#I am an appreciator of all kyos both big and small
momentarysilence · 9 months
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he heard you were calling him short
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lunagojo · 2 years
Uzui Tengen and Rengoku Kyojuro w/ a S/O That Sleeps A Lot
(aka me. hi depression how are ya <3)
A/N: I'm gonna reopen requests soon I promise, I just needed a bit of time after my grandma passed away to just breathe. I appreciate you all for your patience <3
Uzui Tengen (and wives c:)
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Let's say for the sake of these headcanons you're his fourth spouse :)
All four of them absolutely adore you and would do anything to keep you safe and happy, they're all extremely good listeners and very emotionally supportive <3
However they do tend to worry a bit about how much you sleep
Tengen does his best to make sure that there's a space in his estate for you to be comfortable. He goes all out and gets you the absolute best pillows, blankets, sheets, etc. and also makes sure the space is in a part of the home that is quiet
He also checks in with you when you've been sleeping for a long time, usually after a few hours he'll come in and ask you if you need anything or if you're feeling okay (sometimes -- often -- all the time it ends with him snuggling up to you and squishing you in his big ass arms)
He also always asks about your dreams that you have because he finds them extremely flamboyant.
Hinatsuru will bring you tea and snacks if you've been asleep for awhile to make sure that you're still eating/drinking. She constantly frets about your health and does whatever she can to keep you in tip top shape.
Makio, at first, won't understand why you sleep all the time. She sometimes would snap at you when you wake up or come downstairs in the middle of the afternoon after sleeping half the day away. However, when she realizes that you're just constantly exhausted, she'll soften up a bit. She'll never openly admit it, but she loves the way your face looks when you're asleep, she thinks it's very cute :3
Suma meanwhile always comes in and snuggles up to you. She was very worried for you for awhile because she thought you were either sick or dying but once you assured her that you were just always tired she was relieved. She still snuggles with you every time though because she wants to make sure you're okay
If anyone ever accuses you of being lazy or makes fun of you for it, best believe they'll have one pissed off Hashira and his three shinobi wives on them in a SECOND.
They are all very protective of you, 10/10 spouses that will love you for all your quirks and whatnot.
(can you tell i am a hardcore s i m p for these guys)
Rengoku Kyojuro
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At first, this man was VERY worried.
He honestly thought you had an illness of some sort which terrified him to no end (since he lost his mother, he's so scared of losing someone else he loves)
He made you go get checked out by a doctor and everything just to be 100000% sure
Once that was done...well he still worried but not as much
Can and will lend you his haori for you to sleep in (it so warm and smells like him, so comforting and nice)
Since he's away for his work often, he'll leave you with his little brother to watch over you. Senjuro is someone he trusts more than anyone else (besides you of course) so he has no worries while he's away
Let's...just forget the comments Kyo's father had about you and your sleeping habits, yeah?
When he comes back from a job, you're the first person he goes to
Usually you're asleep but he doesn't mind, he'll still crawl in beside you and pull you close to him
You typically make this small noise of contentment and nuzzle into him, which he just... MELTS at
It's those moments with you he lives for
This guy loves with all of his heart, he would never ever ever let anything happen to you or hurt you.
Your sleeping habits are just another thing that make you, you. As long as you're physically healthy and mentally healthy, he's happy, too.
Though...if you're not well mentally, he is always there for you, if you need to talk or just need to be hugged and held. He wants you to know how loved you are, by both him and Senjuro
Kyo will also bring you tea each morning before he goes off to train. Bless his heart <3
All in all 11/10 king boyfriend / husband
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sakusasmolesryn · 3 years
KNY - Demon Slayer  Kyojuro Rengoku x gn!reader fluff one shot
• Welcome Home •
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Summary: Kyojurou comes home from a mission, after being deprived of him, feelings start unfolding and relations go forward
Warnings: none
Word count: 1.4k
Pairing: Kyojurou Rengoku x gn!reader
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It’s been 4 days ever since Kyojuro left for a mission. He mentioned it was quite a bit away, but you didn’t expect him to be gone for this long. You’ve been training under his wing for over a year now and you’ve made a lot of progress since then. You’ve been a demon slayer ever since you were 14, but it wasn’t till recently you started working with a hashira in hopes of becoming one. Rengoku saw a lot of potential in you, even if you two were close in age. “You still have plenty of time to become a hashira,” he tells you over and over. “Stay focused, concentrate on your breathing, and set your heart ablaze.”
You spend a lot of time during the day with Kyo. Whenever you’re not training, you, Kyojuro, and Senjuro will have fun together and hang out. You were very close to the Rengoku family, even Shinjuro somewhat enjoyed having you around. Senjuro likes to spy on your training, he likes to tease you about liking his brother.
Even though it’s only been 4 days, you missed him a lot. You couldn’t wait to see him come back home and spend every minute with him. He wasn’t battling an upper or lower moon demon, but 5 amateur demons in a small village north. Perhaps he got held up with another mission? Or maybe he was in a clinic residence? Surely his crow would’ve come and updated you by now. You started getting anxious about his whereabouts when suddenly Senjuro came running towards you screaming.
“[Reader]!! Kyo is home! He just got here!” upon those words, you jumped to your feet faster than lightning, sprinting to the front of the Rengoku manor. “Kyojuro!” You ran to him at full speed tackling him into a hug. “I’m so glad you’re home, big bro! [reader], and I was so worried!” Senjuro joined the tackle as you both laid on top of Kyojuro on the ground. “Well, you both must be happy to see me considering you tackled me to the ground,” Kyojuro stated.
“I’m so glad you’re safe,” you looked up at him into his eyes. He looked uninjured but he didn’t look as joyful as always. “How was your mission? And how are you feeling?” You helped both Kyo and Senjuro up and walked alongside them both inside. “My mission was successful. Unfortunately the demons I had to slaughter had pretty bad reasoning forever becoming a demon, I may have even been a little touched by their stories. But I assure you they died peacefully and free from the pain that has been thrown to them. As for me, I feel great. Left without any severe injuries.”
“What took you so long?” Senjuro looked up at his brother with concern. “Ah. After my mission, I was called to join Shinazugawa on his task. He ended up getting another slash so I stayed with him for two days while he was recovering at the Butterfly Mansion. I’m sorry I didn’t send a message. You both must’ve been so worried.”
You took his hand in yours, “Don’t worry about it, Kyo. We’re just glad you’re safe. Now come inside, I’m making dinner. And it’s your favorite! Sweet Potato salad.” You’ve never seen that man run faster into the house, him and his sweet potatoes.
“Tasty!” You sat next to him as Kyojuro finished off his 5th plate. You chuckled, “I’m so glad you enjoy it. I’ve missed you so much I made sure to make it extra special.” Senjuro finished his plate quite a bit ago and went out to do some garden work before sunset.
“Tasty! Thank you so much, [reader]. I thoroughly enjoyed it. The best meal I’ve had in a hot minute.” His smile was always so bright, and it never failed to make you smile in return. You stood up adjusting your attire and took your and Kyojuro’s bowls to be washed. “It’s starting to get late. The sun will be down soon. I should probably get going,” you said. “I’m really glad you’re home Kyo. Are we training tomorrow?”
“Actually, do you think you could stay here tonight?” he asked. “I want to stay up and have a conversation with you.” He sounded pretty serious, but who were you to decline. “Oh- alright. That shouldn’t be a problem then. Should I tell Shinjuro?” Kyo shook his head, implying his father probably wouldn’t even notice you spent the night, considering he spends most of his time in his room.
You and Kyojuro sat together in the garden looking up into the stars. “I missed you a lot, [reader] while I was on my mission.” His voice was softer than it normally is, also keeping a low tone since Senjuro and Shinjuro are sleeping. “When I listened to Sanemi talk about how much he missed his girlfriend back home, it made me think about how lucky I am to come home to you, my brother, and my father.” he cleared his throat turning his face towards yours. “Thank you so much, [reader]. For always being there for me and my family.”
You couldn’t help but get a little flush from his words. He always knew what to say to pull your heartstrings. His love and praise always sent butterflies to your stomach, and he cared about you more than anyone else. “I’m hoping that you feel the same,” he breaks the small silence. “I’m hoping that you feel the same way I do about you, [reader]. I realized I want to be with you more than just a friend.” His eyes were filled with love as he stared at you.
“Kyo, where is this coming from? I’m not complaining. But I’m curious.”
“While staying with Sanemi, and hearing about how much he loves his girlfriend, and why. It made me realize that everything he said was the same reason why I love you,” he grabs your hand and places a soft kiss on top of your knuckles. “Please tell me you love me too,”
“I do.”
You spent that night cuddling with Kyojuro and falling asleep in his arms. The next day, you planned to have a day with just him. You wanted to go to the city and visit shops together, and meet up with Tengen and Obanai for lunch. “Two bowls of udon please.” The four of you sat together enjoying the food and time together. You and Obanai have always been close too. When you first started training under Rengoku, he would visit to join the training as well. But after a while, he stopped coming. Kyojuro believes it’s because he spends his time with Mitsuri.
“We should get going,” Tengen said. “My wives are gonna pester me about not spending enough time with them. “Yeah. I should get going too. Mitsuri and I have plans,” Obanai left behind Tengen leaving you and Kyojuro alone. It was hard to believe that this was the first day of being Kyojuro’s significant other. You were both so open to each other, and nothing felt odd. He was even starting to look more handsome than before, but that may just be because you fall in love with him all over again every time you see him.
“What do you say, [reader]? Shall we head back? We can either go to my residence or yours.” It wasn’t often that he came home with you. He did once but you never invited him back over because your family was kind of loud. As if Rengoku wasn’t loud either. “Let’s go back to your place. My family might be home and I don’t want to deal with them right now.” as the two of you headed back, Kyojuro paused and picked up flowers from the ground, handing multiple to you. “They’re radiant, like you.” Again, his words never fail to swoon.
For the next two weeks, you and Rengoku spent every moment together. But of course, you had to include Senjuro here and there. You started growing closer and closer, thinking it was impossible since you were already so close. Being with Rengoku felt like time stopped. And that you two were the only ones alive. He showered you in love and appreciation, and he never once allowed you to feel incompetent. He never wants to let you go, and he couldn’t feel more blessed to be with you. “I love you, [reader].”
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nahoyaglock · 3 years
Frobi selfship headcannons
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shigabi, tenfro, fronaka, frobishima, inuobi, frokuto, aobi, frotani, fromi, ushibi, frobinoya, katsubi hcs
a/n: sorry for these long ass headcanons, i hope yall enjoy them tho?? also sorry for the reoccurring mention of my terrible paranoia </3 im going through a hard time w it rn, pls excuse me
reblogs on selfship posts are super appreciated!
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video games
i am his baby! he has a soft spot for me :3
lets me sit in his lap while he plays video games
hc that shigaraki is a twitch streamer instead of a villain and he streams with me on his lap
messy hair, black headset, pajama pants and a black hoodie vs pink tank top, white skirt, pink bows and a fuzzy blanket
we own cats named wario and waluigi >:3
we play ow and animal crossing together
he plays shooters and horror games while i play otome games and rhythm games
watching happy feet and cuddling, lets me lay between his legs as he plays with my hair
calls me brat and baby
cooks me seafood
some days i want him to baby me, other days we go run around at 4am
teases me bc of my height, leanes down to give me kisses
randomly tugs on my hair and pretends he didnt do it throught the day
i kick his ugly ass ankles /j
baking, cuddling, horror movies and videos games 24/7
both bullied so we confine in each other and comfrt the other well
hes very caring so he always checks in, even when i seem fine
notices my mood changes
"do you need a hug?" and just hugs me bc he knows i do
he likes to rest his head on my chest when he rants to me
booping noses and interlocked hands ♡
ushijima gives us rides everywhere
their manager, so i have to make sure tendou does well
the other team members are happy im dating tendou, especially ushijima
sitting with tendou on the bus to their matches
kisses and hugs after every match and practice match
lets me wear his jersey bc he hates when other guys look at me
one time terushima tried to flirt w me and he made ushi scare him away
hand on ass always.
tries to fight any guy that even comes near me
me, ryu and noya, the trio !
walks me to class with his arm around my waist
basically bestfriends to lovers so we spemd all our time together like we did before we were dating
still a slight kiyoko simp but lmao so am i, we admire her beauty together
brags to the team about me, telling them random things about me
"frobis favorite food are clams!" crosses gis arms proudly
"ryuu, you dumbass" insert me slapping the back of his bald head
saeko teasing him and telling him to treat me well
says "hey bae" and probably uses the devil emoji ajxjzjx
plays with my hair, he loves my curls :D
we prolly have a dog, small dog bc ooi dogs scary,, D:
always has an arm around me
denki bestie af !
also one that i can relate to so we can share our experiences and comfort each other
top kin so we get along very well and have alot of the same interests
movie nights w/ the bakusquad
cuddling kiri the whole time and making the rest of them feel single
he likes to pinch my shoulder to get my attention
big smiles and playful biting :D
he probably has alot of my clothes left at his house bc i like wearing his shirts
insert kiri cooking while i back hug him <3
likes to princess carry me, and carries me when im sleepy
thigh kisses bc he loves them alot <3
best an comforting, sings me to sleepy and helps me when i have really bad paranoia </3
true loml
walk to school together everyday
sometimes we race
brings me a breakfast bar, sometimes his mom makes me a morning snack too
little pecks and hand holding
we're like two energetic puppies in a relationship
i always attend his games and cheer for him and the boys
insert kuroo, tora, kenma, and kai acting like my dads
me and inu doing puppy eyes for little spoon, he usually gives in and takes big spoon
lots compliments and blushing
"inu, y-you look cute today"
"frobi, you look s-stunning"
comfort buddies!
convinces the coach to let me ride on the bus with them to tournaments
sleppys babies on the back of the bus
members have pictures of us sleeping
sharing a blanket that kai gave to us bc the bus was cold and sharing a scarf that inuoka bought me for winter
if hes sad, im sad :( if im sad, hes sad :(((
my energy beam, my number one, my ace 🥺
he loves to hold my small hands in his big ones, rubbing the back of my hand with his thumb
he'd walk around at tournaments, big star bo with his tiny cute girlfriend
saru, komi, and konoha give me headpats
bo pouts because they didnt guve him head pats
many pats for the ace!! :D
during lunch i hang w him and akaashi, akaashi having to deal w me and bos shenanigans
lowkey, we probably bring him stress
me and bo go on night time adventures, he drives us <3
brings home ramen after a long day of practice
when hes sad he cries into my chest and i play with his hair
"its okay bo, your still my ace" kisses and more kisses and more kisses
he loves to hold my thumbs and kiss my wrists
always looks for me when he has a match, sees me cheering the loudest for him <3
hes my baby, he'll smiles at me and ill cry
he lets me talk about my interests and day, i let him talk about his
loves to be supportive, my shoulder to lean on
we take public transportation after school to get to our house
he lets me lean against him and sleep, tired from a long day, he'll wrap his large arm around me
he opened up after a while and smiles more, sometimes he'll lightly giggle, one time i made him laugh for 5 whole mins
hes so golden in my eyes, lake dates, he likes to just walk with me
treats me to food whenever we go out
i help him be more open and push him to be himself, but i respect his boundaries !!!
if he feels uncomfortable he'll poke my back gently
i take him away from the uncomfortable situation and ask what was wrong so that it doesnt happen again
people ask why im dating him bc hes "scary"
my response is a punch to the face
jkjk, its none of their business why, but its bc hes very sweet and kind hearted, who couldn't love an angel like my nobu? :]
complicated hc?? i have like two ways it could go, my top is def still me being a shiratorizawa girl bc lmao canon !!
met him through levy, (@bigger-simp-than-kazuichi) aoba johsais manager
she introduced me to her besyies, kyo and yahaba
"hey, you're the one they call mad dog?" he hates that now but responds with "yes, im mad dog."
levy invites me to alot of their events if im not busy, lowkey oikawa is salty bc im shiratorizawas manager
kyotani stays at my side, we talk about our days and his live for volleyball
we exchange numbers and he messages me at night, we have hour long conversations till one of us falls asleep
late night calls, he just grumbles and scoffs at anything i say and he just waits for me to sleep before hanging up
confesses to me at a match infront of my team, i just kissed him in response
he visits me whenever he can, and brings me food and gifts
imagine aoba johsai vs shiratorizawa, rip kyo lmao ushi get his ass /j
kyotani likes to hold mt hands and wrap my in his jacket and scarf
barks at anyone who bothers me, loves when i sit on his lap btw
komi will pick me up over his shoulder and drag me to the room when he wants cuddles
loves horror movies, horror movie marathons any time of the year
he likes and kiss my jaw and hold my thumbs
calls me short when he's not that much taller than me
we curse at each other every 5 minutes
insert sarukui climbing through our windows atleast once a month to have a movie marathon with us
komi likes to slap my head
we probably play fight all the time, definently turns into something more intense
akaashi and konoha break us up and me and komi will be confused
"whats wrong? We were just playing"
"yall were strangling each other"
"we're fineee~"
chaotic, we always look like were fighting or arguing
"fuck you, i hate you" "fuck you too bitch"
holds hands and deep kisses the next second
akaashi lowkey hates dealing with us, bokuto loves us skxj
shira and hayato convinced me to join at their manager
the original shiratorizawa manager, ceo of the company 😎
they introduced me to the team, and they took a liking to me
ushijima was by my side alot, helped me with my job and carrying thing especially
he was so kind and even spoke to me, asked if i ate, if i slept well, if i needed anything
didn't realize it was different from what he normally was like until tendou asked about it
one time ushi was walking me home and i asked him about it, but he was definently confused
"i, guess so. your attractive and have a good personality. i would date you."
hes so blunt, awkwardly blunt
so we,, started dating, and now he really never leaves my side
i got haterz bc im THE ushiwakas bby girl 🙈
gives me headpats and kisses before everymatch
lets me wear his team jacket, huge on my small figure
he enjoys our height difference, he thinks i look cute when i look up at him :3
teaches me how to play volleyball, even smiles when i land a good serve
patches me up whenever i get hurt, slight frown if i ever fall
hes,, kinda fatherly? a person w no dad calling someone fatherly sjcjxj lmao 🙈🙈
nurturing and caring, ushi i will kiss you, probably calls me by my full name, fro, manager, baby, and sometimes even brat
hes woke, i just know it
all the characters prolly woke but hes woke asf!!
we run around, literally our whole relationship is mainly just running around and being wild
arcade hangouts after school/practice
he loves arcade games so much, and so do i
we take off guard pictures of each other, also chaotic and blurry pictures
he'll kick me in the butt, que me chasing him till i run out of breath
he likes to support my interests, loves to watch me practice dancing
we wear cat ears and maid outfits and take pictures in his room at like 5am when the sun rises
videos of us kissing and cuddling in his gallery
posts on insta to make ryuu jealous
buys me cute skirts bc he knows i love to look pretty for him !!
im his pretty kitty ♡♡
likes to call me his girly~ and his serotonin
holds my hand whenever im feeling sad and strokes my cheek with his thumb
lowkey has a good voice, sings heather to me while he nuzzles his nose into my jaw
random kisses throughout the day
pinky holding bc he likes my small hands
leans over me when he wants a kiss
gets teased by the squad and just endures it bc he likes the way i giggle when they do
head pats ! lots :3
likes to show off infront of class 1-b by holding me close and kissing me
brings me lunches he cooked and likes to feed me
always finds an excuse to be on my team for training or being my training buddy
barks at anyone who tries to train with me /j
walking me to school and home, even brings me over
mitsuki loves it whenever i come over and makes cookies when i do
katsuki helps her make the cookies D: so precious
never kisses infront of his parents bc he doesnt want to deal with their teasing and nagging
sings ballads, will sing me to sleep, probably listens to rap and rnb, some rock, but will sing me some khalid since he knows i love him
probably sung me "can i be him" one night when my paranoia got bad <//3
i laid on his chest and he ran his fingertips up and down my back, singing softly to me until i fell asleep
forehead kiss before he drifted to sleep as well, katsuuuu :( <3
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@kekozume @nekosvno
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kyosohmastan · 4 years
Can you by chance write a fic on where Tohru experiences jealousy when someone is flirting Kyo? I think it'd be interesting for tohru to feel that emotion 1st hand and not knowing how to deal with it and feeling guilty about it. I've seen so many fic where Kyo gets jealous, but very few where it's Tohru. You don't have to if you don't want to, I just thought I'd ask
I like that idea! I came up with this so I hope you enjoy!
She was hit with a heaping sense of nostalgia when they got to Shigure’s house. She hadn’t seen the place in about a year, and along with it, so many memories came to her. She’d never seen it like this though, with all of their old classmates there.
It was a reunion party for her class, and she had been looking forward to it. Yuki had organized the event with Shigure on his property, even though he couldn’t be there because of college exams. She was just happy to have a chance to see the house again, although the party was deeper into the woods. She only saw it at a distance.
Additionally, she was happy to have an excuse to see Arisa and Saki. They lived so far from each other that it was difficult to meet up. She had missed them so much.
They greeted her with hugs when they saw her while Kyo stood beside her awkwardly, only nodding his head toward them as a form of greeting.
“It’s been too long. You gotta fill us in on everything!” Arisa said, holding both of Tohru’s hands in her own. Her thumb ran over the ring on Tohru’s finger. It was small but beautiful just like her. “I still can’t believe it.”
“Me neither, honestly,” Tohru said with a bashful smile. She wrapped her arms around Kyo’s lean bicep and leaned against him. The tension left him as soon as she did so. “I guess the next time I see you guys will be for the wedding.”
“No way! We’ll visit you sooner to help pick out the dress. There’s no way we’re missing that,” Arisa said sternly.
“That’s right. Her dress must meet our approval,” Saki added.
“Ah, if you guys can help me, then please!” Tohru replied, excited for that day to come.
Arisa nodded. “But in the meantime, Carrots has to help you with the rest of the wedding planning since we won’t be there to do it. Although, it’s hard to picture him contributing to such an event with a lack of masculinity.”
Kyo clenched his jaw. “It’s not like I’m going to let her go through all that work alone. Of course I’m going to help her, stupid Yankee.”
“Excuse me,” Arisa muttered, her almost non existent brows drawn together. “I can still whoop your ass if I wanted to.”
Tohru giggled nervously. It was great to think that nothing changed between all of them, even though she wasn’t all for such violent threats.
“Hold up!” said a boy that she recognized as Hiroshi. “Did I hear wedding?”
“Yes,” Tohru answered, a blush tainting her cheeks. “We’re engaged.” Her arms left Kyo’s arm and she held his hand. He looked down at her, blushing as well, but the softest smile was on his face.
“No way!” Yusuke said, now joining their circle. “I knew you guys were close so I should have expected this but...I guess it’s just hard to imagine Kyon-Kyon getting married.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” Kyo growled, releasing her hand and clenching it in a fist.
“Just teasing...” Yusuke laughed. “You still get worked up so easily.”
“I do not!” Kyo snapped. But to Tohru, he was being contradictory. She didn’t mind. She found him adorable even when he would get irritated. Not that she wanted him to...
“Whatever,” Kyo mumbled. “I’m getting a drink. You want one?” He asked Tohru.
She nodded, giving his clenched fist a squeeze. “Iced tea, please.”
He smiled briefly, kissing the top of her head before he left to the food and drink table. His kiss was tense, and she knew it was because he was timid when it came to being affectionate in front of others, but she appreciated the effort of the gesture anyway. Overtime, the PDA had gotten easier for them.
“Let’s go mingle. You should join us, Tohru,” Saki suggested.
That sounded appealing to her. She was sure Kyo would catch up to them. She followed alongside the girls, stopping when they reunited with a group of their old classmates, and she greeted all of them.
She saw Kyo out of the corner of her eye getting their drinks, but he wasn’t alone. Three girls flocked to him, and she recognized them. They’d never taken fondly to her, particularly because Kyo always liked her and ended up choosing to be with her. She recalled the scrutiny she got from them soon after they started dating. She knew it was out of jealousy, and it’s not like she didn’t expect it to happen. Kyo was handsome...more than that, he was beautiful. And though most of the girls at their school had their eyes on Yuki, she couldn’t help but notice how a few of them also acknowledged Kyo.
She wasn’t surprised that was still the case. He’d gotten prettier in the past year, bulking up quite a bit due to all the martial arts classes he’d been teaching at Kazuma’s dojo. She wouldn’t have been concerned about girls taking notice of him. She would never want to control who he sees or talks to. It wasn’t like her. However, it was the way the girls acted around him that made her feel uneasy.
One of them put her hand on his forearm, the touch soft enough to not count as evasive. For a moment, Kyo just froze, paying attention to the girl who was chatting with him, until he slowly drew his arm away from her and seemed to pretend like it never happened.
Tohru sighed to herself. At least he didn’t seem to cave to her advances. Not that she would think he would. She knew he was loyal to her, he promised he would be since the day he proposed to her. She was grateful for that.
Still, the nausea she felt seeing such beautiful girls dote on him didn’t fade. It was similar to how she felt when she thought her dad was stealing her mom away from her. Maybe not as severe, but it wasn’t a good feeling nonetheless.
She felt the need to intervene, even though she wanted to give him space and room to talk to whoever he wanted to on his own. She didn’t want to be that type of girlfriend...or fiancé.
She sucked in a breath and went to him, instantly intertwining her fingers through his. “H-hi,” she said to the girls timidly.
They examined her, or rather leered at her. She felt completely vulnerable.
“Oh, hey, Tohru. How have you been?” One of them asked. Although, it didn’t sound like they cared.
“I’ve been well. Especially since I’ve had Kyo-kun beside me. It’s been nice.” She felt the need to mention that last part. But it really just slipped out.
“Yeah it’s been...really great,” Kyo added, looking down at Tohru and finally smiled.
Moments of silence followed, and she couldn’t ignore how awkward it had gotten. The girls clearly still had crushes on him, so Tohru was the bad guy. It wasn’t a pleasant feeling.
“Anyway...we’re going to walk around. It was nice seeing you again, Kyo-kun,” one of them cooed, leaving with the other girls.
Tohru felt the tension leave her. But her feelings still confused her. Was that really jealousy?
“You seemed really tense there,” Kyo mentioned.
She straightened, cringing. “Was I? I didn’t mean to.”
Kyo handed her the iced tea that had been sitting on the table scattered with all kinds of appetizers. “I felt you squeezing my hand. Are you okay?”
She slowly sipped her drink. “Yes. I’m fine. I’m just nervous to see everyone. It’s been a long time.”
“If you’re nervous, then I’m terrified,” he said with a roll of his eyes.
She giggled. She loved her shy kitty. She moved her toes up and kissed him, momentarily forgetting that they weren’t alone. But once she remembered, she didn’t mind that. In fact, she hoped the girls were noticing them, and she couldn’t figure out why.
It wasn’t until later, after they got off the subway and were walking the remainder of the trip home, that she still felt unsettled. No matter how hard she tried to conceal it, Kyo would look at her with perplexity.
“Something’s up. And don’t lie to me,” he stated.
She frowned. “I don’t want to bother you with this but...I can’t get it off my mind.”
“Spill it.” He walked closer to her, his elbow bumping hers. “You can tell me.”
And she did because she felt like she could tell him anything and it wouldn’t sway what he thought of her. He’d proven that so many times. “When I saw how those girls acted around you, it made me...uncomfortable.”
His walking slowed as they reached the door to their tiny home that resembled a cottage. He didn’t open the door, but just stood there without facing her. “So that’s what this is about,” he said just above a whisper. “Really? Do you not trust me when it comes to that?”
“No! Of course not,” she said quickly. “I didn’t think you’d give into them. It’s not about you actually.” She wrung her hands together, scrambling for words. “It’s just that...those girls are so pretty. Much more beautiful than I am. They seem like the type that would fit better for you...” She hadn’t realized how much she felt that way until she said it out loud. She found herself so plain. It stemmed from the amount of comments she got from her family about her being boring and dull physically. To a big extent, she thought it was true.
Kyo finally looked to her, his brows creasing together. “What the hell are you talking about? You are insane if you think I don’t find you attractive.”
Her heartbeat picked up. That actually meant a lot, especially coming from him. “I am?”
His expression softened. “You are. You’re beautiful. And yeah, those girls are hot, but I’ll never fall in love with them the way I fell for you.” He took a piece of her hair bound together by her ribbon and tucked it behind her ear.
She smiled as he held her cheek. “You make me feel beautiful, Kyo-kun. Thank you for telling me that everyday.” She held his wrist, as if she was afraid of him pulling away. She really didn’t want that. “I’ve never been that jealous before. It’s kind of embarrassing.”
“But it just means you love me, right?” He leaned down so his face was at her level. “Not that I deserve it.”
She shook her head while grinning and met him halfway in a kiss that she hadn’t intended to get so intense, but he took it there, holding her waist and pulling her close until her body was pressed firmly against his own.
When she broke away to breathe, she found him smiling so big that it took away her breath more than the kiss had. “You have my word that I won’t leave you for anyone else. You’re my first love, and you’ll be my last.”
“I’m holding you to that, but I don’t think I have reason to worry. I trust you completely, Kyo-kun.” She opened the front door, pulling him in behind her by his hand with her mind officially set at ease.
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lilyginnyblackv2 · 4 years
Thoughts on Furuba S2E2
I posted these thoughts over on the Reddit Discussion page too. But, I’ll post them here as well. I’ve only watched the dub so far. I’m going to watch the Japanese after this. But, I have to say, the dub hit it out of the park this episode. Especially Kazuma. His voice acting was great and the translation/lines were fantastic! Okay, so, onto that thought post: Combining Chapters 46 and 52 together here like this was such a good idea. They flow really well together, tied together by the theme of the future - plans for the future. The future that one wants, the future that is being mapped out for you by others, and the fear and anxiety that can come about when you think about the uncertainty of it all.
The soumen scene is so great. It shows how much closer Kyo and Tohru have become now - they're both a lot more open and honest with each other. Now that Tohru knows about Kyo's True Form, now that she is really starting to understand what being the Cat of the Zodiac entails, he can open up to her about how hard that has been on him. And we see Tohru letting her guard down too. She specifically tells Kyo how she doesn't want others to see her upset - that she feels like she *needs* to be happy and positive and hopeful all the time. But that's unhealthy. Her opening up to Kyo and letting herself cry in front of him - not because of her being happy or because of empathy over someone's pain or sadness - but because of her own fear...that's a big deal.
Moving onto some more lighthearted stuff. Kunimitsu was great! I was worried for a half second that they might cut him out, but nope, he showed up. And then promptly embarrassed Kyo. As did Kazuma, lmao. I also really feel Kazuma here. I love books too and am an awful cook. I thought Kyo and Kazuma's total opposite reactions to Tohru offering to cook was cute too.
I have to say, going back to some of the more serious stuff again, that Kazuma's words here really got to me. In the TokyoPop version of the manga they have Kazuma saying "You, who cannot have the heart of a parent, would never understand. That is my humble opinion." But here, in the dub, they have Kazuma saying "He's my son. And I will keep him safe." Had me in tears! It was so good! T0T Kazuma's desire to protect Kyo here - my heart!
Also, Kyo's birth father playing that classical music in the background while he talked with Kazuma. My eyes rolled, lol. He's awful, but I do love how Kazuma states that he could see some of Kyo in him. I always appreciate when a story highlights the fact that how a child grows - how they learn to handle and deal with things - are largely dependent and reflective of their parent(s) and how they handle those things. The whole apple not falling far from the tree. But we can also see here that Kyo is putting effort into trying to change. Tohru helped him start that change and now he has Kazuma to help support him and make sure he can keep changing too.
There were a ton of blushing and embarrassed Kyo moments in this episode that I just *lived* for! There were also a lot of soft Kyo moments, which were great. Truly excellent stuff. I'm really looking forward to next week too! Once I watch the sub, I’ll probably make a small post comparing some of the lines and translations.
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octranslations · 6 years
Haiiro no Ginka Volume 48
Haiiro no Ginka vol. 48 September 2010
Translation Credits:
Toshiya Aibiki no Mori - Risu Mu No Koufuku, Sanretsusha To Kubi/Happiness of Nothing The Assembled Neck - kirei_hukkatsu edited by Cammie & Risu Gansonaki Kaoruya - Cammie Die Meisyo De Meisyu - Cammie Shinya Dr. nemunemu no daigyakusyu - Nao DIR EN GREY at TOKYO TRANSFER - Cammie News and So On - Cammie
Toshiya Aibiki no Mori
This is the new skirt that I am wearing from the first day of THE UNWAVERING FACT OF TOMORROW TOUR2010.
Of course, SHELLAC’s Mr. AKINORI and Mr. ATSUSHI made it for me, the skirt this time was made with much enthusiasm and turned out to be an item with a pretty high quality
They used leather on the hip portion and added more pleats, above all Mr. AKINORI who has been friends with 13 THIRTEEN from before used a 13 THIRTEEN custom order buckle for the hip belt clasp thus making it even more luxurious.
It was made so well that a girl from the office exclaimed if there is female version of this skirt, I want one too!
I am always very grateful to Mr. AKINORI and Mr. ATSUSHI from the bottom of my heart. Thank you very much!
And, this was way back but here is one picture of when I went out for drinks with Big Brother WUMF [Wake Up Mother Fucker (J)] and coincidentally RIZE’s KenKen was there and it somehow became a BASSIST drinking session.
I wonder if you know whose hand is who? (laughs)
Well lets meet again on the next “Aibiki no Mori”!
Mu No Koufuku, Sanretsusha To Kubi/Happiness of Nothing The Assembled Neck
...I am sleepy?...tired?…I really don’t know... When you're concentrating like hell on something, the brain secretes adrenaline. ...what a selfish guy...I feel that things that I can concentrate on are extremely less than ordinary people. Furthermore rather than the common average level of concentration, powers of memory, my brain tissue feels… as crappy/shitty as Alice in Wonderland.
Right now, it’s fine as long as I am able to just focus 120% in composition, writing lyrics and during lives...
I am changing the subject but recently it feels like there are more strange/weird people… is it because they are young? Or is it because humanity is rotting, which is it? I really would like for them to stop this pointless behavior and behavior that they would seem to regret afterwards This is not just lip service/empty talk because this is what I really think, and what I am hoping for. To be specific it’s the garbage at the live venue…why can it be thrown there? There is a lot of garbage in the box [venue] where we played…is that okay? Don't you hate it when there is a lot of garbage in front of your own house?
I don’t remember if I’ve said this before but There is nothing more beautiful than something immaculate/pure, and that is cruel The more I think it’s beautiful, I feel that I am become dirtier But while I’m happy in realizing this, I feel like i’m being left alone in a stark white space/room/void. At that time I’m very sad and lonely But this feels like as if I found something important again, and I think that I should cherish this time. Such a weird feeling.
If everyone has also experienced this moment, I would like for you to try not forget it and cherish it
Well I have a tendency to talk about these things or hard/difficult/tough/serious things every time but I am not a good person in any way (laughs) I don’t know what but it is true how I am desperate to change something and I am going all out to confront myself.
People who give their everything when doing something are amazing, and you really get empowered too. If we could have a live with only those people, somehow something amazing could be born with this amazing feeling of oneness and that is exciting Even now I am a die-hard rebel (laughs), but I think that for those people who come to our lives, buy our CDs, and feel something from us, I really don’t want to betray them, and I want to keep on fighting/struggling onwards I think I am going to sleep soon…
It would make me happy if you were able to feel something this time again.
Gansonaki Kaoruya
Are you guys doing well?  The tour ended with a blink of an eye; this is Kaoru.
The tour was short this time, but for the band, I think this was a productive tour. I began to see many challenges from here on after too. But the overseas tour will continue for a while.  The content (of overseas tour) will have songs we want to do at the moment, so it will differ from this tour.  Everyone must be like “Do new songs~!” but “If we can, then we will!”  I think I would just like to go on without deciding on anything.
In any case, it’s been a while since I got uptight in South Korea.  40 minutes before the show, the Macbook for the tour crashed and I felt really frustrated.  The festival staff told us that the time can be pushed back a little bit since they wanted us to do the live in perfect condition, and we managed to recover the files and did the live.  I’m very appreciative of them. But if we had a little more time, we would’ve been able to do it at a better condition...
I think that was the first time where I was glaring at the Macbook one minute before the actual show.
And now I’m in London, but during Sonisphere, my equipment had trouble and it was a disaster... I may go somewhere to get my bad luck dispelled once I go back (to Japan).
It really hasn’t been a while but you see various things at lives. There are things you’ll never realize when you’re in a studio or have encounters. And be able to drink together with a group of friends that you haven’t seen in a while. There was an incident that made me realize how all groups of friends are a part of me and are an important existence. Everyone, please cherish your group of friends!
Then, everyone must be wondering about our new song release since time has passed quite a bit after “Hageshisa~” but They’re (songs) getting finished bit by bit, so just wait a little okay~
So let’s see each other soon!
Die Meisyo De Meisyu
I, “with this-> 1 (laughs)", quit smoking...
Good bye AMERICAN SPIRIT!!!!!!!!!
So, I just came back from the U.K. and Russia lives yesterday.
After I went back to my home, I slept for 12 hours. It’s been a while since I slept this much. It may be the first time this year. Even for this tour, there wasn’t a day where I’ve gotten a good sleep. That would make me sleep for the whole day. I guess it would be the best to encounter a pillow that will be the perfect match and bring it to tours.
But as rumored, Russia was very hot. At least have the airport cooled! Seriously! Plus, due to the forest fire (which I didn’t know at all), the moment we got off the airplane, it was smoky; and when we went outside the sky was covered with smoke. This may be the first time to see such an eerie atmosphere. And what I thought “this can’t be happening” occurred. The car we were on from the airport to get to the hotel didn’t have air conditioner... Of course the window is open but only the warm wind and smelly smoke came in. When we got off the airplane, we couldn’t get out of the airport due to luggage problem for about 2 hours, and when we thought we finally got out of there, we were in the car without air conditioner for about 2 hours. Give me water. Seriously, I was feeling dizzy inside the car. What is this survival? During this time I always remember the tours in Japan. It’s heaven. I guess overseas will not let us be spoiled yet. Well, tolerance is necessary for human beings and you should never forget how to endure. I should be thankful of how there are still situations that toughens us up.
(After arriving to the hotel, we went to go eat Chinese with the staff, but it extremely tasted shitty and our day ended there.)
I seem to be complaining, “It’s hot, it’s hot” but the venues at the 2 shows in Russia were both endlessly hot. European venues are old buildings and they usually have bad ventilation. The heat inside the venue made me feel dizzy and my hand playing the guitar was all wet and since it was slippery, I was messing up a lot. My sound was getting damp and I think it was losing its force...
But for the situation where the entire venue wrapped up in heat and a couple of everyone’s “screw” jumping out where it’s definitely not calm, I don’t hate it. When I used to play at small live houses, this kind of situation made me feel that it was the actual live and I think there were times where the amount of sweat determined whether the live was good or bad. When we are in Japan, we are at a very fortunate circumstance. We have the best staffs that have supported our stage for many years too. But at overseas, we have little or no staff. We naturally don’t have a stage director and the person in charge of lighting is our operator, and for equipments, we have the minimal things differing from what we originally have. The only thing that hasn’t changed is the 5 people standing on stage. These kinds of situations let us destroy what we created during the domestic tour in a good way. This obstacle must be training us. You can’t gain this kind of experience when your environment is always laid out.
I want to be stronger more and more. To the point where I can fight without wearing a strong armor.
So that no matter what kind of situation we are under, DIR EN GREY can be DIR EN GREY.
Translator's Note
1. The pinky finger at the beginning have two known meanings in Japan.   The first one is how you use a pinky finger to make a promise.  The second meaning is female, usually a lover when someone (well, wiki also says this, but I've also only heard guys ask this question in this way) asks"?? (this)" and puts up a pinky finger.
Source Wikipedia
(Sorry, there is no English translation explaining this...)
Shinya Dr. nemunemu no daigyakusyu
And so, let’s begin this volume’s Nemunemu. I have thought of writing Korea, England, and Russia where I’ve been this time but it’s almost surprising that there is nothing especially interesting to write about so there’s nothing especially interesting written . So, let’s begin.
Nemunemu Diary ~Korea, England, Russia Edition~ July 24 We went to Korea a day before the live. Onboard the plane, I just read One-Piece1 that I placed in my iPad. (Refer to last volume) Before I knew it, we arrived at Korea and unsurprisingly/expectedly we ate yakiniku2 From midnight the staff will be setting the equipment at the venue so I went there to check if Dr. Nemunemu’s drumset was prepared well. It was sort of tough but at least the minimum requirements were there. I did some various settings and returned to the hotel at around 5 o’ clock in the morning.
July 25 It’s the day of the Korea live. It’s a festival so there was no rehearsal and it was immediately the performance itself. Just before the performance there was computer trouble and it was chaotic until the last moment but we somehow managed to get it ready for the performance and began Zan the first song. And then, the sound from the monitors facing Dr. Nemunemu was weird. While performing, I instructed George who was behind me a couple of times but I couldn’t hear any of the other members’ sound or my sound, I could just only hear noise. Until the end I played by instinct without it being fixed.    
July 31 England. As always, on the plane, it’s One-Piece. In the beginning I didn’t know what was especially interesting but it became more interesting when I read until volume 45 but in order to understand more I went back to volume 1 and began reading. Then, we arrived at the hotel. We were going to stay for 4 nights in that hotel. This time it’s 2 people in 1 room so I was in the same room as bassist T but, lo and behold, it’s a room with only 1 double bed. The 2 of us were saying things like, hey, is this for real?,  it’s going to be like this for 4 days and such. And after a few hours it was meal time and when we met up at the lobby, we talked about the bed with the others and surprisingly all the other rooms had 2 beds. So we swiflty had our room changed to have 2 beds.
August 1 For equipment check we went into a studio today. The drum set was almost perfectly prepared. And when I checked the monitor during the nightmare at the Korea, lo and behold the earphone cable was dead. It was good to know the cause of it.
August 2 It’s the festival in England. Our turn is at 2pm but because the venue was far from the hotel we departed at 8 in the morning. The live, performance-wise ended without a hitch. I wanted to see other bands but when the interviews and such ended the roads were packed so we immediately went back home.
August 3 Today was an off day. Well there wasn’t a place I especially wanted to go to so I stayed in the room and read One-Piece for the entire time.
August 4 Before the live we were at BBC Radio from the morning and recorded a song. After that we went to the live house. We were able to do the rehearsal well and we were able to perform perfectly it was a really good live.
August 5 We then moved to Moscow. The tempreature is 37C degrees. On top of it being really hot it seems that there are brush fires nearby and the city is covered with smoke. And then we arrived at the hotel after 2 hours using car with no air-conditioning. And when I was simply changing the channel of the hotel’s TV, surprisingly One-Piece was on! Moreover it was in Japanese! It was the first time I heard all of their voices.    
August 6 It’s the Moscow live. It’s also hot outside but inside the venue it was extremely hot. After the live, I sweated so much that you can wring sweat out from my white shirt. The drum set completely lacked parts that it was a very difficult set but performance-wise I was able to play well.
August 7 Woke up at 7 in the morning and we went to St. Petersburg. We arrived after a 1 1/2 hour flight. Again, the drum set was different so I went to the venue with a staff for equipment check. Today was also a tough drum set but I was able to give my best.
August 8 It’s the day to go home. The flight was around noon but from the hotel to the airport, it’s 30 minutes if the traffic is light and 4 hours if it’s heavy like a sense of time that I can’t comprehend so we left the hotel early in the morning. We arrived in 40 minutes so I concentrated on One-Piece. And for the transfer at Paris for 5 hours I waited with more One-Piece and also on board the plane.
Well, was it a tour where I went to do lives or read One-Piece, but surprisingly there is an iPhone App that when you buy a rice ball at Lawson you get a character stamp on your iPhone, and if you collect 5 you can obtain a big secret treasure; indeed an App that was made for Dr. Nemunemu who loves both One Piece and iPhone has appeared. Morever, it starts from August 10 which is why, since no one can match up to me with One-Piece, I brought along the boastful/bombastic roadie George after the August 10 drum recording ended to play it.    
First, download the app. This is where you put in the stamp. The recording was in Shibuya so I opened the app in Shibuya and looked at the map. You could see who is there at which Lawson in one glance. As expected of Shibuya, there are a lot of Lawsons so the characters are complete.
When I activated log pose it showed the way to the closest Lawson.
We arrived at the first Lawson by following this.
Then when I typed in the number in the receipt  of the rice ball that I bought in the app, Robin’s character was stamped in.
And then we arrived at the second Lawson.
This Lawson is located in a questionable/sketchy area and there were questionable/sketchy adults hanging around so I wasn’t able to take a photo. There I bought another rice ball in the store and Nami was stamped in.
This is the third Lawson.
I bought another rice ball and I got Zoro’s stamp.
And the fourth Lawson.
In the app explanation all rice balls are eligible so without aiming/choosing I got a fermented soybean(natto) sushi roll.
What the !! There is no number printed on the receipt!!! The sushi roll was not an rice ball!! If I buy another rice ball to fix this, the store person will probably think, ‘Ah! this guy is collecting One-Piece stamps and made a mistake by buying a sushi roll’ which is why I wanted to go to a different Lawson. But according to the map, Chopper is here and in the Shibuya area, Chopper is only available in this Lawson. So I just endured it and bought 1 more rice ball. It didn’t show on the store keeper’s face but I can see him laughing inside.
Well, I went through that much trouble but I got the Chopper’s stamp.
And the fifth and the last Lawson.
I bought a rice ball and brilliantly got the final stamp. It did not even take one hour total. There seems to be a weird skeleton stamp here. This guy hasn’t come out on volume 45. Who is this???
Anyway, there are still 3 characters left but I can apply for the big secret treasure prize so let’s apply. You can choose among the three prizes. Firstly, for the first 30,000 people, a post card set.....hmm...I don’t need that..... Next, for the first 5000 people, a clear file set.....hmm...I don’t need that......And next, 100 people will be picked to get a metallic kung-fu ace figure...hmm.....I don’t need that....but, anyhow I will pick this one. Which means I didn’t really need the goods but collecting the stamps was fun. Because it’s a game especially done with the iPhone. As expected of the iPhone. If I had an iPhone during my childhood I will be an even more exceptional adult. Okay, 3 more people to go so I guess I will go for the second round. So this means it’s the end. This volume’s present is a drum head with Chopper’s portrait according to the painter Nemunemu. People who want this should write to ?106-8691 Japan Post Box [a knot] Nemunemu present staff with their member number, address, name, age, phone number and feelings about Dr. Nemunemu’s large counter attack. ( Long messages will have bearing)
Finally, I just noticed this when I took the picture of all the 6 rice balls I collected!
I bought 2 shrimp mayonnaise rice balls!! I even confirmed with George that I seem to have bought one already. And since he flat-out said, “You haven’t bought shrimp mayo.” so I believed him! So remember what you just did a few minutes ago! That goes for Nemunemu as well.
Until the next issue.
Translator’s notes: 1 One-Piece is a long-running sh?nen manga written and illustrated by Eiichiro Oda, that has been serialized in Weekly Sh?nen Jump since August 4, 1997. (sourced from wiki) 2 Yakiniku (??? or ??), meaning "grilled meat", is a Japanese term which, in its broadest sense, refers to grilled meat dishes. In North America, China and Taiwan, Yakiniku is also referred to as either "Japanese barbecue" or "Korean barbecue" due to its Korean origins. (sourced from wiki)
After playing in South Korea, U.K, and a first-time visit to Russia, DIR EN GREY has spent a dense hot summer .  In addition, they only returned for 2 weeks and went on to North America where their stay in Tokyo was indeed a period of “transfer”, but even with the small amount of time, they used it for their creative activity.  In between their precious time, the 5 members told this only to “Haiiro no Ginka”.
Interview: Yuichi Masuda
?Your first live since the domestic tour was on 7/25 at “Pentaport Rock Festival” in Incheon, South Korea.  I guess there are many things you do not want to be reminded of...
Kyo: ... (Wry smile) Die: Out of my memory, that was the worst live out of the past shows Toshiya: That’s the truth (laughs).  Simply put, it may be the environment’s fault, but if we bring that up, it becomes an excuse.  The moment I felt myself relenting, I felt like “I lost”.
?Was the reason due to equipment problem?
Kaoru: The Mac we were using became no good 40 minutes before the show where it stopped working all of the sudden.  We asked to get our back up Mac immediately from our hotel, but it arrived at the time when our show was going to start.  We had to begin our performance without making adjustments, and everything was a mess.  The staff were all caught up with that and the set up was not done properly.  That effect literally showed up during our performance. Kyo: After the live was over, we actually laughed. Like “That was crazy!” (laughs) Die: I  never felt a live to be so long.  I thought, “Please just end!”  I think the staff felt the same way too. Shinya: In my case, on top of that, the cable for my ear monitor was dead.  I could only hear noise. Die: The staff had a hard time too.  They began setting up the day before and it took until 7 in the morning, but due to their (festival) situation, they had to start all over again on the actual day. Kaoru: In any case, it was a day where nothing went right (laughs).
?That was unfortunate.  There must have been a sense of hunger for the local fans since you guys have been distant from them for many years.
Die: That was there.  Something like anticipation. Kaoru: So we want to go do a proper live again. Kyo: Yep.  It was really frustrating.  We did “Zan” for the first song.  We wanted the first blow to go off with a bam, but the moment it began, we didn’t know what we were doing.  We just depended on luck or just go with our gut feeling. Kaoru: We brought along the lighting staff and we were planning on making a stage with an atmosphere, really.
?When you wanted to create chaos there was already a real one prepared (laughs).  So, one week after that nightmare, you guys went on stage for “SONISPHERE” in the U.K.
Kaoru: Here, my equipment had problems.  Since there was the incident at South Korea, I thought, “Well, it’s fine as long as we’re able to make sound.”  But that sound was really, really small where you couldn’t hear it at all. Die: Really, you will become festival-phobic (laughs). Kyo: When the live began, I could only hear the drum and my singing, and from there, my excitement fell.  At the part where everything should go with a roar from the beginning of the performance, we could not hear anything we needed to hear at all. Shinya: I didn’t have any problems.  I was able to do an equipment check the day before and I was able to fix the monitor problem.
?Wasn’t the reaction wonderful?  Out of all your festival experience too.
Kaoru: True.  The people were not waiting for the band playing after us where there were many of them that came to see us. Die: Once our performance began, there were many people that gathered as if they were getting sucked in. Toshiya: The stage itself felt good.  We didn’t have any actual proof in a sense where what we were doing was delivered clearly, but 2 days later, the ticket for our one-man (live) at KOKO increased right after “SONISPHERE”, and I was happy when I heard about it.  There must have been many people that thought, “I want to see them again.”
?That must have been a happier news than selling out on the actual day.  By the way, for the “SONISPHERE” stage, you performed part of “Prowler” from Iron Maiden right?
Kaoru: That was the first time where we included someone else’s song into our songs and performed it.  The headliner for that day was IRON MAIDEN, so for the people that never heard of us before, we thought it can be a good catalyst to get to know us.  Since our band would be the one that would be highly unlikely of doing this, I thought it was all right to do it once in a while (laughs). Die: Yep.  It’s not like we will be doing this every time from now on (laughs).
?After “SONISPHERE” ended, squeezing in a day off, you had your solo show in London.  I thought the live at KOKO was simply good.  It could be said to be at the best live level.
Kaoru: It was very easy to perform.  Due to what happened at the previous 2 shows (laughs).  The performing environment and setup was very good too. Kyo: Also, the stage should definitely be dark (laughs).  During the festival, it was still bright during our time.  The construction of the venue also had an atmosphere, which was good. Shinya: There was no problem concerned with playing. Toshiya: We were able to play with a good feeling.  I immersed myself into the live, but there was a sensation where our feet reached the ground.
?But right after the live that felt good, you returned to the hotel and prepared yourselves to depart to Russia 5 hours later.  I went back ahead at that point.
Die: Russia was just so hot.  London was nice and cool. Kaoru: During live, we were just sweating to the point where that was the only thing I remembered. Kyo: Normally, as the performance goes on, the audience’s excitement increases right?  But everyone was so exhausted and their excitement went down (laughs).  The live went well, but you know, we were sweating to the point where there was a puddle underneath our feet... Die: I felt like I was playing desperately as I felt dizzy.  My guitar was all wet from the sweat and it became slippery too.  The live was easy to do though. Shinya: I sweated to the point where I could wring it from my attire... However, the drum I got from the local area did not have enough parts set and it was not a satisfying situation, but aside from that, the monitor environment was good so I guess it was not bad.
?You landed on Russia for the first time.  Was there any sensation you felt because this was a place visited for the first time?
Kaoru: Naturally, since this was our first time, rather than people not knowing how to get into it, the crowd was small.  It was like 5 years ago when we first played in Berlin. Toshiya: I had this selfish impression of this place to be a closed country, but regardless of this thought, I felt a strong sense of hunger from the audience.  The degree or the type of yearning to burst was a little different.
?Did you have any time to explore the town in Moscow?
Kyo: The entire town was covered with smoke due to the forest fire, so it didn’t look pretty at all.  It was tough wearing masks during a hot weather. Die: The scenery felt as if it was clouded.  We passed by Red Square, but it wasn’t a time to take a commemorative photo. Kaoru: After the live was over, (tour manager and PA in-charge) Rick suggested, “Why don’t we go to Red Square on the way back to the hotel?”  But every was like, “No thanks.  Let’s just go back (laughs).” Even during that hour, it was still hot. Kyo: It was like, please undestand (laughs). Shinya: Even for food, there wasn’t any good impression... The Chinese food we ate on the first day was strange too. Kaoru: That tasted awful.  But after the live was over, we had pizza as usual (laughs).
?The next day after the Moscow show, you moved on to Saint Petersburg and went straight to the live.
Die: We had a tight schedule.  We went with on an airplane while the equipment moved by train. Toshiya: The place had more open feeling than Moscow.  Including the building, it had a very European feeling.  I would like to go there again.  I would certainly like to go to Moscow without the ash covering up the place (laughs).
?By the way, after the 2 shows in Russia, you guys had a hard time returning back to Narita Airport right?
Kaoru: It took 23 hours (laughs).  We first flew to Paris and afterwards it’s a direct flight to Narita, but we had 6 hours of waiting time in Paris. Shinya: I just kept playing around with my iPad. Kaoru: Everyone gathered where there was electricity (laughs). Toshiya: Honestly, it was tough.  If we slept there, a weird jet lag will begin.  After returning, we already knew we had work starting so I wanted to adjust my body clock.
?So after you guys came back, there was work every day awaiting, and without any break, you guys departed for the North American tour from 8/21.  The conversation from this point onward will be for the next issue.
Die: I look forward to it.  We had a single live with KILLSWITCH ENGAGE before, but this is the first time to have 2 bands on an equivalent relation. Kaoru: APOCALYPTICA’s live is beyond my imagination, so there is a part where I can’t predict.  But we will not do a live that just gets wild either, so it may mesh well and turn into an interesting feel. Kyo: Yep.
?They are a “quartet cello metal” after all!
Shinya: But they have a drummer right?  I hope to gain some inspiration. Toshiya: Yep.  It would of course be wonderful if we can get along, but that is not our purpose.  First I would like to get some inspiration.  And as a result, if we can have good relation with them, I think that would be great.
News & So On
Foreign bands challenge North America!! Since the release of “UROBOROS,” their 3rd North American co-headlining together with APOCALYPTICA that are formed with 3 cellists and a drummer from a well-known music school, was decided in July.  APOCALYPTICA that has gained strong support from many famous bands all over the world mainly collaborating with vocalists will be with DIR EN GREY.  Being complete “foreigners,” what kind of shock will these 2 bands create in North America this summer?!  Including Canada that has not been visited for 1 year and 9 months, their TOUR report during their trip to 16 cities will be told in detail on the next volume!  Stay tuned!
Comeback to the night that will shake Japan!! Their second appearance in 4 years to the largest domestic metal festival, “LOUD PARK,” has been decided!  The line-up for 10/15 (Sat.)DIR EN GREY includes Korn and Stone Sour, which the band hasn’t met since ‘06 “Family Values Tour,” solo project HALFORD by Halford (vo.) from JUDAS PRIEST, and HELL YEAH formed by the members from PANTERA and  MUDVAYNE. These are all artists that have achieved prominence in the world’s music scene!  After gaining experience at overseas stage in “Download,” “Wacken,” and “Sonisphere,” how will their comeback to “LOUD PARK” turn out?!
Hot topic!  A flood of interviews!! On 8/1 (Sun.), we arrived to “Sonisphere Festival” after a one hour drive. The venue was a peaceful area filled with green rural scenery, and it was overcrowded with people covered in metal t-shirt and TATTOOs.  Right before the LIVE, they had a photo shoot for the group photo that was going to be posted on the official site, and off they went on stage.   For LIVE report and detail of the actual location, please take a look at Mr. Masuda’s article.  After the LIVE was over, the surging interview time has started!  Due to booking by Mr. Adam who is in charge of UK promotion, there was a schedule made to have 10 interviews in 2 hours (one interview on average of 10 minutes!).  In addition, there were 3 more included after seeing the LIVE, and there was photo shoot for “Rock Sound,” and a photo shoot for a group shot was decided in a hurry at the “Kerrang!” booth!  During the LIVE, more than 30 photographers went in and out in front of their stage where we were able to observe a high anticipation towards DIR EN GREY.
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fairymango · 7 years
Asahi SSR Story For the Sake of Everyone's Smiles Story Translation
[Card Image] [Translations Masterpost]
Disclaimer: I am not fluent in Japanese, so take these translations with a grain of salt. Some lines may be inaccurate; please let me know if you spot any mistakes.
Story 1
Story 2
Asahi: (small) Morning~... Yoshimune: Uwah! Your voice is all raspy! Misato: Yesterday you sang too much huh... Kazuma: To ruin your throat right before the show, are you an idiot? Listen, you're not going to speak a single word today. Asahi: (Cough cough) Yoshimune: Then, the instrumental team will be practicing-- Asahi can think about the choreography for the new song! Asahi: (Thumbs up) Asahi: (Haa~ I went a little too hard yesterday) Asahi: (But that's because I'm happy) Asahi: (We overcame many different things. There is a considerably good feeling about the Fairy April now.) Asahi: (I think that people really, definitely, got used to this one band) [[?? not sure about this sentence]] Asahi: (That's why, next live we will be reborn. I want to show our fans in a "BAM!" a new Fairy April) Asahi: (And that's why I practiced so hard. It's no use huh... Is there something else that can increase the strength of our bonds...) Asahi: AH, THAT'S RIGHT! Kazuma: YOU'RE LETTING YOUR VOICE OUT! Asahi: (Ehh~~!)
Story 3
Asahi: Everyone, sorry about the inconvenience yesterday! Yoshimune: Oh, I'm glad-- Your voice came back strong Asahi: To show my apologies for the inconvenience yesterday and my gratitude to everyone every day, I've written a letter for all of you! Kazuma, Yoshimune, Misato: Letter!? Asahi: Then, I'll read it! Kazuma: No, what kind of face should we make while listening to this Yoshimune: You said a letter! Did you become a wholesome high school boy or something!? Misato: Letters huh, even girls don't write them now... Asahi: "To Yoshimune," Yoshimune: Uwah~~! It's already embarrassing! Please give me a break~~! Asahi: "As Fairy April's mood maker, you make us laugh and relax. Yoshimune, thank you for everything!" Asahi: "But, even though you're the mood maker, to be late and make Kazuma-kun mad and ruin the mood, is your flaw." [[He says "玉にキズ" or "flaw in the crystal" or a flaw in an otherwise perfect thing or person]] Yoshimune: Hey, Kazuma: What do you mean, "hey"! Asahi: "Yoshimune's light have helped me many times. But I'm worried for the times when you're in trouble and won't say anything. Please rely on us sometimes as well." Asahi: "Also, my mom said to come by to eat dinner sometime. From Asahi." Yoshimune: ....... Misato: Eh, are you crying? Yoshimune: Sorry, how embarrassing~ is what I'd say, but somehow I'm shaken from my usual self. Asahi: "To Misato," Misato: Uuu, Asahi and I are childhood friends, but to get a letter now is... Asahi: "Thank you for playing with me ever since we were young. To be able to make a band together with Misato now, I'm incredibly happy!" Misato: Uuu, uuu.....! Yoshimune: Crying so soon! Asahi: "Not just fun things, sad things as well. Because we experienced such hardships together, we're able to have such a nice bond now!" Misato: Hic, sob! Kazuma: Here, tissues... Yoshimune: Asahi, it's about time to finish up your letter! Misato is crying so much he's going to drip dry! Asahi: "From here on as well, in both the band and muscle training, let's work hard together. Also, my mom said to come by to eat dinner sometime. From Asahi." Yoshimune: Asahi's mom seriously wants us to come by to eat dinner huh--
Story 4
Asahi: "To Kazuma-kun" Kazuma: ...... Asahi: "The oldest member of Fairy April, Kazuma-kun is like a cool big brother I can rely on!" Yoshimune, Misato: Pff!! Kazuma: Why are you making it so weird!! Asahi: "Thanks to Kazuma-kun, I think I was able to grow as a vocalist. What do you think?" Yoshimune: Don't ask to be praised in an appreciation letter! Asahi: "Right now, I love the Fairy April with Kazuma-kun in it. Please continue taking care of us from now on!" Kazuma: ---! Asahi: "Also, my mom wants to say hi and for you to come by to eat dinner sometime. From Asahi." Misato: Ahaha, now all of us are going to come over now. Kazuma: .....Asahi Asahi: Y-yes! Kazuma: Thanks. Asahi: ! Ehehe... the same to you. Yoshimune: For Kazumacchi to give a straightforward and honest thank you, what an amazing letter. Misato: Un...When I heard that you've written something, I honestly thought it was going to be a bit of a stretch, but it was really amazing! [[?? Not sure about this sentence]] Asahi: A-a stretch? Then this is no good either huh... Asahi: For all the fans as well, I've written a letter, but I used up 20 pages of manuscript paper. Kazuma, Yoshimune, Misato: 20 pages!? Kazuma: I guess the fans would be happy, but as expected, it's too long! Yoshimune: I think you can also expect the princesses to say, "Huh? He's still not singing?" Misato: Can't you show your appreciation through your singing? Since you're the vocalist. Asahi: Ah, that's right! Ahaha!
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