#Hug was easy to be mistaken for a Boy :-P
gdmtblr · 2 years
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Ciao, Bambina!!
These photos are from when Hug was still 8 months old(some photos are the following year)🎞
No matter how hot it was, she was keep running around our Green Road energetically! Ahhh…it’s wonderful to be young!! (…And it should have been cooler on the summer morning about 10 years ago!!!)
And Hug was a tomboy, so I had to teach her…
"Don't hunt frogs!!"😅🐸🐶
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Aah today was a long day. Well, not a bad one. I went shopping with my family, we needed to buy some clothes and stuff. I got a couple swim trunks for the summer - the short, tight kind - to go with the top part of the sports bikini I’ve been using. You know, instead of the regular panty-shaped bottoms. I use men’s boxer briefs as underwear, and wearing women’s swimwear feels really weird, I keep adjusting the fabric on my ass 😅 
I also got a new pair of sunglasses, and I chose a pair that was technically ~for women~, but my brother got an identical pair, so it doesn’t count :p
Actually I’m going to add something about gender roles policing, because, you know... I look like a woman. Especially in summer, when I’m wearing light clothing and you cannot mistake how my body is shaped. (I get mistaken for a teenage boy in my winter coat, in case you’re wondering. It’s kind of weird. I have graying hair. Anyway I’m digressing.) So it often happens that when I’m prancing around a store, going back and forth the changing rooms with pieces of menswear, store clerks are like ...these are for men... but it almost never turns into, like, an actual negative sanction, because it’s quite easy to deflect it as a practical thing. Men’s pants have higher waists! Bigger pockets! That kind of stuff. You can rationalize a woman buying something from the men’s section. It’s not really different from my skinny mother buying clothes from the kids’ section. I have “excuses”. Big feet, a orthopedic sole. Big hands...
But the sunglasses store clerk was kinda freaking out when we told him my brother wanted to buy a certain pair of sunglasses. Now, context: the sunglasses were not organized on the shelves by gender. They were organized by price. There were no sunglasses ostensibly signaled as “for women” or “for men”, they were all mixed together. We just started trying on sunglasses until we found a kind that worked for both of us - comfortable, with large lenses, etc. I picked the brown pair, my brother picked the black pair. A simple, sleek model, no decorations or nothing. Just smooth black plastic.
The clerk says “oh, these are good for her [me] but not for him. They’re for women”. We are like ??? because it didn’t even occur to us that the simple sleek sunglasses might be gendered. (Like, there were models with peals or fake gems or flower patterns, but these were just... black.) And the guy was genuinely confused that we were confused. He kinda tried to get us to consider other kinds of sunglasses (to be fair, it wasn’t just about gender, but also a certain type of protective lenses he recommeded). And eventually he was like ~oh well if you insist~ when my brother decided to buy the black sunglasses.
The guy wasn’t rude, just... idk, extremely perplexed that a man would buy a pair of sunglasses that were technically a design meant for women. And it almost made my brother change his mind, until I said “if these sunglasses were visibly for women, I wouldn’t buy them”. (Bit of a lie, I have a wonderful pair of glasses with lace in the frame, but those were just too pretty and on sale. But anyway.)
This was a stupid insignificant episode, but there is a resistance to men breaking gender roles that is harder than for women (or people perceived as such). I dunno, there’s not really a moral to this, but kudos to transfeminine people and feminine men, because that shit is hard. All that policing and negative sanctioning that you have to go through. A big hug.
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blu-joons · 3 years
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Vernon is a big fan of affection, he’s big on cuddles and loves to hold your hand at any opportunity that he can. Affection is a good distraction for him when he wants to focus on something else, often focusing on your hands instead.
You’d met by sheer coincidence when you accidentally walked into the wrong room on your first day at Pledis. Luckily, Vernon was on hand to lead you back into the right direction, but not before he’d also slipped his number into your pocket, just in case you ended up getting lost again and needed him to help you out.
Confessing to you left Vernon terrified for quite some time, for a while you’d sensed that something had been off with him whenever the two of you met up. You tried to push it to one side, but eventually, on one evening together, you just had to ask him what was going on. The plan that he did have to confess was thrown out of the window as he told you there and then what had been really going on in his mind.
Your dates are often spent watching movies, either at the dorm or the theatre. You know all too well how much Vernon loves franchises, and with that, the two of you have a lot of movie marathons. You’ll be bundled underneath your duvets all day with plenty of snacks in between you both whilst you watch whatever Vernon has usually chosen. Even if he’s watched the movies a thousand times before, he’ll never say no to watching it again, especially now he’s got you for company to join him too.
The whole dating experience made Vernon very nervous, he was worried about putting his foot wrong or making a mistake. It took him a while to really feel comfortable around you and trust in himself too to do the right thing. He put a lot of thought into even the smallest things that he did, and even though there were times when he was easy going, he never wanted that to be mistaken as not caring. If anything, Vernon cared too much about making sure that his first relationship was as perfect as he hoped.
Arguments between the two of you weren’t very common, these were the times when Vernon’s easy-going personality really came to the forefront. If you had a grumble or complaint, he’d listen and work on it, still with a smile on his face. It takes a tremendous lot for you to push his buttons to a point where he wants to argue with you. There are times when he feels like he has to bite his tongue, but he acknowledges that arguing is natural between couples, and that he’s far from perfect. Once you’ve told him what the problem is, he’ll never fail to fix it right away so the two of you can move on.
You were welcomed very quickly into his family, especially by his sister. She loved having another girl around who could wind Vernon up which certainly helped with integrating you into the family. As happy as Vernon was to see the two of you getting along, he was still bitter that the two of you constantly teased him.
The two of you spent a lot of time in his room at the dorm, enjoying your own space. Vernon wasn’t huge on finding a place of your own just yet, but as soon as you’d begin to weigh up a few options about what you could do in the future, he’d definitely be open to starting to do a bit of house hunting with you.
You were the first to say, ‘I love you,’ when Vernon returned from his first tour. You never imagined that home could become such a quite place, but not having him around really took you by surprise. As soon as you saw him, you just couldn’t help but blurt those three little words out before Vernon even had the chance to say, ‘I’m home!’
Being jealous wasn’t something that Vernon tended to experience, he trusted a lot in people, and most of all, in you. The biggest sign you’d normally get when something wasn’t quite right, would be his smile dropping. He would never say anything to anyone, but as soon as the two of you are alone and you ask him what’s going on, he’ll tell you, and you, only. It’s not something he likes in himself, and he tries hard to brush any situations that make him jealous aside like they’re nothing. But he’s human, and he knows there are times when jealousy can’t be helped.
Starting a family was something Vernon often thought about when he was with you. Whenever the two of you began to talk about the future, his mind would naturally wonder to begin to think about children. It was a topic that he was very nervous to bring up around you, because if you started talking about children, Vernon wouldn’t be able to stop, he’d surprise you often by how well planned out his future was.
If there’s one person around you who can be guaranteed to always be wearing a smile, it’s Vernon. If you ever see him without a smile, then you know something’s wrong. He knows he’s cute too, and aegyo is definitely a good friend of his when he wants to try and put a smile on your face. He loves to joke around and make the most out of his time with you, and best of all, he loves ticklish. If Vernon is ever not smiling, your hands will be attacking his waist in an instant as you know it’s the best solution. He’ll try and fight you off, but he’ll be too lost in his laughter to even try and be able to put up just a bit of a fight.
Being on the road is hard for him, whilst he’ll wear a smile around every single member of the crew and the team, his eyes will often tell a different story. There’ll be plenty of moments where he’ll end up drifting out of conversation because he finds himself thinking about you, and not paying attention to what he’s being told. Whilst the boys will never make him feel bad about missing you, they’ll often encourage him to go and ring you if he needs it. They know that he wants to protect the group when he misses you, but as with so many other things, he’s human, and he can’t keep up the smile forever, even if he wants too.
You’ll often shorten his name to ‘vern,’ when you want him, if he ever hears you call him ‘Vernon,’ then he’ll be pretty certain that he’s done something wrong. His full name is usually only ever used when you’re angry at him.
He’s obsessed with your hands, his favourite time is when they’re drawing patterns around his body which he can focus on, to forget about the outside world.
P ⇴ PDA 
Affection in public isn’t something that Vernon does often, he’ll often get incredibly shy, even if he’s just holding your hand. He’ll often find himself being put in articles with blushed cheeks because a pap has photographed a photo of the two of you, he just can’t help but getting incredibly flushed when he’s around you.
He can be quite a deep thinker at times, so he’ll often ask you questions to get yourselves into pretty deep discussions. The topics are often very random, but Vernon loves unfolding them and exploring so much about them too.
Having family split between South Korea and America is hard for him, he barely ever has the time to visit them. Whenever he gets a break in his schedule, the two of you end up playing a game of rock, paper, scissors to decide which members of his family you’ll visit that time. He can never choose between the two sides, so he much prefers to leave it to fate to see where the two of you end up travelling to.
S ⇴ SEX 
He’ll often get very shy during intimacy, the close proximity between the two of you will make his heart flutter uncontrollably. Vernon will love when he can feel your hands around his body, they’re always very warm and comforting to him. It’s often a very romantic time, Vernon puts a lot of thought into things, he’s not one for a quick fix, he likes to take his time and make sure that it’s always special for you.
Throughout the day you’ll often receive texts from Vernon just to see how you are. His mind will often wonder to you whenever he has a moment free, and so naturally, he’ll text you too to let you know you’re in his thoughts.
Even though everyone knows him as the cute member of the group, even the rest of the members have never seen Vernon as shy as he is when he’s around you. He just can’t help but get nervous whenever he’s around you.
If there’s ever free time, then it will be spent visiting family. When the two of you aren’t visiting either side of his family, you’ll be visiting your own. Vernon makes sure to make time for your family too whenever he has free time, he wants you to see your loves ones just as much as he wants to go and see his own.
Vernon isn’t someone that will whine, if he wants your attention then he’ll usually just go very quiet and not be able to meet your eye.
Just like his hugs, his kisses are very frequent too. Whenever he looks away from you because he’s getting shy, you’ll be right beside him, kissing against his red cheeks until he looks at you again. If he refuses, you’ll throw in a few tickles too until he’s kissing you back. Kisses from you are definitely a weakness for Vernon, no matter how shy, mad, unhappy, or moody he is, just a couple of kisses from you will do the trick and brighten the mood.
Y ⇴ YOU 
You were his weakness; he was completely infatuated with you.
Z ⇴ ZZZ 
Together you’d always fall asleep close together, he’d often be the big spoon as he liked to hold you against his chest and be the one to keep you safe. For you, falling asleep over his heart is always a comfort too.
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feminaexlux · 3 years
5 Minutes
Part 2 of Miraculous Leap
Btw I'm heavily referencing We Have a Problem by @verfound 'cuz I can take partial ownership of Dewey hehehe. Ages are fudged around for convenience
AO3 link
As soon as he left the bedroom and was out of sight Luka felt his knees start to buckle and he let himself slump to the floor. Hopefully she didn't hear that. A minute ago he'd been reaching for his bracelet to set Second Chance but then Ladybug collided into him and they were sent tumbling to the ground. When he had opened his eyes he found…
He was almost dead certain that it was Marinette propping herself up over him. Even if she looked older he wouldn't have mistaken those eyes for anyone else's. Those eyes looked as surprised as he was. While she had moved over to his side to sit up he had taken a quick scan of the room and of her. She looked… very curvy? … And pregnant. It was incredibly… well. There'd been a mix of feelings he couldn't put words to.
But the room? Deep down inside, he had an odd sense of being at home. And as he took some deep, meditative breaths to control his heartrate he knew whatever this was, it wasn't a dream. It had too much… certainty and realness to it.
Marinette was looking panicked, so he had offered to get some water. He needed some water himself. He also needed to leave the room so he could freak out in private and not upset her any more than she was already, and that was why he was more or less faceplanted on the floor out of view right now.
What was the akuma? It had some ability to see the future, which was why Viperion was called out to help Ladybug and Chat Noir in the first place. No one on the Miraculous team had known that it had the power to send people into the future, however. Luka was sure that was what had happened. Ladybug and Viperion got hit with the akuma's blast and… now Marinette and Luka were here, in their future. ONE future, he should say.
It wasn't necessarily set in stone. Luka knew how much could change in just 5 minutes.
He knew Marinette was Ladybug. Marinette might try to convince him she wasn't Ladybug if it ever came up. He'd have to roll with it and make her as comfortable as he could. Or maybe he could steer the conversation away from that in the first place. She might never call on him to be Viperion again if he told her that he knew and had known for a while.
Because even if Marinette had always looked over Luka for Adrien, Luka wanted to spend whatever time he could with her, in her super Miraculous suit or in her normal everyday clothes.
He got back up on his feet and sighed to himself, looking into the different rooms he passed as he meandered his way blindly toward a kitchen. There were a few rooms that had been for kids, he thought. He walked by what looked like Marinette's crafting workshop, full of partially dressed mannequins and half-finished projects and colorful children's drawings. A hallway he passed through was full of pictures of kids he didn't recognize, but they all had a strong familiarity.
Probably because they were his kids. His and Marinette's. He could hardly believe it, but his older self and Marinette's older self were there throughout most of the pictures too.
One thing caught his attention outside of the kids' pictures: a flatscreen in a large ornate frame playing a soundless video in the center of the hallway wall. It was of him and Marinette on what looked like their wedding day. He had swept her up off her feet in her wedding dress and she had her arms wrapped around his shoulders. She had been laughing and then had leaned in to kiss him.
Luka watched that replay a few times. They looked happy. He hoped that future Marinette didn't have any regrets.
After the replays he realized that they didn't look that old in the clip. Well, not much older than they were… now? Before the akuma? Definitely not teenagers anymore, but not more than a few years after they both left their teens.
So how did he manage to get all this? What happened that let Marinette finally see him? Did his future self leave any hints?
Last he knew of anything, Marinette had come back to the Liberty from her class' New York trip and admitted to the GirlSquad™️ (while Luka was within earshot) that she was still in love with Adrien. "I-I mean there's plenty of reasons to love him… he's so cute and talented and smart and--and… and I think everyone keeps saying we were made for each other but… but it's so hard," Marinette had groaned. "Why is it so hard?"
Luka had made his presence known so he wouldn't be unintentionally eavesdropping something he wasn't supposed to. Any more than was already said, anyway. He had started to leave when Rose stopped him then. "Luka! You're a boy! You know what boys think! What do you think is going on with Adrien?"
Luka had laughed and said he didn't know. "What I know is that it isn't supposed to be easy. It's something you have to keep working on. But it's supposed to lift you up and make you feel stronger." He then left the girls in their plotting/scheming/arguing to lounge back in his room. He had been surprised when a few minutes later Marinette came to join him.
"It doesn't make me feel stronger. I just feel dumb," Marinette said then, quietly. He had let her stay with him while he played random songs on his guitar, trying to cheer her up. She had finally started smiling again when he played her song, except with a little bit more flare and bubblegum pop. It was what he heard in his head when she was happy. "Thank you. You know, I feel less dumb being here with you."
He finally reached something like a kitchen. It'd been huge and there were clear boxy canisters of different types of flours and sugars and mix-ins… He saw a high end mixer and maybe 30 different types of baking sheets. Looked like Marinette still put her baking knowledge to use.
Alright enough being distracted, he shouldn't leave Marinette alone too long. He grabbed two clean glasses and got water from the fridge's built in dispenser and headed back the way he came.
"I brought some water for you." He was a little worried when he saw her on the floor. He had no idea what it was like being pregnant but it couldn't have been easy… "Hey, are you doing okay?"
Marinette took the water gratefully. "I don't know… Are… are you Luka Couffaine?" He nodded. "Huh, just a few minutes ago I was 14, and now it looks like I'm 34. And your wife."
There was something to her voice… she wasn't horrified, which was good news. There'd still been some confusion, maybe? And a little disbelief. That was as much as could be expected from Marinette, Luka supposed.
He was pretty sure she was Marinette, but it would be all kinds of messed up if he just found someone who looked a lot like her. It'd been her art, her designs, her baking… right? No one else could just… be all that she was. He had to be sure. "Are you Marinette?"
She looked up at him with her light blue eyes. It had to be Marinette. There'd been a wave of relief that washed over him when she nodded.
"I think this is our future," she said.
Luka blinked and… all of a sudden his wife had a Ladybug mask on. He hadn't seen that on her for months now (he had the Ladybug Miraculous since she was pregnant) which was the first clue that something had rudely interrupted them. He groaned internally and tried to mentally ping Sass or Tikki to see if there was anything to worry about. Marinette looked as bewildered as he was. He took her shoulders and gently pressed them both up to sitting.
Okay, well, she was… she was definitely not pregnant and therefore not his Marinette. Then he noticed he was suited up as Viperion. Ah, it ssseemsss you have been… regressssed, Massster, Sass said in his head. God, Marinette looked… what, 15? And Sass hadn't called him "Master" in forever.
Do you know what happened? Luka asked Sass.
There is an akuma who controlsss time. Well, of course. Their power has ssswapped you with your younger ssself, Sass answered.
Luka had to stop himself from laughing. His younger self was in for one hell of a surprise. That aside, he had to check on this Marinette. "Hey, are you okay?"
Ladybug looked up at him and brushed through his hair with her fingers. "Viperion? Your hair… It's so short…? Wait… wait wh--where's…" She looked down at herself and patted her stomach. "D-D-Dew--"
Oh, Dewey. Viperion pulled Ladybug in for a hug as she started crying. She was his Marinette and… and their son was in the future, not here with them. "He's alright. He's waiting for us. We're somehow in the past, but we'll get back home."
Well, shit, that meant that the younger Marinette was in the future as well.
"I-I-I thought I had l-lost him," Ladybug said quietly, her voice breaking.
"Hey… guys…" Chat said awkwardly after landing nearby. "Milady! What's wrong?!"
Right. Chat Noir. At 15. This was going to be annoying as fuck.
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starsnbeers · 3 years
Home [Dazai Osamu]
Port Mafia. A place [Name] had come to call home over her stay and work there. At least that’s what she had forced herself to believe, wanting to escape the unwanted thoughts of 𝙝𝙞𝙢.
Her parents abandoning her had been the beginning of her destruction, the beginng of her becoming a monster, forcing her feelings away to the point one could question if she had ever felt anything. She had to learn the act of survival if she wanted to continue living in this world, and that’s what she did. It all started with stealing small amounts of food, barely enough to keep her breathing. She was 10 years old, food was all she needed. At least that’s what she thought. In the passing of years, the feeling of anger had become consuming, and there were times when she could only see red. Having come to the conclusion that her parents were in fault of her condition, she decided only one thing was to be done. 𝘒𝘪𝘭𝘭 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, 𝘮𝘢𝘬𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘴𝘶𝘧𝘧𝘦𝘳 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘥𝘪𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘺𝘰𝘶. 𝘚𝘩𝘰𝘸 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮 𝘸𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘺 𝘤𝘳𝘦𝘢𝘵𝘦𝘥. Those were the only thoughts that had been crossing her mind while she was planning their deaths. It took her one whole week, everything had to be calculated, thought through, every single detail, every single outcome. Everything had to be perfect. It was going to be her first murder, after all. Arriving at the place she had found out to be her parents’ apartment, she was shocked to see police cars. She had hoped that, whatever that had happened was, it wouldn’t be in the way of her getting therevenge she needed. Oh, if she only knew. The only information she had gathered before being sent away, was that her parents had been murdered by an organization called Port Mafia. The anger she had felt was indescribable. All these days of planning, gone to a waste in just a few minutes. She had nothing to think about but the injustice she was feeling.
Only a couple of years had passed, but [Name] had changed. Shoulder length hair, full lips, pale face, one could mistaken her for a normal, weak girl, for she looked as fragile as a porcelain doll. But that wasn’t the case. [Name] was a well known murderer in Yokohama. Having improved her martial skills, not having an ability was not a problem for her. She could take down a man 3 times her size in only a matter of seconds. Fallen Angel is what she was called, for someone as pure looking as her could never be considered the devil.
Having taken an interest in her, Ougai Mori, the head of Port Mafia, was set on making her work with him. So, here she was, in his office, sitting next to him, talking about her position in the organization. “You don’t expect me to leave everything I’ve built behind, just to be one of your pawns to use as you please, right?”, challenge was evident in her voice, and the more she talked, the more Ougai was convinced she was a perfect for what he had on mind. “You’re either gonna make me an executive, or don’t bother contacting me ever again.”, if it was anyone else, he would have slit their throat with no regrets, but he knew she was important and could be of use. “Young lady, I’m gonna grand your wish, but don’t even think that you’ve gained my trust just yet.”𝘑𝘶𝘴𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘸𝘢𝘺 𝘐 𝘱𝘭𝘢𝘯𝘯𝘦𝘥. “You know, I’m flattered you offer me such a position. Aren’t I the youngest executive here, or something?” Before Ougai was able to to answer, the door swang open, revealing a boy about her age, brown hair, bandages covering his arms, neck and right eye. He looked at the boss, then back at her, before grinning. “Mori-san! Ican’t believe you actually convinced such a beautiful lady to commit double suicide with me! Just how much do you love me?”. Saying that [Name] had been left speechless was an understatement. She had never expected these words to come out of the attractive boy’s mouth, and before she could stop herself, she scoffed “Excuse me?”. Ougai smirked at the young girl glaring at the suicidal idiot, “[Name]-san, let me introduce you to your new partner, Dazai Osamu, also known as Port Mafia’s youngest executive.
Just 3 years after the first time she met him, [Name] found herself quite fond of her suicide-obsessed partner. She often felt concerned about the brunette’s behavior, for she knew his giddy personality was just an act, the emptiness in his eyes way to evident not to notice. Unfortunately, every time she confronted him about her thoughts, his answer was the same. “Now, I wouldn’t want my precious [Name]-chan to worry about me, would I?”, followed by the infamous putt of his lips, and a quick hug, that always managed to make strong butterflies erupt in the girl’s stomach, and her pulse to quicken. She silently hoped he wasn’t aware of the effect he had on her, or else she would never hear the end of it.
The day had come. The day [Name] was gonna confess her feelings to Dazai. How he made her forget about the pain she had been hiding, how the anger she had been feeling towards her parents had gone away, how she had forgotten about her plan to ruin Port Mafia for taking the enjoinment of killing her parents away, how happy she was feeling when she was with him.
She had thought it through. Everything was supposed to be perfect, Dazai was supposed to accept her, she knew he cared about her. So, why was he standing in front of her, looking at her with an unreadable look that reminded her of apathy and disgust, spitting those hurtful words at her, breaking her fragile little heart in the process? “What do you mean you don’t know what I’m talking about? I see the way you look at me, I know you care about me, and I know that, deep down, you just a kind, broken boy. P-Please, Dazai, give me a chance to love you, to fix you.”. She was seriously trying not to cry, eyes stinking, lip quivering, the lump in her throat growing more painful, while waiting for his response. She opened her heart to him, showed him parts of you even she didn’t know existed, and the only thing she got from him in return was a mocking laugh. His laughter died after a couple of minutes, and he looked at her seriously, muttering words in a tone so unkown to you, that made her insides turn and her blood run cold. “Foolish girl, how could you even think someone like me could ever love someone like you? Putting up with your pathetic excuse of a life doesn’t mean I’ve ever cared about you. Do you know how hard it was not to tell you to fuck off everytime you came to me, asking for help? You’re lucky I’m not killing you on the spot about the nonsense you were spouting just a moment ago.” His words left her fighting to breathe, for she never knew you were gonna be told something so hateful by the person she cared about the most. 𝘕𝘰, 𝘥𝘰𝘯'𝘵 𝘩𝘢𝘵𝘦 𝘮𝘦. 𝘕𝘰𝘵 𝘺𝘰𝘶 𝘵𝘰𝘰. Falling to the ground, she couldn’t help but reach a hand out to him, hoping that maybe, just maybe, he would help her up, take you in his arms and take the pain away, like he had done so many times before. The urge to give in, to love her just how she wanted him to was so unbearable and painful, that he felt like a thousand needles were piercing through his body, especially his heart. He knew what he had to do to keep he4 safe, and only shot her a fake smile, before turning around and disappearing in the dark, cold night, feeling like he had made the worst and most painful decision of his life.
4 years have passed, and not a single day goes by without her thinking or dreaming about him. If she had known he was going to leave Port Mafia, she would have hold on tighter, tried harder. Maybe, she would have helped him out, leaving with him, escaping a life full of crime and death. And after all this time, seeing a tall guy wearing a brown trenchcoat and bandages over his arms and neck standing in front of her, she thinks she's daydreaming, it wouldn't be the first time anyway. But no, she could never forget his voice or the way he said her name. “[Name]-chan! Look at you, you haven’t changed at all!”. Now, that was a lie. She has grown thinner, and the bright eyes he used to love are now staring back at him lifelessly. “It’s a shame I’m with the ADA now, I would love to commit a lovers' double suicide with you ” She doesn't asnwer. She can't answer. Without sparing him a single glance, she turns to her partner, Chuuya, who looks back at her, eyes filled with worry, nods her head to him and then leave, ignoring the pang in her own chest. For, she knows that if she stays longer, she'll find yourself crawling back to him, crawling back 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚.
Dazai could do nothing but watch her leave, a sad smile taking its place on his mouth. Besides, watching the love of your life, your 𝙝𝙤𝙢𝙚, letting you go is no easy thing to do.
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tracybirds · 4 years
Bad Things Happen Bingo #2 Virgil + Hearing Loss 
for @fictivekaleidoscope​ (EVIL!! EVIL THAT WAS!!) Had to get it out of the way early or my heart would have gotten all cowardly xD
What it says on the tin, so hope you enjoy it!
Edit: hi, my brain is tired, I must also shout out @gumnut-logic​ for helping me with the ending and reading things through
The door at the end of the corridor was all the mattered. John is telling him to move, his voice getting sharper and sharper, the intervals between that same instruction being issued getting shorter and shorter. As though he was simply ignoring that one simple direction.
If he had focus to spare, he’d be yelling right back at his brother. He’s running already, he can see the display in his helmet just as clearly as John can. The hydrogen level is rising. The fire is getting closer.
He doesn’t intend to be in the room when they meet.
Steam is hissing from the pipelines, and he lifts his gloved hand to wipe away the condensation. He can’t get at the sweat, dripping down his nose. He can’t escape the heat.
He’s lifted off his feet before he registers the sound, the shockwave blowing through the building.
A sharp crack and the display in front his eyes flickers and dies. His breath quickens, making the most of the oxygen spilling out between the polymer seal in his helmet.
A wave of dizziness keeps him on his knees even as he spots the fire on the ceiling above him.
The pressure is building, his ears screaming against the change in equilibrium.
Virgil has just enough time to recognise the danger and pull himself into a protective ball when the second explosion hits.
Heat seeps into his helmet, the rest of his body strangely cool in a room filled with orange and yellow flame.
He can hear all his brothers now, indistinct as the pain in his ears flares.
It’s the last thing he hears.
Yellow and orange fade to black.
Awareness returned with a ringing nausea. Virgil could just make out the strains of muffled conversation bleeding into his consciousness. Blearily, he tried to open his eyes and a deep groan escaped him. He could feel a frown forming even as he shifted to find a more comfortable position.
Something felt off. Beyond the way the ground had changed from hard concrete to soft mattress. Beyond the way his head protested at the slightest movement. His senses were too dulled by exhaustion to work out what had changed.
A hand lightly touched his arm and he flinched away, eyes flying open to see a room filled with harsh sunlight. A silhouette sat next to him and the muted words seemed to take on a more urgent tone.
He peered at the figure, and Scott swam into view, his eyes drawn together in a frown.
“Hey, Scott,” whispered Virgil, the sound getting lost on the way.
Scott made no reply, only frowned more deeply, and Virgil felt his attention start to wander. He didn’t recognise his surroundings, not warm enough for the island and not sterile enough for a hospital.
A sharp tap against his shoulder drew his eyes back to his brother. His lips were moving and Virgil stared at them, trying to blink back the fuzzy feeling in his head.
Scott shook his head, the frustration evident in his sharp actions.
Virgil closed his eyes, struggling to comprehend what he was trying to communicate.
Too soon, he thought. He was rapidly sinking under a wave of exhaustion and the persistent buzzing was starting to wrap around his head in a dizzying manner.
A gentle pat pulled his eyes open one last time and he smiled dopily at his brother’s worried face as he slipped back into unconsciousness.
His awareness slowly returned to the sight of silent moonlight spilling over the covers. Every part of him ached and he had vague memories of being thrown across a room. His breath felt tight in his lungs, but worse than that was the dial tone ring that accompanied his every waking moment thus far.
It was starting to get annoying.
“Oh, hey, Virgil,” came a slurring voice out of the dark.
A shadow leaned across the bed, and he scrambled away, unsure of who was in the room with him.
“Hey, hey,” said the voice again, slightly louder now. “It’s me, it’s Gordon.”
The light at his bed clicked on and he stared wild-eyed at his younger brother.
The motion had done little to help his cause, and the buzzy sentences were starting to overlap like two people speaking over each other, arguing and pushing against his own frustration that the world didn’t sound right.
And he still felt sick.
“Wha’ happened?” he rasped, releasing the covers from his grip.
Gordon’s response was rapid, seeming to slice right through him as he tried to untangle the start of the sentence from the end.
“Double explosion.”
Virgil closed his eyes from the effort, no longer interested in the rest of the sentence he had missed.
“I feel it,” he mumbled. He brought a hand to his face and winced as he prodded a strange, goopy substance.
“Yeah, let’s leave that,” said Gordon, pulling Virgil’s hand away. “You want that where it is.”
Virgil stared at his brother, concentrating on the sounds.
“Your voice is weird.”
Gordon’s perpetual smile dropped and his eyes grew tight.
“Yeah?” he said, slowly and clearly over that incessant buzz. “Tell me how, big guy.”
Virgil slowly rocked his head back and forth.
“You’re all muffled. And the timing’s off.” He stared at Gordon, expression pleading. “Keep talking.”
Gordon’s lips quirked, but he obliged without question. Virgil couldn’t make out the content, already his attempts to process the sounds were wearing on him, but he needed to know what had changed. There was a reason he’d mistaken his brother for a stranger. There was a reason his brother sounded like a conversation with a meaning just beyond his reach.
“I can’t hear it,” he snarled, shaking his head.
Instead of replying, Gordon grabbed a tablet and began to type.
Virgil stared at him, emotions welling up within. Gratitude that his brother had noticed his distress warred against the hateful feeling of helplessness, that things might have forever changed.
The tablet made it too real.
You ruptured both your eardrums. Grandma says they can run tests tomorrow. Your brain scan was registering some weird stuff. No need for hospital, so Lady P offered a room.
Virgil read the text in silence. The frustration that had so freely bubbled up only moments before faded away, leaving only exhaustion.
There was one more thing he needed to know before he would allow himself to rest easy.
“Why here?”
Gordon shrugged.
“In case we needed to launch.”
His brain offered up the sound he’d stopped registering, hearing it in his memory as if for the first time. He inhaled sharply, squeezing his eyes shut at the phantom pain.
“Aw crap, Virg, hang on.”
Gordon ducked into the ensuite and returned with a damp flannel. Virgil took it gratefully and cradled it around his ear, warmth chasing away the steady ache.
He could feel himself relaxing, sinking down into sleep once more.
“Yeah, go to sleep, V,” said Gordon, settling into the chair next to his brother’s bed. “I’ll see you on the other side.”
He was pretty sure it was the incessant talking that woke him next.
He rolled over, dragging the covers with him in the hopes his family would get the hint that he was still firmly asleep.
There was to be no such luck as Alan pulled the covers back with a blinding smile.
“Virgil! You’re awake!”
The response in the room was deafening, the sounds overwhelming as they all tried to grab at his attention. The ringing increased, syllables overlapped and all the while Virgil’s brain tried to sort through the mess of sound, to try snatch any kind of meaning from the burst of chatter. But no matter where he turned, only a jumble of noise was left behind.
It would be easy to lose himself, he thought, watching his brothers pile words upon words on top of each other. The world had turned into a foreign soundscape, muffled calls, sentences slurring and sliding into each other, and dissonant voices he could no longer align with his memories.
“Boys! Enough!”
Sharp and discordant in a way that tugged on his ear, Grandma Tracy cut clear through the cacophony. The buoyant white noise subsided until he was left with just one sound. He was ready to gouge out his inner ear than continue to deal with that particular annoyance.
He didn’t catch what was said, still unused to the energy required to partake in conversation, but he watched his brothers leave without protest.
Grandma’s cool hand brushed against his flushed cheeks and she smiled softly.
“Now,” she said. “Tell me how you’re feeling.”
Virgil knew that fever was setting in, knew that the ache deep in his bones told a tale of injuries more serious than ruptured eardrums, but he saw his Grandma and his defences fell to their knees as she brushed the hair away from his forehead.
“Grandma, I can’t hear right.”
“I know, hon,” she soothed. “Your left ear’s got an infection, we couldn’t keep it out. There’s a course of antibiotics waiting for you and it’ll come back, right as rain.”
“The world…” His breath caught in his chest. “The world sounds wrong.”
He wouldn’t cry, not here, not now. Not over this.
“Tell me how, sweetheart.” Her fingers ghosted over his skin. “It’s okay, just tell me.”
The tears pricked against his eyelids.
“You don’t sound like you should. Like there’s two of you talking.”
“That can happen, that’s your ear infection messing with your sound perception.”
“Everything’s making the wrong sound. I can’t hear the pitch anymore.”
Virgil sucked in a breath and bolted upright, staring at Grandma Tracy in terror.
“Grandma, I won’t be able to play.”
Her steady hands found their way back to his cheeks and she pulled him close, careful to avoid the burns across his face.
“You will when you’re better,” she said, slowly and clearly, making certain he couldn’t mistake her meaning. “There’s been no damage to your inner ear, it’s not going to be permanent.”
He relaxed against her, folding into the hug.
“You’re sure?”
She smiled softly as he sank back into the pillows, before straightening in her chair, eyes firm as she looked him over.
“Anything else to tell me?”
Virgil shook his head.
“Sore. Tired. The usual.”
“Good,” she said, patting his shoulder. “This could have been a lot worse. In a few weeks, your ears should be healed and you can go home to work through the duty checks.”
Virgil smiled weakly. He didn’t want to sit around listlessly, with sounds blurring together and two-toned. He wanted to be up and moving, impatient for health and the world vibrant again.
Grandma Tracy leaned forward, and her lips moved with a murmur that couldn’t penetrate his ears.
He’d heard it enough times that it didn’t matter. His brain conjured the sound in her place and lulled him to sleep. At least he could still hear in his dreams.
The days went by and Virgil could stay awake for longer and longer periods. The antibiotics took care of the infection and the overlapping voices that had plagued his hearing. The tinnitus faded to almost nothing following a visit to a specialist who had patched his eardrums. Even his bruises had yellowed and started to fade.
“You’re sure you’re up for this?” asked Scott, hovering anxiously. “You’re meant to be resting.”
“I’ve rested plenty,” said Virgil. “I’m fine, a short walk won’t kill me.”
“Yeah, but if your not, it’ll be my head Grandma come after.”
“Stop worrying and help me tie my damn shoes.”
“Sure,” muttered Scott. “Can’t even reach down to tie his shoelaces, but no, Virgil Tracy is fine, just peachy.”
Virgil kicked him.
“I liked you better when I couldn’t hear you.”
“Not like it matters, seeing as you ignore me either way,” shot Scott back at him. “You ready?”
Virgil nodded, grasping the offered hand and hauling himself upright.
They walked in silence for the most part, no need for words between them. With no chatter in his ears, Virgil could focus on why he’d needed to get outside – he’d needed this. Needed to feel fresh air on his skin, to feel the warmth of the sun sink into his bones. To hear the birds chirping their songs.
He stopped and grabbed at Scott’s arm.
“Do you hear that?” he whispered, hardly daring to interrupt the joyous sound.
“Hear what?” Scott jumped to attention, slipping in front of his brother and eyes roaming the garden.
“The birds, Scott. I can hear the birds.”
“Oh,” said Scott, relaxing. “Yeah, man, I can hear them too.”
Virgil closed his eyes and listened, a smile creeping up from the hope blooming in his heart.
Scott grinned as he watched, his own spirits lifting with his brother’s discovery.
“I guess you’ll be able to hear the mouse in your room now too.”
He opened one eye and glared at his brother.
Scott’s lips curled just a fraction.
Virgil shoved him off the path.
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heythereunderoos · 5 years
Craving More|| High School AU
Pairing: Senior!Tony x Sophomore!Peter Word Count: (Including lyrics) 3436 Warnings: Underage, recreational drug use, underage drug use, bullying  
//Here we go again, I kinda wanna be more than friends. So take it easy on me, I'm afraid you're never satisfied//
Tony hadn't been excited at the prospect of another body in their home. He knew that no matter who it was, there wasn't anything or anyone that could warm the cold walls of their home. He knew that another person's chatter wouldn't be comforting or fill the empty halls, it would just make everything seem that much quieter, that much more lonely.
Maria had promised him that he had so much to look forward to. That despite the fact that this poor kid Peter's aunt, who had apparently taken care of him for a majority of his life, had died, that he was still perky and happy. Maria had told him that he needed more friends like that around, and Tony huffed.
So Tony was slightly stunned when the boy bounded into the house with his pale yellow suitcases in tow with an equally bright smile, right towards him. Peter released his bags and his arms locked around Tony's neck with a heavy sigh.
"Long time no see, Tony!" The boy giggled into Tony's neck as Tony stood there, blinking, his arms out to his sides to avoid returning the hug.
Who the hell was this kid?
Maria huffed and gave him that look that Tony knew he had to succumb to. So he conceded, and let his muscles relax slightly, giving the kid an awkward pat on the back with both of his hands.
Peter wasn't blind to the older boy's obvious discomfort and pulled away quickly after receiving a few pats on the back. Peter could feel the heat blooming in his cheeks and huffed, his eyes finding the chocolate hardwood beneath his feet, as he tucked a curl behind his ear.
"S-Sorry. You p-probably don't remember m-me much. I'm P-Peter. Peter P-Parker." His eyes, though still towards the ground, were now following the way he wiggled his toes in his sunflower covered converse. He heard a gruff hmm resound from Tony's chest, and saw as the older boy's scuffed leather boots turned as he exited the room. Peter's head shot up and his hand reached out, as a silent squeak fell from his lips.
Peter thought maybe Tony would remember at least some of their childhood memories.
It would seem he had been horribly mistaken.
//Here we go again, we're sick like animals, we play pretend. You're just a cannibal and I'm afraid I wont get out alive. No, I won't sleep tonight//
Peter was trying his absolute best to belong here. But it didn't seem all that meant to be. He was attending Midtown High with Tony and was keeping up amazingly academically. Socially? He was totally falling short. That accompanied with the minor detail that he was sharing a house with Tony who apparently hated his guts? It made it hard to even pretend that he would make it here eventually let alone belong here in this moment. Peter knew that Maria was doing everything she could to make him feel at home, and be the accommodating mother and host that she could be, but Peter was incredibly alone.
It hadn't been a particularly good day. One of Tony's friends, by extension he claimed, Flash, was constantly on Peter's ass. Constantly nagging at him, putting him down, beating him. Today, he had managed a firm right hook to Peter's eye socket and he was feeling the repercussions of that vividly. His left eye was swollen shut and it throbbed, though not nearly as badly as his brain that had been so thoroughly rattled within his skull.
Peter, on his way home from school, had stopped at Delmar's to grab a shitty pair of sunglasses in a poor attempt to hide the inflamed eye, then quickly made his way home.
When Peter came in the door, Tony stood there looking absolutely pissed.
How dandy.
"Where the hell were you? Huh? You fucking punk, making me fucking get in trouble with my mom 'n shit."
Peter's eyes had found his yellow shoes again as he attempted to reconcile the situation, and kindle his relationship with Tony. Peter hadn't even given a thought to the fact that Peter and Tony were supposed to arrive home together. He was too busy well...getting his skull bashed in?
"I-I'm really sorry Tony. I h-had to talk to M-Mr. Harrington a-about D-Decathlon s-stuff." He shuffled his feet in a sorry attempt to shake his anxiety and continued on, "I p-promise I'll tell Maria it was my f-fault."
Though he wasn't looking directly at him, he could see Tony take brisk steps towards him, and his rough, calloused fingers caught his jaw, tugging it upward in a painfully sharp motion, jolting his brain yet again. Peter winced and Tony rolled his eyes.
"That ain't gonna fucking cut it this time, Kid. I'm tired of your stupid bullshit. Just fucking be on time tomorrow."
Tony released him and Peter let out a frustrated huff, before he burst out, "Y-You don't get to t-treat me this way! I d-deal with all this stupid shit a-at school and t-then I c-come h-here and t-this place is supposed to be my h-home too! I'm s-supposed to f-feel safe here a-and you t-treat me just like y-your s-stupid friends do. I h-haven't done anything to you. So w-why do you keep h-hurting me?"
Tony's eyes found Peter as the younger boy tore off the cheap sunglasses and sighed, attempting to wipe the tears away from his swollen eye, before stalking off to his room.
Tony was stupidly oblivious to other's feelings, of that he was painfully aware, but up until this point, he hadn't cared.
After Tony had collected his thoughts and believed he had given Peter a reasonably amount of time to calm down, he brought the kid an ice pack.
//Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waitin' for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight//
Peter could see that Tony was making a conscious effort. He was sending him small smiles, walking him to some of his classes to ensure he wouldn't be bothered, and when they were in the house he'd occasionally come and check on him. It made Peter beam. It seemed that things were looking upwards for both him, and his relationship with Tony.
In return, Peter made sure to cover for Tony if he decided to sneak out and do "senior things," whatever the hell that had meant, Peter wasn't entirely sure. He had guessed it had to do with things of an illicit nature, but was never confident enough to ask. He was perfectly content with the silent agreement the two of them had, having each others backs without having to explicitly state it.
Tonight wasn't at all what Peter had been expecting. Tony had snuck out, as he usually had on the weekends, but tonight he arrived home much earlier than usual. He stumbled in the front door, as Peter sat on the couch, working diligently on his homework. When Peter heard the front door his eyes shot upward, and saw a stumbling Tony. Peter, being Peter, was extremely concerned and ran to his side.
"T-Tony? Are you hurt? D-Do you need medical attention?" Peter's eyes raked Tony's body for any sign of bodily fluids, bruises, or broken bones, but couldn't find any. At Peter's concern, Tony chuckled, with a lazy side smirk.
"Don't be so concerned, kid. I'm just cross-faded as fuck right now." He laughed at himself, and Peter gave him a look that screamed I have no clue what the hell that means. With a gentle roll of his eyes, Tony took the kid’s arm and dragged him up the stairs towards the older boy's bedroom.
When Peter stood at the threshold, his eyes were wide, in utter awe that he was finally allowed in here, with Tony's permission. The older kid rolled his eyes and waved him in as he collapsed upon his bed, patting the space beside him.
Peter took hesitant steps towards the bed, and awkwardly seated himself on the bed's edge.
"D-Do you need anything, Tony? W-Water or something?" Tony just stared at the boys face: his flushed cheeks and button nose. But he couldn't tear his eyes away from the way the light hit the kid's whiskey colored eyes, or the golden flecks within them.
"Nah kid, 'm alright." Tony smiled gently before he scoffed, "dude, stop sitting there all awkward and just lay on the damn bed."
Peter was slightly shocked by the words, but nodded and shimmied his way onto the bed, as Tony watched and laughed softly. After the two were laid side by side, the room was filled with silence, and Peter took a glance at Tony. The older boy looked positively delicious, in his dark, fitted Black Sabbath shirt, glancing off at the ceiling as if contemplating the meaning of his existence, before his eyes found Peter's. Peter's thoughts ceased as Tony's eyes found his and he stared into their abysmal brown hue. Peter hadn't noticed the way he hesitantly gravitated towards Tony, until the older boy spoke and broke him from his thoughts.
"Pete...do you...do you like it here?"
Peter was genuinely taken aback by his question, and quirked his eyebrow as he gave the question some thought.
"A-At first...not really. Maria tried to make it nice. I tried hard to convince myself it was nice. After M-May...after May p-passed and I came here, nothing seemed to fit me quite right. I didn't belong at school, I didn't belong here, y-you," His voice trembled, and he forced himself to close his eyes, take a deep breath and proceed, "y-you hadn't remembered me at all, and we were so c-close, and y-you...you h-hated my guts and I didn't know why."
Peter's eyes found Tony's again, as the older boy let out a soft sigh, before those calloused fingers delicately took Peter's soft buttery hands between them.
"Fuck I'm-," another exasperated sigh leaves Tony's plump lips, "I'm so sorry, Pete. I promise that you belong here, and that I'll treat you better, treat you like you deserve--no, better than you deserve. You deserve better than this, but you belong here, with m-well w-with us."
A small smile graced Tony's features and Peter thought he could melt into those hands like putty if he smiled at him like that again. By now Peter's cheeks were aflame and he wished he could hide his face within the sheets, but he couldn't tear his eyes away from Tony's. There was too much residing within them, so much passion and drive, and so Peter just stared.
"But I t-think I belong here with you, now."
//Here we are again, I feel the chemicals kickin' in. It's gettin' heavier, I wanna run and hide. I wanna run and hide. I do it every time, you're killin' me now. And I won't be denied by you, the animal inside of you.//
Tony had made good on his promise. Though he didn't remember making it, Tony treated Peter better than before. He walked him to his classes and even waited around after school if the younger boy had a club meeting. Occasionally Tony would sling his arm over Peter's shoulder and Peter would turn his head away as his cheeks lit on fire. Peter didn't mind belonging with Tony.
It made him feel whole, and appreciated and loved.
Not that Tony had any clue, because he was always oblivious, or so Peter thought.
After Tony had taught Peter what in the hell cross-faded had exactly meant, Peter thought that he could give drugs and alcohol a go. If Tony was there with him. He was unsure about being in that sort of state of mind by himself or at a party, the task seemed a little daunting.
So the two sat upon Tony's bed, as Tony pressed the small bits of marijuana in the small bowl. Tony was a little worried about the younger kid trying a bowl, but he was out of rolling paper so this would have to do.
The stench wasn't exactly pleasant, and it made Peter's stomach turn alongside the concept of getting possibly caught by Maria or Howard.
"Tony a-are you sure they won't be back tonight?"
"Aye, Pete, I told you a hundred times, they're out of the state and won't be back for a couple days. Calm down. You're gonna be alright. I'll be right here the whole time, kid."
"O-Okay." Tony looked up from his handiwork to give Peter a reassuring smile, and in return the kid smiled and awkwardly chuckled.
"Y-You're friends p-probably weren't this jumpy were they?"
"Eh," Tony shrugged, flicking the lighter a few times before a flame actually appeared, "everyone is a little nervous their first time Pete. You're no different than them."  Tony waived the flame gently over the bits packed into the bowl, before placing his finger over the hole, inhaling gently as the smoke filled up the glass, before releasing his finger, and inhaling deeply. He let the smoke sit in his lungs, permeate the organs, before exhaling.
Peter watched the scene in awe, and bit his lip to contain himself as a result of how hot the action was. How Tony seemed confident in his motions, how the smoke blew from his lips, and the look of transcendence and dare he say bliss on Tony's face?
"You catch any of that, kid?" Tony asked before he turned to look at Peter who was staring back at him in awe. Tony chuckled gently before lighting the bowl again, and holding it up to Peter's lips. They had a good system going. Peter just inhaling and exhaling and Tony working the mechanics of the bowl that Peter was clearly clueless on.
Peter felt the back of his throat go numb, and coughed repeatedly. For a second, Tony was worried the kid would either puke or choke, but after tossing the kid a water bottle he settled down.
"H-Hey, Tony?"
"Yeah, kid?" Tony was working on taking his own drag before he glanced over and saw the kid’s eyes were a little bloodshot already.
"Is....is any of this real? Am...am I here right now?" Peter's eyes were wide as he slowly looked around the room, as if trying to gauge just how real this situation was. Tony chuckled and nodded his head, smoke dispersing from his lips and seeping out his nose.
"Yeah, kid this is all real. You and I are just chilling out in here." Peter smiled at that and Tony let out a breathy laugh. Tony didn't expect him to be this out of it, this early in the game, but he didn't mind. Peter's face scrunched up before he laid his head in Tony's lap as Tony scoffed. He was a cuddly one. But Tony wouldn't deny him that, so he gently carded his fingers through the younger boy’s soft hair as he spoke.
"Tony..." The boy hesitated, as he reached his hands upwards, taking the hand that Tony had within the boy’s locks between his soft fingers, fiddling with the calloused ones.
"W-Will you take c-care of me? N-Now that May is g-gone?" At this point Tony couldn't tell if the boy's eyes were bloodshot and glassy as a result of the paraphernalia or if he was on the verge of tears. Tony closed his eyes and let out a tight sigh, rubbing his thumbs over the back of Peter's hands.
"Yeah, Pete. I'll take care of you. You'll be okay here with us." He smiled gently down at the younger boy, and the boy gently returned it. Peter sat himself upwards, his hands still gripping Tony's tightly, as if that was the only thing grounding him in this wonky state of mind.
"You h-have really nice hands." Peter takes his lips between his teeth as he stares down at Tony's thick, rough fingers, caressing the pads of them gently. At this Tony laughs, a deep resounding laughter that fills Peter up with something akin to warmth and happiness.
"Thanks, Pete. Yours are nice too. Really soft. You use moisturizer?" Peter's giggles are soft and airy, and Tony thinks that he wouldn't mind hearing that forever. On a loop.
"No! I don't use moisturizer!" Another bout of giggles from Peter that reverberate warmly within Tony's chest. After his laughter has died down, Peter finds himself gravitating a little too close to Tony, but it's too late, because in his hazy state of mind he's crawled into Tony's lap and his head is tucked into the older boy's neck.
Tony doesn't breath, doesn't allow himself to touch the younger boy, and it's obvious to the kid.
"Y-You used to hold me like this as a kid. U-Used to take c-care of me." The boy sniffed and Tony's immediate reaction was to cuddle him close.
"Hey, kid, I told you that I've got you. I'm gonna take care of you, and you're gonna be okay. No need to get upset." His right hand was cupping Peter's head, gently running his fingers through his hair, and the other resided upon the boy's back, running his palm comfortingly over the expanse of his t-shirt.
Peter let himself be cradled for a few moments, enjoy the warmth radiating from Tony's body, and the feeling of being wrapped in security before he pulled back, and Tony looked at him with a curious face.
Peter let his eyes wander, from Tony's messy locks, to his quirked eye brow, to his intense gaze, his long pretty lashes, to the cute slope of his nose, the sharp cupid's bow and plump lower lip, to the stubble on the older boy's chin as Peter bit his lip.
"C-Can I uhh....can I kiss you?" The question took Tony aback, but he laughed gently before responding.
"I don't know if that's a good idea, Pete-" his words were stifled by the pressure of baby soft plush lips pressed against his, and the complete loss of any thoughts flowing within his head.
The kid was by no means experienced but it hadn't mattered. Though sloppy, it was endearing the amount of passion and excitement Tony could feel through the gentle way their lips molded together. One kiss turned to two, turned to four, 'til the pair weren't going to pull away despite needing air. Peter's finger were tangled in Tony's hair, and the hand Tony previously had within the boy's hair had now found his chin and was delicately cupping it. Peter was the one that conceded, only gently releasing the other boy's lips before gulping for air and releasing a content sigh.
"That hair," the kid huffs again as a bright smile lights up his face, "it drives me absolutely crazy."
//Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waitin' for? Take a bite of my heart tonight. Oh, oh I want some more. Oh, oh what are you waitin' for? What are you waitin' for? Say goodbye to my heart tonight//
With Tony's consent, Peter clung onto him. Constantly at his side, providing him with company and intriguing conversations. The two were practically inseparable. Tony had introduced Peter to his friends and though they were hesitant, eventually they took to liking Peter. Tony met Peter's friends Ned and MJ, and though Peter was nervous that Tony wouldn't appreciate how quirky and dorky the two were, Tony melded along with them just fine.
At the moment the two were wrapped in each other's arms, tangled within Tony's sheets just basking in each other's presence before the younger boy spoke.
"Umm...T-Tony? I was w-wondering if maybe you'd f-feel comfortable doing m-more than j-just kissing?" Peter's face was tucked into Tony's side, though despite being muffled, Tony heard him loud and clear, and chuckled gently.
"Oh yeah? And do what? Make out?" The older boy teased, and received a slap on the arm, Peter's face growing hotter by the second.
"N-No you jerk. You know exactly what I m-mean." Tony's fingers found Peter's chin and tugged his face up, so the boy was forced to look him in the eye.
"No, I don't believe I do. I'll do whatever you'd like, you just have to say the word, baby boy." Peter's eyes widened and the heat in his cheeks intensified at the pet name.
"W-Well umm...c-could we make love?" Peter's lip was tucked between his teeth, and thought it was one of Tony's favorite sights, he was far too enthralled with the endearing manner with which Peter had asked him that question.
"For you baby? Of course."
Hey there stranger, check me out on AO3 will ya? 
Sorry if this sucks btw, I really gave it my all, but I’m honestly so tired
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dragonleesupporter · 4 years
       WARNING: Tickling, depressing themes, and intense wounds on a pure boi.    
 Shasta trudged up the royal stairs, each step feeling like quicksand. His shoulders were raised as tightly as the royal gates and his eyes drooped with tears constantly filling and spilling from them. His chest heaved with empty sobs and his throat ran dry with his constant gasping at the pain. When he opened the door to his room, he was met with a dark purple face staring angrily at him from the balcony.
 The prince suddenly jolted at the realization that he had forgotten his meet up with the hooded grecken. Alo jumped as well at the sight of the prince. Shasta’s posture was different than normal and his face was drenched from what he could only hope wasn’t tears.  
 “Shasta? Are you alright?” Alo cautiously approached the prince who was trying to put on a smile.
 “Yeah… Just tired is all.” The golden grecken’s voice cracked as he lied.
 “Shasta, what is it? I know something happened! Who hurt you?” Alo’s voice grew slightly louder in frustration.
 He hated when Shasta forced a smile. It was a habit the thief was trying to get him out of. Whenever he plastered on a smile like that, it gave Alo the impression that he didn’t trust him.
 “What is it, cockit?!” The purple grecken snapped, louder than he had aimed for.
 Shasta covered his ears and whimpered, more tears falling as his act crumbled before his soulmate. Now sobbing fully, he fell to the ground.
“O-oh no… S-Shasta, I’m sorry! I didn’t mean to snap!” Alo reached out but the prince flinched away.
 “T-t-t-they did it…” He whimpered, barely audible.
 “Wh-who? W-what did they do?” The purple grecken was scared to know in full honesty, but he knew he had to.
 “They c-c-c-cut them…” Shasta sobbed into his hands.
 “WHAT?!” Alo barked out a yelp of disbelief.
 It was then that he realized Shasta had bandages on his arms.
 In the world of greckens, females held dominance over males. Males were mostly seen as slaves to the females, which were stronger, larger, and had more physical ability. Most of the kingdoms were run by corrupt queens. Shasta’s kingdom of Dujokah was an oddity since both of his parents ruled equally as King and Queen. Shasta’s mother had even made it illegal to enslave males in Dujokah and had planned for Shasta to inherit the throne after both of them had passed.
 To make males more vulnerable and less likely to fight back, queens of other kingdoms would cut off two different body parts. They cut off the fins on the arms of males that gave them more athletic power and flexibility. They also either cut off or severely damaged their wings which gave males a chance to escape their torchers if their wings were functional. Females actually had two sets of fins along two elbow joints which already gave them more leverage, but the less resistance, the better. Females also didn’t even have wings, which meant if their slave escaped via flight, there wasn’t an easy way to track them down. Not to mention most queens were jealous that they didn’t have wings, so also cut them off in spite of what they couldn’t have, even if their servants were well-behaved. To cut off a male’s wings is to imprison them and make them learn their place. To cut off a male’s fins is to deprive them of an important muscle that contains an energy-collecting organ, making them weak, obedient, and less confident in themselves.  
 “Oh nonononononono… no…” Alo carefully undid the bandages to see that Shasta’s fins had been cut clean off. “Oh, Great Seah… I thought you said they were fine with them!”
 The queens of the neighboring kingdoms had agreed that Shasta could keep his fins since his mother had proclaimed him so highly.
 “They changed their m-m-m-minds… and they c-c-c-cut them in f-f-f-front of the whole t-t-t-t-own… a-a-a-after the r-r-r-r-royal d-dinner…” Shasta stuttered madly before fully crying into his hands.
 “A public humiliation? Those bitches…” Alo muttered while clenching his fists before returning his attention back to his sobbing love. “What did your parents do? They said they would protect you!”
 “They couldn’t do anything! The queens overpowered my mom and shamed my dad! They threatened something called war… My mother’s thinking about it but she told me we might not be able to make it!” Shasta shouted into his hands, his whole body heaving with each sob. “T-they said my wings are next…”
 Alo froze, dread making his belly sink. Instinctively, he hugged the crying prince, trying to calm him down.
 “Breathe.” He whispered. “Breathe…”
 The golden grecken slowly calmed down, his stifled sobs becoming slow, shaky breathing.
 “I’ll never be strong again…” Shasta’s whimper sent a stake through Alo’s chest.
 “Not true.” He retorted, breaking the hug. “Look at me, Goldie. I had both my fins and wings cut off and I can still climb up four floors to your balcony like it’s no one’s business. Sure, it might take some time, but you’ll get your strength back, I promise… No one can take down the Great Shasta.” He winked at the last part making the golden prince smile slightly.
 But the smile didn’t last.
 “Wait… your wings are cut off? Is that why you wear your hoodie all the time? Even when you’re with me?” The prince looked at the dark grecken with worry.
 “One, I’m never completely safe, Goldie. Not even here. Two, yes. They were cut when I was a child.” Alo was surprised when Shasta suddenly rushed forward and pulled his hoodie off.
 Embarrassing thing was that Alo wasn’t wearing anything underneath, leaving his bare fluffy torso for Shasta to momentarily marvel at before remembering what he was supposed to be investigating. He spun the dark purple grecken around and saw two big scars on his back. Shasta winced and instinctively glided his hands over the bare skin where fur hadn’t dared to regrow. Alo suddenly jolted as if he had just been covered in ice.
 “Oh-I’m sorry! D-did that hurt?” Shasta snapped out of his panicked trance and realized that it probably wasn’t a good idea to force the thief out his prized hoodie.
 “N-no. The pain from that is long gone. It just felt… weird. I haven’t been touched there since the event itself…” Alo realized he was… smiling? Why was he smiling?
 “What’s that expression for?” Shasta realized it too. Out of curiosity, he started to gently press his fingers around the scares.
 “I… don’t… know…” Alo’s chest started to quiver and he felt an odd grinding feeling deep in his core as Shasta gently rubbed his beaten back.
 “Does that… feel good? You’re purring.” Shasta murmured softly; Alo could to hear the smile in his voice.
 “That’s what this is?” The purple grecken felt his stones of muscles turn into liquid under his skin.
 It felt like he was drowning in his own happiness, the sound of purring filling his ears and something… else, filling his heart. He never wanted this feeling to end.
 He was surprised when he suddenly felt a hearty smack to the head. When his eyes snapped open, he saw the floor next to his face.
 “Oho mhyhy Seheheheheah!” Shasta doubled over in a small giggle fit as Alo looked around him, confused.
 “What just happened?” The purple grecken looked up at the cackling prince.
 “Yohou must’ve behehen in heaven!” Shasta suppressed the last of his giggles and smiled at Alo with a sparkle in his eyes.
 The dark grecken couldn’t help the grey blush that covered his face.
 “You were so relaxed; you just went completely limp and fell! Did you fall asleep?? Your muscles were so tight, you just completely melted!” Alo could tell Shasta was doing his best to hold back another giggle fit.
 “W-well… you’re probably just as tense under that suit!” Alo fired back and crossed his arms, not expecting a blue hue to overtake the other’s features.
 “N-no…” Shasta looked down, as his face turned into what could be easily mistaken for glofruit.
 “Ohohohoho… hold on… what’s that face for?” Alo’s grey eyes suddenly flashed with mischief. “Come here. I wanna see how you like it.”
 “Oh no, you don’t!” The prince dashed around the room with a big excited smile on his face. After a few moments he realized his dodging was in vain, as he couldn’t run outside his room in fear of revealing his secret visitor to his parents. “I’m not going down without a fight! You can’t tame this beast so easily!”
 “Well, this beast has never met a tamer like me.” Alo growled deeply with a half-evil half-sexy grin.
 Believe it or not, despite the golden grecken’s attempts, Alo had Shasta pinned in less than a minute. The prince was bolted faced down, with his best friend on top of him.
 “W-waihihihit!” The prince had already ascended into another giggle fit as his best friend unbuttoned his suit from the back.
 Alo chuckled along with the other’s cute, contagious laughter until he saw his back. Two beautifully luscious wings flowed outwards like golden rivers dancing into the sky. The soft feathers stretched out and glistened like thin gold nuggets. Alo felt like he had just found a pot of jewels. Without even thinking about it, he started gliding his hands along the heavenly wings, tracing the edge of every feather until he made his way down to where Shasta’s wings met his back.
 “EEEHEHEHAHAHA!” The prince suddenly burst out laughing, snapping the thief out his own trance. “St-stohohohp ihihiht! Thahahat tihihihckles!” Shasta squirmed underneath the stronger.
 “Oh, it does, does it? Laugh for me, Goldie~.” Alo teased, tracing shapes in his lover’s back.
 “Ehehehehe- hehehehey! P-plehehhease, not there!” The gold mass underneath him became completely light blue as his flustered face grew hotter by the second.
 “Ohoho mhyhy Seahahahahah!” Alo took one look at Shasta’s scrunched-up face and wobbly smile and had to stop his silly onslaught to ride out his own laughing storm, giving Shasta the opportunity to get revenge.  
 “Whahat the- HEHEHEHEY!” The purple grecken turned nearly entirely grey as Shasta leaped onto him, seeking revenge to the fullest.
 But, as soon as the tickling started, it came to an abrupt stop.
 “OUCH!” The golden prince flinched backward and winced, grasping his elbows.
 “Shasta? I-I’m sorry! We probably shouldn’t have been roughhousing like that…” Alo walked forward and observed the two new scars on his best friend’s arms, still raw and swollen.
 The thief sighed sadly and looked out the balcony to see that it was almost dark.
 “Oh, crap. I need to get going…” The purple grecken pulled his hoodie back on and leapt onto the railing. “I’ll be back tomorrow okay?”
 “B-but… wait! What if they c-c-c-cut my wings?” Alo’s heart was once again frozen in place at the devastating whimper behind him.
 “I-I won’t let them! I’ll find a place to take you! Stall for as much time as you can with those horrible cunts! I’ll be back tomorrow, okay?”
 Shasta forced a smile, but it wasn’t enough for the thief. He turned back around, grabbed onto the prince and forced his lips to his.
 Shasta’s mind blanked out for a second. But when it came back, a genuine, dreamy smile graced his features.
 “That’s more like it.” Alo turned around and jumped onto the railing, not missing a small glimmer of hope in the prince’s blue eyes. It was just enough to give him the energy he needed to leap off into the night.
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arolla-pine · 5 years
Not so oblivious anymore - p.16
Adrien went upstairs feeling like he was in a dream. Stepping up wasn’t easy when his knees became weak. All the time he was wondering how it was possible he missed the fact that Marinette was Ladybug.
At the same time Plagg was cackling and that made the boy sure that he was right. Nothing was more amusing for his kwami than a painful irony!
“I told you it wasn’t a spam and you should open the attachment!” Plagg croaked between the first and the second floor, when he was sure that Mrs. Cheng wouldn’t hear them.
“The attachment!” Adrien stopped immediately and reached for his phone.
He found the mysterious e-mail from himself and – without further hesitation – he opened the file. It was a photo which he had taken from hiding. Marinette was standing in her room, looking out of the window in concern. Her frown and determined gaze reminded him Ladybug so much and so clearly! His Lady always had that look when she tried to figure out a plan for defeating the akuma. Every single time. He had seen that look so many times that it was highly impossible he could be mistaken now. That was his proof.
“Did you know?” he asked his kwami, who left his pocket to see the picture.
“About what was the attachment?” Plagg  was surprised. “I had no idea.”
“About who is Ladybug.” Adrien clarified.
“Oh, that…” kwami tried to stall.
“So you knew…” Adrien didn’t need to hear the answer anymore. “It’s a pity you didn’t tell me.”
“Kwami can’t tell their holders’ names. Nor the names of holders of other miraculouses.”
“I wonder why.”
“Maybe to protect the miraculouses?” Plagg was thinking aloud. “Just think about it. If you knew who Ladybug is, weren’t you tempted to gain the ultimate power?”
“No.” Adrien replied firmly.
“Oh, right. I forgot you’re the embodiment of altruist. Yet, there were some superheroes that wanted to get the other miraculouses, believe me.”
“So, does this mean that the whole rule of not revealing our identities is only for protecting the miraculouses?”
“Only?!” Plagg spotted sarcastically. “And who will bear the responsibility for immature teenagers when they’ll know about each other?”
“I’m not immature!” Adrien protested.
“Right, kid… Just an emotionally unstable teenager in the middle of a hormonal tempest…”
“You’ve just said I’m the embodiment of altruist!”
“The one doesn’t preclude the other.” Plagg replied wisely. “I don’t want to remind you all times when you acted stupid.”
“Like what?”
“You make me kick you when you’re down…” kwami said wryly. “Let it be. Just imagine that you know Ladybug’s identity when Paris was flooded by…”
“Siren.” Adrien finished the sentence.
“Exactly. You wanted to give up your miraculous! You made me tell you… er…” Plagg hesitated, but they both knew how important for them that moment had been. “Uhm… So… What was I talking about?”
“OK, OK…” Adrien muttered. “I’ve got your point. But you must know, and Marinette must know that too, that I’ll do everything for her. And I’ll never let anyone hurt her!”
“In my opinion you should tell her that. Clearly. My cat’s six sense tells me about some problems ahead.”
“What do you mean?”
“If she saw the same pictures that you’ve just seen, she had to figure out that you’re Cat Noir.”
“That makes things even easier… I don’t have to tell her that.”
“Well…” Plagg wasn’t convinced. “You haven’t been successful in coming to an agreement so far…”
“This time we’ll be. Hide, let’s go upstairs!” Adrien ordered and quickened.
Marinette opened the door almost immediately after his knocking. But instead of expected hugs, he got an awkward smile from her. Did she always need a rain to forget about her shyness?
“Hi…” he whispered with a smile.
“H-Hi…” she stuttered. “Le-Let’s go upstairs be-before my parents get you…”
She took his hand and led him to her room. When he closed a trapdoor behind them, he confessed:
“Your mom already got me.”
Marinette turned around immediately and stared at him in horror.
“Did you…?” she began but couldn’t finish that question.
“Yes, I saw those pictures. And yes, I figured out.” He confirmed. If Plagg had told him that she’d probably guessed the truth, there was no sense in pretending he didn’t know.
“But we’re not allowed to know…” she whispered.
“I haven’t said anything…” Adrien smiled, making a step towards her.
“You haven’t said anything either…” he made another step.
“Nothing’s changed. Ladybug will keep rejecting Cat Noir. Now I can’t even blame her. Cat Noir had no chance comparing to me…” he joked in a self-confident tone, as Cat Noir used to do in front of Ladybug. Marinette couldn’t help rolling her eyes. He laughed. “It would by much easier if you told me who’s your crush.” He added.
“Stop joking about that! It’s a serious breach of the principles!”
“How do you know what are those principles?”
“Ti-Tikki told me that no one can know my identity.” She whispered.
“Including your partner you should trust with your life?”
“I… don’t know…”
“Us against the world, remember?”
“Yes...” she smiled.
“So, let’s talk to Master Fu.”
“You know him?!” she exclaimed in astonishment, but he only laughed.
“Not only you have secrets, Purrincess…”
She flushed when she heard the nickname that Cat Noir had given her. Her blush deepened when she noticed that he had been standing just before her.
“I told you once that you’d fall for me as soon as you get known who I am…” he whispered in her ear, embracing her.
“I hate when you’re right!” she murmured in his shirt.
“Not true…” he smiled and kissed her.
Meanwhile Sabine Cheng was sitting downstairs with her cup of green tea. She reached for her phone and chose someone named “Uncle” to send him a message: ‘Mission accomplished’…
* It was planned to be finished here, but it looks like I write something more… Just give me some time. Meanwhile I’m on short vacation in Warsaw. Looking for inspiration… :-)
Oh, and you’re right - Uncle indeed is the person you think he is... :-))
Adrinette April 2019 - Day 30: Us against the World
Not so oblivious anymore p.15  <-  Previous part  |  Next part  ->  Not so oblivious anymore p.17
Start reading from the beginning
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rinnnyxr · 3 years
Are you anything like my friends? - Updated Version. L.K. Your hair is naturally blonde. You have/had pink/purple streaks in your hair. Your hair is naturally curly. Your birthday is in November. You're married. Your partner's name begins with A. You love to read and talk about books. You have multiple pets. You love to cook. You owned a business before Covid. You live in the U.S. You live in Connecticut. You can play piano. You watch a lot of British TV shows. You hate to cry or show vulnerability in front of others. You have a close friend that you love like a sister.
N.G. You have dark brown hair. You own at least one item of clothing with a cartoon character on it. Your birthday is in April. You don't eat meat. You're pursuing a career in science. You have a biology degree. You have mostly been working from home during the pandemic You drink coffee in the mornings. Some people consider you a very private, closed off person. You don't eat fish. You don't like mashed potatoes. You're quite picky about your food. You consider yourself to be good at reading/understanding others.
C.M. You have short hair. You have dyed your hair purple. You wear glasses. You're the eldest sibling. You have a younger sibling who is taller than you. You look a lot like your mother. People have mistaken you and your mother for sisters. You use/have used dating sites. Your current partner's name begins with J. You work with children. You're a people person. Your birthday is in July. Your first name is often misspelled. Your first name is often shortened.
P.S. You live in a European country. You have dyed your hair blue. You have dyed your hair green. Your birthday is in August. You have been with your partner for 10 years or more. You own 2 cats. You work at a restaurant. Your best friend's name begins with H. You enjoy playing video games. You don't eat red meat. You don't eat dairy products. You don't really like cookies that much. You've baked yourself a birthday cake before. A.P. You have dyed your hair black. You love Disney films. Your birthday is in February. You live by yourself. You're not very close to your family. You have a tattoo of a flower somewhere on your body.. Your favourite type of alcohol is gin. Your hometown is close to a beach. You share a middle name with someone else you know. Your job involves taking care of others. You have endometriosis. You like to snack on fruit. S.R. You have long hair. You met your current partner online. ^ And you're married to that person. Your partner's name begins with P. You have small children. You have worked at a fast food restaurant. One of your ex-partners was unfaithful to you. You are allergic to cats. ^ But you like them. You have smoked cigarettes before. ^ But you quit a few years ago. You have 3 siblings. You have a crush on Jensen Ackles. As a teen, you were obsessed with a certain boyband. You are fond of the colour pink. You have named one of your pets after a fictional character.
K.W. Your favourite season is autumn. You don't take many pictures of yourself. You have a son. You like to read wartime novels. You own a dog and a cat. You've nursed someone through an illness. Before Covid, you enjoyed going to concerts. You're a fan of George Ezra.  You're a fan of John Barrowman. You enjoy food, but dislike cooking. You would like to move abroad someday. R.B. You have dyed your hair red. You have dyed your hair orange. You live with your mother. You have recently ended a relationship. You have ended a relationship because your partner was too needy/clingy. You are an independent person and like your own space. You hope to get your own place sometime soon. You live in the northern part of your country. You don't speak to your father very often. You have a dog, but you also love cats. You can sing well. You can play an instrument. Your favourite singer is Adele. Your favourite type of cuisine is Asian.
Do you have these things in your room? bookshelf  books hairdryer perfume ornaments dressing table stereo speakers karaoke machine CDs TV bed spare bedding blankets pillows teddy bear other cuddly toys posters friendship plaque keepsake box sideboard underwear drawer sock drawer a drawer full of bits and bobs make-up nail polish tote bag bookmarks shoes slippers woolly hat wardrobe full-length mirror nail polish remover wipes body lotion facial moisturiser hair products lip balm notebooks jewellery box pens lined paper envelopes colouring books hair accessories hairbrush comb hair straightener curtains
True or False The walls in your room are painted a pale colour.  The walls in your room are painted pale pink. Your bookshelf is white. Your bedroom door is brown. Your dressing table is brown. Your stereo is silver. Your hairdryer is black. Your wardrobe is brown. You have a poster of an animal on your wall. There are books on your shelves that you haven't yet read. Your current bedding is patterned. Your current bedding is pink and white. Something in your room has an image of a Disney character on it.  Something in your room has your first initial on it. You have a double bed. You have an ornament that's in the shape of an animal. Your curtains are deep pink.
i'm female. i like cheese. i like my independence. i'd be lost without my phone. i want to have kids one day. my best friend is male. i love cookies. i don't have a favourite animal. i have had swine flu. i'm afraid of spiders. i have a brother. i have a sister. my dad is between 45-50 years old. my mum is between 40-45 years old. i want to learn how to drive. i have had a tooth taken out. i horde money. my best friends parents love me. my hair is brown. my eyes are green. i dislike the colour blue. i wish i was younger. i have been to australia. i live outside the US. i love being hugged. i would rather shop than dance. i'm good at singing. i wish i could be less clumsy. i like my hair being played with. my oldest cousin is over 30.  i like card games. i can't stand opera. i like the sound of my own voice. i can't stand my name. i fear being rejected. i've eaten chicken today. i've stolen money off someone. my best friend is my partner. i enjoy cycling. i'm an artsy person. i have a large dvd collection. i have a large cd collection. i am a virgin. i want to get married one day. i believe in god. i have lots of close friends. i wish i was more sporty. i love perfume. i like shakespeare. i like dickens. my hair is long. i have a favourite tv series. my lips are chapped. i don't like beer. i love apple juice. i drink wine. i drink vodka. whiskey makes me sick. i like cocktails. i have a niece or nephew. i like irish music. i have irish descent. i don't wear makeup often. i wash my hair at least 3 times a week. i like pizza. i love pasta. i hate olives. i've dyed my hair an outrageous colour. i eat too much chocolate. i have natural curls. i wish i had a pet horse. i have a cat. i have a dog. i love swimming. i live in a town. i live in a flat/apartment. i've had chicken pox. i find golf boring. i hate boxing. i get jealous easy. i love fantasy films. i love harry potter. my friends would say I'm caring. i once wanted to be a teacher. i have a low attention span. i am an avid reader. i am not easily frightened. i'm very philosophical. i am or intend to study psychology. i would say i am unique. i have more than 3 aunts. my skin is pale. my birthday is in less than 3 months time. i feel sleepy right now. stars and hearts are pretty. purple is my favourite colour. i wish unicorns existed. i have a specific, actual, phobia. flying frightens me. i would rather listen to music than watch tv. 
Do you like... Fast and Furious 1-7? Pretty Little Liars? Horror? Drama? Mystery? Jupiter Ascending? Vampire Diaries? Iggy Azalea? Pokemon? Anime? The Rock (Dwayne Johnson)? Life With Boys? Romance? Ariana Grande? Twilight Saga? Crime? Victorious? Disney Channel? The Little Mermaid? Action? Die Hard? Comedy? Semi Pro? Family Guy? South Park? Chick Flicks? Dear John? The Notebook? Cartoons/Animated? Cars? Adventure Time? The Regular Show? Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles? The Poltergeist? Saw Collection? Scary Movie? The Haunted House? Paranormal Activity 1-5? Insidious? Step Up 1--4? Arrow? Teen Wolf? Jurassic Park? If I Stay? Nicki Minaj? Jessie J? Miley Cyrus? The Last Song? Ashley Benson? Tyler Posey? The Maze Runner? Warm Bodies? Post-Apocalyptic? Thriller? Lucy Hale? Dylan O'Brien? Emma Watson? Harry Potter Collection? Lord Of The Rings Collection? The Hobbit? Nickelodeon? Mean Girls? Clueless? The Lion King?
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suit-lady · 7 years
PS ~ A Peter Parker Story that Begins with Notes (Part Two)
Pairing: Peter Parker x Female Reader
Summary: Peter misses class, and a classmate offers to share notes. They start passing notes back and forth and develop friendship. In this installment: The date! That’s all you get I refuse to spoil xoxo
Warnings: Fluff, swearing, and nervous Peter
Word Count: 2385
A/N: This is more than likely gonna be the final unless Ava manages to convince me otherwise. Hope you enjoy it!
New to PS? Find the first part here!
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“What the fuck do I wear?” Peter started hyperventilating to Ned the moment his nervousness became greater than his excitement.
“Dude, I dunno. Where are you planning on taking her?”
Peter mulled over the question. “I have no idea… Maybe someplace with a lot of variety, since I have no idea what she likes… So like O’Charley’s or something?”
“That place has the best rolls.”
Peter nodded in agreement, saying, “O’Charley’s it is.” A short pause. “Okay but what the fuck do I wear?”
Cue two boys who have no idea how to impress girls comparing outfits in similar fashion to a Hollywood movie, with lots of yelling from Peter. He was…very stressed.
Peter walked into English literature the next day to a pink sticky note on his desk. “Looking forward to tomorrow’s date. Got anywhere in mind?” you had written, signing off with your initial and a heart. At the last second (he could tell by the messier writing), you’d written a PS: “this is cute, so I kind of wanna keep the notes going, if that’s okay with you.”
Before the bell rang, he passed a yellow note back, “I was thinking O’Charley’s maybe? If you’d be okay with that?” He added a heart next to the P before adding his own PS: “I like it to, actually, so I don’t mind at all.”
The prof began speaking before you could return a note, so you gave him a smile and a thumbs-up in response. He may have been just the teeniest bit proud of himself because you didn’t oppose his choice for dinner. At the end of class, you slipped him one last note with a big happy face saying, “They have the best rolls.” He laughed and watched you walk out the room, a smile like sunshine plastered on your face.
Was it silly to plan on wearing his lucky socks on his first date with a girl he’d only actually talked to once? Maybe, but Peter honestly couldn’t care less. His chipper attitude was unmistakable, and he was beaming when he walked into class that morning. You greeted him with a little note that said, “Someone’s looking happy today!” accompanied by a quick drawing of a boy and girl holding hands. Flashing an even wider smile over at you, he spoke, “I think you know why that is.” You giggled as the bell rang, and you both radiated a giddy air as you took notes.
The rest of the day dragged on agonizingly slow for Peter; he just couldn’t quit watching the clock. He was unbelievably excited for that evening that his jitters seemed fatal by the end of his last class. Once the bell finally rang, he sprang up and walked as quickly as he could back to his dorm. It was on.
“Ned, I dunno. This doesn’t feel right,” a freshly-showered Peter complained to Ned, looking at himself in the mirror. He was wearing the outfit he and Ned had picked out on Wednesday.
“You look fine, dude. Just go pick (Y/N) up already. She’ll think you look great,” Ned replied, dismissing his friend’s nervousness with a wave of the hand.
“Y’know… okay, whatever. I’ll go like this. This is fine.”
Clad in a dark grey short-sleeved button-up that was open to reveal a plain white tee shirt, medium wash jeans, black sneakers, and, of course, his lucky socks, he drove over to your residence hall to pick you up. He came up to your room to get you because he’s a gentleman (after asking if he could, because he was nervous), and your roommate grilled him a little while you grabbed your phone and whatever else you’d want to take with you. As your roommate shuts the door, she tells him that he better take good care of you. You blush a little from embarrassment, and he promises that he will.
“You look stunning,” he says as you walk out of the building. You’re wearing one of your go-to faves because you were nervous about what to wear as well.
You stutter out two “thank you”s, one right after the other, because you’ve barely gotten the first one out by the time he’s opening the passenger side door for you. The ride is a bit quiet, but it’s a comfortable quiet. In the background, what you assume to be his master playlist plays softly from his phone, which is connected to the AUX. As the songs change, you compliment him on his music taste. He thanks you a little loudly, and blush dusts his cheeks. Fuck, he was so nervous about being with you.
You’d decided to go out a bit early for dinner so that you wouldn’t have to wait for seating (Peter is very impatient), so you sat down nearly immediately and ordered drinks. As this was the first date, you’d assumed you were safe from straw wrapper missiles, but you’d been mistaken. Peter sniped you right between the eyes as you took a refreshing sip of (whatever you’re drinking). As Peter dissolved into laughter, you shot him a glare and threw the wrapper back at him after crumpling it into a ball.
Dinner, needless to say, was amazing. You’d ordered your favorite from the menu, and it tasted just as good as any other time, but the best part was how easy Peter was to talk to. Before college, the two of you had been involved in vastly different things, so you had all kinds of stories to tell each other, and there was never a lull in conversation. Every story he told caused you to recall something else and vice versa. You found yourself wishing more than once that the clocks would all just stop working, and you’d be able to sit and talk to Peter forever. You had no idea, but he was wishing exactly the same.
The sun had begun to set when the two of you left the restaurant, painting the sky with pale pinks and oranges. The sight was breathtaking, honestly, but Peter still couldn’t help but steal occasional glances at you. Somehow, your beauty had enraptured him and he couldn’t pull himself from you. How had that happened in so little time? Is this what love at first sight was like? Is this what it was like to fall for someone without even realizing what was happening before it was too late?
At your request, Peter walked you back to your room when he dropped you off. Neither of you noticed, but you both walked slower and slower the closer you got to your door. The steps you took were very awkward and staggered, but you were so caught up in conversation with Peter that you didn’t pay any attention. You were just trying to make the time with him last as long as you possibly could. In all your years, no one had managed to captivate you like he had, and you didn’t want to waste a single moment with him.
The goodbye was very awkward, as Peter was far too nervous to kiss you after such a short amount of time, but he pulled you in for a long, tight hug that made your heart flutter all the same. When you walked into your room, your roommate was sitting on her bed, waiting for you to spill every single detail about the evening. You did, of course, and she encouraged you to pursue Peter with everything you had. You told her you’d been planning on that anyway.
The following Monday, Peter was greeted by another note that read, “Friday was lovely. We should do it again sometime.” He asked you on another date the following weekend, and another one the weekend after that. Soon enough, people were considering the two of you an item. Ned was the one who finally pushed Peter over the edge to ask you to officially be his girlfriend, to which you enthusiastically said yes, of course.
Due both parts to nervousness and gentlemanliness, you figured, Peter still hadn’t pushed kissing when you were going on your fourth official date. You didn’t wanna act pressuring because you knew how anxious he could get sometimes, so you were waiting for him to make the first move. As the time stretched on, however, you were getting a little restless. If you didn’t get a kiss on this date, you were gonna plan the next one, and you were gonna get that fucking kiss.
After taking you out to see the most recent novel-turned-movie, you stopped by a local parlour for ice cream to talk about the film you’d just seen. You were gushing about how well different characters had been adapted for the screen, but Peter wasn’t paying your words much attention. When you got really excited like this, he would see a stunning little sparkle in your eyes that never failed to take his breath away. He’d carefully take in all your features, doing his best to memorize you in those moments.
After finishing your ice cream and spending almost twenty minutes (accidentally) loitering, you returned to Peter’s car, and he took you back to your dorm. He walked you to your door as usual, but something seemed a little off about the way he was acting. His shuffling seemed more nervous than normal. Just as you opened your mouth to ask him about it, he stopped walking.
“What—” you started, but he cut you off.
“Finals are next week,” he said.
You affirmed in a confused tone, “Yeah?”
“And then we go home to the summer. You go back to (where you’re from), and I go back to Queens.”
You held your breath for him to continue, but, when he didn’t, you asked, “What of it?”
“I…um…well…” He struggled for words for a long moment before settling on, “I really like you, (Y/N). You’re not gonna dump me while we’re separated for three months, are you?”
Your mouth dropped open in a noise of surprise and your eyes widened to their maximum. “Peter! No, of course not! I really like you too! And no one is saying we can’t call or Skype or visit…” You trailed off with a pang of anxiety. You hadn’t talked about seeing each other at home.
Peter’s eyes widened then, but with excitement. “Really? I can come and see you?”
“Sure!” you exclaimed with a little laugh and a sigh of relief. “Just give me a bit of warning, but yeah, of course!”
As Peter heaved his own relieved sigh, he grabbed your hand and walked you the rest of the way to your room and said, “Yeah, definitely. Okay, that sounds great.”
His smile was impossible to not return. Just standing there, you were half sure you fell for him all over again as he looked at you with those lovely brown eyes. He leaned down to hug you around your waist, picking you up and spinning you around in a little circle. As he set you down, you wondered how you were so lucky to have someone like him. You started unlocking your door as he waved a goodbye. A moment later, you felt his arms around your waist again.
“I forgot something,” he said, his voice barely above a whisper.
“What is it, Peter?” you said as you turned around in his arms and slid yours around his neck.
“Well…I…uh,” he started. He felt his throat close up and felt as if he hadn’t drank water in four days. Come on Peter, you got this. He hoped you couldn’t feel his body shaking (you could) as he said, “Okay well… um…”
“Peter, honey, you don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to.”
“No, it’s not… Oh, fuck, I’m so sorry.”
“Is everything okay?”
“Yeah,” he said, his voice even quieter. “I’m just…well…a little nervous.”
You laughed lightly. “You don’t have to be nervous with me.”
He sighed again, looking away for a moment. “I know.” He chewed on his lip and looked into your eyes, as if searching for something. After a moment, he smiled, a small, soft smile that caused your chest to tighten a little. “(Y/N), I...” He took a deep breath before starting again. “(Y/N), I think I love you.”
You felt your heart nearly burst out of your chest. Without thinking, you responded, “What?”
Peter’s mouth dropped open for a moment before saying, “Oh fuck. Fuck, that was too fast I’m so sorry. I’m not sure how all of this works so I—“
“Peter,” you cut him off. “I think I love you too.”
Peter’s grip around your waist tightened with one arm while the other reached up to cup your face in his hand. His eyes were shining like they’d never shown before, and your heart was beating like crazy at the exchange you’d just had between each other. With your head spinning in delight, you didn’t notice Peter’s eyes close until you felt his soft lips against yours. Your eyes widened for a split second before fluttering closed, and you pulled yourself closer to him to deepen the kiss.
Peter was the first to pull away. The smile that graced his features was impossibly large; your poor heart couldn’t take much more of this. As you looked up at him, you returned a smile that you knew matched his in joy. You could feel both your bodies shaking, from excitement or nervousness or both you weren’t sure. What you were sure of? You were happier than you’d ever been.
“Oh, uh also,” Peter broke the silence, coughing awkwardly.
“Yes?” you asked, blinking at him.
“I guess this is kind of a PS,” he said with a laugh, winking at you. “I love you for sure.”
You pulled him in for another kiss before telling him, “I love you for sure too.”
Eventually, the two of you pulled apart from each other and Peter headed back toward his dorm. You watched him walk out, leaning heavily against your door, an enchanted air about you. That night, you could have sworn your feet didn’t touch the ground after Peter kisses you. And he still swears that the stars shined brighter that night than they ever had before in his life.
Tag list: @peterandchurros love you xoxo
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attitude status of girl in 2020 { TOP 500+ }
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attitude status of girl Hello friends, in our new post, we have brought Attitude Status for special girls in Hindi. Since few days, we were getting many messages on our Facebook page to post only Girls posts. That is why we have posted this posts of Girls Attitude Status, which are only for girls. Friends, if you also have a demand for some kind of status, then like us on Facebook page and message us, we will definitely fulfill your demand. Girls, you can upload these status shayari on Facebook, Whatsapp or any other social media site, if you like these posts, then also share it. Friends, this today's article is based on Cute and Stylish Girly Status In Hindi, in which you can read the status of funny naughty devilish girls, which is the most viral on Facebook. People have been rightly said that if the girl is not Stylish, she is not cute, and if she does not have Attitude then how is the fun? It steals the hearts of every girl, this Stylish Attitude full of girls, of which we are all crazy. So how come we read funnier than one Nakhre Wale Status in Superb Girl's Attitude Status in Hindi. Don’t Show Me Your Attitude As You Can’t Handle Mine.
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Be a lady with class.. a girl with nature and a bitch with attitude…
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  My personality is who I am and my Attitude depends on who you are!
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  A girl should live like a Butterfly… Pretty to see but difficult to catch.
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  Don’t compare me to other girls. There’s no competition. I’m one of a kind.
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  My mind makes me a girl, my attitude a bitch and my class a lady.
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  Happiness is what happens when you do what your heart wants to.
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Love me or hate me I’m still gonna shine.
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    A girl should be like a Butterfly…. Pretty to see and hard to catch
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I m beautifully broken ..perfectly imperfect… beautiful in my flaws… altogether I m a beautiful disaster
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best attitude status of girls I’m a princess without a Prince. My father is the King!!!
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Listen to the lyrics of a girl’s favorite song. You will realize that the lyrics are probably how she feels.
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Be pretty… Get educated… Dress well… Make Money B)
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I’m the way I’m and I will always be.
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Some people just deserve a High-Five on their face.
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When a boy ask me are you single? I feel like dhoka dhoka….
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Be what you wanna be.. be the girl you suppose to be.. and forget the world..
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Why can’t mosquitoes suck out my fat instead.
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Every girls dream = To eat without getting fat.
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On average, women say 7,000 words per day while men manage just over 2,000 words.
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If you are once a queen, you’re always a queen.
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The most beautiful curve on a girl is her smile!
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Who cares, I’m awesome.
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If she smiles about a memory, then be sure the one she loves is in it.
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Dreaming impossible things is my stuff. After all dreams come true.
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best status of attitude for whatsapp I’m a billion dollar girl
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Being a woman is absolutely priceless.
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So afraid to fall in love…
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Your attitude may hurt me, But mine can Kill You!
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my character is who I am when no one is watching.
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Don’t wait for it to get all rosy before you can put on your own glass slippers and shine.
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Girls are too shy to be the first to start it, so take your chance!
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Choose me or lose me. I am not a backup plan, and definitely not a second choice.
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To know how she probably feels, just listen to the lyrics of the girl’s favorite song.
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I didn’t foresee it but life took me down the path, yet I winded upright at the exact place I was meant to be Don’t search for a man that will solve all your problems, he won’t. Find one that won’t let you face them alone. I consider myself a crayon.. I may not be your favourite colour; but one day you’ll need me to complete your picture.. You left without a reason, so please don’t come back with an excuse. high attitude status girl I have no need for people who come to me when they need me, then throw me aside when they’re fine. Don’t waste your tears crying over someone who doesn’t even deserve to see you smile. You treated me like an option, so I left you like a choice. I love the confidence that makeup gives me. I’ll never be perfect, but I can be better. Girls who don’t ask for much, deserve it all. Keep your heels, head, and standards high. If you don’t care, same here! There are indeed billions of people in the world, and you think I need you? Sorry! You are highly mistaken. Hate my attitude? Then report me at who cares.com. Before judging me prove that you’re perfect. Make it happen and shock everyone. Don’t you dare to show your attitude because you will not be able to handle mine? Not everyone likes me, but remember not everyone matters. They can’t put me down, so they hate me. The weirder you are, the more fun you will be. Good girls are those which can help people, bad girls have no time to help Not everyone likes me but not everyone matters. “Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone’s had. All girls want is a guy who is taller than her so she can wrap her arms around his neck when they hug and kiss Make a girl happy. That is the most amazing feeling she can ever experience. Think like a queen. A queen is not afraid to fail. Failure is another stepping stone to greatness Be what you want to be, be the girl you supposed to be and forget the world Women are wiser than men because they know less and understand more Treat me like a queen and I will treat you like a king. But if you treat me like a game, I will show you how it is played.” The higher the better. It is more about an attitude. High heels empower women in a way.” Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girl’s mind. I will never be any man’s down-time, spare-time, half-time or sometimes. So please, do not waste my time. No boy is worth your TEARS, and the one who IS will NEVER make you CRY. I’m not heartless, I just learned how to use my heart LESS. Remember one thing, you might be a PLAYER. But I am the GAME whatsapp attitude status girl In English Only make decisions that support your self – image, self – esteem, and self – worth.” Don’t search for a man that will solve all your problems, he won’t. Find one that won’t let you face them alone If you don’t have respect for yourself, you won’t get it anywhere else. The better you feel about yourself, the less you feel the need to show off A wise girl kisses but doesn’t love, listens but doesn’t believe, and leaves before she is left… We girls, we’re tough, darling. Soft on the outside but, deep down, we’re tough I love being a girl. I love my identity as female, and I would never trade it for the world. Being a girl is truly an amazing thing status of attitude for whatsappAnd Facebook Girls, if he only wants your breasts, legs, and thighs. send him to KFC. Dear Boys I have sent you a “Friend Request�� Not a “Marriage Proposal” so kindly stop overacting :p Dear Girl, don’t worry if you’re still single. God is looking at you right now saying: I’m saving this girl for someone special Girls are like police. Even when they get a hold of all the evidence, they still want to hear the truth from you If you’re gonna be two-faced at least make one of them pretty. I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early. I’m sorry my fault. I forgot you’re an Idiot. I don’t have a bad handwriting, I have my own FONT. My attitude based on how you treat me. Hakuna Matata!!! – The great motto to live life... Yeah You - The one reading my status, Get Lost! When a bird hits your window have you ever wondered if God is playing angry birds with you? I know the voices in my head aren’t real but sometimes their ideas are just absolutely awesome! best attitude status for girl I loved a girl and she broke my heart. Now every piece of my heart love different girls. People called it flirt that's not fair… Dear Mario, I wasted my childhood trying to save your girlfriend. Now, you help me to save mine. Me and my wife live happily for 25 years and then we met… Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you. I’m poor. I can’t pay attention in class room. When I'm good I'm best , when I'm bad I'm worst. I’m cool but global warming made me hot. Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitud one line attitude status of girls I enjoy when people show Attitude to me because it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me! Stop checking my status ! Go get a Life! Coins always make sound but the currency notes are always silent! that’s why I’m always calm & silent. My “last seen at” was just to check your “last seen at”. Life is too short. Don't waste it removing pen drive safely. I Am #Hot Dude With A Cool #Attitude. Sorry Vegetarians We Can’T Pretend. Follow Your Heart But Don;T Be #Stupid Hey, My Attitude Based On How You Treat Me. I’m Not Perfect But I Am Limited Addition. I’M Cool But Global Warming Made Me #Hot. Stop Checking My Status ! Go Get A Life! I’M Not Nerd. I Am Just Smarter Than You. I’M Sorry If I #Change But You Changed Too. I Am Who I Am. Your Approval Is Not Needed. I’M Not $Special , I’M Just Limited #Edition. Your Silence Is The Best Response To A Fool. Friends, I Am  Me And I Won’T Change Myself For Anyone. Do noT Take My Kindness As A Signature Of Weakness. Best status of attitude for whatsapp and facebook Be a girl with a mind, A woman with attitude, and A lady with class. I.m cool but global warming made me HOT I Don’t Need To Explain Myself Because I Know I’M Right… Love is easy but queen is busy.. I choose to make the rest of my life the best of my life! It’s not my attitude, It’s the way I am. I’m not Perfect I’m original A girl should never think of what people think of her as long as she is happy with herself. Be the girl with a class…  A lady by nature and a b!tch with an attitude… When she is not yours, you’ll do everything possible to get her. Now you have her, you take her for granted Every girl wants a bad boy, so he can be good only for her. While every boy wants a good girl to be bad only for him. I wonder if a girl and a guy can ever be friends without one party thinking something different. Men who are not attracted to girls with brains, literally don’t like girls Commonest lies for girls: Nothing I’m fine. Commonest lies for guys: I love you. If you think I am BAD than you’re wrong, I'm the worst. I always arrive late at office but I make it by leaving early. Yeah You - The one reading my status, Get Lost! Me and my wife live happily for 25 years and then we met… I’m Nobody, Nobody Is Perfect, And Therefore I’m Perfect. Attitudes Are Based On Assumptions. In Order To Change Attitude One Must First Change One’s Assumptions. The Greatest Discovery Of All Time Is That A Person Can Change His Future By Merely Changing His Attitude. When Everything Comes Your Way. Then You Are On The Wrong Way A Good Laugh And Long Sleep Are Two Best Cures For Anything. Dear God, Thanks For Making Me Special. The Greatest Advantage Of Speaking The Truth Is That You Don’t Have To Remember What You Said. The Greatest Advantage Of Speaking The Truth Is That You Don’t Have To Remember What You Said. I Haven’t Slept For 10 Days, Because That Would Be Too Long. Just About The Time When You Think You Can Make Ends Meet, Somebody Moves The Ends. When I Drink Alcohol. Everyone Says I’m Alcoholic. But. When I Drink Fanta. No One Says I’m Fantastic. People Say Me Bad, Trust Me I Am The Worst. I Am Not Failed, My Success Is Just Postponed. The Greatest Pleasure In Life Is Doing The Things People Say You Can’t. If you dont want me , Dont fuck with my feelings. I dont have enough middle fingers to show you how i feel. I’m born to express, not to impress. I trusted you but now your words mean nothing to me, because your actions spoke the truth. I dont have enough middle fingers to show you how i feel. My life ,my rule,that’s my attitude… Girls are like parking spaces, all the good ones are already taken. attitude status of girls Someone Asked me what is UR attitude then i simply replied... " BEING SINGLE IS MY ATTITUDE…" Beauty Fades After Time, But Personality Is Forever! They laughed at me because I'm different. I laughed at them because they're all the same. If you want me, come and get me. If you want me to come, forget it. My attitude depends on the people in front of me. I don’t insult people , I just describe them. If your are still hate me!then No Problem!. I’m a cool person, but who loves to do stupid things. That’s fair enough!! that I’m Awesome . Who Cares!! Well, I forgive but never forget. we don’t pretend to be something I’m not. I know I am the best. my am awesome, and I know it. When you feel insulted, I am just describing you. You need friends to be successful in life, but to be more successful, you need better enemies. 2 line status of attitude for whatsapp Don’t give advice until you’re asked to. Normal is boring. I delete your number I’m basically deleting you from my life. (Breakup Status) Not always available try your luck some other time 😉 Legends don’t die; I am the living example. I’m not totally useless.we are still the best example of uselessness. se may be wrong, but I doubt it. best heard you are a player. Nice meeting you. Well,  I am a coach. Good girls keep diaries; bad girls do not have time. Success hugs you in private, and the failure slaps you in public. Attitude is actually a magnet what you think is what you attract. Do not judge me by my past; I don’t live there anymore. I enjoy when people show Attitude to me coz it shows that they need an Attitude to impress me! I’m cool but global warming made me hot. Childhood is like being drunk, everyone remembers what you did, except you. attitude status for girl I don’t need to explain myself because, I know I’m right. Excuse me. I found something under my shoes oh its your Attitude. When I’m good I’m best , when I’m bad I’m worst. I’m poor. I can’t pay attention in class room. Life will give u exactly what you need, not what you want. Yeah U – The one reading my status, Get Lost! Always remember you are unique, just like everyone else. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you cant go anywhere until you change it. Enjoy life. It comes with expiry date. I didn’t change, I just grew up. You should try it once. I’m not arguing, I’m simply tried to explaining why I’m Right. I don’t have an attitude problem, I just have a personality that you can’t handle. A bad attitude is like a flat tire, you can’t go anywhere until you change it. Excellence is not a skill, it is an attitude. The quickest way to double your money is to FOLD it in half and put it back in your pocket. Best Facebook attitude status girl I’m only responsible for what I say, not for what you understand. Style is a reflection of your attitude and personality. I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends. U left me hanging, so I’ll leave u guessing. Don’t follow ur dreams, follow me. I Destroy My Enemies When I Make Them My Friends. Don’t confuse effort and fate. Even if fate works against us, our efforts will always work in favor of us, in the long run “just because I started the conversation, it doesn’t mean, am dying to talk to you “if they need you temporarily ignore them permanently “there was a time when I was mad for you and now there is a time, I am not even sad for you.” “your happiness is not out there in somebody, it’s in you.” “Treat me like a Queen and I’ll treat you like a king. Treat me like a game, and I’ll show you how it’s played if you think I am selfish then what do you say about the worrier fighting for his nation “some woman is lost in a fire, some are built from it “your apology needs to be loud as your disrespect was date a man with a planned future. not a boy with social media swag you bad time can give you all the knowledge your school can’t if I needed you and you weren’t there. I will never need you again. I’m scared to get close to people because I know that everyone will leave in the end. “Sometimes your heart needs time to accept what your mind already. nothing loses my interest faster than somebody lies to me. don’t do something permanently stupid just because you’re temporarily upset. a mistake repeated more than once is a decision. Dear life, you don’t have to constantly force me to prove I am a tough, independent, strong woman. I think I’ve proven my case a few times Keep your heels, head, and standards high. when the hate doesn’t work they start telling lie. I am not the cigarette that you’ll smoke and crush, I’m a drug baby. you’ll beg for me. don’t stay there where you are needed, stay there where you are loved. stop apologizing for who you are. start loving the wonderful person that is you. Dabang status of attitude for whatsapp Good girls are bad girls that never get caught.” If you treat me like a queen, I’ll treat you like a king. If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you exactly how it’s played. Smartness is a perfect beauty. Good girls are those which can help people, bad girls have no time to help. My mind makes me a girl, my attitude a bitch and my class a lady. I taught your boyfriend that little thing you like. You will find a girl prettier than me, smarter than me, and funnier than me, but you will never find a girl just like me. Beauty is only skin deep but the attitude is to the bone! Be a girl with a mind, a bitch with an attitude, and a lady with class. Not all men are fools, some stay bachelor. His story is History, my story is Mystery. I love the confidence that makeup gives me. Keep your heels, head, and standards high. Girls who do not ask for much, deserve it all. Always act like you are wearing an invisible crown. attitude status for girl for whatsapp I may not be the girl that everyone wants, but at least I am not the girl that everyone’s had. Do not search for a man that will solve all your problems, he would not. Find one that would not let you face them alone. Sometimes I wish I was a little girl again because bruised knees heal faster than broken hearts. All girls want is a guy who is taller than her so she can wrap her arms around his neck when they hug and kiss. Sorry Vegetarians We Can’T Pretend. Follow Your Heart But Don;T Be Stupid. My Attitude Based On How You Treat Me. I Not Perfect But I Am Limited Addition. I’M Cool But Global Warming Made Me Hot It’s not my attitude, It’s my style. When I was born..Devil said..”Oh Shit..!! Competition”. I need someone who sees the fire in my eyes and wants to play with it. Boys lie more, but girls lie better. My Girlfriend says I need to be more affectionate…Now I have 2 Girlfriends! Men hang out in bars for one of two reasons: Either they have no wife to go home to, or they do. Guys have no idea how long something they said can stay in a girl’s mind. Forget the haters…cause some body loves you Don’t hate me, just get to know me first! A wise girl knows her limits, a smart girl knows that she has none. I actually wear glasses because I need them to see. If a girl tells you to leave her alone and you actually do then you have absolutely no brain cells. People see me as cute, but I’m so much more than that. Looking for that boy who deserves the key to my heart. By the way, I’m wearing the smile you gave me. I like to dream the impossible because dreams do come true. Life led me down a path, I didn’t foresee, yet I winded upright, where I was meant to be. attitude status for girls in english Keep your heels, head, and standards high. I woke up like this #Flawless Sweet as sugar. Cold as ice. Hurt me once, I’ll break you twice. Your smile is literally the cutest thing I have ever seen in my life. I don’t care for people, who don’t care for me. You never leave my mind even when I have a million things to worry about. When I first met you, I honestly didn’t know you were gonna be this important to me. No girl should ever forget that she doesn’t need anyone who doesn’t need her. Holding a girls hand in public is just another way of saying you are proud to have her. Dear Boys I have sent you a “Friend Request” Not a “Marriage Proposal” so kindly stop overacting Every girl is an angel. Don’t waste time in selecting unique. Instead, spend time in understanding them. A girl should be two things: classy and fabulous. I may not be the best, but I’m definitely not like the rest. When a girl cries, it’s not usually over one thing. It’s built up anger and emotions that she’s been holding in for too long. Treat her like a queen and she will treat you like a king. Treat her like a game and she will show you how it’s played. Royal Karbhar attitude status girl Every girl deserves to be treated like a princess. Dear boys, Please surprise us and text us first? Love every girl. Dear Good Boys, do not worry having no girlfriend this time. Remember, bad boys will always have the best girlfriend but they will never have the best wife. Courage, sacrifice, determination, commitment, toughness, heart, talent, guts. That’s what little girls are made of. If you made your girl say sorry, You did not win a fight you won a girl who really loves you. Boys never realize how much one little thing can hurt a girl. There is only one thing I have to say. You’re lucky to have me as your sister. Just kidding! I’m lucky to have you as my brother. Best feeling ever is when you lose weight, and your boobs stay the same size. Women are meant to be loved, Not to be understood. Wait for the boy who will do anything to be your everything. Avoid comparing yourself with others. If you do, you’ll lose the chance to see the beauty in you. Girls are like phones. They love to be held, talked too but if you press the wrong button you’ll be disconnected!. Dear Girls, Always remember The charming boys are just better liars.. attitude status with girl A GIRL is the most beautiful part of Gods creation.. Don`t be the woman that needs a man; guys take advantage of those people. Be the woman a man needs.. Behind my smile is a hurting heart, behind my laugh I’m falling apart. Look closely at me and you will see, the girl I am, it isn’t me.. The sweetest things you can do for a girl are the little things that let her know she’s in your heart and on your mind.. Some love 1, some love 2. I love 1 & that is you. Forget about what everybody else thinks & says. If it makes you happy then go for it. I would walk a million miles, for 1 of your smiles. Why is life so difficult? You tell the truth, you get in problem. You lie, you get in trouble.What do you do? I know they say ‘there is plenty of fish in the sea’, but I think you are my Nemo. Be what you need to be, not what others want to see. Whatever makes you feel sorry, leave it. Whatever makes you smile, keep it. Never regret your decisions because even bad experiences teach you a lot.Whenever someone asks me, “How is life”? I reply: “she is fine” The supreme elegance is to have no illusions and still behave as if one was fooled. caption for girls attitude A girl should be two things: Classy and fabulous. You created the storm don’t be mad now that it’s raining. Behind every girl’s favorite song… is an untold story. The most beautiful souls are often captured inside the most broken-heated girls. Listen to the lyrics of a girl’s favorite song You will realize that the lyrics are probably how she feels. If you treat me like a queen, I’ll treat you like a king If you treat me like a game, I’ll show you exactly how it’s played.” I’ve had enough of trying to prove myself to people Now I don’t care about what people think as long as I’m happy with myself! I’ve had enough of trying to prove myself to people Now I don’t care about what people think as long as I’m happy with myself! You created the storm don’t be mad now that it’s raining. I know they say ‘there is plenty of fish in the sea’, but I think you are my Nemo.   Read the full article
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shianhygge-imagines · 7 years
Persona 5 Headcanon: Studying w/ The Phantom Thieves
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A lack of P5 imagines here... And so, to begin finals week, I’m gonna take advantage of it. :P :3 I got you fam. [I haven’t finished playing through the game, so some characters might be shorter than others... I literally only just finished changing Madarame’s heart]
|Masterlist Link|
Just fyi, I’ve been a Persona fan since P4′s first month of release... so before everyone’s hype... which actually seems to be the trend in my interests... After playing through P4, I played through P3... then P3P because I wanted to play as a girl (can’t blame me, I’m attracted to Shinjiro and Akihiko... >.>;) Then, I played through Persona 4 Golden, then PQ ;#
Protagonist/Akira Kurusu/Shin Akaashi
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- It might not seem like it, but Shin actually dedicates a bit of his time to studying the class material that he has no problem taking on the task of helping you study.
- If you’re a friend of his, no matter how difficult to make friends with him it is... he’ll dedicate his time to make you understand the various concepts no matter how simply or tricky. Don’t bother asking Shin for help studying if you don’t really know him. He might be kind, but he’s honestly got better things to be doing, so he’ll turn a stranger down unless it benefits his goals.
- Shin is an all around student, a jack of all trades, if you will.
- If you’re his significant other, all cards are on the table. If he’d taken notes in class (if because he often daydreams in class), those notes will get copied and placed in your hands within the day.
- everything you have trouble with... will be gone over... and Shin would even skip a day or two in the Metaverse in order to help you. (lucky lucky~~~)
- things might get a bit... frisky if you guys are alone for too long though... Shin’s very mischievous and he loves you to bits, often being unable to keep his arms from snaking around your waist and pulling you flush towards his body. He’ll reward you with kisses if you do well on your practice problems...
- and if you do well on your exams... he’s offered to let you do with him what you want... for an entire day... don’t pass up this opportunity to have him under your thumb.
Ryuji Sakamoto
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- Ryuji... isn’t the most academically inclined individual in the school... he really tries to understand the school work [he really genuinely tries, the poor babe], but... you would often find yourself explaining to him about the various concepts involved in pre-calculus.... yeah... you’ll be doing a sort of backwards studying if you want to study with Ryuji...
- like studying the material by explaining it to someone else... it actually works, because it requires you to take the information, process it, then try to explain it in a different way... (seriously, this method of studying is one of the best).
- he’s pretty good with things like history and literature, although he’s purely average... and he’s abysmal in math and science. Now that I think about it, he’s like me and Chemistry... We get a little further when we try, but we’re still only average.
- Ryuji, my precious ball of sunshine... he’s easily happy and easily saddened... cheer him on and encourage him to get him in the mood to study more. Once his mood goes downhill, he’s more prone to not studying.
- Ryuji is also a bit... grabby? I mean, it’s easy for him to touch you, hug you, kiss you... but he’s still a bit iffy on people touching him. I mean, he’s a bright ball of sunshine and doesn’t really flinch away, but just be careful with him. Slow touches, not really rough, and always be affectionate. By all means though, don’t baby him.
- Reward him with nape kisses... >///< It gets him so flustered, the red travels noticeably and slowly from his shoulders up. And he’s not used to the love, so expect him to get a little shy and cute.
Ann Takamaki
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- The “dumb blonde” stereotype doesn’t apply to Ann. In fact, Ann is around average with her studies! :3 Despite being a model, and a member of the Phantom Thieves, she’s been able to keep up with her studies. [better than myself, who still has trouble balancing schoolwork, writing, a job, and a social life...] 
- Ann’s specialty lies with history, English, literature, and gym... not that you really have to study for gym... so maybe health ed?
- Despite the fact that she texts in class with Akira and Ryuji... and the rest of the Phantom Thieves... her notes are actually pretty decent and concise. I mean, not on Makoto’s standard of “concise notes,” but pretty freaking close. Her handwriting is average, large and cutesy, which can make it difficult to read sometimes, but the notes itself covers the basics of what you need to know to do a little better than pass.
- She’s borderline average in the math and science department, so you could help each other with topics that you don’t understand.
- If you want to reward Ann for doing great at practice problems, give her some pastries. If you want to reward her for doing really well on her exams, and you have the money to spend, treat her to the buffet deserts at the fancy hotel... 
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- Morgana doesn’t need to study, silly. But he’s pretty good at helping you if you’re really that desperate... But only for things like language...? Or history???
- You can count on Morgana making comments while you study, left and right.
- That is... if you can understand him in the first place.
Yusuke Kitagawa
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- Yusuke... Yusuke, Yusuke, Yusuke... Oh gosh, what am I going to do with this boy... First off, let’s get out of the way that, yes, Yusuke is VERY smart. In fact, he’s calculating and sly, too. BUT! He’s a naive little foxy that doesn’t get most social norms.
- You can expect Yusuke to be near the top of his class, but since he’s passionate about his art, it’s not likely he has the will to try for the absolute top. That being said, Yusuke’s intelligence rivals Makoto, Akira, and Akechi’s, especially in the social sciences, but he’s pretty exceptional in math and science as well.
- An artist’s mind works on a whole other spectrum than the normal person’s. Artists make associations with nearly everything they encounter, and they analyze deeply. Sometimes, the information an artist receives, could be the opposite of what other people conclude. Just know, that if you ask Yusuke for study tips, you might be in for a baffling ride if you don’t think on the same wavelength as him.
- That being said, if you want him to tutor you, be ready for him to teach you the proper way... but with random bursts of pausing... An artist, whether it be painting, sketching, writing, or creating music, often has pauses in their productiveness because of ideas that spontaneously pop up out of nowhere.
- That is, if you’re the one helping Yusuke, let’s say his grades have slipped a little due to his artwork or his work in the Phantom Thieves, expect yourself nearly at the end of your wits most of the time while you tutor him. Yusuke takes his studying seriously, but you just can’t help the fact that he’ll pause to stare at something that’s caught his interest.
- Reward this precious baby with new art supplies, healthy snacks, occasional candies, or even pay for his meals (don’t let him starve on only beansprouts). If you’re particularly close to him, give Yusuke little kisses or gently caress him, to reward him for a job well done.
Makoto Niijima
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- Ah the epitome of the perfect student. She’s at the top of her class because of all her hard work, so she’s strong in all subjects. It almost makes you resent her... almost. As with most Asian mentality, doing well in school equals success in life. Eventually, Makoto learns that this isn’t always so, and she begins to tone it down on her ‘overachieving nature’...
- She still manages to be an overachiever without trying though...
- Makoto’s notes are very detailed, with her often taking notes in class, then later reading the textbook material before re-writing her notes with what the teacher taught in class and including the extra details from her own research.
Futaba Sakura
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- She’s a genius hacker, shut in with agoraphobia... unless you want her to teach you how to hack... don’t count on her helping you with your studies too much....
- But you could help her with slowly getting over her phobia... difficult task, no doubt, but slowly expose her to more human contact using studying as the medium. Okay? Slowly though.
Haru Okumura
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- I admit she’s a bit spoiled and naive, but she’s decently smart, above average definitely, but not as smart as someone like Makoto, Akira, Yusuke, or Akechi.
- She’ll have private tutors on the side, so if you ever need help, you could always tag along in her study sessions, money isn’t a problem with Haru, she’s glad to be able to have a friend to study with.
- Ah, but she’s also the type to get a bit distracted when around people, so you have to be the one to keep her on track and focused!
Goro Akechi
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- This idiot... this Light Yagami-like idiotic dorky “pancake” genius detective, doesn’t even get to go to school that often. Despite going to the same prestigious school as Yusuke, his work requires him to neglect his studies. 
- Don’t be mistaken, Akechi can easily give Makoto, Akira, and Yusuke a run for their money in the academic field. 
- Studying with Akechi will be sporatic, sometimes you can go days studying with him undisturbed, and then there are days where you never see him. It’s not a very stable study relationship, but if you don’t mind the inconsistencies, go ahead and study with him. More often than not, he could use the affection and companionship.
- But also, pancakes.
Thank you for reading! If you enjoyed my work, please consider buying me a Ko-fi!
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exoticarmy127 · 7 years
More than Perfect (Jungkook, OC) Scenario
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After All au, takes place a few years after “No Question” :) Yes this is the much awaited “peek” into Jungkook and Sera’s married lives as parents. :P
Sera grunted as she lifted the silver luggage from the conveyor belt, sighing in relief at finally having found it after standing there for a full ten minutes.
To say her trip was terrible would be an understatement. It was in fact one of the most difficult and hectic ones yet. Sera had been working in the art industry for years now and if people thought being an art consultant was an easy enough job, they were absolutely mistaken.  
It was more than just having a knack for interpreting art pieces and affirming the right one’s that would suit her client’s interest. It also took a lot of persuading and explaining, as not everyone was familiar in the business of art. Sera was given a project by a huge international corporation who was setting up a new office in Prague, and she had been working nonstop contacting both clients and artists to fill the office space with decorative art that would be brand-appropriate.
She had her schedules filled for two weeks, going to and fro places in Europe to meet artists in search for art pieces. Whether they were renowned or rookies, it didn’t matter. Sera always believed great art could come from anyone.
It was only a matter of finding the right piece for the right person.
Sera sighed and rubbed her forehead. The plane had landed half past 9 A.M. here in Seoul and Sera could feel the jet lag seeping though her bones, considering her body has yet to adjust to the time difference. It would be around 2:30 A.M. in Prague and her body was simply craving for sleep.
Sera blinked and got her phone from her pocket and opened a new message. A smile immediately made its way to her mouth when she read it:
Yeobo~ we miss you. Hurry up!
Sera rolled her eyes at that before placing her luggage on the cart and pushing it towards the exit, suddenly feeling rejuvenated despite the awfully long flight and overall exhausting trip.
At the arrival gate, her eyes searched for a familiar form in the group of people huddled against the barricade. She frowned slightly when she couldn’t see them and was about to take our her phone to call when,
Sera jumped slightly at the familiar voice, head snapping up and eyes searching wildly for the source. Turning around, her eyes settled on one—two familiar forms standing a few feet away from her, wearing identical smiles.
Sera felt her exhaustion melting away at the sight of the two most important people in her life.
Jungkook stood there with Jino, their little Jino, on his shoulders; grins plastered on their faces while waving frantically. It was almost surreal how much they looked alike. Jino definitely looked like a mini version of her husband—from his doe-shaped eyes to that cute little overbite grin.
Sera felt herself smiling as widely as she watched Jino tap his father’s head lightly, asking to be put down. Once his little feet were on the floor, the 4-year-old made a run for it—barrelling right into her open arms.
"Oh I’ve missed you, baby!” Sera said as she hugged her son tight. Two weeks was definitely too long and she made a mental note not to take any more projects that would take her away that long. She kissed the side of his head tenderly before glancing up, eyes immediately locking with her “other” baby.
Jungkook stood there in a navy blue dress shirt and black slacks, his head covered by a brown bonnet. He smiled at her—and it was the smile Sera knew he only saved for her. It was that smile that crinkled his nose and the corner of his eyes so cutely.
“Hey kiddo, can daddy have a turn with mommy?” He asked jokingly, and Jino’s grip around Sera loosened, and he looked at her with a toothy grin.
“Appa missed you a lot eomma.” He said a matter of fact before pulling at her hands so she could stand. Once she and Jungkook were at eye level, the latter just stared at her as if he was seeing her for the very first time. Sera wasn’t sure how he does it: how Jungkook could make her feel shy under his gaze like a high school girl despite having been married for more than six years now.
Some magic… sparks… just never die down, she supposed as she smiled at him.
“Come on appa, you said you wanted to hug eomma when you see her!” Jino prompted which made the two young parents chuckle.  For a four year old, Jino was definitely a smart talker.
Just like his dad, Sera thought in amusement just as Jungkook slipped an arm around her waist and pulled her in for a hug.
“Is that true?” She asked teasingly and Jungkook replied with a sigh.
“So much. I’ve missed you so much.” He whispered against her neck and Sera melted into his embrace, missing his familiar scent and the way he fitted against her body so effortlessly.
“I’ve missed you more.” She said, voice cracking slightly at how much she meant it. Jungkook’s embrace tightened at that.
“Hey kiddo, I’m gonna ask you to close your eyes for a sec.”
Sera blinked at the weird request but before she could ask, Jungkook had let go and cupped her cheeks, and then pulled her in for a passionate kiss. She willed herself not to moan right there in front of her son—and then reminded herself to scold her husband for that surprise attack right in the middle of the airport.
Nonetheless, she loved it.  If there was one thing she loved most about Seoul other than seeing her son’s smile, it was coming home to Jungkook’s kisses.
When they finally parted, they were both smiling and slightly breathless. It was almost embarrassing how much her heart pounded in her chest after that.
“Two weeks was definitely too long.” He whispered as he leant his forehead against hers. “Let’s not do that again.”
Sera chuckled before leaning in to peck his lips once more. “Agreed.”
“Eomma, did you get me toys?”
They looked down at Jino who still had his hands covered against his eyes and Jungkook chuckled at his cuteness before ruffling his hair affectionately.
“It’s okay to look now, kiddo.”
Jino removed his hands from his eyes and smiled brightly. Sera turned and retrieved a paper bag from the cart and the little boy’s face lit up like a Christmas tree at the sight of it.
“I wouldn’t forget, of course.” She said as she handed him the bag, which he took excitedly.
“Hey, baby don’t open it now. Let’s do it the car okay?” Jungkook told Jino as he held Sera’s luggage.
“Okay appa.” Jino said as he led the way towards the exit. Sera smiled as he watched him walk, practically oozing with excitement as he held the paper bag filled with toys. She felt Jungkook’s hand slipping onto hers as they started to walk.
“Tired?” He asked and Sera hummed in response as she leaned against his arm.
“Yeah… but I’ve missed you two more.” She yawned and Jungkook chuckled before kissing the crown of her head.
“Jino’s couldn’t wait to see you,” He said a matter of fact. “I could barely get him to bed last night.”
“You got him to sleep on time for the past two weeks? I’m impressed, baby.”
Jungkook rolled his eyes and scoffed at that. “F.Y.I., my father skills are superb.”
Sera grinned and turned her head slightly to the right so she could kiss his arm. “I know they are, Jungkook.”
“Oh really?”
“Yeah, I married you didn’t I?”
There was a slight pause and Jungkook’s smile softened, her words making his heart beat a tad faster than usual.
“So you married me because I was ‘husband material’?” He asked teasingly just as Sera took Jino’s hand before they crossed the street.
“That… and because you were totally hot.” She winked at him, which made Jungkook laugh.
And maybe blush just a little bit.
Sera was surprised when she woke up to the other side of the bed empty and her bedside clock blinking 10: 08 A.M. The last thing she remembered was passing out in the afternoon the day before for a nap. She had told herself she’d wake later that night to send over some final rationales to her client, but she didn’t anticipate that she would be waking the next morning.
Oh well, I can just email them later, she thought. Sera sat up and blinked blearily at her surroundings, realizing that she was in her bed—in her very own bedroom at home. The fact made her sigh in relief as for once her back didn’t ache from sleeping on an unfamiliar bed.
Her hand suddenly touched the other side of the mattress, which was already cold, and she frowned slightly.
What day is it today? She asked herself, wondering if Jungkook had work at the studio. Once she got her bearings straight, she swung herself out of bed and put on her robe before making her way downstairs; knowing she had hungry boys to feed breakfast.
But she didn’t expect the sight that welcomed her upon entering the kitchen, rendering her immobile with an endeared smile on her face.
Jino was busily putting whipped cream on what looked like pancakes stacked on a plate. Behind him was Jungkook by the stove, cooking up some friend eggs.
Sera wished she had her phone with her so she could snap a photo of this wonderful scene in front of her.
Just then, her eyes widened when Jino suddenly stood from the stool to reach for the chocolate syrup on the other side of the counter. Sera already knew what would happen if he did that but before she could come to the rescue, Jungkook was already behind him, one hand on the pan while the other wrapped around his son’s waist, pulling him back down to his seat.
Sera was quite impressed.
“Careful kiddo. Ask appa to get things, okay? We don’t want to make a mess or your eomma will get mad.”
“Okay, appa.” Jino answered obediently as Jungkook placed the syrup in front of him and kissed the top of his head, before placing the eggs on a plate.
Sera’s heart melted into a puddle right there and then. They were too adorable. And Jungkook was sporting that apron a little too well than any normal person should.
Nobody should look that good, Sera thought, as she not so subtly checked her husband out.
Jungkook was in the middle of wiping his hands on a towel when he glanced up and saw Sera by the doorway. She blushed slightly for having been caught staring but he didn’t seem to notice.
“Hey.” He said, lips turning up in a smile. “Morning.”
“Good morning.” Sera chuckled as she sat herself on the stool beside Jino and kissed the side of his head. “What are you making, sweetheart?”
“Chocolate pancakes,” he answered. “We can share eomma. Appa lets me eat all the chocolates for breakfast!”
Sera looked at Jungkook sharply at that, whose eyes went wide like a deer caught in the headlights. She raised an eyebrow, displeased by that info.  
“We had lots of vegetables too, honey.” He defended before looking at his son expectantly. “Right, Jino?”
To his dismay, Jino made a face at the mention of it.
“We had chocolate cake yesterday and mmm—!” Jino looked up at his dad in confusion, who had covered his mouth to stop him from talking. Sera eyed Jungkook suspiciously who gave her an apologetic smile.
“You boys had way too much fun without me.” She said after a pause, before dipping a finger on the plate with chocolate sauce and tasting it.
The two boys sighed in relief, glad that she didn’t reprimand them.
Jungkook went over to Sera’s side and placed a plate of eggs and toast in front of her, with an added bonus of a kiss on the cheek. “How’d you sleep?”
“Well.” She hummed back as her lips chased after him but she only ended up kissing his jaw. Jungkook looked down at her in amusement as he untied his apron (to Sera’s disappointment) before leaning down to peck her lips. He tasted like chocolate.
“This is the first time I actually slept through the night,” She added as she took a bite of her toast. Jino looked up at her, munching on his pancakes. She smiled and wiped the corner of his mouth where a chocolate stain was.
"The whole afternoon too.” Jungkook chuckled before taking his seat beside her and sipping from his coffee mug. “I was going to wake you since you mentioned you were going to send some emails?” He asked as he took a bite of the toast. “But you looked really tired babe, so I didn’t.”
Sera sighed. “It’s fine. I can just send them tonight. I needed those extra hours of sleep.”
”Eomma is working more today?“ Jino asked, looking slightly disheartened. Sera chuckled with a shake of her head and leaned over to kiss his nose.
"Of course not! I’m going to spend time with you guys today 'cause I miiiiised youuu.” She cooed as she pinched his cheeks playfully.
“Yay!!!” Jino cheered as he hugged her tight, making Sera smile. “I’ll go get my new toys!”
As Jino left the kitchen, Sera felt a weight on her shoulder and when she turned, Jungkook’s face was merely inches from her face with a silly grin on his lips.
Sera snickered and poked his nose. “Hello.”
“I have work today.” He pouted and Sera tried not to look too disappointed at that.
“Long shoot?” She asked as he ran her hands through his hair. Jungkook sighed as he leant against her touch and nodded. “It’s fine, babe. Jino and I can handle it here.”
A sharp ringing pierced through the room and Jungkook groaned as he moved to answer it. “Yeah, but I wanted to spend the day with you two.”
“Missed me that much huh?”
“No I wanted to play with Jino’s new toys.” He said then laughed when Sera threw breadcrumbs at him before answering the phone. “Hello? Yes, speaking. Oh! Kang-ssi. Yes, the studio is just around the corner of that street. The sign’s pretty hard to miss—”
Sera smiled fondly at her husband as he stood up to take the call in the other room, amazed at how he can go from playful to business-like in mere seconds. She poked at the eggs on her plate and smiled when Jino returned, bounding into the kitchen carrying loads of toys in his arms.
She came over to help him and ended up sitting on the floor as they sorted through it.
When Jungkook ended the call, he went back into the kitchen only to find the counter empty. He blinked in confusion just as a voice said, “No sweetie, I think this goes here…”
“Okay, eomma.”
Jungkook followed the source of the voice and was surprised to see Sera and Jino on the dining room floor with a bunch of toys surrounding them. He smiled fondly at the two before taking out his phone and opening his camera app. Just as he took the picture, Sera looked up, catching him in the act.
Sera used to complain a lot whenever he took candid pictures of her but recently, the complaints have dwindled until she no longer did, and lets Jungkook take all the photos he wanted.
Sera reached out her hand and Jungkook took it with a sigh. He had to get ready to leave, but he let her pull him down to the floor beside her still—without a fight.
He could never really say no when she smiled up at him like that.
That day, Jungkook was half an hour late for his shoot because he got too invested forming the tracks for Jino’s new train toy.
And maybe because Sera was just there—within his reach—and he was making up for the time they spent apart.
“Hey Sera, you’re back!”
Sera smiled as Jimin welcomed her at the door. She came in, hand in hand with Jino who was already getting a little impatient. They had planned on going to the amusement part this afternoon but Jungkook had some things to take care of at the studio and so here they were, practically fetching him so he could hurry up.
“Hey Jimin,” She greeted as she handed him a paper bag. “Got something for you.”
“Aww, you shouldn’t have.” He grinned then reached out his fist towards Jino. “What’s up, my little man?”
“I am not little!” Jino harrumphed, making Jimin and Sera laugh.
“Spoken like a true Jeon.” He ruffled his hair before looking back at Sera. “Hope the trip went well?”
Sera nodded. “It did. Big project—heavy—glad I got it over with.” She huffed with a chuckle.  Her eyes suddenly looked over his shoulder, searching. “Is Jungkook—?”
“Oh! Yeah, he’s wrapping up now. He’s actually talking to the client in his office. Should be done in a few.”
“Ok, we’ll head over—“
“Jino—appa is still working wait—“ Sera sighed as Jino sprinted to Jungkook’s office. She looked at Jimin apologetically before running after him.
“Jino—“ She called again just as she made a turn to the next hallway where Jungkook’s office was located. The door was open and Jungkook was talking to a middle-aged couple when Jino barrelled into the room.
Sera watched as Jungkook’s expression morphed from surprise to happy as the biggest grin made its way to his lips. He opened his arms and carried his son, making Sera smile.
“Hey, where did you come from sport?”
Jungkook chuckled just as he looked at the doorway to find Sera there; smile softening at the sight of her. “Hey babe.”
“Sorry about that.” She said as she entered the room, bowing to Jungkook’s clients. “He’s pretty excited.”
“Oh is this your lovely family?” The woman said as Jungkook wrapped his free arm around Sera’s waist. The action was natural—like his hand knew where it ought to be.
“Yes, this is my wife Sera and my son Jino.” He turned to Sera. “This is Mr. & Mrs. Lee. I’m handling their photo shoot for their wedding anniversary.”
“Pleased to meet you.” Sera smiled as she shook each of their hands. “And congratulations!”
“Thank you. And oh yes, I’ve seen your photos over there.” The woman pointed at the picture frame by Jungkook’s desk, which was a family portrait they took from their trip to Jeju last summer. “Beautiful family. Aren’t they, honey?” She asked the man beside her, which Sera assumed was her husband.
The man nodded with a smile. “Well it seemed that you have a big day planned. We’ll get going.” He reached out his hand towards Jungkook. “The photos look great, Jungkook-ssi. Thank you again for that.”
“Thank you, it was my pleasure. I’m really glad you liked it.”
“Oh well we didn’t expect anything less from Korea’s top photographer.” Mrs. Lee chuckled and turned to Sera. “I bet your husband takes tons of pictures of you!“
“More than I like, to be honest.” Sera joked, making everyone in the room laugh. Once they said their goodbyes, Jino poked at his father’s cheeks.
”Appa can we go now?“
"You bet, let me just wrap up alright, kiddo?”
“Knock knock, you guys want some cake?” Jimin asked, peeking from the office doorway. “It’s Hana’s birthday and the staff brought some to celebrate.”
“Caaaake!!” Jino cheered as he wiggled out of Jungkook’s arms and went over to Jimin who took his hand and went over to the next-door studio room, leaving the couple alone.
“They seem nice. The Lee’s, I mean.” Sera remarked as she made her way to the window. Jungkook was over at his desk, fixing his things as she looked down at the line of picture frames by the window frame. She smiled as she saw memory after memory from their honeymoon in Europe to the very first family photo they took when Jino was born. There was even one she took of the two of them, during that trip to Daegu for Taehyung’s twins’ birthday.
“They’ve been married for twenty five years.” Sera heard Jungkook say and she smiled while touching a familiar photo…
It was taken on their wedding day and Jungkook was in a classic black suit while she wore a beautiful white gown. She was smiling into the photo—almost laughing as Jungkook leaned over and kissed her cheek, his arms wrapped around her waist.
Sera jumped when she felt hands on her waist all of a sudden, then arms sliding around her torso. Jungkook hooked his chin on her shoulder, hugging her from behind as he looked down at the photo as well.
“You looked beautiful that day.”
“Only that day?” She snorted and Jungkook nuzzled against her neck.
“I retract my statement. You look beautiful everyday, yeobo.”
“Nice save.”
They stayed like that for a moment, just basking in each other’s presence. Sera looked down as she placed her hands over his; smiling when she saw the identical silver bands on their ring fingers.
“Promise me something?” Jungkook suddenly asked.
“Promise me…that we’ll make it to twenty-five.” He said and Sera smiled as she leant against his chest.
“Hmm. I can’t.”
Jungkook scrunched his eyebrows in confusion at her answer while Sera turned in his arms so she was facing him. She let her hand cup his face, thumb caressing that little scar on his cheek, which he got from a small accident back when they were young. Sera could remember that day: how Jungkook had taken the fall and caught her, leaving her unscathed. It was perhaps the first time that he made her heart beat weird… and things were just never the same after that.
“Because I want to promise you longer than that.” She finally said and Jungkook’s gaze softened at her words, his heart swelling it made it almost hard for him to breathe.
“God, I love you.” He whispered in a daze before capturing her lips in a kiss, muffling Sera’s reply.
Sera and Jungkook’s marriage was nothing out of the ordinary.
Sure they were a little more “gross” than most couples, as quoted by Jino a few times. They were the type of couple that didn’t care if they kissed in front of many eyes, and held hands because that’s just were their hands were meant to be: in each other’s. They were the type of couple who kissed each other before going to work and exchanged “I love you’s” right before bed.
Basically, they were that young married couple that never really got over the honeymoon phase, and hopefully never will.
But it wasn’t all rainbows and happily ever after’s. There were big fights too, one that caused a loud silence to cloud over their lovely home.
They would make up a facade whenever they were around Jino, because they were adults—parents –and they knew how fighting could affect their child, especially Jino who was just four years old. So they would still have dinner together, smile and the works, but after that the silence would prevail once more.
But Sera remembered how wonderful making up was. Just like that one time when they had one of their big arguments that made them ignore each other for a few days. They were alone in the kitchen one night after dinner and Jungkook suddenly muttered an “I’m sorry. You were right.” while she was washing the dishes, before going on a monologue about how stupid he was and how much he missed her.
At that Sera smiled, already forgiving him before washing off her hands and going up to him for a hug. She succumbed into his embrace so easily, after being deprived of his touch for days and Jungkook seemed to feel the same way as he hugged her tight—so tight it felt like he was breathing her in.
It was simply that easy to forgive… when you love someone so much.
It was an ordinary marriage but to Sera and Jungkook, it was special. It was special because not everyone had a second chance at true love the way they did. It was special because they both worked their dream jobs and were surrounded by wonderful people.  It was special because they had Jino… and they had each other.
Right then, in their current state, it was more than what any of them could ever ask for. It was indeed… a more than perfect life.
“I have a shoot in Busan tomorrow.” Jungkook said as he lifted the comforter from the bed and slid under the covers.
“Oh? Is Jimin coming along?” Sera asked as she typed on her laptop, finalizing an email for a new client in Chicago.
“Uh, huh.” He answered before leaning over to kiss her shoulder. “Come on babe, bed time.” He tugged at the hem of her shirt. “Close that thing.”
“Yes, daddy.”
Jungkook paused at the term then smirked. “Why Sera… Are you seducing me?” He asked then burst into laughter when Sera threw a pillow at his face before turning off her laptop and sliding under the covers herself.
The rain was pouring outside and Sera shivered at the cold. But it was only for a moment for she warmed up instantly upon snuggling against Jungkook’s side, who was quite frankly a human heater.
“Wish I could take you two.” Jungkook murmured against her hair as he wrapped an arm around her. “The beach there is amazing in this season.”
“Hmm. But Jino has school, love.”
“Yeah, I know.” He sighed. “And you have work.”
“Why don’t we go next summer?”
“Sounds perfect.” Jungkook smiled and then kissed her good night.
Later that night…
Sera stirred when she felt something poking at her hip. It was gentle at first and thought perhaps it was just Jungkook. That is until she heard a voice…
Sera’s eyes opened immediately and turned her head to the side. Jino stood there, looking up with frightened eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart.” She said groggily as she pried Jungkook’s arm from her torso gently. Her husband didn’t even flinch, deep in sleep. “What’s the matter?”
“The sky makes loud sound, eomma. I’m scared.”
Sera peered through the window and saw that the rain hasn’t stopped, lightning washing the room in bursts of white light.
“It’s just thunder baby.” She comforted as she ran her hand through her son’s hair.
“Mmm? Sera? What—” Jungkook groaned when he no longer felt her by his side and Sera felt his arm reaching out for her. “Babe? Come back to bed—”
“Jino’s here, Kookie.”
“W—what?” He asked groggily.
“Your son is scared of thunder.” She answered as she lifted Jino onto her lap. The little boy immediately snuggled into her arms and Sera rocked him back and forth slightly to comfort him.
Jungkook blinked a few times before lifting himself up. He sighed when he saw that Jino was indeed in their room right now.
“There’s nothing to be…” he yawned, pausing midway. “—afraid of kiddo.”
Jino hid his face on Sera’s chest and whimpered when another thunder struck. Sera locked eyes with Jungkook who eventually sighed in defeat.
“Okay.” He said. “Get in here.”
Soon enough Jino was wedged between Sera and Jungkook and knocked out almost instantly the moment their arms wrapped around him protectively.
“Night love.” Sera said as she kissed her son good night.
“Do I get one too?” Jungkook mumbled which surprised Sera since she thought he was already asleep.
“Come here and get it.” She teased and Jungkook whined like a child but lifted himself up anyway, reaching over Jino so he could give Sera a sweet peck on the lips. He was too adorable that Sera couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Love you. Good night.” He yawned before sinking back into his side of the mattress and falling asleep almost instantly.
“Love you.” Sera murmured back into the darkness as she found Jungkook’s hands on top of Jino’s torso. She smiled when she felt him move, intertwining their fingers easily.
Sera slept soundly through the night, with her loved ones wrapped safely in her arms.
I’m crying I missed them. And look it’s Jino:
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Cutie <3
Let me know what you guys think!
PS: After All is being edited into a full-length novel as of the moment. Just giving you guys a heads up as I will be taking down the fanfic version temporarily later this year. Thanks!
- Kaye Allen
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