#I knew you leaving like a father running like water. when you are young they assume you know nothing
daenerys-targaryen · 1 year
cardigan really is one of the most songs of all time ever huh.
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strawhatboy · 1 year
willow vs cardigan !!!
CARDIGAN (!!!!!) folklore is my favorite album ever and cardigan is probably one of her best songs, the lyrics the mv the production IMMACULATE *chef kiss*
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show clary and jace and cardigan supremacy
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ivytwines · 8 months
rip rose tyler you would’ve loved cardigan from folklore
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mid november aka sobbing to taylor swift season
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e-vay · 12 days
SONIC’S MOM (in my AU)
I’ve spent a really long time working on Sonic’s mom for my AU but I’m finally ready to share her with you!
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I wrote this out in text form below the cut for those of you who need to translate it:
Domino was a free-spirited, independent hedgehog. Despite being dealt some rough cards in life, she always had an upbeat attitude and could find the silver lining to almost any situation. Domino had to get by with just the clothes on her back, so she quickly learned to be very resourceful. She was adamantly against material things, except for her one gold earring that she treasured. Her lack of funds led to a nomadic lifestyle, but this gave her a greater appreciation for the planet and she ended up loving her minimalist way of life.
A one-time tryst led to Domino being pregnant with Sonic at a relatively young age. Though she knew nothing about being a mom, she loved him instantly. She couldn’t offer him much, so she did her best to teach him how to make the most out of what little they had and to appreciate all the wonderful things the planet has to offer. Sonic was able to crawl, walk and soon run faster than most babies, so he was very quick to fend for himself. This made Domino’s life easier and more challenging at the same time!
PHLOX: Sonic’s biological father. He and Domino met while they were both passing through the same village and had instant chemistry. She wasn’t one to stay in one place for long, so she took off after one night together. He never knew about Sonic.
Being a young, single mom is tough enough. When your baby has the ability to run at super speeds, it gets even more complicated. Domino was constantly repairing Sonic’s baby shoes when he repeatedly wore the rubber off, but eventually even her trusty roll of duct tape wasn’t enough to cut it. She ended up giving up her solid gold earring to buy him a pair of durable shoes that could withstand his speed.
Domino had a bad habit of telling tall tales. She didn’t do this to be malicious; she just liked to make her life sound more interesting than it was. This tended to get her into trouble, but made for excellent bedtime stories!
One unfortunate night, a terrible storm rolled in and caused a flash flood in the forest where Domino and Sonic were occupying. Domino knew Sonic would be able to outrun it, so she urged him to get away and leave her behind. Domino did not survive.
This traumatic event had a huge impact on toddler Sonic and is not only the reason he’s afraid of water, but why he stopped talking for several years when he was little. With time, he forgets this event and even forgets Domino, and he finds his voice again.
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a-hazbin-reader · 4 months
Hi 👋🏽 I really like your stuff! I was wondering; could we possibly have some platonic headcanons for Husk where he has this unspoken kind of parent-kid relationship with the reader?
And the funny thing is that some of the others speculate that it’s no coincidence that the reader’s weirdly good at cards. Like, the reader doesn’t look exactly like him per say, but they bare enough of a resemblance to him that it has the other wondering is Husk could have possibly (unknowingly) had a kid while he was alive. No one knows. Not even us.
♦️ plz, and thank you ♥️
This is so fucking cute!!
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Husk X Reader Headcanons
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TW: Reader being a sad baby, Kidnapping, Underage drinking, Harassment, Reader needs help fr
Description: ☝️⬆️
Sure, technically you were an adult but you're also still just a kid
You thought you knew everything, you thought you were grown and didn't need to rely on anybody
You didn't need to open up to anybody, you grew up tough and went out like a badass
You weren't hurt or angry at the world at all
It's your attitude towards these things that makes Husk look out for you, keeping a watchful eye on you even when you don't want him to
You're trying to get a drink at a bar?? He's dragging you out and telling you that you're too young for that shit
Fucking hypocrite you drink all the time
You're getting into a fight with someone 10x your fucking size?? Husk is there to tackle them and take you home
Lectures you the entire way back if you're the one who started it
Some sleazy motherfucker is hitting on you?(Or even if it's not someone sleazy really) He's there to tell them to keep walking
Even if you don't want them to
Even the others at the hotel slip up and call him your dad which just pisses you off even more
"Angel! Let me have a drink!!"
"No way, kid! Your pops would totally kill me if I let you get wasted!"
Definitely causes some arguments between you two, the kind that makes everyone else in the hotel scatter
"You're not in charge of me, Husk! Just leave me alone!!"
"You think you got it all figured out, don't you? Well you fucking don't! You're not the biggest baddest thing out there! Hell, you're not even the baddest thing in this hotel!"
Not Alastor giving you cheeky wave as he walks by
Once the fight reaches it's peak then you storm off, fed up with being treated like a child
"I don't need a father so just back off!"
Husk needs a drink
Fine, let's see how you like it when nobody is looking out for you
You and Husk don't speak for awhile after that but you're too stubborn to admit that you miss him
You begin to act out whether you realize it or not, wanting him to come and yell at you like he used to
It was actually nice having someone who cared enough about you to fight with you over your choices
So you take your newfound freedom and sneak into a club that you've been trying to get into for awhile
You meet some fun people and party with them, drinking every drink they slide your way, dancing with whoever grabbed you
After awhile though you begin to feel dizzy and sick, you desperately need some fresh air
And some water
"Hey where you going, squirt??? We're just getting started!!"
Hey let go-
Ow! That hurts! Why are you grabbing so hard!?
I said let go of me-
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?"
You nearly cry at the sight of him, fur bristling with anger, wings spread out, arms crossed
You break away and run to him immediately, hugging him tight and relaxing as he wraps a protective arm around you
You'll blame it on the alcohol later
"You okay, kid?"
You don't see how he never takes his eyes off your friends turned attackers
You just nod and hide your face in his chest, squeezing him tighter
"I wanna go home..."
Husk immediately softens up and carries you home, making sure nobody follows the two of you
He takes care of you the entire night and has a hangover remedy ready for you in the morning
No lecture from him this time, he just quietly takes care of you then leaves
Charlie and Vaggie will later tell you that he stayed with you the whole night, refusing to leave your side
You'll have to seek him out on your own once you feel better, sitting on a bar stool and clearing your throat
"I'm not going to fix you a drink so just forget it-"
"Thank you...for...you know..."
Husk visibly softens up once he registers your words, sighing as he sets his rag down
It takes all of his strength to power through his next words, looking embarrassed and uncomfortable
Telling you that he's not trying to baby you when he stops you from doing certain things, or when he tells you that you're too young
He's just trying to look out for you because he cares about you
And no matter how angry with him you get, he'll always come bail you out of trouble and you can always come to him with anything
Sure, he might not be your father but he's definitely your daddy
Wait fuck that came out wrong
It sounded cool in the movie!!
It's not that funny!! You are ruining the moment
Husk is so fucking embarrassed now, forget he said anything
Freezes up when you suddenly leap across the counter to hug his neck, squeezing him in a way that makes his heart melt
Hugs you back while awkwardly petting your head, feeling like his old heart is about to burst
"Thanks for everything, Husk~"
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I GOT VERY CARRIED AWAY WITH THIS I'M SORRY!! I hope you still enjoy it!!
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perlelune · 5 months
no body, no crime | Coriolanus Snow | x.
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Your childhood friend returns from his exile in district 12, but he's not the sweet, quiet boy you once knew anymore.
Warnings: NON-CON, Plinth!Reader, Gaslighting, Drugging, Murder, Forced Marriage, Forced Pregnancy, Loss of Virginity, Somnophilia
This is a dark story. Heed warnings before reading under the cut.
𝖘𝖊𝖗𝖎𝖊𝖘 𝖒𝖆𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖗𝖑𝖎𝖘𝖙
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Disbelief shimmers in William’s green gaze.
“You’re joking…” He cradles your face, searching your eyes. They are steadily filling with tears. He releases you, retreating as his face distorts with shock. “You’re…not?” He runs his fingers through his brown locks. “God, I’m such an idiot.” He unleashes a humorless laugh. “It’s him, isn’t it?”
Your stomach sinks. 
“This entire time. I waited for you. I trusted you. And you just…What? A-Are you with him now?” The betrayal quivering in his tone shatters your heart to pieces. 
You lower your head and mumble, “It’s complicated…”
“No it’s not. It’s actually quite simple. Do you love him or do you love me? Do you want to marry me or do you want to marry him?”
William’s anger and frustration coat the air, his voice growing louder with every word. You tremble. Your fiancé’s never yelled at you like this before. You’ve argued, of course, like every couple does. But never like this. And never has he looked at you like that. Like you’re a stranger. You wish the earth would open up and swallow you. 
“Answer me!”
You jolt and step back, the heel of your shoe hitting the bottom of the stairs. 
Your father appears in the corner of your vision. An exhale of surprise leaves you. He wedges himself between you and William.
“Do not dare raise your voice at my daughter, young man,” Strabo thunders. You gape at his back. It’s the first time you’ve heard your dad use such a furious tone of voice. 
William lifts his hands defensively.
“I’m sorry. I’m just trying to understand-”
“I think it’s best if you go. Now,” your father urges, pointing at the door. 
Your fiancé’s shoulders sag. He tosses you one last, heavy look, his jaw clenching.
“Yeah, maybe it’s for the best,” he belatedly grits out. 
The second William slams the door shut, you’re in your father’s arms. The fat tears rolling down your cheeks drench his shirt.
“It’s okay, sweetie. It’s okay.”
He rubs soothing circles on your back as you bury your head in his chest. You sniffle as a sob spills from your throat.
You doubt anything will ever be okay. 
The rest of the day is spent in your room weeping underneath your blankets. It’s a wonder there’s any water left in your body, the ceaseless flow of tears soaking your pillows and sheets. Ma and Dad keep visiting your room, bringing you food and trying their best to lighten your spirits.
But nothing can keep you from drowning in your sorrows. William was the best thing that ever happened to you. You remember when you first met him at the University. The two of you were paired for a project and ended up hitting it off while working together. You didn’t even expect him to ask you out. It was no secret half the girls in your cohort harbored a crush on him. And with his boyish charm and outgoing personality, a contrast to your more withdrawn, lonely nature, you never imagined he’d seek your company past the project. 
But he did, constantly finding lame excuses to talk to you like asking for your notes on a class or lying about needing a pen for a quizz. One thing led to another and, after a few months of courting, he got on one knee and asked for your hand. 
Then Janus died. Your world collapsed. Colors dimmed around you. Everything stopped making sense. Still…William did. Whenever you were around him, you could pretend away your grief, laugh away your pain. 
Your heart wasn’t so broken. 
And now…you don’t think it’ll ever be put back together. 
For days on end, you don’t leave your bed. The sun rises; it sets. Yet the same pains shackle you to your bedroom. Quicksands of guilt and sorrow suffocate you.
…Until you’re swept by a sickness one day. 
It happens a little under a week after your return. You rush to your bathroom and pitch forward, dry heaving the near vacant contents of your stomach into the toilet bowl. You then huddle on the floor, hugging your stomach as pain pulses through your midriff. Your brows collide in confusion. Hardly a bite of anything has crossed past your lips these days, as you only chewed on a few glum bites of the meals Ma brought to your room. Yet you are nauseous, cramps twisting your insides.
You bolt upward, racing to the toilet bowl again as another surge of queasiness takes you. Following that, you crash into a heap on the floor. Shuddering, you wipe the back of your mouth.
You crawl onto the floor, all the way to your bed. 
Every day after this one, you awake sick and cranky, the same ache and nausea plaguing you. You also begin to experience faint headaches. It becomes dire enough for your parents to summon a doctor. However many times, he checks you out, he finds nothing amiss or wrong with you. Throughout the checkup, concern is etched on your parents’ faces. You’re forced to promise them that you’re alright and that, to prove it, you’ll show up for family dinner as you did before. Your father pats your cheek, visibly relieved, but the concern on your mother’s face doesn’t relent. She keeps scrutinizing you with a strange look on her face, one you’re not sure what to make of. 
Still, even as you hug Ma and Dad, dread creeps inside you. Something else could still be wrong with you. The kind of thing there isn’t a quick fix-it for. The kind of thing you’d have to deal with for the rest of your life. 
But you don’t let your mind wander there. Not yet. 
As you end the day with yet another bout of vomiting and stabbing cramps, your mother rushes upstairs. She sinks to her knees at your side and strokes your hair.
“Are you alright? I heard you.” She frowns as she takes in your shuddering frame. “Perhaps we should call the doctor again so he can do more tests…”
You bristle. More tests would mean exploring other possible causes for your affliction. You can’t risk that. Not with Ma and Dad involved.
“It’s nothing, Ma,” you dismiss with haste. You put a hand on her arm. “Could we go to the apothecary this evening?” Her puzzled look draws a nervous chuckle from you. Twisting your hands, you chime falsely, “I bet it’s just a nasty stomach bug.”
Her frown deepens. “A bug? But you haven’t eaten very much lately.”
You shrug.
“It can still happen.” You slip on a mask of cheerfulness. “I’m sure I’ll be right as rain again with some ginger and camomile, Ma.”
“If you say so,” she says, returning your smile.
You’re a bit unsettled as you find yourself outside. The brightness of the sun sears your eyelids. You squint at the blue sky. You wobble down the stairs as your mother holds your arm. You’ve grown so accustomed to keeping yourself cloistered inside, either by your own will or the will of…others. Strolling along the cobblestoned path while the winter breeze caresses your face has a strange tickle running through you. 
An awkward silence hangs between you and your mother once you’re in the back of a taxi.
Your fingers twiddle in your lap as you keep your eyes low. Who knows what Ma could discern in your gaze. You never managed to conceal much from her ever since you were a little girl. She was always freakishly aware of every blunder, bad grade and secret.
Her motherly instinct is infallible.
“Dad and I haven’t seen much of you these days,” she suddenly notes, causing your head to whip up. “I know you’re sad about William but…” She hesitates, gauging you before stating, “I think it’s a good thing.”
“He was never right for you,” she insists, her inflection stern. “You’re a Plinth. You should aim higher.”
“Mother!” you hiss.
She shakes her head. “I’m sorry, sweetie, but it needed to be said.” She reaches out to drape her hand over yours. “You’re hurting right now but it’ll all be for the best in the end. You have a bright future ahead of you. That young man, nice as he is, was just holding you back.”
Mouth agape, you stare at your mother. While you know that she and Dad have never cradled William near their heart and weren’t too  thrilled with your decision to marry him, you never expected her to be so callous about your engagement ending. In her mouth, it nearly sounds like a business deal gone wrong. But she knew William, talked to him many times, saw you with him. She has to understand how much losing him means to you. How can she be so cold and dismissive about it? You quell the budding sobs in your throat. 
The quickness of the drive to the shop is a small mercy you bask in. After your mother spoke, the air in the car grew heavier, every lungful becoming torturous. 
You hastily climb outside the car once it comes to a stop in front of the apothecary. 
Windchimes sing above the door as you enter, your mother at your heel. 
You linger by every shelf, pretending to be lost between all the labels. 
“We could call the clerk to help…”
“No, it’s okay,” you cut her off. You giggle and shrug. “I like taking my time. Actually, you know what?” You grab a vial and shake it, pretending to study the label. You wave your hand at your mother. “I’m gonna stay behind and gather some more herbs. You should go. I’ll be fine on my own.”
Befuddlement knits her brow. “I could stay…”
“I won’t be long,” you snap, your lips curving in a wide, painful grin. You squeeze her arm, your tone softening.  “I promise. Just wait for me in the car, Ma. Then we could stop by a café and have a bite. How does that sound?”
She yields with a nod. “That sounds lovely.”
Relief fills you when she walks away. 
The second she’s out the door, you’re racing to the front desk.
“I need a pregnancy test, please,” you blurt out, your voice barely above a breath as you keep stealing wary glances behind you.
The mere utterance of the request has your insides coiling in horror. For a while, you were in staunch denial of that being a possibility. But you mulled it over, long and hard. It made you realize that, besides the sickness you’ve experienced lately, you also can’t remember the last time you had your monthly bleeding. You’ve never been late before. Not even once. And while things are a little fuzzy in your head…you’re pretty sure over two months isn’t a good sign.
The clerk blinks at you, seemingly taken aback. Still, she silently moves her head in agreement and dives through a door leading to what you assume to be the back of the shop.
The wait is agony. You count every second, praying your mother won’t show up out of the blue and start questioning what you’re up to.
When the clerk returns, you free a deep breath. 
She places a small, clear vial inside your palm. You give her an inquiring look.
“You must…relieve yourself and transfer it in this vial,” she explains. “If it turns blue, well congratulations are in order.” Her smile dies as she notices your tight expression. “Or perhaps…not?”
“Thank you very much,” you say, carefully squeezing the vial and shoving it at the very bottom of your bag. 
For good form, you ask for some medicinal herbs, some for stomach pains and others for sleeplessness. Just in case your mother inquires about your purchases. One can never be too careful.
When you’re back inside the car, your mother beams at you. 
“Did you find what you were looking for, sweetie?”
“Y-Yes, I did, mother,” you stammer, clearing your throat and letting your gaze roam outside the window. 
You’re thankful she cannot hear the cacophony of your pounding heart. 
You spend the rest of the evening with your mother, drinking tea and eating cake while she babbles about trivial topics. You try your best to listen, giving vague, half-hearted replies.
But your mind is already far away, a million thoughts bumping inside your head.
The entire evening, you’re restless, eager to go home and get answers to your questions. 
It requires every morsel of self-control within you not to make a beeline upstairs once the two of you are back home. You give a swift apology and tell your mother the day’s exhausted you and you need a quick nap. She reminds you that dinner is in less than two hours and you need to dress up. You don’t argue, all too happy to finally be on your own.
Once the door to your bedroom is closed, you slump against it, all the tension in your body draining all at once. You take a minute to breathe, leaning your head against the wood.
You retrieve the vial inside your bag. Your hands quake. Your heart drums.
Hesitation slithers through you. What if you just tossed it out the window, forgot about all this?
No. This isn’t something you can cower or hide from. You have to face this.
Your entire life could change in an instant. And it might be about more than just your life.
Shaking from head to toe, you proceed inside the bathroom. You pee in a glass and pour a small amount in the vial.
Insides painfully tight, you chew on your lip as you wait.
Stay clear, stay clear, you pray in silence, as if the water could hear your plea and change the course of your fate by some fantastical twist.
After a few minutes, blue starts bleeding inside the water. It doesn’t stop until all of it has morphed into the horrifying color, bubbles rising to the surface.
The air in your lungs falters. The vial crashes to the floor, scattering into tiny shards as you collapse on the floor of your bathroom.
You gape at the blue puddle on the floor. Maybe it’s a mistake. Tests aren’t always foolproof. They’re wrong sometimes. Perhaps yours was defective.
For a while, you loiter in your denial, conjuring a plethora of reasons why this isn’t happening.
Then you slowly blink. You realize the puddle hasn’t moved. The shards are still on the floor. The blue isn’t gone.
An audible exhale bursts from your chest.
Despite your desire to pretend otherwise, you can’t escape the truth. The ghastly, awful truth. There are no more ifs and buts, no ‘perhaps’, no ‘maybe’…Just the reality that will make itself known to all much sooner than you’d like.
You’re going to be a mother. You’re carrying Coriolanus Snow’s child. The urge to puke, cry and scream all at once surges through you.
“Sweetie, dinner’s ready.”
Your mother’s abrupt call from downstairs has your heart miss a beat.
“I’m not hungry, mom,” you reply automatically, tamping down the quiver in your voice.
“You promised,” she yells.
Right. You did. Perhaps it was foolish of you. How can you carry on with dinner and smile at your parents as if everything’s normal? As if your whole life didn’t take a gigantic turn…the biggest one there could ever be.
You collect yourself. You rub your sweaty palms on your skirt and pick a random dress from your wardrobe. You’re a little shocked to find the closet half-empty, gut wrenching as you remember a good chunk of your clothes are still at the Snows’ apartment.
Emptying your thoughts, you get dressed, your fingers slipping as you fumble with the buttons of your dress.
Get it together.
You slap your cheeks and will yourself to act normal. You’ll figure out the next steps later. Right now, you need to make it through dinner.
The facsimile of a smile nudges your lips upward as you drag your feet downstairs.
However all shallow semblance of happiness evaporates from your face when you take in who’s standing at the bottom of the stairs by your parents.
His smooth lilt ripples through the room.
“Hey, princess.”
Your stomach drops to your feet. Victory sways in his cobalt orbs as he savors your reaction.
He looks the exact same as the last time you saw him, simply more put together in his crisp red suit and white shirt, his blonde locks slicked back from his face.
Every cell in your body is screeching at you to run from him. As far as you can. For as long as you can. And never look back. 
Your fingers clutch the stairs’ handrail.
Your appalled gaze turns to your parents. They are entirely too calm for your liking. In fact, they appear more wary of you than him.
“What’s going on? W-Why is he here?”
Your father takes careful steps towards you.
“Sweetheart, maybe we should sit, have a discussion as a family…”
You scoff, shying away from his outstretched hand.
“But he’s not…He’s not part of our family. Or did you forget, Dad?”
Your father’s shoulders fall, a great weariness settling upon his features. In that moment, he looks every bit of his years, all the built-up grief and exhaustion displayed on his face.
“Yes, but, in the current circumstances-”
“What circumstances?” you interrupt.
“Stop it,” Ma snaps. She sighs, approaching you. You stiffen. “We’re not stupid.” She lifts her hand to cup your cheek, her voice mellowing. “You’re pregnant, aren’t you, sweetie?”
Your eyes bulge, shock striking you mute.
Coriolanus uses that moment to join your mother’s side. He places a soothing hand on her shoulder.
Your heart threatens to leap outside your chest when his eyes lock with yours.
“Your father’s right, princess. How about you come down so we can talk about this…” He flashes you a wicked smile. “As a family.”
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blingblong55 · 2 months
This town -Simon "Ghost" Riley
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pic credits: @ave661 (middle and right)
Based on a request: (Its a long as so I'll link it so you can read the anons idea) Link here ---- F!Reader, childhood!friends, hidden feelings, angst, friends to strangers ---- A/N: Songs that also fit: Too Young- Louis Tomlinson, This Town- Niall Horan, Back to the Old House- The Smiths, Always you-Louis Tomlinson
It's a story to tell over at the old pub you and he used to hang around on the weekends. But how can a man begin to tell the sorrowful story? How can he explain in his bruised hands he holds the locket you gave him when you two were kids? He will maybe ask if this was a curse, the only curse an old soul like his has. 
It could've been something, it would've been something, it should've been beautiful. 
In this world, it was always he and you. Scraping your knees when jumping off the rocks near his home. Playing tag in the street until the moon greeted you and his mother would call his name. It's the kind of beginning all beautiful loves start with. Friends since childhood, went through life together and by 28, he would have proposed to the girl he had loved his whole life, 40s would be of dropping the kids at school, 50s of early retirement and 60s were for the potential grandkids, 70s would've been the stories shared of their early lives.
Would've...what a shit word that became in his life. 
In the teenage years, after you had some glow-up, you became the girl everyone knew. The pretty, popular and funny girl the school knew of. He was the friend of the popular girl, the one people barely noticed or cared for. Simon was the same kid who always had a scar or bruise on his face, compliments from his father. One thing Simon hated more than the bastard of his father was the guy you were with. Bloke knows nothing but how to wank and fuck any living thing, he recalls.
Why were you with such a guy? It was a must. Like those cheesy movies where the pretty girl stays with the popular guy, all for the status of each other. Your feelings weren't real for that guy. He wasn't funny, wasn't smart and he wasn't Simon. The boy you shared a kiss with at age 7 because of an accidental bump whilst running through the grass. 
It was during a small break between classes that you found him drinking water. You smile. He always did look good, even the stupid bruise on his jaw made him look so good. 
"Y/N," he straightens up. "Simon," you smile cheekily. "Oh no, what's that smile for?" He crosses his arms over his chest and you can't help but get lost in his honey eyes. "Well...I was wondering if maybe we can...talk?" You say, unsure of how to word this confession. "Did my mum put you up to this?" 
"No, this is...me just wanting to talk." 
"Go on," his voice softens. Does he always do this for you?
You hesitate, but what is life without words? You breathe in and say, "I like you...there I said it and... don't stay quiet because you know I get nervous and I will continue to just talk and talk and talk and-"
He cuts you off by saying, "I'm sorry, Y/N, I... don't..think..this..well I just don't feel that way for you. We're friends, nothing more," he ends his part of the conversation, pats your back as he walks away and you are left in the corridor of the school alone. 
As Simon walks to his classroom, his heart and mind fight the words that he had just said to you. Why was that mean? Did I even mean to say them? He thinks. 
Graduation happens. You and he never talked after that day. Not even a congrats or a hug, life went on without him in your life. Throughout those last months in school, he felt a feeling of regret when he'd see you with that guys arm around you. He would occasionally walk around the old park just to see if you would still go on your daily walks. 
By the time he was about to leave town, he found himself at the old house. He heard your parents moved to a new part of town, so if this was the last time he heard of you, it better be on his terms. And as he walks through the pavement, he finds himself looking at your window. He leans over a car, lights a cigarette and just waits to see if maybe you or some ghost roamed the home. 
Was it the feeling of losing a friend that hurt or losing his one chance to feel something other than pain and hatred? Maybe it's just nervous, after all, he leaves tomorrow. 
You were both just 16, it was puppy love, nothing would've lasted if he reciprocated those feelings, right?
And if it was, why does he feel some kind of hurt as he packs his bags? Why does he want to run to your new home and call your name? Is there a reason why? It's not love, it can't be love, he thinks. I'm not worthy of that, you've heard my dad, he says out loud. "Simon?" Tommy opens the door. "Tommy, not today," he looks back at his bag. "...Fuck" he whispers. 
It's been a long nineteen years since he last saw you and heard your precious voice laugh at a cheesy joke of his. Nineteen years and the feeling in his chest is still there when he arrives home. Manchester was always home for him, it was the only place he knew best when he came back. 
One day, as he was cleaning his closet, looking for his dog's leash, something fell and hit his head. "What the fu-" he looked down and there it was. 
"Why give me this?" A thirteen-year-old Simon asked you. You smile, "You said you wish you could always be near me so you can feel safe...and since I'm going to my nans for the week, have this locket on you, and I swear I'll be there. Keep it safe, okay?" you kiss his forehead before entering the car. He nods and waves, "Call me, Y/N, please!" he calls out and you nod. "Every day!" you scream out as the car drives further away. 
A smile falls on his silent lips, "...Y/N..." his thumb caresses the design. Once he opens it, he feels as if he is that young again. "Are you still there, Y/N?" He whispers and then, realisation hits. It was never nerves or whatever bullshit he told himself back then, it was love, always has. 
All the dots are connecting. For the past nineteen years, he always had some love or whatever all those hookups and awful relationships were, but never did they stick around. Never did he feel more for them than what he has always felt for you. His cold heart still beating warm when he thinks of you. You are all he has ever known, the smiles, the late-night confessions, stories, the silly inside jokes, the feeling in his chest today. 
He hasn't seen you in years, what if you don't remember him? What if when you see him, your heart doesn't call his name when he screams yours? Will you ever even forgive him? Will you wrap your arms around him and call him home like he has called you? 
He must find you, so he calls and looks for you in every corner of this place. He finds nothing, just more lost hope at every corner he looks into. His heart and mind excited each other at the thought this would be some sappy romance moment. His mind creating a script, all truths, just finding better words to tell you he loves you, loved you the moment you kissed the similar scar on the knee at the park when he cried over the pain. He's loved you from the day he learned to say your name. 
Why does he miss you so much today?
Why must you be the drug his body needs? God does he miss you and your addictive heart. 
He has been around the world, where he could've found a good woman who made him happy but no, his heart has always belonged to one girl. You. 
By the time he gets the street right, he finds you sitting down and as he smiles and nearly runs to you, he stops when he sees this image of you. 
Sitting by the fountain, he sees you and a man. His arms wrap around your body, giving you darling kisses as you chuckle. It was then that Simon Riley knew this was it. He will spend his entire life wandering earth, looking for another soul like yours. You didn't see him of course, your fiance capturing all your attention. Simon was close to not caring and pulling you away from that man, but that would be cruel. And as he tries to make up excuses for this man being near you, he sees the ring. 
Oh...oh you fool, he thinks. 
His heart is near death. It screams your name, trying to find you so it can keep beating but when you don't whisper, Simon nods and lets his heart die. Let it rot, so it can learn its lesson, he thinks. 
It would've never bloomed, Simon and you...right?
It's no use to even go and say hi. The locket that contained your picture was still in his fist. It'll be the last reminder of what was meant to be a life romancing in dark streets through town. 
In his head, the home you dreamed of will forever be just a dream. No four kids, no library, no big kitchen so you and he can dance around at midnight. No you...no him...it'll all be stuck and dead in this town. 
He crossed rivers, mountains, and enemies and survived wounds soldiers like him get, all to come home to you. And all this was for nothing. In his world, he would've married you, given you chubby babies and late Saturday mornings. No gun, no bomb and no other man would've kept him away from you. 
In his mind, he is with you. In his dead heart, he sits by and watches that chubby baby learn to walk. He would've adored seeing you in a white dress, walking to him as he wiped tears away when he d his dream of a perfect life was minutes away from being real. 
What a mess he is as he asks for another drink. A mess he never should have been if he had told you that your name is carved all over his body. 
It was this town that saw him live and it'll be this town that sees him die because if he can't have you, at least he has this place. 
A/N: Remember, I collect tears for potions, so please drop them by for collection, thank you. - The place of tears co.
Tags: @liyanahelena @mangowafflesss @goldenmclaren @ghostslillady @moonsua1 @rvivienner @Krinoid24 @iruzias @frazie99 @idklols @saoirse06 @vampsquerade @Juneonhoth @tiredmetalenthusiast @jinxxangel13 @enarien @Simonssweetgirl @luvecarson @willowaftxn83-87 @ikohniik @nobodys-coffee @strawberrychita @sae1kie @queen-ilmaree @pbcartii @Llelannie @Macnches2 @bbyfimmie @avidreadee123 @talooolaaloolla @skelletonwitch @bittermajesties @Nyx_Flower @honestlyhiswife @who-can-appease-me @ghostwifeyy @konigssultwithghost @kaoyamamegami @beansproutmafia @soapybutt17 @asianbutnotjapanese @a-goose-with-a-knife @foxface013 @sleepyycatt @believeinthefireflies95
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coldfanbou · 11 months
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A mysterious marriage. A lot of questions. Will they get answered? Not right now, due to Sana's seduction.
Length 1.7K
Sana x Mreader
Next Part
You were saddened by the news of your father's sudden passing. Most of the funeral planning was done without you as you traveled back home. The long flights and delays kept you for far too long. The day of the funeral came, and you're set to be seated next to a young woman you don't know. As you greet the other guests, she comes up to join you in doing so. You look her up and down, and while she is beautiful, she’s still a stranger. You ask her a question when there's a break in the guests. "Who are you?" 
"Minatozaki Sana. Your father's widow. So you're his son?" She says with a satisfied smirk.
You're taken aback at Sana's claims of being your father's wife; he had always said he would never remarry. After a second, you respond, "Yes, I am. I wasn't aware he remarried."
"We got married a couple of months ago." She says before more guests arrive. Your conversation ends on that note as you continue to greet the incoming guests. You can feel her gaze on you; it rarely leaves you. When you glance to the side, you note how she doesn't look sad at your father's passing. As she returns to side eyeing you, you catch a hungry look in her eyes. You refrain from speaking another word to Sana during the rest of the day. The funeral goes on without a problem, though Sana does bring some attention as it seems no one else knew that your father had married before his death. The guests give their condolences to you as they leave. In the end, it's just you and Sana. She remained seated the entire time. It's only now that everyone is gone that she moves from that spot. She comes up behind you and whispers softly into your ear, "You're going to inherit everything your father had…including me." Your ears perk up, and a shiver runs down your spine at her words. You start to turn around, but Sana takes your hand and holds it as she leads you out. 
You arrive back home for the first time in over three years. The space is much like how you remember it. Sana stands behind you and takes off your jacket, putting it on a coat rack before coming back to you and massaging your shoulders. You return to your senses for a second and ask her what she meant. "What did you mean by I'll be inheriting you?"
"It’s in the contract. You'll be inheriting me as your wife." Sana continues to massage your shoulders, "You've had such a stressful day, honey. I'll go run you a bath." Sana begins to leave the room when you put your hand on her shoulder and turn her around.
"No, hold on just a moment. This doesn't make any sense. What do you mean it's in the contract? What contract?"
Sana slowly lifts her hand and cups your cheek. "I'm sorry, Honey. I can't say anymore." Sana tries to kiss you, but you pull your head back. She giggles, "It’s nice to have a strong young man. I'll go run your bath." Sana leaves you alone as she starts the bath. The muffled sounds of running water start up. You're left wondering what kind of deal was made. You think to yourself that your father must have left something behind. You head into his study and start searching for any sort of document that would give you an inkling of what’s going on. Drawer after drawer, nothing of the sort turns up, and you leave the room before Sana can catch onto you. You enter the living room and sit down, but not a moment later, Sana walks in. She's clad in only a towel, her long smooth legs out in the open. "Come on, Honey; the bath is ready. I'll wash your back." You want to argue against her joining, but at the same time, you want to keep her in your line of sight.
"Fine." You respond. Sana hooks her arm around yours and leads you to the bathroom, where she helps strip you out of your clothes. Sana never takes her eyes off you, her hands lingering on your body as she takes each piece of clothing off you. Adjusting her towel, she looks at you before dropping it to the floor. Her modest chest, topped with light pink nubs, toned abs, and nether regions, are in full view. Sana turns and leans over, dipping a finger in the water, letting you stare at her ass before she steps into the large bath. As she settles in, she looks at you expectantly. You step into the bath and sit in front of her. Though you can't see her expression, you know she's smirking. Sana leans forward, pressing her breasts against your back. Her small nubs are hard as they rub against your back.
"Isn't this nice?" She asks. When you don't respond, Sana wraps her arms around you. "Honey, do be so quiet. There's no need to be embarrassed." You can't tell if she's playing dumb, but your train of thought is broken when you feel her hand touch your cock. You immediately become hard as her soft fingers wrap themselves around your shaft. "I'll get rid of all your stress and worries from today. You can let it all out…wherever you want." She whispers into your ear as she moves her hand up and down. You immediately moan, Sana's hand doing wonders. You feel Sana nibble on your ear as she uses her thumb to rub the head of your cock. It's a slow and smooth circular motion. You become putty in her hands as she takes complete control. Waves of pleasure course through your body, and you feel yourself quickly coming to your climax.
"Ah, fuck."
"It’s okay, Honey. I can already feel your cock twitching in my hand. Let it all out for me. Let it all out for mommy." Sana giggles for a second. "Oops, I mean your wife, but I can be your mommy in this way if you want." Sana kisses the back of your ears while she continues to jerk you off. "Just let it all out for me. Cum for me." You can't hold on much longer and cum on her hand. The bath water quickly cleans her off, though. Sana continues to stroke your shaft after you've orgasmed, slowly coming to a stop. "That felt good, didn't it?" Sana says calmly. "Cumming onto my hand might've felt nice, but somewhere else would be better. Don't you think so?" She squeezes your cock twice before feeling it stiffen again. "Ooh, it's getting hard again. Why don't we continue in the master bedroom?" 
You agree with Sana and step out of the bath. At the moment, you aren't thinking straight; having fallen under Sana's spell, you follow her wishes. Water drips from your bodies as you make the walk over. Watching Sana's hips sway from side to side makes your cock stiff. Unable to contain yourself any longer, you push Sana to the side, forcing her against the wall. "Ah! Can't wait to fuck me? What a naughty boy." With your cock in hand, you rub it against her cunt while you find her entrance. Once you find it, you ram your cock inside Sana. She screams, feeling your cock split her in two with your sudden movement. Sana's hands are pressed against the wall; you put yours over them and start thrusting into the young woman's pussy. "Fuck me!" She yells, enjoying the sudden roughness. You feel Sana's lower lips stretch around your cock when you're buried inside her, her walls squeezing your cock. You can't contain your moans as you fuck Sana from behind. Her soft ass presses against you like she wanted you to go deeper inside her. 
Your hands move down to Sana's waist, pulling her back as you thrust. "You like my pussy? It's all yours." Sana moans as she turns her head to the side. You hold it with one hand as you steal a kiss. Sana's tongue tries to part your lips; you let her in. Her muffled moans become high-pitched as she edges closer to her orgasm. You break the kiss as you run out of breath. Your fingers stay by Sana's mouth as you hold her head; she uses her tongue to lap at them. Hook your fingers inside her mouth, and Sana starts sucking on them as your thrusts grow wild. You feel your orgasm approach as you continue to impale Sana. She stands on the balls of her feet, her hands gripping anything they can reach for dear life as you use her. Her whines reach their apex as she cums. Sana's pussy tightens around your cock, and her nectar sprays onto the floor, joining the water that's dripped off your bodies. A few seconds later, you join Sana in absolute bliss as you fill her pussy with cum. It feels incredible; Sana's walls feel like they're milking you for everything you have. Your legs grow weak, and you fall to the floor bringing Sana with you. 
She slowly turns around to face you, cupping your cheek. She shares a deep kiss with you as she places your cock back inside her. After a moment, she rests her head on your chest. You feel her grind against you, slowly making you hard again. "You've got so much energy. I think we'll be a good match." Sana rubs her belly slowly. "And I don't feel that full yet. I'm sure you have a lot more to give me, don't you?" Silently, you kiss Sana. Your hands run over her body as you start to learn it. 
The next morning you wake up in the master bedroom with Sana lying on your chest, cum flowing out of her well-used cunt. In the quietness of the morning, your head is clear, and you remember what you were doing before you had sex with Sana—trying to find out more about that contract.
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neonghostlights · 9 months
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Fuckboy!werewolf!Eddie Munson x Fem!reader
Based off my little drabble here.
Warnings: Eddie gets called a man-whore (not by reader), mates, cussing, mention of almost hitting an animal with your car (doesn't happen but almost does), parental and grandparent death (readers whole family is dead) 18+ only, minors dni
Wordcount: 3.9k
Series masterlist
Hawkins was fucking weird. 
You should have taken the hint when you stopped by the lone gas station about an hour before reaching the town and asked the clerk for directions to make sure you were going the right way. He laughed at you like you were joking as soon as the question left your mouth. When he eventually figured out by your blank faced expression that you were indeed dead serious about trying to get to Hawkins, he gave the directions you needed with a quick “good luck with that.” 
You’d be lying if you said his words didn’t make you second guess this move. But now that you had arrived at your destination and mostly settled into your small home at the edge of the town, it just seemed like a normal place. It was a small town with everyone seeming to already know everybody, leaving you the odd man out. Everyone that you had come across so far was mostly kind to you and welcoming considering the circumstances. 
Your aunt used to own the home you had now taken residence in. She passed suddenly, leaving you as the only living descendant to inherit her things. You almost sold it off, but for some reason the town of Hawkins called to you, making you think that maybe it was meant to be. Before you knew it you were packing up your things, quitting your job at a grocery store, and making the sudden and long drive. 
Your new home was a double wide trailer that sat on a secluded piece of land. Your aunt seemed to really like her privacy. There were no other homes for miles. The trees and forest surrounding your expansive yard gave you enough privacy to walk outside naked if you wanted to with no worries of anyone ever seeing you. 
You had never met your aunt before. You had been raised solely by your grandparents since your mother passed and your father wasn’t ever in the picture. 
You knew your aunt suddenly left their home young, leaving your mother and grandparents behind, and never looked back. But you never knew the details behind it. You always thought it was odd when you were younger since you thought your grandparents and mom were the best people ever. But now as an adult you could see how some people needed independence. 
Even if that independence was a secluded house in a small town that literally no one else has ever heard of.  
You stared out the car window at the rain that started last night and never let up. Your windshield wipers squeaked furiously as they rushed back and forth on the highest setting. You were already parked in your work parking lot, preparing yourself for the run you were going to have to make into the building. 
Water sloshed up the legs of your jeans as your rain boots splashed through every puddle that you couldn’t seem to avoid. You were drenched by the time you made it to the door. The bell on the handle dinged at your arrival and you wiped your boots against the mat furiously even though you knew it wouldn’t do any good.
“Hey!” Jessie called as she peeked her head around a shelf. 
You waved in response and made your way behind the counter and threw your bags underneath of it. You had been working at Bee’s Books for a month now and you liked it so far. You were hired on the spot when you came in asking for a job application, the owner was impressed by you and desperate enough to practically throw the job at you. 
It was a large store, surprising for the size town it resided in. You fell for the charm of it and the employee discount you got on all of your book purchases. 
“I thought Tina was working with us today too?” You asked as you snapped your name badge in place over your sweater. 
“She is,” Jessie said as she dropped the stack of books onto the counter. “She’s in the back doing something. You wanna put these up for me in the fantasy section while I put these in young adult?”
You nodded, picking up the stack of books and making your way to their designated section. The stack was thick and heavy, already making your arm ache only seconds after picking them up. You set your chin on top of it to better hold it in place as you walked through the rows of shelves. 
Jessie and Tina were nice and all, but you had a feeling Jessie liked to dictate jobs at you that she didn’t feel like doing. You already guessed that she would probably be up at the counter giggling with Tina instead of putting away the other stack of books like she said she would. 
It was hard being new in a town where the people all grew up together. You felt like an outsider, like everyone was being nice to your face and then whispering behind your back as you walked past. You wondered if part of that was because your aunt was eccentric. 
You slowly shoved the books into their designated spots on the shelf, not rushing to get back up to the front. If you were honest, you would live in a book store if you could. When you were young your mom used to bring you to the library that was down the street from your grandparents house every saturday. You would both spend hours flipping through the fantasy section with not a care in the world. 
After she died, those visits to the library became more lonely but you still did it because you enjoyed it so much. 
You heard the bell ding from the front door and the chatter between the two girls up front stop suddenly. 
The hair on the back of your neck started to rise and a chill broke out on your arms. 
You blamed your clothes still wet from the rain. You rolled your shoulders back, trying to calm your sudden chill before reaching for another book from the stack cradled in your left arm. 
You could hear the sound of wet sneakers against the carpeted floors approaching, along with the sound of enthusiastic chattering. You couldn’t hear Tina and Jessie up front anymore and you assumed it was because they were off helping customers. 
The sound of whoever was approaching got closer and you turned and faced the shelf again, hoping they wouldn’t need anything from you. You weren’t the best at the customer interaction side of this job and would rather hide behind the shelves than talk to someone. 
 You heard the sound of the walking stop but the chattering of a younger voice kept going in a one sided conversation. 
You glanced up, offering a polite smile. A teenager stood there, looking no older than fifteen. He had curly hair with a round face and dimples. He spoke enthusiastically to the person standing beside him, not caring that he was being ignored. 
You looked over to the person he was with to see his eyes were already on you. He had long brown hair and dark eyes that reminded you of melted chocolate. His skin was pale but you could just barely make out the light dusting of freckles across his nose if you focused as hard as you were right now. 
He dressed in all black, from his leather jacket to his shirt, jeans and thick boots. His hands were decorated with chunky metal rings that reminded you of costume jewelry. He let out a woosh of air from his lungs as he reached out to the wooden shelf beside him. The rings thudded against the wood as he grasped it so tightly that you thought it might splinter. He wobbled slightly, almost as if he was drunk. 
His full lips were slightly parted as he kept staring at you. 
You wished you could set down the stack of books somewhere so you could rub your arms in an attempt to fight the goosebumps plaguing up and down your skin. 
The boy beside him stopped talking, looking up at his friend with confusion. 
“Eddie? What’s wrong?” The boy asked with concern, nudging his friend's arm. 
Eddie, which was apparently his name, didn’t react to his friend's touch. He continued staring at you with a look you couldn’t decipher and it made the goosebumps spread across your skin with a vengeance. 
“Are you okay?” You asked him, wondering if you should yell for Tina or Jessie to call an ambulance. 
He blinked a few times at the sound of your voice, seeming to have been pulled from whatever trance he was in. 
His friend tugged on his arm. “Eddie?” 
He pried his eyes away from yours to look at his boy. He released his tight grip on the shelf and you realized his full body was trembling. You wondered if he was cold too. 
He didn’t say anything as he quickly turned and rushed away from you, leaving his friend behind. 
The boy let out a small, “oh.” as he stared at you with a wide eyed look. The look of shock didn’t last long before his open mouth spread into a smug looking wide smile. His face changing from shock to joy in a heartbeat. 
“Sorry about that,” he said, not sounding sorry at all. 
He backed away slowly, still with a smile on his face while you stared at him in confusion. 
“It was very nice to meet you. I’m Dustin,” he said before turning around and running in the same direction as Eddie. 
You blinked a few times, trying to process what the hell just happened. Your eyes met with Tina’s who was peeking around the shelf with an annoyed look on her face. She rolled her eyes and made her way back to the front. 
“What the hell?” you said out loud, talking to only the books. Confused on what had just happened in the past few minutes. 
You put the rest of the books away, heading to the front of the store to see if Tina and Jessie needed help with anything. 
They were huddled beside each other at the counter, leaned close and whispering frantically in hushed tones. Tina’s hands were waving in the air. You wondered what had happened to piss her off. 
They didn’t look up until you were behind the counter and grabbing more books to put away. You noticed them sharing a look with eachother out of the corner of your eyes before Jessie turned towards you. 
“Hey. What did Eddie Munson say to you back there?” Jessie asked, her voice going higher in false politeness. It reminded you of the customer service tone she used when a customer was asking too many questions or messing up a perfectly designed display. 
“Uh, nothing?” You shrugged while stacking the books onto the cart. There was no way you were carrying all of these this time. 
“Well, it looked like something happened,” Tina snapped, not bothering to be nice at all. 
You looked up at her in confusion. Jessie and Tina had never acted like this towards you before. Tina’s eyes were red and watery, like she was on the verge of crying and it made you feel bad. 
“Nothing happened. He didn’t even say anything to me. He just stared at me for a second and then walked away,” you offered, hoping this would make things normal again so you could just do your job and then go home. 
Jessie rubbed a soothing hand up and down Tina’s back. 
“See. I told you,” she cooed, trying to make her friend feel better. 
You set down the book you were holding. 
“I’m confused,” you admitted. “Did I do something wrong?” 
“No,” Jessie offered with a small smile, still rubbing Tina’s back as she placed her head in her hands. “Eddie Munson is just a jerk is all.” 
“Oh. Yeah. He did seem kind of rude,” you admitted, not really caring for this conversation much at all. 
Tina snapped her head up and stared at you with narrow eyes. 
“I thought you said he didn’t say anything to you,” she wailed. 
Jessie shot you a look, silently telling you to shut up. 
“He didn’t!” You exclaimed, feeling the need to defend yourself. “He just stood there and walked away!”
Tina nodded, wiping underneath her eyes with the tissue Jessie handed her. 
“What’s the big deal about him anyways?” You questioned, needing to know the story behind this to ease your own curiosity. 
“He’s a man-whore. He makes girls feel special and then just dumps them after he gets what he wants. If you’ve talked to any girl in this town then he’s slept with them,” Jessie said, sounding like she was telling a story about the boogeyman and not just some guy that wears a lot of black and stares at people in weird ways. 
You wanted to ask Jessie if she was included on the list of girls Eddie Munson had fucked over but you wanted peace for the rest of the day. 
You couldn’t help the sudden feeling of disappointment that settled into your gut at the information you had learned. It wasn’t like you knew him since he literally didn’t say at word to you and the whole interaction was weird but for some reason your brain had told you that he was harmless. Your chest felt strange, like the feeling of seeing your crush holding someone else's hand. Which was weird, because although Eddie Munson was beautiful you had only seen him for a few seconds. Surely not long enough to form any attachment. 
He was a stranger. 
“I’m sorry, Tina.He sounds like a real asshole,” you said wholeheartedly. You meant it. It seemed like Eddie Munson had truly broken the poor girl's heart. 
What an asshole. 
Tina sniffled, nodding in agreement. 
“So, if I were you I’d stay far away from him,” Jessie warned, sounding more like a threat. 
“Trust me,” you sighed, “I am definitely not interested.”
You grabbed the handles on the cart, pulling it away from the awkward conversation. Tina and Jessie started whispering again as soon as you walked away. 
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The rain was pouring harder than it was earlier. 
You were contemplating making a run for it to get to the dry safety of your car but you couldn’t bring yourself to move from under the awning that hung over the store's front door. 
It was dark out now, night time coming in behind the gloomy rain clouds. The lights of the parking lot could only illuminate so much with the heavy gushes of rain coming down. 
Jessie came out of the door behind you, jumping slightly as she noticed you. 
You smiled awkwardly, the air still feeling weird from earlier. 
Jessie and Tina had kept to themselves for the rest of the day. You didn’t mind, enjoying the solitude of stacking books on your own or taking inventory. 
Tina had already gone home, running to her car as soon as she finished her last task. She got lucky with there being a break in the rain when she left. You wished you had hurried out at the same time as her. 
Jessie stuck around though to finish counting the register, saying that she had a family member coming to pick her up so she wouldn’t have to drive in the weather. She had even asked your boss if her car would be okay in the parking lot overnight. 
“Why are you still here?” She asked as she came up beside you. 
“Not ready to go through the rain. Hoping it’ll lighten up soon,” you shrugged, wrapping your arms around yourself tighter.
Jessie nodded, looking out at the parking lot and the street before it expectantly. 
About fifteen minutes pass by with you both standing in silence. Water dripped from the awning and splashed at your feet rhythmically. Neither of you said anything about it or made any attempt to move.
The rain hitting the pond that used to be the parking lot was the only sound to be heard. 
You wanted to leave so bad. You just wanted to say screw it and sprint for your car to brave the drive home. But you didn’t feel right leaving Jessie here by herself in the bad weather and darkness. 
“Do you want me to drive you home so you don’t have to wait any later?” You asked, checking your watch to see how far it had passed since closing time. 
You just wished the rain would lighten up now so you could just leave and go curl up in your bed with one of your new books. 
Jessie shook her head, face falling as each car passed the parking lot without turning in. 
The rain finally lightened to a drizzle and you groaned in relief. You stepped out from under the awning, turning back to check on Jessie. 
She stepped out from under the awning too, following you to where your cars were parked. 
“Guess he isn’t coming. Asshole,” you heard her mutter before she climbed into her car and pulled away.  
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The rain finally stopped the next day. 
You woke up bright and early on your day off, much earlier than you really wanted to be up.
You dressed for the day, needing to run some of your aunt's things to the storage unit in town. 
When you had moved in, there was an abundance of stuff everywhere. After living here for a month, you had managed to pack it all into boxes and take it to the storage unit until you could find the time to go through it and decide what you wanted to keep or donate. 
You had a feeling you would end up donating it all like you did with your grandparents things, except the sentimental stuff of course. 
Your aunt liked to collect figurines and paintings of the woods and wildlife. You thought it was odd, since she quite literally lived in a home that was surrounded by woods and all she had to do if she missed it was just look outside. 
The paintings were of various animals, a few bears, a duck or two but the largest painting she had was of a large gray wolf. 
The painting was massive and in a thick dark wood frame that matched the wooden paneling on the walls. It took up most of the living room just behind the couch, positioned in a way where you would have no choice but to make eye contact with it as soon as you walked in the door. 
You took it down the day you moved in. The yellow eyes painted onto the beast seemed to follow you with every step you took in the trailer. 
So you were getting rid of it.
It had spent its time since you moved in with it propped against the wall with a sheet draped over it. You decided today was the day to finally drag it out to your car and pray that it fit into the backseat. 
You propped the front door and screen door open with the heaviest boot you had and grabbed the painting to drag it outside. 
You got it halfway through the door when something on your front porch had you pausing. 
At your feet, on the wooden planks that made up the porch were large muddy paw prints. Whatever animal it had come from was massive. The prints were larger than your own hand, making your shiver a the realization that whatever it was came right to your front door when you were blissfully unaware in your bed. 
Despite the sun shining, you now had an ominous feeling in your spine. 
You quickly pushed the painting back inside, letting the doors fall shut behind you.. 
You’d take the painting tomorrow instead. 
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You got off work again when it was dark. 
Thankfully there was no rain this time. 
You were able to scrub the paw prints off your porch and take the painting to the storage unit this morning before work. 
After discovering the muddy prints at your doorstep the day before, you locked yourself in your house and rethought your move to Hawkins. 
You had spent all last night tossing and turning in your bed in fear of what could be lurking outside. You had probably gotten up and checked the lock on the front door at least five times before finally dozing off into a restless sleep. 
But you had made it through the night and when you checked outside this morning only the old paw prints remained with no new signs of your visitor. 
You turned down the curvy road to head to your side of town. 
Today had gone back to normal with Tina and Jessie back to their normal selves with no talk of the guy that had broken Tina’s heart. 
Now that you were farther from the center of town, there were more trees and less houses. You were the only car on the road, the last headlights you had seen were a few miles back. 
You were so close to your home when you saw something large run through the road. 
You slammed on your brakes, the tires locking up and squealing as the car skidded and stopped with a jerk. 
Your heart raced as you tried to calm down. Your eyes scanned the road, looking for whatever it was that was just there. 
You slammed your hand on the off button on your radio, silencing The Rolling Stones abruptly. 
Through the flickering headlights, you could make out something standing on the left side of the road. It slowly stalked into view until you were leaning back in your seat, frozen from fear. 
It was the biggest damn wolf you had ever seen in your life. And it was standing right infront of your car, staring straight into your eyes. 
It was hard to see in the poor lighting, but its coat was somewhere between a midnight black and a chocolate brown. It was tall, taller than your car. It kept its head hunkered down low to look at you in the driver's seat. 
You wondered if you should break eye contact but you were pretty sure that you had seen somewhere that you were supposed to act like you were bigger when you came face to face with a wild animal. 
Although you were in your car, you were sure that if it wanted to get you it could. Hell, you were sure that it could crush this thing with a flick of its tail if it wanted to. 
A loud howl came from the right of your car. You jumped, foot easing off the brake and making the car lurch forward. You slammed your foot back down, stopping the car before it could hit the animal.
The wolf blinked a few times, not even flinching. It turned, slowly stalking to the right side of the road and giving you time to move. 
You felt its eyes on you as you sped off past it. 
Yeah, Hawkins was really fucking weird. 
Next Chapter
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mamaestapa · 10 months
I haven’t seen anyone do anything like this but what about a dad Joe blurb but they have teenagers?
Rough Night|| Joe Burrow x reader
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•summary: Joe is in charge of being home with your four teenage children while you’re out with friends…
•warnings: some fluff, teenagers, angsty teenagers lol, mentions of periods, and dad joe which isn’t a warning bc we ❤️ dad joe
“DAD!” Hazel bellowed from the top of the stairs. Joe sighed and put his protein shake down on the counter. “Yeah?!” He shouted back.
The seventeen year old huffed out a sigh before her heavy footsteps were heard running down the stairs. His daughter walked into the kitchen wearing an annoyed expression as she crossed her arms over her chest.
“Mom said I could go out with Charlie tonight.”
Joe’s eyes widened as he laughed in disbelief, “Absolutely not.” Hazel rolled her eyes and plopped down on a barstool. She was not happy with her dads answer.
“Why not?” she pouted, “Mom said it was fine.” Joe shook his head at his daughters words. “Well your mom isn’t here right now, which means that I’m in charge. No boys.”
“Ugh,” she scoffed, “this is so unfair. Josie is out with her boyfriend.”
“Josie is also nineteen and doesn’t technically live at home anymore. You do, young lady.”
Hazel crossed her arms over her chest and huffed out another sigh. She loved her dad, but she didn’t love his rules when it was just him at home with her and her siblings. They could have friends over, but no boyfriends. And they absolutely could not leave the house—unless it was planned in advance. You didn’t necessarily have these same rules as Joe did with your kids, but you knew he was doing it to be a protective father. Joe values his privacy, especially when it comes to his family. He only has these rules in place because he wants to protect his kids.
“Dad,” Hazel gave Joe a pleading look, “can I have Charlie over here?” Joe shook his head as he opened the fridge to get a bottle of water. “No.”
“Fine.” Hazel sighed in defeat. As Hazel slouched down in the barstool, a loud screech came from upstairs. Joe slammed the fridge shut and looked at Hazel with furrowed brows. Hazel just shrugged and turned her attention back to her phone. Joe rolled his eyes and grumbled under his breath as he left the kitchen and jogged up the stairs. He heard an annoyed groan come from his fourteen year old daughter Ivy’s room. Her door was cracked open, and she had her hand on the top of her dark blonde wavy hair as she paced around her room.
“Shit. This is the worst day of my life.” Ivy groaned out. Joe frowned slightly, wondering what possibly could have happened to his daughter to make her this worked up over the day. Joe brought his fist up to the door, knocking softly.
“Hey sweetie, you OK in there? I heard you scream.” Joe said softly, his voice laced with concern. He heard Ivy sigh from the other side of the door before she replied.
“It’s nothing, just,” she opened the door, making eye contact with Joe, “just go away dad.” Joe frowned as he looked at his daughter. Ivy stayed silent as she huffed out a sigh. Her chin suddenly started to quiver as she made eye contact with her dad.
“What’s wrong, Ivy?”
The teens chin wobbled even more before she dried her eyes and groan in frustration, letting everything out to her dad.
“I got my period today, and I bled through so now my favorite pair of jeans is ruined. I had to throw them away, and on top of that, my physics grade just went down to a D today.”
“Oh.” Joe’s face dropped as he gulped. Even if he wasn’t freaked out by it, you were always the one that helped the girls in this department.
“Well,” he cleared his throat. Joe knew he had to be supportive for his daughter. He has three daughters and a wife, so he’s a pro when it comes to periods. “I can help you with physics sweetie, don’t sweat it.”
Ivy nodded, sniffling softly, “Thanks dad.” Joe smiled softly, “Of course. Can I get you anything? Heating pad, ice cream, anything?”
Ivy shook her head, she was thankful for her dads offer, but she declined. “No, I just want to be alone right now. But thanks dad, I appreciate it.”
Joe nodded, walking forward to engulf his daughter in a hug. Ivy instantly wrapped her arms around her dad, squeezing him gently. A hug from him always made things better. She thanked him again and Joe left the room, the letting his youngest daughter be by herself for the time being. He let out a breath he didn’t realize he was holding as he went back downstairs. Upon entering the kitchen, he saw his son Jace sitting at the counter and chowing down on leftover pizza. Joe smiled as he saw his son. He walked up behind Jace and ruffled his blonde hair.
All of the girls resembled you the most, with Hazel being your “twin”. But Jace, Jace was a carbon copy of Joe. Jace was your “oops” baby. Your “oops” baby that looked exactly like Joe. He always has, even when he was just two days old. Now, at almost thirteen, Jace still looked just like his father.
“Hey J.” Joe greeted his son. Jace smiled up at his dad, swallowing his mouthful of food. “Hey dad.” He responded, “want a piece?” Joe shook his head and sat down next to his youngest. “You enjoy.” Joe looked around the kitchen, noticing that Hazel was no longer sitting at the barstool she was at earlier. He pointed toward the empty seat. “Where’s your sister?”
“Up in her room calling Charlie and sulking about not being able to go out with him.”
Joe just chuckled in amusement. Of course she was sulking about not getting to see her boyfriend for the fifth day in a row. Joe looked over at his son, reaching out to pat his sons shoulder as he said, “Enjoy your pizza. I’m going to go watch some film, you can join me if you want.”
The boy nodded eagerly, wiping the crumbs from his hands as he stood up from the barstool and followed his dad into his film room. Jace was always up for watching film with his dad, especially since he was quarterback just like Joe. The two sat down on the couch and got comfortable as Joe set up his most recent watch. Joe and Jace were watching film for about a half hour before you got home from your friends birthday party. You walked into the house, greeted by a messy house, but a peaceful silence. You smiled to yourself as you heard Joe’s voice coming from his film room. He was explaining the play in great detail to your son Jace.
You walked into the room, greeting your husband and son with a soft hello. Joe glanced up at you, a wide grin on his face as he greeted you. He moved over so there was room for you on the couch too. You sat down between him and Jace, resting your hand on Joe’s thigh as Jace wrapped an arm around your torso to give you a brief hug.
You chuckled as you noticed how Jace’s blue eyes never once left the screen. You gently squeezed Joe’s thigh and looked up at him. He seemed a little tense, you could tell he must’ve had a rough night with your teenagers. Joe looked down at you, immediately softening under your gaze.
“Rough night?” you asked, voice soft. Joe chuckled, reaching out to squeeze your thigh, “You have no idea.”
You smiled in amusement. As much as you love your teenage girls, they can be quite the handful sometimes.
“I’m just glad you’re home.” Joe said with a smile. You returned the smile and leaned your head on Joe’s shoulder as you watched film with your boys.
You couldn’t wait to hear about how the night went from your girls in the morning.
hey loves!!
dad joe blurb to start the night! i thought this was a great request anon. i usually write dad joe with infants or young children, so writing dad joe with teenagers was definitely different for me!
i hope you all enjoyed this one, there’s more coming later🤍
also, should i start making a taglist for blurb night?? i’ve thought about it, but i’m not sure
as always, feel free to send me blurb ideas!! i may not get to them tonight of course, but i will for future blurb nights!
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Everything Goes According To Plan || D. Targaryen x Targaryen!reader
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summary: in which you are caught to be involved in inappropriate behaviour with your uncle which leads to a marriage you have always dreamed of
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“Uncle,” You warned before a small moan escaped your lips. Daemon had trailed kisses down your front before marking your skin just below your boob.
Daemon didn’t do anything but smirk, his eyes gazing up at your through the fallen strands of his hair. You quite enjoyed your uncle’s newly cut hair.
“You won’t believe who father tried setting me up with today,” You chuckled as Daemon hummed, his lips still kissing inches of your body.
“Jason Lannister!” Daemon pauses his actions to look at you, his eyebrow raised. “What a cunt,” He rolls his eyes before continuing his art on his canvas—your body.
You let out a snort making your uncle smile, “Who? My father or Jason?” You queried, “Both” He shrugs making you slap his shoulder.
“Daemon!” You laugh as you bring his head close to your chest, your legs wrapping around his torso.
“You’re quite a clingy thing aren’t you darling” He says, his lips kissing your arms as you grin. Daemon places his head on your stomach, you look down at him, your hand’s immediately moving to his hair to play with it.
“When can we tell father?” You whisper under your breath, Daemon sighs as he sits up making your hands fall back to your stomach.
You look down and start playing with your fingers, Daemon notices this and lifts your chin up making you meet his violet irises.
“Soon my love, soon.” He reassures with a soft voice only known to you, you sadly smile before Daemon leans in kissing your lips.
After a heated session, you pull back making Daemon cheekily grin, “Go! I’m sure you have Princely duties to attend to uncle,” You giggle. Daemon quickly dresses himself and leaves but not before running back to your bed and kissing you again.
After the door closed shut, you get out of your bed and start picking up the trail of clothes that led to your bed. You almost gasp when you saw the reflection of yourself in the mirror.
Dark purple hues scattered around your ribcage and below your boobs. You scoff but soon wince when you touch it with your finger.
Daemon rarely marked your skin that obvious since he knew the risks. Your father would be furious to learn that his youngest daughter was involving herself in inappropriate behaviour, especially for a young lady ready to begin courting.
You slip on a nearly sheer night gown and peep your head out your door to speak with your sworn knight. “Let the maids know I would like to bathe” You say as he nods, “Of course Princess”
Soft hums escape your lips as you braid your hair while the maids ready a hot bath for you. A soft smile find itself on your lips as you wonder what your uncle was up to.
“Happy mood Princess?” A voice calls out as the three maids giggle. You look at them through the mirror as you playfully roll your eyes.
“You could say so, yes” You lowly say placing the hairbrush down before making your way to the bath. You slip the nightgown down your body, careful to cover the purple hues with your hands.
Dipping your feet in, then your body, you let out a loud sigh. The water was burning hot, just how you like it. You were a Targaryen after all, dragons do love the heat.
After finishing washing up, you stand up to dry yourself up. Slipping on a new night gown, the maids quickly cleaned up and hurried out without another word.
You slipped into bed and let sleep consume your mind.
Loud banging from the door woke you up startled, “What is it!” You call out, dropping back down in the comfiness of your bed. “It’s me sister!” Your eyes open again as you move to the front door.
“To what do I owe you the pleasure dear sister on this fine morning” You sarcastically comment, yawing at the end. “Father is having a conversation with Daemon in the throne room” Rhaenyra breathed out.
“For what reason?” You nervously say as you gulp, “I think it’s best you find that out yourself y/n” She says, placing her hands on your shoulders as you nod.
Rhaenyra was the only person who knew about you and your uncle. Decently dressed now, you hurry to the throne room, your sworn knight right behind you.
Nearing the door the throne room, Ser Arryn, your sworn knight breaks the silence. “What do you intend to do princess?” You quickly shush him as you press your ear against the oak door.
You could hear your father’s voice loud and angry. “Her maids have seen it so don’t deny brother!” You gasp, quickly covering your mouth.
You had failed to notice the prying eyes of your maids as you got out of the bath. How could you have been so dumb and not careful?
“Well, now you know-“ “Who will take her now! You have ruined her, you hear me? Ruined her!” You flinch at your father’s loudness. Not once have you heard your father raise his voice that loudly, ever.
The next few words from Daemon shocked you. “Marry her to me.” Silence. “Are you jesting?” Viserys scoffed, “When I offered up my crown you said I could have anything. I want y/n. I’ll take her in as she is and wed her in the tradition of our house”
You take a couple steps back after hearing your uncle’s words. “Are you alright Princess?” Ser Arryn’s voice questioned you as he takes ahold of your arms.
You gulp before hiding behind a wall as your father leaves the room. You did not know what was spoken of after your uncle’s proposal to marry you.
You wished you did though. The sight of a disheveled Daemon walked out the door, his gaze immediately on you. You run to him as you wrap your hands around his neck, your legs automatically coming to wrap around his torso while his hands instinctively support your legs.
“We are to marry in a moons time, dōna riña” Daemon whispers in your mother’s tongue.
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http-paprika · 8 months
Under the Orange Sky / Phillip Graves
cowboy!au / pairing philip graves x wife!reader / wc 1027 / warnings suggestive content, nondescript mentions of nudity, allusions to sex
summery her husband has always been a stranger to her, but one day when he returns from the fields, Phillip's behavior towards her has changed.
notes here's the second poll fanfic, not as long as i thought it would be, but satisfying still. no use of y/n. the story takes place during the turn of the 20th century in western texas.
Her husband was a stranger, despite the five years she’d spent tied down to him, living in the wild of Texas, far from town, far from her parents; he stayed estranged. Leaving early in the morning before the sun rose over the jagged mountains, returning late in the evenings when she was already in bed, trying to sleep, she seldomly saw Phillip ‘cept for Sundays, on the Lord’s day of rest. Yet still on those days, he was distant from her, withdrawn, solemn, never touching, and only a few stray glances. It was hard for her to remember that charming, proud man who’d swept her off her feet, who flattered her mother and talked business with her father. 
Closing her eyes, laying her head against the back of the tub, she could hear the faint rumbling of hooves, the barking of cattle dogs, and the distinct sound of her husband’s voice. It was early, too early compared to the usual time of his arrival. The sun still hung in the sky, just below the mountains and spilling light into the washroom, remnants of dinner lay on the table waiting for him, lukewarm, and she felt her throat constrict as the sound of his footsteps heavy against the wooden floors of the home. 
The door opens, creaking on its rusty hinges, his blue-eyed gaze falls on her bare figure as Phillip approaches her. Dirty, tall, stern. Removing the black, worn glove off of his hand, it moves down and cups her chin, making her look up at him. Swallowing harshly, she fights the temptation to yank away and look elsewhere, not wanting to invoke the anger she’d seen him possess before. The feeling of his rough and calloused skin against her chin, and the deep gaze of his eyes causes a shiver to run down her spine and a low chuckle to escape his mouth. 
“Do you plan on getting ill, bathing in water this cold?” Phillip asks, removing his other glove before beginning to undo the buttons of his shirt, his overcoat hung up by the door along with his boots. His wife hadn’t even noticed that the water had turned cold around her, or the ache in her chest as she watched her husband slowly undress, folding his clothes and laying them neatly in a pile on the stool next to hers. 
Before she can finally connect the words to ask, he settles into the tub behind her. The warmth of his skin from being out under the Texan sun seeps into her as his hands move to his wife’s shoulder blades. They begin drawing tight circles with his thumbs which causes her to sit up straighter in the bath, stiff with nerves. This wasn’t unfamiliar to her, she knew Phillip’s touch, and with heat pooling to her cheeks, could remember different nights when he’d woken her up and left her sore in the morning. But it was still as strange to her as Phillip was. 
“Relax, doll.” His voice comes out cool, albeit gravely, as Phillip speaks to her. Keeping his hands fixed on her shoulder blades, he brings her back until she’s resting against his broad chest. The rosy blush stays on her cheeks and his nose presses against the crown of her head, breathing in the scent of soap she’d used to cleanse her skin and hair. Staying beneath his grasp, the rising and falling of her chest begins to slow as she realizes his actions are gentle, slow, and considerate of her. Not like before where she had the innate sensation of being a deer that’s being hunted by a coyote. Instead, it reminds her of a book she once read as a young girl, and the pink tint of her cheeks turns into a violent shade of red. 
“Didn’t I say to relax?” Phillip states, once again bringing his hand back to cup her chin so she has to turn her head to look at him. His gaze transfixed on her face, the haze in her eyes and the soft swell of her lips. The way she appeared was so heavenly, that even a holy man would find himself sinning. Pride swelled in Phillip’s chest as he acknowledged the fact that she was his, his wife, his girl. She, on the other hand, felt like the world was spinning around her as she tried to figure out what had happened to her distant husband, Phillip had never done this before. He’d never been so attentive, even when they courted and he had left her feeling dazed and confused. 
“Why are you looking at me like that?” She finally gets the courage to ask, feeling stupid as the words left her mouth. There was almost a sense of adoration as his thumb grazed her lips, a desire that was not primal, but loving. 
“Like how a husband should look at his wife?” Phillip’s voice comes out calmly, yet it still sends shivers down her spine. He chuckles again, relishing in the reaction he receives, enjoying the way her face turns flush and how she looks away from him. “What’s wrong, doll? Would you rather me leave?” 
“No.” Yes, no, she didn’t know what she wanted. The feeling of her stomach tightening as his hands dip down to rest on her hips leaves her unsure and startled. Phillip’s rough lips move to her neck, peppering small, light kisses on her cool skin.
“You’re still cold, doll.” His hands run up her side, the calloused palms rubbing against her plush, soft skin, her breathing hitches as she leans back against him. Letting logic and sensibility fall to the side, her hands fall on top of his, nails grazing against the back of his hands. “Let me help with that.” 
The man behind her was still a stranger, but there was a burning desire in the bottom of her stomach to know him. To find the reason for his sudden change, to touch him, bask in the warmth of his skin, and mindlessly confess everything to him. Phillip Graves was like the sun, lighting her up and painting her skies in shades she’d never known.
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sinning-23 · 6 months
Surface (Sanji x Mermaid!Reader)
Hey everyone! This is part of themermaid/siren series with all the opla/op characters uhhh this one may or may not be a two parter but I actually really like how it turned out! Enjoy!
Warnings: none, jsut some kissing at the end lol
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Your father had warned you about humans. He said they were cruel and unkind. Barbaric creatures filled with greed. Of course, you knew he was right, having seen countless pirates raid ships and leave behind sunken treasures for you to collect.
However, among your most recent attempt at running away, you found yourself hiding beneath a mysterious doc. It was dark but also...kind of quiet. Too quiet, and if you knew your humans, it's that they were far from that.
All the boats from earlier were long gone and all you could hear was bickering from inside. You curse yourself for not having your legs yet but quickly hide when the door bursts open. Out storms a taller-looking young man, his sleeves rolled up his forearms as he lights what you had learned long ago was a cigarette.
Your eyes glow with the light briefly. He's pretty, his brows furrowed in anger as he mutters to himself. Something along the lines of "That's idiot..." and "I'd rather die than serve that." The water moves around you when you try to move closer and his gaze flickers to you.
First it's fear, he scoots away, startled that you had been watching him. In turn, the action frightens you and you dive beneath the surface, feeling like swimming away was foolish considering you'd been spotted and the whole point of running away was to not go back to where you ran from...well swam in this case.. His voice is muffled with the water but you peak just above the source to hear him a little better.
"I-Im sorry if I scared you, are you alright?" He hums, leaning over the edge as you place your hands over the top of his, using your upper body strength to lift upwards. There was no such thing as personal space with how close you were, noses were centimeters away.
He swallows hard, the cigarette long discarded but you can smell the tobacco on his lips. Speaking of which those looked awfully pretty, slightly pink and glossy as his face seemed to brighten with a nice hue of red. You pull yourself further out of the water, resulting in him scooting back.
At this point, you might as well be straddling him with the way your arms cage him in this one spot. You still didn't answer his question but that didn't matter. Your father would kill you if he saw how close you were to this human. Your lips part as you go to speak but you can't seem to form words when he's pushing wet hair from your face to reveal more of it to him.
"Much better." He hums, swallowing hard at your features. Were all mermaid this beautiful?
"What is this place?" You finally ask, looking over the shape of the building in awe. You fin flops over the deck the slapping making him flinch a bit but he soon focuses backto answeitn your question.
"It's a resturant, angel fish." He hums, making you snap your gazse back to him.
"I'm not angel fish? You've met my her? She doesn't even like the surface! Wait 'til I tell-"
His laugh stops your rant and he shakes his head. It's obvious any flirting or metaphor would go right over your head. Maybe they used different expressions under the sea.
"It's not funny! Call me Y/n! I'm a Princess you know! My father rules the sess!" You boast, despite knowing you practically went AWOL on the whole royalty thing.
"Well Princess, why aren't you at your castle? Hm?" He questions making you narrow your gaze. Sure he was cute but how dare he question royalty?!
_____________1 week_______________
You didn't expect to find yourself falling for the blonde. Every day he would come out for his smoke breaks and talk to you, tell you about the kitchen inside, share his food with you, and even tell you about his dream...which you found particularly interesting considering that's where you came from. You keep that bit to yourself though.
One evening, the blond who you had come to learn was named Sanji took his usual break with you, your head resting in your hands as you listened to him talk. You had found yourself doing everything all merfolk were forbidden of...Falling in love.
It didn't exist where you came from...well at least that's what your father said. And it was partially why you left. Maybe Sanji could tell you more about it? You swallow down any anxieties and speak, seeing his gaze grow ever more fond wherever you open your mouth. You'd probably never know this, but Sanji thought your voice was the most beautiful sound in the entire ocean.
"Sanji, tell me more about love." You ask, seeing his face go red again.
That was always so funny to you, humans, and how they change colors. But he was special, you liked to think he only turned red when he talked to you. You wouldn't be wrong.
"U-Uh weel, what about it?" He chokes, leaning against a wooden post as you chatted.
"What does it feel like? Do you feel like that forever?" You ask, feeling your midsection dry with how you were positioned. Sanji looked up as if to think for a moment before answering. Gods he always looked so beautiful.
"Well, sometimes. Love is, complicated. It's warm and it can be unforgiving sometimes. It's like finally feeling like you have something no one else does. Love is like...." He pauses, biting his lip when he sees you, how intrigued you are.
"Is it like...how it feels to talk to you?" You whisper, pulling yourself more forward, the water sliding past your hips and thighs.
It's quiet now, Sanji's hands can't seem to figure out what to do so he settles for keeping them at his sides.
"What does that feel like?" He whispers curiously, watching you crawl toward him now, your tail somehow disappearing the closer, and dryer you got.
You can't help but revel in how he looks. As if he'd fall apart with your next words. He's breathing heavily now, eyes moving up and down your body and to your lips. There's a look behind his eyes that tells you everything you need to know
"It feels just like you said...warm."
And witht hat his hands are firm at your hips as your lips more impatiently together, your newly formed legs smoothing against the fabric of his slacks when you sitt pretty on his lap. This feeling could have very well just been lust, but like Sanji said, love is complicated.
Perhaps this is why your father forbids the surface.
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piratefishmama · 1 year
Forgiven not Forgotten | Part 3
Steve shared his shower with Robin.
He did for two years, watched her six while she watched his, there were no boundaries between them now.
At first, perhaps there’d been a quiet “don’t look at my boobs” from Robin, with Steve firing back “don’t look at my dick” which earned a very much expected “why would I look at your dick, Steve?” They’d fire quips back and forth until they were clean and ready to go. It was rare in the aftermath of the earthquake that they got showers, water had run out so quickly.
People assumed it was burst pipes.
It wasn’t. The government had cut them off. Barricaded them in, would have probably nuked the place or something had Eleven not been a continual menace to the military presence that lingered for the first year. Couldn’t get shit within half a mile of her without it being redirected elsewhere. They were still in there, they were still fighting.
They weren’t going down without taking that walking nightmare of a thing with them.
Steve still shared his shower with Robin.
Even at the house, the comforts of modern society feeling foreign, hot water burned for a moment, but in a way that seeped into their bones leaving them loose limbed and floaty, in a way that left them lightheaded when they stepped out, but laughing at the absurdity of how they never thought they’d forget what hot water felt like.
His parents weren’t kidding about the food either, after showers were had and clothes were changed, a feast of quick bite foods were laid out onto the modest kitchen table. Finger sandwiches that his mother seemed to be making at rapid speed, cocktail sausages, cheese, things they could grab and snack on quick.
It struck Steve a little stupid for a moment, just watching his mother there, two completely unrelated young adults stuffing their faces while his mother worked diligently to feed them.
It'd been a long time since he’d seen his mother doing anything in the kitchen. A long time since she’d been anywhere but following his father around, attempting to catch him in the act of adultery.
“Best grab something quick, kids, we’re meeting Harold at the hospital in an hour.”
“Harold?” Why did that name sound familiar? Robin didn’t question it like Steve did, content to hurry into a spot not occupied to gorge herself on finger foods to leave Steve running the name over in his head on his own. Groaning in delight over the cucumber sandwiches. Such simple things. She’d never take cucumber for granted ever again.
“Closest lawyer we have on the books thats any use, your father is in the living room on the phone with him now, he’s commuting from Indianapolis to meet us there.” Once again he found himself shocked. Who were these people?
“You’re actually…” they were actually going to help? Don’t question it, don’t question it, it’d just go away if he questioned it, just— “I’m sorry, but you’re actually going to help?”
Lynda paused in her sandwich spree, those gorging themselves on finger foods already prepared pausing momentarily as the atmosphere thickened with that one question. He didn’t believe it. Not for one second, he hadn’t believed that his parents would actually help. He’d just put the kids into the car because he knew it was better than staying at that hospital.
He knew a break from the sterile white walls, a break from the crying families, from the loss and pain around them, he knew a break from it would do the kids good.
“Robin… would you… would you take over for a moment, please?”
“Huh?” Robin startled, eyes darting to Lynda, before she stumbled out of her seat to take Lynda’s place “s-sure, yeah, got it.”
“Come with me, Steven.” She untied the apron from around her waist and hung it on a small hook by the door as she walked by, wordlessly, with the kids eyes on his back, he followed her out of the kitchen, out of the back door, into the spacious back yard where she stopped on the decking, her arms wrapped around her torso, fingers clutching her own biceps as she just. Looked out into the garden.
He closed the back door behind him.
“What’s going on, mom?” He half expected to be berated, how could he question her in front of people, make her look bad as though she wouldn’t help. How dare he allude to the idea that she wasn’t the perfect parent around people. What would they think?!
That wasn’t what he got. “…Do you remember when you were small?” He frowned a little, expression scrunching in confusion, she let out a soft huff of sad, short laughter at his lack of an answer. “No, I suppose you might not. Steven… we lost you. Your father and I. We didn’t mean to, but we did. There’s no excuse for it, nothing I say here can excuse letting my son disappear, so many should haves, could haves, and would haves. I could say we were young, stupid, didn’t have experience with a child to know what to do, but… it was as though one minute you were there, our bright, perfect little ball of sunshine, and the next…” she shook her head “you weren’t there anymore. Or you were, you were there, but— but that sunshine was gone. And we didn’t try to get you back. We didn't know where to begin looking, so we didn't.”
Steve swallowed hard, eyes diverting to the ground, that… wasn’t what he expected at all. He remained silent. Jaw clenched tight. He remembered. Of course he remembered. Remembered feeling wrong. Feeling dirty, gross, feeling… unclean.
Feeling like his parents had betrayed him by letting him be himself. By not nipping what people deemed wrong in the bud before it’d had chance to bloom.
For setting him up for heartbreak.
It wasn’t their fault. None of it was their fault. Time had just moved too quickly to fix what one stupid boy had so carelessly broken in him.
“Like I said, there’s no excuse… there’s nothing I can say that’d make up for letting you suffer like that, letting you suffer on your own instead of just… being there for you. Or trying harder to be there when I could have been, when your father and I could have been, I spent so long chasing him thinking… it doesn’t matter what I thought. It was stupid. I let stupid people feed my own stupid insecurities. But… we promised… we made a promise when we moved here, that if you came home… we’d try.”
“You’d try?” He failed to keep the waver out of his voice, she turned to look at him, a sadness in her gaze that seemed endless.
“To be there, in any way we could be, to stop just leaving you, to try and understand. I know it’s a little late to be your parents at this point, Steven… we missed you growing up, and now you’re grown, and the things you’ve been though… you don’t need us telling you how to live your life. We missed that chance to be impossibly overbearing and that’s entirely on us. But we still want you to know that we’re here… we’re not leaving you alone anymore. So, whatever you need… be it a roof over your head, a meal, or… or getting your friend out of a tight situation with the law then… we’re here. We’re going to help, and we’ll use every resource we have to do it.”
What did one say to that? How could he speak without his voice breaking? Without all those bubbling feelings overflowing? She was right, time had passed, too much had passed to simply ignore, and old wounds would always be there until he figured out a way to close them.
He never claimed to be emotionally mature. In fact he was usually pretty useless when it came to emotions.
Always feeling too much, never knowing how to control it.
So he breathed in sharply through his nose, and turned his head, swallowing harshly, jaw clenched, eyes stinging as he blinked away the water rapidly gathering, and he nodded. Nodded as she uttered a quiet “oh sweetheart” and crossed the short distance between them to wrap him up in her arms, wrapped his own arms around her and simply held on tight.
“Steven, your—” John cut into the moment unintentionally as he walked out into the back garden, but it didn’t break them apart, he offered a small smile to the two of them after taking the sight in, holding the wireless handset in his hand “It’s Nancy, she says the doctors are bringing Eddie out of his coma, she says they’ll wait for us, but we should head out. Harold will probably be there by the time we arrive too.”
“Right… right, okay” he wiped the side of his palm over his eyes, dragging the dampness away. He released a shaky breath, and then let his mother go. “Alright.” Time to face the man of the hour.
Part 5
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