#I don't want these stupid hips I want them to be narrow. just like how my brain thinks I do
kalmiaphlox · 15 hours
Your Body is My Canvas
AO3 Link / Masterlist
Astarion is finally ready to learn how to swim after two centuries, and Kalmia, ever his dutiful partner, is there to teach him.
Lessons don't take all that long, it's a nice night under the stars, and Astarion fancies himself an artist. Lucky for him, Kalmia has a perfectly good body to paint on.
Main Tags: Smut, body painting - with mud AND blood, blood sucking, face sitting, PiV sex
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“What's the hesitation for?”
“You're not going to drag me to the deepest part to drown me are you?”
Kalmia narrows her eyes, head just barely bobbing above the water. “You don't need to breathe.” She feels like they've had this conversation before. When has she ever betrayed his trust? “Clothes off, come on.”
With an agonized groan akin to a child throwing a fit, Astarion throws his shirt off to the forest floor, before sliding his trousers off, leaving just his undergarments. He pauses again, “What if the fish bite at me? I don't want to become their food.”
“I don't-” Would fish nibble on him since he's… (un)dead? No, no. It's fine. “You're safe with me, irthiski. I'll keep all the very scary guppies away.”
“Wretch,” he bares his fangs for a second before finally taking his first steps into the pond, the ripples from his movement lightly tickling her face. “No pranks, tricks, jokes, or gaffs. I will leave immediately if you attempt to pull one over on me.”
“I swear on my worthless honor that I won't ‘pull one over on’ you.”
“You won't let me sink?” 
The fretting… Gods above. “I'll make sure your head stays above water.”
His frown is pure disgust as he wades in deeper, the water now rising above his hips. “I hate mud.” It is exceptionally muddy out, the heavy rains plaguing the area finally gave them a reprieve, if only for a few hours so they can have this time to themselves.
“I know, my dear Princess of House Nightstar. Please bear with these horrid conditions, and if your frail body is fee-”
“I think that's enough from the peanut gallery.” 
Alright, she'll leave the poor vampire alone. “Stop there. We can try just floating for now.”
The scoff he lets out is enough to make her eyes roll into the back of her head. “Floating? ! I want to swim, not drift away like some moldy piece of wood along the current!”
“We're starting with the basics, if you can't float , then you can't swim.” She's considering just dragging him back to shore, but refrains. He's scared, and unfortunately that presents itself in cattiness, Astarion knows Kalmia is right, he just needs to fight every step of the way. Her precious kitty, he's lucky she likes the snark.
Standing up with her water-soaked shirt on, she holds her arms out in the water, nodding down at them. “Lean back here, I'll hold you up so you can get the feeling.”
“Ah, but my hair! It will be-”
He sucks in a deep breath, lowering himself so she can support him in the water. “Stare up at the sky, ears should be underwater,” He does as she tells him. “Good, now arch your back very slightly- Yes, just like that,” She positions a hand right at the small of his back. “And now, hold your arms out at your side and spread your legs, a bit wider than shoulder width.”
His eyebrow quirks with the ghost of a smirk, and she suppresses the very strong urge to let him go at this moment. Kalmia won't ruin this for him, Astarion is being agreeable - for him.
“You're doing great, irthiski. How does it feel?”
She laughs quietly. “That's fair. Keep breathing steadily, I'm going to remove this hand,” Flexing the one under his back, “I'll keep the one on your shoulders, but try to stay still.”
That might be a whimper that slips through his lips, but she ignores it as she moves her hand away slowly. Astarion instantly begins to stiffen, “Don't do that, relax.”
“It feels like you're dropping me.” He spits out, seething with no actual rage.
“I told you I'd never let you go. Don't worry about it.”
That gets him to soften infinitesimally, though not enough as he jerks in the water and everything falls apart. His legs kick out, dousing them both before Kalmia shoves hips down.
“Just stand, Astarion. You can't sink here.”
He finds his footing, slapping his hair back with a sneer, pointing an accusatory finger at her chest, “You let me go!”
“When the flailing begins, it's better to stand than fall. It's not deep, but if you truly went under, I would have pulled you up.” She expects more retaliation, but Astarion's anger deflates with each word. “Let's try again, I'll hold you longer this time.”
Repeating the new routine, he returns to lying back on her hands. This round goes smoother, and after a few minutes, Kalmia removes the hand from his lower back, Astarion is able to keep his cool. 
“Alright, I'm removing the hand from your head. You're doing great.” She does as she says, hovering her hand around him for the moment he inevitably flinches, but that time doesn't come.
Unfortunately, Astarion does look a bit like driftwood, Kalmia keeps her mouth clamped shut.
“So, uhm- How do I stop?” His eyes glance to hers, so shiny in the moonlight eeking out between the cloudy sky.
“Drop your legs and lean forward.” The movements are a little disjointed and he drops below the water for a moment before shooting up, spitting and coughing. Kalmia pats his back. “Are you done or would you like to try on your own?”
Retching up the last bit of water with pure drama, Astarion gathers his last piece of dignity. “Just once by myself.”
“I'll still keep my hands beneath, but I won't touch you.”
Kalmia's almost certain that if it weren't for his nervousness, Astarion would be fine. There's some minor adjustments he makes that make her think he retains some residual muscle memory from a time long forgotten.
They can focus on it next time though, floating on his own is good enough for now.
His last self-directed float ends and he's able to stand up without going under so he shrugs his shoulders, smug with pride. “I've always been a quick study.” Gods forbid he takes anything with a bit of grace.
“Yes, you're clearly an expert now.”
“Just you wait, I'll be swimming circles around you yet, little wyrm.”
For so many reasons, she doubts that. “I will be waiting with bated breath.”
Astarion purses his lips at her mocking, cutting through the water with just his head visible. Kalmia stares down at him when he swiftly wraps his lithe arms around her waist to rest his chin on her stomach. “This wasn't as much exercise as I was expecting, and I'm feeling a bit spritely if you wish to… indulge.” His eyes have darkened with lust as he says so and she's already beginning to feel that heat sparking within.
She runs her fingers along his pointed ear, a soft touch that he leans into. “I more than wish to, but sex this deep is an, uh, advanced technique. I don't think we're there yet.”
“There's a perfectly good pond shore behind you, I think that will work just fine for our needs.”
Well, now she's just in disbelief as she quirks an eyebrow. “You would fuck me in the mud?”
“My love, I want us to be so covered in mud that we'll have to bathe thrice.” His hands slip under the long, water-logged shirt she's wearing, gripping her hips tightly.
Kalmia holds his chin now, caressing his lower lip with her thumb, before pushing his lip up to expose a fang. “Are you going to be a dirty boy for me?” His pupils are near eclipsing the red irises as she pricks her thumb on his fang and pushes it within his mouth. He sucks gently with the quietest of moans, eyes fluttering shut briefly with ecstasy, and his fingers press into her hips with a bruising strength. Leaning down, she brushes her lips across his ear, and whispers, “Won't you defile me?”
A low growl makes its way out of his throat, “I'll make sure everyone sees how I love you.” 
Kalmia straightens and puts on a pouty voice. “I could use the reminder too, you know…”
Astarion raises up her shirt, revealing the crook of her hip to graze his fangs along the spot. “That reminder could go right here. ”
“Do it.”
His fangs sink into the flesh with his strong arms holding her so she doesn't collapse, as Kalmia almost goes limp from the feeling. There's nothing like that ice cold shock that settles into her body when he draws blood, but two long pulls is all Astarion needs before letting go, licking up the dribbles with languid ease. “Such a delicious creature, I think it's time I ruined you.”
She attempts to remove her shirt, but Astarion stops her firmly, “No, leave it on for now.” He drags her to the shore and crushes her against him in a metallic-tasting, deep kiss, before wasting no time in laying on his back, gesturing for Kalmia to get on him. “I need to prime my canvas first, sit on my face, darling.”
Oh gods, she's gonna come so hard tonight. 
Positioning herself above him, she lowers down onto her knees with Astarion guiding her by the hips. His eyes flash up at her, just barely visible. “How much more blood can I have tonight?”
Her chest is already heaving. She licks her lips, steadying her breathes. “You can have one more bite, so make it count, irthiski. ”
He hums with acknowledgement, “Other than you kneeling, do not dirty the rest of your body. That is my canvas to paint. All the way down now, my love. I'm starving.”
Now lowering herself dutifully, Astarion's cool tongue greets her slit, sliding up and down the length of it and Kalmia lets out a breathy moan. One of his hands wraps around her thigh to rock her against his hungry mouth while the other slithers up her body to palm a breast. 
He sucks in her clit only to release it with a pop that makes Kalmia's thighs quiver, she won't be able to maintain this position forever with the tongue lashing she's receiving. Her nipple is being pinched and twisted, and oh fuck Astarion has slipped his masterful tongue inside of her dripping cunt, groaning as he tastes her. Mewling wantonly as he tongue fucks her, Kalmia leans back, but not before Astarion stops his ministrations to look up at her with ravenous eyes.
“You can't come yet.” And with that, he dips back into her folds, lapping up her slick as his nose bumps against that sensitive bundle at the apex of her sex. 
Evil man, she thinks before leaning back with a hand upon his firm abdomen, feeling how they flex as he eats her out with abandon. That familiar coil of euphoria is building within and Kalmia stills her rocking, trying to subdue the high she so badly wants to chase.
Fuck her, he's latched onto her clit again, and Kalmia can't contain the beg escaping her lips, “Astarion, majak ve kutol!” When his hand leaves her tit, she quickly moves to replace it with her own, teasing a hardened peak.
His ragged voice is a purr as he nuzzles against her thigh, “You can come now.”
And he knows his words can always send her over the edge.
Her hips jerk without a rhythm as Kalmia falls forward, squeezing her legs together around Astarion's head and grasping at his hair as she fucks his face desperately. Her inner walls clench as his tongue slows its dance on her clit, whimpering when the last wave of pleasure ends.
Holy hells, he treats her so well.
Sliding back along his chest weakly, but not losing out on this chance to leave her own mark, Kalmia takes in his appearance. Astarion is grinning lasciviously, licking her spent left behind on his lips. “Gods, you're delicious. Now let me see how well you followed instructions.” Sitting up, he inspects her body, pulling the shirt over her head, running a hand down Kalmia's chest, groping and suckling on her breasts until her hardened nipples are puffy and she's yearning for more, grinding her aching cunt against his still covered shaft.
All seems to pass his test, they can- 
“Well, what's this?” Astarion is holding her hand, palm side up. “I can't trust you with anything.”
Kalmia startles, looking for the offender, “What?! Where?” 
“Right here, ” indicating a spot where a tiny bit of mud had smeared between her fingers. Who knows how it got there. “Tsk, tsk, how disappointing. Now, what shall your punishment be?”
Luck is on her side, she loves his punishments.  
Astarion brings her in for a sloppy, open mouthed kiss, winding her long hair around his wrist and wrenching her head back, tonguing at the smooth skin around her neck. “I'll take my second meal now. Try not to come from it, you harlot.” 
“No promises-!” is all Kalmia manages to squeak out before his fang pierce her skin again, and he moans into her as that sweet lifeblood pours down his throat, crushing her against his chest. In a great show of wills, she doesn't come - thank the gods , but by the hells is she close as he ruts up into her with a deep swallow.
And just like the good little vampire he is, Astarion stops after two large drinks, but this time he doesn't clean up the remaining flow. When he pulls back, blood drips from his chin. “My love, you're going to fuck me with that tender love and care you do so well, and I , the artist, will paint the most beautiful figure. But,” leaning in, he nips at her lower lip. “I need an extra pop of color .” The nip turns into a sharp sting, he's cut open her lip and blood now trickles out, splattering onto their chests.
Astarion lays back, adjusting his briefs so he can wiggle out of them even with Kalmia straddling his waist, and he sighs in relief when his cock springs free beneath her. She risks a glance, her mouth watering at the sight of it - flushed with her blood , and glistening with more than just precum. “Did you come while I was on you?
“Oh gods, yes. I'd like to see you contain yourself when the most ethereal being imaginable grinds on your face.” A sweet smile appears as he takes her in while leaning back on an elbow, “Your punishment… Hmm,” he taps his bloodied mouth, the smile turning sinister, “I think, you know for a little fun, you can't touch yourself. At all while you're on top of me. Keep those little mitts away from your body.”
She takes it back, she hates his punishments. “No! Astarion, please! I want-”
“Quit your crying, lizard. Now,” He runs a finger through the drops of blood, writing out something along her collarbone. “I know an artist should sign his work once he's finished, but I shan't be letting that go to waste.”
Did he just… sign his name onto her body in her own blood?! Gods, he can own her body and soul, but she'll never say that outloud. “Hmm, the vision just isn't complete yet… Kalmia, I need you to fuck me, I can't paint under these conditions.”
Absolutely deranged. Though it's not as if she's above such things, she's just jealous he thought of this first. 
Rising up and taking his cock in hand, she places it against her entrance but Astarion's hip buck, enveloping himself within her fully. Kalmia gasps, steadying herself on his shoulder with a tight grip, “I- I thought I was supposed to fuck you- ah!” 
He cants into her once more, “You were going too slow, but that's what I get for loving a geriatric dragon.” Pulling her in for another deep kiss, tongue swiping up the spilled blood, he pulls away just as fast, lips coated in that bloody treat. “Time to begin!”
She has no idea what he's about to “paint”, but his cock’s already buried deep inside and she wants - needs to experience the decadent stretch he provides. 
Getting more dirty doesn't matter at this point, and it's not like this henich could serve up a worse punishment, so she places her hands in the mud, arching her back slightly as she slides up and down on his length. 
Astarion muzzles his groan behind tightly shut lips, his lust-filled eyes rove over her body before he nods as an idea strikes him. “I've got it!” Slapping a hand on her thigh, he drags two fingers up to her hip. When he removes it, there's a muddy handprint and two lines, which is then connected to more lines he's drawing over her hip and stomach.
She's slowed down her bouncing to take in his work, and Astarion's eyes snap to hers, “Is your old body failing you? Ride me, you beast!” As she picks up the pace again, relishing the way he hits those tender spots and the slapping of them coming together, Astarion cups one of her breasts and then circles around a nipple, the other he just crosses through. 
“What's- ah, what's wrong with that one?” Kalmia rasps out as he roughly grabs her hips, grinding her down onto him. 
“Nothing, my wyrm. It's called abstract art, I'd assume-” His words fail him as she clenches on his cock. Kalmia tilts in, and Astarion meets her with his tongue, tangling with hers. One of his hands is still working at painting her body abstractly - or distractedly, too bad they don't have a mirror, she'd love to see his work.
And they won't be able to make it home in time anyway, “It's about to rain.” She mutters against his mouth.
A growl rises from his throat and she hears his hand pound into the mud beside them. What a tem- her thoughts fall apart as Astarion shoves her backwards, landing in the shallows of the pond.
Seems he's lost interest in painting. 
He collapses into her, smashing their lips together as he plunges his cock furiously inside of her, pinching and twisting one of her nipples and swallowing the moans that slip out of her lips.
The patter of rain is heard as drops hit the water and ground beside them. His fingers have drifted to her clit, and Kalmia cries out, begging for him to finish her when he's circling the bud lazily. Astarion quickly splashes water over her chest to clear some of the mud away, “I won't take- ah! - more, but I need you to come on me!” he grits out, and she knows he's close now as his brutal pace picks up even more.
He nips once at a nipple before biting fully into the supple flesh of her breast, and this time she reaches her heavenly climax when that exhilarating prick of pain strikes down to her core, no blood is drawn this time as Astarion continues to fuck into her through his own orgasm, head tucked into her neck once he releases her tit. Thank the gods they both can't drown, he's pushed her through the mud further into the water where Kalmia could barely keep her head above it, and she clings to him as her body ebbs into the post-coital afterglow.
Astarion's pale body goes limp on top of her, pushing Kalmia all the way under and she can't help but laugh at the silliness of this whole thing, releasing bubbles of air to the surface. Realizing that she's stuck beneath, Astarion rolls off, letting her crest above the water again with a sputter, and he smiles apologetically, “You squeezed the life - well, unlife from me. I lost all strength, what magic did you use to take it from me?”
“Hag's magic, I need to stay young somehow.” Kalmia coughs out before devolving into laughter, “I think your masterpiece is all gone now!” 
“Ahh, oh well, I still have this beauty here.” He brings them together for one more kiss, and once released, Astarion runs his fingers over her lips, “Apologies for the cut, I got a little too excited.”
“That's all right, can I return the favor another time? I want to paint.”
He hums thoughtfully, “I don't see why not, but I worry your bite is much, much worse than your bark.” With a wide smile, she snaps her teeth at him, and for that slight, he splashes water onto her face, “Stay back, you pond monster!”
“Poor, irthiski, scared of a little dragon…” She giggles, but relents in her attempts to take a nibble, “You wanna float some more or head home?”
“Let's float, love. It's quite peaceful out here, even with this revolting rain.”
“Rain is clean water, it's no-”
Astarion places a finger over her mouth, “Oh, how I love when you're quiet.”
Hah! Isn't that rich?
With a shout Kalmia dives onto him, dragging Astarion kicking and screaming deeper into the water so he can see what a pond monster actually does.***
***Kalmia did not actually drag him into the deep end.
-majak ve kutol - give me release
19 notes · View notes
caenor-au · 9 months
your physical body and your mental body being radically different gives you such specific ass dysphoria i hate it. why can't real life also have incredibly complex customising screens that allow you to always have the exact appearance you're after
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diejager · 7 months
I never thought I would like a stepdad!konig so much, I just don't. But here I am.Soo I saw the need to do this
I felt 'jealous' of f!reader's mother.Simply the fact of reading how she becomes unconscious (with good reason, it's könig!) After a while with him.... And that they are practically husband and wife. It's a strange feeling,You know. like a delusion (I feel so stupid right now)
How would stepdad!konig react if he found out about it? (I feel a little better with the comfort of dbf! Horangi, scary, I know)
You are incredible, thank you for your writings 🌻
Oh, that sunflower at the end is cuteee Cw: unprotected sex, rough sex, creampie, sex marathon?, stepcest, DUB-CON?NON-CON, degrading, tell me If I missed any.
"Oh, is the what you want?" König cooed, smirk cruel and smug as he watched you wail beneath Horangi.
He recently came out of his room, baggy pants hanging low on his angular hips, dropping on one side and showing off the sharp dip on his navel and happy trail, a salacious way to walk into a room smelling of sweat and sex. He cleaned up, brushing his ginger hair with hints of silver to the side, messy and slightly damp from his session with your mom. Chest clean and body fluids wiped off, he always came to you clean and ruggedly handsome. Much like his friend who, until a few minutes ago, had the monopoly in your attention and silent cries, who drove his cock into you with strong and purposeful thrusts while he kissed your mewls away, swallowing them down with the harsh press of his scarred lips.
"You should have told me, Schatz," könig pushed on, pulling his waistband down enough for his engorged cock to spring upwards, slapping his deep V with a wet sound.
Horangi chuckled, hoisting you up on his lap, hands guiding your hips up and down his cum-coated thighs. You clung to him, arms wrapped around his shoulders, nails digging into his sculpted back (for someone of their age, they still had an enviable physique, back, arms and thighs ripped with thick and strong muscles while having a soft but equally sculpted abdomen.) With every buck of his hips skyward. You hid your face in his neck, damping it with your tears and open-mouthed mewls by biting down on his shoulder, muffling any keens and cries that would echo too loudly in your room.
"Use your big girl words, ja?" Your stepdad went on, pumping his pre down his uncut head, pulling down the foreskin to show his red and angry tip.
Feeling quite smug about your disheveled look, being the one responsible for it after your stepdad took too long fucking your mom to sleep, Horangi pressed kisses up your neck, behind your ear and teasing you with his teeth, playfully nipping at you while he looked at König. He peered over your bouncing shoulders, brown eyes seeming pitch black in your dark room, illuminated by a small lamp, the dim yellow light giving a golden tint to his eyes. He was goading König in a way, narrowed eyes and cheeks pulled by scars when he smirked at your stepdad, flashing his teeth as he bit down, reveling in the whimper he pulled from you.
"We shouldn't disappoint, huh, König?" Horangi chuckled, ramming you down his cock, feeling your walls clamp down on him while your legs shook, toes curling as you come, painting a pretty ring around his shaft.
The only reply he got back was a vindictive laugh, deep and rumbling, a bigger hand wrapping around your nape, scuffing you. König yanked your head back, blurry and teary eyes staring up at him, he held you there until Horangi finished, until Horangi painted your cunt white, until he got a turn to stuff you full of his cock and cum, and until he could fuck you unconscious like you wanted to.
Taglist: @sae1kie @yeoldedumbslut @tallmanlover @distracteddragoness @vxnilla-hxrddrugs @konigsblog @havoc973
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disneyprincemuke · 5 months
in the name of friendly racing * fem!driver
a simple race on their scooters flips the entire paddocks upside down
pairings: liam lawson x fem!driver, logan sargeant x fem!driver, mick schumacher x fem!driver, oscar piastri x fem!driver
notes: hello everyone i know i haven't posted a vr piece and it's all because i couldn't fully grasp the fact that femdriver and logan are not together in this universe but i took a break from them and yes i'm coping well, but no i will not stop tearing up about their love story k? anyway, i think this is MID compared to other crack fics i've written but i'm trying i promise
(series masterlist) | (📂 the rookie season)
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she holds up the scooter in one hand, the other on her hip as she leans into the tablet in liam's hands. "what's the route again?"
"are you stupid?" logan asks.
"no, do you want to not join us?" she asks quickly, lifting her head to glare at the american across her. she darts her arm out and shoves logan back. "i'll disqualify you right here, right now. you wanna spend your afternoon in your driver's room like a loser like the rest of them?"
"he sent it to the group chat, how can you still not know the route?" logan scoffs, narrowing his eyes down into a glare.
"i'm just making sure!"
"relax," liam mutters, holding a hand up in an attempt to break up the fight that he's sure would happen if he doesn't interfere. "i'll disqualify you both."
"just tell me the route," mick sighs, shaking his head. he steps forward and tilts his head to try and get a look at the screen under the scorching sun above them. "no cheating, okay?"
logan huffs. "tell that to her."
she throws her head back and rolls her eyes. "god, logan!" she winds her arm back and darts an arm out to grab logan's sweatshirt. she bundles it up into her hands and tries to yank logan towards her.
"okay!" mick cries out, grabbing her wrist and pulling her away from logan. he carefully, finger by finger, removes her hand from grasping his sweatshirt and pushes her back. he then guides logan two steps away. "the race hasn't even started yet!"
oscar pops his head between the girl and liam. "are you sure you should be doing this?"
"of course," liam mutters, glancing at oscar. "why are you here? i thought you didn't want anything to do with us if we went through with this?"
"yeah, but i'm curious. so i know which places to avoid - i wouldn't want to get run over by road rager over here," he gestures to her and then at logan, "and mr. beating-(y/n)-is-my-life's-mission over there."
"she can't possibly be beating me at every single thing!" logan cries, throwing his arms in the air, and pointing over at her.
"sore loser!"
"okay, so we're starting here," liam points at where they're standing. "we start at williams."
"are you guys going to the pitlane?" oscar questions.
"no, are you crazy? do you want somebody to kill us?" mick scoffs. "i'd get my scooter rights taken away from me!"
"yeah," liam agrees with a nod. he throws oscar a judgemental stare, absolutely bewildered at the thought that they would be racing at the area where literal cars could be driving out. he looks back down at the ipad. "anyway."
"we zip between the racing homes," logan mutters, tracing the map of the paddocks that they'd pulled up from the internet. "and then we make a round around the interview table and the finish line is back here. don't forget to zip through the racing homes again."
"exactly," liam nods. "everyone aware of the rules?"
"you guys had the time to come up with rules?" oscar laughs. "seriously?"
"no shortcuts," mick says, turning his head to look at the younger girl. he grabs her wrist. "have you got your watch on so we can track the route everyone takes for the race?"
"yes. i'm a fair racer, above all," she scowls, retracting her arm from mick. "and we stop for everyone who calls us, yes? especially the fans."
"easy," logan nods, a smirk stretching his lips. "suddenly i'm kind of thankful nobody really likes me."
"what? don't say that," she grunts. "i like you. we like you."
"break it up, lovebirds. we are not friends, we're competitors," liam mutters. "you guys got the glasses (y/n) stole from seb's office?"
"i didn't steal them. we're borrowing them!" she rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "don't break them - seb doesn't know i took them from his office."
"oh, i'm pretty sure charles would have let you borrow his if you asked," oscar whispers. when she turns her head to glare at him, oscar lifts his arms up to surrender. "but, you know. what do i know?"
"well i'm not sponsored by rayban - my glasses aren't here yet. i get when everybody else gets them," she frowns. "and, i don't wanna bother charles. it's okay."
"so you snuck into seb's office instead."
"it's not sneaking in if the door was wide open," she laughs, rolling her eyes. "duh?"
"ah, is that why you needed me to keep a lookout in the hallway?" logan says.
"shut up. i'm going to beat you," she mutters, pointing at logan with a threatening finger.
"okay, so are we clear about the rules?" liam puts the ipad down and looks around. "we've literally tried to make it as foolproof as possible. there's no way you guys can find ways to cheat, right?" he turns to her. "right?"
"i don't know why you keep looking at me - i'm a fair racer! you should be asking mick if he's going to be honest about this one!"
"why me? isn't logan desperate to keep the paper mache cup that we made three nights ago?"
"in my defence, i still believe i should keep it even if i lose because i worked on it the entire night. all you fuckers did was play overcooked and scream at each other in mick's hotel room."
"okay, shut up and race," oscar mutters, flailing his arms in the air to dismiss their huddle. "are you guys ready? can i start the race for you?"
"for someone who doesn't want to be a part of this, you sure are pushy," she mutters, turning on her heel to hop onto her scooter. "are we ready? apple watches and rayban glasses on?"
she takes the sunglasses that have been resting on the collar of her blouse and puts it on. she turns to her left and points at logan. "i'm gonna crush you."
logan pushes the sunglasses up his nose, looking ahead and doesn't spare her another glance. "sure."
"okay, okay," oscar cheers, clapping his hands. he reaches into his back pocket and reveals a red handkerchief. "turned your scooters on? everybody got their smart watches and smart glasses on?"
"start the race, cunt!"
oscar's lip twitches. "anyway. be safe, you guys. we have a race this weekend."
"i don't," mick smiles. "stay safe, though."
"start the race before i do it myself, bitch!"
"liam, shut the fuck up!" she shrieks, stepping off her scooter momentarily to whack him on the arm.
"god!" liam screams, his arm darting out to whack her as a response. "the race is going to start and you're not going to-"
"go!" oscar shouts, waving the handkerchief into the air. he darts to the side to get out of their way with a giggle.
almost immediately, logan and mick have already pulled back their handles, darting away from the williams racing home. she shrieks and shoves liam, causing him to lose his balance slightly, hops onto her scooter and drives away.
"oh, liam!" a deep voice calls. "i've been looking for you everywhere!"
"fuck's sake," liam sighs, shaking his head as he turns to see christian walking up to him. but he smiles as he is approached by the team principal. "yeah, christian?"
up ahead, she frowns to herself as she watches mick and logan racing head to head. there's no way to catch up to them on these scooters - it's simply not like an f1 car. she can only bank on the fact that someone, somehow, will stop them to give her some sort of window to pass them.
with the little number of people in the paddocks on a wednesday for the weekend proves that they should have done this early in the afternoon on friday. there could have been more obstacles and distractions for them.
if only the boys had listened to her.
she shrieks when she sees george flagging mick down ahead of the alpine racing home, forcing mick to come to slow stop. she screeches loudly when she passes mick, her hair being blown back by the wind and speed she's going at.
"thanks, george!" she screams, momentarily waving at the brit as she passes the mercedes pair. she can see logan ahead of her, speeding and manoeuvring around the crowd flawlessly by the ferrari home.
surely, somebody will recognise him and pull him to a stop, right? if nobody does, she can only hope that alex is somewhere in the paddocks wondering where his rookie has gone.
the race, objectively, is going fine for her. logan was momentarily stopped by a williams engineer. she passes them screeching, also thanking the nameless woman and waving at logan smugly as she accelerates her scooter.
when she does that, her eyes widen when she sees mick also passing logan. she has no idea where liam has gone, or if christian has even let him go from their conversation at the back of the paddocks.
she does get stopped, once, by susie who stops her to ask her a question. it was a simple question that she easily had the answer to and susie let her off in seconds. she excitedly presses a kiss on the older woman's cheek and quickly accelerates away, shocked that mick is suddenly riding next to her.
behind them is logan trailing shortly, and liam's conversation with christian is actually short. so behind logan is liam, held back by a couple of seconds only.
it's just that christian had overheard them whispering earlier that day about their race and he had lurked by the williams racing home to mess with his driver.
she, unfortunately, does get stopped another time, by a fan that was being brought around for a tour of the paddocks ahead of the race weekend. she grumbled under her breath when the three boys passed her: mick mimicking her shrill screech, logan passing her with his fingers in an 'L' shape, then liam simply ignoring her.
the race is short. suddenly they're all at the final stretch, now circled back at the ferrari racing home as they aim to make it to the finish line where oscar sits in a plastic chair, hunched over as he texts his girlfriend.
she screeches when she sees mick come to a stop right by the aston martin home. it's then questionable when she sees logan stop, and then liam. and suddenly she's getting flagged down by liam.
she rolls her eyes and ignores them, clearly being sore losers that she is now destined to win their little race. she goes right past them, slowing down slightly since it seems that she is the only competitor left in the race.
"(y/n)!" she hears a familiar accent. her eyes widen as she looks back, seeing sebastian with his hands on his hips, surrounded by her friends with the guiltiest expressions on their faces.
it all happens very fast. she had all intentions to slow down and go back to where they were, but she hadn't seen the rock up ahead.
if only she'd been looking ahead.
the front wheel of her scooter is caught against the stone, sending both her and the vehicle flying forward. "fuck!" she screams, her arms stretching out to try and break the fall.
"oh, my god!"
"that's going to hurt."
"are you stupid?"
"are you okay?"
she stays in her spot for a couple of seconds as she tries to digest the events of what just happened to her. one second, she had been on her scooter, the next she's knelt on the ground with her hands planted into the ground.
then it hits her: all of the pain from her fall.
she removes her hands from the ground and blinks rapidly, allowing the blood to seep from her now wounded palms. she feels it in her knees, surely scraping her favourite pair of pants when she had skidded against the floor. one of sebastian's pair of raybans is strewn not too far from her on the ground.
her scooter is ahead of her, which oscar is now bent over and pushing it upright.
she looks up, meeting logan's eyes with a hand over his mouth.
"it's not funny!"
"it's a little funny," logan shrugs before he bends down to meet her. "are you okay?"
tears immediately well in her eyes. she stretches out her hands and shows logan her injured palms. "i hurt my hands!"
"we can see that." mick is the next to kneel next to her, taking her hands into his. he moves her hands about and tries to assess her wounds. "we should get you back to your room and treat these."
"where are my glasses, you fucking- seriously, (y/n)?" she hears sebastian mutter. she lifts her head and watches sebastian pick up the pair from the ground and turn to her. "seriously? a race on the scooter i had to beg to get you?"
"it was liam's idea!" she cries, wiping her eye on the sleeve of her blouse. "he challenged me!"
"it was premeditated!" liam screams in an attempt to defend himself. "she said we would race once you got her scooter approved!"
"shut the fuck up!" she screeches, reaching out to push liam. "i told you not to tell on me!"
"okay, enough fighting," oscar sighs. he bends over and is the only one to think that she should not let her wounds be against the dirty ground for too long. "come on, let's get you all patched up."
"but my knees!" she cries, sniffling as she looks down at her scraped jeans. there's a small hole on both of her knees, the edges seeped with blood and small matching wounds on either. "i can't-"
"enough crying, drama queen," logan mutters, already hunched over and tapping his shoulders. "i'll carry you back. stop crying."
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taglist: @wcnorris @treehouse-mouse @laura-naruto-fan1998 @mindless-rock @vellicore @leilanixx @ironmaiden1313 @angsthology @cherry-piee @christianpulisic10 @elliegrey2803 @cashtons-wife @sadg3 @a10vely-yutazen @mellowarcadefun @glitterf1 @megatrilss1885 @peqch-pie @gentlyweeps-world @woozarts @inejismywife @meadhgbcavanagh @2bormaybenot @love4lando
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luvring · 3 months
https://vm.tiktok.com/ZGeyFC7mc/ this but with keiji 🫣
(link :3) Stop. i literally have a multi-chara plan in a doc for this rn. STOPP MY KEIJI :((
a little suggestive, gn!reader
keiji didn't have a bad day, and when he's expected to join four different meetings in the next couple of weeks, alongside editing longer chapters than usual in time for this week's publication, not having a bad day is all he can really ask for.
though, maybe there's one thing, one privilege he'll always ask for at the end of the day to make it a little better.
your voice rings clear as you jog to meet him at the entrance, slippers loud against the wooden floor. he hangs up his jacket just in time for you to grab his hands with a grin— "c'mere, i need you for a minute."
his lips form a half-smile, even as he furrows his brows while you pull him into the living room. "no 'hello'? no 'how was your day?'"
you turn to look over your shoulder. "hi, baby, how was your day?"
"it was okay, could've been better. thanks for asking. how was yours?"
"mm, could've been better, too. but i'm gonna make your day right now, sit down."
and he does, of course; he lets his bag fall off his shoulder and land on the rug, untucks his shirt and pushes up his glasses that have fallen down the slope of his nose. all the while, you take a seat beside him, close enough that your thighs touch, and balance your phone on the coffee table against the books that keiji thrifted a week ago.
he makes sure he isn't staring at you when you finally turn the camera on.
"wanna record a video with me?"
"people usually ask that before setting up the camera," he points out, "but, yeah, okay. do i have to do anything?"
"no, well, yes, but it isn't hard or anything. i'll explain when i hit record."
and before he can ask if this is another prank trend, you've started recording with a smile on your face.
"hi, guys! so, i saw this trend going around, and i wanted to try it out."
keiji narrows his eyes.
"basically, i have my husband here, say hi, keiji."
"hello- wait—"
"and he's going to list off his favourite colognes, and i'm gonna rank them!" you turn to face him, feigning innocence you know you don't hold. "go ahead, babe."
it's obvious what's going on, what this video is really supposed to be. he knows, and yet he can't stop from looping that word in his head again—
his eyes flicker down to your ring finger, then back up to your eyes.
keiji thinks he's stopped breathing.
he has stopped, actually—he's doing it manually, telling his brain to let out the carbon dioxide in his lungs for oxygen.
would you like him as your husband?
it's a push and pull, and when he thinks he can manage to say something, a "seriously?" or "well, the one i bought recently has a vanilla note that i've been enjoying," you make eye contact with him through the screen. again—
"c'mon, husband."
his head drops to your shoulder, and he pouts at the immediate laughter that follows.
"what's wrong, keiji?"
arms wrap around you, a hand finding its way to rest on your hip. "stop."
"stop what?"
"i hate you."
"you hate me? guys, my husband hates me, can you believe that?"
"oh my god."
keiji burrows his face into the crook of your neck, and you yelp as he nips at your skin— "keiji!"
your voice makes him pull you closer, hide a little longer, because despite everything, he knows he has a stupid, lovesick grin on his face, and that's something he wants only you to see.
so it's only after you reach to stop the video (with no help from your boyfriend that continues to cling onto you) that keiji finally looks at you, his cheeks flushed pink as he smiles.
then his fingers climb up to your waist, his skin warm against yours under your shirt, and it's your turn to be shocked this time,
"what are you—"
heat travels up your neck as his eyes look down at your lips, and he asks, "can i try to make your day better too?"
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sluts4matt · 3 months
Do you take requests if you don't can you make one where y/n is dating chris and she is slowly realizing that she's in love with matt and one day has her and chris are fucking she moans matts name and chris gets upset at her, then another day when she's touching herself all she can think about is matt, but she doesn't have the heart to break up with chris to be with matt.
If you want you can make her break up with chris and then she gets with matt and fucks him.
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pairing: mean!chris, sub!matt x reader
summary: falling for your boyfriend's brother was one thing but moaning his name during sex? that's a whole new story. but maybe that was the little push you needed to finally do something about your feelings.
warnings: SMUT, fingering, mommy kink because im a sucker, p in v, praising, oral (female receiving)
word count: 2052
author's note: i'm sorry this took so long @outerbanksstorys, i'm almost certain i may have ended up changing a few things up but i hope you like it. xx 🫶
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you couldn't help the way you giggled at matt's joke. you were on your boyfriend, chris' knee, his arms wrapped securely around you as matt told the two of you, plus nick about his day.
chris wasn't paying attention, not at first, too busy watching as matt's body language changed. his posture becoming a bit more confident at the giggles leaving your lips.
your giggling only stopped when you heard chris clear his throat. you turned to him, raising an eyebrow. "is everything okay, chris?"
he simply smiled at you, nodding his head. "of course, baby."
you smiled back, turning your head back to matt, only for him to no longer be in the room.
the small frown that grazed your lips made your heart pang in guilt. "can we go to bed?" chris asked, rubbing a hand along your arm.
"i'm gonna get a drink first, and then we can, okay?" with a kiss on the cheek, you slipped out of his arms, walking over to the kitchen.
you opened the fridge, taking out a water bottle, and closing the door.
as you took a sip, you jumped at the sudden voice. "he's a lucky guy, huh?" matt commented. you narrowed your eyes confused, "what?" you mumble, bringing the glass of root bear to your lips.
"i said, chris is a lucky guy, i mean look at you. anyone would be lucky to have you," he said, a hint of something you couldn't place in his tone.
your cheeks dusted a faint pink as you mumbled a "thanks," in return. you quickly walked back to chris' room, slipping under the covers beside him.
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not even thirty minutes later chris had your ass up in the air, his fingers digging into the meat of your hip bones, fucking into you from behind.
your face was buried into the mattress, muffling the noises coming out of your lips.
his thrusts were relentless, making you cry out in pleasure. "matt, fuck," you squealed, pushing your hips back into him.
you were too caught up in your own pleasure, you didn't even realize you let matt's name slip.
it didn't register until the movement behind you stopped. "what did you just say?" he growled. your head was yanked from the mattress, "what did you just fucking say?!"
your eyes went wide, "no, no, chris, i didn't-" "save it, just save it." he grumbled, pulling out of you, and grabbing his boxers off the ground, sliding them on.
the way his hands went up to tug at his hair made you feel guilty, your eyes watering. "chris," you say softly, though you don't make movement towards him.
scared that he'd lash out like guys have done in your previous relationships.
"fuck, why would you- god." he groaned, walking out of the room, and slamming the door behind him.
tears fell down your cheeks. how could you have been so stupid?
you grabbed a pair of sweats and a t-shirt, sliding them on, and grabbing your phone.
as much as you didn't want to, you knew it was best if you stayed away for the night, instead going home.
"hey," matt whispered, looking up from his phone as he heard you come downstairs. your eyes were puffy, and your cheeks were flushed a bright red.
"everything okay?" he asked, his phone dropping from his hand as he stood up to comfort you. "mhm," you hummed, shrugging him off. you knew if chris came out seeing his brother, who you just ended up moaning's name, comforting you all hell would break loose.
"i'm gonna go, i'll see you later." you smiled softly, not giving him a chance to argue as you left.
as soon as the door closed, chris stepped out of the bathroom. "you're fucking dead," he glared at matt. "what the fuck did i do?" he scoffed, his expression going from his previous worried one to one of confusion.
"she called out your name, dick!" he yelled. "i can't even have sex with her without your fucking name coming from her mouth." he jabbed a finger into matts' chest.
"maybe you should revaluate yourself then bud," he said, a sense of pride washing over him. "if she likes me better, then what does that say about you?"
and with that, chris was swinging a punch, landing a hard hit to matts' jaw. "are you fucking joking," matt scoffed as he held his jaw. nick came down the hall, turning into the living area.
"what's going on here?" he questioned. "nothing." they both said, glaring at each other as they walked away.
you sighed, leaning your head against the back of your sofa. it had been a few days since everything happened. the only messages you were receiving from chris were 'goodmorning' and 'goodnight' texts.
what hurt worse than anything was the guilt eating you alive at the fact that maybe, you had more feelings for matt then you let yourself believe.
you weren't sure when it started, but you had found yourself staring at him more and more, catching yourself wondering what it would be like if the lips touching yours every night were his instead of chris'.
how he would act if the two of you were more than friends. you felt so incredibly guilty. but that didn't stop the thoughts of him. that didn't stop the fantasies.
your hand trailed down your stomach, your hand dipping into the front of your shorts.
"oh, fuck," you groaned, imagining it was matts' long fingers rubbing circles against your clit. his voice whispering sweet praises in your ear.
"just like that," you whispered to yourself, a finger teasing your entrance.
"god," you cried out, sinking the digit into yourself. your eyes shut tightly, as you pumped the finger in and out.
"more," you whined to yourself. your free hand trailed up your shirt, grabbing onto your breast.
your breath was coming out in short pants, you could feel the coil in your lower stomach tightening, as your finger moved faster. your fingers pulled and twisted at the pink bud on your chest.
"f-fuck, yes," you moaned, the coil inside of you snapping. as you rode out your orgasm, your legs trembling, your brain went to one person.
you laid there for a moment, catching your breath, and thinking about what you had just done.
"shit," you sighed.
you couldn't stay with chris if all you thought about was his brother. that was wrong, and chris didn't deserve it.
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"chris," you called, knocking on his front door. the sound of the tv could be heard from the outside, the sound of a football game playing.
you were about to knock again when the door was opened. you were met with a shirtless matt, his hair disheveled, an amused expression as he staired down at you.
you couldn't help the way your eyes trailed up his torso, going to his left arms. his tattoos had always driven you crazy, so crazy in fact you almost had chris talked into getting some of his own.
"i uh, is chris here?" you cleared your throat, meeting his gaze again. it took everything in you to keep eye contact, not wanting to be the first to break.
"uh yeah, he's in his room," matt said, his eyes flickering over your body, his eyes lingering on the exposed skin where your shirt was riding up.
you nodded your head, walking past him and going to his room. when you got the door you could hear the boy's grunts, small noises coming from another female.
your heart sank. you weren't even broken up. i mean obviously moaning his brothers name during sex was one thing, but to go and have sex with a complete different person was another.
you backed up, walking back up the stairs. "where's chris?" matt asked, as he saw you coming up the stairs. "room." you muttered, pushing past him and making your way to the front door.
"i thought you were talking to him." he stated confused, "yeah, well he seems busy," you laughed bitterly, opening the front door.
"wait." he called, walking after you.
"what, matt?" you sighed, turning to face him. his hands cupped your face, and he pulled you in, his lips pressing against yours.
your heart thumped in your chest, your eyes wide, as you didn't move, frozen. once he realized you weren't moving, he pulled away.
"shit, i'm sorry." he mumbled.
"matt," you sighed, looking down at the ground.
"no, no, i get it. i'm sorry."
you looked up at him, seeing his eyes trained on the ground, and his cheeks a dark red. the next thing you did was unlike you. you ran your arm behind his neck, tangling your fingers in the brown locks tugging his head up.
the submissive eyes the boy gave you made you crash your lips into his again, this time the two of you kissing passionately.
his hands went to the backs of your thighs, picking you up and carrying you to his room.
"fuck, i've waited so long for this." he groaned, sitting down on his bed, you on his lap.
your lips attached themselves to his neck, sucking and biting at the soft skin. he whined, his hips bucking forward.
"shit," he groaned, as you ground your hips down on him.
he pulled your shirt over your head, throwing it to the ground, and immediately attaching his mouth to one of your nipples.
"god, yes." you moaned, his hands running up and down your sides. his lips trailed across your collarbones, his hands pushed your hips off of him, pulling the sweats you had worn down, tossing them somewhere in his room. he tugged you back on top of him.
"need you to sit on my face," he mumbled, laying back against the bed. his hands pulled you up his torso until you were hovering over his mouth. he placed kisses against the fabric of your underwear.
"please," you whined. he hummed against the material, his finger hooking into the side of the clothing, pulling them to the side.
"fuck," he groaned, licking a strip through your folds. "so wet for me," he murmured, latching his mouth around your clit.
"oh, fuck," you groaned, holding onto the headboard of his bed. his hands were gripping at the backs of your thighs, as his tongue swirled around the bundle of nerves.
you were a mess above him, grinding down against his mouth. his mouth was relentless against you, the tip of his tongue entering your cunt.
"matty," you moaned, the coil in your stomach tightening.
"i'm close," you whined.
"cum on my tongue, baby, please," he moaned.
"oh, oh, shit." you moaned loudly, your thighs shaking around his head. he helped you ride out your orgasm, lapping up all the juices, that fell from your cunt.
you climbed off his face, and down his body, pulling the sweats and his boxers off his hips, and tossing them to the floor.
"fuck, condom," he cursed, going to reach into his nightstand. "i'm on birth control." you stated, "you clean?"
he nodded his head, "yeah, fuck, i'm clean."
"me too, we're good." you grinned. his cock stood proudly against his stomach. the tip leaking pre-cum, his shaft was long and had some girth to it, though not like chris'.
you wrapped a hand around his cock, slowly stroking him, a thumb swiping at the beads of pre-cum.
"shit, shit, stop, you're gonna make me cum," he groaned, his hips thrusting up. "already?" you taunted, raising an eyebrow.
"fuck, you've had me waiting for years. i've been thinking about this moment for years." he groaned. "now sit on my cock." he ordered, grabbing your hips, and helping you line up with him.
"oh, fuck," you gasped, lowering yourself down.
"holy shit," he groaned, his nails digging into the skin of your hips. once you bottomed out, you stayed still, letting yourself adjust.
his head was against the headboard as he stared up at you. "move," he groaned.
"so impatient," you sighed, moving your hips up, and dropping them back down. his mouth fell open in a silent moan, his head falling back.
"such a good boy," you moaned, as he started to meet your thrusts.
"fuck," he growled, "yes, mo-" he cut himself off, "what was that baby?" you teased, slowing your hips down.
"shit, nothing, fuck, keep going," he whined, his own hips picking up the pace, as his eyes squeezed shut.
"no, no, use your words, pretty boy." you groaned, your own eyes shutting at the feeling. "i was gonna say m-mommy," he moaned. "there we go," you grinned, "good boy, being honest."
his hands reached up, grabbing onto your breasts, and kneading the skin. his teeth dug into his bottom lip.
"fuck, look at you." you praised. his cheeks were flushed a bright red, his pupils blown, a layer of sweat covered his body.
"so beautiful, all for mommy, aren't you?"
"yes," he nodded his head, his eyes opening. his mouth was parted open, a string of curses leaving his lips.
his breathing was coming out in pants, his hips moving erratically, chasing his release. "fuck," you squeak, burying your face into his shoulder as his hips thrust up and his cock hits the spot that has your mouth falling open and you seeing stars.
"right there," you cry out, his hips snapping into the same spot. your nails dug into his shoulders, leaving red crescent marks on the pale skin.
"'m close." he whimpered. "me too." you mutter breathlessly.
"mommy, please," he whined. "come on, baby, cum for me."
with a few more thrusts he was spilling into you. the warm liquid coating your insides, his head against the headboard.
"good boy," you cooed, bouncing on his cock. the overstimulation was making him a whining mess.
"fuck, come on, mommy. cum on my cock." he groaned, his thumb pressing against your clit, rubbing the bundle of nerves.
"shit," you cried, your orgasm washing over you, his name falling from your lips. your legs shook, his hands holding your hips down, keeping his cock inside of you.
"sh, i've got you." he whispered, as you collapsed onto his chest. "that was so fucking hot."
you giggled, looking up at him. "can i take a picture? i promise i won't share it."
"mhm," you nodded your head, sitting up. he grabbed his phone, turning on the camera, and taking a picture of the two of you.
your face was hidden in his neck, your back being on full display. your body was glowing in a sheen layer of sweat. his eyes were focused on the camera, a grin on his face.
"you're so pretty." he complimented, showing you the photo. he set the phone down and kissed you softly. "can we cuddle? then maybe take a shower?"
"of course, pretty boy."
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tag list:
@hysteria-things @tillies33ssss @soimightlikeoldmen69 @sturniolossss @freshsturns @lily-strnlo @etvar12 @iloveurgf @sstvrnioloo @junnniiieee07 @sturnioloa @chrryclouds @sturniolho @mayhem-72
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jasonstodger · 10 months
Mind blank, just thinking of Jason todd eyeing how you giggled and laughed with an old friend, his jaw clenching and his eyes narrowing as he leaned up against the wall, teeth digging into his bottom lip and eyebrow twitching out of suspicion and irritation, only to fuck the reader dumb once they're back home, marking them all over their neck — even concealer can't cover how dark the Hickey's were.
ohmygodohmygod OP you are a GENIUS I can't get this out of my head 😩😩😩😩😩
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18+ / nsfw - "OLD FRIENDS"
summmary: smut (duh) | jealousy | possessive behaviour | fem!bodied reader | rough sex
word count: 2.5k
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You had taken Jason to the pub to be introduced to one of your former university buddies, but it was not going as planned.
Jason's arms were crossed over his chest, and a frown hung on his face. You could feel his aggressive gaze burning into you, and your heart was pounding. The longer he stayed there, the tighter his jaw clenched, and you could almost taste the anger rolling off of him.
You mustered up the strength to tear your eyes away from him for a few seconds. That respite was short-lived; laughter erupting close by jerked your head back toward Jason. His lips were now pulled tight, revealing an expression of displeasure as he watched your old college friend touch your arm and chuckle about a memory that excluded him. With every laugh, Jason’s face seemed to grow more intense, causing the energy between you two to become increasingly acrid.
You knew you had to defuse the situation before it got out of hand. You stepped away from your college friend and turned to face Jason, who was now tapping his foot impatiently. You took a deep breath and spoke with as much calmness as you could muster.
"Jason, you need to calm down. Have a drink, live a little."
"I don't like the way he's touching you and laughing with you. It's disrespectful."
You could feel your patience wearing thin. It had been a long day, and you weren't in the mood to deal with Jason's possessive behavior. You placed your hands on your hips and looked him straight in the eye.
"Jason, he's a friend. He's harmless. You're making a scene."
"I'm not making a scene," he spat back, his voice cold and harsh. "I'm just saying, I don't like the way he looks at you."
You go to speak, but your attention is dragged away again as your friend comes back with more drinks, and Jason's eyebrow twitches with frustration. His jaw ticks, and he looks away, trying to hold his tongue.
You giggle at something said across the table, sipping at your drink demurely, and that seems to be the last straw for him. Jason stands quickly, grabbing his jacket, and holding his hand out for you. "Come on, y/n. We're leaving."
You go to protest, but his face does not
allow any room for argument. You sigh, knowing that it was going to be a long night. As you exit the pub, Jason takes hold of your hand, pulling you close. His grip is tight, and you can feel his nails digging into your skin. The silence between you two is palpable, and you can feel the anger radiating from him like a heatwave.
"Jason, what the hell was that?"
"That stupid friend of yours," he growls, his eyes darkening. "I don't trust him."
"He's my friend -"
"He wanted you. I could see it in his eyes!" Jason snaps, wrapping an arm around your waist possessively. "I can't stand other men looking at you, touching you. Making you laugh! You're mine, y/n. Mine."
His words send a shiver down your spine, and you can feel the heat rising in your cheeks. You know that his possessiveness is unhealthy, but a part of you finds it strangely alluring. His grip tightens on your hand, and he pushes you into a cab, sliding in beside you.
He is silent the entire way back to your apartment, but you can feel his palpable heat and frustration as he fumes beside you.
It's when he drags you through your front door, slamming it sharply behind him, that you really see the full effect that seeing you with another man has had on him:
He grabs you by the waist, pressing his body against yours, and you can feel the hardness of his muscles. His breath is hot against your neck as he leans in and bites your earlobe, making you moan softly. Despite his possessiveness, you cannot deny the way he makes you feel, the way he dominates you with his power and strength.
"Mine," he growls again, his fingers digging into your skin.
You surrender to his touch as he pushes you against the wall, kissing you fiercely. You wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in closer, feeling the heat radiating off of his body. His hands roam down your body, exploring every curve and dip, and you can feel yourself growing wet with desire.
He breaks the kiss, his breath ragged, and looks at you with a dark intensity in his eyes. "I won't share you with anyone," he says, his voice thick with emotion.
"I'm yours," you whisper back, pulling him in for another kiss, twisting your tongues together.
"Come here," he groans, his hardening erection slowly dragging against your thigh as he grinds your bodies together. He twists a hand in your hair, pulling your head back as his lips drop down to your jaw, then to your throat, sucking and biting hard at the tender skin.
"Jason..." you moan softly as his teeth sink gently into the soft flesh below your ear.
"Say it. Tell me you're mine."
"I'm yours," you whisper, your body going weak in the pleasure of his touch.
"Good girl," he growls, his fingertips trailing down the curve of your body to the hem of your shirt.
He lifts it slowly, his eyes dark and lustful as he takes in the sight of your breasts, bared before him.
"You are so fucking beautiful," he says, a dark tone in his voice. He leans in again, kissing your lips hungrily, then trailing his lips down your body. He pulls your shirt up and over your head, tossing it aside without a second thought. "Too beautiful."
"Jason," you breathe, a slight whine in your voice. You can feel your body growing damp as his fingertips leave a trail of fire across your bare skin.
"Mmmm... gonna teach you a lesson," he murmurs, still trailing kisses down your body. He reaches the top of your pants, and his hands slowly slide down the back, expertly unhooking your bra. He pulls the straps down over your shoulders, and you reach behind you to pull the bra off completely. "You're mine, baby..."
He groans softly, his hand moving to your hip to keep you still as his mouth finds the peak of your right breast. He sucks hard, and your body tenses with pleasure. You bring your hands up to thread through his hair, trying to urge him on.
"Oh fuck Jay," you whimper, and his eyes trail up to meet yours. He smirks darkly, letting your nipple fall from his lips.
"Turn around," he commands, and your body shivers in anticipation. You press yourself against the wall as he unzips your pants, sliding them down over your ass and thighs. He unfastens your bra, sliding it off along with your shirt and pants, leaving you clad only in your panties and heels.
"Didn't like the way you laughed at your friends' pathetic jokes," he murmurs against your ear before trailing kisses down your neck again. His hands slide up your thighs, his fingers caressing your skin as they drift closer to your dampening pussy. "You find him funny, huh? What's so funny about him?"
You whine needily, arching against his touch, and he tuts, nibbling gently at one of the growing red welts dotting your throat.
"Ah-ah. No. Beg me. Tell me how funny your little college friend really was," he says, his fingers teasingly close to your clit.
He gently strokes the lips of your pussy through the thin fabric of your panties, teasing you into submission. Your body shudders with pleasure, and you can feel the vibrations radiating out from between your thighs. Your eyes flutter closed, and you press yourself against Jason.
"Please, Jay -"
"Please what? Please touch you? Please make you come?"
"Yes," you moan, grinding your body against his hand. He curls a finger into your panties, dragging them down over your thighs, exposing your glistening pussy. You can feel his hot breath against you, oh so close, and your eyes flutter shut -
"Look at me," he growls, grabbing you by the jaw. You can smell the scent of your own juices on his fingers, see them sticky and wet in the dingy light of your living room. "Who's funny now, y/n?"
You whimper, and his eyes flare with pleasure. He reaches up, grabbing your leg and pulling you slightly off-balance, positioning you just above his hips.
"No one," you moan, pressing your pussy against him. "No one's funny but you."
"Good girl," he says, and you feel his cock brushing against you through his boxers, the fabric wet and translucent with precome. Your back arches, and you press yourself against it eagerly.
"Jason," you moan. "Please..."
"Yeah, baby?"
"Please... I need you..."
"Need me to what?" His hands tighten around your thighs, holding you in place as he ruts against you, teasing you slowly with the head of his cock.
"Need you to fuck me, Jay..." you whisper, leaning your head back against the wall. His breath is hot against your skin, and you can feel yourself growing wetter. "Please fuck me..."
"Yeah?" he says, kissing just above the soaking wet fabric of your panties. "Are you ready for my cock?"
You nod vigorously, your body trembling on the edge of orgasm as his fingers trail teasingly along your wet slit.
"You're mine. No one else can have you, no one else can make you scream," he says, his fingers stroking your pussy.
You moan as his fingers curl into your wet folds, caressing your clit.
"Mmmm... You know I want you, don't you? Tell me how much you want me," he orders as he slowly slips a finger inside of you.
"I - I want you...," you say dedperately, biting your lip. You can feel his cock straining against his boxers, and you press your hips forward, the ensuing friction sending a thrill through you."I want your cock... I want you to fuck me... I want to feel you inside of me, stretch me open -"
"That's right," he says, his voice low and deadly. "You want me to fill you up with my fucking cock. No other man is ever gonna make you feel this good, baby, no one gets to put their hands on you but me."
"I'm yours, Jay. I'm yours," you pant, your voice ragged.
"You're god damn right you're mine," he groans, leaning in to bite at your neck.
"Jason," you groan, your body trembling with need. "Please fuck me, fuck me right now-"
"Oh, I'm going to fuck you," he growls, pulling down your panties with your thigh. "I'm going to fuck you so hard you won't be able to sit down for a week."
You shiver at his threat, and he pulls you forward, the head of his cock sliding against your wetness. You can feel the heat of him through his boxers, and you press yourself against him, eager for more.
He reaches down, taking his cock in hand and squeezing tightly, hissing.
"I'm gonna fuck you so hard you won't think of anyone but me for a week," he repeats, the threat clear in his voice. His eyes blaze with passion as he lowers you onto his cock, filling you up in one smooth motion.
You moan, your body trembling as his thick cock stretches your pussy to near-unbearable limits. He pulls you down hard, forcing his cock deeper inside of you. You can feel his cock pulsing as he thrusts against you, your body reverberating with pleasure as he hits deep, sensitive places inside of you.
"You're wanna laugh at another man's jokes?" he says, bucking his cock against you. He presses his face against your shoulder, leaving delicious craters in your skin with his teeth. "You think your pathetic friend was funny?"
You shake your head, babbling desperate apologies, eyes rolling as he slams into you roughly.
"I'm gonna make you scream," he growls into your ear, his teeth sinking into your shoulder. "You're so fucking tight for me, baby. Gonna remind you who owns you."
"Jason," you moan, your head falling back against the wall. His hand travels down to the underside of your thigh, pulling your leg up around his waist and holding you in place as he thrusts against you.
Your pussy throbs as he presses against your clit, and you buck your hips forward to meet his every thrust. The head of his cock hits deep inside of you, sending waves of intense pleasure rippling through your body.
"Oh my god, baby," he growls. "You're so fucking tight..."
"Harder, please," you beg, your voice barely a whisper. "Please don't stop..." you whine.
"Shut up," he growls. You feel his fingers dig into your ass, squeezing, and his hand comes to grasp your throat, pinning your head back against the wall. syllables leave your throat, wordless and unintelligible as your muscles squeeze around him.
"You're not laughing at anyone else," he grunts, his hand tightening around your throat. His other hand slips between your legs, and he gropes your clit as he slams his cock into you. "You're not thinking about anyone but me..."
You moan and bite down on his shoulder, your nails digging into his back. He flicks at your clit roughly, and you can feel your body start to tighten around him.
"Come for me, baby," he growls into your ear, his breath heavy and gruff. You let out a long, keening wail as he slams into you, pressing his fingers into your clit and sending you careening over the edge.
You moan, wordless and unable to slur even an affirmation, your voice barely intelligible as your body trembles. You feel his cock twitching inside of you, and you shake your head. "Nnnhg..."
He chuckles, breathy and panting.
"You know you want to come on my cock," he says, his lips brushing against your ear. He bites your earlobe, his fingers pressing against your pussy rhythmically, and you cry out, shuddering against him.
"Come for me, baby," he growls into your ear. "Come for me."
Your body shudders, and you wind your arms around his neck, burying your face against his shoulder. Your pussy clenches around him as you come, the orgasm radiating out from between your thighs. He moans against your neck, and you can feel him coming inside of you, his cock twitching inside of your pussy.
You collapse against him, a whimpering mess. Jason holds you upright as your legs buckle, wiping his fingers against your leg. He pulls out of you, his come dripping from your pussy, and he leans in close to whisper into your ear, his tongue flicking out to tease the violent blemishes marking your neck.
"You won't cover those. Couldn't even if you tried. Everyone will know you're mine," Jason growls, his voice low and deadly. He squeezes your throat gently, before he pulls away from you, leaving you to slide down the wall to the floor, your legs jelly. He watches you, a light smirk playing on his face. "You wanna laugh at another man's jokes? I'll show you how funny I can be."
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privitivium · 4 months
*sighs in defeat*
For the past few days I've been ghost-reading through your stuff, and goddamn it. You make me see yanderes in a somewhat positive light😭
Anyway, if you write for dom/S reader, would it be possible for him to make momyan and popyan to make a show in front of him? Like, stroking each others cocks or french kissing as reader watches
sure buddy. i can see this happening as more of a distraction if readers preoccupied or belligerently not indulging in them for whatever reason, fatherly yan would be the one to propose the idea whilst motherly yan would oppose to it. they fucking hate each other. i can rewrite if you arent all that happy with this - sorry for any mistakes ily
motherly yan + fatherly yan x dom m amab reader
cw; frotting..... two jealous dudes obsessed with you makin out, exhibition, masturbating
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on the game or something other. or as a tactic, you proposed, for them to get along. so. watching them and masturbating while these two dudes kiss and rub their dicks together just for you. so.
you're at the desk in the room, fidgeting with your controller while seated in a stupid ass chair while trying to snipe this fucking idiot in 1v1. too preoccupied with what's displaying on your monitors - ignoring the shuffling around on the bed. totally forgetting that you have two big ass dudes who are obsessed with you and wouldㅡprobablyㅡin this situation, would pull you away from the game and scold you, however they have another idea in mindㅡ
“s-shh..” mother grunts in mild annoyance, huffing as he loosely wraps his arms around father, his narrowed eyes set in a glare with his face considerably darkened in a flush as the other hopelessly ruts his bare cock against mothers - gosh, it sure feels weird referring to them as mother and father. but what can you do? father, squeezing on mothers’ hip and pushing him down onto the bed; grinding into him and rubbing their cocks lubed up with their mixed pre. mother was never as vocal as one would think. it was all for you, he reminds, all for you. while biting at fathers neck; grinding his hips into fathers in a hopeless attempt of… attention.
“c'mon.” you gesture lazily, sitting back in your comfortable chair professionally made to your tastes.. nearly sinking into the cushions. waving your hand once more in a gesture to carry on at the unmoving bulky men sitting in front of you - you felt as though you were at a counseling session.. how fitting. “gotta be nice to each other, remember? what if i can't take it anymore and run away? it'll be your fault.” you remark casually, head tilted back - smirking at the glare mother shoots you while sitting so close to father on the huge well made bed.. “don't you want to make me happy?” you whine, fidgeting in your chair and glaring at them through squinted eyes - languidly flopping your dick back and forth with thumb and index fingers..
“just go with it..” father hissed, huffing in agitation as he very much manhandled mother - who snarls in aggression, snapping at the other man whilst grabbing at his assㅡtwo big bare ass dudes fondling each other and fighting for dominance. hearing the commotion behind you through your headphones, yet choosing to ignore in favor of splitting this fucking idiots’ head open over the game.. your jaw clenching and body tensed as you fidget with your controller - the hopeless men behind you scrambling around, dramatically moaning out loud and nearly in each others’ asses to stir you from your game.. which does, inevitably. having to snipe a fucking loser while bricked up - ultimately winning. and now.. to feel like a winner… pulling off your headphones that did nothing to mute the sounds of sex, when there was barely any sex happening. looking over the duo… you felt like the mother here. they don't stop, rather pressing their faces against each other while staring at you expectantly, cocks dripping and flushed with color… augh… to dive in between and to be fucked whilst fucking.
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it wasn't long before they were going at it, so eagerly for your .. pleasure. damn! all for you? damn, that's right… father laid out along mothers' body... rubbing their cocks against each others bodies desperately, every so often glancing at you jerking it in the corner..
ah.. yes. huzzah.. you catch the way mothers’ eyes flit to yours while father had his tongue down his throat, pleading yet so eagerly kissing the other man back. are those tears? aha… uh. nodding in appreciating while thumbing the slit of your prick - throwing your head back and languidly stroking your cock to the breathless moans and shuffling around - knowing it was them, trying so hard for dominance - just imagining them messy with drool… peeking your eyes open and cock throbbing in hand at the sight of them tonguing each other out - eugh… hand movements fastening in fisting your cum dribbling cock, watching intently and shamelessly as the porno played out before your eyes on the bed. mother's huge, dainty hand weakly fisting both of their cocks in hand as they were pressed against each other in a loose form of missionary - so prettily squishes together and so sloppily making out just as you asked so nicely. they look like they're getting along well, no?? they're sure to show you just as much attention as they were just giving each other, they promise.
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subbyalbedo · 8 months
Kinktober Day 20 - COCKWARMING with Neito Monoma
Dom!reader x sub!Monoma
"I-I..." Monoma let out the grumpiest sigh, trying to cover up his neediness as you sat on his cock.
"Anything you need, hon?" You didn't even spare him a glance as he shifted with annoyance. You payed him no mind as you scrolled through your phone.
"No, of course not. Whore." He said the last part under his breath, because he's Monoma, and he can't go without acting like he's better than you for one second.
As punishment for his attitude, you purposely clenched down on him, grinning to yourself when he muttered a little 'fuck', and struggled to keep from shifting.
He needed you to move, he felt himself twitching in your walls, but you stayed perfectly still, seemingly unbothered by the situation.
As the frustration built up inside him, he gave in to temptation and thrusted up into you, feeling a surge of satisfaction at the relief on his dick, and at your gasp.
You quickly composed yourself, and you were furious. "Who's the whore now? You're such a slut, aren't you? Can't sit still for two minutes when your pathetic little cock is involved."
He narrowed his eyes at your stupid words, refusing to give in, even though he twitched again.
"Oh, your dick liked that, didn't it? It knows the truth, even if you don't. You're a whore that only cares about getting off."
He shook his head, denying your words silently, even though his face was red and he was breathing heavily.
You brought your hand down onto his thigh.
He jolted at the harsh sting on his milky thigh, but wisely chose not to say anything.
"I'm not moving until you say it." You looked into his eyes expectantly. "Go on. Say that you're a whore that only cares about getting off. Throw away your pride for me, and I'll consider forgiving you for your attitude."
He managed a weak scoff at your words, but you weren't particularly surprised.
Shrugging, you went back to ignoring him, and he slowly got needier as the minutes passed.
After a particularly big shift of the hips from him, you rolled your eyes and glanced back at him, expecting him to be ignoring you and pretending to be fine.
But you were met with a lovely sight.
His face was an even deeper red, blonde hair sticking to his forehead as he squeezed his watery eyes shut.
Cooing, you brushed some hair out of his eyes, and he slowly opened them to your touch.
"You okay, pretty boy?"
He grunted, trying to seem normal, when really, he was losing his mind. You clenched around him so perfectly, warm and tight, and his hands were clenching the sheets.
He could still feel the delicious sting from the slap, and you were looking at him with such a knowing face, he couldn't help but feel small under you, and fuck, he was so needy.
"Oh, Neito." You smiled, slowly starting to grind down onto him as he let in little gasps. "You go around acting like you're so high and mighty, but look at you now. Do you know what you are?"
Your words from before were repeating in his head, how he was a whore, a braindead slut, and fuck he couldn't take it, and he didn't know what to do!
"I-I'm a..." His voice died quickly, his pride restraining him, even now.
"Hm? Got something to say?" You leaned in, kissing up his neck and along his jaw, reaching his lips but not quite touching them. You looked into his eyes, and saw the exact moment he broke.
Tough exterior crumbling, his face held a new desperation, and his voice was small. "I'm a wh-whore..."
You leaned in to whisper in his ear. "Go on. What is it you care about? The only thing in your mind."
He shivered, a whine in his voice. "getting off? Please, I want to cum, please!"
Closing the gap between your lips, you kissed him hard as you began to fuck him quickly, all the time of sitting on him made you more than a bit wet, and you wasted no time in setting a quick pace.
He gasped at the feeling he'd been craving all along, hands finding his hips just to steady himself. "F-fuck, please, I need ~ need to..."
He slurred, praises for the feelings, how good you were fucking him, and you grinned at the feeling of reducing Monoma to this state.
It didn't take too long for him to start begging to cum, open mouthed, directionless pleas.
"Who do you belong to, Nei?" You felt yourself building quickly as well, and you made sure you were getting him hard and deep, the pace unrelenting.
"Y~hnn, fuck I- I belong to you! Please, let me, I can't~"
"Go ahead and cum for me, pretty." As he let go, finally reaching his release, you felt your own high coming, and let go.
After you had both come down, you held each other in your arms, and you both knew the next day, Monoma would start over as a brat. And that's what made it so fun.
??? I have no idea where this came from, I'm writing this very last minute and I am screwed for the rest of October because nothing has been written.
Anyway, hope you liked it?!??
Kinktober Masterlist Link
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azaleaniath · 1 year
aonung x reader
nsfw and spicyyy please!
he lowkey (highkey) has a degrading link which is why he’s always mean to you or an asshole in general, almost like he’s challenging you just to have you say something mean back to him.
reader finds this out on accident somehow and heavilyyy uses it to her advantage
i just feel like since he’s such an asshole, finding out he likes to be degraded would actually be the biggest turn on LOLLL
thank you!
Thanks for your request anon! I had a lot of free creative space with this one but I hope it's to your liking!
Little secret
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includes: spicy content, insults, dirty talk, kinks, degradation, physical touch, sexual touch, aged up to 18 for legal reasons
1.6k words
As Tuk had told you that once again, Ao'nung had bullied her, you decided that it was enough. Someone had to teach him a lesson and you didn't want any of your siblings to get into trouble, so you took the matter into your own hands.
You went out to look for him, finding him and his two other friends a bit further away from the village where they could gossip in peace.
"Ao'nung you bitch!" you roared from afar, nostrils flared in anger.
His face switched from a bored look to full amusement as he turned to face you, watching you stomp over to him.
"That would be me" he grinned, as if he was excited to see you.
"You're a fucking pussy! Stop picking on my sister when she's all alone!"
The other two guys only chuckled as they saw how you came dangerously close to the chief's son.
The young man smiled to himself as he fed on your rage.
"Don't you freaks deserve that?" He purred and crossed his arms as if he was only waiting for you to say something back.
"Listen here you disgusting cunt, if I ever catch you doing that to my family again, I'm gonna destroy you. I will make you regret the day you were born. Did I make myself clear?"
At your words, his expression only grew. With one hand, he signalled to his friends to leave you two alone. Only hesitantly did they follow his request, but in the end they turned to leave.
Ao'nung came another step closer, eyeing you carefully.
"A worm like you doesn't even stand a chance against me."
"Watch your tongue, fucker."
Yet the man just grinned and bit his lower lip before he reached out to graze your neck with a few feathery touches.
"You know", he cupped your face with one hand, "you're cute when you get mad. I like that~"
Without any second thoughts you leapt at him, making him stumble backwards. Rage coursed through your veins at his words, causing your impulsive side to take over.
His back crashed into the ground unpleasantly while you yelled, throwing yourself at him angrily. "You're nothing but a coward and a disgusting bitch!"
You knelt over Aonung with narrowed eyes, hitting his face with full force. He tried to block your fists, but the expression on his face didn't change. His amused look didn't cease on bit.
"(Y/N)!" you suddenly heard your brother's, Kiri, Tuk and also Tsireya call out for you, which made you lose you focus for a moment and you looked up to see them all coming closer.  His friends also turned back, now that the fight had escalated.
Ao'nung quickly used the opportunity to hold you by your wrists so you couldn't hit him anymore.
You tried to get off of him, as his hands quickly switched to hold you in place. His nails dug into the flesh of your hips causing you to flinch before he gave you a serious look all of a sudden. It almost looked as if he was scared.
"(Y/N), I-I didn't mean it, please-"
"You scared of my brothers, stupid bitch? Your friends won't be able to save your wothless ass this time!"
"Really, that's not helping right now, we should talk this out."
Your siblings stormed over to help you while you still struggled to get off of Ao'nung, yet his grip around your hipbones got even tighter.
"Talk this out? I'm gonna smack your lights out!"
"Seriously, (Y/N)."
He bit his lower lip while you struggled to get off, until he swallowed his pride and pressed you down onto his lap.
Your breath hitched at the feeling, now that you understood why he couldn't let you get up. He was rock hard beneath you.
You looked up into his eyes with a triumphant smile as he got all silent and he tried to look away from you.
He swallowed heavily, still clawing into your skin.
"Not so tough now, are you?" you mumbled, watching his cheeks turn dark.
"You can't let them see, please..."
"You disgust me..."
He sighed softly, his manhood twitched at your words.
"Not helping..."
As your siblings and his friends came closer you thought about what to do. Let everyone see his bulge? Ridicule him? Play along?
"Aren't you ashamed of yourself, getting turned on like that, grinding your needy cock against me like a desperate whore." Your voice was herely a hiss.
"(Y/N), you're only making it worse..."
You could feel his erection press against your core through your loincloth.
"Get your hands off my sister!"
Lo'ak yelled as he and Neteyam got closer to pull you away from him. The fear and shame in Ao'nungs eyes was clearly visible.
You sat up straight, letting go of Ao'nung. His eyes widened as you rolled your hips against his erection, causing him to swallow a moan.
"All good, I don't need your help."
The genuine smile you gave your siblings was pretty suspicious to them. "I got this. He just wants to talk."
"And you have to sit on him for that?"
Neteyam asked, eyeing the situation carefully.
"Sure, to hide his boner~"
Ao'nungs grip got painfully tight as you exposed him. Yet the way you said it got everyone huffing, thinking it was a joke.
"We're good. You can leave."
"Are you sure?" Lo'ak asked, but you just nodded. Slowly but surely your audience withdrew from the scene, leaving the two of you alone again.
He was too proud to thank you verbally, but he did it with his eyes.
"Who could've guessed you're so fucking disgusting?" you asked him, teasingly grinding your hips again.
"The mighty future olo'ekytan, so weak..."
He panted ever so lightly, trying as hard as he could not to buck his hips against you, even if he would've loved to do so. He couldn't show his weakness now, there was no way, and yet his body betrayed him.
"How many times have you touched yourself already after an argument with me, huh?"
His grip around your hips softened a bit at your question. He refused to answer, being way too proud to do so.
"You want me to call my brothers back here? Maybe your friends too? I'm sure they would be amused about seeing you so hard and needy? Answer me, or I'll make everyone see what a disgrace you are."
He visibly panicked at the threat.
"They can't know!"
"Then answer me, bitch."
You watched him swallow hard before he hesitantly spoke again.
"Maybe once or twice..."
You rocked your hips against him, causing him to whimper in shame.
"Alright, alright! ... A few times..."
It was fun to see him like this. So ashamed and almost obedient all of a sudden.
"If only your friends knew, or your parents... You like being a pain in the ass, huh? Get's you off real good, does it? To get degraded like a little slut..."
Hearing your words almost sent him into a trance of pleasure. Without even intending to, he subconsciously moved his hips against yours.
"Fuck, look at yourself. All hard for a few words, and now this... Are you that needy?"
Ao'nungs eyes fell shut, he hated to admit it but hearing your words while  having you sit on his erection felt like heaven. His whimpers got more frequent with each of your words.
He shivered at the streams of saliva which you spat across his face in disgust, it only worked like oil to his fire. Unable to hold himself back, he pressed your hips down at each desperate thrust.
You watched him lick your saliva of thr corners of his mouth.
"Don't tell me you're into that too, huh?"
Instead of answering, he just continued and his body shivered beneath yours.
Deciding that he had enough fun, you used his trance to get off of him, just as he was about to reach his high. Once he felt the friction being removed, he looked up only to see you slip away quickly.
"(Y/N), you can't just go now! H-hey!"
He got up onto his shaky legs, following you until he had caught up. Ao'nungs hand clenched around your wrist to stop you, and so you did.
"Promise to leave my siblings alone, or I'll spread your little dirty secret all around in the village." you cursed with narrowed eyes, to which he agreed panting.
"I'm not gonna pick on your siblings ever again, I promise, just...please... "
He bit his lower lip and pressed your hand against his crotch. Even if he hated to admit it, he needed you to finish him.
"Swear it, and you'll get your redemption." you mumbled, then grabbed onto his length through his loincloth.
Without hesitation, he answered, wishing for nothing more than you freeing him from his lust.
"I swear it, I'll never insult them again. I'll leave them alone, really!"
You nodded at his words, then rubbed your hand against the precum-stained bulge.
"What an obedient slut you can be..." you mumbled, rewarding his vow with the last few touches that he needed to cum into his loincloth.
Ao'nung panted heavyily, tried to suppress a last loud moan while holding onto you, still shivering from his high.
"You're a disgrace to your own clan."
With a disgusted groan you smeared the semen that had seeped into your hand across his face, to which he sank onto his knees. His legs couldn't carry him any further right now.
"Go wash yourself. Not gonna help with how ugly you are but at least you'll stop looking so damn used."
taglist: @luvlykrispy
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taintandviolent · 4 months
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The Dork Theory ; Max Cooperman x reader
summary: Against better judgement, you decide to go to a college party. You run into a familiar face there, and you decide to test a long running theory to do with dorks and big 🍆 . Shameless smut ensues.
warnings: smut without plot, pnv, car sex, unprotected sex, handjobs, oral sex, degradation/shaming, recording.
a/n: max deserves it. he really does. not beta-read. this was just a whim kinda fic, so I hope it's not total garbage. enjoy! thanks for reading if you did.
full fic & taglist under cut! ↓ / ao3 link here! / ♪ recommended playlist here! ♪
It was a party, so you were forcing yourself to do party things. Or so you kept telling yourself. Really, it was a live streaming event for some stupid college fight, which was an event that you wouldn’t be caught dead at – under any circumstances. It wasn’t your scene, you couldn’t care less about fighting – outside of the carnal, hormonal fact that you got to see rippling muscles and displays of strength. At times, even you were simple. Whatever fight had already happened and judging by the sudden uptick in shouts and cheers, you assumed the preferred candidate won. The party was now in full swing with people mingling and drinking excessively. Ah, college. 
Admittedly, you weren’t one for college parties either. It was a place to drink, screw, and in most cases, as a byproduct of the previous two mixing, fight. Of those three things, you only really enjoyed one of them and hadn’t done it in a while – long enough for you to crave it. Maybe that’s why you came to the party to begin with; to get some tail. Albeit hypocritically, you were also drinking. You weren’t drunk, but definitely heading there; your head felt fuzzy as you stared into your half-empty red Solo cup. Whoever had mixed the drinks had erred on the side of too strong.
“Well… hey there.”
You looked up from said cup, one brow quirked. In front of you, stood a guy who looked oddly familiar, but you couldn’t place him. Eyes narrowed, you scanned him from his shoes to his lush, curly brown locks. He wore jeans and a Something Corporate t-shirt. Really? You realized you’d seen him earlier, schmoozing with girls, explaining something very passionately. They hung on his arms, but seemed distant – but no, that still wasn’t where you recognized him from. 
He was scanning you up and down, lingering on all the right parts of your body; your hips, your breasts, your face. Finally, he spoke. "My name's Max, what's yer--"
"Wait, hold on." You pressed a single finger against his lips, which pressed back into your finger, almost like he was kissing it. 
He nodded, still compressed against your fingertip. He didn't need to confirm it, really, because just like that, it all came rushing back; it had been years but you knew exactly who he was and you were about to make sure he remembered, too. You withdrew your hand with a breathy chuckle. 
"Like... Max.... Cooperman? The chubby kid who was always recording fights in the schoolyard?"
Ouch. Max cringed, knotting his mouth up to one side. Starting off strong with this one. “Yep, that – was me. And for the record, I was a part of those fights from time to time. And I trained -”  
"Ohhhh my god," you breathed, cutting him off as you covered your mouth with your hand. "You were such a dork, you know that, don't you? Like, such a dork.” 
“Okay, alright.” he said, looking behind him for a brief moment. “I came over ‘cause I have a policy that no cute girls are allowed to stand alone, especially at one of my parties. Are you just gonna’ stand here and bust my balls all night?” 
So he thought you were cute. Your cunt clenched — you’d take that thought to the bank. You grinned inwardly, rocking back and forth on your heels. “I can, if you want me to.” 
He cocked his head like a dog, unsure how to take that. “What, are we gonna’ play fight?” 
“Something like that.” 
You reached forward, teasingly slapping his cheek. With an intrigued expression, Max caught your hand and yanked you towards him, looking at your lips. You mirrored his gaze, wondering what they tasted like, and if they were as soft as they looked.
You couldn’t deny the facts; he wasn’t the dorky kid that you passively paid attention to. He stood taller and had trimmed down, a result of likely more physical activity and maybe better eating habits. The attraction that bubbled up in your core wasn’t new, it had just been dormant for many years. You ran your tongue along your bottom lip, wetting it and Max’s dark brown eyes followed your tongue as it travelled, a smirk stretching across his lips. 
"You still have that Mustang?" 
"Pffft, of course I do." 
“You wanna’ um…” 
Wide-eyed and eager, Max nodded. “Uh, YEAH?” 
The two of you made your way outside, with Max quickly navigating you to where his car was parked. The cool night air bit at your skin, goose flesh erupting over anything that was exposed – mostly your legs. Now in front of the car, your eyes swept over the Mustang, admiring it. You weren’t a car girl, by any means, but you knew when to appreciate them. This was decidedly one of those times. He took care of his car, that much was apparent. 
With a deep breath, you turned back to Max, an expectant smirk on your lips. “So, is this the part where you tell me you’ve had a crush on me since high school?” 
Max laughed as he leaned against the door of the car, shaking his head. You were cute, but this wasn’t a teenage romcom. “Actually, no, I don’t know you. I mean… I wanna’ know you.” 
He reached for you, snaking his hands around your hips to pull you closer. 
“Ohhoh shit, someone gained some confidence when they lost that baby fat, huh?” 
“Damn, okay.” He looked away, almost annoyed, but the lust that was now coursing through his system trumped any fleeting anger. “You seem to know a lot about me.” 
You paused, taken aback as you stared at him. You did. Because while he didn’t remember you, you remembered him. You’d always had an affinity for dorks and paid attention to them, despite cringing at their cornball behaviour – because if you knew one thing, it was that the weird, shy guys were always hung – and there was one particular day where you’d made your opinions about Max Cooperman. 
It was May, somewhere in the middle of the month. You were in a hurry to get to 4th period when you heard a bunch of guys shouting and jeering at each other. The natural instinct to watch a fight took over and you slowed your steps. 
You’d only paused for a second, not wanting to be late to class. He was fighting behind the bleachers, bright, red blood running down his top lip, fists up in front of his face, shouting at some guy: “I got this, bro! I got this!” 
You blinked. Back to reality. 
“Maybe I knew you. Maybe I thought you were cute,” you confessed, letting the alcohol take over your nerves. “Maybe I have a theory that dorky dudes have big cocks.” 
“Butterball Cooperman? Cute? What am I now then, huh?” 
You chewed your lip, not saying anything. Max caught your glance, looking at you with a hunger in his eyes that promised it would lead somewhere — it was the kind of look that said, Hey. My dick just woke up and it’s because of you. You crushed your lips against his, tangling both of your hands in his warm curls. A whisper of fucking hot echoed in your mind. Max didn’t need to hear it, he felt the heat coming off your body, rolling towards him in waves. With his groin throbbing, he connected your bodies again, pulling you tight at the waist. His free hand stretched behind him, fumbling for the door handle. 
“Wanna’ find out?” He asked, breaking the kiss. 
You nodded. 
Max threw the door open, and pulled the driver’s seat up, allowing you some space to crawl in first. You leaned in — making sure your ass was on full display in the short, denim skirt you’d chosen earlier that night — and moved  quickly to the passenger side. With your knees pressing into the black, leather interior of his backseat, you sat upright, making room for him as he joined you. 
He faced you, leaning his back against the window and angled his hips towards you, knees to his chest. You stretched forward, tapped one side of his closed knees. “Lemme in, Cooperman.” 
Immediately, they fell open, exposing the bulge in his jeans. There was a dirty, devilish little smirk on his face; he knew you were looking, sizing him up. Not such a dork now, huh?
“Theory proven?” 
“Maybe. I’ve gotta’ see.” 
You palmed his half-hard cock outside of his jeans, the tips of your fingers tracing the faint outline, until they came to the tip. Applying pressure, the pad of your pointer finger swept back and forth into the squishy flesh until your finger was met with a wet spot. You’d given a fair number of handjobs in your life, enough to be confident in your skills. 
“Shit,” Max hissed above you. “Shit.” 
Underneath the fabric, you felt his dick shift in his jeans. With a pleased smirk, giving him what he so clearly wanted, you unbuttoned and unzipped, allowing his hard-on some room to breathe. The bulge pitched forward slightly as you reached for the ruched edge of his boxers, and pulled them down over his balls. His cock now free, it flopped heavily against his stomach, searing hot on his abdomen. It was about as long as you’d expected, but much thicker. With a wanton gaze, you took hold of the shaft and began stroking, feeling the veins swell with each pass. Every so often, you paid special attention to the underside, gliding your fingers over the thickest veins. Eventually, his cock stood at attention, the tip reddened and leaking profusely. You bit your lip. 
“Ooooooh, Max Cooperman has a big thick cock.” You tittered in a teasing lilt, still fondling it. He whimpered loud, a high pitched desperate sound that filled the car. You hadn’t expected him to be so whiny, but somehow you weren’t surprised — it seemed appropriate for that nerd in the schoolyard. Whiny then, whiny now. Every obscene word was punctuated with a whine, like a teenager getting his first handjob. He rutted his hips helplessly against your fingers, grinding his stiffness into your grip. “Yeah, yeah, yeah, just like that - fuck.” 
Almost to shut him up, you craned forward to kiss him again, your mouths crushing together in violent desperation. After a few seconds, Max sloppily broke the kiss to look down at your hand, saliva stringing from his bottom lip to yours.
“Oh my fuckin’ god,” he breathed, watching your fingers as they stroked his swollen cock, paying special attention to the scarlet, almost purple head. His cock twitched again in your grip, expelling more precum. “Oh my fuckin’ god, holy shit, holy shit…” 
You were delighted by the position of power you were in, and even more than that, delighted by the way that Max was literally coming undone in front of you. All his acquired cockiness had melted away, replaced by the desperate dork you remembered. 
“I knew he was in there,” you whispered under your breath before giving his cock a firm grip, milking another whine from his lips. Max was too far gone to even respond logically to anything, you weren’t sure he’d even heard you over his ragged, uneven pants.  
Feeling adventurous (and perhaps cruel), you extended your tongue, flattening it against the underside of his cock. The salty pre-cum oozed onto it. Max gasped, lifting his hips upright, which forced his dick further into your mouth. You pulled back, shaking your head softly. For a moment, he did nothing but stare at his own cock, watching it as your hand drug up and down over it, working it inches from your lips. You thought he was going to lose it, but with a heavy breath, he lowered his hips again and went back to breathing unevenly.
“Please,” he begged incessantly, his voice a few octaves higher than usual. “Please lemme’ fuck you…”
Max whimpered again, bumping his head against the window repeatedly like a kid throwing a tantrum.
“You can’t, Max. There isn’t enough room here.” 
“Yeaaah, baby, yeah there is. We’ll make it work.” 
You paused for a moment, surveying your surroundings. Even with the seats pushed forward, the backseat left little room for moving around, and the oddly placed hump in the center was undeniably impeding any laying down. Max’s hips were already jutted up oddly, you couldn’t picture laying down atop of it… unless….
“You wanna’ fuck me, Max? How bad you wanna’ fuck me?” You asked, already knowing the answer. 
Slack-jawed, he nodded, his curls bouncing. The collar of his shirt was a shade darker with sweat. “So bad. So fuckin’ bad, you have no idea. You can’t even fathom.” 
You thought about it. And thought about it some more, until finally, you said: “Move over.”
Obediently, Max scooted his hips up, his dick bobbing before he shifted himself onto the floor, allowing you to crawl forward, using the curve of the backseat like a sex pillow, your ass tilted up towards the now very fogged up back window. Your cunt was already warm and aching from giving him head, and with a deep breath, you imagined the wet slit that would greet him as soon as he got up behind you. 
Curious, you reached up between your legs, pressing them into the satin fabric – just as you thought. Soaked. Finding the hem of your underwear, you yanked them to the side, exposing her. Your middle finger then slipped inside, dragging some of the slick down to your clit, which you tapped, bringing the sensitivity higher. 
“Oh shit,” he gasped, seeing this erotic display that sent spikes of arousal straight to his already engorged and aching cock. Still on the floor, but now behind the passenger’s seat, Max leaned forward. Still awkwardly positioned – you silently applauded the desperation in which he did it – Max went for your cunt, bending his head at angle so that his tongue could flick out against your wet folds, getting a taste of your sweet, leaking juices. You couldn’t help but moan into the leather, clenching and shaking as he lingered there for a moment, just lapping at it, swallowing and mouth breathing heavily onto her. 
“Fuck–” He straightened up, and used the back of his hand to wipe off his chin. “You taste so good, baby.” 
You wiggled your ass in response, smiling against the seat. After a little bit of strained and clumsy maneuvering, Max was finally behind you, dick in hand. He shuffled closer, his jean-clad thighs pressing into the backs of your bare ones. Using his free hand, he glided over the curve of your ass and down your spine, as far as the jean skirt would let him. You felt the warm head bumping into her over and over again with a haphazard rhythm, strings of precum dripping down onto the seat below you  – he was jerking off into your cunt. 
“I thought you were going to fuck me.” 
“I am,” he panted. “I am… this is just too good. Fuck! I wish I had my camera.” 
After using the tip to play with your wetness for a bit longer, Max finally lined up and sunk his cock inside of you, using your hips to pull himself deeper. He bottomed out – the stretching heat burned, filling you from wall to wall as his hips began bucking instinctively, finding a carnal rhythm – you let out a low moan. You begged, wanting him to press himself as deep into you as he could.  
“Record it,” you suddenly ordered. 
“Wha-?” he choked, out of breath and still pumping himself into you. 
“Record it. You have your phone, don’t you?” You arched your back, pushing up into him. 
“You serious?” 
“Yeah, I’m serious. It’d be hot.” 
Still in awe of your lustful demand, Max reached in his back pocket and pulled his phone out. He quickly navigated to the camera app, tapped the red button, and held the phone above you, getting a wider angle. The flash was on; he pulled his thick, glistening cock out of you slowly, while his dark eyes darted back and forth between watching you and watching it on the screen. Knowing he was going to have this to later jerk it to… shit – his breath hitched in his throat. He bumped his hips into you a few times, popping the head into your cunt.
“Yeah, you like that?” 
At first, Max breathily answered, but remembering he was recording, cleared his throat and answered in a lower tone. “Fuck yeah.” 
“Oh stop,” you laughed, wiggling your hips on his cock. “Afraid to let your dorky voice out again?” 
“Shut up, I’m not a dork.” 
“Yeaaaah, yeah you are. A big dork with a big cock.” 
Much to his own dismay, Max whined, picking up speed as he hammered into you, his little desperate bunny humps rutting against your pussy, sending shockwaves through your core.  The sounds of skin slapping against skin, paired with your broken moans and Max’s pathetic, horny whines filled the car. He’d never really been one for degradation, but the way you teased him, throwing your verbal right hooks every chance you got, had him in pieces. Every time you did it, his dick twinged painfully, stiffening past the point of comfort. He took hold of it, jerking it a few times into your pussy. Making sure the camera was capturing it, Max went back to thrusting, sinking his aching cock halfway in before bottoming out again. The video would never see the light of day, you knew it. He’d have to mute it to save his ego, and what was the point of muting porn? Max was way too whiny to show his macho friends, every other thrust was accompanied by a desperate little whimper. 
“Shit, I’m gonna’ - I’m gonna’ baby, oh my god, I’m sorry I’m gonna’ – auuggh!”
With a final whimper, Max yanked his cock from your pussy, allowing his orgasm to burst out over your exposed cunt; hot, milky strings decorating your folds and ass cheeks.
Immediately after pumping the rest of his cum onto your ass, like a gentleman, Max sunk two fingers in your pussy, curling them up to masterfully find the sensitive, spongy flesh inside. So, he’d had practice, too. You took fistfuls of the seat, digging your nails into the soft, polished leather. Thankfully for him, you were close, so the way he pumped his fingers in and out of you brought you over the edge within a matter of seconds. 
With a final: “Ffffuck!!”, you clenched around his fingers, pleasure rupturing your entire core. You squeezed your eyes shut, riding out the orgasm and backing up into his fingers to increase the pressure. You heard Max hiss in a breath through his teeth as he watched you, enjoyed you, and recorded you in your most intimate moments. The thought drove your orgasm forward even further. 
As the pulses subsided, you flopped down heavily, out of breath and drenched in sweat. You pivoted your body, rolling back over onto your back. Max was still recording, absentmindedly playing with your still weeping cunt. You watched him with a smile, entertained and enamoured that he was so invested with you. With a little dinging sound, the recording finally ended, and he tucked the phone back into his pocket. 
You two sat in silence, breathing heavily until, in a moment of post-nut clarity, Max said: “Shit, I was supposed to spar with Matt.” 
“Who?” You couldn’t care less. 
“Uh, my friend.”
“Mm, well… Matt is just gonna’ have to take a rain check. That’s too bad.” 
He laughed, leaning his head against the window again. After a few moments, he spoke again, his voice soft and low.  
“So, your theory is true, huh?” 
“Oh, yeah. It’s true. Took me years to prove it, but… it’s definitely true.” You leaned up and ran your pointer finger along the inseam of his jeans, smirking to yourself. “Definitely true.”
t a g l i s t : @kaismanwich / @garykingz / @elsamars / @silverzoomies / @tatesdisasterofalover / @thewolveswithin / @80strashbag / @twinkiemaximoff / @spill-the-t / @stucktothetwo / @enchanting-evan / @yesdevineruler / @anonymous0316 / @eventually27 / @my-own-walker / @kai-slut / @demxnicprxncess / @fuckedbykai / @iluwmycats / @dewberryobssesed / @the-goblin1 / @dirtyfairy97 / @jellyluvr / @strangerthings420 / @kai-anderson-whore / @babygorewhore / @quickandsilvers / @tatelangdonsweater / @ifeeltoofuckingmuch / @howtobesasha / @randominstake / @throwinginmythai / @slvt4jamesmarch / @poltoreveur / @feefymo / @evpeters87 / @lacucarachapisser /
Ask to be added to taglist for future fics!!
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lovemyavatar · 1 year
Hi Lizzie! I’m new to your blog, but I want to request one of the promt thingys, is that okay? I’ve read all your fics, and I absolutely love them!
If it’s alright for me to request, could you do #79 and # 128 with Neteyam?
Ily! 🫶🏾🫶🏾🫶🏾
AHH all of them?? my heart is so happy rn. yes it's definitely okay, my requests are always open especially for the drabbles since they don't take me long to write :) also my brain took this in an angsty direction so I apologize for that lmao
Neteyam x Reader
Warnings: nsfw, fwb, angst
part two
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“Fuck, just like that, baby girl. Bend over and spread your legs.”
Neteyam's chest heaves with ragged breaths as he pounds into you, watching his cock disappear between your plump folds with hooded eyes. Strong fingers cage your hips in a firm hold, jerking you into him with each rough thrust.
You mewl beneath him, spine arching as warm pressure quickly mounts in your core. Neteyam’s palm skims up your back, digits tangling into your braids. He grips your hair, pulling roughly to coax your face from its smooshed position into the bed.
“I wanna hear you, baby. Tell me how good I make you feel.” A rough growl rumbles his chest when your pussy flutters around him, a series of moans and whimpers filling the tent.
“So, so good. 'Teyam! I-I'm gonna...gonna cum!” You wail, muscles tensing as another orgasm rips through you.
Neteyam groans, cock throbbing as he releases deep into your womb, pressing his hips flush with yours until every last drop fills you up. He leans over your spent body as you slowly sink into the bed, wobbly arms giving out under your own weight.
He only gives himself a few seconds to catch his breath, to relish in the closeness before he pulls out of you. He wipes the sweat from his brow with one hand while the other fishes for his loincloth on the floor. At the sudden absence of his warmth, you turn onto your back, watching with a frown as he slides the garment up his thighs.
“Tey...stay with me? Just for a bit?” You sound pathetic, even to your own ears, but you're tired of this back and forth.
This hot and cold act is tearing you apart, leaving your heart in tattered shreds with every night you spend alone. You prop yourself up onto your elbows, brow pinching when he barely acknowledges that you've spoken.
“I can't.” His voice is curt, dismissive, and it drills a hole straight through your chest.
He rushes to collect his things, not even sparing you a glance when he heads for the door.
“We’re not just friends, you know that.” You spit, as last-ditch effort to get him to understand how stupid he's being, as anger and sadness create a volatile mix within your stomach.
“And we're not mates, either. Are we?” Narrowed eyes cut to you, the declaration landing like a harsh blow to your very soul.
You curl inward, lips parting with a ragged gasp. All you can do is gape at him for several seconds, moisture blurring your vision. Neteyam's jaw grinds, chest tight with emotion as he turns on his heel, storming from the tent.
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hocuspocusbabyy · 2 months
A little Ficlet from my archive of wlw… first time posting my Melissa content!
A breath of fresh air:
“You’re Jacobs aunt and the new French teacher at Abbott Elementary, Melissa and you bond over shared cigarettes and vices.”
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Melissa stood next to her car facing the fence, away from Ava who was contently giggling at whatever stupid video she and Jacob were watching. She didn't see why Barbra had to banished her to the far side of the school for wanting one bloody cigarette.
Mel huffed trying to get her lighter to work from her spot behind the shed as she looked around, the empty streets dimly lit by the lamp lights bounding off the metal fence. It dawned on her that she was alone out in the Abbott Parking lot. Everyone else having escaped inside from the cold.
'What you doing over here all by yourself?' A familiar voice called, startlingly elegant the remittance of France still present within the dentals of her accent.
Melissa felt all the hairs stand on the back of her neck. The teacher whirled around to face them, the woman that had been giving her heart palpitations and a mega lady boner since the moment she’d arrived at Abbott four months ago.
Jacob’s Aunt, Jacob’s young, very attractive aunt - who was nearly fifteen years younger than her.
'Needed one,' Mel smirked awkwardly, holding up her unlit cigarette. 'Just can't seem to...' she gave her lighter a few flicks for effect, but it was futile.
'Here." Y/N produced a lighter and lit the flame, as Mel gratefully leaned forward and sucked on her cigarette until it caught.
'Thanks,' the redhead replied, finally feeling the blessed burn as the smoke hit her throat.
'So,' Y/n remarked, ashing her own cigarette, 'Jacob tells me you're a real Lotario.'
Mel looked back at her with a raised eyebrow. 'Who’s that?'
Y/n smirked. 'A slut, basically.'
The redhead grinned at Y/n 'Damn, you've just going call me out like that Hill?"
Y/N took another drag and smirked. 'So it's true then? You just go with a lot of men?'
'Go? As in a date? Nah, It's like, I've don’t take anyone out to the movies or shit like that, none since I was married… even when I was married.’ She shrugs inhaling again, ‘just kinda go with the flow,’ There’s an emphasis on that last part.
‘Everyone got a vice.' Y/n concurs. 'I for one have always enjoyed the pleasures of my fellow feminine species.” - how very French Melissa thought.
Y/n leaned against the wall alongside the teacher. 'I don't mind the company of women either. Never have.'
Y/n raised an eyebrow. 'Really?'
'Is that so surprising? An old gal like me chasing skirt?”
Y/n laughed aloud taking another drag of their cigarette, smiling appreciatively. 'So crude Schemmenti.”
Melissa made an acknowledging sound stubbing out her cigarette as you continued, ‘so what is your vice then?" Y/n asked, watching the Italian woman with interest.
"Work." Mel deadpanned.
"There are worse things to be addicted to I suppose" Y/n shrugged throwing down her cigarette and stepping it out.
"Yeah, but being addicted to sex sounds much more fun" Mel commented, smirking as she swore the woman beside her blushed.
"You know Janine and Gregory are definitely going to hook up”
Mel gave a disbelieving tisk, not wanting to give away her friend and colleagues years in the making relationship. "What makes you think that Frenchie?”
'Come on,' Y/n replied, placing a hand on her hip, 'Have you looked at them? It's bound to happen. I can't quite put my finger on it but I know there's something there.' Y/n continued, her eyes narrowing. 'There was this sort of connection between them the moment they laid eyes on one another. It's been a tumultuous back and forth ever since, someone you can’t falsify.’ Her gaze lingered upon the Italian, the soft curve of her hips as the lay push against the brick. Full and decadent. An essence to their words that did not reflect or belong to Gregory and Janine at all.
'I suppose you may have a point.'
'If they're not shagging now then they will be, I just know it.’
“Not who’s crude.” Mel joked, a dazing full smile lay upon her features.
Y/n simply shrugged. 'I only hope Jacob catches on and finds someone too, at least so he won't turn out a spinster like her aunt.'
‘Oh come on’ the redhead sniggered, ‘you a spinster? How ridiculous. You’re far too young and gorgeous to be referred to in such a way.’
‘You don't believe me? all my relationships have ended in utter failure because I am reserved to becoming an old spinster,' Y/n sighed dejectedly, dramatically. 'Perhaps I should just accept my fate and adopt a bunch of cats.'
Mel smirked, a little laugh escaping her lips as he turned to Y/n if you wanted to play coy, she’d take the bait. ‘Look I don't know much but I do know, no matter when or how it happens, you just gotta be open to it,' she whispered, ‘and when you've done that, well maybe then you can get some cats.’
Y/n looked at Melissa for a good long moment, letting what she had just said sink in. After a bit, she nodded in agreement before revealing a sly look.
‘You think I’m gorgeous?’
‘Caught that did you?’ Melissa shook her head, flashed a charming grin, ‘besides I'm sure even old spinsters get a good fuckin' every once in a while."
‘Oh sure. I'm sure I'll be able to fit in a good rendezvous or two between all the cat feedings.’ Y/n delighted, their bottom lip curling upon their teeth.
‘Yeah, see, there you go,’ Mel laughed. ‘I'd definitely wanna show a fine cat lady like you a good time.’
Y/n found herself grinning, and looked down shyly. Maybe she was lying a little, plenty of people flirted with her, but never any as spectacular as this particularly teacher. What was a white lie in favour of a future?
Y/n turned towards Mel reaching out and grasping her wrist, taking her other hand and idly drawing circles in the Italian’s palm. 'Is that an offer?'
Melissa gave another, surprisingly nervous laugh, smile brilliant and charming. 'Well that depends on your answer Frenchie.’
Y/n hummed as if she were contemplating what they were going to do. When really she was just trying to contain her excitement because holy shit Melissa Ann Caterina Schemmenti was going to kiss her.
No time for nerves Hill.
Y/n’s breath caught in her throat as the redhead stepped in front of her, moving in close. Y/n bit her lip, holding in a gasp as she felt tender fingertips and a set of perfectly manicured nails just barely graze the soft and sensitive skin beneath her left eye. A hot palm pushing against her skin, brushing away her hair and pulling in. Y/n needed bit down harder to prevent a gleeful shout from escaping as strong hands grasped into her hair.
There was a moment, a bare seconds, void of anything other than the woman before her. Vision becoming little but hues of red remittent of Italian soils that Y/n would gladly be lay to rest in. The soft apex of the teachers lips falling down upon her own, moving in a perfectly smooth motion.
Melissa Schemmenti’s lips could only be found among worldly things, the simplest of pleasures. Between old library pages, morning rain and bath water as it fizzled down a drain. A kiss worthy of its benefactor, a kiss she couldn’t help but reach up and steal again. A rememberable of smoke thick upon their teeth, as they devoured one another.
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major-toast · 22 days
Rosekiller Band AU // nsfw
Currently thinking about a rosekiller band AU, but they've recently broken up and are rather petty about it.
Evan has shaved off his blonde locks, knowing fully well how much Barty had liked them, but he doesn't much care. Especially not when Barty is standing only a few feet away from him, belting into the microphone with his pale skin and wretched tattoos gleaming ominously in the harsh green light of the spotlight above.
He's shirtless - because, of course, he is -, and sporting a new set of hickeys Evan cannot remember placing there. And how can he? After all, it hasn't been him, who made out with their lead singer only minutes before their gig. Looking at them alone makes his stomach churn in anger.
He really is a massive cunt, that Crouch. There is no denying that.
For the duration of their entire set, they are shooting hateful glances at one another; the tension palpable on everyone's tongue and skin. 
Smirking at him deviously, Barty doesn't refrain from playing with the crowd, hyping them up and flirting with everyone that catches his bastard-blue eyes. Evan wants to look away, but he can't. And Barty knows it too.
He leans down, grabs Sirius fucking Black out of all people by the chin, and shoves his tongue deep down his throat. Evan almost breaks his drumstick then.
In retaliation, he starts messing with the rhythm, going sometimes faster and sometimes slower. Usually, the two of them are in cadence, being able to rely on one another, but no more. Growing bolder and much more creative with his fill-ins, he draws attention to himself, something he is sure Barty would hate. 
His head whipping around, he glares at Evan, a muscle feathering in his jaw. Evan shrugs it off, a mocking smile on his lips as he crashes the cymbals even louder. Barty picks up on his game rather quickly. Gripping into the neck of his guitar, he starts up a riff, one that wasn't planned. Scoffing, Evan matches him.
They build up on one another, trying to one-up each other, until their is no rhythm left. Regardless, the crowd still eats it up. Cheering and hollering, they urge them on. The adrenaline rush Evan feels then, it almost makes him forget about the need to punch that cocky fuck squarely across the face - or pierce his idiot skull with one of his sticks.
Inside the dressing room is where the tension comes crashing down on them like the outer shell of a volcano exploding. A hate-fuck long overdue.
"What the hell were you playing at, huh?" Barty snarls, shoving Evan into the door as he's just closed it.
"Oh, don't come crying to me now", Evan returns with a sneer, his blood already boiling inside his veins. "If it weren't for you and your constant need to stick your cock in-between someone's legs, we wouldn't have started late, and none of this would have happened!"
"You know as well as I do, that's not what I fucking meant, Rosier! If you got a problem with me, don't be such a pussy and spit it right out!"
Then, Barty huffs, his eyes narrowing as his lips curl into a sardonic smile. "Of course, you don't have the balls to do it."
Pushing him back, Evan is now the one to pin him towards the lockers, his expression one of blistering fury. Still, the smile doesn't leave Barty's lips. Evan wants to kiss that stupid grin right off him.
So, that's what he does.
It's harsh, ungentle. Teeth crashing and tongues curling. Barty's hands find his hips, fisting the loose fabric hanging there. Knowing no better, Evan grips the back of his neck until his nails start drawing blood. He wants him to hurt.
"Knew you wanted me", Barty pants as they part briefly.
His hair is dishevelled and his eyes half-lidded. Flushed and heaving with desire, the blood running down his neck mixes beautifully with red splotches of his skin. Evan hates him.
Before he can snark something back, Barty has already pushed him onto one of the benches, his head hitting the wood with a dull thump. Without hesitation, he crawls on top of him, sneering down at him as his hands pin his bare throat to the seat.
Trapped, Evan can only stare back in defiance, too angry to say anything. But as Barty's hand ghost over his body, lower and lower, until they've slipped underneath his pants, an involuntary shiver escapes him.
Barty smiles cruelly. "I could smell you're dripping cunt all night. What, Rosie? So wet and just for me?"
"You probably mistook it for your own cock, Crouch!" Evan bites back, fighting a moan as the other one presses down his finger on his clit already sore from want. "You're such a fucking whore, you cannot last a minute without fucking someone. That's how desperate you are!"
"Oh, I am desperate", Barty agrees easily. "Always desperate. Especially, for you. I can never not be hard when you're around. Now spread your legs, angel. You've been empty for too long, and it shows."
"I-" But the snarky remark dies within his throat.
He really is a massive cunt. But as long as it's Evan, whose legs he's in between, he doesn't much care.
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grandlinedreams · 1 month
|| can we all agree that Norm really, really needs a hug (and a nap), and I have time before work today so this and the boot riding thing with coop
|| notes: for @fallout-girl219! Sorry this took me a second :< put as set within s1 because bubs was going Through It, left it open for that other bit you wanted so I can connect them hehe
|| warnings: hurt/comfort, Norm being a little mean, it's okay we still love him, fem!reader
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He's avoiding you.
Or at least it seems like it, because the vault is only so big and there are only so many places that Norm can go ㅡ and yet he manages to avoid you at every turn. You catch glimpses of him here and there, try to catch just a second or two of time ㅡ to no avail.
Part of you wants to understand. In the aftermath of the raiders, Lucy leaving ㅡ he's busy, and he's dealing with a lot. You understand, really! But that little part of you that wants to remind him that you're his girlfriend and want his attention too is dangerously close to snapping.
You finally manage to run into him ㅡ literally, as he narrowly avoids running the metal cart he's been using to take meals to the imprisoned raiders into your hip. "Oh," he says, manages to look at least a little sheepish, "Sorry about that."
"It's fine," you say, hate that there's some weird, stilted energy between you right now. "I actually need to talk to you about something, soㅡ"
"I need to get this back, let them know the raiders aren't big fans of mashed potatoes." He won't look at you, not directly, and it hurts.
"Oh," you say, try not to sound as hurt as you do, but something vicious bubbles in your veins. "What's next after that? Whatever you're up to with Chet? Or talking to Betty? Or maybe just finding more stupid reasons to avoid meㅡ"
Norm's eyes narrow, brow furrowing. "I'm not avoiding youㅡ"
"Yes you are," you snap, "Norm, I haven't seen you for more than two seconds in days, and we live in the same vault. I'm your girlfriend, and I'm asking for just a little bit of your time."
The unspoken plea weighs heavily on your tongue, and he stares at you, expression somewhere between guilt and annoyance. He looks away. "I don't have time for this," he says, and your heart sinks.
"Thanks for being honest, Norm." You move to walk past him, halted by the curl of his hand around your arm, tugging you back. Soft lips meet the corner of your mouth, a gentle suggestion of a kiss ㅡ and then properly, meeting your mouth with just enough pressure to make you melt a little.
"I didn't mean it like that," he murmurs when he pulls away. "Just ㅡ let me take this back, and then I'll come find you, okay? We can talk then."
You nod in agreement, watch the tiny upward tug of his mouth. "Okay," you agree verbally. "I'll see you in a little bit, then."
You watch him go, somewhere between relieved that he isn't avoiding you on purpose and worried about his behavior ㅡ and how exactly you're going to tell him what you need to.
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nav-i-nav · 4 months
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“We found Basil tending to his garden, as usual! He was so confused when we whisked him away towards the forest! Just wait until he sees what we prepared for him! I bet he’s going to love it!”
📷🌻 Happy birthday, Basil! 🌻📷
Small one-shot for my AU below… thank you if you read it….!
"Hurry up, Basil!" Aubrey urged, pushing the mint-haired boy with all of her strength, her large ribbon bouncing on top of her head with each step she took. The girl huffed and puffed, almost tripping and knocking the gardener over in the process. Nevertheless, she continued, her cheerful but bossy tone echoing throughout the flower field the four friends were passing through."Or else we're not going to make it on time for your surprise birthday party! Mari would be really mad if we–”
As soon as those words left her lips, she stopped dead in her tracks, her smile turning sheepish as she rubbed the back of her neck. "Oops.…"
Next to her, a short boy with messy hair let out a loud groan, puffing his cheeks in annoyance.
"Great job, Aubrey!" He exclaimed with disdain. Next to him, Sunny narrowed his eyes and clicked his tongue in disproval. "You ruined it!"
"It was an honest accident, okay?! No need to be such a jerk over it…" The girl snapped back at him, turning around to face him and crossing her arms. "Besides, you almost spilled the beans when you dragged Basil away from his garden anyway, so don't try to act like you know how to keep a secret either, Chico!"
Aubrey then returned her attention to Basil with the same shy expression, ignoring Chico's protests as she clasped her hands together and closed her eyes. “Can you please act surprised once we get to the treehouse? Mari and Hero worked really hard to get everything ready for the party and I’d be really sad if all their hard work went to waste because of me.”
Basil simply shrugged, a small teasing smile forming on his lips as he giggled. “What party?”
The girl let out a big sigh of relief, giving him a thankful nod before she nudged him forward. “Well, let’s keep moving then! We can’t waste any more time standing around here like a couple of lost sprout moles!” As she said that, she shot Chico an accusatory glare, to which the boy  replied with an offended “What?!”
“Oh, quit playing dumb!” Aubrey tapped her foot against the ground, her brows furrowing as she pressed her lips together. “You know as well as I do that if it weren’t for you and your stupid obsession to prove you’re strong, we wouldn’t be running late!”
“It’s not stupid!” Chico argued back, placing his hands on his hips and rolling his eyes. “If we hadn’t dealt with those sprout moles who knows what might’ve happened. What if someone got hurt?”
“Since when do you care if someone gets hurt or not? All you wanted was to show off!”
“Did not!”
“You so did!”
“You’re such a liar!”
“Guys…” Basil let out an awkward laugh, stepping in between the two of them. “If you keep arguing like this, we definitely won’t make it to the treehouse in time.”
Aubrey opened her mouth, ready to protest, but she simply huffed and nodded, crossing her arms and looking away from Chico. “Fine.”
Basil waited.
"But we definitely wouldn't have had to take so many twists and turns if it weren’t for Chico always fooling around. Hmph!”
There it is.
“That’s not true!”
“Yes it is!”
“Nuh-uh! Both you and Sunny kept getting distracted as well! Stop acting as if it’s all my fault!”
Basil sighed, giving up trying to get his friends to listen to him. Why did all their conversations have to end with the two of them fighting? He knew neither of them was actually upset, but still… Couldn’t they at least try to get along just once?
At least they managed to find this field of flowers after having to take so many shortcuts. All the flowers were different shades of blue and purple, their petals gently swaying in the summer breeze. Basil had made sure to take note of all the different kinds of plants he found as they made their way amongst the grass. Ah, if only they could stop for a little while so he could take in the scenery better…
Well, there was no benefit in dwelling over it. And he could always come back here another day. But the sky was so pretty… 
Slowly, Basil pulled out his camera, focusing the lens on the flowers. He held his breath, and…
The photo slowly slid down into his hand, the gardener grasping the Polaroid with care as he waited for the image to fully develop. Slowly, the colors began burning into the paper, all the hues mixing together to reveal a beautiful scenery.
The mint-haired boy smiled, satisfied, and put the photo in his pocket, he didn’t want it to be damaged until he could place it in the photo album, after all. He couldn’t wait to show everyone. Sunny would probably want to draw–
He snapped back from his thoughts, looking back at his friends. 
“Where’s Sunny?”
Aubrey and Chico stopped their bickering, the two of them turning back to Basil with confused expressions, confusion that quickly turned to shame. Basil’s smile soon vanished as he let out a sigh and pinched the bridge of his nose. That was all he needed to know. 
“He wandered off on his own, didn’t he?”
No response.
That was all he needed to know. Basil shook his head, looking around the flower field to see if he could find any trace of his best friend. Unfortunately for him, Sunny proved to be quite the sneaky one, as there were no footprints to follow. He pressed his lips together, before taking another deep breath and putting on a bright smile, his tone cheerful and calm. “Th-that’s okay! We’ll just have to look for him. I doubt he got too far away, so why don’t we split up? The field isn’t that big, anyway.”
“Good idea, Basil!” Right away, Aubrey nodded, already bouncing on her feet as she looked around. “I’ll take the left and Chico can take the right!”
“Why do I–”
“And Basil,” Aubrey continued through gritted teeth, shooting Chico another warning stare. “can go back to where we came from to see if Sunny went back.”
Before Chico could try to argue again, the gardener hummed in agreement, pressing his hands together. “Sounds like a plan! Let’s meet up here in five minutes, okay?”
His friends answered with an “Okay.” at the same time, though Chico was clearly still upset about having to follow Aubrey’s lead, grumbling under his breath as he walked away. Likewise, Aubrey’s bow kept bouncing up and down as the girl cheerfully hopped away. She reminded him of a bunny.
Once he was alone, Basil began walking back the way they came, scanning his surroundings as he tried to find any sign of his best friend. As he walked, he couldn’t help but hum a little tune to himself, his hands brushing against the forget-me-nots and lavenders’ soft petals. The flowers’ fragrance filled his nostrils, making him calm down. Despite how he tried to keep his composure, in truth, he was a little afraid. By all means, he didn’t doubt Sunny was strong enough to take care of himself, and he wasn’t one to rush into battle, but this was still an unknown place, as pretty as it was. 
Aubrey always told him he worried too much about them, but he couldn’t help it. He loved his friends more than anything, so if anything were to happen to them….
Basil always made sure his friends stayed safe. It was a bit tiring, sure, but caring for those he was closest to always filled him with a warm sense of fulfillment and peace. He did feel a little bad from time to time, constantly chasing after them and nagging them to be careful, feeling like he was being too pushy or too nosy, but they never seemed to mind. Well, except for Chico… hehe…
He kept walking until he caught a glimpse of a blue rose out of the corner of his eye. Curious, Basil crouched down, reaching his hand out towards the flower. As his fingertips traced the edges of the flower’s petals, he couldn’t help but feel mesmerized by it. He had never seen a rose such as this. What was such a rare flower doing all alone, surrounded by so many different flowers?
He had the urge to take it back with him and care for it so he could show it to his friends. Something about it was so unique and appealing that he just couldn’t leave it here and–
“Ouch!” Basil winced, taking away his hand as one of its thorns managed to pierce through his gloves and prick his finger. He could feel his eyes tearing up a little due to the pain. As he took off his glove and examined his hand, he could see a thin trail of blood slowly dripping from the tip of his ring finger. Despite the thorn’s small size, the cut stung quite a bit. 
“I guess I deserve that.” Basil chuckled, shaking his hand to get rid of the blood. Indeed, he had been selfish and didn’t consider what would happen to the rose had he tried to pluck it. Maybe there was a reason it chose to bloom surrounded by so many different flowers. He hummed, rummaging through his pockets as he looked for a bandaid for his injury. 
As he did, he couldn’t help but muse. He hadn’t changed, had he? He cared for his friends, yes, but he did so because he was afraid they would leave him if he did something wrong. He did his best to smile and be kind, but sometimes it was quite tiring to chase after Chico or to remind Sunny to take a break from drawing. Sometimes he’d even have to stop Hero from taking on another chore even if he was already very busy. 
Just now he had thought about how exhausting it was to constantly have to play peacemaker whenever Aubrey and Chico argued. But, was it so wrong to feel that way? 
Basil ran his hand through his hair as he stood up, a small, resigned sigh leaving his lips. He shouldn’t be feeling this way. He should be grateful he had such good friends! Sure, they could be a little rowdy and careless from time to time, but at the end of the day, they were still kids. And he was one too. He couldn’t act like he was more mature than them just because he wasn’t as impulsive as them, now could he?
To be honest, the gardener wished he could have some of the bravery and enthusiasm they had. Although he didn’t like exploring as much as his friends, he was always coaxed into accompanying them. It was fun, but also a bit too extreme for his taste…
Oh well…
As he heard his friends’ quick footsteps and cheerful voices growing closer, Basil took one last look at the lonely blue rose hidden in the grass. 
Maybe one day he’ll be able to do as he pleases. 
But for now, he’s more than happy simply tagging along in his friend’s adventures. 
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