swallow, but you’ve had enough that you don’t even feel the burn of the alcohol.
“So,” Kihyun’s eyes flit over to Jimin, then return to you. “Do you two come here a lot?”
You shrug. “We rotate. Jimin likes this place more than I do. You?”
He laughs softly. “Not really. Honestly, we’re both homebodies, but we try to get out every so often. Always nice to meet new people.” It’s so quick you nearly miss it, but you swear his eyes jump down your figure and back up again.
You try to ignore the little voice in your head reminding you of another pair of eyes; dark, calculating, wandering over your body. Not now.
“I couldn’t agree more,” you say, because it’s true: a new person is definitely what you need in this moment.
Before you can ask a follow-up question, you hear Jimin, talking loudly so that he’s audible over the music. “Your thighs look so good in those pants!” You have to resist the urge to smack your head against the table when you look over to see him attempting— and absolutely failing— to wrap his small hands around the circumference of Wonho’s leg, who is giggling like a schoolgirl.
You glance back at Kihyun, who is equally enraptured. “I’m so sorry,” you say quietly. “He is unfortunately always like this.”
“You know where else those thighs would look good?” Jimin’s voice lowers as he asks the question, and you watch Kihyun’s eyes go wide.
“Do you want to dance?” You say quickly, and he nods so fast you think his head might fall off. You start to break away from the group, his hand slipping to your waist, when Jimin smacks the table so loud that it makes you jump.
“Hey!” He yells, and you turn back, but he’s pointing at Kihyun, who instantly looks terrified. He leans in, as if to divulge confidential information, and Kihyun takes a tentative step towards him.
“Just so you’re aware,” Jimin starts, and you know it’s going to be bad. “She needs to get dicked down. Severely. Hope you’re ready.”
You close your hand around Kihyun’s wrist and drag him towards the dance floor, eager for a distraction to keep you from murdering your best friend.
Now that you’re actually in motion, you can feel the last couple of shots quickly catching up to you, the room blurring slightly at the edges. At the center of the dance floor, the thudding bass is loud enough to make it hard to think, which is exactly what you need right now.
You’re grateful not to have to force any more conversation, both of Kihyun’s hands slipping to your hips as you start to move in time to the music. It gives you free reign to admire him up close, and damn, he really is gorgeous. He’s only a little taller than you in your heels— probably about the same height as Yoongi, though his frame is slighter, smaller. You watch as his dark hair falls into his eyes again and he reaches up to sweep it off his forehead— Yoongi’s hair is a little longer, and he certainly has much better hands, but other than that—
You have to squeeze your eyes shut when you realize what the fuck you're doing. The whole point of this encounter is to stop thinking about Yoongi. Not pick apart this absolute stranger in comparison to him.
You desperately wish you could get another drink, but you know that would push you all the way into “drunk” territory. As much as you hate admitting it, Jimin was right: you really need to be able to consent to sex tonight. You’re gonna have to get through this the old-fashioned way, with sheer fucking willpower.
“Are you okay?”
Your eyes flutter open to meet Kihyun’s concerned gaze. “Yeah, yeah, sorry. Just, uh. Thinking about work.” Not a complete lie.
“Well, don’t,” he says with a soft laugh. “It’s the weekend. You should enjoy it.” His hands press a little tighter, pulling you close until your body is flush with his. His breath ghosts over your neck as you hear his voice in your ear. “That dress looks really good on you.”
A different voice echoes in your mind before you can stop it. Spread your legs for me. Show me what’s under that dress. You can’t help but wonder if this is what it feels like to literally go insane, and then you grab Kihyun’s face with both hands and kiss him in a desperate attempt to not think anymore.
You can feel him freeze, clearly not expecting it, but after a second his mouth starts to move against yours. His hands slip further down towards your ass, and fuck, it occurs to you that you are still incredibly horny. You need this to happen as soon as possible.
Pulling away and sliding your hands to Kihyun’s shoulders, you tilt up to speak into his ear. “Do you live near here?”
His eyes go wide for at least the third time tonight. “Y-yeah, not far.” You see his tongue dart out to lick his lips.
“I don’t know how to say this politely,” you admit with an embarrassed smile. “But my friend wasn’t wrong. About… what I need.”
He pauses for a moment, and your stomach twists as you prepare for rejection, the reasonable reaction considering you basically jumped this man like a crazy person. But then he smiles, leaning into you so he can keep his tone soft. “Come on, then.”
You follow Kihyun as he guides you towards the exit, keeping one hand pressed to the small of your back. It’s hard to miss the other half of your group making their way through the crowd— Wonho is large enough that people quickly shrink to get out of his way, but his gaze is entirely transfixed on Jimin’s ass in front of him. You nod in their direction and Kihyun follows as you push past bodies to reunite.
“Are you leaving?!” Jimin asks, and you can only nod. His eyes jump to Kihyun. “I told you, you better give it to her!” He shouts it so loudly that people standing behind him glance over their shoulders, but he is fully unfazed, now brandishing his cellphone. “And I always have her location on, so if you murder her, I will come find you!”
With a roll of your eyes, you lean across the circle so that Wonho can hear you. “Take good care of him, okay?” When you pull away, you swear he’s blushing as red as his hair, and he nods sheepishly.
You turn back to Kihyun. “Ready?”
The door to Kihyun’s apartment barely has time to close behind you before you find his lips with yours again. He presses you up against the wall of the entryway, and you waste no time in moving your hands over his body. His shirt and pants hit the floor in quick succession.
When he reaches for the hem of your dress, you cover his hands with yours to stop him. “Do you— is it okay if I keep it on?”
“Yeah,” he murmurs, breathless. “Yeah, okay.”
He kisses you again and you let him guide you backwards through an open door into his bedroom until you feel the mattress hit the backs of your knees. You perch on the edge of the bed and glance around the room, taking it in. It’s clean, if minimally furnished, and your stomach flips when you see a nondescript work desk tucked into one corner.
You look at Kihyun when you feel his hand gently rub your thigh, encouraging you to spread your legs.
Your gaze jumps to his desk, then back to him. “Do— uh… Do you think you could bend me over your desk?”
He seems a little dumbfounded, and takes a second to find words. “Wh— I— yeah, yes, I can do that. I just—” he clears his throat. “Do you need, like, foreplay, or…?”
You stand up again, knees shaking slightly. “I’ll tell you what to do, does that work?”
It must, because he kisses you, eventually starting to move towards the desk. When you’ve gotten far enough, you feel him tug at your hips, encouraging you to spin around so your back is flush with his chest. His hand slides up to your shoulders to gently press you forward, and you brace your forearms on the desk, already breathless.
“P-pull my dress up,” you manage to instruct. His hands caress over your thighs, then move to the hem of your dress, pushing up until your ass is fully exposed for him.
Get a good look at that ass you were tempting me with, the voice in your head finishes for you. You squeeze your eyes shut, trying to focus on this moment, this man. Not any others.
You look back at Kihyun over your shoulder in an attempt to stay present, spreading your legs a little wider. “Touch me.”
He slowly moves a hand from your thigh up towards your core, and you feel his fingers just barely brush over the fabric of your underwear. The rush of contact after so much anticipation is enough to make you shiver slightly, but his touch is so light, so gentle.
Gentle is not what you need right now.
Keeping yourself held up on one arm, you reach the other behind you to forcefully tug your panties to the side. “Your fingers, Kihyun,” you hiss.
You tip your head forward and swallow down a whine of relief as he presses a digit into you and starts to rub circles. “How’s that?” His voice purrs in your ear, and you whimper as you nod.
It feels good, especially when he adds a second finger, but it’s not enough. He’s too soft, too tentative.
You look back at him again. “Can you spank me?”
You’ve officially lost count of the number of times you’ve surprised this man tonight. “I— what?”
“Like, smack my ass?”
“Like this?” He asks, but you barely feel it when he brings his hand down over your ass.
“Harder,” you say almost instantly, realizing after the fact that you could probably stand to be a little nicer to this random stranger. “Please.”
Kihyun’s second attempt is better, enough to make you groan softly as the sensation of the sting mixes with the movements of his fingers pressing against your front wall. He does it again, harder still, and you wiggle your ass back towards him— you need more, more than his hands can give.
“Kihyun,” you gasp, “want you to fuck me.”
“Yeah? I’ll fuck you right here,” he grunts. At least he seems to be genuinely into it, you think to yourself gratefully. He smacks your ass a final time and you bite down on your lip as he withdraws his fingers. “One second.”
You hear the sound of him opening a drawer somewhere in his room and retrieving a condom, and you let your eyes flutter closed until his hands brush over your hips again.
“Yes, Kihyun, please,” you beg, your head dropping down onto your forearms. “Please fuck me.” Desire is wound up so tight inside you that you can’t think about anything else; you need this so fucking badly.
He makes a strangled whine as he presses into you, and you move your hips back onto him, gasping slightly at the stretch. “Fuck.”
“God, you feel so fucking good,” Kihyun groans, and he starts to roll into you with steady thrusts that brush the head of his cock right over your g-spot. You push backwards, matching his rhythm, and he’s not wrong: it feels good.
But it’s not enough.
“Harder,” you groan, your voice muffled in the crook of your elbow, and you hear Kihyun grunt as he picks up the pace, hips snapping against your ass. Better, but somehow still not what you need.
“Please, Kihyun,” you encourage again. “Fuck me like a slut.”
“Jesus,” he breathes, and for a second, you wonder if you’ve finally broken him. But then his hand cracks over your ass, hard enough to take you by surprise, and he starts to thrust even faster.
“Is this what you want?” He asks, and his voice is tense, almost angry; something about it makes your walls start to flutter. Your orgasm is so frustratingly close, yet somehow beyond your grasp.
And then you hear that all-too familiar voice in your head. I want to make you come so hard that your legs shake. Before you can help it, you moan a little at the memory. The way Yoongi leveled his gaze on you as he spoke so calmly, in a way that had you believing every single word. You can feel your core starting to tighten at the very thought, and once your brain realizes that’s what will get you there, it’s like the fucking floodgates open.
“Oh fuck,” you groan, and you can hear him grunt in agreement, like he’s close, too.
You’re helpless to stop it now, too desperate to come. Yoongi’s voice, his face, his tongue, his hands, his cock. It’s all you can think of. You gasp as everything inside you tightens and starts to pulse.
“Shit, shit, I’m gonna come,” you whine. So hard that you have no choice but to scream my name as I wreck you, the voice in your head finishes, and you dig your nails into the desk beneath you as you reach your climax.
Your back arches, pleasure washing over you, and you cry out. “Yes, Yoongi, yes!”
There’s a moment where his hips stutter, and then he pushes all the way into you one last time with a grunt of effort as he comes, too. Your heartbeat starts to slow.
And then it occurs to you that the man fucking you is absolutely not named Yoongi, and you smack a hand over your mouth.
“Oh my god,” you say softly, voice muffled, and you remove your hand as you start to straighten up. You can hear Kihyun still breathing heavily behind you, but he’s otherwise silent as he releases his grip on your hips and slides out of you.
“Kihyun,” you turn to watch him cross the room to the en-suite bathroom, where he briefly disappears to dispose of the condom. Face burning with embarrassment, you awkwardly maneuver to readjust your underwear and pull your dress back down over your ass.
When he reappears in the doorway, you try again. “Kihyun, I am so sorry. I—I don’t—” you fumble for what to say, knowing full well you don’t have a good explanation. At least not one that doesn’t make you sound insane.
“It’s cool,” he says, but he’s clearly uncomfortable. “I mean, you know. Shit happens.”
You glance around nervously for your phone before realizing it’s back on the table in the entryway where you tossed it in the throes of passion. You shoot Kihyun a weak smile. “I should— let me call Jimin. I can get a ride home.”
Kihyun laughs dryly. “Yeah, I’m gonna take a wild guess that he might be a little busy. I can take you home. It’s not a big deal.”
As much as your pride wants to refuse, you don’t exactly have a backup plan. “I would really appreciate that,” you murmur.
The drive is silent and painfully awkward, Kihyun turning up the music just loud enough that you get the indication that he doesn’t want to talk. As the lights of the city stream by, you can’t help but wonder how everything got so fucked up.
When Kihyun pulls up to your apartment complex, you indicate where he can drop you off, and he reaches over you as the car slows to a stop to politely open the door.
“Have a good night,” he says firmly, and you can barely manage a word of thanks before you slip out of his car and head up the stairs to die of embarrassment.
Jimin shows up at your door late Sunday afternoon, a takeout bag of haejangguk tucked under one arm, gushing incessantly about the various ways Wonho threw him around all night. It feels like he babbles for an hour, until he finally takes a break to sip from his own container of soup, and prompts you with a raise of his eyebrows.
“Your turn. Was your mission successful?”
You keep your gaze firmly planted on the floor as you recount what happened.
“Oh, you’ve got to be fucking kidding me.”
Jimin decides that you’ll try again next weekend, promising he’ll be less distracted. You’re not positive you’ll survive that long. You preemptively text Jungkook asking to take the week off from boxing class - your stomach is such a fucking bundle of nerves that you barely sleep at all Sunday night, and you know the next five days spent in constant fear of running into Yoongi is only going to make it worse.
Those same nerves creep up into your throat when you unlock the doors Monday morning, Jungkook waiting patiently behind you with his hands wrapped around the straps of his backpack.
Dread blooms inside of you as you move to place your purse on your desk, and then you make a split-second decision, spinning back to face Jungkook.
“Hey, JK?” The nickname is unplanned, just sort of comes out, but you see him visibly brighten. “Are there any open desks on your side of the office? I think I need a change of scenery.”
He nods, eyes wide. “Yeah! I’m actually all by myself right now. Sunye is on maternity leave for the rest of the month. You can use her desk.”
You gesture for him to lead the way and he does, heading past the break room and walking backwards down the hallway to keep talking to you. “Is there something wrong with your normal desk? We can always put in a work order.”
“Uh, no,” you scramble, trying to find a good excuse. “It can just be a little distracting, you know. People coming in and out all day. I’ve got a lot of stuff I need to be heads-down on this week.”
The excuse sounds flimsy and false to you, but he seems to buy it. “Yeah, makes sense! I’ll try not to distract you too much.”
He does a full 360-degree spin on his heels as you turn the corner at the end of the hall, and it’s enough to make you laugh softly despite yourself. There’s a small alcove with a desk pressed against either wall, and you don’t even have to ask which one is Jungkook’s. The standing desk is dotted with tell-tale signs of Baby Star Candy: an empty shaker cup, a mini tub of protein powder, several fidget toys tucked beneath his monitor. A small collage of polaroids is taped to the wall where you see him smiling with friends, throwing up a peace sign in nearly every single one.
Sunye’s desk is mostly empty, save for a few framed photos of her with her husband and two young kids. You drop your purse down and take a seat as Jungkook chucks his backpack under his desk, both of you reaching to retrieve your laptops.
Outlook hasn’t even loaded before he’s turned around and talking to you again. “So how was your weekend?”
You grimace reflexively at memories you’d rather forget, and Jungkook misinterprets the look. “Oh, sorry, no distractions. I’ll be quiet.”
“No, no,” you shake your head. “It’s not you. My weekend was fine. What about yours?”
He laughs, looking a little embarrassed. “I mean, honestly? I’m super addicted to this new mobile game that just came out. I feel like I blinked and lost two days.” He’s already reaching for his cellphone. “Want to see?” You roll your chair across to his side of the room as Jungkook leans over to show you the little island world he’s nearly 500 levels into. After a few minutes, he seems to remember himself.
“Shit, you specifically said you came here to focus. I’m sorry, I really will leave you alone now.”
You bite down on your bottom lip. “No, it’s okay, JK. I— honestly, I wasn’t being entirely truthful when I said that. I don’t mind the distraction at all, actually. It’s kind of complicated, but… it would be nice if I could hide out here for the foreseeable future.”
He looks at you, clearly surprised. “Of course. Whatever you need. Is everything okay?”
You wince a little, with no idea how to answer that question.
His voice drops. “Is it Suga?”
“It’s complicated.” You repeat with a sigh.
An unfamiliar emotion flashes in Jungkook’s eyes. You’ve never seen him angry before, but you’d guess this is what it looks like. “Hey, seriously, if he’s being aggressive with you, we should do something about it. Report it or something.”
You have to suppress the urge to laugh in his face. Like Yoongi being aggressive with you isn’t exactly what you’ve been fantasizing about for days.
“No, it’s not like that,” you reassure him. “I think we’re just two people who are better off kept apart from each other. That’s all.”
Jungkook nods slowly, and it’s clear from his expression that he wants to pry more, but is forcing himself not to. “Okay.”
There’s a heaviness of unasked and unanswered questions in the air, but the two of you manage to lapse into corporate smalltalk as you roll back over to your desk and dive into your workday.
Jungkook eventually has to peel off for a few virtual meetings, and watching him work is its own source of entertainment. If it’s a meeting that requires his focus, you can tell because he leans in close to his monitor, staring at spreadsheets or data visualizations with a look on his face like he’s using every single brain cell he owns. 
You can also tell when he’s put on calls where he clearly isn’t needed, because he’ll spin in a full circle at his desk with a glazed over look in his eye. There are even a few times where you glance up to see him silently doing what you vaguely recognize as TikTok dances, and you have to clap a hand over your mouth to keep from outright laughing.
The day rolls on, and you’re neck deep in drafting a communication when Jungkook’s voice breaks your concentration. “Do you like ramyeon?”
Your head snaps up to see him lean down under his desk to grab his backpack. He unzips it to retrieve two containers of instant noodles, and when he offers one to you, you give an approving nod. “I usually bring two in case I get extra hungry. I’ll make it, come meet me in the break room when you finish what you’re doing.”
You genuinely believe him on the first day, but when he just so happens to bring a second lunch on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday, you start to get a little suspicious.
Friday has you stuck on a working session straight through your usual lunch hour, and Jungkook disappears without a word, returning as you’re pulling your headset off with two to-go salads in a plastic bag.
“I ordered one, and they gave me two. Crazy, right?”
You quirk an eyebrow at him to signal that you don’t believe a damn word, but you still thank him as you follow him down the hall to the break room.
“You’re coming out tonight, right?” He asks over lunch, and it takes you a second to remember the planned happy hour your boss has scheduled for the office. You’re torn between never wanting to see the inside of a bar again, and the overwhelming desire to drink as much as you can on the company’s dime. Ideally enough to obliterate the brain cells that store your memories of last weekend.
In the end, your cheapness wins out. Plus, given that it’s a social work event, you’d bet your entire salary that Yoongi will be nowhere to be found. You figure it might actually prove to be a good distraction. “Sure, yeah. At least for a couple drinks.”
“Cool,” Jungkook smiles a little as he spears a piece of chicken on his plastic fork. “Let me know when you’re done for the day, we can head over together.”
As much as you’d like to blow off early, a phone call that was supposed to take fifteen minutes ends up lasting over an hour. You mute your headset briefly to give a loud sigh, and shoot Jungkook a silent pout in apology when he meets your gaze, but he just flips his phone around to show you the progress he’s making on his island. At least he’s good at keeping himself entertained, you think with a smile.
Finally the person leading the call seems to come to the extremely delayed realization that no one is going to make any more progress on the issue after 5 PM on a Friday, and things wrap up pretty quickly after that. You and Jungkook gather your things and head for the front, and the office is a ghost town.
Your eyes drift down the opposite hallway towards the Genius Lab, your pulse quickening a little. You’ve checked the lab every evening this week and have luckily only found it empty, but you’re nearly an hour ahead of schedule today. And you don’t exactly have a great track record with Yoongi when it comes to Fridays.
“I should probably…”
“I can do it,” Jungkook cuts in softly. You’re hit with the automatic urge to say no, to shield him from this chaos in any way you can. But it would be really nice to not have to deal with Yoongi for one fucking day.
“I would appreciate that,” you reply, and Jungkook is already striding down the hall. You pretend to busy yourself on your phone as you hear a knock, then the electronic beeps of him punching the code into the door lock. When you glance up, you see him push the door open and stick his head inside, then promptly close it again.
“He’s gone. Let’s get out of here.”
The bar your boss has chosen is only a few blocks away from the office, and Jungkook holds the door open for you to enter first when you arrive. You don’t see your group right when you first walk in, and you have to round a bend in the layout of the building before you spot the long table of familiar faces.
You move to take a step forward, but Jungkook nearly imperceptibly brings a hand to your elbow to stop you. He says nothing, which is unlike him, and you start to ask a question.
“Wh—” the words die in your mouth when you see Yoongi smiling politely into a glass of whiskey, seated at the table next to your boss. His gaze flickers up to meet yours. Your stomach twists as you watch the smile immediately drop off his face. 
“We can go,” Jungkook says quickly, but you know you can’t give him the satisfaction.
“It’s fine,” you say, and it comes out a little more harsh than you mean it to. “We don’t have to sit near him.” Jungkook follows your lead to the opposite end of the table. When you take your seats, he almost immediately gets sucked into a conversation with some of the audio engineers. You do your best to at least act like you’re following along, but it feels like the room is spinning despite the fact that you’re entirely sober.
That absolutely needs to change, you quickly determine. You’re sitting at the corner of the table, so it’s easy enough to slip out and get to your feet. Jungkook glances up when you do.
“I’ll be right back,” you say, and your tone must be direct enough that he doesn’t ask any follow-up questions or offer his company. Which is fine, you think to yourself as you cross the room. You’re perfectly capable of walking to the bar and ordering a drink on your own.
At least it feels that way until you sweep your gaze across the room, waiting on a bartender to acknowledge your presence, and realize Yoongi is headed straight towards you, empty glass in hand.
Fuck fuck fuck.
You set your jaw, determined not to let him smell your fear, and renew your conviction to flag someone down and get a drink as fast as possible. When Yoongi takes a seat at the barstool next to you, you will your face not to react. But you’re not quite fast enough to remember to tell your mouth to stay shut, too.
“What are you doing here?” You snap, refusing to look him in the eye.
“I wanted to talk to you,” he says, voice even, and you blink hard. You don’t know what you were expecting, but it wasn’t that. “I figured an event with free alcohol was a good place to start. Let’s hope no one wore their good shoes tonight.”
Setting your jaw has turned into fully gritting your teeth, and you’ve never been more grateful to see a bartender when one approaches. You order quickly, and see Yoongi silently lift his empty glass as a request in your periphery.
“What do you want, Yoongi?”
When he hums and doesn’t respond right away, you glance over to see him running a finger around the rim of his finished drink. Just his fucking hand is enough to send a shiver up your spine, and you tear your gaze away.
“Well, for one, I honestly have to say I was surprised when HR didn’t personally escort me out of the building Monday morning.”
Your head snaps up to look at him again as you parse out his meaning. “Really?”
Yoongi’s gaze meets yours, his brows slightly pinching together as if he’s surprised that you’re surprised. “Uh, yeah.”
You’re so shocked it takes you a minute to form words. “I— I mean, it’s not like it was unprovoked.”
He makes a face as if he’s considering it, shrugging a little. “I suppose.”
As you drop your gaze to the wood grain of the bar, you can’t help but wonder if that was meant to be an apology. You barely have time to process that thought before the bartender returns, setting your drinks down, and you reach for yours like a woman dehydrated. When you take a sip, it’s strong— exactly what you need in this moment.
You’re already halfway off the barstool, very ready to get back to your seat at the table, when Yoongi speaks up again.
“Do you want to hear a funny story?” Something in his tone makes you pause, and he keeps going.
“I heard from an old friend a few days ago. We used to be really close, but lately I don’t think we’ve talked in…” He shakes his head in disbelief, like he’s trying to think. “God, probably years. I’ve been so focused on work. You know how I get.”
You physically recoil at his strange candor, how comfortable he suddenly is with implying that you know him. Your stomach is already starting to turn, though you can’t put a finger on why. It just feels like he’s playing with you.
Yoongi rolls his glass between his palms as he continues. “So you know, we catch up, ask how life is going, all the usual shit. And then my friend— Kihyun, that’s his name— Kih starts telling me about this crazy hookup he had last weekend.”
You nearly drop your drink as your blood runs cold. Yoongi continues the charade, pretending like he’s telling you something you don’t already know first-hand.
“He said he got approached by this super hot girl out of nowhere, and that she was fucking desperate for it. Barely said two words to him before she was asking him to take her home. And once he did, he said the sex was wild. I mean, it definitely sounded great to me when he gave me the play-by-play.” He pauses for a moment, and when he speaks again, there’s a new tone to his voice, almost aggressive. “Straight out of one of my own fantasies, really.”
You take a nervous gulp of your drink in hopes that it might help cool down your burning face— whether it’s from shame or rage, you can’t tell.
“And get this.” Yoongi’s voice is grave now, all pretense of telling a funny story gone as he turns to fully face you. “You’re never gonna believe whose name she cried out when she came. Because it sure wasn’t Kih’s.”
The shock of his words, at the fact that he knows this, is enough to freeze you where you stand. You’re nearly shaking with the chaotic storm of emotions swirling in your brain, and it takes every ounce of willpower you can muster to keep your voice steady as you fix him in your gaze. “I don’t see that it’s any of your business who or how I fuck, Yoongi.”
“Oh, I think it’s absolutely my business when you’re calling them my fucking name. And I don’t understand why you’d settle for imitation when you could have the real thing.” Despite how livid you are, you don’t miss the way your pussy flutters at the smug look on his face.
“Maybe it’s because your friend doesn’t come with all the strings attached that you do.”
“Strings?” He quirks an eyebrow. “I wasn’t planning on dating you, sweetheart.”
You can’t believe how dense he is, and you slam your drink down on the bar. “No, Yoongi, but you’re my fucking coworker. Have you ever heard the phrase, ‘don’t shit where you eat’?” He chuckles dryly into the rim of his glass. “It’s a bad fucking idea.”
He examines you as he takes a sip of whiskey, then finally speaks again. “Here’s the way I see it. We are both sane, consenting adults, very capable of being rational about this.” You scoff in disbelief at how calmly he can say such a thing as you take another long pull from your drink. “There’s obviously a lot of pent-up feelings going on. I’m not saying we have to be friends. Hell, we don’t even have to like each other. Sometimes it’s more fun when you don’t.”
Not expecting that commentary, you nearly choke on the ice in your glass. Yoongi gives you a moment to recover before continuing.
“It seems to me like we could establish something that would be mutually beneficial. Get some of that energy out. If anything, I think it might help both of us actually focus on our work, and that would in turn benefit everyone. It’d certainly be a lot better than the two of us running around like a couple of horny teenagers the way we have been lately. It’s not a purely selfish thing.”
You hate that his stupid logical argument makes sense to you. You hate it so much that you finish your drink in one swallow.
“Look, I’ll make it easy for you,” he says, eyes locked on you, his voice dropping into a lower register. The tone immediately takes you back to the last time you were in his lab. The things he said to you. The things he wanted to do to you. Heat pools in your belly before you can tell it not to.
“I’m going to head back to the group. You get yourself another drink, come join us, and take some time to think about it.”
He leans in to speak the next part directly into your ear, his voice quiet. Every nerve ending in your body lights up at the feeling of his breath against your neck. “Then I’m going to get up and go to the restroom. I’ll give you three minutes to discreetly excuse yourself and join me. If you don’t show, I’ll drop all of this and leave you alone. Promise.”
Yoongi pulls away, shooting you that trademark smirk, knowing full well that he doesn’t have to explain what will happen if you do decide to join him. He already has. Then he slips off the barstool, glass of whiskey in hand, and strides back towards the table.
When you order the next round, you ask for a double.
You do your best to act like the world isn’t ending as you return to your seat at the table. The conversation continues around you, without you; you can only stare dumbly at the empty space between two of your coworkers as you take a long swig of your drink. You’re vaguely aware of discussions of upcoming mixtapes and the Grammy’s, but your brain can’t process anything over the roaring in your ears, the pounding of your heartbeat in your gut— and a little lower.
You feel insane, enraged, and deliriously aroused.
You have no concept of how quickly time is passing, no clue if it’s been an instant or an hour when you see movement from the other end of the table out of the corner of your eye. There’s no self-control left in your system to keep your jaw from going slack, to keep you from unabashedly watching as Yoongi gets up from the table and strides confidently across the bar toward the restroom. He doesn’t so much as glance in your direction.
“Are you alright?”
You whip around at Jungkook’s voice, having completely forgotten there was anyone else in the room. It takes a second for you to snap your mouth shut, and then you realize you have to open it to answer his question.
“I— uh—” You can barely string a sentence together. “My drink is really strong.”
“Do you need some water?”
When you nod, he’s up in a flash, heading towards the bar, and you realize as you watch him disappear that it might have been a bad idea to let yourself be left alone. Because now you have no distraction from the way every cell in your body is screaming at you.
It’s obvious that there is a right choice and a wrong choice here. And you’ve tried so hard, for so long, to be smart. To deny the truth, to say no and go home, to channel the energy out in any other way. But none of it has worked. You still want this terrible man to do terrible things to you, maybe now more than ever. And you’re so fucking tired of making the right choice.
So tonight, you resolve with a final sip of your drink, you’ll make the wrong one. Fuck it.
You slip away from the table before Jungkook returns, following the same path Yoongi did towards the back of the bar. When you reach for the handle of the restroom door, your pulse is racing, enough that you nearly jump out of your skin when the door swings open before you can even touch it. You glance up to find yourself face-to-face with an equally shocked looking Yoongi.
“Your three minutes are up,” he says dryly. Rather than bother with a response, you bring your hand to his chest and firmly shove him back inside the single stall room. You hear him laugh a little as you follow after, pulling the knob and turning the lock into place behind you.
When he takes a step toward you, there’s nowhere for you to go except flush against the door. You watch his eyes drop down your body and back up, taking his time, shameless. His gaze lingers on your mouth.
“Didn’t think you’d really do it,” he murmurs, eyes glinting.
“Call it a lapse in judgment.”
There’s something about the situation that makes you feel like Yoongi has the upper hand— like he expects every part of this to go according to his plan. That, you decide, simply will not do. And then you drop to your knees in front of him.
“Oh my god,” Yoongi breathes, taking a small step back to give you room. “You’re a whore.”
You do your best to shoot a death glare up at him. “I don’t have to do this.”
He smirks. “I meant it as a compliment, honestly. Respectfully.”
That’s it. You’re determined to suck that smug fucking look off his face. “Hands to yourself,” you say firmly. “If you touch me, this all ends.”
Yoongi’s eyes widen, as if he wasn’t expecting you to be giving any orders. But then he nods, raising both hands in the air as if to indicate compliance. You lower your gaze and realize he’s already straining against the fabric of his joggers, which do nothing to hide how hard he is, the thin material clinging to every inch.
In one swift motion, you tug both his pants and boxers down his hips, and you have to actively suppress a soft sigh of appreciation. Yoongi’s ego doesn’t need any more feeding, but damn, his dick is even better up close: long, pale, and pretty.
Glancing back up at him, you maintain eye contact as you lean forward to teasingly trace your tongue along one of the prominent veins that runs the length of his shaft. His eyes are dark with lust as he watches you. Despite being on your knees, a thrill of sheer power runs through you when you see him swallow hard, his Adam’s apple jerking in his throat.
It occurs to you that you are extremely ready to torture this man.
When you reach the tip, you just barely slide your lips over it in an open-mouthed kiss to the head of his cock, your tongue swirling in sloppy circles. You can hear Yoongi breathing now, clearly trying and failing to suppress his shaky exhales at your work.
Tilting your head to find the right angle, you take more of him into your mouth, then bring a hand to his shaft to guide the head of his dick to one side. You don’t miss the quiet groan you elicit from him as you let him press against the soft wall of your cheek to create a bulge. He makes the same sound again, louder, when you rub your tongue firmly along the underside of his shaft while you do it.
His hips jerk under your touch as you start to move the hand wrapped around him in slow, deliberate strokes. You recenter him in your mouth and bob your head along his length in time, now sucking firmly. Yoongi’s breath catches on a moan as you keep your tongue pressed tight to his shaft and match the movement of your head to the deliciously slow pace of your hand.
The sound only encourages you, and you lean forward to take even more of him until his cock briefly brushes against the back of your throat. You hold him there for a second, then swallow.
“Fuck,” Yoongi hisses. You can feel him twitch a little in your mouth, taste it as he leaks precum onto your tongue. You tip back for a few more shallow thrusts, just tormenting him, then repeat the action, humming this time as he hits your throat. His knees nearly buckle.
You glance up at Yoongi as you pull back again, lashes fluttering, and you have to keep yourself from laughing around his cock at the look of pure distress on his face. Now that you’re watching him, you realize his hands are flexing desperately at his sides— it’s clearly taking everything in his power to follow your no touching policy.
Good, you think, and then you lean forward to swallow him down and keep him there, taking as much as you can until your nose is nearly flush with his pelvis. You bob your head, guiding him up and down your throat, choking slightly but too determined to stop even as your eyes start to water.
“Oh my god,” you hear him groan, and your eyebrows raise at the sound of a loud smack. When you look up, still working him in your throat, you realize that he’s helplessly banged a fist on the bathroom door and is now bracing himself against it. You watch as he rakes his other hand through his hair, his head tipping back with a gasp as you increase your pace in response. His hips shudder as he starts to buck softly into your mouth. “Y-yeah, keep doing that, oh fuck, fuck—”
At what feels like the last possible second, you pull off his cock with a soft, wet pop, swallowing down the precum in your mouth. You wipe at the corners of your lips before getting to your feet, legs shaking a little more than you’d like from how long you’ve been on your knees. As you meet his gaze, now at eye-level, it seems you’ve certainly achieved your mission: Yoongi’s usual smug appearance has been replaced with a look of frustrated desperation, courtesy of one denied orgasm.
“Why should I let you get off that easy?” You ask simply, and he makes a noise low in his throat, something between a groan and a laugh.
“Fuck, you are such a bitch.” He advances towards you, and you find yourself backing up, this time until your ass is pressed against the countertop of the bathroom sink. He’s staring at your mouth again, looking at it with what seems to be a little more reverence now that he knows what it’s capable of.
“Am I allowed to touch you yet?” His voice is so low, his mouth so close to yours, that it makes your core ache. The noises you sucked out of him have unfortunately only turned you on even more. “Or are you going to make me beg?”
As much as you’d love to see that, the desperate throb that’s been steadily building between your legs has now overtaken your desire to tease. “Yes, Yoongi, you can touch me.”
The words have barely left your mouth and his hands are already on your hips, firmly spinning you around. You have to clutch the edge of the countertop just to stay upright, but you only feel yourself getting that much wetter at the rough way he handles you. You shiver as he shoves the hem of your dress up to expose your ass, and you can’t help yourself, leaning forward to give him the best possible angle, too desperate for anything less.
“Fuck,” Yoongi breathes, and you’d swear he almost sounds appreciative.
You don’t even have time to process that thought before his hand cracks down over your ass, so hard that it nearly knocks all the breath out of your lungs. You inhale a shaky gasp, your mind reeling in its attempt to catch up, but Yoongi is already pulling your panties to the side, perfect fingers sliding between your folds. There’s no hiding how drenched you are; your upper thighs are starting to stick together with arousal.
Without warning, he presses two fingers firmly into you, and it’s enough to make your jaw go slack. You outright moan when they find purchase against your g-spot, rubbing in tight, expert circles. He could make you come right now if he wanted to.
“You’re so wet for me,” Yoongi’s voice is low and smug, and you don’t need to see his expression to know that cocky smirk has returned to his face. “Been ready for it all night, huh?” You whimper a noise that isn’t disagreement.
“Good,” he says firmly, pairing the word with another smack to your ass. You’re too far gone to try and hold it back now, not with the way his fingers are working inside you, and you moan again. “Because we can’t take too long,” Yoongi continues. “Don’t want anyone getting suspicious. Which is really a damn shame, because there’s so much I want to do to you.”
When he smacks your ass one more time, even harder, and couples it with an insistent press of his fingers against your front wall, you have to grip the edge of the sink for dear life. Your cunt squeezes around him; the noise you make is practically a sob.
He huffs a laugh as he withdraws his fingers, and you glance up to see him retrieving a condom from his pocket and tearing it open. “Wrecked already? And I haven’t even fucked you yet.”
You try to compose yourself, but just watching the way his hands work as he rolls the condom over his leaking cock has you aching, clenching around nothing. You really are fucking wrecked— nothing has ever come close to this.
Yoongi’s hands come to your hips, pads of his fingers digging into your skin, and you feel the head of his cock against your entrance, sliding lazily through your folds but purposefully not pressing into you.
“Yoongi,” you whine. You’re too far gone for this teasing.
“You have to tell me what you want,” he says, his voice dark.
You can barely even think a sentence, and you try to push back on him instead, but he keeps you held firmly in place, hands squeezing into the flesh of your hips. “Tell me,” he insists.
“I want you to fuck me,” you manage, and you look up to meet his gaze in the bathroom mirror.
He licks his lips, and you realize that he’s having just as hard a time restraining himself. “That much is obvious,” he says, and you can hear the unsteadiness in his voice now. “How would you like to get fucked?”
You’ve had enough alcohol to brazenly tell the truth. “Like you hate me.”
It may be the first genuine smile of his you’ve ever seen.
“Gladly,” he replies, and then he thrusts all of himself into you at once. You collapse forward on the countertop, crying out at the feeling.
“Yeah,” Yoongi grunts, a little breathless. “You like that?” He pulls nearly all the way out and slams into you one more time, pressing his hips flush with your ass until you feel overwhelmingly full. Then he starts to properly thrust, moving at a pace that can only be described as ruthless.
“Oh, fuck,” you gasp, your head dropping down as you scramble to brace yourself against the counter. You practically yelp when his hand cracks over your ass again.
He leans forward; you can feel his chest graze over your back, his hips still snapping into you as he grabs your jaw with one hand and forces your gaze up to look at him in the mirror again. You watch as he runs two fingers along your bottom lip in an unasked question. You let your jaw go slack to allow him to slip into your mouth.
When your lips close around his fingers, you find yourself a little grateful to have something to keep you grounded to reality. Your eyes flit up to Yoongi’s face, and his gaze is piercing, eyes totally fixed on you.
“You look so good like this.” His voice is hoarse, strained from effort, and he continues to drive into you, never slowing. Your own hip bones dig into the bathroom counter, shocks of pleasure-pain rippling through you with each thrust. Little moans and whimpers spill out from your mouth around his fingers at the sensation, and you can feel your climax starting to build.
Yoongi withdraws from your mouth, that same hand moving down your body to slip into your panties and circle your clit, earning a gasp from you. His other hand keeps a death grip on your hip as he thrusts, and he straightens up again, the head of his cock now rubbing so perfectly over your g-spot that you hiss.
“Did Kihyun fuck you like this?”
The question catches you off-guard. “N-no,” you gasp, and the hot coil of your arousal tightens in your core. Yoongi’s cock stroking into you, his hand working your clit, the feeling is overwhelming, dizzying. “Oh, god.” Your head presses into your forearm as you give yourself over to the pleasure. You can only distantly hear Yoongi’s voice continue, somewhere between coaxing and demanding.
“I didn’t fucking think so. So why don’t you say it? Tell me who fucks you right. Tell me who you fucking hate.”
The fingers on your clit are unrelenting now, and your edge approaches fast and hard.
“Y-Yoongi,” you breathe, and it feels too good to say his name and mean it. “Yoongi, fuck, Yoongi.” A loud moan rips through you as your legs start to shake. “Oh fuck,” you gasp, “I’m coming, fuck, yes—” You nearly sob as your climax hits you hard, and your walls flutter around Yoongi’s cock over and over in what feels like an endless orgasm.
The pleasure rolls through you, and you look up in the mirror to see Yoongi grit his teeth as he picks up the pace of his hips. A look of desperation paints his face, not unlike the way he looked when you were blowing him, and you know he must be close.
“God fucking damnit,” he grunts, each word punctuated with a thrust, and then he tips his head back and pushes all the way into you with a moan as he comes.
For a moment he pauses like that, gazing up at the ceiling, chest heaving with effort as his dick twitches inside of you. “Holy shit,” he breathes, and then he starts to laugh softly in what appears to be disbelief. “Fuuuuck.”
You haven’t fully recovered, so you can only watch, still gripping the countertop for dear life, as he slips the condom off, chucks it into the trash can, and pulls his boxers and pants up. He gives his reflection a once-over in the mirror, running a hand through his hair, and you’re amazed at how quickly he’s put himself back together. The only indication that he was literally just railing you is the way he’s breathing heavily.
Yoongi notices you watching him and gives your ass one more firm slap, hard enough that you flinch a little.
“Wait a minute or two before you head out,” he instructs, and you nod dumbly. He crosses the room, opens the door, and slips out, all before you can even so much as think a coherent thought.
It takes several more minutes for you to get your shit together, but you eventually manage to readjust your underwear and smooth your dress down, though your legs are certainly still unsteady when you make your way back to the table. You can’t help but shoot a glance over at Yoongi as you pass, and you’re shocked to see him laughing and chatting it up with the group of coworkers seated around him. You see clear expressions of surprise on their faces, too— because he’s never like this. Except, apparently, mere minutes after fucking you.
You don’t even bother to sit down, instead grabbing your purse off the table and slinging the straps over your shoulder.
“Wow, there you are,” Jungkook’s voice drags you out of your thoughts, and the look of concern on his face just makes your stomach turn. You genuinely have no idea how long you were gone for. “Are you okay? Your face looks flushed.”
You don’t know how to answer his question, so you don't. “I think I’m gonna go home.”
“Do you need a ride?”
You shake your head quickly. “I’ll call a friend.”
Perched on the curb outside, you clutch your phone for dear life as you pull up Jimin’s contact to call him. The line rings and you realize you’re shivering; you don’t think it has anything to do with the weather.
You don’t even give him a chance to say hello when the call connects. “Can you come get me?”
He groans on the other end of the line. “Why? I already took my pants off for the night.”
“Baby mochi, please.” You whine, but you know only the full explanation will get him out of bed. You drop your voice a little. “I just hatefucked Suga in the bathroom at the company happy hour. I need you to come pick me up immediately.”
Jimin’s apartment is a ten minute drive away, but you swear he makes it in five.
“Well, well, well,” Your best friend’s voice is smug as you slide into his passenger seat. “If it isn’t the company whore.”
“Shut the fuck up, Jimin.”
Come Monday morning, you’re racing down the hallway to the conference room, quietly cursing yourself for being late. You’d seen the email from your boss moving the usual Tuesday pull-up to first-thing Monday, but then you’d gotten so tied up with other projects you’d forgotten about it entirely. It was only once you were in the break room, trying to get your caffeine fix in, that you’d glanced up at the wall clock and realized it was already ten after.
Focused as you are on getting to the meeting quickly— and just as importantly, not spilling any of your coffee— you’re completely unaware of your surroundings until it’s too late. You nearly smack directly into Yoongi as you approach the conference room simultaneously.
He smirks as you jump back in surprise. “We have got to stop meeting like this.”
It’s the first time you’ve seen him since Friday; you’ve been hiding out in Baby Star Candy’s corner all morning. “We’re late,” you say, flustered enough to state the obvious, and he shrugs like he can’t disagree.
“I got distracted.”
Yoongi must notice the way your eyes start to widen. “With work,” he clarifies quickly. He reaches around you to place a hand on the conference room door, and you hear his voice low in your ear. “Amazing how much easier it is to focus today, huh?”
Straightening up to put some space between you, he pushes the door open and gestures for you to go first. You swallow hard and try to keep your composure as you enter the room, briefly apologizing for being late. Yoongi follows behind you silently, slumping into the open seat across the table. You take a sip of your coffee to settle your nerves, which turns out to be a horrible idea when your boss speaks.
“There they are, perfect timing. You’re the very two people my next announcement concerns.”
You just barely manage to keep your drink in your mouth. When your gaze flits to Yoongi across from you, he looks similarly shell-shocked. You can’t help but wonder if you’re about to get fired in front of the entire team.
“We’ve managed to secure funding for the Grammy’s at the end of the month,” your boss says brightly. “We’ll be flying Suga out to do a press circuit as well as attend the award show and surrounding events in-person. We think it will be a great opportunity to network with American artists, try to get his name out there and work on our international appeal.”
“And of course,” your boss’ gaze lands on you, “we all know that our Suga isn’t the most extroverted, or good with schedules, for that matter. We figured he needs a wrangler, and who better than our very own admin?”
You swear your heart stops beating. Your boss keeps going, reminding the team to connect with you about temporarily taking back any deliverables you’ve been handling while you’ll be out of pocket for Grammy’s weekend and subsequent travel time, but you barely process a word. This can’t be happening.
An entire weekend of forced professionalism, in Los Angeles, with the man you just hatefucked in a bathroom. What could possibly go wrong?
chapter four | masterlist | chapter six
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lightininglydia · 2 years
I Wish I Was Her - Jonathan Byers
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Synopsis: Steve wasn’t the only one who got hurt at Tina’s Halloween party... Turns out unrequited feelings can be a bitch
Warnings: Unrequited Love, Jonathan and the reader not knowing how to handle their emotions, some curse words, mentions of drinking + Minor character death and not proof read lmao ( My Bad ) 
WC: 2.9k
A/N: Showing Jonathan Byers a little love on this app because there’s like NO fics for him! Anyways feel free to request some fics ( especially Jonathan ones because I’m determined to become THE Jonathan fic writer! ) Hope y’all enjoy this one! Open to a part 2 for it as well!
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You stood by yourself in the crowded room- you have no idea how Nancy actually managed to convince you to come with her and Steve to this stupid party. You would much rather be at home, curled up next to your cat watching Halloween movies or out with the boys as they wandered the streets trick or treating.
She promised you that you would have a good time and that she would stick by you the whole time but something had very clearly happened to her earlier that day that made her want to get wasted and forget about whatever was troubling her so now here you stood alone and ready to leave.
At first the idea of coming to a party and letting loose with your friends seemed like a good idea especially considering the one year anniversary of Will going missing and everything with The Upside down was coming up and it would do everyone some good to have some fun but as of right now you were not having any fun whatsoever. 
You let out a sigh of relief when you watched Jonathan walk into the crowded house, quickly b-lining towards him. You knew he wouldn’t want to stay for long so you secretly hoped he would take you home or that the two of you would go and do something- anything would be better than the party at this point.
What you didn’t notice while making your way towards him was Carol who stood with a small smirk on her face as she outstretched her leg just as you were about to pass her.
You fell forward but two strong arms caught you before you could hit the ground. When you cast your glance upwards you were more than happy to see that Jonathan was your savior.
“ Hi “ you beamed up at him
He laughed as he pulled you up right “ Hi ” he greeted, his voice soft and welcoming like it always was with you.
“ I didn’t think you’d come “ you admitted softly, your hands still holding onto his arms 
He shrugged “ Nancy really wanted me here “ 
“ I did too “ 
He smiled at your words, blushing slightly. It warmed your heart knowing you had a small effect on the boy, it gave you the tiniest bit of hope that he felt the same way that you did.
“ I gotta say when I saw you from across the room you looked miserable “
You laughed while nodding “ I’ve been ditched and I am not having fun- My original plan was definitely the better choice but of course I let them drag me here “ you mumbled while nodding your head towards Steve and Nancy who were dancing in the crowd. 
“ Ahh I see... wanna get out of here? I've been here for a total of two minutes and I already hate it “ 
“ I knew you’d come and save me! “ You exclaimed, finally realizing that your hands were still holding onto his arms and his hands were still holding onto your waist. 
He laughed and opened his mouth to respond but the sounds of Steve and Nancy arguing pulled your attention away from each other and towards them, both of you turning to face them. 
You gasped when the red punch spilled all over Nancy’s white shirt, watching her storm away from Steve and into the bathroom. He sighed before following after her. You went to go after the couple to ensure they were okay but Jonathan tightened his grip on your waist.
“ Just let them sort it out “ he mumbled in your ear 
You sighed before leaning back into him, allowing him to wrap his arms around your waist and lean his head on top of yours “ I’m worried about them... somethings been up with Nance these past few days and things feel off with her and Steve “ 
“ They’ll work it out and if they don’t then who cares? I really don’t think they are making it past high school and I think there’s someone more suited for Nancy out there anyways “ 
Your face scrunched up in confusion at his words “ What do you mean by that? “ 
“ I don’t know I mean- I just never really thought Steve was right for her “ He explained 
“ Yeah well who is then? You? “ 
When you were met with silence a violent wave of emotions washed over you. You had been so wrapped up in your own feelings for him you hadn’t realized him slipping out of reach as he fell for Nancy. 
“ So you do think it’s you “ 
Jonathan sighed “ look I know it’s wrong to pine after a girl whose already taken but- we had something last year... I could feel it I mean I waited for her but then she got back with Steve and it’s just been this awkward cycle of will we wont we... so I’m sorry for hoping they break up and I know it’s selfish but I just want a shot- just one to see if I’m crazy or if Nancy Wheeler could really fall for a guy like me “ 
You could feel the tears burning in your eyes as you listened to him and really took in what he was saying. Of course he would fall for a girl like Nancy Wheeler- she was beautiful but she was also so much more than that. She was smart and kind and an absolute badass if you were being honest so it made perfect sense that he would love someone like that. 
“ Well then you should go for it- if they break up I mean “ You told him as you fought back the tears and tried to push through the strain in your voice.
“ yeah? “ You could hear the smile in his voice and it broke your heart
“ yeah “ you confirmed, pushing him towards happiness knowing what it meant. 
Loving someone wasn’t always easy and in situations like this it felt like the hardest thing in the world but all you wanted was for him to be happy and if Nancy Wheeler was the person who could do that then it was what he deserved. He deserved someone who would love him unconditionally for who he was and all that he stood for. Loving someone came with sacrifices and heartaches but you would gladly take all that pain just to see him radiate the happiness you hadn’t seen from him in a long time. 
There was a silence that lulled over the two of you, Jonathan radiating happiness at the idea of him and Nancy while simultaneously feeling grateful for your support while you stood there already wallowing in self pity.
You were comfortable in his arms and imagined what it would be like if the two of you were something more than just friends. 
Steve suddenly stormed out of the bathroom and towards you and Jonathan “ Please make sure she gets home safely “ he muttered before continuing to walk away
Your eyes followed Steve as Jonathan’s settled on the bathroom he had just come out of. Your heart hurt a little as Jonathan let go of you and rushed towards the bathroom.
You weighed your current options- you could go after Jonathan and see if Nancy was okay, Walk home or go after Steve and see if he was alright.
After standing there for a second you quickly made your way outside and over to where Steve had parked his car. Thankfully he was still there, sitting on the hood with his head in his hands.
“ Hey “ you whispered as you climbed onto the hood of his car, sitting next to him
“ Please just go away “ he mumbled without even casting his glance towards you.
You sighed at Steve’s request- in no way were the two of you best friends but in the last year you had grown to really care for him.
“ I’d be a pretty shitty friend if I left you here all by yourself… if you really want to be alone I’ll go but if you want someone to listen then I’ll stay “
He looked up at you and your face dropped at the sight of tears falling down his face
“ oh Steve “ you whispered before pulling him into your arms. His sobs vibrated your body as he clung onto you for support.
Never in your lifetime did you expect Steve Harrington to be clinging to you as he sobbed- a year ago you would have laughed at the idea of your high school tormentor allowing you to comfort him in his most vulnerable moment but somehow right here in this moment it made perfect sense.
“ Wanna tell me what happened? Or do you wanna just sit here and calm down? “ You asked, your voice soft 
He nodded before beginning to explain what had been happening these past few days and what lead up to tonight.You listened intensely as he explained to you what had happened and Nancy’s “ everything is bullshit “ rant.
“ She’s hurting Steve and I know it’s not fair for her to lash out on you but Barb died and it was just brushed under the rug... her parents are driving themselves into debt trying to find out what really happened to her and it’s probably so hard for Nancy to carry that burden- you didn’t know Barb like Nancy did so I understand that you don’t feel it like she does but you also have to understand how it must feel for her “ 
“ I want to I really do but it’s not my fault- It’s not her fault either I mean none of us knew what was happening... I feel so guilty that I can’t feel how she does but like you said I didn’t know Barb like she did- I talked to her twice and then she was gone “ 
“ I know. “ 
“ And now I just gave Byers the perfect opportunity to play the hero and win her heart- god I’m such an idiot... I love her so much and I don’t want this to be the end “ He admitted 
“ Listen... Sometimes you have to let the people you love go knowing they may never come back “ 
“ Is that what you’re doing with Byers? Letting him go? “ His voice was soft and void of any judgement as he asked you this- it was comforting that the two of you could talk so openly and vulnerably with one another. 
You nodded “ How’d you know? “
He almost laughed “ Anyone within a twenty mile radius can see how in love with him you are- everyone except him “
“ Well this fucking sucks “ you mumbled as you leaned your head on his shoulder
“ yeah… yeah it does “ he grumbled back as he wrapped his arm around you
The two of you were silent for a while but the sight of Jonathan practically carrying Nancy out of the party made both of you sit up straight.
You listened as he softly spoke to her, desperately pleading with her to get into the car
“ The universe loves twisting the knife “ you muttered before hoping off of Steve’s car and beginning to walk home
“ Where are you going? “ He shouted after you 
“ Home “ you called back as you began walking faster 
“ At least let me drive you “ He pleaded
You turned around shaking your head “ I live next to the Wheeler’s Steve... I don’t think you want to drive me home- Hell I don’t even want to go home but I’ve got a pint of Rocky Road in the freezer and a cat waiting for me “ 
“ Let me drive you home... Maybe split the pint with me because if I’m being honest right now I could really use a friend and some cat cuddles “ 
You laughed “ yeah okay... I could really use a friend right now too considering the only others are a bunch of kids and my best friend who I’m in love with “
Steve grinned at your response as he hopped off the hood of his car and raced to the passenger side and opening the door for you
The drive to your house was a rather short one that was filled with a comfortable silence. While your situations weren’t exactly the same the two of you had come to an understanding- you loved people who did not love you back and it hurt.
When the two of you got out of the car you locked eyes with Jonathan who stood in the doorway of the Wheeler’s house. You handed Steve your house key “ Go on in... I should probably talk to him “ You mumbled while nodding your head towards Jonathan. 
Steve gave a slight nod before walking up your front steps and letting himself in your house.  
“ What are you doing with him? “ Jonathan asked as he made his way out of the Wheeler’s house and over to you
“ Same thing you’re doing with Nancy... I’m being a friend “ You explained 
Jonathan scoffed “ I took Nancy to her house not mine and he’s the one that just left her there!  “ 
His change in tone almost gave you whiplash as you struggled to understand what the issue here was. 
“ you’re the one that wanted him to and why does it even matter that I’m with him right now?“ You shot back
He bitterly laughed “ And what exactly do you think is going to happen here? You think now that Nance is out of the picture you’ll somehow end up with him? “ His tone was harsher than you had ever heard.  
“ Excuse me? I don’t know what you think is happening here Jonathan but it’s most definitely not that- I went out to check on him and he offered to drive me home because I was going to walk! He needs a friend right now- You don’t even know what happened between them!“ 
“ Is this why you told me to go for it with Nancy? Because you wanted to be with Steve? God I thought you were being a good friend and being supportive but no... You’re just like everyone else- Always in it for yourself “ He spat
You really didn’t understand what was happening right now and why he was so angry that you were with Steve and you most certainly did not understand why he was accusing you of having ulterior motives with Steve. 
“ Are you kidding me right now Jonathan? Listen I get it- You and Steve have an ugly history but he’s my FRIEND! My friend! That is it! If you weren’t so fucking focused on Nancy you would realize the only person I’ve ever wanted is YOU so no I’m not like everyone else because most people would be selfish! They would be selfish and tell the person they are in love with NOT to go for it but instead I told you to because I love you and I want you to be happy “ Your voice was strained from yelling and you could feel the tears streaming down your face but you didn’t care
How dare he accuse you of only caring about yourself when you were more than willing to have your heart thrown into a blender just to see him happy.
Jonathan felt like he was frozen solid, unable to move at your confession. A wave of guilt surged through him as he realized what he had said to you, putting aside your secret feelings for him you were always a good friend and you had always put him first no matter what and even if you had feelings for Steve that didn’t justify or excuse what he had just said to you
“ I- I don’t know what to say “ He confessed, refusing to meet your eye
You scoffed “ Of course you don’t “ 
Jonathan’s eyes finally met yours “ You can’t just dump something like that on me and expect me to know what to say “ 
You crossed your arms over your chest and looked down at the ground, no longer feeling comfortable with being vulnerable with him “ Okay Jonathan” You whispered before turning around and making your way towards your house 
“ Wait so that’s it? “ He called out after you
You turned around to look at him, Tears spilling out of your eyes “ What else is left for me to say? Do you want me to tell you that it’s okay? That we can just forget about this and move on? Or do you want me to tell you how badly I wish I was her? How I would kill for you to look at me like that- Just answer this one question... If it was her standing here right now would you know what to say? “
When you were met with silence you knew you had your answer “ Goodbye Jonathan “ 
You felt a terrible feeling as you walked away from him- almost as if this was the end of something. You wanted desperately to turn around and apologize but there was nothing to be sorry for... You wouldn’t apologize for loving him and you wouldn’t make him apologize for not loving you. 
This was something that was either going to slowly work itself out or something that would cause the two of you to be nothing but a childhood memory in the others mind as life continued on. 
Love was many things but tonight it was nothing but pain and regret.
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daemour · 2 years
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Title: I’m In Love With You
Genre: light angst, fluff
Pairing: Seonghwa x f!Reader
Fandom: ATEEZ
Word Count: 2087
Warnings: none
Summary: Seonghwa is not a morning person. Nor is he a stormy weather kind of person. So when someone shows up at his door at ass-o-clock in a terrible storm, he thinks about possibly not lettin them in. But it’s you.
thanks to @defwoodz​ for the banner!! :D she singlehandedly made me write a happy ending to this instead of an ambiguous one lmao
When Seonghwa hears a knock on his door at six in the morning, he’s not particularly pleased. After a long and tiring week at work, he finally could sleep in, but whoever is at his door has decided otherwise. With a long groan, he flings off his covers and stands, pulling a robe around him as he marches towards the front door.
But when he flings the door open, ready to give whoever is on the other side a talking to, he stops. Because the person in front of his door is not some stranger, or even his best friends (who he’d honestly have even fewer qualms yelling at), it’s you. His former friend, someone he hadn’t seen in months, not after you dropped off the face of the Earth and gave him no response to the dozens of messages he sent you.
“(Y/N)?” His voice is filled with anger, worry, and maybe a little bit of eagerness to see you again. “What are you doing here?” It’s only now he just realised the pouring rain and screaming wind around him, and the drenched state you’re in.
“Hey,” you greet and almost immediately sneeze after. Seonghwa immediately ushers you in, shutting the door behind you.
“Are you insane?” His voice is too loud for this hour, but at this point, he doesn’t give a damn. “It’s pouring buckets out there, (Y/N)! Stay there, I’m going to get you a towel.”
And he leaves you, dripping pools of water from your hair onto his welcome mat, standing in the hall with a sheepish look on your face. He’s been in this position before. His friends are all stupid and like to use his home as a late night or early morning shelter from bad weather or hangovers. Although usually his home wasn’t stuffed to the brim with awkward looks and unsaid thoughts. But now…all he can do is fetch you a towel and hope you won’t permanently damage his flooring.
When he comes back, this time with a fluffy towel in his hands, all he can say is, “Stop dripping on my wood floor and dry yourself. I’ll go grab you a sweatshirt and some pants. Go and sit on one of the kitchen stools.” He unceremoniously drops the towel on your head and escapes back into his room.
He has to take this moment to catch his breath, because not that he’d ever admit it to you, seeing you again is making his heart race. You two weren’t particularly close, having met only through your shared friends. But he had always somewhat admired your personality which turned into a crush on you. It is totally normal, promise. So when you stopped showing up to any parties or movie nights, Seonghwa had worried.
He texted you, and with no replies, started asking your friends where you were, but they said that you had some personal business out of town. They assured him it was nothing bad, but they didn’t say anything else, not willing to spill any more information without you present.
Of course, it was understandable—Seonghwa and you weren’t that close after all. You got along of course, but he never approached you to get to know you in the way he wanted to. You had only been to his house a handful of times for movie nights, and only had each other's numbers due to your mutual group chats, which was part of the reason why he was so shocked when you showed up just now.
“Seonghwa?” Your voice floats down the hall. “What should I do with this towel?” Right. You were still here.
“Just put it on the counter,” he calls back, hurriedly grabbing some of the clothes he has in his dresser before heading into the kitchen. He hands the clothes to you, a smile plastered on his face. “You know where the bathroom is, you can change there and give me your wet clothes to toss in the dryer.”
He’s avoiding the elephant in the room and both of you know it. But nothing is said anyways and you leave the kitchen. He curses himself for being so damn awkward, but what else is he going to do? Your friends were right. He wasn’t close enough to ask you any prying questions.
Seonghwa curses to himself, walking around the kitchen island to start the kettle boiling. He could at least get some tea going.
When you come back into the kitchen, Seonghwa almost has an aneurysm. It was almost definitely not the time nor the place for it, but seeing you in his clothes made him choke. It was so…domestic. He whips his head away, willing himself to shut his brain down before turning back to you with a neutral expression on his face.
“I’m boiling some water for tea, but I’ll take your clothes now if you want,” Seonghwa offers, and you smile at him with a whispered ‘thanks’ before handing your clothes to him.
They’re soaked through and still dripping, and Seonghwa winces to think of what damage it might cause to his floors if he doesn’t mop it up fast enough. But it also means you must have been out in the rain for God who knows how long. He shakes his head, muttering to himself about bad decisions and stupid rain as he tosses the clothes into the dryer.
As the sounds of the machine start, he’s already back in the kitchen, grabbing some rags to wipe up the leftover water. “Oh! No, I’ll do it,” he hears you say hurriedly and your hands immediately come into his line of vision to take the rags. “You’re already doing plenty, let me.”
He frowns at the sight of you squatting down. “You really shouldn’t, you’re a guest,” he starts to argue, and you laugh.
“A guest at” you take a glance at the microwave clock “six thirty-seven in the morning. It’s all right, Seonghwa, let me do this.” He makes a face you can’t see, but in the end, acquiesces.
It’s still far too domestic, but Seonghwa pushes those thoughts to the back of his mind as he opens his fridge, hoping for some sort of leftovers he could warm up for you. “Why were you out this early anyways?” he asks to start some small talk, eager to eliminate the silence between you two.
You hum as you scrub at a particularly large pool of water. “I’m a bit of a night owl, so I was taking a walk. I’m also horrible with time, so I didn’t even realise how long I was out when it started to rain.”
A gentle laugh reaches Seonghwa’s ears but he doesn’t even register that because he remembers it started to rain when it was four in the morning. He knows because he is a light sleeper and woke up to the sound of it battering his windows. “You were in the storm for two hours? It was still raining when I let you in. It’s still raining right now.” His voice is filled with worry and increases in volume as he looks out the window and sees the rain has not let up and he immediately rethinks letting you wipe the water off the floor. “Go sit on the couch and wait for the tea, I’ll wipe the floors.”
You sit back on your heels and open your mouth to argue, but Seonghwa shoots you a look and you give up thankfully. He doesn’t want to have any sickness you get on his hands.
Right on time, the kettle hisses and he gingerly pours you a hot cup of camomile tea. As he waits for it to cool, Seonghwa finishes up wiping, and every time you look like you’re about to get up from the couch he glares at you. “Don’t even think about getting up,” he scolds. “You will sit there and finish your tea.”
You pout and Seonghwa has to resist staring at your lips. “But you’ve already done so much already. I just wanna help–” you start to say, but Seonghwa is having none of that and shakes his head firmly.
“No, it’s fine. I’m almost done anyway. I’m surprised you didn’t get lost, (Y/N), you have to be more careful outside.” Seonghwa sighs in the absolute most motherly way possible. His friends would have a field day making fun of him.”What if you got sick?”
You laugh. “Seonghwa, that’s just a myth. You can’t really get sick from–” you sneeze and Seonghwa raises an eyebrow at you accusingly. “Okay…maybe I’m remembering that article wrong…” you mumble.
“Finish your tea and get in the shower.” Seonghwa closes his eyes in exasperation. “Honestly, (Y/N), are you sure you’re a functioning adult?”
You flash him a crooked smile and a wink that has no business being this attractive. “No, I’m offended you even had to ask that.”
“Just go.” You laugh at Seonghwa’s very exasperated but somewhat fond dismissal and head off towards the bathroom again. He can’t be-lieve how you managed to find your way to his house, nor why you didn’t think to go back home instead of continuing walking in the rain. He hopes you don’t get sick—he doesn’t want that on his hands.
When you return to the living room, although you’re still awkward, you look a lot less like a wet rat. “Thank you again,” you mumble as Seonghwa pours a can of soup into a pot to put onto the stove.
He hums. “No worries,” he finally smiles as he turns to reassure you. “It’s crazy out there, I would be out of my mind to not let you in.” He’s still a little worried, but now that you’re looking much warmer he relaxes a little.
“How have you been?” Your question is sudden. “We haven’t seen each other in a while, which is honestly on me. I’ve been travelling a lot to see my family.”
Even though your mutual friends had told Seonghwa your absence wasn’t anything negative nor important, hearing it from you made him feel a lot better. “I’ve been doing well. Wooyoung being a pain in my ass, as always, but now that he and San have finally got it through their thick skulls they like each other I’ve been granted a little peace.”
You laugh. “Well, just wait until they get out of the honeymoon phase. Then you’ll have double the trouble on your hands.”
The fondness in your voice makes Seonghwa’s heart skip a beat. He loves how soft you are for your friends and how you’ll make fun of them for as long as you live, but you will always spoil them like they’re your children. He could kiss you right now, he could proclaim his own fondness for you at this very moment.
It would be so easy to keep his mouth shut and just let the conversation flow naturally. But when has Seonghwa ever taken the easy way? “I missed you,” he blurts out, and you look at him with wide eyes, mouth half open. “I mean, you’re really nice. And I missed you at the movie nights. So I asked but they didn’t want to say. It’s totally reasonable, of course! You nor they owed me any information. I just wanted to say it cus I like you a lot. I mean, of course I do! You’re my friend. And everyone else’s friend. Yeah.”
Seonghwa’s face twists into his signature uncomfortable smile. He is the absolute worst at social cues. He can see the headlines already: Man Dies from Being Awkward, His Friends Laugh at his Grave. He couldn’t even say what he wanted to say.
“I did too.” You’ve moved to crouch in front of him, your head cocked in the most adorable way. “I missed us making fun of Hongjoong for all his snarky comments during movies. I missed how you’d always look you’re about to cry whenever Wooyoung spilled popcorn. And I missed, dare I say it, your questionable cookies.”
Any warm feelings Seonghwa has felt are immediately replaced with offence. “My cookies are fine,” he insists, and the corners of your lips pull up. Your arms wrap around him as you bury your face in his shoulder to hide your smile. “Oh my God, you’re so annoying.” He has absolutely no malice in his voice as he returns the hug, cherising the warmth of your body.
You both know what he means by that, anyway.
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yelenasdiary · 2 years
Prove Myself
Pairing: Florence Pugh X Fem! Reader.
Summary: Flo books a girls trip with you and her mum to Greece so her mum to see what Flo see’s in you. 
Fluff & Angst | 2.5K | Mentions of alcohol | Language |
AC: I can’t imagine Deb hating anybody Flo dates unless it’s necessary, so this was tricky!! Also, I lost track of writing this and now it’s like over 2K words, my bad lmao! I hope you enjoy x.
*This was a request made to my old blog*
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“Stop worrying my darling” Flo’s soothing voice enter your thoughts as she gently wraps her arms around your neck. Your eyes meet hers before giving her a fake smile. “I promise, she just needs time with you to see how amazing you are” she added, leaning in and kissing your lips with care. “She hates me Flo, she won’t stand in the same room with me for 5 minutes” you told her, gently placing your hands on her hips. “She doesn’t hate you baby, she’s just protective” Flo gave you a comforting look.
Before you could say another word, Deborah walked into the room making eye contact with before letting out a sigh. “Are we ready to go to?” she mumbled, putting her jacket on. Florence kissed your check before letting you go and turning to her mother. “Sure are” she chirped. Your eyes feel to the floor knowing Deb couldn’t stand being in the same room as you right now. You never knew why she disliked you so much, she’s never given a reason to why and to your memory you haven’t given her a reason to dislike you.
Florence booked a week away in Greece for the three of you in hopes it would put the tension between you and her mother to an end. You’ve been dating Florence for a little over a year now and still, her mum can’t seem to see any good in you. From the first time Florence brought you home to meet her family, Deb has had a chip on her shoulder about you even though you get along perfectly with the rest of her family. 
“Please be nice” you heard Florence whisper to her mum as she helped her grab the suitcases. “I’m always nice” Deb scoffed, “you know what I’m talking about” Florence whispered back. You took a deep breathe before offering a helping hand, “I’ve got it, thank you” Deborah spoke bluntly without looking at you before she wheeled her suitcase to the car. “Do I really have to come?” you turned to Florence. 
“I know she’s being difficulty right now but please, give her another chance to see you the way I do. I know deep down she loves you, she’s just doesn’t know it yet” Flo looked at you. You gave in to her look and nodded. “I’m only doing this for you” you spoke. “I know darling” she responded. 
The flight was only 3 and a half hours to your relief, Florence sat between you and her mother, and she tried her hardest to come up with conversation starters that would get the both of you talking. “You know, Y/n once wanted to be a professional dancer as a child” Florence spoke, making you cringe at the memory of 7-year-old you being obsessed with dancing. “Well, that’s lovely” Deb said quietly, ending that conversation quickly. The rest of the flight was exactly that, Florence would make a comment for Deborah to shut down the conversation before it began. 
Once the three of you got to the hotel resort Florence suggested that you and Deborah find a table for the three of you at the restaurant around the corner from the resort while she checked everybody in. You agreed with a smile while Deb just nodded. You both walked in silence until you go to the restaurant. 
“Welcome to Greece! I saw you guys walk by with luggage; can we offer you a table?” the waitress greeted us. “A table for 3 please” Deb smiled at the woman before you were led to a table. “I’ll be back in just a moment with menus” the young woman smiled. 
“I know you don’t like being here as much as I do….but I just want to make Florence happy” you spoke as Deborah started into your soul with disapproval. “Are you saying you don’t like being around me?” she scoffed. “N..no…that’s not what I meant” you frowned, “Then what did you mean?” she demeaned. 
“I just meant…that…this just means a lot to Florence; she really wants us to get along”
“Don’t tell me what my daughter wants and what means a lot to here. I’m here because she sees something in you for whatever reason. If I had it my way, this would just be a family trip” she began, “I don’t what is it about you that Florene loves so much but I hope by the end of this week you’ll understand that I’d very much like you to call things off with her.” She added.
This angered you, “I’m sorry what?!” you spat. “I’m not going to break up with Florence just because you have some dilemma about me” you stood up.
“Where are you going?” Deborah ignored your word. “Tell Florence, I’ll be around” you shook your head with anger before leaving the restaurant. You made your way to the beach that was only across the street, you walked along the shoreline before finding a rock to sit on. Hating how you snapped at Deborah but you had good reason.
“Where’s Y/n?” Florence asked as she took a seat, Deborah shrugged, “she lost and left, said to tell you she’d be around” she told Florence, looking at the menu. “Mum” Florence sighed causing Deb to look up at her daughter, “I leave you alone with her for 10 minutes and now she’s just gone? What happened?” Florence asked. 
“Maybe it’s her true colours shining through” Deborah commented making Florence shake her head. “Let’s just order, she probably needs space” Florence mumbled. 
After a couple hours you felt Florence’s arms wrap around you from behind, “there you are” she said softly, rest her chin on your shoulder as you watched the waves crash on the shore. “Here I am” you fake smiled. “What happened?” Florence asked. “I just said something stupid and snapped a little, it’s fine” you explained without knowing what Deb had already said. “You snapped at her?” Flo questioned as she left go of you and moved to crouch in front of you. “It was nothing serious, I’m just tired” you lied not wanting to upset her. 
“Do you want to go have a nap? Mum and I were just going to go do some window shopping so you won’t be missing much” she smiled softly, you shook your head slightly, “no it’s okay, I’ll come” you commented. 
Most of the trip was like walking on eggshells around Deborah, you had to ignore her sly comments and smug looks while Florence wasn’t looking. Despite the frustration you still made an effort for Florence’s sake, laughing at the jokes that were share, offering to do things, suggesting ideas to do and so on but nothing you did seemed enough for Deborah.
“So, enough of the bullshit. How serious are two of you?” Deborah asked over diner. “Mum!” Florence scoffed. Too much wine between the three of you didn’t help the situation. “No, I want to know. You’ve never mentioned your intentions with Florence. Why are you here?” Deb’s attention switched to you. You looked between the two, worry flooded Florence’s face as you bite your bottom lip in frustration. You wanted to respond but you didn’t want to upset Florence. 
“I’m not going this” you mumbled before looked at Flo, “I’m sorry baby but it’s just not going to happen” you spoke to her as you stood from the table, putting money on the table. “This should cover what was spent” you said. 
“You’re going to use my daughter’s money to pay for dinner?” Deb squinted. “Stop!” Florence turned to her mother. “Darling I just want to make sure she isn’t with you for the money” Deborah confessed. 
“Is that what this is all about!?” you snapped. “You’re worried I’m only dating Florence for her money?!” 
“Baby, calm down” Florence stood up to comfort you, “No, Flo enough is enough” you kept your eye contact with Deborah. “First you expect me to break up with her before the end of the week and now you’re accusing me to only dating her for money?!” You bite your lip once again, “I have put up with your huffing and puffing every single time Florence and I show any sort of affection, I’ve put up with your sly comments about me and the eye rolls when I wake into the room but I will not stand you for thinking so fucking low of me” you continued. 
“Darling, let’s go, we’ve all had a bit to drink” Florence tried to defuse the situation. “No, I want to hear this” Deb spoke. 
“Go on, Y/n” she added. 
“I don’t need to prove to you that I love Florence and I sure as hell don’t need to prove to you that I’m with her because I want too. Her money is none of my business and if you ever cared to ask about how we met, you’d know that”
“Enlighten me” Deborah baited. 
You sat back down, never breaking the eye contact with her. “Baby, please don’t” Florence spoke, knowing the story you guys had originally told her parents on how you met wasn’t the truth. 
“I met Florence on a night out, she’d had a bit too much to drink and parted ways with her friends. I couldn’t help but notice two men following her.”
“Darling, that’s enough” Florence spoke again. Deb looked at Florence and shook her head, “go on” she said softly. 
“Nothing happened, lucky but these men they were trying to take certain photos of her. I walked up to her and acted like her friend, I took her to the bar my friend works at for safety and told the bouncer to not let those men in. They waited out back for Florence….” You paused, “I made sure Florence got home that night and the next morning the same two men were arrested for attacking woman who was just trying to get home. I never left Flo my number or anything like that. She came back to my friend’s bar weeks after, looking for me to thank me. She offered to buy me lunch, I said no. I wasn’t in the best mind set but still, Flo came back to my friend’s bar week after week until I accepted her offer of lunch” you continued. 
“We went to lunch, and I paid for it after” 
“What? No, you didn’t” Florence said confused. 
“I told the waiter to place your money in the tip jar” you looked to her with a softly smile. “Even after we had lunch that day, she still came back every week until my friend got sick of her and gave her my number” you added with a chuckle. “I can’t tell you what Florence sees in me, but I can tell you what I see in her and that’s a beautiful, loving and caring woman who was raised by wonderful parents and I’m not just saying that right now. Florence brought me out one of the darkest times of my life and I can never thank her enough for truly being the better half of me. So, you can hate me and throw stupid comments at me all you want but please, don’t ever think of me like I’d use your daughter for anything” you paused again.
“I love her, and I can see how much family means to her. All she has wanted was for us to get a long and I wish things were better because you are a lovely person, and my mother didn’t raise me to disrespect others, but I can’t sit back anymore and listen to you wish for me to leave. Now, if you excuse me, I’m going to go to bed” you finished as you stood back up as Deborah watched you walk off speechless. 
“I’m going to go to bed as well” Florence spoke while giving her mother a disappointed look. 
You splashed some cold water on your face and prepared yourself for bed as Florence entered the room. “Flo, I’m sorry… I just couldn’t take it anymore” you looked at her with sorry eyes, she came close to you and kissed you softly, “no darling, I am sorry. I didn’t know she was being that way, that’s not like her” she said after the kiss, “Come to bed” she added, you nodded before getting comfortable. “I’ll just have a quick shower” she smiled at you as you turned the TV on flicking through the channels as you listened to Florence softly singing to herself in the shower. 
Soon after, Florence got into bed. You cuddled up to her side with your head in the crock of her neck before placing small pecks of kisses on her. It was something you usually did while she played with your hair. “Thank you for trying your best, love. I’m going to speak to mum tomorrow but for now I just want to be here with you” she kissed the top of your head as you both watched whatever was on TV before drifting into a slumber.
The next morning while you were still asleep Florence’s mum came knocking on the door to your shared room with Flo. The sound of the knock woke you, your eyes flickered open as you yawned. 
“Mum, she’s asleep. You can wait” you heard Florence say with a stern voice, “Flo?” you called out. She popped her head into the bedroom, “Mum is here” she paused, “she wants to talk to you” she added. You nodded, “okay, I’ll just get my robe” you stretched before your feet hit the soft carpet. 
“I’d like to talk alone….if that’s okay?” Deborah asked as she looked between you and Florence. “I’ll just be in the shower” Florence took the hint and left the room. 
“I’m sorry about last night” you spoke, breaking the silence between the two of you. 
“No, Y/n, I am sorry. I wasn’t aware of your true intentions, and I was out of line. I’m sorry that I was so harsh on you” 
“She’s your daughter, I understand. My mother probably would’ve been the same” your eyes dropped to the floor as your heart ached knowing your mother never got the chance to meet Flo. 
“I’d like to start over, if you’d let me” Deborah for the first time gave you a genuine smile as you looked back up at her. You nodded softly, “I’d like at that” you softly smiled.  “I do have one question” she paused as you gave her the go ahead look, “Would you like to go get breakfast? It’s on me” she smiled. 
“Sure, just let me get ready” you smiled back at her. 
You knocked on the bathroom door when you heard Florence turn the water off, she opened the door and let you in, “what did she say?” Florence wondered. “We’re going to breakfast and she apologised” you replied, turning the shower back on before seeing the happiness on Flo’s face through the mirror.  
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Taglist: @red1culous | 
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roberttchase · 10 months
If you are still taking prompts:
Matt (Brettsey) + How could you move on from me so easily.
Okay, so. Welcome to angst town. I also had a huge Hallie part written but decided to make it its own thing because it didn't NEED to be in here. Anyway. The angst is big in this one, sorry lmao. But also they get some closure. Enjoy 2.5k of Matt being the most depressed person in existence.
(also, i'd like to say now- they are both at fault for the break up, it wasn't solely Matt and it wasn't solely Sylvie. I see a lot of people saying she was the bad guy for breaking up with Matt, but her reasons were all completely valid. If I were in her shoes I think I might have done the same thing. They both needed to work harder at it, and while I think they might have been able to save it, I also think that maybe it was needed? Jesse leaving for real fucked everything up, but like duh he deserves a break and deserves to be with his wife and daughter and at the end of the day that's what matters most. so yeah, this fic might seem like it's not the best to sylvie at first, but I promise there is closure for them, and it's written in matt's pov so keep that in mind too!)
He spots her with a man the second he walks in, clean cut but with a beard, who looks at her kindly and smiles along with her. She’s laughing at something he says and Matt can’t tear his eyes away. She looks happy, like she genuinely wants to be talking to this guy across from her, and then he notices their hands- sitting on top of the table, intertwined. Any thought that this guy might just be a friend is shattered, and he realizes then that she’s on a date. A date that obviously isn’t the first, because who holds hands on a first date? Certainly not Sylvie Brett, that much he’s certain of.  It’s not as if he’s searched for her, not really. He’s back in Chicago to visit for the weekend; the first time since their break up, and he’s only stepped into the pizza place to pick up a pie to take back to the loft for he, Severide and Kidd to enjoy. Seeing Sylvie on a date is so out of left field he feels like all the air in the small hole in the wall has been sucked out of him. Turning quickly so she won’t spot him, he debated leaving, but Matt Casey won’t be a coward again. Instead, he walks up to the counter and orders, then steps to the side to wait, resolutely not looking to his right. Except. 
Except he can’t. He’s been pulled to Sylvie for years, no matter how much it might hurt at times. He glances over as subtly as he can, watching both of the beautiful people laugh and smile. His chest aches. He’s almost home free, almost out without being noticed, when the worker ruins it all. 
“Pizza for Matt Casey!” 
He knows she looks up, he can practically feel her state boring into the back of his head, but he keeps his eyes fixed ahead of him, walking up and grabbing the box hastily, barely managing a ‘thanks’ before bolting. He doesn’t look back, doesn’t turn to catch a glimpse of her shocked face, or the way the guy squeezes her hand a little tighter and asks if she’s ok. He has to get out and back to the loft. 
Unlocking the door to the loft, precariously balancing the pizza box in one hand, Matt rushes inside, feeling dumb. It’s not like the paramedic would have followed him. They’re not together anymore. She’s on a date with what he can only assume is her new boyfriend. He drops the pizza box on the island in the middle of the open kitchen, ignoring his best friend's confused look. 
“Dude, you okay? You look like you saw a ghost…” 
Matt’s about to reply when Kidd walks up, phone in her hand. Her brow is furrowed and she looks at the dark blonde with an unreadable expression. Severide looks from one to the other. 
“Anyone wanna tell me what’s going on?” 
Silence, and then- 
“Brett was there.” 
The words all ring out at the same time and Severide sucks in a breath. 
“Oh shit.” 
“Look,” Matt rubs a hand through his darkening hair. “It’s fine, I’m fine. She’s on a date? It’s none of my business. Good for her, I’m happy for her. She deserves someone who makes her happy.”
The words sound oddly hollow and so familiar it’s like he’s back in the past. Jesus, how many guys has he watched her try to date? How many guys has he pushed her towards? She must have texted Kidd to tell her what happened. The room feels suddenly too warm. 
“Yeah man, you sound elated.” Severide raises an eyebrow. 
Swallowing down a snarky comment or two, Matt forces himself to shrug. It’s not like he can break them up; not that he would ever do that, and he’s not even back in Chicago yet. This is a four day visit, not a homecoming. Flipping open the box, he takes a plate and slides a large piece onto it. 
“Can we just drop it? We’re not together anymore, she’s welcome to be with whoever she wants and do whatever she wants. We broke up seven months ago, I’d be surprised if she hadn’t found someone by now.” 
The couple in front of him share a look. 
“Not to overstep Casey, but have you found anyone, or even tried?” Kidd’s voice is cautious but he can hear the curiosity. 
The truth is, he has tried. He’s tried twice, but both times were a disaster and he walked away from both doorsteps knowing it was one silly date with minimal chemistry and was going to fizzle out before he could even try to do damage control. 
“I’ve tried, yeah. Both times just didn’t work out.” He keeps his voice level, the idea of sharing all of his thoughts uncomfortable. “Who knows, maybe I’m just not meant to be with someone,” he tries to joke, but it falls flat and brings more silence. 
“Well that’s depressing,” Severide sighs, shaking his head. 
“Right, so,” Kidd bites at her lip, rubbing the back of her neck. “I may or may not have invited her here tonight, to kind of take her mind off of things? A girls night. So….”
Jesus. H. Christ. Logically, Matt knows it’s a normal thing to do- two best friends having a special night when one of them is upset, he witnessed enough of those with his sister, but why the firefighter thought it was a good idea to do it here, while he’s here? 
“Great, so I’ll be going…anywhere else, then.” Matt presses the heels of his hands to his closed eyes, trying to calm himself down. 
“Dude, stay, we can-“ 
“I don’t think it’s very smart to stay and be around when I’m the reason this is happening. He stares at his slice of pizza. He’s not hungry anymore. Putting the plate in the fridge, he makes sure his phone and wallet are in his pocket then gives what he hopes is a smile to his friends. 
“I’ll be back later, don’t wait up, might be a while,” he says with a tight smile. When no one stops him, he nods and heads out the door. 
It’s almost eleven o’clock when he walks back into the apartment building, heart heavy, eyes rimmed red and puffy from crying. He’s tired and emotionally drained from having gone to see his sister and then to the cemetery to visit his late fiancé. Talking to Hallie was always emotional, and today was no exception. Six feet hadn’t ever felt so far away. Sylvie’s always been more of a morning person than a night person, so surely she’s gone by now. 
The moment the door opens, his brain starts yelling at him to abort, to shut the door back and turn around. Sitting there on the couch, curled up next to Stella and under a big fuzzy blanket, is Sylvie, blonde hair pulled back into a ponytail, wearing a too-big sweatshirt that Matt doesn’t recognize. He blinks hard and steps further inside. 
“Hey, sorry, I-“ 
“We’ll shit Casey, way to undo all my hard work of making her forget everything,” Kidd groans. 
Matt kind of wants to punch something. How is it that she gets all this special treatment, that she gets all this sympathy from people and he’s treated as if he’s the bad guy? Everyone at fifty one seems to have come to the consensus that either the breakup was mutual or he’d done it. At least, that’s the vibe he got after stopping by for half an hour the day prior, while ambo had been out (not that he’d done that on purpose). 
“Sorry. I have a headache, so I’m going to head to bed, I’ll see you in the morning. Sylvie, it’s uhm, it’s nice to see you.”
Somehow his voice doesn’t waver for which he’s grateful. He knows he sounds like he’s been crying, his head is aching behind his eyes and his nose is completely stuffed up. That plus how he looks is probably giving them both the wrong impression. The Captain makes the familiar walk down the right hallway to his old bedroom, shutting the door quietly before letting out a large sigh. Wonderful.
He’s just finished changing into an old pair of grey sweatpants and a fire academy shirt when there’s a knock at the door, no doubt Severide being asked to make sure he’s alright. When he opens it, he stops dead and feels his heart pick up speed. Sylvie is standing there with her big blue eyes, her hand on her watch, twisting it. She’s nervous to talk to him, and now he feels like an asshole for no logical reason. 
“Hi, I just,” she clears her throat and blinks. “I just wanted to make sure you were alright. I didn’t know you were back in town.” 
The atmosphere is awkward and Matt isn’t sure if he should ask her to come in or not. He stays planted in his spot, feeling unable to move. The area behind his eyes gives a throb. 
“Just visiting for a few days. Hallie’s birthday is next week and I haven’t missed one yet, but I’m on shift so I thought I’d come early,” he explains, giving a weak smile. “And I’m fine,” he adds. “I hope you’re doing well. I saw you earlier today, obviously. You seem happy.” 
Sylvie nods, giving him a small smile. It looks half pained and half something else, maybe pitying? Guilty? 
“I’m,” she pauses, thinking. “I’m trying, to be happy. I’m working on it. And I hope you are too.” 
Matt contemplates telling her that he’s glad she’s happy, that he’s trying also, that he’s even found someone, just to make that sad look on her face go away. Instead, words start tumbling out before he can even realize what they are. 
“Can I ask you a question? How…how could you move on from me so easily? From us?” 
Silence. It’s so loud that Matt has to swallow and then continue just so it will stop. “You don’t need to answer that. I’m sorry, that was out of line. You don’t owe me anything, or any explanation,” he rushes to get out, hands starting to shake from adrenaline. 
“I haven’t, I don’t think. Gotten over you, I mean. But if I don’t try then I never will. And it sucks and it hurts, but I can’t just pause my life and wallow in it forever, you know?” 
Her eyes are shiny and Matt hates himself for once again making this wonderful, beautiful, funny, smart woman cry. Her words sting. It’s obvious just from the question that he hasn’t moved on either, but unlike her, he’s not really making much effort. He’s pausing his life, wallowing in the fact he and Sylvie aren’t together. He feels nauseous. Some tiny part of him had selfishly hoped that maybe once he came back for good their stars would align, like she had said. He doesn’t think they have stars anymore. Maybe just a big black hole sits where they once were. 
“I wouldn’t ever expect you not to move on,” he explains slowly. “I uh, I know you have that guy? He seemed nice from what I witnessed. I’ve always said you deserve happiness Sylvie, and that hasn’t changed. I just want you to be happy. And I’m sorry that I wasn’t able to provide that for you when you needed it most. All of it was unfair to you, and I understand why we didn’t work out. It does suck. But if you’re happy then I’m happy.” 
Sylvie stares at him and then steps closer. Suddenly her arms are around him, hugging him tightly. He hugs her back, suddenly realizing this is most likely the last hug they’ll ever share. 
“I’m sorry. I know you’re unhappy Matt. I know you’re trying. I know Portland’s been hard, and I know I couldn’t give you what you needed either. It’s not just me who suffered. And I’m sorry,” tears are falling down her porcelain face and Matt feels tears on his own too. 
He pulls back just enough to stare into her eyes and for a moment all he wants to do is have one last kiss, one last moment of feeling her and tasting her and having her. But he won’t be that person who kisses someone that’s taken. He doesn’t want to harm her new relationship. The words are washing over him and it feels like something in him has cracked open. Sylvie has always seen him, more than anyone- more than his sister, his mother, Hallie, Gabby. Sylvie’s the only one who’s ever been able to tell exactly how he’s feeling, even during the times he’s locked his feelings down as deep as they can go. 
“Thank you.” It comes out as a half sob, and he hugs her tight again, then finally, the spell is broken and they step apart at the same time. Matt’s a mess, Sylvie’s still beautiful, and he’s now certain that no one will ever come close to Sylvie Brett. She was it for him- the ring that’s still in his dresser drawer is proof of that. 
But they are over and Matt will eventually come to terms with that, at least he hopes he will. 
“You should g-get back to Kidd, she’s probably annoyed now,” he gives a watery laugh. 
“Yeah. Thank you, Matt. For everything. I’m sorry we ended up like this.” 
“I’m sorry too. Thank you, Sylvie.” 
She walks back down the hall, and he can see her swiping at her face. He turns and sits back on the bed that once used to be his and starts desperately trying to compartmentalize all the hurt and sadness. Sylvie changed him in so many ways, but this particular part of him won’t ever change, and he’s aware of it. Even she didn’t scratch the surface of this particular issue of his, but she also never got the chance. He hears her voice talking to Kidd and shuts his door, suddenly angry, not for a specific thing, but just angry.
Before he can stop himself, before he can calm himself down or remind himself he’s not who he used to be- an angry kid, an angry teenager, an angry man in his late 20’s who lost a best friend or fiancé, he moves. He doesn’t think about the fact the wall isn’t dry wall like every other wall he’s punched, but he comes back down to earth quickly, blind anger turning into pain as his knuckles hit brick and cement. The pain radiates from his knuckle through his wrist and he lets out a quiet, strangled noise. 
At least that’s something he can focus on instead of his never ending thoughts about the woman forty feet away. 
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goddamnosamu · 1 year
Two Ghosts Falling
Part 2 of [12:49am]: Writing songs is not easy
Pairing: idol!Asahi x reader 
Word count: 1373
Warning: alcohol mention but nothing too serious
A/N: This was so long overdue, and I’m really sorry for that. It’s just been pretty hectic with stuff that’s going on in my life but I decided to at least make a part 2 of the story that I first wrote and posted in this account. I’m thankful for all the hearts and reblogs, it truly makes me happy that people continue to like my work even if I’m gone for a long time. I’ll try to post once things start to look up for me, but for now please enjoy this. I apologize for the pain LMAO I love angst <3 leave a comment, reblog, or heart if you enjoyed it.
“In short, I screwed up,” 
Of course, the shock that his members had on their faces was enough to tell that they were disappointed in him, albeit won’t really say it to his face. It was painfully obvious; who was even to blame for a relationship that felt one-sided despite the two loving each other? Asahi doesn’t even know what time it was when he finished telling his break-up story to the members. Without hearing a word from them, he left the room trying to calm himself down because he never really learned how to cope with the pain that he caused to both of you. Writing his thoughts didn’t help anymore, bottling up his feelings will only leave him crying for hours, and painting will only end up with art that resonates with his agony from both the stress of being an idol and losing you. Thinking back, he never really knew how to cope because he was always met with your comfort when he was stressed. 
It’s been months and he still can’t bring himself to go out. The only time he does go out is when he has a schedule for the day or one of the members promised free coffee. Anything other than that, he only checks the lives of other people on social media. Surprisingly, you didn’t block him in your account and you retained your account for the public to see. He could see you succeed in the stories you told him about, and even the little celebration posts. Asahi continues to see you striving in your own life without him, yet he is still miserable the day you left him. He wanted to patch things up with you; try to tell you that he needs you and he regrets his actions. But when that time does come, he’s afraid he’ll run out of things he can say to bring you back. 
At an early night, Asahi reluctantly agrees to spend a night in a bar with the other members. The members were pestering him about it and he only went just to get them off his back. He has been stressed enough already, but he really didn’t think that alcohol will solve his problems. Arriving at the local bar, Asahi was immediately welcomed by the strong scent of alcohol and the blaring music coming from the speakers around the bar. He was immediately dragged by Jihoon to the bartender and ordered a drink for the both of them. As soon as they got their drinks, where Asahi doesn’t even know what Jihoon got for him, he was left alone to ponder his thoughts and alcohol ready for his escape. 
Asahi doesn’t know how long they’ve been in here, but all he knows is he’s at his 4th cocktail. He was tipsy, but he manages to get a hold of himself for the time being in case the other members needed help going home. He admits to himself that the alcohol has helped a bit in forgetting; his mind is more focused on the music and seeing some of the members laugh their asses off on the dance floor. 
“Hamada Asahi. Here I thought you completely locked yourself up in the studio.”
It can’t be. 
“(y/n)?” Asahi said shakily, his eyes immediately filled with remorse. He knew it was inevitable that you’d meet each other, but he doesn’t expect it to be this early – denying the fact that he was just afraid to see you while he was still at his lowest. 
“How have you been?” you answered, completely unfazed by his heavy demeanor while you sat beside him. 
“Still locked in the studio, the others just dragged me here.” Asahi recovered from his shock, grabbing confidence from the alcohol he has. 
“How about you?’
“Oh, you know – same old, same old. Finally getting on track with my life and what I wanted to do,”
Asahi knew what you were talking about – of course, he does. The achievements on your social media, the updates about your life he hears when the others talk about you; you were practically there in every corner he looks. He looks at you as you waved to a person he’s unfamiliar with, probably a colleague you met from your now successful life. He’d wish for you to elaborate more, even if the stories were already told by you or others. It was too selfish for him to think of wanting to get back with you but needs to hear it from you, even if it meant that he was going to hurt again in the next couple of months.
“You know, I never wanted things to end,” he whispered, although you completely heard him. “All I ever wanted was to be by your side. I never knew how to write songs anymore because I lost all my inspiration for it. I’m sorry, but I can’t deal with the fact that you probably won’t talk about me to anyone or someone you wouldn’t want around or –”
“You are so fucking selfish.”
He looked at you in shock. Tears well up in your eyes as you bite your lip to prevent yourself from breaking down right then and there.
“You don’t get to decide what should I be in the relationship. You don’t even have the right to say that I’m the reason you’re miserable. How about me, Asahi? Did you ever stop and consider how I was feeling? The whole time in that relationship, I never even felt the love you bragged to others or the songs you wrote about me.” you stared at him while he can’t even bring himself to look at you. He knew you were right. This was what he wanted, right? For you to say what you’ve always wanted to say after the breakup. He looked at you as you continued. 
“And the worst part of all of that was that I still loved you.”
“I’m sorry.” pathetic, he thinks about himself.
“It’s already too late for that,” you murmured as you stared at your half-empty glass. 
“Look, I know I broke a lot of what I promised you when I dated you–”
“You didn’t just break promises, Asahi. You broke me, and honestly, I don’t know why I even continue to sit beside you right now and explain yourself.” you spat at him while paying for your drink. You were about to walk away when I suddenly grabbed your hand.
“Please don’t leave. I don’t know what I am now without you,” his tears were falling at this point. You both were probably getting stares but Asahi didn’t care. All he wanted was you, even if it meant that you both will try to remember how it feels to be one again.
“Let go, Asahi.”
“No, I don’t want to. Please just hear me out, I’ll–”
“And why the fuck should I listen to you? I said let go.”
“I didn’t mean to hurt you” his voice quivered, full of hurt and despair. He didn’t know what else to say other than apologies and desperation. 
“But you fucking did, didn’t you? You fucking did,” you scowled at him as your tears were now running down your cheeks.
You removed his hand from your arm and immediately left. He continues to kneel on the floor, trying to process everything that happened while his hands were on his head. His head was pounding and his body felt like giving up, but his chest was the most painful of all. It was like his heart was breaking again after it was pieced together forcefully. He gets the feeling that you’ll never need him again – he knew you didn’t but what other choice did he have to at least get through the day? He continued to hope before today, but tonight and the days to come will definitely feel like falling into a hole of despair where he won’t know how to save himself anymore. When he looks up, he never saw you again. All he heard was one of the members trying to get him to come back to his senses but his mind was too focused on remembering how his heart was supposed to beat without you, forever.
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❥ Hello, lovelies!!
This is just a quick little guideline on what/who I’ll write for, and my boundaries doing as such!
Please also note; this is prone to being updated! I will always keep a tab on when it was last updated at the bottom, so just peek at that every once n a while! Thank you!
Here’s the Masterlist of Everything I’ve Written!
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❥ General Rules!
Please do not request NSFW! Simple as that. I don’t mind to write very, very mildly suggestive prompts— but it will be. very. very very tame. Like.. intense smooching at most LMAO
Please do not request anything morally iffy! By this, I mean; anything proshipper-esque, racism, transphobia, homophobia, xenophobia, requesting a character to be straight up abusive or toxic (.. looking at quite a few fandoms /hj), etc.!!
Please be patient when requesting! I am a slow writer, at times! I promise, I will get to you when I can!
Please, please please try your hardest to not request anything that enforces any sort of derogatory or negative stereotypes. Thank you! If this confuses you any, you are free to shoot me a Message or an Ask for clarification!
For sake of my own simple mind /lhj, I will not be writing OC x Canon! However, feel free to thinly veil your OC behind simple prompts (such as anxious, sassy, go-lucky, etc.!), I just get antsy with OCs in particular because I cannot write for a character that isn’t my own all too fast or accurately, like that!!
Expanding on 5., I will also likely not be writing Canon x Canon for a lot of fandoms! This does majorly depend, though, because there are a few Canon x Canon ships in certain fandoms I feel confident to write for! So feel free to shoot a request, anyways! If anything, I’ll note it for later ;]
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❥ Requesting Guidelines!
When requesting, please try to be relatively in depth! Such as providing a prompt and then specific things you’d like to see expanded on that prompt (such as, example; flustering [character]. How they react to specific things, what would fluster them, etc etc)!
Please specify whether you’d like it to be in headcanon format, or a drabble! If you would like a drabble, please try to provide a clear plot and how you’d like it to go! If I am given a vague prompt, 9/10 it’ll simply be turned into Headcanons, so be specific, please!!
Please specify if you’d like a prompt to be platonic, romantic, or somewhere in between!! I don’t mind this decision being left up to me toooo much, but I still prefer it to be clarified if you have something in mind!! Please don’t be shy!
If you ever want to add a request onto a prompt or expand on the idea with me, you’re absolutely free to! Just make sure I can tell which one you’re talking about (I intend to give all of them titles, so that should help)! I absolutely live to discuss prompts further with people, and I absolutely do not mind writing a spin-off expanding more on whatever we discuss!! I find that delightfully fun :]
You are always free to merge multiple prompts into one! Feel free to go as in depth as you’d like!
You very very much are always allowed to add back up prompts into your request! They’re somewhat appreciated, and if possible— I’ll typically try to write out both prompts, depending on situation!! Haha!
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❥ Who/What I Write For!
Welcome Home!
Wally Darling (Platonic or Romantic!)
… the other characters for WH I’m still trying to get a grasp on writing, but you are free to request anyways!! However, please note the rest will all have to be platonic for now until I get better! With that in mind, please request /nf !!There’s only one way to truly get better, after all; practice! Haha!
Oh, I’m also alright with writing Frank and Eddie (Canon x Canon) :]
I imagine I will likely broaden my horizons on fandoms/characters to write for in the future! You are always free to shoot me asking about a certain fandom or character at any time as well! But for now, it’s just Welcome Home :]
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❥ Last updated; April 3rd, 2023
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