#I guess some people thought we were dating? or like interested in each other? I can't speak from his pov but in mine it always was as frien
blackandblueraven · 8 months
My friend gave me for my birthday a heat changing mug... so I made him pins with his favourite character for his birthday.
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unclewaynemunson · 9 months
“I need to tell you something.”
Shitfuckno. Eddie doesn't even know why he's still surprised. This is how it always goes, after all. He should probably just give up and stop dating altogether – again.
Steve looks at him exactly as ominously as the words I need to tell you something require. Perfect Steve. Funny Steve. Sweet Steve. Sexy Steve. Steve, who Eddie had genuinely believed to be different.
Eddie sighs, barely suppressing a dark chuckle while he turns away from that perfect face. He doesn't want to look at Steve when he'll tell him the undoubtedly messed-up shit he's about to spill.
“Lemme guess, you're married?” That was what the last guy he dated told him, seven months after they got to know each other. It can't be much worse than that, can it?
Steve grabs Eddie's hand, causing him to involuntarily jerk up his head and meet his eyes.
“How did you know?”
Jesus H. Christ. Not again.
Eddie roughly pulls his hand out of Steve's grip and laughs a joyless laugh.
“Apparently I'm a good guesser.”
He stands up from the park bench the two of them had been sharing. “Well, Steve, this has been a blast. You should go back to your wife, or husband – don't tell me, I don't even wanna know – and I should um, get going. Maybe tell the next person right away what they'll be getting themselves into. Would save them a lot of wasted time, just in case cheating and going around other people's backs isn't really their thing, y'know.”
“Eddie, wait, let me explain!”
Eddie picks up his pace, but Steve, stubborn as he is, easily keeps up with him.
“I'm really not interested, man.”
“It's not – I'm not cheating on her!”
“Okay, so you have an open marriage, good for you. Still the kind of information you could've shared with me, say, three months ago, don't you think?”
“She's a lesbian.”
And that makes Eddie freeze on the spot. It takes Steve two steps before he realizes Eddie has stopped moving; he walks backwards until he's standing right in front of Eddie.
“She's my best friend,” he says, immediately using Eddie's stunned silence to his advantage. “Robin, my roommate – I told you all about her. We wanted to buy a house together and that turned out to be very complicated when you're not... Well, when you're not romantically involved. So we got married. For the, um, practical reasons. We never – we're like siblings. I love her like a sister. But she's also my wife. Platonically.”
It takes a few seconds until Steve's words sink in. Then, Eddie leaps forward and basically collapses into Steve's arms, needing to hold onto him to prevent himself from crashing to the ground.
Steve's arms are warm, strong, and as safe as ever.
“Eddie, are you okay?” Steve asks softly. His lips brush against Eddie's ear while he speaks, and worry colors his voice.
Perfect Steve. Too-good-to-be-true Steve.
“Jesus Christ, Steve,” is the only thing Eddie manages to say.
“I'm sorry, I didn't mean to scare you,” Steve says. “It's just – I've gotten some, um... Less than ideal reactions, in the past, whenever I told this when I was seeing someone. So I thought it'd be better to wait until things were getting serious.” He sighs, tangling his fingers in Eddie's hair. “I didn't wanna scare you off. Are we – are you okay?”
Eddie nods. He lifts his head from where it's resting against Steve's shoulder and raises his hands to squeeze them around Steve's face.
“We're okay,” he says. “And I'm sorry I didn't want to listen to you. I–” He stops; he can't find the words right away. It's still difficult to talk about those things; to let himself be vulnerable. But Steve has been honest with him, so it's only fair to return the favor.
“I've been hurt, Steve,” he confesses. “More than once. I've had some really shitty experiences with dudes not being honest with me. I thought that that was what was happening again, and I couldn't – I couldn't go through that again. Especially not with you.”
“Jesus, Eddie, I'm so sorry.”
“It's okay,” Eddie rushes to say, pulling Steve even closer towards him. “I trust you.” And as soon as these words leave his mouth, he knows it's the truth.
“I do want to be absolutely clear about one thing, though,” Steve says.
Eddie leans back in Steve's arms to give him an expectant look.
“Robin is my wife. I'm not planning on that to change anytime soon. We've been through a lot together. She's been the most important person in my life for years. We own a house and a dog together, and I love her more than anything. I like you a lot, and I promise you I'm all-in with you, but... Robin is still my number one. And that's not gonna change overnight. I need you to be okay with that.”
Eddie swallows. He looks into Steve's eyes. All he sees is a man who is honest, who loves his friends deeply, and who refuses to make any compromises when it comes to love – whether it be the platonic or the romantic kind.
It doesn't scare Eddie off; it only makes him fonder of Steve.
He smiles, glances around to check if they're alone, and presses a quick kiss against Steve's lips.
“I think I can live with that,” he says. “As long as I'm the only one who gets to do this.” He closes his eyes and lets his lips meet Steve's again.
The sigh that Steve breathes into their tentative kiss is one filled with relief.
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nathaslosthershit · 12 days
Celebration Baby, Literally! (CL16) [Blind Items AU]
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(Part 6 in the Blind Items AU [can be read separately])
Summary: 8 months after Charles Monaco win, the fans get to see just how hard he celebrated
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“Ohhhhhhh mate, you have been outed!” Pierre laughes as he shoves his phone into Charles’ face.
“Pierre, I cannot read when you put the screen in my eyes like that, back up” Charles responds as he shoves his longtime friend. Like many of the other victims of the ‘F1 Blind Items’ account, Charles’ face drains of color as he sees what they are saying. While there is some truth to the rumor, it still is far from correct. “Ah! Merde, they got so much wrong, mate!”
“What's wrong, honey?” Charles’ girlfriend calls from the other room where she is sitting with Pierre’s girlfriend. The couple decided to join the Gasly house for a nice dinner, although reading the post surely made Charles lose his appetite. 
Charles and Pierre look at each other as they realize she heard them. The one thing the post got right was that his girlfriend was very pregnant with what is most likely a post-win conceived baby. There was no reason to stress her out when she was so offline it would take a while for her to learn about the rumor, giving Charles enough time to convince her to go public and try to make this into the smallest problem possible. 
“Nothing, baby. I love you” He responded as he made a ‘stay silent’ motion at Pierre.
“Um okay, love you too?” was all she replied, not believing in the slightest that this was nothing. 
It didn’t help that for the rest of the night, Charles was off in his own world, thinking of how he was going to execute his terribly thought out plan. But she wasn’t going to interrogate him on it, at least not again, she had already asked him multiple times if he was okay and if he wanted to talk but he would always answer with a “I am fine, beautiful. How can I not be when the woman I love most is pregnant with our child.” While it was charming, she still wasn’t convinced he was okay after all. 
After hours of deliberation, as he sat outside the bathtub while his girlfriend relaxed in it, he finally spoke his mind.
“We should tell people” is the best he came up with after hours of thinking.
“Tell people what?”
“About the baby”
“We told people about the baby”
“I mean like everyone, we should go public.”
She turned her neck to fully face him at that. 
“Where is this coming from? Why now?” She asked.
“No reason”
“You are a shit liar, Leclerc, tell me why.”
“People know”
“What people know?” She asked. God, he was awful at explaining things.
“Then why would we need to tell them?”
Right when he was about to reply, he closed his mouth. Why would he need to tell people? While the Blind Items account had become a reliable source as they had yet to be wrong, there wasn’t any reason to actually address the issue, at least not till the baby was born, which would happen during winter break.
“...I guess we don’t need to. It's just- there is this account that posts rumors about the drivers that so far have always been true, but one came out about us and it isn’t really that correct, I just thought we should squash it.”
“What did they say that wasn’t correct?” She questioned.
“They implied we only got together because of the baby, and that we weren’t dating before I uh, knocked you up.” The ‘very public breakup’ the post referred to, was an actual breakup that happened a year prior to the world knowing. It was another very private relationship, as Charles became more famous and ‘sought after’ he liked to keep relationships from the limelight till they got serious in order to protect his girlfriends. But when his ex had found out just how serious things were with his current girlfriend, she wanted to bring it to light in order to get her 15 minutes of fame, which ended up being more like 2 minutes. As terrible as it was, once the public knew she had no connection to Charles anymore, they lost interest in her. 
After requesting he pull up the post, Charles handed his phone to his girlfriend so she could read.
“Is this what you are worried about? The part about me getting a ring for a ‘push present’? Don’t want me getting any ideas?” She joked. They had been together long enough and were about to have a baby, so the idea of getting engaged took up about 65% of the monégasque’s thoughts, the rest being about her and the baby, maybe 5% in total was devoted to F1.
“Ah no, my love, you know that is not it. Although an engagement ring would already happen even without our baby, so I will get you something else as well as a present” He said as he kissed her shoulder, then her neck, then her cheek, finally landing on her lips.
“We don’t need to say anything, let us enjoy the privacy for a while longer. Wouldn’t it be better to go into the upcoming season with a baby and a financée?” She asked.
She was right, why not make an even bigger entrance by saying nothing and letting the rumor die down, in order to enjoy the bliss of privacy for a little while longer.
“That sounds wonderful, mon amour. Absolutely perfect.”
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ajortga · 2 months
sweet pt.2
pairing: jenna ortega x fem reader
summary: jenna can't stop thinking about you, the coffee girl. she may or may not have asked you out on something her friends consider as a date.
word count: 3k+
read the other parts here! previous part: part 1 part 2 part 3
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It became sort of a habit for Jenna.
It would be music, think about you, eat, think about you, sleep, think about you, film, yay Jenna gets to see you!
Maybe she’s over exaggerating it, but at the same time she’s really not.
Jenna wasn’t the regular person to be a love bird. Head over heels for someone was barely something she was used to. Well sure she would pass some guys in the city or notice them on set and think, “Oh his hair is perfect” or “He’s kind of cute.” She’s dated a few guys, broke them off because they weren’t for her.
All of the guys only hung out with her knowing she was a celebrity, or she would really think they were the one, until they lost interest and treated her like some toy. She hated when they did that. In fact, she was disgusted by it so much that she didn’t even want to think of having a lasting relationship at all. She just had to find someone right for her.
“You’re awfully quiet,” Melissa nudges Jenna as they’re both in their Tara and Sam outfits.
Jenna hums, looking at the taller latina with a small roll of her eyes while their makeup is getting patched up, “Just hungry, I guess.”
She shifts in her seat, her earbuds in and waiting for this day to be over, she forgot an umbrella. Of course the forecast would show as non-stop rain the whole day with thunderstorms, she literally checked the day before and it said sunny.
“Well, we only have to shoot like, 5 scenes. You wanna go with Jas and Mason to the Italian place you like? On me.”
But Jenna’s mind has other plans. 
“I think I’m gonna drop by the coffee place next door, craving a latte you know?”
She sees the way Melissa’s face twitches upwards, almost as a confused yet searching look, “You don’t like coffee.”
“The shop changed my mind, Y/N recommended a latte that is actually really good.”
“Y/n you say?” And from Melissa’s sing-song voice, she knows what’s coming.
“Yes,” Jenna scoffs, she can feel her ears begin to heat up.
“I didn’t know you had a friend named Y/N.”
It’s a little quiet, the only noise is from Jenna’s half put in earbud, “I met her a couple days ago, she’s a barista that helps her parents run their coffee shop. Keeps the place cozy and organized.”
“So she’s a barista?”
“Yes,” Jenna replies, half distracted as she picks at her cuticles.
“Who helps run her parent’s coffee shop?”
“Next door?”
“Uh huh.”
“You like her,” Melissa smirks, it’s not a question anymore.
“Yes-Wait what? No!” Jenna slaps Melissa’s arm, caught off guard.
Jenna hears her laugh, half-heartedly, “I’m just kidding, but you do seem out of it, are you thinking about her often?”
She shrugs, picking off skin that she just scratched.
“Well I think you are, you’re nervous.”
Now the daydreamer turns to face Melissa, “No I’m not, I just think she’s sweet and she’s someone that already brought me out of that introverted lookin’ shell when I first meet people.”
It was true. It’s like you two knew each other when you first met, she hopes you thought of her that way too. She hopes you’re thinking of her as much as she thinks about you everyday.
Melissa looks down at Jenna’s cuticles, then back up at her, “You’re thinking about her, you’ve been quiet today and don’t think I didn’t see what song you’re listening to. You never listen to love songs!”
“What?! I have not been listening to love songs!”
“Lover by Taylor Swift? Lingers by The Cranberries? About you by the 1975?  Dark Red by Steve Lacy??”
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
“I just have taken interest in love songs I guess, it’s spring anyways right?”
“Spring my ass! That is bullshit!” Jasmine chimes in, making Jenna flinch and turn to the corner where Jas was hiding.”
“What the fuck Jas.. Are you eavesdropping?” Jenna shrieks.
“I know when a girl likes a girl,” Jas rolls her eyes and immediately stands up from her squatting position, “Don’t think me and Mason didn’t see you texting someone that you named mY y/N OOoO La lAAaAa..”
Jasmine shuts up with a slipper slapped into her face.
“Just go ask her out or something,” Mason says, popping behind Jasmine and getting the second pair of slippers thrown to his stomach, making him yelp.
“I barely even know her,”
“And there's no difference, you barely fall in love, girl, love at first sight for you means that she’s the one. You know your priorities and she checks all of them. If not, you wouldn’t be listening to those dumb love songs.”
“Gotta agree Jenna, what about this, we’ll go to the Italian restaurant first, then we’ll leave you alone with her in the coffee shop, you come out and tell us how it goes.”
“Why would I do that?”
“Because you love us.”
The alfredo pasta was twirled from the fork Jenna was holding, eating as the cast of scream 6 giggled and talked during their lunch break. It was a big bowl of pasta to say the least, she shared it with the whole cast but she was eating it up like there was no tomorrow. She knew around this time she came to your cafe, she only came around two times, but if you didn’t see her on a Thursday in the afternoon, she can almost feel the disappointment you might feel. Or hopes you feel, Jenna’s wondering to herself if you even think of her.
“Oh she’s falling hard for this silly Y/N girl,” Jasmine whispers to Melissa, to which she agrees almost immediately.
“No I’m not,” Jenna blurts, placing down her fork.
Everyone in the table clicks their tongue, a few, “Oh come on” and “Liar!”
“Well you wouldn’t have responded, we’ve been talking to you for the past 5 minutes and you only jerk your head when you hear anything about her!” Jasmine groans, showing her hands if they would somehow present something.
She signals for the check, she quickly pays, and as soon as that happens her real life core four push her out of the restaurant and to the outside of the coffee shop, like parents.
“Go,” Jenna’s shoulder was pushed into the door and it was too late to go back as she heard the familiar bell ring.
“I hate you Jas,” her hands flip the 3 people giggling behind the foggy window behind her as she hears the voice she’s been thinking about the whole day.
“Jenna!” Your tiny figure pops out from the coffee bean machine, waving to her happily.
Cute, she thinks to herself. You’re so cute.
“Almost thought you wouldn’t come today,” you murmur, making Jenna shake her head.
“Just had some lunch with friends, but I couldn't miss out on coffee on Thursdays though.”
“Ah,” you hum, your eyes focused on the latte art you were working on.
The only noise is the r&b music and the small chatter that keeps the environment comforting. 
A small bunny was being created, pouring the creamer carefully. 
“You’re almost looking as tiny and cute as that bunny,” your co-worker, Matteo says, a few feet away from you.
A soft laugh erupts in your throat, rolling your eyes from his compliment, but thanking him nonetheless. Jenna doesn’t know if she’s feeling a strong pit of jealousy that sizzles beneath the back of her mind. Her eyes train on the boy, hazel eyes, brunette hair. 
“Okay okay, stop that,” you grumble, a small smile plastered on your face as you playfully nudge him to show your annoyance.
“Feisty,” he chides.
“The only thing I did differently today is that I curled my hair. You can barely see it in this ponytail,” one hand is pointing to your hair while the other keeps concentrating on the bunny.
“You’re also wearing a bow, your freckles are more visible, mmm,” he thinks for a moment, “Oh and,” he comes closer, whispering in your ear so only you can hear. Your body almost shivers from it, “You’re staring at a new coming regular and smiling like a weird teenager.”
You stop your latte art, groaning in frustration since you were caught by a coworker that also is a kind friend of yours.
“No I’m not, stop whispering in my ear and let me do my latte art,” you shove him away and continue to work on your bunny.
Jenna swallows the prickly feeling in her throat, feeling herself scowl at some guy who’s name tag seems to say, “Mat ear.” Maybe she should switch out acting with latte art for a day.
The bunny looks complete. 
And perfect, you exhale a breath from pride, slide the latte and call out the person’s order with a warm smile.
Then Jenna feels like a fool standing there because she just realized that she’s been staring at you making another person’s latte. Then you feel stupid for not sending someone over to serve her since you’re assuming that she wanted something.
“Sorry!” You apologize, smacking the top of your head as you lean across the countertop, “Hi Jenna, did you want something?” Jenna looks down at your lips for a moment, your teeth tugged on your bottom lip, then trails back up to the menu.
“No worries, I should’ve sat down, I just wanted to visit I guess. Sure. Um,” She doesn’t know what to get.
“Confused again huh?” You tease, looking at the menu then at the lattes. It makes her almost fan herself to know that you know she wants a latte today.
It takes a moment for you to think, “I don’t even think I put this up on our menu, but the other day when I was closing I tried a hazelnut caramel, you down to try that today?”
“That sounds pleasing, sure I’ll take that.”
“Okay, one hazelnut caramel!”
“Dude, I swear your cafe sells at least every pastry known to mankind. Those brownies and chocolate chip cookies look like it could make society salivatate.”
You laugh, “Thanks silly, I just experiment and make sure everyone in NYC can have a taste of home if they are from somewhere else. Sometimes I take my recipes from a past generation baking book, other times I just try baking from eyeing measurements.”
Jenna smiles at that, touching your hand with hers and pressing it down to the counter, “Well trust me, this is probably why you get a hell load of customers every morning.”
A light-hearted, non-forced, soft giggle comes from you, not moving your hand that is pressed from hers.
“As long as it makes others happy and continues a legacy while doing other things I love, and meeting sweet people that mark my memory like you, I think that I wouldn’t trade it. Did you want anything else?”
“I think that’s it today,” Jenna breathes, moving her hand away from yours. Immediately your hand misses the warmth and just wants to pull her back.
She can’t help but notice the smile plastered on your face, “Okay, hazelnut caramel coffee, on the house.”
“Nuh uh, not on my watch,” Jenna insists, pulling out a 10 dollar bill and immediately you shoo her away.
“On me! Honest! I own this place anyways and it happens at least twice everyday, don’t worry about it love.”
She hears a small “aww” come from her phone and she freezes, her cheeks heating up in an instant.
“I’m paying you one day,”
“If it’s banterings and consistent times that I see you besides Tuesdays and Thursdays, then okay,” your voice echoes as you begin to prepare her latte.
Jenna smiles at you and as soon as she turns around she picks up her phone and curses into it, “What the hell Jas? How the hell did you manage to call me before I got into the shop and stalk into our conversation??”
Snorts and laughs come from the other line, she immediately plugs her earphones in.
“On the house, hmm??” Mason teases, everyone in unison going “ooh la la..” 
“I’m going to chop your heads off-”
“And of course you place your hands on top of hers!! It’s like watching the corniest romance in front of my eyes!”
It had only been 5 minutes that Jenna had talked with you, and somehow she still got stuck and caught by her friends.
“Shut up,” Jenna says, her voice soft, but grumpily as she scoffs.
Melissa, Mason, and Mindy are shouting from outside, she can hear them screaming through the phone.
“Hey,” you say softly, bringing her latte with two wrapped pastries in hand and slide it to her front, “Try the brownies and cookies you were looking at and tell me what you think?”
Jenna wants to keep her cool and to smile politely, but the three crazy people outside that are listening in are making it hard. Especially with all the kissing noises she can hear, so she takes out her earbuds and tosses them in her hoodie’s pocket.
It takes her a while to realize she didn’t buy the pastries that made her hungry.
The way your cheeks curved upwards and your nose scrunched as you smiled made Jenna smile on the spot there, “Seriously,” you assured. 
“I hate you for this,” she says playfully, sarcastically.
“Who can hate two free pastries? That’s a win for me,” you pull the chair out, sitting down as you take a small break, exhaling.
There was a cute cat design on the hazelnut caramel latte, the steaming, sweet bitterness scent that wafts in the air makes Jenna shiver. She plays with the wrapping of the chocolate chip cookie before mumbling a soft, “Thank you.”
“Mmmhm, no problem.”
There's a quiet pause, Jenna sips her latte, looking up at you and seeing you giggle. It’s sweet, light, bitter, and perfect.
You hand her a napkin, there's a small white foaming mustache from the creamer.
It takes a moment as she takes the napkin before you speak again, “So, filming mm? Is it stressful, you know, having to wake up early and doing stuff like that?”
“Honestly, there are days where it can be too much and I need to wind down a bit. But I love seeing cameras and doing something that I have the fortunate privilege of doing, I know a lot of people don’t have that and it makes me grateful.”
You hum in response, nodding, playing with the nape of your shirt.
“I used to want to act and direct,” you smile.
“Really? Why not now?”
Your shoulders shrug, “I still do small stuff, holding cameras, auditioning for stuff, it’s just a little harder since I’m working here and making sure I can continue doing, you know, this. But I love working here, it heals something in me.”
It makes Jenna feel almost bad, not in an overly guilty way. She just can’t fathom feeling pressured to do something instead of going the way you want.
“You have coworkers, you don’t have to be here everyday, you know?” She tilts her head.
Her eyes meet yours, and again she sees those doe eyes, with nothing but something to make her own self melt.
But I'm in so deep
You know, I'm such a fool for you
You got me wrapped around your finger
Do you have to let it linger? 
“I know, sometimes I’m afraid this place will go haywire.”
She giggles at that, then thinks for a moment, “You know, I get on set tomorrow at 11, which is later than most days. Do you wanna, you know, just come and look around? The directors and producers are the sweetest people I know and they don’t mind a plus one. I would like, show you around and you can reach out to some people.”
It’s silent, your face is thoughtful as you’re processing what she said.
“I’ll stick by your side the whole time we’re not filming, introduce you to the cast, as long as you don’t do anything silly, which I highly doubt you might.”
“Okay, I’ll have to check in with Matteo, ask him to bring his sister that comes in on Saturdays and switch it to tomorrow.”
The brunette feels her heart flipping and she nods, burying her face in her hands to try and stop the redness that is invading her cheeks.
You come back soon later, beginning to talk about the plan of the coffee shop tomorrow, but Jenna gets distracted, it’s hard seeing Jasmine blowing her breath on the window, making hearts, then wiping the fog and seeing the way all her friends are making dreamy gestures to mock her. They’re all dancing and she wants to flip them off.
“I’ll be there tomorrow, could you by, um any chance, pick me up? I usually walk here and get my car repaired.”
Oh fuck, Jenna thinks, because she get’s picked up by Jasmine and tomorrow Melissa and Mason will be joining, like they do twice a week. She wants to face palm, she can almost picture the way when you make conversation with her in the car tomorrow, she’ll see in the corner of her eye Mason batting his eyelashes and sticking his tongue out.
“Sure, if you’re okay with some of my crazy friends.”
“Tomorrow it is,” you say, waving and ruffling your hair before waving and walking back to work.
Jenna looks down at her earbuds and she completely forgot she didn’t end the call, she just stashed it away, she’s bearing what is to come, putting her earbuds back in.
“NO WAY” (Jas)
“SHE’S A FOOL” (Jas)
Not to mention the way they are waving their hands outside, she can almost hear the screaming from here.
“There’s no way in hell you asked this sweet pretty girl to come on set tomorrow,” Melissa sing-songs.
“Paws off,” she grumbles.
“She wants her for herself, of course.”
“Shut up!”
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slasherbvnnie · 1 year
Until We Found You | Part IV
Welcome back! This time we have the second ghostface smut. Part V will be out later tonight, but no smut! Just some pure angst and fluff. As always, heed the tags
Modern Day College Scream AU, Obsessed AFAB!Reader, Eventual Poly!Ghostface x reader, Eventual NSFW, All characters 18+, P in V, Fingering, Oral female!receiving, Overall smut
Part I Part II Part III  Part V Part VI Part VII Part VIII Part IX
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 Word Count: 2673
You had a good five seconds on campus before someone finally noticed. Before you even made eye contact with her for the first time that day, Tatum let out the biggest gasp she had ever made and grabbed your shoulder. “And who did you spend your night with,” she asked as you immediately blushed, covering up your hickey with your palm. “None of your business, tate,” you said as Stu laughed and put his arm around Tatum’s waist. “Maybe Randy finally got his shot, I mean with how scared you must be about the killer, maybe he offered some protection for you,” Stu joked as Billy laughed.
 “Don’t get the dork all worked up, Stu, you might put one too many ideas in that perverted brain of his,” Billy said as Randy rolled his eyes. “I can confirm it was not me, sadly, one of us actually has a job instead of living off student loan refunds,” Randy said as the group put their attention back on you. “Well, whoever mauled you better show up at the mall after class today. I wanna see who gave you that, you know, to vet them or whatever,” Tatum said as Sidney nodded. “Yeah, and then we’ll get on their case for mauling you,” she added, making you laugh.
Your day was mostly spent around nervously tiptoeing around the girls questioning you on who you spent the night with. You had talked to other people on campus that didn’t include your little friend group but had never shown interest in them, so they questioned you on any and every one they knew to see who it was. “Okay, what about the guy who almost hit you with that football last week, Kyle? Kit? Kaleb.” Tatum recalled, “Kevin, and no,” you answered simply as Sidney took a stab at it. “Nah, it has to be Oliver,” she suggested, making you pause and show a gross look. “One of my biggest bullies in high school? No thanks,” you shrugged as Billy turned his gaze to you, Stu looking back at you through the rearview mirror. 
“Bully?” Billy questioned as you nodded. Throughout most of school you had been bullied, not really by one group in particular but there were enough to only leave you with Casey as one of your only friends until senior year. It stopped when college came around, no one cared enough to bully someone they spent one hour a day with. “Yeah, he always bullied me, ever since second grade. At first everyone thought he liked me because they thought being mean to someone was how you showed a crush but after this one time he faked asking me out in high school just to stand me up, it came kinda clear he hated me,” you explained with a little bitter laugh, going silent when you noticed the awkwardness.
 Billy’s face was stone cold, but you could tell in his eyes that he was angered. “It’s fine, I’m over it now, but yeah, definitely not someone I would let sleep with me,” you said as you looked away, not noticing the glance that Stu and Billy shared. “Is he still a dick to you?” Stu asked as you laughed, “I guess? I dunno, I find it more funny that he’s still got a grudge against me for some reason, but at least he doesn’t try to pull my hair anymore,” you said jokingly.
“How about we go in there?” Tatum suggested as you and Sidney both shared a laugh, “what? You have a mystery date and you might want a cute outfit for Billy sometime,” Tate said as you and Sidney looked to each other before looking at the boys. “How about you two run off for a bit instead of being giant pervs, we’ll meet up again at the food court,” you suggested as Billy and Stu were quick to agree. Their rapid head shakes made you all rile up with laughter, smiling and heading into the store together. 
“Sooo, what’s your mystery dates favorite color?” Tate asked as you smiled, “I don’t know actually, that’s a good question,” you hummed as you looked at the different choices of lingerie that lined the store. “I think they like any color really,” you said as you spotted a red laced set, it was a bralette styled top that had strips running down the side to connect to the underwear. Sidney noticed where your eyes lingered and laughed, “they’re kinky, huh?” She joked as you laughed and nodded, “really,” you agreed. You picked through the outfit to find your size, wondering if ghostface would like it, you guessed they probably would enjoy the blood red color of it.Later that night you were in your bathroom, glad that your parents had left to have dinner at your grandparents, which they did very hesitantly given the incident a few days ago. When you reassured that with all your friends only a few blocks away and access to cars, as well as the marvelous creation of phones to dial 911, they let you be.
You found yourself looking in the mirror as you checked yourself out for the 100th time in the lingerie you had bought. You blushed and wondered if your masked killer would enjoy the outfit, running your hand slowly across the lace fabric. You heard a noise from outside, quickly throwing on a tshirt- one you didnt care about if ruined again- and pj shorts before heading out into your bedroom.
You peeked over your window to see nothing, frowning to yourself before sighing and taking a seat on your bed. But when you were met with the back of the costumed body looking over your vanity you let out a small scream, making them turn to you. “Jesus christ you scared me!” You yelled at them before relaxing, “no window climbing this time?” You asked as they shook their head, continuing to look around the room. You noticed their little glances around the room, curious as to why they were studying it. They turned towards you once more, walking over to you and looking you over. They were less aggressive than last time, using two fingers to tilt your head up to them. Their fingers were warm, which caught you off guard, just yesterday they were cold to the touch.
“There’s two of you?” You questioned, their demeanor changing quickly as they grabbed your chin. “I-I don’t know who you are, i swear. It’s just- y-your touch…” you spoke quickly, trailing off as their grip loosened. “The last one was cold, kinda felt like a corpse,” you said jokingly, “and you’re warm…plus you keep looking around like you haven’t been here before.” You said to them, their touch going back to just gently holding your chin up. They moved away from you, going back to your vanity and grabbing a small black bag, bringing it over to you. You blinked in surprise, looking up to them before they gestured to open it. You reached into the bag, pulling out a piece of paper that was torn, giggling at the words that were printed onto it. ‘Sorry about the last guy :(‘
“See? I would have figured it was two of you anyways,” you said as they shook their head. You smiled, reaching back into the bag and looking at your two new Carrie shirts. One was in the style as your previous one, the other a different one but still in the correct size. “I didn’t think I would actually be treated to a new shirt,” you admitted, hearing a chuckle from them. You didn’t say it out loud, but your heart was filled with joy knowing these two masked killers, regardless of not knowing them, were being so kind and caring towards you. You swooned, noticing how different the two seemed. The other one scared you a little, not really knowing their true intentions, but this one seemed so much more gentle and sweet with you. “I um, I also had a little surprise for you,” you said, noticing how they perked up at your words.
A blush rose to your cheeks as you looked up to them, adjusting yourself before sitting up on your knees. “but you’ll have to take my clothes off first to see it, mr. ghostface.” you whispered out, which made them grab you by the waist and lay you down on the bed. They didn’t take out the knife, instead their hands darted to the hem of your shirt and lifted it up to reveal the red lingerie underneath. A small groan left them as they quickly worked on taking off your shorts, making you giggle at the rush in their actions. You let out a little whimper as they groped you, aware now of how unintentionally strong their grip was. They squeezed your breast that was covered in the lace, their other hand roaming up and down your side. The lack of their touch made you whine out, pouting up at them before they moved to grab the final thing from the bag. A new blindfold, one dedicated just for you. They were quick to tie it, making sure you didn’t see through it by waving in front of you.
All you heard was a little thump of the mask and them struggling to take their gloves off before you heard the rest of their clothing thump to the ground. Before you could even take in a breath you felt their hand already cupping your core, their lips attacking the part of your breasts that were left uncovered from the lingerie. They roamed around before their lips were now on your neck, creating a new hickey right above the old one. You moaned softly, a shaky hand reaching to grab their arm.You could feel their muscles contract and tighten at the touch but when you made no movement to touch elsewhere, they quickly calmed down and continued their lust filled attack on you. They teased you over the lace panties you wore, their smirk growing as you let out little huffs and moans. The bed lifted, their frame no longer causing it to dip and your hand was left holding nothing, a small pout made its way to your agitated frown as their touch left you. After a moment you gasped, feeling their hands spreading your legs apart as they placed gentle kisses onto your inner thighs.
It was the first time you felt the blade, but they didn’t trail it across your skin like the other, instead they used it to make you exposed to them. Another whine left you, “you owe me a new outfit again, this was brand new,” you whined, they responded with a nip to your inner thigh, not doing anything else before diving into you.Your back arched on impact, their tongue on your clit as they spread you open with their thumbs. “fuck,” you moaned out, your thighs closing around their head to lock them in place in pure instinct. They were skilled at this, eventually finding the perfect pace that had you shaking and squirming. Every time you tried to shimmy up and get away from the pleasure, their large hands wrapped around your thighs from behind and pulled you back down onto their face. You weren’t even aware of how many minutes had passed before your thighs were shaking, only being held up by their grip. “Wait, fuck, you’re-“ the breath was knocked out of your lungs as they entered their middle finger into you, their pace matching that of their tongue as they thrusted it in and out of you.
 A loud moan left your lips as you came, whines and whimpers erupting from your chest as their ministrations didn’t stop. “Please, please, ‘s too much,” you pleaded, clawing at your bedsheets as they just hooked their arm around your thigh and pulled you down back onto their face once more. It was practically like a scene from the Exorcist as you came again, your back arching off of the bed as you nearly let out a scream from all the pleasure. This time they slowly pulled away after you came down from your high, lapping at you one last time before pulling away and hovering over you. Your chest heaved as you did your best to catch your breath, smiling softly at the gentle kiss they placed onto you. You felt them snake their hand into yours, making you giggle as they wrapped their fingers in the spaces between your own. A smile curled onto their lips when they heard your laugh, growing even wider when you let out a moan as their free hand went back to your entrance. They still held your hand as they pulled back a little, your legs spreading more as you felt them running their tip along your slit.
 At every swipe to your clit you let out a moan, gasping when they entered you. Within a second their lips were attacking your neck again, earning whines and moans from every bite, lick, and thrust that they tortured your body with. The pleasure was dizzying, you had never really gone so many rounds with someone before, the recovery time was practically nothing with how fast your climax was building up again. They were more gentle, their free hand roaming over the bralette you still had on, teasing your nipples over the fabric as they littered your skin in love bites. You were already regretting Tatum’s and Sidney’s teases about them tomorrow but for now, you accepted your fate.
Their pace was quick but managed to hit all your sweet spots, their hand that held yours was gripping you so tightly their knuckles turned white, which only brought you closer to the edge. Their free hand found its way to your clit again, rubbing it in time with their thrusts to completely overwhelm you. Your orgasm washed over you hard, the seconds felt like they lasted a lifetime as you did your best to come down from your high, but their continued sloppy thrusts didn’t help one bit. A loud whine left you as they came, biting into your neck to cover up their moan. They pulled out slowly, letting go of your hand and kissing you once again. Unlike the other ghostface, they laid down in the bed with you, pulling you against their chest. You accepted the invitation, resting against their chest and listening to their heartbeat as you recovered from your orgasm. 
“Next time…do- uh,” you spoke softly, a bit shy to get your thoughts out into words. You felt their fingertips tracing your jaw, relaxing as their thumb ran over your lips. “Do you think the both of you could come by next time? You- uh, you don’t have to but…” you trailed off as they kissed you, feeling their head move in a nod. You smiled, heart fluttering with excitement knowing both of them would be alone with you. “And don’t forget the new lingerie set, please,” you requested with a little laugh. It was an hour later, ghostface gone and you freshly showered and dressed in your pajamas again. 
Your phone rang, seeing Sidney’s caller id and answering quickly. “Hey, have you seen any of the police cars pass by?” She asked as you looked out your window, “no, how come?” You asked as Sidney sighed. “Oliver, the neighbors said they heard screaming and shit breaking and when police got there they said he was dead,” she said as you frowned. “Do they know if it was the killer?” You asked, “yeah, neighbors said they saw him running off. They tried going after them but they couldn’t catch up.” She told you, you sighing and shaking your head. “That’s so creepy…” you said, thinking back to the conversation you all were having earlier that day. You couldn’t help but wonder if ghostface was stalking you, if they already knew you and your past. 
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pixiesfz · 5 months
this isnt really a request with an idea but please more jessie 😭🙏
Killing two birds with one stone I am here, I got a request for a jersey swap fic so here we go!
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jersey swap? j.f
plot: you and Jessie have always had on field tension but one game when you ask to swap jerseys, she finally makes a move.
warning: smut, obviously I like writing a dom Jessie 🤫. Let’s pretend Sam wasn’t injured for the Canada vs australia match, bi-sexual reader! (Taking inspo from this one tik tok I saw about Lia Walti which made me cackle)
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Some matches were more interesting than others you had realised in your second year in of playing at arsenal wether it was against Chelsea or you were playing with the Matilda’s for your national teams.
Nothing had changed within the games except for the fans, since the World Cup people started to know your name and your whole life story but what they loved most of all was seeing you on the pitch with Jessie.
Wether it was Chelsea vs Arsenal or Australia bs Canada the fans loved watching your interactions and your team mates did to.
It was your Australian captain who always whispered jokes into your ear that took the most pleasure out of the two of you.
“I love Canada” you admitted as your team sat on the ferry “why it’s cold” Hayley shivered from behind you “but it’s just so cozy” you smiled as you cuddled into yourself.
“Is that why your always tackling Jessie, cause she’s cozy” Sam teased as she shook your shoulders “no” you said “I tackle her cause she’s good and she’s too nice to tackle me back” you said with a small smile and Sam and Hayley laughed.
“No but seriously what is it between you two whenever you play” Mary asked as she came over “Oh my little Mary, my young prodigy” you started and she rolled her eyes
“Y/n seriously I want to know, I’m also not that young I’m three years younger than you”
“Exactly you’re an infant”
You smirked but gave her an option to lean onto your should “I’m actually not sure how we started it” you admitted “we both had our debuts for Chelsea and Arsenal on the same day and were put on each other we both wanted to make an impact I guess”
“You made an impact all right, two yellow cards” Sam laughed “You’ve had this tension ever since, even when you were dating that Tom guy” she said.
You hid your head as you looked down remembering why the relationship failed, you couldn’t admit you were not sexually attracted to Jessie and he left, funny since later you had found out he had cheated on you with a girl who had been on 2 episodes of love island.
“Yeah well I’m not dating him anymore so” you trailed off and the three girls nodded “Do you think the tension will ever ease off?” Mary asked and Hayley laughed “I think once they finally sleep together-“
“Hayley!” You scolded her “what?” She shrugged “it’s true, even the fans can see it” she defended herself as you scoffed “do you even remember the World Cup!?” she practically now yelled
“Both of your hands were practically around each other when you were on the ball” she said and you laughed “sorry if I just wanted to get possession of the ball so we could score goals”
“We pass with our feet not our hands y/n/n” Mary said and you closed her mouth “hush little one” you said quickly and she shook her head out of your grasp.
“Admit to me you’re not sexually attracted to Jessie Fleming”
“I’m not attracted to Jessie Fleming”
“Now I thought your New Year’s resolution was to stop lying” Sam stepped in and you threw your head back “No you know what I’m going to be nice” you said
“At the game I’m going to ask to switch jerseys as an act of kindness” you smiled and Hayley rolled her eyes “that’s not what I would do” she warned and you shook your head
“Trust me it will work, we will be best friends by the time you know it”
“So you won’t mark her on the pitch?” Sam asked
“Do you want us to lose Samantha?” you shot back and she laughed “anyways” you said standing up “I see Mini standing alone so I’m gonna make sure Kyra hasn’t accidentally fallen off the ferry and drowned”
You ended up finding the girl in the captains area with a bawl of lollies in her hand.
“Don’t tell Katrina”
When you finally made your way to the stadium later the next day you grimaced at the floor “fake grass” you groaned and Polks laughed at you “not a laughing matter” you said and walked into the rooms.
You felt the stadium grow as Canadian watches and a few lucky Australian fans made their way into their seats.
You were tying up your boots when you felt a presence behind you “hey skipper” you laughed as Sam sat next to you “I just wanna say no reds” she said “I know they’re out for blood since World Cup okay and I don’t want a pissy Jessie coming back to Chelsea”
“No reds got it, what about a yellow?” You asked with a cheeky smile “I’ll allow one” she said and you acted like a two year old who got told they can get ice cream.
You both laughed and Sam pushed you out “cmon idiot”.
In the line up, you were out the front behind Ellie when you felt eyes burning into your head, you knew it was Jessie so when you turned around and saw her you just smirked which made her roll her eyes and look back at her team.
“Cheeky” Hayley said from behind you and you just shrugged your shoulders.
You went to your mark on the field where Jessie was as she looked concentrated “stop frowning Jessie it will give your face lines” you told her and she looked back at you “are you talking from experience or?” She questioned as she looked at your forehead and you laughed.
“Let’s just play for now okay and then you can think about my facial features later”
The game wasn’t different than usual, you and Jessie were on each other hot, whenever one of you had the ball the other was quick to try and get you down or stop you from a long kick.
You were a bit more touchier with the legs though as One time you nut-megged her own ball through her feet “come on” she complained as she was to far behind you to stop your assist to Sam’s goal.
You turned to Jessie “you know I can take a tackle Fleming” you teased and she crossed your head at you “Just play the game y/l/n” she said and you smirked from next to her “I seem to be the only person who is”.
Jessie was rough after that, she knew she couldn’t let you get away with anything else, so next time you had the ball she was quick to kick out from under your ankle as you hit the ground, accidentally taking her down with you, automatically you turned over on top of Jessie and you watched the ref walk over to you and the Canadian.
You looked down at the brunette who was still on the floor “did I get into your head?” You whispered before sitting up and reaching your hand out for Jessie to use but she got up herself causing you to roll your eyes and shrug it off.
The red pulled out a yellow for Jessie who shook her head “Still winning” she reminded you with a smirk and you smirked back “ooh she’s coming out of her shell”.
When the game finally finished and Canada came on top you shook all the players hands, lingering on Jessie’s before you joined some of the girls on a lap.
You saw a sign that made you laugh
Australia vs Canada
Fleming vs y/l/n!
You smiled as you looked for Jessie and found her with her captain who was having her send off.
“Fleming!” You called out to her and she turned around with furrowed brows “what?” she asked and you smirked “come look at this” you said and turned your head back.
She followed you to the sign and also chucked a smile at it as people quickly grabbed their phones to take pictures of the two of you smiling at the sign as you laughed at each other.
You saw Hayley looking at you with a knowing look in the corner of your eyes before you remembered “Wait Jess” you said before she left, not realising the nick name you let out “yeah” she said “I was just wondering if you maybe wanted to swap Jerseys, last game after all before we face each other off in Olympic hopefully” you asked and Jessie’s cheeks blushed “yeah sure, need some more in my collection honestly”
Your heart raced as you saw the Canadian take off her top, you secretly took a look at her abs as she did so, you don’t know why you waited until she took hers completely off before you took yours off until you hear a whistle from the crowd you laughed and took yours off.
Jessie’s blush grew as she took no shame in staring at your body and your waist.
“Nice tattoo” she muttered as you held your shirt out for her, looking down you looked at your flower tattoo under your sports bra “thanks got it for my mum” you smiled and she gave you hers.
“Ready for the photos” you smirked and she nodded.
When you put them on you heard some fans scream out and you both turned around, you in front of Jessie as she saw her name on your back.
She lingered before stepping next to you and you smiled for some photos before a professional photographer came and you smiled again, one photo where Jessie was looking at you.
You both parted ways after as Jessie kept her eyes on you, pupils diluted as Sam went up to her “good game” she said and Jessie kept her eyes glued onto you and your back.
“She’s staying at the Grand Heir Hotel” she smirked before smacking her Chelsea team mate on the back and walking off with a smile.
You got some shit from the team when you walked in with Jessie’s shirt on, especially from your Arsenal team mates who were whisper shouting.
Sam walked over to you where your cheeks were blushing “I may have told Jessie where your staying” she admitted and you widened your eyes “why?” You asked and she shrugged her shoulders “just cause” she said and walked away.
“Samantha!” You called but she walked away.
You couldn’t help the smile that crossed your face as you turned back to your cubby.
You had showered when you got home and hanged Jessie’s shirt up in the open wardrobe so you could still see it as you lied on your bed.
It was about 10:00 when a knock on your door started. Furrowing your brows you got up and opened it to see a slightly puffed out Jessie Fleming.
“Do you know how hard it was to figure out which room was yours?” She asked out of breath “I’m sorry?” You replied and she nodded “you should be” she said as she made her way in.
“Jessie-“ “call me Jess” she cut you off “what?” You asked and she nodded “I liked it” she said “when you called me Jess”
You smiled “okay Jess” you repeated “what are you doing here?” You asked and she looked around until she found her shirt in your wardrobe and grabbed it and threw it to you “put it back on” she said as she stepped closer to you “excuse me?” You asked and she repeated again.
“Jess I’m in my pajamas I don’t have a bra on” you admitted and she smirked “put it on” she repeated and you grew hot.
fuck she looked hot right now, you thought to yourself as she looked down at you.
“Don’t act like you didn’t hear me” she whispered into your ear and you tried not to shudder at her words. “Do it for me” you whispered back as you looked into her hungry eyes, her pupils were dilated and you were sure yours were too.
Jessie gripped the edge of your white T-shirt before grazing her fingers underneath and hitting your bare skin but she kept eye contact.
“I want you to know that I’m going to fuck you, giving me that yellow today and egging me on, I’m not letting that pass today” she said as she grabbed your waist under your top and pulled you closer to her so that your lips were practically touching.
The feeling in between your legs was aching, you needed her.
“Take off my top Fleming” you told her before you stepped back, getting bing her room.
She smirked before grabbing the ends of your shirt and pulling it over your head, looking at your boobs before lightly pressing on them them “you’re beautiful” she said as she kissed on them, leaning your head back you groaned and she tugged on your nipple.
“No noise until my name is on your back” she ordered and you nodded “so loud on the pitch but I can make you silent with just one touch” she cooed and you closed your eyes out of pleasure, trying to not make any noise.
When Jessie pulled your arms up and slipped her jersey over your head you bit your lip and looked down at the jersey.
“Did you know I’d react like this? She taunted as she planted kissed on your neck “Did you know that I’d want to fuck your smirk out of you” she planted more “Did you know that sitting on top of me in the middle of the game would make want to kiss you right then and there” she taunted as she sucked on your skin, marking you.
“Jessie” you muttered out in pleasure as she walked you to the bed and through you on the mattress. You were so wet you didn’t know if she could see it through your grey tracksuit pants or not.
“We’re keeping to top on” she said as she leaned over the op of you and finally brought her lips to yours and kissed you, you let her take dominance of the kiss as her hands roamed your body until they reached your pants.
She looked at you for permission and you nodded “I need your words y/n” she said and you looked at her “yes”
“yes what?” Jessie taunted and you squirmed under her touch as she traveled her hand from your waist and teasingly down your pants without touching your pussy which you craved.
“yes please fuck me with your finger, mouth anything” you groaned out and Jessie smirked.
She returned her lips to yours before she grabbed the edge of your pants and slid them down, her moth following her as she kept them on you, trailing kisses along the jersey and until she hit your undies.
“Lace” she smiled “did you know I was coming?” She asked “I may have gotten a hint” you admitted and Jessie moved her hands up to squeeze your butt as she jerked your body up towards her,
“My favourite colour is blue” she fainted as she played with your blue lace underwear “too bad I have to take them off” she said as she blew on to your pussy and you moaned.
You were pulsing, searching for any friction.
Jessie slowly pulled your underwear down before she spread your legs apart and slid a finger through your folds.
“So wet, just for me” she said before leaning in and pressing her tongue through you, making you throw your head back and your back arch which she responded with putting her hand on your stomach and pushing you down so you couldn’t move.
She kept on going until you started moaning her name “Jessie- Jessie fuck keep going” you whimpered as she shot her head up, her chin covered in your juices.
“Turn around” she ordered and you did and she walked away “Jess” you nurtured and she walked back up to you “I’m not leaving don’t worry” she assured you and pressed her lips into yours as you tasted yourself.
She walked away as you heard her rummage through her bag she brought with her, you smiled to yourself as you saw the glimpse of the strap she held in her hands before stepping into it.
“Who’s name is on your back?” She asked you, her voice darker than usual “yours” you muttered out before she tapped your entrance with her cock “but louder than that baby, who’s name is on your back?” She asked again
“Yours” you moaned out louder and she slapped your ass making you whimper “exactly” she said before pushing in to your entrance.
“Fuck Jessie” you screamed out her name as she grew her paste wuick almost giving you no time to adjust.
“New question” she said as she moaned, the strap rubbing against her clit as she thrusted into you.
“Who’s cock is going to make you cum?” She asked as she somehow went quicker making you moan out in pleasure, your hair was up in a pony tail so she grabbed on to the end of your hair and pulled you back so your face was reaching the roof.
“That wasn’t an answer” she said and you closed your eyes “Yours Jessie, your cock” you whimpered out and she let go of your hair.
“You going to come with me” she demanded and you nodded “make me cum” you whined and she went in Harder and pressed you down more into the mattress.
It wasn’t long until you felt a coil in your stomach “Oh fuck, I’m bout to come” you repeated and you heard Jessie’s whimpers “me too, come with me” she said and you both let out moans as you came together and rides out your highs together.
You both stayed there until Jessie slowly pulled out and slowly rubbed her fingers over her last name on your back.
She then helped you go on your back as she leaned down and kissed you softly.
“Can we do that again?”
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mylifestylearedilfs · 11 days
⇢ ˗ˏˋ joost klein x tinder date!reader ࿐ྂ
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ੈ✩‧₊˚ OCEAN EYES : mention of sex (but no smut) fluff ; use of alcohol ; imagine ; all is fictional ; english is not my first language
(part two)
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_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐ CREATING AN ACCOUNT on tinder wasn’t on your to do list, but after another failed attempt on meet your future ‘husband’ in real life, you decided to seek luck at this app. after choosing your best pictures, you set your profile with hope that you wouldn’t have to text with all of those weirdos that probably were on this site, asking themselves why i don’t have girlfriend?
you honestly couldn’t understand people (mostly the whole alfa men) on this kind of platforms, where they acted like they’re better than everyone else, but in reality they wouldn’t even say ‘hi’ to you. also what’s the point of having a dating app, if you can’t even properly ask the other person to date. you personally hated texting, it was the worst way to communicate, because you weren’t able to show your emotions clearly and it was easier to misunderstand the intentions.
you tried to ignore all suspicious looking people, but you lose hope, when even people your type were weird or impolite towards you. you were close to just delete app and forget about everything that happened. but then you received some kind of ‘super like’ from very good looking blonde man, the first thing that caught your attention was his bright blue eyes. how ironic, you thought. blonde hair and blue eyes, if he were a girl, he definitely would be miss universe. but god knew that he would be too powerful if he was a woman.
before you even checked his profile, you saw that he already messaged you. he already had big plus, because it was usually you who needed to start a conversation.
‘you & me, beer in an hour?’ okay, he definitely was really straightforward but you couldn’t tell that you didn’t liked it.
it was an irresponsible decision, but you couldn’t care less right now. you were truly tried of the endless conversations about nothing, you needed some adrenaline in your life. and even if it turn out that he’s a murderer, you will have an interesting story to tell your future kids — of course if you will survive in that scenario.
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it was almost twenty minutes after the set time, but you still waited like a fool, because you were curious if you were just scammed at this point. when your second cigarette started to slowly gutter out, you checked your phone to see if he tried to inform you about his lateness, but as you thought — nothing. you were honestly irritated that you couldn’t met a proper guy, not even for a relationship but just good sex, apparently you just missed to have someone close, in physical and mental way.
fuck it. you said to yourself and deleted this stupid dating app, right after you did that, you heard someone’s calling your name. before you turned around, you throw out a cigarette.
“i get it that i’m late, but you don’t have to ignore me” you saw the blonde guy in front of you, with two bottles of wine in his hands and two beer cans in his jeans pockets.
“so your real miss universe, nice to meet you” you said with a bit of irony in your voice, and he just laughed, giving you bootle of alcohol.
“or maybe i’m just in your imagination, guess we will never know” he said with smile, and you realised that he loved to laugh a lot, but honestly that was exactly what you needed now. some positive energy. “but now let’s go, shall we?”
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at first it was supposed to be quick meeting to get each other better and then probably forget about the existence of each other. but to your surprise it turned out that you were sitting in some sketchy looking place with joost for almost four hours already, and the fun only began.
you couldn’t believe that your perfect type of person was right in front of you and he was interested in you, which was the most unbelievable part. he was the first person that could make you laugh only by saying something random, or maybe it was because you were under the influence of weed, that you just smoked. either way his ability to turn every little thing into a joke was hilarious and you simply loved it.
suddenly you both became silent, but it wasn’t uncomfortable for you, which was also something new. all you could hear was the sound of wind and some other birds but you decided to interrupt the silence.
“you want to come to my place?” you said without thinking twice, well. . . let’s be honest your brain wasn’t working at all at the moment.
“to do what?” he looked at you with his typical smirk, sipping his beer.
“obviously to play monopoly” you said sarcastically, but underneath you had a little smile. “i want you to fuck me” you added and he seemed to be taken aback with your directness, as he watched you getting up.
“so you’re coming or i will need to please myself on my own?” you said, walking slowly in the direction of your house.
“you don’t need to tell me twice” he quickly said and you just chuckled as you felt his hands on your waist.
that was a great match, for sure.
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⇢ ˗ˏˋ thank you for attention! hope you liked it!
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tarotphlow · 1 year
Astro Observations 8
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🌻Saturn in the 3H natives tend to have difficulties with phones or cars, whether that be always having a broken phone, or their car literally just not wanting to work for whatever reason
🌻Looking at what sign is located on your 12H could give you insight on to what life was like while you were in the womb. Ex: my 12H is in sag, before I was born my mother would pray constantly for her to have another chance at being a mother, she ended up having a kid with a man from a completely different state. (♐️ rules travel and religion).
🌻Have a big secret you need to get off your chest? Tell a Scorpio Mercury, they will never tell a single soul. I’m friends with a lot of Scorpio Merc’s and it’s amazing how well they can hold they’re water. (Hm, on second thought this might just be for scorp placements in general 🧐)
🌻7H placements how do you do it? Being so desirable to the point that people say they want to marry you without knowing anything about you at all? I just know y’all just smile 😀politely with so many confusing thoughts in y’all’s heads 😭
🌻I’ve noticed cap Venus will always gravitate to dating someone out of their age range.
🌻unlikely duo that actually goes super well with each other is Gemini and Scorpio. I think this has to do with how intelligent both of them are, this combo reminds me of detectives in a way.
🌻with NN going into Aries soon, Libra placements are gonna see a lot of stuff they buried in the distant past come back(like past life stuff 🕰️), probably gonna be a time of relearning some of those old old lessons or just seeing how well you developed since your last life!
🌻Moon in the 3H with a harmonious aspect with Uranus= extremely talented at vidya games 🎮
🌻If you have Gemini in the 6H you should try your hand at an online job, not as a profession but just as a job.
🌻Neptune aspecting your sun could indicate having trouble figuring out what you want to do in life.
🌻Uranus aspecting midheaven seems like you could be either really popular, really really weird or something of the two, but hey at least your smart😭😭
🌻Taurus Is definitely a foodie we know that, but surprisingly Capricorn is also kinda a glutton too lol, I have know idea why but I’ve noticed a lot of caps in my life really live for a good meal lots of savory things and also really really big on desserts as well. They also have sensitive noses, I mean scent is responsible for 80% of our taste so I guess that makes sense.
🌻our brains stop developing at age 25 and become a fully fledged functioning adult with no more growth which is really interesting because the profection year for age 25 is in Taurus which is the sign of stability.
🌻I really feel for Saturn dominants, they really just get the hardest trials out of everyone and expected to just be okay with that, Yk a lot of people say Saturn is gonna reward them and blah blah, but like I feel sometimes they’re trials are kind of unnecessary? Other planet ruled people (besides Scorpios) learn those exact same lessons but less harsher and the reward they get is quite possibly equivalent to Saturns soo idk… I feel like Saturn is just a bit much. (Let’s discuss this I’m curious to know what people have to say 🤓)
End of observations! I hope you all enjoy these as much as I did!
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(Likes and reposts are appreciated! 💛)
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strwbmei · 1 month
Matchup Event
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Matchup for: @dukemira
Matchups: Fu Hua, Firefly, March 7th
Contains: fluff, nsfw, creampie, mentions of bondage, mentions of choking, mentions of temperature play, soft sex, public sex, mentions of nipple play
A/N: Sorry for taking so long! Honestly, with Firefly's section, I have no idea how to bake so I apologize if anything is incorrect!
Ask: Long time no see I guess? Haha, anyway it's been a while and you look good, also congratulations for your 1000 followers! Okay I'll start. I will use Mira as the name, my mbti is INFJ, and my zodiac is Virgo. I'm a listener type person, I'm not speaking that much, unless the topic is interesting (or I like the topic) for me, I'll ramble so much. Many people see me as a stoic person, like I don't really care what happened later, or right now Even if it gets me in trouble. You could say I'm a hardworking person, I'll try everything to achieve what I want. If you don't mind, I would like to choose both. My first date scenario? Maybe we watch stars and aurora while drinking hot coffee and some snack (I like quiet place, irl I always go out at night like pm and go home at 3 in the morning lmao) it's just, so refreshing y'know? I'm indeed a dominant, and more into vanilla sex, soft, gentle. (Sometimes I wanna tie them up, and close their vision) (pls don't match me with male characters) The fandom Im in, honkai impact and honkai star rail.
Fu Hua
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Like you, Fu Hua often takes late-night walks to clear her mind. The day she decided to take a different route for a change of scenery, she had no idea that this choice would end up affecting the rest of her life.
: ̗̀➛ It all starts off as the both of you passing each other on a quiet, isolated street; things like you glancing at the woman the first time you saw her because of how rare it is to see someone else around these hours. The most you'd get were stray animals and the occasional taxis, and you liked it that way.
: ̗̀➛ Your overly carefree attitude towards life and Fu Hua's overly cautious and apprehensive nature perfectly balance each other out like yin and yang. Not one is greater or worse than the other; both are inseparable as are the sorrows and joys of living that you'd gladly experience with each other.
: ̗̀➛ Change is a fearsome thing. All of the insignificant differences come together until eventually, you realize that your surroundings have already changed beyond recognition. Fu Hua firmly believes in this, and yet, it was the same change that brought her to meet you. As such, you're also the one to introduce her to new things. It takes her a bit of coaxing, but she's willing to try anything as long you're with her.
: ̗̀➛ Generally speaking, the two of you have so many similarities and just as many differences. Somehow, though, you make it work. Not because you just happen to be the right person for each other, but because you want to make it right.
"Fu Hua?" Your voice breaks Fu Hua's train of thought. She'd been gazing up at the sky for a while now, reminiscing about the past as she does so. It's not something she particularly chooses to do the first dusk of every new year, but she always ends up doing it nonetheless.
"Ah, you're awake. Did I wake you when I got up from bed?" She turns to you with a somber yet warm smile on her face. Her gaze goes down to the two cups of hot chocolate in your hands and mutters a small "thank you" as she takes one of them. You shake your head in response to her question. "Mm. I just got a bit worried when I woke up and you weren't beside me."
"What are you thinking about?" You ask before taking a quick sip of your drink. The dark and rich taste is perfect for calm, quiet mornings like this. Last night was filled with celebrations and festivities, and now that they're done, the city has fallen asleep. The sun peeks out through the horizon to greet the start of the new year.
"It's nothing important. It always amazes me how quickly time can pass and bring change." Her gaze falls down onto the jewelry shop at the corner of the road. It used to be a small diner run by a nice elderly couple. They had a dog; a small Australian terrier named Winter. Ironically enough, Winter did not like the cold. She wonders where they are now and how they're doing.
The two of you sit in comfortable silence, the sunlight illuminating the unlit city. Fu Hua smiles at the sound of the dogs barking; it's the one thing that has stayed constant throughout all these years. She hopes spending mornings with you like this will become one of those things as well. "Happy New Year, my love."
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: ̗̀➛ Very vanilla and traditional so Fu Hua thinks she should always be submissive, at least at first. She's open to trying out new things in bed. We all know that she'd be submissive regardless of her old fashioned mindset, though.
: ̗̀➛ Fu Hua is open-minded when it comes to kinks, so she's willing to try anything at least once as long as it isn't anything too extreme or unhygienic.
: ̗̀➛ She's really big on safe sex. Fu Hua is actually very educated on sex despite having little to no personal experience with it/things related to it, mostly because she's had to give her disciples "the talk" before.
: ̗̀➛ During sex is when Fu Hua is the most emotionally vulnerable. She accidentally slips out words that she'd be way too prideful to say in any other situation, says "I love you" a lot more than usual, and reaches out to hold your hands subconsciously.
: ̗̀➛ She can go for a lot of rounds, but afterwards, she's immediately falling asleep. She'll try to give you the best aftercare she can (even if you were the one on top,) with the energy she has left, but the most she can probably do is get you a glass of water and a towel.
"My love..." She sighs, desperate and needy. Her legs rest at either of your sides as your hips rut slowly and softly against hers. Slender, calloused hands rest on your back, clawing ever so slightly whenever you hit a certain spot inside of her.
The room is dimly lit with scented candles, your clothes scattered on the floor while sensual music plays in the background. A scene telling of the romance and passion between two lovers.
You adjust yourself to hit deeper inside of her, and Fu Hua sings. She sings your name like an angel gently comforting you with her embrace; soft, and loving.
Feeling yourself nearing climax, you groan her name and bury your face into the side of her pale neck. As if in unspoken understanding, her fingers reach out to intertwine with yours, and her legs wrap around your waist.
Your hips stutter, and you fill her deep with your cum. Her chest rises up and down as she catches her breath, and she looks ethereal. You're set on spending the rest of your life with her.
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March 7th
╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ You and March 7th are the epitome of the saying "opposites attract." Or so, people say. While that might seem true on the surface, you actually have a lot of similarities like two stars in different galaxies, shining with unique brilliance yet connected by the vastness of the universe.
: ̗̀➛ For example, the two of you like quiet places; only for different reasons. You like quiet places because you like being able to be at peace and be alone with your thoughts. March likes quiet places because she can often find you in them. She loves bustling atmospheres and the blinding city lights, but she loves you more.
: ̗̀➛ Her troubles affect her more than they seem to, and when she can't silence the negative thoughts in her head, it's you that she comes to for respite.
: ̗̀➛ There's something about you that makes March feel so... safe and secure. She feels comfortable telling you about things that she'd normally repress herself. You keep her grounded. You help her get through the bad times and replace them with good ones.
: ̗̀➛ You care for her and try to comfort her the best you can, but you don't really care about things like "who she used to be" and "what she even is." Human, alien, or even as an emanator, you'd love her all the same. What matters to you isn't her past, but the future that you can have together.
"Hehe..." March looks up at the new ring you bought for her. The cold, silver metal shines when the moonlight hits it just the right way. To her, its glint symbolizes your love and the future to come. "Do you really like the ring that much?" You ask since she's been staring at it intently ever since you first got it for her. Of course, you're flattered since you also chose it, but you know March can be a bit overdramatic sometimes.
March turns to you as soon as the question leaves your lips. "Of course! You bought it for me, after all." She smiles with pride. You chuckle at her reaction and pat her head. "I'm glad you like it, but don't dote on it too much. I can always buy you a new one, y'know?" You weren't exactly rich, but that ring wasn't exactly expensive either. It was just something you bought because it seemed to be her style.
"Sure, but every gift from you is special to me. Even if you get me an extravagant wedding ring one day, I'll still treasure all of the handwritten notes you leave me sometimes." You blush at the implications of marriage. Of course it's been on your mind too, but to hear March mention it so casually has you feeling a bit bashful.
"When that time comes, let's get a big house and a whole army of pets! Ah, but that might make it difficult for the express... What about 5? Or if Pompom allows us, 10?" You chuckle at her ambition. You can already imagine Pompom going crazy with cleaning all of the fur. Still, a future like that with her sounds quite nice.
"We'll get as many as you want, March."
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: ̗̀➛ She's not a stranger to the concept of sex, but there are a lot of things that she doesn't know about it. Despite that, or maybe because of that, she's always wanted to try.
: ̗̀➛ March 7th mostly bottoms--she counts on you to take the lead since you're more knowledgeable. She can definitely be the dominant one if asked, though. Top or bottom, her main goal is for both of you to feel good.
: ̗̀➛ Getting tied up and wearing nice lingerie are her favorite things! The intricate designs make March feel prettier, so she sometimes wears them underneath her clothes just for that confidence boost.
: ̗̀➛ She's up for it anytime anywhere mostly, but she's a bit hesitant to have sex in busier places. She likes it when there's a chance of someone spotting the two of you in the act, but she doesn't want to actually get caught. That would scar her for life.
: ̗̀➛ Loves it when you get more assertive. She loves how gentle and caring you are with her, so seeing a side of you that's so different gives her whiplash in the best ways possible.
: ̗̀➛ Her nipples are the most sensitive part of her body. She could have an orgasm just from you playing with them. A close second is her neck, though. Whether you leave kisses all over it or choke it ever so slightly, you're sure to get her gushing in her panties.
"I swear to Akivili, I'm going to kill you once all this is over!" March whisper shouts, turning to face you with an angry red all over her cheeks. Whether it's from embarrassment or arousal you're not sure.
The Astral Express had been invited to a fancy dinner, and as a result, you're spending the night mingling with the other guests; mostly the bigwigs of the planet you had just arrived on.
Or so, that's how March expected the evening would go. Now she's sat on your lap, legs spread as she gets fingered by you under the table. To others, you'd merely look like a young, naive couple in love, unaware of how her cunt drips slick and clamps down on your fingers.
Everyone turns their heads towards both of you when March whimpers in the middle of her sentence. She's quick to dismiss their concerns, and you chuckle at their cluelessness, saying March is just feeling a bit nervous.
You hold her gently by her chin and press a seemingly chaste kiss on her lips, swallowing her moans as she cums all over your hand. The rest of them are left none the wiser to the filthy acts the two of you are committing behind the scenes.
March hates how good you can make her feel.
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╰┈➤ SFW ;
: ̗̀➛ Your relationship is one full of secrets, but neither of you really mind. You understand that everyone has things that they wouldn't want anyone else to know, and that being their partner doesn't make you an exception.
: ̗̀➛ She doesn't question you when you come home at ungodly hours of the day. You don't question her when she comes home smelling like smoke and motor oil. You rush into each other's embrace regardless of the day you had beforehand. It gives you comfort and warmth and makes you feel like nothing else matters other than being in your lover's arms and the steady beating of their heart.
: ̗̀➛ Her favorite activity to do with you is baking! Neither of you is particularly skilled at it, but she finds the experience therapeutic and wants to share it with you. Firefly also has fun experimenting with the recipe to see what works the best.
: ̗̀➛ Firefly is a very kind and gentle partner, but only when she's awake. When the two of you are in bed together, (which is very rare considering how different your schedules are,) she becomes a heartless monster who hogs literally all of the blankets and pillows. Yes, blankets with an s. You've tried to solve this problem by getting your own, but to no avail.
: ̗̀➛ Honestly, it'd be pretty easy to take the blankets away from Firefly since she isn't very physically strong, but you can't. She just looks so peaceful asleep like this (despite leaving you vulnerable to the cold) and you know that she's tired. Hell, it's probably been a week or two since she's slept this well. You just don't have the heart.
"See, all you have to do is place the icing into the bag and..." Firefly rambles on about the techniques she uses when decorating pastries, even going as far as to give you a live example on the cake rolls the two of you were currently baking.
You cherish every second of these comfortable, domestic moments with her given how rare it is for the two of you to have the whole day to spend with each other like this.
However, there is one problem.
Earlier, you noticed that she accidentally put salt instead of sugar when making the batter. Should you tell her, or let her taste the consequences of her actions?
As you're faced with this life-threatening dilemma, Firefly looks up at you with a concerned expression and asks, "Are you okay, Mira...? We can always do this another time if you want."
For a moment, you almost take pity on her. Thinking of all the nights she took all the blankets and pillows (albeit unconsciously) and left you without protection against the cold, you make your decision. This blanket hogger must be brought to justice.
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: ̗̀➛ It's good that you're more into soft sex because that's quite literally all that Firefly can handle. Seriously. Don't go rough on her unless you want her to get sent to the hospital.
: ̗̀➛ She can get a bit insecure about this and think that you deserve someone that you won't have to restrain yourself for during sex, but you reassure her that isn't the case and that intimacy isn't the most important part of your relationship with her.
: ̗̀➛ Due to how frail she is, it takes a lot of trust for her to engage in intimacy with someone. Chances are, you're probably her first time. She trusts you to not only make her feel good, but she also trusts that you'll be gentle and respect her boundaries.
: ̗̀➛ She's more on the vanilla side, but being physically weak doesn't stop her from having a few kinks of her own. For the most part, she'd be into getting blindfolded and temperature play.
: ̗̀➛ Whether Firefly is on top or not, she's way too gentle to ever hurt you, even accidentally. She's definitely the type to ask for consent/ask if you're feeling good every 5 minutes, regardless of how horny and desperate she might be.
When Firefly walked through the door with a sense of restlessness in her footsteps, rushing to take off her coat and straddle your hips as you sat on the couch, you already knew what she wanted.
Every time she's away at work (if you can even call it that) for a long time, she comes back all tense and desperate to please you. It's her favorite way to destress, she says. Still, you can never get used to your sweet and gentle Firefly being so... lustful.
Of course, you don't mind and you'd gladly help her take her mind off work, but the contrast in her behavior never fails to catch you off guard.
She buries her face into your neck, breathing heavily as her hands fumble for the waistband of your pants. "Pants, please?" You snap out of your inner monologue and help her.
Once she looks up at you, you can't help but notice the glint in her eyes. It's... different, and hungry. You can't help but be glad that you don't have to wake up early the next morning.
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galactic-magick · 1 year
But Then I Saw You: Adam Warlock x Reader
Summary: Adam can’t take his eyes off you and he doesn’t understand why.
Words: 0.7k+
Warnings: SPOILERS!!
Adam was slowly but surely learning to navigate his new life—a far different one than he ever thought he’d be living.
Between missions with the other Guardians, his new home is Knowhere. He has his own small apartment with an overlook of the city, and he’s been trying to inegrate himself into the community. It’s difficult, considering he violently destroyed the place less than a year ago, yet he’s made a decent amount of friends.
There’s one person he still hasn’t figured out how to talk to, though, and that’s you.
Adam sees you around town nearly everyday, and the sight of you always makes him feel something different. He doesn’t understand why he can’t just talk to you like he does everyone else, the nervousness always stopping him. He’s been made well aware that he left his cocoon too early, and therefore isn’t fully developed, but this feeling isn’t something he ever heard mentioned by his mother or his people.
“Ya know, it’s a good thing you don’t have laser eyes or something, because they’d be dead from all your staring,” Rocket jokes, catching Adam looking at you again.
“I don’t know why I can’t stop looking at them,” Adam says.
“Sounds like you got a crush, golden boy,”
“I am Groot,” Groot agrees.
“What’s a crush?” Adam asks, intrigued.
“Oh, geez, do I have to be the one to explain it to him?”
Groot steps up, wrapping a vine around Adam’s shoulders, “I am Groot. I am Groot, I am Groot. I am Groot! I am Groot?”
“Yeah, that makes sense. I guess we just don’t usually have those romantic type feelings in my species. We reproduce through genetic engineering and birthing pods, so we don’t have the need to be attracted to each other like that,”
“Okay, so what’s wrong with you then?” Rocket laughs.
“I don’t know,” Adam catches another glance at you. “But maybe it’s not a bad thing,”
“I am Groot?”
Rocket cackles again, “No way am I giving him dating advice, Groot. Go ask Drax or something, he’s the one who’s been married before,”
Adam doesn’t waste much time, so later that day he asks Drax how he should talk to you. Of course Draw tells him about how he met his wife, talking about his attraction to her in graphic detail. Adam hangs onto every word, taking everything in as if he’d be quizzed on it. He asks lots of questions, trying to figure out how best to express his interest in you. Eventually he thinks he has it down, so next time he sees you, he’s determined to make his move.
Fortunately, that time comes pretty fast, and he sees you sitting in the main square on his way home. He sits beside you, attempting to be somewhat covert and casual.
“Hi,” he says.
“Hi,” you reply with a smile. “You’re Adam, right?”
“You know who I am?”
“Well, yeah, everyone here knows who you are,” you shrug. “Plus I see you staring at me a lot so I’ve asked some people what your deal is,”
Adam loses his entire train of thought, quickly realizing his plan had already failed. He clearly already weirded you out by his behavior, and he didn’t want to further discomfort you.
“I’m sorry,” are the only words he finds to say.
“Why?” you laugh. “I’m not mad, I’ve just been waiting for you to actually talk to me,”
“Yeah, I’ve been wanting to know what’s so interesting about me. Do I look like someone you knew or something?”
He’s relieved to know you’re not upset with his terrible social skills, but he still doesn’t know quite how to respond. How is he to explain how seeing you makes him feel?
“The truth is,” he starts, “I thought my people were supposed to be the most beautiful and perfect species in the universe...but then I saw you,”
Now it’s your turn to lose all words and thoughts from your mind. Is the Adam Warlock into you?
“I never meant to scare you, and I understand if you don’t feel similar feelings towards me,” he stand up, “I hope you have a lovely evening,”
“Wait, hang on Adam,” you stop him from leaving. “Why didn’t you just ask me out?”
“Out where?”
You laugh, his confusion endearing, “Anywhere, goldie. I need to get to know you better before I decide if I like you too, don’t I?”
“Ah, yes! Great idea,” he nods. “I will ask you out tomorrow, then,”
“Not now?”
“I need to go home now to feed my pet,”
“Of course,” you smile. “Tomorrow, then,”
He flies up into the air, leaving you to look forward to whatever he comes up with.
Read this to make a Guardians request!
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vex91 · 11 months
Jang Wonyoung - Serious
Pairing: Jang Wonyoung x Female Reader (Highschool AU)
Fandom: IZ*ONE / IVE
Requested by: Anonymous
Request: First time requesting something
Can i request a wonyoung fic where she is the heartthrob and she just breaks people's heart for fun, wonyoung and yn hate each other so she tries the same with yn then she fall for her and tries to win her heart.
There are few wonyoung fics and enemies to lovers is just that trope🧎‍♀️
It can be as long as you want i just love your works so i will read anything from you
- 🌙
Summary: Jang Wonyoung was known by a whole school as someone who loved playing with people's hearts. You hated her because of that and despite you doing your absolute best to avoid her, you became her next target.
A/N: I agree, we need more IVE fics in general😭 Thank you for requesting for this Queen❤
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3rd's POV
Jang Wonyoung.
There wasn't a person at your school who didn't heard of her. Wonyoung despite being only a first year became well known by everyone, even the third years knew about her. Some loved her, some despised her and you were definitely the latter.
You hated her.
Wonyoung was known for a lot of things, her good grades, her looks and of course the fact that she loved playing with people's hearts. No one knew why but you guessed that it was probably the feeling of being wanted and being able to have anyone she wanted. Everyone knew that her feelings for them were fake but for some reason they still let themselves fall for her charms and believed that it was real until she broke it off like it was nothing.
Before you wouldn't say that you hated her, yeah what she was doing was very wrong but it didn't affected you much so you didn't cared much. You started hating her when she decided to break your best friend's heart. Seeing her cry so much and still wanting to be with Wonyoung despite the hurt that she caused her made you despise the other girl.
Unfortunately for you, Wonyoung took a notice of you when you accidentally bumped into her at the cafeteria and decided to go after you next.
A piece of paper landed on your notebook. Confused, you looked around to see who throw it to you and the guilty one was Wonyoung, who gave you a "sweet" smile that you knew was only a disguise. You took the piece of paper and decided to take a look, just to see what she wanted.
You're Y/N right? I'm Wonyoung,
are you free after school?
PS. You're really pretty ;)
You rolled your eyes at the note. So now you were her target? You looked over to her just to see her sending your way another smile. You took your pen and started writing something down on the note, making Wonyoung a little excited because she thought that she already charmed her way into your heart. When the class ended you threw the note to Wonyoung and left the classroom with your friends who immediately started asking you questions about the note.
Excited Wonyoung opened the note but her smile quickly fell when she read what was inside.
For you? I'm busy ;)
PS. Thank you but didn't asked
It won't be as easy as she thought.
"Hi!" Wonyoung smiled at you while you only gave her a blank stare. You closed your locker with a sigh and turned in her direction. Wonyoung looked you up and down quickly before meeting your gaze and sending you a wink.
"So I was wondering if you were free right now? We could go to this one café close by. They have great cakes and cookies, as a sweet expert I can confirm" You pretended to think about it for a second before declining "That's very tempting, unfortunately I'm not interested in them just as much as I'm not interested in a date with you and being your next plaything so if you could kindly leave me alone that would be great" You bumped your shoulder into her and walked off, linking arms with Haewon who came over after seeing you.
Wonyoung observed your disappearing figure with a rather sad expression. Yujin who saw the whole thing came over and leaned on the locker that you have previously put your books in. She looked at her friend and furrowed her eyebrows at the face that Wonyoung had "Are you okay?" Wonyoung quickly hid her disappointment and smiled at her friend "Yeah, just having some problem with my next date" Yujin nodded but was definitely not convinced by her words.
She knew Wonyoung. The girl never cared about feelings of girls she has dated before just like she never had any feelings for them so seeing her so affected by you rejecting her was very weird to Yujin. Honestly if Wonyoung had feelings for you, it would be great. Yujin wanted Wonyoung to stop doing what she was doing, she wanted her to fall in love and stay with one girl that she can love and be loved by.
That's why she hoped that you could maybe be this girl.
It was bad.
It was really bad.
Wonyoung tried to take you out on a day for a month now and you still aren't interested but if this wasn't bad enough, Wonyoung realized that she may be into you. At first she didn't noticed since she never liked girls that she went after, plus she only thought that what she was feeling was some sort of determination to get someone who was hard to get, like a challenge but her friends quickly made her realize that she got too into it and after thinking about it more, they realized that Wonyoung who never fell in love, fell in love with you.
The problem is you not being interested at all.
Wonyoung spend the entire weekend thinking about ways to make you like her instead of hate her but nothing that seemed good enough came to her head.
To be honest she didn't thought that anything would be able to help her case, she hurt so many girls that you already had an opinion about her and there was no changing that.
Her friends didn't gave up though and whenever their ideas failed, they were coming up with new ideas. Yujin even went to you and tried to tell you that Wonyoung wasn't so bad. Finally Gaeul had an idea but when she shared it with Wonyoung, the younger girl wasn't too convinced.
"Take these flowers and just be honest with her"
"Isn't that too simple?"
That was too simple in Wonyoung's opinion. That was real life, not some movie where everything was working out perfectly. You hated her, Gaeul couldn't be so stupid to think that some simple flowers will be able to make you suddenly change your entire mind about her. Still as Gaeul gave her the flowers, she decided to give it a shot. At this point she didn't had anything to lose.
That's how she found herself waiting for you at the gate after school. As she waited her mind was occupied by everything she wanted to say to you. It was weird, she was so used to not caring about stuff like that so this whole thing was new to her. If someone told her that she would be waiting with flowers for a girl that she wanted to date for real, she would probably laugh at them but now here she was doing exactly that.
Soon she saw you walking out of the school with your best friends, Yuna, Haewon and Minji. She recognized Minji as one of the girls that she dated before and all the colors drained from her face when she realized that you're friends. That are consequences of her own actions it seemed. Now she was sure that you would reject her once again, how could you not when she hurt your friend like that.
Wonyoung quickly hid behind a tree before you could notice her and observed as you bid goodbyes to your friends and went back home with your brother, Sunghoon. She sighed when you left, feeling hopeless. Her past actions really made her life difficult now.
Wonyoung slowly walked over to the trash can and threw the flowers in there along with her whole hope for a happy ending with you.
How could she deserve happiness and love after so many hearts she broke for her own satisfaction?
2 months passed ever since that day. Wonyoung stopped running after you and flirting with you but not only you, she also pretty much stopped flirting with everyone. She started taking her studies more seriously and instead of going out with different girls on dates, she started going out more with her friends or just went home to spend some time alone aka cry alone in bed because you weren't interested in her and at this point she was badly into you.
You noticed the change. At first you were relieved that you won't have to deal with Wonyoung trying to rizz you up every chance she got but after some time you started to miss her. Shocking but true. For some reason you missed her weird jokes and pick up lines. The smile that she gave you when she tried to charm you or when she made fun of your height. You knew that you shouldn't feel like that because the whole thing was probably just a game to her but you couldn't help it and now that you noticed the change in her behavior, you couldn't help but feeling like you wanted to be with her.
"I know that she doesn't seem like it because of how she acts but she's a really caring girl. She made a lot of mistakes but she's not a bad person deep down, believe me if she was then me, Gaeul, Rei and Jiwon wouldn't hang out with her. You may not believe me but it looks like she actually cares about you, even if she didn't realized it yet so maybe you could give her a chance and help change for the better?"
Yujin's words came back to you. She really did care about Wonyoung so maybe there was some truth to her words. Yujin is a good person, she wouldn't be friends with Wonyoung if she was a terrible person. So maybe it was worth giving it a shot.
On Thursday you waited for Wonyoung at the gate after school. The same place and time that she waited for you 2 months ago. Wonyoung noticed you standing there but shrugged it off and started going in the direction of her house. She was sure that you were waiting for your friends or your brother so she was surprised when you took a hold of her arm "Wait Wonyoung, I wanted to talk with you" She looked at you surprised, eyes wide as she pointed at herself, questioning why you would want to talk with her.
"I thought about this and I just wanted to ask you if that café you were talking about months ago was actually so good" At first she wasn't sure what you meant but when she realized it, she couldn't contain a smile taking over her face as she nodded excitedly "Yeah, so do you want to go there with me today? I don't have other plans so..." You giggled at how shy she got for a second there "I can go but only as friends. If you want to take me out on a real date then you have to really prove to me how much you've changed" Wonyoung could only agree as the happiness she felt started growing. It was better than nothing.
"I'll prove to you that I'm serious about this"
"I can't wait" You smiled and let Wonyoung intertwine your fingers as she started guiding you in the direction of the café that she loved so much.
Almost as much as she loved you.
This was a chance that Wonyoung wasn't planning to waste, she was going to prove to you how much she cared about you.
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shitswiftiessay · 6 months
so taylor has put out another hit piece against joe (who’s surprised)
after buying winning the TIME person of the year award 2023, and having a gushing puff piece that’s supposed to paint her as this trailblazer for women and feminist icon…
she made sure to dedicate a significant portion of it to talking about her boyfriends. 🙄
so here are the cringeworthy excerpts where she’s talking about her latest victim boyfriend.
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“Football is awesome, it turns out. I’ve been missing out my whole life.”
I love how she single handedly debunked the claim that swifties have been making, that taylor ALWAYS loved football and was a huge eagle fan (just bc she had an eagles shirt). now it’s basically confirmed that this football shit is just taylor’s newest PERSONALITY that she’s gonna wear for a few months, until she gets bored of it, and then she’ll throw travis under the bus and she’ll start siccing her fans against him.
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“This all started when Travis very adorably put me on blast on his podcast, which I thought was metal as hell.”
god, someone bring me a BARF BUCKET please. 🪣 🤮 and since when is it “adorable” for a guy to PUT YOU ON BLAST because you wouldn’t go out with him or take his number?? that’s… very weird. i’m sure she wouldn’t find it “adorable” if she wasn’t interested in the guy. but anyway, i’m pretty sure she just saw an opportunity here and she took it. she can’t handle being single for more than a month, she needed a new man to make people forget about her matty healy era. and she’s LOVING the good press she’s getting for being “America’s royal couple” as her fans are calling them. but does she actually LOVE HIM? that, I remain yet to be convinced about.
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and I love this part. “We would never be psychotic enough to hard-launch a first date.”
yeah, taylor’s not CRAZY you guys, it’s not like she said “I love you” to matty healy on stage back in may before breaking up with him 2 weeks later. nah. it’s not like she immediately bought a house next to her teenage boyfriend connor kennedy who was STILL IN HIGH SCHOOL when she started dating him. nah. that would be CRAZY. PSYCHOTIC even!!
and here comes the part where she starts passive aggressively smearing joe and we all know she’s on a smear campaign against joe now but it’s kind of pathetic that even while winning PERSON OF THE YEAR she has to make it about that.
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so taylor obviously has a lot to say about her new relationship, and how proud they are of each other. but you know what I DON’T hear her saying? “I’m in love” or “I’m happy with him.”
and personally, i think that speaks volumes. if she was truly HAPPY with her new man she wouldn’t be doing all this shit. if you were around when taylor broke up with calvin and then immediately started hard-launching hiddleswift, taking pap photo after pap photo and being extremely “happy” she was and meeting his mom and all that shit…. and if you don’t see the parallels between what she’s doing NOW with travis, you’re either a blind fan or just flat out stupid.
because at least when she started dating joe she actually left her exes alone (at least for a little while), she was like “I forget their names now.” and you can tell she was happy without having to make a big show of it- “nobody’s heard from me for months, I’m doing better than I ever was.”
but now she’s acting like it’s the worst thing ever that she was “locking herself in her house for a lot of years,” and she KNOWS that her fans are going to take that and blame joe for it.
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JUST LOOK at the quotes and replies of this tweet and this tweet to see how those insane fucking swifties are acting over this. EVERYTHING she does now is an incitement against joe and she knows it, it’s deliberate, it’s calculated.
and i guess she’s gotta bury him while she continues hanging out with a sexual abuse apologist so she can look like she has some kind of moral high ground.
also, the way she’s trying to erase the fact that 11 of the 15 songs on reputation were LOVE SONGS about joe, not “a goth-punk moment of female rage at being gaslit by an entire social structure.”
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this woman is just narcissistic and straight up DELUSIONAL at this point. she’s so far up her own ass it’s nauseating. but i really hope that she keeps on talking. because the more she talks, the more people realise what a narcissistic clown she is. 🤡
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Some observations
I was perusing the local Barnes and Noble (as one does when she needs to kill time) and discovered this magazine in the periodicals section:
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I thought it was interesting that Meghan wasn't included on the cover. Say what you want about her, she still holds a pretty significant place in the royal family: the first person of color to marry a senior royal and give birth to children of color. One would also argue that she also counts as a noteworthy person for the BRF because she was the "first" divorcee bride to marry in (that is, the first divorcee marrying a single not-married-before royal).
The table of contents:
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The first mention of Meghan is in their timeline, within context of Kate and Charlotte appearing together:
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Meghan's second appearance comes in the "Modern History" section, which talks about royal marriages becoming "modern" when divorces were first permitted. First the article talks about Margaret's groundbreaking divorce, then how Anne pushed the royal bar on divorce further by remarrying, leading to the following section:
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But reference of Meghan is essentially a throwaway. She's not even a whole sentence. But she does get two pictures in this section, so progress!
So after the "Modern History" section, we start getting mini-biographies of the royal ladies. There are "chapters" each for Kate, The late Queen, Camilla, their fashion, Anne, and Diana. Then we get to "The Other Royals"...a catch-all for royal women who aren't important, I guess, or noteworthy of their own standalone chapters.
In this chapter are the Yorkies - they don't even get their own sections, they're just all lumped in together, Sarah Chatto (Margaret's daughter), and finally, Meghan, who is also featured with Lili.
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What I find really interesting about this publication is how and where they've placed Meghan. And I think it shows how shortsighted she was about joining the royal family. If her ultimate goal was global fame and fortune, then all she had to do was bide her time. After all, Sophie gets her own chapter - but of course, Sophie worked 31 years to get it (6 years dating + 25 years married) - and so does Zara, for her career accomplishments in sport, which Meghan could've had as well. But Meghan wanted everything and she wanted it now, no waiting, no toiling, no practicing, no working. And the result is that she's lumped in with the Yorkies and Sarah Chatto.
But the placement is also unfair to the Yorkies and to Sarah. Because remember, Meghan quit. Yes, technically Sarah Ferguson quit too (when she divorced Andrew), but her quitting came after 10 years and despite it, she still turns up to support the BRF when called. Same with Beatrice, Eugenie, and Sarah Chatto; they support the BRF and they work for the BRF when they're called to do so. To lump them in with Meghan, who doesn't work for the BRF when called, who doesn't show up when they ask for her, and who doesn't support the BRF, it doesn't bring Meghan "up to their level," or however you want to phrase it. It brings them down to Meghan's level. They don't deserve that.
But probably most importantly, this placement of Meghan proves that despite what her PR tries to convince us, more and more people are seeing her as the Fergie/Yorkie equivalent, not the Diana equivalent she wants us to see her as.
Personally, I think the sooner Meghan abandons her vision of Diana-like permanent A+ elite success and embraces the Fergie/Yorkie vibe (especially the "laugh at your own self" and "be gracious, be humble, be thankful" parts), the greater her chances are for stability and long-lasting staying power on the C-List.
(Also. I've never liked the sapphire tiara on The Queen but I love it on Camilla. Camilla's big fluffy hairstyle 100% suits the tiara and it looks like the tiara was made for her. The Queen wore her hair too...tightly (for lack of a better word) and that hairstyle with such a sculptural tiara made a strange look for me.)
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alotofpockets · 7 months
Right in front of you | Leslie Shay
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Pairing: Leslie Shay x Reader Reader pronouns used: she/her Prompt: "Is that a hickey?" Masterlist | Chicago Fire masterlist | Words: 1k
You loved to cook at the firehouse around the corner, on your days off from the family owned restaurant you worked at. Besides loving to cook, it was also a way for you to see your girlfriend when she was on shift. The environment at 51 was also not bad, you loved being around the people that Shay called her family, even though most of them didn’t know you and Shay were a thing. The two of you didn’t mind people knowing, you just didn’t want to make telling people such a big deal. Severide and Dawson knew for sure as they were her best friends, and maybe some other people had guessed and just never mentioned it. There were however also a few people that were definitely still clueless, like Cruz and Otis, as they were about to prove to you once again, you realized when you saw them walk in with their eyes focussed on you.
“Good morning boys, how was the call?” You ask as you put some scrambled eggs and bacon on a plate for each of them. Cruz was quick to give you an answer, priding himself on saving the day. “I rescued an old lady from her house before it was engulfed in flames.” Otis quickly chimes in, “Not before I located her and told you where to find her.” It was adorable how hard they were trying.  “Sounds like a great start to the day, then.” You smile. 
You had been coming to prepare food at the station for a few months now. When Shay had breakfast duty one day she asked if you could prepare breakfast for take out at the restaurant, after she relayed the many compliments the team gave to the food, you had suggested coming over to cook breakfast in the firehouse once a week, much to Shay and the team's liking. 
Not a day at the firehouse went by without Cruz and Otis trying to flirt with you. Not responding to their flirts or not showing the same interests back didn't stop them from trying every time, though. You had mentioned it to Shay after the first time it happened, wanting to be open about it. She just laughed at their antics with you, before she pecked your lips and told you, “You just tell them off or tell them about us if it gets annoying, okay?” So far, you had just found it funny, and decided to see how long they were going to keep this up, still not in any way giving them a signal that you were interested in them, of course.
You were still making scrambled eggs when Shay and Dawson got back from their call. They walked right up to you for their food, a cup of coffee, and of course they started a conversation with you. When they sat down with the rest of the team Shay overheard Cruz and Otis whispering amongst themselves. “We should start a bet on who will be able to get y/n to go on a date with them first.” She exchanges a look with Dawson, both of them working hard on keeping their laughter in. Shay, like you, thought their antics were hilarious, so she didn't stop them, unless you would get uncomfortable by it. 
Shay joins the conversation of their other teammates. She gets tired of her hair in her face so she puts her hair up in a quick messy bun. “Wow, Shay, is that a hickey?” Mills gasps. Dawson turns Shay's head her way so she can see for herself. “Sure looks like a hickey, Mills, never seen one before?” The brunette jokes. The rest of the team starts bombarding your girlfriend with questions, you look over to the group as it starts quite the commotion. “Okay, okay, calm down. You all get one question.” Shay says, knowing these people well enough to know they were going to drop it.
Capp starts off the questioning round. “Is she hot?” He immediately gets a shove to the shoulder by Tony, “Was that seriously the best you could do?” After he shrugs, Shay answers, “Yes, she's very hot.” Mills goes next, “One night stand?” She shakes her head, “No.” The team shares a look before Casey asks the next question, “Does Severide know who it is then?” Severide answers that one, letting the team know that he does. Otis decides to ask the next question, “Do we know her?” Shay noticed that you were walking towards the table with your own plate of food. “Yes, you do.” She says. You can see their brains working overtime, and have to try to hold in your laugh, as you sit down besides Shay. 
You share a look with Shay, letting her know that however she wants to handle this, it is okay with you. She smiles and puts her arm over the back of your chair. “It's really not that hard to think of a person that you all know.” She says, pulling their eyes back to her. The arm on your chair makes its way to your side, as she pulls you closer to her. “She's literally sitting right in front of you.” After finishing her sentence she places a kiss on your forehead and keeps holding you close. Most of the reactions to the news were comments along the lines of that’s great, congratulations, or you’ve got to keep this one around followed by Mouch pointing to the food and then giving a thumbs up. Of course, those reactions were all great, however, your favorite reactions were those of Cruz and Otis. Their eyes widened when they realized they had been flirting with Shay’s girlfriend for weeks. 
The newly found information made the team quickly forget about the hickey that started the conversation, as the team was happy to see Shay so happy with you. They continued asking you both questions, how did you meet? and how long have you been together? until the alarm rang and all companies were being called to a scene. Shay kisses you before getting up, “Thank you for breakfast, baby.” 
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hellfirenacht · 8 months
Wing Man Part 4
Fic Summary: Steve ‘the Hair’ Harrington is your best friend, and is constantly striking out. Sick of this, you two make a deal; you’ll wing man for each other. Hooking Steve up with dates is easy, but he finds himself struggling to find you a date. At least, until Dustin starts talking about his new cool friend Eddie.
Chapter Summary: Well, the arcade was a bust, but maybe going to a local dive bar and listening to music will yield better results.
4k words
a/n: This chapter is shorter than usual because my brain fried when writing it at work lol But we finally get to talk to Eddie without Steve cockblocking (too much)
Proof read? You have no proof I can read.
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It wasn’t until Monday after school that Dustin was able to make his way back to Family Video. After the night at the arcade, he’d been caught up with sneaking chats with Suzie and spending time with his mother. Not to mention the dentist appointment that caused him to miss a good chunk of Monday morning. If anything, dating and matchmaking be damned, Dustin had earned the treat of renting a movie and shoving candy into his newly cleaned teeth. 
The freshman walked in, said hi to you and walked shamelessly into the back while you called after him half-heartedly that he wasn’t supposed to go back there before turning back to your conversation with Robin. 
“Jesus, Henderson you can’t just barge into the back of any job I get!” Steve said as he sat in the break room. “I’m going to have to say no to you at some point.”
“Yeah, yeah, we’ve talked about this.” Dustin said, sitting next to him in the small room, grabbing some of Steve’s chips. “Anyway, has she said anything about Saturday night?”
Steve watched in annoyance as his friend helped himself to his lunch. “No, she hasn’t said anything about what happened. When I clocked in she said she didn’t want to talk about it.” 
“Probably because we might have... totally ditched her.” Dustin admitted. “On accident! It wasn’t my idea!” He added quickly as Steve gaped at him. 
“What?!” Steve was surprised. “Wait, what happened?”
“Well when the two of you left, Eddie decided that we were done and we all went to get pizza instead.” Dustin said. “I saw her when we were leaving.”
“Shit. So he saw her leave with me, which probably didn’t help.” Steve groaned. “Did Eddie say anything about her?”
“Yeah he... said he wasn’t interested.” 
“Really? Shit. I knew he was a freak, but I didn’t think he had bad taste.”
“Why aren’t you dating her?” Dustin asked. “You won’t date Robin and now you won’t date her? Are you allergic to dating cool girls or something?”
“Robin and I are just friends.” Steve said firmly. “And who said I didn’t try to date her? I tried to ask her out once but she turned me down. She said I was ‘too normal’.”
There were tears streaming down Dustin’s face two minutes later from how hard he was laughing at that. Steve Harrington could get any girl in town, and got shot down by the wierdo. 
“Yeah, yeah, get it out of your system, Henderson.” Steve groaned. 
“She’s too good for you, Steve.” Dustin finally managed to say, calming himself down. 
“So Eddie was a bust so I guess I’m back to square one.” Steve sighed. “I guess I could take her out to a bar and help her get numbers. If she can keep herself from saying something too weird for at least ten minutes it’d be easy.”
But it didn’t feel right. You already knew what you wanted, and any bar in town would just be filled with the same normal, boring people that you’d never had an interest in. 
“You know... Eddie’s band plays at the Hideout.” Dustin said suddenly. 
“Yeah, I thought we just established that wasn’t an option.” Steve frowned. 
“Okay but hear me out, she liked Eddie, right?” 
“Yeah, so?” 
“So? So if she liked Eddie then she’d probably like someone who also likes Eddie. He told me that people come to watch his band play specifically.” Dustin was grinning wide. 
“Henderson, you might be onto something.” Steve was starting to follow his friend’s logic. “If his fans like him, then she’d probably like his fans.”
“Precisely, Steve!” 
The two of them grinned at each other as if they’d just cracked the code to helping you out. However, Steve was only aware of half the plan. That night at the arcade hadn’t been sitting right with Dustin since Eddie tore out of there like a bat out of hell with the rest of the club in tow. He’d seen the way Eddie had stolen glances at you when he thought no one was looking, and only Eddie could miss the way you had been staring at him as the two of you talked. 
Dustin wasn’t sure what the hell Eddie’s problem was saying he wasn’t interested, but if Steve was giving him a chance to be nosy and meddle he was going to take it. You had been nice to Dustin this summer, and after starting the new hell that was high school he wanted to help you out. Eddie had been the only person who had been nice to him and Mike in school, and you had been nice out of it. 
If this didn’t work he’d leave Steve to his own problem, but Dustin had this one last trick up his sleeve. 
“So Eddie’s never talked about having an interest in anyone before?” Steve asked as he tossed his trash and handed over the remaining chips to Dustin. 
“Not really. Jeff mentioned that he used to have a thing for some girl named Ronnie, and they all act really cagey about someone else named Paige.” Dustin said with a shrug. 
“I have no idea who those people are.” 
“I don’t either, they don’t talk about it much.” 
“Alright, well I guess we’re gonna go to the Hideout.” Steve decided. “Wait, isn’t his band him and a bunch of high schoolers? How are they even allowed to play in a bar?”
“It’s a bar, not a club, Steve. They can be there, they just can’t drink. Legally.” Dustin decided not to share that Eddie had one or two fake IDs that the barkeeps were happy to overlook for Eddie at least. 
“What do you know about clubs?” Steve was surprised. “The only club you should know about is your weird fantasy club.”
“I watch MTV, I know how some things work!” 
The banter between the two continued until you showed up in the break room. 
“Steve, your break ended fifteen minutes ago. If you get your butt to the front I’ll fudge the time sheet and say you just forgot to clock back in.” you said. “And Dustin, honey, I love you. You aren’t supposed to be back here. Actually, I don’t care because you’re a good kid. Just ask before you barge in, okay? If Keith’s here I’ll actually have to enforce that.” 
“Yes, Ma’am!” Dustin gave you a salute as the two of them made their way back to the front. When Steve took his place behind the counter, Dustin took a piece of paper out of his bag and handed it over. 
“What’s this?” Steve took the paper, looking at the list of movie titles. 
“My payment. I want these movies for my services. We had an agreement.” 
“Jesus, Henderson you’re gonna give yourself nightmares with these.” 
“Nothing’s been scarier than what we’ve been through.”
“Fair enough.” 
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You looked to be as thrilled to be at the Hideout on a Tuesday night as you would be at the DMV. You didn’t have anything against the place, but you didn’t have anything for it either. You’d been to bars a few times with friends with varying degrees of enjoyment. Hell, this wasn’t even the first time you’d been to this bar. Hawkin’s didn’t exactly have the biggest variety of places to drink in town, and this place was the town’s “old reliable”. Cheap enough for the blue collar workers to enjoy a cold beer after work, but with enough variety to have the young adults of the town fill up the booths on the weekends. 
It was not the weekend though, it was a Tuesday night. A weird night for Steve to drag you out to a bar to help you get a date. As you swung your body on the barstool waiting on your drink you glanced around. There was a small, cramped stage set up in the back and a few older men were hanging around. 
“So... Steve not to be terribly picky and not to sound ungrateful, but I’m not so sure about this.” You said, scanning the bar for anyone who didn’t look old enough to be your dad or grandpa. 
“There’s a band that’s supposed to play tonight.” Steve said, pointing over to the stage. “I heard they’re about our age so I thought it’d be worth a shot.”
“A band?” You considered it. “What type of music are they supposed to play?”
“I think it’s a metal band.”
You snorted into your soda. “A metal band? In Hawkins? Oh, this I have to see.” You hopped off the stool to make your way over to the cork board that was covered in advertisements for the town. You scanned it until you found a flier that had been covered partially by an advertisement for lawn care. 
That must have been it. It didn’t give you any information about the band, other than the name and when they played. The logo was hastily drawn on in black and red markers as if putting this up was a last minute idea. You pulled the paper off the board and repositioned it so that it was front and center instead. There, that was your good deed for the day; giving a small band an additional 8.5 by 11 inches of visibility. 
“As usual, I have learned nothing.” You declared, taking your seat again. “I have a name and that’s it.”
“What’s the band called?” Steve asked. 
“Corroded Coffin.” you replied. “Shouldn’t you know? This was your idea!”
“I was just told there was a metal band that played, I wasn’t given a name.” Steve had been given the name and immediately forgot in the near endless ramblings that Dustin had gone on about. 
“You’re gonna think I’m crazy-”
“I already do.” 
You laughed and continued. “You’re gonna think I’m crazy but the name sounds familiar.” Your legs were swinging off the stool, leaning back against the bar with your elbows. “How can you forget a name like that?” 
Easily. Thought Steve. 
A few more people were starting to show up now, though it was still pretty dead and slow. Even as people shuffled in and out of the small bar, there was no sign of anyone who you’d deem “age appropriate” for you. 
“So you tried to set me up with a high schooler and now it looks like you’re trying to hook me up with someone twice my age.” You joked. 
“Yeah, I was hoping there’d be more people here to choose from.” Steve looked around the room. Dustin had said that this band was supposed to have a crowd but he wasn’t seeing evidence of that anywhere. 
“Ah well, even if tonight is another bust we can still have fun.” you gave him a playful punch. “If the band is bad we can bond over that, and if they’re good you probably won’t appreciate it and I’ll subject you to my every thought about it.”
“You do that anyway.” Steve breathed out a small laugh.
“I’ll be worse, cross my heart.” 
It wasn’t long until the doors to the Hideout opened again, with two highschoolers struggling to fit a drum set through the doors. You snickered as they twisted the parts trying to adjust the bulky equipment. That’s right, the circular drum goes through the square hole. 
“Steve, high schoolers.” you whispered. “Again?!” 
But then you realized that the two teenagers looked familiar. Familiar in a fresh way. Familiar in a ‘Hey, didn’t I just see you the other day?’ way. Your stomach twisted as they finally managed to get through the door and make their way to the stage for set up. 
“Hey, Steve, these kids look- shit.” 
Your heart leapt in a way you didn’t expect when the man you’d poorly attempted to get to know just a few days ago walked through the door with a guitar case strapped to his back. He was laughing with another member of the band as they carried in an amp. Eddie didn’t even look your way as they made their way to set up on stage. 
He played guitar. Of course he played guitar in a metal band. Jesus Christ, you were actually going to murder Steve and Dustin if this whole situation wasn’t going to kill you first. Eddie dropped his leather jacket on the side of the stage, leaving him in a band shirt that you couldn’t make out the name of in the dim lights. He had really nice arms (how had you missed the tattoos last week??), and the way he was smiling so genuinely and joking around with his friends made you feel fuzzy on the inside. He hadn’t looked like that when you two were talking-
“You’re drooling again.” Steve said. 
You shook your head and quickly turned around, putting your back to the stage. 
“Steve... what the fuck.” You hissed, glaring at him. “I know I didn’t exactly share what happened on Saturday, but I thought it was pretty clear that it didn’t go well.” 
“Listen, I had no- I” Steve couldn’t lie to you. “Henderson said he’d be playing tonight, but I swear I’m not trying to hook you two up again. I really thought that when he said there’d be a crowd there’d be more freaks here!” 
You smacked your head on the bar a few times with a groan. “It was so awkward. I told him I’d be right back but then when I went back in everyone was gone. He wasn’t interested in me.” 
“His loss.” Steve said. “Listen, we’ll stick around for a few songs and if no one else shows up then we can leave, deal?” 
You tried to ignore the pounding in your heart as you pointedly refused to turn around. You didn’t even know why you cared so much that Eddie was there again. You had only talked for a half hour before he left, but the man had stuck in your mind since that night. 
You had been attracted to guys before, but Eddie was on some other level. 
“So, are you stalking me now, Harrington?”
“Nah man, just in the mood to do something different tonight.” Steve said, trying his hardest to play nice. He had to remember that this was for you, even though he was starting to like Eddie less after his disinterest in you. 
“I didn’t take you as a man with music taste.” Eddie said. You hated that this man seemed to always sneak up on you. You finished off your drink and turned around to join the conversation before Steve made things worse. 
Fuck it. It’s not like this could be any more awkward than how things were left off. You might as well have some fun. 
“Actually this was my idea.” You said, lying through your teeth with a grin. “Steve here knows nothing about good music, so I thought I’d show him a little culture.”
Steve was now looking at you with his jaw dropped, wondering where the hell that came from. He looked offended, and Eddie? Eddie’s eyebrows shot up as recognition crossed his features as he looked at you. 
“So you like metal?” Eddie said, his gaze now locked on yours. You felt an odd pounding in your heart as you looked up into those amazingly round brown eyes. “What’s your favorite band?”
It wasn’t a challenge. There was nothing in his tone to indicate that he was about to turn into a total dick about music, and that both put you at ease and made your attraction to him far worse. 
“Well, Black Sabbath is always good.” you thought. “But I’m gonna have to go with WASP. I’d rate them a 69 out of 10 for being so damn horny in their songs.” 
Eddie’s eyes lit up and he smiled wide, the same kind of smile he’d just given his band mates a few minutes ago. You licked your lips and felt Steve kick your foot, probably signaling you to stop drooling. 
“So someone in this town does have good taste!“ Eddie was moving around more now, taking a few paces back and then back towards you clapping his hands. 
“I don’t like to limit myself.” You said. “I’m always looking for new sounds and music. It’s like I feel like I’m suffocating if it gets too quiet.”
You winced internally at the statement, knowing that it was probably off putting but to your surprise Eddie only got more excited. 
“Exactly!” He practically yelled.
How was it so easy to talk to him, and so hard at the same time? Why was it that every conversation so far had ended so awkwardly when moments like this felt easy? 
“So how long have you been playing?” you asked, looking over at the stage where he’d set his case down. 
“The band’s been playing together since we were in middle school, I started playing guitar around fifth grade. We’ve had a rotating cast of members, so I started it, and Jeff’s been there the longest after me.” he pointed to a member fiddling with his bass. “Zack and Gareth joined in high school.” 
“And was Chris Morrison ever part of this band?” you teased. 
“Fuck no!.” Eddie laughed. “My uncle would say that Chris couldn’t carry a tune in a bucket with a lid on. He tried to play manager. Tried. After seeing how he ran his campaigns, I wasn’t interested.”
“Didn’t he also run for student council once?” 
“You remember those posters?!” there was a mischievous glint in his eyes. “Oh, he never ran. The rest of us were so done with how he was running Hellfire we put those up detailing why he was shit at leadership.”
“You’re kidding!” you gaped. “Jesus, you guys are weird.”
Eddie bent down in a joking bow. “I got a week’s detention for that stunt. I wasn’t the one who made most of them, but Higgin’s always had it out for me. Still does.” He mumbled that last part mostly to himself.
“Why do you two keep talking about Chris Morrison?” Steve asked, and you suddenly remembered that he was there too. Whoops.
“Common thread, apparently.” you shrugged. “It’s too easy to rag on the guy.”
“You had to be there.” Eddie said, as if you and Eddie were sharing connected memories that you were both part of rather than piecing together fragments of a puzzle where you were both corner pieces. The same picture, but never touching. 
At least, as far as you were aware. 
Steve was looking at you as if you were both insane. He was probably right. 
“Okay, okay Steve’s right. I don’t want to talk about Chris fucking Morrison anymore.” you said. “How long have you been playing here, at the Hideout?”
“Every Tuesday for about 2 years, give or take.” Eddie said. “We started monthly, but we get a crowd now so they asked us to play weekly.”
“A crowd.” You nodded, looking around the dead bar. “Damn, I must be pretty lucky to have the front man talking to me when you have all these people here to see you.” Behind the joke, the tone you used was sincere and playful all at once. You sat up a little straighter, leaning towards him on your barstool. 
That was a flirt. You just flirted. There was no taking that back. You were gonna have to commit now. 
There was something boyish about the smile he returned, calm and relaxed. “Oh yeah, you should feel special. As you can see we have a crowd of about-” he turned to the rest of the bar, counting the patrons. “-Right, about four drunks. I guess Tim’s out today.” 
“Well, make that four and a half drunks and also Steve is here.” you shook Steve’s shoulder playfully. 
“Half?” Steve looked at you, pushing your hand off. 
“I drove here, I can’t get wasted. But I can have one or two drinks and be fine.”
“Well, if you happen to bite off more than you can chew, I have room in my van for you.” Eddie said. “I could give you a ride.” 
Well, that wasn’t what you had expected. Your stomach was flipping like an acrobat at the suggestion. He was offering you a ride home if you wanted to drink? After he’d disappeared on you? Just what was this guy's deal? 
“If I’m biting my drinks that’s cause for concern. I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to bite a drink.” Smooth, so fucking smooth. You might as well call yourself Skippy because you were as smooth as chunky peanut butter.
But Eddie just laughed and shook his head. “Yeah, you’re right. But the offer’s on the table. Or the bar, since you want to be literal.”
“I’ll think about it.” you said. “I don’t normally go home with men I just met at bars but if your band is any good I’ll consider it.”
His grin widened at that “Then I’ll be sure to tell the guys to pick up the slack tonight.” 
That was a flirt, right? Eddie just flirted back with you. That had to be right? You almost wanted him to go away so that you could confirm with Steve that your suspicions about that line were correct. 
“Eddie! Get over here and help with the amp, it’s doing the thing again!” One of the teens from the stage called out. 
Eddie sighed and looked over at his band that was messing with the amp they had brought in. “Again? Alright, I have some tape in my toolbox.” he called back to them before turning to you. HIs eyes flicked over to Steve for just a split second before meeting your eyes again. “Talk to you after the set?” 
“Yeah, I’d like that.” you said, “After all you might be my ride home.” 
And with that, Eddie turned and left.
“What was that?” Steve said immediately looking at you. “Where did that come from? Your idea? Going home with him?!”
“What?” you asked, taken aback. “You told me I should actually flirt, so I flirted!” 
“Where was all that on Saturday?! Hell, where was that for the past two months we’ve had this deal going?” Your friend was looking at you like he hardly recognized you. 
“Great question Steve, and it deserves a great answer.” you nodded. “I have no fucking clue. Maybe I’m exclusively attracted to guys that I don’t think I have a chance with?”
“He offered to drive you home.” His eyes darted over to the stage where Eddie had reappeared with a toolbox, messing with the amp. “I don’t know how you missed it but he was flirting with you.”
“Oh, good, I thought I was losing it.” you laughed. “Glad we got that established. Cool. Loving that. Now, on one hand he’s offering me a ride home. On the other hand, to get this supposed ride home I will have to intoxicate myself. Which sounds fun in theory but he’s also a guy I barely know.”
It should have been sketchy, it really really should have been. The only man you would trust to get your drunk ass home without worry right now would be Steve. 
“Hey, can I get another one of these, please?” you asked the bartender, holding up your glass. 
Once your refill came, you grabbed the drink and stood up. The band was finishing up the sound check and it looked like they were about to start. 
“Come on, I want to sit closer. I’m feeling reckless tonight.” You grabbed Steve’s arm and dragged him to a table closer to the stage. Eddie made his way to the mic and smiled at you and your raised your glass to him with a smile. 
“Thanks for coming out tonight, we’re Corroded Coffin and we’re here to make you feel like you’re fighting demons in hell!”
It was in that horrible, terrifying moment when the lights dimmed and the sound of an electric guitar ripped through the air,  that you realized something; you were going to end the night with the biggest, stupidest, useless crush on Eddie Munson and there was nothing you could do about it. 
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Part 5
Dividers by @strangergraphics
I would also like to note that this is a work of fiction. You're allowed to make questionable decisions when playing with fake scenarios. Just roll with it.
Tag List: @k8loo @terrormonster55 @sp1dyb0y1008 @crocwork-clockodile @ali-r3n @mxcheese @josephquinnschesthair @gagasbee @peaches-roses-sins @witchwolflea @vintagehellfire @royale1803 @cumslutforaemond @prestinalove @browneyedgirly93 @perpetualmess @thebook-hobbit @mistonk @cultish-corner @grishaversecaptivated @sortagaysortahigh
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ladykailitha · 1 year
The Eddie Munson Guide for Dating an Oblivious Jock Part 3
Sorry this is taking me longer than normal, I’ve had major cramps the last three days that have knocked me for a six.
Part 1 Part 2
Step Five: Flirting
“Shouldn’t you be doing that the whole time?” Max asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Not really. With the low self-esteem they’ll only get flustered and angry. And that’s the last thing you want. It’s why flirting with Steve in the Upside Down didn’t work. He was only confused and upset.”
Max nodded. “So how do you flirt?”
Flirting is an art that can be hard to learn because was works on one person might not work on the next. Pet names are a good place to start, compliments are always a win, but with that you have to be careful not to compliment something they’re insecure on.
“What do you mean?” Max asked.
“Say they think they’ve put on weight,” Eddie explained. “And you compliment their figure, depending on the person, their mood or who they’re around they might take offense to it.”
“So complimenting their looks is a no-no?” she asked.
Eddie shook his head. “Stick to things they can choose,” he said. “Like a new shirt that looks good on them, if they’ve gotten a new hair cut. Their shoes.”
She nodded. “I can work with that.”
Eddie walked into Family Video and stopped short. Steve was wearing a tight grey Henley and his hair was shorter on the sides then he usually kept it.
“Looking fine today, pretty boy,” Eddie said flouncing up to the counter where Steve was putting together member card applications for Keith to review later.
Steve blushed, running his hands nervously through his hair. “You think it looks okay?”
Eddie reached over and tugged a lock so that draped in front of Steve’s face dramatically. “You are totally rocking it.”
He straightened up. “Me and Will went to the barber yesterday because he wanted to try something new and well...”
Eddie softened. “And you didn’t want him to feel nervous about it so you got your hair cut, too.”
“You’re a good dude, Stevie,” Eddie said, wrapping his finger around the loose lock of hair.
Steve blush deepened and reached his ears. “You’ve never called me ‘Stevie’ before.”
“You like it?” Eddie asked, leaning further into his space.
Steve nodded. “It sounds sweet coming from you.”
“Holy hell!” Max exclaimed. “He’s totally had the hots for you.”
Eddie smiled at the memory. “Yeah, but he didn’t know it at the time. He had just realized he liked boys, too. It was still too new for him.”
“Must have been scary, too,” Max agreed.
In addition to compliments and pet names, once you’ve figured out what they like add a little touch to your flirting. Nothing overt. Don’t be grabbing his ass right off the bat. Save that for when you’ve finally bagged your jock and are dating them.
They were watching Thirteen Ghosts at Eddie’s and were sitting next to each other on the sofa.
“The special effects are a little goofy on this one,” Steve said. “It makes it hard to be scary.”
“Yeah,” Eddie agreed, leaning into his space. “But the story is good and you can see why it might have scared audiences at the time.”
Steve chuckled. “I guess.”
Eddie patted his knee. “I’m going to grab another beer, you want one?”
Steve smiled at him. “Sure.”
Eddie used his knee to stand up and he could feel Steve’s eyes follow him. He came back with two bottles and popped both their caps with his rings on his left hand.
Steve huffed out a laugh. “Handy that.”
Eddie grinned. “Says the man who’s strong enough to pop the caps without any aid.” He handed the bottle to him.
Steve blushed and took a sip. “Brawn over brain I guess.”
Eddie bumped his shoulder into Steve’s. “Hey, now. I thought we were past that bullshit talk of you not being smart.”
Steve ducked his head. “I know, I know. Interest not intelligence. But some times it’s hard when people still in high school are light years ahead of you.”
Eddie paused the movie and grabbed Steve’s hand. “Hey, sweetheart.” Steve looked up. “I get it. You’re talking to Mr Three-Time Super Senior here. But no one dogs on my intelligence.”
Steve frowned. “I never thought of that. I guess it is weird that it’s only me.”
“It’s why I’ve been training them out of it,” he said seriously. “It’s not fair that literally no one else gets that kind of treatment. Not even Argyle and Jon get called dumb.”
“Huh,” Steve said. “Yeah. Okay. I’m going to start calling them out on it, too.”
“You do that, babe,” Eddie said.
Steve’s smile was incandescent. “Thanks, Eds. You’re the best.”
“Only for you, Stevie.” Eddie murmured. “Only for you.”
“That was a lot of touching,” Max said. “Does it have to be that much?”
Eddie shook his head. “Just do feels natural. I like touching Steve arm when we greet each other and then giving it a squeeze. It signals I’m happy to see him without everyone else cottoning on to the fact I’m flirting.”
Max nodded. “What about hugs?” she asked.
“That’s the next step,” he said. “You’ve got to start small and build up to those kind of touches. Because the light touches are flirting. The bigger ones? That’s signaling intent.”
Step Six: Touch
Now that you’ve been flirting with your jock and initiating touches, they should be comfortable with the idea of touching and receiving your touch. So start to go a little bigger. Lingering touches, pressing on their lower back when you both walk to the door. Holding on to their hips as you squeeze past them in the kitchen. And of course the ultimate touch hugs.
“Wouldn’t the ultimate touch be sex?” Max asked.
Eddie blinked. “Says the girl that thought cuddling was gross.”
She blushed. “I mean, it’s all gross right now, but we are going to get to that point sometime in the future, right?”
He shrugged. “I guess. Everyone goes into sex at their own speed. Some never have sex or even want to. It’s whatever works for you.” She frowned, frustrated. “Look, sex is great. But trust me when I say rushing into it is a bad plan. Also doing it outside a committed relationship is fine, lots of people enjoy that. But sex with a partner is...for me anyway, better. You get time to explore your likes with theirs and meeting in the middle. But like I said it varies from person to person.”
Max sighed. It wasn’t the cut and dried answer she was looking for, but then again, nothing in life ever was.
“So hugging?”
“Yeah, hugging.”
Eddie showed up early for D&D like he always did, but instead of grabbing Steve’s arm like he had before, he hugged him. He expected it to be a quick thing, you know. Since he had surprised him and all.
It wasn’t.
The second Eddie went in for the hug, Steve’s arms were wrapped around him and pulling him in tight. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Steve took a step back, mumbling an apology.
Eddie gripped Steve’s arms and leaned back so he could try and see his expression. It was closed off and guarded.
“Hey, sweetheart,” he cooed. “You okay?”
Steve nodded. “I guess I needed a hug more than I thought.”
Eddie frowned at that. Steve was always giving hugs to Robin and the kids. Hell even the other adults got Stevie hugs, Jonathan, Argyle, and Nancy.
“You know you can hug me anytime you need it, don’t you, Stevie?” he murmured running his hands up and down Steve’s arm.
Steve looked up at him with such awe and wonder, that it made Eddie’s heart ache.
Steve surprised him a second time by immediately launching himself into Eddie’s arms for another hug.
Eddie let his hands wander. One cupped the back of Steve’s head, while the other slid down to the small of his back. He buried his head into the crook of Steve’s neck.
“Hey,” he whispered. “I can cancel D&D if you’re not up to hosting. Or even move it elsewhere.”
Steve let out a whine at the latter suggestion. “No, no. I want you here.”
“What the fuck?” Max practically roared. “Was he okay?”
“It came as a shock to me, too,” Eddie admitted. “I talked to him about it later and he told me that he wasn’t if he was allowed to hug me because of me being gay.”
“That makes no sense,” she said firmly.
“He didn’t know what the line was,” Eddie explained. “Because with girls you only hugged them if you were dating or really good friends. Argyle is a natural hugger and initiated the first hug so he knew that okay. Nancy and Jonathan were already at that level of affection.”
“But he didn’t know how to initiate it with you?” Max asked, a slow understanding dawning on her face.
“Yeah,” Eddie said. “Once I hugged him, it was like a levy breaking. He amped up the affection to eleven.”
“Okay,” Eddie said. “I’ll be here.”
Once everything was set up and everyone had arrived, Eddie called them over. “Steve isn’t feeling good today, so we are going to be respectful little shits and try and keep the noise down to a dull roar, is that understood?”
Everyone nodded.
“Good.” He turned to Steve. “If you need anything let me know, otherwise you just rest, okay?”
And without asking if they were in combat they all took turns checking in on Steve, most of them found him asleep, passed out on the sofa. But when Mike peeked in, Steve was sitting up, but he his arms wrapped around his knees and staring off into space.
He immediately ran for Eddie. Eddie stood up and quietly walked to the front room. He knelt on the floor in front of Steve and began rubbing his calves. After a moment, Steve came out of his trance.
“There you are, sweetheart,” he murmured.
“Oh, are you guys done?” Steve asked, moving back so that he could place his feet on either side of Eddie.
“Just taking a break,” Eddie said with a shake of his head.
“Oh,” he said again. “Do you guys need anything? Snacks, drinks, lunch? I could make sandwiches.”
“We’re good, Stevie,” Eddie asked, his hands now on Steve’s knees. “I’m a little worried about you, though.”
Steve ducked his head. “It’s nice having people here. It’s nice having you here.”
“We could move our monster fest night over here if you’d prefer that?” Eddie asked.
Steve shook his head vigorously. “I like going over to your place. It’s homey.”
“Homey, huh?” Eddie teased gently.
“Warm, comforting...safe.”
Eddie surged up and grabbed Steve, pulling him into a hug. “Then you’re always welcome.”
Steve sighed into his embrace. “Sorry I’m so needy today.”
Eddie leaned back and cupped his cheek. “I want you to need me, Stevie. So if you get like this. Call, come over, send out of the cavalry to find me. I don’t care, just let me in.”
Steve nodded. “I promise.”
Eddie stood up. “I’ve got to get back. Why don’t you join us? Not in the campaign, just pull up a chair and watch.”
Steve’s face grew the most beautiful and heartfelt smile it cracked something in Eddie’s chest wide open.
He knew that he would never love someone as much he loved Steve. And with any luck (and with every indication) Steve felt the same.
“You know, all I’m hearing with this one is holy hell Steve needs all the hugs in the world,” Max cursed.
Eddie laughed. “Something like that. I think we forget, even you and I whose families and home life have been shit, that’s Steve’s was, too. An abusive and toxic father and a distant and neglectful mother. Even if he never hit Steve, emotional abuse is still abuse.”  
“I think I’m going to tell the rest of the party to start initiating hugs with Steve more often,” she said. “I think we forgot somewhere along the line that he’s been through the same hell we’ve been through only a way more active a participant.”
Eddie laughed. “I think he’d like that. A lot.”
Part 4 Part 5 Part 6
Tag List: @spectrum-spectre @estrellami-1 @zerokrox-blog @this-is-mycrisis @swimmingbirdrunningrock @gregre369 @goodolefashionedloverboi @chaoticlovingdreamer @maya-custodios-dionach @messrs-weasley @val-from-lawrence @plyerice27 @thedragonsaunt @chaoticlovingdreamer @sapphirecobalt-1 @a-little-unsteddie @i-must-potato @danili666 @carlyv @artiststarme @steddie-there @wonderland-girl143-blog @itsall-taken @thebrazilianatheist @rozzieroos @whalesharksart @mightbeasleep @theotalksalot @avacrebs @sassysleeplord @exhibit-no-restraint
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