#I always wanted a french character in the mcu and he's gay!
littlefankingdom · 1 year
Okay. I was rewatching Moon Knight, because I love this show so much, I have been obsessed with Ancient Egypt since I could read and picked up a book on Egypt Myhtology, I'm an archeologist student, Steven Grant is relatable, what more do you think I need? Also, the show exists on its own, no mention of the avengers and shit, it's like another world and I like it that way.
Anyway, in episode 1, we get Mark's missed calls, and look at this:
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Normally, when I don't know about something in the MCU (like some new heroes), I don't look it up to learn about it with the storyline, which was great for Moon Knight because I didn't know about Mark and Co's DID before watching. But I got curious this time.
Duchamp is a french name, and, low and behold, Jean-Paul Duchamp is Mark's gay french bestie is the comic. My queer french ass is losing it. Oh, I want the french gay man so bad. His name is Jean-Paul Duchamp, which is great because, for once, this is a family name possible in France (contrary to a lot of french characters made by Americans, which often just sounds so dumb), however the first name is old, like nobody under 60 is named Jean-Paul. Anyway, he is gay for Mark, I cannot blame him, his alias is Monsieur LeBlanc (white just like Moon Knight's suit), I love it, Mark calls him Frenchie in the comics.
His name appearing means he will be there next season, no doubt about it. So now, I'm going to threaten Marvel to let him be gay for his bestfriend. I need my queer french representation, Marvel. And please, hire a French actor or a gay actor, or both (kinda want some of our guys to shine a bit, but like someone not really known because the others have too much ego, unless it's Omar Sy, which already was in a X-men's movie. You guys disrespect him so much with the screentime, though. He's a great actor and he's a great guy. Probably because he is extremely on the left from an USA pov)
It would be so great to have a french gay character in the MCU. It would shake things up here.
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Let's do serve, fuck and marry with an added bonus, you chan choose whatever you want for the fourth man. Your options are John Cena, Henry Cavill, Glenn Powell and Chris Hemsworth.
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28 / 02 / 2024
Wow! For this game you chosed great men! These 4 actors all are famous rich tall muscled straight white alpha men 🥵
Obviously I'd love to serve, fuck and marry all of these men, but if i had one choice for each, these would be my answers 😁
SERVE : His Imperial Majesty, God Chris Hemsworth, because he is a god and that's why i wrote many stories about him, and his most inspiring character, Thor, God of Thunder and Prince of Asgard.
Here is the link of almost all the articles and stories i wrote about God Chris Hemsworth :
His Imperial Majesty, God Chris Hemsworth, deserves to own as many slaves as he wants.
Compared to this gorgeous giant, i would look like a bug unworthy of licking his soles. So obviously I'd be enslaved as his asslicker.
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But at the same time i don't mind imagining His Imperial Majesty God Chris Hemsworth as a protective dom boyfriend to a twink. Can you imagine him being in couple with Tom Holland? I'll soon ask you this publicly...
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FUCK : It's more "HAVE SEX WITH" Glen Powell because he is hot, muscled and kind.
I recently discovered this living white god in the romantic comedy Anyone but you. I immediately felt jealous of Sydney Sweeney!
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Licking and smelling and massaging his chest, his balls, his armpits, his huge cock, his shoulders, his nose, his hairs, his ass, his neck, his back, his feet, his.... Everything!!!
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Do you imagine this white god with his gold?
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He is always classy with a great haircut 😍
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I wanted to write a gay version of Anyone but you where he would humiliate a fag to pretend he isn't in love with him. What do you think? Or should i write about G. Powell ?
MARRY : Henry Cavill, even though i know in real life His Majesty Henry Cavill would never looks at me, but what's great with Him is that you can imagine Him as a sadistic bully or as a kind lover, and that's how i described Him here.
On the contrary to Chris Hemsworth who will remains famous as Thor in the MCU, Henry Cavill has played several iconic characters, and maybe i should write about His others characters, except than Superman
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BONUS : Be the personal assistant of John Cena, that way i could serve Him and being fucked by him, He would humiliate me too. Honestly i would gladly live what i wrote about him in the story where he is a fart dom
@chrisevansxmalereader @chrishemsworht @chrishemsworthlookingadorable @glenpowellsgf @glenpowcll @glenpowellbr-blog @henrycavilledits @henrycavillworld @johncenalover2002 @johncenawwe81 @chrishemsworthservant @glenpowellsstargirl @henrycavillunited @johncena500 @rainykpoptravelcreator @innerpiratefun @lovefanfiction01 @gayhopefullove @tidodore2 @faggotdreams @feetslavelover69 @leftprogrammingroadtripdean
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pipermaru23 · 3 years
I swear, every time I log into Tumblr and read certain things I feel some of my neurons dying.
- Self-cest. The most stupid word ever to describe Loki and Sylvie. Like, EVER. Let's see:
   · a person or thing referred to with respect to complete individuality
   · a person's essential being that distinguishes them from others.
And then:
   · Individual: a distinct, indivisible entity; a single thing, being, instance, or item.
Oh, look. Loki and Sylvie are two physically separate entities, so I guess for them to be the literal same they must have reproduced by fragmentation or something like that.
Like, I swear. Loki is not a freaking orchid, HE DOESN'T SELF-POLLINATE. The only time the stupid self-cest term may not be that stupid is for a Ragnarok!Loki/Show!Loki ship, because yes, they're the freaking same person just at different points in time.
- By the way, saying that Loki and Sylvie are the same people just because they share a name and a position in their respective timelines is fucking sad because you're taking a person, with all their complexity, and reducing them to their name and birth. As I said, sad.
- When some days ago I asked if Loki and Croki were also, well, the same person, someone literally told me this: "Also, loki is a shapeshifter and he once turned into a snake, pretty close to an alligator" implying that YES, THEY ARE.
*stares directly into camera*
So since Loki is right now "shapeshifting" as a man and a man's genetic code is super similar to... another man's, DOES THIS MEAN THAT LOKI AND M*BIUS ARE RELATED? ARE THEY THE SAME BEING? (stop being this ridiculous, pls. Just... stop)
- Let's not talk about the hypocrisy of a lot of L*okius shippers that have admitted that they would still ship them if M*bius ended up being a Loki variant, so this is not about Sylki being weird, but about it not being the kind of “weird” they like.
- I've read a lot of people comparing Sylki to badly developed MCU romances (like Sharon/Steve and Bruce/Natasha) and, pardon my French, but have we even watched the same fucking movies?
    · Bruce/Natasha. In Avengers she's TERRIFIED of him. Literally terrified. In AoU, somehow, they're kinda starting a relationship or thinking about starting one. We don't see it, it's off-camera, there's no development whatsoever. Whedon knew it, so he made other characters say a couple of lines, here and there, to support this relationship. Natasha was given the job of singing Hulk a lullaby to calm him down (perpetuating gender stereotypes, but that is Joss the Asshole for you).
    · Sharon/Steve. There's nothing to talk about here. They had no spark, no connection, no romantic chemistry, nothing. They were just two job partners who ended up kissing.
Comparing these two relationships to Sylki just makes no sense.
- Representation. While I'm painfully aware that there's a big, worrying lack of representation in Marvel/Disney, it strikes me as funny that the representation a lot of people ALWAYS ask for is two gay men. I've read a total of zero (0) people saying "Damn, I would have loved to get an f/f ship for Sylvie". Or "I would have loved [insert character name here] to be ace"
*crickets chirping*
Yes, no suspicious whatsoever /sarcasm
- TLDR: ship whatever the fuck you want. Respect people who don't ship the same couple like you. DON'T BE A FUCKING BULLY AND DON'T HARASS THE CAST AND CREW. As someone who has shipped a lot of non-canon ships, let me tell you this: YOU'RE NOT ENTITLED TO ANYTHING. YOU’LL BE HAPPIER IF YOU STOP THINKING THAT. Ship and let ship. Enjoy your ship and don't piss on others.
If you agree with me, nice. If you don't, nice. Just so you know, I'm not debating with you.
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runicmagitek · 3 years
tagged by the lovely @wingsyouburn - thanks bb! 💕
How many works do you have on AO3? 209?? I'm sorry what????
What’s your total AO3 word count? 958,942??? HOW????????????
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they? *cackles* Oh sweetheart, sit down. We're gonna be here for a while.
According to my AO3 account, I have 54 different fandoms tagged. Most of them are for video games, but the occasional anime sneaks in now and then. I also have a few MCU fics, one book fic, and a podcast fic. My most prolific fandom is Final Fantasy VI with 50 fics.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Wings of Valor and Compassion (Pharah/Mercy - Overwatch)
No Safety in Desire (Urbosa/Zelda - Legend of Zelda)
Give Them Something to Talk About (Dina/Ellie - The Last of Us)
Finally, Beautiful Stranger (Aeris/Tifa - Final Fantasy VII)
Don't Bring Your Black Heart to Bed (Thanatos/Zagreus - Hades)
Glad to see everyone enjoying my quality gay shit. Also very amused that out of these five, three of them were from last year.
Do you respond to comments, why or why not? I do! Or I at least make a solid effort to do so! I usually can't really sit down to properly reply until the weekend, unless it's something super quick I can shoot off on my phone, so I hope people don't mind the wait.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending? Depends on the flavor? For straight-up Bad Ending vibes, absolutely Limbo (I really need to crack out another horror fic, because I love those, even if the majority of fandom doesn't). For right-in-the-feels vibes, Waiting for the Dust to Settle was a recent one I did that just sucker punches you with bittersweet Oh No goodness. It also reminds me of In Another Perfect Life, which ends on a similar note. *squints* actually, these are all for Final Fantasy VIII, which is saying a lot about... something lol
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written? Um... not really? I don't think I have? At least not in the traditional sense where characters from Fandom A interact with characters from Fandom B. I have written some fusion crossover stuff. If You Had Life Eternal comes to mind, where I took Jaina and Kael from WoW and plopped them in Diablo's setting, because reasons.
Have you ever received hate on a fic? I had someone leave a super homophobic comment on one of my Pharmercy fics back in the day, which like... dude, are you lost?? I've also gotten some general weird comments that have little to nothing to do with the fic. I do remember someone on FFN commented saying that I needed Jesus on one of my witch-y fics. Sigh.
Do you write smut? If so what kind? Yes. The delicious kind (I hope).
Have you ever had a fic translated? Probably?? I've had a handful of people over the years ask to translate my stuff, but I haven't seen anything pop up on AO3.
Have you ever co-written a fic before? Nope.
What’s your all-time favorite ship? LIKE JUST ONE???? My brain fluctuates when it comes to this, but I definitely have a type or two I always gravitate towards. The most recent addition is Keitaro/Natsuno (13 Sentinels), which lives in my head rent-free from now until I die. I also always find myself coming back to Celes/Setzer (FFVI) and Aeris/Tifa (FFVII).
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will? A bunch of 2016 drafts I started and then dropped when my life imploded. I've yet to revisit any of them and I'm not sure if I ever will at this point :\
What are your writing strengths? Apparently sneezing out 7k words without breaking a sweat.
What are your writing weaknesses? Sneezing out 7k words without breaking a sweat *sobs in a corner* ALSO TITLES I HATE TITLES
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic? I'm... not sure I fully understand what this means? Like having characters speak in another language randomly? I did this sparingly in Darkness/Starlight, where I had Jidoor be a blend of French and Italian, thus giving Setzer an appropriate accent and the occasional French comment. I didn't translate those into English, because the POV character (Celes) wouldn't have understood what was being said. Plus any time Setzer did dip into it, he was speaking from the heart, but was too afraid to actually TELL her. So if anyone had half the mind to translate those bits, they'd find out Setzer said the most touching things to her in French.
ANYHOW. I honestly don't really do this much, especially when a handful of my fandoms are Japanese and I'm writing in English and we're just assuming everyone's talking in Japanese so... yeah. Take it or leave it, I guess.
What was the first fandom you wrote for? Like when I was 10??? A crossover between Sailor Moon and Final Fantasy VII because FUCK YOU I DO WHAT I WANT.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written? You're killing me, smalls, and I ain't picking just one.
Darkness/Starlight is forever near and dear to my heart for being a labor of love for such a small, old fandom and my beloved rarepair.
Learn to Fly is one I love for the amount of research I put in (I replayed Pyre and took so many notes on both Ti'zo's and Rhae's speech patterns to get them just right) and the delightful, yet bittersweet messages it exudes.
Long Journey Home is another favorite, because I poured my heart into it and it's got one of my favorite lines and ending.
Of What's Left of Us and Who We Used to Be was my attempt at evoking the surreal, yet heartwrenching vibes from the series and again, I also poured my heart into it.
Before We Have Another Chance to Go Loving was me cramming a massive longfic idea I had in my head forever into a small triple drabble series and it's forever canon in my heart.
The Lies We Tell Ourselves is my most recent fic I've published, which I wrote/edited/polished in four days, but I'm tickled pink with how it turned out.
tagging: @dvske @deemoyza @rosemochi @fury-brand @aliatori and any other writers who feel like swiping this! No pressure, as always 💕
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meloncholor · 4 years
Writing Masterlist (4/7/2020 Update)
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Blog Exclusive
Trevor, You’re an Idiot - Trevor and Sypha try and name their first child.
Christmas Memories (Part 1) - (Prompt) A fluffy story about Trevor, Adrian, and my Bloodborne character name Ezio giving each other simple presents for Christmas and talking about their lonely past.
Reading - Trevor Reading over Sypha’s shoulder to annoy her.
Come to Bed - Sypha is an early riser and Trevor is a lazy boi; Sypha snores and it sounds like purring
Please Put Me Down - Trevor can speak french; Sypha gets injured and Trevor has to carry her
Remembrance - Trevor opens up to Sypha emotionally.
Mi Oso - Sypha tries to teach Trevor Spanish
Dog Days - Sypha brings in a stray German Shepard because it’s scruffy and soft and it reminds her of Trevor.
Magic Spider - Trevor and Sypha have to decide who kills the spider.
Birthday With the Dirty Boy - Trevor’s birthday.
Star Children - Sypha and Trevor looking at the stars.
Winter’s Bounty - Trevor makes a cloak like his for Sypha.
Your Laugh is Funny - Sypha is ticklish.
Goodbye, I Guess - Trevor visits his parents’ graves with Alucard and Sypha.  
Castlevania Mafia AU - Just what the title says.
Osito - Trevor asks why Sypha calls him that.
Birthday Girl - Trevor celebrates Sypha’s Birthday
Finish - Carmilla and Godbrand hate s*x. (Lemon)
In Bed Alone - Trevor isn’t feeling great.
A First - Elinore’s first words.
Singer - Trevor asks Sypha to sing for him.
Destino - Trevor likes Sypha’s singing.
Castlevania Warmup #1 - Elinore goes hunting.
House Call - Lisa treats a young Trevor.
How Lovely to See You Again - Vlad greets his wife (reader) when she gets home.
It’s Alright, I’m Here - You wake from a nightmare and Trevor comforts you.
Training Pains - The Belmont kids train together
No Matter the Cost - Vlad would do anything for you.
All for You - Reader and Vlad spend some quality time together.
Archive of Our Own
Warm - Trevor and Sypha share a moment by the fire. (Lemon)
A Snowy Relief - Sypha and Trevor have fun in the snow
Thunderstorm Blues - Sypha gets hurt by a night creature, Trevor is left to watch over her
An Unexpected Fortune - Trevor and Sypha have to share one bed at an inn. (Lemon)
A Few Drinks Together - Sypha insists on coming with Trevor to the bar. (Lemon)
A Cottage In The Woods - Alucard pays a visit to the Belmonts after a long time away.
You’re a Mean One, Ms. Carmilla - Carmilla calls on Hector when she’s bored (Lemon) (TW: R*pe/Non-con)
One Lie -Trevor nearly drinks himself into a coma
Old Friends - Trefor visits the new home of Leon Belmont
Castlevania 2185 - The gang breaks into Vlad Inc.
The Hanged Man’s Prize - You are hired by the famous crime lord Vlad Tepes, and his interests start to reach far beyond the scope of your duties. (Lemon)(Incomplete)
Hidden Charms -  Alucard likes SOME things about Trevor. (Incomplete)
Grace - Trevor saves you from a witch-burning and you are left with the aftermath of what you’ve seen.
Indulgences - Trevor is a filthy dirt man who only functions on spite, even when it’s to his detriment. Alucard fixes this.
Fifty Shades of Carmilla - Hector and Carmilla have a tit for tat relationship
I’m Waiting, My Lord -  Trevor Belmont is the only son of the poor noble house Belmont, he's invited into the service of King Vladimir Tepes after the death of his ailing wife and is assigned to be the retainer of Prince Adrian along with the court magician Sypha Belnades, and the Prince has plans of his own for his personal knight.
People Watching (Complete) - You and Vlad have a falling out.
Belinda and Leandra Belmont - Exploring Trevor’s parentage
Light Reading - Sypha finds a book on vagina spells.
Mother Dearest - Sypha finds a journal on Trevor’s Grandmother.
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Blog Exclusives
Tone Deaf - Kyoka/Bakugo AU where they’re musicians
Seeing Stars - BNHA boys smoking weed and girls dropping acid.
Dancing Queen - Todomomo trying to learn to salsa dance.
I Didn’t Know - All Might forces Endeavor to reconnect with his family.
Torment - Students find a bottle of Aizawa’s scotch.
An Early Morning - Emi and Aizawa’s morning with Kiwa.
Please Stop Asking Me - Emi is the first to push for kids.
Bakugo’s Lament - Bakugo explains why he didn’t become a villain.
Unpolished Kiribaku Warmup - The family goes shopping.
BNHA Kyoka/Kaminari Warmup - They’re hanging out.
Little Wonders - Ochako and Izuku in their home.
Parent-Teacher Conference - Emi and Aizawa are asked to come to Kiwa’s school.
Save Me - All Might almost drowning, based on the scene from Aladdin.
A Forgotten Memory - Enji and Yagi before everything changed.
Archive of Our Own
Two Bros in a Hot Tub and They’re Definitely Gay - Kirishima visits the number 2 hero Bakugo in his expensive home (Lemon)
Mom Swap - Katsuki and Izuku switch moms, that’s it.
Mom - Mitsuki visits her son in the hospital
Tired - She hasn’t seen Shoto in a while
Is this a Porno? - Izuku doesn’t think Mei has a medical degree… (Lemon)
Holding a Vigil - Momo waits for Shoto
Alice in Wonderland - Izuku has conflicted feelings when he sees Hitoshi at a strip club. (Lemon)
A Memory Preserved - Toshinori and Enji have passed their times in the limelight, it’s time for them to finally talk about what happened.
A Knight’s Honor - Fantasy AU; Bakugo and Midoriya spar.
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Blog Exclusives
Spoken through Pen Strokes - Charthur fluff.
Just a Little Bit Longer - Jovier Fluff.
Sunny Days (Part One) - Charthur Fluff
Happy Valentine’s Day Arthur - Albert pays a visit.
What Once Was - Arthur finding out about his ex-wife and son.
Dance With Me - Dutch asks Hosea to Dance.
Charthur Warmup - Pure Fluff.
Wasted Opportunity - John is an idiot.
Again? - John can’t sleep.
You’re Always A Party - Sean and Karen go on a date.
Archive of Our Own
Two Sides of the Same Coin -  Albert Mason is a fool.
She’s All I’ve Got -  Hosea has to save Dutch from her brothers.
Soaked to the Bone -  John takes Javier fishing.
Starry-Eyed - Arthur gets distracted while Charles is tracking animals.
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Blog Exclusives
Anwar and Nadia Warmup - Nadia tries serving traditional Haitian food.
Muriel and Lillian Short - She likes playing in his hair.
Trouble in Paradise - Lucio isn’t paying enough attention to Ophelia.
Noise - Lillian has a panic attack.
Another Warmup - Avina has trinkets Asra’s never seen.
Dandelion Bouquet - Julian gets an idea.
Archive of our Own
Mala -  Lillian takes Muriel to her favorite shop, and then she meets a new friend.
A Short Reprieve -  Lucio and Ophelia are late for a banquet.
Here in the Garden - Julian has to walk through the woods to get home, and on his way intrigues the interest of the woman who makes her home there.
Arcana Thirst
Let My Love Adorn You - Ophelia’s sanctuary is invaded. (Lemon)
Greeting the Sun -  Anwar and Nadia spend the morning together. (Lemon)
Deviating Divination -  Avina gets home late with her supplies. (Lemon)
Sanctuary - Lillian wants to give something to Muriel. (Lemon)
Be My Muse - Donovan is having an art block, Julian helps. (Lemon)
I Missed Your Warmth - Monica comes to visit Portia during a snowstorm. (Lemon)
A Nightmare’s Only Cure - Nadia has a nightmare. (Lemon)
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Archive of Our Own
A Lone Sword - Alistair and Leliana have a short conversation about their leader. (Dragon Age)
Sharing - Sten wants to give the Warden a small gift for returning his sword. (Dragon Age)
Gift of a Sword - Valmiro finds out what Kadan means (Incomplete)(Dragon Age)
Romantic Philistine - Catria and Lukas sneak away from camp (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Shhh… -  Python and Forsyth forgot to be quiet. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)(Lemon)
Apples -  Catria and Lukas share breakfast. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Black Wine and Good Times -  Genji is escaping the mansion for at least a little while, he meets a stranger in a bar. (Overwatch)
Missing You - Genji finds out Jesse is coming home. (Overwatch)
Sickness -  Carol is a bit unsettled when she couldn’t grant wishes for a period of time, she goes to Strange for help. (MCU)
The Entrance - Grim is waiting in jail, he gets saved by an elf and he really likes what he sees (Kingdoms of Amalur)
It Was You All Along - Geralt has to rediscover feelings after the jinn takes some away. (The Witcher)
Secret Stash - Shane is invited to a barn party. (Stardew Valley)
Spoils of Conquest - Sawyer just wants Max and Felix to get along.(Outer Worlds)
The Quietest Nights - Forsyth realizes he might miss Python. (Fire Emblem)
The Witch Who Set This Flame (Personal Favorite) -  Tulma, an Altmer from a farm near Ivarstead, is contacted by the Thalmor to be an inside source on the happenings of Ulfric Stormcloak. Things don't go as planned and the Dragonborn will get justice.
Blog Exclusives
Another Geralt/Dandelion Warmup - Shameless fluff (The Witcher)
Final Defiance - Geralt fights a crudok. (The Witcher)
Spookfest 2019
Halloween Prompt #1 - Ophelia and Lucio go for a walk.
Halloween Prompt #2 - Donovan gives an autumn gift to Julian.
Halloween Prompt #3 -  Symone and Elinore freak out over losing a grimoire.
Halloween Prompt #4 -  Lillian has a bad habit of bringing home animals.
Halloween Prompt #5 -  Izuku and Bakugo go to a haunted location.
Halloween Prompt #6 -  Emi surprises Kiwa
Halloween Prompt #7 -  Avina gets flustered.
Halloween Prompt #8 -  Charles and Arthur go hunting.
Halloween Prompt #9 - Sam tricks Dean and Cas
Halloween Prompt #10 - Dean doesn’t realize what he’s done. (TW: Gore).
Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving Prompt #1 - Anwar and Nadia Short
Thanksgiving Prompt #2 - Trevor and his Mother
Thanksgiving Prompt #3 - Elinore, Elias, and Symone Belmont
Thanksgiving Prompt #4 - Avina and Asra
Thanksgiving Prompt #5 - Clair doesn’t like eating flour.
Thanksgiving Prompt #6 - Ophelia and Lucio
Thanksgiving Prompt #8 - Leandra and Belinda
Thanksgiving Prompt #9 - Dean and Cas
Thanksgiving Prompt #10 - Geralt and Dandelion
Christmas 2019
Feliz Navidad a Los Muertos - Javier is missing what used to be his home.
Winterfest Prompt #1 - Jaskier has a habit of predicting things.
Winterfest Prompt #2 - Nadia and Anwar curl up in front of the fireplace.
Winterfest Prompt #3 - Lillian brings gifts for everyone.
Winterfest Prompt #4 - Bakugo returns home to a surprise.
Winterfest Prompt #5 -  Arthur is running from bounty hunters.
Winterfest Prompt #6 - Emi and Shouta are just trying to take a picture
Winterfest Prompt #7 - Monica and Portia are baking some cookies.
Winterfest Prompt #8 - Trevor is doing something a little out of the ordinary.
Winterfest Prompt #9 - Alm has an idea to take Celica away.
Winterfest Prompt #10 - Geralt doesn’t want to ice skate with Jaskier.
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hackedmotionsensors · 5 years
Here we go Endgame lets talk about it! 
So I’ll say this!!! Over all!!! I liked it a lot. For a lot of reasons.
I also HAAAATTTEEEEEEEDDDDDDDDD a lot of some of the choices. That’s okay. We can have mixed feelings about movies especially the end of a saga. I think they did a good job of getting nods where they needed nods, bringing in storylines from previous movies and conversations that needed to happen.
And they fucking whiffed it on at least THREE REALLY IMPORTANT THINGS!!!
So lets start with what I liked.
1) STEVE TONY EVENT. DO YOU HEAR ME IT WAS A STEVE TONY EVENT  aaaah oh my god. From the second Tony lands back on the planet and Steve RUNS to him before even Pepper and he’s holding him and just the look of agony as Pepper takes him away and the fight where Tony says ALL THE SHIT WE HAD BEEN SAYING!!!! WHERE WERE YOU! YOU LIAR!!! and he RIPS HIS HEART OFF OF HIS CHEST AND GIVES IT TO STEVE BECAUSE YOU FUCKING BROKE HIS HEART YOU FUCKING FUCKED UP STEVE!!!!! FUCKK!!!! And then reconciling because “Resentment is corrosive” UGHHH!!! And Steve just barely containing himself when Tony shows up ughh!! UGHHH!!!!!!! AND THE ASS JOKE!!! THERE’S NO HETEROSEXUAL EXPLANATION ABOUT THAT!!!! TONY SAW STEVES ASS AND WAS LIKE TAN FRANCED IT LIKE BITCH YOU NEED AN FRENCH TUCK OF MY DING DONG IN YOUR BUTT!!! and Steve over the intercom being like “omg tony not in front of the kids” AND A STEVETONY SOLO MISSION!!!!!! 
TONY CALLING STEVE MY MAN  WOW. WOW. FUCKING EXCELLENT ON ALL ACCOUNTS THANKS SO MUCH!! I was given some bread thank you I will eat this stevetony bread nom nom nom nom nom.
2) Tony’s arc in this story was really beautiful. He finally got what he wanted, some perspective and closure with Howard. And I know initially you want to go “Hey Howard was really abusive” and yeah he was. But its complicated. Because Tony even says in Homecoming he was trying to break the cycle of abuse and he DID with Peter and Morgan. You can see just HOW MUCH he cares for his daughter and he was willing to say fuck you to the UNIVERSE in favor of not losing her. Its always a different perspective when you see your parents as people and not as YOUR PARENTS. 
Also Tony lying on the table with Natasha UuU. A lot of the interactions with Tony and the other characters were so good. Tony and Rocket. Tony and Nebula. Tony and Carol (tho brief). Tony arguing with Pierce like his little gay senses were like “This guys a nazi I bet”
3) I genuinely liked the Time Heist. I DID  NOT LIKE THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL IN THIS MOVIE BUT I’LL GET TO THAT. But I looooved the Time Heist. From the New York stuff with Steve fighting Steve and knowing his dumbass loses his shit when he hears things like “Bucky’s still alive” and being done with his own stupid shit “I can do this all day” “YEAH I KNOW” (which btw at this point was basically the last thing he said to Tony in Civil War so maybe that doesn’t have its plucky little fire anymore and now is a sore spot). I loved Loki running away with the Space Stone (even tho as of now I’m still not sure what the FUCK THAT MEANS!? more on that in a sec) Loki making fun of Cap. Loki rolling his eyes at Odin. Tony dressed in a shield outfit screaming Medic!!! The gang all on the elevator and Hulk screaming about it and LOKI WAVING HIS HAND AT THE HULK AS THE DOORS SHUT!! TONY SITTING ON THE BRIEFCASE! SCOTT GOING “how the FUCK did you not know they were Hydra LOOK AT THEM They’re a COP!” Then jumping forward to the 70s and Steve’s legs that went all the way up to his asshole and Tony dressed as a doctor
I drew a doodle of it here you go lol I’ll post it properly later
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oh did this not happen? Idk what movie you were watching.
4) The big battle at the end was SO FUCKING COMIC BOOK I WAS LOSING IT. Also I keep calling it the Battle of Five Armies or Return of the King lol T’challa BATHED IN A HALO OF LIGHT LIKE YES WE STAN A KING. MY WIFE
VALKYRIE!!! ON HER BEAUTIFUL WHITE HORSE!!!! (also not being given an actual name and called Valkyrie is the funniest goddamn thing. Like that’s like going into a Footlocker and talking to the manager but calling them Manager)
WANDA FINALLY FUCKING FLYING. LIKE. F L Y I N G. THAT is what the Scarlet Witch is SUPPOSED TO DO!! SHE’S SUPPOSED TO BE SO POWERFUL IT TOOK EVERYONE TO TAKE HER DOWN CMON!!!!!! And she almost got him too. Honestly if it were down to Carol and Wanda they probably could have ended Thanos alone. 
Korg coming back for more comic relief AND PUTTING HIM IN TAIKA’S PINEAPPLE ONESIE!!!! ARE YOU KIDDING.
5) This is controversial. And I know it won’t age well. And that’s okay and feel free to disagree with me entirely. 
But I liked Fat Thor lmfao. I know it was played as a joke for the wrong reasons but I laughed. I was like fuck yes his belly looks like mine and that’s not why it was funny and it SHOULDN’T BE but I laughed lol. But on the other hand I think it had partially to do with Hemsworth constantly being like “no no we don’t need a shirtless scene” or just sort of a gag at how Marvel always has a shirtless scene and its just kind of funny to have it not be someone cut. EVEN THOUGH its a fat suit and I can’t take off my fat suit but Hemmy can and that’s kinda shitty. 
but I laughed. I can’t help it. He was a whole ass mess and I thought it was funny. And I know there are Thor fans out there who wanted more for him but like I said before this was a SteveTony event. This movie and this win worked because it was Steve and Tony finally coming together again.
It felt honestly the most comic book Avengers of the entire series. 
And true to comic book events
it whiffed the landing.
Before I get into dislikes I’ll say that I liked this movie more than I disliked it. I cried H A R D at the end of the movie. Because its not a movie that’s an on its own kind of movie. You had to have gone through the journey to get here. The pay off is completely lost if you only watch this movie. Or you only watch one or two of the MCU. Or if you’re like a few people I’ve talked to where they only like Steve and Tony. Or they only like Thor and Loki. Or they only like the Guardians and hate the avengers. If you have hate in your heart for any of these characters the payoff of this movie is pretty much lost.
The theme of this movie is clearly about moving on when things come to an end. When things stop or end or we lose people we love you have to move on. Steve says that at the beginning of the movie to our apparent gay representative straight director Joe Russo.
But like Tony said before.
Steve’s a fucking liar lmfao
But lets not start there. Lets start with the fucking timeline.
I hate.
I enjoyed what we SAW of the Time travel but the rules itself DIDN’T MAKE ANY FUCKING SENSE.
So when they’re suiting up Hawkeye for the test run Bruce explicitly says that all these movies that say “if you go into the past and fuck up the past you fuck up the timeline and the present/future is fucked because you’ve changed things”
ARE WRONG. HE SAYS THEY ARE WRONG. He says “If you go into the past. The past becomes your present. But the present then becomes your future. So you can’t go back and un fuck your parents to make you. Or kill baby Thanos. because that happened and you can’t change that but you can change youre present”
If you go into the past yes YOU are in your present but the world is still being written around you STILL so you go into the past and change something (loki making off with the space stone) that’s CHANGED. You’ve created a new reality.
THE ANCIENT ONE EVEN SAYS “you create a new reality. And it fucks shit up”
So now Loki has the time Stone in reality B, in reality A Steve goes back and puts the stones back where they belong (and I guess.....gives the soul stone to Red Skull????????? wouldn’t you try to get Natasha back????like that itself is a whole movie of Steve going back and putting things away but ??????) 
And then we get to the end of the movie where Steve says Fuck you to Peggy’s reality A family and now on this timeline where they’ve time traveled he lived an entire life WITH Peggy but like.......you were Captain America and you just said “No don’t worry about JFK being assassinated. Or the Civil Rights movement. Or stopping Bucky in any capacity. Or maybe saving MLK. Or Peggy continuing to join SHIELD. Or stopping ACTUAL NAZIS from infiltrating SHIELD.
Because if you go with this idea that Steve went back and “lived a life” What did he DO then. What did he FUCKING. DO?
You’re not Steve from 1940s going back to 1940s. You’re Steve form 2019 going back to 1940s. No wifi. No medicine. No cell phones? Gays are still being persecuted. You can’t drink from the same fountain as black people (or rather they can’t drink from your white fountain). 
You are.
and you just said nah fuck it its fine? This shit can all happen but I don’t super care because I get to dance with Peggy. Peggy who on her own had this whole life. Who did all this stuff IN YOUR NAME IN YOUR HONOR. Who married someone else. Who had a FAMILY. Who had a NIECE that you made out with. And just..... wha....
Like if he had gone back and danced with her but came back with Natasha in exchange for the soul stone but during his travels had aged. Or met someone else.
Like movie wise and story wise I get wrapping up Steve’s story. And maybe the person Peggy is talking about in the video of her in TWS is actually Steve from 2019. Maybe that’s it. But it still doesn’t make sense because they FUCKED UP THE RULES OF TIME TRAVEL SO WHO THE FUCK KNOWS.
So. lol I wasn’t a huge fan of Steve at the end of the movie. I know they needed to do something to end the movie with a finality. With Steve being DONE. But instead of finality or closure I just have so many goddamn questions. And I don’t hold it against Evans or even really the directors per say. But I’ll blame Markus and McFeely because they were writing since TWS. They HAD the Cap STORYLINE to write about and that was how they ended it.
its like when you pack for a very important trip and you plan out all your outfits but then wake up late and end up throwing whatever you can find into your suitcase and run out the door.
It felt final and not final.
But I’ll tell you this. From my perspective and obviously I’m going to skew it this way because its me and FEEL FREE to disagree with me.
He left because Tony and Natasha were dead. The two people that he felt the closest to (sorry Sam, Bucky and Sharon [who we didn’t even see as dusted wow]) were gone. Natasha and Steve had become a brother and sister. He would always come back for her clearly. Trying to cheer her up as she’s crying. Natasha understanding Steve’s feeling of being lost. Tony inspiring and fighting with Steve. Like that’s part of what I liked about this is taht you could really feel how Steve and Tony needed each other for this to work but also they needed to not hate each other. 
Also I kinda knew the second Scott said “That’s a one way trip!!” before the 70s bit that Steve was going to stay in the past lol What an asshole.
Also I don’t think it was very UN-Captain America because I think people don’t always realize that a lot of the inspo for the MCU came ALSO from Ultimates. And if Ults Cap was able to go back to the past he would have in a heartbeat. Who was a more depressed Cap? Ults or MCU? I just don’t know.
This was another one I kind of saw coming from a mile away as soon as it was just the two of them on Vormir. I was kind of hoping they’d Hawkeye a way out of the deal by like throwing his daughters picture or something like that. Or that it would be Hawkeye. But they both had an upcoming movie/series so I didn’t know which way it went.
And then there was that big jump. And I was like oh my god they did it right
Wow. Wowwwwwwwwww
Markus and McFeely 
The first time you get because Thanos is a dick and abusive and he would absolutely throw his favorite daughter into the soul pit (which I guess Isn’t picky because she didn’t love him back she hated him but I guess its a one way street with the ol’ soul stone)
And they don’t say during that one (far as I remember) that its a permanent exchange. 
But they sure emphasized this time. And they sure killed the original avenger who was the only girl on the team. Who never got a chance to live.
Who Whedon made herself call heself a monster because she can’t have a family and then she gets a found family and then SHE DIES. THEY KILL HER. AFTER HAVING A FAMILY.
WHAT THE FUCK. Like...my problems with Scarjo aside (which are similar with my problems with Paltrow) You DID. BLACK. WIDOW. FUCKING. DIRTY. I don’t care that there’s a movie coming out that was her story. You were supposed to give her a fucking story. And now her story is only how she relates to her TEAM OF MEN.
And now to my last point that I didn’t like. And I don’t hate this one as much as Steve’s ending or Natasha’s ending.
I don’t like that Tony died. I know this is wrapped up in a lot of emotions I have about Tony Stark the character. Robert Downey Jr the person. Tony Stark the character in all his forms is very important to me and I love that he has many forms. 616, Ults, AvAc, Avengers Assemble, the MCU. But his story is important to me. And its heartbreaking. I’m tearing up a bit now writing this out. 
I’m just the type of person that hates that a character, in a fantasy setting where you have wizards, valkyries, robots, talking raccoons and trees, Dave Bautista, a giant green rage monster wearing chinos, that you have to take this one part and make it realistic. That we have to keep realism kill this character off because it doesn’t make sense if someone doesn’t die. Because the stakes aren’t high if you don’t make them personal as well.
Which is true like you don’t have high stakes (the planet or universe getting dusted) if you don’t are about some of the people in that universe personally.
I just would have rather he had retired. Moved onto his little farm with Pepper and Morgan.
I think they did right by Tony. Storywise, ending...all the stuff the dropped the fucking ball on with Natasha and Steve they gave to Tony. And on one hand I get it and I appreciate that because (sorry to nat and steve fans truly) I care more about Tony. Tony started this whole thing. In a miracle of accidents they got the right actor, the right story, the right character, the right director, the right timing technology wise, the right social mood and made solid gold. And none of this would have happened if it weren’t for that amazing accident that happened.
And I think it has more to do with not wanting to let go or move on even though i can always go back to Iron Man 1 at any point and start the journey over again and have a laugh but there’s always going to be that ending where its final. Its done. Its over. And in the simplest of terms. I don’t like it. You have to know when to bow out and I respect and appreciate that. I don’t wanna see Iron Man 8 with geriatric old RDJ trying to fumble into a mocap suit.
I understand. I appreciate. But I don’t have to like it as a person. And that’s okay.
Its all about moving on isn’t it? That’s the theme of the movie. Moving on.
Even if you’re steve and your moving on wipes out the existance of a whole other family lmfaaoidnsfasfada sorry sorry. 
Okay. yeah that’s all I think I can think of. I’m sure there’s a ton more other people have mentioned aside from what I wrote. Like its a LONG movie and I think its hard to say hey “they fucked this up” or “they got this right” for EVERY SINGLE THING. There were so many characters. Nebula’s story could have been better. Thor’s story could have been more involved. Hawkeye could have been more important throughout the series. Janet could have come back for the final fight and healed Tony. Like there’s a ton of “this COULD have happened” But it didn’t. And that’s okay. It may not be right but its okay. I think they wrapped it up as best you could while still making a good movie. I think you probably can go back after a long while and look at the Endgame and go yeah that wasn’t so bad for an ending. Endings are hard to do with any sort of skill. Its why the joke that the third movie always sucks. 
There’s still a ton of stuff to look forward to.
Falcon/Winter Soldier, Loki, Hawkeye, Wanda and Vision (i GUESS??? lol), Black Widow’s movie. 
Maybe Steve solved more than he let on who knows. WHO KNOWS. Maybe Mjolnir left him haflway through the journey when she knew he was going to ditch his 2019 family (who again....mostly dead now)
I love Tony 3000. Which I found out is more than a ton which makes Morgan Stark a lot smarter than I am lmfao
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laceymorganwrites · 5 years
May I ask for a Matchup? With characters from the MCU if possible. A little bit about me: Im a girl, 21, 164cm tall and got rather large blue eyes and brown hair. Currently its like an odd 1830's half curl half not curl. My style is somewhere in between 1850's respectable woman and gay hippie goth. Im incredibly accepting of all people except assholes. I draw, and am currently learning french.(no reason just wanted to) I like to listen to movies and go for walks. Im also quite handy and fix stuf
I match you up with: Steve!
What catches his eye first?
Your appearance, even if he hates being that guy that likes someone for their Looks. But he just couldn´t help himself, you were so unique, yet so familiar. Something About the way you looked made him feel like home without Feeling miserable
First date?
In a small french cafe that Steve used to go to to draw and be alone with his thoughts for a while. It´s situated in a little quiet corner and it´s quite peaceful there. Not to mention the delicious Foods and beverages you can purchase there. 
What made him fall in love with you?
You understand him when no one else does, in ways that nobody ever could, not even him himself. You just have this peaceful aura around you that makes him feel safe and protected and loved. He can be himself without being judged, he can Always Count on you. Steve just likes the way you can make him open up and talk freely to you, speak his mind and have genuine conversations with you.
What´s it like being with Steve?
The relationship is full of trust and baby steps, it´s slow but not agonizingly so, it´s just the right pace for both of you to be comfortable. Consent and communication and honesty are the golden rules for Steve and you. It´s convenient that you two have the same hobbies as those are just another way to spend quality time together. You´re the quiet, loving and caring couple in the library, basically the mom friend of couples. You´re always so nice to be around and you´re not so much indulged in each other that others might feel uncomfortable!
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scienceoftheidiot · 5 years
So, 1 week after, here are my thoughts on Endgame. 
I liked the film, this is the thing you need to know. 
Rest of the thoughts under the cut, not in any order, and of course SPOILERS AHEAD 
Also careful as I put ALL my opinions there. Dunno if it’s unpopular or not and frankly I don’t really give a shit. 
Time travel. Didn’t expect that, rather some shenanigans with Strange, so time travel + Antman ? I’m game, thanks for surprising me. I think Antman is now my favourite Avenger. And I haven’t seen Antman and the Wasp, so uh. I was a little put off. lol. 
Since we’re on this subject : why oh why do you all go to fucking TONY’s to talk about time travel when Bruce is still around ?!???!!!!  Tony is a genius engineer. He does physics. BUT NOT THIS KIND  Bruce is the closest you can have for time travel (I would have gone to Pym but eh he’s gone).  further proof that in cinema, all scientists are interchangeable (if... you can call Tony a scientist. Mmmmmeeeehhh depends on the definition) science rant off/  Physicist = BRUCE. NOT TONY  
Tony was fucking grating all the damn movie. I understand his reactions, I understand his motivations, but really ? I have started to not like him much a few films before, and now it has culminated. So I guess now I’m team Cap. Always been team Cap anyway, except during civil war when the sole well written character is Black Panther. 
the 5 years gap ? the most stupid part of the movie. I can suspend my disbelief (not all the (russian) nuclear plants have exploded without enough supervision, for example, well I think so, we have no idea how the rest of the world has coped because USA USA USA)(the french ones are supposed to calm down and “turn off” in this case)(i said SUPPOSED) but there are things that should be addressed    It’s only used as a background and never made in perspective as a European, we know that 5 years ? Is enough to rebound. No “big empty places” unless you have decided to make a reserve of it (which they should have taken the opportunity for, given Steve’s comment about whales in the Hudson. Animals grow faste than humans). Economy is probably thriving by then, and all this. The whole infrastructure is still there, nothing to rebuild. I’m fairly sure people have started to make a lot, a lot a lot of babies.  The people returning at the end ? All their family have gone without them for 5 years ? How do they deal with that ? All the economy is going to collapse again. Families are going to be broken again. People are going to find themselves without a home, without a support, without anything.  And if you think it works, I would engage you into reading what happened to the people who survived camps after WW2. And nothing of this is addressed. It creates more problems than it solves them and all of this because of this 5 years gap to give a daughter to Tony and some (badly made fake) belly to Thor.  Spiderman ? goes back to high school ? and his friend is still there ? so his friends was snapped too, or else it’s a monumental fuck up. Unless you’re extremely dumb you don’t stay 5 years in high school you know  This gap is unneccessaty and made there just so Tony can have a kid so his death is more dramatic or whatever. It sucks. Even during the film it put me off.  oh it’s maybe also there because they want Thor to totally collapse, which brings me to 
Thor  The next time I see someone saying “Thor isn’t like this ! Thor would never collapse” has not seen the same films as I did (and probably is one of those Ragnarok haters who have not understood the movie)  Thor can collapse. In fact, it’s just as understandable or actually even more, than Tony doing so in the beginning of the movie (who is the only one who hasn’t lost a loved one ? hey, Tony ! Thor has lost his country, his brother, his parents, and he has LOST, he fought and lost, and this isn’t something he is used to).  No, the probelm with Thor isn’t that he’s collapsed and is now an alcoholic (and actually more of an alcoholic than Tony ever was shown to be when he’s supposed to be one - Tony never tries to find alcohol or else. Tony is a.... Tony c’est un putain d’alcoolique mondain. Pas franchement intéressant. Pas un poivrot. Thor est plus intéressant qu’un alcoolique mondain. Sorry for the french I can’t translate.  The problem with Thor is that it’s played for the laughs.  I don’t mind Rocket slapping him - it’s ROCKET dudes, he is a fucking arse with no social capabilities you think he’s going to help his sole partner while they’re supposed to do a mission ? No, he slaps him. Cause he’s an arsehole. It’s IN CHARACTER  No, it’s the way it’s filmed. The Russos tried to do a Waititi, but they didn’t understand Ragnarok, just like half of tumblr apparently, and played this for the laughs, without any finesse, without any of the things that made Thor in Ragnarok relatable and not the butt of a joke. Once it’s alright, the surprise of Banner finding Thor this way and all.  A few lines here and there, okay Not this constant “look Thor is fat and depressed and alcoholic haha who would have thought it’s so funny let’s have more” 
It didn’t enrage me but it’s very very meh 
I don’t know if it was the French translation but almost all the fucking humour was off. 
Time travel is full of plot holes. I don’t care about that. But time travel is slippery and they fell in all the holes. Luckily for them, I watch Doctor Who. I have learnt not to see the holes (Doctor Who does it better though eeehhhh) 
I don’t mind and actually liked all the returns to the past, I know people found it shitty, I liked it. 
Loki... eeehhh. He’s in ANOTHER timeline now. If he comes back, he better have an explanation. A GOOD ONE 
I won’t watch the Disney series anyway so I don’t really care about what happens, do your thing, I’m off 
Big battle at the end : YES 
Now I have thoughts about identification and Hollywood stereotypes of races and the way they mix gender expression and sexuality - but if that interest someone I’ll just tell them in private. Just know that I’m white and straight, yet I almost only identify to non white and often non straight female characters. So there IS something to look into there. I don’t give a fuck in what race or sexuality the characters I identify with are - unless Tumblr decides I can’t cosplay Walkyrie because I’m white or this kind of bullshit - I just find it interesting, because I only identify with ONE type of women, and these women are always such. So there is stuff to dig up imo. ANYWAY  BACK TO YOUR REGULAR SCHEDULE 
I hate MCU Spiderman
I hate MCU Spiderman
I hate MCU Spiderman 
His presence and his talking and all ruined all the fucking scenes he was in 
Dude ? you know him for barely a few months ? You are so dependant on him ? I know you’re young, but... you’re not 10yo, and you’re supposed to have been Spidey WITHOUT him before ? and what you do is just basically worship the ground Tony is on all the time ? 
I swear I was 2 seconds away from screaming when Pepper finally pushed him away. 
You, my little arsehole baby Spidey who apparently can’t do shit alone, have robbed some of the last seconds of Tony’s life from his love. Thank you Spiderman 
Spiderman has more screentime than T’challa and I will always be salty about it. T’challa, Tchuri, are far more interesting and important to this story than Peter Parker. 
Spidey rant off/ 
Where is Captain Marvel ? Away on Plot Planet so that she doesn’t ruin the film by being too strong. She still Deus Ex Machinas her way at the end. 
I have nothing against Captain Marvel, she’s for me like Superman, too powered so uninteresting. 
Remember who my fave  superheroes are ? Daredevil and Hawkeye(s). Superpowers don’t really do it for me, eh. So that’s it. 
Cap was redeemed to me by this film, after Civil War which fucked him up and Infinity War where he was... not really interesting (best char in IW ??? THOR FFS) 
Cap’s end. Is the best. I don’t care about the timeline bullshit and how it shouldn’t work and all this 
Cap comes back to Peggy and they live happily ever after and I’m so happy for them and that’s it. 
Natacha? The whole soul stone thing was dumb. But given the context there she HAD to die. 
I am not salty about her dying though. 
bon petite parenthèse j’ai du mal avec le prénom natacha (natasha ?) pke la seule meuf que j’eu jamais connu avec ce prénom était une grosse conne qu’on a fini par appeler natachatte et je ne peux pas penser à natacha sans que mon cerveau ne me rappelle natachatte voilà merci. Natachatte tu es surement toujours une grosse conne, mais bon. En plus je suis pas hyper fan de Scarlet Johansson mais passons 
I liked that she was eventually allowed some emotions in there btw. 
But she died. And no one mourned her for more than 5 minutes. That is the lot of people dying in the middle of movies. Bleh 
By the way if I see once more that she was fridged I’m going to kill someone
this is not fridging THIS DIDNT CAUSE MAN PAIN 
Smart Hulk is funny for 5 minutes then becomes really not funny and really not interesting and seriously the interesting part of Banner is his struggle with Hulk, why do this 
The “Gay mention” at the start ? Really not something to be proud about when you could have used the actual non straight characters you have around (cough Walkyrie cough Captain Marvel cough hell even Loki) BUT enough to stop Russia from showing the film in English so they could censor it. Bravooooooo. I feel for my Russian friends, as I know Russian dubbing is not exactly the best in the world. All this, boasting and all, for this seriously meh scene with an unknown character we don’t give a shit about, and it leads to that. Seriously. 
I think I’m done. 
I’m done? 
Morgan Stark was unnecessary. Also calling her Morgan is making stuff difficult. Cause there’s another character called Morgan Stark in the comics and I had trouble finding her when I didn’t remember her name. 
I hate Gwyneth Paltrow but Pepper is perfect 
Which is weird because I really don’t like Tony there but eh okay. 
Thank God for Antman. Paul Rudd is my baby and his character is the sole funny one. 
Hawkeye as Ronin is... seriously not as interesting as he should be, and there were moments when I really wondered why they bothered with such an underpowered character that did. Nothing. 
Also that phone call ? that phone call ?????? why would Ronin have kept his phone when he... is Ronin, doesn’t let people contact him, and has lost his whole family ? I almost yelled in the cinema. You need to explain me why he has this phone there. 
The “girl power” shot was way too much, unnecessary, and I really didn’t understand how and why all the girls were there suddenly at the same place when they were all scattered around the battlefield seconds before. Do your job, write good and varied female characters, this is NOT USEFUL and tacky and... dumb. Really. Don’t. 
Okay now I’m done. These were *some* of my thoughts 
I still liked the film, mind you, I’m a good public, give me action and jokes and people I like on screen and I’m good. It was a good moment and I don’t regret seeing it. 
Now I think I am done with the MCU, maybe appart from Antman and Black Panther. Guardians of the Galaxy if James Gunn comes back (but I’m kinda afraid of Thor being there, the joke about “who’s the captain” was already WAY TOO MUCH in the film, I can’t have that for a whole film - plus “new Gamora” means there’s going to be some very cringey scenes and Quill will try to make her love him again and this is going to be... boring as fuck because we’ve already seen it. Nope.) 
It was a good end to it. Now ? All I want is for people to Save Daredevil of course. I have no interest into anything else, thanks. 
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philosopherking1887 · 7 years
I wonder what you mean with "Loki’s Jewish-coding". Loki is a Norse god, of Scandinavian origin, not Jewish/middle-eastern. I hope I just misunderstood your fandom tropes because making him a Jew all of a sudden seems extremely weird. Scandinavians can also have VERY curly hair and straighten it because we don't like it.
Um… I’m sort of confused by the assumption that I’m an idiot that seems to be underlying this question. Pretty clearly, I hope, I was talking about Marvel’s Loki, not the original Loki of Norse myth. In fact, in the post you’re talking about, I referred to it as “[MCU] Loki’s Jewish-coding.” The reason “MCU” is in brackets is that I didn’t want to exclude the Loki of the classic Marvel comics—who, I think I recall @fuckyeahrichardiii​ telling me, is even more intensely and problematically Jewish-coded than MCU Loki. I read and write fanfiction about MCU Loki primarily; writers do draw on the myths that inspired the comics and films, but for the most part the more recent fictional representations are the basis.
Because I am not an idiot, I do know that Loki is a Norse god of Scandinavian origin, and it would be absurd to claim that the Loki of myth has Jewish or Middle Eastern characteristics. I have read, in connection with the controversy about the origin of Loki’s name, that he may be a holdover from an earlier, perhaps pre-Indo-European pantheon that was replaced by the Norse one. The Jotnar in Norse myth, like the Titans of Greek myth, do seem to play the role of “old gods” that might represent the gods of the pre-Indo-European populations that were conquered and/or displaced by Indo-European settlers just as the Jotnar/Titans are conquered and displaced by the Aesir/Olympians. Loki is unusual in being a Jotun who is accepted into the community of the Aesir – perhaps an older native god being borrowed into the invaders’ religion? So Loki is already an Other, an outsider relative to the rest of the Norse pantheon.
Despite the fact that Marvel was using Norse gods as the basis for their Asgardian characters, the comics originated in 20th-century America, which was, ineluctably, subject to a number of other cultural influences. Mainstream American culture has been primarily shaped by Christian European culture, and the Other par excellence of Christian Europe has always been the Jew. In European culture, Jewish men have been feminized and, especially around the turn of the 20th century, have been compared to or associated with gay men in light of their shared status as outsiders, as an alien and inscrutable Other, and presumed untrustworthiness. (This is brought out in an especially poignant way by Marcel Proust, a gay man and the son of a Jewish woman, in In Search of Lost Time, particularly in his treatment of the Dreyfus Affair, which was THE political event of the 1890s and left a deep scar on French society that still hadn’t healed when Proust’s books were published 20-30 years later.)
Marvel’s Loki hits many of the points associated with the figure of the Jew in European culture. He is the eternal foreigner in Asgard, his loyalties constantly in question. He is portrayed as sly and manipulative, always pulling strings from behind the scenes, forever plotting to take power from the rightful rulers of Asgard. He does tend to be queer- or feminine-coded, which on its own isn’t necessarily evidence of Jewish-coding, but reinforces the rest of the image. Aside from having dark hair while most Asgardians are blond/golden-haired—a standard trope for emphasizing the “Oriental” origins of European Jews, though many (like myself) are blond or (like my mother and grandmother) red-haired—the Loki of the classic comics also tends to have a hooked nose. (Which is pretty common among cartoon villains, especially sly and conniving ones…)
I first became aware of the implicit Jewish-coding of MCU Loki—which might have been unintentional, or just a consequence of the adaptation from the comics—when I happened across a couple of videos setting footage from Thor and The Avengers to songs from The Prince of Egypt, including “All I Ever Wanted” and “The Plagues.” I realized that Loki’s position as member of a foreign enemy group, rescued from death as a baby and raised, in ignorance of his heritage, as the second prince of the society that conquered the society of his origin, was very similar to that of Moses in The Prince of Egypt. (That movie doesn’t adhere exactly to Moses’s story in Exodus; Moses did actually know where he came from because his sister Miriam volunteered his birth mother as a wet nurse for him. But then, in some versions of the comics, Loki does know that he’s either adopted or Odin’s bastard, so that doesn’t necessarily spoil the parallel.) Then I noticed some of the other characteristics that set Loki apart from Asgardian society at large and his adoptive family in particular… I actually had Loki comment on it in my first Thorki fic, Desert Flowers, which takes place after Loki visits Berlin in the 1920s. (I doubt Antagonistic Anon will care, but some of my other followers might be interested.) It’s easiest for me just to quote that passage. Here Loki is explaining Midgardian racism, including antisemitism, to Thor:
“There are a few characteristic physical traits, though they’re not consistent. Long, arched nose; dark curly hair.” Loki stopped short, his lips pressed tightly together. “In general, they don’t look any more different from other Europeans than I do from you,” he forced himself to say good-humoredly. “In fact, I was given rather shoddy service at a few restaurants—and even turned away from one inn that I was certain still had vacancies—which was very puzzling until I realized that they thought I was Jewish… a member of this group, I mean.”
“Huh,” said Thor disgustedly […]
Loki cleared his throat. “At any rate,” he continued, “the animus toward them centers on their supposed character: greedy, ambitious, deceitful; physically weak, but clever and devious enough to gain power through indirect means.” Me again. Too interested in scholarly pursuits, not enough in manly physical activities; prone to neurosis. All too quickly, the list of antisemitic stereotypes that he had heard tossed around in Berlin had turned into a catalogue of Loki’s own inadequacies. While Thor is the very embodiment of the ‘Aryan ideal.’
Pretty obviously MCU Loki’s hair is naturally curly because Tom Hiddleston’s hair is naturally curly and they can’t always keep it under control. But in combination with its unusual color, the unusual texture and his apparently intense desire to slick it into submission spoke to me. I’ve struggled with the frizzy texture of my own hair, and a lot of other Jews I know try to tame it in various ways, while others go natural and embrace the “Jew-fro.” I’m sure Scandinavian people can have curly hair, and I’m not ruling out an interpretation of Loki’s dislike of his curly hair that has nothing at all to do with his status as Other. But for me it just fits in with everything else that I’ve mentioned.
Jeez, I kind of can’t believe I wrote that much in response to what clearly was not a friendly question. I’m honestly kind of puzzled as to why Anon was so bothered by an offhand comment about Loki being Jewish-coded. (Like, is there a problem with Jews “appropriating” Scandinavian culture…? Don’t worry, folks, Jews have absolutely no interest in replacing you.) Actually, this is the second hostile anonymous “question” I’ve received in the past two weeks, both with decently good grammar (unusual for anon hate) but premised on a wildly uncharitable, deliberately obtuse interpretation of something I wrote (my response to the first is here). If the second didn’t regard a pretty widely shared post of mine, I might suspect a single unfriendly blog-stalker. This is kind of weird, since I never used to get obnoxious anonymous comments; I guess the cost of gradually increasing exposure is assholes.
@darklittlestories, @incredifishface, I thought you might find this whole thing mildly entertaining… Oh, and @andreashwood, because you're a "Prince of Egypt" fan.
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mxquill · 7 years
tagged by the lovely @evilqueenofgallifrey !!
Rules: answer all questions, then add one of your own, and tag as many people as there are questions you like bc let’s be reasonable here
i’m not gonna tag anyone because i’m lazy but here are my answers anyway
coke or pepsi? pepsi but only if it’s diet
disney or dreamworks?  Disney
coffee or tea? books or movies? tea / both! (leaning towards movies because reading is #tiring
windows or mac? windows
dc or marvel? marvel i guess??? idk the dc cinematic universe is shitty but i have like 0 interest in mcu any more outside of gotg
xbox or playstation? i was always an xbox gal but if i had to choose now prob playstation for better exclusives
night owl or early riser? night owl
cards or chess? shit i can’t play either
chocolate or vanilla? c h o c o l a t e 
vans or converse? converse
star wars or star trek? please don’t make me...... ok star wars
one episode per week or marathoning? marathons bby i can go all night ;) ;) ;)
gandalf or obi-wan? help me obi juan whoever the fuck you are you’re my only ho
heroes or villains? i mean it’s nice to save the day but i am helplessly attracted to intimidating sexy lady villains
john williams or hans zimmer? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 
disneyland/disney world or six flags?  Disneyland
forest or sea? sea i guess???
flying or reading minds? flying, reading minds would be exhausting
harry potter or lord of the rings? Harry Potter
cake or pie? cake i guess
you are banished to a desert island, which benedict cumberbatch character would you choose to take with you? preferably none but i would choose teddy from tipping the velvet because i too have had my heart broken by nan king and he probably would build us a boat to go home in
train or cruise ship? train (i’ve never been on a cruise)
brian cox or neil degrasse-tyson? brain cox my boy
wizard of oz or alice in wonderland?  alice in wonderland
fanfiction or fanart? both !!! honestly all kinds of fanwork is beautiful and great
the hunger games - books or movies? books
be able to see the future or travel into the past? seeing the future would be pretty cool i guess, i would probably die immediately if i went into the past because i am small and gay
han solo or luke skywalker? han solo is my main man
spring or autumn? autumn obviously because strictly is on and halloween happens
campfire or fireplace? campfire
french fries or onion rings? fries (before guys)
truth or dare? truth, i’m a chicken lmao
winter or summer? summer because i’m cold all the time anyway
vampires or werewolves? vampires
eyes or lips? uuuuuuuuuuu fuck idk burgers or sandwiches? burgers
friends-to-lovers or enemies-to-lovers trope? friends to lovers
pizza or pasta? pizza !!!!
ancient rome or ancient greece? oh man idk maybe rome
foxes or wolves? foxes
mermaids or dragons? mermaids because i am all about that cute mermaid lesbian aesthetic 
kate bush or madonna? Madonna
the office or parks and recreation? i’ve never seen the office so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
sci-fi or period drama? i want to say both but i’m way more invested in sci-fi
Fairytales or Mysteries? uuuuuu mysteries i guess
Explore the oceans or space? space !!! i’m such a space gay
iPhone or Android? android
Thieves or Assassins? why not both
Metal or country music? neither, both of them make me nervous lmao
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niamsuggitt · 7 years
The Ides Of June 2017
Hello there! And welcome all to this month’s ‘The Ides Of’ column, where I write just a little bit about all of the various stuff and nonsense I’ve been enjoying over the past 30 days. Yes, this instalment is late, but it’s been lovely and warm, so I haven’t had the inclination to stay indoors and write this stuff. I’ve actually been outside and I’ve even been wearing shorts! What is the world coming to?
This month is a decent one I think, there’s a lot of movies (although some are rewatches), 2 intriguing books, more great TV and I bought another Switch game! Unfortunately there’s no new music this time out, but next month will change that, with new Royal Blood and Public Service Broadcasting albums on the horizon.
So let’s do it to it!
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Lot’s of movies to talk about this time, so let’s not waste any time with preamble! First up is Prometheus (Ridley Scott 2012), which I finally actually got around to watching due to the release of it’s sequel, Alien: Covenant, which I haven’t actually seen. That’s kind of me in a nutshell really, the release of a new thing makes me realise I haven’t actually seen the old thing yet! See also Schmidt, Kimmy later on. Anyway, I mostly enjoyed Prometheus, although as the rest of the internet has already explained ad nauseum, it certainly has it’s problems and, at a bit of a remove, doesn’t really make that much sense. I like the previous Alien films, and have the Quadrilogy box-set, but wouldn’t say I was any kind of mega-fan, so I don’t have any real issues per se with Scott going back and removing some of the mystery. Especially because, every answer he gives only raises more and more questions! I came out of the film wanting to know more, so in that way, it was a success. I think the things that really stood out to me here were the visuals, because whatever you think of Ridley Scott, the man has one of the best eyes for science fiction out there, and also the fantastic performance of Michael Fassbender as the android, David. He is just superb, although his role in the plot is one that frustrates me, as it’s never really explained why David is fucking with things, he just… is. Maybe the answers are waiting for me in Covenant? I also found that frustration with Charlize Theron’s character. She’s just kind of a dick for no reason, you find out Weyland is her dad… and then she dies. There must be more to it than that, but there isn’t. A lot of the other performances are like that really, good actors doing something potentially good, but not as much as you like, Idris Elba, Race Spall and Sean Harris all deserve more I think. Especially as Noomi Rapace, who is nominally the lead, isn’t quite as interesting, at least to me. Her performance is good, particularly in the fantastic ‘abortion’ scene that’s probably the film’s highlight. Unfortunately for Rapace, in an Alien film, a female lead is always going to be compared to Sigourney Weaver, and she doesn’t quite match up! Prometheus is, I would say, not a particularly great film, but it is a very interesting one.
Next, I watched a documentary that actually uses footage from Prometheus in parts, Jodorowsky’s Dune (Frank Pavich 2013). This film tells the inside story of Alejandro Jodorowsky’s failed attempt to adapt Frank Herbert’s ‘Dune’ novel into a movie in the 1970s, and wow, this movie that never got made is far more interesting than most ones that do make it! Jodorowsky’s ambition here was huge, and I would go as far to say a bit insane. If you’ve seen any of his actual films (I really like El Topo), you’ll know that he’s a bit out there, but this would have been something else. He wanted Salvador Dali, Orson Welles and Mick Jagger in the film, he made his young son learn to swordfight, it is mental. The film features some fascinating interview snippets not just with Jodorowsky and others who worked on the film, but also with outsiders like Nicolas Winding Refn, who once sat with Jodorowsky all night whilst he acted out the film. In the end, this is not just an intriguing look at a film that never came to be, but also a great monument to the power of creativity, and a unique creative mind. Because even in failure, Dune had a massive impact. It brought Jodorowsky together with Moebius, and they would later collaborate on the Incal comic series. It had a huge influence in so much other science fiction, including Alien (Dan O’Bannon and HR Giger worked on Dune, and some of the structures in Promethus are straight from the Dune sketchbook), Flash Gordon, Star Wars and basically… everything we nerds love today. My only complaint would be that, a lot of the interviews were in French, and there were no subtitles, so I couldn’t grasp what Michel Seydoux was saying. But other than that, highly recommended.
I wrote earlier about a Michael Fassbender performance being the best part of a movie, and whilst that’s true for Prometheus, it’s definitely the case for X-Men: Apocalypse (Bryan Singer 2016), which I found to be really quite a mess, and definitely indicative of how far behind the X-Men film franchise is lagging behind others right now (please note, I haven’t seen Logan yet). As a comics fan, I of course love the X-Men, but I must admit that I haven’t really been behind the X-Men movies in a while. X3 was the last one I saw in the cinema, and Deadpool and First Class are probably the ones I would actually say were good movies these days. I haven’t watched 1 or 2 in ages, but I fear they won’t have aged well. Apocalypse is indicative of this malaise really. The plot is incredibly perfunctory, with Apocalypse just coming back, being evil, and the X-Men stopping him. There’s barely a hint of a plan from him, which is incredibly disappointing, especially as it means the normally brilliant Oscar Isaac is just wasted under layers of Ivan Ooze make-up. The rest of the cast is actually good, I mentioned him earlier, but Fassbender is just superb as Magneto. He and James McAvoy’s Professor X basically make this period piece series work singlehandedly. I initially rolled my eyes at the film manipulating our emotions by giving Magneto a family only to immediately kill them off, but damn, Fassbender sells it. Jennifer Lawrence is once again inexplicably front and centre as Mystique. I really find it weird how they’ve insisted on making her such a big hero, obviously it caught them off-guard after First Class how big a star she became, but it just doesn’t make sense to me, especially when compared the the comics. The film re-introduces a lot of familiar faces with new actors, so we now have a teen Cyclops, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler and Storm. These young actors are fine, but they aren’t given too much to do really. It pissed me off how the film has Storm side with Apocalypse for most of it and then switch sides and tries to plays it off as a big surprise. Storm one of the most famous X-Men of all of them, everyone knows she’s a good guy, you can’t get away with silly shit like that. This film just felt a bit flat and uninspired throughout, there’s an entirely unnecessary Wolverine cameo (that I actually managed to be surprised by), a decent enough Quicksilver sequence that just feels like a poor re-tread of the one in Days Of Future Past, and just a whole heap of bad CGI and lame moments. I liked parts of it, but it in no way stands up to the MCU, and isn’t even aggressively stupid bad like Suicide Squad. I really hope the X-Men movies can improve, I know that Logan is supposed to be good, and the Legion TV show was amazing, but there needs to be another good, main franchise X-Movie. Will Dark Phoenix manage that? I have my doubts. Maybe New Mutants will be good.
Speaking of New Mutants, the future Magik, Anya Taylor-Joy, is the star of the next film on the docket, The Witch (Robert Eggers 2015). This is a very atmospheric and creepy horror film set in 17th Century America, as an isolated Puritan Family comes face to face with, well, a witch. This is my kind of horror movie, not so much made up of jump scares and gore, but instead an overall unease about it, and slow ramping up of terror until everything boils over into weirdness and a talking demon goat. There are some truly unsettling sequences in this story, and it really did keep me guessing throughout as to what was going on. One thing I really appreciated was the script, as Eggers tried to make it as period accurate as possible. At first the language seems odd, but you soon get used to it. The performances are all strong, Taylor-Joy is excellent as Thomasin, and it was great to see Leeds’ own Ralph Ineson get a starring role after being excellent on so many TV shows throughout the years. And what can you even say about  Black Phillip? A tour-de-force from that Goat. The Witch is really strong film, but it is genuinely scary, it took me about 3 months to build up the courage to watch it, and it has stuck with me!
I continued the horror by watching The Babadook (Jennifer Kent 2014), and yes, I was inspired to watch it because of the ‘Babadook as a gay icon’ meme, which is just hilarious. I didn’t find that much queer subtext in the film (although he does come out of a closet…) but I did very much enjoy it. Like The Witch, this film delivers the kind of scares I like, psychological, and lingering in the background, and most importantly, rooted in real human emotions. The Babadook might not even be real, and is probably some kind of grief manifestation. But, again, like The Witch, I enjoy the ambiguity about it. Another thing I really liked is how willing the film was to make the kid into an unlikeable dick, whilst also still allowing us to care about him. The two main characters here a very complex, and there’s a lot to unpack still. The design of the Babadook is another really cool thing about this film, it’s just iconic (gay or otherwise) and I think this character could end up in the pantheon of great monsters, it really is that effectively creepy.
I also re-watched 2 big blockbusters on Blu-Ray that I wrote about more extensively when they were in the cinema; Doctor Strange (Scott Derrickson 2016) and Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (Gareth Edwards 2016), or as I like to call them ‘Mads Mikkelson does Disney’. Both held up on a second viewing, and I think I actually liked Doctor Strange more this time around. The visuals were amazing, and, along with Guardians Of The Galaxy 2, show that they really are willing to take the Marvel Cinematic Universe into different places. Rogue One’s tragic ending didn’t quite hit me as much this time out for obvious reasons, as I knew it was coming, but I still enjoyed it. I paid more attention to the performances, in particular Diego Luna and Ben Mendelsohn. I think Cassian Andor might be one of the most interesting characters in a Star Wars movie, I certainly would like to see more of his story, so get on it Marvel!
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There’s no new or returning shows this month, it’s all quick hits, and I will try and be quick!
Brooklyn Nine-Nine (FOX) wrapped up it’s season in fine form with a bunch of double-episodes. I really enjoyed Gina Gershon’s guest role, and the way the season ended, with Rosa and Jake being sent to prison was a great cliffhanger, even topping last years! As an Earwolf podcast nerd, it was of course also great to get cameos from Scott Aukerman, Kulap Vilaysack in the finale. I get a kick out of hearing those familiar voices come out of actual faces. This is now one of the most consistently funny US sitcoms out there… hell, it’s one of the few.
The ending of Better Call Saul (AMC) Season 3 was also very good, particularly the fate of Chuck, which was just shocking and tragic. When BCS is on, it’s the best drama on TV, and it certainly has the best characters. I will say though that this 3rd season has been a bit too disjointed, as those characters were too disparate. I can’t remember the last time Jimmy and Mike shared a scene (Episode 4?) and the same can really be said for Mike and Nacho. At times it felt like 2 different shows, maybe even 3, happening concurrently. Now, all of those shows were good, but it didn’t cohere as well as it might. Hopefully Season 4 will bring things closer together. Gus’ knowing look at the end seems to indicate he knows what Nacho was up to, so I can imagine the criminal element consolidating. Plus, with Chuck dead and Kim sidelined with injury, things are bound to change for Jimmy McGill, and I imagine we’re only going to get more and more of Saul Goodman. This was an odd year for the show, but it’s still excellent, and Michael McKean really should win all the awards, he was superb throughout this season, making us loathe and sympathise with Chuck all at the same time. Any awards that don't go to him should go to Odenkirk of course.
I’m basically just going to be talking about finales this month aren’t? Archer (FXX) ended it’s ‘Dreamland’ storyline with some seriously surprising violence, I couldn’t believe how far they actually took Barry’s rampage. In the end, I thought the concept of Archer being in this Noir fever dream petered out a bit, and they didn’t stick the landing. But it was still funny, with all of the voice actors on full cylinders. I do think that it might be time to end Archer though, they’ve stretched this tone and character as far as it can go. After a whole season that’s a dream, what next? Take a leaf out of the LOST podcast joke and do a zombie season?
Gotham (FOX) got even more silly and ridiculous at the end of Season 3, with the introduction of Ra’s Al Ghul and the revelation that long-time henchman extraordinaire is Butch Gilzean is actually called Cyrus Gold, and is therefore eventually going to become Solomon Grundy. As dumb as this is, I loved it. This show is best when it verges on the camp, and these last few episodes delivered, particularly as Morena Baccarin finally got to be a bit interesting when playing an ‘evil’ Leslie Tompkins. It was great fun seeing her chew the scenery. And man, that final scene, where Bruce Wayne goes out on the streets to fight crime… it’s mad that they are doing that so soon, but I don’t care at this point. Gotham needs to go full on Adam West (RIP by the way) and never look back.
I must admit to being rather disappointed by the finale of The Flash (The CW), because the fake out of it actually being HR to die instead of Iris felt way too easy, and also because HR was just the best. I’ll miss him, but I’m sure whatever the hell version of Wells Tom Cavanaugh plays in Season 4 will also be great. The real highlight of this last set of episodes was the return of Captain Cold in ‘Infantino Street’. I can’t say it enough, but Wentworth Miller is just the best in that role. The ending of the Season redeemed things for me somewhat though, with Barry disappearing into the Speed Force, in what I think is meant to be the show’s version of his ‘death’ in Crisis On Infinite Earths (a story I have actually never read). How cool would it be if Wally was the Flash for like, half of Season 4? I would dig that. But it won’t happen.
Rounding out Superhero Corner until The Defenders comes out in the summer, Marvel’s Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. (ABC) had a great finale to a really strong season. It’s brilliant to see how far this show has come. They managed to tie all of the separate ‘pods’ of the season together, as Ghost Rider returned to help take out Aida in a very satisfying way. I really hope they keep this up in Season 5.
Like with Better Call Saul, it really has been an odd year for The Americans (FX), as the series shifted gears and became much more of an introspective character piece, particularly when it comes to the character of Philip. It took a while to get used to, and by the finale I was still a bit let down by how little ‘happened’, but in the end, I like where we are now. The characters, who were already well rounded, are even deeper now, and things are set up for a fascinating final season. And when you think about it, these smaller stories actually show the impact of Philip and Elizabeth’s job better than big missions. That slow grind, that loss of humanity, as driving a teenage boy to attempted suicide becomes the aim of a mission. It’s the more human side, rather than just chess pieces. And that’s really what I think The Americans is about, seeing what the Cold War was like on the ground. Let’s hope that Season 6 can marry what was good about Season 5 with the previous 4, and we really do go out with a bang. You can rest assured the acting will be fantastic, because Rhys and Russell always are.
Now for some shows that I haven’t watched the end of yet! American Gods (Starz) is still rolling along very nicely indeed, and even though as I said, I don’t really remember the book all too well, it’s adapting the story well, and even in some places improving on it. What I’ve found interesting is that, in a season of only 8 episodes, they’ve had the confidence to do 2 whole episodes that didn’t feature the 2 main characters of Shadow and Wednesday at all. One of those was all about Laura Moon coming back to life, and the other told the back-story of Mad Sweeney and Essie. Both were fantastic, and that willingness to switch things up really impressed me. The visuals of this show continue to be superb, and I am excited for the finale. It’s sitting there waiting for me right now…
iZombie (The CW) is rocketing towards it’s finale by piling on storyline after storyline and mashing them all together. At times it’s felt a bit over-stuffed, what with Blaine, Harley Johns, Stacey Boss, the conspiracy about the guy committing suicide in his cell, investigating Wally’s murder and the Mayoral Election, but mostly I think it’s worked. The most recent episode in particular did a good job a streamlining things I think and the ending was great, the world now knows zombies exist? What the? The performance of Rose McIver continues to be superb, and I loved the conceit of having her, Blaine and Don E all on the same brain at the same time, it’s awesome how they can still switch things up. I’m also enjoying the arrival of Logan Echolls himself, Jason Dohring. Can we dare hope for a Kristen Bell appearance?
Silicon Valley (HBO) is still delivering consistently strong laughs and intriguing twists and turns. I think my favourite part of this run of episodes has been Haley Joel Osment as Keenan Feldspar, he’s just really funny. I am worried about the finale now that we know that T.J. Miller is leaving the show, I don’t know how they are going to write out Ehrlich, but I don’t want them to! Hopefully Bighead will return to fill the void. I swear, he hasn’t been in like, the last 5 episodes or something.
Veep (HBO) has kicked it up a notch towards the end of Season 6, as a lot of chickens came home to roost, and Selina Meyer’s secrets were leaked to the world. It was a great episode, and was a strong use of continuity. I do still think this show has gotten a bit too broad when compared to the Iannucci years, but it is still very funny and the level of profanity and meanness still at times truly shocking. I can’t wait to see how the finale up-ends things. Selina is in a good place right now with the world finally knowing that she freed Tibet, but that can’t last, we all know it.
And finally, inspired by the start of it’s third season, I finally got around to finishing off Season 2 of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt (Netflix). I did the same thing with Season 1, and will probably do the same thing with this new season. I don’t know what’s wrong with me. Anyway, this was another very funny, surprisingly dark season of what is a fantastic show. I loved Tina Fey’s role as Kimmy’s therapist, and the casting of Kimmy’s mother was brilliant. I also found the romance between Titus and Mikey to be surprisingly sweet, but mainly because Titus is one of the best characters on television. My only complaint would be not enough Jon Hamm, but given that cliffhanger, I’m sure that will change!
As I said in the intro, no new music this month so I won’t be able to contribute to any ‘Song Of The Summer’ debate just yet. Although that’s not actually a thing and we all know it.
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2 books to talk about this month, and both of them are from writers linked to my one true passion, comics. First up is Norse Mythology (2017) by Neil Gaiman, which as the title would suggest, is a re-telling of the Norse myths from Gaiman. It’s pretty cool to read his take on the direct myths, as these characters have popped up throughout his work. Whether in Sandman or American Gods, Gaiman has put his stamp on the likes of Odin and Loki, and it’s interesting to see him interpret the original stories. Like Gaiman, I first encountered the Norse Gods in the pages of Marvel Comics, and whilst these versions are therefore familiar, there’s something different about them, something darker for sure. This felt like a faithful, albeit poetic adaptation of the stories, as most of them were ones I knew, whether from the comics (if you’ve never read Matt Fraction and Patrick Zircher’s series of Thor one-shots that re-tell the myths you need to rectify that) or from previous takes on the myths or even just cultural osmosis. All of the familiar Gods appear, and you get stories like when Thor dressed as a woman to kill a Frost Giant, or the old beggar who built Asgard in a year. One thing I liked is that Gaiman really gets across how these stories are part of an oral tradition, and not all of them survive, so you get intentional continuity errors and characters just disappearing. It’s clear that there were other myths back then, but not all of them have survived to today. The short chapter length means that this book would probably actually be perfect for reading aloud, and I may even listen to the audiobook if Gaiman is reading it himself. He has a fantastic voice for audiobooks, it’s how I read The Graveyard Book for the first time. One other advantage this re-telling has over the comics is that Gaiman is able to actually reach ‘Ragnarok’, the death of the Gods, and go through with it. In the Marvel Universe, even though Ragnarok has happened (a couple of times in fact) and Thor has died or been replaced even more, you still know that nothing will change, but not in this case. All of the Gods, particularly Balder and Loki, meet their eventual tragic ends. This is a very enjoyable read, especially for someone who, like me, has an interest in myths and legends. It’s clear that Gaiman has a lot of affection for these Gods (particularly Loki, who is wonderfully complex here) and stories, and he more than does them justice. I would certainly be interesting in seeing Gaiman tackle other Pantheons, I personally like Greek Myth the best, but would like to know more about Egyptian as well.
I’m currently just under half-way through Michael Chabon’s Moonglow (2016) and am very much enjoying it. This novel is styled as a memoir and sees Chabon detail the life of his grandparents, particularly his grandfather. Jumping back and forth throughout his life, Chabon allows us to see what his grandfather was like as a child, as a soldier in WW2, as a newlywed, and and as an old man. So far it’s a fascinating book, both in terms of how Chabon details the complex characters of both grandparents, and also in how he tackles the hazy nature of memory and truth. It’s never clear just how much of the book is actually true, the characters are never actually named (it’s just ‘my grandfather’ or ‘my mother’) so it could all be 100% fiction. I tend to lean into it mostly being true, but in the end, it doesn’t really matter does it? As is usual with Chabon, the writing here is very strong, with some very beautiful sentences and moments. The fact that we know that the central characters here die at the very outset makes everything, particularly the romance, bittersweet, and Chabon nails that. It’s interesting, but the book I keep comparing this to is Pynchon’s Gravity’s Rainbow. Both books are about V2 rockets in WW2, but one is a weird, sprawling epic, whereas the other is an intimate character piece. It just shows how different writers can approach the same topic in completely differing ways. I don’t think Moonglow is quite as good as Kavalier and Clay, but what is? It’s still a very good book and I am excited to read the rest of it.
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After going months, nay, years, with no games section, I now have 2 games to write about! You wait for a bus…
Anyway, along with Zelda, I’ve now also bought Mario Kart 8 Deluxe (Nintendo Switch 2017) and whilst I haven’t played it a whole lot, is a whole lot of fun, because, well, it’s Mario Kart! Those games are always fun, the more things change, the more things stay the same. They may have added a boat-load of new characters (including Link, which is weird) and added a bunch of bells and whistles and para-gliders onto the Karts, but it’s basically the same game I’ve been playing since the N64, a mad-cap race on some insane courses. I haven’t played every track yet, but I’m getting there. One thing I really appreciate about this particular version is that you can use a single Switch Joycon as a controller, so I didn’t need to shell (heh) out £60 for another controller in order to play multiplayer. I’ve always enjoyed playing against someone else who’s actually in the room over online, so that’s a huge plus, not just for Mario Kart but for the Switch in general if future games follow suit. Mario Kart is hard to really talk about critically because it’s so pure at what it is, but I do love it. And who do I play as you ask? Yoshi of course, always Yoshi. Although sometimes Toad.
As for The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild (Nintendo Switch 2017) I’ve spent most of my recent time trying in vain to capture and train horses. I’ve really been embracing the freedom the game provides to do things in whatever order I want. I haven’t even gone to Kakariko Village yet! I’m probably a bad player, but I don’t mind, I’m having a lot of fun and the game is still as beautiful and clever as ever. There’s a real romance to this game, I find it an emotional and exhilarating experience to play.
So that’s your lot, hope you enjoyed it. I’ll be back in about a month with some more. It’s summer, so expect there to be a lot less TV and maybe just a whole lot less of everything if this weather keeps up! Although you can take Switches outside…
0 notes
Hi, maybe you could write about being Sebastian Stans human toilet or sweat rag? He's my personal favorite actor and doesn't have a lot of fetish stories.
16 / 11 / 2023
Hey i totally understand you want to serve the gorgeous Romanian actor Sebastian Stan as his human toilet. He is a living god 😍
I loves him as a person and as an actor, he plays very well, he is gay icon and i love how he dress, whether it's for public events or in his everyday life. He is always very hot 🥵
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I could looks at picture of him all day, he is gorgeous, masculine but not too hunky so he is naturally impressive, not because of his muscles (like a dumb bodybyilder), but because he is very charismatic, kind, well mannered, funny and everyone loves him. 😊
His eyes, his tongue, his nose, his hairs, his beard, his arms,.. I want to lick everything! 😋
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If you are interested by what i find handsome about him, don't hesitate to read my article :
He is amongst the most handsome alpha male celebs to me, i explained it in my list 😉:
Here is a caption made by my dear friend @inanimatetffantasies at my request about a fan being transformed into Sebastian Stan's shoes because that must be a privilege 🙏
You say you want to read a story about Sebastian Stan's human toilet. I am sure his turds are huge and delicious. Meanwhile, you can read a story i did about, not him, but his character of Tommy Lee in the tv series :
I explain here what i planned to write about Sebastian Stan, with Anthony Mackie and Tom Holland. The story should be a collab.
With this game you'll be able to chose to be his human toilet, amongst other choices
If you want to be his slave you can also play to this game :
And if you want to read about his character of James Buchanan "Bucky" Barnes / Winter Soldier / White Wolf in the MCU, i wrote a love stories between him and Captain America, then him with Black Panther
In this story he is in couple with Steve Rogers
Being a human toilet for alpha actor like him must be a privilege, a delicious food for fags. Even smelling his gas and licking his ass. Don't hesitate to come in private so we could talks about what you would like specifically.
@sebastianst @sebastiansource @sebastianstanners @stansebastian @stansebastiansoldier @stansebaestian @stansebastain-blog @sebastianstanrocks @sebastianstan-daily @sebastianstangifs @lovefanfiction01 @gayhopefullove @humantoiletboy @humantoilet1234 @shiteater001 @fartsandhotmen @farts-forever @fartsandotherstink @rainykpoptravelcreator @tidodore2
5 notes · View notes
meloncholor · 4 years
Writing Masterlist (1/4-1/10)
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Blog Exclusive
Trevor, You’re an Idiot - Trevor and Sypha try and name their first child.
Christmas Memories (Part 1) - (Prompt) A fluffy story about Trevor, Adrian, and my Bloodborne character name Ezio giving each other simple presents for Christmas and talking about their lonely past.
Reading - Trevor Reading over Sypha’s shoulder to annoy her.
Come to Bed - Sypha is an early riser and Trevor is a lazy boi; Sypha snores and it sounds like purring
Please Put Me Down - Trevor can speak french; Sypha gets injured and Trevor has to carry her
Remembrance - Trevor opens up to Sypha emotionally.
Mi Oso - Sypha tries to teach Trevor Spanish
Dog Days - Sypha brings in a stray German Shepard because it’s scruffy and soft and it reminds her of Trevor.
Magic Spider - Trevor and Sypha have to decide who kills the spider.
Birthday With the Dirty Boy - Trevor’s birthday.
Star Children - Sypha and Trevor looking at the stars.
Winter’s Bounty - Trevor makes a cloak like his for Sypha.
Your Laugh is Funny - Sypha is ticklish.
Goodbye, I Guess - Trevor visits his parents’ graves with Alucard and Sypha.  
Castlevania Mafia AU - Just what the title says.
Osito - Trevor asks why Sypha calls him that.
Birthday Girl - Trevor celebrates Sypha’s Birthday
Finish - Carmilla and Godbrand hate s*x. (Lemon)
In Bed Alone - Trevor isn’t feeling great.
A First - Elinore’s first words.
Singer - Trevor asks Sypha to sing for him.
Destino - Trevor likes Sypha’s singing.
Echo: Undaunted Warmup #1 - Echo is a bit touch starved.
Castlevania Warmup #1 - Elinore goes hunting.
House Call - Lisa treats a young Trevor.
I Would Prefer If You Shut Up - Vlad gets defensive of Echo
How Lovely to See You Again - Vlad greets his wife (reader) when she gets home.
It’s Alright, I’m Here - You wake from a nightmare and Trevor comforts you.
People Watching - Reader gets jealous and upset, and so does Vlad.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Training Pains - The Belmont kids train together
No Matter the Cost - Vlad would do anything for you.
An Afternoon Together - Echo and Vlad together one afternoon.
All for You - Reader and Vlad spend some quality time together.
Archive of Our Own
Warm - Trevor and Sypha share a moment by the fire. (Lemon)
A Snowy Relief - Sypha and Trevor have fun in the snow
Thunderstorm Blues - Sypha gets hurt by a night creature, Trevor is left to watch over her
An Unexpected Fortune - Trevor and Sypha have to share one bed at an inn. (Lemon)
A Few Drinks Together - Sypha insists on coming with Trevor to the bar. (Lemon)
A Cottage In The Woods - Alucard pays a visit to the Belmonts after a long time away.
You’re a Mean One, Ms. Carmilla - Carmilla calls on Hector when she’s bored (Lemon) (TW: R*pe/Non-con)
One Lie -Trevor nearly drinks himself into a coma
Old Friends - Trefor visits the new home of Leon Belmont
Castlevania 2185 - The gang breaks into Vlad Inc.
The Hanged Man’s Prize - You are hired by the famous crime lord Vlad Tepes, and his interests start to reach far beyond the scope of your duties. (Lemon)(Incomplete)
Echo: Undaunted - Isaac’s biological sister struggles in undoing the evil Carmilla has wrought. (Incomplete)
Hidden Charms -  Alucard likes SOME things about Trevor. (Incomplete)
Grace - Trevor saves you from a witch-burning and you are left with the aftermath of what you’ve seen.
Indulgences - Trevor is a filthy dirt man who only functions on spite, even when it’s to his detriment. Alucard fixes this.
Fifty Shades of Carmilla - Hector and Carmilla have a tit for tat relationship
Belinda and Leandra Belmont - Exploring Trevor’s parentage
Light Reading - Sypha finds a book on vagina spells.
Mother Dearest - Sypha finds a journal on Trevor’s Grandmother.
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Blog Exclusives
Tone Deaf - Kyoka/Bakugo AU where they’re musicians
Seeing Stars - BNHA boys smoking weed and girls dropping acid.
Dancing Queen - Todomomo trying to learn to salsa dance.
I Didn’t Know - All Might forces Endeavor to reconnect with his family.
Torment - Students find a bottle of Aizawa’s scotch.
An Early Morning - Emi and Aizawa’s morning with Kiwa.
Please Stop Asking Me - Emi is the first to push for kids.
Bakugo’s Lament - Bakugo explains why he didn’t become a villain.
Unpolished Kiribaku Warmup - The family goes shopping.
BNHA Kyoka/Kaminari Warmup - They’re hanging out.
Little Wonders - Ochako and Izuku in their home.
Parent-Teacher Conference - Emi and Aizawa are asked to come to Kiwa’s school.
Save Me - All Might almost drowning, based on the scene from Aladdin.
A Forgotten Memory - Enji and Yagi before everything changed.
Archive of Our Own
Two Bros in a Hot Tub and They’re Definitely Gay - Kirishima visits the number 2 hero Bakugo in his expensive home (Lemon)
Mom Swap - Katsuki and Izuku switch moms, that’s it.
Mom - Mitsuki visits her son in the hospital
Tired - She hasn’t seen Shoto in a while
Is this a Porno? - Izuku doesn’t think Mei has a medical degree… (Lemon)
Holding a Vigil - Momo waits for Shoto
Alice in Wonderland - Izuku has conflicted feelings when he sees Hitoshi at a strip club. (Lemon)
A Memory Preserved - Toshinori and Enji have passed their times in the limelight, it’s time for them to finally talk about what happened.
A Knight’s Honor - Fantasy AU; Bakugo and Midoriya spar.
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Blog Exclusives
Spoken through Pen Strokes - Charthur fluff.
Just a Little Bit Longer - Jovier Fluff.
Sunny Days (Part One) - Charthur Fluff
Happy Valentine’s Day Arthur - Albert pays a visit.
What Once Was - Arthur finding out about his ex-wife and son.
Dance With Me - Dutch asks Hosea to Dance.
Charthur Warmup - Pure Fluff.
Wasted Opportunity - John is an idiot.
Again? - John can’t sleep.
You’re Always A Party - Sean and Karen go on a date.
Archive of Our Own
Two Sides of the Same Coin -  Albert Mason is a fool.
She’s All I’ve Got -  Hosea has to save Dutch from her brothers.
Soaked to the Bone -  John takes Javier fishing.
Starry-Eyed - Arthur gets distracted while Charles is tracking animals.
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Blog Exclusives
Anwar and Nadia Warmup - Nadia tries serving traditional Haitian food.
Muriel and Lillian Short - She likes playing in his hair.
Trouble in Paradise - Lucio isn’t paying enough attention to Ophelia.
Noise - Lillian has a panic attack.
Another Warmup - Avina has trinkets Asra’s never seen.
Dandelion Bouquet - Julian gets an idea.
Archive of our Own
Mala -  Lillian takes Muriel to her favorite shop, and then she meets a new friend.
A Short Reprieve -  Lucio and Ophelia are late for a banquet.
Here in the Garden - Julian has to walk through the woods to get home, and on his way intrigues the interest of the woman who makes her home there.
Arcana Thirst (Complete)
Let My Love Adorn You - Ophelia’s sanctuary is invaded. (Lemon)
Greeting the Sun -  Anwar and Nadia spend the morning together. (Lemon)
Deviating Divination -  Avina gets home late with her supplies. (Lemon)
Sanctuary - Lillian wants to give something to Muriel. (Lemon)
Be My Muse - Donovan is having an art block, Julian helps. (Lemon)
I Missed Your Warmth - Monica comes to visit Portia during a snowstorm. (Lemon)
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Archive of Our Own
A Lone Sword - Alistair and Leliana have a short conversation about their leader. (Dragon Age)
Sharing - Sten wants to give the Warden a small gift for returning his sword. (Dragon Age)
Gift of a Sword - Valmiro finds out what Kadan means (Incomplete)(Dragon Age)
Romantic Philistine - Catria and Lukas sneak away from camp (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Shhh… -  Python and Forsyth forgot to be quiet. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)(Lemon)
Apples -  Catria and Lukas share breakfast. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Black Wine and Good Times -  Genji is escaping the mansion for at least a little while, he meets a stranger in a bar. (Overwatch)
Missing You - Genji finds out Jesse is coming home. (Overwatch)
Sickness -  Carol is a bit unsettled when she couldn’t grant wishes for a period of time, she goes to Strange for help. (MCU)
The Entrance - Grim is waiting in jail, he gets saved by an elf and he really likes what he sees (Kingdoms of Amalur)
It Was You All Along - Geralt has to rediscover feelings after the jinn takes some away. (The Witcher)
Blog Exclusives
Another Geralt/Dandelion Warmup - Shameless fluff (The Witcher)
Final Defiance - Geralt fights a crudok. (The Witcher)
Spookfest 2019
Halloween Prompt #1 - Ophelia and Lucio go for a walk.
Halloween Prompt #2 - Donovan gives an autumn gift to Julian.
Halloween Prompt #3 -  Symone and Elinore freak out over losing a grimoire.
Halloween Prompt #4 -  Lillian has a bad habit of bringing home animals.
Halloween Prompt #5 -  Izuku and Bakugo go to a haunted location.
Halloween Prompt #6 -  Emi surprises Kiwa
Halloween Prompt #7 -  Avina gets flustered.
Halloween Prompt #8 -  Charles and Arthur go hunting.
Halloween Prompt #9 - Sam tricks Dean and Cas
Halloween Prompt #10 - Dean doesn’t realize what he’s done. (TW: Gore).
Dire Discomfort - Echo braids Trevor’s hair.
Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving Prompt #1 - Anwar and Nadia Short
Thanksgiving Prompt #2 - Trevor and his Mother
Thanksgiving Prompt #3 - Elinore, Elias, and Symone Belmont
Thanksgiving Prompt #4 - Avina and Asra
Thanksgiving Prompt #5 - Clair doesn’t like eating flour.
Thanksgiving Prompt #6 - Ophelia and Lucio
Thanksgiving Prompt #7 - Echo and Vlad
Thanksgiving Prompt #8 - Leandra and Belinda
Thanksgiving Prompt #9 - Dean and Cas
Thanksgiving Prompt #10 - Geralt and Dandelion
Christmas 2019
Feliz Navidad a Los Muertos - Javier is missing what used to be his home.
Looking For a Dance? - Vlad and Echo at the winter ball.
Winterfest Prompt #1 - Jaskier has a habit of predicting things.
Winterfest Prompt #2 - Nadia and Anwar curl up in front of the fireplace.
Winterfest Prompt #3 - Lillian brings gifts for everyone.
Winterfest Prompt #4 - Bakugo returns home to a surprise.
Winterfest Prompt #5 -  Arthur is running from bounty hunters.
Winterfest Prompt #6 - Emi and Shouta are just trying to take a picture
Winterfest Prompt #7 - Monica and Portia are baking some cookies.
Winterfest Prompt #8 - Trevor is doing something a little out of the ordinary.
Winterfest Prompt #9 - Alm has an idea to take Celica away.
Winterfest Prompt #10 - Geralt doesn’t want to ice skate with Jaskier.
12 notes · View notes
meloncholor · 4 years
Writing Masterlist (12/31-2/6)
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Blog Exclusive
Trevor, You’re an Idiot - Trevor and Sypha try and name their first child.
Christmas Memories (Part 1) - (Prompt) A fluffy story about Trevor, Adrian, and my Bloodborne character name Ezio giving each other simple presents for Christmas and talking about their lonely past.
Reading - Trevor Reading over Sypha’s shoulder to annoy her.
Come to Bed - Sypha is an early riser and Trevor is a lazy boi; Sypha snores and it sounds like purring
Please Put Me Down - Trevor can speak french; Sypha gets injured and Trevor has to carry her
Remembrance - Trevor opens up to Sypha emotionally.
Mi Oso - Sypha tries to teach Trevor Spanish
Dog Days - Sypha brings in a stray German Shepard because it’s scruffy and soft and it reminds her of Trevor.
Magic Spider - Trevor and Sypha have to decide who kills the spider.
Birthday With the Dirty Boy - Trevor’s birthday.
Star Children - Sypha and Trevor looking at the stars.
Winter’s Bounty - Trevor makes a cloak like his for Sypha.
Your Laugh is Funny - Sypha is ticklish.
Goodbye, I Guess - Trevor visits his parents’ graves with Alucard and Sypha.  
Castlevania Mafia AU - Just what the title says.
Osito - Trevor asks why Sypha calls him that.
Birthday Girl - Trevor celebrates Sypha’s Birthday
Finish - Carmilla and Godbrand hate s*x. (Lemon)
In Bed Alone - Trevor isn’t feeling great.
A First - Elinore’s first words.
Singer - Trevor asks Sypha to sing for him.
Destino - Trevor likes Sypha’s singing.
Echo: Undaunted Warmup #1 - Echo is a bit touch starved.
Castlevania Warmup #1 - Elinore goes hunting.
House Call - Lisa treats a young Trevor.
I Would Prefer If You Shut Up - Vlad gets defensive of Echo
How Lovely to See You Again - Vlad greets his wife (reader) when she gets home.
It’s Alright, I’m Here - You wake from a nightmare and Trevor comforts you.
People Watching - Reader gets jealous and upset, and so does Vlad.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Part Seven
Part Eight
Training Pains - The Belmont kids train together
No Matter the Cost - Vlad would do anything for you.
An Afternoon Together - Echo and Vlad together one afternoon.
All for You - Reader and Vlad spend some quality time together.
Archive of Our Own
Warm - Trevor and Sypha share a moment by the fire. (Lemon)
A Snowy Relief - Sypha and Trevor have fun in the snow
Thunderstorm Blues - Sypha gets hurt by a night creature, Trevor is left to watch over her
An Unexpected Fortune - Trevor and Sypha have to share one bed at an inn. (Lemon)
A Few Drinks Together - Sypha insists on coming with Trevor to the bar. (Lemon)
A Cottage In The Woods - Alucard pays a visit to the Belmonts after a long time away.
You’re a Mean One, Ms. Carmilla - Carmilla calls on Hector when she’s bored (Lemon) (TW: R*pe/Non-con)
One Lie -Trevor nearly drinks himself into a coma
Old Friends - Trefor visits the new home of Leon Belmont
Castlevania 2185 - The gang breaks into Vlad Inc.
The Hanged Man’s Prize - You are hired by the famous crime lord Vlad Tepes, and his interests start to reach far beyond the scope of your duties. (Lemon)(Incomplete)
Echo: Undaunted - Isaac’s biological sister struggles in undoing the evil Carmilla has wrought. (Incomplete)
Hidden Charms -  Alucard likes SOME things about Trevor. (Incomplete)
Grace - Trevor saves you from a witch-burning and you are left with the aftermath of what you’ve seen.
Indulgences - Trevor is a filthy dirt man who only functions on spite, even when it’s to his detriment. Alucard fixes this.
Fifty Shades of Carmilla - Hector and Carmilla have a tit for tat relationship
Belinda and Leandra Belmont - Exploring Trevor’s parentage
Light Reading - Sypha finds a book on vagina spells.
Mother Dearest - Sypha finds a journal on Trevor’s Grandmother.
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Blog Exclusives
Tone Deaf - Kyoka/Bakugo AU where they’re musicians
Seeing Stars - BNHA boys smoking weed and girls dropping acid.
Dancing Queen - Todomomo trying to learn to salsa dance.
I Didn’t Know - All Might forces Endeavor to reconnect with his family.
Torment - Students find a bottle of Aizawa’s scotch.
An Early Morning - Emi and Aizawa’s morning with Kiwa.
Please Stop Asking Me - Emi is the first to push for kids.
Bakugo’s Lament - Bakugo explains why he didn’t become a villain.
Unpolished Kiribaku Warmup - The family goes shopping.
BNHA Kyoka/Kaminari Warmup - They’re hanging out.
Little Wonders - Ochako and Izuku in their home.
Parent-Teacher Conference - Emi and Aizawa are asked to come to Kiwa’s school.
Save Me - All Might almost drowning, based on the scene from Aladdin.
A Forgotten Memory - Enji and Yagi before everything changed.
Archive of Our Own
Two Bros in a Hot Tub and They’re Definitely Gay - Kirishima visits the number 2 hero Bakugo in his expensive home (Lemon)
Mom Swap - Katsuki and Izuku switch moms, that’s it.
Mom - Mitsuki visits her son in the hospital
Tired - She hasn’t seen Shoto in a while
Is this a Porno? - Izuku doesn’t think Mei has a medical degree… (Lemon)
Holding a Vigil - Momo waits for Shoto
Alice in Wonderland - Izuku has conflicted feelings when he sees Hitoshi at a strip club. (Lemon)
A Memory Preserved - Toshinori and Enji have passed their times in the limelight, it’s time for them to finally talk about what happened.
A Knight’s Honor - Fantasy AU; Bakugo and Midoriya spar.
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Blog Exclusives
Spoken through Pen Strokes - Charthur fluff.
Just a Little Bit Longer - Jovier Fluff.
Sunny Days (Part One) - Charthur Fluff
Happy Valentine’s Day Arthur - Albert pays a visit.
What Once Was - Arthur finding out about his ex-wife and son.
Dance With Me - Dutch asks Hosea to Dance.
Charthur Warmup - Pure Fluff.
Wasted Opportunity - John is an idiot.
Again? - John can’t sleep.
You’re Always A Party - Sean and Karen go on a date.
Archive of Our Own
Two Sides of the Same Coin -  Albert Mason is a fool.
She’s All I’ve Got -  Hosea has to save Dutch from her brothers.
Soaked to the Bone -  John takes Javier fishing.
Starry-Eyed - Arthur gets distracted while Charles is tracking animals.
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Blog Exclusives
Anwar and Nadia Warmup - Nadia tries serving traditional Haitian food.
Muriel and Lillian Short - She likes playing in his hair.
Trouble in Paradise - Lucio isn’t paying enough attention to Ophelia.
Noise - Lillian has a panic attack.
Another Warmup - Avina has trinkets Asra’s never seen.
Dandelion Bouquet - Julian gets an idea.
Archive of our Own
Mala -  Lillian takes Muriel to her favorite shop, and then she meets a new friend.
A Short Reprieve -  Lucio and Ophelia are late for a banquet.
Here in the Garden - Julian has to walk through the woods to get home, and on his way intrigues the interest of the woman who makes her home there.
Arcana Thirst
Let My Love Adorn You - Ophelia’s sanctuary is invaded. (Lemon)
Greeting the Sun -  Anwar and Nadia spend the morning together. (Lemon)
Deviating Divination -  Avina gets home late with her supplies. (Lemon)
Sanctuary - Lillian wants to give something to Muriel. (Lemon)
Be My Muse - Donovan is having an art block, Julian helps. (Lemon)
I Missed Your Warmth - Monica comes to visit Portia during a snowstorm. (Lemon)
A Nightmare’s Only Cure - Nadia has a nightmare. (Lemon)
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Archive of Our Own
A Lone Sword - Alistair and Leliana have a short conversation about their leader. (Dragon Age)
Sharing - Sten wants to give the Warden a small gift for returning his sword. (Dragon Age)
Gift of a Sword - Valmiro finds out what Kadan means (Incomplete)(Dragon Age)
Romantic Philistine - Catria and Lukas sneak away from camp (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Shhh… -  Python and Forsyth forgot to be quiet. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)(Lemon)
Apples -  Catria and Lukas share breakfast. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Black Wine and Good Times -  Genji is escaping the mansion for at least a little while, he meets a stranger in a bar. (Overwatch)
Missing You - Genji finds out Jesse is coming home. (Overwatch)
Sickness -  Carol is a bit unsettled when she couldn’t grant wishes for a period of time, she goes to Strange for help. (MCU)
The Entrance - Grim is waiting in jail, he gets saved by an elf and he really likes what he sees (Kingdoms of Amalur)
It Was You All Along - Geralt has to rediscover feelings after the jinn takes some away. (The Witcher)
Blog Exclusives
Another Geralt/Dandelion Warmup - Shameless fluff (The Witcher)
Final Defiance - Geralt fights a crudok. (The Witcher)
Spookfest 2019
Halloween Prompt #1 - Ophelia and Lucio go for a walk.
Halloween Prompt #2 - Donovan gives an autumn gift to Julian.
Halloween Prompt #3 -  Symone and Elinore freak out over losing a grimoire.
Halloween Prompt #4 -  Lillian has a bad habit of bringing home animals.
Halloween Prompt #5 -  Izuku and Bakugo go to a haunted location.
Halloween Prompt #6 -  Emi surprises Kiwa
Halloween Prompt #7 -  Avina gets flustered.
Halloween Prompt #8 -  Charles and Arthur go hunting.
Halloween Prompt #9 - Sam tricks Dean and Cas
Halloween Prompt #10 - Dean doesn’t realize what he’s done. (TW: Gore).
Dire Discomfort - Echo braids Trevor’s hair.
Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving Prompt #1 - Anwar and Nadia Short
Thanksgiving Prompt #2 - Trevor and his Mother
Thanksgiving Prompt #3 - Elinore, Elias, and Symone Belmont
Thanksgiving Prompt #4 - Avina and Asra
Thanksgiving Prompt #5 - Clair doesn’t like eating flour.
Thanksgiving Prompt #6 - Ophelia and Lucio
Thanksgiving Prompt #7 - Echo and Vlad
Thanksgiving Prompt #8 - Leandra and Belinda
Thanksgiving Prompt #9 - Dean and Cas
Thanksgiving Prompt #10 - Geralt and Dandelion
Christmas 2019
Feliz Navidad a Los Muertos - Javier is missing what used to be his home.
Looking For a Dance? - Vlad and Echo at the winter ball.
Winterfest Prompt #1 - Jaskier has a habit of predicting things.
Winterfest Prompt #2 - Nadia and Anwar curl up in front of the fireplace.
Winterfest Prompt #3 - Lillian brings gifts for everyone.
Winterfest Prompt #4 - Bakugo returns home to a surprise.
Winterfest Prompt #5 -  Arthur is running from bounty hunters.
Winterfest Prompt #6 - Emi and Shouta are just trying to take a picture
Winterfest Prompt #7 - Monica and Portia are baking some cookies.
Winterfest Prompt #8 - Trevor is doing something a little out of the ordinary.
Winterfest Prompt #9 - Alm has an idea to take Celica away.
Winterfest Prompt #10 - Geralt doesn’t want to ice skate with Jaskier.
10 notes · View notes
meloncholor · 4 years
Writing Masterlist (12/1-12-13)
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Blog Exclusives
Trevor, You’re an Idiot - Trevor and Sypha try and name their first child.
Christmas Memories (Part 1) - (Prompt) A fluffy story about Trevor, Adrian, and my Bloodborne character name Ezio giving each other simple presents for Christmas and talking about their lonely past.
Reading - Trevor Reading over Sypha’s shoulder to annoy her.
Come to Bed - Sypha is an early riser and Trevor is a lazy boi; Sypha snores and it sounds like purring
Please Put Me Down - Trevor can speak french; Sypha gets injured and Trevor has to carry her
Remembrance - Trevor opens up to Sypha emotionally.
Mi Oso - Sypha tries to teach Trevor Spanish
Dog Days - Sypha brings in a stray German Shepard because it’s scruffy and soft and it reminds her of Trevor.
Magic Spider - Trevor and Sypha have to decide who kills the spider.
Birthday With the Dirty Boy - Trevor’s birthday.
Star Children - Sypha and Trevor looking at the stars.
Winter’s Bounty - Trevor makes a cloak like his for Sypha.
Your Laugh is Funny - Sypha is ticklish.
Goodbye, I Guess - Trevor visits his parents’ graves with Alucard and Sypha.  
Castlevania Mafia AU - Just what the title says.
Osito - Trevor asks why Sypha calls him that.
Birthday Girl - Trevor celebrates Sypha’s Birthday
Finish - Carmilla and Godbrand hate s*x. (Lemon)
In Bed Alone - Trevor isn’t feeling great.
A First - Elinore’s first words.
Singer - Trevor asks Sypha to sing for him.
Destino - Trevor likes Sypha’s singing.
Echo: Undaunted Warmup #1 - Echo is a bit touch starved.
Castlevania Warmup #1 - Elinore goes hunting.
House Call - Lisa treats a young Trevor.
I Would Prefer If You Shut Up - Vlad gets defensive of Echo
How Lovely to See You Again - Vlad greets his wife (reader) when she gets home.
It’s Alright, I’m Here - You wake from a nightmare and Trevor comforts you.
People Watching - Reader gets jealous and upset, and so does Vlad.
Part Two
Part Three
Archive of Our Own
Warm - Trevor and Sypha share a moment by the fire. (Lemon)
A Snowy Relief - Sypha and Trevor have fun in the snow
Thunderstorm Blues - Sypha gets hurt by a night creature, Trevor is left to watch over her
An Unexpected Fortune - Trevor and Sypha have to share one bed at an inn. (Lemon)
A Few Drinks Together - Sypha insists on coming with Trevor to the bar. (Lemon)
A Cottage In The Woods - Alucard pays a visit to the Belmonts after a long time away.
You’re a Mean One, Ms. Carmilla - Carmilla calls on Hector when she’s bored (Lemon) (TW: R*pe/Non-con)
One Lie -Trevor nearly drinks himself into a coma
Old Friends - Trefor visits the new home of Leon Belmont
Castlevania 2185 - The gang breaks into Vlad Inc.
The Hanged Man’s Prize - You are hired by the famous crime lord Vlad Tepes, and his interests start to reach far beyond the scope of your duties. (Lemon)(Incomplete)
Echo: Undaunted - Isaac’s biological sister struggles in undoing the evil Carmilla has wrought. (Incomplete)
Hidden Charms -  Alucard likes SOME things about Trevor. (Incomplete)
Grace - Trevor saves you from a witch-burning and you are left with the aftermath of what you’ve seen.
Indulgences - Trevor is a filthy dirt man who only functions on spite, even when it’s to his detriment. Alucard fixes this.
Fifty Shades of Carmilla - Hector and Carmilla have a tit for tat relationship
Belinda and Leandra Belmont - Exploring Trevor’s parentage
Light Reading - Sypha finds a book on vagina spells.
Mother Dearest - Sypha finds a journal on Trevor’s Grandmother.
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Blog Exclusives
Tone Deaf - Kyoka/Bakugo AU where they’re musicians
Seeing Stars - BNHA boys smoking weed and girls dropping acid.
Dancing Queen - Todomomo trying to learn to salsa dance.
I Didn’t Know - All Might forces Endeavor to reconnect with his family.
Torment - Students find a bottle of Aizawa’s scotch.
An Early Morning - Emi and Aizawa’s morning with Kiwa.
Please Stop Asking Me - Emi is the first to push for kids.
Bakugo’s Lament - Bakugo explains why he didn’t become a villain.
Unpolished Kiribaku Warmup - The family goes shopping.
BNHA Kyoka/Kaminari Warmup - They’re hanging out.
Little Wonders - Ochako and Izuku in their home.
Parent-Teacher Conference - Emi and Aizawa are asked to come to Kiwa’s school.
Save Me - All Might almost drowning, based on the scene from Aladdin.
A Forgotten Memory - Enji and Yagi before everything changed.
Archive of Our Own
Two Bros in a Hot Tub and They’re Definitely Gay - Kirishima visits the number 2 hero Bakugo in his expensive home (Lemon)
Mom Swap - Katsuki and Izuku switch moms, that’s it.
Mom - Mitsuki visits her son in the hospital
Tired - She hasn’t seen Shoto in a while
Is this a Porno? - Izuku doesn’t think Mei has a medical degree… (Lemon)
Holding a Vigil - Momo waits for Shoto
Alice in Wonderland - Izuku has conflicted feelings when he sees Hitoshi at a strip club. (Lemon)
A Memory Preserved - Toshinori and Enji have passed their times in the limelight, it’s time for them to finally talk about what happened.
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Blog Exclusives
Spoken through Pen Strokes - Charthur fluff.
Just a Little Bit Longer - Jovier Fluff.
Sunny Days (Part One) - Charthur Fluff
Happy Valentine’s Day Arthur - Albert pays a visit.
What Once Was - Arthur finding out about his ex-wife and son.
Dance With Me - Dutch asks Hosea to Dance.
Charthur Warmup - Pure Fluff.
Wasted Opportunity - John is an idiot.
Again? - John can’t sleep.
You’re Always A Party - Sean and Karen go on a date.
Archive of Our Own
Two Sides of the Same Coin -  Albert Mason is a fool.
She’s All I’ve Got -  Hosea has to save Dutch from her brothers.
Soaked to the Bone -  John takes Javier fishing.
Starry-Eyed - Arthur gets distracted while Charles is tracking animals.
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Blog Exclusives
Anwar and Nadia Warmup - Nadia tries serving traditional Haitian food.
Muriel and Lillian Short - She likes playing in his hair.
Trouble in Paradise - Lucio isn’t paying enough attention to Ophelia.
Noise - Lillian has a panic attack.
Another Warmup - Avina has trinkets Asra’s never seen.
Archive of our Own
Mala -  Lillian takes Muriel to her favorite shop, and then she meets a new friend.
A Short Reprieve -  Lucio and Ophelia are late for a banquet.
Here in the Garden - Julian has to walk through the woods to get home, and on his way intrigues the interest of the woman who makes her home there.
Arcana Thirst (Complete)
Let My Love Adorn You - Ophelia’s sanctuary is invaded. (Lemon)
Greeting the Sun -  Anwar and Nadia spend the morning together. (Lemon)
Deviating Divination -  Avina gets home late with her supplies. (Lemon)
Sanctuary - Lillian wants to give something to Muriel. (Lemon)
Be My Muse - Donovan is having an art block, Julian helps. (Lemon)
I Missed Your Warmth - Monica comes to visit Portia during a snowstorm. (Lemon)
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Archive of Our Own
The Gift of a Sword
A Lone Sword - Alistair and Leliana have a short conversation about their leader.
Sharing - Sten wants to give the Warden a small gift for returning his sword.
Gift of a Sword - Valmiro finds out what Kadan means (Incomplete)
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Archive of Our Own
Romantic Philistine - Catria and Lukas sneak away from camp (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Shhh… -  Python and Forsyth forgot to be quiet. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)(Lemon)
Apples -  Catria and Lukas share breakfast. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Black Wine and Good Times -  Genji is escaping the mansion for at least a little while, he meets a stranger in a bar. (Overwatch)
Missing You - Genji finds out Jesse is coming home. (Overwatch)
Sickness -  Carol is a bit unsettled when she couldn’t grant wishes for a period of time, she goes to Strange for help. (MCU)
The Entrance - Grim is waiting in jail, he gets saved by an elf and he really likes what he sees (Kingdoms of Amalur)
It Was You All Along - Geralt has to rediscover feelings after the jinn takes some away. (The Witcher)
Blog Exclusives
Another Geralt/Dandelion Warmup - Shameless fluff
Spookfest 2019
Halloween Prompt #1 - Ophelia and Lucio go for a walk.
Halloween Prompt #2 - Donovan gives an autumn gift to Julian.
Halloween Prompt #3 -  Symone and Elinore freak out over losing a grimoire.
Halloween Prompt #4 -  Lillian has a bad habit of bringing home animals.
Halloween Prompt #5 -  Izuku and Bakugo go to a haunted location.
Halloween Prompt #6 -  Emi surprises Kiwa
Halloween Prompt #7 -  Avina gets flustered.
Halloween Prompt #8 -  Charles and Arthur go hunting.
Halloween Prompt #9 - Sam tricks Dean and Cas
Halloween Prompt #10 - Dean doesn’t realize what he’s done. (TW: Gore).
Dire Discomfort - Echo braids Trevor’s hair.
Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving Prompt #1 - Anwar and Nadia Short
Thanksgiving Prompt #2 - Trevor and his Mother
Thanksgiving Prompt #3 - Elinore, Elias, and Symone Belmont
Thanksgiving Prompt #4 - Avina and Asra
Thanksgiving Prompt #5 - Clair doesn’t like eating flour.
Thanksgiving Prompt #6 - Ophelia and Lucio
Thanksgiving Prompt #7 - Echo and Vlad
Thanksgiving Prompt #8 - Leandra and Belinda
Thanksgiving Prompt #9 - Dean and Cas
Thanksgiving Prompt #10 - Geralt and Dandelion
7 notes · View notes
meloncholor · 4 years
Writing Masterlist (12/27-1/3)
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Blog Exclusive
Trevor, You’re an Idiot - Trevor and Sypha try and name their first child.
Christmas Memories (Part 1) - (Prompt) A fluffy story about Trevor, Adrian, and my Bloodborne character name Ezio giving each other simple presents for Christmas and talking about their lonely past.
Reading - Trevor Reading over Sypha’s shoulder to annoy her.
Come to Bed - Sypha is an early riser and Trevor is a lazy boi; Sypha snores and it sounds like purring
Please Put Me Down - Trevor can speak french; Sypha gets injured and Trevor has to carry her
Remembrance - Trevor opens up to Sypha emotionally.
Mi Oso - Sypha tries to teach Trevor Spanish
Dog Days - Sypha brings in a stray German Shepard because it’s scruffy and soft and it reminds her of Trevor.
Magic Spider - Trevor and Sypha have to decide who kills the spider.
Birthday With the Dirty Boy - Trevor’s birthday.
Star Children - Sypha and Trevor looking at the stars.
Winter’s Bounty - Trevor makes a cloak like his for Sypha.
Your Laugh is Funny - Sypha is ticklish.
Goodbye, I Guess - Trevor visits his parents’ graves with Alucard and Sypha.  
Castlevania Mafia AU - Just what the title says.
Osito - Trevor asks why Sypha calls him that.
Birthday Girl - Trevor celebrates Sypha’s Birthday
Finish - Carmilla and Godbrand hate s*x. (Lemon)
In Bed Alone - Trevor isn’t feeling great.
A First - Elinore’s first words.
Singer - Trevor asks Sypha to sing for him.
Destino - Trevor likes Sypha’s singing.
Echo: Undaunted Warmup #1 - Echo is a bit touch starved.
Castlevania Warmup #1 - Elinore goes hunting.
House Call - Lisa treats a young Trevor.
I Would Prefer If You Shut Up - Vlad gets defensive of Echo
How Lovely to See You Again - Vlad greets his wife (reader) when she gets home.
It’s Alright, I’m Here - You wake from a nightmare and Trevor comforts you.
People Watching - Reader gets jealous and upset, and so does Vlad.
Part Two
Part Three
Part Four
Part Five
Part Six
Training Pains - The Belmont kids train together
No Matter the Cost - Vlad would do anything for you.
An Afternoon Together - Echo and Vlad together one afternoon.
All for You - Reader and Vlad spend some quality time together.
Archive of Our Own
Warm - Trevor and Sypha share a moment by the fire. (Lemon)
A Snowy Relief - Sypha and Trevor have fun in the snow
Thunderstorm Blues - Sypha gets hurt by a night creature, Trevor is left to watch over her
An Unexpected Fortune - Trevor and Sypha have to share one bed at an inn. (Lemon)
A Few Drinks Together - Sypha insists on coming with Trevor to the bar. (Lemon)
A Cottage In The Woods - Alucard pays a visit to the Belmonts after a long time away.
You’re a Mean One, Ms. Carmilla - Carmilla calls on Hector when she’s bored (Lemon) (TW: R*pe/Non-con)
One Lie -Trevor nearly drinks himself into a coma
Old Friends - Trefor visits the new home of Leon Belmont
Castlevania 2185 - The gang breaks into Vlad Inc.
The Hanged Man’s Prize - You are hired by the famous crime lord Vlad Tepes, and his interests start to reach far beyond the scope of your duties. (Lemon)(Incomplete)
Echo: Undaunted - Isaac’s biological sister struggles in undoing the evil Carmilla has wrought. (Incomplete)
Hidden Charms -  Alucard likes SOME things about Trevor. (Incomplete)
Grace - Trevor saves you from a witch-burning and you are left with the aftermath of what you’ve seen.
Indulgences - Trevor is a filthy dirt man who only functions on spite, even when it’s to his detriment. Alucard fixes this.
Fifty Shades of Carmilla - Hector and Carmilla have a tit for tat relationship
Belinda and Leandra Belmont - Exploring Trevor’s parentage
Light Reading - Sypha finds a book on vagina spells.
Mother Dearest - Sypha finds a journal on Trevor’s Grandmother.
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Blog Exclusives
Tone Deaf - Kyoka/Bakugo AU where they’re musicians
Seeing Stars - BNHA boys smoking weed and girls dropping acid.
Dancing Queen - Todomomo trying to learn to salsa dance.
I Didn’t Know - All Might forces Endeavor to reconnect with his family.
Torment - Students find a bottle of Aizawa’s scotch.
An Early Morning - Emi and Aizawa’s morning with Kiwa.
Please Stop Asking Me - Emi is the first to push for kids.
Bakugo’s Lament - Bakugo explains why he didn’t become a villain.
Unpolished Kiribaku Warmup - The family goes shopping.
BNHA Kyoka/Kaminari Warmup - They’re hanging out.
Little Wonders - Ochako and Izuku in their home.
Parent-Teacher Conference - Emi and Aizawa are asked to come to Kiwa’s school.
Save Me - All Might almost drowning, based on the scene from Aladdin.
A Forgotten Memory - Enji and Yagi before everything changed.
Archive of Our Own
Two Bros in a Hot Tub and They’re Definitely Gay - Kirishima visits the number 2 hero Bakugo in his expensive home (Lemon)
Mom Swap - Katsuki and Izuku switch moms, that’s it.
Mom - Mitsuki visits her son in the hospital
Tired - She hasn’t seen Shoto in a while
Is this a Porno? - Izuku doesn’t think Mei has a medical degree… (Lemon)
Holding a Vigil - Momo waits for Shoto
Alice in Wonderland - Izuku has conflicted feelings when he sees Hitoshi at a strip club. (Lemon)
A Memory Preserved - Toshinori and Enji have passed their times in the limelight, it’s time for them to finally talk about what happened.
A Knight’s Honor - Fantasy AU; Bakugo and Midoriya spar.
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Blog Exclusives
Spoken through Pen Strokes - Charthur fluff.
Just a Little Bit Longer - Jovier Fluff.
Sunny Days (Part One) - Charthur Fluff
Happy Valentine’s Day Arthur - Albert pays a visit.
What Once Was - Arthur finding out about his ex-wife and son.
Dance With Me - Dutch asks Hosea to Dance.
Charthur Warmup - Pure Fluff.
Wasted Opportunity - John is an idiot.
Again? - John can’t sleep.
You’re Always A Party - Sean and Karen go on a date.
Archive of Our Own
Two Sides of the Same Coin -  Albert Mason is a fool.
She’s All I’ve Got -  Hosea has to save Dutch from her brothers.
Soaked to the Bone -  John takes Javier fishing.
Starry-Eyed - Arthur gets distracted while Charles is tracking animals.
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Blog Exclusives
Anwar and Nadia Warmup - Nadia tries serving traditional Haitian food.
Muriel and Lillian Short - She likes playing in his hair.
Trouble in Paradise - Lucio isn’t paying enough attention to Ophelia.
Noise - Lillian has a panic attack.
Another Warmup - Avina has trinkets Asra’s never seen.
Dandelion Bouquet - Julian gets an idea.
Archive of our Own
Mala -  Lillian takes Muriel to her favorite shop, and then she meets a new friend.
A Short Reprieve -  Lucio and Ophelia are late for a banquet.
Here in the Garden - Julian has to walk through the woods to get home, and on his way intrigues the interest of the woman who makes her home there.
Arcana Thirst (Complete)
Let My Love Adorn You - Ophelia’s sanctuary is invaded. (Lemon)
Greeting the Sun -  Anwar and Nadia spend the morning together. (Lemon)
Deviating Divination -  Avina gets home late with her supplies. (Lemon)
Sanctuary - Lillian wants to give something to Muriel. (Lemon)
Be My Muse - Donovan is having an art block, Julian helps. (Lemon)
I Missed Your Warmth - Monica comes to visit Portia during a snowstorm. (Lemon)
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Archive of Our Own
The Gift of a Sword
A Lone Sword - Alistair and Leliana have a short conversation about their leader.
Sharing - Sten wants to give the Warden a small gift for returning his sword.
Gift of a Sword - Valmiro finds out what Kadan means (Incomplete)
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Archive of Our Own
Romantic Philistine - Catria and Lukas sneak away from camp (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Shhh… -  Python and Forsyth forgot to be quiet. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)(Lemon)
Apples -  Catria and Lukas share breakfast. (Fire Emblem: Echoes)
Black Wine and Good Times -  Genji is escaping the mansion for at least a little while, he meets a stranger in a bar. (Overwatch)
Missing You - Genji finds out Jesse is coming home. (Overwatch)
Sickness -  Carol is a bit unsettled when she couldn’t grant wishes for a period of time, she goes to Strange for help. (MCU)
The Entrance - Grim is waiting in jail, he gets saved by an elf and he really likes what he sees (Kingdoms of Amalur)
It Was You All Along - Geralt has to rediscover feelings after the jinn takes some away. (The Witcher)
Blog Exclusives
Another Geralt/Dandelion Warmup - Shameless fluff (The Witcher)
Final Defiance - Geralt fights a crudok. (The Witcher)
Spookfest 2019
Halloween Prompt #1 - Ophelia and Lucio go for a walk.
Halloween Prompt #2 - Donovan gives an autumn gift to Julian.
Halloween Prompt #3 -  Symone and Elinore freak out over losing a grimoire.
Halloween Prompt #4 -  Lillian has a bad habit of bringing home animals.
Halloween Prompt #5 -  Izuku and Bakugo go to a haunted location.
Halloween Prompt #6 -  Emi surprises Kiwa
Halloween Prompt #7 -  Avina gets flustered.
Halloween Prompt #8 -  Charles and Arthur go hunting.
Halloween Prompt #9 - Sam tricks Dean and Cas
Halloween Prompt #10 - Dean doesn’t realize what he’s done. (TW: Gore).
Dire Discomfort - Echo braids Trevor’s hair.
Thanksgiving 2019
Thanksgiving Prompt #1 - Anwar and Nadia Short
Thanksgiving Prompt #2 - Trevor and his Mother
Thanksgiving Prompt #3 - Elinore, Elias, and Symone Belmont
Thanksgiving Prompt #4 - Avina and Asra
Thanksgiving Prompt #5 - Clair doesn’t like eating flour.
Thanksgiving Prompt #6 - Ophelia and Lucio
Thanksgiving Prompt #7 - Echo and Vlad
Thanksgiving Prompt #8 - Leandra and Belinda
Thanksgiving Prompt #9 - Dean and Cas
Thanksgiving Prompt #10 - Geralt and Dandelion
Christmas 2019
Feliz Navidad a Los Muertos - Javier is missing what used to be his home.
Looking For a Dance? - Vlad and Echo at the winter ball.
Winterfest Prompt #1 - Jaskier has a habit of predicting things.
Winterfest Prompt #2 - Nadia and Anwar curl up in front of the fireplace.
Winterfest Prompt #3 - Lillian brings gifts for everyone.
Winterfest Prompt #4 - Bakugo returns home to a surprise.
Winterfest Prompt #5 -  Arthur is running from bounty hunters.
Winterfest Prompt #6 - Emi and Shouta are just trying to take a picture
Winterfest Prompt #7 - Monica and Portia are baking some cookies.
Winterfest Prompt #8 - Trevor is doing something a little out of the ordinary.
Winterfest Prompt #9 - Alm has an idea to take Celica away.
Winterfest Prompt #10 - Geralt doesn’t want to ice skate with Jaskier.
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