#I have put up with a lot of meh books that were hot at the moment but did nothing for me
seasaltmemories · 2 years
seasalt u are speaking FACTS in your last post
Just as like an intensely pretentious literature weirdo, I always have to roll my eyes at anyone who tries to claim that art is somehow now all across the board worse than it has ever been before
I think some people conflate the acknowledgement of tropes with the presence of tropes. And as they get older and get better at picking up the patterns of storytelling in media, they think suddenly ppl are just "throwing together concepts bc they're popular" when most writing has always been like that
Frankly I think most literature is unoriginal and tropey, and that good art transcends simple labels or categorization. But ao3 tags didn't cause it, even before this trend, when I had actually book summaries to rely on, it was still difficult to find what I like, bc simply listing what happens can't capture the full essence of work.
If you want to find like the best of the best, you often have to dig through a lot of samey nonsense, get word of mouth recs, and take chances on smaller, less popular works.
Once you stop feeling beholden to the idea what's most popular represents an entire industry at a certain moment, the easier it is to actually find stuff that caters to your taste
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lady-margaret · 19 days
bridgerton season 3 part 1 opinion (as someone who has read all the books + is kathony biased so be warned)
after sitting and stewing on what i just watched for a few hours
i’d like to start this off by saying that due to my disappointment of the writing from the last season, i was way more gracious with this one. kate and anthony were great because of simone and jonathan; i’m not sure the writers had much to do with that.
anyway, what i’m saying is that i already knew not to expect the writers to be faithful to the source material (romancing mr. bridgerton), so i was able to enjoy myself more. additionally, polin’s book isn’t exactly a favorite of mine anyway, so there wasn’t a lot to be too disappointed with in my case.
what i liked:
penelope’s wardrobe; they hyped up the “transformation” so much and i’m glad it did not disappoint.
colin’s hot 😌
eloise’ wardrobe; someone pointed out that it had a lot of philip references, so yay 😀 (it has me worried that it’ll be her story next though, we need ben first)
eloise interacting with the other ladies of the ton was really cute and refreshing; she’s learning that despite them having different interests than her, they are still people of great value. the difference is eloise was raised in a loving and supportive family, unlike most of the others.
sibling’s g&h’s personalities coming through more (they are anthony’s children, truly).
featherington sisters as comic relief.
MARRIED KATHONY CRUMBS 💕💕💕 they carried episode 1 for me.
FRANCESCA 💕💕💕 gorgeous introvert representation.
FRANNY AND JOHN 💕💕💕 (i am both ready and NOT ready to get hurt 🥹)
book references (yay! the bare minimum!)
lord debling’s dope.
i actually do like that they gave cressida a legitimate reason to want to win the competition money to unmask LW in the second part.
the music choices haven’t disappointed yet!!!!!
colin’s line for the season is def the “well are you gonna marry me or not?” line HEHEHEHEHE i ALMOST screamed as loud as i did when john entered when he said that line to pen.
as an army, plus points for dynamite 🤭 i didn’t expect to like the orchestral version and didn’t see the vision of where they would even insert it, but i actually liveddd for it.
what i don’t really have strong feelings about:
mondrich plot; alice is beautiful but the addition of their family storyline didn’t make much of a lasting impact.
the queen; she was very meh so far.
the featherington storyline: the sisters are funny, but their whole situation mixed with the humor leads me not to take it very seriously.
violet x lady danbury’s brother: 🤷‍♀️ i don’t see it.
the “lady danbury’s brother” storyline in general is very forgettable.
what i disliked:
i think nicola and luke could use more chemistry; they fall short compared to daphne&simon and kathony (HEAVY ON KATHONY THIS IS WHY THEY REMOVED THEM FROM THE REST OF THE EPISODES SIGH)
they kinda mischaracterized colin (he spent the last two seasons being selfish and putting himself above everyone else violet, what the hell are you talking about “you never place yourself over others” 🤨)
the lack of ben time?? did he go back to the academy after taking over for anthony briefly??? what did he do besides dodging debutantes all season????
they glossed over benedict running the estate so quickly; this could have been an opportunity to draw out his storyline, especially since he mentioned that he liked having a purpose: WRITERS???? DO SOMETHING WITH THAT!
i also didn’t really care for the ben x tilly arnold plot; unless sophie’s actually a maid of her’s or something, i don’t see her point in the show besides just be another one of ben’s ever changing girl of the season.
im sorry but eloise would never SHOULD NEVER have befriended her (ex?) best friend’s bully, no matter what the circumstances. that is NOT eloise.
honestly, them revealing whistledown in the first season is really screwing with the writing; in this regard, i wish they stayed more faithful to the book and how colin finds out about LW. it all just seems so messy at this point.
so s3 starts when kathony end their honeymoon… how long was this honeymoon? math isn’t mathing cuz it couldn’t have been more than a week given that kate isn’t obviously pregnant yet in the first ep.
i know that colin and pen are longtime friends, but from how they’ve interacted with each other in the past seasons, it’s a bit harder to believe that they were close CLOSE friends; close friends to the extent of helping the other find a spouse through “lessons”? i don’t see it. that’s why i was a bit ??? when i first found out about the plot they were going with for the season (in the book, colin really just starts following her around cuz she was being sus)
i hate that they had to come up with an excuse to get rid of kathony for the rest of the episodes; i get that they’ve been running their separate households alone for most of their lives and want a break but… i don’t think they would abandon their responsibilities for an “extended honeymoon”. knowing them, running the estate isn’t gonna stop them from being wh0res!! they help each other out with the estate and are still sickeningly in love and have time for each other (in the books). i was also really hoping to see kate taking over the viscountess role. i swore they would have done something like that after that cute/awkward moment when they both respond to “lady bridgerton” in episode 1.
i get that it’s established that penelope’s one goal for the season is to get a husband, but as i know her character, she would NEVER get into races (?) or run just so she can talk to a suitor before anyone else does 😭 okay but it was funny.
i am kinda sad that they couldn’t have just let a mean character or a villain character be the villain character; yea sure, i did say that i liked that cressida had a legitimate and well thought out motive for wanting the LW reward money but, idk i could’ve lived without her storyline.
one of the BIGGEST THINGS for me is that i do not think they should have released so many clips/snippets of the show days or weeks before it came out. i understand like 1 clip, but i skipped SO MANY SCENES because i have watched them at least 5 times already on tiktok or twitter.
the two part season idea is dumb.
i’m scared for how messy part 2 will be (in terms of both writing and just how stressed i will be with the revealing of LW plot HUHU poor pen) but i’m still looking forward to it 😇😇😇 and despite all the things i didn’t like, i did still enjoy it. if i do rewatch it or not is still to be decided; s1 & s2 have such high rewatch value.
franny and john were TRULY a standout though. i cannot even begin to describe how loud i screamed when he finally said his name out loud 😭💕
verdict: the writing is getting messier, get jonathan bailey in that writer’s room ASAP
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nicksbestie · 8 months
hi lovie <3 you know i've been feeling really meh lately so maybe something with luke where he takes the day off to spend time in bed with the reader and make her feel loved and wanted? just really soft and cozy and warm vibes please. i can be more specific too if you want!
word count : 1055
warnings : descriptions of depression and medication
Depression sucks.
There’s no other way to describe it. It’s a debilitating illness that causes so much pain over the course of your life, and for a lot of people, it’s incredibly difficult to handle, even with medication, therapy, and other forms of help. You knew first hand just how difficult it was, having been attempting to continue with life as normal as possible whilst managing it for years now. The only thing that kept you going during a lot of your bad days was the fact that you had a loving partner who always put his best effort into helping you feel better. Of course, with Luke’s job, he was normally very busy. But despite this, he always made sure that you didn’t feel alone, that he loved you, and that there wasn’t a place he’d rather be than with you. 
Unfortunately, you had been having a bad night, and were not looking forward to when he inevitably had to leave for a writing session with the band in the morning. He wouldn’t be gone terribly long, but you just didn’t feel like you could function by yourself. However, even knowing that Luke cared so deeply about your well-being, you didn’t mention this to him, knowing how taxing his job could be, and how much he loved writing and creating music, especially with the band. It was his outlet, his do-it-yourself version of therapy, what kept him happy most days, and you didn’t want to take that away from him. The reasonable part of you knew that he would be happy to spend time with you and soothe your hurt, but the irrational part of you that told you that you would be bothering him won out, and you kept your mouth shut.
However, what you didn’t know was that Luke could read you like a book. He knew as soon as you comfortably laid down in his arms the previous night that you were struggling, and the second that you fell asleep, he sent off a text to the band’s group chat informing them that he wouldn’t be there the next day. He managed to slip out of bed an hour or two later, seeing as you had gotten too hot in his arms and adjusted a little bit away from him. He wasn’t intending to be nosy, but as he walked into the kitchen, seeing your medicine bottles on the counter, he noticed there were way too many in there to be halfway through a ninety-day supply. He decided to place it on the backburner for right now, knowing that taking them might definitely benefit you, but he also knew firsthand that once you got into a slump of not taking them, it was difficult to get back on track. 
He personally had never liked being on medication, even for the smallest of things, because it made him feel like his happiness revolved around a drug. But even with this being said, he still dealt with it when he was prescribed them, knowing that they made his lifestyle easier on his mind. Getting something to drink before heading back to bed, he felt incredibly sad at the notion that because of his lfiestyle, you were probably feeling worse than you may have been normally, because he was gone so much more. He made a silent vow to himself that he would make as many changes as he could to be home more, and luckily his job was flexible even though it was so busy. There wasn’t much that he could do about tour, but he could try and reschedule writing sessions or do it over the phone from home as much as he could. Obviously there would be times he couldn’t, but he would still do everything he could to make it easier on the both of you and give you more quality time with him. He got back into bed with you, you still being absolutely knocked out, and fell asleep curled up next to you.
When you woke up the next morning, you were incredibly shocked to see Luke still there, as it was nearing 10:30, and he had told you that the writing session was due to start at ten. He was still comfortably asleep next to you, always a late sleeper, especially when he wasn’t on tour. He always used as much of that time as he could to catch up on sleep, attempting to get his schedule back on track. But, because you were under the impression he was late, you roughly  shook him awake, feeling bad when he reached up to rub one eye. It took him a second or two to form a coherent sentence, yawning halfway through it. 
“What’s- what is it?” 
“You’re late! You were supposed to be at the studio nearly thirty minutes ago!”
He yawned again, checking the time before rolling back over and pulling you into his arms. Now it was your turn to be utterly confused, wondering why he wasn’t rushing considering Luke hated being late. 
“You have to go! Why aren’t you getting up?” 
He cracked a small smile at your concern, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of your head. 
“Relax, love. I told them I wasn’t coming today. I know you need me here.” 
You were always anxious about being a burden, and because of this, attempted to squirm out of his grasp. 
“No, you need to go. I’m fine, I’ll be fine-” 
He cut you off with another gentle kiss, this time to your lips. 
“No, you’re not. I’m staying, end of story. We don’t have to talk about it, but I’m not leaving you when I know you’ve been struggling. You haven’t been taking your meds, which hasn’t been helping, and I know you need someone with you today. I’d rather be here, with you, than be at the studio, and I hope you believe me when I say that, because I have never meant anything more.” 
It didn’t take long for you to break down in tears, some happy that he was staying, mostly sad because you were feeling badly. However, he stayed there with you the whole day, helping with every small task you didn’t feel strong enough to accomplish on your own, and you had never felt more loved.
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leverage-ot3 · 5 months
I was tagged by my buddy and old siren (freeform) mutual @imaginejolls for this ask game!
Star Sign(s): Sagittarius sun, Aquarius moon, Capricorn rising
Favorite Holidays: halloween :3
Last Meal: my mom's cajun beef stew with rice pilaf and a roll
Current Favorite Musician: I've been listening to a lot of noah kahan recently (vermont represent), but I also adore hozier, gracie abrams, lizzie mcalpine, phoebe bridgers, etc. I've never been the same since I was told my taste in music was yallternative. I also love lil nas x and found a new musician through tiktok that goes by brye that is really good
Last Music Listened To: the playlist I listen to the most, especially for sleep: immaculate fall vibes (technically the name of the playlist is just a bunch of the artists featured in it but the description is immaculate fall vibes). my most recent song was save me by noah kahan
Last Movie Watched: this is so embarrasing but I watched the meg with my dad yesterday lmao. I have a weakness for stupid monster movies (we used to watch the shittiest syfy movies together when I was in hs. the shittier the better). I thought he'd like it because jason statham but he was meh about it
Last TV Show Watched: last one I was invested in was the new episode of percy jackson, but I did watch a little bit of that polish show high water on netflix the other day which seemed interesting
Last Book/Fic Finished: god I actually haven't been reading fic for a hot minute which is really surprising. probably my reread of of the northmost winds and skies by @jjackfrost. wasn't in the crossover fandom until earlier this year but actually adore that pairing. this is now my comfort longfic (+400k). it's so good, I read it and I wasn't even in the fandom at the time and it was amazing!!! all the characters are written so well, the voices and pov are great, the worldbuilding and storyling is amazing! I've gushed in the comments before but ugh I love it so so much. inject this into my mf veins
Last Book/Fic Abandoned: I don't really abandon fics, I just wait for them to get updated again. as for books, I really tried to get into loveless by alice oseman because aroace rep but I couldn't really get into it :/
Currently Reading: nothing at the moment (not going to list all the fics I'm waiting for updates for because I can't remember them all and the ones I can remember would take up like multiple pages lol)
Last Thing Researched for Art/Writing/Hyperfixation: ooo this is hard. technically speaking I've been hyperfixated on playing animal crossing so the most recent thing I looked up for that was what treasure islands were lmao
Favorite Online Fandom Memory: oooo I'm not sure actually? I really love having mutuals even if we don't talk. I also really enjoy when people engage with my posts and appreciate my tags and aus. I like sharing my thoughts and ideas with you guys and it's so heartwarming and validating when y'all enjoy it right back
Favorite Old Fandom You Wish Would Drag You Back In/Have A Resurgence: I agree with jolly, I miss siren dearly. can they just do a leverage in like five years and retcon the last season? thanks
Favorite Thing You Enjoy That Never Had an Active or Big "Fandom" but You Wish It Did: probably some of the kdramas I've watched. I adored the guest on netflix but there's no fandom. I really REALLY wanted some fix-it fics for the ending of my name but there weren't any because the fandom was too small :(
Tempting Project You're Trying to Rein In/Don't Have Time For: so many things that I jump between (the adhd of it all lmao). I really would like to make a leverage ot3: are they queer video essay and I have some stuff typed up BUT I work in the healthcare field and I'm really hesitant of putting myself on video because when you work in this field it can be weird if clients or employers find your channel. so that's technically on hold for privacy reasons rn. I also really want to learn how to sew and make clothes and my roommate has even offered to help (they used to do competitive cosplay) but I'm just very unmotivated. I want to get back into witchy things but don't have the mental energy to invest in that other than appreciating my stones
tagging 10 moots but anyone can play!!!: @leverageclips @all-things-breathing @digitaldiscipline @peachyteabuck @vampirewalterskinner @buzzmcnab @sidras-tak @my-beloved-lakes @kajaono @suddenrundown
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 2 years
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Vol 4 - Hijikata
This is my first post of the month! If you can, please consider donating to the Canadian Red Cross to help those impacted by Hurricane Fiona.
Anyway.... aggravation is seeing your package scheduled for an October 3rd delivery date at 5:00 pm, and then having it pushed back to before the end of said day, then to the 4th before 5:00pm, and then again to the end of the day... and then the shipping carrier just saying “come to our location to pick it up.” 
*flips table*
meh. now im feeling extra tired since it felt pretty hot when i went to go pick it up.
well, enjoy.
Hakuoki Character Drama CD Book Vol 4 Hijikata Toshizou-hen - Sakura Branch
Translation by KumoriYami
Act 1:
Time: day
Location: A room in Hijikata and Chizuru's residence (Hijikata's study)
SE: the sound of running into a room
Yukimura:....Toshizou-san, Toshizou-san!
Hijikata: Hey hey, why are you so flustered?
Yukimura: Quickly take a look at this...
Hijikata: That's a branch of sakura. Where did you pick it up?
Yukimura: I picked.... no, I got this...
HIjikata: Nn.... catch your breath first then talk about it
Yukimura: Ah, okay.... fu.... good. Do you remember how that on the road into the village, that there was a family t on the road to the village, there was a family/were families that planted sakura tree?
Hijikata: Yes, I remember. There was only one tree... could it be that it was cut down?
Yukimura: No, it wasn't cut down. It just so happened that when the family was pruning the flowers on the tree, that I was passing by...
Hijikata: I see. Then you brought back this branch of sakura.
Yukimura: That's right
Hijikata: It appears that there are a lot of buds... it'd be good if they could blossom smoothly
Yukimura: Yes! This is the second time I've taken care of a branch of sakura, so I think there won't be any problems.
Hijikata:...The first time, that is to say, when you gave me a branch to decorate my room?
Yukimura:...yes. you remember.
Hijikata: I remember placing that time sakura blossoms in my room, that's the only time I remember
Yukimura: Ah, that's true
Hijikata: Well, that was actually because... after being with you, I'll think of that incident every time it's the sakura season.
Yukimura:...Was that a profound memory for Toshizou-san?
Hijikata: Yes..... It's funny no matter how many times I think about it, you came to see the branch of sakura that was decorating my room so many times——
Yukimura: I was even scolded...
Hijikata: I wasn't upset with you at the time.
Yukimura: Is that so?
Hijikata: It's a bit like how it is now...
Act 2:
Time: Day
Location: Shinsengumi headquarters (Nihonji Temple), Hijikata's room
Hijikata (narrating): Every time you came to my room, you would always use bringing tea as an excuse..... Ahaha, that's right. At the time, there was only one reason reason why you came to my room——
Yukimura: Um... Hijikata-san, I've brought tea.
Hijikata: Nn, come in.
Yukimura: Excuse me
SE: sound of a door opening
HIjikata: Put it there
Yukimura: Yes...
SE: the sound of a tea tray being set down
Hijikata: ...(softly sigh)....
Hijikata: Hey, is there anything else?
Yukimura: Ah, no... nothing in particular
Hijikata: Then leave
Yukimura: Yes... Sorry.
Hijikata: Wait
Yukimura: Ye-Yes!
Hijikata: You've been coming here too frequently lately... are you here for the sakura branch?
Yukimura:...I'm very sorry. In fact, I couldn't stop thinking... that I wanted to see if it would be able to bloom smoothly, or something...
Hijikata: You and Kondou-san said the same thing.
Yukimura: Saying the same thing... Um, does Kondou-san often come here to see the branch of sakura?
Hijikata: That's right. He's like a father longing for his child to grow up.
Yukimura: Is that so...
Hijikata: You guys keep coming into to my room to see this branch of sakura, and keep getting in the way of my work. Take this sakura branch and put it into your room.
Yukimura: Eh.... but...
Hijikata: It's fine, hurry up and take it. Someone might come into this room at any moment, and that would cause problems.
Yukimura: I understand...
Hijjikata: (narrating): I thought that was the end of that... you really love meddling... What, don't you remember? From that day onward, each time you brought tea, you'd give me a report about the sakura. And just like that, when the buds bloomed, you rushed in as flustered as you were like today——
-------- Act 3:
Time: Day
Location: Shinsengumi headquarters, Hijikata's room
SE: sound of Chizuru running
Yukimura: Hijikata-san, are you there!?
hijikata: What's wrong?
Yukimura: Um, actually, that...
Hijikata: alright, come in quickly
SE: sound of a door opening
Yukimura; Quick take a look, the sakura branch has blossomed!
HIjikata:......I was still thinking that it wasn't likely, but you just came over because of this thing?
Yukimura: Yes...
Hijikata: Ha......really, don't say something that's easy to misunderstand! I thought something bad happened.
Yukimura: I, I'm truly sorry. But, I wanted to quickly tell you...
Hijikata: Ha...
HIjikata; I didn't say that you shouldn't come to tell me about the sakura. However, it's better to decide if it's urgent or not in advance. whether it is urgent or not, it is better to judge in advance. It won't matter if you're running here without panicking.
Yukimura: Having said that...
Hijikata:......Forget it, you still specifically came to tell me. It's blooming beautifully.
Yukimura: Yes!.... So, can I decorate your room with these sakura?
HIjikate: Up until now, they've been used to decorate your room, and I don't think they necessarily need to be put back in my room for a particular reason.
Yukimura: But, I have always felt that sakura suit Hijikata-san.
Hijikata: What does that mean?
Yukimura:....The first time I saw Hijikata-san.... No, I don't know why I've felt this way.... Ah, no, it's not just because I feel like this. I don't know why, but I've always felt that Kondou-san and I are different, and have always felt that's something special in Hijikata-san's gaze at sakura...
Hijikata (narrated): What you said at that time surprised me. I didn't expect a girl who was ten years younger than me could see my innermost thoughts. But what surprised me more was what happened next——
Hijikata: You're so perceptive in that way, even though you're dressed as man, you're still...
Yukimura: Eh...?
Hijikata: I don't mean anything weird. Isn't it cliché that a woman's intuition is always right or something
Hijikata:....I have special sentiments towards sakura. Seeing these types of flowers always fills me with an incredible feeling. It should be said that they always make me feel distraught...  will always make me feel distraught... Do you have any opinions when you see sakura?
Yukimura: I, I just think that they're beautiful...
Hijikata: The others all say the same thing. During this season, Souji always talks about wanting to eat sakura mochi, and Heisuke and Harada will always begin fighting about hanami and drinking.
Yukimura: Those... I think everyone has their own [sense of] style/standards.
Hijikata: Sakura all bloom together at the same time, and in the blink of an eye, they all  wither away. They're just like a samurai's way of life, and I like that myself like [about them?]/like that point myself. However, I wasn't certain that this sakura branch would bloom... Even if they're able to blossom, they can only bloom for a short time before withering.... I feel that this somehow hints at our future in the Shinsengumi in a sense.... which is why I didn't want to look at it, and gave the sakura branch to you. You and Kondou-san weren't hindering me, it was this sakura branch. I was really concerned about it... and I really hate myself for acting somewhat feminine. I obviously don't want to look at it but am worried a lot about it. I hate this... This sakura branch makes me feel very irritable... Of course, now that it's bloomed, can it be treated differently. It's blossomed so beautifully, and is fascinating to look at, this is really nerve-racking.  
Hijikata: I... no, we won't be as fleeting as the sakura. We're still going to bloom in the future... How can we wither away.
Hijikata: What is it?
Yukimura: Ah....no, it's nothing
Hijikata: It's fine, tell me quickly
Yukimura; Yes... One day, everyone will wither away like sakura, right? A life withering away like sakura may be short... but, I don't think it's the same as cowardly giving up on life....
Hijikata: You... who are you?
Yukimura: Eh....!? I, I am, Yukimura Chizuru...
Hijikata: Pfft.... hahaha!
Yukimura: Uh, please forget that! I'm sorry for saying something unnecessary!
Hijikata:....No. I'm the one who should apologize.
Yukimura: Eh...?
Hijikata: Sorry, that sakura branch... would it be possible to return it to me?
Yukimura:....Of, of course.
Hijikata (narrated): I can still vividly recall what you said, and how moved I felt from the way you gathered your courage to look straight at me. Until that point, I only saw you as "Kodo's daughter", from that day forward, I didn't just see that. How can I put it... I began to see your charms.
Act 4
Time: Day
Location: A room in Hijikata and Chizuru's residence (Hijikata's study)
Hijikata:...For me to say this now, it's really embarrassing.
Yukimura: No, I'm... I said that without knowing anything at the time...
Hijikata:....Anyway, life is still truly wonderful. I really didn't expect a similar situation to occur.
Yukimura: Yes, but it's because of what happened today that I was able to hear about Toshizou-san's thoughts from that day, which is really great. As one of my most important memories, I will cherish it even more in the future.
HIjikata: In that case, what I've said has become more meaningful...
Yukimura: I hope this sakura can bloom smoothly
Hijikata: Even if its bloods don't bloom, I don't think I will feel regret it this time
Yukimura: Why?
Hijikata: Right now, I think that it'd be more meaningful to witness its growth together with you
Yukimura:l...Together... will Toshizou-san also take care of it?
Hijikata: What, is that bad?
Yukimura: No, I'm very happy, truly...
Hijikata: Yeah. Then quickly decorate the room with this guy. Do you have Is it. Then quickly decorate this guy in the room. Do we have the right size container at home?
Yukimura: Alright! I'll go find it!
SE: the sound of Chizuru leaving
Hijikata: Hey, don't be rushed, be careful! Really... She's really motivated, which hasn't changed from before.
Hijikata (narrated):...I thought the more special something was, the heavier the burden would be, but it seems that it isn't bad now. Watching this sakura grow with my own eyes will become a good memory. I don't need to worry about the result being good or bad, I can think that - than I don't need to care whether the result is good or bad, I can think that way——it's all thanks to her.
Starring: Hijikata Toshizou…. Miki Shin’ichiro
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the-cat-chat · 9 months
August 20, 2023
The Gray Man (2022)
When the CIA's top asset -- his identity known to no one -- uncovers agency secrets, he triggers a global hunt by assassins set loose by his ex-colleague.
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JayBell: After last weekend's emotionally intense ride, I was glad to switch to something a bit more mindless. And what's more mindless than watching Ryan Gosling and a mustachioed Chris Evans shoot each other and try to blow each other up in a fun action movie?
I had somewhat low expectations for this movie considering the reviews were kind of meh, but I had a great time. The action scenes are nice, it has some cool fight choreography, the acting is pretty good (even the young girl), the story isn't confusing or overly complicated, and surprisingly, it's a lot funnier than I expected it to be. The characters are very over-the-top (and all ridiculously attractive of course), but that just made it more of a fun time.
Sure, it's a predictable action movie with most of the usual tropes, but that's exactly what I was looking for when I turned it on. That's why I'm a bit confused by the slightly lower ratings for a solid action movie. I know this was based on a book, so maybe the book fans were disappointed by the adaptation? If so, I can understand that. But as someone who has never read the book, this movie either met or exceeded my expectations and honestly that's all I can ask for in an action movie.
P.S. Chris Evans' mustache in this movie looks incredibly douchey and also fit his character perfectly. But I also don't ever want to see it again.
Rating: 7/10 cats 🐈
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Anzie: I really thought this was just going to be one of Netflix’s dumb spy/action/blahblahblah that they had be churning out at the time with super hot actors. And Ryan Gosling. Ummm nough said. We’re not gonna talk about the weird cop buzz cut and stache for Chris Evans, but I did enjoy it in a laughable sense.
But I was wrongggg. This movie was pleasantly entertaining and funny and filled with action. Suuuure some parts were questionable but the comedy really puts anything tooo dumb out of focus. And the story plot had good details that kept you guessing and trying to piece it all together. My only reaaaal complaint was the blackmail chip and all that seemed kinda weak for how aversive the boss guy was obsessing over it. Maybe if it was a touch more specific in how the blackmail was damaging it wouldn’t have kinda felt too dumb. The ending was really awesome too- so 2 points for that alone. I really do hope that Netflix makes the sequel bc I’m innnnn.
- Also loved the Ken joke aimed towards Ryan Gosling’s character- the timing was just beautiful.
Rating: 7/10 Catz 🐈
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radkindoffeminist · 2 years
I'm super clueless about radical feminism (meh about liberal feminism too, I just live my life tbh) but the recent events has led me to wanting to read the Handmaid's Tale. You see, in the school I attend, a lot of people have been talking about it (because abortion debates - the male teachers are hot on it) which led me to want to check it out. I have anxiety, so the plan was to go to the library with my best friend and get a copy of the book.
However, she discouraged me from getting the book, which led to a heated argument because once I'm interested in something, I NEED to know about it. Essentially, she told me a lot about TERFs and how they promoted an 'unhealthy feminism' that targets cis/trans woman and hurts good men — but it was spoken in such a condescending, 'wow, you really know nothing, do you?' tone that it left a bitter taste in my mouth, you know, trauma and all.
For now, I've blocked her and decided I was going to go at it alone, so do you know any reliable websites for an e-book? I had a bad experience with sketchy websites before, so I'm being cautious here. I want to be able to participate in the debates but I need to read up first.
PS: She did show some receipts, which seemed to prove her right though, perhaps you can enlighten me in regards to the men part, but also generally.
I mean, radical feminists hate all men. I honestly don’t believe that there are any truly good men out there and if they are then they’re few and far between. If they’re not rapists, they don’t see anything wrong with rapists and victim blame. If they’re not abusers, then they’re using weaponised incompetence. If they’re not raging misogynists, then they’re refusing to recognise that they are privileged because they’re men and that this has affected multiple aspects of their lives. We’re not quiet about the fact that we hate all men. All of them. Even the ‘good’ ones, especially as they’re often just putting on a show and they’re actually misogynistic. Like, I remember there being one dude on TikTok who was good at recognising misogyny and did a lot for Native American people and then it came out that he was dating and sleeping with multiple women while they were lead to believe that they were in an exclusive relationship. There was another who put up basic feminist arguments which people thought were amazing and then it came out that he was lovebombing underage/just legal women (despite having multiple posts about how creepy and paedophilic it was when men did that) and that he was stealing posts almost word for word from feminists on Twitter and Insta and not giving them any credit (which was basically the reason I blocked him in the first place -every take he had was something I’d already seen somewhere on Radblr but everyone acted like it was groundbreaking somehow). And these are the ones who are supposed to be feminist allies! And people expect me to trust the average man?
Anyway, I don’t know any links to it myself though I imagine that someone else will have one somewhere. I know it got hated because the author has apparently said some transphobic shit and because it focuses on the oppression of women on the basis of our sex and therefore it’s inherently TERFy, because even in these times where women are having their sex-based rights stripped from them, we’re not allowed to recognise that our sex is oppressed. Also, seen lots of people call it out for focusing on white women using the historic oppression of black women (guessing that’s linked to the sex slavery part especially) which I personally think is just ignorant to the fact that there are so many women of all races and classes who are forced or coerced into having children and reproductive control/abusive is massive so even if we haven’t all experienced it in the same way due to the intersections of different oppression, it doesn’t make our sex-based oppression any less valid.
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lovemesomesurveys · 2 years
What would you call your body type? Very thin.  Are you a morning person? Meh. Prior to coming to the hospital back in May I actually had stared becoming a morning person. I had a morning routine I looked forward to. I go through phases, though. Generally I’m not.  Have you ever been to Target? Numerous times, I love Target. Do you like iced tea? Eh, it’s okay. I couldn’t tell you the last time I had any.  When is the next time you'll be at work? I don’t have a job. 
Do you have a savings account? No.
Has anyone ever hacked your accounts before? No. What color bedsheets are currently on your bed? They’re white with gnomes on them.  Have you ever been to Disney World? No. If so, how many times have you been? -- Does grammar and capitalization mean anything to you? It does to me.  Are you good at wrapping gifts for others? I’m not the best, but I enjoy doing it.  Do you have a dirty clothes hamper in your room? Yes. What would you say is your favorite television show? I have several.  Do you enjoy big holiday dinners? Yeah, but it’s been a few years since we’ve had one.  Is your vision good? No, hence the glasses.  Is there any piece of jewelry you're constantly wearing? No. What is one thing you desire as of now? I want to get better and go home. What kind of phone do you have? An iPhone 12 Max Pro.  If you could move anywhere, where would you choose? Hm, I don’t know.  Do you have any obsessions? Yeah, all the fandoms I belong to.  Do you blog a lot, if at all? You’re lookin’ at it. This is my side blog, I have my main one where I post a lot.  Is your present hair color, natural? Yes.  What makes you the most angry when it comes to people? How close minded people can be.  Describe your current outfit? I’m just wearing a blue hospital gown.  What was the last thing you ordered online? A couple of coloring books.  Have you ever felt as though you were drifting apart from a best friend? Yeah, I’ve experienced that a few times. Now I’ve drifted apart from everyone.  What color are your eyes? Brown.  Have you ever worn color contacts? No. I’ve never worn contacts, period. Just the idea of putting them in and taking them out freaks me out.  What's the best thing about a hug? They can be comforting.  Biggest fear? Never getting better or getting worse.  If you have a significant other, how long have you been together? -- Do you know any genuinely friendly people? Yes.  Do you buy your friends gifts? I did when I had friends, yes.  What was the last thing you plugged in? My phone charger.  How old are you? I just recently turned 33. Blehhh. What color headphones do you own? I have a pair of yellow bluetooth wireless Beats.  Have you ever shopped on Urban Outfitters? Yes. They’re so expensive, though.  Where do you buy the majority of your clothing? Boxlunch and Hot Topic.  Would you rather wear necklaces or earrings? I like both.  Do you consider yourself fortunate? Yes, I know I am in a lot of ways. I need to remember that when I’m going through really hard, dark times. Like now. Do you enjoy watching fights? No. I never understood why when there was a fight at school why everyone had to rush over and watch. I stayed far away as possible.  Have you ever been in a physical fight? No. Do you tend to talk badly about people? No. Where are your parents as of now? At home, asleep.  Does your computer cooperate most of the time? Yes. Does your family have any cheesy traditions? Maybe, but I love our traditions.  When did you last go to a book store? It’s been quite awhile...like 2-3 years.  What's the closest book store where you live? Barnes & Noble.  How much money do you have on you right now? None.  Favorite personal feature? Nothing.  Are you wearing make up at the moment? No. Favorite television channel? I mostly watch The Hallmark Channel, MTV, TV Land, UpTV. I have some stuff I watch on The CW and Freeform as well.  Describe any piercings or tattoos you might have? I just have my earlobes pierced.  Have you ever been fired from a job? No. I’ve also never had a job. Are you currently losing a best friend? No. Describe the worst day of your life: The one that made me a paraplegic at 7 months old is definitely one. That day changed my life forever and led to a series of obstacles.  Do you play any video games? I like Mario Bros.  Would you say you hate anyone? No. Do you think freckles are cute? They can be.  Last time you went to the mall? About a year ago.  Name something that's your favorite color: I have several favorite colors.  Have you been to Red Lobster before? Yeah.  Do you follow a certain religion? Yes, Christianity.  Who is your role model, if you had to choose? My mom. Would you rather have nice hair or lips? Nice hair.  What are you most self conscious about? Everything? Especially right now. It goes beyond my physical appearance as well.  Do you have any family members who live out of town? Yes. Some live out of state.  Do you consider yourself short? I am. What room are you in? A hospital room.  Hoodies or jackets? Hoodies.  Are you outside a lot? No.  Have you ever been dumped via text message? No, but via Facebook Messenger.  Favorite crayon color? Hmm. What is your favorite letter of the alphabet? I don’t have one. Do you think autocorrect is a blessing or curse? It can be annoying. I feel like the suggestions are often wrong.  Do you believe in any particular curses? No. Ever play a Ouija board? No, I don’t mess with stuff like that.  What movie scares you the most? There isn’t one, really. I love horror movies and I’ll get creeped out or on the edge of my seat while watching, but when it’s over I move on. It doesn’t deeply affect me to where I have nightmares or feel afraid.  What was your bedtime as a child? Hmm, I’m not sure. It was probably like 8, maybe 9 as I got a little older.  Reason why your favorite holiday is your favorite: I love everything about Halloween and Christmas--the weather, the decor, the scents, the colors, the food/goodies, the coziness aspect, the movies, the songs, buying Christmas gifts for my family... it’s just a nice time of year.  Do you work with any close friends? I don’t have any friends.  Do you consider yourself spoiled? I feel like that word has such a negative connotation, but yes. I envision spoiled brat, and I am not that. I am grateful for everything my family has and continues to do for me.  Do you listen to any country music? Some.  Have you ever taken a keyboarding class? Yeah, my freshmen year of high school it was a required class. I had been typing for a long time already by then, but whatever.  Favorite high school teacher: Mr. Coffey. He reminded me of Rob Dyrdek in both personality and looks. He also loved the Red Hot Chili Peppers, which he’d have playing before class. That was around the time Stadium Arcadium came out. He also played other alternative and emo music, which I was into.  Do you ever get drunk? I haven’t since I stopped drinking almost a decade ago.  Have you ever had highlights before? Yeah, for several years. Favorite number: 8. Do you still sleep with any stuffed animals? I have a few that sit on my bed.  What is your biggest regret in life? Not taking care of myself.  Do you enjoy social situations? No. Would you say you think you have a mental disorder of some kind? I do. Are you normally an independent person? Not so much now... I’m very dependent on my family now due to health reasons. Right now I’m completely dependent as I’m laid up in a hospital bed. Do you like to be organized? Yes.  Have you ever failed a class before? Yes, I failed a math course once in community college and retook it. I had a better professor the second time and that made a difference.  Ever been judged because of your weight? Ohhhh, yes.   What is your favorite breakfast cereal? The sugary ones, ha.  Ever had a wish come true? Yeah. Do you regret meeting any of your exes? No, I don’t. I have no bad feelings towards either one.  Do you own any coloring books? I own several.  What's the meanest thing someone's called you? I’ve said the meanest things to myself.  Have you ever bullied someone? No. Do you ever watch Lifetime? I did when I was younger, but it’s been a long time. My mom and I used to spend the weekends binging Lifetime movies.  Ever tried to intentionally sabotage someone's grade? No.  Do you own any brown clothing? No. What color are your walls painted? White.  Last thing you drank: I think it was Pepsi, but that was almost 3 months and a lot happened since then so my days are a little blurred. Have you ever seen a tornado in person? No. Do you have an inground pool at your house? No. What is the first digit of your phone number? -- What's the prettiest town you've been to? Hmm.  Lake Tahoe.  Do you tend to sleep a lot? Not for the past month. I was at home and the first month and a half or so while in the hospital cause I was on IV pain medication that made me drowsy.  Silver or gold jewelry? Both.  Do you sometimes celebrate holidays early? I start decorating a little early and doing things associated with that holiday, like watching Christmas movies and playing Christmas music. Once September hits it’s fall to me and I’m ready to get into ~spooky season~ and then after Thanksgiving it’s Christmastime.  Have you ever been in love? Yes, twice.  What's the best gift you've ever received? I couldn’t possibly choose.  When was the last time you showered? I haven’t had an actual shower in almost 3 months, just bed baths.  Would you consider yourself attractive? No. Definitely not right now. I thought I was bad before, but my appearance now... big yikes.  Has anyone made you mad today? No. Favorite smell: I have many and I don’t feel like listing them right now. I listed them recently in a survey.  Are you afraid of insects? YES. Do you have any children? No. If so, what are their names? -- Would ever consider having children in the future? I don’t want to have kids.  Have you ever lived on a farm? No. Ever played any sports? No. Do both of your parents have jobs? Yes. Where is the best place you've been on vacation to? Disneyland and beachy towns. Are you, for the most part, an honest person? Yes. Did you make prank phone calls as a child? My friends and I in middle school did that before. So stupid.  Do you like to make donations? Yes, though admittedly I haven’t done so in awhile.  Favorite movie at the time being: I have many. What is your current ringtone? One that came with the phone. Does anyone still buy ringtones? I never hear song ringtones anymore now that I think about it... I always just hear one of the ones that come with the phone. Plus, I think a lot of people tend to keep their phone on silent.  Meet anyone from your past lately? No. Have you ever called a teen suicide line? No. Have you ever caught something on fire? Yes. Ever been obsessed with a show? Ha, yeah numerous shows. It’s what I do. If I like a show then I have to go in full force haha.My main blog right now is a lot of Stranger Things cause that’s one of current big obsessions.  What type of perfume or cologne do you use? Bath & Body Works body sprays.  What's the last book you read? I’m currently reading, A Time to Die by Elle Gray.  Dream career: I have no idea.  Have you ever climbed a mountain before? Ha, no.  At what age do you plan to get married? I don’t.  Ever been in a car accident? No.
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survey--s · 2 years
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Have you ever had a dream that your teeth were falling out? Nope, I don’t think that’s ever happened before. Do you have a fence? No, our garden is walled, but we did put trellis on top of one wall as the dog could jump over and get into next doors’ house lol.   Do you think that in the end, everything will fall into place? Nope. I mean, don’t get me wrong, it’s a lovely idea but the world just doesn’t work like that. When was the last time you went bowling? About six years ago when we went to Blackpool. Who was the last person you disappointed? I have absolutely no idea.
Would you ever get a significant other’s name tattooed on yourself? Nope, I don’t really like name tattoos anyway. Name one unpopular opinion of yours: Religion is dangerous. Has the person you like ever made you upset? Sure, I mean, we’re married and we’ve been together for years. Arguments and upset is a normal part of any relationship imo. What is one thing people automatically notice about you? The fact that I wear glasses. Does anyone know your deepest darkest secret? I don’t really have a deep, dark secret. If you were getting unwanted attention by some creeper, would the person you like stand up for you? Of course. Favorite kind of soda? Pepsi Max or Tango. Are you closer to your mother or father? My mum, by far. Are you afraid of the dark? Nope. What’s your favorite shape? Stars or circles. How social are you? I’m really not very sociable as a rule. Don’t get me wrong, I do like going out and socialising sometimes but it has to be on my terms and I always like to have a built-in excuse ready just in case, hahaha. What’s your favorite primary color? Blue. Do you like hot chocolate? I love proper Italian hot chocolate, but not the horrible powdered stuff. What do you have pierced? Earlobes x 3, cartilage x 2, nose and belly button. What’s your favorite type of tea? Earl Grey or Yorkshire Biscuit Brew. Green Tea is okay too. Who are you subscribed to on YouTube? A bunch of people who upload TV shows I like. What’s your favorite thing about the winter? Christmas break, my birthday, snow, Christmas lights, food etc. What motivates you? Money, mostly. Would you rather have a hot tub or a pool? A pool with a jacuzzi bit in the corner lol. Realistically though we’d use a hot tub more as the weather around here is rubbish. What’s your favorite Yankee Candle scent? I’m not a fan of Yankee Candle but I use a lot of scented wax melts. My current favourites are orange and vanilla, cherry, gingerbread, cinnamon buns, raspberry and sandalwood, honey and woodland smoke, vanilla and lime and vintage book store. Would you rather learn how to play the ukulele or guitar? Guitar.   If you are up after 3 am, what are you most likely doing? I am NEVER up that late unless I’ve woken up for a wee lol. Would you ever keep your favorite animal as a pet? No. As cute as they are...no, lol. What are your thoughts and feelings towards work/jobs in general? Meh, I love my job but if I won the lottery, I’d quit tomorrow lol.  Do you believe in astrology? Not even slightly. What is something that you’ve made/created? Do you take pride in your creations? My business, and yes, I’m bloody proud of it. Do you have any cultural or family traditions that you know are uncommon in the area that you reside in currently? No, not that I can think of, anyway. What are you grandparents' names? I’m not going to be naming them here as they’re all quite unusual names. Have you ever been bitten by a dog? Yes, twice. The last time you got blood drawn, what was the reason? Blood tests to check for a hormone imbalance. Where are you, exactly, right now? I’m on the sofa in the living room and watching TV. What is your relation to the last child you spoke to? He’s the grandson of one of my customers at work. His name is Max and he’s super cute, lol. Are you scared to look at your own organs on x-ray or ultrasound? Nah, I think it’s pretty cool to be able to see inside your own body. Have you ever walked on a frozen lake/river? Yeah, Lake Louise in Canada. Have you ever seen a volcano? Yeah, a few. Have you ever met an Alaskan? Nope. Describe how you’ve broken a bone, if you have. I fractured my skull falling off the monkey bars when I was about eleven. Choose 5 friends, and briefly describe their relationship status. Sophie - married with three children. Susie - in a long-term relationship with a grown up child. Jade - married with no children. Suzanne - married with an 11yo son. Tracey - married with grown-up kids and a couple of grandchildren. Describe the last situation in which you found yourself feeling awkward. This morning when someone let their dogs run upto mine even though they were both on leads and one was growling like fuck. CONTROL YOUR ANIMALS. Do you have a neighbor you'd like to get to know more? Nope. If you're female, would you rather be called a girl, woman, gal, chick, b*tch, or lady? Woman. What magazines did you like to read as a teenager? Teen Vogue, ElleGirl, GirlTalk. Did you use Lisa Frank folders in school when you were younger? No, it wasn’t really a thing here. Do you watch any doctors' channels on YouTube? I watch Dr Pimple Popper and some of those other spot squeezing ones. Have you ever lived in a house that was on a street corner? Nope. What’s your favorite app? BeatStar. Do you want any tattoos? I’ll happily have more but I don’t have any real plans at the moment. What is the saddest song you’ve ever heard? Tears in Heaven by Eric Clapton or Sarabeth by Rascal Flatts. Are you afraid of snakes? Nah, I think snakes are pretty cool. Which “famous couple” is your favorite? I don’t really care much for celebrity couples. What’s your favorite love song? I don’t really have one. How important is it to make a relationship official (p.e. on Facebook)? Not particularly, but that being said, I’d be pretty pissed off if my partner was actively against it being on Facebook. Are you the “dominant” or the “submissive” part in a relationship? I’m probably more dominant. What career do you want? I love what I do at the moment. What about having kids? Nope. Not for me. I really wanted kids a while ago but now I’m seriously glad that we never went down that road. Do you think you’ll marry your current significant other? We are married. How did your first serious breakup go? It was horrendous at the time. [TW: SELF-HARM] Have you ever cut yourself? Yes. The first time you dumped someone, was it hard? I suppose so.  Do you regret who you lost your virginity to? No. Do you watch WWE Raw? Nope. Do you dye your hair? Not really anymore, but I do go through phases of wanting to. Which of your parents will you see next? My mum. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yeah, twice. Three times if you include when I was born. Do you make fun of obese people? No. Who does that?  Do you eat when you’re upset? Yes. I’m a huge comfort eater. One word to describe your most recent ex? Liar. Fried, poached, boiled or scrambled eggs?  No eggs. Bleurgh. Where, in your current country, would you like to live, other than where you do now? Skye. Where wouldn’t you want to live? London. Name three things that are overrated: Crocs, high waisted jeans, pumpkin spice lattes. List four things about your facial appearance: I wear glasses, my nose is pierced, I have a tiny birthmark on my chin and I have brown eyes. List four things about your general appearance: I have multiple piercings, I have one tattoo, I’m quite tall and I have curly hair. What was the last thing that made you laugh out loud? The dog came running downstairs with a waggy tail demanding a cuddle lol. It was just really cute. How many weddings have you ever been to? Just my own. I have no interest in attending anyone’s wedding, really. Would you ever wear real authentic leather? Yeah. How old are your parents? My dad is 68 and my mum is 64. What song is stuck in your head at the moment? Nothing at the moment. What’s your boss’s first name? Do you call him/her by that name? I’m self-employed.
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thehaemanthus · 9 months
August Reading
This month felt like a lifetime. Got a lot of reading done, though.
Mackenzie Green Series, JS Kennedy
Meh series. I almost put it down in the first chapter, but I was bored and Kindle had been shoving it in my face forever so. Sigh. Interesting premise with a magic-girl who is part of a mercenary guild, the little siblings she adopted, a dark past, and a love interest that starts off as an adversary. Unfortunately, I hated the writing. The main character isn't awful, but I was annoyed very quickly. I went through the series because I was curious and it was easy, but actually can't recommend it that much. Interesting world, liked the found family, but the characters are flat and the plot (especially in the last book) wasn't great. It was very YA. There WAS something in the latest book that made me go "oh, you went there?" but the consequences weren't explored. It's like if a character got stabbed in battle and someone slapped a bandage on and it was never mentioned again. It's possible that it will get picked up in the next book, but I'm not holding my breath.
Anyway. Read three books, wasn't impressed, won't continue the series.
The Grey Gates Series, Vanessa Nelson
This kickstarted my devouring of Nelson's books. There are some big themes in Nelson's writing-- main characters who go through some serious physical/mental trauma that affects their lives significantly, love interests that are more than the "I'm a snarky confident hot guy", and good mysteries. Unfortunately, she also tends to kind of have flat endings to the series? It's not bad, it's just a habit of leaving me a tiny bit unsatisfied.
In this series, our main character saved the world years ago, was more or less punished for it, and now tries to live her life and defend her city from magical monsters. I found the post-apocalyptic urban fantasy unique and thought the writing was pretty solid. I'm incredibly curious about what happened to her and what's going on in the world now.
Zoomed through three books, the fourth is coming out soon
Ageless Mysteries, Vanessa Nelson
Also zoomed through these books. Thea, our main character, lives in a fantasy world and an empire ruled by the tyrannical Ageless (they are more or less Angels, just go with that). She is a Watchwoman, basically a policewoman, and in every book there's a mysterious murder (or more than one) to solve as she tries to keep her head down and avoid attention. Nelson doesn't pull her punches with the childhood trauma, though I thought there was opportunity to dig into the angst a bit more. I really love how this is a "strong female character" who doesn't punch through walls and snark and walk through the world with extreme confidence. Thea wants to be very ordinary and very average and toe the line, though she has a strong moral code.
I LOVED the love interest, and HATED the slow slow slow burn and the lack of romance. Niath is just cute, okay, he's a super powerful mage but he can be kind of shy and he has a lot of curiosity and-- idk. It's just so different from the mold of what I've come to expect from a love interest, and I didn't even realize it. Wish we had more romance in this series.
Also wish some loose threads had been tied up. If there's one thing I can say about this series, it's that the pacing felt weird? The last book solved a lot of things very quickly and still left me unsatisfied. Some questions were sort of dropped. There were things I was interested in that Nelson didn't explore more. Still a solid series though.
The Hundred, Vanessa Nelson
Last of Nelson's series that I read. I have my own trauma from reading "The Hundred" (jroth you ass). Anywho. The series follows Yvonne, one of the Hundred, a Hunar who is assisted by magic and whose purpose is to simply help others. Lots of solving mysteries about the past, fighting against a big bad, and a huge cast of characters that honestly? Got too large for me. Might be the weakest of the series. Nelson tended to repeat phrases in an annoying way, narrate too much of what the characters were doing, and repeat details. It was still interesting and took a lot of imagination though! Cool world!
Yvonne is joined by her children (hELLO Nelson's penchant for extreme trauma, and HI my desire for it to be explore a tiny bit more por favor), the wealthy goblin Guise (love interest, Goblins are at the top of the food chain in this world, he's sneaky, it's delightful), her fellow Hunar, and more.
I zoned out quite a bit while reading. Not my favorite Nelson series but it was fine.
Resistance, Interstellar Union Series, Etta Pierce
I've written about this series before. This book wasn't my favorite-- I liked the characters, especially since they've featured in the other books and I was already interested. But I thought the plot was weak, unfortunately. For some reason, I'm just not that invested in the central conflict of the story anymore. Idk why.
Good romance, meh plot, great world building, and good characters. I think my favorite book in the series was the third or maybe the fourth. But I haven't reread them, so my thoughts could change.
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castle-dominion · 10 months
6x1 valkyrie
It has been a while since I liveblogged. I want to finish watching castle before summer is over.
She got a job ok, they got engaged ok.
Lol love the yes/no/yes/no "most serious thing I've ever done"
RC: You do know how this works, right? his twelve hundred names lol (& yeah that is HUGE gem)
Ah NOW it has been two months no longer sayong "nypd" must have been a change.
I remember when I first saw this I thought "oh it must be this gif with the sexy bra" but it wasn't. & then she got hit so hard she fell back like that?
"or worse: me"
Ew she doesn't have her plans anymore?
I love the music dskljfsdlkfj "he's best with rhetorical questions"
Alexis is pretty. Oh yeah. Pi. I love him so much. Spelling is a construct anyway bro. RC: Uh … make sure you put some blankets out on the couch for Pi if he’s staying? (his meaning is not subtle) Want him to be comfortable. (his phone rings) And visible. I mean like yeah boy sleeps on the couch.
Meh won't clip
Poor them, not seeing each other.
Lol what are you smiling about to the castle cutout.
Is that still her mom's ring? How did Castle get here? You want me to leave? Immediately *starts kissing him*
Castle mr nosey man.
Wow they're good! she looks a lot like castle tbh CASTLE NO SHE'S LITERALLY NOT EVEN IN THE CAR YET YOU CAN CATCH HER
the baby sdkfljslkdjklj (clipping) Halo nights, new trivi fact "well since you offered"
could clip the part where ryan tosses the baby doll on esposito Yay Tory Ellis "isn't that beckett's backyard?" jf ey tunnel shdgy cal.l d*lat.er when i ^bet1er
*castle is already at the golf course*
"it better be on a book jacket" unless he is at home when you drop beckett off bro
"I didn't think I'd get caught"
Yes the old haunt! Mccord is also getting the same info I'm sure.
Oh no phtos of Castle.
Oh no r they tattling on becks?
Picked up a guy, talked in my sleep, let out info about Scoffield. What if you get the license plate when he opened his trunk? Really you have a match off of THAT?
Infiltration? Yeah this fellow def going into a building.
Her voice cracked hella when she said "clear" Also wow these folks are hot in their vests. Her phone is on ring mode? She just went into a building with guns, what if she got in trouble? What if they needed to be quiet?
"the kind that makes me feel all" *ooh*
RC: I have salmon that needs to be refrigerated He's so right RC: that's a read THAT'S A RED!
My man has been shot or smth.. At least castle grabbed the gun. "10 & 2, 10 & 2" XD
Castle getting checked for a concussion lmao *waves at her*
Castle say "I had salmon to refrigerate-- would I have bought that if I was planning on getting abducted?"
"Given your fiance's history.." yk what so valid bestie Her little "I'm sorry" through the screen.
Glad they are doing 70% match not more bc yeah, people can change what they look like.
KB: Maybe it’ll be better. This way when we come home at the end of each day we’ll have something to talk about like normal couples. RC: Only your day will be classified. Like that one physicist who insisted that his wife get classification access so that he could talk to her abou this work day & rubber duck to her. At least castle has the money to fly around visiting his wife all the time.
Pi my beloved. Isn't fruitarian like "I don't eat fruit unless it has fallen from the tree. Those carrots were brutally murdered."
My man lives in amsterdam? Pi has his sixth sense I love pi sm. "you're absolutely right" *walks away*
RmC: You want to talk about it? KB: No RmC: Good
of course she wasn't taking a direct route
Aww castle talking to rysposito about it
KR: You know, I don’t think Jenny and I have been apart for more than two days since we met. It’s gotta be rough. (HOLY CRAP WAIT WHAT?) RC: I just feel like we’re so out of sync I don’t know how to get back. I guess I was just … trying to make it feel like us again. JE: Yeah, by playing me and Ryan for chumps. (KR nods, but it’s not in anger) You should have known that we were going to figure out this case was real. RC: Well, you’ll be happy to know for my sins I was abducted by a maniac at gunpoint and nearly killed. But at least I didn’t get Beckett fired. [They’re both surprised.] JE: Whoa, whoa, abducted? (RC pauses) By who? RC: realizes he might have said too much and tries to evade. RC: Look guys, I really shouldn’t be talking about this. [They don’t let him off so easily.] KR: C’mon, Castle. It’s us. JE: And thanks to you, we’re already involved. KR: nods. RC: Okay, but this goes no further, all right? (at KR’S nod) So I’m walking down the street and this guy that they’re looking for grabs me, shoves me into a car, starts talking crazy, starts asking me all these questions. JE: What kind of questions? RC: Something about Valkyrie, how much the feds knew, and then I thought he was going to pass out, because he was talking about going off to dream world. (JE freezes & looks off with his eyes) But he didn’t pass out. He dropped dead. JE: Uh … this guy? Was he, uh, was he military?
RC: Why? Is Valkyrie a military term? JE: I don’t know about Valkyrie, but Dream World? It’s a highly classified special operations base in the Gulf. It’s a ghost base. The government’s never confirmed its existence, but I – I met a guy who knew a guy who was stationed there. (everyone knows someone who knows someone) RC: (intrigued) Where is it? JE: It’s – it’s a ghost base, Castle. You think it’s going to say where it is? KR and RC share a look, then look to JE. They both shake their head. JE: No. But I will tell you this, if Beckett’s case has anything to do with this base, well, then she’s into something way bigger than she realizes. (won't clip, not even the double shale heads of rystle)
Oh no they lost her, beckett's instincts screwed them up. Or not nvm. If you've never seen it then why were you running away with evasion tactics? Is this the same interrogation room as the precinct & they just dolled it up differently?
GOLF COURSE I expected rachel mccord to slam the table & yell "he's dead" to scare this jeanette girl into talking. KB: Well, people do crazy things when they’re in love. RmC: I've noticed
Well you have the encryption system so you don't need to find the Bad Guy. Stop looking for the thing they REALLY stole. Ah! Genetics lab, classified floor, etc. lmao you would SO get results for dreamworld, even if it is all BS.
Castle chill & cut pi some slack. But also alexis is so pretty really really pretty. RC: how would they know? MR: Richard, these federal agents are here for you...
Ah yes, the military Why would Jack Bronson die if they were trying to set him up? How badly was he exposed? A few days & castle is still mostly fine? ngl I expected it to be more like "a few months before it ruins your systems, but we have a few days to flush it from your system so that you can go back to living your normal life" or smth
Ok I got a few clips, I'm happy.
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bryceslahela · 1 year
being as unbiased as you can, which in your opinion is the best choices book (plot, characters, LIs, MC, art, etc) and which is the worst? I have been struggling with worst bc… they’ve gotten SO bad.
Imo best to me is either Laws (recency bias, i know) because i genuinely loved the plot, loved MC, and thought both Aislinn and Gabe were compelling, plus the potential after book 2 could’ve been amazing (where is my beau hookup???) OR something like Veil of Secrets (controversial I think) because I was compelled every chapter and it didn’t feel money grabby with a convoluted series drag out, not to mention Duffy being evil was a nightmare-fodder level twist (the LIs were meh tho so). So. Idk I know those are weird picks but I wanna hear the best in ur unbiased opinion/books you know aren’t the best in quality but are maybe ur favs anyway?
oooohhhhh!! good question!!! this’ll probably be a super long answer so i’ll put it under the cut!!
hmmmm i’m trying to be as unbiased as i can but i’d probably say moty. all of the lis were incredible and well-fleshed out (and don’t forget the replay value alone!!), the villains were realistic which made it more compelling, the plot was easy to understand and unravelled in a way that made sense. mc was fun to play and baby day was also adorable which led the reader to have more of a interest in supporting the mc in helping her daughter. i also think the book wrapped up in a satisfying way (unlike other books). like would i enjoy a moty2? yes. do i think we need a moty2? not really.
also a lot of the issues ppl had w/ moty was surrounding their own problems when it comes to parenting and motherhood or playing as a gendered character (which are all 100% valid!!) but none of them really attacked the quality of the book once it released. i think its a universal well-liked book in the fandom and w/ casual players.
now the worst….. hm….. a general answer would probably witness. annoying ass mc, boring li, plot that made no sense w/out diamonds being spent (es-core). i couldn’t even finish playing though so i’m gonna only do books that i’ve finished so i can give them a fair appraisal. so i’m gonna say hot couture…. complete yawnfest, most interesting li was locked behind a paywall and barely there, other lis were boring and ugly, book was boring and the plot was kinda all over the place? super forgettable. also the mc was okay but i honestly don’t remember anything about her. no replay value whatsoever….. i know this might be controversial but also remember that i haven’t played most of the ‘bad’ books that people would have put here aka tch, tna series, witness, wb etc.
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purplesurveys · 2 years
Did you ever pretend you were someone else as a favor for a friend? No, I’m the world’s most terrible liar and I’d blow my cover within minutes.
Do you think men prefer curvy women or skinny women? Idk, do all men on the planet have a collective preference on something like this?
Do you own a water gun? I mean if we’re talking about the toy kind of water guns, I haven’t had those in years.
What item most embarrasses you to purchase? Tbh my usual mindset is that what I buy is none of anyone’s business lol, so I don’t recall a time I’ve hesitated to buy something because I was embarrassed.
Do you know any actual dances or do you just move to the music? I have a few dance routines memorized but I can’t actually dance, so I’m largely limited to just bouncing my body to the beat here and there and doing tiny movements with my hands.
Do you eat pork and beans? No, for a number of factors - I hate most beans; I was fed pork and beans a lot as a kid; and I’ve always found the taste of pork and beans to be a bit...meh? Like it’s not bland, but the taste is just similar to a lot of stews so it’s largely forgettable for me.
What is the last thing you refered to as legit? I was booking a weekend accommodation for my family and I was just telling my dad that this place I saw is legit because of the reviews and how looked-after their website is.
Or do you think that term is lame? lol I never thought it was, nor cared about this.
Do you give cards to people for holidays or events? The tradition of giving cards is not really a big tradition here. Filipinos prefer to give like, actual(?? idk the right term lol) items - doesn’t matter how simple it is, whether it’s a handkerchief or keychain or mug; but we would generally look around to see what kind of trinkets we can give others.
Do you have anything hanging from the ceiling of your room? Just my room’s main light, though I barely use it because it’s white and I hate white light and because I find it too bright.
The rear view mirror of your car? No; too distracting. I’m fine with decorative stickers on the rear view mirror, but I’d never put hanging stuff on it.
which do you prefer, dr or dentist? Dentist. Doctors can give you worse news, I think.
Do you know which side your appendix is on? Yep.
Do you have the fixins in your fridge to make a sandwich? What kind? We probably do but I’m not knowledgeable enough to know what ingredients would work together to make a good sandwich.
Are any walls of your room blank? There is one that is blank, but I have the TV stand on that side anyway so it doesn’t look entirely lifeless.
When was the last time you ate fruit? Last Sunday when we had mango panna cotta. I did give the mango glaze a try to be generous, but to nobody’s shock I hated it so I ended up scraping it all off and just finishing the gelatin part.
What color are your favorite shoes? They’re white with blue and red stripes.
If someone was willing to tell your crush you liked them would you let them? No crushes.
Do you know the zodiac signs of your friends? Angela is a Virgo...I think? and while I know all my friends’ birthdays, I wouldn’t be able to tell you their signs.
Favorite dog ever, real life and cartoon. Fave IRL dogs are my three kids - Kimi, Cooper, and Agi. As for cartoon dogs, I love Buster from Toy Story and Pluto the most. Do you own anything with fur on it? What? Nope.
Do you choose surveys based on their titles? I won’t lie, it’s for sure a factor. I gravitate towards titles that have ~aesthetic formatting (like if they were written in lowercase) or are song lyrics; but at the end of the day I still look at all my options and narrow it down from there.
what would be worse for you, unplanned pregnancy or cancer? Cancer. Honestly, a pregnancy wouldn’t even be close to being the worst thing to happen to me at this point.
What was the last thing you made from scratch? I have no idea if I’ve done that recently. I just buy everything lol
Do you drink any hot beverages? What? Not a fan of hot drinks. If I had to consume anything hot it would just be soup.
Do you put Q-tips in your ear or just round the outside? Push it right in.
Have you ever popped another person's zit? I haven’t.
When was the last time you listened to a radio, NOT online? A little over a month ago. I was picking up my dad from the airport and it happened to be the timeslot of my favorite radio show, so I ditched the Bluetooth so I could listen to those DJs.
Do you have any odious chores hanging over your head? Not really, no.
What is the last thing you confessed to someone? I haven’t had any big ones recently, but last night I did share with my co-workers that I had been really, really close to closing in on resigning a month ago, and that I planned to end up in this or that job.
Have you ever told a friend to dump their SO? Did they? No, I don’t really like being authoritative on things like that. I’d give advice or whatever, but I’m not the type to directly say dump them.
Name two things you put whipped cream on? Tbh not really a fan of whipped cream. I’d let it stay on my frappes but that’s about it.
Who is the last person who saw you with bare feet? My family.
What do you think is the coolest piercing on someone else? I don’t remember her face, her name, or where I encountered her, but I once worked with a girl who had a lip piercing that really suited her. It was a lip ring and idk it just looked pretty on her. Colored tattoos or plain? Depends on the style, I’d say.
Do you ever eat peanut butter straight from the jar? Maybe once or twice. I did this more often with Nutella and cookie butter.
Do you know how to ride a bike? Do you own one? I don’t know how to ride one.
What was the last pill you took for? Headache. How many devices do you own that hook up to internet? Three - laptop, phone, and the casting thingy for my TV that lets me access YouTube and all the other streaming apps.
Any best friends you only know online? No, that ship sailed years ago. All my online friends practically disappeared off the face of the earth one by one, but I hope they’re all doing okay and are thriving and happy wherever they ended up in their lives.
Do you ever talk to your next door neighbor? Nah, not really.
Do most of your friends live in houses, apartments or mobiles? Houses.
Did anything shock you today? Learning that Wild Flower was one of the tracks Namjoon accidentally wiped out from his laptop. I can still remember the hundreds of fans who tried to help him recover his files (my friends and I did too) hahaha but in any case it’s really poetic how he re-recorded the song and ultimately made it his title track.
What is the thing you last stubbed your toe on? The side of my bed.
Favorite faux curse word. I say “freaking” a lot.
Who do you tease most often and what about? I’d say Angela; I tease her about marriage and kids quite frequently.
slip on or lace up shoes? Lace-up.
Thing you stress over most about the holidays. Completing my gift list and looking for gifts that are unique for each person, all while making sure I don’t suck my bank account dry.
Food you take a second helping of on Thanksgiving? I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving, but in general I wouldn’t hesitate to get a second, third, fourth round of lumpia. 
Would you rather spend Thanksgiving with friends or family? Again, I don’t celebrate Thanksgiving. But for Christmas, I’ve always celebrated with family – my friends do too, so it’s not like we could plan get-togethers on the day of.
Most disgusting bug. Cockroaches.
Nastiest thing in your fridge. Subjectively, pineapple juice.
Song you hate but keep singing anyway. Don’t think there’s such a song.
Cookies or brownies. Cookies.
Do you own any movie soundtracks? Which? I remember having the Twilight soundtrack many years ago lol, but I don’t think it’s here anymore. Otherwise I’ve never bought any movie soundtracks – especially these days, since I can easily stream those on Spotify.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two, and then I’ve got a plushie too.
Favorite outdoors smell. A freshly-cooked boodle fight setup right next to the beach.
are you wearing a hoodie right now? I am not.
Do you ever sleep in your day clothes? Yes; the only time I don’t is when I wear the one pair of pajamas I have. Otherwise, my day clothes work just as well at night.
Do you prefer your clothes loose or close fitting? I used to lean towards tighter clothes, but these days I don’t have much of a preference. I just wear whatever I feel like putting on for the day.
Are your fave pants jeans? Yep. Do you own any under things bought to impress the opposite sex? Not really to impress anyone, but just because I feel good in them.
Favorite thing you've ever painted? I’ve never completed a painted work.
Do you eat applesauce? No. I don’t even know what that is.
Are there any songs that remind you of your mother? Sure.
If you had a sister, would you prefer her older or younger? Why? I have a younger sister and I’ve never had any qualms with it.
What is something you wanted to say today, but didn’t? Don’t tell me what to do with my money.
Where are your keys right now? Somewhere downstairs.
Is there any product you always buy at the dollar store? I can’t relate to this question again.
Can you recite any prayers by heart? Unfortunately I still can.
When it's your birthday, do you have the correct number of candles? I can’t remember the last time I had a candle on my cake. Birthday cake alone, or cake and ice cream? Just cake is fine but even that I can do away with, tbh. Not a big fan of sweets.
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alyjojo · 2 years
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Love Reading 🏳️‍⚧️- August 2022 - Sagittarius
Overall energy: 7 Swords
How you will meet: The World
How they will treat you: 3 Wands
Long-term Potential: 9 Cups
This person comes up as 7 Swords, clarified by 3 & 7 Cups. One of you are already with someone and this is definitely an online thing, and doubtfully you or they are the only one being talked to, there are others. Your person has “cannot handle reality”, which leads me more to gaming if you’re a gamer, or some kind of fantasy hobby, they’re probably involved in that. They live a long distance from you, it’s not right next door, so this is an extremely slow moving connection with Knight of Pentacles & The Hermit. You also may be friends, which poses an issue because your person may be more shy or avoidant and definitely doesn’t want to mess things up. You think they’re hot 😍 so hopefully they know that.
They’re waiting on you, they are not the personality to flirt a lot or rush in with passion, they are more avoidant and awkward, it’s why their cards are the way they are. They hope you’re that person, but you aren’t either. You two are cute. You aren’t messaging anything sexy and neither are they, though both want to, so I’m not quite sure HOW this is going anywhere, BUT: Future Potential: it’s possible it actually goes somewhere!
The messages are meh, they seem to describe the slow burn period, to give clarification most likely. The initial back and forth is frustrating, distance is frustrating, not speaketh-ing your feelings brah, is frustrating 😆, possible outside parties are too, it’s a lot & time is needed. Definitely not overnight, this is like a long nurtured connection with someone you’ll someday see in person, possibly during or after one of you has gone through something that hurts & is very difficult, the other one will come. I don’t see many of you having this story at all, maybe one person. But it’s actually a very sweet connection that’s worthwhile and ends in everything you want, victory & success ❤️
Messages -
Their side:
- I value our bond.
- Cannot Handle Reality 😵‍💫
Your side:
- You make me so HOT 🥵
- Blaming You 💯
- I need a break from this.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Aquarius, Pisces, Virgo & Sagittarius
Overall energy: The Fool
Current: Knight of Wands
Challenge: 2 Pentacles
Potential: 8 Wands rev
Travel seems to be the most important event this month, and it’s none too planned either. Something with this is very impulsive and rushed, but exciting. You spend a lot of time fantasizing about all of your options but never really…scheduling the thing, booking a hotel, whatever it may be. The challenge is you end up with way too much to do, Judgement calls out that this keeps happening and you’re not learning to do it differently, you keep just YOLO’ing or something. Could be your person too. Your challenge is a repeat of challenges you’ve had before and will continue having until it gets through to you in some way. For a small few of you, someone could be returning that’s caused issues and you’ve stopped interacting with before. They could be someone overly judgmental, could be family related. Being a challenge, it’s probably a repeat of the same dynamic it was before.
The potential is something not working out. So if you planned on traveling, the whole thing may have been rushed or things were forgotten, 8 Wands rev is no movement in that area, or no messages for the person coming back. Clarified by 3 Cups & The Sun, it could be a friend or family reunion you’re missing, some happy plans with those you’re close with. For the repeat person, you’re not messaging because you’re happy and don’t want to deal with it. Or it can be that whatever doesn’t work out is fine with you both and you guys are happy regardless 😊 Your card is moving out and moving on, it’s definitely more the moving on factor, whatever situation is coming back around you’re like no thanks, pass, and that’s the end of it. Or they are. IF this is work, or family, and you’re putting off doing something or canceling in order to have fun or party, you could be facing Judgement for that. Or your person is. If that’s the case and you’re playing hooky, then it’s been done before and others are onto this dynamic, just be mindful of that.
Messages -
Their side:
- I have to figure out what I want.
- I’ve never met anyone like you.
Your side:
- Moving Out & Moving On
- Best of Intentions
Oracles -
Their side: Be proud of the body you’re in. After all, the outside is not you.
Your side: You can have a partner you love, but don’t forget all the other loves, such as friends, family, pets, and so on.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Aquarius, Scorpio & Cancer
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awesomerextyphoon · 3 years
Speculum Cupido
Summary: You’ve been Dr. Strange’s apprentice for some time now and you wanted to prove your best friend wrong. It goes awry and both of you find yourselves in a ‘dark mirror’ universe where the Captain, the Asset, the Kraken, and the Fallen Angel want to make both of you theirs.
Pairing: Dark!Steve x Female Reader x Dark!Ransom, minor Dark!Bucky x OFC x Dark!Sam
Rating: 18+ / Explicit
Word Count: 3,072
Warning: Dub/Non-Con Smut, Oral (m & f receiving), Daddy Kink, MMF Threesome, Double Penetration, Spit Roasting, Non-Con Drugging, Breeding Kink, and Artistic License w/Biology
A/N: This is my gift to @labella420​ for @drabblewithfrannybarnes​, @chrissquares​ , and @amythedvdhoarder​’s Happy Hoelentine’s Day Challenge.  Dividers are by the lovely @firefly-graphics​. Shout out to @saiyanprincessswanie​ for letting me borrow an idea of hers for this fic. Thanks to @the-soulofdevil​ for the beta.
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Another Valentine’s Day, another day for the world to mock me being single.
You were having enough of a ‘meh’ week as it is. Dr. Strange had to return to Kamar-Taj for an in-person meeting and Wong was who knows where. They had instructed you to work on your portal and transfiguration spells while they were away which was fair since you’ve been lacking in that department.
It’s just that you longed for some excitement.
Luckily you wouldn’t be spending Valentine’s completely alone; Isabeau, your best friend, was coming over due to as she put it, ‘no one cares about a day where all one gets is somewhat good sex’.
Fast Forward two hours and you’re getting your room ready for Galentine’s Day Movie Night. You had decked out your room with homemade baked goods, drinks, best friend movies, all the good shit.
“I have wonderful news!” Isabeau burst in with gusto yet again.
You shot her a bemused smile, “What is it this time?”
“I have a new crush! It’s Eric from IT!”
“Are you sure this won’t end up like last time?” you queried in reference to the time when Isabeau’s crush turned out to be a complete asshole.
“Oh hush! This won’t be like that at all,” Isabeau retorted, “Now how about you? Have you had any luck with a hot sorcerer?”
“If only I’d be so lucky,” you muttered as Isabeau started on the Toffee Crunch Cookies you made.
A few minutes later, Isabeau’s eyes narrowed and her full lips curved upward in a mischievous smirk.
She had one of her ideas again.
“Hey, why don’t you try an ambiance spell. They’re harmless and you always feel better afterward.”
You didn’t like casting them due to something always going awry, but you relented once Isabeau broke out her puppy dog eyes.
“Alright, alright, I give,” you submitted, “I’ll try a simple floating star spell. Let me find the book.”
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 Both of you went to the library for the book but it was nowhere to be found. All of the ambiance and illusion books were blank.
“Is this a sorcerer thing? I’m not seeing any words or illustrations,” puzzled Isabeau as you went through book after book in the library only to find them blank.
“No. Maybe we should just go back to my room,” you suggested as you made your way to the exit.
“Wait! There’s one book left. You could try that one.” Isabeau pointed to the last book on the shelf. It was a little worn like many of the books that resided in the library, but the inscriptions seemed odd; like it wasn’t supposed to be there.
Yet it was the only book that had anything in it.
“Fine,” you relented as you took the book back to your room.
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  The spells in the book weren’t anything out of the ordinary, but one spell seemed to stand out to both of you.
“Speculum Mundus?” Isabeau wondered.
“It means Mirror World in Latin.”
“Oh,” her eyes got a mischievous glint to them again, “I bet you can’t cast the spell.”
“Not this again.”
“Oh come on,” Isabeau goaded, “It’s a simple mirror world spell. You’ve done it before. What’s the worse that can happen?”
“I don’t know…”
“Are you gonna chicken out again?”
“No! Just give me a minute,” you mumbled as your hands got into the starting position and recited the incantation.
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  The room changed instantly.
It was filled with prism-like structures and kaleidoscope imagery giving the space a surreal ambiance.
It wasn’t unlike the last time you went into the Quantum Realm with Dr. Strange and Wong, and yet the hair on the back of your neck stood straight, and a chill shot through your spine.
You heard a gasp and turned around to see Isabeau with her protruding eyes opened wide and her mouth gaping. Following her line of sight, you saw four of the hottest men you’ve ever seen.
Though something was amiss.
For one thing, there were two Steve Rogers; one with a beard and one clean-shaven. Bucky Barnes’ arm was silver and not dark gray with gold highlights. All of them were in black uniforms with sections of vermillion and/or maroon. Clean-shaven Steve had a black tactical suit with a vermillion Kraken on his chest. Bearded Steve had a skull with tentacles on it. Sam had three vermillion stripes and one maroon stripe across his chest and shoulders with a falcon’s head in red surrounded by a black circle between his pecs.
But the thing that set off all your alarms was the fact that Bucky’s outfit was a dead ringer of his Winter Soldier days.
Instinctively, you grabbed Isabeau’s hand and made a mad dash for the hallway. You needed to get some distance so you could ground yourself.
You tried breaking the spell but to no avail. Not only did the spell not break, but your hands also burned at each attempt.
“We won’t lose you again!” one of the Steves yelled as you and Isabeau turned a corner.
“Come here, mici prințese!” another voice, probably Bucky’s shouted as the two of you made your way into a closet.
“I think we’re okay for now,” you breathed telepathically as the four Adonises crept past your hiding place.
“What’s the plan now?” Isabeau asked fearfully as her heartbeat started to rise in terror.
“I don’t know but-” you were cut off by a strike to the back of your head and your vision rapidly fading to black.
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  Muffled voices and the beeping of medical equipment brought you from the void.
“Nothing is wrong….they’re…good, sir.”
“Be sure that they are. We can’t leave anything up to chance.”
Groggily, you open your eyes to find yourself in a sleek hospital room lightly chained to a bed. Several other people were monitoring your vitals. One of them is Dr. Bruce Banner, or what seems to be Dr. Banner.
Bruce turned to see you looking around with a slightly confused expression, “Ah, you’re awake,” he turned to one of his aides, “Contact the Captain and Lieutenant. Tell them to come to get their bride.”
You blinked. Bride?
“Where is Isabeau, my friend?” you inquired as one of the aides brought you some water.
Bruce scowled, “Don’t think about her. You might be able to see her if the Captain and/or Lieutenant wills it.” he remarked while eyeing you up and down in a condescending almost lecherous manner, “Hmm, looks great for breeding,” Bruce noted as he fondled and prodded your curves.
You’ve always been proud of how you looked, but at that moment you wanted to shrink in the corner after giving this Bruce a roundhouse kick to the groin.
You were about to tell Dark!Bruce to fuck off when Tony Stark, fuck it, Dark!Tony entered the room. This Tony looked a lot more sinister with his silver, gray, light, and steel navy blue armor. His face and hair were mostly uncovered with his facial expression positively predatory.
“Cap’s one lucky bastard. He gets a sexy bunny along with Lieutenant Smart Ass.”
Recalling how some megalomaniacs liked shows of submissiveness, you lowered your head and asked where you were.
Whether it be out of pity, spite, or malice, Tony answered your question, “You’re in another earth, another universe.”
You nearly swiveled to look outside the window. NYC’s skyline was radically different. There were fewer buildings and HYDRA insignias everywhere.
“HYDRA took over this world.” You deadpanned. FUUUUCK!
“Sexy and smart.” Tony praised sardonically.
It didn’t take time for HYDRA to regroup after WWII. Zola and his associates were able to convince Howard Stark to give them the Tesseract with the promise of great renown, riches, and no longer being bound by the laws of weaker men. They were able to create a superweapon with the help of Dr. Whitney Frost and have been ruling the planet ever since.
It could be worse. HYDRA knew they had to offer the people comforts in exchange for their obedience. They eradicated all diseases, created a good standard of living, and ended all petty conflicts under the new world order.
Though Tony didn’t feel the need to tell you. You’ll figure it out on your own.
The doors opened to reveal Steve Rogers and his younger, clean-shaven counterpart in all their masculine glory.
“Good, you’re here.” Bruce welcomed smirking at your silent pleas.
Both soldiers walked over and inspected you.
“Hello, kitten. Name’s Ransom.” The clean-shaven soldier drawled as he moaned from your scent, “Nice set of lips you’ve got there.”
“We’ll definitely have some fun with her,” Steve noted as licked his lips ogling your curves.
You had to use all of your restraint not to spit in their faces.
“We’ll take her.” Ransom decided while Steve nodded.
Several of the aides breathed a sigh of relief as Steve broke the chains on your bed like they were nothing.
“Don’t have too much fun now!” Tony called as Steve picked you up bridal style.
“Who am I kidding? they’ll breed her like a Catholic rabbit!”
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  “Um, where are you taking me?” you queried, your voice barely above a whisper.
“You will address us as ‘Sir’ in public unless instructed otherwise. Is that understood?” It took all that Steve had not to push against the wall and pound your pussy with his cock he was so enraged.
No, he needed to wait. No one was to see what’s theirs.
Ransom, for his part, chuckled and shook his head, “Best not to anger this one, kitten. He hasn’t been in the best of moods.”
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  You gasped once the doors to their living quarters opened.
The place was huge!
It had a modern yet retro design; it should’ve been confusing, but it worked. Grand windows showcased the skyline with a balcony in the middle with a huge kitchen next to what looked to be a restaurant-style fridge and a huge living room with a TV and a fireplace.
Yet there seemed to be something missing.
“Place needs a woman’s touch,” Ransom commented sending a smirk your way.
“I’ll see you in the guest quarters Ransom” Steve deadpanned as he led you down a hall.
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  The bedroom was enormous yet sparse like they didn’t know what to do with it.
You were about to say something when Steve dropped you onto the incredibly soft mattress. His eyes darkened with lust and you knew what he wanted. You couldn’t think of a way out of this, not with the magic inhibitors Bruce placed on your wrists.
Maybe you could give escape one last try; you just had to wait for the right opening.
Steve smirked upon seeing you removing your clothes. He liked that you knew your place, his pretty little princess.
You could only gasp when Steve removed his uniform top. He had an incredibly defined musculature: broad shoulders, beefy biceps, chiseled pecs and abs, and a seriously drool-worthy Adonis Belt. The light shining behind him made his body appear even more glorious.
Steve looked like an ancient god brought to modern times.
With a predatory smirk, Steve slowly crawled to you loving the smell of your arousal. “Let me lay out a few rules, sweetheart. You will make our meals, clean our rooms, bear our children, and be our good little whore. You must earn the right to wear a bra; panties are out of the question.”
Each rule was emphasized by a kiss or a love bite to your jaw, neck, collarbone, and shoulders.
Finally, you are to address us as Sir in public and Daddy in private. Say it.”
“Yes, Daddy,” you muttered with your eyes downcast.
Steve lifted your chin up with his forefinger, “That’s a good girl,” and brought you in for a kiss on the lips.
The kiss was demanding yet soft. You were surprised he was capable of such gentleness.
Steve was about to push his tongue into his mouth when Ransom strolled into the room.
“Does she know the drill?”
Steve broke the kiss with a smirk,” Just finished explaining it.”
Ransom shot you a sardonic smirk, “You got the rules, kitten? Good. Now if you misbehave, I’m gonna send you to the dungeons for a few days.”
Steve started up again, “But...if you’re good-”
“A good little wifey,” Ransom interjected caressing your right cheek and leaning in for a kiss.
This kiss started off soft then intensified (really know how to lure a girl) into one filled with passion and dominance. Ransom forced his tongue into and moaned at your taste. A few seconds later he was pushing what felt like a small tablet past your tongue forcing you to swallow.
“Did you do it yet?”
“Cool it, grandpa! I did, don’t you worry. She’s gonna feel it. Aren’t ya, kitten.”
You started to feel strange. Your body temperature skyrocketed, your mind was in a deep haze, your thighs were clenching on overtime you were so turned on. You needed relief and fast.
“Please Daddies!” you begged as you tried your best not to touch yourself.
“See grandpa? She’s ready.” Ransom purred as he grabbed your thighs and placed them over his shoulders. He planted a few kisses near your entrance and groaned at the smell of your arousal.
It only took one long, slow lick to your slit to turn you into a moaning mess. You couldn’t believe the pleasure you were feeling. It was like a bolt of lightning shot through you.
Ransom groaned at the taste of your juices. Not even Stark’s overpriced chefs could compare. “Fuck, she tastes divine,” he groaned and dove in for more. Ransom attacked your folds and swollen clit with insane intensity and precision alternating between his tongue and fingers.
You were on cloud nine. Each motion took you further to the precipice of an orgasm. Ransom kept bringing you back from the edge only thrust you back into his level of tumultuous.
Steve got in on the action by covering your moans with a kiss of all-consuming passion and started playing with your breasts.
“Fuck, these tits are amazing! Can’t wait until these are filled with milk” Steve purred as he took one of your nipples into his mouth and the other between his big and forefingers.
After twenty minutes of teasing, Ransom finally let you come. A volcanic eruption of ecstasy erupted from your core and Ransom lapped up all of your juices.
“Rogers, you’re in for a treat!” Ransom exclaimed as he hopped off the edge of the mattress.
“I get her pussy first since you got to eat her out,” Steve uttered as grinned at your blissed-out state.
With a tsk, both of them got you into position with Steve’s thick, muscular thighs on either side of your hips and Ransom standing in front of you taking off his pants.
He was huge! His cock was long, thick, and veiny. It wobbled against his masterfully sculpted abs with each step he took. You wondered how that was going to fit in your mouth. Turns out Steve’s was no smaller if his tip being coated with your slick is any indication.
“This won’t hurt, kitten. You were made for us.” Ransom cooed.
You didn’t know how right he was.
Steve made his move by pushing into you inch by delicious inch and moaned at the sensation. “Fuck, she fits like a dream.”
“Don’t take forever, grandpa.” Ransom chided.
“Shut up, ya punk!” Steve retorted as he began thrusting into you loving the way your pussy clenched around him like a vice’s grip.
“Open wide, kitten,” Ransom started to push his throbbing cock into your mouth.
It took a bit of time and effort to loosen your jaw enough for him to fully enter you. He started fucking your mouth before you were ready. You tried not to gag he was so rough.
What happened to the man from earlier?
“Fuckin’ perfect.” Ransom breathed as he was approaching his climax.
Steve came with a primal roar that reverberated throughout the room after making you come two more times.
“Swallow it, kitten” Ransom ordered.
Funny thing is, you didn’t need the order. You delighted in the salty, tangy, and slightly sweet flavor.
Two minutes after you swallowed all of Ransom’s spent, both men decided it was time to move. Ransom got onto the mattress and pulled you on top of him with his tip nudging your entrance. Steve got behind you and placed kisses along the juncture between your neck and shoulders while positioning himself at your ass.
“Please...please don’t do this!” you pleaded, the pill’s effect slipping for the tiniest of moments.
Steve grabbed your neck with just enough force to pause, not hurt.” Best be a good girl now, sweetheart,” he warned.
Ransom slid in first, “Holy fucking shit!” he moaned, “Sam owes me $40.
“That depends on how well their bride is taking to them,” Steve pointed out.
“Eh, we’ll say ours is better.”
Ransom moaned again once he bottomed out and grabbed the globes of your blessed backside. He couldn’t wait to grab and smack it around in their quarters.
Steve moved slowly causing both of your breathing to hitch, his from pleasure and yours from slight pain.
With a grin and smirk, they started moving in tandem. Your body almost couldn’t take the immense pleasure you were feeling.
“I could get used to this,” Ransom remarked.
“Well, we have the week,” Steve breathed past your ear.
Both kept at it until they came in you twice. You nearly passed out after your twelfth orgasm.
“Rest kitten,” Ransom purred as you finally gave in to your exhaustion.
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  “The bride took to our seed,” Steve reported to Director Pierce.
“Good. We found their parents along with the rest of the resistance.” Pierce imparted.
Steve scowled at the information.
You and your friend, Isabeau, were the only ones to survive the Eve Project. HYDRA wanted to genetically groom compatible brides for their top soldiers. You were promised to Steve and Ransom and your friend to Bucky and Sam. Both of you were whisked away to another Earth by the resistance and your treacherous parents.
Now you were back where you belong.
“When do we leave?” Ransom growled.
“Once Strange and Wanda crack the protection spell. In the meantime, enjoy your bride.” Pierce turned to leave, but stopped before turning off the screen,” I want to see some little ones soon.”
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silverhallow · 2 years
Bridgerton Season 2... my thoughts
It's going below the cuts because of Spoilers... and i apologise it's going to likely incoherent...
First up... the Featherington subplots... what the hell and what was the point. Once I realised what was going on, not gonna lie... i fast fowarded it. I did see Portia giving Jack the old heave ho and basically screwing him over and I have to yell "get the fuck in" i love protective mother's and that was just... very much a FUCK YOU moment and i loved it.
Can we talk about Colin's tan??? Jesus... it would have fit in on a night out in Newcastle... JESUS WEPT. I am sure at one point he was nearly orange... Colin babe i love you when you're not being an idiot... but dude... the tan... no.
I'm going to do a separate post on Benedict cause I just have to...
the marina/colin thing was meh i loved seeing Phillip and him being a babe and a plant nerd but i think again. i could have done without it this season but it was nice to see Marina happy and i'm kinda interested to see how they will do this... going forward...
I LOVE LOVE LOVED ALL the Bridgerton Family moments and A&B Moments in this were just... sheer perfection. it was clear you could see the Brotherly relationship, the difference between A&Bs relationship and that of A& C-H... it was clear they were the best of friends. Anthony went to Benedict for advise... and Benedict offered it. Anthony offered Benedict support as a brother... and tried to do the same with the Art Academy and just did it poorly but i can't wait to see more A&B In future.
VIOLET FUCKING BRIDERTON- what a fucking WOMAN. the flashbacks... GIVE RUTH GEMMELL ALL THE AWARDS. She was fucking REMARKABLE this season. seeing her pain... seeing her struggle and seeing her comfort Anthony... the scenes they shared... their moments... they were just beautiful and I loved them... and I cannot wait to see her as a bad as mother fucker she is in AOFAG... i can't wait to see her be the rock for Ben..
She is a goddess and I will not hear a bad word said against her.
Anthony's moments dancing with Hyacinth and seeing her dance albeit it briefly Benedict... then his chat with Gregory... FUCK THE FEELS... THE FEELS... I've watch that twice now and sobbed like a girl... it was so beautiful...
but to the main course...
First up... I love Edwina... for the most part... at times I felt she was a little wooden and stiff that may change with some rewatches. there were times she just felt poorly written and at times I felt, while justified, she came across a bit spoilt and petulant to me but again... I totally get it... she was furious with them both. With Kate... but the whole thing...
it was just a fucked up mess. the wedding it should never got that far but if i remove the book from my mind and look at it as something other than TVWLM and not the book and as a story.
BUT their make up scene... the conversation about "being true to oneself" THAT is the Edwina I know and loved from the book and I am so fucking excited to see her be herself in Season 3...
Kate and Anthony... my darlings... you both idiots.
I cannot physically put it into words...
the slow burn... it hurt
but Anthony simping over her... the way his brain stalled at seeing her leg, when he could smell her... it was just... breathtaking and beautiful.
the way he acted around her... their hand movements, their longing glazes. it was just beautiful.
Kate... you darling darling broken girl. it pained me so much. Simone is just beautiful and her acting was exquisite. I hate the pain she went through and you could see it in every glance you could see the pain and hurt she felt. the conflict she felt and the scene in the cupboard. her lonliness hits her like, pardon the word and pun, a wrecking ball... honestly it was like someone reached into my chest and pulled my heart out...
I know lots of people complained about the lack of sex but man i am not sure i needed it. it was hot, it was steamy and the moments we got, the montage of their first time. jesus christ i went feral.
Anthony you fucked up the first marriage proposal to her... dude you clearly didn't think properly you could have saved yourself a lot of pain!
Anthony's speech in the garden to her for the first time and this his love declaration...
it was just beautiful
I HATE that we didn't get more Kanthony and we didn't get their fucking honeymoon... 6 months! and we didn't get it but...
i love the ending. Lady Whistledown's silence and saying about knowing the moment went to talk... it has to be huge foreshadowing for her making up with Eloise...
and Benedict's closing the box... trapping down his artistic tendancies...
but the epilogue.
Kate and Anthony not giving a flying fuck about propriety and snogging in front of their family... fucking spot on. that is the Viscount and Viscountess I wanna see in Season 3... floating their happiness by coming in from gardens looking very dishevelled at balls and just dancing together all night and embarassing their family...
to summarise...
if you are a hardcore lover of the book and you go in expecting an adapation you are going to be disappointed... if you go in with open eyes and an open heart... then you will love it...
i have loved it and it's made my excited (yes weird i know) to see what they do with my beloved King and Queen when it is there turn...
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