#Hustler playlist
kingdom-dance · 2 years
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(the prodigal daughter aka @ophiuchus-interactive In the Ocean of Stars’ MC)
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livvyofthelake · 2 years
literally arthur. don’t ask me to explain. if you don’t get it thats your problem.
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sumetinggud · 2 years
Where the hustlers at? I made a playlist just for you ☺️
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the realization that there is no way for me to be able to complete the draft of the doucment I have to present to the CFO without having to either do unpaid overtime after work or before work and I should really be finishing it up right now < blasting Spotify’s “I Love My Down South Classics” while I do an adult coloring book until sleep overtakes me 
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doctorbunny · 5 months
Hi there. I have a quick question if you don’t mind. Of all the translated earbud lines, who had the best burn and what was it?
Ok it's hard to pick, but I had to go for Muu's insult to Mikoto
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If the mountain of translation notes didn't give it away I struggled to find a good TL for 'charai', alternatives to poser included: Hustler (really old definition nothing to do with 'side hustles'), flirt, player, scrub (yes, the same one as that TLC song), fop, and my favourite (that I couldn't use bc its too old-fashioned)
"Foppish Dandy"
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If you're familiar with the song 'Yankee doodle dandy' Yes, this is that sort of dandy. (And if you don't already know that song is basically making fun of the 18th century version of Mikoto so start putting it on all the character playlists for him)
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cherrycola27 · 1 year
All Too Well
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Series Warnings: Language, drinking, military inaccuracies. Allusions to smut, eventual smut. Unrequited love, enemies to lovers. Adult themes and situations. 18+ Minors DNI
Masterlist Previous Part Next Part
Chapter 2: So Causally Cruel
You sat there in your kitchen looking at the note. You weren't going to let yourself feel sad or upset about this. Absolutely not. Where the fuck did Rooster get off on this? He wanted to blow you off yesterday because he was afraid that you'd pull a midnight escape, and then he does just that? How dare he.
You crumpled up the note and tossed it in your trash can. You went into your living room and turned on your Bluetooth speaker and paired your phone to it. If he wants to be petty, fine. You'll show him petty.
You scrolled through your playlists before setting on a personal favorite of yours. Soon, the songs of your #ToxicQueen playlist filled the room. You grabbed your speaker and went to shower while belting out every song that made you feel like fucking with someone.
Some time later, you hopped out of the shower and dried your hair. You scrolled through your contact list, praying that you had saved his number. As if on cue, the caller ID of the exact person you were looking for popped up on your screen.
"Hi, Jakey." You said as you answered the phone with a smirk. "Hey, Hustler. I hope I'm not bothering you. I just wanted to call and check on you and see if you were feeling better." He said.
"Feeling better?" You asked him. "Yeah, last night when I was waiting for you at the Hard Deck, Rooster found me and said you had gotten sick" Jake said.
Rooster, you little shit, you thought.
"Oh, right. Sorry, yeah. I'm feeling much better today. Must have been something I ate." You lie to him. "Great. Well, I was wondering, and don't feel like you have to say yes, but the squad and I are going out tonight to the Coyote Ugly club for Coyote's birthday tonight. Ironic, I know. But I was hoping you'd come with us." Jake rambles. "When you say 'us,' do you mean the friend group or with you as a date?" You smirked. "Would you like it to be a date?" Jake asks you. "I would love for it to be a date." You tell him.
"Great. We have a party bus coming to my house to pick everyone up. I could pick you up before them around nine if that works for you." Jake says. "That's perfect. I'll see you then, Jakey." You mused before hanging up the phone.
You decide to spend the rest of the day pampering yourself and getting ready for Coyote's party. You knew Rooster was going to be there, and you were going to make him eat his heart out.
You decide to wear your favorite red off the shoulder top and a pair of tight black cut-off shorts. You planned on adding a pair of fishnet tights and some black ankle boots. You'd top the look off with a croped black jacket, just in case.
Once you selected your clothes, you needed to pain your nails. You grabbed your favorite shade of cherry red and sat down at your table.
You blew on the wet crimson polish, covering your nails while singing along to record you had playing. "Don't get sad, get even," you hummed to contentedly yourself as the text you had been waiting for lit up your phone. Jakr had just confirmed that the whole squad would be in attendance. Perfect.
A few hours later, you were perched on Jake's lap in the party bus. With your last-minute invite, it seemed that the bus was on seat short, but you had no problem securing yourself on Jake's muscular thighs. He had one hand holding your knees while his other arm was wrapped firmly around your middle.
You had both arms draped around him. One of your hands played with the short hairs at the nape of his neck while the other fiddled with the thin gold chain that peaked out from his black v-neck shirt.
Jake had said something funny, causing you to laugh. Rooster, who had the misfortune of drawing the metaphorical short straw, was seated beside the two of you. He rolled his eyes and huffed before mumbling something under his breath.
By the time the bus had dropped the group of you off, Bradley had more than his fill of you shamelessly throwing yourself at Jake, like he hadn't cum in you and had you crying out his name less than twelve hours ago. Rooster swore he could still smell himself on you, and would bet money that his cum was probably still leaking out of you.
Whatever thoughts he had, he pushed them to the side as he all but ran to get off the bus and get a drink. He needed something strong, stat.
After getting the two of you a drink, Jake lets you lead him to the dance floor. You spend song after song pressed up against him, his hands roaming all over your body. Rooster keeps his eyes glued on the two of you. The whiskey in his hand is long forgotten as he watches you grind on Jake when "No Hands" blasts through the venue.
"Are you going to go get your girl, or are you just going to stand there and let that happen?" Phoenix asks as she saddles up on the bar stool beside him. She's careful to avoid the two bartenders who are currently dancing on the bartop while pouring drinks.
"She's not my girl." Rooster grimaces as he takes a drink. "Rooster, you and I both know that's not true. The two of you are like magnets, always pulling each other back in. No matter how it starts, you always end up back together." Phoenix tells him.
"Not this time." He tells her. "Why? Because of Jake? You know she's only doing that to get your attention. She's probably pissed you didn't take her home last night. And Jake is playing along because he likes to fuck with you." Phoenix chuckles.
"See, that's where you're wrong, Phe. I did take her home last night—well, I went home with her." Bradley begins.
"Oh." Phoenix replies, slightly surprised. "And?" She asks him.
"I did what she's done to me more times than I'd care to admit. I left before she woke up." Rooster tells her.
"Because that was such a good idea." Phoenix rolls her eyes.
"It gets worse." Bradley cringes. "Of course it does." Phoenix shakes her head.
"I may have left her a passive-aggressive note asking her how me leaving made her feel." Rooster confesses.
"Oh, adding insult to injury because that's just the thing to do!" Nat shakes her head before downing her drink.
"Bradshaw, I wish I could tell you what to do in this situation, but it looks like you're going to have to lay in the bed you made." She tells him before getting up to go do some birthday shots with Coyote.
Bradley sighed and finished his drink. He looked back at the dance floor, but you and Jake had disappeared from your previous location. He scanned the floor, and his eyes landed on the two of you just in time to catch sight of you leading Jake by the hand towards the bathrooms.
"You've got to be fucking kidding me." Bradley mumbled to himself. He had half a mind to follow you around the corner and ask you what the fuck your problem was, but he was afraid of what he might see if he did.
Instead, he waited, watching the entrance to the small hallway like a hawk. Thirteen minutes later, yes, he had counted them, Jake emerged with skewed hair and was presently fixing his belt buckle. You followed closely behind him. Sensing that someone was watching you, you turn just in time to meet Rooster's eyes.
You knew he was giving you the once over, taking in your mused hair and smeared lipstick. You would bet money that he thinks you and Jake just snuck off to the bathroom for a quickie. Truthfully, the two of you had just made out with some heavy petting, but Bradley didn't need to know that.
Deciding to push the envelope, you held eye contact with him as you wiped the corners of your mouth and licked your thumb clean. Then, you reapplied your lipstick before shooting him and wink and waltzing back to the dance floor.
Bradley slammed his beer bottle on the counter before going to find some other members of the group. He'd be damned if he stood there and let you taunt him after you gave Jake a blow job in the bathroom.
The longer the night went, the wilder you got. A VIP section had been secured for the group for the last half of the night, and currently, you and the entire squad were gathered around a small bar where some of the bartenders were performing.
Fanboy had stupidly suggested a drunken game of truth or dare, which ended up with you giving Coyote a lap dance for his birthday and you and Natasha kissing.
Currently, Payback was challenging you to either spill something about Maverick or join the bartenders on the counter. Never one to back down from a challenge, you threw back a tequila shot before asking the girls if it was okay for you to join them.
They immediately agreed just as "Come Get Her" began to play. You unabashedly moved your body to the beat.
The music blared through the speakers as you danced on the bar top. No one else seemed to care. They were laughing and encouraging this child like behavior, but a certain chicken had finally had enough.
"Hustler. Get down now." Rooster yelled over the music as he stood on the ground in front of you.
You pretended to think for a minute before saying "No" and shaking your ass for him.
"I'm not playing. Get down right the fuck now." He growled. You could tell he was angry, but he didn't have any say over you. "I'm having a good time Bradley, don't be such a buzz kill!" You yelled to him.
"I'm serious. Get. Down. Now." He demanded. "You're not my dad, my mom, my boyfriend, or my commanding officer, so you can't tell me what to do, and I don't have to listen to you. So you can kindly fuck off and suck my dick—like I did Jake's earlier." You smirked at him before flipping him off.
Rooster's jaw clenched. "I tried to do this the easy way, but if you want to be petty, so can I." Rooster said before he wrapped his arms around your calves and pulled you off the bar while throwing you over his shoulder.
"Bradley Nicholas Bradshaw, you fucking caveman! Put me down!" You demanded as your fists pounded into his back.
The rest of the squad sat there with wide eyes, unsure of what to do next.
"What the fuck is your problem!" You screamed at him once he finally sat you down in the parking lot.
"What the fuck is my problem? What the fuck is your problem?!" He fired back. I'm not the one in there throwing herself at a guy like a cheap hooker." Bradley spat.
"Fuck you, Bradshaw!" You yelled with a slap across his cheek. Bradley was unphased by your outburst.
"You walk around with your holier than thou attitude and pretend to be the victim. You're the one who left me this time. You're the one who started it again after you told me not to. I'm not the bad guy here!" You screamed at him. A few people in the parking lot glanced at the two of you, but kept walking.
"I was just giving you a taste of your own medicine. How many times have you left me? Hmm? What's my one compared to your what? Five? Ten?" Rooster tries to defend himself.
"I never left you any passive-aggressive notes. And I never left you to be mean. I left because I was afraid of hurting you. You left to be cruel!" You rage at him, throwing your arms up and turning around to storm off. You grab your phone and try to order an Uber. You're done with him and everyone else for the night.
"Oh, I'm the cruel one, sure. Typical Hustler, always playing the victim with the sob story. Just like when we were graduating from Top Gun and you used me to get that special detachment. Typical Mitchell." Rooster states with a smirk.
You take a deep breath and grip your phone. You turn on your heels with fire in your eyes.
"I never used you, Bradley. I'm not going to apologize for being the better pilot." You say harshly.
"You told the admirals that I was slow and indecisive. I was supposed to be the mission leader on that last exercise, and you completely undermined me during it! You swooped in with your Maverick style swagger and cost me the chance to prove myself!" He yells at you.
"I did want needed to be done. You weren't going to take the shot in the exercise. If I hadn't done what I did, Danvers and Martin would have beaten us for the top spots." You explain to him.
"I didn't care about the top spots. I cared about proving myself! Proving that I belonged there. Something you never had to worry about!" He states.
"Oh, here we go again!" You sigh as you throw up your hands. "I'm sorry my dad pulled your papers, I don't know why he did it, but it was years ago. You've managed to forgive him for something he did do, why can't you forgive me for something I didn't do? I never used you, Rooster. I cared about you. Hell, I still care about you. All I said was I didn't know if you would be the best person for the mission because when it comes down to it, you're too cautious." You try to justify your actions to him
"Not cautious enough, apparently. I still managed to let you break my heart." He says with venom in his voice.
"Because yours was the only heart that broke. Yeah, sure, okay." You say through a sob that cracks your voice and threatens to break free.
You turn away from him just in time for the rest of the squad to find the two of you outside. They can feel the tension in the air. Jake comes up beside you to ask if you're okay. You shrug him off before reaching into the inner pocket of your jacket.
You pull out a long forgotten pack of cigarettes and a lighter. You light one up and take a long drag, something you haven't done in at least a year. Your nerves are shot, and the nicotine helps calm you down.
"Those things will kill you." Jake says. "And the sixty-million dollar jets we fly won't?" You bite back.
He shrugs, unsure what to say. "I'm getting an Uber and going home. Are you coming with me?" You ask him as you finish the smoke and toss the butt to the ground before snubbing it out with your boot.
He blinks a few times before answering you. "Yeah, I'm coming with you."
"Perfect." You say. Soon, the car pulls up, and you and Jake get in. You wave at Bradley from the back seat as it pulls out of the parking lot.
#ToxicQueen playlist is linked in the masterlist. Hope you enjoyed!
Tag list: @thedroneranger @roosterscock @shanimallina87 @desert-fern @teacupsandtopgun @mayhemmanaged @lovinglyeternal @lovingbradshawafterdark @wkndwlff @shanimallina87 @roosterforme @daggerspare-standingby @dakotakazansky @startrekfangirl2233 @hecate-steps-on-me @bradshawsbaby @cassiemitchell @na-ta-sh-aa @blueoorchid @milestellerlover @katieshook02 @mak-32 @je-suis-prest-rachel @soulmates8 @ohgodnotagainn @diorrfairy @eli2447 @xoxabs88xox @cornishkat @littlewhiterose @annagraceevanss @djs8891 @sebsxphia @the-romanian-is-bae @kaysav608 @admiraltitmouse @wandering-feather
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ariesangel04 · 11 months
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How to Be a Mid 2000’s Dream Queen: Mcblingy Style 🪩
i literally love everything about the 2000’s. it is my dream girl lifestyle to live as if i was on jersey shore!
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Fashionista ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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the mcbling style is all about the printz (leopard, cheetah, zebra), lots of sparkles, low rise pants & shorts, baby tees, tanks, bedazzled shirts, & lots of skin! the trashier the better! knowing the brandz are important too so start looking for lots of ed hardy, affliction, playboy, hustler, skin industries, juicy couture, and victoria secret pink!
Makeup ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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now for makeup it's defiently all about the eyez. big bold eyeliner or eyeshadow is important with a sparkly lid or smoky eye. i personally love lots of blush and jewels all on my face to add some extra pizzazz! & how could i ever forget about the bubblegum pink lip!!! saint germain is a holy grail for all my mcbling queens!!
Nailz ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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QUACK QUACK! duck nails are a staple to this style with the addition of the printz, star designs, playboy symbol, hello kitty designs, and lots of gems. square french tips in different colors, sizes, and designs are a definite need for this trashtastic style!
Iconz ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
there were a lot of mid 2000’s inspirations but the one i’m gonna talk about are our favorite guidettes!! snooki, j-woww, and deanna really showcased fashion and fun which is what mcbling is all about! they are all about being party animals, having big personalities, & wearing bold outfits like trucker hats, spike sunglasses, fur boots, and huge bags!
iconz that are keeping the mcblingy lifestyle alive to this day are jayden naomi & totallytashaxox!
Accessoriez ˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
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without accessories an outfit is absolutely nothing. this style is all about being cute, silly, and fun which is why accessories are a must have. you have to be glitz and sparkling from head to toe with chunky bangles, big sparkly rings, studded belts, big necklaces with jewels, and bamboo earrings. one of my fav things to do is adding cute plush keychains to my bags. everything is large & in charge in this style.
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thank you so much for reading! i hope you angels loved these trashtastic tips!
from the angels playlist *♪¸¸.•*¨・:*ೄ·💋
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fereldanwench · 4 months
OC/Character Music Tag Game
The fantastic @corpocyborg tagged me to list some songs/playlists that represent my OCs! I'm gonna follow suit and do it based on different stages of Valerie's life. (´。• ᵕ•。`)
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lost girl era | 2063-2065
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Why should we try so hard Let's get numb 'Til we don't feel nothing There's comfort in the dark Here alone We didn't choose to be born Under a dying sun Just let us cool the burn
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the hustler era | 2065-2070
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Dead Inside by Younger Hunger
I'm all talk with a thorn in my side I got a real big heart that I'm willing to hide You ask me what I want from life, I said to Make a lotta money and feel dead inside
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counter-intel era | 2074-2076
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My Heart Has Teeth by deadmau5 ft. Skylar Grey
You've never met someone like me My heart has teeth, my heart has teeth And it's looking for something to eat My heart has teeth, my heart has teeth Oh, isn't it so bittersweet That I love to watch you bleed?
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the relic era | 2077
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24 by Jem
Been given 24 hours To tie up loose ends, to make amends His eyes said it all, I started to fall And the silence deafened Head spinning 'round, no time to sit down Just wanted to run and run and run
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post-mikoshi era | 2079 and beyond
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Mine by Sweet Tempest
I won't back down I got my crown And it's mine, it's all mine A quaint design It takes my time Because it's mine, it's all mine At night when the tempest comes out And the world gives up like a shiver of doubt Our bodies mesmerize Defined in superior light I touch and feel my way through delight And our bodies fantasize
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Tagging @sassyve, @onlymisu, @chevvy-yates, @elfjpeg, and @corpocookie ♡♡♡
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jinconda · 2 years
Hustlers Masterlist
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pairing: Jungkook x Reader
summary: Broken friendships, tested loyalties are causing Bangtan's internal problems to become worse than their external.
not so much a summary: im tired of weak, annoying y/n characters that are helpless and need jk to save them. that being said, reader is an explosive, temperamental, badass. jks girlfriend has the lovely title of being the annoying y/n.
warning: violence, I mean like some serious ass shit, killing left n right, graphic themes, dark themes, swearing
playlist: not mine but it gives off hustler vibes
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Summary: When Jeongguk’s girlfriend, Jihyo is taken by the Daechwita gang, everyone’s friendships are tested as Jeongguk does anything in pursuit of getting her back.
wc: 6.2k
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Summary: The aftermath of the Daechwita house causes tension and the severity of the issue begins to weigh onto everyone.
wc: 5.5k
Parts one and two are combined in one post which is found here.
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Taglist: (I have this saved in my Mac’s notes, if you want to be removed given that I’ve been gone for half a year, let me know (and if you want to be added, even better ;] )
@carolsummerlove @seajae @wintersobs @sparkyprotectionsquad @youlook-likehell @mizz-kraziii @jinnaga @artgukk, @shownusshoulders @gguksnoona @thequeen-kat @swnss @kooyanami @lily-tigers @joonjulyagust-d @satorinnie @azazel-nyx @parisoswag @kokoandkookie @nochuonii @finelinememories @greezenini @thataquariusreader @scoupsnotscoops @maichiverse @diamonddia-mond @sparkyprotectionsquad @tucajitadepandora @posijeon @yoongistangerine @plants-w0rld @tatyxxana19 @parisoswag @softforpj @luvshorses08 @mariegalea @bllatrixcarpnter @pjmwingz @lavenderhotcoco @waterlilyintherough @namitakeru @f4ncyvelvet @andrejamis @bad1karma @jiminoctilucy @itzz-me-duh @btspurplesky @iconicgguk @yoontaethings @jeonpendejo @in-daydreaming @bubbless-world @sweetcheeksdna @leehaechanlee @neo44 @nochuel @morauvmi @nissss @desireangel @hrts4kook @bratdolls @barbellastyles98 @xeidensdistraction @xeidensdistraction @akqshie @namjooncrabs @greezenini @lvrseok @tkaatalk @akshstudios @btspurplesky @shydestinyyouth @ishizhan 
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chaosteddybear · 4 months
Information gathered and finalized
Age: 35
Height: 5'2"
Pronouns: she
Sexuality: pan
Relationship style: anarchist, plays it by ear per person
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Species: tiefling
BG3: Raphael (ssh)
Star signs: aries sun, pisces moon, sagittarius rising
Alignment: Chaotic Good. Freedom baybeeee. She will fight to defend it for herself or others she cares about (which is most people). Even to her own detriment, esp for someone her heart beats for, even if she's their target in the process.
Soul Coin: Vibrant light blue, kind of like a powder blue, shimmery, covered in charcoal. You'll feel static when you touch it.
Short Backstory:
She was raised by her tiefling dad among wood elves. Not a very safe place for someone with strong emotions. She feels much safer and at home leaning into her milder qualities - cuteness, for example.
Having not learned how to accept her more devilish parts, she has historically focused on trying hard not to let them shine so as not to stand out in a negative way - a feeling she still embodies as she gravitates towards people who have those characteristics so she can feel more comfortable herself.
Her mother was a cambion - a daughter of Glasya - uninterested in her and unimpressed by her life. Her tiefling (Levistus) father raised her but recently died, so she has no more ties to home and doesn't plan to return.
Goals: Now, she is on a path to learn about fiends. She knows all the information she gets from those she asks is biased but she prefers it that way anyway, so as to also get to know people themselves, hoping to make friends. Much more fun getting to know people while learning than studying books.
Fear: She is most afraid of hurting others. She sees herself as greedy and selfish and tries not to be impulsive, and treats others like they're made of glass. So when she gets comfortable and starts not doing that, she will reflect and regret if there's any sign she made a misstep
Food: Sasli loooooooooves frivolous food, hates eating for any reason other than enjoyment. Favorite dish is a plate full of whipped cream.
Misc Q&A answers, collected:
- Loves being referred to using embarrassing or humiliating yet affectionate pet names but won't tell you this.
- Sasli loves making connections with those that make her gut flutter. People that help her feel comfortable being who she is. She has many different types of relationships with different people she finds love within herself for in different ways.
- She is a serial hustler. Odd jobs. She moves around a lot so like in our world she'd probably be a doordasher, handyman, and probably one or two other things rolling in and out depending what's paying.
- Sasli thinks the blood war is silly, can't demons and devils just get along? Ugh!
- She actually loves having her boundaries tested especially if it's deliberate by the other person in an attempt to learn how to interact with her, which she would feel honored by. She would feel so safe and happy if she tries to set one and the other person actually accepts it. Swoon, Sasli!
- Conversely, Sasli is hyper afraid of crossing others' boundaries. Being so open, she has a history of misjudging what is ok versus not.
Unfortunately her fear of crossing others' boundaries sometimes makes her seem cold towards people she ought to get along very well with, in fear of hurting them. She is particularly comfortable and attracted to those who handle their boundaries very well and keep her in check because it helps her know she isn't a bull in a giftshop like she was in that forest.
She is a huge sub but will service top when asked, like a good sub hehe. But she's so insecure about doing it when not warranted that even if it seems obvious that it's wanted, she won't engage unless specifically asked (or she knows them well enough which would take a while).
- Her dice would be simple, brown, wooden. At one point she painted them with deep red paint, tracing the lines of the creases and the numbers delicately. With her tongue sticking out for focus of course. But that's faded now.
- There is a string of frustrated people who thought she was sending them mixed signals because she flirted with them then stopped when she felt it wasn't reciprocated and she ought to stop, so she did, and they thought she was a tease.
- Sasli is insecure about her existence. She always feels like she's intruding. She notices every little slight, imagines some, and convinces herself everybody just wants her gone. Mix and Turgi know this well and go out of their way to share how happy they are she's with them often.
- With respect to lying, Sasli would be most likely to lie about her past or any negative emotions, in an attempt to protect the other person. Usually she just tries to be vague and brush over it but sometimes little lies feel needed. She hates being pitied because it makes her untrusting of people's kindness.
If you want to intimately learn about her, she'd need to feel like you wouldn't be led to be falsely nice to her anyway, wouldn't be negatively affected yourself by sad stories yourself, or at least wouldn't let it affect how you treat her (comforting in the moment would be fine but even that would make her feel a little guilty). She'd need to know that you actually want to know and care.
- She has a collection of rocks. Some of them might be valuable but she has no idea which, she just likes to look at and touch them.
Some rocks have stories where she remembers where she got them or who gave them to her, and she loves thinking about them and remembering where they came from.
Turgi will often sit with her and help her set her intentions and pick rocks to match them, which she will then carry in her pocket and use as inspiration to live intentionally. Maybe someday she will get them put in jewelry...
She doesn't really own much else of note. While she enjoys nice or interesting fabrics that feel good against her skin, she is happy to say hello and goodbye to things and enjoy them while they're there.
-To drink, she likes rum most - spiced rum, ideally. And in a mixed drink she would love it spicy but not diluted. Without alcohol, she likes cold teas, unsweetened.
- Love Languages: loves to receive info dumping but only after she cares about you or if it's about something she's interested in, and it'll take her even longer to do it to you but if she does she finds it very intimate. Sasli is also a huge fan of Deep Pressure (crush her soul back into her body) and Penguin Pebbling (expand her rock collection) and she would love to do the same back :3
She also will require words of affirmation if she's going to be comfortable around you, and gives them liberally, but they're more of a necessity than a love language because they don't affect her love but rather her comfort.
Sasli lives for physical touch. She gets such a rush from touch with a stranger, especially if it's held and they don't back away from her. Just the small intimacy gives her warmth.
- If she raided my closet she would grab my finest lingerie. But she would keep those for only her favorite partners prob, the ones who really deserve it! She'd prioritize my flowy dresses with very low cut necklines 😌 the ones I'd never wear to work of course. And she'd twirl in them, a lot.
- Sasli thinks jealousy is a necessary evil, it's not great but it's definitely natural and acceptable. She finds it endearing when someone trusts her enough to show their jealousy, and she would love to comfort them if they matter to her and try to help them through it. She has a high tolerance for jealousy in others and will accept it being handled badly but she'd prefer to help.
She definitely loves turning jealousy into a kink.
As far as her own jealousy, when she feels it she notices right away and acknowledges it as a sign of something not being right. She will think and reflect on what's out of place so she can either address it or choose not to address it (in cases where she can't address it she will try to seek Turgi for some help accepting it or changing her situation).
If she's feeling a void...she will fill it.
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punkpuppy1312 · 2 months
20s | They / She / It / Pup / Fluff / Wolf / Drae | Genderfae Puppydragongirlthing | Polyfidelitous Biromantic Lesbian | Black / Indigenous | Anarchist | INFP | ♌𖤓♒☾♊⇡ | 🌊🐟
My Special Interests (⁠●⁠_●⁠)💕 *angel choir*:
💗 Cartoons
💗 Philosophy
💗 Magick
💗 Nature
My Recurring / Long Running Hyperfixations ヾ⁠(⁠*⁠’⁠O⁠’⁠*⁠)⁠/💖:
✨ Music
✨ Cannabis
✨ Psychedelics
✨ Natural Medicine
✨ Alt Culture
✨ Romance
✨ Dreams
✨ Powerscaling
✨ Hacking
✨ Science
✨ Tech
✨ Engineering
✨ Pop Culture
✨ Conspiracy Theories
✨ Cryptozoology
✨ Quirky Online Quizzes
✨ Martial Arts
✨Free Love
✨ BDSM & Kink
✨ Architecture
✨ Religion
✨ Mythology & Folklore
✨ Identity
✨ Horror / True Crime / Dark Content
✨ Neurodivergence
fav cartoons 📺:
Adventure Time, Dead End Paranormal Park, Invader Zim, Gravity Falls, Avatar, Owl house, Centaurworld, Growing Up Creepie, She-Ra, MLP:FIM, MLP: Equestria Girls, Craig of the Creek, Bee and Puppycat, Inside Job, We Bare Bears, Bluey, SpongeBob, One Piece, Steven Universe, Jujutsu Kaisen, dbza, Blue Exorcist, Kid Cosmic, Big Mouth (literally chat to me bruv, I dare you I'm so fuckin fr), MHA, Summer Camp Island, Bobs Burgers, Bojack Horseman, My Life as a Teenage Robot, Mighty B!, Samurai Jack, Danny Phantom, PPG, Toradora, Lovely Complex, Inuyasha, Ghibli, Another, Tuca and Bertie, Total Drama, Star vs, Fanboy and chum chum, the Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack, Rocko's Modern Life, Hey Arnold, The Weekenders, Bravest Warriors, Cowboy Bebop, Courage the Cowardly Dog, Ren & Stimpy, American Dragon: Jake Long, Fantastic Mr Fox, Zootopia, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke (#1 fav Ghibli movie), Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stitch, Maximum Ride (but I like the novels too), Lumberjanes, Seconds, Scott Pilgrim, Zebrafish, Bone, Dragon Ball, Naruto, uuuh, haha, its kind of a long list.
my fav bands/music artists 🥁🎸🎤: Dirty Heads, Snoop Dawg, MF DOOM, Kendrick Lamar, Andre 3000, Mac Miller, Kid Cudi, Denzel Curry, Danny Brown, Run The Jewels, Dominic Fike, Ken Ashcorp, Say hi (to your mom), Mike Krol, Bikini Trill, Fall Out Boy, Free Cake For Every Creature, Adult Mom, Death, Gorillaz, Motion City Soundtrack, Rainbow Kitten Surprise, Sublime w/ Rome, Sidney Gish, Bad Brains, Atlas, Rustage, Dodie, Mommy Long Legs, Bratmobile, Sleater-Kinny, Gito Gito Hustler, Yabadum, Hands Off Gretel, Yucky Duster, Violent Femmes, Teen Suicide, Acid Ghost, Arcade Fire, K. Flay, grandson, ACDC, Nirvana, My Chemical Romance, Cage the Elephant, Bloc Party, Paramore, Mitski, Destroy Boys, Minor Threat, The Pillows, Electric President, Aly & AJ, Oliver Tree, 100 gecs, Chloe Moriando, Glass Animals, Studio Killers, Mystery Skulls, Vampire Weekend, Plumtree, The Classic Crime, Pillow Theory, Fun., Mom Jeans., Good Kid, The Front Bottoms, Calpurnia, Wallows, Mother Mother, Pleasure Venom, Bikini Kill, Pure Hell, Mitski, Aer, Slightly Stoopid, Pinkshift, Heavens To Betsy, Crass, Crook & Nannie, Netherfriends, Wu Tang, Eric B & Rakim, Khai Dreams, Oz the Originator, Richie Branson, Hideki Naganuma, Chaba Take, Hatsune Miku, Vocaloid, Rebecca Sugar, Arctic Monkeys.
my fav movies 🎥🍿: Fantastic Mr Fox, Zootopia, Ponyo, Kiki's Delivery Service, Princess Mononoke (#1 fav Ghibli movie), Big Hero 6, Lilo & Stich, Nick and Norah's Infinite Playlist, Scott Pilgrim Vs The World, Pineapple Express, EEAAO, The Book Of Clarence, The Blackening, The Harder They Fall, Joker.
fav games 🎮 : The Simz, Zelda, Skate 3, JSRF, Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, Metroid, Fortnite, Animal Crossing, Genshin Impact, Minecraft, Spiderman, Saints Row, Sleeping Dogs, mostly adventure, sandbox, rpgs, and sim games!
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postpunkpervert · 2 months
@tothefalls tagged me! My long ass username spelt using songs :D
Phenomena - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
One Touch - LCD Soundsystem
Song 5/Get the Girls (First Demo) - Interpol
The Whores Hustle And The Hustlers Whore - PJ Harvey
Partners In Crime - The Strokes
Under The Spell (feat. Mary Goore) - Me And That Man
Natural Disasters - Enon
Kool Thing - Sonic Youth
Public Pervert - Interpol ;)
Echoes - The Rapture
Rockers To Swallow - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Victory - PJ Harvey
Every Day Is Exactly The Same (Sam Fog vs. Carlos D Mix) - Nine Inch Nails
Rest My Chemistry - Interpol
The Sweets - Yeah Yeah Yeahs
Also, i've made a playlist of this so you don't have to search for them individually! (Used the demo version of Victory because the Dry album version isn't available in my region T_T)
tagging @jansuno @lafayetteblues @flugame-mp3 @summer-w3ll @melancholystargirl @leuqarkrabat @stephenmorris and anyone else you want to 🫶
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My Top 50 Songs of 2023*
*not necessarily from 2023
Year number 8 of the Top 50 Songs of 2023 that aren’t necessarily from 2023 playlist!
The biggest change this year is that I did my best to try and actually sequence the playlist so I recommend turning off the shuffle I've suggested in years past and let the thing play in order.
To be totally honest, I didn't fall in love with that many albums this year BUT I did fall in love with a ton of tracks, most of which are represented here (especially the end of the playlist which skews very 2023).
So check it out. Discover something new or fall in love with something you haven’t heard in a while. See you next year!
Triple Fast Action - Small Amount
Pool Kids - That’s Physics, Baby
Joy Oladokun - Changes
Samiam - Lights Out Little Hustler
Florence + The Machine - South London Forever
Kacey Musgraves - justified
Worst Party Ever - Beautiful Out
Laura Mvula - Church Girl
The Verve Pipe - She Has Faces
Open Mike Eagle - Microfiche
Youth Fountain - Century
Murs (Feat. Aesop Rock) - Happy Pillz
HummusVacuum - Krasue
Fishbone - A Movement in the Light
Tigers Jaw - Anniversary
Seal - The Beginning
Teenage Wrist - Sunshine
Faith No More - Midlife Crisis
MAITA - Road Song
Thrice - The Grey
Four Year Strong - It Must Really Suck to Be Four Year Strong Right Now
Wolves of Glendale - Olivia
Jail Socks - On the Run
Foo Fighters - But Here We Are
Sunny War - Sweet Nothing
Militarie Gun - Very High
The Wonder Years - Oldest Daughter
Jackson+Sellers - Waste Your Time
Equipment - Coat Tails
Spitalfield - Make My Heart Attack
Can’t Swim - Nowhere, Ohio
Randy Newman - Strange Things
Busta Rhymes - Put Your Hands Where My Eyes Could See
Proper. - In The Van Somewhere Outside of Birmingham
Ben Folds - Kristine From the 7th Grade
Atmosphere - Peyote
Anxious - In April
Home is Where - Whaling For Sport
Minnie Ripperton - Les Fleurs
Dashboard Confessional - Sleep In
boygenius - Not Strong Enough
Lana Del Ray - Did you know that there’s a tunnel under Ocean Boulevard?
Blur - The Narcissist
Caroline Polachek - Blood and Butter
Origami Angel - Few and Far Between
Ratboys - Morning Zoo
billy woods and Kenny Segal - NYC Tapwater
SZA - Good Days
Wednesday- TV in the Gas Pump
Beauty Pill - Terrible Things
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percervall · 6 months
tagged by: @monzabee, thank you! 💜 tagging: @monzamash @vetteltea @holdmybvbeer @footballffbarbiex @emilielfc @curiousthyme
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last song: I know it won't work by Gracie Abrams
favourite colour: I am going through a pink and lavender phase atm. I accidentally matched with my phone case today (and also my keyboard)
last movie: Hustlers, which was very entertaining
last tv show: oh god, must have been the season finale of CSI: Vegas (unless you count a TV broadcast of a football match 🤭)
sweet/spicy/savoury: out of these three I think I prefer spicy. Am more of a sour girly
relationship status: single and happily so
last thing I googled: 'supercoppa Italiana', I was talking about the amount of matches in English football with a friend and needed to know how the other top flights of European football had this set up.
current obsessions: finding songs for the mamma mia playlist 😂 that and club football now that the f1 season has come to an end
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idaclarke · 1 year
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{ MAIKA MONROE, 23, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER } Is that IDA CLARKE? A SENIOR originally from SEVIERVILLE TN, they decided to come to Ogden College to study ANTHROPOLOGY & RELIGIOUS STUDIES on a ACADEMIC SCHOLARSHIP. They’re THE SIREN on campus, but even they could get blamed for Greer’s disappearance.
hung my cotton dress on rested wire...
NAME: ida may clarke NICKNAME: a few of her siblings call her everything by using ‘ida’ to describe her (ida crook, ida stupid etc), her meemaw calls her trouble BIRTHDAY: april 3, 2001 ZODIAC: aries sun, taurus moon, aquarius rising SEXUALITY: no label (pansexual) RELIGION: christian (pentecostal)  THREE POSITIVE TRAITS: charming, adventurous, decisive THREE NEGATIVE TRAITS: judgmental, cruel, dishonest THREE SKILLS: skilled hunter, can pick a lock, petty theft ENNEAGRAM: 4w5 MYERS-BRIGGS: enfj EXTRACURRICULARS: senior class board, debate team, president of tri-delta, acapella group, feminists at ogden
AESTHETIC: beat up cowgirl boots, too short slip dresses, glossy lips, messy braids, diet cheerwine cans, overalls, glittery eyelids, smudged mascara, running water, creaking wooden floors, faded home-made blankets
CHARACTER INSPO: jennifer check (jennifer’s body), tyra collette (friday night lights), ramona vega (hustlers), alison dilaurentis (pretty little liars), audrey horne (twin peaks), irina (boy parts), rebekah mikaelson (the vampire diaries), queen ravenna (snow white),
LIKES: cherry lollipops, warm summer afternoons, gossip, running through the woods, deep kisses, annotated books, wool socks, black nail polish, biscuits and gravy, dolly parton, knitting DISLIKES: rude comments, dishonesty, running out of perfume, early mornings, mosquitos, cold weather, off-brand dr. pepper, vegan substitutes, people who dislike country music
FAVORITE MOVIES/TV: fleabag, the oa, it’s always sunny in philadelphia, the l word, coraline, how to get away with murder, midsommer, yellowstone, pearl, suspira, the little hours FAVORITE BOOKS: wuthering heights, history of madness, circe, ninth house, s., boy parts, bunny, if we were villains, a secret history of witches, a certain hunger FAVORITE ARTISTS: ethel cain, the 1975, miranda lambert, dolly parton, the chicks, hozier, florence + the machine, paris paloma, chapell roan
FAMILY: maternal meemaw - jolene phillips (patricia clarkson) mother - mary-anne clarke (charlize theron) father - david clarke (billy burke) sisters - doris hutchinson (teresa palmer), maureen cardin (carlson young), ethel clarke (lily-rose depp), jana clarke (freya allen) brothers - levi clarke (george mackay), calvin clarke (will poulter), beau clarke (skyler gisondo), john clarke (jack dylan grazer), wayne clarke (jacob tremblay), micah clarke (christian convery)
pinterest here, playlist here.
life isn’t much of anything when you’re the middle of 11 kids. on the farm it was early to rise and early to bed, everyone had a chore and unfortunately doris, the eldest of the kids, was given childcare duty more often than not. but the perk of being the middle of 11, is the ability to disappear. her father only cared about three (four) things; god, farm, family, whiskey. her mother followed a similar path and well...granny jo wasn’t the best idol according to her mother. and so ida decided to carve her own way in the world.
you see, the thing about being number six of eleven means you get exactly zero attention. and so you go seeking your attention elsewhere. and ida found that attention in the arms of bobby perkins. she was fourteen, him seventeen, and ida was smitten from day one. he talked her up, picked her up at the bonfires when she snuck out of the house, and promised that he would take her away from eastern tennessee. and then she graduated at 17 (a year early because to everyone’s surprise ida was actually quite intelligent), and took her to the majestic land that was florida.
living in a trailer park as bobby developed a bit of a following with his promise of love and freedom, and god-fearing community, ida realized just how much she liked the spotlight. she liked when people fawned over her, when they showered her with affection, and when they believed the words that left her mouth. it was easy work for her, talking to people, making them feel heard, inviting them in to the group. this was what she was made for.
but bobby didn’t like it. he didn’t like that others started to love ida more than him, that she would say something in opposition to him. always sweetly, always veiled as compliments and adoration for him. and so he came up with the plan to dump her, to leave her stranded, to get her away from his life, his goals.
and then suddenly ida was back on her parents front porch, saying she’d been accepted at ogden with a full ride, that bobby was still in florida and she had no idea what happened to him. and then she kissed her mother and father goodbye and moved to new hampshire for her future.
starting college as a freshman at twenty came with a whole list of questions. she answered them easily, she needed time between high school and college to get some real world experience. she wanted to travel, to work and save her money, but she always knew she would go, and that ogden was the place.
and then a year later greer started, and ida zeroed in on her. she was perfect for ida’s ego, for her life to befriend such a golden girl. to whisper words of wisdom. but soon greer, either seeing through ida’s facade or just over it altogether, gave ida the cold shoulder.
but she was undeterred, continuing on her merry way but always keeping an eye on the campus golden girl. she laughed when others needed the comedic boost, gave out compliments to those who needed it, and offered her support as needed. but it just isn’t enough is it?
looking forward, ida is hoping to continue to apply herself. charming anyone and everyone she can, collecting people in her pocket for when she needs them, making loyal friends and followers. currently she’s applying to master and phd programs, including the one at ogden, to continue her studies. and she’s keeping her eye out for the golden girl, curious to her disappearance, though a bit thrilled in the mystery. ida would never turn down the drama, and is not above going the extra mile when she’s a bit bored.
ida entered college at age 20, with too much real-world experience it seemed. everyone was so boring at ogden, making problems out of nothing, feeding each other’s egos. and yet, ida knew what she could tap into while she was there, the wealth, the connections, the power. everything she needed, what she had never had. and enter greer, a beautiful eager girl with everything ida needed, everything she wanted to be. and so she quickly took to her side, hoping to offer friendship, advice, to mold her into the person that ida needed her to be. and it seemed to work for a while, greer maintaining her own self but still ida could clearly see her influences. until it stopped completely, greer icing her out of her life in one fell swoop. and in less than a year, ida went from building her empire and future on poor little greer, back to nothing. still she kept her tabs on greer, and she knew greer did the same. they acted polite and kind in public, a weird relationship of knowing each other but not really. ida played it off, acting as if greer was but a younger sibling to her. but to everyone else it was just an odd friendship that didn’t survive the test of time in college, nothing more and nothing less.
she pulls you in with her sweetness, but only when it’s too late do you realize her true colors. like sirens drown the sailors, ida isn’t afraid to take-down anyone she feels deserves it. Whether it is valid or not. she doesn’t care who it is, and sometimes she does it just for fun. breaking the hearts of boys and girls, dragging people's names through the mud, spreading a rumor to take them down completely. whatever it takes, she’ll do it. for her safety, for her entertainment, it doesn’t matter much to her. but even now, four years later at ogden, people haven’t seemed to really pick up on it. let’s face it, she won’t hesitate to push you in front of a bus, and will quite successfully convince you it had been an accident and she had been trying to save you from the bus.
previous tasks here
has a small shitty stick-and-poke tattoo of a cowboy hat just above her left elbow 
has a small altar in her room decorated with random items that don’t make much sense to the outsider: a deer antler, a picture of a boy (bobby), a jar of ash, a few random stones, a small jar of honey, a jack daniels shooter
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randomvarious · 8 months
New York City Hip Hop Playlist (YouTube)
Started building a unique playlist of hip hop tunes that originated from the city that gave birth to the genre in the first place: New York. Here we have a slate that begins in the party-oriented early 80s South Bronx and progresses all the way through the late 90s into a bunch of raw, underground, hot street rap fire 🔥😎.
So, if you've been following me long enough, you know that my forte with these playlists is to load up on great obscurities, and I've got a bunch here, but I've also got some classic jams as well, all of which come courtesy of Grandmaster Flash & the Furious Five and Melle Mel. There's shortened versions of two early hip hop cornerstones: "The Message," which was the genre's first ever lyrically conscious hit, and then the anti-cocaine anthem, "White Lines," which Grandmaster Flash actually had nothing to do with, even though Sugarhill Records slapped his name on it in order to help boost its record sales.
But speaking of anti-drug hip hop anthems, a lesser known one from around that same early 80s time period is The Funky Four's "King Heroin," which heavily interpolated The O'Jays' own "For the Love of Money," aka the theme song from The Apprentice (🎶 money, money, money, money....mon-ay! 🎶). "King Heroin" is definitely not a completely unknown song, but in comparison to "White Lines," far less people are aware of it, and in total, it has about 62,000 plays on YouTube across a handful of uploads. Fun, catchy, early hip hop gold as far as I'm concerned.
But once we hit the mid-90s, that's when we really get into some of these underheard Big Apple rap goodies, like a pair of mid-90s boom bap cuts from a Harlem native called Raucous aka Sabotage, who at some point decided to leave an oversaturated US rap market for Germany. 1995's "Say No More" has around 1,100 total plays on YouTube and the Roey Marquis II remix of "No Way Out" from 1996 has about 2,400.
And Brooklyn's own mighty Mos Def aka Yasiin Bey makes an appearance on here too, on a rare remix of N'Dea Davenport's "Bullshittin'," which I'm pretty sure was produced by the one and only J Dilla. Super chilly synth tones on this one that's approaching 20,000 YouTube plays.
And lastly, Manhattan trio Missin' Linx supplies "M.I.A.," a song whose beat very well may have been jacked by Dr. Dre himself so he could release his iconic "The Next Episode" the following year. Both songs utilize the same main sample from David McCallum's "The Edge," but according to WhoSampled, either producer VIC was the first to ever sample the song for "M.I.A.," or one of his collaborators, Godfather Don, was the first to use it for underground New York rapper Scaramanga's "Death Letter" remix. Either way, although "The Next Episode" would come to be hailed as a late 90s west coast rap classic, Dre wasn't the first to sample that McCallum song. And "M.I.A." has about 176,100 YouTube plays while "The Next Episode" has managed to rack up hundreds of millions.
This playlist is ordered as chronologically as possible:
The Furious Five Meets the Sugarhill Gang - "Showdown" Grandmaster Flash & The Furious Five - "The Message" Grandmaster Flash & Melle Mel - "White Lines (Don't Do It)" West Street Mob - "Mosquito" Funky Four - "King Heroin" Dana Dane - "Something Special" Nine - "Any Emcee" Raucous a; k; a Sabotage - "Say No More" Raucous a; k; a Sabotage - "No Way Out (Roey Marquis II Remix)" Smoothe Da Hustler - "Hustlers Theme" N'Dea Davenport feat. Mos Def - "Bullshittin'" D.I.T.C. - "Themes, Dreams & Schemes" Missin' Linx - "M.I.A." Mr. Supreme feat. Al' Tariq - "Run the Show"
And this playlist is also on YouTube Music.
So, we currently sit at 14 songs with a runtime of one hour so far. And maybe when I find more to add, I'll have enough songs to make a Spotify playlist too.
More to come, eventually. Stay tuned!
Like what you hear? Follow me on Spotify and YouTube for more cool playlists and uploads!
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