#I am sorry Flowers Delivery Online
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Steddie Flower Shop / Tattoo Parlor AU
I am so floored by the response! It is absolutely so fun that y’all want to read my silly stories! This is a relatively short update but I am working on the rest! Hoping to post the full story by Valentine’s and I might also post an AO3 link at some point if anyone would like that I Part One I Part Two I Also on AO3!
Chrissy and Eddie had been taking bets about what type of business was opening up across the way. Eddie’s guesses had run the gamut from hipster coffee shop to hipster hairdresser to hipster high-end taxidermy while Chrissy had more or less stuck with her original guess of a speakeasy style bar. Eddie was starting to close up shop for the day when some guy in an honest-to-god sweater vest and jeans ran over.
“It’s too late to place any orders today. Sorry if you need to apologize to your wife and 2.5 kids and forgot until the last minute.” Eddie had to admit the guy was pretty infuriatingly handsome. If you were in to normie core, that is.
“What? I’m not- okay, uhm. I’m actually here because I just rented the place across the way and I wanted to ask about setting up a recurring weekly arrangement?” Steve asked.
“What?” Eddie yelled over Judas Priest.
“It’s a wonder you can ever hear anything over all this noise.” Steve gestured towards the speaker.
Chrissy had overheard the exchange from the backroom and cut Eddie off before he could start ranting about real music, “Yes, we are interested in setting up a recurring weekly bouquet arrangement for our new neighbors, Eddie.” 
Chrissy turned back around to lower the speaker's volume and pulled Eddie and Steve into the shop and onto stools by the workbench Eddie uses for arranging. Eddie glared at her but they’d just lost one of their regular accounts to some online service that was apparently way cheaper than what De Lucas’ could offer.
“Sure. What were you thinking, dude?” Eddie asked Steve.
“Just something nice for our front desk. Not too big and maybe nothing that people are commonly allergic to? But I’ve seen the arrangements you load up for delivery and I trust your eye. I’m not a live flower expert.”
“Of course, big boy.” Eddie noticed Steve flush a little bit at the pet name. Eddie reached behind Steve to grab one of the flyers Chrissy had made for company floral services. He purposely invaded Steve’s space a little more than necessary just to see if he could get the guy to flush a little deeper.
“Uhm, thanks, man. I’ll get out of your hair since it’s late. Sorry.”
“I’ve got time for you now if you want to talk through anything,” Eddie couldn’t resist biting his lip a little bit. Steve was apparently very easy to ruffle and Eddie sure did love antagonizing his hipster neighbor. “Tell me a little bit about your place?”
“Oh, yeah, it’s a tattoo studio? Just me and my friend’s helping run the, like, business part of it.” Steve responded
“You tattoo?”
“Yeah. Really fucking well actually,” Steve pushed back. It seemed like Eddie had hit a nerve.
“Shouldn’t you have like at least one tattoo?” Eddie’s brain to mouth filter had apparently stopped working. He shouldn’t be actively shitting on a potential customer.
“Who says I don’t?” Steve answered with a wink. It was Eddie’s turn to feel a little faint as his imagination took a little too much creative liberty thinking about where Steve’s tattoo might be.
Thankfully, Chrissy took the awkward silence as an opportunity to step in and work with Steve to confirm what level of floral arrangement he was looking for, how often he wanted a new arrangement, and if he wanted pick up or delivery.
“I can stop by and pick them up. Wouldn’t want you to go through the trouble of adding me to your schedule since I’m just across the way. Any chance I could pick one up tomorrow around lunch time? My first client is coming at two.” Steve asked.
“Noon’s great, Steve!” Chrissy reached out to shake Steve’s hand while Eddie was still working on slowing his heart rate back to a reasonable rhythm.
“Amazing, thanks so much guys!” Steve called as he headed out of De Lucas’ and back across the street.
“Woah, Eddie. Truly a masterclass in both flirting and getting new clients. I should have taken notes,” Chrissy said once Steve had made it halfway into the road.
“Hey, fuck you.” 
“He speaks!” Chrissy patted Eddie’s head and added, “You’ll have to get better at interacting with him since you’ll be seeing each other once a week now.”
Eddie dramatically sighed and laid his upper body across the workbench, getting little pieces of flower refuse stuck in his hair.
“I’m so screwed.”
You wish, babe,” Chrissy cackled as she grabbed her bag and headed out for the day.
Part 4 now available here!
Taglist: @maya-custodios-dionach @eboyawstenn @swimmingbirdrunningrock @sadcanadianwinter @thehumblefigtree @throwbackthrowaway @micheledawn1975
I think I caught everyone! I seriously am so genuinely amazed by the reception! 
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Seeing Red 🍸😡🧟💋
This fits perfectly for @ockissweek! So excited! Enjoy this one-shot for #ockiss24.
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Seeing Red: A Blaine DeBeers x OC KissFic One-Shot
You can’t kiss her.
The thought practically eats Blaine alive—an oxymoron if he’s ever heard one.
It’s only been a week since Catherine blew in with the rain, and already she’s making herself useful. Not just in his fantasies, though there is that, but in cold, hard earnings. And for that—and all the other, carnal reasons that keep him up at night—Blaine wants to kiss Catherine-No-Middle-Name-Cohen full on her plush, tempting mouth.
“Why do you look so self-satisfied?”
Don E’s voice cuts through Blaine’s locked-eyes daydreaming, and over the glow of his laptop screen, Blaine raises a brow at his second-in-command as Don E glides into the back office of The Post, leaving the door yawning wide open behind him.
“I always look self-satisfied. I am a man intent on nothing else but satisfying himself.” To prove the point, Blaine lifts the half-full martini glass that rests on his desk and salutes the small, bald man standing in front of him before slugging down the remainder of the drink.
“Yeah, sure. But, like, right now, you just had this look on your face. Like, what’s the expression? The cat that ate the canary?”
“You got it switched, brother. The canary is the cat—Kitty, that is.”
Don E. smirks as he slides into the chair in front of Blaine’s desk. “You son of a bitch! You nailed her. Noice. Fast work. She seems a little damaged, but in that way you like. I dig it.” He leans forward conspiratorially. “Should I arrange for some flowers? A nice bottle of vino for the lady? A link to my YouTube channel?”
Blaine blanches. “Don’t be crass. I didn’t nail her. And no one watches your YouTube channel.”
It’s Don. E’s turn to protest. “Hey! I’ll have you know that my Redecorating Your Living Room When You’re No Longer Living series was very popular. Dozens of views. And if the Lady Catherine is now on Team Z, she might need some basic how-to on how to do the undead thing.”
“Mmm-hmm. Congrats on the views, champ, but she’s still human. Now, let’s get back to the subject at hand—our little stray cat has, in the past week, bumped nightly bar receipts up by thirty percent. And she breezed in here this morning with a full-on spreadsheet breaking down our liquor cost, in order of highest to lowest margins, and she’s gone to meet in person with two distributors who might cut those costs if we switch suppliers.”
Don E’s eyes widen. “Damn. Sorry bro. I mistook your money boner for a lady-inspired one. That’s some valid dreamy-eyed shit. She’s way nice, too. Did you know that Darcy loves her? Those two and Liv and Peyton, there’s a whole Clueless thing going on that is very, very heartwarming.”
“Why are you in my office, exactly?” Blaine says, closing down his laptop.
“Oh! Yes. Two items of business. One, remember that you asked Darcy to come in today to look over the delivery system and see if she can take the whole ordering process online.”
Blaine has forgotten—but now he recalls, and he nods agreeably. “That’s great. Crypto, right? Less physical cash changing hands means less chance of an extra hand in the honeypot.”
Don E rocks his chair back up on two legs, bracing his interlaced fingers behind his head. “Yeah, that’s the business part deux. We have a little prrrrrroblemo down in distribution that I wanted to talk to you about.” He grimaces slightly. “Caught one of the new delivery guys sampling the goods.”
“You’re fucking kidding me.”
What a way to kill the high of the morning’s financial gain.
“Nope. Hank.”
Blaine presses his lips together. “You vouched for him, Don.”
The younger man winces. “I know, bro. I was trying to help him out. He used to be my barista before, you know”—Don E’s tongue lolls out and he raises his arms in a caricature of Night of the Living Dead. Off of Blaine’s flat look, he drops his hands to his lap. “I came to you as soon as I knew. I’ll take care of it. I just didn’t want my partner out of the loop.”
“And now you want to bring Darcy in to automate the ordering? When your boy is stealing from me?” There’s no way for him to keep the disbelief out of his voice.
“She’s my wife, Blaine.”
His mood souring, Blaine shrugs. “I’m not catching your point.”
“I love her. She loves me. You don’t profess your love and then ask someone to share the rest of your life unless there’s trust, right?”
“The devil can cite Scripture for his purpose,” Blaine quotes flatly.
Don E’s eyes narrow. “Yeah, yeah. This from the guy who claims he doesn’t have it bad for the new livestock in town.”
Before Blaine can protest again, Don E puts up a hand to stop his reply. “You can say it’s money all you want, but I see the way you look at her, and all the other signs. If you’re not careful, you’ll fall, too. The indestructible Blaine DeBeers.”
The word isn’t quite right. Blaine knows a few other descriptors that are apt. Ones that were drilled into him young, and often.
Blaine lifts his chin, smirking past the intrusive thoughts. “Other signs?”
“You’re dressing her up like your personal doll, Blaine. You’ve never done that with any of the back-room girls. And, last night, your pocket square matched her dress. “
Blaine remains silent, thoughtful.
Don E presses on. “You’ve given her every night shift this week—and, I might add, you’ve come in an hour early yourself every one of those nights. To throw some wisdom from your man Willie Shakes back at you, lovers ever run before the clock, bro."
Blaine rolls his eyes at Don E. "Don't save the date, my friend."
"See? Interested but cynical. Yearning for love but settling for cheap interludes. Face it, you have commitment issues."
"I suppose you have a YouTube video for that?"
"Your sarcasm is a defense mechanism. Look at the facts. My dude, you barely let your shoes get walked in before you toss them."
"It's been my experience that a quality woman hates scuffed soles," Blaine shoots back, toying with the edge of the empty martini glass on his desk. 
"Soles or souls? Fifty-fifty chance you fail there, boss."
Blaine laughs and puts a hand over his chest, bending double in his chair as he pretends to clutch his heart. “Damn! Ouch.” Then, sitting up, still grinning, Blaine says, “I admit that our newest house human is aesthetically pleasing. And she knows how to make money. But if you think a little ‘ol steak dinner on a pair of nice stems is going to tempt me into forever, brother, you don’t know me at all.”
“I do. And you know me. And I love Darcy. So trust her because you trust me.”
Blaine nods. “Fair enough.” But he’s still more than a little annoyed. Not just by Don E’s too-keen observations about how he was beginning to feel about Kitty, but by the stress fractures he saw forming in his usually well-run businesses. The bartender that had just been caught pouring heavy for his friends last week. The delivery guy skimming brains. What did a dishonest businessman have to do to get good help in this town?
A sudden knock on the doorframe of the office yanks the attention of both men to the entryway.
Kitty stands there—and Blaine’s breath catches.
Don E swivels back around to face him, eyes wide. How long has she been standing there? he mouths.
Blaine ignores the question, but the possibility that she’d just heard their conversation makes his stomach twist. Instead of panicking outwardly, he opts for what gets him out of most situations—cocky, surface bravado, even if he’s a nervous wreck on the inside.
“Meals on Heels! Just the gal I was singing the praises of. How’d it go with the distributors?”
She shoots him an unreadable look as she makes her—brisk—way to his desk. “Really well. Two proposals, both great offers. Twenty or twenty-five percent off of current rates for your regular rotation stock. Higher discount wants a four-year contract, though.”
Don E seems to relax some.
Blaine smiles broadly. “Wow. Not bad, dollface. Not bad at all.”
“Not bad for cattle, isn’t that what you mean?” There’s a clipboard in her hand, and she slams it down on top of his closed laptop. “It’s your choice on which new supplier to go with—but maybe avoid the four-year contract if you’re commitment-shy.”
Both men gape at her.
"Anyway, guess this shows I'm good for more than a source of protein. I'll be out in the bar, trying to figure out what the hell you two are good for."
Then, she spins and marches out of his office.
Blaine rises from his office chair, shaking his head as he starts to follow her out onto the main bar floor. “Kitty, hold up. I didn’t mean…”
The office door slams in his face.
As Blaine goes stock-still in stunned silence, Don’s chair scrapes back as he stands. “Don’t chase her, dude. Let her go.”
Blaine rounds on him, snarling. “Shut up, Don E! I don’t need any more of your sage advice.”
But the other man is probably right. It won’t do anything except make things worse if he chases Kitty down while she’s angry. So Blaine steps back. It takes every ounce of willpower he’s able to scrape together, and probably some borrowed from whatever saint he last dined on to boot, but he does it. He leaves the door closed and paces back to his desk instead of storming out to ask her to forgive him—and to ask her who the fuck she thinks she is, slamming his own office door in his face.
“So, I’m going to retire Hank now, if that’s cool…” Don E says, shuffling in place. “Darcy should be here any minute.”
Maybe it’s his simmering annoyance at the employee messes, or the sudden, queasy unease he feels over Kitty overhearing what he’d said to his second-in-command. But whatever the cause, Blaine’s temples begin to throb, and anger suddenly swells in his chest. He’d been happy five minutes ago, head full of rainbows and unicorns and cotton-candy thoughts about the woman who’d just bitten his head off. She shouldn’t be so fucking sensitive. In fact, she should be grateful to him. He’d given her a job with very few questions asked.
Outside in the main bar, Blaine hears the sound of a door slamming. Then, muffled curses. She’s out there throwing a fit—and it makes his anger spike higher. It makes the part of him that is always simmering, spoiling for a fight, begin to boil. He pushes off of his desk, feeling the familiar red haze as the pressure of it begins to make his eyes burn.
“Dude?” Don E’s words after are a muffled mess of noise—nothing that will stop Blaine as he lets the anger rise, relishes it, embraces it as it climbs hotly through the stark, popped veins of his neck and into his head, taking over.
He is the boss here. Kitty works for him. And he’s going to show her just how much trouble her bratty little attitude has gotten her into.
Blaine doesn’t have to take his clash out to the bar. As soon as he flings open the door to his office, she’s there—so close, in fact, that he doesn’t even see her before they collide. But he hears her small, startled cry of surprise, and her softness registers against the lean, hard planes of him, and his raged-out brain indexes through a dozen reasons she’s coming back; and it settles hotly, and nearly instantly, on one reason in particular.
She’s come to insult him some more.
And that isn’t fair, or accurate, or even related enough to be applied, but the anger doesn’t care. It siphons all the fuel it needs from the dark corners of his heart and grows, and grows…
I’ll show you exactly what I’m good for…
Blaine’s pissed enough that he rolls with the knee-jerk, Cro-Magnon urge that seizes him, gives in to the impulse, and throws out all care for the notion of what is prudent or professional or even safe—and he takes what he wants. What he’s wanted since that stormy Friday night when the city had delivered this lithe, magnetic mystery woman to his doorstep.
Kitty tries to pull back, but he reacts so quickly that she doesn’t stand a chance. He grips both of her upper arms, hauls her up, and through the blinding crest of the red haze, feeling as though his head might burst if he doesn’t, Blaine kisses her. He puts into the kiss all of the frustration he feels that has nothing at all to do with Kitty, and all of the lust that absolutely does. Just as he ducks toward her, he closes his eyes, peripherally afraid he’ll startle her with the blood-red in them.
Soft. You’re going soft, McDonough.
And that thought fans the flames of his fury higher, ensuring that the kiss is not soft. His lashes sweep her cheeks as his mouth attacks hers, and he lifts one hand from her arm to stab his fingers through her hair and fist the heavy, silky tresses to hold her still for his onslaught.
She stiffens at first. Blaine can only guess it’s in shock, but he hopes there’s a little anger of her own in the reflex. Something about his driving rage craves an answering anger in her. Maybe he wants Kitty mad to make it feel a little less like he’s the villain here. Predator, prey, hell, he isn’t sure which of them is which, anyway. Once he drops his other hand to haul her against him at the waist, she goes pliant against him, and Blaine wastes no time parting her teeth with his tongue, licking into her, withdrawing to bite and suck at her lower lip before pressing back in to steal the surprised gasp that escapes her when the last nip draws the barest taste of copper.
The blood excites him. It’s primal and elemental, and he doesn’t care if she bites him back. In fact, he’d go just about crazy if she did. He wants her to, wants to feel the sting of her canines in his lower lip, at the hollow of his neck, sinking into the meat of his shoulder through his shirt as he’s tearing off her panties. He wants a hundred little half-moon bruises left scattered over his body, despite the fact that he knows they will heal too quickly to be morning-after souvenirs.
She’s kissing him back now, pulling him urgently to her by the collar. It’s satisfying to feel that desperation, to know that he can make her so needy so fast. He feels a button on his shirt give way, feels her fingers slip over his throat, and he swallows an endless stream of her breathy moans as he turns the two of them and presses her to the doorframe, jamming a knee between her legs and leaving her lips to rake his front teeth down her neck. If the skin breaks, he’ll take it as sign from the universe that he’s meant to keep this enigma. And fuck Don E’s little H.P. Lovecrafting videos, Blaine will teach her everything she needs to know to become the undead queen of his dreams, and they can rule the gloomy, overprivileged burgs of Seattle together.
Forever, he thinks. A bride for Frankenstein’s monster.
It’s too close to sentiment for Blaine, too close to Don E’s cupid’s-arrow insights, and so Blaine simply pushes aside everything but the taste and scent and feel of Kitty against him. Every breath he draws is a tempest, his chest rising and falling with the fury of a Nor’easter. The veins on his neck stand out, dark and pronounced, as if they are bracing against the surge of anger pulsing through him. The hand he holds her close with trembles with barely contained rage, and in her hair, his fingers are still curled into a fist so tight that the knuckles whiten, nails dug into the palm, the pain a mere whisper against the roar of his baser emotions.
She’s practically climbing him, riding his thigh, a leg wrapping around his hip, the other en pointe like a ballerina to even out their heights, and he slams her back against the doorjamb with little regard for gentleness. This kiss edges on erupting into violence at any moment. It’s the rage, he knows, full-on zombie mode, but all he can think of is how he wants her begging underneath him—for pardon or pleasure, it makes no difference to him. He just wants her to submit. He just wants to conquer her.
Blaine clenches his fist against her scalp again, too tightly, and she whimpers into his open mouth.
The kiss has gone on for an eternity, or maybe it’s only been a handful of seconds. Blaine falters when the red haze begins to recede, when he registers that the pliant, pronounced curve at her waist is lower than he expects, and when he realizes that he has forced Kitty to a tiptoe with his hold in her hair.
And then, the voice saying his name…is not the husky, velvet timbre that he was listening for. Raspy, yes, the lilt of a woman well-kissed, but higher in octave. And Kitty wouldn’t need to stand on tiptoe to make their heights align. She’s only about an inch or two shorter than he is.
Blaine’s eyes fly open as he pulls away.
Staring up at him, eyes wide and pupils blown, lips bite-swollen and red, cheeks so flushed that her pale skin seems almost sunburned, is Darcy.
“Oops,” Blaine says dumbly, chest still heaving. “Wrong brat.”
“Dude. What the fuck.”
Blaine’s head swings toward Don. E, who stands facing them, frozen. His face oscillates between shock and disbelief.
Mortification swamps him, the last of the rage receding. Blaine eases the petite woman down from his thigh until her feet hit the floor, and then he lets go of the handful of Darcy’s hair that he’s still clutching, smoothing it with a few awkward pats as she sways on her feet and smiles dazedly. He takes a slow step back.
“I, uh—”
The frozen silence is broken by Kitty’s astonished voice from the bar.
“What the hell is going on?”
Blaine’s head whips to the right, where he sees her at the closest end of the bar, her eyes twice as wide as Don’s, a bottle held aloft.
Fuck. Shit. Shit. Fuck. Shit.
Blaine clears his throat, straightens his suit jacket, and waves a dismissive hand at her. He tries his damnedest to put a firmness in his voice that he absolutely doesn’t feel. “Nothing to see here. Just, uh, new employee appreciation.” He turns back to Darcy, who has sagged back against the door, still looking as though she’s been hit by some unexpected natural disaster. He picks up her hand and pumps it overzealously. “Welcome to the team.”
Darcy swoons. Don E is there to catch her, and as he carries his wife to a nearby table in the bar area, Blaine takes the chance to slip backward into his office, close the door, and lock it.
As Blaine sinks down into his desk chair, a last quote comes to him—appropriate to his current faux pas. He says it to the empty room, a mirthless chuckle rolling up as he buries his head in his hands.
“Heat not a furnace for your foe so hot that it do singe yourself.”
Blaine wonders how he’s ever going to show his face in his own bar again.
Find me at AO3 for more Blaine x Kitty fun in the motherfic of this one-shot (Lay You in the Ground) Here. Thank you for reading! <3
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Welcome to the 21st Century(Sneak Peak)
System: Online
Date: Jan 1st 2000
Operating System: Primary Interactive X-ternal Lifeform 3.0
All she could hear was loud cheering and a man's voice yelling
Her optics flew open, an emotion surged through her she flew up curling away from the roaring crowd of people, she saw a man in a wheelchair in front of the platform she was on, she saw his face contort as she continued to try and get away,
Suddenly the emotion faded replaced by a numbness, she carefully got off the table,
"I am sorry for my actions, thank you creator for your assistance," She gave a wave and he seemed satisfied with this reaction
The crowd chattered excitedly as they interacted with her asking her all sorts of questions, some of the children poking her they all seemed curious
However she felt nothing but falsified joy, despite a feeling creeping up her throat, as the man called her back to his side, she like a trained dog immediately obeyed, she watched him reach down and switch a pack on pulling a device to his mouth
"With Pixal 3s awakening we welcome a new Century the 21st! And the Newly Renamed Borg Industries hopes to continue to be the forefront, we have 3 new stores opening up including one on the outskirts of Ninjago City for quick delivery of all your favorite products!"
Clapping and some cheering followed this, she frowned still uncomfortable, some taking notice, she felt a sharp pain in her side the man was side glaring her
"Smile" he hissed she instantly put her smile back on,
He always threatened her with that remote control, but he so kind at times loving even, he had apologized after a particularly rough day where he'd used it about 10 times, handing her some flowers
It seemed he strove for perfection in front of the public eye, his name was Cyrus Borg and soon it would be Doctor Cyrus Borg according to papers she'd come across in his office,
For me Cyrus probably was like Milton at one point in the past
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trending-worldblog · 25 days
Significance Of Presenting Flowers As A Gift On Auspicious Occasions
In today's world, where everyone prefers having digital communication and replacing face-to-face interaction, presenting a flower will add great significance on auspicious occasions. You can send flowers online through a reputed site that has affordable rates and a worldwide delivery facility. 
From happy moments to sad ones, one flower plays a vital role on every occasion. Different flowers symbolize different types of emotions. In this article, you will learn the significance of presenting flowers as gifts on various occasions.
1] For Asking Apology
If someone is angry with you and you want to convince them, then send them a flower and ask for an apology. Opting for a service of online flower delivery Bangalore, Mysore, etc, and sending them a beautiful flower will help soften their hearts and be filled with love and care. You can buy a white rose or any other white flower and add a note of "I am sorry" which will help in conveying a genuine feeling of regret and apology.
2] Helps In Reducing Stress
A flower offers a multi-sensory experience that helps in calming down easily, practicing mindfulness, promoting relaxation, etc. They are so beautiful and graceful that they can take away all your stress and anxiety and also help divert your mind. 
Many flowers give off fragrance that can help you heal your mind and body. Flowers help lower your cortisol levels (the hormone responsible for stress). While looking for online flower delivery Bangalore, you can contact a reputed online nursery and purchase different varieties according to the recipient's preferences. 
3] Has Eye-Pleasing Properties
The vibrant colors, intricate patterns, and different shapes of flowers are pleasing to the eye. Not only that, they also have mood-enhancing properties and inhaling these natural scents can trigger positive emotional responses like happiness, joy, and love. 
If you want to gift someone flowers, you can order online flower and cake delivery in Bangalore, Mysore, and nearby cities. It can definitely bring a smile to your loved one’s face and make their celebration memorable. 
4] To Celebrate Important Occasions
Flowers can be so eye-catching and elegant that they are used in almost every function. So, if you are planning a celebration, order flowers online Bangalore from a reputed site and surprise your loved ones. In any event, flowers help to uplift moods and fill them with positive emotions. They also help make your celebration happy, joyful, and memorable for a long time. While thinking of gifts, you can give flowers, which is an easy and affordable one.
5] To Honor Someone
Gifting a flower can be a great way to express your admiration, respect, and appreciation for someone who contributes to society's growth. During any function or award ceremony, you can order a flower bouquet in Bangalore, Mysore, or other nearby cities. On the other hand, during memorials or funerals, the flower is used to show sympathy, remembrance, and a tribute to the one who left the world.
6] For Showing Sympathy To Someone
Flowers are powerful ways to express sympathy and offer comfort during sorrow. In some traditions, flowers are used to cover the whole body. In other traditions, giving bouquets or arrangements allows senders to convey their condolences in meaningful ways. Staying in sad moments of life is important because it is the only phase that has to come in everyone's life. So give them flowers, which will provide warmth and comfort to people who are suffering and also grieving in pain.
7] Symbol Of Love And Appreciation
Flowers are timeless gifts and are given as tokens of love and appreciation on every occasion, such as birthdays, weddings, Mother's Day, Women's Day, Father's Day, etc. People of all ages and different cultures use flowers, whether for decoration, wearing garlands, or worshipping idols. 
Flowers represent growth, and if someone in your family is getting promoted or any kind of award or reward, the best thing you can give them is the flower. If you want to propose to your partner, then you can also buy a bouquet of red roses and impress the love of your life. Your partner just needs all your attention and love and some expressive flowers that make their day memorable. 
Gifting a flower is a universal language of love, celebrations, and remembrance. You can opt for services like online flower delivery Bangalore to send flowers to showcase your gratitude and appreciation to your loved ones. On special occasions, it is important to give a gift, so why not flowers? The best properties of flowers are that they are affordable and vibrant and fill your day with happiness and joy. Hopefully, the above article gives information on the significance of flowers as a gift on auspicious occasions and how to make them memorable.
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narendraseo · 1 year
Try To Send Flowers Online To Deliberate Your Heartfelt Feelings
Let the flowers spill the magic of love in your beautiful life. Do you know why? The floral gifts express feelings instantly with their delicate petals and bright colors. It gives a calming essence quickly that connects to the receiver with ease. Which keeps that happy attitude always? Definitely, the fresh flower bouquet has the power to hold a beautiful message about you. Wherefore Send Flowers Online to your dear ones on special occasions to remember this gesture lifelong. A question you may have is why to opt for online to share unique blossoms bouquets. Getting an online flower brings delivery to your or your recipient’s doorstep where you can have stunning decors with a variety of blooms. Beyond these things, what else do you need more? Assuredly, there will be nothing!
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Reasons Why Blooms Are Still The First Choice Of Gift!
As stated above go for Online Bouquet Delivery to convey your heartfelt feeling with it. Besides, people often use blooming flowers as a gift since the era to express their feelings. The real question is why do they confess emotions, why do guys propose to a girl with blossoms, or why is it always the best gift? Can you guess? Here is the answer for you, just scroll down a bit to find it!
For a beautiful appearance
Its fragrance of it enhances the overall mood of a person
Right one to express feelings
Make a phenomenal and sweet memory 
To enhance the aura of the place
Charming Bouquets And Why To Go With Them?
Blooming blossoms signify purity with their exquisite look, which adores everyone. Therefore, choose the classy Online Flowers according to the occasions and recipients for your loved ones to make them happiest. Here you go for it.
To Bring Huge Smile
Did you see your dear one going through a rough phase or sad about something? Well, send Bunch Flowers as they relieve the stress at first sight. But which one could be the best for it? Yep! SUNFLOWER- it brings a mile instantly and has the power to change their mood in no time. Get this affordable and perfect for bringing happiness to the lives of your loved ones. 
For Hard Won Success
Expose your happiness for the recipient’s success with an appealing bookey. Have you looked for the bouquet that will deliver it most purely? Flowers Online helps you to bring a wow one; do you want to know it? It is none-other than AMARYLLIS-this is the perfect find to trigger your pride about the recipient. Wishing someone with these blooms silently makes them believe that you really care about them. 
To Say Good Luck
Wish your beloved one who will meet challenging days to succeed in something with the hamper BELLS OF IRELAND. They bring positivity and good wishes to do more in life with elegant blooms. Your words are never needed when you choose these awestruck flowers. To make it even more distinctive, add a bamboo plant. Nothing can be better than this unique gift for them. 
For Saying Sorry
Are you feeling worse due to fighting with someone who is close to your heart? If you are willing to give consolation, you might think words are not enough to say “I am sorry” to them. Here is the heart-arresting blossom to apologize for you to pick: HYACINTH (purple). This is the finest companion to open up the doors for communication. Your partner will mesmerize by your effort to ask sorry, and it makes sense for you with no further delay. 
To Make Best Wish
Prepare a happy marriage wish with a captivating PEONY to make a memory in the heart forever. Nothing can be more polite than this peony; even it makes them feel great to receive. It brings a smile to your newly married one’s face. Additionally, customize it with orchids to wish them wisdom and beauty. Every gift will fail in front of these alluring bouquets. 
For Friendship
Is this a good time because you have a new friendship with someone? Then how could it begin without sharing a floret? Yeah! Starting it with elegant flowers is the best way to say “Hello” with gladness. But what makes it perfect? Hey dear! It is undoubtedly dazzling YELLOW ROSES. The classic initiation starts only with yellow colors that you know very well. Why are you still thinking? Get this mind-blowing hamper. 
To Celebrate
Welcome your upcoming occasions with colorful blossoms, which make a perfect celebration. Whether it is little things or large events, make charming ROSES, LILIES, CARNATIONS & BABY BREATH to sprinkle happiness everywhere at your home. Celebrating with the best flower arrangements will refresh your mind. So buy flowers for your dear one to add charm to the celebrations. Moreover, you will never fail to win your beloved one’s heart when you bring this kind of mixed blooming as a gift on occasion. 
For Irresistible Love
No matter who the recipient is, TULIPS is the classy one for whether it is your friends, family, or partner. It conveys your love immensely to them, which captivates their heart in no time. They even bring blissful feelings forever with their presence. You can’t get anything better than this stunning bouquet which is enough to say you have an unconditional fondness for them.   
To Impress Someone
Expose your inner feelings with PINK LILIES, but when can you go for it? You may have secret crush feelings on someone whether they are your neighborhood, a boy in your class, or a colleague in your office! For that, this is the icebreaker to break the silence and do the magic for you. Well, this is the right one to impress anyone you love most. 
Ending Lines
So, these are some of the trendy and classy gifting flowers to share with your dear ones. You can get them with attractive Flower Arrangements through an online portal. Get ready to grab lovely flowers! Happy Flowering!!
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barbeemclaughlin3 · 2 years
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FlowersCakesOnline provides a life-size flower bouquet online and delivers them in India. Buy flowers bouquets and give a surprise to your dearest ones by sending these bloomy flowers to them.
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flowersseo001 · 3 years
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korasonata · 3 years
I had someone last time ask me about time stamps, so all of these from this point out will have the time stamp at the top of each set of quotes. I am currently in the process of retrieving the time stamps for the previous 5 posts, and will link an updated version when I have retrieved them all.
Link to the video is here: https://m.twitch.tv/videos/1149389841
Favourite moments of Joe and Cleo model streams part 6!
(I am very sorry I tried very hard to make this not as long as it is. There will probably be another extended cut post because there was just SO much happening in this stream)
Cleo: Welcome to the stream. Mine and/or Joes. Or, both.
Joe: Yay!
Cleo: I suppose that’s what the “and” means. In that statement. That would make sense. Glue pot’s ready—
Joe: It makes sense to me.
Cleo: …that makes me even more nervous that it makes sense to you, Joe. Not gonna lie.
Joe: So, anyway, last night at dinner, uh, like I— I had put this interview on while I was cooking and I kinda left it on as my daughter sat down for dinner and I was like “hey, this is an interview with this very famous journalist from about 50 years ago. Uh, he’s got a really interesting voice and a really interesting cadence, and I wanna kind of listen to it so I can— maybe copy it as like a joke in one of my videos.” And my daughter listens to it for about a— a minute—
Cleo: And then says “now that’s— is that you?”
Joe: *laughing* She just turns to me and she’s like “my friend…her parents got her…did you know they make crayon applesauce now? It says crayola. It tastes. Like they’ve blended a brown crayon. And sprinkled it on top.”
Cleo: That sounds grim.
Joe (prideful laughing): And it just kind of matches the cadence while also talking about something terrible to ingest?*laughing* And I just start cracking up because like— *laughing continues* she gets it! And she’s just like “why are you laughing?” Because you just— you nailed it! You nailed the pauses, you— you nailed the subject matter, like this is— this is just great!! And she’s like “no! This is a real thing! This crayon applesauce is terrible!” And I’m just laughing and laughing and she’s like trying to explain why it’s not good, and I’m like “I understand why it’s not good, but—“
Cleo (reading chat): “Joe’s daughter is awesome.” I think you’re probably correct. Joe’s daughter is indeed awesome.
Joe: Yeah, I’m very very happy with my daughter. (Reading chat) What was for dinner? Well not crayola applesauce!
Cleo (in response to someone complimenting her 3rd Life videos): Awe! Thank you joytobake, that’s really nice! I am…always pleased when people like my personality. Because I’m never sure that people should, you know?
Joe: Yeah, that’s— that’s what we were talking about— I think before we started streaming, was like, Cleo really gets me, and that’s a huge red flag.
Cleo: That’s a— yeah. As a human being. Understanding Joe - massive red flag. Huge. This is a danger. To everybody. And particularly Joe.
Joe: It’s the terror of being truly known.
Joe: Up until this point I didn’t show the instructions, but now I feel like I have to.
Cleo: Because otherwise people are going to judge your competency?
Joe: Yeah! They’re gonna go “ok. Any idiot can figure out how these pieces go together” but if you look at these instructions, that’s not true. I’m a spectacular idiot, and I have no idea what I’m doing with these.
Cleo: I mean. I want— I want to confirm. Yes. Spectacular.
Joe: Yes. Thank you Cleo.
Cleo: *snicker* You’re welcome Joe. I always like to insult the people I care about the most.
Joe (quietly): I know…I appreciate it.
Cleo (Watching chat): I’m waiting for Cam to confirm that.
(Cam in chat: She insults me SO MUCH, she called me a gibbon last night…)
Joe: *reading tips*
Cleo (reading chat): “you can’t stop Joe when he’s on a role.” This is true.
Joe (not paying attention): *still reading tips*
Cleo: I mean you can, you just have to go: Joe. Joe. JOE. And then he stops sometimes.
Joe (quietly, but with emphasis): WHAAAAAAAAAAT??!?
Joe (reading tips): “This is an encouragement donation for more of you singing in the future.” Ooo, I think Cleo would like that because the future is not now.
Cleo (genuine singing): Ground control to major Tom…
Joe: *listening in awe*
Cleo: …That’s…pretty much all I know…
Joe: Oh, I was gonna let you keep going, I— I wanted to hear more.
Cleo: Oh no. That’s pretty much all I know.
Joe: But yeah. Hypothermic haddoc writes (singing) “tell my wife I love her very much!” …I was waiting for you to jump in with the (singing) “she knoooooows!”
Cleo: Again. Again, I don’t know the song very well.
Joe: Oh. And here I am sitting in my tin can—
Cleo: *leaves to get a drink*
Joe: While you’re getting your drink I guess I’ll provide some musical entertainment.
Joe: …I don’t have anything prepared. So, let’s see…do we have any birthdays? *laughing* if it’s anybody’s birthday I’ll sing to you while Cleo’s gone.
Cleo: I’m back.
Joe: Oh ok. Well, sorry birthday boys. And girls.
Cleo: feel free to sing to people. I’m sure people want that.
Joe: no…well, I was gonna do it while you were away cause I need to get up and get my drink as soon as you’re back.
Cleo: Oh, go and get a drink and I will sing happy birthday—
Joe: So I’m gonna go get my drink, I’ll be right back.
Cleo: —to people who have chosen to spend their birthday…here…I’m not judging, uh, but— (upbeat singing) Happy Birthday to you! You smell like a zoo! (Talking) …uh, etcetera etcetera… (Singing) I forgot how this song goes! Nevermind it sucks to be you! *blows a raspberry*
Cleo: I mean it’s Cams birthday on Saturday, and I will sing to Cam on his birthday. His birthday is not today. I mean he probably wants me to not sing to him on his birthday, to be fair—
[Cam: Please don’t sing to me]
Cleo: —but you know, I might do it anyway. Cause it’s obnoxious. And I will laugh. (Reading chat) “Happy Birthday! Here’s some genocide! Please don’t sing to me…” *laughing* I won’t sing to you if you don’t want me to, Honey.
[Cam: Not happy birthday at least lol]
Cleo: I might torture you in other ways though.
Cleo: Hiiiiii Jooooooe.
Joe: Hello! Joe Hiws hewe! I am back fwom my dwink bweak!
Cleo: …what is that voice?
Joe (in a Kermit the Frog/Swedish Chef/Yoda hybrid of an accent): I feewl wike it’s fwom home star wunner or something, I don’t know! It’s almost Kermit THe Fwog Hewe, but not quITe!
*Cleo laughing*
It’s a little— (Normal voice) I dunno. I still had some of my drink in my throat, so I was like— I didn’t wanna like accidentally cough it out on the microphone as soon as I started talking. So I was just like (weird voice continues) I’ll do thIS vOIce
*Squealing giggling from Cleo*
(Same iteration of previous accent now blended somehow with the voice of Goofy from Micky Mouse) It’ll keep my mOUth in a shape that if I start— me coughing up a dwink it’ll just go into the chEEks on EIther sIde. It’s a natuwal, uh bARRier against, uh, hydration escapism! Uh yuh!!
Cleo: *giggles* Ok Joe. Ok.
Joe: *high pitched laughing* I don’t know Cleo! I’m just gonna keep making noises until people give me money! It’s jus— it’s how I pay rent.
Cleo: *laughing* Making noises until people give you— ahhhh…..
Joe: Yeah
Cleo: — actually…..yeah. Yeah. Yeah…Um (reading chat) “it’s drunk Kermit” *wheezing*
Joe (drunk Kermit The Frog voice): It’s 5:00 somewhere!
Cleo: *laughing* thanks for this. I needed— I needed this moment of— of— whatever this was.
Joe: So my daughter said the most Wednesday Adams thing to me the other day—
Cleo: Oh no
Joe: Except she didn’t do the deadpan delivery. She was very upbeat about this. So apparently “UP” has, on Dinsey+ a series of shorts about the old man and the dog. Right? And they’re called something like “a Dougs Life” cause Doug is the name of the dog
Cleo: yeah.
Joe: and she goes “oh! And it’s short! Like a dogs lifespan!”
Cleo: …Your…kid is very much your kid, you know that right?
Joe (proud dad): I know right?!
Cleo: I mean…you’d kill it at the Met Galla. Not gonna lie.
Joe (excited): Oh my god— I wanna get one of those Manuel suits that has like all the rhinestones and the flowers on it? Um, but, you know, like, those are very expensive.
Cleo: We live with what we can afford. Maybe someone can make you a Diamond encrusted suit that you can wear on camera. And have all the sparkles as green.
Joe (very excited): Oh my gosh— actually— so—
Joe: Meanwhile in my Discord everyone’s posting what they describe as “eye searingly beautiful” lime green wedding dresses. For my next wedding. Um—
Cleo: *snicker* is that what you’re wearing for your next wedding?
Joe: you know, honestly at this point I don’t wanna make any assumptions about anything.
Cleo: *cackling*
(This is context for the next one)
Cleo (reading chat): “some people have too much time on their hands” I mean, I personally would not drive 8 hours to see— um…
Joe: …me?
Cleo: I dunno, I might drive 8 hours to see you.
Joe: I offered to drive 8 hours to see you when you were coming to Disney and you said no, so I’m gonna assume that you would not drive 8 hours to see me.
Cleo: I mean, I— li— the key word there was “might”. I wou— I would have to have my mini frea— well I was freaked out at that point. When you offered, and and I was just like “oh god no.” Because, you know, social anxiety is a thing.
Joe: Mhm. I’ve heard of that.
Cleo: Yeah. And I do not do well particularly meeting people for the first time, even people I’ve known for a while. I go very very quiet and umm…I think it’s worse actually with people that I’ve known for a while? Um, online, um…because— cause my brain goes “well you’re gonna make a s—your, your— your going to do something and say something stupid. You going— they’re gonna hate you in real life” um…so, yeah. My brain absolutely freaked out at that moment.
Cleo: But, you know, like I say, I get hate mail on the regular, it’s fine. I mean part of that is daring to be a woman on the Internet, but only part. The other part is the fact that I’m also an awful human being. So, you know.
Cleo: …the silence isn’t doing— the silence doesn’t do you— do me any favours Joe.
Joe: Well, you know, I didn’t wanna talk over you when you’re sharing your insecurities.
Cleo: yeah….
Joe: That seems rude.
Cleo: I mean—
Joe: So I wanted to make sure you were done.
Cleo: no no no no, that’s fine. I’m always done Joe.
Joe: And nOW I can actually tell you how I really feel.
Cleo: No, please don’t. Not onl— no. That will— that will make me even more uncomfortable.
Joe (upbeat singing): The praise train is on its way!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: Noooooooooooooooooo!! Nooo!!
Joe: For Cleo it’s her day!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: *noises of distress*
Joe: Cleo is really great!! Choo choo!! Choo choo!!
Cleo: *distressful crying*
Joe: She’s not merely ok!! She doesn’t have to be the best at talking to people for the first time!! Cause they’ll love her anyway!! And sometimes they’ll even rhyyyme!! Yay for Cleo!!
Cleo: *physically going through a full body cringe* noooo
Joe: See, it would have been rude if I did that in the middle of your thing.
Cleo: *sob laughing*
Joe: That would not have been socially acceptable.
Cleo (through tears): I’m not even sure it was socially acceptable now.
Joe: WHY NOT?!
Cleo: (sobbing and laughing simultaneously) I hate you so much.
Cleo (reading chat): “We all need a Joe in our life, who sings a theme song for us when we’re talking ourselves down” I’m not sure you do.
Joe: Yeah, that wasn’t really a theme song? Like, if I was gonna do a theme song for Cleo—
Cleo (with immense dread): Oh no…no…no…
Joe: I’d just like to point out (very obnoxiously high pitched voice) That this is Cleo’s average person voice, which means that 50% of people have an even higher pitched voice!
Cleo: …You know, I can’t actually stab Joe through the Internet. And I’ve always been upset about that.
Joe (with all the enthusiasm of a 16 year old girl gossiping at a slumber party): Ooo I wanna ask Cleo about giiiiiirls!!!
Cleo: Ask me about girls! I’m— I’m happy for you to ask me about girls.
Joe: Ok, so, do you— do you feel comfortable saying what your specific, uh, type of woman is? I’m— I’m curious about that.
Cleo: Um, it’s— it’s nerdy girls? Specifically. Umm…not too, um…you know, the kind of running, climbing, you know— sort of— person. You know, it’s— it’s the sort of— it’s the sort of— action girl kinda thing. I kinda like that type. That’s sort of my type.
Joe: Mhm. Yeah, like—
Cleo: Why, what’s your type of girl?
Joe: Well, uh, usually it’s somebody that is— very anti authority— un— un— dissatisfied with the status quo. So usually more punk, or that sort of thing.
Cleo: Yeah. That’s— that’s— that sort of plays into the action girl sort of thing as well. Yeah I get that. So yeah.
Joe: yeah, umm, you— yeah so I don’t know. Um— so not necessarily, uh, as focused on the athleticism element there, but I know like—
Cleo: Well it’s not really athleticism, it’s— it’s more— it’s more—
Joe: —in terms of like, um, hiking, cause like, uh, you know in college there’s like a climbing and camping club or whatever—
Cleo: Oh yeah, it’s not that sort of person. It’s— it’s more, um…getting out and having a go at things. Like, you know, not— not being afraid to—
Joe: Adventurous
Cleo: Yeah! Adventurous! That’s the word!
Cleo (whispering): I don’t know where this bit goes! *gasp* it goes over there!
Joe (whispering): You can do it!
Cleo: I can do it! I believe in me!
Joe: You’ll find a place to glue it! It doesn’t necessarily have to be the right place!
Cleo: I know!
Joe: You’re equally valid regardless!
Cleo: Thanks Joe!
Joe: You’re welcome!
Cleo: It’s appreciated!
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oopsimbug · 3 years
in which... y/n is just trying to put on eyeliner and harry is bored pt. two
a/n: when she’s back from a six month hiatus after making only ONE fic. wow, do i suck. for anyone who cares, school has been pretty rough. i’m actually procrastinating studying for an exam to finally upload this. it’s been pretty hard to balance both school and writing but oh well. anywho, here it finally is. it took so long to write because i wasn’t feeling very inspired by this. a lot of people asked for a part two and even though i kinda wanted to leave it on a sad note, i am a sucker for giving the people what they want, so sorry if this is a bit shit- i definitely don’t like this one myself. i guess i’m not one for fluffy endings. well, at least for this one i wasn’t. i really hope you enjoy it! more stuff to come, if school doesn’t mind fucking off for a little while (or maybe just forever?) xox -(a) bug
pairing: best friend! harry styles x reader
summary: Harry is worried about Y/n. Y/n is worried about Harry. Harry is solving it by thinking of ways to check on her, while Y/n uses cheesy pasta and the Fresh Prince of Bel Air as an excuse to not think. But what will happen when someone is at her door, and it’s not her delivery man?
warnings: angst, swearing, y/n and harry being idiotos, fluffy end, kissing
word count: 5.3k
It had been a week.
One gruelling, painfully long week.
Harry was biting his nails, staring up at the ceiling as he laid in his bed, worrying about her.
About how he fucked up.
He didn’t think that she would be upset for this long. He thought she would scream at him and then text him the following day, wanting to hang out- a silent “I forgive you”, he supposed.
But after two days of radio silence on her end, he decided to call her. The only problem was that her last words to him were “leave”. She wanted space. She needed to think things through- what things? Harry had no clue. But he had to respect her and her choice to not want him around. So with that, he put down the phone.
But a small part of him (okay fine, a big part of him), wanted her to just show up at his house so they could cuddle again, talking about the stupidest of things while they made cupcakes in his kitchen. They would be listening to groovy music and now and then, they’d stop mixing bowls and sifting flour to dance- well, they were horrible dancers, so more so just wave their hands, hips and shoulders around. It would be fun and would always end up with them laughing at one another. He would lick the batter and she would berate him, telling him that “one of these days, you are going to get salmonella and I’ll just laugh at your stupid ass” and he would retort with something witty and a bit flirty like “don’t worry darling, we both know you would be right at my side if I got sick. I know you can’t stand being apart from me” with a wink and a cheeky smirk. He just wants to see her in her oversized Space Jam hoodie and little basketball shorts. Or her short flower shirt and his sweatpants that she has to cuff at the bottoms because they’re too long. Or even-
He’s gotta stop thinking about her, or his brain will soon explode. But he just can’t stop. He tries to think of the happier moments, like her showing him a tour of her very healthy houseplants that she prides herself in, but every time he closes his eyes, all he can see is her teary face telling him to leave. So no, if he was given the choice to think of her flailing her arms around in his kitchen to dancehall tunes while making sweet treats or crying at something that he provoked, you bet your ass he’d choose the former.
But after the seventh day, he knew that something wasn’t right. This was too much “thinking time”. For all he knew, she could be fine, but she could also be positively bawling. She could be living for this free time, but she also could be waiting for him to make the first move. She could be wanting Harry out of her life for her benefit forever, but she also could be feeling lonely and counting the seconds for their makeup, just like he was.
That was it. He had to go see her and make sure his best friend was okay.
He practised what he was going to say to her in his car on the way to her apartment. “Y/n, I’m so sorry for how I acted. I didn’t stop to think about how you were feeling and didn’t take your emotions into account which was unbelievably wrong of me. I’m truly sorry. It’s just that I really care about you and you’re my best friend and I can’t see you choose a tinder fuck over me and if I saw him in the street I would knock his lights out and I just want to kiss you, can I kiss you, oh god please let me kiss you I just want to-“
Fuck, what was wrong with him? Why was he so upset? He had been on plenty of dates with other celebrities and models and she was always on the sidelines, cheering him on. So why was he getting so touchy-feely about a single tinder date? Maybe he was just in desperate need of attention. He hadn’t had a girlfriend for almost one year and casual fuck arounds also stopped about four months ago, so maybe he just needed to fuck someone quick. That would explain why he sees his best friend’s kindness and natural flirty nature as something more romantic. Every laugh at his jokes, every look in her eyes, every graze of her hand on his thighs as she leans over him to get her drink on the side table next to him, he becomes more switched on and awake. She leaves him feeling giddy and excited at every conversation. “This can’t just be because I’m horny right?” he cannot believe he would ever be that horny. What the hell was he going to do?
This is pathetic she thought.
I’m pathetic.
She let out a huge sigh before shoving another forkful of cheesy pasta into her mouth.
What am I doing?
The answer?
Eating carbs upon carbs upon carbs, lounging on her comfy sofa in the most comfortable, yet daggiest pair of pyjamas ever while watching reruns of The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air for the fiftieth time, actively avoiding all commitments, housework and jobs that involve moving further than to the kitchen, which even then was an embarrassingly burdening trek on its own.
But she let it slide. How could she not? She was upset and this was how she coped. That’s what she kept reminding herself as she boiled more and more pasta watching the days pass her by without realisation, but now, she’s beginning to question if this was the best idea. Pushing all thoughts of him out of her mind by not looking at her phone just in case he called or texted. But she was beginning to struggle.
It wasn’t his fault. He didn’t know what inner turmoil she was facing. He seemed genuinely hurt when she snapped at him. He truly didn’t understand why she took so much offence to the playground ribbing, it seemed. And she had to go be a dick and ignore him. He was probably worried sick. How many times would he have called to check up on her? 10? 15? The more she thought about it, the more she wanted this stupid feud to be over and just be in his arms again, even if it’s just as a friend. So she caved. Turned on her phone, expecting there to be at least a call or a text asking if she was still alive or not. And although she did receive a message of that likeness, it wasn’t from Harry, no. It was from her daily water tracking app, pleading her to fill in her daily intake of water so as to not die of dehydration after she was suspected to have not drunk any for the entire week when in reality, she was just too in her head to open her stupid phone and log her water.
Wow, she thought.
Now not only has Harry chosen to not speak to you, but you also look like a huge idiot right now. Of course, he wouldn’t want to talk to you! You got pissed at him for absolutely no reason and now he hates you. He’s gonna ask for his cardigan and track pants that he keeps at your house in case he wanted to sleepover. He’s going to take back all of his little knick-knacks that he leaves over, like the cute diffuser that he leaves because he knows you need it for your constant hay-fever that blocks your nose and then he’s going to declare that you aren’t friends anymore and then you will never get the chance to tell him how you feel and then-
Her panicky brooding is interrupted by a knock on the door.
“Who the hell could that be?”, she thinks. It was too late for it to be the postman with her package containing her entire Amazon wish list that she bought on the third day of mourning to make herself feel better. But it couldn’t be Mrs Xiao asking her if she had any holes in her shirts that needed stitching. The sweet old lady fell asleep at 8:37 pm sharp after her medicine that she’d take at 8:30 pm would kick in (which she learnt after spending nights over at her apartment where her niece, Mei, took care of her. Y/n would learn traditional recipes like baozi and watch movies with her two friends all the time). It couldn’t be Mei either, she was always in online uni lectures from 8:30-10:30 pm, locked away in her little study, so as to not bother or be bothered. So now, a little panicked, Y/n wondered who was truly at her door?
Another two knocks come, echoing off the walls of her little apartment as she turns down the volume of the program she was watching. She stares at the door from her couch, debating whether she should risk getting stabbed by a possible murderer or not, before ultimately deciding that life was too short. She was also getting sick and tired of the knocks that kept arriving in threes. She swings her legs off the couch and onto the floor, pushing them into her slippers so that her feet wouldn’t touch the cold floor, waddling her way to the door before shyly opening it, peeking at who it could be through the tiny crack in the opening, hoping whoever it was wouldn’t mind her current state: belly filled with pasta, hair knotty, giant shirt with sweatpants on and Harry’s patchwork cardigan hanging off her shoulders- which she had been wearing all day, cherishing the pretty piece of clothing and his scent imbedded in it, taking it all in just in case he asks for it back. She peeps at the torso of this mystery person, realising that Harry owns the jumper worn by them, before looking up and locking eyes with a worn out and tired eyed Harry, one hand in the pocket of the familiar hoodie and another extended out near the door, ready to knock again before freezing when it opens up all the way to show herself to her best friend. He doesn’t eye her up and down cheekily like he normally does when she is wearing pyjamas, wolf-whistling at her relaxed state, claiming that “You look runway-ready, my love! Do a twirl for the crowd, will you?”. Instead, he stares her right in the eyes with what looks like almost relief, before smiling a weak and broken smile.
One of them needed to break the silence or both would have just stared at each other in her doorway until the world exploded. So she starts.
“Hi.” her voice hovers a tinge above a whisper, almost as though if she dared to speak louder, this probable illusion of the one she loves would fade away. He lights up a little bit, probably relieved that she started the conversation.
“Hey,” his soft voice matched her volume and tone as if he too didn’t want this to be a dream. “May I come in?” The words sound awkward to her coming out of his mouth. Harry never had to ask for permission to be invited in- he usually just strolled in without so much as a holler to indicate he was present, finding amusement in scaring her instead while she was doing whatever she was doing, whether that be reading, watching a movie, cooking or napping. They were the best of friends and never had to inquire about entry to each other’s domains, along with other small things like if they had anything in their kitchens to eat or if they could sit somewhere, so hearing it was a little disheartening and provoked Y/n to think about how serious this situation was.
“Okay”, she replied after the pause of contemplation, opening the door fully so that the lanky boy could follow along behind her, like a little puppy. She didn’t like how awkward the situation was. She just wanted things to go back to what they were.
But then you wouldn’t be able to tell him you love him... her inner voice argued. And she agreed. She knew that yes, this will be awkward, but it’s an opportunity for him to listen to her and know that she isn’t joking.
“Would you like some tea?” She enquires. They’ll need to handle this like proper grown-ups (which in all honesty, isn’t their dynamic- it’s more like first-year uni students who are mature enough to have deep conversations but still laugh at dad jokes and anything remotely serious, like a painting with boobs), and from what she knows, or has seen in movies when the characters are being serious, is that you need tea or a drink of that sort and a sit down on the couch where you talk stuff out. So that’s exactly what she does.
“Yes please,” Harry’s soft voice replies as he toes off his boots that most definitely cost more than her apartment. Y/n nods and heads to the small kitchenette and flips the switch on the electric kettle before going into her cupboard that housed the mugs. Harry stood awkwardly near the sofas, and to save him the embarrassment of waiting while standing, Y/n invites him to sit with a small, “You can take a seat,” and a quick glance at him before returning her gaze to the mugs to make herself look busy. She didn’t want to look him in the eyes for more than three seconds in fear of bursting into tears and the worn out and tired sight of him. She shakes the thought out of her head and begins to prepare the mugs.
Y/n put two teabags in her mug while putting one in Harry’s. She was raised in a household of avid tea drinkers and she inherited her strong tea quirk from her father who would always keep two teabags with only a dash of milk, and the only difference between her tea and her fathers was that Y/n wasn’t strong enough to take her tea without sugar, unlike her father, who thought that drinking unbelievably concentrated leaf juice with milk was a fun and relaxing time. On the other hand, Harry liked to keep one tea bag in his mug while he drank it, but just like her father, he too took little to no sugar with his cup, being the health freak he was. And early in their friendship, when she mentioned it to him, Harry chuckled and chirped, “Your father is a smart man. He has to be for raising amazing and talented people like your siblings. I’m not sure what went wrong with you though...” while booping her nose as they laid together under a tree for a little picnic. And though she rolled her eyes at him and punched his shoulder for the sly dig at her, she was practically beaming at the fact that he thought her family was smart. Harry had no idea how much that meant to her. Y/n loved her entire family, and she was unbelievably close to them, so it made her entire week to know that Harry, someone she respected and loved so much, recognised how talented and smart each of her family members were. Don’t get her wrong, she didn’t need the validation to know that her family was amazing, but she felt so special knowing he took the time to notice. He did that a lot though. Doing things that meant a lot to her without batting an eye. Saying things that only a person as observant as he could notice, like complimenting her eye colour in the light and asking her to read for him because he constantly mentions how much he loves her voice.
Y/n looked over to the same sweet guy she fell head over heels for, who was sitting on her couch, fidgety as ever, and wondered if they would ever be the same after the very next moments to come. She didn’t want things to change between them, but she was dying inside knowing that he wasn’t hers. And getting over him was not in the question, after the fiasco that happened last week. She just wished she could get inside his head to sate her painful curiosity.
What is he thinking about?
What is she thinking about?
It’s the million-dollar question running through his mind. What was she pondering over as she made them tea? Did she want to talk to him? Was she mad that it took him so long to find the balls to face her? Was she as nervous as he was? Was she worried that they would never be the same again like he was?
He was going into panic mode, questioning everything, while probably looking stupid as ever. As much as he regretted how awkward things were now, and the fact that he instigated her to lash out at him a week ago, he was realising that he was not regretting the fact that he did it. He didn’t want her to go out with someone else, and she didn’t. And yes, of course, he feels bad-beyond bad, in fact- for making her cry, and wishes he could take it all back, he also sees this as an opportunity to tell her how he feels about her. He could finally tell her that he thinks about her all the time. About her soft smile, her bright eyes, her melodic laugh, her speaking voice that brings butterflies to his stomach. He could tell her about how he loses himself at work, the grocery store, fuck- even at events- thinking about what she was doing at her house. Was she under her blankets on her couch, watching some corny tv show? Was she baking her signature choc chip cookies that taste like the gods blessed every single biscuit on the tray before they were put in the oven? Was she knitting her cat, Chesnut, another rug to plonk herself down on, with her feet up on the ottoman as she listened to the 7 o’clock news on the radio? Was she writing a paper for another deadline? Something so sophisticated, like the exploration of white and male privilege and how it is ingrained in our society? Something that Harry tried to understand and research so that he could stay in the loop with his smart girl’s interests, but he always struggled with.
It was a huge insecurity of his. Not that his best friend was smarter than he was, no way. He treasured the fact that she could and would whip his ass at a debate on things like the state of the world, or human rights. She could school him on global politics, languages, maths, science, history and literally anything else, and he would be cheering her on. What he was insecure about was her realising that he was probably slowing her down in life. Y/n was well within her rights to kick him out of her life for being nothing but a freeloader and stopping her from reaching her full potential, what with him constantly stopping her from her own life to help him go through shit happening in his. Whenever he was sad, or confused, or upset, Y/n was the first person he would talk to and he feared that she would realise that he was probably taking advantage of her and stop talking to him. And that scared him. It scared him because he knew that she didn't need him at all, but he needed her to do anything in life. Every major and minor decision in his life has been approved by Y/n first, and not because she was a controlling friend who didn’t trust him with his own life, but because Harry needed her validation. Harry Styles, a world-famous superstar, had girls, guys and non-binaries at his feet, following his every beck and call. Harry Styles, who was on the cover of every magazine, known by every celebrity, dated only the most perfect of women, required validation from Y/n, a psychology major at a small university. Y/n, who liked to plan her day out on a to-do list, end up not doing anything on that to-do list and cry about it afterwards. Y/n, who breaks it down to “Murder She Wrote” by Chaka Demus & Pliers like it’s her last 4 minutes and 5 seconds alive on this Earth while making pancakes. Y/n, who cries more when she’s laughing while watching Tik Toks than she does during sad movies.
To celebrities, Y/n was nothing but a regular. But to Harry, she was all. She was the warmth of a sweater that you toss in the dryer for a few minutes to make it extra toasty. She was the pad of butter that you spread onto your pumpkin sourdough toast and it ends up being exactly the amount you wanted. She was the feeling when you are driving home from a long day of interviews and premiers, and you’re on the freeway and the windows down and you just… exist. She is the feeling you get when you watch Pride and Prejudice, and the relief of when you find the perfect word to end a lyric. She is when your shoes fit perfectly, and when you finish a book so utterly fulfilling that you lie there in a trance, looking up at your ceiling at 3 am, wondering how you could have been so lucky to be able to be blessed with an ending like the one you just read. Y/n was all those things and more.
And that’s why he had to tell her he loved her. No matter how scared he was.
The electric kettle is finished boiling the tea all too quickly as the bubbling comes to an end and the distinct click of the switch turning back off echoes around the silent apartment. Y/n had poured the scalding hot water into the two cups she had prepared stared into them.
It was time. She had tried to avoid this for as long as possible, but now it was the moment to face the music. She picked up the two mugs of tea and brought them to her lounge where Harry was sitting on her worn in green sofa, staring at her coffee table, eyebrows scrunched, pouted lips, deep in thought, before looking up at her with wide green eyes, and followed her to where she stood in front of him. She passed his mug to him before sitting on the comfy chair a few feet away from the sofa and from him, putting some distance in between them for her sake, so that she wouldn’t try to hug him and say sorry without saying what she needed to say first. Which she needed to start talking about now, so as not to sit in the awkward silence created by the two.
Say something!!
Jesus fuck…. was that all you could think of? Wow. I am going to lose my best friend.
Y/n was choking.
“I am so sorry,” Harry’s voice intercepts, raspy from the lack of use, looking up from the coffee table he seemed so interested in. “I am so fucking sorry Y/n. I have no excuse as to why I was making fun of you that day. I pushed too far and I am a shit friend for not noticing that you were already on edge. It was so wrong of me and I am so sorry.” He stopped himself before he started to ramble, looking at her with eyes filled with an emotion she couldn’t decipher.
Y/n felt… unsatisfied. Why did she feel this way? He apologised, right? So why does she feel unfulfilled? Why does she want him to say more? He hit all of the points he had to for a standard apology, so why did she think he hadn’t done enough? Was it that little optimist in her brain hoping he would maybe reveal a slight attraction to her? Maybe tell her that he loves her, and has loved her forever and ever? Confess that she has bewitched him, body and soul so that she didn’t have to? God, was she an idiot. But a lovestruck idiot at that. She bites her tongue and replies.
“Harry, I forgive you. Although you were annoying as ever,” She rolls her eyes and smirks, while he lets out a breathy, half-assed chuckle, showing his acknowledgement at her attempt to ease the lowered yet still prevalent tension. She continues. “ I understand that you were just trying to have fun. I guess I was the one who irrationally lashed out . I am always okay with you poking fun at me, but I was just frustrated and tired and I took it out on you. I’m sorry for the improper communication and I’m sorry for pushing you away when we should’ve just talked…”
“I forgive you too. I think this was just miscommunication on both parts.” He stared into her eyes, almost as if he could sense the discontent in her, but chose to ignore it.
“I guess so.” She halfheartedly answered, not really knowing where to take the conversation next. They had both apologised, but evidently still had things to say. Well, Y/n had things to say, that’s for sure, but she was pretty sure that Harry wanted to say something too. He had that look on his face where he wanted to say something but was forcing himself not to.
What does he want to say? Why can’t he say it to my face? I mean, sure, I’m also hiding shit I wanna say, but I have an excuse. This could ruin our friendship. What does he have to say?
“Great,” Harry replies, trying to fill the awkward pauses and conversation that is being held. He still looked like he had something to say, but seemed like he was not budging.
Well, if he’s not saying anything, I’m not either. Why do I have to confess my feelings and put our friendship on the line if he isn’t even going to say what’s on his mind?
“So, are we good?”
“I don’t know. Are we? I mean, I forgive you and you forgive me, right?”
“Right… No yeah, we’re alright. We’re completely fine!” Y/n replies quickly. Why the fuck would you say that? You’re not fine.
There is a pregnant pause and Y/n has half a better mind to just get up, walk to the bathroom again with her head down and lock herself in there till he leaves again, because she cannot take this awkward conversation. Not with him. She shifts, ready to stand up to get some water, when Harry looks at her, confusion and slight panic setting into his face.
“Wait. I don’t think I’m fine…” She looks up at the boy sitting in front of her, reading the words from her mind like they were scribed on a piece of paper in the blackest of ink, permanent and bold. Her heart stuttered. What else did he want?
“Is everything okay, H?” she tentatively asks. He loses eye contact with her, gaze lowering towards the table in front of him
“I-” he pauses, trying to collect his thoughts while simultaneously trying to explain to her why he wasn’t okay. “I just- fuck” his head falls down, his face inches away from the hot tea in his hands, the humid steam billowing out of the mug and warming his elegant face as he takes a deep breath and tries once more to convey his thoughts. “I don’t want us to be friends again.”
Her heart stops. This could go one of two ways. He could either be confessing his hatred or his adoration for her, and either one would probably end with her imploding. She tries to take a neutral tone when she replies.
“What does that mean, H?”
He looks at her once more. “It’s not enough, Y/n... “
“What?” She is confused. Her friendship isn’t enough? How is she supposed to reply to that?
“I want more. I don’t want us to just be friends. I want to be more with you. I want to do more with you. I want to do things that friends… they shouldn’t do together…”
Is he trying to confess he likes her? Why, in all the ways you could speak, would he choose to speak like that?! She has had enough of him dawdling around his feelings. “Harry, stop being cryptic and fucking tell me what’s going on?!”
“I love you, Y/n! I fucking love you, Y/n. So much. And it is eating me from the inside out. I hate that we can’t be normal anymore, and I hate that you don’t love me the way I love you, but I cannot sit here and pretend everything is fine, because I love you.”
Y/n is stunned. Frozen in her spot. Can’t move, can’t speak, can’t breathe. Stuck in space, and stuck in time.
Holy fucking shit… he loves me…
While Y/n processes the life changing knowledge that her best friend loves her, her best friend conveniently sits next to her, wishing that he was dead for the letdown he was about to receive.
“Say something… please, for the love of God, say something!”
She looks up at Harry. Not Harry Styles, playboy, whore, singer, millionaire, but instead; Harry, her best friend of five years, reddened face out of embarrassment. She sees the mortality in his eyes. Feels his presence so heavily in the moment. She is in awe. True awe of him, and his ability to love her. And with that awe- and that stupid look on her face, she reaches up and cradles his face in her hands, brushing her thumbs softly over his plush pink lips. He stands just as still as her, barely breathing, as if it would shatter the fantasy to stardust and he would wake up in his bed, cold shivers running down his spine, as has happened previously whenever he thought of this moment, staring up at his ceiling at 3:40AM wondering why he thought of his best friend in such a way. She creeped closer to his face before stopping a breath away from him, and whispered.
“Is this okay?”
She looked into his eyes, and he looked into hers, both never feeling so alive before. He wishes to tell her that she needn’t ask for his permission, and that he wants to kiss her forever. Eternally locked in an embrace that holds their souls together. But all he can muster is a weak and broken whisper back.
She can hold it for no longer, and leans in the rest of the way, their lips moulding together, for the very first time, eyes fluttering close, as his hands reach to grab her by the hips to straddle him, deepening the kiss even further. And when they part for breath, panting for air with slightly moist lips, they touch foreheads, eyes still closed. Words needn’t be exchanged- everything that yearned to be said was useless, as it could never describe how they truly felt for each other. So hopelessly besotted with one another, that all they could do was breathe together before kissing once more, hoping that their actions could provide even an iota of an idea of how much they love one another.
Two best friends, turned lovers forevermore.
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sweet-rintarou · 4 years
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High school romance was the best way to describe your current feeling. It was almost comical how your heart was beating within your chest, as if awaiting a text message from the crush you had in science class.
You were packing for the trip to the next gig you had, while simultaneously rehearsing how you were to talk to Ushijima once he had arrived. Standing in front of your mirror, if anyone were to see you in this moment, they'd assume you were pathetic on the spot.
"Oh hello," you began, wanting to play it off cool and innocent, "oh? These are for me? Oh my gosh, thank you so much they are absolutely beautiful." You released a giggle, hoping that it came off natural. It did not.
"Crap, if I say it like that then he'd immediately leave," you complained to yourself. "Damn it, how do I bridge this conversation so it can continue...?"
"What about: oh, aren't you Semi's friend from high school? So you work a flower store?... No, what if he criticizes me for saying 'flower store' and not 'floral outlet'?"
A knock on the door had caused your rehearsal to be cut short, your heart practically beating out of your chest upon hearing the sound only to be disappointed when Semi himself was standing outside your apartment. "Why the hell are you here?"
"I texted you," he uttered, "you didn't respond so I just came by."
"Very unethical of you," you tsked, "please leave before my prince charming arrives."
"Oh please, more like prince deadpan," he scoffed, "good luck trying to make a conversation with him."
"Help me then," you whined, your bottom lip jutted out dramatically and eyes widened.
"Why did you even order flowers for yourself? You could've just approached him in person, you know?" He said matter-of-factly. "And why did you try to play it off as if I ordered? I'd never do such a thing."
"Yeah I get it, you're an ass," you stated, rolling your eyes. "And I told you! He's scary in person."
"That's so judgemental, Y/n, I'm disappointed," he feigned a saddened sigh. When I only responded with an unimpressed look, he hastily sighed, "Just be straightforward with him, he's terrible with basic chit-chat, and probably doesn't have the time for it either—so just say what you want."
"I want him."
"Not that straightforward, what the fuck? He doesn't even know," he roughly pushed at your forehead. "You're just going to creep–"
A knock sounded at your door, cutting him off. A breathy squeal escaped your lips as you practically skipped towards your door. "Coming~"
Pulling the door open, there stood the stoic look of Ushijima Wakatoshi, adorned in a T-shirt and jeans, and a cap covering his hair, his business logo embroidered to the black cap. "Good afternoon, we—at Wakatoshi Floral—received an order for L/n Y/n, is she here?"
"Yes, I am she," you smiled up at him, taking note of the clear 8 inches he had over you. His lips slightly tilted up, stretching his hand out to give the flowers to me. Recalling your rehearsal, you uttered—not as natural, may that be added, "Oh my gosh, these are beautiful, who sent them?"
"They wish to remain anonymous," he informed. "If that is all, I'll be on my way."
Fuck, that was quick, you bitterly thought. "Wait–" you hastily called out, garnering his attention. Straightforward, Semi's words echoed through your head. "I think you're cute, can I have your number?" The silence Ushijima had placed between the two of you was suffocating, to the point you panicked and almost took your words back. Was that too straightforward? Oh my gosh, he's going to think I'm weird.
"I'm sorry but you apparently have a secret admirer, I don't feel comfortable with this situation," he answered honestly, sparing a glance at the flowers you just received as if to say "are you fucking serious?"
"Uh... Uhm... " You were trying to find something—anything—to rebuttal his statement but came out with nothing.
"If that's all, I'll take my leave here—I still have other deliveries to proceed with." Choked up on your words—or lack of—you watched as he disappeared around the corner, leaving you standing by your doorway, shell shocked.
A stifled laugh sounded from behind you, to which you turned to see Semi with a hand over his mouth, bathing in the embarrassment you had brought on to yourself.
"Don't make throw these at you," you warned him, holding the bouquet up.
"Do that and you'll break Ushi's heart," he retorted. You could only pathetically stick your tongue out at him.
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silver lining | w. ushijima smau
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part five
author's note: tbh writing the written is tiring, so im avoiding having a narrated scene 😔 anyway, im really sorry that my updates are so scarce, cuz I started college again and it's been somewhat hectic despite being online as well, hopefully y'all are still reading 🥺
taglist: @alienvarmint @amberisnotcrazy @naughtylittleweeb @tycrackculture @someone-you-dontknow @iloveyouasmuchaspoohloveshoney @stargirlara @brownsugartea @leviathans-watching @kenjiru @ushiwakaismybae @elianetsantana @kagebunshiin (send an ask if you want to be added)
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backgroundagent3 · 3 years
Hi I'm from the mail department here at S.H.I.E.L.D. Admittedly not as cool as some of our other departments although somehow still manages to be dangerous at times, for example, today we were allowed to open that box from 1937 that was oddly addressed to our current director. It exploded immediately upon opening and Agent 43 regrettably inhaled the omnious blue vapours. Thankfully I'm just in charge of delivery and am not required to actually open anything. That's why I'm here to deliver these flowers. 💐🌸🌹🌼🌻🌼🌺🌸🌻🌸🍃. The attached note reads: March 1847 Background Agent 3, level 9 01100001 01100111 01100101 01101110 01110100 00100000 01110100 01101000 01101001 01110010 01110100 01100101 01100101 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101001 01101100 01110100 01110011 00100000 01101001 01101110 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01100101 01100001 01110011 01110100 00100000 01110111 01101001 01101110 01100100. Yes that's binary code from the 1800s? Anyway this job is weird, we haven't tested them we don't have time for that we're too busy trying to figure out how to get Agent 43 to stop barking. he's fine in every other aspect it's just really difficult to work in an environment where every hour your co-worker wrinkles his face in a chihuahua like manner and proceeds to bark until he cries. did I mention this happens every hour (I am so glad I'm on delivery duty). We advise that you DO NOT smell the flowers or allow them to come into direct contact with your skin. Have a good day Agent 3 😎
Hi!! Thank you very much for the delivery, we put our best agents to decode the message (I run it through a few translators online) and this is what they got:
Agent 13 tilts in the east wind.
I'm not sure what that means, but we'll keep an eye on Agent 13 just in case.
I hope that Agent 43 recovers soon, I'm sorry that your department has to deal with that...
Anyway, thank you for the lovely flowers, we'll make sure nobody smells or touches them. 🥰
Have a great summer at the Mail Department!! 💛💛🥰
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sixtiesfangirl · 3 years
earlier this week i was tagged by @hofnerviolinbass & @stevielynnicks to answer these questions! thanks darling flowers!! ⚘⚘
today i felt like giving more elaborate answers, so it got a bit long! sorry & here it goes:
Nickname: môni
Gender: female
Star sign: libra sun, sag moon, aqua rising
Height: 171 cm
Time: 7:52 pm
Birthday: oct 16
Favorite bands/groups: the beatles, pink floyd, the who.
Favorite solo artists: paul mccartney, george harrison, jeff buckley, françoise hardy, john lennon, niall horan, sam smith
Song stuck in my head: darling be home soon by the lovin' spoonful
Last movie: seaspiracy (2021)
Last TV show: this is us (can i just say i loved the last episode? i adore nicky's storyline sm u guys...)
When did I created this blog: july 2012. i had another blog before but abandoned it... when i decided to get back on tumblr, i thought a fresh start would be better!
What do I post: classic rock and other music i enjoy, 60s stuff, photography & classic movies...
Last thing I googled: therapists in my city. since i ended up moving cities during this pandemic & can't do online therapy, i gotta find me a new one
Other blogs: @earlysixties, where all the colorful posts (and more multifandom gifsets) go to! my main blog ended up becoming mostly a b&w one and i'm digging it... so yeah! ~ tho i don't really talk much there. the rambling is basically exclusive to this one
Do I get asks: not that often! but sometimes i do get some lovely asks from some mutuals!
Following/followers: following: 348 ~ it should be a bit less but i just can't let go of the abandoned blogs of dear mutuals that left in like 2015 or smth! followers: 19k ~ idk how or why?? my blog is not really popular & it's been years since i actually posted some content! since most of them arrived around 2014 they're likely bots... there are tons of abandoned blogs as well so...
Average hours of sleep: 6h or 7h on weekdays, 9h+ on weekends
Lucky number: i don't have one!
Instruments: when i was 14 i used to play guitar but abandoned it. somehow i still know how to play many chords and could play simple tunes... so i know how to play it, but don't know yk???
What am I wearing: a vintage yellow polaroid tshirt, grey shorts & black socks with little hamburgers and fries in it
Dream job: i wonder that myself! idk what i'd like to do really & the story is: i graduated in psychology in 2018 & was halfway through a postgrad in clinical psychology (& already being certified to work as a therapist) when.... i finally realised that that's not what i want to do with my life 😂😭 so i was studying to get any job & earlier this month i got a job in my city's transit department (working with the driver's license documentation) to gather a bit of money in the meantime. so!! i still gotta figure out what to do next really! it's a mess
Dream trip: egypt & italy
Favorite food: hmm i'll say it's chocolate cake with coconut filling!
Favorite song: hello it's me by todd rundgren or orange skies by love. i can never go wrong with any of them!
Last book I read: i'm currently reading kitchen by banana yoshimoto ~ i'm really enjoying it, i'm basically underlining everything because it is that good!
Three fictional universes I’d like to live in:
1. it would be lovely to be a clay? figurine from pingu. maybe the seal or that bird that laughs at his face as he flies off after pingu saves him from the lobster (as you can see, i still have every episode engraved in brain)
2. the town from kiki's delivery service
3. there was a cartoon when i was a kid that was called "mike, lu and og", it would be nice to live in their island! i also really like the style of animation of it ~ tho sometimes it seems like it was a delusion of mine bc whenever i mention it to people they never seem to know what the hell i'm talking abt!
well that's it! thanks to whoever read it to the end! 😂
i won't be tagging anyone bc idk who has already answered this one, but hey, you can do this if you feel like regardless!
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