#I THINK im finally solidifying how she looks to me
corntort · 1 year
drawing somsnosa for the ten millionth time normal girl behavior. btw
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wileys-russo · 2 months
‘April fools!’ Arsenal dressing room/ field
april fools II arsenal wfc
"kyra hurry up!" you hissed at the younger girl who was fussing about, tossing a boot at her head as it connected. "hey! thats not helping me go any faster dickhead." kyra huffed hauling it back as you ducked and it clattered against the lockers making both your eyes widen.
"nobody is coming." laia stuck her head out of the change rooms and gave you both a thumbs up behind her back, the dedicated lookout in this little mission.
"if we get caught in here all of this is for nothing." you warned, eyes darting to the door and bouncing nervously on the balls of your feet. "yeah yeah yeah just make sure nobody comes in then!" kyra rolled her eyes and turned back to it.
"come on ky lunch will be done soon!" you groaned quietly as finally kyra closed the last locker door with a click. "done! god relax you're gonna go grey." the australian teased ruffling your hair as the three of you collected the evidence and high tailed it out.
"whats our excuse again?" kyra stopped you once you'd disposed of said evidence, a hand on both of on your shoulders. "my hamstring was tight, we went to physio, nobody was there so you helped me tape it." you echoed, lifting the edge of your shorts to how the horrendous home taping job that solidified your story.
"that is so bad." laia shook her head at kyras efforts with a frown making you chuckle and kyra push at her shoulder. "didn't see you offering to help codi!" the australian rolled her eyes at the catalonian who shrugged.
"i only agreed to be the lookout." your friend reminded pointing her finger at the pair of you. "yes and if we get caught, you were never involved." you patted the taller girls shoulder condescendingly.
"good. now just don't look suspicious!" kyra poked at your cheeks as you smacked her hand away with a scowl, following after you as you grabbed your trays, the three of you sitting at different tables.
"what have you been up to?" you'd barely sat down at a table before leah appeared, dropping into the seat beside you and sending you a firm look. with a mouthful of food you rolled your eyes and lifted your shorts to show the taping job.
"who did that monstrosity?" leah scoffed eyes raking your leg as you swallowed. "kyra, we couldn't find the staff." you shrugged, stephs eyes narrowing now across the table at the mention of her own national teammate.
"you were with kyra?" steph questioned clearly suspicious. "yes. am i not allowed to hang out with kyra?" you shot back, squirming as leah pinched your leg, shoving your national captain away from you with a glare.
"the pair of you are nothing but trouble." steph shook her head as you scoffed. "steffy you told me to befriend her and make her feel welcome when she signed!" you argued, shoveling in another forkful of food, well aware your window of time to do so was dwindling.
"because you're both the same age and i wanted her to feel part of the team! leah told you the same about making laia feel welcomed." steph argued as you huffed and swallowed your mouthful.
"which i did. so what im hearing is i did what i was asked and the only people who seem to have any issues with it...are the two people who asked me to do it? makes perfect sense!" you rolled your eyes again.
"she makes a point." lia chimed in with a shrug as you shot her a grin, the swiss woman near always taking your side. "you would think that." leah groaned at her best friend who stole a tomato off your tray with a wiggle of her eyebrows.
thankfully the topic seemed to be dropped, you hardly contributing to the conversation as you busied yourself eating, ignoring the warnings that you were going to choke yourself as time dwindled down and the girls all started to group up and head to the media room.
finishing your food you returned your tray, following after lia and steph who'd kindly waited for you while you finished. a third person joined you, arm setting over your shoulder as she fell into step with you.
"you've done something today. what did you do?" alessia asked quietly, knowing you all too well having played alongside you for years now before she'd made the move to arsenal.
"nothing! why does everyone keep saying that?" you huffed trying to shrug her off but the taller girl didn't budge. "because you're a little shit, and you've been far too well behaved recently." alessia stated honestly with a snicker.
"god you pull a prank one time and get a reputation!" you groaned with a shake of her head. "one time!?" alessia scoffed in disbelief, tugging at your ear with a roll of her eyes. "alright, maybe a few times." you smiled innocently as the two of you entered the media room, kyra waving you down where she'd saved you a seat.
"not a chance." leah grabbed the back of your top and tugged you into the seat in front of her, sitting you beside laura as alessia sat down on your other side and you heard kyra groan as steph took the seat she'd saved for you.
without kyra or laia to chat with your attempts to distract yourself during the media briefing failed, leah having no problems shoving your shoulder in warning from behind anytime you tried to speak to those around you.
eventually you gave up all together, crossing your arms and sinking into your seat, alessia chuckling in amusement and you glared at her as she spoke quietly with lotte, leah of course making no move to tell her off.
you'd honestly forgotten all about your earlier activities by the time media finished and everyone started to head back to the change rooms to collect their belongings.
but you were swiftly reminded as now without many of the older girls around, all too eager to get home to bother with supervising you, laia and kyra fell into step on either of your sides, the three of you hurrying as to not miss any of the action.
you made it just in time, the first glitter bomb going off as laia subtly hurried to grab all three of your bags, the least suspect of your trio as you and kyra hovered by the door ready for a hasty escape.
as everyone was staring at a glittery vic and teyah in shock, alessia was the next victim opening her locker and getting a faceful of glitter, jolting backwards and letting out a cry.
but right as the three of them started to look around a change room filled with laughter for the culprit, things took a slightly less favorable turn.
you hadn't realised that steph had hung back to talk with jonas, lia offering to grab her keys and bag since they had plans to go and get a coffee and go for a walk with calvin after training, leah of course inviting herself as she stuck to her best friends side.
similarly caitlin had ducked off for a quick shower, katie stepping in to pack up her girlfriends bags for her so they could head off once she was done.
so right as alessia's eyes found yours and narrowed, jaw clenched and fists balled as she started toward you, the other two glitter bombs went off but did not hit their intended targets.
"april fools!" laia cheered happily not reading the room as kyra winced and you smacked your hand against your head, the catalonian looking at you both with a confused frown at your reactions.
now seven glitter covered woman advanced toward you, leah, alessia and katie looking particularly vengeful as you laughed nervously and felt kyra grab your hand.
"it was all her idea! codi run!" but you gasped as kyra used your interjoined hand to shove you forward, now grabbing laia and sprinting off to safety as you scrambled back to your feet.
"come on! its washable glitter its harmless, nobody got hurt!" you pleaded clasping your hands together and backing up as they continued to advance toward you.
"nobody got hurt...yet." katie warned seriously as your eyes widened and you tried to dart out of the room, but kyra's getaway scheme had worked as you didn't have enough time and hands grabbed at you, your body hauled up and over alessia's shoulder.
"hey hey hey where are we going!" you struggled in her grip, leah and katie following now as you were carried out of the room and everyone else hung back to shower.
"to the ice baths. we're gonna see if you can beat stina's record kid...seven minutes for seven victims seems fair." leah grinned as alessia kicked open the recovery room door.
"what come on its fucking freezing today and i did not act alone this isn't fair!" you groaned punching alessia's back before katie grabbed your hands rendering them useless as alessia piped up next, and you'd unfortunately forgotten she was your ride for today.
"and then you can walk home in the rain and think all about your beloved april fools."
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Can we have a f! Reader who literally worships Larissa? (not only in bed) but openly worships her and love her with all her life? It's pretty much like how Gomez/Morticia in the 1991-93 film!
I think it would be cute the reader is a teacher at Nevermore and always spoke about Larissa as if she's a Goddess and how the students pretty much joke about her starting a cult XDDD
I love this sm omg the cult joke 😭 I had sm fun w this ty anon <3
pairing: larissa weems x fem!reader
word count: 831
notes and warnings: im so gay
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You didn’t have to look up from your computer to know it was Larissa who had entered your classroom. The clicking of her heels on the polished wooden floor gave away every step she took, and the murmuring of the students starting their essays only confirmed your suspicions.
You stood, coming around your desk to meet her, resisting the urge to kiss her in front of your history class. Not that any of the students would have been exceedingly surprised — it was no secret that you and Larissa were together, and that you could hardly keep your hands off each other. It was a common subject of Nevermore gossip and was more frequently used as something to be held over your heads by the students, but you couldn’t say that you minded at all, and while Larissa was a bit more sensitive to it, you had a suspicion that she let it go on to solidify the already-widely-known fact that you were hers.
You stepped away for a moment, instructing the class that their essays were due in a week, and that after that they would have no homework for a few weeks due to Outreach Day and Parents’ Weekend.
From the edge of your vision you could see Larissa watching you, and you could feel the love in her gaze. You felt yourself trip over your words a bit every time you remembered she was watching, and this did not go unnoticed by Larissa, for you could see a small smile making its way to her crimson-painted lips.
The students began to make their way out of your classroom, and every so often you could spy a few turning to smirk at the two of you and whisper amongst themselves… you and Larissa really were the best of Nevermore’s social entertainment.
Once you were alone, you finally allowed yourself to kiss Larissa. It had felt like ages since you’d last seen her, even though it had only been a few hours. You savored every moment you spent in her presence, the safety she gave you, like she was a goddess walking among lesser mortals.
Larissa pulled away first. After a moment she chuckled, and you could tell she was finding a way to word what she was about to say.
“What is it?” You said, not sure if you wanted to hear or not.
She hesitated, but then she smiled in amusement, leaning against your desk. “What’s all this I’ve been hearing about a cult?”
“A what?”
“A cult. I’ve been hearing students talking about you starting, and I quote, a ‘Goddess Weems Cult.’”
You raised your eyebrows, slightly bewildered. “A Weems Cult?”
Larissa laughed, completely reveling in your confusion. “They say that since you’re so enamored by me you’re going to start a cult for me.”
You buried your head in your hands, equally embarrassed and amused, not sure whether you were going to laugh until you cried or hide yourself under your desk.
“No, darling, come here,” Larissa said with a grin, pulling you into her arms. “I think it’s hilarious… I think you’re adorable.”
You wrapped your arms around her waist, standing on your toes to try to kiss her cheek, your height difference another reason you loved her. Despite the jokes from the students, she truly stood like a goddess, strong and beautiful and utterly ethereal. “I wouldn’t mind starting a cult for you, actually.”
Larissa shook her head. “I love you, too.”
“Cara Mia,” you said in a deep voice, mimicking Gomez Addams.
She laughed, another blessing brought to you, for her smile lit the heavens. “Mon cher,” she replied in an equally nauseating tone.
“Oh, Morticia! French! You know what that does to me,” you performed, throwing your hands over your heart. “You know, the next time Wednesday causes trouble, we should perform this little skit for her.”
“Yes, but I’m sure to the students the only difference between that and how we usually act is replacing our names.”
At this you smirked, shaking your head as you went behind your desk to start sorting through papers.
“Leave that for tomorrow, darling, you’ve done so much already today,” Larissa urged, coming up behind you and running her hands along your waist. Her tone along with the subtle touch was enough to make you feel as if you were melting, and you were sure that at any moment you would turn into a pile of ash.
You turned around, standing between her and the desk, pulling her gently down to kiss you. You had no doubt her lipstick would be smudged across your own lips, a thought that only spurred you forward.
“Well, I’m not sure what I’d do in my free time if I stopped working,” you teased. “I can’t think of anything.”
She leaned in again, and you could feel her breath as she spoke. “I can think of a few possibilities.”
And as she met your eyes, her gaze lit the heavens.
taglist: @cartoonpeoples @thedeconstructionist @cordeliass @mayfair-fleur @goodeday2u @traumatisedfangirl @paulsonsratched
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spacedlexi · 4 months
Saw your post about the Vi, Minerva and Clem in the woods. Do you really think clem would be the jealous type🤔 ? (I personally think the idea of it is hilarious. Also, your art is very pretty.)
its not that i see her as the jealous type. its more so about her issues around trusting people and how shes put her faith in the wrong people before. i dont think shes actually Jealous, i think shes just a little nervous about what it all means and where violet might be at emotionally (especially after finding out minnie didnt die)
she just makes Too Many Faces in instances where vi+minnie is on display that its enough to make me 🤔😏. she looks startled when she sees the heart for the first time (after they had a nice convo in her dorm the night before), she gets all uncomfortable if vi brings up minnie fitting the fish description, and they make a point to show clems reaction (which is not neutral) to vi and minnie reuniting in the woods (as opposed to louis' reuniting with minnie scene where its a close up of him and minnie and clem isnt even in the frame. they WANT YOU to look at clem reacting to vi and minnie hugging which is 🤔)
like it SEEMS LIKE shes got some concerns about it even tho she never explicitly states anything. she also stops making those faces after they talk about minnie in ep3 in her dorm where vi tells clem she wont let minnie hurt her (or aj, or anyone else she cares about (and clem knowing shes gonna look out for aj too im sure is huge for her and why i think vi standing up for them in ep2 meant so much as well)). them talking about minnie there and how vi needs to stop mourning her and move on and then she gives clem the pin and they dance i think is what clears any concerns clem mightve had about violets feelings towards minerva. and violet keeps proving to clem that shes gonna choose her every time
so yeah its not necessarily that shes Jealous. i think shes just a little scared about what it all means. but vi continues to prove to her over the season that she is truly devoted to her and that clem can trust her to be there for her no matter what. and when vi shoots minnie on the boat to save clems life (something clem has also had to choose in the past), its the final act that solidifies their relationship
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hezuart · 11 months
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So I'm still planning Helluva Boss video reviews, but I'm gonna take a break from it for a while, might wait until season 2 ends to do an overall of the final half of the season. But yeah after season 2 I'm planning on abandoning videos for that series since I don't see it going anywhere. As for Season 2 Episode 5: ~~
WHOAH the pacing is fixed!!!!! Adam fixed his pacing issues! This episode was really well paced??? I could follow it so nicely, I was so surprised... like I know the bar is low but man it was so nice to watch a well-paced episode for once, it was pleasant.
As for the rest of the episode, ironically sexist writing, I don't even think they realized it. I don't know the proper term for this, but this has happened before in other media. They dumb down the male character so the female character doesn't even have to try or put in any effort to look better than him. Ergo, Moxxie writing off his wife for finding their first suspect. Moxie is right, they shouldn't assume the first person they see had truly done it, but he completely ignores this person the entire week. That should have been the first person they should have investigated. Moxie is typically the logical one of the group. He's smart and logistical. But he completely blows off his wife's input. He ignores their first lead and decides to waste time with popular teenagers. He's like... so insecure this episode its uncomfortable and doesn't make sense. He's literally like "ME MEMEME ME IM SO GOOD IM SO MUCH BETTER THAN ALL YOU" and im like ... these are human children Moxie ,,, what are you trying to prove,,,, what is happening right now,,,, he even gets jealous that everyone likes his wife more than him
excuse me? you guys are on an assassination mission right now. What are you doing.
I'm happy to see them fight, since I'm so tired of their "perfect" flat relationship, but they're fighting over something really weird. Moxie is SO out of line. Its weird to see Millie insecure. "I finally get to be somebody!" "Its nice no one is screaming at me to not kill them this time!" I laughed at the lyrics to her song. "I'm so boring and plain, why do these girls keep screaming my name?" im like YEAH MILLIE FANS.... TELL US, MILLIE FANS even when Millie got her "episode" she's not the focus. It's all about Moxie feeling inadequate and wasting time on his first mission lead, meanwhile Millie is just screwing around in the background
and in the end, Blitz calls Moxie stupid because Moxie got caught up and wasted time on their mission, basically justifying Blitz's distrust in Moxie and also wrecking any character development of Moxie's? He's always called weak and incapable, and this episode just solidifies it Who is he without Millie tbh Like if anyone should be insecure about their marriage it should be Moxie because Millie is the only ace around here anymore and Blitz manipulatively and creepily stalking his sister Barbie was uncomfortable Barbie is also a bitch, basically Blitz but female. I was expecting her to be something more than that, but nah, she's pretty unlikable
and she makes it clear she wants nothing to do with Blitz. I find it ironic that Blitz tries to break into the hospital to go visit her and doesn't give a fuck about Stolas, not visiting him at all. Watch Stolas x Blitz fans try to be like "OH STOLAS JUST HAS MORE GUARDS SO BLITZ CANT FEASIBLY BREAK INTO THE HOSPITAL TO SEE HIM....PROBABLY" nah, Blitz just doesn't care man... Blitz x Stolas is so badly written now and it makes me sad but like... are we supposed to feel bad for Blitz? He's just an asshole who stalks his sister. He ruined her life somehow in the past, and then he wrecked her new job as soon as she's out of the hospital. Like he's awful? She is too, but? I don't get the point of having them here.
Anyway this episode got a chuckle out of me once or twice. Pacing again, really nice. Millie and Moxie's personalities were out of wack. Millie even suddenly knows how to play a dozen musical instruments and suddenly has this insecurity about "being somebody" which I can't connect anything in her past to. She was well loved by her family and she scored a sweet husband and she's also Blitz's best assassin like... I WANT her to have more depth, this insecurity would be interesting, but there's nothing to support why it exists for her.
So yeah honestly, an alright episode. Hasn't bothered me as much as the others, but yeah Millie and Moxie's writing just gets more and more confused as the episodes go on. im just tired
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thebirdarts · 5 months
My 2023 Year in Art
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Because of my sporadic drawing, I just picked 12 pieces of mine, spread out across this year, that i felt had an impact or shows an one on my overall artistic style, from the first time I've experimented with something, and when i solidified it.
i nerd out over my own drawing under the cut!
In chronological order, starting with my portrait of my first WOTR commander, Alaun.
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Original Post!
Not only is this is representation of me getting into WOTR, its one of the first times i did smoother and softer shading, something i haven't really done since. Additional, i can easily see the line between the metals i rendered here and Cecio & Celia's more stylized metallic elements. I miss Alaun, he was ahead of his time as a good kc of mine. its a fairly big full piece, and one I'm still proud and fond of today!
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Original Post!
Estinian! god i miss ffxiv... Here is the root of my bright idea to use pencil brushes for colored shading, to get a textured gradient, and i used it in the metallic golds. its also my biggest art post on this blog! it is a big & detailed piece, and seemed daunting at the time, but i just put in the time, and was rewarded for trying to make sense of the armor [i used my own dragoon as a model for how thing actually interacted & what was what] Im still stupidly proud of it. it was my second piece of FFXIV fanart, and the beginning of many more!
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MURA! original post
Given this is about drawings that have impacted me, i think this one is an easy contender for the one that's done so the most. Drawing Mura reminded me how much i loved fashion & clothing, and drawing it! I've always has a tremendous amount of fun with her drawings, and it all started here!! Mura also was the first time i repeatedly used a colour pallet for a character, with her pinks and purples now ingrained into my mind!
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Original Post
Out of all my drawings, Estinian and Mura are tied for how much ive drawn them, which Estinian has an advantage due to my large bank of FFXIV screenshots & my redraws thereof. This was great fun, not only for understanding the armor better, but having fun experimenting in colour pallets! something i can see has carried on into my non-literaly coloured Celia & Cecio drawings!
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Mura<33 original post [has link to its original art]
My first head only drawing in a long time, and somewhere where i experimented with coloring, as well as the introduction of Muras netted and braided hairstyle! in fact, you can see the visible brush strokes as what would eventually be the stylized shading used in my more recent portraits! The shattered stained glass. looks cool as hell. and was my first time majorly experimenting with layer options, something that would become very common for me.
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Mura again<3 original post
Look narrowing it down to three was hard, i drew her so much, she really re-inspired me to draw. Lighting<33 you can really see here the style i would use on Cecio, just using a pencil brush rather than a roller one. its a piece Im very proud of, and one day i will light everything as consistently as this
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Miss Star-Sailer<33 original
Expanding the working with a limited color pallet from Mura, and once again rendering metals, this piece of my wol has a special place in my heart. just... her<33 She<33 her muted and dark colour pallet, her expression... i love this one<33
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GEORGIE!!! original
my baby boy<33 Im finally drawing curls... and the brightly coloured iris & tiny white pupil may have become a thing of mine.
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Celia<33 original
the limited colour pallet, the non literal colours, the sketch peeking through, the shading on both clothing and skin, the hair? this is like the payoff to all theses previous drawings. i used a different pencil brush, and goodbye 6b and hellooo procto pencil!!!!
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Cecio<3 original
If the previous drawing was the payoff, this is one of the stages of refinement, taking the new stylized skin shading and applying it to a portrait where the face is the focus, and damn!! Cecio<3
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A compositional outlier, this piece earned its place for me revising what has to be one of the most drawn compositions of mine - the eye. In many ways its the closing loop of a full circle, the brushstrokes exactly how i would shade with my pencil on paper, the lines and movements coming naturally to me, in an entirely different medium. the main difference is colour, while my pencil drawings were firmly grayscale and i resisted all attempts to get me to use colour, this is practically a sunset, using my knowledge of not just colour but layer filters to create bright and overly saturated variations. full circle, just add colour.
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And the final piece! a portrait of Cecio, showing off all i have developed, from the metallics, to the stylized shading, colour pallets, the use of filters for alternate versions, the hair, the face, the new brush!!! its not my last drawing of 2023, but its a fitting end.
- end note.
if you will permit me to get sappy, 2023 has been hell of a year, but damn if it hasn't been pointing upwards. in 2023 i came to understand i was disabled, and my whole life changed course. My art became not just a hobby or skill of mine, but will be my main source of income once i graduate. my existing friendships have strengthened, and so have my online ones, ive met so many new and awesome people. seeing everyone's tags, comments and reactions to my art has been amazing, and thank you all for that. i have seen so many amazing artists and writers who inspired me to better myself, and also to focus on what makes me unique.
2023 has been a hell of a year, but thanks in no small part to some of the most amazing people i've had the privilege of knowing, it been a damn good one.
its been tough, coming to realize your physically disabled and having to rewrite your life plan was hard. its been overall up, but there have been some spikes down. im aware, that every year i say i cant get happier, and then i do, i break though another barrier, reach another high.
im not saying that this year, because i know next year will be better, and the year after that, as i have the opportunity to steer my own life, it will improve in ways i cant even think of now.
Thank you, all.
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e-munson666 · 2 years
Miss girl after reading that very spicy and angsty Steddie Fic, I think we should get a part 2 so we know what happens after Steve returns👀
If you insist. HERE IT IS.
++Steddie x Girlfriend!Reader++
Warnings ⚠️: 18+, language, mature content, unplanned pregnancy, MORE ANGST! fighting. Abuse, Stalking, Steve is MEAN. Eddie is very protective of reader. Everyone is 21.
Taglist: @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @kylaasposts @joekeeryworld @aggressiverocknoises @need-a-life-or-grass
Part 1
🖤Lady Hellfire🖤
Steve came back from his "walk several hours later, drunk, and still fuming. He sees you and Eddie sitting on the couch, Eddies arms wrapped around you. "Get the fuck up" Steve demands, grabbing your arm.
"Dont tou.." Eddie began before Steve cut him off "SHUT UP MUNSON." His grip around your wrist tightened as he pulled you to your feet.
"Heres what's gonna happen" he said, face inches away from yours, "your either going to get rid of it, or you both can get the fuck out of here."
"Shes not getting rid of MY baby Steve" Eddie scoffed, reaching his arm in-between you and Steve.
"Shes MY girlfriend Munson, and if she wants to stay here and be with me, she's fucking getting rid of it." Steve spits, grabbing Eddies collar. The boys stared at each other in a heated, silent glare, chests heaving, fists clenching.
"Im not getting rid of it Steve" you mutter, looking over at Eddie.
"Then get the fuck out. Both of you. NOW" Steve yells, shoving you towards the door. The last time you saw Steve was when Eddie was pounding his fist into Steve's face for touching you. "Go, wait in my van, I'll be right there" he commanded through gritted teeth before shutting the apartment door, ready to full on brawl with Steve.
That was two months ago. Now you and Eddie live in a tiny little trailer, close to his uncle Wayne. Eddie picked up more shifts at the hideout, and you got a part time job at the Library in town. You and Eddie were happy, incredibly in love, and so excited for your baby. There was just one problem, Steve Harrington was stalking you.
It started 2 weeks ago, when Steve caught a glimpse of your tiny bump as he was waiting for Henderson to come out of the Library. He knew he'd royally fucked up the moment he regained consciousness after Eddie had beat his ass. He wanted you back with him, no matter who's baby that was, he NEEDED you back with him.
It was innocent at first, he would come by the library every day, sitting out in his car waiting to catch a small glimpse of you as you walked to your car. But it escalated quickly from there, he would follow you home, and spend hours watching you and Eddie through the windows of your trailer. He watched as Eddie catered to you, watched him spoil you, watched him take Steve's rightful place as the man in your life.
Neither you or Eddie had noticed Steve following you around, that is until today, when Eddie came to pick you up from work. He'd only driven you because you felt dizzy that morning.......when he pulled his van up to the parking lot he saw Steve's BMW. He didn't think much of it at first, its a public library after all, and Steve and Henderson still hangout quite a bit. It wasn't until he noticed Steve still in the drivers seat that he started to get concerned. Eddie became angry when he saw you walk out of the library and towards his van, and he saw Steve's eyes on your every move.
Eddie was almost on fire when you finally entered the van. "Eds......what's wrong?" You ask, immediately noticing how angry he was. "Eddie?"
"Nothing sweetheart" he lied, carefully pulling out of the lot and heading home. It wasn't long until he caught a glimpse of the BMW trailing behind them. That solidified it for Eddie, causing him to become enraged.
"Princess" he said, in a too calm tone, "dont be scared okay, but Steve is following us."
"What?!" You choke, turning in your seat to see that Eddie was right.
"He was watching you, as you walked out of the library. He watched you walk all the way to my van, and now the fucker is following us" Eddie grips the steering wheel so hard his knuckles turn white. How dare Steve bother the two of you after everything he fucking did. He had a lot of audacity to even fucking look at you at all.
He made a split second decision, holding his arm out in front of you as he stomped on the breaks. The van came to a screeching hault, and Eddie could hear Steve's tires do the same.
"Eddie" you nearly whisper, seeing the anger in his face, knowing what he was about to do.
"Stay here baby, PLEASE." He begs, kissing your cheek before unbuckling his seatbelt. Before you could argue with him he was hopping out of the van, stomping towards Steve, who was already leaning against the hood of his own vehicle.
You were too scared to move, so you just watched in horror at what was unfolding.
"Why the fuck are you following us Harrington" Eddie yells as he approaches Steve, hands gripping his collar as he speaks.
Steve just flashes a coy smile at Eddie before responding, "Im here to take my girl home." Returning Eddies grip around his jacket.
Eddie is taken aback by what Steve had just said to him, "what the fuck are you talking about Harrington, that's not YOUR girl anymore remember, she's mine now, she's all fucking mine, you piece of shit" Eddie seethes, shaking Steve as he just laughed in Eddies face.
As you watched from the van you witnessed the most horrible thing happen. Steve swept Eddies leg out from under him, slamming him onto the pavement, knocking him out. You saw the dark look on Steve's face as he turned to the van.
Before thinking you tried to scramble out of the passenger seat, attempting to run into the forest you were parked near. You didn't make it far before Steve had a tight, rough hold around your neck. "Dont fucking fight me babydoll" he said coldly.
You thrashed around for a moment, trying to escape his grip, but he tightens his arm around you, cutting off your air. You gasped for air and stumbled on your feet as Steve led you back to his BMW, shoving you inside. He turned to where Eddie was laying on the pavement, a tiny trickle of blood running down the road where Eddies skull hit the concrete. Steve spit on the ground next to Eddie before climbing into the drivers seat of his car.
You were shaking and crying frantically. "Steve" you whimpered, his tires screeched as he turned the car around, speeding away. He didn't respond to you, he just kept driving, flashing you a crazed look every now and then.
A/N: this went off the rails HARD!!! But I fucking love it. Part 3?!
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frenzyarts · 1 year
Could you talk a bit about how you design your OCs from a visual level? I really love their designs. Only if you have the time and energy of course <3
Thank you so much omg 💕 I was trying to think of a good way to answer this question, but the truth is my methods are very nebulous and hard to define! I’ll do my best though 🥳
Some characters come to me very easily, some go through a few revisions, and some go through a meat grinder of revisions lol. Rune was easy, her design was just in my head right off the bat from years of drawing/thinking about demons. Yorick was a little different. Awhile back I played a ttrpg and designed this character:
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Look familiar? This is prototype Yorick!! (I have this on my portfolio at a higher res if you wanna zoom in or something idk) She was a character who was kind of elfin and was a clown who controlled shadows. When I started pinning down the stories and characters of A Slowly Beating Heart I KNEW I had to put a demonic clown in there, and I thought of this design.
A phase I go through when designing characters when im not sure how they’re gonna look is doing a bunch of iterations based on vibes. Here’s some of the earliest Yorick sketches I could find, you can see how they don’t quite look “right” yet:
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Like the vibes were there but that’s not our Yorick! Here’s what I think might be the first or second sketch I did where they look right:
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I used the old Yorick I had designed but finally modified the outfit and design in a way that pleased me. I went with this design, and went through some minor edits with the colors, and boom, the demon clown was born! (Though even in this image they aren’t quite right, in the final comic I got rid of the lines on their horns and saturated the green parts of their eyes):
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Melody is another story. Versions of Melody had also been living in my mind for almost as long as Rune, but never as a solid design. I have a zillion sketches of Melody that don’t look at all like how she looks now. It wasn’t until right before her appearance in the comic that I actually decided to refine her character design. Since I had never quite solidified how she looked in my mind, getting her on paper was quite the task. Her hairstyle was already on my mind, but I did a bunch of different versions of her halo and outfits. I put a bunch of designs together and sent them out to my friends to ask them to vote on their favorite outfit to help me decide 😂:
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In the end Melody’s outfit didn’t quite look like any of these, because they’re all somewhat complex, and I need things to stay really simple for comics. Once I had designed the outfit the struggle still wasn’t over, cause now I had to do colors. Here’s just a small sampling of the color pallets I went through:
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I guess if I was gonna break down my process into steps, it would be like this:
1. Sketch a bunch of ideas based on vibes
2. Choose my fav and then refine it further by tweaking the outfit/hair ect
3. Try out a lot of different colors and keep adjusting them until they look right
4. Give birth to my Art Child 💃✨🙌
I don’t always do all that, and some of the design processes for certain characters happen a little differently. But that’s basically it! Sorry this was super long, I hope it helped!!
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vase-of-lilies · 2 years
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Pairing: Wanda x (f)Reader
Warnings: Panic attack, insomnia, domestic Wanda (it’s a warning), death of a dog, missing your mom :( 
A/n: I had a panic attack a few days ago (a year ago) because we had to put my family's dog down. She was a very loved dog but she was old and it was time. She was my family's best friend since we were all really little and I wish she lived longer, but she’s in a better place now.
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It was as normal a day as any, a lazy day in your girlfriends red adorned apartment. With your nails in your mouth and your leg bouncing like a basketball, Wanda could sense something was off with you. “Hi little one, how are you feeling today?” She asks you, startling you as she sits down on the cushion just adjacent to yours.
“Oh, you know. J-just the usual. Worrying about nothing yet worrying about everything.” You nervously giggle at your sentence, not really going further into how you feel. Wanda certainly didn’t want to push, but she knew how much it meant to you when you were able to get things off your chest.
Wanda sighs as she sees your leg bounce even more and decides to ask you what is on her mind. “Do you want to talk about anything? You didn’t eat your breakfast and I noticed that you have been wearing the same shirt for the past four days. Babygirl, do you need anything?” Her hand softly tickles up your arm and when she asks, the one thing keeping you in conrtol today broke. The damn tears broke, and you were left as a human water fall.
“J-just I m-miss my dog, and I- I miss seeing my mom s-so happy, and even though I wear this necklace, sh-she still isn’t here.” You burst into tears, crying into Wandas chest. Your tears soaking her shirt. “I just feel so a-alone and even though I know Im not, its that overwhelming feeling o-of loneliness that takes over my mind like a plague.” You explain how your anxiety levels are making you feel.
“My mind can’t tell the difference between getting maimed by a lion, or taking a simple math test. I worry about everything, and I don’t know how much longer I can do this.” Your words are muffled, but she can understand what you mean. Worrying about things that are out of your control was a normal occasion and Wanda had helped you gather a coping basket. She reached for it and held it in front of you.
“Can you choose one to take your mind off of this? We can always go take a bath, and you know the bed is always warm for just you and me?” She smiles against your head as she presses small kisses to your skin, watching you think about what distraction you may want to choose. However, more tears fill your eyes and you wail into her chest.
“I- I can’t even choose something to help me without b-being indecisive!” Wanda nods and shushes you as best she can as she puts the basket down, grabbing your one favorite stuffed animal from the basket. “Look little one. Mrs. Lambie wants to help you. Do you think you can open your eyes and tell her how you feel? Can you open your eyes for me?” For her, of course you would.
Lifting your head up, she caresses your cheek with her thumb, wiping away any excess tears on your skin. “Its ok, baby… you’re safe with me and you know I will always take care of you. Right? How about we get in the bath tub and then afterwords we can go get some ice cream and call your mom?” Wanda suggests, wanting you to get everything you want to done.
“Can I get extra toppings? Pretty please?” You look up at her through puffy and red eyes, a small and hopeful smile painting your soft lips. A nod solidifies your question, and I lean in just a little bit. Wanting Wanda to make the final move.
You smile as you graze her lips and she makes the finishing push and presses her lips to yours. “I love you little one,” she murmurs against your lips. “I love you too Wandee…” You murmur back, a smile finding its way to your lips and your tears finally calming down.
“Now let’s go get in the tub, and then go get some ice cream.”
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I’m not sure how much you’re going to delve into this, espically since till dawn has one more chapter left, but how will reader react to finally understanding most of what a mate would imply? I assume EJ doesn’t really understand the concept of love (or at least being in love) and I don’t believe he actually does quite yet aside from the feelings that sort of forced on him because he mated. If that’s right, like how would reader feel about that? Does she love him (kinda assuming not since all we’ve seen of her feelings towards him is just lust, rather than her actually caring about him, even in a platonic aspect).
damn you got me thinking hella deep. some of this i plan on furthering into the bonus part, but to kinda share my thoughts in the mean time i’ll yap a bit. something to keep in mind, (imo & specifically in the till dawn universe), is that Jack was once human. i think him learning to love is not just that alone, but learning how to extend his love with the demonic creature he is.i’m aware it’s cannon that he doesn’t remember much from his human life, but Jack isn’t completely animalistic or primal.
as a character alone i’ve always thought of EJ to be intelligent and well rounded, more logical than not. despite the animalistic behavior/mating cannon, for lack of better words, EJ is just a guy. (with murderous tendencies of course but that’s beside the point). i think bc of this reason the elaboration of him learning the concept between infatuation & love just happens gradually over time. i don’t think it’s a conscious thought, i think subconsciously with those primal instincts but the humanistic side as well results in what we consider love. now, whether or not that explicitly gets said is a different story. i think through out his actions to protect us (y/n, yk what im saying) during part three to me solidified it went beyond just lust and someone to breed.
now as for us as a character, in till dawn i didn’t want to elaborate on us being anything further than an insert. i enjoy frequently writing from the third point of view, giving us an inside look at what jack is consciously thinking. i think in a different fic id love to explore the world of extending our insert character, exploring the concepts of falling in love with a monster from a human perspective. that entire concept as well as questioning the morality of having feelings for someone as demonic as EJ, or even any of the creeps, is definitely deeper than i wanted to go in this fic.
with the finale just having been dropped i do now realize a lot of those feelings have been unresolved and unanswered, the assumption being that we just are along for the ride. i would love to explore (in a different fic/universe) those darker concepts with the contemplation and actual horror involved. mating being forced, infatuation, refusal to be ignored, etc. admittedly i feel a bit unsure/rusty regarding my horror writing skills but it’s something i would love to dip my toe into.
later on when the bonus part comes out a few of those questions will be answered and elaborated on, i promise. but for now i hope this suffices <3
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bonniebird · 2 years
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Rey Skywalker x Reader
Requested by @micheleamidalajedi​
Halloween event
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“I hate this.” You grumbled. Rey ignored you and continued on ahead.
“We only have a few days left to find it. Come on.” She called back. While Rey managed to walk easily through the sand dunes you sank and stumbled.
“You know I hate sand. I was excited to see it at first but now I’ve had enough. Why couldn’t we have gotten a vehicle of some kind?” You asked. She stopped and looked back at you, shielding her eyes with her hand.
“Because he said not to. He said to bring you too.” She waited for you to catch up and then marched ahead.
“Well, I’m going to… to sue him.” You grumbled. Rey chuckled and glanced at you as she spotted the final landmark.
"I don’t think you can sue a ghost." She said as you caught up yet again. “Besides I don’t think he owned anything. Other than that old robe.” “Is it down there?” You asked and gestured to the way the sand cut off into a massive dip. It was a crevice so big that you couldn’t see the bottom. Sand slid into it like a waterfall though from what you could see the whole planet of sand wouldn’t fill it.
“Yes. I think so.” Rey took a deep breath and closed her eyes.
“I’m sorry. You think so? We walked for days because you think it’s down here?” You asked as you leaned in front of her. “What if it’s not?”
“It will be. Why would he send me here if it wasn’t?” She asked.
“He seemed kind of grumpy. Also you urm. You know got really involved in his family business” You pointed out. She huffed and closed her eyes again. “How are you planning to get down there? I’m certainly not jumping.”
“Oh, we don’t need to jump.” Rey's eyes snapped open and she held her hands out. The sand beneath your feet started to solidify and you floated together.
“No! No! Don’t..!” You trailed off as you sailed through the air and landed roughly deep in the crevice. “I hate this.” You grumbled as you dusted yourself off and found your footing.
“You might be about to hate it more.” Rey tossed you your weapon as a rumbling sound came from behind you.
“Of course. Giant cave monsters.” You grumbled and raised your weapon as you waited for wherever was roaring so loudly the cavern rumbled to show itself.
Rey tags:
@stellasblog @DeanWinchestersgirl87 @thekayarlene @linkpk88 @babypink224221 @lisainhell @spiderwebs-blog @gryffindorqueensworld @rockyrascal @twerp8999 @favmeyou @supernatural-wolfie @alwaysadreamingoptimist @love1deandra @archaeologydigit @im-eating-rn @bucketbunny @littlefreakingfangirl @lchufflepuffcorn @thebaileybugle @slxthxrxn-sxmp @writerfulltime
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pinkcreatorshark · 2 years
So, I skipped a bunch of issues because I got lazy, but here's my thoughts for DCYJ the finale, and my overall thought of the run at the end.
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First of all. Look at them all ready for battle and this mf out here posing and looking directly at the camera.
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So Im not sure why the comic turned into the "Cassie is the greatest hero ever" power hour but I mean sure, I guess. Literally everyone the past like three issues is just "Cassie you're so great and amazing and smart and pretty" it started to feel like a Cassie book and not a YJ book.
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Imagine getting told by both guys you dated in a span of a few minutes that they were never really in love with you
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Never getting over Tim admitting he had romantic feelings for Kon, and then Kon saying he didn't have it in him to live anyone. Unrequited timkon is real. (I'm saying this as a timkon, timber, AND timberkon shipper)
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I'm sorry but Human!Red Tornado looks like Ric Grayson in a dramatic cape
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So Conner being invisible is honestly the saddest shit. Being unseen is his biggest fear, and that was who's whole thing in this run, as well as where the new Superboy comic is going. His fear of being unseen, unheard, and unneeded. He needs to feel needed or he doesn't know what to do with himself. He feels like he HAS to be the one to save the day or what's the point of him being there? That shit broke me.
Overall Thoughts:
So, the comic run overall was. Not very good from a character perspective, but was fine? I guess?
It felt like the writers understood some characters and completely butchered others. It went from being a Cassie hateclub to Cassie is the best hero ever in just a few issues and that. Felt weird. It did have some funny moments, like homophobic Batman, and literally everyone including Bart realizing how gross his writing was towards women back in the day.
It also addressed some stuff, albeit a bit heavy handed, that I think doesn't get talked about a lot like how Tim and Kon tend to third wheel Bart a lot and how Bart is just treated as some dumb kid when he's probably one of the smartest on the team. It also remembered kons TTK which I call a win. But it also completely misunderstood some things, like Cissie saying why she left the team.
For a moment it showed what YJ used to be but it quickly became a parody of itself. And I think that was intentional because of who the villain was, but also it was too much so and it felt forced which hurt it in the end.
There also was a lot of hating on the new generation characters that have been giving a lot of poc and LGBT rep, which. Was not the way they should've gone about it. I don't think that's what they were intending, they were trying to make the villain make a different point, but it was toeing a very controversial line.
Overall, I feel like the run had a lot of potential, but leaned too heavily into the parody of nostalgia. It focused too much on what WAS and not enough on what IS. I think they were trying to make a YJ comic that re-solidified the bond between the characters, which I guess it accomplished, but it didn't in such a way that it made it seem like their relationship was flimsy at best to begin with and that their trauma was just something they could apologize for and everything be okay again.
I'm giving Dark Crisis: Young Justice a 5/10
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acaciapines · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
i was tagged by @snarky-wallflower and i love talking, lets go!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
70 total, but 5 of those are chara's! so under my name its 65.
2. What’s your total word count?
cannot wait to break 2 million w the owl house daemon au. lets go!! never stop!!!
3. What fandoms do you write for?
whatever i'm into, but for fandoms i see myself continuing to write for in the near-ish future: deltarune and the owl house!
4. Top 5 fics by kudos
you're something special: my first kris-identity fic! i have mixed feelings on this one lol. you can tell its the first i wrote and i hadnt yet solidified my version of kris, tho i think this one probably fits better with canon. overall i like it though!
but then a bigger heart grew back: ooooooh i REALLY love this one. its postcanon owl house fic centering on hunter's grief over flapjack's death and his friendship with waffles!!! i wrote and posted it the DAY after the finale came out which is still really wild to me. its also the only fic ive seen that uses my favorite headcanon of 'hunter didnt carve waffles, she found him' which im so so fond of.
i hope your organs fail you (before i do): this was the first deltarune fic i wrote after chapter 2 came out!! the beginning of my deltarune spiral....its sort of a messy non-chronological look at deltarune's various routes and how kris might experiencing the game's multiple save files. also it has such a banger title. salt lake city by motherfolk is just banger after banger lyrics-wise
non-imaginary friends: god i hate that this is up here dkgjdfg i wrote it back when deltarune first came out and it SHOWS. i refuse to reread it but i think it's kris trying and failing to introduce the dark worlds to asriel. c'mon guys ive written so many better deltarune fics. blease. let this one rest in the past <3
we don't belong (but we're together): oooh, a warrior cats one! im....i mean, this one is like, fine, i guess. it follows hollyleaf and jayfeather in an au where the two of them flee through the tunnels. it has fun lore and i do like my oc pine but. man. its also the fic where i gave hollyleaf a power and if theres one thing i would change about my warriors au its that holly would NOT get a power. this is why i pre-write all my fics before posting now!
5. Do you respond to comments?
yes!! or at least i try my best to. i love and appreciate all my comments sometimes im just Bad at responding to them....i never know what to say beyond 'wow thank you' so sometimes i try to focus more on comments where i can actually say something of substance, yknow?
6. What’s the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
oh thats hard hmmmmmmm. i think i'd have to say it's and i want to tell you something-- which is a fic about kris & ralsei & the player/soul, where susie and noelle try to save kris from the soul, but both kris and ralsei know they cant survive without it. so in the end kris shatters the soul and is implied to die rather than keep being trapped.
its!!! certainly a time!
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
hmmmm. i think most of my ending are pretty bittersweet so in terms of pure happy ending...gonna go for a deep cut here and say its my naddpod fic +1 dad in which moonshine meets lucanus when shes a kid and they hit it off and they get to have that father-daughter relationship from the start. bc lucanus is the BEST naddpod npc and oh my god he loves his daughter so so much you guys--
8. Do you get hate on fics?
i have a few times but its never been like, super major. the funniest time is. i deleted the comment so i dont have the exact wording but im pretty sure someone called me a fandom-deserting cur for. not writing more warrior cat fanfiction?
like what were they expecting. truly.
9. Do you write smut?
no im very aroace lol. i barely write romance.
10. Do you write crossovers?
i used to!!! i did the adventure zone crossed with both how to train your dragon and pokemon mystery dungeon: explorers of sky. i was a different person back then. i dont think i'd do it now, but. who knows.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
not to my knowledge!
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
no, but i HAVE had a fic pod-ficced which is still so amazing. like......woag. someone liked my fic enough to read the words out loud?????? huh????
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
not exactly co-written but both sometimes i think i left you just to see if i'd be missed and a buy one, get one free sort of friend were inspired by conversations i had with my friend @hyperfixations-go-brr! they would not have existed without those long discord chats. halloween festival will live on forever. synth my love.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
im not super into ships beyond like. basic 'oh thats fun' when reading but i WILL actually give the two im the most excited to write in my dess raises kris au someday:
noelle/susie/ralsei: YOU HAVE TO TRUST ME. like. this is an au where noelle basically replaces kris in the fun gang but not in the prophecy and dkjgdfg its about. this budding relationship. and ralsei clinging to the prophecy that doesnt want noelle here and susie who bucks against anything that acts like it knows what shes supposed to do and noelle struggling with the return of her sister and a world that wants to write her out of the story and all of them wanting to be there for their friends but ralsei is dealing with so so much and in the end she gets to throw off her chains and be free <3 noelle/susie/ralsei is so real in my heart.
dess/chara: literally the funniest queerplatonic relationship ever. theyre reluctant coparents. dess trusts chara with kris's life. chara would never ever let dess watch either frisk OR kris unsupervised. chara is 'i can fix you' to dess's 'im literally the most perfect wife in the world.' dess doesn't believe romantic love is a real thing people feel. chara puts xir kids above everything else. dess never asked to be a mother even though she literally kidnapped her best friends baby sibling. they get married for the tax benefits. they should absolutely get a divorce.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
oh god theres so many i would love to finish but its been so long i doubt i'll go back to them lol. the sequel to +1 dad that involves baby moonshine going to gladeholm. wall-e daemon au. gravity falls transcedence au daemon au. percy jackson daemon au. deltarune daemon au fangame.
as you can see its mostly various daemon aus. they were fun while they lasted! but ive moved on </3
16. What are your writing strengths?
pov you are me suddenly forgetting every single thing i have ever written.
i think im very good at writing otherkin or otherwise nonhuman characters. the comments that always bring me the most joy are those on my otherkin fics, by people who were able to see themselves in what i wrote--i think this is a thing that took me a lot of failed attempts to get just right and im really really proud of what i have.
im very good at writing daemon aus <3 there is sort of. an art to figuring out if one a work even needs daemons and two how daemons enhance or add to some aspect of the original work. theres a lot of things i like that i dont think really work with daemons but i always really enjoy figuring out how to add daemons and how to make my daemons like, characters in their own right, you know?
i like to think im good at dialogue and characterization! theres a few characters--kris and the collector, firefly to an extent--that im really proud of the voices i've made for them.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
fight scenes. fight scenes. oh my god i hate them so much they are SO HARD. stop making me put!! visual things!! in my text based medium!!!
really any scene that relies on having a strong idea of like, physical descriptions and sense of a place--i have aphantasia so having to describe scenery and landscape and just, anything really is always a struggle for me.
i also struggle with pacing, to an extent, especially across longer works (im looking at you, owl house daemon au)--knowing how long a plot arc needs to last and how to make it interesting still even when its going to be around for 600k+ words is a challenge and if the owl house daemon au was my first massive fic undertaking i dont think i'd be able to do it.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language?
god im so bad at it but i really really am trying to be better--one big thing im going to focus on in my owl house daemon au edit is based on this because i want luz's identity to stick with her throughout the fic rather than it taking a backseat, but i am not a spanish speaker!! i know like, a LITTLE, but nowhere near enough to feel confident writing it.
so. its a time!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
warrior cats. and beyond just 'oh its the first fandom i posted fic for' no i was writing warrior cat fanfiction from the START. i was out there on the playground coming up with warrior cat ocs. i was printing this stuff out in the school library. i would hand-write fanfiction about my childhood cats becoming warrior cats and starting their own clan. i would roleplay warrior cats on my bedroom floor with pictures of cats i cut out of printer paper and bits of plastic folders i folded into triangles and write down the stories i came up with.
i was the most warrior cat kid to warrior cat kid. I Have Always Been This Way.
20. Favorite fic you’ve ever written?
ohhhhhh this is SUCH a tough question i have so many im so fond of, but i think i'm going to have to go with alterhuman. it's an animorphs fic about tobias post-canon and its an exploration of species identity and being a hawk and as a red-tailed hawk myself, a lot of it is deeply personal, a lot of it is my love letter to animorphs, and a lot of it is neffit, who is the best oc i have ever created, hands down.
as for tags, uh....anybody who wants to talk about their fics! even if we dont know each other!! go forth! ramble on about your own stuff for an hour!! truly so so fun.
also @wynterwulf7 and @mackerelgray and @hyperfixations-go-brr. obviously. <3 even if its about fic that isnt on ao3.
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itsmymeaningoflife · 2 years
11x17 spoiler warning
* I will never not be a slut for Daryl in his navy jumper
* Gabe: “we gotta get back to commonwealth and protect our people!!” Aaron: “Dude… Carol is there…they’re literally fine bro.” Aaron knows what’s up
* Negan being a loving husband is not something I thought I’d see but here we are
* Why do the commonwealth soldiers wear that armour if it literally does nothing to protect them
* The opening titles made me really emotional wtf. The slightly different music and the white lettering like it was back in s1?? I think it’s just hit me that this show is ending
* Hornsby makes me giggle man. I know he’s a twat but I enjoy his character
* Pretty people only in the protest crew. I love them all. Rosita my queen- I slept on you for too long
* The Negan mercier scene. Negan still commands the room when he doesn’t have the upper hand and it’s something I have to respect
* AUNT CAROL MY BELOVED- Judith and Carol roasting Daryl about his cooking is so cute. The Dixon family love their feral dad. Also Carol jumping into action and immediately sending the kids off to safety the second she feels uneasy about a situation is just *chef kiss*
* Okay so in the scene where the two people are looking for something on Daryl and they go into the apartment where Carol and the kids just were- that means either a) Carol was babysitting the kids in Daryl’s apartment and seemed to be very at home there (more reasonable because of the pics on the fridge) b) Carol had the kids in her apartment and the commonwealth knew to search her place for Daryl aswell
* Negan- “where is Carol, the only badass bitch (affectionate) that can get us out of this mess
* Okay but like …. Carols and Negan’s little smirks when they see eachother… Negan deffo respects the fuck out of Carol
* “Turns out you might have been right” CAROL IS ALWAYS RIGHT
* CAROL NEGAN SCENES CAROL AND NEGAN SCENES. (Idc what your opinion is on Negan, his respect for Carol is a big redeeming quality for me)
* Jerry protecting the kids is gonna be his downfall I’m predicting it now :(
* Negan talking to Carol about getting married. “Because she is out there.” Call me a silly little shipper but Daryl and Annie being “out there” while Carol and Negan are in the commonwealth trying to get back to them…. I don’t know besties,,, subtext is a wonderful thing
* I’m starting to regain my liking of Maggie. I lost it early this season
* “I know Leah meant something to you” - okay so I’ve seen a lot of people talking about this scene and I really don’t think it’s as bad as y’all made out (I LOVE YOU BUT PLEASE HEAR ME OUT). Like no matter what your opinion is on Leah x Daryl (I hated it) you have to think like he spent a good few years with this woman.. of course she meant something to him at some point. I think it’s very telling that Maggie was not only ambiguous with her language but also spoke in past tense. Leah DID mean something to Daryl, that something is ambiguous and highly routed in a trauma bond, but that’s over now. He doesn’t feel that way anymore
* Glenn :(((((( yeah he would’ve wanted Daryl to look out for Maggie. My baby :(((
* This scene solidified the fact that Daryl’s loyalty to Maggie and the rest of his family meant 1000000x more to him than whatever it was he had with Leah. Final nail in the coffin for that one.
* Maggie looking out for Annie despite everything >>>
* Carols face when Negan calls her a magician cracked me the fuck up. I’m sorry but I love this duo
* How the fuck did that vehicle overturn??
* I’m getting a bitttttt tired of Yumiko. I know she’s like the “inside guy” but idk
Overall review- there were some minor issues in this ep but like??? I still quite enjoyed it you know.
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miss-conjayniality · 9 months
SEVERE beyoncé post-concert depression………and hyperfixation…………
it’s been a while since i’ve seen beyonce (not stating which city for confidential purposes…but it WAS sometime within the last month). and BOYYY OH BOYYY i cant stress HOW MUCH I MISS HER 😢😢😢 THIS HURTS SOOO BAD! the hyperfixation is still ongoing. adhd go BRRR OHHH MY GOD!!! IF I COULD, I’D TOTALLY FLY TO TEXAS/NOLA/KANSAS RIGHT NOW AND GO TO ANOTHER ONE OF HER CONCERTS!!!!! 😩😩😩😩😩
im honestly just SO grateful i finally got to see her live. you have no idea. I have DREAMT of this moment since my childhood. I love her music with all my heart. I grew up on her music. it raised me daahhllinnggg!!! I have always admired her larger than life persona and her relentless work ethic. her confidence and aura is inspirational to me. the kinda energy any girl aspires to embody - a girly, fun, fierce, sexy diva. 💗
the last time she did a US tour was 2018. I wanted to go to the OTRII tour but couldn’t cuz of a family trip 😭 uhuhu! oh well. i am fucking GLAD I got to see her during freaking RENAISSANCE of all her tours. she’s been an lgbt ally and icon since the very beginning!!! PERIODTTT!!! but this era really solidified that. no matter what genre she does, she does it in a way that showcases the black perspective of that genre. it makes me so happy seeing her use her artistic abilities to try out house/garage/disco (a historically lgbt-dominated genre and subculture) AND showcase black people’s contribution to that subculture. I actually teared up a little when during one of the vcr bits that walked through the history of house music and paid tribute to frankie knuckles. and not to mention…..THE QUEENS REMIX OF BREAK MY SOUL!!! I ASCENDED HEARING THIS LIVE OH MY GOODNESS GRACIOUS!!!! 🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤
as a bisexual woman, it felt SO cathartic experiencing such an album in real time and with all my senses. this album felt like a love letter for us. the concert felt like such a fun space to be one of The Gays™️. it made me proud to be a member of the lgbt community.
also, when she first appeared, I started SOBBINGGGGGG SAURRR HARD!!!!! she sang all her sappy ballads like flaws and all (loved when she turned the mic to us for us to sing “im a bitch in the afternoon…mood….), i care, rather die young, and 1+1 and cried the whole time because I was overwhelmed by her beauty. I couldn’t believe she was Right There…..
she also sang a medley of her old hits and i LOST MY MARBLES OMGGG!!! AND WHEN SHE SANG SPEECHLESS OF ALL SONGS LIKE WTF!!??? THAT’S A DEEEEEP CUT FROM HER DISCOGRAPHY!!!! AND ONE OF MY FAVORITES!!!! JUST THINKING ABOUT IT IS MAKING ME BRAINROT!!!! and don’t even get me started with diva, get me bodied, 7/11, partition, crazy in love, love on top (which she made us RECITE the mfing lyrics to….), formation, cuff it, move, and america is a problem. I sounded like a mfing SCREAMO singer when singing out some of those lyrics hunny….one person even gave me a funny look. GURL! I’m here to go apeshit (no pun intended) not be a statue.
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gyubby99 · 1 year
I have come
While the kids were away, the couples were walking towards the empty council room where they could finally catch up after all those years. Rosalyn, however had to stop and call out to Alistar whenever she saw something new to her sights. Her husband may be breaking things once in a while while having his tempers, but he still valued her happiness overall.
She knew Alistar had a good heart, but she knew it also changes. Like a restless tide, untamable. It was magical when he came into her life, but knowing his reputation as a power-hungry tyrant king, she knew that along him a storm could come too. He'd either raise her high or let her fall, drag her down as quickly as he could lift her.
But then she took his hand and promised to withstand any form of blaze, famines he would blow her way. Like she was made of stone, something solidified inside her, and she knew she'd always stay beside him. No matter his flaws, or his tempers, how stone-hearted people made him out to be, she stood by him like she had a heart of stone.
And it was not because she was scared, or naive, or weak. It was because she loved him, and she knew he loved her too.
Rosalyn looked at her husband, who seemed like he was stressing out about something. She couldn't exactly figure out why he looked like he'd been trapped inside a room he never had a choice to be on. She almost asked him if he needed anything to ease his perceptible anxious behavior, not until queen Ella had sat down with her husband.
"This room was even more different that it was." Alistar began, before pulling out a chair for his wife. Rosalyn smiled at the gesture, and sat down with her husband beside her.
Elias, in all of this, never bothered to look at the Brennans. As if he would want to speak with them. He wanted to save his time, and the oxygen he wouldn't want to waste on a viscious, violent monster.
"After my father had died, I figured we give the entire castle a different class and style. Don't you think it looks like a breath of fresh air? I was just thinking that maybe you needed some, for I know you haven't lived in it ever since.." Ella replies. "Looks less of a prison room, does it not, old friend?"
Rosalyn turned her head to Alistar, who was tense. She didn't know if he wanted to shut queen Ella up, or that he wanted to get out of the room and avoid the conversation.
"Prison room? I don't appreciate your incorrect accusations, your majesty." Alistar bit back, more leaning into easing his nerves. "You see, me and my wife, and our two beautiful children are living the best lives in our home."
Rosalyn didn't speak.
Ella acknowledged her silence. "With what you did to me and my kingdom, I'm sure there's more going on through the curtains of your dollhouse, Alistar." Ella spat back, speaking his name with such bitterness.
"Are you implying that my family are suffering in my hands, with too many words left unsaid? You think my children can't communicate with me?" Alistar flared up at the subtle mention of his family she deemed toxic.
Rosalyn swallowed, and she felt her hands shaking. Taking a deep breath, she tried keeping her calm facade. But she knew, that queen Ella had made her way to cut deep into her heart of stone in a matter of a short time.
"I never said anything about suffering and lack of communication.. are you speaking for your actions?" Ella taunted, keeping her regal composure. "Because me, personally.. I'm spealing from experience."
"Don't think you intimidated me, your majesty. You shouldn't bark that much unless you know how to bite." Alistar humored her.
Now Rosalyn knew that this was going to get out of hand, experiencing Alistar's tempers.. and his threats.
"I know you too well, my friend. You know that I could hit you where it hurts if I go on any longer, now the only thing you want this chat to go down is through violence. I see you still haven't changed." Ella retorted.
Alistar let out a huff. "I haven't been violent towards Rosalyn, or my children before."
One truth, One lie.
His children? He'd never try to be violent with.
He had countless attempts.
Rosalyn's breath hitched, as she spoke. "That.. that is true. He haven't been violent to anyone. He may have his tempers, and- I have them too, but he never hurt me. He never tried to."
She knew she was lying to herself. But she loved him too much to stain his reputation a lot more. She had the choice to call him out on his shit but her heart betrayed her mind and acted on its own.
She'd just made her bed, and she was going to lay in it.
He never hurt her, but he tried to.
Ella studied her for a moment, like a parent looking at their child who has been in trouble. Her observant eyes, and skeptical look all seemed to make her nerves tense, and she gulped.
"Rosalyn?" Ella called out.
Rosalyn's head snapped towards her.
"Take care of the roses in your garden. Don't let them lose their head." Ella spoke, flashing a kind, lukewarm smile.
"What do you mean by that.." Rosalyn trailed off, unsure if she were even allowed to speak to her.
"Nothing. Just figured you have a passion for gardening as I do.." Ella shrugged, then changed the topic to an even more lighter one for Alistar to actually react and respond with without having to be trapped, hoist with his own petard.
Rosalyn knew she meant something more than that.
Elias, deep inside, wanted to ask if Rosalyn was alright.
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