#He doesn't mean any harm?
yami-the-outcast · 2 years
Jojo oc’s can’t get weirder than mine
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Atticus is another good boy, and one of my crazier characters. He’s not a human with a stand, he’s a fricking seal. 
Just a chubby seal with a currently unnamed stand that’s essentially a human skin they slip on, like a reverse selkie. He’s a feral goblin who doesn’t understand humans, or how clothes work sometimes. Will steal food and trinkets from things bigger and stronger than him with no fucks given. 
Think he gets introduced when the Duwang gang think they’re dealing with some weirdo, but when Crazy Diamond tries to grab Atticus it just gets the skin and now there’s a fricking fat seal just rolling around and they gotta call Jotaro to deal with this because he’s the marine biologist so he should be able to know how to handle this right!? Right?!
Never colored a seal but I think I did good all the same.  
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sciderman · 4 days
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avenging spider-man #13
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thehollowwriter · 6 months
I've witnessed first hand how fucking awful an overly controlling and manipulatuve mother can be.
It destroys your mental health. It makes you question your own worth and intelligence. It makes you unsure of who or what to believe. It makes you terrified of others perceiving you in anything but a positive light. And that's just mentally.
When people say Riddle's backstory was "tame" I want to strangle them because no, no it fucking wasn't. Just because she (supposedly) isn't beating him doesn't mean he has a "less bad" or "less tragic" childhood.
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tenacquity · 6 months
@hallowshaped || cont.
Ryunosuke had come a long way since first arriving in London.
In every manner of the word: his confidence in the courtroom, his trust in both himself and his clients, and—so he thought (or perhaps simply hoped)—his ability to keep his chin raised, his back straight, his expression steady under the distinctive coldness that resided in the so-called Reaper of the Bailey’s unwavering leer. On that last point, he rather liked believing he’d at least improved. Enough to stand before the towering man and not feel a tremor up his spine (and yet there was something… not trepidation, but a static energy humming just barely beneath his skin, nevertheless).
But as van Zieks began to speak from behind the veil of his cloak, voice deep and smooth, each and every word felt like a chip in the young lawyer’s composure. He practically flinched at one accusation, clenched his teeth at another, eventually found his attention slipping to the ground as if it were all the more interesting—and quietly, he mused that he was rather unused to seeing the prosecutor’s boots from this angle. Former confidence staggered into sheepishness, but when the color likely should’ve drained from his face…
By the time the long list of transgressions culminated into a single statement of gratitude, faint warmth blossomed in his cheeks. And Ryunosuke looked back up with no hesitation.
The delicate smile tugging at his lips might’ve mirrored van Zieks’s, if not for the latter’s remaining hidden. He listened with a new attentiveness—he’d even claim it to be fondness after all this time: for a man who used to terrify him viscerally—and some part of him wanted to laugh. Not at him. Not at any specific thing he’d said or was going to say. But when Ryunosuke took even a moment to think about it: they’d both come a long way, hadn’t they?
—considering that Lord van Zieks hadn’t stopped talking for the past several minutes without any intervention from the other side. And not even in the courtroom setting, prim and poised and proper (most of the time; today was an exception) behind his stand. Proof, if proof were needed, of how little of a bother Ryunosuke actually was despite the mentioned troubles he’d caused. Seeing this, that deflated confidence began to swell yet again.
His tentative smile grew at the same time as the prosecutor finally made his face visible.
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“So, what you mean to tell me is that you were well aware of when I’d presumably be leaving,” Ryunosuke ventured, and his head canted almost challengingly while he steeled the other’s gaze, “but chose to ignore it altogether with the assumption I wouldn’t be bothered by it.” He didn’t care to add a questioning lilt to the end of that: it was a statement, firm and resolute. As much of a truth as anything he chased for the sake of his clients. And no different than those cases, Ryunosuke was determined not to let van Zieks get away with anything he could catch. (So far a shared sentiment, it would appear.)
His arms folded neatly behind his back, and without breaking that solid eye contact now, Ryunosuke moved one small step closer: a full, fluid motion that started with the slightest bend of his back and ended with his gaze now having to flick upward. “You don’t and never have owed me anything, Lord van Zieks,” he said, soft and earnest. “I didn’t stay because I required something more from you; goodness, you’ve done enough as it is. But I would be lying if I claimed you weren’t, in some way, part of the reason I’m still here.”
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hestiasroom · 6 months
does anyone else's mom think they are "mean" for having boundaries? or is that just my mom?
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angorwhosebabyisthis · 6 months
there are a lot of reasons i think pericles is really slept on as one of the most tragic characters in sdmi, and they start with how easy it is to connect the dots that he took a mind-destroying curse full to the face as an infant. one that breaks adult humans and renders them unrecognizable, when pericles was not only a baby but is from a species that is explicitly much more vulnerable to it. right from the beginning of his life the entity obliterated his sense of self so thoroughly that there's not even a version of him who shows up in the Sitting Room.
fuck, man.
#sdmi#scooby doo mystery incorporated#professor pericles#sdmi is fundamentally a show about the cycle of trauma and abuse--about breaking a very literal generational curse#and i think it does a real disservice to both that theme#and pericles' narrative specifically#that he gets painted as That One Guy Who's Just Evil and Abusive for No Reason#when everyone else gets the benefit of 'even thoroughly horrible people are still people'#'and that doesn't mean they didn't hurt you; or that you have to let them keep hurting you'#'or that you're obliged to proceed in a way allowing for the possibility they'll decide to stop. that's on them to do. and they might not.'#even w/o the systemic oppression or decades of torture and psychiatric abuse#pericles was a victim of the entity in genuinely and quite possibly the most thorough way of them all. and yet he made a lifetime worth of#choices and many many many of them were to harm people in horrific ways; to his own ends and for his own satisfaction#and like. what do you do with that.#it is difficult and uncomfortable to sit with that and draw conclusions from it that are neither 'his trauma means none of that counts'#nor 'okay yeah well he's a victim BUT HE DID BAD THINGS SO THAT DOESN'T MATTER FUCK HIM'#if there's any show that invites you to do that it's sdmi; i love that about it. but you can't leave pericles out w/o defeating the purpose#especially when the nature of his being a link in the cycle of abuse is critical context for exploring the trauma of his victims#the vast majority of what he does to ricky is very clearly projecting and reenacting his own trauma onto a vulnerable target#and just. aaaaahhhhhh i have so many feelings about it god#abuse cw#grooming cw#SDMItag
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@starflungwaddledee because you asked-
oh definitely (at first). I'd imagine starstruck would probably figure out pretty quickly that celesta knight knows there's something Wrong with her and is terrified of it. (fear is the main motivator for hatred, after all!)
it's not just that which makes celesta want to stay as far away from her as possible, though. starstruck is a waddle dee still, and therefore "works" for king dedede, who has strong connections to meta knight… who wants celesta knight dead in this au. he got so close to killing her, only for her to barely escape with her life and go into hiding. (I'll see if I can find the post where I went into more detail about this later, but it's very old and buried,,,)
if celesta and starstruck were to become friends, part of it would include bonding over the shared experience of being mimics (yes, that's right). meta knight would, without a doubt, lose his damn mind if he learned of their friendship.
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voivaria · 2 months
Anyway, I know it hasn't been touched upon or exlored (yet????) but I keep thinking about Bel and how the future arc of Black Sky might have affected him.
According to Yesterday's Tomorrow (ch. 1) one of Dorea's zombies got to Byakuran's Fake Storm Funeral Wreath, which I have to assume was Rasiel because no more Fake Funeral Wreaths were targeted after. Unless it was Rasiel's predecessor they got to...? Either way, Rasiel is clearly alive and very much determined to get revenge on Bel in the present, and I can't imagine Bel is at all happy about that, considering.
Also! What has Rasiel been up to all this time? Does Suriel know Rasiel is still alive? Bel's parents must, at least. So what's going to happen?
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daz4i · 8 months
i think it's kinda funny when ppl complain about there not being any gay relationships in bsd and then bring up how atsulucy is very heavily implied to be canon or at least set up to be that. bc like. i think at this point you have to accept that ranpoe is the same. in which case the original argument lost its meaning didn't it
(i generally think it is a bit silly to expect any bsd ship to become canon. hope, enjoy the idea, make content, that's great. but expecting it - and that includes the m/f ones too - is. pointless imo. this isn't a romance story i don't think any relationship will be explicitly stated in the main story, at most it'll be somewhat acknowledged in wan. i think if you build up some expectation that a ship is gonna become canon you're only setting yourself up for disappointment. and that's a bit of a shame. i hope you can enjoy the story and enjoy the fan content as they are)
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motoroil-recs · 24 days
I suppose this counts as a kinfession. I just wanted to state how sometimes it gets really frustrating to see sentients who are kin with a not binary character that uses they/them (see Kris from Deltarune) and them then using he/him. I get that it is their own memories and literally them, but I suppose after a while it feels like some sort of erasure to me? I hope that makes sense, and if anybody could explain more to make me more comfortable with this specific thing, that would be lovely as well. I always want to keep an open mind.
#🏎️ — KINFESSION !#kinfession#kin blog#kin help#fictionkin#This is a fascinating concept that obviously doesn't have a straight answer.#It's purely subjective. But in my opinion. We have to first establish that who you were in source and in your memories is secondary to who#you are now.#So obviously. Your identity your change. The pronouns you go by can change.#And as a third person you are by all means allowed to feel squicked out by seeing that. I can't say I don't get squicked out when certain#cultural aspects of a character are disregarded by the people that are kin with them.#But if we were to police any of that. Then kinning would be immensely complicated and exclusionary in ways that do more harm than good.#We also cannot possibly assume someone's feelings towards their current or past gender identity. What if this hypothetical individual you'r#talking about *does* go by they/them but are still processing that part of their identity? What if they're nonbinary but choose to go by#he/him? We don't know!#We can't possibly know. And to make assumptions about people that are that complicated is too risky for me to be comfortable with.#I get where you're coming from. But I don't think it's something that 1) should ever be brought up to someone that is just trying to live#their life and 2) should ever come before the respect one has towards a person and their identity.#All in all. It's a fascinating subject I'm all for discussing. But not before stating that I consider the feelings of real people to be mor#important than the 'representation' a fictional character stands for.#Both because real people are people and not representation of anything. And because if you DID start going down this mental rabbithole I#think you would just drive yourself bonkers for no good reason.#I know I would.
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incesthemes · 3 months
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i'm rethinking this part in sam, interrupted. not because i think it's inoffensive but because i think it reveals something interesting about dean's perception of himself.
it's more than evident that he has enough mental illness in his brain to power a city. the doctor at the hospital expressed his concerns too, and by this time he's racked up enough trauma to need lifetimes of therapy. he's depressed, filled with self-loathing, a walking shell of a man (confirmed extensively in my bloody valentine), he's been to hell and back literally and has shown symptoms of ptsd—enough said. this hospital is a place that can genuinely help him because he is mentally ill.
here, though, he puts on an act. he pretends to be mentally ill in the way he understands it. it's a caricature of some type of psychosis. but this caricaturing indicates that he doesn't consider himself mentally ill. he needs to put on an act because it's not natural to him.
so there's a disconnect between his reality and his perception of reality. what he experiences, while he recognizes it's not healthy (considering he has to repress it all to cope), is normal to him, to the extent that he believes he's not "crazy" enough to be in a mental hospital.
idk i don't really have much to say on this matter, but i do like that dean's traumas and unhealthy coping and harmful mechanisms are a consistent topic of focus throughout the series and explored in different ways. it's present from the very onset of the show and it continues into late seasons, and this is just another example of it. i didn't think much of this exchange when i first watched the episode because i found it distasteful, but revisiting it i do think it gives a somewhat unique insight to dean's perspective on himself, completely in character yet exploratory and evocative.
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beatcroc · 4 months
im seconding what that last anon said, i also adore the way you draw fake pep *and* peppino by extension. so much it makes me nervous/jumpy sometimes idk why my brain does that... ive done it for so long but i dont think its healthy to keep this in anymore.. might be a long one:
in, uh, a number of ways I relate to your specific interp of fake pep but. i'm also very private about Things. something about relating+crushing on characters makes me super vulnerable/shy/nervous even a YEAR later... in other words I'd also be quick to run from/avoid fake peppino but not for the reasons him or any sane person would think. but someone truly afraid of him wouldn't be stal-I mean admiring him from afar. idk how he'd react to someone liking him like That enough to do that but confrontations/confessions have never been my forte. hence this clumsy anon ask
yaaayy making resonant characters yaaaay
🫵 the anon has fallen in love with the funny beast 🫵
[PLEASE understand i am not making fun of you, you are cool & epic, it's just always amusing to hear stuff like this bc i never consider my style to be, like, "attractive" [not being derogatory i just don't have a sense for what Appeals to people in that sense & don't think the most common points for such come up in my art like at all. BUT several people have brought up his being 'charming' or 'charismatic' w how i draw him and i realize this is a kind of appeal unto itself]]
ANYWAY i actually went into his stance on physical intimacy on the, uh, vorepost, which im sure most people understandably did not look at, because it was a vorepost, so to save you from that. tldr is hell yes; he loves being weird and touchy and In Contact on people all the time regardless so if you're giving him express permission to do that, and Enjoying the contact, no less? bro hell yes. he is sooo fucking cuddly and affectionate to anyone who will tolerate it but also it Will be awkward bc he doesnt know what he's doing. i think there's a charm in that too though
idk if this is actually abt physical intimacy but being aroace i dont have much to comment on for other aspects of this kind of relationship lmao. i'm sure he'd appreciate the kind gestures involved in romance or w/e but he might not fully Get it <-projecting
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wizardnuke · 1 year
"why do half of your dnd characters have names with v's" because it sounds crunchy and my characters are crunchy. next question
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yeonban · 1 year
Soma's bushido summed up:
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#muse: date soma.#That's one of Soma's canon quotes from 15 years ago btw... it's an embedded belief by present day#Naotora in his speech patterns: (flexible) want to. should [do x bc he feels it's a good idea].#Soma in his speech patterns: (rigid) have to. can't [do x bc it isn't smth that's allowed].#Not to say he doesn't /want/ to see a better world. He does. but the more idealistic version of him died over a decade ago#He wouldn't be pushed to keep going by just thinking that he 'wants' to do something or 'wants' to see something happen#what is 'want' in a society that represses individuality and calls for everyone to live for their nation/clan rather than themselves#'must' and 'have to' are firmer concepts that he can hold on to. it means there are /important/ things at stake if he doesn't follow thru#Ask Naotora what he wants and he's going to list off a hundred things as easily as he breathes#Ask Soma what he wants and he's going to stare at you like you've grown a second head bc wdym what he /wants/#Naotora is what he wants to be first and foremost. Soma is what he needs to be first and foremost.#It's why I'm so :') at his interactions w/ Seiroku bc he doesn't /have/ to be anything around him and that's a VERY novel feeling#Soma w/ his people: I'm their captain -> I must never show them weaknesses. I have to be an unshakeable stronghold#Soma w/ the grand generals: We're friends but also rivals -> I have to remain on my guard about their propositions & not show any weakness#Tsubasa's kind of an exception but EVEN W/ HER... Soma doesn't /fully/ let his guard down; altho it's mainly out of force of habit#He does trust her; and he does a lot of things she wants him to bc he has a soft spot for her & knows she doesn't mean him harm#but at the end of the day... ALL of the grand generals are competing against each other#there are only so many resources they can use (esp in this arc) and their duty; which comes first; is to ensure their own band's survival#so despite trusting Tsubasa; at the back of his mind he's prepared for the eventuality of her choosing the Tokugawa over their friendship#He cherishes his childhood friends but man is there a LOT of baggage and a very specific detachedness in his interactions w/ them#That for the better or for the worse aren't there (at least rn) in his interactions w/ Seiroku which allows Soma to Be Himself
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shaynabobayna · 11 months
i guess i shouldn't be surprised about this but re: the introduction of claire as a character in the bear--y'all really love hating women and completely disregarding larger narrative arcs don't you
#by y'all i mostly mean like#ppl in youtube comments complaining about claire being a boring manic pixie dream girl and not having chemistry with carm or whatever#but i've also seen some opinions on here that have me hmmm#carmy should not be in any kind of romantic relationship right now and for the foreseeable future and he gets into one anyway#and that's the point#he is a deeply traumatized deeply maladjusted man who is barely just scratching the surface of his healing process#and everything about claire and his relationship with her is meant to be directly symbolic of his regression back into harmful behaviors#that put him deep in his trauma#he's backpedaling and that's the point#it's supposed to make you angry and frustrated as the viewer. because you want him to continue to heal and focus on his growth#but he backtracks because it's easy#it's safe#he literally starts their connection by trying to self sabotage and giving her a fake phone number#he knows he shouldn't do this! he knows he can't!#but it happens anyway so he tries anyway because he thinks he should#not because he actually wants to#but hating on claire as a character is misdirected and often misogynistic#she didn't do anything wrong#and i don't think she's an uninteresting person#i honestly think she's quite lovely and i know she doesn't deserve to be with carmy's ghost#like yes we're supposed to be frustrated that they're together because they definitely shouldn't be but it's not because claire sucks#it's because carmy isn't in a good place for a relationship and because they're not right for each other#at least not now#and like completely separate from carmy/sydney--which i love#the narrative is clearly spelling out that the harmony isn't there#story and character wise carmy and claire aren't good for each other#and claire is still a well written and interesting character#and both of those things can be true at the same time#the bear
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sysig · 1 year
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Predator and Prey (Patreon)
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