#I previously found a phone in the same ball pit
My niece lost a 5cm by 3cm earbud case in a 3m² ballpit
👏 I 👏 FOUND 👏 IT 👏
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Too late
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Fem!Reader
Written: May 4th, 2021
Posted: May 4th, 2021
Warning: Fluff, Angst
Word Count: 1,944
Author's Note: For the sake of this piece, Sam has an apartment. Little Mermaid AU ish and Wandavision Crossover.
TV and Movie inspired Masterlist
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"Dating is hard." Bucky groaned dropping himself beside you on the couch.
Giggling you nodded in agreement. "Welcome to the twenty-first century."
Bucky groaned again as he closed his eyes allowing his head to meet the back of the couch.
Turning to face him, you became mesmerized by his features. Following his jawline with your eyes, you trailed along to his lips. As you gazed at them, you couldn't stop the thoughts of wondering what they'd feel like against yours. Would they be soft? Would they be gentle or rough?
"Hey." He spoke softly as he gently nudged you. "Did you hear what I said?" Sitting up, his gaze was filled with concern.
"Huh?" You creased your eyebrows together, as you watched his lips mouth his words. "Oh, uh, n-no. Sorry."
"S'alright." Bucky grinned, his eyes gazing around your face. "I asked if you found out any information about your mom?"
"Oh." You whispered. Clearing your throat, you adjusted your position away from Bucky. "Yeah, yeah, I did."
Lifting his gaze, his ocean eyes held intently onto Y/E/C ones. Silently he was pleading for you to tell him what you found.
"Well." You sighed, crossing your legs underneath you. "She was the scarlet witch back in the day..." Your voice trailed off as you shrugged your shoulders. Promptly, your gaze dropped to your lap as you studied your chipped nail polish.
"Y/N." He spoke, his voice becoming soft once again. Bucky's thumb and forefinger found your chin before maneuvering your face closer to his. Bucky's breath danced along your lips at your close proximity.
Sam'ss apartment door suddenly burst open as Steve and Sam filed inside. Neither one spared a glance your way as they rushed into the kitchen.
The sudden noise, caused both of you to jump away from one another. Clearing your throat, you quickly rose to your feet. Smoothing down your bunched-up shirt, you quickly joined Sam in the kitchen while passing Steve on his way out.
Letting out a sigh of relief, you leaned against one of the counters crossing your arms along your chest.
Sam cleared his throat, as he looked at you in question from across the kitchen island. "So, when are you two going to stop dancing around your feelings for one another?" He raised an eyebrow in the process.
Groaning, you leaned your head back allowing you to stare at the ceiling. Opening and closing your mouth several times, you frowned before moving to lean against the island, facing Sam.
"Don't try and deny it," Sam spoke shrugging. "Everyone can see it."
"Sam." You warned letting out a defeated huff. "He doesn't see me that way."
Sam shook his head. Before he could open his mouth, both Steve and Bucky barged into the kitchen bickering about something only they knew about. Grinning to yourself, a silent chuckle fell past your lips. Returning your gaze to Sam, he sent you a knowing look.
"I, rather, Bucky, has an important announcement," Steve spoke proudly, as he clasped his hands upon Buckys shoulders. "Go on, tell 'em what you just told me, Buck."
Both men shared a chuckle before he turned to face, you and Sam. A pit began forming in your stomach as you felt your heart fall into your stomach. Attempting to shake the feeling, you turned to Bucky giving him your full attention.
"I...I have a date." He spoke grinning from ear to ear.
Instantly, the feel of the room had changed from elated to disappointment. Furrowing your eyebrows together in confusion, you felt the smile that your lips had previously been holding falter to a frown. While tears began welling in your eyes.
Your mouth had become dry, while you felt a rasp forming in your throat. "W-What?"
The three men turned their attention towards you. Steve and Bucky shared the same confused yet concerned etched expression, while Sam wore one of sorrow.
"I...I have to go." You muttered, rushing out of the kitchen.
As you gathered your belongings, you felt the droplets of your tears that had fallen from your cheeks. Muffled sobs began falling as you felt yourself beginning to sniffle in the process.
Your mind was quickly clouded, preventing you from thinking straight. Gathering what you could, you quickly put your shoes on before bolting.
Attempting to gather your composure, you made your way back to the compound. You had felt surprised that you were able to hold it together the entire ride back.
Busting into your room, you made your way to the shower in hopes it would comfort you. Changing into a pair of comfier clothes, you laid on your bed, staring out of your bedroom window at the night lights of the city. Your mind was quickly clouded with thoughts of how many other people were experiencing heartbreak as well.
The sound of someone knocking on your door caused you to jump.
"Who is it?" You questioned, hoping deep down it would be Bucky wanting to check up on you.
"It's Wanda." She spoke. "Can I come in?"
"FRIDAY, can you please unlock my door?"
Wanda rushed in making sure to lock the door behind her. Throwing her arms around you, she pulled you in for a bone-crushing hug. Before you knew it, the floodgates had opened. Tears streamed down your face as sobs shook through your body, as your arms laced around her holding her in your iron grip. Without a word, Wanda held you tighter as her hand ran up and down your back. The only sound in your room was the sobs that fell past your lips.
After some time had passed, Wanda pulled away enough to create a slight space between you. Your cheeks carried a pink tint upon them. Your eyes falling down to her shirt that had produced a slightly darker spot upon it than anywhere else on it.
"S-Sorry." You hiccuped feeling tears welling up in your eyes again.
Wanda giggled, shaking her head slightly. "Don't worry about it."
"I don't mean to intrude-" Vision's voice startled both you and Wanda. Turning to face the android, you raised an eyebrow in question.
"Vis." Wanda whined. "We talked about this."
"Oh, yes." Vision spoke glancing back in the direction he had gone through the wall. "I...Y/N, sounded like she was in trouble."
Glancing at Wanda, her expression had morphed into one of being mortified. The sound of hearty laughter bubbled up inside you. It wasn't long before tears cascaded down your cheeks for an entirely different reason. Holding an arm across your stomach, you placed your free hand upon Wanda's forearm attempting to keep yourself sturdy. It didn't take much longer before both Wanda and Vision were sharing your hysterical laughter.
Wiping the remainder of your tears, you got up from your place on the bed approaching Vision. Throwing your arms around his shoulders, you pulled him in for a warmth-filled hug.
Vision tensed as he was under the impression he had miss read the situation.
Pulling away from him, you gave him a toothy smile. "Thank you."
Returning to your previous position beside Wanda, you pulled her in for a hug giving her a smile.
It was a few days before you'd see Bucky again. You had gone out of your way with the help of Steve, Sam, Wanda, Vision, and FRIDAY to make sure you wouldn't run into him accidentally.
Taking a deep breath, you stood across from the living room attempting to steady your nerves. With a sudden boost of courage, you made your way inside, making a b-line for Bucky.
Clearing your throat, you bounced on the balls of your feet slightly. Bucky quickly glanced up from his book before doing a double-take. The color draining from his face as if he had seen a ghost.
"I-Is this seat taken?" You questioned offering him a sweet smile.
"Yeah." He spoke while shutting his book.
Your smile faltering at his confession as you felt heat dance along your cheeks.
"By you."
Letting out a breath you hadn't known you were holding, you nodded before sliding beside him on the loveseat.
A suffocating silence fell between you. Bucky had made a conscious decision to make sure his leg and shoulder wouldn't accidentally bump yours, not wanting to cross any lines.
Sharing a toothy smile, you began giggling that turned into fits of laughter. Any remaining tension that lingered was disintegrated. Letting his guard down, his leg was pressed firmly against yours. While his arm rested on the back of the couch directly behind your head.
"You first," Bucky spoke, motioning towards you.
Nodding your head, you cleared your throat. "I...I... Um..." Closing your eyes, you felt your heart drop once again. "I have feelings for you...And I know I lost my chance, but I don't want to risk losing your friendship too.." Your voice trailed off, while you dropped your eyes to your fingernail bed, pushing back your cuticles. "I'd...I'd like to hear about your date."
Glancing at Bucky from your peripherals, you were able to see his jaw had fallen slack. The more seconds that passed by, the more you felt hours had passed. Time had slowed down.
"I...I should go." Before he could respond, you raced out of the living room locking yourself in your bedroom.
As the shock of your confession fell away, he reached for his phone. The realization of how long overdue the call was crossed his mind.
Rushing out of the compound, Bucky dashed to the agreed-upon meeting place.
"There you are." A light voice greeted him. "I was beginning to think you weren't going to show."
Greeting him with a hug, Bucky stiffened at the contact. Pulling away from her, he shoved his hands into his pockets.
"The name's Agnes." She grinned, holding her hand out expectantly towards Bucky.
"Bucky." He spoke, nodding at her.
"Shall we-"
"Listen, Agnes." He let out a sigh. "This...This isn't going to work out."
Letting out a frustrated sigh, she rolled her eyes. "I was hoping I wouldn't have to do this, this century, but here we are." Moving her arms, time froze around her.
Before Bucky knew it, Agnes let out a snarl before lunging at Bucky. Dodging her first attack, Bucky gazed at her with widened eyes.
"Fine. We can do this, the hard way." She chuckled. Moving her hands a purple hue enveloped around Bucky.
Binding his wrists and ankles, Bucky was hovering slightly above the ground. "Why are you doing this?"
"Don't worry, it's not you I want." She spoke circling around him.
Without allowing Bucky to further question her, she pulled her shell necklace out from underneath her blouse. Standing directly in front of Bucky, she held her necklace in front of him. Gazing into his eyes, she saw them change to purple orbs before returning to his previous artic color.
Waving her hand, the purple mist was gone. Time resuming.
"There you are Agnes sweetheart. I was looking everywhere for you." Bucky greeted, placing his hands on her hips gently tugging her into him. Placing his lips upon her cheek, he gave her a chaste kiss.
Agnes, grinned devilishly, as a plan began forming in her mind.
Wondering down the street, you made your way to your favorite coffee shop.
"Y/N!" Bucky's voice called before you.
Your shoulders dropping in defeat as you let out a groan.
"I want you to meet someone."
Turning to face Bucky, you were surprised to see a brunette clinging to his side.
"Y/N, this is Agnes." He motioned to her with his free hand. "My girlfriend."
Part Two>
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maribatlife · 4 years
The Unexpected Joys of Motherhood
I’m apparently only able to write a slowburn Brucinette fic...
Sometimes a family is a Mom, a son, and a box of tiny gods and that's okay.
Damian was conceived when Bruce was 18 (Marinette 15 [age dif. 2.5 yrs])
Hawkmoth was defeated when Mari was 17 (Bruce 20) [Damian 3
Marinette travels the world and ends up in Pakistan near the League of Assassins- 18 (Bruce 21) [Damian 3 1/2]
It has been 3 months since she defeated Hawkmoth and took back the Butterfly, Peacock, and Cat Miraculous. 2 months 3 weeks and 6 days since Fu passed the title of Guardian of the Miracle Box onto her. 2 months since Marinette saw her parents. She was currently in the mountains of Pakistan trying to decide where to go next. After all, what were you supposed to do when you find out your idol and the villain terrorizing your hometown for years were the same person? And that's not even including the surprise that her kitty was also her crush and he thought puns were a good pickup line. 'Yeah,' Marinette thought. 'The Agrestes' are not all there, I should have known.'
She was wandering around a tiny Pakistani village, completely off the grid and trying to figure out her next move. When she reached her lodgings for the night Tikki and Plagg flew out of the Miracle Box. 
"Marinette, we have a problem."
"What is it Tikki?"
"You know how the Cat and Ladybug should always be active at the same time, to balance out the energies, well that's not always possible…"
"What my sugar cube is trying to say is that the last time she was active without me she accidentally created healing pools," Plagg paused for effect.
"Well that's not too bad…"
"That drive you insane if you use them." He finished. "Oh, and there's one somewhere near here."
"The good news," Tikki shot a glare at Plagg, "is that Plagg can destroy them. So we just need to find it."
And that is how Marinette found herself scaling the side of a mountain in the middle of the night. She was just about to pull herself over the last ledge when a pair of ninjas came out of nowhere. She flattened herself against the wall. What the hell is going on here? "Kaalki," she hissed. "Go scout ahead for any more surprises." As she zipped away, she turned to Tikki and Plagg. "Any ideas about what's going on?" 
Just then Kaalki returned. "So, good news the pool isn't far, bad news there is a cult protecting the location."
"That's fine," Plagg started. "I can destroy it alone."
"No," Marinette and Tikki whispered emphatically.
"Did you forget about the dinosaurs?" Marinette continued.
"But the past is the past, it won't happen again."
"Fine, remember the Eiffel Tower? No, I've got a plan to get us in there." She pulled out a small miraculous container to reveal Trixx's necklace. "Hey, Trixx, you ready for this?" At Trixx's nod, she said "Plagg, Trixx, Merge.'
In an instant gone was her practical, durable pants and canvas coat. Instead she wore a dark suit reminiscent of the Ladybug suit mottled with a dark rusty red, 2 dark ears poked out from her hair and on her back was her staff. Sparing a quick check to make sure Tikki and Kaalki were secure she extended the staff, launching herself into the mouth of the cave above.
"Okay, let's get this over with," she whispered. She darted down the hall until she reached a fork in the cave. "Which way Kaalki?"
Before she could answer, Tikki hissed, "Someone's coming, hide!"
Marinette pressed herself against the wall and called out "Mirage," picturing interrupted sandstone walls. Down the hall another ninja dragged a little boy down towards a previously unnoticed door. When the door was opened, Marinette caught a quick glimpse of various weapons before it was slammed shut and locked after the boy. Task accomplished; the ninja left. 
"Okay, new plan. Kaalki, watch over him. If things get even weirder get him out. If not, we'll meet you back here after destroying the pool." Kaalki nodded before phasing through the door. "You ready Tikki?"
"It's this way," and Tikki zipped off down a hallway, Marinette quickly following after her. After following Tikki through the winding halls they eventually reached the pool and with a whispered "Cataclysm," the pool was destroyed. "Plagg, Trixx Separate. Plagg Claws off." She landed lightly next to the now empty pit. "Okay Tikki, ready?" At Tikki's nod she transformed and swung down the halls to the exit.
It was fine that the Guardian wanted to deal with the pool first, and Kaalki even understood having her watch over the boy. But she really wished The Guardian would return post-haste. The observant little child had spotted her almost as soon as she flew through the door and has been trying to capture her since then. Honestly, she would be fine if this little demon child stopped throwing things at her. It was as a dagger almost hit her, that Kaalki had enough and phased through the floor, leaving just her eyes above to keep watch on the devil child. Never mind that the knife wouldn't harm her, it was just plain rude and Kaalki would not abide by poor manners no matter what the Guardian asked her. Kaalki did not have to wait long before she felt the Guardian approach and she flew to the outside of the door.
“Kaalki, anything to worry about?”
“Just how rude this child is.” Plagg started to cackle, damn cat. “He threw a dagger at me.”
“If that’s it?” She waited for Kaalki’s nod and put on the glasses. “Then, Tikki, Kaalki, Merge.” After the light dispersed, she opened the door and immediately had to dodge the dagger that was thrown at the opening door. Plagg instantly started to cackle as he flew over to the boy.
“Oh ho ho,” Plagg cackled. ”I like this one, the amount of destruction in his soul. He’s coming with us, right?”
“Plagg, he has a choice. I’m not just going to kidnap him.”
“It is his choice, Plagg.”
Plagg flew over to where the child waited. “Kid, I'm Plagg, the god of destruction, you are now my kitten.”
“Plagg, no coercion.”
“Uggh,” He rolled his eyes. “Fine, I'm Plagg, the god of destruction, I only care about my sugar cube, my kittens, and my cheese and I will end anyone who tries to mess with those. Do you want to come with me and leave this pit, or stay here for however long?”
“Grandfather requires me to be here. To learn how to lead the league and earn the knowledge about my father’s identity.
“Boring!” Plagg flew back towards Marinette before turning around. “Your grandfather use the glowing green pit?”
“The Lazarus Pit? Yes, but how do you know…”
“Well, it’s kinda gone now so there’s that.”
The kid gave him a long, searching look. “It is impossible for anyone to destroy the Pit.”
“Kid, God of Destruction, I do what I want.” Marinette coughed behind him and arched an eyebrow. “Within reason.”
“And you are?” the kid addressed Marinette for the first time.
“I’m Lady-“ Shit, she hadn’t thought of a new name yet. “-Luck. Holder of the Miraculous of Creation.” Suddenly Marinette heard footsteps hurrying towards them. She leapt into the room, closing the door after her. “Times up, I need that decision now.”
“I will join you but I do not see how you’ll escape Grandfather’s guards.”
She smirked, “Like this. Voyage!” A portal opened. “Come on kid, time to go.”
He hesitated but went through the portal and it closed behind them.
They reentered the world, in a nondescript apartment building in Spain. “Tikki, Kaalki, Separate. Tikki Spots Off. Hi, I’m Marinette and you are?”
 “I am Ibn al Xu’ffasch.”
 “Ibn al –, I’m going to butcher that.”
 He looked down. “When we were alone, Mother would call me Damian.”
Time passed as it must and before Mari knew it, Dami had been travelling with her for a year. They had been following where there where imbalances in the world. Lady Luck and occasionally partnering with Trixx as Zorra, making appearances where necessary. Lady Luck would stop a disaster, or Zorra would somehow get her paws on damning information. Mari was always careful when she went out. Dami would hold Plagg and Kaalki when she left and protect the miracle box.
She had met a few confused and concerned “heroes”. Aquaman was particularly funny because apparently his ancestor had met Tikki and, unfortunately for Atlantis, Plagg. He was understandably concerned with the idea that Plagg was now out of the box again, but he acknowledged that it was the Guardian’s choice.
It was while she was visiting Achu, and Prince Ali that she first noticed Damian’s new tendency to get in between her and anyone else. Ali had invited them to a ball. While Marinette was talking to the Foreign Minister, Damian kept inching between the two of them. He then proceeded to do that with every conversation she had, even with Prince Ali and his parents.
The Queen chuckled. “I remember when Ali was at that age.”
“What age?” Marinette asked before she could stop herself. Damian was currently holding onto her skirt as tight as he could and she was trying to ignore how the fabric was definitely going to be wrinkled once he let go.
“The age where they are incredibly protective of their mothers. Ali was constantly ‘defending my honor’ from anyone and everyone. It’s adorable.”
“So this is typical,” Marinette questioned.
“Oh, yes. He’ll grow out of it in a few months, it’s just that right now you’re his world.”
It was later that evening, while she was contemplating what the Queen had told her, that her phone rang with a familiar tune.
“Marinette, my rockin’ niece, I’ve got another tour and I can’t do it without my favorite designer.”
“Jagged, I can’t go back to Paris. It’s all too fresh. Plus, no fashion house would work with me, I’m tainted by association.”
“But that’s the beauty of it, I’m working out of Gotham. Why don’t you come here, see the city, handle the tour designs and make a decision from there? Plus, didn’t you adopt that kid? I want to meet my new rocking nephew.”
Marinette sighed, she knew that one way or another she would end up designing for Jagged again. And she missed it, she missed being that creative constantly. There were so many ideas swimming around in her head from all of her travels.
The next day, Marinette Dupain-Cheng and Damian Al Ghul-Cheng boarded a flight to New York City. Flying over the ocean, the familiar feeling of rightness that came with going where the Miraculous were needed next got stronger and stronger.
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iamnotoriginalphil · 4 years
Family Matters (Zelda Spellman x Reader) - Part 23
Synopsis: Zelda needs you to come up with a plan to make up for your past betrayal.
Words: 1081
Warnings: swearing
AN: Days are beginning to blur together now I don’t need to keep track of time. Let me know if you want to be tagged in future chapters!
You sat in your desk chair, looking out at the familiar vista outside your window. It creaked as you leaned back, pulling your feet up onto the chair. You wrapped your arms around your legs, resting your chin on your knee.
After your discussion in the middle of the night, Zelda had blindfolded you again and returned you to the room you’d previously occupied in her house. She’d warned you she was locking you in. You’d simply nodded. When you’d made no moved she’d sighed, pulling you into the bathroom. She forced you into the bath, washing the dirt from your body. Once you might have been embarrassed by that but you were still reeling from being allowed somewhere that wasn’t a pit.
The door opened, the metal of the lock scraping. You turned your head, watching Zelda walk in. She levelled a glare at you.
She ignored your greeting, choosing to perch on the edge of the desk. You turned your gaze back out the window, knowing Zelda could be stubborn at the best of times. She wouldn’t explain why she was there until she was good and ready.
“Do you know where Bella is staying?” she asked.
“No. It was close by at the start but then the paranoia set in and now she astral projects. I think she has multiple houses from weird things she’s said. It’s why I’ve never been able to figure out where she’’s keeping my family.”
“Don’t you have some way of contacting her for those little meetings of her?” she asked.
“Well, I have a mobile number I’d text but it changed every week,” you said. Something was niggling at you.
“Has she been like that the entire time you’ve known her?
“Paranoid? Kinda, yeah. How’d you know I was meeting her all the time?”
“In the name of our new found trust,” The sarcasm was dripping from her voice, “I followed you into the wood one night and saw you with Bella.”
If she knew, if she’d had even the inkling of you colluding with Bella, it made no sense for her to keep that a secret. It made no sense for her to freak out on you when she already knew. It made no sense.
“You’re not as sneaky as you think you are,” she said, “you were obviously keeping a secret and I wished to know what it was.”
“Then why’d you let me stay?”
She looked down at her hands. For the first time since you’d met her she seemed unsure, unwilling to meet your eyes. You looked out the window again, not wanting to pressure her.
“I didn’t want to believe you could do that to us.”
You squeezed your eyes shut tight. Guilt welled in you again. You’d never hated yourself more than you did in that moment.
“It was obvious there was more going on,” she said, “what I saw told me you didn’t want to be working with her and you were cagey about your family. Even I’m capable of putting two and two together.”
You gave a wet chuckle. You’d thought you were empty but this was telling you that you weren’t. You buried your face in your knees. You couldn’t look at her.
A warm hand landed on your shoulder. You tried to shift away but it gripped you too hard for you to shake it off.
You tried to curl up in a tighter ball.
You shook your head.
“You should have locked me up the minute you found out,” you said, “you should have stopped me.”
“I wanted you to come to me and tell me what was wrong,” she said, her voice soft for the first time since the ear had been delivered to you.
“I’m sorry.”
She sighed, lifting your chin to look at her. She didn’t look angry as you expected. She should have been angry. You wanted her to be angry.
“I’m not asking for you to be sorry,” she said, “I’m asking you to fight back.”
“How am I meant to go up against Bella?” you demanded, “she’s a fucking vampire and I’m just a mortal.”
“You’re not just anything.” Her voice was fierce, “you can not start thinking that way. You have an entire family of powerful witches behind you.”
“I’m scared.”
“We need you to be brave.”
You took a deep shuddering breath. She brushed your hair behind your ear. You froze, not sure what to do. She gave you a small smile.
“I believe you can do it.”
“Hang on.”
You shot off the seat, moving past her to riffle through the desk drawer. You pulled out your journal, flicking through it until you got to the middle pages. That was what had been niggling in the back of your mind since she mentioned a phone number.
“We checked through that after we locked you away,” she said, “there wasn’t anything about Bella in there.”
“There was nothing obvious about Bella in here. I was hardly going to leave information about her lying around waiting to be found. But she gave me a number to call for emergencies, one that doesn’t change. I never thought I’d need it.”
“There was no phone number in there,” Zelda said.
“Yes there was.”
You grabbed the pen lying on the desk, using it to pull the numbers for the phone number out of the “journal” entries you’d written months ago. You held up the page to her, showing the phone number to her.
“All we need is a reason I was off the grid and missed seeing her for a while,” you said.
“We can figure that out later,” she said, “we need a way to find her. We can’t hold her while she’s astral projecting into Greendale.”
“Or we need to convince her to actually come to Greendale,” you said, chewing over a thought in your brain.
“She won’t do that if her paranoia is as bad as you say,” she said.
“She will,” you said, “if she thinks you’re considering seeking her out for a reconciliation.”
“I would never want that after this,” she said.
“I know. All we need to do is make her think you do.”
“And you think you can do that?”
A slow smile spread over your face. You couldn’t help but grin back. You liked this, being on the same team as Zelda. Finally you felt as if your situation wasn’t hopeless.
Tags: @theenglishwizard @eyesofanangeltongueofadevil @hallospaceboyy @alexusonfire @justkeepbreathingnow @ghostsunderstoodmysoul @witching-imagines @praisezeldaspellman @escapetodreamworld @panicnymph @anxiousgoldengirl @theprassebox @witchessticktogether @pizzapyjamas @plooffairy @whos-to-know @spicyrice20 @fallenangelmuse @step-intoyour-power @basicwitchtm @lovelyleafylesbian @saucy-sapphic
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buriedinbleach · 5 years
Candy from Strangers [Renji]
Anonymous said:
Okay WAIT WAIT YOU'VE PEAKED MY INTEREST. Could I request a renji or kensei fic being really into breeding kink/ their s/o asking for them to creampie? Cos goddamn. I am having a conniption rn just thinking about it. Thank you very much in advance, I will be favoriting and bookmarking that bitch the minute it comes out if you are available to do it.
Not gonna lie, I’ve been dying to write this one ever since you submitted it, anon! It just took me awhile to decide how to set it up. I’ve also played around with the idea of some kind of sketchy Mayuri experiment. Hope you guys enjoy!
Remember, only take treats from a trusted source.
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Candy from Strangers [Renji x Reader]
To say anyone ‘liked’ going to the Twelfth division was like saying you wanted to get hit with a kido blast straight to the face. However, you didn’t seem to mind it half as much as some others, generally unafraid of whatever chaos was cooked up there. That was exactly how you found yourself standing impatiently in the lab while one of Mayuri’s dead-eyed minions worked on your captain’s phone, toiling away, not casting a second look in your direction.
‘What was his name again? Hiyosu?’
Leaning on a nearby desk, you glance around the dark room filled with the sounds of machines beeping intermittently and beakers bubbling with mysterious substances that you knew better than to ask about. Your eyes drift casually around the room - disinterested and bored out of your mind and looking for anything to distract you from watching the clock. Finally, you notice an unassuming clear bowl stationed on a desk across the room, filled with fluffy pink balls.
Hiyosu mutters quietly a few feet away, now hunched over the desk where your captain’s phone lays in a few scattered pieces in front of him. This was going to take a while. You shrug your shoulders and walk across the room to investigate. Even in a place like this, your natural curiosity gets the better of you. The fluffy, cloud-like pink balls filling the dish were candy - and they looked delicious. Your stomach echoed your brain’s assessment, growling quietly.
Fortunately, you knew better than to just assume anything was safe to eat in this lab. “Hey? Um, Hiyosu, can I have a few of these, or will they turn me into some kind of jelly blob for experiments?”
He casts a quick glance in your direction before hurriedly resuming his task. “What? Oh no. Those are safe. We keep candy around to distract Captain Zaraki’s lieutenant from poking around in case she comes by, though Rin likes to eat them too.”
Well, if they had them around for Yachiru they must be fine. Not even Captain Kurotsuchi would be crazy enough to feed her experimental sweets. Right? Well, he probably was but the rest of his underlings certainly weren’t; and you had seen Rin around before, he was a nice kid, highly unlikely to destroy his own candies for some experiment. After checking Hiyosu’sµ expression one last time to make sure he wasn’t playing some sort of trick. You take a handful of the soft candies, pop one into your mouth and pocket the rest, trying to limit the amount of pink powder coating the candies from covering too much of your hands and fingers.
You chewed tentatively - cautious - worried that at any moment you might drop dead. The strong strawberry flavor filled your mouth and to your surprise, you were still breathing. Quite an accomplishment for the Twelfth division. Swallowing the first candy, you hop up onto the desk you had been leaning against, checking Hiyosu’s progress before feeling your phone vibrate in your shihakusho pocket. You popped another candy into your mouth before checking the message.
Abarai: Got back early. You gonna be home soon?
Your eyes practically fly out of your head when you glance back over at Hiyosu and see the captain’s phone in dozens more tiny pieces than they had been a moment earlier, splayed chaotically across the desk. Taking a deep breath to calm yourself, you type out a short reply.
Babe: Doubtful.
Abarai: Too bad. Guess I’ll have to shower alone…
Damn Renji. He knew just how to test you. He had been on a mission in the World of the Living for a week. You had kept yourself sufficiently busy with work during that time, but for some reason you suddenly felt anxious to get home and see him.
“Do you think you’ll be finished soon, or…” You tried to keep your voice casual, but a strange buzzing sensation was beginning to tear at your nerves, making you twitch and shift restlessly.
Hiyosu laughed. “Oh no. I’ll need to keep this for at least two days.” A loud gurgle erupted from your stomach, interrupting him. You both went completely silent and glanced down at your stomach, your face grimacing to hide the embarrassment. “Uh… we can give Captain Yadomaru a temporary locator. I’ll have someone drop it by the Eighth a little later… if you need to go.”
The gurgling deep in the pit of your stomach faded, giving rise to something else. Something much more uncomfortable.
It was suddenly unbearably hot in the lab, your brow and palms were damp and dewy with sweat. You knew the heat bubbling through your body must have been rising up to flood your face by now. Heart racing, thundering, the forced breaths you took to try and calm yourself were coming out ragged and harsh. Your mouth felt as dry as a desert. The uncomfortable, edgy, tingles electrifying your skin were too much.
Clenching your jaw, you grit out a quick response. “Please do. I’m not feeling very well.”
Without another word you spun on your heel and hurried out of the lab, desperate for the cool, fresh air of the Seireitei hoping it would provide some amount of relief. The second you burst outside the doors of the Twelfth division you gasped for air, repeatedly filling your lungs as if you had just been saved from suffocation.
The relief never came. If anything, you felt worse. More than that though, you felt everything.
It was as if every one of your senses was overwhelmed and overloaded with information all at once. As you hurried through the streets towards home, you could hear the inane, quiet chatter of soul reapers walking 15 feet away as if they were right next to you; the electrified tingles dancing over your skin began to magnify and radiate around your body; colors seemed sharper, more vibrant somehow; the strawberry flavor of the candy still coated your mouth, but the more you moved your restless tongue, the more the hunger deep within began screaming for more.  
But it wasn’t demanding food.
‘What the hell was in that candy?!’
A nondescript craving was developing, your thoughts raced to find the source, to fill the void that was all-consuming. You would do anything in that moment to quell the hunger - the need - ripping you apart. But your body knew the remedy better than your mind and it fueled your steps in a familiar direction: home. The same home you shared with Renji.
The craving now made much more sense. Your previously clouded mind abruptly focused on one thing, your gorgeous boyfriend who was waiting for you at that very moment - very naked. As the image of Renji overtook your thoughts you froze, every muscle in your body clenched and released, searching, coming up empty. So empty, yet consumed with an aching need that begged to be filled. Deliciously filled - over and over.
Your heart begins pounding again with urgency and excitement. Your steps quicken until you catch a delicious scent permeating through the air, something that wouldn’t have been noticeable to you otherwise outside of your present condition. It was the strong, earthy smell of dirt, sweat, and male pheromones. You tightened your jaw to stifle the moan attempting to rip from your throat as your core clenched down again, and your eyes searched frantically for the source - any source - of the delicious scent.
“___-chan, you ok?” Shuhei touches your shoulder, his hand searing through the layers of your shihakusho. There is a panicked look in your eyes as you stare back at him, standing next to Izuru. Both of them regard you with puzzled, worried looks. Two of Renji’s best friends. Your body throbs painfully once more at their proximity, eyes drifting down to Shuhei’s strong arms, blood coursing through your veins. How easy it would be to…
NO! You needed Renji, you wanted Renji. That damn candy might settle for any male presence, but you wouldn’t. You were stronger than that.
Your voice cracks, coming out more startled and desperate than you wanted. “Fine! Just need to get home!” You didn’t wait to hear their response before flash-stepping away with newfound speed. The hunger was building, your sex throbs and spasms continuously now. A warning deep within told you that your rational brain wouldn’t be able to control the desire for much longer. You need to hurry.
By the time you reach the door to your shared home you’re trembling, barely containing the wanton moans trying to escape your lips. Slamming the door shut behind you, your chest heaves for breath. Renji had been relaxing on the couch, freshly showered and shirtless, wearing only a simple pair of grey sweats. He bolted upright the second you came into view, and judging by the expression on his face, you must have been a sight - not that you cared one bit about that. In that moment, all you cared about was him - your salvation - the only one who could ever make you feel good. Candy or no candy.
Renji jumps up from the couch and begins hurrying towards you - nowhere near fast enough. You run to meet him, your fingers frantically pulling at your obi as you move. The closer you got to him, the hotter you felt; the more desperate the need became, warmth rushing up and down your spine, flooding your core.
“Babe, what the hell?! Are you ok?!” Worry and fear tinged Renji’s voice. You nodded frantically, reaching up and pulling his mouth down to yours in a hungry kiss. The second you touch his skin, taste his lips, you feel the smallest measure of relief, but its short lived. Now that you had found him, his kiss alone wouldn’t do. Your clit throbs making you moan into his mouth.
You feverishly pull at your clothes, the normally comfortable fabric grated against your skin like shards of glass. “Fi-fine. I’m fine.” You kiss him again as your hands work. “Twelfth… weird candy… I need you.” Your thoughts and words are broken by heavy breaths and desperate kisses.
“I’m here! Tell me what you need, I’ll do it.” Panic is still his overriding emotion as he watches you peeling off your kosode and hakama, tossing them away carelessly. Renji has never seen you like this, but a small part of him didn’t mind it. His eyes travel down your body, covered only in your bra and underwear, watching your chest rise and fall rapidly with heated, lustful breaths. It made his cock stir, no matter how hard he tried to fight it.
Your eyes, heavy-lidded and dark with desire flick up to meet his, a salacious smile creeping across your lips. Stepping forward, your hand reaches down between your bodies to stroke the steadily forming bulge you find barely concealed under his sweats. You cup Renji’s face with your free hand, letting your thumb graze across his full lower lip slowly before pushing inside, your eyes trained on his.
Renji’s warm tongue slides across the pad of your thumb, taking in the faint hint of strawberry that tinged your skin. His pupils suddenly grow larger, darker, his dick hardens in an instant and twitches under your touch. A low groan rolls through his chest, his breathing becoming much more urgent, yet still not as fast as yours. Renji’s rough palms slip down your waist, dragging over your curves to cup the back of your thighs. In one swift motion Renji lifts you, wrapping your legs around his waist, pressing your back against the nearest wall.
You were careless.
Maybe if your mind hadn’t been consumed with the need to feel Renji inside you - filling the painful, aching emptiness - you would have realized trace amounts of the candy remained on your fingers. But you didn’t. And now Renji was going to experience a small fraction of what you were going through. A sliver of your rational brains realized what was going on, but your primal urges silenced any objections, acutely aware you were both about to get exactly what you needed.
Renji’s eyes were as dark and lustful as your own as you stare at each other for a split second before your fingers weave through his crimson hair, pulling his mouth to yours. The kiss was hot and deep, rapidly devolving into little more than panting breaths as he kisses down your neck to lick and suck at the delicate skin, hungrily marking your body. Every point of contact was fuel for the fire raging through you. You rolled your hips over Renji’s, moaning as his erection pressed against your sex.
“Please, Renji! I need you now!” A mixture of whimpers and moans left you as your core clenched down again - on nothing. He was so close. His scent was heavy in your nostrils, making your head swim. Water, fresh soap, overwhelming male musk. His body - his muscles - were so hard against your own, pinning you effortlessly to the wall. Each new stimulus sent a jolt through your body, straight to your core causing you to grind your hips into his erection. Renji groans, crushing his hips into yours before breathing deeply and carrying you to the bedroom using his quickest flash-step.   
You had barely reached the bed before Renji tosses you down onto the soft mattress. He quickly kicks off his sweats - unable to tolerate the tight, chafing material that painfully restricted his throbbing length. A low growl rumbles through his chest as he stalks his way up the bed, descending on you like a hungry predator. Renji’s warm brown eyes were nearly swallowed by deep black pools of lust and desire.
He kisses his way up the center of your chest, letting his teeth graze your neck, across your jaw, until he finally reaches your lips. You welcome the weight and pressure of his body pressing into yours, moaning loudly, sinking your fingers into his shoulders when his cock grazed against the thin, soaking wet fabric of your underwear.
Renji captures your bottom lip between his teeth, lightly pulling and sucking on your flesh as you whimper, gasping for air. “Mmm… you taste amazing, babe.” He traces your mouth slowly, the tip of his tongue running along your slightly open lips pulling lust-drunk mewls from you.
It was clear that the trace amount of candy he had ingested wasn’t affecting him nearly as bad as you. He still possessed enough resistance to drag his rough palms down your curves, pinning your squirming hips - eager for friction - to the bed. His hands burned a trail down your skin, leaving a wake of painful electric shocks to mark his path. Renji sat back with a grin, trailing a finger over your still covered sex.
Your core spasms, desperately grasping for an object that remains out of reach. “Aahh!” A low, agonizing whine rips from your throat. “Renji, I wa-nt you… i-in…” You couldn’t get the words out. Thankfully, you didn’t need to. Renji’s cock twitches. That was a plea his body couldn’t resist any longer.
His hands slide up your hips, gripping the fabric of your underwear, shredding it to pieces and tossing the remnants off the bed. Your bra was the next casualty of the shared ache you felt for each other. Finally, skin met skin, burning and unobstructed. Renji’s warm weight was on you again, your arms and legs tangle around his shoulders and hips, pulling him closer. The second his cock brushes against your folds, lining up with your entrance, you feel dizzy with excitement - keening wildly. His hips press forward, slowly sinking into your heat as you arch up to meet him. Renji holds his forehead to yours, breathing heavily. You share a long, exalted sigh - finally feeling a small measure of relief.
“Fuck.” Renji groans, lying perfectly still once he’s completely buried inside you. At last. Right where you needed him, where he fits perfectly - where he belongs. It doesn’t take long for your body to adjust to the stretch of him before your core cries out for more. Fortunately, he feels it too. Renji’s hips begin rocking against yours, a slow, in and out roll that has you rising up and pushing into him to meet each stroke.
“Yes! Renji, you feel so good.” You sigh, both of your mouths hang open, panting heavily, drunk with lust. The slow thrusting begins to build, matching the fervor coursing through your veins, aching for release, racing to a crescendo. Renji’s mouth hungrily moves down your throat, his hands ball into tight fists beside your head before the pressure mounting in his gut becomes too much.
He grabs your shoulders, pulling you up sharply onto his lap with a grunt. The forceful, eager gesture makes you whimper in rapture as your hips slam down onto his. He groans watching you, a dark, debauched sound that feeds your frenzy. “Ah! Babe, you look so hot.” His rough palms caress your hips, savoring every grinding stroke you make. The coarse, calloused skin of his hands is magnified in your heightened state as he slings one arm around your back, reaching up with the other to palm your breast, bringing it to his mouth.
Renji grins up you, winking as his tongue peeks out to flick against the rock hard pebble of your nipple. He wants to make sure you’re watching his every move. It sends a shockwave pulsing out over your body, your core spasms and your walls contract around his girth as you cry out. He wraps his mouth around your soft flesh, massaging and sucking while he groans against your skin. Renji feels your fingers weave through his hair, dancing across his scalp in an effort to pull him closer. His lips part in an arrogant smile as he happily obliges, swirling his tongue around your nipple, capturing it lightly between his teeth before sucking it into a puffy swollen state - repeating the process on the other side.
Still, nothing compares to the blissful feeling of Renji filling you over and over, bouncing harshly up and down his thick cock. Every normally satisfying inch of Renji’s body around yours - in yours - was positively euphoric now. Amplified to levels that were almost intolerable - untenable. You were grinding, rolling, filled, and stretched to the point of exhaustion - but you needed more.
‘How could there possibly be more this?!’
Renji grips your hips, pulling you down onto his cock as he thrusts into you. Surely, you could die happy after this. Fade away into reishi, a satisfied mist with no complaints. But the tension coiling in the pit of your stomach calls you back to reality. You were so close, so painfully close, but something deep inside told you that your release was still out of reach. Needing one more thing to push you to the brink.
Renji’s deep, husky voice whispers in your ear. The heat of his breath and his words resonates down to your core. “Fuck. Babe, you’re gonna make me cum.”
A lightning bolt of pure pleasure shoots straight down your spine. Your back arches and your head rolls back at hearing those words. That was it. The indescribable ingredient you were missing. “Oh Gods, Renji, Please! Please cum in me!” Your words echoes loudly in his mind through the lewd moans tearing from your throat.
Renji groans, clenching his jaw. The sound of your whimpering voice, the sight of your body thrusting against his, unabashedly taking what you need is a picture he won’t ever forget. His body pleads with him to give you exactly what you want, what you’re begging him for. But his microdose of candy is starting to wear off, allowing him brief flashes of clarity.
He pants, breathless. “Are you sure?” His words are chivalrous, but the way he drives into you, pulling you down onto his length, rolling his hips to catch you clit is not. Its obvious Renji wants it as badly as you do.
“Yes!! Baby, I need it!”
That was all Renji needed to hear. His heated growl sends both your bodies into overdrive, primal instincts take over. Your fingers sink into his shoulders, gripping his body as an anchor point. Your thighs tremble with effort, Renji holds you tightly against him, pushing your back down onto the bed, driving into your heat.
Renji pulls your leg up around his hip, thrusting deeper, reaching that perfect spot deep within you. His mouth is everywhere; licking, sucking, grazing your skin. Your hips arch up off the bed to meet his thrusts as you breathlessly chant barely coherent words. “Yes!” “Harder!” “More!” “Cum in me, Renji!”
With two final, powerful snaps of his hips, you both feel your walls spasm harshly around his cock - commanding his release. The heat of Renji flooding your core - the forceful sensation - reverberates through you in waves, tension melting away into overwhelming, orgasmic bliss. It courses through your veins in powerful waves that form aftershocks, rippling in your core until you’re left limp, sated, and full.
Renji rolls onto the bed beside you, wrapping his body tightly around yours, drawing a contented sigh. You were both completely silent, drowsily waiting for your hearts to stop pounding in your chests and you breathing to return to some semblance of normalcy. Renji was the first one to recover.
“You feel any better?” He whispers tenderly in your ear.
“Much. I probably would have gone crazy if you weren’t here. That was intense.” A little shiver ran down your spine at the memory. Although, you had to admit, the overwhelming euphoria still heavily present in your mind and body, that candy definitely had its perks.
Renji grinned, his lips ghosting over your neck. “What kinda boyfriend would I be if I didn’t help? I wonder what the hell the Twelfth needs something like that for anyway.”
You laughed briefly before the sound morphed into a long yawn; the call to sleep was taking over. “I think I still have a few in my pocket. You can be the one to try it next time and find out.” Renji’s eyes widened in surprise before a mischievous smirk crossed his lips. It was only fair that you get to see him become a keening, erotic mess this time. For science.
Rin entered the lab carrying a small bag, Hiyosu was painstakingly reassembling Captain Yadomaru’s phone. Sensing that Hiyosu had everything under control, he was about to turn and leave when his eyes fell on the half-empty candy dish stationed nearby. His bag fell from his hands, crashing to the floor, spilling candies everywhere. Only then did Hiyosu look up from his task.
“Di-did some-” Rin coughed, clearing his throat before continuing. “Did someone eat these?”
“Now, don’t be upset. There’s still plenty left for you.” Hiyosu laughed, preparing to turn back to his work when Rin stopped him.
“Those aren’t my candies! Those are mine!” Rin gestured wildly to the floor, Hiyosu had never seen him so animated.
Slowly, they both looked from the spilled candy covering the floor and back up to the dish. “Shit.”
“Please don’t tell Captain Kurotsuchi. I don’t want to have to ask Lieutenant Abarai or Lieutenant ___ about its… efficacy.” Rin fidgeted nervously, blushing uncontrollably at the thought.
Hiyosu’s wide-set eyes were alight. He looked past Rin to the door of the lab where Mayuri stood with an unsettling smile covering his painted face, his eyes were bright with excitement. “Did I hear you say someone sampled our candy? Excellent. I’ll expect a full report by tomorrow.”
Rin did manage to work up the courage to walk over to your house later that evening. He nervously paced a few feet away from the door, looking sheepish. He took a deep breath, held it, and raised his hand to knock. But before he could lower it, he heard muffled noises coming from inside. Curious, Rin leaned in closer and heard a loud, rapidly pounding thump-thump-thump mixed with your voice crying out in rapture and low, indistinguishable words from Renji. Rin backed away quickly. He decided he had enough information to make up his report after that.
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staytheb · 5 years
Like Oh 2.0 - Concert Day and Pool Party
Previous Chapter: Halfway Around the World Word Count: 2,818 Summary: Serena and Melanie attend GOT7′s Fly in the US tour and get invited to Mark’s private pool party. Should be fun.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
honestly, i wasn’t sure if i should have written this or not, but then decided to as it was part of that year. honestly have no idea what really went on, but i tweaked it enough for my own story. anyways... this really happened to be in running into the table while doing the hi touch with the boys lol so anyways, this chapter also gotten shortened from what it was previously and happy with the results. but um, yeah happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
It was concert fan-meeting day for day two and the sisters were excited, but were still apprehensive about surprising the idols during hi-touch. It was because Melanie had found last minute tickets for P2s as she wanted to be closer. The tickets the boys had given them were given to their sister-in-laws to enjoy their first ever K-Pop Concert while seated instead. Anyways, after confirming their spots in the lines outside of The Novo the quartet went to eat. After they got done eating the quartet took a picture for memory before the fan-meeting and would take another one after. They returned to their respective spots and waited.
The lines started moving as one of the staff began to direct them inside the building and the sisters made their way up and hopes that their sister-in-laws would be fine on their own. Once they were atop the building and close to getting inside Serena looked over the railing in hopes of seeing the other two women, but couldn't spot them so easily. "You should've asked one of them to be in pit with you." "Yeah, right. You're my buddy remember." ." Melanie reminded her as she also looked over the railing to the people below. "I know. Anyways, I wonder how the boys are with the kids though."
"Nicholas texted in the group chat that Ethan had ran into Cameron's balls when they were playing baseball." Melanie informed Serena who laughed upon hearing it. "Really? I haven't checked my phone yet." "Yeah. That's what happens when you let those four babysit." Serena nodded in agreement.  Again they waited for the line to move and it slowly started moving forward with everyone going through security which took forever because of this one guy that just had to check every damn little pocket. Serena followed her sister as Melanie spoke loud enough for her sister to hear her. "Do you think we should be on the left side or right side. Because I heard that Mark's usually on the right and JB stays in the center." "You do you. I'm gonna end up at the back, anyways." "Hey, you can't leave me."
"Watch me." Melanie tsked as the duo stood side by side one another in the center, but a bit towards the right side of the stage if you were looking at it. "I'm still surprised about them giving us tickets." Melanie said as Serena took a picture of the screen with their image on them. "Me too. You think they'll be surprised during hi tough?" "Probably." "Too bad you didn't get to see Papa Tuan." "It's okay, but I heard that Mark's friends were rowdy yesterday." "Really? Why?" "Someone mentioned that they drank before coming." "Really?" "Yeah, several fans posted it online and others have been saying the same thing that I've read."
"Wow. Hopefully it's all good today." "Me, too." A moment later the music came on playing Fly and the fans went crazy like always. They sang the verses, but when the rap came out, they went quiet and Serena just found it funny while she mumbled the rap parts to herself and rolled her eyes when the fans sang loud again when the second verse came out. A few more songs played before the lights dimmed and everyone knew it was finally starting. It opened with a dance sequence which everyone thought was GOT7, but were backup dancers as seven other figures appeared alongside the four. They did two more songs before introucing themselves.
An hour later the fan-meeting flew on by. Melanie was in the middle of the pit with fans pushed up against her and Serena had drifted near the back. "Sorry, Lani." She had chuckled upon noticing it as her sister finally joined her when it ended and the MC announced they were about to do the group photo opportunity first and then hi touch. "That was rude. I told you to stand beside me." Melanie glared as Serena smiled. "The fans started pushing. It's annoying." "True." the MC told them to start lining up so that they could get the perks underway while everyone else that didn't have a wristband for either the photo opportunity or hi touch had to leave the building and that no one could take any photos either while it was going on.
They received a text message from Vidia that she and Savannah would be at Fatburger by the time the duo got done. Melanie responded back with an 'okay' and that they would see them there afterwards. While the sisters were waiting they once again grew anxious in doing the hi touch with the idols now that they were friends because before they were just strangers. Serena looked at Melanie. "You go first." "Why?" "Because you've always gone first and I go second since we've been doing this." "Oh, right." The line moved slowly as the staff started to announce people in groups of ten for the photo op part as some fans were eager and others confused.
Soon enough it was hi touch time and the sisters looked at one another anxiously as they got closer. They noticed that the boys looked tired, but were still happy to be there. Youngjae was reported to have gotten sick when they arrived in Texas and he still seemed out of it tonight. "Poor Youngjae." Serena commented as Melanie nodded. "Yeah, but luckily this is the last day." "I know right." Serena spotted how Jinyoung was dressed and couldn't help but comment, "Jinyoung looks so boyfriend material." "I know right. I'm so glad he's first. He looks so good sitting there atop of the table." "True." The line began moving again as Melanie and Serena held out their right hand to make a connection with the idols as they walk by.
For Melanie it was a blur as it went by way too fast as she high-five all the members. She wasn't sure if she had said "thank you" in her head or out loud. She couldn't even remember if she even looked her bias, Mark, in the eye as she found Jaebeom a bit distracting due to him being weird while swaying his hand back and forth. Melanie did noticed Jinyoung had given her the biggest smile upon seeing her while Jackson who was the last one had shot her the friendliest smile and knowing look ever. As for Serena, she said "thank you" in four languages, smiled the biggest at Jinyoung, gave her bias, Jaebeom, a weird look, but Mark had caught her attention the most as he was waiting for his moment.
Serena shot the idol an awkward smile before moving down the line. She gave Jackson a high-five and too distracted with his teasing look she had run into the table near them, and just passed it off while moving on forward to where Melanie was laughing at her. Serena was too embarrassed to turn around to see if any of the boys had notice it. "You're so dumb." "Jackson distracted me." "Sure. Anyways, the two are at Starbucks and were waiting for us to go to Fatburger." "Alright, but when did GOT7's hand become so smooth and soft?" "Dunno, but two seconds is too short to get anything." "True. Luckily we were the first part of the line and they didn't have to rush us." "Yeah, but you're man is weird." "Yeah, but yours didn't give me time to check out JB."
"I just went to be hoenst." "I thought you would have stood there longer with him." "It is what it is." "At least we saw them over the summer." "True." The sisters made their way to Starbucks that was only a minute away, met up with Savannah and Vidia, ordered their drinks, and walked to Fatburger where they would wait for one of the boys to come pick them up to go home after getting something to eat. When they arrived back home it was a complete mess and the males were relieved to have them home. Vidia and Savannah gathered up their kids to put them to sleep with their husbands following suit leaving James and Nicholas to clean up the mess while begging the other two to help, which they all ended up doing before retiring for the night.
The next day around ten in the morning Melanie and Serena found themselves in front of Mark's home upon the invite from BamBam about a private pool party with family and friends. "I dunno, Mel." Serena said in a doubtful tone. "No one's going to know us besides GOT7." "I know, Rere, but BamBam kept blowing up my phone to come see them because we didn't come see them yesterday." Melanie explained. "Let's just say hi." "You already rung the doorbell so of course we have to say hi." Serena said as the door opened revealing Mark's older sister, Tammy. "Hello. How may I help you?" Serena looked over at Melanie to talk.
"Hi." Melanie greeted shyly. "We know it's a private pool party, but we're friends with the boys and BamBam invited us over." "Oh. Well, yeah, it's a private thing for family and friends. But-" Serena interrupted Tammy with an awkward smile. "No it's understandable. Sorry for the intrusion. We'll just message the boys later. Sorry once again. Thanks and have a nice day." Serena glanced at her sister and spoke in Lao in a quiet tone. "Yeah, this is like way too awkward." Melanie eyed Serena before facing Tammy again with a genuine smile and switched to English. "Yeah, thank you. Sorry about the intrusion."
Before Tammy could say something a shirtless BamBam appeared. "Melanie. Serena. Hey, you made it!" He greeted to them happily as Tammy cast a glance in his direction before looking over at the two females. "These two mentioned that you invited them." Tammy said with a curious gaze. "Oh yeah, I did." BamBam grinned as he looked over at the sisters. "I hope you don't mind. They live in Seoul, too." Tammy cast them a friendly smile while opening the door further. "No, it's fine. As long as you're okay with it. Come inside." Melanie smiled as Serena still felt unsure about it all as the duo followed the two inside the house with BamBam leading them to the backyard while Tammy stayed inside doing something in the kitchen.
When the trio reached the backyard BamBam announced their presence in a loud voice while Melanie felt it was unnecessary and Serena wanted to escape because Mark's friends were giving the duo weird looks. "Noona!" A shirtless Yugyeom exclaimed excitedly as he clumsily made his way towards the sisters. "Are you okay?" Serena asked in Korean as he nodded. "I'm just happy that the both you are here." He pulled the two females into a very snugly hug. "You're being weird, Yugyeom." Melanie stated with a laugh as Yugyeom pouted. "I'm very happy to see you." He slurred and the sisters wondered if the younger male had drank something.
"Let me get you a drink." Yugyeom led them towards the coolers with BamBam running off somewhere while Serena tried to protest. "It's okay Yugyeom. We're just wanted to say hi." The trio passed by a lot of Mark's friends who shot them looks, but still greeted one another. Papa Tuan noticed the two females when they drew near. "Hello. I'm Raymond, but-" Melanie interrupted him with an eager  face. "Papa Tuan." Papa Tuan chuckled. "Yes, that's me. And you are?" "I'm Melanie." "I'm Serena." The pair greeted back as Yugyeom returned while handing them a can of soda. "Thanks." "You're welcome."
A shirtless Mark appeared with BamBam in tow. "Hey, guys. Thanks for coming over." He smiled at the sisters as his eyes seemed to twinkle upon seeing Serena, but she brushed it off as she instead thought about her sister probably enjoying the eye candy before them. "Yeah, of course." Serena feigned a smile as Melanie grinned wider, but seeing the shirtless Mark wasn't as exciting as she thought it would be now that she saw it in person. "I finally got the chance to see your home." "Do you want a tour?" "Yeah!" "No." Melanie agreed while Serena declined as she shot her sister a look as Melanie wriggled her eyebrows playfully. "Well, I'm just gonna go and-" Serena backed away as she talked, but didn't noticed BamBam's mischievous look as she suddenly felt herself being pushed in to the pool.
Serena was unprepared as she tried to reach out for BamBam, but missed and fell backward in to the water. She emerged a few seconds later while moving towards the edge as everyone was laughing at the incident. "You okay?" Melanie asked as Serena nodded while lifting herself out of the pool and standing up with an annoyed look. "Peachy." She muttered. "Super peachy." Luckily Serena was wearing a bathing suit underneath as the two were supposed to meet the others at the beach this morning, but took a little detour due to Melanie.
Serena took off her wet shirt and swim trunks surprising everybody, but her sister. "You do know that the boys have all of the towels, right?" "Damn, I thought you brought one." "I only brought the sunscreen they forgot." "Shit." Serena squeezed out the excess water from her clothing while everyone was checking out the tattoos on her body now that she was only in a two piece swimsuit. "How many tattoos do you have?" Both Yugyeom and BamBam asked as Melanie answered for Serena instead knowing how Serena would respond.
"She has four in total." Melanie then maneuvered her sister around to show off the tattoos on Serena's upper back, lower left stomach, upper right side ribcage, and her upper right thigh like she was on display. "Wow, you've never mentioned those." Mark remarked as Serena turned to face him. "Because you never asked if I had any." Mark rolled his eyes, but was curious about one of them. "Is that one missing a piece or a part of another one?" "Oh, yeah. My friend and I got them like a best friend tattoo sort of thing. She has 'and beyond' while I have this one."
Yugyeom returned shortly after with a towel in hand for Serena to use. "Thanks, Yugi." "Welcome, noona." Yugyeom smiled at her with that eye-smiled of his. "Do you need clothes or anything?" Mark asked a second later. "It's fine." Serena dismissed his offer. "We were gonna go to Hermosa Beach with the others later." "So where are the other four?" Melanie asked while looking around for the others. "Jackson's inside with my mom. The other three are back at the hotel." Mark explained as Melanie frowned a bit disappointed. "Aww, how come?"
"They weren't in the mood. Also Youngjae's still feeling unwell." BamBam answered. "Aww, that sucks." Serena said while securely wrapping the towel around her. "Poor baby." She caught Mark's curious gaze which gave her a funny feeling and she diverted her attention elsewhere towards her sister. "Hey, let's go. The boys must be wondering why we're not at the beach by now." Melanie laughed at the thought. "Oh, true." She looked at the others. "Well, we gotta get going." "So soon?" The younger males pouted. "Yeah. Tell the others we said hi."
"It was nice meeting you." The girls said to Mark's dad as he smiled at the duo. "It was finally great to meet you in person, Papa Tuan." "It was nice meeting the both of you, too." Papa Tuan smiled. "Alright, later." Serena dismissed and before she or Melanie could rush off Jackson finally appeared with items for Papa Tuan to grill. "Here you go, uncle." Jackson spoke in Chinese before spotting the sisters with a surprise look that turned into one of happiness. "Hohoho, hello ladies." He greeted them while pulling them in for an unexpected hug. "No one told me you guys were gonna be here." He glared at his group members before softening upon returning to the sisters, especially towards Serena. "Went for a swim I see, but are you okay, Serena?" "Um, yeah. Why?"
"Because yesterday during the hi touch you ran into the table." He repeated with a worried expression. "Are you okay?" "Oh, yeah. I'm totally fine." Serena dismissed with an embarrassed laugh. "I'm just clumsy." "No she wasn't, Jackson." Melanie disagreed with a playful look. "You just made her flustered." "Oh really?" Jackson leaned closer with that playful look of his. "Did I? Hmm?" Serena pushed him away while answering with a straight face. "No. Anyways, let's go, Lani." "Yeah, yeah, Lina, I know. Bye everyone." She waved around as she and her sister made their way back inside the house also waving goodbye to the others and out the door with Mark accompanying them out.
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voreboy · 6 years
Big Daddy Dominic
[Trigger Warning: Ageplay/Youth Prey]
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[Dylan McDermott (left) and Jon Brenthal (right) who serve as inspiration]
So I finally came up with a name for my older (55 year old) Pred character I’ve mentioned previously and who I’ve used as the basis for Ageplay Fantasy 2 and Ageplay Fantasy 4. I’m calling him Dominic Venturi, an Italian-American billionaire corporate tycoon. Like T-Bone, his target prey would be youth and ageplay Littles/Middles. 
Dominic Venturi
Species: Human male
Age: 55
Ethnicity: Italian
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Height: 6’2
Marital Status: Married
Predator type: Non-Fatal vore, Oral vore, Same-size vore
Recap: Ageplay Fantasy 2 (MID-LIFE CRISIS)
This centers around an older man, someone in his mid-40 to mid-50s but exceptionally good looking for his age. I’d imagine him a wall-street banker or CEO of his own company. He’s someone who’s been obsessed with order, structure and discipline his entire life. Possibly coming from a military family he was pushed to and excelled in academics and athletics from an early age all the way through college. He has a life that is based on appearance rather than substance — wealth, real-estate, industry recognition and a stable, (albeit loveless) marriage.
He’s always been one to shy away from vices. Don’t drink too much, don’t stay out too late, don’t take unnecessary risks, etc. But his one golden rule has always been a strict diet, because his achievements would be nothing if he were to be fat-shamed. However, as the stress and anxiety of maintaining such as life-style has weighed heavily on him, especially over the past decade, and his self-discipline has been steadily waning. He gives himself over to listening to his dick and his stomach over logic and reason. He’s drinking a bit more, staying out a bit later, taking a bit more risk (particularly with extramarital affairs) and most significantly, his once solid abs are rounding out into a firm pot belly. He’d desperate to feel alive at this stage in life and recklessness is the only thing doing it for him.
One day, during a newly proposed “bring your kid to work day” is where I enter the picture. Having a predisposition to wander and explore when no one is looking, I leave my parent’s side and being to explore offices on the varying levels on the building until I make my way to the would-be predator’s executive suite. It turns out I’ve interrupted his lunch as I see him shoveling a fist-full of food into his mouth. Collecting himself, he stands and maneuvers around his desk to greet me and I get a good look as his pot-belly stretching his perfectly tailored suit. I introduce myself as the son of one of his numerous underlings and came across his suite while exploring the building. He chuckles at my wanderlust and invites me to stay and keep him distracted, at least until I’m retrieved by an angry parent.  
The Boss and I talk work, school, dreams and life-goals as I flip through channels on his enormous flat-screen TV. I end up settling on some classic Looney Tunes animation, always amused by the various characters being swallowed whole by each other. As we watch, a type of fight or flight instinct is triggered in the pit of the older man’s stomach. A nonsensical daydream of swallowing me in the same way as depicted on screen rapidly becomes an unrelenting obsession. He brings the unusual fantasy up to me and I indulge him since I’ve never been able to discuss it with anyone else up until that point. As recklessness overtakes reason (and his mouth begins to water) he takes of his suite jacket and begins to unbutton his dress shirt before taking me by the crown of my head and single-mindedly trying to wedge it into his open mouth.
Although he considers he could be having a psychotic break with reality, he continues to funnel my upper body into his ever-stretching maw, consuming me slowly. Like an anaconda, his throat, rib-cage and stomach all expand as I descend into the pit of his stomach, which balloons rapidly into an enormous wrecking ball-like shape. The gluttonous predator then clutched the sides of his rotund belly and unleashes a wall-shaking belch.
He now has the dilemma of explaining the situation to his employee and his wife.
Recap: Ageplay Fantasy 4 (DINNER DATE)
The scene opens up with me already in the swollen belly of the studly middle-aged Pred. In an effort to keep our new-found friendship a secret, he helped me orchestrate a way we could spend the weekend together. I tell my parents I’ll be spending the weekend at a friends and will get a ride immediately after school Friday. In reality, the Pred is the one who picked me up and swallowed me whole the second we arrived as his home. The kick is, he made sure to swallow me with my cell phone in hand so we could be able to text each other consistently throughout the weekend.
Part of the reason Pred was sure to swallow me with my phone was because a dinner with my parents and his wife had been prearranged this weekend as well. The thought of a casual dinner with all of them while I stewed in his rotund belly was about as much excitement as he and I could bare.
Once Pred’s wife came home on Friday night, she immediately chastised him for overeating again once she saw the size of his engorged mid-section, oblivious to the fact the son of his employee/neighbor was currently occupying it.
The night of the dinner, Pred and his wife dressed up in their finest attire (with Pred having to use some of his larger sized designer wear for the occasion) as do my parents. The two couples meet at the restaurant and exchange greeting. My parents politely point out Pred’s rapid weight gain over the past few days, which he eagerly plays up as a talking point while his wife fervently but politely rebukes claiming to be concerned for his health. The situation causes a stir in Pred’s pants like no other, a good indication of how the night will continue.
Once seated and having ordered their food, the two couples converse to continue getting to know one another more intimately. My parents discuss both work and hobby related interests as does Pred’s wife. Pred and I send periodic texts to each other throughout the night; Pred gets a tingle in his groin every time he gets a vibration in his stomach from my phone.
At one point one of my parents actually calls me just to check in, not excusing themselves from the table. My heart sinks as does Pred’s when we realize my voice would mostly likely carry at least somewhat from the pit of his stomach. I let it go to voicemail once as my parent lament about how I never answer my phone. Pred takes the opportunity to excuse himself to use the restroom and waddles away from the table as I subtly bounce within his belly.
Once inside the restroom, Pred strokes his stomach while simultaneously texting me how perversely stimulating the entire situation is. My parent calls once again and this time I answer. Pred stands around the stalls straining to hear my muffled voice from the pit of his own stomach.
At the end of the evening, the two couples say their goodbyes. After arriving at home, Pred and his wife have a particularly intense love-making session as a direct result of Pred’s increased libido. Once the wife is asleep, Pred and I continue to text one another as he lounges awake in bed.
This character will be exclusive to the Safe-verse. Feel free to submit questions about him (but observe the rules).
deviantART | RP Guide (18+ ONLY/STR8 Guys Welcome) | Ageplay Guide | Vore Multiverse Guide | Send Me Anons (But State Your Age)
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lankydoodlelukey · 6 years
the soul tattoo - season 1 recap
Previously on The Soul Tattoo…
If one day you woke up with a random tattoo on your body, you were destined to meet your soulmate soon. So when (Y/N) finally gets her soul tattoo, she’s in for a shock when she finds out who her soulmate is.
(Your POV)
I’ve heard a million stories about it. Stories of people receiving “the mark.” Many called it “the soul tattoo.” But story has it, that if one day you woke up with a random tattoo on your body, you were destined to meet your soulmate soon. 
I was in the shower when I got mine. On my chest was a treble clef and the initials of my soulmate: LRH.
(Luke’s POV)
I was on stage when I got mine.
We were reaching the chorus when a felt a sharp pain in my chest. It felt like someone was repeatedly stabbing me in the heart. I stopped where I was, my face scrunching up in pain. The fans in the pit noticed and started screaming my name. Michael and Calum helped me up and hurried me backstage.
As the boys sat me down, my breathing started to even out. I ripped my shirt open to see where the pain was coming from, but I already had an inkling about it. I looked down at my chest and I saw it. My face broke out into a smile.
“Oh, balls. Luke got his soul tattoo.” Michael whispered.
The news about my soul tattoo spread pretty fast. I decided to confirm it, so I took my phone out and opened up twitter. “I got my soul tattoo tonight! I can’t wait to meet my soulmate xx” I attached a picture of what my soul tattoo looked like - a treble clef with my soulmates initials in cursive right underneath it. I hoped that maybe my soulmate would see my tweet and contact me soon. The anticipation was killing me.
(Your POV)
There on Luke’s chest was his soul tattoo, an identical match to the one on my chest. Except under his soul tattoo were my initials. I quickly looked down at my soul tattoo.
“LRH,” I mumbled. “Luke Robert Hemmings.” My mind was reeling. Was this too good to be true?
“This is so crazy. Holy shit. Luke Hemmings is your soulmate, Y/N.”
(Luke’s POV)
I opened the door and there she was. Everything about her was perfect. The second my eyes laid upon her, I knew she was beautiful. She was just standing there on the doorstep, looking so... perfect.
(Your POV)
My phone buzzed from my jacket pocket. I took out my phone and checked the notification. It was a Twitter notification from Luke. Suddenly, I felt my heart shattering into a million pieces. 
“Just found my soulmate! I couldn’t be happier :-) everyone meet my girl!”
The girl in the photo wasn’t me.
I sat there, looking at (Y/F/N). She was right. She always was. "But even if I were to tell him the truth, what makes you think he’ll listen to me? He’ll just think I’m faking it just to get his attention now! And what if fake soulmate tries to fight me and say I’m lying?”
(Y/F/N) sighs. “It’s a risk you’re gonna have to take, love.”
“Oh my god, I’m- !” I tried to say I was sorry, but as I looked up at who I bumped into, my mouth dropped in shock. 
“Michael?!” I exclaimed. He had his hands on my shoulders, trying to steady me from falling over.  
“Yes! Hi, sorry to bump into you, I wasn’t paying attention to where I was going. I’m trying to find the bathroom."
(Mikey’s POV)
Her name was (Y/N) and she was absolutely perfect in every single way I imagined my soulmate would be. She was quirky and funny and easy-going. 
“Okay, okay. How about this, I give you my number, and we can hang out afterwards. Just you and me. You’re from around here right?" I asked.
She looked up at me, a mischievous glimmer in her eyes. "Yeah, I am!" 
(Your POV)
And now hours after the concert, I find myself exploring the night life of Los Angeles with Michael.
“It’s actually so pretty out here,” Mikey whispered. I looked up at him, a shocked look on my face. 
“Really? You think so?" 
"Yeah! The lights are all lit up, people aimlessly walking the streets, not very many cars honking. It’s almost peaceful,” he mused. 
“Hmm, I guess you’re right. But with all the smog in the air, you can’t even see the stars from here,” I huffed. Mikey lightly nudged me. 
“Then take me to see the stars,” he whispered. I looked up to face him and I saw a glint in his eyes. I wasn’t sure if it was just a reflection of the moon, or if it was a glint of excitement. But he was smiling at me with his huge goofy grin, and in that moment, I couldn’t say no. 
Mikey’s face broke out into his signature wide grin, and I quickly looked away, trying not to get caught staring.
“What?” He mused.
“Nothing!” I squeaked. I stared back up at the stars, trying not to give myself away. There was something about Mikey. Something I couldn’t place. He was a great guy, and I loved spending time with him - almost to the point that I might actually… like him.
I was in a very big dilemma. I had my soulmate already and it wasn’t Mikey. But what was I supposed to do? Luke looked so happy with his “soulmate.”
(Luke’s POV)
“But babe, I thought we had lunch plans!” She whined. I rolled my eyes. Lately my soulmate has been so whiny. I don’t know how or what changed, but everyday something about her just didn’t seem right. Everyday, something came up that just further proved that the universe may have messed up my soulmate match. Lately she’s just been getting on my nerves. I looked down at the floor and found her dress. I tossed it at her. It landed right in front of her and she frowned.
“What’s this for?” She questioned.
“Go home. I have to go to work today. I’m sorry,” I said and I walked into my bathroom before she could say anything. 
I was so confused. Here standing in front of me was possibly the most beautiful woman I have ever met. Even more beautiful than my soulmate. She was walking in the building carrying a bag of food when I spotted her on my way out. Seeing this girl, looking so beautiful without even trying, I was so confused. Something was pulling me towards her and before I knew it, I was walking towards her.
(Your POV)
He was totally checking me out. I can’t believe it. The time I finally meet Luke, my fucking soulmate, of course I looked like absolute shit. Barely no make-up on, my hair an absolute mess, and I was wearing an old band shirt. How fucking embarrassing.
Luke smiled. “This may sound a little cliche, but there’s something about you that I can’t really place. There’s just a really big part of me that wants to get to know you. So let’s hang out sometime, yeah? Plus, I really dig your shirt!”
Before I could even think about what I was saying, I blurted out, “’There’s something about me that you want to get to know?’ I’m sorry, but don’t you already have a soulmate?”
“But I fucked it up. I don’t know why I said it. But the next thing I knew, he was out the door before I could stop him and tell him who I was,” I whispered.
“I want to be happy (Y/F/N). I told myself that if I want to be happy, then I gotta do everything in my power to make myself happy. I said I wanted to start doing things for myself.
"So yeah. I’m tired of waiting. It’s time to move on – with Michael.” I said, finally feeling justified and happy.
(Luke’s POV)
“You don’t get it, Mike. This girl I met, she - she took my breath away. It was like some invisible force was pulling me towards her. She was absolutely perfect in every way,” I whispered. Mike sat up immediately and looked at me.  
“Wait a minute. This doesn’t make sense though. I thought you had already met your soulmate? Why are you getting feelings for another girl?" 
"Dude, I don’t know,” I said in an exasperated sigh. "Whatever, forget about it. I’ll probably never see her again. Hey wait, aren’t you supposed to going out with that girl, (Y/N)? The one you haven’t shut up about?” I said with a smirk. Michael threw a pillow at me. 
“Shut up, mate! Something personal came up and she had to cancel. But we’re hanging out tomorrow. I’m going to take her to lunch and then bring her here to meet you guys!” He said with excitement. I smiled. 
“Good you for, man. I’m happy for you,” I said.
(Your POV)
It had been about a month and a half since I got my soul tattoo and exactly three weeks since Michael and I started dating. It was amazing to say the least. He was perfect in every single way. He was there for me whenever I needed him and I was there for him. We worked in complete harmony together, always laughing and goofing off, but being serious and intimate at the same time.
(Luke’s POV)
It was (Y/N) all along. The girl Michael wouldn’t shut up about. The fucking odds that the beautiful girl I meet, is actually the girl Mike has been seeing. At first, I was confused. What a coincidence that she happened to have met both of us on two separate occasions. But suddenly I was angry. Jealously ran through my veins when I first saw her and Mikey together.
But we were to leave for tour soon and hopefully this would all be over…
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zclla · 6 years
EVENT 001: seal your fate.
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for the past few days, zella had been nothing if not bored –– sure, the addict had plenty of her amusements on hand to secure her happiness at all hours, but she severely underestimated her desire to discover every inch of the house. once she succeeded in that adventure, it dawned on her that she was actually confined to the mansion for a good while ( as if she wanted to navigate that driveway again ) and the feeling of isolation crept in slowly, sending her spine weak with anticipation. in an effort to distract herself from her ennui, the blonde placed three tiny paperlike particles on her tongue before wandering down to the kitchen for a beer, somewhat hopeful to stumble upon another guest in her search.
the kitchen was barren as she loitered towards the fridge, not feeling the effects of anything yet, but that was to be expected. squatting so that she was eye-level with the produce, zella peered into the contents of the luminescent drawers before settling on a bottle of champagne with a smirk. “so sorry ida, i’ll be sure to pay it forward,” she muttered, slamming the door with a kick of her heel as she wandered to the island with her new prize. with a little effort the blonde vaulted herself onto the counter, eyes blazing with thirst as she broke the seal, cork flying with a BANG as mist and bubbles erupted only to be lapped up by her tongue while she prepared herself for a long gulp.
however, the noise her carelessness created was met with another soon after; zella managed to down just three sips before a deafening S L A M ! reached her ears, almost causing her to lose the bottle to her jitters. it was out of character for her to be startled but still her shoulders flinched and her pupils went wide with shock as she twisted to peer over her shoulder, ready to face whatever transpired. while there was nothing the blonde expected in particular –– perhaps someone just closed their door with too much effort or in a fit of emotion –– a sensation of dread pooled in her stomach when she found no one to be around; the feeling of foreboding increased with prickling anxiety as the color drained from her visage... a door was not closed. 
the basement door was opened. 
zella pushed herself off the island with only slight apprehension as she called out, “someone there?” the question was met with silence as she crept closer, arms folding before her as she reached her destination. it wasn’t like she was scared –– hell, she wasn’t even cautious as she pushed her head into the doorway of the basement, met with only darkness and the stale stench of mothballs and mildew. curiousity piqued, the addict did not hesitate to extend her bare foot to land on the first step –– she’d already broken rules one through six, what harm could come from one more? her thoughts were no longer plagued with worry at the strange nature of the door’s opening; zella was entranced with the idea of investigating such a strange place. plus, her high was settling in...
imagine what fun things she could find in a strangers basement while on an acid trip.
the blonde didn’t bother to shut the door behind her as she crept deeper into the dark cave, planks creaking beneath her on the descent. “holy christ,” escaped her as her viridian orbs squinted against the pitch-black, bare arms sporting goosebumps due to the drastic drop in temperature. she wasn’t far into the underground before she realized just how massive the structure was –– zella could hardly see but she could sense it’s immensity as she veered left on instinct. 
it didn’t take her long before she nearly tripped over an object. muttering curses, she bent down to retrieve it, fingers clasping a familiar shape as she brought it closer to her eyes to discern its nature, vision adjusting slightly to her new surroundings. a shoe: fresh and clean, not yet altered by age like the rest of the knick-knacks and bibelots she’d noticed on her journey. it only took the addict another moment before she recognized it ( she made a habit of memorizing the attire of those she hated ). 
it was isaac’s.
“what a dipshit. who just fucking takes off one shoe?” zella tossed the footwear aside unceremoniously, irritation replacing whatever apprehension may have infiltrated her bones previously. “malone?” she called out, this time loud enough to elicit a response, annoyance evident in her tone. if he was playing some kind of prank to try and get to her it would backfire on him, of that much she was sure. 
still, something wasn’t quite right –– or at least that’s what zella’s gut was trying to say as she pushed further, stride longer and more confident, ignoring her intuition; if she was good at anything, it was her ability to disregard reasoning in favor for recklessness. “dude, are you here or what? come out, come out, wherever you are...”
movement caught her gaze and she nearly gasped before steeling her nerves, unwilling to give him any satisfaction from whatever game he was playing. “you know, you’re not funny,” zella growled, eyes rolling in her head as she continued, vision clearing enough for her to notice more objects layered with the effects of age. when a sound registered in her eardrums, a humming that echoed yet still no louder than a whisper, her back went rigid. it sounded like a plea for help...
with her teeth clenched she pressed on, senses alert as her brain scanned for any logical reason why he’d be needing assistance. “dumb fuck, maybe a shelf fell on him or something,” she smiled to herself, a low chuckle fleeing her lips as she took another step deeper into the basement.
suddenly, zella froze; her bare foot did not catch the dusty concrete that she expected. instead, her toes curled into a puddle of moisture –– maybe the water heater was leaking? still, the sensation left her colder than before, prickles of dread spreading all over her skin. mustering all her courage, the blonde reached instinctively for her phone. “damn, why didn’t i think of this earlier?” she inquired to herself as trembling fingers located the flashlight feature to illuminate her current situation.
the sight of red caused her to start, phone falling from her grip as zella stepped back, stomach slick as the taste of iron filled her mouth, expelling any flavor of champagne that lingered. “god... please, i’m just on a trip... i’ve had bad trips before...” the smell met her soon after –– how had she not sense it before? a fragrance of metal and decay replaced the old stench and the addict balled her fists at her side, unsure if she should entertain this fantasy any longer. yet, her phone lay at her feet and her curiosity was not yet fed, so she dipped down to retrieve the item even though her limbs shook with trepidation. a sinister feeling gathered in the pit of her stomach as she grasped the device, which was slick with scarlet –– whose blood was this? 
biting her lip to keep from crying out in disgust, zella passed her hands over her shirt before doing the same with her phone, wiping the sickeningly sweet liquid from the screen so that she could investigate further. by now she was operating solely due to the drugs; it was like she was in a trance. her vision became distorted and the blonde feared she was not experiencing reality as she cast her light upon the dungeon-like floor again, stepping back into the pool. with her surroundings now illuminated, it didn’t take long for zella’s gaze to fall upon something... something that DISTURBED her. 
dead bodies. 
she’d seen her share on occasion, usually with their nostrils ruby with dried blood, their skin sporting a daunting shade of grey –– the color of an overdose. it didn’t take her more than a minute to surmise that someone she knew –– someone she hated –– was D E A D. a strangled cry hung in zella’s throat as she dropped her phone for a second time, knees giving out as she crumbled to the floor beside him, the blood now seeping into every pore, spreading across her as if it was leaking from her own form. “fucking christ...” 
not again.
heat spread to her cheeks as she felt the onset of tears while her gaze shifted back to his lifeless body, eyes blank and throat grossly misfigured from a deep laceration. “fuck me,” she whined again, hands reaching up to yank at her hair as her head fell between her knees.
 no. maybe this is just a bad trip. no. PLEASE.
she couldn’t stay there, she had to run; every atom in her body was screaming for her to get out and never look back. desperate to get to her feet, she skidded away from him, suddenly disgusted from being so close to his corpse. lingering only long enough to curl her fingers around her cell once more, zella vaulted to her feet and sprinted back where she came, using her bloodied hands to guide her up the creaky wooden stairs and back into the first level.
with a sharp inhalation she threw herself onto the floor and crawled away from the basement, eyes wide and chest heaving as if she lacked oxygen during her minutes below. “oh my god,” zella cried once more, fingers clawing at her face, partly in disbelief and partly in an attempt to distract her body from producing dangerous tears. “oh my god.” the addict couldn’t help but repeat the phrase over again as she rest her head against the back wall, staring up at the ceiling while trying to ignore the psychedelic shapes that filled her vision.
struggling to get to her feet, her breath heaved as she pulled herself up, limping out of exhaustion as she stumbled towards the counter. water was important during a bad trip, it helped her feel like she was still a part of this world. fingers weak as they shook, she nervously grabbed a glass, thrusting it under the spigot unti it had its fill. she almost took a sip before a chill ran up her spine, causing her to glance around the room behind her. the blonde couldn’t miss what happened next, as it permeated every inch of her soul and left her mind spiraling. a shape blacker than the night crept past the basement door in a blur of motion before it slammed shut by an unknown force; zella was positive she imagined it until a sound like laughter filled her ears, dread creeping across her skin.
the glass slipped out of her hands, crashing against the floor in an explosion with her trailing behind, back pressed against the counter drawers as she groaned into her hands, still slick with isaac’s imaginary blood –– what was her mind doing to her?
everything felt hollow, everything screamed that something wasn’t right.
what did she do?
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It started at one of my best friend’s 14th birthday party. And there were boys. Real life living boys. In a room with us. Without adult supervision. It was just movies at her house but with boys involved a certain tension ran through the air, like an electricity that we couldn’t quite shake. We didn’t know how to do makeup but we wore nice clothes and I straightened my hair and made sure my fringe sat where I wanted it.
There was a boy that I knew liked me. He was tall and covered in freckles with a tussle of ginger hair on his head. He could bounce a basketball like a pro and even knew how to dunk. He was sweet, and kind, and looked at me like I was the stars and he had been trapped in the day. We sat on mattresses with loose blankets around us and watched movies. In the dark surrounded by our friends, our hands found each other and he grinned at me like he had won the lotto.
We spent the next week being followed around school, people asking “do you like like him?” “Would you go out with him?” “What was it like?” I felt like a celebrity without the answers. All I could think about was bright green eyes sparkling at me and the bunching of his freckles when he grinned.
What if he didn’t even ask me out?
He did.
We spent summers together flipping into foam pits. Well, he flipped, and double flipped, and back flipped. I fell more often than not. But that didn’t stop him diving right in after me and holding my hand. I learnt the freckles on his face like they were constellations in the sky and stared into his eyes like there were universes to explore. And he did the same. We held hands and we kissed. We met each other’s parents, and we gave each other our first hickeys. He was the first boy I ever told I loved. He was the first boy I took my love away from.
As we got close to 16 there were parties with drinks, and alcohol became a more prominent part of my lifestyle. I grew into my body and I grew breasts. I wasn’t scared of anything anymore, and when a senior handed me a cigarette in a dark parking lot I took a puff. And another, and another. Until I had to smoke every night I was drinking, like it was water and I was a goldfish, like I needed it to survive. He knew I was just trying things but I grew to resent his naive eyes and his unwillingness to socialise. I thought that the foam pit was boring and I wanted to go and meet people. I didn’t want to be known as just his girlfriend. I wanted to make my own mark on the world. So I broke his heart. He called and I remember him crying through the phone but I couldn’t cry back. I couldn’t feel anything. Nothing but free.
Then I was 16, I went to parties, I got drunk, I let older guys stick their tongues down my throat and I made sure everyone knew my name. I thought I was growing into myself when I met Him, but maybe I was just growing into the cut-out that society had laid down for me.
I didn’t really know who He was when we first kissed. It was a clear summer’s night, and the stars managed to pierce their way through the thick smog that surrounded us, produced by the shisha that sat in the middle of the courtyard. A few of my friends were placed around, like props, either sitting on deck chairs or the ground, talking about life. It was one of those teenage nights that you’re not sure will end, but you are sure you will never forget. I looked around the party, and distracted, I tripped and found myself trapped in a hold I couldn’t break, strong hands gripping my arms. I looked up to a white mask with piercing blue eyes. The hard blue ran shivers down my spine and as I stepped away the hands tightened. Almost too tight. I could feel adrenaline running, but the alcohols pull held me down. I remember staring at that face for what felt like a life time, until the hard lines softened and the hands loosened. My chest relaxed and I took in a breath that I didn’t even know I had been holding. My hand wondered up to his face and brushed through the thin stubble that proved he was a man. I wrapped my arms loosely around his neck as the alcohol wound its hands tightly around my wrists, and the worry and adrenaline that I had previously felt was drowned by another cruiser. He was the first guy that called in the morning, and he was the first guy that I ever slept with.
We were swept into a romance that consisted of road trips, wind tousled hair, and hands on thighs. We went camping and people with beards played guitars around the campfire we had built. He set my world on fire. The heat warming me to my very core. But soon enough the smoke started to rise and I couldn’t breathe.
It started with the subtle things that creep up on you like shadows in the night. “You shouldn’t drink so much”, “I’ll come with you”, “I don’t care if I wasn’t invited”, “he wants to get in your pants��, “You. Aren’t. Just. Friends.” Then came the fighting. Anger lashing out around me in every direction, its red hot tentacles always swiping close to me, leaving light burns on my ivory skin but never quite breaking though. I did watch it strike others though, hit them down and yell angry words I didn’t know it was capable of. He turned into a monster in front of me and I hated him for it.
So under the stars on a warm summer’s night with tousled hair and my hand on his thigh, I told him I had to go. I watched another heart shatter in front of my eyes and I held him while he sobbed into his steering wheel. It broke me in a way I wasn’t aware I could be broken, and I never looked in the mirror the same.
Next came Ryan with his dark hair and green eyes. I don’t even think we liked each other at the start, but he was persistent. We sat down and we got to know each other, we lay under the stars and talked about constellations, each deciding the shopping trolley, better known as the pot, was our favourite. He found cute and funny cat videos for me to watch and looked at me with marvel as I giggled along to them. He brought me butter chicken and asked me if we could be boyfriend and girlfriend. And then he asked again. And again. And again. Every time my answer was no.
Until it was yes.
This love was different, it didn’t grow under the watchful eyes of juniors in high school with a touch of a hand, and it didn’t warm me like a fire. It was more like a gentle breeze on a summer’s day. His arms were protection from the reflection that I couldn’t bear to look at. They held me together when chunks of me were falling into an abyss that didn’t end.
Days went by and we became two halves to a whole. I meet his mother who I loved and all my friends approved. I found out his favourite colour was green, like the grass in a meadow he lived near, and that he wanted to be a scientist one day. But with those facts came others too. He had a friend named Tessa who was a girl. They spoke every day and although he did not send her kisses back, the little x’s often lingered at the end of her messages to him. Three months later, I sat in a small dinky shed, at the back of my best friend’s batch, on New Year’s Eve, accompanied only by a pack of pall malls. I sucked them in so quickly, I don’t think I breathed in any air at all. And while I balled out my eyes, he held her hand at the beach.
Next was a Spanish boy I met on French camp. The first night we hung out was at a party with an awkward tiptoed hug, and eyes darting everywhere but at each other. I couldn’t stop my trembling hands from adjusting my skirt and my head felt like it was spinning so fast I would fall over. But then we started talking and something sparked. He didn’t leave my side for the rest of the night. After that we were in our own bubble, nothing could touch us. Outsider’s looks and whispers brushed right off my shoulders like the leaves off the autumn tress surrounding us, and the music faded into nothingness. Everything he said caught my attention, and the way he looked at me made me feel like the brightest star on a dark night. I remember looking into his eyes, and noticing the lights that streaked through them like roadmaps, and suddenly I realised that I wanted to travel those roads into whatever depths they lead. I remember the darkness of his skin when he placed his hand over mine, jumpstarting my heart beat into over drive. I remember the contrast we made. Chocolate and milk, like a patchwork not quite fitting together but stuck all the same. I remember wanting to grab his hand and spin it over to see the lines his palms expressed, to see what adventures he was going to go on, to see how long he was going to live, to see if I was going to be a part of it. Eventually we wandered inside and he rested his heavy head on my shoulder as we sat on the disproportionate couch. The cushions stooped us into the frame like a sink-hole, springs digging into our sides. His brown hair was slightly longer at the top, and it seemed to reach down and brush its curly finger tips along my bare shoulders. I remember feeling like I might have someone that I could rely on for the first time in my life. I remember feeling like he might stay more than the small duration that anyone else had made the effort to visit.
He didn’t.
We were in our final year of high school when he got accepted into a University in Christchurch, while I wanted to stay close to my family at Waikato. I told him I would move for him, but he had already made up his mind. And with a few words, my heart and all my plans, exploded around me.
It took me a long time to recover from that. His love was something I wasn’t ready for, it contained promises of the future and unconditional love. I had seen myself marrying this boy, moving in together and becoming part of his family. You don’t recover from a love like that, I don’t think ever.
Almost a year later I fell in love with my boss, defying every don’t screw the crew mantra that existed. He was 6 feet tall and had chocolate brown eyes that changed colour in different lights. He was quiet, but I could sense a world inside him that I wanted to explore, the way he looked at things made me think he knew something I didn’t. We got drunk the first night we hung out, and tipsy off over filled glasses of Cointreau and orange juice, we played truth and dare until our tongues had burnt off all the secrets they held.  I fell asleep on the couch before anyone else, and he tucked me in and told me to sleep well. It was a sign of things to come. He saved me from parties and held my hair back when I threw up, and still thought I was beautiful the next day.
We had a place that we would always go for breakfast. He would sit in the booth seat, his oversized legs reaching me beneath the table, surrounded by sausages, and mushrooms and bacon. We would talk about our lives and the people in them and as I ate the over-syrupped pancakes in front of me, he opened the world up to me in ways I never thought possible.  He became my shopping trolley in the sky and I could watch him for hours as he twinkled like my favourite constellation.
He took almost a year of my life while he decided whether or not he wanted to be with me.
His indecision of whether we were a couple or just friends was like a rough high tide that I couldn’t swim out of. The deep water ripped my life apart and waves of stress consumed me until it became too hard to stay afloat and I was pulled under. The doctors like to call it depression. This new found pain entered my life and he exited. He was 6 years older than me, but walked away like he was 6 years younger.
During this time, I met another boy. I worked with him but he wasn’t 6 years older than me, and he wasn’t my boss. He had a grin that could light up a whole room and a heart big enough to fill one. Vines of fish and birds wound their way up his arms, and a samurai fighter guarded the back of his leg. He untied the nooses I hung around my own neck and massaged out the purple, and blue, and black patchwork of bruises they left, telling me about the stars and how they shone to remind us to stay alive. He was my guardian to the panic that consumed me at night like the moon and stars in the pitch black of a cold winter’s evening. He came home no matter where he was, just to rub my back and get me water. He bathed me in flowers and told me I was perfect.
An adjective. Having all the required or desirable elements, qualities, or characteristics; as good as it is possible to be.
But that wasn’t me.
It became too hard to stand on the platform of perfection he handcrafted for me, and the flowers he had bathed me in started to overflow until there was no room to breathe. One night I managed to gasp out that we needed to take things slower. He skulled a bottle of vodka and kissed a girl instead. I cried the next day in his arms, but no apology could puncture through his betrayal and I walked away, right back to my past.
A week later guilty brown eyes that changed with the sun knocked on my door with a bouquet of roses. He told me he didn’t know what to do without me and I gave him another chance.
Another year went by of breakfasts and fascinations, paired with the loneliness that comes from panic and anxiety sharing the half of your bed that he is meant to be in. Eventually my councillor told me I needed to stop before I drowned again. But the water in my lungs became as addictive as the cigarette smoke I had once survived on, the pull of the tide became the only way for me to feel like I was still alive.
I couldn’t leave, but he could.
And he did.
I remember sitting outside in the cold on a starry night as he left me. The ropes that bound my heart to him hanging from between his fingertips, as they holes they left drained the water that filled me. The tide no longer pulled me in several directions at once, but it seemed as if nothing pulled me anywhere anymore. The rough water that had once made me feel alive had drained and left me like a soggy beach with no visitors. I remember looking down at my own hands expecting to see bloody palms from where his heart had been, because not only did he have my heart, like all those before, but I thought he had given me his. But instead, as I looked down, panic grasped my hand, because instead of his heart in my hands, all I held was dust.
My first love was sweet, and kind, and looked at me like I was the stars and he had been trapped in the day. My second love kissed me for the first time on a summer’s night, when the stars managed to pierce their way through the thick smog of shisha that surrounded us. My third love and I lay under the stars and talked about constellations, each deciding the shopping trolley was our favourite. Everything my forth love said caught my attention, and the way he looked at me made me feel like the brightest star on a dark night. My fifth love became my shopping trolley in the sky, and I could watch him for hours as he twinkled like my favourite constellation. My sixth love untied the nooses I hung round my own neck, and told me that the stars shone to remind us to stay alive. My fifth and seventh love left me outside in the cold on a starry night, the ropes that bound my heart to him hanging from between his fingertips.
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omgnsfwisnsfw-blog · 5 years
NSFW #2.1 It All Begins Again
OOC: title is intentional :P
A few months ago, the two of them watched from their knees as their world was ripped away from them. After that, John felt it was necessary to reevaluate his worldview. A source of their misery had confided to them that now they finally understood the lesson he was trying to impart. To be like him. Those ideals would soil their legacy as champion just as John believed they defined this person that while he begrudgingly respected, cared very little for. And so he wanted to go home. His request was obliged by his partner, a person who, deep down, couldn’t deny him anything. If John Bishop Church asked for the moon, Mike McGuire would find some way to pull it from the sky for him, catastrophic tidal activity be damned. Yet, even though they granted him what he asked for- the immediate cessation of their current occupation- it didn’t sit well with them. Far from it. The abrupt loss of something they’d loved so much for so long, for the second time in their life no less, filled Mike with a heaving sea of bitterness. One night’s full expulsion in the form a destructive eruption of white-hot temper should have quelled it, at least they’d hoped. They didn’t want to direct their anger at John, as he’d had enough denied him in his life. And after a long discussion, Mike resolved to let it go, to get over their bad feelings over leaving what was, in truth, a toxic environment and start over. No more complaints were made on Mike’s part, no sulking or wanton destruction. There was, however, a slightly distressing amount of Labatt Blue. John noticed. Usually sat in his recliner and read as Mike imbibed. Whatever was on the television became the subject of their anger. The Mets losing. The Bruins winning. The worst though is when Mike flipped to their previous employer. The anger was laser focused. Two weeks prior to their sudden reemergence, it had been a night just like that. “Motherfucker.” Green eyes, slightly hazed over, glared at the handsome Texan brandishing the ornate gold belt, their lips curling into something between a sneer and a snarl. The ugliness being directed at the screen seemed out of place in the cozy, if not mismatched, living room. Their hands balled up into taut fists- well, one did, and the other gripped the amber glass bottle so tightly that it seemed that it might shatter. “Look at that fuckin’ pukestain. Sittin’ pretty at the top of the goddamn heap. Somebody shoulda knocked him into the fuckin’ pits by now. And a’course the tag division’s going down the diarrhea dumps. All that fuckin’ work for shit. Good job, guys, fuckin’ A.” There was a mild slur to their words, though it was hard to tell as they spoke through gritted teeth. The bottle was raised to their lips, sucked dry of its last dregs, and dropped to the side of the couch, clinking against two of its previously drained fellows. John looked up from Sue Monk Kidd’s The Invention of Wings. He adjusted his reading glasses on the bridge of his nose. “You could always change the channel.” Mike blinked as if they seriously had not considered this as a possibility, eyes flicking to the remote on the end table, staring at it bemusedly before picking it up and starting to idly run through the channels, little split-second mismatched bits of programming fusing themselves into an incomprehensible chain with every flick of their finger, before finally sighing hotly and clicking the TV off altogether. “Or turn it off,” he turned the page. “...don’t it piss you off at all, though? We busted our fucking nuts to make something outta nothing, and the moment we leave it’s just as big a pile of shit as before. It ain’t just pointless, it’s fuckin’ disrespect.” “Yes. We said as much,” John didn’t look up. He agreed to the joint statement but he also thought it gave people false hope as if the two were coming back to right a wrong. But that is where the business decision came in. He had concluded that they would never be featured and that tag team wrestling would never be taken seriously. It would always be considered an afterthought or a contingency plan. Jealousy was an ugly emotion to confront but it felt justified here. So he let go. Something tugged at the corner of his mind and it was an obvious declaration at this point, “Why not go somewhere else?” If they’d still been holding their beer bottle they would have dropped it, and legit surprise seeped its way into their somewhat drunken expression.“Are you serious? I mean… I mean I thought you were done, outside the one-offs here an’ there. All that stuff you said about not knowing how much you had left in the tank an’ not wanting to push it.” He remembered as such. Part of him enjoyed playing local celebrity. There wasn’t a day out there when someone didn’t ask about about NSFW. About reclaiming what was theirs. They shared his partner’s drunken sentiments. John marked his place and set the book aside, “You’re right. I don’t know what I have left. But I believe that leaving this unsettled could cause issues.” As if in a moment of sudden clarity, Mike glanced briefly down at the trio of empty bottles, and thought about the few others dropped into the recycle bin at various points in the day. Giving a soft sigh, they looked down at their hands, teeth nipping at their lower lip, “If it’s just because of me I don’t wanna do it. Look, I’m sorry. I’ve really been trying and maybe I ain’t being altogether fair. But I said I’d deal and I’ve been doing my best. It’ll come in time, I just don’t...” They swallowed, sighed. Looked up almost sorrowfully. “...don’t want you to do something you really don’t want to just cuz I’m being an ass who can’t cope like a normal person.” John leaned back in the recliner, “No, that’s not it. I wouldn’t still be training. But beating on kids fresh out of Race’s school at the fairgrounds is starting to lose its appeal. One of them asked for your autograph right before you broke his nose.” “His nose oughtn’a been in the way of my fist. Learn to dodge, kid, fuck,” Mike laughed, the peal fading off into a sigh, albeit a lighter one than before. “Alright. So if this is something you really want- and you know I’m on board- then where do we go? I mean we’ve been getting offers from everywhere from Atlanta to fuckin’ Zanesville, and I… heh. I may have been holding onto ‘em in case you changed your mind.” “I’ve seen those,” John didn’t mean to be dismissive of Mike’s excitement but he had seen those offers. Middling gigs that were of little substance. Although, a few weeks ago, they’d been walking out of the aforementioned fairgrounds. Someone, he couldn’t remember their face, handed him a flyer. The slip of paper had a curious logo on it. An inverted triangle made up of three letters. For some reason, John kept it. He retrieved it from his wallet and handed it to Mike, “But what about something more international?” They took the piece of paper, gave it a once over, and smiled broadly, “Valor Pro, huh? Shit, some of the best times we’ve had’ve been travelling the world. Let’s do it.” With business conducted, the newly minted Valor Pro Wrestling tag team looked ahead to a major challenge. Church and McGuire had talked a big game and their new employer clearly took notice. These sort of sessions between the two were usually private. But something about this place compelled them to be more intimate with their discourse. And so propped up on a kickstand, Mike’s phone filmed their discussion. Start of next month, NSFW would make their official debut in the capital city of Morocco. There was a palpable excitement between the two as they wouldn’t be hand held through a corporate approved set of appearances. Their promotion would be their own. That rush dissipated as the pair sat at the dining room table with an open manilla folder between them. Bio sheets of their opponents, scribbled with John’s notes and Mike’s doodles. Berlin’s mustache suddenly had roguish curls while Brenna had devil horns and a forked tongue. Mike gestured to the former. “If you want me to be honest, an’ I know you do? I got no clue what to make of this guy. I mean, Brenna we know, kinda. She’s dangerous as shit and just as unpredictable. This Berlin dude, though… damn. Might’s well be an alien landscape.” Mike looked up to their partner- he’d always had an uncanny gift of insight that would definitely serve them well here. “What do you think?” “It’s what we wanted.” “I know that. New places, new people. I’m excited. But what I mean is, I can’t get a bead on Berlin and you’re really fuckin’ good at reading people. You see something I’m missing?” “He seems nice.” Mike sighed, shaking their head with a mild chuckle. That, it seemed, was that. “Yep. He sure does. So… how do we approach this, you think?” John looked at the still photos of Brenna and Berlin. Notably, the warm expression lent towards Berlin after coming up short just moments prior. His fingers touched them briefly, “That’s new. Well, not new,” he shrugged and closed the folder. For a brief moment, John’s eyes steeled, “We aren’t here to make friends. These two are in our way.” “Good eye. But I’m wondering if the same kinda tactics people tend t’ try and use on us- the separate and destroy shit- would be an advantage or an invitation to get ourselves killed. Unless…” Mike’s eyes found their partner’s, a devious grin flicking over their lips. “...the one on the ‘destroy’ end is the one most likely to get all murderous-like.” “It’s a matter of not hesitating,” John answered, “because she won’t. Our association with her has always been at arm’s length and her career aspirations have always been unclear. And while these two have a history, she’s shown that walking out on her partner isn’t out of the realm of possibility.” “Yeah, just because she’s flirty as shit with me doesn’t mean she won’t beat me up. Nothing personal, but it is what it is,” Mike shrugged, “For that point, Berlin doesn’t seem like the type who likes being tied down to anything either. Talks a lot about nomadic wandering and shit.” “And so why is he here?” John’s question was rhetorical. Mike picked up on the flicker of sarcasm but not many others would, “This is our chance to reestablish just who we are. The premier tag team in this sport. And what I’ve seen out of Berlin thus far is a kind of lip service towards this business. Coasting on an undeniable level of ability. Thus far, I get the inclination that he thought he had it easy coming up on his last time. And for the first time, he faced some real adversity and the result was…” He tapped his fingers on the table three times in an all too familiar cadence. “And Mike, believe me, we’re a brick wall.” Mike nodded, beaming, “They’re good, but they’re still two guys. We’re a team. We’ll show ‘em what the difference is. This ain’t a hot date, this is a Number One Contendership shot for those gorgeous-ass Chimera Tag Team belts. They belong to a team who eats, sleeps, and breathes tagging, not just another combo of two people tagging cuz it’s convenient. I mean, fuck. It’s not like being a couple alone makes for a good t--” They stopped themselves. “And that, I think…” They looked to the camera, their palm hitting the lens in an abrupt cut to black.
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