jomteaaa · 2 months
pt 1
prompt pt2: wanting to tease tsukishima a bit, you ask him if he was really that worried about not being able to kiss you anymore. he huffs and denies it. he insists that he was trying to save you from the embarrassment of having to go back on your own words once you realise that you can't go on without his kisses. you take that as a challenge. and he isn't going to back down, not with his pride on the line.
so the next few days go about the same, but only without kissing, even including small acts like on the hands and cheeks. without you knowing, he hated those few days. conpletely resented it. tsukishima's ultimate downfall though, is when he sees you eating strawberries. he watches as the juice paints your lips a glossy red. gosh, it drives him nuts. he tries not to look at them, but that's all his mind can focus on.
"dammit, pipsqueak." kei grunts and tugs you in by the wrist, smashing his lips against yours. you taste just like how he expected it to be, sweet strawberries. he relishes in it as he kisses you harder with a hand behind your head. after a while, he pulls away, but not before licking your lips. he sees your victory grin, all cheery and smug. with smile of his own, he brings you in one more time. because at the end of the day he gets to kiss you again, and he's set on making up for lost time.
taglist: @priv-rose
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the-mighty-e · 1 month
I'm neglecting my wips once again so you'll get these cute Nuzi ice cream sticks I made today
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I'm working on a very cool drawing and hopefully will be able to finish it soon, but for now have this 😭
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yilian0203 · 16 days
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the-wraiths-wife · 1 year
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A six of crows meme I made when I was supposed to be doing my homework. Hope you enjoy :)
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thatonechocogirl · 1 year
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noogie noogie
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Am I late? Maybe. Do I care? No.
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quiurifam · 1 year
I would ace all my exams if they were about him.
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hoes4hoseok · 1 year
i hate i hate i hate feeling over-sensitive and hurt over small things
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DAY 3♡
[M/N] is Aether
[M/N] uses they/them and gender-fluid titles
This is probably ooc, I don’t know how to write diluc well. So just bare with me please. Also kinda short sorry:p
-not proof read 😽-
Angst ig, Idk if this is angst
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Yet the air was so tense and dry, breaths cracking in the silence.
[M/N] sitting on the edge, kicking their feet back and forward. A small smile slapped on their lips.
Diluc right next to them, his eyes staring into the sky beyond
“I’ve always loved the stars out at night”
Diluc turning his head slightly to look at [M/N]
“Im jealous you get to see this everyday, its so beautiful”
[M/N] laying down onto the soft grass, sighing in relief
‘Your beautiful’
Diluc longed to say those words, to spill out everything he’s ever wanted to say.
They have kissed once, yes
But that was only once. Yet he melts when they take his hand and rub on the back of it in circles with their thumb.
‘Tell them the truth’
A subconscious thought flew into his head, his eyes drawn to the persons hes so jn love with.
‘Tell them the truth. So that they will watch the stars through tears instead of following the one cold star that is their destiny’
The thought flew in further, it stabbing the gigantic bubble that has bubbled up.
Only for it to start crashing in down, the pain gushing in his gut.
‘Destiny? No, no. Let them think I never loved them’
Coldness surround him, pricking him with sharp and hurtful emotions
Hurt dashing through his heart, his eyes too cold to cry.
Who knew this could also be love?
Who knew loving someone meant leaving them?
‘One day they will follow a flag to the same fate as mine, yours, ours’
The bubble know frozen yet still there
‘We must leave them the strength for that hour’
“Diluc? Are you okay?”
“Oh… yes Im fine, I have something to ask you actually”
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minniedoozer · 1 year
did i start outlining a kandrew fic inspired by the game firewatch mayhaps
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sleepygirlwrites · 2 years
Constantly surrounded by life, she was fascinated by what wasn't. Were she and mother not powerful enough to sustain it? She was still too young to understand that living things went through cycles -- that in order for something great to become, another had to die. That energy was not created or destroyed, but simply transformed from one state to another.
She set out to beat this thing called "death". Little did she know, she would fall in love with its master.
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tojjist · 4 months
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NANAMI is 100% a spanker.
He loves your ass. He could just stare at you for hours on end, no matter what you’re wearing at the time. Be it a pencil skirt, yoga pants, sport shorts or a dress. He could just stand there and watch you move, glutes moving up and down, hips swaying. It makes him swoon.
And while he could stand and stare, he’d much rather feel it up against his palm. He’d slap your buttocks once he walks past you, soft and teasing. Depending on your response the situation elevates. 
More times than not you find yourself sprawled out on his lap, his hands colliding with the skin multiple times over until he can feel it get warmer. His ears are immune to your cries,gasping at the force that comes with the loud clapping. Sometimes he’d stop to tease your clit gently, fingertips rubbing the bundle of nerves to hear a soft moan from you or have you tighten your shaking thighs over his palm. But it’s not too long before his hand is swinging in the air and against your reddened ass.
At some other occasions, he finds himself subconsciously feeling your ass in the morning. His large hands explore the soft flesh, squishing it tightly in his palm and giving it light slaps every so often.
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GOJO, on the other hand, is a hair puller.
Honestly, there is no specific reason that he likes to pull your hair so much. Mostly he just likes the feeling of your hair filling into his fist, no matter the length of it, locks running between his fingers. It's an oddly satisfying to him .
He’s very random with it, too. Satoru would approach you while doing the dishes, one second his arms are wrapped lovingly around your waist, and the next his hand fists as much as it can of your hair and tugs at it “A-a- ah- Satoru– let go, seriously,” You’d grumble, face scrunched at the suddenness of it. “Mm, Gotta ask nicely, baby,” his hand continues to grab your hair tightly. Judging by the amused smirk on his face, he’s just messing around. Must get a kick out of it.
It’s another reason he loves seeing you on your knees before him. Your mouth consumes so much of his length, hands pumping whatever your mouth couldn’t fit in. All Satoru has to do is sit back, feel good, and pull at your hair. It’s easy control. And Satoru loves this control, as if steering your head however he likes. Not that your skilled mouth needs direction. 
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hinata-boke · 2 months
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going through my old journals as part of therapy homework and i'm reading a section written in the emotional wreckage of a full-on breakdown when i get hit with this line:
There is never a satisfying answer to ‘Why didn’t they love me?’
like wow babe. good fucking point
#like you were on the ground biting the carpet and dry sobbing while you wrote that and still. good fucking point#not a shitpost#cptsd#and it's true. there's never a satisfying answer#the truth is i know why i wasn't loved#i analyzed my parent's traumas and abuse to death. i understand why i alienated and was alienated from my siblings#i know why my mom was too overwhelmed to be capable of nurturing#i know why my dad vanished into addiction and avoidance#the details of our cycles of trauma and cptsd and family history i have a phd in all of it#i understood perfectly. i spent years studying and now i knew the answer#and guess what? IT WAS NOT SATISFYING!!!#because they still didn't love me! and i still couldn't change that!#it was still a completely unsatisfying state of affairs!#so like. when the people who are supposed to love you...don't.#when the people who are supposed to take care of you...fail to#you can look for answers and reasons and explanations#but that's not actually going to FIX your situation.#and it's probably not within your ability TO fix the situation. (and definitely not your job)#because you don't need answers--you need a new situation#*inserts Just Walk Out. You Can Leave!!! (Running Skeleton) Meme*#and yes. walking out isn't always possible.#but for you i hope it will be one day soon. and i hope you build the courage to take that leap.#stepping away from the people who failed to love you...it feels like being untethered but also like being lighter than air#new and scary. immensely relieving. the future opens up. empty but empty like a canvas. blindingly bright until your eyes adjust#like climbing out of a pit you called home and for the first time realizing how bright the light of day can truly be#when you aren't just getting glimpses from the bottom of a hole
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mapletine · 2 months
delgal supportive brother
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+ original tweet under cut
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sugerkainart · 1 month
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one at a time
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