#Haven’t been impacted this personally by a story in a good while
jolieblack · 2 days
Something finally came to me! (I usually can’t write to prompts to save my life.)
May Prompts 2024 by @calaisreno
May 24th: Imperfect
We've always done things the wrong way round.
We moved in together at a time when we knew no more than four or five facts about each other. Significant facts, granted, such as John being a war veteran and me having no patience with idiots, but neither of us could have claimed to have had anything even close to the full picture at the time. I sometimes wonder what would have happened if either of us had. Only on my really bad days, though.
I don’t have all that many of those any more, luckily. And when I do, I have plenty of good memories to help me pull myself up again. Take the ones of how we confessed our love to each other to a beautifully decorated room full of people in festive dress and in even more festive spirit, to much applause and cheering and well-wishing. Yes, you heard that plural right. Those are two separate memories, years apart and in two different places. I got to go first, and it wasn’t even me who was getting married at the time. That’s another thing that most couples would do differently. Coordinate it a bit better, at least.
The second time around, as a lot of you will remember well, it was John's turn to talk, and I‘d been told in no uncertain terms to keep my mouth shut and say nothing, not even to correct his grammar, till he was done. I can now attest that it is true that the groom never gets to have a say in anything at his own wedding. Someone got his late revenge there. And believe me, that doesn’t depend on whether it’s one groom or two. Yes, and I know there are still people out there even in this day and age who feel that it’s not normal to have two grooms at all. They can all go away and never show their ugly faces again where I can see them, or smell the foul breath of the bigoted filth they’re spouting. That’s not the wrong way around, that couldn’t be more right for both of us.
But we did other things the wrong way around, too. In most romantic stories, killing someone to save the person you love is usually the culmination of long mutual trust and dedication. It‘s supposed to be the crowning glory, the final sealing of a bond that has long been in the making. It’s not supposed to be the starting point. And John is usually the more patient of the two of us, but when it came to this, he could barely contain himself for 36 hours after our very first meeting before he did it. Ever heard of timing and pacing, Doctor, I hear you people wonder? And he’s supposed to be the one with the talent for good storytelling. The timing was good, though. The timing was excellent. There’s another 'what if' for you that is no fun to contemplate at all.
There is killing out of love, and - I have to say it, I can’t not, I‘d be lying by omission if I didn't - there's also dying out of love. I doubt, however, that there’s anyone out there who has ever put a more elaborate effort into pretending to die out of love than I have. As far as I‘m aware, that’s not really a romantic convention, either, and I sincerely hope I haven’t started a trend. I honestly can’t recommend it. Effort is well and good, and I dare say the execution in my case was flawless, but I can’t deny there was a certain lack of forethought as to the emotional impact on both parties concerned. Don‘t try this at home, folks.
People also usually date first, then start cohabiting, then get married, then raise children together. Please don’t ask me to define at what time in our lives exactly John and I were dating and when we weren’t yet. To this day we have never been able to agree on a definition for this mysterious activity that emphatically, according to John, for whatever reason, does not encompass two people who like each other going out together and having fun. But it is an undisputed fact that we had been raising a child together for a good while before we got married. And we have been going out together and having fun for years uncounted now. Crime scenes never fail to work that particular magic on us. Oh wait, no, that was another example I had on my list for what most other couples do differently. Hang on, do I see a certain Chief Inspector of Scotland Yard raise his hand in objection? Raising both hands, actually, showing us… what, seven fingers? Is that the number of couples working for the Metropolitan Police that you know personally who have met at crime scenes? Or are you reminding us of the number of times John and I were actually kicked off a crime scene because we were enjoying ourselves entirely too much, and were told not to come back till we could behave like adults? I could have sworn those were more than seven occasions, but I‘ll take your word for it.
Talking of raising a child together, I‘m sure Rosie will say a word or three about that herself later, but I have never understood why most of you had doubts about the practicability of that particular endeavour. Let me just tell you that a baby carrier is entirely compatible with a cashmere scarf, or didn’t you know cashmere can absorb up to a third of its own dry weight in liquid? And it got only easier from there when Rosie grew older and stopped affectionately drooling on whoever enjoyed the happy privilege of holding her and carrying her around. She hasn’t demanded being carried around in a good while now, and I don’t know what our poor old backs would say to that these days. But we were talking about happy memories, weren’t we, so there’s another. And at least in the metaphorical sense, I hope you know, Rosie, that you’ll be held and carried for as long as you want and need, as long as we both live. You were my daughter even before I was your father’s husband, and that has been one of the greatest honours bestowed on me in my life.
Because this is who we are, isn’t it, our crazy little family, where nothing is as you’d expect it to be. But we still wouldn’t have it any other way, topsy-turvy, weird, flawed and utterly imperfect, but also utterly us, unique, one of a kind. I don’t know if it was fate that threw us together, or if it really was just a whim on the part of the comfortable, corpulent, bespectacled gentleman sitting at this table over here, smirking with his trademark benevolence. But there’s a debt of gratitude to be paid there, and today is a good day to do it. In this at least, we’re doing the conventional thing, but who’s to say we’re not allowed to do that at least once in a quarter-century.
So, ladies and gentlemen, dear friends and family from far and wide, I give you: John Watson, the man of my life, the man at my side for over thirty years, and for exactly twenty-five years in the legal sense on this very day. Please raise your glasses with us to the next twenty-five. And for God’s sake stop snivelling like that, Mycroft. You’re embarrassing the whole room.
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yetanothershore · 11 months
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ectonurites · 8 months
I haven’t been keeping up with current dc comics, what’s happened with Kon? I keep seeing people talk about it but it’s all vague
Basically, Kon had a really fun and overall good mini called Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow which ended this week. This book ended with Kon in a good place and having really seemed to find his place in the world again after the rough last several years (since getting reintroduced in YJ 2019 into a world that didn't remember him) he's had. That book ended technically last week via digital release, but this week in terms of the physical release.
But then... also this week... we found out via a Bleeding Cool article on Sunday that there was going to be a backup story featuring Kon in Action Comics this week which... suddenly made Kon/M'gann—a ship that originated in the Young Justice cartoon which has literally nothing to do with main continuity comics, a ship between two characters who have barely if ever spoken a fucking word to one another in actual main continuity—be dating. With absolutely no build up.
Queue people being concerned/stressed/angry/etc etc. And now today the issue dropped. And well it's just as bad as it seemed like it was going to be.
It basically just... manages to mention Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow while also regressing Kon back as if the development he had in that book hadn't happened at all, have Kon be ridiculously rude to Ma Kent out of nowhere in a way he never has been before (like... even the at-many-times bratty Superboy '94 era Kon wasn't like that towards her! it is seriously out of nowhere i am utterly fucking baffled), stick him back in fucking high school again (as if YJ 2019 hadn't... had him explicitly on page decide he was done with that and done with just trying to be a carbon copy of Clark BEFORE he even got sent to Gemworld!), and just have a poor grasp on his current history/his personality/his voice as a character imo.
I have seen several people point out that the writer of this backup story doesn't actually have anything else with Kon currently slated so it's very possible that other books may not really be paying all that much mind/attention to this story/the characterization/choices in it, and so while it's frustrating that it exists it could in the end not have the biggest impact on things in the long term, but it's still just... wow. It feels like such a slap in the face after Superboy: Man of Tomorrow, I can tell ya that.
And like... one thing I do want to note, is that in the comments the writer has made about this story on twitter, she's made it clear part of what she was going for here is trying to approach who Kon could be outside of/after Superboy... but I simply do not think undoing the character work that was literally just done with him is the right way to approach that. I think from where things left off in Superboy: The Man of Tomorrow one could easily have started to ask those sorts of questions and approach that subject without backtracking and random retcons and OOC behavior which all make it really frustrating to read for longtime fans of the character.
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Talia Al Ghul
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Submission reason:
she was like a very fun and interesting complex character, but then 9/11 happened and she's middle eastern so they were like got to make her just plain ol' evil so they made her a bit of a rapist, amongst other things
This one writer, Grant Morrison, took her existing character and massacred it through a racist and sexist retcon. Morrison made her a rapist, removed a lot of her depth (haven’t read this specific run because of how badly it treated Talia, there’s better things out there so forgive a lack of details), and just made her character worse. Plus, the run had continued effects which made her continue in the worse state.
After Grant Morrison's run, she was turned into the person to SA Batman, every fucking adaptation and official material insists on having her conceive Damian without Bruce's consent. Not only that, they like to depict her as a shitty mom. They also had her sleep with Jason, you know, the teenage adopted son of her beloved, who she helped heal after he crawled out of his grave.
Racist writing and misogyny. General Grant Morrison writing
Everything about her was completey changed because racist wrier couldn't bother to check what exactly happened in older comics they decided to reference
Grant Morrison took a noncanonical story in which she and Batman were in a committed relationship and totally consensually got pregnant and adapted that into main continuity by having Talia drug Bruce and rape him. For no reason other than Brown Woman Bad.
she's literally made into racist caricature, also she used to be a fashion queen and now she only wears either some black catsuit or same green top and skirt most of the time
Talia is the mother of Damian Wayne. Originally, she and Bruce had him consensually. Her morals were grayer than Bruce's, but she was a good person. They changed it so that Talia r*ped Bruce to have Damian. Nowadays, she's a horrible person! She user to be torn between Bruce and her legacy as an Al Ghul, but look at how she is now! Eugh!
While the treatment of Talia's character has never been perfect and was always marred with racism, she was a complex and nuanced morally grey character who functioned as one of Batman's main love interests for decades. Then a writer named Grant Morrison (they/them) used her as a mom for his new character, Damian Wayne (who later became the fifth Robin), without bothering to read up on her, resulting in her turning into complete racial stereotype of a heinous child abuser and heartless, coldblooded assassin who had to drug Batman to have sex with him (ie she's a rapist too now). This massacre happened in 2006 and this has since become her default characterization. Increasingly, there have been attempts made to lessen the severity of it, but since this massacre is intrinsic to Damian's character, it's extremely unlikely she'll ever recover from it.
Also before Grant Morrison ever even got their hands on her she also was repeatedly killed and resurrected in rapid successikn in an explicit effort to break her mind and brainwash her into being evil, which succeeded. This had no real lasting impact but I definitely think it adds to the character massacre complete picture.
Like many Talia stans I prefer for her to be depicted as a mom figure for Jason, it's fair for us to ignore canonical shipping from the company that allows BrucexBabs and who deaged Vicki Vale (the reporter they had Bruce and Dick competing to date) so they could ship her with Tim Drake
I'm an aroace but miss al Ghul can always get it
She's cooler than you
she's really cool <3
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wuxiaphoenix · 1 month
Worldbuilding: Ghost Stories
How do your characters think the dead interact with the living?
Note, this doesn’t have to have anything to do with how ghosts actually exist in your world. If they exist. You can leave that an open question. But as far back as we’ve got written words to recount it, people have believed the dead may linger, for good or ill. Some cultures placate the dead. Some chase them off. And some think that if the dead appear, something has gone wrong.
The stories we tell about just what is wrong, and what a living person should do to fix it, say a lot about a culture.
Take the Phantom Hitchhiker. If you haven’t heard the story, a recap: A traveler stops for a stranger along the way, asks their destination, and tries to take them there. Only to find that the hitchhiker has vanished. (A scarf or other object may or may not be left behind.) Upon investigating, the spooked traveler discovers their passenger was Dead All Along.
These stories turn up over and over, and have taken on a new and unhappy feature when it comes to taxicab companies. When you make your living off your fares, to have one vanish before the end of the trip... well. It has a financial impact. In some places - notably, the area around Fukushima, Japan, and New Orleans, Louisiana - it has a significant impact.
The response in each place is very different.
Near Fukushima, the reaction has apparently been to proceed to the destination and chalk it up to doing the ghosts a good turn. In New Orleans? They say there are places the cabs will not pick up fares after dark, no matter who waves them down. Possibly because while in America we might say death clears all debts, that doesn’t mean if you’re already dead you get to run up a new tab!
Though honestly, this might not be so much cultural as having to do with length of exposure. Fukushima’s only had this problem since 2011. New Orleans, on the other hand, has had to deal with well over two centuries of honest cabdrivers getting stiffed by the stiffs. It may have left them a bit peeved.
How a culture responds to the perceived needs of the dead is often a reflection on how it treats the living. Consider how your characters treat each other. Consider what you want your readers to know. And realize you don’t have to show a culture’s good and bad points all in blatant detail if you show some of it through their stories.
Besides. Who doesn’t love a good ghost story?
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sincerely-sofie · 13 days
Ruby anon again! I’m glad that I haven’t been interrupting your creative process or intervening at all. I can’t wait to see what you do with Ruby and her siblings!
The siblings, btw, were a piece of work for me to write and develop until I decided to peace out on really doing anything with them. The only two things I remember about them really are:
• They’re bounty hunters and their parents did the same thing to them that they’re doing with Ruby. They’re repeating behavior taught to them and they legitimately think they’re helping Ruby. I scrapped that idea quickly because I felt like that could push out the problematic “the abused become abusers” message and that it could possibly make the siblings sympathetic, and I did not want to make them sympathetic in even the slightest way. Anything I had involving the backstory of Ruby’s siblings and/or what happened to their parents was just tossed out after that.
• I thought about the siblings having opposite personalities and looks: one is more loud and aggressive and the other is more quiet and passive aggressive. One is shiny while the other is not. One is the physical abuser while the other is the emotional abuser. Despite their personalities contrasting, they get along well with each other. I wanted it to symbolize that abuse can look different, but it’s still abuse and can often come with other forms of it. I was still on the fence about that idea because I wasn’t sure if I liked it.
I hope you can write the siblings better than I ever could. I can’t wait to see more of your work! It’s amazing! I hope you have a good night. ^^
I love the idea of the siblings embodying different forms of abuse and the significance of how their differences ultimately play off each other in a way that they get along swimmingly. That’s a brilliantly layered piece of storytelling, you’re a genius! And thank you for the compliment, you’re super sweet :>
Real quick, an important thing to note about the possible problematic message that “the abused become abusers”— it’s a heartbreaking fact that many cases of abuse are generational in origin. The documented fact that domestic abusers are frequently victims of corporal punishment is one of the most devastating examples of this. To write a couple of characters who reflect this fact doesn’t automatically push out the idea that the abused become abusers— heck, it could be written as an important insight into the devastating effects of abuse and how it impacts its victims, and how breaking the chain of abuse is even more significant than its already seen.
Just because you write a reason for a character to be a horrible person doesn’t mean they’re automatically sympathetic, or even that they’re sympathetic in a bad way. Villains people can relate to are very powerful from a writing perspective because they make the reader stop, stare into the abyss, and see it staring back at them. A sympathetic or “understandable” villain who is still clearly villainous is terrifying compared to one that’s cartoonish pure evil. I can’t think of anyone who wants to blow up the universe, but I can think of a good few people who are xenophobic to the point of dehumanizing even themselves through their hatred. An origin story isn’t always an excuse. Sometimes it’s nothing more than an explanation— a cautionary tale that says “this could be you, so watch yourself.”
The fact that this is a possible backstory for Ruby and her older siblings is very relevant to Twig’s character in particular. I haven’t talked about Twig’s aunt Rue or mother Rowan’s backstories very much, but Rue was very similar to Twig while growing up— and Twig resembles Rue as a child more than she does her own mother. In a piece I haven’t finished yet, there’s a flashback that reveals the lighter that featured so heavily in the abuse Twig suffered is printed with her grandfather’s initials. Ruby and Twig could talk for hours, I think, about the torrential emotions that come from knowing your tormentor was a victim as well.
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allhappyandgay · 1 year
Rink O Mania (and the airport scene) from Mikes perspective
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We all know how wills hug got rejected and that he had to third wheel mike and El all day and how miserable it was for him and how he felt like mike wasn’t interested in anything he had to say and just ignored him all day and how mike only called him “maybe a couple times” and how his undying love for mike is unrequited and mikes an asshole that treated will like shit because the duffers just decided to stop writing his character all together for absolutely no reason so now he’s just El’s boyfriend and—
Why doesn’t the vast majority of the ga ever question mikes behavior? I rarely see normal people (non-bylers) consider why he’s been acting different, or that there’s a reason for anything he does. they just take him at face value and write his entire character off as useless, annoying, and torturing our baby will because there’s absolutely no way he’s anything but straight and no way will could ever do anything wrong. everyone I know irl has said that they hope mike dies in s5, which just goes to show how misunderstood his character is, because in reality he is very important to the story! and he’s also just very complex and well written imo
(I know people are supposed to be oblivious to mikes motives so that his arc makes a big impact, i’ve just noticed that most people simply accept his behavior without looking into it at all and then want him to die lmao like no wonder)
There is a reason. A very good reason.
To start us off here’s a list of things we’ve gathered from the show that most of the ga isn’t aware of or didn’t pick up on that are important in putting together mikes pov of these scenes (this is solely based on the limited information we’ve been given—other than mike being gay, that’s based on subtext—even us bylers haven’t uncovered the full mystery that is michael wheeler)
Mike is gay and is in love with will, possibly having fully realized this the last time he saw him before they moved -> mike is aware of his feelings toward will
(Im unsure if Lucas On The Line is canon material but Im adding this anyway because they hint toward it in the show) Mike started spending all his time in his basement playing on his new NES after will moved, depressed, and rarely going outside or seeing his friends -> will moving had a major negative affect on him
Mike and El communicate through letters and (possibly) cerebro exclusively -> mike does not call El and vice versa
Joyce has a new telemarketer job and mike won’t stop whining about it because she’s always on the phone -> mike tries to call will so much that he’s constantly complaining about not getting through
Mike knows will made a painting for someone he likes, which might be a girl according to El’s letter -> mike is aware of the painting and is under the impression that will is straight
now without further ado,
Mike meets the Byers at the airport. He and El hug and kiss, but he keeps the flowers he picked her—ones he couldn’t keep his mind off of will while picking—between them to create some distance right off the bat. He’s putting on a show. Not a very good one though, because the moment he sees will he remembers all the times he waited by the phone for him to pick up his calls, and then all the times will didn’t. Will didn’t reach out. He must’ve made some new friends—joined another party—and didn’t have time for mike anymore, not enough to call, anyway. Mike doesn’t notice the huge smile on will’s face, or maybe he does, but either way he doesn’t know how to act. Maybe it was that Mike couldn’t handle wills physical touch like he used to, or maybe he didn’t want to blow his cover when will obviously didn’t feel the same way, so he opts for a side hug and a shoulder pat rather than throwing himself into wills arms like his heart was telling him to. This is his favorite person, and yet he has no clue where they stand. As mikes eyes journey across will, seeing how much he’s changed in what’s felt like a year, he registers the rolled up painting in his hands immediately. He can’t help it, his jealously is too strong to hide, he has to know what he already does.
“uh, what’s that?”
Will shuts his question down with an “oh it’s nothing, it’s just this painting i’ve been working on.” Cold. It’s not for mike. obviously it’s not for mike. STUPID. Why did he even bring it?? to rub it in his face??
Two can play at that game. Mike wraps his arm around El’s shoulder like he used to do with will, and they make their way through the airport. El’s talking about burritos—or something, he doesn’t really know because will is stuck in his head like a catchy, overplayed song that you secretly like—and oh shit he caught mike looking. Mike does his best to come up with acceptable responses to what El’s telling him, but his focus is elsewhere. Then will speaks, and it’s the clearest voice he’s heard since he got there.
“Angela?” will blurts, panicked all of a sudden in response to El’s mention of her friends. Mike does a double take. Angela. A name to the mysterious cali girl from El’s letter, a name to the paintings recipient, a name to whatever was causing will to have been “acting weird” in Lenora. could this be any more heart wrenching? In an act of spite, mike kisses El on the head and hugs her closer, but he doesn’t know if will noticed. probably not, why would he?
At Rink O Mania Mike has his eyes glued to will. Even when he’s not looking at him, he notices his every move. And what does he see? He sees will rolling his eyes, moping, and is painfully aware of his silence—he’s quiet today. Maybe he’d rather be spending it with Angela. Did he really not miss him at all? Meanwhile mike spent their time apart sulking in his basement playing Nintendo since the second will left. Why’s he being such a douche?? They sit down to put on their roller skates when El tells mike he needs socks, which only reminds them all of his ridiculous facade. Then out of nowhere will brushes his leg to get his attention, the jolt of electricity causing mike to whip his head around at the speed of light.
“they sell them at the counter.” will says, pointing past mike.
“oh, okay,” he responds, heart probably racing. Wills talking to him again! are they cool? back to how they were? Mike makes his way back to will and El, practically throwing himself in wills direction before sitting down (I don’t know why he did this, maybe it was just really crowded so he had to go fast as to not get stuck in the crowd of people? whatever the reason, it’s hilarious and I laugh every time I see him almost crash into will).
“So, I asked for vomit green and I got vomit green. Isn’t that awesome?” mike says as he shoots a quick glance toward El, only to then beam at will. He’s testing the waters, looking for something, anything to tell him he was wrong feeling like will was pulling away from him. But will doesn’t respond, he doesn’t even fake a smile like mike does soon after.
The three of them huddle into a booth after skating, mike and El on one side and will on the opposite. Like this, mike can peak at will through his hair easily from across the table. He’s still barely talking, though. Suddenly a group of other teens skate up to their booth and El introduces mike to the blonde girl, seemingly leading the bunch, as Angela.
Mike goes through the pleasantries with them, while still noticing any slight changes in will’s demeanor. He watches will stare at Angela, surprised and nervous, practically jumping out of his seat. So this really is the girl he likes. El’s friends whisk her away to go skate with them, nothing weird about that. As they leave, will gets up out of the booth and gapes at them, probably upset that he missed his chance at giving Angela the painting he made her. Mike sips his milkshake in a jealous chafe, left alone at the table to his own gay devices until—
Will let’s out an apprehensive “oh no,” and mike is instantly by his side at that, despite the distance between them physically and emotionally.
“what?” mikes asks him, interested in anything will has to say. Then the truth comes out. Will goes on to explain to him that El’s been having trouble with bullies in Lenora, and that Angela isn’t actually her friend, but rather, her oppressor. Mike’s attention finally transfers over to El, but not for long, and not before glancing at will’s lips now that the two of them are face to face.
Im gonna end it here because the actual fight scene is kinda overwhelming and I really don’t know what mikes thinking other than realizing what’s been actually going on and that he’s been lied to so it’s hard to write out. but yeah this is how I see these parts of the episode now since I feel like I have a grasp on both will and mike’s perspectives. obviously I could be completely wrong I didn’t write the show but it’s pretty clear to me how much attention mike is paying to will once you look for it!!
kinda off topic but l noticed while watching this episode that blue and yellow lights (mike and will) follow mikes head around during the fight, like he’s got them on his mind, which we already know lol but I thought it was interesting. take a look:
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Right when they start looking for El
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Here as they’re walking, all of those games are blue and yellow and so is the lighting above them
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Here for obvious reasons. notice how will only has blue behind his head, yellow is in between them, but both colors behind mike’s (also peep the exit sign 👀)
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And here. the ‘what about us’ moment. these are from every shot of mike! the colors do not leave his head the whole scene!
anyway thx for reading sorry for the bad quality screenshots lol
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crescencestudio · 11 months
Intertwine!! WOW - you and your team did such an amazing, stunning, stellar, fantastic job. This story is going to stick with me for a while. it is also SO inspiring to know something so powerful can be created in so short a time period. You devs are absolutely crazy haha (but in a good way).
I've been eyeing some of the other Jam submissions, but... but there are so many. Are there any you have played and would personally recommend? Ideally with similar themes or softer stories?
ahhh thank you so much anon!!!!! i’m so happy it left an impact like that :’) i hope it leaves u with the happiest, warmest feelings <3 and yes! i was rly excited about otojam bc it would be this little story and experience that had to be contained within two months (in complete opposition to alaris which has taken eons). i would recommend a jam for any creative person it’s such a fun, helpful way of pushing urself to see what u can create in as little time as possible 💖
there are a lot of otojam submissions this year. very much like a little christmas for our community haha ^^
i haven’t gotten a chance to check out many bc catching up with work and resting but the ones that have caught my eye that might be in a similar genre are:
Project Blue
Silhouette (this one is very high on my list. i love another game this team has put out and this particular game looks very light hearted and fun/sweet!)
Potion Panik
Between: Stardust Rail (haven’t seen a lot of ppl talking about this one but the art is extremely pretty and soft!)
When the Wind Blew You Away (in terms of “softness” i’d say this game seems closest to intertwine! it seems to explore some of those softer, longing, intimate parts of love)
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loveisfriendship · 10 months
Leaving Breadcrumbs behind [11/?]
Author’s Note: Hello all, after ages I have come back to writing. I feel like my brain fog is lifting slowly but surely. I have made some life changes, like working out more but also I stopped taking my contraception. And holy shit, my mind and my body are changing. I cannot describe it another way than my brain fog lifting. And suddenly there are words flying out of my fingers again.
And while rereading this story I have realized that I switched the perspective at some point without realizing :D But it feels more natural like this. And let’s not talk about time lapses and where everyone ends up and if its realistic. I am in too deep to make it right :D
I hope the tag list is still up to date and I haven’t missed anyone. If so, please send me message.
It feels good and relaxing to write again. And I am in desperate need of a hobby again.
“You stupid thing. What did you do?” he asks as he cups your face in his hands smiling at you and you immediately tear up.
“A lot. And it cost me a lot as well.” You cry, as he embraces you in his arms and you just cry.
You two stayed like that for a while. On the one side you are relieved that you have reached your brother and that he is alive. And he can walk, so he is not as bad in shape as you thought. On the other hand you cry even more about how you reached him in the first place.
He pulls back and cups your face in his hands again, wiping away the tears with his thumb.
“I can’t believe you are here.” He says and smiles at you. You smile back and also raise your hands to his head. You go through his hair and look into the eyes you have missed so much.
“I can’t believe you are alive.” You say, going over the beard that grew, indicating just how long he must be captured. But the mention of his being alive makes his face form a confused look.
“What do you mean alive?” he asks as he helps you stand up to your feet. You dust yourself off and take a look around the room. A small window and sand everywhere, but nothing else. Thick concrete walls surround you and a heavy and rusty metal door behind you. You focus on the person in front of you again and look him up and down. He still looks beaten and has aged a lot. He is thin and completely out of his SEAL shape. But he can stand and walk and talk and that is important.
“I thought you were dead. We all did. After we split on that mission… Even the Nacy pronounced you dead. We couldn’t find you, and believe me I tried everything I could. But there was no trace from you.” You say and send him a sad smile, suppressing the urge to cry again and fall in his arms. You need to focus. There will be enough time later to catch up…maybe.
“Really? That’s why I have been stuck all this time here?” he asks, realizing the impact of your words.
“Yes, I’m so sorry JJ. If I would have known you were still alive… I would have never stopped looking.” You answer, taking his hands into yours. He grabs them and looks at them.
“Were you married?” he asks, raising his eyebrows at you. You heart stops a beat at the word married.
“No…” you gulp, taking a deep, shaky breath. “But I was engaged until yesterday.” You whisper, looking at your hand and realizing what he saw…
The tan line where your ring used to be.
Back on Hawaii…
Whenever there is nothing to discuss and everyone is going after hints and trying to get information, all Steve does in look at the dot on the screen. The dot that resembles you. Somewhere deep in a jungle. Kono is scanning the area right now, trying to get pictures that are up to date. Joe is still trying to get someone from the Navy to HQ, getting more and more pissed and irritated. Chin, Danny and Lou left a while ago to check all relevant houses for more clues. Steve has a feeling though, that there is nothing more to find. What else could there be? He would love to be on his way there now, but the 48h are not over yet.
He took your engagement ring and put it on a necklace to wear. He wants to have it with him, to give it back to you, as soon as he can. All the clues you left and the fake death certificate are scattered on his desk. He can’t imagine, what you might be feeling, thinking that he is dead. Or maybe he can? He has basically lost you, too. Has not certainty if you survive and if he gets to you in time.
Steve is pulled out of his thoughts when his phone rings.
“Steve, hi, here is Hawkeye.” Dr. Pierce answer.
“Hi Hawkeye, what can I do for you?” Steve asks, hoping there is anything helpful for your case.
“I remembered something. (Y/N) left me a password.”
“A password? For what?” Steve sits up straight in his chair.
“I don’t know. She just wrote down a word in her file. I have no idea what it is for.”
“What’s the word?”
As Steve hears that word, there is slight twitch on his lips to a smile. Waterloo is an insider between the two of you. It’s not about the word or history, but actually about the song from ABBA. You always called Steve your waterloo.
“Thank you, Hawkeye.” Steve says softly,
“Do you know what it could be for?”
“No, but we will figure it out.”
“Okay, good luck then.” Hawkeye says and both say their goodbyes.
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annonniiiiieeeee · 9 months
I just went and saw tmnt mutant mayhem and I have a lot of thoughts.
I’m going to keep this semi spoiler free incase your like me and slow to see movies.
First off it’s a great movie.
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The animation was fantastic!
It’s great to see so many tmnt characters in the big screen.
The story was fun and engaging. I went with two friends who are not into the ninja turtles and they had a great time with it. One of them has a film making degree and he put it as one of his top film of the year. (Along with across the spider verse, Barbie and the dungeon and dragon movie)
It’s very friendly to new comers to the series while also being fun for long time fans. My friend walked away wanting to watch more ninja turtles so that’s a win for me.
There were some things that I personally was not a fan of. These are all nitpicks. The over all movie is wonderful.
The next three bullet points are all the same complaint.
I’m never a fan of simp characters in movies. I love romance but I don’t like when one character is so into another character that that is the only characterization you can give them. It’s fine to be a simp if there is something else to your character.
And this is hard to do in a movie with so many characters and world building. They all need motivation. Raph needs to be established as the “angry one” Donnie needs to be the “nerd” so he’s super into anime (fine) Mikey needs to be a “good ball” but what do we do with Leo? And this is a problem a lot of iterations run into. 03 does a great job with him struggling to be responsible for his brother while battle of his own demons. Rise is great because they remove Leo from the leadership position and let him develop a character. But in a two hour movie you don’t have that kind of time so interesting character needs to be established quickly and being the “stick in the mud” isn’t enough (which he does start out as a stick in the mud) so they make April the love interest.
Like I said no problem with romance or a ship. I just wish it wasn’t his only motivation when his brothers are right there. But I understand they were playing with his character and that’s a good thing, I don’t even mind the ship, I just wish it was executed better.
That is all one complaint which again other people liked it my friends laughed at it. This is just a nitpick about character writing. If it had been it’s own show I’m sure that it would have been handled differently, but movies have time constraints and they had a lot of characters to introduce.
The next nitpick is there was an uncomfortable amount of the use of the world milking. I’m going to leave it at that.
My final nitpick is that they used a LOT of modern references which is not a problem now but will date the movie when you watch it back in a few years. The references themselves are fine but it defiantly will impact the watch ability to future fans in different generations. (Again this is a nitpick)
As its own movie I’d give it a 9/10 it was super fun to go and watch. The story is unique and is a very fun take on the tmnt story.
It’s a great introduction to the franchise and will be beloved by the people. It is a great movie.
As far as it ranks in the tmnt properties though…. It wasn’t my personal favorite iteration of the turtles. Rise is definitely my number one followed by 03. MM is a great film on its own. They teased a sequel at the end and I’m sure with more installment and character growth it will grow on me but as of right now I’d rank it 3rd (mind you I haven’t watched 2012)
In the end it is a wonderful movie. You should absolutely go see it if you are a fan of the turtles.
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septima-severa · 2 months
Before the last chapter is out... A little Thrawn teaser
I need to buy myself some time to finish the behemoth called the Act Six of "I Have Fallen in Love with the Villain". This chapter is currently undergoing a heavy revision (and don't let me start on that, I have finally reached page 100 in the book Thrawn and now have this nervous twitch to rewrite the whole story, which I will of course not do). I need to connect some snippets with further writing. But most of it is finished.
Oh, and there will be a tiny chapter 7, just an epilogue, really. Or maybe it will remain as the end of a very long chapter 6. Anyway, two NSFW scenes incoming.
I was also thinking... for all those insatiable creatures out there, to extract all of the sexual scenes in a separate "work" on AO3, so you all can... enjoy yourselves later. How does that sound?
But here is the teaser I have promised:
“I see that my gift has arrived safely,” Morgan Elsbeth remarked when she noticed a civilian ship docked deeper within the main hangar. She was trying to match the Grand Admiral’s slower stride, being carefully watched by Captain Enoch.
“Do you consider Sabine Wren another of your… as you call them… gifts, then?” he asked cooly.
“Her capture was unplanned for, but I deemed her useful for our mission.”
“It was Baylan Skoll who brought her here, after all. She had an agreement with him, and I honoured it.” They entered one of the chambers within the walls of the Citadel used as a provisional command room while contents of the vast catacomb under the ancient stronghold were transferred on board.
“But what if she does not find Ezra Bridger?”
“She will have the opportunity to find him,” he reassured her.
“How can you –” the witch stopped herself immediately, but too late to be considered wise not to question a warlord’s strategy.
“Because I know he is alive,” you said slowly, emerging from a dark corner, your presence previously gone unnoticed. KX was shadowing each of your movements like a bodyguard – that was what you had agreed on with Thrawn prior to your decision to show up. “Hello, Morgan,” you stopped on the other side of the holo, turning your full attention to her.
“Doctor Lani Kordes. I’m glad you survived.”
“Don’t bother. We both know you aren’t.”
“Fine by me,” she smirked almost imperceptibly.
“Did you get your data?” you had figured that this person had been behind everything some time ago. The financial aid? Her doing. The hyperspace ring manufacturing, adjustments for Kingfisher? It had obviously been a prototype for some bigger scale project. You suspected that she had been involved in obtaining the file about ancient purrgil migration routes, too.
“Your… cooperation was most helpful.”
“Good. Because I would hate to repeat that experiment again. By the way…” your fingers danced over the keyboard, manipulating the holoprojection of the planet’s surface in front of you, “here are the coordinates, in case you would like to collect the black box – that is if the locals didn’t get to it first.”
“A pity, then.” That you didn’t perish upon impact. Morgan Elsbeth wasn’t easy to read. However, this thought was hovering above her head, ripe for picking.
What else was she hiding from you?
Internally, you were seething, pacing around your half like a caged loth-wolf, separated from the witch by the holo. Still, you had to manage guarding your thoughts from her prying in case she would try that with you. KX was watching you two carefully from a safe distance, prepared to interfere anytime.
“I’m surprised and impressed that the Great Mothers haven’t disposed of you.” Another lash from her.
“They’ve certainly tried.”
“You’re no longer useful to our plan.” Morgan didn’t bother to hide her disdain.
“Ask the crewmembers we were growing skin and organ replacements for,” you spat, already turning to go. “Although, you’re probably right. You should have sent a proper surgeon here instead of genetical engineer,” you said as an afterthought over your shoulder. Once you reached the entrance, two troopers loyal to Captain Enoch fell into step with you, accompanying you back to the Star Destroyer.
“Has she been truly so loyal?” the witch turned to the Grand Admiral when you left.
“She is loyal to me, and that is what matters in this game.”
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thebladeblaster · 3 months
Time for part 2 of the reverse of my original Pokémon and Vanguard crossover
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Hilariously Hilbert is kinda Aichi in this situation because he’s goofing off and having a good time in the outdoors completely unaware of the supernatural zombie apocalypse going on😅.
Onto the girls 👏.
So Green is tracking down Red to drag him home. She’s accompanied by Blue and they meet Lucas pretty early into the story. Let’s just say the results are similar to when a certain other sister of a protagonist tried to bring her brother home. They both end up being a big help in the long run. Green helps with not only fending off the reverse but keeping everyone’s morale high in their dire situation. She had helped Red defeat Team Rocket though hadn’t really been too into the gym challenge. The first serious battles she had were against Team Rocket to help her brother which made her more motivated to get stronger. She was absolutely crushed when he left and honestly wants to slap him in the face for all the grief he’s caused her and her mother. It’s been 6 years that she has been searching for him and at this point it’s evolved beyond slapping to throttling him.
Lyra kinda just ends up getting blindsided by the whole invasion and gets reversed. When she is free she is able to help gather people with Green to storm the enemy. She ended up catching Suicune. She did fight Team Rocket a few times when she ran into them and helped Ethan make a fake uniform to sneak into the base.
May ends up fighting Brendan while reversed. After coming to her senses she’s pissed and wants revenge on the person responsible. She trains like crazy and is able to track them down with scent alone. She’s really good at finding stuff and survival which makes her very good in this situation. She takes down a lot of reverse fighters because she’s mad and wants all the smoke. May has always been very drawn to battling though isn’t naturally talented. After her father nearly got himself killed by a Salamence she became even more strongly motivated to become a powerful battler not only for herself but to protect her loved ones and never feel helpless again. She’s gotten to where she is though effort alone and is always preparing for the next challenge. After RSE she completed the Battle Frontier and just went on to continue competing in official tournaments.
Dawn is currently in the 1800s😅. She’s not really physically present in the story and is in flashbacks. Lucas has been lovesick for her for a while but she is as oblivious as a shonen protagonist. It also doesn’t help that Lucas has no confidence and feels like she’s out of his league. She’s had a very big impact on the people around her which has left them feeling hollow in her absence. Dawn has been missing for a few months by the beginning of the story. Overall, not too much to say because she’s not present.
Hilda like Hilbert appears WAY later. I’m still thinking up the set but she’s one of the first main characters outside of the Japanese regions to realize that something strange is going on and there’s likely a coverup. As an actor she’s been to a lot of different places which is reflected in her team. Her team is actually magical girl themed because instead of super heroes being the craze in the Pokémon world it’s actually magical girls. The role she plays is that of Mienshao Mask. Through her perspective we get to see the growing suspicions of the outside world about what’s really going on in Japan.
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Their teams:
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The story would start in Sinnoh with characters like Green and Blue going there for their own reasons. At first they’re just trying to find out everything they can about the reverse while avoiding getting reversed. That would shift to them launching attacks on their major hubs with the reverse rings. A turning point would be when the assault on Hoenn happens and one reverse fighter slips through. There’s other stuff in between but I haven’t ironed out all the details 😅. Eventually they find out that to end the whole thing that they need to beat Olympia which leads to the big final siege on where she’s living.
The reverse edits that I’ve made so far. Note: The characters that I have made reverse edits for aren’t confirmed. I just want to cover my bases in case I decide it later. I’m going to make reverse edits for everyone involved in story eventually whether they get one or not😅. Lyra has Suicune, Dawn has Giratina, and I’m still debating on if Hilda has Meloetta. They’re not shown on the teams for the same reason as the guys.
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Overall, I tried to give each of their reverses different vibes to make them feel distinct.
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nsfwflint · 2 years
Infinite Love Stories: Echoing Sentiments
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A/N: After over a year and a half, I finally finished chapter two of Infinite Love Stories. I'm really glad that I finished this in time for my anniversary and hope you enjoy!
“Hi, I’m here to pick up Min Young for lunch.”
“Of course! I’ll let her know you’re on your way up!” The cheery receptionist smiles.
“Thanks.” You smile back as you make your way down the hall.
The noise of a bustling office buzzes through your ears. Briskly making your way towards your wife’s office, you run through restaurant options in your head. Lost in thought, a sudden impact knocks you back slightly as you turn the corner. Several pieces of paper flutter around you as they slowly drift towards the floor.
“Oh I’m so sorry!” The surprised voice exclaims.
You look down to see a handsome man picking up the papers he dropped from running into you. 
“It’s fine. I should have been paying more attention.” You say.
Kneeling down, you quickly help the man pick up the fallen papers. As you sort through the pages, you can’t help but notice that they’re for a partnership agreement. After a few minutes, everything is cleaned up and the young man shuffles the papers to straighten them up. 
“Thank you for the help. I’m sorry again.” He says with a polite bow.
“Seriously, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.”
“Okay. Thanks.”
“I don’t think I’ve seen you here before.” 
“I’m new here! I haven’t been here very long, and I just recently got transferred to this department almost two months ago.” He smiles.
“I see. Good luck!” You smile back.
“Thank you!”
Without any other words spoken, he quickly walks down the hall. You can’t help but release a small chuckle at his eagerness before continuing on your way. After another minute or two, you finally arrive at your wife’s office. You gently rap your knuckles on the open door as you poke your head inside the doorway. 
“Hi honey! Is it lunch time already?” Min Young beams, her radiant smile as blinding as it always is.
“Yeah. Was thinking maybe we could get some kimchi-jjigae today.” You say as you jokingly slap your stomach.
“Oooh, that sounds great.” 
She stretches her neck as she gets up from her chair. Helping her put on her jacket, you can’t help but give her cheek a quick kiss from behind. Min Young turns to you and softly presses her lips against yours. After a few seconds she pulls away and gives you the smile that’s melted your soul time and time again.
“Let’s get going. I’m starving!” Min Young chuckles playfully.
The two of you smile and laugh at each other as you make your way down the bustling city streets. Suddenly, someone appears in front of you that makes you stop dead in your tracks. Min Young walks past you despite still being attached to your arm. You turn to the Min Young holding your arm before turning back to the one walking past you.
It’s the same person. From her midnight black hair and radiant smile, to the delicate features of her face that you’ve committed to memory. It wasn’t just someone who looked like her. The person who just walked past you was undeniably your wife, Park Min Young. Looking back to the woman holding your arm, the expression on her face tells you everything. While you might not have any idea what just happened, it’s clear that Min Young does. She releases a deep sigh as she pulls her phone out of her pocket and starts a call.
“Eun Soo? Yeah something came up so I won’t be back in the office today. I’m going to need you to take care of everything for me. Thanks.” 
As she ends the call, Min Young looks at you with an indecipherable expression.
“What the hell was that?” You exclaim.
“We need to talk. Let’s head home first. Trust me, we’ve got all the time in the world for me to explain it to you.”
Baffled by the entire situation, all you can do is nod dumbly as the two of you quickly make your way home.
You barely manage to step into the apartment before all the confusion finally explodes out of you.
“What the hell was that Min Young?”
You frantically pace back and forth in your living room as you try to wrap your head around what you just saw. 
“First things first, you need to try to settle down baby.” Min Young says, doing her best to calm you in a soothing voice.
“I just saw a carbon copy of my wife walk past us on the street, what I need is an explanation.”
“I know, baby. And you deserve one, but it’s complicated. Just let me take a few minutes to think of how to explain it.”
Min Young stares into your eyes, her eyes pleading with you to let her think.
“Okay. I just need to know what’s going on.” 
Realizing that your anxious movement isn’t helping the situation, you take a seat on the nearby couch. Min Young sits down next to you and gently grabs your hand, trying her best to help settle your nervousness. After a long silence, her eyes light up as she looks at you and excitedly slaps the back of your hand.
“AH HA! I figured out how to explain it to you. Sort of.” She smiles.
“Well that’s a start I guess.”
“All right, remember when we first met on New Year's Eve? Do you remember what you said?”
“Uh, yeah I think. Something cheesy like ‘If this is how my year is starting, I can’t wait to see how the rest of it goes.’ Or something like that.”
“Yeah. That wasn’t the first time you’ve said that to me. You’ve said it countless times.”
“Are you sure? I only remember saying it that one time.”
“Not you, you. Past you. A different life.”
“Yeah, a past life. Right.” You chuckle.
As you laugh at the absurd sentence, you look into Min Young’s eyes. Your laughter slowly dies off as you see how serious she is.
“You. You’re serious? I said that in a past life? How would you know that?” You ask, your tone a mix of confusion and concern.
“There are certain things that reverberate throughout time, always happening no matter how many times you’ve reincarnated. Sometimes it’s a small thing, like a certain phrase. Other times, they’re major events. I like to call them Time Echoes. Pretty snazzy name right?” Min Young smiles, playfully hitting you with her elbow.
“No. How do YOU know that?”
“Because I’ve been with you through them all. We’re kindred of eternity, you and I.”
“What do you mean by that?”
“I mean we’ve been at this for a long long time. An endless loop of love and death. Did you think I was exaggerating when I talked about our infinite love stories?”
“How long has this been going on exactly? And how does it explain your doppelganger?” 
“Eons, my love. And that’s a complicated situation, I’d have to explain everything from the beginning.”
Min Young gives you a soft smile and suddenly everything about your relationship makes sense. Her flowery and grandiose language. The way she seemed to know everything about you from the first time you met. And most importantly, the intensity of your love for each other. Several of your friends used to warn you that you were rushing your relationship with her, but it never felt that way to you.
Ever since you first met Min Young, it was startling just how natural it felt to have her by your side. It didn’t take long for her to be as crucial as the air you breathe, and you never questioned it for a second. It was like a piece of you that was always missing suddenly returned to you. And as crazy as it is, looking into her eyes and seeing them shine with a millenia’s worth of love and warmth, you believe her.
“Tell me everything.” 
A sigh of relief leaves her and Min Young gives you another gentle smile as she begins to tell you the first tale in your infinite love stories.
Why are there so many people here? 
The single thought rings through your mind as you stand off from the crowd. You were waiting for this art exhibition for months, but you didn’t realize it was going to be one of THOSE events. Your eyes glance around the crowd, a sea of entitled patrons filling the normally empty gallery. Out of nowhere, the featured artist blew up overnight. Suddenly their paintings were a must have for the wealthy elite. You truly love art, but you figure most of the people here couldn’t tell a Raphael from a Picasso. They are only here to show off their wealth and drink wine with their fat cat friends. They’d be just as eager to gather in front of a dumpster fire if you convinced them it was classy and “in”.
They were also here to throw a wrench in all of your plans. You had been casing the security for months. With it being a smaller gallery, the security here was a joke. A guard at each door, two more roaming, patrols every 20 minutes or so. But with the new surge of attention they have completely overhauled their security system. Cameras litter the ceiling, monitoring the entire hall. But the worst part of all is the increased number of guards. Now there were several standing guards stationed at their most prominent pieces.
Including the one you’re here for, naturally. You curse your miserable luck, you should have taken it a few days earlier when you had the chance. But you wanted to wait, make sure your plan was perfect. And now here you are, the last possible day you can steal it and your entire plan is trashed. Well, the best laid plans, as they say. Your eyes sweep over the crowd again as you try to improvise something on the spot. Making a mental checklist of all the new hurdles you have to clear, you remind yourself that you don’t have to steal it at all. But the challenge was part of the fun. For now, you decide it would be best to blend in and admire the art.
After a quick browse, you fail to see the cause of the artist’s newfound popularity. It definitely didn’t justify the outrageous price tag. Whether it’s the fad or the talent that drives up the price, you’ll never understand the peculiarities of the pop art market. You glance at the nearby guards out of the corner of your eye. They must be new to their field as they start to squirm, restless from the long hours of standing in the same spot. Finally some good luck. You begin one final lap of recon when you stop dead in your tracks, enthralled by the magnificent painting in front of you. 
You take a quick look around only to see there was nobody else nearby. While there are small groups to either side, no one else is paying any attention to the piece before you. For some reason it's like you're the only one who noticed its existence. A small oil painting of a Joseon prince smiling kindly at the painter. Despite easily being the most breathtaking piece in the entire gallery, it’s tucked in the middle of two far bigger exhibits, almost as if it was hidden away on purpose. 
Captivated by the portrait in front of you, you can’t step away, your eyes glued on the brilliant young man immortalized on canvas. The paint practically shines with how magnificent it is, the crown prince practically leaping out of the frame. As you lose yourself admiring every detail of the painting, you can’t help but feel a nagging sense of familiarity in the back of your mind.
“Everything okay, sir? You’ve been staring at this piece for 20 minutes.” A feminine voice asks from behind you.
“Yeah, sorry. It’s just…” Your voice falters off as you turn towards the voice.
Standing before you is without a doubt the most beautiful woman you’ve ever laid eyes on. A white cocktail dress heavily accentuates the erotic curves of her heavenly body. Its deep neckline gives you a peek at her bountiful cleavage and an arousing jiggle as she steps closer to you. Her raven black hair is pulled so that it’s elegantly draped over one shoulder, leaving the soft features of her immaculate face on full display. As you stare in awe, you feel yourself getting lost in her shimmering amber eyes. Realizing how long you’ve been looking at her, you blush slightly and nervously clear your throat.
“Breathtaking. I’ve never seen something so stunning before.” You say, only partially hoping she thinks you’re still talking about the painting.
“Oh yeah? I’m always happy to hear someone say that about art.” She says with a friendly smile.
“Art is a beautiful thing.” You clear your throat again as you turn back to the painting.
“Indeed it is. I’m Park Min Young, but you can just call me Min Young.” She nods, chuckling softly.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m-”
The gallery fills with loud laughter, a nearby group apparently having a little too much wine.
“The pleasure is all mine.”
You’re slightly taken aback by her response. While it’s normally just something said out of politeness, for some reason it feels like Min Young genuinely meant it. You open your mouth to ask if you’ve met somewhere else before quickly deciding better of it. If you met someone like her before, you’d definitely remember it. 
“You seem to be quite interested in this piece.” She says thoughtfully as she turns her gaze back to the painting.
“I’ve never seen anything quite like it. There’s something about it that’s so familiar that it just draws me right in.” 
“I see. Well as the curator, it makes me happy to hear someone say that about a piece I personally picked out.” Min Young chuckles softly.
Upon hearing that Min Young is the curator, you can’t help but do a quick doubletake. While researching for your heist, you found out all you could about the owner and almost every staff member in the museum. But you could never find anything on the curator. For whatever reason, they chose to stay anonymous. Until this moment.
“You’re the curator? That’s very impressive. You’ve done a wonderful job.” You say as you take another quick glance around the gallery. 
“Thank you. I’m glad you’re enjoying everything.”
“All this beauty in one place? How could I not? Are you showing any more of this artist’s pieces?” You ask as you return your focus to the portrait before you.
“Ah, no. It’s a smaller artist, so that’s the only piece we have on display.”
“That’s a shame. Frankly, it’s the most amazing piece in here. Every brushstroke is immaculate and you can feel the emotion behind each one. I would have loved to tell them that.”
“Thank you.” Min Young whispers under her breath.
“Thank you for letting me know your thoughts on the exhibit. It will help me improve as a curator.” She says with a friendly smile.
“It’s my pleasure. I don’t get to talk about art often in my social circles.”
“In that case, would you mind telling me what you think about the rest of the exhibit?”
“I’d love to.” You smile politely as the two of you begin to slowly wander through the various pieces on display.
Hours have passed when the security guards finally interrupt your lively conversation with Min Young to tell you the gallery will be closing in an hour. You glance down at your watch in surprise to see that it’s rapidly approaching midnight. How has time gotten away from you so bad? You’ve now completely missed your window to steal what you came here before. But as you look back up to see Min Young’s brilliant smile, you think that maybe that’s okay. A smile spreads across your lips as you thank whatever circumstances led you here. 
“I guess we lost track of time huh? That’s a shame. I’d love to talk to you more.” You say, stretching your hand out.
Glancing at your hand, Min Young gives you another radiant smile as she wraps her arms around you instead.
“Ask where the bathroom is.” She whispers in your ear before pulling away.
“Before I leave, do you mind if I ask where the restroom is?”
“Not at all. I’ll show you.” 
Min Young grabs your hand and you make a note of how delicate her skin is as she drags you towards the back of the gallery. Admiring her curvaceous body as she guides you down the hall, you’re surprised when you feel her gently squeeze your hand. You look up to see her glancing back at you with a knowing smile
The sound of the bathroom door slamming behind you is quickly drowned out by a series of passionate moans as you lightly slam Min Young against the wall. Your hands run up and down her voluptuous curves, grabbing and squeezing whatever you can. Min Young pulls you closer against her body as her tongue rapidly swirls around your own. A lustful battle of dominance takes place in your mouth, both of your tongues aggressively rubbing against each other. All the blood in your head rushes somewhere else as the kiss grows more and more intense. 
As ravishing as she is, you know that you shouldn’t be having sex in the middle of a heist like this. It’s just ridiculous. But you also know that for whatever reason, holding Min Young in your arms just feels right. That her being with you is as natural as air, and just as important. While you could easily get lost in wondering why that is, your attention is quickly refocused to the task at hand when her hand begins stroking your cock through your pants.
You can feel your brain grow numb as Min Young’s tongue continues to passionately swirl around your own, lustfully exploring as much of your mouth as it can. She continues to caress your cock through your pants and it quickly stiffens against her palm. Unable to think from the pleasure, your body moves on its own. Your hands instinctively make their way to her chest, squeezing her large breasts through the thin fabric of her dress. Min Young releases a soft moan that vibrates your tongue 
Hearing her moans of approval, your hands go into overdrive; groping and kneading her pillowy tits. You feel as if you’re dissolving in pleasure as your tongues continue their erotic duel. Time loses all meaning with Min Young’s lips against yours. Eventually she finally pulls away from the kiss to bend down and slide off her panties. Not wasting any time, her fingers quickly dispatch your belt. Pulling your stiff cock out of your pants, she gives it a few rapid strokes as she looks into your eyes.
“Hurry up and fuck me.”
The simple command is all you need to hear. As you push Min Young against the wall, she pulls up her dress to give you access to her moist cunt. Your tip presses through the welcoming folds of her pussy as her velvety walls greet you with a hungry embrace. Unable to hold back, you plunge your cock in so that she’s taking you all the way to your hilt. An erotic moan escapes her lips as her hot cavern tightens around your shaft.
“You fill me so deep.” She gasps as your tip presses against her depths.
“You’re squeezing me so tight. It’s incredible.” You grunt.
After a brief moment to allow both of you to adjust, you finally begin to move. You slowly withdraw your shaft before slamming it back into her depths. Seeing her large chest heave from your thrust ruins all hope you had of taking your time and you quickly give in to your lust. Your hands return to her breasts and pick up where they left, squeezing and fondling them through her dress. Min Young gives you a smile before slipping the white dress off her shoulders and revealing her immaculate chest.
“Is this better for you?” She moans teasingly.
“Oh you have no idea.”
Your hands immediately sink into the giant mounds of heavenly flesh. Her soft tits are so large that they slip through the cracks of your fingers as you bombard them with a series of rough squeezes. The smooth skin of her breasts upon your fingertips fuels your lust, intensifying the pace of your thrusts. Every forceful slam makes her chest ripple against your hands and makes you fuck her even harder, causing an endless erotic cycle.
Min Young’s desperate moans bounce off the bathroom walls, forming a melody in your head that you want to keep forever. Her moist chasm hungrily grips your shaft with every thrust. Your tip pounds away at her depths, piercing into her heavenly cunt without abandon. You can feel her milky thighs ripple against you as you rapidly piston your cock inside her. Groping and kneading her perfect tits in your palms, you can’t get enough of the sensation of her chest jiggling in your hands.
“Go ahead and give them a taste. We both know you want to.” Min Young smiles as even her moans radiate warmth.
Not needing to be told twice, you quickly dive down and press your face into her heavenly cleavage. You forcefully push her soft breasts against the sides of your face as your tongue darts out, trying to memorize the taste of her curves. Licking and kissing every part of her giant tits, you eventually make your way to her stiff nipple and immediately take it between your lips.
Your tongue quickly goes to work, flicking and swirling the fleshy nub. The sweet taste of her skin fills your mouth as you devour her tits. Slurping and sucking on her large breasts, you take her stiff nipple gently between your teeth. You push and pull on her delicious taste as your thrusts grow increasingly violent.
“Fuck yes. Just like this.” 
Min Young’s erotic screams of pleasure echo off the tiles as you shove your cock into the depths of her tight cavern. Your tip relentlessly pounds away at her womb, both of you eager to fill it with your seed. Her massive tits jiggle wildly as you continue to messily suck and nibble on them and you find yourself addicted to the sensation of her silky skin rippling against your lips. The hot walls of her velvety cunt clamp around your shaft, desperately seeking orgasmic ecstasy.
You feel yourself begin to approach your end and decide to intensify things one last time. Grabbing the underside of her silky thighs, you pick her up and push her against the wall even more. The move allows you to drive your cock even deeper into her cunt with your violent thrusts. Wrapping her arms around your neck, Min Young pulls you into another deep kiss. Her tongue lustfully swirls and entwines with yours in a way that maximizes both of your pleasure. 
You continue your wild and animalistic slams, your tip pounding away at the depth of her tight cunt. Your hands slide up her thighs and eventually land on her curvaceous ass. As your fingertips sink into her plump ass cheeks, you delightfully discover that Min Young’s ass is just as soft as her perfect tits. Unfortunately that discovery is short lived as you both quickly reach your limits. Pulling away from the kiss, she forcefully grabs your shoulders as her orgasm strikes.
“Oh, fuck.” Min Young shrieks, her fingernails trying to pierce through the fabric of your shirt and reach your skin.
The wet walls of her cunt tighten even more as her body twitches violently on your cock. Desperate to join her orgasm with your own, you continue fucking her through her climax with your frantic slams. Your rapid thrusts pierce into her depths as the heat of her soft chasm hungrily grips your cock. Seeing Min Young become a moaning mess as her body trembles on your cock, you feel your balls tighten as you reach the end of your rope.
“I’m going to cum.” You grunt while refusing to let up on your relentless thrusts.
“Cum inside. Release every drop as deep as you can.” Min Young moans desperately as she locks her legs behind your waist.
While you know you should have reservations about cumming inside a woman you just met, for some reason you don’t have any. You’ve never wanted to do anything more than you want to cum inside Min Young right now. It’s even stronger than a want, it’s a need. Something instinctual that you find yourself unable to argue with. And as your tip throbs in her depths, you realize that you’ve run out of time to do anything else anyway.
“I’m cumming.” You roar as the blood rushes in your ears.
Forcefully squeezing her voluptuous ass as hard as you can, your tip meets her womb with one final slam. Your primal grunt echoes off the bathroom tiles as you erupt inside her. Countless streams of thick cum rapidly flood her depths. The sticky white torrent surges into her hot cunt, plastering the silky walls as her tight cavern greedily milks your cock for every last drop of cum you can muster. One last blast of your potent semen fills Min Young’s womb to the point of excess and overflow as traces of your intense load drip down your shaft.
After a few moments, you untangle your body from hers and finally withdraw your now flaccid shaft from Min Young’s velvety walls. A stream of your thick cum slowly drips onto the tile as you hear cheers from across the gallery. Taking a quick glance at your watch, you realize why.
“Happy new year Ms. Min Young.”
“Happy new year to you too. I hope to see you more this year.” She says with a gentle smile.
“I wouldn’t have it any other way. I’d love to actually get to know you over breakfast tomorrow.”
“Sure. You can pick me up here at 7.” Min Young winks.
“If this is how my year is going to start, I can’t wait to see what the rest of 1970 has in store for me.” You chuckle softly.
“Me too.” Min Young smiles as she pulls her panties back up her legs.
After a couple minutes, you both finish fixing your appearances before exiting the bathroom. Before you return to the gallery, Min Young gently touches your arm. 
“Oh, right. One last thing. You don’t have to try to steal that painting from earlier. I’d be more than happy to just give it to you as a gift. Or paint another one, just for you. But don’t worry, your secret is safe with me.”
With one last soft giggle, Min Young disappears into the crowd. You immediately begin to rethink your plans to pick her up for breakfast tomorrow morning. However, while you’re nervous she made you, something inside you is telling you to trust her. If you go, you’ll either find yourself on a date with a beautiful woman, or in a jail cell within an hour. Whatever the case, you’ll find out in the morning. Because while you’re not entirely sure why, you know that Park Min Young is absolutely worth the risk.
A/N2: I hope you all enjoyed the piece. As it's now clearly shown, this series has to deal with past lives and will be jumping around a lot in time. In order to make it a little easier to follow and differentiate, in future chapters all present day story will be in regular text, and different time periods will be in italics. This story is something I really wanted to do for a long time, but I've been having a hard time figuring out how to work smut into it. I'm honestly not too sure if I managed to really pull it off here. But I hope you enjoy the story and thank you all for the support &lt;3
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cleo-fox · 4 months
The “When Are You Updating?” Ask
I should say up front that this isn’t in response to anything I received. This topic came up in a Discord server that I’m in and another friend of mine got a similar ask shortly after.
I’ve alluded to the fact that this Tumblr isn’t my first account and that I’ve written for other fandoms previously. What I haven’t talked about is why I’m taking an extended hiatus from that fandom or why the majority of my work in this one has been one shots.
Historically, I’ve been a long fic writer. On my other pen name, I posted a long fic that had a fairly decent following in that particular corner of fandom. I’m a slow writer under normal circumstances but when the pandemic hit, I started having more trouble writing and my updates slowed a lot. I worked in a public facing role and the stress I was experiencing was unlike anything I’d ever dealt with before. About a year into the pandemic, I got pregnant.
To sum it up: I was pregnant, which put me at a higher risk for developing complications from Covid. I was working in a public facing role, which increased my risk of catching Covid and had the added factor of people being aggressive about not complying with mask mandates. Because of my pregnancy, I was not able to take critical medications, which then negatively affected my focus and energy levels. I was dealing with other chronic illnesses that were exacerbated or changed by pregnancy, as well as the physical symptoms of pregnancy itself. Then there was also the delivery, which had complications, as well as adjusting to life with a newborn and then going back to work.
I was upfront about all of this. I said that my fics weren’t abandoned, but that I didn’t know when the next update would be because I was dealing with a lot.
I still got asks asking why hadn’t I updated yet.
I knew that these asks came from a good, well-intentioned place. I loved that people were so excited about my writing that they wanted to read more. I loved that they cared so deeply about my characters. I didn’t want to sound ungrateful for their enthusiasm or their support, nor did I want to initiate a pile on with a snarky reply or make someone feel bad for asking a genuine question. I often struggled with how to word my replies, to find a way to be grateful for their enthusiasm while also reiterating that I had a lot on my plate and that I would write more someday, but that I didn’t know when someday was.
It didn’t seem to matter, though. No matter how many times I said the same thing, the asks still kept coming. The worst ones were the ones that scolded me for taking so long because the sender didn’t know how long they would be in this fandom or the ones that included the phrase “I know you had a baby but…” Those hurt. Those made me feel like people saw me as a content creation machine and not like a person.
Eventually, this started to negatively impact my desire to interact with that community, as well as my desire to write that story. When you log in and you know that there’s a good chance your inbox is going to have one of those notes, it’s hard to feel enthusiastic about logging in at all.
So I decided that I needed to take a break. I still check that pen name every so often and I still intend to finish those other fics, but I need some time. This pen name was created out of a desire to give myself the space to write on my own terms, and I’m grateful for all the people here who have let me do that.
And honestly? If you want a writer to update, it is far, far more effective to talk about what you love about their fic. There are so many times when I’ve been pulled out of a writing slump by a comment or reblog where someone talked about what they enjoyed about my fic. That kind of engagement is more motivating than a request for an update could ever be.
There’s that one post going around with the compilation of crazy AO3 author’s notes—the ones that are like “sorry this chapter is a day late, I spent the night in federal prison lmao.” It’s a great post and I love that there are people like that. I admire people who can create art despite their circumstances. But for every writer like that, there’s someone like me who’s going through some shit and doesn’t have the time or energy to write the same way that she does when things are going okay. I wish people would remember that.
TLDR: be kind.
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miixz · 1 year
Been thinking about the beginning of MDZS because I was talking about it with a friend who just finished vol. 1, and I really love the placing of the CR flashback right after LWJ and JC's introduction and all the questions and context it brings. 
First we get introduced to both LWJ (properly at least) and JC in Dafan, and that segment as well as wangxian’s arrival to CR sets the tone for their current relationships with WWX. 
One is slightly confusing, because WWX has already ran from LWJ once, which implies that he expects a certain hostility from him that isn't there, made even more puzzling when he allows himself to be taken to CR with little resistance, and proceeds to annoy him the best he can to see what will come of it.
While the other is outright hostile, surprising WWX who had actually thought that JC would have forgotten his grievances by now, but leaving little to the reader to question.
"Unfortunately, the person who came happened to be from the Lan Clan, but even more unfortunately, he happened to be Lan WangJi! This was one of the people who had fought with him before, so he should retreat quickly. " (chapter 5)
"He thought that, after so many years, no matter how much hatred Jiang Cheng had held for him, it would have disappeared long ago. He didn’t expect that not only did it not disappear, it became richer, as if it was a jar of aged alcohol. To the point where at the present time, his hatred had grown to affect even people who cultivated like him!" (chapter 7)
Then our first flashback shows us that there is a lot more happening here. 
We learn that Lan Wangji used to be far less composed than he is now, getting flustered by WWX’s antics quite easily. But their relationship wasn’t really bad, just a little messy as they stumbled through navigating their teenage crushes. We’re left to wonder what went on in the future that WWX first called him an enemy, but it also shows us that what's happening between them now isn’t so strange. 
WWX’s shenanigans in Cloud Recesses are in line with the things he did as a teen, the only difference is that LWJ is responding in kind now and WWX is not really up to speed with this quite yet. 
There’s also the tangible impact WWX has had in LWJ's current life (the bunnies, the emperors smile) that speaks for itself about what kinds of feelings he’s held for WWX during these years.
(It’s not that much of a surprise since LWJ is the romantic lead after all, but it is very well crafted and I love the attention to detail there and how every little thing is connected and helps build up the narrative while WWX is busy trying to mislead us about his feelings)
Meanwhile Wei Wuxian’s thoughts on Jiang Cheng gain a new context when we learn that he hasn’t always hated WWX. 
That’s not a surprise exactly, considering how much WWX thinks about them and the past in Dafan, but it does invite us to question how it got there, and shows how the worst we’ve seen of JC can already be found in his younger else, while tragically also making you empathize with him after seeing through these glimpses that he had the potential to be much better had he not chosen to hold onto his bitterness.
JC and WWX’s friendship wasn’t perfect, but it had potential. Except we already know it went nowhere, just not how exactly that happened.
It’s just!! So good! Love that as early as this and in the most light hearted flashback we can already determine how LWJ was always on WWX’s side despite WWX’s previous lack of knowledge of this, get hints of what role JC could have played on WWX’s downfall given that even as a teen he was quick to jealousy and to put him down, then there’s wangxian and how both their feelings have been present since back then too. 
I haven’t had to think about all the initial mystery surrounding WWX in a bit since I already know the entire story, but I had fun seeing it through someone else’s eyes and it reminded me of how good the build up on that is and how much fun it is to pick apart the beginning. It’s a beginning that does a really good job of leaving us curious about what happened during WWX’s first life for his relationships to have gotten like this and it establishes a lot of things that’ll be solidified later when we get to the relevant flashbacks. 
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if CC has one fan, it is me. if CC has 100 fans, im one of them. if CC has no fans, i am dead. im ur #1 fan (NOT CLICKBAIT) ok this first part is going to be hella cheesy but i do have some writing questions after (sorry for long ask, idk how to dm on tumblr) onto my appreciation paragraph that i wrote for you: i hope you have a great day, CC. i really enjoy your work and dedication that you put into your writing. i have no money currently so i can’t support you financially yet (like on kofi or patreon) but just know i always read your work and will always be supporting you! i’ve been a fan of your work since i was 14ish? i’m 16 now and your work has inspired me to get back into writing—you’re truly one of my biggest role models when it comes to interactive fiction (which is no easy task, IDK HOW YOU DO IT) and writing in general! thank you for being such a down to earth author. i don’t know much about you personally but i know that writing can be super hard/overwhelming for a lot of people! when days are rough, i hope you can remember this message <33333 i have a lot of questions about writing, specifically your personal experience/journey with writing that i want to ask you, if that’s okay? you don’t have to answer all—you dont even have to answer them if you don’t feel like answering! i would just really like more perspective from authors in the interactive fiction field before i think of starting an IF of my own (it’s intimidating) i think its safe to call this an interview in your inbox
how did you begin writing fiction that’s interactive? what about interactive fiction appealed to you?
have you ever written non-interactive fiction works before publishing your interactive novels, or did you choose to go straight into interactive? (p.s. if you have any non-interactive works, SEND THEM MY WAY…please)
kind of adding onto Q2: if you haven’t written non-interactive works before, have you ever considered it?
what age did you begin writing?
do you ever get writers block? if you do, what do you do to get the ideas flowing again?
do you set writing goals for yourself? how do you make sure you stay motivated in order to reach them?
how do you plan your works? is there a specific structure or setup you follow?
i’m a newbie writer, but interactive fiction is really intriguing to me. i would like to ask for your opinion: do you think interactive fiction is a good place to start? or would it be better if i dabble in non interactive fiction first to get the hang of writing in general?
how do you handle overwhelming/overbearing/invasive comments from readers? which are pretty common in the IF community
if you’re an adult, have been to college? and if you dont mind me asking, what’s your degree(s) in? and final question that adds onto this, do your degree(s) involve writing or is writing just a hobby/passion you do on the side?
that ended up being longer than i thought, i’m so sorry… anyway, thank you so much for reading my questions (and if you reply, thanks for replying!) i hope you have an amazing year (and life in general.) i’ll never forget the impact your writing has left on me /pos and i’m so sorry if this “interview” is invasive or makes you feel overwhelmed, that wasn’t my intention. i hope you continue releasing books, but just know that it’s okay to take breaks!!!! don’t let the internet hooligans overwhelm you. and if they do, HAVE NO FEAR, J. IS HERE! i will *happily and dutifully* defend you with my life.
Thank you so much. 💕 That is so kind of you. I'll do my best to answer all the questions. 😁
I noticed the age you wrote down and I hope you stayed away from all the mature stuff that I write. 📏🧐
1-answer: Believe it or not TWC was my first experience with IF and while I was reading it, all I could think was how bad I wanted to do something similar, like writing a story that people could interact with and make choices. So I joined the forum, learned choicescript, and started working on my very first game The Burning Sun.
2-answer: No I never wrote any non-interactive stories. Interactive fiction is my first experience with writing for the public. From what I've learned about the publishing industry, non-interactive fiction authors can have a hard time finding publishers, and I don't think I could suffer through that process, it seems intimidating.
3-answer: No I never wrote any non-interactive stories. And I don't think I could write a story where I can't give the readers the option to make their own choices. Interactive Fiction ruined it for me. 😅
4-answer: The same as you, I would say, around 14, 15. But those are stories that stayed in my diaries or notebook and were never shared with anyone else. So Interactive Fiction is my first go at making my stories public, and let me tell you I have so many of them. I hope I'll end up writing them all one day and share them.
5-answer: All the time, why do you think I have so many side stories or other projects. As a writer, you are bound to have writer's block. The thing is when it happens, just don't let it stop you and just find a way to relax, give yourself a break, and do something else that you love doing. I wish I could follow my own advice, but... when I get Writer's block, my brain just defaults to write another story. I had writer's block writing the Midnight Saga, so I went on to write Insert Rich Family because it was a story that was more light-hearted and fun. I had writer's block writing Lemons, so I went on to write The Wedding because I wanted my brain to focus on something else. And the cycle continues.
6-answer: I don't. I'm a very disorganized writer, but... I recently applied to be a writer for Heart of Choice and they asked me for a full outline of a game that I pitched them. BOI did I struggle, because when I write my stories I have no idea what chapter 2 or 3 will look like, I just sit down and write and go with the flow. Having had to make a complete outline for the full game without even knowing what it would look like was tough, but... by the end of it, I loved and enjoyed the process and I think I will apply it in my writing from now on. I think having that bit of organization will help in the long run, especially when I have writer's block.
7-answer: No... I just sit down in my kitchen and write. I have a very active brain, so I'm always thinking and always trying to get stuff done. That's why I can do like 3 months' worth of Patreon content, then take a long break because after such high, I crash, then I get high for writing again, then I crash, lol. ll that to say, it's good to take breaks when you get overwhelmed.
8-answer: It's hard to give you a great answer for this because it will depend on what you like and what you're ready to tackle. I will say that writing IF can be challenging, so if you want to start with IF, start small. Try to code a small story, with just one or two NPCs or ROs beside the MC. See how you manage the branching and the development. Don't start big because coding different branches for different interactions can spiral out. I can't really say much about the non-IF part, but I think all IF stories start as non-IF. They only become IF when you start adding choices and branches. 💕
9-answer: I've been fortunate to stay out of some drama here on Tumblr, although my first one did cause me to get blacklisted and blocked from some authors and IF recs. OG readers will know what I'm talking about, and no I don't want to dig out that drama.
I'm grateful for the followers that I have and for every reblog, like, comment, and recommendation. I feel like I'm slowly getting some recognition and that is why I can spot new readers based on their asks. Some people might think I'm new, but no. I've been here a while, just took me some time to make it to your FYP. So how do I handle overbearing or overwhelming comments or asks? If it's something that I feel uncomfortable answering, I just block and delete it. If not, I answer it the best I can because sometimes people may be asking a genuine question, but in writing it, it might come off as rude. So, it's really a case-by-case judgment.
10-answer: Yes, I'm an adult, a millennial. 😭 so old. I went to college in my home country, Haiti, and my degree is in business administration. Nothing to do with writing. My current job which I will lose soon is in Human resources, so writing is just a hobby. But I would love to be able to do this full-time.
Thank you for all the questions and I hope your 2024 continues to be great. 🥰💕
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