#How To Increase Your Height Growth
learnyogafreeforever · 4 months
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beatrixstonehill2 · 6 months
"Oh fuck, only three months into Backbreaker Challenge and I cannot believe I'm doing this..... My family knows I'm a streamer and I've been looking to increase my audience. So they convinced me to do this. I'm so screwed, aren't I? It sounded innocent, kind of fun. Plus, definitely like a good way to increase my popularity. I just have to take a two year supply of this ultra potent breast growth drug from South Korea, like the kind they give to idols and girl groups over there..... Grow a big, fat pair of titties for my fans and have my family encourage me along the way? Win-win.
Then I made the mistake of actually looking up the challenge. Soooo apparently all those popstars just take a tiny dose over years to maintain steady growth up to like a MM-Cup at the height of their career. If you take the pills like this, the way they were tested on girls in a bunch of clinical trials.... well, you end up totally immobilized by your boobs. Like, I'm just a streamer who plays games so if I'm stuck in bed with a massive pair of boobs I can't even lift, fine. It's whatever. But part of this challenge is trying to remain active, film yourself trying to exercise, dance, go to the gym, all while growing these massive boobs that weigh over 100lbs and not resign yourself to being bedbound. Look at how huge mine are! I was only a B-Cup three months ago. These things are like udders already, soooo heavy and starting to lactate, even....
How am I going to stay mobile for two years??? Well, apparently that's all part of the challenge. I commented on some vids and they recommended I learn to game and stream using eye-based software in case my poor back gives out, because apparently it's very possible I might wind up doing exactly as the challenge says. I could break my back! Wind up paralyzed.... It's happened to more than a few girls who did this. Then I'd be stuck in bed, my parents taking care of me. I wouldn't be able to feel anything..... I'd be surrounded by these gigantic breasts, but I wouldn't feel a single inch of them, or my own pussy..... I could only watch if somebody had their way with my sexy body. Look them in the eyes as they go to town, like a kid at a playground, fucking my giant boobs, my pussy, using me however they like. They could be as rough as they want, since I couldn't feel any of it anyway...... Actually, is it weird that I think it sounds kinda fun? Maybe I should take a little extra and stress out my poor back faster. Could you imagine watching me stream naked, propped up by my parents, posed like a doll, my mammoth tits bulging out in every direction all around me, weighing 200lbs each..... I chat with you guys and play just using my eyes, totally helpless. Maybe my biggest donors could even come visit me and have their way with my poor, helpless body as I play..... does that sound fun?"
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cupidastrology · 4 months
What the 12 signs experience with Pluto ♇ in Aquarius ♒︎ ✨❇️
Please do not repost or copy.
Associate with your Pluto position within your birth chart.
Notes: All 12 signs react to the power of Aquarius ♒︎ and the planet’s influence differently yet so despite not having this position Nataly.
Aries - more focus within an element of needing the self more than ever. a time where you carve new trends, styles, and mannerisms thats unlike others. the opportunity to establish a following or new career in life.
Taurus - advancements in cooking, and how you express your wants/needs in the world will be important. becoming a lot more progressive with your skills, a growth in the world of beauty may help you to reach new heights is creativity and talents in style.
Gemini - the subject of social media, literature, and study of new structures in architecture become interesting to you. there is high chance of wanting to connect with intellects, but a yearning to meet new people more than ever.
Cancer - to birth a new life for you in massive here; the subject of care and nurturing becomes obsessively involved in your life. you will want to create your own ways of living with your own rules, without anyone getting involved to sabotage that. a focus on your roots will expand.
Leo - your image, body, and the way you care for yourself will increase. expectations and different outlooks in the world of physical expression will advance, wanting you to grow an understanding of how more beautiful you can be in the world.
Virgo - the argument of fact or fiction will irk you, wanting to throw yourself into different forms of knowledge, experiences, and literature of fantasy, non-fiction, and consideration of dreams. health matters and dependency change big time.
Libra - the everchanging influences of artistry, equality, and peace will be a constant reminder to make changes that are necessary to your mindset. This transit will change you in ways where conforming to the same routine will not work, and independence in love will start to carve a deep point inside you.
Scorpio - privacy concerns will be a highlight for you in this transit; to focus on the subject of respect and honesty with your emotions will be a big deal as well. this transit influences to stay progressive, but yours will involve massive needs to let go consistently.
Sagittarius - your need to travel and learn new subjects become borderline obsessive; the relationship of learning and finding comfort outside your home is changing in rapid motions with this transit. you find yourself understanding the true meaning of independence and growth through new places, books, and movies.
Capricorn - it will be important to understand what it means to stay standing through building a larger foundation within your life. This transit invokes an intention to grow something that will last you a lifetime, while also focusing on what it means to keep up with the rapid changes of your world.
Aquarius - this is a long period of outgrowing the values, morals, and understandings of what you once had believed in your life. it is a time for stronger influences to help you connect with the ins and outs of life, carving a more solidified persona.
Pisces - what is true and what is not will awaken you to channel that aura of fixation into creative work, or to focus on a higher power in this long transit. you may want to understand more about the health and impact of others, understanding how healing can happen for the collective.
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Transformation Letter: Mikey
Hi, I'm Mikey. I'd like to transformed into a more masculine guy, not an object. I'm a 20 year old bi guy from England, 177cm tall with fairly pale white skin, average build (not muscular but not exactly twinkish), short brown hair and not much facial hair to speak of.
A new transformation letter! There's no harm in wishing to be a bit manlier, right?
You have heard the rumors about these special transformation letters and decided to give it a try. Sure, there were reports of twisting wishes and not getting *exactly* what you asked for, but those were probably just exaggerations. It's the internet, after all.
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So, you quickly summarized who you were and what you wanted to become - "more masculine" should suffice - and sent the letter.
You were just on your way home a good one and a half week later when you suddenly felt strange. The first thing that was almost immediately noticeable was your height, which increased quite a few centimeters, to a good 1,85 meters. That wasn't too bad for your trousers, they were only noticeably too short now, but your shirt and jacket were almost uncomfortable now. You looked around, and, after making sure nobody was there to see you, slipped out of both.
You can hardly believe what you are seeing! It worked! Where before you were a normal guy, you now looked down at a somewhat defined body! A visible six-pack and the subtle bulges of muscle on your arms and chest gave you a lean build. As you touch your face, you notice a difference there, too. Some stubble has formed on your chin, and your jaw has rearranged somewhat, becoming a bit more masculine. Looking further down, you see another new bulge that you didn't have before - at least not this big. Apparently, your privates have grown as well, making you well-endowed down there. When you took a careful sniff, you noticed a faint but manly musky smell emanating from you, especially your exposed armpits. Not really intense but enough to add to your newfound masculine charisma.
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Giving your cock a squeeze, you began to hurry home. You could hardly wait to see the full story!
You made your way home quickly. However, as you are just entering the apartment, the feeling from before returned, stronger now. You watched your torso stack on more muscle, now growing into a clearly muscular and fit form. Your biceps strained the skin on your arms, and you can even see some veins popping up on it. As soon as you let out a "Woah", you recognized that your voice, too, has changed. It was a much lower tone than before, enough to send shivers down the spines of other men. On your even more defined abs and your juicy pecs, you could see a light coating of hair. Not enough to be clearly visible on a picture, but definitely there - everywhere actually. The little hairs looked shaved, and you briefly wondered how they would have looked if you let them grow out. The thought was thrilling, and you felt your cock chub up. When you looked down, however, the bulge it formed in your pants is almost obscene. You were a long way from being fully hard and yet, it looked like a pair of socks stuffed into your underwear. Apparently, you also had grown another few centimeters, since your pants were riding even higher now.
Finally finding a mirror, you were almost shocked to see your face. Your eyebrows have grown bushier, and your eyes had gained a new, almost predatory quality. The musk you now exude made you irresistible, filled with raw sexual energy.
You like this, you concluded. Perhaps it was even a bit much, but it's still manageable. You were definitely manly now.
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Just as you were thinking that thought, another rush of transformation set it. Your arms ballooned out with more and more muscle, making you look like a bodybuilder - or a steroid junkie. The veins on your arms were clearly visible now. At the same time, your body hair growth accelerated again. The new coating of hair was now clearly visible, even though you somehow knew that you had just shaved a few hours ago. You had to shave twice a day now, body and face, to keep it at decent level and not look like a cave man in the matter of hours. Your stomach turned into a cobblestone washboard, displaying at least an eight-pack. You were beginning to have trouble judging that however, since it was getting more and more difficult to see past your shelf of pectoral muscles that sat on your chest like a piece of plate armor.
Your shoulders had broadened incredibly wide and the combination of that and your heavily muscled arms disallowed for any reaching around your back now. At the same time, your pants started to feel really constricting. Not just the front, but the whole length was stuffed to the brim with muscled legs that yearned to be free.
With some difficulties, you peeled out of the tight fabric, standing only in your underwear in front of the mirror now. Your once wide and comfortable briefs were little more than a poser now - stretched by your wider muscled hips and filled with your manly bulge so much that it didn't even touch your hairy legs anymore. Your voice has turned into a very low growl now, almost more animalistic than manly. Your musk has grown so strong, it fills any room you walk into, a raw, primal scent that has men weak in the knees.
This is entirely too much. You needed to call someone to reverse this madness! How are you supposed to continue living your live like that? Before you could react properly however, you felt the next wave of change approaching, sending you deeper into manliness still, never stopping...
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Oh dear, seems like Mikey got more than he asked for. Will he ever stop growing?
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vidding · 9 months
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The Best Vidding Safe Haven?
Forgive the "read bait" meme above but if you are reading these words right now that means it worked. If you are a vidding fan then it was worth it. Vidders.net was born July 19, 2010. It is a Vidder-friendly AO3 Embed Certified Vid hosting & streaming site with over 18K vids. Its growth benefited from You Tube's increased use of content ID and the closing of Imeem. It was mentioned in the "Vidding: A History" book by Francesca Coppa. Its members (most who host some great vids there) include:
Laura Shapiro
Clucking Bells
kiki miserychic
bop radar
Loki (secretlytodream)
Absolute Destiny
SD Wolfpup
Such Heights
Just to name a few. You may not recognize these names but if you do you know these vidders literally made a name for themselves with the quality of their work during that time. At least in my opinion. The site is a time capsule of awesome vids even if some of the vidders listed are no longer active. Additionally, it hosts vids no longer available on You Tube like "Boom Boom Ba" by Charmax (a classic Xena vid). And yet it can still host new content without the issues faced on some other vid hosting options.
How much does it cost to host and stream all those vids? Well, that is one of the reasons for this post. The assumption I'm making is that if there is a Vidding "community" it's more likely than not that members of it would see a post like this and/or share it with fellow members of the community. Is it worth it to keep a site like this around? It's mostly been a solo operation for these past 13 years but now I am starting to wonder after such a long time.
I'll spare you the obligation of filling out a poll or survey. I'll make it simple. We have a Patreon account at patreon.com/vidding. If you don't feel it's worth keeping up. Nothing to do. Thank you for reading this far. If you feel there is some value based on what was mentioned earlier, then a minimum level of support at the Patreon is $1 a month. You'll not only be supporting the Vidders.net but other projects like the recent purchase of the Vidding.com domain name and more. The OTW October fundraiser drive begins in October and is on track to raise about 250k. Rasing even 1 percent of that amount would be more than adequate. After all Vids on AO3 make up less than 1 percent of the content on there anyway. I've been told by a fellow fan that I should keep it running but if it's not even supported by a community, it's a personal expense at my expense I am on the hook for. Again, there is no survey or poll to take but if you have questions that may help you determine your willingness to support just contact me. If you find value in preserving the site just visit Patreon.com/vidding or get your questions answered. This form of funding is more sustainable than occasional stop and start donation efforts we've done in the past. If you prefer another form of funding let us know.
I will check in by the end of October to see where things are. I am not going to do anything drastic. It's just that it's been 13 years and I started to wonder especially with my current financial situation but didn't want to do anything without communicating the situation. The site costs about $720 a year to run. At about $60 a month to run so it should be doable.
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Boom Boom Ba by Charmax
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The YouTube Vid Purge of 2021
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teyamloving12 · 1 year
ALL OF UR WRITINGS MAKES ME WANNA 😩♥️♥️ im obsessed♥️♥️
Do u hve any writings with like stepcest?
A Family Dinner
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Warning: humiliation kink, pseudo incest, fingering, semi-public, almost caught, squirting, etc.
Pairing: Stepbro!Lo'ak x Stepsis!Reader ft. Neteyam
Synopsis: Lo'ak always loved to tease you even under the table during a family dinner.
Was it weird that you allowed your stepbrother to touch you in areas only your mate should touch?
Yes it was.
But did you care? No, you didnt care one bit.
What you and Lo'ak were doing was against the will of the great mother. Against the familial relations you two had. It was clear Lo'ak liked you from the start. You were the sister that stuck by his side. As the seasons passed on, Pandora grew and so did you. He was the first to notice the changes of your body.
He was the first to notice your sudden increase of height, the change of your voice, the rapid growth of your hair, and of course, he saw how "womanly" you became. This obviously came with grave consequences. The men, youthful and mature, tried to get your hand, but Jake would rather die than give your hand to them. Lo'ak was a different case. No one, Na'vi nor dreamwalker, would dare to mate with you.
He wouldn't allow it.
Mind this, Neteyam was not stupid. He noticed the incestous connection Lo'ak and his stepsister had. It was suspicious how Lo'ak hissed at every Na'vi that dared to look your way. He knew. Neteyam knew everything. He observed how Lo'ak snuck to your room every night, how your hugs seemed so intimate, how his tail flashed behind him when you kiss him on the cheek.
It was fucking obvious.
Neteyam tapped his fingers on the table as he watched his brother and stepsister get along a little too well. He peered his eyes to see what was really happening. Lo'ak ran his hand between your smooth thighs. He rubbed the wet spot on your loincloth resulting a small whimper to escape your lips.
Your legs slowly began to lose its strength although you were sitting down. You laid your head on Lo'ak's shoulder. "As much as I love hearing you moan and whimper f'me, you have to keep it down.", he said almost as if he was teasing you. He listened to your small whimpers and praises. It made him lose control.
He increased the speed of his slender fingers on your clitoris and your clenching, soaked cunt. Your hips slammed on to his hand. His palm was collecting your love juices like a well. Your face screwed up like an overstimulated pornstar. You hid your face in your palms as you released all over Lo'ak. Lo'ak rose his hand and licking up your juices. You sighed in relief. "He is finally done!", you thought.
Key word.
You were on the verge of unconsciousness, your amber eyes rolled to the back of your head. "Don't pass out on me, baby.", he said. But you couldn't keep your eyes open. You couldn't stay awake. Lo'ak glared at your almost unconscious figure from the corner of his eyes. He pinched your puffy clit mercilessly. So hard, your eyes shot open as you jotted up in pain with a mixed of pleasure.
Neteyam was alarmed when he saw his stepsister jot up suddenly. "Tsumuke, what is wrong?", Neteyam asked. You looked at Lo'ak signalling he should stop but this psychopath just smiled at you devilishly. About to respond, Lo'ak forced his fingers back inside of you. Your pussy made erotic, sloppy sounds. You bit your inner jaw and clench your thighs together. " I-I'm fine, rä'ä sngum si.", you exclaimed. Lo'ak slowed down as he saw his mother and sisters approaching with dinner. Jake sat beside Neytiri, who was beside you.
Now you were fucked.
No pun intended.
Tuk was sharing how she met a new friend. Lo'ak dropped his napkin, catching the attention of his mother. "What is wrong Lo'ak?", Neytiri asked. "Just...dropping my napkin, that's all.", he said crawling under the table. He smirked as he sees the huge wet stain on your loincloth. "Perfect.",he whispered.
He moved your loincloth almost making you choke on your food. His tongue met with your folds. His two fingers thrust inside you with maximum speed. Your fingers ran through his braids as you attempted to hold your moans by biting your bottom lip. "So sweet for no reason, ma.",he claimed as he slurped up your wetness loudly.
About to cum, you hit Lo'ak on his head harshly. He ignored your warning ad you squirted all over his face. He picked up the napkin in one hand and used the other to collect your juices from his face and licked it off again. You trembled in your seat and the chair you sat on was soaking right through. "Are you alright, syulang?", Neytiri asked in concern. Jake walked over you, checking if you have a fever. You couldn't respond. Lust clouded your mind.
"Neteyam, take your sister to her room.", Jake commanded. "Sir I can do-", Lo'ak tried to speak out but the glare he received from his father shut me up immediately. Neteyam threw you down on your bed and shot you a deadly glance. You looked at me with eyes of fear and full of eyes. "Don't act innocent.",he said almost whispering. He knew. He began to remove his loincloth. "You know what to do.",he said sternly. You shook your head.
"Don't be shy sister, after all you weren't afraid to let Lo'ak finger you in front of our parents.", he said with a grim look on his face. He moaned as your lips wrapped around his half erected member. He forced your face balls deep. "Dirty girl. Fucking both of your brothers like a whore. If you bite me, I'll slice your tongue off."
He didn't care. After all, you were not blood related. The perfect son finally broke down. You looked beautiful like that.
Lo'ak wouldn't mind sharing, right?
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dark-fics-4-you · 1 year
Nervous pt. 1
Dark!Rafe Cameron x Reader
Warnings: DUBCON, possibly NONCON, smut, degrading, drugs,
Synopsis: You never understood why your best friend’s brother seemed to hate you.
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You had been best friends with Sarah Cameron for almost your whole life.
You had hundreds of memories of the two of you running around Tannyhill and playing tag with her and her older brother Rafe, and later Wheezie when she was old enough.
You had always felt like the Cameron’s were a second family to you, ‘the door is always open’ as Ward would say. It was a nice change of pace from your parents’ house, which always felt stiff and cold when they were around. Tannyhill, however, was teeming with life and exciting playdates.
As you grew up, you spent plenty of time at the Cameron’s, becoming closer over time with Sarah and Wheezie. Rafe on the other hand…
He became different halfway through high school, started floating around a different crowd. His drug use was nothing new to you, and although you were sad to see him going down that path, you couldn’t say you hated it completely. It stopped the staring.
You had first noticed it your freshman year. Rafe was a sophomore, coming back to school after a summer growth spurt that gave him a boost in height, and broad shoulders that made him seem much more intimidating.
At first, you thought you must have been imagining it. Or maybe misinterpreting? You tried to brush off the feeling of his eyes burning into your back for weeks before you finally had to acknowledge it.
He denied it of course, but you couldn’t shake the feeling that he seemed almost happy that you had finally brought it up? Like he had been waiting for the confrontation. “Rafe I know what I’ve been seeing, okay? So if you have a problem with me, just say it!”
Rafe just chuckled, tongue darting out to brush his lower lip. “I really don’t know what you’re talking about. Why would I be paying you any attention?”
“I don’t know! That’s why I’m asking you!” You snapped at him, your fingers meeting the skin between your eyebrows as you tried to soothe the headache you could feel coming on. He was playing games and you knew it. You just didn’t know why.
“Maybe I was looking at Sarah and not you, did you ever think of that, Y/N?” You balked at this, and you realized you probably had been with Sarah all the times you had noticed him. But his answer didn’t feel right. You were certain you had caught him looking right at you on several occasions
You rolled your eyes, crossing your arms across your chest before replying, “Whatever, just, leave both of us alone then. I don’t think Sarah would like you staring either.”
It didn’t stop the staring, but Rafe at least looked somewhat ashamed on the times you had locked eyes with him since your talk. The feeling of his glare on the back of your neck became less frequent, and you had finally felt like you could relax somewhat around him.
That is, until you started seeing him inside the Cameron residence more often. Rafe made a game out of finding all of the things you were most sensitive about just so he could taunt you. The way your voice sounded, how your jokes weren’t funny, and insensitive quips about your changing body became the norm.
Rafe enjoyed pushing your buttons and you didn’t have the first clue as to why.
The Rafe of your childhood was so different from the one you knew now. He used to be actually kind of sweet and fun, face lighting up at your stories and always wanting to play board games. And then one day a flip switched in him and he didn’t like you anymore, so you became the target of all of his rude comments.
“Dressed like Pogue trash.”
“Your chest is still so flat are you sure you’re even a girl, Y/N?”
And when you finally did grow tits? “No one wants to fuck a girl who shows off her body that much.”
All of these comments left you sputtering in anger, but getting mad at him only seemed to increase his enjoyment and he just became more brazen.
You had talked to Sarah about it, but he always waited until you were alone before insulting you, never allowing anyone to witness it. You made it your mission to never be alone with him, but he made that difficult, if not impossible.
It seemed like he was always waiting around the corner, wanting to pounce and tear you to shreds when you least expected it.
When you arrived at the Cameron’s that night for a sleepover with Sarah, you were ready to blow off some steam. It had been a tough week. You were both Juniors, struggling to slog through finals week, and you had just gotten a C+ on a project you had put your blood, sweat, and tears into. The distraction was very needed.
You rang the doorbell, waiting a few moments before the door opened and you met eyes with Rafe.
He looked high, eyes glassy and not fully focused, but they narrowed when he realized it was you. He was standing in front of the door, body angled to keep you from entering.
“Umm, wanna let me in?” You nervously laughed, thinking he would step out of the way entirely, but he gave you an exasperated look and moved so he was only blocking half of the door.
Whatever, he was probably so high he didn’t know what he was doing, you thought to yourself, stepping into the doorway, and trying to go past him without bumping into him, but Rafe shifted, getting uncomfortably close, chest brushing up against your back as you passed. What the fuck??
You turned and shot him a look.
He just raised his eyebrows in a silent, ‘what?’ like what he just did wasn’t weird, but the slight twitch in his lips told you he knew exactly what he was doing.
You chose to ignore his behavior, knowing that he wouldn’t bother you while you were with Sarah. You climbed the stairs, but glanced back one more time to confirm what you already knew, Rafe was glaring daggers at you.
In Sarah’s room you closed the door, and greeted her with a hug. You were still unnerved about your run in with Rafe though, and mentioned it to her.
She also found it strange, nose wrinkling at your recollection of what just happened, “I think he’s just trying to intimidate you. He hates me, so he has to hate anyone I like.”
It made enough sense, but the look in his eyes didn’t feel like just hate. There was something else there, something deeper under it all that you could not figure out. Honestly, it frightened you.
You didn’t want to dwell on it though, quickly changing the subject, and the two of you settled on a movie to watch together. It was a cheesy romance movie, taking your mind off of the things troubling you and you turned on the sequel when it was finished.
An hour in, Sarah was getting tired and you were too, but you wanted to go to the kitchen to grab a snack before bed. You quietly tiptoed out of her room, not wanting to disturb her, closing the door behind you.
You cautiously looked around for any sign of Rafe, and made you way downstairs when you saw the coast was clear. His door was still closed.
You descended the stairs, and hurried to the kitchen. The Cameron’s always had a stocked pantry so you knew you would find something to snack on. You pulled out some chips and were putting them into a bowl to bring back to Sarah’s room, when you heard a click behind you and the lights went off. You spun around and saw Rafe leering in the doorway of the kitchen. Your heart pounded as he flicked the lights back on.
“Boo.” He joked, a low chuckle escaping his lips. He was shirtless, wearing only striped pajama bottoms that hung low off his hips, revealing the trail of darker hairs below his belly button. Rafe’s eyes were glued to you, but you couldn’t make out what he was thinking.
“Ha ha,” you said humorously, throwing a nervous look his way. “Also scrounging for midnight snacks?”
“Something like that,” he drawled, approaching the fridge. You noticed the way his arm and back muscles rippled as he opened the door, and you felt your cheeks grow warm.
You turned back to grab your bowl of chips, wanting to get away from Rafe as soon as possible, suddenly feeling exposed in your shorts and tank top. It’s not like he had never seen you like that before, but there was a tension in the air now that made you nervous, even though you weren’t sure why.
Rafe apparently found what he was looking for because he closed the fridge, but didn’t make any moves to leave the kitchen.
You looked at him over your shoulder, puzzled, but his face was unreadable, and he didn’t seem like he was going to say anything. You turned towards to kitchen door to return upstairs and stiffened slightly when you realized he was trailing behind you.
You ascended the stairs, all too aware of his close presence, and you sped up, only to trip and stumble on one of the steps, falling back against Rafe’s bare chest.
He steadied the two of you, one arm wrapped around your waist, fingers ghosting across your bare skin where your shirt ended. “Watch your step, Y/N. Do I really make you that nervous?” He purred in your ear and your skin crawled.
You swore you felt him lightly pressing his hips against your ass.
You wrenched yourself out of his grip, hissing quietly, “Cut it out, Rafe! This isn’t funny.” You hurried up the stairs, the taller man still following close behind you. Your chest tightened with anxiety as you approached Sarah’s room but you didn’t make it in time.
Rafe’s fingers tightened around your wrist, coming up from behind to drag you into his room, locking the door behind him.
You were confused and terrified, you thought Rafe hated you all these years, but now his actions towards you were beginning to make more sense.
Rafe turned from his door, a smirk playing on his lips as he drank you in with his eyes, “Is Sarah still awake?”
You shook your head no and took a step back as Rafe took one towards you. He cocked an eyebrow, “What are you so scared of? Hm?”
Rafe towered over you, looking down at you with a hunger in his eyes. Your heart dropped to your stomach as you finally got it.
“Rafe,” you began weakly. “Sarah is just down the hall.”
“That’s okay, we can be quiet. She won’t have to know.” He placed a hand beneath your chin, turning your face up to him as he grew closer.
His lips pressed to yours, swallowing your protests, and he walked you to his bed, pressing your back into it as he deepened the kiss. His hands trailed from your back to your hips, sliding to squeeze your ass over your shorts and you squeaked. His fingers bunched up the thin material of your shorts and he pinched your bare skin, lightly groaning against your mouth. Rafe’s lips trailed down your chin to your neck, and he sucked a tender spot, lightly nipping at the soft flesh.
Your head was spinning, the feeling of Rafe’s hands and lips on you confusing your thoughts. “Rafe, please don-”
“Shhh. Quiet, remember?” His lips met yours again, and he brought his hands to your chest, fingers plucking at your barely covered breasts. You pressed your hands to your chest and he batted them away with annoyance.
Rafe ground his hips into you, and you felt his hard length moving against your clothed core. His hands met your waist, harshly pressing down onto your hip bones. He hooked two fingers under the elastic of your shorts and slid them down your legs. He lightly pushed you onto your back, legs still hanging over the edge.
He lowered himself to his knees, removing your panties, and his blue eyes met yours. It was a look that said he wanted to devour you. His hands danced across your thighs and your breath hitched.
Rafe drew closer to your core and you gasped when you felt him slowly push his index finger into you. He curled his finger inside you, amazed at how tight you were gripping him.
He added his middle finger, and you squeezed your eyes shut at the pressure between your legs as he pushed it in to the hilt. Your eyes shot open when you felt his lips close around your clit and you couldn’t stop the whine that escaped.
You bucked your hips against his movements, the haze of pleasure you felt clouding your better judgement. Rafe’s tongue flicking against your sensitive flesh had you seeing stars, and you felt the coil in your gut tightening.
He licked your clit, fingers still expertly massaging your walls. Your fingers curled into his hair as you trembled against him, and you were pushed over the edge. You came with a moan that Rafe quickly swallowed with his lips as he moved himself on top of you, and you could taste yourself on his tongue.
You couldn’t think straight, head still reeling from your orgasm, and you tried again to push him off of you.
“Y/N stop it.” Rafe grabbed your arms. “It felt really good didn’t it?” He cooed.
You hesitantly nodded, afraid of what might happen if you said no.
“So..” he trailed off looking into your eyes. “Maybe you should return the favor.”
Your stomach twisted and you finally found your voice again, protesting weakly, “Rafe I don’t think this is a good idea.”
“Hm? Why not?” He challenged, slowly edging down his pj pants.
You didn’t know how to get out of this. “Sarah…” you tried again, knowing that it wouldn’t do anything to stop him. Hot tears were pooling in your eyes.
“She’s sleeping, she won’t hear a thing.” Rafe could not be reasoned with, and he wasn’t taking no for an answer. He pushed his pj pants down, his obviously hard length pressed against his boxers.
You scrambled to sit up but Rafe shoved you onto your back again, crawling on top of you and spreading your legs with his own.
“R-rafe, please,” you were almost in tears, the fear gripping your chest only growing with every second.
“Hey, Y/N. I promise, I’ll make sure it’s not too much for you. Okay? Trust me.” He traced your jaw with his thumb before pulling you in for a gentle kiss, his reassuring words were anything but. Rafe removed his boxers, wetting the tip of his cock with the fingers he just had inside you, stroking himself a couple times before lining himself up with your entrance.
He hissed as he slowly forced himself into you, the pressure between your legs was unlike anything you had felt before. Rafe took a moment to adjust before pulling his hips back and then thrusting in again, pace picking up.
You bit back a cry, hating the way you could feel your walls squeezing around his cock.
Rafe’s hips snapped against yours, his bed rocking with his movements. He trailed a hand around your throat, increasing the pressure and you gasped.
The look in his eye was pure amazement. He couldn’t believe how tight you were, how good the gasps you made sounded. He fucked you deeper, and the sound of his flesh slapping yours filled the room.
Rafe stared between your legs, obsessed with the way his cock stretched you out. He almost couldn’t believe how wet you were.
Rafe’s lips met yours again, the hand at your throat tightening. You didn’t want to admit to yourself how good he felt as he violated you.
“You feel like you were made for me.” He breathed against your lips, and he grabbed your leg, moving it to his shoulder to fuck you at a deeper angle.
You squeezed your eyes shut, and you knew your release was approaching again.
Rafe was close, pace growing ravenous as he slammed into you. He reached his fingers to toy with your clit, the combined sensations making you feel lightheaded. You whined when his fingers twitched again and the band inside you snapped, and you came a second time.
Rafe clamped a hand over your mouth to muffle your moan, and your legs shook as Rafe brutally fucked you through your orgasm, chasing his own.
His hips spasmed and he came with a groan, spilling his seed into your warm cunt. You shuddered, feeling the stickiness spilling out down your thighs as Rafe pulled out.
You couldn’t look him in the eye, disgusted with him and yourself. You turned away from him, sniffing and trying to find your clothes. He didn’t try to stop you, still sitting on his bed nonchalantly.
As you walked out of his room, you felt his eyes boring into you, and you knew that the staring was far from over.
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emeritusemeritus · 10 months
Just wanna be.
Just wanna bewitch you in the moonlight prequel
[Fred Weasley x reader x George Weasley]
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Title: Just wanna be (witch you in the moonlight).
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader x George Weasley
Timeline: Varied. Mentions of canonical points throughout the series.
Summary: Both twins like Gryffindor!reader. Reader likes both twins.
Warnings: none really? Brief mentions of sexual innuendos, breasts, kissing and a single wet T-shirt, just funny fluff. Tame curse words.
How it all began…
(Can be read alone or as part of the larger series)
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Finding out you were a witch at the age of 11 had been nothing short of world altering for you, only learning the secret of your mother's lineage and predisposition for magic when your Hogwarts letter arrived. Your mother had left when you were only a baby and you'd never heard anything since, nor had she ever told your dad or anyone else in your life about her abilities.
Trying to navigate this new life, this entirely new world, had been hard for you but you'd always seen your magic as a gift so you had tried your hardest to adapt and flourish, working hard in school to honour the gift you'd been given. You made friends, got consistently good grades and still managed to keep your toes in the muggle world where your friends kept you updated with music and movies, eventually finding the best of both worlds. You finally felt complete in your life, never quite feeling as if you belonged in your previous life, always feeling a little different to the other kids.
You met Fred and George Weasley on your first day at Hogwarts. You'd seen them at your sorting ceremony on your first night in the castle, being one year younger than them, they cheered as you were sorted into Gryffindor, just as they had for every new Gryffindor student. Their towering height above all the other Gryffindor students made them a sort of a figure head for the house, always drawing your attention first wherever they were. You'd sat next to a few of their friends and had struck up a conversation with them during the very first feast. The next day, they'd saved you a seat at each meal. Somewhere along the way, the seat they saved would always be next to them and then over the years it had changed to be between them.
A year later when their younger brother Ron arrived with Harry and Hermione, you'd made quick friends with them all, and then with Ginny a year later, though your relationship with the twins had always been superior to everyone else.
You couldn't deny that they were your best friends, a whirlwind of mischief and pranks that kept you almost constantly entertained. You were one of the only people who were able to tell them apart, which you believe was the reason they had never pulled a prank on you, bar the usual stuff.
Between your third and fourth year, you'd started feeling differently about them, one brother in particular.
The Weasley family has taken a once in a lifetime trip to Egypt to visit Bill during the school holidays and you'd realised pretty quickly on that you missed Fred and George a little more than you should have.
You started to take more notice of your appearance around them, no longer wanting to be seen as just one of the guys or an extension of them, dressing nicer and paying more attention to your hair and makeup, not that you hadn't before but in retrospect it was amplified whenever you knew you'd be around the twins.
Fred caught your attention first, realising that you had a crush on him as he was always the more cheeky and flirty one of the twins, the more physically affectionate. George was undeniably sweet and good looking but there was something about Fred you found yourself drawn to, butterflies appearing whenever he'd look at you or smile at you a certain way. Both of the twins had seemed to have a growth spurt over the end of the school year, looking more and more like men everyday which only increased your feelings.
Just after they returned from Egypt, before school resumed, you had spent the week at the Burrow with the Weasley's. Molly had always graciously extended an invitation to you during breaks and had mentioned on more than one occasion that she liked when you visited as you helped keep the twins in line. You wholeheartedly disagreed, knowing nothing could truly keep them in line and away from mischief but you did agree that they seemed to be much more mellow and considerate whenever you were around.
You and the twins had taken a late night walk to the waters edge, sitting beside the small lake and were enjoying a rare moment of peace, skimming stones along the water and laughing. It was still warm enough that you didn't need jumpers even after dark as you blissfully frolicked in the summer heat.
"Here, like this," George said, moving to stand closely behind you as he grabbed hold of your throwing arms and guided it so that you could skim the pebbles rather than just dunking. The sudden proximity to George left you a little breathless and surprised at your reaction. All this time you had thought it was just Fred you fancied and you hadn't really considered your feelings for George, though you couldn't deny that they weren't strictly platonic.
You ruminated on those feelings quietly as you watched them fooling about near the edge of the lake, stretching out the moment you knew was inevitable as they both landed with a large splash into the water. The noise broke you out of your little reverie and you cackled with infectious laughter at seeing them drag themselves out of the lake looking like Scabbers wet through.
They briefly shared a look and you knew you were in for trouble. You briefly tried to run away from them but their long legs caught up to you without much effort, tackling you to the ground as you squealed. Instead of being thrown into the lake as well, they stood above you and vigorously shook their heads so that you were sprinkled with an influx of water. Fred also wrangled his wet T-shirt off and squeezed it out over you, drenching you further.
"Dicks," you muttered whilst laughing once they had finished wetting you through. You pushed George down to the ground as he stood there laughing, swiping his feet from underneath him and managed to kick Fred in the back of the knee so that his legs buckled, only fuelling your laughter.
You stood up to ring out the bottom of your shirt just as Fred began talking about how they should go up and fetch some of their whizzbang prototypes to poke one through Ron's bedroom window when he suddenly stopped talking mid sentence. You looked up at him and found him staring at you with wide eyes. Your eyes flickered to George who had apparently been confused by Fred's sudden silence and had followed Fred's gaze upon you. You frowned, looking down at where the boys were staring and had noticed that in getting wet, the white T-shirt you'd been wearing had become always entirely transparent and was clinging to you like a second skin. Your pale pick bra was showing through, highlighting the floral pattern of the lace, leaving no doubt about what you were wearing and hiding underneath your shirt.
"Perverts," you muttered with a laugh, trying to hide your embarrassment as you turned around to ring out the shirt, wishing you were able to cast a quick drying charm outside of school. When you turned back around, the boys were still staring at you, shamelessly ogling.
"Wow princess, where have you been hiding those?" Fred smirks unashamedly as he breaks out of his little trance, instantly teasing you. The name 'princess' was new and you couldn't deny that it affected you in ways you couldn't explain, making your mouth go dry for a second.
"Shove off," you laughed, trying to divert the conversation. George had a blush on his cheeks as he at least tried to look away, more shameful than his brother. "Can we go back in now? I'm kind of cold," you asked, already gathering your things.
"We can tell," Fred jokes with a smug smile tugging at his lips. You gasp and reach out to smack him in the arm but he merely chuckles, as does George.
"Bye," you said, walking back to the house, feeling a little uncomfortable at the situation, not before reaching out to shove Fred back into the lake. George's laughter rang out into the still night and you walked back into the house feeling a little more smug.
The next day, both the twins were been acting differently towards you, a little sheepish and quieter than usual. You found yourself watching them a little more than usual and didn't miss the occasional looks they'd give you, or specifically your breasts when they thought you weren't looking.
After that first day, the boys were mostly back to normal with you but they would look over at you more when they thought you weren't paying attention, or perhaps you just noticed it more. Once you were back at school, things largely returned back to normal, all of you falling back into your usual routine of classes and mischief.
One thing you did notice, was that each brother had continuously tried to spend more time alone with you, without the other brother present. You'd made a joke about them being conjoined twins rather than identical more than once, finding it strange how they would seek you out separately but it was actually nice to spend one on one time with your best friends.
Fred had become even more openly affectionate with his touches and flirty words and you couldn't determine if it was in a teasing manner or not. George had become increasingly confident in your presence and you found that you really enjoyed spending time with him alone. His sweet nature was still very much present but he also had a cheeky and teasing side that rivalled the other, often harsher twin.
You couldn't understand it really, feeling like there was an underlying reason for them wanting to spend time alone with you, but you could never put your finger on exactly the reason why. It was usually something as silly as going to the kitchens after dark with one of them, going with one of them to the library or meeting before a shared detention so you could go together. Sometimes it was going to Hogsmeade with Fred and collecting things from Zonkos they needed or George craving a butterbeer and insisting he'd buy you one too if you joined him.
You didn't know quite what their intentions were until well into your fourth year.
The twins had given Harry the marauders map they'd been using since they stole it first year, which meant that although they memorised all the secret passageways, they were no longer able to see who was lurking around, therefore they would need a lookout. You naturally became the lookout for them as they raided Snape's personal store for something they were creating. You all, surprisingly, managed to get away Scott free and had tailed it out of the dungeons quickly and ran towards the lake.
"Well princess, I'd say that was a job well done," Fred says, slightly breathless from the running as he throws his arm around your shoulders, pulling you into his side.
"Yeah well done Angel, saved our lives back there," George added, bumping his hip into yours as he moved to sit down on the grass near your feet. He'd started calling you angel in private at the start of the year after hearing Fred call you princess, something he had done everyday since that day at the Burrow.
"Saved your arses more like," you laughed, throwing yourself down onto the ground next to George. Fred quickly followed and you sat in your usual order subconsciously as you looked out at the gleaming lake.
"We don't come here enough, it's really pretty," you said, looking out at the rippling water that reflected the light of the moon.
"Yeah it is, don't you think Georgie?" Fred said with a humour to his voice you couldn't place.
"Beautiful I'd say Freddie, not just pretty."
You turned to look at them both, thinking they were teasing you about calling the scenery pretty but when you turned their gazes were fixed on you. You frowned in confusion and turned away, trying to ignore the weirdness happening around you.
"So what do you say? Spin the bottle?" Fred laughs, pulling out the canister of whatever the hell he'd stolen from snape.
"If this is a setup because you want to kiss your own brother, I'm leaving," you said, trying to bite back the smile that threatened your lips. Fred blanched and instantly regretted the words leaving his mouth as George laughed.
"Bit vain really, wanting to kiss the better looking version of yourself," George adds, playing along. Fred reaches around behind you and smacks George in the head, making you chuckle as you leaned back on the grass.
"Wasn't you I wanted to kiss," Fred mumbled and you shot up from your laid down position to look at him.
"Come again?" You asked, feeling like the wind had been knocked out your sails.
He seemed to blush a little before his natural cockiness took over and he shrugged as if it was nothing, "it was you I wanted to kiss."
You didn't have words, nor thoughts really as you looked at him in shock, the butterflies in your tummy wildly flapping about at his words.
"Can I?" He asks, leaning in towards you. Your eyes flicker over to George who looks on without any hint of jealousy or anger, just merely watching. It felt a little awkward to have an audience but for some reason it just felt right. Your eyes flick back to Fred's and you manage a shy little smile as you subtly nod your head. He smirks and pulls you in, placing his lips upon yours as he kissed you. His lips are softer than you imagined as he begins gently before deepening the kiss after a few moments, the brief awkward hesitation slipping away. His right hand comes up to grab the space between your neck and your jaw, his big hands cradling your face as he pulls you in even deeper.
You're certain fireworks are going off around you, though it could just be in your head as you submit to his dominant kiss. When you pull apart, he rests his forehead on yours as you both smile.
"You have no idea how long I've wanted to do that," he whispers, showing the rare, honest side of him.
"I do," you whispered back, admitting just how much you like him. You see his eyes widen slightly a your revelation and a large smile crosses his features.
"You know, I'm not the only one who's wanted to do that," he says, dropping his hand from your neck to rub down your arm. You shoot your head to George who looks on with a shy smile, already blushing. Your heart races, thinking about what this means. Did he like you too?
"Georgie?" You ask, your uncharacteristically voice shy and timid as you look into his eyes. He nods with a serious expression before imploring you with his eyes, trying to gage your reaction. You flick your eyes down to his lips and it's all he needs to lean forward as your lips crash with each other. His hand meets yours on the ground as he fixes your hands together, an innocent and sweet gesture that warms your heart.
His lips are just as soft as Fred's but you notice that his nose ever so slightly digs into your cheek a little more in the most wonderful way. He's softer and less dominant than Fred but no better or worse. Fireworks continue to dance around you and you feel like you've touched an electric live wire at the intensity of the kiss. George's kiss remains sweet and a little more timid than Fred's but it's electrifying, feeling the subtle differences of each brother as you're reminded that it's definitely George you're kissing.
You pull apart and share a shy giggle, his hand pulling away from yours, leaving you a little breathless and a lot confused.
"You, both?" You ask, unsure of the words. They both nod with serious expressions, still smiling but looking genuine.
"We've liked you for a long time," George admits.
"Both of us," Fred adds.
It feels like you have a movie reel playing behind your eyes as you think back over all the time you've shared with the twins and all the subtle and not subtle ways they've tried to tell you, until one moment stands out in your mind.
"Since the wet T-shirt incident?" You ask with one eyebrow raised, suspicious of their motives. If it was just because they'd inadvertently seen your breasts they could stuff it. George immediately blushes whereas Fred chuckles, both shaking their head.
"No, long before that," George admits quietly.
"That did help though," Fred smirks, which you roll your eyes at.
"Why haven't you said anything?" You ask, suddenly feeling a little vulnerable and quite frankly a bit deceived. "Wait, this whole time with getting me alone, it was a scheme right?"
"No, not a scheme," they both said quickly, sensing your sudden defensiveness.
"We didn't know if you liked us like that or not, every time we came close to thinking you did something would happen and we'd doubt ourselves or the other brother would turn up and ruin the moment so we tried to spend time separately with you, to see how you felt about us individually," George explains.
"We figured you'd show some signs that you preferred one of us or not and that way we'd know," Fred adds.
"But you didn't," they both say together.
George carries on explaining, "so we figured you either didn't like us like that or you liked both."
Their words hung in the air for a few moments as you processed everything, the tension rising at your silence. You chewed on your lip as the weight of the conversation pulled at you.
"I, I don't know," you mumbled, unable to look them in the eyes. "I thought... I don't know."
"Princess," Fred says. His tone is gentle but dominant in his own way, prompting you to look at him. "Whatever you say, it won't change things, except for how you want it to."
"You don't have to chose right now, but if it's only one or neither of us, then no hard feelings," George adds.
"But, if it's both and if you're game, we're willing to both try and earn your affections," Fred says.
"And no hard feelings," George adds.
"But, won't the other brother be jealous or mad or?" You begin to say.
"Angel, you're overthinking it," George says gently with a little smile, slowly reaching for your hand again, so slowly that he clearly anticipates you snatching it away from him, but you don't. "I like you, have for a long time, so has Fred. If you like him, be with him. If you like me, be with me. If you like both, be with both of us for now and decide later once we've tried to woo you."
"Of course we'd have to keep it secret if that's the case," Fred adds, sounding surprisingly reasonable for him, "but we'd do it for you."
"If you chose Fred," George begins to say, squeezing your hand, "it's okay, nothing changes between us and likewise with me, Fred won't disappear."
"And we'd never be mad at you for choosing who you wanted."
You exhale a shaky breath and nod, showing that you understood but needed some time to think.
"I thought it was Fred," you say quietly, not daring to  speak any louder for fear that you wouldn't be able to speak, "but then it sort of changed."
You suddenly found your confidence and began to speak openly about how you were feeling, laying all your cards on the table.
"I think I just pushed down the feelings I have for George and told myself that it was just Fred because I've never wanted you both to feel like you're just one person. Like, who fancies both twin brothers? And it's not because you look similar, you both have such different personalities and things that make you, you, and I love that. I like both of you, in different ways and for different reasons but I can't come between you."
"You wouldn't be between us," George says carefully.
"Unless you wanted that," Fred says, wiggling his eyebrows suggestively, earning a harsh shove from George and a roll of your eyes.
"It would be me and you and you and Fred. And, not versus. We might be fighting for your affections but we're not competing."
"So we try it for a while and if it doesn't work, we all make the decision, collectively, to end it. Or maybe it works out for one of us," Fred shrugs.
"What if you find someone else you want? I can't ask either of you to wait around," you say, suddenly considering the possibilities.
"Not gonna happen princess," Fred says confidently, crossing his arms over his chest. George shakes his head, agreeing with his brother, earning a little sigh from you at their stubbornness.
A few moments of silence pass as you consider all your options, trying to weigh it up in your mind, measuring the practicalities and the potential damages.
"What if I can't chose in the end?" You ask quietly again, losing any previous courage you had.
"Then we figure it out," Fred says calmly.
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talonabraxas · 13 days
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The Meaning of the Flower Moon
The Flower Moon is a gentle, placid astrological event that occurs at the height of spring. It reflects the season’s bright blossoms and unique opportunities for growth.
The May Full Moon has other names, as well. Across the world, it is sometimes called the Milk Moon, the Dancing Moon, the Planting Moon, and the Budding Moon, monikers that emphasize the season’s bounteous nature.
The Effects and Spiritual Meaning of the Flower Moon
The Flower Moon represents spring’s strength, vitality, and beauty. The radiance of this lunar phase is further emphasized by the sheer diversity of color and form that can be found in the season’s flowers and the sun’s golden warmth.
This Full Moon asks people to match the season’s abundance by sharing with others, pursuing their creative interests, and celebrating life. Spiritually speaking, this is a great time to relish the vibrant energy of rebirth that is so commonly associated with spring.
It is also a time to reach out to your community and form new connections. The Full Flower Moon challenges you to break barriers and explore what, if anything, may be stopping you from fully manifesting your dreams. Use this opportunity to seek spiritual fulfillment!
How To Use the Flower Moon
As you work with and reflect on the Flower Moon’s energy, certain instincts and ideas may come to you. That’s a great place to start! Be creative, and explore any thoughts that come your way, especially during ritual, meditation, or conversation.
That said, there are some ways to honor the Full Flower Moon that many people find helpful.
For instance, you can make a list of your favorite flowers. Then, go through it and really reflect on what their different energies mean to you. You can enhance this process by decorating your home or workspace with flowers as well.
You can also consciously set your intentions in the lead-up to the Flower Moon. Think about abundance. What does it mean to you? It doesn’t necessarily have to be about money. Perhaps an increase in laughter or personal time is what you’re looking for, or maybe you want to enjoy your loved ones’ company more often. Whatever you want, reflect on how you can invite it into your life. Do you need to release anything first?
Finally, consider taking a tip from nature and working with color. Look at the flowers around you and observe their variations in hue. Tap into how each shade evokes a different emotion. Select several that you’d like to emphasize in your personal surroundings. Work on bringing in artwork, linens, knick-knacks, and paints to create color themes you enjoy.
The Full Flower Moon in 2024
This year, the Full Flower Moon will occur on May 21 in the fire sign of Sagittarius. While anyone can use the Flower Moon’s powerful energy, those with prominent Sagittarius placements may find this time especially fruitful.
Abundant, generous Jupiter rules Sagittarius. Additionally, this sign is thought to be idealistic and forward-thinking. As such, this influence also encourages people to be open to change and to follow their instincts, interests, and dreams.
The Flower Moon will arrive on May 23, 2024 at 9:53 p.m. The Flower Moon Talon Abraxas
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pikahlua · 8 months
I hope I'm not pestering you at this point, but when exactly do you think he changed his idea of what being the number 1 meant to the extent that he no longer cared about the actually title? Because I got the impression that he'd accepted his weakness when compared to Midoriya under the condition that he would surpass him in the future, based on what he said during the War when trying to keep up with Deku. I kind of thought his visceral reaction to failing to truly damage Shigaraki, and him embracing the damage his awakening was doing to himself to kind of imitate Deku and the power he achieved with his self-sacrificial mindset, kinda supported that. How off am I?
Sorry if I'm making you repeat things you've said.
Oh, you're not off at all. Forgive me, I did not originally understand your meaning in the first question:
Do you think there's going to be a moment where Bakugou comes to terms with the fact that he might never be the number 1 the way he wanted? I can see the story is going on a "save to win" route, but I've been curious about how him realizing his most powerful attacked only grazed Shigaraki will play out.
I thought by not being "the number 1 the way he wanted," you meant his original idea of it from the beginning of the series--the "win no matter what" mentality without a thought for saving anybody. I see now you meant something different.
It sounds like you were asking if Katsuki will ever face the possibility that he may never surpass Izuku or be able to reach Izuku's level when it comes to firepower, that Katsuki may be in Endeavor's situation (not with Endeavor's mindset though) where he constantly sees how wide the gap between them is and must reconcile with that, that Katsuki may have to settle on a "number one" where he surpasses Izuku not with his own strength but only with help from others (i.e. teamwork).
To which I must say, uh, western fans, we gotta talk.
Anon, you may not be guilty of harboring the idea I'm about to challenge, but I see this one particular sentiment all over the place in the English-speaking fandom, and I really need to make something clear to everyone:
Horikoshi has never stated there is an upper limit on any character's power growth potential--NOT EVEN IZUKU'S.
Don't get confused by the "100% One For All" thing. That's a measure of how much of One For All Izuku is USING. It's meant to compare with how much power All Might could use at 100%--but Izuku's real 100% will be different. One For All didn't just get more powerful by being passed on. Each user before Izuku, including notably Shinomori, cultivated and improved the power. Izuku will do so too. His current 100% is not his end-all-be-all 100% over the course of his life. Izuku can train and work hard and grow and make One For All stronger, too.
And Izuku isn't the only one who can do this. Anyone, Katuski included, can improve their quirk. They don't have some set 100% limit they can't increase with enough effort.
To which you might say: okay, but realistically, there is SOME upper limit to that, right?
But actually...no. This is manga/anime, not real life. And shounen manga is particularly notorious for its focus on effort and improvement through hard work. This is a time-honored tradition of the genre dating all the way back to Son Goku of Dragonball (and probably even further back too). The upper limits of Goku's power growth become so absolutely ludicrous as his series carries on and needs him to grow stronger--SO HE JUST GETS STRONGER. That's like the EPITOME of what he is: someone who wants to get stronger so he works to get stronger and, lo and behold, he gets stronger!
And lest we forget, Horikoshi has named Goku as one of his ideals of a "hero," as one of the characters from whom All Might (and by extension Katsuki) takes inspiration.
You know how each generation of quirks has greater potential than the last? This is a direct parallel of One For All's evolution. It showcases that ALL quirks have the ability to evolve into something powerful just like One For All did; it's just a matter of what the quirk user does with it. And each generation can cultivate their quirk and pass it along to get even stronger too. If you want to be a real stickler about how maybe only CERTAIN generations of quirks could surpass One For All, sure, fine, whatever (actually not fine but I'll deal with this later*). We don't know which generation of quirk users Katsuki falls into, and there's a real chance he doesn't know either. But he was born in the same generation as Izuku, so there's no reason his quirk can't be of a ninth generation too. So, he has every reason to believe he could become just as strong as Izuku. He always believed he could surpass All Might, after all.
*Okay let's deal with this little nugget now. Does the ordinal generation of Katsuki's quirk really matter? Not really. Izuku's power was cultivated by many as a theme, but he acknowledges his is a strength made from others'. That doesn't make One For All inherently the best quirk ever, just that it was able to become so strong BECAUSE of others. If the others had done nothing with it, it wouldn't have become so powerful. MHA acknowledges there are other important and good ways of improving one's power: through hard work and effort. It's not that one form of cultivation is absolutely better than the other, just that they both have their uses--and that BOTH TOGETHER would be the best route to improve one's power. This ties into how Japan traditionally views talent and intelligence as products of hard work and improvement in contrast to how the west traditionally views these things as inherent and set at birth. If you're unaware, the Japanese word for "quirk," kosei, translates to "individuality/personality." Individuality/personality is also one of those traits a person has that can be seen as inherent or cultivated--but really it's a product of BOTH. The question of nature versus nurture, as always, is answered with "well actually, both nature and nurture play a part."
(If you want to go off on a tangent with this, go read whatever is the latest version of @siflshonen's Katsuki Bakugou powerpoint presentation on their blog at the time you are reading this.)
Now, I told you all that to tell you this:
Katsuki should never have to face the idea that he will never be able to be number 1 because it's simply not true.
Katsuki has every potential to surpass Izuku. If Izuku were to be satisfied with his quirk's growth and call it quits, Katsuki's quirk's growth would eventually outshine his GUARANTEED. It's because Katsuki is that kind of character, and this is demonstrated in spades throughout the entire manga. Gosh, remember when Izuku said he was only using 8% of OFA in Deku vs Kacchan, Part 2? Remember how the fandom assumed he would dwarf everyone else in comparison as he progressed further down the line?
And remember how Katsuki "grit his teeth to keep from falling behind"?
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Everyone's always going on about how Izuku's power will someday eclipse everyone else's, but he's had that monstrous OFA power with him all along since he got it. He just has to improve his BODY to match OFA's power. Has no one really put any thought to how absolutely BATSHIT it is that Katsuki kept up with him? After Katsuki's growth had stalled for so long?
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Remember, Izuku's raw power surpassed Katsuki's in DvK2. So by the time of the Paranormal Liberation War, Katsuki developed his quirk to match OFA at 30% in the same amount of time it took Izuku just to develop his body to handle that much OFA. If we're gonna get into the western versions of power-scaling where we care about natural limits...
So, I come back to something you said:
I kind of thought his visceral reaction to failing to truly damage Shigaraki, and him embracing the damage his awakening was doing to himself to kind of imitate Deku and the power he achieved with his self-sacrificial mindset, kinda supported that.
...and to something I said:
But if you mean he'll reconcile with how his firepower compares to TomurAFO's, I'd say, uh, keep an eye out, because already he's had a quirk upgrade since he tried his Howitzer Cluster on TomurAFO. It's very likely that is no longer the upper limit of his capabilities. And that's just assuming he hasn't achieved any other power ups yet/won't get another one soon.
Katsuki's Howitzer Impact Cluster vs TomurAFO was a single snapshot in time. Katsuki has already had a quirk upgrade since then, and as you so aptly pointed out, he's had a sort of philosophical/meta upgrade too as he emulated Izuku. I doubt these will be the last improvements he experiences in his life. He was always held back from surpassing Izuku by the story because he was missing such a huge part of being a hero: saving people. But that's been resolved now. He and Izuku will be rivals who challenge each other to be better for the rest of their lives, and I doubt either one of them will ever truly pull away from the other in terms of raw potential (at least not for long). Katsuki may have instances of self-doubt, of course. He even may at some point acknowledge Izuku as his superior. But I don't think that's a reason for him to ever lose hope or give up. I think there's plenty of reason for anyone to believe it's possible for him to surpass Izuku someday. After all, All Might was considered the best hero of his age not because of his strength but because of his spirit.
And Katsuki's sure got a shitton of spirit.
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expansion-gts2 · 1 year
I was astonished seeing my girlfriend with her little sister. Her sister was taller but that was about her only advantage, it didn't make sense to me that my girlfriend was so insistent on getting her new implant to compete with her.
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"come on babe, show her how it works!" Lindsey begs giving her chest an involuntary juggle as she bounced impatiently. "Um ok!" I replied nervously. We had tested it out only a few times before, it seemed safe.
"Lindsey, grow!" I instructed, she demanded the doctor make it respond to both of us, now I understood why. It was a little exciting to be the one literally causing my girlfriend to grow bigger. She let out a satisfied sigh as the nano device in her spinal cord turned on. Before our eyes her breasts started to swell, her hips got wider and every muscle fiber on her body grew thicker and more powerful. She held her sister against her as this all began, forcing her to feel the changes. "Lindsey, increase breast size to M cup, increase height to 6.5 feet tall" I said as she bit her lower lip. "Yes, oh sweety how do I look?" She asked slapping her growing bubble butt and pinning her sister face first to her breasts.
"great babe, but be careful your sister still needs to breathe" I reminded her as she finished her growth. She looked like she spent hours on the gum lifting weights and those huge heaving breasts sat impossibly perky on her chest.
There was a pause though as her sister was let up to see the end results. She simply smiled "Becky, grow!" She said confidently
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queenofthequillandink · 4 months
I can't remember if you've described how the Everlasting Trio looks like aged up. Or if Dannys ghostform looks different, so official petition for a short list of descriptors? Like Height, Hair, general clothing etc. Maybe Ellie and Jazz as well ❤️
Sorry to bother you!
I have to go through what I wrote to make sure I don't contradict myself lol, but here we go:
Danny: 24, 5'6. He keeps his hair a little shorter than in the show, close on the sides and longer on top. He filled out a little and is a little broader in the shoulder, but he's still skinny and years of not getting enough food for his increased caloric needs left his growth more stunted than it would have been otherwise. He tends towards looser clothing, a habit from hiding how muscular he was in high school. Plus, he just likes to be comfy. When his death injury is acting up, he wears a wrist compression brace on his left arm. His canines (top and bottom) could properly be called fangs. He gets more sleep than he used to, but has pretty permanent dark circles.
Danny's ghost form is a little more ghostly than it used to be. His teeth are sharper, his ears are longer and pointed, and his skin has a green under tint to it. I am a big fan of the "constellation freckles" fanon, so I'm keeping it.
Sam: 24, 5'3. Sam keeps her hair a little longer than in the show, down past her shoulders, though she still likes the half up, half down style. She dresses punk/goth with a little more street fashion flair than you can get in a kids tv show.
Think this:
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She still likes dramatic makeup choices, like black or purple lipstick and heavy eyeliner.
Her canines are a little sharper, but not noticably inhuman. She's taken to wearing brown contacts day to day and only going out with her purple eyes (which I've decided are natural because fight me) as Aconite.
Tucker: 24, 5'10. Tuck's hair is longer and dreaded. Up until this moment, they were relatively short but then I tried to find a reference photo and found this
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-and fell in love instantly so he has long dreads that he wears like this. He is the master of comfy cozy. He wears a dress shirt and slacks to work, but as soon as he's home, he is in the biggest, comfiest sweater. This man owns so many cardigans. It's about the soft 🤌. He no longer wears the beret(?) thing from canon, but does love him a good beanie. He is never seen without tech of some kind. He teeth are sharp like Sam's.
I know in canon, Tucker's eyes are blue, but I always imagine them brown anyway. Whichever direction you go, the irises have gold threaded in them now (bleedover from being Pharaoh). I am very bad at picking new glasses for people, but I think he's switched to bigger frames. Maybe something like this:
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Jay: 15, 5'4. You've already nailed Jay's look in your art, but his skin is a touch darker than Danny's. They both have freckles and similar hair, though Jay's has a curl. He prefers simple, comfortable outfits: pretty much all of his wardrobe is jeans, tshirts, and sweatshirts. His eyes are teal. He doesn't (yet?) have fangs in human form.
Jazz: 26, 6'3. Jazz keeps her hair long like in canon, down to her waist. She typically dresses in business casual or equally sharp outfits. Even in her personal life, she's very well dressed. I absolutely imagine her as the kind of person who doesn't even dress down for travel, hence her wearing business casual on a plane. She usually keeps the makeup pretty light unless she's looking to be intimidating, in which case she has a special tube of maroon lipstick that Sam gave her. She has small but visible fangs in human form.
Elle: 21, 5'5. Ellie is visibly muscular, lean in the way those Super Outdoors people are. She also dresses in sturdy outdoors clothes and solid hiking boots, good for travelling, though she has some fun outfits that are a mishmash of fashion from all over the world. She has several ear piercings. Preferentially, she has long hair as an undercut, though it sometimes grows out as she travels.
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She's rarely without her backpack, in which she keeps all of her essentials. She has tons of interesting scar stories and I imagine more than one spur-of-the-moment tattoo. In fact, I've just decided that she has the silhouette of a bird flying into the sunrise on her right shoulder.
These are just guidelines, so feel free to make some decisions yourself!
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jasgirl-creations · 1 year
I hope a genius bimbo appears and makes a world wide magic-tech so that everyone can have the body of their dreams
The press conference was a surprise, following the acquisition of Twitter the day before by reclusive billionaire M. Blume. No one had ever seen Blume before, and most people assumed the billionaire was a a man. Murmurs of surprise swept through the crowd when Blume stepped on stage. Blume was a woman in her late 20's, dressed in a plain black turtleneck. Her hair was done up in a severe professional style. She was very pretty, with full lips and beautiful eyes, but she also had the unmistakable presence of a genuine genius. Everyone in the crowd knew that she was about to reveal something world changing. Of course, it was hard to concentrate on what the billionaire was saying. All eyes were locked on her enormous chest! Blume's turtleneck sweater was stretched skin tight across a pair of heaving head-sized breasts that looked like they were about to split the outfit open. The wobbled in their restrictive confines with every breath she took, and when Blume tapped her mic to get the crowd's attention her breasts continued to jiggle for almost a full minute!
"Please, can I have your attention! Please focus! Thank you. My name is Melony Blume. Yes, I am the world's 11th richest person, and this is my first public appearance. As you now, I've recently purchased Twitter, and I'm excited to be taking the service in a new direction. Starting right now we're unveiling brand new functionality in the twitter app, free to all users." Blume tapped on her smartphone and a display scree lit up behind her. The audience could see the new Twitter interface. It looked more or less the same as before. "As you can see, we haven't made any drastic changes to the interface you all know and love. However, if you click on the profile button..." She clicked on the profile button to demonstrate, bringing up a screen with some new and unfamiliar options. "This is the new User Customization Menu. Or the "UCM." We've used IA gathered data gathered from user profiles, activities and interactions to create a fully interactive profile for each Twitter user. Users can use the UCM to modify every aspect of their appearance, both in app and IRL." She paused. Clearly the audience wasn't getting what she was saying. "To be clear, you can now modify your appearance using Twitter." A reporter from CNN raised her hand. "Do you mean you can modify your user pic? That's hardly a..." Blume cut her off. "I mean you can alter your real life physical appearance. Your height. Your weight. Your gender." Still nothing. The audience looked confused and more than a little bored. Hardly the shock and awe Blume had been expecting. She'd have to demonstrate. "Let me show you. If I go to the UCM I can access my profile..." The screen behind Blume showed dozens of toggles and sliders. She scrolled through options for skin color, hair length, hip width, muscle tone, age, posture, body odor and more. Finally she stopped on a slider for breast size. The audience could see that it was already at 300%. "As you can tell I've already used the app to adjust the size of my breasts. I'll be honest, when our engineers started this project I specifically requested that breast growth be the first option we developed. And of course, I'm always the first tester of all my projects! I'm sure you all understand how sliders work, but allow me to demonstrate. If I slide the knob to the right..." She slid her finger across the screen, and the number next to the slider increased to 400%. At nearly the exact same moment her breasts swelled, surging in size as the black turtleneck audibly strained. Blume's breasts grew so fast that they nearly knocked the phone from her hand! The crowd was silent. Staring in disbelief. Blume was breathing heavily and appeared to be a little flushed. She tugged on the neck of her sweater and fanned her face as she regained her composure. "S-so as you can see there's barely any lag at all. We included a... a pleasure incentive... to make interactions with the UCM more appealing. We think this new addition to the Twitter app will be very..." The billionaire was cut off by a scream of pleasure from the audience, followed by the crack of a broken chair. All eyes turned to the reporter from CNN. Her outfit had absolutely shredded as her breasts, thighs and ass exploded in size. She looked like she had gained 300 pounds of sexy tit and ass meat in seconds, and her poor chair hadn't been able to take the weight. Now she sat on the floor, stunned and moaning, as she gently massaged exercise ball sized boobies. As the reporters and media experts gathered around her to take pictures other moans and crashed could be heard through the crowd,. The app update was live now and people were eager to try it out! Blume tapped her mic again, trying to get the crowds attention.
"As I was saying, we think this new addition to the Twitter app will be VERY popular!"
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sweetie-bri · 11 months
Growth Platform [Giantess Growth Caption]
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The Growth Platform is a cosmetic apparatus that through unprecedented technology is able to increase the height of customers. Only the very wealthy can afford it, but it essentially rewrites a person's genetic code. One such very wealthy person is the CEO of a fortune 500 company. A businesswoman receiving the treatment today. "Money is no object, spare no expense." "Ma'am we need to wait a few more hours for the failsafe." "In this suit. What pervert designed this?!" "Our Expandiwear team is actually mostly female-" "It's degenerate and gaudy." "It's a safety precaution, just like the failsafe-" "What's your risk examination?" "We don't do risk examination, we do risk prevention. We've never had an accident and plan to keep it that way." "Then why are you making me wait?"
The lab aide couldn't deny her point. They'd never had an error before and he would do *anything* to not have to deal with this bossy woman any longer. Without thinking, he initiated the process and escorted his fellow lab aides to a safe distance.
The system began without any defect. The businesswoman smiled. The growth process is painful, so the platform essentially disallows negative sensations while it's active. "This is, oh~ This is wonderful!" The businesswoman watched as the world began to shrink below her feet.
"Ah~ This is a miracle product!" The businesswoman panted as the pleasing feeling of being bigger began to overtake her. She couldn't feel things like fear or modesty. After a few minutes of growing taller the lab aide flicked the switch to disable the growth a bit earlier than he was supposed to. Consider it a payment for rushing us. She continued to grow anyways. "Uh..." He looked at the lever which was definitely off. Maybe it just can't turn off until it's hit the selected amount?
She reached the Expandiwear's limit. It now fit her form very well and she seemed quite pleased about. Her hands were all over her own body as she pleasantly hummed like she was getting a massage. She wasn't stopping. Her body kept growing bigger and bigger. There was no failsafe to stop her.
We could install the failsafe in a few hours, but she was already larger than she was supposed to be in a few minutes!
How much bigger was she going to get?!
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Your post about midwifing has me thinking about several things, including this one:
In humans, the midwife monitors the mother after giving birth as well as the newborn for at least a few days: height, weight, general health, etc.
And this makes me wonder if Midwife also had the role of monitoring eggs from time to time and also assess the health of the newly born hatchlings. It'd would likely be for less time than a human baby though, given how quickly a bug can develop by comparison - and thus be more independent from their parent(s).
So, those little Weavers roaming around Deepnest? Perhaps, possibly taken care of her shortly after hatching from their eggs, however long ago that was.
YESSSS HARD AGREE ON THAT ONE. I mean just look at how well centipede mothers take care of their broods- it kind of makes sense that one of them would help take up the role of caring for clutches in exchange for food, given that they're so good at tending to their own eggs. Which is likely the brunt of Midwife's work, as, like you said, once the baby hatches, really all she'd likely have to do is provide checkups to make sure that their weight is correct for their expected growth rate, or to soothe worried new mothers about their children. Eggs are the most vulnerable stage by far, and the ones that require the most careful care. Which makes centipedes ideal for that, because aint NOBODY gonna fuck with a super-fast, highly mobile venomous creature guarding a bunch of spider eggs
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I also like to think that Midwife would occasionally babysit if she had the time, though anything above a hatchling stage ran the risk of getting a warning nibble. Not that this was terrible for the young- if anything, it taught them to have quick reflexes and a gift of food on them at all times, which in turn increased their hunting skills, as Midwife would never turn down or scoff at any meal, no matter how measly. Keeps 'em on their toes, teaches them to respect their elders no matter their caste, and get some good hunting practice in. Hardly any downside to that
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trtyutr · 2 months
Attention of the Court IV
Ryan thoughts were interrupted by the doorbell ringing. When he opened it there was two envelopes waiting for him, one blue and the other red. "It is about that time again." He heads back inside and opens up both envelopes. The blue one has a slip of paper notifying him that $75,000 has been deposited to his account. The other has a pamphlet labeled Pregnancy and You. There's a picture of man holding a pregnant looking belly on the front.
He opens up the pamphlet and starts reading the strange pamphlet. There's more pictures of pregnant men as well as details about what he will expect from his pregnancy. It all makes so much sense the more he reads, the bloat, the libido, he's pregnant. He reads to the end and sees a section of seeing how many you are carrying. He looks at the last one for 150+ amount of kids, and how the guy with the one month belly looks to have a similar to the amount of growth he's having. He looks at the last picture, nine months. The man is dwarfed by his belly, resting on the ground and far surpassing him in height. "I'm going to be like that." He puts the pamphlet down. He's going to be a father. Hopefully the money he's getting is going to continue to increase, cause he's going to need it, and oh good the house he's going to have to buy is going to have enough rooms. He might have to have it be purpose built for him and his kids to fit them all. "I don't know who your other father is, but I know that I'm your father, and that I'm going to do my best to take care of you." He spent the rest of the week trying to find three things, a nice parcel of land, a company to build a house for him and his brood, and guys to fuck him and to fuck. The last one started to be harder to find. His belly is getting more obvious, and it's making it harder to find guys to hook up with. He might have to come clean about it, and that might make things even more complicated. "Good Peers of the Court. It seems that our little game's effects are becoming more apparent to outsiders. Now I have a little amulet that will solve this conundrum. Now it only needs one last detail. What gem should I socket it with? I have a perfectly clear diamond, it has a subtle glamour to it, where people will notice but won't find it out of sort. I have a brilliant sapphire whose glamour is obvious and all it adore it as you do. I have a silvery pearl that matches the silver of the amulet. No one notice it but us and Ryan. Finally I have a black onyx cut beautify cut at one angle, but repulsive to all others. He will best be warry to hide it."
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