#Heir Class
classpecting-thoughts · 2 months
Apologies for a lack of posts! I fell down an AO3 rabbit hole and just crawled out.
I’ve been reading DCxDP crossovers, despite having 1) never seen Danny Phantom and 2) having never read any Batman comics, and only having seen like.. 3 Batman movies, none of which were the same continuity (The Batman, Batman Begins, and the Tim Burton one, for those curious. Of those three I only enjoyed The Batman).
That being said, I have aspect thoughts for some characters purely based on the fannon in these fics and would like to hear others’ thoughts. Note my above credentials and take everything with a grain of salt.
Batman, at least in any continuity it’s reasonable for him to have the Batfam in (glares at most of the movies other than The Batman), is a Blood player. He’s defined by his relationship to his city, his many children, his dead family, and his adoptive father/butler. He is 100% a passsive class, active use type. I’d say Knight, maybe Heir.
Danny is an Heir of Heart. Did I base this thought mostly on the fact that that is literally “One who becomes/inherits soul”? Yes. Do I still think it fits outside of that? Also yes.
Jason went grimdark when he came back and some of that stuck with him, maybe to the point that either his class or aspect fully shifted. I’m not sure what he was before nor what he is now, but I’m certain that they’re different.
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disguisedcheezed · 2 years
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old, ult! john n dirkjohn doodles + new, my hal design heh
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preshtagonist · 5 months
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2024 godtier update everybody!!! taking a page out of my name twin's book and customizing my godtier outfit
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not sure if you’re still taking questions but in case you are, what classpect do you think furina would be!
I’ve said this previously but I do think that she’d be an heir of heart masquerading as a knight. Inheriting the humanity forcalors always wanted to have.
It can work vice-versa too however, a knight masquerading as an heir. Putting up a mask and make everyone belive she’s an archon
Man I love her character there’s so much for me to dissect!!
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dreadedender · 1 year
Rage Aspect Thoughts
Rage inspires revolution. Rage breaks rules.
Rage knows negative emotions intimately, how to destroy from the inside, how to get under people's skin.
Rage can calm and rage can infuriate. Rage can make the enemy mindless with fury and can pacify betrayers in a session.
A Witch of Rage is the ultimate destroyer.
They can make anything possible with enough self-justification. Meaning, as long as they stay feeling negative emotions strongly (fear, disappointment, anger, sadness), they can do anything in the moment. Think of it as their flight or fight senses kicking in at extremes, letting them teleport away if they're too upset / too scared, or giving them immense strength and whatever powers they can imagine to fight off what's bothering them. Their powers are handy, but dangerous as they feel negativity so passionately, it can literally destroy them. They have to be careful.
An Heir of Rage is especially susceptible to feeling rage and is receptive to other's upset emotions. They would able to shift people's rage through showing them how ridiculous their anger is (by mirroring it) or joining them in their anger/dejection and doing so helps them both deal with it together. Once god-tiered, an Heir can embody their aspect, so this could mean an Heir of Rage can shapeshift to what someone fears the most, or become the very bad thoughts that infiltrate their enemies' brains, like entering their minds to create a tailor-made hellscape they can't escape.
Don't mind me getting a bit personal as I try to describe my thoughts on my Classpect, lol. With how apt Mages of Rage are in sensing negativity, they are able to distinguish who is trustworthy and who isn't, essentially being able to sniff out intent. They have the most potential to be the group therapists. They understand all aspects of Rage, both the good and the bad, and treat it with compassion. They can understand anyone's troubles and be the perfect person to come to for help on what should be fair and how to deal with conflict. On the other hand, the classpect is also stubborn, and when their advice isn't taken, they can take it as a personal affront as their views on an injustice are unbreakable.
A Thief of Rage hoards all negative attention. They like taking all the blame; wants noteriety to be their brand. It can be a kindness that helps calm others and bring peace to the group, to have someone that's always taking the brunt of everyone's emotions so that they may pass, or it can be disastrous as they cause conflict by hogging all attention, concern, and energy that shouldve been given to the bigger picture problem. They make for a great distraction in battle, able to dodge attacks as enemies can't take their eyes off them, even zapping the very motivation to fight out of them the longer they chase and using it to make their movements faster. They can be the biggest detriment to a session or the biggest surprise asset.
A Prince of Rage works to soothe. They want things to stay calm and for everyone to work together in harmony. They would never want to rock the boat, never giving in to their anger with an ocean of pacience and understanding. They prefer doing everything they can to motivate people to see the bright side of things, lulling anger and fear into the background. They're the most comforting of people, knowing just what to say to make you wipe away your tears and giving the best hugs.
In god-tier, I can imagine them having the strongest pacifying power out of any Rage player. Just by being in the battlefield, their opponents start feeling chiller and forget what they're even fighting for. Like a teabag seeping in hot water, the effect can slowly take over and turn the tide.
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en8y · 2 months
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[IMAGE ID: three horizontal flags with nine stripes. the middle stripe is twice as large as the rest of them, which are equally sized. the first flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: bright purple, bright cool pink, bright teal, dark olive green, off-white, dark olive green, dull cool blue, light warm grey, and medium grey. the second flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: dark blue, warm medium green, teal, dark grey, off-white, dark grey, dark red, light warm grey, and medium grey. the third flag's colors, from top to bottom, are as follows: forest green, medium purple, white, light yellow, off-white, light yellow, warm green, light warm grey, and medium grey. END ID.]
seeclaseer: a gender connected to being a (homestuck class) seer; this gender is connected to the seer class, seer aesthetics, fortune-telling or prophetic aesthetics, and oracrinity!
thiclasithief: a gender connected to being a (homestuck class) thief, or a thieving thief; this gender is connected to the thief class, thief aesthetics, and thievery!
heclasiheir: a gender connected to being a (homestuck class) heir; this gender is connected to the heir class, heir aesthetics, and being genderqueer!
@radiomogai @liom-archive @obscurian @drowntowns @electrosaccharine @acetrappolaswife @neopronouns @plutobie
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what would a maid of heart or an heir of void be like?
The maid is someone who has been controlled for a long time until they suddenly become free. They switch the narrative and become the one who chooses what their aspect is and does. They are a powerful commander of their aspect. Before, it seemed like it was all laid out for them, like Aradia being instructed by the dead on what actions to take to start the game. They dutifully do their aspect’s bidding at the instruction of someone else. But eventually, when the time comes, they break free of whoever is controlling the aspect’s narrative and they decide what the aspect means from then on. Aradia is a bit distant from the group after she god tiers. She’s incredibly happy though. Creepily happy. She bends time to her will, and wields it like a thread; like a lasso. She moves people and things around as she pleases.
A heart player… oh, we all know how heart players are by now. Their core of function is their emotions, their feelings of right and wrong, their love for others. A maid of heart… was instructed in their very soul. Someone tried to tell them how to think, and feel, and behave, and it worked. For a time. This person obeyed the rules, and was shaped into someone they didn’t recognize. But… once they rise to their challenge… they will have to overthrow their controller, in their heart if not in a more literal way. They will realize who they truly are, and discover that they’re capable of more than they thought they were… and it’s ok to be capable of those things, and to want those things. It’s ok to be who YOU want and you choose. And they can become one of the most powerful players in the end. It’s like Mulan. Yeah.
Heirs are… accepting of their aspect from the start. John was super excited to start sburb and went along with anything thrown at him, in breath-player style. Equius finds value in the stupid racist system. He engages in the futile act of building and breaking robots. He also is supposed to use archery as his weapon of choice, but since they always break, he just uses his fists. None of this ever bothers him and he accepts this meaninglessness. Mituna, the heir of doom… his life fucking sucks. He apparently did some huge doom-thing and “inherited” doom… in this case “””doom””” being an intellectual disability. Hussie sucks. Everyone mistreats this guy and he just accepts it and goes along with it. Yeah. Hussie sucks. The heirs also all inherit their aspect— mituna becomes physically (brain) weakened. Equius is completely erased from the story and only returns as ARquius, who isn’t really him. John is able to escape the narrative and gain “true freedom.”
An heir of void COULD be like equius. They could suck hard and be creepy and like horses a little too much. They could also be like roxy though. They could like fantasy, and maybe fake magic or sleight of hand, making things disappear… they could love paradox and puzzles but not care about solving them. They might like knot tying or something. Equius loves doing shit that is totally counterproductive or doesn’t make sense. He builds stuff TO break it. This person could find meaning in doing and undoing things. They could hide stuff… they could also constantly be losing stuff. The important thing is that doesn’t need to bother them. They embrace meaninglessness and darkness and question. Even if they don’t realize they’re doing it, which is how the heirs we’ve seen typically act. They embrace their aspect effortlessly without even noticing.
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giftofclasspects · 17 days
(Prospit) Heir of Rage <> (Prospit) Rogue of Time
Hi, I wondering if you could do a quandrant analysis on this pairing.
a very interesting moirailship!
a heir of rage is going to be considered a nuisance. they act out a lot due to their bubbling attitude that they fester.
a rogue of time is going to be very extroverted. they want to help others wherever they can, even if this means wasting their own time by doing so.
i think these moirails would be an "i can fix them" situation.
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creativegodtiers · 5 months
any ideas for a world for an heir of life?
I can probably help you design a land, but I’m gonna need you to give an actual name for it. The goal of this blog is to give prompts, after all. - mod balencia
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lotarclasspects · 3 months
More Thoughts on the Heir Class
I have made a couple of posts on the topic of the Heir class lately, mostly because as I was thinking about writing up and classifying most of the classes, with most of them I have a pretty clear grasp of at least the broader concepts, which literature archetypes they're based off, and how they relate and contrast to their opposing Class. This is best described by the pair I am most clear about, with the most canonical basis from which to draw from: Knight - Page + = SERVE (emphasized in several late- act 6 conversaions) Archetype: Batman and Robin, etc) Witch - Sylph + = MAKE (archetype: Occult advisor who exists on the outskirts of society. The Helpful Fairy, and the Witch (wicked, or Good) And with these I noticed a pattern. If my conclusion that the Sylph/Witch pairing was accurate, and had MAKE as their verb, the list would look like this Muse/Lord = MASTER Sylph/Witch = MAKE Bard/Prince = DESTROY Page/Knight = SERVE Rogue/Thief = STEAL Seer/Mage = KNOW Heir/Maid = ????? As you can see, each of these verbs has its own natural opposite. The opposite of to STEAL, to take, is to SERVE. The opposite of DESTROYing something, is to MAKE something. But the opposite of the word KNOW (which is said several times by Aradia in reference to Rose as the "knower of all fortune" and in Doc Scratch's conversation about Terezi's powers) is kind of the negation of it. What is the antonym of Known, Unknown right? But the negation of a thing- Not Destroying something is not the opposite of Destroying, in Homestuck. I know Two doesn't make a rule, but it seems too elegant to ignore. It would mean, instead of being 6 completely disparate dichotomies with no relation, it would be three sets of three. And then the Master classes, of course. So what the fuck is going on with the Heir and Maid then??? Of course, I have concluded they are a pair because their concepts are very close to each other. Both denote youth, both denote nobility and inheritance, (in the naming), and both have great shoes to fill and their Journey is about filling that role in their own way. They are also assisted by their Aspects. Jane is able to revive herself when she dies (Which Feferi is not shown as being able to do). John is assisted by The Breeze (which is clearly his powers working subconsciously to help him). I wonder, if Mage and Seer denote an idea of the Cerebral, then are Heir and Maid associated with the BODY, as in EMBODY? Whichever verb I have thought up, so far. "INHERIT", "EMBODY", "BECOME". There is clearly a linking theme between all of them. But each has their own subtle specificities. But they Might, on some level, boil down as "To Know vs To Be". I am not sure, at this time. But some things I've found notable are in terms of how Physically Becoming their aspect is linked to all. Aradia is "Maid of Time" (the Made of Time pun comes in a lot). Jane, aforementioned with the Lifey thing assisting her. John physically turning in to Wind. Equius though, if this is the case, is interesting. As we all know, His blood is used to Void out text. In the text, symbolically. His blood specifically.
This has been touched on a lot, when talking about Void's link to obscurity. But it's just occurred to me, that we never see Horuss's blood being used in this way. Or Roxy's. (I know it would be a little morbid in terms of using Roxy's blood, but the variables are to be touched upon to find the distinction).
Only Equius's. Only the Heir of Void's. On that note, too, he specifically has that Extreme Physical Strength thing going on. (Which John's father also mentions John should strive for too. Picking up his safe being a test of Manhood?) I have not looked over the Dancestors bit again yet, but I'm pretty sure Horuss isn't as freakishly strong or has that going on like Equius does. Their Heir though, I cannot say, only that he suffered a mental injury. I wonder if that is supposed to parallel Sollux suffering a physical injury, but keeping his mind? I cannot say. And I do not want to get too far off the track and make conclusions before I have more supplementary evidence. However, on a final note. One thing I did find. Is perhaps a strange connection between Heirs and Servitude? We know Maids can be a bit rebellious. But one thing I paid close attention to, with all the Ancestor talk, was linked to the idea that Doc Scratch not only engineered the Blood Castes to encourage Aspecty behaviour, but also Class(y) behaviour. Not much is said about Executioner Darkleer, except for this. He may have been the ONLY one of his Caste, to ever Rise Up against an order from The Highbloods.
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Whilst Mindfang is musing here, it's clear that rebellion in this Caste is rare. So much so, that it's explicitly mentioned. As a clear foil to Equius's death when he Couldn't stand up to Gamzee. (Which may also tie in) Executioner Darkleer in reality, is a Page of Void. But when we look at the true Heir in this position...
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He too, would be expected to life a life of Servitude. In the end, he did. Though it's important to note with Goldbloods, the expectations and influence of Mages would be prevalent castewide. In the same way Maids manage their aspect, are Heirs managed by? What does this mean exactly, in regards to their Personal Journey? I still do not have much of an idea. But if I do, I will make an official post on the matter. One final final thing I noticed though, about the Signless's main group of 4.... It's made up of a Seer, a Mage, a Maid, and an Heir.
If I'm on the right track in assuming those classes form a quartet in terms of Active/Passive and Opposite Verbs... I should pay close attention to how all their paths differ from each other, and are similar.
If I learn anything more defined, I will probably make a post about it here -teapotTrickster
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classpecting-thoughts · 3 months
All heroes of Heart have some manner of splinters and/or masks. They all tend to have different ways that this shows up, though there is some overlap.
A Prince of Heart splinters outward, creating different versions of themselves on the outside. This tends to lead to different variations of themselves being everywhere, and can leave the Prince unsure of who their true self is, or if they even truly have one.
An Heir of Heart splinters inward. They gather different versions of themselves on the inside. Rather than being destructive and tearing down their sense of self that occurs with a Prince, this interior splintering helps build their personality, creating more of it. An Heir of Heart will compartmentalize every part of themselves, and gather labels they associate with themselves in an effort to be able to share/explain these compartmentalized parts of themselves with others.
A Thief of Heart does something similar to the Heir, splintering inward, but rather than being mostly internal, the different bits of their self that they gather come from others. A thief of heart will pick up quirks and habits from those they spend time with or respect at a much faster rate than most. They take these bits and pieces and craft their personality and sense of self out of them, making them their own in the process.
A Rogue of Heart splinters more similarly to the Prince. Rogues’ different splinters are external, but rather than the masks made up of their own personality shown to other people the Prince has, they are splinters they’ve gathered from others in a similar manner to a Thief. A Rogue will take bits and pieces from those around them and reflect them back, making them into both masks and mirrors.
Those are all the classes I currently have thoughts on, but I’d be happy to continue discussing it! Feel free to add your own thoughts if you’d like (even if it’s to say I’m wrong!).
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jollysunflora · 1 year
How I see the Homestuck classes
Tagging @golgothas-terrorr because they inspired me with their own post...
capslock ideas under the cut
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nestbound · 9 months
Ok I think I have a good enough understanding of the heir class to give it a direct comparison/translation that being "unaware and passively powerful" in said aspect the key word being passive, think about how strong equius is a simple head pat can bruise but is delicate enough to work on robots it is said that he fights with his fist because he is a void player but this is enforced by his passive strength he wants to use a bow but he can't as his strength increases and decreases based on how convenient it is to the story if he needs to build robot legs his strength decreases but if he needs to reach the first gate he has enough strength to just jump straight up several stories, then there is John he obviously doesn't know anything about his class or aspect the first time he uses his powers is to fly around in his dad's car looking for his dad not really stopping to think about or learn his powers until one or two years later in the dream bubbles when fighting Jack and even then they're more muscle memory than a purposeful move, and then mituna unlike sollux who was aware of the Doom that was about to take place on their home planet and was able to hear the souls of the recently Departed well mituna seems mostly unaware of his connection to the Doom aspect but it is hard to tell as he got even less screen time than sollux and didn't go god mode.
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sagaciouscejai · 1 year
I was making a Touhoustuck Youmu write-up but i hit a snag where I’m not feeling confident in my understanding of Heirs after so long.
It’s mostly that i wasnt sure how much John was influencial due to his aspect or class, as we can easily see him rubbing off in very minor ways on his friends in pre-game logs, especially when you look to things like Dave’s change in shades. It becomes more pronounced later with things like sharing Nick Cage with Vriska or being someone who had the right sort of impact to allow future Terezi to fuck with her past self with all the retcons.
Like... it feels the further you get into Homestuck, the less John is subtly influencing people as much as being given the power and freedom to be effective when placed in situations like the Retcon stuff. He’s really only inflencial because Terezi directs him to punch Vriska out, diffusing the tension of the situation and allowing the two to just stop trying to kill each other on the meteor. In a sense, the messing around of past Terezi is most likely to keep her from trying to kill Vriska after John leaves too, especially since she’s a lot more confused and willing to think things over in the Retcon timeline by the end of murderstuck.
So its very much that John can influence in smaller ways, but can only really be at his most effective when being directed by another’s influence. It’s how he so effectively kills himself via Terezi’s direction once given the jetpack, and then needed both Dave and Davesprite to push him not to just go to the final boss on a lark. Vriska pushes him to do a huge windy thing to blow out the green flames covering his land, and later to go to his quest bed to get killed and subsequently God Tier. He can channel his aspect and become it, but when he inherits it from others it becomes way more potent.
Equius is also tricky as an heir, because Void is an aspect that can literally be like “You inherit emptiness and darkness and obfuscation” in one sense, but also regularly means “You inherit nothing, don’t even inherit anything”. It’s why for a stealing class like Roxy’s, she doesn’t steal anything because most likely what she would steal is the scant few things the other players have, or potentially alcohol in some sense if she were to try and go back to that empty vice. She also is tasked with trying to steal the void away from her void session as well, alongside the void surrounding her life with the blackouts and all that, but it all goes hand in hand.
Equius inherits the void, but he shouldn’t inherit anything. He has way too much strength, way too much pride on his blood and its ‘inherent superiority’, too much centaur porn adorning his life. These are the Void of his life, and they are things he should not inherit. Instead, he should go out into an empty land, a quiet land, to reflect and learn to control himself. He starts to get there, as we see on the meteor, but his upbringing still had too much of a hold on him  when Gamzee finally tries to subjugate him. If he did, he most likely would’ve been a perfect check to Vriska’s relevancy as she gathered all of that Light, just in the same way he unintentionally was being her neighbor pre-entry.
Mituna is hard to parse, mostly because all we know is that at one point he does a heroic act that fries his brain and Kurloz was around to see it. We don’t even know if it was before or during the game, so we have no indication if the way Aranea describes him before that event was relevant to his character arc given by SGRUB, or was just necessary setup for who he needed to be in the game, similar to how the FLARP stuff set up how all 4 of those Alternians needed to be prior to entry. There’s more confusion to be had as to whether having a mental disability is considered having Doom or lacking it, which goes alongside the ability to have prophetic visions being a sign of or of not having any Doom. These could also be just Goldblood/Captor traits, but both fit will with the ideas of Doom not to discount, it’s just with their classes and the dynamics therein, its unclear what counts as an abundance or lack of the Aspect.
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I saw you mentioned kujou sara on your hope player post, would you mind elaborating on your reasoning behind her being a hope player? Im not judging i promise I’m just a curious Sara fan lol
Of course! I'm more than happy to elaborate~
Kujou Sara: The Heir of Hope
One who is influenced by their aspect
Alternatively, one who inherits their aspect or one who becomes their aspect
Abstract: Conviction, Imagination, Fantasy, Delusion, Actual Hope
Literal: Light, Wings, Feathers, Religion
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Hope is the aspect of ideals and conviction; driven by what they think is right and deliver justice to what they consider is wrong:
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Kujou Sara is no different. The Lady Tengu has earned the title 'Devotee of the Divine' for her loyalty to her Archon Ei. She is known by many people of this characteristic of hers.
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She had even abandoned her ties with her fellow youkai in order to serve the mortals of the shougun's land, as said by Dainslief
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There's a comment Kokomi makes on her faithfulness to the Shogun, commending how she can uphold it no matter what her god demands of their people, and perfectly summarizes her classpect:
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The context of this opinion comes during the middle of a civil war between the rebels lead by Kokomi and the Shogun's forces led by Kujou Sara. The battle has arisen from a decree in which all citizens of Inazuma must give up their visions, either voluntarily or by force.
Most, if not all, were discontent with the Vision Hunt Decree and opposed it, unlike the Tengu General who in fact upheld it. She believed that the manifestation of her ambitions was not hers, but Ei's and would gladly return it to her if asked of her.
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Sara held the belief that the Shogun had the right to withdraw everyone of their visions, including hers, and so she became the head of the Vision Hunt Decree.
So how can a woman who isn't a mortal come to adore the Shogun so much?
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According to Sara's vision story, the Tengu fell from a height that should've killed her. Yet the next morning, she was found relatively unscathed. The only thing that could explain the anomaly was the glowing vision in her hand.
There is a common misconception that the Archons are the ones who hand out visions, and that prenotion is the foundation of Sara's beliefs.
She believed to be favored by the Electro Archon herself and was rewarded a vision and thus saving her life. And for saving her life, Kujou Sara devotes it to the Shogun.
Which segways nicely into her class: The Heir
Heirs, like Witches, are a part of the Magician class, but instead of influencing their aspect as they like, Heirs are influenced by it.
They're natural born leaders, often being the driving force of their teams that propel them towards their goals.
Egbert is one such Heir. The first character you meet in the webcomic and the leader of his friends' SBURB session. This Breath-bound was able to direct the rest of the Beta kids on what to do during the early part of the game. He was also the first to ascend to godtier, a massive step in SBURB's progression.
The most important instance though, happens after the events of Game Over. John, under Terezi's instruction, is sent to F1X the timeline with his retocon powers so it doesn't lead to the utter oblivion of everyone and their session.
In other words, Egbert can influence the direction of the timeline.
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However, when an Heir's aspect comes to them naturally, they mustn't let it consume them.
Heir of Doom Mituna Captor once was a powerful psiioniic that had the ability to foretell disasters, which could've been used to guide his SGRUB team away from trouble. Despite its usefulness though, no one would belive him, causing things to take a turn for the worst for the goldblood:
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With no one taking into consideration his warnings, Mituna was left to himself before his mind is consumed by his visions: Burning himself out to protect his teammates from an unknown threat, becoming doomed. That final act of heroism rendered him powerless and brain-damaged.
Then there's Heir of Void Equius Zahaak. He had very little in terms of screen time. Void is the aspect of isolation and the b100 b100d and usually kept to himself in the start of Hivebent. He has strength that surpasses most of the beta trolls to the point where he can bruise anyone with the gentlest of touches from him, making him unable to even touch another troll.
Though he was able to overcome the loneliness with his moirail Nepeta, Equius wasn't able to save himself from succumbing to irrelevance and obscurity; Being killed by Gamzee and his identity being overwritten by AR, effectively erasing Equius from the story
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To tie this all in with Kujou Sara... yes, she is described as a charismatic and natural-born leader as well as often being what inspires her troops to keep on fighting, a symbol of hope. Just as an Archon's power is proportional to their people's belief in them, Sara's belief in hers empowers her.
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Sara's sense of right and wrong matches those of the Shogun, inheriting her morals and making them her own. It feels almost as if she embodies her will.
She is willing to fight and take down those who don't obey the Shogun, even going as far to wage war with Watatsumi Island. But Sara would do anything for her god if it meant that she was doing the right thing.
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Like before, it's admirable that her loyalty knows no bounds, but she's is so consumed in the shogun that it harms the people that she is supposed to protect. Gorou, a general on the other side of the war, and Kazuha both comment on this characteristic of hers. Her devotion to the Electro Archon is the driving factor as to why she went along with the Vision Hunt Decree despite it being unpopular to Inazuma's citizens. Rather than listenting to the Shogun to demonstrate her allegiance to Inazuma, she should've listened to its people as the Vision Hunt Decree has caused some to loose their drive to live.
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Not only is this loyalty detrimental to others, but also to herself as for most her life she put the shogun before her own personal desires:
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After the Hunt, however, Sara starts to break out of the mindset she has and starts to think for herself. Her first act of her individuality is to apologize to those she has hurt during its reign.
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As Heir of Hope, Kujou Sara has already shown to be a great commander for her army, so much so that I would consider her to be Inazuma's leader if it weren't for Ei's puppet.
An Heir of Hope is powered by belief. If this lady Tengu were to place more of her devotion into the people she swore to protect, then perhaps she could ascend from being a major figure head of the Kujou clan to one that would reflect Inazuma’s image.
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Could I have a mood board for a Heir of Light that feels like his luck is making life too easy for him and that people only want him for his luck, causing that his emotions to be diminished, to the point that he seems to not have any?
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Of course!
-Mod Vriska
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