prosebushpatch · 11 days
Okay so I recently, finally, watched Wish and I have some thoughts. Overall, not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, but still has a lot of fundamental story problems and I've got to get them off of my chest. I'll mostly be focused on Magnifico because I think his motivations and arc largely represent the problem with the overall theme.
Okay so my biggest problem with Magnifico is his motivation. His tragic backstory. How on earth does he go from losing his whole family to thinking, the only way he can prevent that from happening again is to grant wishes? The logic doesn't track. It almost makes sense in his creating a kingdom where he protects everyone and "doesn't even charge rent," but it does not make sense with his wish granting. Having a great need to be control to make sure he doesn't lose anyone ever again can be a compelling motivation for a villain, where we see lines crossed that don't justify the intent, but in the movie, he's too self-absorbed to seem to have any actual care for the people of Rosas.
I think if the motivation was changed to something like Magnifico had once been a bright-eyed, enthusiastic wish granter who blindly believed all wishes were good but learned the hard way that that wasn't true could have been a better fit for the overall goal of the movie. Imagine that he granted a wish for a wicked person who used that wish to hurt others, or if Magnifico granted a wish but that wish ended up ruining the person's life because what they wanted wasn't what they needed (i.e. Remember The Princess and the Frog? Dig a little deeper) and that person could have went after Magnifico and blamed him for their troubles (harkening back to We Don't Talk about Bruno). This would be an understandable tragic backstory for Magnifico, and better explain why he's so careful about the wishes he grants. And, perhaps the reason he keeps the wishes he doesn't want to grant is to keep the people in his kingdom docile. No one will be angry with him for not granting their wishes if he makes them forget them and lose that drive and motivation, which makes more sense than the unexplained hording them like he does in the movie? Why does he keep them in the movie other than admiring the wishes? It doesn't make sense to me.
This would give Asha more of a reason to oppose him, if it's shown how his desire to not get hurt or to inadvertently cause hurt turned into a paranoia where he drains people of wishes to fly or play music that inspires others. And, as a side note, we need to see more of how Rosas is a kingdom of people who lack drive and motivation, where only those younger than 18 have that special part of them that inspires them to chase after a dream (something that Astor Rhymemaster touched on). Because that's the point of wishes, right? That's the point of the entire Disney canon. A dream is a wish your heart makes. That star can only get you so far, it takes hard work and determination. It's wanting something better in life, it's dreaming of leaving behind all you know to chase after a tangible light. It's finding a new dream, it's finding a new wish as you grow and learn about yourself and the world.
I don't think the movie Wish understood what makes wishes so important in Disney stories. You know what wishes do? They ignite change. It's not about getting what you want, it's about finding the courage to chase after something better. Ariel wants to be where the people are, but really she wants to be somewhere where others are willing to understand her and in the end, she finds that and makes amends with her father, who finally is willing to see her for who she is. Rapunzel wants to see the lights, and that desire pushes her to leave a tower she's been trapped in her whole life, learning that the world is not as cruel and cold as her abusive mother told her. Cinderella wants to go to the ball, to dance with people who treat her as a person and not a servant of cinders and ash. That wish is granted by a fairy godmother and gives her a hope that is worth fighting for, a hope that helps her reclaim what is rightfully hers; a glass slipper that fits only her and the love that comes with it.
Wishes inspire change. The movie should have been about that. Magnifico could have been right, that some wishes inspire negative change that can drag down multiple people. The kingdom of Rosas could have been so placid because change is scary. Maybe Magnifico could have convinced people, after taking their wish, that it wasn't worth it. Maybe the wish ceremonies could have changed so it wasn't portrayed as some sort of lottery everyone looks forward to, but Magnifico would grant wishes on the spot if he decided they were good and worthwhile, and he would lock away the wishes that would cause trouble and tribulations. 18 year olds could be enthusiastic to give him their wishes, thinking they were surely good and worth granting, only to forget their wish and be told that their wish would have only brought about their unhappiness, this would have justified a more solemn tone in the kingdom, setting up a world where people are mostly downtrodden, thinking their wishes are bad and pointless and they're better off without them. Imagine Cinderella or Rapunzel being told their wishes weren't good, reinforcing all the things their abusive families tell them, taking away that hope and courage to find something better for themselves.
Here's where the true conflict could come in. Asha could be onto this from the beginning, and her opening song could have been about this concern that the people who didn't get their wishes granted aren't willing to try at all. (Because, after all, why doesn't Sabino play music at all? Having that taken from him would take so much joy and creative expression from his life!) But why does Asha know something is amiss?
Imagine that Magnifico has a strict rule not to ever share your wish with another person because then it wouldn't come true. It makes sense with our own superstitions, and then makes it so that no one knows anyone else's wishes. Maybe your best friend changes so drastically after giving up their wish, but you believe, like everyone else, that their wish would have only caused suffering. What can you do about it? Well what if Simon told Asha about his wish? What if Asha knew his wish wasn't dangerous and couldn't imagine a way that it could go wrong? That would give her a reason to doubt Magnifico and put more emphasis on how Simon has lost his drive like all the other adults in the kingdom. And it can also emphasize in the end that sharing your wishes and dreams with others can be a powerful thing. Just the act of sharing your dreams can inspire others to go after their own, and they can give you the encouragement to chase your wish too. Wishes inspire change, love gives you the courage to make it happen.
Imagine if the star boy used to be a human, who wished to help others and lost his humanity to do it. Imagine his wish confirms Magnifico's belief, that wishes cause suffering because star boy lost his tether to earth and is separated from the people he loves. Imagine how he foils Asha who also wants to grant everyone's wishes. Imagine him ensuring she doesn't make the same mistake he did while she gives him a reason to change again, to anchor himself to humanity again because he loves her enough not to leave for forever.
Imagine the movie confirming that, yes, change is scary. Chasing your dreams won't always make things better. You might fail more than you succeed and some wishes cannot coincide with each other, leading to grief and strife. But some wishes are worth it. Sometimes, chasing after something better and failing is worth leaving a worse situation. Sometimes taking that chance is worth it, and, like in all fairy tales, if you are kind and generous and act with love, that will make all the difference in the end.
Also, I know everyone wished for a Magnifico and Amaya evil power couple, but imagine if Magnifico was truly in love with Amaya, as he is in the movie, but that love is eventually his undoing. Like Amaya leaps in front of Asha, and Magnifico stops or redirects his attack because she's the one thing he loves more than himself and that is the weakness that Asha and co can take advantage of. Imagine Amaya keeping Magnifico in the mirror and he gets to dote on her from his imprisonment for forever. I'm just saying. At least 30 sickos like me would be into that. Imagine the depth it would give to the themes of love and change and wishing and how acts of love make all the difference.
Alright, I'll get off my soap box. I just really wish Wish could have been stronger because these fairy tales Disney is famous for matter. They really do. But the movie feels too stale and shallow and too much of a cash grab that knows the outline of a disney musical, but is unable to understand the heart of why they work.
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flowercrowngods · 1 year
✨🤍 some steddie softness for @thefreakandthehair's birthday, i hope it's the very best so far! 🤍✨(please please your day comes first, read this whenever you have time and space to breathe 🤍)
Eddie is not a religious man — far from it, actually. But there are a few things that make him believe in higher powers. In angels. In destiny and luck and a love so strong it could conquer everything. 
This very moment is one of them. 
Stevie, soft and sleepy beside him in the back of the car as Nancy is driving, the dim light of the passing street lamps painting his face in hues of gold like the light itself favours Steve Harrington, caressing his features with the softest of shadows. 
He’s beautiful. Ethereal. Perfectly angelic with his eyes closed, his whole body turned towards Eddie in the warmth of the car.
It takes Eddie’s breath away, his heart taking up space where before there were his lungs and ribcage, growing in size until he feels like he is about to burst. And even then he keeps looking, staring at that pretty face that looks so at peace with the whole world right now. Eddie has never seen Steve like this, but now he understands why people start wars. Why people defy gods and death itself to be with their one true love. Why Orpheus looked back. 
He understands. Because Steve, his Stevie, warm and safe and perfectly fine in the backseat of a car? That is everything. He doesn’t even need to kiss or touch so long as he just gets to look. And be. Oh, to be at the same time that Steve is. 
That might just be life’s greatest gift to him. 
A tiny sigh falls from Steve’s lips and Eddie really, really might be about to burst. 
“Hey, angel,” he whispers, because moments like this aren’t made for anything but hushed words, their truths too heavy, too sincere for the world to hear and keep on spinning. He doesn’t need the world to spin as long as there is Steve. 
“Hi,” Steve whispers back, his eyes still closed but the smile lighting up, luring Eddie in like he is but a moth drawn to the flame. 
Eddie leans in and rests his forehead against Steve’s, his hand coming up to cradle a light-kissed cheek. Steve leans into it, following Eddie’s hand like maybe they are twin stars pulling each other closer until there will be an explosion of light and creation. Steve nuzzles against his palm and leans further into Eddie’s body until they share the same breath — but still it’s not enough. 
Eddie wants to say so many things now that their hands are entangled, their soft exhales mixing. But after a while he notices that Steve is humming before gently singing along to the song coming quietly from the speakers. 
“Take it easy with me, please. Touch me gently like a summer evening breeze. Take your time, make it slow. Andante, Andante. Just let the feeling grow.”
Eddie knows the song, recognises it instantly, and his breath gets stuck in his throat once more. Because he has a secret. He loves it. He has imagined for the longest time that one day, someone would make it his song. Sing it for him, to him. 
He’s never told anyone because he has a reputation to uphold and more than enough metal music to listen to, but of course Steve wouldn’t care about his secrets being secret, and just oh so casually make his deepest, most private of dreams come true. 
He’s an angel, that one. A hero. Myths and fairy tales should be woven around that heart of his, folklore speaking of his name until history itself wouldn’t dare to forget. No one can convince Eddie otherwise. Not in that moment, not with Steve singing so quietly, so gently, so adoringly. 
I think I love you. I think I can’t ever stop, not when I’ve seen you like this. Not when you’ve just shown me what life can be about, what it should be about. Gods, I love you and love you and love you. 
That’s what he wants to say. 
But all that comes out is a marvelled, “Shit, Stevie.”
It has the desired effect of a huffed breath, an even wider smile, and Steve cuddling further into Eddie’s side, eyes still closed. Eddie brushes a kiss to Steve’s forehead and feels like maybe his love can make it into the fairy tale, too. 
It will. Oh, it will, when Steve finally lifts his head from Eddie’s shoulder and looks at him through hooded eyes, all soft and sleepy and safe. A moment passes like this and Eddie can’t breathe, maybe he can never breathe again — but it only lasts until Steve slowly, so very slowly begins to lean in to claim Eddie’s lips with a kiss so gentle it could bring him back from the dead. 
Eddie kisses Steve back just as slowly, because in moments like this there is no rush, no hurry. There’s only them, there’s only this. Only a kiss until there is another. 
And with Steve, there is always another. 
Nancy smiles as she is taking the long way to Steve’s house, rounding Loch Nora twice because she knows how comfy Steve gets in cars at night when he doesn’t have to drive and there is soft music playing. 
Eddie kisses her goodbye on the forehead, fully aware of what she’s done. He doesn't tell her about the sun and the myths and all the wars he would start for Steve.
Nights like this are not meant for telling anyone about them. They can hardly be believed as it is. They can only be lived, hand in loving hand.
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would love to hear how the M6 handle an apprentice with a hypersomnia disorder 💛💛 someone who struggles with a lot of excessive sleepiness but really tries to push through it
Oooh, thanks for the prompt, I love it! As you didn't specify the spicy level, I'll assign ♤♡◇♧ randomly to the characters
Cracking my knuckles because it's something that hits home// The spicyness key is ◇neutral/random/funny,♡romantic/physical affection, ♧fluff/light smut,♤big dongs
So here it comes ~~~
~The hypersomniac apprentice~
As soon as you open up to her about it, Nadia has you treated for your sleep disorder right away. Julian is sent for, and he has your treatment started by having you to keep a diary to track your sleeping, eating and exercising habits, dreams, mood, and of course any periodic cycles you may have. When he gave you the little red-line notebook, you saw an idea twinkling in Nadia's eyes, but forgot to investigate further. Shortly after, you started noticing that the palace staff you interact the most all had a tiny jade-green, golden ruled notebook with them. You wanted to ask her about it this afternoon while having tea on the veranda, but you had one of your hypersomnia episodes. When you wake up, Nadia brushes your hair from your sleepy face, greeting you with a smile. "I hope your sleep has been refreshing", she says, "in the meantime, I kept some notes for you". She handles you one of those little green notebooks that is filled, to you surprise, with little useful notes about what were you two talking about it, your immediate future agenda, the time you spent asleep and a little recap of everything that has happened.
You meet her loving gaze, speechless. "I recall how embarrassing was to ask people to fill me in on what happened during my long sleep", she explains. "I felt so cut out on the world, confused and distressed". She brushes your hand. "I made sure you will never feel as lost as I did".
You really did try to push through this episode. Lucio looked so caught up in the game you were playing, so genuinely happy. You didn't want to let him down... but you see, trying to push through hypersomnia is awful it truly is folks, worst thing and hardly possible. Your eyelids are heavy and your neck isn't holding your head anymore. You try to rest your head against the sofa to avoid the telltale head-falling...
...but when you wake up you realize it wasn't a good idea. The lights are down, the room empty, and Lucio...? Nowhere to be seen. Your heart shrinks with guilt. You will have to apologize to him.
"Not many people know this, but Lucio has troubles sleeping. Eventually, the weight of his deeds fell upon him, robbing him of his sleep. At the beginning he started using narcotics to fall asleep, but Julian caught him immediately and made sure to put a hasty end on the dangerous habit.
Now Lucio slips into your bedroom with some dumb excuse ("thought you wanted some water" "hey, I had this WILD dream" "I'm horny") just to lay with you as you fall asleep. Watching your serene face as you sleep helps him to soothe his sleepless nights and find some kind of peace."
If you weren't so worried about letting him down, you would have put the pieces together and understood why he let you sleep -why he always lets you sleep.
Portia knows about it, and find it so damn cute! Being the little mischievous fairy she is, she always puts you into situations where you will have troubles staying awake. This includes
getting the two of you seat for the opera in Nadia's box -this means you're next to her- and exchange giggling gazes with Asra. The three of you are the perfect partner in crime, but little did you know that you are their favorite victim.
Going stargazing with you and Muriel -he tells the BEST constellation tales and she knows that you love them and would give the world to stay awake - but joke's on her this time, for Muriel adores when his voices coddle you to sleep
Inviting you gardening in warm afternoons after some rich lunch, where she has an hard times refraining from laughing at your attempts to resist the sleep.
Today though, you realize she's doing it on purpose. In your hand there's a bunch of drawings she did of your cutest sleeping poses -they're on napkins, reciepts, grocery lists and god forbid Portia is this book from Nadia's library?!
I'll put the spicier ones (Julian, Muriel, Asra) in a reblog [THIS ONE] I'll flag as adult content :) you can alway find them from the Masterlist
Disclaimer: please remember that hypersomnia is a legit disorder that should be addressed by any means you have at hand. Don't get fooled by the "manageable" face it has: it may be caused by many underlying issues, from moderate avoidant anxiety to much more serious things. There's nothing wrong with choosing to live with it or thinking it's cute (i have it and i do), but if you do experience it, love yourself and investigate its causes! Remember, as an human being you're entitled to health.
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the-togepi-man · 1 month
This following post is going to be very anti-religious. If that would bother you, so be it. But this is my blog, and I need to get my feelings out. I really dislike religion. I'm sure it helps some folks find meaning, but the amount of people that use it to look to a higher power and ignore those who they are sharing world with is saddening and infuriating. I am aware that many, if not all religions preach loving their fellow man. But the fact there needs to be an entity and their following to say that breaks me. How did we come so far as a species to somehow think we are better than those who are made the same way? Having to read this trans-visibility day "controversy" for being on Easter is insane. Yes there are those clearly just using it to hate monger, but there are those that genuinely believe this is some magical day where a fairy tale character came back to life, and it should be respected over real, living fucking people. Again, people are out there pushing down real, live, breathing, struggling, dreaming, loving members of their own fucking race to celebrate fiction. Those people in their lives, that see the people they know or care about prioritizing a holiday about a billion year old lie over their actual lives will feel that, and that part will live in their brain no matter how strong they are. Growing up as a gay, privalaged white man, I still feel it. I can't imagine those who have to deal with so much more than me. I've had some reasons to come to terms with morality and the fleetingness of life recently. I just want to let those know struggling internally, externally, or both- that your life is worth something to me. Worth far more to me than a magic book or some cosmic promise.
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dance-bones · 2 months
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Merman!Risotto Nero×reader
Warning: The difference in height/first kiss or something like that
All the characters have come of age
Uh, sorry, I'm lazy person. So, I'll give you my old work, but it's may be good.
If you want any character, situation, au, let me know
Meow Meow something else.
A quiet, warm night enveloped the city. Waves washed over the walls built by people. Lampposts standing along the water illuminated a small part of its surface.
You walk in light, thin clothes, straight to the pier, although at this time of day, it would be better to be at home.
Your life is quite satisfactory. You have a family, friends, a job. In general, you are an ordinary person. So why do you want to go to the pier? The answer is simple. You have insomnia. You've tried many ways to fall asleep, but only one helps you. I have to go to the pier every time before going to bed to breathe in the sea air, listen to the beating of the waves on the wooden beams of the pier. In a word, to enjoy. And it helped. After 15-20 minutes of being on the pier, you were easily thrown into a dream.
And so, you're back on the pier. Walking to the edge, sitting down and dangling your legs, you begin to relax. After a hard day's work, it helps the best. From the noise of the waves, you inadvertently withdraw into yourself, which is actually a regular action. You often get lost in different thoughts and try to find some answers for yourself. And here again, you need to thank Pierce, because usually you don't have enough time to think.
It doesn't occur to you at such moments that you might be being watched. And not just from where, but actually from the water.
Your thoughts today were the legends of this city, or rather the main one - the mermaids. Yes, the residents of the city really claimed that there is a hybrid of a human and a marine inhabitant in the sea.
But they were fairy tales for you. In your unprofessional opinion, mermaids were a kind of way to scare children away from the water. That's right. No one wants their child to drown or get hurt in any way..
Your feet were hanging off the edge of the pier, almost touching the water, while you were deep in thought.
Suddenly, you feel something wrapping around your ankle. It was something cold, wet, and damn strong. You were sure of that. Quickly raising your head, you saw something unthinkable in front of you.
A rather large hand, compared to yours, holds your ankle in an almost death grip. If you look closely, you can see the webbing between your fingers. Your eyes widen when your head appears out of the water, and then a small part of your guest's very large body.
Or rather, you were the guest. After all, this creature was a mermaid, and the sea was his home.
You managed to look at it a little, fortunately there was a lantern nearby that illuminated at least some part of the pier.
A giant mermaid appeared before your eyes. From his fin on his back, his coloring, as well as the sharp teeth that you saw from his slightly open mouth, it became clear that he was a shark. His body was coming out of the water and it seemed to be huge, maybe 5-6 meters. And oh my God, what stood out most about him were the red eyes watching you through wet, ashen hair.
The shark man was looking at you, holding your ankle and smiling.
"Hi," he said, still looking at you. Something in his gaze hinted to you that he was evaluating you and maybe planning to eat you.
"Good evening, sir," you mumbled, trying to stay calm. You were a little scared that you might become the dinner of a giant fish.
The merman tilted his head at your feet, making you tense up. He was still holding your ankle.
- "Shh, don't be nervous, little one."- He whispered and jumped back.
Did he call you a little one? It was logical according to his concepts. The shark Man was bigger than you and he had every right to call you tiny compared to him.
- "Tell me, what is such a tiny human girl doing here at night, huh?"- his gaze slides over your body while he waits for an answer.
- "Oh, I have insomnia, and the noise of the sea and the sea air help to cope with it. That's why I come here before going to bed."
You're being honest with him, hoping he'll think it's a good answer.
- "Mmm, does such a sweet treat come to me by itself? How wonderful.." He's smiling, showing you his sharp teeth.
You're getting nervous. He's probably being honest with you about his desires, too. The mermaid rests on the part of the tail where, according to your assumption, people should have knees, and pulls himself up onto the pier. He quickly pulls you to him, laying you on your back. Your pupils constrict when he hunches over to lean towards you. Despite the cold of his body, his breath is hotter. You begin to breathe shallowly and raggedly while salt water drips from his body onto you.
Does he seem to notice this and start purring? Maybe the merman is trying to calm you down, just a little bit, but the realization that he wants to eat you makes it creepy.
- "Don't be afraid. I'm not going to eat you, little one. Definitely not in that sense..." He says the latter almost silently.
It makes you calm down a bit, but it's still not enough.
- "Then what do you want?"
His pupils are narrowing like a predator's, which is exactly what he is. He smiles at you again, leaning closer.
- "Just to get to know each other." He continues to make a low purr. He looks extremely curious and interested in you.
- "What's your name, little one?"- he gently releases your ankle and puts his big hand on your head, knowing that you are ready to move. He strokes the top of your head, enjoying the softness of your hair. With his other hand, he leans on the planks of the pier so as not to crush you.
- "Y/n, sir..."- you answer him with a little hesitation. All this makes you feel embarrassed.
- "Y/n..."- the mermaid repeats your name several times, memorizing it.
"What's your name, sir?"
He's looking at you, obviously happy that you're interested in him.
"I'm Risotto Nero, little Y/n." he chuckles, pleased with your new nickname.
He looks at you, running his hand from the top of your head to your cheek, making you tremble slightly. He leans closer, inhaling the scent of your body.
"Your skin is so soft, and your scent is just wonderful.." He leans even closer. He likes your helplessness.
- "Risotto Nero..."- you gain courage, trying not to shake from his cold touches to your skin."if that's all, can I go home?" It's time for me to go to bed..
He grins at you, seeing that you're a little afraid, but finally takes his hand away.
- "Of course, but first.." He licks your lips quickly before plopping back into the water and disappearing under the pier.
You get up quickly and run home, feeling the salty taste on your lips. This cartilaginous fish stole your first kiss! If I may say so.
Returning home, you quickly take a shower, washing off all the salt water that he managed to spill on you, and go to bed.
But one thing is bothering you. Is he interested in you? Oh, it seems more than just interested. You're sure he wanted to take you right on the pier. You once studied shark behavior out of curiosity. And his action with laying you on your shoulder blades is very similar to the process of a mating ritual, when the task of the male is to lay the female on her back.
You blush when you get under the covers. What is most frightening is that the male, during sexual intercourse, holds the male by the gills with his sharp teeth. The very thought that your neck will become a replacement for gills scares him and throws him into paint. It sounds both creepy and painful at the same time...It's hot.
And oh my God, this is the only pier in town, and your insomnia isn't going anywhere.
Which means...
You will have to return to the pier the next night at your own risk. You understand this, and it seems that Risotto Nero himself, who watched you run away, understands this too.
He'll be waiting for you tomorrow. He will definitely wait for you, and he will get his little one.
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brighteststar707 · 5 months
I was digging through my drafts last night and found this drabble from sometime last year. It's a little reset theory idea I was playing around with that ended with me writing the 'Tell Me A Story' short. I was inspired at the time by both Hadestown (the cyclical nature of the tragedy) and the Howl's moving castle film (when Sophie meets Howl in the past and asks her to wait for him).
I'm not sure if I'll ever flesh out this idea entirely so I thought I'd release this (unedited!) instead of leaving it to gather dust in my folder.
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You already know how it ends. You’ve walked down this road so many times before.
A few months ago, you held Saeyoung in your arms as he drifted off to sleep. Usually you’re the one to fall asleep first. He always teases you about it. Tonight, though, you want to be awake for as long as possible.
You gently caress his head and whisper against his skin “Wait for me.”
As you feel the darkness wrap around you, heavier than sleep, you wonder if he heard you. If, somewhere in his dreams, he hears your voice echoing. Wait for me.
What a cruel request. If only you were selfless enough to let him forget you.
But you’re not. Which is why, tonight, you find yourself out late at night, staring at your phone screen waiting for it to hit midnight. When you close your eyes, you can still see the lock screen image flashing at you. The numbers, stubbornly stuck at 11:58PM.
Tonight, it’s cold.  It’s been a while since you’ve experienced a winter here. Last time, you managed to spend a full year with him, August to August. Ironically, your least favourite time of year. Your memories are full of unforgiving heat. Nights where you pulled him outside with you, filled with a giddy childlike joy.
You have to work to keep the memories of each trip separate. To not let them bleed together. They all differ from each other slightly. The time of year, the persona you wore. The only thing that remained the same was the ending.
Finally, you feel your phone buzz with a message.
Unknown: …Hello…?
And finally, it begins. There’s always something magical about your first conversation with everyone.
You step into the apartment and resist the urge to look up at the security camera you know is pointed at you. Then, you turn around and give it a big smile and wave anyway. You imagine him watching you from his dark desk. Does he feel a small spark of recognition? Does he hear your voice, as if from a dream, begging him to wait for you?
You’re antsy. Desperate, even.
The first time he calls you, the air is electric. It’s like your whole being has been waiting to hear him again. You feel a warmth spreading through your fingertips.
You have to act startled, like a stranger. You shouldn’t make him suspicious.
To pass the time, you let yourself imagine doing all the things you shouldn’t be doing.
In your dreams, you leave the apartment and go to his house. You’ve picked up enough Arabic to get past the security system (sometimes, in your more self-indulgent fantasies, it recognizes you and lets you in without a fuss; we’ve been waiting for you). All the lights are off, you find him sitting at his desk.
He turns around (he was expecting Vanderwood). You grab him by the shoulders and make him look at your face. You look into his eyes and will him to remember.
Sometimes he remembers. His expression softens into a smile and he holds you in his arms. He kisses every part of your face and tells you that he’s missed you.
In the more realistic fantasy, the Saeyoung you find is guarded. He is hostile and scared. He doesn’t know how to hope yet. You beg him to remember, recount memories of days together. tell him stories of two people so deeply in love that they’d cross time over and over again to be together. 
He doesn’t believe you, and you already feel your heart shatter.
“You’re telling me stories. Fairy tales.”
“They’re memories. Yours and mine.”
Then it stops.  
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alltoolewis · 2 years
Better man- Mason Mount
She's back with another Mase fiction and this time it is nothing, but angst so prepare your Kleenex tissues! This is inspired by my favourite Taylor swift song, better man (listen here), in celebration of midnight being released!! I have missed writing angst so much & feel a little bit proud of this! (*unsure if I want to do a part 2 of this, so please let me know how you feel about it becoming a series if I do!) Love you all ✨
Words- 4.4k
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Summary: When Mason's fame changes not only him but also your relationship, you don't hestiate to escape from his damages before it's too late... but when you get invited to Kai's party you a forced to face the ghost of who you left that night!
2 months ago...
Your breath hitched as your hand touched the cold door handle, the old wooden frame being the only thing separating you from your new future and your present. Glancing back towards his living room, where memories of unforgettable times hung on the wall... memories of when everything was fresh and new... The whole setup felt like a slap in the face, it was a constant reminder of what you both used to have, what you still could have had if he didn’t ruin it by following the typical life of a footballer...
Your relationship with Mason use to be sweet, exciting... one that people would look at and wish that they had. It was like a fairy tale, a shy girl who grew up with barely anything but somehow wanted to become a bestselling author, meeting an aspiring footballer who didn’t know anything other than playing the game. & Although 2 years of that fairy tale were a dream, attending his matches, and watching him become one of the most successful footballers in the world while he watched your dreams of becoming a top-selling author come true, like many fairy tales, yours started falling apart...
While Mason’s career reached a new level during the euros so did his public figure... everyone knew he was, which made your life as his girlfriend much tougher. You tried to ignore the amount of female attention he was receiving but it became harder once your pictures together became flooded with hate comments and your DMs were crowded with death threats. At first, Mason acted like your hero, shutting down any hate you got and being your shoulder to cry on when things got out of hand, but the more attention he got & the more women threw themselves at him the more you felt like you were losing him... losing the mason that you knew and loved for 2 whole years!
It started out with simple things, like going out to public events alone claiming that partners weren’t allowed to attend, although their Instagram stories told different stories the next day.  Being the introvert you were, you let it slip, not questioning it at all as he continued to blow you off for more parties and secret getaways with the ‘lads. The next stage of your declining relationship came with the deleting of images of you together... Mason claimed it was to stop the hate you were rapidly getting, saying that if the images of you together weren’t there people wouldn’t attack you as much & you almost believed him, that’s if you never saw the long list of Instagram messages he was getting from models some even opened and replied to, but like everything you turned a blind eye at... in yourself believing that if you didn’t read the messages he was sending they weren’t there, but of course they were...
The final stage of declining came tonight. Mason claimed he was going out with the boys again, although it was the 3rd time he had done so in the last week, and despite the fact you didn’t want him to you weren’t the type to beg him to stay and you certainly weren’t the girl to keep him on a leash... so you let him go! Your mind was spinning with ‘what ifs and made-up scenarios of his actual whereabouts, and no matter how hard you tried to push them out they kept coming back. Trying to distract yourself from it, you kept yourself busy on social media, interacting with all the friends you hadn’t caught up with for so long. & it worked like a dream till you came across an Instagram story on Ben’s private & that’s when you saw it...
Mason was sat on Ben’s sofa, not a care in the world as a familiar-looking girl was straddling his lap, their lips interlocked as one of his hands ran through her hair while the other hovered over the small of her back, an action that you were all too familiar with but haven’t had in so long, making you feel a stab of jealously despite him belonging to ‘you’! As you looked closer at the girl, you finally put the pieces together that she was one of the many that he had been messaging and claiming that she was nothing but a friend... That’s when all the dismissed feelings crashed down upon you, the secret rendezvous, the Instagram messages, the slight smell of expensive perfume that didn’t belong to you hovering on his clothes along with the red mark visible on the neck that also didn’t belong to you!  All the times he held you close at night, saying how you were the only girl in the world that he wanted that & that he didn’t want to think of a world without you were lies... they were lies!
Looking at yourself in the mirror like you did many times before, you didn’t recognise the girl that you once saw... this one was broken, betrayed instead of in love and at home. Your friends had warned you that this would happen, that one day you would wake up with a reality check and be reminded of your worth, but you didn’t listen to them either... and now you were one and truly broke!
 Not wasting another minute, you threw everything into your suitcase as mascara tears ran down your cheeks leaving a permanent stain! & That led you to now... with your hand on the cold doorknob questioning everything... you knew if you left there would be no going back, you would never be able to see him again, never be able to hold his hand or kiss his lying lips but you knew as much as you would miss it all, you deserved better... so without another thought, you opened the front door, the cold air blowing in your face as you stepped out of your comfort space for the last two years, closing the door behind you, you sighed, knowing this was the bravest thing you had ever done.. letting him go!... with one step in front of the other you walked yourself to your car, leaving everything in the pass...
Leaving him!
*Present day*
“C’mon (y/n), you have to come!” Sophia sighed, as once again you shook your head at her suggestion to come to her boyfriend’s party “Kai would love to have you there... he misses his little sister!”
“I miss him too!” You exhaled, not even remembering the last time you had seen the German national. Since he arrived at Chelsea 2 years, you developed an unexpected friendship with the couple, with Kai being one of the only friends of Mason’s that you trusted. But since the end of your relationship and the way it happened it happened abruptly you shied away from anyone that knows him on a deeply personal level including his family, friends, and colleagues & unfortunately Kai went under that bracket. It wasn’t their fault, you knew that, and although cutting them out was unfair on their behalf you couldn’t handle hearing his name or how he had been without you, so you let any chance of that go!
“Then come... please!” Sophia begged, her blue eyes pleading with yours “It’s been months since you last let your hair down, you need this!” You knew she was right, even before your relationship ended you stopped going out to parties or events, of course not because you didn’t want to... because he didn’t want you to!
“I’m sorry, soph... I just don’t think I’m up for it, I’m not a party girl anymore...” Ignoring her gaze to stop her from reading your lie, you turned back towards your kitchen to continue what you were doing before she came to see you.
But not giving up she followed you, hot on your tail as a frustrated sigh fell from your lips “Oh please, (y/n)! You’ve never been a party girl...” ‘damn it..’ you thought, forgetting for a moment that she knew you better than anyone else “Enough with the excuses... you don’t want to see Mason do you?!?”
Your body froze as she spoke his name, the memories of that night flooding back into your mind, that word was forbidden in your world now... everyone that remained in your life from the clear-out knew that, but clearly, she didn’t care...
“Don’t say that name...” you glared at her, tears brimming your eyes as every message sent, every night he spoke lies to you, every time he came home smelling of a different girl came rushing back. You tried your best to move on from him, to be able to hear his name without wanting to break down on the floor. But when someone hurts you that badly, it wasn’t an overnight task...
“I’m sorry (y/nn) ...” Sophia sighed, immediately going up to you, wrapping her arms tight around you as you sobbed into her shoulder. She saw the permanent damage he did to you; you were a completely different girl than the welcoming one she met 2 years ago. You turned closed off, guard immediately up the second someone new walked into your life & it was all his doing!
Rubbing your arm gently till you calmed down, she sighed “I’m sorry for bringing him up lovely, but I’m right, aren’t I?” Not finding the words to say, you nodded, sniffling as you messily rubbed your face. “I don’t want to go back there...” You whimpered, exhausted eyes looking at her “I know if I see him again, I’ll fall... I don’t want to get hurt when I’m finally seeing my life without him...”
“He won’t hurt you anymore (y/n), I promise...”
“Not intentionally soph.” You sniffled “But he will, he always did..”
“When was the last time he called?” Sophia wearily asked, knowing that since you left Mason hadn’t been the same too, one of the perks of being a part of both of your lives. Of course, if she had to pick a side it would be yours without a doubt, he treated you like shit & if any man ever treated her that way, she would have done the exact same thing! But that didn’t mean she didn’t feel an ounce of pain for Mason, he was left in the dark, not given any clear explanation of why you left or any chance to explain... and if he deserved one was up to you!
 “Last night...” You whispered, “He said he wants to talk... that life is not the same anymore & he misses me” You acted like you couldn’t remember it as you briefly explained, but the truth was you knew the paragraph off by heart, reading the message over and over again until your tired eyes fell shut.
“Why don’t you try and come?” Sophia sighed changing the topic slightly as she noticed the tears coming back in your eyes “If you don’t feel like it you can leave... straight away! I’ll even drive you if you’d like. But you need this baby”
“I don’t know soph..” You muttered, closing your eyes as you put your head on her shoulder “What if he see’s me”
“Then I’ll lock him in a room!” She laughed, causing you to raise your eyebrow up in confusion “I’m being serious, I’ll distract him if he is already there when you arrive while you say a quick hi to Kai and then you can go into a different area... I’ll be on Mason; I mean ex watch until you want to leave!” A smile etched your lips at her thought-out plan, making you feel guiltier if you didn’t go...
“Okay, as in you’ll go or...?” Sophia spoke, the happiness clear in tone as you nodded your head “Yes soph, I’ll go!” You laughed, as her squeals echoed around the kitchen “As long as you promise to be on ex-watch!”
“I promise, I promise!” She screamed, jumping up from the kitchen floor as she jumped around “Omg Kai is going to be so happy, Thank you! Thank you!”
“I’m doing this for him though...” You mumbled, allowing her to pull you into the hug “Not anyone else!”
“I know lovely” She smiled “I know!”
You didn’t know how tonight would turn out if you’d even be able to step one foot in the club without wanting to run a thousand miles. But you knew it was needed for you to be one and truly moved on, it was the final step of freedom and fear you had to take!
After taking just under 2 hours to pick your outfit, you finally decided to do a classier clubbing look than sultry, you weren’t trying to find a man to hook up with in there so what was the point? Despite Sophia saying you should go more out; you decided on a pair of leather pants and lace cropped cami top hidden under your signature vanity jacket.
‘I’m here’ you sent to Soph as your taxi pulled up in front of the club you hadn’t stepped foot in for so long. There was one time when this place brought you joy, allowing you and Mason to let your hair down after a stressful week. But now it only brought you misery, another constant reminder of your past.
Once you got the all-clear to go in, you took the big step, instantly being hit with the smell of familiar alcohol and loud banging music you could never stand. After reading the text of where to find Kai again, you headed straight to the back of the VIP section, stopping a couple of times to say hi to old friends some of whom you haven’t seen since the breakup. You didn’t even need to find Kai, as you got spun around into a bear hug “Omg what the hell are you doing here!” He gasped, spinning you around in a hug as your laughter got drowned out by the music.
“I couldn’t miss your birthday could I!” You laugh, ignoring the fact that if it wasn’t for his stubborn girlfriend you would have.
“I should throw this at you, y’know?” Kai hissed playfully, lifting his glass of alcohol that was sure not his first of the night “How dare you cut me out like that? You broke up with Mason, not me!” You winced slightly as he spoke the dreaded name, of course, he wouldn’t know that.
“Look Kai I’m so sorry-” Before you could try and explain yourself, he wrapped his arm tight around you, silently telling you that he forgave you. “I know why you did (y/n)” he sighed, giving you a slight smile “I just wished you’d let me help you, I could have been there for you... what kind of friend am I if I’m not!”
“You’re here now...” You smiled, holding him tighter “That’s all that matters!” Your words gave him a small indication that you still weren’t hundred percent over Mason’s damage but not wanting to push you any further he just smiled. “You ready to party then tiny?” he smirked; the playful nickname he used so many times before instantly hit you with a warmth of familiarity. “Of course, I am king kai” You smirked back, grabbing a glass of wine that someone passed you “Let’s get this party started!”
What was supposed to be a quick exchange between you and the German international, turned into 3 hours of partying! Everyone watched in awe as you swallowed down drink after drink, half of them watching in the excitement that you were finally letting go of your past while the others watched in concern... those being the real friends!
“Right missus, that’s enough!” Sophia laughed pity, as she took your 7th cocktail out of your hand “I think it’s time we get you home, eh?” Ignoring her words your hand flew straight back for the drink “Please just one more drink then and we’ll go, please soph! I’m having fun!”
“How about some water then?” Kai quipped in, a glass of pure liquid already in his palm as he came to his girlfriend’s aid. Knowing that there was no way you were going to win an argument with Kai, you took the glass pouting as you swigged the water lightly. Soph guided you to a quieter part of the club, a room that didn’t have a soul in it much to her and your delight. “How about you stay here for a little bit?” She sighed, helping you down onto the couch in the corner of the room, wiping a lose thread of your hair that had fallen and stuck to your forehead.
“Where’s mase?” You mumbled quietly, not knowing what you were saying as the alcohol slowly began to show its effects. “He’s gone, lovely. Don’t worry about him, okay?” Soph knew she shouldn’t have lied; she should have told the truth that she lost his whereabouts just under an hour ago. But as you sat relaxed and at peace in front of her, she couldn’t ruin it for you.
“I’ll be right back (y/nn)” Sophia smiled as she sat up from next to you, breaking the comfortable silence “I’m just going to let Kai know, and then we’ll get you home safe and sound”
“Okie okay..” You sighed, feeling a little bit better now that you were by yourself in the cosy room. You didn’t know how but you didn’t feel that drunk, you knew you were, but you didn’t feel it... until your head began replaying flashes of memories, sweet memories that you had blocked out so long ago, ones that you thought you got rid of forever. Him coming to your house with roses on valentines, creating celebrations together, your first Christmas, your first kiss... they all came back!
Closing your eyes tight to try and stop the pain they caused, you whimpered “please, stop... please please stop!” But there was no use, they kept coming... the first time you moved into his house, him surprising you at your book launch, all the nights tangled together under the bed sheets, they wouldn’t stop coming.
Being a slight burden in your flashback, the door creaked open much to your delight, however, your eyes remained shut assuming it was just your best friend coming back for you, you yelped “Oh thank god! Soph, we need to go... I can’t stay here... I need to get out..”
Your eyes slowly opened as the room remained silent, an instant regret as you saw the figure standing there not belonging to Sophia, instead it belonged to the one person you wished it deeply wasn’t.
Your body froze as he continued to stare at you, not really knowing what to say as he equally didn’t expect you to be there. “(y/n)...” He whispered, not wanting to startle you even more than he has done as you stared blankly across from him as if you saw a ghost “Are you okay? Do I need to get anyone-”
“Get out...” You mumbled; voice just barely visible as your eyes looked anywhere but his “Please just go...”
“No (y/n), you need help, your shaking!” Mason interjected, walking closer to you “Please, talk to me!”
“Please just go...” You repeatedly whispered, unsure if you were speaking to yourself or him “I need you to go, just leave me alone like you always did... you know how to do it, so just go! Turn around and go!”
Shaking his head, he froze, you looked weak. Drunk. Heartbroken... & he was the cause of it all “I can’t leave you like this... just let me help you-“
“Did you just listen to anything I said!?!” You snapped, taking you both of guard as you shot up from the sofa, legs unsteady as a mixture of the alcohol you had drank and the man you killed from your mind in front of you “I don’t need you to help me! To pity me! I need you to leave me alone... get out of here! Get out of my mind! Just leave me to peace...!”
“I never meant to hurt you like this” Mason mumbled, walking even closer as his hand went to steady you but of course you flinched back. Memories of his own flooded back to him as he looked into your shattered eyes... the day he told you he loved you, the day he told his family that he found the one, the day when you first put your feelings aside and let the magnet pull you deeper. But of course, with those good ones came the bad... the first message he sent to a girl that wasn’t you, the first time his lips landed on a pair that wasn’t yours, the day he realised he fucked up when he came back to an empty house & that’s when he lost it, lost you... “I messed up, I was a complete idiot (y/n)! You didn’t deserve the way I treated you, I didn’t deserve you.” His own tears threatened to escape his eyes as he saw the damage he had caused by his reckless behaviour “I am not asking you to forgive me, I know you’d never be able to & I don’t blame you. But please let me help you now, let me take you home, let me get you someone, just please don’t push me away when you need me the most”
A scoff left your lips as you listened to words “You think I need you?!?” You snarled, eyes meeting his for the first time without tears in them, instead being filled with anger “ha, you actually think that I need you right now... I haven’t needed you since the day you lied to me Mason! When you pushed me out your life like a loaded gun. God, I haven’t needed you since you put your dick into a different slut every week, telling me there wasn’t anything to worry about while you were partying with you lads & whores! & After that! after all that you put through you think I still need you! Your deluded!”
“(y/n) ...” He tried to interrupt, but just as you were getting started you weren’t finished with your verbal attack just yet.
“Why did you do it?” You whispered, over the noise of your heavy breathing “Why did you ruin everything that built... everything we worked so hard for?”
“Please don’t do this...” Mason breathed out, turning away from you in hopes to block out your heavy but truthful words.
“Why?” You laughed sarcastically, the alcohol one and truly speaking “Is it too painful Mase... is it to hard to think that you, the angel in everyones lives, the man that everybody think is perfect broke me! All because you wanted to fit in with the crowd, become the stereotypical fuck boy footballer... cause that’s cool isn’t it?!? Cheating on your girlfriend every single night because you couldn’t keep it in your pants! Making her feel so worthless to the point she thought she had to change herself to a girl that deserved you! So go... please leave. Find the next girl that will fall for your bullshit and be her because I am not going to be that character in your fucked up tail ever again! I gave you a chance to live the life you wanted when I left and never came back... so now it’s your turn to leave! Go live it.”
“I don’t want it for god sake!” Mason cried tears of frustration as he walked towards you with anger, not with you but his self “I want you, I only ever want you. I messed up okay, I hurt you when I swore I wouldn’t... but please believe me when I say I loved you, I still fucking do... & You are right, I did want to fit in with my friends, I did think I want that life but I don’t anymore. I just want you... When you left my world broke because you weren’t in it... and I know I deserve to be feeling that way, but I also deserved an explanation of why! I could have changed for you; I would have changed”
There was one time when seeing him cry made your heart break but know all you did was pity him and not in the good way. “You wouldn’t have changed!” You said rolling your eyes “You would have just laughed in my face and told me another one of your bullshitting lies, but not anymore” Walking towards him, your had jabbed his chest like a dagger to his heart as your eyes displayed nothing but hatred “You did this to yourself. You caused this... not me, not your friends or the media... you! I gave you everything, my heart, my trust, my soul and what did I get in return... lies and empty promises!” Your tears mirrored each other’s as you looked into the eyes you once fallen in love with “You are bad man, Mason Tony Mount... one of the worst kind and there is no fixing that... so deal with the damage you not only did to me, but also yourself! Good luck...” Without another word you pushed past him, feeling sober all sudden as your legs carried you out of the club. Your frantic run and silent tears gathered the attention of soph and kai who didn’t hesitate to follow you. They didn’t have to be genius’s to know what had happened, they knew there was only one person who could do this to you!
It was Mason’s turn to see a ghost as you ran out that room, once again running out of his life and this time for permanent. You weren’t the same girl he left that night; you weren’t the girl he fell in love with just to break... that girl was gone, replaced with heartbreak and a wall so high that not even the best climbers in the world could reach the top.
But that’s what love does... it takes an innocent person, feeds them false realities and get them tangled into a web of lies, leaving them to be just a shell of what they use to be...
He couldn’t help but think of what could have been with the two of you... marriage? Kids? Growing old together? Still in love? But he ruined that. & the sad truth was you might have been still falling in love...
If he was a better man!
348 notes · View notes
teyvathandymenclub · 9 months
Midnight Dance - Kamisato Ayato (P.2)
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Story: You thought that you would not see him again. But he has different plans.
Characters: Kamisato Ayato
TW: N/A. It is just looong :P
In case you have not read it, you can find P.1 - HERE.
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Soft rays of the morning sun peak through your window as you try to find a comfortable position. You do not want to go to work, even though it is going to be for the last time. All eyes will be on you, and there is nothing that you dislike more. You would love to sleep in, but it is time to get ready.
“One last time.” You sigh as you try to jump over one of the many boxes that you packed last night.
But before you could even pour yourself a cup of water, a light knock on the door interrupts your morning.
“Hello, Miss.” A young man that took you home from the Kamisato event greets you with a bright smile. Maybe too bright for such an early hour. “My master asked me to deliver you a little surprise. He hopes that it finds you well and brings you some joy for your last day at work.”
“A surprise? Oh, thank you. What is it?” You frown as you try to guess what it possibly can be as he hands you a wide box. You spot a cream-colored envelope stuck under a beautiful silk ribbon tastefully wrapped around the mystery surprise.
“I will let you find out by yourself.”
With that, he smiles at you one last time and leaves, before you can ask him how on earth Ayato knows about what is happening in your life. Many nights have passed since you met with him. Tall, well-mannered, and charismatic man that you thought existed only in fairy tales. You felt like a princess. Even though it was only for one night. And then, nothing. No letter, not even one word. Now you are holding a gift from him. You don't know if you are more excited to find out what is in the box or simply because now you know that he didn't forget about you. You were not able to stop thinking about him. Ayato brought more excitement into your life in one night than you ever felt in your whole life. You were always busy helping people live their dreams, and there was just no time left for your needs. But that night, you felt like an only woman under the stars. With Ayato´s full attention. He didn't even have to do anything, standing by his side felt… Different. Special. 
You can't resist anymore and reach for the envelope.
Dear Y/N. 
I have heard you have decided to change your current employment and move. 
So many big changes all at once. One could say that you are trying to change your life. 
I would love to help you with that if you let me.
Your hands start shaking and your heart feels like jumping out of your chest. You are flattered, but how does he know all of this? You are confused, your head is spinning, but you cannot stop reading.
It would be my pleasure if you could spare some time and spend it with me tonight.
To make it as easy as possible, all you need to do is to let my dear friend take you to me. 
I have picked a little gift that, in my humble opinion, would compliment your beauty just perfectly. 
Eight in the evening. Hope to see you.
Yours Kamisato Ayato.
You hastily open the box where you find the most dreamy dress you have ever seen. The blue fabric is so light and airy it almost looks like a cloud. No, more like an ocean. Hundreds of small silver crystals are sewn in so precisely that they almost perfectly mimic ocean waves in the summer sun. You cannot help yourself and immediately try them on. The dress fits you perfectly. Does Ayato remember your size? You don't think about it too much, because you are mesmerized by your reflection in the mirror. You feel like a princess while twirling in the long skirt as sleeves flow around you. Now you own two of the most beautiful dresses and only thanks to a man that you barely know.
You could not stop thinking about him for the whole day. No matter what was going on around you at work, your head was full of ideas for styling your hair in the best way possible to compliment the beautiful neckline of the dress. What shoes to wear, what purse to take? You wanted to impress him, show him that he did the right thing to invite you to meet him. But… What does he want? Why all of a sudden so much attention? You tried to push these questions out of your mind. At least, for now.
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“Here we are!” Thoma stops in front of an elegant and very detailed iron gate.
It took you only a few minutes to walk here after he picked you up. 
“What a beautiful place. We are so close to my home and I didn't even know a place like this exists.” You say without taking your eyes off from your view. 
The small mountain behind a decorative gate is wrapped in soft golden rays of the slowly setting sun standing tall right in front of you. Tens, maybe even hundreds of lanterns line the curling path leading high up. You have to squint to see it properly, but after a moment, you realize that a spacious gazebo sits right on the top of the mountain like a crown.
“We are currently on private property and not many people have visited this place.” Says a familiar voice right behind you.
“Ayato!” You almost jump around his neck out of pure happiness, but you quickly compose yourself. There are too many guards around you and they might think that you are crazy.
Ayato´s face immediately brightens up. Without a word, he takes your hand and looks you right in the eyes as place a gentle kiss on the back of your hand.
“Would you walk with me?” Ayato asks after he thanks Thoma for his help. “I hope you have comfortable shoes, otherwise I would have to take you in my hands.”
“Of course.” You smile with a burning blush on your cheeks.
With him by your side, you take a short walk to the top of the mountain. You barely said a word. Feeling his body next to yours, his presence, and also his perfume, that you remember so well, was more than enough to make you happy. You felt content and hoped that Ayato felt the same way.
After a few minutes, you approach your destination. Gazebo sits almost on the edge of the mountain offering a breathtaking view of the ocean. Two men synchronously open flowing curtains on the gazebo and let you both in. Sun is almost gone as you sit at the wooden table with detailed carving all over it. A small group of staff starts to serve you your first meal while others light lanterns around you so you do not dine in the dark. Busy with many different dishes you do not have much time to talk. Your interaction boils to a simple, but heartfelt smile, light touches of your hands whenever you reach for food or a glass. As you finish your last course, you lean back to make yourself more comfortable. The Meals were delicious, but filling and in an ideal scenario, you would take a quick nap. Instead, you look at Ayato. He is looking right at you with a warm smile that radiates calmness and happiness. He reaches for your hand and holds it for some time while caressing the back of your hand with his thumb. Cicadas are singing their songs and waves are loudly washing the shores, but all you can hear is your blood rushing through your veins as your heart starts beating faster.
“Come with me.” Ayato finally says after a while. 
Without letting your hand go, he stands up and helps you to do the same. The sun is gone and your only source of light are the lanterns along the path. As you go down the mountain, your dress flows in the warm summer breeze that makes nearby trees dance in a monotone movement. 
“How do you feel?” Ayato asks quietly.
“Full, but very nice. Thank you.” 
Ayato can not help and laughs. You are pleased to see him like this.
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“Is that a cave?” You ask when he stops at the small hidden beach under the mountain with a barely visible entrance in the rock.
“A small lagoon, but yes. It is my safe place. Whenever I am overwhelmed with my duties, I come here. To meditate and compose myself. I wanted to show it to you because your life is probably exactly like that at the moment.”
“You are right. I meant to ask you… You know that I quit my job and I am moving. How? And… Why?”
“I have been keeping an eye on you. I know it is not a common practice. But it is part of my life…Keep an eye on people, that are important to me. I am sorry if it changed how you see me.”
“It has been two months since we last saw each other,” you argue.
“Yes, my dear. You remember correctly. I was thinking about you day and night. I couldn't get you out of my mind. I have seen many beautiful women on many of my travels, but for some reason, I have grown unexpectedly so fond of you… This has never happened to me.”
“You are flattering me, but I am afraid that I still do not understand why we are here.” you sight. “We have not seen each other for so long. And suddenly you invite me to a beautiful dinner after you never talked to me. And now you confessed to spying on me.”
“I am not proud of this approach, trust me. But before I was able to take further steps I had to take care of some not-so-pleasant business before I could even think about pursuing you.”
“Why are you talking to me in riddles?” 
“Here, come with me.” Ayato offers you his hand and takes you to the entrance of the lagoon. 
You watch him as he starts to take his shoes and cape off. You do not know what to do, because if you strip your dress you would be naked. Ayato helps you without a word to take off your shoes as well and slowly takes you into the water.
“I can not. Swimming in clothes is not safe, especially in this kind of dress.” you stop to talk some sense into him.
“I will keep an eye on you like on the most precious treasure in the world. Do you trust me?”
Without a word, you lightly nod telling yourself that you are making a big mistake.
Slowly, one step at a time you go deeper and deeper into the water. Once the water gets too deep for you to reach the ground, you look at him and after his encouraging smile, you start swimming into the darkness of the cave.
After what feels like an eternity you stop. “I do not think I can go further. I am scared.”
“That is ok. Come to me. We are here.” 
Ayato´s voice fills you with calmness. As you swim closer to him, he takes you in his embrace.
“One hand here, other one here,” he says as you wrap your hands around his neck.
Same thing with your legs wrapped around his waist. 
“Perfect.” Ayato smiles, you can hear it in his voice.
“I do not mean to sound rude or ungrateful, but this would be one of the most romantic moments of my life if I could at least see in your face.”
After a moment or two of him not telling a single word, you get nervous. Did you just insult him in some way?
“I was just joking…”
“Shhhh.” Ayato gently silences you.
And then it happened. The water under you starts slowly moving.
“No! Something is moving! Please…” you scream scared to death.
“It's ok. I am here.” Ayato calms you down and rests one of his hands on the back of your neck. 
The water current gets a little faster as bubbles start to rise and tickle your bare skin. You look down and spot a soft light rising to the surface. Ayato wraps you closer to him as he feels your body tremble a little bit.
“You said you wanted to see me,” he whispers.
“Ayato? Is it you? Are you doing this?”
He lets you without an answer so you keep watching the underwater spectacle. Light gets closer and more prominent. Angelfish. The light is coming from dozens of fish swimming under you. Water keeps dancing around you and waves make your dress flow and sparkle. You are mesmerized.
“I feel like a mermaid.” you smile and laugh. You let yourself loose to see your hands and legs flowing with waves in this water dance.
“No, my dear.” Ayato pulls you back to him. “You are a goddess. And all mine.”
With that, he kisses you. One hand on your lower back and the other on the back of your head, 
“This neck of yours I have been admiring the whole night. With your hair put up like this, I feel it has been begging me to kiss it.”
Your body freezes even though it feels like it is boiling. His lips do not leave out one inch of your skin. From your collarbone to your jaw. From your jaw to your lips. Ayato takes your chin and raises it so you can reach him too. The more you feel him on your lips the more you want him.
“I can't.” he suddenly pulls away.
“What's wrong?”
“I can not get enough of you. Just imagine… I am lost in a desert and you are my water.” Ayato sights. “I thought that one kiss will be enough for me until our next time together. But…”
“What about me? I can not let you leave me for months again.”
“Trust me, I would have you by my side night and day if it would be this simple.”
Before you can object, loud noises from outside interrupts you.
“We need to go. Immediately.” Ayato starts swimming as fast as he possibly can while holding you.
When you finally get out, Ayato´s soldiers are gathered near the beach. He wraps you in his coat and heads to them to gather information about what is going on.
“What happened?” you get to Ayato after most of his soldiers left.
“I just found out that we have been accompanied the whole night by a spy of a rivaling clan.” Ayato frowns. “I can not leave you alone anymore. They would kill you.”
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tolkiens-middleearth · 4 months
Topics & Themes in Tolkien’s Legendarium
The Perilous Realm
“Stories that are actually concerned primarily with ‘fairies,’ that is with creatures that might also in modern English be called ‘elves,’ are relatively rare, and as a rule not very interesting. Most good ‘fairy-stories’ are about the adventures of men in the Perilous Realm or upon its shadowy marches.” – J. R. R. Tolkien. On Fairy Stories.
Tolkien called it the Perilous Realm, Faery or Faërie, and for me these words represent one of the most fascinating theme in Tolkien’s Legendarium. It is both a narrative and a world-building element that can be found in all his major Middle-earth stories and is in a way essential for understanding Tolkien’s approach to his own created world.
Yet I feel it rarely gets talked about, so I want to briefly highlight what it is, how it functions in the narrative, and give a few examples from various stories. Unfortunately can’t go into a deep analysis because doing so would require me to write a book – which I would love to, but I don’t have the time or qualification). Quote sources and further reading recommendations are given at the end.
 ��It is common in Fairy tales for the entrance to the fairy world to be presented as a journey underground, into a hill or mountain or the like. [...] My symbol is not the underground, whether necrological and Orphic or pseudo-scientific in jargon, but the Forest […].” – J. R. R. Tolkien. “Smith of Wooton Major” essay.
The core of this theme is the mortal wanderer who comes to or crosses the borders of Faërie, the land of fairies or elves. This idea has been part of legends and myths for a long time, one of the most prominent examples probably being the island of Avalon in the Arthurian legend. Depending on the story, Faërie can occupy a different time and space than our own world, or share the same space or time “in different modes”. Getting into Faërie is not always possible and many things can stop someone from entering: it may be completely inaccessible, it may be hidden and people have to find it, or it may be accessible only to those who know the secret on how to enter it. Once you are there, it may be difficult to leave, or it may take some time. Being there could turn out to be dangerous, but it also doesn’t necessarily have to be. Tolkien wrote that “in it are pitfalls for the unwary and dungeons for the overbold”.
In The Lord of the Rings, there are many examples of such a realm, some barely noticeable and some very clear and detailed.
It starts subtle when Frodo, Sam and Pippin meet Gildor and his Elves near Woodhall. It is no specific realm that they enter, but just wandering with the Elves already lets the Hobbits experience something they are not used to. They have trouble finding words for it afterwards or remembering it clearly, with Tolkien describing it that for Pippin it felt like he was in a waking dream. The next example is then already more direct: the four Hobbits enter the Old Forest. This time it really is perilous for them, they get lost and cannot find a way out. Tolkien describes it as follows:
“They began to feel that all this country was unreal, and that they were stumbling through an ominous dream that led to no awakening.”
Frodo almost falls asleep near an enchanting river, Merry and Pippin almost die. Without the help of an unexpected inhabitant of this forest, they never would have gotten out.
Reaching Rivendell is another less clear example. Rivendell itself is easier accessible than the Old Forest and less perilous for the Hobbits. But reaching it also includes a river, a river that is under Elrond’s command and that rises “in anger when [Elrond] has great need to bar the Ford”.  And within Rivendell, Frodo experiences another kind of “Faërian Drama” as Tolkien calls it: the stories and songs told in Rivendell hold him “in a spell”, and “the enchantment became more and more dreamlike” until in the end Frodo falls asleep once more. Bilbo comments that it’s difficult to stay awake “until you get used to it”.
The most prominent example is of course Lothlórien, a land of Elves that is rarely visited by mortal beings and where the flow of time is indeed different than that in the outside world. It’s also well defended against wanderers, and both in the world and the narrative the fellowship has to pass through: there are guards at the boarders that have to be convinced, there is a river that has to be crossed, a hidden path that has to be taken blindfolded. Tolkien is in no rush to get the fellowship to Galadriel – the reader, together with the wanderers, have to experience this journey.
The purest form of this theme in The Lord of the Rings is, of course, Frodo and Bilbo leaving for the island Tol Eressëa at the end of the story. It is the longest journey into Faërie, a journey that only a few are allowed to take and that you won’t come back from. Tol Eressëa is no longer in the space of the human world, and it’s very telling that Tolkien named the haven on the eastern shore on the island Avallónë.
More examples can be found in Tolkien’s other stories, and I will mention them less detailed when talking about the actual centre of the theme:
„It seemed to [Frodo] that he had stepped through a high window that looked on a vanished world. A light was upon it for which his language had no name. All that he saw was shapely, but the shapes seemed at once clear cut, as if they had been first conceived and drawn at the uncovering of his eyes, and ancient as if they had endured forever.” – J. R. R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings.
All of Tolkien’s major stories have one thing in common: they have someone human at the core who is unfamiliar with Faërie and able to experience it as new and from an outside perspective.
In The Hobbit it is Bilbo who stumbles into a world he is not prepared for at all, and while it is less clearly shown in the narrative of a children’s book, the journey of Bilbo and the Dwarves clearly show signs of this theme – a dangerous forest, an enchanted river, a white deer, and Elven fires that suddenly vanish.
For The Lord of the Rings I have shown above that all four Hobbits experience this in one way or another, although Frodo is probably the one given the most focus.
“This is a history in brief drawn from many older tales; for all the matters that it contains were of old, and still are among the Eldar of the West, recounted more fully in other histories and songs. But many of these were not recalled by Eriol, or men have again lost them since his day. This Account was composed first by Pengolod of Gondolin, and Aelfwine turned it into our speech as it was in his time, adding nothing, he said, save explanations of some few names.” – J. R. R. Tolkien. Quenta Silmarillion.
The Quenta Silmarillion is a different type of story, so here the theme also takes a different form: it’s not a narrative as The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings and more a historical chronicle in style. It’s written as such, but also given the corresponding context: when Tolkien was first writing the Book of Lost Tales and later the Quenta Silmarillion, the framework he had built for it was that of a mortal men coming to Tol Eressëa and learning of these past events. The one wandering into the Perilous Realm is Eriol or Ælfwine, listening to the stories of the Elves and writing them down for other humans to read. When Tolkien eventually started writing The Lord of the Rings, he was able to change his framing story. There was no longer a need for Ælfwine to reach Tol Eressëa to learn about these tales – now it’s Bilbo who wrote it down in three volumes called “Translations from the Elvish” that he had added to his private diary when he handed it over to Frodo.
This concept applies to the Quenta Silmarillion as a whole, but the main three stories within the Quenta Silmarillion still have a similar mortal visitor as The Hobbit or The Lord of the Rings. In Beren and Lúthien, it’s the mortal Beren who wanders into the Elven Kingdom Doriath and gets enchanted when he sees Lúthien dancing and singing. In the Children of Húrin, it’s Túrin who enters Doriath as well, but also the Elven Kingdom Nargothrond. Both times, Túrin is unable to find the entrance himself; he is lead there by Elven guides – first Beleg, then Gwindor. And in the Fall of Gondolin, Tuor is led by an Elven guide to through many gates under a mountain to the Elven Kingdom Gondolin – one of the rarer cases of a "journey underground, into a hill or mountain".
And even the Akallabêth incorporates this theme, although in a different way than the previous stories. The story of the Fall of Númenor is about wanting to go to Faërie, and not being allowed to. There are other aspects to this as well of course, but looking at it with this theme in mind, that is the core of the story. Ar-Pharazôn is the mortal man who desires to reach Faërie, but when he tries to get there by force it ends in his death.
The mortal visitor as the protagonist in their story is essential for this theme to work. To experience Faërie as a visitor, to enter a “dream that some other mind is weaving” in such a way, it is a uniquely mortal experience that the reader could imagine to have, but that the immortal Elves can almost never share – after all they create their realms, they are the creator of a dream that the mortal wanderer, Tolkien as the writer, and we as the reader are dreaming.
“Faërie contains many things besides elves and fays, and besides dwarfs, witches, trolls, giants, or dragons: it holds the seas, the sun, the moon, the sky; and the earth, and all things that are in it: tree and bird, water and stone, wine and bread, and ourselves, mortal men, when we are enchanted.” – J. R. R. Tolkien. On Fairy Stories.
The immortal creators are not irrelevant of course, although they cannot be the centre of any story about wandering into the Perilous Realm. The outsider experience, essential for this theme, cannot come from the one living inside the Perilous Realm. The inhabitants in Tolkien’s stories are Elves most of the time – near Woodhall, in Rivendell, Lóthlorien, Mirkwood, Gondolin, Doriath and Nargothrond. But they are of course not the only creators of such realms. Dwarves come in and out of these stories, and in the case of the Old Forest the implication is that Old Man Willow is the main force behind the spell:
“His grey thirsty spirit drew power out of the earth and spread like fine root-threads in the ground, and invisible twig-fingers in the air, till it had under its dominion nearly all the trees of the Forest from the Hedge to the Downs.”
And of course the Valar and Maiar have their part in the story. Especially Tol Eressëa and Valinor are mainly built by the Valar, and in Middle-eath the magical boundaries of Doriath were set by Melian. In moments where Fëarie is not solely or not at all made by the Elves, they may enter the dream of another mind as well. It happened when the Elves first came to Valinor, and a more personal example is Thingol meeting Melian for the first time, where “an enchantment fell on him” in which he was caught for years without moving. This is only possible, however, when Elves meet someone with a creative power far greater than them – one of the Maia or above is required.  
However, this was never Tolkien’s focus. In Tolkien’s stories, the Perilous Realm is often a place inhabited by the Fair Folk – but I have also mentioned that sometimes Faërie exists in another mode. Throughout the examples given, dreams have been an important element of the experience of Faërie, and it’s one that Tolkien also thought a lot about. In our own world, we cannot reach Faërie in our space, but it may be approachable in another mode – through dreams. This becomes especially apparent in his texts The Lost Road and The Notion Club Papers, and it was also a part of how Tolkien saw his own relationship with his work: a mortal entering a dream of Faërie.  
There are many aspects of this that I haven’t touched on, and that I would love to explore or discuss. There is for example the case of Frodo, a mortal who has been in touch with something that belongs into the world of Faërie, that he cannot properly come back: when coming back to the Shire, Marry comments on how it feels like a dream is slowly fading, like he is waking up. Frodo however says: “To me it feels more like falling asleep again.” Already, it is clear he can never fully return.
Then there is the case of reversing the idea of Faërie in the case of Túrin – he is trying to bring Nargothrond closer to the outside world so that he can use its force in war. In return, he makes it accessible and the kingdom falls. In general, it’s a fascinating thing to see Túrin’s relationships with the Perilous Realms.  
Or if we talk about dreams, what about the nightmares? Is Mordor basically an anti-Faërie, inhabited by Orcs instead of Elves, where the path leads through a spider lair instead of over a river, and where any mortal being can only end up as a corrupted slave if they stay there for too long?
What about including such an essential theme in adaptations? In Peter Jackson’s The Lord of the Rings movies, flawed as they may be at times, the experience of Faërie through the eyes of the Hobbits is notable – especially in Rivendell and Lóthlorien. Meanwhile in Amazon’s The Rings of Power, this theme is completely absent and the Elven realms in Middle-earth have no more mystery than a Harfoot camp or a random human village in the South.  
I hope I get to explore this theme more, I’ve been eager for month to write at least a tiny bit about it and it’s already way too long for tumblr again. But there are other themes that are also very interesting, so we’ll see how it’ll go…
If you have read up to here to the end I would like to thank you for your time and attention – both is much appreciated!
On Fairy Stories, an essay by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Smith of Wootton Major, by J. R. R. Tolkien.
The Lost Road, fragments by J. R. R. Tolkien.
The Notion Club Papers, fragments by J. R. R. Tolkien.
Faërie: Tolkien’s Perilous Land, an essay by Verlyn Flieger.
A Question of Time, by Verlyn Flieger.
J. R. R. Tolkien. On Fairy Stories.
J. R. R. Tolkien. The Lord of the Rings.
J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien. The Silmarillion.
J. R. R. Tolkien; edited by Veflyn Flieger. Smith of Wootton Major ‘Extended Edition’, Smith of Wootton Major essay.
J. R. R. Tolkien, edited by Christopher Tolkien. The Lost Road and other Writings, Quenta Silmarillion.
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aspoonofsugar · 1 year
RWBY in Wonderland
So happy about the new volume starting! Here are some thoughts on the episode, the opening and some fairy tale references that are popping up everywhere. Probably what many other people are thinking already, but still...
The opening lyrics confirm to me 2 things I have been thinking for a while.
Ruby's arc strongly foils Oscar's and this volume would probably tackle their similarities when it comes to struggling with growing up and finding their own identity.
Inside A new me, I'm ready But who will I find? Inside I've gotta let go but could I lose my mind?
Who will you see? There in the darkness When no one is watching Who will you be? When you're afraid And everything changes Will you see a stranger? Feel proud or betrayed?
They have an outside/inside motif, after all. Ruby starts focused on the outside and is forced now to look inside, while Oscar initially struggles with his interiority to the point he is introduced literally talking with his other self (Oz) and is slowly opening up to the outside. Oscar and Ozpin are also the ones, who bring out The Girl Who Fell Through the World's fairy tale by giving it opposite spins. So, this juxtaposition between Ruby and Oscar is not surprising. In the past volumes (vol 6 - 7 - 8) Ruby has struggled on how to be a leader and Oscar has struggled with who he is. Right now, they may start tackling the other's conflict. Curious to see how it will play out in the story as a whole.
This volume is probably going deep into the characters' interiority and I am fully expecting The Ever After to mirror this. After all, the meaning of the song is rather clear, we are diving INSIDE to discover who the characters are and who are going to become. The world, which is clearly magical and unknown, should mirror this struggle:
Inside Our worlds unwind
Now, I don't know if it is going to be because the world has some magical property to bring to life the characters' fears and dreams (which would fit with the theme of Creation) or if there is going to be some other explanation that links the Ever After to the Gods and to the hidden Lore of Remnant. In any case, I am rather open to everything, but I think looking at the wonderland characters and world through the lens of what they can tell us about RWBYJN's personality is worth doing.
This also fits the Alice's inspiration for this volume because both Alice's books end with the protagonist waking up and "decoding" a dream:
Now, Kitty, let’s consider who it was that dreamed it all. This is a serious question, my dear, and you should not go on licking your paw like that—as if Dinah hadn’t washed you this morning! You see, Kitty, it must have been either me or the Red King. He was part of my dream, of course—but then I was part of his dream, too! Was it the Red King, Kitty? You were his wife, my dear, so you ought to know—Oh, Kitty, do help to settle it! I’m sure your paw can wait!’ But the provoking kitten only began on the other paw, and pretended it hadn’t heard the question. Which do you think it was? Alice Through the Looking Glass
The long grass rustled at Alice's sister feet as the White Rabbit hurried by--the frightened Mouse splashed his way through the neighbouring pool--she could hear the rattle of the teacups as the March Hare and his friends shared their never-ending meal, and the shrill voice of the Queen ordering off her unfortunate guests to execution--once more the pig-baby was sneezing on the Duchess's knee, while plates and dishes crashed around it--once more the shriek of the Gryphon, the squeaking of the Lizard's slate-pencil, and the choking of the suppressed guinea-pigs, filled the air, mixed up with the distant sobs of the miserable Mock Turtle.
So she sat on, with closed eyes, and half believed herself in Wonderland, though she knew she had but to open them again, and all would change to dull reality--the grass would be only rustling in the wind, and the pool rippling to the waving of the reeds--the rattling teacups would change to tinkling sheep-bells, and the Queen's shrill cries to the voice of the shepherd boy--and the sneeze of the baby, the shriek of the Gryphon, and all thy other queer noises, would change (she knew) to the confused clamour of the busy farm-yard--while the lowing of the cattle in the distance would take the place of the Mock Turtle's heavy sobs. Alice's Adventures in Wonderland
As you can see, wonderland and the glass world are dreams, even if it is really unclear who the dreamer really is :P. Speaking of grass rustling, this line kind of reminds me of:
The leaves of the tree rustled and on the wind she heard one more question...
The grass rustling helps her sister to enter Alices's dream and to understand it, while the tree might help the characters to better decompress everything that has been going on. So that they can grow and heal.
Speaking of the tree, there is an interesting tidbit in Alice in Wonderland:
She noticed that one of the trees had a door leading right into it. “That’s very curious!” she thought. “But everything’s curious today. I think I may as well go in at once.” And in she went.
Once more she found herself in the long hall, and close to the little glass table. “Now, I’ll manage better this time,” she said to herself, and began by taking the little golden key, and unlocking the door that led into the garden. Then she went to work nibbling at the mushroom (she had kept a piece of it in her pocket) till she was about a foot high: then she walked down the little passage: and then—she found herself at last in the beautiful garden, among the bright flower-beds and the cool fountains.
Alice's main objective in the book is to enter a beautiful garden full of red roses and eventually she manages through a door found in a tree. I think the metaphor is clear, the Tree will lead Ruby and the others home both physically and psychologically since it will help them discover who they are.
There are many and everyone is being catching up to them quicker than me. Here are some I found:
The Girl Who Fell Through the World is a line from the novel Alice's Adventures in Wonderland itself
The Dodo is a reference to Carroll himself, since Alice meets a Dodo, who alludes to him
At the beginning of the story Alice almost drowns in the pool of tears and then meets a mouse, but offends him by mentioning her cat. Here Ruby starts crying, which leads to rain, but then she befriends Little and scares them off by talking about Blake (a cat).
The Jabber Walker alludes to the Jabberwocky, which I love so far because it is not a character in the story of Alice, but rather a poem, with no clear meaning. So, it is beautiful they rendered them as a mysterious creature, who is difficult to understand when they speak. I also wonder if they have something to do with Yang since she is introduced fighting them and she even fights them in the trailer, as well. Moreover, the Jabberwocky's poem mentions the monster having eyes of flame, so...
The world being organized in neat sections reminds me of Through the Looking Glass, where Alice finds herself on a giant chessboard, playing a game to become Queen.
Speaking of Queens and Kings, it seems we are gonna have a red King, who plays chess, which kinds of combines the Queen of Hearts and the Red Queen. Moreover, he cracks in the trailer, so I wonder if he may reference Humpty Dumpty, as well:
Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall Humpty Dumpty had a great fall all the king's horses and all the king's men Couldn't put Humpty together again.
You're heading for a fall And you're nearing the end Like a house made of straw No one's putting you together again
This would be interesting because chess + theme of falling = the Atlas Arc and Ironwood. I wonder if the play of chess would be a chance for Ruby to metaphorically face what went down in Atlas.
Then we have some obvious ones, like the caterpillar, the cat, the mushrooms (which in Alice can make you become big or small), Neo as the Mad Hatter and Jaune as a combination of the Hare from Wonderland and the White Knight from Through the Looking Glass.
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I adore her design! It has immediately become one of my favourites in the whole series!
Secondly, I really like @greenteaandtattoos idea she might allude both to Alice herself and to the White Rabbit, since she has a rabbit motif and the characters are shown running after her shadow and looking for her:
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In general, the opening seems to be setting Ruby, Neo and Jaune as foils to Alyx.
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Alyx's silouette overlaps with Ruby's and especially Neo's (after all, grinning Ruby may also be Neo tbh) several times and she has a golden rabbit patch, which resembles Jaune's new Hare friend:
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Jaune seems to combine the Knight Imagery (the White Knight from Alice Through the Looking Glass) with the March Hare (a mad hare from Alice in Wonderland). This is interesting because it is as if the story is asking Jaune to reconcile his different parts. His persona (the Knight) with his shadow (the Hare).
I know I failed so many times Drown my troubles hid my mind Buried everything in hundred proof A skillful coward hides the truth so well
Ren: Him (Jaune) on the other hand… There's no fear at all. I can see it, he believes we're going to get this done.
Is he brave or is he a coward? And can he be both?
The Mad Hatter (Neo) and the March Hare (Jaune) are also linked symbolically, as in Alice in Wonderland they are 2 jokes on the idea of madness. Hatters used to lose their mind because they used mercury in their job, while hares go crazy in the month of March because of hormones. Here, I think it might enforce Neo and Jaune's foiling:
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They are both going mad out of grief, but they go at it in opposite ways. Jaune is probably interiorizing and blaming himself, while Neo is externalizing and blaming Ruby. I am interested to see how they will influence the story, especially since they might move independently from the group, at least for a little while. Neo is RWBY's enemy, while RWBY have no idea Jaune has fallen too.
This might be a giant red herring, but the opening might give us some hints on the order the characters are gonna explore the different settings.
They started from the beach and are probably gonna move to this market while proceding to the Red King's area:
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This market is probably where they are gonna meet the Knight, since the trailer shows there Jaune's feet while riding a Hare (obvs I am considering Jaune=Knight, but I might be wrong). It seems to be also where the Racoon and the Blacksmith woman are.
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Here is where they are gonna meet the King and play chess with him. WBY are gonna be small for the chess game. Also the market town and the Red King's Kingdom seems to be in the same place:
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The red buildings are the same of the market town, after all. This place also reminds me of the Forever Fall forest, which is interesting. In general, the characters moving from yellow to red makes sense considering alchemy. They are currently in the yellow phase, but are approaching the red phase, which I think will be Vacuo.
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The mushroom forest is where the caterpillar is. Also, in Alice in Wonderland the mushrooms are able to help Alice control her size, so I wonder if WBY are gonna go back to normal here... or if they are gonna be miniaturized again... This area is also where this lake with the lotus building seems to be:
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Finally, there is this place in the clouds, which resembles the Central Meeting Point of volume 8, in concept:
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Here is where the bridge scene is probably gonna play out. Again, them being in the sky makes sense given they need to reach air through fire in alchemy.
Obviously, there might still be more locations and we don't know where Ruby is gonna find Penny's sword or where the shining globe is (maybe the Blacksmith's woman's house? No idea). In general, it is also possible they might find themselves stuck in circles at one point... After all, the opening ends back on the beach, where Alyx wakes up to start her journey once again... and where Crescent Rose is found:
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We had already seen the majority of it thanks to clips, but there are still many interesting moments!
Little is clearly meant to be Ruby's mirror and it is interesting so much focus is put on them being innocent and young. They still don't know who they are, but this means they can take their time to discover it. This is something Ruby seems to have forgotten. In general, Little is very similar to volume 1 Ruby. They see a person in pain and want to help, after all. It is also interesting, they are already considering Ruby their personal hero, since she takes out the cheese for them. The relationship between Little and the Cat is also going to be interesting.
Yang and Ruby's interaction is great. I think their relationship should be in focus. Yang should move from Ruby to Blake symbolically, which would be better also for her and Ruby, since the balance in their sisters' relationship is changing.
I am curious if Blake and Weiss are gonna be foiled this volume, since they are introduced together. I don't have many thoughts on this, though, so far.
It is interesting Blake is the one, who points out they may be in a fairy tale. As someone already noticed, it is an inversion from volume 1. There Ruby was the idealistic one, while Blake was a prisoner of her own cynism. It seems their journey has led them in opposite positions now. It would be interesting to reread their stories through this foiling.
The mysterious woman opens the volume and I wonder if we will discover who she is at the end. Just like Salem starts the series and she is revealed to be a character in volume 3. Wouldn't it be interesting if the woman is indeed Summer and she is revealed alive at the end of this volume? As a way to introduce us to the Vacuo story arc?
Finally, this is not an episode thought, but the opening also seems to set the Jabber Walker and the Knight as foils somehow... I wonder what this means for Jaune and the other characters...
This is it, for now. I have other thoughts on Neo's allusion to Trivia/Hecate, but they are pure speculation, as for now, so they will have to wait!
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yssa3002 · 27 days
Roundtable Presentation: The Musical Will Be Televised - Schmigadoon!
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Schmigadoon! (Cinco Paul & Ken Duario) is a rom-com musical about two New York doctors attempting to strengthen their relationship, and get swept into a magical land (Schmigadoon) where everyday is a musical. The only way out of this magical land is to find true love.
How does the series use dual-focus narrative as a strategic storytelling tool beyond heteronormative romantic pairings? 
Though the show is about a heteronormative romantic pairing (Melissa (Cecily Strong) and Josh (Keegan Micheal-Key)) who have been dating for four years, the show takes a bit of a turn that could possibly challenge this idea. In the first episode, they realize there must not be true love if they can't leave Schmigadoon, so they decide to breakup and find true love elsewhere. In this way, Melissa and Josh aren't portrayed as a romantic pairing, but as two people trying to learn about what it means to love separately.
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The two embark on their journeys to find love while they're trapped in Schmigadoon, their experiences parallel to one another in many ways. This part of the show made me think of Robynn Stilwell's article, “Dual-Focus Strategy in a Serial Narrative: Smash, Nashville, and the Television Musical Series", when they wrote, "The dramatic expositions are based on an alternation of male and female, complementary actions that make the characters’ meeting and eventual pairing seem “inevitable" (Stilwell 384). As the show is a musical we can expect, as the audience, that it will be a happy ending for Josh and Melissa. Their separation creates a time where they can learn about their true feelings for one another only after enduring the necessary events that will lead to their "eventual pairing".
What are the “inevitable” couplings within the series and how are they accentuated through “cinematic” similarities and contrasts? 
In the first two episodes, there are two clear couples, Josh and Betsy (Dove Cameron), and Melissa and Danny (Aaron Tveit). These couples are "inevitable" in respect to the short term, as of course the long term inevitable is the reunion of Josh and Melissa.
In the first episode, Danny makes a comment upon Josh and Melissa's arrival in town about letting Melissa ride free in the Love Tunnel (a carnival ride), foreshadowing their eventual attraction to one another. This is furthered in the musical number, "You Can't Tame Me" sung by Danny that implies that she will in fact "tame" him. Later on in episode two, Melissa sings "Enjoy the Ride (Part I)" where she talks about having always played it safe with love, which contrasts with Danny's character being described as a bit of a "bad boy".
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Josh and Betsy's coupling is first hinted at in the first episode when she laughs at something Josh says--that wasn't funny-- and strokes his arm while he and Melissa are ordering breakfast. In the second episode, after he and Melissa have broken up, Josh bids on Betsy's basket after she, quite seductively, insists that he do. Betsy's almost "temptress-like" character is heightened by the red color palette of her costume (bows, dress, lips, and nails). This is furthered in the musical number, "Enjoy the Ride (Part II)", where she sends mixed messages concerning her desires while on a picnic with Josh.
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How does the series use musical numbers within and beyond the narrative world to replicate fairy tale, backstage, or folk musicals? 
This series reminded me of fairy tale musicals and folk musicals. In fairy tale musicals we see common tropes such as the passive female waiting for her prince, and similarity we see this sort of manifest in Schmigadoon as well. The town of Schmigadoon is one that abides by the laws of God, and employs more traditional views on marriage and gender roles. For example, "Where a man can dream dreams so big and wide/And a gal can be ever by his side" are lyrics in the musical number "Schmigadoon!". From this song, we can get a better idea of the town's social structure.
However, the musical number "Somewhere Love is Waiting For You" sung by Mayor Menlove (Alan Cumming) challenges the fairy tale trope of female passivity. The songs talks about finding love, and pursuing it rather than waiting for it to happen to you.
As far as the show's similarity to folk tales, I thought it was especially reminiscent of white musicals. Not only is the plot focused on love and happiness outside of the workspace, but it also utilizes utopianism/escapism. At the beginning of the show, Josh and Melissa are shown at work, which is filmed with greyed and more dull colors and tones. They then leave the workspace, and enter a magical land very detached from the real world where they must find true love. In the song "Schmigadoon" shown below describes the town and how it is "the most beautiful, wonderful, magical place of all" where their motto "We always strive for peace and happiness". This follows the expectations of the white musical, as the two leads will eventually get their happy ending where something (true love) has been accomplished.
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siempre-bucky · 2 years
Hi! Blurb night sounds like so much fun. How about Bob + "visit an antique book story, choose books for each other to read" because I think that might actually be a dream date of mine? Hope you're having a good day!
Bob Floyd x Reader
Summary: it was a tradition to get 2 books from old bookstores: one to read now, one to read while he was on a mission. He always picks the best for you.
wc: 865
a/n: this was so fucking cute!! It gives me so many soft!bob vibes. I loved this, thank you for requesting my dear!!
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“How did you find this place?” you marveled as your eyes scanned the exterior. It looked like one of those old black and white photos with the edges torn and back spots littering the image…it jumped right out of the early 1900s. Bob looked over at you with a shy smile, his hands tucked into the pockets of his shorts. 
“Google,” he said proudly with a nod of his head. 
You giggled and turned to him at the exact moment he pushed up his glasses with his pointer finger. It was something so simple and to him, it was a necessity but it never failed to make you smile like a schoolgirl. “Two books?” you questioned as you walked to the door. Bob nodded and pulled on the door handle, letting you walk in first. 
The inside was as beautiful as the outside, it looked old in the most mesmerizing way. The old dark wood interior was contrasted with gold picture frames and chandeliers. “One to read now and one to read while I’m gone,” he told you softly, gently holding your wrist and placing a kiss on the back of your hand. 
It was something you two did often before he went away for deployments and special detachments. Go to a new bookstore and get two books for one another, one to read to each other after dinner and one two read in your own time while he was away. With one last kiss on your hand, he let you go and disappeared in between the tall rows of books. “I’ll see you in a minute,” fell from his lips before he was out of sight. 
You smiled to yourself and walked up the stairs, letting your hand feel the cold metal of the golden handrail. People underestimate Bob, but God he was a good date planner. Going out with him always made you feel special and warm even if it was just to the bookstore. He always chose small older stores: quiet, more intimate. You could still feel his calming presence from the other side of the store. 
 Your fingertips traced the old spines of the well taken care of books. There was a black one, and when you pulled it from the shelf, the cover was the most beautiful shade of purple suede. Grimm’s Fairy Tales. Why give him one story when he could have dozens while at sea? Tucking it under your arm, you began to hunt for your second book. Your head swiveled side to side, trying to take it all in, the smell of the books making you hum in delight. 
Looking over the railing, you spot Bob talking to the shop owner who was ducked down and opening up the glass case filled with really old books. He looked up, dazzling blue eyes meeting yours, his dark blond hair shining in the overhead light. Bob’s thin lips turned up in a crooked smile, one book tucked under his arm while he waved at you. 
You waved in return, heat rising to your cheeks. You had the thought almost every day—how did I get this lucky to get you? Your second find was not that hard, it was a classic that he read to you multiple times but you never once got tired of hearing its contents in his lightly accented voice. 
“Found everything, my love?” he asked as you rejoined him downstairs. You nodded and placed your book on the counter. His eyes opened wide and his smile lifted as he saw your book selections. “I love that book,” he chuckled. 
You leaned in and placed your head on his shoulder, “I know,” you giggled, “I love when you read it to me.” Scanning the counter he had his book, one was a simple forest green cover but it was the other one that caught your attention. The book was covered by a red cloth, tied with a gold string. 
“What’s that one?” you asked as he wrapped his arm around your waist. 
“You’ll find out after I ship out,” he said vaguely, turning to press a loving kiss to your head. 
Three days later, you woke up to an empty bed. His smell was fading off his pillow, your bedroom felt so empty without his body sleeping beside you. “You can open the book when you miss me,” he told you the day before he left. Today you really missed him, the heartache making it almost impossible to move. After some mental convincing, you turned on your side and grabbed the book. 
Pulling it back, a white notecard fell from the novel. Flipping it over you smiled at the delicate wispy cursive your boyfriend wrote in. ‘For you while I'm gone—I recorded the first three chapters for you. I’ll read you the rest when I get home. All my love—Bob.’
With a sigh, you delicately untied the bow and removed the red paper to reveal the weathered red cover. The faded gold insignia on the front brought tears from your eyes, it was an old copy of your favorite classics, but young enough to read without breaking it. “Robby,” you whimpered, pressing the book to your chest. 
join my top gun blurb night!
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gowns · 1 year
talking to my partner a lot lately, and connecting the dots. contrasting the joy i have in autonomy now vs the strict environment i was raised in because of my stepdad, which was not just strict in terms of not letting me leave the house or decorate my room, but also with a constant underlying layer of sexual harassment, as well as several other things that will not be named now.
shuttled back and forth between two fathers, one who was very controlling, the other who was too hands-off. and picking up the innuendos they thought i’d miss, growing up knowing they were thinking about sex all the time, thinking i was too stupid to see it. the subtext: “of course i am a sex fiend, and of course all men are sex fiends, so you can’t leave the house, because there are wolves outside the door.” the stuff of fairy tales, the wolf pretending to be a parent.
i used to have dreams about rollercoasters all the time, rollercoasters and serial killers. a friend told me that dreaming about rollercoasters means you feel a lack of free will, like you’re on someone else’s track and don’t have control over where it goes. i said no, that’s silly, i just went to a lot of amusement parks as a kid, and that sticks out to my subconscious. but i think they were right. as for the serial killers — the threatening figure from outside the home, who penetrates the domestic sphere, removing any sense of safety about your own home, the place where you’re supposed to feel the most safe — well, go figure.
it’s not like i had the most inappropriate, most out of bounds upbringing ever. i think it’s somewhere in the middle of the average experience. but this is what infuriates me: knowing that so many other people are raised with messages of control and fear, not allowed to do xyz, not allowed to express themselves in certain ways. and what do you get? that stuff still lives inside of you, you’re just burying it.
i keep coming back to repression, as a theme. i used to say: solve the problem of trauma and you can cure the world. i still believe that to a certain extent, but underneath the tip of the iceberg of visible trauma i see a deeper, more insidious force, which is repression. when we are kept in fear of stepping outside of the lines, we learn to fear conflict, standing up for ourselves, standing up for others. repression turns normal urges into ugly gnarled knots.
if you could do anything, live any way you wanted — what would it be? envision it. it’s possible. your wildest fantasies. hold it in your hand. i used to say, “keep it in your pocket and touch it from time to time.” now — no, that’s not enough. hold it in front of you. let others see. show people how to live without fear and they will discover how it’s possible for them too
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oldbutnotyetwise · 8 months
Great Love
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     I will admit that I am not one for light conversation. I don’t really like to talk about the weather, and if you want to talk about sports or your favourite reality show then I am definitely the wrong person.  However if you want to talk about life, love, adventures or about amazing people that you know (not in a gossipy kind of way) then I would be very happy to sit down and chat.
     Sometimes when I am in one of those conversations with someone, I will look at them square in the eye and ask “How many truly happy couples do you know?”  When I ask that question I am asking about couples who are  really madly in love, not couples who tolerate each other, or couples who have settled for each other, or couples who are together for appearances, or couples just waiting until the kids leave the house so they can part ways.  And just because someone has been married a long time, it doesn’t mean that they are happy.  I mean the couples who are still deeply in love, who would pick each other again if given the chance to do it all over again. 
     You would think that people would be able to list of a large number of happy couples that they know, but almost always the person I ask can’t think of any, or maybe they can only think of one or two.  Isn’t that kind of sad?  Shouldn’t we struggle to list the unhappy couples and have a long list of happy couples?  Why is that, and has it always been that way or is this more of a recent phenomenon?  Has Hollywood given us all unrealistic expectations?
     I left my second marriage after a decade of unhappiness in a twenty year marriage.  Yes perhaps that makes me a quitter and maybe you will lose some respect for me in knowing that.  What I decided was that life was an incredible gift and I didn’t want to waste it being unhappy for whatever time that I had left.  Now I will qualify this with another sad fact, as unhappy as I was I know others who were more unhappy and chose to stay in their marriages.  Did I do the right thing, did they do the right thing?  I don’t know that there is an answer to that, maybe we both did our own right thing.  All I know is that I would not have found the happiness that I did had I not left.  As hard as it was I know in my heart that I did the right thing.
     Maybe in the past the majority of the marriages have been more about two people tolerating each other while trying to raise a family and maintain a home.  I wonder how many Mail Order Annies got off the train and met the man of their dreams?  Even now there are still arranged marriages in some cultures, how many of them end up in wedded bliss?  Or maybe the expectations in these examples are just lower.  
     When I think of my parents, and even my grandparents, the words “great love” don’t come to mind when I think of their relationships.  It’s not that they were unhappy, I truly feel it was more that they just lived in a state of tolerating each other.  I knew very early on that I wanted more, I guess I wanted the fairy tale.
     Marriage and relationships are hard, I say this as a voice of experience and readily admit my rather checkered past in this area leaves me highly unqualified to offer either criticism or advice.  None the less I will offer my ponderances on the subject for you to dismiss or perhaps ponder yourself.
     I thought I might share with you some of the couples who I know of, or have known who I think of as those enviable couples who are or were very deeply and madly in love.  Having said that, this is my impression from the outside, only they truly know how happy they are.
     I met John and Aida back in the late eighties.  What struck me about John was how much he loved Aida.  Here was a couple that got married when they were both teenagers, which let’s acknowledge is normally a recipe for disaster, but all those years later there was no doubt he adored her even when I met him in his fifties.  Whenever he spoke of Aida his voice would change, his face would light up with a smile and he had nothing but kind loving words for her.  Here it is thirty or thirty-five years later and I still can clearly recall their love story.  Sadly Cancer took John far too early and I remember sitting there after his funeral looking at Aida wondering how she could possibly go on after losing what appeared to me to be the love of her life.  In the movie Bridges of Madison County Robert Kincaid says to Francesca about their love, “This kind of certainty comes but once in a lifetime” Is that true?  Or maybe it might never come along in a life, or maybe lighting can strike twice and some lucky soul might have more than one great love in their life.
     I have some very dear friends that we visited and stayed with a while back.  Larry and Neil have been together for longer than I have known them which is over thirty-five years.  I attended their wedding when they were finally able to marry legally.  To me they have always been this incredible couple.  Recently I sat and watched Larry tend to Neil who is now in his mid eighties.  I was touched by the patient, gentle, tender loving way that he tended to Neil’s needs.  These are two men who survived some turbulent times when being Gay could get you seriously hurt or killed.  They both have stood by each other through some life threatening illnesses and injuries.  Knowing them, seeing them with each other and watching them love each other always warmed my heart.
     A dear friend of mine lost her mother twice.  First to dementia and then to death.  What touched my heart was the way my friend’s father attended the nursing home for several hours every day to visit and to feed his wife dinner.  Even though most days she didn’t recognize him, he never lost his love for her.
     I had a another coworker and friend who married his childhood sweetheart that he met in grade three or four.  Now truth be told I found them to be a bit of an odd couple, but what I noticed was that all their oddness seemed to fit together like a jigsaw puzzle.  My friend was stolen away by cancer, and it still breaks my heart to see his wife struggle in the aftermath, the foundation of her life now gone.  She is lost, a sailboat without it’s rudder lost at sea.
     Not everyone is lucky enough to have a “great love” in their life, I dare say most don’t.  A dear friend had a great love, but then lost her husband to a terminal illness.  I know the grief of losing someone that you love, I also know the grief of losing a “great love”, it is like losing your whole world.  Recently when we were speaking she said that at least she got to have one “great love” once in her life.  I find this both incredibly happy, and incredibly sad at the same time.
     I would like to share a quote with you now.  I’m sure in hearing it you will think it is a nice quote.  However unless you have lived or are living it I would respectfully suggest that you won’t really get the true meaning and depth of it.  It is by a Rabbi and author Steve Leder whose writings I find to be quite profound.
     “To love and care for someone who is whole is one thing.  To love and care for a person when he or she is broken, weak, and afraid is quite another.  That is the deepest kind of love; a love discovered only through vulnerability and pain.”
     I know the kind of love described in that quote, and that my friends makes me a very lucky man.  Like a phoenix who rises from the ashes I somehow managed to save my “great love”, my best love for last.  It is easy for me to understand why I love Robin like I do, what I don’t understand is why Robin loves me like she does.  When I met Robin I felt that we both were getting a good deal in being with each other.  Our love was easy, it was good, our future was full of great and endless possibilities.  Now our future is full of limitations, and the list of limitations just continues to grow, often daily.  Life is hard and I am a broken shell of who I once was, and to be honest I struggle to understand how this mess of a person that I have become is in any way loveable.  Yet each and very day I am shown the kind of love others can only dream of.  I don’t think Robin loves me, I know that she loves me.  I don’t understand it, and I can’t even begin to try to explain it, but I do know I have never been so well loved.  Loved more than I ever thought was possible.  Yes I am lucky in love even as the Grim Reaper is chasing me down the street and constantly gaining ground.
     If I could have a wish for you my dear reader, I would wish for you a “great love”.  Somehow I don’t think life has been fully lived without one, in some ways it is what makes us feel truly alive, says the dying man.
     Have you ever had a “great love”?  Maybe this is an easier question.  How many couples do you know who appear to have a “great love”?     
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charmed-and-alarmed · 8 months
AKA - Break a leg, kid! (Sanji's bad day)
AKA AKA - a blond and a red-leg walk into a bar
AKA AKA AKA - how many pirates does it take to sew up a swordsman? (answer: just one, if he's also a chef)
my episode 5 reaction
Luffy just straight up dissociating over here. A grand start to the episode
Will the trope of someone about to do surgery asking for alcohol and then drinking it ever not be funny? I don't know, but I don't want to live in a world where it isn't
Mihawk wears cowboy boots 👢
I'm so glad they don't call him Hawkeye all the time like they do in the anime. Dracule Mihawk is an objectively amazing name - why the hell would he need a nickname?
Luffy cleaning Zoro's swords + his mental spiral/rant about wanting Zoro to recover is such a gut wrenching moment.
Love me a group of grown men making fun of a child. Poor tiny Sanji has already been through enough guys (as we learn much later in the series) and then Zeff tries to add oregano to his food? The inhumanity of it all!
Just two guys, stuck on a rock, trying to not starve to death. Just a guy watching a bratty kid walk away with all their food. Just a child, laid out in the sun, waiting to die. Just a pair of survivors, dreaming of a restaurant in the middle of the ocean. Just a-
(warning for gross) but like, Zeff was planning on dying and letting Sanji eat his corpse, right? And if they were stuck there for 85 days... what did they eat? Did they finish eating his leg? Bc that seems like the only option. How am I the only one wondering this??
Ngl I don't get the fairy tale Nami reads to Zoro. Maybe that's why I don't get her perspective. Cause she's yelling at Luffy and it's clear that she's upset, but on what planet could Luffy have stopped Zoro from going after Mihawk?
Koby is over here, trying to be helpful by asking Garp to accept his grandson for who he is. Which Garp obvs takes to mean, "if he wants to be a pirate so damn badly, then I'll treat him like a pirate. And kill him"
Meanwhile Arlong slams open the door, late to the party with his Starbucks, ready to make everything worse for everyone.
Luffy trying to talk to an unconscious Zoro - so soft, so pure.
"I can't let innocent people get hurt because of me" must sting. Poor Nami. Everything she's running from is catching up, and here's Luffy literally running at them
HOW DID YOU NOT NOTICE THERES AN EAR IN THE BAND OF YOUR HAT?? He was just repairing the hat last episode!!
Ok Nami I get it. I get it, right. But telling Arlong to drop him in the sea is such a fucked up thing to do. I can only think that she has faith that one of the crew would go and save him. That has to be it, right?
Nami changing into a slinkier outfit when she goes back to Arlong's crew is Noted.
And there's Sanji, diving into the water to save Luffy, a guy he literally just met. Did he realize that Luffy couldn't swim?
Garp makes his stupid little speech wearing his stupid little dog hat. What is with these ppl wearing animals on their head?
Helmeppo looking over at Koby when he hears about the new plan bc he's caught the friendship bug and it's given him a bad case of feelings
Luffy going to Zoro at his lowest moment to say 'i need you right now. I need you back' is so pure. And of course Zoro wakes up for him
Love me a man who wears a full suit to join his new pirate crew. And when he has a beautiful, emotional goodbye with his father figure? Sanji cries and I cry and we all cry about found families.
The return of Buggy! Poor Sanji is standing at the back, prob wondering what the fuck he's gotten himself into
I'm saving the last two episodes for tomorrow. And once I've finished season one, I'll prob go back to watching the anime. I was at episode 60 I think
Onwards and upwards
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brunhielda · 2 months
Because apparently this account is now for random movie rambles as I rewatch films for the 100th time-
A watch through of Princess and the Frog:
Anyone else think it is hella suspicious that someone wanted that sugar mill only after she wanted to buy it?
- After the movie was done, it was explained to me by friends that this is a common scam to squeeze more money, especially targeted against POC potential buyers. No one else was bidding, they just wanted more money. My child brain just didn’t fit that together the first couple watch throughs- I mean, they clearly still had it for sale a long time later in order to be threatened at the end of the film… assholes.
Gathering a group of travelers by appealing to thier dreams is a very American story, Ala Wizard of Oz- the idea of the individual goals. This is Naveen, Tiana, and Louis. But then comes Ray, who is just trying to be helpful. That feels more old world, and he leads them to the old world magic- the woman of power in the wilderness. :)
Lawrence was frightened by the idea of a controlling wife, while Naveen was impressed with a well thrown book, and Tiana had dreams that included showing all the boys how it’s done. And her friend is very commandeering, and the object of all the men. There’s a theme of strong women and respect for them here- which makes sense. 1920s fairytales are just out of the Victorian era and the invention of the fairy godmother. And here comes Mama Odie. She even has the mother title.
Naveen and Tiana are so perfect for eachother. Beyond him being ok with her ambition and hustle, she needs his people skills for her resteraunt- you need a front man 😁
First time I can think of in a Disney film that an outside perspective for love song had thier own love to sing about 💘
Every good char in this movie is immediately willing to help someone out, even when- especially when- it inconveniences them. That is how you let your characters be very strong characters, even occasionally overwhelming other characters, and still be good people and likeable. This is how we bond with Lotti, and then Naveen, despite them having domineering personalities.
The way Naveen admires things about Tiana even before he likes her- then when he loves her, the way his face lights up as he watches her.
The wishing star has a name now 🥰✨ Evangeline
Anyone else think froggy Naveen is based a little on John Bob from Swan Princess? Those leg spots look familiar is all I am saying.
Never has good foley hurt so badly as that tiny crunch. 💔🪳
Most important line- “He didn’t get what he wanted, but he had what he needed” was given to her by her mother, who also introduced her to the upper class of town. He mother was so important to this story.
The marrying of Lotty is very “old chivalry” anything for my lady, while the tale itself is very peasant tale of pulling together to get through. As many American tales do, you gotta get ALL the tropes in there. 🪄
Ray is such a well designed character. He is wise, and has common sense, and allies and skills, and LIGHT to oppose the shadows- and they balance it by making him small and fragile. Is… is he the wizard of the party? Not nessisarily in the DND way that is very academically type, but in the LOTR classic fantasy way, that makes one member of the group to be the big support to everyone else, but can also be fridged when needed. 😅🥲 Brings wisdom and all else you need but destined to go out ina blaze of glory???
Happy that his parents seemed to be- “finally someone took him in hand” and could care less about her social position.
First time this white girl heard Neo was sitting through the credits of this film in the theaters. Still love his music. 🎶
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