#I kinda have a hate-on for Rome tbh
aho-dapa · 1 year
Worldbuilding Illyria + a sort of rant on sjm’s writing, again
I’m sorry but quick idea, yknow what would have been cool, (while the Illyrians were an actual collection of people in history from what I gather--groups of people that likely didn’t call themselves Illyrians at all), is some Sparta parallels with Illyria. Would have been cool is all I’m saying. Not only very warrior oriented but also treated women differently. Very matrilineal and all that and women were likely still expected to be athletic. 
But also would have been cool to highlight how even though women had some more freedoms than their other ‘greek’ counterparts, they still had their own disadvantages like not being able to be involved in politics and stuff. Would have been great actually to show how women with power can still be oppressed, would have been stellar and an actual conversation starter but eh. 
actually using the history of the people you named your people after. 
Or even parallels with Rome and the whole bar bar thing where the word barbarian comes from. 
Its giving: 
Velaris = Rome 
Hewn City = could represent the places Rome conquered / vassal type thing
Illyria = literally every unclassified tribe altogether known as barbarians 
Would have been great to actually show the different tribes of Illyria and their different customs like mini greek states or actual Illyrian tribes / poleis things or even mention that’s why they are so hard to control because of how different they are
this idea isn’t that thought out so a lot of stuff here might be wrong but I think its a cool thing to think about 
Also, kinda bothers me how the Illyrians are never given empathy in sjm’s narrative, they’re always brutes who hate women, where’s the nuance, where’s the tradition and the culture, what even about religions?? They're not even a people at this point, they're just a weak feminist narrative that doesn’t even try to tackle why this society is structured the way it is, and if you don’t understand the structure of something, how can even even begin to try to change it or even make judgements on it? You’ll end up sounding holier than thou, especially to the people your ‘trying’ to help
i’m just now realizing just how greek/rome everything is in sjm’s book, they don’t even get into anything truly celtic or irish even though a lot of the series’s lore is based on those cultures??? Don’t even get me started on the summer court, I have no idea what that’s supposed to be? Greek? Italy? African?? I don’t understand if Tarquin is supposed to be black or not (tbh it feels like just general POC rep but its very hard for me to understand what POC are in sjm world) some people see him as black but also brown?? (I also hate using those descriptors as if they mean more than just slapping melanin on a character and calling it a day) Idk, gods, helion??? Idk, idk, maybe I just don’t know enough to even make a sound judgement 
Not to mention so many of the names are so greek sounding
Like Helion, likely related to Helios, Greek god of the sun
We full stop got someone named Lord Thanatos running around in Hewn City
Does this mean Mor has Irish connotations?? Like my main frustration comes from that there’s very little identifiers for me (and maybe this is just me not knowing about Irish mythology) and if there are, it only feels like a cameo??
The fact the only thing I know about the ‘chinese’ land sjm wrote about is only the name of it, Xian. And Nuan, where only her appearance is mentioned to look like Amren’s. Which idk, tbh, it leaves a lot of room for irl interpretation. Asian, after all, is not just chinese. (And tbh if you didn’t know that Xian and Nuan are chinese sounding names, would they even understand that it’s chinese coded??)
The fact that Thesan also has ancestry to Xian means literally nothing to me, I don’t get to see that culture so it makes no bearing on that lineage, yknow??
I can’t believe I was so excited to think that sjm was going to actually do something with Xian, maybe even see some traditional outfits that would look different than the kinda europe medieval vibes we had going on... listen acotar was my first sjm book, I still had hope back then 
(gods, don’t get me started on Nehemia and Eyllwe, I haven’t even read crown of midnight yet and I’m still pissed off)
Again, idk, I would love to have a conversation about this especially since I’m very much speaking from a spanish/mexican perspective that grew up with a mixed family, so having culture behind the skin tone always makes it better to me when reading fantasy books, even if it’s made up, because people can have a skin tone that doesn’t match with that specific perception of a culture yknow 
Like what if someone grew up in japan and did all the culture things, but looks like a typical white lady, what then? 
I wouldn't even mind if sjm mixed some cultures around to make something new so that it wasn’t so one to one, but idk anyways 
what even is sjm’s calanmai
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spoonsbutbetter · 8 days
Roman Emperors/Historical Romans as different Barbies???
ik i'm probably so late for this but i wanted to do this because it was in my brain lol
Disclaimer: most of these guys are going to be men. like. white men with a lot of power, which kind of defeats the purpose of the barbie movie, but I think it's a little funny. Bear with me while i do normal things with my normal young adult interests.
Also, these guys would HATE me for what i'm about to do. it's so funny to me
Secondary disclaimer: i left out pulitzer prize winning barbie because i didn't know who would be it. lmk if you have any ideas :P
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Augustus - Everything Barbie (Margot Robbie's)
To the Roman Empire, Augustus was everything honestly. He ushered in Pax Romana, imperial leadership, and more. Vergil wrote about the reason why he deserved such a title, and Vergil claims he is a descendant of Venus??? So, like, Everything Barbie is supposed to be super beautiful and so is Venus??? Low hanging fruit? I think so babeyyyyyy. That's what this entire post is going to be like. Also, we have to consider that, although he is not the only (good??) leader (and in Margot Robbie's Barbie's case, not the leader at all), but is often used as the example of a great leader and main character. Pretty cool honestly.
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Caligula - Ken (Scott Evan's Ken - cowboy) OR Mermaid Barbie
Caligula. The guy who is named "Little Boots," declared war on the sea and took seashells as the spoil of war, and had a horse in the Senate (there are more things he did, but these are some of the funniest things). Was it the lead pipes? Was it being raised in a military setting? Or was that just how he was? We'll never know. He was pretty interesting. I initially thought he'd be cowboy ken because of his name and the horse thing, but I think Mermaid Barbie would work so well too. Big fan of him declaring war on the sea. What did the Mediterranean do to him? No clue. Big fan though.
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Nero - Ken (Ncuti Gatwa's - Grand Ole Opry Ken)
i chose this guy for Nero just because he plays the guitar. Nero fiddled while Rome burned and so did this Ken while their world burned. i love Ncuti so much, so i am so sorry, but it’s funny. everything i do is for the bit
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Vespasian - Supreme Court Justice Barbie
i think i just chose this for the vibes. he was known for renewing political stability. he also did a lot of like. propaganda and had a whole campaign for that. so like supreme court/government stuff i guess?? he might have been a good president barbie but i think a lot of them would have, considering they're all leaders.
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Domitian - President Barbie
this guy. man. he like. man. oh boy. he was widely not liked by a lotta guys because he was so ruthless and autocratic. however, he's been described as efficient. there's a reason he was the last of the Flavians though so like. take that into account. the Senate HATED him and was assassinated by someone in Nerva's circle, so honestly, president vibes. He was the BIG leader of them all.
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Trajan - Diplomat Barbie
did i do this only because his reign accounted for the geographical peak of the empire? yes. was he actually diplomatic? probably not honestly. he was real good at expanding though. diplomat barbie was played by Nicola Coughlin and i love Nicola Coughlin. she is great. Trajan was pretty cool too.
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Hadrian - Physicist Barbie
i chose this for him just because of Hadrian's wall. sorry i am not smarter than that at all. this is all you're getting from me.
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Marcus Aurelius - Author Barbie
he wrote a lot about Stoicism, so i had to make Marcus Aurelius be Author Barbie. he wrote so much! philosophy can be fun if you actually write about it i guess?? i'm not super into Stoicism tbh, it sounds kinda sad. but he was a pretty cool guy and he would totally be author barbie.
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Caracalla - Lawyer Barbie
Caracalla isn't like the most well known for laws so i made him lawyer barbie instead of supreme court justice barbie, but he declared that all free residents of the Roman Empire should be considered citizens, which is pretty cool. he kinda sucked and he killed his brother that he was co-leader with, so like that's awesome (/sarcasm). he got away with murder a little bit.
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Elagabalus - Weird Barbie
if you wanted queer history, here's a good place to look. Elagabalus was reportedly involved in many sex scandals, including but not limited to being trans. they are now referred to as a trans woman, which is cool!!! they didn't have a label for that back then, it was just. she was a promiscuous person and they didn't know what to do with her. she would kinda just exist around her home and also sought gender affirming surgery. she was pretty cool. people think she's the worst emperor but she's just different in my opinion. SHE ALSO EXPLICITLY STATED WHAT PRONOUNS SHE WANTED USED FOR HERSELF SO PRONOUNS ARE AN OLD DEBATE (explosion noises)
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Vetranio - Midge
i chose Vetranio as Midge because he served for 9 months (ish) and a pregnancy is 9 months (ish) :P
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chuthulhu · 11 months
Me angrily ranking airports I've been through this year on my crutch:
1. Glasgow Airport. Make you sit in a chair while they wave a wand all over you. Kinda invasive but tbh no worse than the scanner I'd have to walk through these days. Gets the #1 spot bc chair.
2. Rome. Security officer offered me his arm to lean on while we walked through the scanner and cheerily announced, "we are since married!" Points for jokes and getting my stick scanned and back to me quickly.
3. Denver. Made me wait while they put my stick through the scanner and then gave it back to walk through with. Wouldn't give me a chair but at least let me lean on the side of the x-ray machine for support.
4. Dulles. What the fuck is happening here. They had an alternative stick but it was a cane for little old ladies than was WAY too short and made me hunch over awkwardly to put weight on it. No less than four people asked me if I really COULDN'T stand without the stick, as if I was crouched over the little old lady stick for funnies. Sent me back and forth between two different scanners MULTIPLE times because evidently nobody has a plan here. Got yelled at any time I leaned my weight on anything bit the painfully ineffective little old lady stick. Took fucking ages to get my actual crutch back to me--turns out they scanned it pretty quick and just elected to keep it as a decorative item until I hobbled around and asked "hey, is that my crutch?" No points. Negative points, because they're the only ones that made me take off my support shoes. Get your shit together Dulles.
(I hate taking airport wheelchairs because a) I get anxious that somebody that really needs it will have to wait longer, and b) I like my independence and I like travelling on my own. My crutch allows me to do that. An airport wheelchair comes with an airport attendant who has to go everywhere with you until you reach the gate--excellent if you need the assistance, frustrating if you just wanna get in early and spend a couple hours reading in the airport bar. Literally the only part of the travel process that's made less convenient by my crutch is security, and I blame security for THAT.)
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storyofmychoices · 2 years
Choices Love Interests 💖
Thanks for the tag lovely @jerzwriter. You're so wonderful!
Tagging anyone who wants to play! It's kinda fun to think back on all the books that I've forgotten about
America's Most Eligible: Handsome Stranger
A Courtesan of Rome: I romanced them all equally but chose Cassius
Baby Bump: Clint Covington
Bachelorette Party: Ash Tanka
Big Sky Country: Sawyer
Blades of Light and Shadow: I romanced everyone because why not, but chose Mal and I tried to replay to pick Tyril but ended up with Mal again
Bloodbound: I romanced them all but chose Jax
Crimes of Passion: Trystan
The Crown & The Flame: Dom Hunter
Desire and Decorum: Ernest Sinclaire
Distant Shores: Edward Mortimer
The Elementalists: Beckett Harrington
Endless Summer: Jake McKenzie
The Freshman Series: I romanced them all but ended up with Chris
The Haunting of Braidwood Manor: Eleanor
Home for the Holidays: Nick Peralta
Immortal Desires: both is good!
It Lives Series: Tom, Parker, Andy, Connor
Laws of Attraction: Gabe but tbh I didn't finish the book and was just ehh
LoveHacks: Ben Park
Mother of the Year: I played for both Thomas and Levi. I expected to fall madly in love with Thomas like everyone else but I really love Levi so much more. I really feel guilty because as great as Thomas is, I wanted to adopt Luz more than be with him lol
Nightbound: Cal
Open Heart: I romanced everyone, but have one playthrough choosing Ethan and one choosing Bryce (though I did not read book 3 for either)
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Perfect Match: Hayden and Damien (two playthroughs)
Red Carpet Diaries: book 1 no one. Book 2 + 3 my beloved husband Thomas Hunt💖💖💖
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I know this is HWU, but IDC look at my babies! 😍😍😍😍
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The Royal Romance: I romanced everyone and still got bored (sorry!!!) I really tried to love it like everyone else so I kept restarting to choose different LI and still haven't made it past book 2 with anyone. If I had to pick someone it'd be Liam. I LOVE Max, but not with MC. I have a full on HC for an OC with Max that I might write one day but have yet to have motivation to take it from my brain to a google doc/tumblr post.
Rules of Engagement: I romanced all 3 men. I chose Leo in one play through and Dean (bartender) in another. I like the bartender more than Leo
Save the Date: Justin Mercado (hate me for it, I no longer care. I loved writing Justin but the hate and harassment really became too much and I stopped. I really want to write him again if only to take back the narrative and end on my terms)
Surrender : I wanted to love this book but NO! It's such an unhealthy portrayal of BDSM
The Unexpected Heiress: Mr John
Veil of Secrets: Flynn O'Malley
Wake the Dead: Troy Hassan (though I'd love to replay with Eli one day, or Shannon😍)
I literally had no idea I've played so many Choices books. Wow!
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outerwilds-ventures · 2 years
waves violently i wanna hear about it i wanna hear about it :D it sounds super cool
- pots:3
POTS POTS!! hello helloo !! /vpos
alright, so
it's about a secret and non governmental organization that was previously called "ordo veritatis" (from latin, "order of truth/the order of the truth). their goal is to strengthen something called "the membrane". the name was changed to "ordo realitas" (order of reality) due to some events.
the membrane can be seen as a veil, a "limit" between the human reality and the "other side", a dimension filled with everything that's paranormal. the other side shouldn't be able to come to the human reality easily, but the thinner the membrane gets, the easier it might be for those creatures to access "our world"
there are many ways one can make this veil go thinner, and it all revolves around fear. using rituals to bring those monsters to our 'this reality', spreading horror stories and making up scary rumors. paranormal creatures can be created from simply being feared (which's happened on the series before to the work of a horror novel writer).
and then there are the elements of the other side! they're.. kinda hard to figure out. there are five of them: fear, blood, death, knowledge and energy. each has something called a "relic", a bridge between the source of this element on the other side and the human reality.
blood is strongly tied to strong emotions (specially hate) and the one that currently holding it's relic is the devil.
death is linked to time, and i believe the god of death currently holds is relic? all that's known is that, when not used, a city called "saint cradle" (or many other names) will evolve around it. its citizens are grey people with black stripes on their faces. they have no electricity (since the element of death is countered by energy) and they refuse to evolve, being a medieval-like society. some citizens are used as a fuel to this city, locked in white rooms inside of a cave and being forced to forever worship the "spiral symbol". being formerly made out of something called "sludge", everything on this city is deadly scared of fire (the only thing that can effectively kill it) and the city itself will be extremely hostile towards those who light fire there. time there is faster than outside, so a week there can be hours outside of the city. leaving it is extremely hard, specially when you're marked with the spiral symbol. the comforting idea of a cozy city with everything you need and the addiction to worship that symbol can lead to insanity, like an extreme abstinence. they use crystals for healing, heating things and a sludge crystal is used to permanently turn someone into a citizen. i could go on soo much further about this tbh.
energy is the element of chaos and luck, formerly held by "the host". he pretty much did what he is called. he hosted death games and imprisoned people to deal with luck, riddles and plasma-like creatures by themselves. there were a LOT of them and they're linked to the story of the roman coliseum and the emperors of rome.
knowledge is the element of balance. its relic is held by the sect of masks. the sect is an all-knowing hivemind that strives for balance between the other side and "this side" of reality. they're extremely mysterious on their ways.
fear is the one element we know little to nothing about. all we know is that "the god of fear is watching" and it'll apparently be further explored on the upcoming game. we've only seen two rituals of fear being used this far, and it is unclear what the element revolves around.
rituals are basically "powers", and are performed by people who "transcended", linking themselves to an element of the other side and sacrificing a bit of their sanity by increasing their "paranormal exposition", now called "nex" (that stands for "nivel de exposição", which means "level of exposition").
every character has a nex, and it ranges from 0% to 100%. when you have zero, you've never experienced anything paranormal. 50% means there is more of the other side inside of you than yourself. at 100%, you literally no longer exist. you're taken completely by the other side.
all of this is just THE BASICS, i didn't even get started on what each season is about.
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gregoftom · 9 months
I don’t Greg hates Shiv at all to be honest. I think he likes Ken and Con and has neutral feelings toward Roman and Shiv. The latter two are pretty rude to him but he still tries to engage with them. They’re just cousins
well when we look at "like" in the context of the show it's really important because as shiv said "i love you but i cannot fucking stomach you" and i think that's a sentiment which applies to Most of the relationships in the show. wrt ken there are multiple factors regarding how greg feels towards him like. the reason he goes to ken so much is because ken is the only one of them who showed him any decency like, con did as well but con is not really considered a major player. he likes con well enough i agree but when it comes to ken it's much more complicated than he likes him, tbh. but he's the one he comes to most bc ken is the only one who gives him any kind of day lol [when he feels like it.] and i mean he was pretty fucking peeved when ken gaslit him and fucked him around about burning him and called him a parasite lol. that hurt. i think greg wants to like ken, but actually likes him? i dunno.
it seems like by s4 greg doesn't really like roman and why would he, rome has never done him any favours lol, he treats him like garbage just like pretty much everybody. they rebuff his advancements. and mostly he wants to talk to him as a part of the group of siblings because of information OR to try and connect with them because that's the thing about greg, he wants desperately to like his family and for them to like him, but the tragedy is that is just not the case. they treat him like shit and then expect him to do things for him like. why would he like any of them tbh. it's more of a sort of desperation to be part of the group, to be included, to be a member of a family, to have connection. tom can see this in him and that's why he uses the word family to coax him, because he knows it works. the difference is tom actually did look after and help greg as much as he could whereas the others told him to get fucked OR in ken's case, helped him when it suited them and then forgot about it or fucked him over later.
i think the only person greg actually likes is tom. he wants to like his grandpa as well but he cannot stomach him and like that is completely understandable bc ewan is a shitty old bitch. he loves his grandfather, he can't help it, but he doesn't like him. who would lmfao. like... the thing is it even comes to like, human feeling as well. who would you end up actually liking, someone who yeah okay treated you kind of shitty and pushed you around and had a lot of anger and took it out on you but took care of you when you were all alone in the bigwig world for the first fucking time, dropped in the middle of all this shit, self sacrificed twice just because you ask when you know the others would do jack shit for you even if you begged on your knees, or people who don't give a fuck about you unless it suits them and then turn around and tell you to get fucked? it's kinda psychology as well.
aaaand when it comes down to shiv, i don't think you would smash the bottle in the face of somebody you were even neutral towards, tbh lol. i know the show deadass had them just talking normally at the funeral but that's an issue i feel that's very prevalent in s4 like, there's no fallout because of time constraints i guess? or because they wanted to focus more solely on the siblings and the side charas got shunted to the side slightly. i also don't think you would say "you wanna strategise? you wanna fry her ass up?" about someone you were neutral towards, lmao. so i do think there's a bit of dislike towards shiv there specifically. he doesn't like her being mean to tom! and that like. makes sense? i think most of us would actively dislike somebody if they were hurting our best friend physically, mentally and emotionally. even if you look at it from a platonic pov [lol] greg is defensive of his closest [and only] friend.
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akrasias · 9 months
something something here’s what he did in part of ancient rome idk dates yet because.. i am lazy & this is all very brainstorm-y
fc for this time period is joaquin phoenix bc i love-hated him in gladiator. he still has the lip scar (?) joaquin has & also. this his fc for isokrates so pretty much from 345bc-758ad
established an olive oil production thing (idk what they’re called) in roman times & became rather wealthy from it; nicknamed ‘the greek’ (graecus)
had servants; decided to free adults who he bought as slaves & into servants (if they wished to take that path) as he had been a slave before. surprisingly was good to them tbh. i really think a part of him thought he was healing his own trauma from slavery by buying & freeing his own & ‘doing good’. (i mean for the time period yes but dhsksh) lots of personal “look at how good i am” splitting in here
personally gave all his servants new names. they weren’t equal in his eyes (as barely anyone is) but they were viewed as ‘rescued’, so he figured they were in debt to him somehow.
had a favorite, which was a young male servant tbh named avilius, taught him to write and read, and filled his head with whatever iso’s hope for him was (he projected on him a LOTTT).
paid for a tutor for him & his younger sister cassia, who he bought both from slavery. didn’t project much onto cassia but he still liked her a lot as well.
this is a period he is actually nostalgic for :’)) & he misses that boy sometimes
& uhhhh
accalia married off to isokrates when she was 13 (listen this was normal for the time & for the time doriano grew up in, not defending it at all but this was normalized. iso / doriano was also used to it. tbh he’d rather be with people that look his own age so she kinda felt like a younger sister & didnt make advances on her)
isokrates didn’t do anything to her tbh not like he can have children so there wasn’t?? much ?? to expect of / rush her into childrearing which so many others did. i think he viewed his servants more like his own kids than anything lol so. him @ accalia was like ‘this is a whole child.’
he gave her the tasks of delegating the household near the olive oil production place & household servants.
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ess-presso · 1 year
hi ess <3
lily best milf ever SO TRUE!!!! & i did see theinvisiblemuseum's art its SO good i love their art sm.
tay time! closure, out of the woods, & clean <3
and omg pink lemonade! i loved that fic it was so good. (im trying to get my fic rec for u but AO3 IS DOWN RN. UNBELIEVABLE!! ill have one for next time i promise)
chatting time <3
having a pic of a pigeon as a souvenir from a trip is pretty funny tbh. imagine travelling across the world and the only thing u brought back was a single photo of a kinda-ugly bird.
podg ben & dune timmy❤️ im so excited for the next dune film purely for more scenes editors can use for reg. like yes i like the dune series but im a simple woman. i have priorities.
medium well on an exam is better than medium bad !! i think its a cause to celebrate. also i hate it when everyones talking about the answers they got and u got something completely different. i start panicking so bad.
we truly did win the bff lottery. get urself a friend who brings u food in the rain and dances in the kitchen to jazz with u or threatens to send u to a mental hospital. theyre rare.
tbh kentucky seems like the kind of place to have colonel sanders just everywhere. thats their pride and joy he must be displayed. i bet they have tons of kfcs too.
L & E AND L & B FTW!!! so real. and u have a marriage pact? thats so cool. liv has a long term bf so we dont but if i asked her to she might leave him so. i did have a marriage pact with another good friend but she moved away </3
and omg i hate condescending people sm. they piss me off so much like STOP UR NOT BETTER THAN ME!! especially if shes asking if u know what a computer processor is like girl who cares there are bigger things to worry about i promise.
LIKEAFUNERALL'S XENO>>>>> pandora was winning fr.
gary oldman and timmy in the same video = literal jumpscare. and yes ive seen that pic of ben & andrew and i literally cried. i thought it was edited at first but it wasnt and i cried . #wolfstar
a hozier concert would fix me and i truly believe that. also my entire tiktok fyp is just edits with work song now?? like how does it know we were talking abt that song on here. i fear tiktok is spying on me .
and omfg. i have seen the jesus/judas edits. at first they were really funny like why are people making jesus fancams.....but then they got like actually kinda sad and i felt bad for jesus. like sorry u had shitty friends man . i promise ur really popular nowadays </3
i swear harry is being americanized. he spends so much time there hes forgotten his roots and that the rest of the world exists. like why does he need to do several shows in la or nyc when he can travel elsewhere !!
i dont trust people who dont scream cruel summer ESPECIALLY "he looks up grinning like a devil" like its a scream-or-nothing situation.
piss & gladiators <3 sorry rome but its true. maybe i can fit something else in there. rome, the eternal city of piss , pickpockets, and gladiators.
u should totally give them detentions. abuse ur power. especially if theyre making u late to exams?? so rude of them tbh.
i hate being full named sm. luckily im the one who full names liv and not the other way around so i can live in peace <3
im always seeing art with lil baby harry calling remus his uncle moony and it KILLS me every time. :((
also omg "dumpydumpster"..... fuck that old man fr.
book lovers>anyone else!!!! i cant imagine being with someone who doesnt know who remus lupin is its just not happening.
yes chess!!! every time i play i channel all my beth harmon from queens gambit energy. even if i lose it doesnt matter im still slaying.
u know putting down an answer for every question on ur exam is all that matters !! its better than nothing and i live by that.
annotating books for each other>>> i had a friend and her and her gf annotated sappho's poetry for each other. it was so fucking sweet i wanted to cry.
and hozier writing a song abt u?? literally my cause of death. get urself someone who will write a beautiful song abt u <3
i wanna go to portugal so bad. i looked up the sanctuary of our lady fatima and it looks so peaceful <3 i love old churches tbh they always have such a nice calming vibe. and omg algarve?? that looks SO NICE!!! i need to be at a beach there rn. and all the food sounds so good. im so hungry now.
oh what id give to have james' no-hangover power......that should be me.
the ship name moonwater kills me cause like why are we using reg's cause of death😭 give him a break !!!!!
omg secondary house slytherin!! welcome <3 & the only reason i have so many patronuses is cause i was unsatisfied with the first few so i retook the test a bunch LOL. i figured raven was good enough so i left it at that.
dairy queen <3
"ex gifted kid now try hard" SO TRUE!!!! why cant things just be easy now .
omg timmy tim at the oscars! if i see two timmys this year ill know whats up.
american chocolate is SO GROSS like i know canada has a lot of american chocolate too but at least we have SOME european chocolate thats actually good.
sadly the snow is pretty much gone :( it rained and now its just mush. bad day for snowmen enjoyers.
wait thats so funny to have a taller georgie i love it. and a shorter clown thats hilarious id laugh so hard
killing barty is so funny to me. like yes i like him but yes he absolutely deserves it.
ill make liv get that tattoo even if its the last thing i do idc.
hoarding nail polish and lipstick> so real of u. my nail polish collection is way too excessive and some colours are just Not it. like girl why do u need 3 different browns theyre so ugly.
that quote kills me every time i read it ( i had to read that play for a class and it was like a slap in the face fr.)
mskingbean knows whats up. and omg yes little women references<3333 they take me out every time i read them.
seeing seth rogen & john mulaney was really weird but u know whats weirder? seeingf the entire riverdale main cast walk by only for a literal train of teenage girls run after them. im not kidding it was so funny.
humpty dumpty party mix is a such a funny name ur so right actually. it even has a little humpty dumpty egg guy on the bag i love it <3
omg lover being ur first dance song <3 its the perfect song for that fr. but yes rep is perfect for when ur needing to feel like a criminal !!
fr seeing the parthenon changed my life. i need to go back or ill perish.
i think harry would be proud if he knew i came out to his song tbh. but lu figuring u out? SO REAL. liv already had her suspicions and after the crying told me i radiate "potent bisexual energy" so.
r(edge) 4ever idc. it just sounds sm better.
AHAHA va fa napoli kinda is a swear, it doesnt actually have a bad meaning but it basically sounds like "vaffanculo" which means basically "fuck you" or "go to hell". & omg wanting to learn swedish for young royals MOOD!! i took french throughout all of primary school and im still shit so. bad canadian over here
ur qs
being a gold digger is so real of u. i support this endeavor.
lily evans is such marriage material its not even funny!!!!!
SIX LANGUAGES!!!!! THATS SO COOL!!!!! we got the rosetta stone over here people. i had a friend who was gonna teach me some hindi but she moved away
topaz obsidian & amethyst <33 all so cool.
u should totally watch it, its so good. the last episode where that quote was from was genuinely the most heartbreaking and beautiful episodes of television ive ever watched like ever. it was so good.
forests <333 love myself a nice lil sun dappled forest with woodland creatures wandering about. tbh where i live u can visit all 3 at the same time so i could never pick just one.
omg a hairdresser i love that. im actually my own hairdresser (ie i dont wanna pay for a professional so i just cut and dye it myself) i wanted to be a makeup artist but that dream didnt last long.
wait cancer thats actually cool. i dont think many people know much about how it works & biology is so fascinating sometimes. and yesss ofc platonic soulmates <333 we dont have time for superficial friends!!!
timmy and louis <3 (get louis away from grandma STAT!!!!) ofc flo and zendaya. excellent choices.
*gasps in spotify user* okay but to be fair apple music & spotify are like nearly identical at this point. i only use spotify cause i dont wanna move all my music to apple music itd take way too long.
i love canis major sm. and draco too its such a cool looking constellation.
AWW i love that sm. cant believe he danced better than u thats hilarious. he came to slay and to slay ONLY!!! and the toaster gift? thats so funny and sweet. i hope hes ready to slay again at the next wedding🕺
omg wingstop i want so bad too. they make it sound so good and i need to try it before it die. and omg birria tacos are SO good. highly recommend.
answering qs
ive got a few topics actually: the life of agrippina the younger (emperor nero's mother) and her rise and fall to power; the sociopolitical role of a woman in sparta versus athens; lord of the rings as a whole; the tragedy of star wars and the themes of hope and rebellion. oh and space! i love space and astronomy sm.
worst advice ive ever given: i accidentally helped someone get rejected💀 it was the guy who liked me on and off during high school, he liked this other girl for a bit and asked me what he should do, so i told him to be honest with her and tell her how he feels or else nothing will ever happen between them, so he did and she turned him down for being too forward. oops! at least hes not into women anymore.
worst advice ive taken: tbh ive got no idea. i can be a very paranoid person so when people give me advice i take extra care to think it through so ig ive managed to avoid shitty advice.
which element id be: bismuth bc its symbol is Bi <3 and its rainbow and cool. gay element fr.
undercover spy name: this is so lame but if we're going along the james bond theme id go with 008 cause my fav number is 8.
savoury or sweet: savoury forever. i love sweet stuff but its easy to get sick of it if u have too much.
fav friend: phoebe!! also monica but only bc im a clean freak like her & i also love to cook.
3 wishes: gimme a couple million dollars, the power to stop racism/homophobia, and an endless supply of pasta and im a happy girl.
how long id last in a zombie apocalypse: id like to imagine id be absolutely killing it out there but id probably freak out and die like right away. id at least try and be the best doomsday prepper i could possibly be but i cant even drive so i dont think im lasting long
fav stone: opal! biased bc its october's birthstone but its so pretty. i also love emerald cause thats my fav colour. also malachite. very pretty colour.
fav constellation: scorpio (again, biased. but its cool looking), canis major, leo, & lupus. i cant choose just one.
weirdest dream: i once dreamt that i had lunch with anne hathaway?? it was just a normal lunch. i think i had like mac and cheese or something. i woke up very confused.
worst dream: i once dreamt that i got pregnant and my mom kicked me out & when i woke up all i wanted to know was who the father was tbh.
best dream: i once dreamt that i was living my normal life but my soulmate was there and it was great. except they didnt have a face cause idk who my soulmate is but at least i got to have a dream about it.
timmy or ben: timmy. i love ben but timmy will always be it for me. lil timmy tim girl since day one💪
movie food: popcorn for sure but also reese's! sometimes gummy worms if they have them.
last text i sent: i told one of my friends to watch lockwood & co. on netflix. v fun lil ghost hunting show based on a book series, highly recommend!
last text i got: one of my old roommates said "im always thinking about morbius" like okay girl!
phone calls or text messages: text messages!! phone calls make me so anxious. text messages at least give u time to think of a response if ur anxious. phone calls are merciless and will expose ur antisocialness.
greek tragedy hero: i got achilles. not sure how i feel abt that but okay! (omg u got orpheus thats the best possible answer imo!!)
fav meme: idk if i have one specific fav meme but dumb tiktok humour gets me a lot. back in the day old vine humour was hilarious to me (def mostly cringey now but oh so nostalgic)
qs for u!
whats something on ur bucketlist?
do u have any hobbies?
fav app on ur phone?
least fav icks?
what would u do if u won the lottery?
do u believe in ghosts/the supernatural?
where can someone find u at a party?
go-to karaoke song?
whats the craziest thing youve ever done in the name of love?
if u had to lose one of the 5 senses, which would u pick?
early bird or night owl?
if u were stranded on an island, what 3 objects would u bring with u?
unpopular marauders opinion?
what would u do if u were the last person on earth?
fav number?
fuck marry kill: james, reg, lily.
whats one language u wish u were fluent in?
thats all for now <3
(also i realized these are always SO long & im prob clogging up ur page with my rambling so if u ever want me to stop just lemme know!!!)
hi hey hello bee :)))))
tay tay -
closure - JEGULUS - listen , I think it's literally James after they break up. like to me it's him 'seeing the shape of your name still spells out pain' I can so so so imagine that being him to Regulus after a long day and all he can feel is PAIN.
out of the woods - JEGULUS - claiming this song especially for my jegulus , but to me it screams of a pair of people (James and regulus) absolutely in love and one of them (regulus) trying so so hard not to be , but 'the monsters turned out to be just trees' and 'when the sun came up you were looking at me' - so so so them.
clean - LILY - ok at first I WAS thinking jegulus , but then I listened and I was like 'Lily Evans' like can you imagine???? her after finally telling Snape to fuck the fuck off , and feeling so much pain , but then one morning waking up and finally being 'clean' (side note - I forgot that u existed is also for them)
SKSKSK I haven't finished it yet - reading mental by sara_holmes - a legilmency drarry fic in which a miscast spell makes them hear each other's thoughts. ( also no. 'tis not okay. execute you.)
chatting :))))) -
pigeons are motherfuckin ugly and I would NEVER waste my camera storage on them. I'd literally rather take a picture of a rubbish bin. hate those pesky arse bastards.
YES YES YES oh my god I'm so excited for dune 2. it has Timmy , zendaya , Flo - literally a bisexual's DREAM cast (and also Austin butler??? I think???) can't wait to go there with the old lu and fucking watch every second ( he fell asleep in the last one.)
I celebrated by getting brownies !!!! nah , honestly when they do that , I'm all like 'keep ur gob shut u mf lepers' they have no common decency like DUDE can you let me fail in peace ???
kitchen jazz , walking through the ran and threats to go to the mental hospital <3333 how lucky we are :))))
they should have a colonel sanders statue like the one of Jesus in Brazil. like , I've said this before , but no one would KNOW Kentucky if not for kfc. and horses , I think. kfc and horses.
lelblelblelb !!! that's so rude of her she should break up with him immediately. pronto. see lu hasn't had a girlfriend in the entire time I've known him. so I'm thinking he'll still be a loner at 40. I might not be. (jk we both won't be. he'll find some girl and I'll find someone too!!! (said depressed because I haven't yet found someone) )
nah she's a bitch for real. but she's pretty. but she's a bitch. girl fuck your RAM and your motherboards. and there are so many bigger things to worry about. like global warming or whatever.
IK IK IK I LOVE HER XENO SO SO MUCH !!!! pandora was winning fr fr. (as was he. both are equally lucky to have each other)
I KNOW THAT MOMENT REALLY MADE IT FOR THE WOLFSTAR SHIPPERS !!!!!! like damn we made it happen. I just fuckin know it (so did we with the Timmy x Gary thing. like they for sure knew.)
hozier literally HEALS my soul. like he (and lu) are the only men ever <33 I think I'd be in fuckin tears if I ever went to a concert. (also same??? I got like three videos of Canadian glow coins ???)
Jesus/judas - nah I saw one of the Great War nd I fr was feeling for JESUS. like bro knew it was judas and he didn't say anything and ,,,, tragic (listen it may be blasphemous but I can so see like a Jesus/judas style marauders au. like it's so blasphemous. but it would be so good.)
IT'S YOUUUU SHAPE OF YOUR BODY IS BLUEEE FEELING I GOT IS OOOOOH WOAH WOAH IT'S A CRUEEEL SUMMER (gotta go throw rocks at someone's window fr fr and have him look up 'grinning like a devil' like DAMN.)
piss , pickpockets & gladiators <333 London is the city of pigeons , rain and red buses. what's yours up there in canada??
it's so cool u can full name liv , because it's the other way round for me. like in a fully LOUD voice he full names me and I'm like 'fuck okay this shit serious'
and about lil harry and uncle moony I found this canary u might like (ac: letraspal)
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I hate dumpydumpster so much. how dare u hurt my boy harry like that. (u bet I'm going to take it out on him in doa)
yes how am I supposed to be with u if u don't read. how are we supposed to keep each other silent company u don't fuckin read. and and remus lupin is god how can someone not know him.
CHESSSSS. I LOVE THE VIBES AND I'M GOING TO LEARN I SWEAR. and queen's gambit energy slays whether u win or lose. just saying.
except when the question is some astronomical shit and all u can think of is - damn. gonna pull a hitchhikers guide to the galaxy and go for '42'.
ahhhh Fatima is my safe space.( and yes old churches on top. but there's an abandoned church like three streets away and it's like a horror movie style church. literally abandoned. posters from the war or some shit it's scary fr fr) and ALGARVEEEE algarve is home home. (the food is top-notch so I get u so hard) !!!
no same because hangovers are the reason Lucifer fell from heaven like wtf ???? (although lu does have a hangover cure , and if I'm the drunk one and he makes it I'm always at least 50% better. he a real one for that.)
THIS. EXACTLY. like moonseeker? at least do that?? give my boy a break okay like damn.
yes exactly like u better not stick me with shit like mole or rat or something u best believe I'm retaking that test. (thank u I feel welcomed indeed. but careful because I'm still a brave at heart.)
I want to go Dairy Queen.and wingstop. ESPECIALLY. wingstop.
got them chills from tmt like that song HITS HITS.
Timmy Tim and Tim Timmy <333
european chocolate is the only chocolate that should exist. ban American chocolates. (also cannot believed they banned kinder eggs. like wtf dude???)
that's annoying as fuck I hate when that happens. sue the sky.
EXACTLYYYY OH MY GOD. a taller Georgie and a shorter it and it was fucking hilarious. everyone complimented us and we were so proud!!!
yes like I like him in fics in canon he go fuck himself into the deep pits of the nether worlds.
I would just burst into tears. straight up.
mskingbean oh how I love her. lw references have my heart (literally going to write one in chapter 13. so excited.)
who the fuck would run after them. if it was me I'd be running away.
nah that sounds like such a fun cute lil snack I love that shit.
harry would love that for u. liz and lu know what's up , they got their bisexual best friends , and now they're allied as fuck.
glad it's a semi-swear. that's so fun omg. also I also took French in primary and secondary and I still cannot speak more than 'je ma pellet' (not correct but u get it). Lu's a fluent frenchie though , so I always got him to do my French hw , and I'd do his English. fair exchanges , that way .
THANK U I LOVE BEING MULTILINGUAL !!!! also why everyone of urs moving away. that's kinda sad. (I teach u Hindi. then u can watch Bollywood movies which HIT.)
yes like picnics in the forests with little bunnies running around in the sun aahhhhh. (also not being able to pick is so fuckin real of u. like I get that so hard.)
I too am my own hairdresser ( I lied because I tried then just called lu to do it for me so TECHNICALLY he's my hairdresser but I digress) I'm gonna be honest here. glad u moved away from the make up artist dream because no way would I be paying 500£ for facial makeup like girl damn does that shit come with a free diamond necklace or something ???
I know I know I moan about it tonnes but bio and them are my THINGS. and oncology + cancer has always been a bit of an interesting thing to me. very cool to learn about . (and yes!! we take only diamonds of friends !!!)
GET LOUIS AWAY FROM GRANDMA. and straight to me. I could treat him right. ( all jokes I have one louis already (that's lu right there.) however I might abandon my louis for that louis !!!
Apple Music is just BETTER. sorry , bee , I shall never use Spotify. Apple Music is like the HD version of Spotify.
Canis Major (especially the alpha star wink wink) & Draco stay winning I love them so so much.
he SLAYED. he slays always he's so good at dancing makes me jealous fr. and yes a toaster , and I told him not to bother but he did. which , admittedly , very sweet of him.
one day many years in the future I shall brave America just for the wingstop. (now I want to eat those birria tacos so bad like god come in my mouth rn bbs.)
reviewing ur q's <333 -
THIS ALL SOUNDS SO INTERESTING ??? I AM SIMPLY IN AWE ???? also yess yess yess space and astronomy forever like looking through a telescope being there being real and just so .... ethereal. love that for us ex-astronomy bitches.
nah bro got done so bad he switched to the other side. now I wanna know if he's still getting done bad by the men. but u did what u had to , and it's really just his fault.
avoiding shitty advice like YESS YESSS DAMNNNNN I wish I could do the same.
bismuth for bi is so real. bisexuals for the winnnnn. I'd be polonium because I want to be a poison. dangerous as fuck.
008 sounds so cool , but 007 has a ring to it. like it just does. idk what I'd be. 007 is my go to. so double oh seven it is.
no literally I can never get tired of savoury stuff , but I can of sweet things. like no one ever gets it , but I'm absolutely right. (brownies are the only exception to this rule)
Phoebe and Monica !!!! my baes I love them so much !!! my favourite friend is joey. I aspire to be a loveable slut too <33
a couple MILLION???? I'd be shooting for the billions ??? bad one bee. endless pasta yesssss as u should !!! (and yes so noble of u to stop the world problems. such a good person !!!! )
nah same I'd be killing myself before any clown kills me. or I'd be like Eddie , survive till the second movie then die on the cusp of happiness.
OPALS ARE SO PRETTY THEY'RE LIKE MADE OF PARADISE I SWEAR. and I fucking love emeralds and malachite (idk what the last one is but I'm trying)
YESSS SCORPIO IS SO PRETTY TOO!!! Canis Major also a win yessss. and Leo. ahhhh reggie I love u . but not as much as sirius. but I love u. AND LUPUS OMG (makes note of sirius telling remus about his very own star)
idk what you're talking about having lunch with Anne Hathaway is perfectly normal. and Mac and cheese with the queen of Genova ??? stay winning girl , love that for u and ur funny little brain.
nah because same. I had a whole ass baby with someone , beautiful and blonde and it was a cute lil baby boy and I was such a happy mother then I woke up and I was sad ???? like bro u were never a mother LET IT GO !!! pregnancy dreams are weird as fuck. especially when u dk who the father was.
ahhh yess having your soulmate by your side yessss I love. I've had so many dreams but I never know who the person is. like reveal yourself heathen so I can find u and kiss you on the mouth.
yes ben barnes hits but not as hard as Timmy Tim Tim.
this movie food sounds lovely. once I took a whole steak too the movies. + Yorkshire puddings. (but its okay because cinemas here don't have ushers. ) and people around us were eating shit like fucking lobster. like idk what we were on but that movie everyone was eating high cuisine. (but I love a good box of smarties , nachos + gummy worms myself. ALSO THE RAZZLE DAZZLE CHOCOLATE BUTTONS. THE WHITE ONES.)
ooooh interesting. I've actually seen some ads for that shit , adding to my list rn. (my own last text was 'can I be the banker today' and u can very well guess who it was to)
yes girl ! go ! to therapy !! (the last text I got was 'YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY NOT BEING THE BANKER. FUCK NO. I'D RATHER KILL MYSELF. )
no yes I so get this because same. there's literally only one person I'd ever phone call/ FaceTime (lu) and I'm on ft with him now (he's not being neglected it's like a mutual study session where I study and he studies and also makes sure I'm studying.
achilles ! wow idk how to feel about that myself. u better not lose your lover or else you will literally raze the earth. (and I better not lose mine or I'll lose them again)
no same there are so many good memes idk how to choose it's way too hard. this one is my favourite-
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my q's !!! -
getting married and having a family. I know I know some people will say 'not very feminist' (fuck them feminism is about choice) and dw CAREER is still on top. but I know I'm going to do that shit. I want that true love type of thing. the kind where you look at someone and go 'yes. you. you're the one.' that kind. damn this shit got me sentimental as fuck. and I really just want that happily ever after with my person and I want to have a family too. AND A CAREER. but I'd do that on my own too. u get me ??
eating brownies. and baking brownies. and jazz dancing. but brownies and jazz. and also , obviously reading and writing !!!
probably Tumblr. everyone is so chill here I love it.
are u asking about my idk ?? like the one thing that a potential date or someone would do to turn me off immediately ??? I'll answer it like u are hold on. when he's a mummy's boy. (and I've had this experience specifically with a boy). like oh my mum doesn't like it when u do that. my mum doesn't want me to do that. my mum would do that for me why don't u. idk motherfucker maybe because I'm not your mum????? the fuck ??? go date her then ????
world trip with my best friend and buy a huge giant mansion and fucking have the time of my life. and donate to charity and stuff , obviously.
near the window next to the snack table eating a cracker and holding a can of coke and chatting to lu. (if sober) // if not sober then on top of lu piggy back style trying to unscrew the light bulb and saying it's too hot but getting cheered on also by the unsober crowd. true story. happens weirdly often ?? but I always ask for piggy-backs when drunk it's like ... a thing.
hmmm. going to go for platonic soulmatism (sorry to anyone I've dated. I just haven't crazy things for u. u were nice though. some of u that is.) I put itching powder in the uniform of a guy on the rival hockey team (he'd fouled lu and he was all taunty and shit and I had it in my pockets only because we'd passed by a partica shop and I had to go inside to buy shit for a party and I was like 'damn itching powder this is fun'). rest be assured Lu's team did indeed win. (the guy had rashes on his face next time I saw him , which , not my fault because that's not where I put the itching powder ??)
speaking. I can write notes , I can hear music , I can see my peoples. I don't mind never talking again.
night owl. I love getting my shit done late and staying up till like late then going to bed and refusing to wake up ever. this is also another reason I get full-named by lu sometimes. he literally has had to wake me up by throwing shit at my window before.
Swiss army knife , first aid kit , and lu. if people are not allowed , then I say phone. call for emergency and shit. or if people aren't counted , then I say monopoly. maybe the imminent cause of death will make him let me be the banker.
listen this is very unpopular but -it's not misogynistic if people say 'lily potter' instead of 'Lily Evans' . like that was her name. people are fully allowed to call her that??? it's not unfeminist to take your husband's last name , and someone should tell them that. (not talking about when she isn't married to James or when she's younger. ) but u get what I mean. like let people live damn she is a potter. at least in canon.
kill myself. very simple. but I'd need lu at the very least. can't live on the earth without the best friend (very sirius x James . except sirius did live without James....) I'd straight up kill myself if he died. very dramatic , I know. but we go down together !
3. u might have seen the reblog on my blog of this number going everywhere. but 3 is very dear to me. I think I really hate 2 though. like that bitch can go die in a ditch somewhere. '23' is a close second (hello I was born on the 23rd)
fuck lily marry James kill reg. sorry reg but I'm pulling the 'they're good people' thing. but I still love you. but I love them more.
hmm. I do wish I was fluent in French. I think I'd love to understand half the shit lu keeps saying to me. and maybe I'd've got a better grade in my French exams in secondary school !
q's for uuuu -
are you a mirrorball or this is me trying ?
drarry or dramione (feel ashamed to ask but I feel like I should )?
one ship has to go - jily or regulus ?
wolf star or jegulus ?
craziest thing you've ever done in the name of love ?
craziest thing someone's done in the name of love for you?
funniest story you have ?
craziest rumour you've ever heard ?
bitchiest thing someone has ever said ?
harry or Hermione ?
dramione or romaine (again , obvious answer , but I still want to ask )?
0 notes
astaraels · 7 years
we started watching Black Sails the other day and when I saw Billy I was like "wait why do I know him" apparently he was in Barbarians Rising as Arminius and so I'm like WELP GOTTA GO WATCH THAT AGAIN NOW TOO all I gotta say is DEM ARMS, BOY hnngh
2 notes · View notes
theyarebothgunshot · 3 years
I’d be very interested in your thoughts on the JIB8 cockles panel. just a suggestion for your rewatch 👀
i’ve seen the jib8 panel so many times, because it’s honestly one of the wildest things i have ever seen and i just never get tired of it. 
first of all i want to give you my take on the overall vibe, and then second of all i will get into the details and link to certain timestamps in the video. 
disclaimer: i am not gonna be linking to every single thing i talk about, but i will try my best to link to the moments that stand out to me the most. i have read long posts about this panel before, so not everything in this post is gonna be original or said for the first time ever, simply because there is a good chance that information has stuck in my mind and has subconsciously formed my view of this panel. this is also in no way, shape or form gonna be coherent, unfortunately. i’m just gonna hope that the cockles hivemind will be able to make sense of this regardless. love and light. and lastly, this is all in good fun, so don’t come at me if you think this is too out there please and thank you.
fun fact: i was today years old when i found out that the airbnb story took place one day before this panel. what a sexually charged weekend that was for them dude (gn).
the vibe that i get from this panel is that their moods were off before they got on stage, and where misha kind of looks tired and not 100% enthusiastic about things, jensen apparently decided to get drunk and is trying to make it look like he is thriving. yet, a little while into the panel we learn that it has been an emotional rollercoaster of a day for him, which might have something to do with the overall mood. then again, it could be that something else happened in between the autographs and that panel, who is to say?
i have talked about the d/s subtones in their interactions before and this panel makes my radar ping like nobody’s business. if my interpretation of their dynamics is right, then one could assume that jensen was being very bratty on purpose, trying to stir up a reaction in misha, and i think he probably got what he wanted (more or less. maybe he thought misha would find it more amusing than he did, or but honestly, at that point they have already known each other for nearly 10 years so odds are he knew what he was doing and how misha would react to it. it would surprise me greatly if these two didn’t work out their mutual frustrations with the day and each other after this panel ended- in the bedroom.)
i genuinely think i have never seen jensen flirt more openly and aggressively with misha, ever, and i have never seen misha in the state he was in during this panel either: tired, a little annoyed about the fact that jensen was going off the deep end and that he was not able to stop him, to the point where he just gives up and says things like ‘when in rome’ etc. let’s get into it. 
the mood is set from the very first second: misha is kinda subdued, and jensen is being a bit of a clown, coaxing misha to join him in the madness, which he does to a certain extent. 
we are off to a great start with not just one [0m15s], but two [0m20s] moments in which i just know in my bones they wanted to hold hands. how do i know? because i have been there my fucking self. wanting to hold hands with your crush when you are drunk and acting silly is a love language okay.
as soon as they sit down, misha tries to make conversation and jensen just starts pushing him and pushing him, [1m11s] saying ‘shut up’ and ‘yeah it’s really stupid and it embarrasses me’, but misha tries to ignore it at first and just marches on through. which is probably why i never see people talk about that little comment. it embarrasses jensen when misha sits like that? why would he need to feel embarrassed by his friend’s actions? kinda weird tbh, sounds like husband behavior to me. i have a feeling that when misha said ‘by which he means it’s an innie’, jensen REALLY had to bite on his tongue not to go all ‘you weren’t complaining this morning’ or something like that. look at his face bro [1m55s]. 
and then jensen opens up his legs like the little tramp (affectionate) that he is and when misha tries to stop him he just TURNS to misha with said open legs like a mad man and goes ‘here’s the thing. pick a leg.’ [2m05s] LIKE? who DOES THAT? that is insane people behavior!!! admittedly i am a cis woman and i don’t have conversations with male friends about their bodily anatomy all that often, but i legit cannot phatom that this is a normal thing to talk about with your platonic buddy. pick a leg for me to rest my dick on, old buddy old pal. NOBODY DOES THAT. it’s not even something that i would consider flirting because even though i am into men, i would not find that arousing? so it’s either an action to provoke annoyance in misha or it’s something they have discussed before or both. because misha immediately understands what he means, starts shaking his head in frustration, and actually turns to jensen as if to say ‘are you fucking kidding me right now? really? you are really doing this?’ followed by a ‘this is making me feel so uncomfortable’ aka one of the phrases they both like to use even though they never mean it. 
then when jensen actually goes up to do his ridiculous mating dance and sits back down again, he automatically sits down with his body turned towards misha. 
quick side note: if anybody understands what the joke was about when they talked about ‘cas has big dolls’ i would love to hear it, because that has never made any sense to me, but it’s probably a me problem lmao. 
when misha goes ‘could you watch your language please’ i think that’s a sign that he is genuinely getting a bit frustrated [4m53s] with jensen even though he is obviously playing it off as a joke. right after he says that, jensen puts his fingers against his mouth, as if to shut himself up. i know that a lot of people don’t wanna read too much into body language but hey, i am writing an analysis here so work with me for a sec: i think that could be a subconscious decision to listen to what misha is telling him to do, which ties into the d/s dynamics i’ve mentioned earlier. 
i know people always go crazy when misha goes ‘what did i tell him’ [5m19s] and jensen whispers in his ear. i personally think misha probably told him about the fact that they booked kansas the band, but it’s still pretty telling that that is how misha would react to the question if something he told him is public knowledge. evidently that goes to show that there is enough that misha tells jensen that cannot be shared with the public, which i thought is interesting. 
now that i am watching it again, the ‘j*red would have just said it’ comment kind of stumbles around in my brain asking me to dissect it. let’s just say that i wouldn’t be surprised if they were both thinking back on the many, many times that j*red put his foot in his mouth and made a suggestive comment about jensen and misha’s relationship. 
god i just cringed [6m14s] watching jensen interact with that first girl who asked a question and he just goes off on her about how twins are cool and misha is shaking his head lord oh lord and that is the minute daniella decides that hey maybe they need even more alcohol lmfaoooo it’s a lot. poor misha i genuinely feel bad for him.
and then he goes ‘real men have twins’ and looks at misha and misha is still not having it so he goes ‘it’s just a shirt’ like girl (gn) pleASE that’s husband behavior, yet again, why else would he feel the need to clarify it. ‘look babe don’t be mad or jealous i don’t mean anything by it, it’s just a shirt’ i hate him. 
i just know misha would have wanted to take the apple juice away from jensen lmao. 
one of the moments [9m35s] that always stands out to me is when they go ‘that’s why we don’t bring steven’ ‘that’s right, that’s why he’s not allowed’ idk how to explain it but the way that just flows out of them so naturally feels very coupley for some reason.
i think we can all agree that jensen’s reaction [12m22s] to misha’s ‘i always wear orange underwear’ story is completely fake, right? because there is no way he didn’t know that, and his reaction was very exaggerated. plus, the little gesture to make misha show his underwear? bitch, please. whipped. there was also exactly zero reason for him to come that close to misha in order to inspect the color of his underwear.
the one thing that i wonder about, though, is why misha didn’t know jensen was wearing the famous underbear briefs? but as i am writing this i realise that even if they slept in the same hotel room, there are obviously a few different possible reasons why misha didn’t know what underwear jensen was wearing that day: either jensen showered and changed in the bathroom, so by the time he faced misha again he was fully dressed, or misha had to leave their hotel room earlier than jensen, or jensen changed while misha showered, etc etc. 
in any case……. jensen dropping trou in the middle of this fucking panel? absolutely batshit insane, 10/10 thank you for your service nesnej. 
this [13m54s] is where shit really starts to hit the fan. jensen is OUT OF CONTROL. the long stares??? the ‘rawr’s??? ‘you didn’t even get the full picture’??? (sidenote i would love to know what misha whispered to him right after).
OKAY so. when the girl mentions j*red and jensen goes all Knowing What’s Up and says ‘oh he has had a rough time today. misha kept us up way too late last night. *glances at misha* rrrrrrr’ listen. the only reason i am not reading too much into this is because i do not believe they had a threesome with j*red but also the way he said it was very sus and my mind can’t help but wonder if they were disgustingly flirty and way too touchy feely in front of j*red whilst drunk and honestly that’s probably the case.
of course this is followed [15m15s] by the insane man saying ‘by the way they go down to here’??? and the potentially whispered ‘i’ll show you later’?????? sir i have a lot of questions. number one: how dare you? 
bless this next person for this question, because she starts her sentence with: ‘people who have been together for a long time…’ i actually already made a post about this once so i implore you all to read that because i still stand by what i said in there.
it is of course followed by them both not being able to think about ANYTHING appropriate to say to the question if there is anything they only do in front of each other that doesn’t involve pants. and then misha goes ‘why don’t i just share a private moment that we had’ and jensen’s first instinct is to say ‘shit’. i mean. i am merely perceiving. 
this is the moment we realise that it has been quite The Day for them, but especially for jensen, because he has been emotional earlier in the day. which, again, could explain his demeanor during the panel. trying to distract himself. notice that he gets up and shakes his legs again and goes for a drink the second misha starts to tell the story: coping mechanisms aka distraction, just like he did at the start of the panel. 
the moment where he goes ‘it’s hitting me now. shit.’ really solidifies this theory for me, that he has been acting like a goofy drunken guy all panel, in order to drown out the emotions he felt that afternoon, but alas. once he started to talk about it, it still all came back to him. 
i will say this though: it kind of warms my heart that he was so touched by the fact that the fandom spawned something good. makes me feel slightly less dumb for forming parasocial relationships with that man. only slightly, but still. 
misha going ‘god he’s so grouchy’ [25m32s]? say it with me, folks: husband behavior. once again misha tries to talk jensen down and jensen listens (sort of). say it with me, folks: d/s behavior. and RIGHT after that jensen walks towards misha with this intense fucking stare in his eyes that makes me feel like i am intruding, and then after he gets another drink (nesnej, why?) he just. gently massages misha’s neck and shoulder before draping his arm around him? and his hand lingers when he goes to grab the keychain? okay. 
insert the famous ‘when in rome’ debacle lmao misha was so done with jensen by then it’s so hilarious. the funny thing is that misha says ‘what i mean is show each other our underwear, nothing weird. you can’t look at me like that, because of what you did’, while the question was ‘what would dean and cas do in rome’ and not ‘what would jensen and misha do in rome’ but clearly, once again, the actors cannot make a distinction between the two. interesting :) it also wouldn’t surprise me if jensen has told him to tone down the dean/cas answers but now that jensen decided to fully flash him on stage misha is like ‘sorry but i am not playing by your rules after what you did’ lmao. of course, jensen’s reaction is to go back to parting his legs for misha, like he is challenging him. i mean. you can’t make this shit up. 
am i the only one who thinks that jensen might be thinking dirty thoughts when misha repeats ‘what would dean and cas do’ [27m50s]? because like. that’s quite a face he is making.
when he says ‘i don’t know how to answer that’ and misha agrees, idk, for some reason i get the feeling that that’s in the sense of ‘i don’t know how to answer that in a way that won’t get our fans’s hopes up because we know what they would want and we know what we would answer but we can’t go there’. 
i really feel like the final straw for daniella was the way that jensen reacted to that last question like he was gonna have another breakdown lmao and that’s why the rest of the cast and crew were pushed onto the stage prematurely. because when you think about it, it’s a pretty rude thing to do when somebody is still answering a question? but okay. 
listen - the last 6 minutes of this panel are so chaotic sdjfhsjh the only thing i can conclude from it is that jensen is hella drunk but we’ve been knew. his mood changes by the fucking second. i love him and his little dance and how he sits down on the stage. i feel like i might be jensen coded when i am drunk. i too get slutty and unpredictable. 
so anyways long story short: jensen was hella drunk and wanted to provoke misha, it worked, they had hot sweaty sex after this panel, and the fact that jensen got drunk enough to entrust misha with taking care of shit during the panel makes me very emotional for some reason, and i just love them a lot. thank you for coming to my ted talk. 
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bitchapalooza · 3 years
Romano :)
First impression
Early fandom, I really did just jump right into fanon portrayal. Asshole. Conceded. Lazy. Ect. I actually disliked him. I didn't hate him, but I did dislike him to a degree.
Impression now
Oh no yeah I hate him, you guys should know this by now.
Jk jk, I love him, obviously! After actually looking into his character and analyzing it, he's complex and well written, when before I thought he was just a poorly written character. It's pretty obvious he has some serious issues to him, one of which could be intentional or unintentional emotional abuse from those around him or specifically from Rome— I say this because most of what he does, putting himself down and having low effort and cowering behind his brother/others during conflict, could be a result of such kind of abuse. You really don't get that way randomly. Through his interactions with his younger brother, I can tell he deep down wants to actually make a connection, its just he doesnt know how. Its in his nature, most likely learned nature, to push people away so as to not mess things up and lose them. But really he does want to get close to people. As shown with his interactions with Spain, both younger and older, and America.
Favorite moment
Its a tie between:
Him asking Spain for fun stuff to do with the ladies, specifically bullfighting, and then Spain responding with saying he'll be the bull. I like it because it really does display how Romano's view and relationship with Spain has progressed since he was a child when he absolutely detested Spain. Thats growth :)
And then there's when Prussia reaches out to a crying Romano. He cheers him up and then they try to make a movie together. It doesn't work out but it was a nice character detail and interaction nonetheless!
Idea for a story
Oh I have tons.
I have a scrapped three part story for all three Italy brothers, each one focusing on one brother. The first part would have been Romano's. He and his brothers lost their parents to a home evasion gone wrong, to which they were hiding in Seb's nursary/shared bedroom(amongst all three of them) closet that was left alone(what would baby stuff be worth anyway?? It was an unspoken fact that his parents told the robbers they were away at their grandparents). It was Romano's self assigned job to make sure his brothers were then safe after the crooks left; his several months old baby brother and deaf little brother(I wanted to explore how to write a deaf character at the time). After all thats done, it shifts to modern day where Romano wakes up from the dream as described above, an indication he bears a great deal of trauma over it despite what he stubbornly says. I reveal he's a pediatric nurse and he's currently taking care of his grandfather with alzheimer's(again, was trying to explore things) while simultaneously dealing with his now rebelling teenage brother and preparing for Vene's return from a semester off from college. He also had his relationship with Spain to maintain, to which he also is looked at as a kind of father figure by Spain's six year old son. It was a lot to deal with for one person. The message for his story was supposed to be Mental Health First as his nelgected trauma would be a significant factor into why things were falling apart near the climax of the story before completely collasping then being solved once he takes that big step into recovery such as seeing a therapist and actually communicating with his family.
Unpopular opinion
I've already stated it all before, but Romano isn't stupid nor is he not creative. I believe he excells in science and math more, as well as astonomy as side hobby/interest. I think he's just better at sculpting than drawing/painting too. He clearly compares himself to, who he refers to, his more successful brother Veneziano, plus others around him and puts himself down quite a lot. So he most likely has imposter syndrome.
Favorite relationship
It kinda varies in context.
In canonverse, Its Romerica. @thatsamericano (hope you dont mind the tag) has a lot to do with why tbh. They just work really well together! Every canon interaction is like a hug to my soul! I feel as though America hypes Romano up A LOT. Like Romano sets out to do something but then gets anxious about it. So America swoops in and lists all the obvious pros and few of the cons just to make it seem legit(whisch it always is either way). Meanwhile, I think Romano actually keeps America grounded to reality? America is a dreamer and seems to act on impulse a lot. Romano is the opposite. Before America ever sets out to do something extreme that might not actually pan out, Romano might sit down and get him to talk it out and write everything down. Then they'd go through together and cut things so its more realistically reachable and doesnt end in America's dissapointment.
In a human au, its Spamano. I tend to like Spamano in the context of established relationship and just general partner stuff. I've never really branched out of this comfort zone, however. I think their personalities mix really well together. Its the grumpy one with the sunny one! I can see Spain being the early bird and making Romano a surprise breakfast before work begins. He probably gently wakes Romano too so hes still not so sleepy later on. Then theres Romano who's probably the type of partner who checks in on Spain on his schedualed breaks, when hes not also working of course. He just strikes me as the type who likes to know his partner's overall health and mood and likes to hear how things are going for the day so far, even if he wont admit it.
Favorite headcanon
Trans man Romano baybie✌
He's had top surgery already but he's waiting a little bit for bottom surgery. He's a little nervous and not entirely sure he's ready to go thru with it yet. But to combat his bottom dysphoria, he uses a packer or just lounges around the baggiest sweat pants he owns.
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colethewolf · 3 years
imma just say this because another anon brought up hoechlin and this obsession with him being in the closet is kinda weird. it honestly comes off as though you (and others) just want to justify objectifying him. and the whole making it out as if he is a bad person for not coming out is also fucked. and the fact that YOU specifically make a habit of laughing off his relationships with women as if bisexuality/pansexuality aren't valid sexual orientations in your eyes when it comes to hoechlin
i'm sure you'll deny it but it kinda reeks of biphobia/panphobia the way you jump to assuming he is gay and being so vehement that his relationships with women were just them being his "beards". he dated brittany snow for years (around 4 i think) but yet you insist it was all just her being his "beard" or you point to his recent flings as being "arranged". neither you or i know the man's life so i don't know why you assume so much shit and why you hate on every woman he's been with tbh
Sweetheart, I don't know why you're so offended, but I'm going to tell you right now that it's embarrasing. First off, I rarely mention my thinking that Hoechlin is gay. But if you want to act like it's an everyday occurrence, that's your prerogative. Secondly, how exactly would thinking Hoechlin to be gay equate to objectification? Are you under the assumption that he couldn't be objectified if he were straight, bi, pan, etc.?
I've also never said that being closeted makes you a bad person, so I don't even know where you're pulling that out from. I've frequently said that being closeted is sad and that it's unfair queer people have to fear coming out into the world as they are. I've always said that queer people get to come out on their terms/when they want.
Also, I can laugh at whatever celebrity relationships I want to laugh at. Me laughing at the fact that Hoechlin flew to Rome to take really embarrassing paparazzi photos holding hands/kissing some random model doesn't equal me thinking bisexuality or pansexuality aren't valid sexualities. You're either delusional or stupid or both to think as such.
I'm not required to "believe" in the authenticity of Hollywood romances, especially when like 70% of them are totally fake and publicity stunts put on by agencies to make sure their stars are in the public eye before movies and album drops. I'm not even required to respect, like, cherish, or drool over authentic Hollywood relationships.
Yes, I think Hoechlin is gay. Yes, I think he beards. Yes, I think his "relationships" with Brittany and those random foreign models were bearding attempts to make him look like he some hot straight stud. No, I don't hate any of those women. I just don't care about them. They're entirely irrelevant to me, just like I'm entirely irrelevant to them.
Anyways, you wanted to close out the point you were trying to make by saying: "neither you or I know the man's life", and yet here you were in my askbox trying to tell me that there's no way Hoechlin is gay because he dated women and that means he could be straight, bi, or pan.
I don't know why in the world you think that you're allowed to speculate about celebrities, so as long as the speculation involves Hoechlin being attracted to women. But then you get all pissy in people's askboxes when they say that they think Hoechlin isn't attracted to women. Like, why are you mad?
You don't stand a chance with him anyways, babe.
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blackberry-gingham · 3 years
The love language concept sounds interesting! I’d say George’s love language/the way he shows love is physical touch, Paul’s is receiving gifts, Ringo’s is positive affirmation mixed with quality time, and tbh I’m not to sure for John. maybe acts or service or quality time for him?
Mwahaha, you've fallen into my trap! The truth is I wanted to do this topic more or less for myself, but felt bad bc I still have a few requests left to do. So thank you for sending in a "request" for me so that I can do one out of order real quick >:3
Lol but really tho, thank you for humoring me and these are good! I could honestly see all of these, but for John I'd say acts of service with you, bc the "To Do" stuff just sounds like his character tbh, but maybe also I feel like there's some physical touch too???
Ik I've heard that John kind of actually didn't like being touched, but I mean... If you look at literally any picture of him with Yoko, he's always at least holding her hand, if not just totally draped all over her lol, so I'm assuming for an S/O it's totally different!
But anyway, here's some headcannons real quick and then back to requests. Thanks everyone!
Honestly? I feel like George would just not be able to keep his hands off you
Like, not necissarily in a sexual way (although that too, if you're in the mood lol), it's just that he loves to let you and everyone else know you're his
He's not all too shy about it either lol
I mean obviously he saves the more lovey dovey stuff for private places, but in public he still has a lot to offer
Everytime he sees you he kisses you either on the cheek, forehead, or mouth and then pulls you in for a hug
Then the rest of the time, as long as he doesn't have to be working, he likes to hold your hand and play with your hair
And if he's feeling a little risqué, he likes to let you sit on his lap and cuddle against him
In private tho...
Oh, he is all over you!!!
You are his sanctuary and safe haven away from the public eye and the daily grind that comes with being a Beatle
I've seen quite a few quotes from geo lamenting the fact that he and the others had literally no private life thanks to their stardom
So yeah, believe me when I say he could live a thousand years and still never feel like he could repay you for giving him the rest and love he needs
He'd be like a long, giant cat. Wherever you are, whatever you're doing, if he has an opportunity to snuggle up to you, he takes it
And if he's not exhausted, and if you let him !! he likes to just touch and kiss your body and face
Having that closeness and intimacy is so important to him, he wants to let you know how deeply he loves you
All of you
And of course, the best way you can return his love language back to him is by returning the intimacy he does for you!
When in Rome, after all
Honestly, just by accepting his offers when he initiates a request to hold your hand or hug or cuddle, he already appreciates that!
But if you initiate any of those things, he's definitely feeling the love!!
Although, one thing you like to do a bit different is giving massages
Of course George would certainly give you one if you asked!
But since he's usually tired, either mentally or physically, from always being on the go, you like to do him a favor lol
And he loves it
Seriously, you've never seen a man more blissed out then George gets over something as simple as a back or scalp massage
Assuming he doesn't fall asleep under the spell of your skillful fingers, he repays you with kisses or cuddles after :)
Ok idk if I'm like projecting, or reaching, or SOMETHING along those lines, but I feel like of all the boys, John is probably the one most looking for a true partner, as in like his other half
Paul is very close behind with his relationship with Linda, but for John it always came off as a need for him, more then like a want or nice thing to have
So anyway, all this to say that as far as acts of service goes, I think he gets a lot of security out of receiving this!
Like, whenever John's feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed having you there to approach the issues with an objective mindset is a HUGE relief
Really, like I cannot stress this enough
Phrases like, "What can I do to take some pressure off for you?"
Or, "Well what if we just focus on x for now, and then we can take care of y and z tomorrow?"
All give him such a powerful sense of relief
And of course, the way that you, you know, actually follow up on your word, makes him fall even deeper in love with you then he thought possible
Now on the other hand, is physical touch
While this is a part of his love language cocktail, John likes to express this one a bit more then he likes to receive it
You see, unlike George, John is a little more reserved with his PDA
He will kiss you and hold your hand of course! But unfortunately his anxiety is a thing, so as much as he hates it, he has to reserve his physical affection for more private settings
But when you two are alone, he's like puddy in your hands!
He likes to just hold you a lot
It doesn't matter if you're preoccupied with something else, like a book or the telly, he just wants to have physical contact with you
And if you can do any of those things cuddled up on his lap or against his chest, even better!
But also, John definitely loves to get that energy back
He likes it when you give him cute little kisses and pet his head
I think he'd also like it if you rubbed his temples or the bridge of his nose/third eye lol
Wearing glasses all day can get uncomfortable you know!!
I think if you can establish that trust and physical closeness, that's when you'd also get a return on his acts of service
Really, if you've bonded this deeply with John he'd do literally anything for you
Whatever you need, whatever you want, if he can do it he will and if he can't he'll find a way to do it anyway!
He'd be loyal to a fault and love you forever after
Please tell me why I could see Paul being your sugar daddy on the low 😭😭
Really, like he just likes to spoil you!
Honestly if someone showed me proof that the real actual, 78 year old, 2021 Paul McCartney uses stacks of hundred dollar bills as tinder for his fireplace, I literally wouldn't even blink
Like even back in the day, he's got that Beatles' money baby !!! and he.... Kinda doesn't care for it, actually
I personally don't think any of the boys come across as like money hungry or something like that, but I could see Paul especially figuring that he might as well use all this dumb money to buy you things you like!
It may feel overwhelming to be on the receiving end of so many random, but expensive gifts tbh
You might even tell him to stop or that he doesn't have to do all that!!
I think he'd be able to understand that overwhelming you with nice things kinda has the opposite effect of what he's intending, but....
He just gets a little carried away sometimes lol
I mean growing up he didn't have all that much, and even now, like obviously nice things are nice, but meh
What he really wants to do is make sure you're enjoying the high life too!
I could see him doing more of writing you songs and music instead so that he can still fulfil his desire to give, should you feel uncomfortable with the fancy gifts
But yeah, if you're uncomfortable he totally would get that and dial back the materialism, but if you don't mind, then he doesn't either!!
Now you might be wondering how you, a delightfully average person, could impress Paul McCartney with a gift giving love language...
I mean, what do you give the man who has everything?
Well I'd tell you this... It's simple!
You could bring him literally anything that you find meaningful and be like "This made me think of you!" or "I just thought you'd like this!" and he'll love it!
He would definitely run up some organized collections of the little things you've given him
He has some dedicated display boxes for all the random, shiny rocks and pebbles you've found
A little filing drawer of all the notes you've ever wrote him
And if you like art or photography, he'd decorate his personal spaces with your work!
Of course he'd appreciate traditional gifts too tho
Like a watch or bass strings or a new tie ect ect
But the thing for you to not get caught up on is the price!
That doesn't matter to him :)
He likes your gifts bc they came from you!
Ok, positive affirmation is definitely a big thing for Ringo
He gets roasted a lot by the boys and even the media, and all in good fun I suppose, but after a while enough is enough you know?
Not to mention, he just feels a bit... Lesser then?? Compared to the others and their musical talent
So the poor guy really needs a break!
Literally, even just little one word sentences of encouragement mean sooo much to him
"I'm so proud of you Ritchie!"
"That sounded wonderful!"
"You've done a great job today at the studio, good work!"
Stuff like that makes him melt
Of course he also appreciates the more conventional things like "I love you" and when you call him handsome!
And as for the spending quality time, that comes easily!
Ringo looooves to take you out on dates!
Now yes, there's your typical movie date, dinner, dancing, all that
But his favorite things to do is go on little adventures!
He takes you to the park, the beach, out to explore thrift and consignment stores, and anywhere else you want to check out!
However, not everyone wants to run around outside 24/7
So in the house, he likes doing things that you two can do together!
Painting is a big one, seeing as it's his other hobby, but it could honestly be anything, like puzzles, board games, or just watching TV!
I'm trying to think of how he'd return the words words of affirmation side of his love language, but I think it would be a little harder for him to do then expressing quality time tbh
You just make him so darn shy!
What with all your good looks and kindness, he just feels a little overwhelmed
Have you ever seen a work of art, or architecture, or even a landscape so breathtaking that you don't really know where to start when describing it to someone?
Yeah, it's like that
He definitely wants to try tho!
I think he'd stick to simple things like complimenting your outfits and praising your work or personal projects you show him!
He's worried that that comes across as just common decency tho, so he says "I love you" a lot and tries to make up for his bad way with words with quality time
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mermaidsirennikita · 3 years
Hello, I hope I'm not bothering you, but do you have any good "enemies to lovers" recs, may they be books or movies?
I neeeever am bothered by people asking for recommendations.  Those are my favorite asks because I am nothing if not in love with my own opinions, lol
Obviously, The Viscount Who Loved Me by Julia Quinn, the best Bridgerton book, because I’ve been blogging about it lol.  If you haven’t read it, it’s basically “rake tries to seduce the beauty of the ton, beauty’s older sister cockblocks him, he realizes that He Is Into It” 
The Hating Game by Sally Thorne is a classic.  Very light and fluffy contemporary, two people who’ve always hated each other begin competing for the same job and fall in love.
Kate Quinn’s Mistress of Rome series is a saga and the initial big ship of the first book (which you do have to read lol) is not enemies to lovers.  However, the NEXT ship which dominates the last two books of the series (which is four books long, and tbh... I recommend the second book but it’s a prequel and can be skipped technically) is SOOOOOOO GOOD.  It’s really “childhood friends to young lovers to SEVERE ENEMIES still secretly in love” and it’s literally epic lol.  Essentially, the series is set in Ancient Rome and Sabina (very bitchy Roman noblewoman) and Vix (child of a former gladiator, soldier) are friends who I think lose their virginities to each other?  And are in love as kids.  But then she fucks him over and marries the emperor.  Who he actually begins to loyally serve!  But he haaaates Sabina because she.... constantly backstabs him lol.  But he also looooves Sabina and gets off on everything she does.  And she wants him so badly.  And it is delicious.  And I live for it.
Both of the Evie Dunmore books I’ve read, Bringing Down the Duke and especially A Rogue of One’s Own are very enemies to lovers.  In Bringing Down the Duke it’s a bluestocking versus a duke who for political reasons is her enemy.  In A Rogue of One’s Own it’s another bluestocking versus a rake who has known her basically all their lives.  They have to begin working together and fall in looove.
Sarah MacLean LIVES for this trope lol.  Her first true enemies to lovers was Twelve Scandals to Start to Win An Earl’s Heart, in which the heroine is a scandalous young woman and the hero is a duke determined to avoid scandal--and he rebuffed her before the book began, so they hate each other.  But he also has a massive boner around her, of course. 
My favorite MacLean book, A Rogue By Another Name is another “childhood friends turn enemies to lovers”.  The leads, Penelope and Bourne (last name lol) were best friends as kid and he basically fell off after life set in.  Her family now has hold of his ancestral lands, and Bourne essentially blackmails Penelope into marrying him so that he can get those lands, after which she DESPISES him even though they had..... extremely great sex lol.  It’s SUPER GOOD, and it involves borderline voyeurism, which is great.
Then No Good Duke Goes Unpunished is very enemies to lovers.  The heroine was set to become the hero’s stepmother--then he woke up covered in blood with her missing. He then finds out, after years of being despised by society as a presumed murderer, that she is very much alive with a fake identity lol.  It’s WILD.
The Rogue Not Taken is an enemies to lovers roadtrip romance.  The heroine thinks the hero is a horrid rake who purposefully ruins marriages.  He thinks she’s a stuck up brat.  They end up journeying together and he eats her out in a moving carriage.
Theeen there’s Daring and the Duke.  The hero literally thought the heroine was dead (MacLean loves this) and is OBSESSED with her, but she hates him because the man who raised them both basically pitted them against each other after their days of being childhood sweethearts.  It’s very dark and delicious, and there are blow jobs!  Blow jobs don’t happen enough in romances, especially historical romances.  More BJs!  They are fun!
If you’re interested in a dark and BONKERS romance, Desperate Measures by Katee Robert is a retelling of Disney’s Aladdin about a modern Jafar and Jasmine getting together after he takes over her father’s criminal empire.  It’s definitely extremely explicit and a bit fucked up.  The book comes with content warnings; the first sex scene is dubcon.  (Like you’re reading from her perspective and she WANTS IT but she says no.)
Beach Read by Emily Henry is a cute contemporary in which the hero is a literary author and the heroine is a romance novelist.  They find themselves in neighboring beach houses and basically challenge each other to write in the other person’s genre.  Very light enemies to lovers.
A Heart of Blood and Ashes is a fantasy romance by Milla Vane!  Essentially, the hero’s parents were killed by the heroine’s father and he’s out to kill her father and overtake his throne.  Luckily, she’s on board.  But he needs to marry her in order to accomplish his goals.  They do not trust each other whatsoever and torment one another a lot.  For context, within the first fifty pages she gives him a handjob while her hand is covered in her own brother’s blood (and yes, he did kill her brother).  It’s great.
The Worst Best Man is about a wedding planner who suddenly finds herself needing to work with her ex-fiance’s brother... who she holds responsible for her fiance leaving her at the altar.  Very fun and sexy contemporary.
The entire Four Horsemen series by Laura Thalassa.  In each book, the heroine falls in love with a literal embodiment of one of the four horsemen of the apocalypse, who is here to bring the end of the world.  VERY heavy enemies to lovers.  Kinda dark at times?  Kinda fucked up at times?  I love it a lot?  It begins with Pestilence; War and Famine have already been released, but Death has not.
From Lukov with Love by Marina Zapata.  It’s a figure skating romance; a down on her luck skater pairs up with a male skater who is extremely successful, and who she’s known for years and hated.  Verrrrry slow burn, but fun.
The Proposal, of course, starring Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds.  You’ve probably seen this, but the setup is that she’s his evil boss, he’s her assistant, and she’s about to lose her visa so she bribes him into marrying her so that she can get citizenship.  But ruh-roh, they have to go to Alaska for his family reunion and he’s also got a great body and is like, an Alaskan Rockefeller?  
Obviously, Clueless which is enemies to lovers by way of former stepsiblings, and also by way of the only valid retelling of Emma.  Emma itself is not enemies to lovers, really, but Clueless amps that aspect up a bit.
If you want a super tragic version, warning lol--House of Flying Daggers.  It’s a wuxia movie, so melodramatic to the max.  She’s a blind daughter of the leader of a vigilante group, he’s a soldier who’s gone undercover to follow her to their stronghold.  Many reveals and one of my favorite dramatic love stories ensues.
Princess Diaries 2, duh.  Baby Chris Pine?  Anne Hathaway?  PLEASE BITCH.
365 DNI.  If you haven’t watched yet, watch it and thank me later.  The greatest cinematic contribution of the last decade.
Down with Love.  It’s a delightful take on like, 50s/60s sex comedies in which the heroine writes a book that convinces women to ignore love and men, which makes the hero look bad and makes it difficult for him to get laid.  So he sets out to basically.....  wear a different persona?  And seduce her?  It is one of the funniest movies I’ve ever seen, and I adore it.  Renee Zellweger and Ewan Macgregor have great chemistry in it too.
The Thomas Crown Affair, starring extremely hot Pierce Brosnan and Renee Russo.  She’s an insurance investigator, he’s a billionaire who basically is suspected of stealing priceless works of art because he’s bored.  She investigates him and immediately begins fucking him.  Has a scene where she dances with him while wearing a completely transparent dress.  Then they fuck everywhere in his house.  I have never wanted to be between two people more.
The Painted Veil.  A socialite marries a dorky scientist for convenience, then cheats on him.  He finds out and basically forces her to go to China with him, where he is fighting the cholera epidemic, as an extremely long and petty murder suicide attempt.  But they get to know each other!  And the ice begins to melt!  Warning: tragic but lovely.
Casino Royale YES I SAID THAT.  The James Bond reboot movie that explains why he’s such a whore!!!  HE WAS BROKEN!!!  Basically James Bond is not like... a learned man... in this movie.  So he’s a cocky bastard and the Bond girl is impossibly sexy Eva Green as Vesper, who’s the “money man” on his mission.  They begin as bickering assholes and then fall in love.  But also!  Tragedy!
The animated Anastasia movie is one of the finest enemies to lovers movies of any time, I will defend this forever
Anyway....  Hope this gives you some ideas!  Lol
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nawaazishein · 4 years
Thoughts on Sen Çal Kapımı bölüm 13: (Is it 13? I almost feel like Kerem because hatırlamıyorum.) My babies Serkan/Eda: I loved that they both finally confessed to their families and were pretty much like, “He/she is going to be part of my live and if you don’t accept it, byyyyyye.” as well as the “Sevgilim?” after. They had so many cute adorable scenes, from the “How are you real? Let’s elope.” to “I’ll be your breath whenever you want me to.” to “I already bought a house in Rome.” Special shoutout to the curtain commercial because we all know what happened that night 😏 , although they clowned us with that fragman again. What I didn’t like when I first watched it without subs was the jealousy and especially Serkan storming out after his argument with Eda. It was so unlike Serkan. However after watching with subs, I realized he wasn’t angry because he was jealous but because Eda didn’t believe he was serious about Italy. Him walking about still wasn’t a 100% Serkan but the supposed jealousy didn’t create as much of a problem as I initially thought it would. Hopefully they keep it that way. I hated the whole jealousy thing in EK and could do without here, tbh. Eda/the firm: So Eda doesn’t even have a bachelor’s degree? I’m sorry but even if she was about to finish her Master’s, her “rank” in the firm would be very questionable but with her not even having her undergrad, it’s so far-fetched. To a point, Serkan gave her those projects because he was taken with her, yes, but early robot!Serkan wouldn’t have let that interfere with his work to that extent. No distinguished architect with a firm worth millions would EVER give work this important to a student still working on her undergrad. I guess this is just one of the many architecture-related things I’ll have to accept for the sake of creative liberty and story telling. Serkan/Selin: I honestly wasn’t mad about their scenes. While she has done some shady shit, I think they might veeeeery slowly get back to a place of friendship, and I’d love that for the both of them. Serkan could use her support in work-related issues as well as what’s going to happen in his personal life. Serkan/Leyla: We got some more info about their relationship and it honestly made me tear up. He paid for her operation, her sister’s education and constantly checked on her during that time. Serkan Bolat has such a tender heart, it continues to surprise and amaze me. He said that Eda made him a better person but I’m gonna be the cheeseball that says he’s always been a really good person, he just kept it a secret. Same with his donation to the orphanage. Ask me again why I am so soft for this boy and I’ll give you a 30 pages long essay! Ferit: Can my dude just shut up for once? Why does he wear his heart on his sleeve and literally tell anyone everything?! Efe: He said he was made to buy the shares by someone – grandma? Ayfer/Aydan: Listen, I have been defending them both for the longest time. They’re both very protective of their children and they both only try to keep them from the heartbreak they know lies ahead. They’re not wrong in that and I understand their intentions... buhuuuut they’re overdoing it a little. I’m not saying “Overprotective mothers are so not 2020” like a lot of people on twitter because that’s bs imo, but the two of them could definitely reel it back in a little. Melo/Selin: Oh Melo, I love her so much! She’s so soft and I wanna wrap her in a hug and never let go. Selin almost doesn’t deserve Melo being so nice to her because of Eda’s backstory with her, but then again I love how Melo doesn’t let that cloud her judgement and gives her the support she needs. Melo is the best. I said what I said. Editing: The editing felt kinda sloppy, ngl, especially the end. From Serkan to just leaving Eda like that, which again was unlike him, to the random jump to their first night – although I loved the fact that we know they had their first night - to Alptekin spilling the beans... it felt pieced together. However, I suppose it was the best they could do considering the shooting and working conditions during the week they shot it. The last scene: Oh, the goddamn last scene that ripped my heart out, stomped on it, ran it over with a truck and then threw it in the trash. So, on the one hand I understand that Alptekin told Serkan in an attempt to salvage whatever is left of their father/son relationship by being honest with him. He didn’t want to hide this very important piece of information from him when it concerned what, or more like who has become the most important part of his life in such a short amount of time, I get that and to a point I agree with it. Honesty has to be a given in any family or relationship. On the other hand I’m like, why now? He didn’t really get involved in anything regarding his son’s life in the last 19 years, so why now? Alptekin had “no issue” hiding this secret from the world for so long and the likelihood of it coming out now just because Serkan is in a relationship with Eda is questionable, so why? He claims he wants the best for Serkan but there’s also some selfishness in involved in telling him. Alptekin wants to unburden himself from this ugly truth he’s been hiding, to get it off his chest because with Eda around it’s to much for him now. It was ok for 19 years but now it’s too much. As a result, his son now has to carry it around with him. He was allowed to be happy for all of two days and and now this weight is so much bigger than the weight that had seemingly been lifted off his chest by confessing to Eda. I know he’s going to blame himself for this somehow and distance himself from her, and I am already in pain just from thinking about how that is going to play out. With Eda saying, “Sometimes love isn’t enough” we’ve gotten some very obvious foreshadowing and I think that he will convince himself that he and his family are no good for her and no matter how much he loves her, it’s not enough to make up for that. God, it actually really hurts to just think about that. (Also, with the amount of times we’ve heard “I can’t live without you,” I’m speculating about what Serkan’s state will look like after the separation. Shots are on me if I hear something along the lines of, “Ever since Eda/you left, he’s stopped living. He is alive but he is not living his life at all.” after their separation.) Anyway, lastly I’m going to say that it felt like Kerem didn’t know what to do with his hands during this scene but I think it was probably just to show how Serkan doesn’t fully comprehend what just happened yet or how to react to this information AT ALL. The “rest” of Kerem’s acting in this scene, the small nuiances from realizing to absolute horror and then devastation killed me. Chapeau for that, Kerem Bey!
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roguish-gallery · 4 years
Rogues + Internet/Social Media HCs!
Hello!!! this was requested by @geniusbee I struggled a bit with the initial prompt, so I kinda broadened the question, I hope you don’t mind! Once I got the ball rolling with this one, it was super fun to work on! Thank you again for your request!
If anyone wants to, feel free to send me send me more requests! I’d love to do more of these!
Everything is under the Read More bc this got LONG AS FUCK. (Slight TW for sexual references!)
Doesn’t use social media. point blank
He’ll surf the web mostly for research or for communication purposes, but that’s mostly it... That being said sometimes he DOES look up stuff for fun because he’s a naturally curious guy who had limited access to education for the first 20-ish years of his life. It sends him down a rabbit hole of researching weird shit and sometimes you’ll catch him up at 4:00 am looking up how bread was made in Ancient Rome or what Cock and Ball Torture is bc he heard Joker say it once and he’s never EVER fucking heard of those words strung together like that before
Also… his fingers are simply too beefy for most keyboards. Dude tryna sit down and send Scandal Savage some fun cookie recipes she could try with her GF like
Tumblr media
Not a lot to say here but tbh she probably has the most normal internet habits of everyone. Helps to promote cat shelter’s web pages, and will use some light hacking to find the locations of fur factories and animal abusers but that’s mostly it?
If she isn’t already an influencer, she has definitely considered it. Will sometimes post selfies of her wearing stolen jewelry just to flex. Has a legion of simps.
Unknowingly gets into kin drama without trying to
He has... so many theather blogs, musical blogs, and obscure film blogs... someone help him... somehow he regularly adds shit to ALL OF THEM. 
He’s that one bitch who hoards all the canon URLs and there’s nothing you can fucking do to stop him.
Harley Quinn:
Her computer is slow and buggy as shit because she’s got so many viruses from trying to download flash games. Edward refuses to fix her computers at this point because he knows it’s a lost cause.
She vlogs sometimes, actually! And she’ll drag her hyenas or any of the rogues/batfam/GCPD she’s hanging out with atm into it.
She likes to go onto anxiety or depression forums and anonymously leave nice, helpful advice :)
Mostly on the dark web, doing… things that you do on the dark web...
If he’s ever on the clean web I promise it’s only to start kin drama or to dm fucked up shit to random people he finds.
Has been known to catfish when the mood strikes him
Also? He jumps onto RP forums and either plays the SHITTIEST Batman, or an eerily accurate Batman.
Killer Croc:
He likes looking up funny videos online!!! Also! Art tutorials!!
He likes to post his artwork online under a pseudonym. He doesn’t expect anyone to really pay attention to his work, but it’s always a very pleasant surprise when someone likes or leaves a nice comment on his art.
 He genuinely cherishes all of his followers and the kind interactions he shares with them.
Mad Hatter:
It’s just hat porn and hentai. I’m sorry.
Mr. Freeze:
Normal internet habits tbh. Doesn’t really go on the internet that often because he doesn’t particularly care about keeping up to date with what’s happening.
He used to have a Facebook where he’d post pictures of himself and Nora, but he can’t really do that anymore due to obvious reasons.
Lightly dabbles in dark web shit (for business purposes) but otherwise he’s like an old man on the internet. Checks the stock market and shit. Responds to his emails in a timely manner. He keeps track of everyone’s internet presence but that’s mostly because he enjoys drama and he doesn’t want to be out of the loop in case Eddie starts something again and he needs to know WHY Jervis and Pamela can’t be in the Iceberg at the same time without trying to kill each other.
He REFUSES to make a social media account for the Iceberg Lounge!!!! It is too classy for that!!!
Other than that, though… don’t tell anyone… but he keeps some tabs open on some ���🥺🥺 some bird forums and uh 🥺🥺🥺 m🥺🥺🥺 maybe some blogs he has that are all about Jane Austen and Star Trek: The Next Generation 🥺🥺🥺🥺 n-not like he LIKES Star Trek, though!!
Also in Batman #448 it shows that him and Batman canonically play chess with each other online and you know what? That’s cute as hell so I’m gonna say that they still do that.
Poison Ivy:
Surprising no one… she mostly blogs about botany
Will ONLY go onto other parts of the internet to like and share Harley, Selina, or Waylon’s posts and THAT'S IT!!!!
She is not above getting petty in the comment section!! If she finds a video of some clown over-watering their ferns she will absolutely let them know and she will not be polite about it.
Canonically has the best hookup and 100% is the most active online. Like yeah he does a lot of hacking shit but he uses the internet for legit stuff too.
PURPOSEFULLY looks himself up and will argue with anyone who talks smack about him on literally any of the search results. He WILL remember your username and he WILL publicly mock you for it when he freezes your laptop or when he takes over the broadcasting waves in Gotham again.
You KNOW he has a social media account for everything. He WILL talk about how smart and sexy he is and he WILL get around any attempts made to get him blocked, suspended, or banned. 
“You fool… I have 70  A L T E R N A T I V E  A C C O U N T S”
He is the self-proclaimed tech-guru of the Rogues. He WILL harass you if you are using the wrong web browser or if you have TOO MANY FUCKING TABS OPEN FUCK YOU FUCK YOU FUCK YOU.
He calms down somewhat once he becomes a P.I. He’ll take selfies at crime scenes and livestream himself when he’s finding clues or chasing someone down! He’s absolutely obsessed with it and he gets super popular. He knows that he shouldn’t broadcast himself solving crimes... but... the clicks... the views... his stans...
Enjoys gaming and modding whenever he has free time.
He hasn’t been in a classroom in years but if you looked at his internet habits you would think he’s still teaching psychology at Gotham U. Responds to emails responsibly (but NOT on weekends or after 10 pm!!)
Probably wouldn’t blog these days, but when he was younger he had a page where he would discuss his psychology work.
He mostly uses the internet for research or to order chemicals but he’ll often get swept up in some inane message chain with Harley and Eddie and he HATES IT.
He has like two dozen tabs open on his computer because he forgets about them and even though some of the tabs have been there for so long that he GENUINELY can’t remember why they were there, he keeps them because it makes Edward break into hives every time he tries to watch what he’s doing online. Giving Edward Nygma anxiety sweats is easy and free and should be done often.
He uses incognito mode… whenever he needs to google embarrassing questions…
He likes to peruse the dark web but sometimes he enjoys hopping onto r/legaladvice and r/relationships and reads that shit like it's the Sunday paper.
If he’s bored or is having a bad mental day, he likes to look up all the Google doodle games that Google keeps archived. they’re all really cute and are a lot of fun to goof around with whenever he’s wanting to play something light and quick!
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