#Hand: The Guest
nomilkinmyteaplease · 2 years
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The Guest (South Korea, 2018)
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mutualcombat · 2 months
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frostbitebakery · 11 months
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“What are you looking at?”
“How is it that your flirting with the enemy is so much more nuanced.”
“— and your truly impressive struggle with the flimsicoder’s charger.”
“Be my guest if you think you can do better, Obi-Wan.”
“And rob myself of the entertainment? I’d never.”
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for @thetorontokid and @jedishadowolf
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egophiliac · 1 year
Are you excited for Malleus to read us all his Fanfiction?
Malleus making a perfect dreamworld for all of us to live in like
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justoneenbymess · 22 days
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Waaaaah!! First time posting my art here! (Why am I so nervous?)
I can't accept prizes but I love these designs so here is my entry for @shootingstarrfish 's DTIYS
It was a lot of fun! :]
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violent138 · 1 month
Was thinking about Clark and Lois getting one of those baby handprints in clay things for Jon, and then Clark insisting that Kon does one too (he's been basically the same size since his 16-week conception to teenagehood). Both are on the Kent mantle and guests have learned just to roll with it.
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betatrollsstims · 5 months
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purple sparkly stimboard~ unrequested
💜 ✨ 💜 / ✨ 💜 ✨ / 💜 ✨ 💜
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thatswhatsushesaid · 4 months
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he is so ready to suck the poison right out of you, jin guangyao. by any means necessary
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homicidalbrunette · 19 days
Here's 3 minutes of Katya and Trixie acting like an old married couple
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annabelle--cane · 5 months
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imagine you're nonbinary and you're being physically puppetted around a stage by a giant spider for act 48,067 of a "comic puppet show" where you're forced to relive your worst nightmare over and over in perpetuity while being constantly shown the cherry picked worst moments you've ever had with everyone you've ever been close to and the announcer for the theater won't even use language that's inclusive of your gender 😭😭😭
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spooksier · 2 years
huge fucking win for spooksier nation i get to write an essay on cecil nightvale and jarchivist and their relationships with ghosts/guilt
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httpiastri · 6 months
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i suddenly forgot how to breathe
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I’ve decided for my Wei Clan AU that everyone in WWX’s family has been blessed with 1) a soulmate and 2) the ability to immediately identify that soulmate as soon as they lay eyes on them for the first time, ensuring that they know who their destined other is.
I’ve also decided that, while this ability is inherent, you have to kind of know what you’re looking for or you could miss it. It’s something that the Wei know to expect and therefor are prepared for when it happens.
Mostly because I think it’s funny if WWX finds out JFM kidnapped him and meets his family sometime after the Guest Lectures, and when they tell him about the soulmate thing he goes “oh that sounds nice I wonder when that’ll happen to me”
Then later that night he has a dream-memory about meeting LWJ on the wall, beautiful and pale and radiant in the moonlight, and how it sort of felt like WWX got tunnel vision the second he saw him, and how all his instincts were suddenly clambering for this boy’s attention at any cost
And he bolts upright in bed in a cold sweat like IS THAT WHAT THAT WAS and then needs to be stopped from flying to Gusu in the middle of the night to propose to the second Jade
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stil-lindigo · 9 months
emily carroll has once again permanently changed my brain chemistry
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thatdogmagic · 1 year
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A friend has arrived to play w/ u (feat. @howlitzer-art's Claudia)
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razzledazzle-pop · 6 months
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Logan time!! *smacks him with a metal bat*
Personal headcanons/design things:
The de-facto leader of the sides. Although Character!Thomas is mostly governed by his morality and creativity, Logan is the best at keeping the peace and good relations amongst all the sides. Even before Virgil joined he had amicable relations with the dark sides. Friendly? No. Practical? Yes.
You know what? Yeah. I’ll get a little silly with it. He helped Remus and Janus orchestrate the whole “send Virgil over to the Light Side” thing; He understands those sides of Thomas are sides that are repressed and Repression! Isn’t! Healthy!
Patton thinks that he’s the Get Along Guy but really it’s Logan. Patton has weird standards on who is and isn’t “acceptable” (which change drastically later). But initially Logan is the one holding this Whole thing together and he’s holding it all with twine and scotch tape. He’s endlessly tired.
He and Janus are playing chess and everyone else is playing checkers. In that vein, he also views Janus as an intellectual contemporary (though he begrudgingly finds Patton helpful to discuss thought experiments with as well).
Has a mini fridge in his room filled with triple shots.
Has an info-binder on the other sides—their likes/dislikes etc…
He’s extremely observant.
Always stands like he’s giving a presentation 💀
2nd tallest of the sides, after Virgil.
His room has The Archives (copies of all school notes/info Thomas has ever learned)…Every few years or so he does File Closing (shredding) of any info that hasn’t been pulled on in that time. It’s like the burning of Alexandria to him.
He has a very meticulous file system (it’s analog).
Has a 1990’s style computer. It has one game and that game is chess.
I believe in side solidarity so he also enjoys hosting DND one offs with Roman sometimes (Something something combo of imagination and strategy).
One time Remus got ahold of Logan’s sacred Tumbler Cup and refilled it with something absolutely vile. He has not attempted to do so since.
Now I don’t think Logan knows exactly what the dark sides are per se (in terms of their additions aside from Janus—, or what causes them) but he has his suspicions (something something dehumanization).
Somehow has a connection to the Orange side???
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