#I can't pay another person and I'm not gonna take volunteer work for what is hopefully but unlikely to be profit
yukipri · 2 years
Hey! I'm a patreon subscriber and just saw your merch post. Everything looks AMAZING. I was just wondering if you've ever considered selling any of your potential leftover merch online? Bc I am not in NY rn but I would *kill* for some of your stickers and a few tote bags lmao.
Sorry if you've answered this before! Either way, just wanted to say it all looks great and I hope you have a great time at the con!
Thanks so much for your support on Patreon, and for liking my Patreon sneak peeks at my Anime NYC merch!
As stated on the Patreon post, assuming the stickers turn out well, there's a good chance that they will be included in some future promotions (perhaps not the specific stickers made for the con, but some stickers). However, because production/shipping costs makes them significantly more expensive than my postcards, they will be on the appropriate Tiers to reflect that base cost.
Other merch that cannot be included in standard flat envelopes with stamps postage are a lot more complicated. I currently do not have the bandwidth to manage shipping things, especially not managing an online store and the vast number of tasks that entails. Even attempting to do so would mean I would need to halt all of my digital content so I have the time to handle that.
That would mean zero new art. Zero new fic chapters. Zero nothing.
I would maybe need to take one month, possibly two months off to figure out an online store. I tried once before, and it was incredibly stressful and I never got to opening, and that was before I had my current very demanding job. I would assume many of my patrons would drop during my time away due to lack of content, and in addition to a store costing money to run, and the amount of money i would need to invest in product packaging/label print/everything, it would put me in a bad place financially, physically, and mentally.
In addition to that, taking that much time away from my current projects runs the very real risk of me ditching them. Without an outlet for my stories, my enthusiasm for them will wither rapidly. So there's a decent chance that I will ditch most if not all of my current ongoing AUs. If the experience is miserable enough, I may just drop my current fandom entirely to get away from the association...
Plus like. Making art and fic is what I love. I hate business and figuring out new systems and handling money and shipping and going to the post office. i would be miserable ;_; Just thinking about it makes me want to cry.
All of this to say, again, while I wish I could take your money, snap my fingers, and get any merch I choose to make into your hands, it unfortunately is more complicated than that, and I currently just don't think I have the bandwidth to handle a store. If I could quit my day job, sure! Might be possible. But alas, while I am deeply appreciative for all the support on Patreon and it helps immensely, I do not make enough on it to live by it alone.
I understand that some artists manage to have an online store, and I feel immense respect for their abilities to manage it and gratitude for their effort, which I too have benefited from by being able to purchase from them. But in the end, not all artists are the same. Perhaps they don't produce as much regular digital content as me, or perhaps they don't have a day job, or perhaps they have people who can help them. Perhaps their circumstances are the same as mine or worse, and I just can't manage my time/am an slow creator. All I can say is I'm already working at the maximum capacity of what I personally can handle, and unfortunately there's no wiggle room for a project as vast as an online store.
(this is not me asking for advice on how to start a shop, or looking for people to reassure me it's easy. That's wonderful for you, but again I don't think I can manage it atm)
If it's just leftovers of merch from the con and they're in the single digits, I may be able to reach out to patrons on a case by case basis, and just send Paypal invoices rather than opening a store proper. But I also intentionally chose designs and fandoms that do not age out and merch that stores well, so it may be better for me to keep my extra stock for my next con. We'll see how it looks after I get the merch in hand, and the situation after the con!
I may also feel more optimistic at a later date, but right now I am extremely stressed, frazzled, and tired from combo of Clonetober + preparing for ANYC next month, so just the idea of a store is...Very Bad ^ ^;
I will try to update my inprint next month though, so that all of my prints available at ANYC will be there online too!
Apologies for the long response, but I hope this clarifies my current situation and the possibility of merch online. I really wish I could do more, but I am just a single creator, who is not at all well off, who is juggling a full time job + full time content creation, and whose mental/physical state is always one sneeze away from shattering. I wish my circumstances were good enough that I could accomplish more, but I'm also grateful for what I have now, and hope that what little I can offer is enough.
Thanks for understanding!
❀ ❀ Send YukiPri an Ask! ❀ ❀
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nogenderbee · 2 months
♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ ℂ𝕦𝕥𝕖 𝕥𝕠𝕪𝕤 ₊˚ˑ༄
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*ੈ✩‧₊˚ anon request: Could I request Ayato, Zhongli, Thoma, and Kaveh with a s/o who can create cute, living toys?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ Yeah! Absolutely! Honestly I'm not entirely sure about it buuut... hopefully you like it?
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ fluff
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✧ over years, Zhongli already saw many toys and mechanisms, yet yours always seem to surprise him
✧ he may've seen the greatest inventions, but yours? They're so simple and cute, they have their own charm
✧ he's used to formal introducing when it comes to inventions like that, and yet you introduce it as if it's some toy for kids! Who knows? Maybe it is?
✧ but what he finds the sweetest is that they actually seem like alive, they move and some even talk! It's hard not to be impressed!
✧ like mentioned earlier, he's used to formal inventions, definitely not as silly as these, so his recommendation may not be the best...
✧ despite that, he wants to help, so he takes you on few adventures and shows you many secret places around Liyue or tells you stories which you may find closest to "fairytales"
✧ he's never recommending anything directly but he doesn't mind giving you ideas by sharing what he already knows
"Hehe~ ... No, nothing. I just thought your invention is really sweet. You have a real talent, dear."
@bleachtheidiot @toyaswif3y - come get your broke archon!
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✧ Thoma is literally like a supportive mother when it comes to your work as an inventor
✧ he's always gonna compliment any work of yours, usually taking time to admire it's looks and functions to give you more detailed compliment than just saying "it's good" and leaving it at that
✧ but he also won't lie to you when he sees something could use some fixing... he's definitely very gentle with it and if it's something little, he might hesitate to mention it but he'll probably tell you about it sooner rather than later
✧ coming back to mother subject... he's not gonna let you pull all nighters! And if he catches you, he'll immidietly force you to go to bed
✧ but if he catches you sleeping on your desk at 1am... he's just gonna move you to bed and moves little health talk for another time
✧ if you ask him for some ideas, they're most likely gonna remind you more of child toys than some serious robots but... those are usually still rather interesting ideas! So why not give it a try anyway~?
"Oh, this one's really good! I really like their design and how you went for the sweet look... and I can also see you worked really hard on making it move so smoothly. You did a really good job! Here, take a break after all of this work, I can make us tea."
@bleachtheidiot - come get your perfect malewife~
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✧ I have a feeling like Ayato, due to being head of Kamisato Clan would know a bit on how to judge inventions but not actual clue how to make ones
✧ but judging is still something! Because he can always tell you what's missing and what requires fixing in his opinion
✧ tho his words may be a bit harsh, due to being used to formal meetings and saying what he thinks there, as it was what he payed for... he tries making words gentler for you next time but first? Feel free to tell him he's being a bit blunt...
✧ but he gets there with time so don't you worry! He doesn't want to be mean to his partner after all!
✧ and if you have tough client to deal with? He'll volunteer to go with you and to help you with business talk, he sees how much passion and work you put into your works so he only finds it fair the other person needs to pay fair price
✧ also, he's gonna try his best to pull you away from all nighters buuut... he takes them himself so he can't really argue here... he'll just try to help you and get you to bed as soon as possible
"They want to pay this little? No, you're fighting for the right thing, you're obviously trying to under pay you. Tell me, when are you supposed to meet them? I'd like to assist you if it's not a problem."
@bleachtheidiot - come get your boba lover!
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✧ inventor the architect.... don't you see it's the perfect duo?
✧ Kaveh get's your struggle... so little time and so many ideas... let alone, if you're selling what you create!
✧ he's never gonna hesitate to help you, be it with the design or just to get idea for your next project
✧ and if he can't think of anything, he'll go on a little tour with you and maybe there you or him will be able to think of something
✧ he doesn't know much about inventing but he does know that all nighters are sometimes necessary and real pain at the same time... so he'd be happy to be your assistant and pass you various tools
✧ and if it ends you have to pull all nighter and don't allow him close to your inventions? He'll be happy to be your company for the night and coffee and snack bringer
✧ but since you're his lover, he's still worried about your health so despite doing that himself, he'll try getting you away from sacrificing your sleep
"C'mon honey... I get that it's important but so is sleep. And if your client complains, I'll personally have a talk with them! So don't worry about it, go to sleep and let me handle it if necessary, okey?"
@bleachtheidiot - come get your architect beuty~
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rattyshipss · 8 months
Random headcanons about me and Stanley's life after Ggbb
In this Stanley lives because I say so👍
Me, Stanley, and Jamie would absolutely be the trio
We'd probably all even end up living together at some point
Jamie: "So are you gonna propose to her soon orrr?"
Stanley: "W-what?"
Jamie: "Well I mean it's kind of a give in after everything that happened that you two are gonna stay together, so I was just wondering when"
Stanley: "Well, as true as that is, I don't wanna rush it, I don't want it to feel like I'm proposing because she accepted me, I want to do it right
Idk how to explain this but like in those edits/videos (Like a specific one of Pam Miller I saw with a guy dying laughing at her acting, in a good supportive way not like she's bad😭💖 If I can find the video maybe I'll include it here) (I FOUND IT https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZT8hTvPdQ/) there would be so many little things I do and little idiosyncrasies of mine that would either, if they could tell I was agitated at someone, (And they'd defanitely always be able to tell) they'd sit there awkwardly eyeing eachother or just dying laughing at random shit from me
Me finding random animals and bringing them home
*Stanley looking at Jamie* "This is what I have to deal with"
If anyone comes for Jamie Reynolds they're gonna have to go through me
My family and Jamie's family would absolutely volunteer themselves as Stanley's new adopted family no ifs ands or buts (Doesn't matter that he kidnapped their son😌)
I'd probably end up hiding some of my own personal issues with my family from Stanley for awhile, not wanting to add any more to his plate family wise, especially compared to what he's been through
But he'd fond out eventually and be the absolute sweetest about it
He'd still fully be welcomed into my family though, by everyone
If Stanley ever feels like he has to pay someone to keep his secret again I'm absolutely being the one paying for it this time, he's never having to work two jobs again. Even if there wasn't anybody he felt he needed to pay I'd still be willing to have two jobs just so he could have a break after doing it for so long and not have to work at all
Cara would come over all the time to flirt with me infront of Stanley
Cara: "Her hair is so shiny have you seen it? It's hard to miss"
Jamie running his hands through my hair: "No knots either damn"
Obviously one of the main reasons Stanley has such a good security system at our house is because of his past but it's just a very big bonus that he gets to make sure I'm safe
I'd also probably have the effect of everything that happened to Stanley in Ggbb building up inside of me and the thought of losing him before I break down infront of him but again he'd be so sweet
So many moments of Jamie catching random marks/hickies on the both of us
These last few headcanons could really be either be before or after the events of Ggbb give or take Jamie being there but I really like them so I wanted to include them
I feel like I'd try to be super sweet upfront but an absolute cunt when needed so I can completely imagine Stanley reassuring people I'm nice and telling then how adorable and stupid I really am with him if their first impression of me was during bitch mode
I'd be standing there with Stanley, Pip, and Cara (MY BABIES) like "😄" and then someone I knew was awful would come up behind me and call my name and I'd have to close me eyes and switch before spinning around with an eye roll like "😀/sar🤬"
I had another one I think including Jamie but I can't remmeber😭 But if I remember I'll include it
Stanley deserves the best life and I'm gonna do everything in my power to give it to him😭👉👈💖
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andmyvape · 3 years
"Please tell me you're not wearing that."
Elayn looked down, then back up with a wide grin. She tugged at her bright rainbow suspenders with her thumbs. "What, not tacky enough?"
Serana gave the ensemble another slow scan. "No, it's… definitely tacky. The combat boots with the khaki shorts is a nice touch."
The grin got wider as she stuffed her hands into her pockets. "They're going to be throwing candy, and I wasn't anywhere near prepared enough last time."
Serana rolled her eyes, but softened it with a smile. "You're ridiculous."
"Isn't that why we're dating?" her girlfriend asked as they headed out the door.
She took a moment to lock up while Serana laughed. "'Careless Whisper' on a boom box outside my window. I can't believe my dad didn't kill you. I know you stole that, by the way. We both went to see that movie when it came out."
"They marketed it as a romcom!" Elayn protested.
They were in the car now. It would be a trick to find parking, but they were running early thanks to Serana's habit of scheduling everything. Elayn was more the type to go with the flow, but living together had her adapted enough that the flow she went with was largely dictated by Serana's schedule. As a research chemist, she worked interesting hours at times, but Elayn was a good roommate, she cooked and cleaned, mostly because she had the time. Lacrosse wasn't a well paying sport compared to something like soccer, but the off seasons gave her plenty of time to maintain their loft. 
"Five dollars an hour?" Elayn griped as the machine printed out their ticket. 
"Homophobia strikes again," Serana said with mock solemnity. 
She snorted and wrapped an arm around her girlfriend's waste. "Which park did you say this thing started in again?" 
It was a little place surrounded by tall buildings, but it was a green patch in a city largely made out of grey. It being Pride Month, the grey was broken up by rainbows. The two wandered around as they waited for the parade to start. 
Well, at least, they started to wander when Elayn caught sight of a dog and all but dragged her girlfriend over to say hi. 
"What's his name?" she asked, so full of enthusiasm she practically floated. "Can I pet him?" 
The dog's owner, someone with a short haircut in a crop top that was orange, yellow, and white striped, nodded. "If he lets you. Sometimes he's not so-- oh gosh," they said, eyes wide as they watched Elayn kneel down and offer a hand to sniff that was immediately accepted. "You must have good vibes." 
"She's a dog person," Serana said with a laugh as the dog put its front paws on Elayn's shoulders so he could lick her face. 
"What's his name?" she asked through slobbery kisses. 
The butch grinned. "That's Duke, I'm Cas. It's nice to meet you!" 
The two introduced themselves just in time for a volunteer to come up with bottles of water. "Our city got voted best water in the state," she said cheerfully. "Take a few, it's gonna be a hot one." 
Before the march, there were speeches. The first was an introduction to the city's first pride parade since the 80s. The second was from a drag queen inviting everyone to the show later that night. Finally, the speeches were closed by an Episcopalian pastor trying to make up for the rest of Christianity's sins. 
"It's starting!" Elayn said excitedly when the crowd started to funnel out of the park. 
The march went down the sidewalk for a few blocks. Traffic was halted and the waiting cars honked while passengers waved. Elayn waved a lesbian flag, Serana had a bi flag, and the two of them dragged a rainbow striped cooler. 
"Mom! Mom!" Elayn heard behind her. "Look, it's two cicadas going at it!" 
She glanced behind her. There was a set of twins, about twelve years old, one of them draped in a trans flag and holding the cicadas that were indeed trying to reproduce. Elayn snorted and hit herself in the face trying to keep a laugh contained. "You like bugs, huh?" 
The girl in the trans flag beamed. "They're my favorite! Well, except for tarantulas, but Mom won't let me have one." 
"The rabbit gets out of its cage enough." The way the girl's mom said it, this was an age old argument. "I don't want to squash it when it ends up in my shoe."
"I had a snake when I was growing up," Serana chimed in. "A corn snake that never got out." 
The twins turned out to be part of a family unit. One twin was trans, and their older brother was too, and as Elayn found soon, was very excited to start HRT. "Get a Gc2b binder," she said. "When I'm feeling like a flat day, it works really well." 
The boy, a younger fourteen, practically floated with excitement. "I will!" 
Serana chatted with the parents while Elayn occupied the kids. "Have you folks been to Pride before?" 
Their mom, a woman named Chelsea, shook her head. "Nope, both kids came out last September and they've been talking about the festival ever since." 
"You seem like really supportive parents," Serana said. It carried the weight of one speaking who has not had contact with their parents since high school. 
Chelsea could tell, and she opened her arms for a hug that Serana was more than happy to accept. 
The march was only about a mile long, and it ended in another park. Elayn craned her neck and said, "I think I see the beer line, wait here?" 
"We will!" said the girl, who was very proud to be named Luna now. 
Serana and Chelsea shared a grin. "I guess we'll wait here," the mom said. 
It was a bit of a line, which was probably not a good thing, but apparently people were restricted on how many drinks they could buy, so at least there was that. While Elayn waited, she was joined by two people wearing pronoun pins that said "she/her". 
Elayn's jaw dropped at the sight of one of the girls' dress, which was a flowing, fae like ensemble. "Holy shit!" she said. "You look amazing!" 
She blushed and ducked her head as she smiled. "Thank you, I got it from Amazon." 
"It's her first Pride," her friend added.
That just amazed Elayn more. "With the sparkles and the green eyeshadow, I wouldn't have guessed. Everything you've got going on is just amazing."
"Thank you!" she squeaked. 
Elayn wasn't alone in thinking the dress was gorgeous. Another person came up to compliment it, and they had such dope tattoos that Elayn could not help but comment. 
"The guy that did them is great," they gushed. "He does blacklight work too!" 
So she got a website saved on her phone for the next time she really wanted to get a tattoo on top of the three she already had; scrollwork on her bicep, a wolf on her shoulder blade, and a small date on her wrist that was the day she met Serana. 
When she got back to her girlfriend and the others, an IPA in hand that was frankly piss, she told them about the girl in the fae dress. 
"I saw her!" Serana exclaimed. 
"No way." 
Next was food, especially if she was going to drink a beer. Assuming she actually drank it. "There's some food trucks," she pointed out. "I could go for a corndog." 
"I'm going to get some mac and cheese," Serana said. 
"Mom! Mom!" Luna's twin brother, Ian, tugged at his mom's sleeve. "Can we get pretzels?" 
Chelsea sighed good-naturedly. "I suppose. Do you two want to meet up after?" 
"Over by the stage?" Elayn suggested. 
The group separated. She found the line for corndogs and funnel cake. While she was waiting, the woman ahead of her glanced her way, so Elayn said, "Howdy!" 
"Hey there, hun!" She clapped her on the shoulder. "Having a good time?" 
"I am," she said with a grin. "Everyone here is so nice. There were some moms back there handing out hugs!" 
"Well, I'm a mom, would you like a hug?" 
"I would love that." 
It was a lovely hug, the woman was warm and smelled floral. When they separated, she said, "I'm Elayn! It's good to meet you. Can I get you a corndog?" 
As she pulled out her wallet, the woman waved her money away. "It's Nessa, and actually, I'd like to buy you a corndog." 
"You don't have to--" 
Nessa laughed. "I miss my daughters, you'd be doing me a favor." 
They chatted while the line went down, about lacrosse and about university. It turned out Nessa's two daughters went off to college in other cities, so it had been a while since she saw either. "I had a son," she said. "But now I have a very happy daughter, and I'm so proud of her." 
"I wish I had a mom like you," Elayn said, thinking about growing up foster care. 
Nessa grabbed her in another hug. "Now you do!" 
When she got back to Serana and the others, they were listening to the music booming from the speakers. She had to yell to tell the group about her new mom. 
Chelsea looked a little sad, because she could connect the dots, but Luna and Ian were too busy freaking out over the cotton candy Nessa had bought her too. 
Not long after, the stage was occupied. Elayn was chatting with Luna with her back turned, so she missed it until Serana tapped her shoulder and turned her around. 
"Holy shit!" She hollered and clapped at the sight of a gorgeous, sequin clad drag queen in four inch heels doing a backflip off the stage and onto grass. "Holy shit!" 
As it turned out, the drag queens took tips, and it was at that point that Elayn knew she was about to spend a lot of money. Each queen that performed, and there were many, got a five in exchange for the sheer joy Elayn got when the queen before her touched her hand. 
When there was a break in the performances, she went back to Serana, who had a smirk on her face. "Should I be jealous?" 
Elayn cupped her face, and in a fit of sheer enthusiasm, kissed her girlfriend soundly, to the delight of the twins who hooted. "Don't worry, babe," she teased. "You're the only queen for me." 
"Flatterer." Serana swatted at her chest, but the smile on her face was pleased regardless. 
It was all a blur from there. Fair food, loud music-- and Elayn found beer that wasn't piss! She taught the twins a new vocabulary of cuss words the moment she found out their mom was fine with foul language. They parted around five in the afternoon, when a voice through a megaphone warned attendants that the festival was about to start catering to adults. There was a concert with more drag queens, this time in much more risqué outfits that Elayn would have given a kidney to see on Serana. 
When she said something, her girlfriend got a light in her eye. "Really now?" she purred. "Maybe for your birthday." 
By 11pm, Elayn was high on the party atmosphere and a few beers. The festival was over, and the walk back to their car would be a trick. "Did you have fun?" she asked Serana as they walked hand in hand. 
She got a kiss on the cheek. "I'm so glad I have you. When are we getting married?"
"When I figure out how to surprise you with a ring." 
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itsadamcole · 3 years
fem!reader x drew mcintyre
reader was just a regular American girl who has some royal family members in Scotland. Drew is the heir to the Scottish throne, and he needed to marry to become king. Drew and reader were married only days after they met, making reader a Scottish princess. both were against the wedding. now, the two want nothing to do with each other unless they have to attend a public event, until one night ...
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word count: 3.6k
warnings: prince!drew, arguments, arranged marriage (ig that's what you can call it?), angst, a tiny bit of fluff
— this was originally gonna be one part but now it’s two bc that’s just the way the writing brought me. this was also gonna go in a completely different direction than it did but now this is it. enjoy —
part 2 || masterlist || request an imagine here
You're getting ready in your chambers. The maids are helping you get ready for the annual New Years Ball that the royal family of Scotland puts on every January 1st. Your long Y/H/C colored hair is being curled by one of the maids while another does your makeup. A third maid is making sure your dress and shoes are ready for you for when your hair and makeup are done.
Balls are not your thing. Actually, going out in public with your husband is not your thing. It's only a few times a week but you're not all about the fake smiles and hand-holding when you were never supposed to marry him anyway.
Being a princess was not on your list of things to be in life. You were an up and rising professional wrestler. Your great Aunt Blair asked you to come to Scotland to meet someone while you were wrestling on Ring of Honor. You had no idea that she meant that she actually volunteered you to marry the heir to the Scottish throne.
The maid doing your hair throws some little white flowers with a sparkly silver lining on the end of the petals. The maid doing your makeup has done a silver smokey eye look with some highlight, blush, and nude lipstick color.
Your nails were done earlier in the day. You got an acrylic French manicure. The nails are kind of long and oval-shaped.
"Princess," one of the maids says. "Yer dress is ready for ya when ya're."
You look at the ballgown hanging up in your large closet and sigh softly.
Once your hair and makeup are done, you get up. One of the maids grabs the dress. You take off the long, silky robe and the dress is pulled over your head. You're zipped up and the maids puff out the skirt.
The silver ball gown is very poofy with a small trail. The dress is strapless and very sparkly. The neck dips down a little bit. The top is tight and gets poofy at the waist. You put on silver heels to match the dress.
You put on silver earrings and a necklace, as well as your diamond engagement ring and silver wedding band.
There's a knock on your door as one of the maids put on a silver tiara since you are the princess of Scotland. Another one answers the door.
"Oh, yer highness," she says, bowing. "The princess is almost ready."
A male voice says, "Thank ya, Miss Arabel." Your husband, Drew, is at the door.
After some finishing touches, you're finally ready. You walk up to the door and look at Drew, who's dressed nicely in a black and white suit with a silver tie to match you. His hair in a neat ponytail on the back of his head. He's also wearing his wedding band.
"Ready?" he asks. You can hear the annoyance in his voice.
You nod and mumble, "Sure."
Drew hooks his arm with yours and the two of you head down to the ballroom.
You wait at the door with Drew's father and brother. The royal family is announced together. Drew's father, the King of Scotland, says, "Y/N, ya look stunning. Doesn't she, Drew?" He looks at his eldest son.
Drew just nods and says, "Sure, it's a little too much though."
Anger rises within you as Drew's dad signals for the door to be opened. The guard at the door opens the door and another guard yells, "Introducing the Royal Family of Scotland. The king, Andrew, Prince Drew, Princess Y/N, and Prince John."
Music plays and a fake smile forms on your lips as you follow Drew's father into the large ballroom. Most of the room is made of gold and a large chandelier hangs on the ceiling.
"The princess looks stunning."
"Look at the princess."
The comments make you blush and the fake smile turns real. Drew looks down at you without you knowing.
You and Drew mingle, talking with guests together. Drew steals occasional glances at you but you don't notice as you laugh with the guests.
Being an American, you're still learning about all the Scottish traditions. You've only been over here for a few months so everyday is a learning experience. The guests ask what you did for the holidays with Drew and his family since it's your first time in the country.
"Oh, we celebrated Christmas the way we do in America," you explain to the guests who asked. "Christmas Eve dinner, presents on Christmas morning, and Christmas dinner on Christmas Day. Drew and I also watched some Christmas movies that night. I've heard that Scotland's Christmas traditions are similar to America's."
You added the part about Drew to make it seem like you and your husband actually spent time together on Christmas. After dinner, you went off to your separate chambers and you watched Christmas movies over FaceTime with your friend who now works in NXT, Candice LeRae.
The guests are all very interested. Then the music changes and Drew asks, "M'lady, may I have this dance?"
You look up at Drew and say, "Uh, yeah. Sure." He takes your hand and you excuse yourself from the small group and walk to the dance floor with Drew.
He takes one of your hands in his and the other goes to your waist. You hold up your very poofy skirt so you don't trip.
The dance is slow at first, to make sure you don't trip. Once you're both in sync with each other and you're sure you won't trip, Drew speeds up the movements.
"Wow," Drew says. "My toes aren't bruised yet. Looks like those dance lessons 're paying off."
You stare up at Drew, who is standing tall above you at six foot five. "You're so funny, Drew," you say, rolling your eyes. "I almost peed from laughing so hard."
Drew says, "And there's the sarcasm I absolutely just love about ya."
"As if you love anything about me," you mumble to yourself.
The air turns tense and he says, "Ya could only wish that I'd love ya, or anything about this relationship."
Rolling your eyes, you say, "Maybe if you spent time with me, maybe you'd actually start liking things about this relationship. You only married me to become king when your father relinquishes the crown in a few months."
He looks around and says in a hush tone, "Believe it or not, Y/N, but I married ya for several reasons. Yes, I needed t'marry t'become king but I was excited to start a family. Then ya got here and were nothing like I expected. Yeah, I have an attitude with ya but that's because ya have one with me all the time."
Annoyance rises within you and you say, "I gave up my career to come here. I gave up my dreams of wrestling for WWE and winning titles for the company. I'm not happy I'm in this marriage, Drew. I married a stranger and you're still a stranger to me."
Guests start to look at you and Drew so he takes your hand and whisks you off to a more private area in one of the hallways. You trip over your gown as you follow closely behind Drew.
The door closes and now you're alone with Drew. He looks at you and says, "I'm sorry that ya gave up wrestling to come here and marry me, Y/N. I'm not that happy about it either but if I wanted t'succeed my father then I had'ta marry someone, and that someone is ya."
"You could've picked someone in the country, Drew," you say. "Seriously, you had to pick me."
Drew says, "Yer aunt spoke very highly of ya when she would visit my father. When my father told me I needed t'marry, my mind went t'ya. I didn't think about the repercussions ya would face when I told my father I wanted ya t'be my wife."
Sighing, you say, "Wrestling was taken away from me and I moved away to a country to marry a prince. It's been overwhelming for me and you are nowhere to be seen. I've been taking princess lessons for months and I'm still struggling. It doesn't help I'm alone, Drew, in a foreign country. I don't even have wrestling anymore because I 'can't risk getting hurt'. It's not a fairytale ending like in the books."
There's a silence between the two of you before Drew says, "It still can be"
You look at Drew and ask, "What does that mean?"
He meets your eyes and suddenly you feel butterflies. You've never felt butterflies in your stomach since meeting Drew.
"I just thought that maybe before the coronation that maybe we can go t'America and see a few wrestling shows," he says slowly. "I'm a big fan myself."
Everyday in Scotland is a learning experience. You didn't know that he was a wrestling fan.
You say, "I'd, uh, like that."
Drew slowly takes your hand and he says, "I also thought that maybe we can share a room together like a married couple should."
Confused, you say, "It was your idea to have the separate chambers since we 'didn't have to be married within the four walls of the castle'. At least that's what you told me."
He says, "Contrary to popular belief, I actually do like ya, Y/N. Why do ya think my mind went t'ya when asked if there was someone I wanted t'marry? The girls in this country are beautiful, don't get me wrong, but ya. There's just something about ya that peeks my interests."
You stare up at Drew and for a second before you say, "We've been married for months and this is all coming out now."
"We've never had this conversation until now," Drew says, shrugging his shoulders a bit. "By the way, ya do look stunning in that dress. Shows yer personality really well."
You get flustered and say, "You said it was too much."
Drew chuckles and says, "I'm just that good of a liar, I guess."
A little bit of annoyance creeps up and you say, "Stop lying to me, Drew. I'm confused and now I have a headache because of what you're saying to me."
He says, "I know, I'm sorry. I can walk ya to yer room if ya wanna go lay down and get rid of that ache."
You soften up a bit and say, "Yeah." That's all you say. That's all you feel like you can say.
So, Drew walks you to your chambers. You notice that you're still holding his hand when you arrive at the door of your room. He turns toward you and says, "Whenever ya would like t'go see those wrestling shows in America then let me know and we'll go, okay?"
You nod and look up at your husband. "Thank you, Drew," you say. "Offering to go see some wrestling shows in my home country sounds really nice."
Drew says, "It's been a while since I've been to America and I'd like t'see where my wife is from."
My wife. He said you were his wife. That was the first time behind closed doors that he's referred to you as his wife.
There's another silence between the two of you before you say, "I'm, um, going to head inside. Take some medicine and lay down."
"Can I stop by later t'make sure yer okay?" he asks slowly and cautiously.
You consider it for a moment before you say, "Yeah, sure. Just come in if you do because knocking may make my headache worse."
Drew nods and says, "Alright."
You look up at Drew and the air between the two of you thickens a bit. Your heart races in your chest as you wait for Drew to do something.
He pushes a loose curl behind your ear before he kisses your cheek lightly. Your heart almost jumps out of your chest when his lips touch your cheek. You look at him as he pulls away from you slowly.
"Goodnight, in case yer asleep when I come check on ya after the party," Drew says quietly.
You nod and say in almost a whisper, "Goodnight."
He shoots you a smile before walking off to the party again. You stand in the hallway for a second, playing with your engagement ring as you watch him walk off.
For the first time in this marriage, Drew's actions and words made you have butterflies in your stomach and made your heart race.
If you didn't know any better then you might be falling for your husband.
The moment between you and Drew has melted away by morning. You walked down to breakfast early the next morning and he doesn't even acknowledge your presence at the table.
"Y/N, are ya feeling okay?" Drew's dad asks. "Ya left with Drew and only Drew came back."
Nodding, you say, "Yeah. I just wasn't feeling well so I went to bed a little early. That's all."
Drew finally glances at you and his dad says, "Feeling better this morning, I hope?"
"Depends," you say, looking at Drew. "Is your eldest son going to keep ignoring me like he is right now?"
His dad looks at him and asks, "Is there something wrong?"
You say, "No, nothing's wrong." You get angry and stand up. "Excuse me but I think I'm going to go back to my chambers. I'm not feeling well again."
After you're done talking, you leave and go back to your room. You've just closed the door when there's a knock.
Reluctantly, you go and answer it. Drew stands in the doorway and you say, "Oh, great. It's you. Come to promise me something else then ignore me again?"
Drew says, "Look, I'm sorry. This whole thing is new to me, Y/N. I'm 35 and I haven't been in a serious relationship like this."
"We're not even in a relationship, Drew," you spit at him. "We're legally bind to each other for you to become king."
He says, "I'm trying here, Y/N!" His voice is rising. "I'm fucking trying. We met, were engaged then married within weeks. I'm trying t'be a good husband in public while also trying t'form a relationship with you behind closed doors. It's not easy. Especially because I do want a relationship with ya, Y/N."
You glare at him and say, "Ignoring me isn't trying, Drew."
He says, "I know, Y/N." He rubs his face. "God, I'm terrible at communicating how I feel and this is whole new territory for me."
Deciding to lighten the air, you say, "If you want to be king then you have to work on communication skills there, Drew."
Drew looks at you and says, "I'm gonna pretend that I didn't just hear ya say that."
You smile and say, "Come on, Drew. Lighten up a bit. Here, tell me the truth. How do you feel when you're around me?"
Your husband blinks at you and thinks for a second. He says, "I, uh, I feel nervous. Ya make me a little nervous, Y/N. My heart races when ya're around me, especially when we touch. Um, when ya walk into a room, I feel a knot in my stomach. I don't know what it's called-"
"Butterflies," you say, helping him out. "They're called butterflies in the stomach. It's what happens when we're around someone who we may or may not like."
Drew looks down at you and says, "Sounds like yer talking from experience."
You nod slightly and say, "I am."
He blinks at you and starts to say something before someone walks into the hallway and say, "I apologize for the interruption, your highnesses. Prince Drew, your father has requested your presence in his chambers. Immediately."
Drew nods and says, "One second." He turns toward you. "When I'm done with my father, I'll come back and we can keep talking. Okay?"
You nod and he smiles before walking off quickly.
That's when you notice when there are butterflies in your stomach again.
It's hours later and you're still waiting for Drew. You've asked your maids if they've seen him and they've all said that he's still with his father.
You're watching Freaky Friday on Disney Plus when the doors to your chambers open. A red-faced Drew walks in and you ask, "Woah, Fire Face. What's wrong?"
"My father is what's wrong," Drew says. He's pacing around the room and you pause the movie, getting up and walking to him.
You say, "Talk to me, Drew." He doesn't look at you. "Hey, dumbass. I'm your wife, remember? You're supposed to talk to me about this stuff."
Finally, Drew looks down at you. You're so much shorter than him. You're barely five foot four. You're eye level with his chest and you have to tilt your head up to look at Drew.
He says, "My father just told me that we're going on a two week tour of the country. He wants me t'know the country before I ascend the throne."
"What's the matter with that?" you ask, gently stroking Drew's arm to calm him down.
His eyes are on your hand on his arm as he says, "I wanted t'surprise ya with tickets home t'America for the two weeks that we'll be on tour."
Your eyes widen and you say, "We can go when we get back."
Drew says, "When we got t'America, yer friend was gonna meet us in Florida. I got ya cleared t'wrestle in one match in WWE against your friend. It was more than just going t'see some wrestling shows in America. When we got t' ya're hometown, I was gonna take ya t'yer favorite spot that ya told me about before and I was gonna ask if ya wanted t'try and be a real couple."
Your heart sinks into stomach when you see how upset Drew is about this. You say, "You had all that planned out for me? For us?"
He nods and says, "I wanted ya to feel less alone and I wanted ya t'have at least one more match before ya actually have t'give up wrestling."
You console Drew by hugging him. You close your eyes and you say, "I already feel less alone, Drew."
"What about yer one more match?" he asks.
Looking up at Drew, you say, "I've already come to terms with the fact I'll probably never wrestle again. It would have been amazing to be in a WWE ring but I don't need one more match."
His hands rest on your cheeks before he says, "I'll get ya in a WWE ring at some point, Y/N. Ya gave up yer career t'be here. It's the least I can do."
The idea of talking to Drew's father pops into your mind and you say, "I need to do something really quick. Can you excuse me?"
Drew nods and you let go of each other before you walk off to the king's chambers.
At the door, you knock. A "come in" is said from the other side so you open the large doors.
King Andrew sits at his desk and he looks up at you. "Ah, Y/N," he says, getting up. "To what do I owe the pleasure?"
"Postpone the tour of Scotland," you bluntly say. "Please, sir."
His face hardens a bit as he says, "Drew must've told ya what was happening."
You nod and say, "He did, and he pulled a lot of strings to surprise me back home. Mr. King Sir, he gave me an opportunity to do the thing I love one more time before I give it up to join him by his side as queen of this beautiful country. He wants to take this trip to help us get closer so maybe we could be together behind closed doors as well. Let us take this trip and the day we get back, we can tour this country that I can proudly say I call my second home."
Andrew looks at you as you talk. He leans against his desk and crosses his arms across his chest, looking down at the floor when you're done talking.
You wait for a response.
It's almost an eternity before he says, "I can remember what it was like t'be in love with Drew's mother when we were younger. All the trips we took were always business, never for pleasure. Then she got sick and she died, and I regret that we never got to go on a trip just for pleasure. So, I will postpone the tour so ya and Drew can visit the States, but the day ya get back is the day the tour of Scotland begins."
You smile and say, "Yes, Mr. King Sir. May I go tell Drew the news?"
He nods and dismisses you.
As soon as you're out of the room, you take off back toward your chambers. Drew sits on the small love seat in your room and looks at you when you walk in.
"When do we leave to go to America?"
tags: @drewmcintyrekoccsrocbwdgfan
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mellometal · 3 years
Do we have ANOTHER Dhar Mann video to rip apart today? Yes, we do.
This one is a real specimen...a real treat, if you will. I'm gonna have a field day with this. Today, we'll be talking about how to actually treat disabled people! Specifically physically disabled people! This is something I have a bit of a specialty in, since I do work with disabled people for a living.
This is a VERY recent video, by the way. When I watched this, it made my blood boil seeing how this disabled woman was being treated. Reading some of the comments people were making took everything in me to not scream at them through my phone. Why? I had the shadow of a doubt that they were probably very young and have never been around disabled people before...even though they very well probably have, but didn't realize it.
Before I begin, there's A LOT of ableism that I'm going to talk about. If that triggers you or makes you uncomfortable in any way, feel free to scroll past this and consume content that sparks joy.
To sum up the video, a disabled woman was getting out of her truck in the parking lot, intending to do some grocery shopping. An able-bodied woman (Karen) comes up to this woman to ask her a whole bunch of questions, try to help her unload things out of her truck (when she didn't need any help in the first place), and "tried to relate" by saying that she was in a wheelchair for two weeks in high school. Please don't do that.
Karen touched this woman's wheelchair without her consent and attempted to push her when she never asked for any help.
NEVER touch a disabled person, their wheelchair, walker, motor scooter, cane, etc. (medical equipment, essentially), without their consent. Unless the disabled person cannot move around on their own, they give you their consent, you're their caretaker, family members, or a professional who works with disabled people, don't touch them or their equipment. Even then, it never hurts to ask them first, especially if you're a new caretaker or a new professional in their home and they don't know you very well. If they tell you "no" and/or the person/people with them say "no", it means "no" and you need to leave them alone. If they tell you that they don't need your help, to leave them alone, or anything else along those lines, those phrases also mean "no". If they say they need help or they ask for help, of course, help them.
(ETA: Wheelchairs, walkers, motor scooters, canes, etc., are part of the physically disabled person. These things are how they move around. I meant this in the, "Don't touch THEM." kind of sense. Just thought I'd clarify real quick.)
Karen then pulled out her phone to take a picture with the disabled woman, despite her saying she didn't want to have pictures being taken of her. Karen POSTED IT ON HER SOCIAL MEDIA. The disabled woman says to Karen to leave her alone, stop worrying about her, and that she doesn't need any help.
In the store, the disabled woman is just getting some groceries...like anyone else would. She gets her reaching tool out to grab an item off the top shelf behind Karen, who makes a tasteless joke about how she should give her a speeding ticket. The disabled woman makes a remark that her legs may not work, but her eyes do. She grabs a bottle of blue cheese dressing off the top shelf with her reaching tool, which Karen grabs for her without asking.
Karen crouches down to talk to the disabled woman, which makes the woman understandably uncomfortable. The woman tries to put her groceries on the counter to pay for them, which Karen butts in YET AGAIN. The woman is obviously fed up at this point, rightfully so. Karen then offers to pay for this woman's groceries, which wasn't necessary whatsoever. Why? Because she "felt bad" for her and has the assumption that disabled people "don't have a lot of money". She also asked the disabled woman what happened for her to be in a wheelchair, which is something that I've only heard of CHILDREN asking. (That's none of your business, by the way. It's up to that person to tell you.)
Listen, disabled people don't need to be pitied. They're disabled. It is what it is. Being disabled isn't a disease, so please stop treating it like it is. As far as disabled people not having a lot of money, that's not exactly true for every aspect of life. They're not allowed to have any more than $2,000 in assets each month along with their benefits. They do have money, and the amount all depends on the person. You cannot just bunch up all disabled people's income as the same. Some disabled people don't have SSI. If they get married, their income gets even lower or they lose benefits completely, which is extremely fucked up and makes them more vulnerable to being exploited, abused, and controlled. Marriage equality STILL doesn't exist because disabled people are STILL not being treated as equals in marriages. Some places only pay disabled employees like $3.34 an hour or something crazy like that (that's how much Goodwill pays disabled employees, by the way). The working conditions for disabled people NEED to change. Give them a livable wage. You CANNOT live off of $3.34 an hour. Make companies give necessary, legal accommodations to disabled people. They have a right to their assets and to keep them, regardless of whether they get married or not. Why would you reduce that or take that away from them? Do you even know what their benefits go towards? THEM BEING ABLE TO LIVE, IN LAYMAN'S TERMS. All in all, help make the world a better place for disabled people. (Edited for new information.)
She pulls out her phone AGAIN to take pictures with the disabled woman, who puts her hand up to the phone and says she doesn't want to have pictures being taken of her. Karen then says that she's "just trying to spread awareness"....disabled people aren't a disease. They're not a danger to you. All disabled people ask for is to be accepted, treated like everyone else, and to have accommodations readily available for them. People are already aware of the existence of disabled people.
The disabled woman is clearly very fed up and wants to get back to her truck and go to wherever she needs to be, Karen goes out to confront her "for being rude", and the disabled woman confronts Karen for being extremely rude to her and stomping all over her boundaries. This woman was VERY polite too. Actually, WAY too polite. A lot of people in the comments section seemed to misunderstand her justified anger and wrote it off as her being a bitch. If you were a disabled person who's completely independent, you had some stranger randomly come up to you to ask twenty questions, they were constantly harassing you, touching you without your consent, shoving their phone or camera in your face to take pictures of you even when you told them you weren't okay with that, belittled you, and boiled you down to your disability, YOU'D BE PISSED TOO.
This woman tells Karen to not assume that disabled people all are completely helpless and can't do anything for themselves, that she's more than her disability, and to respect people. Karen apologizes (finally) and briefly explains that she thought she was trying to do a good deed. The woman says that she knows people have good intentions, but they again, shouldn't assume that all disabled people need their help. Especially when they don't ask for it. Plot twist: she owns her own company and is rich! (There are/have been rich disabled people; however, I can only name a few off the top of my head.)
Only then does Karen FINALLY decide to delete the picture she posted of this woman that she took without her consent. And it ends there.
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(Context: The disabled woman told Karen that she didn't need her to push her....and yet Karen tries to anyway.)
This isn't okay. Karen should have left this woman alone after she told Karen to do so.
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Taking pictures of people, despite them telling you that they don't want to take pictures, and posting them on social media without their consent for clout! What's that called again? Hmmmm....I know! EXPLOITATION! And being an extremely disrespectful sack of shit.
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Again....if they say "no" or anything else along those lines, IT MEANS NO.
Onto my response. Again, like usual, it's a long response.
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This is pretty much what I've said earlier...but like, seriously. If you want to help disabled people, THAT'S GREAT! You can try getting a job at a place that helps disabled people! You can volunteer!
Just....don't be like Karen in this video. Enough said. I don't think I need to elaborate further on that.
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8. Chemistry
"Hand in your assignments and take your seats," Mr. Udaku orders clicking through his files which we all see through the projector. He pulls up a PowerPoint presentation and starts lecturing before students even sit back down properly. Personally I like that he doesn't waste time. I've already read through these chapters and watched videos about them in my own time, so this is exactly what it's meant to be for me.. a review to make sure I know it all and I do. He can actually start vlippong through faster because I've yet to take a note while people write and type like lightening trying to keep up with him.
I could take a nap in my seat if I didn't think he'd kick me out. I wish I could test out now and get it over with because I'm about to blow the hell out the curve if he does it.
After class I go to my room to review the answer sheet I earned from Mr. Stevens but first I take the test on my own to see how well I'd have done.
"I missed 6 out of 50 questions, fuck this," I gape in shock throwing the packet off my bed and rolling onto my back to rub my eyes. "I can't believe this shit." I'd have gotten a B. One question away from a 90%. I spit on a 90, I'm better than that!
Apparently not, you scored an 88, my mind echoes and I'm not happy with this, it can't fly. Not at all. I know now what I don't know and what to target and nobody better hit my phone because until I drill this into my head, nothing and no one else exists. I turn my phone completely off.
Arriving in Mr. Stevens' class, he isn't in the room yet which is weird because he always starts on time. I take my seat front and center like usual, adjusting the tiny legs of my ripped denim hotpants over my white bodysuit. Half the class is already there and the other half is coming in with a minute before class is supposed to start. He usually closes the door two minutes after the start of class and doesn't allow students in unless they've called him ahead of time. I had to do that once.. call him because I was busy making money with a client and it took slightly longer than I thought. More confident than ever, I turn on my laptop and sit back looking at the time. He should be here, it's time to start.
On cue, he walks in and I look him up and down. I don't know if anyone else can tell or is even paying attention, but the bottom of his black dress shirt seems ill-adjusted, read: SLOPPY, which is different for him, he's usually impeccably put together. His outfit game is still on point nonetheless. His ties are always clean. Today he's wearing a red one that looks so smooth to the touch. I'm tempted to get up and feel it. I wonder if he'd let me with all these people watching.
"Quiet down, I'm calling role. Answer when you're called," he announces sitting on the edge of the center table with his clipboard and as he runs through names, I'm running through reasons why I think he'd show up looking all rosey and disheveled. Did he not look in a mirror? Not likely. Rough time getting here? He definitely ironed. His pants are crisp. The obvious answer burning in my mind says he got laid. He's been having some sex or at least getting a blowjob from someone but who, I wonder as I stare. I sneak small glances at my peers in curiosity . My pen taps my glossy bottom lip. I'm curious to know.
"Phoebe," he calls making no eye contact as he scribbles on his clipboard. He's acting normally I see.
"Present," I mutter around the pen that sits between my teeth, still eyeing him. Everytime I see him he just looks so good. Looking him over, I'm lusting. I wish I had his dick in my mouth again. I want him to look at me one good time so I can eyefuck him real good.
He glances up every few names, mostly when someone takes too long to speak and I wait to catch his eye but he won't look.
I wonder who he had sex with and if it was a teacher or a student.
He gets through the roll and flips through the pages clipped to the clipboard as we wait to see what we're doing today.
He pouts and jots something down which is also normal for him to do, getting himself ready to lecture. Then he looks up and out to the class, taking an exhale through his mouth.
"We're gonna do things a little differently today. I'm gonna call on someone and they're gonna teach the class." Looking around briefly at the shook faces in the class, his eyes finally land on mine. "Phoebe," he volunteers with no room for dissent. I can't say I didn't expect him to do something today to get back at me for ignoring his calls, but what did he expect? I already have the test packet.
Standing, I bring my textbook to the floor where he stands and he brushes by me taking my seat and sitting back like I do with his arms crossed.
"We're all ears," he shrugs. Jokes on him though, I don't have a problem with teaching the class. It comes out of me easily. I start where my notes start on the page I'm on in my notebook.
"Ok well let's talk about Nucleoside triphosphate. A nucleoside triphosphate is a molecule containing a nitrogenous base bound to a 5-carbon sugar with three phosphate groups bound to the sugar, make sense? It's a nucleotide. Someone tell me what's a nucleotide."
"It forms DNA," a guy says.
"Ok, but say more. There's more to it than that." She starts flipping through his textbook. "Without looking in your book," I challenge. "The exam is not open book." He closes his book and shrugs. When I look to Mr. Stevens, he's staring at my thighs and offering no help. "Ok pay attention," I say looking at him and back to the student who answered. "Nucleotides form the basic structural unit of nucleic acids such as DNA. There are four different types of DNA nucleotides: adenine, thymine, guanine, and cytosine."
As I talk, I glance around the room at all my classmates. Some of them watch me. Some of them can't stand me so I see the crusted over expressions on their faces. Some of them are taking notes. I think I'm doing well.
Then I look at Mr. Stevens again. Is he sleep? He looks like he's knocked with his chin tucked. I can't believe it! Can he do that? I keep talking regardless.
"DNA is interesting, you just have to relate it to something you care about, like think of an Ancestry DNA testing clit, nucleotides play a role in DNA sequencing."
People start to snicker. At first I ignore it, but I'm wondering what's so funny.
"A what," another guy asks, smiling.
"Hm? Nucleotides play a role in DNA-"
"Before that," he smirks and now I definitely want to be clued in on what's got everyone laughing.
"What. I said DNA is interesting, think of a DNA testing kit, nucleotides-"
"That's not what you said," Mr. Stevens interrupts. "What you said was something else entirely. Something I won't repeat in this class. That's alright, have a seat."
"What did I-"
"Have a seat, Ms. Miller," he glares trading spots with me again. It's probably strange, but my peach is immediately activated making its nectar. It's because of that look, I remember that look in his office. I avert my attention in the name of staying focused. He sighs taking his seat on the corner of the table again and calming the class. "You know to say you all are in college, you act worse than kindergarteners. I can see I'll have to switch up my methods. Group assignments."
Instantly I look at Sonrisa, this Salvadorian girl I've worked with in Mr. Udaku's class. She looks at me and smiles. She actually works unlike my deskmate Ethan. I can't stand working with him on anything and I have complained to Mr. Stevens about it.
"Everyone work with the person beside you, that way this can go faster," Mr. Stevens amends glancing at me with a brief wink and I know he's done this to spite me. Given the assignment, it takes us to the end of class and I have to do it all as Ethan texts God knows who all while Mr. Stevens stares a hole into my face. I do finish early, but I'm furious.
At the end of class, he calls my name along with two others saying that he needs to speak with us. I start to cut out, but something stops me. I look at Mr. Stevens closely and how close he's standing to the first girl he's speaking with. It's a little too close and she touches his arm.
"Mr. Stevens," she grins with wine colored lips pushing her wavy brown hair behind her triple-pierced ear. "Hows that thing we talked about today?"
My ears prick up and very briefly, his eyes flicker to mine.
"We'll discuss that, but right now I need to warn you about using your phone while in my class, Ms. Zywicki, that's unacceptable. Checking it once or twice is fine, but anytime you spend class time on your phone, it's disrespectful.
"I was researching," her eyes widen defensively."
"That's what your textbook is for. If I have to tell you again."
"You didn't have anything to say about my partner, Ethan. I find that interesting," I speak up and she looks to me and back to him.
"Oh I've spoken to Mr. Hall on multiple occasions," he stares unblinking. "He's not concerned so I'm not concerned. I don't know why he bothers to come to class. Now, if you don't mind, I was speaking to Ms. Zywicki." His eyes cut back to her and it's one motion short of an eyeroll. I know he's a teacher, but teacher or no teacher, I don't do disrespect. I put my hand on my hip staring at him as he warns the girl again. Nodding, she takes up her bag and leaves. Now there's another girl with beachy brown waves who speaks to him only she's telling him that she's going to be in the hospital for surgery during exams and needs to test early.
When it's my turn, I'm the last person in the room. I cross my arms and tilt my head waiting for him to speak. I didn't call myself here.
"You were inappropriate today," he says sternly and I'm confused. What did I say? No one told me.
"How so?"
"Next time you say something inappropriate in my class, I will take disciplinary action."
"Ok, well I'll dispute it because as far as I know, you can't tell me what I said wrong."
"You know you have a habit of talking back to me. It's funny because when I want you to talk, you can't. What's up with you ignoring my calls? What did I tell you?
"Man, please," I wave dismissing him. He chuckles and I give him the stink look before he turns walking to the door and looking out. He locks it.
"You do remember right? What I told you?" His walk back is slower, more relaxed.
"Yes, and?"
"You didn't answer my call." He loosens his silk tie and my craving returns with a vengeance as I watch him. "You knew the stakes," he mutters taking it off. He wraps it around his fingers. "Bend over."
"I don't feel like it." 
Honestly, I want him to make me. Just grab me.
"Feel," he questions holding my chin. "You are an object. You exist for the amusement of your master."
Pushing his hand from my chin, I start toward the door and he grabs my hand. I glance back and he steps closer. "You will obey me per our contract keeping in mind that you haven't passed yet."
"That's true, but with the answer packet why do I need to stick to the contract?" I laugh trying to shake my hand free.
"Because I have two versions of the test on my computer with completely different questions, Ms. Miller," he says dryly. "But by all means backtrack, I don't mind switching them out." He drops my hand, putting his in his pocket and grabbing his clipboard from the table.
That changes things. I don't have a comment for that.
"What's to stop you from switching the tests anyway to spite me? How do I know you'll use the test you gave me?"
"We have a deal, Ms. Miller," he packs the clipboard into his briefcase. "A deal that you seem all too willing to break. I think we need some more conditions, what you think?"
I swallow wishing I'd kept my mouth shut and that he'd just grab me instead of talking while he's standing there looking all daddy-ish. "Whatever," I mutter.
"Whatever?" His brows raise. He nods and sits his suitcase carefully in the floor before standing and coming closer to me. I can feel my body's awareness increasing as he pierces my personal atmosphere. I look up as he gets close enough to tower over me. He's close enough for me to touch by lifting my arm. His face lowers to the left of my neck as his hand gently touches the right. I can feel his soft breathing and I close my eyes enjoying his gentle warm ghosting touch on my skin bringing me the good chills.
"You want me to grab you?" It's so seductive in my ear.
"Yes," I reply.
"You want me to be rough, don't you? You know I can do that for you."
"Do it," I dare. The air from his nearly silent laugh tickles my neck and he kisses me right there in that spot.
"But first," he steps back. "Bend that ass over the desk. This my last time telling you. I'm finna get real hostile."
"How hostile is real hostile," I tease twisting in place at the waist, hands clasped under my chin. I flutter my lashes.
"Real hostile," he whispers with a smirk. He starts a count on his fingers. "Let's see. You ignored my call, not once. Four times. You disobeyed me twice today and still haven't done what I told you. On top of that, you aren't slutty enough for me."
"I've got full thigh out." Putting out a bare leg, I show it off. "It's the same thigh, you were ogling in class. Speaking of, when does the next one come in here?"
"Like I said. You aren't slutty enough for me. I remember telling you to give me something more to look at in class. This ain't nothing but what you been doing."
"How naked do you expect me to get," I frown putting my hand back on my hip and craning my neck.
"That's another strike. You want another one," he asks and his eyes look hectic, frenzied. It's turning me on and frustrating me especially since he's not touching me and he knows how to touch me.
"I've been wondering something all class period," my head tilts. "Who were you with before you came in here?"
"Strike four. That's not your business."
"I still would love to know," I smile sweetly.
"Oh you don't wanna know that," he smirks.
"I already have an idea who it is. That girl.. who asked you asked you about something you two discussed? You're doing with her what you're doing with me?"
"Except you know what? She didn't get the answers. She got a grade changed on a test. Don't you feel special?"
"I don't compete. Anyway, I'm not sure when the next class is coming in. We should probably leave."
"Strike five. One more, come on," he urges and now I'm mildly uncomfortable. He wants me to piss him off. Well, I do know how to. I start to walk away again ignoring his lazy unfelt command for me to stop and then he gives another small and quiet laugh. "Strike 6."
I unlock the door and open it, sorry to miss out on seeing that dick again, but when I walk out it's the strangest thing. Maybe I'm really tired from studying, but it looks like I just walked in a circle. I'm re-entering the classroom and Mr. Stevens is sitting there on the desk with a smirk.
Sighing, I decide I don't need wrinkles and relax my face turning to walk out. Like I'm on acid, I seem to be hallucinating or getting turned around. He's still in front of me with this smirk. I try to leave again with no change in scenario and now I'm beginning to panic. I'm not even high.
"You're not crazy," he says beckoning me over with a curve of his finger. "You're just.. inexperienced," he nods. "Now. Get ya ass over here," he bites, but honestly fuck that because I'm tripping out. I try the door again but it disappears, like literally vanishes. "Tsk tsk tsk," he clicks with his tongue shaking his head. "Poor Gemini, is she lost?"
"What the hell is this?" I look around feeling like I'm in the Twilight Zone.
"This?" He looks around. "This is a classroom, but I'm guessing that's not what you mean."
No. It's not what I mean.
He walks closer and strokes my cheek, his fingers light in a trail under my chin.
"You must have so many questions," he mutters looking into my eyes as I look back, troubled.
"Why is it so hot all of a sudden?"
"Why is it-" he exhales in humor. "First of all..Welcome to Hell Ms. Miller."
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sylvesterbarzey · 4 years
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The revolution has always been in the hands of the young. The young always inherit the revolution."
~Huey P. Newton
My Pops was in the Army. I guess that's something to be proud of, but Ma didn't like it much. He went on the weekends but there was always that chance he might get called up. He would always say "It's a volunteer type thing, don't stress it." That kept us going for a few years, then Tayler was born. I remember it like it was yesterday, My father sat me and my brother Anthony down. I never really paid much attention to things as a kid, but I do remember Ma was crying a lot that day. Pops smiled at us and rubbed my head before he let the words out, "Dad's gotta take a trip, for a few months." Anthony leaned forward, he wanted to know what was going on, he felt something was going on. I knew and I cried. I remember four moments when my life changed:
The first was my father telling us he was deploying.
The second was my mother telling us Pops was killed in action.
The third moment, happened 12 years later...
I acted out a lot, couldn't get the grades that Ma wanted, so I dropped out of school. She didn't like it, but it kept her from working three jobs. Whenever I came home with that check from the gym, she would take it and softly say, "I wish you didn't have to do this, Drew." I didn't mind it. The Army paid us some money but because my Pops wasn't up to date on his paperwork, half of it went to my grandma. I've never seen the woman and she didn't come to Pops' funeral.
The money helped a little, but three boys is a lot to pay for, it didn't last. Like I said, I don't mind it. I'm always working out at the Gym anyway, so my trainer got me a job. I clean the ring and the lockers, which doesn't pay much but I don't have to pay for lessons. I was leaving the gym when I heard it, "You're that fighter, right?" Her voice was sweet, with a body that was even sweeter, but if I had the power to tell the future, I'd know she wasn't worth it. I don't even remember her name, to be honest.
First we were talking, and then there was a little less talking. We were in an alley behind the gym, and I had one hand up her skirt when I saw him from the corner of my eye, smiling from ear to ear. I closed my eyes and groaned, "What do you want, Tay?"
The little man laughed at me and said, "A turn if we're being honest."
"Excuse me!" My good time shouted.
I did a little smooth talking or most likely a little ass kissing to save the night and then I dragged the little man out the alley by his hoodie, "What the hell do you want Tay!"
He jumped a little, "I was seeing if you wanted to walk home together," he said.
My hand went over my face and I shook my head, "Does it look like I want to go home right now?"
Tay got on his tippy toes to look over my shoulder at the girl. Her back was pressed against the wall. Her bra was unlatched and her patience was getting thin.
"Whatever, I'm gonna tell Ma when I get home." Tay said.
I nodded, "I bet you will. Get your snitching ass home before the streetlights come on." He was down the street before the last of my words left my mouth.
"That your brother?" She asked and I nodded, "He got a mouth on him." She said softly.
I laughed as I leaned in and kissed her "Yeah, well so do I." I said.
We did our thing and I was back home around eleven. As soon as I pushed the door open, Ma was there waiting, "Where the hell you been?" She was half dressed for her shift at the hospital, I wasn't sure if that meant she was coming or going.
"Out, Mama. Damn, I can't go to work and come home every day. Can I live?" I asked. Anthony was lying on the couch, so I pushed his feet to the side almost tossing him out the seat, "Move man!" I shouted.
Anthony sat up, "Damn, why didn't you stay your big headed ass at the gym?"
I was about to toss him to the floor and choke out an apology, but then Ma closed the door slowly and asked me a question that still sends chills through me, "Drew, Where's Tay?"
I turned to look at her and then looked around, "He's not here?" I asked.
Her hands rested on her hips, "I thought he was coming home with you. He said he was gonna stop by the gym after wrestling practice," She said.
"He came by the gym, but I told him to head home," I said and my Mama came across the room so fast, I thought I was in a horror movie. That kind of speed only comes from being possessed.
Her hand slapped into the back of my head, "You let him walk alone!" she screamed.
I put my hands up trying to protect myself, "It's only a few blocks, Ma!"
We were going back and forth. Ma was panicking and screaming. I was trying to defend any sensitive area from her onslaught. She picked up the phone to call the cops when Anthony turned up the tv, Ma screamed at him to turn it down but he was in a trance. Eyes wide. Lips tightened and his finger pointing at the tv. The tears started to come before we knew fully what was happening.
There was a shooting.
The cops said he had a gun.
That was a lie...
He was gonna be 13 in a few months. He was excited about that, told me he was gonna be a man. I stared at Thad blood stained white sheet that covered his little body. They left him in the street for the world to see. Anthony knew it was him from his sneakers, they were spray painted purple, for the school colors.
I remember we kept shouting,"no!"
"That's not him-" Then there was a loud set of knocks at our door and we knew there was no more denying it. For weeks, the News said some cold stuff about the little man. He was running with a gang... the kid had wrestling gear, books and Pokémon cards in his bag. Last I checked gangbangers weren't playing with Pokeballs. Cops said he fit the description of a suspect... young and black. It was the words of two white cops against a dead little black boy. The worst thing was that photo.
The bloody white sheet over his little body, in the middle of the street. It became the logo for the case. No one would talk about the shooting without showing it. It got to a point where I couldn't even think of Tay without that popping in my head first.
I went crazy after that, I'm sure we all did. I lost my job at the Gym because I kept getting into it with the fighters. I started drinking and smoking from sunset to sunrise, and sometimes beyond that. I was going off the deep end, and it wasn't what my Ma needed, but it was what I needed. I was angry and I wanted someone to hurt, like I was hurting.
Our lawyer was pricey but he said he would do it for free. He told us we could win and then slowly his tune started changing. He said the cops would get off but we still had a good case against the city.
We didn't care about money. Money didn't buy justice. Money couldn't bring Tay back. It was nothing more than dirty green paper everyone wanted to toss at us, so we could wipe our tears and move on. We wanted justice, but I was sure the courts weren't gonna give it to us, so I went out to find my own.
I was walking up and down the street every night. I said I was looking for the right one, but I was just talking myself out of it most nights. Then after a few shots of Henny, there I was, standing behind him. He had just come out of his apartment building. He was walking toward his car with his phone glued to his ear. "Yeah, I'll be there in a few. Don't start the party without me," he said. He was happy, and I could smell the vodka coming off of him as he started to fumble with his keys.
I pulled out the gun and placed it to the back of his head, "Get on the fucking ground." I said.
His hands shot up, "What the fuck man... take it easy... you want money? Is that it? You need some cash?" he cried.
Another one trying to send me away with a few dead presidents. I pushed the gun forward till the barrel thumped him in the back of the head, "I said, get the fuck on the ground, white boy! I'm not gonna say it again!" I shouted and he quickly dropped down to the sidewalk, his face pressed to the ground. His warm tears mixed in with the cool concrete.
He wasn't a cop.
He didn't know Tay..
He didn't have anything to do with anything.
But he was white and at that moment, that was all that mattered to me.
I started stomping down on him. First his lower back. I felt my heel cave in his back. All the while he screamed, "Help me!" His ribs cracked as I slammed my steel toes into his side. He was fighting to get back to his feet or get away, but I bashed the handle of the gun into the top of his head and he dropped back to the ground. I picked my boot up again to bring it down into his skull when I felt someone grab me, pulling me back.
"Get the fuck off me!" I spun around with the gun pointed. Anthony was staring at me, "What the hell are you doing here?" I asked.
He rushed me, pushing me back into the car, "What are you doing?" he asked, then he looked down at the bloody mess that was groaning on the sidewalk. I didn't see him as a person, just a punching bag for me to release my rage onto. Anthony saw him as a person and a life sentence for his older brother. I looked down at the guy and then back at my brother who grabbed me by the collar and softly let out, "Let's get the fuck out of here, Drew." He didn't wait for me, he just took off and for a second I thought about ignoring his request and finishing up but then I looked back at the man and all I could see was that bloody white sheet and those purple shoes and like a scared little boy, I ran from it.
We were blocks away when I finally let the words out, "You following me now?" I asked.
I don't know what that did to him, but he grabbed me and tossed me into a nearby alley. I could see in his eyes he wanted to take a shot at me. He wanted to fight, but I wasn't nearly drunk enough for him to take me. I fought for a living. After Pop died, all I did was fight. It was my lifestyle. Anthony wasn't a fighter and he wasn't stupid, "What the hell were you thinking? What the fuck was that!" he shouted at me.
I attempted to walk away, but he pushed me back into the wall, "You're not gonna keep pushing up on me like that, Anthony." I said.
He shook his head, "You think this is gonna bring Tay back?" He asked.
Before I knew it I had Anthony pressed up against the wall, "Don't you fucking talk about him." I said.
Anthony stared at me, "I miss him too... I miss him so fucking bad."  He said. I watched as a tear fell from his eye and they were calling out to my own.
"I did this to him," I said it out loud, for the first time ever I said it out loud. I blamed myself, I could have helped him or they could have shot me instead. Every morning I wake up, I lie in bed wishing they did shoot me.
"It's not your fault," Anthony said as I let his feet finally hit the ground. "You didn't do this, they did." He said.
I nodded, "Yeah, and they're getting away with it."
Anthony shook his head, "No, they won't. In a few months we'll go to court and-"
I took a step back and cleared the tears from my eyes before I started laughing, "And what, Anthony! We get justice?" I shook my head laughing, "There's no justice for people like us! They don't care about us!" I shouted and kicked over a nearby trash can, the metal banging into the ground, filled up the alleyway. "You look in the mirror lately? You seen your skin color?" I shook my head as I said, "People like us, we don't get justice."
"You don't know what you're talking about," He said.
I ran up to him, till we were face to face. The smell of alcohol had to have overtaken him because it was all I could smell as I softly said, "We are gonna walk into that courtroom, with their white judge, and their white jury and watch those cops get off. That's the only thing that's gonna happen in that courtroom."
Anthony turned his head to the side and then he nodded, "So, fuck court then? Huh?" He nodded and laughed, "Let's just get fucked up and beat on some random white boys," he said.
"I'm teaching them a lesson," I said and he stopped laughing.
Anthony's hands went over his face and he took a long sigh. My little brother was trying to hold the family together these days. He was working part-time and going to school. Meeting and calling the lawyer. He was making sure Mama ate and took her pills. She wasn't in a good place these days, and he was looking out for her, and for me, "No, what you're doing is giving Mama another son to cry over. What you think is gonna happen to you if you keep this up? Your ass is gonna get locked the fuck up, or killed. Then they're gonna have your photo all over the news like Tay." I went to rush him again but he took a quick jab at me, right into my jaw. It sent me to the ground fast. I didn't see it coming, that's how Anthony was, always getting you when you weren't looking. I looked up at him and spit blood onto the ground. He put his hand out, "This shit, isn't helping anyone. Let's go home." I stared at his fingers for a moment and then I took his hand and he pulled me up.
"It's never gonna change, is it, Anthony? They're never gonna care about us." I said softly and my brother guided me through the darkness of that alleyway.
It had been a year since Tay's shooting and I was finally pulling myself together. I wasn't looking for fights in the streets anymore, I was doing my fighting in the ring now. Anthony had me beg my boss at the gym for a tryout, and he liked what he saw. Said if I worked hard maybe he would take me to the U. S tryouts. All I saw was gold in my future, Mama was doing better too. The doctor said she just had a minor break, and with the meds and counseling she was going to be okay.
Anthony was on her every day, "You take your meds Mama?" it was like his thing, he didn't say hello, it was always, "You take your meds Mama?" But I couldn't be mad at him, all this shit was happening and he still held down the family and kept his grades up. Anthony had schools chasing after him, his teachers said he was some kind of chemistry genius or something.
The boy was smart.
I knew that.
"It won't start," Ma said as her fingers tightened around the wheel of the car.
"Is the battery dead?" I asked.
She shrugged, "The hell if I know," She said and then turned her head to me, "Go check."
I looked over at Anthony in the front seat next to her, "Ma, why I gotta do it?" I asked.
She turned around slowly, "Cause I told your ass to, " She said.
I pushed open the door and made my way toward the front of the car, "Pop the hood." I shouted.
I heard back, "Don't you yell at me, boy!" I rolled my eyes and heard the metal click, I lifted the hood and laughed, "Is the battery leaking?" My Ma asked.
I shook my head walking over to the driver side. I leaned on the door and sighed, "Someone stole the battery," I thought it was funny, but the tears slowly started to build up in her eyes. She pushed the door open and I slowly stepped aside "You alright Ma?" I asked.
"I can't do this today. Not today" She said.
The officers that shot Tay were finally being tried in court today, the car was busted and the lawyer said we didn't have to be there if we didn't want to. So, we stayed home. We didn't want to see them cheering and smiling as they got off for killing my little brother. I knew it was gonna happen, it always happens. Anthony was sitting on the couch with the news on, they were covering the trial, all the reporters were camped out on the steps of the courthouse waiting to hear the verdict. "Turn that off, Mama doesn't want to deal with that right now." I said.
Anthony kept his eyes on the tv, Mama came into the room, "You heard your brother, turn that mess off. I'm sick and tired of them pulling my baby's name through the mud and-" Mama's tears were cut off by a loud blast from the tv.
The picture shook and the blonde haired reporter ran out of the shot. There was a lot of screaming and then it cut to the people in the station "What was that?" I asked.
The news anchor on the tv put his finger to his ear and nodded, "There has been some kind of explosion at the courthouse..."
I sat down next to Anthony who was leaning forward staring at the tv. Mama put her hand over her chest, "Oh my god." She said.
"You think it was over Tay's case?" I asked.
Ma put her hand over her mouth, "You think?" She replied and then the phone started to ring. We all stared at one another as the robotic melody crawled through the halls and creeped into the living room. Ma shot up and ran to the back of the apartment. I sat there dumbfounded with the glow of the tv taking me over. Then I looked over at Anthony, he sat there for a while staring into the puzzled faces of the reporters and then he softly said, "You were wrong."
"Wrong about what?" I asked.
We were in a moment that didn't require words. A moment where pure silence would be accepted and understood but here he was talking and smirking, "You said people like us don't get justice," his head turned slightly and the faint glow of the TV made his skin shine, "But we do...we just have to take it."
I remember four moments when my life changed.
You already know the first three...
The fourth was when I realized I was nothing more than a punk kid in an alley trading words with a Revolutionary.
0 notes
Buster & Rio
Buster: Remember how I reckoned my parents were so checked out Buster: Well they quizzing me now Rio: 😬 So sneaky! Rio: Waiting to see if you were flying solo like Nance too, like Buster: Right? Who knew they had it in them Buster: I told them I met a girl there but my mum clearly ain't buying it Buster: Me and her are having a 🙄 competition basically Rio: Well, at least you can both enjoy that? Rio: Ahh, not good Rio: I'm having my own fun being uncharacteristically vague Rio: Lucky for me only Gracie is so interested to get 👀 suspicious and I can buy her off, like Buster: I'm over it Buster: Literally 18 now sorry fam Buster: Not like I married this mystery girl, like Buster: Just a holiday fling as far as they know Rio: Cold way to break it to me but okay 😜 Rio: Don't think that's the best way to show how mature you are, hittin' em with a YOU CAN'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO but Buster: Very subtle way for you to drop a hint that you're in it for that 💍 babe Buster: That's 'cause I ain't got nothing to prove Buster: They're just showing up since the world knows they let me and Nance go off and do whatever we want Rio: Shup, can rinse you well before that 😉 Rio: No amateur Rio: True facts Rio: Where was the Colin, lads? Tut tut Buster: 💔 When you end up with a girl who's exactly like your ma Buster: How many times are YOU gonna make me ask then? Buster: Rude Buster: 🏆 parents of the year Rio: I mean, definitely a joke to be made about looking outside the fam there Rio: Fool 😂 Rio: Awkward when they reckon they know what a messy year it's been and they only know the half of it Rio: IOU for your sis taking the heat big time Buster: Who you fooling, Cavante, keeping your eyes on that prize 💎 Buster: Yeah Buster: Be interesting to see if she gets the same third degree about how she spent her hol Buster: It's harder to dig when all you've got to go from is aesthetically pleasing scenery, yeah? Unlucky mum Rio: 🙄 You know, you're far more annoying when you ain't somewhere hot and stunning, like Rio: Think on, boy 😏 Buster: Shut up Buster: You know I am hot and stunning Buster: Think on how much you miss me already Rio: Sure she's up for the challenge, whether Nancy is up for the jail time is another question entirely Rio: Hmm Buster: 😂 Rio: Though that would soften the blow of our escapades so like Rio: spill that tea, gurl Buster: I hope for her sake its not a top family holiday destination Rio: Omg Rio: Stop Buster: Make me Buster: I'm so bored Rio: Init Rio: Real life's shit Buster: I refuse to call this real when you ain't with me Rio: Babe Rio: I do miss you Rio: spoilt in all the ways Buster: I miss you too Buster: How are we topping that for your birthday then, what's the plan, like? Rio: Damn, the real question Rio: I've got no clue Rio: use this slow shift as an excuse to be looking Buster: I've gotta take you somewhere hotter and more stunning, obviously Buster: Make myself scarce so you get your turn to brag Rio: 'Course Rio: though Indie will be devvo I'm keeping you off the 'gram Buster: Standard Buster: I'll manage a post or two somehow though Rio: Don't let a win get you cocky Rio: even though we totally got away with it Buster: 'Course Buster: We're that good babe Buster: I never doubted it Rio: Obviously Rio: Lucky it's me who's doing it fam Rio: I'd defs know 👀 Buster: You could've done us all a favor and foreseen what was happening with Nance though Buster: Like if you're gonna be such a know-it-all Rio: 😑 Rio: She's very secretive! Buster: Calm down Buster: I'm only playing Rio: Well I feel bad Rio: I should've noticed Buster: Come on Buster: How could you? You ain't at school with her any more Rio: But I was when all this started Buster: Yeah, but like you said, she's been keeping this secret for a long time Buster: We both know if you wanna you'll find a way Rio: Yeah Rio: Guess so Rio: I don't like it Rio: Gonna have to go full mum mode and start reading diaries around here Buster: Well she's one off your list to worry about Buster: It's unlikely she'll pull anything else like this again Buster: Lesson learned Rio: What a way to learn it though Rio: Oh God Buster: I didn't reckon anyone dreading school more than me but she's got me beat for sure Buster: I'm surprised she didn't just hide out on holiday forever like Rio: Seriously Rio: Guess no one is Chloe levels of bad Rio: face it now and it'll be nothing more than a passing joke to everyone else Buster: Exactly Buster: At least when we were away the worst Chlo and that lot could do was like my pics Buster: No point trying to hit me up when I'm that far even if you are really horny Rio: 'Less you're me and bitch keep trying, like Buster: Though I wouldn't put it past her to fly out Buster: I did for you Rio: Yeah, but I'm special 😉 Buster: She's deluded enough to think I am Rio: Shut up you are Buster: She don't know me like you do Buster: Or at all, honestly Rio: She wishes Rio: Psycho, honestly Rio: and I don't just throw the phrase around lightly, like Buster: Unfortunately they ain't limited to your exes or even the 24 Rio: You kidding? Rio: You know how many you're gonna meet in your chosen profession? Rio: Hopefully they won't try and fuck you, like Buster: Unless it's some hot widow who wants me to defend her for offing her husband, like Rio: You fancy being her next victim, alright Rio: more fool you, babe Buster: She could be innocent Buster: Don't be so cynical or jealous, babe Rio: Yeah, save it for the judge Buster: 😏 Rio: 😒 Buster: 😂 Buster: You're funny Rio: Hilarious 🖕 Buster: Yeah Buster: When can I see you again? Rio: About that Buster: What? Rio: They're getting a bit shirty at work with all the time I've been taking off Rio: so I said I'd work every day basically until xmas, busy time and all that Buster: I'll come to you then Buster: Hang out and be distracting Rio: Yeah? Buster: 'Course Buster: I'm not gonna just not see until Christmas that's ages away Rio: Good Rio: 'cos it is Rio: may as well rinse this festive period for what it's worth though Buster: If I do my homework in the corner don't take the piss though Rio: 🤞 Rio: You gotta Buster: Likewise don't be too 😍 either Buster: I know I'm sexy as but Buster: I'll have to concentrate Rio: Do my best Rio: sexy 🤓 daddy come thru Rio: 😂 Buster: You literally just promised not to take the piss Buster: 😒 Rio: Aww baby Rio: Not, honest Buster: Say that you promise then Rio: 'Course I promise Rio: Easy Rio: You're always hot to me Rio: Nothing you could do, but that ain't a challenge Buster: Good Buster: I'll resist your non-challenge since you're behaving for once Rio: 😇 Rio: Got to set an example for you Buster: But that's easy too yeah? Rio: Naturally Rio: Can't you attest to the fact I'm a good girl yet? Buster: You have your moments Buster: Any chance of you using your influence on my sister if I'm gonna be in Dublin annoying you both until Christmas Rio: I can try Rio: It's hard fighting your corner without saying things I probably shouldn't know though Buster: Oh Buster: Shit I never thought of that Rio: Yeah Rio: if I can get her to talk to you though, then you can say what I know Rio: so, I'll see, sure I can manage that at least Buster: Forget it Rio: I obviously won't Rio: busybody for life Rio: it won't seem strange, she knows it about me too, like Buster: But still Rio: I won't if you seriously don't want Buster: I don't know Rio: You don't need to rush it but like Rio: don't let it fester, won't make it any easier Buster: The longer this goes on the more unnecessarily dramatic it seems Buster: But I don't know what to do if she won't hear me out Buster: And not enough ways to properly say sorry either, like Rio: Yeah Rio: I know it feels counter-intuitive but sometimes you have to talk when the other person reckons they don't wanna hear it Rio: you can't both be stubborn on this one, and you're the one that needs her to break so you gotta go first Buster: Yeah Buster: Okay Buster: I'll chat to her at the weekend when I come see you Rio: Proud of you Buster: Shut up Rio: 😏 Rio: Try not to get too angry Rio: she's fuming enough, like Buster: Cheers for that, babe Buster: Would've never have guessed, like Rio: I'm just saying Rio: it ain't gonna work if you can't be the bigger person for a hot sec Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Buster: Rio Rio: Buster? Buster: Thanks Buster: Seriously Rio: Don't mention it Buster: I have to Buster: Nobody else is gonna Rio: On your behalf? Rio: Shouldn't think so, know you ain't got a secretary yet Buster: Is that you volunteering your services, babe? Rio: Ha Rio: fun as that'd be, you'd never get anything done and my shorthand probably ain't all that, like Buster: What's your typing speed? Rio: You're interviewing me now? Buster: Why not Rio: Okay Rio: Think how fast that reply was is enough of an indication of my typing speed and eagerness Buster: You're hired Rio: That was easy Rio: I would've done anything to get this job, like Buster: 😂 Buster: Still plenty of potential promotions to negotiate, babe Buster: I just know how badly you want this job Rio: Good to know Rio: All about that upward mobility Rio: What's your boss like? Buster: I'm my own boss Rio: 🤤 Rio: Okay can't pretend Rio: that was hot Buster: You're hot Buster: I'm so glad I don't have to pretend about that any more Buster: To you at least Rio: Please don't Rio: Take my pay in compliments Buster: Gonna have to give you a pay rise straight away then Rio: So cute Buster: I just miss you Buster: I can't help it Rio: I miss you too Rio: Did you have a good birthday then? Buster: You know I did Rio: Good Rio: 'cos I did Rio: a lot Buster: Yeah? Rio: Yeah Rio: I kinda love you Buster: You really love me Buster: You can say it Rio: Okay Rio: I love you a lot Buster: Good Buster: And I had a really great birthday with you Rio: Get used to it Rio: Can't jet-set at Christmas sadly but still find a way to treat you Buster: Do you reckon we can for your birthday though? Buster: I don't want you to lose your job but I don't wanna not take you away Rio: I can't literally work all the time now 'til then Rio: fuck that Rio: if they're gonna be that arsey I'll just quit Rio: don't want me showing up to work with my 18s on when i've been working there over a year do you Buster: You'll easily be able to get a better job when you actually are 18 though Buster: So yeah fuck them Rio: God I hope so Rio: such an old man pub Rio: not a mood Buster: You will babe Buster: You're the only decent thing about that place Buster: Besides, if it comes down to it, you'll always be my secretary so 😏 Rio: Yeah, that's keeping the lights on 😉 Rio: I can't wait now Rio: Maybe I can convince Indie to move somewhere more decent with me Buster: Bribe her with a dog Buster: That should work Rio: A trail of dog treats out of the 24 Rio: Aww Buster: I feel like she'll never leave it'll be like when you move house but your cat don't Buster: Just keeps coming back, like Rio: As much as the mangy feline comparison gotta sting Rio: I feel it Rio: Bless her Buster: Just move in here Buster: Every problem solved Buster: As long as you go back to feed Indie Rio: When you're probably pissing off to America in a year? Rio: I don't wanna be stuck in that postcode on my own thanks Buster: Come to American then Buster: They're only slightly more annoying Rio: Yeah right Buster: I promise you Yanks ain't that bad Rio: You're funny Buster: Yeah but I also ain't lying Rio: Got that on good faith have you? Buster: 'Course Buster: Posh cunts are posh cunts wherever you go Rio: Wanna talk no class though Chlo Rio: they don't even understand th concept Buster: I wonder what uni she'll end up at Buster: I can't really quiz her for where to cross off my list Rio: Surely she ain't smart enough for wherever you go Rio: no matter who she knows Buster: I can't say I've ever peered at her papers when they've handed the grades back Buster: But you're probably right Rio: Maybe I'm just being a bitch and want her to be thick Rio: she doesn't come across smart if she is Buster: 😂 Rio: So jealous, yeah? Rio: Tragic Buster: You aren't really though, yeah? Buster: For any of it, I mean, not just me Buster: She's not that rich or posh either, honestly Rio: Nah, I mean Rio: I dunno Rio: not like I'm poor or actual scum Rio: just reckon it'd be nice to be like her and so oblivious Rio: Too much shit in this family to not have a care in the world, even if the money's good, yeah Buster: Yeah Buster: And like I've said before, I like how you are Rio: That's alright then 😏 Buster: She only thinks we look good together on paper 'cause I'm a cunt on paper Buster: Forget her Rio: Yeah Rio: 'Course Rio: she can like your shit all she wants, I was there Buster: She wants to know who you are so badly Buster: That's why she's hovering around my posts Rio: Can't act like I ain't been there Rio: nosy bitches unite but fuck off Buster: You're nothing like her though Buster: Thank Christ Rio: Don't think I could pull it off 😂 Buster: She can't either but it ain't stopping her Buster: Works on the lads well enough Rio: That ain't hard, trust me Buster: Clearly Buster: I'm trying not to think about how many lads you and her have in common at this point Rio: Won't hit her up to compare notes then Buster: You're safe I don't think you're on her radar even if you did Rio: Should I be offended Buster: Relieved is how I'd take it Buster: But take it however you like Rio: Will do Buster: Don't be mad though Rio: I ain't mad Rio: Why are we talking about her anyway Buster: That sounds like you're raging about it Rio: Just 'cos I don't wanna talk about Little Miss Chloe? Buster: Well, yeah Rio: If you've got more to say about her Rio: feel free Buster: Don't be like that Rio: I dunno what you want me to say Rio: talk about her or don't, i'm really fine Buster: Whatever Buster: Forget it and forget her Rio: Done Buster: Are you working tonight? Rio: Yeah Rio: back to reality with a dull thump Buster: Agreed Buster: I've got an essay to write so I'm gonna need as much distraction as you Rio: Won't get it from me Rio: 😇 Good girl, remember? Buster: Come on Buster: What happened to our swapped roles? Rio: Gonna have to do a lot more to convince me to distract you from your studies Rio: Shouldn't be promising all those frat boys and rich professors, like Rio: How else am I getting there, babe? Buster: Get a plane ticket and you're there, babe Buster: One look at you and they'd be convinced Rio: Yeah but you make the whole thing a bit more legitimate Buster: What you mean is, it's no fun for you teasing them if it also doesn't get to me, yeah? Rio: You reckon this is all about you? Buster: I know it is Rio: Cocky dickhead Buster: Maybe Buster: But it's still true Rio: Well Rio: What're you going to do about it Buster: Obviously you need reminding that it is all about me Buster: 'Cause you're mine Buster: And I'm keeping you Buster: But I've got an idea Rio: Yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: I bought you something when I went shopping the other day, I reckon you can have it now it's no longer my birthday, like Rio: What Buster: No spoilers, wait until it gets to you Rio: Is it a birthday present do I have to wait that long? Buster: 'Course not Buster: I'm no amateur, babe Rio: You can't just buy me things for no reason Rio: and without warning Buster: Don't you want it? Buster: You'll like it, I promise Rio: I mean Rio: Of course I do but Rio: I've not got you anything Buster: That's not why I did it so it doesn't matter Rio: Okay Rio: no spoilers and all but can I have a clue Buster was timed out 20 hours ago Buster joined the chat 20 hours ago Buster: Your clue will be to check the post tomorrow, like Buster: I know you don't like waiting so Rio: Babe Buster: What, you think I'm gonna give you time to talk me out of it? Nah Rio: You're bad Rio: Honestly Buster: You love it Rio: You're an idiot Rio: You really miss me that much already? Buster: 'Course Buster: I miss you more the more time I get to spend with you Buster: Is that not how it's meant to work Rio: It's encouraging Rio: and a decent review so Rio: cheers Buster: You're welcome Rio: [Present arrives] Rio: I can't believe you sent that in the post Rio: to the 24, of all places Buster: What can I say? Where's the fun in not taking risks Rio: It's so Rio: perfect Rio: how'd you know? Buster: Easy Buster: I know what you like Rio: Yeah Buster: Besides, if you didn't i'd just send it to my other girlfriend, obviously Rio: Piss off Rio: Good luck getting it back, I'd sell it Buster: 😂 Buster: 'Course you would Buster: Can't take the 24 from the girl, yeah? Rio: Just saving you from bad 🍀 Rio: you can't regift Buster: Cheers for that, babe Buster: You're the best Rio: Shut up Rio: thanks Buster: 🤐 Buster: Like I said the other day, you're welcome Rio: I miss you Rio: I'm wearing it now Buster: I miss you too Buster: Yeah? How does it look? Rio: [Sends pics] Buster: I already knew what the answer would be, but I'm not sorry Rio: It's alright, I don't mind that you've got ulterior motives Buster: Good 'cause I'm not saying you have to thank me with actions as well as words but if you wanna, I'm not gonna say no Rio: Definitely keep you in mind, babe Rio: not hurt your #ranking like Buster: I'll keep you in mind too Buster: Constantly Rio joined the chat 18 hours ago Rio: I wish you were here Rio: or I was there Rio: whatever Rio: I want you Buster: Me too Buster: So tempted to skip school but shhh Rio: Shh indeed Rio: Best behaviour or your 'rents might go the whole 9 yards and ground you Buster: The only way I'm gonna agree to not being able to leave my room is if I sneak you in first Rio: You don't get to negotiate baby 😂 Buster: Please, they'd love that Rio: Probably Rio: Bunch of weirdos, swear down Buster: When I graduate from Havard or whatever they can take their share of the credit Rio: Of course Rio: I'll keep it hush about our study seshs Rio: don't worry Buster: Nah, you've gotta take your dues too Rio: Probably won't interrupt their speech with it Rio: way to break news though Buster: You not gonna make your own? Buster: Just gonna say everything you've gotta say in private instead, yeah? Rio: Obviously Rio: You'll be glad of it, trust Buster: How glad? Rio: Get you saying your hallelujahs despite your feelings on the big man Buster: Get me writing my vows Buster: I know your game, babe Rio: 😒 Rio: You dumb Buster: You love me Buster: Always have, always will Rio: Umm don't be trying to write mine for me Rio: cheek Buster: Don't be acting like that ain't what you're gonna say Buster: Just make the kiss sound like better than it was, yeah? Rio: Ha, get dragged at your own wedding, ouch Rio: You might reckon I'm predictable but I'm not that much of a bitch Buster: I could call you a lot of shit, but predictable, nah Buster: not you baby Rio: Yeah yeah Rio: being sweet now 😏 Buster: Hold up, I'll send you another gift Rio: Will snitch on you Rio: get your cards revoked for your own good 😂 Buster: No you wouldn't Rio: It does go against everything I usually stand for Rio: but I'll make an exception for you Buster: Awh babe you're gonna break all your rules for me Buster: So cute Rio: 😣 Rio: Imma break your face in a minute Buster: Are you standing on a chair right now? Buster: Be careful Rio: 😡 Rio: GRR Buster: 😂 Buster: I love you Rio: I love you too Rio: even if you are rude Buster: It ain't my fault you're small Rio: You make it sound like I've got something wrong with me! Buster: Shut up Buster: You're perfect and you know it Buster: But I'm not gonna pick you up so you can smack me Rio: Well if you're nice I have a better idea Buster: 😇 Rio: Only look like one, boy Buster: Don't lie Buster: You know how nice I can be Rio: True Rio: got the reminder now Buster: You're gonna wear it, right? Buster: Not just for me Rio: Of course Rio: It's beautiful Buster: Yeah but is everyone else gonna notice that too? Rio: You mean am I gonna get mugged? Rio: It isn't that ghetto here forreal Buster: Don't be an idiot Buster: I mean, are your fam gonna be asking endless questions how they do Rio: Might be asking why I'm dropping so much 💲💲💲 on myself but not really their business Rio: We're good Rio: Not an 💍 is it Buster: Alright Buster: Don't want you reckoning I gave it to you to give you another reason why we've gotta tell 'em Rio: Nah, I didn't think that Rio: although it is rude I've gotta take your recognition on it but Buster: Keep praying for that ring, babe Rio: Sure thing 😏 Rio: Could be playing a dangerous game giving me ideas, boy Buster: Is that supposed to worry me? Buster: I love a dangerous game Rio: Don't I know it Rio: Game on 👊 Buster: I wish we could Buster: It's so shit without you here Rio: I know Rio: Life and soul Rio: Looks like there's nothing to do but your essay 🤷 Buster: I've finished that Buster: Waiting on my reward here Rio: Aside from your A? 🤓 Buster: Obviously Rio: Lucky for you I finished your reward too Rio: Great minds, babe Rio: [Video] Buster: Fuck Buster: Well, okay then Rio: Grade me then Buster: Definitely an A for effort Rio: Yeah? Well, how can I improve the execution Rio: use your words, baby Buster: I can't Buster: Jesus Christ Rio: Works for me Rio: You're welcome 😋 Buster: How are you so hot? Rio: You must inspire it in me Buster: I'm actually speechless Buster: I want you so bad Rio: I know Rio: tell me how you want me Buster: I'd tell you to put this desk to better use but I need you so much I think we'd break it Rio: Guess you're going to have to pick me up like you wanna and slam me against the wall instead Buster: I can make that work Rio: You better Rio: I need to cum Buster: You're gonna cum for me baby Rio: I will if you keep talking Buster: [Sends own vid] Buster: Actions speak louder Rio: Fuck Rio: Yeah they do Rio: You know what it does to me when you make those noises Buster: Call me Buster: You can have them all Rio: [A phonecall later] Rio: You're the best Buster: That's my line Rio: Stop being so fucking good and you can have it back Buster: I don't want it that bad Buster: Just you Rio: I know Rio: I'm already so desperate for you so imagine how needy I'm gonna be by the weekend Buster: I know Buster: I feel it too Rio: Well, maybe I won't be such a moody cow at work now at least Rio: owed so many rounds when you're back in town, like Buster: In both senses of the word Buster: Drinks laid on the bar and you bent over it Rio: BUSTER 😲 Buster: Gotta give you some incentive to stay at work until closing time Rio: Jesus Rio: Now I'm turned on again Buster: I'd say sorry but 1. I ain't and 2. that's easy to fix Rio: I know you ain't but I've gotta get ready so Rio: maybe by the time I'm done you will be Rio: sorry you ain't here, like Buster: You reckon? Rio: You don't? Rio: Challenge accepted Buster: You're going to work not the club, yeah? Rio: How dare you doubt me Rio: Offended Buster: Calm down Buster: If you've got nothing to prove then you don't need to worry, do you? Rio: But clearly I do, babe Buster: You don't Buster: I'm just mad you're leaving Rio: I know, stupid real life getting in the way of all the great sex we wanna have Rio: not like I'll be totally unreachable Buster: But you're basically untouchable Buster: I never thought I'd be so buzzing for Christmas Hols. Not that a fortnight will be enough, like Rio: 😔 Rio: Oh Rio: I just had a good idea though Rio: to make you wait until my bday or nah Buster: Depends how good of an idea it is Buster: And how patient you can be about it Rio: It's a great idea Rio: idk why I only just thought of it Rio: fuck it, we're patient enough about everything else Rio: download this app Buster: Alright Buster: No arguments from me Rio: So, basically, you can control it from where you are Rio: almost like touching, right? Buster: Is this why you believe in God? Buster: 'Cause like not saying I'm coming around to the idea but Rio: Pretty high on my list, though best I keep that to myself on Sundays no matter how #blessed I feel Rio: ain't the spirit inside me, like Buster: 😂 Rio: I can wear them to work if you promise to be sensible Buster: I promise to treat you right, babe Rio: Not the same thing but 🤤 Buster: I'm never calling you an idiot again Buster: There's a promise for you Rio: Damn Rio: All the wins for me Buster: I love you Buster: So fucking much Rio: I love you more Buster: Is that a challenge? Rio: I mean Rio: if it motivates you, babe Buster: It'll motivate me to make the most of this app Rio: Then it definitely is Rio: yep 😏 Buster: If you think you're desperate now, you'll need a new word soon Rio: I'll do my best to think on it whilst you're fucking my brains out Buster: If you can think of anything but me I'm not going hard enough Rio: Well you're in control, daddy Rio: you know what to do Buster: Yeah I do Buster: You're gonna get fucked so good, baby Rio: Please Buster: Say it for me again Rio: Maybe I should save my begging for when I really need it Buster: 😏 full of good ideas today, like Rio: Can't even joke today Rio: you know it baby Buster: Always known it Rio: I'm gonna need that one in writing Buster: It's right there Rio: You been playing but that's the legal and binding document I'm really about Buster: I'm so proud Rio: 😊 Buster: Let's see this mindblowing work outfit then Rio: 🙄 I really need to work on expectation management Buster: No you don't Rio: [Snap] Buster: You're not wearing that Rio: I am though? Buster: Behave Buster: Trying to make me miss you before you've even gone Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: That's the whole point Rio: Silly Buster: Yeah but my point is how turned on I am whilst trying to be so 😇 Rio: Don't be good Rio: The more turned on you are the harder you'll fuck me Buster: How 😈 do you want me to be? Rio: Well Rio: I want you to cum Rio: whatever that takes Buster: If you keep talking like that it won't take much Rio: Better 😶 'til you got me closer then Rio: it's best when we do it together Buster: Yeah that's how I want it Rio: I wish you could cum inside me Buster: Me too Buster: Soon though Rio: I'm already thinking about it though Rio: amongst all the other things we're gonna do Buster: I never stop thinking about it Buster: I can't Buster: Good thing I'm smart or that essay would've been illegible Rio: 😂 accidentally outs us to your teach Rio: I know the feeling though, babe Buster: How the fuck did my sister actually get decent grades Buster: I'm impressed Buster: Don't tell her like but Rio: Yeah, I don't think that's how you wanna start the 'let's be friends' convo Rio: so I'll keep it to myself 😂 Buster: Appreciate it Rio: I still don't see it Rio: very much not the point but Buster: What? Rio: The teacher Rio: she ain't even cute Buster: What does she look like? Rio: Oh, hold up Rio: [pics from facebook] Buster: Are you joking right now or is that really her? Rio: Obviously it is Rio: If I was joking I'd pick someone ridiculously unfanciable Rio: she's just like Rio: a normal woman? Buster: What the fuck Buster: Too late for me to have a word with Nance but like Rio: Right? Rio: It makes it worse Rio: at least if everyone else thought she was fuckable Nance would get an easier time of it but nah Buster: At least if she was fuckable it'd be worth losing your mind over her Buster: Christ Buster: Her girlfriend was alright though, like I wouldn't but Rio: We'd know, babe Rio: Idk if she even liked her now or what Rio: what a mess Buster: I don't know what I pictured this teacher looking like but that wasn't it Buster: Clearly I know my sister even less than I reckoned Buster: Fucking hell Rio: You really thought she'd be hot? 😂 Rio: Boy Buster: Hotter than that Buster: I'm not saying she had to be ruin your life hot but like this crush was years long, yeah? Rio: It was obviously about what was inside, like Rio: looking back she spent more time in her classroom than necessary, just thought she wanted somewhere to hide, like Buster: I'm not having that Buster: If you wanna get inside someone then it's about the outside too Buster: I'm not fucking anyone 'cause they have a decent personality Rio: Well nah, that ain't your type is it Buster: Whose type is it? Like I bet even when her husband first hit that she was younger and hotter Rio joined the chat 5 hours ago Rio: Her husband ain't anything special either Rio: he's a teacher too, you know Buster: What? Buster: At your school? Rio: Yeah Rio: he teaches Irish Buster: Shit Rio: I know Rio: and their son is in our year, that's why everyone's losing their shit Buster: And nobody was gonna tell me none of this ever Buster: Fuck's sake Rio: Obviously Nance ain't in the mood but yeah Rio: reckoned your 'rents would've Buster: Obviously not Buster: No wonder she fucking hates me if she blames me for starting this shit storm Rio: It's fucked Rio: she knows that's a flimsy excuse but yeah Buster: Is it though? If she's gone years without putting any moves on she could've gone one more easy Buster: Until I fucked her head up Rio: You hardly made her Buster: Well I didn't stop her Rio: If she had her mind set on it you couldn't Buster: Yeah I could Rio: Well regardless Rio: happened now Buster: I can't believe my fucking parents Buster: If we weren't fucking I wouldn't be in the loop about anything Rio: They probably reckoned they were saving her further embarrassment Rio: but you're welcome for the unexpected perk? Buster: What do they think I'm gonna do? Buster: Nice to know they reckon I'm that much of a cunt Rio: Come on Rio: The jokes come easy, you wouldn't be the first or only Buster: She's my fucking sister Rio: I know Buster: Some shit's off limits Buster: They're as bad as Chlo is Buster: I'm not gonna laugh it up, like Rio: That might not be why they haven't said Rio: You know what they're like, could have easily just not occurred to them Buster: Yeah, well fuck them Rio: Bit strong Buster: How are you on their side? Rio: I'm not Rio: Just don't get mad at them based off conjuncture Buster: Act like it then Rio: Don't shoot the messenger Buster: I ain't Buster: I'm asking you to back me instead of them Buster: what the fuck Rio: I do Buster: Don't defend their bullshit then Rio: Don't have a go at me Rio: I'm just looking at all sides of it Buster: Like their side matters Buster: You're on mine Rio: Exactly Rio: so I don't want you running your mouth if you don't need to Rio: just trying to save you from more aggro Buster: Fuck off Buster: I have self control Rio: Use it then Buster: You're as bad as them Buster: What do you think I'm gonna do? Buster: I'm not about to go find them to shout the odds Rio: Alright then Rio: I'm not doing this rn Buster: What does that mean? Rio: That I'm too busy to go 'round the houses on this one with you Buster: Fuck you then Buster: If you don't wanna talk to me, don't Rio: This ain't talking Buster: Typing. Whatever Rio: That ain't what I mean Rio: You're just shouting at me, you can blow off steam on your own Buster: Bullshit Buster: I'm not mad at you Rio: Nah? Buster: Come on Buster: You're the only one on my side Buster: I'm not that much of an idiot Rio: They ain't against you Buster: Maybe not but they ain't exactly for me either Rio: Maybe not Rio: not their style Buster: I'm sorry, yeah? Rio: It's alright Buster: It's not Buster: I'm not trying to take shit out of you Rio: Shit happens Rio: I know you're stressed Buster: And you're the only thing that doesn't stress me Buster: You know that, don't you? Rio: Duh Rio: I'm a delight Buster: Actually though Buster: I wish you were here right now Rio: I know Rio: Me too Rio: You're alright, yeah? Buster: Yeah Buster: I just miss you Buster: Standard Buster: It's so easy to forget everything else when I've got you with me Rio: I feel it Rio: but fuck forgetting yeah? we're gonna start sorting shit Rio: grown up style Buster: Full of so many good ideas, Cavante Rio: Just gotta listen, babe Buster: I am, I promise Rio: I love you Buster: I love you Buster: Don't forget it, okay Rio: I ain't gonna Rio: don't worry Buster: Good Rio: Ugh guess who's here Buster: Tell me Rio: Ryan Rio: really starting to think he'd got a life Buster: He better behave himself Rio: Yeah, he's with other people so Rio: still, plenty of pubs lads but whatever Buster: Do what you've gotta do, babe Buster: I'm here Rio: I'm an expert at ignoring him by this point Buster: 'Course Buster: All that matters is that he returns the favor, like Rio: I swear he was cuter when I went out with him Rio: not cute enough to warrant this but like ick Buster: He really wasn't Rio: Well clearly his personality was fire Buster: Again I'm gonna go out on a limb and disagree Rio: 😂 why are you trying drive me to drink here Buster: 'Cause I can't drive you to distraction if he's there Buster: Cunt would think you were hot for him still Rio: Obviously Rio: girls love dedication Buster: Is that what he calls it? Rio: Best if I don't question it Buster: I still reckon its best if I knock him out Rio: Looks like someone beat you to it Rio: his face is fucked Buster: I'd ask how you know it ain't me but Buster: If I started I'm not stopping there Rio: Yeah come on babe, no quitter Buster: You've got jokes but I ain't making one Buster: Maybe it was your new bestie Rio: Who? Buster: Drew Buster: Could be an early birthday gift Rio: Oh lol Rio: Maybe Rio: drug debt Buster: Yeah exactly Buster: At least you look good Rio: How's that a good thing? Buster: It's never not when you see your ex Rio: Sudden expert 😏 Rio: so cute Buster: Shut up Buster: I've got plenty of girls I'd rather not see again Buster: More than you've got official exes Rio: You reckon Buster: You don't? Rio: I dunno Rio: do we really wanna compare numbers Buster: I'll tell you if you wanna know Buster: But it doesn't really matter Rio: Nah Rio: know you'll just get jealous Buster: You know you'll get jealous you mean Rio: I said what I said boy Buster: And you meant what you meant Buster: Which is what I said Rio: Shut up Buster: Make me, babe Rio: No, you'd enjoy it far too much Buster: You say that like it's bad thing Buster: You know you'd get yours Rio: and they say romance is dead 😜 Buster: Says you wearing a bracelet just 'cause Rio: 😏 Shh Buster: Shh me Buster: I've got a lot to say Rio: Go on then Rio: Enlighten me babe Buster: For starters, you've got me feeling like I have to prove what a romantic I am Buster: So it's about time that I mastered this app Buster: Until you feel the love Rio: Baby Rio: I was just playing Buster: If you wanna play, we'll play babe Rio: 😻 Buster: 😏 Rio: You just wanna hear me beg Buster: Yeah Rio: Fair Rio: I've just gotta keep the whole bar from hearing, like Buster: Tell yourself it's only for me Buster: I know you can do it Rio: 😊 Rio: so supportive Buster: It's just a shame I'm not there to actually hold you up Buster: I reckon you're gonna need it Buster: Hang onto the bar, baby Rio: Oh God Buster: He's not taking the credit for this Buster: It's all me Rio: Yeah it's all yours baby Buster: Good 'cause I want it Rio: I want you so bad right now Buster: I know Buster: But you can cum for me as many times as you need Rio: I got your permission? Buster: As long as you're quiet Rio: Fuck Rio: Buster, I can't Buster: Yes you can, baby Rio: I need you to tell me to Buster: Well, I need you to cum for me now Rio: Jesus Rio: Please keep doing whatever it is you're doing Buster: If you say please like you mean it Rio: Please baby Rio: fuck me harder i wanna cum for you right here Buster: Like that? Or like this? Rio: Shit Rio: 2nd one definitely 2nd one Buster: Good to know Rio: Please 😩 Rio: You're teasing me so much Buster: Is that better? Rio: I'm so close Buster: Let's go harder then Rio: I should definitely go somewhere private but also don't trust myself to walk away from this bar Buster: Stay right there, babe Rio: Okay, only because doing what you say makes me every tighter Buster: I know Buster: You love doing what you're told Rio: Only when it's you doing the telling though Buster: I'm the only one who can make you feel this good that's why Rio: It's true Buster: I love you Rio: I can't believe that just made me cum Rio: 😳 Buster: I can Buster: It's a good app babe, well done Rio: You have no idea Rio: Regulars asking if I'm alright like not just babe Buster: 😂 Buster: You've got so many more hours to survive too Buster: Good luck babe Buster: I'm only just getting started with this Rio: Please Rio: Be serious Buster: I'm so serious Rio: Babe Buster: Yeah? Rio: I love you Buster: I miss you Rio: I miss you more Buster: You'll be too tired to miss me when this shift is over Rio: Awh is that your plan? Rio: So chivalrous Buster: 'Course Rio: Will you go to sleep with me when I'm done Buster: Yeah Buster: You know that's the only way I wanna sleep if you can't be here Rio: Good Buster: How long have you actually got left? Rio: You sleepy babe? Buster: Hilarious Buster: I'm just thinking about how much I'll be able to tire you out Rio: You've got about 3 hours total left Rio: Use 'em wisely Buster: Plenty of time
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