#josiah deserved a song dammit but u kno
rainymoodlet · 10 months
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Kiss Me in Komorebi+ 🌸
[Ep. Eleven] A Colorful Day
I know they'll come for me, if I need, if I need... For I see the love in you; it feeds me, it feeds me.
Daniel keeps utterly surprising me! But it was there in black and white autonomy: Suraj won the show's third First Kiss! Congratulations to @gothoffspring and her lovely botanical boyyy 🥹
[ Part 2/2 ] 🌹
#god i am so sorry posts have been all over the place these past two days!!! i just paid rent and almost dryheaved lmfaooo#ts4#ts4 screenshots#ts4 gameplay#ts4 challenge#ts4 bachelor challenge#;kmik#sim: daniel#suraj kennedy by gothoffspring#||#i don't think i've mentioned this but the songs i've linked#are the songs i listened to while editing their pictures dfkhds#josiah deserved a song dammit but u kno#dreamy kiss caps bwah#these two have some of my utter favorite caps omg the extras??? are just... shoujo quality mwah#i did NOT expect this!! their romance bar was on the wiggly whirly the entire date! (their friendship bar was scootin up just fine) but#out of absolute nowhere#dan was just fucking talking to the guy#and the next time i clicked on suraj it was right there: first kiss. and i said - okay dan if you're thinkin I Want To Kiss Him while#he's talking then you're goddamn gonna#but bwuh omg the song is really good for them in its own haunting way#there's a schism between these two that's so fascinating...#like suraj is nervous around dan but dan is also nervous around suraj??? i feel like neither of them have found a rhythm comfortably with#each other but like... not in a bad way???#they're drifting closer and closer together in the effort to meet in the middle and its SO INTRIGUINGGG#BUT GODDD ISNT SURAJ FUCKING STUNNINGGGG#LOOK AT THAT MAN'S FACE#LOOK AT HIS EYELASHES LOOK AT HIS GENTLY PARTED LIPS#THERE'S A REASON DAN'S FACE IS BARELY IN THESE SDJKHFSJH#so dreamy... fwah i just adore it
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