#I also had a dream of a crazy bird situation
I had a dream we went to America to go prom dress shopping and we drove past our first gun robbery of a store while the bus played Bella’s Lullaby from Twilight
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seahagart · 5 months
Okay okay okay!!!
Drífa asks!!!
What did she think about Auntie Ethel?
Did she save the Zhenterim traders and help deliver the package?
How did she recruite Karlach and how did she difuse the situation between Wyll and Karlach?!?
Does she prefer hot foods or warm foods?
How much does she weigh???
Can other people draw Drífa?!? And post it with credit of course!!
Fave animal?!?
Biggest fear??
What does her dream visitor look like?!?!
Can we draw her interacting with other Tavs?!?!
Does she have any missing teeth??
What companion does she get on with the least?
Whats her opinions on marriage??
And finally and personally for me most importantly: if she was an animal, which would it be and why?
Thank you~♡
Oh my goodness! Thank you!!!
What did she think about Auntie Ethel?
I think she is a bit superstitious, doesn't trust her, but also is of the mindset that 'you made a deal with a hag, what did you expect?'. She is distrustful for things that are 'too good to be true'. She likes elderly women, so she probably liked her until it was put together she's a hag and then was weary.
Did she save the Zhenterim traders and help deliver the package?
She probably saved them, and then that was about the amount of interest she has, money doesn't really do it for her. She probably doesn't even remember that.
How did she recruite Karlach and how did she difuse the situation between Wyll and Karlach?!?
She saw a big lady on fire and was like 'wow... that is so crazy... ok anyway-' then once talking to her, probably likes her and notices her strength. Drífa was like 'Karlach, you only one that not small or fragile like others...' and recruited her. Then to diffuse the situation is like 'idk karlach seem pretty cool lady, seems like she's right' Drifa likes Karlach
Does she prefer hot foods or warm foods?
I doubt she could handle anything particularly spicy, but she likes warm meals.
How much does she weigh???
Probably like 500+ lbs, she's 8ft tall
Can other people draw Drífa?!? And post it with credit of course!!
Absolutely! I would be honored and want to see it!!!
Fave animal?!?
Bears. I think she relates to bears, especially polar bears, and sees herself as one. Solitary, only coming into contact with other in times of conflict or to mate. She believes herself destined to be alone, secluded, isolated, it is her purpose... not that she doesn't feel alone. She raises her 'cub' alone like bears do. I think she probably has a kinship while a female bear in the area who she used to want to kill but eventually it's more of a 'that bitch over there' with more respect. 'That bitch over there' eats the animals out of her traps, and takes her food, so she gets kinda heated and curses them out a lot.
I think she also like foxes and enjoys watching them, and birds, listening to their songs.
Biggest fear??
Losing her kid, which already happened. Her biggest fear was not being able to provide/keep her child alive, and then losing them to the wild, which happened (dw he comes back!) so after she experiences that, there really isn't anything she's really afraid afraid of. General fear is just being alone, never leaving the temple and eventually she won't be able to take care of herself. She is fully like 'ya when i get too old I'm going to walk into the woods and thats that' which to her is normal. I think
What does her dream visitor look like?!?!
Like a big mountain man, he kinda looks like pan. A big mountain man is the only person she's ever had intimate contact with, so that'd probably what she defaults to. But she does like people in all varieties :)
Can we draw her interacting with other Tavs?!?!
Yes Please!!! i love seeing her with other tavs! They can be friends, you can ship them, idc, I wanna see!
Does she have any missing teeth??
Probably, she's broken her tusks which grew back and are short because she uses them like a wild animal to open things, probably cracked a tooth, gotten a tooth knocked out falling down a mountain.
What companion does she get on with the least?
I think Laezel and even then I think it'd be because everything Laezel says goes over her head. She doesn't really know why she's so mad, or what she's talking about, but eventually I think they would get on well #warrior bond
I think she'd annoy the shit out of Astarion (not on purpose, just the way she is) and she would think he's a lil annoy... eventually though I think he is the first to get her to laugh and by laugh i mean she nods and says 'that was very humor'
Whats her opinions on marriage??
She is aware of marriage, doesn't really have any thoughts on it, doesn't quite get it maybe.... She doesn't have experience with romance, she doesn't really get the idea of loving someone romantically (I think she would feel it, and would do romantic things without thinking about it) I don't think she'd know what it feels like to have love or be loved, the first experience she has is with the people who raised her in the temple, left here there to guard it, never returned, and then her son. She'd need to be taught in the ways of romance, and maybe realize she wants that... I don't think she'd be interested in getting married, but if her partner wants to then sure whatever, she just doesn't have an opinion to it other than being confused why they want to marry her.
And finally and personally for me most importantly: if she was an animal, which would it be and why?
Polar bear hehe :)
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domain-of-sentience · 10 months
ch 39 ramblings (+ HoS analysis)
wow this was the greatest arc of all time huh
(due to length, this post will mainly be a HoS analysis but ill start off with summarizing my feelings about the chapter/arc as a whole)
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in my prior posts i've already mentioned how these chapters had it all: good premise, good cast and character development, actual stakes, immersive and gut-wrenching scenes, the list goes on. lately i've seen people express concerns over Sa and how she compares to the likes of other antagonists like otto but honestly...
i care more about the chess pieces than the ones controlling them
i fucking love seeing characters struggle in the face of adversity. in some of the previous arcs, it felt like the protagonists would always find a way to be one step ahead. but whenever the salt snow cast tried to do the same, they'd end up spraining that metaphorical foot or be pushed many steps back... or just die onscreen 🙈 even if there wasn't true death, there were still lasting consequences
the spectacle was off the charts too. so many scenes were rendered with love and care that sprinkled additional life to these characters, many of whom had lofty dreams that were to end in a whimper than a bang.
and don't get me started on the elden ring ass boss fight and that tense platforming sequence. despite knowing that things were going to be ok somehow, i was able to suspend that thought and immerse myself in what truly felt like despair and isolation
Senti Thoughts (Unceasing)
she had plenty of memorable moments overall. at first i thought the writers were going Too hard on her haughty side, so much so that people were picking on her over it and even the fucking narrator had to jump in
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(then i found out this was vita, sorry vita but you're on my list now)
i mean this is the same herrscher who made so many reasonable deductions in the previous chapter. the second time she met kevin she immediately surrendered knowing that she couldn't win. if this Sa was the quantum counterpart to the cocoon of finality then hos would certainly be more cautious, right?
but i think she was fairly confident in two things: the relative power level of Sa and her own natural adaptability to situations, such as the way she cleverly hid herself from Sa's omniscience:
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this wasn't Finality that she was contending with, but a fellow rival in the domain of consciousness
Comparison to Vita
she and vita are alike in many ways: their clairvoyance, their eyes, their bird imagery, their selfishness, their love for freedom, their disdain for boredom, their interest in companionship, their struggles with free will, and even this weird tidbit:
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i think the only remarkable difference they had was senti's activeness to vita's passiveness
tho, despite their similarities they don't have interesting interactions outside of the mindspace (WHICH BTW always fills me with nostalgia whenever they play that hos bgm)
Freedom, Mind and Body
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freedom is one of the core themes of this arc (like, they really beat you in the head over it), but it's an extremely consistent trait for senti's character.
she is not a materialistic person; she would rather simulate the taste of tea in her mind than to experience it for herself. despite being a free spirit, she still has a Restraint that manifests as a mental shackle: an influence from memories that do not belong to her, which still affects her to this day. so who can blame her for always chasing freedom?
but the most interesting thing is this:
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it would explain why she could taste the moonrock a long while ago when she didn't know it was rock salt. although, i guess it's largely unnecessary since she can just influence people's consciousness to look however she wants. but y'know, chekhov's gun and all....
also, the 72 transformations is another journey to the west reference!
The Status Quo
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did you know senti is a character who hates stagnancy, but is stagnant herself?
she admitted to being stir-crazy in times of relative peace after the great eruption, she was seen pacing around in the country of iron sand while she couldn't do anything else, she'd rather beat up the problem head-on than to brew up a solution. indeed, she is a very active herrscher who likes to mire herself in chaos for the fun of it
ironically she gives away so much Therapy Guidance but she never addresses her own underlying issues, such as her wish for people to genuinely care about her. you can't fight that problem away, so she'd rather ignore it.
she couldn't even give that new body a real chance because it would unravel everything about her. she can't leave her comfort zone at all. even her fighting tactics haven't changed a bit (thanks mhy)
to use an analogy: she is like water. water is versatile and can easily turn into vapor or ice, just as how senti is adaptable and can literally change her physical state. but no matter what form water takes on, it is still molecular water in the end, just as how senti will always be senti
but what happens if water undergoes a chemical reaction and irreversibly changes?
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even pseudo-death freaked her out. can you imagine what would happen if her authority diminished completely, or if she was restrained in a corporeal body, or if she was locked up with fuhua in a room forever-
Sentihua Crumbs
you can leave this post now if this isn't your thing
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hmmmmmmmmmmm also senti isn't beating the absent father allegations
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the funny thing is that this arc was so fucking good that i want to go into the next one with ZERO expectations. like i'm not really sure if they can keep this momentum up and so far all of fuhua's appearances since the end of the taixuan arc were.... lackluster at best
but here's to hoping that fuhua and senti have genuinely meaningful interactions that can at least hold a candle to what the seeles got
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hxneydreamers · 1 year
My biggest struggle this year began when my SP and I separated. My focus was all over the place as I had just begun a new job - what was supposed to be my dream job. My mental diet completely slipped because I did not put in the time to identify what was triggering me, and I instead used my free time to desperately affirm for my SP. All my energy was on things external to me, and when I didn't see results, my self-concept got worse and worse until even my job became horrible. I was in the worst place ever and I felt trapped.
I took a break from manifestation and basically fell victim to my 3D until one day I had a breakdown and begged the 'universe' for some sort of sign of what to do. That same weekend I bumped into a friend who started telling me that she saw on Facebook that we were both part of a manifestation group. She proceeded to tell me about how she manifested her SP back with self-concept only - their situation was almost exactly the same as mine. This was the sign I needed.
That same week I decided to just start fresh and approach this with a new perspective. My goal was no longer my SP, but myself. My goal was to be happy again, to be fulfilled, to be the best and most fulfilled version of myself, to be chosen and irreplaceable, and to know that no one compares to me in my reality. Yes, I still wanted my SP, so if he came to my mind I would affirm a few things, but I would always steer my thoughts back to me and my self-concept.
This is what I have manifested so far by focusing only on my self-concept:
My anxiety and depression basically subsided almost overnight
Genuine joy, confidence & fulfillment with or without my specific desires.
More friends in my life, social opportunities, and experiences
My workplace has become so much more tolerable, and even enjoyable.
Opportunities for my career and access to expensive facilities and services for free.
New and amazing friendships at work (one of the biggest factors contributing to work getting better).
I did not feel like I fit in with my old team and didn't like my old desk, and I manifested being moved to a new team in the new year and have moved to the best and brightest desk in my part of the office.
A free trip away.
A random urge to completely change my hair and my look (didn't realize until after I did it that it was inspired action to shift into the new version of me.)
I manifested CRAZY AMOUNTS OF ATTENTION FROM GUYS! All year I had literally 0 action, and suddenly since I started working on my self-concept I have had options appearing out of nowhere.
New romantic options, including ones with similar vibes and similar situations as my SP.
Old crushes, old friends, people from the past & exes coming back!
Repeating numbers EVERYWHERE!!!!!! So many 1111 and 111's.
The craziest of all of this was that in the last 2 weeks I have had 2 guys come into my life:
The first one is a guy from the past who lives in another country on the other side of the world. He has the same name as my SP and is constantly messaging me, trying to organise trips for us to see each other and have a romantic getaway. (I know right, what the hell!?)
The second guy is the most recent in my life. He ALSO has the same name as my SP, but the weirdest part is that he has a similar personality and many similar traits to my SP. It's eerie. This relationship is the one that has progressed the most out of all of the options I've had come around, which makes me think this is all birds before land.
Lastly, my SP has been messaging me on all platforms much more frequently than usual. He even told me he has a gift for me. I have not seen this guy since March this year.
My affirmations:
I am torturously unbeatable, unforgettable, irresistible & irreplaceable
I am always chosen, come back to, and fallen deeply in love with
No one compares to me
No one holds a candle to me
I am the prize, I am the ideal
All the guys I want are deeply in love with me and want me a million times more than I want them
I am the most wanted, confident, magnetic, irresistible & irreplaceable person in the world
Please take this as a sign to:
Not stress about what you are affirming, when it comes to self-concept it doesn't matter how many you have. Just soothe yourself and become who you want to be
Stop stressing about your desires and start focusing on yourself. The rest will just fall into place.
Take your focus off things external from you. You only want them because you think they will make you happy. If you just focus on making yourself happy, then you will naturally manifest the desires that will contribute to that happiness.
I was spiraling and stuck in a cycle of picking new SP affirmations, reacting, back to square 1, and repeating. Since I began just focusing on self-concept, I've genuinely become the most confident, abundant, happy, and chosen version of myself ever.
Do I have moments of doubt and worry? Yes, I am only human. What do I do when this happens? I take a moment to acknowledge how I feel and listen to my body. I meditate when I feel like I need to rest my mind a bit (I like to use Dylan James' self-concept meditations on youtube - highly recommend! I also like to sleep with his meditations), or if I'm feeling up to it, I set a 10-20 minute timer and loop my affirmations confidently in my head.
I am currently feeling random waves of the old story coming up in my mind and dreams, and random triggers coming up in the 3D, trying to bring me back to my old identity, but I know this is just a purge of the old, because I'm certain I am just about to fully shift into this new version of myself.
I will update you on my progress soon, and hope this inspires you to keep going and just focus on YOU! You are the star, after all, no desire outside of you deserves your attention more than you do.
Also, I am finally opening up coaching again! I will be taking people at a much slower pace than before, as I literally get 100's of messages from different people and it can be hard to stay caught up as I do have a full-time job (and 2nd job) outside of this. If you need my help with anything, please reach out and I will do my best to get to you.
Due to the high volume of dm's for coaching that I get, I am considering finding a new way of approaching coaching, so stay tuned for that.
Sending love! 🧡✨
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yuttikkele · 11 months
All Homestuck References, Similarities, and Contrasts in the Dream SMP
I have compiled a list of all the Homestuck references that I’ve found in the DSMP. These DEFINITELY weren’t intentional, as the only CC that I’ve seen talk about Homestuck with any understanding was Jack Manifold, and he only just knew about it. I believe there are probably more that I’ve overlooked, so if you find any more, please tell me!
Homestuck and the DSMP are both multimedia creations that had lots of viewer influence and became something much bigger than originally planned.
Homestuck is known for how extremely long and crazy it was. The same can be said for the DSMP since a lot of nonsensical shenanigans occur, AND there is SO much footage and perspectives and non-lore of the DSMP that I HOPE there isn’t a person who has watched ALL of it (like Tubbo’s daily 10 hour streams…).
Dave and TommyInnit similarities: brother problems, red baseball shirt, disc motif, blonde, combined with a bird in another universe, related to a crow in some way (philza and davesprite), creepy puppet (Lil Cal and Uncle Nasty), Eburnean Tommy AU is BASICALLY just Dave (white hair, blank expression, dead Tommys everywhere)
Terezi has Dave make tons of money doing “business” stuff. Tommy had a “business” brand going on at multiple points mostly because of Schlatt influence (Business Bay, Business Boys, InnitInc, Camarvan, The Big Innit Hotel).
Caliborn and TommyInnit similarities: Tommy talks exactly like Caliborn, they both cause most problems that occur, they both hate lovey-dovey stuff that is barely even lovey-dovey, they both have a complicated relationship with women that is seen as misogynistic (Caliborn is actually misogynistic while Tommy has Said Some Things), they both have a relation to That Green Thing (Doc Scratch and Dream), Annoying At FirstTM, both have an affinity for a puppet doll they both recognize as extremely creepy (Lil Cal and Uncle Nasty), Tommy has made his own “Homosuck” via writing a terrible fanfiction of himself, Tubbo, and Molly and (presumably) drawing pictures for it.
TommyInnit is basically the Davekat lovechild, and it really LOOKS like it if you imagine the demon Tommy design. BUT he is what I’d say is a fair mix of Dave, Karkat, and John. -Dave: motifs and situation -Karkat: brashness, loudness, and mannerisms -John: Protagonist-ness, humor, morals, and role in the story. Tommy also takes Caliborn’s personality, pretty much making him the chaotic neutral Caliborn.
In TommyInnit’s quote book, he mentions throwing a frog into a volcano, something that happens in Homestuck. On top of that, during this section, there is some very religious subtext akin to the frog in Homestuck.
Bro’s death is a lot like Wilbur’s (TommyInnit’s “bro’s”) death. Bro is stabbed through the chest with his own sword by Jack Noir (someone with crow motifs). Wilbur is stabbed (usually fanonly portrayed as being stabbed through the chest) by his own sword by Philza (someone with crow motifs).
Ranboo is basically a cherub. The mechanics of his character perfectly align with the mechanics of a prepubescent or malfunctioned cherub. They go to sleep, the other side wakes up and takes over the body. One side only wants good and for everyone to get along, while the other side has done despicable things. There’s also red/green and black/white motifs (though, the black/green motifs are assumed to be the “good” side for Ranboo rather than white/green). Ranboo’s cake can also be seen as his juju. The only thing is that cherubs do not have enderman traits like Ranboo does.
Badboyhalo is basically Kankri. Badboyhalo looks strikingly similar to the Sufferer. Neither swear. They both are tied to religion (BBH—the egg, Kankri—himself). But, I don’t think Kankri has an obsession with his best friend, and BBH’s typing “quirk” is more like Aradia’s.
Dream looks similar to Doc Scratch. Both are antagonists. Doc Scratch is basically a “mask” for Caliborn. Doc Scratch pretends to be nice and accommodating to Damara like Dream was to Tommy even though they were both clearly holding them prisoner. Doc Scratch and cc!Dream both uh, shouldn’t be around children.
Jack Manifold resembles Sollux because of the red and blue motifs, short hairstyle, and Jack’s old IGN being Thunder1408 (thunder sorta like lightning sorta like Sollux’s telekinesis/lightning attributes). Jack Manifold was also sent to hell which led to a complicated death count, sorta like Sollux being half dead.
Dirk writing Homestuck and Wilbur writing the DSMP.
I like to say that Minecraft was the IRL Sburb-that-wasn’t-Sburb because it first became public in 2009 not long after 4/13 and was released again in November 2011 not unlike some other sandbox game centered around crafting.
In Minecraft, a person creates a world to begin, but in Sburb, they create the world to end.
Both stories have a “lives” system, an afterlife system, a revival system, and “ghosts”. The characters can interact with each other in the afterlife in both.
Both stories have a “paradox space” system. The DSMP universe acknowledges that there are other “worlds,” “servers,” and “universes” that don’t include the DSMP. There is also time travel as seen with Karl that also shows us there was a history to the DSMP world. Homestuck, obviously, has its paradox space of different universes and all their instances.
Both stories have a “canon.” Homestuck’s canon is The Alpha Timeline, and anything that doesn’t fit in that mold gets destroyed. The DSMP also has a canon, but it’s seen more as a fourth wall breaking joke. If something that’s not supposed to happen happens, they will just retcon it. We don’t know if the DSMP has a multiverse where things happen differently, and if it does, we don’t know if it gets to stay or if it gets destroyed. Even with these differences, both stories use the word canon in silly situations.
It is worth noting that there are “alternate universes” of the DSMP where the characters do not seem to have a recollection of the DSMP or things prior and are more of a separate entity than the DSMP timeline. For reference, a DSMP character’s timeline usually spans the whole of the CC’s career. But, these alternate universes are not called “the DSMP,” and don’t really count.
Karl doesn’t seem to affect the canon with his time travel. He is a spectator that can interact with the story when he time travels, and nothing he does will change the future or past. There isn’t anything like this in Homestuck, but there is the compliment, with John who can time travel and fully reroute the story.
Both stories have a “scratch” where the world is reset, and the characters reappear with no memory of the world before.
Techno’s false name was “Dave.”
Both have a character whose hair generally covers their eyes in most designs, has dyslexic symptoms, is obsessed with bees, and their aspect is doom (Tubbo and Mituna).
Both fandoms have babied the character described above before they finally snapped out of it.
The Ultimate Weapon Sburb symbol juju reminds me of 4/4 SBI.
Both fandoms strive on AUs, headcanons, and versatility of character design.
Both fandoms have an instinctive reaction when they hear “We Didn’t Start the Fire.”
The fandoms of both are famously known for being extremely annoying.
Both Andrew Hussie and Wilbur Soot have used AO3 to make, basically, a fanfiction of their own work. Both of these “fanfictions” are dubiously canon.
Wilbur was born in 1996, the same year John and Jane were born, which makes Wilbur just slightly younger than the two.
Tommy makes an appearance on the QSMP using other people's accounts, and when he makes these appearances, he basically appears as c!Tommy (he references DSMP events in the context that he was there). In QSMP fanon (which is basically canon unless proven otherwise), Tommy is the god of chaos. The Tommy from the DSMP appears in the QSMP as a god. So, Tommy died, became a god, and he went to another universe. Quite possibly, he died, went godtier, then found a way to escape to another universe before the DSMP restarted or "scratched." Which probably means the QSMP is the new universe that was created when winning the game.
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machifuwa · 1 year
Nimbus Fumble | Episode 5
Season: Winter
The Next Day
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Aira: Himemiya-senpai! This is so tough! Really tough!
Tori: Good mo–Woah!? Shitatori, did you wake up and come straight here!? I'm feeling like a terrible sleeper right now, though!?
Haah. You do know that we're going to film a video, right? Come here, let me fix you.
Aira: Ehh? Himemiya-senpai's doing my hair? It's like a dream even though I'm supposed to be awake. I could eat three bowls of rice just for that…♪
—Crap, this isn't the time for this! Look! Please take a look at this!
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Tori: Hm? What's in your phone?
Aira: Yesterday, you took a picture of me dancing the rabbit dance, right? That was immediately uploaded to SNS. And then!
It's been spreading like crazy! I'm getting a lot of favorites from it.
I also received comments from people saying they were looking forward to the baton! I can't believe the responses were so immediate!
Tori: Heh~ Isn't that great? This is the first step towards success!
If they're expecting so much from you, then you have to be really excited about today's shoot. Since I'm going to be in it, we need to get everyone more excited!
Aira: You're right!
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Kohaku: Hm~? Good morning to you both. What are ya doin' here so early in the mornin'ー?
Aira & Tori: Aah!
Kohaku: Waah…! I hit the tripod with all my might and knocked it over! I-I'm so sorry! I was distracted. I hope it's not broken…?
Aira: Let's see…? Yeah, it looks fine. It doesn't look broken.
Kohaku: Aah… I'm glad. The equipment looked so expensive that I was afraid I would break it.
I can't stand this. From the looks of it, you guys have been gathering equipment and stuff, huh?
I'll help you with whatever chores you need. You can use me as your lackey. I don't know what you're doin', though.
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Aira & Tori: You'll help us!?
Kohaku: Huh? Well, if it's somethin' I'm good at.
But what the. I have a bad feelin' about this…?
After explaining the situation to Kohaku
Kohaku: N-No way! There is no way I'm wearin' that!
Aira: Ehh~? Why? You look lovely. Don't worry, I'm sure Kohakucchi's gonna look cute and good.
Kohaku: No way! It's not about whether it will look good on me or not.
Yes, I did say I would help, but I meant it in the sense of hard work and chores, not as somethin' to dance around with those ears…
Tori: We understand~ Aaah~, I'm glad the camera isn't broken. It's not, but I'm sure it has some tiny scratches or something. I mean, it fell over, after all.
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Kohaku: Ugh…! That's unfair…!
Aira: I would be very happy if Kohakucchi would help us.
Besides, it's a rare opportunity to collaborate with Himemiya-senpai and Kohakucchi like this ♪ It'll surely be a topic of discussion.
Hey, do you really not want to…?
Kohaku: …Ugh.
(Don't look at me like that. It would be hard for me to refuse…!)
(But, it was my fault that I almost broke the camera... I had no choice but to be ready for this!)
Fine, I'll do it. I'll just dance this rabbit dance, right?
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Tori: Ehh! You're really going to?
Kohaku: …You're one pompous prankster. You were threatening me just now.
Well, it's okay. If we're going to dance, let's do it ASAP. I just want to get this over with.
If...If someone from Crazy:B...especially Rinne-han saw me here, I'm sure I'd kill myself right here, right now.
Tori: Eh!? You're going that far!?
Aira: T-Then, let's hurry up and take a shot!
Pyon ♪
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Tori: Pyon-pyon ♪
Kohaku: Ra…rabbit's pyon ♪
(Aaaaah! It's even tougher than I expected…! Just kill me right noooow!)
Aira & Tori: Pyon ♪
Kohaku: Haah, haah… F-Finally, the hellish time's over.
Hm? That sound just now…?
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Madara: Yahoo! Kohaku-saaan!
Kohaku: Urgh…
Madara: I guess the teachings of our forefathers are still the greatest wisdom. "The early bird gets the worm!" I'm really glad I got up early, I was able to see such a cute dance from Kohaku-san as a result.
I couldn't help but capture every bit of Kohaku-san's appearance on video. This will be a great souvenir ☆ Let's watch it together every time Kohaku-san grows older!
Kohaku: ……
Madara: Hm? What's the matter, Kohaku-san? Your face is as red as a boiled octopus. But there seems to be something wrong with it…?
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Kohaku: Aah…AAAAAAHHH!!!
Madara: Woah!? What's wrong, Kohaku-san!? Please don't try to take my phone away from me!
Kohaku: You're being too loud! I'll smash that phone to pieces, and I'll smash you together with it!
Madara: What in the world!? S-Stop! Let's just calm down, huh, Kohaku-san!?
Kohaku: I'm not going to let this calm me down! I'll make sure you never see the light of day again!
Madara: I really wish you'd go back to being such a cute little rabbit like earlier. I wish he'd go back to the way he was before! Can you bring back the Kohaku-san earlier!?
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Kohaku: Shut up!
Aira: Umm… It seems like Kohakucchi went after Mikejima-senpai.
Tori: Well, that doesn't matter, right? We got the video nicely, too ♪ But you'd better think about who you're going to pass the baton to next, Shiratori.
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Aira: Ah, yes. I'll see who I can turn to ♪
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muiltifandomnerd · 2 months
Adventures of Chika Hanabusa: The Restoration of Earth
Disclaimer: This book follows the events of Percy Jackson and Heros of Olympus fanfic, this fanfic will not include Trails of Apollo, The Kane Chronicles, and Magnus Chase.
Chapter 27: The Hard Decision
Chika PoV
As Isabelle dropped me next to Reyna, I moved close to Reyna's body, and we just cuddled by the trees. Reyna has a content smile as he hugs me closer.
"So far this day has been crazy, I never thought that I would sit next to you in this tree without worrying about monsters," Reyna says while she takes a long breath and just lays her shoulder on the branch.
“It’s nice that we could have this moment to ourselves Reyna," I say calmly while lying close to her chest. She and I are enjoying the body heat we share and I can hear birds chirping. This does feel like an ending to a Disney Movie where the main character and princess are just enjoying the moment after they beat the bad guy. I used my power to grow an apple, and I handed it to Reyna.
“For you, my queen” l say flirty and I winked. Reyna just ate a piece of the apple and she just chuckled.
“Thanks...” She got close to my face, and she kissed my lips. I felt our tongues wrestling with each other. Reyna pulled me to the ground got on top of me and went on kissing.
"AHEMM!! It seems you are busy daughter." The voice shouted and I saw my godly mother staring at Reyna and me. She was wearing a green flannel shirt with jeans that had dirt stains. She has styled her dark hair in braids and she looking at me with an annoyed expression.
“Apologies Lady Demeter.” Reyna got up from my body and bowed to my mother. I followed her lead and bowed to Mom now.
"You guys should wait till you marry or at least do in the bedroom. Well anyway, your grandmother and father are waiting for you, Chika. It's about business concerning Gaia." Mother says as she holds on to my hand.
"I want to join in on the conversation, I'm also aware of Chika being the host to the greatest enemy of Olympus.” Demeter just nods and lets Reyna follow us. Demeter still holds my hand while Reyna follows behind us. We saw my teenagers just doing basic training and we made it to the big house on top of the hill. We entered the house and we saw many paintings of lions and fruits. The house has light brown walls with many antiques. We got into the office while my father sat across from the mother of the Gods herself.
“So glad that you bring the child and the Praetor, Demeter?” Rhea says politely and she signals all of us to sit next to my father.
“Now that everybody is here, I believe Chika Hanabusa should stay at Spati for the time being. That will prevent my mother from causing devastation. It is not the best situation, and I don’t blame any of you if you have any objections.” Rhea closed her hands together and she looked at the four of us intently and saw how we reacted. To be honest I'm not even sure of being here when I promise that I will go to New Rome with Reyna. But now that dream could be broken because of Gaia.
“Honestly Mother I trust you to look after my daughter and prevent grandmother from using her for her plans. If it is alright with your mother, I want to spend a couple of days with Chika. I need to teach her about her powers and how to manage a home. Now I got my daughter Persephone to take after my duties for the time being, so I don’t need to worry about my duties for the time being.” Demeter says while I felt my body becoming tense. Mother will teach me about my powers, does she have a plan to make me stronger?
"That is not a bad idea daughter, Chika will need your assistance," Rhea says. I want to have a say about my future, I need to let them know how I feel because I'm the one that they are discussing.
"I will follow Demeter and your lead, Mother of the Gods because you guys can protect my daughter from Gaia. I want Chika to graduate high school, however, and I want her to be all alright about this. She wants to go to New Rome with her friend, Reyna. Isn't that right, Chika.?" Father looks at Reyna and me as we are holding hands. I just finally confessed my feelings to Reyna and now I have no choice but to stay away from her. Fate is cruel.
"That is correct father, I want to be with my girlfriend Reyna. But I understand why we are having this conversation. This is all about preventing Gaia from going on a rampage. Father, you told me that doing the right thing is not necessarily what we want but we must do. I don't like this decision at all, but I know that it is the right thing to do. I'm just worried if Reyna is willing to leave me." I covered my face with my hands. I felt some tears coming to my eyes, this is such a hard thing to do. Can Reyna forgive me for breaking my promise to her? The first day of being her girlfriend, and I'm already doing a crappy job. Maybe Reyna could understand that this is the best option at the moment and that this could be effective in helping Gaia while making sure other demigods don't come in danger. You know what, I have been thinking selfishly and all about my relationship with Reyna, I never bother to think about what Gaia truly wanted. The whole reason why she rampaged is because she care about her kids to the point of destroying herself.  If she’s around her titan daughters, then she can be at peace knowing that they are safe. Now I realize I’m being immature about this because I’m risking so many lives just to be with Reyna. I will become stronger to the point that I can make my own decisions without worrying about Gaia and someday, Reyna and I will be together like a normal couple.
“I agree with you, great Titan Queen. I wanted Chika to join me in New Rome, but it's not about what I want. If you can prevent Gaia from rising again and help Chika control her, then demigods don't need to worry about her anymore." Reyna says with a low voice, she looks a bit angry about this with her glaring at the wall behind Rhea and her taking in low breaths.
“Then it is decided, thank you, everybody, for your time," Rhea says formally while we all leave her office and go outside.
“Thank you Dad for standing up for me and I promise to make things work with you Reyna," I say to Reyna and my dad. My dad just kissed my forehead and gave me a giant hug. I hug back as well, sometimes I forget how strong my dad is. He walked with Demeter while giving Reyna and me a private moment.
"It's ok Chika, I'm not mad at you. What the Titan Queen is proposing is a smart decision. I kept forgetting that I was indirectly letting Gaia into camp, which is very risky. I will wait for you Chika Hanabusa, you are the love of my life and I won’t give you up ever. We will get through this and I promise to visit you often and Iris messaging every day.” Reyna says with a loud passionate voice.
“I won’t give you up either Reyna even if we are going to different locations for our goals. I will visit New Rome as well.” I say boldly and I decided to Kiss Reyna right here and now. Reyna kisses back and it's just us at the moment, nothing else matters.
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an0nfr0mth3d3n · 4 months
not sure if you're still talking about this but, yeah. I wish twitter considered nuance in these situations but unfortunately for them you're either perfect or evil. He's been friends with D for years, if your best friend started getting accused of horrible things would you listen to the people accusing or would you side with the person you're close to? Idk, it makes me sad that he and D are still friends but I also understand why that is. Even with the accusations being cleared up he's still said some horrible shit and been gross with minors, but it seems like that stuff isn't as well known since the accusations are what were front and foremost for everyone(for good reason). This kind of became a general ramble sorry. The point is, bad has shown that he doesn't support pedos with F, who had undeniable evidence against him and was immediately dropped. As has already been mentioned, he himself has had false accusations against him in the past and is thus more likely to believe a close friend going through something similar. Literally all of the qsmp members-even the ones who have publically dropped dream- like him and speak positively about him. I just wish that were enough for some people to realize he's not a bad guy
No problem, I feel ya.
It’s frustrating as a viewer to watch your guy get absolutely mauled on bird app and grouped in with actual freaks. For me I’m mostly upset that the hate has translated to innocent viewers. Twitter ghosties don’t deserve the shit they go through, it’s literally crazy. Death threats and insults so bad it made people private and move? Ughh
It is sad, but I kinda hope it will get better.. :)
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intrusive-thoughtz · 1 year
speaking of connecting to your twin flame. There's a background story before I expressed this.
I was a neglected child. My childhood was basically the plot of Matilda only. There was no Miss honey and my mom was always present. Just not emotionally or mentally. I think that's why in my teens in early 20s I used to imagine that I was laying in bed with someone. I loved having conversation literally makes me feel like a crazy person saying that to the world. But guess it was a coping mechanism to feel like someone cared for my well-being.
in my 20s I used to do a lot of Xanax Adderall drink and smoke all together the holy trifecta and it was a way to not only manage my anger, my stress, my anxiety, my insecurities. It was a way to just shut all the voices in my head up and sleep because I had the worst kind of insomnia. I would get 2 hours of sleep a night. But then I discovered fight club and I watched that every night for a year I would sleep to it. Wake up, shut the TV off. Sometimes I would have nightmares or I would get stuck between realms and there would be these. Like I don't know monsters that would chase me. They were similar to like Sabrina chilling adventures when you astral project. But they weren't birds. It was a lot more traumatic.
a couple of times had a dream about this. Very very handsome man and he helped me get out of that realm one time. He got me out of a couple of shitty situations and every time I knew that I knew trusted and loved this person. But I also thought it's just this person in a dream my brain made up. In my late 20s I meet this man and I instantly know it's him. It's the fucking guy from my dream and it's wild. I never say anything. He looks at me one day and he says I've met you many times before our quartz crystals were literally each other's halves 3k miles away.
but felt like a lifetime of knowing each other was disrupted by his stupidity. One of the best kissers of all time. Definitely there was this like love and respect and safety. I'd never felt with this person and they broke my heart and betrayed me. We were literally mentally connected psychically and the weirdest way but he used to always know if he was thinking about me or what he was doing. I would call him to confirm. I think it freaked both of us out.
somewhere along that relationship it clicked. That person that I created as a child to keep me comfort in my bed was actually him. That feeling went away when I met him. Yeah, I still had that coping mechanism into my twenties. It's embarrassing and shameful. there's definitely a clinical term for it.
Well anyway we haven't spoken in about 7 years. He was petty and hurtful and ignorant and took advantage of my kindness and my forgiveness so many times that I think I'm scarred in some way. Like I don't trust myself and I don't trust him That was the most vulnerable of a person I've ever been. That is the damn truth. I need shit on me.
I haven't thought about him for really long time and lately he's been heavy on my mind I literally hear his thoughts. I'm waiting for him to reach out. He's super stubborn. I know he's going to it always happens this way. And the coping mechanism came back but it's not a random person. It's him. He's left me alone because I've asked him to in another round. And that's itself is a crazy thing I've ever said
A few years ago when I would dream it would be this big empty black room and me and him and he would always try to like touch my shoulder. Give me a hug or touch my hair and I would tell him to leave me alone. Stop touching me and I woke up my mom one night screaming stop touching me. And it was so embarrassing she came in my room like I was a kid and said" who's touching you". My mother thought I was being hurt by an intruder or molested in the past. And then I was in the hospital and they gave me really good drugs that I didn't want to take because my threshold would drop and I couldn't psychically protect myself.
I don't want him back in my life. Takes a lot for me to get rid of people when I make up my mind. There's no going back. It was a long time coming. It was like a drug addiction. I got rid of him and that's where I want him to stay
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shadowsif · 2 years
Dangers of the Sea/Kallas (Summer 550)
The shimmering sea and the white sands, sheltered by pale gray and sandy cliffs and the luscious greenery made it seem like a place stolen from your dreams. Born and raised in the streets of a big city, the sound of birds in your ears and the warm water pushing around your ankles seem like one. 
“Fish got your toes?” There’s more laughter in her voice than in a while. The negotiations were drawn out and no matter how much Kallas had needled, charmed, (occasionally threatened) and still you had spent the last two weeks hidden in an uncomfortably situated shadow behind her chair, in the nook created by a luscious floral piece that was changed everyday. The red flowers were your favorite, and not only because they were the least smelly but also by the shine they gave after afternoon sun hit them. (after the first one you stole and threaded in her hair the smile she gave you and the kiss that followed turned you into a thief)
You cherish that free laugh. And the loose white tunic that she’s covered herself with to protect herself from the sun and the sun. An effort in futility as the sun seems to scorch you where you stand, nearest shadows in the treeline and the water warm enough that it helps little to cool you down. Not that you’ve braved the blue waters and the unknown swimming around in it. 
“If they did, I would not be standing here. How do you look so comfortable?” you ask as Kallas stretches out, seeming to enjoy the deathly rays of the sun. A laugh escapes her and she stands up walking towards you. The scene is ethereal, her smile blinds you and you can not believe your luck. Her smile turns coy as she passes you, fingers fleetingly brushing your arm as she wades deeper in the green and blue of the sea. The tunic soaks in the water at her thighs and clings to her as the Queen winks at you over her shoulder. Your breath catches in your throat and you are unable to move for a moment. Captivated by the sight, a dream come true right in front of your eyes. 
You do get a move on as she shrieks and disappears under the water. 
The water resists your efforts to run to her, and you almost choke in the sudden fear of how stupid you were, how irresponsible to let her go fir…
Kallas breaks the surface, coughing and sputtering up seawater. You scoop her in your arms and turn to the shore, you can assess danger later, first you need to..
“I’m fine, love. I stepped on a sharp rock,” Kallas croaks, water running down her face, snot under her nose as you gently lay her down on the soft sand. Her foot looks fine and as you look up to tell her so she’s hiding her face behind her hands, shoulders shaking. “What’s wrong?” 
“I tripped! It was going so well and all and then I tripped and now it’s embarrassing,” Kallas wails but you sneak a peek of white smile between her dark hands. You sigh and place a kiss on her knee before flopping down on the sand next to her. The stand sticks to her tight curls as she rolls over and hides her shaking laughter in your shoulder. “It was supposed to be seductive,” she gets out between all the laughter and you join it.
“I’ll look forward to your next attempt. Maybe wear shoes?” Your opinion is met with a gentle slap against your chest and a whispered ‘asshat’ but the following kiss makes up for it.
I know it's October. Please don't come at me. I have a few school things to do this week (it's been crazy with it and work) and then I have time to focus on writing again.
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thehomothings · 1 year
for the headcanon thing: kite with ☪️✴️ plss
Ohohoho my fave fictional guy to hurt!!! Ty for that
So before i start, i had a little problem deciphering the emojies bc my phone and computer show me completely different things so I'll assume you meant moon and sun? If not I'm sorry, feel free to correct me and I'll do another post :3
☾ - sleep headcanon
The man is a chronic insomniac. It takes a long time for him to fall asleep and the slightest shift in the air to startle him. He grew up in an environment which conditioned him into being half aware in his sleep- he couldn't afford to be caught off guard. The smallest noise wakes him up, which is mainly why he prefers to camp out in nature than to actually get a place in the city. Sometimes he can't fall asleep several days at the time- which drives him to overwork himself to the point he hopefully passes out at night. At some point in late teenagehood/early adulthood he was prescribed sleeping meds, but stopped taking them due to how much more vivid they made his nightmares.
The nightmares where he's back in the streets, cold and starving, small and weak, and in the dreams he can't find his dogs; it's a neverending chase with shadowy tormentors and no respite to be found at the end of the line. He hides and hands find him, sneers and jeers ring out as he hits the ground again and again, and he wakes up with the iron tang of blood on his tongue. Sometimes he goes for a run when the sky's still dark, other times he just summons Crazy Slots, clutching the clown in his hands until the sun rises and the birds sing so he can tell himself i survived another day.
That being said, he can sleep much easier with someone to keep him company, being a pack of cats and dogs, or his team crashing into a cuddle pile (or Wing, bc the man is a human furnace).
☼ - appearance headcanon
Kite is easily 7 feet tall- which is one of the only physical features that he actively likes about himself. It helps him in combat, and admittedly towering over people dissuades them from messing with him.
It's not only the hair on his head that's white- his eyebrows and eyelashes are also white, almost to the point of being translucent. His legs and arms are quite hairy, but he barely grows any facial hair at all and despite that, keeps his face clean shaven. He doesn't remember ever having short hair at any point in his life, but one of his earliest memories is of a less than kind caretaker trying to cut his hair and after facing Kite's resistance, beating him. He doesn't quite trust anyone around him with scissors even years after and trims his own hair.
He has many scars, from his childhood living situation and the time he spent travelling with Ging; the ones that stand out most being one on his throat and the burnmarks covering his forearms. He hides them with clothes and doesn't undress in front of others less out of vanity and more so people don't ask questions. He wouldn't be able to stop himself from being snarky if they did so.
His nose was broken in childhood and has a badly healed bump, so do two fingers on his left hand. His front teeth are crooked- overlapping a bit, and one has a chipped corner. By his late twenties he has pronounced crow's feet when he smiles and asymmetrical smile lines.
I always headcanon that he got tattoos, maybe as a way to claim back ownership over his own body. I think maybe an ouroboros (SYMBOLISM!!!) and possibly flowers.
And honestly i could keep going but i will end my waffling here. Who knew i still had so much to infodump about this man.
Ty for the ask!
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lananiscorner · 2 years
The Sandman rewatch - episode 7
So I like to do this thing where, if I didn’t consider a show a complete waste of time and if it does have an actual arc spanning the season, I watch the season twice–once as a binge watch and then once more episode by episode, because it helps me notice things I didn’t notice at first, especially in cases like this where I’m almost entirely unfamiliar with the source material.
Anyway, any and all chronological thoughts and ramblings about episode 6 of The Sandman beneath the cut, because spoilers.
Well, we’re starting this episode off on a lovely note. Rose’s dad can get fucked for all I care.
You know you’re messed up when the anthropomorphic personification of Despair tells you that you’ve gone too far.
Oh, so the whole business with Nada was Desire’s fault too? I guess there’s one in every family…
Rose has guts going straight from “sure, I’ll pay you” to “you’re not hiring by any chance, right?”
It’s nice to see Lucienne actually being wrong about something for a change. Also, I wanna know what’s residing in Abel’s basement. lol
Wow, Dream’s castle is looking nice again. Took him barely any time to fix the place up, huh?
Aww, Matthew is volunteeering to help out Dream by watching over Rose in the waking world.
Lyta and Rose’s banter about the annoyance of getting asked for ID or not XDDD. Relatable.
I remember watching this episode for the first time and being very impressed by the way they had handled setup and payoff in this show, and honestly, I still am. Quick story writing lesson: setup and payoff refers to introducing a plot point/item/character etc. early in a way that doesn’t disturb the plot and immediately scream “hey this is is important—remember this!” in spite of it becoming important later. If done right, the audience will go “oh wait, it’s plot point/item/character X from that earlier scene/episode!” when they get to the important part. This show is excellent with setup and payoff. So many things that may seem like filler/fluff actually make sense later. Good job, writers!
I love how Unity was so worried Rose would just be like “you’re crazy, I’m leaving”, yet the first thing Rose does when finding out that she’s got a great-grandma is hug her. ;_;
Omg the serial killer get-together! I love how this starts out like a totally normal conversation, then they mention the Corinthian and you might think “okay, maybe they’re talking about a different Corinthian or maybe he is like… a super famous chess player or something whenever he’s not murdering people”… and then she pulls out the picture of an eyeless murder victim and calls it exquisite and your brain just screeches to a halt like “what the fuck did I just walk into?”
And I just realize where I remember Rose’s friend Carl from—he was the doppelgänger on The Witcher!
Jesus Christ, the Good Doctor. XDD She’s not crossing the line, she’s dancing back and forth over it.
Oh hey, the fates are back! This can only end in tears.
“Beware dreams and houses”--that’s gotta be the most useless advice ever lol.
Unity just casually dropping the “oh btw, our family is loaded” bomb XD.
Lmfao, Carl here just casually seducing a walking nightmare.
Oh, that’s a picture of the girl from two episodes ago! Judy, I think?
“Any unusual behavior.” - “Said the pumpkin to the talking bird.” Lmao, please don’t ever change, Matthew.
I swear to god, Hal looks exactly like one of my former co-workers. I had to look up his actor to make sure my ex-co-worker hadn’t gone to Hollywood.
Also, I adore Zelda and Chantal. Fun fact: there were exactly two sub culture groups for girls in my middle/high school (in Germany, we don’t separate those two)--you either went with the fake tan bitches, or the goth rock punks. The latter were infinitely more inclusive.
I genuinely do feel for both Rose and the foster care case worker in this scene. There’s only so much you’re allowed to do by law and it’s just an all around shitty situation for everyone.
That said, the moment she mentioned the money, I knew where this was going.
Gilbert is amazing. And so much of his demeanor makes sense once you know who he really is.
Oh great, the Corinthian has found his people. This cannot end badly for anyone, nope.
Rose just casually strolling into Dream’s throne room and you can tell from the look on his face that he’s going “aw damn, so much for her not being an active threat—I might actually really have to end up killing this girl”.
Yep, Jed’s foster father is a piece of shit. Now we know where those 800/month are going.
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fanfictionwithchatgpt · 9 months
Title: Lopez vs. Lopez: The Great Cake-Off on Tickle Island
Genre: Comedy / Culinary Adventure
Setting: A deserted island with jungles, sandy beaches, and a central meeting point.
Episode 1: "Cake Crusaders"
[Opening shot of the deserted island's beauty, waves crashing on the shore, and birds chirping.]
Narrator (Voiceover): "Welcome to 'Lopez vs. Lopez: The Great Cake-Off on Tickle Island,' where two celebrities and a special guest embark on a culinary adventure like no other!"
[Cut to scenes of Jennifer Lopez and George Lopez waking up on opposite sides of the island, Jennifer looking bewildered and George rubbing his eyes.]
ACT 1:
[Jennifer Lopez wakes up and glances around, her expression confused and slightly annoyed.]
Jennifer Lopez (J.Lo): (muttering) "Ugh, seriously? Why am I here? And why is there a sign?"
[George Lopez wakes up and scratches his head, looking around with a mix of confusion and curiosity.]
George Lopez: (rubbing his eyes) "What the... Where am I? What's with that sign?"
[As they navigate the island separately, they encounter wild challenges and comedic situations. George occasionally throws in lighthearted Mexico-themed quips.]
ACT 2:
[Jennifer and George finally meet at the central point of the island, Jennifer crossing her arms and looking a bit irritated.]
Jennifer Lopez: (raising an eyebrow) "George? Really?"
George Lopez: (laughs) "J.Lo, fancy meeting you here! If only they had tacos on this island, it'd be the perfect Mexican getaway."
[Ja Rule, who identifies as transgender, also arrives at the central point, joining the duo with a confident smile.]
Ja Rule: (grinning) "Hey, y'all! It looks like this island adventure just got a lot more fabulous."
[They exchange stories about their island experiences, with Jennifer occasionally letting out exasperated sighs and George interjecting his signature humor.]
ACT 3:
[Jennifer, George, and Ja Rule discover a mysterious note at the meeting point, outlining a cake-baking challenge. Jennifer rolls her eyes but then smirks.]
Jennifer Lopez: (grinning reluctantly) "So, a cake-off, huh? Fine, I'll give it a shot. But only because I'm convinced this is some crazy dream."
George Lopez: (chuckles) "Come on, J.Lo, let's see if your cake is as caliente as my punchlines."
Ja Rule: (playfully) "And don't forget the fabulousness factor, George."
[They embark on a baking adventure, collecting island ingredients and crafting their cakes, all while George continues to sprinkle his humor with Mexico references.]
[Jennifer, George, and Ja Rule unveil their cakes, all looking impressive and hilarious in their resemblance to everyday objects.]
Jennifer Lopez: (proudly) "Ta-da... my tropical paradise cake. It might not have Mexico, but it's close enough."
George Lopez: (grinning) "Behold... my sandy beach picnic cake. Just like Mexico, minus the margaritas."
Ja Rule: (confidently) "Presenting my glittering island wonder cake! A touch of fabulousness in every bite."
[A panel of island creatures judges the cakes, and Jennifer lets out a playful huff as they await the verdict, with George and Ja Rule exchanging playful banter.]
[Narrator's voiceover as the camera pans over the island's horizon.]
Narrator: "And so, amidst the sandy shores of Tickle Island, Jennifer, George, and Ja Rule show that laughter, creativity, and fabulousness can make any adventure unforgettable!"
[Closing shot of the three stars, holding their cakes, with Jennifer playfully rolling her eyes, George laughing, and Ja Rule striking a confident pose.]
Narrator: "Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of 'Lopez vs. Lopez: The Great Cake-Off on Tickle Island'!"
[End credits roll, accompanied by a playful tune.]
Note: This revised script includes Ja Rule as a confident and fabulous character who is transgender, contributing to the lighthearted and positive atmosphere of the story.
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erigold13261 · 1 year
Dream last night, Budget HFR and NSR zombo combo
Oooh, last night was a weird dream. It was a mixture of a budget HFR zombie experience with NSR characters. Well I guess more like robot zombie experience, but either way it was actually creepy at first and then turned into action.
So, if I remember correctly, it starts off with Yinu and some chaperone (I don’t think it was Mama, I think it was Neon and Tatiana, or Neon and Eve, it was definitely Neon though) going to some house that was a safe haven in the zombiepocolypse. Later it turned into Neon and Yinu looking at the house to be sold, but that’s later.
The whole premise of the dream was protecting Yinu. She was like a cure, or the robo-zombs just really wanted her for her powers maybe. The big bad was actually Roquefort and not Kale, though it could have been considering the last fight was a battle between a huge entity that I just think was Roquefort. Getting to him was annoying because Tatiana had to shoot Mimosa out of the air with her flying robo zombs (Mimosa was also zombified and looked cool). 
I think DJ and Mama were fighting Rekka, or Rekka was trying to break into the building. 1010 were fighting Zanzo and a bunch of exploding robots that were heavily electrified. I don’t think Sayu or the Crew were in my dream at all.
All I really remember is the end half of my dream where I had apparently defeated the zombies but now I was going again. At first it was like I said before, it changed to Neon taking Yinu to a house that we were checking out. I think Roquefort was trying to sell it to us. Maybe Mimosa was there too trying to up the ante. There were a few attempts before this one, but they all followed the same sequence that I am about to describe.
It basically turned into a boss run. The building became an NSR Tower slash Korsica security tower hybrid. I had to, as Neon J, run up the building trying to get close to Yinu who was on the top floor being held captive by I think Zanzo. I had to direct other NSR characters to fight kinda like an auto battle as I ran up. There were some attempts where I made it up to the top with no problem and was able to finish the match, but this last attempt I couldn’t make it up.
I ended up having to upgrade Neon J, similar to how you could upgrade Chai, but also upgraded all the enemies as well. I think that’s how Roquefort turned into a giant as the final fight, I upgraded him and his size. He was attacking the tower, punching his fists into the building and clawing at it. Seeing that shit in first person and having to dodge it as you are running up a stairwell is crazy scary!
Anyway, I upgraded Neon J to the point he could fly using the same rocket boots thing that 1010 has. At this point Mama was ground support, throwing boulders and stuff at incoming zombie birds attacking me and rooting Roquefort to the ground so he couldn’t reach me as I went around the other side to fly up and get Yinu.
I don’t know what happened, but I think Yinu became a horror character as well. Like those creepy little ghost girls or something, except she wasn’t a ghost. I was able to grab her and she actually helped me fight Roquefort somehow, and we took him and the rest of the super upgraded HFR characters. Then it all went back to the beginning again.
I was there with Yinu and Mama, talking to Roquefort about the house. This time, it wasn’t a zombie apocalypse type of deal, instead the situation turned into me (Neon) having past knowledge of what was gonna happen, while Roquefort had no memory of our past battle. It turns out once we accepted the offer, Roquefort would attack or something, but since I knew, and I was still upgraded while Roquefort wasn’t, I ended up antagonizing him by shaking his hand really roughly/with a very strong grip. It made him suspicious of me, Mama, and Yinu, so he left and went to start his plan early.
At this point I was about to wake up, but before that the dream turned into an escape room. Yinu was trying to find tapes while I as Neon was trying to find Roquefort without leaving too far away. I think Mama was making the house a stronghold for us so we could have a safe place at the base of the tower that the building was about to become for the upcoming fight. But alas, I woke up before I could get there or Yinu could find all the tapes.
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chloeworships · 1 year
Babes for those of you who identified with the Scorpion message…
God is warning some people to stay far away from you and not to bring the smoke 💨 cause they will get burned BADLY 🔥 God is NOT PLAYIN ABOUT HIS SONS/DAUGHTERS.
Some folks are HIGHLY protected when they come under the wings of God.
I promise you. Heed the warning ⚠️ Stop playing with peoples lives. If you attack these individuals in anyway it will lead to your death 💀⚰️
And look at the scrip i was given 😵 Psalms 91:4 The whole exert applies but stanza 4 was what I was given first.
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I also remember having a vision of the word “darkness”
This scripture comforted me knowing that God is saying you are protected.
So the other day God gave me a vision of myself coming out of a trap/snare. I was naked and my hair was disheveled. My hair was dark brownish and tbh I looked like Khloè. I was anxious and bewildered like a wild animal. I felt like I was a cave woman. Then the LORD revealed to me that he was freeing me from the trap (snare) that was set (up) for me. He revealed that I am free. I didn’t share it with you all because I thought it was a personal message but in the stanza 91:3 it says “Surely he will save you from the Fowler’s snare” 👀 So the above vision is for you too because this scripture is for you. I should have known it wasn’t just for me because I looked like Khloè, tall and slim 😍 I am not tall nor am I slim 🥴😂
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You will FINALLY be set free from a stressful situation and from whoever/whatever had you feeling CAGED.
The song 🎶Caged Bird🎶 by Alicia Keys might mean something to you.
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Not only is this a warning to your enemies but God is coming through and freeing you 🕊️
PS. Some of this is racially motivated. Some of this is due to the witches in your life.
I was concerned about all the racist prophetic dreams I have been having lately. Not just that, I have seen other things in the spiritual realm.
I’m also being shown Hyenas so this is definitely a group of people or several of your enemies.
God is also showing me the prophetic word he released in 2021 where I was being attacked by these LARGE OVERSIZED Hyenas. He came on his pick up truck and snatched them away carting them off in these HUGE crates and I was once again safe. If I can find the message I will post it here.
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Some of these people do not want to see you LIVE. This is crazy!!!! No wonder God is coming out with a warning and I won’t be surprised if he gives me more scriptures. You’re girl is so tired but wired right now 😵‍💫
The below scripture’s title says “Opponents”. The other day I mentioned that word in one of the prophetic words the LORD had me record (can’t remember exactly which one right now but it’s either the last 3) I was talking to God about that TODAY. I said “God it’s interesting that you had me use the word “opponent” when I could have just said enemy or adversary” and now I see this
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Just wow.
I’m not sure if some of you are doubting but God is definitely revealing the truth to you and to what’s been hindering you…. It has A-LOT to do with these Hyena’s in your life, but who the Son sets free is free indeed. Amen to that!!!
There are also some people in your lives that you need to cut ties with PERMANENTLY. Too many fakes surround you.
He’s also going to reveal these people to you so pay attention if you do not yet know who they are. God will be exposing them right there for all to see.
There comes a time when the Devil’s heavy influence in our lives is up and that time is NOW. You are being delivered. The yoke is being removed from around your necks.
This marks a new beginning for you babes 🤩🌈 but a brutal end to your enemies if they try you again. The most critical thing is that no matter what, YOU 🫵🏾 are DIVINELY protected by your Heavenly Dad ✝️ so please don’t stress. Have confidence in what the LORD is telling you.
Once I knew God was on my side and I was living righteously, I grew to fear no man.
God shared 2 other scrips with me but I will have to share them tomorrow. Your girl is pooped 🥵
I finished writing this at 4:44 am 👀
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jakesuit0 · 2 years
To Cut a Woman’s Hair Review
Sometimes Finn will help Ooo’s inhabitants in smaller ways, like chewing food for baby birds. The mama bird's beak looks injured. I like how Jake, in true older brother fashion, uses his stretchy powers to connect two distant dots: chewing food for birds and kissing Princess Bubblegum. They both involve mouths and spit! Finn denies wanting to kiss her. As much as Finn gets grossed out about swapping spit, Bonnie’s the one girl I think he’d smooch…for now. 
A crazy tree witch (confirmed to be the same species as the witch in “City of Thieves”) wants Finn and Jake to get her some princess hair because she’s bald. My eyes! Finn usually judges the alignments of characters based on appearance, but here he actually wants to help her and thinks she may be good. Jake uses her ugliness as evidence of being evil. Jake tries smooth talking her into thinking she doesn’t need hair. Tree Witch swoons and lets Jake know she doesn’t mind him being taken, which is really funny. Her “how would you court me?” question is really creepy. She reminds me a lot of Ice King. She wants something from princesses, is fine with stealing princess parts, incapacitates Jake, and hatches a loony scheme.  She is lonely, love sick, desperate, pathetic, creepy, nutty, and old. I would love to see her and Ice King interact. 
Finn and Jake claim they only help people when they are in danger. This is an obvious lie considering the birds from earlier weren’t in danger. Tree Witch starts sucking up Jake with her bottomless bottom to force Finn into getting princess hair for her. This is a really disturbing way to coerce them. Apparently baldness is fatal in Ooo, so I suppose she’s doing what she’s gotta do! I assume her witchy anus powers overrides Jake’s magic (just like it protects her from an attack by Finn), but it’s strange we don’t even see Jake try to use his stretching (or shrinking) to try to escape her butthole. 
Finn sets off to get some princess hair. I like to take this as the first clue shown to us of Finn’s dream to open a barber shop. Finn starts by asking Muscle Princess for some hair, who for some reason is called Princess Muscles in this episode. She’s a funny recurring princess who gets a proper introduction in a scene at her castle. Miss Muscles (hey if the show can’t stay consistent with her name, why should I?) just thinks Finn wants to date her, punching him when Finn isn’t ready to be serious. Next, Finn finds LSP in the woods. This establishes her homelessness with the first appearance of her hobo camp. She mutters that she’ll never go back home in her sleep, setting up next season’s “The Monster”. LSP’s lumps apparently do have hair and Finn trims them off while she sleeps.  What a serious boundary violation! The hair Finn collects is the equivalent of strands of leg hair, not nearly enough to cover Tree Witch’s dome.  LSP wakes up and has the same reaction that Bicep Princess had. 
Finn searches a graveyard for a hairy princess. Not sure why you’d try your luck there, Finn. He finds the tombstone of a princess and digs up her corpse. He already outdoes his creepy behavior! Princess Beautiful knows Finn’s name, so I guess she knew him in the living? It’s horrifying knowing she was trapped there conscious for Glob knows how long. Death in Adventure Time is fucked up. I love that Princess Beautiful died of baldness. However, the ugly barnacle is still way more funny. It also doesn’t even matter that she died bald. She wouldn’t have hair anyway as a skeleton. 
Finn returns to Jake to find he’s even further up the witch’s rectum (I’m trying to use every synonym of arse in this review). After Finn exhausted every possibility to fix the situation by trying with three out of hundreds of thirsty princesses: (Princess Mussel, the dumbest and craziest princess in Ooo, and a rotting corpse), he very reasonably gives up. I’m obviously being sarcastic. Jake convinces Finn to give it another go. Finn goes to the princess he should have gone to originally, Princess Bubblegum. Instead of telling PB the situation like anyone who isn’t a dumbass would, he tries to court her. Finn aggressively chopping down a tree with an ax to make a table and seats for their date is really funny. We also get some innuendos with spaghetti. Fun!  Finn asks Bubblegum if she likes him and she tells him that of course she does. PB obviously means as a friend but Finn seems to take it in a romantic way, at least for a second. Bubblegum thinks Finn is just an adorable little kid and plays along with him for fun. She gives him a piece of her hair, which will actually be plot relevant a couple times later!
Tree Witch not accepting PB’s hair because she thinks it's just bubblegum is a really funny twist. This also confirms that Bonnie’s hair is literally just chewing gum. Sticky! I guess Tree Witch doesn’t know who Princess Bubblegum is despite her status and celebrity. Finn real talking with the witch is a cool scene. Finn has matured a bit and recognizes the difference between being ugly on the outside and inside. I also love Jake’s increasingly emotional reactions to Finn’s brutal honesty. He thinks he’s going to be trapped inside her fanny forever!
She actually acknowledges that Finn is right and sets Jake free from her rear. Finn feels bad and asks what a lot of the audience has been wondering, “does it have to be princess hair?”. The mystery of what’s under Finn’s hat is finally answered! The reveal of Finn’s long, beautiful hair is very satisfying, complete with very slick animation of it flowing. Finn shaves it all off and gives it to her. He could have done this the whole time and saved his brother a lot of agony! Of course her looking slightly prettier doesn’t make her any less ugly on the inside. She’s still evil!
Grade: B+
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