#I love this piece though
ciryze · 10 months
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Well... around 5h later... Gosh I love Odin so much Also still love that Raine redesign WAY too much. The floaty cape does things to me. I need to draw her more in that
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trashmammal-7 · 1 year
Digitized a completely 100% accurate self portrait.
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I'm not super happy with the results but I don't feel like working on it anymore.
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queensilver · 2 years
A Princess of Sun and Song
On AO3 HERE Link walked quietly into the market of Castle Town. Music played cheerfully as people danced in the square, groups crowded in front of one stall or another, clamoring for sales and goods and gossip. Everything was bright and colorful and loud and Link quickly found themself overwhelmed.
Navi buzzed in front of them, vibrating with energy. “Hey, Listen! The Great Deku Tree wanted us to go to visit the princess at Hyrule Castle.... Shouldn't we get going?” Link nods and passes the crowds and the fountain and the dancing couple, only to stop when they spot someone small like them. They are reminded of Saria, with a delicate face and brightly colored hair, but instead of leaves of spring their hair is the color of autumn, the fire of fall. The fall sprite seems to spot them and smiles, and for a moment the chaos around them fades away and all they can see is sunshine.
“Hello there! Oh . . . you’re a fairy boy from the forest, aren’t you?” they say, and their voice is a melody. It’s all Link can do to give a small nod.
If possible the sprite smiles even brighter, an expression as sweet as honey. “My name is Malon.”
Link hears the song of Malon's voice once more but the fairy boy’s head is turning over the name, wondering if maybe this is the princess the Great Deku tree spoke of. The princess is wearing a dress and they are light and good, and a special magic seems to surround them, different from the normal magic of a Hylian.
“Are you going to the castle, fairy boy?”
Link nods and the princess beams at them, asking for help and they easily agree. Malon gives them an egg bigger than any from the forest and asks that they find their dad. If their dad is at the castle the image of fall in front of them must be royalty. Link wanders around out of the market shortly after at Navi’s pressing. He finds himself wandering back streets, dodging people and crates and the occasional stray dog. Soon night is falling and they head to the tall iron gates and the castle beyond.
The princess is here now, outside the castle gate, singing the sweetest song of freedom and sunshine and love and calling. It echoes in Links’ ears the way music often does, filled with the magic of its enchanter. He remembers when a bard had passed the forest once, all the Kokiri crowded by the forest tunnel, listening to the melodies and giggling quietly as they slowly faded away.
The princess’s song is filled with a similar magic, woven into the tune. It echoes against the cliffs and sounds slightly mournful in the night, with a promise at the end to tie it together. It is not a song for the twilight but for sunny fields and long summer days, calling out to a dear friend to join in.
The princess smiles at the fairy boy, and Link hides their face. Navi flutters around them, reminding Link that the castle is still ahead, still out of reach. The vines beside the princess grab their attention and they climb up the cliff wall, hands breaking loose gravel and stone but the vines standing strong. Link pulls themself to the top and stares out at the stone bridge and the rising towers, and makes their way forward. Malon’s voice echoes behind them.
Link learns that Malon is not the princess. The princess is small and thin, with hair the color of the pampas grass in the winter. The princess is wrapped in divinity, eyes shining with knowledge beyond her age. She does not sing sweetly or pour magic into her voice like the bards do, but she gives him a magic song that is a treasure, and he holds it close. Still, Link often thinks of the autumn spirit they met in the square, a princess of sun and song. When he is suddenly too old and too small and not in the right body, he finds himself in a ranch with a familiar girl with hair the color of autumn fire, and she teaches him a song of love and sunshine and freedom and calling. And when the world is safe from the darkness, he finds himself visiting his princess again and again and falling in love with the way she smiles and the sweetness in her voice and the magic in her song.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 21 days
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License to Kitty.
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mipexch · 5 months
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machinerot · 5 months
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cosmosnout · 4 months
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ruporas · 7 months
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how to guide your mossball (ID in alt)
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itsthislake · 3 months
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it's all about freedom really
Credit goes to An Sifakah for the poem. Enjoy!
Support me on Ko-fi maybe?
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stil-lindigo · 1 year
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your favourite arach-narchists 🕷️
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stefisdoingthings · 24 days
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don't look (please do)
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I’m really curious how you would draw the Five Missing Children.
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Technically I’ve drawn them! Only the movie versions though, sometime I’ll do the game ones too!
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bytebun · 7 months
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my piece for @thecodywanzine! thanks to the mods who let me go completely ham and cheese on this bad boy. this one's about living longer than you ever expected and not knowing what to do with it
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kkoct-ik · 6 months
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my silly little back cover piece for the @hotguycalendar ! sooo happy to be working with this team second year in a row
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crunchy-rocc · 6 months
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three of them
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penkura · 1 month
Law with vitiligo because of the white lead disease, who thinks you're probably secretly disgusted by the white blotches he has all over his body. How could you ever think that's attractive, that he's attractive when that's all he can see anymore when he looks in the mirror? The spots that marked death for so many of Flevance. That should've marked his death thirteen years ago.
It doesn't help that anytime you kiss his cheek, it's right where he has a spot that's hard to miss, it practically still covers the entire left side of his face. He's sure you do it on purpose, even though he's not sure why you would. Isn't it weird? Don't you think he looks gross or odd with these lighter spots all over?
It's after several weeks of him quietly wondering, thinking you must be pretending just to keep him happy. He's not happy because of the thoughts that keep him awake at night. But when he finally brings it up to you, what you say almost makes him break down in tears, while you sit in his lap and kiss every spot you can see.
"I love your spots. They show what you've been through, where you've been, and that you're here now, alive and healthy."
He's never thought of it like that before.
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