#I find it funny that when I play or make myself aware that I'll have nightmares if I go to bed...
buttercupshands · 3 months
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some silly sketches
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reiderwriter · 6 months
Hi I’m new to this so I’ve no clue if this is how you request, but I was thinking Spencer fluff, in earlier seasons where he’s a little bit more awkward but has a little bit of confidence, based on that one episode where hotch says Reid was propositioned by all the prostitutes & you’re dating him but you’re not the jealous type, they know what they have with Spencer is good and knows he worships the ground they walk on, so isn’t worried or threatened by anyone so while he’s getting hit on being a blabbering mess they just giggle to themselves making little suggestive comments. Hope this makes sense🥰
A/N: That's one of my favourite scenes because it's so hilarious to see Hotch cracking jokes for some reason. That and "did you join a boy band?" Iconic, truly. ❤️ Thank you for requesting, I'll shut up now.
Warnings: none
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You were aware that Spencer Reid was a catch. Perfectly aware. More than aware. Desperately aware.
He was, quite possibly, the most attractive bean pole of a man that had ever walked the earth. He was beautiful and he was loving and his smile lit up the room and you were quite honoured to be able to call him your boyfriend.
It was not lost on you that many other people - not just women - also desired him. Which led to some downright hilarious instances.
“It's not funny, Y/N.” He pouted, that adorable furrow in his brow coming back and finding it's perfect place on his face as you stared up at him. You knew the expression you were showing him was a little bit dreamy, head in both hands as you gazed admiringly up at him, but you simply didn't care what kind of company you were in.
“Spencer, you were propositioned by 11 prostitutes.”
“I'm sure they were just teasing, Y/N. I'm awkward, I stand out like a sore thumb, I'm not buff or hot, I'm-”
“A complete and total liar!” You stood, gasping and grasping non existent pearls, playing up your disbelief. He cracked a smile and you paused briefly to send up a prayer to God, thanking them for putting a real angel on Earth.
“Spencer, you may be a little bit nerdy, and you absolutely do not know when to shut up. Your hair may always looks like your mom did it for school picture day, and your fashion sense is questionable to out it kindly-”
“Is there a but? I need there to be a but or I'll cry myself to sleep.”
“But those things are incredibly endearing. And did I mention you're really hot? It's like you're all members of the Scooby Doo cast rolled into one body and somehow that really works for me.” To punctuate your words, you took a step closer, letting your hand play with his tie as you slowly encouraged him to take a small step towards you as well, until you weren't sure where the heat that warmed you was coming from.
It could've been rolling off of him, or you, or it could've been a fire burning between you, as you fixed his tie and ran a hand through his hair.
“I'm not joking with you, Spencer. I love watching everyone appreciate your beauty and your intellect. Frankly, it turns me on.”
“Okay. I'll remember that, thank you.”
“Turns on the prostitutes, too.”
“Y/N! They're just trying to make a living, if you'd have been out there canvassing they'd have tried it with you too.” You had to giggle a bit at his loom of exasperation, flas to see that it was tainted with an uncontrollable smile, a small lifting at the corners of his mouth that he couldn't combat.
“Spencer Reid, Hotch told me that one of the girls offered you $100 for a ride.”
“That's not exactly cheap or a discount, Y/N, the going rate for a working girl in the area is-”
“Spencer. She was offering you money.” His brows knitted again and then his eyes widened in realisation.
“Oh. Oh, she did look very disappointed now that I think about it.” You pressed your hand to your mouth to suppress the small pleasurable giggles from slipping out and composed yourself, before slipping your arms around his waist.
“So, Spence. How is it that you know the going rate of a working girl?” You lifted your eyebrow and watched him panic, ready to memorise every expression that ever passed across his angelic features.
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candy-red-river · 3 months
Luther is beauty, style, and grace (an analysis again)
ok ive wanted to talk about this guy for a while after finishing the comics lately and oh my god his deal is the most obvious of all the characters compared to others when you think about it.
Starting off, his most obvious feature is his manners. He is very polite and "reasonable" but often forces it onto others and seems somewhat superficial. Like he's trying to hide something about himself. One of my mutuals earlier called him "repressed which I find very interesting as I never saw him that way before.
But after reading the comic I said to myself, "Yeah he's definitely repressed".
Specifically in the camping arc he has HUGE BEEF with the hitchhiker calling them a narcissist for seemingly being themselves, albeit a bit morbid and tries to poke through his skin like he does with others (whether to sedate them or not) but restrains himself when randal comes around, later attempting to call his doctor about it, implying that he doesn't want or like doing that to begin with.
There was also the scene with the pancakes where he just unhinges his jaw but implies that he doesn't do that often in front of guests for the sake of their comfort.
Other than that, Luther absolutely INSISTS that he's human and the weird "family" dynamic that he's made for the ivory household (which consists mostly of brainwashed people forced to play a pet role and randal who I'm pretty sure isn't even related to luther) and generally tries to put down anything he does not like in a sort of fancy royal manner.
From all this and the speech he made about choosing his own destiny and being so assertive about manners to others I think it's safe to say that luther is an absolute monster, but is very self aware and almost insecure about being non human, which he also enforces on others in order to "fix" them or to make himself seem perfect with the "ideal" family.
I think he's aware of how messed up everything is but is either in denial or trying to tone it down.
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Other things to note:
Captain howdie said they had a crush for luther from an ask which I think is funny and unexpected. (Also true)
He has canonically dated women (epic)
The eyes on top of his eyes aren't just eyelids since they have been shown to come out before. He literally has two sets of eyes.
I also think it's funny that nyon and nana have an implied crush on him (I'll get to them later)
He's scared of mice apparently
he has a LOT of pets, none of them are normal animals
He seems to have sympathy of some kind but it's definitely half baked.
(Unrelated note: the current most mysterious characters are Sebastian, Nana, and the hitchiker)
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the Caroline in the city references in family guy truly fuck me up. buckle the fuck up because I'm going to Overanalyze
so in family guy season 1 episode 6 (YES THAT EARLY ON) there's a joke where peter griffin says he once pretended to be gay by watching Caroline in the city. it then actually cuts to him watching Caroline in the city (well like he was watching what seemed like a pretty accurate recreation of the vibes of the citc intro) and then. well that's it
but of course I'm too autistic to not think about this because i have MANY questions
1. legit where did the idea that watching citc is a gay thing come from. I'm not asking this in a "whoa joking about tv shows making you gay is problematic" way because I'm aware family guy is full of jokes like that and worse. I'm asking this legitimately. because on one hand i guess you could argue that having a female main character= unmasculine=gay but that brings me to my second question
2) out of all possible tv shows to do this joke with... why Caroline in the city. and I'll have more to say on this later but i will say if you look at the time period of this. this episode of family guy aired on may 9th, 1999. the last episode of Caroline in the city aired on April 26th, 1999. i don't know how long the production of a family guy episode is but I'm going to assume Caroline in the city was still running when they wrote this episode but it was very much towards the end. but here's the thing. i spend a lot of time analyzing the cultural impact of citc and I've come to the conclusion that it was kinda relevant during season 1 but not many people watched it by season 4 (which led to that torturous non ending from early cancellation) and i legitimately don't know why this is the show they chose. like if we're going for a gay thing, Will and Grace was already airing at this time, i think more people knew about that than Caroline in the city. and there was a Caroline in the city fandom online but from what I've seen it was veeery predominantly straight. THAT BEING SAID
3) every Caroline in the city fan i see lately including myself is queer. like he couldn't have known that unless he also has future vision but considering they say Simpsons predicted everything in the future the possibility that they got all that but family guy instead just predicted a gay Caroline in the city fandom is SO funny to me
4) but back on the topic, the only other explanation i have is that this is another one of those annoyingly tasteless digs at Malcolm Gets for allegedly not being able to play a straight character convincingly (untrue) but for it to be any of these we'd have to assume that Seth MacFarlane, the creator of family guy has actually seen enough of Caroline in the city to know these things which. surely can't be the case
or... can it?
3) this is not the last time Caroline in the city was referenced in a Seth MacFarlane show. okay this is the really insane part to me. in american dad there's an episode where the characters find a "secret ending" to Caroline in the city where Caroline kills everyone and takes over the city or whatever. it's dumb, it makes me uncomfortable and stuff but there's also two very important things to note about this:
a) they got Lea Thompson to voice Caroline for like one line in this episode. i legitimately want to know what that conversation sounded like. "hey Lea could you do just one line for this episode? it's basically your character from Caroline in the city turning evil and killing everyone she loves in a secret ending to the show, are you interested?" this one isn't related to any of my conspiracy theories the thought is just funny to me
b) more importantly they like. legitimately drew them. like it was recognizably Caroline, Richard, Annie and Del. and like they showed them for like two seconds. that's a lot of attention to detail for two seconds. and again this is not the first time there was a Caroline in the city reference in a Seth MacFarlane show but SURELY this is the last one right?
4) THERE'S ANOTHER REFERENCE IN AMERICAN DAD! there's a character who says something about how you should respect your elders because they lived through 4 seasons of Caroline in the city whatever that is supposed to mean! that's the THIRD TIME!
5) let's return to my second point for a second. i think i skimmed over one of the most glarring logical issue with the original family guy joke. peter claimed he pretended to be gay by watching Caroline in the city, but in the cutaway gag, he is fully alone in his own living room, watching Caroline in the city. (side note, it is a really, really good recreation of the citc intro which adds to my Seth MacFarlane has seen some Caroline in the city theory because why else would he pay attention to this detail) but.... how is that pretending? who was he pretending to? did he memorize every plot point to later recount it to pretend to be a fan? at that point he's just straight up a fan isn't he? he could've just told people he watched Caroline in the city if he wanted to pretend to be gay! why did he even pretend to be gay that's never explained and it's so specific...
now that I mentioned it it's very specific and familiar.....
6) Caroline in the city season 1 episode 3 Caroline and the gay art show, Richard pretends to be gay to sell his art AND in season 3 episode 20 Caroline and the little white lies, Del and Charlie pretend to be gay for insurance reasons. coincidence? well probably but what if it's NOT? is Seth MacFarlane trying to tell us he's secretly a Caroline in the city fan?
7) let's look at it in a meta way. Seth MacFarlane is the voice of peter griffin. in a way they're one and the same, aren't they? peter griffin wasn't really pretending to be gay, because he was at home watching citc on his own as i already mentioned it. is it just a guilty pleasure for him? is Seth MacFarlane too ashamed to admit he enjoys Caroline in the city so he has to communicate it through jokes in his tv shows?
8) or there's the other interpretation that makes me sound like the gaylor truthers but hear me out. if Seth Rudesky thinks watching Caroline in the city makes you gay but he's also signalling that he probably watched at least some of it, is he just trying to come out to us?
i once thought about turning this into a youtube video essay but I'm not sure anyone would watch it. that being said, i might still do it, why not?
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tsundereition · 2 days
hihi!!!!! for the valentine's special would you do floyd x riddle ? would love to hear your thooughts!~
Floyd x Riddle relationship headcanons
OKAY omg this is another of my favorite ships so I have a lot to say about it!!! Probably some day I'll do like an actual list of canon moments that make me like it, but for now I'll try to limit myself only to headcanons.
How did it all start? Well, we know that they had a litttle "encounter" at their first entrance ceremony. In case someone isn't too familiar with this personal story, it basically goes that Floyd was very captivated by Riddle's red hair and called him "Goldfish" which obviously ended with him getting collared haha. At that point he made a comment about how he was surprised by Riddle's magical strength, which didn't match his looks, and says that he admires him. So, I'm not going to say that he started liking him romantically from this moment, but of course this was what piqued his interest and made Riddle his favorite target to annoy.
Continuing from that, I feel a little bad saying it, because Riddle is my favorite character, but I can't really blame Floyd… I mean, his reactions are really funny! He always gets red, like a real goldfish. Maybe if he didn't react like that Floyd would leave him alone, but nobody tell him because I want to keep seeing their banters~ And going back to the red hair and face, there is a theory going around there that the reason why Floyd is so attracted to Riddle is because red isn't actually visible underwater so it would be the first time he saw such a bright color! There are other ocassions where he talks about liking that color, like when choosing a tent in Vargas Camp. I really like that theory and have incorporated it into my headcanons. It's a bit similar to Riddle being mesmerized by the bright red of strawberries, and I find that really cute.
I could go on about why they're so good for each other, like their complementing personalities. I really think they balance each other perfectly and that would help both of them grow as people, you know? But I think that again strays into analyzing canon territory and not really headcanon, so I'll refrain. I will mention, however, that I think this would play an important part in making them realize that they enjoy each other's company more than they initially thought, as they find themselves actually getting used to the other (Floyd making Riddle go out of his comfort zone, Riddle helping Floyd stay in line, etc).
It's kind of obvious but I think the first to fall in love and also the first to notice would be Floyd. He might be an asshole sometimes but he's definitely more emotionally aware than Riddle, that poor repressed boy. He would have to fight his inner demons before accepting his growing feelings lol. At first, Floyd would probably think of it as a random crush, mostly physical attraction. Of course, Riddle is really cute, why wouldn't he like him? Being as he is, he would probably act impulsively on his feelings, making Riddle really upset, not the kind of upset where his fase gets red and it's funny. Floyd would be left there in a bad mood, and after it doesn't go away after a few days, he begins to wonder why he actually cares about how Riddle feels. Riddle, on the other hand, would probably become more aware of Floyd in a different way than before (boy is having gay panic), and start acting more stiff around him.
After a while, things would slowly go back to normal, except that they're both aware that the air around them is different. They would start to notice little things about each other that they hadn't before, and start appreciating each other more. Floyd would probably become unconsciously a little softer in his playing with Riddle (both physically and verbally), not wanting to hurt him again, and he starts getting collared les often. At that point Riddle would start considering that maybe Floyd isn't as bad as he thought, and would start being able to explore his own feelings towards the boy! Considering everything else I've said, this would happen around the end of their second year or the star of the third so they would both be more mature too, having dealt with an overblot and a friend's overblot in each's case.
Oooh when they're both aware of their feelings? In order to make their relationship formal, there are probably a lot of rules stating how to do it properly. Of course, the Crimson Tyrant isn't as obsessed with rules as before, but he wants a nice gentleman to court him! Floyd would try to make any advance and he would stop him. I don't think Riddle would /actually/ say anything, because that would be like confessing himself! And he's too prideful for that. But he would give indirect messages lol. You can do it Floyd, you just have to solve a few riddles!
Poor Floyd would be having an existencial crisis, what does Riddle WANT? He would go to Azul and Jade for advice. It's not boring at all though, at this point they're just flirting back and forth, and the relationship is already there, everyone else can see it, but Riddle wants Floyd to do it right. The confession would probably involve red roses, as per Rose Queendom tradition, but I think Floyd would manage to merge a bit of Coral Sea traditions as well.
During their third year then, their relationship would already be established, and they would have in-campus dates, as well as some off-campus during weekends. Said dates would involve having tea at the Heartslabyul gardens, having dinner at Mostro Lounge, going to each other's clubs… At the horseback riding club Riddle would want to give Floyd a ride on Vorpal, and I think Floyd would actually enjoy the thrill of it, while Riddle would like being in control for once lol. Then Floyd would want Riddle to go cheer for him during basketball games. Riddle would go but wouldn't do anything too flashy, but just him being there makes Floyd /way/ more motivated to play well, knowing how his mood swings are.
On their fourth year, I'm not too sure on where they would go, but I wouldn't be too surprised if Floyd chose to follow Riddle, he's a free spirit like that. I wasn't sure when to mention this but it is also shown in canon that out of the Octavinelle trio Floyd is the one that is more comfortable on land and air.
Now, what about after NRC? Well, I think they would definitely live on land and not under the sea. As I said previously, Floyd lives more freely; Riddle still has trouble changing things that he's so used to. Of course they would go visit the Coral Sea during vacations, but would spend most of the year on the surface. Probably in the Rose Queendom, but definitely not in Riddle's hometown. It would be hard for him to confront his mother but sooner or later he would have to do it, and I think after graduation would be a good time for that. I don't think they'd completely cut ties, though, like most people envision it. I think he could keep a healthy distance from her, but he admires her too much; he could never hate her (but Floyd surely does, and it's mutual lol).
Bonus: little doodle of them :3 i am a believer of "Floyd's love language is biting". (they're in their school uniforms so they're in a common area, gasp! they're breaking so many rules right now)
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alphabetboyluvr · 4 months
Hey Holly😬😬😬
So I wanted to ask have you ever come across things like copying stuff and ideas from one book?? I mean if you read a book or you get inspired from a particular scene/dialog that you re-write it but you still get called out because of that??? Do you get bothered by that?? I mean there is this😅 bunch of teenage indian authors on wattpad that every now and then starts blaming and fighting that they copied their stuff,book name,dialogues. What do you think of this??
You probably have seen the viral orange peel theory that is going viral on insta/tiktok. I was talking about that😅😅
heyaaa !!
i've seen a lot of discourse around the concept of copying / plagiarism recently and I do have some thoughts on it.
i assume you mean if i get bothered when i see people have clearly taken inspiration from my work?
i keep my feet firmly out of the fanfic reading space for a variety of reasons and one of those reasons is because i've seen how easy it is to pick up inspiration and sprinkle it into your own work without even realising—not maliciously, or ill-intentioned at all, but undeniable with retrospect.
i don't ever want to find myself in the position of having spent hours writing something only for it to be reduced to nothing because of innocent mistakes (as I've seen happen with other writers) so yeah, i don't read within the fanfic space (which is also why im terrible with recs haha).
NOW in regards to people taking inspiration from my stuff, i'm well aware that it happens. I first noticed it happened with you up? and its never really stopped.
there's a handful of stories i've seen on wattpad from people i know read my work, who write in a very similar way to me. things like plot, narrative voice, character arcs, relationships, even the way i doodle at the start of my chapters—if it can be lifted and reworked, it has, and im sure only seen the tip of the iceberg.
similarly, i've also seen big writers write scenes in their stories with an almost identical play by play to some of my scenes, but i have no way of knowing if they've read my work—but it has made me go back and check the dates of my uploads to make sure i have my 'well actually...' response ready incase any of their fans try and come for me hahaha.
i've had extensive conversations with my writer friends about this and my general thoughts are: i don't care.
i could go on a big old rant about it all, but i know my opinion is a bit odd considering i'm a writer.
writing is a deeply personal craft, but it's also something that we learn and develop through time. if people are inspired by my work, then it must mean I'm doing something right. in time, they'll develop their own style. I encourage them to continue writing until they find their own voice.
history and literature is full of reworking and retellings. Shakespeare was notorious for it!
I'm not gonna get pressed if someone is so moved by my work to the point they wanna create their own version. I'll be honoured to be a part of their creative process. of course there is a limit to this—I know there's at least one story on wattpad floating around with a similar dynamic to BD with origami being used as a crux for fears, which does make me raise my brows a little bit, but at the end of the day, I'm the one who chose to upload my fanfic for free on a website that is known to not be exactly the most original of places.
someone else writing a similar concept to mine doesn't take away from the value of my work. if anything, it just proves that my writing has had an impact.
so yeah if you ever see someone and think huh this reads a lot like hollys work, or anything like that, just leave it be. don't run people off of a site, or force them to stop doing a hobby that likely causes them joy, for my sake.
it's funny because a few people have actually asked me to write an orange peel theory fic haha. we, as writers, don't own concepts and we also write about the same seven men. there will be inevitable overlap. it's all just pixels, at the end of the day.
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echotunes · 10 months
Slimecicle characterization: (sorry this is a bit long)
* Mainly referred to as slime but close friends (Wilbur, Philza, etc.) almost exclusively call him Charlie
* He makes up slime related words a lot and will just make random noises
* Makes up songs a lot/ will replace lyrics of existing songs to whatever he finds situationally appropriate/ funny
* Does both goofy humor where he laughs at himself/ along with others and dry humor where he plays everything totally straight
* “Yarf/ I’m gonna yarf” (throw up)
* “My bones!” (When hurt)
* Doesn’t use emoticons in messages, no caps unless it’s the full word for emphasis, single messages with punctuation if needed (chat example: “we won the war. (qsmp)” vod 35:45 you can see his chat history with Foolish)
* He has a really extensive vocabulary and when making jokes will always switch up the phrasing/ use synonyms so as to not say the same words repeatedly
* He will make jokes to himself/ quietly and if no one heard it then he might repeat it once more but never more than that
* He makes himself the butt of the joke a lot, especially with new people. Only when he’s super close friends with someone will he makes jokes about them
* Literally king of the bit. Will take any opportunity to continue a bit or make a new one (breaking Roier’s windows, calling Phil old, getting “stuck” in the ghost maze)
* Mf is both easily distracted and laser focused, often at the same time and rarely aware of his surroundings
* He almost never responds to being hit when people are trying to get his attention, especially if he’s having a conversation with someone else (in general if he’s having a one on one convo with someone he’s practically blind to anyone else)
* Doesn’t move around when talking to the point that someone may leave his view and it might take a few seconds for him to move to see them again
* Despite being highly social he doesn’t like interacting with large groups that have multiple conversations going on (most likely cause it’s hard for him to pull focus) - he’ll often ask others to step to the side
* *After leaving a group* “I can finally hear myself think”
* He’s isn’t super knowledgeable about minecraft so isn’t aware of a lot of mechanics. He plays almost exclusively to hang out with people and doesn’t enjoy doing things alone
* Will play into his own ignorance for a joke - typically comically over exaggerated
* He’s super grateful for gifts and if it’s something that directly benefits him (amour, food, supplies) he’ll always ask if the giver is sure
* If he’s around quackity there is an extremely high chance of him getting manipulated
* Boy has pipes and while yes this does make him a good singer it also makes him a really loud screamer
* Loves to be silly and goofy and then pulls out the most gut wrenching angst/ trauma you’ve ever had the misfortune of witnessing
* When in serious situations will entirely drop any jokes and talks very sincerely/ more soft voice
Specifically QSMP
* Canonically can shape shift
* Was kept in a cage as a child and had abusive parents and multiple other siblings who are assumedly deceased
* Thinks very lowly of himself and doesn’t think himself deserving of any kindness shown towards him since accidentally killing Tilín
* Is an alcoholic and self harms (uses a taser to electrocute himself when he feels sad… which is often)
* Loves his family more than anything and actively talks about how much he misses them every time he streams
* Fights with Mariana are more humor based - like what’s the most absurd thing that can be said
* Repeats eggs’ names a lot when talking to them
* There’s natural gas in his mine that makes him hallucinate and forget things
(I definitely went a bit overboard with this so feel free to pick and choose what would actually be useful for the cheat sheet. Hopefully there’s some helpful stuff here 💙)
!! ty so much anon! I'm not much of a Charlie viewer so this is a big help I'll make sure to add it to the doc
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How do you think each classmate would react to the news of who is in the Ishimaru family ?
(ex : Leon's reaction when he learn that half the class is in Taka's family)
Hmmm, good question! I actually did something like this a long while ago when the family was smaller.
Class 78 is a huge amount of reactions. They're all trying to grasp onto how that was possible. Taka, Kiyo, Sayaka, Hina, Toko and Chihiro were siblings???
Makoto was definitely the most shocked, probably overreacting kinda shocked. Like, a loud ass "HUH?!" But he does think it makes sense. It made sense why they were all hanging out together everyday and all walked home (along with Mondo. But that's because Taka and Mondo are dating.) He's glad for a lot of them, though he is confused on how the Ishimarus were able to adopt them. But he doesn't say anything.
Leon definitely used that to ask Taka about Sayaka and how he can get a date with Sayaka. Right after his moment of shock. As he never saw that coming. (He does think that Taka's dad is sleeping with everyone's parents and that's why they're siblings. But that's not it, he's just stupid.) "Damn, Taka, your dad is getting LAID?!" (I make myself laugh.)
Yasuhiro wasn't shocked at all, given he already had knowledge of it all. Takaaki and his mom talk, they're best friends. He was the first to find out.
Mondo also wasn't shocked at all. Given he's dating Taka and all. But he was surprised at the fact Hiro knew before him. Mondo's the one dating Taka! How come he found out second???
Celeste said she figured as much, she all assumed they were good friends and that was the reason why they all walked home together. But they were siblings. Which made sense whenever she'd see Hina and Sayaka care each other, like if they were sisters. Or why Taka always brought Hina's swimwear whenever she'd forget. Things like that.
Byakuya didn't care that much. He was just surprised on how Takaaki Ishimaru could pay for the expenses of so many kids. Given what he knows about the Ishimarus financial situation. (He'd be very much aware of it, given the Togami and Ishimaru past bonds business-wise.) Then again, they can use the money Sayaka gets from being an idol. But he knows that they wouldn't. (He thinks it's foolish.) He just makes a remark and goes about his time.
Hifumi just exclaimed in shock. Just as surprised as all the others. (I really don't know what to write, lol. We can either go him being a perv about it or just what I wrote.)
Junko and Mukuro don't really care. Junko just says that she's kind of surprised that Taka of all people can have so many siblings. And not get annoyed by that. She finds it funny. Mukuro really doesn't care. She shrugs and says "Okay."
Sakura is at least happy that her friends are happy as siblings. Especially those who don't have the best home life.
Kyoko smirks and says she knew all along. Causing everyone to be surprised. But then again, she's very observant. Plus her dad is the headmaster, they keep a profile on everyone and their home life. Things like that.
Class 77 is just as surprised! Two underclassmens dads just adopted their classmates. There was definitely a lot of chatter about it throughout the class.
Hajime is surprised. But he doesn't have much of a reaction. Good on them! He can't say he's so surprised, but he is.
Fuyuhiko knew that Peko was part of the Ishimarus. She doesn't hide that much from him. So he doesn't react. He doesn't even react for the others.
(Uhhh, I don't know what to write for the others because my brain is so deaddd. I just repeated for most of these ughhhh. I'm sad I haven't played SDR2 or else I'd be able to write moreee. I'll get back to you later. I'm sorry!!! That's all I have!!! It's so badddd!!! I'll try to find my original post.)
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(Take this pudding as an apology.)
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Hi! I’d love a BG3 matchup if you have the time and energy! If not, feel free to discard this! I also do matchups, so if you’d like one feel free to send it my way!
Here’s my info:
General: Agender, they/them, aroace but I love hypothetical romances and I’m open to any gender in that case! I can’t say much for my appearance, as I have an issue with perceiving my actual appearance that makes it hard for me to know what I look like, apologies for that one.
Personality: I'm a Scorpio, INFJ-T, and in general I'd say I align with those assignments. I'm extremely introverted to the point of being asocial. I spend most of my time by myself, and if I could I'd do everything on my own, since I'm stubbornly independent, and very cautious around people, even those I know well. Despite this, I'm not unfriendly, I just have a really hard time connecting with others due to my social anxiety. I really appreciate people who go out of their way to connect with me, and I make friends with people quickly when I get the chance. Once I get comfy I become very blunt and humorous. I tend to say and do as I please, though never to the detriment of someone else, as I tend to put other's needs above my own. I'll talk for hours about my interests and passions, and I'm always up for a challenge. I also have a very strong moral compass, and I refuse to compromise on it. I try to be kind above all else, especially to those who seem to be in a rough place, as I haven’t always been treated kindly, and I want others to feel loved. I’m known for giving great advice and being a good shoulder to cry on, but I don’t let others take advantage of that. I do well in emergency situations, especially when leadership is needed, but I also tend to crumble under mounting stress, and lash out when upset. Overall I'm determined, creative, and compassionate, but also stubborn, judgmental, and fearful.
Likes: I love horror media and anything deemed unsettling, since things that make me uncomfortable fascinate me. I love animals (especially tarantulas and spiders) and nature, and I spend a lot of time drawing and painting the world around me and taking walks on sunny days. On that note, I’m an explorer, and I tend to get into spaces I shouldn’t be if only because my curiosity got the better of me. I enjoy composing, playing, and listening to music, especially instrumentals, rock, and soundtracks. I also play video games, especially RPGs and FPS games. I’m a boxer and archer, and while I don’t like athletics and sports that much, climbing, running, and adventuring is always fun for me, especially with friends.
Dislikes: Inconsiderate people, especially when they’re not aware of how they’re inconveniencing others. Trutthfully, I can be very judgemental and picky with friends or associates, and if someone annoys me even slightly I tend to disregard them. I also dislike those who are arrogant and cruel, and I have a particular distaste for seafood and being touched.
What I look for in a partner: Someone who is kind and understanding of my flaws, and especially someone with a good sense of humor. I feel like I don’t truly connect with people until we laugh about something together. I value honesty and communication as well, so someone who isn’t willing or can’t be open and vulnerable with me is a no go. As pessimistic as I am, I also believe in doing good and making other people’s days a little bit brighter if possible, so I couldn’t be around a cynic or someone intentionally cruel.
Fun Fact: I like to read medical textbooks, and I find visiting cadaver labs and watching medical procedures thrilling.
~~~~~ MATCH UP ~~~~~
I now present to you your math; they are funny, kind, compassionate, and a person always looking for a good time-----
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
Karlach would 100% be okay with being the instigator of all your interactions.
She will sit down with you, and if you ask her, she will describe how you looked in her eyes to help you understand what she sees.
She loves to make you laugh—not just any laugh, a true deep belly laugh. She will do anything to know she has made you the happiest she possibly can.
Karalch went through years of solitude as Zariel's forced right-hand woman, so she understands the need for space and being hyper-independent.
Karlach will always let you lead until you ask her to help you. She knows your morality aligns with her, so she never questions you.
Once Karlach gets her engine worked on and can touch people again, she finds every reason to have a hand, tail, or piece of herself touching you.
She never judges you if you fail or mess something up, she is right there softly comforting you and ready to assist you in anyway necessary to fix the situation.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
After days of intense terrain and countless enemies, the group rests. With no town or tavern in sight for miles, it was time for good ol' outdoor camping. As everyone set up their tents and cots, the sun started to set past the horizon. Food was served and drinks shared, and many retired for the night, ready to rest for the next steps in the adventure. All who stayed awake with the moon was Astarion on the night shift, you, and Karlach. You and Karlach had an exciting companionship; nothing felt forced or overwhelming. She always attended to your every need and desire as you had them, making you feel light and warm in her presence.
As if feeling you think about her, she made her way over to you, sitting down on the log you were on gently. "Heya love, what's on your mind tonight?" You smiled languidly at your partner and sighed contently. "You know Karlach ever since we got your engined tuned you have been a lot happier, it honestly makes me happy as well, seeing you finally have a life outside of hell fire." Karlach smiled softly at you, enjoying the compliment. She looked towards the sky, leaning back a bit. You also turned your head when you felt something gently wrapping around your arm. Looking down, a dark red tail had laid claim to your wrist.
Laughing gently, Karlach's attention was brought to where you were staring. She ignited slightly, not before removing her appendage first. "Sorry, when tieflings get happy, our tails do weird things." You let your lover cool down before gently grabbing her tail and wrapping it back around you. "It's okay; I like it; it makes me feel like you are always there with me." Karlach smiled wider and moved closer to you. Once in arms reach, she wrapped you in a gentle hug. Pulling away from the embrace, she placed a chaste kiss on your lips.
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(One night, just outside of town, your group found a hot spring. Ready to relax for a night and clean yourselves off, the group decided to take turns in the pool of water.)
Shadowheart: This is amazing, honestly. It's just what we all needed, really. I could live in this forever if you let me.
Lazel: This isn't even remotely as hot as some of my mother homes in the astral realm. It feels almost as if we are in a warm bath.
Y/N: This is a nice reprieve from the outside world. We may be on an adventure, but our health should also come into play.
Karlach: Yes, this is worth the pit stop; I have to agree with Lazel. It isn't all that hot. Anyway, I will return to the guys and make sure they haven't scourched our dinner tonight.
(As Karlach leaves the pool, a noticeable temperature shift occurs)
Shadowheart: Well damn, no one tells the boys our little secret.
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narbevoguel · 2 months
So Splatoon Community
I'm gonna vent my heart out, so I apologize in advance for the possible long text. Anyway.
Splatoon community is a funny one, one I cannot fathom to be even anywhere near. And yes, before anyone says or thinks anything, I am fully aware that all communities have their bad apples, but at least I can talk about anything easily to others in other communities. I can still find people interested in talking about characters or monster ecology in the Monster Hunter community, about the possibilities that New World might have in store for MH lore from here on out, it's not always having to deal with or partake in graphics or game mechanics discourse (World good, Rise bad. Old Gen good, new gen bad, etc.) Same with the Legend of Zelda community, I've made so many good friends in the past few years, and I'm forever grateful I can always talk to them about anything LoZ wise, lore, games, dungeons, NPCs, literally anything lol. Even smaller, more niche communities like Risk of Rain or Megaman.
But Splatoon? Oh boy. You have to deal with nothing but people's takes. You wanna talk about the lore? Nope, gotta deal with either people not interested in talking about that (like, the vast majority of the community), or the few that will only care about the lore as long as idol shipping is involved. It's been like what, 2 months since the release of Side Order, and I have not been able to sit and talk about the lore to anyone aside from small bits of venting here and there with friends that don't even play the game or are into it, even they seem more interested than the fandom. You wanna talk about gameplay? Gotta deal with most of the community making their opinions from splatoon youtube, heck, I even have to deal with people in the fandom that haven't even played a single game tell me I'm racist for picking Shiver on a Splatfest instead of Frye, whom I adore greatly.
I can't even bother looking for a Salmon Run farming gang, which has been my goal for months, because most of the people who play the mode are busy blaming others for their failure, including the Salmon Run influencers that made the guides and helpful content for free out of their love for the game, or just not as committed.
Long story short, can't talk about anything without people making it about a ship, can't talk about DLC lore without people making it about Pearlina, can't find myself a party that's willing to grind for hours on Salmon Run cause I'm prone to running into people complaining for a couple wave losses, I can't say I like A without being accused of hating B, when I never said that. Headcanons are also good, but god forbid if you ask people here to respect yours or don't overstep.
I'm tired. And I'll still get Deep Cut plushies one day, cause I love them. And Acht merch, if possible.
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eolewyn1010 · 6 months
Reading Percy Jackson TLT was an ordeal for me 1 - Writing
Now, as a disclaimer in the name of fairness, I only ever read The Lightning Thief and none of the Percy Jackson series beyond that, so my experience with Rick Riordan's writing is limited (and I'm not planning to change that). It's also a distorted experience because I didn't read the original - I read a translated version, and I often noticed that it wasn't the best translation. For example, whoever was responsible was apparently incapable of translating an imperative mood, crippling quite a lot of dialogue. So I'll give Riordan that: I have probably not seen the best of his work.
That said, I massively disliked this book. Yes, even within the boundaries and rules of Kids' Fantasy. I won't tag this to the fandom because it seems nigh impossible to find anyone who so much as tolerates negative criticism of Percy Jackson. I've been called brain-damaged for not liking it, which is certainly a mature take. But I will feel better listing it all down that one time, getting it out of my mind, so here we go.
These dialogues are weird, these people are weird
I constantly catch myself thinking, "no one talks like that??" Even taking the translation aspect into account, a lot of the dialogue sounds just stilted. After the bus crash, some of the passengers are described by Percy as literally running in a circle yelling "We're gonna die" - no one behaves like that. It's a funny, over-the-top imagination that would fit in a cartoon, and it completely breaks with the serious tension of the preceding scene, and with my suspension of disbelief. People, even hysterical people, don't do that seriously. It feels like a scene in a theater play.
It appears equally forced when Annabeth apparently mutters to herself as she walks away from Percy: "Mission... Poseidon? ...[some cussing]... need a plan..." And I sit there like: Really? You mutter that to yourself? I can believe that you mutter a curse to yourself, but this "shreds of sentences" thing? Why would she talk to herself in the first place? So Percy can randomly hear some incomplete thoughts? No. It's to tease the readers. Riordan, you shouldn't make me aware of the author's presence all the time. Annabeth never talks to herself otherwise. It isn't even a character thing for her. And made out like this, it's so unnatural.
Same goes for Percy talking in his sleep... apparently very clearly and comprehensibly, so that Annabeth can piece together what he's been dreaming of. Except. People who talk in their sleep? They mumble. They hardly get a cohesive sentence out. How am I supposed to believe that this is playing in the real world? These people don't behave like people.
And one more thing that struck me as odd: A description of Grover with "his eyes narrowed; there was fear in them." Hm. Have you ever tried to look afraid with your eyes narrowed? It isn't actually that easy. When people are scared, their eyes widen. Tell me when you can narrow your eyes and get your expression not to look angry, not distrustful or doubtful, but afraid.
Is this plot ever going anywhere?
So, it's one thing that this structure of quest-hopping isn't how I personally like my books. A bigger problem seems to me that it's lacking coherence. Most of the kids' stops on the way and monsters to slay have nothing to do with their mission. Why is all of this so disconnected? Did we learn anything new from the Medusa adventure, from the episode with Echidna?
And at times, it feels like the plot is artificially prolonged. This is really bad in the beginning when no one can be arsed to tell Percy what the hell is going on. Neither Chiron nor know-it-all Annabeth can just give him a straight answer to anything. Which, Chiron comes off as plain gaslighting Percy at his human school when he denies that Percy just fought for his fucking life, and Annabeth? Percy even lampshades it; at one point he's like, "as if I was supposed to already know all that." Well, HOW IS HE SUPPOSED TO KNOW THAT WHEN NO ONE OPENS THEIR FUCKING MOUTH? And the one time that Annabeth actually wants to tell Percy something, she gets interrupted by a random outside occurence that isn't even important. Can anyone get this shit moving already?
The worst foreshadowing since Stephenie Meyer
I wish Riordan would stop slapping me over the head with Dead Herrings (aka Red Herrings that don't work the way they should). Telling me something very specific and then going "Nooo, it's couldn't possibly be that highly specific thing!" will not redirect my thoughts the wrong way; it will just make me wait jadedly for the moment when, oh, such surprise, it turns out it was exactly what you thought of first.
"Oh, Percy can do funny things with water and the only thing he's good at is rowing - who could possibly be his father!"
"This lady is surrounded by scared-looking statues and we can't see her eyes - who could she possibly be!"
"This statue looks like my uncle - what a weird coincidence!"
"Dude keeps telling Percy to put on the flying shoes - wonder what he's on about!"
Honestly, it feels very condescending. My friend said the book is written for 12-year-olds, but does Riordan know that 12-year-olds aren't idiots? It's not a good idea to treat your readers as being dense.
Inconsistent worldbuilding
Do we ever get a reason for Grover eating literal garbage? Oh, I know, the extra-diagetical explanation is a joke I'm not in on and that frankly enrages me (later more on that). But in-universe we are never told how he's capable of chewing tin cans without cutting himself to shreds. We're never told how he can digest that shit. If you have to make this a thing, Riordan, at least make it work!
Camp Half-Blood is... eh. Okay-ish? Riordan doesn't know the first thing about Ancient Greek architecture, and it comes back to bite him with Annabeth. But for now, I have questions about the strawberries. How are they growing so well when they never have rain over the valley? Like. Plants do need water. And there's no reason why Dionysus and his kids should be able to make them grow well, none. Dionysus isn't and has never been a god of nature, ever since he separated from Pan (and Pan IS a separate character in this book). The only plant he has a connection to is fucking grapevine. I can buy that he can make grapevines grow, but everything else should be under the jurisdiction of Demeter and her children. Who are allegedly largely unimpressive, but we'll get to that. Also. All strawberries? Nothing but strawberries, ever? Monoculture is ruining the soil, y'know. That camp should be on dead ground within a decade or so.
Then again, Percy also claims he hasn't eaten anything unhealthy ever since he entered the camp. And then counts, "grapes, bread, cheese, lean barbecued meat." No strawberries then? Anyway, my point is: This isn't healthy. It's a very reduced diet - a balanced diet for 12-year-olds, still growing and physically very active 12-year-olds, requires more than that! How do the kids in the camp not all have deficiency symptoms?
I'm not sure how the disappearing monsters work. Body parts can just randomly stay behind as the spoils of war? Who decides which parts? Riordan wanted Medusa's eyes to still do their work after Percy slays Medusa, because the eyes still working is part of the Perseus myth that he's processing, but that really doesn't roll with "the body just disappears when the creature is slain." Like, what. Why wouldn't her head just disappear with the rest of her; it's a part of her body? Can just the head disappear instead and randomly leave the body behind? What are the rules here?
And there's the bit with "does this actually play in the real world?" again. Because when they wander the forest, Grover complains that they cannot see the stars because of the pollution. Which. This red sheen over the sky shouldn't be a thing in the middle of a forest. This is not how light pollution works, unless they are close to a city, in which case, why are they sleeping in the forest? Or is Grover trying to tell me that there were no clouds before environmental pollution? (Granted, I don't know why they went into the forest in the first place and didn't just sleep at Medusa's shop...)
In a similar vein, why is the police looking after Percy as a criminal suspect and not as a missing child? When a 12-year-old disappears, who in their right mind goes, "he could have murdered his mother"?? Why isn't the reaction, "something really bad happened to them both; we need to look for them both!", but "we need to look specifically for this kid because he has definitely done something terrible to his mom"? What is that for an outlandish approach to a missing kid?
This is a Very American Perspective (and it doesn't work)
Now, telling me that the USA are the center of Western civilisation is obviously extremely subjective, and as a non-American, I'm probably not supposed to agree. That Chiron goes on to declare the nebulous future "fall of Western civilisation" this huge, apocalyptic catastrophe and in the process sounds like a whiny rightwing politican - okay, that's me being cynical. But this really fails as soon as the Olympus and the Greek gods get in on the equation. I cannot imagine any place in the world that's less into pagan polytheism than the USA. The Greek gods aren't revered there, or if they are, it's by very small groups.
So, if Riordan's train of thought is "they are revered by whatever name; they may have different names, but it's always the same gods", then we get into a real conundrum with the multitude of pantheons in various religions. Because the gods in different religions are very incongruent in what functions and personalities they have. It already fails with the Greek-to-Roman transference - close as these two mythologies may be, they don't work in 1:1 accordance (something which Riordan heavily misrepresents, but I'm not going into that here). So, if the modern USA are so central to Western civilisation that the gods moved the Olympus and the Underworld and everything there, how did the gods' personalities and powers not massively shift over the millennia; how did gods not disappear and appear and merge to fit more contemporary notions of God / gods? Are they completely unperturbed by mortal developments and mindsets? Then why would they ever change anything, including their location?
Speaking of Greek and Roman gods... I really enjoy the action scenes. Riordan is good at writing action; it's fun. So. It ires me that I got completely ripped out of the scene by Percy randomly spouting Latin curses. Why Latin? What does that have to do with his prodigious propensity to Ancient Greek? Why. Why does Riordan keep mixing up Roman with Greek mythology, one language with the other? They are very distinct!
Chiron at one point describes the cooperation of gods with mortals as "the dawn of the Western civilisation". This is funny, as Western civilisation hit a real low after the fall of the Roman Empire (and yes, I'm focussing on Europe in this part of my argument - there was no Western civilisation in America before the late 16th century). And it stayed like that throughout a large portion of the middle ages. The civilisation on a roll until about the 11th century was what we'd today sum up under "Arab". They were the big scientists, the big architects, they dominated the trade, they spread all over the place; it was a whole thing. Yet of course gods of Western civilisation cannot be worshipped in Fez, in Tunis, in Granada, in Baghdad, in Alexandria - so where were they in the meantime? How did they not disappear while Christianity became a thing? They were not being worshipped anymore; the majority of people alive in the Western world weren't aware there had ever been other religions in Europe than Christianity because translating the old texts into modern languages was something Arabian scholars did early on, but it was a late fashion to Christians.
"The Second World-War was a war between the children of Zeus and the children of Hades, and the losing side (aka the Nazis and their allies) were the children of Hades." ... There are certainly ways to help kids approach the very complicated layers of politics and social aspects regarding the World Wars. This isn't one of them, and I curse Riordan in the tongues of a thousand historians for the paragraph in which he summed it up like that. This is how you're explaining fascists? "Oh, they're the children of Hades, so I guess they're just born evil." This is just vile.
The weird implications of fantasy creatures being treated as animals
Percy doesn't want to walk behind Chiron because he thinks the dude would just randomly take a literal shit on him. Toilet humor is funny, you guys! Except this isn't a horse, no matter how often Percy calls him one. The nymphs aren't trees. Grover is not a goat. It's one thing to integrate features of these because we're talking fantasy mix creatures, but they are still sentient and sapient on a human level! In case of Chiron, he's hundreds of years old and a wise guardian and teacher to Percy and others. Why are we always accompanied by the implication that they are, in some capacity, animals? That's just plain old Fantasy Racism. Stop dehumanizing people you yourself have established as people, please?
Grover is the most present non-human character in this book; so he's the usual victim of this. I cannot count the times Percy calls him a goat boy, or just plain a goat. He is not. A goat. He's a person. I'm supposed to believe he is Percy's best friend. Why does Percy talk to or about him like he's holding him in contempt half the time? Why does Annabeth? She's been living with intelligent non-humans since she was seven! They make fun of him, they dismiss his warnings and instincts as "whining", even though he turns out to be right. They don't treat him seriously, they aren't friendly, they hardly do more than scold him, boss him around or roll their eyes at him.
We still get the other side of the coin
Despite the former problem, Riordan manages to be contemptuous of humans, too. People inside the camp, Annabeth most of all, but Chiron (in a softer way) as well, and eventually Percy and Grover keep talking down at humans. Chiron says the reason why Percy's sword can't kill humans is because "mortals aren't important enough." You know, I would have been fine with "it's to protect humanity" or something; I didn't need a complicated justification for how this sword works. But it would have been nice to not get the most disparaging version that makes icky humans out to be a lower class of life! "Not important enough"? With all his talk of the precious Western civilisation, Chiron should know that mortals are vital to the immortals. No humans, no gods.
Funny thing is, Annabeth repeatedly describes mortals als blind and stupid because they don't know of the mythological goings-on. I thought that was the Mist(TM)? So, what is it? You are magically protected from being perceived as being and doing supernatural stuff - then it isn't the humans' fault, is it? - or people are just stupid and self-censor in their heads. Then why bother with the Mist. The Mist existing and being explained makes me wanna yell at Annabeth to stuff her high-and-mighty attitude. Granted, the Mist isn't too internally consistent. It hides centaurs randomly galloping across the landscape in plain sight of humans, it hides the furies, but it doesn't hide Echidna and the Chimera. I would have liked an explanation for that.
Harmful stereotyping
So. Riordan really hates dog owners, doesn't he? What was with the pink poodle? I mean, I got it; the owners are terrible - that's why he has an unfitting name and why he ran away. But Riordan has to hammer me over the head again. They dyed the doggo pink. Oof. And then Echidna. Here's wondering if Riordan ever depicts a dog owner as a decent person who treats their dog well.
But I take a vastly bigger issue with his consistently hateful depiction of step-parents. Now, Evil Step-Parents(TM) are a well-worn fairytale trope. And Riordan just... never questions it. Personally, I hate it. If it's a step-parent, they're abusive; no exceptions. Percy's stepfather is beating his wife, Annabeth's stepmother treats her as a freak and isolates her from her siblings; it's all very on-the-nose. Only once, I wanna read an acknowledgment that step-parents are just people, and they are as likely to be good people as everyone else. In fact, someone who decides to take a partner who already has a child usually has to internalize that fact at first and accept that this child is going to be a part of the relationship in some capacity. Can we not shit on non-biological parents all the time?
In that context, Annabeth's biological father being a lousy parent as well looks odd, granted. It's definitely something different than Percy's angelic mom. Is Riordan telling me that Athena just has a bad taste in men? Or is that more shitting on humans?
Oh boy, and he loves him some fatshaming. And no, it isn't just "this fat character turns out to be evil", it is "every single character described as being overweight is a negative character in some way, plus depicted as someone with really poor hygiene, plus just generally physically revolting. Go on, re-read the Echidna scene. Tell me that he doesn't go out of his way there to hammer home just how obnoxious and repulsive she is before she turns out to be a monster. How many unflattering words can he squeeze into one paragraph? Why would a kid care? Why does Percy even look at a complete stranger long enough to study how bad her sense of fashion is? Other big characters include Dionysus (more on him when I talk about Riordan's takes on mythology) who's... not evil, but mean-spirited and grumpy and contemptuous and constantly pissed-off. And Gabe, the stinking, ugly, abusive stepfather who literally lives among trash and is so unsubtle that he complains to his wife's face that he didn't get her life insurance because she showed up alive. Gabe Ugliano, because he's ugly, you see? Rick Riordan is funny. He's also trying to beat me to death with an anvil. And showing his ass, because a lot of domestic abuse is way subtler than that.
Ugly = evil is a shorthand that Riordan keeps reusing - and that his hero has weirdly internalized! And don't even tell me of a judgy 12-year-old as an unreliable narrator - because the narrative keeps proving Percy right. Ares' ugly daughters and the ugly girl at human school are brutal bullies (I mean, Annabeth keeps insulting and bullying Percy, but she's pretty, so it's fine when she does it). That Medusa looks elegant and refined and "must have been a beautiful woman once" makes Percy trust her, but the moment he stops trusting her, she starts looking monstrous. It's really lazy characterization.
Also, a fun little detail from Camp Half-Blood: The phenotype of people with sharp noses? Is associated with troublemakers. Uh-huh. I'm comfy with that. That doesn't sound anti-Semitic at all. ... FUCK THIS. Riordan, stereotypes like this are HARMFUL. Do. Your. Research.
An afterthought
Does Riordan have any faith in his own writing? Because the one time I'm sold on a dramatic moment, he ends up subverting it. I'm all, "Percy's falling towards the river! Monsters! Everything is panic!" And then the new chapter starts, and the moment falls flat. Because Riordan doesn't hold onto the fear Percy feels in that moment; he makes him snark about it in hindsight. It's really not a good idea to set up an emotionally captivating moment and then make fun of it.
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I think what I want to say to all of your anons that berate you with questions and hateful claims is that we all go through it... Some form of shock at our own likes and dislikes, and some of us end up sticking to our guns about who and what we find attractive and think it's liberating to share who and what that is while some think that by suppressing it they're somehow helping... Neither one is right. We are just experiencing our world for what it is. On the one hand, I'm sure we all wish those politicians and celebs that are assholes weren't (because honestly who would want to be with them eww lol can't stand the high maintenance part) but some of us also consider that it's not the end of the world and might even find it funny or a turn on to make those same types feel awkward or aware that there's a whole group of gay men who lust after them. It's not inherently bad, but it also sucks to be judged about it considering we're all kind of in the same boat. I mean, I've read some of your supporters say really deeply stupid things like "Democrats or liberals are not as attractive as Republicans or conservatives" LOL WTF. I know what they are TRYING to say, but it's definitely not anything to do with political affiliation or ideology. That has nothing to do with biological makeup or appearances. We're all psychologically attuned to loving or lusting after something or someone or a certain type based on our experiences and very personal internal needs, like wanting to be subjugated, dominated, or to be the subjugator or be the dominant ones, it's ridiculous to try to put it in one lane or the other when we actually mean the same thing. Ultimately we are all gay, some more in control and some more prone to give up that control, men and should enjoy being gay men, no matter what branch of that tree we thrive on. I wish we could show love to each other in our community when we are both liberal in our thoughts AND conservative..... no matter the reason. We live with each other anyway, why divide ourselves into groups further just because one side has an extreme view to the other? I don't get why we fight so much. If this was the 70s throigh the early 90s, we'd be fighting the same fight. We would be united agaibst HIV and AIDS and the doctrines of the religious right trying to make monsters of us for contracting a virus that to this day has no cure. The internet has just made us and our sexual preferences so polarized.
I'll admit: This anon stays anon because he wants to express love and kindness, and that does not seem to be the preferred topic of the day. In the end, Trans, Republican, Alex Jones lovers, Effeminate, Masc, Leather, Daddy, Boy, etc. We should help each other. Take each other seriously but not too seriously, and realize we just love certain aspects of masculinity and femininity that bring us joy and pleasure.
Honestly, I found as many things to be proud of about myself just following your blog as I did about hating our community. We should not be so extreme in our reactions. You honestly seem very reasonable, and all you are doing is putting your inner most thoughts out for the world to see, and I can appreciate that, @maturemenoftvandfilms - I love that too. :)
I wish everyone the best, and I wish we could see where we are different is interesting and not a point for conflict. We have enough of that to face in the world as gay or bisexual men. Let's be honest with each other and inclusive even if it's about people we ourselves would not think of as "sexy" or "attractive" because some people are just playing a role.
I'd like to thank you. I was feeling angry and hateful these past few weeks and you've brighten my day.
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valiantvillain · 10 months
Ever since I was a kid I've always felt like every time I make something akin to friends or even just acquaintances I'm just playing this waiting game of "when will they get sick of me and slowly edge me out". I'd go to school in the morning and be told by kids I played with just yesterday that they didn't want to be friends with me anymore and I never knew why. Then I got older and it all just turned to ghosting and not-so-subtly edging me out of group stuff. It's especially bad in groups of people because I'm always painfully aware that I'm playing the waiting game and trying to restrain myself from being well, too much myself, while most times everyone else seems to interact seamlessly, warmly, genuinely.
I have maybe two friends in my entire life who I feel completely safe with because they quite literally have seen me at my very worst with panic attacks, medical mystery leading to cancer diagnosis, chemotherapy, the fucking works. And to my absolute surprise, they never thought I was too much to deal with, never ghosted me or gave me the superficial platitudes. They never left me, they made an effort to hang onto and love me.
Everyone else I've ever interacted with, however, who I talk to and wish that to fucking god that they do see me as the friend I want to be to them, I'm still playing the waiting game with all of them, bracing for the moment my ass fucks up in some big or small way I didn't anticipate and suddenly I'm the annoying one, the person you want to get rid of but dammit that wouldn't be nice so you keep them around because at least they're somewhat tolerable to be around, but you'll gladly brush them off if you can. In a nice way, of course.
I always fear that if I stop being funny, if I stop being charming for even a moment, if I fuck up once, misspeak, or get wrapped up in anxiety, get annoyed or angry the one time, the illusion of friendship I'd been building in my mind with someone will disappear and another waiting game will have reached its end. So I make myself hold back and try to hide the rougher, more jagged parts of myself. I tend not to message first, because if I let them come to me then they can't say I was clingy and needy, right? Then maybe it'll feel less my fault when it all goes to shit. And every time I get personal I feel like I'm risking an entire relationship, and sometimes I'm able to convince myself the waiting game is stupid and paranoid. That people don't need me to always be fun to like me.
And yet I keep fucking playing and I don't know how or if I'll ever be able to stop. Because throughout my life it feels like people have only ever been interested in these little palatable pieces of me and find the whole of me lacking. So I prepare myself for the seemingly inevitable moment it's over so it hurts a little less.
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chicagosfinest2021 · 1 year
Doing another one of these because I don't feel like waiting for my followers to ask me nuthin LOL
0:Height Useless 5'3''
1:Virgin? No but I wish I was sometimes (even though virginity is a man-made social construct that has no bearing in reality)
2:Shoe size 9
3:Do you smoke? Just on the dance floor
4:Do you drink? Socially
5:Do you take drugs? Just my anti-baby pills!!
6:Age you get mistaken for mid 20's usually
7:Have tattoos? On this chocolate brown skin?? Nah baby
8:Want any tattoos? I'm good
9:Got any piercings? Just my ears right now
10:Want any piercings? If I can shrink my fupa down a bit I might get my navel done
11:Best friend? My sister
12:Relationship status Perpetually single at heart/by choice
13:Biggest turn ons Emotional maturity and introspection
14:Biggest turn offs Emotionally stunted people
15:Favorite movie Toss up between Queen, Bend It Like Beckham and Wakanda Forever
16:I’ll love you if You feed me food
17:Someone you miss My grandma </3
18:Most traumatic experience Being SA'ed by different men
19:A fact about your personality I'm just a straight up catch
20:What I hate most about myself I procrastinate too much, I also can't lose this belly meat for sh*t
21:What I love most about myself I'm smart, pretty, cultured, funny, and have an overall dope vibe
22:What I want to be when I get older The rich auntie with no kids that's always traveling and spoils her niblings with money and gifts
23:My relationship with my sibling(s) Me and my middle sister are basically twins and are super close, I have a half sister whom I love but she's not into the lovey-dovey stuff. She also didn't grow up with us so we're all still getting to know each other, but we're cool for the most part.
24:My relationship with my parent(s) They're not perfect but I'm both a mommy's girl and a daddy's girl
25:My idea of a perfect date It's been so long since I've been on a real date I can't even picture what a perfect date would look like to me at this point. I guess any situation where I'm not silently wishing I had stayed at home would be a step up to me.
26:My biggest pet peeves People who insist on bringing their kids everywhere and expect the general public to help them babysit. Also when I try to pay at the pump and they tell me I have to go pay inside. I'll just get back in my car and leave.
27:A description of the girl/boy I like This guy I'm currently in a situationship right now (not proud of it). He's Latino, we've known each other since we were 13, he's funny, very eloquent when he speaks, is a really good kisser, is kind of a fuckboi and is probably aware of it. . .
28:A description of the person I dislike the most Homophobic/transphobic people in general
29:A reason I’ve lied to a friend So she would stop asking me invasive questions
30:What I hate the most about work/school I actually really like my job, my pay is nice but it could always be better tho, nah mean?
31:What your last text message says My phone is charging right now but I was texting someone about details for brunch tomorrow
32:What words upset me the most "Item is no longer in stock"
33:What words make me feel the best about myself "You just have such a deep and passionate soul"
34:What I find attractive in women Everything, women as a rule are sexy AF
35:What I find attractive in men Security in who they are and what they're about so they don't constantly feel the need to dominate or be "submitted to".
36:Where I would like to live Ireland or England
37:One of my insecurities My big boobs, I feel like people oversexualize me because that's all they see
38:My childhood career choice I wanted to play piano but then I wanted to be a writer
39:My favorite ice cream flavor I want it to be rum raisin
40:Who wish I could be I don't want to be anyone but me honestly
41:Where I want to be right now Underneath my situationship pinned to the bed
42:The last thing I ate This casserole I made that was bangin
43:Sexiest person that comes to my mind immediately Alex Livinalli
44:A random fact about anything Queen Nefertiti was the stepmother of King Tut
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hotdamnmadison · 2 years
Killing The Kink: Sissification
It's Monday morning. I'm late getting out of bed (which happens on most Monday's I think.) I sip the lukewarm cup of coffee beside me and begin scrolling through my NSFW socials. I'm mainly on Fetlife now - funny, I use it ten times more than I use my own personal vanilla social media pages. I scroll through pics and posts - perving on my fellow perverts and their hot content. It's a great way to start the day - mainly because they're providing me with potential ideas for my own content.
One post catches my eye. And not in a good way. I'll preface this with a slight disclaimer... 1.) I haven't had time to properly gather my thoughts on the subject, so I may ramble a bit and make mistakes... 2.) I will not be mentioning names/profiles because I respect the privacy of the poster and those who commented.
The post was a simple status update. No formatting. Just plain text...
"No one forces their kinks on others more than Breeders, Sissies and Diaper people. Just saying."
I read it a few times. And then a few more. There were already fifty some odd comments on this particular status update as well. My curiosity of course got the better of me - so clicked into the comments section.
Before we tackle that - I want to remind everyone that I am still relatively new to the world of kinks, proper sexual terminologies, the Do's and Do Not's, and what can be considered improper and insensitive. God knows that I've slipped up and made mistakes. I've misgendered before. I've assumed things about others. And overall I've been doing my best to be more sensitive toward those things. Back in 2020 - 2021 (somewhere in there) I started to notice a different perspective on sissification. This perspective takes a stance that I had never thought of - but that I'd wished I had.
In 2022, the world as a whole is very aware of both racism and sexism across many industries, the work place, simple hobbies, and of course - politics. I myself am much more liberal than I am conservative. And I've cut off a handful of friends who simply were far too toxic to continue hanging out with.
Why am I telling you this?
I am telling you this because that same racism and sexism has found it's way into the world of BDSM as well - and it CAN BE found in Sissification. And that is exactly what I read in the comments section of the post from this morning...
"the sissy kink is not even a kink. Its just a bunch of vile people who get off on racism and seixsm and call it "sissification". And act like they're the ones being humiliated?? While their whole kink is on the back of humiliating other people and playing a character out of it. I hate it sm"
 it’s the race play ajs getting off on being humiliated as a woman that makes me wanna hurl. Not to mention they bully women when they can. They basically take all the traits of Regina George and mix it with their own misogyny and make their own version of a toxic cosmo. I can’t stand it. No I will not take that back lol
Holy fucking yikes. I quickly started to look within myself to see why I PERSONALLY got into dressing up as a girl and pursuing men in a sexual manner. Then I remembered something. Sissy captions and hypnos were maybe a helping gateway drug into my world off crossdressing and expressing my femininity - but I was already headed that direction WITHOUT the help of those things. And on top of that - I HATE everything to do with sissification.
I hate objectification. Some people may be into that - I personally began dressing and exploring my feminine side because I wanted to be loved on in a boyfriend-loves-girlfriend manner.
I hate forced fem (forced anything really) because it insinuates that being feminine is a bad thing. I wasn't FORCED to do anything. Quite the opposite actually.
I do NOT discriminate when it comes to men. And while I may be considered a size queen (wink wink) I do not have a particular preference for "BBC". If I find you attractive, I find you attractive. Simple as that.
Phew. A sigh of relief and another sip of coffee. Okay, so if sissification is bad - I should purge it from my pages as quickly as possible... where to being?
For starters, changing my Fet profile a bit was a must. But wait... If I am not a crossdressing guy who likes to feel girly at times (sissy).... then what the hell am I? The search began... Now I will say this - I've struggled with my identity for a while now because I don't have the urge to completely commit to the transitioning process (though I do find myself more comfortable in my Ashley skin than in my other.)
After researching it a bit more and looking up a variety of glossaries in an attempt to place myself - I have concluded that (for now) I feel genderfluid. I love being Ashley, but not all the time. I love being (Redacted boy name) but not all the time. So for now that just feels right... And more importantly, I can now begin purging my profile of a kink/fetish that some (if not most) find offensive. I'm not any less horny calling myself something else, and if anything it feels BETTER to go by something less degrading. I am not an object. I am a human. And my femininity is strong.
Another disclaimer incoming: Not every sissy is racist or misogynistic. This is not me accusing YOU of anything. This is me encouraging you to evaluate yourself and consider why you are into crossdressing to begin with.
Lets not make the "not all men" argument here. I would invite you to look within yourself as I have and see if you are something other than a "sissy" by the kink definition.
This is such a tough post to write because there are CIS women, and maybe even some trans women as well, who don't really feel bothered by the sissification kink. They see it and maybe ignore it. Some may even encourage the term/ideas through dominatrix relationships with their subs. To go a step further, there are African American men who are unbothered by the "BBC supremacy" trope. They may even encourage the idea of being known as the "Crème de la Crème" of sissy penis/daddy hunting escapades. (My apologies if that description is too much.)
Point being: some may not be bothered, but that doesn't mean it should be overlooked. Race play, misogynistic character play, and femininity = weakness - those things have consequences. And I refuse to paint myself into that box. So yes, in the coming days I hope to readjust my profiles, social, etc. Some things will slip through the cracks - and for that I apologize. I will catch things as I notice them and in the future I will try and be better about avoiding certain triggers.
Thanks for learning with me :)
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sixthwater · 2 years
✨Synastry and: the Friends VI✨
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"....Can you move your seat up-" "No." yeah that's what we're about to get into
Note: This is using and based off of personal experience, I will be using specific people and referencing them throughout the post
Check out my pinned post for more content, where else to find me, paid readings, and more!
Me & 👑's placements
☉: Cancer / Virgo ☽: Taurus / Cancer ☿: Cancer / Leo ♀: Cancer / Leo ♂: Virgo / Libra
It's funny bc I'm not a marvel person but looking through sam and bucky clips oh my god oh my god oh my GOD is this just the trajectory of our friendship
So before we even Dive into this like normal, let's take a look at these personal placements yeah? They have two placements playing with my descendant, their mars in a sign squaring mine, and a sign that is over my eighth house. I have my own piece about how eighth house interactions can play out with people, and this is a Beautiful little glimpse into it. Actually this entire thing is going to be a bit more wonkier than the others buuutt
Me: Moon in 12th / 👑: Moon in 6th
The lovely twelfth house! Our relationship is a joke to all of us because we affected and hated each other for the same reason but for different excuses/different perspectives and only found out after months and looking at this is Still funny. With my stellium already being in the 6th house, adding more emotional noise here Would be something of concern you'd think, but it only just added more awareness to how I handle myself, which then is on my own chart and how I reacted. We both like to cook for those that we love and I think in a way, with my moon being where it was, we balanced each other out? With my heavy cancer energy, and their moon being comfortable, it was just a lot of emotions flaring and then the other looking at the person judgingly and said person going 'yeah that was kinda wack my bad' and then repeating it like a week later lmao. As for the twelfth, I think I just brought up a lot of the negative qualities regarding Taurus up a lot. The possessive qualities that are mirrored in Scorpio that people like to forget. Or the need for comfort & a reliable environment. Due to the rest of their chart, I don't think they really Like to dwell on that because their moon is already doing and purging it enough, and then here I come lmao.
Me: Sun, Mercury, Venus in 2nd / 👑: Mercury, Venus, Jupiter in 7th // Sun in 8th
Here's the big bang! This plays out in a Very weird way when you keep in mind the passage from the start. There is a piece of eighth house interactions that sometimes can take place. It is neither deep purging and beautiful, nor scarring horrendous and truly memorable. It's just, '...you're very Weird you know that?'. Interacting with people who have the sign over your eighth house can make you feel like you can't understand them for some reason, despite them just doing Normal stuff, there's a piece of them that you can't comprehend and if you have Scorpio or eighth house influence already, there is a slight paranoia or edge that makes you believe they're doing it for a reason (they are Probably Not). Besides that, my energy within their second house is a sign that I see them as someone worth investing my time and care in. They're someone I can see being friends with for a long time, and they're an amazing friend and definitely a giving person/partner! However, with Their heavy energy within the seventh, it backfired on this very nice dynamic. Jupiter kinda killed a good thing (remember, sometimes benefics can be Bad). I'm not going to get into their chart for privacy sake, but Leo Descendants are ones that Do Not like to be smothered, and quite frankly my entire chart is pretty independent despite it appearing to 'want to get married before 20' (remember, Leo takes the spotlight and appreciates back-up, not a posse). Leo personal planets are Already very giving and emotional and loving, they're absolute sweethearts and should be protected and I'll die on that hill. When they overlay any sort of house like the second, fifth, seventh, ninth, tenth--things that would give a leo house attention, fun, praise, and love? Beautiful. You add Jupiter to a house that's already packed? Unless there's something that is being afflicted, you're throwing too many cooks in the kitchen. So with my eighth house influence approaching their sun already, and then this constant praise and appreciation that was coming from a genuine place, it was too much and very overwhelming on my end
Me: AC in 5th / 👑: AC in 9th I've never included this before because usually they weren't anything exceptional but this is Very Interesting. They are older than me so in a way whenever I'm pulling from advice and seeking answers, they're someone that I would ask about their experiences, or we would talk about our sexuality because we share the same identity, so it's just nice to know that nothing is real and no one ever knows what they're doing so stop pretending that you're perfect all the time. In return, I have a youthful fun energy when I'm not ruining their life, and I balance between watching over them whenever they're out having fun by themselves or we're Literally just talking about nothing for hours because what else is there to do, but there's this air and fire energy that speaks for a light-hearted feeling while also kind of being deep about it? I'm not really sure how to explain it, because in true air/fire nature, you just have to experience it.
There's really nothing special or stand-out about our aspects here. The beginning of our relationship was just being little brats and all of the tight orbs during that time are Actually very nice which is ironic. There is a tight Sextile between My Mars and Their Moon. Probably contributed to some of the tension between us in a way but we never directly fought each other LMAO. What I Can see is:
My Moon Square 👑's Mercury & Venus
Around this time would've been when we were actually friends and talking since it's a bit looser. Absolutely stands for a conflicting feeling of comfort with the other person trying to communicate their appreciation for them and how they show their care and trying to take care of their friends. Absolute gold.
Closing Thoughts
Honestly, usually I don't put much emphasis on overlays, but that Jupiter really impacted a lot lmao. Our aspects don't really have Much to flaunt, but due to the combination of everything, it dulled down everything and turned it into a weird twilight zone interaction. Very interesting look through though!
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