#I don't kno him at all
twistedroseytoesy · 1 year
once upon silvers dreams
sweet silver stuff, hopefuly i wrote him ok, I don't know his character very well.
Another assignment by professor crewel for the dream potion led to mc sitting next to a tree by the forest thinking over who would be ok going into their dream. They know sometimes their dreams were odd due to being from another world. And as an extra part of the assignment was to try and connect more to someone they are aquatinted with but not really friends with.
It was an interesting conundrum for Mc since they knew and had a lot of friends but didn’t have many people that they did know but weren’t friends with. They continued to sit for a while, their thoughts drifting here and there. Then they noticed a few animals around. even more strange were 2 birds carrying a dark jacket to the other side of the tree they were leaning against.
They watched the birds gently drape the jacket over a man with silvery hair, sleeping aginst the tree. The immage reminded them of an old movie they watched a long time ago. They smiled as they hummed a song from it and sat back down, mind wandering. in theri haze they reached for their water bottle but grabbed and drank their potion. They realised once they swallowed then sighed. Quickly writing a note to the man, remembering his name from one of the 2nd and first year mixed classes. Silver.
They quickly fell asleep as they set the note next to him along with the other potion bottle. Silver woke shortly after to his animal friends gently nudging him. Ne hoticed the note and potion.
"dear silver, sorry about the suddenness of this note, I need your help with a dream potion assignment. If you are ok with it, could you drink it and join me in my dreams? I'll owe you a favor. Hope to see you soon Mc"
He looked down at the potion and shrugged, he knew his master was fond of the kind, magicless human, and this potion was just to be a part of their dream. It couldn't hurt to help. So he quickly downed the pink potion and drifted off to sleep once more.
He woke up against a tree his dark coat and hat missing from his uniform. He had his batton out and it nseemed he was practicing against an old dead tree, if the grooves were anything to go by. He felt the need to look for his missing uniform pieces so he started to wander around, until he heard soft singing. Something that felt familiar yet alien to him.
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam Yet I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem"
He moved a bush out of the way and noticed Mc danging with some ghosts near the edge of the forest, the ghosts wearing his dorm outfit giggling as they danced around Mc as they sang that intriguing song. "But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream"
they happily hummed as they continued to dance. The entire situation felt familiar yet not to silver as he watched. He suddenly felt the dram push him toward them as they spun toward him.
"But if I know you, I know what you do You love me at once" They sang before Silver started to sing with them. "The way you did once upon a dream" He finished alone sinc eth Mc stopped singing due to their surprise at a new and unfamiliar voice. They looked at the ghost with silver at their back and the ghosts just shrugged before disappearing, letting the clothes they borrowed fall to the ground.
"Oh!" They said now looking at silver and pulling away from him.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to frighten you." He said. Moving to grab his stuff.
"Well, it's not that. it's just that you're a... a" They stammered now embarrassed at being caught singing.
"A stranger?" he finished for them. They nodded and looked away back toward where ramshackle would be.
"But don't you remember? We've meet before." he said turning to them, now in his full uniform.
"we-we have?" they said now looking back at him, surprised.
"well of course, you said so yourself, once upon a dream." he finished with a small smile. they smiled back, before moving toward ramshackle. They were about to say something but he started to sing. He as a bit supprised himself but didn't fight as the dream led him along.
"I know you, I walked with you once upon a dream I know you, the gleam in your eyes is so familiar a gleam" he sang, catching up to them before leading them in a dance through a small field of wildflowers. they looked surprised before they joined his singing. "And I know it's true that visions are seldom all they seem But if I know you, I know what you'll do You'll love me at once, the way you did once upon a dream" they finish together. They both snapped out of the strange memory/ scene the dream had them do. Silver quickly pulled away, sighing.
"I'm sorry about that, I don't really know what over came me. forgive me if I confused or startled you." he apologised.
"no, it's ok. I remember that scene. it's from a movie I haven't seen in a while. I think I was thinking about it as I fell asleep... So this is somewhat my fault you had to do that." They said. awkwardly patting his back. He chuckled before looking around at the familiar, yet slightly distorted dream world.
"I hope you got the data you needed for the assignment, I'm unsure how else I can help," he said now looking back at them. They smiled at his kind words and smile.
"All i really needed to know is that it can add someone to my dreams to interact with, so it worked perfectly. Thank you silver." the world started to fade around them both.
"it seems that our dream is ending. Thank you for the experience Mc. Ill try and remember ho we knew each other once upon a dream." he said before they both woke up.
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rainymoodlet · 10 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eleven] A Colorful Day
I know they'll come for me, if I need, if I need... For I see the love in you; it feeds me, it feeds me.
Daniel keeps utterly surprising me! But it was there in black and white autonomy: Suraj won the show's third First Kiss! Congratulations to @gothoffspring and her lovely botanical boyyy 🥹
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#god i am so sorry posts have been all over the place these past two days!!! i just paid rent and almost dryheaved lmfaooo#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#suraj kennedy by gothoffspring#||#i don't think i've mentioned this but the songs i've linked#are the songs i listened to while editing their pictures dfkhds#josiah deserved a song dammit but u kno#dreamy kiss caps bwah#these two have some of my utter favorite caps omg the extras??? are just... shoujo quality mwah#i did NOT expect this!! their romance bar was on the wiggly whirly the entire date! (their friendship bar was scootin up just fine) but#out of absolute nowhere#dan was just fucking talking to the guy#and the next time i clicked on suraj it was right there: first kiss. and i said - okay dan if you're thinkin I Want To Kiss Him while#he's talking then you're goddamn gonna#but bwuh omg the song is really good for them in its own haunting way#there's a schism between these two that's so fascinating...#like suraj is nervous around dan but dan is also nervous around suraj??? i feel like neither of them have found a rhythm comfortably with#each other but like... not in a bad way???#they're drifting closer and closer together in the effort to meet in the middle and its SO INTRIGUINGGG#BUT GODDD ISNT SURAJ FUCKING STUNNINGGGG#LOOK AT THAT MAN'S FACE#LOOK AT HIS EYELASHES LOOK AT HIS GENTLY PARTED LIPS#THERE'S A REASON DAN'S FACE IS BARELY IN THESE SDJKHFSJH#so dreamy... fwah i just adore it
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fisheito · 3 months
head swivels around at owl vertebraesnap speed
save a horse ride a wolfboy???!?!!??!!????!!?!????????
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bylertruther · 2 years
"will shouldn't use a gun in season five because his father probably taught him how to use one and that could be a bad reminder for him" have you considered that will using what was very likely a Bad experience to save his life in what is undoubtedly an even worse experience could be a good thing? have you considered that him using a skill he was forced to learn to save not only himself but (as is likely more important and meaningful to him) the lives of others could give him a sense of usefulness and safety knowing that he isn't defenseless and can stand his and others' ground if need be? especially considering that's a skill that we've only seen hopper and nancy possess, making it that much more valuable and himself more helpful to the group? after everything in s1 and s2, he's probably felt guilty for having endangered them and dozens of other people multiple times, i don't think it'd be out there for him to feel "happy" that he can finally return the favor and protect them for once (especially after having complained about being babied and treated like a doll).
"will doesn't have and shouldn't have powers because that makes him different and he doesn't want to be different" not only are you wrong lol <3 but how have you not noticed that will's entire thing since the very beginning is that he is different and he knows it and while he does get his heart broken over the fact that this means he faces constant unfairness in life, he still refuses to be any other way? will doesn't conform nor does he ever try to even when others try to force or shame him to. he gets frustrated and upset at being treated differently, yes, but he stays true to himself. to battle that feeling he sometimes gets that tells him he's a mistake, a feeling he gets not from his own otherness but from living in a world that Makes it an otherness and thus isolates him for it, he seeks out that which he loves and enjoys and throws himself wholeheartedly at it. will lives his truth and is willing to suffer the consequences for it. he refuses to live in darkness and let it take a hold of him. he holds on to hope and all that makes him feel better for being different. he holds on to art, to dnd, to video games, to his family and his friends, and everything that brings him joy and reminds him that it's okay to be different. in s1 joyce defends will ("he's missing is what he is") and jonathan tells him he shouldn't like things that other people (namely their homophobic dad) try to force him to like, that he should like what he genuinely likes. in s2 jonathan gives will the freak speech and tells him that no one normal ever accomplished anything and mentions bowie. in s3, he doesn't get a speech, (though joyce does tell him that when he falls in love he won't find it gross [avoiding the word girlfriend and leaving it neutral]) but he does face backlash from someone that IS trying to conform and IS shaming will for not letting go of "childish" things aka his interests, what's important to him, and what he wants. does will back down or shy away in shame? no. instead, he lets mike sit in his shame for having said something that hurtful, and he says "yeah. i guess i did. i really did." clearly this is a conversation about what makes will different aka his sexuality bc he goes and destroys castle byers (the safe place he and his brother built once their homophobic dad left which is a place will can be himself unapologetically) with what is likely a bat that lonnie gave him when trying to get him into baseball. he calls himself stupid and donates his dnd books, but i don't see this as an act of conformity (he tells mike as much, suggesting he'll just use his books + if he was ashamed he wouldn't have painted the party as their dnd characters and given it to him of all people lol). he felt stupid because he thought they'd always be crazy together, that they were of the same mind and heart still, and that they had the same brand of "otherness" if you catch my drift. then in s4 we get jonathan's tender "you're my brother and there is nothing absolutely nothing that will ever change that" which is the most direct anyone has ever been about that which makes will different. and he doesn't shy away from it! he doesn't deny it, because we can see from his confession and how he breaks down that he's desperately been wanting and needing to hear that. he accepts that love and allows himself to be held and seen by someone else, as he has every other time. because will doesn't hate being different, he just hates that he has to live in a world where that's seen as wrong and thus makes him feel like he doesn't belong because of it. but he doesn't change himself. he doesn't feel ashamed of it. he doesn't see it as a flaw in himself or others and he never has. will is different and he knows it and he wouldn't have it any other way.
will's story since the beginning has been about being different and going through awful things, and managing to not only find the light in it but also make it out stronger because of it all. it's always been about using what makes him different as a good thing and as something he uses to save himself and others.
will being good with a gun bought him time with whatever kidnapped him. will knowing how to run and hide kept him alive in the upside down. will acted as a spy while possessed and managed not only to save hopper but also tell them how to finish this. will's experiences and senses helped them figure out what was happening in season three. will's love and loyalty inspires mike and manages to bring him to a better place even if just for a moment in the van, and again he's the one that knows vecna's current state, aaaand had he been in hawkins at the time it likely would've gone a lot better because as dustin said "we need will".
taking something awful and turning it into a good thing and a source of strength is a wonderful trope. it's inspiring and empowering not only for the character but for those that could use that hope and reminder that there's always a silver lining, that life isn't all darkness and shadows and hurt. not only that, but it's something that they've literally always done for will since the very beginning. he is the prime character for that. his entire message has always been that it's okay to be different and that you can find strength and peace in that; that the things that make you different aren't a detriment, they're precisely what make you strong. like... i'm sorry, but have you not been paying attention at all whatsoever this entire time or... :/
#some of u heard 'sometimes it makes you feel like a mistake' and just forgot every other season ever it seems like#but idk maybe IM the outlier here lmao#characters like mike steve and eleven i can see the conformity argument for#BUT WILL?!?!?!?#will who has always drawn and listened to his music and wanted to hang out with his friends and play dnd and who#gets made fun of for so many things even by those that mean the world to him but has never ONCE tried to change#anything about who he is over that..... THAT'S who you think thinks being different is a bad thing!?!?!#will who has never lied about being a loner or what he likes or what he wants in life or has dressed like other people want him to#will who specifically has received multiple It's Okay To Be Different speeches and came out of them believing them is the character#that you think hates being different? will who loves mike's nerdy self and thinks the absolute world of him and TELLS HIM AS MUCH AND#CONFESSES HIS GAY LOVE TO DESPITE THE SUMMER OF HOMOPHOBIA AND THE AIRPORT FIASCO AND THAT DREW A#FUCKING HEART ON HIS SHIELD UNABASHEDLY AND CONFESSED IN FRONT OF TWO OTHER PEOPLE TOO ON TOP OF THAT#IN THE EIGHTIES!!!!!!! TO MIKE!!!! WHO COULDNT TOUCH HIM AND HAS A CONSERVATIVE FAMILY AND DIDNT TALK TO HIM FOR A YEAR#IS WHO YOU THINK HATES BEING DIFFERENT . HELLO#literally everything that he goes through is turned into something 'good' because that's the POINT!!!!#HE DOESN'T WANT TO BE NORMAL!!! HE IS NOT THE CHARACTER U SHOULD BE MAKING THOSE ARGUMENTS FOR LMAO#jus say u don't want him to have powers bro don't be lying on my blorbito's name like that 😭😭😭😭😭#anyway. crazed frenzy is over im normal now <3#u kno how the long and all too passionate bordering on Is This Bitch Okay mobile posts go#back to being offline now byeeeee 🏃‍♀️
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dnangelic · 2 months
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the hollow nonviolence but nevertheless heavily palpable longing and empty vastness of daisuke's heart. post
#*・゚⊰ 𝐎𝐔𝐓 𝐎𝐅 𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒. ⊱ ✦ › OUT.#full sincerity i do not mean this in an edgy oooh my cute moeblob's darkness(tm) his hidden evil side way#because this is dark's loneliness too. this is dark's wanting TOO#but dark's is daisuke's is dark's is daisuke's and they're both#the epitome of leroux's erik's description + christine's waved away loneliness too#a heart that could hold the entire empire of the world but has to content itself with a cellar#a child who's never taken seriously or properly respected despite his stubborn independent streak#or even the canon quote itself- it's enormous but empty. completely vacant. dark. there's nothing but a black pillar (themselves)#and 'nothing to satisfy someone-' i knoooow dai looks the way he does but oh my gooooodh -drags my hands down my face-#he's restless he's restless it's not blood guts violence edgy that his emptiness brings him#it's the heart of a thief someone who STEALS which is also why i abstain from too much hunger metaphor#because they DON'T want to devour they don't want to chew and swallow they want to KEEP!!!#they want to shelter and house and have something anything someone anyone they want to take care of it#BUT THE CURSE!!!!#what they do eat of is their own sin and fall; the apple. the fairy tale candy. the fairy table feast. the pomegranate#and once daisuke starts there's NOTHING left for him except to become the devil even if he's the innocent cherub!!#HE CAN'T RESIST THOSE TEMPTATIONS he can't resist the demands of his desires compassionate or not!!!#anyways i got sidetracked but i just think muses who ever see daisuke's heart#is it gentle? yes. is it warm? no. but it's a chill that makes a shared fireplace or someone's touch and blood warmer#it's lonely it's heavy it's grandiose and noble there are rooms waiting for you to walk in and spread light#candlelight starlight azumano's mock-gaslit lanterns!!!#everybody looks up 2 a rebel but nobody knows how isolating it is not just for dark as sb who decided to betray#and was therefore cast out alone left to bear enormous immense burdens all by himself ostracized and wounded#but for daisuke too caught in the shadow of dark's wings#u kno? ok. thats all
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tracle0 · 1 year
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hwaitham · 7 months
aa . had a sad dream during my afternoon nap . . . 's not all That awful . . :c but thinking abt it makes m chest hurt so actually ! perhaps it is . . . me n haitham were rllie close pals in it but i had a big fat ginormous crush on him , so i confided in kaveh . . only to be told that al haitham was hopelessly in love with my best fren ! ! ! ໒꒰ྀི˃ ˂ഃ ꒱ྀི১ it was obvi she had feelings for him too . . da three of us would go to cafes often n i had to swallow my anguish watching both of em interact n chat about things dat would go over my head . . . it hurt so ridiculously bad ! mostly bcos i wub my friend sooo much ! n of course i alwys wnt her to be happie n dat takes precedence over anything else to mi , even if that means watching her n al haitham be in love . . she is so sweet n beautiful n talented n funny n intelligent n just . Perfect in everyone's eyes . ๐·°(৹˃̵﹏˂̵৹)°·๐ so it is like . of Course he would pick her over me ! ! ! arghhhh
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unproduciblesmackdown · 9 months
billions(tm): it's incredible how we just provide a little snippet of material designed to be "guy we all want to push down the stairs immediately somehow" and through this amazing acting alchemy it becomes gold. electric. magnificent. we can't get enough so we will just keep writing this loser character and the actor will somehow keep bringing the dazzling transmutation through his ability
actor will roland: [is aware autistic people are real]
#this is at least half humorous in several ways lmao but also like fr...#winston billions#will roland has pretty much said he is aware that autistic people real. and not [ppl's utterly off the walls assumptions abt what Defines#Autism or what an Autistic Person is like and how you would Know]#i don't think that Billions(tm) would be very much better at that than re: say; taylor's being nonbinary (surprisingly alright yet. u kno)#quant kid 2 could've been anyone but writing Winston is like so certainly the common deal of the inadvertently autistic character#drawing from all the autistic people allistic ppl encounter all thee time without being aware & deciding they're annoying / jerks / too#weird to live too pathetic to die / grating nerds / Funnily Odd in a way you deign to merely raise an eyebrow or scrunch your face at....#so on so forth. ''oh you know Those People we all know who are just Like That''#and deciding they must be ''just like that'' b/c they're either too arrogantly rude &/or clueless / Unaware to be neurotypically superior#also do not get me wrong lmao big old proponent of Did You Know That? Actors Act. Now You Know#so of course yes will's acting is off the shits i mean here i am am i right. and he is using it when he is acting.#the acting talent Is off the shits. the tiniest moments they give him & he CRUSHES KILLS it really is amazing i'm not waving it off at all#cue twitter randos so betrayed when kelly aucoin is not dollar bill & is like ''yes in my acting job i'm playing this fuckin asshole''#meanwhile i'm still following the interviewer who a) asked will anything abt billions b) talked abt the immediate striking intro of will's#as quant kid 2 And the immediate draw of / effervescent dynamic between winston & taylor. Someone Who Gets It#anyway it's like will can fathom that actually the people who are Always ''acting wrong'' w/their bad grating vibes no matter what they do#are not always Those People(tm) who We all know & loathe right....thee magic of knowing winston can be someone fully earnest#and of course always actually trying; & having perfectly comprehensible wants & needs. damn how's he doing that#bringing a certain je ne sais quoi to this Insufferable Loser Nerd material! so we don't mess with the process.#i.e. we will only ever let his role get dunked on forever b/c sure can't fathom anything else anyways. our Correct characters could never..#only tuk; adjacent in wrong nerd loserdom; can be his friend. rian who is correct but zany with it can be his abusive friend
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poorlittlevampirebaby · 7 months
wait wait wait wait im psychic or some shit bc is was thinking so much about how i think there's a new pattern of using parkinson's as a storyline in tv (and then like failing to do anything with it) aND NOW ERIC HAS PARKINSON'S AJSJDJDIWKWNFBFNCJCJDKSLAOSNFNDKAKAOKA
i was gonna be like where even were the signs tho but i guess i never watch his scenes
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nostalgia-tblr · 1 year
if i write all the wanky stuff in the tags that means i am innocent if any wank ensues thereafter right?
#I didn't think i was supposed to ACTUALLY blame Loki for Frigga's death? like it obviously wasn't his fault in any deliberate way#and Mobius is a cop trying to break Loki enough to get him to help the cops to catch another Loki (oon inceptiony)#yeah Mobius SAYS it but i don't think Mobius speaks with 100% authority and accuracy u kno?#it's a deliberate cruelty to point out that Unintended Consequences happened there and i mean... it does work doesn't it?#that is the thing that breaks through to Loki and gets him to do Mobius's bidding from then on (mostly)#because Loki can of course justify all his DELIBERATE actions to himself - because he already did that at the time he did them#but 'u killed Frigga (sort of)' is a new Bad Thing and one he has no pre-prepared excuse for#basically Loki already knows all the tumblr meta that casts him as Right About Things so Mobius is never gonna win on those items alone#but then I also think Mobius was planning to just straight-up murder TVA!Loki when he'd done his part in catching The Bad Variant#and wouldn't be shocked if there were others before him who also got Mobius'd out of existence for failing or refusing to play along#how many times has Mobius done this? is there more than 'reading files' behind how easily he can see through Loki's attempted lies?#OH THAT GOT A BIT DARK DIDNT IT OH NO#(i enjoy a bit of lokius but i do wonder about the AU where they catch Sylvie and now Mobius has a spare Loki who is of no further use)#BUT I DIGRESS#yeah i didn't think i was supposed to ACTUALLY think Frigga dying can be fairly blamed on Loki#but Mobius knows that this is something Loki can't justify and it'll eat away at him and make him question the stuff he CAN justify#loki series
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persefoneshalott · 11 months
Jase 36 questions 🤝 Drew search party (Cindy proposal scene)
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bylertruther-moved · 2 years
call me weird, call me ugly, but i think it’d be kinda interesting if they leaned into the idea of the mind flayer itself not being inherently evil. we saw vecna manipulate its shape when he first found it and we know that he used it as his vessel on earth. he possessed it, just as he possessed will, and just as he possessed so many more through its power. thus, the mind flayer was a tool for vecna. we don’t know if it ever wanted to do any of that. we have evidence of the demo creatures being docile when not under his influence, so it’s not like it’d be out of nowhere. and... i don’t know. i just think it would be cool: two beings, one big and one small, one potentially as old as time and one having been alive for all but not even a blink in comparison, from entirely different dimensions, with entirely different power sets, both connected by virtue of having been victims of the same entity that has infected and terrorized their worlds and the creatures in it and that now must find a way to rid themselves of said entity. because really... how strong is vecna without the mind flayer? he got his ass handed to him by an eight year old and then again by a group of humans and a slightly older eleven. the mind flayer is the one doing all the heavy lifting here.
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134340am · 2 years
i’ve started talking to a boy (ノへ ̄、)
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z3r0-c001 · 2 years
man worm is so much and like i hesitate to recommend it to people bc so much of what i want to say about it is critical but also there is so much pretty compelling stuff in there. and also it's so fucking long like I would not have gotten thru it without the combo of the incredible fanmade audiobook and the most boring job on earth. but gotdam i wish i could ask my casual friends abt worm.
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hirokiyuu · 2 years
someone sent me an ask about sym+vace i haven’t answered bc i’ve been turning it over in my head and i think. really what it comes down to. is i really can’t see any universe where they even manage to like. truly respect? each other? i genuinely believe the extent of their rship is at best grudging politeness + respect in the sense of “i will not cause you problems and will acknowledge we want good things for the same people”
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zouisexo · 2 years
the Ability parents have to put u in a bad mood... truly remarkable
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