#I had several other ideas but this one won out lol
oodlyenough · 2 months
apollo justice: ace attorney thoughts
over the weekend I finished playing AA4 so I wanted to try to put my thoughts in order. much to think about etc
spoilers for the whole game obv, but i haven't played AA5 or AA6 yet so any mention of those are speculation lol
I had heard some pretty mixed reactions to AA4 and I had a lot of reservations going in. It's also probably the AA game I've played that I've been the most spoiled for, which is a shame but probably an unavoidable consequence of waiting for the port while engaging with the fandom. I don't usually like being spoiled but I think knowing the broad strokes of what to expect actually helped here. I can imagine an AU where I blitzed through the first trilogy and onto 4 with no idea of what was coming and being... very upset and disappointed by the direction it took. Having several months to brace for things like Phoenix's disbarment, the 7 year gap, Trucy, etc definitely softened those blows and made me more amenable to them than I would've been otherwise.
For the most part I thought the puzzle solving was good and the pacing was solid. The puzzles were mostly challenging enough to be satisfying to solve but not so challenging as to be infuriating, and I don't think I needed a walkthrough at all. 4-1 is one of the best tutorial cases in the franchise so far (though I'd give the edge to 3-1) and 4-4 was a really cool finale. The middle two cases tbh I also found fairly charming, and there's usually a least one case in the middle that seems to drag forever, so that was a pleasant surprise. I played Investigations 1 right before this, and I thought both the puzzles and pacing in that game were frankly horrible, so AA4 won a lot of points just with that.
I did think Turnabout Corner and Serenade would be more relevant in the grand scheme of things. The half-spoilers I knew had me expecting a much bigger web of conspriacy than we ended up with -- I expected it to be more than coincidence that Phoenix got hit by a car, more than coincidence that the Borginian egg coccoons are related to poison etc ... like... I fully assumed this was going to tie into the atroquinine plot. But I guess not ... ? Lol
The new main cast are all very likable, despite my initial reluctance to have a new main cast to begin with. Klavier was an interesting change of pace as prosecutor, in that he wasn't particularly antagonistic outside of the court, nor was he particularly preoccupied with winning, but he was still fun and challenging enough to face off against. Trucy was fun and delightfully bonkers as all assistants should be. Apollo's longsuffering exasperation was hilarious. Ema is the BEST I loved having her as the detective I wish she was there all the time.
I loved Beanix, for the most part. I can see why he rubs some people the wrong way, and tbh I'm glad his last canon outing isn't ... this. But I didn't find him wildly out of character, or at least, when he was feeling "out of character" vs the trilogy it made sense given the intervening events. I also thought it was fun to see him from the outside and see what a galaxybrain 5d chess master he is. I do wish we'd gotten to see more genuine moments of him with Trucy.
Kristoph was fun as a villain, though I have to say fandom led me to believe he was much more of a mastermind puppeteer than he seemed to be in reality. I was expecting a whole decade worth of conspiracies! Instead he fucked up once and struggled to fix it for seven years, lol. I also found the Kristoph/Phoenix relationship a) very fascinating, b) not really what I'd been led to believe by fandom (shocker). I like the canon more though -- I like that instead of being a retread of the Dollie betrayal-from-someone-you-love it was two guys who hate each other being forced to play nice as part of their own schemes.
I think it's fairly obvious AA4 was meant to be a soft reboot of the series, to pivot away from the trilogy cast and set up our new heroes in Apollo, Trucy, and I guess Klavier. I think this is probably the entire explanation behind Maya and Edgeworth (and others but lbr those are the big two)'s conspicuous absence... but that doesn't make their absence any less conspicuous. I can squint and forgive neither of them being there when Phoenix is accused of murder, even though I find that insane. I can squint around Maya maybe being off in Kurain during the Enigmar trial, even though I think they could've used a line of dialogue to explain it. But then we started playing past-Phoenix for huge portions of investigation and that started to fall apart for me. Sure, maybe he's pushing his friends away because he's depressed, or maybe he wants to keep Maya out of things because he thinks it's dangerous, or whatever -- you could at least throw in a line or two saying as much. Not mentioning them at all and setting AA4 so closely after AA3, where Phoenix fell through a bridge to save Maya and Edgeworth chartered a private jet, just feels ridiculous.
I also think, at the end of the day, the story here was focused on and pivoting around Phoenix. The core question of the game is "what the hell happened to/is up with Phoenix Wright?" I love Phoenix, so that alone isn't a negative -- except that I think it meant Apollo, Klavier and even Trucy felt underwritten. Trucy and Klavier have such personal stakes in the unfolding events with the Gramaryes and Kristoph, but we only spend a little time and hints on how that might influence Trucy, who mostly falls into the AA weird girl pattern of brushing off major trauma instantly. (Maya got this a lot too in the original trilogy.)
Klavier ... I like Klavier, but they did not do much with him. How did he feel about Kristoph going to jail? He doesn't seem to hold it against Apollo, which is uh, noble, but perhaps not believable. He says he values honesty and truth but do we know why?
Apollo, likable as he was, felt like a passenger in his "own" game, rather than a major character. He doesn't even solve much of the stuff happening in the big overarching mystery -- he is Phoenix's avatar in court, presenting evidence and clues Phoenix left for him. Unlike Trucy and Klavier, who I am pretty sure take a back seat from now on, I guess Apollo still has two more games to try and flesh himself out ... lol but I also know fan reception of those two is not great, so my expectations there are minimal.
A really solid game that I enjoyed playing, though I can see why it's controversial and not some people's favourite, if they really loved the trilogy. I think it's debatable whether this was the best/only way to continue the series after AA3. And I am excited to read and write a billion 7 year gap fics now.
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francesminos-tt · 5 months
modern au where the Targs are an influential and obviously famous family (they're like the Kardashians LOL and everyone wants to know about every aspect of their lives)
after the death of Viserys, the media exposes several dirty secrets of some family members and the rivalry of years even after the marriage of targ/velaryons boys, has not extinguished the fire and hatred between Rhaenyra and Alicent.
Rhaenyra and Alicent hate each other, but they are intelligent women and had the brilliant idea of making a reality show so that people could follow the day-to-day life of the Targaryen/Hightower/Velaryon family and realize that there is no war there.
Joff was "raised" to marry Daeron. From an early age, it was explained to him that this was a duty he had to fulfill, just like his older brothers. At first, he found the idea, it wasn't fair, but gradually he came to terms with it, especially because his older uncle was so charming, so handsome and kind. Joff quickly fell in love and was suddenly excited about the wedding.
but to Joff's surprise and disappointment, the wedding was a disaster. on the couple's honeymoon, Daeron refused to have sex with Joff and made his contempt and anger at the union very clear. in front of the cameras, they are the sweet, couple in love , they are what teenagers call relationship goals, but when they are alone, Daeron doesn't even bother to pretend that Joff exists. Just as he's good at faking a passionate smile for Joff when a paparazzi is around, he's also good at treating Joff with coldness and indifference.
It's not surprising that, some time after getting married, Daeron has a mistress and doesn't make a point of hiding it from Joffrey.
When Rhaenyra and Alicent announce the reality show, they make it very clear that now they all have to pretend 24/7, and this makes Daeron FURIOUS, because now he has to get rid of his mistress, adapt his daily routine to spend more time with Joff and, above all, SHARE the same room.
I want to ask you to write something with these ideas, please. whatever you want!
I like modern nepo bbism 😝
The two matriarchs of Targaryen/Velaryon/Hightower family called an emergency meeting in the dining room. The room was so spacious that it was better called hall rather than room. There was a long table in the middle, made of the best mahogany and lined with the most intricate carvings of the Targaryen dragon sigil.
Alicent and Rhaenyra sat at the head of table and waited for everyone to arrive. Frist came Jacaerys, always the dutiful son, followed closely by another dutiful son, Aemond, with Lucerys trailing behind his one-eyed uncle/husband.
Rhaenyra raised an eyebrow at Alicent, as if showing off her victory that among the first ones to arrive, there were two of her sons. 2-1. she won.
Alicent rolled her eyes in the same elegant way she did most things. She was renowned for looking down upon others without them even realizing. Her message couldn't be clearer. Wait and see. The game wasn’t over yet.
Next to come were the twins, Baela and Rhaena, in their full glamor. Then, to everyone’s surprise, Aegon was the next, with blood-shot eyes and greasy hair, hangover as he always was. Aegon was typically the last to arrive, if he ever arrived at all, but today, by some miracle, he not only showed up on time, but also had a few minutes to spare. The miracle soon turned out to be his sister wife Helaena. The somewhat unworldly woman was instructing her children, Jaehaerys and Jaehaera, to push their dad to the dining room, while holding her new-born son Maelor in her arms.
“Morning, mother, sister.” Helaena greeted Alicent and Rhaenyra with a sincere smile, causing the two solemn faced matriarchs to smile with her. Helaena was among the few things that Alicent and Rhaenyra actually shared the same opinion. Both of them adorned her.
Now the score was still to Rhaenyra’s advantage, 4-3. If Alicent had to argue, she would say that her grandchildren also counted, the score was actually 4-6.
Daeron and Joffrey hadn't arrived yet. It was unusual. The couple was always the least of their mothers’ concerns. Joffrey was a wild soul, but he was not irresponsible and he valued family more than anything. That was why he married Daeron without struggle, and had never caused any trouble after the marriage. Daeron, on the other hand, was a tricky character. He appeared to be the gentlest and most reasonable among his siblings, never got drunk and passed out on the pavement like Aegon, never chased his nephew down in a car race in the middle of the day and like Aemond, and he wasn’t as unworldly and aloof as Helaena. He was charming, polite, chivalrous and above all, a damn good actor. It was no secret in the family that he and Joffrey’s marriage was nothing more than a political union. Daeron played his part as a caring husband, but when the cameras turned away, he was the coldest and most indifferent person in the world.
“Did your little brother finally stab my little brother in his sleep?” Aegon elbowed Jacaerys, who was fiddling with his phone.
“What do you mean?” Jacaerys said half-mindedly, “They don’t even share the same room. Their rooms are at the opposite wing of the house. There is no chance Joff can sneak into Daeron’s room and stab him without waking up everyone.”
“Well, fine. Whatever you say, Sherlock.” Aegon made a face. Jacaerys was all about logical thinking, while Aegon was allergic to logic.
“Maybe stabbing will do them good.” Lucerys said thoughtfully, twirling a strand of curls with his finger, “It certainly did me good.”
Helaena instinctively covered Jaehaera’s ears and urged her husband to do the same with Jaehaerys. Thankfully little Maelor was asleep, so it wouldn't hear anything inappropriate.
“Shut up, Luke.” Aegon groaned, “My children don’t need to hear your twisted bedroom preference.”
“What makes you think I plan to talk about my sex life?” Lucerys rolled his eyes, “I am a very private person, you know. I have no intention to share my wonderful bedroom experience with my dear husband.”
“No intention my ass.” Aegon retorted, “Everyone on this planet saw you blowing my brother on the balcony, LIVE.”
“It was a good show, wasn’t it?” Lucerys chuckled, not a single ounce of shame on his face.
“Lucerys.” Aemond spoke for the first time since he entered the dining room, “Enough.”
The seats of the long table were strictly arranged, with Rhaenyra’s children on the right and Alicent’s Hightower clan on the left. It had been the norm since they were still kids, and it had remained so even after the Targaryen/Velaryon marriage. Thus, Aemond was now sitting across Lucerys, his lone violet eye fixed on his mischievous husband. Aemond the one eye was a formidable figure in the business world, but he didn't really talk much in the family. Normally he would let Lucerys take charge of the bickering, since Lucerys was far better at making Aegon speechless than him, but he made sure to intervene whenever Lucerys had gone too far. Now was an example.
“Sorry, uncle.” Lucerys batted his eyelashes innocently at Aemond, “I will be a good boy from now on.”
Aemond’s expression softened, his tightly pressed lips relaxing just a little bit as he reached out to smooth Lucerys’s fluffy curls.
“Good. Cross the line again and you will be punished.” Aemond said in his usual soft but intimidating voice, his thumb brushing against Lucerys’s jaw.
Aegon groaned again and shut his eyes. Why had he done to deserve this? Why couldn't he just sleeping his hangover away on his luxury bed?
Joffrey showed up before Lucerys and Aemond could change the dining room into a porn set. The youngest Velaryon looked a bit worse for wear. He was wearing a pair of thick rimmed glasses, hiding his reddish eyes and the lower part of his face was covered by a mask. His hair was a mess, and he was in a set of ridiculous fluffy pajamas.
“Sorry I am late.” Joffrey said, his voice muffled by the mask.
“What takes you so long, little Joff? Have you picked up furry kink?” Aegon joked.
“Are you feeling better?” Rhaenyra asked after throwing Aegon a warning stare, “Sorry to wake you this early. I’ve told Doctor Gerardys to check on you later today.”
Joffrey had been struck down by the flu three days ago. He had spent the past three days on bed, but fortunately, today his fever finally broke. He still suffered from a pounding head and upset stomach, and he was shivering even with all the layers on, but he still nodded to his mother.
“I am better now, mother. Don’t worry.” Joffrey didn't take his usual seat, instead sitting down at the far end of the table to avoid spreading the virus.
“Where is your husband?” Alicent asked, even though she knew Joffrey couldn't answer her. One of her wonderful, or rather, annoying, traits was that she was able to ignore the blunt truth even if said truth was stuck right under her nose. For example, she knew too well that Daeron didn't give a damn about Joffrey, but she still pretended that nothing was wrong.
“No idea.” Joffrey replied, “Haven't seen him for a week.”
Rhaenyra scoffed. It was no secret that Daeron was seeing someone outside marriage, a young model from the Reach. He kept his mistress in a separate mansion, and he actually spent more time there than in the family estate. Rhaenyra hated her half-brother for neglecting her son, but Daeron was such a good actor in front of the cameras that any action she took would only end up in the biggest scandal ever. She could even imagine the headline, ‘IS THE PERFECT COUPLE A LIE? Targaryen’s biggest secret uncovered’.
Speak of the devil. Daeron walked into the room in his usual casual but classic clothes, crisp shirt, tweed vest and trousers, paired with leather oxfords. He looked well-groomed as he always was, clean shaven with slightly gelled hair, a sharp contrast to his flu-struck husband.
“God, did something bad happen? Are we going bankrupt?” Daeron murmured after browsing the room, “Why is Aegon already here?”
“Because I am actually a family man and I listen to my beautiful wife.” Aegon retorted immediately, “Unlike you, who chose to stay with his gold-digger mistress, little brother.”
Daeron shrugged, neither the word gold-digger nor mistress seemed to offend him. Joffrey always found it peculiar that how come his very existence was enough to offend his otherwise very well-tempered husband?
“Since everyone is gathered, let’s go down to business.” Rhaenyra cleared her throat and addressed the crowd, “Before you ask, Baela dear, Daemon is with the little ones, so he cannot attend today’s meeting. He fully agrees to my plan, by the way, which I will explain to you in a moment.”
“We are doing a reality show.” Alicent spoke, “All of us.”
Everyone seemed to be confused by the idea. Aegon was half-way yawning, his mouth opening to an ‘o’ like an idiot; Aemond quirked an eyebrow, the one on his blind side, which meant he was properly surprised; Helaena seemed to be the least affected, rocking Maelor in her arms as she hummed softly to the baby. On Rhaenyra’s side, Jace looked up from his phone for the first time today, having a silent conversation with Baela using eye-contact; Lucerys actually stopped stroking Aemond’s hand for a moment, but recovered soon enough; Rhaena looked genuinely pleased, for a reality show would definitely help her influencer career. As for the remaining two, Daeron and Joffrey, despite their strained marriage, their reaction was exactly the same. Reluctant, to put it lightly.
“Reality show? Who the fuck wants to watch us lying around and do nothing?” Aegon was the first to question, “It is the most narcissistic thing I have ever heard!”
“Actually, everyone wants to know about our lives.” Lucerys replied, “We are like the royal family of Westeros. No offense, Baela.”
Baela waved her hand dismissingly. She was a political activist, a firm believer of democracy and equal rights, so it was natural that she condemned the idea of royalty with passion.
“None taken, Luke.” She said before turning to Aegon, “Actually, cousin, I think you are the only one here who doesn't have a proper job. No one is going to lie around and do nothing except you.”
“Hel doesn’t have a job either!”
“I run a charity fund and also work part-time as an interior designer, husband.” Helaena chimed in.
“Since when?!” Aegon shrieked like a little girl, “You betrayed me, Hel!”
Helaena only shrugged, breaking a cookie into half and handed them to her twins respectively.
“There will be cameras 24/7.” Rhaenyra raised her voice, “I need all of you on your best behavior. We need to show the world that we are a functional family. No fighting, no scandal, no bullshit, understand?”
“We are anything but functional.” Aegon murmured, “They call us the incest clan.”
“The shooting will start one week from now, but the tech team will arrive tomorrow to set up the cameras.” Alicent said, ignoring Aegon as she always did, “You have one day to hide anything you don’t want the whole realm to know.”
Everyone turned their eyes to Lucerys and Aemond, but the couple seemed to be unaffected by the gaze. Lucerys helped himself to a chocolate cookie, while Aemond took a sip of his tea. For some reason, they all thought Lucerys and Aemond’s room would be some sort of sex dungeon, even though no one had actually seen it.
“You need to stay in the house for the duration of the show, my dear.” Alicent turned to Daeron, who was sitting next to her, “Take care of your lady friend.”
Lady friend was certainly a nice way to put it. Everyone knew Alicent was referring to Daeron’s mistress.
“Don’t worry, mother.” Daeron smiled to his mother warmly, “I will take care of everything before tomorrow.”
If Joffrey didn’t know his uncle better, he would say that Daeron was sincere. However, he was not that innocent boy who had fallen in love with his gentle and polite uncle anymore. He could see from the slight downturn of Daeron’s lips that the blonde was holding back his fury. Of course Daeron would be furious. He had made it clear that he couldn’t stand Joffrey at all.
“It’s tiring enough to pretend we are in a loving relationship for the media.” Daeron claimed one time after they had come back from a charity red carpet event, “I don’t want to put up with you in private too. I need room to breathe.”
Joffrey’s reaction to Daeron’s words was to leave the room as calmly as he could, but in fact, he was so embarrassed and hurt that he felt like crying. He hated himself for even hoping that Daeron might see him differently one day. He had abandoned hope that Daeron would ever love him back, but at least they didn’t have to be enemies. He hoped Daeron wouldn’t avoid him like a disease one day, but it seemed he was too naïve to hope so.
“This is all. You can stay for breakfast, but I would advice you to go through your things and make sure nothing inappropriate is lying around before the camera team arrives. This show is our biggest PR so far. No one screws up.” Rhaenyra made the final speech before sitting back and gulping down a full cup of tea.
Joffrey stood up first, murmuring an apology as he left the room. He had no inappropriate things to hide, but he couldn’t stand Daeron’s disgusted stare anymore. He rushed back to his room, shut the door, ripped off his mask and took a deep inhale. The room was spacious and decorated in the coziest way. Helaena helped designed it for him, but unfortunately, the king-sized bed only had one occupant so far. He was supposed to share this room with Daeron, but Daeron had spent only one night here. The next day of their wedding night, Daeron went back to his old room and made no intention to come back.
“Open the door.” There was an impatient knock, followed by Daeron’s even more impatient voice, “I don’t have time to play games with you.”
Joffrey only had time to put his mask back on before the door was pushed open by an annoyed Daeron. Daeron frowned as soon as he stepped into the overly heated room. The flu made Joffrey so cold that he had to switch the heater to max and put three layers on himself to stop shivering.
“Why is here so stifled?” Daeron complained and unbuttoned the top two buttons of his shirt.
Joffrey thought the reason was obvious, but he still answered his husband’s question.
“I am cold.” Joffrey said, “It’s the flu.”
“God. Now not only do I have to share a room with you, I also have to expose myself to flu virus.” Daeron crossed his arms, making no attempt at hiding his displeasure.
“You don’t have to share the room with me if it annoys you so much.” Joffrey said in a flat voice. He had learned to be unaffected by Daeron’s obvious loathing. He had no idea what he had done that made Daeron hate him so much. He was raised to be Daeron’s bride, a union made upon Joffrey’s birth. The Targaryens had been going through a hard time back then, so Rhaenyra and Alicent had to join force to fend off the snakes that wanted to devour the Targaryen fortune. As a show of good faith, they betrothed their youngest children at the time, Daeron and Joffrey. For Joffrey, his fate was set at birth, but for Daeron, who was three years older, he had lived the first three years of his life as a free man until he was forced to accept his fate. Joffrey doubted Daeron remembered those years, but Daeron always used it as an excuse to mourn his freedom.
“Haven’t you heard what my mother and my half sister said? The reality show will follow our lives 24/7. I have no doubt that they will sneak a camera or two in our bedrooms. What will the public think if they find out we sleep in separate rooms? Our public image will be ruined.” Daeron ruffled his curls frustratedly, “I can’t afford to be seen as a hypocrite. My career will be screwed.”
But you are, Joffrey thought. Daeron was the most hypocritical person Joffrey had ever known. He was all caring and in love with Joffrey in public, always keeping his arm around Joffrey’s waist, sneaking a quick kiss from time to time, and making sure to go to Joffrey’s important games. However, in private, he made it clear that he could not stand the sight of Joffrey. He was so reluctant to even speak to Joffrey that he mostly communicated with Joffrey via e-mails. How could someone be so fake? How could Daeron whisper loving words to his ear in one second, and look at him with disgust in the next?
“We will be at the bottom of the attention list.” Joffrey said, “People are more interested in Lucerys and Aemond’s sex life or even Aegon’s drunken nonsense than us. You can say we sleep in different rooms because I don’t want to spread my flu to you.”
Daeron considered the idea for a moment. It was a good excuse, actually. Once Joffrey recovered, he could find other excuses like going on a business trip or something like that. Hopefully by that time, the public would be too shocked by their siblings’ drama to notice them.
“Fine. I will have some of my things delivered to your room to keep up the façade.” Daeron said, his mood visibly lightening a bit from not having to share the same space with Joffrey.
“What are you going to do with your lady friend?” Joffrey couldn’t help but ask. He was always curious about Daeron’s mistresses. Yes, Daeron had more than one mistress during their marriage. What did they have but Joffrey didn’t that made Daeron rather stay with them?
“None of your business.” Daeron replied coldly, “I will take care of my business, and you mind your own. Do not think I didn’t notice that you are getting along with my ex-military uncle quite well.”
For a second, Joffrey was lost. What did Daeron mean? Uncle who?
“Are you accusing me of having an affair?” Joffrey asked disbelievingly, “How dare you? I’ve never done anything unfaithful-”
Joffrey couldn’t continue, for a sudden coughing fit made it impossible for him to speak.
“No? I have sources telling me that you have been spending a lot of time in the gym, even when it’s off season. I never know another football player who is as dedicated as you.” Daeron scoffed, “Who knows what you are doing in the gym where my uncle happens to work at?”
“I broke my ankle in the final, for fuck’s sake!” Joffrey was so angry that he felt dizzy, his vision blurring and his ears ringing as if someone was playing trumpet in his head, “I am doing my reheb! Just because you are a cheater, doesn’t mean I am too! And leave Gwayne out of this.”
“Well, whatever you say.” Daeron shrugged, “But let me make one thing clear. I am not a cheater. We are never together, nephew.”
Joffrey had to hold on to the bedpost to prevent himself from stumbling. He felt like a fool. Daeron was right. They were married, sure, but they were never a couple. Daeron never touched him except for the fake kisses and caresses for the cameras. Joffrey had no right to accuse Daeron of anything. Why he kept forgetting how much his husband hated him? Joffrey wished he had never fallen in love with the cruel man in front of him.
“I’ll admit, my uncle is good-looking. And properly blonde. You like blondes, no?” Daeron flipped his silver curls as if laughing at Joffrey’s despair, “I won’t blame you if you decide to screw him once in a while. I can even give you some tips about how to keep an affair hidden.”
“Get out.” Joffrey squeezed the words from his teeth, “Get out of my room. I don’t want to see your face.”
“That makes two of us.” Daeron turned to leave as if he had been waiting for Joffrey to kick him out ever since he entered the room, “Take some pills for the flu, all right? I don’t want you to cough to death.”
Joffrey didn’t know Daeron’s last sentence was more of a mockery or worry. He didn’t care, though. He cursed himself for showing his weakness to Daeron. No more. He would not lower himself to that. If Daeron decided to be cruel, the least Joffrey could do was not to care.
The show was a success, much to Rhaenyra’s relief. The polls just skyrocketed. More than 30% of the entire Westeros population watched the premier of the show, and the numbers were looking strong five episodes in. People were excited to see the inside the famous Targaryen estate, the Red Keep. How big and luxurious it was. Its current occupants, the Targaryen/Velaryon/Hightower gang was even more interesting than the mansion itself.
Aegon was, surprisingly, named the most loved Targs on the show so far. Jacaerys replied the Instagram post with a short Congratulations and a clown emoji. Baela was the darling in the lesbian community, even though she never publicly confirmed her sex orientation. Rhaena’s social media account gained another 500K subscribers since the show had aired, and counting. Aemond didn’t get much screen time, for he was a busy businessman, but Lucerys made it up by sharing his erotic, intense, heartbroken, and overly romantic tale of how he and Aemond turned from nemesis to soulmates. Even Aegon the younger and Viserys gained their own fan base by making cute faces at the camera. Just as Joffrey predicted, the camera seemed to ignore them for the most part, which was really a huge relief for both. There was one scene in episode two that captured Joffrey and Daeron emerge from two different rooms, but Joffrey’s excuse was enough to satisfy people’s curiosities. Daeron giving him a gentle morning kiss and making him tea helped, too.
Joffrey had succeeded at avoiding the camera’s attention so far, and perhaps that was why he became slack as the shooting went on.
“Thank you driving me home, Gwayne.” Joffrey smiled to the man on the driver’s seat.
“No problem. I need to pick up something from Alicent anyway.” Gwayne replied, taking a turn at the end of the road and entering the Red Keep estate.
Gwayne Hightower was Alicent’s brother, the only son of Sir Otto, the powermonger of Old Town. Instead of working for Hightower Inc., Gwayne chose to join the army after taking a gap year between high school and college. He finished his degree in the army, and had an honorable discharge last year. He now worked as a therapist specializing in sports injury and recovery. Joffrey got familiar with the man after his ankle surgery. For a world class football player like Joffrey, ankle injury was the trickiest one. If he didn’t recover properly, he risked losing his position in the league and the national team. Joffrey was still young, so he could not let that happen. Fortunately, Gwayne was very helpful in his recovery, and Joffrey had actually made huge progress so far.
Joffrey couldn’t help but notice the resemblance between Daeron and Gwayne. They were both blonde, Gwayne’s hair color a bit deeper than Daeron’s, and so did his eyes. Gwayne had grey blue eyes compared to Daeron’s light violet ones. They were both good-looking with board shoulders and toned arms, but behind the handsome faces, their character couldn’t be more different. Gwayne was gentle and patient, never forcing Joffrey to do anything even if Joffrey was having less productive day. He complimented Joffrey’s strong will and endurance, never implying anything about brunette being somehow inferior. Most importantly, Gwayne was sincere. Joffrey didn’t have to think about his every move in front of Gwayne. Unlike Daeron. Joffrey never knew which of his words might antagonize his Daeron.
“Are you feeling better now? Your voice still sounds funny.” Gwayne pulled the car over before turning to look at Joffrey, “I know some drink recipes to relieve sore throat, but I am sure your doctor has better approach than me.”
“Doctor Gerardys is great, but he only gives me pills.” Joffrey chuckled, “If you know some magic potion, please, I am all ears.”
“I can make them for you.” Gwayne suggested, his eyes gentle and his voice gentler, “Or I can send you the recipe and you can make it yourself. It’s mostly lemon and turmeric.”
“Why don’t you find me in the kitchen after finishing your business with Lady Alicent?” Joffrey suggested, and that was his first mistake. He had completely forgotten about the reality show. He only asked Gwayne to stay because it just felt so good having someone caring for him.
“Okay.” Gwayne nodded after a short pause, reaching out to tuck Joffrey’s scarf tighter, “Let’s go, then.”
Joffrey’s next mistake was letting Gwayne park near the front door. He should have been wiser and chosen to enter the keep from the one of the side entrances. There were cameras swarming the front entrance, and inevitably, Joffrey and Gwayne were captured entering the keep by the cameras. Joffrey’s third mistake was failing to expect the media’s craziness. That was why he was so shocked to find that he was condemned as a cheater by the public after the next episode aired.
Another blonde in the relationship? Is our perfect couple a lie?
It was a lie from the beginning, but Joffrey had never expected he would be the one to expose the truth.
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jellyluchi · 4 months
No no no please tell us more about the la squadra swim team au. Science purposes of course
This has been sitting in my drafts for literal YEARS and I wanted to post it, originally was supposed to have all the members but I lost my ideas.
La Squadra x Reader; Swim Team AU
A/N: I'm so sorry for taking this long to answer but I wanted to take my time with this ask because I really do love this AU and I was busy. Thank you to my friends for some help (since most I know of swim teams is from fuckin Free! Iwatobi Swim Club LOL) Hehe science purposes huh 😏 Sorry there's no smut in this one but I wanted to rule out the setting for the AU!
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You work at your local Passione Sporting Club, a place where many a professional athletes have trained to become who they are today. And while there are various sporting facilities available, you are in charge of taking care of a specific swim team, La Squadra. The formation of the team, as you learned when you first joined, happened several years ago as seven children banded together as friends to support each other's swimming careers. And you are happy to help them on their journey. As you know, there are 4 main styles of swimming; butterfly, backstroke, breaststroke, and freestyle. Medleys usually take place in that order.
Sorbet & Gelato:
Not swimmers. They're actually coaches for the other swimmers who come to Passione Sporting Club. They've been here for 10 almost 20 years watching the rest of the group who now call themselves "La Squadra" grow athletically and professionally. They were previously in the national Italian swim team as medley racers respectively. They were most fond of relay races as they loved the team work shared between team mates when doing such a race. They only teach adult swimmers but it didn't stop them from noticing younger members of La Squadra practicing in the swimming pools. The passion they saw in some of the members let them know how far they would go. You, as the team's manager, have a good professional relationship with them. However, it doesn't stop Gelato from flirting with you sometimes, surprising you considering you know he has been with Sorbet for a long time. Even more surprising that Sorbet doesn't seem fazed and is receptive to the idea. They sometimes joke about teaching you to swim as well.
Sorbet first met Gelato when he joined the local swimming club of his childhood. They became fast friends and rivals, always trying to outrace each other. Sorbet had goals of reaching the Olympics since he was a child and with Gelato's support he made it together with him. His favorite style is the front crawl which he is most comfortable with. He's proudest win was a front crawl 100m competition where he got gold.
Gelato started swimming as a hobby. He never envisioned himself as an Olympic swimmer. But when he saw Sorbet's resolve to make it, he got inspired and made it his goal to reach the Olympics with his boyfriend. His favorite style is the breaststroke and his proudest win was the a 50m backstroke competition where he got silver since it's his weakest style.
When Risotto was a child living in Sicily, his cousin often went swimming in the sea with him which is where he first learned. Ever since then, he'd known what career he'd like to go to once he grows up. And so, he took a swimming scholarship to college and during his pre-teens he joined Passione Sporting Club to train for his future career. Everyone knows him as a backstroke master and you can see why when you notice his immaculate back muscles during training. While he's good at the other styles, he's much faster using the backstroke. His proudest moment was winning a national competition of 100m men's backstroke where he won gold. You know he was one of the original members of "La Squadra" the other two being Formaggio and Prosciutto when those three decided to start the club. He's the most cooperative with you when it comes to competitions. As the manager, one of your duties is to rule out social and athletic events that the members will attend and he's always receptive to the competitions you tell him will be good for his career. He's not the most communicative so you have to weed out some of thoughts and feelings on the matter. Because of your friendly nature, you two share a close bond as you help him train and often see him swim way past closing. It's a secret between you two that you cherish deeply. There have been some times where he offered you to swim with him.
Risotto favors free style swimming the most but his muscle development on his upper body has made him a good breaststroke user which makes him much faster than the front crawl
Out of all competitions, he loves swimming medley relays the most. He gathers the medley participants (usually other la squadra members) to give a motivating speech and cheers the loudest when he's not swimming with them. He may not show it, but he is highly competitive and likes being challenged in the pool.
As one of the founding members of the original team, Prosciutto regards La Squadra with lots of pride. As a child he had no passion for swimming but after joining the Passione Sporting Club with a mild interest, he was quickly swept away into practice. He realized as a child that swimming allowed him a way to focus his energy and determination. He's not one to half-ass anything and swimming was no different. Eventually, he started feeling a connection to swimming after exercising out all his stress through the activity and finding a love for the activity like no other. Members like Risotto and Formaggio were inspiring to him even if he didn't admit it verbally, he showed up to practice with the two everyday, determined to be like them. He's one of the more difficult members to get along with. At first, it seems he has almost nothing to tell you except talk about his career goals and about helping other team members (namely Pesci). But eventually, your conversations turned more casual and you got to see a side of him that is much more friendly. Sometimes, he would smile towards you from the pool and you noticed that he doesn't ever miss the opportunity to show you his gratitude as their manager. Communicating that it's a difficult job and that he's glad a person like you is able to keep track of all the members and how much he appreciates your organization. You can't lie that his words are some of the only things that makes the job worth it.
Prosciutto is the only member with no preference towards style. While he was developing his swimming skills, he decided to pay hone each style so he would not be lacking in any area. While that doesn't make him a specialist, it gives him more options in competitions.
He rather enjoys individual competitions and loves competing against the other members. Whenever Formaggio dares him for a casual friendly race, he never backs down, treating it as a real race. The other members get a kick out of him taking everything a bit too seriously.
Swimming is as easy to him as breathing. Growing up with a fishing family by the sea, Pesci was accustomed to swimming from an extremely early age. It was sheer passion of swimming among the fish that kept him going but it was largely a hobby. He joined Passione Sporting Club as a teen, to keep up his swimming skills during high school but quickly met Prosciutto who inspired him to no end. Prosciutto once praised his style and speed saying he could make it to the nationals if he tried, maybe even the Olympics and from that moment he decided to join La Squadra and make both himself and the team proud. He's the most amicable out of anyone else in the team and since the moment you two met you'd become easy friends. At first he was a bit shy to talk to you but he caught your eye a couple of times during swim practices and it made his heart soar just a little every time you waved with a smile. Eventually, that got him talking to you and you noticed he started being more specific about his goals and ambitions for his swimming career. You quickly picked up the potential that Prosciutto always talked about regarding Pesci, truly, he was a gifted swimmer but his hard work pays off the most.
Pesci loves the butterfly stroke above all else. It's the first stroke he learned from a family member and honed his skills until it became his strongest. It gave him the biceps that he now shows off sometimes. He's pretty agile with the stroke as well but he doesn't cower from competing in other styles.
Pesci is another member who loves team sports and gets the most excited for medley relays with his team. Prosciutto and Risotto motivate him the most before the races and he's always the first to arrive out of excitement of having the team together. But most of all, he loves to hang out together with the team to celebrate afterwards.
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yonpote · 6 months
also some ppl asked me abt what i was talking about w like. SOME fans' perceptions toward dnp's early relationship. giant nonsense under cut :3
essentially it was about like, i guess we have an idea in our heads about what a parasocial relationship between a celebrity and a fan looks like right. and there can be issues there when boundaries are crossed, particularly when the celebrity is the one to cross that boundary without acknowledging the inherent power dynamic that they hold. this is still an issue that can happen with youtubers to this day ESPECIALLY because the line between creator and fan is so blurred.
when we hear about how dan and phil's relationship started out, from the current perspective we have towards parasocial youtube relationships, it can look a lot like that power dynamic. i mean for the most part, its something that's joked about, but specifically from the view of a "crazy fan". dan is phil trash, hes the ultimate phillie, he's the parasocial fan who won, i mean even HE joked about it back in the day (in a much edgier way) with his video about befriending internet stars by doing all these horrible things.
but it's important to remember what youtube was like in 2009, and what youtube culture specifically in the UK was like in 2009. those old halloween gathering vlogs and old sitc vlogs are all still up on youtube, and you can see it really was just. 50 nerds standing in a field huddled around doing whatever. the only thing i could compare it to in my personal life was going to facebook group cosplay meetups in washington square park in nyc, just a bunch of nerds wearing horns in a park and then going to get mcdonalds afterwards lol.
a youtuber wasnt even a real thing at this point in time. there was no money to be made really, just internet clout. cant remember who said this in a call recently, but someone made this comparison: dan and phil meeting each other was less like a modern day youtuber meeting a fan and more like a tumblr user with several thousand followers meeting a tumblr user with a few hundred followers. like in terms of a dynamic, sure phil was a few years older and had some internet clout, but that didnt have nearly as much weight back then as it does today. also fine lets talk about the age gap.
dan was 18 and phil was 22. a lot of (american) people talk about this and are like "oop red flag!" and im american so i kinda get it. especially when you know about how college dudes can and do prey on girls fresh out of high school like that. but a couple things to remember.
there are different standards for age differences in relationships everywhere around the world and we cant just view everything from the one mindset we know, and in terms of mental differences, 18 really isnt that different from 22 (frontal lobe aint done developing just yet yall)
they are two queer guys. and im not saying whatever isnt possible but like its something to take into account that queer relationships are just not going to be in the same framework as het ones.
they are two neurodivergent guys. a common thing w neurodivergence is feeling like youre being left behind by peers.
alright lets focus on that last point shall we? think about it this way. dan had just finished [UK equivalent of high school SORRY FOR BEING AMERICAN] but he is taking a gap year. from what hes said and what we've seen of this time, it seems like his friends have gone off to uni and he was kind of alone and figuring out what he should even do. idk if he even decided on studying law yet by the time he started talking to phil.
speaking of whom... phil had also just finished school, he finished his masters at uni! i posted a clip on here that i found really interesting from a (pre-dan) 2009 vlog of phil being open about like, feeling scared about what to do once school was over. he had to get a job and move out of his parents house and become a Real Man.
if you think about it, dan and phil were in much more similar boats than you might think at first glance. they were both extremely internet queerdos who were being forced to "grow up" and felt kind of isolated from their peers who seemed to have their shit together in comparison. there was a lot they could relate to even outside of common interests or anything like that.
its not a lie that there was some parasocial nature to their relationship at the start, but it's not nearly the same as other later cases of youtuber-fan relationships. but also! maybe im only saying all this cuz it worked out right? what abt [redacted] and [redacted]? two queer guys, similar ages to dnp, similar amounts of internet clout, but they didnt work out. so maybe it really is just bc its dan and phil specifically that it managed to work out.
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atopvisenyashill · 7 months
do you have any idea of how jon’s ending is going to be? 😄
me answering this two months later should tell you that i have no fucking clue alsjfdlk. i mean...i have some guesses but i'm not completely sure on any of them and i reserve the right to change my mind as soon as 3 seconds after i post this answer and i actually had to psyche myself up to post this bc i crave validation and i feel like i'm talking out of my ass here lol.
jon's story is honestly the one that trips me up more than everyone else's. for one thing, the show is basically no help at all here - i think a lot of the stuff they did with jon in the show they mostly did because it looked cool and fit the action hero trope they were trying to fill even though "action hero" isn't really what jon's story is about or even follows. for another thing, the fandom just differs soooo much on what's going to happen to him that it's hard to sort of sift through how everyone feels and come to a specific idea on how EYE personally feel. there's a few things i feel strongly are or aren't happening so i guess i'll just ramble on a bit here:
there is one thing i am absolutely sure is going to happen and it's this:
His lord father had once talked about raising new lords and settling them in the abandoned holdfasts as a shield against wildlings. The plan would have required the Watch to yield back a large part of the Gift, but his uncle Benjen believed the Lord Commander could be won around, so long as the new lordlings paid taxes to Castle Black rather than Winterfell. "It is a dream for spring, though," Lord Eddard had said. "Even the promise of land will not lure men north with a winter coming on." If winter had come and gone more quickly and spring had followed in its turn, I might have been chosen to hold one of these towers in my father's name. Lord Eddard was dead, however, his brother Benjen lost; the shield they dreamt together would never be forged.
I really think this is foreshadowing Jon and Bran's ending wrt each other - building up holdfasts and raising up new lords and ladies not as a shield against the Wildlings but to help the Wildlings as well as the large amount of Northerners in need of somewhere safe after the destruction of the Long Night. Land and resources to help this group of people desperately in need of a new homeland - it's Brandon's Gift to his brother!
the other thing i'm mainly convinced of is i think a bit spicy of a take not just amongst the greater fandom but even amongst the jonsa side more specifically - jon isn't going to be king nor is he legitimate. it's not to say that I don't think the crown will be offered to him because I definitely believe that jon is going to have several other moments similar to stannis offering him winterfell where someone is offering him a crown and a way to jump ahead of the other starklings in the line of succession. i do not believe he will say yes. not only that, but i think his story is going to end with him leaving Winterfell and KL specifically because he doesn't want anyone building a faction around him and his name to topple his family members' claims. like maester aemon, his beloved mentor, he is going to purposefully take himself out of the succession AND get himself out of sight and out of mind so Sansa and Bran face no real backlash.
the thing is - i just don't know when that is going to happen. i generally fall under the idea that this ending will come about halfway through a dream of spring - after sticking by his siblings, supporting their claims, dealing with his identity crisis, doubling down on making Sansa QitN and Bran King on the Iron Throne, he's going to realize there's a political faction building around him and just peace out to the Gift to deal with resettling the Wildlings. Completely out of politics, completely cut off from most of Westeros.
THAT. It's the only thing I'm sure of in his story. All my other theories are a lot more vague and I'm a lot less certain of them but Jon helping resettle refugees from the Long Night (whether it's displaced people from the Riverlands and the North, perhaps the remnants of the Unsullied even, as well as Wildlings and former Night's Watch members) and purposefully going there to make sure no political faction builds around him to usurp his brother and sister's claims after rejecting a crown, that is the one thing I would bet money on happening at some point in the series.
But the other stuff...I'm gonna bullet point because I'm less sure:
Jon as Hand/Regent - there's a lot of foreshadowing about Bran having a Regent for awhile and while I'm not sure Bran is going to have a lot of say over his regents, he will have more say over his Hand and I think if Jon does access any sort of power, it's going to be as Bran's hand. But once he realizes people are still kinda itchy about the new political structure (a parliament style rule with a disabled king), that's what prompts him to leave entirely.
Jon as the Mummer's Dragon - Dany is going to show up thinking he's a "proper dragon" because she's already killed the mummer in Aegon VI (or so she thinks) and rumors have started about Jon's parentage (part of why Jon is going to refuse the Winter crown will be because any claim he has comes through Lyanna which puts him at the bottom of the rankings anyway! No way Howland is just going to let Jon get crowned without pointing all of this out!). But Jon isn't a dragon, he is a wolf in dragon's clothing. I don't fully believe he's going to stab her a la the show - I think it's more likely Arya kills her and Jon takes the fall for it to protect Arya.
Jon as a Romantic Hero - we all know I go back and forth on whether Jonsa will be canon or not. IF it does go canon, I think what happens is they fall in love through TWOW, find out about his parentage so it's surprise not incest, and then broach the topic of marrying (maybe they even do get married secretly) only for it to get put on pause because of like, ice and fire magic plot reasons, then Jon's reputation is ruined by "killing" Dany, and he leaves. I THINK that's how the story is going to end - with them separated due to the politics but with some hope of one day reconciling. if they DO end up together though, it will be after he builds a reputation for himself in the Gift (maybe even colloquially referred to as King of the Gift by the people there, the way he's called King Crow by the wildlings in the show), Sansa broaches the topic of them being together once again and this time they can because of how his reputation has built, and because it combines their claims without usurping Sansa's (and I think it's likely Jon insists on being called Prince-Consort and not King-Consort). That's the only way I see it ending happily for them but tbh I vastly prefer the idea that he lives in the Gift forever and secretly marries Sansa maybe but they are never able to live together due to the politics. But that's because I love a bittersweet romantic ending, I want those two full of longing for the love that could have been!!!
Jon as a Dragon Rider - also something i waffle on. part of me feels like you don't have a dragon named after a main character's secret father and not have that character interact with that dragon. another part of me feels like the set up of all three dragons have defined, loving relationships with their riders might be set up for dany's feelings on losing her dragons to enemies (euron/victarion and aegon) than for those dragons actually getting relationships with main character riders. i like the idea of jon, like nettles, having a close relationship with his dragon because he's serious about keeping this dragon away from other people, and treating the dragon like a pet (the way he treats ghost) instead of a war machine but i'm not sure george finds that compelling, ya know. Don't ask me which dragon he could possibly ride, i have no strong opinions one way or the other.
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itsame-ariana · 3 months
(kinda sorta)
Life SMP Hadestown AU
//Life SMP Hadestown AU//
Master post for something no one may see.
Idk if this is anything but enjoy
I dunno- this and into the woods is my favorite musicals and I’ve had traffic brain rot for AGESSS and I was finally re-listening to Hadestown and this absolute fever dream of an idea dawned on me during hey little song bird
So yeah. Enjoy?
Here’s the original post when I got this idea
And obvious disclaimer this are all the character versions of these people not the actual people thank you very much for you patience.
//Life series Hadestown AU//
Eurydice- Jimmy Solidarity ✨the canary✨ you see the vision. This (joke?) is what started this whole thing so.
Orpheus- Still deciding between Scott and Tango
Tango pros:
- They are soulmates
- the goat horns are kinda vaguely like music/an instrument 👀
- ranchers duo is SO SWEET always
- their lives are tethered which in a way fits the story of the show and the myth.
- idk i just like this idea
- why are you still here? It’s over. Go home.
- c!jimmy seems to be on better terms with c!tango than c!scott soooo
Scott pros:
- they were husbands, Jimmy died first tragically (very accurate to original myth)
- THE FLOWER MOTIF- specifically a red flower. It’s just so perfect
- they saw each other in the afterlife
- Scott is always attached to flower husbands which seems fitting
- he likes to sing? Empires musical? I don’t know but it seems like it works
-flower husbands and desert duo have connections (you will see why this is important)
So yeah leaning towards tango for the vibes but leaning towards Scott for actual similarities in plot and such.
(If someone wants to say Joel or someone I will happily hear you out lol)
Hades and Persephone- c!Grian and c!Scar/desert duo. The characters were once in love and then it grew into a a more bitter relationship. There are lots of potential parallels with Hadestown older lovers and desert duo. Grian and scar also have flower/plant motifs.
Grian as hades- He is a watcher, which seems fitting. Creator of the games seems fitting for god of death and also the industrial foreman Hadestown has. Original winner.
Scar as Persephone- Now that he is a winner, I personally love the idea of him being the earth, which is perfect for the god(dess) of spring. I also think his secret life skins going from green to black is an accidental parallel.
The only real issue with this is I want to incorporate Grian being the sun but that’s contradictory;-;
Hermes- My main idea atm is Martyn. This is mostly because storytelling and lore is very connected to him and his character. Who doesn’t love some eyes and ears AU/lore
I am also considering pearl just because I like that idea, her being the moon and being connected to g and s, etc
And Ren because he is such a storyteller/theater kid
The Fates- I have several ideas for this
-the watchers(and secret keeper.) Obvious reasons
- the other winners
-clethubs because they are a fun/good trio lol
- ren, pearl, Scott (in case I don’t have them as Hermes/orpheus)
- the remaining Evo members: bigb (also he was so creechur in third life ), pearl, and if he’s not Hermes, Martyn (also good since pearl and martyn have won)
Based on a lot of the plant motifs imagine if instead of a carnation it was a poppy.
I’m very slow with drawing and have never written any kind of fic before but if people like this idea I’d love suggestions for the AU and I’ll definitely make some character designs :)
Character designs/descriptions:
Jimmy coming soon to a theater near you
Other posts for the AU:
Full circle lol
Potential name
How to include both Scott and Tango
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quixot1sm · 10 months
can you. talk about nate hilbertverse
yes GOD this poor guy.
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first off: nate is hilbert's little brother- 6 years his junior. he'd always looked up to hilbert as a role model, idolizing him especially after his ascension to hero of ideals. keep in mind that nate was only 10 when bw happened, so his understanding of the situation was surface-level and admittedly naïve. even when hilbert had been hospitalized for his injuries, he'd put on a brave face for nate, so the latter didn't grasp the severity of what happened/was happening.... it wouldn't be until later that the reality of how scary this was would sink in.
freshly 11 yrs old when hilbert left unova, nate was then sent off to aspertia to live with the other half of the family (hilda, rosa, and their mom) so he could enroll in cheren's trainer's school with rosa and earn his permit. the idea was also a way to provide him with a distraction from hilbert's absence since nate was a lonely kid... but anyway, this permit allowed them to participate in the junior division of the pokemon league challenge, meaning if either of them won, they'd be a champion in name only. that didnt happen but i'll get to why in a second.
when he was 12, despite setting out with the intention of collecting gym badges, hugh and nate quickly veered off course when team neo-plasma began showing its face around the region, urging the two of them to give chase in a bid to get some answers out of them. in the process, nate came across and befriended keldeo, and then, upon meeting colress, was dubbed something akin to his protégé.
this of course all came to a head in giant chasm. there... something happened that left nate almost a completely different person. not only had he been told, to his face, that his big brother was gone for good, but his right arm was caught in the line of kyurem's glaciate.
like his brother before him, nate was then hospitalized for a considerable amount of time, and like theyd done for his brother before him, interpol came swooping in make use of nate at his lowest. because, technically, hilbert had been working with them when he disappeared, so they had to take some accountability in his case... and what better way that to employ his little brother, i guess.
before his journey, nate was a sweet, excitable kid, although he struggled with tone. afterwards... it's like he struggles to recognize any emotion at all. he's blunt, does not have time for distractions, he gets unreal tunnel vision and dedicates years working on tying up loose ends regarding hilbert- such as the whereabouts of the dark stone and anything he might have left behind that nate can bring back home... rosa thinks its a pointless obsession and would rather forget about it all, and this resulted in a fight that drove a wedge between the two of them. :(
this was supposed to be a brief summary and its already gotten this long LOL... i had to skip over some details that i'll revisit in other posts later. like n's zorua. theres a lot going on with a lot of the hilbertverse cast and nate is no exception.
some more trivia, though:
reshiram would have accepted him as a hero of truth if he'd agreed to it... but hes very different from n. his pursuit of truth is one devoid of idealism- he has no hope, no optimism, he only wants to get the facts to provide some sense of closure.
his full name is nathaniel tobias black. do not ever call him this
his birthday is may 4
he has two shinies, those being his emboar and his galvantula. lucky bastard
we really dont know what gender his emboar is? most just assume its a male, but it responds to whatever. really it does what it wants. its name is samson and its parents are bianca and hilda's emboars.
his prosthetic arm was designed and built by colress. the guy likes to think of himself as nate's mentor, even though he's one of the main factors behind why nate's even going through what he is in the first place...
and finally, although it's currently only 3 songs long, heres his playlist!
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rysko · 2 months
Since i am enjoying the hunger games meets peaky au too much:
How would Juliusz fare in the games? And What district would he be in that universe?
Oh shit hello! hi! i did not expect this! Thank you for sending this in July muah muah <333
Let me preface this by saying, i have NEVER seen the Hunger Games and watching the crossover posts was like "Oh this is so cool and looks fun, wish i knew tf was going on" lol so all my thoughts about Juliusz are based on me skimming the wiki and @red-riding-wood helping me out with the lore <3
It was a long battle between 1 and 11, but I ultimately decided District 1 fits him best. He's already from a well-off family that has a history of trade, so District 1 with its specialisation on exports, business and such definetly fits. Plus he always was more of a city slicker lol
Now, my understanding of lore is severely limited, so i'm very not sure how he'd realistically fare in the games or if im missing things. A few factors i'd consider is that he's a pretty good shot (i took a look at weapons in that universe and a crossbow seems so fucking cool and fitting. GIVE MY MAN A CROSSBOW!) and is outdoorsy, so the wilderness wouldn't be too horrible i presume. I can imagine him being pretty sneaky and avoiding confrontation, even if it meant a temporary truce. On the other hand though, he's still a fucking nerd (/affectionate xd) and could falter more when it comes to hand-to-hand combat. Realistically i wouldn't expect him to win the games, but i can imagine him getting pretty close. If he won though, i like the idea of his scars, worsening of his vision and overall anxiety(tm) being outcomes of the games instead of the war like in Peaky.
Also, me and @red-riding-wood did one of those emulators with Juliusz, her OC Charlotte, other Peaky Characters and a few crack characters for fun, and if i had to go off of this, Juliusz officially got 2 kills on his record! Some other highlights being:
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welp, that just narrowed lots of things down lmao
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Based, he'd never do that to our girl Charlotte. eat shit Matteo
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okay dude, i think that's just your way of saying fuck you to Tommy
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o7 that's an oddly fitting way for him to die LMAO. also kudos on 3rd place i honestly didn't think you'd go that far my son <3
All this made me wanna watch the movies sometime and maybe take some more active part in this au as well, DONT STOP THE BRAINROT!!! <333 This was really really fun and i'm smitten by ya'lls creativity!
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sleepdeprivedsimp234 · 11 months
~hobby headcanons for some of the states cuz I’m bored~ (I’m gonna tag my mutuals and/or other users that I’ve met when one of their fav characters show up lol)
Texas: Horseback riding/trickriding, singing
-he enjoys horseback riding and has enjoyed it ever since he was owned by Mexico
-his mom was the person that taught him about trickriding, but he has no idea who the hell taught her
-something he enjoys about trickriding is the fact that whenever he does it, he gives Kentucky a mini-internal panic attack (Texas please stop trying to give your father a heart attack his frail old heart can’t take it-)
-Texas has one of the best singing voices in the statehouse (tying with NY, Gov, and Louisiana)
-there is not a genre that he cannot sing, he sings perfectly in each one. Though his favorite is Tejano and Country.
-one time he and York had a competition to see who could do a better cover of "Meant to Be Yours" from Heathers. Safe to say they both won, Texas’s ended up sound more like the original and York put a little siren-y twist to his.
( @yellowrosefromtexas <3)
New York: Skateboarding, Parkour, and he’s a tattoo-artist (if running from the cops was a hobby then that’s definitely one of them—)
-he can skateboard really easily and he’s really f*ckin good at it. He does a sh*t ton of fancy tricks and flips and it scares the living hell out of his siblings
-his skateboard has a TON of stickers on it, some are band stickers, others are LGBTQ+ stickers, and the rest are a bunch of random stickers that he liked
-I feel like he definitely does a bunch of parkour-related stuff in the city, like jumping from building to building, climbing walls, jumping fences while the police are chasing him-
-his favorite places to jump around in are parking garages and abandoned buildings that are falling apart cuz he likes taking risks
-York is really really good at drawing, and has given himself and others a bunch of tattoos (only if they consent tho)
-his favorite tattoo he’s ever done was the AC/DC half-sleeve he gave himself back during his punk/goth phase (he’s still sorta going through that, just not as crazy as it used to be-)
( @literallyjustexistinghere since I tagged ya here I ain’t gonna bother tagging you in Masshole’s part lol <3)
Louisiana: Jewelry making, playing with dangerous animals, and he’s also a bit of a tattoo artist like York cuz why tf not
-Loui has made several intricately designed necklaces, bracelets, ear rings, rings, ect… for his friends and himself
-the others don’t know how he does it so well, but they have decided to just not question it and just accept that he is amazing and precious in his own ways
-this man does not give a f*ck if an animal is fully capable of sending his a$$ to Jerusalem first-day-delivery with no refunds or return trip, he’s gonna pet it and cuddle it and play with it. And it ain’t gonna bite him either.
-he’s the type to have an alligator growl/hiss (whatever sound that is-) at him and he’ll be like-"B*tch watch yo language! Who do you think you are talkin’ too?!"
-he’s a tattoo artist like York and has given himself and others a bunch of tattoos (again, as long as they consent-)
-sometimes he and York will practice doing tattoos on each other (but they ain’t gonna tell anyone cuz NY has a reputation to uphold-) and its because of this that he’s one the only people besides York’s brothers to know that NY is ridiculously ticklish (again, they ain’t gonna tell anyone cuz York has a reputation-)
( @simpyfrog <3)
Alaska: wood carving, hunting
-he just gives off the wood-carver vibe for some reason
-he probably does it during meetings that he’s forced to come to (and nobody knows or they just don’t care cuz they don’t wanna be there either)
-he also gives off hunter vibes. Like- I feel like he like he would rather enjoy hunting with Montana and Wyoming and possibly Texas
-he probably hunts instead of going to the store half the time tbh and I’m here for it
( @dailymothanon <3)
Massachusetts: Reading, taking walks, and drawing
-I think at this point we’ve basically decided that Mass is a nerd? Ok then.
-if you ever see him without a book, that probably means that he’s on his way to a library or book store cuz he read all his books already
-he enjoys taking long walks as a calming method for when things get a lil’ too crazy at the statehouse for his liking
-his favorite places to walk are dark creepy forests that definitely have spirits, old shrines, and other freaky-deaky sh*t in them cuz he’s a bloody psychopath that seemingly fears nothing and/or has dealt with spirits for so long that he’ll just tell them to go f*ck themselves.
-York had to get his drawing skills from somebody. Cuz Mass is also REALLY good at drawing and has taught York a few things like the awesome older brother he is :)
-because he is a tech-nerd, I’ve decided that he prefers digital art instead of traditional
New Jersey: Gardening, insects (he likes looking at them I guess-)
-its really no surprise that gardening is one of his hobbies, I mean- c’mon, he’s the Garden State, it just makes complete sense.
-his garden at home has 50 sections, and each section has a patch of each state’s national flower
-ask him any insect fact I dare you. He will give it to you and he will never run out of facts to give.
-his personal favorite insects are butterflies (cuz they’re so damn pretty 😭💜) and bees cuz they’re cute and they’re his state insect
( @sonofcoul27 cuz I think NJ is your favorite? <3)
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nqgmx · 6 months
✧ ASTARION: BALDUR'S GATE 3 - a character analysis
this essay contains HUGE spoilers for baldur's gate 3, specifically astarion's questline! you have been warned lol
so baldur's gate won game of the year and for me that was my sign to finally buy it and try it out; i'm a pretty big dnd player / enthusiast as well as a crpg fan so i honestly have no idea why i didn't buy it sooner. i think like many other players, i was immediately drawn towards astarion's character: he's charming, enticing and he's literally a vampire so... who doesn't love vampires. i've become so hyperfixated on the game and astarion that i decided to watch all of his cutscenes, and one really caught my eye: the scene where you refuse to help him with ascension and he kills cazador. however, rather than being focused on the story of this scene, i was focused on something else...
astarion cries like a child.
and i don't mean that in an insulting way, like 'oOh, asTaRioN cRiEs LiKe a cHiLd', no he actually cries like a young boy, scrunching his face up and just weeping and weeping (and may i just say neil newbon did an INCREDIBLE job during this scene, like he did that in one take?! holy shit!?). it also really makes me think:
astarion is the oldest party member in the game, why does he, of all the characters, cry like that?
like you'd assume wyll or even shadowheart cry like that, but astarion? he's literally a 239 year old charlatan that flirts with you at every chance he gets. the reasonable answer is that the game directors / animators wanted to make the moment as emotional and effective as possible, however i'm an autistic teenage girl with a problem with overanalysing things so guess what i’m going to do? overanalyse it. i do truly think that despite everything, astarion saw cazador as his rock. he was his master, captor and abuser, yes, but he was the only other vampire he knew - he taught him everything. like, picture this, you get turned into a vampire and the only other vampire that you knew was the one who turned you. of course you'd look towards them for support despite everything, like you're a vampire what the fuck else are you supposed to do? i find their relationship so fascinating as on the surface, it's a heavily abusive dynamic with a severe power imbalance, however you look a little deeper and realise the trauma bond that astarion had with cazador. but again, that's just my take on it as somebody who only started playing the game two days ago and hasn't even finished act 1 soooooo
another thing about astarion's character that i really really love is during the cutscene at camp where, after making the correct dialogue choices, he confides in you that for the past 200 years he has sought company through sex, however after meeting your character he realises that he just simply wanted somebody there for him. being hypersexual as a trauma response is fairly common in real life, so adding it to him makes him seem like such a deep and complicated character. i find it so interesting that astarion is the only character in the whole of the game that you can have this unique 'not platonic yet not romantic something inbetween' relationship with. it's a really sweet moment as he's removing his tough persona and is just being honest with you, and it shows how complex of a character he is.
i finally want to take a moment to fangirl and just talk about neil newbon and how be ABSOLUTELY deserved performance of the year at this year's game awards. he's so incredible as astarion, like everything he says makes me feel an emotion (whether it's heartbroken, humoured or flustered as hell) and i have never gotten that in a va performance before. also, the fact that when he was recording his voice lines the crew had to tell him to calm tf down is so funny, and like i mentioned earlier the fact that he did the crying cutscene in one take is so ?!?!?!?! like SIR oh my god?? he 100% deserves that award, and his acceptance speech alone proves it. plus i love him so much for coming up with the goosetarion meme i love it so much it makes me want to explode
apologies if some of the points that i made aren't accurate, like i mentioned before i haven't played too much of bg3 so i could be completely wrong with everything i just said, so please feel free to let me know if i'm incorrect at all!! this is just my yearly tumblr post, i want to start posting more but also i forget about my account and then remember every like six months or so lol
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lumenflowered · 4 months
//did you actually play through one of the johto games as maria for this?
//if so, do you have any screenshots you could share on main?
OOC: I did! still am, as a matter of fact! I'm currently playing through refined gold, a romhack of heartgold which supposedly did not change much beyond allowing some pokemon (horsea, murkrow) to be acquired sooner but also I didn't read the documentation as closely as I should have and only discovered that it buffed major story trainers (gym leaders, silver, team rocket, pokemon league) once I got to falkner and he had a hoothoot.
I'm a bit of a pokemon veteran, or at least I'd like to think so... so a "minimal buffs" romhack was honestly a reasonable amount of challenge. I miss not having to deal with hms though. and tms being reusable. and the party-wide exp share. do you realize how much time I spent grinding in victory road and lance STILL clapped my ass.
anyway, let's see what I can dig up...
(putting this below a cut because I dug up a lot of screenshots)
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most recent screenshot: that fucking gyarados was the bane of my existence because I don't have any electric-type moves and SOMEONE had the bright idea to give it DRAGON DANCE. which it used. four times.
a choice scarf is not enough to outspeed a 4x dragon dance gyarados. in-character, maria won by the skin of her teeth. out of character, oh goD that took me like three tries because of the dragon dance incident. more like two because I got some really terrible rng on the second try and went "fuck this" like ten seconds in, but still.
anyway I unfortunately did not think to get a screenshot of the hall of fame and I am not fighting lance again specifically for that screenshot, sorry guys, I'm not fucking with that gyarados aGAIN
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sassy lost child when did you play ace attorney. (I was. NOT PREPARED for the silver fight. it took me four solid tries to beat him. which was part of my motivation for going "y'know what he can have this win in the blog canon.")
(honestly, if I had too much trouble with lance, I was fully prepared to yeet maria into kanto some other way. but he was beatable. evelyn carried the hell out of that fight. and she is still just a seadra ingame, though I do have a king scale ingame, she'll evolve eventually.)
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look how fucking Shaped the honchkrow sprite is, btw. peak birb.
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one of these options is really not like the others
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[ade voice] call an ambulance... BUT NOT FOR ME
(she was faster)
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the team! from back in the ice path I think?
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I did, out of character, spend like a week playing voltorb flip to get an ice beam tm for evelyn. saw some REALLY weird rows such as this one with 5 voltorbs and no points, and several rows with a lot of points and no voltorbs. I think the highest I got was like... level 7/8. once. (technically could have cheated using savestates and gotten through it much faster but I feel like maria would be disappointed in me for that one.)
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one of the team rocket admins had a really weird smeargle the message I sent this screenshot with was "what the fuck is this smeargle on" and I stand by that tbh
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thanks reina.
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the power of FLUFFY BOYS compels thee
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I spent a bunch of time in the pokeathlon to get a fire stone for molotov (since I couldn't find it in the kimono girls' closet ingame) and. y'all may not know this. but the pokeathlon SUCKS ASS to play on an emulator. in-character I think maria would be best at the skill course due to her bloodborne weapon scaling REALLY WELL with a stat called skill. out of character that was the worst one to do on an emulator by far, I eventually managed to eke out enough victories on the jump course to get that fire stone and I don't plan on going back.
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I have a lot of screenshots of Ade at low (but not 0!) hp.
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see I remembered this happening but I forgot how you literally just WALK IN THERE AND HE HYPER BEAMS A GUY. (the guy's... maybe not fine but like. he's alive enough to complain about it afterwards. he's fine lance didn't commit a murder.)
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lol. lmao even.
the funny thing is that she would have believed him if rotomblr hadn't spilled the beans on "yeah that's a wholeass champion"
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this is the Rat, my hm slave.
because I have played bloodborne (kind of currently playing it? don't have access to it most of the time but I'll be able to continue my save in march) and gotten the dialogue of particular characters you meet early on, I feel no guilt in dubbing the rat "gehrman." he is permanently level 20 because that is evolution level and rattata can't learn strength but raticate can.
(youngster joey's rat later got named gehrman because 1) I thought it would be hilarious 2) a bit of a nod to the rat that I wouldn't be able to beat the game without, because hms suck and I hate them.)
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live footage of evelyn sweeping the ENTIRETY of jasmine's team on take two of that gym. she's terrifying I love her <3
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one of the QOL things that this particular romhack does is allow trade evos to evolve through different requirements. haunter's, for example, is learning shadow ball. which it does naturally at level 36.
I did not realize this until after I used the morty tm. on my gastly.
ade really wanted to evolve twice in one day. I have never b-buttoned a pokemon quite so much before in my life. (also yes I could have grabbed an everstone from professor elm but by the time I thought of that I was midway through the radio tower and could not be assed to go get that yet.)
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behold, the Rat. I was fully intending to leave him at level 4 forever before I discovered rattata can't learn strength.
(also, I find it deeply amusing that furret can learn surf.)
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one (1) fear: WHITNEY'S MILTANK.
it had a lum berry. and attract. and milk drink. for gameplay purposes, rakuyo is a guy, and at that point I only had rakuyo, hunter, and molotov. so that miltank was. a Nightmare.
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youngster joey is the SINGLE opposing trainer who maria actually gave her number to, because I thought it would be funny.
she is less annoyed than I am by his constant calls about the top percentage rat.
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baby hunter!
...god I don't think there was a single gym in this romhack where it wasn't at least a little down to the wire. olivine excluded, but that's specifically because jasmine kicked my entire ass the first time around and I trained a bunch more for the second one.
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baby rakuyo! they've come so far <3
anyway that's. all the screenshots I can dig up that are fun. hi yes I have so many thoughts about this. come closer. :P
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yandere-daze · 2 years
THANK YOU FOR THE RESPONSE FOR MY ASK AND HONESTLY I CAN'T AGREE MORE..... and I'm also here with another thought abt a certain type of reader!
I'm really curious about a reader that barely plays the game, but when they do open it they could play it for, let's say, 7 hours straight!
at the same time, they don't really have a definitive favorite, so they'd change the characters in their home screen and room regularly. being in the next character position just practically depends on the readers mood.
if I were to put myself as an example, well, I'm a valkp so I'd put them if I'm in a good mood! sometimes I'd changed to mama and arashi too, and other times I'd use a generator then constantly click on the character to see how they'd interact (and then respond like I'm actually talking to them but that is a bit embarrassing)
andd right now in jp I'm mainly having midori and koga in my home screen cause they have my current in game 5* (aka the favorite among the ones I actually have), I just think it's gonna be funny with how their dynamic cld be (my condolences to midori, probably)
from 🖼️ anon ☆!!
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Welcome back, 🖼 anon!! I´m happy to hear that you liked my response!! Please do feel free to share any and all thoughts or ideas you may have, no matter how minor, it´s really interesting to read ^^
gn reader
tw yandere, obsession, possessiveness
A player that alternates between not playing at all and playing hours on end and doesn´t have a favorite character either
Oh you would be the death of them if you did someting like that, lol
The first time you´re alone for so long they get really worried and wonder why you aren´t coming back. Are you not interested in them anymore? Did they do something wrong that drove you away? Or did something happen to you at home? Were you safe???
They´re all worrying about you and one day, you just open the game again and it feels like a huge crisis was just averted. They would still love to know why you were gone for so long but at least you´re back now and they can spend more time with you! They´re so happy, their enthusiams probably increased from the withdrawal they went through for so long.
They almost don´t notice that you spent several hours playing the game, time goes by so quickly for them because they´re with the person they love most! But after some time, they do notice that you´ve been playing for way longer than is healthy so some of them may get a little worried for you. If you happen to have Nazuna or Yuzuru on your home screen you can definitely expect a voiceline from them telling you that it´s okay to take breaks sometimes and that they wish that you take proper care of yourself. It won´t help anyone if you get sick from playing too much, okay?
And then they freak out when you´re gone for a long time again kankfabf Should they not have said anything after all? Should they just have enjoyed the time they had with you???
Honestly this cycle keeps repeating for many many times until they eventually realize that this is just the way you play the game and that you´ll most likely return to them again. Which doesn´t mean that they don´t miss you when you´re gone :/ They´re all visibly tense during your absence, some more pessimistic ones wondering if this time you will leave them for good
And then there´s another factor they aren´t too happy about: No one knows who your favorite is! No one knows if they´ll finally get their turn this time because you keep changing the idols on your home screen or the ones you use when playing a life. Theoretically it´s nice because it gives everyone a better chance of getting to interact with you and get some time in the spotlight but no one is really happy with this.
Sure, you´ll choose them sometimes, but that´s not enough. They want to be special to you and not chosen by some random generator or something! They don´t want to share you with all the other idols who couldn´t possibly love you as much as they do! They´ll definitely try to use the time you give them to impress you to the best of their abilites. Maybe if they try really hard or show you their appreciation in their voice lines, you´ll grow fond of them and only put them on the home screen from now on?
They´ll certainly try!
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dballzposting · 5 months
okay this is gonna sound maybe kinda wild but i need you to bear with me here. on account of i just had this thought but i have hit post limit and you're the only person i can trust with this
videl is a whiskey drinker. you know this, i know this, everyone knows this. it doesn't affect her. she's been sneaking a little bit ever since she was big enough to reach the bottle, bc Dad said it was a Real Man's Drink and she had something to prove.
Videl does not drink to excess, but even drunk videl is not that much different from normal videl. maybe a little floppier. maybe a little less testy. whatever.
but gohan?
gohan starts with wine. it's a low alcohol content. it's refined, it's classy, it fits the image of the future he wants. and, most importantly, he wouldn't feel embarrassed if his mom found out he had a glass of wine. She wouldn't be happy about him drinking alcohol, but she would Understand.
wrong fucking move.
he has one glass. He hates the way it makes him feel. The control he's fought so hard for slips away. he melts into Dionysus' bestial embrace.
all of a sudden his instincts kick in and he's fighting for control silently in his own mind. Stone-faced and wild-eyed, he sits alone in his dark bedroom. And when Videl opens the door, he makes unblinking eye contact. For several moments, her heart freezes and she understands that her husband is truly half-alien; something wretched from beyond the stars lurks in his chest.
he says, with no emotion expressed, 'we're alive, you and I.'
and her heart resumes
she walks up to the bed and sits on her knees next to gohan. she softly touches his face, and he gently, reverently, takes her forearm in his mouth like a dog.
she strokes his hair with her other hand, and he lets go. he looks up at her with sad, sad eyes. he speaks again
'I want to hunt a rabbit. not like a man, with guns and traps and ki, but like a quick and clever creature. the claws on my hands and the teeth in my mouth.'
and then, in the dim light of the hallway, videl looks at the nightstand and sees a cup and a bottle with just enough wine missing to deduce he has had one (1) glass of Sauvignon Blanc.
and after cooking up the steak she was saving for after she won the poker tournament tomorrow to sate gohan's bloodhunger, she puts him to bed and calls up Chi-Chi.
(I don't have an ending for this i just think that most aliens in dbz, saiyans especially, have a really low alcohol tolerance for reasons that would take forever to explain, and that gohan especially would be weird bc he has had so much training specifically to deal with his instincts and emotions, and that alcohol would interfere with the execution of that training but not the understanding of it)
thank you if you took the time to read this!
thank you if you took the time to read this!
Hey I think I need to answer this now like right now becos it was sent tonight and there is no way that this will be permissible tomorrow.
OK WElll let's see here let's break this down. Have no fear audience members we will get throuhg thsi
OK first of all
im sleepy let me think about this one.
You Have Hit Post Limit Yet Again.
Videl drinks whiskey the same way she smokes cigars ok got it. She's always been able to detect on some level the vacancy in her father where his spine should be so she's always known that titles like "Real Man" were empty aesthetics and that she herself captured the REAL ideals without having to boast it. But at some point she has to say something to give people something to listen to when their eyes fail them. She drinks that whiskey and she doesn't need to but she's damn good at it
Wine "fits the image of the future [Gohan] wants" ... It's a future that has the luxury to build itself on levels of social games like aesthetics and class and propriety ... it has the luxury of peace. Plus it's a fun fruity color. Lol.
He's had to fight for control and this control just puts its hat on and walks out the frontal cortex at the slightest flavor of alcohol. Like Ok I'm out. Bye
OK like actually everything about Gohan & Videl's relationship and interactions is completely the notion of Wearing Class on top of Beastliness. A dapper hat and bloody fangs. Vampires in the city. Complex mammalian social interactions being the most phylogenetically recent adaption to the nervous system and it necessarily has communications with the "lower" systems and making sense of the whole system is what makes us human. In my earlier post today I almost said something about Videl marrying the knives of intellect with the force of shadows but i coudnt figure out how to phrase it. I still can't. My point is that I think that this ask will cohere going forward but let's find out
He would sit there stone faced in the dark willing the moment to pass that is so Goahn ...
She literally would understand perfectly and she would give him her arm. He's an alien and something beyond the stars lurks unarticulated yet thriving in his being and she would see that and duely freeze as a human ought but she would feel like "FINALLY something that fucking MAKES SENSE" like she would get it
Because she KNOOOWS that she's gonna win the poker tournamnet. Gonna be honest. I think that it's gonna be Krillin's lucky night. Unless it's a woman-only tournament. Then I'm thinking that Bulma almost wins until A18 smoothly takes over at the last second. But Videl wins the other times. We just can't all be winners allof the time....
She's cooking the steak and he's pacing like a sad dog miserably musing that "it's not gonna be enough" and she has to be like "Look how red it is. Look how warm. Pretend it's fresh-killed." and Gohan remebers when he was a little boy when he was surviving in the wild, there was this dickhead dinosaur who always tried to get at him and Gohan would slice off a bit of its tail and eat it every time he won the fight. And the dinosaur kept trying. And Gohan almsot felt bad about it but now he's understasnding more than ever that winning or losing are just the outcomes of the NECESSARY NEED TO HUNT, it was righteous and essential that he and that dinosaur continuously engaged with each other and the dinosaur had no choice by nature. so he doesnt feel bad anymore in fact he feels thrilled at having partaken. And he feels big for winning. And he eats the steak and Videl offers that red wine goes good with red meat and he says NO PLEASE NO GOD. NO
OK like yes in the dragon ball that we see on screen it would track for Videl to call Chichi on the phone and garner a light commiseration re: Alien Husbands without actually disclosing any details at all, and even gather some productive insight or info. BUT The Chichi that I know is like "Laura" by Billy Joel and everything is about her feelings and so we honestly wanna keep her as far from the genuine lived experience of others as possible.
I'll believe you about the alcohol thign.
Also I'm gonna interject and say that Feeling your Feelings w/o judgement and w/o needing to take action about them is so imporatant and I wish that Gohan wouldnt fight himself down so much.
But I get it like he's more than an animal he's an alien and there's nothing more primal than being the improbable lovechild of a human and an alien and he will never know if what he is feeling is "acceptable" or "alien and fucked up" and he fears it all same
EVERYBIODY SLEEP TIGHT or WAKE UP !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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Last week @shining-m00nlight made a post about a hunger games/asoiaf au with nedcat. The idea inspired me a lot so below the cut is a way too long and elaborate description of a story I came up with following that. It’s about 3000 words, so basically long enough to be a fic in itself lol
It’s been years since I read the hunger games so I apologise for any mistakes in lore and canon :)
Cat is from district 4, known for fishing. I’m thinking one of the northern districts for Ned and also maybe one of the poorer ones since the North doesn’t have a lot of money. So I’m thinking 6 or 9. I’m leaning towards that he’s from the north of 9, but it doesn’t fit perfectly since it’s main produce is grain. It’s the largest district though and definitely among the poorer ones. So for this AU I’m going with district 9 for Ned.
Ned became a tribute because he volunteered for Benjen, who was initially reaped. Definitely no career thing, just a concern for his family. Brandon wanted to do it instead, but somehow Ned won that fight and ended up as the tribute. Rickard had already died, so the family was struggling. Lyanna was also dead, she was the female tribute the year before. As she was the only girl among the siblings none of them could volunteer in her stead. She put up as much of a fight as she could, but in the end she died. With all that behind him Ned entered his game. Gained a lot of sympathy because his sister died in a previous game but didn’t otherwise do very well in his interviews, he couldn’t bring himself to care about presenting a charming facade. Didn’t earn many sponsors since no one wanted to invest in a tribute from 9 that had little chance of actually winning.
During the bloodbath at the cornucopia he managed to get his hands on a knife and killed two boys that tried to attack him. After that he escaped into the wilderness. He was lucky, it was a cold arena with harsh climate which allowed him to wait it out. He knows how to survive the cold, the others freeze to death. So he’s the last one standing and he wins.
Cat’s game is two years after that. District 4 is typically a career district and Cat’s not an exception from that rule, she volunteered and gained her spot as tribute. There was a lot of family pride in it, The Blackfish volunteered many years earlier and won his games so he was her mentor. He wasn’t too keen on it but also didn’t advice against her volunteering, knowing he couldn’t stop her. She won because those who were with her last drowned in an attempt to chase her down. They formed an alliance to take her down, she realised she couldn’t take on all of them and fled out into a river. Being from district 4 she was a good swimmer and managed to handle the currents, her opponents didn’t. The reason for them teaming up against her was that she killed several tributes earlier on from skill with weapons and didn’t hesitate about it. She allied herself with the male tribute from her district in the beginning, but he died from an infected wound just a few days in. She gained a lot of sponsors that gave her expensive gifts. Partly because of her skill, partly because she had good looks and that gained the attention of the people in the capitol. She did well during her interviews, charming the public to the point where she had them wrapped around her hand.
After their respective victories they stay in the houses made for victors in their respective districts, but as they’re mentors for tributes coming after them. Cat is all but forced into it as the female mentor from her district resigns and she has to take her place as she’s the youngest victor. So she mentors alongside her uncle, and despises it. The games were worse than she was prepared for and having to relive it through her tributes is terrible. She wonders how her uncle had managed to do it for so long and how he could hold himself together enough to mentor her, his own blood.
There hasn’t been any victors from Ned’s district in some time so he also has little choice. He doesn’t find it any less terrible than she does. It’s a mockery that he had to live through what he did and then watch it happen to those after him. All he can do is shut the feelings off and do it, he needs to protect the family he had left.
He’s on his third year of mentoring when Cat begins and they meet for the first time. Cat gets a lot of attention from especially men in the Capitol and can be bought as company, but that first year it never goes as far as sexual favours. Ned is not along the most popular victors so he passes more unnoticed and he avoids the other victors that come with their tributes, he wants little to do with them. He had a particular distaste for careers and those make up most of the victors. So he keeps to himself, his fellow mentor and their tributes. Except Cat’s different, he likes her against himself. During their first year they find a friendship in each other. Initially Ned is wary of her because she was a career and killed one of his tributes, but slowly he warms up to her. He finds a lot of comfort in talking with someone who knows what he’s been through and understands the horrors of the games. Cat can’t help but like him because it very quickly becomes clear that he’s not interested in her just because she’s pretty and has been successful, he cares for her as a person. Though nothing but that happens between them that year. The winner of that game is Jaime Lannister, the male tribute from district 1.
The next year they agree to encourage their tributes to ally with each other. The previous year none of their tributes won, and so they believe that maybe with the help of each other that can change that year. Ned hasn’t set up alliances with other mentors before because of his wariness of them so it’s a first for him. Usually he lets Donella Hornwood, his fellow mentor, handle that part. She’s older, has been in it for much longer, she knows what to do and the other mentors like her better than they like Ned.
Cat is continually used for company by rich and influential people in the capitol, something she grows more uncomfortable with every time it happens. Every time they push her boundaries a little further, and she finds herself accepting things that disgusts her. Ned is in a horrible place every time the games take place, it throws him back what happened to him. Though Lyanna’s death haunts him even more than his own games. He sees her in every female tribute he mentors, in every girl that dies in the arenas. She lives through them and dies over and over again. In the Capitol he’s without the family that remains to him and so Cat is the only one that can give him at least a little peace. She’s his light, the first one he has let close enough to let her know of the sorrows he carries. Their group of tributes stick together on the advice of their mentors, but on the second day they all die in an explosion. It takes hard on both Ned and Cat. This year they share their first kiss after some drinking to drown the sorrows over their dead tributes. That year Cersei Lannister, the twin sister of the previous year’s winner, ends up as the sole survivor. She was part of the group that set up the explosive trap that killed Ned and Cat’s tributes.
Year three as mentors. They go with the same tactic as the previous year. Brynden goes along with it because he can’t tell Cat no. Donella knows that their tributes have a better chance if they ally with careers and so agrees with it. They can’t get a lot of sponsors themselves, so being able to benefit from the gifts given to the tributes of district 4 is the difference between life and death for their tributes. They know that when the alliance inevitably falls apart their tributes will have less of a chance than the careers, though at least it’s a chance.
Ned and Cat continue building on their relationship during this game, trying to forget that in the end there’s only one victor and that their pact can’t last forever. It’s horrible, they hate that they have to watch the games closely every year. Everything is dark, but at least they have each other. In the end one of Cat’s tributes wins. The girl and Ned’s two tributes were the only ones left and so she killed them. It causes a major rift between Ned and Cat. He knows it’s not Cat’s fault and he had known beforehand it would most likely happen, but he can’t help but be angry with her. Never before had his tributes gone so far. For just a little while there had been hope but in the end they met death the same as all the rest of them. He’s watched all ten of his tributes die brutally, he’s broken. All he wants is a victor so that he can resign, now Cat got that. She’ll leave him in the mentorship, he’s sure of it. He’ll once again be all alone. Betrayed, just like his tributes. He might as well have been dead, sometimes he believes that would have been better.
So he’s surprised to once again see Cat the next year. Surprised and delighted. It’s something good in all the misery, he can see Cat again. That year an alliance between their tributes isn’t set up, both Ned and Donella decide against it after the previous year. Though Ned and Cat slowly grow close again, taking up their relationship where they left off the year before. Despite the anger they ended with it’s so hard to resist. It’s as if it’s all forgotten, what matters is they have each other. Cat doesn’t want to resign as a mentor until Ned has the same opportunity and so she stayed. She lets him know that as they have dinner one night with some other mentors and a few sponsors. It turns out they share a dislike of the Lannister twins and the way all sponsors seem to turn to them. Glowing and golden and so false it poisons the air. Ned feels sick just from looking at them, he wonders how he manages to stay polite. Cat looks at them and wondered how she could have been like them once. Entering the games out of free will, volunteering to kill people for glory and riches.
Cat’s continued use as bought company is lessened as the people of the capitol grow more aware of her romance with Ned and it catches the eye of the public. Initially it’s mostly quiet rumours, but it flares up when they’re caught sharing a kiss after a sponsor dinner. The victors of previous games that fell in love as they mentored tributes from different districts, that’s a story the people of the Capitol like. Look what good the games did, look how it brought them together. Catelyn Tully, one of the Capitol’s darlings, and Eddard Stark, the hardened survivor from district 9. This also helps their tributes as that makes people more willing to sponsor them. Cat still loses both her tributes to mutated animals, it seems suspiciously much like something set up by the game makers but that can’t be proved now can it? Ned’s male tribute wins on luck, a little similar to how Ned won. He managed to survive while traps and the environment killed all the others. Ned believes he had never felt such relief as when he watches the winner be announced.
Despite that they only meet for a relatively short time every year they get married not long after the end of that game. For four years they have struggled together every summer, now they both expect retirement from that. They have a winner each to take their place, no one can protest and they’ll finally be left alone. That was the deal, that was their prize for winning. Maybe, just maybe, they can heal together. At least a bit, at least they’ll have it better together without the games than apart except for when they have to mentor. Cat gets pregnant shortly after. They didn’t plan it and abortion is not allowed, but they know that at least their son will not be likely to end up in the games. He won’t have to enter his name several times in order to get more food, they can provide that for him as victors. They have riches beyond what they can spend, it is no issue. And as they won’t have to mentor any longer they can focus on him, give him as good of a life as they can.
So of course they’re devastated when President Aerys lets them know that there will be no retirement. Even with their child, even with other victors to take their place as mentors, they will stay in those positions. They have done so well, why change that? If they despised the president for his games before they feel deep hatred after that. He changed the rules for them, that hadn’t been the deal. He kept them in the Capitol’s spotlight, didn’t allow them to draw back so that their love could be forgotten by everyone but them. Of course they’re not allowed to say they’re involuntary staying as mentors, they have to say that they’re doing it out of free will.
After Robb is born Cat is permitted to move to Ned’s district and live with him there on the condition that she travels home to district 4 every year for the reaping. Their family has to be kept together for the sake of the image it presents. The happy victory family, allowed to live a peaceful life by the benevolent president.
Every year they watch the games closely, every year they must see tributes die. Cat gets another few victors in, Ned gets none. Every year he watches his tributes get chosen and every year he’s sure of that they will die. Just like Lyanna did. Their family continues to grow, it doesn’t seem to matter how much care they take with that. Whenever she’s pregnant during a game Ned worries himself sick over if she will manage everything without completely falling apart, somehow she manages to stay strong. She keeps a bright face for the sponsors and then takes deep breaths in a bathroom to keep herself from throwing up. One year she’s days from giving birth by the end of the game, and the labour is almost like a relief after watching children being slaughtered for more than two weeks. When she holds Bran after it’s all done she wonders what will become of him after the horrors he was part of before he was even born. How is a child to be happy when they’re exposed to the games before they’re a part of the world?
Cat insists the children be trained for the games even though she will never let any of them volunteer. Should they get reaped she wants them to survive. It’s eating Ned alive to see them have to grow into killers so early, but what choice is there? What happened to Lyanna can’t happen to them, he wouldn’t be able to bear it. His children are his pride and joy but during his darkest moments he almost regrets having them. How can it be worth it? Even though the risk of them ending up in the games is low, it’s still there. How can it be worth it to bring a child into the world knowing what could happen?
As Robb turns 11 they want to move to district 4. There all the career volunteers would make it almost impossible for them to get chosen as tributes. That would lessen the risk of them being in the games even more. President Aerys himself informs them of that it doesn’t matter where they move, their children belong to Ned’s district since he’s the father. So every year they hold their breath and hope that none of their children are reaped. Though of course that doesn’t happen, of course Robb is reaped the year he turns 18.
They absolutely forbid their kids from volunteering. Cat let all her children know from an early age that if they volunteered she would kill them before they reached the stage. It doesn’t matter how prepared they believe they are, how much they argue that both Ned and Cat volunteered, they are under every circumstance forbidden from volunteering. So Robb is secretly a little proud when he is reaped, he knows he is as prepared as one can be and is among the older ones which raises his chances of winning. He never would have gone against his parents and volunteered, but that way he gets around that. He becomes a tribute without volunteering. While Ned and Cat are devastated and really struggle with what happens, they can’t believe their child will have to go through what they went through. Especially as Ned has to mentor him and Cat has to mentor two of his opponents. She can’t try to get them killed for the sake of Robb’s survival, but she also doesn’t want them to win at all. All she wants is her son’s survival. In the end she agrees with herself that she could never do anything to lessen Robb’s chances of winning. Her tributes are not her children.
Despite being from 9 Robb becomes a favourite. Both his parents are victors and they’ve trained him. He’s had no official training and still he impresses during his time in the training centre and receives a high score. Meanwhile Ned and Cat do everything they can to make things easier for him. Despite mentoring for a different district Cat helps set up allies and sponsors for him. The Capitol sees the two desperate parents doing everything they can for their child. They have known that the child tributes have parents in theory, but never before have they actually seen the parents. Never have they seen the despair, the grief over what might happen, the frantic working to find a way to ensure survival. It shakes the Capitol to its very core.
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kailyn-writes · 2 years
For The Rest of My Life | Tyson Jost x Reader
This is for @jostystyles writing challenge! The song that I chose is Black and White by Niall Horan
Word Count: 2.1k
A/N: I don't love the ending, and I scrapped the original because it was really really long and I could literally turn it into a full blown fic but.. not today lol Anyway I hope you enjoy this!!
When you moved to Minnesota, you only knew one person in the entire state. You knew Danielle Spurgeon through a family friend and she was helping you get situated in Minnesota after you’d accepted a job there. She was a couple years older than you growing up, but she was kind to you then and even now. 
She introduced you to a few of the younger guys on the team, along with some of their significant others, hoping that you could find a group of friends to spend time with. That was how you met Tyson. 
From the moment that you met, you had a crush on him. It was easy to talk to him. He was funny and kind and part of you thought that he might like you back, but you dismissed that idea, too busy with work and getting adjusted to the new city to even worry about dating. 
You and Tyson become good friends, though. You texted pretty regularly and met up to get out and do things when he had free time. It was an easy friendship to maintain, which you were thankful for. 
You’d been in Minnesota a couple of months when the Wild made it into the playoffs. Tyson was so excited, which made you excited. You were lucky enough to get to go to two out of the three home games and you watched all of the games in St. Louis at home. About an hour after the Wild lost that night, you texted Tyson asking if he was okay. He didn’t respond and you didn’t press the issue. 
When he still hadn’t responded in the morning, you became slightly worried. All of that dissipated that afternoon when he texted you that they’d landed and asked if you wanted to grab dinner and hang out. 
The next few weeks went by quickly. You were busy with work and Tyson was enjoying some time off, he went back to Canada for a bit. Your friendship never seemed to dwindle, though. He texted you, sent pictures, even called you a couple times. 
You were texting him the day the Avalanche won the Stanley Cup. You two didn’t talk about hockey a ton these days, but he asked if you were watching and you weren’t, so you said no. Everything seemed normal for a couple of days, before he stopped responding. 
At first, you were hurt. What would make him ghost you like that? It wasn’t until you saw that he deleted his instagram that you realized what was going on. To have to watch the team that he was playing just a couple of months ago win the Stanley Cup, something he could have done if he hadn’t been traded, couldn’t be easy. So you waited, you let him know that you were thinking of him but you didn’t push him. 
You talked with Danielle, asked if she knew how he was doing. She told you what she could but it seemed that he’d gone radio silence to most people. Early in July, though, she told you that he was back in Minnesota for the summer. 
You had always been an ‘acts of service’ kind of person, it was the easiest way for you to show that you cared, so a couple of days after Tyson got back to Minnesota, you baked a batch of cookies and dropped them off for him. You wanted to make sure he got them, so you knocked on his door and quickly ran out of sight, hoping he didn’t hear your footsteps. After several minutes of waiting, you assumed the coast was clear and headed down the elevator into the lobby.
You’re almost out the door, almost to safety, when you hear him call your name. You freeze, contemplating just continuing on your way, but it’s too late. You can hear his footsteps approaching, and you turn, smiling softly at him. 
“Tyson, hi, it’s good to see you again.” You greet him, waving awkwardly.
“It’s good to see you too. What are you doing here?” He asks, but you simply shrug.
“I was just dropping something off for a friend.” Lie.
“Uh-huh. You have a friend who lives in this building? Other than me?” Tyson’s brows raise, almost accusatory and you nod, stilted and awkward in your movements.
“Yeah, she, uh, she.. Okay, no I don’t have a friend who lives here. I dropped off the cookies.” You run a hand through your hair, sighing as you admit the truth. 
“Yeah, I kinda figured that one out. Why didn’t you just hand them to me?” He chuckles, brows still raised as he watches you. 
“I didn’t want it to be weird. I just wanted you to know that someone was thinking about you and cared about you.” You shrug, avoiding his eyes. 
“Well I definitely can’t eat all the cookies by myself.. Do you want to come up and watch a movie or something?” 
You look up, brows raised in surprise. “Uh, sure.” 
“C’mon.” He gestures for you to come with him and he leads you back to the elevator, his hand hovering on your lower back, respectfully. 
“Make yourself at home. I am going to grab the cookies and some milk.” He says, leading you into his apartment. You take a few seconds to look around, before kicking your shoes off and heading into what you assume is the living room. 
“Alright, got any ideas for what we’re watching?” Tyson asks as he reenters, a plate of cookies and two glasses of milk in his hands. The glasses are teetering precariously and you watch with bated breath as he sets them down, without spilling a drop. 
“Uh, no, I hadn’t thought about it.” You say, shaking your head.
“That’s okay. I’ve got an idea that I think you’ll like.” He says and you raise your brows, curious. 
He turns on the TV, pulling up Netflix as you grab a cookie, smiling sheepishly at him. 
He turns on New Girl and you chuckle as he settles beside you, cookie in hand. 
“I’m sorry I ghosted you earlier this summer.” His voice is soft and he doesn’t meet your gaze, so you reach over and give his hand a gentle squeeze before pulling back.
“It’s okay. I can’t imagine what you were going through but it couldn’t have been easy.” 
He blows a puff of air out of his cheeks, shaking his head. “It wasn’t, I got really dark for a minute there, but I had someone back in Minnesota thinking about me and that helped.” 
You can feel a flush creeping up your chest and into your cheeks as you stare at your hands. 
“Hey, uh, there’s a concert this weekend that I got tickets for, would you want to go with me?” You’ve never seen Tyson nervous but you swear that his voice shakes ever so slightly, almost unnoticeably. 
“What concert?” You ask, smiling softly.
“Uh, Niall Horan.” Your eyes go wide and your mouth drops in surprise. 
“I’m sorry, you got tickets to see Niall Horan in concert?! How? Those tickets were insane!” As soon as the words leave you’re mouth, you wish you could change them. Tyson just laughs, nodding. 
“I bought them off a guy on the team who had originally bought them for his girlfriend and they broke up so I got a good deal. And then I heard you love Niall Horan, so...” Your brows furrow in confusion and you cut him off, shaking your head.
“How did you hear that I love Niall Horan?” 
“Oh, a little birdie told me, don’t worry about it. Do you want to go?” You nod your head furiously, grinning at him.
“Yeah I do!” You say and he chuckles. Your phone dings and you glance down to check it, frowning. “Oh, I gotta go. I didn’t realize it was getting kind of late.”
“I’ll text you the details for the concert, and I’ll see you soon.” Tyson says, as he stands and walks you towards the front door of his apartment.
“I’m glad you’re back and doing better, Tyson. I’ll text you!” You say, before stepping out the door and heading home. 
The concert was just a couple of weeks later and after almost a full five hours of you stressing about your outfit, you were pretty sure you were ready to go. You were just grabbing a couple of last minute things when there was a knock on your door. Your furrowed your brows, but moved to open it nonetheless. 
You were surprised to see Tyson standing there, smiling at you, wearing a pair of dark jeans, a light grey shirt and a light jacket. His curls are freshly done and you can see that he’s recently touched up his facial hair. 
“What are you doing here? I said I’d meet you downstairs, I was just about to come down.” You ask, confused, though you let him into your apartment.
“My mom always taught me that you walk to a girls door if you’re picking her up.” He explains and you sideye him, rolling your eyes. 
“Your mom seems like a good woman, then.” 
“She’s the best. You should meet her sometime.” He suggest and you chuckle.
“I didn’t think we were that close of friends that I’d get to meet Mama Jost. Guess I’m special” You joke as you finish grabbing your things, turned away from Tyson.
“You have no idea.” Tyson murmurs, watching you. You turn around, finally showing him your full outfit. 
“What? Is it too much? I knew it was too much.” You murmur, tugging at the skirt you’re wearing.
“No, it’s not that. I think you look amazing.” He assures you and a flush creeps up your chest as you move towards the door. 
“Let’s go.” 
The venue is outside, something that you’re thankful for once the opening act starts playing. You and Tyson are on the lawn, though down right at the edge where the restricted seating starts. People have filled the lawn and it suddenly feels warmer than it did thirty minutes ago. 
You can’t seem to sit still as you wait, tapping your foot or your fingers or fiddling with your outfit. Tyson sees this and reaches over, grabbing your hand. He gives it a gentle squeeze before letting go, smiling softly at you. 
You’re smiling at Tyson when the screaming starts and when you look back at the stage, Niall Horan has made his way out and is about to start. You stand up and immediately start cheering. The first couple of songs are fast and upbeat and you sing along as Tyson stands by your side, watching with a smile. 
The next song to come on is Black and White, one of your all time favorites, and you take the beginning guitar chords in, eyes closed. Tyson steps closer to you and you open your eyes when he taps your shoulder.
“Would you like to dance?” He asks and you chuckle, nodding. He offers you his hand and pulls you into his chest gently, the two of you dancing in your own little spot.
“Thank you for tonight, Tyson.” You can feel him nod, his cheek pressed to the top of your head as the two of you sway. He guides you into a spin and when you come back to him, your eyes meet his. 
“I’ve wanted to say this for a long time, but I wasn’t sure how. I’ve liked you since the day that I met you and that night that you brought me cookies, that really showed me that you are someone that I need in my life. Will you go on a date with me?” His voice is soft and shaky and you can feel his heart pounding as you drop your head onto his chest, smiling.
“I was beginning to think I was crazy.” You laugh, looking up at Tyson. 
“Is that a yes?” 
“Yes, Tyson.” 
“And now, taking the floor for their first dance as husband and wife, Mr and Mrs. Jost!” Cheers erupt as you and Tyson walk onto the makeshift dance floor, grinning from ear to ear. 
You turn to each other and he takes your hand as the song starts. Tears prick your eyes as you listen to the same guitar chords that played just a couple of years earlier. 
“I never told you this, but Jared called this. He called it the second time we met. You and Danielle had walked away to get something and he just turned to me and said ‘She’d be good for you.’ and he could not have been more right. I love you, Mrs. Jost.” You’re really crying now, laughing as youtry to keep the tears off of your makeup and still hold on to him. 
“I’m really glad I made you those cookies now.”
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drwho-shipbracket · 7 months
This is genuinely a little mean. You're running a meaningless shipping poll blog. It's really not that deep and certainly not deep enough to slap fans of a ship in the face after they won your stupid ass poll. When a ship wins, you get butthurt and tell all the people voting for it you wish you hadn't included it? Not even a winner post first, just straight up spitting in fan's faces for no reason. It's not like it was a Thoschei sweep either lol there were several Thoschei variants in the poll that all lost except for threegado, which you also put in a tie break DESPITE it (incredibly narrowly) winning the vote. So which is it? It's too popular to be paired against other ships or so narrowly winning it deserves a tie break? If you can't take people not voting for what you want them to vote for or at least respect them enough to not be rude about it, don't run a voting blog like?? What did you expect?
I'm sorry it was mean, I shouldn't've phrased it that way and I should have been much more considerate of how it would make Thoschei votes feel. To clarify: I made that post because of how many rude comments I have gotten about Thoschei specifically being in this poll, because of how I feel about the way I've been treated.
But speaking of being mean, I need you to understand that you have no idea how much shit I've gotten for Thoschei and Threegado being in this poll. I don't post it. I don't screenshot tags and say, "hey, this really hurt my feelings". Anytime I call something out, I am very careful to keep it anonymous and be clear I am not attacking the people who said it.
I'm seventeen years old, guys. I'm currently concerned about college and my math grade. When I made this ship tourney I wanted to have fun, which I did with the first tournament. But the rarepair one just hasn't been fun for me.
You guys have critiqued these ships, critiqued my choices, critiqued my criteria. You won't go to the effort of giving me propaganda on polls, only saying that the other ship is a stupid choice. What I wanted was community, a chance to spread rarepairs, add to ao3 tags, maybe make a few tags. Instead, it was hard to run this poll because I felt so attacked. That's what's been with the sporadic updates, by the way.
I'm sorry I put Threedago in a tiebreak. I don't remember that. At the time, I probably had a good reason, or it fit something I had decided, like .1 percent wasn't enough to go on.
Like you said, this is a supid ass poll. It's my stupid ass poll, and if I feel attacked, I might retaliate, because I'm a teenager who started this poll to have fun and spread ships and get ideas (and maybe ruthlessly root for my ot3). Why are you sending a seventeen year old hate anons for a stupid ass poll?
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