#Haldir Headcanons
doodle-pops · 7 months
Hi Mina! Love your blog ❤️ I was wondering what do you think it would be like to court Haldir?
I had forgotten about this ask sitting under a pile of other asks in my inbox for months 😓. Terribly sorry😖.
I'm no expert on Haldir (hence I don't write for him) even though I used to swoon when I saw him appear on the screen because 😍. However, I'll take a tiny shot at this.
Courting Haldir
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Because he's the Marchwarden and constantly busy patrolling and defending the borders, your time with him will be limited, yet worthwhile. He would ensure every second spent (once he made up his mind to genuinely court you) was worth him asking you to be his.
His idea of a date might be simple—too simple—and would require the assistance from his brothers. Though, he regrets asking for help because they suggest ideas out of his comfort zone.
Most of his dates are walks through the forest or attending small feasts held in honour of the Lord and Lady. There are times he'd request if you two can dwell indoors and relax watching the sunrise or sunset and exchanging stories.
Because he's so busy, flowers are a thing he forgets to bring along. He would remember everything else but the flowers. Funny thing, he would have spent hours consulting with the botanist for the best bouquet to express his affection and then left it at home.
I can see him spending lots of his time reading, so you would also spend moments like this. The both of you curled up beside the fireplace or beside the window, listening to him read poetry or stories.
He is sweet and gentle, perhaps a little out of touch with romance given his dedication towards protecting his home, but give him time with the assistance of his brothers and he'll come around more smoothly.
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sotwk · 1 year
Haldir, Marchwarden of Lothlorien
Haldir Headcanons
The following HCs are written for the purposes of Haldir as a supporting character in "Sons of the Woodland King".
Dedicated to @creativity-of-death, in honor of her love for Haldir and in answer to her request for HCs that might have gotten a *little* out of hand from my end. Thanks for the inspiration! :)
Family History
Haldir was born in Lorinand during the rule of King Amdir, in Second Age 1528. 
Haldir’s father, Belorfing, is a Teleri originally from Lindon. As a young elf he came under the service of Celeborn and Galadriel. He traveled with the Lord and Lady as they migrated from Lindon, to Eriador, and then Eregion. Finally, he followed Galadriel and Celebrian when they moved to Lorinand (Lorien), where he settled down after meeting his wife.
Haldir’s mother, Ninniel, is a Silvan who served in the royal household of King Amdir.  
Haldir’s two younger brothers Rumil and Orophin were both born within 100 years after him, making them close in age by Elven standards. 
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History as a soldier and marchwarden 
When he was just a young soldier of about 150 years, Haldir marched under the banner of Prince Amroth to fight against Sauron’s forces during the Sack of Eregion. 
Even after the loss of Eregion, he continued to participate in the War of Elves and Sauron, joining the armies of Gil-galad that defended Eriador. 
He once came close to Sauron himself on the same battlefield (although he did not engage with him directly), which forever left an impression on him.
Around SA 2100, Haldir and his brothers all moved to Greenwood with their father, Belorfing, to join the household of Prince Thranduil. (see section “Connections to Thranduil and his family” for more info)
Haldir, Rumil and Orophin all fought in the War of the Last Alliance, but because they (fortuitously) marched under the banner of Prince Thranduil instead of King Amdir or King Oropher, they all survived, although they suffered grave injuries. Only Haldir returned years later to participate in the Siege of Barad-dûr.
Once the war was over, Haldir and his brothers made the decision to return to Lorinand, for the sake of their loyalty to their birthplace and out of a desire to support King Amroth after the grievous losses suffered in Dagorlad. 
The brothers took positions as marchwardens, with Haldir quickly promoting to Captain.
Haldir is recognized as one of the kingdom’s best warriors and is also assigned to train all new marchwardens. 
Romantic Relationships
I have not given this much thought and would prefer to leave it open to interpretation/imagines, but I do HC at least that by the War of the Ring he is already happily married to his one true love, a wonderful Silvan elleth, and has at least one child  (a daughter) with her. 
He is an amazing husband and father. His wife and daughter are his greatest weaknesses. 
I utterly reject the Two Towers scene of Haldir dying at Helm’s Deep. I don’t reject much of the things Peter Jackson contributed to LOTR canon, but this is one of them. Haldir is alive and well, PERIOD.
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Personality, skills, and interests
Haldir’s experiences with war and death, which surpasses that of most of the Galadhrim of his generation, led to his somber personality.
Haldir and his brothers are able to converse easily with one another through ósanwe (telepathy), a rare skill taught to them by Lady Galadriel herself. 
He also communicates via ósanwe with his wife, especially when out on patrol. 
Haldir is wiser and more learned than the average Galadhrim because of his innate intelligence and his love for reading and traveling. He inherited a thirst for learning from his father, who is a scholar and scribe of the highest order. 
Haldir speaks fluent Silvan, Sindarin, and Westron, but can also understand some Quenya. (In contrast, his brothers only speak Silvan and Sindarin.)
Haldir’s outpost talan has an ever-present stack of books, which he reads during his breaks from watch duties. He has a special fondness for poetry, which he often memorizes and quotes. 
He has excellent penmanship and enjoys writing letters. He writes constantly to his parents and wrote countless, passionate love letters to his beloved when he was courting her.
He inherited his mother’s gentle and soothing nature and is an excellent caregiver, skilled at healing (as much as a battle-hardened warrior can be) and surprisingly domestic.
He is clean and organized, in a military OCD sort of way, and tends to get irritated by chaos and messes. 
He has a wonderful singing voice, but hates to perform. He would sing only for special people one-on-one, or in a group as part of a community celebration (as Silvan elves are known to do).
He is too self-conscious to be a good dancer. 
He is an utter momma’s boy. 
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Connections to Thranduil and his family
Haldir’s father, Belorfing, moved to the Woodland Realm at about SA 2100, at the invitation/request of Prince Thranduil, to help him establish the library at Bar Lasgalen (the Prince’s palace). This great library would become the first and only center for education in the history of the Woodland Realm. 
Haldir’s mother, Ninniel, eventually followed her family to live in Bar Lasgalen and became a handmaid to Thranduil’s wife, Princess Maereth. 
When Thranduil and Maereth began to produce children, Ninniel transitioned into the role of royal nursemaid. Thus, Haldir’s own mother helped raise all five of the Woodland Realm’s royal princes, including Legolas.
Haldir’s father Belorfing features in Chapter 4 of “Greenleaf’s Day Out”: Link
Haldir’s mother Ninniel features in Chapter 5 of “Greenleaf’s Day Out”: Link
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edges-of-night · 11 months
Spicy Headcanon Game: Haldir ✧・゚
From @midgardian-witch​‘s post. I thought their prompts sounded fun & I really wanted to try something like this with Haldir (because he’s my fave haha!)
Let me know if you like this style of headcanon posting!
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Are they dominant, submissive or a switch?
I feel like Haldir is someone who prefers to be in total control, be it in everyday life or sexual encounters. That said, he will absolutely melt for a partner he knows he can trust – which takes a lot of time and work, but someday he’ll confess to his desire to be dominated ♡
What is their favorite body part (in regards to their partner)?
Haldir strikes me as an ‘arse’ kind of person, both for himself and his partner. The way Craig Parker talks about the role also gave me the headcanon that Haldir does not think very highly of his own body in terms of traditional Elvish beauty. But as I said, he loves to have his arse(hole) touched and teased.
What’s a no go for them (in the bedroom)?
I feel like he’d draw a line at kisses on the mouth – until he meets his match, that is…
What would they pick as their safeword?
Haldir would be bad at choosing a safeword, I think haha! He’d wrack his brains and despair at the implications – Why would a strong Elf need a certain word to make their partner stop? – but in the end, he’d settle for something a little too goofy for his ears, probably in Sindarin.
What’s their favorite position?
Anything standing up! It’s quick, clean and hard, just as he likes it. (He also likes to bottom in missionary, but don’t tell him I said that haha!)
What’s their favorite way to be intimate (can be non-sexual)?
Intimacy is a red rag to Haldir. It complicates things, it lingers and hurts. That said, he does like to embrace and be embraced in return, safe and sound. ‘Human hugs’ should be dirty for him, but he cannot deny the rush of warmth and quickened heartbeat anytime he does allow them…
Which petname/honorific/title do they prefer for themselves?
While I can’t think of a specific preference, I do think he dislikes anything that would imply him being ‘unmanly’, whatever that means to him personally. In general though I don’t think Haldir is that big on petnames when it comes to himself.
Which petname/honorific/title do they use for their partner?
Haldir does not assign petnames lightly. He much prefers to call his partner by their name, short or full version (think ‘Aragorn of the Dúnedain’). However I do feel like he likes to use ‘bunny’ (laboth in Sindarin) as a term of endearment – an animal that’s pretty but swift and clever, too.
What’s their favorite toy?
Knives, if you can call those toys. He enjoys the thrill and power surge they give him, running them along his partner’s throat and chest – and having the same done to him in return. However I’m thinking, while Elves in generally are pretty eager to experiment with toys, Haldir is regarded as a prude among his kind.
How experienced are they?
Pretty experienced sexually even in long term partnerships, I’d say, but inexperienced with romantic love/intimacy.
What noises do they make?
Haldir strikes me as someone who would keep very quiet during sex and doesn’t appreciate much talking. When he allows himself to be vulnerable, however, a few breathy moans do escape his mouth. You could only get a waterfall of words out of this Elf via a telepathic connection, or by getting him really, really drunk.
What ‘common’ kink do they have?
I feel like Haldir, being rather dominant than submissive, would enjoy choking his partner or doing breath play of any kind. It gives him a rush of power.
What universe-specific kink (like Monster Fucker, tentacles, etc.) do they have if any?
Once Haldir meets his perfect match, the one person he wants to be with more than anyone else, he yearns to use his Elven telepathy during sex. This requires great intimacy and openness from both partners, so it’s not something he’d do during a quick relief of stress with a fellow soldier in Lórien. As I said, he’s not too keen on talking during sex, but that goes out the window when he sinks into telepathic communication with his partner – since no one else could hear it, he’d shower them with sweet nothings ♡
What do they do for foreplay?
Haldir is not big on foreplay, usually. If he is with a partner he trusts entirely, he’ll let himself fall and get hot and bothered just by having his body showered in kisses.
What do they do for aftercare?
Haldir would avoid aftercare entirely if that wouldn’t mean leaving behind a mess. He’d swiftly clean up himself and his partner, maybe even give a polite kiss before leaving, but I think that’s about it. Even if someone does manage to win his heart, he is not too big on taking joint baths, drinking etc. and would rather just fall asleep in his partner’s arms.
What unexpected kink do they have?
Sex in water!
What unexpected turn-on do they have?
See above: baths. At least that’s unexpected to himself, I guess! Haldir loves taking baths and staying clean, but after he had sex in a pool for the first time, he’s a changed man. The pleasure would irritate him at first, but passion would quickly overtake his initial surprise. He adores the water flowing around him and his lover, and how slick it makes every movement and kiss – and how light it makes his body feel.
Where do they prefer to have sex?
While bath sex drives him absolutely insane, and the forest of Lothlórien provides anonymity for quickies, Haldir’s favourite place to sleep with his partner is someplace safe and sound, preferably on a soft surface, like a fur. He loves the fluffy texture, intimacy and perceived normality of such sex, rather than something quick that he needs to keep a secret – but he’d never admit to that, needless to say!
Free form:
A random smutty headcanon I have for Haldir is that he is kind of scared of aphrodisiacs? He’s comically afraid of them exposing his true feelings, or simply tasting bad when he puts them in his mouth. Granted, this is nothing too outlandish as a personal boundary. However, what makes this "weird" in-universe is that I headcanon Elves as generally very open to all kinds of sex toys and stimulants. Haldir is definitely marked as a prude among his hedonistic kind, something that only contributes to his negative feelings about himself not belonging etc. Of course once he’s fallen in love, there is no need for an aphrodisiac anyway – the man would wait on you hand and foot! ♡
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queeniesrose · 1 year
Master Post
Warning: This is NSFW so if you’re under the legal age or uncomfortable with content like this, please skip over this one! Content Warning: Sensory Deprivation, Temperature Play, Sex Toys, Humiliation
NSFW Haldir: Kink
Haldir is pretty bold, when it comes to places he would be comfortable fucking his partner. He would consider himself a bit of an exhibitionist.
If his partner is comfortable with it, he would fuck them in nature. Against a tree, a boulder, in a tent, etc. It doesn't matter where exactly the deed is done.
The nature sex doesn't have to be completely nude. He is into having clothed sex, so if that makes his partner more comfortable, that's even better.
Haldir would be into temperature play. He typically would either use wax, ice, or glass dildos on you.
He would be praising you quite a bit, loving how well you're taking him, no matter the place.
There are times where he enjoys depriving his partner of one of their senses, with consent, then humiliating them before he enters their hole.
Between humiliating and praising them, he's able to get them off fairly quickly. Once he gets them to come once, he's able to make it happen multiple times.
He likes to make sure he makes his partner comes a few times before he does.
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How the elves prefer to kiss a short parter
(Elves are said to never really be under 6’4 and I’m thinking partners under 5’4)
Standing on a table
They find it hilarious and makes it easy to kiss you or pick you up if they want to continue the kiss elsewhere. They think it’s even funnier if you still have to go on your tippy toes.
Glorfindel and Lindir
Picking you up
Loves feeling you this close and making you feel safe. They won’t lie, they love that it means they can grab at your thighs and ass.
Haldir and Thranduil
Crouching down/On their knees
They like meeting you down to your level. If they’re on their knees it makes you both laugh but they love it because it makes them feel like they’re worshipping their sweet little love.
Legolas and Meludir
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shirefantasies · 2 months
Lord of the Rings Masterlist
(All works are x GN!Reader unless otherwise specified!)
☆ = Personal Favorite
ღ = Suggestive
꩜ = Humor
How The Fellowship Acts Around Their Crush
The Fellowship When Their Crush Cares For Their Wound ღ꩜
Napping With the Fellowship ☆
Calling the Fellowship Pretty
When You’re Naturally Physically Affectionate
When You Give Them Flowers ☆
Their Favorite Body Part of Yours ☆
When You Call Everyone Pet Names
When You’re On Your Period (F!Reader) ღ
What Type of Kisser is Each LoTR Character? ღ☆
Reaction to You Wanting Cuddles When Stressed
How They Confess to You ☆
With a People-Pleaser
Cold Hands, Warm Heart ☆
How Many Kids Do They Want? ☆
When You Have a Loyal Canine Companion
Things You Do Together ☆
Youngest Member is in a Courtship
How the Fellowship Comforts You After a Nightmare ☆
The Fellowship Reacting to Your Fear of Heights
LoTR Characters + Physical Affection (Suggestive Version) ღ
Lotr Characters + Pregnant Reader (Wife!Reader)
How the Fellowship of the Ring Treat You When You’re Shy
Horse-Maid- Eomer x F!Reader
A Failure of Words- Haldir x GN!Reader ꩜
The Steel Lady of Imladris- Elrond x F!Elf!Reader
Sweet Spot- Boromir x GN!Reader ☆ ღ
Pie in the Sky- Pippin x F!Hobbit!Reader ☆
Miscellaneous Characters (LoTR & The Hobbit)
The Elves’ Spice Tolerance ꩜
Elves + Braiding
The Hobbits + F!Human Crush ☆
Little Things- The Hobbits + Shorter!F!Hobbit!Reader
The Elves Reacting to F!Reader’s Burlesque Performance ღ
Elves’ Reaction to Being Called Pretty
Miscellaneous LoTR Headcanons
LoTR + The Hobbit Matchups
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beautifultypewriter · 3 months
Good day! Can I request some headcanons for Boromir and Haldir (is it okay to request them?) falling asleep on their fem!s/o’s lap, please? Thank you!
Hi! Is it okay for you to request the love of my life and one of my favorite elves? Of course it is! Thank you! I never get to write for these two.
Falling asleep on your lap:
Okay, so in order for this to happen, Boromir needs to be exhausted. Like can’t even stand up exhausted.
He’s just come home from a long day of training with Faramir and helping Aragorn run Gondor and he can barely keep his eyes open.
You’re sitting on your shared bed, reading a book when he stumbles into the room and you can see how exhausted he is. And when he doesn’t kick his boots off before laying down, you know he’s had a long day.
So you close your book and shuffle towards Boromir’s form with a gentle smile on your face. He watches you as you sit next to his head and ask how his day was.
The only answer you receive is a long sigh and you chuckle at the dramatics as you gently lift his head and place it in your lap.
Boromir is staring up at you now, his eyes half closed as he leans into the warmth of your body.
You bring your fingertip up and slowly stroke the bridge of his nose, smiling when he sighs and closes his eyes. You hum quietly as his breathing starts to even out.
It doesn’t take long for quiet snores to fill the room and you pull your hand away, staring down at your love and his peaceful expression. You place a gentle kiss on his forehead before reaching for your book again.
It’s a quiet day and you’re sat by the lake, your back against a tree and Haldir laying next to you, his head in your lap.
You’re singing quietly, harmonizing with the nightingales as you run your fingers through Haldir’s hair.
He’s looking up at you, letting your voice wash over him and getting lost in the feeling of your nails scratching his scalp with each stroke through his hair.
As you continue your ministrations, it becomes harder and harder for Haldir to keep his eyes open. He’s trying though because he doesn’t want to miss a single second of your song.
It’s not long before he loses the fight and his eyes slip shut. His head feels heavier in your lap, but you continue your movements and only lower your voice slightly.
Your song comes to an end and you look down at Haldir, smiling at the calmness of him. You run your fingers through his hair one more time, gripping the locks gently and twisting them together.
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wordbunch · 1 year
LOTR/TH characters with an extroverted partner
a/n: guess who’s written something again!!! can you believe it? I hope to get back into writing a bit more 😁 thank you @goingtoladyworld for requesting this, it was a great idea and I enjoyed writing it 😘 if you like it, let me know, and consider reblogging so others can potentially see it too 💛
INCLUDES: Elrond (whichever version you want to imagine, will be fine), Aragorn, Thorin, Legolas, Haldir
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is absolutely in love with your energy
admires how you carry yourself in social settings and how you can have a friendly conversation with basically anyone
sometimes he’s too overworked and tends to forget someone’s name or some basic information about them - then he always looks to you for help and appreciates it so much when you remind him of things like that
doesn’t at all mind being “in your shadow” in large groups, actually he enjoys the fact that you’re outgoing and everybody knows you and he can just be there with you
gets the tiniest bit jealous (or insecure-ish) when he sees how much people gravitate towards you and your shimmering energy, but he would never ever want you to change that about yourself
 actually it’s very convenient that an introverted KING has an extroverted partner to lean onto during royal functions or balls or such
he’s very dignified and he says what needs to be said, but someone has to take it up a notch, spice it up,  and it’s going to be YOU
if he is stuck in an awkward conversation or someone is annoying him needlessly, he will give you a “help me” kind of look
it almost makes you laugh because there’s this royal manly man who looks at you like a lost puppy, but of course you’re going to cut in and save his introverted ass
in case you ever feel a bit insecure about your personality or think that you’re “too much”, he will immediately reassure you with the kindest words and a decent amount of kisses
in case you ever start to feel insecure and think that you’re being too loud, too much or anything like that, he will reassure you instantly and tell you how perfect you are to him + include a decent number of kisses, just in case
he will side eye anyone who comes up to him with something that he deems stupid or unnecessary… except for you
everyone is in awe of how your very presence makes him change his demeanor
many times he will complain and grunt about not wanting to go somewhere people-y (because he knows that many will want his attention), but as long as you’re there, he will survive
he literally refuses to go to any kind of social occasion without you (you are sunshine he is midnight rain)
 if his words toward someone are harsh, you will expertly jump in and soften the blow and just quickly look at him with slight disapproval
he doesn’t overtly admit it, but he’s impressed by how you carry yourself and give your time and attention kindly to others, he considers it a valuable skill and is very thankful to have such a person as his partner to strike a balance
I don’t actually consider him that much of an introvert, he’s just… himself and a bit odd
he can go off on a tangent about something that randomly crosses his mind and then you have to be the one to save the situation, and rescue whoever is the poor soul that ended up listening to the elf’s poetic monologues
he doesn’t dislike socializing, but you’re the one who pushes for it more, and he’s very rarely going to refuse
you love to dance and he needs time to get comfortable enough to dance with you in front of others, and then he will absolutely not take his eyes off of you - you keep him grounded
when you’re feeling like being a tease, you enjoy making him only slightly flustered in front of others, whether it be through some comment you whisper to him, or through physical affection - he is more reserved in public and you respect that, but sometimes it’s just a little fun to make the tips of his ears go red
bestie he is SUFFERING in social situations
nearly a death grip on your arm half the time
you find it slightly amusing how mortified this elf gets if he needs to make a speech or confront somebody
he can’t believe how someone could ever be extroverted but, goodness, does he appreciate the way that you are!
will try to find any excuse to avoid socializing with people he doesn’t know well
breathes an absolute sigh of relief when you pick up a conversation that grew awkward because he was giving short, seemingly disinterested answers
in private, you will lovingly make fun of him for all of that, but you two complement each other nicely
✨ taglist my beloved ✨ @lotrnonsense​ @lazymeriadoc​ @starlady66​ @entishramblings​ @thesolarangel​ @silversword7000​ @friendofthefellowshipsnerdblog​ @averys-place​ @valkyriepirate​ @i-killed-ramsey​ @emmaarenstarr​ @noldorinpainter​ @asianbutnotjapanese​ @adamgetawaydriver​ @fenharel-enaste​ @ironmandeficiency​
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er-osion · 2 months
Haldir Headcanons
pairing: Haldir x gn!Reader
summary: relationship headcanons with Haldir of Lórien. [SFW]
word count: 789
warnings: none, fluff
- He is such a chill boyfriend.
- He’s the epitome of calm like 99% of the time and it really brings stability to your relationship.
- He seems pretty serious, and he is, but that doesn’t mean he can’t be fun. His humor is definitely dry, but once you get it, you get it and you’re always cracking up because he always makes the right joke at just the right moment.
- He can be pretty quiet so a lot of your time spent together will most likely be in comfortable silence.
- I think he’d prefer to show his love via quality time and words of affirmation. While his words of affirmation may not be spoken very often, they are always heavy with sincerity and very personal to you and your relationship.
- Haldir definitely likes using pet names like “my darling” or “meleth” or “sweetheart” and he uses them quite often, even in public. He also has nicknames for you that come from inside jokes, but he usually saves those for more private company.
- Haldir just loves spending time with you, he doesn’t care so much about what you’re doing, as long as you’re together. He’s happy just sitting quietly at home, doing your own things in the same room, or going out to do an activity. So long as the two of you are together, and you’re happy, he’s happy.
- Haldir likes to see you smile. Just seeing you smile brightens his day and makes him so much happier. He likes to tell you that your smile shines brighter than all the lights in Lothlórien. When he’s coming home from patrol, he’s actually looking forward to seeing your face while you're smiling. There’s something about the light in your face when you’re grinning that makes his heart pick up its pace.
- Haldir isn’t super great at communication though. Being quiet is his nature, and that can include his feelings. It’s kind of a slow start for you in getting him to open up. It still takes effort sometimes too, he just naturally keeps things to himself. This has been a point of some arguments, but both of you dislike fighting and understand what to do to avoid such things. So fortunately, actual arguments are few and far between.
- Haldir doesn’t like PDA. He’s quite professional and private so PDA doesn’t really mix with him. He doesn’t ignore or avoid you in public, just don’t expect big displays of affection because he’s not very comfortable with that. But, if the two of you have spent a lengthy amount of time apart, he’ll hold your hand in public and maybe even give you a chaste forehead kiss because he missed you.
- Haldir is surprisingly passionate, especially after he’s been away from you for a while. His passion can appear a little different though. For example, sometimes he’ll kiss you with desperate fervor and fire, but other times he’ll kiss you slowly and deeply but still with equal passion. His heart is always present in all his actions with you
- Haldir doesn’t drink a lot, but during festivals or other celebrations he’ll sometimes indulge and when he does, all he talks about is you. Haldir will drunkenly ramble about how pretty you are, how intelligent you are, how talented you are, etc etc. Those around him will find it equal parts endearing and annoying. His pale cheeks would be dusted with pink from both alcohol and thoughts of you.
- Haldir would be super happy with getting domestic with you. He loves those simple moments; getting groceries from the market, going shopping for your individual hobbies, doing the laundry, cooking. Haldir loves to be domestic with you.
- Haldir is very attentive to your needs. He may not say it or outwardly express it, but you can tell by his actions. If you’re sad, your favorite snacks will appear out of nowhere. If you ran out of supplies for a hobby or finished a book, new supplies or a new book will show up on your nightstand without a word. Whatever it is you need, Haldir notices and quietly takes care of it. He may not always be able to do it since he’s quite busy as Marchwarden, but when he has the chance, he takes care of all your needs.
- Haldir feels like he’s always falling in love with you. There will be moments when the two of you are together and he’ll just take you in and get that sensation of falling in love all over again. He’ll never get sick of it either, it’s one the greatest joys of his day.
- Haldir loves you so much, it’s a quiet kind of love but it’s strong all the same. He does everything he can to make sure you know that everyday. One of the things he’s proudest of in his life is his relationship with you. He prays to Eru that he’ll be with you until the end of Arda, so long as you’ll have him.
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adrianright · 1 month
I have all the time in the world for Haldir and his pretty brothers!!!! Let me know if you want to hear any headcanons I have for these three!!!
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theelvenhaven · 11 months
Lazy Mornings with Haldir
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Request:  Lazy mornings with Haldir?
* * * 
- When it comes to having a lazy morning with Haldir you are going to find that they are far and few between when you can actually have them, being a Marchwarden comes with a lot of responsibility. 
- Usually that responsibility is all tied into waking up early or being gone for long periods of time. 
- When he is home and waking up in the morning, it is hard to pin down Haldir for a lazy cuddly morning as he is ready to go out to the training or maybe even hunting with his brothers and he’s one for routine.
- So having a lazy morning is a little lost on Haldir and the idea won’t at all come to him, it will take you having to initiate for you to get your lazy morning. 
- As long as serious things aren’t having to take place, like readying to leave Lothlorien for his duties, you will find that he will be more receptive to a lazy morning with you. 
- Well it will take you asking a few times before he relents. 
- Haldir is a sucker for you, so don’t be fooled into thinking he doesn’t want to spend time with you. 
- He’ll feign halfheartedly about how he needs to go, while hesitating to dress and get ready to leave for the day and off to his routine but at another asking of him to stay, he does. 
- When you pat the bed, Haldir is quick to climb back into it next to you before you cuddle up to him and he wraps an arm around your shoulder and his desire to continue his routine is stamped out. 
- Haldir holds you close, but is wide awake but will happily hold you while you drift off back to sleep, resting his eyes while you two lay there together. 
- If you don’t drift back off to sleep, Haldir will enjoy the groggy chatter that you indulge him in, giving you his thoughts in return. 
- In your lazy morning that you spend together, Haldir will eventually drag you out of bed, far to restless to continue laying there for so long, bringing you out to the kitchens.
- There he will begin to cook breakfast, and you re welcome to join him in cooking or you can be there just to keep him company, either way, Haldir will be happy to have your company alongside him. 
- When breakfast is made, he serves it to you with you both lounging on the couch so you can enjoy your breakfast together. 
- He takes the time to talk about the happenings of the world, especially if you are so secluded from them. 
- Haldir loves the way your face lights up, the way you ask him questions full of curiousity about what it is he has heard through out the realms. 
- He also takes the time to ask you about the things he might be missing out on when he isn’t there with you- things about your day, things you’ve heard throughout Lothlorien, the things you’ve done. 
- Haldir tries to be as involved as possible while you two lounge together and eat breakfast, even when your plates are empty he only brings you over to cuddle him while he listens to you talk about everything under the sun. 
- When the day finally starts where he can get up for the day, Haldir is hesitant to leave your side and ready for his day. 
- But greatly has he enjoyed the time that you two shared together and you will be finding yourself having lazy mornings far more often shared between the two of you. 
* * * 
Tags: @saviorsong​ @lilmelily​ @dicksoutformtl​ @fandomhoe101​ @celebrimbor-telperinquar​ @red-riding​ @miriel-estelwen​ @ta-ka-shi-ma​ @nerdysimpy​ @thegirlwithoutaname87​ @anunexpectedsideblog​ @spidergirla5​ @eunoiaastralwings​ @eternalabysss​ @noldorinpainter​
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wild-lavender-rose · 8 months
The "pretty sick and running a high fever" prompt with Haldir x Reader (preferably Haldir caring for sick reader but either way works!)
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The pain in your head was constant, starting in your forehead and spreading through your whole body. You laid in bed covered in sweat, eyes closed but unable to sleep, crying out softly from the pain. You had no idea how long it had been since you had stumbled through Haldir's door, trembling and delirious from the cold. You remembered him calling your name. His hands on your arms, your face. When you collapsed he caught you, bringing you into his bedchambers, calling for a doctor.
Now you were here, weak and delirious with fever. You were only vaguely aware of Haldir by your side, his presence your only source of comfort. Whenever you were awake you reached for him, crying, desperate for his touch. Haldir was always there, whispering in elvish, pressing a cold cloth to your head. Sometimes he would run his fingers through your sweaty hair, soothing you into a few moments of sleep. Other times he would sing to you or talk of a future you felt would never come.
You forced your eyes open, fighting through the pain to find him. "I love you." You whispered.
A soft smile flitted across Haldir's worried gaze. "I love you." His hand found yours, fingers interlocking. "Rest now. I'm here."
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sotwk · 3 months
The Baker from Lórien (Haldir gen ficlet)
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Summary: A visitor from Lórien brings some excitement to the kitchens of the Elvenking's palace.
Word count: 1.1k
Content: Pure fluffy randomness, mother-son relationship, toddler Legolas
Rating: General (no warnings apply)
To Read on AO3: Link
A/N: I wrote this ficlet purely on a whim; I had no plans or strategy for it going in. It could be nonsense, or I could be onto something. XD It's most likely going to stay a random SotWK AU one-shot, but who knows. I pretty much just wanted to finally write any story featuring Haldir, whom I love dearly and firmly believe was one of the most desired bachelors east of the Mountains. Special thanks to my friend @creativity-of-death who inspired the concept of a Baker Haldir long ago!
Headcanons about Haldir in the SotWK AU: Any questions you might have about the background history in this fic would be answered HERE.
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The Baker from Lórien
Third Age 246 Spring
Bar Lasgalen, the Palace of the Elvenking
“Down and forward, turn, and fold over. Repeat. Remember to use the heel of your hand--this part, right here.”
The lump of dough felt pleasantly squishy in Legolas’s hands, and only with great self-restraint did the four-year-old elfling manage to resist playing with it like modeling clay, instead of following his instructor’s example. With eyes narrowed in determined concentration, he watched the steadily working hands of the elf across the table from him. After just a minute or so of observation, he began to mimic the brisk kneading motion.
“Yes, good! That is very good.” The visitor from Lórien seemed pleased, albeit surprised, by how quickly the child caught on.  
Legolas beamed at the ellon’s praise, and held the smooth ball of dough up high over his head in triumph. “Is it ready for the oven now?”
“Not quite.” The silver-haired ellon took the dough from Legolas and checked it with a few expert prods of his fingers. “It needs time to rest and rise. An hour at least, although up to three is much better, and then we can reshape it into loaves. Then it must rest again, before it can be baked.” 
“Three hours?!” Legolas exclaimed, already dismissive of whatever other steps came after. “Does bread really take that long to make every time?”
“The loaves should be fresh and hot out of the oven just in time for your Highness’s breakfast.” Legolas watched as his dough ball was placed into a large pan next to five others and covered with a dish cloth.  
“And a delicious breakfast is best preceded by a sound night’s sleep, is it not?” The voice that came from the kitchen doorway made Legolas scramble off his stool. He smiled sheepishly at his nursemaid, Ninniel, as she entered with a knowing smile and firm shake of her head for him.
The older ellon spoke up. “My apologies, Emmë. I should have realized the hour was too late.”
“It’s all right. It appears some valuable learning has been accomplished here, at least.” Ninniel took in the rather comical sight of her grown son towering next to her not-at-all-grown charge, both of them dusted in flour, and felt all her exasperation melt away. She dipped a tea towel into the washing basin and set to work wiping the sticky residue off Legolas’s fingers. 
“Will you come and get me when my loaf is finished baking, Halidr?”
“Well…” Haldir of Lórien glanced hesitantly at his mother. He was still unsure what to make of Thranduil’s sons, who all behaved without any regard or perhaps even awareness of their social rank. Legolas, in particular, had been unabashed in his fascination with Haldir ever since his arrival at Bar Lasgalen. Today was merely the first day of a month-long, overdue visit to his parents, and most of it had passed with the little prince turning up wherever Haldir happened to be, armed with a constant stream of questions. “It really is not my place to--”
“When your bread comes out of the oven, I will wake you to come and have it for  breakfast, with me and Haldir,” Ninniel interjected smoothly. “But the sooner you get to bed, the sooner you can rise refreshed for a new day, yes?”
“That sounds excellent!” Legolas threw his hands up, and wriggled his hips in a little sort of dance. “I shall be back in a few hours, Haldir! Please take care of my bread!” he called out to the bemused elf before bounding out the door. 
“Are you still finding everything all right, dearest?” Ninniel swept a light hand over her son’s broad back. In one touch she could tell Haldir was fairly relaxed, as she had hoped he would gradually become. Her eldest had always been the most serious of her children, and his nature only grew graver as the ages passed and the memories of hard years weighed on him. It had been far too long since his last visit to Eryn Galen, so rarely could he be persuaded to leave his post at the March, and Ninniel hoped the brief holiday away would be restful for his spirit. 
“Yes, everyone here at the palace has been… quite attentive.” Haldir smiled and planted a swift kiss over his mother’s hair. “The prince’s arrival sent them scurrying off, I fear, but I do not think he seemed to mind or notice.”
Ninniel shook her head. “The only thing they were running from was their own embarrassment,” she said. “I will let you return to your work, my love. Legolas and I will be back soon.”
And indeed, as soon as she exited the kitchen, she encountered the gaggle of young kitchen maids waiting in the hall, preparing to re-enter now that the royal Highness had left and gone to bed. 
“Lady Ninniel,” they curtsied to her, appearing only mildly abashed by her witness to their obvious intentions. But this was a small phenomenon Ninniel had grown accustomed to over the years, for it became clear early on that her handsome son elicited rather strong reactions from elleths, often without any encouragement. 
“My lady, if we may…” one of the girls blurted out. “We were wondering… that is, we wanted to make certain… do you know whether or not Lord Haldir…”
“He is not a lord, and he would not appreciate being addressed as one,” Ninniel corrected gently. “And as far as I know, he is not engaged, involved, or taken with anyone at present.” She gazed at the line of hopeful faces and pressed her lips to smother a chuckle. “Any of you are welcome to try and draw his interest, if that is your wish.”
But best of luck, indeed. Ninniel sighed as she departed, leaving the sounds of pitchy giggling behind her as the pack descended on her oblivious son. Whether there was any chance of a maiden in all of the Woodland Realm catching Haldir of Lórien’s eye, much less his elusive heart, she did not know. That hope had certainly not borne any fruit in over a thousand years of matchmaking attempts. But any diversion, any added source of joy outside of his work, his books, or his baking, could only be a good thing. 
Anything beyond that--dare say a betrothal, a marriage, or even a new precious grandchild--was something Ninniel was prepared to be completely surprised with. But a mother will always hope.
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edges-of-night · 11 months
hi! i found your blog yesterday and i’m obsessed! i was wondering if you could do one where in Y/N’s culture give someone a hand-crafted object (like a wood carving), it’s a way of confessing without actually saying that they like that person, but only Gandolf and Aragorn know since they have traveled all around Middle Earth! Thanks so much for your time!
Thank you, I’m glad you like this blog! I hope you’ll enjoy your post!
・゚✧ Aragorn.
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Indeed, Aragorn knows exactly what you mean when you gift him the wooden amulet you crafted over the past few days. He smiles fondly, aware of what this means for you. He’d take it the exact same way as he would a verbal love confession, takes your hands in his and gives you a kiss ♡ He'd also ask you about the exact cultural implications of the symbols you used etc.!
・゚✧ Arwen.
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Arwen has been kind to you ever since you started your work as a blacksmith in Rivendell. She is very impressed with your work and you soon start to fall for her. When her favourite bracelet breaks one day, you see your chance to use your newly-learned skills of Elven craftmanship to make her a new one. Though part of you wished she understood your gift’s meaning, Arwen’s unknowing reaction makes you just as happy: she’s beaming with joy and giving you a tight hug!
・゚✧ Boromir.
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Boromir spends days wracking his brains about the hand-crafted sheath you made for him. Every time he turns it in his hands, he can feel the energy and affection you poured into his gift. Still, its true meaning stays a mystery to him… until one day, he’d not-so-casually ask you, “It doesn’t carry a deeper meaning, does it?”
・゚✧ Elrond.
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The day Elrond finds the artful bookmark you crafted for him on his table, wrapped in a gorgeous leaf, he starts researching your culture. He faintly remembers hearing of love customs from your home region but thinks this couldn’t be possibly true! After a whole day of reading, he’d ask you for a conversation and talks about it to you, always respecting your culture’s habit of not outright stating your feelings. He’d be very understanding.
・゚✧ Éomer.
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Éomer is convinced that the little horse figurine you carved out of the most gorgeous walnut wood is a present you gave him out of fascination and respect for Rohirrim culture. While he is happy about the kind gesture, he is entirely oblivious to its meaning. So one day, when you absolutely couldn’t take it anymore, you’d had to take him aside and break your culture’s customs – because otherwise, this man wouldn’t get it!
・゚✧ Éowyn.
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While Éowyn may be unaware of your culture’s custom, she does recognise how much gifting her handcrafted objects means to you. So, she soon starts making something for you in return – albeit clumsily – but still you can’t help but swoon! You start to develop a playful gift exchange that Éowyn partakes in so lovingly that in the end, it doesn’t really matter that she didn’t know of your specific custom. Since you get together anyway, you can just tell her afterwards!
・゚✧ Faramir.
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Whatever you craft for Faramir, be it a bookmark, a tool, or a piece of jewellery – he’d treasure it religiously. Maybe he’d even build a shrine around it, hidden away in his quarters, where he’d sit down and think of you. Imagine his shock when he learns (possibly through Gandalf) of your gift’s true meaning – the poor man would blush like a sunrise, unable to speak to you for the next few days. He is ashamed of his perceived ignorance toward you and overwhelms you with the most romantic love confession in return!
・゚✧ Frodo.
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Frodo would be very casual about the notebook you crafted for him. He uses it as his journal, for flower pressing, and recipes. Everybody keeps asking about the gorgeous binding and covers, and he always redirects everyone to you with great pride. He is glad that your crafting skills finally find recognition in the Shire. However, since you only craft for those you love, you always have to send the other Hobbits away, until one day you admit to Frodo the truth behind your gift, which he takes with great joy.
・゚✧ Galadriel.
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Galadriel is convinced that the ring you made for her carries a deeper meaning, she just can’t quite put her finger on it, with you being so mysterious. It intrigues her, since usually everyone is an open book to her. When she asks you anew about your gift, you can’t help but give in to her warm telepathic voice, and confess your feelings to her. She’d light up with joy – “What a wonderful gift! The most precious anyone has to give!”
・゚✧ Gandalf.
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For Gandalf, you’d craft a new staff or wand. You don’t expect much when you gift it to him, so his sudden attention comes as a surprise to you: “You said you’ve made this yourself? It is an artful present…” His soft, loving glance would instantly tell you he understood. You share a blissful laugh, before he would deny any knowledge about your culture.
・゚✧ Gimli.
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You’d gift Gimli a precious stone or gem you found in the mines, having perfected it into a shape that’s perfect for his collection. When you gift it to him, his reaction puzzles you though: “No gem in this world is more precious than your presence in my life…” He wanted to confess to you too – what impeccable timing!
・゚✧ Haldir.
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Haldir is the worst person to make gifts for – while he trains his face not to show it, his confusion is still very much readable to you, now that you know him. The archery gloves you made for him are stored away deep in his travel bag, never to be seen again. It’s not until Aragorn secretly informs him of your region’s customs that Haldir finally understands your gesture – which leaves him even more irritated...! He is considerate enough to say “thank you” at least, with a timid kiss ♡
・゚✧ Legolas.
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Legolas would be thrilled that you made him an arrow, not meant for battle but prestigious decoration. The affection and care you poured into your hand-crafted gift do not escape his sharp attention, whenever he touches the glistening arrow and turns it in his hands. Intrigued by these feelings, he starts ‘investigating’ – meaning he teases you about a possible crush. He’d only stop when he sees how important this topic is too you, which is when he finally understands.
・゚✧ Merry.
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For Merry, you’d craft a new pipe. He is excited about your gift but oblivious to the deeper meaning behind it. That said, his sharp attention does catch your slight blush when you give it to him. It makes him think – and after days and days of pondering, he starts a courting offensive on his own, until the day you finally get together!
・゚✧ Pippin.
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The wood carving you’d gift Pippin is originally meant for decoration, but he carries it around his neck as an amulet. He proudly tells everyone who made it – and knowing how close the two of you are, it doesn’t take a genius to understand your gift’s true meaning. The situation would eventually solve by Pippin telling you, completely confused: “I thought we already were an item?! Of course I love you too!”
・゚✧ Sam.
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Out of all the Middle-Earth characters, Sam probably appreciates handcrafting and artisanship the most, being a craftsman himself. His reaction to your wood carving of a sunflower is appropriately flustered: “This must’ve taken quite some time to make, I’d say. Turned out so beautiful, too. Not that I expected anythin’ else from you! You are very skilled in many areas, after all…” His beautiful little speech charms you so much that you end up confessing your love unconventionally! Be it verbally or with a surprise kiss ♡
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queeniesrose · 1 year
This will be apart of the modern character series of headcanons!
Master Post
SFW Modern Haldir: Dates
Haldir would be a mix of an outdoorsy guy, but also someone who enjoys doing stuff indoors.
One of the first dates he takes you on, would be either on a hike or horseback riding.
Either one you do, it would be somewhere that would be more nature forward and not somewhere that is very well known and very touristy.
After these, he would take you a cozy diner to get some food.
When he's not taking you on active dates, he is taking you to things like cooking classes, pottery classes, etc.
He is big on family, so when the opportunity arises, he likes to do triple dates with his brothers.
These dates would have something competitive, yet fun for the entire group. Things like bowling, video games, etc.
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I usually have slightly different headcanons for each elf but I feel like this is one that applies to every Tolkien elf.
They absolutely freak out every time their human partner is on their periods. Elf women do get periods but they’re not as often, heavy or painful.
Even if your periods aren’t that painful or heavy, the slightest mention of fatigue, blood, cramp or nausea and they are carrying you back to bed. Good luck doing absolutely anything because they won’t let you.
“I can make my own cup of tea.”
“Nope. Too sweet and delicate, must protect you.”
Carries you to bed and returns like 5 minutes later with every blanket, heat pack, tea and sweet they can find.
It’s so stressful for them but they mean well 😅
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