#I absolutely love aesthetics and trying this out with all the colours was so fun
laniemae · 2 months
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Milgram Trial 2 ———— End
alt ver below cut
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lorebeth · 11 months
HSR Headcannons
Hiyaa these are quick notes I think that different Honkai Star Rail characters would do or behave like ALSO IF YOU THINK IT'S OOC THAT'S FINE SHSKAHF I LOVE THESE CHARACTERS SO MUCH ANYTHING THEY DO IS REAL TO ME ❤️
Characters: Blade, Dan Heng, Gepard, March, Serval, Kafka
-He holds your hand when you cross the road (it seems like something he would do just absentmindedly, if you bring it up he won't do it again).
-He likes to take you places you've never been to, as chaotic as his person is, I think he really likes the more calmer days and enjoys finding new places with you, albeit he's also looking to run away from the authorities at the same time...
-I am a firm believer that Blade watches all types of movies, even romcoms. You enter the living room and see him watching '10 things I hate about you' and he's genuinely into it thinking about how he relates to a character.
-He has matching phone accessories with you. Kafka makes fun of him whenever he comes to work with a bright coloured pompom hanging out of his pocket.
-He is quite chill when you bring him little trinkets, he might not know what you're supposed to be doing with such an oddly shaped item, he might even stare at you blankly, but he knows the object reminded you of him and that makes him happier than he'd like to admit.
Dan Heng:
-He likes to smell you (THAT SOUNDS SO CREEPY). He loves the smell of your shampoo and has decided to buy the same one as you, however he didn't like it because March caught a whiff and made fun of him for weeks with you in earshot.
-He likes when you doodle on his hand with a pen or a marker. He also let's you do his eyeliner because you recenctly only realised he had one eye done and the other not, seeing as you start to do this more often, he buys more eyeliner and different colours for you to experiment with. (Although you both agree he looks better in red.)
-ABSOLUTELY 100% LOVES YOUR MUSIC! At first he didn't because he thought it was weird, but you eventually start catching him humming your favourite songs and you start to slowly make him play lists and organise an entire library of his and your favourite music together.
-He has matching plushies with you, you guys switch them every night and act like divorced parents who have to switch kids every weekend.
-He eats all the food in the fridge and you see him with his mouth dirty and can't help get too mad at him when he says he hasn't been in the kitchen all day. Other than his crimson cheeks, messy mouth and embarrassed eyes, nothing tells you more of his crime than his horrible acting skills.
-When he goes out, he likes to bring you back something, honestly anything. He once brought back an entire couch because he heard you needed a new one that fitted the aesthetic of your living room.
-Think golden retriever, you shall receive golden retriever.
-He likes when you praise him, it gets him happy and excited, a little shy and he just acts like he has just received the best present in the world, however it backfires when he compliments you as well. Your face heats up and even if he can't tell, he knows from your expression and attitude he got to you more than you let him see.
-She’s 100% tried to steal your clothes and you catch her every single time.
-She is so bad at hiding the fact she steals your clothing that whenever you walk into your room, you INSTANTLY sense your favourite sweater was taken hostage.
-Obviously she loves you and gives you fashion advice, but only when she’s ready will she let you borrow her own clothes. For her, this is an extreme act of love and trust.
-She totally takes your phone and blows up your storage with 100+ pictures of her or you sleeping, your phone almost shut itself down on multiple occasions 😭.
-Likes to try bake you little sweets from different planets. Due to her past, she cannot remember where she is from, so her love language is giving you things from other planets or your home planet, especially through baked goods! She’s either a cooking pro or she burns down the entire Express. It’s a 50/50.
-Loves hearing you sing. You sound like Gepard? It’s okay! She has her best smile on to encourage her lover!
-She 1000% stole your musical instrument (if you play one) and tried learning it for you if you don’t have a guitar.
-Not everything with her is musical, but she finds it does help when she’s cooking, cleaning, working in her shop, she even has a playlist that has your name on it and is full of songs that remind her of you.
-She shows you baby pictures of Gepard and Lynx. You’ve never ONCE seen her though. Kinda sketchy. Just ask Gepard and suddenly you have millions of cute chubby little Serval’s everywhere!
-That one fangirl who waits for Serval or tries to catch a glimpse? Not anymore! All the windows are now only see through on the inside and Serval has taken extra measures to keep her and your life private from her groupie. Will tell the girl to knock it off if you’re extremely uncomfortable.
-She has the passwords to every account you’ve ever made on any platform. She doesn’t go through any of them but she likes that you share that with her, she in turn lets you go through her email. That’s all she has. 🙁
-She caught you wearing her uniform once and just stayed at the door watching you say her signature catch phrases. 11/10 embarrassing, 100/10 her thinking it was cute as hell.
-She doesn’t really have time for dates or anything of the such, but whenever you really need her, desperately, she’s there instantly. Sometimes you use your trump card when there’s a creepy bug and she catches it ONLY TO THROW THAT MF IN YOUR GENERAL DIRECTION.
-Has a pet snake. I genuinely am a firm believer she has a pet snake that she named in your honour. If you like snakes or not, you will have to feed it when she’s gone. 🙁
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nwjn-z · 1 year
main 4 with a scene s/o ^_^
South Park Main 4 with a scene s/o
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⎯⎯⎯ ☆
Kyle ☆
-You being scene is actually what grabbed Kyle’s attention to you in the first place
-he thought you were really cool and admired you for dressing so differently from everyone else and not caring
-with that being said, because you dress differently from everyone else he down to fight anyone that tries to make fun of you
-Kyle also loves helping you touch up your hair, picking out your outfits, helping with your makeup etc.
-I hc that Kyle wanted to be scene in middle school but his parents wouldn’t let him💔
-he lives vicariously through you🫶
-will tell you to cut back on the energy drinks and candies if you’re like that tho 💀
Stan ☆
-He thinks you’re really fucking cool
-Stan has always had an interest is various different music genres, and scene music is one of them
-so when you first met, he knew he wanted you
-jamming out to scene music with Stan? Definitely.
-he absolutely adores watching you get ready, like watching you do your hair and makeup
-he would also like you to do his makeup and do it while he lays down on his back while you straddle him and do it 🤭🤭
-honestly Stan will sometimes dresses goth again just to see the contrast in your guy’s aesthetics, it makes him feel all giddy
-also seeing the look on everyone’s faces when they see Goth Stan and his Scene partner ?? comedy gold
Kenny ☆
-ok ok, Kenny has a thing for people with unique aesthetics like; Scene kids, Goths, Emos you name it
-so needless to say Kenny LOVES the fact that you’re scene
-He thinks you’re so fucking hot in anything that you wear he can’t get enough
-Always showing you off and bragging about how cool his s/o is to all his friends
-like Stan, Kenny loves scene music as well so he loves listening to music with you
-Kenny is also ready to throw hands at anyone who makes fun of you
Cartman ☆
-“Weak dude, weak.”
-he acts like he doesn’t like it at first (he’s a LIAR)
-but he secretly loves it just as much as Kenny even
-But Cartman is very unique in his admiration for your style so please just bare with him
-he’ll complain about how long you take to get ready and ends up doing you hair and makeup for you along with your outfit
-he’ll try and play it off by saying “if you’re going to dress like that then I have to make sure you look decent🙄”
-It’s cute how his face gets red when teasing and hair spraying your hair, he also insists on being the one to re-dye your hair for you (he likes picking the colours)
-also do I even need to say it?
-this man is IN LOVE with scene music (you are the only person he will ever admit it to tho)
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meloethelavendeer · 3 months
Some of my Kris headcanons because they are my second favorite character
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And also just cause I need to get these down on to paper (?)
Favorite colour is grey
Some other colours they like are blue and pink
15 years old
Loves halloween
Eyes are naturally red
Their knife is a gift from catti
Sort of struggles with being human, wishes they were a monster
Loves psychological horror games, especially indie ones
Their favorite animals are rats and cats
Looooves the aesthetic of plague doctors and masks in general
Nonbinary, this is quite obvious but still
Struggles with dysphoria a bit, alot of people see them as quite masculine when they just want to be androgynous
Some outfits include all black ones with fishnets and stuff, a cute pink and blue striped dress and a some neat accesories
Has alot of outfits in their wardrobe, just reaaaaally attached to that one sweater.
100% has tried to cosplay their dark world form
Fucking hates the government
Favorite drink is apple juice
Ex Christian (or whatever castle town follows), now an athiest (maybe pagan)
Likes emotional music and classical music.
Has pulled some pretty crazy pranks before, some even getting in the local papers
"A message written in toilet paper has been found in the middle of the road this morning, it spells LIGMA"
Figured out they were nonbinary with the help of monster teen, they were quite good friends.
Loves the moon and night
100% would be bullied and called a furry in human society
Right handed
Surprisingly agile, tries their best to keep athletic but doesn't really work out
Would absolutely adore ultrakill
Just says stuff sometimes, utters random phrases that don't make much sense
Big anxiety huge anxiety suffering anxiety
Enjoys doing stuff with both their hands and feet, has learnt to play games and write using their feet.
They use this to bully noelle for having hooves (light-heartedly, of course)
Paints their nails black
Tries to do make-up but fails miserably and it makes them really fucking sad.
Loves messing with people, irritating them. One might say trolling them
Their voice is quite unique. It's rather deep but they try their best not to have it sound masculine. They often talk quietly so it doesn't really have that gravel to it.
Oh btw amab kris
Grew up on Windows seven
And the ps3 as well
As a older sibling idk how younger siblings work so like no kris and asriel headcanons
Chill with most people unless they are assholes or problematic.
Trying to grow out their hair or at least make it a bit bigger.
Really really wants piercings but toriel refuses to let them have any (asgore has promised he will do his best to get them some for their 16th birthday)
Really jealous that they can't do magic, learnt magic tricks as a result
Gets more real world crushes then fictional crushes
Says really morbid things sometimes as "fun facts"
Wanted to be possessed by a demon and constantly joked about it
Now that it has happened they do not enjoy it at all , and nobody believes them when they talk about it. Except maybe susie.
They do appreciate it when the player tries to do best by them. Which is rare.
They still want us gone though.
Always talks about being evil but doesn't really want to hurt anybody, they care alot about their friends.
Yeah, that's all. A lot of these are projections, tbh but I'm glad I got it down.
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dreaaspeaks · 3 months
I was wondering, could I request a Tokio Hotel members x cottage core reader (separately, of course)? If you don’t wanna do it, that’s fine!
Many blessings!
ofc i will! this will be fun i had a cottage core phase for a bit
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(mostly bill’s part will be written without any explicit pronouns but the other three will be more fem leaning since they’re straight 🤗)
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Tom Kaulitz
he honestly never thought he’d be into those kind of girls
the long flowing dresses and skirts with sweet heart necklines just wasn’t his usual type
but somehow amidst the party girls in skintight dresses and short skirts it was you who caught his eye
the long floral dress and soft fabrics was like another world to him, the sheer chiffon and pretty cream coloured lace that was on your dresses and long skirts made you look angelic
you would wear his baggy shirts in replacement of your flowy tops to tease him
honestly with his baggy jeans he was already halfway there to cottage core
the difference in how you two would dress was adorable to him and loved how the soft fabrics just made you even better and warmer to hug
would try to push you to try to wear tighter clothes like low rise jeans or shorter skirts
eventually realises that he just loves the way to dress and all the soft fabrics and stuffed animals that comes with you
when you asked him to help take care of your plants he totally forgot and just bought you a bigger one
is the type to pull you close to his chest and start dancing and wants you to feel like a princess
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Bill Kaulitz
ya’ll would swap jewelry so one necklace, bracelet or ring will always be a little out of place
when you’re his date for red carpets both of you are hailed as fashion icons
in the 2000s especially you tried to put some colour in his wardrobe aside form black, white or red
he loves gifting you stuffed animals but also passes you the stuffed bears he gets from fans if he knows you’ll love them
really appreciates how individual your styles are
swapped aesthetics for a day and laughed the whole time because the fabrics and cutting is so much looser than what he’s used to
thought beauty was pain but after seeing you he knew that couldn’t be further from the truth
hopeless romantic to the max
when you showed up all regal and angelic looking in lace and chiffon he swore angels started singing
you always try to ask him to stop using a whole can of hairspray in his hair because you wanna play with it and make cute hairstyles without it feeling chunky
will talk about you endlessly during interviews and refers to you as ‘my angel’ while tom and georg tease him
despite him looking scary let’s face it, you’re the one that will baby him and hold him
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Georg Listing
when he first wanted to go flirt with you at an after party, the rest of the band were just like “no way, absolutely no chance”
guess what? he did have a chance
when he had his long hair, just to make fun of him and tease him a bit you would put bows or clips in his hair when he’s sleeping
loves hugging you and holding you while you are wearing flowy dresses or skirts and thinks you look like a fairy
both of you went as royalty or forest fairies for halloween a few times
unlike tom he actually took care of your plants did a pretty good job
the type to give voices to your stuffed animals
will help you fix your outfit or hair throughout the day
likes the outdoors so if you wanna live out your cottage core dreams and go fruit picking, he will take pictures for you and hold your baskets
best believe he will try to make a picnic
if you trip on your skirts and dresses or get your sweaters and jackets caught on door knobs he will laugh at you
help? no idea, laugh however? laughing louder than anyone
cozy nights in tucked under knitted blankets wearing soft sweaters are the pillar of your relationship
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Gustav Schafer
thinks you are the sweetest but will never tell you that
calls you sweet names and smiles at the things you do
will judge you for wear long sleeves and sweaters in the summer time
the prime example of adam sandler aesthetic bf with over dressed partner
will buy you jewelry that reminds him of you
the type to help you lift a long skirt up when going up the stairs
he has jokingly bowed at you royalty style when he sees you in a pretty dress
helps you put flowers in your hair and learns to tie fancy hairstyles just for you
bakes with you if that’s what you like and spends that extra time to make the cakes and cookies look cute
will put more effort into dressing nicely if you beg a bit and if it’s for a special occasion
i feel like of you guys have been dating long enough of get married he will just pick you up and dance around
he would love doing that when seeing you in something flowy
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llau-ren-ti-a · 1 year
The Bad Batch Ask Game
created by @wreckers-wife
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First of all thanks for the message and thank you for bringing this to my attention, my asks are open now 😁
So let's get right to it!
21. Which Batcher is the best cook?
I'd love to say Hunter, but with his senses it could get difficult (hell, I consider myself a decent cook and can't prepare meat half of the time bc I can't stand the smell) so I'm going with Echo and Cross!
Echo because he actually values food that isn't 'standard rations' and has a thing for proper nutrition and Crosshair because he's a control freak in the kitchen - he won't let you lift a finger and only serves whatever meets his expectations.
38. What color do you associate with each Batcher?
That's a tough one, but I'll try my best!
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Wrecker was the easiest to come up with, and I know, yellow is a happy colour and that's why I associate him with it bla bla bla - his scar reminds me of the sun, a star bursting across his face. He's warm summer days spent in the sun, elderflower lemonade and daisies.
When I was in school we used to play "Yellow Car", whenever you spotted a yellow car you could hit one of the fellow players, and I think he'd be weirdly competitive about that.
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Omega was a close second, and my colour is turquoise! Do you know this specific shade of turquoise that every other girl's rooms had back in the 2010s? Either you knew someone who had a room like that or you were that person. I can remember that so vividly and she instantly reminded me of her so much. She'd totally be one of those girls with turquoise walls.
I'm also so sure adores the ocean and sky, aside from the storm grey she was surrounded with on Kamino.
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A little conflicted about our dear Tech - he reminds me of vaporwave and 80s computers; to me he is the embodiment of 80s and 90s synthwave (aesthetic), black and neon pinks and blues and purples and oranges - it was really a tie between the latter but I went with purple, it's still quite a nice colour and I think he'd center his whole being around this colour like many purple people do. (Orange people are actually exactly the same, but they are less vocal about it haha)
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Sad beige clothes for sad beige children.
Look me straight into my bright blue eyes and tell me Echo would not absolutely THRIVE in a clean, cozy minimalistic apartment. I would pay an ungodly amount of money to wrap him up in a beige silk/mohair blend cable knit sweater and watch him drink a black tea with milk and sugar while he's sitting on clean white bed sheets. Need I say more?
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(Sidenote: I am having an absolute field day imagining Hunter in one of those Park Ranger Uniform shorts)
I think the consensus is that a lot of people associate him with red (because he is the leader of the squad and their colours are black and red...)
And I get it, red and brown suit him well in my opinion, but he really is green to me. Not really sage green or dark forest green, more the yellowish chartreuse kind of swampy green.
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I get it. I absolutely do. The angry, dangerous, even lustful dark reds and blacks that so many people pair him with.
My soul tells me he is green. Not that friendly, lively kind of green that Hunter has, but this dark and forgotten shade of ancient woods that block out the sun once you've walked a few steps into them. Kind of Twilight-esque pacific northwedt vibes, but scarier and less blue filter.
I know he would kill me if he heard me compare him to Hunter like that, but I really think they are quite alike.
The difference lies here:
Hunter invites you in, whereas Crosshair is warning you to stay away.
- - -
I hope that made some sense haha!
That was fun, thanks for the message! <3
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coralinnii · 8 months
Hi....If you don't mind, can I ask, what are your top 10 (or top 7) favorite media (can be books/ manga/ anime/movies/tv series)? Why do you love them? Sorry if you've answered this question before......Thanks....
If I’m being honest, I have been more into just listening to music during my free time more than anything and while I read a lot of manga, my goldfish brain would blank out if someone were to ask me anything about it. However, I will tell you my list of definite rewatch/reread series though some of them are pretty old or obscure.
My Top 10 (in no particular order)
Welcome to Demon School, Iruma-Kun (manga/anime)
At first, I watched it mainly for the fun aesthetics (cute colourful characters with spooky backgrounds) but I fell in love with the characters and world-building of this series. The whole cast, be it main or supporting, are absolutely amazing and capable of running a story arc of their own even without the main cast which is seriously impressive. And while the anime only just scratched the surface, the author really built the setting of this series with great thought, with its own politics, history, systems, and culture that impacts the story well. No random fact is without purpose and I love it.
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K. (manga/anime)
I’ve been watching anime since I was 4 so I can confidently say that I’m familiar with many classic anime tropes and cliches. This series is like a kudos to longtime anime fans with its jokes and jabs as it follows a strong psychic boy being absolutely done with the insanity of his life as he tries to keep his powers a secret from his schoolmates like a sports anime jock, a shojou girl, delinquent gone good, etc. The comedy coming from this deadpan omnipotent high school student is just an absolute delight. I kin Saiki so much
Nope (movie)
I’m a real fan of horror movies, especially those with undertones that bring a critical element to humanity. While I love all of Jordan Peele’s current works, Nope has got to be one of my favourite movies overall. I’ve heard of some of the criticisms people had with the film (pretty ironic ones too) but I personally love the pacing and suspense of the film. While it’s fun to watch monsters and killers get crazy from the get-go (that’s why Saw movies and slasher films were popular) but Nope touched on that all-too-real fear of not knowing what’s going to happen. That fear where you’re afraid but you’re not sure of what yet.
Petshop of Horrors (manga/anime) and the sequel Neo Petshop of Horrors (manga)
Speaking of horror with critical undertones, I was obsessed with this manga series that came out in the late 90s. I would try so hard to find a way to read this series every chance I could growing up. It’s a sorta episodic style story that stars a mysterious petshop owner that often becomes a suspect in the deaths of people who have bought animals from his shop. I love the philosophy of each new story that touches on humanity and how different (or similar) we are to animals. It questions our societal norms, expectations, base desires, mythology, what it means to live, and what is “acceptable” in our world. Unfortunately, the series was never fully translated and only published fewer copies than typical manga series due to reasons I’m not too sure of (possibly conflicts with ownership and company copyrights at the time, think Baccano situation). The series had an anime but even that anime only had 4 episodes (I still highly recommend it however). I’ve managed to get a few volumes for myself and I know people are selling certain volumes online but I have to save for essentials so collecting them is unfortunately a lower priority now.
Pokémon (video game/manga/anime)
Is this a cop-out? Nah. To this day, I would still have to physically fight myself to not buy plushies and games when I’m already broke af. Pok��mon might be one of the first animes I have ever seen (I have seen both sub and dub because my brother found a way) and I would still on occasion go back to rewatch literally any season and any movie of theirs, Nintendo really hit the marketing jackpot with this franchise. The creativity and design are so iconic and memorable that it’s so easy and fun to get into the fantasy of going on an adventure with your favourite Pokémon. There’s of course some nostalgia at play since I loved the moments where my older brother would watch the movies with me and my cousin and I would collect the figurines together.
One Piece (manga/anime)
Is this also a cop-out? Don’t care. I LOVE ONE PIECE! I will sacrifice my time and tears for this series. I have legitimately managed to rewatch this 4 times in my life (granted I started when it only had 400+ episodes so I had an easier time) and I would willingly cry over a flashback, a whale, even a boat over and over again. The action and story-telling of this series just keeps me running back for more even if I keep meeting dumb gatekeepers (yea, people don’t believe me when I tell them I’m a One Piece fan, what are ya gonna do?) I haven’t watch the Netflix live action yet but I probably will once I get my friends to watch with me (I like to fangirl with friends~)
Forget my Husband, I’ll Go Make Money (manhwa)
Despite my blog probably being best known for the villain/ess series, the banner of my blog is not an isekai villainess story but a fantasy series where a woman who can see the past, present, and future tries to make money while being married to a foreign prince before expecting a divorce (because she assumed he rather marry for love than for political reasons). Fun fact, this series was actually one of the foundations when I was writing the villain/ess story for Leona. The art and main couple are just absolutely delightful, I can’t help but reread it as it returns for a new season. Not only is the art just gorgeous, the main couple is just so gosh darn entertaining with their conversations, personal dynamics, and hilarious misunderstandings. Just beautiful.
Hotel Del Luna (K-drama)
Leave it to my interest in horror to love a romance drama with ghosts in it. It’s funny, it’s cute, and some of the ghost’s backstory is heartbreaking as well. This is a great story to just have a nice cry out. I love the story, I love the music, but most importantly, I love IU! She is my queen and every scene she is in, she kills me with her fashion, her haughty character, and her tragic backstory. She and the male lead was such a fun twist of the typical k-drama relationship where she was the powerful but broken character who ended up being healed by the kind, hardworking character. I've watched this 3 times at this point, but I still cry Every. Single. Time. No exceptions.
Hell Girl (anime/manga)
If I haven’t sold you on how I was probably that kid with creepy interests, maybe this will convince you. This was my go-to show back when I was in middle school. There is no excuse, I just really love the psychological horror of this series. In the show, there is a website you can access at midnight where you can ask Ai or Hell Girl to send your most hated person to hell, with the price that you will go there too when you die. While there was a linear storyline in the background, the episodes were always new people who requested Ai’s help with different cases of their own hell on earth. It touches on some really heavy real-life topics but what made it memorable to me was how sometimes I would feel saddened by the choices the people in the show made. Sometimes, they’re in the situation where all they can do is curse someone to hell but then was it really worth losing your chance at a happier afterlife? I watched this show with some of my friends who either saw Ai as a villain for sending people to hell, or a saviour who helped these people find an escape from their torturer, and that honestly made me think about what it means to have that much hate in you. I always wondered if I was ever in that situation, what would I do if given the chance?
Big Hero 6 (movie)
Arguably the first Marvel-Disney movie since Disney bought Marvel, I remembered people having weird thoughts on the usually cartoony company taking over the superhero franchise but I fell in love with everything that was this movie. It had Marvel-style action mixed with classic Disney wholesomeness and gut-wrenching emotional moments. I loved the message and warmth that was in this movie. Having an older brother myself, I couldn’t imagine how I could go on if I lose him but watching Hiro being so well supported by Baymax and his friends cemented within me the importance of helping others and that supporting those in pain can be as powerful as stopping bad guys (sappy, I know but hey I’m now learning to be a preschool teacher so this really stuck with me). Tadashi’s recorded message brings me so much comfort that I didn’t realize I needed. He may have been the closest thing to a Disney crush for me.
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ryemackerel · 10 months
HALLO i was wondering how you get out of art block?? your art is very expressive and i absolutely adore all your colour choices and designs. ive been having trouble with art block for a very long time now so i’m just trying to ask other artists how they get outta it <3 i hope u have a niceday yesyes
OUGHH HELLO!!! holy crap, art block is the WORST. everytime i encounter it, its always hard to beat it D: theres days where i feel like i WANT to draw something so badly but my brain just. cant function
i dont have a definitive solution for art block, but whenever i do, i have a few ways to cope with it. sometimes they work, sometimes they dont? but whenever the time comes and im just sitting at a brick wall, i got some survival tips
1. come up with random silly ideas,, it could be anything: random words, phrases, scenarios. they can be as nonsensical as you want them to be. during art blocks, my mind is completely dry with ideas, so i always try to compile a list of ideas from the past so i can come back to them later on. i try to come up with random duos or something as simple as “mcdonalds date”. i might not work on these now, but maybe some random lil word can spark that creativity in me
heres my art ideas list… i have some ideas that are like 8 months old in there BGAHSGA, but i save em there till i feel like working on them
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2. STRUGGLE DOODLES!! i like to make a bunch of doodles of random scenes that i think about in my head. doodle practically anything. your favorite person, favorite animal, something you see outside your window, frogs?
heres a few of mine. most of the time, i NEVER get to finishing them. however, during art blocks sometimes i like to go back to really old, incomplete guidelines and add some new, random addition to it. sometimes i forget what my sketches were exactly meant to be? and i guess thats the fun about interpreting stuff and giving things a new spin to them. during art blocks, i HATE trying to come up with new drawings from a blank canvas (since i dont even have any ideas to begin with). but working on old wips, or completely revising them? sometimes these can be super fun :]
[and bonus tip!! and this is like, a golden tip that everyone loves: going back to super old drawings and redrawing them!! its my favorite. i absolutely love seeing the improvement ive made over the years. its also pretty easy to work with since you dont have to stress about coming up with completely new ideas from a blank slate! GAHH i should do that more often.]
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3. search up your favorite fanart, go on pinterest, anything. i love this one.
search up some really cool photos of outfits, aesthetic backgrounds?? i find myself searching up a lot of fanart of fandoms im in, any word with “aesthetic” at the end, casino aesthetic, anything! pinterest has always been my go-to platform to find ideas. i go on the app and not even a second in, im blown with all of this cool art n character designs. i have a problem saving almost everything i find into my boards, but at least i saved a chock-full of ideas i can work with. :)
a thing about me: ive never been the type to try and force my art block out. whenever im facing a block, its extremely difficult for me to come up with things on my own. sometimes i let it wait for a while, but that tends to take a REALLY long time. D: if i dont feel like drawing, or doodling, or really doing anything? i always like scrolling through really pretty photos. that tends to spark a small idea in me i can work with, and sometimes i manage to get out of art block from there. it starts out small, then over time it gets even better.
these photos especially gave me WAY more motivation than i ever had to draw wilbur during an art block moment. i started off making small random doodles of him in a neon city and over time it kinda turned into a fixation for neon cities. i LOVE imagining characters in random photos i find on pinterest.
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wishing you the bestest in your art journey!! this crap’s tough but i know you can break it yo. thank you so much for the ask!
feel free to reblog and add your own ideas below :] i was only able to come up with a few, but if youd like to add on, go right ahead! /noforce
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lurlur · 1 year
I've been getting into hockey for the last, like, 16 months. I'm running a little bit of a fever. I'm British so the concept of mascots is a little bit weird to me. Let's do this.
In order of the current whole league standings, as of January 25th 2023:
Rating the NHL mascots
Part 1
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Completely arbitrarily! My system makes no sense!
Boston Bruins
Blades the Bruin
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Bruin means bear, so this makes sense as a choice. I guess I get what they were going for with the name but it just kinda makes it sound like a low level gangster. Feels like they couldn't decide whether to make a teddy bear or a scary bear and just got an unsettling middle ground. The eyes are very dead.
Vibes: 6/10
Aesthetic: 4/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 4/10. Not awful, but not great.
Honourable mention for methbear from the winter classic this year. That was a design team that knew how to make choices.
Carolina Hurricanes
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Stormy is, apparently, a pig. If there's some obvious North Carolina/pig connection, I'm not aware of it. Stormy feels very low effort. The design is weak and lacking in character. It doesn't even look like a good fur suit, tbh. Very big eyes so we're definitely not trying to be intimidating here. Stormy must not be one of those 30-50 feral hogs you used to hear so much about.
Vibes: 5/10
Aesthetic: 2/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 1/10
Overall, 2/10. Horrible but not for interesting reasons.
New Jersey Devils
NJ Devil
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Why does it have abdominal muscles? Clearly, this one is a slut, which I approve of. The name is super uninspired and the design is pretty obvious, but I still find myself on the way to liking it. It's got character and it's not trying to be too human. I know it's not what the New Jersey devil is actually supposed to be, but it looks a horrible kind of fun. What that tongue do?
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 5/10
Horror: 5/10
Fuckability: 7/10
Overall, 6/10. I don't love it, but I don't hate it either and that's something.
Toronto Maple Leafs
Carlton the Bear
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Carlton is named after the street where the old Leafs arena was. And he's an adorable polar bear. Look at him. He's like the coca cola polar bear without the mischief. That's a face you can trust. Looks like he gives great hugs. I would like to find out.
Vibes: 10/10
Aesthetic: 9/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7/10, but the lack of horror is a feature and not a bug. So really he's 9/10.
Dallas Stars
Victor E. Green
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There's so much to hate here. The name is a bad pun on the Stars "victory green" colours. The character is supposed to be an alien but the design is so lazy. They could have gone in so many directions with this one and instead they just did this. Why even have a mascot if you're going to put this little effort in? No expression. No character. Just green.
Vibes: 2/10
Aesthetic: 2/10
Horror: 1/10
Fuckability: 1/10
Overall, 1.5/10. Very bad showing.
Winnipeg Jets
Mick E. Moose
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Someone's trying to get suuuueeedddd! Nah, it's been over a decade and the mouse doesn't appear to have come knocking so I guess the jorts are getting away with it. Mick, here, looks quite the formidable fellow. I like his flying cap and absolutely unhinged expression. I truly believe that he could find me in my dreams and make me regret decisions I haven't even made yet. There's something wrong with him and it looks interesting.
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 7/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7.5/10. Very respectable. I will see you in my nightmares, Mr Moose.
Tampa Bay Lightning
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ThunderBug is a lightning bug. Sensible choice for the Lightning. I've seen him on broadcasts a few times but never been able to ascertain if his butt glows. I think it should and anyone who disagrees is wrong. The first time I saw him, he had a big fake beard and I was not a fan of that look at all. Unadorned, I think he's a decent mix of cute and goofy. He's definitely got some character and energy to him.
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetic: 7/10
Horror: 1/10
Fuckability: 6/10
Overall, 5/10. Again, lack of horror is not really a negative. This is a pretty good boy.
Vegas Golden Knights
Chance the Gila Monster
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Look at this boy. This is what perfection looks like. I think he should be President of the whole world. I would marry him tomorrow. Look at those kind eyes and sweet smile. He could fit my whole head in his mouth and I would thank him. He's literally never done anything wrong in his whole life. You can't see it in this photo, but he even has a very cute tail. Best boy. The only horror would be at the thought that he might not love me.
Vibes: 100/10
Aesthetic: 100/10
Horror: 0/10
Fuckability: 10/10
Overall, perfection. The platonic ideal of mascots.
LA Kings
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This is Bailey. Bailey is a lion. This is, apparently, a pretty new look for Bailey. He used to look a lot meaner but he underwent cosmetic surgery and now looks like this. I wish that wasn't the story that the Kings used to relaunch a mascot with a difficult history... But here we are. I'm just judging mascots. Bailey looks weird for a lion, too dark, too smiley, not enough teeth. I feel like there's a spark missing here. Something that would bring life and character to Bailey. He's just a bit generic and underwhelming.
Vibes: 5/10
Aesthetic: 4/10
Horror: 2/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 3.5/10. Could have and should have done better.
Seattle Kraken
Buoy the Troll
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New for this season, Buoy the Troll has a lot of attention to detail that I really like. He's got stuff in his hair and ears that tell of a nautical background. I'm pretty sure he fucked a kraken. I feel like "troll" is a cop out in the same way that "alien" is, but Buoy makes it work better. My main gripe with Buoy is that I can't make myself say the name out loud. It's not said the way that I pronounce the word. That bothers me more than it should.
Vibes: 8/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 2/10
Overall, 5/10. Largely because fuckability goes way down if I can't say your name.
New York Rangers
Perfect. No notes. Keep doing what you're doing, sweeties. This is the best way to have a mascot: not at all.
Vibes: immaculate
Aesthetic: unparalleled
Horror: unknowable
Fuckability: Schrödinger's fuckability
Overall, no one else is doing it like the Rangers. And they should. (not you, Vegas. Obviously)
Full disclosure, I fell asleep at this point. So now I have to use the standings as of Thursday 26/01. Deal with it.
Edmonton Oilers
Hunter the Lynx
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I hate it. I'm saving you from the image, but please know that this lynx also has sculpted abdominals. Again with the bad fur suit vibes, the face is the stuff of nightmares, I'm deeply upset by the jowls. Should the NHL start hiring furries to design their mascots? MAYBE!
Vibes: 2/10 Aesthetic: 1/10 Horror: 8/10 Fuckability: 1/10 Overall, 3/10. Horrible. Soulless. Bad in a bad way, not even a fun way.
Pittsburgh Penguins
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Mixed feelings here, gotta be honest. Love the name and, obviously, it had to be a penguin. He looks pretty fun. But the beak and eyes are giving me "lifeless glove puppet" energy. He could be more penguiny and less flat. Curse the performer's need to see and breathe, eh?
Vibes: 7/10
Aesthetics: 5/10
Horror: 3/10
Fuckability: 2/10
Overall, 4/10 because he loses out on both horror and fuckability by looking too socklike. Sorry, Iceburgh.
Washington Capitals
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Slapshot is a really big seagull eagle. He looks pretty fierce, which is not an expression I'm used to seeing on bald eagles. Beautiful plumage. I like him. Good vibes, I think. No word on whether he also has abs to flash at us, but I'm choosing to believe that he doesn't. It's better this way. I wouldn't trust him not to steal my chips though.
Vibes: 8/10
Aesthetic: 8/10
Horror: 4/10
Fuckability: 8/10
Overall, 7/10. Really decent showing for this birb.
Colorado Avalanche
Bernie the St. Bernard
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That's a good boy right there. Look at his little barrel! The face is missing something that I can't quite put my finger on, but I do like the lolling tongue and droopy jowls. Maybe what's missing is copious amounts of drool? Just something to make it look a bit more alive and engaged? I know it's possible, I've seen it on other mascots!
Vibes: 9/10
Aesthetics: 7/10
Horror: 2/10
Fuckability: 3/10
Overall, 5/10. He's a good dog, Brant.
Calgary Flames
Harvey the Hound
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What the fuck is this? Why does it have a metre long tongue? (Not gonna lie, that's points in favour for fuckability) You know those vintage photos of kids meeting the easter bunny only it looks like everyone involved was in hell? That's what I'm getting from this. Dead face. Cheap fur suit. He does know how to accessorise though, check that hat/collar/belt combo.
Vibes: 2/10
Aesthetics: 4/10
Horror: 5/10
Fuckability: 5/10
Overall, 4/10. What that tongue do?
Part 2 is here!
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rheallsim · 1 year
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Azure Keahi for @wrixie's "Jumping for Juniper" Bachelorette Challenge
Let me introduce Azure Keahi! 🏝️
Age: 23 y.o.
Pronouns: They/Them
Traits: Jealous, Maker, Vegetarian
Azure is a trans non-binary sim from Sulani. They're an only child, but they were the youngest by a couple years of all the other children living nearby, so they were constantly treated like a baby by friends and relatives. This lead to a bit of a tendency to over-achieve, rebel against authority, and try to prove to people that they're more grown up than they look.
[More under the cut!]
That being said, Azure is a bit of a quiet, old-soul. They're really into fixing up old things and engineering new furniture out of scraps they find around the island. They spend more time thinking and observing than they do talking, and love spending time outdoors in nature whenever they can.
They're a socialist anti-capitalist and have so far only worked odd jobs around the islands to supplement their family's rather meager income. One of their dreams is to live in a commune where its members help each other out and try to be as self-sufficient as possible. That may not be very feasible, but they live their life around the ethos of trying to consume as little as possible (and sticking it to 'The Man' whenever they can).
When it comes to love Azure is pretty inexperienced (never been kissed!), but they're impatient and eager to find their special someone and have so much love to give. They're very attracted to hard-working feminine sims, and love nothing more than sitting on the beach around a campfire talking about hopes and dreams for the future long into the night. <3
(They were assigned male at birth but take female hormones.)
Fun Facts:
Has had many burning crushes, but hasn't yet had the courage to act on them 😥
Their family has an ancient pet iguana named Humphrey that was treated like Azure's sibling growing up
They absolutely love anything with cherries in it 🍒
They're responsible for much of the "If it's called 'tourist season' why aren't we allowed to shoot them" graffiti hidden around Sulani 😅
Loves old-timey film noir and mystery movies (The Maltese Falcon is their absolute favourite movie of all time and they have a powerful crush on Peter Lorre 👀)
Still doesn't have their driver's license (not much call for it in Sulani, though they are pretty good at piloting boats of all kinds!)
Likes: Film noir/mystery movies, cherry-flavoured everything, grunge music and aesthetic, tinkering, thrifting, thunderstorms
Dislikes: being condescended to, pessimism, capitalism, cooking, littering, tourists, the colour pink, shopping
I tried my best to make them as CC-Free as possible! Wrixie, please feel free to dress them up or re-do them however you like to match your aesthetic/preferences. ^^ Also get in touch if you want more info or have any other questions. I'm so excited to see how this BC goes! <3
Here's a screenshot of their likes/dislikes and traits in-game:
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strwberri-milk · 11 months
Do you do girls too? If so may I request La Signora or Fischl where you guys do each other's makeup and nails. Then borrow or mix or match each other's clothes. And maybe have some fun and do it in a completely different style(like emo, grunge, dark academia, lolita, or something) or in each other's style.
Love your writing by the wayyyyyy. It's so addicting and in-character.
thank you for the compliment <3 ngl i do this a lot w my other friend and my entire closet revamp during the pandemic was me borrowing her clothes and realising how much i liked how i felt in them so i owe a lot of my current look to her <3
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Fischl definitely loves dressing you up! She's got so many fun pieces in her closet and she loves experimenting around with you to see what kinds of things look good on you, and what she might want to try wearing herself.
When she was initially beginning to experiment with heavier looks for makeup, you were definitely her guinea pig. She would spend so much time just playing around with the colours and their combinations to see what she could create to fit her aesthetic.
From all of the effort she puts in when practicing with you, she's really set out her style. She's easily found how she wants to do her makeup and how she wants to wear her clothes, and you've picked up quite a few things too.
Sometimes, if one of you outgrows something you'll offer it to the other person. Most of the time you manage to find a way to incorporate each other's clothes with each other's styles, making your closets a kind mix between the two of you that reminds you guys of each other.
Going out is an absolute event for either of you! The two of you really enjoy spending time getting each other ready and styling the other person. It's a lot easier to get on anything that might be a little too difficult to put on yourself thanks to too many zippers or having to reach behind you. It makes Fischl super proud to hear all the compliments that people give you then happily tell them all that it's thanks to her efforts!
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La Signora's routines are not for the weak. When she's getting dressed, even for something casual, it feels like an event. She loves feeling and looking her best and is the definition of doing it all for herself. Thanks to this attitude, she never cares about the looks she gets from looking as extravagant as she does.
When you asked her to borrow something she shook her head. At first, you thought that she was saying no and almost shaming you, making you bow your head as you tried to mutter an apology but then she returned with a giant bag worth of stuff.
Go big or go home is definitely her motto, the woman muttering something about how you ought to have given her more of a heads up than what you actually did. She would have gotten more things prepared for you, things that she felt you would look absolutely flawless in.
Your request ends up devolving into a giant closet revamp, La Signora buying you anything she thinks you could ever need. To her, it's a small price to pay to see you looking so confident in your new clothes. She wants to make you feel as ethereal as she does on a daily basis, and having her at your side will dispel any sort of issues with confidence you could ever have.
She doesn't often try to borrow your own clothes because her clothes are primarily all personally tailored to fit her body. This means she doesn't like wearing anything that she hasn't had fit to herself, but that doesn't mean she won't play with your makeup. She likes to see what you have and try a little on herself just to see what it could look like on her.
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unsoundedcomic · 2 years
I think your gore doesn't bug me because it's kind of cartoony. Do you do that on purpose?
Absolutely. There are some artists who have a cartoony style but then swap to ultra realistic painted gore and organs when the story goes there, and I don't love that look. I played with it a little in the earlier chapters before I figured that out, but I'm much happier with the current aesthetic. Not only because it's consistent, but because I really don't want to make certain readers so uncomfortable that they can't deal with the violence. Better to suggest, than to try for something photorealistic and triggering.
I personally prefer that in my entertainment too. Like I got no interest in tortureporn movies like Saw or Terrifier, but I love the stylized gore of Ichi the Killer, Se7en, Cronenberg flicks, Hellraiser. Like, you know it's all fake, they're not trying to fool you. They just want to make something that looks cool; even kinda beautiful. Instead of looking away you want to look closer.
Because the elements themselves - the colours and shapes - are pleasing. When you kinda surgically remove them from the suffering by heightening the fantasy, you can appreciate that better, I think. So a giant monster lady spitting severed heads? It's so fantastical that it doesn't really get to you, right? It can't ever happen, it's too ridiculous. That's schlock. That's fun gore.
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juriyuna · 1 year
Hmmm... for the character ask, how about Livia?
First impression: I thought it was cool that we got to see Mitama's teacher! :0 I didn't know much about Arc 2 going in, but it was neat to have a neutral faction in the midst of the war for the Kimochi stones. I loved her design as well; she's got a fantastic colour palette and aesthetic.
Impression now: Probably my favorite of the Puella Care trio! She's got a playful, easygoing personality (which is. partly from her being so traumatized that nothing fazes her anymore) that mixes well with a number of the other characters. Her role as a mentor to Yozuru and Sudachi in particular is super cute to me, taking these troubled girls under her wing and trying to help them recover from their pasts... Sure, she ribs at them sometimes, but it's all either in good fun, or she's trying to teach them a subtle lesson.
It's refreshing to have a character who's neutral without being cold, always willing to offer her support to anyone in need. Morally grey as she is, she doesn't let that make her cruel or callous. She truly does want the best for all magical girls-- the entire reason she's helping Kyubey is because she's like "alright, either you'll meet your quota and bugger off the planet forever, or I'll curse your entire species and drag you down to hell with me". I can respect that tbh. fuck them rats.
Favorite moment: This is tough; she's got so many good ones to choose from! I think I'll go with the scene in ch.12 where she's fighting a Mirrors copy of herself (apparently almost as strong as an offshoot witch; it's impressive that Livia can hold her own against it). When Yozuru and Sudachi rush in to help, Livia's copy mocks her for being unable to admit the truth. Your actions are "all for the universe", eh? Livia tells Yozuru and Sudachi to haul out for a bit, and once it's just her and her clone, she says: "Now that they're outta earshot, I gotta say... I'M the one who loves Yozuru and Sudachi! You ain't nothin' but a cheap copy! You'll NEVER take that away from me, shit-for-brains!"
She was loud enough that the two of them heard her (they're a little embarrassed), and the racket ends up drawing the attention of more Mirrors familiars, but. AUGHHHHH it was so cute!!! ;_; I'm so glad that we got to see Livia acknowledge her feelings for her little ragtag coordinator family. These girls mean the world to her; nothing's gonna tear that bond apart.
Idea for a story: I'd love to get an event or something that focuses on Livia's early days as a coordinator! Her backstory episode in ch.11 didn't delve too deep into that time period, so there's plenty of territory to explore here.
Unpopular opinion: Considering how many of Livia's friends and loved ones died grisly deaths or otherwise met with abysmal fates even before she became a magical girl, I'm inclined to say that Livia's wish doesn't curse people; she just has THE worst luck in the world when it comes to personal relationships. I think her fear that her wish hurts everyone she cares about is sort of like Yachiyo's "my wish to survive means my friends will die in my stead", where it's an unfortunate correlation rather than cause-and-effect. But it's happened multiple times, and she can't prove that her wish isn't the culprit, so she keeps everyone at arm's length out of worry.
Favorite relationship: Livia/Yozuru! Their close-yet-not-quite dynamic is so good, and I am a sucker for "undying loyalty" as a trope. Livia claims that she doesn't care that deeply for Yozuru on a personal level because she's afraid of accidentally cursing her, and Yozuru seems to have a hard time making heads or tails of her emotions because of her wish, but it's clear that they still love each other. Livia seeing herself as pure evil, while Yozuru sees her as a reason to keep living, absolutely KILLS me man im crying
One aspect that I really like is how forgiving Livia is towards Yozuru-- whenever Yozuru makes a mistake, or does something out of line, Livia either shrugs it off or gently nudges her back on track. She never gets mad at Yozuru for screwing up. To Yozuru, who spent her whole life working herself to the bone and getting struck or screamed at for every imperfection, this has gotta be a huge breath of fresh air.
They've come so far from their initial meeting in Yozuru's Battle Museum, which was basically Livia plucking a highly reactive, beaten stray dog off the road like "I can fix her" and Yozuru trying to bite her hands off. Yozuru even goes to a baking workshop because she wanted to learn how to make a perfect cake for Livia for Valentine's Day. :')
also the fanon concept of "two adult magical girls who got married for tax benefits while alleging that their relationship is Strictly Professional" is a fun one to play around with
Favorite headcanon: Since she spent a while working as a circus performer, she's surprisingly acrobatic. She doesn't look like the type, but she can pull off some pretty impressive gymnastics-- a skill she makes use of alongside other magic tricks (ie. disappearing into her hat like in her transformation clip) to catch opponents off-guard. She might not be the strongest magical girl in terms of pure power, but god if she isn't hard to land a hit on. That said, she doesn't tend to fight unless necessary; she mostly uses the stunts she's learned in little stage shows to earn some extra funds.
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m34gs · 1 year
In your own head canons, what are the dorm leader's one (1) favourite junk food?
Ecstatic to answer this! Thank you for asking, friend. (For everyone's information, I did get clarification from Kim: no healthy snacks, no desserts like cakes or puddings, talking about junk foods like candy, chips, chocolate, etc.)
Riddle: For Riddle, I would say "Creme Savers"; specifically the strawberries and creme flavour (don't judge me, that is how it is spelled on the packaging lol). I just think he would love the sweetness, and I think the red and white candy goes very well with his aesthetic.
Leona: Honestly, black licorice. I don't know why, to me it just suits his vibes. I can picture him chewing on it while he lazes in the sunshine. Also, I imagine that he would think it's funny when Cheka first asks him for candy and he gives him the black licorice and watches his nephew just make the absolute most disgusted face after trying it.
Azul: I think Azul would enjoy the very expensive type of chocolates. You know, like the Purdy's chocolates or something; and typically the cream-filled ones. I think he tries to avoid buying them though, because he doesn't want people to know about his personal likes and dislikes. And because I think he is still shy about his past as a chubby octo-mer baby and I don't think he wants anyone to associate him with anything that might lead them to connect the dots and figure it out. (But I think Jade and Floyd usually get him some once in a while. Jade leaves it discreetly in one of his desk drawers in the office for the Monstro Lounge. Floyd puts it in the most obvious places to see how quickly Azul will try to smuggle it out of sight of everyone else.)
Kalim: Kalim likes chips! They're salty and delicious and shareable! I think Jamil probably has to avoid the chip aisle altogether if he brings Kalim shopping with him, unless he suddenly wants ten bags in the cart and a puppy-eyed Kalim begging him to let them buy the chips so he can share with everyone.
Vil: I think Vil likes peppermints and other mint candies. He's done modeling and acting and many other things that put him in the public eye, and has many obligations. There's likely been more than once he's been late to a meal because of publicity things, so having a few mint candies to suck on probably takes the edge off the hunger, while also giving him fresh breath (which I think he'd find important when acting. It can be incredibly hard to act when someone is in your face and all you smell is coffee breath or the traces of onions from their salad).
Idia: Idia canonically has a line for his SSR card when he is on the home screen that goes "want a gummy worm? I just love bright-coloured candy". I adore this line with all my heart. And I love that it extends to all brightly coloured candies! Therefore, I think Idia would really love Jolly Ranchers (or the Twisted Wonderland equivalent of those). They are very vibrant and bright, the original candy is a hard candy so you can suck on one for a while as you game, and they have very strong flavours. I feel like he would really enjoy them and have a bowl of them nearby when he's gaming, especially late at night. (and Jolly Ranchers are also one of my favourite candies and Idia is my favourite, so by that logic: yes.)
Malleus: Malleus is one of the fae, and so I think he would actually enjoy strange combinations of human foods. Like, not abominations or whatever Lilia creates in the kitchen. Just, the mixing of two flavours that you might not think would go together at first, or that when you think about it seems an odd combination. I think he'd be delighted by caramel-filled dark chocolate with sea-salt on top. The combination of sweet, gooey, and salty is interesting and, in my opinion, mildly addicting. I think he'd find it a bit fascinating and I think he'd enjoy one or two during tea time with Yuu/MC on the regular. :D
Thank you for this very fun ask, I hope you enjoy these answers! As always, I love discussing Twisted Wonderland headcannons with you; and I would love to hear your own opinions and thoughts on what you think each Housewarden would like! Especially since you wouldn't tell me before because you didn't want to sway my opinions lol :)💜
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hifilounge · 3 months
Trafomatic Rhapsody 300B Single Ended Valve Amp Now On Demo In A Cool Colour!
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Hi Everyone,
As I've been writing these blogs over the last couple of weeks it has made me realise just how much new demo stock we have bought this year, scary stuff really, being a music lover and HiFi enthusiast running a HiFi shop really is akin to a drug dealer being addicted to heroin, it really is a dangerous and expensive business, bloody good fun though, there are just so many temptations out there.
This is a great new addition to our range though I feel, Trafomatic Audio are a new brand to me and bringing them on was solely driven my love of the Western Electric 91E 300B valve amp we have here which when partnered with our DeVore speakers really is a match made in heaven which got me looking at what other 300B Single ended Valve amps are out there which brought me to Trafomatic, I was firstly sold by the looks, yes I'm such a tart, but I asked if I could borrow one from the distributor, Absolute Sounds, which they kindly obliged with and after a quick listen I realised that along with it being absolutely gorgeous it sounded different enough from the 91E that it would be a worthy addition to put on demo to give our ever growing number of DeVore customers another amplifier option. What I need to do now is try to on other speakers as I'm sure it will make any speaker sing it is connected to.
Choose You Colour!
Another great feature on the purely aesthetic point is that you can have any colour you like, so being a bit of a car nut I sent them a picture of the below Ferrari and asked them to match that, please, so Trafomatic spoke with Ferrari and got the paint code, I think when you see the amp you'll agree they did a great job.
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As for the sound compared to the Western Electric 91E? it definitely has a slightly tighter and punchier bass and a more refined sound overall whereas the 91E is a little more forward and lively so they really do complement each other well as they are both equally as good I'd say but just different so it will be up to the customer to choose, I can see some fun demos coming up.
Once our DeVore Reference speakers arrive I plan to run them with the Trafomatic Glenn 300B Mono Blocks as I would expect that to be a very special combination, really can't wait to get this all up and running.
As ever please find a link below to Trafomatic on our website, we're still adding some products to this, and a few pictures below and if you'd like to come in for a listen at anytime please feel free.
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The Big Question, Trafomatic Rhapsody or the Western Electric 91E?
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one costuming detail I want to talk about FOREVER is the distinction between broadway delanceys and uk delanceys. the broadway costumes for everyone are almost cartoonish, have the right Ideas but not the actual right elements, but the delanceys in particular feel out of place. they look modern, for one thing - read more ‘50s than 1890s/1900s - but they also look Wealthy. whichever one is wearing the waistcoat (they swapped) is clean and crisp, their sleeves are folded neatly, they wear Ties.
and then there’s the uksies delanceys. almost indistinguishable from the newsies aside from their work coats, which only morris frequently wears - and oscar even messily shoves the sleeves up of that. they don’t wear any sorts of ties, don’t have their shirt buttons done up properly, they usually don’t even button their waistcoats up. in the fight scene they’re just in their undershirts.
it’s just so interesting and so Good to visually put them on the same level as the newsies. in the chaos of the fight scene, it’s hard to keep track of them. they blend in. they could be a part of the newsies’ revolution.
but, even in worn work clothes, they aren’t. they stay on the other side.
AH okay I'm so sorry this took so long to respond too, I was struggling to figure out how best to answer 😅😅😅
I absolutely love the points you're making and please please do send me more of your Delancey Thoughts because I love them, but I have to take a moment to defend the costumes from the USA shows.
Men's fashion doesn't move as quickly or drastically as women's fashion. By the 1950s, a lot of the core features of men's clothing stayed the same, aside from a few things like cut or fit. So it's not so much a case of the Delanceys read more 50s than 1890s, but that formal 50s fashion hadn't changed much since the 1890s. And because they're wearing a sort of casual-formal attire, they look more reminiscent of more recent decades.
As for looking wealthy, I personally think it's a show. They're young, working class people trying to look a higher class than they actually are. They either saved up for or were given one decent set of clothes by Wiesel, it's another way of making sure the newsies know the brothers are above them. Clothes have always been a status symbol; the Delanceys know they're only one rung above the newsies on the societal ladder, but they'll be damned if they make it obvious.
That all being said, I do agree that it's very visually interesting putting them in similar clothes to the newsies. I remember seeing them for the first time onstage and thinking "oh- they aren't pretending anymore". They're a narrative foil to the newsies so putting them in similar clothes enhances that more when they behave so differently.
I really really hope this didn't come across as a "you're wrong, I'm right" response because that is not what I intended at all. You're entitled to your opinion -as am I to mine- and personally I think it's fun discussing things from different perspectives!
I'm biased towards the USA costumes because I think all of them do well with visual storytelling for every set of characters and do still fit the time period (colours and patterns were more common back then than people think) whereas the UK costumes -whilst fitting the grittier aesthetic- just frustrate me at times because I can't tell characters apart as easily.
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