#I love how I worded Pein voice here
strwbrrybxn · 2 years
Hi! I saw that your requests are open so I decided to hop in and see if you’d be willing to write a Shikamaru one shot that takes place during Pein’s attack on the leaf in shippuden? The reader confesses her feelings for him right before she dies, and then she gets resurrected along with everyone else and has to face the consequences of what she said?
hi hi! this was actually a lot of fun to write. I know it took like 80,000 years to finish but I hope you like it and it’s what you imagined it to be. <3
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All My Failings Exposed ; word count: 1173
↪ pairing: shikamaru nara × fem!reader
↪ warnings(s): death, blood, canon typical violence, naruto shippuden spoilers, pein attacks, fourth shinobi war, no happy ending (i’m sorry), reanimation jutsu, third person pov
↪ genre: mutual pining, angst, hurt/comfort
↪ au: naruto canonverse
characters: shikamaru nara, reader, choji akimichi, shikaku nara, ino yamanaka, akatsuki members
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“I have loved you for far too long to stay quiet about it,” She whispered, blood spilling from her lips. Shikamaru’s hand shook from the sheer force of his grip around hers, but she didn’t flinch. She just smiled, her eyes clouded as the last breath from her lungs spoke those three words to him. “Please, don’t cry.”
Shikamaru’s funeral clothes gathered the dust from his previous kicks to the ground. He was dragging his feet; everyone could hear the sandals scrape underneath him. Choji had turned around concerned every few seconds. How do you comfort someone through this? It’s almost as bad as when they lost Asuma-sensei; but that was their sensei, and this was – this was the love of his life. 
The Nara scoffed as he trailed behind his teammates. He promised he’d come to the funeral, promised he’d look at her picture and keep the tears at bay for the moment, but she promised to live, promised not to keep secrets so what’s another broken promise between the two of them.
He broke off from the group, walking straight into the Nara forest and stood in front of the grave, listening to Hidan’s muffled voice shouting from underneath the rubble. 
“You fucking bastards,” he spit. “Always coming here and ruining the good things in my life.” He knew the Akatsuki member couldn’t hear him – he was six feet under and buried under rocks and dirt, but he still continued; still berated him for his cruel teammates. “First, you take my sensei from me and now… now, her?!”
Shikamaru’s vision blurred as he stared at the ground, fists clenching and unclenching as his nostrils flared.
“Please, don’t cry.”
How could the heir not cry? Shikamaru had loved her from the moment she walked into his class at the academy. He knew he felt something for her when he wouldn’t look at girls the way he would look at her; when he didn’t want to be put on a team with someone who wasn’t her and Choji. He didn’t want to fight alongside someone else, and now he had to. He had to learn how to live without her – learn how to treat his own wounds, learn how to live without the sounds of worried and shaky voice, like when he went off to fight Hidan by himself. 
Troublesome woman. You promised not to leave me. We made a promise. 
“Skipping out on the funeral again?” He heard the voice from behind him. 
“Would she want that?”
“Doesn’t matter.” 
Shikaku leaned against the tree behind his son, arms crossed. “Shikamaru–”
“Dad, please. Don’t come to me with the ‘I’ll pick up your pieces,’ again. You can’t pick these up this time.” Shikamaru’s voice cracked, his legs jelly as he grabbed for the tree and his father was quick to put an arm around his waist. Shika tried to shove at his father, tried to push him away as he broke down. His punches grew weaker as his dad’s grip grew tighter. 
“I know, son. I know. Let it out.” His wails increased in volume, echoing throughout the forest. “I’ve got you.”
Days molded together, and Shikamaru began to find comfort in her clan’s compound. Her family would often let him stay for as long as he needed, knowing grieving together was better than being alone. But they also gave him the space he needed, letting him burrow himself in the scent of her room, clothes, anything he could get his hands on. 
“I miss you,” Shikamaru whispered into the tear stained pillow placed on her bed. Her scent was scarce, fading, and Shikamaru was desperate for the memory of her. 
It wasn’t very long before the start of the Fourth Shinobi World War and it wasn’t long before some of the strongest shinobi were resurrected. The four Hokages, the armies of reanimations. Shikamaru prayed she wasn’t part of it; prayed she was giving the peaceful rest she deserves, but when he laid his eyes on those golden curls – when he saw her in one piece — he knew his prayers were ignored once again. She stood in front of him, eyes wide and teary. Shikamaru mirrored her expression, throat dry. His teammates stood not too far behind, bodies frozen as they watched the interaction between the two of them.
“Shi-Shika–” His chest tightened. He missed her so much; missed her voice, missed the way she said his name, but he was angry. He was angry at her for leaving, angry at her for not keeping her promises, angry at her for the secrets; angry because she failed him. But the fighting had begun before he could even confront her.
Why she chose to go in such a horrific way, no one knew. She could have waited for Sakura, she could have survived if she just let Shikamaru move her out of the way. She didn’t have to die that way, and now here she is, able to answer his questions, but no one will let him ask. Every time he gets close enough, someone throws a kunai between them and the fighting continues. 
“Why did you leave me?” Shikamaru finally shouted, frustrated and angry with the continuous battles. 
“I had no choice.”
“You had every choice to live.”
“You were going to die!”
“I would have survived. I would have continued to fight to live. Why didn't you?” She frowned, throwing a kunai in her enemy’s direction before fully facing Shikamaru. 
“Do you really want to have this argument right here?”
“Yes! Because when am I going to get the chance to ask the dead girl, whom I loved, about what happened?” The anger in her chest was replaced with anxiety; with guilt and shame. She died protecting Shikamaru; she was torn apart by Pain after he was done with Kakashi. She died protecting the village. “Do you know how much of a drag my life has been since you left?”
“No, you don’t, because you died.” Four, five, six– there’s twelve kunai flying towards us. She didn’t think – much life before. She pushed herself in front of Shikamaru, four of the twelve kunai hitting various spots on her body. 
“I’m sorry,” she whispered, collapsing to her knees. The Nara’s eyes widened and his hands stretched out shakily to catch her. 
“No. No, no, no. This isn’t– this isn’t happening again.” Shikamaru’s hand ran along the slope of her spine, the tears hitting the ground. “Not again. You can’t leave me again.” 
“I’m not leaving you, Maru,” she whispered, blood spilling down her chin. “As long as you have our memories, I’m not gone.”
“But you’re not here. Physically. You’re not in my arms. You’re not letting me take you on dates and telling you I love you. You’re not–”
“I know,” she coughed out, squeezing his hand tighter. “Maybe in another life where we don’t have to live with our shortcomings.” 
She turned her head, pale lips pressing to his palm. Her eyes glossed over between the kiss was over.
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thatsneakymedic · 4 years
31 Days of Horror Day 14 Meet
(putting this on readmore because it’s long) 
Keeping up with Sasori in front of him, Kabuto couldn’t help but feel the heavy air of dread the hideout. There are no other Akatsuki members here other than Orochimaru who left him alone with Sasori and they’re on their way to meet with the Leader who was to inspect Kabuto firsthand since it is implied that he refuses to accept weak spies or shinobi to be working for them. The rules were that all new members including subordinates are to meet with the leader first. Remembering Orochimaru’s instructions, he hopes that he meets the Leader’s expectations because otherwise Kabuto would be quite disappointed in himself for failing such a simple task.
“You are to answer any questions he asks of you and don’t waste his or my time. Get smart with him and you’re on your own. There is a reason why I had my tools prepared just in case...”  
Kabuto tries to not make any kind of expression but he does subtly frown at that. “Let’s hope that there won’t be a need for that, Lord Sasori.”   The man could only huff as they continue down the hall. 
There seems to be a warm light in the middle of the dark dim room and Kabuto’s eyes adjust to the brightness. Within the fire’s light, there’s a silhouette of a man standing there, waiting for their arrival.
“He’s here. Kabuto, hurry up and get this over with so that I can put you to work.”  Sasori commanded and Kabuto nods as he steps towards the imposing figure. His footsteps echoes within the room and he stops at an appropriate distance from them. He gazes upon the intimidating man and taking in every detail he spots from them. 
Orange hair, black cloak, seems to favor body mutilation judging by the piercings, looks to be the age of in their mid or late 20s, but what really catches his attention is their unique ripple patterned eyes that Orochimaru had warned him about. Eyes that can not only can see his chakra but also can use all 5 elements and yin and yang jutsu. 
The legendary Rinnegan. 
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“Kabuto Yakushi. I was told that you were suggested by Orochimaru to work for Sasori. Am I correct?" They inquire in their deep voice. Kabuto kneels before them, “Yes. It would be an honor to work and be a part of your cause.”   The older man’s emotionless stare burns through Kabuto’s being and the medic does not dare to let his curiosity lure him into meeting glances with them. The teen have quite an impressive chakra signature, no sense of deception of any sort. Even knowing that they specialize in medical jutsu would be very useful since seeking outside medical help is too risky, especially when the Akatsuki is at it’s infancy state. But how loyal and trustworthy Kabuto is would be up to debate as someone like Orochimaru is not to be easily trusted without constant surveillance. Would this one also require supervision as well? 
“No identity or any knowledge of where you come from. No physical signs of your nationality. You are the kind of shinobi that is desired by many. But also someone to be wary of. It’s quite a convenience that someone like you would show up in our radar.” 
“I was discovered by Orochimaru and he convinced me that working for you would help me find my true purpose in this world.”  Kabuto replied in a polite tone. 
Pein was not swayed by their sympathetic reasons, as he keeps his eyes on them, “This is a serious matter. Everything we do is a serious matter. There is no room for mistakes or doubts about our goals. Should you join... your life is ours and you will serve us and only us. No one else.”   
“I know, I would not come here if I had anyone else or a country to be loyal to. You can trust me.” Kabuto responds calmly. 
 Pein fixes his eyes on the boy, “I’d like to think so, but conviction must be proven with action. Starting now, you will work for Sasori and follow any orders that are given to you by him, no matter how morally ambiguous they are. You will be kept under watch by one of our own spies until you have been proven to be true to your words and if there’s any sign of doubt or deception on your part, you will be eliminated.” 
He steps down from his stand and his shadow eclipses Kabuto’s own. The other examines his chakra and his posture for any sign of reluctance or fear. 
“Now I’ll ask again. Do you stand with the Akatsuki? This is your final chance to leave with your life.” 
“I do... I made my choice. I won’t let you down.”  Kabuto answered with a promised tone. 
After minutes of silence, Pein turns his back towards Kabuto as he begins to walk the other way. “You are dismissed, from now on. You are the subordinate and spy of the Akatsuki. Do as we ask and you will find your place in this world. Do not fail us.” 
Kabuto rises from the floor and he quietly leaves to follow Sasori who was waiting for him at the entrance. “Took a little too long for my taste. He must be very suspicious of you. But now that you’ve been approved by him. I have an assignment for you, and I expect you to follow it through and through.”  
His glasses gleam from the reflection of the candle light and he nods with an emotionless expression, “Of course Lord Sasori, I’ll see to it that it will be completed very soon.” 
“Heh, well... that was easy...”  Kabuto internally smirked as he turns around to leave the hideout.  
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obsessedwvampbois · 3 years
𝐑𝐚𝐧𝐤𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚𝐥𝐥 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐃𝐋 𝐬𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬
Oh boy so this is gonna make people really mad. I have listened to a total of 52 songs from the Diabolik Lovers franchise (that I could find) and ranked them for the hell of it. For this ranking I will be including all character songs, openings (both anime and game) along with the remixes. I will not be counting solo versions of songs (eg. Gin no bara), soundtrack bgm or the endings themes.
My ranking is based on these things:
how well does the song fit the character/s or game, both in lyrics and aesthetic
the overall production and performance of the song
is the song a bop? would I willingly listen to it again?
Couple of disclaimers: I do not speak Japanese so I will be crediting the translations of each song as I go through them along with any think pieces / essays that I come across. If there is any song I missed, please let me know and I’ll slot it into the rankings, its hard to find one source that has all the songs recorded. Finally, just a reminder because I know I'm gonna make someone mad, this is my list! If you don't like it make your own or ignore mine, I'm only one person and my opinion is not final!
With that in mind, my rankings are below the cut
*Least Best*
These are the songs I will probably never listen to again. I have a few gripes with them that I'll talk about in my explanation.
52. 誓いのカンパネラ (Chikai no Campanella)
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This song is just super underwhelming overall. The guitar is my favourite thing about the song but that's it. There is so much build up for a boring chorus. The lyrics don't have much for me either.
51. 血戦のDies irae (Kessen no Dies irae)
Tsukinami Brothers
On the opposite end, this song is so overwhelming. There are so many elements to follow and its hard to keep up. This is the first time I'll bring it up but the volume of the voices is so quiet compared to the backing track, its frustrating. The lyrics is what brings it up a notch as it talks about the day of wrath (dies irae) as the day the founders take over. I was also low key hoping to hear some version of the dies irae song hidden in the background but I couldn't hear any.
50. S.O.S-ΑtoΩ-
Tsukinami Brothers
This song just feels so forgettable, I just feel like there isn't much to comment on. There are some interesting lyrics sprinkled out like comparing literal self mutilation to abstinence. Also the actual delivery of 'S ah O ah S ah', I can't take it seriously.
49. Dystopia
This had an interesting start because I hadn't heard anything similar for DL but then after a few lines the tone change was just a nope for me. Again, Kino's voice is super quiet and the constant barrage of all these instruments that don't really gel together its confusing. Overall, it didn't leave much of an impression and I couldn't really visualised DL in the song.
48. 吸愛ラビリンス (Kyūai Labyrinth)
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
Praise for the saxophone! Props to that because it shines here and is really the only memorable thing besides that final line of the chorus. The song does give the vibe of the Vandead Carnival with its more playful energy though. The lyrics feel really typical, like there are so many times I read lyrics about drinking blood before I get bored.
47. 極限(UNLIMITED) BLOOD -Remix ver.-
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
~translation w/ original ver.~
I don't think I really need to hear EDM/dubstep and Diabolik Lovers again thanks. It feels super dated and the vocoded singing is a little much for my taste. Good source material and the stripped back vocals at some points is quite nice.
46. 愛しきPain (Itoshiki Pein)
First off please never let me see Subaru near a fedora again thanks. Overall I felt bored with this song, like its nice, but that it. There are similar sounding songs that just hit home similar themes a lot stronger later on. The best part of this song is the spoken word but it feels weird for Subaru to be singing such a slow song.
45. Luv Apple Juice
Ruki & Azusa
Yes, I am counting Ruki's spoken word, its my list. Lyrics are a must read with references to Adam, Eve and Eden throughout. Again, the voices are super quiet and with how fast paced the instrumentals are its annoying. The tempo also backfires because these are two of the more 'chill' characters. The last complaint is that the speed of Ruki's speaking compared to Azusa's singing just isn't right.
Kou & Yuma
This has to be my least favourite opening to a song, the staccato is just really grating to me. The way I'd describe the chorus is loud, the same note over and over again isn't appealing. The lyrics are an interesting read but nothing feels super important. The highlight of the song is the pre-chorus, thanks production!
43. カレイドナイト (Kaleido Night)
Kanato & Subaru
This song is just generic, like overall. The sound, the lyrics, the production. There just wasn't must for me to listen to without zoning out.
These songs don't leave too much of a lasting impression on me, but I still enjoy them.
42. 苺の罪 (Ichigo no Tsumi) (strawberry sin)
First of the generic rock songs! I couldn't really find much in the lyrics of note I think the actual performance of the song is my favourite element here.
41. 真夜中の饗宴( MIDNIGHT PLEASURE) -Remix ver.
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
~translation w/ original~
One the best part of the original is that opening section with the steps, it creates some nice anticipation for the coming song. The chorus this time round feels a little low energy after the hype of the pre-chorus. After watching the actual opening with the remix, I kind of wish they had the voice over, the song is so chill the last chorus could have it to make it feel more grandiose.
40. ZERO
Second generic rock song, this time it actually suits Subaru's brand! The lyrics do have some hints to Subaru as a character which is better. My sustaining thought is that this sounds like an off brand Arcadia.
39. Bloody★Mayim★Mayim
Sakamaki Brothers
This has to have one of the strongest hooks for DL. For how many people sing in the song, it's easy to keep track of and the chemistry between them all is in sync. The main issue is that it feels like its missing some element to make it shine, the lyrics aren't in-depth too which brings it down another peg. The bridge/interlude is the best part though as I can visualise some mini story within the song here.
This song would be so much higher if I felt like it was more memorable cuz the lyrics here really shine. My interpretation is that this is Ayato questioning where his love stops and his sadistic nature to satiate his desires begin, can he separate the two? He both loves and despises the idea of draining his s/o dry. Another gripe with the song is that its not quite Ayato's aesthetic sonically.
37. Kindan no 666 (Three Six)
Kou & Azusa
What puts this song so low is the majority of the instrumental, it takes a backseat here when I feel there could be more added. Props to percussion, drums are great though. After watching the MB opening so many times its hard to not see DL. Lyrics match with this one line here describing Kou in a nutshell:
"Sin spread from mouth to mouth, saying 'I’ll be gentle' pulls the trigger on a casual disaster!"
36. Iolite (アイオライト )
I don't know why the producers associate electro-pop with Shu, I can't really see it much. I think they should have gone full glitch-pop instead considering how the song does a deep dive into his mind and thought process. Again, I think the voice is also quiet here but the instrumentals have some great moments, especially the strings.
Well this gives Sakamaki vibes, nice guitar! Again, I like how it isn't overwhelming despite the amount of people involved. Lyrics aren't super impactful but super catchy.
34. 冷たい血 (Tsumetai Chi)
You have to read the lyrics while reading this, please! Its surprisingly wholesome and emotional overall. Again, there is the issue of the voice being way to quiet as the instrumentals swallow him whole after the second clock tick. The delivery is really well timed and production does a great job adding elements that works with the lyrics. There is a subtle echo to the voice that feels super enchanting as he comes to terms with the fact that he has fallen in love. Biggest drawback obviously is that this is just spoken word.
This song delves into the more perverse side of Shu, but we haven't really reached the level of Laito (we'll get there). The phone feels a little out of character but it suits that narrative. The straight cut out of music for the intermission was a bit abrasive but the transition back to music makes me forget about that with how slick it is. At least its better than a generic rock song.
32. カモフラージュ (Camouflage)
Shu & Laito
What a great match up for subject matter, my interpretation is a denial and inability to accept oneself, ultimately using a mask to hide. So please look up the lyrics for some gems. However, after the 'against the blood' nothing really hit that same point sonically, furthermore its not the most aesthetically fitting for the two characters.
These songs I actively enjoy, think about and do listen to occasionally and would recommend you check it out too.
31. >REDRUM<-
Ayato & Subaru
This song is full of anagrams in the lyrics, I mean look at the song title. Its super catchy and is hard to forget about. The bridge is the weakest part of this song but it is made up by the distortion of vocals after the final chorus.
30. Fanatic of Night
Sakamaki Brothers
Well time to party, talk about a bop and a half! Its just so fun, even though its to exactly DL to me, but that's Lunatic Parade for you. Shout out to the guitarist and percussion once again.
29. Bad Howling
Shu, Ayato & Kou
This is super catchy, its nice to hear Kou in the opening song this time round, it spices things up. Theres some really nice elements played with the vocals as they sing over one another that is really well balanced. The biggest peg down is that I don't get super DL vibes and the lyrics aren't the deepest.
28. I.M.I.T.A.T.I.O.N. G.A.M.E
Overall this song is a little generic and doesn't sound like DL but! There is a lot to love here too. Starting off with the performance, I really like the vibrato in his voice and the decent of notes at the end of the chorus is just, yes. It a nice hook and the lyrics are pretty good too. My only other complaint is that the drums mask some smaller elements in the background of the song which would have been nice to hear more in the forefront.
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This is where the rankings get pretty hard cuz I wish this was higher but oh well. the dramatic shift from the opening piano to the song is so abrupt but it gets you pumped. The intermission does a good job of changing things up without cutting tension. The lyrics themselves seem to be from the view of the Adam project during more blood and the unquenchable thirst they get in the story.
26. アルカディア (Arcadia)
Immediately I get Ayato vibes from this song and the rapping does help too with a nice flow that isn't too jarring from the rest of the song. These lyrics are basically Addicted2Phantom on steroids, I can't see anyone else other than Ayato in them.
25. Kekkyoku Night
Don't know why but the guitar melody just seems like I had heard it before but I can't put my finger on it. The bass is super slick here and I really enjoy it. The vocal distortion at the start of the verse sets a scene for him to hunt down this person and its a narrative choice. The main issue is that I wish there was a little more pizzaz to the chorus.
Spoilers but I have placed both a Kanato's songs pretty high up so this was a little bit of a let down after the other two. The main issues here is that I don't really get too much of Kanato in the song and the yelling before the chorus is a little much. This, to me, is a self reflection from Kanato which is a good switch up from his last two songs. Overall, the song is abrasive in a good way that isn't overwhelming and the 8-bit section is my fave.
23. 血濡れた密会 (BLOODY SABBATH)
Oh boy, look these lyrics up for a good time. This song is about his hook up with a women with the song getting progressively darker as it goes on. Nice psycho reference but I don't know if it does much in the end. Really catchy hook and the escalation of the final chorus is just so good. Also I'm just going to leave this line from the song here:
“You wend all out with the rodeo girl play? So then, let’s grind!!!”
22. 幻日理論-Parhelion Logic
This song is meant to be kind of an open letter to Cordelia and my word these lyrics are haunting. It fits the vibe of Haunted Dark Bridal so well, super strong overall. I just wish there was a stronger performance vocally.
21. 暴言シンドローム (Seiron Syndrome)
Yuma, to me has some pretty good observation skills and its really highlighted here. The first line just hits the nail on the head in terms of how rough he is both in and out of the bedroom. This song is the best of the 'generic rock' with production being really smooth despite the high energy, it matches him really well. First line:
The pain of your sprained neck won’t subside
20. 蠱惑のParade (Kowaku no Parade)
Reiji & Kanato
We got another catchy banger here! This song just screams 'the two of us are here to hunt you down and we won't stop till we get a taste.' I mean this song is super pleasing aesthetically and great lyrics to boot!
The strings are an immediate attention grabber and its hold it throughout the whole song. Super catchy, and these lyrics are Azusa, especially this chorus. Id be interested to hear what people think about the second verse in particular cuz there's a lot to read into:
"In a worn out state of mind, no matter how many nights we question it... We’ve idealised too much."
18. SQueeze…
Okay before anything else, the squeeze at the start is goofy, I can't take it seriously. Anyway, I can't help but tap my foot to this song. Third times the charm, finally hitting Subaru's aesthetic to a T. The voice is a little quiet on the track but what takes over just sounds so good. The contrast of the bell and the guitar is just, yes thank you. The pre-chorus is a nice mix up to the status quo and these lyrics are great too.
17. 愛の檻 (Ai no Ori)
Ayato & Laito
The opening is a nice tone setter for a haunting head bopper. These voices work together so well, just like how the sirens work with the strings. The singular violin during the bridge is great, praise to anyone who can do that my god. The string motif climaxes at the final chorus and it creates an awesome song!
16. 月蝕(Eclipse)
Kou, Yuma & Azusa
Well we have a nice build up ballad here. The opening is a little out of place but I forget about it as it builds to this final chorus with the tempo getting faster and faster. The stripped back production also ends up aiding the song in the end with its punches and message. Speaking of which; I get the idea this is about watching some either currently or in retrospective how their personality changes after turning into a vampire; a loss of innocence. How fitting for the Mukami's.
“Despising the sunlight that filters through the blinds is only inevitable, I suppose”
This is what I think the best of the best is. It reflects the themes, ideas and characters of Diabolik Lovers in the best way possible. When people ask me what music from the franchise to listen to, I point to these songs.
15. Count off
There is so much to talk about here, this is a mix of singing and spoken piece and it works so well for me. The delivery over this contagious beat I can't help but get hints of a k-pop vibe here. The movement to singing then vocoded voice are interesting and fun. The bridge switch up too is great, my only wish is that the choir hand a little more presence in the final chorus cuz its fun the first times round, it would be a nice call back.
14. A Certain Prophet's Fate [とある預言者の、運命 Toaru Yogensha no Unmei]
I can visualise a Nutella Kookie moodboard with this opening alone. To me, this is Reiji explain his views on women with allusions to Faust too, not the Ikemen version relax. there are some cool allusions to his mother in the lyrics too. The bass is so cool to listen out for and the guitar nodding to the chorus at the end is a nice way to end. I was just hoping for a little continuation to the opening like Reiji finding this person escaping on horseback.
Aaaaaand another innuendo song from Laito, what a surprise! The jazzy, circus-pop vibes are super fun and catchy, I love it. It's like an upgraded version of Bloody Sabbath to me. The distortion on the guitar is also great to listen out for.
"Don’t decide where’s the critical point, grind as you feel it,
Till the moon oh, mockingly"
12. Mr.ButterflyMask
The opening may be cliche but it works so well, this is such a deep dive into Reiji's psyche; his mother, inferiority complex and village burning to name a few. The actual song is easy to remember which makes it even better here, the descending notes at the end of the chorus is a highlight.
"Burnt black, that awful land mark"
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
The song to start it all, thank god it's such a highlight. I get so hyped from hearing the opening footsteps; mirroring the prologue with You stepping into the mansion for the first time. I feel so nostalgic for this and I'm hyped to play the game every time I hear this. The spoken section is the high point in terms of the HDB aesthetic but these lyrics maaaannn:
"With a scream that shatters the moon itself I’ll give you this extraordinary pain called “love”!"
10. Guilty×Guilty!!!
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
I'm gonna get crucified for putting this above midnight pleasure but my list and this is my fave game op. The only peg down is the lyrics but it makes up so much for the actual sound variation. The unnerving energy from this scifi-y noise, it screams danger with the Tsunami arrival. The variation between the two verses in robs what places it high and the bridge is excellent to boot.
9. Farewell Song
If I had to make one song recommendation outside of DL with this list it is this song here. The lyrics and melody match up the same way and both are strong in their own right. Onto the song, these lyrics really shine wrangling with ideas and the thought process of depression; something that hits close to home for me. With the inclusion of the destructive nature vampires its truely impactful. The sound of the song aids these lyrics too while all sounding like Shu.
Without pause, the drops of a drizzle had begun to weep...
...Comforting the screams of the things you’ve touched"
Shu, Ayato & Subaru
This is my favourite opening of all the games and anime and it is the most on theme with the DL franchise, not just the one game. The guitar rifts at the start are just sooooo iconic. The actual line "Mr Sadistic Night" is delivered so well too. I mean the song speaks for itself. I will make the observation though that this song is the epitome of kids unknowingly singing a song with dirty lyrics.
"If I’m so aroused by the snare of your enticing blood
Tonight, as I thrust deep into you, a lust for death awakens from within you!"
7. 悪魔的(Devil's)Spire!!!!
This song is just Kou at his best, I can imagine him singing this at a concert as a debut single. It has all the elements of a catchy pop song with some sinister elements that just reflects his personality. Production has my praise here too. The song seems to be a friends with benefits situation Kou has as he recounts the tale. Also, more innuendos:
"In the deep red velvet sheets, Do you want to taste my forbidden syrup?"
6. Operation X
Tsukinami Brothers
Haven't seen these guys in a while! You can tell production had fun adding all these medical sounds in the back like the sirens and heart monitor. The song itself is super catchy too, that bass just hits you at the core! The lyrics look like the Tsukinami's observation of You as she has become entangled with all these vampires and the situation just seems to spiral even more out of control.
"The risk spreads further the deeper you get involved...
...The more you give up, the more that guy mocks you"
Production had fun again, you can tell. It's more upbeat there is still a sinister vibe here. The constant switch ups within the song all flow so well. I feel genuine despair listening to this chorus, like Kanato is mocking or toying with me before going in for the kill. My only complaint is that the slowing down at the end is a bit of a mood killer.
In terms of character aesthetic, this is sheer perfection. There is a narrative within this song that you need to look at the lyrics for the best experience. The sound effects act as a good way to heighten the story as they match the lyrics. One moment to note it both the chorus and pre-chorus as they act as the extreme ends on Kanato's personality and it creates a great dichotomy when placed together.
3. Q.E.D.
My favourite solo song, and the one I constantly visit the most. Laito is a complex character and this song does a self reflection in the best way possible.I would also recommend reading this great analysis by everything laito because I can't do a proper analysis justice. For the song itself, the piano is a great mood setter as it acts as if we are approaching Laito as he plays the piano about to go into one of his many monologues to himself. The intercut from the piano to the guitar is abrupt but it works so well as if there are crack in his facade showing through. The change back to the piano is great too and isn't distracting in any way. I also think this is such an emotional performance, like I can feel the sadness and despair along with almost a self deprecating humour to the delivery. Top notch stuff
2. 罠-If You’re Diablo- (Wana -If You’re Diablo-)
Mukami Brothers
I want mention first off that the spoken word from Ruki is such an aid here, the pace is slower, more haunting and despair-inducing in tone. The speaking adds a nice break to the vocals. The chorus in particular packs such a punch its kind of nice to lie on the ground and just let the song envelop you. The lyrics give the impression that there is a mutually destructive relationship here with the Mukami's mentioning of betrayal yet they suck the blood of this person. There is also a feeling of hopelessness that the Mukami's know they can never achieve their goal of becoming Adam.
"I'd been resigned to become Adam since who-knows-when...
I continue to hate this fate, my prayers in zero"
1. Gin no Bara
Sakamaki Brothers
And we're finally at the end! This song encapsulates everything that Diabolik Lovers is. Vocally, it's really catchy with such a somber vibe, because that's what DL is. It's a dark series but you can see that darkness with each backstory, the actions these characters take and just the overall hopelessness in this one song. The Sakamaki's all singing together packs such a punch too. There are so many gems in these lyrics, to literally acknowledging the pain and suffering their mothers' caused and coming to terms with the actions they have committed as they fall in love.
"The proof remains on your neck while you sleep quietly Even if an eternal curse awaits me beyond those overflowing tears
I now hold this love and pain in my chest"
I want to give a huge shout out to the following people. They have helped immensely with translation and just overall accessibility to the songs because they would be 1000 times more harder to find without them.
Silvermoon249 (Live Journal)
Asyqin98 Creator (YouTube)
S I s o v o l i (Youtube)
Dialovers otaka (Tumblr)
Starlight voices (Tumblr)
Cannonette (Tumblr) @canonette
The Precious Sugar Chan (Tumblr)
One final note, I would recommend listening to these with headphones because the audio sometimes does that thing where it jumps from ear to ear and it creates the best effect to be more involved in the atmosphere.
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babybottlepop96 · 3 years
Always: Shikamaru x Reader
Warnings: death, sadness, fluffy shit.
A/N: this one is about 2.2k words, it kinda got away from me lol enjoy and request!
Being Naruto Uzumaki's fraternal twin sister had its perks. I mean, the excessive amount of friends, ramen 24/7, always having a best friend that would be there for me and have my back no matter what but would also put me in my place if he had too. Being born five minutes after the infamous jinjuriki he was also so protective. Threatening any guy that would just have the nerve to flirt with me, the sister of the future Hokage.
We only had each other for so long, sure, our relationship took a bad turn for a while. While he was usually ignored and looked at as a monster, I didn't get the kind of treatment. Being the "normal" one of the twins, I was treated with more respect because I didn't have a tailed beast to host. I always felt awful for that and no matter how many times I stood up for my brother, he refused to accept my sympathy. The Chunin Exams came and went when he finally came to me after a few weeks of ignoring me. It was after Saskue had left and he was a mess. He cried into my shoulder and told me he was sorry. I just held him close and told him that I was never mad at him. I could never bead at him for how he felt about everything. It was unfair to him to be treated that badly, unfair that he had no say in being a host and I told him that he was so strong and had such a kind heart and people would eventually see that. I mean, they had to right? He was going to be the future Hokage.
When he left for those years with Jiryia, it was hard. It was like half of me was missing and I felt kind of lost without him. While he was out training, I had passed the Chunin and the Jonin exams. I was so proud of myself, but it would've felt even better if my twin was with me. 
When he came home, I wasn't there to greet him. I was on business with the Kazekage. Gaara became a close friend, he accepted my friendship because he felt like he could trust me. He became like a little brother. And then everything happened with the Akatsuki and I ended up losing an arm trying to save a few children from a clay bomb. I laid in one of the beds while everyone was trying to get Gaara back and I felt like I failed. I was a fucking Jonin for kage sake and I couldn't protect or retrieve Gaara. It hit me hard.
When Temari, Sakura, Kakashi and Naruto arrived, they went straight to Kankauro. That poor boy was in such pain from the poison, it hurt my heart when I heard him scream from the extraction. I was so focused on not paying attention I hadn't realized Naruto had made his way over to me and held my left hand. Once I felt his hand touch mine, my eyes flew open and he had tears in his eyes.
"I'm so sorry, (y/n)! I should've been here to protect you! I failed and I'm so sorry you got hurt." He his head dropped to the side of the bed and cried.
"Hey, hey it's okay Naruto. This shit happens you know that. And it is not your fault, okay? You had to go and train. This was just a mission that turned wrong. But you're here now! And I just know you're going to go after Gaara and bring him home. And I'll be rooting for your success.. believe it!" I smiled, small tear trails staining my own cheeks. He looked at me and gave a small smile.
After everything that happened at the sand and Gaara's return home, no longer a host for the one tail, things seemed to go somewhat better. I got a fake arm that works well with my chakra and I had been training non stop with all my friends. But I mostly spent time with one particular ninja the most. A cute, lazy Pineapple haired Nara. You see, Shikamaru and I had been close and dating for about a year at this point. We never particularly told anyone, but people seemed to know. Well, all except Naruto. He was so oblivious to it all, he didn't realize how close Shika and I were until Pein attacked the Hidden Leaf. So, that's where I'll begin this little tale.
"Shit shit shit!" I was running around trying to get civilians to safety, grabbing children and pushing other civilians towards the Hokage head mountain. A building was starting to crumble and fire and explosions were coming from everywhere it seemed. Once I felt like I got everyone I could I ran back to where the main event was happening. Thankfully Naruto wasn't here, I wouldn't even begin to imagine what they would do if they had captured him. I mean, they killed Gaara, but Lady Chio had that special secret jutsu that she took to the grave. I couldn't bear to lose my brother. 
To fight was lasting so long, there was no way to tell when it would all be over. I was separated from Choji, Ino and Shikamaru when everything began. The three started fighting while I helped get the civilians to safety, but I knew they had to be around here. Alive. They just had to be. Things were seemingly going fine until I heard a small child scream. I snapped my head to the sound so fast I swore I got whiplash. A small girl was cowering against a wooden wall, the enemy heading toward her. I ran as fast as I could and snatched the girl away. I tossed her to the side gently and told her to run. She just looked at me, her big brown eyes filled with tears and a worried look on her face. "It's okay, you go to the mountains and find your family. Okay? Go!" She nodded and took off. I fought off the enemy for as long as I could. My chakra was running extremely low, so low that I wasn't able to dodge the wooden spear that came hurtling towards me. It went straight through my chest, pinning against the wooden wall behind me. I coughed up blood and my vision started to go a bit fuzzy.
"Your time is now over. You were a decent Shinoni, but you were still weak." The enemy spat out. I didn't say anything as I clutched the wooden spear that pinned me to the wall, trying to take in air. It felt like I was drowning, I could feel my lungs filling with blood and tears start to run down my face. I would never see my friends again, see my brothers happy go lucky smile while down bowl after bowl of ramen. I would never be able to Shika that I loved him. Everything was fading to black, my head dropped and my arms went limp by my side.
I woke up in a dark place, no longer in pain. I was dead. "Hello little one." A voice spoke and I looked around to see a small light. I ran towards it, hoping maybe I'd wake up for real and I was alive and well. That this was just a sick dream or a gentusu. But what I saw when I reached the light was unbelievable. I saw the fourth Hokage with a woman with red hair. 
"Welcome, (y/n)." The woman came over to me and gave me a hug. "I'm your mom." She whispered in my ear and turned to the man. "And that's your dad." To say I was crying was an understatement. There was a river flow of salty tears streaming down my face as I hugged them both. 
I ran back towards the village at full speed, I just had to get back. I had to protect my friends and mentors. I had to protect (y/n). I saw the massive crater when I returned to what was supposed to be my village. Injured and dead ninja and civilians alike were being gathered in a clearing. I ran ahead, I had to find them, I had to find everyone. I spotted Sakura first and ran towards her, "Sakura!" She turned her head, tears running down her face and I stopped in front of her. "Where is everyone?" She pointed to our group of friends, everyone is there except for Kakashi-Sensei and my sister. "S-Sakura? Where… where is Kakashi and (y/n)?" She sobbed louder which caused all of our friends to look over. I walked towards them and the moment I spotted Shikamaru on the ground holding someone, sobbing, I froze. I knelt down and looked over him. He was holding my sister, cradling her head in his lap. Her body was paler than normal against the red stain on her shirt. I didn't move, I didn't cry, I just stared, not convinced that she was actually gone. After a few moments I got up and made my way towards the true enemy.
"N-Naruto? Where are you going?" Sakura asked me, her voice meek and breaking.
"To end this."
The enemy had retreated for a bit, allowing us to gather our injured and deceased. I was frantically looking for (y/n) I had to make sure she was okay. "(Y/n)!!" I heard Ino yell from behind me. I ran towards her voice as fast as I could. Once I reached her, my blood ran cold. There she was, the one that I truly cared about and loved, pinned against a wall, spear straight through the chest. I tentatively reached out and touched her and my instantly moved back as I felt her cold, stiff, lifeless body. I stood frozen. The rationalist inside me was gone and I then pulled the spear from her form and caught her in my arms and she limply fell. The cry that ripped from my throat was inhuman, angry and broken. I fell to the ground holding her close to my chest. "W-wake up, please!" I cried even harder knowing it was useless. She was already gone. Passed onto the afterlife while I was here to deal with the heartbreak. The pain. I knew this love thing was a drag, but I endured it for her. She made my days brighter, the sun burn hotter, she made everyday so much better. 
"Sh-Shika? W-we should get her to the others." Ino whispered, scared her own voice would break, as she gently put a hand on my shoulder. All I could manage was a small nod and tried to suppress my cries. I carried her to where everyone was putting the deceased and all our friends stood there with wide eyes and I carried their closest friend in my arms. Everyone was shocked, too stunned to say anything as I put (y/n) on the ground. But I still cradle her head in my lap, I couldn't let her go just yet. The tears still slipping down my cheeks were enough for everyone to know this was real. When Naruto showed up I sobbed, he was just in shock as the rest of us. When he left to go confront the real Pein, none of us stopped him. If anyone could end this. He could.
Talking to my parents had been the most calming time of my life. Well, afterlife. They told me stories about what it was like before they died, how Kakashi was like another son to him. How they never wanted Naruto to host the nine tails. I told them how life was growing up, how I was dating Shikamaru and my dad gave me a whole lecture on safe sex, even though I was dead and I wouldn't have to worry about any of that. Well, until I started to glow. "Looks like you still have a full life to live my sweet." My mother smiled and I looked at them with a smile and tears in my eyes.
"I love you both." I said as I faded back into the darkness. This time though, when I opened my eyes I saw a face I never thought I'd be able to see again. "Shika?" His eyes snapped open and he stared down at me, his eyes wide and mouth open. He stared at me for a moment, not believing what he was seeing. His dead girlfriend, breathing. Alive.he held me so close to his chest and sobbed even louder. Ino and Choji were all giving him sad looks until they saw my arms wrap around his neck and held him closer.
"OH SHIT!" Choji yelled as the other dead bodies were coming back from death. I sat up slowly and grabbed Shikamaru's face and kissed him. I kissed him like it would be the last time I ever would. 
"I… I thought I lost you for good this time." He spoke softly.
"I will always come back for you." I smiled at him, tear glazed eyes staring into his own. "Always." We kissed again, pulling each other close. We stayed like that for a moment until we heard a certain obnoxious blonde yelling at us.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOUR DOING?! SHIKAMARU THAT'S MY SISTER! WHEN THE HELL DID THIS HAPPEN?!" Causing everyone to let out a laugh. Resting his forehead on mine Shikamaru spoke quietly. "I love you."
"I love you too, Shika. I love you too."
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chalabrun · 3 years
tsunade's feats (and why she's equal to her fellow sannin)
(For @sannin-central​‘s Sannin Week Day 7 prompt: Free Day)
One of the most tired arguments you’ll ever hear about Tsunade is that she isn’t as strong as her fellow Sannin, or their equal; that all she does is heal and punch and have a bad temper. As if that’s the only thing that makes her special, right? Nah, wrong!
In this meta, what I want to expand on is a full, manga-canon (with some anime and extraneous material inclusion) litany of feats that Tsunade has accomplished. And what makes her such an integral part of the Sannin, and background surrounding it. Hopefully, this will be a meta that can end the doubt of the equality between the Sannin and the feats that make Tsunade such a force to be reckoned with.
The Sannin: Why there was a 3-way Deadlock
(Below scan originally from Narutoversity.)
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As stated in the Second Databook, to be a Sannin means that each individual Sannin are of equal ability and might to each other.
The Legend of the Sannin
What is the truth behind the Sannin? With three key words, we will discover how the three became legends.
Even ghosts would cower before Konoha’s Sannin!
Under the professor, their talents were nutured!
The three who spent their childhood with the one who would become the Third Hokage. With the benefit of great leadership, each was able to set flame to their great talents. Perfecting their strength and jutsus, and at times clashing with each other, the three find the source of their power from these days of childhood.
[Bell Test] At that place, the usual presence of the teacher and student relationship…
Explosive spirit and unique power!
Jiraya’s manly fighting valor, Orochimaru’s individual talents, Tsunade’s monster power and supreme knowledge of medical jutsu. During fights, their skills would increase thrice fold and create stories of great battlefield deeds. Especially, places of battle where the three fought together were their own stage. Stories of their battlefield deeds have evolved into legends. As there will no longer be days when the three will fight alongside each other, the flower of their legend is the more dazzling.
[Jiraiya] Serious but deadly eyes! Are the only ones who can fight against the Sannin the Sannin themselves?
[Tsunade] Her power is like that of a god of war.
[Orochimaru] Like a reflection of his way of life, his fighting skills are cruel to the extreme.
The weakness of the Sannin?
The Sannin are also human. If they do have weaknesses, is it not because of their human attributes and personalities? In it, there is a certain lure of humanistic charm.
Jiraya – Women and sexiness
If someone uses the one that he loves as a shield, even the most strongest of ninjas will become defenseless. And there are many women that Jiraya loves.
Tsunade – Gambling
In the world of gambling she is known as Legendary Sucker. When she uses her luck, which is rather low, is she then at her most vulnerable?
Orochimaru – ???
In completely encompassed mind of ice, there is no possibility of it becoming marred by another human. Only, his own endless ambitions keeps him anxious.
- Second Databook, translation from Narutoversity.
As stated here, to be a Sannin means to be equal in power, that no individual Sannin is more powerful than each other. More than that, only a Sannin can hope to take down a Sannin.
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As stated by Ebisu shortly after Jiraiya’s return in the aftermath of the Konoha Crush.
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As said by Jiraiya during the Three-Way Deadlock in part 1.
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First Fanbook, Sannin entry (Source)
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Ch. 170, highlighting the Sansukumi motif behind the Sannin.
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Ch. 154, where Orochimaru muses about Tsunade's calling in life.
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During this arc, Orochimaru themself states that facing two of their fellow Sannin wouldn’t be easy, even if they are one.
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Ch. 369, where Hanzo himself gives the Sannin their name--objectively acknowledging their prowess instead of favoring one over the other.
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Ch. 380, where Pein himself admits to the Sannin’s equal and devastating ability.
Even their stats as listed in the databooks see them as near-equal to one another statistically.
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Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru's statboxes (Source)
Sannin & their Summons
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Second Databook, Leaf #18: The Sannin & their summons (Source)
Another important factor of the 3-way Deadlock is the deadly summons that each Sannin possessed. What made them so special?
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Village: Otogakure
Rank: —
“You bastard…I’ll eat you up!”
A python that lives with an aggressive nature and evil wildness
A summon that is hard to control because of its aggressive nature. With its hideous eyes and great power of destruction, there is no emotion of ‘terror’ for this violent entity that wants to take over everything. It is an evil that is partners with Orochimaru who also symbolizes evil.
There is no such thing as trust between the summoned and the summoner.
The jutsus that utilize 100% of all the characteristics of a snake are also formidable!!
- Second Databook, Manda's entry (Scan & Translation)
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: —
“I’ll make sure you pay me back for this…”
Majestic and magnificent!! An honorable toad, defender of justice, protector of the weak!!
The big toad summoned by Jiraiya and Naruto. The sight of him wielding his giant knife is the very picture of the boss of chivalry. His violent fights against Shukaku and Manda show why he is known as the strongest toad.
His life is also that of a boss. Having yet to pledge his loyalty to Naruto, Gamabunta had no obligation to help him. However, upon learning that Naruto had saved Gamakichi, he joined Naruto in the fight against Shukaku. He is a true warrior among warriors who understands the lifelong shame of an unchivalrous action!
Unable to ignore the desperation of the one who saved his son. A true champion.
His voice rings like a knife no matter who his opponent his. His power is no bluff.
- Second Databook, Gamabunta's entry (Scan & Translation)
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: —
“Tsunade-sama so desires.”
Risking her life for Tsunade! A wise and docile giant slug!!
The massive slug summoned by Tsunade. Her polite speech and obedient attitude give a strong impression of maturity. However, her true strength is anticipated to be considerable. Katsuyu’s true strength… It can be guessed her fighting on an equal footing with Gamabunta and Manda, the summoned creatures of the other “Sannin”.
She executes Tsunade’s orders swiftly and efficiently, sending the injured Naruto away from the battlefront on a Bunshin and saving him from a dangerous situation.
Katsuyu’s kind and compassionate heart can be sense in her worry for Naruto’s safety. Seems like a rather different personality to that of the dynamic and fearless Tsunade…
- Second Databook, Katsuyu's entry (Scan & Translation)
Something definitively established is that each Sannin’s boss summon was as strong as the others, especially when one considers that they’re the only ones summoned from sage regions, the only three known in the world.
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Ch. 579
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Ch. 634, where Minato notes the exceptionalism of the Sannin’s summons.
The Sannin: A historical & folkloric influence
Something that might not be commonly known is the fact that the Sannin take their inspiration from two primary sources: the rock-paper-scissors hand game precursor, Mushi-ken, and the Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya.
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Woodblock prints depicting scenes from the Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya, featuring Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru that inspired the Sannin.
"In the legend, Jiraiya is a ninja who uses shapeshifting magic to morph into a gigantic toad. As the heir of the mighty Ogata clan in Kyūshū, Jiraiya fell in love with Tsunade (綱手), a beautiful young maiden who has mastered slug magic. His arch-enemy was his one-time follower Yashagorō (夜叉五郎), later known as Orochimaru (大蛇丸), a master of serpent magic (the kanji 大蛇 literally means "giant snake" or "serpent"). It was first recorded in 1806."
The Tale of the Gallant Jiraiya. (Source)
Now, while articles such as these better establish the Sannin’s folkloric influence, what is undeniable is that the Sannin come from very historical beginnings.
But, what about the game of Mushi-ken that further describe the 3-Way Deadlock?
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Mushi-ken, the earliest Japanese sansukumi-ken game (1809). From left to right: slug (Namekuji), frog (Kawazu), and snake (Hebi). (Source)
In mushi-ken, the "frog" represented by the thumb wins against the "slug" represented by the pinkie finger, which, in turn defeats the "snake" (蛇) represented by the index finger, which wins against the "frog" (蛙). (Source)
As we see with this explanation, the Sannin are further meant to be equal from the game that would come to define their dynamic, as illustrated with the above points. 
Tsunade: What the databooks say
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Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Ninja Registration Number: 002302
Birthday: August 2 (51 years old, Leo)
Height: 163.1 cm Weight: 48.9 kg Blood Type: B
Personality: Brash, gambling addict
Favourite food: Chicken breast, alcohol
Least favourite food: Raw liver
Would like to fight: Uzumaki Naruto
Favourite word: Get rich quick!
Interests: Gambling
Graduated from the Ninja Academy at age 6
Promoted to chuunin at age ?
Mission Experience
D-rank: 40
C-rank: 236
B-rank: 467
A-rank: 418
S-rank: 95
Ninjutsu: 5
Taijutsu: 5
Genjutsu: 3.5
Intelligence: 5
Strength: 5
Speed: 3.5
Stamina: 4
Hand Seals: 4
“This can’t be happening…”
Brash, free spirited, monstrous strength, no one can stop Princess Tsunade. She is the legendary ninja who has touched upon the very limits of medicine.
As one of the Legendary Sannin, tales of her heroism echo on the battlefield and her efforts in expanding the medical field have made numerous accomplishments. The name Tsunade that is imbued with legendary magnificence is a ninja of Konoha. She is the idol of many kunoichis. But she, the object of this admiration, is one of those rare individuals who is not limited by being a woman ninja nor by any other constraints of a ninja. Her personality is precipitous and free, more stubborn than a man’s as well as showy, not to mention a gambling addict. If her admirers should hear about her life as a gambler, perhaps their idolatry will fade away in an instant.
But behind that flashy personality, an almost diffident friendliness is hidden. There is none who can match her love for her village and for those who are special to her. This gap between her outer and inner self is the secret to her charm that can never wilt!
Even though she is always impetuous, her truly terrifying moment is when she has anger deep inside her. Her expression and glow of her eyes right before her eruption have the intensity to make anyone afraid.
As the granddaughter of the First Hokage, her name is the frequent subject of news.
Her exceptional bad luck! But her once in awhile winnings, could they be indicators of an ominous future?
For the naturally brash and free style Tsunade, she cannot do without the rational and organized Shizune. On days Tsunade is drowning in gambling, wine and sadness, [Shizune’s] understanding and devotion have supported her throughout.
[Shizune’s] special existence to Tsunade is beyond that of a servant.
She never thought of him as a companion even during the period of the Sannin. His evil eyes which never change through time are not what Tsunade likes. But the offer that he proffers weakens her. Without putting down a decision she is lead into an evil plan.
He lures her with the mentioning of ‘her most precious ones.” Towards the raging Tsunade, he continues to talk. “I can bring back your beloved brother and love.”
Unlike Orochimaru, she knows Jiraiya well. So when he requests with sincerity in his eyes her acceptance to be inaugurated as the Fifth Hokage, she recognizes the danger her village is in but….
[Uzumaki Naruto]
Rudeness, simplicity, ‘dreams’ – all that Naruto has used to be by Tsunade’s side. And everything she lost in the war. And once again, she sees them. The image of her loved ones show up clearly in her mind.
[The past hidden within]
In the violence of the war, many ninjas lost their lives and many sorrows mounted in this world of fighting.
Passing on the Hokage’s necklace is an act of her strong love.
[The scars from the war]
The one she loved the most in this period of war…. Her brother Nawaki and Dan were both lost to her. A pain that seems to crush her half of her body, a phobia of warm blood and an emptiness that cannot be filled take root in her mind.
It was because she loved them more than anyone else that the pain of loss is so great. And the will that is left behind….
The soft kiss on the forehead, as if she were blessing the future
[The heart that does not weaken]
What Tsunade wanted back in her heart… the dreams of the ones she loved most. These do not fade in her heart but continue to shine. Always she looked upon these dreams in her heart hoping they would come true as well as her love that never grows less.
[The final bet]
A will lives on through the one who inherits it. Nawaki’s and Dan’s dreams are alive burns brightly in the dreams of one boy whose eyes resembles theirs . Tsunade leaves her necklace to Naruto believing one day, he will make those dreams come true.
[The Fifth Hokage]
Her fate (mission) burns more brightly in her chest after the fight. Her role is to protect Naruto who has inherited the dreams of her loved ones. That is why she must protect the largest tree known as Konoha. That is why the new ninja path as the 5th Hokage is engraved in her heart.
The will that was glowing in the darkness of her sorrow is given fuel by one Naruto Uzumaki and inflamed once more her life’s purpose. Her life’s mission is to protect Naruto and Konohagakure as long as she is titled, Hokage. Tsunade’s vows to devote all of herself including her own life in order to fulfill her mission, are channeled into strength which uphold her. She who was adulated as the Sannin, the strongest ninja who put fear into the hearts of enemies far away, is once more revived!
Second Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Translation) & (Scans)
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Third Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Source)
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Tsunade (Fifth Hokage)
Village: Konohagakure
Rank: Hokage
Ninja Registration Number: 002302
Birthday: August 2 (55 years old, Leo)
Height: 163.1 cm Weight: 48.9 kg Blood Type: B
Personality: Quick-tempered, enjoys gambling
Favourite: She was treasured as a favourite by Hashirama, and learned to gamble during her childhood days. Her rarely-scored jackpots are ill omens.
Chakra Nature(s): Fire, Water, Lightning, Earth, Yang
Special Characteristics: Summoning
About 31 years ago: Tsunade’s will contains the dream of her loved ones. She took as her ambition the wish of Dan, who lost his life.
“I’ll protect this village no matter what… I swear on the name of Hokage!”
The blooming will of fire — long era eternity Konoha managing largehearted orchid tree!!
Born as a grandchild to the First Hokage Senju Hashirama called the God of Shinobi, before long she came to display unparalleled medical ninjutsu skills. Formerly she amassed a great deal of legendary valour together with Jiraiya and Orochimaru (referred to as Sannin), and eventually Tsunade rose to take the seat of Hokage of Konohagakure. She, having inherited Grandfather Hashirama’s Will of Fire along with his lineage, is now in the role of Chief of Staff in the Allied Shinobi Forces, and crosses the borders of the land to bear the responsibility of commanding ninjas. It can certainly be said that she has brought Hashirama’s longstanding desire into fruition.
Although she has zero gambling skill, she never loses when she bets it all.
Never losing her trusting heart, Tsunade juices up her advisors.
You won’t have to settle for your rank. Let us rejoice upon your development and stand on the front lines side by side…!!
4th Databook, Tsunade’s entry (Translation) & (Scans)
Tsunade: An extraordinary inheritance 
As the granddaughter of Mito Uzumaki and Hashirama Senju, both considered extraordinary for their extraordinarily powerful clans, Tsunade inherited natural gifts that few people can equal.
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4th Databook, Mito’s entry (Source)
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3rd Databook, Hashirama’s entry (Source)
As evident by these, not only is Tsunade the granddaughter of an Uzumaki and a Senju, but of two members considered extraordinarily powerful by their own standards that passed down to Tsunade herself. While it might not seem obvious beyond some jutsu and the name itself, there is an instance where her heritage truly shines.
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Ch. 601, after the 5 Kage lose against an immensely powerful, freed Edo Tensei Madara. Tsunade was bisected in two, but remained completely conscious.
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Ch. 635, where Orochimaru discovers a still-conscious and bisected Tsunade capable of healing the other Kage despite being incapacitated herself.
Tsunade: Feats of healing
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Currently, medical ninjutsu is widely used as a shield to protect ninja. The history of its development and various characteristics are unraveled here!
The medical way that needs a talent different from Ninjutsu. It’s a different type of skill from combat. The greatest control of the smallest amount of chakra, great professional knowledge, and the brains and dedication to use them. The biggest problem with medical jutsu are their particularities. Meticulous chakra control is needed and thus a natural aptitude is needed for users. These are why it takes a long time to develop and there aren’t many medical ninjas.
The greater the wound, the greater the ability needed. Also, its effects are not unlimited and reviving the dead is impossible.
Scratches and stab wounds: Difficulty 1
Broken bones, muscle and severed tendons: Difficulty 2
Great damage to the body: Difficulty 3
Regrowing damaged organ and death: impossibility
Even if Tsunade uses medical jutsu it is impossible to grow a whole organ (e.g. Dan’s destroyed kidneys). Incision healing using chakra scalpel can also be used for attacks!
Healing of external wounds using chakra: Procedure of putting chakra on the body and healing wounds.
Healing using cursed seals: Using cursed seals to control chakra levels and flow.
Tsunade’s Creation Rebirth: An ability that is not about healing but about regeneration. It can remake all organs and parts.
- Second Databook, Medical ninjutsu entry (Scan & Translation) 
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Ch. 155, where Kabuto expresses that only Tsunade is capable of healing the necrosis-like effects of the Dead Demon Consuming Seal that robbed Orochimaru of use of their arms.
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Ch. 172, when Tsunade easily heals the effects of Itachi's Tsukiyomi on Sasuke that made him fall into a coma.
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Ch. 235, where the Nara Clan Medical Encyclopedia is being consulted by Tsunade to help her heal Chouji after the debilitating effects of the Three-Color Pills.
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Ch. 173, when Tsunade explains how she would perform surgery on Rock Lee (spoiler: it's a resounding success).
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Ch. 253, wherein Tsunade’s rival, Chiyo, recalls how Tsunade was the only person capable of foiling her poisons.
As we know, one of the greatest threats to shinobi is that of poisons. And, there is the fact that Tsunade established ways of producing and foiling them.
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Ch. 562, where Tsunade and Ai are among two of the only individuals capable of surviving the Heavenly Transfer Technique. Tsunade does so by invoking her Creation Rebirth technique.
Her ability as a med-nin were so extraordinary that she had a palpable mark on medical ninjutsu in the shinobi world.
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Ch. 154, where Kabuto muses about Tsunade being the originator of the idea to have a med-nin on every 4-man cell.
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Ch. 160 where the standard to place a medical ninja in every unit of ninja is first introduced by her.
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Ch. 577, where Tsunade lists the 4 rules governing medical ninja that she likely conceived.
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"Tsunade’s grief over losing her lover gave birth to the development of present-day medical ninjutsu."
- Second Fanbook (Scan & Translation)
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Ch. 424, when Tsunade uses Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing to heal the entire village during Pein's assault.
While healing an entire village during an invasion by the second coming of the Sage of Six Paths is impressive itself, something I often see overlooked is why Tsunade fell into such a deep coma in the first place.
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Ch. 430, we learn that Tsunade’s Byakugou disappeared because she rerouted her Creation Rebirth--which demands the Byakugou’s stores--into healing the villagers during Pein’s Assault.
It's because she used Creation Rebirth not on herself, but the entire village. 
Tsunade: A Goddess of war
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#24: Taken to the bitter extreme! Princess Tsunade’s “legendary” absurd strength!!
It would seem Tsunade’s “outrageous strength” completely ignores the laws of nature!! The challenge to common sense that is her power is due in no small part to her artful chakra control and fine-tuning. To give things a name, by instantly collecting chakra into her fist and fingers, she obtains a power of destruction bodily strength alone cannot achieve.
- Databook 2: Konoha 100 Leaves Collection (Scan & Translation)
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Ch. 163, Tsunade unleashing the Heavenly Foot of Pain, one of her most iconic applications of her deadly Chakra-Enhanced Strength she created from the principles of medical ninjutsu.
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Ch. 169, Tsunade properly explaining the mechanics of Creation Rebirth and how it makes her practically immortal and deadlier than she already is.
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Ch. 170, with Tsunade's single-handedly wielding Gamabunta's tantou to sunder Manda. Whether CES or her own natural raw strength, it's an incredibly fearsome sight to behold.
While the Deadlock between the Sannin demonstrates some of her earliest feats of strength, and solidifies her position as Konoha's Fifth Hokage by it alone, it's still not her most impressive battle to date.
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Ch. 577, where the first thing Tsunade does when she arrives on the 4th War's battlefield is confront Madara, and dent his Susano'o, the Mangekyou Sharingan's perfect defense ninjutsu.
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Ch. 577, working together with Ai & Oonoki to completely pulverize his Susano'o.
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Ch. 578, where Tsunade survives not only impalement by Madara's Susano'o, but a direct blast from its Yasaka Magatama as well, both deadly offenses Madara's Susano'o possesses.
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Ch. 588, where Tsunade is pitted against five of Madara's wood clones and not only fights them, but does it while impaled with two of the Susano'o's blades.
Regardless, it would seem the second databook's comparison of Tsunade's fighting style to that of a god of war truly is fitting.
Tsunade: Jutsu she created (or perfected)
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Heavenly Foot of Pain (Tsuuten Kyaku)
Taijutsu, C-rank, Offensive, Close range
User(s): Tsunade
The heel swung down in anger makes the ground rumble in kind with an ultra-hard smackdown!!
All of her body’s outrageous strength is concentrated into her heel. Her stance crystallizes the body’s dynamics in a magnificent demonstration of the art of hand to hand combat. And when her heel swings downward, it’s as if a comet had fallen!! Nothing and no one could receive a direct hit and avoid pulverization.
The remainder of the impact smashed not only the ground, but the nearby rampart into tiny bits…!!
- Second Databook, Heavenly Foot of Pain entry (Scan & Translation)
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Body Pathway Derangement
Ninjutsu, A-rank, Supplementary, Close range
User(s): Tsunade
Disturbing body control by severing the pathways of [brain←→body] information flow!!
By transforming the chakra within one’s body and giving it the properties of electricity, one creates an electric field. By pouring this into the nervous system of one’s opponent, one deranges their body control! An extremely high-level technique, used as a Medical Ninjutsu. The human body is controlled with electrical signals from the brain, but a person who had those electrical signals cut off with this technique will become unable to make their body move as they want. Because she’s an expert in medical treatments, Tsunade was able to master this technique.
An attack that severs the control threads with a flash of lightning!
One’s own body moves in any way, except how one wants it to move…!? For the common shinobi, battle, not to mention even just walking, will become impossible.
As soon as strike of the hand lands, electricity is poured into the enemy’s nervous system, severing the signals!!
- Second Databook, Body Pathway Derangement entry. (Scan) & (Translation)
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Creation Rebirth (Souzou Saisei)
Ninjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
User(s): Tsunade
The absolute pinnacle of Medical Ninjutsu~~ a forbidden regeneration technique!
Created by the greatest of medical ninja, Tsunade, this is the ultimate regeneration technique!! By releasing a large amount of chakra at once, the body’s cell division is forcibly stimulated, reconstruction all organs and all tissues making up the human body!
If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. It’s impossible to die by any means… for the sake of continuing to protect the lives of one’s comrades. That’s the resolution hidden in this technique.
By releasing the great volume of chakra stored in her forehead, Tsunade can make her body do the work of an untold number of years in an instant.
This wound may have brought her on the verge of death, but she won’t die~~
The acceleration of cell division that allows for the complete recovery from wounds is paid for with the shortening of one’s life span.
- Second Databook, Creation Rebirth entry. (Scan) & (Translation)
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Yin Seal: Release
(Infuuin: Kai)
Fuuinjutsu, S-rank, Supplementary
User: Tsunade
Unravelling the key to using the Creation Rebirth!!
Creation Rebirth, the ultimate medical technique. However, using this technique requires such an enormous amount of chakra, that it is beyond any shinobi to mould it in an instant. Tsunade, using the chakra stock kept in the seal on her forehead, has cleared this prerequisite. With Yin Seal: Release, the seal is released, becoming the source for the body regeneration technique.
The moment it is unsealed, a pattern appears on the forehead.
Releasing the seal is the greatest danger signal.
- Second Databook, Yin Seal:Release entry (Source).
Now, while Tsunade didn't invent the Byakugou Seal, she certainly perfected it enough to eventually be passed on to one of her disciples, Sakura Haruno.
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  Ch. 36, Boruto, that explains the Byakugou's origins.
However, what she absolutely did create was Creation Rebirth and Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth - Strength of a Hundred Technique.
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Ninja Art: Creation Rebirth--Strength of a Hundred Technique entry, 4th Databook (Source)
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Ch. 578, where Madara himself likens Creation Rebirth to Hashirama's mass-coveted Regeneration Ability.
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Fourth Databook, Katsuyu: Immense Network Healing entry (Source)
Closing thoughts
For as celebrated as the Sannin are in canon, sometimes, it takes more convincing than others that they are, in fact, of near equal ability with their unique specialties being what sets them apart. 
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Could you do a protective Finn
It was overwhelmingly protective Finn so here's this it kinda sucks so I'll write a better Protective Finn one later <33
Characters belong to our lovely @lumosinlove
TW: homophobic slurs/homophobic behavior/slight violence
   Logan had been off his game for the entirety of their Thursday practice. Leo and Finn had shot each other anxious looks every time Logan stopped in the middle of the rink or missed an easy shot.
   No one could blame him really, he had come out two days before and was still in the backlash stage. There were many people who were supportive of course but it would always be hard to ignore the bad ones.
   The team had a big group hug when the cubs came in this morning. They had told Logan he didn’t have to come in but Logan had said he’d rather be there than home by himself. So here they were at practice but it was obvious to everyone that Logan was in his head and most certainly not paying attention.
   Eventually, after his sixth missed pass, he skated slowly to the side and made his way off the ice. Finn and Leo followed him but Logan just gave them a tired smile and waved them off. “I just need a little air, I’ll be right back.” 
   Leo nodded but Finn made a move to follow him which was stopped by Logan’s slightly desperate look and Leo’s hand placed firmly on his arm. Logan gave them both a small smile before walked out the door. Finn turned to Leo and sighed, resting his forehead on Leo’s shoulder for a moment before Leo drug him back on the ice.
   When thirty minutes went by and Logan still hadn’t come back inside Finn glanced at Leo and met his anxious gaze. Leo skated over and whispered something in Remus’s ear and after receiving a nod from Remus waved Finn over.
   Finn met him off the ice and Leo sighed, his hand grabbing Finn’s. “We’re going to go find Lo, je suis inquiet pour lui, il devrait être de retour maintenant.” Finn nodded and ignored the fact that he only caught a few words of french. 
   Worried, back by now.
   Finn followed Leo out the door and into the relatively cold weather. Logan wasn’t there so they walked around and saw him leaning against the side of the building. Leo felt his breath catch in his throat and Finn saw his vision drown out by red.
   Logan was standing, his back against the wall as if it was the only thing keeping him up. There was a man standing in front of him talking exaggeratedly, his hands flapping and far too close to Logan’s face.
   The thing that caught Leo and Finn’s attention, however, was the fact that Logan was crying silently, his face staring blankly past the man in front of him. His cheek was red and Leo hoped against all hope that it was from the cold and not from the man currently towering over Logan.
   His hope was cut short when the man glared at Logan and slapped him roughly across the face. Both the boys snapped out of their trance and Finn was punching the man in the face before he even knew what was happening. 
   Leo scowled at the man but went straight to Logan, seeing as Finn had the man handled. Logan’s eyes were unfocused and slightly glazed over. Leo cursed quietly and brought a gentle hand up to cup Logan’s face, frowning deeply when Logan flinched away from it.
   “Baby, it’s me. It’s Leo, Lo you’re okay. Finn and I are here.” Logan slowly opened his eyes which had fallen closed when Leo touched him. Logan silently took in Leo’s face before he slowly turned his eyes to Finn and the man. 
   Finn had gotten quite a few punches in and the man was stumbling away from him quickly, Finn turned towards them and Leo saw blood seeping out of a cut on his lip. Leo sighed and looked back to Logan who was watching Finn with unseeing eyes. 
   “Finn?” He asked quietly. Finn gave Leo a concerned glance before stepping closer to Logan. “Hey, Lo. It’s me, it’s Finn. You’re okay now, baby.” Logan nodded slowly before turning his eyes away. Leo bit his lip and dropped his hands down to Logan’s shoulders, taking in Logan’s carefully expressionless face.
   “Logan, what-” Logan cut him off by straightening and turning to Finn. “Can we go home?” Leo and Finn shared a careful look before Finn nodded. “Of course. We can go to the car and Leo can go tell Coach we’re leaving.” Logan looked over at Leo sharply and grabbed his arm, the first show of emotion that the boys had seen in Logan since they got outside. 
   “Don’t leave me.” He said quietly, his eyes now panicked as they flicked back and forth between Leo’s. 
   Leo pulled him into a hug and guided his head gently to where it was resting on Leo’s shoulder, one of Leo’s hands on the back of his head and the other running up and down Logan’s back soothingly. “No one’s leaving. I’m coming right back, I just have to tell them we’re all going home together.” Leo said softly into Logan’s brown curls. 
   Logan made a soft whimpering sound and Leo tightened his hold around the smaller boy. He met Finn’s eyes and saw the absolute anger settled there. His jaw was clenched and his lip was still steadily bleeding. A few of his knuckles were bleeding as well, though most were just bruised.
   Finn was shaking slightly and Leo pulled him in for a soft, reassuring kiss. Logan reached behind him blindly and grabbed Finn’s hand. “Finn you can’t leave either.” Finn’s eyes, now slightly calmer though not much found Logan’s eyes from where he had turned his head. Finn reached out and ran his hand over Logan’s cheek. 
   “We’re not going anywhere, Lo. Let me just text Cap and Loops, they can tell Coach.” Logan nodded numbly, the cloud settling uneasily over his eyes again. Leo wrapped an arm around Logan’s waist and led them towards the car while Finn sent a quick text off to Cap and Loops.
   The ride home was silent, Logan in the backseat with Leo who had opted to sit with Logan instead of his normal shotgun. Logan was trembling slightly, his head resting in Leo’s lap as Leo ran his hands through Logan’s hair trying to ground him.
   People react differently to stress, fear, and upsetting things. Finn for example got mad and snapped at everyone, Leo leaves and doesn’t tell anyone where he’s going so he can be alone, Logan on the other hand shuts down completely. 
   If there was something Logan didn’t want to face or think about he would shut off completely. He would go silent and it was hard to get him out of it. It didn’t happen very often, only in extreme cases but it was always scary for Leo and Finn.
   By the time they got to their apartment, Logan was shaking and Leo had to help him get out of the car. Finn handed Leo the keys and bent over in front of Logan to offer a piggyback ride. Logan stared at him for a minute before easing his way onto Finn’s back.
   Finn rubbed soothing circles on his thighs as they walked into their apartment. Leo dropped the keys into the bowl by the door and made his way to the kitchen to make some tea. Finn sat Logan down gently on the couch before sitting next to him and pulling Logan to his chest.
   Logan laid against his chest tensely and Finn watched him with a sad expression. He dropped a kiss onto Logan’s forehead and let his forehead rest on Logan’s head. “What happened?” Finn asked quietly, eyeing Leo as he walked in and placed a mug on the table in front of Logan.
   Logan shook his head and stared at the mug without picking it up. “Nothing, I’m fine.” Finn felt a rush of anger wash over him as he took in Logan’s bruising cheek. “Like hell you are.” He said, a little too roughly. Logan tensed impossibly further and Leo shot him a glare.
   Finn bit his lip and kept silent, attempting to calm himself down. Leo sat on the other side of Logan and shifted so that Logan could rest between his legs and faced Finn.
   “He’s not mad at you, baby, he’s mad at the man you were with. Who was he?” Leo whispered softly to his stiff boyfriend. Finn reached over and gently rubbed circles again against his knee before dropping a kiss over the spot he’d been running his finger over.
   Logan looked down, not meeting anyone’s eyes as he whispered, “I’m fine.” Leo and Finn shot each other disbelieving looks. “Logan baby, you’re not fine.” Leo said softly, his arms wrapped around Logan’s waist, feeling how he trembled against Leo’s chest.
   An utterly broken sound escaped Logan’s lips. “I’m fine. I’m fine, I’m fine.” He chanted over and over again until his voice broke and the sobs cut him off. Leo hugged him against his chest and sent Finn a sad look. 
   Finn sat forward and wrapped his arms around the two boys, Logan safely nuzzled between them. Logan rested his forehead against Finn’s collar bone and continued to cry. 
   “He- He called me- a fag. Said t-that I should just kill myself, w-would help e-everyone out." He broke off with a loud sob as his body convulsed slightly as he tried desperately to breathe through his tears.
*end slurs*
   Leo had tears in his eyes and Finn swore he had never wanted to sock someone as badly as he wanted to right then. He was glad he had punched the jerk but he wished that he had known before so he hadn’t just scared him away. 
   Logan was still sobbing brokenly in his boyfriend’s arms. “It shouldn’t bother me.” Logan whispered when he had calmed down enough to breathe normally. “It shouldn’t bother me, you two are worth it but it just-” He cut himself off and squeezed his eyes shut. “It just hurts.”
   Finn kissed Logan’s head and felt tears slip through his eyelashes. “Baby, it’s okay to be upset. This should bother you, what he said was terrible and he had no right to say it. Honestly, I wish I had beat him up more than I did. We’re here for you when you need us, when it gets to you we’re here, Lo.” Finn said, his voice heavy with emotion. 
   Leo rested his forehead on Logan’s brown curls and made a noise of agreement. “Don’t hide it, there’s no need to with us. We’re here for you good or bad. You’re not alone in this, baby.” Logan sobbed a little and leaned into the warmth and comfort his boyfriends never failed to give him.
   “I love y’all. Tu fais que les mauvais moments en valent la peine.” Logan added quietly. Leo tilted his head and kissed him softly on the mouth while Finn kissed his cheek. “We love you too.” Leo said quietly when he pulled away.
   Logan chuckled wetly and stood up, his boys standing up with him. Logan dabbed at his wet cheeks and took a deep breath. “Movie night?” Leo smiled and Finn laughed. “‘Course.” Finn said, grabbing Logan’s hand and pulling him into their room. Leo followed a few minutes later, three bowls of popcorn in his hands. “Burnt just how you like it, Lo.” Leo said, his lips turned up slightly in disgust.
   Logan laughed and kissed his cheek before they settled in the bed, Logan tucked securely between Leo and Finn. “Thank you.” He said quietly as ‘The Sound Of Music’ started. Leo and Finn settled with a kiss to each of Logan’s cheek as a ‘you’re welcome’.
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lorelieeee my love 💚 could I please request a songfic with Sai, based on Makin’ Out by Pomplamoose?
Okay, so I haven’t heard this song before, but her voice is so distinct, I fell in love with it. Here you are, my love.
WC: 450
You had always sort of liked Sai. He was different than the rest. You two bonded quickly. He was quiet, and to most people, awkward. You didn’t see it that way at all. It made him more honest, and open. He didn‘t grow up with the same fears as others, and when you did talk, albeit briefly, you always left feeling like he understood in a way others did not.
There were a few missions the two of you had shared, and many more after Pein had come to the village. The two of you were always thought of as a duo, you worked well together, there was good communication, and most importantly, you knew what it meant to be a team.
So here in the middle of a stake-out mission, years after Kakashi had become Hokage, you had this strange sensation. You felt it in your chest, it wasn’t sadness, it wasn’t happiness, it was a sort of odd. The feeling didn’t go away, and when Sai looked at you noticing your face.
“Are you okay, Kenz?” He gave you a small smile and kept his voice even, but even he knew something was right. You nodded and gave him a reassuring smile.
”All good, Sai.” You replied. The two of you spent a few more hours watching before your relief team showed up. The two of you ate quickly and quietly and readied for bed. As Sai got the sleeping bags ready, you noticed he seemed a bit more relaxed than before. He was even smiling, and not his normal forced smile either, but rather a real genuine smile. You two settled into your sleeping bags and were ready to sleep.
“Do you ever think about life?” He turns to ask you. “Do you ever think about how much of ourselves we’ve given to be ninjas?” You blinked thinking about his words, and how truly random they were.
“I have thought about it lately. It seems as if our friends are moving on in their lives. Maybe we should too? I’ll be the one who stands beside you in the photograph, and that is in your water when you want me there, and falling over you every time. Only if you’ll let me.” He stated so casually.
How could he be so sure of something when you were just beginning to feel this way? No, you weren’t just starting to feel this way, you’d been feeling this way for a long time. You laid there in shock, and when he grabbed your hand, you didn’t let go. He didn’t say anything more. Your last few thoughts before falling asleep were of the future you and Sai would share.
taglist: @kakashiswilloffire
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aerugonian · 4 years
what are some of your fav kakashi centric fics?? ive never been too into naruto but kakashi??? i love him
You’re in luck because the only Naruto fics I read are Kakashi-centric, lmao. Here are some of my favorites (strap in because this is gonna be long – and I hope you like time travel, because there’s a lot of that here.) Fics are listed in no particular order. 
Just the Usual Habits by Applepie (G / gen / 3.9k words / completed / no warnings)
Sakumo has no idea where all of these habits of Kakashi's are coming from. In which five-year-old Kakashi forgets the existence of his left eye, loses his ability to lie believably, and is a little too knowledgeable about the Birds and Bees. Still, no matter what oddities went on in Kakashi's head, one thing is certain – the boy will always love his father, through thick and thin.
Nukenin by WhisperingDarkness (T / gen / 17k words / completed / no warnings)
In the sealed scroll he finds a Bingo Book – his own page marking him as an S-class nukenin with flee-on-sight orders.
“Ok. That is definitely different.”
In his head he blames Naruto – even if his number one unpredictable student had been nowhere near him on this mission. When things go this stupidly impossibly wrong it must somehow be the future Hokage’s fault.
Once More with Feeling by Chicken_Train_And_Laser_Beam (M / gen / 137k words / wip / violence)
After an unexpected turn on a mission with Team Seven, Kakashi Hatake wakes up in the past, trapped in the body of his thirteen-year-old self. Despite being torn away from his own, familiar world, Kakashi resolves to change the future to better the lives of those he loves. Yet, fate is not so easily mastered, and he's not the only one playing the game.
Reversal of Roles by Ranowa Hikura (T / gen / 112,510 words / completed / violence)
Obito didn't push Kakashi out of the way during the Battle at Kannabi Bridge. This one change eventually leads to Godaime Naruto being sent back in time with the leader of the Akatsuki- Kakashi. They arrive at the day of Naruto's Academy graduation, and Naruto must work with the man he hates the most to stop war from happening. Time travel, AU, Kakanaru friendship.
Branches by Mockingone (T / gen / 55k words / completed / no warnings)
Kakashi falls off a tree and lands in a different world. Literally. Now he's in a dimension where nothing makes sense—but he's used to that. Kakashi plans to wreak as much havoc as he can and find his way home... if he can.
What You Knead by AgentMalkere (G / gen / 38k words / wip / no warnings)
It started, as most things did in Kakashi’s life, with a mission gone wrong.
(In which Kakashi accidentally acquires an emotionally healthy coping technique.)
Ear to the Wall by Vodkassassin (NR / gen / 84k words / wip / chose not to warn)
The Minato-sensei beams at him, and replies, “Kakashi! I’m glad you’re awake,” and, yup, that’s Minato-sensei’s voice.
Kakashi falls back down against the bed, closing his eyes. It’s too short of a way down, and he clenches hands that are too tiny and feeble and not his in dog-print sheets he hasn’t owned for decades.
Wolves of Fire Country by Midnite_Republic (T / Kakashi/Izuna / 51k words / wip / chose not to warn)
Wave changed a lot about Team 7, but not enough to make them entirely functional. Also someone should have really reminded Kakashi to pay attention to that tiny part of his genius brain that recognises random patterns, before he called a rest stop on the way home on top of an old, decayed Uzushio travel seal with an over-chakra-charged Uzumaki.
And he thought the month of the Wave mission was long, now he's stuck with the team, in a place he never expected to have anything to do with, with no way back.
Maybe he should have paid more attention to history, or stayed in the academy long enough to have history classes.
Why we build the wall by Dissenter (NR / gen / 49k words / wip / mcd & violence)
A Kiri nin gets trapped in a cave with a Konoha nin near Kannabi bridge. Some things are inevitable.
Or the AU where Kakashi is born in Kiri but still somehow ends up as team seven's teacher.
Outrunning Karma by Anjelle (T / gen / 52k words / wip / no warnings)
Kakashi was forty-two and the world ended in a sea of smoke and ash. Kakashi was forty-two and there stood a man in the carnage, untouched and unfazed as the village burned around him.
Kakashi is nineteen and the world ends tomorrow, and he will do everything he can to make it right. Even if it means making friends of his enemies. Even if it means erasing everything.
Even if it means staring into the face of all that he hates and smiling.
Kakashi is nineteen and Naruto is five and there is still time. Instead of counting his losses, he'll make the most of it.
komorebi by tomorrowsrain (T / Kakashi/Obito / 80k words / wip / no warnings)
In which Kakashi and Obito survive the Kyuubi attack, get exiled from Konoha, learn how to survive, and still manage to become legends along the way.
(The bratty genin are unexpected, though.)
The Hidden Prodigy by Applepie (T / gen / 106k words / wip / chose not to warn)
Somehow sent back into the past, Kakashi is given a second chance to relive his childhood. He is determined to make the most of everyday and to fix the horrors of the future, but sometimes simple determination is not enough to save everyone.
Change Fills My Time by 100demons (M / gen / 73k words / completed / mcd & violence)
Thirty year old Kakashi was supposed to have been killed by Pein during the Invasion. Instead, he wakes up in the body of his twenty year old self.
(It gets a lot more complicated.)
Nidaime Otokage by DuskBeforeDawn (M / gen / 30k words / wip / violence)
No one knew him.
His father was still alive.
His Sharingan acted like it had always been his.
Kakashi was twenty-two years in the past of a different world.
a heap of details, uncatalogued, illogical by 100demons (T / gen / 8k words / completed / no warnings)
Oh,” she says, white hands clenched into tight fists. “I’m-- I was your student. Haruno Sakura.”
Kakashi tilts his head, gray eye analyzing her carefully for tells. He finds nothing. “I’ve never seen you before in my life,” he says flatly.
(Kakashi wakes up fourteen years old.)
Lost on the road of life by RavenShira (M / gen / 80k words / wip / violence)
Kakashi had everything well in hand. He had stepped down from his reign as Rokudaime Hokage, his porn collection was as well worn as should be and his free time was spend with either Gai's challenges or helping out on various tasks while trying to make it seem like he wasn't there to help out. Annoying the hell out of everyone that crosses his path was as easy as breathing – easier now that he didn't have to be polite and diplomatic about it anymore.
So what if he agreed to a teeny-tiny favour of his once student and now successor? Not even Naruto could mess up just scribbling down a fuinjutsu for Kakashi to check over before he got back to his own, very busy life.
… Right?
Or: The one where Kakashi travels back in time, thinks he can fix stuff but clearly gets in over his head.
What’s the Worst That Can Happen? by Applepie (T / gen / 90k words / wip / no warnings)
Life was going quite well, if you asked Naruto Uzumaki. So why did he have to listen to Kakashi of all people? Now, they've time traveled to the past, smack dab in Minato's era, when the soon-to-be Hokage was sporting a team seven of his own. Let history run its course? Never! Kakashi-centric.
Wanted by Anjelle (T / gen / 17k words / wip / no warnings)
Kakashi is your run-of-the-mill hand for hire, except that he's not. Boasting a spotless record with the skills and name to back it up, he's one of the most highly sought after mercenaries in the Land of Fire. He has just one rule:
No Leaf missions.
Unfortunately, his latest client, Tobi, is looking for just that. And there's no doubt in Tobi's mind that Kakashi will accept.
It's only a matter of time.
 (and a bonus crossover section!!)
Silver-Haired Stranger by TheSimplestWriter (T / gen / 34k words / wip / violence / ATLA)
Kakashi dies protecting his village fighting against Pein... Except he actually didn't and is now in the middle of a desert. Great. [Kakashi swaps one war for another, but he only wants to get back home. Things happen along the way.]
Copy That, Copycat by Nakashira (G / gen / 19k words / wip / violence / BNHA)
Kakashi Hatake dies the Copycat-nin and is reborn with a copycat quirk.
Everything becomes a disaster, and Monoma is tired.
Wonderboy by Tsume_Yuki (T / gen / 19k words / wip / chose not to warn / BNHA)
Who knew some dimensions had actual child labour laws?
In which Kakashi is reborn, the Hero Commission doesn’t put all their eggs in one Hawks shaped basket and Shouta isn't getting paid enough to deal with this shit.
Otherwise known as Kakashi in 1A.
CCG Public Enemy No 1 by euphoric image (T / gen / 19k words / wip / no warnings / Tokyo Ghoul)
Kakashi had a single red-and-black eye for more than half his life. Now, he has two.
Victory Series by ewfte (T / gen / 96k words / wip / violence / BNHA)
A fact about Todoroki Shouto: that is not his name.
81 notes · View notes
arcadianstuff · 4 years
Hello! Your writing is awesome! If you’re still taking requests, would you be able to do one where the reader is roommates with Douxie and they themselves aren’t magical but they’re completely aware of all the magic that’s out there. Maybe Douxie hasn’t told them that he’s a wizard yet but the reader has figured it out long ago so they’re patiently waiting for him to tell them.
Im really sorry I didn’t read the request properly and instead wrote it so the reader was discovering the truth about Douxie and Archie. I hope it’s still okay. Enjoy guys !!
“Hey guys I’m home !” Your voice rang through the apartment as you stumbled through the doorway, arms full with grocery bags.
With a huff you just managed to get all the grocery bags onto the kitchen table. Archie approached you in cat form, since you had no clue about his real form or magic in general.
“Hey Arch.” You greeted the kitty, as you knelt down and stroked his fur, in return he nuzzled into your hand, enjoying the pets. From most people he found petting to be patronising and annoying, but you were special. Your kindness and sweet attitude had the kitten smitten. So yes he let you pet him.
“Afternoon love, you need help with the groceries ?” Douxie offered as entered the kitchen smiling at the sight of you on your work uniform. You worked at Luke’s diner in town and were forced to wear a pink top and skirt uniform like a waitress from the 1950s. To say you hated it would be an understatement.
“Thanks Douxie....stop smirking you know I hate this uniform.” You were initially thankful for his assistance until you noticed his smirking. Douxie chuckled in response, helping to put away the groceries you’d bought for the pair of them.
“I don’t know why you do love it looks cute on you.” He flirted winking in your direction.
You rolled your eyes in response. It was common knowledge Douxie flirted with anyone from the female gender, so you didn’t take it seriously. Sadly, you wished it was genuine.
“Oh shut up. Also why do you need all of these nougat nummies ? You know how weird I looked walking out with two bags full of them.” Your questions froze Archie and Douxie who exchanged panic glances.
Quick to think of an excuse Douxie answered
“Im growing you know gotta feed the growing man.” He let out a nervous chuckle as he finished his sentence. You rose an eyebrow, hand on your hips as you appeared unconvinced. Then without saying anything your posture relaxed.
“Well if you say so. I was thinking about paella for dinner, you want some ?” And like that your suspicions had been diverted.
The real reason Douxie needed all of those strange ingredients was to use them as bait to lure out the dark monsters lurking in Arcadia. They couldn’t resist the sweet taste of a nougat nummy. Of course you had no clue about his double life as a wizard apprentice, who spent his nights protecting Arcadia from monsters. As far as you knew, he was Douxie Casperan - a broke college student who worked three part time jobs and loved rock music. And that’s how he planned on keeping it.
“No ! No ! no !” You cried out as your favourite mug fell to the floor, shattering into millions of tiny pieces upon impact.
Kneeling on the floor you tried to collect all the pieces in your hands, hoping you’d be able to somehow glue them back together.
“Ouch !” A piece of the china had cut the palm of your hand, blood starting to spill from the wound. With the other hand, you cradled your bleeding one wincing in pain. The cut looked deep enough to require stitches.
Upon hearing your cry of pain Douxie rushed into the kitchen, terrified of what he’d see. Had a monster finally found him and killed you in its wake ? Were the Arcane Order here for revenge ?
To his relief he only saw you knelt on the ground, snivelling.
“Are you okay love ?” Douxie knelt down next to you, gasping as he saw the wide cut on your palm bleeding heavily.
“What did you do now ?” He muttered annoyed at you for being so clumsy, which sadly was a common occurrence.
“My favourite mug smashed...I was trying to fix it...” you mumbled quietly looking crestfallen at your destroyed mug.
It had been your mother’s and, although it was only a mug, it was one of the few things you had from her. She was gone now, sadly having passed away from illness a few years ago. She left you a bit of money and with that you’d paid for your share of the lease with Douxie for this apartment. You’d gone to Arcadia Oaks High whilst he’d gone to Arcadia Oaks Academy so you didn’t really know each other until you became flat mates.
“Hey it’s okay. Wait here I’ll get the first aid kit.” You turned back to the shattered remains of the mug as Douxie left the room, entering again with the first aid kit.
Gently, he cradled your injured hand, pulling out the bottle that you knew was the rubbing alcohol.
“No no no. I don’t need it.” You tried to pull your hand away dreading the pain you were about to feel. With a forceful tug Douxie kept your hand in place.
“I’m sorry love it’s for your own good.” He hated the grunts of pain that left your mouth as he dabbed your wound with the solution. For a wound that size he knew you’d need stitches.
“We will have to go to the surgery later on. This is going to need stitches.” He muttered as he wound a bandage tightly over your hand.
You felt a little guilty about the current situation. It wasn’t an unfamiliar one. You were somewhat prone to accidents and Douxie had bandaged you up more times than you could count.
“Thanks Douxie...” you mumbled, noticing that the boy was yet to release your now bandaged hand.
“It’s no problem love, anything for you.” He said with so much sincerity it made you cheeks turn bright red.
“U-uhhmmm....” you stuttered unsure of what to do or say. Chuckling at your pink face Douxie got up off the floor, pulling you up gently next to him.
“Doesn’t your shift start in ten minutes ?” He asked having just noticed what time the clock said.
“No !!! I’m going to be late !” And like that all was forgotten as you sprinted into your room throwing on your uniform and then rushing out of the front door with a quick:
“I’ll be home for dinner !”
Douxie chuckled as you slammed the door behind you. He felt a gentle and calm smile fall into his face until he turned to look at the mess that was the remnants of your mug.
He recognised it as your favourite, it was the only one you really ever used. It must be important to you for a reason. Devising a plan Douxie knelt down next to the brown. Remains of your mug and began to chant.
The rest of the day for you had been awful. One less after another. Nothing seemed to be going your way. At the end of your shift you even started crying in the staff room, sniffling tiredly. By the time you got home you looked like you’d been through hell and back. Hair astray, makeup smudged and temper short you collapsed on the sofa in the living room.
“(Y/n) ! Wow you look like hell.” Douxie said, regretting his blunt words as you shot him a death glare.
“I’ve had a really bad Douxie I just want to cuddle up with Archie and sleep.” Said cat jumped up onto the sofa with you at your words, noting how sad you looked.
“Well I’ve got something for you.” Douxie spoke kindly, disappearing into the kitchen and reappearing with something clutched behind his back
“Douxie if it’s a joke or something im really n-...oh my god !” Your scolding turned into a cry of joy as Douxie presented you with your mug. It looked just as it did before. Like it was brand new.
“How did you do this ?” You were instantly suspicious, the mug had been shattered completely and yet here it was as if it hadn’t even been scratched. This was weird.
“Ummmmmm I got you a new one.” Douxie quickly answered, Archie giving him a quick nod of approval at his lie. He didn’t want to lie to you but again it was for your protection.
You studied the mug closely for a second but then answered casually.
“Oh well thank you this means so much.” You got off the sofa to give the boy a hug who smiled in return, returning your embrace.
If only he could have seen the frown that appeared on your face. The thing about your mug was that it was one of a kind. When you were little you’d gone to a pottery painting cafe and made it for your mum. He couldn’t have bought one that looked exactly the same. So how was it that he’d give you this ?.
‘Something strange is happening...’
Boom ! Before you could finally drift off to sleep a loud crash startled you awake. Hushed angry whispers followed the loud crashes.
“Arch ! Be quiet or we will wake her up !” You were pretty sure it was Douxie talking.
What you did not expect was to hear Archie respond.
“Well maybe you shouldn’t be so clumsy Douxie .” Another voice responded....who was it ? It couldn’t be Archie....
“Oh my god...” you whispered, crawling out of your bed and rushing to your bedroom door to crack it open and leak outside into the living room.
Unable to contain your gasp of horror, the pair looked up in shock to see you peering out from behind your door, a hand over your mouth and eyes wide at the sight of them. Fear struck Douxie like lightening. He was standing there covered in some wire blue magic goop with Archie in dragon form hovering behind him.
“This isn’t what it looks like.” Douxie began to say approaching you.
You have him an incredulous look.
“Well what does it look like ? No seriously what is this ? What are you ?” You started to tell, marching up to Douxie and painting a finger at him, swiping away some of the blue goop covering him.
“U-uhh well..” Douxie bang ti stutter unsure on how to go about this. He loved you and he didn’t want to mess up how he told you the truth.
“Douxie here is a wizard (y/n). I’m his familiar which is a wizard associate. We’re sorry we didn’t tell you but it was for your own safety.” Archie peine, something you were still getting used to, seeing that Douxie couldn’t.
Trying to process everything you took a step back, this was a lot of information to take in so suddenly. But the more you thought about it the clearer it became. So many weird little things had happened and you’d just accepted them, yet now you could see they were signs. Maybe you do one all along and just hadn’t cared.
“Okay well that’s cool. So did you use magic to fix my mug ?” You asked Douxie who’s managed to regain some of his cool.
“And why did you need all those nougat nummies ?” You asked again.
“To lure magical creatures so I could capture them and send them back to limbo.” Douxie responded frankly.
“Okay cool. Cool cool cool.” You muttered repeating yourself as you started to comprehend what was going on.
Douxie watched you with worry. He didn’t kneel shy to do. All he wanted was for you to accept what he and Archie were and for everything to go back to normal. These past few years loving with you here in Arcadia had been some of the best in his 900 years of life.
“I wish you guys had told me sooner. But i unused hand why you kept it a secret.” With a sigh you finally spoke, giving them a half hearted smile.
Your answer reassured Douxie and a smile broke out on his face. Without really thinking he stepped forwards and embraced you, arms holding you close. Just as he realised what he’d done and tried to pull away you returned the hug, smiling until you felt your clothes dampen.
“Ewwwww Okay we are going to need to make some rules here. For one no brining blue magic goop into the house. You need to shower now.” You ordered, grossed out at the strange substance in your clothes.
“Okay Love. Looks like you could use a shower too.” He winked before walking off to his bathroom, the slight innuendo causing you to blush.
“Hisirdoux !” You yelled in annoyance at his suggestion.
His laughs filled the apartment and you found your annoyance dissipating. The truth had been revealed tonight but things only felt like they’d changed for the better.
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mizutoyama · 4 years
HPHM OTP Playlist
(Inspired by @drinkyoursoupbitch​ & @carewyncromwell​ )
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Alice Beaumont x Charlie Weasley
It’s a long one... Sorry 😅(Been writing down songs that reminded me of Charlie and Alice’s relationship and its evolution for some time now...)
The order, while not perfect, is important. We start with Charlie realizing his feelings for Alice, followed by Alice’s own (very) slow realization, them dating through highs and lows, them breaking up, after the break up, until they finally find their ways toward each other again.
You came into my life
And I thought hey
You know this could be something
Two Is Better Than One (Boys Like Girls, Taylor Swift)
Oh I feel overjoyed
When you listen to my words
I see them sinking in
Overjoyed (Bastille)
Hey Juliet
I think you're fine.
You really blow my mind
Maybe some day you and me can run away.
I just want you to know.
I wanna be your Romeo.
Juliet (LMNT)
I remember the day we first met
The shy smiles and the spilling sunlight
I knew, just by looking into your eyes
Neverending story (Stray Kids)
She watches the sunset slip out of sight
She points to the lilacs in bloom
Her eyes filled with wonder
And my eyes they do the same
Just looking at her face
Looking at Her Face (Tyrone Wells)
What could a guy like me
Ever really offer?
She's perfect as she can be
Why should I even bother? 
She’s so High (Tal Bachman)
This night is sparkling, don't you let it go
I'm wonderstruck, blushing all the way home
I'll spend forever wondering if you knew
Enchanted (Owl City)
I think you're pretty
Without any makeup on
I think you're funny
When you tell the punchline wrong
Teenage Dream (The Rescues)
New and a bit alarming
Who'd have ever thought that this could be
True, that he's no Prince Charming
But there's something in him that I simply didn't see
Something There (Beauty and the Beast)
How can I love when I'm afraid to fall
But watching you stand alone
All of my doubt, suddenly goes away somehow
A Thousand Years (Christina Perri)
You might need time to think it over
But I'm just fine moving forward
I'll ease your mind if you give me the chance
I will never make you cry, c'mon let's try
Beautiful Soul (Jesse McCartney)
So this is the miracle
That I've been dreaming of
Mmm, mmm
So this is love
So This Is Love (Cinderella)
'Cause lovers dance when they're feelin' in love
Spotlight's shinin' it's all about us
It's all about us
And every heart in the room will melt
This is a feeling I've never felt but
It's all about us
All About Us (He Is We)
Remember those walls I built
Well, baby, they're tumbling down
And they didn't even put up a fight
They didn't even make a sound
Halo (Beyonce)
You've got me seeing stars brighter than ever
Shining just like diamonds do
I know that in time it could be all ours, brighter than ever
Your love is such a dream come true
Seeing Stars (Børns)
You’re already in my radius
My eyes are already a pair of binoculars
Other guys are outside my vision
Only you are growing bigger
Adrenaline (Girls’ Generation -TaeTiSeo)
As I looked up into those eyes, his vision borrows mine
And I know he's no stranger
For I feel I've held him for all of time
Ordinary Day (Vanessa Carlton)
It's a new world it's a new start
It's alive with the beating of young hearts
It's a new day it's a new plan
I've been waiting for you
Here I am
Here I Am (Bryan Adams)
I've got somewhere I belong
I got somebody to love
This is what dreams are made of
What Dreams Are Made Of (Hilary Duff)
You're the fire and the flood
And I'll always feel you in my blood
Everything is fine
When your hand is resting next to mine
Fire and the Flood (Vance Joy)
Do you feel the lightning inside of you
Will you follow through if I fall for you?
Don't look down
Up this high, we'll never hit the ground
Don’t Look Down (Martin Garrix)
And I'm racking my brain for a new improved way
To let you know your more to me than what I know how to say
You're OK with the way this is going to be
Must Have Done Something Right (Reliant K)
I can show you the world
Shining, shimmering, splendid
Tell me, princess, now when did you last let your heart decide?
A Whole New World (Aladdin)
When you're near, I hide my blushing face
And trip on my shoelaces
Grace just isn't my forté
I Do Adore (Mindy Gledhill)
She calls me sweetheart
I love it when she wakes me when it's still dark
And she watches the sun
But she's the only one I have my eyes on
I Must Be Dreaming (The Maine)
And Edison would spin in his grave
To ever see the light that you gave
Don't wanna take it nice and slow here
Don't wanna waste a minute more dear
Warmer Climate (Snow Patrol)
There's something about you I can't describe
If only you could see yourself through my eyes
There is nothing I won't do to show you why
You cannot hide, you're simply one of a kind
Something About You (Lucius)
Never knew I could feel like this
Like I've never seen the sky before
Want to vanish inside your kiss
Everyday I love you more and more
Come What May (Moulin Rouge)
My wildest dreamings
Could not foresee
Lying beside you
With you wanting me
As Long As You’re Mine (Wicked)
Make your fingers soft and light Let your body be the velvet of the night Touch my soul, you know how Andante, andante Go slowly with me now
Andante, Andante (Mamma Mia 2)
You be the Beast and I'll be the Beauty, beauty
Who needs true love as long as you love me truly.
I want it all, but I want you more
Wonderlands (Natalia Kills)
If I lay here
If I just lay here
Would you lie with me and just forget the world?
Chasing Cars (Snow Patrol)
You're the reason that I feel so strong
The reason that I'm hanging on
Mess is Mine (Vance Joy)
There comes a time you need to let me know
We'll fight your demons
When they start to show
Circles (As Tall As Lions)
And when you're needing your space
To do some navigating
I'll be here patiently waiting
To see what you find
I Won't Give Up (Jason Mraz)
So give me hope in the darkness that I will see the light
'Cause oh that gave me such a fright
But I will hold as long as you like
Just promise me we'll be alright
Ghosts That We Knew (Mumford & Sons)
I don't want to talk right now
I just want your arms wrapped around
Me and this moment before it runs out
Eavesdrop (The Civil Wars)
You're a wreck and you know
You've got me wrapped around your finger
Like a boy tangled in vines
But I've figured you out
Daisy (The Maine)
You tell me all the things you do
Tell me that it's up to you
Crying in the peaceful night
Telling all the things you hide
But out there in the future
Maybe you're the rainbow
A Song About Love (Jake Bugg)
All I want is to keep you safe from the cold
To give you all that your heart needs the most
May I (Trading Yesterday)
Tell me that you'll stay
Even when I'm far away
My voice will carry through
Until the end it's me & you
We can make it if we try
Silhouette (Active Child)
Pain or tears, let's change them into stars.
Light a light that will shine on our tomorrow.
Though we may waver now and then, let's do this together;
We'll find that forever, glittering brightly with stardust.
Let it out (Miho Fukuhara)
And when you cry a piece of my heart dies
Knowing that I may have been the cause
If you were to leave and fulfill someone else's dreams
I think I might totally be lost
The Girl (City and Colour)
I don't know where you're going
And I don't know why,
But listen to your heart
Before you tell him goodbye
Listen to Your Heart (DHT)
Can I embrace you one last time?
Can I bid farewell for the last time?
Just please don't forget those loving, happy memories
Driving Me Crazy (Master’s Sun)
But it was not your fault but mine
And it was your heart on the line
I really fucked it up this time
Didn't I, my dear?
Little Lion Man (Mumford & Sons)
If I was a burden to you
If I was a baggage
I should’ve left you earlier, I’m sorry
Happy (2NE1)
It's been seven hours and fifteen days
Since you took your love away
I go out every night and sleep all day
Since you took your love away
Nothing Compares to You (Stereophonics)
Sometimes I find myself sittin' back and reminiscing
Especially when I have to watch other people kissin'
And I remember when you started callin' me your miss's
All the play fightin', all the flirtatious disses
Littlest Things (Lily Allen)
You said this was all for me
Like a lie, you coldly turned around
Why? Why? You’re gone away
Come Back Home (Unplugged Ver.) (2NE1)
The time when anything made us happy
Looking at each other
You were my strength
When you trusted me
LUV (Apink)
I will miss you the more I erase you
I will shed more tears than today
Like fate, I won’t ever have anyone like you
Good bye my love (Ailee)
I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
The Reason (Hoobastank)
Well, you only need the light when it's burning low
Only miss the sun when it starts to snow
Only know you love her when you let her go
Let Her Go (Passenger)
I tossed and turned in the end
With no one to talk to
I searched again and again
But I never found you
Up All Night (Owl City)
You didn’t say anything, and it was over
I didn’t say anything too, that was our end
The past was still clear
MILK (f(x))
But now the sun shines cold
And all the sky is grey
The stars are dimmed by clouds and tears
And all I wish
Is gone away
To Wish Impossible Things (The Cure)
Et au sud de mes peines j'ai volé loin de toi
Pour couvrir mon cœur d'une cire plus noire
Que tous les regards lancés à mon égard
J'ai tenté de voler loin de toi
C'était salement romantique (Coeur de pirate) (Decided not to put the translation ‘cause the one I found was bad.)
Don’t look back and leave
Don’t find me again and just live on
Because I have no regrets from loving you,
so only take the good memories
Haru Haru (Big Bang)
Even if you easily turn away,
easily get farther apart
I know I won’t easily forget you
If you see me, still the same, still like this
You will call me a fool
And One (Taeyeon)
The one person who appears even when I close my eyes
The person who is next to me even in my dreams
Do you even remember me?
Do you even think of me?
I miss you, please
The One Person, You (Jessica)
It's always times like these
When I think of you
And wonder if you ever think of me
Cause everything's so wrong and I don't belong
Living in your precious memory
A Thousand Miles (Vanessa Carlton)
Come up to meet you
Tell you I'm sorry
You don't know how lovely you are
I had to find you
Tell you I need you
The Scientist (Coldplay)
I just wanna love you again
Please come back to me girl
We just broke up but we need each other
Come back to me, you feel the same way
Wanna Love You Again (2PM)
Tired of being tangled in this mess and I
I'm ready to wish you the best tonight
Let me let you go
Let Me Let You Go (Namie Amuro)
Whoever I'll be gazing at, whoever I'll be spending time with,
a day when I can forget you won't come
I'll keep loving you in my heart,
but we can't be together anymore
Cause life's no love story
Love Story (Namie Amuro)
Think of all the things
We've shared and seen
Don't think about the way
Things might have been
Think of Me (Phantom of the Opera)
Now she's here shining in the starlight
Now she's here suddenly I know
If she's here it's crystal clear
I'm where I'm meant to go
I See the Light (Tangled)
Why are you looking down all the wrong roads
When mine is the heart and the soul of the song
There may be lovers who hold out their hands but
He'll never love you like I can
Like I Can (Sam Smith)
And I will swallow my pride
You're the one that I love
And I'm saying goodbye
Say Something (A Great Big World)
If I would have known that you wanted me
The way I wanted you
Then maybe we wouldn't be two worlds apart
But right here in each others arms
Almost Is Never Enough (Ariana Grande)
Why kiss another frog
You're the only one I want
It's obvious, Why can't you see?
Wontcha Take me to the place we used to meet
A Place Called You (Emma Stevens)
Can we start it all over again, this morning?
I lost all my defenses, this morning
Won't you show me the way it used to be?
Morning (Beck)
I will love you unconditionally
There is no fear now
Let go and just be free
I will love you unconditionally
Unconditionally (Katy Perry)
If you’ve gotten this far, congrats! And thank you! While this playlist has many songs, it’s only the tip of the iceberg.
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judas-had-a-crown · 4 years
Akatsuki Highschool!AU / K-12 + Addition
Pein // The Principal
I've tried to make you listen, but you won't, it's your way, right? Killing kids all day and night, prescription pills and online fights Shooting at the angels while claiming you're the good guy All you want is cash and hype Fuck our dreams and that’s not right -:- Can't you see that we're all hurtin'? If you're not teaching, we're not learnin' Excuse me, how much are you earnin'?
Konan // Teacher's Pet
Teacher's pet If I'm so special, why am I secret? Yeah, why the fuck is that? Do you regret the things we shared that I'll never forget? Well, do you? Tell me that -:- I know I'm young, but my mind is well beyond my years I knew this wouldn't last, but fuck you, don't you leave me here Teacher's pet If I'm so special, why am I secret?
Itachi // Drama Club
They try to feed you lines that you have to memorize You always hide behind your Wizard of Oz disguise Do you even have a brain? You're sticking to a page You're faking all your pain, yeah, you're bleeding on a stage -:- Fuck your auditorium, I think it's pretty boring and I never signed up for your drama Up for your drama, up for your drama club
Kisame // Orange Juice
Oh, oh‚ I believe you chose to blow it on the reading carpet That's what happens when you stuff it Please say that you won't continue Ordering oranges off the menu Stuffin' up your mouth like t-t-tissue The way you look is Not. An. Issue -:- Ooh, I wish I could give you my set of eyes 'Cause I know your eyes ain't working‚ mmm I wish I could tell you that you're fine, so fine But you will find that disconcerting
Sasori // Recess
Sittin' in my room, looking at all I've done Everything I wanted has come to fruition I should be happy but I can't get out my bed Stressin' 'bout the voices screamin' inside my head -:- (Just remember) Don't let them fuck you, honey, no, oh Don't let them try (Ooh) Don't let them hurt you, baby Just say "recess," I'm tired
Deidara // Show & Tell
Why is it so hard to see? (Why?) If I cut myself, I would bleed (Kill me) I'm just like you, you're like me Imperfect and human, are we? -:- Show and tell (Show and tell) I'm on display for all you fuckers to see (Fuckers to see) Show and tell (Show and tell) Harsh words if you don't get a pic with me Buy and sell (Buy and sell) Like I'm a product to society Art don't sell Unless you fucked every authority
Kakuzu // Detention
The teachers don't care about me Fuck how I feel, as long as I make money They let them do whatever they want to me They're the customer, I'm chopped meat I’m chopped meat. -:- Hey, can you meet me tonight in detention? I can feel your blood pressure rise, Fuck this tension Let me crawl up into your mind, did I mention? Pretending everything's alright. Is detention.
Hidan // High School Sweethearts
If you can't handle a heart like mine Don't waste your time with me If you're not down to bleed, no, oh If you can't handle the choking, the biting The loving, the smothering 'Til you can't handle it no more, no more Go home -:- Can we just be honest? These are the requirements If you think you can be my one and only true love You must promise to love me And damn it, if you fuck me over I will rip your fucking face apart -:- High school sweethearts, line up They're trying to waste my time High school sweethearts, shut up If you're not my type
Tobi/Obito // Nurse's Office
Don't cut me, punch me, just let me go Into the nurse's office where I float away I'm pale as the loose-leaf paper they grow From hollowing out all my lungs in the snow -:- Yeah, I'm coughing I'm bleeding, Band-Aids won't heal it 'Cause they hate me, so I'm fakin' All of, of this so they take, take me Take me home Give me that pink slip of permission This is old I'm tired of wishing I was ditching
Zetsu // Bombs on Monday
Pinky promise I'll still love your garden Even with no flowers Even with no flowers -:- Doctor's orders Don't be brokenhearted Time will still be ours Time will still be ours -:- Constellations Forming out of scar lines Even when they're dying Love will still be trying -:- Never thought that something Something so tragic Could ever happen to Our peaceful, little perfect family…
Akatsuki // Lunchbox Friends
I don't want no lunchbox friends, no I want someone who understands, oh, oh, no Come to my house, let's die together Friendship that would last forever, no 
No lunchbox friends, no, oh, no No lunchbox friends Come to my house, let’s die together Friendship that would last forever, no
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365daysofsasuhina · 4 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fifty-Nine: Community ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“I just...I don’t understand!”
“That’s my point. You don’t. And given your perspective, I’m not sure you ever will.”
“What happened wasn’t the fault of everyone in the village. So why do you blame them?”
“I don’t! I blame them for their complacency! You’ve known the truth since Obito confronted you on the way to Tetsu no Kuni. He told you everything…! What the council, and the Hokage, and Danzō did to my clan. To my brother, to me…! Someone you claim to care about, to understand! But rather than address it - rather than finally come to terms with my goals, and what I needed for closure and justice - it was like you never heard a word. All you cared about was dragging my ass back to Konoha, whether I wanted it or not.”
“Because it’s your home! Your community! Where your friends are! Where your family lived -”
“And died. Or more accurately, were massacred by my own government. No trials, no publicity...just outright murder. You think I wanted to be dragged back to the place where my family was butchered and then sold for parts by Danzō? Where the rest of the council that organized the Uchiha genocide are not only still alive, but in power…? You think I wanted to come back here without any hint of justice? No mention from you, or Sakura, or Kakashi about addressing the massacre. Nothing. Not a word, or a whisper. Because from the time I left, my goals and my pain didn’t matter to you. All that did was your entitlement to my time and person. You call me a friend, but when have you ever done anything to help me accomplish the only goal I’ve had since I was seven years old?”
Naruto, breath heavy with emotion, has no answer.
Sasuke stares back, his own - somehow - calmer. “...you tell me that my friends are here. Maybe they are. But until I get apologies - and action - regarding what befell my clan at the hands of the village you love so much...I can’t call you a friend. My clan was the only thing that mattered to me. Konoha had mistreated them based on the actions of one man for generations. Treated them, at times, as second class citizens. My father’s attempts to have talks regarding the tensions between them were always met with stony silence. He felt he had no choice, for the sake of his people, to rebel against the ones holding them hostage. They held us to Madara’s actions, even as we turned our backs on him and remained loyal to Konoha. Tobirama gave us the police force, but never gave up his suspicion and ire. We were kept in a back corner of the village, separate from everyone. When the Kyūbi attacked, we were blamed. And in the end...we told the truth. It wasn’t us. It was Obito, acting on Madara’s orders. The man we turned against in favor of a village that then never trusted us despite our loyalty. And for that...all but one of us is now dead.
“...I know that the people of Konoha aren’t to blame for the massacre. That lays on the shoulders of four people, two of which are now dead...one of which I had to do myself. So you have a choice, Naruto. You can blindly accept the actions of your village’s council - refuse to do anything to address their crimes - or you can step up and act like the Hokage you want to be. You can look at this injustice, and do something about it.” A dark eye narrows. “...or I will. No more swallowing the truth for Konoha’s benefit. Its foundation is built on the bones of my clan. I will see justice done, one way or another. What side of history do you want to be on?”
“Until you and the others make up your minds, I don’t want to hear from you. As long as you stand silent on this...you don’t have the right to my time.” Turning on a heel, Sasuke leaves his teammate’s apartment.
He knew it would be pointless. Knew that his team was still too blinded by village loyalty to consider removing the poisoned roots. But on the off chance that he could get some increment of the truth through Naruto’s thick skull, he had to try.
And look where it gets him.
He knows there’s still recovery going on. From the destruction wrought by Pein, from the war...in the grand scheme of things, justice for a crime a decade old - no matter its scale - has to wait.
...but he doesn’t want to wait forever.
Even now, the sting of his team’s inaction and silence after learning what Konoha’s elders had done boils his blood...but he’s working on his temper. Koharu and Homura still have to answer for their actions. Hiruzen and Danzō are dead. Once some kind of justice is done to those who remain...he’ll be satisfied.
...but beyond that, he wants the truth known. The price the Uchiha paid the ultimate price for the stability of the village that betrayed them. He wants every citizen - shinobi and civilian alike - to know just what that stability has cost him. So that it can weigh on them as it weighs on him.
He won’t let this be forgotten. Buried. Lost to time and the sins of a system he will help change.
Outside Naruto’s apartment, the weather has turned overcast, the first few drops of rain beginning to fall as he shuts the door, crouching atop the railing before hopping his way down rooftops and balconies to the street below. It doesn’t bother him. In fact, he finds it more than appropriate.
Even now, the people of Konoha look to him warily, distrust in their eyes. He wonders how those looks will change once they realize what drove him. What still drives him.
...he wonders if they ever will.
Water soon begins to drip from his fringe, the hair bouncing with every release of weight. He doesn’t mind the rain. It’s hardly about to make him ill.
But someone else notices.
For a sliver of a moment, the name irks him. Sakura still calls him that. But this isn’t Sakura. The tone is far too soft, far more polite than her grating, attention-demanding recitals of his name. Instead, a glance to a nearby shop overhang reveals a growingly-familiar face.
Hyūga Hinata.
Their mutual connections have meant being thrown together rather often since his return a few weeks ago. While she was so unnoticeable before he left he barely knew her, he’s still become aware of how much she’s changed. Possibly the most out of anyone in their year, if he’s to be honest.
“...um...did you forget an umbrella?”
“Left before I knew I’d need one. It’s not about to kill me.”
“No, but…” Her brow gives a funny little furrow: torn between hesitation and determination. “...would you like to use mine?”
“I’m fine, Hyūga.”
“But -?”
He gives a roll of his eyes alongside a sigh. “...fine. I’m just going home, anyway.”
“O...okay.” Unfurling the thing, she steps up alongside him, and a glance reminds him of how much shorter she is than him. The lavender umbrella is actually fairly wide, and keeps most of the rain off them both.
“Were you...out for a walk?”
“Well, I just...I noticed you aren’t carrying anything, so…”
“I was visiting Naruto.”
“It didn’t go well.”
“...oh. I’m...sorry to hear that.”
“He’s just being his typical bullheaded self.” Hinata, as it turns out, is one of the few people most privy to the whole affair. Not that Sasuke minds - if anything, he’s glad to know someone else is aware.
Especially since she’s been a rather vocal voice taking his side.
The Hyūga, after all, are distant relatives of the Uchiha. While he hardly calls them kin, they’re the most similar to his late clan, in both terms of skills and power. And Hinata’s experiences - while hardly to the scale of his own - grant her a unique perspective on the matter...along with an understanding.
She offers a soft sigh. “...may I ask what...was said?”
“He seems to think that I need to relax and just try to adjust back into the village. It’s like he’s not considering my point about the council at all. Something has to be done. I won’t stand for anything less. But it’s like he wants me to just...pretend none of it happened. Waltz around Konoha like I never left. Rejoin the community. Like I can just open up my arms and everything will be how it was. Or...how he thought it was.”
“...Naruto-kun does seem to have a bit of a, um...rose-tinted view of the village’s politics,” Hinata replies, tone a bit dry. “...even after all that happened with the Hyūga, and with Neji-nīsan, he hasn’t approached us about his supposed promise to help us reform the branched clan policy. It’s been Neji and I heading that front. It can’t and w-won’t be so easy for you to adjust back to life in the village...especially when the people responsible for your clan’s genocide are still walking free.”
Her gaze averts downward. “...I’m sorry. I w-wish there was a way to make this easier. It’s been said been said before, but...please don’t forget that the Hyūga are with you. We’re prepared to help whatever way we can. But...we can’t act on our own. The other clans need to be made aware. Otherwise...I’m afraid the revelation will spark panic and mistrust.”
“As it should, honestly,” Sasuke mutters. “An entire clan was wiped out without fair trial or a proper audience. Any other clan, should they ever have a grievance severe enough, could be next. Of course...none of them have the relationship with the long-standing Senju-biased power in Konoha that my clan did. But once they know what happened...it’ll be a very real concern.”
“Exactly. So...we have to handle this delicately. But...that does still mean we have to handle it.”
By now, the pair have wandered out toward the clan districts, the Hyūga gates coming up first. The Uchiha clan no longer has a gate: just a large, empty field where the land was re-leveled after Pein’s assault, sans for the house Sasuke’s been built.
After a brief silence, Hinata offers, “...I’m sure Naruto-kun and the others will c-come around. It’s just...complicated. I’m sure they want justice for you. But...we all have our other strings attached we h-have to account for.”
Sasuke sighs. “...I know. But until it’s made known, I’ll never just fit in the way Naruto wants me to. To everyone but a handful, I’m a criminal and a traitor only pardoned due to my ties to the Rokudaime and the village hero.”
Her expression falls. “...it isn’t fair. But...w-we’ll get there. And...hopefully we can help this community rebuild, in ways b-better than it was before. Konoha isn’t perfect, and...addressing its wrongs and shadows is important to help us more forward into a new era of peace. For all of us.”
For some reason, her words seem to really resound in his chest. All of us. Meaning him, too. Rebuild the community...hm…
An idea worming its way into his head, he comes to a stop with her at the Hyūga gate. “...thanks for listening.”
“Any time, Sasuke-kun. Do you...want to take my umbrella with you?”
“I’ll be fine, but thanks. It’s not much further.”
“All right. If you need anything...don’t hesitate to ask, ne?”
For a brief moment, a corner of his mouth flickers. “...I’ll keep that in mind.”
“...enjoy your evening, Sasuke-kun.”
“You too.”
Watching her head into the compound, he then turns and makes to conquer the last distance before home. He feels a lot...calmer now. Funny how talking with her always seems to do that, even if they really don’t talk that much.
...maybe that’s sort of the point.
Still...her words about working on Konoha’s interior have the cogs in his mind turning. There might be something to that...but, one step at a time.
     A bit more of my 'canon' verse cuz...that was the first thing to come to mind with this one!      My interpretation for Sasuke in this verse is not just all sunshine and rainbows with his team after the war. I, for one, CANNOT accept the Uchiha massacre just being swept under the rug the way it is in 700+. Cuz let's be real, a boy - man - who fought for justice for more than half his life, for a decade, wouldn't just shrug off genocide because his friend wants him to forget and just...go back and play house with his team that has, in all reality, done very little to support him and justice for his clan even AFTER learning the truth.      Hence doing things my way ;3 (And just as a heads up / reminder, no, I don't debate my view of things in comments, be it plot or characterization or relationships between characters. This is my interpretation. You're free to yours. Debating said topics is not what I'm here to do, since I've gotten some rather confrontational comments on the subject before, lol. This is a fanfic, not a forum for discussion. No likey, take hikey.)      ANYWHO, it's late, and I gotta head to bed! Thanks for reading~
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hokagee · 5 years
Prompt: Firsts/Pillowtalk
Rating: G
Hinata wiped the sweat off her brow with the back of her hand. Summers in Konoha were hard enough, but rebuilding a village in a Konoha summer was borderline torture.
Technically a valley, their village was built upon the dips and rises of hills around them. Though there wasn’t much left, and there was also a huge crater in the village’s epicenter that had ‘neatly’ leveled much of Konoha, Hinata found herself in the far end of the village where the hills still flowed freely, sitting upon a wall of what used to be a compound.
At her elevation, she was given a better view of Konoha, allowing her to take in its skeletal remains, and the shinobi and civilians alike, working tirelessly to build back what was once their home.
Just 20 minutes ago she too was working away, but a sharp pain in her chest had halted her. Sakura had been extremely strict that she was not to exert herself in any way. Technically, Hinata wasn’t even sure if she was allowed to participate in the reconstruction, but she was determined to do her part. Her heart could take it. It had, after all, taken much worse.
Despite her resolution to work hard, she was not suicidal, and she knew she would have to frequent more breaks than others if she wanted to continue contributing.
With a quiet sigh, Hinata rubs at the cloth that covers her heart, willing the pumping muscle to stop being feeble.
Her hand freezes in its rubbing, and slowly Hinata looks down.  She finds herself peering straight into pained blue eyes.
For a moment, neither of them speak. A summer breeze blows between them, providing momentary relief to Hinata’s overheated skin, but does nothing for the rattling between her ribs. This was the first time she had seen him since...that day.
“Are you alright?”
His gruff voice breaks her from the daze she invariably finds herself in whenever he’s near, and she realizes his gaze is trained on the hand on chest...right at the spot where Pein had pierced through her with his metal rod.
Hinata quickly drops her hand and nods vigorously. “I’m f-fine!” she squeaks, dropping her gaze to her lap.
She startles when she suddenly finds Naruto crouched beside her.
“Are you sure?” he asks seriously, his gaze so intense it really was a wonder she hadn’t fainted. “I can take you to Sakura-chan real quick.”
The pain in her heart transforms into a light fluttering. It felt surreal, almost, to be the sole object of Naruto’s concern.
“I’m f-fine, N-Naruto-kun,” she reassures him in a sweet voice, gazing back at him from under her lashes shyly. “I was simply t-taking a break...”
Naruto doesn’t respond but moves from crouching so that he’s sitting next to her on the wall.
“Should you even be working?” he asks, staring at the expanse of their home. The set of his jaw was rigid. “It was just last week when…”
Hinata sobers at his unspoken reference. It was, no doubt, the worst day of every Konoha citizen’s life. She hasn’t been able to sleep through the night, continuously being awoken from another nightmare of Pein killing her or Naruto or both. She doesn’t think she’ll ever be able to look at a metal rod without recalling how it felt being stabbed by one through the chest.
Still, if she was suddenly teleported a week back in time, she’d do it all again.
“This is nothing,” Hinata says softly, looking out at the mountains, tinged blue by the horizon. “You risked your life to saved us all, Naruto-kun. A little work under the sun is nothing compared to that.”
“You can’t think like that!” Naruto yells passionately, making Hinata jump as she widens her eyes. “Hinata, didn’t you risk your life too? You almost died because of-”
Naruto seems to choke on his words and turns his head sharply away from her. His face is hidden from her, but she can see the slight tremor in his shoulders.
Hinata would be lying if she said she was not waiting for Naruto to come to her and respond to her confession. Or even acknowledge it. But now, seeing how guilty he felt for being the reason she had willingly faced death, Hinata no longer needs a vocalization of her feelings from Naruto. She now understood why he had transformed into six-tails after her “death”.
He deeply cared for her. Not in a romantic way, as she did, but as a dear friend. And to know that she had found a spot in Naruto-kun’s large heart? Nothing could make her happier.
“I’m sorry,” she sniffles as she wipes away the joyous tears from her eyes. “I just-”
“Oh shit, don’t cry!” Naruto interrupts her frantically. “I didn’t mean to shout, -ttebayo! I’m just worried and you-”
For the first time in their lives, she interrupts him when she puts a hand on his mouth. Her cheeks blush scarlet at the feel of his hot breath and soft lips against her palm, his bright blue eyes staring wide-eyed at her as his eyebrows hit his headband, but she doesn’t budge an inch.
“I’m sorry for worrying you Naruto-kun,” Hinata apologizes with an honest smile. “But I p-promise not to over exert myself.”
She removes her hand and can’t help but giggle at his still-bewildered expression. “And I never go back on my word.”
It’s as if she physically pulled a plug, and all the tension crammed into Naruto-kun gushed out. His shoulders relax and his eyes soften. His lips pull back to reveal his teeth, a promiment white against the golden-brown of his skin.
“Heh, because that’s our ninja way, -ttebayo,” he replies almost timidly, whiskers scrunching up as he chuckled quietly.
Hinata nods and drags her eyes away from his handsome face. Before she had jumped in to save him, she thought her love for him had reached its peak. Oh, how wrong she was. Every minute passed with him only increased the deep affection she held for her cheerful, wonderful, determined, glowing friend.
“Oh!” Naruto suddenly shouts, startling her for the nth time. “I’ll be right back, -ttebayo!”
With that, he jumps off the wall and scampers around the corner. Unable to abate her curiosity, she activates her byakugan and finds him excitedly speaking with an elderly woman. She deactivates her bloodline and patiently waits for him to return. Perhaps he simply had an errand to run for the older woman.
Once more Hinata looks down and sees Naruto excitedly running towards her, carrying something in both hands.
Jumping up easily onto the wall, Naruto squats beside her and holds out a pink-red popsicle, a wide grin on his face.
“I heard a baa-chan over here has been making popsicles out of watermelon juice every day for anyone to come and eat,” he gushes to her as he practically hops up and down. “You deserve one for all your hard work -ttebayo!”
“T-thank you Naruto-kun,” Hinata blushes as she takes the frozen treat from him. “I’ve never had a popsicle like this before.”
“Me neither, hehe,” Naruto admits with a grin. “But I’m happy I can try it with you, -ttebayo.”
Hinata smiles so widely her cheeks hurt.
Maybe one day, when the associated topic did not bring him so much immediate pain, Hinata would bring up her confession and request an answer from Naruto. But for now, to simply sit side-by-side and enjoy a popsicle as beloved friends…
She couldn’t ask for more.
A/N: Wow! I haven’t written anything Naruto related for five years...hopefully I’m not too rusty lol. 
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sushiobsessedwriter · 5 years
He Asks You To Move In- Akatsuki
Request: No
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden
Character(s): The Akatsuki
A/N: I love love loved writing this!! Who doesn’t love some Akatsuki fluff??
Pein: He planned the entire thing before you got home. It was a long day of missions and all you really wanted was the have a bath and just relax for the rest of the night. That was why, when you walked through to your bathroom to find your bath occupied by your pierced boyfriend. A blush covered his face and chest as he noticed you standing in the doorway. You raised an eyebrow but stripped once he gestured for you to get in the bath.  "What's all this about?" you inquired. You stepped into the hot water and leaned against his toned chest. His arms circled around you and he rested his chin on your shoulder. "I wanted to ask you something." Your entire body tensed and you tried to put the pieces together. Nothing came to mind so you focused your breathing and tried to relax. You felt rather than heard him chuckle behind you and he kissed your shoulder in reassurance. "How would you feel about moving in with me?" If you were drinking you would have spat it all over the place. With your heart thrumming in your chest you turned so you could lock eyes with him. He was completely serious so you pressed your lips firmly against his and nodded. A smile spread across his face as he asked if you were saying yes.  "Yes, I'd love to move in with you, Pein." He kissed you harder this time, water and bubbles flying out of the bath but neither of you noticed as you started planning and making mental lists on what to buy and where.
Itachi: He wanted it to be special so he treated you to a fancy dinner at your favourite restaurant. It was after the appetisers that he finally asked you. He was so excited and nervous about it, it wasn't like he was proposing or anything but he wanted you to know he thought moving in was a big step and big deal so he kissed your knuckles and stared you right in the eyes. "Y/N, I want you to know I love you very much," you blushed at his words, "so I wanted to know if you would move in with me?" You stopped chewing your bread and blinked at him not once, not twice but three times before you swallowed your food. After finishing your mouthful you smiled at him and gave him you answer: "Of course, Itachi." Kisame: He was a blushing mess when he asked you. He stumbled over his words and even fell into the pool. He'd asked you to meet him by the water later that day and when you arrived, you found him dangling his feet in the water. You joined him on the edge of the pool with a kiss on his cheek. That caused a wild blush to cover his cheeks which was odd for Kisame considering all you did was kiss his cheek. Since the two of you got together his mad blushing had decreased so you found it reasonable to ask him if he was alright. "I-I-I want t-t-to um..." He trailed off as you stared at him expectantly. "Yes?" "Will you move in with me?!" He asked it so quickly and loudly that you barely caught it. Luckily for the both of you, you understood what he asked you and you agreed. His eyes widened and it was when you repeated your answer that he fell into the pool, splashing you in the process. He swam back to the surface to find you laughing, causing him to do so as well. Hidan: You groaned as you nearly slipped on one of his shirts. A curse flew from you mouth which made Hidan -who was face down on the mattress- raise an eyebrow. You picked up said shirt and held it between your fingers. "How can you live like this? If I lived here I'd probably break my neck anytime I wanted to go to the bathroom." He turned his face in your direction and watched as you placed the shirt on his chair.  "Maybe you should live here," the comment was so innocent that it took you a moment to register what he said.  You asked him to repeat what he said, which he did. Your breath caught in your throat and a smile climbed onto your lips. You pounced on the Jashinist's back and peppered kisses across his shoulders and back of his neck. He hummed under your actions and you pressed your forehead to his back. "You're really asking me to move in?" "Yeah, dumbass." Kakuzu: It was over a drink that he asked you. The two of your were winding down from a long bounty hunt and were just talking about random things. Although, it mainly centred around the bounty and how much money the two of you earned. You knew there was something on his mind when he bought your drink without complaining about the price. You inquired as to what it was and he said he had a query to run past you. You chuckled at his phrasing but gestured for him to go ahead. "There's this woman that I want to ask to move in with me, but I don't know how to. What would you suggest?" Your heart stung for a moment, he said it with such a troubled voice that you believed it to be another woman.Perhaps even a new recruit. However, when you saw the mirth in his eyes and his mask lift up with a smirk you refrained from strangling him. You then pretended to think before you turned to him with a smirk of your own. "You should buy her another drink and ask her properly." He chuckled and ordered another drink for the both of you, "Do you want to move in with me, Y/N?" "Yes, Kakuzu, I do." Sasori: He wrote it on a note and left it in his office. It was when you went looking for him that you found the note. It was simple, there wasn't even a question mark attached. It simply read: "We are moving in together." You were more frustrated than shocked. Was it too much to ask that he tell you in person, or even ask!? You found him in the living room and confronted him about it. You held the note in front of his face and cleared your throat. he stared at you blankly. "Please explain," you tried to keep calm. "What is there to explain. It is written in the note." You rolled your eyes and handed him back the note. "Ask me then." He stared at the note then at you. He handed it back to you with a confused expression. "We are moving in together... Unless you do not want to?" You sighed again and placed yourself in his lap, "Of course I want to, I just wish you'd have asked." He nodded and you grinned up at him before giving him a slow kiss. Deidara: He knew it was cliché the moment he thought of it but he knew it would make you smile. He took you to the cliff where you first met and told you stand at the top. You giggled and complied. The sun set a few minutes ago and it was clear night. With one arm around your shoulders the other threw a couple of clay birds into the air. They exploded to reveal beautiful colours and letters. Those letters arranged to say, "Will you move in with me?" Another giggle escaped you and you turned into his arms, your own draping around his neck. You hummed in thought, making him shift on his feet whilst his hands were on your waist. You glanced between his hopeful face and the beautiful fireworks. "I suppose I can move a few things around..." He grinned at you before crushing you in a hug. You pulled back and pecked his lips which turned into a longer, deeper kiss. "You're such a tease, unn." Tobi: You weren't sure that he was serious when he mentioned it. He didn't exactly ask you, nor did he demand it was happening. It was more of a suggestion, a hint that it would be okay to do so. It was whilst you were watching a movie and Tobi was giddy from all the sugar he consumed. There was a scene where the newly established couple were moving in together and you sighed happily. "Could you imagine living in a house like that?" He was silent for a moment before answering, "Tobi would like to live with Y/N!" You nearly choked on your popcorn. When he said nothing else you brushed it off and returned your attention back to the film. It was near to the end when Tobi spoke once again. "Does Y/N think it would be fun?" "Think what would be fun?" Your eyes were still glued to the TV. "Living with Tobi!" You brushed the cobwebs from your brain and turned to face him. He patiently waited for your reply and you opened your mouth a few times before finally asking, "Tobi, are you asking me to move in with you?" He chuckled, "that took you a minute." You sent him a half-hearted glare, "Then, yes, I guess it would be fun." "Is Y/N saying yes?!" You winked, "that took you a minute." Zetsu: It was a good thing it was a nice day lest his plan not work. He arrange your flowers and other smaller flowers and leaves in the perfect order. He took pride in his small creation and waited for you to join him. He knew if he asked you outright he might make it sound strange or not do it correctly so he let his garden do the talking. If he were a teenage girl he would have squealed when he saw you walk through the garden gates. You waved at him with a smile and he composed himself. He told you to close your eyes which you did with a giggle. He moved you over to his creation and told you to slowly open your eyes. When you saw the beautifully arranged sentence in front of you tears threatened to fall. His black side demanded to know why you were crying whilst his white side was worried. You waved him off and laughed.  "I'm just happy." That statement stunned him into silence. You read it once again, ‘Move in with me?’ "Oh," you turned back to him and kissed his cheek with a blush, "I will."
If you liked this then please think of buying me a coffee.
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62. Catching the Parents Having Alone Time
You and Pein were all alone after letting Elliot go bother Konan. She was slightly willing to take the kid, but still, she didn't like to deal with him all that much. So you guys had a limited time to do whatever you wanted. So, you both quickly began to make out with each other. It was getting a little heated when you heard your bedroom door open.
“What are you two doing?” The little scared voice was Elliot. “Why are you attacking dad?”
“I'm not... what?” You were a little confused at to why he'd instantly go to that you were hurting Pein. “We were just showing our love for each other, that's all.” You were a little embarrassed to have Elliot catch you both in such a situation.
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, son. Also, next time, knock before you enter our room.” Pein spoke for you. Elliot just nodded his head and left the room, leaving you two to sigh. The mood was ruined now.
“Wanna play a board game?” You question suddenly, causing Pein to nearly burst out into laughter. However, that was out of character for him, so he just slowly nodded his head.
“Very well. What game?” It wasn't originally what the two of you wanted to do, but it was good enough to just spend some quality time with your husband.
You and Zetsu had just laid Danny and Sammy down and they'd just fallen asleep. You were eager to get into your bed and go to sleep as well, however, Zetsu had other ideas. As soon as you two were in your room, Zetsu's hands were on you.
“Let's make another baby.” White Zetsu whispered to you. “Let's not.” Black Zetsu then responded as a grumble.
“I agree with the darker half of you. Let's not, not today at least but we can practice.”
“Yuck.” Black Zetsu grumbled even further, however, he was ignored as you and Zetsu began to feel up each other. As your clothing slowly began to come off, you heard snickering from the doorway. Both you and Zetsu spun around to see both Danny and Sammy there watching you two.
“Oh my!” You instantly hid behind Zetsu with embarrassment as Zetsu began to yell at your children.
“What are you two doing?! I was about to finally have some fun!n Don't you want a little brother or sister?!”
“Zetsu!” You scolded instantly. You shoved him out of the room making Danny and Sammy get pushed backward. “There won't be any fun tonight. Take care of the children that we currently have!” You huffed and slammed the door. You were so far out of the mood that you just went right to sleep.
You and Sasori pawned off Tara and Dahlia onto Deidara. It probably wasn't the best idea, but you two wanted some alone time together. Said alone time was making out with each other and getting all touchy. It was nice to finally get some time with your husband, however, it was short-lived as you began to hear someone gagging. You two slowly turned around to see Deidara and your children. It was Deidara making the noises.
“Can you two not? That's seriously disgusting, hm.” Deidara spoke up instantly with the children making faces at you two.
“Dad, why are you all over-” Tara was stopped by Dahlia speaking up louder.
“You two were fucking!” Every adult was shocked at Dahlia's words.
“You've spent too much time with Uncle Hidan!” You instantly yelled out angrily.
“Yeah, that was horrifying, hm.”
“You all are testing my patience. Why are you here with the children?” Sasori's voice broke out, causing everyone else to fall silent.
“They were hungry and I don't know how to feed them, hm.” Deidara simply responded. Sasori's only response was to throw a lamp at him.
“Get out!”
“Hey! Don't throw our lamp, how many times do I have to tell that to you!” You yelled at your husband. Thankfully, Deidara had caught it instead of letting it hit the floor and shatter. Well, something did shatter and it was your will to do anything sexy with your man. So you just sighed and took your children's hands to lead them to the kitchen to feed them.
You and Itachi finally managed to get Serenity to fall asleep after about a half-hour of reading her a bedtime story. Thankfully, she finally gave up and fell asleep after putting up a fight. You and Itachi were thankful because it had been a few weeks since you and he had any physical contact. So, as soon as the two of you closed your bedroom door, you both were attached to each other and your lips were locked. Clothing began to fall away next, however, the creaking of the door stopped you from removing Itachi's pants. You both turned to look at your precious little girl, awake and watching both of you.
“Serenity, weren't you just asleep?” You hesitantly questioned hoping that she'd just go away.
“What are you and daddy doing?” She responded, completely ignoring your question. “I heard from a friend at school that parents have sex when they are alone. Is that what you're doing?” Your face instantly turned red and panic began to set in. You weren't sure how to respond to your child, but Itachi seemed to know as he stepped up and spoke.
“This is all a dream. Just go back to bed. You won't remember this in the morning.”
“Okay...” Serenity spun around and headed back to her bedroom.
“You just mind fucked our child!” You gasped out to your husband. He just softly smiled at you.
“She'll be fine. There are more pressing matters to tend to currently.” You knew that look in his eyes. Things were about to go down.
You and Deidara gave Nova to Sasori for the day. Terrible idea really. He had zero patience for the child, but you and Deidara needed alone time. So Sasori had to deal with it. So, you two raced to your bedroom and threw off all your clothing. As soon as you two hopped into bed and covered up, the door flew open.
“Ah!” You screamed out, completely caught off guard. You held the covers up to hide your parts and looked to see who opened the door. It was Sasori with Nova in his arms.
“Take this demon child. If you don't I will turn her into a puppet.” Sasori's threat was real.
“We're kind of naked right now, just leave Nova there and we'll take care of her.” To your words, Sasori literally dropped the child on the ground, resulting in her screaming out and beginning to cry. The redheaded man just walked away, annoyed.
“Nova, it'll be okay. I'm coming.” You muttered as you climbed out of bed but were stopped by Deidara's words.
“I wish I was coming, hm.” You instantly smacked Deidara with a pillow.
“Shut up!”
“What's that mean?” Nova then questioned, horrifying you. You sputtered out a fake response and then began to put your clothes back on. As soon as your clothes were back on, you picked up your child and headed out of the room to leave Deidara to himself.
Sarah and Justin were given to Kakuzu for the day. They were going to help Kakuzu count money. You hoped it'd go well and give you the ability to have some fun with your husband. So, while you two had the chance, you two stripped down and got to it. However, the door suddenly slid open and a voice could be heard coming through the crack.
“Daddy...” A sniffle could be heard with the small cry from your daughter. Both of you instantly separated and began to search for your clothes. You both got dressed before opening the door to find not only Sarah but Justin as well. Both of them were crying.
“What happened?” You softly questioned however, you heard loud thumps approaching. It was Kakuzu.
“Your brats stole my money!” Kakuzu roared out, causing Hidan to stand in front of us.
“Kakuzu, you made my children cry, what the fuck?!”
“They started it!”
“What? Are you some child now, you 90-something-year-old fuck?!”
“Both of you stop it! You're making the children more upset!” You yelled out instantly in your best parent voice. Both Sarah and Justin were sobbing into your chest.
“Yeah, and you also ruined out fucking sexy time!”
“Seriously Hidan, that's what you're most upset about?!” You and he descended into arguing with each other. Kakuzu eventually walked away, having been done with the situation.
“Dad, what is sexy time?” Justin questioned, breaking the two of you apart from your arguing.
“It's when I put my-”
“HIDAN!” You instantly smacked him to shut him up.
“It's not time to tell the children about that yet!” Well, now that your “sexy time” was officially ruined, you took to make sure that your children were okay. You knew that Kakuzu probably wouldn't physically hurt them, but you couldn't be too careful. This would be the last time you leave them with Kakuzu, probably.
You and Kakuzu, for some reason, gave Kristina to Tobi for a few hours. You would give her to Hidan, but last time she learned some interesting words, so Tobi was the best choice. So, now that you two were alone, you decided to make your moves on your husband. You began to kiss him and touch all over him as he just allowed you to do whatever you wanted. Things began to get a little steamy when the door was knocked on.
“What do you want?” Kakuzu growled out, as he was extremely annoyed for the situation to get interrupted. Taking that as an okay to open the door, the door opened to reveal Tobi and Kristina there. Instantly, you and Kakuzu separated, causing you to fall off the bed.
“Tobi wants to know what you two were doing...” Tobi hesitantly questioned. You glared up at him from your place on the ground. Tobi suddenly gasped out. “You two were doing something naughty!”
“What does 'naughty' mean?” Kristina questioned simply.
“Tobi knows what it means! It means they were going to give you a sibling!”
“Really!?” Kristina lit up and instantly began to ask questions that she shouldn't be asking. “Can I watch you two give me a sibling?!”
“No!” Both you and Kakuzu instantly stated, causing the little girl to begin to cry.
“Come on, Kristina. Tobi wants to play a game!” Tobi then dragged the girl away from the situation.
“Well... shall we continue giving our daughter a sibling?” Kakuzu questioned surprisingly teasingly. You just sighed and shook your head. You were no longer in the mood and you were pretty sure you had a concussion now due to the fall off the bed.
You and Tobi finally got Dexter to fall asleep. It took forever, but the wait was for a good reason. It'd been seemingly forever since you last lied with Tobi, so you two were going to take advantage of the alone time. As soon as you were assured that he was sleeping, you and Tobi made your way to your room and got into bed together. The mask came off of Tobi and be became Obito. There in bed, you two began making out passionately. Hands wandered all over and places got touched that hasn't been touched in a while. Unfortunately, a loud scream from your child's room stopped everything. Worried about Dexter, both you and Obito made your way to his room.
“What's wrong, Dexter?” You questioned instantly as soon as the door was open. He was pointing to the corner and was crying.
“The man in red told me he was going to murder me!” Dexter cried out loudly.
“What man?” Obito instantly demanded, worried. Dexter just kept pointing and crying. So, Obito went over to check the corner, finding no man.
“Come on, let's sleep with us in our room tonight, okay?” You question as you picked Dexter up. He just nodded his head and held onto you tightly. The fun times were ruined, but at least you could be there for your precious child.
You and Kisame gave Alexander to Itachi for the day. It would give you two plenty of time to get together and make some babies. Not really, as neither of you was ready to have another child, but that wasn't going to stop you two from practicing the act of baby-making. So, now that the two of you were alone, Kisame pushed you against the wall and began to make out with you. It was forceful yet passionate. It made your heart burst with excitement. However, the excitement was ruined by Alexander bursting into the room.
“You two are having sex, aren't you?!” Alexander yelled as soon as he got into the room. Itachi was right behind him.
“I apologize, Hidan told him something and I couldn't stop him,” Itachi spoke as soon as he entered the room. He grabbed Alexander, left the room and closed the door. Both you and Kisame hadn't moved at all or anything. You both were just frozen with shock.
“Shall we continue?” Kisame questioned after a moment of confused and shocked silence.
“We might as well. We'll have to give Alexander the talk later though.”
“Fun...” The thought of that wasn't fun, however, the activities you two began to partake in, were quite fun after all. Thankfully you two weren't interrupted again during the best parts. So you finally managed to have some fun of your own.
You and Madara took the kids to the park and left them there for the day. You knew they were mature enough to not get kidnapped or murdered, so it would be fine. They'd eventually make their way back home, hopefully. If not, you'd go searching for them later. However, first, it was some alone time.
“What do you want me to do to you?” Madara whispered in your ear as you two removed all your clothing and climbed under the covers. You were about to answer when you heard whispering from the window next to your bed. You and Madara both turned to look, only to see your three children standing there somehow.
“They spotted us!” Adrien cried out as she then fell from the window, taking her sisters down with her. A chorus of cries could be heard and you and Madara sighed.
“We should go help them, shouldn't we?” To your question, Madara looked you right in the eyes and responded simply.
“Do we have to?” You smacked him and got out from under him. You put your clothes back on and headed outside where your three daughters were just sitting there, bloody and bruised from the fall.
“How did you three get up there anyway?” You didn't expect an answer as you picked your children up and took them back inside. You really wished they'd stayed at the park, but at least they weren't too hurt from the fall. Just a bit shook up. You wondered though, what were they whispering about and how much did they see?
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tmnt-veelicious · 6 years
Across the Stars - Ch.13
... This chapter was supposed to be way longer. And yet, here it is. I feel like I had to leave this as it was. I won’t lie - that chapter deals with a lot of personal stuff. When I had first finished writing the last part, I actually got a panic attack that night because, oh boi, it really hit close to home :’) Anyway, that’ll probably mean that chapter 14 will come soon ! I already know what I have to write so that will be easy-peasy -u- There’s some French dialogue in this, but I translated it. It’s some heavy French Canadian speak at some points so google translate wouldn’t be able to translate it accurately x’D !!!
First Chapter --> HERE Previous Chapter --> HERE Next Chapter --> HERE
Winter was already on its way out, the temperature on the brink of lightly cold and pleasantly warm. It's been some weeks since Leo's 'protection plan' was going on, each turtles taking turns on keeping an eye on Vee and April whenever they had to come home late from work. Tonight the artist was the only one walking, her roomate having a day off. The stroll was as eventless as usual, her only cue that one of the mutants was following her being that she could spot a form getting from one building top to another. And also she was speaking on the phone with him. ''So, what project am I forbidding you to work on, all thanks to Leo's awesome plan?'' She could hear Donnie's snicker at the other end of the line. ''Oh don't say that, you know he only has good intentions. … And for your information, I was working on the toaster.'' ''Again? It's like the third time in not even a month.'' ''I know! … I think Mikey is letting his cooking creativity take the best of him; you can't heat pizza bagels in an upright toaster.'' ''Even when it's laid to its side?'' ''You're just asking for more trouble,'' laughed the terrapin. ''They'll just fly off to the floor when it's done.'' ''Point taken!'' A long sigh escaped her as she crossed a street, the streetlights shining down on her path as her boyfriend still remained in the shadows. ''… I wish I could be walking by your side,'' echoed Donatello's voice through her phone. She was surprised at first to hear that, somehow wondering if he had read in the depths of her mind. A small smile got to her lips, quickly calculating the remaining time until reaching her home. ''I know, Don, I wish too. But we're almost there, don't worry about it.'' ''Oh, before you get inside, can you wait for my cue? … I have something special.'' ''And April is involved?'' asked Vee, amused. ''She was, in a certain way, but she won't be at your place tonight.'' That lifted the woman's spirits, knowing she'd get to spend the evening alone with the mutant. And now she was eager to see what was awaiting her! She finally arrived upon her apartment building, already making her way inside until reaching her entry door. She waited some minutes before knocking gently on the door to signal Donnie that she was there – as they weren't speaking on the phone anymore. The artist could hear some footsteps on the other side, guessing he was probably setting some things. Then the moment of truth came, the door finally opening, large enough for her to enter without revealing the mutant's presence. ''Madam,'' jokingly greeted the terrapin as Vee was in. She instantly noticed how the lights were off, except for the faint glow of various candles way ahead in the living room area. Her smile wouldn't fade, Donnie taking her spring coat off of her and setting it to the side, next leaving a hand at the small of her back as they made their way to the next scene. Many candles were placed around, giving a focus on the coffee table in the middle of the living room. On it was placed a bottle of white wine with two glasses and a plate of sushis. Vee showed a smirk as she looked at her boyfriend. ''Is this a date?'' she asked, reminiscent of that time on the roof some months ago. ''Only if you want it to be,'' answered the other, playing her game. The woman filled the wine glasses, handing one to the mutant. ''Why do you keep bringing wine? I remember you saying you don't even drink that.'' ''White wine is less worse than red, so I don't mind,'' explained Donnie, taking a sip before he continued: ''Also there's another bottle in the fridge so we're not done for tonight.'' Vee faked being shocked. ''Who are you and what have you done to my boyfriend?'' ''Yes, I can be fun sometimes, how surprising is that!'' She lightly slapped his arm, bringing a small chortle out of the other. The evening couldn't get any better afterward, hilarity never escaping them and wine flowing. They were already at the half of the second bottle that they found themselves in eachother's arms – or mostly Donnie sitting on the couch as Vee was seated in his lap, facing him. She couldn't help her smirk as she lightly bit her lip, tracing imaginary patterns on his torso. ''Are you a scientist? ... Because I'd love to do you on a table periodically,'' she blabbered, lovesick. ''Hey, oh, that's my job to say cheesy liners like that!'' laughed the other, unconsciously laying a hand on her hip, bringing her body closer to his. ''What are you gonna do, oh mighty ninja warrior? You're as drunk as me anyway,'' smirked Vee. He returned the same smile, finishing what was left in his glass before putting it aside, removing the woman's right after. His hands easily found a new place at the lowest part of the human's back, soon petting her skin. ''First I will destabilize,'' he started, his tone low and seductive. ''You'll be begging for mercy soon enough and that's when I'll strike.'' He took her scent in the crook of her neck, travelling higher so he could leave kisses along her jaw. Every sensations were amplified when drunk, their skins numb and yet so sensitive. Vee couldn't retain her moan, her hold slightly tightening around the mutant's shoulders. She felt the world spin, nuzzling her lover's cheek in hopes of finding his lips. A low churr rose from the turtle, smiling once more as he could clearly feel the woman's need. ''Look at you; so hot and eager, just for me,'' he murmured. ''You're mine, all mine,'' he added, cupping her ass, forever loving her form. ''Don...,'' gasped Vee, her body exploding in a wave of shivers all over her skin. Their lips finally met, their passion already in place. When sober, Donatello would always wonder how he could have ever become so addicted to her, but now everything made sense. This euphoria and need he was currently going through, it was all a thrill he knew he'd never get tired of. Every moves and sounds she made could only fuel his very core, always demanding for more. Her shirt was soon thrown away, Vee easily taking control as she started grinding against the other, panting dued to her growing lust. The mutant was about to remove her bra that a loud sound stopped them both, their eyes instantly diverting to the coffee table. Vee's phone was ringing, indicating that someone was calling. Donnie was frowning, Vee was laughing. ''Let it be,'' she said. Oh no, drunk Donnie was a confident Donnie. And he would not take that kind of shit from anybody. He lunged for the phone, keeping the woman against him. ''Donnie, stop!'' warned Vee, still smiling from amusement. The turtle took the call in, putting it on speaker. ''Whoever's calling, you better have a goddamn good reason,'' he started. ''Véro?'' answered a woman's voice. Vee instantly jumped, her eyes as big as plates. She grabbed the phone out of the other's hand, already switching to her native tongue. ''Maman?'' Oh shit, Donatello realized, that's her mom. The human stayed seated where she was, trying to get down from the high clouds she was on. ''Depuis quand tu m'appelles aussi tard?'' (Since when you're calling me this late?) she started. ''Il est à peine 8h30, j'trouve pas que c'est si tard.'' (It's barely 8:30, I don't think it's that much late.) ''Peu importe, qu'est-ce qu'il y a?'' (Whatever, what's the matter?) asked Vee, somehow annoyed. ''J'veux juste prendre de tes nouvelles. Ça fait au moins un mois qu'on s'est pas parlé! Et c'est qui qui a répondu au téléphone? T'es avec qui?'' (I just want to get some news about you. It's been at least a month since we last spoke! And who answered the phone. Who are you with?). Her mother's tone sounded somehow impatient, demanding to be answered without delay. Donnie couldn't catch everything that was said, but he did recognize some words or two, easily guessing that she was asking Vee who she was with. ''J'suis avec mon chum...''(I'm with my boyfriend) answered Vee with a sigh. ''Quoi?! Depuis quand t'as un chum? T'as tu fait ça sur un coup de tête encore? C'est quoi, tu veux te donner une autre raison de rester là?'' (What?! Since when you have a boyfriend? You did that impulsively? You want to give yourself another reason to stay there?) ''De quoi tu parles?'' (What are you talking about?) added the artist, visibly angered at that point. ''T'es si contre le fait que j’habite ici que peu importe ce que je fais, c'est mal?'' (You're so against my choice to live here that whatever I do, it's bad?) ''Oui! Tu l'sais que c'était une criss de mauvaise idée que tu partes. Tu l'vois ben que t’arrive pas à trouver de l'emploi dans ce que tu veux. Arrête de vivre dans un rêve inutile.'' (Yes! You know it was a dumb idea to leave. You know you're not able to find a job in your domain. Stop living in this useless dream.) As soon as he saw pools of tears invade Vee's eyes, Donnie couldn't stop frowning, taking back the phone. ''Hey, hi. Name's Donnie,'' he started, not even caring that the woman was now looking at him with fear. ''Are you aware that your daughter is currently crying?'' ''Uh, I- no,'' answered the other, taken by surprise by the sudden change in voice and language. ''Hand me back Véro, I-'' ''No, no, listen ma'am,'' cut Donatello, firm. ''I may have not fully understand what you both just said, but I know enough about that stupid argument to tell you that it needs to stop. Your daughter is talented and has such potential. Why won't you just let her do her things? She's an adult, for crying out loud!'' ''You don't know anything about any of this,'' spoke back Vee's mother. ''I'm trying to protect her by making sure that she has a stable future.'' ''Financially, maybe, but emotionally, that's pure bullshit. She's been having panic attacks all because you don't want to believe in her.'' ''Donnie, stop!'' pleaded Vee, trying to contain her sobs. ''Wha- I-'' started the other woman. ''I'm glad she decided to move here,'' cut Donnie once more. ''She won't have to live with people who want to make decisions in her own place. She won't have to live with people who are ashamed of their own daughter.'' ''Donnie!'' said Vee once more, gritting her teeth. She yanked the phone back, promptly ending the call and then throwing the device far from their position. A loud crash was heard, but Vee did not care, her eyes poorly meeting the mutant's, her vision drowned with tears. He thought she would scream, hit him, anything! But he was rather met with a renewed kiss, strong and passionate. Vee couldn't stop her crying, but this time she knew she wasn't bawling her eyes out due to complete sadness. She was madly in love, invaded by strong emotions. Her body wouldn't stop shaking, hungry for his touch... Donatello was quick to comply, his hands back in action as he proceeded to remove the woman's bra. He couldn't help feeling protective over her, wanting to shield her from any harm – may it be in the form of words or physical. He did not mind her tears, knowing Vee was probably going through a lot right now. He wanted her to empty her mind, let it all out. When she pleaded to be nearer, both soon disappeared into the artist's room, clothes scattered on the floor. Alone in the world, forever emprisoned in eachother's arms. They wanted to spend eternity this way... *** When Donnie woke up the next morning, he couldn't help his slight frown, eyes still closed, as he felt nothing but emptiness beside him in bed. He dared crack open an eye, glancing around rapidly; he was truly alone, the faint sound of music finding its way to his ears, coming from the kitchen area, he supposed. Stretching with a light growl, he finally decided to get up, only deciding to wear his underwear and his glasses, next heading towards the sound. His body felt strangely numb after last night. It wasn't an unpleasant sensation - he liked it in fact – and everything kept playing again and again in his mind. It all seemed like a strange dream, remembering Vee's tears, her moans, her lust. It didn't take long for the mutant to notice how lost she had been in her feelings, revealing them entirely to him as she rarely did... Donatello stopped when he reached the kitchen, his eyes instantly falling on the woman seated near the table, occupied. She was only wearing a large shirt, her hair caught up in a bun. Dark circles could be seen under her eyes, but it never tossed away the fact that she looked radiant, beautiful, divine, to him. He did frown when he noticed her center of interest: an alto saxophone. She was carefully cleaning around the keys with cotton swabs and rubbing alcohol, ever so patient and precise. ''Wha-...'' started Donnie, perplexed. Vee looked up, showing a small smile as she noticed the other. ''Bon matin,'' she greeted sweetly. Her tone shot right through his heart, finding her ever so cute. He finally moved and took a seat, observing the instrument with a renewed frown. ''… Since when you have a saxophone?'' he asked. ''I've been playing that instrument for way over ten years. It's the first one I learned in school, in fact.'' His brain had troubles connecting the dots. ''Then why have I never seen you play it?'' Vee snickered, still cleaning: ''When you have close neighbours, it's sadly harder to practice at full capacity. Unless I want people to bang against the walls and floor! For now I simply practice in silence so I don't lose my fingering.'' He couldn't help tracing around the bell's opening with the tip of his finger, fascinated by the instrument's form. ''You could practice at the lair!'' he suggested. The woman looked up to him, showing a playful, yet annoyed look. ''No thanks. First it'd be annoying for your family and I'm unfortunately shy when playing the sax in solo.'' ''Oh come on, I'd like to hear you play!'' added the turtle. Vee simply stuck out her tongue, returning to her task. She did catch Donnie's smile, amused by her behavior. ''Are there any other instruments you know how to play that I'm not aware of?'' he questionned next. The artist puffed a small chuckle: ''I can play Twinkle Twinkle Little Star on a violin, I'm somehow decent on a drum and I can toot some notes on a trombone. I also want to learn to play the guitar and the cello. Is that enough? Oh and I learned the piano by myself, in case you were wondering.'' ''You're insane,'' commented Donatello, still smiling. ''… I wish I had hands like yours, I'd love to learn to play the piano. All I can do is hit two or three notes at the same time with one finger.'' Vee couldn't stop her laughter this time, accompanied by snorts. She kept her focus on the saxophone, not noticing the other who was now looking at the cracked cellphone on the table. When Vee threw it away last night, it had cracked the screen completely, making it impossible to see anything. The turtle grabbed the device, observing it carefully in order to see if there was any other broken parts. The woman quickly glanced at him, finally sighing as she diverted her gaze back to the instrument. ''I can fix this,'' said Donnie. ''… Sure, whatever,'' mumbled Vee. This time he frowned, setting the phone down. He knew something wasn't right. ''Tell me everything,'' he started. The human stopped, looking up to her boyfriend with a confused look. ''What do you mean?'' ''I feel like you've told me so little about what's happening between you and your family. Sure, I know the big lines, but there has to be more! … The way your mother spoke last night - her tone - I feel like the fact she doesn't approve your life choices is not the only thing going on.'' Where to begin? … Her eyes shifted around for a while, trying to think. She forced a small laugh, her smile somehow fake. ''… It's so weird, I feel like I can only speak about that in French. The words won't come easily, this is so dumb.'' One of Donnie's hands got to hers, holding it gently as his thumb caressed her skin. ''… You don't need to rush anything. I just want to know – I need to know. I want to understand and make you feel better, if you want me to.'' His warm smile renewed Vee's, feeling much more confident. ''Let me brew coffee, that will give me time to find my words.'' He watched her get up, first setting her machine on as she next got two mugs out. Music was still playing on the radio, this time the tune of A Ship Without A Sail by Ella Fitzgerald starting. Vee froze for a moment, patiently listening to the lyrics. She cursed life's timing for bringing this tune up, knowing it would perfectly sum up what she was going to talk about. Still alone, still at sea. Still there's no one to care for me. When there's no hand to hold my hand Life is a loveless tale For a ship without a sail. She fiddled with the mugs, unable to decide where to place them on the counter. Her back still facing the table, she began to talk, knowing not looking at Donatello would help. ''I'm a mistake. I wasn't planned and that broke my family apart. My dad left my mom as soon as I was born and ever since we lived at the brink of poverty. I won't say I grew up without being loved, far from it, but I was often forgotten. … Since I'm very young I've always had this huge imagination, this need to escape reality and be somewhere else.'' Coffee was ready, her hand shaking as she tried to lift the pot. She was soon stopped by the mutant who had gotten up, now behind her. He filled the mugs with one hand, his other arm now around the woman's waist, keeping her near. Her voice was now slightly shaking as she continued: ''I was a child prodigy, excelling at school. I learned to read faster than other kids, which brought me to read many books and learn way more things than any children my age. I matured so fast, at some point it was scary... I was a freak, a goody-two-shoes that never smiled. My parents hated this. My family was often putting me down whenever I was talking about complicated subjects because, in their minds, a kid could never know about such things; kids are supposed to be dumb and clueless about life in general. … I wasn't and that scared them.'' She felt Donnie nuzzle the top of her head, now fully embracing her from behind. She knew he must be relating to her, his intelligence easily over-throwing his brothers'. ''Whenever I would have actual questions, I would be mocked with 'If you're so intelligent, why don't you know about that?', and so on. I was bullied by so many people because of my way of thinking. No one understood my mind, no one took time to actually speak to me and know what were my needs. I had to learn so many things on my own. … Hell, I even paid all my college on my own. I did everything on my own. As soon as I turned eighteen, I was an adult and that meant that no one would ever care or pay anything for me anymore.'' She was shaking so much at this point, she thought she would explode... ''My parents had such high hopes for me. They wanted me to get a prestigious job, exhaust my brain for something that I knew would never make me happy. … They were so angry when they saw that I wanted to be a musician, an artist and even a writer. They thought my intelligence meant that I would excel in every spheres, while my greatest strengths were only found in arts. … I could finally be at peace when creating, alone and free. I was finally smiling...'' A soft hiccup escaped her, trying so hard to calm her emotions. ''I left my country because I was alone. I left because everything there made me feel so unimportant. I left because I was mocked, ridiculed for something I wanted to devote my life to. My mother was often putting me down, my father barely spoke to me. I left because they thought I was a coward, an anxious mess that loved to play the victim card – when it's clearly not the case. I know my emotions are strong at times only because I keep them inside for so long! They explode, they destroy me like a crushing wave. It's exhausting and it's killing me.'' Her eyes burned, her tears warm. ''I always have to excuse myself for anything I do, I always have to watch myself because whatever I do, it's always a mistake. I'm a mistake, I shouldn't even be born.'' A sob got out this time, Donnie quick to try to calm her, his stance slowly swaying from one foot to the other, trying to be soothing. ''Don't say that, baby, you have so much worth,'' he whispered. ''You're wonderful, incredible even. Don't ever bring yourself down, you're so strong...'' ''I- I just want to forget the pain. I want to forget everything. I hate my brain.'' The mutant shushed her gently, finally turning her around so they could face one another. Vee's eyes were red, forever pouring rivers of tears. He tried to erase them with his thumbs, his traits always so calm, somehow translating his love. ''… Vee, you have no idea how much you were meant for me,'' he started. ''You are not a mistake, you were meant to be here, right in this place and moment. Don't you see?'' He got a hold of her left wrist, bringing the tattoo on her inner forearm up to his lips, kissing it tenderly. ''You are here for a reason...'' This time she did not stop her crying, feeling this strange relief from this sentence alone. Especially when said by him... Vee's body sticked closer to the mutant's, her face hidden against his chest, somehow ashamed of her outburst. Although emptying everything simply felt so good... Soon enough she couldn't help feeling tired, her sobs turning into sad whimpers, closing her eyes as she felt the other's hands at the back of her head and her shoulders, caressing in a soothing motion. ''Je t'aime... Je t'aime tellement,'' she sighed, nuzzling his skin, forever in love. Donnie's heart clenched, understanding those words. He did not care for the woman's tears that had soaked his skin, he did not care about the coffee getting cold – those words, right there, were the most important thing. ''Moi aussi...,'' he spoke back, somehow glad he could finally say something to her in French without fear. Vee's soft gasp and small smile was not missed, a small laugh trying to rise, always amused to hear him try to speak in her native tongue. She only needed to look up to him and lift herself at the tip of her toes for them to finally meet in a kiss, tender and loving. Donatello's hands cupped her cheeks, erasing the remaining tears with his thumbs as they were still lip-locked. His every instincts told him to be gentle, delicate, en amour. He'd give everything in his life only for Vee to be happy and safe... At once, he instantly knew he wanted her forever by his side.
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