wcvensouls · 9 months
with days having gone by, the other's job more hectic than the other, hyuk found himself leaving a letter for the other. sealed within an envelope is a key and alongside the key there's a little note reading something as simple as ' for when we've passed each other for too long '. it's written in a way that one wouldn't quite be able to decipher it, were some random hands to get a hold of the letter, but hopefully joon understands that the key was to hyuk's place and that the note was a jab at their hectic adult lives.
maybe it was a bit forward , but hyuk had read ( in a magazine nonetheless ) that the way to impress your lover to was to show enthusiasm ... whatever that meant ?
although joonwoong tried his best to make time to go see hyuk as much as he could, there were days and weeks when his schedule would simply not allow for it. having been working on a new album, on top of other projects, he had spent most of his days and nights at the company's building, barely making back to his place to sleep. before, this would be a normal thing to joonwoong, something he didn't mind or think about twice. now that he had hyuk, however, he found himself growing more and more unsatisfied with it
still, there was little that he could do to change it — except try his best to finish it quickly so his schedule would go back to a more manageable version of itself. although they couldn't see each other, joonwoong had been texting him as much as he could — which, sometimes, was nowhere near enough. upon finding the envelope and opening it, he didn't even need to read who had sent it to know — and it didn't take him much to realize what the other had meant with it too.
reading the words again a few more times while he felt the weight of the key on his hand, with the metal slowly growing warmer and warmer on his hand, joonwoong couldn't help smiling fondly. for another moment or two, he simply listened to his own heartbeat in his ears, holding the key close to his chest. there was no one around at this moment, so he allowed himself to react however he wanted before he had no choice but to go back to his usual persona around others. with smile still on his lips, he reached out for his phone to send one quick message before returning to work.
[ sms : favorite shop owner ] i loved the gift. see you tonight?
@avaere : random asks .
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epiphqny · 1 month
idk if your reqs are open rn...but would you ever write a spencer fic based on lover by taylor swift?
-celia @youudonttknowwmee222
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pairing: spencer agnew x reader
warnings: play-fighting? slight cursing, and this is kinda my first time writing spencer so…don’t be mad at me okay 😦
summary: you and spencer attend a friends wedding…basically 😭
a/n: my spencer requests will only be open for 2 more days bc i have some other requests to catch up on <3! but that aside, i hope this turned out okay and that you enjoy the read!! if not…i blame it on the fact that i haven’t written in a while
We could leave the Christmas lights up 'til January
And this is our place, we make the rules
And there's a dazzling haze, a mysterious way about you dear
Have I known you 20 seconds or 20 years?
you had done this to yourself. you sat on the chilled floors, droopy-eyed and shivering - despite the fuzzy blanket wrapped around your shoulders. but how could you not when the weatherman had said it’d be snowing today at five in the morning! and he was right, the windows are clouded with fog and if you looked close enough you could see individual snowflakes pressed against the glass. your peaceful morning was interrupted by the sound of a mocking voice, “you seriously woke up at 5 am to watch the snow?”. you turn around to see spencer leaning against the wall with a tired grin appearing across his face. you dramatically turn back to the window and sarcastically reply, “i haven’t seen snow in 4 years, okay?”. you hear his laugh as he approaches closer to your spot. he takes a pillow from the couch and places it right next to you, “here, at least sit on something comfortable, you dramatic.”. you look at the pillow with a mischievous idea, and then back at him, “d’you know what i think of your pillow?”. he tilts his head and raises an eyebrow in faux curiosity. you quickly snatch the pillow and stand as you smack his chest with the soft cushion. he looks at you with shock but before he can get a word in you repeat the action, this time causing him to playfully fall back against the couch. you straddle his lap as he clutches his arms and groans with each new impact of the pillow. he manages to cough out, “please! have mercy on my soul!”. you pause your actions with the pillow in mid-air and a grin on your face, “now who’s the dramatic?”. he looks up at you as his hands slide up towards your waist, “still you.”.
now you ended up underneath him with his head laid against you, both of your chests heaving. you look off to the side and stare at the christmas tree, stood tall with multicolored twinkling lights. still somewhat out of breath you sigh, “we should really take that tree down,”. spencer tears his eyes away from fidgeting with your rings and towards the tree, “nah…i think it's a symbol of the foundation of our relationship.”. you roll your eyes at his response, “oh whatever, you just don't want to box everything back up.”. he lifts himself off the couch and reaches his hand out towards you, “c’mon I think the snow calls for some celebratory hot chocolate.”. you take him up on his offer and he leads you to the kitchen. you knew he just wanted to distract you from the large task at hand, but you didn't really mind. not when he’s the only one to make you forget your name at a single touch.
you sat on the marble countertop as spencer took out all the ingredients. filling in the silence you strick up conversation, “how did you get up anyway? i can't remember the last time you even got up this early.”. he looks at you and chuckles as he begins to boil the water, “i didn't feel anyone kicking my kneecaps, so I figured something was up.”. you swing your legs back and forth at the thought of being in his mind half asleep, “aw I was the first thing you thought of?”. he steps closer to you, his hands sitting atop your thighs, “mhm yeah, I think I'm becoming one with the bruises.”.
time passes and as he's adding the finishing touches to the sweet treats he tells you about the most recent game he'd just played. “so I started shooting him, as you do-”. the sound of a prolonged shhhhh distracts you from his voice. you look down to notice the tower of whipped cream in his mug, nearly one-third of it dripping down the side of the handle. you clasp one hand around his wrist as the other gently grabs the can, “okay no more whipped cream for you sir…”. he looks at you quizzically, “oh yeah?”. he quickly presses the nozzle and paints the tip of your nose with the fluffy substance. you sit up straighter, surprised by his antics, “ack!”. he presses a peck on your nose, taking most of the whipped cream off. you pause for a moment to stare at him in bewilderment, “you're gross,”. he then takes a sip out of his mug, “and yet, you're still here.”. you cross your arms against your chest and play into his conversation, “you're lucky I love you.”. he sets down the mug, his blue eyes peering into yours, “yeah I am pretty lucky, aren't I?”.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home
You're my, my, my, my
it's now the afternoon and the two of you are walking side by side, leaving the bakery with two small boxes accompanying you. you stop in your tracks as you remembered plans you had made a few months ago, “oh shit…”. spencer takes a few steps back to reach you, his face contorted into concern, “everything good?”. you look back at him with a slight sense of defeat in your voice, “i forgot we’re supposed to be hosting game night tonight.”. his eyes widen as he whispers out, “oh shit…”. you both break into laughter, the cold wind nipping at the corners of your mouth. he takes the box from your hands and stacks it on top of his, “I guess we better hurry back home then.”. you take a moment to look at him, his cheeks flushed and the tip of his nose a soft pink. the flurries of snow accentuating his dark hair…you snap out your staring as you hear the chipper tone in his voice, “last one there has to clean the restroom!”. you both begin to pick up the pace, slightly running on the path back to the apartment. tears form in your eyes due to the january wind, this was easy to ignore though - seeing spencer nearly run into every pedestrian causes your lungs to burn with laughter. meanwhile, bystanders look back at the two of you with both annoyance and slight jealousy.
We could let our friends crash in the living room
This is our place, we make the call
And I'm highly suspicious that everyone who sees you wants you
I've loved you three summers now, honey, but I want 'em all
you both rush through the apartment door, panting and coughing. spencer slumps against the door and haphazardly locks it. you look back at him from your seat on the couch, “soo does that mean you’re cleaning the restroom?”. he closes his eyes and leans his head back with a slight laugh, “i guess i gotta keep my word.”.
the two of you spend a couple of hours straightening up the place and setting out whatever food you had left over from last weeks grocery shopping (and also some of the cookies from the bakery). time passes and now you’re both sitting on the couch, your feet in spencers lap as he goes through the selections of movies to watch on netflix. you’re about to suggest a show when you hear a faint ring at the door. you slide your feet off his lap and walk towards the door. looking through the peephole you notice about three of your guests already have arrived. you excitedly open the door to greet everyone and soon enough the rest of the night would be somewhat of a blur.
uno cards are scattered out across the floor and an air mattress is blown up in the middle of the living room. some of your friends decided to skip driving on the potentially icy roads, so you and spencer encouraged them to spend the night. the couch and air mattress are occupied with half-asleep guests as jurassic park plays on the tv screen.
spencer announces that he’s heading to bed and you tell him you’ll shortly follow behind. your mind starts to drift and you begin think about spencer and all the comments you’ve been seeing about him on smoshs’ socials lately. they all ranged from his humor to his looks to his personality, but how could they not? he was everything anyone could ask for and more. you’re back to reality as one of your friends mia scoots up closer to your side and whispers to not wake anyone, “hey, so i completely forgot to tell you that me and aaron moved the wedding up to two days from now.”. you look back towards mia, your mouth slightly agape and eyes widened, “o-oh that’s really great mia! the sooner the better, right?”. she nods her head and continues, “you and spencer should totally come! i mean I know it's really last minute but it won't be anything too big!”. you place your hand on her shoulder, “i’ll tell him first thing tomorrow! but you need rest. you have a big day coming up after all,”. she looks up at you with a smile, “don’t worry about anything alright? i have all my arrangements ready and mike is picking me up in the morning so you don’t need to call an uber or anything.”. you get up off the couch and take her hand, “okay…but only if you’re sure!”. she giggles and gives your hand a reassuring push, “i am! now go get some rest!”
as you enter your shared room you notice spencer left the lamp light on your side of the bed on. you laugh to yourself and pull the switch to turn it off, the only source of light now provided by the window. you slip under the blanket and turn towards spencer, his eyes closed shut and his mouth slightly open. he looks so relaxed and at ease, you couldn’t help but place a small kiss atop his nose. his eyes slowly open back up to look at you, he then wraps his arm around your waist to pull you in closer. the faint smell of his cologne takes over your senses, “finally you’ve come to give me my nightly bruises.”. you snuggle your face closer into his neck, “mhm goodnight spence.”. you feel the vibration from his chest as he gives a tired chuckle, “night m’love.”.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
You're my, my, my, my
after everyone has left, you and spencer decided to head to the grocery store to replenish your cabinets and refrigerator. you lean against the shopping cart as spencer concentrates on what pasta sauce to buy when suddenly you remembered your conversation with mia from the night before. you stand up straight and look back at him, “hey spence?”. he turns back to you for a second, “hm?”. “well…mia and aaron moved their wedding date up and i was wondering if you maybe wanted to go…with me?”. he decides on a five-cheese sauce and places it into the cart. you notice a small smile on his face as he looks at you, “yeah sure, when is it?”. you wring your hands together as you look at him through squinting eyes, “umm…tomorrow?”. he throws his head back and laughs, “they wasted no time, huh?”. your smile grows, “can you still go?”. he moves a piece of your hair behind your ear, his fingers lingering for a bit longer than necessary (though not unwanted-), “yeah of course.”.
Ladies and gentlemen, will you please stand?
With every guitar string scar on my hand
I take this magnetic force of a man to be my lover
My heart's been borrowed and yours has been blue
All's well that ends well to end up with you
Swear to be overdramatic and true to my lover
you’re putting on the finishing touches to your outfit as you notice spencer somewhat struggling to properly put on his tie through the mirror. you walk over to him and slightly begin to fix it. you don’t notice it but his heart starts to beat a little faster and his breaths get a little shorter. his mind is racing with about 100 different thoughts per minute; mainly about how pretty you look right now - standing in front of him and flawlessly fixing his mistakes. you slide your hand down to smoothen out the tie, “thanks again for being my plus one,”. he lets out a breath, “that’s what i’m here for ____,” he follows up with, “and quite frankly, i wouldn’t want to miss out on free food.”. you wrap your hands around his neck as his meet your waist - your heads only inches apart from one another, “and cake! i hear it’s going to be red velvet.”. his eyes meet yours and you don’t fail to notice the glint that appears in them, “red velvets alright…you know what sounds even better?”. you tilt your head and put on your best puzzled voice, “what’s that?”. he closes the gap with a small kiss against your soft lips, a litter of goosebumps trailing your body. he deepens it further as you place your hand across his cheek. you stay like this for a moment until both of you have to break apart for a gasp of air, “you.”.
he opens the passenger car door, gesturing his hand towards the seat, “your ride awaits,”. you give him a slight curtsy and enter into the vehicle, “why, thank you my liege.”.
the drive to the ceremony went much faster than you had thought. maybe it was weezer playing on the radio or maybe it was how much spencer had made you laugh. it seemed as though the more years passed, the more you and spencer become closer. how that was even possible, you both weren’t quite sure.
it was about 10 minutes before the ceremony took place and you both took your seats. the altar and church benches are decorated with purple and white flowers. spencer looked over to you and gently takes ahold of your hand, your fingers intertwined with one another. you lean your head against his shoulder and he squeezes your hand in return.
- time skip bc i’m not going to drag you thru a boring scene :| -
after the “i dos” have been said, you both follow the crowd to the reception.
And you'll save all your dirtiest jokes for me
And at every table, I'll save you a seat, lover
mia and aaron greet the two of you at the ballroom. you both said your congratulations and mia helped to guide you to your assigned table, “seriously thank you guys sooo much for coming! we really do appreciate it!”. you give her a tight hug, a faint smell of alcohol lingering from her breath, “of course mia! we wouldn’t miss it for the world,”.
you took in the scenery; floral accents adorning the tables and walls, golden plates and silverware laid out on the tables. spencer pulls out your seat, “shall we?”. you place a peck on his cheek, “we shall!”.
about five minutes into your playful banter, a group of about three middle-aged men approach your table and take their seats. there was not much conversation besides the usual formalities. spencer places his hand on your thigh, “hey i’m gonna grab us some drinks real quick, that okay?”. you give him a nod and he places a kiss atop your head as he sets off.
you were just about to pick up the menu when one of the men suddenly turn towards you, “say, you know anything ‘bout real-estate?”. you at him, slightly in shock, “oh uh…no not really.”. he gestures towards the two other men sat. on the other side of the table, “yeah we got three clients on the line.”. you put on your best smile that you could muster, “oh uhm…that-that’s nice.”. he nods his head and takes off his glasses to clean them with the bottom of his shirt, “so uh- how long you and your boyfriend been together?”. you begin to fidget with some of the rings on your fingers, “oh, three years,”. he lets out a hardy laugh and smacks the table, “about time to tie the knot soon, eh?”. you give a nervous chuckle and he continues to rant on about his “deadbeat” wife. you find yourself looking back to see if you can find a glimpse of spencer - hoping to put an end to this awkward conversation.
you find him by himself at the punch table, pouring a red substance into two glasses. he looks up and meets your gaze, at first he smiles but then he senses your uneasiness and a look of worry flushes his face. he rushes over to your side, mindful of the drinks in his hand. “hey, um sorry it took so long- they only had kool-aid or hawaiian punch.”. you take the glass from his hand and take a sip, “i’ll take anything to get away from this conversation.”. he takes his seat once again, except this time he’s closer and his hand is laid against the back of your chair. the clanking of champagne chutes and chatter of creepy old men suddenly become muffled as all you can focus on is how the fluorescent lights emphasize his features. or his curls begging for your hands to be raked through them - and you were just about to until you spot a packet up ketchup being placed in front of your face, “oh no…”. spencer looks you directly in the eyes and puts on a sultry-esc voice, “why did the ketchup blush?” you let out a dramatic sigh “why?”. he places the packet down on the table, a smug looked plastered on his face, “she saw the salad dressing.”. you laugh at his awful attempt of a joke and begin to humor him, “you think you’re oh so funny, hm?”. he leans further towards you, “well you certainly think so.”.
Can I go where you go?
Can we always be this close forever and ever?
And ah, take me out, and take me home (forever and ever)
after an afternoon filled with delicate handholding and infectious smiles, it was now five minutes past midnight and the two of you bid your goodbyes to the bride and groom.
as the two of you exit the venue, you link your arm with his. you follow the street lamp lights guiding your path back to the parking garage. it still being january, you could see your breath in the form of a misty cloud as you spoke, “well that was very eventful.”. spencer lets out a tired laugh, “yeah…it was nice”. you hum in response and squeeze yourself closer to him - drifting you two closer to the right side of the sidewalk. a brief stillness consumes the air as he looks over at you, his eyes taking in your sleepy frame and red-rimmed eyes. it’s evident from his eyes alone that he views you with only the utmost admiration and love. he looks back at the pavement, the silence interrupted by his soft voice, “we should do that again sometime.”.
You're my, my, my, my
Oh, you're my, my, my, my
Darling, you're my, my, my, my
quick side note: free to send more requests (within the next two days)!! i love writing them and i promise they won’t take as long this time 😭<3
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chvoswxtch · 2 years
hi! i’m not sure if you write for requests?
if you do, would you mind writing frank castle x f!reader with fibromyalgia/chronic fatigue? i’m just exhausted at the moment and every single one of my chronic illnesses are kicking my butt rn. i’m finding great comfort in the punisher series on disney+ and in your writing (the softer side of frank especially!)
thank you!!! 💘
first of all I just wanted to say I am so sorry you are struggling with that. I can't imagine what you're going through right now. i'm sending you so much comfort and so many hugs and I hope you've been feeling a little better lately. it makes me incredibly happy to know that i've helped in some way.
I don't really have any personal experience with chronic illness but I did some research and I hope I got this right for you. thank you so much for your request. I hope this is what you wanted, and I hope it makes you feel better angel. all my love ❤️
this doesn't really have any warnings (unless you wanna count swearing) but if you're on dark mode, you may have trouble viewing this. i'm not sure if the glitch has been fixed, but I apologize for any inconvenience reading in advance! word count: 1.4k
i'd do anything for you.
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Frank could tell something was wrong the second he stepped through the front door. If it weren’t for your car in the driveway, he wouldn’t have even been able to tell that you were home. Normally you were quick to greet him with a soft kiss and a beaming smile before he could even get his boots off. On the occasions you were too engrossed in whatever you were doing to hear him come in, he could still hear your faint humming or you shuffling around whatever room you were in. But right now, the entire house was silent and still, and panic began to rise like a looming tide.
Instinctively his hand flew to the handle of the gun that was tucked in the waistband of his jeans, making slow calculated steps around each room of the house as his eyes darted back and forth frantically searching for any sign of a threat or disturbance. The door to the bedroom was creaked open slightly, just enough for Frank to peek inside, and the sight before him sent a crack right through his heart. There you were, curled up tightly in a ball in the middle of the bed, clutching his pillow to your chest. Your brows were knit together in discomfort and your entire face was scrunched up in agony. Frank could see how the skin of your knuckles had gone white from gripping the pillow so hard. It hurt him to see you like this. Every time he did, he wished he could take it all from you and endure it himself. 
He pushed the door open slowly so it wouldn’t make any noise and kept his steps light as he made his way over towards the bed, carefully sitting down behind you. He delicately brushed his fingertips along your arm, cautiously leaning over you to get a better look at your face as he whispered.
“Bad today?”
You nodded your head so faintly, he wouldn’t have even seen it if he hadn’t been watching you closely. Less movement was best when the pain set in and spread through your bones with a vengeance. You had once described it to Frank as your entire body feeling like a searing, open wound. No matter how carefully you moved, it was like ripping it open all over again. The ache throbbed seemingly with every pump of blood through your veins. It made it hard for you to sleep. It was extremely difficult to get comfortable when you were in a constant state of pain, and the fatigue seemed to make the pain even worse. 
“How ‘bout a bath, honey? Hot water will help soothe those muscles, help ya relax a bit. Wanna give it a try?”
Frank did his best to ask yes or no questions when it was really bad like this. The less you had to think, or speak, the better. He kept his voice quiet and low, and tried not to talk too much. Frank had discovered it was helpful to get rid of anything that might overload your senses in your tender state. Too much light or lighting that was too bright bothered your eyes. Too many noises and loud volumes hurt your ears. Anything too bold in smell could implement a migraine. Every little thing was like a tiny pin prick to your nerves.
The way your voice broke nearly brought Frank to his knees. He wasn’t a religious man anymore, but he would’ve prayed to God until his knees bled if he thought it would help, or if he thought God would listen and allow him to trade places with you instead. He gave your shoulder the faintest of squeezes to let you know he heard you before he made his way into the bathroom. He turned the knob all the way over as far as it would go, knowing the sting of the scalding water would help alleviate some of the affliction you felt. He lit the candle on the counter and placed it at the front of the tub so he could keep the lights off. 
Steam hung thickly in the air once the tub was full. Droplets of sweat had already formed at Frank’s hairline, but he didn’t pay any mind to the heat. He peeled your clothes off as slowly and delicately as he could, gently scooping you up into his arms as he carried you into the bathroom. He lowered you down into the water carefully, a soft hiss leaving your lips as you adjusted to the temperature. Frank knelt down beside the tub, keeping a light hold of your hand as he eyed you.
“Feel okay?”
You nodded your head with a little more force this time, giving his large hand a gentle squeeze. 
“Feels really good.”
“Need anything?”
“Just you.”
“I’m right here, sweetheart. Ain’t goin’ nowhere.”
“Will you get in with me? Please?”
Frank lightly brushed his thumb over the back of your hand. He could see the pleading look in your eyes through the dim amber glow the candle cast over the bathroom. Normally he wouldn’t hesitate to join you, but your condition had him faltering.
“I don’t wanna hurt you, honey. Just want you to try and relax.”
“You won’t hurt me, I promise. I’d relax a lot more with you. Please?”
Frank couldn’t handle the exertion in your voice. He also hated denying you anything. In record time, he was completely undressed and settling into the tub behind you. A soft sigh left your lips when your head fell back against his chest, and he brought his hands up to tenderly rub at your shoulders to try and massage any lingering aches away.
“Is it too hot for you?”
“Don’t worry ‘bout me, sweetheart.”
“I want you to be comfortable too.”
“Baby, I spent years in a damn desert in full gear gettin’ shot at and nearly blown up. And I didn’t have a pretty girl to keep me company. Trust me, I’m comfortable.”
A quiet giggle escaped your lips, and that sent a surge of relief through Frank. Laughing was good. Laughing meant you were feeling better. Laughing meant he was actually doing something right. There were so many times Frank felt incredibly helpless when it came to your chronic illnesses, and he hated it. He loathed that feeling. Seeing the person you love in pain, completely exhausted, and not being able to do anything about it. Threats he could handle. He was trained to eliminate those. He’d give his life to protect you. But he couldn’t fight an invisible enemy. He couldn’t eliminate a threat he couldn’t see, or even touch. He couldn’t rescue you from your own body.
“Thank you.”
Frank dropped his head to rest his chin on your shoulder, still being careful with his movements as he pressed his cheek to yours and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“Don’t gotta thank me, you know that.”
“I want to. You always help me. You always know how to make me feel better. I know I ask a lot of you, and it isn’t-”
“Hey, don’t do that. I’m here ‘cause I wanna be, you got that? Don’t start that shit about bein’ a handful. If anyone’s the damn handful here, it’s me. You take care of me, and I take care of you. That’s how this works, yeah?”
A defeated sigh left your lips as you sank further into the relief of the water and Frank’s chest.
“Yeah. But I still appreciate everything you do for me that you don’t have to.”
“I’d do anything for you.”
Frank lightly brushed his nose along your cheek, holding you to his chest until quiet snores sounded from you. He smiled to himself when he realized you had fallen asleep. He didn’t want to risk moving you in case this was the only sleep you were gonna get tonight. He stayed there in the tub with you until the water went cold and the sun disappeared beneath the horizon. He would’ve held you there as long as you needed him to if it meant he could offer you a sliver of peace. He’d do anything for you.
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mayuichi · 4 months
“Rest assured, it is not mine.„
William James Moriarty x fem!reader Warnings: dark contents (murders, beating, blood, etc...), spoilers of MOSTLY the second season! be aware!
note: i'm so obsessed again over MTP, you can't know how much. i'm rewatching it rn, and i'll reread it too. ALSO i'm so sorry for my absence, i'm procrastinating and finding it hard to stay motivated, especially with my nausea, but it's slowly getting better so i hope i'll be capable to write more!
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Pictures from the anime Yuukoku no Moriarty / Moriarty the Patriot.
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Being the child of an earl isn't too hard. But as a woman, you are expected to be nearly perfect. Graceful, elegant, flawless, and charitable. Most respect you, or more likely.. fear your father. Speaking of which, you still live with your parents. You haven't found a suitable man yet. It was infuriating for your father, he wanted you to find a husband. But you couldn't care less for now. Strolling around in town is much more entertain than finding someone.
After one more heated argument with him, resulting in a red mark across your cheek like it happened so many time before, you call it a day and leave to your room for the night. Clutching on the plush you have managed to keep, you sit on your bed, staring at the moon through the window. Your mother didn't even tried to protect you, never. If only things could change.
Undressing yourself to slide on a warm robe, you close the curtains and fall on the soft mattress, engulfing in it, pulling the covers over your frame. Tomorrow is another day, it will all be okay.
At least, that's what you thought...
Awakening by a voice. You focus on it, only to realise it's a stranger. You've never heard them before... did you? Chills parkour through your veins, jolting you forward. You don't know who they are, nor what they want. But you don't want to stay near them.
Stepping cautiously out of your room, you hurry as best as you can to the front door. On your track, your gaze averts on a gruesome scene. Your father, resting in his blood, his life slowly fading from his body. With your mother, next to him, heavily injured. The footsteps behind you make you believe they're after you, now.
Sighing in relief when you finally see the front door. Your hands reach for the handle, your body freezes at the voice. “Leaving so soon? I've been told this family was full of cowards, but still...„ his voice malicious. You couldn't even move, feeling the tip of the blade against the back of your neck.
Just swallowing was hard. One bad move, and you'd die. Trying to take a deep breath. Your heart is pounding in your chest, your hands sweaty. “I... I am not like them..„. Hesitantly turning around, you could perceive one of his eyebrow raising. “The day... The day I'd be like them, I'd rather die...„
You don't even know half of what your father does, but all you've discovered about has never been good. A smirk displayed on the stranger's face, his golden locks falling ever so slightly above his scarlet eyes. “Hmm.. Interesting...„
Staring at him, also because you don't want to miss any of his action, your eyes get used properly to the dark, allowing you to see more of his features. And it isn't long before you recognise the second son of the Moriarty. A mathematics professor, and a noble, now pointing a blade at you.
However, he withdraws his blade, sheathing it back in his cane. Taking a step forward, he moves his hand across your cheek, his fingers grazing gently. “... Such a poor thing. I suppose it's a recurrent treatment, isn't it?„.
His touch, his words, his expression... It's so sweet, so caring. Is it truly the same man that has murdered your parents? With a sigh, he pulls away, thinking of a way to be sure you'd keep your silence over his true identity. But before he could utter a word, you got carried away and whispered your thoughts.
“I wouldn't mind... joining you. I want to be useful as well...„. Surprise filled his eyes. His piercing gaze staring right through your soul, he leans in, his tall frame towering over you. “Are you sure ? It is a dark and dangerous path. You shouldn't be impulsive.„. He hasn't dismissed you. He feels it in you, after all. That strength and resilience after all those years. This desire to be able to make a change. Even if you aren't a good fighter for now, you could become one.
His associates were unsure, at first. You were so fragile, so sensitive. How could you become useful ? But he kept believing in you, training you, and asking for Jake to train you as well. Within weeks, you were already close to be as good as them. You just lacked experiences.
And perhaps, everything that happened got you closer to their leader, the true Lord of Crime... William. He'd often invite you over tea, or to stroll around town. At this point, it became a habit of you, to go buy some pastries to a hardworking baker and have your tea party. It wasn't always just the two of you. Sometimes, Louis and Albert would join in, or even Bonde. It was such heartwarming times.
It has never been a surprise for you that in a middle of your discussions, William would suddenly fall over the couch and sleep. It always made you giggle quietly. But despite it, none of you took a step further. After all, neither knew if the others actually had feelings or if it was just a mere thought.
Months after you joined, William has went again with Louis only to take care of some aristocrats, with Fred's intel. Those nights are the worst. You're restless, incapable to be in slumber.
Sitting on your bed, in your robe, you hear the front door opening. Footsteps in the corridor, and the brothers' voice, casting each other's goodnights. Stepping out of your room, you gaze over William, blood soaked. “Is... is that blood?„
He turns around to face you, a gentle smile spreading when he sees you. “Rest assured, it is not mine.„. You blink, unsure of how you should feel. It's clear though, it isn't having the right effect. “Is that supposed to reassure me?!„
Your exclamation caught him off guard, and he walks closer, placing a comforting hand over your shoulder. “Isn't it usual now, though? You have seen me bloody a lot before.„. His words hit you like a train. You have seen him blood covered, yes, but your mind has never been calm about it.
“I know! I just-.. Ugh..„, anxiety floods you, your head lowering as you dismiss his hand. “I never said it was fine for me. It makes me worry. What if you get hurt?„. It's a stupid assumption, and you know it. He makes plan for every tiny details. He never leaves room for uncertainty.
Hurrying yourself to ask him to forget it, you go back in your room, closing the door behind you. Plopping on your bed, you can't help but hate yourself. Why are you so worried about him? He's not a child, and beside, he knows how to act upon unexpected twists. You pick the pillow, placing it in your arms, hugging it against you.
“... I hate it so much.„ you growl under your breath. Eyes closed and lost in your mind, you don't pay attention to the footsteps and the door opening. You only get out of your thoughts when you feel something, or rather someone, taking place on the mattress.
You turn around to see William sitting next to your laying form, his hand hovering over your hair, caressing it carefully. He has taken off his coat and changed his clothes to his usual sleep attire. “I find it flattering, you know? Your worries being on me. But I have my shares of worries over you, too.„ he chuckles.
It makes you groan silently, turning again to make him face your back. Seeing you holding your pillow so tight, he allows himself to lay beside you, wrapping his arms around your waist. “Don't be upset, my dear. How about we plan a tea party tomorrow? As a token of apology for all those worries I fill your heart and mind with.„
Just the thought of it cracks a smile from you, and he sees it clearly. You slowly nod, closing your eyes as you lean further in his embrace. You know it wouldn't last forever, but you'd drown yourself in it for as long as it last.
It's an hour later he withdraws his arms from you, giving your hair one last stroke, before standing up. “I will see you tomorrow, my dear. Have a good night.„
As he walks away, you turn around, sitting up quickly, calling out his name. “... William!„. Your voice is so urgent, like your feelings are about to explode. “Yes?„ he turns to face you, his eyes softening at your desperate state.
“I...„ you hesitate. Is it truly a good idea to confess ? It isn't a secret for yourself anymore, you've fallen for him, smitten by his simple presence. But maybe it isn't a good thing to tell him... “... Take care... Goodnight...„
Something tells you by the look of his eyes, he knows you're hiding your feelings from him. But he doesn't push. Not yet. You're too vulnerable for now. He wants you to willingly admit them. He closes his eyes. “I will, thank you. I'll see you tomorrow.„ and with that, he leaves your room, the silence feeling it. Your feelings drowning you in slumber.
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/ᐠ - ˕ •マ Ⳋmayuichi's property. do not repost, copy or translate without permission.
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cloudcountry · 1 year
im am so not supposed to be here rn im supposed to be studying for my exams BUT YOU REACHED 1K <3333 CONGRATS YOU DESERVE IT SM. for the 1k event would you mind doing floyd + flowers?? thank you sm and congrats again auburn !!
i swear i'm studying though I SWEAR.
i got a little goofy silly w this one bc you deserve it you silly little floyd liker (i referenced your flower headcanons btw i was inspired) (if you havent read her flowers hc you should check them out just saying) (SHAMELESS REC)
FLOYD LEECH + FLOWERS (1k event details)
You barely have the time to brace yourself before Floyd comes flying from around the corner, snatching you up into his arms and taking off in the opposite direction. He cackles as you wave goodbye to Grim, Ace, and Deuce, who are all staring at you like you’ve lost it.
They don’t understand why you let Floyd do these things, but they don’t have to.
Floyd slams into the doors to the courtyard and sprints towards one of the trees, clutching you to his chest.
“Wanted to see you.” he giggles, plopping down in the grass and nuzzling your hair, “My Little Shrimpy.”
“Wanted to see you too, Floyd.” you lean against him as he situates you in his lap, the grass tickling your knees, “Though, you do realize you just robbed me of quality lecture time with Trein, right?”
You can feel Floyd’s nose wrinkle at the mention of the teacher’s name, and you can’t help but laugh.
“Don’t care.” he grumbles, bumping his head into yours, “Nobody separates me from my Shrimpy, got it?”
“I know.” you say, “I expected you to run after me today, so I got a little something. A surprise, if you will.”
“Ehh?” Floyd perks up, leaning back against the trunk with a wide smirk, “Whatcha got then, Shrimpy? I'm waiting.”
You hope your attempt to catch him off guard would actually work this time.
You carefully open your bag and pray that the flowers are still intact after his marathon through the halls. You had hoped that stuffing them in your bag would have not only protected them from the force of Floyd's impact, but it also would have made a better surprise. You can’t help but breathe a sigh of relief and thank the Great Seven when you see that they are, in fact, still presentable.
Floyd watches intently as you pull out a bundle of three white camellias, tied together with a ribbon the color of his hair. His eyes go wide and he laughs, grabbing at your shoulders and crushing you against his chest as he showers kisses all over your face. You laugh as the bouquet falls from your hands, landing in the grass with a soft thump as Floyd murmurs confessions of love and sweet nothings against your skin.
White camellias, symbolizing admiration.
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lazybutsmexy · 1 year
Hi !! Sorry to bother you rn, I'm just here to make a request if you don't mind TT
I've been struggling with anxiety lately and ur work or your fics really put a smile on my face (especially König fics !! I love him sm TvT) and well here I am wanted to request something about König comforting reader when they feel down or low (like cying for no reason or apologize for something random) 🫶🏻
Hello lovely! Thanks for the message 🫶♥️ I'm glad my writings can help put a smile on your face 😊
Warning: angst/comfort, depressive thoughts, König being a sweetheart 🥺
It's late in the night until it becomes early in the morning. The hours had passed in a haze and you didn't know how to bring yourself to care. You had been staring at the wall in front of you for as long as you remember. Your thoughts were muddled and dark, you wonder if they are even yours to begin with.
There was a weight in your chest that you couldn't brush off, and a pressure behind your eyes you have been keeping at bay for hours. You were completely exhausted from the effort of keeping yourself from breaking down while König was asleep behind you. You knew that the moment you started tearing up you wouldn't be able to stop, and that would certainly wake him up.
You felt him turn around in his sleep - you didn't dare to look over your shoulder, or you would certainly crumble. His breath fanned over the nape of your neck, steady and warm. It was comforting, and you wondered if you even deserved that.
There was a faint chirping of birds outside the window when you heard him moving again, and then you felt his arm secure itself around you. There was a faint stroke of his fingers against your ribs, when you heard him speak.
"...is it one of those days, Liebing?" His voice was throaty, heavy with sleep.
You delayed your answer, partially because you were blaming yourself for waking him and making him deal with those emotions of yours, and partially because there was a knot in your throat that prevented your voice from coming out. He presses a soft kiss on your shoulder - he wasn't rushing you to answer, just letting you know he was patiently waiting. He knew you were awake, there was no hiding from him now.
You nodded, not daring to try and speak at all. You didn't move your hand to cup his, and that told him everything he needed to know.
With a soft sigh, he tugged your side until you relented and turned around to face him. You didn't want to look into his eyes, but when his fingers cupped your chin and made you look up, you met his tender, understanding eyes. You couldn't stop the waterworks now, fat tears rolling down your cheeks as you struggled to form any words.
"I'm-... I'm sor-" you tried to apologize - for waking him, for not being stronger, for being so weak-minded - but your voice cracked and got caught in your throat painfully.
König shushed you and kissed your forehead and cheeks, his arms surrounding you fully and bringing you impossibly closer to him. "Don't apologize, mausi," his muttered against your skin between kissing your tears away, let it out, we can talk later, just let it out."
You crumbled then, sobbing into his chest as his hands wandered over your naked skin. It wasn't sexual in any way, just the weight of his hands pressing against your body, comforting you, grounding you to him.
You didn't know when you fell asleep, you only realized you did it when you woke up. There was sunlight peeking from the heavy window curtains, and a sweet smell enveloping your senses. König's side of the bed was still faintly warm, and you found yourself clutching at one of his hoodies - your favourite one. You looked at it, knowing it hadn't been there the previous night, but in the fresh laundry you had put away. He had picked it up and left it for you.
With a newfound warmth in your chest, you put the hoodie on and crawled off the bed. You washed your face in the en-suite bathroom, and dared to look at yourself in the mirror. Your eyes were swollen and flushed from all the crying, and your hair was everywhere. At least you had managed to get some rest, you supposed.
You finally followed the sweet scent of cooking sugar to the kitchen, where you found your boyfriend stirring a pot and talking on his phone. He was speaking in German, and you couldn't quite pick the words.
"Danke, Mutti," he ended the call and put the phone down, catching you on his periphery and offering you a smile, "good morning, Häschen, breakfast is almost ready."
You tried to mimic his smile, but your face felt sore from all the crying, and chose to approach him instead, peeking over at the pot.
"... Your mom's rice pudding is a dessert," you comment, and he chuckled shortly, his hand finding your waist easily.
"Well, today feels like a day to eat rice pudding for breakfast, don't you think?" He turns off the stove and turns around, grabbing you by your hips and sitting you on the counter. The marble is cold, but his hands were warm, and so was his body as he stood between your thighs.
"Are you feeling better?" His lips brushed your forehead, and you sighed as your fingers clutched the front of his shirt.
"... A little," you hummed, looking up at him when he cupped the back of your head.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
"...Not yet."
He leaned down and kissed you softly in the lips, too shortly for your liking, but his lips never went far, brushing against yours as he spoke. "That's alright, mausi. I'll be here when you want to talk."
A/N: König calls his mom 'Mutti', fight me if you disagree 😤
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moonchildstyles · 2 years
on that same note I think harry would tease you about how big he is 🤕 he's always like "i don't know, i think you might be too small to take me... you get so whiny when i use my fingers so how are you gonna take all of me?" and you're begging with your eyes and saying "I can, i promise I can, I'll be so good and I'll take it all I will please 🥺" and he knows he's gonna give you what you both want but he likes to tease a little first so he says "I'm not sure... you'll feel me, all the way in your tummy, you know that?" and he would rub his hand over your lower stomach and murmur "right here, I'll be so deep you'll feel me all the way here" and you clutch at his wrist and say "I know, i want it so bad please let me feel it" and he would smirk at how needy you are 🤕 he would say "alright, I'm gonna give my pretty baby what she wants then" and he would work your panties down your legs 🤕 they're already soaked through from when he fingered you but he doesn't seem to mind 🤕 he says "think you're wet enough for me?maybe i should make you touch yourself, make yourself cum again before you get what you want" and you shake your head saying "I am, I'm already wet enough I promise, just please 🥺" so he runs his fingers against you and says "you weren't kidding, you really made a mess didn't you?" and he's so mean bc he knows you like it 🤕 finally he decides he's done teasing so he positions himself over you so he can cage you in and make you feel even smaller and he starts to push inside 🤕 he goes soooo slow to make sure you feel every inch 🤕 your eyes are closed because it feels so good but he doesn't like that, he taps his fingers on your jaw and says "look at me when I'm touching you" in a stern voice 🤕 you manage to open your eyes for a little bit but having him meet your stare on top of everything else you're feeling is too much so they slip closed again and you shake your head saying "i can't, it's too much i just-" and you cut yourself off with a sharp gasp when he thrusts the rest of the way in 🤕 he would say "that's okay baby, just feeling too good you can't even look at me, hm? I knew you'd get like this, knew it'd be too much for my pretty baby" and you nod and clutch at his arm 🤕 he gets soft for a minute and says "feeling okay sweet girl? you have to tell me if it's too much or if it's hurting" and you nod, you say "it feels so so good, just need a minute then you can- you can move" and he nods, running his fingers along your chest and collarbones to help calm you 🤕 when you finally breathe out that you're ready he would be so mean again 🤕 he would pull out so slow and tease you the whole time for how much you're moaning, but he wouldn't be able to help but moan a little too bc you're clenching him so tightly 🤕 when he pushes back in he would for sure use one hand to press down on your tummy and he would smirk when you gasp, he would say "what did I tell you? said you were gonna feel it in your tummy, I was right wasn't i?" and you nod, grabbing his arm to hold him there 🤕he would reach down to rub over your clit just the way you like and he would lean closer to whisper in your ear "want you to cum for me pretty girl" 🤕🤕🤕🤕🤕
I need to go to the vet to be put down because oh my GOD????????
bestie i.....I don't even know what to add just the idea f him teasing you like idk if im gonna fit are you sure you can handle ti???? like....maybe even measuring like putting his c*ck down on your lower tummy showing you jsut where youll feel him and "are you sure baby? right under your belly button, you really think you can handle that?" and HFSIUFGHOSUHFSUF LAYING OVE YOU RO MAKE YOUR FEEL EVEN MORE LIKE......JUST........UBNDER HUM DO YOU KNOW WHAT I MEAN??????? AND GETTING TO TOUCH HIS SHOULDERS AND NAIKS DOWN HIS TUMMY SHFUSHFOAH SICK SICK SICK SICK !!!!! nad.....I need to be so normal rn but......I really.......the idea of closing your eyes because it's jsut so much and he was right like it really is in your tummy like moving shit around but he needs to see your eyes he needs to see how you looked hone youre getting fucked by him and TAPPING YOUR JAW??? GETTING YOUR ATTENTION????? yeah okay......and getting soft waiting for the go ahead to move and really start giving it to you only after he knows that youre feeling good and happy and safe and loved but then its back to playing and hes teasing you im.........so clinically insane
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tei-to-tei · 1 year
I know It's weird that I go bombarding inboxes of an every person whose stuff I like, but I can't help it ok, your style, your works, the colors everything is beautiful, astonishing even.
That Raph drawing?
So soft I want to hold it in my arms and cry into it like its a pillow
I adore how pretty the lights look in your drawings, it makes them look like it's a dream, a very nice dream that you get once in several years and remember for the rest of your life.
I will spam you with likes now, I hope you won't mind and if you do pls tell me I don't want to make you uncomfy
Have a nice day/evening/night/afternoon/whatever time you're living in rn!!!
SDJKAFHASLJKDFH YOU HAVE ME SO MESSED UP RIGHT NOW?!?!?!?! Like I'm literally in shock, in a GOOD way - I am clutching my chest, rolling on the floor, I've been shot, I'm bleeding, I'm sobbing ugly dude. You have murdered me in the kindest way possible, and now I have to adopt you and protect you with the ghost of my LIFE. I've been so unsure about the art style for these neetle teetles, you have no IDEA. I've actually never really drawn them before (any attempt I've made is literally on this blog) and I'm still so hesitant on how to draw them and what brushes and what if I'm not doing them justice and hnnngrh But then I woke up today and... and... and some people actually LIKE when i make them all soft the way I really want to?? People liked my soft scarred up Raph???? I'm gonna CRY ;-; AND YOU?!?!?!?! YOU'RE THE ONE TELLING ME THIS??? Your art is honestly so striking and beautiful and every time it comes across my dashboard I can't help but happily stare at it for like 5 minutes before awkwardly leaving a quiet like and hoping i'm not coming across as a weirdo or anything. It's this perfect mix of sketch and sharpness and it just bleeds emotion. ... Anyway, my point is that i'm still sobbing and rolling on the floor over this message and now i'm way more comfortable metaphorically biting your icon with likes and comments when i see it come across my page.
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two-red-lungs · 2 years
I'm telling u rn everytime I stalk look at your acc and just all this eddie content I feel at home, one with my people, I just love the shit I see and everything u post ily and you're doing great but also to add to this -
Imagine Eddie hiding @ Reefer Rick's place yk the boat thing and you're obv there with him to keep him safe and Jason and his goons are hunting Eddie cause of all the alligations and he's yk losing his shit and somethin about him with the broken beer bottle ready to pounce on anyone makes you want to pounce on HIM so you basically tell him to keep quiet while he's whimpering and moaning softly as you suck his dick, and he's like worried to get caught but at the same time he finds it so fucking hot because you're like "Look at me, baby, look at me, pretty boy" and he just whimpers and lets out the pretty boy moans and eventually Jason just leaves and shit and Eddie just goes ballistic and begins to thrust in to your mouth begging you to let him fuck you and how pretty you look with your cheeks filled up with his cock I- AM FERAL 👹👹👹👹
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How does it feel to be the ONLY PERSON CORRECT ABOUT EDDIE???
NGL you’re 100% on the money seeing Eddie all weird and panicky and ready to defend himself absolutely Did Things to me so I can totally envision this happening (fans myself)
Your take on it is LITERALLY JUST PERFECT so I’m gonna AU a bit
The car door slams out front and there are distant voices: men’s voices.
Eddie hisses out a “shit” and drags you down with him against the wall underneath the boathouse window, free hand clutching the broken bottle.
You can literally hear his heartbeat from inches away, feel his hot breath on your face, how tight and ready his expression is, coiled and prepared to spring at any second.
His fingers are so tight on your forearm, crushing you against him, so you can feel his body heat and jesus, a girl just can’t help herself right? There is only so much temptation one person can be expected to resist.
Really, it’s his fault you feel this way. That sort of thing demands a punishment.
When your hand starts slowly, softly, like whisper-softly palming him through his tight pants he looks at you like you’ve grown a second head, opening his mouth to speak. You clap a soft palm over it.
“Shh. Wouldn’t want us to get caught now, hm?”
Physical touch is kind of a chemical overload for Eddie: he gets real stupid, real pliant, and real needy. So crushing him up against the wall, pressed between stacks of tarp-covered boxes, is easy.
He is literally huffing like he’s running a marathon the second you get his cock in your mouth, and every time you swallow around it he squirms: his knee hits a box with a thud so you use both hands to pin him in place (which is absolutely just making him harder)
He has no thoughts. Brain? Gone. His entire world has narrowed down to your tongue on the silky head of his cock, focusing on wanting to thrust up into your wet heat even while your painful grip on his hips stops him.
He’s chanting “fuck, fuck, fuck” in a wheezing whisper, jumping and shivering even harder when one of Jason’s goon’s rattles the boathouse lock, calling to his friends.
And you just stuff a messy bundle of fingers into his mouth, pads pressing down on his tongue. He cums mutely, back arching on the wall, literally while Jason is peering in the window and scanning the empty boathouse/the untarped boat, you two just out of sight.
The dude has no idea that right under his nose Eddie “The Freak” Munson is getting the goddamn soul sucked out of him.
“Pack it up, boys. We got bad information.” You hear Jason say only inches above both of your heads. You’re still holding Eddie’s cock in your mouth, sucking so gently on the end and feeling his entire torso shake in overstimulation under you. Still he keeps quiet. Such a good boy, keeping quiet.
Only when the car engine turns over and drives away again do you give him reprieve, pulling fingers from his mouth and watching his chest heave, pulling yourself up to head height to drag sweaty strands of hair away from his face and croon accolades.
“Good boy, look at you, you did so good for me Eddie, holy shit. Kept so nice and quiet. My pretty, perfect boy. Taking orders like a champ.”
He just looks up at you with wide-blown pupils and cheeks so flushed with arousal they’re splotchy. “You’re fucking insane.” He says with a grin. “God, I love it.”
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glowstick-cafe · 3 years
Abandoned||SBI x hybrid!reader
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SBIx hybrid!reader
Genre: Angst
Warning: Violence, Swearing, implied injury??
I use the Doomsday war to my advantage, that just feels right.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
"Dad! Help me, I'm scared!" Tears rolled down my face as I clung to the tree branch, "Y/n, it's ok! Keep your eyes on me and jump." Philza yelled. You were playing hide and seek with your brothers and managed to get stuck in a tree, which is why you're in this situation. "W-What if I fall?!" I yelled back, my tears blurred my vision, the only thing recognizable to me was Phil's white and green bucket hat. "I'll catch catch you. I promise." He said, his calming voice relaxing me. You took his word of it and jumped from the branch, you expecting to hit the ground or Phil's arm at least but with a small peak you saw that you were flying. "D-Dad....I'm flying!" You yelled excitedly while Philza was clutching his chest as if his heart was about to collapse on itself. If you were to ask him about it today, he would say that it was the most stressful day of his life.
"Tech, c'mon!" You whined, as your brother payed not mind to the fact that you were bothering or well at least trying to bother him. "Y/n, for chirst sake stop annoying your brother." Philza said, he just wanted some peace and quiet in the house for once and you were the only thing keeping it from that. "Y/n, I've already told you that you can't go outside with me a night, you're going to get hurt." The pink haired piglin murmured, "I can protect myself, you know this." "No, is no." He said in a stern tone making you huff in annoyance.
"Go with him, I won't tell a soul." Wilbur's voice cheered, his red beanie rested lazily on his head as he leaned on the couch. "Thank you, I'll do your chores for 3 days." "Make it a week." "Fine." After that little exchange you ran out the door to find Techno.
Deep into the forest you silently trail behind your brother while hiding behind trees and bushes, upon hearing a sudden noise that surprised you, you turned around to see your brother nowhere in sight. Your breath quicken as you looked around the forest in panick, where the hell is he?, while walking through the forest you bumped into someone, "Techno! I'm so glad to see yo-AAAA!" You cut yourself off to find out that instead stood a zombie, you backed yourself into a tree which left you nowhere to go, as much as you wanted to use your wings it was useless since the zombie could just grab you. "I can't believe I'm going to die to a zombie-" You managed to say, your terror was short lived because Techno stabbed the zombie through the heart. "Techno, I'm so sorry for following you. I almost got killed and-" Your rambling was cut short due to the sudden hug from the piglin, "I'm just glad your ok, I don't know what I'd do with myself if you got hurt." He whispered, all you could do was cry into his never as he carried you home.
"Dad, I'm not six anymore, I take care of myself. Techno gets to move out, what about me?!" You yelled, it was anthor fight between you and Phil, it's been getting more worse everytime. "The difference between you and Techno is that he proved that he can take care of himself." Phil argued back making you more annoyed. "When did it become about proving something? All I'm asking you to do is trust me, when did the become so hard to do?!" You screamed, you were at your limit, you ran out of the house and flew up to sit on the roof.
You were left to your thought until you heard a familiar voice, "It's rough in there haha..." Wilbur said, he was trying to make you feel better but he mentally cursed himself for even saying that. "You know he's trying his best right?" He sighed, Wilbur took a seat next to you and stared at the sky. Phil, Tommy, Wilbur, Techno and you used to sit on the roof and talk about the weirdest of things while watching the sunset, but not that Techno left to love on his on it doesn't feel the same. "Yeah, but I wish he'd do the bare minimum and treat me like I'm seventeen." I mumbled letting out a deep sigh, "Well, just know that I have your back no matter what, ok?" Wilbur reassured, he put out his pinky finger and you did the same, "Ok..." You gave the brunette a small smile then turning your attention back to the sunset.
"Now you've done it ya lil shit!" You jokingly yelled, you chase Tommy around the living room while Phil was making dinner and Wilbur was writing a song in his book. "Dad help! Y/n is brutally murdering me!" Tommy yelled while Phil hummed, not paying any attention to the blonde. "Imbeciles! Everyone of you in this house, imbeciles!" The blonde chanted while everyone laughed at you piled your entire weight on the boy.
Later in the night you heard a knock on your door, you utter a gentle come in to see Tommy. "What's up bud?" You ask, you sat up to look at him, "You know how Phil is finally letting you go live on your own?" You hummed and watced the boy try to find his word. "I...I don't want you to go-" He said, his voice sounding shakes which alarmed you.
"Is that was this is about? C'mon, sit." You sighed and patted a spot on you bed signaling for him to sit. "I know that you're going to miss me but just know that you'll have to get used to not having me around, I'm sure Wilbur feels the same. I believe in you, big man." I said while ruffling his hair, his expression seemed like he still wasn't read to let go. "But what about when you wake me up when I don't want to get up? What about you kicking me under the table during dinner, what about when I need you to tell me that everything is find? What about-" He paused to collect his thoughts. "Y/n, what am I without you?" His words made me halt, "Yourself..."
"You chose your side Y/n, Techno and I chose ours." Phil spoke, his tone cold and devoid of care."But, I thought- I thought we were a family." I say, Philza only wince at my words. I look up at him, Techno, and Dream as they set off the TNT dropper, with little time I tried to fly away I kept missing the TNT only by a kiss and a prayer until, "Y/n look out!" Tommy yelled, I quickly look behind me see TNT about to explode, out of instinct I use my wing to shield me.
Why is everything dark?
I-Why can't I see?!
Why can't I move my wings?!
Dad! Help me, I'm scared!
Why is no one there?
Dad-No, Phil, Techno, Wilbur, Tommy.....where are you?
My body felt like it was about the give out, I was losing a lot of blood. "I guess this is how I die...Techno can't save me this time." I chuckled to myself, "I wonder how one of Wilbur's songs go... Jubilee Line, was it?" I paused.
"Wasting your time
You're wasting mine
I hate to see you leaving
A fate worse than dying
Your city gave me asthma
So that's why I'm fucking leaving."
While I was singing a voice called out to me, it seems like I was buried under a pile of rocks...cool I guess. A hand reached and pulled me out of the dark creavis, surprising me completely.
I didn't realize how relieved I was to not die until I stole a hug from the person that saved me, he smelled of blueberries and heaven he was wear a colorful hoodie and a sea foam green swirl on the front. "It's ok, everything will be ok." Even his soft voice resembled an angel, I cried into his hoodie an. The man hugging me whispered small reassurances as my tears stain his hoodie, in that moment I've never been this scared to let someone go.
I hoped you liked this because I sure did, I shall go pass out now. It's 3:06am rn.
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amaranth-writing · 2 years
effect - choi yeonjun
a/n: this is just a quick lil story since i felt like writing (: i was gonna write a whole ass smut scene with jun pleasing the reader after a hard day of work (i'll probably write this prompt soon anyway) but i just need fluff and a mild makeout sesh to cheer me up rn ಥ_ಥ
i guess there's massaging and making out but that's it for 'triggers'-
you pressed your fingers to your temples, sighing deeply. god, this headache is gonna be the death of me. groaning, you squeezed your eyes shut and threw your head back, accidentally making yourself nauseous. you took a moment to blink, regaining focus on the world around you that was now spinning. why does work have to be so exhausting and stressful? why am i even working when my boyfriend is the choi yeonjun? speaking of which, yeonjun should be home soon, right? you picked up your phone and sloppily texted your boyfriend, who was marked as 'kissable lips' in your contacts:
"bsbe, pick ip sum advil pls"
your brain hurt too much to even notice the typos, and your neck and shoulders hurt even more. he responded with a simple "anything for my princess. 💞"
a few minutes later, a very cheerful, sweaty yeonjun burst through the door, closing it behind him with his shoulder, since his hands were full. he had picked up a few things after dance practice. he set the grocery bags he was carrying on the island in the kitchen of your apartment and dug through one of them before triumphantly retrieving a bottle of advil as well as a can of your favorite drink. he shook out a healthy dose of the medication, opening the drink as he walked over to you seated on the floor in front of the couch. he took your work laptop off of your legs and squatted down beside you, handing you the drink. you took a sip, stomach otherwise empty since you'd forgotten to eat that day. he handed you the small pills, which you swallowed before placing the drink on the coffee table nearby. then he just stared at you. you gave him some serious side-eye in response.
"what?" you asked. he answered by leaning forward and kissing your forehead. surprisingly, your headache eased.
he grinned gently at you, chuckling. "i just missed you today. you're beautiful, you know that?"
"yeonjun, I'm bare-faced, i should've showered yesterday, my hair is a mess, and I'm literally wearing sweats."
he just laughed. "god, i love you."
your face heated up. no matter how many times he said it, it still affected you. you went to turn your head away in embarrassment, but just ended up quietly calling out in pain from your sore neck.
concern flashed over yeonjun's expression. "you okay?"
"ugh, i've had a sore neck all day from watching my laptop. a headache, too."
yeonjun showed a bittersweet smile, then urged you to scooch forward. he sat behind you. "c'mere, babe," he mumbled, carefully grabbing your waist and pulling you closer to him. he began rubbing your neck right where it hurt. you winced at first, but he was actually rather good at what he was doing. he pushed circles into your skin and muscle from right below your ear to down below your shoulder blade, then he traced his hands up and down your arms. you could feel his hot breath against your neck when he leaned against you, breathing you in and planting soft kisses across the length of your shoulders, lifting one of your arms to kiss down that, too. "i love you, i love you, i love you..." he kept murmuring against your skin, between every kiss. he went back to your neck to leave a hickey at its base. you had goosebumps all over, and your headache was thrown out of the window.
you turned so you were facing him, and straddled his lap. a smirk crept the corners of his lips up as he looked from your chest to your neck to your face. "well, someone's feeling better."
"you tend to have that effect."
he sniggered, lifting one hand up to place on your chin, guiding your lips to his. once they connected, his hand moved to the base of your hair to grasp it as his other hand clutched your hip. your hands went behind his head to tug at his hair, and he moaned faintly into the kiss. your lips moved against his plump ones easily as they had many times before. he bit your bottom lip as he pulled his mouth from yours, kissing along your jaw to your ear and nibbling on your lobe before moving in a trail to your collarbone, leaving various purple and red bite and suck marks. you whimpered at his actions, placing your hands on his chest. he continued for a bit before dragging his nose against your chest- then your neck- then your chin- on his way up to smooch you on the lips again. that was the last lip-to-lip interaction, though, since he stopped after that. you fell into his chest, burying your face in his neck. you were both breathing heavily.
"I'm gonna go shower," he stated, picking you up by the hips and taking you off of his lap. he stood up, shooting you a sly look. "wanna join me?"
part 2??
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