#I missed you. did you miss me? while reading all those dots did you think of me?
dreamwritesimagines · 28 days
The Eye of the Hurricane [20] - Nightclub
A.N: Thank you so much for your wonderful feedback, you made my day! ❤️I hope you’ll like this chapter as well, and please don’t forget to tell me what you think! ❤️
Summary: Business deals are open to negotiation.  
Word Count: 2600
Pairing: MobBoss!Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Violence, guns, crime, blood, explicit language, dysfunctional relationship. This is an AU, friendly reminder that I don’t condone any of the actions depicted on this story and please read with care.
Series Masterlist
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“Unbelievable,” you muttered to yourself, scratching at Alpine’s head with one hand while holding your phone with the other, your eyes skimming the lines. “Seriously…”
Bucky sipped his coffee. “Care to share with the class, Charm?”
You heaved a sigh and shot him a look, holding up the phone so that he could see the screen.
“Clint leaves the city for a couple of days and HYDRA immediately attacks his territory?” you asked and Bucky hummed.
“I mean he had his people covering it,” he said. “Just because he wasn’t here, doesn’t mean it was open to any attack.”
“Which makes it worse,” you told him with a sigh, then reached out for the jar of peanut butter to dip a spoon into it. “How many sources do these guys have?”
“That’s what we’re trying to find out,” Bucky said, reaching out to run his fingers through Alpine’s soft fur as she meowed at him. “You’re coming to the club tonight, right?”
“Wouldn’t miss it.” Your phone buzzed in your hand and you took a look at the notification, then licked your lips.
“So you know how our therapist said open communication is very important?”
“I don’t trust the therapist.”
“Shocking,” you deadpanned. “Anyway, I’m meeting Ethan today for lunch.”
Bucky let out a groan before he threw his head back. “Charm…”
“This is me openly communicating.”
“This is you throwing a knife at me and calling it communication,” Bucky corrected you, making your jaw drop.
“It’s not!”
“I will ask this question once again; why are you meeting your ex who wants to fuck you?”
“That’s not—I know the idea isn’t familiar to you, but some people can be friends with their exes.”
“So it’d be fine if I met up with one of my exes for lunch?” he asked and you shrugged your shoulders, trying to ignore the unpleasant flip your stomach did.
“If you can find an ex who doesn’t want to kill you?” you said. “Go ahead.”
He scoffed. “Not all of them hate me.”
“Is the ex who doesn’t hate you in the room with us right now?” you asked back and he made a face.
“I don’t know who fed you those lies, I’m guessing Becca—”
“Becca is very objective when it comes to your exes,” you pointed out. “And how terrible you are in relationships.”
“I’m not terrible in relationships.”
“Did you stay friends with any of your exes?”
“Give me a name.”
He blinked a couple of times and cleared his throat. “…Dot.”
“Dot hates your guts, Buck.”
“You don’t know that.”
“I know she dumped you,” you said and Bucky clicked his tongue.
“It was a mutual decision.”
“It really wasn’t,” you said. “You do realize that I’ve been best friends with your sister since I was in kindergarten? I know everything about your terrible relationships.”
“To repeat, they’re not—don’t change the subject,” he said as you sipped your coffee. “Your ex?”
“My ex does not want to kill me like your exes or fuck me like you seem to think.”
“Oh he wants to marry you then?” he asked and even though you knew he was being sarcastic, your stomach did a flip. “Sorry to be the bearer of bad news, I beat him to it.”
You clicked your tongue as you dipped your spoon in the peanut butter jar again.
“As much as I enjoy you referring to me like I’m the last piece of cake,” you deadpanned. “I will make sure both your dick and you regret it the next time you do that.”
He blinked a couple of times and you gave him a bright grin, then popped the spoon into your mouth, then pulled it out to point at him with it.
“See?” you asked him. “Open communication. Therapy works wonderfully for this relationship.”
“Tell me I didn’t make you wait for long,” Ethan said as he rushed into the café and you let out a laugh, then stood up to kiss his cheek.
“I just got here, no worries,” you said. “Ordered your coffee though.”
“You know my coffee order?”
“Yeah,” you said and made a face at him. “Terrible order but yeah. Burned into my mind.”
That made him smile as he sat down.
“I’m so sorry,” he said. “I was going to come sooner but—”
“Let me guess, your boss?”
“One of these days, that man will get in an accident that I’ve been hoping and praying for,” he told you, making you laugh.
“That’s doable,” you said. “I told you before.”
He heaved a sigh. “Stop. Right now, I feel like taking you up on that offer.”
“You can.”
He frowned, then shook his head.
“No no,” he said. “I’ve watched too many movies about this.”
“I’m not going to put a horse head in your bed, Ethan.”
“No, not that!” he said, letting out a chuckle. “Power corrupts.”
You shrugged again. “Nah it doesn’t.”
“It would corrupt me,” he told you as the waitress brought your coffees. “How about you? How’s uh…how’s marriage?”
Your eyes snapped to his and you cleared your throat, shifting in your seat.
“Ethan, if it’s going to lead to yet another—”
“It won’t,” he cut you off and offered you a small smile. “Don’t worry. I got the message.”
A silence fell upon you. You could feel your stomach doing a flip at the implication of what he had said and even though you actually wanted to talk about it, you knew you couldn’t.
Now to think of it…
You weren’t sure if you could even get together with him after your divorce. The idea was tempting yes, but you weren’t sure he could handle the life the job brought with it. While you and Bucky could torture an agent of HYDRA and then get takeout afterwards, doing the same wasn’t possible with Ethan and—
Strangely enough, you found yourself wondering whether you could still do it with Bucky after you two would get a divorce.
Your head shot up and you cleared your throat, then smiled at him.
“Sorry,” you said. “Blanked out for a second. You were saying?”
Opening night of a club, especially if it was in Barnes, Wilson or Rogers territories, was always so much fun that even when you were teenagers, you and Becca would sneak into them, most of the time to get caught by Steve. Now that you were a grown up, you still enjoyed them but you also knew what was happening in the background.
It was the perfect time to make deals.
The crowd, the music, the alcohol, it all served its purpose to make better deals without getting the weapons or threats involved. Not to mention, getting invited to the opening night showed respect to whoever was a part of any negotiation.
You took a sip of your drink and leaned back on the sofa, keeping your eyes on Mr. Clifford. He was one of the new players in town, but powerful enough to be invited to your -well, Bucky’s- VIP booth tonight. If this deal worked, he could make the shipments to your territory much smoother but the problem was, neither you nor Bucky could decide whether you could trust him or not.
He had good references, but he was still sort of a mystery.
“I wasn’t aware you would be here as well, Mrs. Barnes,” Mr. Clifford said. “So the word on the street is true?”
“What word?” you asked and he smiled.
“That you’re…not just a guest?”
Bucky raised his brows and shot you a small grin while you shrugged your shoulders.
“No, I’m not.”
“She’s the only one I trust,” Bucky said and you smirked, reaching out to hold his hand. Mr. Clifford nodded.
“I see,” he said. “And um—if you don’t mind me ask, will it affect any deals I may make with your father?”
“You will have to ask my father that,” you said. “I hear he’s not open to any new deals but you can try your chances.”
He hummed. “And his heir, Ian?”
Your jaw clenched but you managed to keep your expression flat while Bucky squeezed your hand as if trying to assure you.
“Ian hasn’t been named yet,” he said. “And either way, if you’re making deals with heirs, I may have to rethink my decision to do business with you. Are you that much of an amateur?”
“No, I’m not going to do business with him if he’s making deals with people who can’t sit at the grown-ups table.” 
“I assure you, that’s not the case,” Mr. Clifford said. “I was just voicing my curiosity, that’s all.”
You downed your drink and leaned in to whisper into Bucky’s ear.
“I’ll be right back,” you said. “Don’t shoot him?”
“No promises,” he murmured and you tried to bite back your smile, then grabbed your purse and stood up to make your way through the dance floor to the bathroom. When you stepped out again, your eyes fell upon Ryan who was by the bar and you smiled to yourself, then approached the bar as well.
“I think you’re the only person who drinks water at a club opening,” you said, making him turn his head and he blinked a couple of times as if he was surprised to see you, then looked down at the glass in his hand.
“Ma’am,” he said, taking a sip of his water and you tilted your head.
“Let me guess,” you said. “Ian told you to be completely sober just in case?”
“It’s my idea, ma’am.”
“Where’s he?”
“In the VIP room there,” he motioned at the closest room and you pulled your brows together.
“And he sent you away?”
Ryan sipped his water in silence and you heaved a sigh.
“Does he know that keeping his right arm out of deals is a terrible idea?”
“I’m just his bodyguard ma’am, nothing more.”
You pursed your lips together and cleared your throat.
“You might as well dance with someone, you know,” you joked. “If he’s going to be there alone, no need for you to get bored.”
The look of complete terror on his face at the suggestion was almost funny. He was a huge guy, and you were pretty sure he could crush someone’s skull with his bare hands if he wanted to, but he looked absolutely terrified at the idea of dancing with someone at the club.
“I’m a great wing-woman,” you told him, making him blink a couple of times. “Anyone caught your attention?”
“Ma’am I—I wouldn’t—” he stammered and you waved a hand in the air.
“And how many times should I tell you to call me Y/N?” you asked and he licked his lips, staring at you.
“I don’t mean disrespect.”
“I don’t think it’s disrespect,” you told him and out of the corner of your eye, you saw the waiter leaving your VIP room mutter something at one of Clifford’s bodyguards by the door before walking away. You frowned.
“Excuse me,” you said as you made your way to the fire exit the waiter walked into. You looked over your shoulder and pulled the small pistol out of your purse, then pushed open the door quietly to step into the hallway.
The waiter was too busy to notice your presence as he pulled a gun out of the cleaning bucket in front of him, but he froze when he heard the sound of you cocking the gun.
“Hi,” you said and he gritted his teeth, raising his hands. “Put the gun down.”
He slowly put the gun down and you smiled.
“There you go,” you said. “Good boy.”
“What are you doing?” he asked as he turned to you and you shrugged your shoulders.
“I mean I’m trying to enjoy my night to be honest but…”
“Just walk away.”
You scoffed.
“Right,” you said. “That’s gonna happen.”
“If you walk away now, you’ll benefit from it,” he said. “Mr. Clifford says if Barnes dies, you could take over his territory, his business. It’ll be your right.”
You rolled your eyes.
“Well yeah but also if Bucky dies, I’ll have to wear black and I can’t really pull off black dresses,” you said. “Becca says it has something to do with my undertone—”
You didn’t get to finish your sentence when he lunged to throw a punch at you but you caught his hand and twisted it, making him cry out in pain. You headbutted him right in the nose, hearing the crack of the bone before you grabbed the bigger pistol on the floor to slam it against his head, causing him to drop to the floor unconscious.
“This night is getting more and more fun,” you murmured as you shook your head, then pushed your pistol back into your purse. You made your way to the door again to open it, then approached Ryan to tap him on the shoulder.
“Can I borrow you for a moment?” you asked and turned around without waiting for him to answer, but he followed you anyway until you got to the hallway and opened the door. Ryan grabbed his gun from his waistband the moment he saw the unconscious guy lying on the floor, then turned to you.
“Ma’am, are you alright?” he asked, stepping into the hallway with his gun ready, checking for any threats. “Did he hurt you?”
“Not at all,” you said. “Keep an eye on him until I get back.”
His back straightened immediately like he was a soldier and you were his commander. “Yes ma’am.”
“And if Ian says anything,” you said. “This happened in Barnes territory, he’s our hostage. No one else’s.”
“Yes ma’am.”
You nodded your head and took a step to the door, then turned around.
“And thank you, Ryan,” you said, making him pull his brows together in confusion as if he wasn’t used to hearing it. “I appreciate it.”
He swallowed thickly, then nodded.
“Ma’am,” he said and you pushed open the door, then made your way to the VIP room Bucky was in.
“As I was saying, our price isn’t…” Clifford stopped talking when he saw you walk inside. “Ah Mrs. Barnes, welcome back.”
You shot him a fake smile, then leaned in closer to Bucky so that you could whisper into his ear.
“He’s trying to kill you.”
Bucky’s gaze snapped to yours when you pulled back and he heaved a sigh as if he was exhausted, then ran a hand over his eyes.
“Great,” he muttered. “Do you want to stay and watch, sweetheart?”
You thought for a moment, then shook your head.
“I got one of his men, I’ll be by the fire exit,” you murmured. “Come there when you’re done?”
“Sure thing.”
“What’s going on?” Clifford asked and you turned to shoot him a glare before pecking Bucky on the cheek.
“Have fun!”
“I will,” Bucky said and motioned at one of the bodyguards. “Paul, escort my wife to where she’s going.”
“Yes Mr. Barnes.”
“And Hannah,” Bucky’s voice was completely calm. “Lock the room down.”
“Mr. Barnes, please—” Clifford’s voice was cut off when the door shut behind you and Bucky’s bodyguards started dragging Clifford’s men away while you turned to Paul with a sigh.
“How fucking rude, right?”
“I mean honestly…” you muttered while you walked to the fire exit with Paul following you. “Sending an amateur to kill him? People today have no manners.”
Chapter 21
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slayfics · 7 months
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Katsuki reaches out to you after ghosting you.
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Katsuki rested his head back on the headrest in the car chauffeuring him to his hotel. He had been on this mission for 11 days now on the other side of the country than he was used to. He was thankful this mission had a driver who specifically worked with chauffeuring heroes around. It meant not running into Uber drivers that were fans. Most importantly, the agency that assigned the chauffeur to Katsuki knew to pick out drivers who didn't make small talk.
Katsuki put in his earphones for the drive wanting to drown out the day's events in music. The problem was he had no idea what the hell to listen to. That's when he wondered. Were you awake? Were you listening to something?
Back in U.A., you, Eijiro, and Denki bugged the crap out of him until he agreed to join you all in a dumb-ass video game you three were obsessed with. He hated video games and thought they were a waste of time. But, he gave in just so you all would shut up. He even made a Discord to join in voice chat.
Although, It didn't take long for him to get angry at the game and accidentally explode his computer. He still kept the Discord app, however, and even installed it on his phone. From time to time he looked to see if you all still joined in the same voice chat to play whatever game caught your interest. The times he saw you all talking were few and far between now that everyone was busy with hero work. He had noticed though, that whenever you listened to Spotify it showed on Discord what song you were listening to.
From time to time when he was away on extended missions he'd look to see what you were listening to. It was hard when he was away. He knew he wasn't good at words. Honestly, he'd rather shoot himself than call you and say some dumb mushy shit like he missed you. Sometimes he hated that he was this way. He'd seen Eijiro communicate so easily with Mina every time he was away, why couldn't he be like that? Why was this shit so hard for him?
Katsuki opened his discord and saw you were indeed listening to Spotify. He clicked on your username and it popped up that you were listening to Shirt by SZA. He navigated to his own Spotify to play the same song and read the lyrics along with the song. Some of the lyrics jumped out at him.
Kiss me, dangerous Been so lost without you all around me
In the dark right now Feeling lost, but I like it
Is that how you felt about him? Lost and in the dark? Did his actions when he was with you not carry through the space and time when his hero work kept him away from you?
He knew he should have called you, texted you, or something in the past 11 days he was gone but- You could have called him too. Damn it. Why did you both have to be so fucking stubborn? Katsuki inhaled sharply. He was probably just thinking too much about it. Even though he hadn't listened well to this song before, he knew it was popular at the moment. That was probably the only reason you were listening to it. He was being too egotistical making it about him. Surly you were fine while he was gone.
The song ended and he navigated back to Discord to see what song you were listening to now. That's when his eyes widened, grip tightened on his phone, breath caught in his throat. You were listening to that damn stupid song the class of 1A played at the summer festival. The one he played the drums in all those years ago.
You were thinking about him. Fuck. He ran his hands over his face frustrated with himself. If he were more like Eijiro even that fucking idiot Midoriya, you'd never question how he felt about you because he'd be able to say easily and gracefully. The fact was though, that just wasn't him, and he just couldn't. Simple as that. However, this did give him the slap in the face he needed to reach out to you.
Katsuki opened his messages and scrolled down to his text thread with you to type out a message.
I'll be back next week, what are your days off?
He watched anxiously as three dots appeared while you typed. Would you tell him off for not reaching out to you for almost two weeks? Would you accuse him of not caring?
I have Monday and Tuesday off.
Can I see you Monday?
Your next response left a lump in his throat and mist in his eyes.
You can see me whenever you want Katsuki.
You were too forgiving of him, too patient and he knew he didn't deserve it. You deserved someone who could say all that fucking cheesy shit, someone that didn't ghost you for two weeks because they were afraid of their feelings. But for some reason, you never seemed to mind, and you always welcomed him back in. He tried so fucking hard to show it when he was there, and he hoped that you were seeing it. He was trying. In the best way that he could.
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Tags: @unofficialmuilover
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nina-ya · 8 months
Patching up Luffys Wounds
Zoro Law Sanji Shanks Ace Luffy Sabo Doflamingo Pairing: Luffy x GN!Reader CW: Burn mentions. WC: 1098 You are peacefully seated on the deck of the Sunny, engrossed in a book, with Robin keeping you quiet company while she reads her own book. The weather is blissful, and the ocean stretches out as far as the eye could see. It is one of those serene days at sea where nothing threatens your tranquility. As you start to doze off, the gentle sway of the ship lulling you to sleep, your peaceful slumber is abruptly shattered by a deafening WHAM! The noise catapulted you back into the realm of consciousness, disoriented and perplexed. Your drowsy eyes darted around, seeking the source of the disturbance, you hear Sanji’s furious voice coming from the kitchen. Infuriated shouts, accompanied by a flurry of french obscenities, fills the air. Your curiosity leads you to the chaotic scene unfolding in the kitchen. As you step into the kitchen, a truly astonishing sight greets you. Food was scattered across every inch of the kitchen, floor to ceiling. Sanji was in a state of outrage, his culinary masterpiece reduced to an utter mess. His yelling is directed at no other than Luffy. You quickly connect the dots and realize that Luffy is the culprit behind the ruckus. The idiot tried to use his abilities to grab some food from the other side of the kitchen and had made a severe miscalculation. As a result, his hands are now decorated with painful burns.
You can’t help but stifle a laugh at the spectacle in front of you. It was clear that you need to intervene to prevent further chaos. Without hesitation you push your way through to Luffy. Luffy was booth whining in pain and complaining about hunger, and you practically have to drag him to the infirmary. The journey to the infirmary is not an easy one, but you manage to get him into the infirmary and coax him to sit still for a moment.
“Luffy, what exactly happened in there?” you aak, genuine curiosity in your voice.
HIs embarrassment is evident as he replies, “I just really wanted to taste what Sanji was cooking, and he wouldn’t let me! So, I took matters into my own hands and well… yeah…” With a sigh, you inspect his injured hands, the pain evident as he whimpers out in pain. “Ah, Luffy, you really are something else, aren’t you?” you say, shaking your head with a smile. “It’s like you’re a magnet for trouble, always diving headfirst into things without a second thought.” “Of course I think! Just like I did now! Sanji said no, so i thought, ‘Hey, I’ll just do it myself!’” He flashes you a grin. An amused smile graces your lips as you carefully apply some cream to soothe his burns. “Well, for now, you can think about sitting still and letting me wrap up your hands. That way, you can go back and try again, but maybe don’t miss this time, alright?” Luffy bursts into laughter. “I won’t miss next time, and you know what? I’ll get enough to share with you too!” You blink in mild disbelief at the unexpected offer. “Did you somehow hit your head too? I know you did not just offer me some of your food.”
With a shake of his head, Luffy playfully emphasized, “Nope, everything is all fine with the noggin,” he moves to knock himself in the head with emphasis, but you intervene, preventing him from causing more harm to himself.
“I’ll believe you once Chopper checks you out,” you respond with a teasing grin.
You turn your focus to bandaging his hands, and you gently take one of them in your own. As you wrap up his hand, you can’t help but notice the battle-worn scars that adorned his hands, like mementos of his countless adventures. “Why are you just staring at my hand?” Luffy asks suddenly, his grin from earlier still in place.
You finish up the first hand and start to wrap the other when you respond. “I was just looking…” you pause your bandaging to point out a particular mark on his hand. “Hey, do you remember how you got this scar?”
Luffys’ gaze follows your finger, and a wide, nostalgic grin spreads across his face. “Yeah! We were sparring and you were showing me this cool trick with a sword and you managed to land a hit right there. I say we should spar again.” His stomach rumbles, and he laughs. “After I get some food of course!”
You smile at the memory that the scar brings as you continue to wrap up Luffys’ hand. Out of the blue, his voice breaks the silence as his attention shifts to your hands. “Your hands are small,” his voice is soft and pensive. His gaze is locked on your hands and he seems to be captivated by it, a look of curiosity in his eyes. You finish wrapping his hand, and he extends his hand to touch yours. “See? Small…” he murmurs, his fingers slowly interlocking with yours, an infectious laugh escapes his lips as his eyes meet yours.
A smile graces your lips as well. “Yeah, they’re pretty small I guess.” A brief silence falls between the two of you as your intertwined hands feel each other's warmth. You decide to break the quiet moment with a cough and comment, “So, uh, it looks like you’re good to-”
Before you can complete your sentence, Luffy springs up from his seat and starts sprinting toward the kitchen, your hand held securely in his grip. He shows no intention of letting go soon. You can’t even get another word in before he declares, “Perfect! I’m gonna go get my food, and you’re coming with me, and I’ll be sure to get enough to share with you!”
Share? This is the second time he has mentioned sharing; does he mean it? His unrelenting grip around your hand only adds to your questions. Why is he not letting go? Why does he insist on holding my hand like this?
In the midst of being dragged to the kitchen, hand in hand with Luffy, you can’t help but feel a warmth spreading through you. These simple actions speak more than any words can say. You can’t deny your growing affection for the Captain through his story of unspoken feelings. As you venture towards the kitchen, you start to realize that this is just one page of the storyline you and Luffy share. Perhaps this is the beginning of a whole new chapter, and you are absolutely elated to see where this leads to.
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smilesrobotlover · 28 days
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First| <-previous next-> (coming soon)
Chapter 7- The Meeting
The letter from Link has been haunting Zelda since she’s read it. She had planned to meet with the resistance in two days, and even moved her schedule around for it, but Link was demanding to meet with them now. It seemed that they would be here tonight, but Zelda was struggling to make time to meet them.
During the many meetings, it was all she could think about. How she was going to get to Telma’s bar, how she was going to disguise herself as Sheik, what she was going to say to Edmund and Amber. She was probably going to miss supper for this, but it was fine, this was more important than supper. She just wished that it hadn’t happened so last minute.
Goddesses, why couldn’t they wait two more days?
She didn’t pay attention to any of the meetings, anxious to get them done and to leave to get to the next one. She’d nearly fallen asleep countless times, and Edmund would discreetly wake her back up so she wouldn’t humiliate herself—which she was grateful for. She really wasn’t fit for any of this queen business at the moment, but there was so much to do, such little time.
As soon as the current meeting ended, Zelda found herself sitting in her chair, staring blankly at the wall instead of rushing to get to lunch. This was her only break, and she didn’t have the energy to move. Edmund didn’t move either, and he spoke to the nobles and representatives for Zelda as she stared. Soon the room was empty, and the two were left alone.
“Zelda,” Edmund started softly.
“It’s fine, Edmund. I just need a moment.”
Edmund stared at her. “You weren’t at breakfast.”
“No I was not.”
“You’ve missed breakfast these past few days.”
“I have.”
“And you’re about to miss lunch.”
“That’s fine.”
“And you look like death.”
Zelda gave Edmund an annoyed look and he leaned forward. “Zelda, you’re killing yourself. Why don’t you tell me everything that’s happening? Why don’t you let me help?”
Zelda continued to stare silently, not in the mood to argue.
“Look, I’m worried about you. I do… care about you. We were good friends as kids, and those memories I can’t forget. I want you to be taken care of, is that so wrong?”
Zelda stayed silent.
“You’re exhausted and you’re hungry,” Edmund continued when she said nothing, “I don’t want to think about how dehydrated you are. Just, come to lunch, take a break, and take care of yourself.”
“I can’t take a break whenever I want, I have too much to do—“
“Oh my Labryn, Zelda, the nobles can wait! They can wait for you! You need to take care of yourself first!”
Zelda sighed and stood up. “I’m not in the mood for this right now, Edmund.”
“When will you be in the mood? When you’re on your deathbed? I’m not wanting to wait until then!”
The queen didn’t respond and went to walk away. It was childish to not say anything, but she was too tired to argue. Too tired to think of something to say. She was just… so tired…
She reached the door and leaned against the wall, holding her aching head. She suddenly felt lightheaded and sick to her stomach. She heard footsteps approach her from behind and she gave Edmund a glare.
She huffed and reached for the door, but black dots appeared in her vision, and she felt herself begin to stagger.
Her stomach did somersaults as she began to fall, and soon she was surrounded by darkness.
The sun was beginning to set as Rusl and Link arrived at castle town. They moved quickly through the field, and Link could tell Epona was enjoying the free movement. She had become just as stir-crazy as he did after his adventure, so when she had a chance to move around outside of Ordon, she clearly enjoyed herself. When they arrived, they quickly got off their horses and headed into the town, trying not to take up too much space with their large animals. Normally, Link would let Epona roam free in the field while he did his errands in town, but after what he’s found out, he decided against it. It took a while to get to the bar; surprisingly the town was busy despite the day coming to an end, and people were always blocking their way, causing the horses to grow upset with the small space. Rusl and Link finally were able to tie their horses to a post near Telma’s bar where less people were at, and they hopped down the stairs and entered it. The bar was relatively empty, save for a few patrons who were quietly drinking by themselves. As usual, the place was dark and was only lit up by torches and candles scattered throughout. In the back, Telma and Auru were chatting at the table they all normally sat at, and Telma’s face lit up when she saw the two men, quickly burying them both in a hug when they got close.
“Link! Rusl! It’s so good to see you two!” She exclaimed, giving their shoulders a firm pat when she pulled away. Link smiled politely and let her lead the two men to the back table, where Auru was smiling.
“I figured you’d both be here tonight,” Auru said, ruffling Rusl’s hair as he sat down. “So what’s going on?”
“I’ll explain everything after Ashei and Shad get here,” Rusl said simply, fixing his ruffled hair.
“Hm, we sure they’ll be here tonight? This was pretty last minute.” Auru asked, leaning forward to look at both Rusl and Link.
“I know, I know it’s inconvenient but… it’s important,” Rusl frowned as Telma set down a mug of ginger ale in front of him, which he began to pick at mindlessly. “Me and Link found what’s been causing these disappearances, there’s no need to waste time anymore.”
Auru raised his eyebrows and he nodded knowingly. “Well then, that is quite important.”
Link nodded, staring at the milk in front of him—neither him nor his father bothered to drink anything. It was silent for a moment until Rusl awkwardly cleared his throat, catching Link and Auru’s attention.
“Well, we’re lucky you’re here, we won’t have to wait for you. You’re a lot harder to get a hold of than the others,” Rusl stated with a smile, and Auru gave a hearty laugh.
“Oh, my boy, I haven’t left castle town in weeks.”
“Did Sheik send you a letter?”
“He did. He told me to ask around castle town to gather information. It’s the only thing I’m capable of doing now,” Auru leaned back in his chair and stretched slowly, a pained expression on his face. “I’m getting too old for all this action.”
Rusl frowned and went back to staring at his drink. Link studied his father’s face, but it remained blank. When he really wanted to be, he was a master at hiding his emotions. There was a moment of silence again, being interrupted by Telma coming by to bring food for the two men, and Link couldn’t help but cheer softly.
“Oh goddesses, thank you Telma,” he said, already digging in, “I’m starvin’.”
Telma laughed and patted his shoulder. “I figured you’d both be hungry from the journey!”
“Aw, you didn’t have to do that, Telma,” Rusl chuckled slightly, and Telma lightly punched his shoulder.
“Oh, you hush, it’s the least I can do for my friends! Now eat up while we wait for the lovebirds to arrive!”
Link stared at Telma as she walked away, and he turned to look at Auru. “Are Ashei and Shad—“
Link’s mouth dropped. “Engaged? When did this happen?”
“A couple of weeks ago.”
Rusl and Link both glanced at each other in shock. Link knew that there was something going on between them, but after ten years, he figured that it was nothing.
“How did you know about this?” Link asked.
“They announced it when they stopped by,” Auru explained, gesturing with his hands. “I hang around here most of the time so me and Telma got to hear about it.”
“It’s about time,” Rusl scoffed, a teasing smile on his lips. “Those two were drivin’ me crazy!”
“No kidding! It’s a little late though. I doubt Ashei would be able to have kids at her age.”
Rusl’s face scrunched up. “What are you talkin’ about? She’s barely thirty! And you’re a fool if you think that Ashei and Shad would even want kids.”
“Oh come now, they’re good with kids!”
Rusl gave Link a look and he snorted. They both knew that they were terrible with kids. They could keep them alive, but they couldn’t keep them from crying. Auru rolled his eyes and waved his hand away.
“I just think it’s a waste to get married and then not have kids.”
“That’s an old way of thinking, Auru,” Rusl said, finally taking a sip of his ginger ale. “Some people don’t need to have kids. It ain’t our business what they want to do anyways.”
Auru scoffed slightly, but he didn’t continue. Link continued to eat in silence, not realizing how sloppy he was being. He was ravenous. He felt Auru watching him and he looked up.
“You’re eating like a growing teenage boy. When was the last time you ate?” Auru teased slightly, and Link scratched the back of his head.
“It’s… actually been less than two days,” he muttered, giving Rusl a look. Neither of them ate dinner before searching the woods. They spent the next day sleeping and then the whole day traveling. Auru’s eyes widened when Rusl and Link remained silent, both having guilty looks on their faces.
“Neither of you have eaten in two days?” He asked, shocked.
“Maybe a bit longer than that–” Link muttered, and Rusl jabbed at him lightly.
“It’s fine—“ Rusl quickly said, but Auru shook his head.
“Eat that food Telma gave you, boy!” He commanded in a stern tone. Rusl quickly turned to the food and started eating it, looking like a guilty kid. Link snorted slightly and his pa glared him down. Auru patted his back with a satisfied look and leaned back.
“Must’ve been a crazy few days. What did Sheik have you do?”
“He wanted us to investigate a missing woman and Goron from Kakariko,” Link answered since Rusl’s mouth was full of bread.
“Ah, so that’s how you found it.”
Link glanced at Rusl who went back to staring blankly at the food. Auru picked up on the mood change and frowned.
“What is it?”
“We’ll explain when Shad and Ashei get here,” Rusl said quietly. Auru looked between the two and frowned.
“Alright,” he said, a worried look on his face as he stared at Rusl. It grew silent at the table again and the old man glanced up, his face lighting up. “Speaking of…”
Link turned around and saw Ashei and Shad walking to the group. Ashei looked annoyed while Shad smiled at the group. Rusl turned as well and shot up from his seat, marching towards the two.
“Hey! You two jerks!” He shouted, pulling them both into a hug. “You can’t just get engaged and not tell me!”
“Well next time, be here when we visit!” Shad teased, hugging him back. Ashei smiled slightly and gave Link a nod as he walked up to the two.
“When’s the wedding?” Rusl asked, his hands on the two’s arms.
“Don’t know yet, we’re just playing it by ear,” Shad answered, looking at Ashei who nodded.
“We’re in no rush,” she added.
“Well, you better have me as your best man, alright?” Rusl said with a smirk.
“My dear Rusl, I wouldn’t have it any other way!” Shad laughed. He glanced at Link and walked towards him. “And how are you doing, old boy?”
Link chuckled and gave him a side hug. “I’m doin’ fine. I’m happy for y’all!”
“Oh thank you,” Shad glanced at Ashei who was chatting with Rusl, a happy expression on his face. “I wouldn’t have imagined being with her, but here we are.”
“Love is a fickle thing, isn’t it?”
“Indeed it is.”
Rusl and Ashei walked up to the two. “Let’s sit down and talk, yeah?” Ashei started, “I want to know why you both were so intent on meeting today.”
“We can’t, not without Sheik,” Rusl sighed, sitting down. “He’s not here yet.”
“This has been eating me up inside, and you’re saying I have to wait longer?” Shad said lightheartedly.
Ashei pulled Shad down in the seat next to hers and gave him a look. “Sheik may be busy, this was pretty last minute, yeah?”
“So I’ve been told,” Rusl grumbled. Auru patted him on the shoulder with a chuckle, and the group started to lightly poke fun at Rusl. Telma came by with food and drinks for the couple that arrived, and she closed the curtains to give them privacy.
“Tell me when you start talking about what happened,” she said, “I still have work to do, but I’ll be sure to kick everyone out.”
“Sure thing Telma,” Link said with a nod, and the curtains were fully closed, leaving the group isolated from the drunkards that came to the bar.
“So… what did Sheik have you two do?” Link asked the couple, and they glanced at each other.
“Sheik told us to help investigate the disappearances with a captain named Hoz,” Ashei answered. “We really weren’t finding anything of importance though.”
“Ah, did you come here with him?”
“No, he was quite intent on continuing the investigations,” Shad jumped in, pushing his glasses up his nose. “That was the most focused soldier of Hyrule I’ve ever met.”
“It’s good, Hyrule needs more men like him,” Ashei said, staring at her drink.
“Though he was sort of a pain to work with,” Shad mumbled.
Ashei snorted. “He was. Everything needed to go his way otherwise he would implode.”
“... Does Hyrule still need more men like him?” Auru asked cheekily, and Ashei glared at him.
Shad laughed slightly and sat up straight. “Yes yes, he was still good to work with. I’m glad that some soldiers are still trying to do their jobs.”
Ashei gave a knowing nod and took a sip of her drink as the others mumbled in agreement. The group started to chat about mundane things, how they were doing, how the families were doing, and what they had planned afterwards. Link was constantly looking over his shoulder, expecting Sheik to suddenly appear (which he did every time they met up), yet there was no sign of him. Rusl was getting more anxious as the evening went on, constantly fidgeting with his hands or pacing the small room, pretending to be observing the wall. Soon it became too late–the bar was fully empty as Telma closed it down and kicked out angry drunks, and the only area lit up was the back room where the resistance sat. Yet no sign of Sheik, and Auru finally let out a loud sigh.
“I don’t think Sheik is coming.”
“We just need to be patient,” Ashei said, “she’s a busy person.”
Auru frowned. “‘She?’ You think Sheik’s a woman?”
Ashei’s eyes widened for a moment, but she quickly recovered. “W-well, Sheik is just a mysterious person, that’s all. I uh… say she could be a woman… or… something.”
The group stared at Ashei who stared hard at her drink.
“And what makes you think they’re a woman?” Auru pressed, a teasing smile on his lips.
“What makes you think they’re a man?” Ashei snapped back, getting angry. Auru raised his hands defensively.
“I’m just teasing you. You just never get flustered like that!”
Ashei glared at him and started cursing under her breath in frustration. Shad cleared his throat, wrapping an arm around her.
“Well, it doesn’t matter if Sheik is a man or a woman, what matters is that they’re not here right now.” He glanced up at Rusl who was still pacing back and forth near a corner. “We should start without them.”
Ashei sighed and nodded, a defeated look on her face. Auru nodded as well and stood up to drag Rusl back to the table. Link stared worriedly at his pa as he sat down, his face drained of all blood as he stared blankly at the table.
“Goddesses, are you alright?” Shad asked, and Rusl waved his concern away.
“‘M fine,” he mumbled. The group didn’t seem convinced by that answer, but they didn’t say anything else.
“Well, Link, Rusl,” Auru started, “tell us what happened. What is taking these missing people?”
Link glanced at Rusl who was still staring at the table, and he stood up, deciding to lead the conversation.
“Do you guys remember the shadow beasts?”
The group all froze, staring at Link with wide eyes.
“Shadow beasts? You mean those horrible black creatures that plagued all of Hyrule during the Twilight invasion?” Shad asked, and Link nodded.
“Yes, I… me and my pa found one in the woods… two nights ago,” Link frowned for a moment, that night feeling ages ago. He continued, “I think it’s a shadow beast that’s gotten stronger for the past ten years. It’s what’s been taking these people.”
“Oh… Labryn…” Ashei muttered under her breath.
“How do you know it’s the cause of all these disappearances?” Auru asked.
“We–uh—” Link glanced at Rusl who was still unmoving. “We sorta… found out the hard way…”
“Oh no… did someone–?” Shad started, but Link quickly stopped him.
“No, no it’s ok. I was able to stop the abduction but… I think it’s pretty obvious that this… mutated shadow beast is what’s causing all the disappearances.”
“Ok,” Ashei breathed out, “so it’s one of those shadow beasts, a little mutated, but we know what it is now. We should go out looking for it, yeah?”
Link pursed his lips. “Yes, but… be warned. I fought so many of those things by myself back then–”
“Yes you did! You were marvelous with the way you slashed them with your sword!” Shad exclaimed, swinging his arm around as if he had a weapon. Link smiled but it quickly went away.
“Yeah, well… I fought this one, and it didn’t die no matter what I did, so… I think we should be careful. We can’t underestimate this thing.”
The group nodded.
“Alright, well, thank you for telling us Link,” Auru said. “No one in Castle Town described anything like that.”
“No kidding,” Ashei replied and Link nodded glumly. This wouldn’t have happened if he hadn’t let such a thing live, he couldn’t help but feel guilty over it.
“Well, it’s late, we can discuss plans tomorrow, but in the meantime, I think we should all get some rest,” Auru stared sternly at Rusl and Link, “you two especially. I can tell you need it.”
Link smiled slightly and Rusl got up quietly, leaving the room in an instant. The group stared in shock as he disappeared behind the curtain. Auru looked at Link and pointed at where Rusl left.
“Is he alright?”
“I… I don’t know…” Link looked down, debating on whether he should tell them the details of what happened, but he really didn’t want to, and he didn’t know if Rusl would want him to. “He’s probably just tired… the uh… the shadow beast was… aggressive to say the least. I’m gonna go talk to him real quick.”
He felt everyone’s eyes on him as he left, and he glanced at Telma who looked worried, but she forced a smile when she saw Link.
“Did you all start the conversation without me?”
“Oh— goddesses Telma I’m so sorry—“
Telma waved his apology away. “I’ll make the others tell me. Rusl went upstairs, sweet pea.”
Link nodded and slowly walked up the stairs, his entire body suddenly feeling heavy. He glanced around at the secret upstairs inn, trying to remember which one was normally reserved for him and Rusl. He poked his head in the first room, finding Rusl laying on one of the beds, his hands resting on his face. Rusl flinched when he sensed another person near him, but he quickly relaxed when it was Link.
“Spirits, Link,” he chuckled, lying back down. Link smiled and sat down on the other bed across from him.
“Pa… are you…?” He started, but he stopped when Rusl glanced at him. Rusl’s face didn’t hold any annoyance, but instead guilt. He sat up and sighed.
“I’m ok, Link. I’m… sorry for how I was acting down there… I just…” Rusl paused for a moment before sighing again, resting against the wall. Link tilted his head
“Oh… it’s not your burden to bear.”
“Well… I kinda already know why you’re upset so… hiding it from me is a fruitless effort.”
Rusl grinned slightly. “I suppose so… I just…. Ever since that night I’ve been feeling so… terrified every waking moment—no—even when I’m trying to sleep I’m terrified, I just—“ he stopped himself and rubbed his face. “I don’t know.”
Link frowned. “I know the shadow beasts would turn people into other shadow beasts, maybe you’re still feeling the effects from that?”
Rusl shrugged, a disturbed look on his face.
“You… also were almost eaten,” Link chuckled darkly, “that would traumatize anyone.”
Rusl smirked slightly, but it quickly went away, so Link continued.
“I mean… I know I’ve nearly been eaten myself. So many times. By giant plants, and a giant eel, and wolfos trying to tear me to pieces, and spiders, and I guess smaller plants too, plus another giant spider, and possibly a lot of other things and—“
Rusl’s face had grown more concerned the longer Link rambled, and he quickly tried to recover.
“I-I mean, I turned out fine! Maybe? I mean maybe I haven’t turned out fine but—but it’s fine! I’ve kinda gotten used to it, everything trying to eat me. Heh, it makes me wonder if I taste good. I mean Midna will definitely say that I taste good but, you know—“
“Link, I don’t need to know this,” Rusl interrupted him, though he almost seemed amused. Link blushed slightly and scratched the back of his head.
“S-sorry, that kinda came out.”
Rusl chuckled slightly, which made Link feel a little better. He observed his father’s tired face and frowned.
“Pa… you should get some rest.”
Rusl raised an eyebrow. “Doting and worrying is supposed to be my job Link, not yours.”
“Well, who did I get it from?” Link rebutted, and Rusl laughed.
“Correction then: doting is a parent’s job.”
“But I am a parent.”
“Not my parent!”
Link snorted and Rusl joined him in his laughter. It felt good to laugh after these past few days. Link sniffed and sighed, staring at Rusl’s bed.
“You should get some rest though, Pa.”
“You should get some rest too, Link.”
Link pursed his lips and looked down, shifting uncomfortably.
“Not as much as you.”
Rusl raised an eyebrow. “How much sleep have you gotten in the past forty-eight hours?”
Link clamped his mouth shut. “I… um… like… four…. hours…?”
Rusl smirked and gestured for him to come over. Link sighed and trudged over to him, the lack of sleep catching up to him. He rested against Rusl’s side while he wrapped his arm around him, and Link finally relaxed. It always felt good to be held by one of his parents. Being an adult, it didn’t happen as often compared to when he was a kid. Rusl started playing with the tip of his ear and he lightly kissed his forehead.
“I’m proud of you, Link,” he said softly.
“For what?”
“For becoming the man you are today. You’re a good person, determined, and kind. And I’m proud of you for it.”
Link smiled slightly. “But you and ma raised me to be that way.”
“Oh, we were only trying to nudge you kids in the right direction. Ultimately, it was you who chose to become a good person. Give yourself more credit.”
Link sighed and drowsiness began to get the better of him.
“Thanks. I love you pa.”
Sleep began to take over him as he heard his pa say one last thing.
“I love you too, my son.”
Zelda awoke with a jolt. She was in her bed, her heavy dress was replaced with a lighter one, and her daughter was reading a book by her side. She rubbed her eyes and sat up, startling Amber.
“Mother! You’re awake!” She exclaimed, closing her book. “We were so worried!”
Zelda looked around the room, confused. How long has she been out?
“Father came to me and asked me to stay by your side! I hadn’t left once!” Amber continued. “I’ve just been reading this book about birds, I’m hoping to find one to match the birds Hylians used to ride, but so far none of them have been big enough…”
“Amber,” Zelda rubbed her eyes, still feeling exhausted. “Where’s your father?”
“He’s in meetings right now, he said he’ll come by to see if you’re awake!”
Zelda groaned and rubbed her face. What had been happening while she was out? She hated not being in control of everything.
“I hope you’re alright,” Amber added quietly, and Zelda glanced over at her. She had a worried look on her face, and she couldn’t help but smile.
“I’m fine, thank you for watching over me,” Zelda said with a smile, and Amber beamed at the praise.
“I’m so glad mother! Do you want me to fetch you some supper? It’s a little late but—“
“Wait, how long have I been asleep?”
“Oh! Um… a few hours.”
Zelda tried to hide her frustration, and she turned away as she groaned. She didn’t have time for this. She still needed to meet with the resistance! If she didn’t leave now…
Amber gasped as Zelda started to get out of bed, ignoring the vertigo that assaulted her.
“Um… mother? Father told me to make sure you stayed in bed a-and—“
“I’ll be fine, Amber,” Zelda grumbled, but she knew she wouldn’t be. It didn’t matter though, she needed to be somewhere.
“But… father said…” Amber’s voice trailed off, and Zelda heard another person enter the room.
“Zelda,” Edmund’s voice called out, and she sighed. Great.
“Father!” Amber hopped up and ran to him. “Mother’s awake! Do you want me to get a meal for her?”
“No, I already sent a maid to do that, my dear. You go get yourself to bed.”
Amber nodded and looked back at Zelda. “Goodnight mother.”
Zelda smiled slightly. “Goodnight Amber.”
She lingered for a moment, her mouth agape, but she finally turned away and left the room. Edmund and Zelda remained silent, both staring intensely at each other. Finally, Edmund let out a huff and started to walk forward.
“I’m glad you’re awake,” he said, “I brought you something.”
Zelda frowned. “What is it?”
Edmund sat down on the bed with her and handed her a little box. She carefully opened it to reveal a chocolate orange. She blinked several times, wondering if the lack of sleep had finally caught up to her and that she was hallucinating it. But the smell hit her nostrils, and she lightly traced the chocolatey edges.
“I remember you loved these things as a kid,” Edmund muttered, a nostalgic smile on his face. “I always hated them, but I did enjoy eating one slice with you whenever you had them.”
Zelda couldn’t help but smile as she grabbed a slice of the chocolate. She glanced at Edmund and her smile dropped slightly.
“How do you know I still love these?” She asked, and Edmund took in a quiet, deep breath.
“Do you?”
Zelda looked down and put one in her mouth. The chocolate instantly melted as it hit her tongue, the sweet flavor mixing with the tanginess of the orange rewarding her taste buds, and she couldn’t help but close her eyes in satisfaction. She hasn’t had one of these in years.
“It seems you still like it,” Edmund chuckled. Zelda opened her eyes and turned away, embarrassed.
“Yes,” she mumbled. Edmund hummed and leaned back, resting on his hands.
“I’m glad.”
Zelda turned to look at him, his mustache lifted up with his smile. “Why’d you bring this to me?” She asked.
“Oh, I figured you’d need an energy boost. Chocolate does wonders for that,” Edmund reached for a slice. “May I?”
Zelda nodded and offered one to him. He took a slice and bit into half of it. His face scrunched up in disgust and he covered his mouth. “Eugh, I still don’t like it.”
Zelda smiled and almost let out a giggle. “That’s quite a shame, they’re so delightful.”
Edmund grinned and stared at the uneaten slice. “I probably should’ve put the full thing in my mouth, now what will I do with this?”
Zelda stared at it for a moment, and before she could even think, she plucked it out of his hand.
“Can’t let it go to waste,” she said before putting the rest of the slice in her mouth. Edmund looked surprised but his expression softened into a pleasant smile. Zelda looked away, her face flushing slightly, and she picked at the remaining chocolates. “Thank you for this Edmund, that was very thoughtful of you.”
Edmund nodded. “Of course. I… I just want to help out.”
It grew silent between the two—any feeling of contentment was gone in an instant. Edmund picked up on Zelda’s discomfort and he let out a sigh.
“Why won’t you accept my help?”
Zelda glanced up at him. Where an accusatory and bitter tone normally was, this time, there was just curiosity. He was trying, it was only fair that Zelda tried as well.
But could she trust him?
It was kind of him to try to help her, but was he trying to manipulate her into trusting him? She remembered her father always showering her mother with gifts whenever he did something to upset her. It was always a way to regain her trust. Was Edmund trying to do the same?
“Listen, becoming the king of Hyrule hasn’t been an easy transition for me,” Edmund started, his back turned to Zelda, “Labrynna gives its power to the king, but here in Hyrule, all of the power goes to the queen.” He let out a breath while Zelda remained silent. He’s never told her this before. “I admit I’ve felt…. Emasculated as a result, and I’ve been acting childish because of it. For that I am sorry.” He glanced back at Zelda, an almost worried expression on his face, but Zelda stayed quiet. “But, I feel useless. I feel like I’m being used for my connection to my family, and that I’m nothing more than an object to your people and… I suppose that’s why I’ve been… frustrated about you keeping things to yourself. But… looking at you now, I’ve grown more worried than upset. You’ve overworked yourself so much to the point that you collapsed. That’s not a good thing. I suppose I… I just want to know why you’re so intent on doing everything yourself, when I’m here to… help you.”
Zelda stared at him for a moment, his emerald green eyes never leaving hers. For once, Zelda couldn’t find her words. She knew she should try to communicate with him—he was being so open with her, but why? Was he trying to worm his way into her life? Or was he being genuine? He’s never taken the time to sit down and talk to her about things, but then again, Zelda never gave him the chance. Did he deserve her to try to be open as well? She turned away, emotions running rampant. She couldn’t cry, it wasn’t queenly to do so, but she was so tired. She took a deep breath to control herself.
“I… I don’t know if I can trust you,” she finally said softly. She felt Edmund shift beside her.
“I–I’ve watched my father strip my mother of all her power. He took everything away from her, ruled Hyrule as a tyrant, and took control of every aspect of my life. It doesn’t matter if Hyrule gives the power to the queen, the king can take over and I can’t let that happen again. It’s happened to me twice now and… I just… I–” She hiccuped slightly and she rubbed her exhausted eyes. It was quiet as she once again tried to take control of her emotions, and she glanced up at Edmund, who looked horrified.
“I had no idea,” he finally said. “I always– I know we didn’t see each other a lot but… I didn’t know…”
Zelda sniffed and sat up straight. “My father did a good job at hiding it. And he made sure I hid it as well.”
Edmund gave her a sad look. “I’m so sorry. I…” He grew silent for a moment. “... thank you for telling me. I’ll leave you be. A maid should come by with food for you.”
“I-I can’t stay I need to–”
“Zelda.” Edmund gave her a firm look. “I…I ask that you give yourself rest and proper nourishment, please.”
Zelda stared for a moment, remembering the resistance. “I can’t. I still need to meet up with—“ she stopped herself and Edmund raised an eyebrow.
“With… your friends that are taking care of the disappearances?”
Zelda pursed her lips. “Yes.”
“Perhaps I can meet with them in your stead.”
She shook her head quickly. “No I—“ they didn’t know that she was the queen; if Edmund came instead, they would figure it out, even if one already knew about it. And she certainly couldn’t tell Edmund about Sheik. Frustration was apparent on Edmund’s face, and he sucked in a sharp breath and stood up.
“So are you just going to keep pushing yourself until you die? Sure, you may not trust me, I understand that. But you have representatives, diplomats, nobles, even guards that could go in your stead! Why can’t you utilize them?”
“Edmund. I. Can’t. A-at least…” Zelda looked down, her eyes going back and forth between the chocolate orange, the bed, and Edmund. He did have a point; she couldn’t keep going on like this. She really could end up dying from her neglect, which would be an awful thing for Amber and for the resistance. But she knew no one could help the resistance with the disappearances. She had to take care of that herself. But… perhaps with everything else…. Goddesses, she hoped she wasn’t making a mistake. “Could you… just take care of the meetings tomorrow? I must deal with these disappearances on my own.”
Edmund’s expression softened and he nodded. “I’ll take care of them.”
Zelda smiled. “Thank you.”
“Will you… visit Amber before you leave anywhere?”
Her lips parted and she nodded. Edmund nodded back, and for the first time in years, there was a mutual understanding between them. Edmund hesitated for a moment before finally turning to leave. Zelda was left alone, and she contemplated everything that had just happened.
She collapsed after a meeting and slept through the entire day. Her daughter stayed by her side while Edmund took care of the rest of the day. He brought her chocolates and they had a conversation that didn’t result in them fighting. They opened up to each other… and now…
She sighed. She needed to meet with the resistance, that was her first priority. Hopefully it wasn’t too late.
She wasted no time to get into her disguise, despite her exhausted body and rumbling stomach. Just as she was about to sneak out, she remembered what Edmund asked of her.
“Will you… visit Amber before you leave anywhere?”
She sighed. She’s been a terrible mother to her own daughter, not spending any time with her despite Amber desperately wanting to. If the resistance needing to meet up tonight hadn’t been about the missing people, she probably would have been tempted to stay. Maybe spend time with her family, her daughter, and try to be the mother Amber deserved. But she knew this was important; it had better be important. She needed to take care of this, and she needed to find the missing people so that Hyrule would be safe for Amber. If the resistance found out important information about the disappearances—like where the missing people were—she would personally go to rescue them herself and eradicate any threat that came in her way. This threat would come to an end, Zelda would make sure of it.
But it meant she would be gone for a while. So she didn’t know when she would see Amber again.
Zelda quietly snuck into Amber’s room, her daughter curled up in her bed, clutching a bird stuffed animal to her chest. She brought her mask down and walked up to her daughter, emotions going through her once again. Her sweet little Amber, growing up before her very eyes, and she was missing all of it.
Her hand brushed against Amber’s temple and she began to stir. She looked up at her mother and furrowed her brow.
Zelda’s breath hitched and she helped Amber sit up.
“Amber,” she started, “I know… I know I haven’t been the best mother, but I want you to know that I love you with every fiber of my being.” Zelda pulled Amber close and hugged her. “I love you so much.”
She rocked her back and forth, Amber clinging to her tightly. Despite her dry eyes, Zelda found tears forming, and she had to choke back a sob. Amber however wasn’t hiding her crying, and she felt her tears soaking into her clothes. She finally pulled back, wiping away a tear on Amber’s cheek and rested her forehead against hers.
“I promise I’ll try to be better,” Zelda whispered, pecking her on the forehead, and she stood up, walking towards the door.
“M-mother?” Amber called out.
“I’ll be back,” Zelda promised. “Just stay here with your father and focus on your studies. I… I love you.”
“I love you too…”
Zelda’s heart hurt more than her aching body as she turned away. How many times has she turned her own daughter away? How many times has she brushed her off when Amber reached out? She ran out, her frustrations over herself giving her the energy she needed to escape the castle. How will Amber view her when she grew older? Would she resent her the same way Zelda resented her father? Would she feel unloved by her own mother? She stopped as she reached the entrance to the courtyard, looking back at the castle. She was panting heavily, sad and angry tears finally pouring down her face.
It didn’t matter what her father tried to do to her, Zelda never felt worthy of being queen. She didn’t feel worthy of anything in her life. Especially her own daughter.
Amber deserved a better mother.
For a moment as she stared at her castle, she thought she saw Edmund watching her, but his supposed silhouette went away in an instant. She turned away, her head hanging, and finally marched to Telma’s bar.
It was late, she didn’t know how late it was, but it was late enough for no one to be out in the streets save for a few guards. Sheik’s stomach was cramping terribly, and her throat and tongue felt like sandpaper. She almost wished she stayed behind to eat the food Edmund got for her, but she knew she couldn’t let the resistance down. She leaned against a wall catching her breath, her hand rubbing against a box in her pouch. She didn’t know why she grabbed the chocolate orange Edmund gave her; she supposed she couldn’t leave it behind. She continued onward to Telma’s bar, feeling that it was a much longer walk than what she remembered. She normally went through the dungeons to reach Telma’s bar, but from how she was feeling, she didn’t have the strength to go that way. As if to prove her right, her knees nearly buckled as she went down the stairs, causing her to stumble into the door. She pulled back and blinked harshly trying to clear her head. She took a deep breath to calm herself and she went inside. The bell rang loudly through the empty bar, announcing her presence.
“Sorry, we’re closed right now,” she heard Telma call out from the back. The barmaid poked her head from the curtains and her face lit up. “Sheik! Well, it’s about time you got here, honey!”
Sheik awkwardly shuffled forward, allowing herself to be hugged by Telma.
“S-sorry I’m late,” she mumbled, not caring if Telma heard her or not.
“Oh… it’s not me you should apologize to. The others have already gone to bed, save for Ashei and Shad— well… actually it’s just Ashei,” Telma laughed slightly. Sheik was disappointed that the others had already gone to sleep, it was much later than what she hoped for, but she was slightly relieved that Ashei was the only one awake save for Telma. Though Sheik had tried to keep her Royal identity a secret, Ashei had found out about it. She had to admit, it was nice not having to hide everything from one person. She could at least confide in her with everything that has been happening.
“My, you look terrible,” Telma continued, eyeing Sheik worriedly. “Here, let me whip you up something real quick—“
“Oh, no you don’t have to do that—“ a loud grumble from her stomach interrupted her and Telma raised an eyebrow. Sheik looked down, embarrassed. “Apologies.”
“You’re alright sweetheart, just head to the back and I’ll get you some soup.”
Sheik nodded and walked to the back where she saw Ashei and Shad sitting next to each other. Shad was asleep, his head against Ashei’s shoulder, while Ashei had her arm wrapped around him. She had a pleasant smile on her lips as she watched him, until she looked up, spotting Sheik.
“Are you going to sit down, or are you going to keep watching us like a creep?” She asked, and Sheik straightened.
“A-apologies… I didn’t mean to stare.”
“Don’t worry about it, yeah?” Ashei glanced at Shad, then back at her. “I wanted to stay up to wait for you. I knew you’d get here eventually. He was intent on staying up with me, but I guess he couldn’t do it.”
Sheik smiled despite Ashei not being able to see it. “I’m sorry I came so late.”
“You’re fine, but what happened? Why did it take so long for you to get here?”
“I…” Sheik didn’t want to talk about her fainting today, nor about her lack of sleep, food, and water. “I’ve just been very busy.”
Ashei studied her for a moment. “Are you alright?”
Sheik looked up at her, and simply shook her head. “I’ve been very busy,” she repeated.
“Labryn… Zel—Sheik, you can leave this to the rest of us. You don’t have to help us every second, yeah?”
“I know, but I’m tired of sitting here not knowing what’s going on. Not actively trying to better my kingdom.”
Ashei shook her head. “You can’t do everything by yourself. That’s why the resistance is here, to help Hyrule.”
“I know… I know… I just…” Sheik sighed. Goddesses she was exhausted. The two grew silent until Telma came in with a bowl.
“I could only make some broth, I hope that’s ok, sweet pea.”
Sheik felt herself beginning to drool and she gratefully took the bowl. “This is wonderful, thank you, Telma,” she said. Telma gave her a soft smile.
“Of course honey! That’s why I’m here, to take care of my friends.”
The word “friends” stuck with Sheik, and she looked down at the bowl, her emotions running rampant once again, though her eyes were finally too dry to cry again.
“Now, if you two will excuse me, I’m going to head to bed myself.” Telma turned to Ashei with a teasing smile. “Unless you need me to carry him to bed of course.”
Ashei gave her an annoyed smirk. “I can do that myself. Thank you though.”
The barmaid gave a hearty laugh. “Alright, good night you too. And Sheik? I have some water on the table for you. Take care.”
Sheik glanced at the cup on the table, her thirst becoming unbearable.
“Thank you,” she said again, and Telma turned away, leaving the two women alone. Sheik glanced around, eyeing Shad cautiously, and Ashei caught on.
“Don’t worry, he’s out like a light.”
“But what if he wakes up and sees me without my mask?”
“Then I’ll knock him back out, yeah?”
Sheik chuckled softly and pulled her mask down. Though it wasn’t filling, the broth was amazing, and the water made her feel much better than before. She sighed as she drank the broth, feeling relief run through her body as she finally got nutrients in her body. She glanced at Ashei who watched her worriedly, and she looked down.
“How was Hoz?” Sheik asked.
“Oh, he was fine. Quite determined to find the missing people. He’s a good man.”
Sheik smiled slightly. “Indeed, he is. What did Link and Rusl need?”
Ashei’s breath hitched. “They found what’s been causing these disappearances.”
Sheik gasped and nearly dropped her bowl. Though it was exactly what she had hoped for, she was still surprised that it actually happened. “What is it? What’s causing it?”
“Link thinks it’s a shadow beast.”
Dread instantly filled Sheik’s body. Memories of the beasts breaking through her castle and slaughtering the guards came in at once, and she clenched her fists. How…?
“We hope to make a plan to hunt and kill it, but according to Link, it’s gotten powerful over the past ten years, and it won’t die so easily.”
Sheik swallowed hard and nodded. “I see… any… any news on the people?”
Ashei shook her head sadly. “No, they only mentioned the beast I’m afraid.”
Sheik slumped slightly. If it was a shadow beast taking these people then… they probably weren’t alive anymore. She remembered watching Zant turn her guards into shadow beasts before her eyes, even those who weren’t personally cursed turned when beside them. Even her own parents turned into creatures of darkness…
Were the people dead? Or had they turned into shadow beasts, doomed to be mindless monsters until they’re put out of their misery? Sheik didn’t know. But if that were the case, wouldn’t they have known about the resurgence of shadow beasts? Either way, Sheik was having a hard time being hopeful about the fate of the missing people.
“We’re going to be doing a lot of planning tomorrow,” Ashei continued, “I don’t know when we’ll head out, but if you’re wanting to come with us, I suggest you get some rest, yeah?”
Sheik looked up at Ashei who had a firm expression on her face. Sheik had grown tired of everyone telling her to rest, but with the food and water in her system, she couldn’t fight back the sleepiness.
“Alright,” she mumbled before standing up, staring at her empty bowl confused.
“I can take care of that,” Ashei said, and Sheik set it down awkwardly. “We can talk more tomorrow, yeah?”
Sheik nodded and dragged herself up the stairs where several rooms were hidden. Her eyes were barely open as she tried to find a room to go in. She typically took the first room, so she opened the door and threw her head cover and mask off, closing the door behind her which left the room in total darkness. She stumbled over to the bed closest to her and fell asleep before her head could even hit the pillow.
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yeoosaangg · 7 months
Love Me Harder || Kinktober - Day 30
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pairing ▸ choi yeonjun × choi beomgyu × f!reader
now playing ▸ love me harder - ariana grande, the weeknd
⤷ ❝if you know about me and choose to stay, then take this pleasure and take it with the pain.❞
genre ▸ non-idol au, smut
warnings ▸ bondage, daddy kink, voyeurism, spanking, free use, throat fucking, gagging, praise, fingering, breeding, dumbification
── ⋆ ⋆ ── 𔘓 ── ⋆ ⋆ ──
You are a young reporter that was assigned to do a story on bondage and BDSM, so you've agreed to be a bondage slave for a week to see what it's really like.
So far, you've read and signed three different contracts: one for consent, another for safety, and a third listing different kinks that you've modified to your liking.
Yeonjun: Before we start, I have some things to go over with you.
Beomgyu: Me too.
You smile at both men, thinking they look great together. There's so much love between them, it makes you wonder why they accepted the offer.
Yeonjun: I'll be giving you a rundown of the seven days you'll be living here and what to expect to avoid accidentally triggering you.
That's very considerate of him.
Beomgyu: But before that, I wanted you to know that it's been a while since I've let my dominant side take over. I may take it too far, so I want to let you know in advance that using the safety cues we've established is very much encouraged.
You nod slowly, registering the information in your head. You can tell he's genuine and truly does not want to scare or hurt you at all.
Beomgyu: I've been with Yeonjun for a long time, but he's a true dom while I'm a switch. It's difficult to navigate around it because there are days where I'm feeling particularly dominant myself but have no way to release it.
Yeonjun: It's true. Those days it's hard to figure out if he's just resisting to be a bratty sub or if he's just not feeling particularly submissive.
Beomgyu: Those days I have to call out the safe word so he knows not to push me. So when we saw your advertisement online, we thought it'd be a step in figuring out if a polyamorous relationship is what's needed.
That's a lot to take in, but it at least gives you insight to why they accepted this arrangement.
You hope one day they'll be able to establish a system that coincides with their needs. This makes good coverage for your article as well.
Yeonjun: Monday will be your trial run. You'll get to sit back and watch how Beomgyu and I navigate our relationship with each other. This is the only day we won't be sexual with you.
Sounds fair.
Yeonjun: The two days following, you'll be splitting chores and wearing matching clothes with Beomgyu. This is when I get to play with both of you sexually. But it'll start off lightly as to not push your limits.
You nod.
You read the contracts and it was clear they did, too. You trust them to treat you well.
Beomgyu: The following three days, you'll be my personal human fuckdoll. I get to dress you, feed you, and bathe you - basically take care of you as I wish whether it's sexual or not. Yeonjun will not be joining us until the very last day.
Wow, okay.
The room was suddenly getting hot.
Yeonjun: And for your last day, we'll both be fucking you. You will be ours to use however we see fit. This will possibly be the most extreme we'll be, so make sure to remember you have options to opt out.
Y/n: I understand.
Yeonjun: Great. We've already got your room situated. It's late, so we'll let you get some sleep.
Y/n: Thank you.
You stand up and bow before heading upstairs to the guest room. Your name was written on a white board, which hangs off a hook.
You have to remind yourself that this is for your job, nothing more.
Beomgyu knocks on your door at 7AM on the dot. You were already showered and dressed in the clothes labeled for the day.
They definitely prepared everything in advance, which must've taken a lot of work.
Beomgyu: Good morning, Miss Y/n.
He giggles as he shows off his pink dress.
He had his hair in pigtails with pick ribbon wrapped around the band.
He looks adorable.
Y/n: You look pretty, Beomgyu.
Beomgyu: Thank you, Miss Y/n. And please, call me Beomie.
You nod while smiling.
Y/n: Well, Beomie, let's go eat breakfast.
He intertwines your hands together and walks with you down the stairs.
You both are greeted with the smell of pancakes and a shirtless Yeonjun. He was wearing grey sweats and an apron.
Yeonjun: Good morning, Y/n. I see my princess has grown attached to you already.
Beomgyu: Miss Y/n called me pretty.
Yeonjun: And she's right. Come give Daddy a kiss.
Beomgyu skips to his boyfriend and gives him a deep kiss, bodies pressed up against each other.
Yeonjun: Sit down with Y/n so she's not lonely.
Breakfast was comfortable to say the least. They included you in the conversation and kept you entertained until Yeonjun inevitably left for work.
You spent the next few hours watching Beomgyu clean the house and do the laundry. He did everything with a smile on his face, almost like he enjoyed being a housewife.
Beomgyu: Miss Y/n, would you like to watch some movies with me?
Y/n: Of course I would.
He let you choose what to watch and loved every single one.
He got a few texts from Yeonjun, mostly to check up on him.
Beomgyu thought it'd be fun to rile him up, so he asked you to take pictures of him in very provocative poses to send.
And Yeonjun's response got Beomgyu all hot and horny.
He was advised not to touch himself, but that only made the younger want to do it even more. And now that you're here, maybe he won't get as bad of a punishment.
So he spreads his legs open, holding his panties to the side as he works himself open. You only watched and filmed him, sending the videos when he asks.
So when nighttime comes and Yeonjun gets back home, he's got his boyfriend bent over the couch with his cock deep inside him.
This was after a series of intense belt whoopings.
Yeonjun: Such a fucking brat. Think Y/n's gonna stop me from fucking you stupid? Of course not.
You just watch them from the other end of the couch. Beomgyu was bent over the arm rest, dress still on as he gets drilled from behind.
Yeonjun didn't even strip down, work pants open enough for his cock to spring free.
You can see drool falling out of Beomgyu's mouth as Yeonjun slams his hips harder against his ass.
Yeonjun: Look at you, a whimpering mess for my cock. You like the idea of being watched by Y/n, don't you.
Beomgyu nods, looking up at you. This only make his back arch more. Yeonjun's cock hits his prostate, making the younger scream.
Yeonjun: Gonna cum for me, princess?
Beomgyu: Yes, Daddy.
Yeonjun chuckles and reaches around to pump his boyfriend's aching cock until he dirties the couch. He cums deep inside Beomgyu not too long after.
Beomgyu: I love you, Daddy.
Yeonjun: I know, baby. Sorry if I was too rough on you.
Beomgyu: S'Okay. I love when you fuck me like a slut.
They both clean each other up, getting ready for bed. You dismiss yourself and spend the rest of the night masturbating.
All of that riled you up more than you thought possible. You can't wait for what tomorrow will bring.
Beomgyu once again knocks on your door right on the dot. But this time, both of you were wearing matching blue dresses with blue ribbons in your hair.
Beomgyu: You look pretty, Y/n.
You giggle and give him a spin. A fond smile pulls at his lips.
Y/n: Thank you, Beomie.
Beomgyu once again holds your hand as you walk down the stairs to the kitchen. Yeonjun greets both of you with a kiss on the forehead.
Yeonjun: Good morning, my little doves. I'll be working from home today.
Beomgyu: Really?!
Yeonjun: Yes, my precious baby. That means I get to be with you two all day.
Y/n: Sounds wonderful, Mr. Yeonjun.
You guys sit down and eat the eggs and sausage he's prepared. After finishing, you and Beomgyu wash the dishes; he rinses and you dry.
Halfway through, you feel Yeonjun press up against you from behind. His cock was out, rubbing in between your thighs.
Yeonjun: Look at you, being a good girl and washing the dishes.
Beomgyu giggles next to you. He can see you getting shy and needy.
Yeonjun bends you over the sink just enough so you can still dry the dishes. He pulls your panties to the side so his cock slides up and down your folds.
He slaps your ass, watching it bounce back.
Yeonjun: Want me to fuck you, darling?
You grab the plate from Beomgyu's hands and try your best to dry it. But you just feel so good.
Y/n: Yes, Mr. Yeonjun.
And who is he to deny you?
Yeonjun: Princess, why don't you stop for a second to kiss my darling? I bet you want to drink up all her moans as Daddy pounds into her cunt.
Beomgyu dries his hands before pressing his chest into your side. He pulls your face closer to him and kisses you at the same time Yeonjun shoves his cock inside you.
You moan into Beomgyu's mouth, his tongue exploring every inch of your warm mouth.
Yeonjun pulls your dress underneath your braless tits, squeezing them. He lightly smacks your nipples, moaning against your ear.
Yeonjun: Play with her pussy, baby.
Beomgyu's right hand travels down to your clit, swallowing a whine that slipped out from the back of your throat. The stimulation from both men was sending you over the edge.
Yeonjun: I think she wants to cum, princess. Let me hear her beg.
Beomgyu steps back from you, hand still rubbing your pussy.
Y/n: Can I please cum, Mr. Yeonjun. Feels so good.
Yeonjun: What do you think, Beoms? Does Y/n deserve to cum yet?
Beomgyu: She does, Daddy. She's been good.
Yeonjun: You're right, baby, she has. Go ahead, darling. Cum all over my big dick.
Beomgyu presses his finger against your clit to help you cum while Yeonjun rams his cock along your gummy walls. The knot in your stomach undoes itself, leaking around the thick cock inside you.
Yeonjun pulls out of you and has you fall to your knees in front of him. He pumps his cock a few times before cumming on your tongue.
Yeonjun: Swallow it.
You gulp down everything, showing him a clean mouth.
Yeonjun: Good girl.
You get up and get back to doing the dishes.
Beomgyu easily continues his task while Yeonjun fucks him. This must be a regular occurrence on the days Yeonjun stays home.
Beomgyu walks around with Yeonjun's cum leaking down his legs as you both split the chores. You're on laundry duty while Beomgyu cleans the bathroom.
Yeonjun sits in his office doing paperwork for his company. He honestly doesn't have to be there all the time given that he's the CEO.
Both you and Beomgyu come together to make Yeonjun lunch.
He has you two ride him when the stress gets to him. You both cum on him, leaving him a gasping mess. He still has to finish work, but he wants more of you two.
Yeonjun: Princess, please help Y/n into some rope. I'll meet you downstairs in fifteen minutes. You two better be on your knees when I get down there.
Beomgyu: Yes, Daddy.
Beomgyu grabs your hand and leads you down to their basement.
Y/n: What's downstairs?
Beomgyu: Daddy's Red Room. He built it himself.
You tilt your head, following behind him until your socked feet land on soft material. He switches the light on and the sight shocks you.
It was a BDSM sex dungeon with all sorts of thing.
Beomgyu: What color of rope would you like?
You look at the four options in his hands and decide to keep the theme of the day: blue.
He takes both of your clothes off, his touch lingering on your body as he takes in your fully naked body for the first time.
He can't wait until his turn with you.
He starts wrapping the rope around your body. He obviously knows how to make sure it's tight enough to stay on your body, but loose enough to not cut your blood circulation.
Beomgyu: You look beautiful, Y/n.
You smile shyly, looking away slightly.
He helps you onto the very comfortable bed, sitting you on your knees. You watch him tie some rope around himself, kneeling right next to you.
Yeonjun's footsteps eventually echo down the stairs until he makes it to the bottom.
He takes in the sight of you two pliantly waiting for him. You walks over and pulls Beomgyu into his chest by the ropes.
Yeonjun: Suck my cock.
His boyfriend kneels down, immediately taking his cock and deep throating him.
Yeonjun: Come here, darling.
You walk over to him and gasp when he bends you over Beomgyu's head. His fingers work you open, knuckles deep inside your swollen pussy.
Yeonjun reaches down with the other hand and pushes Beomgyu's head all the way down, tip hitting the back of his throat. You can hear him gag while you squirt on Yeonjun's fingers.
Y/n: Feels so food, Mr. Yeonjun.
He smacks your ass twice before making you stand properly. He cums down Beomgyu's throat, pulling him up by his throat.
Yeonjun: Both of you get on the bed, on all fours.
You two immediately do as he says, backs arched for him to see your holes.
He grabs two different hooks, and brings them down to both of you.
Yeonjun: This might be uncomfortable. Feel free to say the safe word if it's a no-go.
It was an anal hook.
He covers your hole in lube, using his fingers to work you open. He doesn't stop until you're gaping.
Beomgyu watches as his boyfriend slowly inserts the hook, your hole closing in around the end.
Yeonjun: God, that's so beautiful.
Beomgyu: So perfect.
You whine at the new feeling. Yeonjun presses a button, the chain rattling as it suspends your lower half in the air. You let out whimpers of pain, worrying both men.
Beomgyu: Are you okay? Should we take it off?
You shake your head, biting your bottom lip.
Y/n: Feels good.
Yeonjun massages your ass to soothe your aching pain.
He suspends Beomgyu by the ropes, ass hanging in the air. He reaches over to hold your hand.
To keep you grounded!
Because he saw the glazed look in your eyes.
At least that's what he told himself.
Yeonjun takes turns in fucking both of you to exhaustion, watching slump down while he fucks you two dumb.
Yeonjun: Should I breed the new pet, princess? Watch my cum spill out of her hole then fuck it back into her womb? Or should I spill it into your greedy asshole?
Beomgyu whines, Yeonjun's cock repeatedly hitting his prostate.
Beomgyu: Breed the angel.
Yeonjun: You like the idea of me fucking my babies into someone else?
Beomgyu: Yes, Daddy.
Yeonjun: Then cum for me so I can fill her pussy with my seed.
Beomgyu tiredly reaches for his own cock and uses Yeonjun's thrusts to spill his cum all over the satin sheets. He just slumps, Yeonjun unhooking him.
You scream when he suddenly slams his cock into you. His balls hit your clit, hips stuttering when he feels you squeeze around him.
Yeonjun: Can't even make sounds anymore, too far gone to even move. But your cunt is still hungry for my cock, darling. Why don't you cum for me, hm?
It was an automatic response, pussy squirting on his big and veiny cock. He spills inside you, fucking it as deep as he could.
You don't even register when he frees you from the hook, cleaning both you and Beomgyu up with a towel.
He carries you both upstairs to the main bathroom where the tub was big enough for both of you.
Beomgyu was coherent enough to help wash you up, but you were out of it. Everything felt fuzzy and tingles ran up your arms.
Your entire body hurts, but mostly your lower half. If you're already this far gone, how the hell were you going to survive the rest of the week?
a/n: decided to make this a two parter since i'm sleep deprived. it'll be out in november! thanks for reading ‹𝟹
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joels-shitty-puns · 9 months
The Key To Your Heart - Track 2
Pairing: Pedro Pascal x Musician!Reader
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Series Summary: After writing your feelings for Pedro into a song, it gains a lot more popularity than expected. Ultimately it brings both criticism and support, with new possibilities around the corner.
Series Warnings: 18+ only (MDNI). Potential for puns/dad jokes (name of my blog, and the fic) should give that away. This is my first fic which should be its own warning, lol. Also some cursing. Mentions of masturbation (f) maybe more smut later idk. Sadness, reader is pretty depressed. Poor body image. Rude people. Bullying-ish and just lack of support? Anxiety. Age gap! Reader is in her mid 20's, Pedro is current age (48).
Other stuff: Reader is plus sized. AFAB. Inexperienced. Also has a dog, but you can pretend it is another creature probably. Further, in case it isn't clear, italics almost always are the reader's inner thoughts!
Word Count: 2.8K
Series List: Here!
Miss last chapter? Here!
I had a real rough time figuring out the proper voice for Pedro's dialogue and I hope I did him justice. Either way, the support I received for part 1 is astounding and completely unexpected! Thank you all for reading and let me know what you think :) I plan to continue until the story wraps up, but I don't know how many parts that will be. I hope to post every couple days, but with my work schedule it may be less speedy. Here we go!
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You walk in the door, unclipping Skip's leash, slipping off your shoes, and dropping your keys on the countertop before flopping onto the couch and unlocking your phone. No. Fucking. Way. 
Pedro Pascal (pascalispunk) replied to your message. 
You dissected each letter of the username, assuming it couldn't possibly be THE Pedro Pascal… but it was. It really, really was. You clicked the message, holding your breath.
Pedro Pascal replied to you: "Hey, you don't need to thank me. I didn't say anything that wasn't true. That guy was out of line. You deserve happiness and I'm sorry for the harsh words you've been hearing. I appreciate you sharing your vulnerability with the world and hope that you will continue to be your genuine self and ignore the comments trying to make you be someone else. Don't listen to those people."
You stared in disbelief at his words, once again wondering why he would ever be so kind to someone he doesn't even know. Someone so childish and stupid to write a song about a man she doesn't know. I can't imagine he'd think these things if he knew it was about him…
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I'm a big fan of yours and hearing that you're in my corner has me completely at a loss. I can't imagine why you would risk damaging your image by defending a girl…" No… don't say girl, it makes you sound like a child. You want this guy to like you! You backspace with a slight feeling of ridiculousness over the whole scenario. Ugh it's all wrong… calm down... calm down… it's just a conversation. He doesn't know you. He doesn't like you. Don't make it weird like you always do.
You try again.
You: "Thank you Mr. Pascal. I really admire your work and for you to say such kind things to me… to think that you're in my corner, has me completely at a loss for words. I don't know what I did to deserve this treatment when you don't even know me, especially when coming to my defense could potentially harm your image… but thank you."
He read it almost immediately. Your heart was beating out of your chest and you felt like you could throw up from the anxiety and adrenaline. After a few seconds, those stress-inducing dot-dot-dots appeared to show you he was typing.
He's actually replying to me?? Again? Doesn't he have better things to do? 
Your mind wandered to what he might be doing while he's messaging you. Sitting at his home, relaxing, taking the time to reply to you? Why? Maybe he's on a plane or waiting for something and killing time. Maybe he's- *ping*
Pedro Pascal replied to your message:
"Please, you can call me Pedro.. and as far as defending you, it doesn't matter to me that we don't know each other personally. You seem like a woman with a good heart, and all you did was share your true self. Nobody deserves to be talked poorly about for something harmless that they feel. If something like that hurts my image… then my true self wasn't being represented. I think we all just want to be seen, and I hope that you will feel comfortable to be yourself and show yourself more."
You don't know when you started crying, but you hiccupped with the overwhelming wave of emotions. He sees me.. you had just scrolled to the bottom of the long reply, when you noticed the "..." of typing again. He has more to say?!
Pedro Pascal: "As far as the subject of your song.. whether you choose to reveal that to him, or the world, you deserve love and respect. Being vulnerable and putting yourself out there is a terrifying thing to do, and I myself tend to close myself off from relationships to avoid that potential for getting hurt. But if that's what you want, you've already taken a big step and you should go for it. I hope that whoever he is gives you the respect and love you deserve."
Holy crap…
He doesn't… he doesn't know it's him right?? No. There's no way. He's just being nice… he's too nice. He's too genuine..??
Your thumbs hover over the keyboard, doing a little dance in the air, pondering what to say. How much can I share with this man? Between this crush and his kind words, it's feeling tricky to hold back from spilling too much information.
You: "Thank you Pedro. You're too kind and I can't properly explain how much I really appreciate it. I'm having trouble coming to terms with all the sudden attention, and finding it hard to ground myself. But your words are helping me a lot. I - "
You hesitated over your next words, wondering if you should open up or just leave it. Don't be weird… don't scare him away like you always have with everyone else. As much as you think of disclosing your hesitation and lack of experience with relationships, as well as your reasons for trepidation, you decide to spare him of your self-hatred. Instead, you delete that last letter and hit send. 
Then you send another message, like he did. "And as far as the guy… I know I don't know him personally, we've never met, but I can already tell he would treat me right. I just hope maybe someday he will love me back."
Immediately after sending it you regretted it. That felt way too open and vulnerable. What are you thinking!?! Shit… what if he sees through you!?
You hold your finger down on the message, ready to hit unsend before he sees it. But it's too late. He's already replying.
Pedro: "He would be stupid not to love you back."
What the fuck what the fuck what the fuck
You: "Thank you, Pedro. 🥺" Play it cool… Play it cool…
Pedro: "Of course, sweetheart. Feel free to message me if anyone else gives you trouble or you just want to chat. I enjoyed talking with you."
???!!!!!?????!!!!! SweetheartSweetheartSweetheart
You grabbed your nearest pillow and screamed into it. "SKIPPPPPEERRRRRRR!!!!!! I JUST HAD A CONVERSATION WITH PEDRO AND IT WAS MAGICAL AND AAAAAAAAAAH!!!!!!!" You squealed.
Skipper lifted his head at you and sighed before setting his head back down. He was no stranger to your shenanigans. Napping after a good walk was a better use of his energy than to deal with your drama. He closed his little brown eyes again.
You lay back on the couch, kicking your feet and squeezing your pillow to your body.
Fuck, this is going to hit me like a truck if it goes sour. If he even realizes it's about him, probably. Crap… what am I going to do?
The next day, you woke up and checked your emails before work. Thankfully nobody at your workplace has seemed to place your singing voice to your speaking voice, or pieced together the fact that several people know you have a crush on a certain celebrity and are a musician. Thank goodness. That’s the last thing you need.
You closed your eyes for a few minutes, trying to calm your breathing, your nerves, and your heart rate, before relaxing and shaking out your body. Finally, you decided to get ready for bed and see what tomorrow brings.
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Your emails come in, one by one, with one intriguing email at the top, from a well known pop-culture show called The Jazz & Ally-Kat Show. They want to do an interview with you, live, as soon as possible. 
Great. They probably just want to see what I look like or have me spill my guts about my crush. You roll your eyes, and you can’t help but feel like the Mandalorian with his lack of face reveals. If only you had a cute little space baby to accompany you. I guess Skip is my own precious cargo in a way, you think, while looking at your still sleeping pup. You're being silly… Not everything needs to relate back to Pedro, you think with a sigh to yourself. 
Yet despite your anxiety, you agreed to their interview, with the exception that it was done as a podcast style interview, where simply your voices are featured. Surprisingly, they agreed. I guess everyone likes some drama, and what better way to get views than by having a little mystery.
The interview was scheduled for three days from then, and in the meantime you focused on work and your album, which was mostly finished after years of writing songs. All it needed was some editing.
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As the days went by, you wanted desperately to message Pedro again. You wanted to tell him your feelings. Have him confess that he loves you too. Ask him about his family, his friends, his favorite things. Meet him, kiss him, fall in love, and finally be happy. But ultimately you knew that was silly. You had one little conversation, and although it was nice, you still didn't know each other. There was no way he loved you back. Yet…? you asked yourself, hopeful, almost asking for permission to let yourself try and earn his love. 
Despite Instagram drawing you in like a magnet, you held back from messaging him. You didn't want to come on too strong. You messaged him first last time. He doesn't know you. Literally… he doesn't even know your real name, or what you look like. But maybe that's a good thing…
_____The day of the interview:_____
You woke up around 9:30 in the morning; nervous, slightly nauseated, restless, and jittery. Why did I agree to this??! 
You decided to pass on the coffee this morning, figuring it would make things worse, and instead decided to take Skipper for a walk. After some fresh air followed by a refreshing shower, you looked at the clock. 11:30 AM. With the interview at 1PM, you still had some time to kill and sat down at the piano, letting your mind wander to Pedro while you plunked chords out with nimble fingers. I wonder if Pedro has ever wanted to learn any instruments… I could teach him, you daydream.
Your hands dance across the piano while he reads through a script in the other room, eyebrows furrowed as he highlights another line. You look up over the grand piano and see his soft brown curls blowing under the fan haphazardly. The sun is shining in through the window, which Skip bathes under, and reflects a golden brown undertone with gray streaks in Pedro's hair. He really is beautiful, you think. His tongue swipes across his lips as he makes notes and erases, before finally feeling your eyes on him. He glances up from the script, giving you a soft smile and a wink; with those chocolate brown eyes that frequently cause you to lose your train of thought. Your eyes drift down to the keys again, feeling a soft blush creep over your cheeks. 
"That music sounds beautiful, baby.." he says softly while padding up to you behind the piano. He places his large hands on your shoulders, sweeping them down over both your arms before settling on your hands, still resting over the black and white keys. You look over your shoulder and he leans in, closing his eyes as he presses a gentle kiss to your lips. Just like that scene in Narcos… you think. Yikes, I really am obsessed… anyway… you think back to your daydream…
He sits down at the chair next to your piano bench, kissing your lips again gently, then the corner of your mouth, your cheek, and your jaw. Your stomach gives a wave of butterflies and you lean in more to kiss him deeper, tugging on his hair while his hands find the small of your back, gently running his palms up your spine. A chill overcomes you and he-
~Beep beep. Beep beep. Beep beep.~
Fuck. You snap out of your fantasy and turn off the alarm you set to go off ten minutes before the interview. At least I gave myself time to use the restroom and wash my face, you think, hoping to clear your head a bit now that you're slightly frazzled.
Unfortunately the feeling that replaced it was nerves as you sat down at your desk, typing into your keyboard, turning on your mic, and hoping that Skipper doesn't throw a fit over the wind or something while you're on this call.
Jazz: "Hi there listeners! We're joined by the artist of the moment, our favorite lovesick lady, the singer responsible for "Imaginary Love!"
Both women on the other end of the call applaud.
Well… not sure I like being called a lovesick lady but what else did I expect, really?
You: "Thank you guys for having me, I appreciate you wanting to get to know me better."
Despite the rough start, the ladies turned out to be really respectful and fun. You think that if the circumstances were different, you could actually be friends with them. You discuss casual things like your dog, your favorite activities and favorite pop culture topics (careful to avoid mentioning Pedro or any other actor that could be perceived as your lyrical subject), and they even mention celebrity crushes they've had growing up. 
At the mention of their celebrity crushes, you can feel the interview funnel into a dangerous alley with little to no escape. Jazz was the first to broach the subject. "So… we've just discussed our celebrity crushes, and I think I speak for all of us here when I say we're all very curious to know who-"
-an air horn blares-
What the hell is that? You wonder, both thankful for the interruption, yet startled by the disruption.
They both chime in: "Viewers!!! Do you all know what that sound is!?! We have reached 1 million listeners!!!!"
To say you were astounded is an understatement.
You: "You're kidding!? 1 million people are listening to us right now?"
Ally: "You bet they are! And listeners… I don't know about you guys… but I can't help but wonder if our celebrity heartthrob is one of those million?"
They turn their attention to you again. "What do you think? Think he's listening?"
You're thankful for the lack of a camera, because you can't help but blush at the thought. You'd be lying if you hadn't already considered (hoped) that he was listening too. 
Jazz: "So as we were saying… I think we all are in agreement that we want to know who he is. You sound like a nice enough girl, so what's holding you back? You've made it. You can contact him now and he'll probably reply."
I already have… you thought with a smirk.
Jazz continues: "Which brings me to the next point... I know you've had a lot of attention lately. You were signed to a record company, you were contacted by us, you've been mentioned by a few talk shows and celebrities. Pedro Pascal even publicly defended you. The radio has been playing your song nonstop and people can't get enough. What do you think of all this attention?"
You: "I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a bit surprised and maybe a little scared," you answered with a nervous laugh. "But I am so thankful for the kind words that I receive and I love hearing from people who can relate to my music."
Ally: "You've certainly received your fair share of criticism too. It sounds like you received that before your song was ever published as well."
You: "I have, and it's been challenging to try and not let it get me down. But I'm trying my best, and the positives seem to be greatly outweighing the negatives," you state, your mind thinking of Pedro and how his messages were really the only positive you needed to get you through the dark storm of criticism.
Ally: "I guess what I'm wondering is.. among all these people contacting you.. has he?"
You try to play dumb: "Has who?"
Both interviewers laugh before Ally continues. "Nice try. You know who we're trying to find out about. Has he, the man of your dreams and star of your lyrics, contacted you at all? Will we see a romance blooming?"
Your stomach flipped. You were not expecting this question. Should you tell the truth??? It's not like they could know who has contacted you, short of hacking your account. You have had a lot of people contact you, after all.
You take a deep breath before answering. "I uh… I have received a lot of messages, some of them from celebrities."
They reply, and you can practically feel them leaning in. "Yeeeeaaaah?????"
You consider your next move, your heart really working overtime since this whole thing started. Finally you decide your answer.
"Yes. We've talked."
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Looking for Track 1? Read it here!
Next chapter: Here!
~Thanks for reading! Stay ~tuned~ for more!
Taglist: Let me know if you want in :)
@pedrotonin @starcrossed02
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olderthannetfic · 5 months
fandom social justice history anon here - aaah, thank you, early fandom being dominated by academics definitely connected the dots I was missing, thank you! Yeah, now looking at it with this in mind, it's pretty obvious how the tone of the meta essays from that era, while often snarky or even outraged, definitely sounds more like the tone of people who are used to passionately arguing in a setting that doesn't allow you to just throw whatever ad hominem accusation at your opponent's head. In contrast, tumblr's (and as a result, twitter's and tiktok's) style of fandom drama now reads to me even more blatantly like a catfight between high schoolers who have just recently learned some Big Words they only care to use as ammunition. I've read multiple older fans (including your invaluably informative blog) talking about how tumblr definitely reshaped fandom and brought in a TON of new people, and how slash was far from the "mainstream" of fandom even in the livejournal-ffn.net days, and I'm having a feeling that, for all the imperfections of this first tumblr generation of fans' activism ("let my gays marry" etc etc) the thing that got slash to be "mainstreamed" within fandom the way it currently is, also has to do with this pretty sizeable influx of new fans being mostly teenagers. As in specifically, overwhelmingly teenage girls who were having their first sparks of interest in romance during the height of the "I'm not like other girls" era + everyone shitting on twilight & "girly" musicians, because if you look at the posts from that period, they often contrast being a slash reader with being the slutty partying "other girl" or annoying hipster & at my school too slash kind of spread as a "not like the other girls" alternative to mainstream romance. Yes, not the healthiest attitude either, and it's good we've mostly grown past that, but like I said, there's a good chance that was what buffed up the numbers of slash fans to the point where today people are surprised fandom ever even was hostile to it, and at least in my environment, fandom activism, for all its flaws, was most people's first exposure to any sort of "-rights" activism at all. But (as is probably obvious) I did not experience most of even that era personally (I joined tumblr fandom in 2014). Anyways, excuse the rambling, if you feel like adding anything to confirm or deny my hypothesis, I greatly appreciate it, and I hope you have a nice day/evening!
M/M still isn't mainstream in plenty of fandom contexts, just not the ones I hang out in, and "not like the other girls" of the type you describe was already big in the 90s among people who'd heard of fanfic. It's just that fanfic was harder to stumble across overall.
I think the two biggest factors are the changing attitudes towards gayness in mainstream culture in a number of countries and... well... AO3 getting popular.
FFN was the big place in the past, though not for my crowd. Now, AO3 is taking a massive bite out of not only its market share but now, in the last few years, Wattpad's.
When the visible institution around which fanfic revolves puts filtering out het front and center, it sends a strong message that previous fandom platforms did not. You had your m/m-only archives and your f/f-only archives and your places that let you filter for those but that treated het as an unmarked default.
Look at early discussions of AO3. There's an undercurrent there that we all assumed it would be one of a number of archives and that we didn't expect it to get this big.
Nobody could have foreseen the Het-Is-Eternal-Default Wattpad crowd being forced by their own platform's suckitude to come camp on the thing built by slashers. Now, we are the admins and they are the also-tolerated. That never happened before.
The thing that makes people not report gay hand holding as evil porn that must be eradicated is simply AO3 putting its foot down.
Anyone who thinks that virulent slash hate is gone just hasn't looked at other spaces.
This is not about individual fans behaving better: it is about institutional power.
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luvliewriting · 1 year
Their Love Language
Imagine: What is their love lanuage?
Warnings: none
Note: did I miss a character you like? Feel free to request for me to do a part 2 for your favourites
Arthur Morgan
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Giving Gifts
I've said it before and I'll say it again, this man loves giving any kind of gift to those he cares for. Whether it's a simple pebble he thought looked nice or the latest pocketwatch, just to be able to see the bright smile on your face when you receive these gifts is enough for him. This man is such a giver, anything he sees he'll grab just so you can give it to you and tell you that he thought of you. You have a "little" collection of all the stuff that Arthur has gotten you; pretty rocks, feathers, cigarette cars, shiny coins, etc. The list never ends. Anything that lets him see that beautiful smile on your face is enough for him.
Dutch Van Der Linde
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Physical Touch
It's no secret that Dutch is a hands-on kind of guy, I mean hell he'll praise the ground you walk on in front of everyone, zero shame. Is the camp partying after a successful job? Sure as hell he's got an arm around your waist, maybe a kiss on your neck or two. He will happily swing you around in his arms in camp to his gramophone, anything that allows him to be physically connected to you is perfect for Dutch. His favourite though is early mornings in his cot with you curled up in his chest, your arm draped over his chest as he gets to pick up your wrist and leave a small kiss to it.
Hosea Matthews
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Quality Time
Hosea isn't a material kind of guy, he doesn't want gifts or anything like that. A simple horse ride with you is enough for him, he likes just being in your prescense. He's a simple guy, anything that allows it just be you and him is just perfect. Whether it be going to a nice viewing spot so he can read to you while you lay your head on his lap or fishing at sunrise with him. He enjoy spending time with you, even if its in complete silence and you two aren't doing anything, just the fact he gets to enjoy your company is enough to make him feel like a young man again.
John Marston
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Acts Of Service
I'm gonna be blunt, John isn't the most romantic guy alive. He'll put an effort sure but don't be surprised if he's not exactly prince charming. He does his best to be your dream man even when he feels like he's lacking so he's started taking up your chores around camp and asking if you had anything you needed or done. You didn't think much of it at first, you thought he was just doing a nice thing for you until you realised this was how he was showing his love for you. Don't get me wrong, John will do his best to be romantic physically don't worry, but he also enjoys getting to see you relax after a hard day not having to focus on any of your chores because he's already done them all for you
Javier Escuella
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Quality Time
Javier is much like Hosea when it comes to showing his love and care for you, he doesn't want anything physical. I mean if you get him gifts and stuff, he's not gonna turn his nose up at it but he's more just enjoying you being there with him. Especially when he gets to play his guitar just for you? Oh the man will just melt. He has songs that he wrote that only you will ever hear, it's all the more romantic when he finds you humming one of them to yourself while you're doing your chores around camp. He enjoys being around his hermosa more than anything else in the world
Charles Smith
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Words Of Affirmation
Sure Charles is a very private guy, it's not that he's embaressed about you; far from it, he's absolutely infatuated with you! When it's just you two, he'll shower you in compliments and words of affections when he dots your skin in kisses. If you ever feel self consious, he's the first to be on his knees complimenting and pointing out every little thing that he loves about you, how your blessed by the great spirit itself. Charles isn't exactly the same way in front of the rest of the camp (unless it's Arthur), he'll compliment you but he won't be as gushy, mainly just to avoid either of you getting teased or rude comments towards you by people like Micah who aren't exactly the most native respecting people.
Sadie Adler
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Acts Of Service
We all know that Sadie is a blunt woman as well as not exactly hands on with people. Sure if you just need to be held, she's happy to provide her arms as your support but she won't just randomly grab onto you. Not that she doesn't love you, she loves you more than anything but she's just not like that you know? Instead much like John, she'll start taking up jobs for you. She most likely won't be doing your chores around camp since she believes those should be shared between you two but if you just need someone to vent to than she'll sit down and let you vent, scream, cry, anything you need. If you're too shy to go order a drink for example, she'll step up and get you a drink (not that you're paying because she refuses to let you ever pay for anything)
Sean MacGuire
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Physical Touch
If he can have his hands on you he will. Especially around camp just to rub it in everyone's faces, he loves to show you off and will be your official hype man. His favourite thing is having you in his lap while he drinks and chats with his friends, placing a kiss every now and again to your shoulder. No one in camp is really tired of it, hey it gets Sean off of their backs since he's always following you around like a little puppy who got lost, your hand almost always in his. He can't sleep anymore unless you're with him, so if he's off on a long job or you're away from camp for a while, than guess what? Sean isn't sleeping and that's just a fact. He will pout like a child till he can see you again and have you back in his arms.
Josiah Trelawny
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Receiving Gifts
Josiah is gone for many days at a time, you rarely ever know where he is. So when he would be gone on these week long no contact days, you started writing letters with little gifts attached to them such as pressed flowers or a shiny pebble or a card you found that you thought he'd like. You never knew where to send these letters, you just dropped them off at the post office asking if they ever saw Josiah that he was to earn these letters. You never knew exactly how he ever got these letters but everytime he returned, he had your gifts with him. He carried most of them around on his horse Silver Dollar along with a photo of you two, just as a reminder what he would be returning to when he came back to the camp.
Bill Williamson
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Physical Touch
Bill is a big guy, so even if you're a big person, he will still love to crush you in his arms. He loves how he can just envelope you regardless of your size, plus he loves how safe he can make you feel in his arms. Nothing can get you while he's around, he won't ever let anything happen to you. He most likely won't do anything in front of other members of the gang because he's just more of a private guy. When it's just you and him though? He'll pick you up, he'll be loving up on you in his arms, anything that allows him to make you feel safe and loved in his hold.
Thank you for reading, please like and reblog as it really does help me out
Taglist: @margofiore
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juniperskye · 9 months
I Almost Do Pt. 2
Sneak Peek: Part 2 to a Song Fic I wrote using “I Almost Do” by Taylor Swift. One in which the reader faces the internal battle of how to express her feelings and fears to the man that she loves. Will they end up together again?
Aaron Hotchner x Fem Reader
Word count: 2563
Warnings: No use of y/n, age gap, mentions of anxiety, some language, mentions of food, mentions of pregnancy (kind of), mention of marriage, talk of past unhealthy relationship, talk of insecurities, let me know if I missed any!
Not edited - please be kind.
I do not consent to having my work translated or reposted to any other site. That being said I do not own the characters portrayed in this story.
Part 1.
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Aaron was ready to surrender all hope and go to bed when the three little dots appeared. He was anxious to see what you’d reply, but glad that you’d actually return his message this time around. He was quick to check his phone when it alerted him to a new message. A small smile broke out on his face when he read your reply…
You were shocked to see Aaron’s message to say the least. You had been hoping for this, practically begging for it last time you talked to Penelope, but now that it was happening, it was like your consciousness had left your body and was now looking down on you waiting for your brain to start firing off neurons and compute some sort of response to this man that you were hopelessly in love with. But you hesitated. Why did you hesitate? Why aren’t your fingers moving along the keys formulating a simple text telling Aaron that you too had been thinking of him and that you wanted nothing more than to be back in his arms.
That pit in your stomach. That sickly sinking feeling you get when you know you might be making the wrong choice, or when you are so nervous because you don’t know the outcome of the situation that hasn’t occurred yet. But you can’t know the outcome if you don’t take the leap. But…the nerves, the anxiety, that sickly sinking pit in your stomach…they nag at you, whispering “make the safe choice”, “make the choice in which we already know the outcome”, “don’t take unnecessary risks”.  
You shake your head; you can’t let fear keep you from the possibility of happiness. You can’t let these nerves, this anxiety, that sickly sinking pit in your stomach run your life. Not anymore. So, you won’t. For once you are going to let your heart decide.
Your fingers move to type out a reply, the nerves, anxiety, and that stupid pit in your stomach SCREAMING at you to turn back, delete the text, lock your phone and go to bed. You reread the text over and over again, questioning every individual character neatly placed within the confines of the grey tones plastered amongst the text screen, this is it. Send.
You: There is so much I want to say, but I am not entirely sure a text is the best way to express everything I am feeling right now. You have been on my mind nonstop lately and I miss you. And…that scares me.
Aaron couldn’t help but smile. This was one of the many things he loved about you, you tended to overthink and that led to rambling and nerves and fidgeting. Watching you in those moments was beautiful because you allowed him to see a vulnerable piece of you and it was warm and intimate, and it was you. He could practically feel your racing heart and shaking hands through his phone. He knew what it meant for you to share that you were scared, it was something that had been brought up early on in your relationship.
**Aaron would notice that after sustaining an injury while on a case, you tended to shut down for a short while (usually until there were obvious signs of healing) and when he confronted you about it, you had broken down. Everything about your relationship with Aaron had terrified you. He had come into your life with the force of a battering ram, you had been swept off the hinges, your once secure defenses all came crumbling down. You wept, hot salty tears paving tracks down your cheeks, hiccupping out apologies.
A flash of panic had crossed Aaron’s features, quickly melting into concern and gentle shushing. Him telling you that there was no need for apologies. He simply wanted to know what had you in such a state. He held you until you had calmed, and you finally explained to him that you would shut him out because that was easier than admitting that you loved him so much that it physically hurt. When he came home with cuts, bruises, gunshot wounds, stab wounds, hell, after nearly being blown up, you felt this wave of nausea along with earth shattering pain that one of these times it wouldn’t be him calling you to inform you he was on his way, but a call from Dave or Derek or maybe even Penelope to let you know that he was gone forever. That he would never look at you with those beautiful whiskey eyes. He’d never pull you closer and nuzzle his nose into the nape of your neck in the early hours of the morning. He’d never kiss your knuckles or call you sweetheart ever again, and you couldn’t live with that.
You told Aaron that you had never felt this way before, that you had come to learn that your soul was not your own, but it belonged to him. The two of you were written in the stars and you had figured it out the moment you met him. Aaron hugged you then, reassuring you that he was okay, and things would work out. For a moment you believed him, and things were okay…until they weren’t.**
Aaron wanted so badly to call you up, tell you to come over…but he knew that it wouldn’t be that easy. Things between you had been left shattered, fragile shards of glass so thin that you can’t pick up the pieces without making a bigger mess of things. He knew he needed to tread lightly, careful not to put too much pressure on you and make sure you knew he would move at whatever pace you were comfortable with.
Aaron: How would you like to meet up for lunch? We can talk about things, see where that leads? You: Yeah, ok. Lunch sounds good. Aaron: Are you free tomorrow? I have a mandatory day off.
You scoffed at his message. Aaron despised mandatory days off, he always made sure to bring case files home so he could review and revise them on these days. He had said it felt like a waste of time, that there was no point in sitting around and doing nothing all day while I was out at work. Your thoughts were interrupted by the alert of another message coming in.
Aaron: I don’t know why I even suggested it, I know you work on Fridays. I can schedule a day off for this weekend. You: Tomorrow works for me. I actually got a promotion, so my schedule is different now. We can catch up on that later though. Is 12:30 alright?
Aaron felt a pang in his chest. He hadn’t known that you’d been up for a promotion at work, and he wonders when that even happened. Had it been back when he was letting his work consume his entire life? Had he completely zoned out during a conversation in which you would’ve excitedly told him about this new position and all the doors it could open for you in your career? Or had this been a change you’d felt you needed post breakup to keep your mind occupied? He would find out, and he would make up for it either way because damnit this ache he is feeling right now is horrible and he doesn’t think he could handle feeling this way forever.
Aaron: Oh, congratulations! 12:30 is great. Maggie’s? You: Thanks. Maggie’s sounds good. See you tomorrow.
You internally cursed Aaron for choosing Maggie’s. That had been your place, he had intentionally picked it because of your shared history there, you were sure of it. Maggie’s was where you had your first official date, it is where he said he loved you for the first time, Maggie’s was the home of many conversations of the future you two thought you’d share.
You thought about texting Aaron back telling him that you’d rather go to that new café on Grand. Somewhere neutral to your relationship but you ultimately decided against it. You figured it was time to go to bed, heading to the bathroom to brush your teeth when your phone went off again.
Aaron: See you tomorrow.
Aaron had hoped that his choosing of Maggie’s would put you at ease, somewhere familiar and comfortable. He was anxious to see you, worried that he wouldn’t be able to keep himself from pulling you in to him the second he saw you. After you had left that night, he had realized that you had brought so much into his life, you brought this warmth and radiated this vibrancy that he had grown accustomed to, so when you ended things his life went back to the cold, dull mundane that it had previously been. He hoped tomorrow would be good, that things would take a turn for the better.
Aaron: Goodnight You: Goodnight Aaron.
You were shocked that you slept through the night. You wondered if that was a sign that today was going to be a good day. That you would meet up with Aaron and things would go exactly as they are meant to. The universe has a plan…right? You needed to get ready for this lunch. Taking a deep breath and a quick stretch, you mentally prepare yourself. It’s just Aaron, he knows you better than anyone, things would be okay.
You took some time getting ready. Wanting to be in a positive head space you figured some self-care would be a great place to start. You took a shower, styled your hair, put on some light makeup and got dressed. You had debated wearing something that you knew would get a reaction out of Aaron but decided against it. Opting for something comfortable, you threw on your favorite pair of jeans and a thick knit sweater. You paired this outfit with your favorite jewelry and some loafers. Checking the time, you grabbed your purse and keys and made your way out the door. The ride to Maggie’s was all too familiar, muscle memory taking you there, allowing you to get lost in your thoughts.
Nerves, anxiety and that sickly sinking pit in your stomach, you anticipated their arrival. Only, they didn’t come. When you arrived at Maggie’s, you parked and made your way to the door. They still hadn’t made themselves present. Part of you wondered if it was because your body was waiting to hit you with all of those feelings in the form of Aaron standing you up, but that thought slipped your mind the moment you saw him stand and wave you over.
You walked over to him, his body twitched in such a way that you knew he wanted to hug you but also knew it wouldn’t be appropriate. Not now anyway. He gestured for you to sit, and you did. He looked so good. Tired, maybe even a little sad, but still so damn good. You looked to each other to begin what was to be an awkward dance of small talk until one of you opened the flood gates of the conversation that would determine the outcome of all this.
“We have known each other far too long to indulge in small talk. I think it is best if we just lay it all out on the table.” Aaron began.
“Agreed. But we should probably order first, I am starving, and I would hate to entangle our server in this discussion.”
“Good idea.” Aaron agreed and flagged the waitress down.
You placed your orders and ended up making some small talk waiting for the food to come. When it did arrive, Aaron politely asked our server that we be left alone for a while. He did it in that charming way that he does, he has always had a way with words, and with people.
“I think I should start. I made a lot of mistakes and some of which were selfish, and they hurt you in ways that I will never be able to make up for. But I need you to know that I am so sorry for shutting down and not communicating with you. I don’t want to make excuses, God knows nothing can excuse my actions, but I do want to explain that I let immature teasing from Dave and Derek get the better of me. It struck some insecurities within myself that I thought I had overcome but seemingly hadn’t.” Aaron shook his head at himself.
“Wait a minute, what teasing? What insecurities? Why are you just now telling me all of this?”
“Derek had asked me about our future, if we would get married, and if you would want children. I told him I wasn’t sure but that you and I would work through that together as it came up in our relationship. That is when Dave chimed in and kindly reminded me that I am quite a bit older than you and if we did have children, well, at their graduations you would look like their mother, and I would look more like their grandfather. Sweetheart I know that we had talked about the age difference, and you’ve made it very clear that it doesn’t change your feelings for me, but I can’t help but wonder if I am holding you back from a life that you deserve.” Aaron’s eyes grew misty.
“Aaron, I know that we haven’t talked about all that, but I think that was kind of the biggest fault in our relationship. We took things day by day, and while that can be a beautiful and exciting thing, it doesn’t allow for growth since you don’t know what you are aiming for. I would love to get married and have children, and have a beautiful life with you, but the truth is, we don’t know what the future holds. We can’t be certain that we would even be able to conceive, or that we will be together forever. But if I have learned one thing over these last few months, it is that I get to choose to take the leap. So, there is something I am certain of, and that is my love for you. It hasn’t changed, but I need you to open up to me as I have for you. I need you to communicate with me Aaron and I need you to be all in. What do you say?”
Aaron looked to you with bright eyes, hope shining through. In his eyes you could see forever, you just needed him to jump in. You were shocked at how bold you had been, but it was as if a fog had cleared the moment you stepped foot into Maggie’s. You heart and head in perfect sync telling you, this is it. You were meant to take this risk and be happy.
It was up to Aaron. Would he be willing to push aside his insecurities and jump into this once and for all?�� Could the fact that the two of you had the last five months to grow and mature and reflect on your wrongdoings be enough to thrust your forward into a healthy successful relationship? Would any of that even matter? Would Aaron leap? You sat with bated breath awaiting his reply, silently willing him to say something, grab you and just kiss you, something! But then he spoke…
“I’m all in sweetheart.”
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mono-dot-jpeg · 10 months
teen angst - y. welt
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summary; teens need comfort too, especially when they've been sent into a completely different universe with nothing but themself.
genre/extra tags; fluff, angst? yes. (classic user mono-dot-jpeg moment), more papa welt incoming, teens do need more comfort fr fr (i would know/j), i make a call back to a different welt & child reader (iykyk), can be read separately from the first part
word count; 561
[platonic] [16 year old! reader] [gender neutral! reader]
[buy me a kofi to support!]
a/n; they fucked up tumblr desktop, i hate this layout but anyways- hope you enjoy!
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you were home.
you were home?
you weren't home.
you woke up in a daze. the sounds of dan heng's humming data room fills your ears as the lack of sound in space chills you. you feel light, woozy almost. you don't feel like you're in the moment. because you really aren't.
you don't feel when welt touches your shoulder, you don't hear when he asks if you're feeling okay, you don't see anything because your eyes are filled with tears.
you don't even think when you blurt out, "i miss them so much!" your body wracked with sudden grief after your good dream turned into a nightmare. the thought of your family knowing that you're gone, shakes you. it shakes you to your core. did you even exist in your home world anymore? was the honkai world now realer than ever? was this still just a game?
"-/n!" you finally break out of your numbness as welt's hand is cupped on your cheek to make you face him. "you've been crying this whole time."
you hiccup in-between your words, "i'm- i'm sorry!" you stutter and stumble through your cries as you just let him comfort you the best he can. " i'm- sho- sorry- i-" he hushes you gently, patting your tears away.
"you don't need to apologize. alright? it's okay to miss your home." those words alone send you spiraling into a louder cry, it makes you realize that maybe you should tell him the truth. even if there isn't any possible way that you would make it back. "come here." he sits right by your side and guides you to rest against him. "take your time."
you don't know how late it was in the night, if it even was night. was it day? you didn't know. you don't think you want to know. your lightheaded feeling from before is gone, and you just feel heavy with grief and pain. you feel so tired as you rest against welt. you take a while to compose yourself, but he waits patiently. he gently pats your back in a simple rhythm.
"would you like to talk about what woke you up?"
you look down at the ground, toes just barely touching the floor but it feels like you're farther than usual. you feel small like a kid again. maybe you were still a kid after all. nothing wrong with that.
"yeah." and you explain to him the truth. he doesn't speak during your time. he listens intently, squeezing you in a hug when you get teary again. "i'm sorry i didn't tell you everything. none of this feel real. it's still hard to believe."
"that's okay. you never saw anything of this happening. you're allowed to feel this way, alright?" welt guides you to lay down, tucking you back in. "you are really brave for even handling this. it's definitely not easy. and you are so brave to have told me something like this."
"i know that you might not find a way for me to get back home but.. you've already done more than enough." you whisper. you don't feel great after the conversation but you feel okay. that's all you need right now.
you watch welt turn on some music to play while you try to fall asleep. the cold of space doesn't feel as cold and empty anymore.
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tamersa · 3 months
The shitiest translation of a book (known to me) aka why Polish translation of Good Omens sucks hard
Let me take you on an adventure! Sadly it won’t be  one during a nice and sunny day with happiness and laughter but rather a dreadful and containing mad giggles. What is that adventure you may ask? Why it’s an official Polish translation of Good Omens! Look at the photos below:
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See all the plastic markers? Those are the mistakes I found in the book. But let me tell you. Those are not all of them! Just the major ones or ones that offends me the most.
You may ask: why did I use up most of my free time for over 2 months to do this?
Many years ago when I read the book for the first time I felt slightly disappointed. The book wasn’t as good as I thought it would be. It was weird, because I really liked T. Pratchett books from Disc World series. Maybe because there was other author? Or maybe the whole concept how the world was built? At that time I couldn’t even know that I would quite like the book in the future, and it wasn’t my younger mind fault that it was so confused. But the translation. Years later after watching the series I was wondering, why the book felt a bit off to me. And then my friend opened the book at a random, it was page no. 382, and found a mistake there. I thought it would be fun to compare both the original and the official translation. Oh what ‘fun’ it was.
First few facts to settle it in the time line.
The book was first published in 1990. T. Pratchett was 42 then, and N. Gaiman - 30. They co-wrote modern book settled in more or less the same time as it was published. It is important information to take here, because it might explain some of the terrible translation errors.
Polish version was first distributed in 1992. It had 2 translators Jacek Gałązka and Juliusz Witold Garztecki. It’s hard to tell more about the first one, but the other was 70 when he translated the book. Yes 70! And in his biography you can read, he was mostly rewarded for his books about army thins. My point is, while I don’t know much about this person I don’t think he was the right one for translating a book such as Good Omens. Maybe I’m biased, but just because there are some army men and some war themes in the book  doesn’t mean it has the right vibes.
But let’s dive into the errors and just wrong stuff I found by getting Polish book, English version paperback and pdf version for faster search of phrases.
There are 2 major types of errors:
“Editors” (errors that are not based off wrong translation per se, just lazy editing and some weird choices of the redaction).
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Prologue and 2 part switched – the book should start with Eden scene not the character names introduction. Yeah in many old fashioned books it was other way around but this is author decision! You shouldn’t switch it because it looks better for you that way!
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-        Chapters with numbers that not correspond with the parts in the book – yep in PL version chapters have numbers. What for? I don’t know, because there isn’t any table of content. And some chapter begin randomly not like bigger parts of the book.
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-        Lack of days of the week – It is important for the flow of the book yet we can’t read it like in the original at the begging of some pages 130-        Lack of the dividing signs between paragraphs – sometimes there aren’t any. Because why to bother.
Lack of starting dialogue in a new line – there were few cases where someone didn’t drop a new line for dialogue and I was so confused who said what.
Lack of dialogue lines – in few places whole dialogue lines are missed
Interpunction mistakes, fast speaking with the comas not the dots – so pacing, that changes the flow of the book
Splitting text in general was terrible.
The capital letters, cursive and normal dialogue – in this book it is important what kind of font property we use – normal dialogue is different than Death speaking or Aziraphale talking in different bodies. But in this translation it is messed up. The angel speaks with capital letters like Death. That so not cool for me… and take those small pleasures reading the book.
You can also see PL version of the book has distinct change of tone in the middle. Why? Because you can tell almost exactly when the other translator started to work. And well, I think they didn’t communicate (don’t know the reason) because same stuff ,same words, even same names aren’t corresponding! You will see it later in the text.
story errors:
The first translator: looks like bitter man, who wants to correct the writers, adding 234532 not needed words, have sexist wording, and sometimes archaic speech. Makes one good joke and his translation of Agnes speech is nice. Maybe because he is closer to her times than to the times the book was written.
The major mistakes: too many words even for Polish version; Polish words are generally longer than English ones and sometimes you need to add words to have the same context. But this man goes so far with it is ridiculous. He takes 2 lines of good, easy translatable text that in PL would make max 3 lines and makes it to 5 lines. Why to add unneeded stuff?
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Weird figures of speech that are not funny - those are really strong point in the Disc world book and in the original Good omens too. But the translation butchered those, drowning the wit and throwing random, sometimes even archaic, lines.
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Crowley name – context mistake – Crowley name was Crawly first, the demon changed it later. Not in PL ver. Form the first line he was always Crowley.
Changing the text so context is changed too: like making an island form the a mountain, or changing a word that we don’t know if it’s a flame because the description is so vague. Or sometimes it is just translated wrong in general, changing the meaning.
Archaic words – like I’ve said it was modern book in the 90’. It wasn’t written in the 60’. Also new version of the book could be upgraded. Like in the 90 word ‘weekend’ wasn’t popular in Poland but now it is. So why do we have Saturday-Sunday and not just weekend…
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The vulgarisms: bit too hardcore for a book that was co-made by terry Pratchett. Real Polish language has best vulgarisms and I love them but this book is not the place for most of them. Also because when they are there we could feel the impact. But you know what? Azz didn’t say his ‘Fuck’ line in PL version when being called back to heaven if page before it in translation he swears quite badly ( which also changes context…) Yep no “Fuck”… why the translator didn’t write “noż kurw…” or something? I don’t know…
Added words like “black Bentley”. In the original that phrase was used once or twice not like 10 times. The reader remember this car is black I can assure you…
Added whole sentences: sometimes the translator adds whole sentence without a reason. It is not his book… really…
Billion in Polish is not billion or million it is MILIARD – yep, those people are not great with numbers.
Lack of sentences: too many lines before? Let’s cut some of them out… I don’t know why but such a thing happens here too. Example is the Crowley pen scene.
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Context mistake with the Bentley bullet holes – one of most confusing paragraph in PL version. I didn’t know what the hell (or heaven) is going on. So I read the original and everything made sense. Crowley put new window glass with holes. It was that easy. In PL version it sounds somewhat different.
Mr. and ‘Pan’ – mister in Polish is ‘Pan’, but somehow the book uses the Mr. shortening and sometimes Pan. Why not Pan all the time? Why to use Mister word in Polish version?
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Spanish Inquisition – this scene is so butchered I just can’t… in Pl version it sounds like someone told him it was fun not that the hell congratulated Crowley for the inquisition
Lack of consequent translation: Asmodeusz I Wormwood – names: this is same name in English version. Also sister Mary’s surname once is translated and later is used as it was in the original (in my opinion it should be translated so the reader would understand it better)
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Kraken!! – do you know that first translator didn’t knew that Kraken is a name of underwater past and thought it is some kind of light vulgarism? I couldn’t make that up myself…
Ineffable – this word is translated on many occasion in a different way, sometimes changing the meaning like Az said it is ineffable and in PL version is “Azz couldn’t find a way to explain this” really. Only later in the book the word is translated better. And as it is a running joke in the book it should be translated consistently in my opinion.
No food joke with deviled eggs and angel cake. And it was completely spoiled. The translator either didn’t know what deviled eggs are or thought it is overcooked food and made Aziraphale not like it.  Even after one drink I thought out how to make food pun and not spoil the part…
Fell’s name – I like the small pun that Az took last letters of his name to make a fake family name, however in Polish version translator didn’t see the joke and put there some weird ass cringe pseudonym.
And of course homophobia…– and not one that Az look like a stereotypical homosexual man no… also the “southern pansy’ is translated each time differently and at least once so much more vulgar and offensive.
Killing the joke about healing the bike – I love this joke. It is silly and light but in PL version Crowley says it like it was some offense.
Snowballs in hell – Polish has equivalent idiom “hell freezes over” but translator somehow didn’t  use it and instead wrote “there are no chances for it in hell”… the meaning is lost
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Being mean – translator makes some characters mean without reason
What is a bully? The translator apparently didn’t know and messed up by saying it’s same as a loser
Recycling paper is same as recycling toilet paper for the translator – disgusting
Famine – the 6 letter word. In PL translate as “głód”. So a 4 letter word. Yet the character wrote his name in 6 letter in PL version…
Pepper reads erotic magazine for teens in PL version, not some stuff like Bravo… really? Pepper is 11.. she reads about boybands and shit…. Really…
Racism - the joke about men’s underwear (when Newt answered the phone) was changed to literally “painting Chinese people white”….
Shadwell - and his hate of southern people was changed to him hating English people… why? Also his “southern pansy” saying, is translated as “ English fag” but also “funny guy”… yeah
Pollution - powietrze morowe and skażenie – one translator gave Pollution a super weird name, the other one gave a proper one. That means book holds 2 names and people will be confused reading the second ‘chapter’ and later parts of the book.
Second translator was bit better. He didn’t add so much from himself and didn’t make as much mean comments and mistranslated. His errors are mostly literal translation of the words. That means whole sentences and even paragraphs sounds at least weird but in the long run, some doesn’t have much sense at all  and sounds AI generated. But it was written in then 90. Well I don’t have the 90 copy but the translators are the same on both covers so I think it is a very sloppy translation, or one was a complete amateur.
Also the translator doesn’t understand the difference between chips and crisps. I don’t know why he thinks kids eats fries and not thin potato snacks all the time.
I really can’t write how the translation of the second part of the book is stiff and  not flow enough. Look at this:
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read the yellow part… it sounds so off..
Sometimes the translator is too lazy to find a word in Polish so he uses an English one and then puts description bellow…. Why do that when there are Polish words for it?
Also why are most numbers written with letters and not numbers? Maybe it is normal to do so but for me reading the name of a number is more confusing than just seeing the number ( like writing five hundred and not just 500)
Also they had to explain what sushi is :D now really in 2019 the this book was re-release most people know what sushi is. Besides, even that description is wrong…
There are also places when you could use Polish names for stuff or people. Like the painters to describe Tadfield. Most Polish people don’t know ones in the original book. But when you use famous Polish painters the parallel/joke would be better.
The translator doesn’t know or remember proper Polish idioms like kopnąć w kalendarz (kick the calendar - in English it would be “kick the bucket”) means to die, using weird ‘punch the calendar’ why?
Again sometimes when there are citations from the song one translator keeps the original, while the other one translates it. It’s confusing but in the end the reader should know what the words means.
Translator doesn’t know that sometimes you can’t turn back(?) on the  road and for sure doesn’t know how to translate it.
Second translator sometimes also used the language calque and not proper words.
The first translator wrote too much. This one cuts sentences sometimes.
And why is there explanation what Beelzebub name means?
Ending – where is forever? – ending of the book has a warm and slightly philosophical ending. With word ‘forever’ as the last word. I don’t know why Polish ‘na zawsze’ wasn’t written there? it really takes away from the ending…
There are hundreds of small and big mistakes really… ( movie clip if I can)
To sum it up: someone had bright idea to give a modern book to 2 older men to translate, when they weren’t really good with translation, or vibes etc. The book has been butchered ant that’s super sad. It could make potential reader to not like it even if they read the original it would be fine.
I wish the publisher would hire someone re-translate it in or give it to another publisher.
I’m not someone with a degree in English language but when someone like me can ‘catch’ all the mistakes and errors, I wonder what professional would say. Good for me I can read in English enough to enjoy  the original, for all the others: better watch the series.
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somestorythoughts · 1 month
Eldritch Echo Pt. 4
Folks. Folks I have a very basic plot now. Holy fucking shit. I mean like it's a basic plot but my little scene has expanded into a couple of interconnected scenes so. Of all the things to make me write another fanfic it's a random eldritch Clone Wars thought. Okay then.
Perhaps Echo is more Uncanny Valley than fully Eldritch, but I'm certainly not going to change the name now. Especially not when it's aliterative.
Enjoy Part 4!
It’s not as if Tech thinks Crosshair is lying when he said that he saw Echo with over twenty golden violet eyes (and what does that even mean, golden violet?), or that Hunter is wrong when he says Echo doesn’t just smell like a trooper. He did consider that they were dreaming, but they had too many examples from different days for that to be the case. And Wrecker’s observations, backed up by the medical files, certainly supported their statements, as did Echo’s smirk and general amusement. It’s just that he cannot see how he didn’t notice.
It’s true that Crosshair is probably the most observant of them, but it isn’t as if Tech doesn’t pay attention to people. That’s dangerous on Kamino. He is willing to admit he pays more attention to machines and that sometimes he misses things, but that doesn’t mean he’s unobservant.
And yet while Wrecker immediately had an answer when Crosshair brought this up and from the sound of it Hunter had responded quickly as well, Tech cannot recall seeing or hearing anything to suggest that Echo was genetically anything other than another trooper. And aside from that brief thought of bright teeth that could simply have been the sunlight, Tech doesn’t notice anything until two nights later, when Echo is injured.
Echo had been deliberately elusive in response to all of Crosshair’s demands, answering questions as unhelpfully as possible with an innocent smile that Tech would have known was false even without his goggles. He distinctly remembers Crosshair yelping and looking up to see Echo grinning like a wolf while Crosshair swore at him. When he’d asked Crosshair had snarled “That little bastard just made his tongue purple.” Tech hadn’t known how to react to that and had returned to reading through Echo’s medical records. He and Crosshair shared a medic’s duties for their batch and so he had everyone’s records, but even after reading them three times he didn’t see anything out of the ordinary.
And then they have a mission with commando droids, and Echo wound up under Tech and Crosshair’s careful hands due to a gash in his side that his armor hadn’t quite blocked.
“I want a word with whoever gave those bastards swords.” Echo hissed as Crosshair began to stich him up. Their sniper snorted.
“Understandable.” Tech replied. “I have never asked what your tattoo is.”
The tattoo in question is on Echo’s right shoulder, a few inches above his prosthetic. It’s simple, a straight line with three dots below it and two dots above, but Echo’s expression turned sad.
“It’s my squad. Domino. The bottom three are Hevy, Droidbait, and Cutup. The top two are Fives and I.”
“Fives.” Tech mused. “I’ve heard you mention him after your nightmares.”
Echo grimaces. “Yeah. Yeah Rex says he died a bit before you found me. The others, they died on Rishi. Fives has a matching one on – ouch!”
“Don’t twitch so much.” Crosshair ordered as Tech handed him the bacta. Echo rolled his eyes, closing them. Crosshair glanced up, then caught Tech’s eyes to point at the tattoo.
The dots have changed position.
“Your tattoo has moved.”
Echo smiles without opening his eyes. “They do that.”
“That is not normal for a tattoo Echo.” Tech states. The smile transforms to a grin, jagged and wide, and Echo opens his eyes.
Oh. That’s what golden violet is.
“Normal’s relative Tech. Surely you’ve figured that out.” He pulls himself to his feet, taps his chest. “Thanks Crosshair.”
Blue lines move under his skin, over his heart. They make a little five that pulses like a heartbeat. Tech looks into Echo’s eyes.
“You were asking Wrecker and Hunter why you didn’t see anything off about me. You want to know why?” Tech nods. Somehow his grin goes wider and oh human mouths definitely aren’t supposed to make that shape. “You’ve been focusing on my prosthetics. And I’m still adjusting to them.”
And then there’s nothing off about him as he practically chirps “I’m going to sleep. Bye!” and leaves. Tech stares.
“You get it now?” Crosshair asks dryly. Tech can only nod.
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artcalledtattoo · 2 years
I’ve never been ... when it comes to Passion Ask a Lady friend I would say A partner sort of speak in present A love needed in a place Regardless in present mis guidance Stomping out a try for two thousand and almost 23 years a blame applaud to a name Cover thy heads 100 years plus suffrage Minus missed years And now Don’t own bodies He washed the feet of defiled you Why the cause for making ends meet We need to be like them And get the money’s A sticker said He paid for Sins And Kings living I see That’s been a way for 2022 years And no still comeback He never stood still, he walked in missed years most likely further than Roman Empire and like home the other Asian learned how to corral and control in early kingdom states walked first He went back home with messages Crucifix end to tales Thinks every where just like at home Stop being instilled To all and everyone Corporate appall like in Paul Cover your heads now Like you made them It sits in the Bible Us to be better Will bring a second comeback If He is in foot prints, then you must be walking Just like Shadowing mankind for better Seems real to me It’s for the all universe of US Everyone planet Earth Or home Quit standing still waiting Make a walk for a return The whole world of God Not your residential city Small spheres Dots I’m a different • I see life All around me It’s everyday in my awakened occurrence In this experience and passions for as I learn more all things in my present Thank you, my God for my feelings with things perhaps I’m brain inefficient and I just don’t know yet I awake from each day after dreaming thanking for the continued experienced as I keep walking even when I hate it at times Doing my best for an awakening return It would be the Badge Certificate Grade of all people prize, for all mankind The trophy to live hop and bounce around the whole Universe We have all seen if we’ve had travels around the Globe from our home state of affairs, drop of water to an ocean of worldly concerns or at least for a hope return Wait, it all has to come to a nothing, leaders in charge and at their worst To save us What show banks statements Have you bought into but into the investment of present affairs This human chaos Is not Science It’s as walk each day US and the whole watching everything now of World Like a Constitution Religion needs revamped Everything done from here down in my posts are my passions those other blogs too I have to scroll down to 2 tiger to bottom Arts of war in minded present walking Am I sound of mind w/ American Pharmaceutical American TV American Churches American Conglomerate American Politics American Virus’s American Parental’s American Residential American Homeless I’m an American Veteran, bullyied in southern belts and belts of southwest that’s still in wear western style it’s all so saucy like condiments & kinds, I joined military and found all the same likes, ventured in ono and one and found the same there, my life is just made more of the same continues I’ve never been standing still when it comes to passions Science - walking is body beneficial How else to make impressions by your own feet? LIFE A must in experience if not then stay still. No one can make you A whole wide God made Planet we named Earth ourselves and it’s unsafe to move amongst all humans Most likely not as any Universal Power God Would have wanted We humans humanize ourselves in all things and we did then too For further higher human control power It’s all in history books Take a walk and start thinking Like hearing a tornado siren for practice After the other community tornado They just learned Sounding off The horns Listen too: Carmina Burana, by Carl Orff, the ending bit for background music while reading!
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ytptennis · 3 months
Does Ole know how to fight? He looks like someone physically trained in the sense of combat, the jump in the gas station scene is very well choreographed (congratulations to Sam for the performance, even considering his height) - I'm a jiu-jitsu fighter and a ballerina, he did a jump very acrobatic in that scene, and I also imagine that he wasn't the type of hitman who kills you with a sniper, but the type who, if necessary, will go into brute force combat.
There's also the scene of him rescuing Dot from the well, Munch literally arrived with everything at Roy's henchman, unarmed and with only a knife (considering he had the knife that blinded Gator), I wanted to see the combat scenes with him, like we saw Malvo, Numbers, Wrench and so on. He seems very well trained to me.
(he seems to follow more of a stealthy style of combat)
ooo yes I love this question >:333
yes I do believe munch knew how to fight, though not formally. again, this is a situation where time is on his side; his own personal form of self defense that he's used for so long it almost resembles a discipline of martial arts were it not for how bestial & instinctive it is. at least with martial arts you can tell there was a before and after while the skills were honed, but munch has always needed to lash back at predators. its likeness to formal combat comes with his eventual incorporation of firearms combined with the pseudo-psychic knowledge he has of human behavior.
munch seems to prefer firearms as a last resort, though & doesn't appear to like relying on them. idk he seemed exasperated when he had to pull out the assault rifle in ep1, & when defending himself against gator in ep2, the scene clearly reads that he is the weapon, and not the pistol. age has not withered him but made him unnaturally strong and fast. thats more my headcanon since its feasible for a grown man to snap another grown man's wrist but learning of munch's supernatural origins adds that different flavor to his physical prowess.
im of the mind that munch's path to becoming a hitman was a complicated one rather than something he just picked up to survive. "a man is paid to soldier" but then he lays down his arms to go live with a community that welcomes him, until "the cannon & the musket" pull him back into solitude. i think thats when he starts using firearms as an extension of himself, to seek revenge. he probably had his own formal hunting skills, sure, but now that the significance behind those skills has been ripped from him, he wants to feed that cruelty back. bows & arrows become guns, and when he cant pick off his enemies from afar, he uses his hands and teeth. it might also be a form of punishment, like attaching a gangrenous limb to a stump. it provides you with temporary reach at the cost of poisoning you.
I thought it was interesting that he knew he was going to be ambushed the second he saw those men through the bushes & yet still followed gator to the shed (?) instead of incapacitating him before they turned the corner. I think he wanted to humiliate him, and, in turn, roy, by proving he's just as useless being supported by others as he is alone. kinda pretentious here so bear with me, but I also thought it was great that munch subdued gator by yanking his groin. a very good blink-and-you'll-miss-it instance of munch using the tillmans' masculinity against them.
the whole thing with dot's rescue will always be fascinating to me no matter what bc of all the unspoken layers leading up to it. munch went to the ranch with the intent of hurting gator, but somewhere along the way he sensed dot's presence, like he could smell her fear, and he followed it. from the way that one henchman was pulled, we can infer munch snuck up from behind, maybe from low ground, which would explain why the others didn't readily see him from their peripherals. that combined with his ferocity threw them off guard just enough that he could disarm them. instead of approaching them as another henchman, which he temporarily was, he rips them apart. instead of leaving dot to use the ladder, he checks up on her, remarks about the unfairness of her situation, and extends a hand. there is a clear thought process here, not entirely governed by animal instincts. he does sense the caged animal in dot, but the residual human in him desires contact and reassurance and the need to help, especially someone who's so like him that it haunts him. I've waxed on about it before but its so "stray animal learns to respect the human that feeds it" except he & dot weren't on that level yet. it was just a spiritual connection, one that was unequivocally necessary to act on. humans are social animals, but animals all the same, & that dormant part of his brain that yearned for love all those centuries was poked at, ironically, after being beaten in battle by this woman who was at her most animalistic. a prey animal turned predator.
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naffeclipse · 1 year
Naff. Naff! Naff!
First of all I need you to understand the sheer willpower it took to be a responsible adult and read college stuff first before diving into this chapter. A GOOD amount of willpower. It was the right decision as I would have kept zoning out thinking about this chapter because Oh. My God.
So starting from the top!
Ahhh! The little motions of Moon so tentatively trying to get some contact, but so afraid of being rejected like it has been happening killed me right from the start. Just that... that silent request. Now that they agreed to tell the truth they had hope that it would be accepted but still, it only goes to show how much it was affecting them. That distance was really hurting them.
It really felt like they were all breathing a little easier at the start. Y/n obviously needed the distraction, but them talking about Vanessa and how they really thought that Sun and Moon would like her was such a warm moment. Because they say before them, she's the only person they are close to! After all the anguish of the last chapters, it really seems like it would be the most wonderful thing to have those important to them all in one room and getting along!
Too bad the hunter had those hopes of everything being alright snatched immediately.
Seeing Vanessa's stuff was so intriguing! The candy wrappers caught my attention because I kept wondering if they were used as bait to lure the children, or if it was a nod to the tapes in security breach because if I remeber correctly 'Vanny' liked candy a lot, while Vanessa preferred not to eat it.
And oh my gosh the book!!! I'd totally forgotten with all that was happening recently, and we finally got a look at that missing page! No wonder the boys were worried, because it was a pretty suspicious similarity, although they might have been fine at the start. Who knows if after the rake incident y/n would have connected the dots, looking at them closely, though.
And oooooooh, all the evidence of the children in the vehicle. The toys, and the blood. Blood on so many things and some long dried. What a nightmare for Vanessa, who we know has had more lucid moments in all of this.
But what was the most chilling to me was the dark fliud soaking the bed. Like, until now, we have seen only trickles from the animatronic vessel. The most we have seen I think was when the body of the guy possessed by Shoh was found, and that was only dribbles from his face. It just makes me imagine how horrifying this must have been for Vanessa. The demon must have let her sleep in order to keep its vessel healthy enough to keep using. But that means she had to sleep in that. Keep adding to it every night? We know the liquid presents itself with strong emotions (or as leftover of possessions). Does this mean it happened the most after kills? Could she feel the demon's delight in what it did while she literally had to cry those emotions out??? Just oooough! ;o;
But continuing with the tour of Vanessa's home! Omg, Henry's book!! Ahhh, that's so cool! And like, if it wasn't for the current circumstances, it feels like something y/n would have loved to have found way before due to their curiosity about cryptids. I was so curious and the description of Chica gave me so many thoughts! Henry seems to be really interested in this type of demonic cryptids! The fact that he has interacted succesfully with them and everything is so so cool! (Makes me wonder what the possible existence of Charlie in this could be! Was she his child and then was attacked by the demon that now posseses Vanessa and then her fate drove Henry to investigate the demonic entities? Or maybe Marionette is a cryptid of their own hmmmm? Maybe she doesn't exist XD)
But I digress! I like that Henry is so objective about the demons. Making it clear that they follow their own rules but their ways can be seen as a type of kindness! And then we have the description of the boys and oh my gosh wasn't that the last piece of the puzzle? And the boys knew it. Moon's feeble attempts at making them stop reading made that clear, because they wanted to explain themselves, but like this it will not happen in the way they planned. But the book in a way is a good introduction, because it doesn't paint them as complete monsters, but considers their tentative good side. A good side supported by children even!
(sidenote: I find it so significant it described the boys as the ones that cared the least about adults. I'm sure in the future it might make y/n feel special XD)
But ooooh, when the book just kept slapping them with evidence that sounded way too familiar and then it was undeniable! The flash of red they literally saw at the start of this episode, before going to meet Lambert! And I absolutely loved how you put the same description of "pale unblinking glow" that the book had into the narration a couple of lines later when they turn around to see them. Really see them. It's such a powerful line to indicate that finally the connection has been made. No more denial. Time to face the music.
(and oh goshhh the detail of their heart picking up in panic and the boys immediately smiling desperately!! )
And THEN! Shoh appears! And decides to throw them off a cliff! Hunter was already on the verge of panic and now there is a second demon. (Remembering the ask you answered that said Lambert would assume he wouldn't survive if he knew for sure there were two demons. Such a neat detail that Y/n made the same assumption!)
And ahhhhh!! When they somehow survive such a fall, and then Moon is grabbed and y/n cries out for him! Because they might just have had the worst revelation of their life, but damn it that care is not just gonna evaporate!
And yes, hi, can I just say I knew it!!! >:D Shoh totally lost her tongue! And I'm so glad it was y/n who took it! I was so expecting it to be the boys that would grab it and rip it out, but it was the hunter in the end and I find that they totally deserved the credit for that particular blow!
(sidenote: as the battle went on and the boys joined in, I just had to wonder why them in particular trigger their fear so badly. I know the knowledge that Shoh is a demon affected them, but it seems the effect of just the boys presence has been paralyzing so far while when facing Shoh Could it be that physically the shadowy look and the glowing eyes just look too similar to the first demon they encountered? Hmmmm)
And then oooooh boy, Shoh took revenge for her tongue kgfdhgjk, just straight up tore that arm! Ouuuch, poor boys! Too bad for her that was not enough because they sure did finish her! If I remember correctly there was mention that they tore into her chest, so I can't help but wonder if the fact that they were wounded so seriously made them instinctively go for the place where a heart would be even if they already knew she didn't have one!
(sidenote 3: Naff, I'm praising you so much for your action scenes! The pace in this one was just impeccable and it was so impressive the way you divided the attention between the fight and the internal turmoil of the hunter! That's not easy to do but I was immersed from start to finish!)
But talking about turmoil! Ahhh, I was just waiting for the moment they would snap. And I just gotta say! The doppelganger's impression of what Sun and Moon would see when the truth came out now seems mild in comparison kfsdjkjfg And I mean, completely justified! The hunter has been stretched too thin for far too long now, and now the demon that just tore apart another demon in front of them started reacing for them? No wonder they would have a full blown panic attack when seeing there was nowhere to run!
Ahhh and then the boys trying to help them calm down! With how fast their heart was beating, I wonder if they worried somwhat that y/n's heart would give out if they didn't calm down soon enough.
Oh, I gotta say how nicely the next scene is sort of opposite to the main secret of the fic. The denial of any signs of the hunter's dear friend being anything more than an animatronic vs the denial of a demon not about to tear them apart despite the evidence of their protection after they admitted to what they are. But ahhh they are really looking now, and I like that even exhausted as they are, they really are thinking about everything now.
(sidenote I lost count: They KISS THE SCAR!! Ahhhhh!! Just the- the contrast!!! The fact that the injury was made in the most malicious of ways by an awful being, only for Eclipse to come and use their mouth not as an attack but as a sign of affection and to show they really do mean it that they would never hurt them)
Ahhh, and the fact that y/n also has that "it's them" moment! Because it is! Suddenly their friend doesn't seem like a lie after all and that's a whole spectrum of confusing emotions but. They can look in the demon's eyes and see them.
(sidenote: hehe, the "you wish to write this down" made me smile. Even through all the terror, it's so them to want to study and know more)
God, I also love so much how they're still so unsure and having a constant back and forth from oh, yeah they're my friend after all, and oh god this is a demon and if they wanted they could kill me, but then again they haven't but- but DEMON. The line of it being pointless to run? Ooooh, I kinda want to know what the boys would think of that particular thought, because on one hand it's an objective fact. On the other, it's a clear sign that y/n does still very much feel like potential prey. Like they really don't have much choice here and are kinda resigned about this all. I guess in a way they have reason to be wary of y/n having their weapons. If they decided they suddenly wanted to use them, attempting to stop them would make this a lot more unpleasant for everyone and they probably would be in trouble if after a fight like that they were hit with any of the weapons. But also! They shouldn't be surprised they were screaming. XD Lots of the screaming poor y/n did they didn't even hear because they were swallowing it all dlkghjk
Oh, and finally! I wanted to comment on some of the symbolism sprinkled in this final part! Just! Like the fall and the destruction of the airstream, matching so well how the metaphorical rug was just pulled under their feet. How both physically and knowledge wise, everything they knew was destroyed. Oh, and the blue and red bandages to cover the wounds! To signify that the boys will help them heal from new and old wounds!! And related to this how after feeling that they've been sinking in panic and drowning in fear, they are offered one animatronic hand and one demonic hand to get out of the gully! And they take it! They might not be sure how to feel about them yet, but for now they can at least come to accept that the demon and the one they knew as an animatronic are one and the same, and they are choosing to let them help to get them out of this dark pit they have found themselves in!
I am so extremely excited for what's to come, Naff, you have no idea! I'm keeping my eye open for that possible conversation about the hunter they killed and how the future dynamic will go! It seems they will be fighting for a while with y/n's instincts and their fear for them, not to mention the matter of the whole heart eating deal! While they know this is what they are, I can see y/n not being ok at all with innocent people being considered alternatives for food when there are no rulebreakers around (because even the rulebreakers deserving it will probably be hard to convince them of. I feel like the hunter is gonna be staring at their moral compass for a good while to try and find their north here).
But kjfgdhkhjgsdf it's 4 am now so I gotta go pass out now XD (If you find anything that sounds a bit weird sorry about that, brain is more wired to speaking spanish than english at this hour XD)
Outstanding chapter! You knocked it out of the park with this reveal! 1000 000/10 Also you are the Sonic the Hedgehog of writers with how fast you have been posting these kjhdfghj
Amazing work as always!! <3
ALSDFJASFD AHHH CHATOIK I have been drinking in this comment since you first sent it and I adore every last word ♥
Charlie is a part of this AU! I haven't considered the Marionette but now that you mention it, I see her being much like the boys in terms of being child-friendly but very terrifying to adults hehe
OH! I'm so glad you noticed that little tidbit because yes, the boys tore into her chest out of instinct—that's what they know to attack and are used to doing so, and regardless of a demonic cryptid lacking a heart, it will still do a great deal of damage!
The boys could sense how erratic and rapid Y/N's heart was and that scared them the most. It was even worst than when they were enduring a night terror so the boys truly feared literally scaring Y/N to death!
If the boys knew that Y/N thought it was pointless to run, they would be so crestfallen and want to do more to reassure them that they're safe. There's no need to run even if what Y/N said is true.
Lots of screaming is a good summary of Part 3 LOL Y/N can have a little scream of frustration, as a treat (it's the opposite of a treat to Eclipse.)
Oh ho, I am very excited about that conversation of Eclipse eating rule-breakers and non-rulebreakers alike as well, and this time, there's no thirst for blood to distract Y/N from the reality of it :)
Awww, thank you so much for reading and commenting, babe! ♥
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doverstar · 3 months
Me again here to scream about how much I love this-- I was so happy to wake up to the new chapter and an hour later you have me here SOBBING (positively, that was good, just AHHH)
Rose finally connecting all the dots!! all the little signs that were there from the start, beating herself up about the fact that she didn’t recognize him, even with all those little “coincidences”-- Reading that whole thought process makes me happy in a way while also ouch, it was truly right there in front of you all along.
And oh I wasn’t expecting her to, I didn’t really think about it. But being worried and sad about the Angels suffering and slowly withering away for the rest of their existence is so… Rose.
“The Doctor's hands came up and straightened the blue bow tie, and Rose caught an echo of Will tugging at his shirt collar.” you have no idea how happy it made me to read this,,, I had been waiting for this moment ever since I saw Will doing that the first time 🤲
But everything else about it is making my heart crumble. The realization that not only did he change but also the Tardis, a place that used to be so dear and familiar to her, all the time that has passed for him and all the people that were there after her to fill her place. And the fact that he didn’t even mention her to them- as if she didn’t mean anything, as if he didn’t even think about her anymore (which isn’t true. every day, every day. he's just trying so hard to carry on too.)
When she asked about Will, and thought about him, and cried— I ended up sobbing too. One just can’t help but miss him. Man, he's such a dear thing
PLEASEEE I NEED THEM TO BE HAPPY AND TOGETHER :((( Doverstar don’t do this to me (I will take any ending actually, the joy I get from simply reading your stuff is worth it, but the temporary stress from that cliffhanger is here right now and I'm shaking you by the shoulders for it /lh)
I want you to know that your in-depth, detailed comments on my writing makes me very, very happy. I get a little jolt of excitement every time I see feedback like this. You are appreciated! Poor Will! It's okay! He's a facet! Shut up Doctor
If I were Rose, I think I'd feel super weird about the Tardis changing but then I'd get used to it and like it a lot because Eleven's Tardis is very me- Anyway! Thank you for this! I loved reading your thoughts.
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