#I love him uggHHH
ca-8 · 1 year
Okay okay Comett hear me out...
Dexter with a s/o who is like Raven from the show Titans?
Same back story and Everything.
Let's say that one day during a mission with the Titans something goes wrong and she's transported to the fusionfall universe.
Thanks in advance❤
A body flailed deep through the winds of space and time.
(Y/n) was unconscious, so they couldn't feel screeching light's jagged blades pushing against their chilled skin. Air held no home here, but an impossible storm rages on in between the interstellar threads. Despite light speed dragging them through plane after plane, silence pushed them into a deep and eerily tranquil slumber.
Memories of the last battle rang true even within the resting confinement. Flashes of their and their friend's enemy appeared few and far between; a tall, lanky demon with glowing black symbols covering most of his ruby skin. It was without a doubt that those symbols only belong to the creations of Trigon, a father who so lovingly tries to hunt his child down for the sake of power and will destroy everything else if deemed necessary.
And "necessary" pretty much means if he's bored or in a particularly poor, blood-thirsty mood. So, all the time, basically.
Which was why the winds seemed never-ending, why (Y/n) couldn't sense their friends anywhere near them as they slowly regained consciousness, and why never waking up from spiraling darkness appeared to be better than waking up isolated and alone.
But soon, the winds stopped. The threads of interstellar infinity released them of their grip, and their limbs didn't feel so tight against their body anymore.
Life sprung to their senses — one that was small and wounded toward the inability to stand and breathe. Beast Boy, they thought, but the life's energy didn't quite sync with their friend's energetic and laid-back nature. Still, is that an excuse to ignore a cry for help?
A flash of their father's face blinded them from within the confines of their waking mind. Every inch of their own agonized figure pulsated against their will to move, but a hero's will goes beyond physical capabilities. If their leader was present, he'd confirm it.
Screaming arms and hands were raised, and with bulging, crying eyes glued shut, (Y/n) released a cry; a demand that this cornered prey is to be shielded from its predator. Needles of pain pushed deep into their skin, through the pale patterns of Azarathian runes that curved over the ocean of (s/c), and pricked the surface of their muscle. Their train of thought was already running off the rails, but it wasn't enough. Tilting their head back toward the cornered life, a whisper fell through their lips.
The needles, suddenly enlarged to be as thick as swords, stabbed through them entirely. Before succumbing to the deepest slumber once more, they sensed the wounded prey standing on its own.

".....impossible........never seen..."
One voice faded in and out, repeatedly. It was like being submerged in a bottomless ocean, and (Y/n) would occasionally near its surface to hear humanity for only a second before getting forced back into the depths of the sea. Although the voice left, the curious and acutely knowledgeable energy never once disappeared.
Which meant that they were kept in a room where they once again battled for consciousness, and the formerly wounded prey was in there with them.
It wasn't long before the voice slowly became clear. "Could it be that the near-collision is creating some sort of rip? Or that the soldier's interference with time and space...?" it said. A male with a Russian-ish accent, from what they could make out, and perhaps one close to their age. They couldn't imagine an adult possessing a voice so high and...squeaky.
Probably better to check before making assumptions. With as few movements as possible, (Y/n) shifted. Something soft and thin moved underneath them along with a harsh texture that covered the top of their body. Their hood was off — in fact, it wasn't on them at all (and whoever made this decision better have a good reason if they want to keep all their limbs intact) — and the back of their head was well cushioned.
So, a bed, and no bondages to keep them held down. For once, their luck was starting to improve. (Y/n) moved their head to the side and slowly opened their eyelids, barely containing a hiss when a bright light burned their retinas. They shut their eyes tight and slowly tried again, and when they finally got used to the too-well-lit environment, their sights instantly landed on the prey.
Strange, no wonder they first thought he was Beast Boy. He was definitely under the average height, and if it weren't for the fact his skin was humanely pale and his hair shimmered with a bright orange, they would have mistaken him for their shape-shifting friend. However, this boy appeared as powerless as any other human.
He turned, and as soon as the narrowed ocean behind his eyes met with the glowering (e/c) of (Y/n)'s own, he was instantly startled out of his strict demeanor. The clipboard fell right from his gloved hands and hit the clean tiled floor, and his thick glass almost went right along with it.
"O-Oh! You are awake!" he exclaimed.
"Hope I didn't interrupt your conversation," (Y/n) stated.
"Huh-? O-Oh, do not worry about that, ehehe..." the boy stuttered, rubbing the back of his neck. "Uh, hey! Wait!"
He rushed over to them when they tried pushing themselves up from the mattress. "I've yet to properly analyze your wounds; my assistants and I took care of all your external injuries, but I fear that you may possess internal damage."
They pulled the cover off of them and saw most of their arms and legs wrapped tightly in bandages. A large gauze covered their waist; they could feel its cotton texture rub uncomfortably against what could be a gash. The only familiar sight was their black leotard and its ragged new look didn't appear too awful, at least.
The young man winced at the sight. "My apologies, I have been rather preoccupied with our...current situation-"
"Where am I?" (Y/n) asked.
He stood still for a second as his face began to drown in realization. "So it is true, you are not from here," he observed.
"Tell me what's going on."
Then, the young man fell silent. He hung his head to where they couldn't see much of his face, but by the way his bottom lip quivered, his lack of response couldn't foster peace.
"...We are at war," he finally said.
(Y/n)'s eyes widened, but they let him continue.
"A planet entirely made of fusion matter — an infectious substance whose prime goal is to overcome any and every organic matter — is planning to conquer Earth. My friends, my family, and everyone, including myself, is doing whatever it takes to stop such an event, including taking down the planet's master: Lord Fuse."
(Y/n) didn't know how tight their face had become until they softened at the sight of his sorrowful expression. He was clearly trying to keep a brave face, but with every word that fell from his lips, every feature of his grew close to devastation.
They sighed. "Well, isn't this lovely. Just what I needed today."
The boy's head perked up as they stood right to their feet. (Y/n) stumbled, but forced themselves to keep whatever composure their body could muster. And in this situation, every fiber needed to be pushed to its limits.
"Wait, I just told you, you need to take it easy!" he insisted, speeding toward them as they walked to the door. His hand grabbed their wrist, and though his grip wasn't rough, it was enough to keep them close. "Listen, usually I am the one asking the questions, typically when all my loved ones' lives are not at stake (you did just fall right out of a portal, after all...). And that is precisely why you need to stay here. Your body has suffered near-critical damage and it is not safe out there-!"
"It's fine." (Y/n) yanked their wrist out of his hold and held back a yelp when a sharp pain flashed through their forearm. "I need to find my teammates."
"My... I can't stay here."
They began to the door again until the boy ran in front of them and held out his arms. "I am serious. You saw what is out there. Your power, the way you used it against those things..." His eyes darted to the side, and it was probably because their eyes were still trying to adjust to the room, but they could have sworn a good portion of his face was pink. "...It was incredible. But now, you are in no condition to fight!"
"You have enough on your plate already."
The young man furrowed his eyebrows together. A subtle throbbing moved all throughout their body, but they could still stand.
And if they could stand, they could fight.
"I appreciate the patch-up," they said, "but as far as you're concerned, you never saw me. Now move."
He blinked up at them with parted lips and a gaze that begged for them to stay. Then, suddenly, that gaze twitched into irritation. "You saved me out there," he said. "I was dying, and I probably looked so weak and pathetic...and then, miraculously, you appear out of nowhere, a-and all my pain had suddenly gone...!"
He pushed himself up against the door with a fierce look. "I am not letting you back out there until you've healed. It is the only way I can repay you."
(Y/n) was glaring at him now; while they admired his chivalry, stubbornness has often proved to be a thorn in their side. "Thanks." They lifted themselves off the ground and toward the blinding ceiling, and the young man's face fell. "But no thanks."
As he reached up to call out to them, they vanished in the summoned shadows.
So he wasn't lying after all.
(Y/n) spread through the ruined air and above a depressing wasteland. What used to be neighborhoods were now corpses of houses, scattered few and far between while the unlucky ones were completely dismantled. Not a sign of organic life sprang to their vision; the only thing that tried to replicate grass here was the green goo that awkwardly spread for miles on end. The silence that rode along with the wind added to the eeriness, but hopefully, all of it would be the only dreadful sight they should see today.
How do I even know everyone else ended up here? they thought, ignoring the growing weight pressing down on their body. (Y/n) reached into their pocket and took out their phone. Its cracked, broken screen was just what they needed. Great. Never thought I'd have to add 'traverse through an unknown, war-devastated dimension for my missing teammates' to my to-do list, but I really shouldn't be surprised at this point, should I?
A figure scurried beneath them in the corner of their eye. (Y/n) stopped and searched the ground, and being the dusted winds, a figure resembling Starfire hurried from behind each pile of despair. Their chest suddenly became light, as if their heart flipped at the sight of their dear ally alive and well.
And even if it did do that, there was absolutely no way (Y/n) would tell her about it.
They zoomed toward the ground and landed on the rocky surface. A sharp spark of pain stabbed through their calves and they let out an agonized groan. There's no way I'm stopping now. They forced themselves to their feet again and rushed in the direction where they thought they spotted Starfire.
Although, something was off. The figure did resemble so much of the bubble alien princess, but shouldn't she be searching above ground too? And if she was too injured to do so, (Y/n) should have heard her voice calling out for either them or their other teammates. Starfire could never be silent for this long, especially if they were all separated like this.
She was behind them.
(Y/n) whirled around to shoot a beam of darkness at the figure, but another stab of agony made them lose their balance and just barely miss. They cried out as they fell to the side and got a better look at what they really saw earlier.
It was as if Starfire was dropped in a large pot of that green goo stuff and held every nerve in her body prisoner. Her long blood-red hair hovered over her glowing figure. She loomed above (Y/n) with glowing, glaring, pupilless eyes that shined a hellish spotlight. Her clothing held similar taste, but the vibrant color was replaced with a shredded darker contrast.
Out of all this, only the fusion matter that was now her skin kept (Y/n)'s attention. There's no way, they thought. Not her!
She — no, it — raised its arms, and a shimmering green beam exploded from the palms of its hands. (Y/n) leaped out of the way and pushed off the ground, flinging themselves to its side and chanting a spell that almost made them bite their tongue. Shadows emerged from their hands and sped toward the imposter, and the backlash almost tricked them into thinking their arms just tore off from their body. They screeched, much louder than their sore throat appreciated, and dropped from the air.
(Y/n) looked up. That spell was to trap that thing against the wall behind it. It wasn't much, but it had to be enough to get help; their body was on fire, and the reason they tolerated it for so long was because they thought an ally was nearby.
The young man popped into their head. But who knows how far they are from him now?
The thing held out its hands, and just like in (Y/n)'s worst nightmares, it grabbed the spell and turned its dark energy into a mess of failure. They could only watch as it melted within its grasp and fall right in front of them as nothing but a steaming shadow of what it once was.
(Y/n) pushed against the ground, but torment bit every piece of their body. Chains of exhaustion held them below, and they couldn't look up this time. They knew it was slowly coming toward them, readying its final attack, but they couldn't face it.
They couldn't face the fact that they let their friends down.
And yet the punishment never came.
Heaven screamed from behind. (Y/n) whirled their head around to see a familiar new face running toward them with glints of determination glistening in his glare. They turned back to the figure, and they saw that whatever he blasted at it made it thrust into the wall behind them. But it wasn't enough; the figure popped out of the cracks and released a haunting cry, and it zoomed right above (Y/n) and to the boy they thought they left behind.
He was holding a large machine gun-looking weapon until he dropped it and pulled out a (rather comically) large wrench from behind him. He leaped from the ground and was ready to swing his new partner at the creature, and when it seemed to have been face-to-face with him, he plunged the wrench forward and captured its neck within its jaws. Before they could blink or breathe or even remember they were in seething pain, he twisted his weapon and tore the creature's head right from its body.
With strange grace, he landed on his feet, and the creature plunged to the ground behind him, not even bearing a twitch.
The young man looked back at it for a second before rushing to (Y/n). "Hey, are you okay?!" he yelled.
(Y/n) didn't think to respond. They didn't know what they were feeling. Was it gratitude for being saved from their own mistakes, or an eerie shock from watching something that looked like their friend die right in front of them?
They kept debating until he kneeled in front of them. "Oh good god..." he gasped. (Y/n) peaked at themselves and saw that almost all the bandages were ripped open, and streams of blood freely flowed from the re-opened wounds.
"Here, we need to get you back to my lab," he said.
Everything was moving so quickly. They blinked, and suddenly they both were off the ground and leaving the decaying corpse far behind them with him carrying them in his arms. (Y/n) peered over the young man's shoulder. "Is...that a jetpack?" they asked.
He looked down at them and flashed an apprehensive smile. "Ehehe, well, you never know when you need one!"
They narrowed their eyes at him for a moment, and when he began to lose his composure with that red face of his, they snickered. "Glad to know weirdness comes in handy every once in a while."
They felt a shiver run through the young man's body and had to force the growing smile off their face.
"Hey..." they began. "Uh, thanks. For real this time."
His face glowed with a shy beam. "Of course. I need to repay you, remember?"
"You wouldn't have to if I'd just did what I was...nevermind."
The beam faded, and his eyes locked on their sullen face. "I take it that was your friend back there?"
They didn't answer.
"I understand how you feel. I have had to see many of my friends in that treacherous form. But you should know that doesn't mean they're gone."
(Y/n) felt another stab, but it wasn't in agony. It was a light shank filled with hope.
"Those...things. Fusions, we call them — they resort to those forms when they have taken something dear to the person they resemble. And if your friends are anything like you, I doubt they could be taken down so easily," he explained.
They turned away, but a smile reached their lips. "...Thanks for that. You must be some sort of hero around here too, huh?"
A long string of stutters erupted for the next few moments. "U-Uh! Well, I-I do not know about hero per say- well, I-I mean, I do make basically e-everything around here, which I humbly pride m-myself in-!"
(Y/n) giggled. They hated it, but in a way, it felt...relieving. Like a weight was slowly being lifted off their chest. They turned back to him, and his face was even more red than before. "Shut up," they joked.
He squeaked and kept silent, which proved to be surprisingly boring almost instantly. "Hey," they said, "so what's with this 'lab' you mentioned earlier?"
"Eh-? O-Oh! That's where, uh, basically the main base is. Many of my friends are there, and they actually offered to help with getting you better...also, you left something there. A cloak of a sort."
(Y/n) winced. How did they leave their hood behind??
"Well, thanks for not destroying while I was gone," they said.
"Ah, I would never! I happen to take VERY care of personal items! (Unlike some people I know...)"
"And with you touching my things, talking my ear off, and saving my life, it's really something that you still haven't told me your name."
He screeched out something that sounded like a few hundred apologies all at once. "Dexter!" he finally blurted. "It's...u-uh, Dexter... My apologies, I am usually not this...flustered..."
Dexter looked back at them, and every shard of nervousness faded into warmth as tender as the setting sun. "Beautiful. As I expected."
HELLO! Sorry this took me a little while... I've been kind of
I hope you enjoyed! It was really fun making this; I think I'm getting the hang of Dexy again. And though I haven't dived into Teen Titans in a long while, I hope this version of (Y/n) as Raven is written as you wanted!! Thank you so much for the request!~
(Now where is it..?)
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waerwena · 3 months
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rexscanonwife · 3 months
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Heeem I feel like I don't draw Rex initiating enough, so I wanted to doodle a little something to fix that 🥺💖 he's definitely more cautious about pda than Brea is, but he's not shy by any means!
Taglist♡: @changeling-selfship @crushes-georg @squips-ship @sunstar-of-the-north @tiny-cloud-of-flowers @adoredbyalatus @dearly-beeloved @cherry-bomb-ships @me-myself-and-my-fos @sunflawyer @cassmeeks
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tikki-wikki · 1 year
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figurecollection · 1 year
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Yukichi Fukuzawa Garage Kit by Ahiru-ya Pon, from Bungou Stray Dogs
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Be nice people, cause nobody likes an asshole - ❤️ Darren Criss ❤️
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stars-n-spice · 1 month
it's actually so fucking unfair that I can't have Wrecker over for Korean BBQ and then end the night dancing and singing away to Selena.
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Do you ever just ✨yearn✨
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this scene was so attractive and for what
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sbd-laytall · 2 years
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roseyturtles · 1 year
Bingo for Benny Gecko 😌
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todayisafridaynight · 6 months
JUST finished Unlucky Monkey and MANNNN. The use of color and sound... so so so well done. ESPECIALLY sound- the scenes where stuff just gets completely drowned out are. chefs kiss. Also!! the heavy emphasis on luck/coincidence... I know i should've seen that coming goin by the title but its so neat to see how that was woven into the story! anyway 10/10 fun ride i enjoyed it
i'm SOOOO glad you enjoyed it tho !!!! as much as it is a comedy, it's also a REALLY good thriller and it's SO fun watching ttm's character spiral more and more throughout the movie and ultimately never getting what he wants in the end, just left to be tormented forever without receiving any satisfying punishment for it
i love the sound design of sabu films so much i HIGHLY recommend checking out sabu's other stuff (esp if they include ttm lol..... sabu loves putting ttm in situations and i love sabu for that). monday/mandei is another really good film in the same vein of Guy Whose Day Starts Bad Seemingly Gets Worse. if you ever wanna give it a watch, i watched it on this site here (tho warning, subs are missing sometimes BUT its generally easy to make out the context of what's happening. except for the ending uhhH BUT IT'S WORTH THE WATCH LOL)
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smolvenger · 7 months
Me Every time despite my tags a W*ll R*nsome gif pops up unfiltered on my Tumblr dash in a positive way or shows something about him and C*ra’s “love story”🤢🤮
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2truehearts · 1 year
hey michi if youd like to hurt more my two fics “youre losing me” and “oh my, love is a lie” are taylor swift AND angst 🫢
i haven't read 'oh my, love is a lie' yet but i did read 'you're losing me' and let me tell you i—
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simmeons · 1 year
i haven't had ANY motivation to draw but please enjoy the best old guy across the cosmos
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sailforvalinor · 2 years
Me: “Hmmm, I’m bored, Little Men (1999) is on Amazon Prime, I’ll watch that—“
Little Men (1999), in its first five minutes: “Both John Brooke AND Fritz are dead, Jo doesn’t have a personality, she only has one son, some random new love interest shows up for her a single MONTH after Fritz’s death, Franz and Emil aren’t brothers for some reason, Demi and Daisy erasure, Nat’s first line is something really weird about his violin playing making his pumpkins grow, Tommy doesn’t seem remotely chaotic—“
Me, shutting off my tv: “—GET OUT OF MY HOUSE”
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