#I give u my knowledge now go forth and write the best fic u I can I believe in u!
lavend-ler · 3 months
beginner fic writer who likes your work, can you give some advice on how to write a good fic (characters are not ooc, natural sounding dialogue and such)?
hi there! first of I'm very flattered that u like my fics, thank u! 🥰 I've spent my last 3 days thinking of the best advice I can give to fellow writers so here is a list of tips and examples. I hope u will find it useful!
writing characters who are not OOC requires a deep understanding of the canon u're writing. my best advice for this is to truly think abt the characters u write. a great exercises are writing metas or doing list of canon traits. but writing fic is all abt interpretation and having fun. I think the best thing abt this is to fill in the blanks urself. when u see the characters and see them as a whole person it's much easier. also every action requires a reaction. I'll give u an example - Hot Rod/Rodimus Prime is a character who is all abt community, leadership and upbeat, daredevil personality. but with him loving his friends but ALSO being in front of many of them dying and also also having such responsibility, it's a natural conclusion that he'd have a survivor complex. it's never stated outtight in canon but u gotta fill in the blanks like such with ur interpretations. ur fics are all abt how u see characters and their interactions with the world and themselves
my best tip on writing natural dialogue is to constantly check the source material. listen to characters u want to write abt and learn the cadence of their voice. before my EVERY writing session I rewatch scenes from canon, sometimes to the point that I myself am tired of it. but it works! u see the interactions, u memorize the words, u see how characters talk. I don't live in an English speaking country so I watch and observe how others talk. observation is ur most important tool
"but Ed" u ask me "u also write characters who DON'T have canon voices, how do u manage that?". with characters like such u gotta get the vibe of them, which goes back to my first point. u gotta understand characters u write abt and set some rules for urself. I'll give u an example with Norma Wiggins. she only has her "older" voice and I don't have a hc for how she would sound when she's younger. but the characterization must shine through. let's think of this: Once-ler asks her "well, Norma... look. it might sound out of the blue but would you want to go out somewhere with me? I dunno, coffee or tea, aanything you want" and I will give u two responses:
"w-well, Once-ler, of course, ehm. if that won't be a problem, that'd be heavenly"
"what, you wanna take me to your loveshack? sorry, I was just teasing! c'mon, stop that face, of course, I'll go out with you"
u can see that the characterization is much stronger and matches Norma much better in the second one cause instead of shy and uncertain, she's teasing and spunky!
show don't tell. oftentimes the most hated advice new writers get. but trust me when I say it's necessary. ur readers aren't idiots, they will take the cue. u can't give them everthing upfront, u gotta work around it a bit and give them context clues. again examples:
"Upon those words, Rhys felt angry. He turned on his ECHOeye to learn all about him."
"Upon hearing those words, Rhys gritted his teeth in anger, the breath in his chest got shallower. With a flash, he turned on his ECHOeye. There just had to be some secrets buried within his files, he knew. And he had to know them personally."
ur characters do not exist in a vacuum. each one of them is a full person with other relationships, goals etc. show them change poses, change expressions, interact with the background
PLEASE only refer to ur characters with their names and their pronouns. everything else is incredibly tacky, I promise u. if u refer to characters as "brunette" or "brown-eyed guy" I will hate ur writing
remember TiP ToP rule. change ur paragraphs at every change of TIme Person TOpic and Place
inspo is everywhere! be observant, look at ppl in ur life and learn from them. the every day, mundane stories can often lead to u writing amazing creations
besides metas 100 word drabbles are ur friend. giving urself limits like so expand ur creativity and will allow u to craft stories in any scale u want. it's a very fun challenge and great way to see
it's another very obvious rule but READ A LOT!!!! u can't be a writer if u don't love what u're doing! read a lot, see what words ppl are using, see how their sentences flow. published books, fanfictions, no matter what, reading is a great time and it doesn't have to be in lang u're writing it either. I read a LOT and 99% of books I read are in Polish. and they still help a lot. and if u're reading a fic and u love it, don't forget to let author know via the comments <3
thesaurus is also ur bestie. just saying
u gotta find ur best workflow. everyone is different and different things work better with them. for example I work in complete silence. I listen to 1 song before writing and then I just focus on work. but some ppl rly like listening to music. as for me, I'll just bring up one of my fave tips from legendary Richard Williams and Milt Kahl:
and last but not least and it pains me to say it.......u gotta beta ur work. if u don't have a beta u gotta do it urself. I know, I hate it too but it must be done. I found that listening to what u write is the best option so my beta process looks like this: I use a text to speech google extention which reads me my whole fic. I stop it every time I hear sth that sounds wrong for me and I rewrite it. oh and also don't worry abt it - my text to speech can't pronounce things like "energon" but he still helps me a lot
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hectorthedoggo · 3 hours
what gave u the idea for fugue au and nmnl?
nmnl. i'll start with the shorter one. so, i had come back from vacation, and i was thinking. hm. what's gonna happen in t3. so i posted about it (either they'd go full amane cult milgram, or just give up.) kani-miso replied to it, mkaing a little doodle (:D), and we had a back and forth about it.
Then, i decided to write it, on a whim, and fun fact, I didn't have a plan. It was just meant to be insanity, a one part oneshot. I decided to make es stop referring to themself as 'es' because... why not? they think they're the warden lol. They broke the glass because they actually do not like themself. Then, I made a second part, and it was. yk, the second chapter. kani said something in the doodle that "the warden and es are different people" and I was like hehe yeah kinda.
Then it mutated. someone in the comment section (Kurov) named them "enyu". then, enyu kinda came into being. It was an accident. yk what happens from there.
tldr: it was a small idea that got really... really big.
fugue au... oho fugue au...
so, me and my friend had just created a GCMM (don't ask) about milgram, and we hung out, but we had like. no idea what to do. cause the thing that took our time was that gcmm and now that was gone.
cut to later. i kinda wanted to write something with her/a longfic but no ideas had stuck. It was a snow day, and i was holed up in my house, listening to musicals, and, yk. imagining my favorite characters to them. Then, a certain song came on (i shouldn't reveal it,,, it might reveal too much,,,), and i was like. hm. what if jackalope was like this. Then, Mother Knows Best came on and I was like. hm. what if-so i slowly got really rough ideas of the characters. :D
Then, I texted my friend about something else. like a DND AU (i think) (this may be inaccurate i don't remember) (yk... kinda like the r3 gang)
I proposed we make it a RPG game (with combat (each characters had their own abilities) and cutscenes), and we were pretty stuck on that for a bit before i actually tried to make the game then almost instantly gave up 💀💀💀
but, that's another thing. So, I was making the script for the game, and I was like "hm where the heck is this going,,," I had a general idea, but not the specifics. The plot was originally different, es kinda controlled the combat, too. They had a sense of self-esteem.
So, I wrote the story you know today and realized that a. it was a lot more fun and b. i do NOT have the knowledge to make a game, but i can do this!!
as i was writing, i realized that. hm. maybe their backstory actually causes. um. some psychological issues. thus, the character you know and love today.
if i major in comsci in college or smth maybe i'll get around to making the game.
we're still hammering out the specifics but we have the general idea for the plot and shi
tldr: product of boredom, took some turns, before landing into the fic you know today.
btw i need to officially announce this somewhere: fugue au has 3 endings
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dayurno · 3 years
What are the other two in the top three?
it always changes but heres my top 3 kandrew fics as of latest
1. missed sleep by nanatsuyu
listen..... i love her. i love this fic. it's short and an au and doesn't really go into the nitty gritty parts of kandrew but thats why i like it so much. the writer doesnt risk their hand to write it, but it still lands so gracefully u know. its heart warming and entertaining and the back and forth flirting is incredible. they are both old losers
2. joy of life by @mugglebeans
soy doesn't really write any fluff to my knowledge, but that doesn't mean joy of life doesn't land quite like it. it's a drabble so well written you don't really need anything more to get the point across, and most of it is left to imagination once it's done. i really do love daydreaming about fics i've read so if you're someone who'd enjoy something short like this, it's the very best
3. give me reasons we should be complete by sweetlikesugar
my beloved then-kandrew now-bug porn writer..... almost everything kandrew by sweetlikesugar is a heavy yes for me. their fics are a bit older than the others ive linked here, but i love their characterization too much to let it pass. were any other writer in this fandom interested in hand to god bug porn i would never look past it the way i do it to sweetlikesugar, so you must imagine how little good kandrew fics i have to work with
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roxa-sos · 4 years
hurts to see you hurt - jj maybank
jj maybank x pogue!reader
tw; abuse, violence, sad jj :(
request; “can u do one..well I kinda like sad fics ...so y/n is new to the pogues and she goes to jjs house so he can teach her to surf, he doesn’t know she is coming and when she gets there she meets his dad. He is horrible to her and she freezes, all this time not knowing what jj went through, she manages to escape without jj noticing she was ever there. The next day she tries to get jj yo tell her what’s going on without him knowing she knows, as always he wants to stay strong and he denies anything, he has a crush on you and you haven’t expressed that you like him so he wants to stay cool in your eyes. You tell john b what his dad did to you and he helps you tell jj. Jj denies anything but then you pull him into a hug and he breaks down”
a/n -- can i be the ceo of only writing about jj? i literally have a john b fic i need to publish but i only have motivation for this bOy-
you’d finally found your people. the pogues. you just... you fit in with them. of course, you fit in in every way other than that you sucked at surfing. 
jj had told you to meet him at his dad’s place. outside, next to the road. he’d told you that he had boards and enough surfing knowledge to keep you alive and getting better at surfing, so you agreed to meet him.
you agreed to meet that chaotic, blond ball of sunshine that was now one of your best friends. 
he was nice - really nice, really nice to you. of course, he was nice to all of the pogues, and he might’ve just been hazing you in some weird pogue way, but he’d sort of been looking out for you for a while. you appreciated that from him. you liked being... noticed like that. 
he deserved a little surprise from you, you figured you’d meet him inside his house. you were early, and a little wake up call would be kind of nice. at least, you figured. you made your way from the dirt road up to the house, going to knock on the door. you could meet his dad - that was a plus too. 
his dad had to be some sort of saint to be putting up with someone as crazy as jj. but jj had decent morals, he was polite, selfless - it’d be a pleasure to meet his dad. jj probably perfectly mirrored him. 
though, that wasn’t the type of man you were met by at the door. 
“who the hell’re you supposed to be?” he stank of alcohol through the screen door. his voice was gruff, and he looked angry. if you looked at him a certain way, you thought he looked kind of like jj. 
the man exited the house, meeting you outside rather than letting you in. that was strange, but you figured it was because you hadn’t introduced yourself yet.
something just felt off though. 
“hey, sir, uh, i’m y/n. i’m a friend of jj’s.” you introduced yourself, giving him a sweet smile. the kind you used on jj himself when you first met him. 
“damn kid, he invited you over here? got you prancing around following him?” the man chuckled, which made you take a step back. talking to him was like talking to some sort of psycho that liked kicking puppies.
you didn’t speak, you didn’t know what to say. you didn’t feel like you were supposed to meet him at all. this was a mistake. 
“i-” you began, trying to keep the man cool.
“no, no, i don’t want to fucking hear it. take it up with your fuckin’ friends. you hear me?” he was practically screaming, getting his face all in yours. 
he smelled like he hadn’t taken a damn shower in weeks. he was obviously drunk, but who got drunk at nine in the morning? 
you didn’t have the courage to take another step back, even though your whole body was screaming at you to run. 
“get off of my damn property!” he spat, raising his hand in a fist. 
that was when you got the burst of adrenaline that let you pivot on your heel, barely feeling the gush of air that came from his fist barely grazing your head. you booked it down the driveway, down the road, and you ran until you couldn’t anymore. he didn’t follow you - you didn’t expect him to unless he was a real psychopath. 
what you did hear, though, was more screaming coming from that man.
and it could only be directed at one person, because you knew jj’s mom wasn’t around. 
the next night, hanging out in john b’s yard, you couldn’t get the image from the morning before out of your head. god, it was terrifying. jj was in the hammock, a few feet away from you, john b, kie, and pope. you got up from where you were sitting, eyes still on the boy. he was throwing rocks at tree branches, he was distant. he was like that sometimes - you just hadn’t realized until then. 
nobody questioned you moving, nobody questioned you walking over to the hammock. 
you sank down into it across from jj, one of your legs hanging off of the side of it. 
“what’s up?” he was quick to ask you what you were doing over there, not looking away from the tree he was throwing rocks at. 
you two had already had the awkward conversation as to why you hadn’t been outside of his house the morning before. you said you slept in late and missed it, no big deal. he even thought it was kind of funny, which was a plus in your mind. 
“nothing, nothing.” you brushed off the thoughts in your head, trying to figure out how to talk to him now that you... knew things. “how’s living with your dad?” you asked, quickly making the question seem nonchalant. “ ‘cause i’m trying to figure out who’s couch i can crash on tonight. get a change of pace from john b’s place, but my house is chaotic.” 
“oh, it’s fine. my dad’s a mess, you don’t want to sleep there. i’ll be here tonight anyways.” his eyes met yours for a second when you mentioned his dad, and he’d looked worried. he obviously didn’t want to talk about it, but that wasn’t going to stop you. 
you didn’t know why, but you needed to know what was going on. 
“i’m sure it isn’t that bad.” you cringed at your own words, because where you were replying to him saying his dad was messy, you knew his dad was mean. and you couldn’t bring yourself to say that his dad’s abuse wasn’t ‘that bad’.
“okay, he’s a little more than messy, but he’s loud, so you don’t want to meet him.” jj had run out of rocks to throw, but he still wouldn’t make eye contact with you. he was almost facing away. 
“loud? like he... yells at you?” you poked more, leaning over to try to get him to look at you. that caught his attention, and he moved his head so that he could see you. and you looked concerned, and he hated it. 
“no, no. he’s fine. it’s fine, you just shouldn’t be around him.” jj didn’t want to talk about it. “and it doesn’t matter. it’s fine.” 
“okay, the more you say ‘it’s fine’ makes me think it’s worse-”
“y/n. it’s no big deal, alright?” he chuckled, shaking his head. “my dad’s fine. he’s annoying.” 
jj wanted to pull you into a hug or something and tell you you were being dumb, but he couldn’t bring himself to do so. it was too close. so instead, he got out of the hammock, patting your shoulder before he began to head back towards the rest of your friends. 
later that night, jj lingered out on the porch as you and the other pogues began heading inside. you pulled john b to the side once you were sure jj couldn’t hear you, and john b was a little confused at first. 
“need something?” he asked, a beer in his hand. he had that staple john b smile on his face, it gave him that occasional himbo energy. 
“yeah, uh,” your gaze skimmed over the room as you tried to figure out how to say what you were going to say to john b. “i was at jj’s house yesterday. and... i met his dad. it wasn’t for long, but his dad almost hit me, john b.”
he stayed silent, trying to figure out what you were saying. none of the pogues had gotten too close to jj’s dad, a good chunk of them knew better. 
“does,” you were breathing a little heavily, fidgeting with your fingers, “does jj’s dad hit him?” you asked, a pleading look in your eyes. 
john b avoided the question, going back to what you said first. “he hit you?”
“almost.” you corrected, raising your hands a bit as if to show that you were fine.
“jesus, y/n...” john b leaned back a bit, trying to see if jj was still on his porch. and he was. “come on.” he abandoned his beer on the table, leading you across the room to the door. 
you followed, unsure of what was coming next. you could hear your heartbeat, and you were afraid of what john b was going to say. 
“jj,” john b sounded remorseful, and while those two had known each other since elementary school, you didn’t recall a time when john b sounded sorry for jj. 
“yeah dude?” jj turned to face john b, looking a little concerned when he saw you by his side.
“y/n met your dad, dude. yesterday morning.” john b didn’t explain anything other than that, giving him a look you couldn’t read before jj’s jaw set and his eyes moved to the ground. 
jj’s dad had gotten mad at him for some reason the morning before, that was something you didn’t yet know. the moment john b said that you’d met his dad, he knew you met the dad that jj himself knew. 
“no, no, it’s no big deal, right? we’re all fine.” jj sounded frustrated, angry with himself. “i’m fine. we’re all fine. it’s-” 
you didn’t give him a chance to continue lying to you. you adored the boy, it hurt to see him hurt. 
you pulled him into a hug, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and laying your head on his shoulder. for some reason, you expected him to pull away. he didn’t. he stayed there, lightly shaking as he choked back what sounded like sobs. his arms gently wrapped around you, his hands gripping your shirt as he tried to keep from crying. 
he buried his head into the crook of your neck, shuddering. it sounded like he was trying to say something, but you already knew. 
you shushed him softly, swaying back and forth ever so slightly. “it’s not fine, is it?” you mumbled, and he could only nod.
“but i’m here, j,” you continued, your hand at the back of his neck, stroking his hair. “and you should talk to me. or let things out.” you reassured him, trying to convince him to not keep this shit bottled up. 
“i love you. stop hurting alone.” you laughed weakly, one of your own tears streaming down your cheek.
it hurt to see him hurt. 
a/n -- aowindefoalwonreionkolnm adosndoklfamdv literally??? i’m screaming bc best friend john b and soft jj and AOIEndoeDOKLLNVL okay anyways i loved writing this and it made me cry lmao :’) hope u enjoyed
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1kook · 5 years
Jeon Jeongguk x (F) Reader
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summary⥗“Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.” He truly knew the way to your heart. tags⥗richboy!jk, -3 knowledge of how vacations work, domestic love!!!, outdoor sex, unprotected sex, fingering, jk’s white ass cheeks mention wc⥗5.9k u ever randomly get inspired for the first time in 2 months and write a whole fic in one night anyway enjoy
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There were many perks to dating the heir of your city’s top conglomerate, the endless showering of gifts being one of them, but your favorite thing about your boyfriend wasn’t his overflowing pockets or his secure future, but the lovesick look in his eyes when you told him how much you loved him.
Jeongguk was an enigma.
He was born to be the stereotypical rich boy that authors of teen fiction could only dream of, his looks suitable for magazine covers and his brains destined for top-notch universities. His bloodline was carefully crafted by generations before him, every marriage carefully planned and executed with the ultimate goal to preserve their place in society as apex predators. In fact, Jeongguk’s entire life had been one big script his family had carefully pushed him along, from the fencing classes he took to the hiring of the nation’s best nannies to care for him, all subtle enough for him to not complain but demanding enough that he knew what was going on.
The only thing they hadn’t planned in Jeongguk’s life was him meeting you.
They had never planned for him to meet some middle-class girl, who was definitely not an heiress to any particular company or celebrity of any level, just some random girl he had accidentally bumped into leaving a charity event at the local community park. They hadn’t planned for his long, gangly arms to knock your phone out of your hand, or send it tumbling into the lake as you both watched on in horror. It was only after the quiet plop of water registered in both your ears that you had whirled on him, half of you in shock and the other in fury.
Jeongguk was, as previously stated, handed everything on a silver platter. His parents hardly bothered with teaching him how to do things. He barely understood how to work a washing machine, because all of that was done for him by other people. At the moment, he didn’t have to bother with taking an entrance exam to the best university this side of the country because he knew his parents would pay for the entire thing out of pocket. He especially didn’t ever have to worry about what to do when random girls scolded him in public sight, because frankly, it would never happen.
Yet here he was, completely startled as you told him to watch where he was going, and to learn how to apologize to people when you’ve done something wrong. He’d never had someone of a lower status than him treat him so aggressively before, and when you pause to catch your breath all he can stumble out is that he’ll replace your phone, he’ll even buy you the best model, what was your number so his people could reach out to you again?
The last sentence has you groaning in frustration, as you pointed furiously towards the lake, because how on earth was he supposed to contact you when your phone was 20 feet below surface level?!
After another fifteen minutes of you continuing your verbal rampage against him, the entirety of it which he’d spent fending off his security guard and his assistant (both who’d been appalled that he’d willingly let this peasant swear and curse at him) as he stared at you in awe.
When you finally calmed down and he’d offered to take you to the Starbucks across the street to figure out the details of your phone replacement, he’s surprised to find out your normal disposition is nothing like the one you’d first shown him. In fact, you’re rather sheepish and embarrassed at the coffee shop, albeit still a little upset with him for trashing your phone.
After you’ve finished nailing out the little details of your phone replacement, which included you hesitantly giving him your address, he leaves right away. He’s sad to leave so soon, having become completely enthralled with your entire being in the thirty minutes he’s come to know you, that he finds himself hopelessly staring out of the backseat of the Benz as he travels back to his upscale apartment in the heart of the city. He hopes you don’t forget him so soon.
To say you’re surprised to see a package on your doorstep the next morning is an understatement. You remember every online purchase you make, and if memory serves you right, you hadn’t made one in the past month to warrant its arrival today. After glancing down both ends of your hall, you tug the mystery package inside.
In hindsight you probably should have been more cautious of the entire situation, but part of you was extremely curious to see what brought this surprise on. After tugging the tape off and shuffling through the packing peanuts you’re met with a sleek box for the hottest and most expensive phone right now, a pink bow carefully tied around to secure a note.
One of our guard’s fished around the lake for the phone I misplaced and managed to retrieve the memory card. I hope you won’t mind the new contact I added.
Jeon Jeongguk
And thus was the start of your love story.
You’re wondering if Jeongguk’s sudden idea was truly a spur of the moment epiphany or another ploy for him to get out of going to the ball his father had planned at the end of this month. You’ve come to learn in the last two years that despite his perfect boy aura, he was quite the impulsive shithead. Eitherway, you know he would have invited you to wherever he was going, and if he hadn’t, his mother would have shipped you a gown from her favorite designer and asked you to drag him there.
As it stands, it’s not a fancy ball you’re preparing for this time around, but a luxurious spring break in the Bahamas, away from school and family and anything to ruin your mood for the next week. You’d just finished your midterms when he bursts into your dorm room, demanding you pack your bags, baby, we’re going to the beach! Evidently, it was not the local beach you were going to. No, the ‘beach’ Jeongguk had referred to was one he conveniently forgot to mention was an entire plane ride away. It wasn’t until he returned later that same day to usher you off to the airport that he realizes how sorely under packed you are.
So now here you were, frantically cramming a week’s worth of cute, summer-y clothes into the only suitcase you own, running back and forth from your closet to the suitcase to the desk where you kept all your beauty products and shower essentials, while your boyfriend ate one of your granola bars on your bed.
“You better not get any crumbs on the bed, you know I hate finding them later,” you scold, not even bothering to look at him as you stuff all your makeup into a small bag.
Jeongguk snorts. “You won’t even be sleeping here for a week, babe,” he says, voice calm and relaxed in the way only someone who’s already done packing can be. The only consolation to your current state was that Jeongguk had booked his family’s private jet, so you really couldn’t be late to a flight only the two of you would be on.
You turn around with a hand on your hip, giving him the same unimpressed look you always do when he’s being unreasonable. “I’m sure the mice you’re attracting will keep it warm for me.” He rolls his eyes, finishing off his snack and then making a big show of patting down your creaky mattress to rid it of any granola crumbs.
He’s settled back into the bed when he speaks again. “Take the orange crop top you bought from Forever 21 last month, it makes your boobs looks amazing.”
You tuck your socks and undergarments against the suitcase’s inner pocket. “Oh right, ‘cause that’s a priority right now.” You don’t wanna tell him it’s already folded against your other clothes because you, too, think it makes your boobs look amazing.
You hear the rustling of the bed sheets once more, before you see his long legs come to a rest around you, arms wrapping around your waist to watch you ruffle through the clothing you already have. “Not my fault my girl’s got a nice set on her.”
“Oh my god, shut up,” you beg, reaching over to your pile of haphazardly thrown shorts and skirts to fold some more into your luggage. You’re careful of not moving far enough away that his arms would dislodge from their embrace. “We could have been halfway to the Bahamas right now if someone bothered to plan things ahead of time and not last minute as a means to get out of a charity ball.”
Jeongguk groans, letting his head fall forward to rest against your back, his soft breath leaving your back warm through your t-shirt. “Can’t a guy just steal his girlfriend away to the Bahamas for a week to avoid the overwhelming stress of life, and maybe choke on some exotic shrimp while she chokes on his di—”
“Get off of me, you pervert!”
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The second you step foot on the archipelago that is the gem of the resort world, it’s about seven thousand degrees hotter than it was back home, and the sweat on the back of your neck can attest to that. The jet ride here had been pretty fun, it being your first experience flying private, but also flying in general. Jeongguk had kept you entertained both on the take off and landing, lips kissing down every inch of your neck with a promise for more later.
Well, it was later now, and the need to be sated was still present, something you’re not quite sure your boyfriend was aware of. Jeongguk was like that. Forgetful as fuck. The only reason he ever got anything done was because he had that assistant of his practically glued to his hip at every moment of the day, breathing down his neck every task he needed to complete. If it was up to Jeongguk, and Jeongguk alone, things would get done at a very slow pace.
But you were nothing like your boyfriend, and you suppose it’s why you two go together so well. While he put things to the side, you needed everything to be done right away and fast. Which is why you find yourself pulling him away from the scuba diving kiosk in an effort to check into your high-end cottage away from all the tourist hub.
“Babeee,” he whines, almost forgetting his luggage for the nth time, not used to actually having to haul his things by himself. “We could have seen the reef! You know, where all the fish are at? Where Nemo lives.”
“Uh huh, that’s nice,” you say, finding the driver Jeongguk’s assistant (bless his uptight, perfectionist ass) had booked for your arrival. “But we need to check in first and make sure our rental is all good.”
He seems miffed about the fact people actually have to do that, and had it not been his status as a trust-fund baby funding this entire trip, you would have liked to sock him right in the nose. But he’s your boyfriend and you’re used to his somewhat clueless ways by now, so you let it go.
You don’t know what you expected his assistant to rent out for you guys, but it certainly wasn’t the swanky beach house your driver pulls up to. It’s carefully secluded from the other houses around it, a high hedge-turned-fence surrounding the private yard. It hides a decent sized pool, a few lawn-chairs, and a hot tub from the public beach down below. The house itself is marvelous, complete with multiple bedrooms, two baths, and the most luxurious kitchen you’ve ever seen in a beach house.
“Oh,” you say upon stepping out of the car, mouth agape as you take in the sight of your accommodation for the next few days.
A pair of hands snake around your waist before carefully coming to rest above your navel. Jeongguk presses a gentle kiss to your temple, murmuring, “all for you, princess.” The waves crashing against the beach below are miniscule compared to the sudden blossoming of warmth in your chest.
“Shut up,” you shyly whine, turning around to envelope him in your arms. Your need for him and his body fades at the breathtaking sight behind you, and you find yourself forgetting about it completely as you venture around the house.
It’s the same day when you decide to go out into the yard and tan for a bit. Jeongguk had went in for a nap, a little tired from keeping you entertained on the long flight, because he’d stayed awake even when you fell asleep just in case you woke up scared. You don’t try to discourage him, watching him snuggle into the king mattress as you shuffle around for your bikini.
You’re absentmindedly applying another layer of sunscreen to your face, sunglasses pushed onto the top of your head. You’re completely enveloped by thoughts of your boyfriend, of how he could have easily ran off to the Bahamas alone (he went to Moscow last November on a trip to ‘find himself’), but he’d elected to whisk you off with him.
You tuck your AirPods—another gift from him—into your ears before finally settling into the comfort of a lounge chair, the sun’s rays beating down on you full force. It feels wonderful being away from everything you know with the comfort of returning. You’d always dreamt of visiting such places as a teenager, the presence of a lover or not, but now you truly got to live out those fantasies with Jeongguk.
He was a dream.
It’s about thirty minutes into your session when you register the sound of the sliding door, and you crack one eye open to see your refreshed boyfriend wandering into the backyard in a pair of swimming trunks and a goofy look on his face. “Oh, pardon me, I didn’t know such women came to the public pool,” he smirks.
You roll your eyes, not that he sees through the shades protecting you. “Don’t you dare try to roleplay with me, weirdo.”
He cackles, before somersaulting into the pool, and you find yourself squealing at the splash he makes. He disappears for a second under the water, but then pops back up at the ledge closest to you. “Come on, don’t be a pussy. Play along and maybe we’ll go to the spa tomorrow morning,” he offers.
“Fine.” You decide to join him, but not because the spa.
Jeongguk laughs at your petulant tone of voice, before sprawling out to float across the surface of the pool. “Great, so here’s what I was thinking. Me, the rich middle-aged husband coming here strictly for business. And you, the shy darling relaxing by the pool with her girlfriends who are all pushing her to go talk to me.”
“Sounds perfect, except for the part where I’m actually the sly minx coming here to scam a rich college boy out of his money, luring him into the most pleasurable sex he’s ever had, before ghosting him for all eternity and leaving him forever waiting for someone like me to come into his life again,” you propose.
Jeongguk blinks. “Wow, that sounded so realistic. You’re either really good at this, or… I should be worried,” he playfully accuses, before throwing over a gesture that says im watching you. You laugh.
“Just keep swimming, rich boy.”
He does as you tell him, playing in the water as you tune back into the music drifting into your ears. You’re about done tanning the front side of your body, and flip over to make sure your backside catches the rays as well. You set your sunglasses off to the side, and when you look back for them they’re adorning Jeongguk’s silly face as he doggy paddles around the donut floaty he found.
“Untie your top, dumby. Unless you want those ugly tan lines,” Jeongguk calls out in that brash tone of his. You flip him the bird, before sitting up in a very Ariel-esque pose to glance around your private yard.
As if sensing your hesitation, Jeongguk paddles over to your side, leveling you with an unimpressed look. “These bushes are as tall as a door, and there’s no one around for the next half mile, babe. Lose the top, or lose the right to present yourself in any low back gown for the next three months.”
He truly knew the way to your heart.
You untie the knots at your back and your neck, carefully laying back down to get that perfect tan Jeongguk was talking about. Admittedly, you do feel a bit better knowing you won’t return home with noticeable tan lines, and that much is enough to have your topless self blissfully relaxing.
Your soundtrack is the playlist you had collected on the plane ride, occasionally joined by the splashing Jeongguk makes as he moves around the pool, and before you know it, your timer is ringing to let you know it’s time to flip over again. This time, you’re less hesitant about shedding your top, breasts bare to the sky as you throw the top over your eyes (guess where your sunglasses still where).
You hear a wolf whistle from the other side of the yard, and catch sight of Jeongguk sitting at the edge of the pool. His skin is glistening from the water, the sun enveloping him in its warmth. He’d been outside for a shorter time than you but somehow he’d accumulated a darker color faster. The sun loved him like no other. He’s pushing himself to his feet when he catches your gaze, mischievous smirk twisting his features as he rounds the pool.
“Didn’t know this was a nude beach,” he says, and you curse your body for the way it reacts to the sight of his messy hair and tone abdomen. Your nipples harden embarrassingly and you can’t even hide them.
“Tired already?” You muse instead, hoping he doesn’t comment on the state of your breasts. “Tired after a plane ride, tired after swimming. Didn’t know I was dating an old man.”
“Har har,” he says in a monotone voice, and you can’t help the curl of a smile at beating him at his own playful ways. He stops in front of you, and your expression is knocked clean off when the water droplets clinging to his body fall onto your warm skin.
“Jeongguk!” You whine, pushing him away with your foot in a valiant effort to save yourself from the cold water. If anything, your actions end up bringing your demise as he catches your ankle in his hand.
“Ah ah, princess,” he tuts, bending your leg upward only to place his knee where it once was. He ducks down to tower over you, your continuous squealing only bringing an evil smile to his face. “What did we say about tan lines?”
You push him away, groaning in defeat as his hair drips even more water onto your skin. “I took the top off, what now?”
He glances down, and for a moment, you’re confused as to what he sees that you don’t. You're only met with the sight of your yellow bikini bottom preserving the last of your dignity.
You scoff. “You’re kidding.”
Much to your chagrin, he’s not.
“You’re on one of the nicest islands in the world, staying in a private home with fences tall enough to stop Bigfoot from looking in, and you’re gonna tan with your bikini bottoms on? You’re ridiculous.”
You shove his shoulder, before resigning yourself to getting soaked by him as he shuffles around to squish you under his weight. “You’re ridiculous for thinking I’d be outside without any clothes on!”
He snorts against your shoulder, long arms moving around until he has one somewhat curled beneath you. “Nah. You are.”
“Don’t start with me, Jeon.”
He shifts again to look you in the eye. “Come on, ___. You’re really gonna get tan lines when you could avoid them?”
You roll yours eyes. “You couldn’t get me to go outside completely naked for a million bucks, baby.” The beginning of a grin curls around his lips. “Don’t even think about it.”
This brings a laugh out of him, before he’s laying back down to kiss your neck. “You’re silly.” All you can really hope for now is that him laying on top of you won’t give you an even worse tan line.
Just when you think he’s given up on his quest to have you completely naked outside, you feel the slightest tug on the tie holding your bikini in place, slapping your hand down on his as if he were a pesky fly. “Fine!” He huffs, rolling off you to jump back into the water. “I hope everyone sees your uneven tan.”
“No one would see a tan line on my coochie, Jeon,” you remind him, flinching when he decides to cannonball into the water right beside you, sprinkling you in another round of water pellets.
He emerges from the clear water a moment later, paddling to the ledge beside you to flick more water your way. “I will,” he retorts. “When I got you bent over tomorrow morning.”
You don’t hesitate to fling your bikini top his way, the yellow fabric smacking him across the face. “In that case, you should take those shorts off, because I certainly don’t wanna have to look at your pasty thighs.”
“You love my milky thighs,” he hums, traversing the length of the pool for his donut floaty again.
Your tiny quarrel ends there, Jeongguk soon becoming too immersed in competing against himself in a breath-holding contest to bother you any longer. He’s adorable like this, cheeks puffed out like Mrs. Puff every time his head pops out of the water, that you almost forget to flip over when your timer rings again.
It’s in the midst of your repositioning that you dare take a peak beneath your bottoms. Much to your disdain, there is a growing disparity between the skin beneath your swimsuit and the skin around it. Nothing too bad, but if you were to lay out as long as you planned, it’d become embarrassingly noticeable. Your breasts had been saved from any differences thanks to Jeongguk’s early warning, and you begin wondering if shedding your bottoms would inflate his already huge ego.
No matter, you discreetly unknot the ties securing your bottoms, hoping he won’t notice from across the yard as you carefully slip them off.
You make quick work of laying on your stomach again, your ass finally catching some rays after being covered for so long. You won’t lie, there’s an unexpected wave of comfort that comes with being bare outside, your entire body wonderfully enveloped by the sun’s beaming rays. You snuggle into the lounge chair’s cushions as you nearly reach nirvana.
Your blissful state is ruined not even ten minutes later when the sound of Jeongguk’s heavy splashing comes closer and closer. It’s not until you hear the splat of his wet feet against the pavement that you realize you’re in trouble.
There’s a playful smack against your ass, and you yelp in surprise. “Jeon!” You whine, instantly sitting up on your forearms to narrow your eyes at him. He’s flashing you that playful grin of his as he plops down beside you, not even having to ask you to move over because you do so subconsciously
“Knew you’d give in eventually,” he sighs, leaning back on his palms as he tries to catch his breath. You decide to give up on your dreams of having a peaceful tanning session, turning around to face your glistening boyfriend.
“What do you want for lunch?” You ask instead, running a hand through the hair at the nape of your neck, rolling your shoulders around to get some movement back into them. He shrugs, slithering his way up the cushions to squish himself beside you. It’s a tight fit, but he makes it easier by throwing your leg over his middle.
“Probably some good food in the little village a mile from here. Could probably walk there too.” You hum in agreement, snuggling into his side. You’ve long since gotten over the coldness of his skin, cheek pressed against his chest. He’s got a hand on your lower back, partially to hold you close but also to stop you from rolling off the chair.
Right as your snoozing off, so wonderfully warm beneath the sun and comfortable in your birthday suit, you feel a pair of fingers brush against the backside of your thigh, and then ghost over your exposed pussy.
“You’re despicable,” you murmur, tweaking his nipple between your fingers. Jeongguk snickers, shifting you around so you’re mostly on top of him now, your awakened core pressed against his thigh.
“C’mon, princess,” he goads, running a pair of moist fingers along your thigh again, trying to carefully coax you into doing what he wants. Most things, you now realize, tend to go Jeongguk’s way regardless of other factors. “No one’ll hear us out here.”
“But what if someone does,” you point out, always the voice of reason when it comes to Jeongguk’s ideas. “We could get in trouble, Guk. I don’t know…”
“In trouble for what?” Is his smart rebuttal, shuffling beneath you so you can finally feel the swollen cock hiding beneath his swimming trunks. “Enjoying ourselves in our own home? Oh, the terror.” Upon seeing the uncertainty that still clings to your features, he drops the somewhat cocky attitude to press a kiss to your nose. “It’s all good, princess,” he soothes, ducking down to caress the side of your face with his cherried lips. “If anything, I’ll just bribe our way out of any trouble.”
“Ugh,” you groan, melting into him as you finally give in. “I hate when you say that.”
Jeongguk snuffles a laugh against your jaw, maneuvering the two of you around until you’re laid flat against the cushion with him hovering over you. “When I say what?” He teases. “That my wallet is as fat as my cock?”
You roll your eyes, untying the knot he’d done at the front of his shorts. “Get that fat cock of yours out before I change my mind.”
“Yes, ma’am,” he complies, setting one foot on the floor to push his shorts down, until you’re met with the sight of his stark thighs. You cackle, and his arrogant smirk is wiped off as he glances down at his two-toned legs.
“What happened to getting the perfect tan?” You sneer, tapping a finger against his muscled thighs. “Don’t tell me your ass is this white, too.”
He huffs in annoyance, before reclaiming his spot between your legs again, tugging you down until your cores are pressed together. “Shut up.” You do as he says, words catching in your throat at the feeling of his engorged cock brushing against your wet folds.
His slips a hand down to languidly toy with your folds, his fingers slightly pruny from all the time he spent in the water. It feels a little weird, but any complaints you may have had are wiped away when he nudges your bud with the tip of his pointer finger. You gasp, fingers digging into his shoulders at the sudden stimulation against your core. “Ohh,” you sigh, eyes rolling backwards.
“Feel good?” He checks, eyes trained on your expressions, lips unconsciously puckering to kiss you, even with your writhing beneath him. You let out a high-pitched mewl, much to your embarrassment, cheeks flushed warm from the sun and his ministrations. You nod belatedly.
He lets his wandering hands carry on, carefully travelling across the entirety of your folds. He knows your body like no other, so familiar with the dips and curves, that it’s impossible for him to not immediately locate your g-spot upon plunging his fingers inside you. “G-Guk!” you cry out, hands falling to grip at his biceps.
He presses a kiss to your throat. “That’s it, baby, lemme hear you,” he murmurs, and subtly presses his cock to the inside of your thigh. “Looked so delicious out here,” he sighs, and it’s as if he’s talking to himself. “Wanted to fuck your pretty little pussy from the second I stepped outside.”
Your back arches beneath him at a particular scissor of his fingers, another whine caught in your throat. “Want you so bad,” you whimper, reaching a hand up to tangle in his dark locks. You use the leverage to pull his lips towards yours, meeting in a frantic crash that has you whining against him even more.
His tongue slips past your lips, subduing yours when you try the same on him, and you almost choke on the excess saliva pooling in your mouth. Right before you can, he pulls back in favor of trapping your lower lip between his teeth. Your eyes flutter open, and you meet his own dark gaze.
“Ready?” He huffs, pulling his fingers out from within you. They’re shiny with your slick, almost as wet as they’d been when he was swimming earlier. You nod, dazed from all the pleasure he was giving you, that you can’t do more but spread your legs for him. He leans back on his knees, lining himself up with your hole.
You’d long since eliminated condoms from your relationship with Jeongguk, your trust in each other overwhelmingly so. Besides, you were still on the pill, and Plan B existed, so you never really worried about slipping up and accidentally getting yourself pregnant. Although there were times when he’d go overboard, stuffing you with his cum until you feel bloated, you’d never gotten pregnant before, so you wouldn’t begin to worry now.
Just the idea of feeling him in his entirety has you salivating, needy hands reaching out to grasp any part of him you can reach. Jeongguk snickers at your desperate ways, knotting his fingers with yours before pressing them to the cushion beneath you, the other gripping onto your thigh to keep your legs spread.
The second his tip pushes through the initial tightness, your mouth drops open, indecipherable noises escaping you. “J-Jeon,” you cry, chest heaving at the sudden intrusion.
“Relax for me, princess,” he huffs, just as out of it as you. Your body feels like it’s ascended, Jeongguk’s cock slowly pushing in further with each breath you take. It doesn’t take much longer for him to completely bottom out, the warm skin of his thighs pressing against you.
You’re like a fish out of water, mouth opening and closing as your body slowly assimilates to the feeling of being so absolutely full. It’s not until Jeongguk subtly shifts his weight onto his other leg that you give him the green light to start fucking you.
You moan, the first few thrusts hitting against every sweet spot inside you. “God, you’re so fucking big,” you heave, clenching around him just to feel the drag of his cock against your walls.
Jeongguk chuckles through his own pants, the fingers entwined with yours becoming impossibly tighter. “You’re too good for me,” he sighs, hauling your thigh further up his forearm until its resting in the crease of his elbow. The positioning allows his strokes to go deeper. You cry out, squirming beneath him with each thrust he gives.
“Oh fuck,” you cry wantonly when he plunges deeper into you, the water that decorated his skin long having been replaced by the sweat clinging to him. Your eyes flutter shut and you’re left only listening to the sounds of you, Jeongguk, and the ocean waves beneath you. “I love you,” you whimper.
Jeongguk grunts, ducking down to kiss you again, his hips not once slowing down. “Love you too, princess,” he murmurs. “Fuck, I don’t deserve you,” he groans, puncuating his statement with a brutal thrust of his cock into you. “Gonna buy you that pretty Valentino bag when we get back, I promise,” he adds, picking up his pace.
You whine, “You don’t have to, Jeon, I—”
He cuts you off, “and that silver Audi you liked at the car show last winter,” he rambles on, seemingly clueless to your protest. “A-And maybe that Louis Vuttion coat that brings out the color in your eyes—”
“I saw the same one at H&M,” you interrupt, swiveling your hips upwards to meet his thrusts. He chokes out a laugh.
“Shut up and just let me spoil you,” he groans, and then seemingly forgets what else he was planning on buying you as he focuses his complete attention on helping you reach your orgasm.
With his focus solely on that, you find the burning feeling in your lower abdomen grow tenfold, voice becoming more annoying with each moan and whine you give. “That’s it, baby,” he encourages, his thrusts sending tingles up and down your spine. He peppers kisses down your chest, each touch leaving your skin scorching.
Time seems to slow when the coil in your stomach finally snaps, an embarrassingly loud moan leaving your lips as your body spasms beneath him. “Oh, Jeongguk,” you sigh, falling limp on the lounge chair as he continues chasing his high.
He pulls out soon enough, giving his cock a few tugs before he’s spurting his come across your lower abdomen, leaning back to admire his masterpiece. He’s panting afterwards, and the backyard feels eerily quiet as you both just gaze at each other with goofy smiles on your faces.
The romantic aura is ruined when he feels the need to say, “hey, maybe now my ass won’t be so white.”
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“Fuck, you look sexy,” he murmurs when the instructor finally turns around, leaving Jeongguk to gawk at your body in the tight wetsuit provided. “Gonna fuck you so good tonight.”
“Shut up,” you blush, trying to stop your eyes from violating your boyfriend’s disgustingly gorgeous body in the matching wetsuit he wears. “We’ll get kicked out of the group, Guk.”
He rolls his eyes. “I could have rented the whole place out for us, but someone thought scuba diving with the other corny tourists would be fun.”
You flick his forehead. “You don’t have to buy out every building we go to,” you remind him, memories of this morning’s completely empty breakfast bar flickering to attention. “Besides, I wouldn’t have let you fuck me tonight anyway.”
He scoffs at your claim. “Please, you would have begged me, ___.”
You hit him with the wide end of your swimming fin, then have to apologize to the instructor for your horseplay, much to Jeongguk’s amusement. You narrow your eyes at him, following the rest of the group out onto the boardwalk leading to the boat. “Find me a Nemo, and we’ll do it in the beach cabana.”
Jeongguk’s lips twists into the most devious smirk you’ve ever seen, and he smacks your ass as he runs ahead of you. You yelp, just as he turns to face you just as he nears the group. “Has anyone seen my son?”
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tingleparker · 4 years
Lover is a day
Tom Holland x Reader
Requested?: nope just wanted to make an edit and you thought why not write for once :))
•Warnings: language ;)) a n g s t. Rusty writing right here ;-; this imagine consists of a lot of flashbacks
•Summary: Being friends with Tom Holland you were bound to catch feelings; maybe not at the young age of 13 but now? You were definitely feeling them, and you just hoped he is too.
•Word count: 1.3k [its short sorry :((]
A/n: the title doesn’t really have a connotation to the fic, it's the song from the edit and I decided it looked nice. Anyways I know its been m o n t h s but I hope yall are still here and reading, love you guys <3
Watch the edit that goes with this imagine here <3 [links in the story aswell ;)]
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It was bound to happen eventually, your feelings grew from ‘just friends’ to holy shit I like my best friend. With over a decade of friendship, you had not realised it until it hit you smack in the face. You had met the infamous Tom Holland at the young age of seven, at a park one summer evening.
You kick your legs back and forth trying your absolute hardest to get momentum and swing higher but huffing when you barely move up at all. You love feeling the breeze through your hair and passing your face, how it makes you feel free. You look over at your parents sitting down on the park bench not too far away but in a conversation with strangers, you’ve never seen before.
“Do you need some help?” A small voice came from beside you, as you switched your attention to a little boy about your age with brown curls as well as eyes that swirled with caramel in the sunlight.
“I- if it’s not a problem for you?” You softly ask, not sure about strangers but he seemed to have this exuberant energy radiating from him. 
“I’m a big brother, I do this all the time!” The boy exclaims before standing behind you and starting to lightly push you; your legs finally swinging higher than the past five minutes. 
“I’m Tom!” The youth yelled out as you squealed, the wind blew your hair messily as you got higher and higher.
“I’m Y/n!” Holding on the chains firmly before looking back towards the curly-haired boy with a joyful smile on your face. 
Just like that a friendship blossomed and continued for the next eleven years. You should've known it was never going to be an easy friendship with the brunette boy, but you just wished it was. For the past couple of years, you were more attentive to Tom, whether it was him in close proximity to the two of you casually hanging out and over-analyzing everything. 
“So.. what are you lovebirds doing?” Harrison asks cheekily before plopping himself down on the armchair facing the duo. 
“Ha ha very funny Haz” You respond rolling your eyes before leaning back into Toms arm which was situated behind you along the couch; eyes averting back to the television playing some action film. Though it was instinctively, it came to attention how easy it was to simply lean into Tom; how your body yearned to be cozy and snug with him. How your heartbeat a couple of seconds faster because of this knowledge, and the sudden clamminess of your palms. The soft-touch of Tom’s fingertips came into contact of your shoulder without any warning, almost jumping at the touch before taking a deep breath to steady yourself. As the man beside you drew smooth shapes and nonsense onto the skin of your shoulder, an immense amount of emotions raked through you. Of course, you had to fall for your best friend; who is most definitely miles out of your league. But you couldn’t help but let your mind drift off to this emotion you felt right now. How effortless it was to just cuddle up and be yourselves. Maybe there was a sliver of hope that Tom felt the same, falling deeper into a daydream trying to rummage through all the little moments together. 
“Y/n, love.” You hear from closely beside you, the voice that had been floating around your mind for the past few minutes. 
“Wow Y/n, thinking hard over there?” Harrison teasingly questioned, cockily smirking.
“I’m probably thinking harder than you can ever in your whole life” You shot back tauntingly, as you hear a light laugh from Tom; making your smile even smugger. 
As Harrison sat there feigning hurt, your thoughts wandered back to the boy you were cuddled up to. Perhaps this wasn’t you falling for Tom, possibly it could only be you observing more vigilantly and you have confused yourself of what emotions you were feeling. 
Maybe just maybe, you would find this crush to only last a day, just for today right? Well, it definitely did not last only a day. 
You haven’t really heard from Tom in a couple of weeks, which was unusual for the two of you. Though he always has a busy schedule, the two of you regularly make time for each other even if it was a small text or facetime. You laid in bed, missing Tom more than ever; you didn’t know if it was because of the limited communication or in general. Clicking into your photos, you scroll through the gallery which predominately filled with the boy in mind. 
[video edit that goes with this imagine :))]
So you’ve decided, you needed this weight to be lifted off of your shoulders. Your heart beating rapidly, either from nervousness for this confession or the thought of Tom giving flutters. You click off of the photo gallery and onto your messages, Tom being near the top anyways even if it's been a while since the two of you have talked. 
Y/n [22:43]: Heyyya, long time no talk eh?
Just wanted to tell you something...
You waited, typing and deleting constantly the emotions you couldn’t possibly convey over a single text. You didn’t know how to, pour out what you’ve been feeling for your best friend you just felt like you needed to; for your own sake and sanity. Then the three little dots came flashing up, sweaty palms gripping the phone as you waited for the reply.
Tommyyy [22:46]: Heyy, yes haven't gotten the time to chat yet but I as well have some information ;)
With that message, your brain was in muddles. There was an infinite amount of possibilities that Tom could say, you just hoped that it was on the same lines of what you wanted to tell him. And when the message finally came through, those possibilities dwindled down to something you weren’t expecting.
Tommyyy [22:48]: So.. I know we haven’t caught up recently but I have someone I want you to meet 
Reading the end of that text caused all emotions to come crashing down. Staring at the bright screen trying to comprehend everything. Maybe you had read all the signals wrong; completely and utterly wrong. Out of all times, the time you had gathered enough courage to say something about what you feel; had been the same time you figured out that it was just as unrequited as you had deluded yourself out of. Without knowing what to say at this point, you had taken a couple of minutes before replying simply. 
Y/n [22:55]: oh?
Tommyyy [22:59]: Yeah! I just know you’ll love her :) 
The stinging in your eyes welled up, your heart slowly feeling constant jabs of pain. But you couldn’t cry over this, something you already knew in the back of your head that would happen. He was your best friend, through thick and thin; you had to be happy for him even if it was slowly breaking you.
Tommyyy [23:03]: So, you had something to tell me?
What were you supposed to say? That you love him not in the friendly way he thinks, right after Tom saying he wanted to meet someone; probably a woman whom has been occupying his attention for the past weeks you haven’t talked to him at all. You internally panic, trying hard to quickly come up with an excuse.
Y/n [23:08]: Oh! It wasn't anything too important. I’m actually just heading off to sleep now. Night! 
You knew it wasn't the greatest escape plan but you hastily locked your phone without seeing any reply that could come from it. Throwing your phone off onto the bedside table, you roll yourself up into the blankets; staring into the now complete darkness. You wished there was a time machine to go back; to the time where maybe this was just a crush for a day.
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whatmack · 5 years
are you continuing 'im not making u eggs' :D
Anonymous asked: hi its ur crackhead mattneil anon again :))) r u rlly gonna leave us all hanging like that (also i think u forgot to tag the 2nd part of im not making u eggs) 
@lunylovegoodlover asked: Your mattneil fic is KILLING ME like OH MY GOD like THEYRE SO SOFT and WHAT GOOD HEALTHY COMMUNICATION THEY ALL HAVE i love them all so so so much. Everything about that series is so soft and perfect and lovely, I’d kill for more of it whenever your fancy strikes. (like seriously though I’ve basically been staring at my laptop in shock for the last five minutes trying to process how much I love this)1) YELL HEAH I AM listen despite knowing before I started which couple was endgame I’ve been riding this mattneil train since day 12) HELLO HELLO and thank you! It should be fixed now?3) ;)4) YOU’RE SO NICE GOSH HELP communication is so! good! A lot of what I write has to do with communication, or miscommunication, I’ve been realizing. It’s so important!
“Hah—wh—n—yeah?”For a terrible moment Neil thinks Skype has cut out for his confession. Hegathers himself to say it again. Matt forestalls him by leaning forward, the crinkleof the blankets loud over laptop speakers, touching his fingertips to the outsideof the camera as if he’s holding Neil’s face. “You, um. Like. You mean like…like?”Neil fists his hands in his lap. Matt has cut right to the heart of it. It mustbe easier for him to think that way, all heart as he is. If Neil’s stomach keepssquirming it’ll wiggle right out of his body, maybe down a leg first to beextra uncomfortable. “I think so? I want to kiss you. And I like spending timewith you. And you’re…you look good.”Especially now, in a threadbare t-shirt that clings to the definition in Matt’schest, the yellow light from his bedside table warming the angles of his face. Neil’snot used to this. It’s similar enough to how he feels about Andrew for him torecognize it, but it’s not the same.Less edge-of-the-world. More…lazy Sunday morning. Though lazy Sundays withAndrew are some of the best parts of Neil’s week, so that division doesn’t makesense.
Neilcan’t define how he feels about Andrew. Has never been able to, to hissatisfaction. He just knows that the feeling is there. Maybe if he’d tried harder to categorize it, he’d be able tofigure out how he’s feeling right now, about Matt.Sensing the beginnings of a headache, Neil presses his fists into the seatcushion through the gap in his crossed legs and pulls back. He first thought ofAndrew in terms of actions; actions are something Neil understands. He wants to kiss Andrew. He enjoys kissing Andrew. He wants to kiss Matt. He likesholding Andrew’s hand. He likes holding Matt’s hand. He likes going places witheither one of them, or both, the few times Andrew has agreed to it. He likessex with Andrew. Does he want–Warring answers clash in Neil’s chest, sending his head spinning off. There’s ajubilant, hungry yes that presseseager pictures of Matt’s smile, his hands, his body, reminds Neil how good itfeels with Andrew, whispers that Matt would be good as well. It batters againsta spike of fear so sharp Neil can’t breathe. It’s not only the memory of hismother’s slap. It’s also his general unfamiliarity with non-Andrew-related desire, thecertainty that despite Andrew’s permission he’s not supposed to feel like thisfor anyone else. It’s not how he’s put together. He’s been silent for too long. Matt has messaged him, the text popping up belowthe pixelated worry sketching wrinkles across his eyebrows, digging lines oneither side of his mouth and poking dimples in his chin.  Neil can u talk to me?
Kinda worried about u
Neil?The panic ebbs, notbanished but content to wait. This is Matt. Matt is safe, warm, giving. Hemight have answers Neil doesn’t, but even if he doesn’t, he’ll help Neil findthem. Neil unclenches his aching fingers and rests them on his knees.
“Do you?” he asks.
Relief breaks across Matt’s face. Neil knows Matt hasn’t heard him over thereassurance of him speaking again, so he repeats himself. The pencil lines ofMatt’s expression rearrange themselves. Thoughtful; holding back. Internally,Neil shakes his head.  The most neutral faceMatt is able to make is a beaming grin.
“Do I want to….” Matt’s lips close in the shape of a kiss. He touches the backof his hand to them, and then blinks and looks away, embarrassed at thegesture. Neil’s not sure why. “Uh. I mean if you’re down?”
His voice cracks. Matt jerks a hand up to cover the bottom of his face. Neiltilts his head. He’s never seen Matt be shy.
It’s fascinating.
“Sorry,” Matt says, muffled by his hand. “Never—actually.”
“You cut out for a second,” Neil says, and Matt swears. He sounds more likehimself as he lowers his hand to try again.
“I just said, I never thought this would happen.”
Neil frowns. “You thought about it?”
“Dude,” Matt groans. He flops back onthe pillows, tipping his image back and forth. Neil’s glad he doesn’t getseasick. “I might have been thinking about it for a while.”
His face is hidden by his pillow and the angle of his chin. Neil doesn’t thinkit’s an accident. “Why?”
Matt’s eyes appear as he cranes his neck. He’s got his t-shirt pulled up overhis nose. Neil misses the sight of his mouth until he notices that Matt’s bellybutton is now exposed. It’s a sight Neil has seen more times than he’d honestlylike to, but this new feeling welling up inside of him urges him to stare. Theskin there looks smooth, a patch of tiny curls meandering down into Matt’swaistband. Neil wonders what it would feel like, to touch. Would the musclesjump if he tickled? What if he scratched, lightly like he does to Matt’s head?
“Hey.” Matt’s voice is gentle. He comes out of his shirt, friction working onNeil’s side for once in his life and keeping it rucked up. “Do you want this tochange anything? It doesn’t have to.”
Neil nods, firm. Of this he’s sure. He wouldn’t have said anything if he didn’t want his words to have an effect. He’s too good at hiding forthat. Unfortunately, that’s where the sureness stops; Neil doesn’t know whatkind of change he wants to happen, just that he wants something. And hopefullyit can involve kissing, but that isn’t necessary. He stares at Matt through thecamera helplessly, wishing he could pierce the miles between them and lean againstMatt’s strong chest, rest in the knowledge of Matt’s breathing and that thingsare, for the next few hours at least, going to be all right.
“How about…um. Can I take you on a date?” Matt bites his lip and then smiles,boyish exuberance trickling back into his frame. He sits up against theheadboard and takes the laptop with him, gesturing with his free hand. “When Ifirst got signed Dan and I used to do these video dates. I’d still like to takeyou out for real, but it’s not that far off from the real thing, we can dressup and everything…” he sees how Neil’s not moving and with visible effort calmsdown. “If you want that. We can do something else.”
“I’d like it. The date,” Neil says, feeling a bit topsy-turvy himself. He’sonly vaguely sure what people do, on dates; he and Andrew don’t tend towardsthat sort of thing, or if they do, it’s more one of them dragging the othersomewhere and them insulting each other and seeing how soon they can get the maître-d(or cinema worker, or park concert usher) to kick them out. Neil has never regrettedthe lack of traditional romancing. It’s a pointless ritual when he and Andreware already wrapped past each other’s deepest twistings. But with Matt….
Matt is so excited, and Neil feels himself pulled along. A small spark ofanticipation pricks under his breastbone. “We can try it.”
“Great!” Matt beams at Neil, and Neil finds himself blushing. Starting to workout why Matt’s smile is affecting him differently now hasn’t dampened thereaction. If anything, it’s made it stronger. “Now where’s my little boy?”
Neil recognizes the distraction tactic for what it is, and is grateful for it.There have been too many feelings for today. He relates the story of the newkitten’s latest exploits to Matt’s rapt attention, which runs right into Mattsharing the story of the puppy he saw on the way to the gym this morning, andthey exchange subjects until Neil gives a cracking yawn and Matt demands thathe go to sleep.
“No,” Neil says, to be contrary.
“What if it will make me feel betterif you go to bed?”
“Guess you’ll never find out.”
Matt laughs. Matt’s laugh has never made Neil feel excluded, the way thelaughter of other children did when he was younger. No, Matt’s is aninvitation, and Neil is smiling without really knowing why. “Okay. Goodnight, babe.”
There’s a slight hesitation before the babe,and it makes Neil want to wrap himself in his bedclothes and hum. He raises hishand to wave as Matt mimes a video fist-bump, and then cuts the call.
It seems he’s got a date.
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alecsimon · 7 years
hi. i would like to put in a formal request for a minivan alec fic. nothing long, nothing fancy. just yknow... a little something something to make me smile. please, and thank you in advance.
i’ve accepted minivan alec as my legacy at this point. also i apparently write christmas fics in the middle of june, so.
(as usual a huge thank u to charl @lightwoodlesbians for being the best beta
read on ao3
“No, you don’t understand, sir - yes. Yes, I get that you’re closing now, but my car is broken and I have plans, and - sir. Hello? Shit.”
Jace turned off his phone and pressed it to his chin, pacing back and forth under the singular lit up street light. He should have known better than to drive through the night, but he was so close to New York. He was running late to Christmas dinner with Izzy, Clary, Magnus and Alec, and Jace had thought that maybe he’d be able to surprise them.
But his fucking car decided to give up and die on him, so that was great.
Jace looked back and forth down the empty road, burying his nose deeper into his scarf and groaning. The worst part of the entire situation was that he was going to have to call Alec for help.
Alec, and his unbelievably stupid fucking beige minivan.
Both Alec and Jace had decided to buy cars at the same time, and Jace, like any normal guy in his mid 20s, opted to buy a car that was sleek and sexy. He’d settled on a Ferrari that purred like a dream and would definitely draw all the attention to him. Alec, on the other hand, had taken one look at the beaten up beige minivan in the far corner of the showroom, given a half ass shrug, and said, “That one works.”
The most annoying part was that Alec didn’t see why the minivan was so horrendous. He claimed it was ‘practical’ and ‘convenient’ and ‘had good milage’. Every time he got into Jace’s car, he would squirm and make uncomfortable faces and complain about how fast they were going.
Jace was convinced his brother was secretly an eighty year old man trapped in a twenty-five year old’s body.
He looked up at the sky, muttering a soft prayer to himself as he typed out a text to Alec saying he was stranded on a highway in New Jersey and needed saving. The phone buzzed back almost instantly. Jace mentally prepared himself to see the cocky and smug message and was instead met with a simple: 
On my way.
Hm. Okay. Maybe Alec was feeling the Christmas spirit. Maybe Alec had decided, hey I’m not gonna be a dick to my brother and rub it in his face that I have the more dependable car.
Not that Jace would ever admit his defeat anyway.
Jace sat down in his car and curled in on himself to keep the cold away. He took out his phone and began playing Fruit Ninja to pass the time - he knew it would take Alec around an hour to reach him at this time of night. When the hour was nearly up, Jace got out of his car and looked at the empty road. 
After just a few more minutes of pacing and fiddling with his phone, Jace saw a pair of headlights in the distance. He pocketed his phone and puffed air into his cupped gloved hands, rubbing them together to create some warmth as the familiar silhouette of a minivan came into focus.
“Hello, good sir,” Alec said as he pulled up beside Jace, leaning over the passenger seat where the window was open. Jace groaned at the easy smirk on Alec’s lips. “That seems like a beautiful car you have there. I can’t possibly imagine why it broke down.”
“Alec,” Jace warned, narrowing his eyes.
“It just seems like such a convenient and capable car,” Alec continued, his voice oozing sarcasm. “I mean, the striking bright red, the elegant design.”
Jace opened his mouth to intervene, only to be cut off by Alec again.
“What was that thing you said again?” Alec asked, pretending to look thoughtful. “The roar of her engine is like a wet dream.”
“Alec, come on.”
“Don’t ‘come on’ me, Jace. With the amount of teasing you and Simon put me through.” Alec shook his head, raising a single eyebrow when Jace tried to reach for the passenger side handle and found it locked.
“Alec,” Jace whined.
“Admit it,” Alec said, leaning back in his seat and crossing his arms over his chest. “Tell me my minivan is superior to any car you will ever own.”
“No,” Jace replied immediately, glaring at Alec as if to challenge him.
Alec glared back, looking extremely unimpressed.
“Okay, fine!” Jace exclaimed, throwing his hands in the air. “Your car is superior, the great Alec Lightwood. Your car knowledge surpases mine, as does your knowledge in everything else. Now can you please open the door? I’m fucking freezing. ”
“That wasn’t so bad, was it?” Alec said, his neutral face breaking out into a grin. Jace huffed, pretending to be pissed off, but he just ended up smiling instead.
Alec got out of the car and walked around to Jace, pulling his brother into a hug.
“Merry Christmas, Jace,” Alec muttered into his shoulder. Jace chuckled, patting Alec on the back. 
“Merry Christmas, buddy. It’s good to be back.” Jace pulled back, turning back to look at his car. 
“I already called one of my friends at the auto shop. He’ll come tow it in an hour and drop it off in his garage. We’ll pick it up tomorrow,” Alec said, nodding his head towards Jace’s car. 
“Have I ever told you that you’re my favorite big brother?” Jace asked, aiming for charming with a cheeky smile.
“I’m your only big brother,” Alec deadpanned. “Let’s go. Magnus worked hard on preparing the turkey, and he’ll kill us both if we’re late.”
“Your boyfriend terrifies me sometimes,” Jace said, hopping into shotgun and relaxing for the first time in hours. The warmth of Alec’s laugh settled into the car, and Jace felt his heart expand with the thought that he was home for the holidays.
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